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If you are someone who Interested in using herbs to improve your health,

but don’t know where to start, No need to worry. This book will show
you about natural herbs which play vital role against diseases. Don’t
Dr. Muhammad S. F. Ben Hafiz Qari Altaf ur Rahman
go anywhere, because this could be the most important informa on Alterna ve Medical Consultant
about your health you’ll ever read!”

Dr. Muhammad S.F.

Medical Consultant
ILAAJ UN NABAWI (SAWW) Therapy Centre (Selangor) Malaysia
Facebook page: Islami Health Care
[email protected]

No More Disease
Nature is My Medicine

188 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine


Dr. Muhammad S.F. is an Alternative Medical Consultant at

ILAAJ UN NABAWI Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam Therapy Centre
Kota Damansara (Selangor) Malaysia. He has vast experiences of
Allopathic, Natural Medicines, Chinese traditional therapies i-e
Acupuncture, Acupressure & Reflexology.

He likes to treat pa ents with Prophe c Medicines, Quranic Herbal For Further Informa on Kindly Contact:
Medicines, & Cupping (Hijama/Bekam). 00601137988298

He is also doing online courses; you can join his Facebook page 00923339203215
@ Aspire Online Academy.
[email protected]
And for more healthy ps & different remedies join his Facebook page Facebook page @ Aspire Online Academy
@ Islami Health Care.
Facebook page @ Islami Health Care.

No More Disease Nature is My Medicine iii No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 187
h ps://
h p://

h p:// Praise be to my beloved Merciful ALLAH, Alhamdulillah my book is

treatment-from-quran-and-hadith-dua-and-quran-verses-for-ruqyah. completed with different topics i-e Islam & health, Prophe c Medicines,
html Quranic Herbs, Different herbs benefits & usage, Acupuncture ,
h p:// on.php Acupressure, Reflexology and Cupping, Western medicines (Allopathic)
Naturopathic Medicines & Homeopathic Medicines.
h p://
Each topic is in very easy & simple language that everyone will
h p:// on.htm understand.

h p:// If you yet not cured, you begin to recognize this fact that modern
medicine is failing its pa ents. Despite advances in modern medicine and medical technology, more than ever, there are increase incidences
benefits-of-juicing.aspx of cancer and diseases. You will find that you know of someone, maybe
h p:// clekey=33612 a neighbour or a loved one, who has a life threatening disease or a
severe ailment that is not “curable”.
h p://foodma cles-1/10-healing-benefits-of-ginger
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know which remedy to use to treat for a specific ailment?
OUR-DAILY-LIFE Wouldn’t it be great to know that you have more choices instead of
one, in terms of trea ng an illness?
h p://
k1/ Let’s start this Unique book which has something different for you all.
By reading this book you will be able to know:
h ps:// Care/1622898
97315442?ref=bookmarks What is men oned in the Holy Quran for our health problems?
What is the Islamic way of treatment for different diseases?
What was the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho
alaihe wasallam to treat pa ent?
How to cure different diseases by the way of modern medicines
(Allopathic medicines) and Homeopathic medicines?

186 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine iv No More Disease Nature is My Medicine

What are the unique healthy benefits of Acupressure, Acupuncture
What is the message of Angels of heaven towards pa ents?
h p:// ng/a-z-fruit-veggies/
And much more about Natural remedies.
Plants have been part of our lives since the beginning of me. We health-prac ces/herbal-medicine
get numerous products from plants, most of them not only good and
beneficial for our health, but also crucial to our existence. As our h p:// onday/whyplantsimportant/
lifestyle is ge ng techno-savvy, we are moving away from nature. h p://
While we cannot escape from nature because we are part of nature.
What nature has stored in for us we have not yet fully explored. h p://

We o en either fear or disregard the presence and importance of h p://

plants. Most people cannot fathom using wild edibles today, whether your-garden#4
for food or medicine. Likewise, most cannot be bothered to grow some
h tt p : / / w w w. g e t w e l l u k . c o m / u p l o a d e d F i l e s / P u b l i c a t i o n s /
of their own plants for culinary or medicinal purposes.
The modern medical and pharmaceu cal industry has dissected nature
into its parts and along the way lost so much of the whole picture.
Do You know According to Na onal Centre for Health sta s cs, up to
90 percent of Americans are nutrient deficient because over use of /HEARTORG/Conditions/Cholesterol/
prescrip on drugs, sugar, ar ficial flavours, fast foods etc?? AboutCholesterol/About-Cholesterol_UCM_001220_Ar cle.jsp
These environment factors deplete our bodies of lifesaving nutrients. h p://
The end result has been a ghastly epidemic of illness. Western medicine
h p://
is powerless only nutrient can overcome a nutrient deficiency not
drugs. h p://
Companies o en fail to create drugs as powerful, safe and effec ve as h p://
their natural counterparts. American journal published that hawthorn
(an herb) is good for heart failure, blood pressure etc and have no side h p://www.yourholis
effect at all like Aspirin etc drugs have so bad side effects on body. h p://
Most of people don’t know the vast benefits of black seeds, turmeric gv20/
etc. People don’t know how to find these life saving plants, It is really
No More Disease Nature is My Medicine v No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 185
Insomnia: Apple, grapes, lemon, le uce , carrot and celery. easy to get from any herbal stores.
Jaundice: Lemon, grapes, pear, carrot, celery, spinach, beet and The famous father of medicine, Hippocrates was quoted as saying:
Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine shall be they food.
Kidney Disorders: Apple, orange, lemon, cucumber, cucumber, carrot,
celery, parsley and beet. Plants serve as our food. Plants have numerable healing and health
benefits. It goes to reason that plants serve an extremely significant
Liver ailments: Lemon, papaya, grapes, carrot, tomato, beet and
role in the crea on of our health, Healthy ea ng is the best preventa ve
medicine. We can all benefit by spending more me in nature. By
Menstrual Disorders: Grapes, prunes, cherry, spinach, le uce turnips observing the natural world, we come to know the natural world best.
and beet. The next few decades will see major changes in how we feed and heal
Menopausal Symptoms: Fruits and Vegetables in season. ourselves. We will con nue to come back more and more to the natural
Neuri s: Orange, pineapple, apple, carrot and beet. healing abili es of plants, whether from a preventa ve perspec ve or
Obesity: Lemon, grapefruit, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, in mes of illness. The journey ahead will offer new poten al beyond
beet, cabbage, le uce, spinach and carrot. anything we’ve known thus far.
Piles: Lemon, orange, papaya, pineapple, carrot, spinach, turnip and If you are keen to restore your health, it’s not too late to start, use
watercress. Herbs as a way of life. Even medical doctors are learning that herbs
Prostate Troubles: All fruit juices in season, carrot, asparagus, le uce have much to offer in the way of Preven ve care. Mind you, they were
and spinach. not taught about the use of herbs in a conven onal medical school.
Psoriasis: Grapes, carrot, beet, and cucumber. Today licensed physicians combine herbal medicinal prac ce with
mainstream prac ce, to provide pa ents with be er health care. But
Rheuma sm: Grapes, orange, lemon, grapefruit, tomato, cucumber,
you need to select the physician that can combine both.
beet, carrot and spinach.
Stomach Ulcers: Apricot, grapes, cabbage and carrot. If you are someone who Interested in using herbs to improve your health,
but don’t know where to start, No need to worry. This book will show
Sinus Trouble: Apricot, lemon, tomato, carrot, onion and radish.
you about natural herbs which play vital role against diseases. Don’t
Sore Throat: Apricot, grapes, lemon, pineapple, prune, tomato, carrot go anywhere, because this could be the most important informa on
and parsley. about your health you’ll ever read!”
Tonsilli s: Apricot, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot,
spinach and radish. Dr. Muhammad S. F.
Varicose Veins: Grapes, orange, plum, tomato, beetroot carrot and Medical Prac oner

184 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine vi No More Disease Nature is My Medicine

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Anaemia: Apricot, prune, strawberry, red grape, beet, celery, carrot
and spinach.
Arthri s: Sour cherry, pineapple, sour apple, lemon, grapefruit,
cucumber, beet, carrot, le uce and spinach.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Asthma: Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, carrot, radish and celery.
First and foremost I thank my beloved ALLAH SWT who is our Rabb and the
Bronchi s: Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, tomato, carrot, onion
only one creator and sustainer of the whole universe, there is no one worthy
and spinach.
of worship except Him,
Bladder Ailments: Apple, apricot, lemon, cucumber, carrot, celery,
I’d like to dedicate this book to my beloved ALLAH SWT who gave me the parsley and watercress.
strength to complete this book ,and dedicate this work to the most remarkable
Colds: Lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, celery and
person of the history who stood up for all humanity irrespec ve of race, colour,
class, language or geographical barriers, the most favourite personality Prophet
Cons pa on: Apple, pear, grapes, lemon, carrot, beet, spinach and
Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wassallam.
Special thanks to F. Robian whos unequivocal support, pa ence, honesty,
Coli s: Apple, apricot, pear, peach, pineapple, papaya, carrot, beet,
mo va on, crea vity & keen insight while I was wri ng this book.
cucumber and spinach.
I am grateful to my amazing friend; Petah-Jane Auckland-Hall from Brisbane Diabetes: Citrus fruits, carrot, celery, le uce and spinach.
Australia who helped me in choosing tle for my book.
Diarrhoea: Papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot and celery.
Endless love and respect to Dad Hafiz Altaf ur Rahman & my Mom Noor for Eczema: Red grapes, carrot, spinach, cucumber and beet.
their precious prayers and support in my hard me.
Epilepsy: Red grapes, figs, carrot, celery and spinach.
Endless blessings & showers of Allah SWT be on my deceased beloved Mom Eye Disorders: Apricot , tomato, carrot, celery, parsley and spinach.
who always loved me much.
Gout: Red sour cherries, pineapple, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot,
I am much thankful to my page (Islami Health Care) fans, who liked my page celery and spinach.
and enlightened my heart with their much interest in my posts that I decided Halitosis: Apple, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, tomato, carrot, celery
to write a book. and spinach.
May ALLAH SWT give best reward to all those who helped me in wri ng this Headache: Grapes, lemon, carrot, le uce and spinach.
book. Heart Disease: Red grapes, lemon, cucumber, carrot, beet and
Dr. Muhammad S.F. High blood pressure: Grapes, orange, cucumber, carrot and beet.
Influenza: Apricot, orange, lemon , grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion
and spinach.
No More Disease Nature is My Medicine vii No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 183
• When on a raw juice therapy, the prescribed juice should be drunk
every three hours. One can thus take juices five to six mes a day.
• A warm glass of water mixed with lemon juice, one teaspoon of
honey, a dash of vinegar plus a small pinch of cayenne pepper may
be taken first thing in the morning on arising to aid with the toxin This book by Dr. Muhammad S. F. Ben Hafiz Qari Altafur Rahman
cleanse. with the fascina ng tle, No More Disease: Nature is My Medicine, is
• Therea er, the prescribed juice may be taken at 3 hourly intervals. about a useful knowledge sharing of tradi onal medicine. The author
The quan ty of juice on each occasion may be 250 ml on the first has wri en his vast experience as an Alterna ve Medical Consultant
day. at ILAAJ UN NABAWI by wri ng about Allopathic, Homoeopathic
• This quan ty may be increased by 50 ml each succeeding day ll ,TibbunNabawi (Prophe c Medicines), Natural Medicines,& Chinese
one takes 600 ml on each occasion. The juice diet can be con nued tradi onal therapies i-e Acupuncture, Acupressure & Reflexology.
for 30 to 40 days without any ill effects. The pa ent should take
adequate rest during the raw juice therapy. Complementary medicine is a formal method of health care in most
• Raw juices act as a cleansing agent and start elimina ng toxins and countries of the ancient world. It is expected to become more widely
morbid ma er from the system immediately. This o en results in integrated into the modern medical system, including the medical
symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, diarrhoea, loss of weight, curriculum. Despite the percep on of modern medicine as more
headache, fever, weakness, sleeplessness and bad breath. efficacious, tradi onal medicine con nues to be prac ced. More than
• These reac ons, which are part of the cleansing process, should 70% of the developing world's popula on s ll depends primarily on
not be suppressed by the use of drugs. They will cease when the the complementary and alterna ve systems of medicine.
body is able to expel all toxins.
Muhammad S.F has integrated the Islamic methods with nature
Treatment of Different Diseases remedies in his book. Some of the knowledge of Medicine of the
Prophet (al- bb an-Nabawi) is shared here where readers can explore
Through Different Fruits & Vegetables
the Medicine of the Prophet as an alterna ve to modern therapies,
Acidity: Grapes, orange, mosambi, carrot and spinach.
or as a supplement to modern medical treatment. Muslims turn to
Acne: Grapes, pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot, potato and the Quran and Sunnah for guidance in all areas of life, which may
spinach. include health and medical ma ers. The Prophet Muhammad once
Allergies: Apricot, grapes, carrot, beet and spinach. said that "Allah did not create a disease for which He did not also
Arteriosclerosis: Grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrot, le uce, create a cure." Muslims are therefore encouraged to explore and use
and spinach. tradi onal and modern forms of medicine, with faith that any cure is
from Allah.
182 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine viii No More Disease Nature is My Medicine
Through the combina on of the findings from the scholars about the (v) Juices from green leafy vegetables like cabbage, celery, le uce,
Islamic remedies that has been prac sed for genera ons, this book spinach, parsley and watercress.
is viewed as very beneficial not only as a reference for Muslims, but (vi) Juices from root vegetables like beetroot, carrot, onion, potato
also to reference all walks of different races, cultures and religions. and radish.
You will find important and poten ally life-saving informa on on Juices from sweet fruits may be combined with juices of sub-
virtually every natural cure and natural remedy that are actually acid fruits, but not with those of acid fruits, vegetable fruits or
available around us. Best of all, everything in this book is totally vegetables.
comprehensible and complete.
Rules for mixing different fruits or vegetables:
This is an absorbing book which describes the treatment method in a 1. Juices from sub-acid fruits may be combined with juices of sweet
very engaging style that takes the reader on an experien al journey fruits, or acid fruits, but not with other juices.
of this methodology. I have a strong convic on that people will
2. Juices from acid fruits may be combined with those of sub-acid
explore the possibility of applying this method in other areas as well,
fruits or vegetable fruits, but not with other juices.
whether for a personal or professional purpose or for more interest
in informa on. This book should be read by everyone. 3. Juices from vegetable fruits may be combined with those of acid
fruits or of green leafy vegetables, but not with other juices.
4. Juices from green leafy vegetables may be combined with those of
Wan FaƟmah Solihah vegetable fruits or of the root vegetable, but not with other juices.
5. Juices from root vegetables may be combined with those of green
Universi Utara Malaysia
leafy vegetables, but not with other juices.
Kuala Lumpur
A proper selec on of juices in trea ng a par cular ailment is very
essen al. Thus, for instance, juices of carrot, cucumber, cabbage
and other vegetables are very valuable in asthma, arthri s and
skin disease, but juices of orange and mosambi aggravate their
symptoms by increasing the amount of mucus.
To make juicing tas er many beneficial herbs, spices and condiments
may be added according to taste. All are very helpful in cleansing the
system and figh ng bacteria and cancer. Par cularly; organic apple
cider vinegar, pure organic honey, turmeric, black pepper, cayenne
pepper, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, basil, oregano, thyme, coriander,
fennel, parsley, dill, low fat live yoghurt and coconut milk.

No More Disease Nature is My Medicine ix No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 181

Cons pa on INDEX
Recipe: Soak 1 cup of prunes in 3 cups of water overnight. In the
morning, drink 1 cup of the prune water on empty stomach.
Explana on: Prune juice promotes regular bowel movements, prevents About Author iii
cons pa on, and contains iron, which is great for people who are anemic
or do not have enough iron in their system. Prunes are also much safer Introduc on iv
than over the counter laxa ves. One laxa ve drug, Oxyphenisa n, is Acknowledgements vii
known to cause liver damage. Why not use the alterna ve? More than Foreword viii
50 years ago, 3 researchers at the St. Louis Harrower Laboratory made
an analysis of prunes. They found a substance similar to Oxyphenisa n. Index x
So, enjoy your prunes, prune water, and prune juice while having 1. Islam & Health 1
regular stools. It will keep your liver and colon happy. 1) Prayer 3
2) Exercise 5
Cys c Fibrosis 3) Ablu on and health purity 5
Recipe: 5 Carrots + ½ cup of fresh cubed pineapple + 1 lemon + 5 cloves 4) Diet & Nutri on 6
of garlic .
2. Quran, Health, & Food 7
Peel carrots, lemon and garlic. Juice all and drink right away. 1) How To Get Shifa From Diseases? 9
Explana on: This juice effec vely dissolves mucus, kills bacteria, 2) Prophet Sell el laho alaihe wasallam Favourite Food 10
improves body’s resistance to lung and sinus infec ons. Also, fresh 3) Foods, Beverages, Herbs & Other Beneficial Things 12
pineapple is high in enzyme bromelain, which can literally digest not Men oned in The Holy Qur’an
only protein but also old, sickly cells. This juice can help CS pa ents to 3. Diseases & Remedies by Natural way 19
thin and expel thick, nasty mucus thereby reducing the frequency of
4. Head 21
lung and sinus infec ons and constant need for an bio cs.
1) Headache 21
- Remedies for Headache 21
Fruit and vegetable juices may be divided into six main types
2) Weak Memory 22
(i) Juices from sweet fruits such as prunes, raisins and grapes.
- Common Causes of Weak Memory 22
(ii) Juices from sub-acid fruits like apple, plum, pear, peach, papaya, - Remedies for Weak memory 22
apricot and cherry, 3) Hair Loss 23
(iii) Juices from acid fruits like orange, tangerines, lemon, grapefruit, - Remedies for Hair loss 23
strawberry and pineapple. 4) Dandruff 24
(iv) Juices from vegetable fruits, namely, tomato and cucumber. - Remedies for Dandruff 24

180 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine x No More Disease Nature is My Medicine

5. Eyes 25 Celiac Disease
1) Eyes Problem 25 Recipe: Carrot 118 gram+ Kale 59gram + Aloe (fresh) 29gram
- Remedies for Eyes problem 25
2) Dark Circle 25 Explanation: Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., conducted a 10 patient study
- Remedies for Dark Circle 25 using aloe vera juice. He reports that aloe “promotes great
gastrointestinal comfort and improves digestion/absorption”.
6. Ear 27
1) Ear diseases 27 Cold, Fever and Flu
- Remedies for Ear Problem 27 Recipe: Carrot 118 gram + Orange 118 gram + Lemon 29gram + 4 cloves
7. Nose 29 of garlic.
1) Nose Bleeding 29 Explana on: Carrots, orange and lemon are great sources of natural
- Remedies for Nose Bleeding 29 form of vitamin C. Garlic is well known as nature’s an bio c. A garlic
2) Sinusi s 30 supplement study using 146 people was conducted in United Kingdom.
- Remedies for Sinusi s 30 A er 12 weeks, scien sts concluded that garlic can prevent the common
3) Cold & Flu 31 cold and aid in faster recovery.
- Remedies for Cold & flu 31
8. Mouth 33 Coli s, Crohn’s Disease and IBS
1) Tooth Ache 33 Recipe: Carrot 177gram + Cabbage 118 gram
- Remedies for Tooth Ache 33
Recipe: Carrot 177gram + Wheat grass juice 59gram
2) Mouth Ulcer 33
- Remedies for Mouth Ulcer 33 Explana on: Wheat grass juice removes toxins and harmful bacteria
3) Bad Breath 34 from colon. According to the late Dr. Ann Wigmore “wheat grass
- Remedies for Bad Breath 34 chlorophyll is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
4) Cough 35 oxygen. It has been used to treat pep c ulcer and ulcera ve coli s.”
- Remedies for Cough 35
Scien sts studied 23 pa ents with ac ve ulcera ve coli s. Pa ents
5) Phlegm 35
- Phlegm colours & different diseases 35 were divided into 2 groups: one group consumed from 20 ml (2/3
- Remedies for Phlegm 36 of an ounce) to 100ml (3.5 ounces) of fresh wheat grass juice for 30
6) Tonsils infec on 36 days, and the other consumed a placebo. 19 pa ents completed the
- Remedies for Tonsils Infec on 37 study. Pa ents who drank wheat grass juice has less rectal bleeding/
abdominal pain, and more vitality.
9. Face 39
1) Acne 39
- Remedies for Acne 39

No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xi No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 179

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medication). Bromelain was as 2) Black Heads 40
effective in reducing pain and inflammation as the medication, but - Remedies for Black Heads 40
without harmful side effects. 3) Acne Spots, Acne Marks, Acne Scars 40
- Remedies for Acne Spots, Acne Marks, Acne Scars 40
Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
10. Foot 43
Recipe: Carrot 236 gram + 4 cloves of garlic. 1) Cracked Heels 43
Explanation: Researchers at The University of Alabama proved that - Causes of Cracked Heels 43
eating garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby - Remedies for Cracked Heels 43
reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Allicin compound and 11. Skin 45
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in garlic are responsible for relaxing blood 1) Leucoderma 45
vessels thereby improving blood flow in the arteries. - Remedies for Leucoderma 45
2) Measles 46
- Remedies for Measless 47
Recipe: Pomegranate 177gram + diluted with 4 tablespoon of 3) Chicken pox 47
water. - Remedies for Chicken pox 48
Explanation: Pomegranate has more anti-oxidants than both green 4) Fever 49
tea and red wine. Researchers at The UCLA Center for Human - Remedies for Fever 49
Nutrition demonstrated that pomegranate juice can suppress the 12. Chest 51
growth of prostate cancer cells due to ellagitannins – shown to have 1) Asthma 51
super anti-inflammatory powers. - Remedies for Asthma 51
2) Heart Burning 51
Recipe: Carrot 118 gram+ Cabbage 118 gram+ Beets 59gram.
- Remedies for Heart Burning 52
Explanation: A 2005 study from the American Association for
13. Stomach 53
Cancer Research suggests that cabbage decreases cell mutation
1) Cons pa on 53
and DNA damage due to cabbage’s anti-carcinogenic compound –
- Remedies for Cons pa on 53
glucosinolates. The results of the study indicated that Polish-born
2) Nausea & Vomi ng 54
women who ate 4 servings or more of cabbage a week were 72%
- Remedies for Nausea & Vomi ng 55
less likely to develop breast cancer than Polish women who ate one
3) Intes nal Worms 56
serving a week or no cabbage at all.
- Remedies for Intes nal Worms 56
4) Acidity 58
- Remedies for Acidity 58

178 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xii No More Disease Nature is My Medicine
5) What is Pep c Ulcer (stomach ulcer)? 59
- Common Causes of Pep c Ulcers 59
- Remedies for Pep c Ulcers 59 FOR SOME DISEASE
6) Diarrhea 60
- Remedies for Diarrhea 60
14. Mentality 63
1) Anxiety 63
Recipe: Carrot 177gram + Celery 59gram + Pineapple 59gram +
- Remedies for Anxiety 63
Beets 29gram.
15. Joint and Muscular 65 Explanation: Pineapple contains bromelain (enzyme), which
1) Arthri s 65 is approved by the German government (Commission E) as a
- Remedies for Arthri s 65 treatment for inflammation and swelling of the nose, ear, and
2) Muscles/leg Cramps 66 sinuses.
- Causes of Cramps 66
In addition to fresh juice, a neti pot can be used as cheap and
- Remedies for Leg Cramps 67 effective natural tool to relieve sinus allergies.
16. Spine 69
1) Back Pain 69 Anaemia
- Remedies for Back Pain 70 Recipe: Carrot 177gram + Beet 2 + Celery 59gram + Le uce 59gram +
Apple 59 gram.
17. Kidney 71
Explana on: In Europe, beet juice has been used as a treatment for
1) Kidney Stone 71
anaemia. It contains iron, folic acid, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, and vitamins
- Remedies for Kidney Stone 71
A & C.
2) UTI (Urinary Tract Infec on) 72
- Remedies for UTI 73 Arthri s
3) Excessive Viginal/Uterine Bleeding 73 Recipe: Carrot 6 + Celery 88 gram + Pineapple 88 gram + Lemon 29
- Remedies for Viginal Bleeding 73 gram.
18. Blood 75 Explanation: Fresh pineapple contains bromelain (enzyme) which
1) High Bilirubin 75 works as a natural anti-inflammatory substance for swollen and
- Remedies for High Bilirubin 75 painful joints.
2) Low Blood Pressure 76 German scientists conducted a study comparing arthritis
- Remedies for Low Blood Pressure 76 treatments: Bromelain supplements vs. Diclofenac (Voltaren, a

No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xiii No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 177
Heart, Colon and Prostate Protector 1 3) High Blood pressure 77
Kale a rich source of carotene, indoles, vitamin A, vitamin C, the - Remedies for High Blood Pressure 77
B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, iron and together with the other 4) Cholesterol 78
ingredients can prevent heart, colon and prostate disorders. - Remedies for Cholesterol 78
3 leaves kale, 2 leaves collard greens, Handful coriander leaves, 1 5) Diabetes 79
avocado (stone removed), 3 carrots, 1 apple, 1 red bell pepper. - Remedies for Diabetes 79

Heart, Colon and Prostate Protector 2 19. Hormone 81

4 kale leaves, 1/2 broccoli with stems, 1/2 cabbage with stems, 1 1) Sexual Impotence 81
avocado (stone removed) - Remedies for Sexual Impotence 81

Anti-inflammatory Pain Relief Smoothie 20. Irregular Menstrual Period 83

Handful of sour cherries, 5-8 basil leaves, 1 tablespoon of ground - Remedies for Irregular/Painful Menstrua on 83
hemp or chia seeds, 1 coconut (remove flesh from shell and juice 21. Stamina 85
then stir in the coconut juice)
1) Build your stamina strong 85
Fresh squeezed juice can work miracles in the treatment of any - Remedies to Build Your Stamina 87
disease. The raw power of juice builds new healthy tissue, purifies
22. Weight 89
the blood, removes waste from the large intestine, and rejuvenates
1) Remedies for Gaining Weight 89
the endocrine system.
2) Remedies for Lose Belly/Overweight 90
23. Insect Bite - Bee S ng 93
- Remedies for Insect Bites 93
24. Burn 95
- Remedies for Burn 95
25. Islamic Ways to Cure Diseases 97
1) Ruqyah Verses of Healing from Quran & Hadiths 97
2) Cupping Therapy 101
- Three types of Cupping (Hijama) 102
- In Cupping There Is A Cure 103
26. Complementary and Alterna ve Ways to Cure Diseases 105
1) Homeopathy 105

176 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xiv No More Disease Nature is My Medicine
2) Reflexology 107 Cholesterol Lowering Juice
3) Acupressure 111 This can lower the LDL cholesterol without the use of garlic.
4) Acupuncture 111 1/2 inch of ginger, 1 avocado (stone removed), 1 pomegranate (cut
5) Moxibus on 114 in half and scoop insides into the juicer), 1 apple, 3 carrots, Berry
27. Allopathic Medicines 117
1) Different Groups of Allopathic Medicines 117 Cleans lungs and urinary tract of infection and congestion and good
for the skin
2) What is mean by Generic Name of Allopathic drug? 128
Handful of strawberries, Handful of cranberries, Handful of
28. Some Healing Herbs 131 blueberries, 1 apple.
1) Benefits of Anise 131
Gall Stone and Kidney Stone Remover
2) Benefits of Apple 132 Drink this juice 3-4 times per day. Also drink 1 the juice of a lemon
3) Benefits of Avocado 133 in 1 cup of hot water 3-5 times a day.
4) Benefits of Banana 133
1 beetroot, 1 avocado (stone removed), 3 carrots, 1/2 cucumber.
5) Benefits of Barley 134
- Differen ate between Barely & Wheat 135 Power Cleansing Juice
6) Benefits of Basil (ocimum basilicum) 135 Beetroots provides recovery from many ailments like cancer
7) Benefits of Champor 137 tumours, liver, kidney, pancreas, stomach ulcer, immune system,
8) Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey 138 vision, Eliminates hard stool, colon, lungs, high blood pressure, bad
9) Benefits of Coriander 140 breath, indigestion, menstrual pain. Wash and chop the ingredients
10) Benefits of Dates 141 before placing in a juicer then drink three times a day for maximum
11) Benefits of Drinking Hot Water 142 benefit.
12) Benefits of Fenugreek Seed 143 1 beetroot, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 1 lemon.
13) Benefits Of Figs 144
Colon Cleanser Juice 1
14) Benefits of Flaxseeds 144
For the relief of constipation.
15) Benefits of Grapes 145
14 fresh figs, 2 apples, 1 rhubarb stalk.
16) Benefits of Henna Water 146
17) Benefits of Lemon 147 Colon Cleanser Juice 2
18) Benefits of Lemongrass 148 For the relief of constipation and elimination of parasites
19) Benefits of Lychee 149 1 papaya, 10 carrots, 1 coconut (remove flesh from shell and juice
20) Benefits of Milk 149 then stir in the coconut juice)
21) Benefits of Nutmeg 152

No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xv No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 175

Immune System & Liver Booster 22) Benefits of Olive Oil 152
1/2 fresh pineapple, 1.2 cauliflower, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric. 23) Benefits of Onion 154
24) Benefits of Pomegranate 154
Liver Cleanser 1
2 handfuls of spinach, Small handful of rosemary, 1.2 cucumber, 1/2 25) Benefits of Pumpkin 155
lemon, 1 stalk celery. 26) Benefits of Vinegar 156
27) Benefits of Quince 157
Then s r in:
28) Benefits of Sana Makki 159
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/4
29) Benefits of Spinach 160
teaspoon cinnamon.
30) Benefits of Tomato 160
Pinch of cayenne pepper,1 teaspoon honey in a cup of warmed mineral 31) Benefits of Turmeric 161
32) Benefits Of using Miswak / Siwak 162
Liver Cleanser 2 33) Benefits of Black seed 164
To detoxify the liver drink this juice daily first thing in the morning. 29. Healthy Natural Beverages 167
Handful le uce, Handful kale, Handful parsley, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 1) Herbal Teas 167
2 stalks celery.
2) Healing Proper es of Juices 171
Then s r in milk thistle.
a. Cleansing Recipe 1 172
Aloe Green High Nutrient Juice To alkalize the body and boost the immune system
Aloe boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation, improves b. Cleansing Recipe 2 172
skin health, stabilises blood sugar levels in diabetics, lowers LDL Detoxifier, immune booster, anaemia
cholesterol and triglycerides and amplifies the antioxidant effects c. Cleansing Recipe 3 173
of vitamins. This is also a great juice for the relief of heartburn. Nutrient rich cleanser to boost the immune system
1/2 inch of ginger, 1 fennel bulb, 2 kale leaves, 2 carrots,1 apple,1 d. Cleansing and Rehydra ng Juice 173
lemon, 5 stalks of celery, 3 inches of aloe vera gel or 4 oz of aloe e. Liver Tonic 173
vera juice (added after juicing the other ingredients). f. Sleep Enhancing Recipe 173
g. Cleansing and Alkalizing Juice 173
High Potassium Juice
After juicing the ingredients below place in a blender and add 2 h. Liver, Bladder and Kidney Cleanser 173
bananas, Handful of parsley, Handful of spinach, 1 avocado (stone i. Immune System & Liver Booster 174
removed), 1 celery, 4 carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon. j. Liver Cleanser 1 174
k. Liver Cleanser 2 174
l. Aloe Green High Nutrient Juice 174

174 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xvi No More Disease Nature is My Medicine
m. High Potassium Juice 174 Cleansing Recipe 3 (Nutrient rich cleanser to boost the immune
n. Cholesterol Lowering Juice 175 system)
o. Power Cleansing Juice 175 2 carrots, 3 celery stalks, 1 apple, 1 beetroot and green tops, 1 avocado
p. Colon Cleanser Juice 1 175 (stone removed), 1/2 lemon, 1/2 inch of ginger, Handful of parsley,
q. Colon Cleanser Juice 2 175 Handful of coriander.
r. Heart, Colon and Prostate Protector 1 176 Cleansing and Rehydra ng Juice
s. Heart, Colon and Prostate Protector 2 176 When the body is dehydrated, especially after intense exercise,
t. An -inflammatory Pain Relief Smoothie 176 diarrhoea, fever or alcohol consumption, pineapple can fix it
30. Herbal Juices for Some Diseases 177 quickly.
1. Allergies 177 1/4 fresh pineapple, 1 stalk of celery,1/2 cucumber,1/2 lemon,1
2. Anaemia 177 handfuls of spinach.
3. Arthri s 177 Liver Tonic
4. Blood Pressure (Hypertension) 178 To detoxify the liver drink this juice daily first thing in the morning.
5. Cancer 178 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 2 stalks celery, 2 leaves kale, Handful basil, 1
6. Celiac Disease 178 lemon, Pinch cayenne pepper.
7. Cold, Fever and Flu 179
Sleep Enhancing Recipe
8. Coli s, Crohn’s Disease and IBS 179
The high magnesium content in spinach, and the nerve-calming
9. Cons pa on 180
proper es in celery helps to improve sleep quality.
10. Cys c Fibrosis 180
2 green apples, Handful of spinach, 3 ribs of celery, handful of mint
11. Six main types of Fruits & Vegetables Juices 180
leaves, ½ lime, ½-inch ginger.
12. Rules for mixing different fruits or vegetables 181
13. Treatment of different Diseases through 182 Cleansing and Alkalizing Juice
different fruits & vegetables Handful parsley, Handful basil, 1 apple, 1 carrot, 1 avocado (stone
removed), 1 lemon, 1 cucumber, 3 stalks celery.
References 185
Liver, Bladder and Kidney Cleanser
To help burn fat, detoxify and clean urinary system.
1 dandelion root, Handful basil, 1 beetroot + green top, 1 apple, 2
carrots, 1 stalk celery.

