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Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-122 © Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, 2022 1

SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL znanstveni časopis

The influence of SCR on main engine parameters

Filip Rumac1, Darko Glujić 2, Dean Bernečić 2
Oprić 80, 51415 Lovran, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected]
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Studentska 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Air pollution from ships is increasing due to higher global demand of goods, and with them, global
Preliminary communication
emission standards as well. These standards are prescribed by MARPOL Annex VI and the
Received 10 May 2022
introduction of emission control areas (ECA). Ships built before 1990. do not have to comply
Accepted 9 June 2022
with these rules, but ships built after the early 2000. must follow “NOx Emission Tier I”, which
allows 17g/kWh NOx (for the slow speed diesel engines with <130 rpm), and selective catalytic
reactors (SCR) are not necessary. Tier III NOx Emission standard was enforced in 2016 and it Key words:
requires an 80% reduction in NOx emission compared to the Tier I, specifically 3.4 g/kWh, which Selective catalytic reduction
can not be achieved without SCR or without using some other types of fuels. The focus of this paper
Specific fuel consumption
is to do analysis how the ammonia dosage to SCR affects to the NOx formation in exhaust gasses on
Main engine scavenging air pressure
various engine speed (loads), as well as how it affects to some important engine parameters and
Main engine exhaust gas temperature
specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC). The analysis was performed on Kongsberg engine room
simulator (ERS), MC 90-V Model, as well as on MATLAB by using mathematical models. All external
influences are excluded from the analysis like wind or rough sea. All data on different scenarios has
been recorded after prolonged period to avoid inconsistencies. The results are shown graphically,
and conclusions are presented.

1 Introduction ing, or by some other known method, the SCR (and scrub-
The Tier III controls apply only to the specified ships bers) instalation on such a vessells are necessary.
while operating in Emission Control Areas (ECA), estab- To provide good operational process of SCR it needs
lished to limit NOx emissions, outside such areas the Tier ammonia for chemical reaction For reasons of safety, the
II controls apply. In accordance with regulation 13.5.2., ammonia is normally added to the system in the form of
certain small ships would not be required to install Tier aqueous urea. This decomposes to ammonia and carbon
III engines. A marine diesel engine that is installed on a dioxide when it is injected into the vaporiser [3]. It is
ship constructed on or after the following dates, and placed in segregared tanks outside engine room due to
operating in the following ECA, shall comply with the Tier safety reasons. By specially designed pipelines and safety
III NOx standard [1]: control and automation system, it is leads to the reactor,
which is placed near main engine into the engine room.
– 1st January 2016 and operating in the North American
ECA and the United States Caribbean Sea ECA; or The main components of the system are urea tank,
evaporator, static mixer, reactor, SCR control, ammonia
– 1st January 2021 and operating in the Baltic Sea ECA or slip controller and pipeline with sensors and gauges.
the North Sea ECA.
SCR plant is installed on exhaust pipeline and has
Since all marine diesel engines burning HFO or DO, es- influ- ence on main engine (ME), exhaust back pressure,
pecially two stroke slow speed diesel engines, can not as well as on exhaust gas flow, temperatures and
comply with the Tier III standard only by combustion tun-
2 F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-
pressure. Most engines can tolerate 3 kPa (0.03 bar)
backpressure with-
Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-122 © Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, 2022 3

