05-Conversational Sales Calld

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Conversational Sales Call

So far, we’ve DMd somebody we would want to work with or they found a link to your
questionnaire somewhere else. You followed up with them in the DMs after they filled out the
questionnaire. You asked them to schedule a call and now you need to prepare.

There are a few crucial things I want to talk about here.

You have built authority and authenticity with your audience already.
Most people have zero trust built before they get on a call with someone because they
outreach through cold email, cold DMs, or paid ads.
Most people aren't working with people that vibe with them.
You are already far ahead of the curve in terms of landing clients with ease.

With that said, use the following script as a FRAMEWORK.

Do not say it word by word. People will sniff out scripts. However, you will feel extremely
nervous the first time around. That’s fine, they are just as nervous. Put in the reps. Muscles
remember get big after
preferences, etc. Byoneusing
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Act like you are meeting somebody new and diagnosing how you can actually help them. Use
this script as a guideline for the call and talk to them like a human being instead of a cog in
the business machine.

You can think of a sales call in terms of your favorite persuasive writing framework. APAG,
AIDA, PASTOR, etc. It follows the same flow. It’s all persuasion.

The Conversational Sales Script

You’ve got your call scheduled, now it’s the time to seal the deal.

Your mindset going into this call should be focused on having a conversation with your potential

Putting yourself in a position of wanting to HELP them rather than sell them.

Trust me when I say this makes it much easier to bring the energy and flow through the call.

After EVERY question, acknowledge their answer and continue moving through the script.

1. Say Hello
Say hello, talk about something like the difference in weather in the places you both live (or
use another conversation starter). Simply have something that will start the call on a non-
awkward note.

2. Framing

You want to guide the conversation and remain in charge, setting expectations and telling them
what will happen will keep you in charge.

You: “Okay so on this call I’ll begin by asking you some questions to gain a better
understanding of you and your goals. Then, if it sounds like we would be a good
fit, I’ll tell you a bit about myself and what I do. Then at the end, you can make a
decision if you want to be a part of it. Sound fair?”

They will say yes.

This allows you to set the stage where you are in charge of the call. Hopefully, they will not
interrupt you with questions and save those for the end, that is the goal.

3. Motivations

They hopped on the call with you for a reason. They are more than likely interested in your
service, make them understand their interest more.

You: “So I always begin by figuring out people’s motivations. I talk to quite a few
people and everybody has different reasons for talking with me. So.. why did you
decide to take time out of your schedule to talk about all of this?

4. Understand Where They Are

Understanding where they are in terms of their goal will allow you to put yourself in the middle
and help them reach their goal (while building trust). Having the prospect talk about it will
make them realize that they may really need some outside help.

You: “So listen [name] I know we don’t know each other very well just yet. I just
want you to be honest about what you’re really struggling with right now. Like
what’s the biggest problem that you’re facing right now in regards to [your
interest / expertise]?”

This is where you want to dig DEEP.

Your job after they answer this question is to ask horizontal and vertical questions like we did
in the DM script.
Let’s say your interest is teaching writing as a skill as part of a tutoring / mentorship offer.

Let’s also say that they answered the question above that they struggle to come up with
consistent ideas that lead to quality writing.

Your job is to make them uncover how this is really affecting their life or business.

Can you tell me what you mean by that exactly? Walk me through your writing process
and where it comes up.
Have you tried anything to fix that mental block?
What was the last thing you wrote about and how did that go?
What does your day look like? Could it be from writing, or are there other things in your
day causing the writers block?

These are clarifying questions. YOU are trying to understand if it is actually a problem you can
help with. You are framing it in a way that you can help.

When you are on the spot, it may be difficult to come up with the right questions. That’s fine,
ask what you can and move forward if you have to.

5. Where They Want To Be

Now that you have listened to and understood their pain its time to let THEM paint a picture of
their own future for you.

Still using the example of writing.

You: "So tell me (NAME), where do you want to see your writing in a year from
now? Paint me a picture of your life. From your daily life to your business, what
are you most looking forward to?

Let them talk without interruption. If they get stuck, give them suggestions... "Do you want to
travel? Maybe write a book? How much time do you want to spend working? (Use questions
related to your offer and what you can help them improve at.)

Now is the time to position yourself as the beacon of hope.

6. The Beacon of Hope

When you are explaining your offer - keep each part/section to a sentence or two and focus on
the benefits (how it will help them reach their goal).

At the end of the day, all they care about is their own transformation and results.
You can approach this part in one of two ways (I would try both and see which gives better
results + is more enjoyable for you to do.)

1. Offer free advice

Give them at least 3 URGENT and actionable steps they can take right now. At the end of giving
advice, ask if they are confident in doing this by themselves. If they aren't, pitch your service.
(This works well as a beginner to practice sales and get some easy consulting under their belt).

2. Position your offer as help

Follow this structure:

"Based on what you shared today, It sounds like you are struggling with [insert
problem] And you want to [insert goal/desire] but the thing that has been holding
you back is [insert what is holding them back]. Does that sound right?"

"Good news is, I can help you get there [without inconvenience]. Are you
confident in handling this on your own? Or would you like to hear a bit about
what I do?"

"I have a [offer] that will help you [insert outcome/goal they want]."

"Here is what you get: (list the main parts, modules, or sections of your offer
along with the benefits, relate these benefits to the goals they gave you.)"

"This program was built specifically to help you solve [BIG problem] so that you
can [insert BIG promise]. How does that sound?"

7. Seal The Deal

At this time, they SHOULD ask what the price is. If they don’t, go ahead and tell them.

Give them a contrasting price & and price anchor if they pay ON THE CALL.

Ifyou have a full offer stack, you always want to start with the highest price offer. This sets an
anchor price. Even if they can’t afford it, you have room for negotiation by downselling them
on your lower-tier offers.

You: “The investment for [offer] is $5000.”


Do not start justifying your price if they take a bit to answer. The ball is in their field. Silence
Ifthey say YES - (prepare an invoice before the call) send the invoice and walk them through
paying it. This is not as awkward as it seems.

Once they pay, ask them when they would like to start and tell them what next steps are
(normally this is onboarding.)

Ifthey object - most objections now will be about the price. Here are some ways to get
around it.

The most common objection: "I will have to think about it"

In this case, you either didn't qualify the prospect enough or they still have questions.

You: "If you don't mind me asking, why the hesitation? Is it related to the
program? Or does it have to do with price?"

After they tell you, you can proceed accordingly with more info about the offer or proceed to

Some will try to negotiate and ask for more of a discount.

If it is weeks of consulting, you can add on another

8 2 weeks of support or give them free
access to some of your premium content.

If they do not accept this, sell them on something else or take away parts of your offer.

If you are offering a landing page, email sequences, and Facebook ads for lead generation. You
can take away the monthly retainer Facebook ads and upsell them after you deliver on the first

Ifyou are offering coaching or consulting you can create an "accelerated" version for half the
price and a "micro" coaching offer to downsell further.

A lot of the time they won't want parts of it being taken away, they will accept the main price.

Ifthey don’t budge, accept it and move on. There is nothing you can do about it and the client
relationship would not work.

You can ask them if they want to schedule a follow up call as well, this is often the best move
but use your intuition.

After everything, and if they didn’t close, you can follow up with them in the DMs to see how
they are doing a few weeks later.

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