Epistle of Barnabas Trans. Bart Ehrman

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Greetings, sons and daughters, in the name of the Lord

who loved us, in peace. 2. So great and abundant are the
righteous acts of God toward you that I am exceedingly
overjoyed, beyond measure, by your blessed and glorious
spirits. For you have received such a measure of his grace
planted within you, the spiritual gift! 3. And so I share your
joy all the more within myself [Or: I congratulate myself all
the more], hoping to be saved; for truly I see that, in your
midst, the Spirit has been poured out upon you from the
abundance of the Lord's fountain—so amazed have I been
by the sight of your face, which I have so desired. 4. And so,
since I have been persuaded about this and realize that I
who have spoken to you know many things (since the Lord
has traveled along with me in the path of righteousness), I
have also felt fully compelled to love you more than my
own soul. For a great faith and love dwell within you in the
hope of his life. 5.1 have thus come to realize that I will be
rewarded for serving spirits like yours, if I care for you
enough to hand over a portion of what I have received.
I have hastened, then, to send you a brief letter, that you

όντω L: οντο S: ού τό Η 2
πηγή Η L: αγάπη S


may have perfect knowledge to accompany your faith.

6. There are three firm teachings of the Lord of life: hope,
which is the beginning and end of our faith; righteousness,
which is the beginning and end of judgment; and love,
which is a testament to our joy and gladness in upright
deeds. 7. For through the prophets the Master has made
known to us what has happened and what now is; and he
has given us the first fruits of the taste of what is yet to be.
And as we see that each and every thing has happened just
as he indicated, we should make a more abundant and
exalted offering in awe of him. 8. But I will show a few mat-
ters to you, not as a teacher but as one of your own; these
will gladden your hearts in the present circumstances.

Since, then, the days are evil and the one who is at work
holds sway, we should commit ourselves to seeking out

the righteous acts of the Lord. 2. Reverential awe and en-

durance assist our faith, and patience and self-restraint do
battle on our side. 3. And so while these things remain in a
holy state before the Lord, wisdom, understanding, per-
ception, and knowledge rejoice together with them. 4. For
through all the prophets he has shown us that he has no
need of sacrifices, whole burnt offerings, or regular offer-

i I.e., the Devil.

ευφροσύνη S
δικαιοσύνη cj. Bryennios: δικαιοσύνη Η: iv δικαιο-
σύναι S
όλοκαντωμάτων S: add κριών Η L


ings. For he says in one place, 5. "What is the multitude of

your sacrifices to me? says the Lord. I am sated with whole
burnt offerings, and have no desire for the fat of lambs, the
blood of bulls and goats—not even if you should come to
appear before me. For who sought these things from your
hands? Trample my court no longer. If you bring fine flour,
it is futile; incense is loathsome to me. I cannot stand your
new moons and sabbaths." 6. And so he nullified these

things that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is
without the yoke of compulsion, should provide an offer-
ing not made by humans. 7. And again he says to them,
"Did I command your fathers who came out from the land
of Egypt to offer whole burnt offerings and sacrifices to
me?" 8. "No, this is what I commanded them: Let none of

you bear a grudge against your neighbor in your heart, and

do not love a false oath." 9. And so, since we are not igno-

rant, we should perceive the good intention of our Father.

For he is speaking to us, wanting us to seek how to make an
offering to him without being deceived like them. 10. And
so he says to us: "A sacrifice to the Lord is a crushed heart;
a sweet fragrance to the Lord is a heart that glorifies the
one who made it." And so, brothers, we ought to learn

clearly about our salvation, to keep the Evil One from hurl-
ing us away from our life after bringing error in through
the backdoor.

2Isa 1:11-13.
3 Jer 7:22.
4Zech 8:17.
5 Ps 51:17.

eav Η L: ovoe eav S


And so he speaks to them again concerning these things,

"Why do you fast for me, says the Lord, so that your voice is
heard crying out today? This is not the fast I have chosen,
says the Lord—not a person humbling his soul. 2. Not even
if you bend your neck into a circle and put on sackcloth and
make for yourself a bed of ashes—not even so should you
call this a proper fast." 3. But he says to us, "See, this is the

fast I have chosen, says the Lord. Loosen every bond of in-
justice; unravel the strangle hold of coercive agreements;
send forth in forgiveness those who are downtrodden; tear
up every unfair contract. Break your bread for the hungry,
and provide clothing for anyone you see naked. Bring the
homeless under your roof. And if you see anyone who has
been humbled, do not despise him—neither you nor any-
one from your children's household. 4. Then your light will
burst forth at dawn, your garments will quickly rise up,
your righteousness will go forth before you, and the glory
of God will clothe you. 5. Then you will cry out and God
will hear you. While you are still speaking he will say, 'See!
Here I am!'—if, that is, you remove from yourself bond-
age, the threatening gesture, and the word of complaint,
and from your heart you give your bread to the poor and
show mercy to the person who has been humbled." 6. The 7

one who is patient anticipated, brothers, that the people he

6 Isa 58:3-5. 7 Isa 58:6-10.

και (τποΒον νποστρ.: om. Η
Ιμάτια S Η L: ιάματα S**
έλβήση (S) L: έμπλήση Η


prepared in his beloved would believe, in a state of inno-

cence. And so he revealed all things to us in advance, that
we not be dashed against their law as newcomers [Or:

And so by carefully investigating what is here and now, we

must seek for the things that can save us. We should flee,
entirely, all the works of lawlessness; otherwise, they may
overwhelm us. And we should hate the error of the present
age, that we may be loved in the age to come. 2. We should
not allow our souls to relax, thinking they can consort with
sinners and the wicked; otherwise we may become like
them. 3. The final stumbling block is at hand, about which
it has been written, just as Enoch says. For this reason the
Master shortened the seasons and the days, that his be-
loved may hurry and arrive at his inheritance. 4. For also
the prophet says, "Ten kingdoms will rule the earth and a
small king will rise up afterwards; he will humble three of
the kings at one time." 5. So too Daniel speaks about the

same thing: "I saw the fourth beast, wicked and strong, and
worse than all the beasts of the sea, and I saw how ten
horns rose up from him, and from them a small horn as an
offshoot; and I saw how he humbled three of the great
horns at one time." 6. And so you should understand. And

