Course Outline MAT 250.9 Spring 2022

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N North

O R T HSouth
S O UUniversity
Centre of Excellence in Higher Education
Department of Mathematics
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Course Name : Calculus and Analytical Geometry III

Course Code : MAT 250
Section : 9
Credit Hours : 3 Credits
Pre-requisite : MAT 120, MAT 130
Term : Spring 2022

Instructor : Dr. Atia Afroz

Office : SAC1064A
E-mail : [email protected]
Office Hour : 3:15 PM~4:15 PM (MW)
Class Time : 9:40AM~11:10AM (ST)
Classroom : SAC313
Course coordinator : Prof. Dr. Md. Mamun Molla
Email of coordinator : [email protected]

1. To demonstrate the function of several variables and plotting 3D

Course figures.
Objectives 2. To teach the concept of partial derivatives and their
3. To develop the ability of multiple integration in different
coordinate systems.
4. To analyze the vector calculus and their physical significance.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able

(CO-1) Classify the difference between single and several variables

functions and limits as well as plotting 3D figures.
Course Learning (CO-2) Evaluate the partial derivatives for several variables functions
Outcomes: and distinguish ordinary and partial derivatives.
(CO-3) Apply multiple integration techniques to find area and volume
of the different model geometries.
(CO-4) Demonstrate their understanding of vector calculus and vector
(CO-5) Apply line and surface integrals to evaluate the work done and
the corresponding flux.
Mapping of Course Outcomes

# Course Outcomes (CO) Bloom’s Delivery Assessment

taxonomy methods tools
domain/level and activities
(C: Cognitive
P: Psychomotor
A: Affective)
CO-1 Classify the difference between single Lecture, Quiz, Assignment
and several variables functions and C1, C2, C3 Discussion
limits as well as plotting 3D figures.

CO-2 Evaluate the partial derivatives for C3, C4, P2 Lecture, in- Concept
several variables functions and class group clarification,
Discussion, Midterm exam,
distinguish ordinary and partial Assignment
CO-3 Apply multiple integration techniques to C2, C3, P2 Lecture, Class work,
find area and volume of the different Quiz, Assignment,
Discussion Final Exam
model geometries.

CO-4 Demonstrate their understanding of C2, P2 Lecture, Concept,

vector calculus and vector algebra. Discussion Demonstration,
Quiz, Assignment,
Final Exam
CO-5 Apply line and surface integrals to C2, C3, C4, P2 Lecture Assignment, Final
evaluate the work done and the Exam
corresponding flux.

Text book : 1. Calculus: Early Transcendental; Anton, Bivens and Davis, 10th Edition.

Assessment Strategy and Grading Scheme

Grading Policy

Grading tool Marks Letter Grade

Numerical Scores
Attendance 10% Grade Points
Assignments 10% 93 & above A 4.0
90 - 92 A- 3.7
Viva Assessment 5%
87 – 89 B+ 3.3
Quizzes 20% 83 – 86 B 3.0
Midterm 25% 80 – 82 B- 2.7
Final Exam 30% 77 – 79 C+ 2.3
73- 76 C 2.0
70 – 72 C- 1.7
67 - 69 D+ 1.3
60 - 66 D 1.0
Course Schedule:
Lesson Topics Learning Assessment Learning
Activities tools Outcome

1 13.1: Functions of two variables Lecture Discussions CO-1

Mid term

2 13.2: Limits and Continuity Lecture, Quiz 1 CO-1


3 13.3: Partial Derivatives Lecture, Group Discussions CO-1

Quiz 1,
Mid term

4 13.3: Partial Derivatives and its application Lecture, Quiz 1 CO-1

Discussion Mid term

5 13.4, 13.5: Differentiability and Chain Rule Lecture Mid term CO-1

6 13.6: Directional Derivatives Lecture, Quiz 2 CO-1

Assignment Mid term

7 13.7: Tangent planes and normal line Lecture Quiz 2 CO-1

Mid term

8 13.8: Maxima and Minima Discussion, CO-2

Lecture, Mid term

9 14.1: Double Integrals over rectangular regions Lecture, Mid term CO-2

10 14.2: Double Integrals over non-rectangular Lecture Quiz 3 CO-1

regions Mid term

11 14.2: Double Integrals over non-rectangular Lecture, Quiz 3 CO-4

regions Assignment Mid term

12 14.3: Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates Lecture, Quiz 3 CO-4

Assignment Mid term

Midterm ( 1 to 12 lectures)

13 14.5: Triple Integrals: in Cartesian coordinates Lecture, Quiz 3 CO-4

Assignment Mid term

14 14.6: Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates Lecture, Final CO-3


15 14.6: Triple Integrals: Cylindrical and spherical Lecture, Final CO-3

coordinates Assignment CO-2
16 14.7: Change of variables in Multiple Integrals; Lecture, Final CO-3
Jacobians Assignment

17 15.1: Vector Fields Lecture, Quiz 4 CO-5

Assignment Final Exam

18 15.2: Line Integrals Lecture, Quiz 4 CO-5

Assignment Final Exam

19 15.4: Green’s Theorem Lecture, Quiz 4 CO-5

Assignment Final Exam

20 15.5: Surface Integrals Lecture, Final Exam CO-3


21 15.7: Divergence theorem Lecture, Final Exam CO-3


22 15.8: Stokes theorem and discussion for final Lecture, Final exam
exam Presenting, Formative
Explaining,D Assessment
Final Exam

Rules and regulations:

(a) There is no scope to retake a quiz. In case of Mid-term- or Final exam,
exceptional cases*(unfortunate physical inability, accidents, serious illness) may
be considered conditionally (with a penalty of 20% reduced marks) with proper
(b) Three consecutive absents need an official clarification.
(c) Student having attendance less than 60% of total classes will be not allowed
to sit for Final Exam.
(d) Final exam should be comprehensive ( two chapters ( for example 13.3+14.2)
from MIDTERM syllabus+ after MIDTERM syllabus)

Note: Full attendance will carry the bonus marks. Three to four quizzes will be taken.

************** No Make Up Exam **************

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