out significant power degradation or adverse effects. For 2NH3 + 2O2 → N2O + 3H2O [8]
each additional 3 kPa of back pressure, exceeding the
ratio will degrade performance by 1% [4]. So it is logically 4NH3 + 3O2 → 2N2 + 6H2O [9]
to as- sume that SCR plant has an influence on ME
operation which will be investigated in this paper by 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O [10]
using Kongs- berg Simulation (KS). The main parameters
change which will be investugated are; NOx emission, Ammonia can also react with NO 2 producing explosive
exhaust gas tem- perature, scavenging air pressure and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), equation (11). This reaction,
temperature, specif- ic fuel oil consumption, ammonia slip due to its negative temperature coefficient, occurs at low
and optimal value of urea dosage. temperatures, below about 100-200 °C. Ammonium ni-
trate may deposit in solid or liquid form in the pores of
the catalyst, leading to its temporary deactivation [2].
2 Ammonia and ammonia reaction in SCR
2NH3 + 2NO2 + H2O → NH4NO3 + NH4NO2 [11]
Two forms of ammonia can be used in SCR systems:
pure anhydrous ammonia and aqueous ammonia. Anhy- Ammonium nitrate formation can be avoided by mak-
drous ammonia is toxic, hazardous and requires thick- ing sure that the temperature never falls below 200 °C.
shell, pressurized storage tanks and pipeline due to its The tendency of NH 4NO 3 formation can be minimized by
high vapor pressure. Aqueous ammonia (NH H O), is less supplying into the gas stream less than the precise amount
3 2
of NH necessary for the stoichiometric reaction with NOx
hazardous and easier to handle. A typical industrial grade 3

ammonia, containing about 27% ammonia and 73% of (1 to 1 mole ratio) [2].
water (by weight), has nearly atmospheric vapor pressure When the flue gas contains sulfur, as is the case with
at normal temperatures and can be safely transported [2]. diesel exhaust, SO2 can be oxidized to SO 3 with the follow-
A number of chemical reactions occur in the ammonia ing formation of H2SO4 upon reaction with H2O. These re-
SCR system, as expressed by equations (1) to (5). All of actions are the same as those occurring in the
these processes represent reactions which reduce NOx to diesel oxidation catalyst. In another reaction, NH3 com-
elemental nitrogen. Equation (2) represents the dominant bines with SO3 to form (NH4)2SO4 and NH4HSO4, equation
reaction mechanism. Reactions given by equation (3) (12) and (13), which deposit on and foul the catalyst, as
through (5) involve nitrogen dioxide reactant. Normally, well as piping and equipment. At low exhaust gas temper-
NO2 concentrations in most flue gases, including diesel ex- ature, generally below 250 °C, the fouling by ammonium
haust, are low. In diesel SCR systems NO 2 levels are often sulfate may lead to a deactivation of the SCR catalyst [2].
intentionally increased to enhance NOx conversion at low For HFO with 3.5% of Sulphur, a minimum exhaust gas
temperatures [2]. temperature should not go below 3250C [3].

NH3 + SO3 + H2O → NH4HSO4 [12]

6NO + 4NH3 → 5N2 + 6H2O [1]

4NO + 4NH3 2NH3 + SO3 + H2O → (NH4)2SO4 [13]

+ O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O “standard” SCR reaction [2]
The SCR process requires precise control of the ammo-
6NO2 + 8NH3 → 7N2 + 12H2O [3] (8) and (9), may produce nitrous oxide (N 2O) or elemental
nitrogen. Complete oxidation of ammonia, expressed by
2NO2 + 4NH3 + O2 → 3N2 + 6H2O [4] equation (10), generates nitric oxide (NO) [2].

NO + NO2 + 2NH3 → 2N2 + 3H2O “fast” SCR reaction [5]

If the NO2 content is increased to exceed the NO

tration in the feed gas, N2O formation is also possible [2].

