Imo Tier 3: Strategies and Challenges: Green Shipping
Imo Tier 3: Strategies and Challenges: Green Shipping
Imo Tier 3: Strategies and Challenges: Green Shipping
Strategies and challenges
EMISSIONS The reduction of the permissible sulphur concentrations coming into force in emission
protected areas (ECAs) in 2015 will immediately be followed by the introduction of IMO Tier 3
emission stage in 2016. This stage requires a reduction of the NOx limit by 80% compared with the
present level (IMO Tier 1). A number of different engine plant approaches are being studied with a
view to complying with the future IMO Tier 3 NOx-limits and with the reduced SOx emission targets.
Bert Buchholz, Horst Harndorf, Christian Fink
he IMO Tier 3 limits require far- control systems and control strategies based may also present a disadvantage depending
reaching changes in the technology on maps and physical models. on the ship concept.
of large engines. New basic solutions Figure 1 shows the basic elements of an effi-
and coordinated overall strategies are nec- cient and low-emission engines operation. Exhaust gas recirculation strategies
essary to achieve these considerable NOx A vital aspect is how to derive meaningful to comply with IMO Tier 3
reductions without causing significant dis- overall concepts from this wide range of A strategy for a marked reduction of NOx
advantages concerning efficiency and con- individual measures in order to achieve an emissions which is new to the marine die-
sumption. efficient and IMO Tier 3 compliant engine sel engine industry is the high-load EGR.
Measures for engine internal emission re- operation. As has been learned from the Heavy Duty
duction can be subdivided into the main Truck engine industry, using EGR can help
areas of air path and fuel path. In addition, The conventional approach: Use of to force the NOx raw emissions below the
exhaust gas after treatment measures may SCR catalysts limit of 2 g/kWh. In connection with the
be applied to force the remaining emissions The installation of SCR catalysts on board operation on low-sulphur fuels inside the
below the limits. A coordinated, load and ships has been promoted by the introduc- ECAs, an introduction of EGR in marine
operation condition depending control of tion of emission-depending port dues in diesel engines can become operational for
these measures will in future be indispensi- Sweden and the NOx tax in Norway. Opera- the first time.
ble to comply with the limits and guarantee tion even below the limits set for IMO 3 can An EGR-based IMO Tier 3 strategy within
safe and efficient engine operation simulta- be achieved by the use of SCR catalysts. the ECAs will require the installation of an
neously. This will require complex engine In order to stick to the emission limits valid EGR system at the engine. The sulphur ox-
inside the ECAs from 2016, it will be neces- ide emissions will be limited by the use of
sary to switch to a low-sulphur fuel in addi- low-sulphur fuels which are also binding for
tion to operation of the SCR catalyst. Outside a successful EGR operation.
the ECA areas, engines can be operated as Outside the ECAs, the EGR path can be closed
normal IMO Tier 2 engines using sulphur- and the engine can be operated on heavy fuel
ous heavy fuel. As additional NOx reduction as a standard IMO Tier 2 engine.
is not necessary outside the ECAs, the SCR The advantages of an EGR-based strategy are
can be bypassed. comparatively low investment costs despite
Fuel injection systems and air charge groups the higher costs for engine and charge air
can stay on the technological level of the system. The additional space required is not
IMO Tier 2 strategies, meaning basically a to be neglected, but comparatively low. Ad-
Common-Rail-System with single injection ditional operating costs are caused by the use
(main injection) and a 1-stage charging of low-sulphur distillate fuels when sailing
with highly efficient TC. The advantages of in the ECAs.
SCR-based IMO Tier 3 strategies are the use On the other hand, there are a number of
of established engine and exhaust gas af- challenges. As the amount of recirculated
ter treatment technologies. Engine internal exhaust gas forms a considerable part of the
NOx reduction can be dispensed with due cylinder fresh load, a significant increase of
to the high NOx conversion rates of the SCR the charging air pressure will be required.
catalyst. This requires the installation of complex
The obvious advantages of an SCR-based 2-stage turbo-charging systems with cor-
concept need to be compared with the in- responding charge air coolers and control
vestment and operating costs for the SCR measures. The EGR mass flow has to be
catalyst and the urea solution. Using low-sul- cooled and controlled, too. The high EGR
phur distillate fuels within the ECAs also has rates required to obtain the IMO Tier 3 lim-
Figure 1: Basic elements of an efficient
and low-emission engine operation a negative impact on the overall operating its cause a marked increase in particle emis-
(above), coordination of possible emis- costs. The space required for the SCR catalyst sions, which will place increased demands
sion reduction measures and the bunkering of the reduction means on the injection system. Compared to
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