Bahrain Daily Tribune 20-10-23

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WORLD 6 WHO says AI can transform healthcare if understood properly
Manama clinch
OCTOBER, 2023 Defending league
220 FILS champions outclass
ISSUE NO.9720 bitter rivals
3844 4692 Muharraq to lift
the Late Shaikh
/nobmedia Mohammed bin
Abdulrahman Al
[email protected] Khalifa Cup | P12

Ton-up Kohli stars as India overwhelm Bangladesh 10 SPORTS

BUSINESS 5 Nokia to cut up to 14,000 jobs as 5G demand slows

Gaza pleads for help

International aid needed as Israeli attacks on Palestinians persist, leaving more lives lost
were killed in a series of Israe-

HM King to attend • Airstrikes kill 18

Palestinians on refugee
li airstrikes on Jabalia refugee
camp in northern Gaza strip,
the Hamas-run interior ministry
GCC-Asean Summit camp in northern Gaza said yesterday.
TDT | Manama The Israeli army has claimed
TDT| Manama that an exchange of fire oc-

H is Majesty King Ham-

ad bin Isa Al Khalifa
curred, which included explo-
sives being thrown at their se-
will head the delegation of
Bahrain at the Summit of
the Gulf Cooperation Coun-
cil (GCC) and Association
of Southeast Asian Nations
I sraeli attacks on the Pales-
tinian people continued yes-
terday, causing more deaths,
even as the 2.3 million people in
Gaza were waiting for interna-
curity forces. Palestinian Red
Crescent said its medics treated
25 people in Nur Shams, a ma-
jority of which was for gunshot
wounds, and that ambulances
(Asean) Summit today, the tional aid to come through after with the injured were being de-
Royal Court announced. over a week of being cut off from tained by Israeli forces, an AFP
HM the King will attend water, food, medicines, fuel, and report stated.
the summit in Riyadh, Saudi electricity. In two separate incidents, a
Arabia at the invitation of An AFP report yesterday 17-year-old was shot dead by
King Salman bin Abdulaziz evening said nine Palestinians, Israeli forces in Dheisheh ref-
Al Saud, the Custodian of including a 16-year-old boy, ugee camp near Bethlehem and
the Two Holy Mosques. were killed in the northern West a 32-year-old in Budrus to the
Bank by Israeli troops at Nur west of Ramallah, Palestinian
Shams refugee camp. health ministry said.
China slams US Meanwhile, 18 Palestinians Gaza’s health ministry said
sanctions on firms Palestinian civil defence members and others carry a youth after being rescued from a building hit by Israeli
linked to Iran’s bombardment in Khan Yunis on the southern Gaza Strip yesterday. (AFP)
missile programmes yesterday that the death toll tive punishment of Palestinians Minister Rishi Sunak is trave-
AFP | Beijing from the Israeli air strikes in in Gaza as they met in Cairo to ling to Israel and other coun-
the Palestinian exclave since lastdiscuss means to stop the Israeli tries in the region in an effort to

B eijing condemned “il-

legal” US sanctions yes-
terday, a day after Washing-
week has risen to 3,785, which
includes 1,524 children and
around 1,000 women, and that
China said it is deeply disap-
pointed by the United States’
de-escalate the conflict. The US
Fifth Fleet, which operates in
the Arabian Gulf, declared on
ton unveiled new measures 12,493 persons were injured. decision to veto a UN Security Thursday the arrival of a naval
targeting individuals and The World Health Organiza- Council resolution for a human- destroyer named USS Carney,
entities, including those tion (WHO) yesterday evening itarian pause in the Israel-Ha- which is equipped with guided
based in China and Hong demanded that fuel should also mas conflict. In a statement, missiles.
Kong, that allegedly support be allowed into Gaza along with foreign ministry spokesperson With the possibility of inter-
Iran’s missile and drone other aid so as to allow hospi- Mao Ning called on the Security national aid reaching Gaza near-
programmes. tal generators, ambulances, and Council to play its role in reach- ing, the Kingdom of Bahrain has
US authorities have un- desalination plants to function. ing a ceasefire and stopping the opened up a national campaign
veiled new sanctions on war. to raise funds for Gaza aid to the
actors in Iran, Hong Kong, Condemnation Russia announced that it has public through the Royal Hu-
China and Venezuela, ac- Egyptian President Abdel Fat- sent 27 tonnes of humanitarian manitarian Foundation (RHF).
cusing them of “enabling Smoke and fire billow from a building after an explosion in Rafah, South Gaza tah al-Sisi and Jordan’s King Ab- aid to Gaza through Egypt on (Detailed coverage on World
Iran’s destabilising ballis- Strip yesterday. (AFP) dullah II condemned the collec- a special plane. British Prime page)
tic missile and unmanned
aerial vehicle ( UAV ) pro-
Leg power
UN: Dust in the air
US Navy intercepts three
worsened in 2022 Houthi missiles: Pentagon
AFP | Geneva Washington
It was unclear what the mis-

T he amount of dust in the

world’s air worsened in
2022, the United Nations A US Navy ship yesterday shot
down missiles and drones
siles were specifically targeting.
The US has sent a significant
amount of naval power to the
said yesterday, as it called that had been fired by Houthi Middle East in the past week,
for more research into how rebels in Yemen, possibly at Is- including two aircraft carriers,
climate change may in- rael, the Pentagon said. their support ships and about
crease sandstorm hotspots. Three “land-attack cruise 2,000 Marines.
The UN’s World Meteoro- missiles and several drones” While the White House says
logical Organization (WMO) were intercepted by a destroyer, there are “no plans or inten-
said the slight rise was due a spokesman told reporters. The tions” for their use, it means US
to increased emissions attack had been conducted from military assets would be in place
from west-central Africa, Yemen and “potentially toward to provide support to protect
the Arabian Peninsula, the targets in Israel.” US national security interests if
Iranian Plateau and north- Washington is on heightened needed. The US also has an array
western China. alert for activity by Iran-backed of bases in the Middle East with
groups as regional tensions soar troops, fighter aircraft and war-
during the Israel-Hamas war. ships. President Joe Biden has
220 fils (includes VAT) The official, speaking on the ordered increased air and naval
condition of anonymity, said assets - including dispatching
there were no injuries and a two aircraft carriers - to the
number of projectiles, includ- Middle East to guard against the
Men practise leg-rowing boat race during the Phaung Daw Oo pagoda festival on Inle Lake, Southern Shan State ing drones, were brought down Israel-Palestinian war spilling
yesterday. (AFP) near the destroyer USS Carney. over in the region.


HRH Prince Salman names director at Prime Minister’s Office

TDT | Manama Directorate at the PMO. Sahwan shall be appointed as Di- the Higher Education Council Ali Al Toq, Dr. Hussain Mohsen Al
Article (II): The Director Gen- rector of the Social Rehabilitation (HEC). Arrayedh, Dr. Zubaida Abdullah

H i s Ro y a l H i g h n e s s
P r i n c e Sa l m a n b i n
Hamad Al Khalifa, the
Crown Prince and Prime Minis-
ter, yesterday issued Edict (99) of
eral of the PMO shall implement
the provisions of this edict, which
comes into effect upon its issu-
ance and will be published in the
Official Gazette.
Directorate at the Ministry of So-
cial Development.
Article (II): The Minister of So-
cial Development shall implement
the provisions of this edict, which
The edict stipulated the fol-
The Academic Accreditation
Committee shall be chaired by
Dr. Mona Mohammed Hassan
Al Shaikh, Dr. Hassan Marhama
Hassan, and Dr. Abdul Raheem
Mohammed Abbas
Article (II)
2023, appointing a director at the HRH Prince Salman issued comes into effect upon its issu- Al Bulooshi and comprises the The membership of the com-
Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Edict (98) of 2023, appointing a ance and will be published in the following members: mittee extends for a term of four
based on a proposal by the Direc- director at the Ministry of Social Official Gazette. years that can be renewed.
tor General of the PMO. Development, based on a proposal HRH the Crown Prince and Article (I) The Chairman of the Board of
The edict stipulated the fol- by the Minister of Social Devel- Prime Minister, issued Edict (100) Dr. Ebrahim Al Sayed Jamal Al Trustees of the HEC shall imple-
lowing: opment. of 2023, restructuring the Aca- Hashemi, Dr. Waheeb Isa Al Nass- ment the provisions of this edict,
Article (I): Ziyad Khalifa Al The edict stipulated the fol- demic Accreditation Committee, er, Dr. Farzana Abdullah Maraghi, which comes into effect upon its
Binali shall be appointed as Di- lowing: based on a proposal by the Chair- Dr. Esmat Jafaar Ali, Suha Mo- issuance and will be published in
rector of the Human Resources Article (I): Sadiq Abdulali Ali HRH Prince Salman man of the Board of Trustees of hammed Al Kooheji, Dr. Zainab the Official Gazette.

Giving Gaza hope,

Information Minister hails
solid Bahrain-France ties

one call at a time

Show your support, telethon begins today to generate funds for Palestinians’
essential needs
Dr. Al Noaimi with Ambassador Giraud-Telme
TDT | Manama
TDT | Manama He wished the ambassador

T he telethon, aimed at
providing support to the
Palestinian people in the
Gaza Strip, will start today at
5pm (Bahrain Time).
I nformation Minister, Dr.
Ramzan bin Abdulla Al
Noaimi, lauded the distin-
guished cooperation between
every success in carrying out
his diplomatic duties.
The two sides discussed ar-
eas of cooperation between
the two countries in the media
It is organise by the Bahraini Bahrain and France, which field.
National Committee for Sup- reflects the historical depth The French Ambassador
porting the Palestinian People of their strong friendship re- expressed thanks and appre-
in Gaza in collaboration with lations, and their joint keen- ciation to the Information
Bahrain TV. ness to continue their efforts Minister for the audience, af-
This comes in implemen- to achieve their common in- firming his country’s keenness
tation of the directives of His terests. to bolster cooperation with
Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Dr. Al Noaimi was speaking the kingdom, and build on the
Al Khalifa, the Honorary Presi- as he received yesyetrday Eric existing understanding and
dent of the Royal Humanitarian Giraud-Telme, French Ambas- coordination between them to
Foundation (RHF), to provide sador to Bahrain. achieve common aspirations.
aid to the Palestinians in Gaza
to help alleviate the dire condi- Tents for Palestinians seeking refuge are set up on the grounds of a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
tions they are undergoing, and
the call from His Highness Shai-
Refugees (UNRWA) centre in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip yesterday, amid the ongoing battles between Israel
and the Palestinian group Hamas. (AFP)
Bahrain-US relations
kh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khal- support that the RHF received and people with their brethren Bahrain for the campaign and
ifa, HM the King’s Representa- from the government, headed in Palestine. praying for Al Quds, Gaza and
tive for Humanitarian Work and by His Royal Highness Prince peace, and urging worshippers
Youth Affairs, urging citizens Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Donations and contributions to donate.
and residents to contribute to the Crown Prince and Prime Contributions can be made Dr. Al Sayed said that in re-
this humanitarian campaign. Minister. to the campaign through the sponse to the interest of many
Dr. Mustafa Al Sayed, Secre- Dr. Al Sayed also thanked His foundation’s website www.rhf. parents and students to contrib-
tary General of RHF and Chief Highness Shaikh Nasser bin for, the bank account BH- ute to the campaign in support
Executive of the National Com- setting up the National Com- 07 NBOB0000009957043, and of the people of Palestine, RHF
mittee for the Support of the mittee for the Support of the SMS messages via Batelco 94977, has liaised with the Education
Palestinians in Gaza, extended Palestinians in Gaza. Zain 94944, and STC 98977, in Ministry to allow public and Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Commander-in-Chief
his thanks and appreciation to The telethon will host a num- addition to the Benefit appli- private school students to con- of the Bahrain Defense Force (BDF), held a meeting with His Excellency
His Majesty for his ongoing hu- ber of national figures to talk cation on telephone number tribute and participate in this Mr. Stephen Bondy, Ambassador of the US to Bahrain, along with other
manitarian initiatives to help about the importance of con- 38800188. national humanitarian effort high-ranking officials. The meeting focused on strengthening the friendly
people in need across the world. tributing to this national cam- Al Sayed thanked the Ministry through creative individual ini- relations between the two countries, particularly in the areas of military
Dr. Al Sayed also extended paign that reflects the firm po- of Justice and Islamic Affairs tiatives that shall be supervised coordination and defense cooperation. Present in the meeting was Colonel
his appreciation for the great sition of the Bahraini leadership for the support of mosques in by the ministry. Christopher Floyd, the Military Attache at the US Embassy in Bahrain.

