Exe Sum Eng JRMetal 4322
Exe Sum Eng JRMetal 4322
Exe Sum Eng JRMetal 4322
Executive Summary
1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 PROPOSED PROJECT ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PROJECT LOCATION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 PROJECT PROPONENT ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 PRODUCTION CAPACITY ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 PROPOSED EQUIPMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 LAND REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.7 RAW MATERIAL REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................................... 4
1.8 RAW WATER REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.9 ENERGY REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.10 MAN POWER REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.11 MANUFACTURING PROCESS ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.12 AIR EMISSIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.13 WASTE WATER GENERATION ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.14 SOLID WASTE GENERATION & METHOD OF DISPOSAL..................................................................................... 10
1.15 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST & SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................... 11
2 BASELINE ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 GROUND WATER QUALITY ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 SOIL QUALITY .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 FLORA & FAUNA ...................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 SOCIO ECONOMIC STATUS ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.7 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.8 GROUND WATER ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND MANAGEMENT PLAN .......................................................................... 14
3.1 AIR IMPACT............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2 WATER IMPACT ....................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 LAND IMPACT .......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLAN .............................................................................................................. 14
3.5 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MEASURES ............................................................................................................ 15
3.6 IDENTIFICATION OF HAZARDS...................................................................................................................... 15
4 POST PROJECT MONITORING PLAN ....................................................................................................... 15
5 PROJECT BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................. 16
1.1 Proposed Project
The proposed project is a Greenfield Sponge Iron Plant with Secondary Steel Plant
consisting of Melting Shop, Billet Caster, Rolling Mill & Power Plant based on WHRB
(Waste Heat Recovery Boiler) & CFBC (Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion) using
13°23’46.47”N 80°02’35.89”E
13°23’54.34”N 80°02’52.57”E
13°23’33.33”N 80°02’51.94”E
13°23’34.39”N 80°02’37.14”E
and is devoid of any notified Eco-Sensitive area within 10 kms radius of plant site.
M/s. J.R. Metal Chennai Limited a company with 2-decade long experience in Steel
Making and Marketing Business with its registered office at No.3, Manali Express Road,
TKP Nagar, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai – 600 019.
* Reheating Furnace will be sparsely used, because, hot billet from Billet Caster
will be directly fed into Roling Mill.
Rotary Kiln (DRI) 2 x 350 Tons
Electric Induction Furnace 2 x 40 Tons
1 x 30 Tons
CFBC (65 TPH) using Dolochar from DRI 1 x 16 MW
WHRB [Waste Heat Recovery Boiler] 2 x 8 MW
The total land area acquired for this proposed greenfield Project is 17.321 Hectares of
which 11.039 Hectares will be required for Plant and utilities, and about 5.716 Hectares
will be earmarked for greenbelt development.
A-Super-19, TVK Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032.
(In Ha.)
1 Sponge Iron Kiln & Power Plant 3.236
2 Melting Shop/Billet Caster/Rolling Mill 4.047
3 Switch Yard 0.405
4 Greenbelt 5.716
5 Iron Ore Stock Yard 0.725
6 Coal Storage 0.566
7 Ash dyke 0.809
8 Slag Storage 0.809
9 Scrap Yard 0.442
10 Road 0.566
Total Land Area 17.321
About 33% of the Total Land Area has been exclusively earmarked for “GREEN BELT
DEVELOPMENT” predominantly around the Periphery of the Plant Boundary.
The major raw material is Iron-Ore Pellet or Iron-Ore Lumps/Fines & Coal for Sponge
Iron Plant apart from M.S Scrap, which will be used along with Sponge Iron in the
Induction Furnace / Billet Caster for making Billets, which are then rolled into the final
product i.e. Rolled Products.
CFBC Boiler will use a mix of Dolochar & Coal to produce power, whereas, WHRB will
make use of Waste Flue Gases from the DRI ie Sponge Iron Kiln.
Re Rolling Mill
The Billet produced by the Steel Melt Shop will be the Raw Material for Re-Rolling Mill
*Billet from Billet Charger will be Directly Fed into Rolling Mill, & Re-Heating Furnace will
not be used, & is only a Standby in case of the instances when Raw Billets are Procured,
and hence will not be using Coal or Furnace Oil at all for Billet Reheating purpose, and is
only a stand-by, and estimated requirement to the maximum will only be upto 2% of the
Operation in a Year.
Power Plant
Dolochar from sponge iron plant will be the main raw material that will be used in the
CFBC Boiler for power generation of 16MW, wherein about 14-30% fuel will be coal
blended to obtain necessary calorific value & heat for generation of steam
The proposed plant intends to use Dry Adiabatic Air Cooling System for Electric
Induction Coil Cooling, and also Air Cooled System for Main & Auxiliary Cooling in Power
The Water Requirement will be for cooling water make-up of Furnace, Rotary Kiln,
Concast Mill & Rolling Mill.
