Smoke Detector CEL

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Done by
AJEET.R.J / 111720104011

Under the Guidance of : Ms. R. Pavaiyarkarasi

Department of Electronics and Communication

R.M.K. Engineering College

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Certified that this project report titled

“SMOKE DETECTOR” is the bonafide work
of AJEET R J (111720104011) who carried out
the work under my supervision.


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Submitted for Vacation Mini Project held

on _____ at R.M.K. Engineering
College, Kavaraipettai, Tiruvallur District –
601 206.

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We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to

the Almighty, our beloved parents for their
blessings and wishes for successfully doing this

We convey our thanks to Chairman Thiru

R.S. Munirathinam and Vice Chairman
Thiru R.M. Kishore who took keen interest
on us and encouraged throughout the course
of study and for their kind attention and
valuable suggestions offered to us.

We express our sincere gratitude to our

Principal Dr. K. A. Mohamed Junaid M.E.,

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Ph.D for fostering an excellent climate to


We are extremely thankful to Dr.S.Pavai

Madheswari, M.Tech, P.hD, Professor and
Head, Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, for having
permitted us to carry out this project

We convey our sincere thanks to our mentor,

skillful and efficient supervisor,
______________________ Assistant
Professor for his extremely valuable guidance
throughout the course of project
We are grateful to our Project Co-ordinators and
all the department staff members for their intense

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❖ Abstract

❖ Introduction

❖ Circuit diagram

❖ Working principle

❖ Circuit explanation

❖ Hardware requirement

❖ Software Requirements

❖ Applications

❖ Advantages

❖ Disadvantages

❖ Circuit pictures

❖ Conclusion

❖ References

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❖ This device helps us to

Abstract take necessary steps as
early as possible.
❖ Thus it got a deep
❖ A smoke detector is a
importance in our
fire protec on device that
pra cal life.
automa cally detects
smoke or gas and also
gives us warning to be
aware of it , with some Introduction
protec on to handle the Fire hazards are not
situa on. uncommon. In order to
❖ It works on the principle avoid damage from fire
of detec on of fire by accidents, smoke
sensing rise in detectors are installed at
temperature, using a
high-security places.
thermostat. Many fire
These smoke detectors
accidents occurs due to
absence of human in the
detect smoke as the fire
right place at right me. breakout and invoke an
❖ As soon as the smoke is early alarm.
detected the circuit is
ac vated thereby giving This way, before the fire
a buzzer sound warning. spreads to other parts of
With the help of this the building, people can
device huge accidents can be evacuated and
be prevented. countermeasures can be
done immediately. In this
project also a smoke

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detector has been Smoke Detector Circuit

designed. with adjustable

❖ We used a Smoke Sensor

CIRCUIT MQ-2 as the main
DIAGRAM sensory device.

❖ Initially, when the air is

clean, the conductivity
between the electrodes is
less, as the resistance is
in the order of 50KΩ. The
inverting terminal input
of comparator is higher
than the non-inverting
terminal input. The
Working indicator LED is OFF.

❖ In the event of ire, when

❖ Working of this Smoke the sensor is illed with
Detector Alarm Circuit is smoke, the resistance of
easy . the sensor falls to 5KΩ
and the conductivity
❖ Smoke Detectors are between the electrodes
amazing devices as they are increases.
small, cheap yet very useful.
❖ This provides a higher
❖ In this project, we input at the non-inverting
implemented a simple

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terminal of comparator
than the inverting Methodology:
terminal and the output
of comparator is high. • SmokeSensor
The alarming LED is (MQ2/MQ6):
turned ON as an
indication of presence of MQ2 gas sensor is an electronic
smoke. sensor used for sensing the
concentration of gases in the air
❖ Whenever smoke sensor such as LPG, propane, methane,
hydrogen, alcohol, smoke and
senses smoke, it reduces its carbon monoxide.MQ2 gas sensor
resistance and due to this is also known as chemiresistor. It
decrease in resistance, contains a sensing material whose
voltage across the base of resistance changes when it comes
in contact with the gas. This change
the transistor increases. in the value of resistance is used for
the detection of gas.
❖ Now when the voltage at
the base terminal of • Arduino uno:
transistor become more than
or equal to 0.70v then Arduino is a single-board
transistor turns on and LED microcontroller meant to make
lights up and buzzer also the application more accessible
starts beeping. which are interactive objects and
its surroundings. The hardware
❖ And when there is no Smoke, features with an open-source
hardware board designed around
both the indication
an 8-bit Atmel AVR
components turns off as the microcontroller or a 32-bit Atmel
voltage across base ARM. Current models consists a
terminal of transistor goes USB interface, 6 analog input
below the 0.70v. pins and 14 digital I/O pins that
allows the user to attach various
extension boards.The Arduino

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Uno board is a microcontroller Arduino programming. It is where

based on the ATmega328. It has 14 you’ll be typing up your code before
digital input/output pins in which 6 uploading it to the board you want to
can be used as PWM outputs, a 16 program. Arduino code is referred to
MHz ceramic resonator, an ICSP as sketches.
header, a USB connection, 6 analog
inputs, a power jack and a reset
button. This contains all the Coding:
required support needed for
microcontroller. In order to get
started, they are simply connected int redLed = 12;
to a computer with a USB cable or int greenLed = 11;
with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery. int buzzer = 10;
Arduino Uno Board varies from all int smokeA0 = A5;
other boards and they will not use // Your threshold value
the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip in int sensorThres = 400;
them. It is featured by the
Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to
version R2) programmed as a void setup() {
USB-to-serial converter. pinMode(redLed, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);
• Buzzer: pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode(smokeA0, INPUT);
Buzzers are electric sounding }
devices that generate sounds.
Typically powered by DC voltage,
they can be categorised as Piezo void loop() {
buzzer and magnetic buzzer. They int analogSensor =
come in different designs and uses analogRead(smokeA0);
as well, and based on that, they can
produce different sounds.
Serial.print("Pin A0: ");
• Arduino IDE: // Checks if it has reached the
threshold value
The Arduino Integrated if (analogSensor >
Development Environment (IDE) is the sensorThres)
main text editing program used for {

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digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH); ⮚Halls

tone(buzzer, 1000, 200);
else ⮚Colleges
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
HIGH); Advantages:
} ✔Detects products of

✔Detects fire.

✔Low cost.

✔High portability
Applications: ✔Low power consumption
✔Easy to understand
⮚Commercial buildings
✔Easy to install

⮚Hospitals ✔Can be prone false


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✔Cannot be used in ❖The sensitivity of the

kitchen’s. circuit to different
concentrations of smoke
✔Steam can cause falase can be adjusted by using
alarms the POT.
❖The output LED can be
✔It requires air or oxygen replaced with a loud
to work buzzer for effective
✔It can be poisoned

Points to Conclusion:
be noted
▪ Smoke detector is one of
❖The heating element in the easier and low cost.
the Smoke Sensor must
be preheated before it ▪ Most of the industries use
can sense any smoke or it,because it works fast
gas. and most effective.

❖The sensor gets hot ▪ In future the use of smoke

because of the heating detection will increases.
coil and it is advised not
to touch the sensor while ▪ In future I may going to
it is switched on. include a Bluetooth gsm
module to receive alert

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