حسين مديح1
حسين مديح1
حسين مديح1
Yi-Yuan Xie
Ye-Xiong Huang
Wei-Lun Zhao
Wei-Hua Xu
Chao He
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2419635
1943-0655 Ó 2015 IEEE
IEEE Photonics Journal Plasmonic Sensor Based on MIM Waveguide
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2015.2419635
1943-0655 Ó 2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Manuscript received March 11, 2015; revised March 29, 2015; accepted March 31, 2015. Date of
publication April 8, 2015; date of current version April 20, 2015. This work was supported in part by
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61205088, by the Natural Science
Foundation of Chongqing Municipal under Grant 2011BB2009, by the Fundamental Research Funds
for the Central Universities under Grant XDJK2014A017, and by the 863 Program of China under
Grant 2015AA016300. Corresponding author: Y.-Y. Xie (e-mail: [email protected]).
1. Introduction
Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), which are surface electromagnetic waves excited at
the metal–dielectric interfaces, have many advantages, including overcoming the diffraction
limit of light waves and guiding light waves at subwavelength scales. They are, therefore, con-
sidered to be promising energy and information carriers and have been used to the realization
of highly integrated optical devices and circuits [1]–[6]. Over the past few years, SPPs have be-
come a very attractive subject of research for the construction of subwavelength optical devices,
and numerous devices with different structures based on SPPs have been proposed and nu-
merically investigated [7]–[16]. Among the plasmonic waveguide structures, metal–insulator–
metal (MIM) waveguide, composed of two metallic claddings and a dielectric core, has
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the plasmonic sensor based on a MIM waveguide with a laterally
coupled hexagonal cavity.
received special attention for guiding SPPs at subwavelength scales owing to its strong light
confinement, acceptable propagation length, low bend loss, and relative ease fabrication [17].
Accordingly, theoretical results on MIM waveguide-based plasmonic devices and their applica-
tions have been reported. Their applications include filters [7]–[9], demultiplexers [10]–[13], split-
ters [14], all-optical switches [15], and all-optical logic gates [16]. An optical sensor, one of the
most important devices in sensing applications, has significant advantages such as immunity to
electromagnetic interference, great sensitivity, and a wide dynamic range [18]. Optical sensors
based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) used for detecting refractive index changes of ma-
terials have received great attention for their unique optical properties including local electro-
magnetic field enhancement and ultra-sensitivity of the SPR to the surrounding medium
[19]–[21]. However, traditional SPR sensors are not suitable for integration. SPR sensors based
on SPPs have received great attention, owing to the distinguished advantages of SPPs, to
alleviate issues of high integration and high sensitivity. In the recent years, efforts have been
made to investigate plasmonic sensors based on MIM waveguides or waveguide-coupled struc-
tures, and many new kinds of SPP sensors have been proposed and numerically investigated
to achieve the goals stated above. These sensors include a tooth-shaped structure [22], an MIM
waveguide with a single defect [23], plasmonic waveguides with ring resonators [24], [25], a
slot cavity [26], and a nanodisk resonator [27]. In these structures, the plasmonic resonator is
the critical element that influences the transmission and sensing characteristics of the devices.
To improve the performance of the plasmonic MIM waveguide-based sensors, for the first time
to the best of our knowledge, a hexagonal cavity has been used to construct the plasmonic
sensing structure in this study. The structure is composed of an MIM waveguide and a later-
ally coupled hexagonal cavity. Compared to a structure based on a nanodisk cavity, the in-
teraction length of the proposed sensing structure is much longer. The FDTD method and
temporal coupled-mode theory have been used to numerically and theoretically investigate
the transmission and sensing characteristics of the sensing structure. These results lay the
theoretical foundation for designing compact sensors in optical networks-on-chip and on-chip
ohmic loss, and its frequency-dependent permittivity can be characterized by the Lorentz–Drude
model [28]:
6 !2p;i
"m ð!Þ ¼ " (1)
i¼1 !2a;i !2 þ i!!c;i
where ", !a , !c , !p , and ! represent the relative dielectric constant at infinite frequency, the res-
onance frequency, the damping frequency, the plasma frequency, and the angular frequency of
the incident wave, respectively.
