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Gurel Turkmen
Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture Department
Izmir, Turkey
gurel.turkmen @ege.edu.tr
Os man Ozden
Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Aquaculture Department
Izmir, Turkey
[email protected]
farm functions as a nutrienttrap and provides water forirrigation of rice seedlings and vegetables in addition to
providing fish. Fish ponds may also be used to treat human sewage, manure from feedlot livestock as well as
effluents from intensive aquaculture. Negative interactions between aquaculture and the environment are the
adverse effects of pollution on aquaculture and adverse effects of aquaculture on the environment such as
eutrophication, misuse of chemicals, and reduction of biodiversity and mangrove destruction.
Socially relevant
and profitable Environmentally
Shrimp Aquaculture (MT)
1st International Syposium on Sustainable Development, June 9-10 2009, Sarajevo
The white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, accounts for more than half of the total shrimp aquaculture
output. Other important commercial species are P. monodon, P. merguiensis, P. japonicus, P. chinensis and P.
indicus. In recent years,the export of Penaues vannamei to Asia has created a boom production, especially in
China. The majority of farmed shrimp isimported to the United States, European Union and Japan. The growth
has generated substantial income for developing and developed countries particularly Asia, the Americas and
Africa but also has raised concerns about how shrimp farming affectsthe environment and society (FAO 2007).
Figure 3: Water Quality Đnteractions and Management Activitiesin Đntensive Shrimp Ponds.
The solids budget shows that erosion of pond soil was the major source of both solids (88–93%) and
organic matter (40–60%) in the pond. The feed applied to the pond was a significant source of organic matter
(31–50%) but contributed little solids(4–7%) tothe system. Applied feed accounted for 78% oftheinput of N to
the ponds. Erosion ofthe pond soils, whilst a major contributor of solids, accounted for only 16% of N added to
1st International Syposium on Sustainable Development, June 9-10 2009, Sarajevo
the system. Other minor contributions were influent water (4%) and fertilizer,rainfall and postlarvae (2%). The
sinks for nitrogen were the sediments (24%), harvested shrimp (18%), and discharged water (27%). The
principal source of phosphorus in this system was the applied feed (51%). The 26% shortfall in inputs was
assumed to be the eroded pond bottom (Funge-Smith & Briggs 1998). Hence shrimp farming become a curse in
coastal areas due to their heavy discharge of used water with high organic and inorganic load and it has been
regulated strictly under legislations (Tacon & Forster 2003).
Local. Do not convert mangrove ecosystems or agriculturalland into shrimp ponds
. Reduce the negative indirectimpact on mangroves caused by access roads and water canals
.Initiate mangrove restoration programs where aquaculture has caused significant damage tothis ecosystem
. Minimise land use by good management
. Place pond in areas with low population density to minimise land and water use conflicts
. Use feasibility studies priorto development to minimise risk of arising resource use conflicts
. Avoid overcrowding of pondsthat exceeds the environmental carrying capacity
Global. Locate ponds in consumer countries
Local. No use of gentically modified organisms (G M O)
. Use hatchery produced seed
. Close cycle in shrimp hatcheries by domesticating shrimps
. Farm only native species
Global. No transport of seed and broodstock between countries
Local. Reduce water exchange rates and thus waterinput requirement
. Site-specific methodlogical considerations:
. Develop shrimp farming in fully marine watersto reduce the dependence on fresh watersources
. Develop shrimp farming in low salinity watersto minimise the risk of salinisation of adjacent soil and water
Local. Use culture system that utilise natural or stimulated production in the ponds orincoming waters
. Minimise the food conversion ratio (FCR) through proper management
Global. Develop and use formulated feeds not based on fishmeal and fish oil, orreduce content ofthese
. Use fish meal based on trimmings of fish processed for human consumption
Local. Use only certified organic fertilisers
. Reduce water exchange rates and thus the amount of effluent discharge
. Reduce nutrient concentrations in effluents by investing in settling and biologicaltreatment ponds,including
integrated farming with e.g.seaweeds and filterfeeders
.Improve feeds and managementto reduce the food conversion ratio (FCR)
. Remove saltfrom sludge and use as fertiliser
Local. Reduce the need for chemicals and antibiotics by improved pond and water management thatlimitthe
risk of exceeding the local carrying capacity ofthe environment
Global. Minimise or refrain from chemical use
. Refrain from antibiotic use
. Use probiotics
Table 1: Defining the Local/Regional and Global Criteria forImproved Environmental Sustainabilityin Shrimp
1st International Syposium on Sustainable Development, June 9-10 2009, Sarajevo
The lay-out plan of the ISAS is depicted in Fig. 4 (Ramanujam 2001). As per norms, 10 per cent of the
cultivable area should be assigned for the ISAS. For example, for a farm of 5.0 hectare water spread area, 0.77
hectare land area or approximately 0.50 hectare water spread area (actual operational area) will be required for
construction of the ISAS. For farms more than 5.0 hectares, the area under ISAS will also proportionately
increase (e.g.for a 6.0 ha. farm area, 0.6 hectare under ISAS; for a10 hectare farm area 1.0 hectare under ISAS
and so on). The size of the settlement pond, bio-pond and aeration pond has also been suggested taking into
consideration the optimum production level of 2.0 tonnes/ hectare/ culture and specific water management
practices. Water exchange schedule to be followed for operating the system. The schedule is based on the
availability of a reservoir of suitable size for storage and treatment of water for initial filling of the ponds,
topping up of waterlevel during the firsttwo months of rearing and limited water exchange during the third and
fourth months of rearing (Ramanujam 2001).
