3140 01 MS 5RP AFP tcm143-700709
3140 01 MS 5RP AFP tcm143-700709
3140 01 MS 5RP AFP tcm143-700709
Stage 9
© UCLES 2024
S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Section A: Reading
• It is appropriate because stride is also the long step you take in running and
the article is about running shoes.
• donning.
The dashes make the information stand out more / provide emphasis.
• utilised.
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
• alliteration.
6(b) Award 1 mark for: 1
Section Quotation
Your best foot forward fashionable objects of desire
Comfort is king (have moved from being niche products to)
become coveted as fashionable objects
Contemporary to cool (sneakers were) not only fashionable but became
desirable status items / wearing them as fashion
statements (made brightly coloured tracksuits and
sneakers) all the rage
The commercialisation that they maintain cult status /
of cool sneakers retain their coolness as cultural icons /
You would not believe the lengths people go to to
get their hands on a pair of these rare shoes!
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Example answer:
When Jesse Owens won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics, the sneakers
he wore, made by Adidas, became the most popular athletic shoe. At the 1972
Olympics, the U.S. athletes wore Nike’s Cortez sneakers, which greatly
increased their sales. (40 words)
10 Award 1 mark for a relevant reason and 1 mark for an appropriate quotation 4
that supports the reason, up to a maximum of 4 marks:
If ‘yes’ is ticked:
If ‘no’ is ticked:
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Section B: Writing
Notes to markers
[Total 25]
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
[5 marks] [3 marks] [7 marks] [7 marks] [3 marks]
The writer’s attitude to the The response is well- Grammar is used accurately
subject is well established organised using a wide throughout the text.
and conveyed in a consistent range of organisational For example, there is:
style throughout which features accurately and • a wide range of sentence
effectively sustains the effectively. types manipulated and/or
reader’s interest. adapted for effect.
Ideas are developed with • grammatical features are
chronological or logical links used effectively to
Features and conventions of
throughout the text from an contribute to the overall
the relevant text type, when
effective introduction to a development of the text.
appropriate, are successfully
successful conclusion. • Consistent use of formal
manipulated for effect
throughout. and/or informal register to
Paragraphs are used enhance and emphasise
successfully to structure the meaning according to
Structural, linguistic and content. There is effective context, purpose and
literary features are used in cohesion within and audience.
combination to create between paragraphs.
specific effects. Punctuation is accurate:
An effective range of • Use of a wide range of
A logical viewpoint is carefully chosen sentence punctuation for effect.
established and sustained openings and connectives • Conventions of layout are
throughout. If relevant, are used appropriately to always applied effectively
multiple viewpoints are support content. and consistently e.g.,
expressed clearly. bullet points.
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
The writer’s attitude to the Material is wholly relevant The overall response is Grammar is mostly accurate Spelling is usually correct
subject is conveyed in a using a specialised presented clearly and is throughout the text. e.g., throughout. (There may
generally appropriate and vocabulary mostly accurately well-organised using a range • Use a range of sentence occasionally be phonetically
consistent style, which for the purpose / text type. of organisational features types, manipulated and/or plausible attempts at
mostly sustains the reader’s successfully. adapted for effect. complex words.)
interest. Conscious language choices • Use grammatical features
Ideas are developed with to contribute to the overall Correct spelling of most, not
are made, which shape the
chronological or logical links development of the text. all, polysyllabic words, e.g.,
Main features and intended purpose and effect
throughout the text with a • Formal and/or informal appear, information,
conventions of the text type on the reader.
successful opening and register is generally used probably, separate
are occasionally manipulated closing. wondering/wandering,
appropriately according to
for effect. context, purpose and business, essentially,
Paragraphs are used to help audience. accommodation.
Some combinations of structure the text where the
structural, linguistic and main idea is usually Punctuation is mostly
literary features to create a supported by following accurate:
specific effect. sentences. • Use a range of
punctuation for effect.
A range of sentence • Conventions of layout are
A viewpoint is expressed
openings and connectives applied consistently e.g.,
clearly and sustained
are used appropriately to bullet points.
support content.
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (Wg) (spelling)
Content is suitable for the Material is mostly relevant The response is generally Grammatical structures are Spelling of common and
intended audience. using a specialised well-organised and attempts generally accurate some less-common words,
vocabulary accurately for the the use of some throughout the text, e.g., including polysyllabic and
purpose / text type. organisational features. • Use of some range of compound words, is
Viewpoints are well-
sentence types to support generally accurate, e.g.,
presented and consistent Some attempt to sequence friend, another, around,
Mostly conscious language the text type.
throughout. relevant ideas logically. because, anything,
choices are made, which • Some complex sentences
shape the intended purpose may be attempted to something.
Uses relevant features and effect on the reader. Paragraphs / sections are create effect, such as
consistently for a chosen evident, though not always using expanded verb Spelling of plurals and some
purpose to clarify meaning. consistently or appropriately, phrases. past and present words is
with related points grouped • Some awareness of generally accurate, e.g.,
together or linked by time formal and/or informal boxes, clothes, told,
Content may use different
sequencers. register according to stopped, wanted.
characters and voices within
the text when relevant. context, purpose and
Movement between audience.
paragraphs or sections, may
May begin to add structural be disjointed with a limited Some range of punctuation:
and literary features in parts range of sentence openings • commas, semi-colons,
of the text. and connectives. dashes and hyphens are
used accurately to clarify
• There may be evidence of
comma splicing.
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
Some material included Some language choices are Some attempt to organise Basic grammatical structures are Spelling of high frequency
that is relevant to the made, which shape the the overall text. generally correct, e.g., words is generally correct,
task. intended purpose and effect • subject and verb generally e.g., their/there, when,
on the reader. Some basic sequencing of agree. Past and present tense were, what, some, etc.
The writer’s attitude to the ideas in relation to the of verbs generally consistent.
subject inconsistently stimulus. • A mix of simple and some
Creates some effect by using
conveyed, with some compound sentences used
a range of linguistic and
attempt to engage the Paragraphs / sections are accurately. Some complex
literary techniques.
reader. evident with related points sentences may be attempted to
grouped together or linked expand detail but not always
Some elements of the text by time sequence. successfully.
type can be seen; a • Formal and/or informal register
maximum of 1 mark can Movement between may be attempted but not
be awarded if not the paragraphs or sections, consistently according to
correct text type. is disjointed with a very context, purpose and audience.
limited range of sentence
openings and connectives. Punctuation:
• Demarcation of straightforward
sentences is usually correct.
• Commas are used in lists and
occasionally to mark clauses.
Creation of texts (Wc) Vocabulary and language Structure of texts (Ws) Grammar and punctuation (Wg) Word structure (Ww)
(Wv) (spelling)
No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response No creditable response
[0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
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S9/01 English Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme From 2024
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