Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2019 - Regulation 2017: CS8492-Database Management Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

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Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2019 – Regulation 2017 Unique Important Questions – 4th Semester BE/BTECH

CS8492-Database Management Systems

1. Write short notes on Data models and its types

2. Explain the basic architecture of a database management system with neat block diagram
3. Explain select, projection, Cartesian product and join operations in relational algebra with
an example
4. Explain embedded and Dynamic SQL with an example.
5. Explain the different clauses of SQL Query.
6. Explain about Entity Relationship Model with ER diagrams and example Draw an E-R
diagram for (a) Banking system (b) Airline Reservation system (c) Payroll system (d) car-
insurance company (e) Hospital management system
7. What is normalization? Explain various normalization (study all types with example
problem) using functional dependencies with relevant examples.
8. What is Functional Dependency? Explain types and properties of FD‟s
9. Describe briefly about Serializability and its types with relevant example
10. Explain Two Phase- Locking protocol. What benefit does strict two-phase locking protocol
provides? Discuss its disadvantages.
11. Discuss in detail about Lock based Protocol and Time Stamp based protocol
12. Explain the concepts of Concurrency control mechanism
13. Describe briefly about deadlock handling
14. Describe the structure of B+ tree and list the characteristics of B+ tree
15. Construct B+ tree to insert the following (order of tree is 3) 26, 27, 28, 3, 4, 7, 9, 46, 48, 51,
2, 6.
16. Explain how the RAID system improves performance and reliability
17. Discuss in detail about cluster and multilevel indexes.
18. Describe briefly about indexing and hashing.
19. Illustrate with an example for insertion and deletion operations on a B- Tree
20. Compare and contrast XQuery, XSLT and XPath.
21. Discuss in detail about the various types of distributed database with suitable examples.
22. Describe briefly on Information Retrieval (IR) with suitable example.
23. Describe briefly on Transaction processing in distributed database.
24. Discuss in detail about XML Database with relevant examples.
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