No More Disease Nature is My Medicine xvii No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 173
When you juice, you don’t get the fiber that’s in whole fruits and
vegetables. Juicing machines extract the juice and leave behind the
pulp, which has fiber.
So you don’t miss out on the fiber, you can add some of the pulp back Allah (SWT) gave us endlessly favours and blessings that we can’t even
into the juice or use it in cooking. count. Thanks to them we live happily; without them we would have
There are many health benefits of drinking freshly juiced fruits and perished instantly. And even if we spend all our lives for praising Allah just
vegetables, and it’s a great way to add nutrients from the fruits for one single blessing, we wouldn’t be able to thank Allah properly.
or vegetables that you normally wouldn’t eat. Fruit and vegetable Our health is the most important favour and one of the greatest blessings
juices retain most of of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals of Allah on us. This body of ours is a great and superb creature. There are
(phytonutrients) that would be found in the whole versions of those many organs inside and outside of our body - billions of cells and ssues,
foods. These nutrients can help protect against cardiovascular extremely well-ordered systems and mechanisms, con nuous and orderly
disease, cancer and various inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid func ons and progresses, biological phenomena and ac vi es that repeat
arthri s. Valuable compounds called flavonoids and anthocyanins themselves con nually in perfect order, our mysterious and marvellous
are abundant in a variety of fruits and vegetables and guard against brain, reless heart, fine nervous system, circulatory systems, physics
oxida ve cellular damage, which comes from everyday cellular laboratory lungs, chemical factory liver, kidneys that contain millions of
maintenance and is exacerbated by exposure to chemicals and filters, bone structure that is an engineering marvel, layers of assorted
pollu on. muscles that cover all these, skin, eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell,
sweet speaking tongue, organs to produce new genera ons, endless mind,
Note: limitless and countless senses, wonderful system of reflec on, discovery,
Fruit juice, in par cular, is a highly concentrated source of fruit sugar. inven ons, arts....
This can raise your blood sugar quickly, and that’s why o en juices are
How come all these go like clockwork and their harmony doesn’t
not recommended for people with type 2 diabetes.
become depraved, nothing goes wrong; and how come we stay healthy
for many years without having a breakdown? How come extensiveness,
vastness, deepness, abundance, intricacy, complexity, interdependence,
Cleansing Recipe 1 (To alkalize the body and boost the immune
partnerships and togetherness of this magnitude lasts for life in a perfect
manner? Because of these difficult condi ons, misfortune, breakdowns,
1/2 inch of ginger, 1/4 cantaloupe melon, 1 bunch of watercress, 1
and sickness should be ordinary happenings and expected to happen any
handful of parsley, Half a lime. moment. But it’s not so!
Cleansing Recipe 2 (Detoxifier, immune booster, anaemia) Health is a very amazing state, an extraordinary miracle! We personally
1/2 inch of ginger, 1 beetroot, 1/2 apple, 1 cucumber, 2 stalks of have nothing at all; there is absolutely someone who is guarding and
celery. taking care of us. Every single moment we exist and live with the help
of the Almighty and Absolutely-Wise Allah - every single moment we are
repaired and re-created, un l such me as He wishes.
172 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 1
But there is also death beside life, and sickness beside health. There IS! • Provide immune-boos ng an oxidants.
Because it is necessary and full of wisdom! Sickness is the messenger of • Provide high levels of salicylic acid, which gives them similar
death, and the reminder of the Herea er! What would have happened to proper es to aspirin, such as pain relief and fever relief.
the world if death never existed? Death is a discharge, a salva on; a new and
16. Cinnamon:
different birth; the end of the longing and mee ng again the Beloved.
It is the fragrant bark of a tropical evergreen tree.
Health is a blessing, sickness is an examina on. It is necessary to praise Cinnamon tea can be used to:
Allah for the blessings, and to show endurance during examina ons. • Increase blood flow and improve circula on
Many people don’t know but sickness is a blessing according to Islam for the • Ease stomach discomfort, bloa ng, gas, indiges on & nausea
faithful servant, for a pa ent and well-behaved Muslim who doesn’t flare up • Warm the body of someone suffering from chills
or rebel, and for those adept and graceful servants who know that sickness
comes from Allah, and who don’t oppose the des ny or complain. • Soothe a sore throat, Reduce cold symptoms
• Make tea by taking 1-1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder or a cinnamon
There are many rewards and recompenses for the sick, their sufferings are
s ck
compensated with spiritual honour and gi s. Our Prophet Muhammad Sel
lel laho alaihe wasallam said: • 1 tea bag,honey to taste,Milk to taste
The sick person’s sleep is considered as worship and his moaning as • S r cinnamon powder well into boiling water and steep for 8
litany of praise to Allah. He is rewarded as though he is performing his minutes. Add a tea bag and steep for 2 more minutes. S r in
usual prayers when he was healthy although he is unable to do so now. honey and warm milk.
His supplica ons are accepted, his sins are forgiven, all his mistakes and 17. Clove:
wrong-doings recorded in his book are deleted, and he is told `Very well,
Clove tea can help to:
start your new life with an absolutely clean book!’
• Provide pain relief – it is a powerful analgesic
Sickness wakes people up from heedlessness, guides them to give up
• Break up mucous and work as an expectorant.
their sins, makes them think about the Herea er, leads them to pious
founda ons; makes them more thankful to Allah, and teaches them the • It relieves pain and provides a wash of an viral and an bacterial
necessity of taking be er care of their health and making be er use of their components.
life - something they didn’t realize before, teaches them to understand
other sick and pained people be er, to feel sorry for them and to help Healing Proper es of Juices
them; and rises their ranks and degrees higher in the Herea er. “If you’re not big into fruits and vegetables, it’s a good way to get
From an Islamic perspec ve health is viewed as one of the greatest them in,”
blessings that ALLAH SWT has bestowed on mankind. It should be noted
Aim to eat two whole fruits and three to four vegetables a day.
that the greatest blessing a er belief is health, as narrated in the following
Choose them in different colors, so you get a good mix of vitamins
and minerals.
“The final messenger of ALLAH SWT, Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho

2 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 171

12. Rosehip tea: alaihe wasallam mounted the pulpit, then wept and said, “Ask Allah (swt)
Rosehips are the fruit of the rose plant and are one of the best for forgiveness and health, for a er being granted certainty, one is given
plant sources of vitamin C.Rosehip tea can help to: nothing be er than health.” (Related in Tirmidhi)
• provide a nutri onal supplement of Vitamin C. Health is indeed a favour that we take for granted. We should express
• improve adrenal func on. gra tude to ALLAH SWT for bestowing us with health, and we should try
• boost the immune system, increase energy,heal ssues and are up most to look a er it. ALLAH SWT has entrusted us with our bodies
cells. for a predes ned period of me. He will hold us to account on how we
• provide minerals such as calcium, iron, silicon, selenium, natural looked a er and u lised our bodies and good health. Prophet sellel laho
sodium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and alaihe wassallam said “there are two blessings that Ɵme many of the
zinc. people lose out on, good health and free Ɵme”

13. Lemongrass: The preserva on of this blessing can only be achieved through taking good
The citrusy tang that comes from the lemongrass plant is favored care of one’s health and taking every measure to maintain and enhance
it. With this in mind every Muslim should make sure they undertake all
in cooking as well as tea. Lemongrass tea can help to:
necessary ac ons which are conducive to the preserva on of good health.
• Calm nervous disorders and anxiety.
Healthy living is part and parcel of Islam, introduced with the incep on of
• Dilate blood vessels and improve circula on.
Islam more than 14 centuries ago. Furthermore, the Quran and the Sunnah
• Act as a mild diure c to reduce fluid reten on. outline the teachings that show every Muslim how to protect his health
• Daily one cup for high blood pressure and indiges on. and live life in a state of purity. Numerous examples in Islam instruct its
14. Echinacea: followers to live a healthy life, a selec on are summarised below.
Echinacea is widely used to prevent or cure the common cold. 1) Prayer
Echinacea tea can help to: In Quran “Allah SWT deprecates those who are careless in their prayers
• Enhance the immune system. offer them only for show.” The blessed Prophet told us “Prayers are
• Relieve pain & reduce inflamma on. certainly health promo ng.” Although the real purpose of prayers is to
• Provide an oxidant effects. worship Allah yet there is a large number of addi onal benefits also.
• Shorten illness me for sufferers of the common cold. Prayers help release the burden of the soul and expand the chest. In
prayers, which are the best deeds, the heart gets connected to Allah
15. Blackberry leaves:
the Almighty. The Prophet (PBUH) said, as narrated by Ibn Majah and
Blackberry leaf tea can help to:
Al Hakim on the authority of Thawban; “Be it known to you that your
• Provide vitamin C; reduce pain and inflamma on from sore best deeds are prayers.”
a) Prayers are surely a healing for the soul. It is confirmed that the
• Reduce inflamma on of the gums & Provide an an bacterial Prophet, if afflicted with grief, would hurry to prayer: “prayer
effect against H pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers forbids indecency and dishonour. Allah’s remembrance is greater;
& treat diarrhea. and Allah knows the things you.

170 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 3

b) Prayers help adjust the ‘rhythm’ of the body. Modern scien fic 7. Rosemary Tea:
research proved that Moslems’ prayer mings correspond with that Rosemary is not only good for cooking but makes a healthful and
of the physiological ac vi es of the body. Dr. Zaheer Rabeh indicates highly beneficial tea.
that cor sone is the hormone of ac vity that starts to increase • Relieves headaches, joint pain and fever
acutely in the human body with the approach of dawn me, and is • May be used to help treat epilepsy, improve memory
associated with the rise in blood pressure. Man feels greatly ac ve • Improves circula on, S mulates the liver
a er dawn prayer between 6-9 a.m. Thus the me a er prayer is
considered the best me for hard work and seeking livelihood. 8. Hibiscus Flower Tea (Sorrel):
c) Qailulah (nap) before (Asr) (a ernoon) prayer is a short sleep was Dried Hibiscus flowers are used to make a tea.
men oned in the Prophet’s saying;“Get help with Suhoor (meal • It is known to lower blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol
before dawn me) for fas ng, and with Qailulah for Qiyam (night) and strengthen the immune system.
prayer.” He also said; “Have Qailulah, as satans do not have it.” • It’s rich in Vitamin C.
It has been proved that the human body at this period generally • Red zinger tea and sorrel tea contain hibiscus.
encounters a hard me, where an increase occurs in an anesthe c 9. Green Tea:
chemical substance secreted by the body that has the effect of It can help in:
tranquilizing, and incites man to sleep. The body, a er 7 hours of
• Lowering cholesterol, artery blockages,& High blood pressure
early wake-up, is at the lowest levels of concentra on and ac vity.
• Reduce the risk of prostate cancer & colon cancer
So if man ignores sleeping at that me, much of his neuromuscular
• Wash face on cool green tea for acnes & pimples
compa bility decreases all day long.
• It is an viral ,good for influenza, an bacteria, & an Obesity tea
d) Asr prayer has good effect on heart system of the body
e) When Maghrib me comes so at that me , melatonin increases 10. Cardamom Tea:
encouraging relaxa on and sleep, and causing laziness to the Both dried white cardamom flowers and the sweetly aroma c
body. seeds are used to make tea.
f) Thats why it is men oned in hadith that sleep early a er doing isha • It helps treat indiges on, prevents stomach pain, and relieves
as early sleeping has good effect on mental & Sexual matuarity. flatulence.
e) Prayer is preven on from varicose. A leg varicose is a common • It is a good expectorant and relieves coughs.
dysfunc on in the legs veins. • It helps to detoxify the caffeine from your system.
• Its protects mood swings during ladies menstrual period.
f) Prayer is a regular simple exercise at different mes, and helps
keep the viability of the body specially the cardiac system and 11. Milk thistle:
blood circula on. When consumed as a tea, milk thistle herb, (not as in dairy milk).
g) Prayer is a psychological therapy that helps calm the soul and • It is a gentle liver regenerater & cleanser.
relieve all tension for many reasons. • It can also assist in the produc on of bile, which can help with
our diges ve process.
2) Exercise
4 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 169
• It is an viral, good for throat inflamma on & cold. The Prophet (Sellel laho alaihe wasalam) rode horse, donkey and camel
• Post-opera on nausea and vomi ng preven on & Morning regularly and kept himself ac ve. As we eat three mes daily we need
sickness exercises to lessen the cholesterol in the body which increases in the
blood a er meals, thickens it and leads to the deposi on of slit in the
• Relieving pain-Arthri s, Migraine
• Childhood diarrhea They help the circula on of blood and also mi gate the bad effect
4. Peppermint Tea: of cholesterol. The performance of prayers put almost all muscles of
Peppermint is a fragrant herb that makes for a soothing drink. It the body in ac on. Prayers play a vital role in ac ng as a preven ve
can help in: measure against heart a ack, paralyses, premature senility, demen a,
• Diges ve problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, loss of control on sphineters, diabetes mellitus etc. The tradi ons of
• Tension, Headache Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam teach us to cherish
good health and realise its true value as one of ALLAH SWT’s countless
5. Lavender Tea: boun es.
Lavender tea is made out of the dried purple, pink and white
colored flowers that grow on lavender shrubs. It can help in: 3) Ablu on and health purity
• A cup of lavender tea can soothe your mind and body, inducing Allah SWT says; “O believers, when you stand up to pray, wash your faces,
sleep. and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and your feet up
to the ankles. If you are defiled, purify yourselves…” (Quran, 5:6)
• Feeling down, depressed, treat flatulence, colic, bowel
Ablu on is not just cleaning the external organs several mes a day
infec ons and an upset stomach.
before prayers. The psychological and spiritual impact felt by the
• It helps to reduce cough, bronchi s, asthma, cold and other Muslim a er ablu on is deeper than words can express, par cularly
respiratory issues. when perfec ng ablu on. Ablu on plays an important role in the life
• It Reduces body temperature during fever. of the Muslim, as it keeps him always in a state of vitality, vigilance and
• Wash hands by lavender tea helps to heal wounds, cuts, ulcers fitness. The Prophet (SAWW) said; “He who performs abluƟon, and
perfects it, his sins would come out from his body, Ɵll they pass out
and sores.
from under his nails.”
6. Lemon Balm Tea: a) Rinsing the mouth. Modern science has proved that rinsing the
Lemon balm tea is fragrant to drink and is a very effec ve tonic: mouth protects the mouth and throat from inflamma on and the
• Fight off viruses – it was used historically against shingles, gums from suppura on (pyorrhoea). It also protects and cleans
mumps, and cold sores teeth by removing food remnants.
• Calm anxiety and nervousness, aid in sleep b) Sniffing the nose. Washing and sniffing the nose strongly helps
• Reduce nausea,diges on.heart burning & reduce spasms. keep the nostril clean and free of inflamma on and germs, thus
reflec ng posi vely on the health status of the whole body.
c) Washing the face and the two hands up to the elbows is of a great

168 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 5

benefit in removing dust and microbes as well as sweat from the
surface of the skin.
d) Washing of limbs with massaging at every ablu on help strengthen
the blood circula on. Herbal Teas
e) Performing ablu on protects the surface and internal layer cells of Herbal teas make for wonderful, low calorie and relaxing drinks.Apart
the skin from the harmful impact of ultra violet rays. from having a beneficial effect on health; herbal teas are fragrant and
4) Diet & Nutri on appealing. When making tea for medicinal purposes, be sure to steep
the tea in a teapot with a lid, or to cover your mug while the herbs
Various verses and texts within Islam promote the ea ng of healthy
wholesome food and ea ng in modera on. ALLAH SWT clearly states are steeping. Most herbs should be steeped for about 10 minutes for
in the Quran: maximum results. Let’s take the mystery out of the herbal teas and
discover together which teas are good for which symptom.
Eat of the good things which We have provided for you. (2:173) Eat of
what is lawful and wholesome on the earth. (2:168) 1. Ne le:
A healthy nutri ous diet must also be balanced, in order to maintain It can help in:
the balance that ALLAH SWT has established in all things, this is • Blood Circula on,migraine, reduce Prosta c cancer.
addressed in the Quran, ALLAH SWT says: • Cures the allergic rhini s, common cold, respiratory tract
And He enforced the balance. That you exceed not the bounds; but disease.
observe the balance strictly; and fall not short thereof. • Helps to Alleviate diarrhea, gastrointes nal disease, IBS, and
The Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam constantly cons pa on.
preached the message of health; he knew that healthy bodies carry • Promotes milk produc on, relief menopausal symptoms, Stop
healthy souls. On one occasion he (SAWW) said: “The example of the bleeding and cramps, Reduces hypertension, Nausea.
stomach is like a pond. There are outlets in all direc ons from it. If the
2. Chamomile Tea:
stomach is healthy then the rest of body will be healthy”.
Chamomile is a popular herb that’s used in teas worldwide.
The Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam taught how we
Chamomile tea can be used to:
need to be careful with the food we eat. He said! “Always keep covered
• Relieve anxiety
the food” so it’s protected from airborne germs.
• Induce sleep
“A Muslim eats in one intes ne (stomach) whereas a non believer eats
• Soothe mild nausea and indiges on
in seven intes nes.”
• Relieve a cough from throat irrita on
It has been proved beyond doubt that over ea ng is the root of many
diseases and also responsible for premature senility. It produces 3. Ginger Tea:
obesity, predisposes to dangerous diseases like diabetes, menitus, Green Tea comes with such a host of health benefits, that it’s
hypertension, coronary heart disease and paralysis. called the ‘wonder herb’ by tea drinkers and medical prac oners

6 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 167

How to use:
• Eat black seeds plain;
• Eat a teaspoon of black seed mixed with honey;
• Boil black seed with water. Strain and drink; The tradi ons of Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam teach us
• Heat black seed and warm milk un l it just begins to boil. Remove to cherish good health and realise its true value as one of ALLAh’s countless
boun es.
from heat. Cool, then drink;
“And when your Lord proclaimed, “If you give thanks, I will give you more;
• Grind black seed and swallow it with water or milk; but if you are thankless, lo! My punishment is dire.” (Quran 14:7)
• Sprinkle on bread and pastries;
Islam’s holis c approach to health includes trea ng our bodies with respect
and nourishing them with, not only faith, but also with lawful, nutri ous
food. A major part of living life according to the Creator’s instruc ons is
implemen ng a suitable diet. Choosing wholesome food and avoiding the
unwholesome is essen al to good health. ALLAH SWT says in the Quran,
“Eat of the good things which We have provided for you.” (Quran 2:172)
“Eat of what is lawful and wholesome on the earth.” (Quran 2:168)
The Quran contains many verses of advice about healthy ea ng that relate
to the interconnectedness of physical and spiritual health. Encouragement
to eat only good and pure food is o en combined with warnings to
remember ALLAH SWT and avoid Satan. Healthy ea ng not only sa sfies
hunger but also has an effect on how well we worship.
“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and
do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.”
(Quran 2:168)
Numerous verses of Quran men on the foods ALLAH SWT has provided for
us to nourish and maintain our bodies. It is not an exhaus ve list of dietary
requirements but rather a general idea of the types of food that maintain
a healthy body and prevent illness.
“He created ca le that give you warmth, benefits and food to eat.” (Quran
“It is He who subdued the seas, from which you eat fresh fish.” (Quran 16:l4)
“It is He who sends down water from the sky with which He brings up corn,
olives, dates and grapes and other fruit.” (Quran 16:11)

166 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 7

“In ca le too you have a worthy lesson. We give you to drink of that which Black Seed - Summary of Ac ons:
is in their bellies, between the undigested food and blood: pure milk, a • Analgesic: Relieves or dampens sensa on of pain.
pleasant beverage for those who drink it.” (Quran l6:66)
• Anthelmin c: (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) destroys and
“There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is expels intes nal worms.
healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.”
(Quran 16:69) • An -bacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destruc ve
“And it is He Who produces gardens trellised and untrellised, and date
palms, and crops of different shape and taste (its fruits and its seeds) and • An -Inflammatory: Reduces inflamma on.
olives, and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in taste). Eat of • An -Microbial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destruc ve
their fruit when they ripen...” (Quran 6:141) microorganisms.
“…and from it (the earth) we produced grain for their sustenance.” (Quran • An oxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidisa on of the
36:33) body’s cells - par cularly useful against free radicals.
ALLAH SWT has also provided us with a list of foods that are forbidden and • An -Pyre c: (Also known as ferbrifuge) - exhibits a ‘cooling ac on’,
apart from these everything else is considered lawful. useful in fever reduc on.
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead animals - ca le-beast not slaughtered,
• An -spasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps.
blood, the flesh of swine, and the meat of that which has been slaughtered
as a sacrifice for other than ALLAH SWT...” (Quran 5:3) “...and intoxicants.” • An -tumour: Counteracts or prevents the forma on of malignant
(Quran 5:91-92) tumours*

While sweets and junk food are not forbidden they must be eaten sparingly • Carmina ve: S mulates diges on and induces the expulsion of gas
as part of a balanced diet, designed to maintain op mum health. Many from the stomach and the intes nes.
of the most common chronic illnesses today derive from unhealthy ea ng • Diaphore c: Induces perspira on during fever to cool and s mulate
habits. Coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and the release of toxins.
depression have all been linked to inadequate diets. The tradi ons of • Diure c: S mulates urina on to relieve bloa ng and rid the body
Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam praise modera on as a of any excess water.
way of maintaining good health and the Quran stresses the need to strike
a balance between any extremes. • Diges ve: S mulates bile and aids in the diges ve process.
• Emmenagogue: S mulates menstrual flow and ac vity.
True believers need healthy bodies and minds in order to worship ALLAH
SWT in correct way. To maintain a sound mind, a pure heart and a healthy • Galactogogue: S mulates the ac on of milk in new mothers.
body special a en on must be paid to health. The heart and the mind are • Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure.
nourished by remembrance of ALLAH SWT, and worship performed in a • Immunomodulator: Suppresses or strengthens immune system
lawful way, and the body is nourished by partaking of the good and lawful ac vity as needed for op mum balance.
food ALLAH SWT has provided. A en on to diet and nutri on is a part of
• Laxa ve: Causes looseness or relaxa on of the bowels.
the holis c health system inherent in Islam.

8 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 165

• Due to the advantage of cu ng off the used p, the Miswak can be How to get shifa from diseases?
reused again & again un l it gets too short to hold appropriately. When disease is confirmed so accept it as a will of ALLAH and Kaffara for
Saving you money on those extra brushes. sin, and ask Him to remove the afflic on.
“And if ALLAH touches thee with afflic on, none can remove it but He: if He
• Miswak is a cure for toothache and improves the sense of taste.
touches thee with happiness He has power over all things.” (Quran 6:17).
• Miswak sharpens the memory & is a cure for headaches.
Many Muslims won’t seek early medical a en on, contrary to the Prophet’s
• Assists in diges on & clears the voice. prac ce and teaching. In Chris anity there is a sect believing in faith healing
who have let their members die rather than go to the physician.
• The greatest benefit of using Miswak is gaining the pleasure of Allah.
The reward of Salaah (Prayers) is mul plied 70 mes if Miswak is Usamah Bin Shareek (may Allah be pleased with him) reports “I was with
used before it the Prophet Sell el laho alaihe wasallam and some Arabs came to him asking
“O Messenger of Allah (SAWW), do we take medicine for any disease.” He
Benefits of Black Seed said, “Yes, 0 You servants of Allah take medicine as Allah has not created a
disease without crea ng a cure except for one. They asked which one, he
Black Seed is grown in various countries and therefore known by many
replied old age’.
names such as Black Cumin, Black Caraway, Kalonji, Habba Souda,
Habbat al-Barakah or the Blessed Seed. Its botanical name is Nigella Increase your knowledge of health and disease, of medica ons and side
Sa va. It is a tradi onal herb that has been in use for thousands of effects. This knowledge is not the monopoly of doctors. You can have it
years by people living in the Middle East and some parts of Asia and and use it in preven ng the illness, recognizing it early when symptoms
Africa to promote health and general well-being. It is also known the appear, seeking early medical a en on, then monitoring the course of the
disease, implemen ng the treatment (i.e. knowledge of diet for diabe cs)
“Blessed Seed”.
and recognizing side effects of the medicine.
It is a remedy used for asthma, coughs, stomach aches, abdominal
Following are the true principals of SHIFA / Healing which cure both the
pain, colic, general fa gue, rheuma sm, mouth and larynx diseases,
heart (soul) & body :
skin diseases and cancer. It is also believed to strengthen a mother • Healing by Belief (Yaqeen) that Allah Has Sent the disease & Allah is the
a er childbirth; s mulate menstrua on, urina on and liver func ons; HEALER, & if the healing is delayed, it is by Allah’s Wisdom & Hikmah
aid diges on; dissolve kidney stones; and increase intelligence. Black • Healing by Aa’maal-e-Saalehaat, Salaat, Sadaqah, Fast, Quran, Zikr,
seed is used to beau fy skin, nourish hair and s mulate hair growth. Duaas & Ruqya, Husn-e-Khulq, abstaining from sins, Is ghfaar, etc.
It is a prophe c medicine used by Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho • Healing by the foods of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe
alaihe wasallam, He said : “Use the Black Seed for indeed, it is a cure for Wasallam
• Healing by the herbs of Prophet Muhammad Sell el laho Alaihe
all diseases except death.” Saheeh al-Bukharee 7:591
For thousands of years, people around the world have recognized the • Healing by HIJAMAH; which is Sunnah & the best kind of treatment in
tremendous healing proper es of this Legendary Herb: “Nigella Sa va this world
or Black Seed.”

