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SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering Volume 11 Issue 2, 24-32, February 2024

ISSN: 2348-8549/ https://doi.org/10.14445/23488549/IJECE-V11I2P103 © 2024 Seventh Sense Research Group®

Original Article

Development of An IoT-Based Ecological Aspect

Monitoring System for Tor Douronensis Farming
Krismadinata1,2, Aliyah Sakinah2, Abdul Razak3, Wawan Purwanto4
Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research (CEPER), Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia.
Department of Electrical Engineering of Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia.
Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia.
Department of Automotive Engineering of Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author : [email protected]

Received: 25 November 2023 Revised: 01 December 2023 Accepted: 25 December 2023 Published: 02 February 2024

Abstract - This research describes the creation of an IoT-based ecological aspect monitoring system for Tor Douronensis
farming. The Semah fish (Tor Douronensis) is a highly endangered aquatic ecosystem component. Conservation and sustainable
aquaculture require monitoring and managing Semah fish farming’s ecological features. The suggested monitoring system uses
Internet of Things (IoT) technology for the purpose of gathering real-time data on Tor Douronensis’ ecological characteristics.
Sensors detect water quality, temperature, dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and other environmental parameters that affect fish
health and habitat. The collected data is analyzed and processed on a cloud platform. The IoT-enabled technology lets fish
growers, researchers, and conservationists remotely monitor and assess ecological conditions. This IoT-based ecological aspect
monitoring system ensures sustainable conservation and aquaculture of Tor Douronensis by precisely and continuously
monitoring farming methods. This method protects the endangered Semah fish and aquatic habitats by encouraging ethical fish
farming. This research provides valuable insights for improving IoT-based aquaculture and wildlife conservation solutions.

Keywords - Ecological aspect, Monitoring system, Semah fish, Water quality parameters, IoT-based.

1. Introduction general mahseer fish: Tor, Neolissochilus, and Naziritor.

Fish is a food source that is high in protein, which is However, species in the genus Tor are usually called “true
needed for human food, and fish is an alternative to meat, mahseers.” Toros species are famous for sport fishing, are
which has high protein. Indonesia has diverse fish from very valuable as food, and are essential to people in South and
various waters, one of which is fresh water. The native Southeast Asia’s religions and cultures. Although these fish
freshwater fish species in Indonesia are very diverse and are significant, their numbers have been going down in the
potentially germplasm; of the different native species that wild because their homes are being destroyed for electricity
exist, some species have fallen into the category of species that dams. Moreover, biological uncertainty has made it harder to
are prone to extinction [1]. protect Tor [5].

Indonesia has a rich array of native freshwater fish Fish of the semah species can be found in South
species, sometimes referred to as “indigenous,” that have Sumatra’s Selabung River and Lake Ranau [6]. Although this
promising prospects for cultivation as both consumable and fish species is found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Java, it is
decorative fish. The Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora), more well-known in South Sumatra, Jambi, and West
commonly known as Semah, is a large and ecologically Sumatra. Other regional names for the fish known as “semah”
significant freshwater fish species found in the rivers and include “kancera” in West Java, “garing” in West Sumatra,
streams of the Indian subcontinent. Renowned for its “silap” in West Kalimantan, and “padak” in Jambi and South
impressive size, vibrant colours, and strong swimming ability, Sumatra. This species of fish is valued economically in
Semah plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological Sumatera since the locals like it.; because the public favors it.
balance of aquatic ecosystems [2, 3]. The several species of semah fish that may be found in the
waters of Kerinci, which are located in the province of Jambi,
The term “Mahseer” is often used to refer to a collection are illustrated in Figure 1. This variety of fish is threatened
of freshwater fish species that have significant economic and with extinction in public waters in the Jambi region since it
ecological value in the Asian region [4]. There are three has not been cultivated, and environmental changes and

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024

fishing are fast. Fisheries and environmental changes continue 2. Ecological Aspect of Fish Growth
without action. This fish species is scarce because individuals Ecological studies look at how living things connect with
are not used to catching seeds in public waterways and are not their surroundings and with other living things. Ecology is the
informed on cultural technology. Public waterways and study of behavior that affects the world and nature, including
uneducated primary horticulture technology can be used [7]. actions that have results or actions that help or hurt living
things. Aquatic ecology studies all of these settings because
Aquaculture, or fish farming, supplies much of the they have different kinds of communities, from the most minor
world’s food and many communities’ income. However, the individuals to the whole ecosystem. Animals that live in
industry’s rapid growth has caused pollution, habitat loss, and marine environments include fish [16-18].
disease outbreaks. Improve aquaculture methods to be more
sustainable. Technology to improve aquaculture efficacy and The benefit of aquatic ecology in the field of fisheries is
sustainability has garnered attention in recent years [8]. The the ability to determine various limiting factors or parameters
IoT is an example of a technology that encompasses the as a benchmark for organisms that live in it. The density and
integration of various hardware, software, and sensor systems diversity of an organism in an aquatic ecosystem can be
to facilitate the gathering and examination of data [9, 10]. determined based on the following parameters [19, 20].