A settlement/sedimentation pond is basically used to remove suspended solids from the waste water
flow. Shrimp farm suspended solid wastes under normal operating conditions (during culture as opposed to
harvest) are primarily composed of living plankton cells,feed material and other organic material, which do not
easily settle down. Sedimentation tank can trap only 5 to 10 percent of such suspended solids. A retention time
of one hour is sufficient to trap the material, which can settle down. Thus settlement pond is less effective in
trapping the solid contents of the waste water discharge during the course of culture. However, settlement tanks
are effective in trapping suspended solids during the harvest, when solid loads are far higher and particulate
matter is denser. Studies have shown that 90% of the solids in the harvest discharge settle in sedimentation
ponds. Thus the sedimentation ponds prevent the release of most polluting organic matter that is discharged at
the time of harvest(last 5to 10 cm water)tothe environment.
1st International Syposium on Sustainable Development, June 9-10 2009, Sarajevo
1st International Syposium on Sustainable Development, June 9-10 2009, Sarajevo
Biological treatment aims at using plants and animals to reduce nutrient load and particulate matter in
the shrimp farm discharge. Farm discharge after the treatment in settlement and bio-ponds can be readily used
for recirculation to ponds for farming operation. Various options available for biological treatment of farm
discharge are as follows:
- Sea weeds/ water weeds to reduce nutrient(N and P)level,
- Molluscs to reduce suspended particulate matter and
- Fish to transform the phytoplankton into organic matter
Biologicaltreatment can only be used to treat operationalfarm waste wateri.e. during culture period as
the waste water during harvest time is biologically unsuitable in its direct form, unless diluted. However, the
harvest waste water if allowed to remain in the settlement pond for requisite duration can be treated in the bio-
pond. Various species of weeds and animals availablefor biologicaltreatment(bio-remediation),their usefulness
and the constraintsin using them are given in Tab. 2.
Figure 4: Layout Plan of Integrated Shrimp Aquaculture System (5.0 Hectare Shrimp Farm).
Aeration Pond
Aeration helps to increase the dissolved oxygen levels of water before it is pumped for recirculation.
Besides,italso helpsto oxidise any left over ammonia and organic matterinthe waterthat comes out ofthe bio-
pond. An integrated shrimp aquaculture system in shrimp culture is one strategy that minimizes waste from
culture systems and the risk of disease and provides an additionalincome source as well.
Com mon problems in the open water exchange system include phytoplankton crashes, deteriorated
pond bottoms and bacterial diseases. A phytoplankton crash causes a significant increase in ammonia in the
water, a decrease in dissolved oxygen and a risein organic material. One of the vital activitiesin shrimp culture
to maintainthe proper conditions for shrimp is water exchange. Farmers have to drain waterfrom grow-out pond
and acquire make-up waterforreplenishment. Forthese reasons,shrimp farms need high amount of saline water
throughout the culture period. Impact of discharges from shrimp farms can be reduced by treating the nutrient
rich effluent as well as by cleaning the sediments. Systems employing water reuse and recirculation should be
adopted to minimize the amount of water exchange for preventing epidemic and to overcome scarcity of make-
up water at the low tide. The general scheme of closed is similar to some conventional wastewater treatment
facilities, which include sedimentation ponds, biologicaltreatment and aeration. The treated wateris stored in a
reservoir pond before being returned to shrimp grow-out ponds. The technology for closed farming systems is
still in the experimental phase, and currently the relative contribution to global shrimp aquaculture output is
marginal from these systems. In the case of inland shrimp farming in Thailand, the likelihood of no effluents
being discharged into the open environment has been questioned (Flaherty et al. 2000). There is no water
exchange in the first two months after stocking in these systems, although filling of the pond is necessary
towards the end ofthe second month. Depending upon season and rainfall,evaporative loss can cause salinity to
rise to an unacceptably high level. To counteract this, freshwater is pumped where available although this has
very serious environmental and social impacts if aquifer water is used. Low water exchange systems such as
these are complete sinks for nutrients and thus there is no outlet for wastes during production except for
discharge at harvest(Tab. 3).