8 Dan 7:24. 9 Dan 7:7-8.

έπήλντοί (S): προσήλντου Η L
νωχ S Η: Daniel L Μασιλβΐαι S L: βασιλεί
1 6
θαλάσση Η L: γη S


yet again, I am asking you this as one who is from among

you and who loves each and every one of you more than my
own soul: watch yourselves now and do not become like
some people by piling up your sins, saying that the cove-
nant is both theirs and ours. 7. For it is ours. But they per-
manently lost it, in this way, when Moses had just received
it. For the Scripture says, "Moses was on the mountain
fasting for forty days and forty nights, and he received the
covenant from the Lord, stone tablets written with the
finger of the Lords own hand." 8. But when they turned

back to idols they lost it. For the Lord says this: "Moses,
Moses, go down quickly, because your people, whom you
led from the land of Egypt, has broken the law." Moses11

understood and cast the two tablets from his hands. And
their covenant was smashed—that the covenant of his be-
loved, Jesus, might be sealed in our hearts, in the hope
brought by faith in him. 9. Since I want to write many
things, not as a teacher, but as is fitting for one who is eager
to abandon none of the things we have, I hasten to write, as
your lowly scapegoat. Therefore, we should pay close at-
tention here in the final days. For the entire time of our
faith will be of no use to us if we do not stand in resistance,
as is fitting for the children of God, both against this pres-
ent lawless age and against the stumbling blocks that are
yet to come, 10. that the Black One not sneak in among us.

10 Exod 31:18; 34:28.

11 Exod 32:7.

19 η πίστεω ημών (S): τή ζωή ημών Η: τή ζωή καί


τη πίστεω ημών L


We should flee from all that is futile and completely hate

the works of the evil path. Do not sink into yourselves and
live alone, as if you were already made upright; instead,
gathering together for the same purpose, seek out what is
profitable for the common good. 11. For the Scripture
says, "Woe to those who have understanding in themselves
and are knowledgeable before their own eyes." We 12

should be spiritual; we should be a perfect temple to God.

As much as we can, we should concern ourselves with the
reverential awe of God and struggle to guard his com-
mandments, that we may be glad in his righteous acts. 12.
The Lord will judge the world, playing no favorites. Each
will receive according to what he has done. I f he is good,
his righteousness will precede him; if evil, the reward for
his wickedness will be before him. 13. As those who are
called we must never lie down and lose consciousness of
our sins, allowing the evil ruler to receive the authority
against us and force us out of the Lords kingdom. 14. And
still, my brothers, consider: when you observe that Israel
was abandoned even after such signs and wonders had oc-
curred in it, we too should pay close attention, lest, as it is
written, "many of us were found called, but few chosen." 13

This is why the Lord allowed his flesh to be given over to

corruption, that we might be made holy through the for-
giveness of sins, which comes in the sprinkling of his blood.

12 Isa 5:21.
13 Matt 22:14.


2. For some of the things written about him concern Israel;

others concern us. And so it says: "He was wounded be-
cause of our lawless acts and weakened because of our sins.
By his bruising we were healed. He was led like a sheep go-
ing to slaughter; and like a lamb, silent before the one who
shears it." 3. Therefore we ought to give thanks to the

Lord even more abundantly, because he revealed to us the

things that have taken place and made us wise in the things
that are now; and we are not ignorant of the things that are
yet to happen. 4. And the Scripture says, "Not unjustly are
the nets spread out for the birds." It says this because the

person who knows the path of righteousness but keeps

himself in the path of darkness deserves to perish. 5. Con-
sider this, my brothers: if the Lord allowed himself to suf-
fer for our sake, even though he was the Lord of the entire
world, the one to whom God said at the foundation of the
world, "Let us make a human according to our image and
likeness," how then did he allow himself to suffer by the

hand of humans? Learn this! 6. Because the prophets re-

ceived his gracious gift, they prophesied looking ahead to
him. He allowed himself to suffer in order to destroy death
and to show that there is a resurrection of the dead. For he
had to be manifest in the flesh. 7. And he allowed himself
to suffer in order to redeem the promise given to the
fathers and to show, while he was on earth preparing a new
people for himself, that he is to execute judgment after
raising the dead. 8. Moreover, while teaching Israel and

14 Isa 53:5, 7. 15 Prov 1:17. 16 Gen 1:26.

2 2
G begins here


doing such wonders and signs, he preached to them and

loved them deeply. 9. And when he selected his own apos-
tles who were about to preach his gospel, they were alto-
gether lawless beyond all sin. This was to show that he did
not come to call the upright but sinners. Then he revealed
that he was the Son of God. 10. For if he had not come in
the flesh, how would people have been able to look upon
him and survive? For they cannot even look intently at the
sun, gazing directly into its rays, even though it is the work
of his hands and will eventually cease to exist. 11. There-
fore, the Son of God came in the flesh for this reason, that
he might total up all the sins of those who persecuted his
prophets to death. 12. And so this is why he allowed him-
self to suffer. For God speaks of the blow they delivered
against his flesh: "When they smite their own shepherd,
then the sheep of the flock will perish." 13. But he wished

to suffer in this way, for he had to suffer on a tree. For

the one who prophesied about him said, "Spare my life
from the sword," and "Nail my flesh, because an assembly
[Or: synagogue] of evildoers has risen up against me." 18

14. Again he says, "See! I have set my back to whips and my

cheeks to blows; and I have set my face as a hard rock." 19

1 Cf. Zech 13:7; Matt 26:31.


18 Ps 22:20, 16.
19 Isa 50:6-7.

2 5
και: nec L
2 6
πώ άν G L: ούδ' άν πώ S: ούκ άν Η
πατάζωο~ιν S Η: πατάξω G L
2 8
άπολβΐταί Η: άπολίπβταί S: σκορπισθ-ησβται GL


