Logical Quantum Processor Based On Reconfigurable Atom Arrays
Logical Quantum Processor Based On Reconfigurable Atom Arrays
Logical Quantum Processor Based On Reconfigurable Atom Arrays
Open access
Suppressing errors is the central challenge for useful quantum computing1,
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requiring quantum error correction (QEC)2–6 for large-scale processing. However,
the overhead in the realization of error-corrected ‘logical’ qubits, in which
information is encoded across many physical qubits for redundancy2–4, poses
substantial challenges to large-scale logical quantum computing. Here we report the
realization of a programmable quantum processor based on encoded logical qubits
operating with up to 280 physical qubits. Using logical-level control and a zoned
architecture in reconfigurable neutral-atom arrays7, our system combines high
two-qubit gate fidelities8, arbitrary connectivity7,9, as well as fully programmable
single-qubit rotations and mid-circuit readout10–15. Operating this logical processor
with various types of encoding, we demonstrate improvement of a two-qubit logic
gate by scaling surface-code6 distance from d = 3 to d = 7, preparation of colour-code
qubits with break-even fidelities5, fault-tolerant creation of logical Greenberger–
Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states and feedforward entanglement teleportation, as well
as operation of 40 colour-code qubits. Finally, using 3D [[8,3,2]] code blocks16,17, we
realize computationally complex sampling circuits18 with up to 48 logical qubits
entangled with hypercube connectivity19 with 228 logical two-qubit gates and
48 logical CCZ gates20. We find that this logical encoding substantially improves
algorithmic performance with error detection, outperforming physical-qubit
fidelities at both cross-entropy benchmarking and quantum simulations of fast
scrambling21,22. These results herald the advent of early error-corrected quantum
computation and chart a path towards large-scale logical processors.
Quantum computers have the potential to substantially outperform Recent experiments have achieved milestone demonstrations of
their classical counterparts for solving certain problems1. However, two logical qubits and one entangling gate5,6 and explorations of new
executing large-scale, useful algorithms on quantum processors encodings25–28.
requires very low gate error rates (generally below about 10−10)23, far One specific challenge for realizing large-scale logical processors
below those that will probably ever be achievable with any physical involves efficient control. Unlike modern classical processors that can
device2. The landmark development of QEC theory provides a con- efficiently access and manipulate many bits of information29, quan-
ceptual solution to this challenge2–4. The key idea is to use entangle- tum devices are typically built such that each physical qubit requires
ment to delocalize a logical qubit degree of freedom across many several classical control lines. Although suitable for the implementa-
redundant physical qubits, such that, if any given physical qubit tion of physical qubit processors, this approach poses a substantial
fails, it does not corrupt the underlying logical information. In prin- obstacle to the control of logical qubits redundantly encoded over
ciple, with sufficiently low physical error rates and sufficiently many many physical qubits.
qubits, a logical qubit can be made to operate with extremely high Here we describe the realization of a programmable quantum
fidelity, providing a path to realizing large-scale algorithms4. How- processor based on hardware-efficient control over logical qubits in
ever, in practice, useful QEC poses many challenges, ranging from reconfigurable neutral-atom arrays7. We use this logical processor to
large overhead in physical qubit numbers23 to highly complex gate demonstrate key building blocks of QEC and realize programmable
operations between the delocalized logical degrees of freedom24. logical algorithms. In particular, we explore important features of
Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2QuEra Computing Inc., Boston, MA, USA. 3Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, NIST/University of
Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. 4John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. 5Department of Physics and Research Laboratory
of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. ✉e-mail: [email protected]
Site index
Qubit state
Addressed site Neighbour 40
Qubit state
Logical 1Q gate
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40
Time (μs) Time (μs)
With local imaging
Entangling zone
No local imaging
Qubit state
laser Feedforward
AOD 0.5
Logical 2Q gate extraction FPGA 0
Logical qubit 0 0.5 1.0
decoding Ramsey phase (2π)
Readout zone
Number of events
Camera Mid-circuit
measurement 500
Local imaging
1,750 2,000 2,250
Camera counts
Fig. 1 | A programmable logical processor based on reconfigurable atom rotations are implemented using Raman excitation through a 2D AOD;
arrays. a, Schematic of the logical processor, split into three zones: storage, parallel grid illumination delivers the same instruction to multiple atomic
entangling and readout (see Extended Data Fig. 1 for detailed layout). Logical qubits. c, Mid-circuit readout and feedforward. The imaging histogram shows
single-qubit and two-qubit operations are realized transversally with efficient, high-fidelity state discrimination (500 μs imaging time, readout fidelity
parallel operations. Transversal CNOTs are realized by interlacing two logical approximately 99.8%; Methods) and the Ramsey fringe shows that qubit
qubit grids and performing a single global entangling pulse that excites atoms coherence is unaffected by measuring other qubits in the readout zone (error
to Rydberg states. Physical qubits are encoded in hyperfine ground states of probability p ≈ 10 −3; Methods). The FPGA performs real-time image processing,
Rb atoms trapped in optical tweezers. b, Fully programmable single-qubit state decoding and feedforward (Fig. 4).
