Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test: English Mark Scheme
Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test: English Mark Scheme
Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test: English Mark Scheme
© UCLES 2017
Cambridge Lower Secondary – Mark Scheme
The Cambridge Lower Secondary reporting strand and sub-strand is shown for each question.
The curriculum framework code of the learning objective related to each question is also shown,
e.g. 9Rx2.
Ri [9Ri1]
• metaphor.
Do not accept answers where more than one option has been ticked.
Rw [9Rw1]
Rw [9Rw4]
What does Eric imply is dangerous about the ridge they are on?
Award 1 mark for answers that identify any synonym for either of the
• It is very narrow.
• It is very high.
Ri [9Ri2]
Award 1 mark for answers that identify the atmosphere as any of the
• gloomy
• depressed/depressing
• foreboding
• tense.
Rw [9Rw4]
4(b) Give one quotation from the text that helps create this atmosphere. 1
Rw [9Rw7]
Rx [9Rx1]
Why does Eric think they would not survive the night without sleeping
Ri [9Ri2]
Rx [9Rx1]
Award 1 mark for answers that identify the turning point as:
Rv [9Rv1]
Rv [9Rv1]
9 Look at the whole text. 4
Write a summary in your own words of the actions of both Eric and
Use up to 30 words.
Award marks only for points that are largely expressed in learners’ own
If learners write more than 30 words, award marks only for the content of
their first 30 words.
Rx [9Rx1]
• to persuade.
Do not accept answers where more than one option has been ticked.
Rv [9Rv1]
Award 1 mark for answers that provide a relevant explanation of the effect of
the quotation, for example:
Do not accept that the reader can hear the sound in their head.
Rw [8Rw2]
Ri [9Ri2]
Award 1 mark for any answers that identify any of the following, up to a
maximum of 2 marks:
Rx [9Rx1]
Ri [9Ri1]
Complete the following table with your answers. See the example below.
Text A Text B
• Chronological • Non-chronological
• Continuous paragraphs • Subheadings
• Dialogue • No dialogue
Rv [9Rv4]
16 Write the text for a web page advertising a holiday in a town or place you know well.
There may be an attempt at an introduction and/ Mostly simple compound structures based on a
or conclusion. variety of connectives.
Paragraphs/sections may be used but not Grammar and punctuation are usually correct;
consistently. there may be evidence of comma splicing.
2–3 2–3
Some basic sequencing of material grouped by Simple sentence structures are used
content is evident. successfully.
• It is (slightly) cloudy.
• Light / slight wind / not very windy.
Rx [9Rx1]
What does this suggest about her feelings towards the flight?
Ri [9Ri2]
Which words suggest that Christina does not understand much French?
• ‘(she thought)’
• ‘to which she had to smile back’.
Ri [9Ri1]
Rx [9Rx1]
Simile Effect
‘the shadows running like It shows how fast they were flying.
galloping horses.’ It emphasises how windy it was –
the shadows moved quickly as the
cloud covered and uncovered the
‘buffeted by the wind like a ship by Shows how rough and bumpy the
green seas.’ flight was. This creates a sense of
Rw [9Rw1, 9Rw2]
Give three things you learn about the rain from the writer’s description.
Award 3 marks for an answer that offers three quotations with supporting
Do not accept answers where only quotations are given with no explanation.
Rw [9Rw3, 9Rw4]
Give a phrase that shows Christina feels they are stranded and isolated.
Rx [9Rx1]
• personification.
Do not accept answers where more than one option has been ticked.
Rw [9Rw1]
• fear/terror.
Award 1 mark for answers that identify any of the following as a supporting
Ri [9Ri1]
• relief
• calmness
Award 1 mark for answers that identify any of the following as a supporting
• ‘Amazingly’
• ‘gently’
• The landing is gentle – ‘the soft bounce of the impact’
• The plane stops quickly – ‘a smooth short run to a standstill’
• There is peace and quiet when it lands – ‘The engine sighed, and then
there was silence’
• ‘She opened her eyes.’
Ri [9Ri1]
Explain the effect of the short sentence at the beginning and end of this
Do not award answers that make general comments about the mood
changing or the reader’s interest.
Rv [9Rv4]
• The writer uses the adjectives ‘damp’, ‘empty’, ‘sodden’ to suggest the
place is depressing, barren and uninhabited.
• The writer uses ‘no’ and ‘not’ to build up negativity.
• The writer uses opposites, ‘laugh or cry’, to show that she feels confused,
which suggests that the outcome was not what she expected.
Accept answers which show clearly how the technique has been used.
Rw [9Rw4]
Ri [9Ri1]
Give four ways that the text would change if the events were viewed
from Will’s perspective.
Accept any other plausible answers that are supported by the text and do not
overlap with the above.
Rv [9Rv4]
Character Friends?
A group of strangers?
There is a limited range of material. Some polysyllabic and more difficult words in
frequent use are spelled correctly.
A simple, repetitive vocabulary is attempted. 2
Simple words are attempted successfully.
Paragraphs/sections may be used, but not Mostly simple compound structures based on a
consistently, accurately or appropriately. variety of connectives.