164 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 9

When all of the above tools are combined together, it is very difficult for There are 70 benefits of Miswak as suggested by Islamic Literature and
any sickness / ailment to withstand the crushing power of Tibb-e-Nabawi. many of these have been scien fically proven but many s ll haven’t
Prophe c medicine is not similar to that offered by doctors and physicians. been studied yet.
Prophe c medicine is indeed the effec ve treatment and cure provided by • Kills Gum disease causing bacteria.
the revela on and the guidance of the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam;
that is coupled with a sound and perfect mind. In comparison, the majority • Fights plaque effec vely. The bark contains an an bio c which
of remedies prescribed by others are built on hypothesis, observa on and surpresses the growth of bacteria and the forma on of plaque.
experimenta on. Research shows that regular use of miswak significantly reduces
plaque, gingivi s and growth of cariogenic bacteria.
It is a fact that many people do not benefit from Prophe c medicine
because it will help only those who acknowledge and have faith in it. Thus, • Possesses strong an bacterial proper es.
they believe that it will help them and they then submit to it. If Qur’an, • If used regularly on a daily basis, it whitens & brightens the teeth
which is a cure for whatever the heart conceals, is not acknowledged and
leaving them with a shiny glow
accepted with faith, it will not provide a cure for the heart. The results and
comfort of spiritual therapies comes only from faith and trust in ALLAH. • Removes Bad breath and odor from mouth & creates a pleasant
They come through charity, prayer, repentance and seeking ALLAH’s fragrance.
forgiveness. They are aided by doing good deeds, helping the helpless • The Minerals in this root or twig include potassium, sodium,
and relieving the afflicted. The causes for these cures are varied and defy
chloride, sodium bicarbonate and calcium oxides.These ingredients
logical analysis. And the resultant cures cannot be explained by scien fic
all strengthen the tooth enamel.
experimenta on and analysis. All this is in accordance of the law of ALLAH
and nothing outside it. • Does all the above naturally without the need of any addi onal
When a person’s heart becomes a uned to the Lord of the world, and products such as toothpaste
trus ng of the Creator of all ailments and their remedies, medicines which • Helps to effec vely clean between teeth due to its parallel bristles.
would otherwise be ineffec ve in an individual who is unbelieving and Ac ng as a floss as well as a toothbrush.
indifferent of heart become effec ve,. It has been experienced that when
a man’s belief is strong, his body and soul are strengthened and they co- • Increases saliva on & inhibits the dry mouth (Xerostomia)
operate in repelling disease and overcoming it. This cannot be denied • 100% organic & natural alterna ve to toothpaste for those avoiding
except by the most ignorant of people. fluoride products, believing them to be dangerous & harmful.

Favourite Foods Of Prophet Sellel laho alaihe wasallam • Improves & preserves the taste buds.
12 Favourite Foods of Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam • Reduces stains from tobacco products, coffee and tea.
(SAWW) :
• The form & convenient shape of the Miswak makes it easier to get
1. Barley: into those hard to reach places, that a standard toothbrush is too
Good in fever, while use in a soup form. big for. It also massages the gums for healthier teeth.

10 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 163

• It is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor. 2. Dates:
• It has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for The Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam said that a house without
depression. dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the me of childbirth.
• Because of its an -inflammatory proper es, it is a natural treatment 3. Figs:
for arthri s and rheumatoid arthri s. It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.
• It has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in 4. Grapes:
tumors. Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam was very fond of grapes - it
• It speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys
skin. and clears the bowels.
• It may help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory 5. Honey:
skin condi ons. Considered the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot water.
• Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used for
form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules. crea ng appe te, strengthening the stomach, elimina ng phlegm; as
a meat preserva ve, hair condi oner, eye soother and mouthwash. It
Benefits Of using Miswak / Siwak is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water.
The Miswak is a 100% organic, a natural & tradi onal toothbrush that 6. Melon:
is obtained from the twigs of the Arak Tree (also called Peelu Tree). Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam said: ‘None of your women who
Although a few other trees can be used as well, such as walnut and are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that
olive trees. it’s used on a regular & even daily basis byMuslims from is good in countenance and good in character.’
all over the world for centuries, and they do so because it is a Sunnah, 7. Milk:
(something that our beloved blessed prophet Muhammad saws Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam said that milk wipes away heat
prac ced & did.) “Abu Ayyub (R) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It
Alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘Four things are amongst the prac ces of strengthens the back, improved the brain, renews vision and drives
the Ambiyaa —circumcision, applica on of perfume, Miswaak and away forge ulness.
marriage’.”(Reported by Ahmad & Tirmithi)
8. Mushroom:
‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that,“The first thing that Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam said that mushroom is a good
the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) did cure for the eyes; it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests
on entering the house was Miswak.” paralysis.
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates the Messenger 9. Olive Oil:
of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), said that,“If I had Excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats
not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered inflamma on of the stomach.
them to clean their teeth with Miswak for every prayer.”

162 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 11

10. Pomegranate: carotene, and these vitamins act as an an -oxidant,
Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam said it cleanses you of Satan and • Tomatoes also have plenty of the mineral chromium, which helps
evil aspira ons for 40 days. diabe cs to keep their blood sugar level under control.
11. Vinegar: • Tomatoes contain chlorogenic acid and coumaric acid, which help
Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam used to take vinegar with olive oil. to fight against some of the carcinogens brought about by cigare e
[That’s now a fashion in elite Italian Restaurants] smoke.
12. Water: • Tomatoes are also an excellent food to help improve your vision.
Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam said the best drink in this world This also means tomatoes can help your eyes be be er about night
is water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping blindness.
produces sickness of the liver.
• Due to potassium and vitamin B, tomatoes help to lower blood
pressure and to lower high cholesterol levels. This, in turn, could help
Foods, Beverages, Herbs & Other Beneficial Things prevent strokes, heart a ack and other poten ally life-threatening
Men oned in The Holy Qur’an heart problems.
A summary of the majority of the wonderful foods, drinks and herbs • Tomatoes are great for skin care.
men oned by Allah SWT in the Holy Qur’an. • It’s good for keeping your hair strong and shiny
Olives and olive oil: • Ea ng tomatoes without the seeds has been shown in some studies
“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is to lessen the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.
like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if
it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither Benefits of Turmeric
of the east nor of the west, whose oilwould almost glow even if untouched • It is a natural an sep c and an bacterial agent, useful in disinfec ng
by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah
cuts and burns.When combined with cauliflower,
presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.” Surah
An Noor [24:35] • It has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of
exis ng prostate cancer.
“By the fig and the olive.” Surah At Tin [95:1]
• It prevents breast cancer from spreading to the lungs
“And olives and palm trees.” Surah Abasa [80:29]
• It reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
“And [We brought forth] a tree issuing from Mount Sinai which produces • It is a natural liver detoxifier.
oil and foodfor those who eat.” Surah Al Mu’minoon [23:20]
• It may prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by
“He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
and from all the fruits. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give
• It is a potent natural an -inflammatory that works as well as many
thought.” Surah An Nahl [16:11]
an -inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.

12 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 161

• It should not be taken long-term without direct medical Sweet smelling herbs:
supervision. “And grain having husks and sweet scented plants.” Surah Ar Rahmaan
• If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, consult your doctor prior to [55:12]
using it. Short-term use may be allowed. Fish:
“And it is He who subjected the sea for you to eat from it tender meat
Benefits of Spinach and to extract from it ornaments which you wear. And you see the ships
• Spinach has shown significant protec on against the occurrence of plowing through it, and [He subjected it] that you may seek of His bounty;
aggressive prostate cancer. and perhaps you will be grateful.” Surah An Nahl [16:14]
• It has An -Inflammatory, An oxidants, and proper es to lower high Grapes:
blood pressure. “And We brought forth for you thereby gardens of palm trees and grapevines
• It can protect the eye from cataracts and age-related macular in which for you are abundant fruits and from which you eat.” Surah Al
degenera on. Mu’minoon [23:19]

• It also promotes healthy skin by allowing for proper moisture Garlic/ Onions:
reten on in the epidermis, thus figh ng psoriasis, kera nisa on, “And [recall] when you said, “O Moses, we can never endure one [kind
acne and even wrinkles. of] food. So call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth its
green herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its len ls and its onions.”
• The abundance of vitamin K in spinach contributes greatly to a [Moses] said, “Would you exchange what is be er for what is less? Go into
healthy nervous system and brain func on [any] se lement and indeed, you will have what you have asked.” And they
• It helps in the crea on of red blood cells and is an outstanding blood were covered with humilia on and poverty and returned with anger from
builder. Allah [upon them]. That was because they [repeatedly] disbelieved in the
• Due to the high alkalinity of spinach, you get complete relief from signs of Allah and killed the prophets without right. That was because they
rheumatoid arthri s. disobeyed and were [habitually] transgressing.” Surah Al Baqarah [2:61]

• It is loaded with Vitamin C, so helps in curing bleeding gums. Corn/ Wheat and other grains with husks:
“And grain having husks and sweet scented plants.” Surah Ar Rahmaan
• Spinach is rich in fiber, it helps combat stomach problems like coli s,
ulcers, poor diges on and cons pa on
• Your perfect skin care regimen: try a glass of spinach juice every day.
“And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger.”
High in an oxidants, spinach helps keep your skin supple and well
Surah Al Insaan [76:17]
• It helps s mulate your hair growth and retains its luster as well.
“In both of them are fruit and palm trees and pomegranates.” Surah Ar
Benefits of Tomato Rahmaan [55:68]

• Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins A and C, mostly because of beta-

160 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 13

Dates: cys s, atopic derma s, and a safe alterna ve remedy for allergy
“And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you sufferers.
ripe, fresh dates.” Surah Maryam [19:25]
Meat: Benefits of Sana Makki
“They ask you, [O Muhammad], what has been made lawful for them. Say, Sana Makki (senna leaves) is a true miracle of my Allah’s crea ons & it
“Lawful for you are [all] good foods and [game caught by] what you have is one of the valuable herbs of Prophe c Medicines.
trained of hun ng animals which you train as Allah has taught you. So eat
Ibraheem ibn e abi laila narrates that Rasululllah sallalalhu alaihi wa
of what they catch for you, and men on the name of Allah upon it, and
sallam says necessarily use Sana and sanoot; because there is a cure
fear Allah .” Indeed, Allah is swi in account.” Surah Al Ma’idah [5:4]
in both of them from every disease except the “saam” some one asked
Bananas: ya Rasulalah what is saam? Replied that death! (Ibn e maja hadeeth
“And [banana] trees layered [with fruit].” Surah Al Waqiy’ah [56:29] no 3457)
Len ls: When you take sana alone, it creates pain in the stomach.
“And [recall] when you said, “O Moses, we can never endure one [kind
of] food. So call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth its Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe Wasallam directed to take Sana
green herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its len ls and its onions.” with “SANOOT”. About sanoot some opinions :
[Moses] said, “Would you exchange what is be er for what is less? Go into (a) honey (b) Cumin seeds (Zeera) (c) Aniseed (Saunf)
[any] se lement and indeed, you will have what you have asked.” And they So the best is to take with honey.
were covered with humilia on and poverty and returned with anger from
Allah [upon them]. That was because they [repeatedly] disbelieved in the • Its leaf is a very effec ve laxa ve and purga ve and is a par cularly
signs of Allah and killed the prophets without right. That was because they useful remedy for the cons pa on.
disobeyed and were [habitually] transgressing.” Surah Al Baqarah [2:61] • It is useful for evacua on relief in cases of fissures, hemorrhoids,
Gourds and/or Squashes and Pumpkins: a er recto anal opera ons.
“And We caused to grow over him a gourd vine.” Surah As Saffaat • It is best when combined with a smaller amount of a warming
[37:146] s mulant and an spasmodic such as ginger or some other suitable
Cucumbers: herb.
“And [recall] when you said, “O Moses, we can never endure one [kind • It causes the muscles to contract strongly resul ng in bowel
of] food. So call upon your Lord to bring forth for us from the earth its movement in about 10 to 12 hours a er inges on and also stops
green herbs and its cucumbers and its garlic and its len ls and its onions.” fluid being absorbed from the large bowel helping to keep the stool
[Moses] said, “Would you exchange what is be er for what is less? Go into so .
[any] se lement and indeed, you will have what you have asked.” And they • Its original uses also included reducing fevers, killing intes nal worms,
were covered with humilia on and poverty and returned with anger from
allevia ng indiges on, and trea ng ringworm and hemorrhoids.
Allah [upon them]. That was because they [repeatedly] disbelieved in the
Northern African healers prescribed it to heal stomach pains.
signs of Allah and killed the prophets without right. That was because they

14 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 159

wasallam), while he was surrounded by his companions and holding disobeyed and were [habitually] transgressing.” Surah Al Baqarah [2:61]
a quince that he was turning in his hands.I sat down and he threw the Figs:
fruit at me saying,” Eat it, O Abu Zarr, as it cures heart, ameliorates “By the fig and the olive.” Surah At Tin [95:1]
the breath and dissipates the distress by its relieving effects.
Fresh Spring Water:
• Companion Jabir bin Abdullah (R.A) narrated that Prophet Muhammad “Indeed, the righteous will be among shades and springs.” Surah Al
Sel lel laho alaihe wasallamSel lel laho alaihe wasallam(Sel lel laho Mursallat [77:41]
alaihe wasallam) said, “Eat the Quince (Safarjal) because it cures
the heart and relieves (removes) the burden of the chest.”
“And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from
Companion Hazrat Anus bin Malik (R.A) narrated that Prophet what is in their bellies - between excre on and blood - pure milk, palatable
Muhammad, (Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam): The burden of the heart to drinkers.” Surah An Nahl [16:66]
is removed by ea ng of the Quince.
“And indeed, for you in livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from that
• Prophet Muhammad, (Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam), said, “Eat which is in their bellies, and for you in them are numerous benefits, and
quince, for it sweetens the heart. For Allah has sent no prophet as from them you eat.” Surah Al Mu’minoon [23:21]
His messenger without feeding him on the quince of Paradise.
“Is the descrip on of Paradise, which the righteous are promised, wherein
• Prophet Muhammad, (Sel lel laho alaihe wasallam), said, “Feed your are rivers of water unaltered, rivers of milk the taste of which never
pregnant women on quince, for it cures the diseases of the heart changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of purified
and makes the babies handsome.” honey, in which they will have from all [kinds of] fruits and forgiveness
• Quince composes several vital poly-phenolic an oxidants higher from their Lord, like [that of] those who abide eternally in the Fire and
concentra on than apples and pears. The fruit actually is the are given to drink scalding water that will sever their intes nes?” Surah
storehouse of vital phyto-nutrients such as dietary fiber, minerals, Muhammad [47:15]
and vitamins. Honey:
• It helps to reduce body weight and blood LDL cholesterol levels. “Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down
[for you].” There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colours, in
• Ripe quince fruit carry good levels of vitamin-C. Vitamin-C helps
which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who
remove harmful oxygen-free radicals from the body. It helps boost
give thought.” Surah An Nahl [16:69]
immunity, reduce viral episodes, and inflammatory condi ons.
• The fruit is a good source of minerals such as copper , iron,
“The truly good will drink from a cup mixed with the coolness of camphor,
potassium, and magnesium as well as B-complex vitamins such as
a spring from which Allah’s servants will drink, making it gush forth at will
thiamin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). abundantly.” (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Insan (Man) or Al-Dahr (The Time) ,
• Although not well documented, quince fruit like in pears, has an - Surah # 76: Ayah # 5-6)
allergenic, and an -inflammatory proper es.
• The fruit as well its seed’s extrac on is suggested in the treatment of

158 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 15

Copper: • Sore throat relief
In Quran Allah men oned about the copper: • Give more energy
“And We made a fount of molten copper flow out for him.” (Saba 34:12) • Youthful appearance and be er condi on of the skin
Copper has many important roles to play in maintaining a healthy body • Remedy for bad breath
and some of its benefits include:
• Reducing inflamma on
1. Arthri s:
• Killing Bacteria
The health benefits of copper relate to its an -inflammatory ac ons to
assist in reducing the symptoms of arthri s.Water stored in a copper • Lower glucose levels, making it a beneficial treatment for people
container overnight accumulates copper traces which are beneficial to with type 2 diabetes
strengthen the muscular system.
How to Use:
2. Proper Growth: • 1 teaspoon raw honey ,1 teaspoon ACV (if you can tolerate the
Copper is highly essen al for normal growth and health.It is helpful in
taste, increase the dosage to up to 1 tablespoon), Warm water (1
protec on of skeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
3. Brain S mula on: • You might ini ally struggle with the potent taste, but once you
Copper is widely known as a brain s mulant. It is also otherwise called
experience the benefits, you’ll most likely want to s ck with the
“Brain food”. However, copper content in the diet has to be in right
concoc on.
propor ons. Too much of copper is also not healthy for the brain.
• It’s best to drink the mixture on an empty stomach, first thing in
4. Energy produc on: the morning. Consume it about 20-30 minutes before you eat. Be
Copper is essen al for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, which consistent and drink it on a daily basis.
is an energy storehouse of the human body.
• Some suggest increasing the intake to two, or even three, mes a
5. Thyroid glands: day, depending on your needs and tolerance for taste.
Copper has an important role in ensuring the proper func oning of
thyroid glands. Benefits of Quince
6. RBC forma on: Arabic Name Safarjal
Copper helps in the produc on of red blood cells hemoglobin and Medicinal uses: Heart diseases, diarrhea, endocardi s, pericardi s,
7. Immunity: • Quoted by Ibn Majah, Companion of Prophet Muhammad Sel lel
Copper has an important role in the healing process and thus, ensures laho alaihe wasallamSel lel laho alaihe wasallam(Sel lel laho alaihe
be er wound healing. Copper acts as an extremely good an viral, an
wasallam) Talha bin Ubaid (R.A) narrated that he said: Eat it O Talha
bacterial, an inflammatory and immunity builder.
for the quince relaxes the hearts.”
• An-Nasai reported a narra on: I came to Prophet, (Sel lel laho alaihe

16 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 157

• Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc so it is important for our 8. Reduces Cholesterol:
body in many ways, including immunity, cell growth and division, According to the American Cancer Society that copper can reduce bad
sleep, mood, your senses of taste and smell, eye and skin health, cholesterol level and helps in increasing beneficial cholesterol.
insulin regula on, and male sexual func on. When water is stored in a copper vessel,The best part about this water
• Due to high zinc content, it is important for prostate, It plays best is that it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long
role in trea ng benign prosta c hyperplasia (BPH, or enlarged periods of me.
prostate). 9. Diges ve system
• Its seed may help improve insulin regula on and help prevent Copper water kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflamma on within
diabe c complica ons by decreasing oxida ve stress. the stomach, making it a great remedy for ulcers, indiges on and
infec ons.
• Pumpkin seed oil is rich in natural phytoestrogens and studies suggest
It also helps cleanse and detox your stomach, regulate the working of
it may lead to a significant increase in good “HDL” cholesterol along
your liver and kidneys, and proper elimina on of waste and ensures the
with decreases in blood pressure, hot flashes, headaches, joint pains
absorp on of nutrients from food.if you want to detox your stomach,
and other menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. drink a large glass of water that has been stored in a copper vessel,
• Pumpkin seeds, rich in healthy fats, an oxidants and fibers, may early in the morning on an empty stomach.
provide benefits for heart and liver health, par cularly when mixed
10. Weight loss:
with flax seeds. copper also helps your body break down fat and eliminate it more
• Ea ng pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed, along with a efficiently,
carbohydrate like a small piece of fruit, may be especially beneficial
11. Kill bacteria:
for providing your body the tryptophan needed for your melatonin
Copper can destroy bacteria very effec vely. It is especially effec ve
and serotonin produc on to help promote a res ul night’s sleep.
against E.coli and S.aureus, two bacteria that are commonly found in
• Pumpkin seed oil has been found to exhibit an -inflammatory our environment and known to cause severe illnesses in the human
effects. body. Known to help prevent common water-borne diseases like
diarrhoea, dysentery and jaundice.
Benefits of Vinegar (ACV , Apple Cider Vinegar)
12. Skin:
Using Vinegar with Honey:
Copper aids in the produc on of new cells that help replenish the top
• Be er joint health and joint pain allevia on (good for arthri c most layers of your skin.Ayurveda experts say that drinking this water
pain) on a regular basis, especially early in the morning, can make a huge
• Acid reflux and heartburn relief difference to your skin.
• Improved diges ve health, including help with cons pa on 13. How to buy:
• Weight loss If all its benefits have convinced you to try storing and drinking water
• Reduced cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure from a copper vessel, here is a guide to buying the right kind of vessel.

156 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 17

• It is important to buy vessels that are made of pure copper. Do not • Pomegranate Juice Improves Your Heart Health:
buy ones that have other metals mixed in it. • It is known to reduce atherosclerosis, which is one of the leading
• Once you have bought it, rinse it out with water and pour water causes of heart disease.
into the vessel and cover it. You can use a steel or glass dish for
• It lowers the risk of blockage in the arteries which can cause a
• One very easy way to dis nguish between pure copper and an restric on in the flow of blood to the heart and brain.
adulterated version is to know that copper is a very so metal and • It lowers the amount of LDL or bad cholesterol
pure copper is difficult to mould into intricate shapes. So if the • It does not elevate the blood sugar levels of diabe c pa ent as other
design of your copper vessel is very intricate, it is most probably fruit juices do.
not made with pure copper.
• It is a natural aspirin, which keeps the blood from coagula ng and
14. How to Wash: forming blood clots.
Do not use a coarse scrub to wash the inside of the vessel as it will
• It reduce high blood pressure
tend to scrape away copper from the vessel. Instead, use one half
of a lemon (you can squeeze out the juice) and rub it on the inside • Daily intake of a glass of pomegranate juice can slow down the
of the vessel. Allow it to stand for a few minutes and then wash off growth of cancerous cells in prostate cancer.
with plain water. Alternatively you could also try using baking soda • Mixing 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of pomegranate juice is sure
with water. Use this mixture to coat the inside of the vessel and to cure indiges on problems.
allow it to stand for a few minutes and rinse away the excess baking • It has strong an -bacterial and an -microbial proper es which help
soda. fight viruses and bacteria and boost our immunity system.
Word of CauƟon:
• It induces hunger and control thirst.
Copper is not innately u lized by our body. That is why too much of the
• It also soothes urinary tract infec on and eases the flow of urine.
metal can be detrimental.Drinking water twice or thrice in a day from a
copper vessel is more than enough to reap its benefits. • Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily gives a fair and glowing
Other Sources of Copper: skin tone.
Copper is present in various food sources such as liver, meat, seafood, • It Decrease Risk of Impotency, Treat Prostate Cancer, Help Lose
beans, whole grains soy flour, wheat bran, almonds, avocados, barley, Weight, Promote Blood Circula on, Reduce Inflamma on, Cure
garlic, nuts, oats,beets and len ls. Anemia.

Benefits of Pumpkin
• One-quarter cup of pumpkin seeds contains nearly half of the
recommended daily amount of magnesium, Magnesium has been
shown to benefit your blood pressure and help prevent sudden
cardiac arrest, heart a ack, and stroke.

18 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 155

Benefits of Onion DISEASES & REMEDIES
Onions are a very good source of vitamin C, B6, bio n, chromium,
calcium and dietary fibre. In addi on, they contain good amounts of BY NATURAL WAY:
folic acid and vitamin B1 and K.
• It has an tumor effect and have immune-enhancing proper es.
• It contains a large amount of sulfur and are especially good for the
liver. Plants have been part of our lives since the beginning of time. We
get numerous products from plants, most of them not only good
• The onion is the richest dietary source of querci n, Querci n
and beneficial for our health, but also crucial to our existence. The
has been shown to thin the blood, lower cholesterol, raise good-
famous father of medicine, Hippocrates was quoted as saying:
type HDL cholesterol, ward off blood clots, fight asthma, chronic
bronchi s, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis and infec ons and is “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine shall be thy
specifically linked to inhibi ng human stomach cancer. food”.
• It’s also an an -inflammatory, an bio c, an viral, thought to have Plants serve as our food. Plants have numerable healing and health
diverse an -cancer powers. benefits. It goes to reason that plants serve an extremely significant
• It helps to keep your blood free of clots, boost beneficial HDL role in the creation of our health, Healthy eating is the best
cholesterol, thin the blood, lower total blood cholesterol, lower preventative medicine. We can all benefit by spending more time
triglycerides, lower blood pressure in nature. By observing the natural world, we come to know the
• Harvard’s Dr. Victor Gurewich advises all his pa ents with coronary natural world best. Here are some common diseases and natural
heart disease to eat onions daily. remedies.
• The an oxidants in onions can protect you against cancer.
• It is historically used to treat asthma.
• Onions have potent an bacterial ac vity, destroying many disease-
causing pathogens, including E. coli and salmonella.

Benefits of Pomegranate
Pomegranate has been used for medicinal purposes in the middle and
Far East regions for over thousands of years. It was used as a tonic
to heal ailments like ulcers and diarrhea. The juice of pomegranate
contains an oxidants like anthocyanin and ellagic acid, compounds like
gallic acids, and flavonoids like querce n which offer protec on from
diabetes, heart diseases, osteoarthri s and several kinds of cancer.

154 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 19

(“bad”) cholesterol levels while raising HDL (the “good” cholesterol)
• Olive oil is very well tolerated by the stomach. In fact, olive oil’s
protec ve func on has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastri s.
• Olive oil ac vates the secre on of bile and pancrea c hormones
much more naturally than prescribed drugs. Consequently, it lowers
the incidence of gallstone forma on.
• Studies have shown that people who consumed 25 milliliters (mL)
- about 2 tablespoons - of virgin olive oil daily for 1 week showed
less oxida on of LDL cholesterol and higher levels of an oxidant
compounds, par cularly phenols, in the blood.
• Olive oil is clearly one of the good oils, one of the healing fats.
• It also help in colon cancer.
• Olive oil s mulates metabolism, promotes diges on and lubricates
mucous membranes.
• It can also be applied externally to treat dry skin.
• Take 1 tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach to s mulate
diges on and relieve upset stomach, flatulence and heartburn.
• In the morning, take 1 teaspoon of olive oil mixed with lemon juice
on an empty stomach.
• To clear stopped-up ears, put a few drops of lukewarm olive oil in the
affected ear. Lie for 5 minutes on the opposite side, and then turn
over, so that the olive oil can flow out again. (Do not put any liquid
in your ear if you think you may have a perforated eardrum!) For
earaches, soak a co on pad inolive oil, then add 5 drops of lavender
oil. Place it loosely in your outer ear un l the pain abates.
• Massage the scalp with olive oil every evening for eight days. Let it
work overnight and wash it out in the morning.
• To help build strong fingernails and so en cu cles, soak your nails
each night in a mixture of 3 parts lukewarm olive oil to 1 part freshly-
squeezed lemon juice. Put on cloth gloves and let the oil penetrate
overnight. Your nails will gradually become more resistant to
breaking and chipping.
20 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 153
Benefits of Nutmeg HEAD
Nutmeg is Seda ve, s mulant, relaxant, an inflammatory, an sep c,
bactericide, etc.
• It is an effec ve liver and kidney detoxifier.
• Nutmeg powder (about 2 to 5gm), mixed with apple juice or banana, Headache
is used as a specific remedy for diarrhea caused by indiges on. The common causes and triggers of day to day headaches include
• It can help clear up conges on due to colds emo onal stress, depression, anger, anxiety, insomnia, skipping meals,
• A regular massage of the abdomen with nutmeg oil, three weeks alcohol & drugs, sinus infec ons, allergies, dental infec ons, urinary
before delivery is believed to be very helpful for child birth. tract infec ons, head injurie.
• Its paste mixed with honey is given to infants who cry at night for no
apparent reason, to induce sleep.
Remedies for Headache
• Nutmeg oil helps in removing bad breath. It is also an sep c in • Applying Eucalyptus oil on the forehead also helps to relieve
nature and is effec ve for toothaches and aching gums. headache due to cold.
• It can help eliminate fa gue and stress. If you are suffering from • Equal quan es of Cumin seeds (Zeera), Black pepper (Kali mirch),
anxiety or depression. Coriander seeds (Dhania), Dry ginger (Sonth) powdered. A spoon of
• It is use in aching joints, muscle pain, arthri s, sores and other this powder boiled in water with Jaggery (Gurh) and taken before
ailments. sleep helps to get relief from head ache due to cold.
• It is also used to treat gum problems and toothaches. • Ea ng a Apple everyday with salt helps to overcome headache.
• It is best in acne marks, making skin healthier ,for acne marks mix • Cinnamon (Dalchini) grinded with Lemon juice applied on the
some nutmeg powder with some honey to make a paste, then apply forehead helps to get relief from head ache.
to the acne marks.
• Applying Castor oil (Erand ka teil) or Gingery oil (Til oil) or Coconut
• If you have difficulty sleeping at night, drink a cup of milk with some oil (Nariyal) on the center of the head helps to get relief from head
nutmeg powder. This will help you achieve relaxa on and will induce ache.
• Tamarind (Imli) mixed in water with Jaggery (Gur), filtered and taken
Benefits of Olive Oil twice a day helps to overcome headache which comes because of
The greatest exponent of monounsaturated fat is olive oil, and it is a
prime component of the Mediterranean Diet. Olive oil is a natural juice • Use a homeopathic remedy suitable for the par cular headache
which preserves the taste, aroma, vitamins and proper es of the olive symptoms you are experiencing. Belladonna helps with sudden,
fruit. Olive oil is the only vegetable oil that can be consumed as it is - severe pain that is worse on the right side of the body.
freshly pressed from the fruit. • Natrum muria cum is recommended for tension headaches and
• Olive oil offers protec on against heart disease by controlling LDL periodic headaches.

152 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 21

• Sanguinaria is good for pain that is sharp and spli ng. Arsenicum Type 2 diabetes
album, kalibichrornium, Mecurius solubilis, and Pulsa lla all Studies suggest that regular consump on of low fat dairy products
encourage drainage of the sinuses. can help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which has been a
• Eat a healthy diet filled with fruit and vegetables, and do not skip longstanding problem in adults, and is becoming increasingly common
meals for too long. in children and adolescents.
• Drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated. A recent study of more than 37,000 middle aged women found that
• Exercise regularly to improve your circula on those with the highest intakes of dairy had a reduced risk of type 2
• Use relaxa on techniques such as deep breathing exercises.
• Apply an ice pack to your forehead and temples or a heat pack to
the back of your neck to loosen tense muscles. There is considerable evidence to suggest that milk has a protec ve
effect on risk of both colorectal and breast cancer with increased
• Soak in a hot tub; the hot water helps to relax the contracted
muscles that cause the headache.
A recent study of 45,000 Swedish men reported that men who drank
• Spend me outside in the fresh air or go for a walk.
1.5 glasses of milk per day or more, had 35% lower risk of the disease
• Stop alcohol consump on and increase water intake. than those who had a low milk intake of less than 2 glasses per week.
• Limit hours spent in front of a computer screen. Addi onally a study of over 40,000 Norwegian women found that
• Avoid watching television for too long or in a dimly-lit room. those who drank milk as children and con nued to do so as adults,
• Try to get a good night’s rest. had a lower risk of developing breast cancer.Calcium and a naturally
occurring fat in dairy products known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Weak Memory have been suggested as protec ve components in colon cancer.
Common Causes of Weak Memory Hydra on
Are Lack of concentra on, Depression, Anxiety, Alcoholism, Drug In order to remain adequately hydrated, it is recommended that we
abuse, Brain tumors, Certain medica ons, Seizures, lack of sleep consume 6-8 cups of fluid each day.

