Franco Intelligent Control
Franco Intelligent Control
Franco Intelligent Control
Hiram Ponce-Espinosa
Pedro Ponce-Cruz
Arturo Molina
Artificial Organic
Artificial Intelligence Based on
Carbon Networks
Studies in Computational Intelligence
Volume 521
Series Editor
J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
Hiram Ponce-Espinosa
Pedro Ponce-Cruz
Arturo Molina
Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey
Campus Ciudad de México
Tlalpan Distrito Federal
This book was written for undergraduate and graduate students as well as
researchers and scientists interested in artificial intelligence techniques. In fact, the
intention of this book is to introduce and fully describe the artificial organic
networks technique, a novel machine learning method inspired on chemical carbon
networks. In addition, an organic network-based algorithm named artificial
hydrocarbon networks is presented to show the advantages and the scope of the
On one hand, the book is complemented with several examples through
chapters and the description of real-world applications using artificial hydrocarbon
networks. On the other hand, the text is accompanied with an artificial organic
networks toolkit implemented on LabVIEWTM allowing a hands-on experience to
The organization of the book is as follows: Chapter 1 introduces an overview of
machine learning and the modeling problem while Chap. 2 describes key concepts
of organic chemistry in order to understand the technique, Chaps. 3 and 4 describe
the artificial organic networks technique and the artificial hydrocarbon networks
algorithm. Then, Chap. 5 offers some improvements to the basic artificial hydro-
carbon networks algorithm. Finally, Chaps. 6 and 7 provide experimental results
and discuss how to implement the algorithm in real-world applications like audio
filtering, control systems and facial recognition.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who provided
support and reviewed details over and over, those who read and offered comments
allowed us to quote their remarks, and those who assisted us in the editing,
proofreading and designing stages. A special acknowledgement to the Tecnologico
de Monterrey.
x Contents
Computational algorithms for modeling problems are widely used in real world
applications, such as: predicting behaviors in systems, describing of systems, or
finding patterns on unknown and uncertain data. Interesting applications have been
developed for engineering, biomedical, chemical, economics, physics, statistics, and
so forth.
In that way, a large set of computational algorithms have been developed like: clas-
sical methods, probabilistic methods, parametric and nonparametric methods, prob-
abilistic methods, heuristic and metaheuristic based methods, and naturally inspired
methods. However, these modeling algorithms have several drawbacks. For instance,
some algorithms assume partial knowledge of the system to model; others suppose
specific dependences on variable instances; some others act as black boxes without
concerning on how models work; like other algorithms are not stable due to heuristics
or arbitrary parameters difficult for setting, except by trial-and-error or expertise.
It is well known that there is no algorithm that actually deal with all classes of
modeling problems. In addition, some algorithms are ineffective respect to others
and it depends on the domain problem. Hence, focusing on two key features of
computational algorithms for modeling problems, i.e. stability in algorithms and
partial knowledge of model behavior, a new paradigm of algorithms is emerging,
called artificial organic networks, in order to enhance both features.
This framework is a chemically inspired technique based on carbon networks
that aims to model engineering systems capturing stability in the topology of the
algorithm and partial knowledge of the given system behavior. In particular, the idea
behind artificial organic networks is to build a stable topology of mathematical units,
so-called molecular units, that capture information of a system in small clusters.
As chemical molecules do, these units can interact among them forming complex
entities, i.e. artificial organic compounds, that capture nonlinearities among attribute
variables in the system. At the end, artificial organic compounds can mix them up
forming mixtures of nonlinear behaviors. Moreover, chemically inspired rules are
applied in the interaction of molecular units and in the resultant topologies, exploiting
this “intelligent” chemical behavior to build stable and organized topologies that may
help to explain systems in a better way.
Furthermore, artificial organic networks framework has been used for developing
a computational algorithm for modeling problems named artificial hydrocarbon net-
works. In advance, that algorithm is inspired on chemical hydrocarbons (the most
stable organic compounds in nature as well as the simplest compounds in terms of
their structures) and it is considered as a class of supervised and parametric learning
algorithms for modeling causal, continuous, multivariate systems.
Thus, in this chapter, an introduction to modeling problems and a brief review of
machine learning are presented. Later on, naturally inspired computing is discussed
to address chemically inspired algorithms where artificial organic networks frame-
work fits. An outline of common methods are described as well as some aspects of
computational complexity and stability that will be important in the next chapters.
Then, a comparison between artificial organic networks and other learning algorithms
is discussed to highlight the advantages of using artificial organic networks in model-
ing problems. Finally, the motivation of artificial organic networks summarizes this
Consider a system Σ that presents a response Y for a stimulus X. Let also assume that
a set of observations from X and Y , denoted as an ordered pairs (X, Y ), are known.
Then, it is possible to find a functional relationship M between X and Y such that M
clearly describes the behavior of Σ due to a stimulus X, denoted as MΣ . Moreover,
if MΣ (X) can estimate the observed values of Y and can generalize it to other values
of unknown pairs (xi , yi ) ∈
/ (X, Y ), then MΣ is considered a model of Σ.
In engineering, a model can be understood as a representation of a system. How-
ever, in real world applications there only exists a set of observations of the system,
but it does not exist a functional relationship that helps to describe the system. In
that sense, one may wish to build a model of that system. But, it is not an easy task
to handle and several methods have been developed to solve the so-called modeling
problem, as stated in Definition 1.1:
Definition 1.1 (modeling problem) Given an unknown system Σ and a set of
ordered pairs of observations (X, Y ) of the stimulus and the response of Σ. The
modeling problem refers to find, or build, a functional relationship MΣ between X
and Y , such that, MΣ describes Σ closely and generally. Moreover, MΣ is called
the model of Σ, X is known as the set of attribute variables and Y as the set of target
As noted in Definition 1.1, build a model of a system requires to describe it closely,
i.e. the error between the model response and the target has to be minimum. But also,
it needs to describe it generally. In other words, the model has to describe closely
1.1 The Modeling Problem 3
x y
Query Model Response
Reasoning Process
Fig. 1.1 Block diagram of modeling systems implementing the training and reasoning processes
the target values and other values not seen in the set of data observations in order to
get a predictable property to the model. As seen later in Sect. 1.2, some metrics of
models in these terms are also described.
In any case, modeling systems have two steps: the training and the reasoning
processes. The training process refers to the usage of datasets to build a model of
a particular system. This is implemented as a learning algorithm. Once a model is
trained, the reasoning process is the step in which a model is applied. Figure 1.1
shows a two step modeling system.
Learning algorithms are widely used in machine learning to develop systems that
simulate human intelligence. In that sense, unknown systems or uncertain environ-
ments can be dealt using machine learning methods by building models of these
systems or environments and then applying reasoning processes.
However, before running a training process, some assumptions to models are
required. Actually, models can be classified as follows:
• Continuous and discrete models. A continuous model assumes that the system is
continuous in its input domain, e.g. the indoor temperature in terms of time; while
a discrete model assumes that the system is constrained to be discrete in its input
domain, e.g. a set of different geometric figures.
• Linear and nonlinear models. A linear model considers that the relationship
between attribute and target variables is linear; while a nonlinear model con-
siders that the relationship between attribute and target variables is nonlinear, e.g.
logarithmic, quadratic, etc.
• Recursive and nonrecursive models. A recursive model depends on attributes and
target variables such that MΣ (X, Y ); while a nonrecursive model only depends on
attribute variables MΣ (X).
Let denote Σ = (X, Y ) to any given system Σ with ordered pairs (X, Y ) of attribute
and target variable observations, respectively. Supervised learning algorithms build
a model MΣ of a system Σ using past and present data or experience in the form of
ordered pairs of attribute and target variables, also denoted inputs and outputs. The
idea behind these algorithms is to minimize any metric that measures the distance
1.2 Review of Machine Learning 5
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Fig. 1.2 Example of building a model (continuous line) of a given system (data points)
between the target observations and the model. This metric is known as loss function
or error function E, and measures how precise the model is in terms of target data. In
optimization procedures, this loss function is called the objective function. Actually,
the most common metric is the so-called squared loss function like (1.1); where, q
is the number of data observations (samples), xk ∈ Rn is the k-th sample of attribute
variables x1 , ..., xn ∈ X, yk ∈ Rm is the k-th sample of target variables y1 , ..., ym ∈ Y
and MΣ (xk ) is the response of the model due to xk .
E= (yk − MΣ (xk ))2 (1.1)
E= (xk − θ i )2 (1.2)
On the one hand, parametric learning algorithms build a model MΣ that depends on
suitable parameters θ i , such that, MΣ (X|θ i ). In fact, parametric learning lagorithms
are reduced to an optimization problem in which the set of optimal parameters θ i
6 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
satisfies the minimization of E in (1.1) or (1.2). The most known types of algorithms
for continuous models fall into regression methods, and variants of it, like lin-
ear regression, quadratic regression, or polynomial regression. For example, arti-
ficial hydrocarbon networks algorithm uses the well-known least squares estimates
method, a regression technique, as a supervised and parametric learning algorithm
to find suitable parameters inside it.
On the other hand, nonparametric learning algorithms build a model MΣ that
only depends on data observations from the system, such that, MΣ (X). Actually,
nonparametric learning algorithms suppose similarities in input data. Thus, similar
inputs may have similar outputs. Then, these methods are also called as smoothers.
Common algorithms are the running mean smoother, the kernel smoother and the
running-line smoother. Each of them makes a guess of the model MΣ (X) in terms
of relative measurements among samples in X in order to minimize (1.1).
Probabilistic learning algorithms claim for uncertainty in the input-output data obser-
vations (X, Y ). In that case, a model is built in terms of dependencies of units of
information that are related with a conditional probability due to the Bayes’ rule.
Typical algorithms referred to Bayesian decision algorithms, such as Bayesian net-
works or belief networks. The maximum likelihood estimation and the bias and
variance model are other learning algorithms using probabilities.
Univariate learning algorithms build models that only depend on an attribute variable
x ∈ X while multivariate learning algorithms build models that depend on several
attribute variables x1 , ..., xn ∈ X. In real world applications, multivariate learning
algorithms are preferred more than univariate ones because complex systems depend
on several input variables.
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
for classification algorithms, too. The significant change is that there is no objective
function for comparison purposes.
As an application, clustering is a special case of classification algorithms. For
example: mixture densities, the k-means clustering, fuzzy clustering means, and the
expectation-maximization, are the most common algorithms for portioning the input
space into several categories. Figure 1.3 shows an example of clustering given a
solution, if the algorithm gets the solution in minor time or solves different problems
with minor changes.
Furthermore, two subclasses of algorithms can be found under nature-inspired
algorithms. Biologically inspired, or simply bio-inspired, algorithms are those that
emulate the way of reasoning, developing and solving problems using observations
of biology processes. In a similar fashion, chemically inspired, or chemistry-inspired,
algorithms are those that use chemical rules, interactions and organic agents to solve
The most common nature-inspired algorithms are [9, 20, 21]: meta-heuristic
algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, artificial neural networks, swarm intelligence,
and DNA computing algorithms. Neurobiological systems, social behaviors, organic
compounds, or adaptability of populations, are just a few examples in which these
techniques are based on. Following, a brief description of these and other techniques
is presented.
single multilayer
recurrent self-organizing
Artificial neural networks are biologically inspired algorithms that also fall into
machine learning techniques. Roughly, they are mathematical models based on ner-
vous system to emulate learning. They can improve their behavior applying a training
process [4, 11]. Artificial neural networks define neurons as their basic entities in
which they are cells that create relationships among them shaping networks. In fact,
reasoning is perfomed in cells using the information coming from input messages or
other output responses of neurons via an activation function, a mathematical model
of a neural behavior. Figure 1.4 shows an simple neuron model of artificial neural
Several types of neural networks are available. For example, the well-known super-
vised perceptron, singled or multilayered, was the first neural network implemented.
It uses a threshold to stimulate or inhibit neurons. Another supervised neural networks
is the general singled or multilayered artificial neural network, which differs from
the previous one in the activation function. In contrast, examples of unsupervised
neural networks are the feedforward and feedback associative memory networks like
Hopfield’s nets, and the competitive learning networks like self-organizing networks
(e.g. Kohonen maps) [4, 11]. In addition, there are the recurrent neural networks that
create linking cycles in neurons to perform dynamic behavior. Figure 1.5 shows the
most common topologies in artificial neural networks.
1.3 Nature-Inspired Computing 11
One of the most appreciated features of artificial neural networks is the ability to
model a process or learn the behavior of a system. In that sense, artificial neural net-
works have to be trained to meet a model or to learn behaviors. Supervised and unsu-
pervised learning algorithms are applied in artificial neural networks. For instance,
some algorithms for supervised learning [4, 20] are perceptron learning, linear auto-
associators learning, iterative learning, Hopfield’s model, means square error algo-
rithms, and the Widow-Hoff rule or least mean squares algorithms. In addition,
the most popular algorithm for multilayed neural networks is the back-propagation
method [4]. Several unsupervised learning algorithms [4, 20] are k-means cluster-
ing, Kohonen clustering, self-organizing models, and adaptive resonance theory (e.g.
ART1 or ART2).
Applications of artificial neural networks range from modeling, clustering, classi-
fication, pattern recognition, control, robotics, filtering, forecasting, fault detection,
feature extraction, and so forth.
actions in the environment, until the goal is reached. The latter is called the agent
cycle [28], as depicted in Algorithm 1.1.
Prominent algorithms in swarm intelligence are reported in literature like [20,
21, 31]: ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, honeybee forager
allocation, intelligent water drops, artificial immune systems, and bee colony opti-
mization. To illustrate swarm intelligence algorithms, particle swarm optimization
and ant colony optimization will be present following.
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is inspired on social behavior of bird flocking
[16]. Because it is a population-based algorithm, a population of particles (possible
solutions) is randomly initialized. In addition, each particle keeps track its own best
position pbest = (p1 , ..., pn ) in the search space Rn and the best global position
gglobal = (g1 , .., gn ) of all particles is also stored. Iteratively, the position of each
particle is updated based on rule (1.3); where, xi represents the position of a particle
in the i-th dimension of the search space and vi is the velocity of a particle in the
i-th dimension and computed as (1.4). The momentum parameter ω is used to follow
the tendency of velocity in a particle, φp and φg are known as learning factors and
commonly set up to a value of 2, and rp and rg are random values normally distributed
over the interval [0, 1].
xi = xi + vi (1.3)
If the position x = (x1 , ..., xn ) is better than the last one, it is stored as the best
position of particle. After all current position are calculated, the global position is
updated if one of the best position of all particles is better than the last global position
stored so far. Eventually, the algorithm will reach an approximate solution pglobal of
the global optimum. In order to measure how good is a particle, a fitness function
f (p) must be design for a specific problem. Figure 1.7 shows the flow diagram of the
simple PSO algorithm.
On the other hand, ant colony optimization (ACO) is inspired on ants that find
optimal paths between their colony and a source of food [6]. Typically, it is imple-
mented to optimize trajectories. Again, this algorithm is a population-based meta-
heuristic technique that initializes a population of ants. Each ant has a pheromone
level assigned. Then, each ant can move in the search space iteratively sparsing its
pheromone, leaving a path of pheromone trail. Then, an ant moves from position x
1.3 Nature-Inspired Computing 13
Initialize population
of particles
goal reached?
α ·η β
τxy xy
pxy = β
τxy · ηxy
In each iteration, the trail level of each k ant is updated following rule (1.6); where,
σ is the pheromone evaporation coefficient, C is a gain value of pheromone and Lk
is the length of path that the k ant has travelled.
14 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
Initialize population
of ants
goal reached?
τxy = (1 − σ )τxy + Δτxyk
C/Lk if k use path xy (1.6)
Δτxy =
0 otherwise
At last, the path that has the highest pheromone trail level is the optimal trajectory.
Figure 1.8 shows the flow diagram of the simple ACO algorithm.
Since 2004, the German Research Foundation (DFG, by its German acronym) pro-
poses organic computing [30]. This is an emerging paradigm of developing large
collections of agent systems inspired on living organisms aiming the following
characteristics: self-organizing, self-configuring, self-optimizing, self-healing, self-
protecting, self-explaining, and context aware. Thus, organic computing systems
dynamically adapt from the current state of the environment. It is primary focuses
on autonomous systems. Several artificial intelligence techniques and control system
methods are used on it for achieving the final objective.
This is an emerging algorithm proposed in 2010 by Lam and Li [15]. In fact, chemical
reaction optimization (CRO) algorithm loosely mimics what happens to molecules
microscopically when they are subjected to chemical reactions, following the energy
minimization rule in the potential energy surface (PES). Figure 1.9 summarizes the
simple CRO algorithm.
As noted in Fig. 1.9, there are three stages: initialization, iteration and finalization.
The first step considers the initialization of parameters and control variables that
model the minimization problem and determine the size of the set of molecules in the
chemical reaction. The second step loops until a stop criterion is reached. In this stage,
molecules are subjected to chemical reactions: inter-molecular ineffective collision,
16 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
Initialize population
of molecules
goal reached?
no inter-molecular yes
Decomposition Synthesis
or on-wall collision or inter-molecular collision
Fig. 1.9 Flow diagram of the simple chemical reaction optimization algorithm
Two important metrics in learning algorithms are the complexity and the stability. In
this section, both of them are briefly introduced.
18 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
NP- complete
(Ladner’s Theorem)
2 Model
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 xP 6 8 10
Stability is the property of algorithms that claims whenever possible that for small
changes in input data, algorithms produce small changes in the final results [2, 18]. If
this property is not satisfied, then an algorithm is said to be unstable. Furthermore, if
an algorithm is stable for certain choices of input data, then it is called conditionally
stable [5].
In learning algorithms, stability is important because this property is closely
related to generalization [2, 18]. The latter is considered the ability of an algorithm
to return an accurate output value for a new, unseen data point. For example, consider
the training set (data points) and the model response (continuous line) depicted in
Fig. 1.11. As seen, the model responses from the continuous input domain giving
acceptable points (output range) closely to the training set; then, the model is con-
sidered stable. In contrast, Fig. 1.12 shows the same training set but with another
model response (continuous line). Clearly, the model does not respond closely to the
training set; thus, the model is considered unstable.
In order to perform generalization in learning algorithms, two loss functions have
to be minimized: the error due to bias and the error due to variance [8]. The first
20 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
-10 x
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 P 8 10
minimizes (1.1) allowing the model to fit the target data. The second minimizes the
variability of a model response for a given target data, if this model have different
realizations, as (1.7); where, E is the error due to variance, q is the size of observations,
xk ∈ Rn is the k-th observation of attribute variable x = (x1 , ..., xn ), MΣ is the model
and MΣ is the average prediction of model MΣ in a given point xk .
E= MΣ (xk ) − MΣ (xk ) (1.7)
In this section, the most common algorithms in machine learning are compared
in terms of computational time complexity [10, 12–14, 17, 22, 24–27, 29, 32],
characteristics of learning algorithms, characteristics of built models and types of
problems solved. In addition, artificial organic networks technique is also contrasted
with these learning algorithms.