Since the width of the MIM waveguide is much smaller than the incident wavelength, the
SPPs waves are only excited by the fundamental transverse magnetic (TM) mode in the MIM
waveguide. As shown in the figure, the SPPs waves are excited by TM mode on the left side of
the waveguide and propagate along the MIM waveguide from the input port to the output port.
The dispersion relation of the fundamental TM mode in the MIM waveguide can be obtained by
the following equations [11]:
ð"m kd Þtanh þ " d km ¼ 0 (2)
kd ¼ 2 "d k02 (3)
km ¼ 2 "m k02 (4)
neff ¼ =k0 (5)
where "m and "d are the dielectric constants, and km , kd are the propagation constants in the
metal and insulator, respectively. The propagation constant of the SPP waves is denoted by .
The expression k0 ¼ 2= represents the wave number of the incident light with wavelength in
vacuum. The effective refractive index in the MIM waveguide, neff , includes a real part ðReðneff ÞÞ
and an imaginary part ðImðneff ÞÞ. Generally, the imaginary part can be neglected because it is
small and only affects the propagation length of SPPs. According to (2)–(5), the effective refrac-
tive index is relevant with the width of the MIM waveguide. In fact, the real part Reðneff Þ de-
creases as the width of the MIM waveguide increases for a certain wavelength of light, and then
declines slowly as the incident wavelength increases for a certain width of the waveguide [29].
When a wave propagates along the MIM waveguide from the input port to the output port,
part of the energy couples to the hexagonal cavity through the interaction length between the
MIM waveguide and the hexagonal cavity. Since the structure consists of a waveguide and a
side-coupled cavity, the transmission characteristics of the structure can be analyzed by the
temporal coupled-mode theory [30], [31]. The temporal evolution of the normalized amplitude A
of the cavity may be given as
dA pffiffiffiffiffi
¼ ðj!r ko ke ÞA þ ke ej Sin (6)
where !r is the resonance frequency of the cavity, and ko denotes the decay rate of the field
due to internal loss in the cavity, whereas ke denotes the decay rate of the field due to the en-
ergy coupled into the waveguide. If Sin has a time dependence of ej!t , we can deduce from (6)
that at steady state
pffiffiffiffiffi j
ke e Sin
A¼ (7)
jð! !r Þ þ ko þ ke
where is the phase of the coupling coefficients between the cavity and the waveguide. By en-
ergy conservation, the output light may be described as
Sout ¼ Sin ke e j A (8)
The transmission characteristic Tr of the structure may then be obtained based on the above
sþ;out 2 ð! !r Þ2 þ ko2
Tr ¼ ¼
: (9)
sin ð! !r Þ2 þ ðko þ ke Þ2
At the resonance frequency, a standing wave may be formed in the cavity, producing a reso-
nance dip in the transmission spectrum with a minimal value of Trmin . From (9), we obtain
Fig. 2. (a) Simulated transmission spectra of the structures based on hexagonal cavity (black solid
line) and disk cavity (blue solid line). Contour profiles of the field distributions of jHzj for the struc-
ture based on hexagonal cavity at different incident wavelengths of (b) 972.8 nm, (c) 1548 nm, and
(d) 2000 nm. The structure based on disk cavity at the different incident waves (e) 956 nm,
(f) 1549 nm, and (g) 2000 nm.
of the resonance of the hexagonal cavity is larger than that of the structure based on disk cavity,
the structure based on the hexagonal cavity has a much better resonant transmission contrast
ratio. The resonant transmission contrast ratio is also an important parameter of the model,
which may limit its applications [33]. To illustrate the performance difference between these two
structures, the contour profiles of the field distributions of jHz j of the structure based on a hex-
agonal cavity for incident wavelengths of 972.8 nm, 1548 nm, and 2000 nm are shown in
Fig. 2(b)–(d), respectively, whereas the contour profiles of the field distributions of jHz j of the
structure based on a disk cavity for incident wavelengths of 956 nm, 1549 nm, and 2000 nm
are shown in Fig. 2(e)–(g), respectively. As can be observed in Fig. 2(b)–(g), most of the en-
ergy of the incident waves is coupled to the cavities, and the corresponding standing waves
are formed in the cavities at the resonance wavelengths. In these cases, almost no energy is
propagated to the output port of the waveguide for destructive interference between the trans-
mission field and the internal field coupled back into the output waveguide. At a wavelength of
2000 nm, the incident waves barely couple to the cavities and propagate to the output port of
the MIM waveguide. These observations are consistent with the results from the transmission
spectra. However, compared with the structure based on a disk cavity, as can be observed,
more energy is coupled into the hexagonal cavity at the corresponding resonance wavelength.
