Bahrain Daily Tribune 20-10-23
Bahrain Daily Tribune 20-10-23
Bahrain Daily Tribune 20-10-23
WORLD 6 WHO says AI can transform healthcare if understood properly
Manama clinch
OCTOBER, 2023 Defending league
220 FILS champions outclass
ISSUE NO.9720 bitter rivals
3844 4692 Muharraq to lift
the Late Shaikh
/nobmedia Mohammed bin
Abdulrahman Al
[email protected] Khalifa Cup | P12
H i s Ro y a l H i g h n e s s
P r i n c e Sa l m a n b i n
Hamad Al Khalifa, the
Crown Prince and Prime Minis-
ter, yesterday issued Edict (99) of
eral of the PMO shall implement
the provisions of this edict, which
comes into effect upon its issu-
ance and will be published in the
Official Gazette.
Directorate at the Ministry of So-
cial Development.
Article (II): The Minister of So-
cial Development shall implement
the provisions of this edict, which
The edict stipulated the fol-
The Academic Accreditation
Committee shall be chaired by
Dr. Mona Mohammed Hassan
Al Shaikh, Dr. Hassan Marhama
Hassan, and Dr. Abdul Raheem
Mohammed Abbas
Article (II)
2023, appointing a director at the HRH Prince Salman issued comes into effect upon its issu- Al Bulooshi and comprises the The membership of the com-
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Edict (98) of 2023, appointing a ance and will be published in the following members: mittee extends for a term of four
based on a proposal by the Direc- director at the Ministry of Social Official Gazette. years that can be renewed.
tor General of the PMO. Development, based on a proposal HRH the Crown Prince and Article (I) The Chairman of the Board of
The edict stipulated the fol- by the Minister of Social Devel- Prime Minister, issued Edict (100) Dr. Ebrahim Al Sayed Jamal Al Trustees of the HEC shall imple-
lowing: opment. of 2023, restructuring the Aca- Hashemi, Dr. Waheeb Isa Al Nass- ment the provisions of this edict,
Article (I): Ziyad Khalifa Al The edict stipulated the fol- demic Accreditation Committee, er, Dr. Farzana Abdullah Maraghi, which comes into effect upon its
Binali shall be appointed as Di- lowing: based on a proposal by the Chair- Dr. Esmat Jafaar Ali, Suha Mo- issuance and will be published in
rector of the Human Resources Article (I): Sadiq Abdulali Ali HRH Prince Salman man of the Board of Trustees of hammed Al Kooheji, Dr. Zainab the Official Gazette.
T he telethon, aimed at
providing support to the
Palestinian people in the
Gaza Strip, will start today at
5pm (Bahrain Time).
I nformation Minister, Dr.
Ramzan bin Abdulla Al
Noaimi, lauded the distin-
guished cooperation between
every success in carrying out
his diplomatic duties.
The two sides discussed ar-
eas of cooperation between
the two countries in the media
It is organise by the Bahraini Bahrain and France, which field.
National Committee for Sup- reflects the historical depth The French Ambassador
porting the Palestinian People of their strong friendship re- expressed thanks and appre-
in Gaza in collaboration with lations, and their joint keen- ciation to the Information
Bahrain TV. ness to continue their efforts Minister for the audience, af-
This comes in implemen- to achieve their common in- firming his country’s keenness
tation of the directives of His terests. to bolster cooperation with
Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Dr. Al Noaimi was speaking the kingdom, and build on the
Al Khalifa, the Honorary Presi- as he received yesyetrday Eric existing understanding and
dent of the Royal Humanitarian Giraud-Telme, French Ambas- coordination between them to
Foundation (RHF), to provide sador to Bahrain. achieve common aspirations.
aid to the Palestinians in Gaza
to help alleviate the dire condi- Tents for Palestinians seeking refuge are set up on the grounds of a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
tions they are undergoing, and
the call from His Highness Shai-
Refugees (UNRWA) centre in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip yesterday, amid the ongoing battles between Israel
and the Palestinian group Hamas. (AFP)
Bahrain-US relations
kh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khal- support that the RHF received and people with their brethren Bahrain for the campaign and
ifa, HM the King’s Representa- from the government, headed in Palestine. praying for Al Quds, Gaza and
tive for Humanitarian Work and by His Royal Highness Prince peace, and urging worshippers
Youth Affairs, urging citizens Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Donations and contributions to donate.