Indian Ambassador welcomed by GOPIO Bahrain Chapter

TDT | Manama GOPIO presented the soft launch
of digital platform, which is

G lobal Organization of Peo-

ple of Indian Origin ( GO-
PIO) Bahrain Chapter hosted a
aimed to help the society to
bridge the gap between digitally
advancing society and the com-
gathering at The Crowne Plaza mon people from most of their
Hotel welcoming the newly ap- everyday hassle.
pointed Ambassador of India ICRF Chairman Dr. Babu Ra-
to Bahrain His Excellency Mr. machandran, Mr. Soman Baby
Vinod K Jacob, and to felicitate and ICRF Vice President Mr. V. K.
the appointment of Mr. Sunny Thomas gave felicitation speech-
Kulathakal as the Chairman of es. Bahrain Chapter President
GOPIO International. Indian Ambassador Vinod K Jacob and Mr. Yusuf Lori with GOPIO officials and members, along with guests Mrs. Tina Mathew gave wel-
He has previously served as the come speech and Vice President
Middle East and International pointed as the Chairman of this was working as the Deputy High tion Director Mr. Yusuf Lori was MSCEB Chairman Engr. Mo- Mr. Samuel Paul proposed vote
Co-Ordinator, Executive Vice global Organization. Commissioner of India to Sri the Guest of Honor. He reiterat- hamed Salahuddin as a Guest of of thank.
President, International Presi- Indian Ambassador H. E. Vi- Lanka. Ambassador Jacob con- ed the historical collaboration Honor recollected his association The function was attended by
dent and Global Ambassador in nod K Jacob was the Chief Guest gratulated the appointment of between India and Bahrain and with the Indian diaspora and Mr. many dignitaries and eminent
the past two decades with GOPIO. and he mentioned the support new global chairman and wished welcomed further cooperation Kulathakal with whom he had personalities of the socio busi-
This is the first time a person and contribution of GOPIO dur- him the best. for the benefit of the people of many memorable trips to India. ness sector of the Kingdom of
from Middle East is being ap- ing the Covid period while he Capital Governorate Informa- both countries. Mr. Roshan George, the GS of Bahrain.

NIHR promotes legal and
human rights culture Bahrain calls for ‘immediate
action’ to stop Gaza fighting
Moscow better exchange Ombudsman

T he National Institution for

Human Rights (NIHR) is
keen to build balanced rela-
In his speech, Al Derazi
spoke about the mechanism
of the institution’s work, the
tions with civil society insti- amendments in its establish- TDT | Manama
tutions, promote a legal and ment law, and the role the in-
human rights culture, and to
continue developing its work
and efforts as an independent,
neutral and strong platform
for defending human rights in
stitution played in protecting
human rights in the Kingdom.
The meeting brought to-
gether representatives of
human rights institutions
F oreign Affairs Minister
Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid
Al Zayani emphasised
the urgent need for immedi-
ate action to halt the escalat-
Bahrain. and ombudsmen to discuss ing situation in the Gaza Strip,
This was affirmed by NIHR topics related to the pro- calling upon the international
president Ali Ahmed Al Dera- tection of human rights and community to fulfill its human-
zi as he took part in the work exchange of expertise and itarian and legal responsibilities
of the Seventh International best practices in their line of by swiftly intervening to end
Scientific and Practical Con- work. the war.
ference, hosted by the Russian It concluded by issuing de- Dr Al Zayani was speaking as
capital, Moscow, at the invita- cisions and recommendations he participated on Wednesday
tion of the High Commission that promote cooperation in in an extraordinary meeting of
for Human Rights in the Rus- the field of upholding human the Organization of Islamic Co-
sian Federation, on issues of rights, basic freedoms, social operation (OIC) in Jeddah. Dr Al Zayani speaks at the event
human rights protection and justice and human dignity. Chaired by Saudi Arabia’s A smoke billowing over the northern Gaza Strip during Israeli bombardment
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Isa Al Khalifa’s efforts to halt yesterday. (AFP)
Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al the military escalation and pri-
Saud, the meeting was attended oritise civilian protection and
by foreign ministers of Islamic humanitarian aid
Foreign currencies scam suspect held countries, including Dr. Riyad
TDT | Manama Al-Maliki from Palestine and Prioritising dialogue and
Mr. Hussein Ibrahim Taha, Sec- peaceful negotiations It is important for the United Nations

T he Anti-Economic Crimes
Directorate of the General
Directorate of Anti-Corrup-
retary-General of the OIC.
In his speech, Dr Al Zayani
expressed the Kingdom of Bah-
The minister urged all parties
involved to prioritise dialogue
and peaceful negotiations as a
Security Council to assume its
responsibilities by issuing a resolution that
obliges both conflicting parties to uphold
tion and Economic and Elec- rain’s condolences and sympa- means to cease hostilities and the principles of international law and
tronic Security has arrested a thy to President Mahmoud Ab- alleviate the suffering of civil- international humanitarian law
scam suspect, 23, while selling bas and the Palestinian people ians.
counterfeit foreign currencies following the Israeli bombing He emphasised the imple- DR ABDULLATIF BIN RASHID AL ZAYANI, MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
for half their prices. An in- incident at Al-Ahly Baptist Hos- mentation of international le- tions Security Council assuming tion, reiterated its commitment
vestigation into the received pital in Gaza. gitimacy resolutions regarding its responsibilities by issuing to stability, security, and lasting
information led to identify- He called for restraint, calm, the Palestinian issue and the a resolution that obliges both peace in the Middle East, em-
ing and arresting the suspect. and an end to the destructive advancement of efforts towards conflicting parties to uphold phasising the values of toler-
Legal proceedings were taken war to preserve lives, property, a just and lasting peace in the the principles of international ance, coexistence, brotherhood,
and the case was referred to and regional security. Middle East region. law and international humani- and cooperation in achieving
the Public Prosecution. The Minister also commend- The minister stressed the tarian law. a comprehensive peace for all
ed His Majesty King Hamad bin importance of the United Na- Bahrain, through its delega- peoples of the region.

Kingdom’s open prison and rehabilitation center a ‘model’ worth emulating

Ashen Tharaka

TDT | Manama

T he International Ombuds-
man Institute ( IOI ) Pres-
ident Chris Field has praised
Bahrain’s open prison and re-
habilitation center in Hamala,
calling it a “model that can be
used in other countries.”
In an interview with the Daily
Tribune, Chris said, “This is an
exceptional facility. I have seen
prisons all around the world,
and I have never seen a prison,
an open prison, as incredibly
impressive as this one. You are
creating an environment where
people, the detainees, can learn Captain Jassim Jabr Al-Dosari, centre, Ombudswoman Ghada Hameed Habib and Chris Field during the visit
new skills and take those skills names of offenders to the judge
into employment and back into for approval, the center will con-
their culture and their Bahraini duct a first-level assessment.
community.” This assessment will include a
Chris made this statement review of the offender’s crimi-
while visiting the open pris- nal history, education, work and
on and rehabilitation center in social services, family and social
Hamala with high-level rep- support, mental and psycholog-
resentatives from Italy, Bela- ical health, and substance use
rus, Pakistan, and a few other disorder.
countries as part of the General Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah The center’s program consists
Secretariat of Grievances con- of three stages: assessment, re-
ference held in Manama. Almas Ali Jovindah, an Ad- habilitation, and integration. In
During the visit, Captain Jas- Almas Ali Jovindah visor on Overseas Pakistani the assessment stage, offend-
sim Jabr Al-Dosari, Director of Grievances, also praised the hu- ers will be moved to a separate
the Alternative Punishments officers said that this initiative man rights protection, saying, building inside the closed reha-
Department, gave a briefing on reflects Bahrain’s commitment “If they are in prison doesn’t bilitation facility. In that build- Facilities at the center
the efforts of the General Ad- to human rights protection. mean they’ve been discarded. ing, they will receive lectures
ministration for the Implemen- Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah, the Looking after them reflects their and participate in activities to fenders will have more time to nies to improve their lives under
tation of Alternative Sentences Secretary General of the OIC vision, which is to make them enhance their skills and knowl- spend with their own families. its supervision. As part of this
and Punishments in expand- Ombudsman Association, also come back to society as perfect edge. During this stage, the center will initiative, one of the offenders is
ing the application of the Penal urged the member countries of human beings capable with a In the rehabilitation stage, of- continue to support them with ready to publish a book that they
Code and Alternative Measures the OIC Ombudsman Association lot of skill and ability. The way fenders will be moved to a build- their education, job search, and wrote inside the open prison and
and implementing the Open to follow Bahrain’s example and they’ve been rehabilitated is just ing that is used as a commercial reintegration into society. rehabilitation center very soon.
Prisons Programme, in addition introduce similar programs in amazing.” section, where they will partic- The open prison and rehabil-
to reviewing the rehabilitation their own countries. ipate in a variety of activities, Permanent jobs itation center is a valuable addi-
and training programs provided He told the Daily Tribune, Open prison and rehabilitation including educational programs, The center’s first batch of 12 tion to Bahrain’s criminal justice
to the program’s beneficiaries. “The prisoners, after complet- center psychological and health care, graduates found permanent jobs system. It provides offenders
Highlighting the efforts of the ing their prison time, can benefit The center is designed to help family and social relationship a couple of weeks ago, and the with the support they need to
Bahraini leadership and Minis- society and lead their future life offenders to transition back support, and religious education. center is working continuously transition back into society and
try of the Interior, Ombudsman in the best way.” into society. Before sending the In the integration stage, of- with private and public compa- live crime-free lives.


Vow to support fight Workshop on occupational safety and health

TDT | Manama

T he Ministry of Labour re-

against breast cancer

cently organised a special-
ised workshop titled “Duties
and Responsibilities of Safe-
ty Committees in Establish-
The workshop brought to-
gether occupational safety and
health supervisors, human re-
sources managers, trade union
representatives, and officials
from various companies and
private sector institutions.
It aimed to promote the prin-
ciples of occupational safety Participants in the workshop
and health in Bahrain by rais-
ing awareness about the duties discussions emphasised the further explored the experi-
and responsibilities of safety importance of implementing ences and initiatives of compa-
committees in companies and occupational safety and health nies dedicated to ensuring the
institutions operating in the standards and fostering cooper- health and well-being of their
private sector. It also focused ation between relevant authori- workforce.
on discussing the organisation- ties to reduce accidents and oc- Overall, the workshop served
al structure of safety commit- cupational risks in workplaces. as a platform for sharing knowl-
tees and the responsibilities of During the workshop, Mr. edge and best practices in oc-
management in occupational Hisham Al Alawi from Alumi- cupational safety and health,
safety and health. num Bahrain (Alba) highlighted aiming to protect workers from
The workshop saw a signifi- the roles, duties, and responsi- the hazards of their work and
cant turnout of specialists, re- bilities of safety committees in prevent accidents effectively.
flecting the commitment of all facilities. He also discussed the The Ministry remains stead-
Guests, organisers and participants at the event
stakeholders to enhance the establishment of safety com- fast in its commitment to pro-
TDT | Manama In a statement, the Gener- the Breast Cancer Awareness culture of safety and increase mittees in accordance with in- moting occupational safety and
al Secretariat emphasised its Month program would con- professional awareness among ternational and national legis- health in Bahrain and creating a

T he General Secretariat
of the House of Repre-
sentatives, in collabo-
ration with Al-Hilal Health
Center and Dr. Wafa Ajour
commitment to supporting
national initiatives and efforts
to improve healthcare quali-
ty, with a particular focus on
the Breast Cancer Awareness
tribute to improving the over-
all health of participants, their
families, and the Bahraini com-
munity as a whole.
Expressing gratitude, the
employers and workers. The

Aali sanitation network project completed

lation and laws. The workshop safer work environment for all.

Center, actively participated in Program. General Secretariat extended TDT | Manama

the “Breast Cancer Awareness The program aims to en- its appreciation to all the en- This was confirmed by En- tation services and connect real
Month” campaign. hance the well-being of Bah- tities involved in the initiative gineer Fatima Jaafar, Director estate to the network, ultimate-
As part of the campaign,
an informative lecture titled
“Breast Cancer and the Impor-
raini women and provide them
with better life opportunities.
The Representatives Sec-
for their dedication to raising
the standard of healthcare ser-
vices and disease prevention
A sanitation network pro-
ject has been successfully
completed in Block 742 of the
of the Sanitation Planning and
Projects Department at the
Ministry of Works.
ly improving public health and
the environment.
It has provided quality sani-
tance of Early Screening” was retariat highlighted that the through the utilisation of cut- Aali area in the Northern Gov- This project is part of the tation service to 95 properties
organised. support of its members for ting-edge scientific methods. ernorate. Ministry’s plan to enhance sani- in the area.

