Deploy Maintenance Template
Deploy Maintenance Template
Deploy Maintenance Template
2 - QA & PRD
Version: 1.0
The purpose of this document is to describe steps required to deploy Command Central Maintenance Template v1.2 on an existing webMethods instance.
This procedure applies to the JJTS Global Operational Support Team that need to provide operational support and apply maintenance template on an
existing webMethods instance using Command Central.
Preparation :
Step Tasks
1. Check/Update latest CCE operational NAS directories | This step is handled by L3 Team.
/opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/*.* -- Make sure this top level NAS folder/sub-folders are in sync with EMEA Master server -
Verify the package folders exist and are in sync ** compare with EMEA**
/opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/v9common/packages_egwy ** ri server**
/opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/v9common/packages_internal **internal server**
/opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/v9common/packages **internal server**
/opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/v9common/packages_zip **internal server**
Verify the supporting package folders are in sync ** compare with EMEA**
2. Update CCE Server custom_wrapper.conf disabling TCA & Broker server restart
Connect to to your respective CCE Linux Server(as webm7 user) - Use this link for CCE Regional Server Overview
# cd /opt/softwareag1/profiles/CCE/configuration
# vi custom_wrapper.conf
Make sure to add below lines if not yet found the bottom of the file,Broker-Server-6550,Brok
# wq!
# cd /opt/webMethods
# ./ stop default
# ./ start default
Prior you continue with below step do make sure to disable all respective Inframon instance Alias (MWS/IS/GWY/Broker/WebRessource/etc...).
Since we updating DB components level to latest state part of this bundle both servers will need to be stopped while executing the maintenance.
1) Backup of MWS jetty.xml, IS Adapters drivers, /opr/webMethods Operational Scripts, Upgrade of Oracle JDK to Azul JDK.
2) Stop all running components (SPM, IS, MWS, TCA, Broker, CTP).
3) Automated DB Schemas backup
4) Backup complete File system - /opt/softwareag1 and create a compressed tarball.
5) Restart all stopped components (SPM, IS, MWS, TCA, Broker, CTP).
Since this is a cluster environment type logon to your target Server 1 & 2 and launch Backup Script.
# script -a /opt/softwareag1/JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2-Evidence.txt
# cd /opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install
# ./backupwm.ksh tar
# exit
# script -a /opt/softwareag1/JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2-Evidence.txt
# cd /opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install
# ./backupwm.ksh tar
# exit
# cd /opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/Custom_Config_10.4
# vi CCE_wm912_configs
Go to Internal Server Maintenance - IS/MWS/BKR/SPM Section and update in accordance
Do update/check config file for both clustered servers configuration details – Make sure to respect proper format as it is case sensitive
# Syntax:
<SEQID> <TEMP_Name> <region> <env> <sector> <env_type(internal/egw/internal_egw)> <internal_spmport> <internal_host> <installdir> <bkr_syn
<Update_jetty.xml(true/false)> <serverlog_level(Off/Fatal/Error/Warn/Info/Debug/Trace)> <jdbc_migration(true/false)> <dbname> <dbpwd> <dbhost>
<dbtn> <dbarch> <dbproc> <dbaudit> <dbmws> <gwy_spmport> <gwy_host> <gwy_installdir> <gwy_quiesce_port> <mws_instance_name>
Server 1 :
CCE_MNTCNOBKR_BPM_ITSBEBEL00396 JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2 EMEA QA BPM internal 8504 itsbebel00396 /opt/softwareag1 false 55
itxxxxxx /opt/webMethods9/EMEA/BPM/softwareag1 3xx9 default
Server 2 :
CCE_MNTCNOMWS_BPM_ITSBEBEL00398 JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2 EMEA QA BPM internal 8504 itsbebel00398 /opt/softwareag1 false 5
itxxxxxx /opt/webMethods9/EMEA/BPM/softwareag1 3xx9 default
Remark : when installing patch on Internal IS + GWY server -- > select internal_egw
when installing patch on Internal IS only -- > select internal
when installing patch on GWY server only -- > select egw
Make sure to update the MWS instance name if it is not “default”
# ./create_propfile.ksh CCE_MNTCNOBKR_BPM_ITSBEBEL00396
# ./create_propfile.ksh CCE_MNTCNOMWS_BPM_ITSBEBEL00398
# cd /opt/softwareag1/profiles/CCE/data/templates/composite/JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2
# vi
# vi
# wq! - Exit the script
Prior continuing the maintenance template do make sure all components on server are up & running.
