NCM110 NI Syllabus
NCM110 NI Syllabus
NCM110 NI Syllabus
A premier national university that develops leaders in the global knowledge economy.
In fulfillment of its mission, the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences will:
1. Provide baccalaureate nursing education that responds to, fosters the development
of, professional nurses, prepared to meet the health care needs of an ever- changing,
multicultural society.
2. Develop and utilize creative and innovative educational methodologies that serve
the learning needs of a diverse student population.
3. Prepare registered nurses as generalists who will become leaders in promoting,
maintaining, and optimizing healthy communities.
4. Provide a community-based liberal arts educational program using a holistic
approach focused on health promotion and optimal wellness.
5. Prepare registered nurses who are capable of using technology to meet the complex
health care needs of the population.
6. Promote the development of the skills, values and responsiveness required by
registered nurses to meet the health care needs of the greater community.
7. Seek and utilize opportunities for faculty and students to pursue scholarly
endeavors, such as teaching, practice, extension, and research, and
8. Develop, foster, and maintain collaborative partnership with the community and
other institutions.
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This course deals with the use of Information Technology System and data standards based on
nursing informatics principles/theories. It further deals with the utilization of clinical information
systems in the management and decision-making of patient care. It integrates Nursing science with
computer technology and information science to identify, gather, process, and manage information.
Emphasis on technology-based health applications which support clinical, administrative,
research, and educational decision making enhancing the efficacy of nursing endeavors.
This course is intended for second year students taking up Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Student Outcomes
Graduates of the BS in Nursing program are expected to: ✓
a. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health
sciences, and humanities in the practice of nursing.
b. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals,
families, population group and community utilizing nursing
c. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in ✓
the delivery of care.
d. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical ✓
and moral principles.
e. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting
using culturally-appropriate language.
f. Document to include reporting up to date client care accurately ✓
and comprehensively.
g. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and
multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.
h. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the
delivery of client care using a systems approach.
i. Conduct research with an experienced researcher. ✓
j. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with ✓
national and global developments in general, and nursing and
health developments in particular.
k. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a
l. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health ✓
care delivery.
m. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession. ✓
n. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care. ✓
Mapped Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) with Student Outcomes (SOs) for the
Learning Applicable Learning Outcomes
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
ILO 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ILO 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ILO 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
ILO 4 ✓ ✓ ✓
ILO 5 ✓ ✓ ✓
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Lecture-discussion – the instructor will upload video recorded discussions of topics via Google
classroom. The instructor will be online at the time of the course, to answer student queries related
to discussed topic.
Film-showing – this part shall include presentation of movie/video clips related to different body
systems in order to increase students’ interest levels and help enhance learning while providing
direct instruction on the topic at hand.
Use of multimedia. To be done through video clips, webinars, and powerpoint presentations,
including other online discussions.
Student Portfolio – students will be asked to submit a compilation of academic work and other
forms of educational evidence determining whether students have met learning standards or other
academic requirements for course.
Assessments will be done based on the submitted course requirements and implemented teaching
strategies of the instructor.
The following items were given as a guide in the conduct of the course:
Major Examinations
Online and offline quizzes about professional courses for nursing will be conducted from time to
time. On the other hand, major examinations (which will comprise 50% of the lecture proper) will
be done on the schedule set by the University, or if not applicable, on the days convenient to both
instructors and students.
Class Participation
• For Category 2 (Students With Limited Connectivity) – since Google classroom requires
huge bandwidth, students with limited connectivity can opt to send their
questions/clarifications through Facebook messenger; as the said platform can be utilized
even with limited network connection. They will be answered by the instructor through
recorded audio, or actual messaging.
• For Category 3 (Students With Good Internet Connection) - during the presentation of
audio recorded discussions, students can directly type their questions at the platform
(Google classroom) used for the course and the instructor will quickly respond to their
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• Consultation hours for the course will be given on the date set by the instructor and students
are encouraged to utilize the said time for further coaching/mentoring, especially in topics
that needs additional clarifications.
• They need to sign in the student temporary consultation form once consultative services
have been availed. This temporary consultation form shall be attached to the ISO form for
student consultation.
• It is advised that students use the provided consultation hours for the course. In the event
that they need to consult at a late hour, they are expected to message the instructor
courteously, with the explanation of a valid reason for consulting late.
Grading System
Passing final grade is 75%. The numerical equivalent of the final grade will be
determined from the following rating scale:
Students who will get a grade of 70-74 in their final grade are qualified to take removal
exam. Only one (1) removal exam will be given for the student. A grade of “3.0” will be
given to those who will pass the removal examination. Failing to pass the removal exam
would mean a grade of 5.00 in the course. Additionally, student/s with final grades below
70 shall automatically be graded with 5.00 and are not entitled to take any removal
Also, take note that the student’s final grades are not rounded off. For example, if a student
happened to have a final rating of 79.6, it will still fall under the range of 2.75 (78-79%);
NOT 80% or 2.50.
*A grade of “Incomplete” must be complied with by the student within one (1) semester
or one hundred fifty (150) days. A student who fails to complete the deficiency/
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deficiencies at the end of the succeeding semester shall automatically obtain a grade of
5.0 in the course.