(All figures in Bahraini Dinars)

CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION as at 30 September 2023 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS for the nine months ended 30 September 2023 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the nine months ended 30 September 2023

30 September 31 December Nine months ended Three months ended 30 September 30 September
2023 2022 30 September 30 September
2023 2022
ASSETS (reviewed) (audited) 2023 2022 2023 2022 (reviewed) (reviewed)
Non-current assets (reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed)
Property, plant and equipment 33,502,148 33,287,725
Investment property 30,090,567 28,541,903 Revenue from contracts with customers 5,285,306 4,855,105 1,534,474 1,681,750 OPERATING ACTIVITIES
Profit for the period 1,770,432 1,280,021
Investment in an associate 6,086,994 6,685,897
Investment securities 4,909,028 5,269,709 Operating costs (3,297,711) (3,096,376) (1,071,652) (1,131,695) Adjustments for:
Depreciation 1,630,141 1,910,470
Total non-current assets 74,588,737 73,785,234 Gain on sale of property , plant and equipment (510) -
GROSS PROFIT 1,987,595 1,758,729 462,822 550,055 Share of profit of an associate (1,342,438) (1,453,771)
Current assets Change in fair value on investments at FVTPL (37,789) 53,231
Inventories 82,402 84,211 Dividend income (141,241) (114,205)
Share of profit of an associate 1,342,438 1,453,771 436,048 540,056 Interest income (279,022) (195,341)
Investment securities 1,092,905 1,072,911 Dividend income 141,241 114,205 500 501 (Charge) / reversal of impairment on financial assets (519) 49,364
Trade receivables and other assets 661,233 679,801 Interest income 279,022 195,341 89,688 75,743 Provision for employees’ benefits 40,127 48,303
Change in fair value of investments at
Bank deposits 500,000 5,000,000
fair value through profit or loss 37,789 (53,231) (1,814) (50,284) Operating profit before working capital changes 1,639,181 1,578,072
Cash and cash equivalents 5,392,799 1,948,604 Other income 10,113 5,611 6,975 1,575 Change in inventories 1,809 (6,972)
Depreciation (1,630,137) (1,910,466) (542,473) (638,283) Change in trade receivables and other assets 72,551 (224,161)
Total current assets 7,729,339 8,785,527 General and administration expenses (397,629) (283,939) (128,226) (144,502) Change in trade and other payables (41,180) 118,427
Total assets 82,318,076 82,570,761 Profit for the period 1,770,432 1,280,021 323,520 334,861 Cash flows from operations 1,672,361 1,465,366

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Basic and diluted earnings per share (fils) 15 11 3 3 Employees’ end of service benefits paid (14,353) (41,955)
Directors’ remuneration paid (210,000) (53,100)
Non-current liabilities Charitable contributions paid (47,000) (38,500)
Employees’ end of service benefits 267,926 242,152 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME for the nine months ended 30 September 2023
Net cash from operating activities 1,401,008 1,331,811
Total non-current liabilities 267,926 242,152 INVESTING ACTIVITIES
Nine months ended Three months ended
30 September 30 September Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,243,506) (175,266)
Current liabilities Purchase of investment property (2,149,723) (181,366)
Trade and other payables 1,295,970 1,594,151 2023 2022 2023 2022 Purchase of investments at amortised cost - (676,628)
(reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed) (reviewed) Purchase of investments at FVTPL - (1,133,550)
Total current liabilities 1,295,970 1,594,151 Bank deposits 4,500,000 (1,700,000)
Profit for the period 1,770,432 1,280,021 323,520 334,861 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 510 -
Total liabilities 1,563,896 1,836,303 Disposal of investments at FVTPL - 53,553
Dividends received from an associate 1,900,000 2,200,000
Other comprehensive income Dividend received from investment securities 141,241 114,205
Interest received 248,928 215,269
Share capital 12,127,500 12,127,500 Items that will not be reclassified to profit
or loss in subsequent periods:
Treasury shares - (46,451)
-Net movement in fair value of Investments Net cash from / (used in) investing activities 3,397,450 (1,283,783)
Statutory reserve 6,011,069 6,011,069
at fair value through other comprehensive
General reserve 1,087,579 1,087,579 income during the period (355,106) (8,600) (169,326) (15,340) FINANCING ACTIVITIES
Dividend paid (1,450,411) (1,200,762)
Property revaluation reserve 14,418,702 14,418,702
- Share in associates’ other Treasury shares 96,148 39,752
Investments fair value reserve 1,645,241 2,000,347 comprehensive income (41,341) (9,760) (24,505) (35,800)
Share of reserves of associate 181,696 223,037 Net cash used in financing activities (1,354,263) (1,161,010)
Total other comprehensive income for
Retained earnings 45,282,393 44,912,675 the period (396,447) (18,360) (193,831) (51,140) Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 3,444,195 (1,112,982)
Total equity 80,754,180 80,734,458 Total comprehensive income for Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 1,948,604 2,340,595
the period 1,373,985 1,261,661 129,689 283,721
Total liabilities and equity 82,318,076 82,570,761 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September 5,392,799 1,227,613

CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY for the nine months ended 30 September 2023

Property Investments Share of Property Investments Share of

2023 (reviewed) Share Treasury Statutory General Revaluation fair value Reserves of Retained Total 2022 (reviewed) Share Treasury Statutory General Revaluation fair value Reserves of Retained Total
capital shares reserve reserve reserve reserve associate earnings capital shares reserve reserve reserve reserve associate earnings

At 1 January 2022 12,127,500 (94,726) 5,724,191 1,087,579 13,043,666 2,008,947 188,025 43,496,145 77,581,327
At 1 January 2023 12,127,500 (46,451) 6,011,069 1,087,579 14,418,702 2,000,347 223,037 44,912,675 80,734,458
- Profit for the period - - - - - - - 1,280,021 1,280,021
- Profit for the period - - - - - - - 1,770,432 1,770,432
- Other comprehensive income for - Other comprehensive income for
the period - - - - - (355,106) (41,341) - (396,447) the period - - - - - (8,600) (9,760) - (18,360)
Total comprehensive income for Total comprehensive income for
the period - - - - - (355,106) (41,341) 1,770,432 1,373,985 the period - - - - - (8,600) (9,760) 1,280,021 1,261,661

Sale of treasury shares - 23,334 - - - - - 16,418 39,752

Sale of treasury shares - 46,451 - - - - - 49,697 96,148
Adjustment to the associate’s reserve - - - - - - 38,521 - 38,521
Dividends declared for 2022 - - - - - - - (1,450,411) (1,450,411)
Dividends declared for 2021 - - - - - - - (1,200,762) (1,200,762)

Balance at 30 September 2023 12,127,500 - 6,011,069 1,087,579 14,418,702 1,645,241 181,696 45,282,393 80,754,180 Balance at 30 September 2022 12,127,500 (71,392) 5,724,191 1,087,579 13,043,666 2,000,347 216,786 43,591,822 77,720,499

Faisal Ahmed Al Zayani (Chairman) Adel Nahabah Hamadeh (Vice Chairman & Managing Director)


Nokia to cut up to 14,000

Batelco recognised by Avaya
as government solutions
partner of the year

• Award presented
at GITEX 2023
ing a ceremony held at Avaya’s
stand at GITEX.
Commenting on the occa-
sion, Danesh said, “We are
proud to receive the ‘Govern-
jobs as 5G demand slows
AFP | Helsinki
TDT | Manama ment Solutions Partner of the
Year’ award from Avaya. At

B atelco, part of the Beyon

Group, has been recog-
nised as the ‘Government
Batelco, we value our long-
standing relationship with
Avaya and appreciate their
F innish telecom giant Nokia
said yesterday it would cut
up to 14,000 job as profits fell
The most difficult
business decisions to
Solutions Partner of the Year’ efforts and commitment on weakening demand for its 5G make are the ones that
by Avaya, a global leader in that ensures we can provide equipment in North America. impact our people
business communications soft- the latest technologies for The announcement adds to a CEO PEKKA LUNDMARK
ware, systems and services. our customers, empowering series of layoffs in the tech in-
The Avaya Partner Awards them to further boost their dustry following a boom during with a disappointment.
celebrate the role that Avaya’s businesses.” Covid pandemic lockdowns. “We saw some moderation in
partners have played in driv- President of Avaya Interna- “In the third quarter we saw the pace of 5G deployment in
ing their success. The Govern- tional Nidal Abou Ltaif who an increased impact on our busi- India which meant the growth
ment Solutions Partner of the presented the award to Batelco ness from the macroeconomic there was no longer enough to
Year award reflects Batelco’s said, “We congratulate Batel- challenges,” CEO Pekka Lund- offset the slowdown in North
focused efforts in delivering co, our long-term partner on mark said in a statement. America,” Lundmark said.
products and solutions that winning the partner of the year Nokia’s new logo is seen at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) (file photo) Shorthand for fifth-gener-
Nokia’s savings programme is
caters to government entities award for government solu- expected to reduce staffing to from the same period a year ago. “There’s a possibility for a ation mobile technology, 5G
in Bahrain. tions. At Avaya we are commit- as low as 72,000, cutting costs “The earnings were much negative profit warning,” he holds the potential to enable
The award was accepted by ted to helping our partners de- by up to 1.2 billion euros ($1.14 weaker than expected and the added. lightning-fast video downloads
Batelco Enterprise General ploy technology that improves billion) by 2026, the company outlook is more uncertain. So and innovations like high-speed
Manager Abdulla Danesh dur- customer experiences.” said. it’s not looking that good in Slowdown of 5G autonomous vehicles.
The programme targets busi- the short term for Nokia,” Atte Locked in a competition for But due to the global econom-
ness areas Mobile Networks, Riikola, an analyst at equity 5G networks with Swedish rival ic downturn, both Nokia and
Cloud and Network Services analysis firm Inderes, said. Ericsson and China’s Huawei, Ericsson have reported a slow-
Nestle sales falter but outlook unchanged and corporate functions.
“The most difficult business
Despite the uncertainty in
the third quarter, Nokia said
Nokia’s sales dropped by 20 per-
cent to 4.98 billion euros in the
down in investment by mobile
network operators this year.
AFP | Zurich but the group confirmed its decisions to make are the ones it expects an “improvement in third quarter of 2023. Like numerous tech firms,
outlook for the year. that impact our people,” Lund- our network businesses in the Nokia had hoped that its 5G Nokia’s profitability got a boost

N estle reported yesterday

a drop in sales volume
as the Swiss food giant hiked
The company said sales fell
0.6 percent in terms of volume
in the January-to-September
mark noted.
Nokia reported that its profits
reached 133 million euros in the
fourth quarter.”
But Riikola believed that
Nokia’s “estimates will come
rollout in India would compen-
sate for a slowdown in spending
by North American telecom op-
during the Covid-19 pandemic
but is now forced to cut jobs
as the industry experiences a
prices in the face of inflation, period from a year earlier. third quarter, a 69 percent drop down pretty dramatically.” erators this year, but was faced slowdown.

Beyon Solutions to acquire INSOMEA Google plans to make flagship

smartphones in India
efficient, and secure outcome
• - Beyon Solutions
to Acquire Majority
focused solutions to organisa-
The acquisition of INSOMEA
Stake in the regional will support Beyon Solutions
cloud IT solutions strategic plans to grow its IT
consultancy services, particularly leveraging
the relationship with Microsoft
with the ambition of becoming a
TDT | Manama leading Microsoft services pro-
vider in Bahrain and regionally.

B eyon Solutions, part of the

Beyon Group, has agreed to
acquire a controlling stake in Officials of Beyon Solutions and INSOMEA at the signing ceremony
Beyon Group CEO and Beyon
Solutions Chairman, Mikkel
Vinter commented on the ac-
INSOMEA Computer Solutions, yon Group CEO and Beyon Solu- Microsoft Security Services quisition saying, “The company
operating in Bahrain, Tunisia tions Chairman, Mikkel Vinter Partner and Microsoft Partner is positioned well to become
and the wider MEA region. and INSOMEA’s founders Nabil of the Year for Bahrain and Tu- a market leader, renowned
INSOMEA is recognised as a Youssef and Hejer Krichene, nisia in 2023, is specialised in for its centre of excellence in Attendees look at mobile devices during a product launch event for the
leading regional cloud IT solu- during a meeting which took Modern Workplace, Cloud Mi- delivering Microsoft technol- Google Pixel 8, and Pixel 8 pro phones, Pixel Watch 2, and Pixel Buds Pro
tion consultancy and managed place at the Beyon Stand during gration, App Modernization and ogy solutions and the acquisi- earbuds, in New York
services provider specialized in GITEX 2023. Security. Beyon Solutions is a tion serves to further enhance AFP | New Delhi
Microsoft technology. INSOMEA , a Microsoft Ad- Digital transformation system the Beyon Solutions Group
The deal was signed by Be- vanced Specialisation Partner, integrator delivering scalable, capabilities.”
G oogle plans to manufac-
ture its flagship Pixel 8
smartphone in India, CEO
In recent years, India
has established itself
Sundar Pichai said yesterday, as a truly world-class
Amazon to expand drone delivery into Britain and Italy joining a growing list of global
tech companies limiting their
hub for manufacturing,
resulting in a thriving
AFP | London pand drone delivery of certain president David Carbon said supply chains’ dependence on environment for
purchases to a third US state during a marketing event. China. businesses to flourish
A mazon said it hopes to ex-
pand drone delivery into
Britain and Italy by late next
as well as to the two European
countries by the end of 2024.
Amazon delivery drones are
“Our customers have always
wanted things faster and I think
this is a way we can get to it at
Pichai’s announcement fol-
lows US tech rival Apple’s re-
lease last month of its latest iP-
year, as it unveiled new ware- already at work in California scale,” said Prime AI director hone, including units made in
house robots and tech in its race and Texas, and a new MK 30 of engineering Jason Patrao, India, as tech giants target the its production and exports of
to get shoppers what they want model will be able to operate adding that the drone program, South Asian nation’s fast-ex- mobile phones and other elec-
quickly. in more extreme weather con- while currently small, “is going panding market and abun- tronic goods since the scheme
The Seattle-based e-com- ditions than those currently to be something that I think we dant supply of cheap skilled was introduced.
merce colossus said it will ex- in use, Amazon Prime Air vice will all get used to.” Amazon delivery drones labour. India’s mobile phone ex-
“We shared plans at #Goog- ports almost doubled to $8.5
leforIndia (event on Thursday) billion year-on-year in 2022-
to manufacture Pixel smart- 23, according to official fig-

Honda, GM plan driverless taxis in Tokyo in 2026 phones locally and expect
the first devices to roll out in
2024,” Pichai said on X, for-
Google senior vice president
Rick Osterloh said the firm
AFP | Tokyo mobility experience” in Japan, added. merly known as Twitter. sees “an even greater oppor-
Honda said in a statement. Autonomous vehicles are be- Pichai added that Google tunity to make Pixel smart-