and residents to contribute to the Crown Prince and Prime Contributions can be made Dr. Al Sayed said that in re-
this humanitarian campaign. Minister. to the campaign through the sponse to the interest of many
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, Secre- Dr. Al Sayed also thanked His foundation’s website www.rhf. parents and students to contrib-
tary General of RHF and Chief Highness Shaikh Nasser bin for, the bank account BH- ute to the campaign in support
Executive of the National Com- setting up the National Com- 07 NBOB0000009957043, and of the people of Palestine, RHF
mittee for the Support of the mittee for the Support of the SMS messages via Batelco 94977, has liaised with the Education
Palestinians in Gaza, extended Palestinians in Gaza. Zain 94944, and STC 98977, in Ministry to allow public and Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief
his thanks and appreciation to The telethon will host a num- addition to the Benefit appli- private school students to con- of the Bahrain Defense Force (BDF), held a meeting with His Excellency
His Majesty for his ongoing hu- ber of national figures to talk cation on telephone number tribute and participate in this Mr. Stephen Bondy, Ambassador of the US to Bahrain, along with other
manitarian initiatives to help about the importance of con- 38800188. national humanitarian effort high-ranking officials. The meeting focused on strengthening the friendly
people in need across the world. tributing to this national cam- Al Sayed thanked the Ministry through creative individual ini- relations between the two countries, particularly in the areas of military
Dr. Al Sayed also extended paign that reflects the firm po- of Justice and Islamic Affairs tiatives that shall be supervised coordination and defense cooperation. Present in the meeting was Colonel
his appreciation for the great sition of the Bahraini leadership for the support of mosques in by the ministry. Christopher Floyd, the Military Attache at the US Embassy in Bahrain.
NIHR promotes legal and
human rights culture Bahrain calls for ‘immediate
action’ to stop Gaza fighting
Moscow better exchange Ombudsman
T he Anti-Economic Crimes
Directorate of the General
Directorate of Anti-Corrup-
retary-General of the OIC.
In his speech, Dr Al Zayani
expressed the Kingdom of Bah-
The minister urged all parties
involved to prioritise dialogue
and peaceful negotiations as a
Security Council to assume its
responsibilities by issuing a resolution that
obliges both conflicting parties to uphold
tion and Economic and Elec- rain’s condolences and sympa- means to cease hostilities and the principles of international law and
tronic Security has arrested a thy to President Mahmoud Ab- alleviate the suffering of civil- international humanitarian law
scam suspect, 23, while selling bas and the Palestinian people ians.
counterfeit foreign currencies following the Israeli bombing He emphasised the imple- DR ABDULLATIF BIN RASHID AL ZAYANI, MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
for half their prices. An in- incident at Al-Ahly Baptist Hos- mentation of international le- tions Security Council assuming tion, reiterated its commitment
vestigation into the received pital in Gaza. gitimacy resolutions regarding its responsibilities by issuing to stability, security, and lasting
information led to identify- He called for restraint, calm, the Palestinian issue and the a resolution that obliges both peace in the Middle East, em-
ing and arresting the suspect. and an end to the destructive advancement of efforts towards conflicting parties to uphold phasising the values of toler-
Legal proceedings were taken war to preserve lives, property, a just and lasting peace in the the principles of international ance, coexistence, brotherhood,
and the case was referred to and regional security. Middle East region. law and international humani- and cooperation in achieving
the Public Prosecution. The Minister also commend- The minister stressed the tarian law. a comprehensive peace for all
ed His Majesty King Hamad bin importance of the United Na- Bahrain, through its delega- peoples of the region.
TDT | Manama
T he International Ombuds-
man Institute ( IOI ) Pres-
ident Chris Field has praised
Bahrain’s open prison and re-
habilitation center in Hamala,
calling it a “model that can be
used in other countries.”
In an interview with the Daily
Tribune, Chris said, “This is an
exceptional facility. I have seen
prisons all around the world,
and I have never seen a prison,
an open prison, as incredibly
impressive as this one. You are
creating an environment where
people, the detainees, can learn Captain Jassim Jabr Al-Dosari, centre, Ombudswoman Ghada Hameed Habib and Chris Field during the visit
new skills and take those skills names of offenders to the judge
into employment and back into for approval, the center will con-
their culture and their Bahraini duct a first-level assessment.
community.” This assessment will include a
Chris made this statement review of the offender’s crimi-
while visiting the open pris- nal history, education, work and
on and rehabilitation center in social services, family and social
Hamala with high-level rep- support, mental and psycholog-
resentatives from Italy, Bela- ical health, and substance use
rus, Pakistan, and a few other disorder.
