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Kingdom of Morocco

Ministry of Housing and Urban Policy

RPS 2000-Version 2011


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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

The Seismic Construction Regulations (RPS 2000) were approved by
Decree No. 2-02-177 of 9 hija 1422 (February 22, 2002). Its objective
is to limit the damage to human lives and property likely to occur
following earthquakes.

It thus defines the method for evaluating the seismic action on buildings
to be taken into account in the calculation of structures and describes
the design criteria and technical provisions to be adopted to enable
these buildings to resist seismic shocks.

This regulation is required to be revised periodically to take into account

scientific progress in the field of earthquake engineering. Today, and
with 10 years of feedback, the RPS 2000 required a revision, within a
partnership framework between the Ministry of Housing, Urban Planning
and City Policy and Mohammed University V-Agdal from Rabat, to
facilitate its application.

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Decree No. 2-02-177 of 9 July 1422 (February 22, 2002) Approving the Seismic
Construction Regulations (RPS2000) applicable to buildings, setting the
seismic rules and establishing the National Committee for Earthquake


Considering law n° 12-90 relating to town planning promulgated by the Dahir
bearing n° 1-92-31 of 15 hijja (June 17, 1992) in particular its articles 59 and 60;
Considering decree 2-92-832 of 27 Rabia II 1414 (October 14, 1993) taken for the
application of law n°12-90 relating to town planning, in particular its article 39.

On the proposal of the Minister responsible for regional planning, town planning,
housing and the environment;
After advice from the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Equipment.

Title One: Seismic construction regulations

Is approved as annexed to the original of this decree, the Seismic Construction

Regulations, called “RPS2000” applicable to buildings, setting the seismic rules
which constructions must comply with in the interest of safety.

ART. 2:

For the application of the Seismic Construction Regulations, RPS2000, applicable

to buildings: 1- The territory
is divided into zones according to their degree of seismicity.
2- Constructions are classified into categories according to the degree of protection
which they must satisfy. The distribution of seismic zones into municipalities is
set by joint decree of the government authorities responsible for Housing, Town
Planning, Equipment and the Interior, after advice from the National Committee
for Earthquake Engineering referred to in articles 4 and 5. below. The
classification of constructions is pronounced by joint order of the authorities
referred to in the preceding paragraph. The modification of said classification is
also pronounced in the forms and conditions referred to above.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


The seismic construction regulations, RPS2000, applicable to buildings, are applicable

throughout the territory, to all constructions, with the exception of those listed below:

• Buildings designed using traditional local techniques and whose supporting structure
essentially uses earth, straw, wood, palm trees, reeds or similar materials.

• Buildings of one level for residential or professional use, with a total surface area less
than or equal to 50 m².

TITLE II: of the National Committee for Earthquake Engineering

ART. 4:

A committee called the “National Earthquake Engineering Committee” is created in charge of:
• To propose and give its opinion on the classification of constructions and zoning maps
by municipality, provided for in article 2 and on their modification.
• To study the modifications and propose the improvements to be made to the Seismic
Construction Regulations (RPS 2000), taking into account the evolution of knowledge
of seismic and geotechnical phenomena as well as that of seismic engineering

ART. 5:

This committee is composed, under the chairmanship of the authority responsible for
Housing, of representatives of the following government authorities:
- The government authority responsible for Urban Planning;
- The government authority responsible for the Interior;
- The government authority responsible for Equipment;
- The government authority responsible for Mines;
- The government authority responsible for Scientific Research;
- Representatives of university departments, scientific and technical institutes, higher
training schools of the professional organizations concerned, the list of which is
established by order of the government authority responsible for Housing.

The secretariat of the National Committee for Earthquake Engineering is provided by

the authority responsible for Housing.

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TITLE III: Miscellaneous provisions

ART. 6:

Decree No. 2.60.893 of 3 Rajeb 1380 (December 21, 1960) is repealed,

making certain anti-seismic provisions applicable to the municipal perimeter
of Agadir and to the development island of the south-eastern part of the
peripheral zone of this city. in terms of construction.

ART. 7:

The Minister responsible for Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing

and the Environment, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Equipment
are responsible, each in his own capacity, for the execution of this Decree
which will come into force six (6) months after its publication in the Official

Made in Rabat on 9 Hija 1422 (February 22, 2002)


For countersignature:
The Minister in charge of Territorial Planning and Urban Planning,
of Housing and the Environment

The minister of the Interior,


The Minister of Equipment,


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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Decree n°2-12-682 of 17 rejeb 1434 (May 28, 2013) modifying decree

n°2-02-177 of 9 hija 1422 (February 22, 2002) approving the seismic
construction regulations (RPS 2000) applicable to buildings fixing seismic
rules and establishing the National Committee for Earthquake Engineering.

The Head of Government,

Having regard to decree n°2-02-177 of 9 hija 1422 (February 22, 2002)

approving the seismic construction regulations (RPS 2000) applicable to
buildings setting the seismic rules and establishing the National Committee for
Seismic Engineering, as it has been modified;
On the proposal of the Minister of Housing, Town Planning and Urban Policy.

After advice from the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Equipment and
After deliberation in the government council, meeting on 12 rejeb 1434 (May
23, 2013),

Title One: of the seismic construction regulations

First article :

The provisions of articles 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the aforementioned decree n°2-02-177,

are modified as follows:

First article :

Is approved as annexed to this decree, the seismic construction regulations,

called “RPS 2000, version 2011”, applicable to buildings, setting the seismic
rules which constructions must comply with in the interest of safety.

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Article 2:

For the application of the seismic construction regulations “RPS 2000, version 2011”
applicable to buildings:
1- ………………………..…….. .
2- ………………….………….. .
The distribution …………………………… below.
The classification of constructions and its modification are pronounced by joint order of
the authorities referred to in the preceding paragraph, taken after opinion of the National
Committee for Earthquake Engineering. Said classification of constructions is established
according to the criteria laid down by the “RPS 2000, version 2011”.

Title II: of the National Committee for Earthquake Engineering

Article 4:

It is created ………………………… loaded:

- To suggest ………………………..……… ;
- To study the modifications and propose the improvements to be made to the
seismic construction regulations “RPS 2000, version 2011”, taking into account the
evolution of knowledge of seismic and geotechnical phenomena as well as those
of seismic engineering techniques.

Article 5:

This committee ………….………………………… below:

- The authority ……………………………..………..of town planning;
- ……………………………………………………………………………
………….. ;
- Representatives of the departments ……………………………. in charge of
The president of the National Earthquake Engineering Committee may join

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

anyone who can contribute to and enrich the reflections and work initiated by the
National Committee for Earthquake Engineering.
The secretariat of the National Earthquake Engineering Committee is provided
by the government authority responsible for housing.

ART 2:

The Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Housing, Town Planning and Urban
Policy and the Minister of Equipment and Transport are responsible, each in their
respective areas, for the execution of the this decree which will come into force
six (6) months after its publication in the Official Bulletin.

Done in Rabat, on 17 rejeb 1434 (May 28, 2013).


For countersignature:
The minister of the Interior,

The Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

and city policy,

The Minister of Equipment and Transport,


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CHAPTER I: PURPOSE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION............................................ .13

1.1- PURPOSE OF THE REGULATION............................................ ...................................14

1.2- FIELD OF APPLICATION............................................ .............................14

1.2.1- GANTRY SYSTEM........................................................ .............................15 1.2.2-

SAIL SYSTEM......................... .................................................. .............15

1.2.3- MIXED SYSTEM ......................................... .............................................15


2.1- OBJECTIVES OF THE REGULATION ............................................. .........................18

2.1.1- PUBLIC SAFETY........................................................ ..................................18

2.1.2- PROTECTION OF MATERIAL PROPERTY .......................................... ......18

2.1.3- FUNCTIONALITY OF BASIC SERVICES..................................................18

2.2- REQUIRED PERFORMANCE .......................................... .............................19

2.2.1- SEISMIC PERFORMANCE LEVEL I (PS1)................................................... 19

2.2.2- SEISMIC PERFORMANCE LEVEL II (PS2)...................................................19 2.2.3-

SEISMIC PERFORMANCE LEVEL III (PS 3) ..................................19 2.3- PHILOSOPHY

EARTHQUAKES .................................. .......................................20

2.3.2- MEDIUM INTENSITY EARTHQUAKES.......................................... .............21

2.3.3- VIOLENT EARTHQUAKES ........................................ ...................................21


3.1- USE OF THE STRUCTURE............................................ .............................24

3.1.1- CLASSIFICATION ............................................. .........................................24

3.1.2- IMPORTANCE COEFFICIENT I........................................ .................25

3.2- STRUCTURAL REGULARITY........................................................ .........................25

3.2.1- REGULARITY IN PLAN ........................................... .............................26

3.2.2- REGULARITY IN ELEVATION ........................................... ...................26

3.3- ENERGY DISSIPATION AND DUCTILITY.......................................... ........28

3.3.1- OBJECTIVE............................................ .................................................. ....28

3.3.2- DUCTILITY CLASS ......................................... .............................28

3.3.3- DUCTILITY AND BUILDING CLASSES ......................................... .29

3.3.4- REDUCTION FACTOR........................................................ ..........................30

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CHAPTER IV: BASIC DESIGN RULES .......................................... 31

4.1- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................. ..................................32

4.2- PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS .....................................32

4.2.1- CONCRETE............................................ .................................................. .........32

4.2.2- STEEL ............................................. .................................................. ..........32

4.3- CHOICE OF SITE............................................ .................................................. 33

4.4- FOUNDATION SYSTEM............................................ .........................34

4.5- STRUCTURE .............................................. .................................................. ...34

4.5.1- SIMPLE CONFIGURATION............................................ .........................34

4.5.2- SPACING BETWEEN TWO BLOCKS.......................................... ..........35

4.6- NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS............................................ .................36

CHAPTER V: SEISMIC DATA ............................................. .......................37

5.1- SISMICITY OF MOROCCO............................................ ...................................38

5.2- CALCULATION EARTHQUAKE............................................ .............................................38

5.2.1- MODELING GROUND MOVEMENT..................................................38


5.2.3- DYNAMIC AMPLIFICATION SPECTRUM..................................................42

CHAPTER VI: EVALUATION OF THE SEISMIC FORCE ...............................................45

6.1- DIRECTION OF SEISMIC ACTION ......................................... ..............46

6.2- APPROACHES FOR CALCULATION OF SEISMIC ACTION................................46 6.2.1-

EQUIVALENT STATIC APPROACH .................................................46

6.3- EVALUATION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL PERIOD..................................49

6.4- DYNAMIC APPROACH ......................................... ..............................51 6.4.1-

GENERAL ............. .................................................. .............................51

6.4.2- MODELING ............................................. .........................................51


“MODAL APPROACH”............................................. .............................51


6.5- TORSION EFFECT ......................................... .........................................52

6.6- ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT........................................53


PROVISIONS.............................................. .................................................. ..........55

7.1- COMBINATION OF ACTIONS............................................ .............................56

7.2- CALCULATION REQUESTS.............................................. .........................56

7.2.1- LEVEL I DUCTILITY (ND1)................................................... ...................56

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7.2.2- LEVEL II DUCTILITY (ND2)................................................... ...................57 7.2.3-

LEVEL III DUCTILITY (ND3)................... .......................................59

7.3- SIZING AND CONSTRUCTIVE DETAILS..............................59

7.3.1- REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS ......................................... ...................59

7.3.2- METALLIC ELEMENTS............................................ .........................67

7.3.3- MASONRY CONSTRUCTION ........................................... .........68


RULES..................................... .............................................71

8.1- DESIGN CRITERIA............................................ .............................72

8.2- VERIFICATION OF STABILITY............................................ ...................72

8.2.1- SLIDING STABILITY........................................................ .................72

8.2.2- STABILITY OF FOUNDATIONS............................................ ...................73

8.2.3- OVERTURNING STABILITY........................................................ ...............73

8.3- VERIFICATION OF RESISTANCE............................................ ...............73

8.4- CHECKING DEFORMATIONS................................................ ...........74

CHAPTER IX: LOCATION SITES AND FOUNDATIONS........................................75

9.1- CLASSIFICATION OF SITES ............................................. .........................76

9.2- SOIL LIQUEFACTION ............................................. .............................77

9.2.1- SOILS SUBJECT TO LIQUEFACTION.......................................... 77

9.2.2- EVALUATION OF LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL...............................78

9.3- SLOPE STABILITY............................................ ...................................78

9.3.1- GENERAL PRINCIPLES ........................................ .............................78


AND SAFETY COEFFICIENTS........................................................ .............79

9.4- RETAINING WORKS........................................................ ...................79

9.4.1- GENERAL PRINCIPLES ........................................ .............................79

9.4.2- SIMPLIFIED CALCULATION METHOD........................................................ ..........80

9.4.3- VERIFICATION OF STABILITY .......................................... ..............81

9.5- CALCULATION OF FOUNDATIONS ............................................. .........................82

9.5.1- SURFACE FOUNDATIONS ........................................ ...............82

9.5.2- DEEP FOUNDATIONS............................................ .........................82


THE LEVEL OF EACH MUNICIPALITY .....................85
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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

RPS: Seismic Construction Regulations
PS: Seismic performance ND: Ductility
level V: Speed factor

K: Reduction factor for the design seismic force, or ductility coefficient : Damping coefficient

Gs : The safety coefficient to be adopted has the value = 1.15
H2: Block height
Amax : Maximum ground acceleration
Vmax : Maximum ground speed
T : Period

F= ÿ SDIW/K: the elastic response

ÿ: Zone speed coefficient
S: Site coefficient.
D: Dynamic amplification factor I: Priority
coefficient K: Behavior factor

W= G +ÿ Q: the load taken in weight of the structure

G: All permanent loads
Q: Fraction q of operating costs
ÿ: Coefficient

Fn= (F - Ft) (Wn hn / ÿ (Wi hi)): Horizontal force

Fn : The calculation horizontal force, applied at level n.
Wn : The total charge at level n.
hn : The height of the level considered from the ground
T: The fundamental period of the structure

T=0.09H/(L)0.5 : The fundamental period H: The

total height of the building expressed in meters
L: The length of the wall.

T=1.8 (mH/EI): (For buildings assimilated to consoles)

M: The mass per unit length of the building H: The total
EI: Bending rigidity

T=2N(N+1)/(M/k)0.5 : (For portico buildings with filling)

N: number of floors
M: The mass

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k = kp + kr: rigidity per level

kp: The literal rigidity of the frame kp
= 12.ÿ.(Ec.Ic) / h3 (L+2 ÿ) ÿ =
LS.Ic /hS.I ÿ on
the number of spans

kr : The lateral rigidity of a panel kr =

0.045.m.( Er. e cos² ÿ )
m: number of spans
Er: modulus of elasticity
e: panel thickness
ÿ: is the angle of the diagonal with the horizontal of the panel

e1 = 0.5 e +0.05 L: Torsion effect

e2 = 0.05 L
e: Distance between the center of rigidity and the center of masses in the
perpendicular direction of the earthquake.
L: Horizontal dimension of the floor in the direction perpendicular to the seismic
action F

Fp = ÿ I Cp Wp: The calculation lateral force Fp:

Lateral force acting on the element distributed according to the mass distribution
of the element considered.
Cp: Horizontal force coefficient
Wp: Weight of the element

Sc = G+E+0.3 N +ÿ Q: Combination of actions

G: Dead weight and long-term permanent loads
E: Effects of the earthquake
N: Snow action
Q: Operating expenses
ÿ: Accompanying factor

N ÿ 0.10B fc28
N: Axial force
B: The cross-sectional area of the element
fc28 : Characteristic resistance

s = Min (8 ÿL ; 24 ÿT ; 0.25 h; 20 cm): spacing ÿL :

Diameter of the longitudinal bars ÿT :
Diameter of the transverse bars

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The purpose of these Seismic Construction Regulations “RPS 2000, version

2011” is to:
a) Define the seismic action on ordinary buildings and structures of similar
behavior, during earthquakes.
b) Present a collection of minimum design and calculation requirements as
well as constructive provisions to be adopted to enable ordinary buildings
to adequately resist seismic shocks, in accordance with the objectives
indicated in 2.1.
Furthermore, if the stresses due to the earthquake are less significant than
those resulting from the effects of the wind, it is the latter which must be taken
into consideration.

Comment 1.1

These technical requirements and provisions are complementary to the

general rules used in construction, and do not apply in areas of negligible
In addition to these requirements, specific measures should be taken into
consideration to avoid earthquake-induced effects, such as fires, landslides,
liquefaction, etc.


This regulation applies to new constructions and existing buildings undergoing

significant modifications, such as:
• change of use;
• the construction of an addition.
The scope of this Regulation covers buildings and structures of similar
behavior, such as high tanks made of reinforced concrete or steel and whose
system of resistance to horizontal seismic forces is ensured by one of the
following three structural systems :

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


It is a framework composed of posts and beams with rigid nodes or a braced
frame, capable of resisting both vertical and horizontal loads (Figure: 1.1).


The system consists of several isolated or coupled walls, intended to resist
vertical and horizontal forces. The coupled walls are connected together by
regularly spaced and adequately reinforced lintels (Figure: 1.2).


It is the structural system composed of porticos and sails. Resistance to
seismic forces is provided by the sails and the frames, in proportion to their
respective rigidities (Figure: 1.3).
The scope of the regulation therefore does not extend to all categories of
construction. Excluded from this area: • Constructions
where the consequences of damage, even slight, can be very serious: nuclear
power plants, chemical factories;
• Buried structures and engineering structures: tunnels, dams;
• Works made using materials or systems not covered by the standards in
For structures not covered by this regulation, specific, additional requirements
must be taken into consideration. The analysis of these structures uses more
appropriate dynamic methods, based on mathematical models which
reproduce as best as possible the different parameters involved in the seismic
response of the structure.

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3


BY THE “RPS 2000, VERSION 2011”

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In seismic risk zones, the essential objectives of the “Seismic Construction

Regulations (RPS 2000, version 2011)” aim to ensure:
a) Public safety during an earthquake;
b) Protection of material assets;
c) The continuity of the functionality of basic services.
The objectives sought are to be achieved for seismic events with adequate
exceedance probabilities.