For instance, Table 1.2 summarizes the time complexity of learning algorithms as
well as characteristics of those like: supervised or unsupervised, parametric or non-
parametric, deterministic or nondeterministic, probabilistic, and univariate or mul-
tivariate algorithms. In addition, Table 1.2 also presents the direct type of problems
that algorithms can solve (approximation or prediction, classification, optimization),
Table 1.2 Characteristics of common learning algorithms
Time Complexity
Linear regression (LR) O(c2 n) X X X X X X
General regression (GR) O(c2 n) X X X X X X
Running mean smoother (RMS) O(n) X X X X X X
Kernel smoother (KS) O(nd) X X X X X X
Decision trees (DT) O(nc2 ) X X X X X X X X X
Random forest (RF) O(Mcn log n) X X X X X X X X X
Naive Bayes classifier (NBC) O(nc) X X X X X X X
Bayesian networks (BN) X X X X X X X X
1.4 Comparison of Algorithms for Modeling Problems
O(cd e )
Gaussian mixture models (GMM) O(Sikn) X X X X X X X X
Support vector machine (SVM) O(n3 ) X X X X X X X
k-nearest neighbor (kNN) O(knd) X X X X X X X X
k-means algorithm (kM) O(ndk+1 log n) X X X X X X
Fuzzy clustering means (FCM) O(indk) X X X X X X
Expectation-maximization (EM) O(Sikn) X X X X X X X
Simulated annealing (SA) OP * * * * X X X X X
Tabu search (TS) OP * * * * X X X X
Genetic algorithms (GA) NA * * * * X X X X
Gene expression algorithms (GE) NA * * * * X X X X
Time Complexity
i.e. the main purpose of algorithms; however, it does not mean that algorithms
might be used in other problems. Furthermore, it is remarkable to say that the chart
reports the time complexity of classical or simple algorithms unless otherwise noted.
Table 1.3 shows the symbols used in Table 1.2.
Focusing on artificial organic networks, i.e. the artificial hydrocarbon network
algorithm (AHN), it is close related to backpropagation-based multilayer neural
networks (BP) and support vector machines (SVM) in terms of supervised learn-
ing, non-probabilistic models used for approximation/classification problems. It is
important to note because it gives a general view of where artificial hydrocarbon
networks is located, as revealed in Fig. 1.13. Notice that artificial hydrocarbon net-
works is also located between regression algorithms, like linear regression (LR) and
general regression (GR), and clustering algorithms like k-nearest neighbor (kNN),
k-means algorithm (kM) and fuzzy clustering means (FCM). Smoothers are not too
far away from regression algorithms and AHNs. Roughly speaking, the above dis-
cussion means that artificial hydrocarbon networks builds approximation and clas-
sification models as well as like-smoothers (i.e. filtering systems).
Unfortunately, in terms of time complexity, artificial hydrocarbon networks can-
not be easily compared with support vector machines or backpropagation-based
multilayer neural networks. However, if the number of compounds and molecules
(units of AHNs) are fixed, artificial hydrocarbon networks would be less complex
than support vector machines, when the number of training samples is large. The
backpropagation algorithm depends on the topology of the artificial neural network,
thus a comparison of AHNs and BP cannot be computed in terms of computational
time complexity (see Table 1.2). At most, backpropagation algorithm is based on
gradient descent methods that actually has time complexity O(ln 1ε ) where ε > 0 is
a small tolerance value that is used as stop criterion.
Finally, it is important to highlight that some time complexities summarized
in Table 1.2 are specialized. For example, the time complexity of linear/general
regression is based on the least squares estimates algorithm, the time complexity of
24 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
non AHN
probabilistic GA KS
or classification
approximation optimization
Fig. 1.13 Clustering map of learning algorithms/methods of Table 1.2. Labels are acronyms of
decision trees is computed with the standard C4.5 training algorithm, time com-
plexity of Bayesian networks is computed in polytrees, time complexity of kernel
smoothers is calculated with easiest known nearest neighbor smoother. In addition,
time complexity of expectation-maximization (EM) is computed for random EM
algorithms, as well as in Gaussian mixture models.
On the other hand, Table 1.4 reports characteristics of models when they are built
from some learning algorithms. In this chart, the simple artificial hydrocarbon net-
works algorithm build continuous, nonlinear and static models representing white or
gray boxes of the system. Notice that nonrecursive models are trained, thus dynamic
models cannot be handled. However, artificial organic networks framework does not
limit training models, allowing recursive models for dynamic systems.
classifier (NBC)
Bayesian networks X X X X X X X X X
Gaussian mixture X X X X X X X
models (GMM)
Support vector X X X X X X X X X
machine (SVM)
k-nearest neighbor X X X X X X X
k-means algorithm X X X X X X X
Fuzzy clustering X X X X X X X
means (FCM)
Expectation- X X X X X X X
Bacterial foraging NA
Chemically inspired
DNA computing NA
Chemical reaction NA
Artificial X X X X X X
networks (AHN)
X—marks stand for a characteristic found in the model. NA—marks refer that a method/algorithm does not train a model directly
28 1 Introduction to Modeling Problems
28. Wooldridge M (2002) An introduction to multiagent systems. John Wiley and Sons, England
29. Wu D, Butz C (2005) On the complexity of probabilistic inference in singly connected bayesian
networks. In: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on rough sets, fuzzy sets, data
mining, and granular computing, vol Part I. Springer, Berlin, pp 581–590
30. Wurtz RP (ed) (2008) Organic computing. Springer, Berlin
31. Yang XS (2010) Nature-inspired metaheuristics algorithms. Luniver Press,University of Cam-
bridge, United Kingdom
32. Zhao Q, Hautamaki V, Karkkainen I, Franti P (2012) Random swap EM algorithm for gaussian
mixture models. ELSEVIER Pattern Recognit Lett 33:2120–2126
Chapter 2
Chemical Organic Compounds
For centuries, human beings have found inspiration in nature, from macro-scale to
micro-scale. Animals have been inspiring designs of cars, robotics, and even com-
putational algorithms based on their behaviors. Some new super tough materials got
inspired in deer antlers. Environmental analysis of pressure, temperature or humidity
have been inspiring new ways of greenhouses. Shapes of nature have been inspiring
on painting, digital art, or sculpture. Chemical products like waterproofing sprays
were inspired on specific nanostructures of lotus leaves. Also, burdock seeds inspired
the well-known hook-and-loop fastener.
In particular, scientists and researchers take advantage of natural inspiration
because nature has shown that it can adapt itself to better response of changes and can
reach feasible solutions to problems like better configurations of structure of matter,
or animal survival in ecosystems. In fact, nature tends to optimality in all different
ways. For instance, consider atom-structures that tend to minimize energy in bonds,
but also preserve particular characteristics depending on atom relationships. To this
end, the notion of the latter will be highly important through this book because the
study of chemical organic compounds inspires artificial organic networks.
For instance, consider a given physical system with some input and output sig-
nals. Then, the supervised artificial organic networks technique can model the system
using signal information to build a structure made of atoms that are clustered in mole-
cules. In fact, these molecules will be used to enclose related information found in
the signals of the system. Moreover, if molecules cannot approximate completely
the behavior of the system, they can be joined together forming complex molecules
(referred also as compounds). At last, compounds can also mix them up forming
mixtures of molecules that represent linear combinations of behaviors of subsys-
tems, giving an organized structure approximating the overall system. Actually, this
structure will be referred as an artificial organic network because it is inspired on
carbon based networks, especially studied on organic chemistry, that present highly
stable molecules due to the electronegativity of carbon atoms. Interesting, an artifi-
cial organic network presents characteristics like structural organization, clustering
Inorganic Physical
Chemistry Chemistry
Chemistry studies the matter, its properties and the laws that govern it. As known,
chemistry is divided into five branches: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, ana-
lytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and biochemistry, as shown in Fig. 2.1. For
instance, organic chemistry is the study of the compounds of carbon while inor-
ganic chemistry is the study of all other compounds [10]. Analytical chemistry is
the study of methods that determine and identify elements in compounds. Physical
chemistry applies physics to chemistry and it is the study of termodynamics and
kinetics of chemical reactions, and biochemistry is the study of chemical processes
inside living organisms.
Centering on organic chemistry, it is very important in different ways. Looking
around, organic products are present daily like cleaning accesories as soaps, sham-
poos or perfumes; they are also present in food as proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
that give and store energy, that are included in structural formation, that transport
other molecules, or that regulate growth in living organisms. In fact, all compounds
responsible of life are organic substances denominated biomolecules, e.g. proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates; but also nucleic acids, complex molecules involved in genetics,
are considered part of them [1, 3, 4].
It is interesting how compounds made of carbon atoms can define millions and
millions of different organic compounds. Actually, carbon atoms can interact among
them to form chains and rings, giving the opportunity of changing chemical properties
2.1 The Importance of Organic Chemistry 33
of compounds [4]. This is possible because their bonds with other atoms are very
strong in comparison with other atomic interactions, as explained later in this chapter.
Moreover, organic chemistry is not only present in living organisms, it is also
involved in human health technologies like the development of new drugs or the
study of materials, e.g. hypoalergenic materials, used in protesis or cookware coat-
ing; production of food; development of cancer treatments as the so-called “sharp-
shooter” drugs. Also, it is widely used for developing new materials applied in space.
Other industrial applications of organic compounds are: solvents like degreasers or
dry cleaning products, chemical gums for wood like latex or white glue, plastics like
toys or plastic coatings, etc.
Then, organic chemistry is generating new tendencies in technology and applied
sciences. For example, consider the development of alternative energy sources as
biofuels that can be produced from plants or organic waste; or consider organic
photo-sensors that convert light in electrical signals to capture images in cameras.
Furthermore, in computer sciences, organic chemistry is inspiring DNA-computing
to solve hard problems with strands of DNA, or the organic computing paradigm that
inherits organic properties to multiagent systems.
In addition, current trends of organic chemistry are related to green chemistry
that encourages the usage minimization of hazardous substances to the environment;
applications of fullerenes (molecules completely made of carbon atoms) in strength
of materials, biology, treatments for industrial wastewater in the field of nanotechnol-
ogy, architecture inspiration, conductivity materials, antiviral production, etc.; other
trends like solid state materials, organic nanostructures, liquid crystals, organic dyes,
organometallic applications to polymeric production, agrochemistry, and so forth.
On the other hand, it is well known that organic chemistry influences the global
economy with hydrocarbons, specially in the production of petroleum, and the indus-
try of polymers [3]. Thus, organic chemistry is highly important in the daily life, from
the study of living organisms to medical applications, through the economical and
technological impact.
Organic chemistry is the study of the compounds of carbon [3, 10]. Interestingly,
most of these compounds consist of carbon and a few of other elements like hydro-
gen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
iodine, astatine). In fact, organic compounds have important physical and chemical
properties derived from carbon bonding to itself and the specialization of the few
other elements, like the strength of structures or the effecting of heat.
In the following sections, physical properties are associated to the structure of
organic compounds while chemical properties to the behavior of them. Notice that
this review is organized in order to highlight the role of energy stabilization in organic
34 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
bonds O H
( C C
Organic compounds are constituted with basic units called atoms. When atoms
interact among them, they form molecules and compounds, as shown in Fig. 2.2.
Thus, the structure of organic compounds considers the set of atoms and the ways
they are bonded. But also, energy minimization and geometric configuration play an
important role in the structure [5]. Following, basic components and interactions of
chemical organic compounds are summarized. Atoms
The basic unit of organic compounds is the atom [4, 5]. Each atom is a set of charged
particles including protons, electrons and the neutral particles so-called neutrons.
Roughly, any atom has protons and neutrons joined together at its nucleus and the
latter is surrounded by a set of electrons. The sum of protons and neutrons is equals
to the mass number of an atom. In addition, the number of protons in the nucleus is
referred as the atomic number. Hence, different atoms have different atomic numbers.
The well-known periodic table summarizes this and other concepts about atoms.
Thus, different atoms have distinct physical characteristics. In the sense of this book,
the distinction of an atom is limited to the atomic number, and different atoms refer
to different behaviors due to their physical characteristics.
For instance, the model of atoms assures that they have a particular way to distrib-
ute their electrons known as electron configuration [3, 4]. It assumes that electrons
can only orbit in specific spaces called energy shells. Additionally, shells are divided
into subshells (i.e. s, p, d and f ) in which electrons are grouped in orbitals. Finally,
each orbital can be occupied by at most two electrons. However, electrons might
represent an infinite set of configurations. In that sense, studies in chemistry and
quantum mechanics reveal that there is an electron configuration in which electrons
preserve the minimum energy of the atomic system, so-called the ground-state (see
2.2 Basic Concepts of Organic Compounds 35
Fig. 2.3 Simple model of the carbon atom and its energy-level diagram
Atoms are also characterized by valence electrons. These kinds of electrons are
the ones which conforms the last energy shell defined in the atom. Particularly, this
energy shell is called outer shell. Since electrons need some energy to be in shells,
the ground-state assures that energy minimization occurs when electrons follow the
quantum chemistry principles (see Sect. Otherwise, atoms are in an excited
Basically, noble gases (e.g. helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon) are the
only atoms with minimum energy per shell. Then, atoms must satisfy a chemical rule
that states atoms in ground-state which do not have an entire outer shell (there are
some valence electrons but not all of them) need more electrons in order to complete
it. This is the basis of atomic interactions in organic chemistry: ionic interactions and
covalent bonds, treated later in this chapter. Figure 2.3 shows a simple model and the
energy-level diagram of carbon atom. Molecules
A set of two or more atoms acting as a single unit is called a molecule. As mentioned
previously, atoms need to complete the outer shell with electrons; thus, creation
of molecules is one mechanism to do that. Three important types of molecules are
defined following:
Elements. These molecules are made of like atoms, e.g. hydrogen element, because
atoms are not found isolated in nature. Elements can be classified into
three categories:
Metals. Physically, they are solid at room temperature (except mer-
cury), they can also be shiny, malleable and ductile, and
they serve as conductors of electricity. Chemically, they
react losing electrons.
Nonmetals. Physically, they are the opposite of metals. Chemically,
they react gaining electrons. These elements are the only
ones present in chemical organic compounds.
Metalloids. They have a hybrid behavior combining metal and non-
metal properties.
36 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
Compounds. They are molecules made of other molecules when reacting two or
more of them. In the general case, a compound is made up elements proportionally
to its mass. For instance, organic compounds are made of carbon atoms. If there
are no carbon atoms, then compounds are considered as inorganic.
Functional groups. These molecules are made of a carbon atom bonded with one
of the other atoms allowed in organic compounds. Functional groups are important
because organic compounds are classified based on them; chemical reactions act
on them in order to form other stable compounds, simple or complex; and, they
are basis for naming organic compounds.
In molecules, chemical bonding refers to the relationship among atoms. In fact, this
process is based on charged particle attraction. In chemistry, two main chemical
bondings are present: ionic interactions and covalent bonds.
Ionic interactions. A metal element tends to lose electrons while a nonmetal ele-
ment tends to gain electrons. Thus, ionic interaction is present into a metal-and-
nonmetal reaction. Particularly to organic compounds, these chemical bondings
are not present.
Covalent bonds. When two nonmetal atoms are interacting, they cannot lose or
gain electrons. Thus, they share electrons of their outer shells. Due to the set
of atoms in organic compounds, covalent bonds will be considered through this
The study of interactions of atoms and molecules are based on chemical rules and
properties. Depending on them, organic compounds have specific characteristics
and behaviors. In the following section, chemical principles are depicted in order to
understand the behavior of molecules and chemical bonding [5]. Electronegativity
1 18
1 2
+ 1 H 2 13 14 15 16 17 He
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Al Si P S Cl Ar
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 116 118
7 Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Uub Uuq Uuh Uuo
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
6 La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
7 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No
elements in the periodic table are arranged so that electronegativity increases from
left to right and from top to bottom, except for the hydrogen atom that has similar
electronegativity as atoms related to organic compounds. Figure 2.4 shows tendency
of electronegativity in the periodic table. In addition, electronegativity values of the
set of atoms related to organic compounds [2, 3] are also shown in Table 2.1.
Electronegativity is measured using the Pauling scale. It represents the absence
of electronegativity with a zero-value and higher values represent higher electroneg-
ativity. For example from Table 2.1, hydrogen and astatine elements have smaller
38 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
electronegativity than fluorine which has the highest electronegativity even in the
whole periodic table.
Moreover, electronegativity is useful when classifying chemical bondings. If the
difference in electronegativity is less than 0.5 in the Pauling scale, then the chemi-
cal bonding is considered as covalent bond. If the difference in electronegativity is
between 0.5 and 1.7, then it is a polar covalent bond (see Sect. 2.3). Finally, if the
difference in electronegativity is greater than 1.7, then it is an ionic interaction.
Aufbau Principle. This principle states that electrons must fill lowest energy
shells first. As an exception, electrons in d orbital have more stability when this
orbital is half filled or full filled. Thus, one electron from the above s orbital is
placed on the d orbital.
Pauli exclusion. This principle states that a pair of electrons in an orbital have to
have opposite spins.
Hund’s rule. It states that filling orbitals with electrons, these must not be in pairs
on orbitals until each orbital contains one electron except when filling s orbitals.
Figure 2.5 shows the diagram for filling electrons in order to reach a ground-state
in atoms [1, 8]. The arrows mean the path for picking up orbitals in order to filling
them. Notice that the above three quantum chemistry rules must be satisfied.
Example 2.1 Determine the ground-state electron configuration of: (a) the carbon
atom, and (b) the copper atom.
Solution 2.1 Using Fig. 2.5 and the atomic number of each atom, the ground-state
electron configuration is:
(a) Carbon atom has atomic number six, thus six electrons are needed:
C : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 2 .
(b) Copper atom has atomic number 29, thus 29 electrons are needed:
Cu : 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 6 4s 1 3d 10 .
Fig. 2.6 Examples of Lewis dot structures. (left) Diagram of carbon atom. (right) Diagram of
interaction between carbon and hydrogen atoms
40 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
After atoms find ground-state electron configuration and molecules are formed via
the octet-rule, another chemical interaction can be applied to minimize energy in
structures. This is referring to the chemical balance theory [5, 8, 10]. Notice that it
does not use atomic interactions.
In fact, chemical balance interaction determines different ways to mix two or
more substances, e.g. molecules or compounds, by reacting and forming products,
i.e. new compounds. In the simplest form, compounds might be determined as a
linear mixture of substances in definite ratios. To this end, these ratios are named
stoichiometric coefficients. In fact, if optimal stoichimetric coeficcients were found,
then chemical balance interaction can be viewed as an energy stabilization process.
In chemistry, these structures are called mixtures.
In Sect., covalent bonds were defined. Since, they are important to organic
chemistry, this section introduces the classification and an accepted chemical model
for covalent bonds.
Rewriting, covalent bonds appear when two nonmetal atoms are sharing electrons
of their outer shells because they cannot lose or gain electrons. In general, chemical
interactions of two atoms with difference in electronegativity less than 1.7 in Pauling
scale, are considered covalent bonds. An usual classification of covalent bonds are
the following:
Polar covalent bonds. It appears when two different atoms are interacting, e.g. in
C − H interaction.
Nonpolar covalent bonds. It appears when two similar atoms are interacting, e.g.
in C − C interaction.
Below, there is a description of an accepted model of covalent bonds. In particular, it
introduces the empirical model and two important parameters which are: the length
and the minimum energy of bond.
can be extended to covalent bonds between molecules, relating the energy of bond
and the intermolecular distance which it refers to the interatomic distance of the two
atoms located on distinct molecules participating in the interaction.
Without loss of generalization, interatomic distances are considered following [8].