logical operations and circuits, including scaling to large codes, fault large, dynamically programmable grids of light. Fully programmable
tolerance and complex non-Clifford circuits. local single-qubit rotations are realized through qubit-specific, paral-
lel Raman excitation through an additional 2D AOD (ref. 34) (Fig. 1b
and Extended Data Fig. 2). Mid-circuit readout is enabled by moving
Logical processor based on atom arrays selected qubits about 100 μm away to a readout zone and illuminating
Our logical processor architecture, illustrated in Fig. 1a, is split into with a focused imaging beam7,35, resulting in high-fidelity imaging, as
three zones (see also Extended Data Fig. 1). The storage zone is used well as negligible decoherence on stored qubits (Fig. 1c and Extended
for dense qubit storage, free from entangling-gate errors and featuring Data Fig. 3). The mid-circuit10–15 image is collected with a CMOS cam-
long coherence times. The entangling zone is used for parallel logical era and sent to a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) for real-time
qubit encoding, stabilizer measurements and logical gate operations. decoding and feedforward.
Finally, the readout zone enables mid-circuit readout of desired logical The central aspect of our logical processor is the control of individual
or physical qubits, without disturbing the coherence of the computa- logical qubits as the fundamental units, instead of individual physi-
tion qubits still in operation. This architecture is implemented using cal qubits. To this end, we observe that, during most error-corrected
arrays of individual 87Rb atoms trapped in optical tweezers, which can operations, the physical qubits of a logical block are supposed to real-
be dynamically reconfigured in the middle of the computation while ize the same operation, and this instruction can be delivered in paral-
preserving qubit coherence7,9. lel with only a few control lines. This approach naturally multiplexes
Our experiments make use of the apparatus described previously with optical techniques. For example, to realize a logical single-qubit
in refs. 7,8,30, with key upgrades enabling universal digital operation. gate2, we use the Raman 2D AOD (Fig. 1b) to create a grid of light beams
Physical qubits are encoded in clock states within the ground-state and simultaneously illuminate the physical qubits of the logical block
hyperfine manifold (T2 > 1s (ref. 7)) and stored in optical tweezer arrays with the same instruction. Such a gate is transversal2, meaning that
created by a spatial light modulator (SLM)30,31. We use systems of up to operations act on physical qubits of the code block independently.
280 atomic qubits, combining high-fidelity two-qubit gates8, enabled This transversal property further implies that the gate is inherently
by fast excitation into atomic Rydberg states interacting through robust fault-tolerant2, meaning that errors cannot spread within the code block
Rydberg blockade32, with arbitrary connectivity enabled by atom trans- (see Methods), thereby preventing a physical error from spreading into
port by means of 2D acousto-optic deflectors (AODs)7. Central to our a logical fault. Crucially, a similar approach can realize logical entan-
approach of scalable control, AODs10–15,31,33 use frequency multiplex- gling gates2,4. Specifically, we use the grids generated by our moving
ing to take in just two voltage waveforms (one for each axis) to create 2D AOD to pick up two logical qubits, interlace them in the entangling
|0L〉 C
3 5
SPAM infidelity
|0L〉 C
1 7 6
Physical |0L〉
+ |0L〉
Move to storage
+ |0L〉 0.001
+ H |0L〉
+ H
+ H |0L〉
Logical Physical Logical FT
nFT atom (with CNOT)
c d e
1.0 Real(Ulogical) Imag(Ulogical)
0.8 error
Logical GHZ state fidelity
Fig. 3 | Fault-tolerant logical algorithms. a, Circuit for preparation of logical qubit SPAM. c, Logical GHZ fidelity without postselecting on flags (nFT),
GHZ state. Ten colour codes are encoded non-fault-tolerantly and then parallel postselecting on flags (FT) and postselecting on flags and stabilizers of the
transversal CNOTs between computation and ancilla logical qubits perform computation logical qubits, corresponding to error detection (EDFT). d, GHZ
fault-tolerant initialization. The ancilla logical qubits are moved to storage fidelity as a function of sliding-scale error-detection threshold (converted into
and a four-logical-qubit GHZ state is created between the computation qubits. the probability of accepted repetitions) and of the number of successful flags
Logical Clifford operations are applied before readout to examine the GHZ in the circuit. e, Density matrix of the four-logical-qubit GHZ state (with at most
state. b, SPAM infidelity of the logical qubits without (nFT) and with (FT) three flag errors) measured by means of full-state tomography involving all
the transversal-CNOT-based flagged preparation, compared with physical 256 logical Pauli strings.
