DBMS Assignment - 1

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Course Outcome-1, Session 2023-24
SUB: Data Base Management Systems (KCS-501)
Q.1. Explain the disadvantage of Flat Files and advantage of DBMS over Flat File based

Q.2 Explain the definition and integrity constraints of following keys:

a. Super Key
b. Candidate Key
c. Primary Key
d. Foreign Key

Q.3 Construct the ER diagram of College Database.

Q.4 Find the relations and its attribute set of above ER diagram.

Q.5 Explain the different shift operations with example.

Q.6 Explain the following term with proper example:

a. Weak Entity Set

b. Participation Constraint
c. Overlapping Constraint
d. Generalization
e. Specialization
f. Aggregation.

Q.7 Find the minimum number of tables needed to represent M, N, P, R1, R2 in Figure and

what will be the correct attribute set for tables?

Hint: Relation between M to P is many to one and P to N is one to many.

Q.8 What is the main difference between logical and physical data independence?

Q.9 What do you mean by external schema, Conceptual schema and Internal schema?

Q.10 What are interfaces? Explain in brief.

Q.11 What do you mean by Data abstraction? Explain its types in details.
Q.12 What are data models? Also explain their types.
Q.13 Explain DDL, DML and DCL in detail with the help of suitable examples.

Q.14 What is the difference between procedural and non-procedural DML?

Q.15 Discuss the three level architecture of database system. Also discuss the role of Data base
Q.16 What are schema and instances? Explain physical schema, conceptual schema and
external schema with a neat diagram.

Q.17. Write SQL command to create, modify and delete database structures with a Student/
Department table.

Q.18 What is extended Entity –Relationship model? Explain specialization and Generalization
with respect to PERSON database.

Q.19 Construct an E-R diagram for a Hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical
doctors. Associate with each patient, a log of various test and examination conducted.

Q.20 What is extended Entity –Relationship model? Explain specialization and Generalization
with respect to PEOPLE database.

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