And so, when he issued the commandment, what did he

say? "Who is the one who takes me to court? Let him
oppose me! Or who acquits himself before me? Let him
approach the servant of the Lord! 2. Woe to you, for you
will all grow old like a garment and a moth will devour
you." And again, since he was set in place as a strong

stone used for crushing, the prophet says, "See, I will cast
into Zion s foundation a precious stone that is chosen, a
cornerstone, one to be valued." 3. Then what does he say?
"The one who believes in him will live forever." Is our 21

hope then built on a stone? May it never be! But he says

this because the Lord has set his flesh up in strength. For
he says, "He set me up as a hard rock." 4. And again the

prophet says, "A stone that the builders rejected has be-
come the very cornerstone." And again he says, "This is the
great and marvelous day the Lord has made." 5. I am 23

writing to you in very simple terms, that you may under-

stand. I am a lowly scapegoat for your love. 6. And so what
again does the prophet say? "An assembly [Or: synagogue]
of evildoers surrounded me, they swarmed about me like
bees around a honeycomb," and, "They cast lots for my

clothing." 7. And so, because he was about to be revealed


and suffer in the flesh, his suffering was revealed in ad-

vance. For the prophet says about Israel, "Woe to their
souls, because they hatched an evil plot against them-
selves, saying, 'Let us bind the upright one, because he is

20 Isa 50:8-9. 2 1
Isa 28:16. 22 i s a 50:7.
23 p 118:22, 24; cf. 1 Pet 2:7.

24 Ps 22:16; 118:12. 25 p 22:18.



trouble for us.'" 8. What does the other prophet, Moses,


say to them? "See, this is what the Lord God says, 'Enter
into the good land, which the Lord swore to give to Abra-
ham, Isaac, and Jacob; and receive it as an inheritance, a
land flowing with milk and honey.'" 9. Learn what knowl-

edge says. "Hope," it says, "in Jesus, who is about to be

revealed to you in the flesh." For a human is earth that
suffers. For Adam was formed out of the face of the earth.
10. Why then does he say, "Into the good land, a land flow-
ing with milk and honey"? Blessed is our Eord, brothers,
who placed the wisdom and knowledge of his secrets
within us. For the prophet is speaking a parable of the
Lord. Who will understand it, except one who is wise and
learned, who loves his Lord? 11. Since, then, he renewed
us through the forgiveness of our sins, he made us into a
different type of person, that we might have the soul of
children, as if he were indeed forming us all over again. 12.
For the Scripture speaks about us when he says to his Son,
"Let us make humans according to our image and likeness,
and let them rule over the wild beasts of the land and the
birds of the sky and the fish of the sea." Once the Lord

saw our beautiful form, he said "Increase and multiply and

fill the earth." He said these things to the Son. 13. Again I

will show you how he speaks to us. He made yet a second

26 Isa 3:9-10.
27 Exod 33:1,3.
28 Gen 1:26.
29 Gen 1:28.

3 2
ταντα . . . viov S G: om. Η L


human form in the final days. And the Lord says, "See! I
am making the final things like the first." This is why the

prophet proclaimed, "Enter into a land flowing with milk

and honey, and rule over it." 14. See, then, that we have

been formed anew, just as he again says in another

prophet, "See, says the Lord, I will remove from these peo-
ple their hearts of stone" (that is to say, from those whom
the Spirit of the Lord foresaw) "and cast into them hearts
of flesh." For he was about to be revealed in the flesh and

to dwell among us. 15. For the dwelling place of our heart,
my brothers, is a temple holy to the Lord. 16. For again the
Lord says, "And how will I appear before the Lord my God
and be glorified?" He answers: "I will praise you in the as-

sembly [Or: church] of my brothers, and sing your praise

in the midst of the assembly [Or: church] of saints." And 34

so we are the ones he has brought into the good land.

17. Why then does he speak of milk and honey? Because
the child is first nourished by honey and then milk. So also,
when we are nourished by faith in the promise and then by
the word, we will live as masters over the earth. 18. For he
already said above, "Let them increase and multiply and
rule over the fish." Who can now rule over wild beasts

and fish and birds of the sky? For we ought to realize that
ruling is a matter of authority, so that the one who issues
commands is the master. 19. Since this is not happening
now, he has told us when it will happen—when we have
ourselves been perfected so as to become heirs of the
Lords covenant.

3 0
Source unknown. 3 1
Exod 33:3.
52 Ezek 11:19. 3 3
Ps 42:4.
3 4
Ps 22:22, 25. 3
5 Gen 1:28.


And so you should understand, children of gladness, that

the good Lord has revealed everything to us in advance,
that we may know whom to praise when we give thanks for
everything. 2. And so, if the Son of God suffered, that by
being beaten he might give us life (even though he is the
Lord and is about to judge the living and the dead), we
should believe that the Son of God could not suffer unless
it was for our sakes. 3. But also when he was crucified he
was given vinegar and gall to drink. Listen how the priests
in the Temple made a revelation about this. For the Lord
gave the written commandment that "Whoever does not
keep the fast must surely die," because he himself was

about to offer the vessel of the Spirit as a sacrifice for our

own sins, that the type might also be fulfilled that was set
forth in Isaac, when he was offered on the altar. 4. What
then does he say in the prophet? "Let them eat some of the
goat offered for all sins on the day of fasting." Now pay
careful attention: "And let all the priests alone eat the in-
testines, unwashed, with vinegar." 5. Why is this? Since

you are about to give me gall mixed with vinegar to drink—

when I am about to offer my flesh on behalf of the sins of
my new people—you alone are to eat, while the people fast
and mourn in sackcloth and ashes. He says this to show that
he had to suffer at their hands. 6. Pay attention to what he
commands: "Take two fine goats who are alike and offer

36 Lev 23:29. 37 Source unknown. Cf. Lev 16.

35 κύριο Η G L: add προβφανβρωσβν ΐνα γνώμβν ώ κατά

πάντα βνχαριο-τονντβ S


them as a sacrifice; and let the priest take one of them as a

whole burnt offering for sins." 7. But what will they do

with the other? "The other," he says, "is cursed." Pay at-

tention to how the type of Jesus is revealed. 8. "And all of

you shall spit on it and pierce it and wrap a piece of scarlet
wool around its head, and so let it be cast into the wilder-
ness." When this happens, the one who takes the goat

leads it into the wilderness and removes the wool, and

places it on a blackberry bush, whose buds we are accus-
tomed to eat when we find it in the countryside. (Thus the
fruit of the blackberry bush alone is sweet.) 9. And so, what
does this mean? Pay attention: "The one they take to the
altar, but the other is cursed," and the one that is cursed is
crowned. For then they will see him in that day wearing a
long scarlet robe around his flesh, and they will say, "Is this
not the one we once crucified, despising, piercing, and
spitting on him? Truly this is the one who was saying at the
time that he was himself the Son of God." 10. For how is he
like that one? This is why "the goats are alike, fine, and
equal," that when they see him coming at that time, they
may be amazed at how much he is like the goat. See then
the type of Jesus who was about to suffer. 11. But why do
they place the wool in the midst of the thorns? This is a
type of Jesus established for the church, because whoever