Southeast Asia is home to the Semah Fish, sometimes 2.1. Physical Parameters
referred to as Empurau, a rare and highly prized freshwater 2.1.1. Temperature
fish species. The parameters pertaining to water quality, Brightness and depth affect water temperature.
including levels of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH, Temperature affects species dispersion because organisms
which are crucial for optimum fish growth and survival, are occupy a temperature environment based on cell activity.
monitored and analyzed using the ecological aspect Temperature increases viscosity, chemical reactions,
monitoring system described in this work [11-13]. evaporation, and volatilization. As temperature rises,
dissolved oxygen levels fall, reducing oxygen for metabolic
There have been multiple reports of research that make activities and fish respiration. Thus, fish are more prone to
use of IoT by employing the Thinger.io IoT Server [14, 15]. disease at lower temperatures [21]. A comprehensive
Multiple sensors are employed, each of which is connected to investigation examining the impact of aeration rate on fish
the Internet of Things device. This configuration allows the growth was conducted under controlled conditions with a
information acquired from the sensors to be processed, shown temperature range of 23.0-26.8°C.
on the LCD, and transmitted to the handheld device.
The study’s maintenance media temperature range is
suitable for mahseer fish fry culture. Mahseer fish species live
in 22-30°C environments. 23.0-26.8°C is ideal for freshwater
fish rearing [22, 23].

2.1.2. Brightness
Brightness is a physical parameter that is closely related
to the photosynthesis process in an aquatic ecosystem. High
brightness indicates the penetrating power of sunlight deep
into the waters. Brightness is a measure of water
transportation, which is determined visually using a

Fig. 1 Semah fish (Tor Douronensis)

2.1.3. Odor and Color
The problem that often occurs is the emergence of disease
The objective of this study is to provide a thorough attacks starting because of changes in the color of the pond
comprehension of the complexities associated with the water caused by the death of several types of plankton. The
creation and execution of an IoT-based Ecological Aspect water changes from a green color to a brown color; untreated
Monitoring System for Tor Douronensis aquaculture. By ponds will be brown [24].
undertaking this action, the objective is to establish a pathway
for the cultivation of Tor Douronensis in a manner that 2.2. Chemical Parameters
incorporates advanced technology, promotes sustainability, 2.2.1. Disolved Oxygen
and demonstrates ecological responsibility. This initiative Dissolved Oxygen (DO), also referred to as dissolved
seeks to meet the increasing requirements for precision and oxygen, is a chemical measure in aquatic environments that
environmental awareness in contemporary aquaculture quantifies the concentration of oxygen dissolved within the
methods. ecosystem.

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024

DO very cold water contains less than 5% oxygen, will Phosphate max. 0,2 mg/L; pH 6-9; Total Dissolve Solid (TDS)
decrease if the water temperature increases, and will reduce if ≤ 1000 mg/L; Nitrate max. 10 mg/L; and Dissolved oxygen
utilized for respiration and chemical decomposition in water. (DO) > 4 mg/l.
Waters with high O2 levels will cause a high diversity of
organisms. If O2 decreases, only tolerant microorganisms can 2.3. Biological Parameters
live in that place. Oxygen levels in eutrophic waters during the A plankton is a small plant or animal creature whose life
day will be increased due to the large number of floats in the water and is always carried away by the current.
phytoplankton and plants that photosynthesize. Plankton cannot swim as actively as free swimmers, such as
fish, shrimp, squid, and whales.
Conversely, at night, all organisms in the water, including
phytoplankton, will utilize oxygen in the water for respiration. Plankton are organisms or microorganisms that live freely
This is what causes fluctuations in oxygen levels in these in waters such as freshwater, brackish, and marine waters.
waters [10, 11]. The optimal concentration of dissolved Plankton consists of the remains of marine animals and plants.
oxygen in fish farming is typically 5 mg/L, as this falls within Although it is a kind of living thing, plankton does not have
the recommended range for the cultivation of fish fry in the strength to fight against currents, tides, or winds that wash
aquatic environments [23]. it away because of its small size [27].