On one hand, if the interatomic distance is too large, there is no chemical bond
between atoms; thus, the energy of bond is equal to zero. On the other hand, let
E attraction be the energy related to the attraction force between electrons of one
atom and the nucleus of the other which it increases rapidly when the distance is
short. However, if atoms are too close, a repulsive force appears due to the electrons
of both atoms and the energy associated to this force, let say Erepulsion , increases
negatively. Then, the sum of both energies E attraction and Erepulsion gets the total
energy of bond E bond as (2.1):
In fact, the empirical model of chemical covalent bond (2.1) [8] can be rewritten
in terms of the interatomic distance as expressed in (2.2):
E bond = − m
+ n , (m < n) (2.2)
r r
Where, A and B are constants related to the charge of atoms, r is the interatomic
distance, and m, n are two positive empirical coefficients defining the attractive and
repulsive forces, typically n ≈ 12 and m ≥ 6. Figure 2.7 shows the relationship
between E attraction and Erepulsion .
Actually, two interesting parameters of covalent bonds are the length of bond
and the minimum energy, and one parameter for specific nonpolar covalent bonds is
called the order of bond:
stable state
Interatomic Distance
quantum chemical structures (see Sect. In addition, since atoms aim to hold
the octet-rule, they interact among them via chemical bonds forming molecules.
The next level of energy minimization considers chemical reactions on mole-
cules to create compounds. These compounds are made of different molecules but
interaction of them needs minimizing energy to conform bonds. In particular, these
interactions release energy in structures by breaking and making bonds. Finally, the
last level of energy minimization is presented in chemical balance interaction while
creating mixtures of molecules or compounds.
As notice, atoms are more stable than molecules, molecules are more stable than
compounds, and the latter are more stable than mixtures. Figure 2.8 represents visu-
ally this energy level scheme. It concludes that stability is preserved easily in the
bottom level and structures are more unstable at the top level.
reaction products
Reaction Coordinate Enthalpy
ΔH ◦ = Q (2.4)
1The superscript (◦ ) means that the property is measured at stardard states of 298 K in temperature
and 1atm in pressure.
2.4 Energy in Organic Compounds 45
Interestingly, enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy are expressed together in
the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation as (2.6); where, T is temperature, ΔG ◦ is the change
in Gibbs free energy, ΔH ◦ is heat of reaction, and ΔS ◦ is the change in entropy.
ΔG ◦ = ΔH ◦ − T ΔS ◦ (2.6) Entropy
As discussed previously, chemical organic compounds are based on their own func-
tional group (see Sect. In fact, the most studied organic compounds are [4]:
hydrocarbons, alcohols, amines, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, polymers, car-
bohydrates, lipids, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Following, there is a brief
description of each type of compound.
2.5.1 Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are the simplest organic compounds with functional group CH [10].
Hydrocarbons are classified as alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, depending on the order
of bonds among carbon atoms of their functional group.
46 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
On one hand, alkanes are the simplest hydrocarbons formed by one polar covalent
bond between two carbon atoms [10]. The general formula can be expressed as
Cn H2n+2 , in which n is the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. Structural
isomers are the different forms that alkanes can be expressed in terms of the topology
of the molecules with the same number of elements. Structural isomers have particular
physical and chemical properties.
Another type of hydrocarbons is the cyclic hydrocarbons in which carbons are
ring-shaped bonded [10]. If all carbons in cyclic hydrocarbons are bonded with
hydrogen fulfilling the octet rule, they are called cycloalkanes. In nature, the most
abundant are cyclopentane and cyclohexenes.
When alkanes and cycloalkanes have low molecular weight tend to be gases and
when it grows its molecular weight they are solids. This depends on the intramole-
cular forces and the melting and boiling points, where they become smaller as the
dispersion forces become weak. The average density of alkanes is 0.8 g/ml, so they
float in water [4]. Also, the more compact isomers (fewer branches) have a boiling
point higher than the highly branched isomers. These organic compounds are more
stable by strong CH bonds, but may react to form oxygen and oxidation. This oxida-
tion can release heat that can be used as an energy source. Mainly, they come from
fossil fuels.
Other types of hydrocarbons are alkenes and alkynes. Alkenes are unsaturated
hydrocarbons having carbon atoms with double bond and alkynes are those with
carbon atoms of triple bond. Also, the arenes are the functional groups formed by
a ring of carbon with double bond. In general, they share the same physical and
chemical properties of alkanes, but are not soluble in water, only on themselves.
The most common processes in nature are the formation of CH skeletons that allow
biodiversity, mainly in plants, where the structures are iterative and the ramifications
are taken for enzymatic reactions. If any of the hydrogen atoms of an alkane is
removed is known as alkyl and if one-hydrogen atom is replaced by a halogen is
known as halo alkanes.
Figure 2.10 shows the difference among alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and arenes.
On one hand, alcohols [4] are considered the central organic compounds because they
can be transformed in other organic compounds or can be expressed as a product
of reactions of other compounds. Their functional group is the hydroxyl –OH that
is bonded to a carbon atom. In general, alcohols are more soluble in water than
hydrocarbons since their molecular weight comes to grow. In addition, alcohols can
form weak acids in presence of water; and in presence of strong acids, alcohols
can form weak bases. Several compounds that alcohols can be converted are alkyl
halides, alkenes, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids, among others.
On the other hand, ethers [4] have a functional group with oxygen bonded to
two-hybrid carbon atoms sp 3 . They are more soluble in water than hydrocarbons
2.5 Classification of Organic Compounds 47
Alkane C C
because oxygen may form hydrogen bonds (weaker bond between a hydrogen and
an electronegative element). In fact, ethers are very stable as hydrocarbons and they
cannot react with the majority of organic compounds. Actually, ethers can help to
chemical reactions in other organic compounds.
At last, thiols [4] are organic compounds with sulfhydryl –SH as functional group.
Physically, they cannot form hydrogen bonds; thus, the boiling point of thiols is lower
than alcohols or ethers. Moreover, thiols may not be too soluble in water.
2.5.3 Amines
The functional group of amines is the amino, a compound formed with nitrogen
and one, two, or three groups of carbon atoms [3, 4]. Depending on the ammonia,
amines can be classified as primary amines if its ammonia has one-hydrogen atom
replaced; secondary amines if its ammonia has two-hydrogen atoms replaced; or
tertiary ammines if its ammonia has three-hydrogen atoms replaced. In fact, amines
can present hydrogen bonds with nitrogen atoms. The greater the molecular weight
amines present, the less soluble in water they can be.
First, aldehydes [3] have a carbonyl functional group C = O, and a union of one or
two hydrogen atoms. Ketones [3] have the same carbonyl functional group union
48 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
with two-carbon atoms. In general, the boiling point of aldehydes and ketones is
higher than the boiling point of nonpolar compounds. Aldehydes can react in order
to form carboxyl acids because they are the one of the easiest compounds that can
oxidize. In contrast, ketones cannot oxidize easily.
On the other hand, carboxylic acids [3] have the carboxyl functional group
–CO2 H. This functional group is a hybrid between a carbonyl and a hydroxyl. In
reactions, carboxyl acids can be converted into acid chlorides, esters and amides.
Because carboxyl acids have oxygen and hydrogen atoms, they are quite stables
and can form hydrogen bonds. In comparison with aldehydes, ketones or amines,
carboxyl acids have large boiling points.
2.5.5 Polymers
Other biomolecules are the nucleic acids [1, 4]. They form the basis of information
over the organization, maintenance, and regulation of cellular functions. This infor-
mation is expressed in genes via deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) translated by ribonu-
cleic acids (RNA) in the synthesis of proteins. Roughly speaking, the structure of
DNA is based on deoxyribose units and phosphate, in which simple bases of aro-
matic heterocyclic amines mate to them: adenine, guanine, thiamine, and cytosine.
The entire structure has two helices. Observations summarized the following:
• Composition of bases in any organism is the same in every cells of the organism,
and it is unique to it.
• Molar percentages of adenine and thiamine are equal.
• Molar percentages of guanine and cytosine are equal, too.
• Molar percentages of purine bases (adenine and guanine) and the pyrimidine bases
(cytosine and thiamine) are equal.
• In comparison to DNA, RNA is based in one structure in which uracil and cytosine
are bases rather than thiamine and cytosine.
2.6.1 Motivation
When looking at nature, and more specifically at the structure of matter, some char-
acteristics of chemical compounds are rapidly noticeable. For instance, just around
eleven elements can derived in more than twenty millions of different organic com-
pounds. In addition, compounds are made of other simple molecules that it can be
described as organized units. Also, this organization is based on chemical rules that
are applied over and over again from bottom to top in the energy level scheme. But
the must important observation is that chemical structures look for stabilization via
energy minimization. Thus, organic compounds are made of minimal resources and
optimal ways to do that.
Actually, notice that the relationship of atoms makes possible molecular units.
Different atoms and different arrangements of those make different molecules. Notice
50 2 Chemical Organic Compounds
that the differentiation of molecules may be observable from their physical and
chemical properties. In that sense, physical properties may refer to the structure
of the molecule while chemical features may refer to the behavior of that mole-
cule. Thus, molecules can be seen as basic units of information characterized by
the atoms in the inside. Moreover, molecules might be seen as encapsulation and
potential inheritance of information. However, relationships among atoms cannot
be performed without two possible interactions: chemical bonds and chemical reac-
tions. The first interaction forms basic and complex molecules, and the second one
forms mixtures of molecules.
2.6.2 Characteristics
From the above motivation, systems inspired on chemical organic compounds will
have the characteristics described below. In Fig. 2.11 is shown a diagram explaining
these characteristics assuming a system inspired on chemical organic compounds.
On one hand, structural properties refer to units or subsystems with specific prop-
erties. For instance, these units are molecules while specific properties are atoms.
On the other hand, behavioral properties refer to functions or processes inside units.
These processes are chemical interactions and chemical behaviors of compounds.
2.6 Organic Compounds as Inspiration 51 Encapsulation Inheritance Organization
Since structural units encapsulate information, these can be organized from basic to
complex units. Basic units are the ones that have elemental information, e.g. with
low energy, and complex units are made of combination of basic units, e.g. with
high energy. The energy level scheme can be used in order to organize information
into molecular units, compound units and mixture units. For example, mixtures can
contain several compounds, each one assimilating different characteristics of the
whole system inspired on chemical organic compounds. Stability Robustness
The notion of the finite small set of atoms and the huge amount of different organic
compounds characterizes systems inspired on chemical organic compounds in robust-
ness. This characteristic can be seen as the power of finite set of parameters to model
a large set of different systems.
1. Bettelheim FA, Brown WH, Campbell MK, Farrell SO (2008) Introduction to general, organic
and biochemistry. Cengage Learning, Belmont
2. Bhushan B (2007) Springer handbook of nanotechnology. Springer, Berlin
3. Brown TL, Lemay HE, Bursten BE, Murphy CJ, Woodward PM (2009) Chemistry: the central
science. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River
4. Brown WH, Foote CS, Iverson BL, Anslyn EV (2011) Organic chemistry. Cengage Learning,
5. Carey FA, Sundberg RJ (2007) Advanced organic chemistry: part A: structure and mechanisms.
Springer, New York
6. Ganguly J (2009) Thermodynamics in earth and planetary sciences. Springer, Berlin
7. Greiner W, Neise L, Stocker H (1995) Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Springer,
8. Klein DR (2011) Organic chemistry. Wiley, Hoboken
9. Lide DR (2008) CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton
10. Quinkert G, Egert E, Griesinger C (1996) Aspects of organic chemistry: structure. Wiley, New
Chapter 3
Artificial Organic Networks
Chemical organic compounds are based on a finite, small set of elements that can
create more than twenty million known compounds. These organic compounds are
the most stable ones in nature primary due to chemical rules aiming energy min-
imization. In fact, they have characteristics like: structural and behavioral proper-
ties, encapsulation, inheritance, organization, stability, robustness, and complexity.
Because of these features, the artificial organic networks technique is inspired on
chemical organic compounds.
For instance, consider any unknown system that has to be described, analyzed, or
predicted. Modeling techniques would be selected to solve that problem. However, as
explained later in this chapter, some of these techniques have drawbacks, specially in
stability and structural modeling understandings. Then, artificial organic networks is
proposed to enhance these characteristics in computational algorithms for modeling
In this chapter, artificial organic networks are introduced and fully described, from
its components and interactions to the formal definition. In order to better understand
it, an overview of the technique and the metaphor of it are discussed. Finally, some
implementation issues and the outline of their solutions are described.
Let Σ be an unknown given system like Fig. 3.1. Also, suppose that X is a set of
excited signals to Σ such that ∈x ≥ X represents input signals, and Y is a set of output
signals ∈y ≥ Y of Σ. Moreover, suppose that Σ needs to be described, analyzed, or
predicted. Then, a model MΣ might be used to represent Σ (see Fig. 3.1).
In that way, it would be interesting that MΣ represents Σ as closer as it is in
real. Thus, MΣ cannot be a black or a gray box. Contrasting, the model would try to
understand what happens inside the unknown system like shown in Fig. 3.2. However,
in Chap. 1, it was explained that modeling the inner behavior of a system is difficult
and in some cases intractable due to the initial guess of the system, possibility of
local minima, uncertainty in data, etc., deriving in an unstable algorithm.
To this end, let suppose that there exists a model MΣ representing Σ that can
encapsulate and organize information coming from X and Y signals, and it can stay
stable for suitable conditions. Moreover, let suppose that MΣ is a model inspired
on chemical organic compounds such that all characteristics of these compounds
are also presented on it. Then, intuitively, the model MΣ is considered an artificial
organic network, as shown in Fig. 3.2.
Notice that in order to MΣ be considered as a model of Σ inspired on chemical
organic compounds, its structure, behavior and rules must satisfy chemical condi-
tions. In the next section, some key concepts from chemical organic compounds
are clearly matching to concepts related to artificial organic networks; so that in
following sections, the modeling technique be easily understandable.
In nature, the environment plays an important role when creating or modifying chem-
ical organic compounds. It starts with a punch of atoms subjected to conditions that
allows favorable interactions on them. Chemically, the relationships in that atoms
are searching for optimal solutions, like energy minimization. This optimality makes
possible organized structures, seen as modules or units of information. Moreover, the
whole assembly responds to the environment. At last, the obtained chemical struc-
ture not only satisfies environmental constraints and stability, but also it develops a
proper behavior.
In fact, similar chemical organic compounds have similar structures and behav-
iors. In other words, molecules can package information and inherit that to other
3.1 Overview of Artificial Organic Networks 55
compounds, representing the same structure and behavior. For instance, consider
Fig. 3.3. It shows the structure of a chemical organic compound that has similar
structure of another chemical organic compound having one equal package of infor-
mation. In nature, functional groups are an example of that property.
Now, consider that there are artificial structures inspired on chemical organic
compounds satisfying some inspired chemical rules. Then, the same characteris-
tics of modularity, inheritance, organization and stability found in chemical organic
compounds are present in the artificial structures. At last, these artificial structures
will have a behavior, such that the model of artificial organic networks presented in
Fig. 3.2 can be realized. In that sense, Table 3.1 presents the elements of chemical
organic compounds used in artificial organic networks.
3.1.2 Objectives
* *
Table 3.1 Elements of chemical organic compounds and the meanings in artificial organic
Chemical organic compounds Meaning in artificial organic networks
Atoms Basic structural units. Parameters of properties
Molecules Basic units of information
Compounds Complex units of information made of molecular units
Mixtures Combination of compounds
Chemical bonds Rules of interaction in atomic and molecular units
Stoichiometric coefficients Definite ratios in mixtures. Weights of compounds
Chemical balance interaction Solution to definite ratios of mixtures
Enthalpy Energy of molecules or compounds
Environment Input or exciting signals
Chemical properties Output signals. Behaviors
Chemical organic compound Structure and behavior of the obtained model
56 3 Artificial Organic Networks
The artificial organic networks technique defines four components and two interac-
tions inspired on chemical organic compounds. In particular, the topology of compo-
nents in AONs is based on the Lewis dot structures; thus, graph theory is the simplest
way to model it (refer to Appendix A).
3.2.1 Components
An artificial organic network is a set of graphs. Each graph represents a molecule with
atoms as vertices and chemical bonds as edges. In addition, these molecules interact
via the so-called chemical balance interaction, forming a mixture of compounds.
Thus, in the general case, an artificial organic network is a mixture of compounds.
It can be identified four components of AONs: atomic units, molecular units, com-
pounds, and mixtures.
The simplest structural component of artificial organic networks is the atom. It para-
meterizes a molecular unit (see Sect. In order to do that and to satisfy the
ground-state principle electron configuration inside the atom with the lowest energy,
the atom may be described with the number of valence electrons or the number
of degrees of freedom the atom can connect to others. Moreover, in organic com-
pounds, the octet rule supposes the ground-state principle; but in the general case, it
can be considered an α-rule, where α is the maximum number of valence electrons
that each atom must have in the outer shell. The following definition formalizes the
above description of atoms:
Definition 3.1 (atomic unit) Let A(α) be a set of elements ai and ei a positive integer.
Moreover, let α be a positive integer related to A. An element ai is said to be an atom if
it has a fixed value ei denoting the number of valence electrons satisfying ∈i, ei ⊂ ,
where α stands for the full number of valence electrons. Then, A(α) is said to be a
set of atom units. Let also ai , aj ≥ A(α) be two atomic units and ei , ej be the valence
3.2 Artificial Organic Compounds 57
58 3 Artificial Organic Networks
Definition 3.3 (atomic value) Let ai be an atom unit and vai a complex value. Then,
vai is said to be the value of atom ai .
Throughout this book, the values of atoms vai ≥ C will be written as the identifier
of atoms ai indistinctively, except when a clear difference between them be required.
In artificial organic networks, the basic unit with information is the molecule. It is
defined with a structure and a behavior. In particular, the structure is associated with
an arrangement of atoms and the behavior is a response of some input signals. Then,
the following statements hold:
Definition 3.4 (structure of a molecular unit) Let M = (A(α) , B) be a graph and
A(α) be a set of n ≥ 2 atoms (vertices) connected with a set of covalent bonds B
(edges). Also, let di and ei be the degree and the number of valence electrons of
atomic atoms ai ≥ A(α) , respectively. Then, M is said to be a molecule if for all di ,
di ⊂ ei . Moreover, if for each di , di = ei then M is said to be a stable molecule. If for
any di , di < ei then M is said to be an unstable molecule. Those are the only states
of a molecular unit M.
Definition 3.5 (behavior of a molecular unit) Let M be a molecule and X be the set
of inputs that excite the molecule M. Also, let ϕ be a function such that ϕ : X → R.
Then, ϕ is referred to the behavior of the molecule M due to X, if there exists an
atom ac ≥ A(α) of M with degree dc and the following holds:
1. ϕ = ϕ(X, dc ).
2. ϕ converges in the input domain X.
Example 3.4 Consider the above molecule M in Example 3.3. Propose a molecular
behavior ϕ(x, d1 ) for the input signal x ≥ X. Which one is the atom ac ?
Solution 3.4 One possible molecular behavior may be written as (3.1) with atom
ac = a1 since the degree of atom in the molecular behavior depends on d1 .
ϕ(x, d1 ) = a2,i · x i (3.1)
3.2 Artificial Organic Compounds 59
Notice that ϕ increases its meaning while the degree of atom d1 increases.