Remedies for Weak memory Milk is an excellent choice of fluid as it not only re-hydrates the body,
• Soak 7 almonds overnight. Peel and grind to a paste. Mix in 1 glass but provides a host of beneficial nutrients and protects the teeth at the
milk. Simmer for some me. Drink while s ll warm for 15 to 40 same me!
days. Re-hydra on a er exercise is par cularly important to replace lost
• Cinnamon 12 gram,Amla 12 gram,black peppers 4 gram ...make it fluids, and a recent study in the USA found that chocolate milk helped
powder nd use half tea spoon of it at morning nd evening me. the body to recover a er exhaus ng exercise!
• Surah al Inshiraah in 3oth parah should be recited on water for

22 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 151

throughout life can help to make the bones strong and protect them 11 mes or 7 mes daily and drink it on your child who has weak
against diseases like osteoporosis (a debilita ng, bri le bone disorder) memory...and remember it on your child orally to recite it daily so
in later life. soon he will have best fresh memory.

Teeth Hair Loss

The amounts of calcium and phosphorous in milk and dairy products • Women loss hairs In menopause.
are also beneficial for the development and maintenance of healthy • Mothers usually lose a lot of hair during a 6-month period a er
teeth.The most abundant protein in milk is casein and is protec ve as it giving birth.
forms a thin film on the enamel surface which prevents loss of calcium • Other reasons for hair loss are pollu on, hereditary problem, lack
and phosphate from the enamel when the teeth are exposed to acids of sleep, stress, infec on, surgery, high fever, diets, over brushing,
in the mouth. syphilis, and tumors. Lack of vitamins, minerals or iron in the body

Blood Pressure Remedies for Hair loss

An increasing number of studies suggest that consuming 3 por ons of • Take Vitamins A, B6, B12, Folic acid, bio n, and Vitamin C.
dairy each day, along with 5 por ons of fruit and vegetables as part • Take Silica in capsules one a day, makes hair stronger and thicker.
of a low salt diet can reduce high blood pressure in both adults and • Apply coconut oil and wait for 1 hour and take headbath. which will
children. helps to prevent hair loss.
Cardiovascular disease • Don’t comb your hair a er taking head bath, wait ll your hair gets
Several studies have linked milk and dairy consump on with a reduced dry. So that you will not loose any hair.
risk for cardiovascular disease. • Apply Cocunut milk to your hair and wash a er some me helps to
prevent hair loss.
A recent study in Welsh men found that those who drank the most milk
• Apply egg yolk and massage slowly to hair and wait for an hour and
had fewer heart a acks than those who had li le or no milk in their
wash it.
• Apply Hibiscus plant leaves paste to hair and wait for half an hour
Studies have shown that high calcium intakes may reduce high levels of and wash it.
bad cholesterol in the blood, and increase low levels of good cholesterol • Hibiscus flower powder mix with rose water and make it as a paste
both of which are known risk factors for cardiovascular disease. and apply it to roots of the hair and wait for 30 mins and wash it.
Obesity • Mix egg yolk with henna and apply to hair and wash it when it
Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that people who becomes dry.
consume milk and dairy foods are likely to be slimmer than those who • Eat as much as green leafy vegetables to stop hair loss.
do not. • Dry-up the Holy Basil (Tulsi) leaves and neem leaves, and make it as
a powder and add some water to it and make it as a paste. Apply
this paste to hair and wait for 1 hour and wash it.

150 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 23

• Don’t use soaps or shampoo for head bath. Daily morning having a Benefits of Lychee
head bath with cold water helps to improve blood circula on in the Lychee, which has the scien fic name Litchi chinensis is in the
head and also helps in giving the proteins to scalp, which resulted
soapberry family, but is the only member of its genus, meaning that
good hair growth, strong black hair and stops hair loss problem.
it is quite unique in the world. lychee is a great source of dietary fiber,
• Use shampoos and condi oners containing silica and bio n protein, and a good source of proanthocyanidins and polyphenolic
• Avoid hair sprays and gels.
• The significant amount of dietary fiber in lychee, as in most fruits
• Do not brush your hair too much. and vegetables, helps add bulk to your stool and increases your
diges ve health. This helps bowel movements move through the
Dandruff diges ve tract smoothly.
Dandruff caused by trauma, illness, hormonal disorders, improper diet • The polyphenolic compounds and proanthocyanidins found in lychee
(specially the consump on of carbohydrates and sugar), deficiency are actually even more powerful than vitamin C in neutralizing free
of nutrients such as, B- Complex Vitamins, essen al fa y acids, and radicals and protec ng the body from various diseases and afflic ons.
selenium. Free radicals are the harmful byproducts of cellular metabolism that
can cause cancer, heart disease, cogni ve disorders, and premature
Remedies for Dandruff
aging, among other undesirable condi ons.
• Boil the fresh neem leaves in water for 1/2 hour. Filter the liquid &
• It protects the spreading or outbreak of viruses.
cool, apply the juice on hair and soak for 10 minutes. Wash it away
while bathing. • Lychee has a wealth of potassium, Potassium levels are almost three
mes higher in dried lychee rather than in fresh lychee!
• Take Vitamin B complex + extra Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, all the
B vitamins are needed to obtain a healthy skin and hair. • It is best for hypertension , stress and heart diseases.
• Ea ng a diet of fruit and vegetables. • The copper content in lychee can boost blood circula on and
increase oxygena on of the organs and cells.
• Avoid tea, coffee, refined foods, canned and processed The person
with dandruff should • (Note) Since lychees are a very good source of sugars, diabe cs
should be careful when ea ng lychees since it can unbalance their
• Avoid ea ng meat, sugar, white flour, tea or coffee, condiments,
blood sugar levels
refined and processed Food.
Benefits of Milk
Bone Health
Milk and dairy products are providers of calcium, phosphorous,
magnesium and protein which are all essen al for healthy bone growth
and development.
Adequate consump on of milk and dairy from early childhood and

24 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 149

Benefits of Lemongrass EYES
• Lemongrass is effec ve in trea ng type 2 diabetes, cancer, and
• It is helpful for various types of anemia, especially those resul ng
from iron deficiency. Eyes Problem
• Due to its an -inflammatory and an -sep c proper es, lemongrass Excessive rubbing of eyes, Allergy, Viral infec ons such as the common
juice can be used as a valuable aid for trea ng arthri s, gout and
cold, Too much sun exposure, Dry eyes.
inflamma on of the urinary tract.
• Drinking lemongrass tea for a season helps to eliminate the bad Remedies for Eyes problem
micro-organism, detoxify and purify the blood. • Wrap some ice cubes in a clean co on towel and placing them on
• It helps to cleanse and purify the liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas your eyes.
and increases blood circula on. • Do two three drops of rose water Arq-e-Gulab
• It helps to kill bad bacteria and parasites, it improve diges ve- • Do two drops of castor oil in eyes
related problems like: indiges on, cons pa on, diarrhoea, intes nal
• Add honey to warm milk and s r it un l it dissolves completely.
bloa ng, flatulence, stomach spasms, vomi ng and cramps.
Then, with the help of an eyedropper, put this solu on into your
• Drinking the tea therapeu cally will gradually reduce the recurrence eyes.
of both gastri s and heartburn.
• Use sunglass which has UV protec on
• It has an an -cholesterol and an -atherosclerosis ac on. It helps
reduce both the absorp on of cholesterol from the intes ne, as well • Use lots of water
as the oxida on of LDL-cholesterol in the blood, thus preven ng
one of the first steps in the forma on of atherosclero c plaques. Dark Circle
Dark circles can make a beau ful face very ugly. Dark blemishes are
• The purifying ac vi es and calming effect of lemongrass help
improve sleep. formed under the eyes due to various reasons. Heredity is believed
to be one of the major reasons for its forma on. Dark circles are also
• Regularly drinking lemongrass tea helps to improve acne problem,
eczema and psoriasis. considered to be a sign of unhealthiness. Some me it appears with
age, stress, and Nutrient deficiency.
• Drinking lemongrass tea helps to melt fats in a detoxifying manner.
The diure c effect helps carry out the wastes in high volume, Remedies for Dark Circle
effec vely and quickly, resul ng in weight loss
• Try to sleep 8 hours a day and rest properly.

148 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 25

• Close your eyes and cover your eyelids with slices of raw potato or • It Helps Diabe c pa ents by elimina ng the urge of frequent
cucumber for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water and apply a urina on.
cream. • It is Given to pa ents suffering with food poisoning, Good for
• Applica on of a thin sliced cucumber on top of each eye for 15 to ulcera ve Coli s, IBS & pep c ulcers, Best for drying the sounds,
20 minutes, twice a day, relieves stress and cools down the eyes. kills fungus, Expels out (vide urine) blood impuri es, hence helpful
for kin disorders like ACNE, Eczema, Psoriasis, etc.)
• A mixture of almond oil and honey should be applied on the
affected area every night before bed me. You will see a remarkable Benefits of Lemon
improvement in two to three weeks.
• Lemon can help relieve many diges on problems when mixed
• Consume at least two to three liters of water on a daily basis. Water with hot water. These include nausea,bloa ng, heartburn and
is a very essen al remedy in this case and it flushes out the toxins parasites.
present in the body. • It acts as a blood purifier and as a cleansing agent.
• lemon juice can cure cons pa on.
• It acts as a liver tonic and helps you digest your food by helping your
liver produce more bile.
• It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body.
• It is a good an sep c and can cure problems related to skin.
• Daily consump on of lemon water can make a huge difference in
the appearance of your skin.
• It can remove wrinkles and blackheads.
• Lemon water if applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars.
• It is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensa on on the skin.
• The massages of lemon juice on gums can stop gum bleeding. Itgives
relief from bad smell and other problems related to gums.
• lemon juice mixed with one glass of lukewarm water and one spoon
of honey, it reduces the body weight as well as throat infec on
• It can treat rheuma sm and arthri s, reduces fever, mental stress
and depression, acts as a blood purifier, controls high blood pressure,
dizziness, & nausea.

26 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 147

• It helps in reducing the acidity of uric acid.
• It helps to lower the cholesterol levels.
• Grape seed extract is rich in vitamin E which retains the moisture of
the skin.
• Grapes make the skin free from diseases by removing toxins from
the body. Ear Diseases
• Green grapes help in lightening the scars that are caused due to The human ear is composed of the inner ear, middle ear, and the
outer ear. Ear infec on can a ack any of these parts and one part
Benefits of Henna Water can usually infect the others. External o s affects the outer ear
some mes it comes a er cold or flu or some other kind of upper
To make Henna water, take 5-7 grams of whole dried leaves and soak
respiratory infec on.
them overnight in 2 glasses of water. Filter and drink the water in the
morning a er Fajr on an empty stomach. This process can be repeated
Remedies for Ear Problem
daily for 7-10 days.
• Drinking Henna water before breakfast removes toxins & impuri es • Take Vitamin C to help boost the immune system and fight
from the body. infec on.
• It helps the kidneys to func on properly, removes urinary tract • Zinc is also helpful in reducing ear infec on.
infec ons, and dissolves kidney stones. • Take garlic oil or olive oil, place a few drops in the ear and plug it
• It is best for pa ents having the internal wounds like Ulcer, Piles, with co on this will help with pain.
Uterine Tumors (that cause excessive menstrua on), Leucorrhea,
skin disorders etc. • If the ear is red, hot and painful specially a er exposure to cold
temperature, use Aconite,this homeopathic remedy is excellent for
• It also helps Diabe c pa ents against frequent urina on, delayed
ear infec on.
wound healing & diabe c foot.
• It also improves Acidity problems. • If you have ear infec on, fill 3 to 5 drops of coconut oil in your
• Those who have never used Henna water previously, it is infected ear and close with co on before going to bed.
recommended to drink it daily for 7 ~ 10 days, a er which it should • Clean your ears daily with water while taking bath, which will
be taken either once or twice a weak. prevents you from earache & infec ons.
• Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that if a Leprosy pa ent drinks Henna water
• Use ear buds to clean your ears a er having head bath.
for 40 days, he will be healed Insha’Allah.
• It reduces Gout, & Uric acid. • When you take bath or came from outside, you should clean your
ears properly by rubbing gently with your fingers and then clean
• It reduces high blood pressure (Hypertension).

146 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 27

with ear buds to avoid formed dust in or near to ears. • Flaxseeds are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber which helps to lower
• If you can’t hear properly, then close your ears for a moment and blood cholesterol and glucose levels & to move things to digest
open it gently to hear properly. tract quickly.
• It is rich in Omega-3 fa y acids - these are considered to be “good
fats” that are beneficial for the heart.
• It helps in controlling cholesterol, prevent the buildup of plaque,
which can clog arteries and lead to high blood pressure, stroke, or
heart a ack.
• It play a role in maintaining the heart’s natural rhythm, they may
be useful in trea ng arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and heart
• It is also believed to lower blood sugar levels, which is important for
people who have type 2 diabetes.
• The fiber in flaxseed can help relieve cons pa on and make you
more regular.
• It can help relieve autoimmune and inflammatory disorders such as
rheumatoid arthri s, psoriasis, and lupus.
• It plays good role in figh ng against cancer, par cularly colon and
• Side effects associated with the consump on of flaxseed, include:
Flatulence, Stomach pains, Nausea, Diarrhea, Bloa ng

Benefits of Grapes
• Migraine can be cured using grapes .Before breakfast early in the
morning take juice of ripe grapes without adding water to it.
• Grapes help in preven ng dyspepsia.
• Grapes are very good for eyes.
• Red grapes are rich in an bacterial and an viral proper es and
protect you from various infec ons
• Grapes are terribly effec ve in overcoming cons pa on
• Grapes are considered to have high therapeu c value for asthma

28 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 145

Benefits Of Figs NOSE
• Chew 2-3 tender fig leaves and gargle with water to overcome bad
breath and ulcer.
• Soak 4-5 figs in milk overnight and eat in the morning to overcome
sexual weakness.
Nose Bleeding
• Boil 6 figs in a cup of water. Consume this daily up to a month to
remove kidney stones. The cause of anterior nosebleeds is some mes unknown, but they can
be caused by a number of things, including:
• Apply mashed fresh figs all over your face and let it dry for 15-
• Picking your nose, par cularly if you scratch the inside of your
20minutes. This is useful for curing acne.
nose with a sharp fingernail, blowing your nose very hard, a minor
• Milky juice of fig stem and leaves can be applied daily several mes injury to your nose, a blocked or stuffy nose o en caused by an
to cure warts. infec on such as a cold or flu, Sinusi s , dry climate, Hay fever or
• Since figs are high in potassium, they help reduce insulin. Daily, other Allergies, high al tude, prolonged use of nose drops, Vitamin
consume fig seeds with one teaspoon of honey to control diabetes. C deficiency.
Try doing this for a week to see good results.
• This helps to strengthen bones, trea ng early stages of chicken pox, Remedies for Nose Bleeding
reducing body weight, get rid of sore throat, • Take a cloth or co on ball and wet it with white vinegar. Plug it in
• Mix dries fig and honey in water to get rid of sore throat. the nostril that’s bleeding. Vinegar helps seal up the blood vessel
• Consume 2-3 soaked dried figs with a tablespoon of honey. Use this
• DON’T smoke. Smoking irritates and dries out nasal passages. Stay
con nuously for a month every morning to relive cons pa on.
out of smoky environments,
• It also cures minor zits and pimples. Apply fig juice on your feet to
• Take 500 mg of bioflavonoids twice a day if you do not eat several
cure corns. servings of fruit daily.
• Ea ng too much of figs can cause diarrhoea and tooth decay. • Pu ng a few drops of castor oil, vitamin E or zinc oxide in your
nose each day will prevent recurring nosebleeds.
Benefits of Flaxseeds
• Avoid spicy and fried foods
It is also called linseeds.The seeds come from flax, one of the the oldest
• If you trim your nose hairs, consider plucking the hairs en rely
fiber crops in the world - known to have been cul vated in ancient
opposite the area that tends to bleed.
Egypt and China.
• Use an ice pack on the nose. Cold causes blood vessels to constrict,
It is not only a source of healthy fat, an oxidants, and fiber; modern reducing blood flow, swelling and inflamma on.
research has found evidence to suggest that flaxseed can also help • Sit up straight and p your head slightly forward. Til ng the head
lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. back may cause the blood to run down the throat

144 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 29

• A er your nosebleed has stopped, use a co on swab to apply an • Hot water keeps your scalp hydrated and helps fight against dry
an bio c ointment to the inside of your nose. This will kill bacteria scalp or dandruff.
and keep your nose moist. • Another important benefit of drinking hot water is that it enhances
• Drink plenty of water! your blood circula on, which is important for proper muscle and
• First words of wisdom: “Don’t lie down!” Always keep your head nerve ac vity. In addi on, it keeps your nervous system healthy by
elevated and above your heart. Breathe through your mouth. breaking down the fat deposits around it.
• Using almost the same technique as above, press the outside of the • Hot water is par cularly beneficial for diges on
upper lip just below the nose with your thumb and forefinger and
hold for several minutes. This is a vital acupressure point Benefits of Fenugreek Seed
• Fenugreek seeds increases milk produc on in lacta ng mothers.
Sinusi s
• It has been known to be helpful in inducing childbirth by s mula ng
The sinusis are small cavi es which are blocked by mucous, air. This
uterine contrac ons. It is also known to reduce labour pain.
can cause pain and pressure; some mes, it can lead to bacterial
• It helps to reduce symptoms like discomfort and menstrual
infec on and also cause pain, conges on, cough, post-nasal drip, and
some mes tooth or facial pain.
• It helps in balancing hormones in women.
Remedies for Sinusi s • It helps to reduce cholesterol level, especially the low density
• Prepare a tea of fenugreek (methi dana)seed by boiling a lipoprotein (LDL).
teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in some water and then consuming • It lowers the risk of heart a ack. It is also helps to control heart rate
this liquid once it has cooled down. and blood pressure
• Have 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with 1 teaspoon of honey • It is beneficial for people with diabetes. fenugreek slows down the
in it twice a day. rate of sugar absorp on into blood.
• 1 teaspoon black seeds (kalonji) with hot water 2 times a day . • It relieves indiges on and helps treat cons pa on.
• black seeds (kalovnji) oil 1 teaspoon in 1 glass water boil it and • Fenugreek when taken with a teaspoon of lemon and honey can
inhale it steam by will open nose work wonders to reduce fever by nourishing the body.
• Fresh fruit juices & Vegetable soups, • It also helps to relieve cough and pain from sore throat.
• Well balanced diet by including seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, • It seeds and leaves can be used in face packs to help prevent
fruits helps blackheads, pimples, wrinkles, etc.
• Avoid fried, starchy foods and drinks, White sugar, rice, pasta, • Using of fenugreek paste directly on your hair makes your hair shiny
Pies, cakes and candies and black.
• Avoid banana, eggplant, bell pepper, tomato, as these clog the • Fenugreek leaves contain compounds that can heal ulcer. Boil 1 cup
channels. of fenugreek leaves and add a pinch of salt to it. Drink this twice a

30 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 143

• The vitamins present in dates make it an ideal boost to nervous • Stay on bed, drink plenty of warm water.
system health and func onality.
• Dates are high in natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Cold & Flu
Therefore, they are the perfect snack for an immediate burst of • Ea ng too much sugar and too many grains make immune system
energy. weak so you easily catch cold
• If you are thin and slim and want to increase your weight, or if you • Not ge ng enough rest
are trying to build your muscles, or you have become weak due to • Ineffec vely managing emo onal stresses in your daily life
a serious medical problem so you need to eat dates. • Vitamin D deficiency,
• Washing your hands frequently is one of the easiest ways to wipe
Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
out germs and viruses and reduce your chances of becoming sick.
• I think that most of us know by now that water is essen al to our
• More than 300 different viruses can cause colds, so each me you
survival. We’ve probably also all heard doctors say that drinking
have a cold it is caused by a dis nct virus (i.e. adenovirus, rhinovirus,
roughly eight glasses a day is ideal. However, what most people parainfluenza virus, coronavirus).
don’t know is that warm water and hot water have some exclusive
• There are currently NO drugs available that can kill these viruses.
benefits of their own that you just can’t get when you drink water
An bio cs, including penicillin, do not have any effect on viruses.
cold. Here are 12 benefits of drinking hot water:
• Hot water is great for maintaining a healthy metabolism, Remedies for Cold & Flu
• Drinking hot water is an excellent natural remedy for colds, coughs • Get plenty of fluids. It helps break up your conges on,
and a sore throat. • You can loosen up your stuffy nose if you breathe in some steam.
• It dissolves phlegm and also helps to remove it from your respiratory Hold your head over a pot of boiling water and breathe slowly
tract. As such, it can provide relief from a sore throat. It also helps through your nose.
in clearing nasal conges on. • Get good rest
• The heat of the water has a calming and soothing effect on the • Gargle with salt water
abdominal muscles, which eventually can help to cure cramps and
• Drink hot liquid, mix one spoon full of honey in a cup of hot water
and drink it.
• Drinking hot water helps to repair the skin cells that increase the
elas city of your skin. • Lemon (and lime) juice is reported to decrease the strength of the
cold and flu virus in the body and reduce phlegm. Add lemon juice
• Hot water deep cleanses your body and eliminates the root causes to your tea or make hot or cold lemonade with honey to stay well,
of acne-related infec ons. build resistance to cold and flu, and speed up healing
• Drinking hot water is also good for obtaining so , shiny hair. It
• Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon with 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it in
energizes the nerve endings in your hair roots and makes them one cup hot water and drink it.
ac ve.
142 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 31
• Six grams of coriander seeds should be boiled in 500 ml water and
a er adding sugar, it can be consumed while warm.
• It Lowers blood sugar, bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises good
cholesteraol (HDL)
• It is a good source of dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, phytonutrients
and flavonoids
• For those with arthri s problems, coriander has many an -
inflammatory proper es. Boil ground coriander seeds with water
and drink the concoc on.
• It has also been called as an ‘an -diabe c’ plant.
• It is also great for the skin. Its juice mixed with turmeric powder can
help treat pimples and blackheads.
• It is quick-ac ng an -histamine and has affinity with the skin,
especially the skin of the adrenal glands.
• Sipping tea of coriander seeds can help revive the person a er
shock or calm an acidic stomach.
• It is also used in detox diet

Benefits of Dates:
• Ripe dates contain potassium, which is known as an effec ve way
of controlling diarrhea. They are also easy to digest,
• Research has pointed towards dates being a legi mate way to
reduce the risk and impact of abdominal cancer.
• Dates are commonly used as a remedy for alcoholic intoxica on.
• Studies have shown that dates are even beneficial for increasing
sexual stamina. Soak a handful of dates in fresh goat’s milk
over night, then grind them in the same milk with a mixture of
cardamom powder and honey. This mixture becomes a very useful
tonic for increasing sexual endurance and reducing sterility caused
by various sexual disorders.
• Dates are quite helpful in keeping your heart healthy. When they
are soaked for the night,

32 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 141

corpuscles (where DNA is contained) to fight bacterial and viral
• Cinnamon powder sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken
before food is eaten relieves acidity and digests the heaviest of
Tooth Ache
• Three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder
The main causes of toothaches are cavi es, an infec on, an exposed
paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it
tooth root, a cracked tooth, gum disease, a loose filling, or jaw joint
off the next morning with warm water. When done daily for two
weeks, it removes all pimples from the root. disorder.
• Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected Remedies for Tooth Ache
parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin Infec ons.
• Consult your den st as soon as possible
• Daily in the morning one & half hour before breakfast and on an
empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and • Mix a crushed garlic clove (or garlic powder) with some table salt or
cinnamon powder boil in one cup of water. Take it regularly; it black salt and apply it directly on the affected tooth to alleviate the
reduces the weight of even the most obese person. pain.
• Pa ents suffering from any kind of cancer should daily take one • Grind two whole cloves. Mix in a li le olive oil or any vegetable oil
tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder three and apply on the affected tooth.
mes a day for one month.
Mouth Ulcer
Benefits of Coriander It is o en caused due to food triggers, cons pa on, hereditary factors,
Coriander seed and leaves have many known health benefits and hormonal changes, excess acidity, accidental cheek bites, stress, and
researchers are finding more every day. Here are some known deficiencies of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, or iron.
• It Protects against the Salmonella bacteria
Remedies for Mouth Ulcer
• Mix a li le honey in one tablespoon of coconut milk. Massage the
• It Aids in diges on and helps se le the stomach and prevent
affected area with it. Do this three or four mes a day.
• It is an an -inflammatory that may alleviate symptoms of arthri s • Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a li le water to make a thin
paste. Dab it on the affected area. Repeat this several mes a day.
• It Protects against urinary tract infec ons, nausea,intes nal gas,
heavy menstrual flow • Simply dip a co on swab in honey and dab it on the affected area.
• Adding one or two teaspoons of coriander juice to fresh bu ermilk • Try to avoid acidic foods
is ideal for trea ng nausea and dysentery. Dry coriander treats
• Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 tsp glycerine and apply.

140 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 33

Bad Breath instead of jelly and jam and eat it regularly for breakfast. It reduces
Bad breath is one of worst medical problem people are suffering all the cholesterol and could poten ally save one from heart a ack.
Regular use of cinnamon honey strengthens the heart beat.
over the world. The causes for this embarrassing and at the same
me discouraging disease are poor gums, non-chewed food trapped • Before breakfast take one cup of hot water with two tablespoons
between tooth, ea ng greasy and garlic, onion-rich food, and Diseases of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. It will cure
u from arthri s.
like diabetes, sinusi s, chronic disease; intes nal disease such as
cons pa on has a major role in producing bad smell . Respiratory • In a recent research conducted at the Copenhagen University, it was
disease cause thick layers on tongue, which produce foul smell. found that when the doctors treated their pa ents with a mixture of
one tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before
Remedies for Bad Breath breakfast, they found that within a week (out of the 200 people so
treated) prac cally 73 pa ents were totally relieved of pain -- and
• Brushing teeth a er every meal will prevent bad breath.
within a month, most all the pa ents who could not walk or move
• Gargle with baking soda dissolved in warm water. It can also be around because of arthri s now started walking without pain.
used for cleaning tongue. This remedy is one of the good remedies
• Take one tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of
for bad breath.
honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the
• Ea ng yogurt for 6 weeks will completely remove bad breath. germs in the bladder and good for bladder infec on.
• Ea ng apple is also good for mouth purifica on as it removes the • Two tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of Cinnamon Powder
bacteria causing bad breath. mix it in 16 ounces of water, boil it and give to a cholesterol pa en,
• Mouthwashes containing, dyes and alcohol should be avoided as it will reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10 percent
they only provide temporary relief. within two hours. Take three mes a day can cure cholesterol.
• Rinse juice of half a lemon with a glass of water a er every meal. • Those suffering from common or severe colds should take one
This is one of the effec ve home remedies for bad breath. tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1/4 spoon cinnamon powder
• Chewing cardamom seeds also sweeten the breath. daily for three days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold,
• Tea made from fenugreek (methi) seeds - This is one of the oldest and, clear the sinuses.
and effec ve remedy used to get rid of . Take a 1/2 liter of water • Honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach ache and also
and put to boil add a teaspoon of fenugreek seed to it and boil at is said to clear stomach ulcers from its root.
medium or low flame for 10-20 minutes. Strain away all the seeds • According to the studies done in India and Japan, it is revealed
and take this tea 3-4 mes a day. that when Honey is taken with cinnamon powder the stomach is
• Rinsing mouth with mixture containing parsley leaves - Take 1-2 relieved of gas.
glass of water and adds finely chopped parsley leaves to it. Boil it • Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the immune
for 15-20 minutes. Add 3-4 cloves to it and boil it for some me with system and protects the body from bacterial and viral a acks.
constant s rring. Strain it and bring it to lukewarm temperature Scien sts have found that honey has various vitamins and iron in
and rinse your mouth (gargle) two to three mes a day. This has large amounts. Constant use of Honey strengthens the white blood
come out as an effec ve remedy for the treatment of bad breath.
34 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 139
Ants: Cough
Dissolve a li le edible camphor in some water and sprinkle over the The major causes of cough are: heart disease, lung cancer, asthma,
area and see the ants vanish immediately. viral, flu,Sinus, inflamma on of the larynx , the pharynx or due to
Bed Bugs: change in weather or seasonal changes.The real cause of this disorder,
If you have bed bugs, wash the sheets and sun dry the ma ress. Then however, is clogging of the bronchial tubes with waste ma er.
take a large chunk of camphor and put it in a muslin bag and keep it
between the ma ress, this will drive away any le over bed bugs and Remedies for Cough
prevent further a acks too. • 1 teaspoon of Tumeric and 2 tablespoons of honey mix together
make a fantas c cough medicine.
Acne & Acne Scars:
Massaging the skin with few drops of good quality camphor essen al • Prepare a tea by adding small piece of ginger cut in small slices, 1-2
oil along with any one oil i-e extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, almond garlic seeds, and small amount of lemon juice into the boiling water.
oil, wheat germ oil, etc will treat acne and acne scars very effec vely. Boil it around 15-20 minutes.Add a li le amount of honey and use
Never use the camphor essen al oil directly on the skin. it. The lemon juice added to it loosens the cough and makes breath
Chest Conges on:
• Black pepper looses the mucous membrane, opens chest conges on
Take mustard or coconut oil and heat it along with li le synthe c
Add 2-3 pepper seeds in a glass of milk or Take both black pepper
camphor. When it is warm, rub it on the chest and back to get good
and cumin seeds in small amount and add 1/2 spoon of salt to it.
relief from chest conges on.
Chew it slowly.
Hair loss & Dandruff: • Take 1-2 teaspoon of onion juice, mix 1-2 teaspoon of honey and
Add it to hair oil massage it well to s mulates blood flow and promote use it two mes a day.
hair growth. However use this as a pre shampoo treatment as the smell
of camphor will be very strong if used as a leave in massage oil. This Phlegm
treatment also treats dandruff. When the mucus membranes in your respiratory tract try to fight off
infec ons and inflamma ons, phlegm is formed. Phlegm is slightly
Benefits of Cinnamon and Honey different from mucus, as it comes from the lungs and not the nasal
It is found that a mix of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases. passages. Phlegm can be the byproduct of a simple seasonal flu or it
Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scien sts can be the result of allergies or sinusi s. It can also be caused by viral
of today also note honey as very effec ve medicine for all kinds of or bacterial infec ons such as influenza, bronchi s, or pneumonia.
diseases Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, when
it is taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm even Phlegm Colours & different diseases
diabe c pa ents. (Researched by western scien sts) a) White colour of phlegm would indicate a healthy body free of
• Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, put it on toast infec on.