8 NO2 + 6 NH3 → 7 N2O + 9 H2O [6]

4 NO2 + 4 NH3 + O2 → 4 N2O + 6 H2O [7]

Undesirable processes occurring in SCR systems

include competitive, nonselective reactions with oxygen,
which is abundant in the system. These reactions can
either produce secondary emissions or, at best,
unproductively consume ammonia. Partial oxidation of
ammonia, given by equations
4 F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-
nia injection rate. An insufficient injection rate results
in unacceptably low NOx conversions. An injection rate
which is too high results in release of undesirable
ammo- nia to the atmosphere (ammonia slip). These
ammonia slip increase with increasing NH 3/NOx ratio
(also referred to as alpha ratio). According to the
dominant SCR reaction, equation (2), the
stoichiometric NH3/NOx ratio in the SCR system is
about 1. Ratios higher than 1 significantly in- crease
ammonia slip. The ammonia slip decreases with in-
creasing temperature, while the NOx conversion in an
SCR catalyst may either increase or decrease with
tempera- ture, depending on the particular
temperature range and catalyst system [2].
Alpha ratios between 0.9 and 1 can be used to
minimize ammonia slip while still providing
satisfactory NOx conver- sions. However, in
applications with very demanding NOx performance
targets, the SCR system must be operated with alpha
ratios of ≥ 1. In such cases, ammonia slip can be con-
trolled using a guard catalyst (ammonia oxidation
catalyst) positioned downstream of the SCR catalyst
F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113- 1

Figure 1 SCR principle [3]

SCR can be used as a standalone system and its effi- sure (HP) system will be able to run on high sulphur fuel,
ciency in removing NOx is around 90% [3]. This technolo- but in this case the exhaust gas system must be equipped
gy is not new and was first patented in United States by with the SOx scrubber system. A SCR low pressure system
the Engelhard Corporation in 1957. and first SCR was in- (LP) can normally not be used for high Sulphur fuel on
stalled by the IHI Corporation in 1978, but for marine op- two stroke large bore slow speed diesel engines. When
eration technology needed to be perfected for safety and plan- ning the Tier III installation, these conditions must
reliability concerns [3]. Also, at the time IMO did not re- be con- sidered [4].
quire such a high standard for NOx reduction.

3.1 HP process
3 SCR systems
The SCR HP system can be used with fuels containing
To meet the Tier III NOx requirement, ships sailing in a
3.5% sulphur. It consists of two main components, vapor-
combined NECA / SECA area must either run on low sul-
izer/mixer, where a reducing agent is injected, and as the
phur fuel or run an exhaust gas cleaning process, i.e. a SOx
name implies, the agent will mix with exhaust gasses and
scrubber system. The EGR system and the SCR high pres-
vaporize before entering to the SCR reactor. The SCR reac-

Figure 2 SCR HP system [3]

1 F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-

tor contains catalyst which is used to increase surface posits forming. To prevent instabilities in HP system, an
area in which the reaction takes place and to prevent auxiliary blower will supply additional air to the system.
ammonia slip. Catalyst can be made of various ceramic The auxiliary blowers can supply air to the system up to
materials such as titanium oxide or base metal oxides like 65% of maximum continuous ratio (MCR) [3]. Another
vanadium or tungsten [5]. method to increase the exhaust gas temperature on low
When operating in Tier II mode, the SCR system can be loads is late injection (combustion).
by-passed by the reactor sealing valve (RSV) and the reac-
tor throttle valve (RTV). The reactor bypass valve (RBV) is
open and exhaust gas passes directly to the turbocharger. 3.3 LP process
The system also includes an exhaust gas by-pass valve Low pressure system can be installed only when using
(EGB) to provide the engine with low load EGB tuning in low sulphur fuels with 0.1% Sulphur or less, due to
Tier II. When operating in Tier III mode the SCR system ammo- nium bisulfate (ABS – NH4HSO4) formation, which
will be started. The SCR line is opened by the valves, RSV can oc- cur in SCR reactor at low temperatures. When
and RTV, while the valve RBV will be closed. Even though utilizing LP system, the SCR line is placed after T/C [3].
the reactor is placed before the turbine, the exhaust gas
temperature will still be too low at low loads [3]. There LP system consists of three major components: an SCR
are several methods to operate SCR at low loads. reactor, a mixer (AIG – Ammonia Injection Grid) and a de-
composition unit (DCU). The DCU, which is placed in a gas
line between the reactor outlet and mixer inlet, consists of
3.2 Low load method on HP system a blower, a heater (burner) and a vaporizer. The reducing
agent is injected into the vaporizer forming a mixture of
During operation, when the engine load is 50% and ammonia vapor which is led to the mixer and finally to the
be- low, the exhaust gasses do not satisfy the optimal SCR reactor, forced by the blower [3].
tempera- ture needed, so a “low load method” has to be
developed [3].
To increase the temperature, a cylinder bypass from 3.4 Limitations and preconditions
the scavenge air receiver to the turbine inlet is installed. The main limiting factor of SCR system is the exhaust
The bypass flow is controlled by the cylinder bypass valve gas temperature. Due to high thermal efficiency of marine
(CBV). When opening the bypass, the mass of air through two stroke slow speed diesel engines, the exhaust gas
the cylinders will be reduced without loosing the tem- perature after the turbocharger(s) is around 230-
scavenge air pressure, and accordingly, the exhaust gas 260 °C, depending on the load, fuel quality and local
temperature will increase. This system makes it possible conditions. Since the SCR optimal working temperature
to keep the temperatures above the required level. should be around 330-350 °C, when in high sulphur HFO
However, the cylin- der bypass will increase the SFOC operation (for exhaust gas pressure of 1.5 bar), the gas
depending on the re- quired temperature increase [3]. At uptake has to be placed on turbine HP side. By such a
very low loads, 15% or less, the reductant dispersion is placement the gas
stopped to prevent de-
F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113- 1
Figure 3 LP SCR system [3]
1 F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-

