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Recent developments in bending-active structures

Conference Paper · July 2018


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2 authors:

Julian Lienhard Christoph Gengnagel

str.ucture Universität der Künste Berlin


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Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design
July 16-20, 2018, MIT, Boston, USA
Caitlin Mueller, Sigrid Adriaenssens (eds.)

Recent developments in bending-active structures

Julian Lienhard*, Christoph Gengnagela

*str.ucture GmbH, Stuttgart – [email protected]

Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK)

Active-bending was established as a new Study Group within the IASS Working Group 15, “Structural
Morphology Group” (SMG) in 2012 at the IASS conference in Seoul. Starting point was the publishing
of a review paper [1] to establish common terminologies and references. In this paper many important
historical examples of active-bending were gathered, dating back as far as early Mesopotamian
dwellings up to the comparatively few contemporary examples of bending-active structures existing at
that moment.
Since the founding of the study group the community of researchers as well as practicing architects and
engineers has rapidly grown and managed to establish the subject within multiple simulation software,
many realized prototypes and some commercial building structures.
The current paper highlights some recent developments in the field of active-bending. As part of an
outlook, some future trends are discussed to critically highlight the potentials of using active-bending as
a promising approach to novel hybrid building structures.
Keywords: bending-active, review, formfinding, hybrid structures

1. Introduction
Active-Bending is understood as an approach to generate curved structural form by means of elastic
bending from initially straight or planar elements. Structures built on the basis of these principles are
referred to as bending-active structures [2]. As such, bending-active structures do not describe a specific
structural type, but rather an approach. Within this deliberately open definition some types of bending-
active structures may be differentiated:
- Elastic Gridshells
- Bending Plate structures
- Textile Hybrids
- Elastic kinetic structures
While elastic grid-shells have been discussed within IASS ever since their first appearance in the 1960s,
the other types have only few precursors. In recent years, and especially since the founding of the active-
bending group within IASS, the community of researchers as well as practicing architects and engineers
active in this field has rapidly grown and managed to establish the field of study through the development
of several simulation software, many realized prototypes and some commercial building structures. In
this short review some recent developments in the field of active-bending are highlighted.

Copyright © 2018 by Julian LIENHARD, Christoph GENGNAGEL

Published by the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) with permission.
Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

2. Recent developments and applications

The following sections presents some recent developments in the field of active-bending, with the above
introduced differentiation of types. Without the claim to be comprehensive the collection of projects
highlights the current state of the art in bending-active structures.

2.1. New developments Grid shells

Elastic gridshells exhibit three unique characteristics: continuous and overlapping laths, the application
of elastic bending to achieve single or doubly curved geometries and a rotational degree of freedom in
the nodes normal to the shell surface during erection. These form-finding and erection methods make
grid-shells fall under the definition of bending-active structures. Many material studies and the
development of software tools in the field of grid-shells have heavily informed and influenced the
research on bending-active structures in general.
After completion of the grid forming, stabilization of the squares is necessary in order to achieve shear
stiffness in the surface and subsequently to lock the form and activate structural shell behavior. This can
be achieved by the addition of a third layer of diagonal members which triangulate the grid or by crossed
cable elements in tension. Changing the node from pinned to rigid after forming also offers a method of
form stabilization. However, this is at the cost of increased bending stresses in the members which are
already limited in bending stiffness by design. A further option is the use of a membrane or other
structural surfaces as a form of stabilizing element. Whilst the simulation and construction of elastic
gridshells has been mastered over the years, the question of a structurally functioning and fast to install
bracing system is still discussed in current research [3].
Depending on whether the edge length of the mesh is constant or variable, one differentiates between
regular and irregular grid shells. In combination with the rotational freedom at the pinned nodes, a curved
regular grid is able to be fully developed onto a flat plane. This makes it possible to assemble the
structure fully as a flat grid prior to erection. An irregular grid shell on the other hand necessitates a
partly or fully incremental assembly of individual members. Irregular grid shells can therefore be
designed to avoid laths with excessive curvatures or to adapt mesh density to internal forces in the
members. The research by Quinn [4] has studied erection methods based on pneumatic systems, tracing
the development of bending forces during erection (Figure 1 dc).
Recent research has targeted the development methods to define grid topologies, which allow for
integrated structural optimization and hence overcome the limitations of the traditional compass method.
One example of a new method is the so called Variational Principles Method by Hernández et.al. [5],
which offers significant improvements by its ability to reduce peak curvatures and subsequent residual
stresses in the laths. Similar questions were studied by L. Bouhaya [6] using genetic algorithms.
Recent projects have also explored further material and structural potentials of gridshells by using
alternative and recyclable material for the laths. A highlight is the gridshell made of reclaimed skis [7]
(Figure 1 b) and the recent spatial bamboo structures like ZCB Bamboo Pavilion [8] (Figure 1 e) and
the Pantographic Bamboo Hybrid Amphitheater Structure [9]. The inside out pavilion by Schling et.al.
[10] expands the gridshell typology towards a system of laths which follow asymptotic curves and
therefore only elastically bent around the weak axis in combination with torsion (Figure 1 f).