countries as part of the General Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah The center’s program consists
Secretariat of Grievances con- of three stages: assessment, re-
ference held in Manama. Almas Ali Jovindah, an Ad- habilitation, and integration. In
During the visit, Captain Jas- Almas Ali Jovindah visor on Overseas Pakistani the assessment stage, offend-
sim Jabr Al-Dosari, Director of Grievances, also praised the hu- ers will be moved to a separate
the Alternative Punishments officers said that this initiative man rights protection, saying, building inside the closed reha-
Department, gave a briefing on reflects Bahrain’s commitment “If they are in prison doesn’t bilitation facility. In that build- Facilities at the center
the efforts of the General Ad- to human rights protection. mean they’ve been discarded. ing, they will receive lectures
ministration for the Implemen- Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah, the Looking after them reflects their and participate in activities to fenders will have more time to nies to improve their lives under
tation of Alternative Sentences Secretary General of the OIC vision, which is to make them enhance their skills and knowl- spend with their own families. its supervision. As part of this
and Punishments in expand- Ombudsman Association, also come back to society as perfect edge. During this stage, the center will initiative, one of the offenders is
ing the application of the Penal urged the member countries of human beings capable with a In the rehabilitation stage, of- continue to support them with ready to publish a book that they
Code and Alternative Measures the OIC Ombudsman Association lot of skill and ability. The way fenders will be moved to a build- their education, job search, and wrote inside the open prison and
and implementing the Open to follow Bahrain’s example and they’ve been rehabilitated is just ing that is used as a commercial reintegration into society. rehabilitation center very soon.
Prisons Programme, in addition introduce similar programs in amazing.” section, where they will partic- The open prison and rehabil-
to reviewing the rehabilitation their own countries. ipate in a variety of activities, Permanent jobs itation center is a valuable addi-
and training programs provided He told the Daily Tribune, Open prison and rehabilitation including educational programs, The center’s first batch of 12 tion to Bahrain’s criminal justice
to the program’s beneficiaries. “The prisoners, after complet- center psychological and health care, graduates found permanent jobs system. It provides offenders
Highlighting the efforts of the ing their prison time, can benefit The center is designed to help family and social relationship a couple of weeks ago, and the with the support they need to
Bahraini leadership and Minis- society and lead their future life offenders to transition back support, and religious education. center is working continuously transition back into society and
try of the Interior, Ombudsman in the best way.” into society. Before sending the In the integration stage, of- with private and public compa- live crime-free lives.
T he General Secretariat
of the House of Repre-
sentatives, in collabo-
ration with Al-Hilal Health
Center and Dr. Wafa Ajour
commitment to supporting
national initiatives and efforts
to improve healthcare quali-
ty, with a particular focus on
the Breast Cancer Awareness
tribute to improving the over-
all health of participants, their
families, and the Bahraini com-
munity as a whole.
Expressing gratitude, the
employers and workers. The
(All figures in Bahraini Dinars)
CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION as at 30 September 2023 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS for the nine months ended 30 September 2023 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the nine months ended 30 September 2023
30 September 31 December Nine months ended Three months ended 30 September 30 September
2023 2022 30 September 30 September
2023 2022
ASSETS (reviewed) (audited) 2023 2022 2023 2022 (reviewed) (reviewed)
Non-current assets (reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed)
Property, plant and equipment 33,502,148 33,287,725
Investment property 30,090,567 28,541,903 Revenue from contracts with customers 5,285,306 4,855,105 1,534,474 1,681,750 OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Profit for the period 1,770,432 1,280,021
Investment in an associate 6,086,994 6,685,897
Investment securities 4,909,028 5,269,709 Operating costs (3,297,711) (3,096,376) (1,071,652) (1,131,695) Adjustments for:
Depreciation 1,630,141 1,910,470
Total non-current assets 74,588,737 73,785,234 Gain on sale of property , plant and equipment (510) -
GROSS PROFIT 1,987,595 1,758,729 462,822 550,055 Share of profit of an associate (1,342,438) (1,453,771)
Current assets Change in fair value on investments at FVTPL (37,789) 53,231
Inventories 82,402 84,211 Dividend income (141,241) (114,205)
Share of profit of an associate 1,342,438 1,453,771 436,048 540,056 Interest income (279,022) (195,341)
Investment securities 1,092,905 1,072,911 Dividend income 141,241 114,205 500 501 (Charge) / reversal of impairment on financial assets (519) 49,364
Trade receivables and other assets 661,233 679,801 Interest income 279,022 195,341 89,688 75,743 Provision for employees’ benefits 40,127 48,303
Change in fair value of investments at
Bank deposits 500,000 5,000,000
fair value through profit or loss 37,789 (53,231) (1,814) (50,284) Operating profit before working capital changes 1,639,181 1,578,072