38 Lev 16:7, 9. 39 c f . Lev 16:8.

40 Cf. Lev 16:10, 20-22.

38 ραχή Η: ράχον S G
39 και οτι τον έπικατάρατον om. Η
40 βρπτνσαντβ S Η L: βμπα'ιξαντβ G
41 τον τράγον: αντον Η


wishes to remove the scarlet wool must suffer greatly, since

the thorn is a fearful thing, and a person can retrieve the
wool only by experiencing pain. And so he says: those who
wish to see me and touch my kingdom must take hold of
me through pain and suffering.

And what do you suppose is the type found in his command

to Israel, that men who are full of sin should offer up a
heifer, and after slaughtering it burn it, and that children
should then take the ashes and cast them into vessels, and
then tie scarlet wool around a piece of wood (see again the
type of the cross and the scarlet wool!), along with the hys-
sop, and that the children should thus sprinkle the people
one by one, that they might be purified from their sins?
2. Understand how he speaks to you simply. The calf is Je-
sus; the sinful men who make the offering are those who
offered him up for slaughter. Then they are no longer men
and the glory of sinners is no more. 3. The children who
sprinkle are those who proclaimed to us the forgiveness of
sins and the purification of our hearts. To them he has
given the authority to preach the gospel. There are twelve
of them as a witness to the tribes, for there were twelve
tribes in Israel. 4. But why are there three children who
sprinkle? As a witness to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, be-
cause these were great before God. 5. And why is the wool
placed on a piece of wood? Because the kingdom of Jesus


is on the tree, and because those who hope in him will live
forever. 6. But why are the wool and hyssop together? Be-
cause in his kingdom there will be evil and foul days, in
which we will be saved. And because the one who is sick in
the flesh is healed by the foul juice of the hyssop. 7. And
thus the things that have happened in this way are clear to
us, but they are obscure to them, because they have not
heard the voice of the Lord.

For he speaks again about the ears, indicating how he has

circumcised our hearts. The Lord says in the prophet,
"They obeyed me because of what they heard with their
ears." Again he says, "Those who are far off will clearly

hear; they will know what I have done." And, "Circum-


cise your hearts," says the Lord. 2. Again he says, "Hear


Ο Israel, for thus says the Lord your God." And again the

Spirit of the Lord prophesies, "Who is the one who wants

to live forever? Let him clearly hear the voice of my ser-
vant." 3. Again he says, "Hear, Ο heaven, and give ear, Ο

earth, for the Lord has said these things as a witness." 46

And again he says, "Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers
of this people." And again he says, "Hear, Ο children, the

voice of one crying in the wilderness." Thus he circum-


cised our hearing, that once we heard the word we might

41 Ps 18:44. 42 cf. Isa 33:13.

43 Isa 33:13; Jer 4:4. 44 cf. Jer 7:2-3; Ps 34:12-13.
45 Cf. Ps 34:12-13; Isa 50:10; Exod 15:26.
46 Cf. Isa 1:2. 47 cf. Isa 1:10; 28:14.
48 Cf. Isa 40:3.


believe. 4. But even the circumcision in which they trusted

has been nullified. For he has said that circumcision is not
a matter of the flesh. But they violated his law, because an
evil angel instructed them. 5. He says to them, "Thus says
the Lord your God" (here is where I find a command-
ment) "Do not sow among the thorns; be circumcised to
your Lord." And what does he say? "Circumcise your

hardened hearts and do not harden your necks." Or 50

consider again, "See, says the Lord, all the nations are
uncircumcised in their foreskins, but this people is
uncircumcised in their hearts." 6. But you will say, "Yet

surely the people have been circumcised as a seal [of the

covenant]." But every Syrian and Arab and all the priests
of the idols are circumcised as well. So then, do those
belong to their covenant? Even the people of Egypt are
circumcised! 7. Thus learn about the whole matter fully,
children of love. For Abraham, the first to perform circum-
cision, was looking ahead in the Spirit to Jesus when he
circumcised. For he received the firm teachings of
the three letters. 8. For it says, "Abraham circumcised
eighteen and three hundred men from his household." 52

What knowledge, then, was given to him? Notice that first

he mentions the eighteen and then, after a pause, the three
hundred. The number eighteen [in Greek] consists of an
Iota [J], 10, and an Eta [E], 8. There you have Jesus. And 53

because the cross was about to have grace in the letter Tau
[T], he next gives the three hundred, Tau. And so he shows
the name Jesus by the first two letters, and the cross by the
other. 9. For the one who has placed the implanted gift of

49 Jer 4:3-4. 50 cf. Deut 10:16. 51 j 9:26.

e r

52 Cf. Gen 14:14; 17:23. 53 I.e., the number eighteen in

Greek is J E , taken here as an abbreviation for the name " J -"
e s u s


his covenant in us knew these things. No one has learned a

more reliable lesson from me. But I know that you are


And when Moses said, "Do not eat the pig, or the eagle, or
the hawk, or the crow, or any fish without scales," he re-

ceived three firm teachings in his understanding. 2. More-

over, he said to them in the book of Deuteronomy, "I will
establish a covenant with this people in my righteous de-
mands." So, then, the commandment of God is not a mat-

ter of avoiding food; but Moses spoke in the Spirit. 3. This

is why he spoke about the pig: "Do not cling," he says, "to
such people, who are like pigs." That is to say, when they
live in luxury, they forget the Lord, but when they are in
need, they remember the Lord. This is just like the pig:
when it is eating, it does not know its master, but when
hungry, it cries out—until it gets its food, and then is silent
again. 4. "And do not eat the eagle, the hawk, the kite, or
the crow." "You must not," he says, "cling to such people

or be like them, people who do not know how to procure

food for themselves through toil and sweat, but by their
lawless behavior seize food that belongs to others. And
they are always on the watch, strolling about with ostensi-