138 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 35

b) light yellow phlegm could be a symptom of a viral infec on that infec ons, intes nal parasites and the viruses that cause colds, flu,
occurs in the upper respiratory tract. And phlegm of dark yellow in mononucleosis, shingles and herpes.
color it could be indica ve of a bacterial infec on or an infec on in • Basil is a rich source of magnesium which relaxes muscles and blood
the lower respiratory tract. vessels and supports cardiovascular health by lowering the risk of
c) Green phlegm is generally seen in people who have been infected irregular heart rhythms and spasms.
with pneumonia. • Basil’s fungicidal proper es also aid in healing wounds, skin rashes,
d) Phlegm that is brown in color is o en associated with people who warts and insect bites. Crush fresh leaves in a small amount of
smoke excessively. purecoconut oil, apply to the skin, and wrap with a fresh bandage
e) Red Colored Phlegm is because of blood indicates bronchi s or
• Basil is also nerve ssue strengthening, a heart tonic, oxygenates the
body, cleanses and clears the brain and nerves, relieves depressionand
Remedies for phlegm the effects of poisons, prevents the accumula on of fat in the body
(especially for women a er menopause) and fights skin diseases,
• Add one teaspoon of ginger in a glass of hot water. Put a pinch of
first stages of many cancers and builds the immune system.
ground cloves and cinnamon in it. Let it soak for some me. A er
filtering, drink it. • Externally diluted essen al oil can be useful for acne, hives, insect
bites and skin infec ons.
• Add half teaspoon of turmeric powder in one cup of hot milk/tea,
Add two teaspoons of honey and a pinch of black pepper to it. S r Benefits of Camphor
the solu on well and drink it hot. The truly good will drink from a cup mixed with the coolness of camphor,
• Mix approximately 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of a spring from which Allah’s servants will drink, making it gush forth
honey with a cup of hot water. at will abundantly. (Holy Quran, Surah Al-Insan (Man) or Al-Dahr (The
• To prevent crea ng more mucus unnecessarily, don’t eat any dairy Time) , Surah # 76: Ayah # 5-6)
products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, or ice cream. avoid oily fried Skin problems:
foods and don’t smoke ,avoid heavy meal at night. Take a piece of edible camphor and mix it with li le amount of water.
Wash the effected area with camphor rinse. You will find the itching
Tonsils infec on gradually reducing.But make sure not to use the camphor on open
The tonsils are part of your body’s system to fight infec ons. These two wounds and cuts.
almond-shaped balls of ssue are situated towards the back of your
Pregnant Women:
mouth and on either side of your throat. The tonsils play an important
Mustard oil or coconut oil is heated with synthe c camphor ll it is
role as part of your body’s immune system, helping to fight off viral
fully melted. Once it cools down to lukewarm temperature, it is can be
and bacterial infec ons before they reach the respiratory tract and
massaged on the legs.
other parts of the body.. School-going children are especially prone

36 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 137

The Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam also referred to his beloved to infec ons transmi ed via the nose and mouth and tend to contract
grandsons, Hasan and Husain as his two sweet basils in this world. tonsilli s easily.
SubhanAllah! Tonsilli s is caused by cold weather, ar ficial coloured items, cold
While another Hadith men ons Raihan with reference to how one drinks, ice cream, or through social contact like sneezing etc.
recites the Qur’an Majeed: Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari RadhiAllahu
anhu, the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said, “The example of a
Remedies for Tonsilli s
believer who recites the Qur’an is like that of a citron which tastes • Mix fresh lime juice in warm water with honey and salt and sip it.
good and smells good. And a believer who does not recite the Qur’an • Boil milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder and black pepper
is like a date which is good in taste but has no smell. And the example powder. Drink this before sleeping.
of a hypocrite who recites the Qur’an is like the raihana (sweet basil) • Drink freshly squeezed beetroot, carrot, or cucumber juice daily
which smells good but tastes bi er. And the example of a hypocrite to boost your body’s immune system and fight the infec on more
who does not recite the Qur’an is like a wild gourd which tastes bi er efficiently.
and has no smell.” • Boil fenugreek seeds in water for half an hour. Cool and strain
• Basil has a balancing effect on the nervous system and hormones. and use this water to gargle with. Fenugreek has an bacterial
• A basil tea is good for lowering blood sugar levels and blood proper es.
pressure,relieves indiges on, flu, kidney and bladder disorders, • Apply alum powder on the surface of the tonsils or gargle with
headaches, migraines, indiges on, flatulence, nausea, alum and water. These are effec ve home remedies for tonsilli s
vomi ng,cons pa on, colds, coughs and fever. Can clear and that can reduce inflamma on and prevent further infec ons.
relieve lung problems, difficult urina on, memory problems, nasal • Make a cup of tea with 1/3 teaspoon full of black pepper,1
conges on, hay fever, nervous condi ons, conges on, nutrient tablespoon full of lemon/lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon full salt. You may
absorp on, abdominal distension as it is analgesic and an - also add ginger, clove, honey or sugar. Drink it very warm. You will
inflammatory. feel the difference.
• The essen al oil of basil contains eugenol which works similarly to
aspirin and ibuprofen in decreasing the swelling in joints and ssues
to provide relief from arthri s, rheuma sm, joint pain, cramps and
• Basil is also a herbal an bio c, an sep c, carmina ve and appe zer
that benefits the stomach during diges on and can provide immediate
relief from flatulence, stomach cramps and nausea. Its powerful
an -inflammatory proper es can provide relief for inflamed bowel
condi ons such as coli s, IBS, crohn’s and celiac disease. Because of
it’s an bacterial and an viral proper es it is effec ve againstbacterial
136 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 37
• The barley gruel was especially prepared a er boiling barley with
milk and sweetened with honey. That prepara on was called as
• Barley helps to reduce weight, It modulates blood sugar levels,
• It has Copper, which may also be helpful in reducing the symptoms
of rheumatoid arthri s.
• It reduces risk of cancer & heart diseases.
• It reduces bad cholesterol, lipoprotein (a), and free radicals.
• It also lowers the risk of blood clots.
• Its juice is very high in calcium, making your bones stronger.
• It reduces the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer.
• Barley juice is much higher in calcium than milk.
• It increases your metabolism and makes you feel lighter.It is
especially beneficial for people who feel bloated.

Differen ate between Barely & Wheat:

• Wheat has a weaker taste whereas barley has a stronger taste
• Barley has a higher fiber content than wheat.
• When wheat is ready to be harvested it is in brown or golden hue
and when barley is harvested it is in yellow-white hue.
• The wheat has a shorter beard but barley has a longer beard.
• Barley is harvested in warmer seasons, that is, in the spring me
whereas wheat best thrives in cooler climate.
• Barley can be cooked easily as rice although wheat has to be milled
before cooking

Benefits of Basil (ocimum basilicum)

Abu Uthman an-Nahdi RadhiAllahu anhu narrates that Allah’s
Messenger SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said, “When one of you is given
basil he must not reject it, for it has come forth from Paradise.” Al-
38 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 135
• It also helps reduce acidity and reduces irrita on. Bananas s mulate
the cells on the internal stomach lining to produce a thicker mucus
(which protects against acid).
• Bananas are high in B vitamins that have been shows to improve
nerve func on. Acne
• Many people report that rubbing the inside of a banana peel on a Teenagers suffer the most from acne because of the increased hormone
mosquito bite is very effec ve in reducing itching and swelling levels in their body. Sleep depriva on, too much stress, unhealthy
• Bananas are high in potassium, which helps normalize the ea ng habits and a hec c lifestyles can also cause acne.
hearthbeat and regulate the body’s water balance. During periods
Remedies for Acne
of high stress, our body’s potassium levels tend to be rapidly
depleted. • Apply a small amount of white toothpaste on the affected area
before going to bed.
• The iron in bananas helps s mulate the growth of hemoglobin in
the body, which can help with anemia. • Mix 2 table spoon honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.mix
it well and apply as a mask on your face.
• It’s the high levels of vitamin B6 in bananas which help to regulate
blood glucose levels, which affects the moods and pains of women • Take the homeopathic remedies Kali bromatum, Sulphur,
suffering PMS. An monium tartaricum, Herpa Sulphuric. These help to prevent
the forma on of pimples or quickly bring them to a Head.
• All that potassium in bananas also is good for cramping, allowing
the body’s muscle to more freely contract and expand. • Eat Shellfish, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and nuts, these are all rich
in zinc which is and An bacterial.
Benefits of Barley • Cucumber (Kheera) juice mixed with lemon juice applied on the
Whenever a person of the family of Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe pimples helps to get relief from acne and acne scars.
wassallam fell sick then it was ordered that the barley gruel should • Mint (Pudina) juice applied on the face also helps to get relief from
be prepared for him. Then Prophet Muhammad Sel lel laho alaihe acne and acne scars.
wasallamSel lel laho alaihe wasallam(Sel lel laho alaihe wassallam) used • Water boiled with neem leaves used for taking steam helps in
to state it(barley) removes the grief of the pa ents heart, removes its reducing acne and acne Scars.
weakness as any of you removes the dirt from your face a er washing • Gram Flour (Besan) mixed with bu er milk applied on the face
it”. (Ibn Maja) reduces acne and acne scars.
Once Prophet Sel lel laho alaihe wassallam said to Ali Radi Allaho Black Heads
anho“You recently recovered from illness, and weak, Oh Ali “eat from
• Stress can also cause blackheads. When the skin secretes excess
it, it is be er for you”. (Ibn-e-Maja, Sanad-e-Ahmed, Tirmizi). body oil.
Barley is men oned in many hadiths which showed that it is used as an • When the skin secretes excess body oil
important nutri on in islamic history. • Drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks.

134 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 39

• Hormonal changes Benefits of Avocado
• Some mes gene cs or inheritance cause frequent blackheads. Avocado is o en said to be the most nutri ous fruit in the world. It
provides more than 25 essen al nutrients such as protein, potassium,
Remedies for Black Heads vitamin E, C, B-vitamins, folic acid, iron, copper, phosphorus and
• A mixture of one egg white and a tea spoon of honey applied on magnesium,
the face can not only help prevent blackheads, but also help your
• It is also high in fiber that is good for the diges ve system and the
skin from ge ng tremendously greasy.
• Mix salt, lemon and honey, in equal quan es, and make a scrub.
Yogurt can also be added to this mixture. Then gently massage the • Overall, avocado is considered a complete food.
affected area with this scrub for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse off • With vitamins, minerals, an oxidants, calories and fiber with no
and pat dry. cholesterol and is sodium free.
• Take two spoon honey one tea spoon of Cinnamon and mix it well • Avocado is ideal for growing up children, adults and even for babies,
and apply on face for 20 mint. especially when blended with other fruits.
• For athletes, avocado is a nutri ous energy booster to rev up the
Acne Spots, Acne Marks, Acne Scars body’s strength.
Acne occurs when an oily substance called sebum clogs pores increase
• It also helps to thin the blood, soothe inflamma on and improve
in our skin.It is not a serious health risk, though severe acne can cause
blood sugar imbalance.
permanent acne scars or acne marks or acne spots.
• It is rich in vitamin E, an an oxidant that detoxifies and boosts
Apply any one from the following and leave for 15- 20 min and then resistance to infec ons.
wash off.
• Avocado’s B-vitamin levels help the immune cells to destroy harmful
Remedies for Acne Spots & Scars invaders.

• Take 1 cup water, ½ cup oatmeal, 2 drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp • It is good for prostate gland.
cinnamon powder. Pour water in a medium container and place on
Benefits of Banana
gas bring it to a low to medium heat. Add oatmeal and lemon juice.
• Bananas are extremely high in potassium (about 4673mg), yet very
These help exfoliate your pores and cleanse your skin. Leave it to
low in sodium (1mg), thus having a perfect ra o for preven ng high
cool down a bit and then add cinnamon powder. And the mask is
blood pressure.
ready. Apply this to clean face and leave for 20-30 min. then wash
• Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer
it using lukewarm water and just pat dry the face using so towel.
from heartburn, try ea ng a banana for soothing relief.
Apply bit of moisturizer. Repeat these two weeks once for a month
• Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood-sugar
and then once a month for three months. This homemade mask
levels up and avoid morning sickness.
will remove acne scars and blemishes.
• Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking.

40 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 133

inducing menstrua on and trea ng cardiovascular func ons, • Make a paste of baking soda and water. This paste should be li le
frigidity and impotence. thick. Then apply this paste on clean face and leave for 5 minutes
• It is best in increasing mother’s milk for babies. then wash your skin using lukewarm water. Use this remedy daily
Usage: One small spoon three mes a day with water.or crush to get rid of acne scars, acne marks, acne spots.
three spoon of seeds and mix one glass of water boil it and then • Use Lemon juice to get rid of acne scars, acne spots, acne marks
one spoon honey and use it. from the skin. Soak a co on ball in lemon juice and gently apply
• Biological Name: Pimpinella anisum the co on ball on scars. The acidity will lighten the scars. Leave for
Names in Other Languages: Anisu, Magambu (Tamil), Shombu 20 min then wash the face using water. Don’t go out in the sun with
(Malayalam), Kuppi soptu (Telugu), Variyali (Gujara ), Saph lemon juice on face as it may irritate the skin.
(Bengali), Badishep, Shauf (Marathi), Sop, Juani (Oriya), Valai • Another best and easy remedy for acne scars is Egg white. Take one
sounf (Punjabi), Anisuan (Urdu) ,Cho saunf, Vilaya saunf ( egg white, then use co on ball to apply egg white on your skin.
Hindi). Leave for 20 min or un l it gets dry then wash using warm water. It
also helps to reduce oiliness and makes your pores ght. Apply this
Benefits of Apple
mask daily for 2 months to get best results.
• Get whiter, healthier teeth
• Take 2 tsp of honey and then add a pinch of turmeric powder, mix
• Avoid Alzheimer’s
well then apply on acne scars leave for 15 min then wash it using
• Protect against Parkinson’s lukewarm water. Apply honey daily for 3 months if scars are from
• Curb all sorts of cancers long me.
• Decrease your risk of diabetes • Use Fenugreek seeds to remove acne scars from skin. Boil Fenugreek
• Reduce cholesterol seeds, also known as Methi seeds, blend them into fine paste and
• Get a healthier heart store it in a cool place. Use this mask on acne scars and blemishes,
• Prevent gallstones apply and leave for 15-20 mins and then wash it using cold water.
• Beat diarrhea and cons pa on You can store and use this paste for 3 days not more than that.

• Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome • The best oil which helps to get rid of acne scars is Olive oil. Regular
• Avert hemorrhoids applica on of Olive oil not just helps in decreasing acne scars but also
helps from future breakouts and dryness. Daily massage the oil on
• Control your weight
acne scars and affected parts of skin. It has moisturizing proper es
• Detoxify your liver that so en the texture of skin and reduce the prominence of acne
• Boost your immune system scars. If your skin is oily apply olive oil weekly twice or else it may
• Prevent cataracts make your skin oilier.

132 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 41

• Make a paste of Turmeric powder and olive oil, take 1 tbsp of olive
oil and add 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder, mix well to form a paste.
Then apply this paste on clean skin or u can just apply on acne scars
(to avoid the yellow nge to s ck on your skin or face) Then leave
for 1 hrs then gently massage for 10 min then wash it using normal
water. Apply this mask weekly twice. Treatment of different Diseases through different fruits & vegetables.
Benefits of Anise
• Anise is an -spasmodic in nature and is very effec ve in several
situa ons or ailments caused by spasms, such as cramps, coughs,
aches, diarrhea, nervous afflic ons and convulsions.
• Potassium present in anise is an important cons tuent of cell and
body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
• It helps in the produc on of red blood cells.
• Anise or anise oil has an -sep c proper es and can be very
effec ve in protec ng against infec ons and sep c. It further
helps in accelerated healing of wounds.
• It can provide immense relief from rheuma c and arthri c pains
by s mula ng blood circula on and reducing sensa on of pain in
the affected areas.
• It is commonly used for promo ng diges on. It is a common
prac ce to chew anise seeds or serve desserts containing anise to
aid diges on, especially a er a heavy meal or feast.
• It has narco c or numbing effects and can be used as a seda ve
for anxiety, nervous afflic ons, depression, anger, stress etc. It is
also used against insomnia due to its tranquilizing and relaxing
• The an bacterial and an microbial proper es of anise make it an
effec ve mouthwash and it fights against bad breath and other
oral inflamma ons.
• The seeds are extremely beneficial for both men and women by
increasing libido. They are useful for reducing menstrual pains,

42 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 131

• Viginitis: Ciprofloxacin and Tinidazole, Clindamycin,
Fluconazole, Metronidazole, Miconazole, Nystatin, Tinidazole,
• Viginal bleeding etc: Tranexamic Acid
• Vertigo vomiting: Meclizine, Promethazine Cracked Heels
Cracked heels are a sign of lack of a en on to foot care rather than just
overexposure or lack of moisturizing. Medically, cracked heels are also
known as heel fissures.Cracked heels are not a harmful in anyway except
when the fissures or cracks are deep, and tend to become painful and
the skin begins to bleed.

Causes of Cracked Heels

• Naturally dry skin or thick dry skin (callus) around the heel that
is more likely to crack is o en due to excessive feet ac vity. Dry
climate, Con nuous exposure to water, Prolonged standing at work
or home, Psoriasis, Eczema, Thyroid disease, Diabetes and Deficiency
of vitamins, minerals and zinc may also cause cracked heels.

Remedies for Cracked Heels

• Apply any shortening or hydrogenated vegetable oil a er washing
the feet clean on dry and cracked areas of the feet. wear a pair of
thick socks. Leaving this applica on overnight can surely provide
posi ve results in few days.
• Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the dry or cracked area of the
heel. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it can be used on
a daily basis to prevent and treat dry and cracked heels.
• Soak the feet in lemon juice for about 10minutes. Follow this
therapy on a weekly basis un l one finds a change.
• A regular applica on of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is
known to soothe and cure cracked heels.
• Another result oriented solu on is to melt paraffin wax and mix it
well with li le mustard oil. Apply on the dry or cracked area of the

130 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 43

heels. Rinse it off in the morning. A con nuous applica on for 10 • Cystitis: Amoxicillin, Cefprozil, Cefixime, Cefuroxime axetil,
to15 days can achieve desirable results. Cephalexin, Ciprofloxacin, Gatifloxacin, Levofloxacin, Nalidixic
• Consume a Diet Rich in Calcium, Iron, Zinc and Omega-3 Fats. Acid, Norfloxacin, Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium
Cracked heels are caused by deficiency of vitamins, minerals, zinc • ChickenPox: Acyclovir, Loratadine
and omega 3 fa y acids. • Diabetic 2: Glibenclamide and Metformin, Glucomannan,
• Vitamins (Vitamin E) rich foods include: vegetable oils, green Metformin, Tolbutamide
vegetables, cereals, wheat germ, whole-grain products and nuts. • Dysmenorrhea: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Mefenamic Acid,
• Calcium: Milk, cheese, yogurt, goat’s milk, for fied soya milk, Nimesulide
mineral water, ice cream, nned fish, juices, cereals and broccoli • Fever: Acetaminophen, Ketoprofen (headache, backache,
are excellent sources of calcium. Dairy products such as milk and fever, inflammation)
yogurt are also considered as one of the best sources of calcium. • Gonorrhoea: Azithromycin, Cefixime, Amoxicillin
• Iron: Meat, chicken and fish are good sources of iron. Iron is also • High Blood Pressure: Acetazolamide, Amlodipine
available in cereals, eggs, vegetables and beans; however it is not
• Heart Irregular Rythm palpitation: Propranolol, Verapamil,
as easily absorbed into the body as the iron from meat, chicken and
• Kidney Stone: Furosemide, Tamsulosin
• Zinc Rich Foods Include: Oysters, chicken, crab, kidney beans,
yogurt, brown rice, spaghe . • Low Blood Pressure: Mephentermine
• Omega-3 Fa y Acids are Largely Found In: Purslane herb, cold water • Mouth Ulcer: Benzocaine
fish, and flaxseed oil or flax seeds. • Primary Amenorrhea :Amenorrhea is a menstrual disorder
• Keep feet clean and dirt free. in women indicating absence of menses. Menstruation
signals womanhood, the gift of procreation, re-creation, and
• Exercise the feet regularly.
regeneration :Estrogen, Progesterone
• Alternate hot and cold water for a feet bath to soothe the feet.
• Pruritus : It is an unpleasant sensation that evokes the desire to
• Avoid walking bare feet as much as possible. scratch. It is commonly called itching: Hydrocortisone, Nystatin
• Avoid spending prolonged periods in a wet or damp area. and Triamcinolone
• Soak your feet in warm water at least once a week as this will help • Phobias: Paroxetine, Atomoxetine
to increase blood circula on to your feet. You can add a spoon of • Respiratory tract Infection: Roxithromycin, Clarithromycin
fresh mint leaf juice to the water for relief from dry cracked heels.
• Tonsils: Amoxicillin, Cefixime, Cefadroxil
• A er a shower, apply a li le moisturizer to your heels as this will
• UTI: Dicloxacillin, Nalidixic Acid, Roxithromycin
help to seal in moisture and prevent cracking.

44 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 129

Haema nic Medicines
These are helpful to increase Haemoglobin level of blood in our
body. ‘Haem’ refers iron and ‘globin’ refers protein part of the blood.
These medicines are containing iron compounds such as Ferrous
Gluconate, Ferric Ammonium Citrate and Iron Choline Citrate with
Protein Hydrolysate, vitamin C and vitamin B complex. The Haema nic
It is a condi on in which the skin layers experience loss of skin-pigment.
Medicines are available in the form of capsules,tablets and syrups.
Also known as vi ligo, leucoderma causes white patches on the skin
What is mean by generic name of Allopathic drug/ surface. It is more common in women than in men and is mostly seen
medicines? on the hands, neck, back and wrist. The main causes for leucoderma
are excessive mental worry,chronic or acute gastric disorders,jaundice,
Ans: Generic name of drug: The term “generic” has several meanings
worms or other parasites in the alimentary canal, typhoid, a defec ve
as regards drugs: The chemical name of a drug.
perspiratory mechanism and burn injuries. It can also be the result of
A term referring to the chemical makeup of a drug rather than to the hereditary reasons.
adver sed brand name under which the drug is sold.
Remedies for Leucoderma
Some common diseases and Allopathic drugs:
• Take about 25 grams of radish seeds and ground them into a
• Acne: Benzoyl Peroxide, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, powdery substance. Add 2 tsp vinegar and make a fine paste. Apply
Clindamycin this paste on the affected area and wash off when dry.
• Bronchitist: Prednisone, Azithromycin, Cefaclor, Cefixime, • In about eight liters of water, soak 500 gm turmeric. Boil the
Clarithromycin, Levofloxacin concoc on un l only a liter of it is le . Strain this liquid and add ½
• Abdominal Pain: Aluminum Hydroxide and Magnesium liter mustard oil to it. Apply this on the patchy areas two mes a
Hydroxide, Famotidine, Lansoprazole, Mesalamine(Mesalazine), day, for at least 2-3 months.
Metronidazole, Norfloxacin, Pantoprazole • Soak psoralea seeds in ginger juice for 3 days. Therea er, dry them
• Back Pain: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Mefenamic Acid, and grind to make a fine powder. Have 1 gram of this powder, with
Nabumetone, Naproxen, Nimesulide, Paracetamol a glass of milk, for about a month. You can also apply this powder
• Cold: Aspirin and Codeine, Chlorpheniramine, Pseudoephedrine, on white patches.
Triprolidine (sneezing, runny nose, hay fever, common cold, • Another method would be to soak psoralea and tamarind seeds in
stuffy nose, opens nasal air ways) water for 3-4 days. Dry them well and grind to form a paste. Apply
• Cholesterol: Fluvastatin, Rosuvastatin this paste on the affected area on a daily basis.
• Constipation: Bisacodyl, Senna, Lactulose • Goosefoot vegetable is effec ve in trea ng leucoderma. Apply the
juice of this vegetable on the affected area, once a day. Con nue it
for 2 months.
128 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 45
• Mix red clay and ginger in equal parts. Apply this on the affected Potassium and Chlorzoxazone are given for arthri s.
area and wash off when dry.
An -vomi ng Medicines
• Fill a copper vessel with drinking water and leave it overnight. Have
Some people may be suffering from vomi ng during their travelling
this water, on an empty stomach, every morning. This is effec ve in
me. Promethazine Theoclate 25 mg I.P (Avomine) is used to overcome
healing leucoderma.
vomi ng problem during the travel Vomi ng accompanied with fever
• Combine 100 gm each of alfalfa and cucumber juice. Consume this can be cured by the intake of Metoclopramide 10 mg I.P, Nimesulide
mixture two mes a day i.e. in the morning and evening. This is a 100 mg I.P and Ibuprofen + Paracetamol tablets. Domperidone 10 mg
useful home remedy for trea ng leucoderma. is also taken instead of Metoclopramide to cure vomi ng.
• Take a handful of dry pomegranate leaves and grind them into a
fine powder. Have about 8 grams of this powder every morning and An -ulcer Medicines
evening, with a glass of water. Excess acid secreted because of over ea ng and missing of diets in
correct me are the main reasons for ulcer problems. Indiges on
• Neem is very effec ve in trea ng leucoderma. Try to drink a glass
associated with gas and heart burns is called as gastric ulcer. This
of neem juice everyday.
condi on is managed with antacid gel and Rani dine 150 mg I.P tablet.
• Grind black gram and add water, to form a paste. Apply this paste When the damages are found in the linings of stomach and small
on the affected area, washing off a er it dries, for about 4 to 5 intes nes because of the acidity the condi on will be called as pep c
months. It is an effec ve remedy for trea ng leucoderma. ulcer. Omeprazole 20 mg I.P or Rabiprazole 20 mg I.P or Pantoprazole
• Holy basil leaves prove to be beneficial in trea ng white patches. 40 mg I.P or Lanzaprazole 30 mg I.P are accompanied with antacid and
Consume raw basil leaves or make a decoc on out of Holy basil’s rani dine tablets to get relief from pep c ulcer.
leaves and stem, along with water.
Medicines for Giddiness
• Make a poul ce of ginger leaves and apply it on the white patches.
Prochlorperazine Maleate 5 mg I.P, Betahis ne Dihydrochloride 8 mg
It is quite effec ve in trea ng leucoderma.
I.P ( Ver n ), Cinnarizine 25 mg I.P ( Ver gon ) are used to over come
• Increase the consump on of walnuts and figs. While walnuts purify guddiness problems.
blood, figs have healing proper es to cure leucoderma.
Tranquillizers are the medicines which induce or bring the sleeping
Measles condi on of the body. Diazepam 5 or 10 mg I.P, Nitrosum 5 or 10 mg
Measles is an infec on caused due to virus. This viral infec on is I.P and Alprazolam 0.25 mg or 0.5 mg or 1 mg I.P are some of the
very common among children. It is a communicable disease and gets tranquillizers used in the allopathic medica on. These medicines
transferred to another person via coughing, sneezing etc. Symptoms of should be never taken with liquors as the presence of liquors in our
measles include redness, rashes, fever, sneezing, runny nose, coughing body will send 10 to 15 mes greater than the normal sleeping pulses
etc. sent to brain by these medicines.