Cash and cash equivalents 5,392,799 1,948,604 Other income 10,113 5,611 6,975 1,575 Change in inventories 1,809 (6,972)
Depreciation (1,630,137) (1,910,466) (542,473) (638,283) Change in trade receivables and other assets 72,551 (224,161)
Total current assets 7,729,339 8,785,527 General and administration expenses (397,629) (283,939) (128,226) (144,502) Change in trade and other payables (41,180) 118,427
Total assets 82,318,076 82,570,761 Profit for the period 1,770,432 1,280,021 323,520 334,861 Cash flows from operations 1,672,361 1,465,366
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Basic and diluted earnings per share (fils) 15 11 3 3 Employees’ end of service benefits paid (14,353) (41,955)
Directors’ remuneration paid (210,000) (53,100)
Non-current liabilities Charitable contributions paid (47,000) (38,500)
Employees’ end of service benefits 267,926 242,152 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME for the nine months ended 30 September 2023
Net cash from operating activities 1,401,008 1,331,811
Total non-current liabilities 267,926 242,152 INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Nine months ended Three months ended
30 September 30 September Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,243,506) (175,266)
Current liabilities Purchase of investment property (2,149,723) (181,366)
Trade and other payables 1,295,970 1,594,151 2023 2022 2023 2022 Purchase of investments at amortised cost - (676,628)
(reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed) Purchase of investments at FVTPL - (1,133,550)
Total current liabilities 1,295,970 1,594,151 Bank deposits 4,500,000 (1,700,000)
Profit for the period 1,770,432 1,280,021 323,520 334,861 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 510 -
Total liabilities 1,563,896 1,836,303 Disposal of investments at FVTPL - 53,553
Dividends received from an associate 1,900,000 2,200,000
Other comprehensive income Dividend received from investment securities 141,241 114,205
Interest received 248,928 215,269
Share capital 12,127,500 12,127,500 Items that will not be reclassified to profit
or loss in subsequent periods:
Treasury shares - (46,451)
-Net movement in fair value of Investments Net cash from / (used in) investing activities 3,397,450 (1,283,783)
Statutory reserve 6,011,069 6,011,069
at fair value through other comprehensive
General reserve 1,087,579 1,087,579 income during the period (355,106) (8,600) (169,326) (15,340) FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Dividend paid (1,450,411) (1,200,762)
Property revaluation reserve 14,418,702 14,418,702
- Share in associates’ other Treasury shares 96,148 39,752
Investments fair value reserve 1,645,241 2,000,347 comprehensive income (41,341) (9,760) (24,505) (35,800)
Share of reserves of associate 181,696 223,037 Net cash used in financing activities (1,354,263) (1,161,010)
Total other comprehensive income for
Retained earnings 45,282,393 44,912,675 the period (396,447) (18,360) (193,831) (51,140) Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 3,444,195 (1,112,982)
Total equity 80,754,180 80,734,458 Total comprehensive income for Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 1,948,604 2,340,595
the period 1,373,985 1,261,661 129,689 283,721
Total liabilities and equity 82,318,076 82,570,761 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September 5,392,799 1,227,613
CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY for the nine months ended 30 September 2023
At 1 January 2022 12,127,500 (94,726) 5,724,191 1,087,579 13,043,666 2,008,947 188,025 43,496,145 77,581,327
At 1 January 2023 12,127,500 (46,451) 6,011,069 1,087,579 14,418,702 2,000,347 223,037 44,912,675 80,734,458
- Profit for the period - - - - - - - 1,280,021 1,280,021
- Profit for the period - - - - - - - 1,770,432 1,770,432
- Other comprehensive income for - Other comprehensive income for
the period - - - - - (355,106) (41,341) - (396,447) the period - - - - - (8,600) (9,760) - (18,360)
Total comprehensive income for Total comprehensive income for
the period - - - - - (355,106) (41,341) 1,770,432 1,373,985 the period - - - - - (8,600) (9,760) 1,280,021 1,261,661
Balance at 30 September 2023 12,127,500 - 6,011,069 1,087,579 14,418,702 1,645,241 181,696 45,282,393 80,754,180 Balance at 30 September 2022 12,127,500 (71,392) 5,724,191 1,087,579 13,043,666 2,000,347 216,786 43,591,822 77,720,499
Faisal Ahmed Al Zayani (Chairman) Adel Nahabah Hamadeh (Vice Chairman & Managing Director)
• Award presented
at GITEX 2023
ing a ceremony held at Avaya’s
stand at GITEX.
Commenting on the occa-
sion, Danesh said, “We are
proud to receive the ‘Govern-
jobs as 5G demand slows
AFP | Helsinki
TDT | Manama ment Solutions Partner of the
Year’ award from Avaya. At
Honda, GM plan driverless taxis in Tokyo in 2026 phones locally and expect
the first devices to roll out in
2024,” Pichai said on X, for-
Google senior vice president
Rick Osterloh said the firm
AFP | Tokyo mobility experience” in Japan, added. merly known as Twitter. sees “an even greater oppor-
Honda said in a statement. Autonomous vehicles are be- Pichai added that Google tunity to make Pixel smart-
have been arrested in connection with “The pace of death, of suffering, tries were the first Arab states to ing to lead his Pakistan Muslim ur trucks are loaded
a suspected intelligence breach, with
media identifying one as a former
member of the military. The pair was
• The Rafah border
crossing, controlled
of destruction... cannot be exag-
gerated,” said UN humanitarian
chief Martin Griffiths.