It is remarkable to say that stable molecules are the preferred ones more than unstable
molecules because a stable molecule means minimum of energy due to the ground-
state principle of atomic units. But consider that only unstable molecules might be
connecting to others in order to increase the complexity of its behavior. Moreover,
Definitions 3.4 and 3.5 specify that molecules encapsulate information via the ϕ-
function, but they are constrained to interact with other molecules by the fact of the
structure in graphs (Definitions 3.1 and 3.2). Also, consider that the ϕ-function in
Definition 3.5 is inspired in order to follow chemical rules. For example, property
1 assures that the function depends on the number of valence electrons shared with
the atom ac as shown in Fig. 3.5. As noticed, if the number of atoms associated to ac
changes, the ϕ-function needs to have a different behavior. For example, in Fig. 3.5,
the addition of a2,i atoms increases the meaning of (3.1). For instance, consider (3.1)
with d1 = 1, then ϕ is a linear equation with slope equal to the value of a2,1 while
if d1 = 3, ϕ is a cubic equation with coefficients a2,1 , a2,2 , a2,3 . Thus, atomic units
can also be considered as properties of molecules as described in Sect.
Moreover, property 2 of Definition 3.5 is modeling stability of chemical structures
in a mathematical fashion. Here, the behavior of molecule is inspired on reaching
a steady-state of the molecule; then, in mathematics, convergence is one way to do
that. Again, consider the ϕ-function in (3.1). This is a power series with a radius of
convergence R such that x < R. In this case, it is easy to see that the interval of
convergence of ϕ-function is x < 1.
On the other hand, two kinds of molecules are defined in artificial organic net-
works: functional groups and primitive molecules.
Definition 3.6 (functional group) Let M be a molecule and G be a subgraph of M,
denoted by G ⊆ M. Then, G is a functional group if G is an unstable molecule.
It is clear by Definition 3.6 that a functional group can be any subgraph of any
molecule. However, consider the inverse process: defining a functional group G, a
set of molecules Ω = {M1 , ..., Mk } can be spanned from G. Then, all molecules in Ω
will have the same primary structure defined on G, as shown in Fig. 3.6. This notion
60 3 Artificial Organic Networks
1. M is unique.
2. For each ai ≥ A(α) , there is at least any di , di < ei .
3. B is a set of polar covalent bonds.
It is remarkable to say that primitive molecules can only be made if all of the relation-
ships among atomic units are polar covalent bonds (see Sect. 3.2.2) because it refers
to that there are no relationships between similar atoms inside primitive molecules.
In Fig. 3.7 is shown all possible primitive molecules spanned the given functional
group G.
Finally, artificial organic networks makes a distinction between simple and com-
plex molecules. For instance, consider a simple molecule to be any molecule only
made of polar covalent bonds, e.g. functional groups, primitive molecules, or any
other molecule with an atom ac and other atoms different from it and attached directly
to it, like molecule in Fig. 3.5. If molecules are made of polar and nonpolar covalent
bonds (refer to Sect. 3.2.2), then these molecules are complex. In order to distinguish
3.2 Artificial Organic Compounds 61
H C CH 2
H C CH 3
both simple and complex molecules in artificial organic networks, the first ones are
simply named molecular units, while the second ones are named compounds. Compounds
covalent bonds
As notice, compounds are based on nonpolar covalent bonds as shown in Fig. 3.8.
Roughly speaking, a compound is necessarily made of at least two similar atoms
joined together. Additionally, compounds map from the set of behaviors of primitive
molecules to a real value giving a more complex behavior than simple molecules.
This is important when different information needs to be crossover. In practice,
compounds might be nonlinear relationships among molecular behaviors.
Finally, stable compounds are more preferable than unstable ones. In order to do
this, primitive molecules or atomic units have to be used. Mixtures
In nature, when two or more molecules are mixed together, the resultant mixture
contains more information. For instance, it assumes that any number of molecules
can interact without sharing electrons, mixing them up in definite ratios. In such
cases, artificial organic networks defines the chemical balance interaction, useful to
find the optimal ratios of molecules to get the minimum loss energy in the whole
structure. Following, mixtures of molecules and the chemical balance interaction of
AONs are introduced.
Definition 3.10 (mixture of molecules) Let Γ = {M1 , ..., Mk } be a set of molecules
with a set of behaviors Φ = {ϕ1 , ..., ϕk }. Then, the mixture of molecules S is a linear
combination of behaviors of molecules in Φ such that there exists a set of coefficients
Λ = {α1 , ..., αk } of real values, called the stoichiometric coefficients. Hence,
S(X) = αi ϕi (X) (3.2)
S is the mixture of compounds if Γ is its structure, Φ is its basis and S(X) is its
behavior such that (3.2) holds.
Figure 3.9 shows an example of a mixture of molecules and a mixture of com-
3.2.2 Interactions
The above section introduces all components in artificial organic networks. In this
section, two interactions are defined: covalent bonds and the chemical balance. The
first interaction refers to the relational rules that allow atoms to join together, forming
molecules and compounds. The second interaction refers to the way that molecules
and compounds relate among them without sharing electrons.
Example 3.5 Suppose that there exist two atoms a1 , a2 and four atoms a3 , a4 , a5 , a6
in A(8) with number of valence electrons e1,2 = 4, e3,4,5,6 = 1. Also, consider that
there is a molecule M made of these atoms with covalent bonds B = {b113 , b214 , b315 ,
b412 , b526 }. Determine the shape of M and classify covalent bonds into polar and
nonpolar bonds.
Solution 3.5 Using Definition 3.11, the structure of molecule M is absolutely deter-
mined, as shown in Fig. 3.10. From this figure, notice that a1 and a2 are two similar
atoms linked with b412 . Thus, from Definition 3.11, b412 is a nonpolar covalent bond,
and the set B\{b412 } contains polar covalent bonds because the atoms joined by them
are different. Remember that similarity in atoms are based on the number of valence
electrons ei .
As discussed in Sect., the behavior of molecules is built using the combi-
nation of atoms according to a central atom ac . In such that case, polar covalent bonds
are used. However, compounds use nonpolar covalent bonds to define their behaviors
in terms of mapping simple molecular behaviors. Focusing on that mapping, non-
polar covalent bonds play an importat role. Thus, artificial organic networks makes
an specification of them. In fact, nonpolar covalent bonds have some properties that
promote a kind of behavior on them, as stated next:
Definition 3.12 (properties of nonpolar covalent bonds) Let bk ≥ B be a nonpolar
covalent bond of a pair of atoms ai , aj ≥ A(α) . Also, let Δ = δ1 , ..., δn be an
ij ij
n-tuple of interesting properties of bk . Then, bk is said to be a nonpolar covalent
bond characterized by Δ. Also, let π be a mapping such that π : Δ → R. Then, π
is referred to the behavior of the nonpolar covalent bond bk .
In fact, Definition 3.12 does not determine any particular property Δ; but it would
be interesting to get inspiration from some properties of chemical covalent bonds as
reported in Chap. 2. For instance, the length, the order and the minimum energy of
bonds might be proposed, as explained later in Chap. 4.
On the other hand, when molecules and compounds are completely stable, they
cannot interact each other unless a chemical reaction carries out. In that sense, a
chemical balance interaction can be used instead. In artificial organic networks, the
chemical balance interaction is defined as follows:
3.2 Artificial Organic Compounds 65
Definition 3.13 (chemical balance interaction) Let X be the set of inputs that excites
the set of molecules Γ = {M1 , ..., Mk } with behaviors Φ = {ϕ1 , ..., ϕk }. Let S(X)
be the response of the mixture of molecules S, such that,
S(X) = αi ϕi (X) (3.3)
The chemical balance interaction is the solution to the problem of finding the set
of stoichiometric coefficients Λ = {α1 , ..., αk } of the mixture of molecules S.
Example 3.6 Let M1 and M2 be two molecules in the set of molecules Γ of a mixture
S with molecular behaviors ϕ1 and ϕ2 , respectively. Also, let Λ = {1.0, −0.5} be
the set of stoichiometric coefficients of S. Obtain the response of S with respect to
an input signal x, if ϕ1 and ϕ2 are defined as (3.4) and (3.5). In addition, determine
the response of S in the input domain x ≥ [−1, 1].
ϕ1 (x) = 5x 2 + 1 (3.4)
ϕ2 (x) = 4x 2 − 6x + 2 (3.5)
S(x) = α1 ϕ1 + α2 ϕ2 (3.6)
Substituting (3.4) and (3.5) with Λ in (3.6), the response of S is finally written as
S(x) = 3x 2 + 3x (3.7)
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
The structure of artificial organic networks is organized from basic units to complex
units. As discussed later in Sect. 3.4.1, the structure of AONs is obtained from a chem-
ically inspired strategy that will assure self-organizing artificial organic compounds.
If neccesary, this organization in structures might be found using optimization algo-
rithms via energy minimization.2
Then, the idea behind organizing structures in AONs refers to encapsulation and
inheritance of information. For instance, molecular topologies can be inherited to
other artificial organic compounds getting similar structure and behavior. In that
sense, modular units (or sub-models) can also be obtained when AONs are used for
modeling systems.
2 In Chap. 4, this statement is proved and a search algorithm based on optimization processes is
3.3 Networks of Artificial Organic Compounds 67
compounds from different systems in order to get hybrid models. For example, image
processing systems can used artificial compounds as different filters that act over
another compounds modeling images, via mixtures, getting processed images.
Now that components and interactions have been defined, the artificial organic
networks technique can be described from three different but complementary per-
spectives. Firstly, a chemically inspired rule of levels of energy in artificial organic
compounds is introduced in order to determine how atoms, molecules, compounds
and mixtures will be organized. Then, the mathematical definition of artificial organic
networks is presented. Finally, all aspects described earlier are summarized into the
model of artificial organic networks.
The above statement represents the formal definition of artificial organic networks.
In fact, all properties assume that molecules and compounds are made of the same
primary structure G and they can be used for representing information in a compact
form (molecules) or in composite form (compounds). According to the three-level
energy rule, Γf is defined with molecules as the first compact units with information.
Compounds are the next level of packing information, and finally, the mixture of
compounds is the last level of packing information. This notion of packaging or
encapsulation of information reveals some understandings on how artificial organic
networks might be used for partial interpretation of modeled systems. Figure 3.13
shows a simple artificial organic network.
In order to use artificial organic networks as a model of any given system, two
steps are defined: the training process and the inference process. In the first case,
the training process refers to build the AON-structure based on atoms, molecules,
compounds, mixtures and interactions, and then to fix all parameter values in the
structure capturing all relevant information from the given system, as described in
Sect. 3.5.
S(X )
Query Model Response
Inference Process
Fig. 3.14 The training and inference processes of artificial organic networks technique
The second process refers to actually use the AON-structure, obtained in the first
step, as an inference system. In that sense, the AON-structure can return an output
value based on an input value of the system. Figure 3.14 shows the two steps of the
artificial organic network model. Notice that once the AON-structure is found by the
training process, it can be used separately as a model of the given system.
Formally, the artificial organic networks technique faces two open problems when it
has to be used as an inference system or as a modeling system. These problems are
introduced following.
Suppose that there is any given system Σ = (X, Y ) with a set of input signals X
and a set of output signals Y . Also, let suppose that there exists an artificial organic
network AON with structure Γf and basis Φ that has to model the system Σ. However,
all parameters in Γf has to be found in order to use AON as a model of Σ. In other
words, a topology of molecules and mixtures are already fixed, but atomic parameters
and sotichiometric coefficients are not set. Then, any process to find these values is
necessary. Equivalently, this problem can be stated as Definition 3.15.
Definition 3.15 (search topological parameters problem) Let Σ be any given sys-
tem with input signals X and output signals Y , and let AON = Γf , Φ, Λ, X
be an artificial organic network as a model of Σ. Also, let ϕk be the behavior
of molecule Mk ≥ Ω (i) , for all compounds Ci ≥ Γf , as a parametric function
(i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i)
ϕk = ϕk (θ1k , ..., θlk ) with atomic parameters θ1k , ..., θlk . Also, let S(X) be the
behavior of AON due to X, such that,
3.5 Implementation Issues 71
Fig. 3.15 The search topo-
logical parameters problem
(STPP) refers to find all para-
meters in the AON-structure
S(X) = αi ϕk(i) (θ1k
, ..., θlk(i) , X) (3.8)
The search topological parameters problem (or STPP for short) refers to find the set of
stoichiometric coefficients Λ = {α1 , ..., αm } and the collection of atomic parameters
θ1k , ..., θlk(i) for all i = 1, ..., m, such that S(X) be equivalent to Y .
As notice, the search topological parameters problem indicates that has to be
a procedure to find all parameter values in a prior structure of artificial organic
networks, as shown in Fig. 3.15. In this case, Definition 3.15 does not define how to
obtain Γf .
Let suppose that there is the same system Σ and an artificial organic network AON
has to model it. But now, AON does not have any structure Γf . Then, there exists a
problem to find the structure. Mathematically, it can be stated as follows:
Definition 3.16 (build topological structure problem) Let Σ be any given system
with input signals X and output signals Y , and let AON = Γf , Φ, Λ, X be an
artificial organic network with behavior S(X) due to X as a model of Σ. Then, the
build topological structure problem (or BTSP for short) refers to find any Γf = ∅,
such that, S(X) be equivalent to Y and AON holds for the input set X.
The build topological structure problem only refers to find the structure of the
artificial organic network as shown in Fig. 3.16. In practice, this problem has to be
merged with the search topological parameters problem in order to find the whole
artificial organic network AON that models Σ.
72 3 Artificial Organic Networks
1. Ponce H, Ponce P (2011) Artificial organic networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE conference on
electronics, robotics, and automotive mechanics, Cuernavaca, Mexico, pp 29–34
2. Ponce H, Ponce P (2012) Artificial hydrocarbon networks: a new algorithm bio-inspired on
organic chemistry. Int J Art Intell Comput Res 4(1):39–51
Chapter 4
Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Hydrocarbons are simple and stable, chemical structures that are very attractive to
perform and implement artificial organic networks in an algorithm named artificial
hydrocarbon networks. In order to understand the approach, this section presents an
overview of chemical hydrocarbon compounds, used as inspiration, and the scope of
the algorithm.
In nature, hydrocarbons are the simplest and the most stable chemical organic com-
pounds. These two properties may hydrocarbons be used as artificial organic net-
works because they are made of hydrogen and carbon atoms, delimiting the definition
4.2.1 Components
The AHN-algorithm defines two different atomic units. Inspired on chemical hydro-
carbon compounds, these two atomic units are the hydrogen atom and the carbon
76 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
atom. In addition, the valence electrons of both atomic units are chemically based,
as the following definition:
Definition 4.1 (atomic units) Let H and C be two different atomic units with valence
electrons eH and eC , respectively, in the set of atomic units A(8) . Then, H is called
hydrogen atom with eH = 1 and C is called carbon atom with eC = 4. Also, A(8) is
called the set of atom units of artificial hydrocarbon networks.
Notice that the set of atom units of artificial hydrocarbon networks claims for the
octet rule as defining α = 8. It is important because this condition will constrain the
structural forming of artificial hydrocarbon compounds.
Definition 4.2 (atomic values) Let vH and vC two complex numbers vH , vC ≥ C.
Then, vH and vC are atomic values of hydrogen and carbon atoms, respectively.
The interaction among hydrogen and carbon atoms is important to build artificial hy-
drocarbon compounds. Definition 4.3 introduces the notion of a particular interaction
of atoms in AHNs denominated CH-molecules.
Definition 4.3 (CH-molecules) Let Hi be a hydrogen atom with atomic value vHi ,
and C be a carbon atom with atomic value vC . Also, let M = (A(8) , BP ) be a
molecular unit formed with a set of atom units ak ≥ A(8) and a set of polar covalent
bonds bpq ≥ BP , for all ap ⊂= aq . Then, M is said to be a CH-molecule if Hi , C ≥ A(8)
and bCHi ≥ BP , and there exists a molecular behavior ϕ around some atom ac ≥ A(8)
due to some input X, such that, ϕ = ϕ(X, dc , vHi ). Moreover, ac = C, and then
ϕ = vC .
In other words, CH-molecules are built with one carbon atom and up to four
hydrogen atoms. Actually, any CH-molecule has the carbon atom as the central
one of M with structure M = ({C, H1 , . . . , Hd }, {bCH1 , . . . , bCHd }), where, d is the
degree of freedom of the carbon atom, such that, 0 < d ≤ eC . Figure 4.2 shows
H2 C H4
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 77
vHi = hi , hi ≥ C (4.1)
ϕ(x) = hi · x i (4.2)
where, d is the degree of freedom of the C atom, hi are the valued constants of Hi
atoms, and eC is the number of valence electrons of C.
The above Proposition 4.1 conditions the behavior of molecules to be in a poly-
nomial form. In fact, the functions of molecules are expressed in a truncated power
series fashion in order to perform an outer shell of atoms like in nature. Notice that,
the radius of convergence in the open interval |x| < 1 guarantees a mathematical
stability of CH-molecules.
Remark 4.1 Consider the expanded form of ϕ with d = 4 is defined as: ϕ(x) =
h1 · x + h2 · x 2 + h3 · x 3 + h4 · x 4 . Be careful in the order of the polynomial function
because the values of hydrogen atoms are not interchangeable.
Example 4.1 Calculate the behavior of the CH 3 molecule due to x = 0.4, if the
values of its hydrogen atoms are: h1 = 2, h2 = 6, h3 = −5. What is the value of the
carbon atom at x = 0.4?
Solution 4.1 Using (4.2),
Then, the value of the behavior of CH 3 is 1.44. Actually, the value of C at x = 0.4
is vC = 1.44 because vC = ϕ(x).
78 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Example 4.2 Calculate the behavior of the CH 3 molecule due to x = 0.4, if the
values of its hydrogen atoms are: h1 = 2, h2 = −5, h3 = 6. Is this molecule the
same as the molecule depicted in Example 4.1?
Solution 4.2 Using (4.2),
Then, the value of the behavior of CH 3 is 0.384. In fact, this molecule is not
the same as the CH 3 in Example 4.1 because the order of the hydrogen atoms are
not the same. It can be demonstrated comparing the results from the two molecules:
1.44 ⊂= 0.384 at x = 0.4.
In order to compute behaviors of CH-molecules and using Remark 4.1, a conven-
tion for linking hydrogen atoms to the carbon atom is proposed. This is known as
the counterclockwise convention and it states that hydrogen atoms are linked to the
carbon atom starting from the top of the molecule and going on a counterclockwise
direction. Figure 4.3 shows this convention.
Remark 4.1 shows that Proposition 4.1 has a disadvantage in the ordering of
hydrogen atoms linked to the carbon atom in CH-molecules. In addition, in this par-
ticular arrangement hydrogen atoms do not offer any understanding in the meaning of
these artificial hydrocarbon molecules. Thus, the model in Proposition 4.2 improves
Proposition 4.2 (second model of CH-molecules) Let M be a CH-molecule with
ac = C. Also, let ϕ be the behavior of molecule M due to an input signal x with
|x| < 1. Then, the behavior ϕ holds:
vHi = hi , hi ≥ C (4.3)
ϕ(x) = (x − hi ) (4.4)
where, d is the degree of freedom of the C atom, hi are the valued constants of Hi
atoms, and eC is the number of valence electrons of C.
H2 C H4
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 79
Then, the value of the behavior of CH 3 is −0.036. This molecule is the same as
the molecule depicted in Example 4.3 because −0.036 = −0.036.
Furthermore, artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm spans CH-molecules to
form artificial hydrocarbon compounds. In that way, the functional group of artificial
hydrocarbon networks is defined as follows.