54 Cf. Lev 11:7-15; Deut 14:8-14.

55 Cf. Deut 4:10, 13.
56 Cf. Lev 11:13-16.


ble innocence, but looking to see what they can plunder

because of their greed." For these are the only birds that
do not procure their own food, but sit by idly, waiting to see
how they might devour the flesh procured by others, being
pestilent in their evil. 5. "And do not," he says, "eat the
lamprey-eel, the octopus, or the cuttlefish." "You must 57

not," he says, "be like such people, who are completely im-
pious and condemned already to death." For these fish
alone are cursed and hover in the depths, not swimming
like the others but dwelling in the mud beneath the
depths. 6. But also "do not eat the hare." For what rea-

son? "You must not," he says, "be one who corrupts chil-
dren or be like such people." For the rabbit adds an orifice
every year; it has as many holes as years it has lived. 7. "Nor
shall you eat the hyena." "You must not," he says, "be an

adulterer or a pervert nor be like such people." For what

reason? Because this animal changes its nature every year,
at one time it is male, the next time female. 8. And he has
fully hated the weasel. "You must not," he says, "be like
those who are reputed to perform a lawless deed in their
mouth because of their uncleanness, nor cling to unclean
women who perform the lawless deed in their mouth." For
this animal conceives with its mouth. 9. And so, Moses re-
ceived the three firm teachings about food and spoke in
the Spirit. But they received his words according to the de-
sires of their own flesh, as if he were actually speaking

5 7
Source unknown.
5 8
Cf. Lev 11:6. 5 9
Source unknown.

4 8
περιβλεπονται . . . εκζητεΐ S (Η): καθήμενα αργά ταντα
εκζητεΐ G όμοιωθήση S Η: add κολλώμενο G L
4 9


about food. 10. And David received the knowledge of the

same three firm teachings and spoke in a similar way:
"How fortunate is the man who does not proceed in the
counsel of the impious" (like the fish who proceed in dark-
ness in the depths) "and does not stand in the path of sin-
ners" (like those who appear to fear God but sin like the
pig) "and does not sit in the seat of the pestilent" (like the

birds who sit waiting for something to seize). Here you

have a perfect lesson about food. 11. Again Moses said,
"Eat every animal with a split hoof and that chews the
cud." What does he mean? He means that the one who

receives food knows who has provided it and appears to be

glad, having relied on him. He spoke well, looking to the
commandment. What does he mean then? Cling to those
who fear the Lord, to those who meditate on the special
meaning of the teaching they have received in their heart,
to those who discuss and keep the upright demands of the
Lord, to those who know that meditation is a work that
produces gladness, and to those who carefully chew over
the word of the Lord. But why does he mention the split
hoof? Because the one who is upright both walks in this
world and waits for the holy age. Do you see how well
Moses has given the Law? 12. But how could they know or
understand these things? We, however, speak as those who
know the commandments in an upright way, as the Lord
wished. For this reason he circumcised our hearing and
our hearts, that we may understand these things.

60 p s 1:1.
6 1
Cf. Lev 11:3; Deut 14:6.



But we should look closely to see if the Lord was con-

cerned to reveal anything in advance about the water and
the cross. On the one hand, it is written about the water
that Israel will not at all accept the baptism that brings for-
giveness of sins, but will create something in its place for
themselves. 2. For the prophet says, "Be astounded, Ο
heaven, and shudder even more at this, Ο earth. For this
people has done two wicked things: they have deserted
me, the fountain of life, and dug for themselves a pit of
death. 3. Is my holy mountain, Sinai, a rock that has been
abandoned? For you will be like young birds who flutter
about after being taken from their nest." 4. Again the

prophet says, "I will go before you to flatten mountains,

crush gates of bronze, and smash bars of iron, and I will
give you treasures that are dark, hidden, and unseen, that
they may know that I am the Lord God." 5. And, "You will

dwell in a high cave, built of solid rock, and its water

will not fail. You will see a king with glory, and your soul
will meditate on the reverential fear of the Lord." 6. 64

Again in another prophet he says, "The one who does these

things will be like a tree planted beside springs of water; it
will produce its fruit in its season, and its leaf will not fall,

62 Jer 2:12-13; cf. Isa 16:1-2.

63 Cf. Isa 45:2-3.
64 Cf. Isa 33:16-18.

5 4
αφηρημένοι S Η: -μένη G L
5 5
πνλα S Η: θύρα G L
5 6
καί S Η L: είτα τί λέγει εν τω νίω G


and everything it does will prosper. 7. Not so with the impi-

ous, not so; but they will be like chaff driven by the wind
from the face of the earth. For this reason the impious will
not rise up in judgment nor sinners in the counsel of the
upright; for the Lord knows the path of the upright, but
the path of the impious will perish." 8. Notice how he

describes the water and the cross in the same place. He

means this: how fortunate are those who went down into
the water hoping in the cross, for he indicates the re-
ward will come "in its season." "At that time," he says, "I
will pay it." Now when he says, "the leaves will not fall," he
means that every word your mouth utters in faith and love
will lead many to convert and hope. 9. And again another
prophet says, "The land of Jacob was praised more than
every other land." This means that he glorifies the vessel
of his Spirit. 10. What does he say then? "And a river
was flowing from the right side, and beautiful trees were
rising up from it. Whoever eats from them will live for-
ever." 11. This means that we descend into the water full

of sins and filth, but come up out of it bearing the fruit of

reverential fear in our heart and having the hope in Jesus in
our spirits [Or: in the Spirit]. And "whoever eats from
these will live forever" means this: whoever, he says, hears
and believes what has been said will live forever.

es Ps 1:3-6.
66 Cf. Ezek 47:1-12.



