CH 21
CH 21
CH 21
S.S. Ingots
worked out consistently. Five per cent moulds. Fast fan cooling should be given.
(5%) melting losses and five per cent Then they are removed from moulds.
(5%) wastage of raw materials and Ingots are ground on grinding machines
rejection of margin during the whole and fettled and are ready for rolling.
process of manufacture of this item has
been taken into account in this scheme Quality Control and Standards
and the turnover has been worked out Product is manufactured as per IS:
accordingly. 6529- 1972, IS: 6529-1978, IS: 6529-
1996 and AISI Standard Specification: 304,
The major activities and the time Production Capacity (per annum)
required for competition of each activity Present project profile envisages the
and their implementation are illustrated production of stainless steel ingots of
below: 31/4" × 41/4" × 52" size, weighing approx.
Sl.No. Activity Months Weeks 120 Kgs. Production capacity is 675 M.T.
per annum valuing Rs. 3,64,50,000 on
1. Selection of Site – 2
single shift basis.
2. Preparation of Project Report 1 –
3. Provisional Registration – 2 Motive Power
4. Financial Arrangements 3 – The Electric Motive Power required for
5. Procurement of Machinery 3 – this project would be around 50,000
6. Procurement of Essential Raw 1 – KWH.
7. Installation, Electrification and 2 –
Pollution Control
Commissioning of Machinery Foundry being a pollution intensive
8. Trial and Commercial Production 1 – industry needs to obtain No Objection
Total 11 4 Certificate from the Pollution Control
Board. Every care should be taken to
TECHNICAL ASPECTS minimize the gaseous as well as solid
Process of Manufacture
Energy Conservation
Scrap is first degreased, cleaned,
segregated grade wise, weighted and Foundry industries, particularly where
then stainless steel scrap is charged in Induction furnace is used require huge
the furnace and melted. Measured energy in the form of electricity and
quantity of Ferro alloys mainly Ferro optimum use of electricity leads to
chrome is added to make up the reduced production cost. So it is in the
required composition. Melt sample is interest of the unit as well as the nation
taken out for chemical testing and to minimize the wastage of electricity by
accordingly, alloy additions are made using right equipment or motor so that
and again sample is taken out for final optimum use of electricity is possible.
adjustment of the composition. Then Energy audit will certainly help to decide
metal is poured into chilled cast iron the right equipment or motor for specific
(iv) Other Contingent Expenses (per month) (Rs.) (4) Net Profit Ratio on Sales
Furnaces Rayapetah,
3. M/s. Electrotherm (India) Ltd. Chennai-600 014
Survey No. 72, 8. M/s. Metal Power Analytical (I) Pvt.
Palodia (Via Thaltej, Ltd.
Ahmedabad – 382 115 8/9, Mehul Premises,
Kanti Nagar,
4. M/s. Pillar (India) Andheri (East),
Vidyut Agni Marketing and Mumbai-400 059
Engineering Services,
Block A-23, 2nd Avenue, Addresses of Raw Material Suppliers
9. M/s. Raja Steels Pvt. Ltd.
Chennai-600 102
100, Avarampalayam Road,
Foundry Equipments Ganapathy,
5. M/s. Balaji Equipment Co. Coimbatore - 641 006
23-A 6th Cross, BR Puram,
10. M/s. Virwadia Metal Corporation
VK Road, Thanneer Pandal,
Old No.209,
Coimbatore-4 New No. 224,
Linghi Chetty Street,
6. M/s. Greaves Foscco Ltd.
Chennai-600 001
Works: Mumbai-Pune Road,
Pune - 411019 11. M/s. Coimbatore Metal Mart
Metallographic and Chemical Dr. Nanjappa Road,
Laboratory Consumables Gandhipuram,
Coimbatore-641 001
7. M/s. Metallurgical Services (P) Ltd.
5, Lalithapuram Street, 12. Local Market.