make peace with Israel in 1979
and 1994, are seen as key media-
tors between Israel and the Pal- BETTER
League-Nawaz (PML-N) party
through elections scheduled for
January 2024.
and ready to go to
Gaza. We are working
with @EG_Red_Crescent
A car drives past a welcoming poster of Pakistan’s former prime minister
arrested in a raid Tuesday by the Swedish by Egypt, is set to There are fears of worse to estinians. The court’s decision allows Nawaz Sharif along a street in Islamabad and @Palestine RCS to
Security Service (Sapo). “We have conducted
an operation and two people have been
open, providing an come if Israel launches an antici- They had been due to have him to return to his political deliver our supplies as
essential route for aid pated ground invasion to destroy four-way talks with Palestinian KNOW heartland of Lahore on Satur- ‘Arrangement’ with army soon as the Rafah cross-
arrested,” Karin Lutz, press officer for Sapo, Hamas and rescue Israeli and president Mahmud Abbas and day for a welcome home rally, ing is opened, hopeful-
told AFP. Lutz said they were suspected of “aggravated unauthorised use of foreign hostages, whose known Biden. But Amman cancelled the while his primary opponent Politicians in Pakistan are ly tomorrow. We urge
classified information,” describing it as a “serious crime.” AFP | Gaza City number Israel yesterday revised summit. Egypt’s President Imran Khan languishes in jail. It’s a new beginning. often tangled in legal proceed- Israel to add fuel to the
12 detained Nicaraguan u Twelve Catholic priests up to 203. Cairo has so far kept the Rafah “It’s a new beginning,” PML-N ings that rights monitors say are life-saving supplies al-
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi His return is poised
detained in Nicaragua have been
priests freed, sent to Vatican released and sent to Rome after alestinians in war-torn border closed, pointing to repeat- chairman Raja Muhammad Za- to be a momentous orchestrated by the powerful lowed to enter.
Gaza yesterday eagerly ‘We’re ready’ ed Israeli strikes near the check- and Jordan’s King Ab- far-ul-Haq told AFP. “His return military, which has ruled the @DrTedros
the government of Daniel Ortega struck awaited the arrival of aid Biden, on a flying visit to meet point and voicing fears that Israel dullah II condemned is poised to be a momentous development country directly for more than
a deal with the Vatican, government trucks promised in a deal struck Prime Minister Benjamin Net- may be hoping to permanently what they described development.” PML-N CHAIRMAN RAJA MUHAMMAD half of its history and continues
officials said Wednesday. The group of
clerics, who have been critical of Ortega’s
by US President Joe Biden, as Isra-
el’s military kept up its bombard-
anyahu and his war cabinet on
Wednesday, reiterated strong
drive Palestinians out and into
Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
as the “collective pun-
ishment” of Gazans,
Sharif ’s lawyer Amjad Per- ZAFAR-UL-HAQ to enjoy immense power.
Nawaz’s fortunes changed
leadership, did not include Bishop Rolando ment of targets in the Hamas-run People dig and search through the rubble of a destroyed building following Israeli US support for its long-time ally On the Gaza side, scores of peo- expressing concerns vaiz told AFP the Islamabad when his brother Shehbaz Sha-
Alvarez, who for a second time chose prison enclave. but also stressed the need to ad- ple were again waiting, desperate High Court granted him pro- rif came to power last year and
over exile. President Ortega, a longtime Egyptian state-linked broad-
bombardment in Rafah
dress the plight of Palestinian to flee but careful to keep at least about the conflict’s tective bail until October 24 his government oversaw chang-
nemesis of the United States, has in recent years clashed with the Catholic Church caster Al Qahera News said the pact of the Israeli blockade. taliation for a Hamas attack on civilians. 100 metres (300 feet) away in case potential to spread meaning “he can not be arrest- es to the law, including limiting
after Pope Francis referred to his government as a dictatorship. Rafah border crossing -- the only “We need food, water, medicine October 7, which Israel said killed Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah of new Israeli bombardment. throughout the Middle ed on his arrival” in Pakistan. the disqualification of lawmak-
one in and out of besieged Gaza and fuel now. We need it at scale at least 1,400 people, most of them al-Sisi and Jordan’s King Abdul- “We’re ready with our bags,” East KNOW WHAT Sharif has been prime minis- ers from contesting elections to
CURIOSER & CURIOSER not controlled by Israel -- would
open on Friday.