J apan’s Honda and US auto

titan General Motors an-
nounced yesterday that they
“This will be a major step
toward the realization of an
advanced mobility society,” its
ing pushed by Japan’s govern-
ment as the country battles a
rapidly ageing population and
appreciated the “support for
Make in India” -- a flagship
policy of Prime Minister Nar-
phones available to more peo-
ple” in India.
“In recent years, India has
planned to launch a driverless chief executive Toshihiro Mibe persistent labour shortages. endra Modi’s government, established itself as a truly
taxi service in Tokyo in 2026, said. In 2020, Japan became the offering faster business clear- world-class hub for manufac-
helping tackle labour shortages The project is also aimed at first country in the world to al- ances and financial incentives turing, resulting in a thriving
in an ageing society. The Cruise Origin, a driverless vehicle “helping address societal issues low a vehicle capable of taking for manufacturing goods in the environment for businesses
Co-developed by San Fran- erator Cruise, the project will facing Japan, such as the taxi full control in certain situations country. to flourish,” Osterloh said in a
cisco-based self-driving car op- offer “an entirely new kind of and bus driver shortage”, Honda to operate on public roads. New Delhi has ramped up statement.
1097 1603 1803 1935 1944
OF THE CHRISTIAN NESTELL BOVEE 1st Crusaders Chinese uprising US Senate ratifies Communist forces end US forces under General Douglas
DAY HISTORY arrive in Antioch in the Philippines the Louisiana their Long March at Yan’an, MacArthur return to the
during the First fails after 23,000 Purchase in Shaanxi, China, bringing Philippines with the landing of
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023 Crusade killed Mao Zedong to prominence the US 6th army on Leyte

Besieged Palestinians await aid

News in brief Pakistan court grants bail to ex-PM
Sharif ahead of return to country
u A Dutch court
Polish-Canadian convicted for yesterday convicted a
‘hate projection’ on Anne Frank house Polish-Canadian man TOP
for beaming a Holocaust-denying slur
on Anne Frank’s House in Amsterdam,
AFP | Islamabad
trucks as Israel pounds Gaza
in a case that sparked widespread TWEETS
shock in the Netherlands. The court in
A Pakistan court granted
bail yesterday to former
Amsterdam sentenced the man, identified as
42-year-old Robert W., to two months behind
bars, less than the six months called for by
prime minister and graft con-
vict Nawaz Sharif, removing the
prosecutors. W. had already served this time threat of arrest when he returns
in pre-trial detention and was released two weeks ago ahead of the verdict. to the country from self-im-
posed exile this weekend, his
u Sweden’s
Sweden arrests two suspects lawyer said.
intelligence agency said
yesterday two people
over alleged intelligence breach Aid trucks are expected to arrive in Gaza as part of an agreement facilitated by President Joe Biden After nearly four years in the
United Kingdom, Sharif is hop-

have been arrested in connection with “The pace of death, of suffering, tries were the first Arab states to ing to lead his Pakistan Muslim ur trucks are loaded
a suspected intelligence breach, with
media identifying one as a former
member of the military. The pair was
• The Rafah border
crossing, controlled
of destruction... cannot be exag-
gerated,” said UN humanitarian
chief Martin Griffiths.
make peace with Israel in 1979
and 1994, are seen as key media-
tors between Israel and the Pal- BETTER
League-Nawaz (PML-N) party
through elections scheduled for
January 2024.
and ready to go to
Gaza. We are working
with @EG_Red_Crescent
A car drives past a welcoming poster of Pakistan’s former prime minister
arrested in a raid Tuesday by the Swedish by Egypt, is set to There are fears of worse to estinians. The court’s decision allows Nawaz Sharif along a street in Islamabad and @Palestine RCS to
Security Service (Sapo). “We have conducted
an operation and two people have been
open, providing an come if Israel launches an antici- They had been due to have him to return to his political deliver our supplies as
essential route for aid pated ground invasion to destroy four-way talks with Palestinian KNOW heartland of Lahore on Satur- ‘Arrangement’ with army soon as the Rafah cross-
arrested,” Karin Lutz, press officer for Sapo, Hamas and rescue Israeli and president Mahmud Abbas and day for a welcome home rally, ing is opened, hopeful-
told AFP. Lutz said they were suspected of “aggravated unauthorised use of foreign hostages, whose known Biden. But Amman cancelled the while his primary opponent Politicians in Pakistan are ly tomorrow. We urge
classified information,” describing it as a “serious crime.” AFP | Gaza City number Israel yesterday revised summit. Egypt’s President Imran Khan languishes in jail. It’s a new beginning. often tangled in legal proceed- Israel to add fuel to the
12 detained Nicaraguan u Twelve Catholic priests up to 203. Cairo has so far kept the Rafah “It’s a new beginning,” PML-N ings that rights monitors say are life-saving supplies al-

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi His return is poised
detained in Nicaragua have been
priests freed, sent to Vatican released and sent to Rome after alestinians in war-torn border closed, pointing to repeat- chairman Raja Muhammad Za- to be a momentous orchestrated by the powerful lowed to enter.
Gaza yesterday eagerly ‘We’re ready’ ed Israeli strikes near the check- and Jordan’s King Ab- far-ul-Haq told AFP. “His return military, which has ruled the @DrTedros
the government of Daniel Ortega struck awaited the arrival of aid Biden, on a flying visit to meet point and voicing fears that Israel dullah II condemned is poised to be a momentous development country directly for more than
a deal with the Vatican, government trucks promised in a deal struck Prime Minister Benjamin Net- may be hoping to permanently what they described development.” PML-N CHAIRMAN RAJA MUHAMMAD half of its history and continues
officials said Wednesday. The group of
clerics, who have been critical of Ortega’s
by US President Joe Biden, as Isra-
el’s military kept up its bombard-
anyahu and his war cabinet on
Wednesday, reiterated strong
drive Palestinians out and into
Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
as the “collective pun-
ishment” of Gazans,
Sharif ’s lawyer Amjad Per- ZAFAR-UL-HAQ to enjoy immense power.
Nawaz’s fortunes changed
leadership, did not include Bishop Rolando ment of targets in the Hamas-run People dig and search through the rubble of a destroyed building following Israeli US support for its long-time ally On the Gaza side, scores of peo- expressing concerns vaiz told AFP the Islamabad when his brother Shehbaz Sha-
Alvarez, who for a second time chose prison enclave. but also stressed the need to ad- ple were again waiting, desperate High Court granted him pro- rif came to power last year and
over exile. President Ortega, a longtime Egyptian state-linked broad-
bombardment in Rafah
dress the plight of Palestinian to flee but careful to keep at least about the conflict’s tective bail until October 24 his government oversaw chang-
nemesis of the United States, has in recent years clashed with the Catholic Church caster Al Qahera News said the pact of the Israeli blockade. taliation for a Hamas attack on civilians. 100 metres (300 feet) away in case potential to spread meaning “he can not be arrest- es to the law, including limiting
after Pope Francis referred to his government as a dictatorship. Rafah border crossing -- the only “We need food, water, medicine October 7, which Israel said killed Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah of new Israeli bombardment. throughout the Middle ed on his arrival” in Pakistan. the disqualification of lawmak-
one in and out of besieged Gaza and fuel now. We need it at scale at least 1,400 people, most of them al-Sisi and Jordan’s King Abdul- “We’re ready with our bags,” East KNOW WHAT Sharif has been prime minis- ers from contesting elections to
CURIOSER & CURIOSER not controlled by Israel -- would
open on Friday.
and we need it to be sustained, it
is not one small operation that is
Some 1,500 fighters were killed
lah II yesterday condemned what
they said was the “collective pun-
said one man who gave his name
only as Mohammed, 40, and said
he works for a European insti-
opens, I’d get my wife and chil-
ter three times but was ousted five years.
in 2017 and given a lifetime dis- Sharif’s return has likely been I ’ve landed in Saudi Ara-
bia. As an international
More than 100 trucks carrying required,” he added. in clashes before the army re- ishment” of Gazans. dren -- they’re ready.” Sharif has been prime being convicted of corruption. the militarybyestablishment
qualification from politics after smoothed a deal between community, we must not

Officials detect giant aid have been queuing for days

on the Egyptian side of the bor-
der, with the United Nations and
The emergencies director of
the World Health Organization
(WHO), Michael Ryan, said aid
gained control, the Israeli military
Israeli bombing since has killed
They also warned about the
conflict spreading, with anger
across the Middle East at Israel
He said he had been waiting
“for three days with my family,
Biden, who was due to address
the nation yesterday about the
Gaza and Ukraine conflicts, an-
minister three times He served less than a year of a his party to prevent significant
but was ousted in 2017 seven-year sentence before get- legal hurdles, said analyst Zahid
and let Hamas’ terror attack
become a catalyst for a
terrible humanitarian cri-
‘zombie’ star on the run others calling for urgent help for
besieged civilians.
needed to get in “every day”, call-
ing an initial 20 trucks -- the deal
at least 3,785 Palestinians, most of
them civilians, according to the
and its Western allies.
“If the war does not stop”, it
in a house 10 minutes away from
the crossing” but had received no
nounced the aid deal after what
he called “blunt” talks in Israel
and given a lifetime ting permission to seek medical Hussain.
disqualification from care in the United Kingdom, “There was some sort of ar-
sis in Gaza. We will work
together to ensure region-
On a visit to Cairo, UN Secre- struck by Biden with Israel and health ministry. threatens “to plunge the entire information so far. and a phone call with Egyptian politics after being ignoring subsequent court or- rangement with the military al stability and prevent a
tary-General Antonio Guterres Egypt -- “a drop in the ocean of Entire city blocks have been region into catastrophe”, a state- Majed, 43, who said he works President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. convicted of corrup- ders to return during former establishment, without that he dangerous escalation.
said there needed to be “rapid, need right now”. levelled, displacing more than one ment from the Jordanian royal with a German organisation, Israel consented to the deal tion prime minister Imran Khan’s wouldn’t have decided to come @RishiSunak
unimpeded humanitarian access” Gaza has been hit by a relent- million of the 2.4 million popula- court read. told AFP: “I came on my own this while pressing on with its mili- government. back,” he said.
after dire warnings about the im- less barrage of Israeli fire in re- tion, the UN has said. Sisi and Abdullah, whose coun- morning and, in case the crossing tary campaign.
Xi says China to work with Egypt to Hamas says woman in political Russia says sending 27 tonnes First French army convoy to leave Niger reaches Chad
help stabilise Middle East leadership killed in Israeli strike of humanitarian aid to Gaza AFP | Paris Gaudilliere said France’s
AFP | Beijing AFP | Moscow forward bases in Ouallam and

AFP | Gaza City he first French road convoy Ayorou in northwestern Niger,

A view of Hyades star cluster

C hinese President Xi Jinping told Egypt’s prime minister yesterday
that their countries should work together to bring “more stability”
to the Middle East, as the Israel-Hamas war casts a shadow over the T he first woman elected to Hamas’s political leadership has been
killed in an Israeli strike on the Gaza Strip, the militant group R ussia yesterday sent 27 tonnes of humanitarian aid for
civilians in the Gaza Strip to be transported from Egypt,
of troops withdrawing from
Niger following the overthrow
of its president has arrived in
near the borders with Burkina
Faso and Mali, had been partial-
ly vacated. T he 2nd EU human-
itarian air bridge
Sputnik what happens to these missing region. said yesterday. Moscow’s emergency situations ministry said. neighbouring Chad’s capital, The “three borders” zone is flight bringing @UNICEF
stars. One theory is they are China has repeatedly backed a vague two-state proposal on the dec- Jamila Al-Shantee, 64, was killed Wednesday evening in Jabalia, in “A special plane has taken off from the airport at Ramen- the French military said yes- known as a haven for the Is- ’s urgent supplies for