To ensure an acceptable degree of safety for human lives, during and after an
earthquake, it is required that the entire construction and all its structural
elements present only a fairly low probability of damage to the design seismic
forces. collapse or significant structural damage during the useful life of the


It is requested that under the action of an earthquake, the building as a whole

and all its structural and non-structural elements be protected in a reasonable
manner against the occurrence of damage on the one hand, and against the
limitation of the the use for which the building is intended on the other hand.
This minimum degree of protection and security will be ensured by compliance
with the criteria and rules prescribed by this regulation.


For ordinary-use buildings, their protection against damage is assessed by the

importance of lateral movements between floors.
As for other buildings such as hospitals and laboratories, their functionality may
be affected by damage to the equipment installed in these buildings, or by
relative movements of certain

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

non-structural elements. It is therefore recommended to provide anchors for

mechanical and electrical equipment to withstand the local actions to which they may
be subjected. These anchors, left to the discretion of the engineer, must be designed
to prevent the equipment from sliding or overturning.


In accordance with the objectives of the regulation, an ordinary structure must have
an adequate level of performance with regard to seismic action. The performance
level expresses the admissible degree of damage for a structure under the action of
a given earthquake. The targeted earthquake level corresponds to a probability of
exceedance over 50 years, the useful life of the structure (in principle 10%, which
corresponds to a return period of 475 years).
The level of seismic performance required for a structure in a seismic zone depends
on the importance of the intensity of the earthquake in the area in question and the
socio-economic consequences which would result from the damage suffered by the
structure. There are three levels of seismic performance.


Under a low-intensity earthquake, damage is negligible and the functionality of the

structure is not affected both during and after the earthquake.


Under a moderate earthquake, the damage suffered by the structure is economically

repairable but no reinforcement is required. The functionality of the structure is little
affected, but it can be restored shortly after the earthquake.


Under a violent earthquake, structural damage is significant but without causing

The functionality of the structure is no longer guaranteed.

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Figure 2.1



Figure 2.2: Performance levels



The seismic performance level of a structure is obtained by sizing which

gives the structure adequate strength, rigidity and ductility. The basic
philosophy for the seismic calculation of structures is therefore based
on the following principles:


For a low intensity earthquake, the calculation must make it possible to

give the structure of a common building sufficient rigidity in order to
avoid damage to the structural elements and non-structural elements
by limiting its deformations.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


For an earthquake of medium intensity, the structure of a common structure

must have not only rigidity capable of limiting deformations, but also
sufficient resistance to limit damage to non-structural elements and avoid
structural damage by remaining essentially in the elastic domain.


For a violent earthquake, the calculation must make it possible to give the
structure not only sufficient rigidity and resistance, but also significant
ductility to absorb seismic energy, through large inelastic deformations,
and resist without collapsing.

Comment 2.1:

For buildings of ordinary use (residential buildings, offices) their protection

against damage is assessed by the importance of lateral movements
between floors.
For certain categories of buildings, such as hospitals and laboratories, their
functionality may be affected by damage to non-structural elements or by
the sliding of their mechanical and electrical equipment. The admissible
deformations depend on the nature of the non-structural elements and
equipment, as well as the socio-economic consequences resulting from the
disruption of the affected services.

Comment 2.2

For the calculation, this regulation considers that the level of seismic risk is
evaluated according to the maximum speed of seismic zones.
An earthquake is considered weak for values of v (speed ratio over 1m/ s)
less than 0.10 for a probability of exceedance over 50 years of 10%, which
corresponds to a return period of 475 years. (Zones: 0 and 1).
It is considered moderate for values of v between 0.1 and 0.205 (zones:
2-3 4). Beyond this value the earthquake is considered violent.

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Structures are classified according to the importance of their use, their

configuration and their energy dissipation capacity.



The minimum level of performance required for a building depends on the

socio-economic consequences of the damage it could suffer in the event of an
earthquake. These consequences depend on the use of the building.
The “RPS 2000, version 2011” divides buildings, according to their main use,
into three seismic priority groups. Each group corresponds to a seismic
importance or priority factor. The factor I given in table 3.1 is an additional
safety factor.
However, the project owner can upgrade a particular building by its vocation

Constructions intended for social and economic activities vital to the population
and which should remain functional, with little or no damage, after the
earthquake are grouped in this class. We distinguish in particular according to
• Essential constructions in the event of an earthquake such as: Civil protection
establishments, decision-making centers, hospitals, clinics, large reservoirs
and water towers, power and telecommunications plants, police stations ,
water pumping stations;

• Constructions intended for the storage of high-risk products for the public
and the environment.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000 CLASS II: BUILDINGS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC

Constructions presenting a risk due to the large public they accommodate are
grouped in this class. We distinguish in particular:
• Constructions of socio-cultural importance, such as school and university
buildings, libraries, museums, performance halls and sports halls, large
places of worship (mosques, churches, etc.);
• Rooms with a capacity of more than 300 people such as party rooms,
courtrooms, the seat of parliament, shopping centers. CLASS III: ORDINARY BUILDINGS

Constructions belonging neither to class 1 nor to class 2 are grouped in this

class, such as common buildings for residential, office or commercial use.


The importance coefficient I is equal to 1.3 for class I buildings, 1.2 for class II
buildings and 1 for other class III buildings.

Table 3.1 – Priority coefficient I

Construction class Coefficient I

Class I 1.30

Class II 1.20

Class III 1.0


The method of analyzing a structure and its seismic response are linked to its
configuration. The so-called “equivalent static analysis” approach is based on
the regular distribution of stiffness and mass in the structure.
Historically, buildings with a regular configuration have behaved better with
respect to earthquakes.
Any structure must be classified according to its configuration, in plan and
elevation, as a regular or irregular structure.

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a) The structure must have a simple plan shape, such as a rectangle, and a
distribution of mass and rigidity substantially symmetrical with respect to
at least two orthogonal directions, along which the structural elements
resisting the action are oriented seismic. When the structural system is
not oriented along a set of orthogonal axes the structure is considered
irregular (Figure 3.6).
b) In the presence of protruding or recessed parts, their dimensions must not
exceed 0.25 times the dimension of the corresponding side:
a+b ÿ 0.25 B, as shown in Figure 3.1
c) At each level, the distance between the center of mass and the center of
rigidity, measured perpendicular to the direction of the seismic action,
must not exceed 0.20 times the square root of the ratio of the torsional
stiffness to the stiffness translation.
d) The slenderness (long side L/short side B) must not exceed the value 3.5.

L/W ÿ 3.5


Figure: 3.1


The distribution of stiffness and mass must be substantially regular along the
height of the building. Variations in stiffness and mass between two
successive stages must not exceed 30%. (Figure 3.2) a) In the case of
a gradual shrinkage in elevation, the projection at each level must not exceed
15% of the plan dimension of the previous level without the overall
shrinkage exceeding 25% of the plan dimension at ground level (Figure

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

b) In the case of a gradual widening in elevation, the setback at each level

must not exceed 10% of the plan dimension of the previous level without
the overall overhang exceeding 25% of the plan dimension at ground
level ;
c) The total height of the building must not exceed 4 times the smallest
dimension of its base;
d) A vertical element of the structural system resisting lateral forces must not
have an offset. The path of lateral forces must be continuous (Figure 3.4);
e) The shear strength of the structural system at a given level shall not be
less than 80% of the strength of the upper level.
The shear resistance of a floor is made up of the total resistance of all the
elements of the structural system which share the shear forces on the
floor for the seismic direction considered (Figure 3.5).

Figure: 3.2 5 5

4 4
M4 M4
5 4
3 3 M3 M3
4 M4
3 M3
2 2 M4
3 M3

3 M3
1 1

2 1
M4 ÿ 30 M3 M4 ÿ 30 M3

K1 ÿ 0.70 K2 K1 ÿ 0.70
1 K2 M4 ÿ 30 M3
M4 ÿ 30 M3
K1 ÿ 0.70 K2
0.70 K2 HAS M4 ÿ 30 M3

K1 ÿ 0.70 K2
HAS 6 6

HAS 56

b b 4 4

5 364 3
b 54 2 2
b 34
1 1
Figure 3.5:
1 R2 ÿ0.80 R3 R2 ÿ0.80 R3
has has
12 Stiffness of stage2
aÿb aÿb
1 R2 ÿ0.80 R3 compared to
B R2 ÿ0.80 R3
0.25 B ÿ A 0.25 B ÿ A has

R2 ÿ0.80 R3 stage3

0.25BB ÿ A
Figure: 3.3
0.25 B ÿ A Figure:
a ÿ 3.4

0.25 B ÿ A

Figure: 3.6

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To economically design a structure subject to seismic action, incursions into

the post-elastic domain are allowed. The objective of the ductility of a
structural system is to ensure a capacity to dissipate the energy induced by
the earthquake, through inelastic deformations without substantial reduction
in its resistance. Such a mechanism in cyclical movement absorbs a lot of
energy and can therefore provide the structure with very effective behavior
with respect to earthquakes (dissipative structure). (Figure: 3.2)
The energy dissipation capacity of a structure depends on several parameters
including in particular the characteristics of the materials of the different
components of the structure, concrete and steel, the type of structural system,
the dimensions of the elements, the rate of steel in concrete, constructive
details and control of the hinge formation mechanism.


The structural system of any building designed to resist seismic forces must
have sufficient ductility during the earthquake. For reasons of simplicity, the
regulation defines three levels of ductility. The transition from one level to
another is a function of special requirements relating in particular to the
dimensioning of the elements and the assembly details at the connections of
the elements of the structure, so as to allow the elements to behave as
planned during their design. LOW DUCTILITY: ND1

This level of ductility corresponds to structures whose seismic response must

evolve essentially in the elastic domain, designed according to the reinforced
concrete and metal framework regulations in force with some requirements
relating to details and construction provisions as indicated in chapter 7. AVERAGE DUCTILITY: ND2

For this level of ductility, specific seismic requirements must be adopted to

allow the structure to enter the inelastic domain during seismic movement
with reasonable protection against any premature failure. HIGH DUCTILITY: ND3

For this level of ductility, special requirements relating to the evaluation of the
design action, dimensioning and assembly details of the elements must be
adopted to ensure the formation of the mechanisms

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

planned, allowing the development of a large energy dissipation capacity.


For seismic calculation, a structure must have a level of ductility according to the
behavior required for this structure which reflects its capacity to dissipate the
energy coming from the earthquake.
For a large earthquake whose frequency of occurrence is very long compared to
the life of a building, greater ductility can be allocated to the structure.
However, for a small earthquake with a high expectation of occurrence, it is
logical to impose that the stressed structure remains in the elastic regime.
It is certainly not justified to apply excessive ductility to reduce the forces on the
structure corresponding to ground movements having a high probability of
Table 3.2 illustrates the level of ductility required for the three classes of buildings
depending on the intensity of the earthquake.

Table 3.2: Ductility and building classes

Earthquake Level (V: Speed Factor)

Building Classes
ÿ ÿ 0.1 0 0.10 < ÿ ÿ 0.20 0.20 <ÿ



In the case where there is great uncertainty regarding the possibility of being
near potential seismic sources or the difficulty of evaluating the effects of site
amplification for example, it is requested to use the level of ductility ND3 for a
medium earthquake instead of ND2.


Force, moment, constraint

Area = energy
Low ductility

Average ductility

High ductility

Area = energy
Rotational displacement,

Figure: 3.7 Figure: 3.8

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Comment 3.1

A structure can be designed to withstand a given earthquake without

suffering any damage, by absorbing seismic energy through elastic behavior
(Figure 2.1). However, such a design would not be economical, or even
realistic, due to the very high level of structural safety for a very low
probability of the occurrence of such an event (10% in 50 years according to the regulat
It would be more realistic and economical to admit a risk of damage that can
be controlled and repaired, without causing the structure to collapse. It is
therefore necessary to provide the structure with the capacity to deform in a
ductile manner beyond its elastic limit without significant loss of strength,
thus allowing the absorption of a large part of the seismic energy through the
non-elastic behavior of certain members. of the structure without much
damage. In this case the non-elastic deformations can be several times
greater than the elastic deformations, but the seismic design force of the
structure is less important than in the case of elastic behavior. However, the
reduction in seismic force must be accompanied by additional design
requirements and construction details relating to structural elements and their connectio

Comment 3.2

- So that the members of a concrete structure can have adequate ductility

and have stable behavior under significant cyclic deformations, it is required
that the qualities of the concrete be superior to those of the concrete used
in non-seismic cases.
- If different types of bracing system together resist seismic loads in the
same direction, the value of K to be retained is the lowest value
corresponding to these systems.


The design seismic force reduction factor, or ductility coefficient K,

characterizes the ability of a structure to dissipate energy through inelastic
This coefficient is given in table 3.3 depending on the type of bracing system
and the level of ductility chosen.
Table 3.3: Behavior factor K
Bracing system ND 1 ND2 ND 3


Reinforced concrete porticos 2 3.5 5

Sail and Gantry 2 3 4
Veil 1.4 2.1 2.8
Coupled sails 1.8 2.5 3.5

Rigid node gantry 3 4.5 6

Braced frame 2 3 4

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a) Each structure and all its structural elements must be designed and built
so as to meet the requirements of this regulation. b) They must be
designed and constructed so as to have sufficient rigidity, strength and
ductility to withstand the seismic stresses determined by this regulation.

c) The structural system resistant to seismic stresses to transmit them to

the ground must be clearly defined for the work.
d) Seismic action and wind action on a structure are not taken into
consideration simultaneously. This involves taking into consideration the
most unfavorable requests.



a) It is required that concrete used for construction in seismic zones have

stable behavior under large reversible deformations.
b) The mechanical characteristics must comply with the regulations in force
for reinforced concrete. However, the compressive strength must be
greater than 22 MPa.

4.2.2- STEEL

It is requested that:
• Reinforcements for reinforced concrete have high adhesion;
• The upper value of the elastic limit fe is equal to 500 MPa;
• The safety coefficient to be adopted has the value: ÿ = 1.15;
• The strain-stress diagram is the one used by the regulation
reinforced concrete.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


a) In the presence of a fault, class I and class II structures must be

located outside a strip of at least 120 m on either side of the fault and
be subject to a level protection one and a half times higher.

Any construction of class III buildings (ordinary buildings) can only be

carried out in the vicinity of active faults after a special study of the site
which defines the limits of the vicinity.
b) Soil studies of the foundation site are mandatory and conducted in
the same way as in the case of non-seismic situations. They must in
particular allow the classification of the site in relation to the different
types prescribed by the regulation.
c) Particular attention must be paid to the conditions of sites at risk
as :
• The presence of uncompacted backfill or reconstituted soil;
• The presence of a shallow water table likely to give rise to liquefaction
in the event of an earthquake;
• The risk of landslides.
d) In risky sites, such as natural or artificial embankments, or liquefiable
soils, construction is only authorized if measures to limit the risks are

Figure 4.1

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a) The foundation system represents all of the footings and elements below the
base level. The choice of this system is in principle made under the same
conditions as in non-seismic situations and it is sized in accordance with the
rules in force.
b) For each of the blocks constituting the structure, the foundation must be
homogeneous and rigid such as the rafts, the strip footings crossed in both
directions and the isolated footings linked by stringers in both directions.
c) The foundation system must be able to:
• ensure the structure is embedded in the ground;
• transmit all the forces coming from the superstructure to the ground;
• limit differential settlements and/or relative horizontal displacements which
could reduce the rigidity and/or resistance of the structural system.
d) The support points of each of the blocks making up the structure must be
secured by a two-dimensional network of stringers or any other equivalent
system tending to oppose their relative movement in the horizontal plane. This
connection is not required if the footings are suitably anchored in unfractured
and undisintegrated rocky soil.
e) Foundations must be designed such that failure occurs first in the structure
and not in the foundations.
f) The deep foundation elements support the building:
• by transmitting the loads through their tip to a deep and solid layer;
• by friction or by adhesion of their wall to the ground in which they are located;
• by a combination of the two actions.
g) In the case of pile foundations, the latter must be braced in at least two
directions to take up the horizontal forces applied at the level of the pile cap
unless it is demonstrated that equivalent means of retaining the piles are in



To enable a structure to have efficient behavior with respect to seismic stresses,
it must have a simple configuration as much as possible.

In the case of building blocks with unusual plan configuration, such as the H, L,
T, U, Z shape, seismic joints must be used to simplify the shape of the structure.
(Figure 4.2)

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Figure 4.2


Buildings of very different heights and masses (difference greater than 15%)
must be separated by joints; or interspersed levels (Figure 4.3 and 4.4)
a) The separation joint between two adjacent blocks must ensure the free
movement of the blocks without harmful contact. Its filling material must
not be able to transmit the force from one block to another. (Figure 4.3).
b) The width of the joint between two structures must not be less than the
sum of their respective lateral deformations including torsional
c) In the absence of justification, the width of the joint between two blocks
will be greater than axH2; with H2 the height of the lowest block, a =
0.003 for concrete structures a = 0.005 for steel structures.
d) The minimum width between joints must not be less than 50 mm.
e) If the width of the joint between two buildings is insufficient, they must be
stiffened, by sails or by posts (Figure 4.4), or be connected to each other.

Figure 4.3: Constructions with

height and number of levels
different (Elevation view)

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Reinforcement posts (Plan view) Figure 4.4


a) Non-structural elements may be affected following seismic vibrations due to

excessive deformation of the structural system or deterioration of their strength.

b) It must be ensured that the separation panels neglected in the calculation do not
do not create significant twisting forces.
c) In the case of infill walls, it must be ensured that the posts and beams adjacent
to these walls can withstand the shear developed by the wall thrusts at the portal
d) In the absence of interaction between the structural system and the non-
structural elements, the latter must be arranged in such a way as not to transmit
to the structural system the forces which have not been taken into account in
the calculation.
e) In the case of interaction between the structural system and rigid non-structural
elements, such as infill walls, it must be ensured that the resistance of the
system is not reduced by the action or failure of these elements .