and we need it to be sustained, it
is not one small operation that is
Some 1,500 fighters were killed
lah II yesterday condemned what
they said was the “collective pun-
said one man who gave his name
only as Mohammed, 40, and said
he works for a European insti-
opens, I’d get my wife and chil-
ter three times but was ousted five years.
in 2017 and given a lifetime dis- Sharif’s return has likely been I ’ve landed in Saudi Ara-
bia. As an international
More than 100 trucks carrying required,” he added. in clashes before the army re- ishment” of Gazans. dren -- they’re ready.” Sharif has been prime being convicted of corruption. the militarybyestablishment
qualification from politics after smoothed a deal between community, we must not
AFP | Gaza City he first French road convoy Ayorou in northwestern Niger,
BIS students raise cancer awareness at Lulu, Ramli Mall NMS Bahrain celebrates World Mental Health Day
Grade 9 students from Bhavans-Bahrain The New Millennium School, Bahrain celebrated the World Mental Health Day on 10th October. A Poster-making
Indian School (BIS) took a significant activity and street play competition was organised. Principal, Arun Kuumar Sharma acknowledged the importance of
step to raise awareness of cancer in the sound mental health for achieving a sustainable future. Chairman Dr Ravi Pillai and Managing Director Geetha Pillai
community. Their initiative unfolded at appreciated the efforts of the students and their teachers in taking part in the campaign
Lulu Ramli Mall, where they distributed
pink ribbons and engaged with visitors
in meaningful conversations, imparting
knowledge about cancer prevention
and healthier living. The gesture aimed
NMS-Bahrain shines in Sastra Pratibha 2023
to remind people of the importance of
regular check-ups and early detection in
the fight against cancer. The act garnered
recognition from the management of Lulu,
Ramli Mall. BIS Directors, Himanshu Verma
and Ritu Verma, offered their heartfelt
congratulations to the Grade 9 students.
Principal Saji Jacob also congratulated
the students, commending their efforts in
using their voices and actions to positively
impact the community
Students of New Millennium School-Bahrain displayed an exemplary performance in the Sastra Pratibha Contest 2023.
Students from all the CBSE Schools in the Kingdom had participated in the Levels I and II of the contest. The Sastra
BSB wins Independent Schools of the Year award Pratibhas from NMS Bahrain are Jahanvi Kalesh (7 D) , Merwyn Emmanuel D`Souza (9 D), Kaashvi Shree Sivamurugan
(9 D), Rammona Roy (10 B), Saanvi Shetty (11 C). The Chairman, Dr. Ravi Pillai, Managing Director, Geetha Pillai and
The British School of Bahrain (BSB) received a Principal, Arun Kuumar Sharma congratulated the winners
prestigious Independent Schools of the Year Award
at its annual award ceremony event in the Law
Society on Chancery Lane in the centre of London,
UK. The Telegraph Media Group, the publisher of
Independent School Parent Magazine, hosted the RSCI undergraduate student research projects receive accolades
yearly Independent Schools of the Year Awards,
where over 200 of the top schools from around the
world gathered at this glamorous event in the centre
of London. Having been shortlisted as a finalist
three months ago, the British School of Bahrain
represented Bahrain at the Independent Schools of
the Year Awards. As the sole school shortlisted from
the Kingdom, and one of just three finalists from
the Middle East, this achievement was a significant
accolade and testament to BSB’s commitment to The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Medical University of Bahrain honoured the achievements of its
excellence and global best practice. Executive students in the field of undergraduate research. During the summer, 63 students participated in the university’s
Headmaster, John Maguire, attended the event on ‘Research Summer School’ across 23 projects. Dr Bedoor Sami, medicine graduate (Class of 2011), mentored students
Tuesday evening. This award is already the 6th on a project which has been accepted for an oral presentation at the 1st Radiology Highlights Conference to be held in
award that BSB has achieved in the last year and the October, in Dubai. Shahad Abdulkhaleq, joined and developed a research project which won the Lesley Diack Award
second award given to the school this week for Outstanding Research at the 3rd International Congress of Health Workforce Education and Research (INHWE), co-
hosted by the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) in Cardiff (UK).
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AIDE, suitably qualified applicants can contact SOFIQ TAILORING AND TEXTILES CO. W.L.L applicants can contact 39852512 or DFR.2030@ a vacancy for the occupation of MECHANIC, BLUE LAGON INTERIOR DECORATION W.L.L COM
Bahrain lose to Laos in Billie Jean King Cup tennis
TDT | Manama
di Arabia and Iraq; Group
B includes Vietnam, Kyr-
‘I won’t lie’:
Japan goalkeeper
Nakamura plays BETTER
P W L +/- Pts
key role in victory with a Japan 2 2 0 6 4
Bahrain 2 1 1 27 2
number of crucial saves Iran 2 1 1 -4 2 Pat Cummins
Kuwait 1 0 1 -1 0 AFP | Bengaluru
Bahrainis back in Kazakhstan 1 0 1 -28 0
action Sunday against
Kuwait, complete
preliminaries against
Despite their first loss
of the qualifiers, Bah-
helped Bahrain take a slim 16-14
lead at the half.