Academic Dishonesty
Dropping must be made official by accomplishing a dropping form and submitting it at the
Registrar’s Office before the midterm examination. Students who officially drop out of
class shall be marked “Dropped” whether he took the preliminary examination or not and
irrespective of their preliminary grades.
A student who unofficially drops of class shall be given a mark of “5,0” by the instructor.
Regulations and Restrictions Inside the Classroom (For Face to Face Classes, if to be
Inside the classroom, the student should behave properly so that lectures/discussions will not be
interrupted. The following will be strictly observed during the conduct of the class.
1. All cell phones and other electronic gadgets must be turned off unless to be utilized for
learning activities demanding their use.
2. Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed inside the classroom,
3. Chatting, talking with seatmates is prohibited; as social distancing is strictly implemented,
even during food breaks.
4. Going in and out of the room without permission from the instructor is prohibited. Only
one student at a time will be allowed to go outside if the student will use the comfort room.
5. Being excused by friends or peers from outside just for any reason is not allowed to
minimize exposure from others; except for emergency cases concerning family problems
or administrative reasons.
6. Unnecessary noise must be avoided.
7. Students are obliged to ensure the cleanliness of the classroom by picking up trashes,
arranging chairs, and wiping the whiteboard before leaving the area. Additionally, they
have to turn off electrical equipment (air conditioning units, electric fan, etc) after every
class session. Class officers will be in-charge of assigning students who will maintain the
cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom settings.
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8. Video-recording and sound recording are strictly prohibited; unless mandated by the
instructor for educational purposes.
9. Students should comply to the “NO CLASS, NO UTILIZATION OF CLASSROOM”
10. Wear proper decorum as reflected on the students’ norms of conduct. Additionally, students
are required to wear surgical face masks during the conduct of the class.
11. Any form of misbehavior will not be tolerated in all learning activities.
Regulations and Restrictions for Blended Learning/Flexible Teaching and Learning Scheme
Main Reference;
1. Sewell, J. (2016). Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges, 5th ed., Wolters
Reference Books:
1. Hebda, T., Czar, P., Mascara, C. (2018). Handbook of informatics for nurses & health care
professionals, 6th ed., Pearson/Prentice Hall, new Jersey
2. Malec, B., Wyant, D. (2015) Careers in Health Information Technology. Springer Publishing
Company, LLC.
3. McGonigle, D., Mastrian, K. (2017). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge,
3rd ed., Jones & Barlett Learning, MA
Journal References:
Online Journals of Nursing Informatics
Journal of Informatics Nursing / American Nursing Informatics Association
Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics
Journal of Research in Nursing
Online Resources:
Learning Environment:
Google Classroom
Independent Study. Use of learner’s time spent outside of the classroom/ laboratory for
self-directed learning activities (actual and online)
COURSE OUTLINE/ LEARNING PLAN (Patterned from ADPCN Resource Manual 2018 )
The following is a tentative list of topics for the course. The instructor has the right to alter
the outline at any time due to preoccupied schedules, time conflicts, unexpected
activities/affairs in the university, or for overall benefit to class effectiveness.
Learning Strategies
Week Learning Topics Category 1 (No Category 2 Category 3 Assessment
No. Capacity and (Limited (With Full
Outcomes Internet Capacity Capacity and
Connectivity) /Weak/ Strong
Intermittent Connectivity)
Syllabus Discussion Over the Filmed Live
Phone Presentation Discussion Signed Statement of
Discussion of of Course of Course Understanding and
1 to Course Syllabus Syllabus Acceptance of Course
3rd Syllabus
Syllabus Content
I. Overview of LEARNING Reflective Journal. This
ILO 1: Apply OUS OUS/
Computers DISCUSSION ASYNCHRO will be done to assess
concept, Provision of a NOUS students’ learning about
theories and 1. Historical soft copy of the PPT LEARNING
electronic health records
principles of course. Each presentations and computer systems.
Perspective and the student shall Students
informatics in with audio- This can be conducted via
Computer have their recorded will be
nursing and 2. Electronic Health external device discussions asked to online mode. For those
health care. Record from a for lecture will be watch the with poor connectivity,
storage, or uploaded in live/recorde students will be given
Historical Perspective d discussion
download their the platform with a copy of the text
ILO 3: instructional available for based on the which they can answer in
Generate ways II. Computer materials at students. It schedule of the allocated time of the
Systems Google will be made their course. instructor.
on how to
classroom. available for
utilize Nursing downloading Requirement
Informatics to 1. Computer s should be Rubric for Reflective
in case that it
Hardware submitted as Journal
improve is not playing
communication. 2. Computer Software properly. scheduled
and Systems Students can
3. Open Source and ask their
questions via
Free Software online means
4. Data Processing when they
5. The Internet as a have a good
Resource connection.
16th FINAL REQUIREMENT/ Instructions The link of The link of Digital Storytelling
Week EXAMINATION will be the the
dictated by instruction instruction Personal Health
(Application) the instructor for the for the Records e-portfolio.
over the requirement requiremen Design personal e-record
phone ahead will be t will be as a valuable tool in
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of time. provided at provided at health care delivery.
the Google the Google
Classroom, Classroom, Rubric for Digital
and students and Storytelling and/or
will submit students PHR.
their output will submit
in whatever and upload
online their output
platforms in the
possible Google
with classroom.
n to time.
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
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