L.E.D. (Laser Security System)

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It is to certify that Vaibhavi Mahto, student of class 12-C has
successfully completed the investigatory project on the topic
“L.E.D.(Laser Security System)” under the guidance of Mr.
Jaiveer Singh during the year 2022-2023 in partial fulfillment of
Physics Practical Examination conducted by CBSE.

Signature of the Examiner Signature of Subject Teacher

 In the accomplishment of this project successfully, many people have bestowed on

me their blessings and their immense support.

 I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my subject teacher Mr.

Jaiveer Singh as well as our principal Ms. Deepti Jagota who gave me the golden

opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic “L.E.D.(Laser Security

System)” which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about

so many new things.

 Secondly, I would like to thank my parents and my friends who helped me a lot in

finalizing this project within the given time.

 Last but not the least I would like to thank our lab assistant and all the people who

had helped me directly or indirectly during the completion of this project.

 Introduction
 Components/Materials Required

 Circuit Diagram

 Working

 Uses and Advantages

 Disadvantages

 Conclusion

 Bibliography
 Security is the most important factor today. Technology develops day by
day in the world. The crime gang also improves their technology to
perform their operation.
 So technology of security should modern with time to protect the crime
works. We decided to make a laser security system project as our
project. In this project we have used the laser light to cover a large area.
 We know laser light goes through long distance with out scattering
effect. It’s also visible at source and at incident point, otherwise
 These two properties helps us to build up a modern security system,
which may name as “laser security”.
 When any person or object or cross over the laser line the security alarm
will ring and also the focus light will “on” to focus the entrance of
unauthorised person. We can make a security boundary of single laser
light by using mirror at every corner for reflection.
1.Breadboard : A breadboard also known as protoboard is a type
of solder less electronic circuit building. You can build a
electronic circuit on the breadboard without any soldering !Best
of all it is reusable.

2.LDR : A photo resistor is also called light dependent resistor or

photocell is a light controlled variable resistor. The resistance of a
photo resistor decreases with increasing incident light intensity in
other words, it exhibits photoconductivity.
3.Resistor: A resistor is an electrical component that limits or
regulates the flow of electrical current in an electric circuit. Resistors
can also be used to provide a specific voltage for an active device
as an transistor.

4.NPN(BC547) Transistor : NPN is one of the two types of bipolar

transistor consisting of a layer of
P-doped semiconductor(the base)
between two N-doped layers. A small
current entering the base is amplified
to produce a large collector and
emitter current.
5.Laser Pointer : A laser pointer or laser pen
is a small handheld device with a power
source and a laser diode emitting a very
narrow coherent low powered laser beam
of visible light.
6.LED : A light emitting device
emits visible light through it.
7.Battery : A container consisting of
one or more cells, in which chemical
energy is converted into electricity
and used as a source of power.
8.Wire : Metal drawn out
into the form of a thin
flexible thread or rod.
9.Battery clip: It is used to connect the
battery terminals.
10.Buzzer: An electrical device
that makes a buzzing noise
and is used for signaling.
 This circuit is based on LDR(Light Depended Resistor),
variable resistor in which the resistance varies according
to the light intensity falling on it.
 LDR and resistor R1 forms a potential driver network
which is the main part of our security alarm circuit.
 The voltage drop across the LDR is used to drive the
transistor switch. When the voltage drop is above cut in
voltage, the transistor is turn ON.
 LDR has low resistance in the presence of light and high
resistance in the absence of light.
 In our security alarm, a laser light is allowed to fall on the
LDR continuously using 3 mirrors.
 Light from another source should not allowed to fall on the
LDR, so place the LDR in a box with a single hole to pass
 In this situation the resistance offered by LDR is too
low .Since the LASER light is continuously allowed to
fall on the LDR surface.
 Thus the voltage drop across the LDR is also low
[V=IR(Ohm’s Law)] which is insufficient to turn ON the
transistor, so the transistor remains in off state.
 When a person makes a blocks to the continuously flow of
LASER beam, then the light falling on the LDR gets blocked.
Thus its increases to a high value in the order of M ohm range
(according to the Ohm’s Law V=IR)
 While resistance increases, voltage drop also
increases . When this voltage drop exceeds cut in
voltage of silicon NPN transistor(BC547) it will turn
 Then current from vice starts flowing to ground via
the buzzer and transistor, which makes the beep
 The beep sound from the security alarm gives the
indication of some security failures.
1) Laser security system locks working:
Laser door alarm is based on the interruption of laser beam. The
laser pointer is used as the source of light beam.

2) Laser system:
Laser technology products
will calculate distance by
measuring the time of flight of
very short infrared light
3) Theft detection by laser system:
It can be design as a simple electronic
project for demonstration in science
exhibition. It can also be made as a
mini or major project for electrical
or electronic students.

4)Other uses of laser system :

The laser security system are high tech
innovations that have gained popularity
in home and office security system.
1) False Alarm: The laser security system works
only if the laser is obstructed. If the intruder
passes without obstructing the laser, it is
considered as a failure.
2) Expensive: Both, wireless and hardwired alarm
systems are expensive to install.
3) Can be Stolen: Irrespective of the type of burglar
alarm you have, it can be stolen from the site
where it is installed.
4) In order to secure a larger area, we need more
lasers and corresponding sensors.
1)Home security is rapidly growing field and there
are new & improved burglar alarms popping up
every day.
2)With rapid advancement of technology the field
is turning out to be an area full of scope and new
changes can be made to make it more efficient.
3) It has years to come, because security is of
prime importance to one and all.
 https://www.electronicshub.org/laser-security-sy
 https://
 https://www.covesmart.com/blog/what-is-a-laser
 Your Short Guide To Security

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