Whats New in Electron

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What's New in Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

The What's New document for Ansys Electronics provides release information for the following:
l HFSS 3D Layout
l SIwave
l Maxwell
l Icepak
l Mechanical
l Q3D Extractor
l Circuit
l Twin Builder
l Granta Materials

*New 3D Geometry Kernel*

Electronics Desktop now uses the industry standard Parasolid geometry kernel. Detailed
information about this migration can be accessed from the Welcome dialog box or Help menu.

General Electronics Desktop

l Ability to export images in non-graphical mode
l Multi-level distribution in large-scale distributed solves
l Batch option to select Intel MPI version
l Property scripting API enhancements
l Improved performance for refinement of large meshes

l Support for modal ports and components in terminal designs
l Improved workflows for layout components
l Improved HPC performance for distributed mesh fusion solver
l Iterative solver option for mesh fusion
l Improved performance of domain solver for large arrays
l Option to set phase center at port location

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

l AMD math libraries with direct matrix solver

l Improved TDR calculation
l Parallel component adaptive for 3D Component arrays (Beta)
l Nonlinear Drude model for plasma density in implicit transient (Beta)
l SBR+ enhancements:
l Custom arrays
l Support for PTD/UTD in advanced doppler processing
l File-based near field
l Near field performance improvements

HFSS 3D Layout
l Etching workflow and robustness improvements
l Arbitrary backdrill depth
l Layout and ECAD usability and performance enhancements
l AMD math libraries with direct matrix solver
l Iterative solver option for mesh fusion
l Improved TDR calculation
l Solution management improvements
l IC Layout mode (Beta)
l Rigid flex multi-zone workflow (Beta)
l Support for wave ports in broadband frequency sweep (Beta)

l HFSS region clipping and configuration enhancements
l Robustness improvements for CPA and PSI simulation modes
l Option to explicitly specify trace cross-section orientation
l Workflow and accuracy improvements for s-parameter components
l Signal Net Analyzer report export enhancements
l DCIR field post-processing enhancements
l Validation check performance improvements
l CPA package netlist remapping to fit any chip
l CPA package netlist simplification and resynthesis
l Ability to specify multiple ground nets for VRMs during CPA simulations

l Slider bar and HDM meshing enhancements
l Graphical monitoring of batch solves

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

l Export of heat transfer coefficients in CTM v2

l Export of temperature data from multiple PCBs to Sherlock
l ECXML export
l Support for altitude effects
l Selection of 2D profile interpolation method
l New toolkits for snapping and heat sinks
l New Getting Started Guides: Finned Heat Sink, RF Amplifier, Optimization of Fan
Location, and Cold Plate Model
l ROM Delphi support for BGAs (Beta)
l Support for direct post-processing of hybrid meshes (Beta)

l Windings in magnetostatic
l Force density calculation improvements
l Enhanced workflows for co-simulation with Motion
l Support for parallel branches in windings with solid conductors
l Half-axial symmetry for object-based harmonic force in transient
l Improved hp-assignment efficiency for complex geometries in eddy and magnetostatic
l ROM-based efficiency map for induction machines in the electric machine toolkit
l Electric machine toolkit workflow improvements
l Thin layer boundary for 3D DC conduction
l TDM support for different time steps between source and target
l Option to use Lorentz force calculation in 3D transient
l New design setting to skip mesh quality checks
l Band mapping angle meshing for 2D transient (Beta)

l Thermal contacts
l Reference temperature for objects in Structural

Q3D Extractor
l Performance improvements for E and H fields
l Infinite ground plane for CG
l Stability enforcement and passivity check for RLGC SPICE export
l Transition region solver for AC-RL (Beta)
l Distributed memory solver for CG (Beta)

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

General Enhancements:
l Adaptive time-stepping for nonlinear simulations
l Tx/Rx support for IBIS-AMI models
l Virtual EMI test receiver component (Beta)
l Augmented-Data Passivity Enforcement for state-space fitting (Beta)
l Automatic tuning of HFSS 3D Layout ports in NuHertz (Beta)

l Ability to directly enable ERL calculation
l Workflow improvements for SERDES channel compliance
l Ability to specify Tx IBIS models and use slew rate in COM

l Results and post-processing API
l Workflow usability enhancements

Twin Builder
Reduced Order Model:
l Linear Static ROM with support for large number of parameters
l Linear Dynamic ROM
l Image generation with geometry deformation for ROMs

Modelica Editor:
l Enhanced bijection (text-to-diagram) support
l Enhanced diagram graphics

General Enhancements:
l Support for Hierarchical parameters in the Model Parameter dialog box
l Model Exchange (ME) FMU support in Twin Deployer
l Support for gradient fitting in device characterization
l Carrier wave options in the SVPWM component
l Automatic pin connection for large components

Granta Materials Library:

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

l Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol records are updated with thermal expansion, density
vs. temperature, viscosity vs. temperature and molecular data changes
l Missing molecular mass values are populated for all fluids
l Temperature dependent Young’s modulus removed for Plastic, PA12 (rigid)
l Hc value removed for soft magnets
l There are no additional materials/records in the Materials Library in this release, but some
property values are updated as a result of bug fixing

Granta Producer Materials Library:

l Added 8 new PCB laminates from two new producers: Arlon and Taconic
l Added 9 new PCB laminates for the existing producers: Rogers, EMC, Shengyi and
l Added 1 new polymer-elastomer material for the existing producer: Laird
l Gap filled some mechanical and thermal properties.

