Math 1209 Course Outline

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MATH-1209: Linear Algebra (Sec A)

Course Code : MATH-1209 Lecture Contact Hours : 3.00
Course Title : Linear Algebra Credit Hours : 3: 00
Tahmid Tamrin Suki
Lecturer (Mathematics)
Department of CSE, BUP
Contact no.: +8801769021845
Email: [email protected]
Office Room: 303, FBS Tower
Class Hour: Sunday (12:00-13:30) CR: 304
Wednesday (08:30-10:00) CR: 302
Google Classroom Code: zujrkks
Course Code: MATH 1109
Course Title: Differential & Integral Calculus
Outcome Based Education (OBE)

To teach the students the basic Concepts, Principles and operations of Vector, Matrices and
Application of Geometry. The aim of this course is to develop the analytical capability of
Vector, Matrices and Geometry. Finally this course is designed to develop the capability of
students to solve practical problems.

1. To impart basic knowledge on the Vector Analysis, Matrix and Geometry.
2. To familiarize the students with the working principle of calculating differentiation and
integration of vector valued functions in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical geometry.
3. To provide knowledge on using the concept of vector, matrix and Geometry in engineering
area and solve other applied problems.
4. To be expert in imparting depth knowledge on the vector analysis, matrix and co-ordinate


Course Learning Outcome
Bloom’s Assessment
No. (Upon completion of the course, the CP CA KP
Taxonomy Methods
students will be able to)
Define and identify the physical
explanation of different vector
CO1 C1-C2 1 1, 3 T, F
notation, explain the basic concept of
matrix, 2D and 3D geometry.
T, Mid
Interpret mathematics, science and
CO2 C2 1 3 Term
engineering such as calculating
Exam, F
volume and area of any object in a
vector field.
Be proficient to analyse and
Mid Term
demonstrate the technique in
CO3 C1, C3 1,3 3 Exam, F,
engineering problems which is taught
in vector, matrix and Geometry.

(CP- Complex Problems, CA-Complex Activities, KP-Knowledge Profile,T – Test ; PR –

Project ; Q – Quiz; ASG – Assignment; Pr – Presentation; R - Report; F – Final Exam, MT-
Mid Term Exam)


Vector Analysis: Definition of Vector, Scalars and Vectors, Equality of direction ratios and
vectors, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication of vectors by scalars, Position Vector of
a point, Scalar and vector products of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation, Linear
dependence and independence of vectors, Differentiation of vectors, Gradient of scalar
functions, Divergence and curl of point functions, physical significance of gradient,
divergence and curl, Definition of line, surface and volume integral, Integration of Vectors,
Green's, stroke’s and Gauss theorem and their application;

Matrix: Definition of Matrix, different types of matrices, Algebra of Matrices, Multiplication

of matrices, Transpose and adjoint of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, rank and elementary
transformation, solution of linear equation or System of Linear Equation, linear dependence
and independence of vectors, quadratic forms, matrix polynomials, determination
characteristic roots and vectors, null space and nullity of matrix, characteristic subspace of
matrix, Eigen values and Eigen Vectors, Caley-Hamilton theorem;

Coordinate Geometry: Introduction to geometry, Rectangular co-ordinates, Angle between

two lines, Transformation of co-ordinates, changes of axes, The plane-angle between two
planes, pair of straight lines, general equation of second degree and reduction to its standard
forms and properties, circles (tangents, normal, chord of contact, pole and polar), equation of
conics, homogeneous equations of second degree, angle between straight lines, pair of lines
joining the origin to the point of intersection of two given curves, equations of parabola, ellipse
in Cartesian and polar coordinates, system of circles (radical axes, coaxial circles, limiting
points), Three dimensional co-ordinate system, direction cosines, projections, the plane (angle
between two planes, parallel & perpendicular plane, distance of a point from a plane) and the
straight line (coplanar lines, shortest distance between two given straight lines), standard
equation of sphere, ellipsoid, hyperboloid.



