Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 PDF
Lecture 1 PDF
to Quantum Computing –
Quantum Circuits
Recap – Quantum Gates
Single qubit
Mutiple qubit
Software of Quantum Computer Hardware of Quantum Computer
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm,
Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm,
Shor’s algorithm
Grover’s algorithm
Quantum Error correction
Quantum Computers
Heterogeneous Programming Models
Quantum Algorithms
API interface
Issues in building Quantum circuits
Decoherence times have to be longer than the execution time of the quantum
Length and width of the quantum circuits increases the computational times-
optimization schemes are needed to reduce the number of qubits and gates
Compiler - Tasks
1. Decompose
2. Optimize
3. Schedule
4. Mapping
5. FT synthesis
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Multiple qubit gates are decomposed into elementary operations - To increase the
Figure 4.12. Controlled-U operation and its equivalent in terms of circuit elements we already know how to
implement. The fourth qubit has U applied if the first and third qubits are set to zero, and the second qubit is set
efficiency as qubit-qubit interactions are costlier.
to one.
• • •
⊕ ≡ ⊕
⊕ ⊕
Figure 4.13. Controlled- gate with multiple targets.
Typically the multi-qubit operations are decomposed into {H,T, CNOT} gates as these can be
implemented easily in error-correction schemes.
Mapping and Optimization
Compilers also optimize the number of gates, qubits and hence the width of the quantum
circuits as well as length to the circuit.
IBM Tenerife
York town
CNOT(q1,q4) SWAP(q0,q4)
Quiz: Show that the circuits given above performs the above-mentioned operations
Optimization is performed at two different levels:
1. Hardware level: change the physical qubits which is obviously impossible to do
2. Software level: Design a circuit optimisation algorithm to meet the requirements
q1 Q3
q0 q4