Burnside High School Candidate Profiles 2023
Burnside High School Candidate Profiles 2023
Burnside High School Candidate Profiles 2023
Allan, Sam Let's make Burnside High a place that we all look forward to
attending‐ a place that inspires and helps us to achieve our dreams.
Kia Ora! My name is Sam Allan and I would love to be your student
representative on the Board of Trustees in 2023/2024. Thank you for considering me as your Student Representative.
If elected I am committing to holding regular meetings in the library Vote Ayshanie today!
to be able to listen to student’s views. Additionally I wish to hold an
update on what is happening on the board at least once per term in
every divisional assembly. Whilst I have a strong vision for how we Chen, William
can improve Burnside, I am committed to representing what you want
to see on the board. I am not representing myself, but the 2,392 Hi there! I'm William Chen, one of the young minds at Burnside this
people who are students at Burnside. Additionally I would start an year. This past year has included me joining the student council,
instagram page detailing the work of the board and any upcoming winning the Burnside Top Junior Sports Team of the Year award, and
events to make it easy to stay informed. You shouldn't have to find coming first place in the Epro8 grand finals. If I do get this position, I
me to talk about an issue; I should be coming to you. These actions hope to attain more funding for the technology and drama blocks
will make me, and thus the board, more accessible to students, such as X block and M block. This is because X block desperately
creating better student representation. needs more funds for more 3D printers, better computers and
soldering irons, and better chairs, while M block needs more space for
I’ll be going into year 12 at the time I would be on the board. This the drama students to use, as currently some students are forced out
means I know the needs of seniors, and how we can make it easier to into the hallways to work, which could distract or disturb the music
cope with exams.This is why, if elected, I will push to abolish the students in other M block classes. Overall, I want to focus on funding
requirement for students to have to wear uniforms to exams. In such the important and maybe neglected blocks, so that the students
a stressful time, students of all year levels should be able to feel taking those classes can enjoy them better.
comfortable whilst sitting their exams, and it is unnecessary to make
students wear uniforms whilst they are not going to classes.
Corridon, Keelin
Additionally I’m in leadership positions in several clubs (such as Show
Quest and Debating) so work closely with students in the junior year *No candidate statement provided. *
levels, so would be able to work on issues that affect them. Being a
younger member of such a big school can be a challenge, so it is Elmallah, Zeyad
crucial we give them the support they need.
Dear Burnside High School Community,
On the board, students want someone who can fight for them, and I
know I can be someone who pushes for a better school for the people My name is Zeyad Elmallah, and I am excited to announce my
that learn here. candidacy for the Student Representative Board. As a Year 11 student
at Burnside High School, I am passionate about contributing to our
Nga mihi e hoa, school's community and advocating for our students' best interests.
I come to you with a strong background in leadership and a genuine
desire to make a positive impact. Throughout my high school journey,
Ayingaran, Ayshanie I've consistently sought opportunities to grow as a student and as a
leader. I firmly believe that every year should be a year of growth and
Tēnā koutou katoa, development, which is why I have continuously taken on new
I am Ayshanie Ayingaran. I am running for Student Representative for
the Burnside High School Board because I want to make our high My track record includes involvement in various leadership roles, such
school experience a fun and memorable one, driven by our values of as serving as a member of the Student Council, part of the librarian
having manaakitanga, mana and rangatiratanga. team, Senior member of Tech crew, Semi-finalist in Debating in the
Christchurch Schools Competition, Representing New Zealand at the
As your Student Representative, I will advocate to heavily improve our 2023 Australian Cadet Fencing Championships. I've been actively
student facilities. This means that I will also explore ways to make our engaged in planning and executing school events and initiatives,
canteen serve affordable food so we may not go hungry at school. If learning the importance of effective communication and collaboration
elected, I will put every single bone I have to work to make sure we along the way.
will not have to be constantly begging our mates for money they
don’t or very rarely have for prices being constantly jacked up. I will In addition to my leadership experience, I am also committed to
ensure that every bathroom has soap; no more of that scody, icky fostering a more inclusive and supportive school environment. I
lukewarm feeling when attempting to wash hands. And I will advocate believe that by promoting diversity and understanding, we can create
for ways to make learning in the classroom more personalised, a school where every student feels valued and heard. Together, let's
because learning is NOT a one-size-fits-all type concept. I believe that work towards a brighter future for Burnside High School. If elected as
with the right tools, anyone can succeed. Though highly intelligent, a your Student Representative Board Member, I would also work
beaver wouldn’t use a drill to build a dam. towards making our uniform policies more flexible, with the aim of
having less strict rules, allowing students to express themselves while
At Burnside High, we have the power to transform our school into a maintaining a sense of unity. So if you would like to see this and more
vibrant and welcoming community where every student can thrive. happen then vote for Zeyad Elmallah.
Together, we can create a safe and inclusive environment that
encourages us to pursue our passions.
Gupta, Chaitanya
Sinha, Shimeka
Kia ora and good morning distinguished school board members,
educators, parents, and fellow students. Today, I address you not only “Before I met you, I don’t think I ever felt that my voice was being
as a student but also as a fervent advocate for the transformation of heard or that my opinion mattered.”
our educational system. Our school serves as the nurturing ground for
tomorrow's leaders, innovators, and change-makers, and it is our These were the words that my peers told me. Back then I hadn’t really
collective duty to ensure that they receive the highest quality thought about it, my opinions and voice, or how my environment at
education possible. As we gather here, let us remind ourselves of our school would shape my journey as a student. My name is Shimeka
immense power to shape the future. With vision, dedication, Sinha and I am a Year 9 student who is the best fit to be the next
collaboration, and adherence to our core values of respect Student Representative on the Board of Trustees for 2024.
(Manaakitanga), pride (Mana), and the pursuit of excellence
(Rangatiratanga), we have the ability to ignite a revolution in From an early age, I have always held leadership positions in many
education that not only imparts knowledge to our students, but also social and cultural activities, the most keen to do any speaking event
ignites their passion, creativity, and resilience. Together, let us or lead any group task. I enjoy speaking about things I am passionate
embark on a journey to build a brighter, more promising future for about. I am a leader that possesses both values and skills. The ability
every child in our district. Let this meeting serve as a testament to our to lead and the ability to listen. I am a very caring, kind and
commitment to excellence, equity, and the relentless pursuit of a compassionate person. Always ready to listen and have a lot of
better education for all. Thank you for the opportunity to share my sympathy for others. Any problem comes up, I will work on a course
vision, and I hope to inspire you all to join me in this noble cause. of action to find a solution.