In a similar way he makes another declaration about the

cross in another prophet, who says, "'When will these
things be fulfilled?' says the Lord. 'When a tree falls and
rises up, and when blood flows from a t r e e / " Again you

have a message about the cross and the one who was about
to be crucified. 2. And he again tells Moses, when Israel
was attacked by a foreign people, to remind those under
assault that they were being handed over to death because
of their sins. The Spirit speaks to the heart of Moses that he
should make a type of the cross and of the one who was
about to suffer, that they might realize, he says, that if they
refused to hope in him, they would be attacked forever.
And so Moses stacked weapons one on the other in the
midst of the battle, and standing high above all the people
he began stretching out his hands; and so Israel again
gained the victory. But then, when he lowered his hands,
they began to be killed. 3. Why was that? So that they

may know that they cannot be saved unless they hope in

him. 4. And again in another prophet he says, "All day long
I have stretched out my hands to a disobedient people that
opposes my upright path." 5. Again Moses makes a type

of Jesus, showing that he had to suffer and that he will

again give life—this one whom they will think they have
destroyed. This type came in a sign given when Israel was
falling. For the Lord made every serpent bite them and

6 7
4 Ezra 4:33; 5:5.
6 8
Cf. Exod 17:8-13.
6 9
Cf. Isa 65:2.


they were dying (since the act of transgression came by

Eve through the serpent). This was to convince them that
they will be handed over to the affliction of death because
of their transgression. 6. Moreover, even though Moses
himself issued this command—"You will have no molten or
carved image as your god" —he himself made one, that

he might show forth a type of Jesus. And so Moses made a

bronze serpent and displayed it prominently, and he called
the people through a proclamation. 7. And when they
came together they begged Moses to offer up a prayer on
their behalf, that they might be healed. But Moses said to
them, "When any of you is bitten, come to the serpent that
is displayed on the tree and hope, in faith, that even though
dead, it can restore a person to life; and you will then im-
mediately be saved [or healed]Γ And they did this. Again

you have the glory of Jesus in these things, for everything is

in him and for him. 8. Again, why does Moses say to Jesus
the son of Naue [Or: Joshua the son of Nun; Jesus is the
Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name Joshua], when he
gave this name to him who was a prophet, that all the
people should listen to him alone? Because the Father
reveals everything about his Son Jesus. 9. And so, after
Moses gave Jesus the son of Naue this name, he sent him as
a reconnaissance scout over the land and said, "Take a
small book in your hands and record what the Lord says,
that in the last days the Son of God will chop down the en-
tire house of Amalek at its roots." 10. Again you see Jesus,

70 Cf. Lev 26:1; Deut 27:15.

71 Cf. Num 21:4-8.
72 Cf. Exod 17:14.


not as son of man but as Son of God, manifest here in the

flesh as a type. And so, since they are about to say that the
Christ is the son of David, David himself speaks a proph-
ecy in reverential awe, understanding the error of the sin-
ners, "The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right side until I
make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'" 11. And

again Isaiah says the following: "The Lord said to Christ

my Lord, have grasped his right hand that the nations
will obey him, and I will shatter the power of kings.'" See

how David calls him Lord; he does not call him son.


Now let us see whether it is this people or the first one that
receives the inheritance, and whether the covenant is for
us or them. 2. Hear what the Scripture says concerning the
people, "Isaac prayed for Rebecca his wife, because she
was infertile. And then she conceived." Then, "Rebecca
went to inquire of the Lord, and the Lord said to her,
'There are two nations in your womb and two peoples in
your belly, and one people will dominate the other and the
greater will serve the lesser.'" 3. You ought to perceive

who Isaac represents and who Rebecca, and whom he

means when he shows that this people is greater than that
one. 4. In another prophecy Jacob speaks more plainly to

73 Ps 110:1.
74 Cf. Isa 45:1.
75 Cf. Gen 25:21-23.


Joseph his son, when he says, "See, the Lord has not kept
me from your presence. Bring your sons to me that I may
bless them." 5. He brought Ephraim and Manasseh,

wanting him to bless Manasseh since he was the elder. So

Joseph brought him to the right hand of his father Jacob.
But Jacob saw in the Spirit a type of the people who was to
come later. And what does it say? "Jacob crossed his hands
and placed his right hand on the head of Ephraim, the
second and younger, and blessed him. And Joseph said to
Jacob, 'Switch your right hand onto Manasseh s head, be-
cause he is my firstborn son.' Jacob said to Joseph, know,
my child, I know. But the greater will serve the lesser, and
it is this one who will be blessed.'" 6. You see about whom

he has decreed, that this people will be first, and the heir of
the covenant. 7. And if this is also brought to mind through
Abraham, we maintain that our knowledge is now perfect.
What then does he say to Abraham, when he alone be-
lieved and was appointed for righteousness? "See, Abra-
ham, I have made you a father of the nations who believe in
God while uncircumcised." 78


Yes indeed. But we should see if he has given the covenant

that he swore to the fathers he would give the people. Let

76 Gen 48:11,9.
77 Cf. Gen 48:14, 19. 78 cf. Gen 15:6; 17:4.

67 τον Mavacrarj θέλων Η G: θέλων τον ' ιφραίμ S

68 βνλογήο-Ύ} S 69 Μανασο-ή: φραίμ S
70 'ίδωμβν βί ή διαθήκη S Η: τήν διαθήκην G L


us pursue the question. He has given it, but they were

not worthy to receive it because of their sins. 2. For the
prophet says, "Moses was fasting on Mount Sinai for forty
days and forty nights, that he might receive the covenant of
the Lord for the people. And Moses received from the
Lord the two tablets written with the finger of the Lord s
hand in the Spirit." When Moses received them he

brought them down to give to the people. 3. And the Lord

said to Moses, "Moses, Moses, go down at once, because
your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt,
has broken the Law." Moses understood that they had
again made molten images for themselves, and he hurled
the tablets from his hands. And the tablets of the Lords
covenant were smashed. 4. So Moses received the cove-

nant, but they were not worthy. Now learn how we have
received it. Moses received it as a servant, but the Lord
himself gave it to us, as a people of the inheritance, by en-
during suffering for us. 5. He was made manifest so that
those people might be completely filled with sins, and that
we might receive the covenant through the Lord Jesus,
who inherited it. He was prepared for this end, that when
he became manifest he might make a covenant with us by
his word, after redeeming our hearts from darkness, hearts
that were already paid out to death and given over to the
lawlessness of deceit. 6. For it is written how the Father
commanded him to prepare for himself a holy people after
he redeemed us from darkness. 7. And so the prophet says,