Figure 4 EGR and SCR HP and LP dimensional differences [3]

temperature increases between 50 °C and 175 °C [3].

4 SCR parameter change and its effects on
With such a system T/C should be bigger and then
main engine parameters
becomes problem when operates in Tier II mode. At that
mode ex- haust gas with higher temperature cams to In this chapter, the SCR parameters changed and ana-
turbine. To limit T/C rpm at such a mode exhaust gas lyzed their effects on main engine parameters. The main
recirculation system (EGR) needs to be installed. engine parameters which have been analyzed are exhaust
Also, as it can be noticed on Figure 4, there are huge gas temperature, scavenging air pressure and
differences in dimensions between those two systems, as temperature and SFOC. Ammonia slip, as well as optimal
well as between EGR. The systems placement into the en- value of urea dosage, were also investigated.
gine room, because of their big dimensions, could be an- The analysis will be carried out on the engine room K-
other limiting factor. Sim simulator manufactured by Kongsberg. Engine room

Figure 5 Max NOx reduction

Source: Authors
F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113- 1
model is MC90-V and initial condition will be set on full value (999 ppm), as well as the time delay to a value of
ahead, loaded ship, with steady weather condition and no 999 sec. The minimum ammonia pressure limit is 0.01 bar
sea currents (without external influences). After each
and maximum is 5.8 bar (normal – default pressure is 2.5
change in the investigated parameters on SCR control
bar). Those SCR trip values were increased to maximum
pan- els, enough time will be left until the system
value to enable researching without constant triping of
stabilizes to analyze the changed parameters on ME.
SCR, as well as to reach the extreme limits which is very
In the Figure 5 is presented screenshot where it can be dangerous to implement on a real system. The NOx con-
seen the initial analysis results, where the maximum troller set point has been changed from 3 to 0.7 g/kWh.
reduc- tion of NOx emission, on automatic operation, was The values and maximum achievable NOx emission can be
exam- ined. The SCR was operated on AUTO mode, but observed on the Fig. 6.
ammonia slip trip limit has been increased to maximum
allowable lim- it of 999 ppm (normal – default value is 30 Looking at the chart (Fig. 6 and 7) it can be seen that
ppm) to avoid SCR shutting down. Maximum NOx no matter how much ammonia added after achieving 0.76
emission that can be achieved was 0.76 g/kWh with the g/kWh, even with the supply valve fully open (maximum
ammonia supply valve fully open (Z 100 – it shows ammonia delivery), the end result remains the same and
percentage of valve opening) and the ME power at 16725 the ammonia slip value reaches its maximum value of
kW on 74 rpm (navigational full ahead engine speed). On 693.77 ppm. The value of 0.76 g/kWh is the lowest set
the figure, proportional-integral (PI) controller can be point after which is no need to increase ammonia dosage.
seen, where input and output signals are presented. Same applies for the ammonia flow rate (Fig. 7). Since
Magenta line presents slowly increasing out- put signal the system cannot achieve the set point value of 0.7
(during time) to the ammonia dosage valve up to 100% g/kWh, the ammonia control valve opens fully trying to
(fully) open since SCR NOx set point is set to mini- mum achieve the given set point. Set point value of 0.7 g/kWh