No. Course Learning Outcome
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Be able to define and identify the
physical explanation of different
CO1 vector notation, explain the H
complete concept about matrix, 2D
and 3D geometry.
Be able to interpret mathematics,
science and engineering such as
calculating volume and area of any
object in a vector field.
Be proficient to analyse and
demonstrate the technique in
CO3 engineering problems which is H
taught in vector, matrix and

(H – High, M- Medium, L-low)

Mapping Level Justifications
The knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering has to be
applied to describe the operation of being able to identify the physical
High explanation of different vector notation, explain the complete concept
about matrix, 2D and 3D geometry.

In order to interpret mathematics, science and engineering such as

CO2- calculating inverse matrix and volume and area of any object in vector
PO1 field.

In order to construct and calculate the area of objects related to

CO3- engineering study by using vector, solve the system of linear
PO1 equations using matrix and geometry related problems.


Teaching and Learning Activities
Face-to-Face Learning
Lecture 42
Practical / Tutorial / Studio -
Student-Centred Learning
Self-Directed Learning
Non-face-to-face learning 42
Revision 21
Assessment Preparations
Formal Assessment
Continuous Assessment 2
Final Examination

Total 131


Lecture and Discussion, Co-operative and Collaborative Method, Problem Based Method
Week Topics Assessment
1 Definition of vector, Scalars and Vectors,
Equality of direction ratios and vectors,
operations of vectors, position vector of a point,
Scalar and vector products of two vectors and
their geometrical interpretation, Triple products
and multiple products, Linear dependence and
independence of vectors, Differentiation of
Class Test 1
2 Gradient of scalar functions, Divergence and curl
of point functions,Physical significance of
gradient, divergence and curl

3 Integration of vectors (line, surface and volume


4 Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss’s theorem and their

Class Test 2
5 Definition of Matrix, different types of matrices,
Algebra, Multiplication, Transpose and adjoint
of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, Rank and
elementary transformation.

6 System of Linear Equation, Linear dependence

and independence of vectors, Quadratic forms,
matrix polynomials, determination characteristic
roots and vector

7 Null space and nullity of matrix, characteristic

subspace of matrix, Eigen values and Eigen
Mid Term Exam
Vectors Caley-Hamilton theorem - concepts and

8 Introduction to geometry, Rectangular co-

ordinates, Angle between two lines,
Transformation of co-ordinates, changes of axes,
The plane-angle between two planes, pair of
straight lines

9 Pair of straight lines, general equation of second

degree and reduction to its standard forms and Class Test 3
Circles (tangents, normal, chord of contact, pole
and polar)
10 Equation of conics, Homogeneous equations of
second degree

11 Angle between straight lines, pair of lines joining

the origin to the point of intersection of two
given curves, equations of parabola, ellipse in
Cartesian and polar coordinates

12 System of circles (radical axes, coaxial circles,

limiting points), Three-dimensional co-ordinate

13 Direction cosines, projections, The plane (angle

between two planes, parallel & perpendicular Class Test 4
plane, distance of a point from a plane).

14 The straight line (coplanar lines, shortest

distance between two given straight lines),
standard equation of sphere, ellipsoid,

CO Blooms Taxonomy
Components Grading
CO1, CO2 C1, C2, C3
Test 1-4 10%
CO2 C3, A6
Attendance 10%
(50%) 10% CO3 C2, C3
Term paper
Mid term 20% CO2, CO3 C2, C3
CO 1 C1, C2
Final Exam 50% CO 2 C1, C2, C3
CO 3 C3

Total Marks 100%

(CO = Course Outcome, C = Cognitive Domain, P = Psychomotor Domain, A =

Affective Domain)

1. Vector Analysis(2nd) - Seymour Lipschutz, Dennis Spellman and Murray R. Spiegel,

Schaum’s outlines.
2. Vector Analysis - M. D. Raisinghania.
3. Elementary Linear algebra (12th) - Wiely, Howard Anton and Chris Rorres.
4. A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry with Vector Analysis - Rahman & Bhattacharjee.
5. Analytic Geometry -Abdur Rahman.
6. Analytical Solid Geometry- Shanti Narayan.

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