I t turns out Earth is not the

only sphere in our galaxy
preparing for Halloween.
launched out of the cluster due
to interactions with other star
clusters, as well as, possibly,
ades-long deadlock that preceded the war, but it has historically been
sympathetic to the Palestinian cause -- albeit in favour of the nationalist
Palestine Liberation Organisation rather than Hamas.
northern Gaza, Hamas said.
She became the first woman to be elected to the movement’s political
bureau, composed of 20 members, following an internal ballot in 2021.
skoye near Moscow for El-Arish in Egypt. The Russian
humanitarian aid will be handed over to the Egyptian Red
Crescent to be sent to the Gaza Strip,” deputy minister Ilya
The pullout, ordered by Ni-
ger’s military rulers, started last French military leave Niamey
lamic State group (IS), but the
threat level for troops travelling
from Niger’s capital Niamey to
people in need in #Gaza
has landed in #Egypt.
The cargo is ready to be
The second-closest star gas clouds moving between Xi met Egypt’s Mostafa Madbouli in Beijing yesterday, repeating Chi- Another woman, Fatima Shurab, joined the political top brass at Denisov said in a statement. week after the July ouster of days on the road and in coor- N’Djamena was “low”, a French deployed immediately,
cluster to Earth, the Hyades the clusters. The stars in this na’s support for a “two-state solution... to realise the peaceful coexist- the same time, through an automatic appointment as president of its Denisov said the aid comprised “wheat, sugar, rice (and) president Mohamed Bazoum, dination with Nigerien forces, military source told AFP. pending the opening of
star cluster, is just 153 light- particular constellation are ence of Palestine and Israel”, according to multiple state media outlets. women’s commission. pasta”. a key ally of Paris, had thrown army spokesman Pierre Gaud- France deployed 1,400 sol- Rafah crossing. I thank
years away from our planet also loosely bound, so it would France’s strategy for the Sahel illiere told AFP. diers, fighter jets, drones, heli- Egypt for its cooperation.
and makes up the head of the be easy for them to be ejected region into disarray. The troops will depart by air copters and armoured vehicles, @JanezLenarcic
Bull in the Taurus constella- through these interactions. The convoy “has arrived from Chad to France, with the in Niamey and western Niger to
tion. From this cluster, a “zom-
bie” star has awoken and is
In order to test the theory,
researchers from the Univer-
WHO says AI can transform healthcare if understood properly ICC frees ex-C.Africa militia
without any particular prob-
lems” in N’Djamena after 10
pullout expected to be complet-
ed by the end of December.
battle fighters linked to IS and
Al-Qaeda. 04
now bursting its way out of the sity of British Columbia used
Hyades star cluster.
The zombie star is moving as
data the Gaia spacecraft col-
lected after it tracked over 1
AFP | London
leader after case shelved
fast as 22,000 miles per hour billion stars in the Milky Way
French airports again hit by fake bomb threats
(10 kilometers per second)
when compared to the Hyades
since 2013.
Officials found three white A rtificial Intelligence has
the potential to transform
Artificial intelligence
holds great promise for
AFP | The Hague
AFP | Paris
star cluster from which it es-
caped. But instead of being
alarmed by this runway star,
dwarfs they believe were eject-
ed from the Hyades cluster,
one of which was 1.3 times
health treatment but rapid roll-
out without fully understanding
how AI performs could end up
health, but also comes
with serious challenges, T he International Criminal
Court said yesterday it had
released Maxime Mokom, a for- A t least 14 French airports
received bomb threats I grieve with the fami-
lies of those killed or
scientists see it as an excit- more massive than the sun. harming patients, the World including unethical mer militia leader in the Central yesterday, with at least eight wounded in the tragedy
ing opportunity that will help Most white dwarfs have a mass Health Organization said yes- data collection, cyber- African Republic (CAR), shelving evacuated, in the latest series at the hospital in Gaza.
their unanswered questions that is 0.6 times that of the sun, terday. security threats and its war crimes case against him of false alarms that have rattled We’re working with our
surrounding the Hyades star and are formed from stars that The WHO said AI held great amplifying biases or after the prosecutor dropped all the country over the past week. partners in the region to
cluster. have run out of hydrogen fuel promise for healthcare but also misinformation charges. Most of France’s major air- get life-saving humani-
The Hyades star cluster is in their cores. In most cases, came with challenges, notably Prosecutor Karim Khan said his Maxime Mokom ports -- with the exception of tarian assistance to civil-
made up of several hundreds the celestial bodies are created around privacy and the poten- office had concluded there were its two biggest in Paris -- were ians in Gaza as quickly as
of stars, all formed around the once they pull material from a tial to entrench existing prob- by interpreting radiology imag- “no longer any reasonable pros- CAR, a former French colony, by temporarily evacuated on we can.
same time—about 625 million companion star. lems. A doctor looks at an x-ray on a screen, helped by artificial intelligence for es and retinal scans, it said. pects of conviction at trial even if his self-proclaimed self-defence Wednesday, leading to at least @POTUS
years ago. But, the cluster only However, the runaway white The United Nations’ health medical imaging which indicates possible bone fractures and dislocations However, the WHO added that the charges were confirmed”. militias in 2013 and 2014. 130 flight cancellations. Passengers and airline staff wait outside the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport in
contains a few white dwarfs dwarf the astronomers were agency issued a new publication ability of health care data and The WHO said AI could AI is being rapidly deployed, Mokom was released from cus- One of the world’s poorest Yesterday, the evacuations Blagnac, southwestern France
at its core. This is strange, able to track down appears to detailing some of the main reg- the rapid progress in analytic strengthen clinical trials, im- sometimes without a proper tody on Tuesday, the ICC said later countries, the CAR was plunged were focused on small airports while several airports put out has been on high alert since the
considering 97% of stars in have been created from just ulatory considerations on AI for techniques -- whether machine prove medical diagnosis and understanding of how such in a statement. into bloody sectarian conflict after such as Brest, Carcassonne, social media messages about Hamas’s assault on Israel and Disclaimer: (Views expressed
the Milky Way will experi- one star, which could mean health, so that authorities can learning, logic-based or statis- treatment and supplement med- technologies perform, “which He had faced charges of war Seleka rebels, a coalition of armed Bordeaux and Montpellier. the evacuations and checks by since a teacher was killed last by columnists are personal and
ence their final stage in life as it is the largest white dwarf build or adapt their guidance tical -- AI tools could transform ical knowledge and skills. could either benefit or harm crimes and crimes against human- groups mainly composed of Mus- Aviation authority DGAC con- security forces. week by an attacker who had need not necessarily reflect our
a white dwarf. created from a single star that on using it. the health sector,” the organi- For example, AI could help in end-users”, both patients and ity over alleged atrocities commit- lims, ousted president Francois firmed the bomb threats with- France, which has large Jew- sworn allegiance to the Islamic editorial stances)
Astronomers have wondered has been discovered thus far. “With the increasing avail- sation said. places with a lack of specialist, professionals alike. ted against Muslim civilians in the Bozize in early 2013. out giving a precise number, ish and Muslim populations, State extremist group.


BIS students raise cancer awareness at Lulu, Ramli Mall NMS Bahrain celebrates World Mental Health Day

Grade 9 students from Bhavans-Bahrain The New Millennium School, Bahrain celebrated the World Mental Health Day on 10th October. A Poster-making
Indian School (BIS) took a significant activity and street play competition was organised. Principal, Arun Kuumar Sharma acknowledged the importance of
step to raise awareness of cancer in the sound mental health for achieving a sustainable future. Chairman Dr Ravi Pillai and Managing Director Geetha Pillai
community. Their initiative unfolded at appreciated the efforts of the students and their teachers in taking part in the campaign
Lulu Ramli Mall, where they distributed
pink ribbons and engaged with visitors
in meaningful conversations, imparting
knowledge about cancer prevention
and healthier living. The gesture aimed
NMS-Bahrain shines in Sastra Pratibha 2023
to remind people of the importance of
regular check-ups and early detection in
the fight against cancer. The act garnered
recognition from the management of Lulu,
Ramli Mall. BIS Directors, Himanshu Verma
and Ritu Verma, offered their heartfelt
congratulations to the Grade 9 students.
Principal Saji Jacob also congratulated
the students, commending their efforts in
using their voices and actions to positively
impact the community

Students of New Millennium School-Bahrain displayed an exemplary performance in the Sastra Pratibha Contest 2023.
Students from all the CBSE Schools in the Kingdom had participated in the Levels I and II of the contest. The Sastra
BSB wins Independent Schools of the Year award Pratibhas from NMS Bahrain are Jahanvi Kalesh (7 D) , Merwyn Emmanuel D`Souza (9 D), Kaashvi Shree Sivamurugan
(9 D), Rammona Roy (10 B), Saanvi Shetty (11 C). The Chairman, Dr. Ravi Pillai, Managing Director, Geetha Pillai and
The British School of Bahrain (BSB) received a Principal, Arun Kuumar Sharma congratulated the winners
prestigious Independent Schools of the Year Award
at its annual award ceremony event in the Law
Society on Chancery Lane in the centre of London,
UK. The Telegraph Media Group, the publisher of
Independent School Parent Magazine, hosted the RSCI undergraduate student research projects receive accolades
yearly Independent Schools of the Year Awards,
where over 200 of the top schools from around the
world gathered at this glamorous event in the centre
of London. Having been shortlisted as a finalist
three months ago, the British School of Bahrain
represented Bahrain at the Independent Schools of
the Year Awards. As the sole school shortlisted from
the Kingdom, and one of just three finalists from
the Middle East, this achievement was a significant
accolade and testament to BSB’s commitment to The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Medical University of Bahrain honoured the achievements of its
excellence and global best practice. Executive students in the field of undergraduate research. During the summer, 63 students participated in the university’s
Headmaster, John Maguire, attended the event on ‘Research Summer School’ across 23 projects. Dr Bedoor Sami, medicine graduate (Class of 2011), mentored students
Tuesday evening. This award is already the 6th on a project which has been accepted for an oral presentation at the 1st Radiology Highlights Conference to be held in
award that BSB has achieved in the last year and the October, in Dubai. Shahad Abdulkhaleq, joined and developed a research project which won the Lesley Diack Award
second award given to the school this week for Outstanding Research at the 3rd International Congress of Health Workforce Education and Research (INHWE), co-
hosted by the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) in Cardiff (UK).

Al Noor celebrates high attainment in Cambridge Examinations

TDT | Manama

S tudents at Al Noor Interna-

tional School are celebrating
the exemplary results in Cam-
bridge Examinations 2022-2023.
The school appreciated the
dedication of the students and
the cooperation from the par-
ents which made this exception-
Hassan, congratulated the stu-
dents on their accomplishments
and wished them success in
their future endeavours.
He thanked the Head Teach-
ers, Coordinators and teachers
of the school for the time and
energy they devoted to the edu-
cation of the students.
The School Director, Dr. Mu-
hammad Mashood congratulat-
“These results demonstrate year. Mohamed Alsada, Ahmed Ali ya Pasandi Ranaweera Arach- Hasan Abdulhalim Hasan Ab- biba Lotfy Ibrahim Mohamed
the positive impact that our fo- Shaker Mahmood Mahdi, Khalid chige, Maha Munawar Alhoda dulhalim Hassouna, Muham- Ibrahim, Judy Mohamed Mo-
cus on academic management Advanced Level Ali Isa Abdulla Hasan, Yasith Mohamed Bader Alhoda, Aleena mad Shehryar Khan, Syed Es- hamed Elsayed Mohamed,
and students’ performance has In Advanced Level, six stu- Chamodya Rathnahalu Gedara. Shahid, Hadi Mohamed Ali Ha- sam Uddin Khawaja, Wijeratne Mar ye m Mah mo ud Fo uad
had,” he said. dents secured 3A* while 11 stu- Ahmed Athiraldin Ahmed bib Ahmed Hasan ,And Shruti Mohandiramge Ushara Shevoni Ahmed Mansour, Zainab Abdul-
The Acting Principal, Abdul- dents achieved only A* & A. 39 Basyouni, Vighnesh Santosh Santosh Prabhu secured either Fernando, Anlin Angel Cross, la Ahmed Abdulla Abbas, Mai-
Hakeem Abdulrahman Alshaer, A*, 62 A and 62 B grades were Prabhu, Jana Sherif Mahmoud A* or A’s in all the 3 subjects. Bader Taleb Mohamed Ali Ali muna Ahmed, Alyssa Avery Alo
praised the outstanding results also secured by the students. Fathallah Showeil, Lina Majid In Advanced Subsidiary Lev- Baihoosh, Chamal Jude Nimen- Saguan, Amra Mohamed Silmy,
obtained by the AS and A Lev- The students who secured Saeed Abujudah And Hithana- el, 22 students secured 3A’s. 95 dra Weraduwage, Chris Joby, Naimah Shahid,Shane Prince
el students and mentioned the 3A*in Advanced Level are Abdul dura Senuri Hashinika De Silva A and 84 B grades were also Gavinu Sansira Embuldeniya, Pinto, Zuha Abid, Christina Lian
school’s achievements during Azeez Mohamed Silmy, Laiba secured 2A* &1A. achieved. Basmala Hazem Abdelwahed Fernandez, Nicole Gabrielle Es-
the course of the past academic Shahid, Rawan Hashim Bader Muhammad Faizan, Chalan- Straight 3A’s are achieved by Abdelhamid Abdelwahed, Ha- perida Navarro.
09 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023