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The Moroccan territory is subject to appreciable seismic activity due to its location
in a domain of continental collision, due to the interaction between the African and
Eurasian tectonic plates.
To the west of the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco is subject to the influence of the
activity of the Azores-Gibraltar dextral transform zone which separates the central
Atlantic and the North Atlantic with oceanic crust (source of the great Earthquake).
earth of November 1 , 1755, of magnitude 9 which is responsible for significant
damage on Moroccan territory and a destructive tsunami on the Atlantic coast).
To the east of the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco is subject to the influence of crustal-
scale faults in the Alboran Sea (source of the earthquake of September 22, 1522
which was destructive in the North of the Rif and in Fez) which extends towards the
North of Morocco by major faults (Jebha, Nekor etc.). The maximum magnitude
value recorded in this region from 1900 to 2007 is of the order of 6.3.



For the evaluation of the action of the earthquake on a structure, the seismic
movement of the ground is defined by the following parameters:
• Maximum ground acceleration Amax
• Maximum ground speed Vmax
• An acceleration response spectrum for horizontal movement relative to a site type
normalized to unit acceleration.
• A response spectrum of the vertical movement is deduced from the horizontal
spectrum by a coefficient of 2/3, because the amplitude of the vertical movement
is less than that of the horizontal movement.
Additional parameters such as the maximum displacement and the duration of the
earthquake would complete the description of ground movements and the estimation
of the damage potential. However, both parameters, maximum acceleration and
response spectrum, are considered adequate for the applications of this regulation.

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Comment 5.2.1

It is known that damage to structures of short periods (T<0.5s) is linked to

the maximum acceleration of the ground. For medium period structures
(0.5 to 5s) the speed level becomes more appropriate. For long periods the
behavior of the structure is controlled by the maximum displacement.


a) To simplify the calculation of seismic loads and standardize the design
requirements of structures across large regions of the country, the “RPS
2000, version 2011” uses the zone approach. This involves dividing the
country into several zones of homogeneous seismicity and presenting
approximately the same level of seismic hazard for a given probability of
b) In each zone, the parameters defining the seismic hazard, such as the acceleration
or the maximum horizontal speed of the ground, are considered constant.
c) To adequately identify the particular character of an earthquake in a
given location, the regulation adopts separate zoning for the parameters
Amax and Vmax expressed respectively as a fraction of 1g and 1
m/s. d) Each of the two seismic zoning maps adopted by the “RPS 2000,
version 2011” currently includes five zones (0 to 4) linked to the maximum
horizontal ground acceleration Amax (Za = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 ) and at the
maximum horizontal ground speed Vmax (Zv = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4), for a
probability of appearance of 10% in 50 years, which corresponds to a
return period of 475. This probability is considered reasonable, because
it corresponds to moderate earthquakes, likely to occur several times in
the lifespan of a structure. The two seismic zoning maps relating to
Amax and Vmax are present respectively in Figure 5.2. and Figure 5.3.

e) The speed ratio ÿ of the zone is equal to the horizontal speed of the
ground for the zone reported to the unit 1 m/s. The values of ÿ for the
different zones are given in table 5.1.

Comment 5.2.2:

The level of probability of occurrence, used for the map of seismic zones,
is better expressed over a period equal to the useful life of a building, i.e.
50 years, the level of protection provided by this regulation.
Zoning may be revised and defined, by decree, in the light of new knowledge
and new scientific or experimental results.

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Table 5.1: Speed coefficient (Probability 10% in 50 years)

Speed parameter ÿ /1(m/s) 0.00 Speed zone number

0.07 1
0.10 2
0.13 3
0.17 4

Figure 5.2: Seismic zoning in speed for probabilities of 10% in 50 years

Morocco 2011 (Speed cm/ s)

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Figure 5.3: Seismic zoning in acceleration for probabilities of 10% in 50 years

Morocco 2011 (Acceleration %g)

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The third parameter defining the earthquake is the amplification spectrum.

The proposed spectrum is deduced from the elastic spectrum representing the
idealization of the envelope of various normalized response spectra related to the
unit value of the maximum horizontal acceleration of the ground. It defines the
dynamic amplification factor of the response as a function of the fundamental period
of the structure. INFLUENCE OF THE SITE

The intensity with which an earthquake is felt in a given location depends to a large
extent on the nature of the soil crossed by the seismic wave and the local geological
and geotechnical conditions. Local soil conditions are very important. Indeed, if the
frequency of the ground is close to that of the structure, we are in the presence of a
dynamic amplification of the ground.
To take into account these effects on the ground motion response spectrum, a
classification of sites into five types is adopted based on the mechanical
characteristics of the ground and its thickness, as presented in Table 9.1.

Each type of site corresponds to a coefficient.

In case of lack of information on the properties of the soil to choose the appropriate
type of site, we adopt the coefficient and the spectrum of the site S2.

Table 5.2: Site coefficient

Site (s Nature Coefficient

Rock all depth 1

Firm soils thickness < 30 m

Firm floors thickness ÿ30 m

S2 1.2
Loose soils thickness <30 m

Loose soils thickness ÿ15 m

S3 1.4
Soft soils thickness <10 m

S4 Soft soils thickness ÿ10 m 1.8

S5 *
Special conditions

* The value of the S5 coefficient will be established by a specialist.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000 AMPLIFICATION FACTOR

a) The regulation takes into account both the Amax and Vmax parameters. provided
by the cards.
b) While the speed parameter establishes the zone to identify the level of seismic
risk, the influence of the acceleration parameter is done through the amplification
factor which qualifies the behavior of the structure according to its period
vibration. It is represented by the ordinate of the calculation spectrum.

c) The calculation spectrum defined for a damping coefficient equal to 5% for the
S1 site recommended by this regulation is represented in table 5.3. The ordinate
of the spectrum representing the seismic amplification factor is defined according
to Figure 5.4
d) For values of the damping coefficient different from 5%, the corrections of the
normalized spectra are obtained by multiplying the ordinates of the spectra in
Figure 5.4 by the coefficient m=(5/x)0.4

Table 5.3- Amplification factor D

Period T
Za / Zv zone ratio
ÿ 0.25 0.25< T < 0.50 0.50 ÿ
1< 1.9 1.9
1= 2.5 - 2.4 T + 3.1 1.20/(T)2/3
1> 3.5 - 6.4 T + 5.1

Za= value of acceleration according to zoning

Zv= speed value according to zoning

Za > Zv

Za = Zv


Za = Zv


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Period T(sec)

Figure 5.4: Dynamic amplification factor

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The behavior of a structure during an earthquake is essentially a vibration

problem. By hypothesis, seismic forces act in all horizontal directions. However,
it is accepted that separate calculations in relation to each of the two main
axes are sufficient to give the structure adequate resistance to seismic forces
acting in all directions.


The calculation of seismic actions can be carried out by two distinct approaches:
A so-called equivalent static approach and a dynamic approach.


The basic principle of the equivalent static approach is to replace the dynamic
forces developed in a structure by the seismic movement of the ground, with
static stresses calculated from a system of forces, in the direction of the
earthquake, and whose effects are supposed to be equivalent to those of the
seismic action.
a) The equivalent static resultant force is given by a lump sum expression
which links, in a quantitative manner, the ground movement parameters, the
physical and dynamic properties of the building and its main use. It acts at
the base of the building and is assumed to be distributed over its height from
its base where it is zero to the top (Figure 6.1).
b) The structure being subjected to these equivalent static forces, we are then
brought back to a bracing calculation carried out using the usual structural
calculation methods.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

c) The design of the structural elements is then carried out using the reinforced
concrete or metal construction regulations in force. CONDITIONS OF APPLICATION

The equivalent static approach, adopted by this Regulation, is required under

the following conditions:
a) The building must be regular in accordance with the criteria defined in
Article 4.3.
b) The height of the building does not exceed 60 m and its fundamental period
does not exceed 2 seconds.

Comment 6.2

The limitation of the field of application to a height of 60 m is due to the

importance of higher modes of vibration for long periods linked to high

The horizontal seismic forces acting on the masses of the structure are
represented by the equivalent base shear force acting in the design direction.

The equivalent lateral seismic force representing the elastic response F

must be calculated using the following formula:

F= ÿSDIW/K (6.1)
With :
ÿ: Speed coefficient of zones given in table 5.1
S: Site coefficient given by table 5.2
D: Dynamic amplification factor given by the dynamic amplification spectrum
or table 5.3
I: Priority coefficient given in table 3.1
K: Behavior factor given in table 3.3
W: The load taken in weight of the structure

The load W of the structure corresponds to the totality of the permanent loads
G and a fraction q of the operating loads Q depending on the nature of the
loads and their duration. We take :
W= G +ÿ Q (6.2)
The coefficient ÿ is given in table 6.1

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Table 6.1: the coefficient ÿ

Nature of overloads Coefficient ÿ

1/ Buildings for residential and administrative use 0.20

2/ Buildings of periodic use by the public such as exhibition halls, 0.30

party halls

3/ Use buildings such as restaurants, classrooms 0.40

4/ Buildings with a long-term operating load such as warehouses, 1.00


The total lateral seismic force F must be distributed over the height of the
structure as follows:
A part Ft of the force F is assigned to the top of the building; The rest (F-
Ft ) must be distributed over all levels including the last level according to the
following formula:

Fn = (F - Ft ) (Wn hn / ÿ (Wi hi )) (6.3)

i varies from 1 to n

Ft = 0 if T ÿ 0.7 s Ft =
0.07TF if T > 0.7 s

F: Total lateral seismic force

Fn : Calculation horizontal force,

applied at level n.

Wn : Total load at level n. hn :

Fn H
Height of the level considered from
the ground.
T: Fundamental period of
Ft: Additive force at the top stage

Figure 6.1: Vertical distribution of seismic forces

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The fundamental vibration period T, characterizing the mass and rigidity of

the structure, can be evaluated by a precise dynamic calculation or the
Rayleigh method.
Empirical formulas can be used under certain conditions.
The value of the fundamental period of vibration T can be determined by the
following fixed formulas:
a) Reinforced concrete portal frame or braced steel frame
T =0.075 H3/4 (6.4)
b) Steel portal frame with rigid nodes T= 0.085 H3/4 (6.5)
c) Other framework: T=0.09H/(L)0.5 (6.6)

Where, H and L expressed in meters, are respectively the total height of the
building and the length of the wall or frame which constitutes the main bracing
system, in the direction of the seismic action.
If the main lateral force resistance system does not have a well-defined
length, L designates the dimension of the building in the direction parallel to
the design seismic action.

d) Other methods of calculating the period, based on a representation of the

structure taking into account its physical properties can be used provided
that the value of the seismic force V is not less than 0.80 times the value
obtained using the period calculated by formulas (6.4) to (6.6).

• For buildings assimilated to consoles: T=1.8 (mH/EI) (6.7)

Where m is the mass per unit length of the building, H the total height and
EI the bending rigidity.
• For portico buildings with filling:
T=2N(N+1)/(M/k)0.5 (6.8)
N is the number of stages, M and k = kp + kr are respectively the mass
and the rigidity per level (Figure 6.2), kp is the literal rigidity of the frame
given by the following expression:
kp = 12.ÿ.(Ec.Ic) / h3 (L+2 ÿ) (6.9)
With :
ÿ = LS.Ic /hS.Ip
ÿ on the number of spans
kr: the lateral rigidity of an infill panel given by the expression
next :

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kr = 0.045.m.(Er. e cos² ÿ) (6.10)

With :
m: number of spans
Er: modulus of elasticity e:
thickness of the panel ÿ: is the
angle of the diagonal with the horizontal of the panel.






Section A - A

h Ic/2

Ic Ic Ic

Figure 6.2: Beams-columns

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


6.4.1- GENERAL

a) If the conditions of regularity or height of a structure, required by the

equivalent static approach, are not satisfied, it is permitted to use a dynamic
approach for the analysis of the seismic action.
The dynamic approach can be based on:
• The maximum response of the structure using response spectra adapted to
the construction site;
• Direct calculation based on time using accelerograms adapted to the
construction site.
b) The value of the seismic lateral force V used for the calculation must not
be less than 0.90 times the value obtained by the equivalent static approach.


a) The structure is analyzed using a spatial model, in general, which can take
into account the couplings of the degrees of freedom and the real dynamic
properties of the structure.
b) If the structure has two orthogonal directions, without coupling between
the horizontal and vertical degrees of freedom, it can be analyzed using
two separate plane models, each following an orthogonal direction.
c) To determine the inertia forces acting at each level of the structure, it can
be modeled by an elastic system where the masses are concentrated at
each level.



The spectral analysis approach is based on the determination of the maximum

response of the structure for each of its eigenmodes. The normal mode
technique known as the “modal method” is the most used in the linear regime. COMBINATION OF MODES

The maximum response of the structure is then given as a combination of the

responses of the dominant eigenmodes. A classic combination consists of
adopting the square root of the squares of the maximum responses.
In the case of planar models, the analysis must take into account a minimum
of three vibration modes (the first three). In the case of a spatial model, the
first four modes must be taken into account at least.

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The spectrum presented in Figure 5.4 is used to calculate the seismic force relative to each
mode of vibration considered.


The analysis of the structure by a direct calculation requires the use of several accelerograms
adapted to the site considered.
a) In the case of a linear system, the eigenmode technique is the most used. The dynamic
response of the structure at any instant is then given as a combination of the responses
of at least the first four modes.
b) In the case of a nonlinear system, we adopt the method commonly
used so-called “step by step”.


At each level of the building the design lateral seismic force is displaced by e1 in one
direction then by e2 in the other direction, given by the following expressions and as
illustrated in Figure 6.3.

e1 = 0.5 e + 0.05 L
e2 = 0.05 L (6.10)
With :
e: distance between the center of rigidity and the center of masses in the perpendicular
direction of the earthquake.
L: is the horizontal dimension of the floor in the direction perpendicular to the seismic action
Each resistance element is designed to withstand the extreme effects of different loading

Figure 6.3
T *G

e2 e1

T: center of torsion
G: center of gravity of the masses

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


Building elements that are not part of the structural system and their anchoring
must be calculated to resist deformation. The design lateral force is given by the
following expression:
Fp = ÿ I Cp Wp (6.11)
ÿ : Speed settings

Fp : Lateral force acting on the element distributed according to the distribution of

masses of the element considered.

Cp : Horizontal force coefficient of the element given by table 6.2

Wp : Weight of the element.

Table 6.2

Elements Cp

Diaphragm (Roofs and floors) 0.7

Balconies and cantilevered elements 4.5

Partition walls 1.5

Chimneys and roof constructions 4.5

Under ceilings 2.0

Cantilever wall 6.5

Machines, equipment 3

Tanks fixed to the floor 2

Diaphragms must be designed to resist deformation.

The fixing devices (studs, bolts, etc.) must be calculated to support the force of
the element.

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a) The fundamental combination of actions to be considered for the calculation of

stresses and the verification of limit states is given by the following expression:

Sc=G+E+0.3N+ÿ Q (7.1)
With :
G: Dead weight and long-term permanent loads
E: Effects of the earthquake
N: Snow action
Q: Operating expenses
ÿ: Accompanying factor whose values are given in the
table 6.1

b) The action of the wind should not be combined with that of the earthquake
and if the wind calculation produces more unfavorable stresses than
those obtained using the combination (7.1). The design and verification
of the structure are carried out for the stresses due to wind.


The design stresses (normal force, shear force, bending and torsion
moments) used for the dimensioning and verification of the structural
elements are obtained from a linear analysis of the structure, subject to
taking into account the modifications given in this Regulation, linked to the
chosen level of ductility.


The structural elements of buildings designed with level 1 ductility are sized
and verified, in accordance with the regulations in force, of reinforced
concrete or metal construction, directly from the stresses obtained from the
linear analysis of the structure.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000


a) A structural element is considered bent and not subjected to an axial force if

the normal force satisfies the following expression:

N ÿ 0.10B fc28 (7.2)

With :
N: Axial force
B: The cross-sectional area of the element
fc28 : Characteristic resistance
b) The design stresses for structural elements not subjected to an axial force are
obtained directly from the linear analysis of the structure. COMPRESSED FLEXED ELEMENTS (N>0.10Bfc28)

If a building has more than three levels and the evaluation of the seismic force is
obtained by the so-called equivalent static approach, then the bending moments
in the columns of the portico due to lateral loads are multiplied by the dynamic
coefficient ÿ for take into account the effect of higher modes. It is given as a
function of the fundamental period T of the structure, by the following expressions:

For the flat gantry:

ÿ = 0.6 T +0.85 1.3ÿ ÿ ÿ1.8 (7.3a)

For the three-dimensional gantry

ÿ = 0.5T +1.10 1.5ÿ ÿ ÿ2.9 (7.3b)

The dynamic coefficient ÿ reflects the effect of higher modes of vibration on the
bending moments occurring at the height of the building.
It is constant over the upper 2/3 of the height of the building and varies linearly
over the lower 1/3.


ÿ h

1/3h Figure 7: Dynamic

coefficient ÿ

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Comment 7.1

The contribution of higher modes of vibration can significantly change the bending moment
distribution due to lateral forces determined by the static method. The bending point, which
is approximately at the midpoint of the column height under static forces, may actually be far
from the midpoint of the height resulting in an increase in the maximum moment in the

The effect of the higher modes increases with the increase in the fundamental period of the
structure, hence the expression of the coefficient ÿ as a function of T. SAILS

a) The distribution of design moments is constant over a height equal to the width of the wall
l and it is linear over the rest of the height. Figure 7.1
b) When the equivalent static approach is adopted for the evaluation of the seismic force of
the structure, the shear forces are multiplied by the coefficient ÿ given by the following

ÿ = 0.1N+0.9 ÿ Nÿ5
= 1.4 +(N-5) ÿ = 0.045 <N <15 (7.4)
1.8 N = 15

N being the number of levels of the building.

Figure 7.1

c) The design axial load in the wall due to lateral forces will be determined using the shear
resistance of the piers above
of the section considered, determined taking into account the mechanical characteristics
of concrete and steel.
The shear resistance of the trumeau thus calculated will be amplified by 1.25.

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a) The requirements indicated in 7.2.2 remain valid for the case of ductility level
b) The shear forces at the base of a wall must be multiplied by the following factor

ÿ = Mul / M (7.2)

Mul : Ultimate moment of resistance at the base

M: Calculation moment The
factor ÿ ÿ 4.
The appropriate axial force must be considered in evaluating the flexural resistance
of the section at the base of the wall.