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

Selected Defect Corrections

Electronics Desktop
l 668753 – 2D rectangular plot scale now aligns with actual data.
l 697479 – Resolved negative time in some plots.
l 653522 – Resolved EMIT Classic library import problem from 2022 R2.
l 668707 – Intermod equation is now correct for N-1 with multiple amplifiers.
l 654756 – Slanted Co and Cross polarization now has corrected formulation.
l 685177 – Font options now correctly appear for Smith Chart.
l 692410 – VRT is now correct with multiple objects and penetrable materials.
HFSS 3D Layout
l 618343 – Fields now correctly plot on mesh fusion component.
l 647899 – Conducting Plate Thermal Model with Shell Conduction and anisotropic thermal
conductivity of Shell Conduction Zones works as intended.
l 655588 – Via Property Import for Classic Icepak model is now working correctly.
l 673227 – EM Loss visualization on PCBs is now working.
l 688342 – Face monitors can be correctly defined on fan components.
l 690031 – Transient/Harmonic Force Data Extraction calculates correctly when using If
command in Time Step.
l 691114 – TransientForce_t() now returns correct data.
l 685199 – Specific designs that failed when "Mechanical Contacts" beta option was
enabled now work correctly.
Q3D Extractor
l 685300 – Sink terminal name is now correct after Series matrix reduction.
l 510943 – Improvements to PCB hole modeling during SIwave-Icepak thermal
l 658563 – SIwave validation check performance and robustness improvements.
l 701679 – Improvements to DS material model export fidelity from SIwave to HFSS and

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

Twin Builder
l 663201 – Modelica IDE: Icon graphics from libraries are properly displayed now.
l 708978 – Duplicate library entries in Modelica path are now only loaded once.

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

Known Issues and Limitations

The following items describe specific issues known at the time of release. Workarounds for
these items, if available, are included in the respective descriptions. Inclusion in this document
does not imply the issues and limitations are applicable to future releases. Go to the Ansys
Electronics Desktop Customer Portal
(https://support.ansys.com/portal/site/AnsysCustomerPortal) for information about service
packs and any additional items not included in this document.

Electronics Desktop
l 680954 – ProE assemblies cannot be imported on Linux environment.
l 697487 – Materials names from solidworks files cannot be imported in Electronics
l 739032 – If there is an existing installation of Electronics Desktop 2022 R2 on the same
system as Electronics Desktop 2023 R1, certain ACT extensions for 2023 R1 will install
into the v222 folder (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Ansys\v222\ACT).
l 696123 – K element and .ic are not working with temperature sweep.
l 716180 – EMI receiver icon is not visible in schematic window when launching Electronics
Desktop for the first time on Linux. Workaround: Relaunch Electronics Desktop.
l 711582 – EMIT does not support linking to HFSS designs with modal ports, including
designs with terminal solution type that incorporate some modal ports. Creating a link to
terminal designs with modal ports may result in errors and/or incorrect simulation results.
l 723113 – Direct export to Electronics Desktop from FilterSolutions fails on some
machines when the Sonnet simulation is selected. On the affected machines, the export
can be completed successfully by selecting 'Python' as the 'Export Form' and importing
the resulting IronPython script into Electronic Desktop using ‘Run Script’ from the Tools
l 608424 – There is a possibility of encountering a random Intel MPI launch failure on
systems that run with an AMD CPU. On Windows, users should choose MSMPI or Intel
MPI version 2021 in HPC Analysis configuration settings to bypass the issue. On Linux,
users should choose Intel MPI version 2021.
l 652828 – A discrete sweep frequency solve using Intel MPI 2018 tight integration with
SLURM versions less than 21.08 fails to launch remote matrix_solution processes with
'Direct Solver Memory' type enabled. Workaround: Enable Intel MPI 2021 and set FI_
PROVIDER=<network_interface> and FI_<provider_type>_IFACE=<interface_name>
(set FI_TCP_IFACE in case the network interface is TCP). Example environment variable

Ansys Electronics 2023 R1

settings for TCP: FI_PROVIDER=tcp and FI_TCP_IFACE=eth0. Example environment

variable settings for InfiniBand: FI_PROVIDER=verbs and FI_VERBS_IFACE=ib0.
l 720434 – Twin Builder-HFSS coupling standard example may give different results due to
different GPU/CPU/machine configurations.
HFSS 3D Layout
l 608424 – There is a possibility of encountering a random Intel MPI launch failure on
systems that run with an AMD CPU. On Windows, users should choose MSMPI or Intel
MPI version 2021 in HPC Analysis configuration settings to bypass the issue. On Linux,
users should choose Intel MPI version 2021.
l 707773 – Spurious and incorrect missing N-port s-parameter model errors may be
generated in SIwave with HFSS regions simulations. The simulation results are not
affected by these errors.
l 720994 – Icepak solver does not support Intel MPI 2021 on Windows. Moreover, under
MS HPC Pack, Icepak solver only supports MS MPI.
l 712327 – Thermal resistance is correctly imposed between the contact and target objects.
However, an adjacent object that shares an edge along the contact face perimeter will
experience unimpeded heat flow (zero thermal resistance), skewing results.
Q3D Extractor
l 732046 **Class 3** Adjacent or contained coplanar face outlines may be lost when using
the Classic mesher, and may result in incorrect assignments of boundaries, excitations,
etc. Such outlines are often created by imprinting a planar face onto another planar face.
To avoid this issue, use "Create Object From Face" to create a coincident sheet body in
the same location.
l 707773 – Spurious and incorrect missing N-port s-parameter model errors may be
generated in SIwave with HFSS regions simulations. The simulation results are not
affected by these errors.
Twin Builder
l 720434 – Twin Builder-HFSS coupling standard example may give different results due to
different GPU/CPU/machine configurations.

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