46 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 127

Hydrochloride are also used to control cough problem in the allopathic Ini al symptoms of measles are similar to that of flu or cold. These
medica on. symptoms include runny eyes, irritability, redness and disliking bright
light. Rashes are symptoms of measles and can affect face, feet, neck
An epilep c Medicines and forehead etc.
It’s not a disease but a sign of problem in the brain which is causing a
disrup on in the brain’s normal electrical ac vity. It may occur in any Remedies for Measels
age in either sex. The condi on is called as ‘fits’. Phenobarbitone (30 • Fresh Orange juice had 2 mes is good.
mg or 60 mg) I.P (Gardinol), Sodium Valporate 200 mg I.P (Valparin), • Be on light diet. Corn flakes and rice flakes are considered to be
Carbamazepine 200 mg I.P, (Tegri ol) Pentoxifylline B.P 400 (Trental) light diet.
mg are some of the an epilep c medicines.
• Avoid heavy food and milk products like cheese.
An spasmodic Medicines • Take bath with water of baking soda,Take one cup of baking soda
Dicyclomine Hydrochloride 100 mg I.P (Cyclopam), Hyoscine and add it in bath water.
Butylbromide 10 mg I.P (Buscopan), Chlordiazepoxide 10 mg I.P (Librax) • Drinking barley water about 2-3 mes in a day serves as a fabulous
are used for the stomach pain. Of which Dicyclomine Hydrochloride remedy for trea ng measles.
100 mg I.P is combined with Nimesulide 100 mg I.P and mild dose of B
• If heat has been generated in the body because of measles, mix
complex vitamin to control mensural pains for ladies.
bu er and sugar candy in equal quan ty and lick 2 tsp. of it in the
An pyre cs morning.
These are body temperature reducing medicines in case of high fever. • Taking rest is beneficial for the pa ents suffering from measles.
Paracetamol, Mefenamic acid, Nimusulide are some of the common • Junk & Spicy foods should be avoided.
an pyre cs used in the allopathic world. These things work well when taken
along with warm water. The over dose of paracetamol and nimesulide is Chicken Pox
suscep ble to make liver and kidney problems respec vely. However the Chicken pox is a viral infec on, very common and highly contagious
adequate water drinking will be helpful to avoid such risks. disease, newborns and adults may experience more severe symptoms
then children.
Analgesic Medicines
These are all body pain killer medicines. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, This virus is transmi ed by air (coughing or sneezing) or physical
Nimusulide, Mefenamic acid, Diclofenac Sodium, Diclofenac Potassium, contact with a sick person, one or two days later a pimple like erup ons
Serapep dase, Aceclofenac and Chlorzoxazone are some of the appear on the body they are filled with fluid and look like blisters, then
important pain killers. These medicines are usually combined with they crust over. During this period itching can be very annoying but
neurotrophic vitamins, B complex, to have be er result. Paracetamol scratching them can lead to infec on and scarring.
suits well for head aches, Nimesulide for tooth ache and body pain.
Diclofenac Sodium and Serapep dase for total body pain. Diclofenac

126 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 47

Remedies for Chicken Pox and kidney, pregnancy and breast feeding. Glibenclamide in 2.5 mg is
• Baking soda can help control the itchiness and irrita on from combined with Me ormin Hydrochloride in 400 mg in strength to get
chicken pox. effec ve result in sugar result.
S r one-half tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Use a An diarrheal Medicines
sponge to put the solu on on the affected parts of the body. Diarrhea is usually caused by the intake of contaminated food or drink
Allow the mixture to dry on the body. with bacteria,virus and parasites. Indiges on also will become the
• Take a handful of neem leaves, crush them and apply the paste reason for the diarrhea. Loperamide 2 mg I.P is commonly used to
on the affected areas. Adding neem leaves in bath water is also overcome the condi on. Quinodochlor tablets ( Enteroquinol ) is the
beneficial. other one to control diarrhea. Metroindazole 200 mg or in 400 mg is
• Cut 100 grams of carrots to get about a cup of chopped carrots and added with an -diarrheals to have quick arrest of diarrhea. To get relief
chop 60 grams or one and a half cup of fresh coriander leaves and from stomach pain Dicylomine Hydrochloride 100 mg I.P is added.
boil them in water for a few minutes.
Laxa ves
Strain the solu on and allow it to cool down. Drink the soup once These are the medicines for the condi on of cons pa on. Mostly
a day for about a month. needed by the sick and old people. These should be used only in
You can also eat the boiled carrots and coriander leaves for added the unavoidable condi on. One should not get addicted with these
strength. medicines. To correct mo on in the natural way we need only vitamins
• Grind two cups of oatmeal into a fine powder. Put the powdered and aminoacids.
oatmeal in two litres (half gallon) of water and let it sit for 10 to 15 Bisacodyl 5 mg I.P in tablet form is useful for the treatment. Liquid
minutes. Paraffin and Milk of Magnesia are other liquid forms of laxa ves.
Pour the mixture into a cloth bag and close it securely.
An cold and cough medicines
Drop the bag into a tub of warm water and swirl it around un l the
Chlorpheniramine maleate, Ammonium Chloride and Sodium Citrate are
water becomes milky in color.
the effec ve formula to control cough. Some mes Chlorpheniramine
Soak in the bathwater for some me to get relief from the maleate is replaced by Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride to get another
itchiness. formula. Both Chlorpheniramine maleate and Diphenhydramine
• Add one-half cup of brown vinegar to lukewarm bathwater, and Hydrochloride are giving sada on to the consumers. Dextromethorphan
soak in the bath for some me. Hydrochloride, Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride and Triprolidine
• Get a good quality, pure honey and coat the affected area with Hydrochloride are other mostly used things for cough formula.
it. Repeat the process two to three mes a day un l the scars are To over come dry irrita ng cough Guaiphenesin is combined with
gone. Salbutamol Sulphate. The combina on of Codeine phosphate 10 mg
I.P and Chlorpheniramine maleate 4 mg I.P in syrup form is finding nice
result in controlling dry cough. Tebutaline Sulphate and Bromhexine
48 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 125
blocking of calcium transport relaxes artery muscles. So these • Chamomile, holy basil, marigold and lemon balm. Put one
medicines are helpful to cure chest pain called as Angina. Dizziness, tablespoon of any of these herbs in a cup of boiling water.
muscle and stomach pain and head ache are some of the side effects Let it steep for a few minutes and then strain it.
of these medicines.
Add a li le cinnamon, honey and lemon and sip the tea slowly.
Diabe c Medicines Drink this herbal tea several mes a day for best results.
Diabetes is caused by the lack of secre on of harmone called Insulin • Avoid spices, oil , chillies, brinjal, banana, and sweet pumpkin.
from pancreas. The harmone insulin converts the sugar, starch and
glucose available in our body to energy. The lack of insulin in our body Fever
result into the discharge of sugar through urine and a considerable rise Whenever the body’s temperature is higher than the normal range, it
in blood sugar level. Some of the medicines taken for diabetes are as is called a fever. A fever is basically a symptom of another condi on or
follows. illness. A fever can occur when your body is figh ng an infec on, such
Sulfonylureas group of medicines help the body to make more or as the flu, ear infec ons, urinary tract infec ons, certain inflammatory
required insulin. Some examples of sulfonylureas are Acetohexamide, diseases, gastroenteri s, autoimmune disorders, cancer, and blood
Chlorpropamide, Glipizide and Glyburide. clots. Sudden change in the weather and unhygienic lifestyle may also
contribute to a fever.
Me ormin helps control sugar in a couple of ways. It helps body use
insulin be er. It helps to make less sugar by reducing the amount of According to the Na onal Ins tutes of Health (NIH), a child has a fever
sugar that the body absorbs from food. when his or her body temperature is higher than 99.5 degrees F, or
37.5 degrees C. An adult has a fever when his or her body temperature
Megli nides help the body to make more insulin. Nateglinide and
exceeds 99 to 99.5 degrees F, or 37.2 to 37.5 degrees C.
Repaglinide are some of them usually taken with meals.
Thiazolidinediones help the body use insulin be er alike Meformin and Remedies for Fever
also helpful to produce less sugar when the food taken. Pioglitazone • Soak a wash cloth in cool tap water, wring out the excess water
and Rosiglitazone are some o his group. and then sponge areas like your armpits, feet, hands and groin to
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors help the body absorb sugar more slowly reduce the temperature.
and keep the level of the sugar in normal. These are taken every me Note: Do not use very cold water as it may cause the internal body
a er the meals. Acarbose and Mizitol are two kinds of medicines in temperature to increase.
this group. • Basil is an effec ve herb for bringing down fever. Boil together 20
basil leaves and one teaspoon of crushed ginger in one cup water,
Glibenclamide (Daonil, Euglucon)
un l the solu on gets reduced to half. Add a li le honey and drink
It is available in pills form in 5 mg strength. Commonly prescribed for the
this tea two or three mes a day for three days.
ini al stage of Diabetes. Side effects are nausea and allergic reac ons.
This medicine should be avoided in case of severe dysfunc on of liver

124 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 49

• Add one-half cup of vinegar to lukewarm bath water. Soak in this Diclofenac Diethylamine and Diclofenac Sodium are effec ve in body
water for five to 10 minutes. In about 20 minutes you will no ce and joint pain relief. Methyl salicylate is also combined with above said
improvement. Repeat again when the body temperature is high. two compounds to have effec ve treatment. Icthammol Glycerine is
• Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of also applied to get relief from pain at a par cular point of our body.
honey in a glass of water. Drink it two or three mes a day. Clotrimazole, Beclomethasone Dipropionate, Gentamycin Sulphate,
• Finely mince one garlic clove and add it to one cup of hot water. Iodochlorhydroxyquinoline, Chlorocresol, Benzyl Alcohol, Methyl
Steep for 10 minutes, strain and sip it slowly. Drink this twice a paraben and Propyl barapen are some of the medicines used in the
manufacturing of Skin creams to get rid of skin infec ons.
• Mix together one-half teaspoon of ginger juice, one teaspoon of The mixture of Cindamycin Phosphate USP, Sodium Methylparaben
I.P and Sodium Propylparaben I.P ( Erytop ) is effec ve in controlling
lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey. Use this mixture three
pimples and acne. Face wash before the applica on of above said face
or four mes daily un l your fever is gone.
cream will be useful to have good result.

An -allergic Medicines and An histamies

These are used for relieving from allergic condi ons. Allergy is a reac on
of our immune system in response our body’s cotact with allergy
making things called allergens. The allergens are not really harmful
to all people. Naturally our immune system, only in par cular cases,
wrongly decides that they are harmful. An -allergic drugs include
ce rizine hydrochloride, chlorpheniramine maleate,decongestant,
an histamines, an flamatory agents, an -leukotrienes. These an -
allergy medicines can be consumed in the form of tablets, syrups,
powder and drops. When consumed these an -allergic medicines
support the immune system and improve its overall resistance against
allergens. An histamines are medicines that help stop allergy symptoms
such as itchy eyes, sneezy and runny nose. Some mes itchy rashes may
also be helped by an an histamine. Drowsiness, dry mouth and blurry
vision are some of the side effects of an histamines. When taken it is
be er to avoid driving, riding and machinery opera ons.

An -hypertensive Medicines
Amlodipine, Nifedipine, Atenolol, Reserpine are some of the medicines
used for hypertensive condi on. These medicines block the transport
of calcium into the smooth cells lining the coronary arteries and other
arteries of the body. Since calcium is important in muscle contrac on,

50 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 123

Asparagine, Aspar c acid, Glutamic acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Proline,
Serine, Cysterine and Tyrosine are some of the medically produced amino
acids. The young people require amino acid called Arginine.
His dine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalamine,
Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine are required amino acids in our daily
food. Amino acids are essen al for our nervous system. They increase our Asthma
memory power, general health and appe te. Asthma caused by allergies, air pollu on, respiratory infec ons, sulfites
Steroid Medicines in food and certain medica ons. Common symptoms include coughing,
Salbutamol, Betamethasone, Theophylline and Dexamethasone are wheezing, shortness of breath and chest ghtness.
some of the Steroid Medicines. These are the medicines with an -
inflammatory effects. They can reduce inflamma ve condi ons such Remedies for Asthma
as redness, swelling and soreness. They are also helpful for many • Turmeric powder (1 teasp.) one glass of milk with one spoon of
condi ons such as asthma and arthri s. They come in pills, sprays, honey use 3 mes.
creams and ointments. The creams and ointments of steroids are
applied on skin to get rid of eczema and cotact derma s. The side • Mustard oil can be mixed with camphor and rubbed into the back
effects of Steroid medicines are weakening bones, thinning of skin and of the chest
increasing blood sugar level. They also affect liver when excessively • Mix one gram of ginger powder and one gram of black pepper
used. When Salbutamol ( Asthalin Inhaler ) inhaled it is very important powder in a teaspoon of honey.
to have self control in dosage. When it crosses the limit our heart may
be affected by the serious problem of misfunc on. • Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 are very important nutrients to treat
asthma decreasing the Inflamma on in the lungs.
Medicines for the external uses
• Vitamin C Is needed to fight infec on, increase the amount of
There are many an bio c creams and powders for the externnal
oxygen and reduce Inflamma on.
treatment of wounds and inflamma ons. Neomycin, Silver Sulfadiazone
with Chlorhexidine Gluconate and Povidone-iodine are powerful • Eat salmon 3 mes a week and take salmon oil capsules.
oinments for healing wounds. Of which Silver Sulfadiazine can be
• Boil 10 to 15 cloves of garlic in one-half cup of milk. Drink this once
applied for both fire burns and wounds.
a day.
Betamethasone combined with Neomycin, Gentamycin, Miconozole
and Beclomethasone Dippropionate combined with Gentamycin Heart Burning
Sulphate are some steroid creams to overcome skin inflamma ons Heartburn is an irrita on of the esophagus that is caused by stomach
and diseases. Skin irrita ons and inflamma ons through out the body acid. This can create a burning discomfort in the upper abdomen or
can be controlled by the applica on of Lindane lo on. Calamine and below the breast bone. Heartburn or reflux happens when the contents
Diphenhydramine lo on is useful to overcome the skin irrita ons due of the stomach back up into the oesophagus, causing a burning
to sunburns, prickely heat and insect bites.

122 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 51

sensa on. Most healthy people experience heartburn from me to Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is naturally found in citrus fruits, vegetables
me.less sleep Pregnant women, Overweight people can suffer from and spices like pepper. It is useful to get rid of Scurvy disease. It
constant heartburn. increases appe te and being an an -oxidant keeps the health of skin
and provides the young looking.
Remedies for Heart Burning
Vitamin D is produced naturally in the body in the presence of evening
• Ginger tea: by mixing one tablespoon of grinded ginger with water
sunshine and it is helpful to the growth of bones.
and boil it for few minutes. Now drink this tea 2 – 3 mes daily will
help you get rid of gas. Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate) is, important for sexual and skin health,
naturally available in Badam nuts.
• Baking soda gives instant relief from gas. Drink 1/4 tsp of baking
soda mixed with a glass of water. This is an efficient antacid. Vitamin K is needed for the blood clo ng in case of severe wounds
• Take 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with one glass of and thus helps to avoid the loss of blood.
warm milk or add some honey to cinnamon powder s r properly Mineral Compounds
and drink it. Variety of minerals are used in the medicinal world. Ferrous Gluconate,
• Take some clove of garlic and add some water, equal amount of Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide, Manganese Sulphate, Copper
black pepper and cumin seeds and boil them for some minutes. Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate, Sodium Borate, Sodium Molybdate are some
Strain all the ingredients and allow it cool in room temperature. of them. Calcium Carbonate is used for the growth of the bones.
Drink this garlic solu on at least twice or thrice daily for be er Ferrous Gluconate is used to overcome anaemic problem and it is
results. combined with other minerlas and vitamins when in use. Zinc Sulphate
• Take equal amounts of black pepper, dried mint leaves, ginger is also very important for the health and it induces sexual desire and
powder, and coriander seeds. Grind them to fine powder. Take one increases immunity power.
teaspoonful of this powder twice a day. Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride and Sodium Nitrate are used to
• Add a few drops of black seed oil to a hot cup of milk and add one prepare salt mixture to overcome redness and dehydra on because
teaspoon of honey. Also, eat a lot of le uce. of diarrhea. Excess loss of minerals can be adjusted by the addi on of
• Eat a banana or an apple before bed me to relieve or prevent these salt mixture dissolving in the ra o of 4.2 gm / 200 ml of water.
discomfort. Sodium Chloride and Dextrose are used to prepare saline water for
• Foods and beverages to avoid: Alcohol, Coffee, orange, grapefruits, injec on through viens.
tomatoes or other acidic juices, Fa y foods, fried foods, and as well
as spicy foods should not use. Amino acids
These are essen al nutrients found in protein and act as intermediates in
metabolism. There are about 20 varie es of Amino acids in the medical
science. Unlike fat and starch these acids can not be stored by our body for
longer use. It is necessary to take enough amino acids in our life. Alanine,

52 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 121

Mebendazole and Albendazole are important wormicides used in the
Allopathic medica on. Mebendazole is used to overcome Amebiasis
and Albendazole is effec ve in vanishing worms found in our bowl and
stomach. Albendazole is available in both chewable and liquid form.
Cons pa on
The people who are interested on nonvegetarian food items need to
use it to avoid worm problems. Loss of weight, lack of appe te and Cons pa on is a common disturbance of the diges ve tract. It is the chief
anal itching are some of the symptoms of worm infec ons. cause of many diseases as it produces toxins, Appendici s, rheuma sm,
arthri s, high blood pressure, cataract., and cancer are only a few of
Vitamins the diseases in which chronic cons pa on is an important predisposing
Vitamins are very important for the essen al aci vi es of our body. factor. Regular bowel movement is necessary to remove waste and
Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B6, B12), Vitamin C, Vitamin toxins from the body. Cons pa on can cause by lack of exercise, too
D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K are some of the important vitamins used much junk food, poor diet, painkillers, An depressants or pregnancy.
in the Allopathic medica on. Generally Vitamins are available in the However serious diseases can cause cons pa on as well, including
form of capsules, tablets, syrups and injec ons. They are used either thyroid problems, circulatory disorder, diver culi s, colon malfunc on
separately or in mixed form. (fistulas, Polyps, tumours, and obstruc on). Cons pa on may be caused
due to a number of life style factors that may trigger it.
Vitamin A, also called as re nol, is a growth promo ng and an -
infectant vitamin. It is naturally available in carrot, cabbage, grapes, Remedies for Cons pa on
fishes and codliver oil. It is available in tablet and liquid form. Vitamin A
• Two glasses of warm lemon juice can help your bowels to pass
increases appe te and sexual desire. Sight problem, skin problem, body
through normally.
weakness and nervous complaint can be prevented by the addi on of
Vitamin A. • Take folic acid. An insufficient intake of folic acid can lead to
cons pa on.
Vitamin B complex are neurotrophic vitamins which are essen al for
• To clean and heal the diges ve system take Aloe vera juice twice a
the health of our body. All of them are increasing appe te. Vitamin B1
(Thiamine Mononitrate) and Vitamin B2 (Riboflavine) are used in the
treatment of mouth ulcers. • Ginger tea is a great home remedy for cons pa on. It helps start
bowel movement.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) is taken for general health and
• Eat lots of fruits, green vegetables cabbage, peas, carrots, garlic,
good natural sleep.
sweet potatoes, all these are high in fiber.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine) is obtained from animal part and used • Exercise o en a simple stroll in the park can relieve cons pa on. .
for having good body health and widely used in injec on form. Walking is especially helpful in ge ng rid of Cons pa on.
• Grapes too have laxa ve proper es and they prevent chronic

120 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 53

Cons pa on. Dry grape has its own medical proper es and helps in 500 mg I.P or Nimesulide 100 mg I.P to find relief from throat
preven ng Cons pa on. Soak dry grapes in a vessel overnight and infec ons.
take this at early morning in an empty stomach. Tetracycline 250 mg I.P and Nimesulide 100 mg I.P are finding good
• Take 2-3 seeds each of suraj mukhi (sunflower), badaam (almonds), l result for severe tooth ache.
(sesame) and linseed or flax seeds, grind it and make a thin powder.
To healing wounds Cephalexin 250 mg I.P or Ampicillin 250 mg I.P
Eat this natural herbal homemade product (1 tablespoon) for a week
are combined with Ibuprofen 200 mg I.P and mild dose of Vitamin
either with fruit juice or salads. All your Cons pa on problems will
B complex.
be cured. This is one of the best home remedies for cons pa on.
• Going for morning walk by having 2-3 glasses of warm water also Antibiotics are also available in injection forms. They are used in
prevents Cons pa on and leads to clear bowel movements. various strengths according to the health conditions of patient.
• Oranges are good for colons and it prevents Cons pa on. Take Antacids
orange juice at any me of the day and feel the difference that how Antacids are used to neutralize excess acid in the stomach. Over
far it clears your bowel system and refreshes you. eating, improper and missing diets are some reasons for the secretion
• Natural herb phyllium husk (isabgol) prevents Cons pa on. Take a of excess acid in the stomach. Heart burns,Gastric problems and
glass of water and add one tablespoon of phyllium husk. Drink this Peptic ulcers can be controlled by the intake of antacids. Dried
liquid early in the morning in an empty stomach for cons pa on Aluminium Hydroxide and Magnesium Hydroxide are used as
relief. antacids. They are available in both tablet and gel form.
• Soak dry figs in the water and keep it overnight then take this early in An -gas medicines
the morning. These are working against gas. Phazyme and Simethicone are
• Dried beans, prunes, figs, raisins, popcorn, oat meals, pears and some of the important medicines which are working against gas.
nuts are fiber rich food that may actually relieve you of cons pa on Phazyme is mouth dissolvent and quickly work against gas whereas
instantly. Simethicone is available in both chewable tablet and gel form.
• Eat small meals over a course of me. This effec vely gives me for
the system to digest food be er. The movement can be controlled by
These are the protein molecules which are naturally secreted from
adjus ng the ming and amount of food intake.
the pancreas to digest food. Pepsin I.P (1:3000 ), Alpha Amylase I.P
Nausea & Vomi ng (1:2000) are some of the important enyzmes needed by our digestive
Nausea is just feeling like need to vomit, and vomi ng is throwing up system. These are available in both capsule and liquid form. Lack of
of stuff you have eaten or drunk.Some Common causes of nausea appetite, gastric problems and indigestion need Enzymes.
are seasickness, other mo on sicknesses, early pregnancy, intense
pain, exposure to chemical toxins, emo onal stress (fear), gallbladder
disease, food poisoning, indiges on, various viruses, and certain smells
54 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 119
An bio cs or odors.While Vomi ng is commonly a result of a viral infec on, food
Antibiotics are medicines which arrest the growth of bacteria or poisoning, high fever, meningi s, intes nal blockage, appendici s,
fungi in the human body. Usually they are available in various forms migraine headaches, and brain tumors.
such as dispersible tablets, capsules, syrups, drops, injections and
dry syrups. Penicillin had been widely used antibiotics in early days.It Remedies for Nausea & Vomi ng
is produced from fungi called Penicillium and similarly Streptomycin • Mix one teaspoon each of ginger juice and lemon juice and consume
is produced from another type of fungi called Streptomyces. it several mes a day.
Nowadays large number of varieties of antibiotics have been used • Alterna vely, try some ginger tea with a li le honey or eat some
in the medical world. fresh ginger slices with or without honey.
Amoxycillin, Ampicillin, Cefadroxyl, Cephalexin, Cloxacillin, Tetracycline, • Rice water helps alleviate vomi ng, especially when it is caused
Gentamycin, Erythromycin Stearate, Sulphamethoxazole, Trimethoprim, by gastri s.Use white rice not brown rice as it is rich in starch and
Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Cefixime, Cefpodoxime Prexe l, Ga floxacin, easier to digest.
Rifampicin, Isoniazid and Metronidazole are some of the an bio cs Boil a cup of rice in one or one and a half cup of water.Strain the
widely used in the allopathic world. solu on.
Drink this rice water.
Most of the an bio cs are combined with an -allergic medicines
• In a cup of boiling water, add one-half or one teaspoon of cinnamon
like ce rizine Hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate to get
powder. If you do not have the powder, simply use a cinnamon
good result and to ensure our safety. Ampicillin and Amoxycillin are
s ck.
combined with Cloxacillin to get more effect when they are taken for
Allow it to steep for a few minutes and then strain the water.
curing bacterial infec ons. Amoxycillin and Ampicillin are commonly
Op onally, add one tablespoon of honey.Sip it slowly.
available in the strength of 250 mg and 500 mg. It is advisable to take
lower strength of an bio cs to ensure our basic immunity power. Note: This remedy may not be suitable for pregnant women.
Sulphamethoxazole , Trimthoprim and Norfloxacin are effec ve in • Add one tablespoon of dried mint leaves to a cup of hot water.
controlling the urinary tract infec ons. Many people will get allergic Allow it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea.
problem with sulpha drugs, so we should be very careful when we use (Note) If fresh mint leaves are available, you can simply chew
them. Rifampicin and Isoniazid are effec ve in controlling Tuberculosis them.
caused by myco bacteria. • Make solu on by mixing one teaspoon each of mint juice, lemon
Norfloxacin 400 mg I.P is added with Ibuprofen 200 mg I.P, Ce rizine juice and one tablespoon of honey. Consume it three mes a day.
Hydrochloride 10mg I.P and mild dose of vitamin tablet to get rid of • Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of
urinary irrita ons. honey in a glass of water. Drink it and repeat as necessary.
Erythromycin Stearate 250 mg I.P is combined with Ce rizine • Chew some cloves or use a few cloves to make a cup of tea to treat
Hydrochloride 10 mg I.P and any analgesic medicine like Paracetamol vomi ng.

118 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 55

Another way to use cloves during vomi ng is to mix some fried
cloves with honey and swallow it.
• Add one tablespoon of crushed fennel seeds to a cup of boiling
water and allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea
once or twice a day.
In today’s medicinal world Allopathic medicines are ge ng more
Simply chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds will also help.
preference than other medicines as they are giving fast relief and
• Mix one –half teaspoon of cumin seeds in warm water and drink it, easily available every where in the world but In every medica on side
You can also mix pinch of nutmeg in a cup of boiling water steep it effects and allergies are common problems which are some mes
for few minutes,strain the mixture and then drink it. felt seriously by the people. It is very important to learn about
• Mix one teaspoon of onion juice with one teaspoon of grated ginger. the side effects of allopathic medicines. Sulpha drugs are crea ng
Consume this mixture at regular intervals to cure vomi ng. allergy problems to many people and excessive use of the same may
Another op on is to mix two teaspoons of honey in one-half cup cause anaemic problem. Similarly other medicines like Paracetamol
of onion juice and Erythromycin Stearate will damage the liver when they are
• Take a light, bland meal and eat slowly.Avoid ea ng fried foods. repeatedly used. Aspirin/Dispirin causing Cancer in some pa ents
Avoid strong odors such as perfumes or cooking smells due to prolonged use.Here we discuss about allopathic medicines use
• Drink clear fluids, Get plenty of rest. for different diseases but we have to avoid these medicines. These
• Take some rest but do not sleep immediately a er having a meal. medicines have bad side effects on our body, So we have to avoid
the use of such medicines and start to use natural herbs although
• Do not brush your teeth right a er ea ng as it may induce
herbs will take a li le long me to cure disease but it will cure disease
vomi ng.
surely without any side effects.
Intes nal worms
There are different types of intes nal worms that affect people, but the Different Groups of Allopathic Medicines
most harmful are roundworm, pinworm, whipworm and tapeworm. Allopathic medicines are classified into different groups according
they enter the human body through contaminated food or water, to their properties and uses. They are as follows.
transmi ng agents like mosquitoes, sexual contact and even via nose Antibiotics, Antacids, Enzymes, Anti-gas Medicines, Wormicides,
and skin. Other common causes include poor hygiene, exposure to Vitamins, Mineral Compounds, Aminoacids, Steroid Medicines,
areas known to have parasites, weak immune system and ea ng raw Medicines for the External uses, Anti-allergic Medicines and
and undercooked meat. Antihistamines, Anti-hypertensive Medicines, Diabetic Medicines,
Antidiarrheal Medicines, Laxatives, Anti cold and Cough Medicines,
Remedies for Intes nal worms
Antiepileptic Medicines, Anti-spasmodic medicines, Antipyretics,
• Carrots are known for trea ng intes nal worms. Eat two carrot on
Analgesic Medicines, Antivomiting Medicines, Antiulcer Medicines,
an empty stomach in the morning.
Haematinic Medicines, Tranquillizers, Medicines for Guddines.
56 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 117
(ST-36): Moxibus on on this point is good for the spleen and stomach, • Add a two-inch piece of pomegranate tree bark to one cup of
assist in diges on, hence, strengthening the body and slowing down water.Boil it un l half the amount of water evaporates.Allow the
the process of aging. mixture to cool and drink it .Then eat a purga ve fruit like banana
(CV-8): Frequent moxibus on on this point can replenish qi and or avocado to facilitate a bowel movement.
strengthen the body; it is especially suitable for the middle-aged and Follow this remedy for a few days.
elderly. When using this remedy for children, reduce the dosage of the
decoc on to one-third. Ea ng pomegranate fruit or drinking its
(CV-12): This point is an important point for reinforcement, capable juice can help prevent a acks of intes nal worms.
of strengthening the spleen and stomach. Both moxa s ck and moxa
• Carom seeds can be used to treat intes nal worms.
cone are advisable for moxibus on on this point, the dura on of which
Eat a small piece or about one tablespoon of jaggery in the
may last 5-10 minutes.
morning on an empty stomach.Wait for 15 to 20 minutes.Then eat
(KI-1): Frequent moxibus on at this point can strengthen the body and one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of crushed carom seeds along
contribute to longevity, for it replenishes the kidney. When using moxa with a glass of water.Do this once daily for two weeks for complete
s cks for moxibus on, it should last 3-5 minutes, and in the case of treatment of intes nal worms.
using moxa cones, 3-7 cones are usually needed each me. • The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends the use of
pumpkin seeds to get rid of intes nal worms.
• Mix together one tablespoon of roasted and crushed pumpkin seeds
with an equal amount of honey. Eat this mixture each morning on
an empty stomach for a week. Then include a laxa ve food like a
banana or kiwi in your breakfast.
• Unripe papaya fruit is rich in the enzyme papain, and papaya seeds
contain a substance called caricin that can help expel intes nal
Mix one tablespoon each of fresh raw papaya juice and honey with
three or four tablespoons of hot water. Drink it in the morning on an
empty stomach. A er two hours, follow it with a glass of warm milk
with one tablespoons of castor oil mixed in it. Follow the treatment
for two to three days. When using this remedy for children, reduce
the dosage to half.
• Ea ng three cloves of raw garlic on an empty stomach every day
for one week is one of the simplest ways to get rid of all types of
intes nal worms.

116 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 57

OR you can boil two crushed garlic cloves in one-half cup of milk Moxa is usually made from the dried spongy plant’s material of Chinese
and drink it on an empty stomach. Do this for about a week. mugwort (Artemesia argyi or A.vlugaris), but it can be made of other
substances as well.
Acidity is related to heartburn and gas forma on in stomach. There is When is moxibus on used?
a movement of gastric juices (carrying acid) from the stomach into the MoxibusƟon is used for:
lower esophagus (food pipe). This is a condi on which is caused when Pain due to injury or arthri s, especially in “cold” pa erns where
acidic contents in stomach (hydrochloric acid) move upward into the the pain naturally feels be er with the applica on of heat, Diges ve
esophagus and making it dysfunc onal. Acidity caused by problems and irregular elimina on
• Ea ng large meals or lying down right a er a meal.
Gynecological and obstetrical condi ons, including breech presenta on
• Being overweight or obese. in late term pregnancy, Protec on against cold and flu strains
• Ea ng a heavy meal and lying on your back or bending over at the
Prac oners o en do both acupuncture and moxibus on
• Snacking close to bed me. How to use Moxa:
• Ea ng certain foods, such as citrus, tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, It is used in different ways:
onions, or spicy or fa y foods. Non-scarring method: The moxa is held at a distance of about 25 mm
• Drinking certain beverages, such as alcohol, carbonated drinks, from the skin un l the pa ent feels pain (human) or reacts defensively.
coffee, or tea. It is removed for a few seconds and the process is repeated 10-20
• Smoking. mes. Or put the slice of ginger and put moxa on that slice.
• Being pregnant. Moxa-needle: A needle is inserted into an acupoint and retained.
• Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure The p of the needle is then wrapped in moxa and ignited, genera ng
medica ons. heat to the point and the surrounding area. A er the desired effect is
achieved, the moxa is ex nguished and the needle(s) removed.
Remedies for Acidity
• Drink potato broth every day. More about Moxa:
• Avoid beans, cereals, crackers, eggs, flour products, grains, oily Moxibus on at two or three points is very beneficial to prevent sores
foods, macaroni, and sugar. Plums, prunes, and cranberries do not or boils and to avoid pernicious malaria, epidemic diseases, and
oxidize and therefore remain acid to the body. Avoid these un l the pes lence.” It is o en said, “If one wants to be healthy, he should o en
situa on improves. have moxibus on on the point (ST-36), (CV-4), (CV-6), (GV-4), and (CV-
• Since excess vitamin C may lead to acidosis, reduce your intake of 12).
vitamin C for a few weeks.