are used at the end of the circuit for direct fidelity estimation39 and full The use of the zoned architecture directly allows scaling circuits
logical state tomography. to larger numbers, without increasing the number of controls, by
We first benchmark our state initialization5,40,41 (Fig. 3b). Averaged encoding and operating on logical qubits, moving them to storage
over the five computation logicals, we find that, by using the and then accessing storage as appropriate. This process is illustrated
fault-tolerant initialization (postselecting on the ancilla logical flag in Fig. 4a,b, in which ten colour codes are made and operated on with
not detecting errors) our |0L⟩ initialization fidelity is 99.91+0.04 −0.09% , parallel transversal CNOTs, moved to storage and then more qubits are
exceeding both our physical qubit |0⟩ initialization fidelity (99.32(4)% accessed from storage. Repeating this process four times, we create
(ref. 8)) and physical two-qubit gate fidelity (99.5% (ref. 8)). Then, Fig. 3c 40 colour codes with 280 physical qubits, at the cost of slow idling
shows that the resulting GHZ state fidelity obtained using the errors of roughly 1% logical decoherence per additional encoding step
fault-tolerant algorithm is 72(2)% (again using correlated decoding), (Fig. 4c). These storage idling errors primarily originate from global
demonstrating genuine multipartite entanglement. Furthermore, we Raman π pulses applied for dynamical decoupling of atoms in the
can postselect on all stabilizers of our computation logicals being entangling zone, which could be greatly reduced with zone-specific
correct; using this error-detection approach, the GHZ fidelity increases Raman controls.
to 99.85+0.1
−1.0 %, at the cost of postselection overhead. Because mid-circuit readout10–15 is an important component of logi-
Because not all nontrivial syndromes are equally likely to cause cal algorithms, we next demonstrate a fault-tolerant entanglement
algorithmic failure, we can perform a partial postselection, in which teleportation circuit. We first create a three-logical-qubit GHZ state
syndrome events most likely to have caused algorithmic failure are |0L0L0L⟩ + |1L1L1L⟩ (Fig. 4d,e) from fault-tolerantly prepared colour
discarded, given by the weight of the correlated matching in the whole codes. Mid-circuit X-basis measurement of the middle logical creates
algorithm. Figure 3d shows the measured GHZ fidelity as a function |0L0L⟩ + |1L1L⟩ if measured as |+L⟩ and |0L0L⟩ − |1L1L⟩ if measured as |−L⟩. We
of this sliding threshold converted into a fraction of accepted experi- recover |0L0L⟩ + |1L1L⟩ by applying a logical S gate to the first and third
mental repetitions, continuously tuning the trade-off between the logicals conditioned in real time on the state of the middle logical, akin
success probability of the algorithm and its fidelity; for example, to the magic-state-teleportation circuit24. Measurements in Fig. 4e
discarding just 50% of the data improves GHZ fidelity to approximately indicate that, although ⟨XLXL⟩ and ⟨YLYL⟩ indeed vanish without the
90%. (As discussed below, for certain applications, purifying samples feedforward step, by applying the feedforward correction, we recover
can be advantageous in improving algorithmic performance.) Finally, a Bell-state fidelity of 77(2)%, limited by imperfections in the original
fault-tolerantly measuring all 256 logical Pauli strings, we perform full underlying GHZ state. By repeating this experiment without mid-circuit
GHZ state tomography (Fig. 3e). readout and instead postselecting on the middle logical being in |+L⟩,
Move to storage
Access storage
|0L〉 We focus on small 3D [[8,3,2]] codes16,17,26,27 (Fig. 5a), which have
Entangling zone |0L〉
various appealing features. They encode three logicals per block,
|0L〉 feature d = 2 (d = 4) in the Z basis (X basis), implying error-detection
(error-correction) capabilities for Z (X) errors and can realize a trans-
versal CNOT between blocks. Most importantly, by using physical {T, S}
|0L〉 rotations (T is π/4 phase gate), we can realize transversal {CCZ, CZ, Z}
Storage zone |0L〉
gates on the logical qubits encoded within each block, as well as intra-
|0L〉 block CNOTs by physical permutation26,27 (Methods). This gate set
c Total number of colour codes
|0L〉 allows us to transversally realize the circuits illustrated in Fig. 5a,c,
10 20 30 40 |0L〉
|0L〉 alternating between layers of {CCZ, CZ, Z} within blocks and layers of
Logical decoherence
CNOTs between blocks. Although transversal H is forbidden, initializa-
|0L〉 tion and measurement in either the X or the Z basis effectively allows
Correction |0L〉
H at the beginning and end of the circuit.