tilapiajuveniles were stocked intotwo enclosures at a rate of 6.0 shrimp/m2 and 0.24 fish/m2 (outsidethe cages),
respectively. Overallsurvivalrate of shrimp was 78.6% and did not differ among treatments. Mean final sizes of
shrimp decreased with increase in its stocking density. As stocking density of the shrimp increased from 4.5
shrimp/m2 to 6.0 shrimp/m2, mean shrimp yield increased from 325.4±15.3 kg/ha to 522.2±54.9 kg/ha. There
was a pronounced influence oftilapia density on growth, survival and yields of shrimp at 6.0 shrimp/m2. At 0.32
tilapia/m2,survivalrate(96.67%), final body length (10.40 cm) and yield (585.5 kg/ha) of shrimp were high. The
optimum stocking density of shrimp and tilapia was 60,000 shrimp/ha and some 400 kg tilapia/ha,respectively.
Muangkeow et.al.(2007) was studied using outdoortank system with 6 treatment conditions: T1, single
shrimp tank system; T2, closed recirculation system without tilapia; T3 to T6, integrated closed recirculation
system with the tilapia–shrimp stocking density ratio of 0.01, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.075, respectively. The shrimp
were stocked at a density of 40 individual m2 for alltreatments. Shrimp were fed with com mercial pellets, while
tilapia was not fed with the feed pellet. The culture period was 8 weeks for shrimp and 7 weeks for tilapia. The
shrimp growth rate and netincome ofthe system of T2 was significantly higherthan T5 and T6 (P<0.05) but was
no differentfrom T1, T3 and T4. The tilapia growth ratein T3 was significantly higherthan the others (P<0.05).
The nitrogen conversion rate into total (shrimp+tilapia) biomass of T2 to T5 was significantly higher than T1
(P<0.05). T6 showed a lower N conversion rate than the lower tilapia–shrimp ratio. The phosphorus conversion
rateinto total biomass was significantly higher in T3 to T6 than T1 and T2 (P<0.05). These resultsindicate that
tilapia stocking significantly improved P conversion rate but the N conversion and shrimp growth rates
decreased with high tilapia stocking. Considering all parameters,theintegrated system with a low tilapia–shrimp
ratio (the ratio of 0.01 and 0.025) were effective to improve the nutrient conversion rate to culture animals
withoutlowering shrimp growth.
reduce concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (TSS) and inorganic suspended solids
(ISS) by 31, 65 and 76%, respectively, during recirculation, and maintained consistently low levels of mean
BO D (<9 mg l−1), total ammonia (<1.8 mg N l−1) and nitrate (<0.42 mg N l−1). Constructed wetlands can
perform satisfactorily as recirculation filtersinlarge-scale shrimp aquaculture operations,reducing the impact of
effluent on local water bodies, conserving large quantities of water and providing valuable ecological habitat.
Figure 5: Layout ofthe LASAF atthe H.P. El Sauz Ranch in South Texas, USA. (Tilley et al. 2002)
The rapid development of shrimp aquaculture in the coastal areas of the country has raised some
environmental concerns, especially with regard to the impact of shrimp waste water on the ecology of the open
waters systems. The Mediterranean coast supports many human activities, such as tourism, maritime traffic,
industry,fisheries,aquaculture or conservation, all ofthem competing for coastal zone resources.Inthis context,
the aquaculture industry has grown rapidly during recent years. The negative impact of shrimp aquaculture
derives mainly from particulate and dissolved nutrients. The Mediterranean is an oligotrophic sea, with low
nutrientlevels;itis an especially sensitive area due to itslow energy and has a limiting nutrientlevelthatisthe
reason why a minimum increment of nutrients gives rise to important increases in the primary production.
1st International Syposium on Sustainable Development, June 9-10 2009, Sarajevo
Different methods have been tried to minimize the effects of nutrient loading. The integration of effluent
treatment system as a part ofthe shrimp farm willtherefore assistthe farmerstoimprove waste water quality and
provide long-term strategies for sustainable shrimp farming inthe country.
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