VACANCIES [email protected] CITY SIDE W.L.L has a vacancy for the [email protected]
Call us on +973 36458394
email : [email protected]

for the occupation of WORKER, suitably [email protected]

occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified SHTIYA BUILDING CONTRACTING & qualified applicants can contact 39829689 or AKHTAR HUSSAIN MODERN GENTS
[email protected]
a vacancy for the occupation of STOREKEEPER, applicants can contact 32327494 or MAINTENANC has a vacancy for the occupation TAILORING W.L.L has a vacancy for the
suitably qualified applicants can contact 34026802 [email protected] of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can FARAH YASMEEN CONSTRUCTION has a occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified
or [email protected] STERLONIX SAFETY AND SECURITY contact 33744544 or shtiyacontracting@gmail. vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably applicants can contact 39585739 or
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39826438 or
com [email protected]
qualified applicants can contact 39446771 or GOLDEN TOUCH CLEANING CO. W.L.L has a SYSTEMS W.L.L has a vacancy for the
[email protected]
[email protected] vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 36662111 or applicants can contact 39696047 or W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
[email protected] [email protected] TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can for the occupation of WORKER, suitably suitably qualified applicants can contact
a vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, qualified applicants can contact 35171912 or
contact 17785757 or ALJAZERA@BATELCO. 39931236 or [email protected]
suitably qualified applicants can contact BOKHOWA CONTRACTING & TRADING AL SHBAH REAL ESTATE has a vacancy for
[email protected]
the occupation of ACCOUNTANTS, suitably COM.BH ASKER M&G ABAYAT has a vacancy for
33433238 or [email protected] GROUP W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation
PRO CUT MARKETING SERVICES CO W.L.L of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants qualified applicants can contact 39458837 or SANTY EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION AL MALAKI SPECIALIST HOSPITAL the occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified
has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, can contact 17255980 or ADEEBALI@ [email protected] COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 35075006 or MMM285@
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified TECHNICIAN(MAINTENANCE), suitably LIVE.COM
suitably qualified applicants can contact BOKHOWAGROUP.COM WAHED KARAK has a vacancy for the
occupation of WAITER (GENERAL), suitably applicants can contact 17401013 or hrteam@ qualified applicants can contact 17759999 or WADI ALSAIL GATE CONSTRUCTION has
34569303 or [email protected] RAMSIS ENGINEERING CO. W.L.L has a
[email protected]
LOUMAGE SUITES & SPA W.L.L has a vacancy vacancy for the occupation of MECHANICAL qualified applicants can contact 39415201 or a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER,
for the occupation of THERAPIST, suitably HELPER, suitably qualified applicants can [email protected] Food Silver Fort has a vacancy for the FUL FLOWERS W.L.L has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact
occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified occupation of FLORIST/FLOWER SETTER, 33367000 or [email protected]
qualified applicants can contact 16668777 or contact 17830801 or [email protected] G4S GENERAL CLEANING AND
applicants can contact 39458837 or shabah. suitably qualified applicants can contact LEARNING CELL CONSULTANCY has
17300212 or [email protected]
GBL GROUP W.L.L has a vacancy for the W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, [email protected] a vacancy for the occupation of OFFICE
occupation of WAITER/BARTENDER, suitably WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can suitably qualified applicants can contact DAIRATY MARKAT has a vacancy for the Abdul Rahman Ali Al Saad Power Projects WORKER HELPER, suitably qualified applicants
qualified applicants can contact 36003001 or contact 36943477 or [email protected] 17714409 or [email protected] occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified Co W l l has a vacancy for the occupation of can contact 17309008 or ALI.SHEHABI@
applicants can contact 39695569 or aliessa68@ ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants GMAIL.COM
can contact 17273330 or BEENA.B@
Charcoal Gourmet Burger Snack W L L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably Doctor Food Cafeteria has a vacancy for the
qualified applicants can contact 33057494 or HILTON BESPOKE WLL has a vacancy ALSAADPROJECTS.COM occupation of FOOD SERVICE WORKER,
has a vacancy for the occupation of FOOD suitably qualified applicants can contact
SERVICE WORKER, suitably qualified 17403059 or YASERABDULLAAHMED@ [email protected] for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably NESTO HYPERMARKET W.L.L has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact
qualified applicants can contact 17440058 or for the occupation of CASHIER, suitably 33070069 or [email protected]
applicants can contact 36020031 or GMAIL.COM PURE WORLD SERVICES W.L.L has a
[email protected] qualified applicants can contact 39151200 or CAPSTONE CONSTRUCTION has a vacancy
[email protected] KEY MARINE SHIP REPAIR SERVICES vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
[email protected]
FOOD INNOVATION CO W.L.L has a vacancy W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of qualified applicants can contact 36159366 or MOHAMMED AHMADI CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
for the occupation of FOOD SERVICE LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can [email protected] for the occupation of WORKER, suitably INTERTEK INDUSTRY W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 33853777 or
qualified applicants can contact 17268111 or for the occupation of INSPECTOR, suitably [email protected]
WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39612385 FEDORA CONTRACTING CO WLL has a
[email protected] qualified applicants can contact 36649444 or Burj Mushraf Contracting Co. W.L.L has a
contact 77660137 or HR.FOODINNOVATION@ JAHECON W.L.L has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
[email protected]
FAKHRO.COM occupation of CARPENTER (GENERAL), qualified applicants can contact 33871955 or Hilton Made To Measure W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
ADAM PHARMACY CO. W.L.L has a vacancy suitably qualified applicants can contact [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably ARCAL W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 36167111 or
qualified applicants can contact 39970063 or of ALUMINIUM TECHNICIAN (GENERAL), [email protected]
for the occupation of PHARMACIST, suitably 17244111 or [email protected] GOLD AND BLACK SALON W.L.L has a
vacancy for the occupation of HAIR DRESSER, [email protected] suitably qualified applicants can contact QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for
qualified applicants can contact 32139107 or FAST TRACK MIGRATION CONSULTANTS
17701900 or [email protected]
[email protected] W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of suitably qualified applicants can contact Dome Natural Stone has a vacancy for the the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified
BAHRAIN GUARDING SOLUTIONS W.L.L CONSULTANT, suitably qualified applicants can 33133742 or [email protected] occupation of MASON, suitably qualified NASSER ABD MOHAMMED B.S.C(CLOSED) applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@
has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY contact 33157637 or [email protected] RED STAGE MAINTENANCE SERVICES applicants can contact 39335330 or has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
[email protected] suitably qualified applicants can contact Al enma house for security services W.L.L
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can MADIHA BEAUTY SALON W.L.L has a vacancy CO W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
17700888 or [email protected]
contact 37722884 or [email protected] for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably HEAVY DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants JASSIM GARDEN CENTRE has a vacancy for has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY
HIMALAYAA CONTRACTING & GENERAL qualified applicants can contact 37264937 or can contact 34515252 or REDSTAGE77@ the occupation of GARDENER, suitably qualified SHINE TOWER CLEANING CONTRACTING GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can
TRADE CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the [email protected] GMAIL.COM applicants can contact 39643311 or JASSIMG@ W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 36633319 or [email protected]
BATELCO.COM.BH WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can Stiller Agency for the Supply Workers w. l. l
occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT, suitably VENETO PAINTS has a vacancy for the PORTO RESERVATION SERVICES W.L.L
contact 36617007 or STCCONTRACTINGBH@
qualified applicants can contact 36615286 or occupation of PAINTER, suitably qualified has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, DETAILING EXPERTS TRADING has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of SERVICES
suitably qualified applicants can contact for the occupation of POLISHER(METAL), GMAIL.COM HELPER, suitably qualified applicants can
[email protected] applicants can contact 39698800 or
GCS W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation [email protected] 38202577 or [email protected] suitably qualified applicants can contact Relax time salon has a vacancy for the contact 17717730 or ALAZZAMGROUP@
39738333 or [email protected] occupation of MASSEUR, suitably qualified YAHOO.COM
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the BIIKIS DEMES MARKETING BAHRAINI
applicants can contact 36555060 or
contact 37722884 or [email protected] occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified PARTNERSHIP COMPANY has a vacancy for QUALITY WIRE PRODUCTS W.L.L has a CRIB construction has a vacancy for the
the occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT, suitably vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, suitably [email protected] occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified
FINPAL ACCOUNTING CO W.L.L has a applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN.
vacancy for the occupation of CONSULTANT, [email protected] qualified applicants can contact 36841778 or qualified applicants can contact 17874000 or A - KARIM ALJAHROMI CONTRACTING applicants can contact 36636333 or CRIBC.
suitably qualified applicants can contact O & S TECH RESURANTS AND COFEESHOPS [email protected] [email protected] COMPANY WLL has a vacancy for the [email protected]
35510114 or [email protected] MANAGMENT W.L.L has a vacancy for RAKIN ALATJAHAT REAL ESTATE EST has
applicants can contact 17831000 or AKJCONT@
GREEN SKENAR ELECTRIC WORKSHOP the occupation of WORKER, suitably a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of
suitably qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact 17737000 or BATELCO.COM.BH LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can
CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 39690214 or
of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants [email protected] 33135527 or [email protected] [email protected] ALMASAR AUTO SERVICES has a vacancy contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@
can contact 33161222 or SARBJEET2003@ ALHAJ HASSAN GROUP B.S.C CLOSED has DESI HANDI RESTAURANT W.L.L THE GRAND ASHOKA W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably GMAIL.COM
for the occupation of WAITER, suitably qualified qualified applicants can contact 36606655 or Stiller Agency for the Supply Workers w. l. l
YAHOO.COM a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, suitably has a vacancy for the occupation of
COOK(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants applicants can contact 39420606 or mgtbah9@ [email protected] has a vacancy for the occupation of WAITER,
SEPCOIII BAHRAIN CONSTRUCTION qualified applicants can contact 17551111 or
COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the [email protected] can contact 39441637 or AQEEL.RAWALIA@ THE DOMAIN HOTEL AND SPA W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact
occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified STAR GROUP COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy GMAIL.COM AMBALI CLEANING AND CONTRACTING vacancy for the occupation of SUPERVISOR, 17717730 or [email protected]
has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact SULTAN AL ARAB GENTS SALOON has a
applicants can contact 66331128 or fatima@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ST CHRISTOPHERS SCHOOL / ISA TOWN
has a vacancy for the occupation of PRIVATE suitably qualified applicants can contact 16000000 or [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17300013 or
SEASON INTERNATIONAL TRADING AND [email protected] SECRETARY, suitably qualified applicants can 39165508 or [email protected] Chrom phone has a vacancy for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 38385157 or
contact 17605424 or [email protected] ALI SABAH AUTO BODY REPAIR GARAGE of TELEPHONE TECHNICIAN, suitably [email protected]
INDUSTRIES COMPANY W.L.L. has a vacancy JASMI'S CORPORATION W.L.L has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER, qualified applicants can contact 39776609 or POWER TECH DEVELOPMENT W.L.L has a
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably for the occupation of WAITER (GENERAL),
suitably qualified applicants can contact [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN,
qualified applicants can contact 36999677 or suitably qualified applicants can contact SALEH ABDULLA ALI CHARSI has a vacancy
[email protected] 17588787 or [email protected] for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 35003161 or [email protected] ELITE FACILITY MANAGEMENT CO W.L.L suitably qualified applicants can contact
qualified applicants can contact 17686191 or ALESAAR BOUTIQUE has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER 34010755 or [email protected]
[email protected] for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably (GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for
CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 13606006 or contact 17382228 or [email protected] the occupation of CLEANER, suitably qualified
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 32133133 or FORCE POINT SECURITY W.L.L has a
qualified applicants can contact 34114111 or [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY [email protected] CHAI PANI CAFE has a vacancy for the applicants can contact 36094012 or hrd@
GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can MASTER HOME FURNITURE has a vacancy occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably
contact 66767587 or [email protected] for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact 33995542 or SUPER GLOBAL CONTRACTING has a
GHANI DECORATION W.L.L has a vacancy for COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy for the
qualified applicants can contact 33724018 or [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified MOHAMED JALAL CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L
has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, [email protected] Dream World Construction Co. W.L.L. has a qualified applicants can contact 32118800 or
applicants can contact 33975560 or GHANI. applicants can contact 32344267 or
[email protected] [email protected] suitably qualified applicants can contact ALHAMAD CONSTRUCTION & DEVLOPMENT vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably [email protected]
17536956 or [email protected] CO. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation of qualified applicants can contact 39252020 or EBRAHIM KHALIL KANOO CO.
La vierge beauty lounge has a vacancy AMASENA RESTAURANT has a vacancy for
ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can [email protected] B.S.C.CLOSED has a vacancy for the
for the occupation of BEAUTICIAN, suitably the occupation of COOK(GENERAL), suitably S PLAZA SUITES HOTEL W.L.L has a vacancy
qualified applicants can contact 36993636 or qualified applicants can contact 32270077 or for the occupation of BAKER,PASTRY COOK & contact 17226618 or [email protected] Cinqo Contracting W.L.L. has a vacancy for occupation of TECHNICIAN, suitably qualified
CONFECTIONER, suitably qualified applicants MEMCO TRADING AND CONTRACTING CO. the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 17262262 or hr.s@
[email protected] [email protected]
can contact 39992285 or SAEEDRADHI52@ W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 39845868 or satish@
GMAIL.COM ELECTRICIAN, suitably qualified applicants can ROQITT MARKETING & TRADING has a
vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably a vacancy for the occupation of TECHNICIAN,
qualified applicants can contact 33494698 or suitably qualified applicants can contact STAR GROUP COMPANY W.L.L has a vacancy contact 17533014 or [email protected] KAMALIA TOBA SALOON has a vacancy vacancy for the occupation of FINANCIAL
[email protected] 33829922 or [email protected] for the occupation of CLEANER (GENERAL), ALFATH SFCOND HAND EQUIPMENTS has a for the occupation of WORKER, suitably ANALYST, suitably qualified applicants can
suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can contact 39788869 or contact 35056609 or [email protected]
17300013 or [email protected] qualified applicants can contact 39538371 or [email protected] Prince Burger Bahraini partnership company
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably for the occupation of KITCHEN AIDE, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 34569303 or qualified applicants can contact 38888715 or ALL PEOPLE GROCERY has a vacancy for [email protected] BEN EID TOWERS CLEANING has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
the occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified MASHGAL FLAKLOOR LELJALABIYAT has for the occupation of OFFICE BOY / FARRASH, suitably qualified applicants can contact
[email protected] [email protected]
applicants can contact 38888182 or lin. a vacancy for the occupation of MACHINE suitably qualified applicants can contact 17321000 or [email protected]
[email protected] OPERATOR, suitably qualified applicants can 17250078 or [email protected] ALHAJ HASSAN GROUP B.S.C CLOSED
vacancy for the occupation of BARBER, suitably W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
qualified applicants can contact 32273555 or WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can MARIAM FAMILY COLD STORE has a vacancy contact 33738989 or FLAKLOOR.FASHIONS@ MINA GATE PHONE ACCESSORIES has a has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER,
GMAIL.COM vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified applicants can contact
[email protected] contact 33923239 or FATIMA_ALSELAITI@ for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 39725550 or COMSIP AL A ALI W.L.L has a vacancy for the suitably qualified applicants can contact 17551111 or [email protected]
[email protected] occupation of LABOURER, suitably qualified 34228931 or [email protected] WADI ALSAIL GATE CONSTRUCTION has
has a vacancy for the occupation of HEAVY MOHAMED JALAL CONTRACTING CO. W.L.L
applicants can contact 17773006 or AURELIEN. Olive filter Trading has a vacancy for the a vacancy for the occupation of LABOURER,
DRIVER, suitably qualified applicants can has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, AL-KARAMA SANDWITCHES CO WLL has a
[email protected] occupation of SALESMAN, suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can contact
contact 17700888 or NASSERAB@BATELCO. suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably
qualified applicants can contact 39611067 or SALON BLACK & WHITE has a vacancy applicants can contact 38888675 or ABDUL- 33367000 or [email protected]
COM.BH 17536956 or [email protected]
[email protected] for the occupation of BARBER, suitably [email protected] INNER STYLE CARPENTRY WORKSHOP
has a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, has a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY IBN AL BETAR SPICE TRADER has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 17685788 or Mahonia Restaurant has a vacancy for the WLL has a vacancy for the occupation of
for the occupation of SALES AGENT, suitably [email protected] occupation of ASSISTANT MANAGER, suitably CARPENTER, suitably qualified applicants can
suitably qualified applicants can contact GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can
qualified applicants can contact 33396456 or JACARTA FOOD STUFF W.L.L has a vacancy qualified applicants can contact 66666730 or contact 39964163 or [email protected]
39245981 or ZAHEERABBAS1283@GMAIL. contact 37722884 or [email protected]
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COM Buildco WLL has a vacancy for the occupation
ALMOAYYED SECURITY has a vacancy for of WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can SUFRYA FOR TRADITIONAL FOOD has a qualified applicants can contact 17233144 or MAKKAH Auto Spare Parts has a vacancy for the occupation of WELDER, suitably
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10 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023