The raw water requirement will be 375 KLD. Which will be met by recycling 178 KLD of
treated waste water and 197 KLD will be drawn from ground water.
Evaporation Loss – 40
60 Induction Furnace 20
Evaporation Loss – 20
30 Concast Cooling
Evaporation Loss – 25
RO Plant RO Reject
75 Rolling Mill
Pond 10
Boiler Water
10 9
Raw Water Make-up (CFBC)
Coal Dust
375 375 Suppression /
Cooling Ash Dyke
Evaporation Loss – 1 Pond II
Boiler Water
10 9 Cooling
Make-up (WHRB) 208
Pond I
Water/ Borewell
Harvested Rain
Evaporation Loss – 50 35
The total power required will be 60 MW, of which 24 MW will be through captive
generation & balance 36 MW will be met from state utility ie TANGEDCO.
CFBC 1 X 16
About 300-employees would be needed for the operation of the proposed plant, including
direct and indirect workers.
The main raw material required in Sponge Iron Plant will be Iron-ore Pellet or Iron Ore
Lump/fines, Imported South Africa Non-Coking Coal, and Dolomite/Limestone. The raw
material from respective bins will be conveyed in closed gantry conveyors to the feeding
platform and then to the kiln. In-order to maintain the heat at top of the rotary kiln, coal
is injected through coal burners in the kiln. The preheated Iron-ore pellet or iron-ore are
then reduced to sponge iron, where as, carbon and volatile matter are reduced to char.
The Sponge Iron is then separated in a magnetic separator.
The Sponge Iron thus produced alongwith M.S. Scrap / Ferro Alloy is melted in the
Electric Induction Furnace.
The billet at 1050°C – 1250°C are then fed to different rolling mills to produce rolled
products as per requirement.
Apart from above there will also be D.G.Set to be used as a standby during power shut
down or exigencies, and will use low sulphur fuel provided with a stack of adequate
height as per CPCB Norms.
The plant predominantly uses Air Cooled System, however, cooling water make-up is
required for certain operations in furnace, concast mill, rolling mill apart from Boiler
Feed, and the waste water generated will be blowdown from these operations.
The waste water generated from the domestic use ie domestic sewage will be treated in
a full fledged sewage treatment plant proposed to be installed, which will be based on
Activated Sludge Process, and will have a capacity to treat 15 KLD of domestic sewage.
The D M Plant Regeneration waste water will be treated in a Neutralization Tank, and
then mixed with other waste water in the Guard Pond, which will be the collection tank
to collect composite waste water, and will then be the feed to R.O.Plant for re-use of the
treated waste water back into the process.
The hazardous waste generated is only from maintenance activity such as Used
Lubricating Oils & Cotton Waste Containing Oil.
All the solid waste generated find useful application in many upstream/downstream
industries, where as, hazardous waste is disposed to Authorized Agencies.
The estimated project cost is Rs. 350 Crores and the estimated time of completion will
be 24-month (Phase-I), 60-month (Phase-II), and 84-months (Phase-III) from zero
The concentration of PM10 in ambient air during the present study varied between 30
and 87 g/m³. The 98th percentile value of PM10 recorded during the study period
varied between 40.5 and 86.1 g/m³.
The concentration of PM2.5 in ambient air during the present study varied between 9 and
29 g/m³. The 98th percentile value of PM2.5 recorded during the study period varied
between 12 and 29 g/m³.
The concentration of SO2 in ambient air during the present study was found to vary
between 7.1 and 21.8 g/m³. The 98th percentile value of SO2 recorded during the
study period varied between 11.2 and 21.8 g/m³.
The concentration of NOx in ambient air during the present study varied between 11.2
and 26.7 g/m³. The 98th percentile value of NOx recorded during the study period
varied between 14.9 and 26.1 g/m³.
Whereas, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ammonia (NH3), Nickel (Ni), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb),
Ozone (O3), Benzene and Benzo Pyrene were all Below Detectable Levels during Study
None of the Surface Water Samples Tested had any Semblance of Industrial Pollution, or
Microbial Contamination, except Turbidity, which may be because of Inability of
Suspended Solids to percolate due to absence of desilting, that had not been carried out
for long time.
All the Ground Water Samples Tested were devoid of Heavy or Toxic Metals, Pesticides
or Microbial Contamination, and were within permissible limits as per IS 10500 Standard
for Drinking Water.
The soil at all locations, where sample was tested was free of toxicity, and with a less
than moderate fertility indicated by the presence of Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium.
The soil also had low Sodium Absorbtion Ratio, thus indicating that the nutrient present
in the soil will remain undamaged. The soil in general were free of any Industrial
The study area was devoid of any Schedule I fauna and had also been devoid of any
rare, endemic or endangered floral species as per IUCN, most of the species identified as
per IUCN were of least concern.