A ustralia skipper Pat
Cummins thanked
the Netherlands yesterday
Iran Tuesday rain are still in conten- After the break, things were for throwing the five-time
tion but cannot afford even tighter and Bahrain could champions a shock World
any slip-ups moving not widen the gap from their Cup lifeline with their sur-
TDT | Manama rivals. prise victory over South
forward. They must
Each time Bahrain went Africa.
finish the preliminary
ahrain suffered a dis- ahead, the Japanese had a re- “Yeah, I mean it’s good,
heartening 26-27 loss to
round as one of the ply. A Mohammed Habib Ahmed I won’t lie. I think it just
Japan last night in the top two teams from goal made it 24-23 and then Ab- evens all the teams out re-
Bahrain’s Mohammed Hameed Rabia tries to battle past the Japan defence as he Group B to advance to
Asian Men’s Qualification com- goes for goal during their game last night dulhussain made another fine ally,” said Cummins.
petition for the men’s handball the semi-finals. Only stop, giving the Bahrainis a The Dutch stunned South
tournament at the Paris Olympic zakhstan to kick start the com- from the two groups advance the winners of the chance to go ahead by two, but Africa by 38 runs in Dhar-
Games 2024. petition, which is taking place in to the semi-finals, which are Asian Men’s Qualifica- Ahmed misfired on his next at- amsala on Tuesday.
The nationals conceded a pen- Doha, Qatar. scheduled for Thursday next tion tournament clinch tempt and Japan tied once again. It was South Africa’s first
alty with less than 10 seconds to Despite the defeat, Bahrain week. The final and game for Hiroki Motoki then scored on loss of the tournament and
go and Japan’s Kosuke Yasuhira are still in contention in their third place will then be held on
a direct berth at the a fast-break to give the Japanese prevented them from tak-
made no mistake with his ef- qualification bid, but cannot the qualifiers’ concluding day of Paris Olympics a slight edge with just over six ing their record to a perfect
fort. After a timeout, Moham- afford any slip-ups moving for- action on 28 October. minutes left, and then Ahmed three wins in three.
med Habib Nasser had one last ward. Only the winners of the only the national team’s first levelled the scores again at 25- Instead they are only two
chance to salvage a draw, but Today is a rest day at the Qa- Asian Men’s Qualification tour- time competing in the men’s all with a penalty. points ahead of Australia
his shot from well beyond the tari capital and Bahrain only re- nament clinch a direct berth handball tournament at any A Nasser shot was saved by in what is expected to be a
nine-metre line hit the wood- turn to action on Sunday against in next year’s men’s handball Olympic Games, but it was also Nakamura, which was followed tight battle for the top four
work and the Japanese complet- Kuwait. After another rest day competition at the Paris Olym- the Kingdom’s maiden appear- by a Jin Watanabe goal for a 26- places which will decide the
ed their stunning come-from- on Monday, they complete the pics. The runners-up from Doha ance in any team sport at the 25 advantage, but Ahmed Jalal semi-final line-up.
behind win. preliminaries against Iran on will get another chance to book Olympics. scored for Bahrain to forge an- “They played really well,”
Japan goalkeeper Takumi Tuesday next week. their tickets, but must compete In last night’s clash, Bahrain other deadlock heading into the added Cummins whose
Nakamura was instrumental in Iran edged past Kuwait 29-28 against other top handball na- and Japan matched each other final two minutes. team face Pakistan on Fri-
their victory, making a number in yesterday’s other Group B tions from around the world in goal for goal for virtually the Japan’s Taiga Tsutaya then day before taking on the
of crucial saves throughout the game; while in Group A, South one of three Olympic qualifying entire contest. missed a crucial penalty shot, Netherlands in New Delhi
match. Korea defeated Saudi Arabia events. After going down 12-13, the although Bahrain could not take next Wednesday.
The result was the first loss 29-27 and the UAE squeezed past Bahrain are aiming to qual- Bahrainis scored two straight advantage on the other end and “I think what we’re see-
for the Bahrainis in their two China 31-30. Qatar and India ify for their second successive to regain the lead and then goal- a Hassan Shehab turnover led to ing in this tournament is 10
games so far in Group B of the also faced off last night. Olympics, after making their keeper Mohammed Abdulhus- Yasuhira’s decisive penalty shot, really strong sides. It’s not
qualifiers’ preliminary round. At t h e e n d o f a s i n g l e historic debut at the Tokyo Ol- sain made a brilliant save on a which he sent to the bottom-left sides that are just making
They had previously routed Ka- round-robin, the top two teams ympiad held in 2021. It was not Shinnosuke Tokuda effort. That corner of the net. up numbers.
