Trainers-Methodology PDF Letm24
Trainers-Methodology PDF Letm24
Trainers-Methodology PDF Letm24
METHODOLOGY_PDF_LETM24 of performance.
A. Elements
B. Evidence plan
1. A tool that ensures validity of C. Performance criteria
your written test is the D. Underpinning knowledge
A. Evidence plan
B. Item analysis 7. This part of the CS describes in
C. Table of specification output terms the functions that a
D. Performance criteria checklist person who works in a particular
area of work is able to do.
2. A test package that measures A. Elements
what it intends to measure is _____ B. Evidence plan
A. Difficulty C. Performance criteria
B. Objectivity D. Underpinning knowledge
C. Reliability
D. Validity 8. This part of the competency
standards defines boundaries within
3. A trainee who perceive which the unit of competency
information concretely and process applies.
it actively and by trial and error A. Evidence plan
A. Activist B. Nominal duration
B. Pragmatist C. Range of variables
C. Reflector D. Critical aspects of the
D. Theorist competency