79 Cf. Exod. 24:18; 31:18. so Cf. Exod 32:7-19.

72 καρδία : κακία G


"I the Lord your God called you in righteousness; and I will
grasp your hand and strengthen you. I have given you as a
covenant of the people, as a light to the nations, to open the
eyes of the blind, to bring out of their bondage those in
shackles and out of prison those who sit in darkness." 81

And so we know the place from which we have been re-

deemed. 8. Again the prophet says, "See, I have set you as a
light to the nations that you may bring salvation to the end
of the earth; so says the Lord God who redeems you." 82

9. Again the prophet says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon

me, because he anointed me to preach the good news of
grace to the humble; he sent me to heal those whose hearts
are crushed, to proclaim a release to the captives and re-
newed sight to the blind, to call out the acceptable year of
the Lord and the day of recompense, to comfort all those
who mourn." 83


Something is also written about the Sabbath in the ten

commandments, which God spoke to Moses face to face
on Mount Sinai: "Make the Sabbath of the Lord holy, with
pure hands and a pure heart." 2. In another place it says,

" I f my children keep the Sabbath, I will bestow my mercy

on them." 3. This refers to the Sabbath at the beginning

si Isa 42:6-7.
82 Cf. Isa 49:6-7. 83 i
s a 61:1-2.
84 Cf. Exod 20:8; Deut 5:12. 85 cf. Jer 17:24-25.

άπέσταΚκέν με ίάσασθαι: om. Η


of creation: "God made the works of his hands in six days,

and he finished on the seventh day; and he rested on it and
made it holy." 4. Pay attention, children, to what it means

that "he finished in six days." This means that in six thou-
sand years the Lord will complete all things. For with him
a day represents a thousand years. He himself testifies that
I am right, when he says, "See, a day of the Lord will be like
a thousand years." And so, children, all things will be

completed in six days—that is to say, in six thousand years.

5. "And he rested on the seventh day." This means that
when his Son comes he will put an end to the age of the
lawless one, judge the impious, and alter the sun, moon,
and stars; then he will indeed rest on the seventh day.
6. Moreover, it says, "Make it holy with pure hands and a
pure heart." We are very much mistaken if we think that at
the present time anyone, by having a pure heart, can make
holy the day that the Lord has made holy. 7. And so you see
that at that time, when we are given a good rest, we will
make it holy—being able to do so because we ourselves
have been made upright and have received the promise,
when lawlessness is no more and all things have been made
new by the Lord. Then we will be able to make the day
holy, after we ourselves have been made holy. 8. Moreover
he says to them, "I cannot stand your new moons and Sab-
baths." You see what he means: It is not the Sabbaths of

the present time that are acceptable to me, but the one I

86 Gen 2:2-3.
87 Cf. Ps 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8. 88 i s a 1:13.

77 οτι Η: ονν S** L: ου S: ούδ' G 78 καταπανόμενοι

άγιάσομεν S Η: καταπανόμένο άγιάζγ) G (L)


have made, in which I will give rest to all things and make a
beginning of an eighth day, which is the beginning of an-
other world. 9. Therefore also we celebrate the eighth day
with gladness, for on it Jesus arose from the dead, and
appeared, and ascended into heaven.


I will also speak to you about the Temple, since those

wretches were misguided in hoping in the building rather
than in their God who made them, as if the Temple were
actually the house of God. 2. For they consecrated him in
the Temple almost like the Gentiles do. But consider what
the Lord says in order to invalidate it: "Who has measured
the sky with the span of his hand or the earth with his out-
stretched fingers? Is it not I, says the Lord? The sky is my
throne and the earth is the footstool for my feet. What sort
of house will you build me, or where is the place I can
rest?" You knew that their hope was in vain! 3. Moreover

he says again, "See, those who have destroyed this temple

will themselves build it." 4. This is happening. For be-

cause of their war, it was destroyed by their enemies. And

now the servants of the enemies will themselves rebuild it.
5. Again it was revealed how the city, the Temple, and the
people of Israel were about to be handed over. For the
Scripture says, "It will be in the last days that the Lord will
hand over to destruction the sheep of the pasture along

8 9
Cf. Isa 40:12; 66:1.
0 Cf. Isa 49:17.


with their enclosure and tower." And it has happened just


as the Lord said. 6. But let us inquire if a temple of God still

exists. It does exist, where he says that he is making and
completing it. For it is written, "It will come about that
when the seventh day is finished, a temple of God will be
gloriously built in the name of the Lord." 7. And so I con-

clude that a temple exists. But learn how it will be built in

the name of the Lord. Before we believed in God, the
dwelling place of our heart was corrupt and feeble, since it
really was a temple built by hand; for it was full of idolatry
and was a house of demons, because we did everything
that was opposed to God. 8. "But it will be built in the
name of the Lord." Now pay attention, so that the temple
of the Lord may be gloriously built. And learn how: we
have become new, created again from the beginning, be-
cause we have received the forgiveness of sins and have
hoped in the name. Therefore God truly resides within our
place of dwelling—within us. 9. How so? His word of faith,
his call to us through his promise, the wisdom of his up-
right demands, the commandments of the teaching, he
himself prophesying in us and dwelling in us who had
served death, opening up to us the door of the temple,
which is the mouth, and giving repentance to us—thus he
brings us into his imperishable temple. 10. For the one
who longs to be saved looks not merely to a person but to
the one who dwells and speaks in him. For he is amazed at

91 Cf. 1 Enoch 89:56.

92 Cf. Dan 9:24; 1 Enoch 91:13.

8 1
τοΐ . . . $¤$ονλωμβνοι S: τον . . . -μβνον Η G


him since he has never heard him speak these words from
his mouth nor even ever desired to hear them. This is a
spiritual temple built for the Lord.


Insofar as I have been able to set forth these matters to you

simply, I hope to have fulfilled my desire not to have omit-
ted anything that pertains to salvation. 2. For if I should
write to you about things present or things to come, you
would not understand, because they are set forth in para-
bles. And so these things will suffice.


But let us turn to another area of knowledge and teaching.