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CONTINUED MARBLE RESTORATION CO. W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact MCDONALDS W.L.L. has a vacancy for the 38122261 or [email protected] suitably qualified applicants can contact
QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 33481430 or [email protected] occupation of SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT, YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY 36725889 or [email protected]
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LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of contact 33461139 or [email protected] a vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY White Beauty Salon has a vacancy for FOOD INNOVATION CO W.L.L has a vacancy BAKE HOME BAKERY PROUDCTS W.L.L has
LABOURER, suitably qualified applicants can QUICK ZEBRA SERVICES has a vacancy for GUARD, suitably qualified applicants can contact the occupation of WORKER, suitably for the occupation of HEAD OF OPERATIONS, a vacancy for the occupation of CHEF, suitably
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Bright Future Contracting has a vacancy the occupation of SECURITY GUARD, suitably Star Planet Tailoring - Bahraini Partnership FAKHRO.COM ALMADINAH AL MUNAWWARAH PUBLIC
for the occupation of WORKER, suitably AL ANJOM AL ZAHERA FOR CLENING has a qualified applicants can contact 17400407 or company has a vacancy for the occupation BANGLA KITCHEN RESTAURANT - Bahraini RELATIONS W.L.L has a vacancy for the
qualified applicants can contact 33681568 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably [email protected] of TAILOR, suitably qualified applicants can partnership company has a vacancy occupation of PUBLIC RELATIONS CLERK,
[email protected] qualified applicants can contact 33795726 or YOUNG JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY contact 17215099 or JALBAHARNA@YAHOO. for the occupation of WORKER, suitably suitably qualified applicants can contact
ZAIN AL EBAD LAUNDRY has a vacancy [email protected] LIMITED has a vacancy for the occupation of COM qualified applicants can contact 36922301 or 34142827 or [email protected]
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qualified applicants can contact 39337343 or for the occupation of WORKER (MEDICAL, contact 17700711 or JEONG.DONGJIN.0102@ has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON, JASMIN ABAYA has a vacancy for the vacancy for the occupation of GENERAL
[email protected] DENTISTRY & VETERINARY ) , suitably GMAIL.COM suitably qualified applicants can contact occupation of TAILOR, suitably qualified SUPERVISOR(HOTEL SERVICES), suitably
ALAZHAR CONTRACTING ESTABLISHMENT qualified applicants can contact 36001186 or MAGIC SHINE CLEANING CO. W.L.L has 17785131 or [email protected] applicants can contact 33029288 or qualified applicants can contact 33637004 or
has a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER [email protected] a vacancy for the occupation of CLEANER, SHANYOOL ATELEE TRADING has a [email protected] [email protected]
(GENERAL), suitably qualified applicants can Burj Mushraf Contracting Co. W.L.L has a suitably qualified applicants can contact vacancy for the occupation of TAILOR, suitably M TOUCH EVENT MANAGEMENT W.L.L has a PAKISTAN PUBLIC RELATION SERVICES
contact 17702454 or [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably 36509129 or [email protected] qualified applicants can contact 32313131 or vacancy for the occupation of WORKER, suitably W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation of
THE GOOD WOLF EATERY W.L.L has a qualified applicants can contact 36167111 or METAL AGE GATE has a vacancy for the [email protected] qualified applicants can contact 32302725 or WORKER, suitably qualified applicants can
vacancy for the occupation of KITCHEN [email protected] occupation of WORKER, suitably qualified GERMAN EXPERTS CAR MAINTENANCE has [email protected] contact 33347135 or ADVYAQOOT@YAHOO.
AIDE, suitably qualified applicants can contact SOFIQ TAILORING AND TEXTILES CO. W.L.L applicants can contact 39852512 or DFR.2030@ a vacancy for the occupation of MECHANIC, BLUE LAGON INTERIOR DECORATION W.L.L COM

Ton-up Kohli stars as India

overwhelm Bangladesh
Virat Kohli’s unbeaten century secures India’s fourth consecutive World Cup victory
er-driven four off

• India reach target

of 257 with more than
Shoriful Islam as
Bangla-desh bowl-
ing coach Allan Don-
India 261 for 3 (Kohli 103*, Gill
Virat Kohli bowled
in a one-day inter-
national for the first
53, Rohit 48) beat Bangladesh
eight overs to spare ald, the former South Af- 256 for 8 (Litton 66, Tanzid 51, time in six years after
rica spearhead, looked on. Mahmudullah 46, Jadeja allrounder Hardik Pan-
AFP | Pune Rohit, fresh from scores
of 131 and 86 against A f -
2-38, Bumrah 2-41) by dya limped off midway
ghanistan and Paki-
seven wickets through an over

V irat Kohli’s unbeaten cen-

tury sealed India’s fourth
win from four World Cup
matches as the hosts defeated
Bangladesh by seven wickets
stan respectively,
hooked Hasan
Mahmud for a
huge six only to
hole out when try-
their four
p re v i -
ous ODIs
against In-
catch,” said Rohit of Jadeja. “But
a hundred is a hundred (from
Kohli) -- you cannot beat that.”
Tanzid Hasan, whose 51 was
yesterday with the star batsman ing to repeat the dia, were held the left-hander’s maiden ODI
closing in on Sachin Tendulkar’s shot next ball. to 256-8, having been fifty, and Liton Das (66) shared
record for ODI hundreds. well-placed at 93 with- a fine opening stand only for
Kohli reached his century and ‘Cannot beat that’ out loss, after stand-in Bangladesh to slump to 137-4.
ended the match in style with India’s Ravindra Jadeja (2R) celebrates with teammates after taking a wicket Kohli, however, skipper Najmul Hossain The 22-year-old Tanzid was
a six against spinner Nasum of fifty in four innings following match Kohli at the presentation was soon into his Shanto, leading the lbw to left-arm wrist-spinner
Ahmed when he needed three contributions of 85 and 55 not ceremony. stride with a four -- side in place of in- Yadav before Liton carelessly
runs to complete his century and out in recent pool wins over Aus- “I’ve had a few fifties in World off a free hit -- and jured all-round- lofted Jadeja to long-off.
India two more runs to reach a tralia and Afghanistan. Cups and haven’t converted a sublime straight er Shakib “We did not play our best
target of 257. But for Bangladesh, a third them so I just wanted to finish six from successive Al Hasan, game,” said Najmul, who added
They got there with more than defeat in four matches left them the game off this time around,” Mahmud deliveries. won the he hoped Shakib would be fit to
eight overs to spare, finishing with an uphill struggle to qualify added Kohli, who played along- Earlier, spinners toss. face South Africa in Mumbai on
on 261-3. for the semi-finals. side Tendulkar in India’s 2011 Kuldeep Yadav and Jadeja Tuesday.”
Kohli’s 48th one-day inter- Chants of “Kohli!, Kohli!” rang World Cup-winning team. Ravindra Jadeja took a mi- “If Tanzid and Litton batted
national century left him just round a crowd of over 33,000 The stage was set for Kohli sparked a top-or- serly 2-38 longer, it could have been a dif-
one shy of equalling India great as the former captain reached by an opening partnership of der collapse Virat Kohli f ro m h i s 10 ferent ball-game.
Tendulkar’s all-time record of 49 his third World Cup hundred 88 between India skipper Rohit The Tigers, plays a shot overs and Yadav India were a bowler down
hundreds at this level. and second against Bangladesh Sharma (48) and Shubman Gill who had 1-47. after Hardik Pandya managed
Kohli faced 97 balls, including in style. (53). w o n “He was bril- just three balls in the ninth over
six fours and four sixes, with this “I wanted to make a big con- Rohit signalled India’s inten- three liant with the ball before limping off with ankle
century his third score in excess tribution,” said player of the tions with a second-ball cov- o f and took a brilliant damage.

Bahrain lose to Laos in Billie Jean King Cup tennis
TDT | Manama
di Arabia and Iraq; Group
B includes Vietnam, Kyr-

B ahrain lost yesterday their

second successive match-
up in the 2023 Billie Jean
gyzstan and Bhutan; and
Group C is composed of Ta-
jikistan, Brunei, Qatar and
King Cup Asia/Oceania Zone Nepal.
Group III , currently being Fo l l ow i n g a s i n g l e
hosted by the Bahrain Tennis round-robin, the top team
Federation (BTF) at their hard from each group will advance
courts in Isa Town. to the next stage. There, they
His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, First Deputy Chairman of the The Kingdom’s women’s will play for two qualifying
Supreme Council for Youth and Sports (SCYS), General Sports Authority (GSA) national team bowed to their cards for Group II in next
Chairman, and Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC) President, met with Ng Ser Miang, counterparts from Laos 0-3 year’s competition, while the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) vice-president. The meeting was attended for another defeat in Group D. remaining sides will compete
by HH Shaikh Salman bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Vice President of the GSA and In the opening singles con- for their best final classifica-
President of Bahrain Combat Sports Council; Ayman bin Tawfiq Al Moayyed, SCYS A player in action during yesterday’s play
test, Bahrain’s Hajar Zaidan tion.
Secretary-General; Dr Abdulrahman Sadiq Askar, GSA CEO; Fares Mustafa Al- put in a hard fight against sweep with Thirada Phom- II in next year’s competition. The Billie Jean King Cup is
Kooheji, BOC Secretary-General; and Mohammed Abdullatif bin Jalal, President of
Phonephathep Philavong in machack and Phonesamai Yesterday’s loss followed Bah- a leading global tournament
the Bahrain Athletics Association. HH Shaikh Khalid affirmed the keenness of the
BOC to strengthen collaboration with the IOC to advance the Olympic movement. a narrow 3-6, 4-6 defeat. That Champamanivong defeating rain’s opening day defeat to between national teams in
He expressed the Kingdom’s interest in bilateral cooperation that supports Olympic was followed by Salma Far- Haneen Al Najjar and Salma the Maldives on Wednesday. women’s tennis. The competi-
work and wished the IOC continued success. Miang expressed gratitude to HH Shaikh agallah losing to Malaylack 6-2, 6-1. They play one last match-up tion in the Kingdom is a zonal
Khalid and praised Bahraini sports’ development and the support it receives, noting Delilah Pathummakuronen With the result, Bahrain today in their division against event, with teams playing for
its Olympic and Asian achievements, and wishing the Kingdom continued progress. 0-6, 0-6. bowed out of contention for Macau. promotion to the higher-tier
Above, HH Shaikh Khalid and Miang at their meeting Laos then completed the a promotional berth to Group Group A features Iran, Sau- group.