The reinforced concrete structural elements must first be calculated and executed
according to the regulations in force, taking into account the provisions given in this

a) In the following, a critical zone of a frame element must be understood as a high-

risk zone where there is a concentration of deformations.
b) In critical areas, it is essential to ensure continuity to the steels and to have a
containment reinforcement made up of continuous spirals, frames, stirrups and
pins anchored by angle hooks in the center at least equal to 135° with a
rectilinear return of at least 10 cm. NON-COMPRESSED UNIDIRECTIONAL ELEMENTS (0.10


a) The dimensions of the cross section of the beam, h and b being respectively the
largest and the smallest dimension, must satisfy the following conditions:

- b/h ÿ 0. 25
- b ÿ 200 mm (7.5)
- b ÿ bC + hC / 2

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bC: the dimension of the section of the column perpendicular to the axis of the beam.
hC : the dimension of the section of the column parallel to the axis of the beam (see
figure 7.2)
b) The distance between the axes of the beam and the support post must not exceed
0.25 times the width of the post. Figure 7.3 (Eccentricity e ÿ 0.25 times the width
of the column)

hc /4
bc bc


hc /4


Figure 7.2: Post-beam position Figure 7.3: Eccentricity of the


1) Ductility ND1
a) Longitudinal reinforcements must be high adhesion with a
minimum diameter of 10 mm.
b) The minimum and maximum geometric percentages of the reinforcements are
The following :

r0 minimum = 1.4 / fe (fe in MPa) (7.6)

maximum r0 = 0.025
2) Ductility ND2 or ND3
In addition to a) and b) above, the following conditions must be satisfied:

c) The section of compressed reinforcement in a critical zone must not be less than
half of the section of tension reinforcement in this area.
d) The use of elbows or hooks in posts is only permitted in certain cases, such as for
connection with the sole or in the vicinity of a free surface. In such cases, end
anchorages are provided by straight elbows and provision must be made to avoid

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e) At least 0.25 of the section of the upper bending reinforcements located at the
ends of the element must be extended over its entire length.

f) In the case where a T-shaped or L-shaped beam attached to a slab crosses

another similar beam on a post, 1/8 of the section of tension reinforcements can
be placed in the slab, on each side of the web , the width of the strip is equal to 2
times the thickness of the slab for the edge posts and 4 times the thickness for the

The goal is to confine the concrete to increase its bond strength and resist shear

1- Critical areas
The critical areas for a beam element are as follows:
a) The non-free ends of the beam over a length lc equal to 2 times the height h of the
beam. (Figure 7.4).
b) Areas requiring compression reinforcement.
c) The zones of length equal to 2 times the height h of the beam for ductility ND2,
located on either side of the section of maximum stress concentration (plastic
hinge). In the case of an ND3 structure, lc is greater than twice the height h.

lc lc

Figure 7.4: Critical zones of a beam

The minimum diameter is = 6 mm.

The first reinforcements must be placed no more than 5 cm from the face of the post.
For ductility structures ND1 and ND2, the spacing s must not exceed the minimum
of the following quantities:

s = Min (8 ÿL ; 24 ÿT ; 0.25 h; 20 cm) (7.7)

ÿL : diameter of the longitudinal bars ÿT :

diameter of the transverse bars

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For ND3 ductility structures, the spacing s must not exceed the minimum of
the following quantities:

s = Min (6 ÿL ; 0.25 h ; 15 cm) (7.8) FLEXED AND COMPRESSED LINEAR ELEMENTS (N


The dimensions of the cross section of the column, hc and bc being

respectively the largest and the smallest dimension, must satisfy the
following conditions:

a) bc ÿ 25 cm (ductility ND1 and

ND2) bc ÿ 30 cm (ductility ND3) (7.9)
b) H / bC ÿ 16
H: the height of the floor CRITICAL ZONE OF A POST

The following are considered critical
zones: a) The ends of the post (Figure 7.5) over a length lc equal to the
greatest of the following lengths:
- the largest dimension of the post section hc - 1/6
of the net height of the post he - 45
vs = Max (he / 6; hc ; 45 cm) (7.10)
b) In the case where a column is adjacent on either side to an incomplete
infill wall (Figure 7.6) the minimum length of the critical zone is equal to:
vs =Max (x; he / 6; bc ; 45 cm) (7.11)
x = (he – hr ) +
bc bc : Dimension of the post parallel to
the wall. hr : Height of filling.

Maximum spacing (7.12)

Critical zone s = min (8 ÿL ; 0.25 bc ; 15 cm)

Maximum Spacing(s)
Current area s = min (12 ÿL; 0.5 bc ; 30 cm)

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Figure 7.5
a: critical areas of the post b: portico with filling

Lc I


Figure 7.6: Critical column-fill zone 3.- POST-BEAM NODES

a) It is necessary to avoid the formation of plastic hinges in the posts (carrying

element). At the post-beam nodes, the sum of the absolute values of the
ultimate moments of the posts must be greater than that of the moments of
the beams leading to the nodes. (Figure 7.7)

ÿMc1 ÿ+ÿ Mc2 ÿ ÿ 1.15 (ÿMp1 ÿ+ÿ Mp2ÿ) (7.13)

b) It is necessary to ensure sufficient mechanical continuity of the steels

in the node which is a critical zone.
c) It is mandatory to have containment frames and stirrups in the nodes.

d) In structures with ductility levels ND1 and ND2, the steel rate of the
horizontal reinforcements of the confinement must not be less than the
rate of existing transverse reinforcements at the end of the column joining the node.
e) In structures with greater ductility ND3 the rate of transverse reinforcement
in the node is equal to that of the column except in the case where four
beams arrive at the node. In this case the transverse reinforcement rate is
reduced by half. In no case should the spacing exceed 10 times the
diameter of the longitudinal reinforcements of the post.

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The posts supporting a wall or a rigid infill wall must be confined over their
entire height.
They must be provided with transverse reinforcements in the form of
continuous spirals or frames anchored by 10 cm hooks (Figure 7.8).

Wall Wall

Figure 7.8: Columns confined over the entire height

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000 BRACING SAIL DIMENSIONS

The minimum thickness of the wall depends on the net height he of the floor and the
rigidity conditions of the ends.

th min = min(15 cm, he /20) = for a veil not stiffened at its two ends.
th min min(15 cm, he /22) = for a veil stiffened at one end.
th min min(15 cm, he /25) for a veil stiffened at its two ends.
Openings in the wall must be arranged in vertical rows and regularly spaced, unless their
influence on the behavior of the wall under seismic action is insignificant or taken into
account by rigorous analysis. Reinforced elements are provided around the openings,
designed to compensate for the resistance of the hollowed out parts. AND LINTELS

It is necessary to provide, at each end of the wall and to the right of each intersection of
walls, a vertical chain, continuous over the entire height of the floor and covered from
floor to floor with seam steel.
Around the floor and at the intersection of each bracing element with the floor, continuous
horizontal chaining must be provided. Chaining is also provided in the horizontal elements
of the wall with a row of openings (lintels). CRITICAL AREAS

The critical zones of the wall in the vertical direction are the regions extending from the
base of the wall over a length lc defined as follows:
L = max (H/6, L) (7.14)

With: H and L representing respectively the height and width of the building. MINIMUM REINFORCEMENT

The vertical elements (piers) are reinforced with vertical steels and horizontal steels. The
minimum rate of vertical and horizontal reinforcement, at any section, is equal to 0.20%
of the horizontal section of the concrete. The maximum rate is equal to 4%. The diameter
of the bars used must not exceed 1/10 of the thickness of the wall.

The spacing of the vertical and horizontal bars is equal to:

s = min(30cm, 1.5e) in current zone
s = min(20cm, 1.5e) in critical zone
e is the thickness of the wall

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The two layers must be connected, and the horizontal bars on the outside are
fitted with hooks at 135° having a length of 10 ÿ.
The vertical chains at the ends are made up of at least 4T10 tied with frames
with a spacing of 10 cm.
Horizontal chains must have a minimum steel section equal to 3cm². The lintel
chains are made up of 2T10 anchored by 50 cm.
In critical areas, there are minimum vertical chains at each end of 4T12 with
T6 frames spaced at most 10 cm apart. LINTELS BETWEEN THREADS (JUNCTION BEAMS)

These are the junction beams between two vertical sails (piers)
Diagonal width.
The width of the compressed diagonal is equal to the max (0.2 h, 200 mm)

reinforcements • Longitudinal Al reinforcements, placed at the base and at
the top of the lintel with a minimum section ÿ 0.15% of the wall
section. Figure 7.9 • Longitudinal skin reinforcements arranged in two layers
Ap (0.20%). • Transverse reinforcements
(At ) equal to: At ÿ 0.15%bh if tb ÿ 0.025
ÿ'28 At ÿ 0.25%bh if tb > 0.025 ÿ'28
Diagonal reinforcements.
We distinguish two
cases: 1. Shear stress tb > 0.06 ÿ '28 The
bending and shear forces are taken up by steel connecting rods in the two
diagonal directions. The section of the diagonal reinforcement is equal to

Ad = T/(2 . ÿen . sinÿ) (7.15)

With T : the shear force and Tangÿ = h / l; h and l being respectively the
height and length of the lintel of the T6 frames or spirals which are arranged
along the diagonals with a maximum spacing of 10 cm (Figure 7.9.)

2. Shear stress tb <0.06 ÿ'28 We adopt

identical lower and upper reinforcements.
The lintel is calculated in simple bending like an ordinary beam.
The anchoring of diagonal reinforcements in the piers is increased by 50%.

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Section A-A

Figure 7.9: Reinforcement of the Lintel


Metal structural elements must first be dimensioned in accordance with
the regulations and standards in force, taking into account the following
a) The metal structures in zone 3 must be designed so that certain
structural elements have a dissipative behavior through the use of
specific devices or through an increase in hyperstaticity.

b) Avoid local instability of the compressed elements, seat of plastic ball

joints, by respecting the nominal dimensions of the sections of these
c) Rigid node frame structures must be dimensioned such that the plastic
hinges occur in the beams in the vicinity of the nodes.

d) The posts must be checked with respect to the shear force to ensure
the resistance capacity of the hinges which could form at the ends of
the posts.
e) The beams must resist spilling by the dimensions of their
sections or by spacers.

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The following rules complement the technical provisions provided for in constructions
in non-seismic zones in order to ensure a minimum of safety with regard to seismic
action, for constructions of 1 to 2 levels whose structural elements are masonry

The constituent materials of masonry walls are:

• Hollow or solid concrete blocks;
• Hollow or solid terracotta bricks;
• Rubble stones;
• Mortar made of sand and cement, dosed at 200 kg/m3 ;
The mechanical characteristics of blocks and bricks are set by standards for
calculation purposes. BEARING MASONRY WALLS

The load-bearing walls must be arranged symmetrically in relation to the main axes
of the building in two perpendicular directions. The distribution density will be
approximately the same in both directions.
Vertical and horizontal joints must always be filled. The use of two different materials
in the supporting wall should be avoided. The thickness of the joint is between 2

The minimum thickness of the load-bearing wall is equal to:

15 cm for bricks and solid blocks;
20 cm for bricks and hollow blocks.
To increase the resistance of the walls to shear force, it is planned to produce
horizontal and vertical chains and window frames in reinforced concrete.

• Vertical chains should be placed at corners and openings with a height greater
than or equal to 1.50 m. The maximum distance between two vertical chains is
equal to 5m, openings included.
• Horizontal chains should be placed at the foundation levels and on each floor.
The width of the horizontal chaining will be equal to that of the wall with a tolerance
of 5cm.
No wall element must have a free masonry edge.
The concrete section of the vertical and horizontal chains must have a minimum
height equal to 15 cm.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000 REINFORCEMENT

The minimum reinforcement section of a chain must be greater than 1.6 cm².
Each corner of the chaining section must have at least one bar. The spacing
between two bars of the same tablecloth must not exceed 20 cm.

Any chaining, horizontal or vertical, must include transverse reinforcements

with a spacing not exceeding 25 cm.
The lintels which limit the opening of windows or doors to the upper part, have
a minimum thickness equal to 8 cm and rest on the masonry over a width equal
to the maximum of (1/10 of the span, 30 cm) on each side of the opening.

The vertical frames, in reinforced concrete, of the bays and openings having a
maximum dimension less than 1.5m must have a minimum thickness equal to
7 cm. The steel section of the two vertical elements must balance a tensile
force equal to 85 KN.
The frames can be made of metal provided they have a resistance to attraction
at least equal to that required for concrete frames. REINFORCED MASONRY

This construction system concerns walls made of concrete blocks and terracotta
bricks, specially designed to have beds of vertical and horizontal steel
reinforcements. The horizontal and vertical reinforcements are arranged in
beds, of at least two bars, going from one vertical chain to another and to which
they are suitably anchored.
The minimum section of the reinforcements, vertical or horizontal, is equal to
0.5/1000 of the section of the wall. The maximum spacing between two
horizontal and vertical beds should not exceed 60 cm. FILLING MASONRY

These are masonry panels filling the bays of a reinforced concrete or steel
portico and playing no role in carrying vertical loads. They can completely or
partially fill the gantry bay. They are made of terracotta bricks or concrete
blocks. The presence of panels increases the rigidity of the structure;

For the calculation of the response of the structure, each panel is assimilated
by two crossed rods which do not work simultaneously. When one connecting
rod works in compression, the other is neglected.

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The slabs and beams of the stairs must be suitably calculated so that the
relative displacements between floors are compatible with the axial and
flexional rigidity of the stair slab. Floors must be adequately attached to
strong vertical members.

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In order to meet the general requirements of the regulation, relating to the safety
and functionality of structures (2.1.1 and 2.1.2), the following criteria are required
to be respected:
a) The adoption of reliable procedures both in terms of analysis and
construction level.
b) Examination of the relevant limit states of behavior and verification, through
analytical approaches based on appropriate models, that under the effect of
calculation actions, these limit states of behavior of the structure and its
components do not exceed not the limits set by this regulation.

c) The realization of the provisions and constructive details in accordance with the
this regulation.
A structure is considered to meet the safety and functionality requirements in a
seismic zone if the verification of stability, strength and deformation limits is
satisfied. The verification must be carried out in accordance with articles 7.2 and
7.3 of these regulations.


Stability checking includes sliding, foundation stability and overturning.


When buildings are on a slope, it must be verified, by any scientific method
confirmed by experience, that the mass defined by the most critical sliding surface
remains stable. The building must be dimensioned to resist a sliding thrust at least
1.5 times greater than the loads acting on the building. The verification must be
carried out in accordance with paragraph 9.3.

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It must be verified that the foundation system has been dimensioned so that the
deformations of the foundation base soil remain in the elastic range, in other
words without significant residual deformations.


The structure must be dimensioned to resist overturning effects due to
combinations of design actions. An anchorage is required if the effect of the
design loads tending to cause this phenomenon is greater than the stabilization
a) Stability is considered satisfied if:

0.10 ÿÿ = K Wÿel / ÿ h (8.1.a)

b) the second order effect must be taken into account in the calculation for:

0.20 ÿÿ ÿ 0.10 (8.1.b)

c) Stability is considered unsatisfied if:

ÿ> 0.20 (8.1.c)

ÿ : Stability index
W: Weight above the floor considered
ÿ : Seismic action at the level considered
h: Height of the floor
ÿel: Relative displacement
K: Behavior coefficient


It must be verified that for each element of the structure, characterized by high
energy dissipation, the following condition is satisfied:

Rd ÿ Sd (8.2)
With :
Sd : Calculation stress on the element, relating to bending with and without axial
force, torsion, shear force, evaluated in accordance with article 7.2 of
these regulations.
Rd : Ultimate design resistance of the same element evaluated in accordance
with article 7.3.

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The aim is to verify that the structure evolves within the range of its properties
taken into account in the calculation and to contain structural damage within
acceptable limits.
a) It must be verified that, under the effect of overall actions, the deformations
of the elements of the structure remain limited to the maximum values set by
this regulation.
b) Inter-storey lateral displacements ÿel evaluated from the actions of
calculation must be limited to:
K ÿel ÿ 0.007 h For class I buildings
K ÿel ÿ 0.010 h For class II buildings (8.3)

h: Height of the floor

K: Behavior coefficient
The total lateral displacement of the building ÿg must be limited to 0.004H:

ÿg ÿ 0.004 H (8.4)
H: Total height of the structure

c) Non-structural elements must be designed so as not to transmit to the

structural system forces from actions that have not been taken into account
in the calculations.
d) In the case of interaction between the framework and rigid non-structural
elements such as partitions and walls, it is necessary to respect the technical
and dimensional rules defined for them and to ensure that the resistance of
the structural system does not is not affected by their presence.

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The classification of sites is determined on the basis of the geotechnical

parameters resulting from the recognition of the soils which constitute
them. The regulation distinguishes 6 types of sites as defined in table 9.1.
However, other parameters can be correlated with those in Table 9.1.
Table 9.1: classification of sites.


Resistance of Shear wave

Resistance to
Class of Undrained Soil Shear speed
Soil Type Penetration
Site (s
Standard N60
Su (Kpa) Vs (m/s)

Healthy rock less than 3 m from

S1 Rocky soil Vs ÿ 760

Weathered rock; very stiff coherent soils, very

760> Vs
S2 Firm ground dense powdery soils, very consolidated marls or Ns ÿ 50 Su ÿ 100

Moderately compact sands and gravels, 360> Vs

S3 Soft ground 50> Ns ÿ15 100> Su ÿ50
moderately stiff clays ÿ180

Loose powdery soils 15> Ns 50> Su 180> Vs

S4 Soft ground Any soil with a depth of more than 3 m having

water content W> 40%; Plasticity index PI > 20 25> Su 150> Vs

Soils with exceptional conditions requiring an appropriate study of

their characteristics:
1. Clays having a PI > 75 and more than 8 m thick;

2. Stiff, soft to medium clays whose thickness is greater

Requires geotechnical
S5 Special floor than 30 m;
3. Soils likely to be liquefiable;
4. Soils susceptible to subsidence under
seismic stresses;
5. Soils with a high content of organic matter over a thickness of more
than 3 meters.

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a) Seismic stresses tend to densify granular soils, which rapidly increases the pore
water pressure, leading to a rapid decrease in resistance. The complete loss of
shear strength of a saturated soil following an increase in pore pressure is called

b) The foundation soil in a seismic zone must not be liquefiable; otherwise, special
measures must be taken to prevent the effect of liquefaction.