value of 0.10 g/kWh. Brown line clearly shows steady has been set to investigate maximum value of ammonia
value of specific NOx emission which is 0.76 g/kWh and flow and possibili- ty to goes below 0.76 g/kWh of NOx
can- not goes below that value regardless of ammonia emission.
dosage. In stationary applications, the maximum permitted
Ammonia slip is 696 ppm (Z 695.68), which is far be- NH3 slip is usually specified, with a typical specification at
yond the permissible limit of 30 ppm (default setting). 5-10 ppm NH3. A 10 ppm NH3 limit is also applicable in
Therefore, further simulations were made to investigate some mobile SCR applications [2]. According to these
and analyze the results obtained. data, on SCR slip controller, ammonia slip set point has
been set to 10 ppm (maximum NOx reduction mode must
4.1 Maximum NOx reduction be dis- connected), and then the SCR NOx emission set
To perform the research, the automatic slip control is point, on NOx controller, has bean slightly adjusted to
turned off and ammonia pressure limit has been manually reach the val- ue where ammonia slip is as close as
set to 5.7 bar. Slip trip limit has been set to the maximum possible to the value of 10 ppm of ammonia slip set point.

Ammonia slip value, ppm

ME NOx exh. 800
NOx controller set Ammonia slip
content 700
point, g/kWh value, ppm
final, g/kWh 600
3 3 1.2 500
2 2 1.3 400
Ammonia slip value,

1 1 1.4 200
0.98 0.98 1.39 100
0.95 0.95 1.41 0
0.9 0.9 1.41
0.82 0.82 6.93
NOx controller set point, g/kWh Ammonia slip value. ppm
0.8 0.8 7.2
0.79 0.79 7.4


0.78 0.78 8.07



0.77 0.77 8.57

0.76 0.76 16.57
0.75 0.76 120.3
0.7 0,76 693.77

Figure 6 Ammonia slip value in relation to controller set point

Source: Authors
1 F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-

NOx controller set point, Ammonia flow, Ammonia flow, kg/h

g/kWh kg/h 300
3 120.52
2.5 124.76 250
2 130.5
1.8 131.7 200
1.6 133.5
1.4 137.5

Ammonia flow,
1.2 140.46
1 140.5
0.98 140.6 50
0.95 141.3
0.9 141.86 0
0.85 142.3
0.8 142.4




0.79 142.5 NOx controller set point, g/kWh Ammonia flow, kg/h
0.78 142.5
0.77 142.66
0.76 143.1
0.75 250
Figure 7 NOx controller set point in relation to ammonia flow

Source: Authors

From these tests it is concluded that the optimal NOx Observing the SCR operation at different engine speed
set point value that needs to be set to reach above men-
shows the scavenging air pressure drop but that should
tioned values is between 0.7 and 0.8 g/kWh. When sailing
not affect the overall fuel economy too much. Anyway, it
in Tier III areas the limit value is 3.4 g/kWh, so the set
does raise the exhaust gas temperatures since there is a
point can be set up to that value and consequently the am-
“rich” air-fuel mixture.
monia consumption will be lower.
Turbo charger (T/C) temperature change with the SCR
4.2 SCR reactor impact on scavenging air pressure in operation, recorded after T/C, show an increase across
and temperatures after T/C on various engine all RPM range which is on par with the hypothesis above.
speed The increase is necessary because the permissible reac-
tion temperature is between 250-490 °C. Anything above
The principle of HP SCR operation system is explained or below will result in excessive ammonia slip and reactor
in chapter 3. The scavenging air pressure and
shutdown to prevent clogging. The exhaust gas tempera-
temperature on various engine speed were monitored
ture before and after T/C increase because of additional
and the results are shown in Figure 8.

