Jenkins Running Notes
Jenkins Running Notes
Jenkins Running Notes
Build & Deployment Process
Take latest source code from Git Hub
Compile project source code
Execute Unit Test cases
Perform Code Review using SonarQube
Package the application ( jar / war )
Upload Build Artifact in Nexus
Deploy the Application in Server
Application Environments:
UAT env : User acceptance testing ( client side team will perform application
testing )
Prod env : Live environment. End users will access application running in PROD
Challenges in Manaul Build Process
DevOps is a process which is used to colloborate development team work & operations
team work
Using DevOps process we can simply application Build & Deployment process
What is CI CD ?
CI : Continuous Integration
-> CI CD is used to simplify and automate project deployment & delivery process
Part-1 : Summary
2) Application Environments
5) What is Jenkins
6) What is CI CD
Manual Deployment
Infrastructure Setup
-> Create Linux VM using EC2 in AWS cloud and install tomcat server
-> Create Linux VM using EC2 in AWS cloud and install Jenkins server
Build & Deployment Process
Note: Above build & deployment process can be automated using Jenkins
Jenkins Job Creation Process
Note: Git s/w will be available by default in Jenkins Gloabl Tools Configuration
6) Build Trigger (configure Maven which is added in Global Tools and Provide Maven
Goals as clean package)
10) See Tomcat Dashboard (Application should display) and access the application
Poll SCM
-> Every minute it will check for code changes, if code changes available then
jenkins job will run
How to deploy web application ?
How to deploy Spring Boot Application ?
-> We no need to configure external server to run / deploy spring boot application
-> Spring Boot having embedded server to run Spring Boot Application
Running Spring Boot Application In AWS Cloud
6) Enable 8080 port number in security group of our Linux Virtual Machine
URL : http://public-ip:8080/