His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, His Majesty the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs and Supreme Council for Youth and Sports (SCYS) Chairman, received the Kingdom’s medal winners from the recently
held Hangzhou Asian Games. Also in attendance at the ceremony was His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, SCYS First Deputy Chairman, General Sports Authority Chairman and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, and a number of top
officials from the Kingdom’s sporting community. Bahrain finished ninth overall on the final medal standings with 20 medals, including a record 12 gold, three silver and five bronze. They were the top-ranked Arab nation amongst the total 41 countries
from across the continent to step onto a podium. Bahrain’s medals were won in five sports, including athletics, handball, jiu-jitsu, wrestling and weightlifting. Above, HH Shaikh Nasser and HH Shaikh Khalid with officials and athletes at the reception
• Manama go on
rip-roaring 21-0
fourth-quarter run
to turn three-point
deficit to big lead
• Mohammed Ameer
scores 24 points for
victors, named game’s
Most Valuable Player
• Travin Thibodeaux
finishes as Manama’s
leading scorer with 27
points, 15 rebounds His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa with Manama skipper
Hassan Nowrooz after presenting him his gold medal
TDT | Manama Muharraq their one-point
lead heading into the last
Manama claimed the ti- Sir’Dominic Pointer added charge with seven straight
With the Bahrain Super Cup
complete, the stage is now set
for the national league cam-
paign to get underway, while KNOW WHAT
City Arena in Isa Town. tle for the first time since the 15 as Manama’s third player in points, which put them up 80- both Manama and Muharraq
Manama used a scintillating 2018/2019 season. double figures. 62. The battle was over by then are also set to compete in the
21-0 run in the fourth quarter Following last night’s action, For Muharraq, Tyler Wilker- and Manama cruised to the final FIBA West Asia Super League Manama claimed the
to turn a narrow deficit to a big Manama were presented the son had 31 points and 11 boards, buzzer. (WASL) 2023/2024.
lead en route to closing out the Late Shaikh Mohammed bin while Bader Abdulla Malabes Manama were the early ag- The WASL has been resched-
Bahrain Super Cup for
contest and lifting the Late Shai- Abdulrahman Al Khalifa Cup added 12. Julius Coles Jr was gressors and took a 21-17 lead uled to begin on 13 November the fifth time in the
kh Mohammed bin Abdulrah- by Bahrain Olympic Committee held to just 10 points on a dis- at the end of the first quarter. in view of the current severe game’s history. The
man Al Khalifa Cup—the game’s vice-president His Highness mal four-for-18 shooting from They continued their strong security situation in the Mid- annual one-off fixture
winners’ trophy named after the Shaikh Isa bin Ali bin Khalifa the field. play in the second and extend- dle East, according to the FIBA is the traditional open-
former Bahrain Basketball Asso- Al Khalifa, who was on hand In last night’s fourth quarter, ed their advantage to 13, 36-23, Regional Office Asia. ing contest of the new
ciation (BBA) president. for the game. Also in attendance Muharraq held a slim 58-57 at following a Thibodeaux triple. Manama, the reigning WASL national basketball
With their victory, Manama were a number of BBA officials. the start of the period and then But Muharraq were able to nar- champions, are in Group B of
claimed the Bahrain Super Cup American professional Travin a Mohammed Nasser lay-up put row the gap before the half and the tournament’s Gulf sub-zone
season. The winners’
for the fifth time in the contest’s Thibodeaux finished as Ma- them ahead 62-59. trailed by just seven, 35-42, at along with Kazma of Kuwait, trophy has been
history. The game is a one-off nama’s leading scorer with 27 But that set the stage for Ma- the break. Shabab Al Ahli of the UAE and named after former
annual encounter that opens the points, while also taking down nama’s game-changing rally, In the third, Wilkerson Al Shamal from Qatar. Muhar- Bahrain Basketball
new national basketball season, 15 rebounds. Bahraini big man where they erupted for 21 un- was on fire as he buried four raq, who are making their WASL Association president,
played usually between the pre- Mohammed Ameer added 24 answered points and held Mu- three-pointers in the period debut, are in Group A alongside the Late Shaikh Mo-
vious season’s league champions markers and nine rebounds, and harraq scoreless for over six alone to spearhead the Mu- Al Ahli Jeddah of Saudi Ara- hammed bin Abdul-
and the winners of the Khalifa he was named the game’s Most minutes. harraq resurgence. His last bia, Kuwait SC of Kuwait and Al
bin Salman Cup. Valuable Player. Ameer capped their superb long-range basket helped give Rayyan of Qatar.
rahman Al Khalifa
Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood Al Mahmood
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