This means the coupling effect between the waveguide and the hexagonal cavity becomes
stronger and results in much more energy coupling into the cavity. A stronger coupling effect
implies a larger decay rate of the field due to the energy coupled into the waveguide. Accord-
ing to (10) and (12), this results in a higher resonant transmission contrast ratio and a much
wider resonance linewidth than the structure based on a disk resonator.
Subsequently, we investigated the effects of structural parameters on the transmission char-
acteristics of the structure to find an optimal set of parameters for the sensor. In order to study
the influence of the waveguide width on the transmission characteristics, w was increased from
30 nm to 70 nm in 10-nm steps whereas other parameters were fixed at L ¼ 450 nm,
g ¼ 20 nm, and nd ¼ 1:0. Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows the transmission spectra of the two modes for
different waveguide widths. As can be observed in Fig. 3(a) and (b), the resonance wavelength
exhibits a slight red-shift with an increasing waveguide width. In addition, increasing the width of
the waveguide also affects the transmission and FWHM values of the resonance wavelength.
Mode1, exhibits a relatively better performance with a transmittance value of 32.2 dB and an
FWHM value of 41.5 nm at w ¼ 40 nm, whereas a relatively better performance with a transmit-
tance value of 31 dB and an FWHM value of 44 nm occurs at w ¼ 70 nm for mode2. This may
be due to waveguide loss. Increasing the width of the waveguide decreases the coupling of
Fig. 3. Transmission spectra of the structure for different waveguide widths for (a) mode1 and
(b) mode2.
Fig. 4. Transmission spectra of the structure for different coupling distances between the waveguide
and the cavity.
SPPs and reduces the waveguide loss. The decrease of the waveguide loss affects the coupling
between the waveguide and the hexagonal cavity and thereby the transmission characteristic.
To analyze the effect of coupling distance on the transmission characteristics, g was in-
creased from 10 nm to 30 nm in 5-nm steps, whereas the other respective parameters were set
as L ¼ 450 nm, w ¼ 50 nm, and nd ¼ 1:0. Fig. 4 shows the transmission spectra for different
coupling distances. As shown in Fig. 4, all the resonance wavelengths of the two modes exhibit
slight blue-shifts as the coupling distance increases. In addition, increasing the coupling dis-
tance also affects the transmission and FWHM values of the resonance wavelength. Relatively
better performances with transmittance values of 18 dB and 23 dB, and FWHM values of
40.5 nm and 56.5 nm were observed for mode1 and mode2, respectively, at g ¼ 20 nm. This
may be explained by temporal coupled-mode theory. Increasing the coupling distance results in
a weaker coupling and smaller decay rate of the field due to the energy coupled into the wave-
guide. Therefore, according to (10) and (12), a change in the coupling distance affects the
transmittance and FWHM of the resonance wavelength.
To further investigate the performance of the novel plasmonic sensor, we have also studied
the effect of the side length L on the transmittance characteristics. The side length L was in-
creased from 410 nm to 490 nm in steps of 10 nm whereas other parameters were set at
g ¼ 20 nm, w ¼ 50 nm, and nd ¼ 1:0. Fig. 5(a) shows the transmission spectra of the sensor for
Fig. 5. (a) Transmission spectra of the structure for different side lengths. (b) Resonance wave-
length as a function of the side length L.
Fig. 6. (a) Transmission spectra of the structure with different refractive indices. (b) Resonance
wavelength as a function of the refractive index of the dielectric in the cavity for the two modes.
different side lengths, where all the resonance wavelengths exhibit red-shifts with an increase in
the side length. Fig. 5(b) shows an approximately linear relationship in the resonance wave-
lengths of the two modes as a function of the side length of the hexagonal cavity, which can be
explained by (11). Therefore, one can tune the resonance wavelength by changing the side
length of the hexagonal cavity. However, it has an insignificant influence on the transmission
and FWHM at the resonance wavelength. The effect of the side length on the transmission char-
acteristic at mode1 is larger than the effect at mode2. This may be due to weaker coupling at a
larger wavelength.
