Strand7 Feature Summary - USA
Strand7 Feature Summary - USA
Strand7 Feature Summary - USA
Strand7 Base Package: This includes the STEP and ACIS file formats. The automatic bridge), in accordance with a number of
graphical user interface for creating, mesher creates surface (plate) meshes standards such as AASHTO LRFD, AS5100,
editing and manipulating finite element and solid (tetrahedral brick) meshes. For BS5400 and EN 1991‐2.
models, plus the results reporting and importing and exporting framework
visualization tools for post‐processing. models to/from CAD, Strand7 supports Load Influence Solver
Solver capabilities include linear static and import and export of DXF wireframe files. Load Path Template Pre Processor
dynamic; linear time history; seismic Load Path Templates for AASHTO LRFD, AS
analysis; spectral and harmonic response; Geometry Cleaning, Repair and Defeaturing 5100, BS 5400, EN 1991‐2
steady‐state and transient heat transfer. 2D and 3D Plate Surface Mesher Load Path Optimization and Load Case
3D Tetrahedral Solid Mesher Generator
Pre Processor
Post Processor Sparse Solver Module: This module is Reinforced Concrete
Module: This
IGES, STEP, STL and DXF Import/Export designed to speed up the solution of large module is used to calculate the amount of
SAT Import finite element models; compared with the steel reinforcement required on
NASTRAN, ANSYS Import/Export standard solver, it can produce results in plate/shell elements representing
STAAD‐Pro, SAP2000 Import significantly less time (please see our concrete slabs due to the actions of
Linear Static Solver website for comparisons between the membrane forces and bending moments.
Linear Buckling Solver solvers). The module is sufficiently flexible to
Natural Frequency Solver address the requirements of most national
Harmonic Response Solver Direct Sparse Solution on all Solvers for codes such as AS 3600 and EC2.
Fast Solution of Large Models
Spectral Response Solver
Iterative (PCG) Solution on all Static Solvers Concrete Slab Reinforcement Definition for
Linear Transient Dynamic Solver Plates and Shells
Steady State Heat Solver Reinforcement Calculation, Checking and
Composites Module: This module is used
Transient Heat Solver Reporting
for the analysis of laminated
composites defined as a stack of plies. It
Nonlinear Module: This module extends Application Programming Interface
models and analyses composite behaviour
the static and dynamic (time history) Module (API): This module provides a
of plates and shells using the Classical
solvers into the nonlinear regime. It programming interface to the Strand7
Laminate Theory. Typical applications
considers material, geometry and contact environment. It can be used to develop
include carbon‐fibre type composites as
nonlinearity. customised analysis applications through a
used in aerospace and automotive
applications. The post‐processing includes programming language, bypassing the
Nonlinear Static Solver
Strand7 graphical interface. It supports
Nonlinear Quasi Static Solver results evaluation for ply stresses, strains
and reserve factors. most programming languages, such as C,
Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Solver C++, C#, Pascal, Delphi, Fortran, VB, etc. It
Material Nonlinearity
Laminated Composites Database can also be used from environments such
Geometry Nonlinearity
Laminated Composites Pre Processor as Microsoft Excel and Matlab.
Contact Nonlinearity
Laminated Composites Post Processor
Create and modify Strand7 models
Construction Sequence Analysis in
Moving Load Module: This module Execute the solvers
Nonlinear Static Solver Extract results
includes a Load Influence solver together
Manipulate the display window
with the ability to define load paths
Automatic Mesher Module: This module Generate graphics and image files
anywhere on the model. The load paths
offers automatic mesh generation from
can then be used to optimise the location
imported CAD files. Strand7 supports IGES,
of vehicle loads on a structure (e.g. a
Documentation: Each copy of Strand7 is Network Conversion: Strand7 is supplied with receive Support and Maintenance by paying an
supplied with the following documentation: a standalone hardware lock (dongle). This annual fee. Technical assistance is available by
allows Strand7 to be executed on more than telephone and email. Software updates are
Using Strand7 Manual one computer, but it requires moving the available from our website; we provide a user
A 250+ page printed book intended as a getting
hardware lock from computer to computer. For ID and password to a webpage where you can
started guide.
Strand7 Theoretical Manual additional flexibility, a Network Conversion download the updates as they are released.
A 400+ page printed book that describes the option is available, at extra cost, whereby the We offer a model check service whereby you
theoretical basis behind the Strand7 solvers and standalone hardware lock is exchanged for a can email your model files for review by our
elements. network hardware lock. By converting the support engineers.
Strand7 Verification Manual Strand7 licence to a network floating Licence,
A 300+ page book in PDF format that illustrates any PC on the LAN can access an available Strand7 Training Courses: As the developers of
Strand7 element and solver performance. Strand7 licence without having to move the Strand7 we can provide you with the best
Strand7 API Manual
hardware lock (the number of simultaneous possible training in the use of Strand7 and finite
A 1000+ page reference book in PDF format
detailing all the API functions and use of the instances of Strand7 is limited to the number of element analysis. We conduct training courses
Strand7 API. licences purchased). in Australia, the UK, the USA, and at other
Strand7 Online Help locations around the world. For more
This is a context sensitive, hyperlinked CHM file; Support and Maintenance: Technical information on Strand7 Training Courses please
it contains a comprehensive Strand7 reference assistance (Support) and software updates visit our website We
and numerous examples. (Maintenance) are included for the first 12 also offer customised training courses, either in
Installation Guide
months after the initial purchase. After 12 our UK or Sydney offices, or at a location
Licence Agreement
months, if you require it, you can continue to selected by you (e.g. in your office).