58 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 115

Conclusion: • Check your urine pH daily using pH paper.
In short, Acupuncture can strengthen the physical body, prevent disease, • Drink as much bu er milk as you can for 2 days, your acidity cures
control pain, health enhancement, assist in sports performance, easily.
addic on withdrawal, and achieve longevity.
• Daily eat curd rice at least once in a day keeps away from acidity.
• Recommended foods include apples, avocados, bananas, bilberries,
blackberries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, pears, pineapples,
strawberries, and all vegetables. Fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits
and vegetables reduce acidosis. Start with small amounts of citrus
fruits and gradually add larger amounts.
• Chew your food slowly, and do not overindulge.

What is Pep c Ulcer (Stomach Ulcer)?

Pep c ulcer is an open sore or erosion on the gastrointes nal tract that
is painful. It develops when hydrochloric acid in the diges ve fluids and
the enzyme pepsin in the stomach damage the gastrointes nal tract.
An ulcer in the stomach is called gastric ulcer and in the duodenum is
called a duodenal ulcer. The gastric and duodenal ulcers together are
referred to as pep c ulcers.

Common Causes of Pep c Ulcers

Bacterial infec on (Helicobacter pylori), Nonsteroidal An -Inflammatory
Drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen (NSAIDs), Smoking, stress etc, Immune
Abnormali es, Alcoholism.

Remedies for Pep c Ulcers

Moxibus on • Boil 1 cup of fenugreek leaves and add a pinch of salt to it. Drink
What is moxibus on? this twice a day.
Moxibus on is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials • Drinking raw cabbage juice is very effec ve for trea ng stomach
called “moxa” are burned on or very near the surface of the skin. The ulcer. Consume fresh cabbage juice daily before your bed me. This
inten on is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel will help strengthen the stomach lining and heal the ulcer.
certain pathogenic influences. • Eat a banana every day a er your breakfast because it contains
an bacterial substances.

114 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 59

• Take a tablespoon of honey daily before your breakfast or have it • Electro-S mula on
any me of the day with food like wheat bread. This will help reduce • Laser devices
stomach inflamma on and keep away other stomach diseases.
Herbs are usually taken in addi on to Acupuncture to enhance its
• A clove of garlic is highly recommended for stomach ulcer. Eat healing effect.
2- 3 cloves of garlic a day during your daily meals to ease the
inflamma on in the stomach. “Acupuncture Needle Technique”
• Take one spoon olive oil on empty stomach twice a day. The needle should insert in three different levels namely ½ inch, one
• Coconut oil has been used widely as a natural ingredient for trea ng inch and 1 ½ inch very gently & slowly. The needle is then withdrawn
various disturbances in the stomach. It has an -bacterial property rapidly and the hole is pressed. The needle should insert while the
that kills bacteria that cause ulcers. pa ent inhales and withdraws the needles on exhala on. Whereas
to achieve a seda ve effect, the needle is inserted on exhala on and
Diarrhea withdrawn on inhala on.
Normally, as food goes through your diges ve tract, the large intes ne
soaks up extra water. Some mes, though, it doesn’t, and you get rid of Dura on of Needling:
the fluid in your stool—a bothersome problem we call diarrhea. Needles are usually le in posi on for 10-30 minutes in condi ons such
as rheuma sm, muscle pain, arthri c lameness etc. Occasionally the
Remedies for Diarrhea vet may be too busy to wait for up to 30 minutes un l the needles are
It’s important to keep replacing your body’s supply of water and withdrawn. In these cases the pa ent instructed to twirl the needles
electrolytes, which include sodium, potassium and chloride. Mix up for 10 seconds every 2-4 minutes, un l 10-30 minutes have elapsed
the perfect electrolyte drink by s rring a half-teaspoon of salt and four and to remove the needles. (In this case, disposable needles are used).
teaspoons of sugar into a litre of water. Add a li le bit of orange juice, In some cases, for instance rhini s, conjunc vi s, shock etc, dura on
lemon juice or salt subs tute for potassium. During the day, drink the of needling can be very short, 10-60 seconds.
full amount.
• Avoid fruit juices. Large amounts of fructose can be hard to digest. Response to Acupuncture:
A er a person receives Acupuncture, he or she will experience a sense
• Spoil yourself with the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and
of general well-being and relaxa on. It is reported that an individual
feels an improvement in sleep, diges on, and overall energy levels.
• Cook some carrots un l they’re so , then drop them in a blender Since Acupuncture heals the body through natural techniques,
with a li le water.Eat a quarter to a half-cup each hour. side effects are very rare. Mild exacerba on may be felt a er first
• Avoid foods that are rich in roughage, which can be hard to digest. treatment, but subsides with addi onal treatment. Acupuncture is
That means no beans, cabbage or Brussels sprouts. safe for person of all ages including children and the elderly, although
• Avoid milk and dairy products except yogurt.(agreed by all medical treatment for the elderly is usually done to reduce discomfort and
experts unanimously). management of the condi on.

60 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 113

It is believed that free flowing of the Qi keeps a person healthy. If the • Eat yogurt containing “live cultures” like Lactobacillus acidophilus
flow of the Qi is blocked for any reason, illness results. Acupuncture and Bifidobacterium. These help to restore healthy levels of the
restores the proper balance and flow of the Qi, returning health to the helpful bacteria in your intes ne.
body. • Drink black tea sweetened with sugar. The hot water helps with
rehydra on and tea contains astringent tannins that help reduce
Healing effects of Acupuncture:
intes nal inflamma on.
One of the most common uses of Acupuncture is pain relief. This
includes migraine, backache, period pain, arthri c and rheuma c pain, • Make a mixture by adding 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice
post-opera ve pain, and post-injury pain. and 1/4 tsp pepper powder. Drink this mixture two mes a day.
• The pomegranate has proved beneficial in the treatment of
The World Health Organiza on has declared Acupuncture successful
diarrhea because of its astringent proper es. If the pa ent develops
treats a variety of medical condi ons:
weakness due to profuse and con nuous purging, he should be
• Ear, nose, and throat disorders: common cold, sinusi s, tonsilli s,
given repeatedly about 50 ml. of pomegranate juice to drink. This
hayfever, rhini s and tooth pain.
will control the diarrhoea.
• Respiratory disorders: acute bronchi s and bronchial asthma.
• Turmeric is a very useful intes nal an sep c. It is also a gastric
• Gastro-intes nal disorders: gastri s, indiges on duodenal ulcer,
s mulant and a tonic. Turmeric rhizome, its juice or dry powder
hiccoughs, coli s, cons pa on and diarrhea.
are all very helpful in curing chronic diarrhoea. In the form of dry
• Eye disorders: Acute conjunc vi s, central re ni s, juvenile myopia
powder, it may be taken in bu ermilk or plain water.
and mild cataract.
• Make blackberry tea by boiling one or two tablespoons of
• Neurological and Muscular-skeletal: Trigeminal neuralgia,
blackberries or dried blackberry leaves in 1 1⁄2 cups water for 10
headache, stroke syndromes, Meniere’s disease, neuralgia, bladder
dysfunc on, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, scia ca, lower back pain minutes, then strain. Drink a cup several mes a day. Raspberry tea
and osteoarthri s. is also said to be effec ve.

Other condi ons treated include menstrual, menopausal and pregnancy

related condi ons, stress, depression, Chronic Fa gue Syndrome,
sports injuries, and drug withdrawal.
Acupuncture is more than just inser ng ny needles into your body. It is a
complex system combining other complimentary techniques including :
• Moxibus on (warming)
• Cupping
• Massage
• Herbs

112 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 61

meridian energy channels and that the therapy improves the flow
of ‘Chi’ by reducing or elimina ng blockages.Reflexology focuses on
working and holding the reflex points affec ng the nervous system
connected to the whole body.

What is Acupressure?
Acupressure is o en called acupuncture without the needles. Instead
of needles, acupressure involves the applica on of manual pressure
(usually with the finger ps) to specific points on the body.

How to Administer Acupressure:

• Use deep, firm pressure to massage and s mulate each point.
• When massaging acupoints, try to relax in a comfortable posi on,
close your eyes, and breathe deeply.
• Repeat the massage as o en as you like; there is no limit to the
number of mes a day.
• Besides massaging these points on yourself, anyone can also help
massage these points for you.
Some Basic Points for mul ple diseases in image:
(Note): On these Points we can apply only pressure or insert needles
both are best.

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an important tradi onal Chinese Medicine with a history
of over 2500 years. Already used widely throughout Asia and Europe.

The Concept Behind It:

The main concept behind Acupuncture is an energy force called
“Qi”(pronounced chee) which circulate throughout the human
body using specialized pathways called Meridians or channels with
“Acupuncture points” connec ng to the ssues and organs of the body.

62 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 111

client, a reflexologist will vary the amounts of pressure on different
How will I feel a er a Reflexology session?
Directly a er a session, clients may feel very rested and in a relaxed
state of mind. Anxiety
A er one or two sessions your body may respond in a very definite Anxiety is the unpleasant physical and emo onal state experienced by
way. Most people no ced that they have more energy, and be er a person that may be a combina on of fear, apprehension, or worry.
elimina on, sleep be er, and have a sense of well being. Please note Anxiety can be short term or long term. In short term anxiety, the
how your body responds to reflexology and inform the Reflexologist so person feels well a er the cause of anxiety has subsided (as when
that sessions will be tailored to your specific needs. one is worried about visi ng a doctor with health report). The long
term anxiety, such as those present due to work stress or incompa ble
Reflexology may help the symptoms associated with; rela ons with important persons of one’s life may persist for longer
• Stress and stress-related condi ons, Tension or migraine, and can lead to other medical condi ons including tension, migraine
headaches headache and high blood pressure. Mild anxie es can be treated with
• Gastrointes nal disorders, Arthri s, Insomnia, Hormonal natural anxiety remedies which may include some lifestyle changes,
imbalances home remedies and herbs for anxiety. However, the chronic anxiety
• Menstrual disorders, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), (encompassing suicidal thoughts) must be referred to expert opinions
or heavy, painful, irregular periods, Menopause, Infer lity, of doctors as soon as possible.
Cons pa on, Back Pain
• Foot and Hand Challenges Remedies for Anxiety
• For clients experiencing fer lity issues, Reflexology has been shown • Avoiding Junk Foods and Drinks- Refined Sugar and Carbohydrates,
to help couples to maximize health condi ons to support the body ar ficial sweeteners, caffeine, smoking and such other things.
prior and during pregnancy.
• Exercise- Stay ac ve to avoid the anxiety a acks. Exercise burns off
• Reflexology is recommended as a complementary therapy to
extra adrenaline so jog, walk, cycle, or use exercise equipment like
conven onal medicine and does NOT replace conven onal medical
treadmill for at least half an hour four days a week.
• Warm Bath and Aromatherapy- A relaxing bath can calm the anxious
Is Reflexology the same as Massage, Acupressure, & nerves. Essen al oils used for aromatherapy can also be used to
Acupuncture? relax oneself and avoid anxiety.
Reflexology is not the same as massage, which involves ssue and
• Be posi ve, talk to people with posi ve a tude, recite Quran
muscle therapy to promote relaxa on.
or listen recita on, spend some me doing your favourite work,
Acupuncture, Acupressure are based on energy flows through the pursue hobbies.

110 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 63

• Peel and inhale an orange whose aroma is considered to reduce assimila on of nutri on and elimina on of toxins, and calms the nervous
anxiety. Orange juice with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of system. In these ways, reflexology facilitates the body’s natural healing
nutmeg can also be had to relax the nerves. processes and thereby enhances the body’s health and vitality.
• Make Chamomile tea and drink it it is very good for anxiety. Who can benefit from Reflexology sessions?
Everyone can benefit from Reflexology treatments. You do not have to
have an illness to have Reflexology. Clients who want to alleviate stress
can benefit from Reflexology. All ages can benefit from Reflexology,
including children.

What can I expect at a first Reflexology session?

Clients will be asked to fill out a health history and release form.
Parents must sign for children under the age of 18. The Reflexologist
will go over the form with the client and discuss how a session will be
tailored to their needs. Clients are encouraged to ask ques ons. The
first session is approximately 80 minutes, which comprises of health
history discussion, the reflexology session and answering any ques ons
at the end of the session. Followup sessions are 60 minutes.
At all sessions, clients will be asked to remove socks and shoes. The
feet will be cleansed with hand wipes. Other than the removal of socks
and shoes, the client is fully dressed. The Reflexology session consists
of thumb and finger pressure as well as thumb rolling. Lo on may be
used at the end of the session. Please let the Reflexologist know if you
have any allergies.
Please also let me know if you are pregnant.

What will I feel during a Reflexology session?

Many people find reflexology sessions, for the most part, very relaxing.
It is not uncommon for clients to fall asleep. The pressure that is applied
is always within the client’s comfort range. If there are painful points
on the hands/feet, these may be signs of energy blocks or conges on
at the corresponding body point. It also could be due to footwear
affec ng that part of the foot. By taking into account the needs of a
64 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 109
• Relaxa on of
nerves & blood
• More nutrients and
oxygen to cells
• Be er cell func on
Arthri s
• Healthier Skin The word ‘arthri s’ means ‘inflamma on of the joints’. It is derived
• Encouragement of from two Greek words: athron, meaning joints; and i s, meaning
body’s self healing inflamma on. It is, generally, a chronic disease process. Arthri s
• Helps flush the occurs in various forms, the most frequent being osteoarthri s and
body of toxins rheumatoid arthri s. Osteoarthri s is a degenera ve joint disease
• General feeling which usually occurs in the older age-group. Rheumatoid arthri s is a
of relaxa on and serious disease which affects not only the joints of the fingers, wrists,
wellbeing hips, knees, and feet, but also the muscles, tendons and other ssues
• Soothing caring of the body.
• Stress Remedies for Arthri s
management • Steam baths and massage once a week are very helpful.
• Relieve discomfort, aches, and pains • Take 10-15 grams of camphor and 200-250 grams of mustard oil
• Be er mobility and mix in a glass bo le and keep this bo le in sun ll the camphor
• Increased clarity and focus gets dissolved properly. Massage the affected area everyday with
it. One of the good home remedies for leg pain.
Does Reflexology treat disease? • Ea ng 4-5 walnuts on empty stomach in morning provided relief
NO. Reflexologists do not work with a treatment orienta on; rather
from leg pain in a short dura on.
they are oriented to revitalizing the whole body and hence suppor ng
• Intake of cod liver oil helps in curing all sorts of leg pains and general
the body in its own healing process.
weakness of the body.
What can Reflexology do for me? • 2-3 teaspoonful of fenugreek powder in morning water is very
Reflexology is used primarily to relieve stress and tension and produce helpful.
deep therapeu c relaxa on. Medical doctors agree that over three fourths • Eat Alfalfa or take alfalfa capsules. It’s very rich in minerals needed
of our health problems can be linked to nervous and physical tension. for the forma on of bones.
By reducing stress and tension, reflexology improves blood and lymph
circula on, strengthens the func oning of the immune system, improves • Take Vitamin E to protect and improve joint mobility.

108 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 65

• Boswellia has anti-inflammatory effects similar to Non-steroidal tension. Hiccough with acidity.
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) (Advil, Aleve, Tylenol etc.) Mixed Pollen: Hayfever when triggered by pollen
but this herb does not have side effects and does not causes Nat mur: Sneezy cold. Runny nose. Ver go. Premenstrual tension.
gastrointestinal bleeding. It improves circulation to the joints, Housemaid’s knee
relieves pain, inflammation and stiffness. Nux vom: For over indulgence in food and alcohol. Itching piles. Stuffy
• Ginger is the Killer of Arthritis pain, superior to any NASID, it can colds. Ver go. Cons pa on. Raw throat
be applied directly on the affected area or taken orally either Phosphorous: Dry cough; hypersensi vity; night sweats
way it relieves pain, inflammation, stiffness, bursitis, tendinitis. Pulsa lla: Premenstrual tension. Catarrh. Styes. Menopause. Acne.
• Recent studies have shown that Cinnamon is a remarkable Tinnitus
natural treatment for arthritis pain. Simply add half a teaspoon Rhus tox: Rheuma c aches and pains. Over-exer on. Pain in ligaments.
of cinnamon powder to one tablespoon of honey every morning Tickling cough
before breakfast. Repeat this daily for one month. Results should Ruta grav: Injuries to bones. Fractures, disloca ons. Sprains of wrists
be noticeable within the first week. and ankles. Eye strain. Ur caria
Silicea: Physical and mental debility due to exer on. Boils, abscesses,
• Turmeric, a common spice in Indian cuisine, has been used
acne. Bunions. Chronic headaches. Sinus trouble
to reduce inflammation for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic
Sulphur: Unhealthy looking skin. Tendency to skin disease. Itching skin.
medicine. Not surprisingly, by taking 500mg to 1000mgTurmeric
Acne. Insomnia Tinnitus Lack of energy
capsules three times per day, many individuals have reported
significant relief from osteoarthritis pain. Thuja: Warty growths. Morning headaches
Thuja herbal ncture is used for its an -viral proper es.
Muscles/leg Cramps
Leg cramps occur in both children and adults and can last for a less Reflexology
than a minute or even longer. Many people suffer from leg cramps What is Reflexology?
primarily at night. Effec ve pressure is applied to the hands, feet, outer ears and face
Severe cramps can cause swelling and soreness and may require by the nurturing hands of the Reflexologist. It is a safe, simple, and
massage and rest to aid recovery. At the me the muscle is contrac ng, effec ve method, and the client is fully clothed. Reflexology deals with
a visible hardening of the par cular muscles can be felt. the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet, hands, face and
ears, which correspond to all the glands, organs and parts of the body.
Causes of Leg Cramps S mula ng these reflexes properly have helped many health problems
Restless leg syndrome, Flat feet, Peripheral Artery Disease, Alcohol in a natural way, a type of preventa ve maintenance.
abuse Cirrhosis of the liver, Kidney failure, Diabetes, Overweight,
Pregnancy, Diarrhea, Star ng a new exercise rou ne, Circula on Frequently Reported Benefits of Reflexology:
problems, Hormonal imbalance, Injury to the leg, Calcium deficiency. • Breaking down of conges on and blockages

66 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 107

Bryonia: Irritability. Dryness. Dry painful cough. Dry lips. Thirst especially Remedies for Leg Cramps
for cold drinks. • Having a hot shower before sleeping can also prevent leg
Calc carb: Cracked skin in the winter. Period pains. Itching skin. cramps at night.
Premenstrual tension. Toothache. Ver go. Insomnia. • Drinking a glass of warm milk before sleeping is an effective leg
Calc fluor: Head colds with thick greenish-yellow discharge.Catarrh. cramp cure
Croup. Toothache. • Drinking a minimum of eight to ten glasses of water a day to
Cantharis: Burns and scalds before blisters form; sunburn prevent dehydration and cramping.
Carbo veg: Indiges on with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Loss of • Ensure that your diet is balanced and healthy and consists of
voice. Tinnitus with nausea and ver go. foods high in vitamin A and vitamin E as well.
Chamomilla: Teething; irritability and restlessness; colic; green slimey
• Try include sweet potatoes, carrots, liver, salmon, sunflower
seeds, and soy beans into your daily diet for the best results.
Cocculus: Travel sickness; nausea with hollow sensa on in stomach;
• low potassium levels can cause leg cramps, and bananas and
nausea during pregnancy
potatoes are high in add it in ur daily 2
Colocynthis: Colic; stomach pains; flatulence; cramp; s tching pain
bananas with milk.
Euphrasia: Cold with watery eyes and streaming nose. Hayfever
• Socks, especially wool, will help keep the feet warm and may
Gelsemium: Influenza. Sneezing. Sore throat. Symptoms of flushing,
improve circulation.
aching, trembling. Weary with heavy aching muscles. Runy nose.
Ver go. • Keep the bed sheets and covers loose. Tight bed covers may
Gelsemium is s ll used by professional medical herbalist but is not cause feet to be placed awkwardly and this could result in leg
available over the counter. cramps. Sleeping on your side also prevents leg cramps.
Graphites: Unhealthy skin. Cracked finger ps. Cons pa on. Tinnitus. • Take 5 gram cinamon (daar cheeni),12 gram zingiber (soonth),3
Earache. Sinus trouble. Dandruff gram black pepper (kali merch)make it powder and mix all
Hepar sulph: Skin highly sensi ve. Acne. Croup. Earache. together then use half teaspoon 3 times a day with water.
Hypericum: Painful cuts and wounds. Lacerated wounds involving
nerve endings. (a er consulta on with a medical professional)
Hypericum is also known as St John’s Wort.
Igna a: Fright. Prolonged grief. Sore throat. Piercing headache.
Kali phos: Mental redness from overwork. Nervous exhaus on.
Nervous indiges on. Loss of voice. Hoarseness. Giddiness from
exhaus on and weakness
Lycopdium: Irritability. Fear of failure. Period pain. Premenstrual
106 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 67

What Is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a natural, safe, complementary system of medicine
developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the nineteenth century. It
treats the whole person, as a unique individual with symptoms rather
than trea ng the disease alone.
It is 200 year old medical system that uses extremely minute doses of
natural substances to s mulate healing. There are over 2,000 remedies
used in homeopathy today which are non-suppressive, non- addic ve,
nontoxic and gentle.
Some of Homeo remedies using in different diseases:
Aconite: Symptoms are sudden, violent brief - anxiety, fear, restlessness,
grief, high temperature with great thirst & Insomnia
Apis mel: Insect s ngs. Burning, s nging pains. Swelling of lower
eyelids. Absence of thirst
Argent nit: Colic. Headache. Dizziness
Arnica: Use a er any injury. Bruises. Sprains. Physical exhaus on.
Insomnia due to over redness. Muscles ache all over
Arsen alb: Upset stomach. Vomi ng. Diarrhoea (as from food poisoning).
Cramps in calves.
Belladonna: Brightly flushed face. Swollen joints. Ver go. Facial
neuralgia. Severe throbbing headache. Dry hacking cough. acne

68 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 105


Back Pain
Backaches are one of the most common ailments prevalent today. There
are several causes of backache. Sedentary living habits, stressful life,
nerves, nutri onal deficiencies, kidney infec on, prostate problems,
female pelvic disorder, bladder, and even cons pa on can be felt on
the lower back. Back pain is very common during pregnancy, due to
Carrying a child internal organs pu ng a huge amount of pressure
on the lower spine Other causes of back pain can be poor postural
habits, strains, microtrauma, muscle tension and Trauma c injuries or
accidents such as vertebral fractures; lumbar strains and sprains;
• Regular back and abdominal exercises can keep your back in
excellent physical condi on.
• Sleep on your side (in an “S” shape) or place pillows between your
knees to provide comfort to your back.
• If you li heavy objects, bend at the hips and knees, and keep your
back straight.
• Wear flat shoes with a good arch support if you stand for long
periods of me.
• Take regular breaks and move around rather than sit or stand in
one posi on for several hours.
• Reduce the weight of your handbag, as a heavy load creates stress
on your spine.
• Avoid wearing high heeled shoes, as they can lead to back pain.

104 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 69

Remedies for Back Pain angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to
• Two or three cloves(Garlic) should be taken every morning. me: upon you is cupping, O Muhammad.“ [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah
• Ginger paste and eucalyptus oil could be applied on the affected (3477)].
area. In the narra on reported by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allaah be
• Heat the coconut oil or sesame oil on low flame adding 8 pieces of pleased with him) the angels said, “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah
garlic in it. When mixture became cool, apply it and give massage (na on) with cupping.“ [Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)].
on the affected area with light hands. Keep it for 3-4 hours. Take
bath with warm water. In Cupping There Is A Cure
Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the
• Vitamin C rich foods are good in relieving pain of backache. One
Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Healing is in three things:
should eat 2,000 mg of vitamin C everyday. Orange, grapes and
in the incision of the cupper, in drinking honey, and in cauterizing with
pineapple etc are fruits which are rich in vitamin C and it is cure for
fire, but I forbid my Ummah (na on) from cauteriza on (branding
back pain.
with fire).” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5681), Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah

Is cupping (hijama) a cure for every disease?

Cupping (hijama) is a cure for every disease if performed in its correct
time. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, ”Indeed in
cupping (hijama) there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim (5706)]. The
Prophet Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Whoever
performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the
Islamic month) then it is a cure for every disease.” [Saheeh Sunan
Abi Dawud (3861)].
There are specific points on the body where the cups are applied
for each ailment.
Benefit from cupping include headache, back pain, joint and
muscular pain, infertility, sexual disorders, rheumatic diseases,
hypertension, breast enhancement, bed wetting, common colds and
flu, insomnia, stroke, fever, constipation and diarrhea, chest pain,
Allergies,asthma, skin, hepatitis, heart attack and blood disorders.

70 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 103

Cupping (hijama) is of three types:
• Dry cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum on
different areas of the body in order to gather the blood in that area
without incisions (small, light scratches using a razor).
• Dry massage cupping (hijama) – This is similar to dry cupping
(hijama) but olive oil is applied to the skin (before applying the cups) Kidney Stone
in order to allow easy movement of the cups.70% of diseases, pains The kidneys and the bladder play important roles in the body. It acts as
and ailments are due to the blood being unable to reach certain a filter for blood, removing waste products from the body and making
parts of the body. Dry cupping (hijama) and dry massaging cupping urine. It also helps regulate electrolyte levels that are important for
(hijama) allow the blood to reach these places. body func on. Urine drains from the kidney through a narrow tube
Dry and massage cupping (hijama) may be self-administered in the called the ureter into the bladder. When the bladder fills and there
comfort and privacy of your own home.Dry and massage cupping is an urge to urinate, the bladder emp es to the outside through the
(hijama) may be administered any me of the day, any day of the urethra, a much wider tube than the ureter.The main func on of the
week or month. There are no restric ons. kidneys is to remove excess fluid and waste products from the body
through the urine.
• Wet cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum at
different points on the body but with incisions in order to remove The most common symptom of kidney stones is pain — which may be
‘harmful’ blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. (It is vague and mild at first , in the flanks, or the sides of the body between
recommended that wet cupping (hijama) is only administered by a the ribs and pelvis, including the upper abdomen and lower back.
cupping therapist). Nausea and vomi ng
Others symptoms are :Blood in the urine, Urine that looks cloudy
Cupping Is The Best Of Remedies
or smells bad, Urine with an abnormal color (pink, red, or brown),
Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that
Increased need to urinate, Difficulty urina ng, Burning sensa ons
the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Indeed the best of
while urina ng.
remedies you have is cupping“. [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5371)].
Abu Hurairah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Remedies for Kidney Stone
Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “If there was something • Eat adequate amounts of fiber. Low fiber consumption is
excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping.” [Saheeh Sunan Abi associated with a high risk of stone development.
Dawud (3857), Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3476)]. • Use any magnesium supplement that does not include calcium.
Magnesium reduces the rate at which the digestive tract
The Angels Recommending Cupping absorbs calcium and lowers the concentration of calcium in
Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the urine.
the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “I did not pass by an

102 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 71

• Keep away from condiments such as pickle, alcohol drinks, sauce, • AL Fa ha 7 mes
cucumber, radish, tomato, asparagus, onion, cabbage, meat and • Surah Al Falaq , Surah An-nas 3,3 mes a er each prayers
gravies as well as carbonated water. • Ayat-ul-Kursi 3 mes
• Limit vitamin C supplementa on to between 2,000 and 4,000 • Ya hayyu heena la hayya Fi dae mo mata mulki he wa ba qaa-i-hee
Ya Hayyu. ( A er each prayer 7 mes)
milligrams daily for periods of no more than two weeks at a me,
• La Hawla wala Quwwata illa billah la mel ja’a wala men ja’a il la
taking care to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Higher
ilaik. (100 mes at morning evening)
dosages, con nuous use of vitamin C, or use of vitamin C during
periods of dehydra on may contribute to stone forma on.
• Drink two to three glass of lemon juice daily. This will help increase
the volume of urina on, which is really good for those having
What Is Cupping (Hijama)?
kidney stones. Hijama’ in arabic is derived from ‘hajm’ which means ‘sucking’.
Cupping / Hijama is the process of applying cups to various points
• Consuming too much of calcium rich foods such as spinach, beet,
on the body and removing the air inside the cups to form a vacuum.
cauliflower, carrots, almonds, sweet breads, coconut, turnip,
In terms of following the Sunnah, the cupping that is referred to is
Bengal gram, peas, whole-wheat flour and organ meats like liver
‘Bleeding cupping’. It is the most frequently used, oldest and o en
and kidney can lead to kidney stones.
the most effec ve method. A surgical instrument is used to scrape
• Ea ng watermelon or drinking its juice everyday will help in flushing
the skin and the cup is then applied to collect blood.
out stones from the kidney.
Cupping (hijama) is the best remedy recommended and used by
• Mix two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one
the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam). The Prophet (Sallallaahu
teaspoon of honey in one cup of warm water.Drink this a few mes
Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Indeed the best of remedies you have is
a day.
cupping (hijama)“ [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5371)]. He (Sallallaahu
• Step five to six basil leaves in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
Álayhi Wasallam) also said that on the night of Israa (his ascension
Add a teaspoon of honey and drink this tea a er it cools.
to the heavens) he (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) did not pass by an
• Remove the beans from inside the pods, then put the beans in hot angel except that it said to him, “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah
water. Simmer the water on low flame for hours un l the beans (na on) with cupping (hijama).” [Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)].
become so and tender. Strain the liquid and allow it to cool. Strain This shows the importance and greatness of this Sunnah.
the liquid again. Drink it several mes throughout the day to relieve
The Prophet Muhammad(Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Whoever
kidney stone pain. This liquid should not be kept for more than 24
revives a Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people prac se it, s/he will
hours, as it will lose its therapeu c proper es.
have the same reward of those who prac se it without their reward
UTI (Urinary Tract Infec on) diminishing“ [Sunan ibn Maajah (209)].
An invasion of bacteria into the urinary tract causes UTI (Urinary “Cupping is really effec ve therapy for pain and illnesses”.
Tract Infec on). The bacteria enter from the opening of the urethra

72 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 101

Olive Oil and proceed further into the urinary tract. Some of the causes of UTI
Rub recited olive oil on the painful parts and drink 1tbsp every include sexual intercourse, mul ple sexual partners, ght clothing,
morning as well. Apply olive oil all over the body while going to spices, coffee, tea, medicines, alcohol or high sugar in the urine. Food
sleep and take a normal bath in morning. allergies may be a significant factor, especially in children and holding
urine for too long. Urinary tract infec on can be very painful, if not
Honey treated in me. The term UTI includes bladder irrita on, as well as
1 tbsp in morning. infec on caused by various microorganisms.
Remedies for UTI
On the first day, you will most likely not feel anything.
• In an eight ounce glass of water, add ½ tsp of baking soda. Mix
On the second and third day, you may feel very ill. You may feel excessive
this well and drink it.
redness, pain all over the body, or in certain places, or aches and
pains as though you carried out strenuous exercise. • Cranberry juice disallows bacteria to cling to the cell, which line
the urinary tract. It is a great remedy to fight this infection.
By the fourth day, you may feel completely refreshed, as though you
have a lot of energy - with the permission of Allah. • The first things to do when you have a urinary tract infection is
The aches and pains will gradually go away, in shaa’ Allah, over the to drink plenty of water, because drinking water can help flush
course of the 12 days. away the bacteria that’s causing your infection.