Reviewing the recent developments in bending-active structures it can be concluded that grid-shells are
the only application of active-bending where large span efficient structures are possible. The hanging
gridshell at La Closca demonstrates the potential of large span temporary structures [11]. The Cathédrale
éphémère de Créteil highlighted the potential of gridshells as economic large span and permanent
structures [12]. The remaining challenge however lies in the development of structurally active covering
and cladding systems.

Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

a b c

d e f

Figure 1: Recent Gridshell projects: a: Cathédrale éphémère de Créteil 2017 [12], b: Elastic Gridshell out of
Reclaimed Skis 2017 [7], c: La Closca 2017 [11], d: SheltAir 2017 [4], e: ZCB Bamboo Pavilion 2017 [8]
f: inside out 2017 [10]

2.2. Bending Plates

Double curved shell structures which achieve form and stability through the elastic deformation of thin
plates are referred to as bending-active plate structures. Buckminster-Fuller’s 1957 Plydome are still
amongst the most prominent examples of such structures. However, due to the limitations of shear stiff
plates to elastically bend into double curvature, bending-active plate structures have not received much
attention and are generally considered difficult to design [13]. One reason is that plates have a limited
formability since they deform mainly along the axis of weakest inertia and thus cannot be easily forced
into more complex double curved geometries. Recent research and realized prototypes have been
exploring the structural and form inducing potential of bending-active plate structures. The work by La
Magna and Schleicher explores formfinding principles by placing voids in double curved surfaces to
minimize double curvature in the elastically bent plates [13][14] (Figure 2 a and b). The possibility to
assemble a larger structure from modular plate segments was realized with volumetric bent plate
modules in the ICD/ITKE research pavilion 15/16 [15] (Figure 2 c).
The rapid assembly of bending-active plate structures and potential to explore spatial installations with
simple means was demonstrated by the experimental pavilion by Soto at the University of Calgary [16]
which was designed and built as part of the ‘block-week’ in a 3 day workshop period.
The work with elastically bent plates links the research on bending-active structures to curved line
folding origami. Such origami principals have been used for elastic kinetic systems and also temporary
installation like ‘undulates’ at IASS 2016 pavilion competition [17] (Figure 2 e).

Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

a b

c d e

Figure 2: Recent bending-active plate projects: a: Berkeley Weave 2016 [13], b: Bend9 2016 [13], c: ICD/ITE
Research pavilion 15/16 [15], d: experimental pavilion University of Calgary 2015 [16], e: undulates 2016 [17]

2.3. Textile hybrids

The interdependence of form and force of mechanically pre-stressed textile membranes and bending-
active fibre-reinforced polymers has been established to be classified as a Textile Hybrid or more
precisely Bending-Active Textile Hybrids (BAHS). The flexibility and lightness inherent to bending-
active structures integrates well with the pre-stressed membrane structures which are flexible and adjust
to applied loads. The particular reciprocal dependency between mechanical properties, pre-stress and
form makes them a particularly interesting field of application for bending-active structures and
consequently led to many built prototypes and structures in the recent years. Functionally, the integration
of elastic beams within a pre-stressed membrane surface offers the possibility of short-cutting tension
forces and creating free corner points. The system is stabilized solely by the elastic beams which, in
turn, are restrained by the membrane surface. Since buckling of the beam is prevented, slender profiles
may be used. The combination of pre-stressed membranes with elastically deformed beams furthermore
offers advantages in the homogeneous utilization of the beam’s cross-section. Without the pre-stressing
of the membrane, the elastic beam will assume a parabolic shape where the end segments are
straightened out and the apex is bent into a tighter radius of curvature. Set into an interactive equilibrium
with the pre-stressed membrane, there can be substantially less variation in curvature of the elastic beam.
The form-finding challenge in equilibrating tensile surfaces with elastically bent elements has led to
numerous software developments and design strategies some of which are discussed in a separate paper
[18]. A particularly challenging form-finding question is found in the design of BAHS with open ended
bending elements. The lack of restraining in such systems makes is particularly challenging to match
the built geometry with the computational model. Such systems were built during the textile hybrid
workshop 333 at CCA [19] (Figure 3 a), the textile Hybrid installation at HCU Hamburg [20] (Figure 3
b) and most recently at the Danish pavilion ‘Isoropia’ of the 2018 Venice Biennale [23] (Figure 3f).
The large scale Hybrid Tower takes a modular approach to compose a structural system of intersecting
bending-active loops which is three dimensionally restrained by a knitted textile [20] (Figure 3 b). On a
smaller scale textile hybrids have been built as sculptural prototypes as proof on concept for formfinding
strategies such as the Physical Costa Surface [28] and several installations by Ahlquist [21] (Figure 3 c
and e). Ahlquist has developed this work further into interactive play scapes which lead to a study of
increasing stiffness and robustness of the bending-active structure in order to safely carry dynamic life
loads [22].

Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

a b c

d e f

Figure 3: Recent textile Hybrid Projects: a: Installation at the 333 Workshop CCA 2015 [19], b: Textile Hybrid
HCU Hamburg 2017 [20], c: stretch/play 2016 [21], d: Hybrid tower 2017 [23], e: Physical Costa Surface [28]
f: ‘Isoropia’ at the Venice Biennale 2018 [24]

The research on textile hybrids has also led to a new interest in industrially knitted fabrics. Especially
for smaller installations knitted fabrics, provide the opportunity of integrating details and tailoring
material behavior. These potentials have been explored particularly in the research by Ahlquist, recently
leading to the development of elastic play scapes [21] (Figure 3 c) and the work at CITA Copenhagen
with the realization of a hybrid tower [23] (Figure 3 e) and the ‘Isoropia’ Pavilion 2018 [24] (Figure 3f).

2.4 Adaptive, elastic kinetic

A high potential of application of active-bending has developed around the exploration of elastic kinetics
on an architectural scale. There is no other approach that offers so imminently the prospect of adaptation
without any addition of supplementary mechanisms to the structure. Large scale realized projects like
the 2012 Expo Korea façade and the Softhouse facade for the IBA 2012 Hamburg could already prove
that bending-active structures can withstand the reality test even in locations of extreme wind
occurrences. The work on elastic shape adaptation leads to further possibilities of including auxiliary
functions in the structural elements. Current research on pneumatic bending-actuators integrated into the
fibre layup of bending-active elements, suggests new perspectives for autonomous shape adaptation and
variable stiffness on the basis of material intelligence.
Ongoing research on the Flectofold system addresses design, actuation and material questions for elastic
kinetic elements [25] (Figure 4 a). Similar shading elements on a modular scale, based on curved line
origami logics were developed by Vergauwen [26] (Figure 4 b). Most research on elastic kinetics has
been informed by the study of plant movements, their potentials in finding strategies to amplify
kinematic behavior has recently been summarized by Charpentier et. al. [27].
The connection of textile hybrids and elastic kinetics was explored by Puystiens [29] (Figure 4 d),
focusing on the shape changing capacity of textiles during the form conversion of the kinetic systems.
Aiming towards industrial applications, the principals of active-bending were integrated in large span
furling sails, with an elastic central axis to enable the deployment of a doubly curved membrane from
an initially straight axis [30] (Figure 4 e).

Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

a b c

d e

Figure 4: Recent elastic kinetic projects: a: flectofold [25], b: curved line folding [26], c: prototype of plants trap
mechanism 2018 [28] e: d: research project VUB 2016 [29], 2: Bending-active furling sails 2015-2018 [30]

3. Conclusion
This short review shows that the activities around the subject of active-bending have drastically
increased in recent years. Starting from an initially loose association of common interests, some clear
fields of research and structural types were established. Whilst software to simulate bending-active
systems was still rare at the time of the study group establishment in 2012, our computational means
have advanced considerably since then. Today there are multiple integrated software tools on the basis
of particle spring systems with dynamic relaxation solvers, the most prominent being Kangaroo 2 by
Daniel Piker with a pipe line trimmed towards calibrated form finding of bending active systems by
Quinn et al. [31]. Finite Element software like SOFiSTiK have been optimized towards faster and more
integrated form-finding procedures with a most recent addition of an active-bending beam module which
enables the formfinding and simulation of bending-active structures starting from curved input
geometries and therefore providing a direct link to ‘pre-formfound’ exported geometries, for example
from Kangaroo [32]. With the rapid development of Isogeoemtric Analysis there is also a most recent
addition of a completely new approach to formfinding and simulating bending-active structures directly
within the CAD definition of Splines and NURBS surfaces [33].

These software developments have been the vehicle for the growing community of researches in the
field of active-bending with an impressive output of prototype and large scale structures, some of which
were highlighted in the current paper. This development was predicted in the first review paper [1] on
bending-active structures, where the novel computational means were seen as the starting point for new
developments in this field.

Future research will concentrate on further exploring these potentials with an apparent tendency towards
hybrid structures.

Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

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Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2018
Creativity in Structural Design

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