Jenkins Running Notes

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Jenkins Workshop Agenda


What is Build & Deployment Process

Application Environments In Real-Time
Challenges in Manual Build & Deployments
What is CI CD & Why we need ?
Jenkins Introduction
Jenkins Setup
Jenkins Job Creation
Job Scheduling

Build & Deployment Process
Take latest source code from Git Hub
Compile project source code
Execute Unit Test cases
Perform Code Review using SonarQube
Package the application ( jar / war )
Upload Build Artifact in Nexus
Deploy the Application in Server

Application Environments:

Environment : A platform which is used to run our application

DEV env : Developers will use to perform code integration testing

QA env : Testers will use to perform functional testing

UAT env : User acceptance testing ( client side team will perform application
testing )

Pilot env : It is also called as Pre-Prod environment ( performance testing )

Prod env : Live environment. End users will access application running in PROD
environment. ----> Production env url of the project ---> Production env url of the project

Challenges in Manaul Build Process

Every day we need to deploy latest code

Deploy code in multiple environments
Takes lot of time
Repeated Work
Error Prone
Project Teams

Devlopment Team : Responsible for project development ( Coding )

Testing Team : Responsible for project functionality testing ( verification &

validation )

Operations Team : Responsible for Build & Deployment process

Dev + Ops ====> DevOps

Development + Operations =============> DevOps

DevOps is a process which is used to colloborate development team work & operations
team work

Using DevOps process we can simply application Build & Deployment process


-> Jenkins is a free software

-> Jenkins developed using java langauge

-> Jenkins is used to automate build & deployment process

-> We can implement CI CD using jenkins

What is CI CD ?

CI : Continuous Integration

CD : Continuous Delivery / Continuous Deployment

-> CI CD is one of the trending approach in software development life cycle

-> CI CD is used to simplify and automate project deployment & delivery process

Continous Integration : When code changes happend it should be ready to test

Continuous Delivery : Keep it ready in repository for release

Continuous Deployment : Release / deploy the project to Production

Note: For Production deployment we need to take Client Approval.

Part-1 : Summary

1) What is Build & Deployment Process

2) Application Environments

3) Why we need several environments for our application

4) Challenges in Manual Build & Deployment process

5) What is Jenkins

6) What is CI CD


Manual Deployment

Git Hub Repo URL :

1) Downloaded code from git hub

2) Executed Maven Goal ( clean package ) ==> war file created

3) Uploaded war file into tomcat server (deployment)

4) Access application from tomcat dashboard

Infrastructure Setup

-> Create Linux VM using EC2 in AWS cloud and install tomcat server

-> Create Linux VM using EC2 in AWS cloud and install Jenkins server

-> Clone Git Hub Repository

Build & Deployment Process

Download project from git hub

package the project using maven

Maven will create war file

Deploy war file into tomcat (post build action)

Note: Above build & deployment process can be automated using Jenkins

Access application using URL in browser

Jenkins Job Creation Process

1) Login into Jenkins

2) Configure Maven in Global Tool Configuration (Jenkins will download maven)

-> Manage Jenkins

-> Global tools Configurations
-> Add Maven

3) Install 'Deploy To Container' Plugin (To deploy war to tomcat server)

-> Manage Jenkins

-> Manage Plugins
-> Go to available tab
-> search for 'Deploy To Container' plugin
-> Click on install without re-start

Note: Git s/w will be available by default in Jenkins Gloabl Tools Configuration

4) Create Free Style Project

5) Enter Git Repo URL

6) Build Trigger (configure Maven which is added in Global Tools and Provide Maven
Goals as clean package)

7) Add Tomcat Server in Post Build Action For deployment

8) Save the Job configuration

9) Run the Job

10) See Tomcat Dashboard (Application should display) and access the application

Poll SCM

-> Click on Job name

-> Click On Configure

-> Configure Poll SCM with cron expression as ( * * * * *)

-> Every minute it will check for code changes, if code changes available then
jenkins job will run
How to deploy web application ?

-> To deploy a web application we need a server

-> We are using Apache Tomcat as webserver to run web applications

-> Web Application will be packaged as war file

-> WAR file we will keep in tomcat server webapps folder.

-> webapps folder is called as Deployment folder

How to deploy Spring Boot Application ?

-> Spring Boot application will execute from main ( ) method

-> Spring Boot Application can be deployed as jar file

-> We no need to configure external server to run / deploy spring boot application

-> Spring Boot having embedded server to run Spring Boot Application

Running Spring Boot Application In AWS Cloud

1) Create Linux Virtual Machine (Amazon Linux)

2) Connect Linux Virtual Machine using MobaXterm

3) Install Java software

$ sudo yum install java

4) Upload Spring Boot Jar file into Linux VM

5) Run Spring Boot Jar file using below command

$ java -jar <jar-file-name>

6) Enable 8080 port number in security group of our Linux Virtual Machine

7) Access our application in browser

URL : http://public-ip:8080/

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