2.2.2. pH 3. Cultivating Semah Fish

pH, which stands for “degree of acidity,” is a chemical Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is a carefully
measure that tells us how many hydrogen ions are in water. managed practice aimed at the preservation, cultivation, and
The chemical processes that happen in water can be changed propagation of fish species within a controlled setting, with
by the amount of hydrogen ions present. The percentage of the ultimate goal of sustainable harvests. Aquaculture, also
hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution is used to calculate the pH referred to as fish farming, encompasses fisheries enterprises
scale, which tells you how acidic or basic a solution is. that engage in the cultivation of fishery products. [28].

It is calculated using the formula pH = -log (H+). Pure Semah fish cultivation requires ideal water quality for
water consists of H+ and OH- ions in balanced amounts until growth, which has a temperature of 21-25°C, turbidity below
the pH of pure water is usually 7. The more OH- ions in the 25 Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU), dissolved oxygen above 5
liquid, the lower the H+ ions and the higher the pH. mg/L, pH level ranging from 6.5 to 8.5, Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
content ranging from 2.2 to 4.5, water hardness of 12.3 mg/L
Such liquids are alkaline liquids. Conversely, the more and ammonia content of 0.0-0.1 mg/L.
H+ ions, the lower the pH, and the liquid is alkaline. Fish
belonging to the tor species, including tor soro, have sperm Before the seeds are spread, the pond needs to be
that can develop well with a pH ranging from 7.6 to 7.9 [25, processed, given lime (if the pond soil was previously acidic),
26]. and sprinkled with 1 Kg/m2 of manure. Don’t forget that the
pond bunds must also be repaired so that they don’t leak.
2.2.3. Salinity When the preparation is complete, the pond is then filled with
Salinity indicates the salt content of a body of water. water to a level of 30-40 cm.
Salinity is the distinguishing feature between freshwater and
saltwater ecosystems. Salinity refers to the collective A week later, the fish fry can be stocked. In order to avoid
concentration of dissolved solids in water subsequent to the stress, it is necessary to carefully acclimatize the fry, adjusting
conversion of carbonates into carbon dioxide, the substitution the temperature of the pond water to the water in the fry
of bromide and iodide ions with chloride ions, and the removal container. Leave the seed container (plastic bag) in the pond
of all inorganic substances as dioxide. for a while. Next, the bag is opened and tilted, allowing the fry
to emerge from the container.
Salinity is quantified using the measures of grams per
kilogram (g/kg) or parts per thousand (%). The salinity value 4. Prototype Design and Implementation
of fresh waters is usually less than 5% brackish waters
Figure 2 depicts the schematic representation of the
between 0.50%-30% and marine waters 30%-40%. In coastal
component layout inside the prototype enclosure, while Figure
waters, the value of salinity is strongly influenced by the 3 illustrates the wiring configuration of all the constituent
influx of fresh water in the river. The salinity can be measured components comprising the prototype.
by using a device called a refractometer or salinometer.
The components employed in this prototype include the
The chemical parameter standards for fish farming water Arduino board, DHT22 humidity sensor, DS18B20
quality based on PP No. 82/2001 (Class II) are Biochemical
temperature sensor, DO sensor, and pH sensor.
Oxygen Demand (BOD) < 3 mg/L; Ammonia ≤ 0,02 mg/l;

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024


Initialize Arduino
and NodeMCU

Connect Arduino
to the Sensor
Fig. 2 The box design for prototype

Display Output
Read Sensor Value to Smartphone

ESP8266 Send the Sensor Value
to the Thinger.io Server

DHT22 Display Sensor
Data in Thinger.io

Sensor Ds18B20
Sensor DS18B20

Sensor Value Display Output

Sensor pH
Sensor pH > Threshold to Smartphone

Sensor Ammonia (Mq135)