Scavenging air pressures vs. ME rpm

Scavenging air Scavenging air
ME rpm pressure, bar pressure, bar 2
(SCR off) (SCR on) 1,5
Scavenging air pressure,

74 2.05 1.88 1
70 1.8 1.5 0
65 1.37 1.17 7470656055504540
ME rpm
60 1 0.82 Scavenging air pressure, bar (SCR off)Scavenging air pressure, bar (SCR on)
55 1 0.65
50 0.53 0.47
45 0.45 0.41
40 0.4 0.29
Figure 8 Scavenge air pressure change

Source: Authors
F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113- 1

T/C exhaust gas temp. vs. ME rpm

T/C exh. gas temp., 150

74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40
ME rpm

T/CEG temp., deg. C (SCR off)T/CEG temp., deg. C (SCR on)

Figure 9 T/C temperature with SCR ON and OFF

Source: Authors

heat produced by injecting ammonia into SCR Reactor. an increased SO3 formation in the catalyst. SO3 subse-
Also on lower load, to maintain high exhaust gas tempera- quently reacts with water creating sulphuric acid, which
tures for chemical reactions, variable injection timing sys- appears as an undesired white aerosol plume. Another
tem (mechanically or electronically VIT) could adjust time un- desired reaction which also limits the upper
of injection to be later and therefore increase exhaust gas temperature for SCR operation is the oxidation of NH 3 as
temperatures. For researched scenarios at lowest permis- the exhaust gas temperature approaches 500 °C, i.e. more
sible load (rpm) where SCR can still be in operation, the NH3 is need- ed. Additionally, the catalyst material starts
start of fuel combustion is 8 degrees after TDC. If it to sinter at temperatures above 500-550 °C [3].
weren’t like this the exhaust gas temperature will be to
low and SCR will be stopped much before. Maximum and
minimum temperatures for SCR working process can be 4.3 SCR effects on SFOC
set on con- trol panel (Fig. 10).
The focus of next test was to check if there is an in-
crease in SFOC due to a slight drop in scavenging air pres-
sure or late injection. The test is being done on different
engine speed and each test result was recorded after 1
hour of operation (Fig. 11).
From Figure 11 it can be seen that there is change in
SFOC on different RPMs. A slight increase is caused due to
above mentioned change in air-fuel mixture, specifically a
drop in air pressure which is entering the cylinders. Also,
efficiency drop is caused by VIT system which move injec-
tion timing far after TDC (in this case 8° crank angle (CA)
Figure 10 Maximum and minimum permissible temperature for after TDC – at 40 and 45 ME rpm). Also, the duration of in-
SCR working process jection is increased (from 7 to 7,3 °CA), which directly in-
fluence to exhaust gas temperatures increasing which is at
Source: Authors 45 rpm around 2800C (reaction temperature into SCR is
300 °C) and at 40 rpm around 342 °C (reaction tempera-
ture into SCR is 340 °C). The exhaust gas pressure is 1.55
Setting the value below will result that reactor start bar at 74 rpm and 0.2 bar at 40 rpm. The biggest increase
with insufficient exhaust gas temperature and therefore in SFOC is around 55 to 60 and 40 to 45 ME rpm. The
ammonia slip will occur. Same applies if the temperature reac- tion temperature increasing is caused by late fuel oil
is too high, at 400 °C a sharp decrease in DeNOx activity injec- tion, by burning of ammonia and due to air supply
occurred and at 480 °C a negative DeNOx activity from scavenging air receiver.
occurred as well as increased ammonia slip [6]. On the
Figure 12 shows that NOx emission during all engine
other hand, the temperature must not be too high as this
speed, when SCR in operation, remain almost the same
will result in
1 F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113-