Not all soils are susceptible to liquefying.

a) Settings
The parameters determining soil liquefaction are:
• The particle size.
• The shape of the grains.
• The density of the soil in place.
• The effective stress, due essentially to the self-weight of the soil. Only the first
20 meters are generally affected
• Table 9.1.

b) Soils likely, a priori, to liquefy:

Sands and silts
• A degree of saturation Sr ÿ 100%,
• A particle size characterized by:
- a uniformity coefficient Cu ÿ 15
- and a diameter 0.05mm < D50 < 1.5mm -
Fine clay soils
With :
• a diameter D15 > 0.005m
• A liquidity limit LLÿ 35%.
• A natural water content wn> 0.9LL
• A liquidity index < 0.75
- Sandy soils whose particle size curve falls within the range of soils that are a
priori liquefiable.

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The evaluation of liquefaction can be based either on in situ tests or on
laboratory tests.
1. Laboratory tests:
The tests which can be carried out are those which reasonably reproduce
the conditions of seismic stress, or at least for which there is sufficient
experience to correct the results obtained among these tests, triaxial cyclic
tests, whether with axial loading, twist or side load.

The tests will be carried out according to the methods usually used and
proven by experience.
The results must also clearly show the evolution of the pore pressure, as
well as the deformations within the sample.
2. Liquefaction criterion
The stresses causing liquefaction are determined and compared to the
stresses produced by the earthquake.
The determination of the shear stress generated by the earthquake is
determined by a method confirmed by experience.
Are considered liquefiable, under the action of the design earthquake, soils
in which the value of the shear stresses generated by the earthquake
exceeds 75% of the value of the shear stress causing liquefaction, for the
number of equivalent cycles No. The equivalent number of cycles is
determined using available methods confirmed by experience.

3. In situ tests:
In situ penetration tests of dynamic type, SPT (standard penetration test)
or static tests can be used for the diagnosis of liquefiable soils, and any
other test for which there are well-established correlations between the
test indications and the liquefaction or non-liquefaction of soils.



a) Unless absolutely necessary, no work must be built in the immediate

vicinity of a slope recognized as unstable. If absolutely necessary, it is
then necessary to call on a specialized geotechnical engineer.

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b) The stability of natural or artificial slopes must be ensured under the action of
the design earthquake taking into account the loads brought by the structures.

c) The stability study can be carried out:

• According to any scientifically established method confirmed by experience;
• Or by the usual static methods of soil mechanics in y
integrating two inertia forces defined by:

FH = ÿH Q In the horizontal direction

FV = ± ÿV Q In the vertical direction

Or :
Q: The weight of the floor element increased by the load applied to it
and ÿH and ÿV are the seismic coefficients, with ÿV= 0.3 ÿH.
ÿH : is expressed as a function of the nominal acceleration an and the acceleration
g. Its values are given in table 9.2

Table 9.2 - Values of ÿH

Site ÿH
S1 and S2 0.50 year /g
S3 0.45 year /g
S4 0.40 year /g

The stability check must be conducted for the following combinations:

+ÿH and +aH

-ÿV and +aH


The parameters to consider in the stability calculation are those obtained in
undrained conditions.
The safety coefficient with respect to stability will be taken equal to 1.



The forces acting on the retaining walls are determined by any method scientifically
established and validated by experience. Failing this, the

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Simplified static methods presented below can be used.

The use of simplified methods takes into account the inertia forces resulting from the
dynamic action of the earthquake by applying uniform seismic coefficients to the
structure and the retained earth mass, including the loads applied to it. These forces
have the value:
- In the horizontal direction:
FH = ÿH.Q
- In the vertical direction:
FV= ÿV.Q

With: ÿV= 0.3 ÿH and ÿH= K. t. (year /g)

Or :
an : Nominal acceleration.
t : Topographic correction coefficient of the site to the right of the wall taken equal
to 1.2
K is equal to 1 in the case of active thrust and to 1.2 in the case of passive thrust.

Q: weight of the parts of the infrastructure and the retained massif including the
operating costs present on the latter.


• Active Dynamic Thrust:

The geometric and geotechnical data taken into account in the calculations are
specified below. The active dynamic thrust is given by the so-called Mononobe-Okabe
method and is expressed as

ÿ : Specific weight of moist, non-planed soil.

ÿ : Internal friction angle of the supported ground.
H: Height of the wall.
ÿ : Internal fruit of the wall.
ÿ: Angle of solid ground with the horizontal.
: Horizontal seismic coefficient.
ÿH : Vertical seismic coefficient.
ÿV ÿ: Ground-screen friction angle of the wall.
ÿ = arctg[ÿH /(1±ÿV)] : The angle that the resultant of the forces makes with the vertical
masses applied to the ground located behind the screen.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Kad : is the active dynamic thrust coefficient given by the relation:

cos 2 (ÿ - ÿ - ÿ) sin(ÿ + ÿ) - sin(ÿ - ÿ - ÿ)

Kad = 2
cos ÿ. cos ÿ. cos(ÿ + ÿ + ÿ) sin( ÿ - ÿ ) - sin( ÿ + ÿ + ÿ)

The Pad thrust consists of the active thrust in the static case Pa and the
earthquake increment ÿPadyn. Or:
Pad = Pa + ÿPadyn
The components Pa and ÿPadyn are applied respectively to H/3 and H/2
above the base of the wall.

• Passive dynamic thrust: The

passive thrust is taken equal to: Ppd = (1/2).g.H², acting horizontally
on the internal wall screen H/3 above the base.

• Thrust due to uniform overload

When the solid ground supports a uniform overload of intensity q the total
active dynamic thrust is written as: Pad = (qH/
cosÿ).(1± ÿV ) Kad
It is accepted that this thrust is exerted halfway up the wall. GENERAL CASE OF SOILS (C ÿ 0, ÿÿ 0)

This is the method developed by Prakash which gives the total active dynamic
thrust as:

Pdy = ÿH².(Nag)dy + qH.(Naq)dy - cH.(Nac)dy

In which :
(Nag)dy, (Naq)dy, (Nac)dy are the dynamic thrust coefficients
H: Wall height
ÿ: Specific weight of the soil retained
q: Overload on full ground
c: Cohesion of the field.


Verifications of slip limit states under the foundation must be carried out with
a safety coefficient of 1.2.
The punching of the foundation is checked by taking a safety coefficient of 1.5.

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The surface foundation must be sized taking into account permanent stresses (dead weight,
permanent loads, etc.) and dynamic stresses coming from the structure. The design
methods are those usually used in non-earthquake conditions.

The superficial foundation must be checked with regard to the bearing capacity and
settlement of the soil and the rotation of the sole. The applicable safety factors are:

• 1.5 with respect to the ultimate resistance

• 1.2 with regard to sliding
The settlement and rotation of the sole must be less than the values specified by the client
in the specifications.


Any disturbance of the state of equilibrium of the ground crossed by the foundation, during
and after the vibrations, must be taken into account in the design of the foundation.

These disturbances can correspond to a loss of resistance, to the liquefaction of a zone of

the soil, to settlement accompanied by negative friction or even to the development of lateral
thrusts on the shaft of the foundation.

All types of deep foundations must be checked taking into account vertical loads, including
those generated by seismic action. CALCULATION METHODS

a) General method:
- The actions transmitted by the structure to its foundation are those resulting
dynamic action on the structure.
- Any method scientifically established and validated by experience can
be used after justification.
- Failing this, the simplified method below can be used within the limit
conditions of validity.
- The non-resonance condition of the foundation must be verified.
All types of deep foundation must be checked for buckling.

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

b) Simplified method:
The simplified method is valid if the conditions below are verified simultaneously:

- Deep foundations are sufficiently flexible in the horizontal plane so that their
deformation can be considered to be the same as that of the ground.

- The total section of the deep foundations must be at most equal to 5% of the area
it delimits.
- The stiffening of the head of the foundations must be ensured to standardize their
- The structure must be sufficiently embedded in the ground so that the displacement
of its base is taken equal to that of the ground located within its footprint.

c) Calculations:
- The structure is subject to calculation actions corresponding to the site.
- The calculations are based on the first mode of vibration of the foundation taking
into account its connection with the structure. The method consists of determining
the maximum displacement at the top of the foundation.
- If the previous condition is not satisfied, the foundations must be calculated by any
scientifically established soil-structure interaction method.

d) The safety factor:

The design of deep foundations must take into account the following safety
- with respect to the peak term:
For bored piles: 2
For driven piles: 1.5
- with regard to lateral friction: 1.5 and 2 if it concerns floating piles.
The investigations carried out on the scale of this complex geodynamic context
made it possible to define the geological framework and structure of the main
seismotectonic domains and crustal-scale faults which will constitute the source
zones of seismic activity. These source zones are delimited by the geometric and
kinematic parameters of the faults which outcrop on the surface or present at depth.

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Catalog of Speeds and Zones
Speeds and Accelerations at the level
of each municipality

Ouad Eddahab Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Ouad Eddahab Bir Anzarane 5 0 0

Ouad Eddahab Dakhla 5 0 1

Ouad Eddahab El argoub 5 0 0

Ouad Eddahab Gleibat el foula 5 0 0

Ouad Eddahab Imlili 5 0 0

Ouad Eddahab Mijik 5 0 0

Ouad Eddahab Oum dreyga 5 0 0

Aousserd Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Aousserd Aghouinite 5 0 0

Aousserd Aousserd 5 0 0

Aousserd Bir gandouz 5 0 0

Aousserd Lagouira 0 0 1

Aousserd Tichla 5 0 0

Aousserd Zug 5 0 0

Assa-Zag Al mahbass 5 0 0

Assa-Zag Aouint lahna 7 1 1

Assa-Zag Aouint yghomane 7 1 1

Assa-Zag Assa 5 0 0

Assa-Zag Labouirat 5 0 1

Assa-Zag Touizgui 5 0 0

Assa-Zag Zag 5 0 0

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Laayoune Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Laayoune Akhfennir 7 1 1

Laayoune Boukraa 5 0 0

Laayoune Daoura 5 0 1

Laayoune Dcheira 5 0 0

Laayoune El hagounia 5 0 1

Laayoune El marsa 5 0 1

Laayoune Foum el ouad 5 0 1

Laayoune Laayoune 5 0 0

Laayoune Tah 7 1 1

Laayoune Tarfaya 7 1 1

Boujdour Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Boujdour Boujdour 5 0 1

Boujdour Gueltat Zemmour 5 0 0

Boujdour Jraifia 5 0 0

Boujdour Lamssid 5 0 0

Province of Essemara

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Essemara Amgala 5 0 0

Essemara Essemara 5 0 0

Essemara Haouza 5 0 0

Essemara Jdiriya 5 0 0

Essemara Sidi Ahmed Laaroussi 5 0 0

Essemara Tifariti 5 0 0

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Province of Guelmim

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Guelmim Abaynou 7 1 1

Guelmim A day 7 1 1

Guelmim Aferkat 7 1 1

Guelmim Ait boufoulen 7 1 1

Guelmim Amtdi 7 1 1

Guelmim Asrir 7 1 1

Guelmim Bouizakarne 7 1 1

Guelmim Echatea el abied 7 1 1

Guelmim Fask 7 1 1

Guelmim Guelmim 7 1 1

Guelmim Ifrane atlas saghir 7 1 1

Guelmim Labyar 7 1 1

Guelmim Laqsabi tagoust 7 1 1

Guelmim Ras oumlil 7 1 1

Guelmim Tagante 7 1 1

Guelmim Taghjijt 5 0 1

Guelmim Taliouine assaka 7 1 2

Guelmim Targa wassay 7 1 2

Guelmim Tiglit 7 1 1

Guelmim Timoulay 7 1 1

Tan-Tan Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Tan-Tan Abteh 7 1 1

Tan-Tan Ben Khlil 7 1 1

Tan-Tan Chbika 7 1 1

Tan-Tan El Ouatia 5 0 1

Tan-Tan Msied 7 1 1

Tan-Tan Tan-Tan 7 1 1

Tan-Tan Tilemzoun 7 1 1

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Tata Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Tata Said 7 1 0
Tata Aguinane 10 2 2
Tata Ait ouabelli 5 0 0
Tata Akka 5 0 0
Tata Akka ighane 7 1 1
Tata Allougoum 7 1 1
Tata Fam el hisn 7 1 1
Tata Foumzguid 7 1 1
Tata Ibn yacoub 7 1 2
Tata Issafen 10 2 2
Tata Kasbat sidi abdallah ben m'barek 5 0 1
Tata Oum el guerdane 5 0 0
Tata Tagmout 7 1 2
Tata Tamanarte 5 0 0
Tata Tata 7 1 1
Tata Tigzmerte 7 1 1
Tata Tissint 5 0 1
Tata Tizaghte 7 1 1
Tata Tizounin 5 0 0
Tata Tlite 7 1 2

Province of Agadir Ida Ou Tanane

Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Common Speed
speed seismic zone

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Agadir 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Amskroud 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Anza 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Aurir 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Aqesri 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Aziar 10 2 3

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Bensergao 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Dcheira El Jihadia 13 3 3

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Drargua 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Idmine 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Immouzzer 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Imsouane 10 2 3

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Tadrart 10 2 3

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Taghazout 13 3 4

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Tamri 13 3 3

Agadir Ida Ou Tanane Tiqqi 10 2 3

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Province of Chtouka Ait Baha

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Chtouka Ait Baha Ait Amira 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Ait Baha 10 2 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Ait Milk 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Ait Mzal 10 2 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Ait Ouadrim 10 2 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Aouguenz 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Belfaa 13 3 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Biougra 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Hilala 10 2 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Ida Ou Gnidif 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Imi Mqourn 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Inchaden 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Massa 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Ouad Essafa 13 3 3

Sidi Abdallah El
Chtouka Ait Baha 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Sidi Bibi 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Sidi Boushab 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Sidi Ouassay 13 3 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Tanalt 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Targa Ntouchka 10 2 2

Chtouka Ait Baha Tassegdelt 10 2 3

Chtouka Ait Baha Tizi Ntakoucht 10 2 3

Province of Inezgane Ait Melloul

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Common Speed
speed seismic zone

Inezgane Ait Melloul Ait Melloul 13 3 3

Inezgane Ait Melloul Inezgane 13 3 3

Inezgane Ait Melloul Lgliaa 13 3 3

Inezgane Ait Melloul Oulad Dahou 13 3 3

Inezgane Ait Melloul Temsia 13 3 3

Inezgane Ait Melloul Tikouine

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Taroudannt Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Taroudannt Adar 10 2 2
Taroudannt Agadir melloul 10 2 2
Taroudannt Ahl ramel 13 3 3
Taroudannt Ahl tifnoute 7 1 2
Taroudannt Ahmar laglalcha 10 2 3
Taroudannt Ait abdallah 10 2 2
Taroudannt Ait iaaza 10 2 3
Taroudannt Ait igas 10 2 3
Taroudannt Ait makhlouf 10 2 3
Taroudannt Amalou 10 2 3
Taroudannt Aoulouz 10 2 2
Taroudannt Arazan 10 2 2
Taroudannt Argana 10 2 3
Taroudannt Askaouen 7 1 2
Taroudannt Assads 10 2 3
Taroudannt Assesses 7 1 2
Taroudannt Assaki 10 2 2
Taroudannt Azaghar n’irs 10 2 2
Taroudannt Azrar 10 2 2
Taroudannt Bigoudine 10 2 3
Taroudannt Bounrar 10 2 3
Taroudannt Eddir 13 3 3
Taroudannt El Faid 10 2 2
Taroudannt El guerdane 10 2 3
Taroudannt El koudia el beida 13 3 3
Taroudannt Freija 10 2 3
Taroudannt Ida or Gailal 10 2 2
Taroudannt Ida or moumen 10 2 3
Taroudannt Ida ougoummad 10 2 2
Taroudannt Igherm 10 2 2
Taroudannt Igli 10 2 2
Taroudannt Igoudar mnabha 10 2 2
Taroudannt Iguidi 7 1 2
Taroudannt Imaouen 10 2 2
Taroudannt Imi n'tayart 10 2 2
Taroudannt Imilmaiss 10 2 2
Taroudannt Imoulass 10 2 3
Taroudannt Issen 13 3 3
Taroudannt Lagfifat 13 3 3
Taroudannt Lakhnafif 10 2 3
Taroudannt Lamhadi 10 2 3
Taroudannt Lamhara 10 2 2
Taroudannt Lamnizla 10 2 3

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Taroudannt Machraa el ain 10 2 3

Taroudannt Nihit 10 2 3
Taroudannt Oualqadi 10 2 3
Taroudannt Oulad aissa 10 2 2
Taroudannt Oulad berhil 10 2 2
Taroudannt Oulad teima 13 3 3
Taroudannt Ouneine 10 2 2
Taroudannt Ouzioua 7 1 2
Taroudannt Sidi abdallah ou said 10 2 2
Taroudannt Sidi Ahmed or Abdellah 10 2 3
Taroudannt Sidi Ahmed or Amar 13 3 3
Taroudannt Sidi boaal 10 2 2
Taroudannt Sidi borja 10 2 3
Taroudannt Sidi boumoussa 13 3 3
Taroudannt Sidi Dahmane 10 2 3
Taroudannt Sidi hsaine 7 1 2
Taroudannt Sidi moussa lhamri 13 3 3
Taroudannt Sidi mzal 10 2 2
Taroudannt Sidi ouaaziz 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tabia 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tafingoult 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tafraouten 10 2 3
Taroudannt Talgjunt 10 2 2
Taroudannt Taliouine 7 1 2
Taroudannt Talmakante 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tamaloukte 10 2 3
Taroudannt Taouyalte 7 1 2
Taroudannt Taroudannt 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tassousfi 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tataoute 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tazemmort 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tidsi nissendalene 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tigouga 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tindin 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tinzart 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tiout 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tisfane 10 2 3
Taroudannt Tisrasse 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tizgazaouine 10 2 2
Taroudannt Tizi n'test 10 2 2
Taroudannt Toubkal 7 1 2
Taroudannt Toufelaazt 10 2 3
Taroudannt Toughmart 10 2 2
Taroudannt Toumliline 10 2 2
Taroudannt Zagmouzen 7 1 2
Taroudannt Zaouiat sidi tahar 10 2 3