Definition 4.4 (functional group) Let H and C be a hydrogen atom and a carbon
atom, respectively, joined together by a polar covalent bond bCH . Also, let G be
a molecule. Then, G is said to be a functional group of CH-molecules if G =
({C, H}, {bCH }).
In Fig. 4.4 is shown the functional group of CH-molecules. In fact, because G is
equal to the molecule CH, G is also known as the CH functional group.
Definitions 4.3 and 4.4 can be used to derive CH-primitive molecules, unstable
artificial hydrocarbon molecules that will be used to form complex molecules, so-
called artificial hydrocarbon compounds. Thus, CH-primitive molecules are intro-
duced in the following Lemma 4.1.
80 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
C H Compounds Mixtures
At last, artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm uses the same definition of mixtures
as described in artificial organic networks (see Definition 3.10). In that sense, AHN-
algorithm has mixtures of hydrocarbon compounds with basis Φ = {ψ1 , . . . , ψk }.
Figure 4.5 shows a mixture of artificial hydrocarbon compounds.
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 81
4.2.2 Interactions
As detailed in Chap. 3, covalent bonds are the interactions among atomic units.
Actually, polar covalent bonds are present between two different atomic units. Thus,
they are trivial in artificial hydrocarbon networks as noticed in Remark 4.2.
Remark 4.1 Let BCH all possible combinatorial interactions between two atomic
units in artificial hydrocarbon networks. Using Definition 4.1, these interactions are
the covalent bonds bCC , bCH , bHH ≥ BCH . Moreover, using Definition 3.11, the only
polar covalent bond in the set of all possible interactions BCH is bCH . However, bCH
defines CH-molecules as stated in Definition 4.3. Thus, bCH bonds do not transmit
(map) information from atom to atom. Concluding, bCH polar covalent bonds are
trivial in artificial hydrocarbon networks.
In addition, the nonpolar covalent bond bHH is not possible because a molecule
of two hydrogen atoms is not defined in artificial hydrocarbon networks. In other
words, only molecules with one carbon atom and at least one hydrogen atom are
totally defined (see Definition 4.3). At last, bCC nonpolar covalent bonds are the
only ones that have behaviors associated, as introduced in Proposition 4.3.
Proposition 4.3 (first model of nonpolar covalent bonds) Let bk ≥ B be a nonpolar
covalent bond of a pair of molecules Mi , Mj with behaviors ϕi , ϕj due to an input x.
82 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Let Δ = →δ1 , . . . , δ5 be a tuple of properties of bk . Then, the behavior of nonpolar
covalent bonds π holds:
wi ϕi (x) + wj ϕj (x)
π(ϕi , ϕj , x) = (4.5)
wi + wj
wi (x) = max 1 − |δ2 − x| , 0 (4.6)
wj (x) = max 1 − |δ4 − x| , 0 (4.7)
0.2 − 0.2
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 83
Mol. 1 (CH )
Mol. 2 (CH )
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
w2(x) w1(x)
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
a nonlinear mapping, such that, the composite of molecular behaviors can capture
the nonlinearities of them.
Proposition 4.4 (second model of nonpolar covalent bonds) Let bk ≥ B be a non-
polar covalent bond of a pair of molecules Mi , Mj with behaviors ϕi , ϕj due to an
input x. Then, the behavior of nonpolar covalent bonds π holds:
⎜ ⎟
π(ϕi , ϕj , x) = exp ϕi (x) + ϕj (x) (4.8)
Where, exp(·) stands for the exponential function. Moreover, the behavior Ψ of
an artificial hydrocarbon compound C consisting of molecules Mi , Mj is equal to be
behavior of the nonpolar covalent bond, such that, Ψ = π(ϕi , ϕj , x).
In contrast with the first model stated in Proposition 4.3, the behavior of bond π
in (4.8) is not characterized with Δ properties. This means that the order of bond or
any other property is not taking into account to calculate π .
84 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
ψ (x)
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
However, in both cases, Propositions 4.3 and 4.4 does not follow any energy
stabilization. In that sense, Proposition 4.5 defines the behavior of nonpolar covalent
bonds using an energy function coming from the model of covalent bonds (refer to
Sect. 2.2.1).
Proposition 4.5 (third model of nonpolar covalent bonds) Let bk ≥ B be a nonpolar
covalent bond of a pair of molecules Mi , Mj with behaviors ϕi , ϕj due to an input x.
Let Δ = →δ1 , δ2 , δ3 be a tuple of properties of bk . Then, the behavior of nonpolar
covalent bonds π holds:
π(ϕi , ϕj , x) = δ3 1 − (δ1 δ2 )2 exp − (δ1 δ2 )2 , π ⊆ 0 (4.9)
δ2 : θi × θj → R (4.10)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 4.9 Behavior of a nonpolar covalent bond with Δ = →1, 3, 5
Artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm uses the same definition of chemical bal-
ance interaction as described in artificial organic networks (see Definition 3.13). In
that sense, the chemical balance interaction in AHN-algorithm finds the set of sto-
ichiometric coefficients Λ = {α1 , . . . , αk } of the mixture of artificial hydrocarbon
compounds Γ = {C1 , . . . , Ck } with basis Φ = {ψ1 , . . . , ψk }.
As described in Sect. 3.4.1, the three-level energy model is required to propose the
chemical rule that will be useful to form artificial hydrocarbon compounds. In fact,
CH-primitive molecules have to follow that rule in order to determine how they bond.
86 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
- molecules
Then, consider any given system Σ with an input signal x and an output signal y.
Also, consider that the system is equally splitted into n different partitions Σi for all
i = 1, . . . , n, such that, Σ = i Σi . Then, it is possible to capture the behavior of
system Σi with a CH-primitive molecule via its molecular behavior ϕi , as depicted in
Fig. 4.11. In that sense, a proper algorithm to find the best i-th CH-primitive molecule
to model Σi is required.
Since there is no other information than input x and output y signals of system Σ,
the approximation procedure using artificial hydrocarbon networks results difficult
to realize. Thus, implicit information needs to be extracted from Σ, i.e. the energy
of system. Based on signal theory, the energy E of signal y = Σ(x) in the interval
x ≥ [a, b] is calculated using (4.12); where, g stands for the norm of g:
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 87
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
In fact, energy Ei is used for selecting the i-th CH-primitive molecule in artificial
hydrocarbon compounds, as explained below. Actually, the notion of energy can be
used because behaviors of both molecules and nonpolar covalent bonds might be
treated as energy signals.
88 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Table 4.2 Relationship among the order of bond bk , the bond energy Ek and the type of CH-
primitive molecules
Order of bond bk Bond energy Ek Type of CH-molecules
1 152 CH 3 − CH 3
2 132 CH 2 = CH 2
3 48 CH ∈ CH
In that sense, the above experiment of two molecules can be extended to form an
artificial hydrocarbon compound with n CH-primitive molecules in order to model a
system Σ splitted into n partitions Σi for all i = 1, . . . , n. Algorithm 4.1 computes
that artificial hydrocarbon compound assuming that it is a saturated linear chain.
The inhibition rule (4.11) is also used. Notice that from Lemma 4.1, a CH-primitive
molecule cannot be a single carbon atom without hydrogen atoms; therefore, triple
bonds can only appear when there are artificial hydrocarbon compounds with fixed
length n = 2, e.g. of the form CH ∈ CH, as reflected in Algorithm 4.1.
Concluding, the following Proposition 4.7 raises the usage of Algorithm 4.1 to be
the chemical rule applied on artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm to form the
structure of artificial hydrocarbon compounds.
Proposition 4.7 (second chemical rule) Let Σ = (x, y) be any given system with
input signal x and output signal y, and n ⊆ 2 be an integer number. In addition,
let f be Algorithm 4.1 with inputs Σ and n. Also, let C = (Ω, BN ) be a compound
made of CH-primitive molecules Ω = {M1 , . . . , Mn } linked with a set of nonpolar
covalent bonds BN . Then, f returns the structure of C as a saturared linear chain,
such that, C is close related to the energy of Σ.
Example 4.6 Using Algorithm 4.1, build an artificial hydrocarbon compound C with
three CH-primitive molecules to capture the energy of the system Σ depicted in
Fig. 4.12.
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 89
1 2 3
E 3 = 10
E 1 = 60
E 2 = 70
k0∅ = 0
split Σ into n equal partitions Σi
for j = 1 : (n − 1) do
Ej ← energy of Σj using (4.13)
Ej+1 ← energy of Σj+1 using (4.13)
E = Ej + Ej+1
kj∅ ← using (4.14) and E
Mj , Mj+1 ← select two CH-primitive molecules using kj∅ and Table 4.2
while (kj∅ + kj−1∅ ) ⊆ 4 do
if kj−1 == 1
kj∅ = kj∅ − 1
Mj , Mj+1 ← select two CH-primitive molecules using kj∅ and Table 4.2
∅ = k∅ − 1
kj−1 j−1
Mj−1 , Mj ← select two CH-primitive molecules using kj−1 ∅ and Table 4.2
Ω ← {M1 , . . . , Mn }
BN ← {b1 , . . . , bi , . . . , bn−1 }, bi with order ki∅ for all i = 1, . . . , n − 1
C = (Ω, BN )
return C
and Ω = ∅. Then, the system Σ has to be split getting three partitions Σi as shown
in Fig. 4.12.
For j = 1:
E = E1 + E2 = 60 + 70 = 130.
k1∅ = 2. Then, k ∅ = (0, 2, 0).
M1 , M2 are CH 2 molecules from Table 4.2. Then, Ω = (CH2 , CH2 ).
Since k1∅ + k0∅ = 2 + 0 < 4, this ends the first iteration.
For j = 2:
E = E2 + E3 = 70 + 10 = 80.
k2∅ = 3. Then, k ∅ = (0, 2, 3).
M2 , M3 are CH molecules from Table 4.2. Then, Ω = (CH2 , CH, CH).
Since k2∅ + k1∅ = 3 + 2 > 4, then:
k1∅ = 2 ⊂= 1, then k1∅ = k1∅ − 1 = 2 − 1 = 1.
Refreshing, k ∅ = (0, 1, 3) and Ω = (CH3 , CH3 , CH).
Since k2∅ + k1∅ = 3 + 1 = 4, then:
k1∅ = 1, then k2∅ = k2∅ − 1 = 3 − 1 = 2.
Refreshing, k ∅ = (0, 1, 2) and Ω = (CH3 , CH, CH2 ).
Since k2∅ + k1∅ = 2 + 1 < 4, this ends the second iteration.
Finally, C = (Ω, BN ) with Ω = (CH3 , CH, CH2 ) and BN = k ∅ \{k0∅ } = (1, 2).
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 91
between the output y and the its behavior ψ can be computed as (4.15); where, g
stands for the norm of g.
eC = y − ψ (4.15)
On the other hand, suppose that there exists a small positive constant ε. If eC > ε,
then a new artificial hydrocarbon compound C of n CH-primitive molecules has to
be formed; but now, this C will model the residue eC of the system. This process
iterates c times until eC ≤ ε or c reaches a maximum number of compounds cmax .
At the end, there will be c compounds with n CH-primitive molecules each. The
procedure is summarized in Algorithm 4.2 and Proposition 4.8 states its application.
Algorithm 4.2 CREATE-MIXTURE(Σ, n, cmax , ε): Mixture formation based on the approxi-
mation error.
Input: the system Σ = (x, y), the number of molecules n ⊆ 2, the maximum number of compounds
cmax > 0 and the small tolerance value ε > 0.
Output: the structure of mixture Γ .
while ( R > ε) and (i < cmax ) do
i =i+1
R ← using (4.15)
Γ ← {C1 , . . . , Ci }
return Γ
Proposition 4.8 (forming of mixtures) Let Σ = (x, y) be any given system with
input signal x and output signal y, n ⊆ 2 and cmax be two positive integer numbers,
and ε be a small positive integer. In addition, let f be Algorithm 4.2 with inputs
Σ,n, cmax and ε. Also, let Γ = {C1 , . . . , Cc } be a mixture of c artificial hydrocarbon
compounds Ci for all i = 1, . . . , c. Then, f returns the structure of Γ as a mixture of
artificial hydrocarbon compounds that is close related to the energy of Σ. Moreover,
f satisfies the three-level model energy.
Example 4.7 Using Algorithm 4.2, build a mixture of compounds Γ with three CH-
primitive molecules per compound and a maximum of 2 compounds, to capture the
energy of the system Σ = 29 x 5 + 19 x 3 − 23 for all x ≥ [−1, 1] as depicted in Fig. 4.14.
Consider a tolerance value of ε = 0.001.
Solution 4.7 Let n = 3 be the number of molecules per compound and cmax = 2
be the maximum number of compounds. Also, let Γ be the set of compounds Ci .
Let initialize the residue R = Σ. Then, the residue Σ has to be split getting three
partitions Σi as shown in Fig. 4.14.
92 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
E 1 = 39.8202 E 2 = 29.7780 E 3 = 22.1958
E 1 = 3.4E-5 E 2 = 4.1E-5 E 3 = 0.0028
x 10
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 4.14 System Σ split into 3 partitions with two residues R, for Example 4.7
For i = 0:
i = 1.
C1 = ({CH3 , CH, CH2 }, {1, 2}) using Algorithm 4.1.
R = R − C1 is shown in Fig. 4.14; obtained later from Proposition 4.9.
R = 0.0029 using the L2-norm of R.
R > ε and i < cmax .
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 93
For i = 1:
i = 2.
C2 = ({CH3 , CH, CH2 }, {1, 2}) using Algorithm 4.1.
R = R − C2 is shown in Fig. 4.14; obtained later from Proposition 4.9.
R = 0.0029 using the L2-norm of R.
R > ε and i = cmax , this ends the loop.
Finally, Γ = (C1 , C2 ). Figure 4.15 shows the resultant mixture of compounds.
where, the set of Lj for all j = 0, . . . , n represents the bounds of the input domain
in molecular behaviors with lower bound L0 = a and upper bound Ln = b in the
overall input domain x ≥ [a, b]. Particularly to Algorithm 4.1, these bounds are set
by partitions Σi , such that, they follow (4.17).
Lj − Lj−1 = , j = 1, . . . , n (4.17)
At last, it should be an algorithm for finding the collection of hydrogen values
that parameterizes all ϕi functions and obtain a valued-function ψ due to input x, as
Suppose that each molecular behavior ϕi = ϕi (hi1 , . . . , hid , x), where the set of
him is the set of hydrogen values associated to the i-th CH-primitive molecule and
d is the degree of freedom of that molecule, models a partition Σi = (xi , yi ) of the
overall system Σ. In order to do that, an optimization process is proposed to find
the values of hydrogen atoms him using the objective function Ei in (4.18); where,
xik ≥ xi is the k-th sample of xi for all k = 1, . . . , qi ; yik ≥ yi is the k-th sample of yi
for all k = 1, . . . , qi ; and qi is the number of samples in the partition Σi .
Ei = (yik − ϕi (xik ))2 (4.18)
94 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Thus, using the least squares estimates method (LSE) with objective function
(4.18) and ϕi = ϕi (hi1 , . . . , hid , x), the set of all him is obtained. In that sense, ψ is
now a valued-function with parameters him , and (4.15) can be computed.
On the other hand, Algorithm 4.2 does not calculate the behavior S(x) of the
final mixture Γ . Since the structure Γ has to model Σ, (4.19) has to be minimized;
where, EΣ stands for the objective function between the system and the model; xk ≥ x
is the k-th sample of x for all k = 1, . . . , q; yk ≥ y is the k-th sample of y for all
k = 1, . . . , q; q is the total number of samples in Σ; ψi is the i-th compound behavior
of Ci in the mixture Γ of the form as (4.16); αi is the i-th stoichiometric coefficient
αi ≥ Λ; and c is the number of compounds in the mixture.
q ⎛ ⎝2
EΣ = yk − αi ψi (xk ) (4.19)
k=1 i=1
Again, the least squares estimates method with objective function (4.19) can be
applied in order to obtain the set of stoichiometric coefficients Λ.
In addition, Algorithm 4.2 can be modified to determine both the structure and
the behavior of the mixture of artificial hydrocarbon compounds as depicted in
Algorithm 4.3. Actually, this algorithm builds a simple artificial hydrocarbon net-
work as stated in Proposition 4.9.
Proposition 4.9 (basic AHN-algorithm) Let Σ = (x, y) be any given system with
input signal x and output signal y, n ⊆ 2 and cmax be two positive integer numbers,
and ε be a small positive integer. In addition, let f be Algorithm 4.3 with inputs
Σ, n, cmax and ε. Also, let Γ = {C1 , . . . , Cc } be a mixture of c artificial hydrocarbon
compounds Ci for all i = 1, . . . , c, let H be the set of hydrogen values in molecular
behaviors of each Ci , and let Λ be the set of stoichiometric coefficients that weights
the mixture of compounds Γ . Then, f satisfies the three-level model energy and
returns the structure of Γ as a mixture of artificial hydrocarbon compounds that is
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 95
Algorithm 4.3 SIMPLE-AHN(Σ, n, cmax , ε): Basic algorithm of artificial hydrocarbon net-
Input: the system Σ = (x, y), the number of molecules n ⊆ 2, the maximum number of compounds
cmax > 0 and the small tolerance value ε > 0.
Output: the structure of mixture Γ , the set of hydrogen values H, and the set of stoichiometric
coefficients Λ.
while (R > ε) and (i < cmax ) do
i =i+1
Hi = {hi1 , . . . , hid } minimizing (4.18) using LSE and information of Ci
R ← using (4.15)
Γ ← {C1 , . . . , Ci }
H ← {H1 , . . . , Hi }
Λ ← minimizing (4.19) using LSE.
return Γ, H and Λ
(4.16) and C1 .
H1 = {0.42, −0.79 + 0.76i, −0.79 − 0.76i, 76.84, 1.26, −0.39} using ψ1
with least squares estimates.
R = R − ψ1 is shown in Fig. 4.14.
R = 0.0029 using the L2-norm of R.
R > ε and i < cmax .
For i = 1:
i = 2.
96 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
(4.16) and C2 .
H2 = {−0.31, −0.78 + 0.16i, −0.78 − 0.16i, 0.14, 0.95, 0.50} using ψ2
with least squares estimates.
R = R − ψ2 is shown in Fig. 4.14.
R = 0.0029 using the L2-norm of R.
R > ε and i = cmax , this ends the loop.
Γ = (C1 , C2 )
H = (H1 , H2 )
Λ = (1.0, −0.99) using S(x) = α1 ψ1 + α2 ψ2 with least squares estimates.
Figure 4.16 shows the resultant mixture of compounds.
As noted so far, Algorithm 4.3 sets the input domain of CH-primitive molecu-
lar behaviors ϕi constrained to (4.17). In other words, CH-primitive molecules in
hydrocarbon compounds are distributed equally over the input domain x ≥ [a, b]. In
fact, this assumption is not optimal because some molecules could act over bigger
regions while others are preferred to act in smaller regions. To solve this problem,
Proposition 4.5 is used for finding the optimal values of length rj between molecules.
For instance, consider that an artificial hydrocarbon compound has two CH-
primitive molecules M1 and M2 with molecular behaviors ϕ1 and ϕ2 , respectively.
Then, this compound will model a system Σ = (x, y) with partitions Σ1 (x1 , y1 ) and
Σ2 = (x2 , y2 ) splitted using an arbitrary value of length r ≥ x. Also, suppose that
the objective function (4.18) is applied to obtain the hydrogen values associated to
behaviors ϕ1 , ϕ2 using Σ1 , Σ2 , resulting in two error function values E1 and E2 .