Fig. 3 The design of electronic wiring End

The C language is used to communicate programming Fig. 4 The flow chart for sensor data updation
commands with the Arduino board [29, 30].
5. Results and Discussion
In Figure 3, it can be seen how the fish pond water control The integration of the Thinger IO application service
works as a whole, which starts with Arduino as a data functions to control the ESP8266 microcontroller, which is
processor. Data obtained from sensors where the pH sensor accessed via a wireless transmission medium connected to a
functions as a reader of acidity in water, the Do sensor reads hotspot. Thinger IO becomes software that controls and
dissolved oxygen levels in water, DHT22 sensor as a reader of monitors the components of the water quality monitoring
ambient air temperature and humidity, DS18B20 sensor as a system using the buttons located on the Thinger IO website
reader of temperature in water, and MQ135 sensor as a reader with commands that have been previously programmed in the
of Ammonia gas (NH3) then the data from the Arduino Arduino IDE.
microcontroller will be transferred using the esp8266 module
to the cloud system to be processed on web services and then By using the esp8266 module, the microcontroller can
sent to the Thinger IO website on the android smartphone the connect to the cloud via the internet network. It can then use
data obtained is sent in real-time to the control station. These the Thinger IO website, which allows users to monitor and
data will then also be available online, which can be accessed control water quality monitoring tools remotely. The
in real-time from anywhere, anytime, and as long as there is performance of the system that has been made can fulfill all
an internet connection. functional requirements.

The process flow chart for the updating of sensor data in In the test results, there is a delay of about 1-2 minutes
the cloud is represented in Figure 4. The sensor’s reading is when receiving commands from the application to the device;
uploaded to the cloud and shown on the device’s associated this is because the reception of data on the device takes about
LCD in real-time. 12 ms. NodeMCU can connect to the Thinger IO cloud

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024

website via an ethernet shield attached to the internet. Ping to The sensor used is the DHT22 sensor, which has the
the Thinger IO cloud website server is 12 ms, which makes capability to detect temperatures ranging from -40 °C to 80°C.
data reception and transmission slow; this is due to the ISP It exhibits an accuracy of ± 2°C and operates at a sampling
factor used. rate of 1 Hz, therefore capturing one sample each second.
Furthermore, this sensor exhibits a notable degree of
Thinger IO website testing is a test carried out on an precision, and it also has a commendably low level of energy
android phone or computer by entering the Thinger IO website consumption, making it very efficient for practical
address, namely https://thinger.io on Google, which then applications.
enters the template address that has been designed to monitor
and send commands to turn on the device and send data from According to Figure 7 in the experimental findings
the Arduino microcontroller for sensor readings via the conducted over a span of two days, the atmospheric humidity
website so that when the application is connected to the around the fishing pond was seen to fluctuate between 75.70%
microcontroller, we can see on the large microcontroller serial and 99%. Specifically, during the hours of 00:00 and 2.50 pm,
monitor ping to the Thinger IO cloud website server. So that the humidity levels ranged from 90% to 95%. Subsequently,
the data received could be processed and displayed on the during the period of 2.50 to 5.30 pm, the humidity exhibited a
thinger io website. decline, reaching about 80% to 90%.

As shown in Figure 5, the equipment panel box is The data shows a further rise from 5:30 pm to 09:00 am,
mounted on a pole, and the sensors are placed around the pond with values ranging between 90% and 100%. Subsequently,
in accordance with their intended purposes and operations; the there is a reduction seen from 09:00 to 11:00, with values
water temperature, pH, and DO sensors are submerged in the ranging between 75% and 90%. The used sensor is the DHT22
water being monitored, while the ambient temperature and sensor, renowned for its exceptional precision.
ammonia sensors are placed outside the pond area.
This sensor is capable of measuring a wide range of
humidity levels, spanning from 0% to 100%. Consequently, it
is adept at gauging humidity levels throughout the whole
spectrum, from very arid situations to fully saturated
environments. As a result, it is highly ideal for many

Air Temperature








08:00 16:00 00:00 08:00 16:00

Fig. 5 Experiment test setup Fig. 6 Air temperature measuring display

Figure 6 illustrates the findings obtained from a two-day %
testing period, indicating that the recorded ambient air 100

temperature fluctuated between 24.1°C and 29.9°C.

Specifically, the air temperature exhibited an upward trend 95

from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, followed by a subsequent decline

from 5:00 pm to 8:00 am.
Additionally, a midday increase in temperature was
observed, which was subsequently followed by a decrease in 80
the afternoon. This phenomenon is impacted by solar
radiation, environmental temperature, human activities, 75
08:00 16:00 00:00 08:00 16:00
climate change, and geographical circumstances.
Fig. 7 Air humidity measuring display

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024

After testing the pedestal for two days, the Dissolved When the temperature increases, it can affect the activity
Oxygen sensor reading is constant at 5 mg/L, which is below of hydrogen ions in the solution and cause fluctuations in pH.
fisheries water quality standards of >4 mg/L (Figure 8). The The use of this pH sensor requires regular calibration using a
water tested is suitable for aquaculture. The sensor employed pH standard solution to ensure the accuracy of the sensor
has a reaction time of < 45 s. Where the sensor responds reading. The dashboard showing the appearance of the
swiftly at 20°C. So, the sensor is helpful in monitoring fishery graphical display of the measurement of the characteristics of
water quality, but it needs maintenance and calibration to get ecological elements on the IoT platform can be seen in Figure
reliable measurement data. 12.