|0L〉 We use these transversal operations to realize logical algorithms
0 1 2 3
Additional encoded groups
that are difficult to simulate classically45,46. More specifically, these
e |0L〉 S circuits can be mapped to instantaneous quantum polynomial (IQP)
|0L〉 H circuits20,45,46. Sampling from the output distribution of such circuits
|0L〉 S
is known to be classically hard in certain instances20, implying that a
quantum device can be exponentially faster than a classical computer
Entangling zone
for this task.
Measured logical parity
S S 0.5
No feedforward
No mid-circuit
scrambling circuit with 28 logical entangling gates and then measure all
Storage zone
Feedforward –0.5 logicals in the X basis. Figure 5b shows the probability of observing each
of the 212 = 4,096 possible logical bitstring outcomes, showing that, as
Readout zone we progressively apply more error detection (that is, postselection) in
Runtime per
SZ1 = Z1Z2Z3Z4
bitstring (s)
3 1
ZL1 SZ2 = Z1Z3Z5Z7 10–2
XL1 ZL3 SZ3 = Z1Z2Z5Z6
8 6 SZ4 = Z1Z2Z3Z4Z5Z6Z7Z8 10–4
4 2 SX1 = X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8
6 12 24 48
Logical operations Number of logicals
Permutation 106
CCZL1,L2,L3 CZL1,L2 Projected
CNOTL1,L2 Transversal CNOT
48 logicals
Runtime per
S S†
bitstring (s)
T T† 104
T S† S
T† 1 3 5 7
1 3 5 7
T 2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8
T† T† 100
T 0 1 2 3
Extra CNOT layers
b e f
12 logicals 48 logicals
Hypercube dimension
3 4 5 6 7
1.00 1.00
Logical bitstring probability
Logical XEB
Logical XEB
0.10 0.10
Postselection 3
g n 12 Raw
0.01 sin tio 0.01 0.01
ea c 24 Error detection
cr te
Raw In r de 48 Physical upper bound
0 ro
0 4,096 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 3 6 12 24 48
Logical bitstring index Accepted fraction Number of logical qubits
Fig. 5 | Complex logical circuits using 3D codes. a, [[8,3,2]] block codes individual bitstring probability; bottom plot is estimated on the basis of
can transversally realize {CCZ, CZ, Z, CNOT} gates within each block and matrix multiplication complexity. e, Measured normalized XEB as a function
transversal CNOTs between blocks. By preparing logical qubits in |+L⟩, of sliding-scale error detection for 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 logical qubits. For all sizes,
performing layers of {CCZ, CZ, Z} alternated with inter-block CNOTs and we observe a finite XEB score that improves with increased error detection.
measuring in the X basis, we realize classically hard sampling circuits with Diagram shows 48-logical connectivity, with logical triplets entangled on a 4D
logical qubits. b, Measured sampling outcomes for a circuit with 12 logical hypercube. f, Scaling of raw (red) and fully error-detected (black) XEB from e.
qubits, eight logical CZs, 12 logical CNOTs and eight logical CCZs. By increasing Physical upper-bound fidelity (blue) is calculated using best measured physical
error detection, the measured distribution converges towards the ideal gate fidelities (see Methods and Extended Data Fig. 7 for scaling discussion).
distribution. c, Circuit involving 48 logical qubits with 228 logical CZ/CNOT Diagrams show physical connectivity. [[8,3,2]] cubes are entangled on 4D
gates and 48 logical CCZs. d, Classical simulation runtime for calculating an hypercubes, realizing physical connectivity of 7D hypercubes.