In that sense, the problem is to find the optimal value of r, such that, E1 and E2 be
minimized and E1 = E2 .
Let π be the behavior of the nonpolar covalent bond b12 , between molecules
M1 , M2 , as described in (4.9). Then, π can be used as the objetive function to find
the optimal value of r guiding the process in the search space. Thus, proposing
property δ2 = Erm , π is expressed as (4.20); where, Er is the objective function to
be minimized, δ1 is selected depending on the order of bond between M1 , M2 , r is
the optimal intermolecular distance (length of bond), and Em = E1 − E2 is the error
between the two error values E1 , E2 . It is remarkable to say that δ2 measures the
length of bond r related to the quantity Em . Then, the larger the quantity Em is, the
shorter the length of bond needs to be.
⎞ 2 ⎠ 2
δ1 r 1 δ1 r
Er = π = δ3 1 − exp − , δ1 ≥ {1, 2, 3} (4.20)
Em 2 Em
Since (4.20) depends on the error functions E1 , E2 calculated from the current
partitions due to r, and r is updated from (4.20), the gradient descent method is used
as an strategy to optimize the length of bond r. There is the updating rule of r in
(4.21); where, rt+1 is the future value of r, rt is the current value of r, and Δrt is the
current change in length of bond r defined as (4.22) with step size 0 < η < 1, and
current error function values E1t , E2t .
In the general case where there are n CH-primitive molecules, there are n − 1
nonpolar covalent bonds of the form bjk between two molecules Mj , Mk with j ⊂= k.
Thus, for each nonpolar covalent bond, there is a length of bond r jk associated to
it. In particular, each r jk is found by applying (4.21). Interestingly, these lengths of
bonds follow the arrangement of bounds (4.23) in the overall input domain x ≥ [a, b].
However, notice that r n−1,n = b; thus, it can be set initially.
a, r 12 , r 12 , r 23 , r 23 , r 34 , .., r n−2,n−1 , b (4.23)
The above discussion is summarized in Algorithm 4.4 which obtains the optimal
values of r jk and generating the optimal artificial hydrocarbon compound that uses
these bounds.
Example 4.9 Using Algorithm 4.4, optimize the artificial hydrocarbon compound
C = ({CH3 , CH2 , CH3 }, {1, 1}) that captures the energy of the system Σ = sin(π x+
0.75) for all x ≥ [0, 2]. Consider a step size of η = 0.1.
Solution 4.9 Let n = 3 be the number of molecules in C. Also, let a and b the
lower and upper bounds in the input domain, such that, a = 0 and b = 2. Then,
98 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
b−a 2
ri = = , ∀i = 1, . . . , n − 1 (4.24)
n 3
⎨L0 = a
Lk = rk−1 + Lk−1 , ∀k = 1, . . . , n − 1 (4.25)
Ln = b
while (R > ε) and (i < cmax ) do
i =i+1
[Hi , Πi ] =OPTIMUM-COMPOUND(R, Ci , n, η)
R ← using (4.15)
Γ ← {C1 , . . . , Ci }
H ← {H1 , . . . , Hi }
Λ ← minimizing (4.19) using LSE.
Π = {Π1 , . . . , Πi }
return Γ, H, Λ and Π
Proposition 4.10 (modified AHN-algorithm) Let Σ be any given system. Also, let
f be Algorithm 4.5 with proper inputs. Then, f satisfies the three-level model energy
and returns an artificial hydrocarbon network with structure close related to the
energy of Σ and behavior totally parameterized, such that, it approximates Σ.
It is important to notice that intermolecular distances define the behavior of mole-
cular behaviors. Thus, in notation of (4.16), the intermolecular distances in (4.23) are
expressed as (4.27). Recalling that L0 = a and Ln = b in the input domain x ≥ [a, b].
ri = r i,i+1 , i = 1, . . . , n − 1 (4.27)
100 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t = 10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t = 20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t = 30
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Fig. 4.17 Evolution of the optimum compound using Algorithm 4.4: (first) at iteration t = 0,
(second) at iteration t = 1, (third) at iteration t = 10, (forth) at iteration t = 20, (fifth) at iteration
t = 30. Dashed lines represent bounds of molecules
4.2 Basics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 101
Example 4.10 Using Algorithm 4.5, build an artificial hydrocarbon network with
n = 3 and cmax = 1 of the system Σ = sin(π x + 0.75) for all x ≥ [0, 2]. Consider
a step size of η = 0.1 and a tolerance value of ε = 0.1.
Solution 4.10 Let n = 3 be the number of molecules in C. Also, initialize i = 0
and the residue R = Σ.
For i = 0:
i = 1.
C1 = ({CH3 , CH2 , CH3 }, {1, 1}) using Algorithm 4.1.
H1 = {−5.91, 1.31, 0.36, 1.30, 0.54, 1.08, 0.57, 0.38} using Algorithm 4.4.
Π1 = (0.7809, 0.4793) using Algorithm 4.4.
R = 1.0231 using the L2-norm of R.
R > ε and i = cmax , this ends the loop.
Γ = (C1 )
H = (H1 )
Λ = (1.0) because there is one compound.
Π = (Π1 )
Actually, the resultant response of the artificial hydrocarbon network is the one
depicted at last in Fig. 4.17.
Previous algorithms were implemented in the Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit
using LabVIEW™ (see Appendix D). Please, refer to Appendix E for some examples
of this toolkit.
Once components, interactions and different chemical rules were defined and pro-
posed, the model of artificial hydrocarbon networks is formally introduced in Defi-
nition 4.6:
Definition 4.6 (artificial hydrocarbon networks) Let AHN = →Γf , Φ, Λ, X be an
artificial organic network made of a mixture S, and A(8) be a set of hydrogen and
carbon atomic units that exists in AHN. Also, let G be the unique functional group
of AHN. Then, AHN is an artificial hydrocarbon network and G is called the CH
functional group. Moreover, AHN has the following properties:
1. Γf is a mixture of artificial hydrocarbon compounds with basis Φ and a set of
stoichiometric coefficients Λ.
2. Γf and S are obtained using Algorithm 4.5 as the three-level energy rule f .
3. S(X) is the behavior of AHN due to X.
102 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
In this section, two metrics of the modified artificial hydrocarbon networks algo-
rithm are computed in order to determine the computational time complexity and the
stability of Algorithm 4.5. For further information about computational complexity
and stability analysis theory, refer to Sect. 1.4.
Consider any given system of the form Σ = (x, y) with an input signal x and an
output signal y. Also, consider q training samples of Σ in order to get a model AHN
using Algorithm 4.5 with c compounds and n molecules per compound. Assume that
a minimum error ε > 0 satisfies the stop criterion for finding the best intermolecular
distances r jk ≥ Π . Then, Theorem 4.1 holds for Algorithm 4.5.
Theorem 4.1 (time complexity) Algorithm 4.5 has time complexity O(cnq ln 1ε ) with
q ⊆ n ⊆ c ⊆ 2 and a small value ε > 0.
Proof Consider Algorithm 4.5. Time complexities are measured using the worst
case assumption.
CREATE-COMPOUND: Consider Algorithm 4.1.
The first instruction is an assignment, thus it has time complexity O(1).
The second step splits signal Σ into n partitions Σk for k = 1, . . . , n, using the
set of intermolecular distances {r j,j+1 } with j = 0, . . . , n − 1, and r 01 = a and
r n,n+1 = b; where, x ≥ [a, b]. Assume a simple algorithm for splitting the signal
using the set of rules of the form as (4.28), for all i = 1, . . . , q.
Then, each rule Rα in (4.28) requires 4 operations (i.e. 2 comparisons, one AND-
operation and one assignment). Since there are n rules in (4.28), and assuming the
worst case when the q samples are in the last rule Rn , then the time complexity is
The third step considers a for-loop. First, the measurement of energy in a partition
is required. Suppose that Σk has qk samples. Using (4.13), the energy of the partition
can be obtained from (4.29); where, yk represents the k-th sample of output signal
in Σk . Notice that this representation is valid because the integral of (4.13) depends
on the number of qk samples in Σk .
Ek = yk 2 (4.29)
4.3 Metrics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 103
Where, f (r) is the objective function to find the optimal values of intermolecular
distances {r j,j+1 }∅ for j = 0, . . . , n. Moreover, consider a relaxation of (4.30) using
a sequence of values {f (r)}, such that, f (rt+1 ) ≤ f (rt ) for all t = 0, 1, . . . . This
problem can be solved applying a descent method, if the following properties hold
• f (r) is bounded below.
• f (r) has a first derivative f (r) continuos in Rm .
• f (r) is Lipschitz, such that, f (rt+1 ) − f (rt ) ≤ L rt+1 − rt with some positive
value L, and · standing for the Euclidean norm (4.31); where, x = (x1 , . . . , xn )
is a vector in Rn .
x = x12 + · · · + xn2 (4.31)
If this is the case, the values of the set {r}∅ are reached with an accuracy ε > 0
at time complexity O(ln 1ε ), using a gradient descent method [5]. Notice that the
steepest descent method (4.21) and (4.22) is valid for solving (4.30) because the
gradient descent method coincides with the steepest descent method when ·
stands for the Euclidean norm [6].
In order to apply (4.21) and correctly, let f (r) be a function Ef (r) = Eu − Ev
representing the difference of the energy of any molecule u and the energy of any
molecule v with intermolecular distance r uv as in (4.22). It is enough to prove that
Ef (r) has the above properties.
By definition of (4.18), energies Eu and Ev are bounded below to Eu = Ev = 0;
thus, Ef (r) is bounded below at Ef (r) = 0, proving the first property. On the other
hand, it is easy to see that Ef (r) ΔEf (rt ) = Ef (rt+1 )−Ef (rt ) and because Ef (rk ) ≥
Rm , ∀k = 0, 1, . . . , then ΔEf (r) ≥ Rm , proving the second property. Finally, to
prove the third property, Ef (r) needs to have a second derivative Ef (r), such that,
Ef (r) ≤ L, ∀r ≥ Rm . It is easy to see that Ef (r) Δ2 Ef (rt ), then Δ2 Ef (rt ) =
Ef (rt+2 )−2Ef (rt+1 )+Ef (rt ) is properly defined. Moreover, Δ2 Ef (rt ) ≤ L. Thus,
it proves the third property.
At last, the while-loop in Algorithm 4.4 has time complexity O(nq ln 1ε ).
Then, Algorithm 4.4 has time complexity O(4nq + nq ln 1ε + 1) ∼ O(nq +
nq ln 1ε ) assuming that the returning operation is one instruction.
SIMPLE-AHN: Consider Algorithm 4.5.
This algorithm has the first two assignments with time complexity O(2) ∼ O(1).
Then, the while-loop has at most c compounds. Inside, the first assignment has
time complexity O(1), the CREATE-COMPOUND algorithm has time complexity
O(4nq + n + q + 2), the OPTIMUM-COMPOUND algorithm has O(nq + nq ln 1ε ),
and the residue of (4.15) has time complexity O(2q − 1) ∼ O(q). At last, the
while-loop has time complexity O(c(1 + 4nq + n + q + 2 + nq + nq ln 1ε + q)) ∼
4.3 Metrics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 105
So, it is shown that Algorithm 4.5 has an upper bound time complexity as (4.34) with
q ⊆ n ⊆ c ⊆ 2 and a small value ε > 0.
4.3.2 Stability
Then, Algorithm 4.5 has uniform stability β with respect to the loss function L
if (4.37) holds; where, L(AHN Σ , .) represents the loss function of all samples in Σ
and L(AHN Σ \i , .) represents the loss function of all samples in Σ without the i-th
Thus, (4.37) assures that the maximum difference between the cost of some input
data set to Algorithm 4.5 and the cost of the same input data set with one variation,
is less or equal to an upper bound β. At last, AHN will be stable if β decreases
proportionally to q1 .
In order to define the response of algorithm AHN, a reproducing kernel Hilbert
space (RKHS) F is introduced. The fundamental property of a RKHS is written
as (4.38); where, there is a unique kernel k in the Hilbert space H, such that,
∀x, y ≥ H, kx (y) = k(y, x) is a function in the Hilbert space, and f ≥ H is a set
of functions in a convex subset of a linear space F.
Thus, the following Theorem 4.2 holds for stability in artificial hydrocarbon net-
works in which it assures that Algorithm 4.5 is spanned by the optimum set of
functions f that minimizes the loss function L, and by a unique kernel k.
Theorem 4.2 (uniform stability) Let k be a bounded kernel such that k(x, x) ≤ κ 2
and Y ≥ [a, b] be the output vector of AHN bounded in the range B = b − a. Then,
Algorithm 4.5 has uniform stability β with respect to the loss function L defined in
(4.35) that is 2B-admissible if AHN is defined by
AHN Σ = arg min L(f , yi ) + λ C 2k , ∀yi ≥ Y (4.39)
f ≥F q
c n
2κ 2 B2
β≤ , ∀i ≥ {1, . . . , n}, j ≥ {1, . . . , c} with q = qij (4.40)
λ min{qij } c
j=1 i=1
Proof The definition of Algorithm 4.5 in terms of (4.39) comes directly from the
theorem related to the definition of algorithms in Hilbert spaces as described by
Bousquet and Eliseeff [7]. In fact, the uniform stability β of any given algorithm AS
4.3 Metrics of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 107
σ 2κ 2
β≤ (4.41)
Where, σ refers to the admissibility of loss function L associated to AS , κ is the
upper bound of the kernel k such that ∀x, k(x, x) ≤ κ 2 < ∞, the parameter λ is the
penalty in the norm of the basis N(f ), ∀f ≥ F such that N(f ) = f 2k ≤ Bλ with some
positive value of B, and m is the number of training samples.
In order to prove (4.40), consider that the uniform stability β of least squares
estimates is equal to (4.41) with σ = 2B (as described by Bousquet and Eliseeff [7])
like in (4.42):
2κ 2 B2
β≤ (4.42)
Actually, Algorithm 4.5 uses least squares estimates in each of the n molecules
to form a compound. Thus, let qi be the number of samples in the i-th molecule,
such that q = qi . Then, using (4.42), each molecule provides a maximum risk
bounded by (4.43).
2κ 2 B2
βi ≤ , ∀i ≥ {1, . . . , n} (4.43)
Notice that from definition, B = b − a remains constant for all molecules. Thus,
the overall uniform stability βC of a compound is given by the maximum of all
uniform stabilities {βi } as depicted in (4.44).
2κ 2 B2 1
βC = βi ≤ max , ∀i ≥ {1, . . . , n} (4.44)
λ qi
Moreover, Algorithm 4.5 uses c compounds. Thus, the total uniform stability βT
of AHN is given by the maximum of all uniform stabilities {βC } of compounds like
(4.45); where qij is the number of samples in the i-th molecule of the j-th compound
c n
such that cq = qij .
j=1 i=1
(j) 2κ 2 B2 1
βT = βC ≤ max , ∀i ≥ {1, . . . , n}, j ≥ {1, . . . , c} (4.45)
λ qij
Then, (4.45) proves the uniform stability of Algorithm 4.5 depicted in (4.40).
Notice that Theorem 4.2 provides the upper bound of uniform stability. In fact,
(4.40) gives the notion that increasing the number of samples per molecule per com-
pound qij gives a better stability of Algorithm 4.5. Finally, it is remarkable to say that
108 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Theorem 4.2 guarantees stability of Algorithm 4.5 only for approximation problems,
since artificial hydrocarbon networks is mainly developed for these problems.
One of the objectives of artificial organic networks and in particular for artificial
hydrocarbon networks is the idea to extract information from the modeled system
to provide metadata of it and in consequence to better understand it. For instance,
the following five different levels of information are given when the training process
of AHNs finishes: molecular clustering, clustering of compounds, stoichiometric
coefficients, hydrogen coefficients, and intermolecular distances.
In order to have a visual representation of artificial hydrocarbon networks, con-
sider the adoption of the structural formulas in chemistry. Figure 4.18 shows an
example of a structural formula applied to AHNs. Notice that there are two com-
pounds, each one showing its associated stoichiometric coefficient at the bottom. In
h11 h21
h12 C C C 2
4.4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks Practical Features 109
In the essence of molecular clustering, the number of compounds refers to the num-
ber of components that will form a basis of the final approximation. Consider, for
example, the behavior of the network S(x) be a vector that is spanned by a linear com-
bination of behaviors of compounds ψi ≥ Φ, that it is the basis of S(x). With a slight
modification of Algorithm 4.5, each compound should extract particular information.
For instance, consider the decomposition of an audio signal. In that sense, artificial
hydrocarbon networks might be used for representing the fundamental signal and
the armonics by compounds.
Since the set of compounds is the basis of the AHN approximation, then stoichio-
metric coefficients are the coordinates of the behavior of the AHN. In fact, each
coefficient can be interpreted as the total weight each compound is supporting to
the final approximation of the model. This is easy to check because finding the
stoichiometric coefficients corresponds to solve a multilinear regression.
110 4 Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
those can be used practically when considering AHNs as a learning algorithm for
modeling problems.
For instance, the intermolecular distances can be extracted from the AHN-
structure and then use them for another processing, e.g. extract disimilar information
or analyzing critical points in the system.
Since these intermolecular distances and molecules perform clustering while mod-
eling any given system, these molecular units might be used for classification. Again,
as said above, one direct application of hydrogen parameters is generalization of data
in an inference system, i.e. learning procedures with AHNs.
Notice that molecular units and compounds encapsulate information as charac-
teristics of systems. Thus, one previous training molecule or compound can be used
in future systems when similar characteristics are expected. Hence, molecules and
compounds inherit information, and reusability might be considered.
Artificial hydrocarbon networks (AHN) algorithm builds and trains a model for
any given system. However, that model considers a single-input-and-single-output
(SISO) system and a fixed number of molecules. These assumptions limit the per-
formance of the obtained model. For example, systems that are not SISO cannot be
handled easy with artificial hydrocarbon networks, or the number of molecules is
difficult to determine, except from experience tuning or trail-and-error.
Thus, this chapter presents three enhancements of the AHN-algorithm: an
optimization in the number of molecules, an extension to model multiple-inputs-and-
multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems, and a generalization to create recurrent carbon-
based networks inspired on chemical aromatic compounds.
As noted in simple and modified artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm, the topol-
ogy depends on the number of molecules n and the number of compounds c. However,
these values has to be selected from previous experience or subjected to the system Σ.
In this section, an improvement of the number of molecules is presented. Function-
ally, it optimizes the structure of artificial hydrocarbon networks to the minimum
artificial hydrocarbon compound that approximates Σ with some accuracy ε > 0.
in a reaction at constant pressure. In order to compute the enthalpy ΔHreaction in a
chemical reaction, it is helpful to understand the Hess’s law. Roughly, it states that
the enthalpy of the reaction is independent of the pathway between the initial and
final states [1], as shown in Fig. 5.1. The process begins with an initial set of mole-
cules that chemically react forming new compounds. Those react again and again
several times, e.g. a chain of chemical reactions or paths, until the process stops with
a final set of molecules. Then, the Hess’ law assures that the initial set of molecules
(reactants) has enthalpy equal to the enthalpy of the set of final molecules (products).