The MQ-135 sensor, which detects ammonia gas, sulfur Dissolved Oxygen
compounds, benzene, Carbon Monoxide (CO), and alcohol
gas concentrations, was shown in Figure 9; the sensor did not
detect ammonia gas around the fishing pond. The sensor can
detect dangerous gas leaks and monitor air quality. This sensor 5.005
can detect multiple dangerous gases; hence, it is difficult to
calibrate to monitor one kind of gas. Also, ambient
circumstances severely affect this sensor, causing unreliable 5.000
results. Due to its short lifespan, this sensor must be replaced.
This sensor is sensitive to corrosive gasses and has a restricted
detection range.

The underwater temperature measurement is shown in

Figure 10. The testing have been carried out for 2 days; it can 08:00 16:00 00:00 08:00 16:00

be seen in the results of sensor readings where at 00.00 - 4.00 Fig. 8 Dissolved oxygen level measurement display
pm, the measured temperature is 23.5°C. at 4.00 - 4.30 pm, the
temperature has increased, namely 24°C. From 4.30 - 11.52 Ammonia
pm, the temperature increased to 24.5°C. Changes in water
temperature have a significant impact on aquatic ecosystems. 1.0 1.0
Increased water temperature can affect the reproduction and
behavior of marine organisms, change the distribution of
0.5 0.5
species, and disrupt the overall balance of the ecosystem.

Research on fisheries temperature standards explains that 0.0 0.0

the ideal temperature for fisheries ranges from 23.0°C to 26.8

°C, so the temperature on the test object is suitable for -0.5 -0.5
aquaculture. The sensor used is the DS18B20 sensor where
this sensor is able to read temperatures of -55 ~ + 125°C. In
the temperature range of -10°C - 85°C the sensor accuracy -1.0
08:00 16:00 00:00 08:00 16:00
reaches 0.5°C. This sensor is suitable for use in fisheries water
Fig. 9 Ammonia gas measuring display
quality monitoring activities.
Water Temperature
Figure 11 at the time of the pH sensor measuring °C
instrument experiment for 2 days, it can be seen that the pH 24.6

value ranges from 5.55 to 6.72. In the chemical parameters of

fish farming water quality standards, the pH standard in 24.4

suitable fishery water is 6-9.


So it can be observed that in the water experiment, the pH

value is close to the normal value of fisheries, but fish farmers
must carry out methods in stabilizing the pH value suitable for 23.8
aquaculture; the sensor reads a fluctuating value where this is
caused by several factors including the changing presence of 23.6
hydrogen ions (H +), High Sensitivity of the pH Sensor where
the sensor used has a response time of less than 2 seconds, 23.4
08:00 16:00 00:00 08:00 16:00
besides that External Interference also affects sensor readings
Fig. 10 Underwater temperature measurement display
including changes in temperature, pressure, or contamination.

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024

pH Value





5.50 08:00 16:00 00:00 08:00 16:00

Fig. 11 Display testing the pH level of water

Fig. 12 The dashboard of the ecological aspect measurement

6. Conclusion The ability of the system to collect and analyze real-time

The implementation of the ecological aspect monitoring data on parameters relating to water quality, levels of
system for Semah fish farming, which makes The use of IoT dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH offers valuable
technology in the environmental aspect monitoring system for insights into the ecological aspects of fish farming. These
Semah fish farming, has shown its potential to improve the insights enable appropriate actions to be taken in order to
efficiency as well as the long-term viability of fish farming maintain the best conditions possible for fish growth and
techniques. survival.

Krismadinata et al. / IJECE, 11(2), 24-32, 2024

Funding Statement Acknowledgments

This publication is financed with the subsidy granted to The authors wish to acknowledge the Ministry of
the University of Negeri Padang, for their support in the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the
context of the Pengabdian kepada masyarakat Scheme. Republic of Indonesia, as well as the Institute for Research and
Community Services of the University of Negeri Padang.

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