just with imperfect fidelity (see, for example, Extended Data Fig. 7a), In particular, we use a Bell-basis measurement made on two copies of
consistent with theoretical predictions49. We also note that, for the the quantum state (Fig. 6a), which is a powerful tool that can efficiently
logical algorithms, we optimize performance by optimizing the stabi- extract many properties of an unknown state21,22,52. With this two-copy
lizer expectation values (rather than the complex sampling output), technique, in Fig. 6b, we plot the measured entanglement entropy in
providing further advantage for logical implementations. the scrambled system. We observe a characteristic Page curve51 associ-
Our 48-logical circuit, corresponding to a physical qubit connectiv- ated with a maximally entangled, highly scrambled, but globally pure
ity of a 7D hypercube, contains up to 228 logical two-qubit gates and state. These measurements also reveal a final state purity of 0.74(3),
48 logical CCZ gates. Simulation of such logical circuits is challenging compared with the measured XEB of 0.616(7) in Fig. 5f, consistent with
because of the high connectivity (rendering tensor networks ineffi- the XEB being a good proxy for the final state fidelity. Despite postselec-
cient) and large numbers of non-Cliffords50. To benchmark our circuits, tion overhead, we find that error detection greatly improves signal to
we structure them such that we can use an efficient simulation method noise here, as near-zero entropies are exponentially faster to measure
(Methods), which takes about 2 s to calculate the probability of each (Extended Data Fig. 9).
bitstring (Fig. 5d and Extended Data Fig. 8). Modelling noise in our Two-copy measurements can also be used to simultaneously extract
logical circuits is even more complicated, as they are composed of 128 information about all 4N Pauli strings22. Using this property and an analy-
physical qubits and 384 T gates, thereby making experimentation with sis technique known as Bell difference sampling53, we experimentally
logical algorithms necessary to understand and optimize performance. evaluate and directly verify the amount of additive Bell magic53 in our
circuits as a function of the number of applied logical CCZs (Fig. 6c).
This measurement of magic, associated with non-Clifford operations,
Quantum simulations with logical qubits quantifies the number of T gates (assuming decomposition into T)
Finally, we explore the use of logical qubits as a tool in quantum simu- required to realize the quantum state by observing the probability
lation, probing entanglement properties of our fast scrambling cir- that sampled Pauli strings commute with each other (see Methods).
cuits, potentially related to complex systems such as black holes19,51. Moreover, combining encoded qubits and two-copy measurement
increasing laser power and optimizing control methods, whereas QEC
efficiency can be improved by reducing two-qubit gate errors to 0.1%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Logical subsystem size (ref. 8). Deep computation will further require continuous reloading
c d of atoms from a reservoir source11,15. Continued scaling will benefit
Experiment 0.25 Increasing error detection
8 Theory from improving encoding efficiency, for example, by using quantum
low-density-parity-check codes55,56, using erasure conversion13,33,57 or
Additive Bell magic
Logical Pauli string
expectation value
Extended Data Fig. 2 | Single-qubit Raman addressing. a, 5S1/2 hyperfine level c, Calibration procedure used to homogenize the Rabi frequency over a
diagram illustrating the two possible implementations of local single-qubit 220 μm × 35 μm array. The position calibration is illustrated for 80 sites:
gates: resonant X(θ) (purple) and off-resonant Z(θ) (turquoise) rotations with approximate X(π/2) gates are locally performed and the horizontal/vertical
two-photon Rabi frequencies ΩRaman. In this work, we use the Z rotation scheme position of all tones is scanned in parallel such that a Gaussian fit returns the
and are blue-detuned by 2 MHz from the two-photon resonance. Owing to optimal alignment. After this, powers are iteratively calibrated until the fitted
Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, Ω͠ Raman = − 3 ΩRaman
. b, Schematic showing the scale factors for the individual RF tones converge to unity. d, Single-qubit
conversion of local Z(π/2) into local X(±π/2) gates, in which the pulses before randomized benchmarking of local Z(π/2) gates. The local gates are interleaved
(after) the central Y(π) have positive (negative) sign, while leaving non-addressed with random global single-qubit Clifford gates and the final operation Cf is
qubit states unchanged. The Gaussian-smoothed local pulses have duration chosen to return to the initial state. Each data point is the average of 100
2.5 μs for π/4 pulses and 5 μs for π/2 pulses and are performed on single rows random sets of Clifford gates and fitting an exponential decay to the return
at a time with a 3-μs gap between subsequent gates to allow the RF tones in the probability quantifies the fidelity F per local gate. Note that we apply all 51
AODs to be changed (including this, duration is 5–8 μs per row). In this way, global Clifford gates for each data point, such that errors from the global
arbitrary patterns of qubits, such as the example drawn, can be addressed. Clifford gates (as well as SPAM errors) do not contribute to the fitted value.