This is applicable for both Internal and GWY server side.
Remark :
In case you can’t connect to server through CCE do connect to and check/restart related SPM server
# cd /opr/webMethods | ./ start default
Expected screen should be looking as follow where Status state are in green for each components :
ID Duration Status Progress Description Progress Description Status Description Custom Status Custom Status Description
167 0 SCHEDULED 0 Applying template JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2 SCHEDULED
# Prior moving to next step do make sure all components have been restarted and are available :
Prior continuing the maintenance template do make sure all components on server are up & running.
This is applicable for both Internal and GWY server side.
Remark :
In case you can’t connect to server through CCE do connect to and check/restart related SPM server
# cd /opr/webMethods | ./ start default
Expected screen should be looking as follow where Status state are in green for each components :
ID Duration Status Progress Description Progress Description Status Description Custom Status Custom Status Description
170 0 SCHEDULED 0 Applying template JnJ_Maintenance_9_12_v1_2 SCHEDULED
# Prior moving to next step do make sure all components have been restarted and are available :
6. If your landscape do include GWY server do migrate GWY Server Java JDK to Azul JDK using below steps.
Logon to your target GWY server and stop both SPM/IS servers instances (in this case MDD)
# cd /opr/webMethods
# ./ stop MDD
# ./ stop MDD
# cd /opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/v9common/Scripts
# ./CCE_JnJ_Java_Maintenance_GWY.ksh <IS_HOME_DIR>
# ./CCE_JnJ_Java_Maintenance_GWY.ksh /opt/webMethods9/EMEA/MDD/softwareag1
Once executed do verify corresponding log file for proper script execution.
# cd /opt/webMethods/depot/CCE/v912install/v9common/Scripts/logs
# cat CCE_JnJ_Java_Maintenance_GWY_190927_1828.log
# cd /opr/webMethods
# ./ start MDD
# ./ start MDD
Step Tasks
Internal IS Admin and GWY Server (if applicable) should have below added extended settings :
Logon to both target server and check all products are running with zulu_jdk8.0_212.
# ps -fHu webm7 >> make sure all components are running with zulu_jdk8.0_212
# cd /opt/softwareag1/common/db/logs
# ls -ltr
# vi dcc_201909191514*
Check and confirm database components migration are successful and matching below DB components version :
Once report generated do revert back IS Logging > Security logger feature to disabled state,
Navigate to Settings > Logging > Click on Security Logger to disable the same.
Step Tasks
Step Tasks
Issue Description :
Remediation Steps :
Logon to your target IS server
Navigate to Security > Port > Click on HTTPS Port - 5503
Click on Edit HTTPS Port Configuration
When prompted Would you like to disable the port?
Click on OK > Click on Enable > Click on Save Changes
Navigate to Settings > Logging > Click on Security Logger if not enabled
Do make sure HTTPS port is in enabled state
Prior running the report do make sure to enable IS Logging > Security logger feature.
Issue Description :
After executing the sagcc command in Step 4 in the above table, Job appears to be struck at IS quiesce mode switching and nothing
executed beyond even after half an hour.
Observation : SPM State update jobs for other servers were long running and appears to be in hung state.
Remediation Steps :
Restarted CCE and SPM one after the other using the below commands from putty.
After successful restart of CCE and SPM , rerun the template execution command mentioned in Step 4 in the above table.
Issue Description :
Unable to establish connectivity to Gateway from Internal server. test it by invoking "
wMISRunning" from outside JNJ network in the server where Maintenance patch was completed.
expected logs in RI and Internal server below
Remediation Steps :
go to Security > Ports in Internal server Disable all the Registration port (http and https), click on the disabled port and click ‘Edit HTTP Port
Clear existing Administrator credentials in ‘Registration Credential’ and Save Changes. Once done update the credentials Again and Save
changes and Enable the registration port
Check again by invoking the service from outside JNJ and see if issue is resolved.
4 Issue Description :
Remediation Steps :
Login to the CCE , in Installations click of the server under maintenance and click instances, click on corresponding TC and start
5 Issue Description :
Remediation Steps :
in Gateway server go to Security>ports and click on Gateway external port for HTTPS protocol , and click on 'Edit Enterprise Gateway Server
Configuration' Enable and save the
changes and execute the Qualification report again.
Training Requirements
Employees and contractors who will have the role of Integration services T1 Team and Integration services T2 Team needs to be trained on this Work Instruction.
Trainees are required to verify that they read and understood this Work Instruction and will use this process when performing the work.
Document History
Superseded Document(s)
Revision History