Let Ωreactans be the set of initial molecules called reactants, and Ωproducts be the
set of final molecules called products. Then, a chemical reaction is a process to
transform Ωreactants in Ωproducts and is expressed as (5.1) with enthalpy of reaction
Ωreactants ≥ Ωproducts (5.1)
Moreover, each molecule Mi ⊂ Ωreactants has enthalpy ΔHi∈ in the set of reactant
enthalpies ΔHreactants and each molecule Mj ⊂ Ωproducts has enthalpy ΔHj∈ in the set
of product enthalpies ΔHproducts ∈
. Then, the enthalpy of reaction ΔHreaction is equal
to (5.2):
∈ ∈ ∈
ΔHreaction = ΔHproducts − ΔHreactants (5.2)
In organic chemistry, there is known that hydrocarbon compounds have higher boiling
and melting points while the number of carbon atoms increases [2]. Figure 5.2 shows
that relationship. Notice that the boiling point in hydrocarbons increases monoton-
ically while the melting point increases between two bounds when the number of
carbon atoms is small. In both cases, this tendency occurs similarly in alkanes, alkenes
Reactants Products
A + B + C A B + C A B C
A + B + C A + B C A B C
A + B + C A B C
800 Boiling Point
Temperature (K)
600 Melting Point
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Carbon Atoms (n)
Fig. 5.2 Estimation of the boiling point (K) with respect to the number of carbon atoms (n) in
hydrocarbon compounds
ΔH ∈ = ΔCp T + ΔH0K
Tb , as expressed in (5.4).
∈ ∈
ΔHM = ΔCp Tb + ΔH0K (5.4)
From (5.4) and the discussion of boiling points in Sect. 5.1.2, the following obser-
vations hold:
• The greater the boiling point Tb is in a molecules M, the larger the number of
carbon atoms n is present in M.
• The greater the boiling point Tb is in a molecule M, the larger the value of enthalpy
of reaction ΔHM ∈ is in M.
Concluding, the larger the number of carbon atoms n is in a molecule M, the larger the
∈ is in M, and vice versa. Actually, this conclusion is
value of enthalpy of reaction ΔHM
116 5 Enhancements of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
M1 M2 ... Mn
as (4.12). In addition, let ΔHM∈ be the enthalpy of the compound C in AHN. Also,
suppose that Γp is the set of all possible optimal compounds of the form as (5.5);
where Γ is the set of all compounds in an artificial hydrocarbon network.
Γp = Ci ⊂ Γ |ΔHC∈ i = ΔHM
Then, the compound C that models Σ must have an enthalpy equal to the enthalpy
of the system like (5.6):
∈ ∈
ΔHM = ΔHΣ (5.6)
Since, a CH-primitive molecule has exactly one carbon atom, then the number of
CH-primitive molecules ni is equal to the number of carbon atoms in a compound
Ci ⊂ Γp . In addition, it is easy to check that no matter how compounds in Γp
were formed because of the Hess’ law, these compounds have the same value of
enthalpy as the system has, if there is no loss of energy in the chemical reaction, i.e.
ΔHreaction = 0. In that sense, the enthalpy of a compound Ci ⊂ Γp is equal to the
sum of enthalpies of the ni CH-primitive molecules that conforms Ci as (5.7); where,
ΔHk∈ represents the enthalpy of the k-th CH-primitive molecule in Ci .
5.1 Optimization of the Number of Molecules 117
ΔHk∈ = ΔHC∈ i (5.7)
mΔHC∈ i = ΔHΣ
From (5.8) and using the conclusion about the relationship between the number
of carbon atoms and the enthalpy of a molecule (ni ⊆ ΔHC∈ i ), the heuristic (5.9) is
m= ∈ ⊆ (5.9)
ΔHCi ni
Finally, (5.9) is useful to announce the following rules, assuming that the initial
value of ni = 2:
• If m > 1, then increase n1 by one, and recalculate m.
• If m ≤ 1, then remain ni unchanged, and stop the process.
Solution 5.1 Initialize the number of molecules n = 2, and the enthalpy of system
using the energy signal E such that ΔHΣ∈ = 300. Then, compute the heuristic rule
m(n = 2) = = 1.76
Since, m > 1, then n = 3. Recalculating:
m(n = 3) = = 1.43
Since, m > 1, then n = 4. Recalculating:
m(n = 4) = = 1.30
Since, m > 1, then n = 5. Recalculating:
m(n = 5) = = 1.01
Since, m > 1, then n = 6. Recalculating:
n Δ H oC n=3
3 260
4 500
5 480 = 485
Fig. 5.4 Example of a non-monotonic increasing function of enthalpy with respect to the number
of molecules in a compound of AHNs
m(n = 6) = = 1.01
Since, m > 1, then n = 7. Recalculating:
m(n = 3) = = 1.00
Since, m = 1; then, stop the process and return the optimal value n = 7. Notice
that in this example, it is easy to know that the optimum number of molecules is n = 7
by examining Table 5.1 directly because at this value, the enthalpy of the compound
ΔHC∈ is equal to the energy of the system E. However, in real life applications, that
kind of tables is unknown. Then, Algorithm 5.1 is useful for optimizing the number
of molecules in a compound. Also note that the enthalpy is a monotonic increasing
function with respect to the number of molecules. But, this is not the general case in
artificial hydrocarbon networks because in some cases the approximation of mole-
cules may compute higher values of enthalpies than the expected ones, as shown in
Fig. 5.4.
Using Proposition 5.1, the artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm depicted in
Algorithm 4.5 can be modified in order to optimize the number of molecules in a
compound, as shown in Algorithm 5.2.
Learning algorithms that deal with several attribute and target variables are highly
important in machine learning. Thus, an extension of artificial hydrocarbon networks
to the multidimensional case is presented in this section.
120 5 Enhancements of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
while (R > ε) and (i < cmax ) do
i =i+1
while m > 1 and n ≤ nmax do
[Hi , Πi ] =OPTIMUM-COMPOUND(R, Ci , n, η)
[n, m] =ENTHALPY-RULE(R, Ci , n)
R ⊇ using (4.15)
Γ ⊇ {C1 , ..., Ci }
H ⊇ {H1 , ..., Hi }
Λ ⊇ minimizing (4.19) using LSE.
Π = {Π1 , ..., Πi }
return Γ, H, Λ and Π
n d≤e
ϕj (x) = hir · xri (5.11)
r=1 i=1
Where, vHi represents a set of hydrogen values of the Hi atom, hi = (hi1 , ..., hin )
is the vector of constants values of Hi , d is the degree of freedom of the C atom, and
eC is the number of valence electrons of C.
5.2 Extension to the Multidimensional Case 121
ϕ1 (x) = h11 x11 + h21 x12 + h31 x13 + h12 x21 + h22 x22 + h32 x23 (5.12)
h1 = (h11 , h12 ) (5.14)
Figure 5.5 shows the representation of this CH-molecule. Notice that the position
of each hi remains the counterclockwise convention proposed in Sect.
Remark 5.1 Let ϕr1D be a molecular behavior of the form as (4.2). Then, (5.11) can
be rewritten as (5.17) for all xr ⊂ x:
ϕj (x) = ϕr1D (xr ) (5.17)
122 5 Enhancements of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
vHi = hi , hi ⊂ Cn (5.18)
n d≤e
ϕj (x) = (xr − hir ) (5.19)
r=1 i=1
Where, vHi represents a set of hydrogen values of the Hi atom, hi = (hi1 , ..., hin )
is the vector of constants values of Hi , d is the degree of freedom of the C atom, and
eC is the number of valence electrons of C.
Notice that (5.19) comes from directly from (5.17), allowing to position hi in any
location around the carbon atom C, as shown in Fig. 5.6.
Example 5.3 Consider an input signal x = (x, y) that excites a CH-molecule. Deter-
mine the shape of the behavior ϕ = ϕ1 using Proposition 5.3 with degree of freedom
d = 3.
Solution 5.3 Using 5.19, define the behavior ϕ1 :
ϕ1 (x) = (x1 − h11 ) (x1 − h21 ) (x1 − h31 ) + (x2 − h12 ) (x2 − h22 ) (x2 − h32 )
ϕ1 (x) = (x − h11 ) (x − h21 ) (x − h31 ) + (y − h12 ) (y − h22 ) (y − h32 ) (5.21)
h1 = (h11 , h12 ) (5.22)
Figure 5.6 shows the the representation of this CH-molecule. Notice that it does
not matter where hi are located around the C atom.
It is important to say that Proposition 5.2, and more exactly (5.11), is a simplifi-
cation of a multivariate polymonial of degree d in order to compute the least squares
estimates easily between any given system Σ in a multidimensional space and the
5.2 Extension to the Multidimensional Case 123
δ2 : θi × θj ≥ R (5.26)
Sj (x) = αij ϕij (5.28)
Solution 5.4 In matrix notation, the set of equations in (5.28) can be rewritten as
S(x) = diag ΛT Φ T (5.31)
Where, diag(A) represents the vector of elements in the diagonal of a square matrix
A and AT represents the transpose matrix of A. Then, the behavior of the mixture of
multidimensional molecules is easy to compute using (5.31):
⎨ ⎩
3.21 4.96
S(x) = diag = (3.21, 9.66) (5.32)
7.36 9.66
while (R > ε) and (i < cmax ) do
i =i+1
while μ > 1 and k ≤ kmax do
[Hi , Πi ] =OPTIMUM-COMPOUND(R, Ci , k, η)
[k, μ] =ENTHALPY-RULE(R, Ci , k)
R ⊇ using (4.15)
Γ ⊇ {C1 , ..., Ci }
H ⊇ {H1 , ..., Hi }
Λ ⊇ minimizing (4.19) using LSE.
Π = {Π1 , ..., Πi }
return Γ, H, Λ and Π
rj − rj−1 = , j = 1, ..., k (5.34)
Next, Algorithm (4.4) uses the least squares estimates for finding the best values of
hydrogen atoms. In that sense, the objective function Ei for multivariate polynomial
functions in (5.35) is used; where, ϕj ⊂ Rm is the j-th molecular behavior, qj is
the number of samples in the partition Σj , xjk ⊂ xj is the j-th sample of xj for all
k = 1, ..., qj and yjk ⊂ yj is the j-th sample of yj for all k = 1, ..., qj .
1 2
Ej = yjk − ϕj xjk (5.35)
Finally, the intermolecular distances rjk ⊂ Π have to be updated using the mul-
tidimensional rule expressed in (5.36) and (5.37); where, rt+1 is the future value of
rjk , rt is the current value of rjk , Δrt is the change in length of bond rjk , I is the
identity matrix of dimension n, diag(A) is the diagonal matrix of A, 0 < η < 1 is
the step size, and E1t , E2t are the current error functions of two adjacent molecules
Mj , Mk calculated as (5.35).
Γ = (C1 )
H = (H1 )
Λ = (1.0) because there is one compound with one output.
Π = (Π1 )
Actually, the overall response of the artificial hydrocarbon network is shown in
Fig. 5.7 and the AHN-structure is depicted in Fig. 5.8.
Until now, artificial hydrocarbon networks have been structured in linear chains of
CH-primitive molecules. However, these topologies do not present recursive proper-
ties. In that sense, a cyclic network topology is proposed to handle dynamic systems.
In fact, these recursive networks are inspired on chemical aromatic compounds, i.e.
arenes. Figure 5.9 shows the proposed topology. It is remarkable to say that the
recursive CH molecule is inspired on arenes because it is the most stable structure
of cyclic compounds in nature.
As noted in Fig. 5.9, the recursive AHN-structure can be treated as another CH-
primitive molecule as the following Proposition 5.7 describes:
Proposition 5.7 (recursive CH molecules) Let M be a CH-molecule of the form as
Fig. 5.9 with ac = C1 . Also, let ϕ be the behavior of molecule M due to an input
signal x with |x| < 1. Then, the behavior of ϕ holds:
128 5 Enhancements of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
1.5 2
1 1
x2 0.5 0.5 x1
0 0
vHi = hi , hi ⊂ C (5.39)
ϕ(xn ) = hi · xn−i (5.40)
C5 C4
H5 C6 C3 H2
C1 C2
atoms. For instance, it can be seen as a difference equation with coefficients equal
to hydrogen parameters.
In compact notation, let x = (x1 , ..., xn ) be the row vector of attribute variables
and y = (y1 , ..., ym ) be the row vector of target variables such that (6.1) can be
rewritten as (6.2):
y = F (x) (6.2)
f 1 (x)
F(x) = · · · (6.3)
f m (x)
Moreover, suppose that there are q samples of inputs and outputs. Each attribute
variable is a column vector of samples xi = (x1i , ..., xqi ) and each target variable is a
column vector of samples y j = (y1 j , ..., yq j ). Then, let X be a matrix q × n of input
samples and Y be a matrix q × m of output samples as (6.4) and (6.5), respectively.
x11 · · · x1n
⎜ .. . . .. ⎟
X = . . . (6.4)
xq1 · · · xqn
y11 · · · y1m
⎜ .. . . .. ⎟
Y = . . . (6.5)
yq1 · · · yqm
Let say that a system Σ = (X, Y ) is equivalent to (6.2), i.e. Σ(X, Y ) = F. Then,
Σ can be represented with a model F̂ of the form as (6.6); where, AHN is an artificial
hydrocarbon network, ω > 0 is a small real number representing the maximum error
and ≥g≥ stands for the norm of g.
Y − F̂ = ≥Y − AH N ≥ ⊂ ω (6.6)
Following, some notes on modeling univariate and multivariate systems, i.e. uni-
variate and multivariate set of functions F, with artificial hydrocarbon networks are
y1 = f (x1 ) (6.7)
Example 6.1 Let f be the exact behavior of Σ as expressed in (6.8). Find a model
fˆ of f using artificial hydrocarbon networks in the input domain x ∈ [−1, 2).
Solution 6.1 3000-sample pairs (x1 , y1 ) were uniformly obtained in the interval
x ∈ [−1, 2). Then, running Algorithm 4.5 a model fˆ is obtained using the 3000-
sample pairs, a maximum number of molecules n max = 6, a maximum number
of compounds cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.01.
Figure 6.1 shows a comparison between function f and the model fˆ with dashed
lines representing the bounds between molecules in the AHN-structure. In particular,
this model has an absolute squared error value of 1.3452.
Notice that the algorithm found 4 molecules with a compound as depicted in
Fig. 6.2. As shown in the latter figure, hydrogen values represent the roots of mole-
cular behaviors, the superscript numbers of carbon atoms represent a gain in the
molecular behavior, so-called the carbon atom value vC . For example, this simple
AHN-model can be written mathematically as (6.9). Since there is one compound,
there is one stoichiometric coefficient η1 = 1; thus, the final model fˆ is expressed
as (6.10).
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 6.1 Comparison of function f in (6.8) and the response of its AHN-model
It is important to highlight that in Example 6.1 Algorithm 4.5 uses the second
model of CH-molecules (Proposition 4.2) that defines a molecular behavior in a
product form, and the first chemical rule (Proposition 4.6) that designs a saturated
linear chain of CH-primitive molecules.
Example 6.2 Let f be the behavior of Σ as expressed in (6.11); where, g N stands
for a normalized random function. Find a model fˆ of f using artificial hydrocarbon
networks in the input domain x ∈ [−1, 2).
Solution 6.2 1000-sample pairs (x1 , y1 ) were uniformly obtained in the interval
x ∈ [−1, 2). Then, running Algorithm 4.5 a model fˆ is obtained using the 1000-
sample pairs, a maximum number of molecules n max = 6, a maximum number
of compounds cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.001.
Figure 6.3 shows a comparison between function f and the model fˆ with dashed
lines representing the bounds between molecules in the AHN-structure. In particular,
this model has an absolute squared error value of 334.05 due to the noise of the system.
Notice that the algorithm found 4 molecules with a compound as depicted in
Fig. 6.4. This result shows that artificial hydrocarbon networks act as filters over
the data. However, the profile of molecules slightly changed in terms of inter-
molecular distances as obtained in Example 6.1. Again, the algorithm computes a
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 6.3 Comparison of function f in (6.11) and the response of its AHN-model
6.1 Approximation Problems 135
saturated linear chain of CH-primitive molecules with the product form based mole-
cular behaviors.
An important property of artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm is its ability
to find discontinuities in the system using intermolecular distances, as shown in the
next example.
Example 6.3 Let f be the behavior of Σ as expressed in (6.12). Find a model fˆ of
f using artificial hydrocarbon networks in the input domain x ∈ [−1, 1].
arctan (α x) −1.0 ⊂ x < 0.1
f (x) = sin (α x) 0.1 ⊂ x < 0.9 (6.12)
cos (α x) 0.9 ⊂ x ⊂ 1.0
Solution 6.3 200-sample pairs (x1 , y1 ) were uniformly obtained in the interval x ∈
[−1, 1]. Then, running Algorithm 4.5 a model fˆ is obtained using the 200-sample
pairs, a maximum number of molecules n max = 6, a maximum number of compounds
cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.01. Figure 6.5 shows
a comparison between function f and the model fˆ with dashed lines representing
1 System
−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 6.5 Comparison of function f in (6.12) and the response of its AHN-model
136 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
1.06 0.83
the bounds between molecules in the AHN-structure. In particular, this model has
an absolute squared error value of 1.03 × 10−2 .
Three carbon atoms in the artificial hydrocarbon compound were optimally found,
as shown in Fig. 6.6. Moreover, the bounds of intermolecular distances captured the
discontinuities of f in (6.12). For instance, the first discontinuity ocurrs at x = 0.1
and the first bound is located at x L = 0.06. The second discontinuity occurs at
x = 0.9 and the second bound is located at x L = 0.89.
Solution 6.4 500-sample pairs (x1 , y1 ) were uniformly obtained in the interval x ∈
[0, 5]. Then, running Algorithm 4.5 a model fˆ is obtained using the 500-sample pairs,
a maximum number of molecules n max = 6, a maximum number of compounds
cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.001. Figure 6.7 shows
1 System
Fig. 6.7 Comparison of function f in (6.13) and the response of its AHN-model
6.1 Approximation Problems 137
1.79 1.39
a comparison between function f and the model fˆ with dashed lines representing
the bounds between molecules in the AHN-structure. In particular, this model has
an absolute squared error value of 1.7978.
Notice that three CH-primitive molecules can model f as depicted in Fig. 6.8. At
last, this example demonstrates that artificial hydrocarbon networks can also model
periodic functions easily.
Until now, artificial hydrocarbon networks have been used for univariate systems. In
this section, let suppose that there exists an unknown multiple-inputs-and-multiple-
outputs system Σ = (X, Y ) expressed as (6.2). Thus, an artificial hydrocarbon
network AHN will be used as the model F̂ of F, using Algorithm 5.3 and X and Y
matrix samples.
Example 6.5 Suppose that F is a single function representing the behavior of Σ as
written in (6.14). Find a model F̂ of F using artificial hydrocarbon networks in the
input domain x1 ∈ [0, 3] and x2 ∈ [0, 3].
sin (α x1 ) sin (α x2 )
F = y1 = + (6.14)
α x1 α x2
Solution 6.5 1000-sample tuples (x1 , x2 , y1 ) were randomly obtained in the proper
input space. Then, running Algorithm 5.3 a model F̂ is obtained using the 1000-
sample tuples, a maximum number of molecules n max = 6, a maximum number of
compounds cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.01. Figure 6.9
shows a comparison between function F and the model F̂. In particular, this model
has an absolute squared norm error value of 503.89.
Three multidimensional CH-primitive molecules can model F as depicted in
Fig. 6.10. As noted, both surfaces F and F̂ are similar, proving that AHNs can model
multivariate systems. It is remarkable to say that the way systems are splitted, i.e.