Extended Data Fig. 3 | Mid-circuit readout and feedforward. a, Single-shot feedforward cycle takes less than 1 ms and can be sped up in the future by
500-μs local image in the readout zone, in which the peak corresponds to optimizing local imaging and camera readout. e–g, Characterization of the
roughly 50 photons collected by the CMOS camera. b, Atomic transition and error probability of data qubits during local imaging. e, Data-qubit error
pulse sequence used for local imaging of ancilla qubits. The data-qubit probability (fraction of population depumped from F = 2 to F = 1) as a function
trap-light shift suppresses data qubit errors, as well as the large spatial of local imaging duration out to 20 ms to quantify the effect of the local
separation between entangling and readout zones. We avoid quickly losing the imaging beam on data-qubit coherence for very long illumination. f, Data-qubit
readout-zone atoms during local imaging by using a 5× higher trap depth and error probability after 20 ms of local imaging, as a function of detuning of the
we pulse the ancilla qubit traps and local imaging light to image directly on local imaging beam, showing suppression of error red-detuned or blue-detuned
resonance while avoiding negative effects of large trap-light shifts. c, Diagram from the data-qubit transition. g, Equivalently, increasing the trap depth of the
of components involved in mid-circuit readout and feedforward steps. Atom data qubits enables suppression of decoherence owing to the local imaging
detection and logical-state decoding occur using the FPGA, which then outputs beam. Because qubits in the readout zone are imaged while their traps are
a conditional TTL to gate local Raman pulses performed on logical qubits in pulsed off, any light shift of the data-qubit transition from the traps contributes
the entangling zone. d, Diagram of approximate timings for a mid-circuit directly to the relative detuning. h, For a long, 10.5-ms local beam illumination
feedforward cycle. First, the F = 2 population is pushed out (in 10 μs) and then with optimal local imaging parameters, we observe a 0.7(1)% increase in
the remaining F = 1 population is imaged locally for 500 μs. The 24 rows of data-qubit error during an XY8 dynamical decoupling sequence. This suggests
pixels covering the readout zone are read out to the FPGA in 200 μs, after a roughly 0.034(5)% error probability for the data qubits during the 500-μs
which processing is performed. Finally, a conditional TTL output based on the mid-circuit readout image used in this work.
decoded state gates on or off local Raman pulses. The whole readout and
Extended Data Fig. 4 | Further surface-code data. a, Depiction of Bell-state stabilizer error probability owing to the error propagation in the transversal
circuit and d = 7 surface codes. b, Diagram showing the transversal CNOT and CNOT (reducing expectation values relative to if the transversal CNOT is not
physical error propagation rules. c, Covariance of the 48 measured stabilizers performed). f, Using the empirical error rates that correspond to data-theory
in both bases. The correlations near the diagonal corresponds to adjacent agreement for the measured stabilizers in e, our simulations for improvement
stabilizers within each block. Strong correlations are also observed with the in Bell-pair error, as a function of code distance, are in good agreement with
stabilizers of the other block owing to the error propagation in the transversal experiments. The empirical error rates used are consistent with the 99.3%
CNOT. d, Bell-pair infidelity upper bound (as opposed to estimated Bell-pair two-qubit gate fidelity, measured for this larger array, as well as the roughly 4%
error in Fig. 2d; see Methods), showing improvement with increasing code data-qubit decoherence error (integrated over the entire circuit and measured
distance. e, Probability of no detected error for each of the 96 measured by the Ramsey method). These dephasing error rates are dominated by a
stabilizers, showing agreement when compared with the theoretical values complex moving sequence as we prepare the two surface codes in a serial
from empirically chosen error rates (experiment average = 77%, theory fashion (see Supplementary Video) and would be much smaller for a repetitive
average = 82%). Note that X-basis logical 1 and Z-basis logical 2 have higher error-correction experiment.