A-Super-19, TVK Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032.
The project site is devoid of any settlement, and hence a detailed rehabilitation study
was not required, and site falls under “S3” Category, wherein there is no impact on the
families due to the project.
The study area in general has better sex ratio, literacy rate, better employment in
agriculture and industry, better per-capita income, and also better facility for higher
Although the district had good health facility, the core zone is lacking primary health
care facility, and also ambulance facility.
Sanitation facility available in the core-zone have been largely scattered, and most
people still follow open defecation.
There were substantial availability of fair price shops in the study area. There was also
ample supply of LPG for cooking, and was also well connected by Communication & Road
The working population had largely shifted to Industrial work moving away from the
Agriculatural Labour mainly due to proximity to Chennai & rapid industrialization of the
region, and this offering them regular & better incomes than Agricultural activity.
The present land for proposed project is a Dry Agriculture Land as per Revenue Records
and unclassified as per DTCP Records.
As per G.O.M.S. No. 161 dated 23.10.2019, The Public Works Department of
Government of Tamil Nadu, the present site falls under Poovalambedu Revenue Firka,
which is Categorized as Safe Zone thus permitting drawal of ground water with
permission for drawalfrom State Ground Water Board, however, the proposed project
will have extensive rain water harvesting system, thus negating any impact on the
existing ground water regime.
A-Super-19, TVK Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032.
All Point Source of Emission are provided control measures to limit emission to within
permissible levels, however, the maximum predicted incremental ground level pollutants
will be as follows.
The entire waste water is treated and reused back in the process. The ground water
drawl will also be adequately compensated by rainwater harvesting. The plant ensures
Zero Discharge, and least impact on water environment in the surrounding environment.
The plant does not generate any hazardous waste of major nature.
The run off from raw material storage is also averted by storage of all these raw material
in closed shed, more-over control of Air/Water pollution to negligible levels will also
ensure least impact on the Land Environment.
There is a robust offsite and onsite Emergency Preparedness Plan and Disaster
Management proposed, wherein disaster / emergency are identified, and responsibilities
will be assigned to within the organization, communications and co-ordination within
other civic authorities and government identified agencies.
With objective to ensure health & Safety of workers, a well delineated system consisting
of health & Safety guidelines, work area safety and health precautions standard
operating procedures, elimination of unsafe acts, provision of PPE’s and other industrial
hyginene measures are provided for to ensure “ZERO ACCIDENT & ZERO INCIDENT”.
The only major hazard is due to spontaneous ignition of coal in the stock yard, wherein,
the control measure such as restricting the coal height to <1.6m, and constant water
sprinkling will keep coal dump moist, and prevent fire hazards.
Other identified hazards in the process will be provided with sensors and probes for
temperature control, flow control, leak detection, and PLC systems to control any
probable risks.
CONTINUOUS ONLINE MONITOIRNG will be installed and connected to Care Air Center of
TNPCB/CPCB of Stack Connected to DRI Kiln, Electic Induction Furnace & CFBC Boiler.
5 Project Benefits
The Present Project is proposed in a land which is fallow at present, and in an area
devoid of any Environmental Sensitivity, thus 17.321 ha. Land is being put to better
utilization and also ensuring least pollution of environmental impact on land or the
surrounding environment.
- Availability of Additional Long Product ie TMT Bars will give an Impetus for
Construction Industry
- The project as such would generate Large scale Direct/Indirect Employment apart
from Large Scale Direct/In Direct commerce resulting in Social & Economic Uplift
with a multiplier effect in multiple layers & extent of the society
- Availability of Additional Long Product ie TMT Bars will generate huge employment
as well as Social & Economic development by enabling large scale Infrastructure
project such as Roads, Highways, Airports, Ports, Water Supply, Sanitation,
Schools, Hospitals, Government Buldingsetcof the Government thus resulting in
development & growth of the country
- Apart from this proposed project aiding Infrastructure, it will also enable
additional growth in Housing Sector both in the Private & Public sector , this
additional will result in Social & Economic Growth
- All the above benefits will not only result in the social & economic growth as
mentioned above, but project per se will directly contribute to the Government
coffer in the form of Direct/Indirect Taxes to the tune of Rs. 650/- Crores per
year, enabling government revenues to aid social & infrastructure development,
apart from direct contribution from the project per se, the resultant other
development activities given impetus by availability of this additional long product
ie TMT Bars will also contribute to the Government coffers in the form of Direct
Taxes, Indirects Taxes , Levies etc , which will further enable Government to
undertake rapid development of Infrastructure etc thus enabling prosperity &
growth of the country.
All benefits accrueing above, is still being achieved with adequate protection to
environment by controlling environmental impact & ensuring negligible impact to the
environment, which is a huge positive for the project.