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Tiznit Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Tiznit Afella ighir 7 1 1
Tiznit Ait erkha 7 1 1
Tiznit Ait issafen 7 1 2
Tiznit Ait ouafqa 7 1 1
Tiznit Ammelne 10 2 2
Tiznit Anfeg 7 1 1
Tiznit Anzi 10 2 2
Tiznit Arbaa abdallah 7 1 2
Tiznit Arbaa ahmed 10 2 2
Tiznit Arbaa rasmouka 10 2 2
Tiznit Arbaa sahel 10 2 2
Tiznit Bounaamane 7 1 2
Tiznit Boutrouch 7 1 1
Tiznit El maader el kabir 10 2 2
Tiznit Ibdar 7 1 1
Tiznit Ida or gougmar 7 1 1
Tiznit Imi n'fast 7 1 2
Tiznit Irigh n'tahala 10 2 2
Tiznit Lakhsas 7 1 2
Tiznit Mesti 7 1 2
Tiznit Mirleft 7 1 2
Tiznit Ouijjane 10 2 2
Tiznit Reggadah 7 1 2
Tiznit Sbouya 7 1 2
Tiznit Sebt ennabour 7 1 1
Tiznit Sidi Abdallah or Belaid 7 1 1
Tiznit Sidi Ahmed or Moussa 7 1 1
Tiznit Sidi bouabdelli 7 1 2
Tiznit Sidi h'saine or ali 7 1 2
Tiznit Sidi ifni 7 1 2
Tiznit Sidi m'bark 7 1 2
Tiznit Tafraout 10 2 2
Tiznit Tafraout el mouloud 10 2 2
Tiznit Tangarfa 7 1 2
Tiznit Tarsouat 7 1 1
Tiznit Tassrirt 7 1 2
Tiznit Tighirt 7 1 1
Tiznit Tighmi 10 2 2
Tiznit Tioughza 7 1 2
Tiznit Tiznit 10 2 2
Tiznit Tizoughrane 10 2 1
Tiznit Tnine aday 10 2 2
Tiznit Tnine aglou 10 2 2
Tiznit Tnine amellou 7 1 2

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Ouarzazate Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Ouarzazate Ait el farsi 7 1 1
Ouarzazate Ait ouassif 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ait sedrate jbel el oulia 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ait sedrate jbel soufflé 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ait sedrate sahl charkia 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ait sedrate sahl el gharbia 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ait youl 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ait zineb 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Amerzgane 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Aznaguen 10 2 2
Ouarzazate Boumalne Dades 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ghassate 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Idelsane 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ighil n’oumgoun 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ighrem n’ougdal 10 2 2
Ouarzazate Ikniouen 7 1 1
Ouarzazate Imi n'oulaoune 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Imide 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Kalaat m'gouna 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Khouzama 7 1 2
Ouarzazate M’semrir 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ouaklim 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ouarzazate 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Ouisselsate 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Siroua 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Skoura ahl el oust 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Souk lakhmiss dades 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Taghzoute did not attack 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Tarmigt 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Taznakht 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Telouet 10 2 2
Ouarzazate Tidli 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Tilmi 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Tinghir 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Toudgha el oulia 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Toudgha panted 7 1 2
Ouarzazate Toundoute 7 1 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of Zagora
Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Zagora Afella N'dra 7 1 2

Zagora Afra 7 1 1

Zagora Agdz 7 1 2

Zagora Ait Boudaoud 7 1 1

Zagora Ait Ouallal 7 1 1

Zagora Bleida 7 1 1

Zagora Bni Zoli 7 1 1

Zagora Bouzeroual 7 1 1

Zagora Errouha 7 1 1

Zagora Fezouata 7 1 1

Zagora Ktaoua 5 0 1

Zagora Mezguita 7 1 2

Zagora M’hamid El Ghizlane 5 0 1

Zagora N’kob 7 1 1

Zagora Oulad Yahya Lagraire 7 1 1

Zagora Taftechna 7 1 1

Zagora Taghbalte 7 1 1

Zagora Tagoonite 7 1 1

Zagora Tamegroute 7 1 1

Zagora Tamezmoute 7 1 1

Zagora Tansifte 7 1 2

Zagora Tazarin 7 1 1

Zagora Ternata 7 1 1

Zagora Tinzoulin 7 1 1

Zagora Zagora 7 1 1

Province of Kenitra

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Kenitra Ameur Seflia 10 2 2

Kenitra Arbaoua 13 3 2

Kenitra Azghar 10 2 2

Kenitra Bahhara Oulad Ayad 13 3 2

Kenitra Ben Mansour 10 2 2

Kenitra Beni Malek 10 2 2

Kenitra Boumaiz 10 2 2

Kenitra Chouafaa 13 3 3

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Kenitra Dar Bel Amri 10 2 2

Kenitra Haddada 10 2 2

Kenitra Kariat Ben Aouda 10 2 2

Kenitra Kceibya 10 2 2

Kenitra Kenitra Maamoura 10 2 2

Kenitra Kenitra Saknia 10 2 2

Kenitra Lalla Mimouna 13 3 2

Kenitra Mehdia 10 2 2

Kenitra Mnasra 10 2 2

Kenitra Mograne 10 2 2

Kenitra Moulay Bousselham 13 3 3

Kenitra Msaada 10 2 2

Kenitra Ouad El Makhazine 13 3 2

Kenitra Oulad Ben Hammadi 10 2 2

Kenitra Oulad H'cine 10 2 2

Kenitra Oulad Slama 10 2 2

Kenitra Sfafaa 10 2 2

Kenitra Sidi Allal Tazi 10 2 2

Kenitra Sidi Boubker El Haj 13 3 2

Kenitra Sidi Mohamed Lahmar 10 2 2

Kenitra Sidi Slimane 10 2 2

Kenitra Sidi Taibi 10 2 2

Kenitra Sidi Yahya El Gharb 10 2 2

Kenitra Souk Arbaa 10 2 2

Kenitra Souk Tlet El Gharb 10 2 2

Province of Sidi Kacem

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Sidi Kacem Ain Dfali 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Al Haouafate 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Bab Tiouka 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Bir Taleb 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Bni Oual 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Bni Qolla 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Sidi Kacem Chbanate 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Dar Gueddari 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Dar Laaslouji 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Ermilate 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Had Kourt 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Jorf El Melha 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Khnichet 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Lamjaara 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Lamrabih 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Masmouda 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Mechraa Bel Ksiri 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Moulay Abdelkader 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Mzefroune 13 3 2

Sidi Kacem Nouirate 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Ouezzane 13 3 2

Sidi Kacem Oulad Nouel 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Ounnana 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sefsaf 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Selfat 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Ahmed Ben Aissa 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Ahmed Cherif 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Al Kamel 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Ameur El Hadi 13 3 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Azzouz 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Bousber 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Kacem 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi M'hamed Chelh 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Sidi Redouane 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Taoughilt 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Tekna 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Teroual 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Zagotta 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Zghira 10 2 2

Sidi Kacem Zirara 10 2 2

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Province of Ben Slimane

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Ben Slimane Ahlaf 7 1 1
Ben Slimane Ain Tizgha 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Ben Slimane 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Bir Ennasr 7 1 1
Ben Slimane Bni Yakhlef 10 2 2
Ben Slimane Bouznika 10 2 2
Ben Slimane El Mansouria 10 2 2
Ben Slimane Fdalate 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Mellila 7 1 1
Ben Slimane Moualine El Ghaba 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Moualine El Ouad 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Oulad Ali Toualaa 7 1 1
Ben Slimane Oulad Yahya Louta 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Rdadna Oulad Malek 7 1 1
Ben Slimane Sidi Bettache 7 1 1
Ben Slimane Sidi Khdim 10 2 2
Ben Slimane Sidi Moussa Ben Ali 10 2 1
Ben Slimane Sidi Moussa El Majdoub 10 2 2
Ben Slimane Ziaida 7 1 1

Khouribga Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Khouribga Ain Kaicher 10 2 2
Khouribga Ait Ammar 7 1 1
Khouribga Bejaad 10 2 2
Khouribga Bir Mezoui 7 1 1
Khouribga Bni Bataou 10 2 2
Khouribga Bni Smir 7 1 1
Khouribga Bni Ykhlef 7 1 1
Khouribga Bni Zrantel 10 2 2
Khouribga Boujniba 7 1 1
Khouribga Bukhrisse 10 2 2
Khouribga Boulanouare 7 1 1
Khouribga Braksa 7 1 1
Khouribga Chougrane 7 1 2
Khouribga El Foqra 7 1 1
Khouribga Hattane 7 1 1
Khouribga Kasbat Troch 7 1 1
Khouribga Khouribga 7 1 1
Khouribga Lagfaf 7 1 1

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Khouribga Lagnadiz 7 1 1
Khouribga Maadna 7 1 1
Khouribga M’fassis 7 1 1
Khouribga Ouad Zem 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Abdoune 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Aissa 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Azzouz 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Boughadi 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Fennane 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Ftata 7 1 1
Khouribga Oulad Gouaouch 10 2 2
Khouribga Rouached 7 1 2
Khouribga Tachrafat 10 2 2

Province of Settat

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Settat Ain Blal 7 1 1
Settat Ain Dorbane 7 1 1
Settat Ain Nzagh 7 1 1
Settat Ben Ahmed 7 1 1
Settat Ben Maachou 10 2 2
Settat Berrechid 7 1 1
Settat Bni Khloug 7 1 1
Settat Bni Yagrine 7 1 1
Settat Bougargouh 7 1 1
Settat Dar Chaffai 7 1 1
Settat Deroua 10 2 1
Settat El Borouj 7 1 1
Settat El Gara 7 1 1
Settat Foqra Oulad Aameur 7 1 1
Settat Gdana 7 1 1
Settat Guisser 7 1 1
Settat Jaqma 7 1 1
Settat Kasbat Ben Mchich 10 2 1
Settat Khemisset Chaouia 7 1 1
Settat Laghnimyine 10 2 1
Settat Lahlaf M'zab 7 1 1
Settat Lahouaza 7 1 1
Settat Lahsasna 7 1 1
Settat Lakhiaita 10 2 2
Settat Lakhzazra 7 1 1
Settat Lambarkiyine 7 1 1
Settat Laqraqra 7 1 1

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Settat Loulad 7 1 1
Settat Machraa Ben Abbou 7 1 1
Settat Meskoura 7 1 1
Settat M'garto 7 1 1
Settat Mniaa 7 1 1
Settat Mrizigue 7 1 1
Settat Mzoura 7 1 1
Settat N’khila 7 1 1
Settat Ouad Naanaa 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Aafif 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Abbou 10 2 1
Settat Oulad Amer 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Bouali Nouaja 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Cebbah 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Chbana 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Fares 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Fares El Halla 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Freiha 7 1 1
Settat Oulad M'hamed 7 1 1
Settat Oulad M'rah 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Said 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Sghir 7 1 1
Settat Oulad Zidane 7 1 1
Settat Ras El Ain Chaouia 7 1 1
Settat Riah 7 1 1
Settat Rima 7 1 1
Settat Sahel Oulad H'riz 10 2 2
Settat Settat 7 1 1
Settat Sgamna 7 1 1
Settat Sidi Abdelkhaleq 10 2 1
Settat Sidi Abdelkrim 7 1 1
Settat Sidi Ahmed El Khadir 7 1 1
Settat Sidi Boumehdi 7 1 1
Settat Sidi Dahbi 7 1 1
Settat Sidi El Aidi 7 1 1
Settat Sidi El Mekki 7 1 1
Settat Sidi Hajjaj 7 1 1
Sidi Mohammed Ben
Settat 7 1 1
Settat Sidi Rahal Chatai 10 2 2
Settat Soualem 10 2 2
Settat Tamadroust 7 1 1
Settat Toualet 7 1 1
Settat Zaouiat Sidi Ben Hamdoun 7 1 1

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Al Haouz Province
Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Al Haouz Abadou 10 2 2
Al Haouz Aghbar 10 2 2
Al Haouz Ait Aadel 10 2 2
Al Haouz Ait Faska 10 2 2
Al Haouz Ait Hkim Ait Izid 10 2 2
Al Haouz Ait Ourir 10 2 2
Al Haouz Ait Sidi Daoud 10 2 2
Al Haouz Amghras 10 2 3
Al Haouz Amizmiz 10 2 3
Al Haouz Anougal 10 2 2
Al Haouz Asni 10 2 2
Al Haouz Azgour 10 2 2
Al Haouz Dar Jamaa 10 2 3
Al Haouz Ghamate 10 2 3
Al Haouz Ighil 10 2 2
Al Haouz Iguerferouane 10 2 2
Al Haouz Ijoukak 7 1 2
Al Haouz Imgdal 10 2 2
Al Haouz Lalla Takarkoust 10 2 3
Al Haouz Moulay Brahim 10 2 3
Al Haouz Ouazguita 10 2 3
Al Haouz Ouirgane 10 2 2
Al Haouz Oukaimden 10 2 2
Al Haouz Oulad Mtaa 10 2 3
Al Haouz Ourika 10 2 3
Al Haouz Sidi Abdallah Ghiat 10 2 3
Al Haouz Sidi Badhaj 10 2 3
Al Haouz Sti Fadma 10 2 2
Al Haouz Tahannaout 10 2 3
Al Haouz Talat N'yaaqoub 10 2 2
Al Haouz Tamaguert 10 2 2
Al Haouz Tamazouzte 10 2 3
Al Haouz Tameslohte 10 2 3
Al Haouz Tazart 10 2 2
Al Haouz Tidili Mesfioua 10 2 2
Al Haouz Tighedouine 10 2 2
Al Haouz Tizguine 10 2 3
Al Haouz Touma 10 2 2
Al Haouz Zerkten 10 2 2

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Chichaoua Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Chichaoua Adassil 10 2 2

Chichaoua Afalla Issen 7 1 2

Chichaoua Ahdil 7 1 1

Chichaoua Ain Tazitounte 7 1 2

Chichaoua Ait Haddou Youssef 10 2 2

Chichaoua Ait Hadi 7 1 2

Chichaoua Asif El Mal 10 2 3

Chichaoua Bouabout 7 1 1

Chichaoua Bouabout Amdlane 7 1 2

Chichaoua Chichaoua 7 1 2

Chichaoua Douirane 7 1 2

Chichaoua Gmassa 10 2 3

Chichaoua Ichamraren 7 1 2

Chichaoua Imindounit 10 2 2

Chichaoua Imintanoute 7 1 2

Chichaoua Irohalen 7 1 2

Chichaoua Kouzemt 7 1 2

Chichaoua Lalla Aaziza 10 2 2

Chichaoua Lamzoudia 7 1 2

Chichaoua Majjat 7 1 2

Chichaoua M'zouda 7 1 2

Chichaoua Nfifa 7 1 2

Chichaoua Ouad Lbour 7 1 2

Chichaoua Oulad Moumna 7 1 1

Chichaoua Rahhala 7 1 1

Chichaoua Saidate 7 1 2

Chichaoua Sid L'mokhtar 7 1 1

Chichaoua Sidi Abdelmoumen 7 1 2

Chichaoua Sidi Bouzid Arragragui 7 1 2

Chichaoua Sidi Ghanem 7 1 2

Chichaoua Sidi M'hamed Dalil 7 1 2

Chichaoua Taouloukoult 7 1 2

Chichaoua Timezgadiouine 7 1 3

Chichaoua Timlilt 7 1 2

Chichaoua Zaouiat Annahlia 7 1 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of El Kelaa Sraghna

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
El Kelaa Sraghna Ait Hammou 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Ait Taleb 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Akarma 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Assahrij 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Ben Guerir 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Bouchane 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Bourous 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Bouya Omar 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Choara 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Chtaiba 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Dzouz 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Eddachra 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna El Aamria 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna El Marbouh 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Errafiaya 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Fraita 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Hiadna 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Jaafra 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Jaidate 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Jbiel 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Jouala 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Kelaat Sraghna 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Laatamna 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Laataouia 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Laattaouia Echchaybia 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Labrikiyne 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Lamharra 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Wadi Lakhdar 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Lounasda 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Mayate 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna M’zem Sanhaja 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Nzalat Laadam 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Ouargui 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Aamer 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Aamer Tizmarine 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Aarrad 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Bouali L'ouad 10 2 2

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El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Cherki 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad El Garne 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Hassoune Hamri 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Imloul 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Khallouf 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Massaoud 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Msabbel 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Sbih 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Yacoub 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Oulad Zarrad 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Ras Ain Rhamna 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Abdallah 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Aissa Ben Slimane 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Ali Labrahla 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Bou Othmane 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Boubker 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi El Hattab 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Ghanem 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Mansour 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Moussa 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sidi Rahhal 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Skhour Rhamna 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Skoura Lhadra 7 1 1

El Kelaa Sraghna Sour El Aaz 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Tamallalt 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Taouzint 7 1 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Tlauh 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Zemran 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Zemrane Charqia 10 2 2

El Kelaa Sraghna Znada 7 1 2

Essaouira Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Essaouira Adaghas 10 2 3
Essaouira Aglif 7 1 2
Essaouira Aguerd 10 2 2
Essaouira Ait Aissi Ihahane 10 2 3
Essaouira Ait Daoud 7 1 2
Essaouira Ait Said 10 2 2
Essaouira Aqermoud 10 2 2
Essaouira Trials 7 1 3
Essaouira Bizdad 7 1 1
Essaouira Bouzemmour 7 1 2
Essaouira El Hanchane 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Essaouira Essaouira 10 2 2
Essaouira Ezzaouite 7 1 2
Essaouira Had Dra 10 2 2
Essaouira Ida Ou Aazza 10 2 2
Essaouira Ida Ou Guelloul 10 2 3
Essaouira Ida Ou Kazzou 10 2 3
Essaouira Imgrade 10 2 2
Essaouira Imi N'tlit 10 2 2
Essaouira Kechoula 7 1 1
Essaouira Korimate 7 1 1
Essaouira Lagdadra 10 2 2
Essaouira Lahsinate 10 2 2
Essaouira Mejji 7 1 1
Essaouira Meskala 7 1 1
Essaouira M'khalif 10 2 1
Essaouira Mouarid 7 1 1
Essaouira Moulay Bou Zarqtoune 10 2 2
Essaouira Row me 7 1 1
Essaouira Mzilate 7 1 1
Essaouira Oulad M'rabet 7 1 1
Essaouira Ounagha 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Abdeljalil 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Ahmed Essayeh 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Aissa Regragui 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Ali El Korati 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Boulaalam 7 1 1
Essaouira Sidi El Jazouli 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Ghaneme 7 1 2
Essaouira Sidi H'mad Ou Hamed 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi H'mad Ou M'barek 10 2 3
Essaouira Sidi Ishaq 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Kaouki 10 2 2
Essaouira Sidi Laaroussi 7 1 1
Essaouira Sidi M'hamed Ou Marzouq 7 1 1
Essaouira Smimou 10 2 2
Essaouira Tafedna 10 2 2
Essaouira Tafetachte 7 1 1
Essaouira Tahelouante 7 1 2
Essaouira Takate 10 2 2
Essaouira Takoucht 7 1 2
Essaouira Talmest 10 2 2
Essaouira Tamanar 10 2 3
Essaouira Targante 10 2 2
Essaouira Tidzi 10 2 2
Essaouira Timizguida Ouftas 10 2 3
Essaouira Zaouiat Ben Hmida 10 2 2