Extended Data Fig. 5 | Surface-code preparation and decoding data. correlations between the two logical qubits, corresponding to the inter-
a, Surface-code stabilizers for the two independent d = 7 codes following state logical edges. As the decoder is optimized by tuning the inter-logical scaling
preparation. The entire movement circuit corresponding to the transversal factor, the performance for all three code distances improves, and the larger
CNOT is implemented and the transversal entangling-gate pulse is simply code distances improve faster when approaching the optimal decoding
turned off. The mean stabilizer probability of success across the 96 total configuration, as expected. These data are consistent with the decoder being
stabilizers is 83%. The high probability of stabilizer success of the two properly optimized for all three code distances, consistent with the fact that
independent codes in both the X and Z bases shows that topological surface our improvement with code size does not originate from suboptimal decoder
codes were prepared (and Extended Data Fig. 4 shows that they were preserved performance for low distance. Note that the y axis is log scale. c, Logical
during the transversal CNOT). We note that physical fidelities were slightly Bell-pair error when using (black) and not using (grey) the ancilla stabilizer
lower during this measurement because of calibration drift and, therefore, measurement values, as a function of the scaling of the inter-logical edges and
these results slightly underestimate performance relative to the data in hyperedges that connect the stabilizers of the two logical qubits. The ancilla
Fig. 2 and Extended Data Fig. 4. b, Logical Bell-pair error while optimizing measurements contribute to the correction procedure and contribute more
the decoder by (inversely) scaling the weights of the inter-logical edges and for smaller values of the inter-logical scaling, as they correspond to errors that
hyperedges that connect the stabilizers of the two logical qubits (higher values happen before the transversal CNOT. 0× inter-logical scaling corresponds to
correspond to lower pairing weights). More concretely, the probability p of conventional decoding within the two independent surface codes. For the
the error mechanism corresponding to the inter-logical edges/hyperedges is 1× inter-logical scaling plotted here, the d = 7 inter-logical scaling parameter is
scaled and the weights are calculated as log((1 − p)/p). Qualitatively, optimizing chosen slightly different from in Fig. 2d to have consistency across the three
this scaling value optimizes with respect to the probability that errors are code distances (which produces measured values within error bars).
before or after the transversal CNOT, as errors before the CNOT will lead to
Extended Data Fig. 6 | [[8,3,2]] and hypercube encoding. a, State-preparation circuit. Initially, eight [[8,3,2]] code blocks are prepared in the entangling zone
circuit for the [[8,3,2]] code, in which two four-qubit GHZ states are and atoms for later state preparation of eight additional code blocks are loaded
simultaneously prepared and subsequently entangled. This initializes an in the storage zone. The code blocks in the entangling zone are then picked up
[[8,3,2]] code with logical states |−L1,+L2,−L3⟩. b, 4D hypercube circuit performed and interlaced with adjacent blocks to perform three transversal CNOT layers.
on 48 logical qubits (128 physical qubits). The circuit is drawn on the block The two groups of eight code blocks are then swapped and the same procedure
level, in which each block consists of three logical qubits and eight physical is repeated with the second group of code blocks. The first group of code blocks
qubits. The first in-block gate layer is performed with a global T†. The local gate is then moved back into the entangling zone and interleaved with the atoms of
patterns, and the corresponding logical gates they execute within each code the first group to perform a final parallel transversal CNOT. The layers of CNOT
block, are illustrated in the inset. c, Diagram illustrating the code-block gates connect the code blocks such that a 4D hypercube on 16 blocks of [[8,3,2]]
movements and use of the processor’s zoned architecture throughout the codes is constructed. See also Supplementary Video.
Extended Data Fig. 7 | Further [[8,3,2]] circuit sampling data. a, Overlap for the raw, uncorrected data, as the circuit we apply on the physical level is
of error-detected 12-qubit sampling data with the theoretical distribution not IQP. Without applying error detection, not all errors are logical errors
(same data as fully error-detected case in Fig. 5b). Progressive zoom-ins show and, therefore, the circuit differs from IQP behaviour and can lend itself to a
the agreement between theory and experiment, down to the level of 10 −4 different scaling. For systems of 3, 6 and 12 logical qubits, several systems are
probability per bitstring. This error-detected dataset is composed of 23,545 measured in parallel and their results are averaged. We note that, although our
shots (raw dataset is 138,626 shots). Note that we simultaneously measure on preparation of [[8,3,2]] code states makes these states on a cube, it does not
two groups of 12 logical qubits; plotted here is only one of the two 12-logical have CNOTs between two pairs of qubits in the first step and, therefore, does
groups with an XEB of 0.69(1), whereas in plots Fig. 5e,f and Extended Data not have the full gate connectivity of a cube. Instead, we can interpret these
Fig. 7b, we average the two logical groups, which gives a measured XEB of CNOTs as having been included but then compiled away as they commute with
0.616(7). b, Same data as Fig. 5f but with purity (orange), as measured by the state. We neglect this in plotting our physical-qubit connectivity, which is
two-copy measurement, also plotted. The measured XEB is slightly below the derived from entangling 3D cubes on a 4D hypercube connectivity, realizing a
measured purity, providing evidence that the XEB is a faithful fidelity proxy. 7D hypercube. c, 48-qubit XEB sliding-scale error-detection data. The point
We further note that, under error detection, the logical XEB for these IQP with full postselection on all stabilizers being perfect returned only eight
circuits should be a good fidelity proxy. Notably, the behaviour can be different samples, so we omit this point from the plot in the main text for clarity.