SFOC increase when

ME rpm
SCR in operation, % ME SFOC
74 0.5 400
70 0.6 200

65 0.5 0
60 1.1
55 1.5
747065 6055504540
50 0.0 ME rpm

45 0.8
SFOC, SCR on, g/kWhSFOC, SCR off, g/kWh
40 1.7
Figure 11 Difference in SFOC during SCR operation

Source: Authors

NOx emission

NOx emission,


0 7470 65 60 55 50 45 40
ME rpm

NOx emission, SCR on, g/kWh NOx emission, SCR off, g/kWh

Figure 12 NOx emission during the examined process

Source: Authors

since controller holds the NOx emission limit around 1.5 system is the aforementioned ammonia slip and the fact
g/kwh. When SCR is stopped, NOx emission depends on that the ammonia is combustible.
total fuel oil consumption (g/h) and, of course, on
reaction temperature. By changing the paramaters of ammonia dosage, it can
be seen that the minimum NOx emission which can be
achived is 0.76 g/kWh and optimal value depends of urea
5 Conclusion price and engine load. Since on lower engine loads the
SCR reactor must be stopped or injection timing should be
Taking into account all systems used to reduce NOx very late, to remain higher exhaust gas temperatures
emissions, SCR reactors are by far the best solution. It needed for chemical reaction, optimal value of NOx set
does not require much modification to the main engine point vary a lot and it is not investigated in this paper. It
when comparing it to EGR, doesn’t require complicated can be con- cluded that the optimal way is to set it on the
control systems and is easy to maintain as there is no upper al- lowed NOx emission limit (3.4 g/kWh), because
waste products regarding the reaction. Not to mention then it is the least urea consumption.
that most of the systems above, (except EGR and use of When SCR is in operation, at 74 RPM (full ahead) an in-
LNG as a fuel), are not enough to comply with Tier III crease of 0.5% in SFOC, a decrease of 8.3% in scavenge air
regu- lations of 3.4 g/kWh, and are primarily used in pressure and an increase of 10.4% in T/C temperatures
combina- tion with either EGR or SCR. The only issue can be observed. This changes do not affect to normal en-
with the
F. Rumac et al. / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 36 (2022) 113- 1
gine operation. Such a system has been tested and in-
stalled on multiple ships and from the results of the above
analysis, it can be seen that has negligible impact on SFOC [1] http: //
and other important ME parameters, exept on lower en- pollutionprevention/airpollution/pages/nitrogen-oxides-
gine speed where ME efficiency has been reduced. (nox)-%E2%80%93-regulation-13.aspx
[2] https: //
Funding: The research presented in the manuscript did [3] https: //
not receive any external funding. content/special_pg/PG_7020-0145.pdf
[4] https: //
Author Contributions: Filip Rumac: Chapter 1, 2 and 3; [5] https: //
Darko Glujić: Chapter 4 – KS Simulator results and MAT- reduction
LAB results comparison; Dean Bernečić: Chapter 4 – [6] h t t p s : / / b a c ke n d . o r b i t . d t u . d k / w s / p o r t a l f i
Simu- lation research on KS Simulator and simulation les/
results analysis. portal/161974766/PhD_thesis_Steen_Riis_Christensen.pdf
[7] https: //
[8] Kongsberg engine room simulator instruction manual –
Model MC90V ERS L11 5L90MC
[9] Lenka S. Chladova, Evaluation of Selective Catalytic
Reduction for Marine Two-Stroke Diesel Engines, Master of
Science degree Thesis, Aalborg University, 2010.

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