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Province of Marrakech-Medina

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Marrakech-Medina Marrakech Medina 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Agafay 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Ait Imour 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Loudaya 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Machouar Kasba 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Menara Gueliz 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Saada 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Sid Zouine 7 1 3

Marrakech-Menara Souihla 10 2 3

Marrakech-Menara Tassoultante 10 2 3

Province of Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali

Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Alouidane 10 2 3

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Annakhil 10 2 3

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Harbil 10 2 2

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali M’nabha 7 1 1

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Ouahat Sidi Brahim 10 2 3

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Oulad Dlim 7 1 1

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Oulad Hassoune 10 2 3

Sidi Youssef-Ben Ali Sidi Youssef Ben Ali 10 2 3

Province of Berkane

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Berkane Aghbal 13 3 2

Berkane Ahfir 13 3 2

Berkane Ain Erreggada 13 3 2

Berkane Aklim 13 3 3

Berkane Berkane 13 3 2

Berkane Boughriba 13 3 3

Berkane Chouihiya 13 3 3

Berkane Fezouane 13 3 2

Berkane Laatamna 13 3 3

Berkane Madagh 13 3 3

Berkane Rislane 13 3 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Berkane Saidia 13 3 3

Berkane Sidi Bouhria 13 3 2

Berkane Sidi Slimane Echcherraa 13 3 2

Berkane Tafoughalt 13 3 2

Berkane Zegzel 13 3 2

Province of Figuig

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Figuig Abbou Lakhal 5 0 1

Figuig Ain Chouater 5 0 1

Figuig Bni Guil 5 0 1

Figuig Bni Tajite 7 1 2

Figuig Bouanane 7 1 1

Figuig Bouarfa 5 0 1

Figuig Bouchaouene 10 2 1

Figuig Boumerieme 10 2 2

Figuig Figuig 5 0 1

Figuig Maatarka 7 1 1

Figuig Talsint 7 1 2

Figuig Tendrara 7 1 1

Jrada Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Jrada Ain Bni Mathar 7 1 1

Jrada Bni Mthar 7 1 1

Jrada Gafait 10 2 2

Jrada Guenfouda 10 2 2

Jrada Jrada 10 2 2

Jrada Laaouinate 10 2 2

Jrada Lebkhata 10 2 2

Jrada Mrija 10 2 1

Jrada Oulad Ghziyel 10 2 1

Jrada Oulad Sidi Abdelhakem 7 1 1

Jrada Ras Asfoud 10 2 2

Jrada Sidi Boubker 10 2 2

Jrada Tiouli 10 2 2

Jrada Touissit 10 2 2

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Nador Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Nador Afsou 13 3 3
Nador Ain Zohra 13 3 3
Nador Ait Mait 17 4 4
Nador Al Aaroui 13 3 3
Nador Al Barkanyene 13 3 3
Nador Amejjaou 17 4 4
Nador Arekmane 13 3 3
Nador Azlaf 13 3 4
Nador Ben Taieb 17 4 4
Nador Bni Ansar 17 4 4
Nador Bni Bouifrour 17 4 3
Nador Bni Chiker 17 4 4
Nador Bni Marghnine 17 4 0
Nador Bni Oukil Ouled M'hand 13 3 3
Nador Bni Sidel Jbel 17 4 4
Nador Bni Sidel Louta 17 4 4
Nador Bouarg 17 4 3
Nador Boudinar 17 4 4
Nador Dar El Kebdani 17 4 4
Nador Driouch 13 3 3
Nador Farkhana 17 4 4
Nador Hassi Berkane 13 3 3
Nador Iaazzanene 17 4 4
Nador Iferni 17 4 4
Nador Ihaddadene 17 4 3
Nador Ijermaouas 17 4 4
Nador Iksane 13 3 3
Nador Mellilia 17 4 4
Nador M'hajer 17 4 4
Nador Midar 17 4 4
Nador Nador 17 4 3
Nador Ouardana 17 4 4
Nador Oulad Amghar 17 4 4
Nador Oulad Boubker 13 3 3
Nador Oulad Daoud Zkhanine 13 3 3
Nador Oulad Settout 13 3 3
Nador Ras El Ma 13 3 3
Nador Selouane 17 4 3
Nador Tafersit 17 4 4
Nador Talilit 17 4 4
Nador Tazaghine 17 4 4

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Nador Temsamane 17 4 4
Nador Tiztoutine 13 3 3
Nador Trougout 17 4 4
Nador Tsaft 17 4 4
Nador Zaio 13 3 3
Nador Zeghanghane 17 4 3

Oujda Angad Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone

Oujda Angad Ahl Angad 13 3 2

Oujda Angad Ain Sfa 13 3 2

Oujda Angad Bni Drar 13 3 2

Oujda Angad Bni Khaled 13 3 2

Oujda Angad Bsara 13 3 2

Oujda Angad Isly 10 2 2

Oujda Angad Mestferki 10 2 2

Oujda Angad Neima 10 2 2

Oujda Angad Ouad Ennachef Sidi Maafa 13 3 2

Oujda Angad 10 Oujda Sidi Ziane 2 2

Oujda Angad Sidi Boulenouar 13 3 2

Oujda Angad Sidi Driss El Qadi 10 2 2

Oujda Angad Sidi Moussa Lemhaya 10 2 2

Oujda Angad Sidi Yahya 13 3 2

Province of Taourirt

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Taourirt Ahl Ouad Za 10 2 2
Taourirt Ain Lehjer 10 2 2
Taourirt Debdou 10 2 2
Taourirt El Aioun Sidi Mellouk 10 2 2
Taourirt El Atef 10 2 1
Taourirt Gteter 10 2 2
Taourirt Mechraa Hammadi 13 3 2
Taourirt Melg El Ouidane 10 2 3
Taourirt Mestegmer 10 2 2
Taourirt Oulad M'hammed 10 2 1
Taourirt Sidi Ali Belkassem 10 2 2
Taourirt Sidi Lahcen 10 2 2
Taourirt Tancherfi 10 2 2
Taourirt Taourirt 10 2 2

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Ain Chok Hay Hassani Province

Province Common Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone

Ain Chok Hay Hassani Ain Chock 10 2 2

Ain Chok Hay Hassani Hay Hassani 10 2 2

Ain Chok Hay Hassani Lissasfa 10 2 2

Ain Chok Hay Hassani Sidi Maarouf 10 2 2

Ain Chok Hay Hassani Test 10 2 2

Ain Sebaa-Hay Mohamma Ain Sebaa 10 2 2

Ain Sebaa-Hay Mohamma 10 2 2

Hay 10 2 2
Ain Sebaa-Hay Mohamma Mohammadi

Ain Sebaa-Hay Mohamma Sidi Moumen 10 2 2

Al Fida-Derb Sultan Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone

Al Fida-Derb Sultan Al Fida 10 2 2

Al Fida-Derb Sultan Al Idrissia 10 2 2

Al Fida-Derb Sultan Bou Chentouf 10 2 2

Al Fida-Derb Sultan Seas Sultan 10 2 2

Province of Ben Msick-Sidi Othman

Province Common Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman Ben Msick 10 2 2

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman El Majjatia 10 2 2

Oulad Taleb

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman Mediouna 10 2 2

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman Moulay Rachid 10 2 2

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman Salmia 10 2 2

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman Sbata 10 2 2

Ben Msick-Sidi Othman Sidi Othmane 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of Casablanca-Anfa

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Casablanca-Anfa Anfa 10 2 2
Casablanca-Anfa El Maarif 10 2 2
Casablanca-Anfa Moulay Youssef 10 2 2
Casablanca-Anfa Sidi Belyout 10 2 2
Machouar Casablanca Machouar Casablanca 10 2 2

Province of Nouaceur

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Nouaceur Bouskoura 10 2 2
Nouaceur Dar Bouazza 10 2 2
Nouaceur Nouaceur 10 2 1
Nouaceur Oulad Salah 10 2 1

Mohammedia Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Mohammedia Mohammedia 10 2 2

Province of Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Ahl Laghlam 10 2 2
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Ain Harrouda 10 2 2
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Echchallalate 10 2 2
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Lahraouyine 10 2 2
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Sidi Bernoussi 10 2 2
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Sidi Hajjaj Ouad Hassar 10 2 1
Sidi Bernoussi-Zenata Tit Mellil 10 2 2

Province of Rabat

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Rabat Agdal Riyadh 10 2 2
Rabat El Youssoufia 10 2 2
Rabat Rabat Hassan 10 2 2
Rabat Tuarga 10 2 2
Rabat Yacoub El Mansour 10 2 2

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Khemisset Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Khemisset Ain Johra 10 2 2
Khemisset Ain Sbit 7 1 1
Khemisset Ait Belkacem 10 2 1
Khemisset Ait Bouyahya El Hajjam 10 2 2
Khemisset Ait Ichou 7 1 1
Khemisset Ait Ikkou 10 2 2
Khemisset Ait Malek 10 2 2
Khemisset Ait Mimoune 10 2 2
Khemisset Ait Ouribel 10 2 2
Khemisset Ait Siberne 10 2 2
Khemisset Ait Yadine 10 2 2
Khemisset Bouqachmir 7 1 2
Khemisset Brachoua 7 1 1
Khemisset El Ganzra 10 2 2
Khemisset Ezzhiliga 7 1 1
Khemisset Houderrane 10 2 1
Khemisset Jemaat Moul Blad 7 1 1
Khemisset Khemiss Sidi Yahya 10 2 1
Khemisset Khemisset 10 2 2
Khemisset Laghoualem 7 1 1
Khemisset Maaziz 10 2 1
Khemisset Majmaa Tolba 10 2 2
Khemisset Marchouch 7 1 1
Khemisset Moulay Driss Aghbal 10 2 1
Khemisset Mqam Tolba 10 2 2
Khemisset Oulmes 7 1 2
Khemisset Rommani 7 1 1
Khemisset Sfassif 10 2 2
Khemisset Sidi Abderrazak 10 2 2
Khemisset Sidi Allal El Bahraoui 10 2 2
Khemisset Sidi Allal Lamsadder 10 2 2
Khemisset Sidi Boukhalkhal 10 2 2
Khemisset Sidi El Ghandour 10 2 2
Khemisset Tiddas 7 1 1
Khemisset Tiflet 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of Sale

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Dirty Hssaine 10 2 2

Dirty Dirty Bab Lamrissa 10 2 2

Dirty Dirty Bettana 10 2 2

Dirty Dirty Laayayda 10 2 2

Dirty Dirty Tabriquet 10 2 2

Dirty Shoul 10 2 2

Dirty Sidi Bouknadel 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Skhirate-Temara Ain Attig 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Ain El Aouda 10 2 1

Skhirate-Temara El Menzeh 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Harhoura 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Mers Elk Heir 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Oumazza 10 2 1

Skhirate-Temara Sabbah 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Sidi Yahya Zaer 10 2 1

Skhirate-Temara Skhirate 10 2 2

Skhirate-Temara Temara 10 2 2

El Jadida Province

Seismic zone at Accelerating

Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
El Jadida Azemmour 10 2 2

El Jadida Bni Hilal 10 2 1

El Jadida Bni Tsiriss 7 1 1

El Jadida Bouhmame 7 1 1

El Jadida Boulaouane 7 1 1

El Jadida Chaibate 10 2 2

El Jadida Chtouka 10 2 2

El Jadida El Jadida 10 2 2

El Jadida Haouzia 10 2 2

El Jadida Jabria 7 1 1

El Jadida Khmis Ksiba 7 1 1

El Jadida Koudiat Bni Dghough 7 1 1

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El Jadida Kridid 7 1 1
El Jadida Laagagcha 10 2 1
El Jadida Laamria 7 1 1
El Jadida Laaounate 7 1 1
El Jadida Laatatra 7 1 1
El Jadida Laghdira 10 2 2
El Jadida Laghnadra 10 2 1
El Jadida Lamharza Essahel 10 2 2
El Jadida Lbir Jdid 10 2 2
El Jadida Lgharbia 10 2 2
El Jadida Lmechrek 10 2 1
El Jadida Loualidia 10 2 2
El Jadida Metrane 7 1 1
El Jadida Mettouh 10 2 1
El Jadida Mogress 10 2 2
El Jadida Moulay Abdellah 10 2 2
El Jadida Metal 7 1 1
El Jadida Oulad Aissa 10 2 2
El Jadida Oulad Amrane 7 1 1
El Jadida Oulad Boussaken 7 1 1
El Jadida Oulad Frej 10 2 1
El Jadida Oulad Ghanem 10 2 2
El Jadida Oulad Hamdan 10 2 2
El Jadida Oulad Hcine 10 2 2
El Jadida Oulad Rahmoune 10 2 2
El Jadida Oulad Sbaita 10 2 2
El Jadida Oulad Si Bouhya 7 1 1
Oulad Sidi Ali Ben
El Jadida 10 2 1
El Jadida Saniat Berguig 10 2 1
El Jadida Sebt Saiss 10 2 2
Si Hsaien Ben
El Jadida 10 2 2
El Jadida Sidi Abed 10 2 2
El Jadida Sidi Ali Ben Hamdouche 10 2 2
El Jadida Sidi Bennour 7 1 1
El Jadida Sidi M'hamed Akhdim 10 2 2
El Jadida Sidi Smail 10 2 2
El Jadida Tamda 7 1 1
El Jadida Zaouiat Lakouacem 10 2 1
El Jadida Zaouiat Saiss 10 2 2
El Jadida Zemamra 10 2 1

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Safi Province
Province Municipality Speed
Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Safi Asfi Biyada 10 2 2
Safi Asfi Boudheb 10 2 2
Safi Asfi Zaouia 10 2 2
Safi Atiamim 7 1 1
Safi Atouabet 10 2 2
Safi Ayir 10 2 2
Safi Bouguedra 10 2 2
Safi Dar Si Aissa 10 2 2
Safi Echemmaia 7 1 1
Safi El Beddouza 10 2 2
Safi El Gantour 7 1 1
Safi El Ghiate 10 2 1
Safi El Gouraani 7 1 1
Safi Esbiaat 7 1 1
Safi Hrara 10 2 2
Safi Ighoud 7 1 1
Safi Jamaat Shaim 10 2 1
Safi Jdour 7 1 1
Safi Jnan Bouih 7 1 1
Safi Khatazakane 10 2 2
Safi Laamamra 7 1 1
Safi Labkhati 7 1 1
Safi Lahdar 10 2 1
Safi Lakhoualqa 7 1 1
Safi Lamaachate 10 2 2
Safi Lamrasla 7 1 1
Safi Lamsabih 7 1 1
Safi Moul El Bergui 10 2 2
Safi Nagga 7 1 1
Safi Oulad Salman 10 2 2
Safi Ras El Ain 7 1 1
Safi Saadla 10 2 2
Safi Sebt Gzoula 10 2 2
Safi Sidi Aissa 10 2 1
Safi Sidi Chiker 7 1 1
Safi Sidi Ettiji 7 1 1
Safi Youssoufia 7 1 1

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Province of Beni Mellal

Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Beni Mellal Aghbala 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Ait Oum El Bekht 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Al Khalfia 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Beni Mellal 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Bni Chegdale 7 1 1
Beni Mellal Bni Oukil 7 1 1
Beni Mellal Boutferda 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Bradia 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Dar Ould Zidouh 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Dir El Ksiba 10 2 2
Beni Mellal El Ksiba 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Foum El Anceur 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Foum Oudi 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Fquih Ben Salah 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Guettaya 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Had Boumoussa 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Hel Merbaa 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Kasba Tadla 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Krifate 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Naour 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Ayad 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Bourahmoune 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Gnaou 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad M'barek 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Nacer 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Said The oulad 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Yaich 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Youssef 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Oulad Zmam 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Semguet 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Sidi Aissa Ben Ali 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Sidi Hammadi 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Sidi Jaber 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Souk Sebt Oulad Nemma 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Taghzirt 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Tanougha 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Tizi N'isly 10 2 2
Beni Mellal Zaouiat Cheikh 7 1 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Azilal Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Azilal Afouraf 10 2 2
Azilal Agoudi N'lkhair 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Abbas 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Blal 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Bou Oulli 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Majden 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Mazigh 10 2 2
Azilal Ait M'hamed 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Ouaarda 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Oumdis 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Ouqabli 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Taguella 10 2 2
Azilal Ait Tamlil 10 2 2
Azilal Anergui 10 2 2
Azilal Anzou 10 2 2
Azilal Azilal 10 2 2
Azilal Bin El Ouidane 10 2 2
Azilal Bni Ayat 10 2 2
Azilal Bni Hassane 10 2 2
Azilal Bzou 10 2 2
Azilal Demnate 10 2 2
Azilal Foum Jemaa 10 2 2
Azilal Imlil 10 2 2
Azilal Isseksi 10 2 2
Azilal Moulay Aissa Ben Driss 10 2 2
Azilal Ouaouizaght 10 2 2
Azilal Ouaula 10 2 2
Azilal Rfala 10 2 2
Azilal Sidi Boulkhalf 10 2 2
Azilal Sidi Yacoub 10 2 2
Azilal Tabant 10 2 2
Azilal Tabaroucht 10 2 2
Azilal Tabia 10 2 2
Azilal Tagleft 10 2 2
Azilal Tamda Noumercid 10 2 2
Azilal Tanant 10 2 2
Azilal Taounza 10 2 2
Azilal Tidili Fetouaka 10 2 2
Azilal Tiffert N'ait Hamza 10 2 2
Azilal Tifni 10 2 2
Azilal Tilougguite 10 2 2
Azilal Timoulilt 10 2 2
Azilal Tisqi 10 2 2
Azilal Zaouiat Ahansal 10 2 2

