Maven, GitHub, Jenkins (IntroBS)

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-> Its also called as Build management Tool, Build testing Tool, Build Dependency
-> Maven is Tool used which has become popular for the build management instead ANT

=> Why Maven used in Automation Testing?

- In Automation Maven is used for Testing the Application with the
current/recent Framework
by executing the test scripts
- When Multiple automation testers are working with same framework, there might
be chances
that the changes made by one Automation engg might affect the entire
framework, in order
to over come this issue we run the Maven life cycle for every build
- mvn clean, mvn validate, mvn compile, mvn test are the maven command used

Maven Contains Two SoftWares

*Maven Eclipse plugin.
*Maven CommandLine Plugin

To create maven Project:

Group id: Organization/Community Name
Artifact Id: Project Name

Inside Maven Project: Framework folder structure

-> GenericUtilities
-> ObjectRepository
-> ChromeDriver.exe
-> FirefoxDriver.exe
-> IEDriver.exe
-> autodesk.OrganizationsTests
-> autodesk.ContactsTests
-> TestData.xlsx
-> Dependencies
-> plugins

=> Advantages of MAVEN

a. Check the integration & compilation issue between the framework component
multiple engineer working with same framework, their might be possibilities one
modification, addition & deletion Might affect the entire build
b. handle dependencies jars
c. Create framework configuration quick setup for new engineers (because all the
dependencies jar. Versions declared in POM.xml, you just to get the framework
from the
GIT & save the POM file
d. provide framework folder structure
=> Definition: It’s a distributed cloud decentralized repository where we can
maintain our
sourceCode / Automation Framwork / CRS doc /build of the application
in one place

=> Softwares involved in Github

There are 2 Software in GitREpository
1. Git HUB:- Cloud based repository(software), which is used maintain the source
in one place, in order to use it just create an account with
2. Git [Git client]:- it’s a software should installed in client machine , which is
used to communicate to GITHUB---->S/w-->GitBash.
=> Advantages of GitHub Cloud
1. Since its cloud based repository , no need have maintenance team to maintain
Software / HardWare
2. Cloud means pay rent for what you use
3. Cloud software always access via internet
4. Cloud System / sever physically not present within the Organization, but present
EG : EGit:- Eclipse Git, Installed with Eclipse, we can execute git
commands through eclipse.
GitDeskTop/GitBash:- Should be installed externally to
execute git
commands through cmd line
-> Jenkins is a CI/CD Tool used by Developers, DevOps and Automation Testers.
-> CI -> Continous Integration
CD -> Continous Development
-> Continous Deployment
-> Continous Delivery

=> Basically Jenkins automates

-> Process of build creation - Continous development
-> Process of installing the build into testing environment - Continous
-> Process of checking the integration issues between old feature and new
- continous integration
-> Process of delivering the tested the build to the production environment
- Continous delivery

=> Why Jenkins is required in Automation?

-> Continious Intergration : Continous execution of the selenium test scripts in

environment to check the integration issues.

=> scheduling Job in Jenkins:

Scheduling decides when the job execution should be triggered or started.
There are 3 types of Scheduling in Jenkins:
-> On Demand
-> On schedule
-> Poll SCM

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