All-Optical NOT Gate Based On Nanoring Silver-Air Plasmonic Waveguide

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4) (2018) 2818-2821

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.18955
Research paper

All-Optical NOT Gate Based on Nanoring Silver-Air

Plasmonic Waveguide
Hassan Falah Fakhruldeen 1, 2 *, Tahreer Safa’a Mansour 1
Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Computer Techniques Engineering Department, Collage of Technical Engineering, Islamic University – Najaf, Najaf, Iraq
*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


In this work, all-optical plasmonic NOT logic gate was proposed by using metal-insulator-metal (MIM) plasmonic waveguides design.
This logic gate is numerically analyzed by COMSOL Multiphysics 5.3a. Recently, plasmonics have attracted more attention due to its
huge applications in all optical signal processing. Due to it’s highly localization to metallic surfaces, surface plasmon (SP) may have
many applications in sub wavelength to guide the optical signal in waveguides to overcome the diffraction limit which considered a big
problem in conventional optics. The proposed design of MIM structure is consist of a dielectric waveguides plus metallic claddings,
which guide the incident light strongly in the insulator region. Strong localization and relatively simple fabrication make the MIM wave-
guides the potential key design of Nano-scale all optical devices. Our design consists of symmetric ring structures with straight wave-
guides which based on MIM structure. All-optical logic gate (NOT gate) behavior is achieved from utilizing the interface between
straight waveguides and ring structure waveguides. By switching the activation of the control port, the propagation of the outgoing field
in the output waveguide will be changed. As the simulation results show, the proposed structure could operate as an all-optical NOT
logic gate. This gate would be a potential component in many applications of all-optical signals processing.

Keywords: Surface Plasmon (SP); Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM); Plasmonic NOT Gate; All Optical Signal Processing.

model which includes nanoring structures with straight wave-

1. Introduction guides. We proposed two straight waveguides with two nanoring
structures to demonstrate a NOT logic gate based on MIM wave-
Recently the need for huge bandwidth has precipitately risen to guide structure.
overcome the limitations of conventional electronic devices. The
main goals of all-optical signal processing are to achieve high data
rate and overcoming the diffraction limit problem in conventional
2. Analyses and numerical results
optics. For the time being, prototypes of plasmonic logic gates
with high data rates are step out from the research laboratories. Generally, the boundary between two semi-infinite materials hav-
The researchers are interested in this technology to make it appli- ing opposite charges negative and positive dielectric constants
cable as soon as possible. To build all optical systems, it is neces- which guide the transverse magnetic (TM) waves effectively.
sary to make all the parts of the systems such as multiplexers, data Because the widths of MIM plasmonic waveguides are extremely
synchronization unit, frequency recovery, address checker, and smaller than the incident wavelengths, low orders transverse mag-
signal amplification and regeneration, etc. should be all in optical netic (TM) modes can propagate only. The equation of dispersion
domain. To make all optical signals processing present, all – of (TM) mode in the waveguide is given by [10]:
optical gates are the basic requirement. Gates are the main ele-
ments to perform all-optical processing functions. Surface plas-  d 
 d  m   m d tanh  0 (1)
mon is existed between dielectric and metal of surface EMW.  2
Most important characteristic of surface plasmon polariton (SPP)
is the ability of coupling the electromagnetic waves to make the
is defined as: d    2   d  0 2  2 and  m is defined as:

propagation of free electrons oscillations at dielectric – metal in-
 m    2   m  0 2  2 .  d is the insulator dielectric constant,  m is the
terfaces [1]. Many promising applications of (SPPs) are there in
highly integrated optical circuits because they overcome the con-
ventional diffraction limit that is affect the traditional photonic metal dielectric constant. Free space wave vector (  0 ) is defined
devices, and they can manipulate the propagating light on sub- 2
as:  0  . β is the constant of propagation which represented by
wavelength scales [2]. SPP has been proposed several sub- 
wavelength all optical devices, such as switches [3], all optical 
logic gates, modulators [5], sensors [6, 7], and nanowires [8]. the effective index of the waveguide   .
MIM structure consists of a dielectric material waveguide between
two metallic material claddings, which powerfully confine the
light in the insulator part [9]. In our work, we designed a MIM
Copyright © 2018 Hassan Falah Fakhruldeen, Tahreer Safaa Mansour. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2819

In our proposed system, the dielectric is assumed to be air thus NOT logic gate based on the MIM waveguide structure. The pro-
 d  1 and the metal to be silver. Drude model [11] is used to cal- posed structure of the NOT logic gate is shown in Fig. 1. The
central incident wavelength ‚ is 850 nm, the ring structure radii of
culate the dielectric constant (  m ) of silver as:
are R1 = 100 nm and r = 50 nm, the width of the straight wave-
guide w is 50 nm, and the coupling distances d between the ring
p 2 structures and straight waveguides is 20 nm. In our proposed NOT
 m       (2)
     logic gate, we used three ports input, output and signal ports, the
signal port must always be in ON state. By changing the state of
At infinite angular frequency the dielectric constant (ε∞) is 3.7, the the input port, the state of the output port will be varied. When the
state of the input port is disabled (OFF state), the state of the out-
frequency of the bulk plasma  p is 1.38 × 1016 Hz, which is the
put port is enabled (ON state). The distribution of the magnetic
natural frequency of free conduction electrons oscillations, the field in case of input port in off state is shown in Fig. 2a. The effi-
oscillations damping frequency (γ) is 2.73 × 1013 Hz, and  is the ciency of the transmission in this case is shown in Fig. 2b. When
angular frequency of the incident electromagnetic radiation. A the state of the input port A is enabled (ON state), the state of the
plane wave with TM polarization is applied to excite the SPPs. output port is disabled (OFF state), the distribution of the magnet-
tr ic field in this case is shown in Fig. 3a and the transmission effi-
The transmission of the proposed system is defined as  
 in ciency is shown in Fig. 3b.
[12], where Pin is the incident power, while P tr represents the pow-
er of transmission. Two straight waveguides have been used in
this structure with two ring structures to achieve the behavior of

Fig. 1: The Proposed Structure All Optical Plasmonic NOT Gate.

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Fig. 2: When the Input Port Is Disabled, A) The Magnetic Field Distribution and B) The Transmission Spectrum.

Fig. 3: When the Input Port Is Enabled, A) The Magnetic Field Distribution and B) The Transmission Spectrum.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2821

The truth table and transmission efficiency which obtained from

the proposed structure is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Truth Table and Transmission Efficiency of the Proposed NOT


Input Output Transmission Efficiency

0 1 66.13 %
1 0 4.87 %

3. Conclusion
In conclusion, a NOT logic gate were proposed and numerically
investigated based on MIM plasmonic nanostructure. The cou-
pling property between straight waveguides and ring structures
were utilized to design all-optical plasmonic NOT gate. By chang-
ing the state of the control port, we can make outgoing field prop-
agating in the output waveguide or not. The numerical results
show that the proposed structure of the gate could operate as
plasmonic NOT gate. The proposed design of plasmonic NOT
gate would be a main part in many applications that used to per-
form all optical signals processing.

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