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Al Ismailia Province
Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Al Ismailia Ain Jemaa 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Ain Karma 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Ain Orma 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Ait Ouallal 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Al Ismailia 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Al Machouar Stina 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Dar Oum Soltane 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Maknassat Azzaytoun 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Ouad Rommane 10 2 2
Al Ismailia Toulal 10 2 2

El Hajeb Province
Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
El Hajeb Agourai 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ain Taoujdate 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ait Boubidmane 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ait Bourzouine 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ait Harzv Allah 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ait Naamane 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ait Ouikhalfen 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ait Yaazem 10 2 2

El Hajeb Bitit 10 2 2

El Hajeb El Hajeb 10 2 2

El Hajeb Iqaddar 10 2 2

El Hajeb Jahjouh 10 2 2

El Hajeb Laqsir 10 2 2

El Hajeb Ras Ijerri 10 2 2

El Hajeb Sbaa Aiyoun 10 2 2

El Hajeb Tamchachate 10 2 2

El Haje Province
Seismic zone at Accelerating
Province Municipality Speed
speed seismic zone
Errachidia Aarab Sebbah Gheris 7 1 2
Errachidia Aarab Sebbah Ziz 5 0 2
Errachidia Aghbalou N'kerdous 7 1 2
Errachidia Ait Hani 7 1 2
Errachidia Ait Yahya 7 1 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Errachidia Alnif 7 1 1
Errachidia Amellagou 7 1 2
Errachidia Amouguer 7 1 2
Errachidia Aoufous 7 1 2
Errachidia Arfoud 5 0 2
Errachidia Assoul 7 1 2
Errachidia Bni M'hamed Sijelmassa 5 0 1
Errachidia Bou Azmou 7 1 2
Errachidia Boudnib 7 1 2
Errachidia Chorfa M'daghra 7 1 2
Errachidia Ennzala 7 1 2
Errachidia Errachidia 7 1 2
Errachidia Errich 7 1 2
Errachidia Errissani 5 0 1
Errachidia Errteb 7 1 2
Errachidia Essfalat 5 0 1
Errachidia Essifa 7 1 1
Errachidia Ettaous 5 0 1
Errachidia Ferkla El Oulia 7 1 2
Errachidia Ferkla Essoufia 7 1 2
Errachidia Fezna 7 1 2
Errachidia Gheris El Ouloui 7 1 2
Errachidia Gheris Essoufli 7 1 2
Errachidia Goulmima 7 1 2
Errachidia Gourrama 7 1 2
Errachidia Guers Tiallaline 7 1 2
Errachidia Guir 7 1 2
Errachidia H'ssyia 7 1 1
Errachidia Imilchil 10 2 2
Errachidia Jorf 7 1 1
Errachidia Lkheng 7 1 2
Errachidia Melaab 7 1 2
Errachidia Moulay Ali Cherif 5 0 1
Errachidia M'ssici 5 0 1
Errachidia M'zizel 7 1 2
Errachidia Ouad Naam 7 1 2
Errachidia Outerbat 7 1 2
Errachidia Sidi Aayad 7 1 2
Errachidia Sidi Ali 5 0 1
Errachidia Tadighoust 7 1 2
Errachidia Tinejdad 7 1 2
Errachidia Zaouiat Sidi Hamza 7 1 2

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Province of Ifrane

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Ifrane Ain Leuh 10 2 2

Ifrane Azrou 10 2 2

Ifrane Ben Smim 10 2 2

Ifrane Dayat Aoua 10 2 2

Ifrane Ifrane 10 2 2

Ifrane Ouad Ifrane 10 2 2

Ifrane Sidi El Makhfi 10 2 2

Ifrane Tigrigra 10 2 2

Ifrane Timahdite 10 2 2
Ifrane Tizguite 10 2 2

Province of Meknes-El Menzeh

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone

Meknes-El Menzeh Boufakrane 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Charqaoua 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Dkhissa 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Hamrya 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Karmet Ben Salem 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Majjate 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Mghassiyine 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Mhaya 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Moulay Idriss Zerhoun 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Nzalat Bni Amar 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Ouad Jdida 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Oualili 10 2 2

Meknes-El Menzeh Ouislane 10 2 2

Sidi Abdallah Al
Meknes-El Menzeh 10 2 2
Sidi Slimane Moul
Meknes-El Menzeh 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of Boulemane

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Accelerating
at speed seismic zone
Boulemane Ait Bazza 10 2 2

Boulemane Ait El Mane 10 2 2

Boulemane Almis Marmoucha 10 2 2

Boulemane Boulemane 7 1 2

Boulemane El Mers 10 2 2

Boulemane El Orjane 10 2 2

Boulemane Enjil 10 2 2

Boulemane Ermila 10 2 2

Boulemane Fritissa 10 2 2

Boulemane Guigou 10 2 2

Boulemane Imouzzer Marmoucha 7 1 2

Boulemane Ksabi Moulouya 10 2 2

Boulemane Missour 7 1 2

Boulemane Ouizeght 10 2 2

Boulemane Oulad Ali Youssef 10 2 2

Boulemane Outat El Haj 10 2 1

Boulemane Serghina 10 2 2

Boulemane Sidi Boutayeb 10 2 2

Boulemane Skoura M'daz 10 2 2

Boulemane Talzemt 10 2 2

Boulemane Tissaf 10 2 1

Province of Fes El Jadid-Dar Dbib

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Seismic zone
quickly in acceleration
Fes El Jadid-Dar Dbib Agdal 10 2 2

Machouar Fes El
Fes El Jadid-Dar Dbib 10 2 2

Fes El Jadid-Dar Dbib Oulad Tayeb 10 2 2

Fes El Jadid-Dar Dbib Saiss 10 2 2

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Province of Fes-Medina

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Seismic zone
quickly in acceleration
Fes-Medina Ain Bida 10 2 2

Fes-Medina Ain Kansara 10 2 2

Fes-Medina Fes Medina 10 2 2

Fes-Medina Sidi Harazem 10 2 2

Sefrou Province

Province Municipality Speed

Seismic zone Seismic zone
quickly in acceleration
Sefrou Adrej 10 2 2

Sefrou Aghbalou Aqorar 10 2 2

Sefrou Ahl Sidi Lahcen 10 2 2

Sefrou Ain Cheggag 10 2 2

Sefrou Ain Timguenai 10 2 2

Sefrou Ait Sebaa Lajrouf 10 2 2

Sefrou Azzaba 10 2 2

Sefrou Bhalil 10 2 2

Sefrou Bir Tam Tam 10 2 2

Sefrou Dar El Hamra 10 2 2

Sefrou El Menzel 10 2 2

Sefrou Ighzrane 10 2 2

Sefrou Imouzzer Kandar 10 2 2

Sefrou Kandar Sidi Khiar 10 2 2

Sefrou Laanousar 10 2 2

Sefrou Mtarnagha 10 2 2

Sefrou Oulad Mkoudou 10 2 2

Sefrou Ras Tabouda 10 2 2

Sefrou Ribate El Kheir 10 2 2

Sefrou Sefrou 10 2 2

Sidi Youssef Ben

Sefrou 10 2 2

Sefrou Tafajight 10 2 2

Sefrou Tazouta 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Common Speed
quickly in acceleration

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Ain Bou Ali 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Ain Chkef 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Laajajra 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Louadaine 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Mikkes 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Moulay Yacoub 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Oulad Mimoun 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Sebaa Rouadi 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Sebt Loudaya 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Sidi Daoud 10 2 2

Zouagha-Moulay Yacoub Zouagha 10 2 2

Al Hoceima Province

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration

al Hoceima Abdelghaya Souahel 13 3 4

al Hoceima Ait Kamra 17 4 4

al Hoceima Ait Youssef Ouali 17 4 4

al Hoceima al Hoceima 17 4 4

al Hoceima Arbaa Taourirt 13 3 4

al Hoceima Bni Abdallah 17 4 4

al Hoceima Bni Ahmed Imoukzan 13 3 4

al Hoceima Bni Ammart 13 3 4

al Hoceima Bni Bchir 13 3 4

al Hoceima Bni Bouayach 17 4 4

al Hoceima Bni Bouchibet 13 3 4

al Hoceima Bni Boufrah 17 4 4

al Hoceima Bni Bounsar 13 3 4

al Hoceima Bni Gmil 17 4 4

al Hoceima Bni Gmil Maksouline 17 4 4

al Hoceima Bni Hafida 17 4 4

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al Hoceima Chakrane 17 4 4

al Hoceima Imrabten 17 4 4

al Hoceima Imzouren 17 4 4

al Hoceima Issaguen 13 3 4

al Hoceima Izemmouren 17 4 4

al Hoceima Ketama 13 3 4

al Hoceima Louta 17 4 4

al Hoceima Moulay Ahmed Cherif 17 4 4

al Hoceima Nekkour 17 4 4

al Hoceima Rouadi 17 4 4

al Hoceima Senada 17 4 4

al Hoceima Sidi Boutmim 17 4 4

al Hoceima Sidi Bouzineb 13 3 4

al Hoceima Taghzout 13 3 4

al Hoceima Tamsaout 13 3 4

al Hoceima Targuist 17 4 4

al Hoceima Tifarouine 17 4 4

al Hoceima Zaouiat Sidi Abdelkader 17 4 4

al Hoceima Zarkat 13 3 4

Taza Province

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration
Taza Ait Saghrouchen 10 2 2

Taza Ajdir 13 3 4

Taza Aknoul 13 3 3

Taza Assebbab 10 2 2

Taza Bab Boudir 10 2 2

Taza Bab Marzouka 10 2 3

Taza Barkine 10 2 2

Taza Bni Frassen 10 2 2

Taza Bni Ftah 10 2 3

Taza Bni Slow 10 2 3

Taza Bouchfaa 10 2 2

Taza Bouhlou 10 2 2

Taza Bourd 13 3 4

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Taza Bouyablane 10 2 2

Taza Bragha 10 2 3

Taza El Gouzate 10 2 3

Taza Galdamane 10 2 3

Taza Ghiata Al Gharbia 10 2 2

Taza Guercif 10 2 2

Taza Gzenaya Al Janoubia 13 3 3

Taza Houara Oulad Raho 10 2 2

Taza Jbarna 10 2 3

Taza Kaf El Ghar 10 2 3

Taza Lamrija 10 2 2

Taza Maghraoua 10 2 2

Taza Matmata 10 2 2

Taza Mazguitam 10 2 3

Taza Meknassa Acharqia 10 2 3

Taza Meknassa Algharbia 10 2 3

Taza Msila 10 2 3

Taza Ouad Amlil 10 2 2

Taza Oulad Bourima 10 2 3

Taza Oulad Chrif 10 2 3

Taza Oulad Zbair 10 2 3

Taza Ras Laksar 10 2 2

Taza Rbaa El Fouki 10 2 3

Taza saka 10 2 3

Taza Sidi Ali Bourakba 13 3 4

Taza Smiaa 10 2 2

Taza Taddart 10 2 3

Taza Tahla 10 2 2

Taza Taifa 10 2 3

Taza Tainaste 13 3 3

Taza Taza Al Oulia 10 2 3

Taza Taza El Jadida 10 2 3

Taza Tazarin 10 2 2

Taza Tizi Ouasli 13 3 3

Taza Traiba 10 2 3

Taza Zrarda 10 2 2

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Province of Taounate

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration

Taounate Ain Aicha 10 2 2

Taounate Ain Legdah 10 2 2

Taounate Ain Maatouf 10 2 2

Taounate Ain Mediouna 10 2 3

Taounate Bni Oulid 10 2 3

Taounate Bni Ounjel Tafraout 13 3 3

Taounate Bni Snous 10 2 2

Taounate Bouadel 10 2 3

Taounate Bouarouss 10 2 2

Taounate Bouchabel 10 2 2

Taounate Bouhouda 13 3 3

Taounate El Bibane 10 2 3

Taounate El Bsabsa 10 2 2

Taounate Fennassa Bab El Hit 13 3 3

Taounate Galaz 10 2 2

Taounate Ghafsai 10 2 3

Taounate Ghouazi 10 2 2

Taounate Jbabra 10 2 2

Taounate Kariat Ba Mohamed 10 2 2

Taounate Khlalfa 13 3 3

Taounate Kissan 10 2 2

Taounate Loulja 10 2 2

Taounate Messassa 10 2 2

Taounate Mezraoua 10 2 2

Taounate Mkansa 10 2 2

Taounate Moulay Abdelkrim 10 2 2

Taounate Moulay Bouchta 10 2 2

Taounate Ouad Jemaa 10 2 2

Taounate Oudka 10 2 3

Taounate Oulad Ayyad 10 2 2

Taounate Oulad Daoud 10 2 2

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Taounate Ourtzagh 10 2 2

Taounate Outabouabane 10 2 2

Taounate Ras El Ouad 10 2 2

Taounate Ratba 13 3 3

Taounate Rghioua 10 2 3

Taounate Sidi El Abed 10 2 2

Taounate Sidi Lhaj M'hamed 10 2 3

Taounate Sidi M'hamed Ben Lahcen 10 2 2

Taounate Sidi Mokhfi 10 2 3

Taounate Sidi Yahya Bni Zeroual 10 2 3

Taounate Tabouda 10 2 3

Taounate Tafrant 10 2 2

Taounate Tamedit 13 3 3

Taounate Taouante 10 2 3

Taounate Thar Essouk 13 3 3

Taounate Timezgana 13 3 3

Taounate Tissa 10 2 2

Taounate Zrizer 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Province
Seismic zone Seismic zone
Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration

Chefchaouen Ain Beida 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Amtar 13 3 4

Chefchaouen Asjen 13 3 2

Chefchaouen Bab Berred 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bab Taza 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Ahmed Cherqia 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Ahmed Gharbia 10 2 3

Chefchaouen Bni Bouzra 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Darkoul 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Faghloum 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Mansour 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Rzine 13 3 4

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Chefchaouen Bni Salah 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Selmane 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Bni Smih 13 3 4

Chefchaouen Brikcha 13 3 2

Chefchaouen Chefchaouene 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Derdara 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Fifi 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Iounane 13 3 4

Chefchaouen Kalaat Bouqorra 10 2 3

Chefchaouen Laghdir 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Mansoura 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Moqrisat 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Mtioua 17 4 4

Chefchaouen Ouad Malha 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Ouaouzgane 17 4 4

Chefchaouen Steha 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Talambote 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Tamorot 13 3 4

Chefchaouen Tanaqoub 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Tassift 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Tizgane 13 3 3

Chefchaouen Zoumi 10 2 2

Fahs-Anjra Province

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration

Fahs-Anjra Al Bahraoyine 13 3 3

Fahs-Anjra Anjra 13 3 3

Fahs-Anjra Jouamaa 13 3 3

Fahs-Anjra Ksar El Majaz 17 4 3

Fahs-Anjra Ksar Sghir 13 3 3

Fahs-Anjra Laaouama 13 3 3

Fahs-Anjra Malloussa 13 3 3

Fahs-Anjra Taghramt 17 4 3

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The seismic construction regulations RPS 2000

Province of Larache

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration
Larache Ayasha 13 3 3

Larache Bni Arouss 13 3 3

Larache Bni Garfett 13 3 3

Larache Bou Jedyane 13 3 3

Larache Ksar Bjir 13 3 3

Larache Ksar El Kebir 13 3 3

Larache Laouamra 13 3 3

Larache Larache 13 3 3

Larache Oulad Ouchich 13 3 3

Larache Rissana Chamalia 13 3 3

Larache Rissana Janoubia 13 3 3

Larache Sahel 13 3 3

Larache Souaken 13 3 3

Larache Souk L'qolla 13 3 3

Larache Souk Tolba 13 3 3

Larache Tatoft 13 3 3

Larache Tazroute 13 3 3

Larache Zaaroura 13 3 3

Larache Zouada 13 3 3

Province of Tangier-Assilah

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration

Tangier-Assilah Al Manzla 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Aqouass Briech 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Asilah 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Azzinate 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Bni Makada 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Boukhalef 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Charf 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Dar Chaoui 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Lkhaloua 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Sahel Chamali 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Sidi El Yamani 13 3 3

Tangier-Assilah Tangier 13 3 3

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Province of Tetouan

Seismic zone Seismic zone

Province Municipality Speed
quickly in acceleration

Tetouan Ain Lahsan 13 3 3

Tetouan Al Hamra 13 3 3

Tetouan Al Kharroub 13 3 3

Tetouan Al Ouad 13 3 3

Tetouan Allyene 17 4 3

Tetouan Azla 17 4 3

Tetouan Bghaghza 13 3 3

Tetouan Bni Harchen 13 3 3

Tetouan Bni Idder 13 3 3

Tetouan Bni Leit 13 3 3

Tetouan Bni Said 13 3 3

Tetouan Dar Bni Karrich 13 3 3

Tetouan Fnidq 17 4 3

Tetouan Jbel Lahbib 13 3 3

Tetouan Mallalian 17 4 3

Tetouan Martil 17 4 3

Tetouan M'diq 17 4 3

Tetouan Ouad Laou 13 3 3

Tetouan Oulad Ali Mansour 13 3 3

Tetouan Saddina 13 3 3

Tetouan Sahtryine 13 3 3

Tetouan Sebta 17 4 3

Tetouan Souk Kdim 13 3 3

Tetouan Tetouan Al Azhar 13 3 3

Tetouan Tetouan Sidi Al Mandri 17 4 3

Tetouan Zaitoune 13 3 3

Tetouan Zaouiat Sidi Kacem 13 3 3

Tetouan Zinat 13 3 3

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Such. : 0537577551 - 0537577552
Fax: 0537577577
Website: www.mhpv.gov.ma

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