In order to investigate the relationship between the refractive index of the dielectric in the cav-
ity and its resonance wavelength, the refractive index of the cavity dielectric was increased from
1.0 to 1.2 in steps of 0.02, whereas the other parameters were fixed at L ¼ 450 nm, w ¼ 50 nm,
and g ¼ 20. Fig. 6(a) shows the resulting transmission spectra of the structure, where it may
be observed, that all the resonance wavelengths exhibit a red-shift as the refractive index in-
creases. Similar to the case of the side length, the transmittance decreases and FWHM in-
creases with an increase in the refractive index for mode1. Fig. 6(b) shows linear
relationships between the resonance wavelengths and the refractive indices for the two modes
in the range of variation. Therefore, refractive index may be obtained by measuring the shift
of a certain resonance wavelength based on its linear relationship. This is the sensing princi-
ple of the proposed structure as a sensor. Furthermore, for an SPR sensor, its sensitivity (S)
and figure of merit (FOM) are important parameters to characterize its performance, and high
values are preferred [19]–[21], [34]. The sensitivity of the sensor is defined as the shift in the
resonance wavelength per unit variation of the refractive index ðS ¼ =nÞ and FOM is
Fig. 7. Resonance wavelength of the structure as a function of the refractive index for different side
lengths for (a) mode1 and (b) mode2.
Fig. 8. Sensitivity and FOM as a function of the side length of the hexagonal cavity for (a) mode1
and (b) mode2.
obtained by dividing the sensitivity by the bandwidth of resonance [full width at half-maximum
(FWHM)] ðFOM ¼ S=FWHM Þ. According to this definition, the sensitivity of the sensor can
reach 1562.5 nm/RIU for mode1 and 985 nm/RIU for mode2. An FOM of 38:6 RIU1 for
mode1 and 17:4 RIU1 for mode2, may be attained. Through the above analysis, it is clear
that the proposed sensor not only has a high sensitivity, but a relatively high FOM value as well.
In order to improve the performance of the sensor, we also investigate how the structural
parameters affect the sensing characteristics of the sensor. In order to illustrate the side length
effects on the sensing characteristics of the structure, we changed the refractive index from 1.0
to 1.2 in steps of 0.02 for different side lengths of 410 nm, 430 nm, 450 nm, 470 nm, and
490 nm. Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows the relationship between the resonance wavelength and the
refractive index for different side lengths for mode1 and mode2. Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the
sensitivity and FOM as functions of the side length. As can be observed, the sensitivity of
the sensor almost increases linearly as the side length increases. As for the FOM, it increases
linearly for mode2. In contrast to the FOM of mode2, the FOM of mode1 increases unsteadily
and slowly after L ¼ 430 nm as the side length increases. For example, the sensitivities are
1457.5 nm/RIU with an FOM of 32.4 RIU1 for mode1 and 912.5 nm/RIU with an FOM of
13.8 RIU1 for mode2 at L ¼ 410 nm, and 1690 nm/RIU with an FOM of 40.7 RIU1 for mode1
Fig. 9. Resonance wavelength of the structure as a function of refractive index for different wave-
guide widths for (a) mode1 and (b) mode2.
Fig. 10. Sensitivity and FOM as a function of width of waveguide for (a) mode1 and (b) mode2.
and 1062.5 nm/RIU with an FOM of 20.8 RIU1 for mode2 at L ¼ 490 nm. From the above
analysis, the sensitivity and the FOM of the sensors can be tuned by changing the side length
of the hexagonal cavity.
To investigate how the waveguide width w affects the sensing characteristics, we varied the
waveguide widths from 30 nm to 70 nm in steps of 10 nm for different refractive indices, while
keeping the other parameters fixed. Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows the relationship between the reso-
nance wavelength and the refractive index for different waveguide widths for mode1 and
mode2. Fig. 10 (a) and (b) shows the sensitivity and FOM as a function of the waveguide width.
As can be observed, for mode1, the sensitivity increases and the FOM reaches its highest value
at w ¼ 60 nm with increasing waveguide width. Mode1 has the best sensitivity and FOM of
1575 nm/RIU and 39.4 RIU1 , respectively, at w ¼ 60 nm. For mode2, the FOM increases and
the sensitivity decreases with increasing waveguide width. It has a relatively better FOM and sensi-
tivity of 985 nm/RIU and 17.4 RIU1 , respectively, at w ¼ 50 nm. These results indicate that the
sensitivity and FOM of the sensor can also be optimized by changing the waveguide width.