For protec on recite the following verses in the morning and in the • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, nicotine, carbonated drinks,
evening: and artificial sweeteners, it can irritate your bladder.
• Wa yashfi sudoora qawmin mumineena (at-Tawba, 9:14) • Stir 1 ½ teaspoons cream of tartar into ½-1 cup of warm water.
• Yaa ayyuha an-naasu qad ja’atkum maw`izhatun min rabbikum wa Add a dash of lemon or lime juice, and drink 1-2 times a day.
shifaun limaa fee as-sudoori wa hudan wa rahmatun lil-mumineen This can also help prevent UTIs when taken daily.
(Yunus, 10:57)
• Yakhruju min butooniha sharaabun mukhtalifun alwaanuhu feehi Excessive Viginal/Uterine Bleeding
shifaun lin-naas. (an-Nahl, 16:69) Menorhagia is defined as excessively heavy or prolonged uterine
• Laa ilaaha illaa anta subh`aanaka innii kuntu minaz zaalimiin. bleeding with clots but with or without menstrual cramps which can
(Quran 21: 87) be caused by hormone imbalances, stress, dieting excessive weight
• Aa`uzuu bi kalimaa l laahit taaammaa min sharri maa khalaq. loss or gain, thyroid disorders, fibroids, uterine abnormalities,
• Wa idha maridtu fahuwa yashfeeni (ash-Shu`ara, 26:80) qul huwa infection in the pelvic area, tumor etc.
lil-lazeena amanoo hudan wa shifaa.(al-Fussilat, 41:44)
• Bismillahi lazi laa yadur ru m-a`smihi shaiyun fil ardi wala fis samaai Remedies for Excessive Viginal/Uterine Bleeding
wa huwas samee ul aleem. • Take Ginger juice mix with one spoon honey thrice a day.
• A’udhu bi kalimaate-llaahe-taammah min kulli shaytaanin wa
haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah.

100 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 73

• Take Cinnamon tea twice a day to stop heavy menstrual bleeding closets, in the oven, the fridge, the washing machine; outside windows
during periods. (from the inside) and outside the door. It is very important to reach all
• Take 40 grams of dried mustard seeds and grind to fine powder. corners and not to forget the outside of the windows and the doors.
Take 2 grams of mustard seed powder with milk twice a day Par cularly insist on the entrance door and couple bed in a sorcery
before or during menstrual cycle. case because these are the most cri cal places. In case of jinns, insist
• Boil 20 grams of coriander seed in 200 ml (two cups) of water. on any recesses and holes, especially if it is an independent house,
When the water is reduced to one quarter its original volume, basement and storehouse need to be en rely sprayed, all accesses like
allow it to cool before taking it internally the chimneys and air ducts, then lock them or put a symbolic closing
saying Bismillah. If there is a garden, it is not necessary to spray it, just
• Tea prepared by steeping 1 tablespoon thyme leaves in a cups of
spray the outside door and the lane to the house. For a shop, do spray
boiling water for around 10 minutes is very effective in arresting
the goods storage place and all machines involved in produc on as well
excessive menstrual bleeding during heavy periods
as administra on. Spray at any moment, all at once, saying Bismillah
• Take food rich in vitamin A ,C and minerals like magnesium , each me so that jinns go away and avoid being burned. They will not
iron and calcium like potatoes, pumpkin seeds, clams, molasses be able to come back a er you spray.
are helpful and effective treatment for stopping heavy bleeding
during menstruation. Senna Leaves
If you believe that you have consumed sihr (items of black magic),
The diet should contain lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, green
take the senna the treatment to remove it from your stomach
vegetables. Vitamin K is actually known for its blood clotting
followed by Ruqya recitation for treatment to become effective.
properties and helps to treat this disorder efficiently.
It is a recommended remedy to remove eaten sehr. It depends on
how badly you are affected with sihr. You may need to complete
more than one treatment in order to completely remove the sihr.
Keep a gap of at least two weeks between the treatments.
• Take 1 table spoon of Senna Leaves in a pot, and boil in 500ml
(0.5L) (just like as u prepare tea) (it is recommended that first
you prepare the drink and then blow on it)
• Add honey to taste.
• Drink in the morning half an hour before breakfast.
• It will take minimum 4-5 hours to take effect
• Drinking Senna may give you stomach cramps and diarrhoea.
• Drink no more than six days.

74 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 99

• Surah As-Saffat (37), verses 1-10. 7 mes
• Surah Al-Ĥashr (59), verse 21. twice
• Surah Al-Jinn (72), verses 1-9. 7 mes
• Surah Al-Iqhlas (112). 7 mes
• Surah Al-Falaq (113). 7 mes High Bilirubin
• Surah An-nas (114). 7 mes Bilirubin is primarily a bi product of the breakdown of red blood cells in
the liver and is removed from the body through the excretory system.
You can recite more verses such as Manzil or whatever aayah.
When the liver malfunc ons or fails, the levels of bilirubin within the
body starts to increase and the body may start to become yellowish
in color. The whites of the eyes are the first no ceable symptom as
Do inten on (niyyah) : Ya ALLAH solve my all problems ,Give me healthy
they start to yellow. One of the most common medical condi ons that
life ameen.
results from high bilirubin levels is jaundice. Because of the fact that
Take enough water and separate it in 3 parts 1st for bathing 2nd low levels are not usually considered a medical concern, there are no
drinking 3rd spraying. low bilirubin levels treatments.
Bathing All causes of high bilirubin levels in adults are linked with failure of the
Every day a er the maghrib prayer,if not possible so do it in the morning. liver and factors like excessive alcohol consump on, being affected by
you will step into a large bucket (so as to recover the Quran water) and the hepa ts virus or even as a result of drug toxicity.
pour one 1.5 Liter over your head and body while rubbing the painful In adults the most common sign of high levels of bilirubin is a yellow
parts (you can heat the water up in the microwave oven). Recover the color to the eyes and skin. Some other symptoms include fa gue, dark-
water in the bucket, say “bismillah” and pour it somewhere it will get colored urine, vomi ng and nausea.
soaked and won`t go into a drain.
You have to wash for 12 consecu ve days. If you forget to wash a single Remedies for High Bilirubin
day, you have to restart the washing from day 1. • Have plenty of fruit juices and drink a lot of fresh vegetable juices.
• Try and avoid food that has a lot of fat and oil in it ie fried food etc.
S ck to a simple light or liquid diet.
Drink as much as u can in the morning evening I would like to advice
• Avoid having Tobacco and Alcohol as they put a lot of strain on the
that whenever you want to drink water use this.
Spraying • Donot eat spicy food,meat and use vegetables.Ensure that your
Spray the house with the Quran water. Pour the water in a spray or put diet is rich in Vitamin C and B complex.Chew sugarcane couple of
a spray on the bo le of water, you can also do it with your hand. Spray mes a day as it plays the role of a diure c and hence cleans the
the whole house: walls, roof, floor, under the furniture, in drawers, urine.

98 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 75

• Take pure turmeric powder, add 10gms of this powder to 50gms of
pure yoghurt and mix well and divide into equal parts. Drinks one
part in the morning and another in the evening for 15days.
• Take 20 grams of pure honey and the same amount of neem leaves.
Then add 3 grams black pepper powder. Have half of it in the
morning, half at night.
• Have plenty of Barley water. You can also try having 1 spoonful olive Ruqyah Verses of Healing from Quran & Hadiths
oil every 6 hours as it helps lower the bilirubin level. You need the following items placed in front of you:
1. Senna Leaves
Low Blood Pressure
2. 500ml Olive oil
Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, The condi on can
3. Water 5 litres minimum
be caused by issues like dehydra on, prolonged bed rest, nutri onal
4. Honey
deficiencies, a decrease in blood volume, heart problems, pregnancy,
endocrine disorders, and neurological condi ons. Recite all the verses given below or ask someone to read for you,
Blow as though you are spi ng but without spit, either at the end of
Remedies for Low Blood Pressure each surah, or a er each ayah, or whenever it is easy for you, into the
• Simply mix one-half teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and drink it. water, olive oil, Honey and Senna leaves.
You can also drink sports beverages.
• Surah Al-Fa ha (1) 11 mes
• Having a cup of strong coffee, hot chocolate, cola, or any caffeinated
• Surah Al-Mu’minūn (23), verses 97 and 98, 7 mes
beverage can also temporarily increase your blood pressure.
• Surah Al-Baqara (2), verses 1 to 7, 3 mes
• Soak 30 to 40 raisins in a cup of water overnight.
Eat them in the morning, one at a me, on an empty stomach. You • Surah Al-Baqara (2), verse 102 7 mes
can also drink the water in which the raisins were soaked.Follow • Surah Al-Baqara (2), verse 163. 3 mes
this remedy for a few weeks or even a month. • Surah Al-Baqara (2), verse 255. 11 mes
• Extract the juice of 10 to 15 basil leaves.Add one teaspoon of honey • Surah Al-Imran (3), verse 26. 3 mes
to it. • Surah Al-A’raf (7), verse 54 3 mes
Drink this juice daily on an empty stomach. • Surah Al-A’raf (7), verses 117-122. 11 mes
You can also chew four to five basil leaves daily in the morning.
• Surah Yoonus (10), verses 81-82. 11 mes
• Drink a cup of beetroot juice twice daily for about one week.
• Surah Ta-Ha (20), verses 68-70. 7 mes
• Soak five to six almonds in water overnight.In the morning, peel off
• Surah Al-Mu’minūn (23), verses 115-116. 7 mes
the skin and grind the almonds into a smooth paste.Finally, boil the
paste in a cup of milk. Drink a cup of this every morning. • Surah Adh-Dhāriyāt (51), verse 56. 7 mes

76 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 97

• Take a glass of carrot juice.Mix two tablespoons of honey in it.Drink
it twice daily (on an empty stomach in the morning and in the
• Drink some lemon juice mixed with a li le salt and sugar. It helps
energize your body by s mula ng the liver func on and aiding
in diges on. A glass of sugarcane juice mixed with a teaspoon of
lemon juice and salt is also useful.
(Note): Also, consult your doctor to check if any of your prescrip on
medica ons are causing the problem.

High Blood Pressure

It is caused by Obesity, Stress, Hormonal changes in women, High
intake of sodium

Remedies for High Blood Pressure

• Garlic is known as one of the most effec ve remedy in lowering the
blood pressure.
• Squeeze half a lemon in 100-150 grams of water and drink it every
two hours for immediate relief.
• Indian gooseberry (amla) is also effec ve food remedy for high
blood pressure. One tablespoonful each of fresh amla juice and
honey mixed should be taken every morning
• Watermelon is safeguard against hypertension.
• Grind equal amounts of watermelon seeds and poppy seed. Take
one teaspoonful with an empty stomach in the evening with water
for lowering blood pressure.
• Take one teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds morning and evening with
an empty stomach for 20-25 days with water.
• One or two pieces of garlic rolled in raisin lowers blood pressure.
• Take four leaves of Holy Basil and two leaves of Neem with 3-4
teaspoonful of water, empty stomach for 6-7 days.

96 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 77

• Take fresh papayas daily on an empty stomach for a month regularly
to decrease hypertension.
• Amla taken along with milk daily also helps in lowering the blood
• Walking barefoot on green grass for 20-25 minutes daily improves
blood circula on and helps to maintain the blood pressure at
In minor burns herbs and homeopathic medicines have remarkable
success reliving pain and speeding up healing. First degree burn
• Hot foot or leg bath for 10-15 minutes and hot compress over the
can be treated by home remedies. Second and Third degree burns
heart are the water treatments that have been proved beneficial
need immediate attention to doctor.
for blood pressure.
• Mix half onion juice and half of honey. Take 2-3 tablespoons twice Remedies for Burn
daily to lower the blood pressure. • Applying beaten egg on the burns cures it.
• Baked potatoes can be used for lowering the blood pressure.
• Apply ice packs to the burnt area for 10-15 minutes.
• The vitamin P content in grapefruit is very helpful in toning up the
• Alovera is highly effective in treating burns. So apply alovera
arteries and lowers the blood pressure.
gel on the burnt area.
• 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, 12 ounces of whole milk, 1 mug.
• Applying papaya fruit over the burnt area helps in curing
• Cut the 3 cloves of garlic in 6 smaller sizes; drop the cloves in the
12 ounce glass of milk. Keep it overnight in the refrigerator and use
before breakfast. • Apply olive oil or sunflower oil on burns. This heals the scalds,
• Apply liquid paraffin or petroleum jelly on burns. This reduces
There are 2 types of cholesterol, Low density lipoproteins or LDL (bad
cracks in skin and prevents infection.
cholesterol) and high density lipoproteins HDL (good cholesterol). LDLs
are responsible for plaque build-up in the arteries, this blocks the flow • Applying extract of onion juice over the burn. This relieves
of blood to mayor organs like the liver, the kidneys, genitals, brain and pain.
is the number one cause of heart disease. • Take Vitamin C tablet.
Remedies for Cholesterol • Take vitamin E needed to prevent scarring.
• Taking Vitamin C with bioflavonoid 4000 mg. a day lowers
• Ginger reduces cholesterol and thins the blood improving
circula on.

78 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 95

• 1 tsp. lavender essential oil. • People suffering from high Cholesterol should drink at least 8 to
1 tbsp. vegetable oil. 10 glasses of water per day as it s mulates the ac vity of skin and
Mix the ingredients and apply it directly on the injury. Do not kidneys thereby reducing excessive Cholesterol from the system.
use around eyes. • Take one cup of water and add 2 teaspoons of coriander seed powder
• Jewelweed is used to reduce itching and soothe the skin, take to it. Boil this solu on for a few seconds, and then, strain. Add some
two or three leaves, break them and apply the juice over the milk, sugar, and cardamom for taste. Drink it twice a day.
injured area. • Consume 2 – 4 cloves of garlic with water every day.
• Allergic reaction from a bite or a sting is cause by formic • Regular physical exercises like bicycling, swimming, jogging etc
acid which can be neutralized using 1 tsp. of yellow dock leaf are helpful in improving blood circula on and enhancing the good
tincture and 2 tsp. of baking soda. Mix the ingredients and Cholesterol level.
form a poultice. Apply as needed. • Remember that high cholesterol is just one of the things that
increase your risk for Coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart a ack.
Controlling other health problems, such as high blood pressure and
diabetes, is also important to reduce your overall risk.

There are two types of Diabetes, Type I and type II, in type I, the
pancreas produces no insulin whatsoever, therefore the patient
depends on insulin injection, to control the glucose, this type of
diabetes affects people less than 30 years old, and develops when
antibodies, kill cells of the pancreas in charge of creating insulin.
Type II diabetes affects people whos are in the age of 30 years and
older, and is cause by the insufficient or ineffec ve produc on of
insulin, this type of diabetes can be controlled with drugs and proper
diet. The symptoms for either diabetes are, hunger and thirst more
then normal, weight loss, excessive urina on, fa gue, the white part of
the eye turns yellowish, bruises easily, and cuts take longer to heal.

Remedies for Diabetes

• Exercise regularly. It has been shown that people who exercise
regularly are 50% less likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes. If you have
diabetes, it is s ll important to stay ac ve,

94 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 79

• Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as foods containing whole
grains, which contain Vitamin B and chromium.
• If you are overweight, loose it! Obesity is one of the major risk factors in
Type 2 Diabetes.
• Managing diabetes starts with ea ng healthy. Reduce your intake of
refined and processed foods containing high fat and sugar levels. When someone is stung by an insect the area becomes swollen,
• Monitoring your glucose levels is important so try adop ng regular red, extremely painful or burning, however if the symptoms are,
tes ng as a daily habit as soon as possible. hard to breath, hard to swallow, disorientation, swelling of eyes
• Drink some bi er gourd juice on an empty stomach each morning. First and mouth and in some cases unconsciousness or death.
remove the seeds of two to three bi er gourds and use a juicer to extract Nature gives us hundreds of insects that can bite or sting, but it
the juice. Add some water and then drink it. Follow this treatment daily also gives us an array of herbs that can reduce the itching and
in the morning for at least two months. swelling.
• Mix one teaspoon cinnamon in a cup of warm water. Drink it daily.
• Fenugreek is an herb that can also be used to control diabetes, improve Remedies for Insect Bite
glucose tolerance and lower blood sugar levels. • Remove the stinger. Do Not squeeze it this will inject more of
• Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Drink the the venom in the patient. Clean the area.
water along with the seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. Follow • Crush Plantain leaves extracting the juice and applying it on
this remedy without fail for a few months to bring down your glucose the injured area.
level. (OR) • Apply toothpaste on the sting.
• Eat one tablespoons of powdered fenugreek seeds daily with milk.
• A homeopathic remedy that can be very helpful is Apis
• Drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily. Drinking enough water will also Mallifica, 30x it reduces inflammation and pain, burning and
lower the risk of other ailments associated with diabetes. Moderate stinging.
exposure to sunlight too, is essen al for leading a healthy life, Sunlight
• A homeopathic remedy called Cantharis 30c is good for bee
improves the func onality of vitamin D, which is essen al for insulin
or wasp stings.
produc on. Take a few minutes every day and let your body soak in the
sun light. • A homeopathic remedy called Carbolicum acidum30c is used
in more severe allergic reactions of bee stings or black widow
• Take two pieces of Lady Finger/Okra (Bhindi) and remove/cut both ends
spider bites.
of each piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces
in glass of water. Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during • A homeopathic remedy called urtica urens 30c is good for
night. Early morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of lady itching, burning and pain.
finger / okra (bhindi) from the glass and drink that water.

80 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 93


Sexual Impotence
It is also defined as erec le dysfunc on (ED), and a common problem
affec ng most men at least once during their life me. Though sex is one
of the basic needs in one’s life, the changing and stressful lifestyle has
made it almost impossible to enjoy the pleasure of sex. The pressure
of work has become so hec c and demanding that there is li le me
or interest for them to enjoy their sex life.

Causes Of Sexual Impotence

Depression, Alcohol abuse, Diabetes, Tiredness, Paralysis of
parasympathe c nerves by drugs, Abuse or misuse of the sexual organ
for a long period, Anxiety of failure

Remedies for Sexual Impotence:

• Garlic is important for people who overindulge in sex to protect
themselves from nervous exhaus on.”Chew two to three cloves of raw
garlic daily. Regularly chewing two or three cloves of raw garlic helps
trea ng sexual impotence. In addi on, ea ng garlic bread prepared
with whole grains helps in the produc on of healthy sperms.
• Take a white onion, peel it off, crush and then fry in bu er. This
mixture can be taken daily with a spoon of honey, but make sure
to consume this mixture when your stomach has been empty for at
least two hours. This remedy helps to treat premature ejacula on,
impotence and involuntary loss of semen during sleep or other
mes (known as spermatorrhea).
• Carrots are considered valuable in curing impotence:Take 150 gm
of carrots, finely chopped with a half-boiled egg and a tablespoon

92 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 81

of honey. Take this mixture, once daily for a month or twolts. • In order to reduce belly fat, chew 3-4 cloves of raw garlic in the
People who are usually tense and suffer from sexual disorders can morning and drink the lemon water a er consuming garlic. This is
find relief. the best home remedy to reduce belly fat fast.
• Lady’s finger are considered a remarkable tonic for improving • Green tea works as a detoxifier, which helps in burning the excess
sexual vigor.Take 5 to 10 grams of the root powder of this body fat. Single cup green tea would not help so make a habit of
vegetable with a glass of milk and two teaspoons of ground consume 4-5 cup green tea in a day. Do not add sugar or milk in
mishri (candy sugar) daily. Regular use of this recipe helps in green tea. Consuming green tea daily can make your skin glow as
restoration of sexual vigour. well as make your tummy flat.
• Take 10 grams of the dried roots of asparagus (or white musli ) • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will not only flush the
and boil it with one cup of milk. Take this mixture twice daily for fat, but also make your skin shiny and glowy. Your hair will become
satisfactory results. healthy, and the whole body will become radiant.
• Take half a teaspoon of ginger juice with a half-boiled egg and
• Add 1 tsp red len l (masoor daal) in 4 glass water and cook it ll
honey, once daily at night, for a month. This recipe is said to
water is le up to one glass. Then pour the water in a glass and
relieve impotency, premature ejaculation, and spermatorrhea.
keep it in such a place where it can get fresh air overnight. Separate
• Dried dates are a highly-strengthening food and have the ability the water in the morning and throw away the len l. Now add 2
to restore sexual drive, increase endurance and improve overall drops of lemon juice, some black pepper and salt in it. Then drink
vitality. it. Do the same con nuously for 40 days.
• Wash black raisins roughly in tepid water and then boil them
with milk which makes them swollen and sweet. Eat these raisins Here’s a list of Foods NOT to eat when trying to lose weight
with milk to get the desired results. (Fat)
Fried foods, Fast Foods, Table sugar, Plain Jam, Salted or Smoked
nuts. Chocolate Fudge, Candy, Toffee, Gums, Mint Sweet, Sweet
Pickles, Puddings, Corn syrup, Cake,Breads & Pastas made with
white flour,Soda pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc, All
baked goods made with white flour, Canned fruits w/added sugar,
Potato chips, cookies, Artificial sweeteners, ice cream, cakes etc.

82 No More Disease Nature is My Medicine No More Disease Nature is My Medicine 91

• Quit Smoking – Cigare es contain a dangerous combina on of
• Increase your intake of berries, nuts, beans, ar chokes, cocoa, MENSTRUAL PERIOD
citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables, all of which are high in
an oxidants.
• Chew Your Food – By making sure that you chew all of your food
properly, A normal menstrual period lasts from 2 to 7 days. The normal cycle
patterns can range from 21 to 35 days. When bleeding occurs that
• Add Yogurt to Your Diet – Yogurt is not only high in calories, but
is not part of the regular cycle; periods are longer or heavier than
is also a great source of prebio c bacteria, which can help your
normal; occurs between periods; time between periods is longer
body’s diges ve system remain healthy.
than normal; or there is an absence of periods, this is called abnormal
• Add Pistachios and Nuts – Pistachios, nuts, and walnuts, among or irregular uterine bleeding. There are various causes of abnormal
others are packed with beneficial minerals and good forms of bleeding, but the most common is a hormone imbalance. At both
fiber. ends of the menstrual life of a woman, periods may be irregular.
Reasons for abnormal periods can be both normal and abnormal.
Remedies for Lose Belly/Overweight The most normal reason is pregnancy. Hormone imbalance (not
• Add the juice of 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix it in medium enough or too much of certain hormones) can also be a common
glass of hot water, Drink this a er waking up in the morning as a reason. This can occur as a result of weight loss or gain; heavy
first thing. exercise; stress; poor diet, illness; or certain medications.
• Drink around 1 litre hot water on an unfilled stomach. This will
Remedies for Irregular/Painful Menstrua on
cleanse the body thoroughly.
• A piece of fresh ginger (adrak), ground and boiled in a cup of
• Ea ng raw tomatoes also helps in reducing the belly fat. water. The infusion should take thrice a day after meals along
• Add 1 tablespoon honey, a pinch of pepper, and some crushed mint with sugar.
leaves to a cup of hot water.mix it and drink it. • Boil 1 teaspoon saffron (kesar) in ½ cup water. Let it reduce to
• Cinnamon works as a great fat burner. Take ½ tablespoon of become 1 tablespoon. Divide this decoction into three portions
cinnamon powder and steep it in water for 5 minutes. Add 1 and take with equal quantities of water, thrice daily for a couple
tablespoon of honey a er straining the cinnamon water. Drink this of days.
before breakfast and before going to bed. • Menstruation delay: Take ½ teaspoon finely ground cinnamon
(dalchini) every night along with 1 cup milk.
• Drinking lemon juice on the daily basis will definitely reduce the
• Powder 1 teaspoon dried mint (pudina) leaves and take with 1
belly fat soon. Add lemon juice in a glass of water. Also add a pinch
teaspoon honey, thrice daily.
of salt. S r it well. Drink this every morning.

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• Excessive Bleeding: Boil 1 teaspoon coriander (dhania) seeds in
2 cups water till it is reduced to 1 cup. Add sugar to taste and
drink when lukewarm. Repeat twice or thrice a day.
• Pineapple AND Papaya helps get periods on time. intake these
fruits as a salad before one week of your period date.
• White sesame seeds too help to regulate periods on time .
Remedies for Gaining Weight:
• Boil grated fresh ginger with water and let it cool and drink twice
• Pot atoes are also rich in fiber and vitamin C, in addi on to giving
a week.
you a bump to your weight.
• Aloe Vera Juice Consume about a glass of fresh aloe vera juice
with empty stomach everyday . • Choose whole grain bread, which is packed with fiber and
• The high fat content in most cheeses will definitely help you increase
your weight.
• One of the easiest ways to gain a bit of extra weight is to get rid of
your skim milk and replace it with high-fat content whole milk.
• Having a steak of meat once or twice a week.
• Bu er, one of the most fat-rich foods which will definitely boost
your weight.
• Eggs – This is one of the most popular and most rapid ways to gain
healthy weight.
• Bananas – For quick on-the-go energy and weight gain help, grab a
• Much like pasta, bread, and potatoes, brown rice is a great source
of compact carbohydrates and also gives you a healthy dose of fiber
to improve heart health, diges on, and cholesterol levels.
• Reduce Stress – Stress can really be a killer! It can increase your
blood pressure and cholesterol levels,
• Get Enough Sleep – Sleep is essen al to heart health because it
gives your body a chance to rest and detoxify itself.

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Build Up Your Stamina Strong

Here are some ways to build your stamina in an easy and effec ve
way :
• Walking : Walking is a good exercise. It improves your energy level
for more active lifestyle and keeps your heart and lung healthy.
It is one of the best cardiovascular workout. It also strengthens
your leg muscles. Brisk(fast) walking is a very effective exercise
to improve and increase your stamina. One should gradually,
increase the walking speed and distance for further health
• Jogging and Running : Jogging and running is one of the best and
effective ways to build stamina and increase your endurance
level. It is one of the best fitness exercise. Jogging and running
boosts your cardiovascular health. It increases your capacity
to do more work and lead a healthy active life. If you are a
starter, start at a slow pace and time. Do not overdo. Wear a
good supportive shoes. Jogging and running will also help you to
burn those extra calories from your body, increase your body’s
metabolism, improves your appetite, builds strong leg muscles,
freshens up your mind and keeps you away from symptoms like
depression and so on.
• Skipping : Skipping or jumping rope is not just about child’s
game play but it is to be noted that, skipping or jumping rope
can actually provide you with number of good health benefits
for all ages. First of all, it’s a good heart pumping exercise. It
involves various muscles in the body including your arms and

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legs. This can have a very good and positive effect on increasing • Climbing Stairs or Steps : This is beneficial and effective. It can
your body stamina. Skipping or jumping rope is a kind of exercise help to increase one’s physical endurance levels and boost your
which is fun and inexpensive. This kind of exercise is convenient stamina as well. Climbing a fleet of stairs may leave you out of
because you can do it anywhere, wherever you go. All you need breath but as you push yourself harder day by day, you will soon
is a skipping or jumping rope which is one portable piece of realise that your stamina has improved. Your heart will pump
equipment. Skip daily and each week you can try to increase the and it is a good workout exercise for you. In few days or a week,
duration. Skipping can help you burn calories and lose weight. you can easily climb a fleet of stairs without getting breathless.
• Swimming is fun. It is a form of exercise that involves you full • Use Good Diet: Avoid carbohydrates ,add proteins ,and vegetables
body. Swimming builds one’s endurance levels and improves in your daily food menu.
body’s stamina. It is an excellent fitness regime and gives out a
great cardiovascular workout. It tones up your muscles and burn Remedies for Stamina:
calories. Different swimming strokes requires different levels of • Take 6 dried figs, 30 g raisins,
stamina. Soak both in water overnight,
• Cycling : Cycling is a form of exercise that is very good for our Eat in 2 doses through the next day.
body and building stamina. Cycling is fun and it increases your • Eat 1 ripe mango 3 times a day,
cardiovascular endurance. It develops your leg muscles and Follow it up by drinking 1 glass of milk,
tones up your thighs, rear end and hips as well. Cycling activity Continue this for 1 month
involves moving the whole body especially the lower parts of
the body. The focus should be on covering a larger distance and
later, make sure to increase your intensity of cycling to cover that
particular distance within a short span of time and improve your
stamina. Cycling is one of the best workout options to lose those
unwanted pounds. Along with building stamina and endurance
power, cycling can also help to reduce stress and depression.

• Hiking or Trekking : Hiking or trekking is a good exercise to build

your body’s stamina and endurance levels as it requires lots
of energy levels and power. It is a great way to get that heart
pumping and exercise your body muscles and the best part is
you can also enjoy the outdoor nature.

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