‘I won’t lie’:

Japan stun Bahrain in Handball Cummins hails

Dutch ahead of
Pakistan clash
Kosuke Yasuhira converts decisive penalty for 27-26 Japan victory in Asian Men’s Qualification for Olympics

Japan goalkeeper
Nakamura plays BETTER
P W L +/- Pts
key role in victory with a Japan 2 2 0 6 4
Bahrain 2 1 1 27 2
number of crucial saves Iran 2 1 1 -4 2 Pat Cummins

Kuwait 1 0 1 -1 0 AFP | Bengaluru
Bahrainis back in Kazakhstan 1 0 1 -28 0
action Sunday against
Kuwait, complete
preliminaries against
Despite their first loss
of the qualifiers, Bah-
helped Bahrain take a slim 16-14
lead at the half.
A ustralia skipper Pat
Cummins thanked
the Netherlands yesterday
Iran Tuesday rain are still in conten- After the break, things were for throwing the five-time
tion but cannot afford even tighter and Bahrain could champions a shock World
any slip-ups moving not widen the gap from their Cup lifeline with their sur-
TDT | Manama rivals. prise victory over South
forward. They must
Each time Bahrain went Africa.

finish the preliminary
ahrain suffered a dis- ahead, the Japanese had a re- “Yeah, I mean it’s good,
heartening 26-27 loss to
round as one of the ply. A Mohammed Habib Ahmed I won’t lie. I think it just
Japan last night in the top two teams from goal made it 24-23 and then Ab- evens all the teams out re-
Bahrain’s Mohammed Hameed Rabia tries to battle past the Japan defence as he Group B to advance to
Asian Men’s Qualification com- goes for goal during their game last night dulhussain made another fine ally,” said Cummins.
petition for the men’s handball the semi-finals. Only stop, giving the Bahrainis a The Dutch stunned South
tournament at the Paris Olympic zakhstan to kick start the com- from the two groups advance the winners of the chance to go ahead by two, but Africa by 38 runs in Dhar-
Games 2024. petition, which is taking place in to the semi-finals, which are Asian Men’s Qualifica- Ahmed misfired on his next at- amsala on Tuesday.
The nationals conceded a pen- Doha, Qatar. scheduled for Thursday next tion tournament clinch tempt and Japan tied once again. It was South Africa’s first
alty with less than 10 seconds to Despite the defeat, Bahrain week. The final and game for Hiroki Motoki then scored on loss of the tournament and
go and Japan’s Kosuke Yasuhira are still in contention in their third place will then be held on
a direct berth at the a fast-break to give the Japanese prevented them from tak-
made no mistake with his ef- qualification bid, but cannot the qualifiers’ concluding day of Paris Olympics a slight edge with just over six ing their record to a perfect
fort. After a timeout, Moham- afford any slip-ups moving for- action on 28 October. minutes left, and then Ahmed three wins in three.
med Habib Nasser had one last ward. Only the winners of the only the national team’s first levelled the scores again at 25- Instead they are only two
chance to salvage a draw, but Today is a rest day at the Qa- Asian Men’s Qualification tour- time competing in the men’s all with a penalty. points ahead of Australia
his shot from well beyond the tari capital and Bahrain only re- nament clinch a direct berth handball tournament at any A Nasser shot was saved by in what is expected to be a
nine-metre line hit the wood- turn to action on Sunday against in next year’s men’s handball Olympic Games, but it was also Nakamura, which was followed tight battle for the top four
work and the Japanese complet- Kuwait. After another rest day competition at the Paris Olym- the Kingdom’s maiden appear- by a Jin Watanabe goal for a 26- places which will decide the
ed their stunning come-from- on Monday, they complete the pics. The runners-up from Doha ance in any team sport at the 25 advantage, but Ahmed Jalal semi-final line-up.
behind win. preliminaries against Iran on will get another chance to book Olympics. scored for Bahrain to forge an- “They played really well,”
Japan goalkeeper Takumi Tuesday next week. their tickets, but must compete In last night’s clash, Bahrain other deadlock heading into the added Cummins whose
Nakamura was instrumental in Iran edged past Kuwait 29-28 against other top handball na- and Japan matched each other final two minutes. team face Pakistan on Fri-
their victory, making a number in yesterday’s other Group B tions from around the world in goal for goal for virtually the Japan’s Taiga Tsutaya then day before taking on the
of crucial saves throughout the game; while in Group A, South one of three Olympic qualifying entire contest. missed a crucial penalty shot, Netherlands in New Delhi
match. Korea defeated Saudi Arabia events. After going down 12-13, the although Bahrain could not take next Wednesday.
The result was the first loss 29-27 and the UAE squeezed past Bahrain are aiming to qual- Bahrainis scored two straight advantage on the other end and “I think what we’re see-
for the Bahrainis in their two China 31-30. Qatar and India ify for their second successive to regain the lead and then goal- a Hassan Shehab turnover led to ing in this tournament is 10
games so far in Group B of the also faced off last night. Olympics, after making their keeper Mohammed Abdulhus- Yasuhira’s decisive penalty shot, really strong sides. It’s not
qualifiers’ preliminary round. At t h e e n d o f a s i n g l e historic debut at the Tokyo Ol- sain made a brilliant save on a which he sent to the bottom-left sides that are just making
They had previously routed Ka- round-robin, the top two teams ympiad held in 2021. It was not Shinnosuke Tokuda effort. That corner of the net. up numbers.

Wild card Mochizuki stuns top seed Fritz at Japan Open

AFP | Tokyo
his name. ter that I feel like he was playing “I never really got time to set
Fritz, who has won two titles incredible tennis,” said Fritz. up and attack or feel comfortable

D efending champion Taylor

Fritz said he could not cope
with an “incredible” turnaround
this season, looked to be cruising
into the quarter-finals when he
took the first set to love in just
“He served really well, he was
constantly hitting the lines with
his serve -- it was tough for me
after he started playing better,”
said the American.
“It felt like I could have served
from world number 215 Shin- 29 minutes. to attack.” better but outside of that I don’t
taro Mochizuki as he crashed But the momentum shifted Mochizuki, who qualified for think there was much I could do.”
out of the Japan Open with a midway through the second set his first Grand Slam appearance Mochizuki quickly took con-
stunning second round loss when Mochizuki broke serve, at Wimbledon this year, said he trol in the tiebreaker and closed
yesterday. and the 20-year-old fought back was “trying not to be nervous but the match out with a volleyed
Top-seed Fritz, the high- from a losing position in the third I was” in his first match against a smash at the net to delight the
est-ranked American in the to force a tiebreaker and claim top-10 player. Tokyo crowd.
world at number 10, lost 0-6, 6-4, the win. He loosened up in the second His quarter-final opponent will
7-6 (7/2) to the Japanese wild “It was all smooth and then I set and Fritz said his opponent be Australian Alexei Popyrin,
card, who went into the tourna- had the chance to break in the performed “at the level of a top who beat Chile’s Cristian Garin
ment without a tour-level win to second, didn’t get it and then af- player for the next two sets”. 4-6, 7-6 (7/3), 6-2. USA’s Taylor Fritz hits a return against Japan’s Shintaro Mochizuki


His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, His Majesty the King’s Representative for Humanitarian Work and Youth Affairs and Supreme Council for Youth and Sports (SCYS) Chairman, received the Kingdom’s medal winners from the recently
held Hangzhou Asian Games. Also in attendance at the ceremony was His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, SCYS First Deputy Chairman, General Sports Authority Chairman and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, and a number of top
officials from the Kingdom’s sporting community. Bahrain finished ninth overall on the final medal standings with 20 medals, including a record 12 gold, three silver and five bronze. They were the top-ranked Arab nation amongst the total 41 countries
from across the continent to step onto a podium. Bahrain’s medals were won in five sports, including athletics, handball, jiu-jitsu, wrestling and weightlifting. Above, HH Shaikh Nasser and HH Shaikh Khalid with officials and athletes at the reception

Manama clinch Super Cup!

Defending league champions outclass bitter rivals Muharraq to lift the Late Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa Cup

• Manama go on
rip-roaring 21-0
fourth-quarter run
to turn three-point
deficit to big lead

• Mohammed Ameer
scores 24 points for
victors, named game’s
Most Valuable Player

• Travin Thibodeaux
finishes as Manama’s
leading scorer with 27
points, 15 rebounds His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa with Manama skipper
Hassan Nowrooz after presenting him his gold medal
TDT | Manama Muharraq their one-point
lead heading into the last

M anama captured the

2023/2024 Bahrain
Super Cup last night
after defeating bitter rivals Mu-
harraq 84-67 at Khalifa Sports
Manama players and officials celebrate after the awarding ceremony

Manama claimed the ti- Sir’Dominic Pointer added charge with seven straight
With the Bahrain Super Cup
complete, the stage is now set
for the national league cam-
paign to get underway, while KNOW WHAT
City Arena in Isa Town. tle for the first time since the 15 as Manama’s third player in points, which put them up 80- both Manama and Muharraq
Manama used a scintillating 2018/2019 season. double figures. 62. The battle was over by then are also set to compete in the
21-0 run in the fourth quarter Following last night’s action, For Muharraq, Tyler Wilker- and Manama cruised to the final FIBA West Asia Super League Manama claimed the
to turn a narrow deficit to a big Manama were presented the son had 31 points and 11 boards, buzzer. (WASL) 2023/2024.
lead en route to closing out the Late Shaikh Mohammed bin while Bader Abdulla Malabes Manama were the early ag- The WASL has been resched-
Bahrain Super Cup for
contest and lifting the Late Shai- Abdulrahman Al Khalifa Cup added 12. Julius Coles Jr was gressors and took a 21-17 lead uled to begin on 13 November the fifth time in the
kh Mohammed bin Abdulrah- by Bahrain Olympic Committee held to just 10 points on a dis- at the end of the first quarter. in view of the current severe game’s history. The
man Al Khalifa Cup—the game’s vice-president His Highness mal four-for-18 shooting from They continued their strong security situation in the Mid- annual one-off fixture
winners’ trophy named after the Shaikh Isa bin Ali bin Khalifa the field. play in the second and extend- dle East, according to the FIBA is the traditional open-
former Bahrain Basketball Asso- Al Khalifa, who was on hand In last night’s fourth quarter, ed their advantage to 13, 36-23, Regional Office Asia. ing contest of the new
ciation (BBA) president. for the game. Also in attendance Muharraq held a slim 58-57 at following a Thibodeaux triple. Manama, the reigning WASL national basketball
With their victory, Manama were a number of BBA officials. the start of the period and then But Muharraq were able to nar- champions, are in Group B of
claimed the Bahrain Super Cup American professional Travin a Mohammed Nasser lay-up put row the gap before the half and the tournament’s Gulf sub-zone
season. The winners’
for the fifth time in the contest’s Thibodeaux finished as Ma- them ahead 62-59. trailed by just seven, 35-42, at along with Kazma of Kuwait, trophy has been
history. The game is a one-off nama’s leading scorer with 27 But that set the stage for Ma- the break. Shabab Al Ahli of the UAE and named after former
annual encounter that opens the points, while also taking down nama’s game-changing rally, In the third, Wilkerson Al Shamal from Qatar. Muhar- Bahrain Basketball
new national basketball season, 15 rebounds. Bahraini big man where they erupted for 21 un- was on fire as he buried four raq, who are making their WASL Association president,
played usually between the pre- Mohammed Ameer added 24 answered points and held Mu- three-pointers in the period debut, are in Group A alongside the Late Shaikh Mo-
vious season’s league champions markers and nine rebounds, and harraq scoreless for over six alone to spearhead the Mu- Al Ahli Jeddah of Saudi Ara- hammed bin Abdul-
and the winners of the Khalifa he was named the game’s Most minutes. harraq resurgence. His last bia, Kuwait SC of Kuwait and Al
bin Salman Cup. Valuable Player. Ameer capped their superb long-range basket helped give Rayyan of Qatar.
rahman Al Khalifa

BIC kicks off 15-day countdown to WEC spectacle

TDT | Manama ance racing in the world will event in Bahrain. ing, Floyd Vanwall Racing Team,
be complemented by incredible Fans attending will enjoy a Hertz Team JOTA, and Proton

B ahrain International Circuit

(BIC) begins today the final
15-day countdown to race day
record-breaking stunt shows,
driving simulators, a classic car
show and loads of family enter-
never-before-seen Hypercar
spectacle. A record number of
12 Hypercars flying the flags of
The Hypercars are just one
class in the WEC’s packed grid
in the Bapco Energies 8 Hours tainment. eight teams and six manufactur- of more than 35 sportscars. The
of Bahrain, the final round of BIC ’s WEC -exclusive Open ers will be lining up on the grid, championship’s two other cate-
the 2023 FIA World Endurance Paddock experience allows fans making for the largest-ever entry gories are the Le Mans Prototype
Championship (WEC). to enjoy unique behind-the- in the WEC’s top-tier category to 2 ( LMP2) and Le Mans Grand
The endurance racing specta- scenes access, getting right next hit the tarmac at BIC. Touring Endurance ( LMGTE )
cle is scheduled to take place 3 to the teams’ garages and possi- Toyota Gazoo Racing and Peu- Am.
and 4 November at “The Home bly see some of the sport’s star geot TotalEnergies will be mak- This year’s Bapco Energies 8
of Motorsport in the Middle drivers in person, making for a ing their return. They will be Hours of Bahrain will be the 12th
East”, and the Spirit of Le Mans totally different fan experience. joined in the Hypercar battles time the WEC will be racing in
is once again set to make its pres- With over a decade of rac- for the first time in Bahrain by Sakhir, and the fifth time the
ence felt in Sakhir. ing history at BIC, the WEC has Ferrari AF Corse, Porsche Pen- event is taking place in its cur-
Two days of the best endur- grown to become a landmark ske Motorsport, Cadillac Rac- rent eight-hour format. WEC cars compete in last year’s race at BIC (File photo)

Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood Al Mahmood
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