To discuss how the coupling distance affects the sensing characteristics, we used different
coupling distances of 15 nm, 20 nm and 25 nm for different refractive indices, while keeping
other parameters fixed. Fig. 11(a) and (b) shows the resonance wavelength versus the refractive
index for different coupling distances for mode1 and mode2. As can be observed, the coupling
Fig. 11. Resonance wavelength of the structure as a function of refractive index for different cou-
pling distances for (a) mode1 and (b) mode2.
Fig. 12. (a) Transmission spectra of the structure for different temperatures. (b) Resonance wave-
length as a function of the temperature for mode1 and mode2.
gap also influences the sensing characteristics of the structure. In these cases, the correspond-
ing sensitivities are 1580 nm/RIU with an FOM of 25 RIU1 for mode1 and 1030 nm/RIU with an
FOM of 4.7 RIU1 for mode2 at g ¼ 15 nm, 1562.5 nm/RIU with an FOM of 38.6 RIU1 for
mode1 and 985 nm/RIU with an FOM of 17.4 RIU1 for mode2 at g ¼ 20 nm, and 1555 nm/RIU
with an FOM of 50 RIU1 for mode1 and 972 nm/RIU with an FOM of 28.6 RIU1 for mode2 at
g ¼ 25 nm, respectively. Therefore, the sensitivity decreases while the FOM increases with an
increase in coupling distance. In effect, the structure can also be optimized by changing the
coupling distance.
Finally, we analyze the temperature-sensing characteristics of the proposed structure. In this
work, we chose ethanol as the sensing medium that is filled in the hexagonal cavity, owing to its
high refractive index temperature coefficient of 3:94 104 [24]. The complete relation between
the refractive index n and the temperature T of ethanol is n ¼ 1:368363:94 104 T . In order
to investigate the relationship between the resonance wavelength and the temperature, we in-
creased the temperature of the medium from 100 C to 60 C in intervals of 20 C according
to the given relationship, whereas other structural parameters were set at be L ¼ 315 nm,
g ¼ 20 nm, and w ¼ 50 nm in order to obtain resonance wavelength near 1550 nm. Fig. 12(a)
shows the transmission spectra for different temperatures. As shown in the figure, the reso-
nance wavelength exhibits a blue shift as the temperature increases. This is because the
refractive index of ethanol decreases as the temperature increases. Fig. 12(b) shows a linear re-
lationship between the resonance wavelength and temperature. The sensitivity of the tempera-
ture sensor is defined as d =dT , and using this, values of approximately 0.456 nm= C for
mode1 and 0.29 nm= C for mode2 can be obtained, respectively. However, the sensitivities can
be improved by controlling the structural parameters based on the above analysis. In particular,
the temperature sensitivity can be evidently improved by increasing the side length of the
hexagonal cavity. Therefore, the structure is appropriate for temperature sensing.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have proposed a novel plasmonic sensor, which is composed of an MIM
waveguide with a laterally coupled hexagonal cavity. The sensor has been investigated numeri-
cally and theoretically using the FDTD method and temporal coupled-mode theory. The simu-
lated results show that the resonance wavelength has a high resonant transmission contrast
ratio compared to that of the structure based on a disk cavity. The results also show a linear re-
lationship with the refractive index of the dielectric in the hexagonal cavity. The sensitivity can
reach values as high as 1562.5 nm/RIU with an FOM value of about 38:6 RIU1 near the reso-
nance wavelength of 1550 nm. Furthermore, the influence of the sensor's structural parameters
on its transmission and sensing characteristics has been investigated in detail by analyzing the
transmission spectra obtained. It has been shown that the sensor's sensitivity and FOM may be
optimized by tuning the structural parameters. In addition, we have also investigated the temper-
ature-sensing characteristics based on the refractive index sensing characteristics. Near the
resonance wavelength of 1550 nm, the temperature sensitivity can reach 0.456 nm= C. This
sensor, with a compact and simple structure, may find many applications in optical networks-on-
chip and on-chip nanosensors.
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