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LIN4102-Environmental Protection
LQI4092-Selected Topics 3
DEPARTMENT Chemical, Food and Environmental Eng. SCHOOL EDEI
PROFESSOR Martha Alicia Gómez Gallegos PERIOD Spring 2023


This document presents a self-evaluation of your teamwork in the subject of LIN4102-
Environmental Protection, LQI4092-Selected Topics 3, and provides practical evidence for the
evaluation of the Student Outcome 5 (SO5) of ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology, Inc.). The SO5 refers to the ability to function effectively on a team whose
members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive
environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives.
In the subject LIN4102, LQI4092 a total of 12 students have been organized in 4 different
groups of 3 members, to present four topics on Environmental Protection: Water; Air; Waste
Management; and Soil. The presentations were supported by terms of reference and rubrics
provided to all teams.
For the purpose of this assessment, you will perform an informed self-evaluation of your
teamwork in LIN4102, LQI4092. The self-evaluation is divided in two parts:
Part I- Read the SO5 rubrics and fill the self-evaluation table 1 using a scale from 1 to 4
and providing strong justification of your rating;
Part II- Fill questionnaires regarding the team dynamics and your behaviour in the team.
It is very important that you understand that:
 The self-evaluation of teamwork is completely anonymous , so, please, do not leave your
name, ID or any reference to yourself that might identify you in the text;
 The results of this self-evaluation of teamwork will be used to improve the design of
teamwork (SO5) activities in the department, but will not be used to evaluate you,
therefore, your self-evaluation will not affect your or your colleagues’ grades in this
 Since this work is completely anonymous, does not affect your or your colleagues’
grades, please, be as honest as possible, that is most appreciated;
 In the self-evaluation questionnaires consider the average of your experience in the four
teams you were a member of;
 You should use only English in this self-evaluation;


Read the SO5 rubrics and fill the self-evaluation table 1 using a scale from 1 to 4 and
providing strong justification of your rating. Please, give as much detail and
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ABET | STUDENT OUTCOME 5- Self-Evaluation of Teamwork

justification as possible for the overall experience in the four teams you worked with
and be honest.
Table 1- Self-evaluation table for ABETs Student Outcome 5 on LIN2041 Summer I 2020. [1 Worst-4 Best].
Team Work

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A) Reply to the following questionnaires as honestly as possible.
1. In total, for the teamwork, there were (number of meetings) and I participated in (number
of meetings + %).
2. In total, the presentations had (number of slides) and I participated in (number of slides
+ %).
3. In average, each presentation took (time in days) and I dedicated, in average, (time in
hours) for each presentation.
4. The work was divided between team members and I took (% of the work) of the total work.
5. To define activities, I proposed (number of activities), participated in (number of
activities), and performed (number of activities) alone.
6. I finished (%) of my tasks on time.
7. I participated in (% of decisions) of the team decisions.
8. I decided (% of decisions) of the team decisions.
9. I defined (% of activities) of the team activities.
10. I proposed (% of meetings) for the presentation.
11. I Organized (% of meetings) for the presentation.
12. I proposed (% of activities) of the team activities.
13. I proposed (% of objectives) of the team objectives.
14. I proposed (% of topics) of the team topics to present.
15. I (choose one: always, often, sometimes, seldom, never) followed the decision other
made regarding team activities.
16. There was (choose one: always, often, sometimes, seldom, never) discussion in the
team regarding what to do and/or how to do it.
17. When there was discussion I (choose one: always, often, sometimes, seldom, never)
participated with my opinions.
18. When there was discussion I thought to myself (choose one: Let me listen, I must say
something, this is a waste of time, just tell me what to do).
19. When there was discussion I (choose one: Tried to call down the others, actively
engaged, said nothing, other?) participated with my opinions.
20. Team activities were defined (choose one: by all, by some, by me).
21. I believe that my skills and knowledge was (choose one: very well used, more or less
used, not much used, never used) for the overall result of the team. Explain why.
22. What I like to do in a team is (choose one or more: complete the work of others;
coordinate the work; implement ideas; evaluate and monitor the work; generate
ideas and activities; do research; Decide the design and structure of the work;
become an specialist on something; Help everyone with their work).
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23. I helped (choose one: more; the same; less) than what I was helped.
B) Rate the following situations in your team (mark with a “X” a value from 1 to 5).
1. The goals are…
Goals are unclear or poorly Goals are clear, understood,
understood, resulting in little and have the full
1 2 3 4 5
commitment to them. commitment of team
2. The team organization…
Tasks are not defined and All tasks are well organised,
few members participate managed and planed There
1 2 3 4 5
actively. There is no follow- is a regular follow-up for
up. feedback and monitoring.
3. The team discussion…
Members are guarded or Members express thoughts,
1 2 3 4 5
cautious in discussions. feelings, and ideas freely.
4. Mutual trust in the team…
Members are suspicious of Members trust each other
1 2 3 4 5
one another’s motives. and don’t fear reprisal.
5. Attitudes towards difference…
Members smooth over Members feel free to voice
differences and suppress or 1 2 3 4 5 differences and work through
avoid conflict. them.
6. Support in the team…
Members are reluctant to Members are comfortable
1 2 3 4 5
ask for or give help. giving and receiving help.
7. Participation in the team…
Discussion is generally All members are involved in
1 2 3 4 5
dominated by few members. discussion.
8. Diversity in the team…
The team is competitive and Diversity is a strength. Team
individualistic rather than members recognize each
cooperative and supportive. 1 2 3 4 5 other skills and abilities as
legitimate contributors to the
shared goals
9. Decision-making in the team…
There is no decision-making 1 2 3 4 5 All members are involved in
process and decisions are decision-making to set forth
made by only a few their ideas and to negotiate a
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members alone. common ground.

10. Flexibility in the team…
The group is locked into Members readily change
established rules and procedures in response to
1 2 3 4 5
procedures that members new situations.
find difficult to change.
11. Use of Member Resources in the team…
Individuals’ abilities, Each member’s abilities,
knowledge and experience is 1 2 3 4 5 knowledge, and experience
not well utilized. are fully utilized.
(From Russ Christianson in and
Guide To Assessing Teamwork and Collaboration 2008 Galileo Educational Network)

C) Please check the box with a “X” on the option that best reflects the extent to which
each statement describes, in average, your teamwork dynamic.
Table 2- Personal evaluation of team interaction aspects.
1 We work together.
2 There is group concern
for quality performance.
3 We share high
4 All members take group
work too lightly.
5 Some team members
with good ideas don’t
speak up.
6 Some team members act
like they know it all.
7 We listen to each
individual’s input.
8 We are comfortable in
the roles we play in the
(Adapted from Watson, W.E. & Michaelsen, L.K. (1988). Group interaction behaviors that affect
performance on an intellective task. Group and Organizational Studies. 13 (4), 495-516.)

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