Extended Data Fig. 8 | Theoretical exploration of hypercube IQP circuits. system (controls and targets of the final CNOT layer). This contraction scheme
a, Anticoncentration property of our circuits. The circuit is said to be reduces the memory requirements to half the system size, which enables
anticoncentrated if its output distribution is spread almost uniformly among bitstring amplitude evaluation for the 48-qubit experiment. This simulation
all outcomes, without the probability being concentrated on a subset of approach can be made much more expensive by applying further out-block
bitstrings. This property is crucial for many proofs of classical hardness20,100 operations within the two subsystems, forcing the blocking of the intra-partition
and, thus, it is desired for our sampling circuits to anticoncentrate. The plot tensors, which increases the memory and runtime requirements (Fig. 5d).
shows that the output distribution of random hypercube circuits (randomized c, To understand the effects of finite XEB on required classical simulation time,
in-block operations and randomized control/target in out-block CNOT layers) we explore whether our circuit families can be ‘spoofed’ with a cheaper,
anticoncentrates as the dimension of the hypercube is increased and the XEB approximate simulation that achieves moderately high XEB scores102, studied
(which captures the output collision probability) converges to the uniform IQP here for a 24-qubit system with full state-vector simulation. The spoofing
value of 2 (here using Clifford circuits; that is, circuits comprising random CZ algorithm works by independently sampling from the two halves of the
and Z only)20. This suggests that sampling from the ideal output distribution system (two groups of 12 qubits), effectively removing the final layer of CNOTs.
can be classically hard. In general, the hypercube IQP circuit ensemble converges This further reduces the simulation complexity, as each of the halves can, in
to the uniform IQP ensemble in total variation distance as the depth and principle, be independently simulated with the efficient approach from b. The
hypercube dimension are increased (M.K. et al., manuscript in preparation). The plot shows that the spoofed XEB for the 24-qubit non-Clifford circuit can be
specific circuit instances implemented in the experiment also anticoncentrate exponentially reduced by extending the circuit with further gate layers (similar
quickly with increasing hypercube dimension. b, A single layer of the hypercube to the approach used to decrease the performance of the efficient hypercube
circuit admits an efficient tensor-network contraction scheme, which allows us contraction), for a particular extension of our circuit. This result shows that
to evaluate the ideal and experimental XEB values. The final out-block CNOT future work can consider adding extra CNOT layers into these circuits to
layer is immediately followed by the measurement, which can be incorporated demonstrate quantum advantage (in the presence of finite experimental noise).
into a non-unitary tensor that is contracted between the two halves of the
Extended Data Fig. 9 | Further Bell-basis measurement results. a, Histogram c,d, Entanglement entropy when analysing the circuit as a physical Bell-basis
of tr(Pρ ) for all 46 Pauli strings P in the six-logical-qubit circuit, as a function measurement as opposed to a logical Bell-basis measurement. For logical
of stabilizer postselection threshold (that is, the number of correct stabilizers entanglement entropy calculations, we average over all possible subsystems
across the 6 × 2 logical qubits). Blue (red) indicate Pauli strings that are expected of that given subsystem size, which we find behaves very similarly to, for
to have tr(Pρ ) = 0.0625 (0). The separation between the histograms improves example, contiguous subsystems owing to the high-dimensional hypercube
as more postselection is applied. b, Signal to noise (purity divided by statistical connectivity. In the physical qubit entanglement entropy calculations, we
uncertainty of purity) as a function of sliding-scale error detection (converted randomly choose from the possible subsystems, as there are many. c, Six logical
into accepted fraction) for the 12-logical-qubit two-copy measurements, in (16 physical) qubits per copy. d, 12 logical (32 physical) qubits per copy. The
which subsystem size 1 indicates a single logical qubit in one copy and subsystem finite sampling imposes a noise floor for very high entanglement entropy
size 12 indicates all logical qubits. For subsystem size 1, the signal-to-noise values. e, Entanglement entropy measurements, as in Fig. 6b, but as a function
ratio gets worse as data are discarded, as the signal does not change (maximally of logical subsystem size. f, Logical circuits used for benchmarking magic. For
mixed) but the number of repetitions decreases. By contrast, for the global one CCZ, we include U1 and omit U0; for two CCZs, we include U0 and omit U1; for
purity, the signal to noise increases, as near-unity purities are faster to measure113. the three CCZs, we include both U0 and U1.