There are two paths of teaching and authority, the path of
light and the path of darkness. And the difference between
the two paths is great. For over the one are appointed
light-bearing angels of God, but over the other angels of
Satan. 2. And the one is Lord from eternity past to eternity
to come; but the other is the ruler over the present age of


This then is the path of light. Anyone who wants to travel to

the place that has been appointed should be diligent in his
works. Such is the knowledge given to us, that we may walk
in it. 2. Love the one who made you; stand in reverential


awe of the one who formed you; glorify the one who ran-
somed you from death. Be simple in heart and rich in
spirit. Do not mingle with those who walk along the path of
death; hate everything that is not pleasing to God; hate all
hypocrisy; do not abandon the commandments of the
Lord. 3. Do not exalt yourself but be humble in everyway.
Do not heap glory on yourself. Do not entertain a wicked
plot against your neighbor; do not make your soul imperti-
nent. 4. Do not engage in sexual immorality, do not com-
mit adultery, do not engage in pederasty. The word of God
must not go out from you to any who are impure. Do not
show favoritism when you reproach someone for an unlaw-
ful act. Be meek and gentle; tremble at the words you have
heard. Do not hold a grudge against your brother. 5. Do
not be of two minds whether this should happen or not. Do
not take the Lord's name for a futile purpose. Love your
neighbor more than yourself. Do not abort a fetus or kill a
child that is already born. Do not remove your hand from
[Or: refrain from disciplining; or: shirk your responsibility
towards] your son or daughter, but from their youth teach
them the reverential fear of God. 6. Do not desire your
neighbor's belongings; do not be greedy. Do not join forces
with the high and mighty but associate with the humble
and upright. Welcome whatever happens to you as good,
knowing that nothing occurs apart from God. 7. Do not be
of two minds or speak from both sides of your mouth, for

8 3
πορενομένων iv S G: πονηρενομενων Η
τεκνον: add σον Η άποκτενεί S: άνελεΐ Η G
8 5

8 6
ταπεινών και δικαίων S L: δικαίων καί ταπεινών G:
ταπεινών Η 8 7
δίγλωσσο : γλωσσώδη S


speaking from both sides of your mouth is a deadly trap. Be

subject to your masters as to a replica of God, with respect
and reverential fear. Do not give orders to your male slave
or female servant out of bitterness—since they hope in the
same God—lest they stop fearing the God who is over you
both. For he did not come to call those of high status but
those whom the Spirit had prepared. 8. Share all things
with your neighbor and do not say that anything is your
own. For if you are partners in what is imperishable, how
much more in what is perishable? Do not be garrulous, for
the mouth is a deadly trap. In so far as you are able, be pure
within. 9. Do not be one who reaches out your hands to re-
ceive but draws them back from giving. Love like the apple
of your eye everyone who speaks the word of the Lord to
you. 10. Think about the day of judgment night and day,
and seek out the company of the saints every day, either la-
boring through the word and going out to comfort another,
being concerned to save a life through the word, or work-
ing with your hands as a ransom for your sins. 11. Do not
doubt whether to give, nor grumble while giving. But rec-
ognize who is the good paymaster of the reward. Guard the
injunctions you have received, neither adding to them nor
taking away. Completely hate what is evil. Give a fair judg-
ment. 12. Do not create a schism, but make peace by
bringing together those who are at odds. Confess your sins.
Do not come to prayer with an evil conscience. This is the
path of light.

8 9
τά πρόσωπα τών αγίων S** G: om. S Η
9 0
λντρωσιν G: λντρον S Η
91 γογγνσβι S Η: add παντί τώ αίτονντί σβ δίόον (G) S**



But the path of the Black One is crooked and filled with a
curse. For it is the path of eternal death which comes with
punishment; on it are those things that destroy people s
souls: idolatry, impertinence, glorification of power, hy-
pocrisy, duplicity, adultery, murder, robbery, arrogance,
transgression, deceit, malice, insolence, sorcery, magic,
greed, irreverence towards God. 2. It is filled with persecu-
tors of the good, haters of the truth, lovers of the lie; those
who do not know the reward of righteousness, nor cling to
the good nor to a fair judgment, who do not look out for the
widow and the orphan, who are alert not to the reverential
fear of God but to evil, from whom meekness and patience
are far removed and remote. For they love what is vain and
pursue a reward, showing no mercy to the poor nor toiling
for the oppressed; they are prone to slander, not know-
ing the one who made them; murderers of children and
corruptors of what God has fashioned; they turn their
backs on the needy, oppress the afflicted, and support the
wealthy. They are lawless judges of the impoverished, alto-
gether sinful.


And so it is good for one who has learned all the upright de-
mands of the Lord that have been written to walk in them.
For the one who does these things will be glorified in the
kingdom of God. The one who chooses those other things
will be destroyed, along with his works. This is why there is


a resurrection; this is why a recompense. 2. I ask those of

you who are in high positions, if you are willing to receive
advice from my good counsel: keep some people among
yourselves for whom you can do good, and do not fail.
3. The day is near when all things will perish, along with
the wicked one. The Lord is near, as is his reward. 93

4. Again and again I ask you, be your own good lawgivers,

remain faithful advisors to yourselves, remove all hypoc-
risy from yourselves. 5. And may God, the one who rules
the entire world, give you wisdom, understanding, percep-
tion, knowledge of his righteous demands, and patience.
6. Become those who are taught by God, inquiring into
what the Lord seeks from you. And do it, that you may be
found in the day of judgment. 7. And if there is any recol-
lection of what is good, remember me by practicing these
things, that my desire and vigilance may lead to a good re-
sult. I ask this of you, begging for a favor. 8. While the good
vessel is still with you, do not fail in any of these things, but
inquire fervently after them and fulfill every command-
ment. For they are worth doing. 9. Therefore I have been
all the more eager to write what I could, to make you glad.
Be well, children of love and peace. May the Lord of glory
and of every gracious gift be with your spirit.

Epistle of Barnabas

93 Cf. Isa 40:10; Rev 22:12.

95 Επ ισ τ ολ ή Βαρνάβα S: add τον άποστόλον σννεκόήμον

Παύλου τον άγίον άποστόλον G: om. Η


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