138 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
0.5 0
1.5 1
x2 2
2 x1
3 3
Fig. 6.9 Comparison of function F in (6.14) and the response of its AHN-model
Fig. 6.10 Artificial hydro- 1.76 + 0.98i 1.95 + 1.48i 2.97 + 1.37i
carbon network structure of 2.68 0.00 1.03 + 1.35i
model F̂ of function F in
−2.44 +0.00
(6.14) +0.00 C (0.2,0.2) C (0.5,0.4) C (−0.3,−0.3) +3.97
1.25 1.25
0.22 0.22
x1 xn
+ ··· + =1 (6.15)
L1 Ln
x p1 x pn x p1 x pn
+ ··· + ⊂1⊂ + ··· + (6.16)
L (k−1)1 L (k−1)n L k1 L kn
6.1 Approximation Problems 139
Example 6.6 Suppose that F is a single function representing the nonlinear behavior
of Σ like (6.17). Find a model F̂ of F using artificial hydrocarbon networks in the
input domain (x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 .
x1 = cos(t)
F : x2 = t , t ∈ [0, 15] (6.17)
y1 = sin(t)
Solution 6.6 1500-sample tuples (x1 , x2 , y1 ) were uniformly obtained in the proper
input space. Then, running Algorithm 5.3 a model F̂ is obtained using the 1500-
sample tuples, a maximum number of molecules n max = 6, a maximum number
of compounds cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.01.
Figure 6.11 shows a comparison between function F and the model F̂. In particular,
this model has an absolute squared norm error value of 1.1 × 10−2 .
Five multidimensional CH-primitive molecules model F as depicted in Fig. 6.12.
Moreover, artificial hydrocarbon networks can capture nonlinear and coupled attribute
variables in systems.
In comparison with Example 6.5, the splitting procedure defines a center of
molecule C Mi ∈ Rn as the i-th midpoint between two adjacent bounds of mole-
cules L (i−1) , L i as (6.18). In addition, a sample value (xk , yk ) ∈ Rn × Rm is
part of a molecule Mi if (6.19) holds; where, Σi is the set of observation tuples in
molecule Mi :
L (i−1) + L i
C Mi = (6.18)
15 1.5
10 1
5 0
x2 0 −1.5
−1 x1
Fig. 6.11 Comparison of function F in (6.17) and the response of its AHN-model
140 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
+3.83 +10.57
+0.00 C (−0.16,0.04) C (0.33,0.18) C (−0.32,−0.21) C (0.31,0.21) C (−0.17,0.008) +0.00
⎧ ⎪
Σi = (xk , yk ) ∈ R × R |i = arg min xk − C M j , ∈ j = 1, ..., n
n m
1 Molecule−5
0.5 3
1 2.5
1.5 2
x1 2 1.5
1 x2
2.5 0.5
3 0
Fig. 6.13 Comparison of function f 1 in (6.20) and the response of its AHN-model fˆ1
80 Molecule−3
2 2
x2 1 1 x1
0 0
Fig. 6.14 Comparison of function f 2 in (6.20) and the response of its AHN-model fˆ2
m AHN models could not have the same number of molecules and/or noncovalent
bonds (i.e. order and length of bondings).
In contrast, the same example were done using artificial neural networks (ANN).
In that case, a feedforward multilayer neural network was used with 6-hidden neu-
rons with hyperbolic-tangent-sigmoid activation functions like (6.21) and 2-output
142 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
h 112 h 152
h 212 C C C C C h 252
neurons with linear activation fuctions like (6.22); where, x represents an input of
the activation function and e stands for the exponential function.
f (x) = −1 (6.21)
1 + e−2x
f (x) = x (6.22)
The backpropagation algorithm was used to train it. After 193 epochs, the response
of the artificial neural network was obtained, as shown in Figs. 6.16 and 6.17 with an
absolute squared norm error value of 115.75. The same attribute variables and target
variables from the example fed the neural network. Notice that in both ANN and
AHN models, the result is very similar. However, the weights of the neural network
do not represent any information about the system, while intermolecular distances
and hydrogen values give a partial understanding of the system. For example, the
latter values can be used as metadata for generating other processes (refer to Chap. 7).
The clustering problem can be easily treated with artificial hydrocarbon networks
using a target variable y1 as a categorical variable using for labeling attribute vari-
ables x = (x1 , ..., xn ). In that sense, this section introduces the design of linear and
nonlinear classifiers.
1 2
1.5 1.5
x1 2 x2
2.5 0.5
3 0
1 2
1.5 1.5
x1 2 x2
2.5 0.5
3 0
Fig. 6.16 Comparison between the model fˆ1 from an artificial neural network (ANN) and an
artificial hydrocarbon network (AHN)
Solution 6.8 Firstly, note that (6.23) classifies data over the line (6.24):
x2 = − x1 + 0.6 (6.24)
Then, a linear artificial hydrocarbon network classifier fˆ was trained with 1000
random samples (x1 , x2 , y1 ); where, y1 is the label of a given attribute variable, and
144 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
3 3
2 2
x2 1 1 x1
0 0
60 AHN
3 3
2 2
x2 1 1 x1
0 0
Fig. 6.17 Comparison between the model fˆ2 from an artificial neural network (ANN) and an
artificial hydrocarbon network (AHN)
x1 and x2 are in the interval [0, 1]. Then, running Algorithm 5.3 a model fˆ was
obtained using the training data with a maximum number of molecules n max = 4, a
maximum number of compounds cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step
size φ = 0.001. Figure 6.18 shows the response of the linear AHN-classifier fˆ and
the line (6.24). In particular, the classifier has a misclassification rate of 0 %.
The linear AHN-classifier is depicted in Fig. 6.19. As noted, two CH-primitive
molecules clusters data as (6.23). Actually, the bounds of molecules L are used as
6.2 Clustering Problems 145
0.9 Molecule-2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fig. 6.18 Response of the linear AHN-classifier fˆ of f classifier over the black line (6.24)
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
centers of molecules and partitions are calculated as (6.19). Notice that these centers
are separated by intermolecular bonds r.
values in the interval [0.0, 0.3] and the logical value true are values in the interval
[0.7, 1.0]. Then, build a nonlinear classifier fˆ of f using artificial hydrocarbon
f = x1 · x¯2 + x̄1 · x2 (6.25)
Solution 6.9 A nonlinear artificial hydrocarbon network classifier fˆ was built using
200 random samples of the form (x1 , x2 , y1 ); where, y1 is the label of the logical
value f . Then, running Algorithm 5.3 a model fˆ was obtained using the training data
with a maximum number of molecules n max = 5, a maximum number of compounds
cmax = 1, a tolerance ω = 1 × 10−4 , and a step size φ = 0.001. Figure 6.20 shows
the classification of 300 random samples as a testing set using the obtained nonlinear
AHN-classifier fˆ. In particular, the classifier has a misclassification rate of 4.3 %.
The nonlinear AHN-classifier is depicted in Fig. 6.21. As noted, three CH-
primitive molecules clusters the dataset. These molecules act over three spaces delim-
ited by the bounds of molecules L. Then, the dataset is clustered using (6.16). Notice
that these bounds are separated by intermolecular bonds r.
In contrast, a self-organizing map (SOM) was trained for the same example in oder
to compare it against to the AHN-model. In that way, the SOM was designed with an
output layer of 20 × 20 neurons using the same 200-samples (x1 , x2 , y1 ) as the input
vector of the network. After 200 epochs, the response of the self-organizing map
was obtained, as shown in Fig. 6.22. It is remarkable to say that Fig. 6.22 represents
white regions as the logical value false and black regions as the logical value true;
thus these regions are not the current positions of the 400 neurons. Moreover, the
classification process obtained a misclassification rate of 9.5 %.
0.9 Molecule−2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.21 0.21
0.63 0.63
Fig. 6.21 Artificial hydrocarbon network structure of the nonlinear classifier fˆ of the XOR-
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Notice in Fig. 6.22 that some white regions are located inside black regions due
to the topology of the SOM. In contrast, Fig. 6.20 reveals that the AHN-model can
classify slightly better the XOR problem than the SOM net, i.e. misclassification rates
of 4.5 and 9.5 %, respectively. To this end, it is important to highlight that an artificial
hydrocarbon network classifier is a supervised algorithm while a self-organizing map
classifier is an unsupervised algorithm.
Now, consider more attribute variables in a dataset like the Fisher’s Iris dataset
[1, 2]. It is a 150-samples dataset comes from three different species of Iris flowers to
which four variables were measured: sepal length (x1 ), sepal width (x2 ), petal length
(x3 ), and petal width (x4 ). All the 150-samples has numeric labels for the three
different species of flowers: Iris setosa (1), Iris versicolor (2), and Iris virginica (3).
148 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Example 6.10 Build a nonlinear classifier fˆ of the Iris dataset using artificial hydro-
carbon networks.
sepal width
40 50 60 70 80
sepal length
petal width
40 50 60 70 80
sepal length
petal width
20 25 30 35 40 45
sepal width
Fig. 6.23 (First part) Response of the nonlinear AHN-classifier fˆ over the Iris dataset: molecule-
1 (◦) represents the Iris setosa, molecule-2 () represents the Iris versicolor and molecule-3 (β)
represents the Iris virginica
6.2 Clustering Problems 149
petal length
40 50 60 70 80
sepal length
petal length
20 25 30 35 40 45
sepal width
petal width
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
petal length
Fig. 6.24 (Second part) Response of the nonlinear AHN-classifier fˆ over the Iris dataset: molecule-
1 (◦) represents the Iris setosa, molecule-2 () represents the Iris versicolor and molecule-3 (β)
represents the Iris virginica
In the previous section, some notes on modeling problems using artificial hydrocar-
bon networks were presented. As noted, built models are subjected to the structure
of artificial hydrocarbon networks, and these structures with their parameters can
be useful to train other artificial hydrocarbon networks or to analyze systems. Since
molecules can be treated as packages of information, inheritance of data would be
150 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
43.0 20.0
51.9 28.5
54.4 30.9
79.0 44.0
Fig. 6.25 Artificial hydrocarbon network structure of the nonlinear classifier fˆ of the Fisher’s Iris
useful to other AHNs or they can be stored in a catalog for future training models.
In addition, hydrogen values, stoichiometric coefficients, bounds of molecules and
intermolecular distances would be treated as metadata to analyze modeled systems
or to perform new actions in an overall intelligent system. Then, three post-processes
of artificial hydrocarbon networks are identified and discussed, as follows.
1.06 0.83
1.08 0.81
Fig. 6.26 Two AHN-structures that reveal similar behaviors because they model two similar
0.95 C C C 6.43
8.20 C C C 1.92
0.95 C C C 1.92
Fig. 6.27 Three artificial hydrocarbon compounds. The first two compounds are made of molecules
that are combined to make the resultant artificial compound shown at last
(see the last compound in Fig. 6.27) can be made with a combination of molecules
in the other compounds.
152 6 Notes on Modeling Problems Using Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
If molecules inherit information, then they can be stored and create new compounds
using these molecules. As an example of its application, consider the training process
of an artificial hydrocarbon network. In some point, one can assume that an unknown
system Σ presents a particular behavior that can be associated to a molecule M p
stored previously. Then, one can feed the training process with M p . If the behavior
of M p is similar to the unknown behavior of the system, then M p will be assimilated
rapidly. Otherwise, M p will be vanished from the training process. For example,
(6.26) was modeled using the second molecule shown in Fig. 6.26 as M p , and the
process finishes in 5 iterations while using Fig. 6.28 as M p the process finishes in
380 iterations vanishing M p .
But, the most prominent application of storing molecules is that they can be
analyzed in order to form a catalog of molecules with description. Then, the catalog
of compounds can be implemented to inherit information, to create new compounds
or to analyze if a system assimilates some previously recorded behaviors. In addition,
the catalog can be implemented for large sets of observations in systems in order to
reduce the time of training artificial hydrocarbon networks.
6.3 Guidelines for Real-World Applications 153
Fig. 6.29 Two artificial hydrocarbon networks modeling two different functions. Molecular infor-
mation is compared to find similarities on them, because implicitly, it means that the two functions
are similar
Since two molecules are similar due to their parameters, then similarities in para-
meters mean similarities in modeled systems. Using the latter criterion, parameters
can be compared in Fig. 6.29 and if these parameters are statistically equivalent,
then both systems (or parts of them) are similar. Otherwise, systems are not similar.
Finally, from Fig. 6.29, one can conclude that f 1 and f 2 are similar functions (e.g.
matching of two images) because all hydrogen parameters and intermolecular dis-
tances reveal that there is a maximum absolute error of 0.5 between them. To this
end, parameters in artificial hydrocarbon networks can be treated as metadata giving
the opportunity to analyze systems or to perform new actions in an overall intelligent
Audio signal applications present problems like the addition of noise signals that
interfere with the original ones, arriving in poor performance of audio. For signal
analysis, this addition of noise causes imprecise data of information that blinds
important features in time and frequency domain, while for human ears, it causes
non-intelligibility of audio. Nowadays, the huge industry of mobile applications
allow to search an unknown segment of music by recording it and sending over the
web to query the basic information about the track. In fact, the main process of these
applications is to filter the recorded signal in order to clean the original segment of
music because it is corrupted with environmental and hardware noise.
In that sense, artificial hydrocarbon networks were proved in different scenarios in
order to achieve noise reduction in audio signal to perform the music search problem.
Three metrics were used: a direct comparison with a classical finite impulse response
(FIR) filter, the short-time objective intelligibility (STOI) value, and the signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR).
In general, audio filters are analog or digital. In the following section, consider
digital audio filters, e.g. filters implemented in software. In digital signal processing,
audio filters can be classified into finite impulse response (FIR) filters and infinite
impulse response (IIR) filters. The first one uses a filter kernel that reaches a finite
zero frequency response while the second one uses a filter kernel that responds
in frequency with infinite exponential decaying sinusoidal functions. In practice,
convolution implements FIR filters and recursion implements IIR filters. In advance,
FIR filters use convolution of the input signal while IIR filters uses convolution of
the input but also of the output signals [13].
Several audio filtering applications consider two interests: improving either time
domain response or frequency domain response. Smoothing, noise reduction and
direct current (DC) removal are typical problems in time domain while separating
frequencies is typical in frequency domain. However, it is very difficult to improve
time and frequency responses with the same filter. Thus other techniques have been
proposed. For example, the moving average and windowed-sinc filters are widely
used in time domain. In contrast, the single 2-pole filter and Chebyshev’s filter are
used in frequency domain. The above examples fall into linear filters. These kinds
of filters have a linear response from the input signal. However, there are other
prominent filters that respond in a nonlinear way from the input signal. Classical
nonlinear filters are based on the time-varying Wiener’s filter, probabilistic filters
and homomorphic filters [13].
Consider a special kind of noise so-called white or uniform noise. In particular,
white noise reduction cannot be handled easily in audio signals because it contains
similar low magnitude components in all the spectrum of frequencies that is typically
confusing or overlapping with mainly voice signals and musical signals. In that sense,
linear filters cannot clean the signal efficiently and nonlinear filters for these purposes
have been proposed. In fact, recent tendencies on filtering signals fall into adaptive
nonlinear filters. Those are primary nonlinear filters that react to segments of audio
signals. Depending on the time and/or frequency responses in these intervals, the
filter provides different actions. In particular, most of adaptive filters are covered by
artificial intelligence techniques like artificial neural networks or fuzzy systems [1].
Furthermore, artificial hydrocarbon networks have a filtering property that in
conjunction with molecular units can be adapted to audio signals in order to filter
noisy signals. For instance, consider a segment of an audio signal corrupted with
white noise. Then, an artificial hydrocarbon network can act as filter of this audio
signal using the above properties, as stated in Problem 7.1.
Problem 7.1 Let s be a corrupted audio signal of the form as (7.1); where, f is the
original audio signal, ρ is a white noise signal and t is the time. Then, a filter F is
required in order to recover f as much as possible, as expressed in (7.2).
On the other hand, since artificial hydrocarbon networks are filtering structures
and they can adapt to different scenarios using CH-molecules, the problem to find a
filter F is reduced to find an artificial hydrocarbon network structure AHN given s,
such that, (7.3) holds:
f (t) ∈ AHN (s(t)) (7.3)
7.1.2 Methodology
First, an audio signal s is divided into batches, so-called windows. Each window that
starts in time t0 has a finite size of time tW measured in seconds, i.e. milliseconds.
Then, each window is initially divided into 2 partitions with time length t P of i
partition, as shown in Fig. 7.1.
In order to determine the best set of time lengths {t P }≥ for all partitions, an
artificial hydrocarbon networks AHN implements its intermolecular distances r jk ,
between two adjacent molecules M j and Mk , in time domain such that each time
length t P is equal to the interval between two intermolecular distances as (7.4);
where, r 01 = t0 and r n,n+1 = t0 + tW .
window (tw)
Time (s)
Fig. 7.1 Segment of audio signal for training an artificial hydrocarbon network structure
158 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
cmax = 1
fˆ = ∅
Split s into m equal windows si using tW .
for each si do
[Γ, H, Λ, Π ] = SIMPLE-AHN(si , n max , cmax , ε, η)
fˆi ← using [Γ, H, Λ, Π ] in the i-th input domain
fˆ = fˆ + fˆi
return fˆ
t P = r i,i+1 − r i−1,i , →i = 1, . . . , n (7.4)
Thus, the structure of the AHN is adapting to each window with time tW using a
compound, i.e. cmax = 1 in order to minimize computational timing, and a maximum
of n max molecules, previously set. It is remarkable to say that an stoichiometric
coefficient α1 has not to be computed since for one compound α1 = 1. For each
window, an artificial hydrocarbon network AHN is performed, as summarized in
Algorithm 7.1. At last, this process called adaptive AHN-filter will reduce noise in
signal s. As noted, this is a simple and transparent way to perform a filter using
artificial hydrocarbon networks.
On the other hand, three evaluations are implemented to measure the performance
of the adaptive AHN-filter. The first one considers a comparison between the adaptive
AHN-filter and the classical FIR-filter. For instance, the FIR-filter [1, 13] is expressed
as a finite weighted sum as (7.5); where, x[t] is a finite sequence of data representing
the input signal in t, {bk } is a set of filter coefficients found by designing methods
like windowing, y[t] is the finite sequence representing the output signal in t, and N
represents the order of the FIR-filter.
y[t] = bk · x[t − k] (7.5)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
Fig. 7.2 Audio signal of experiment 1, (black) original audio segment, (gray) noisy signal
average power of the noise signal P(ρ) as written in (7.6). If the SNR-value is greater
than 1, then the signal contains much more meaningful information than noise [14].
SNR = (7.6)
In order to prove the performance of the adaptive AHN-filter, three experiments were
designed. The first experiment uses an audio signal digitally corrupted with white
noise; the second experiment was run on a digital signal processing (DSP) hardware;
and the third experiment considers a naturally corrupted audio signal coming from
a recording using a mobile phone.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
Fig. 7.3 Audio segment filtered of experiment 1. (top) Response of the adaptive AHN-filter,
(bottom) Response of the FIR-filter
that the cut-off frequency of the FIR-filter was set at 5000 Hz because important data
of original audio signal is removed at the same cut-off frequency in the adaptive
AHN-filter. In addition, the STOI-value was measured in both responses obtaining
0.6628 for the adaptive AHN-filter and 0.8083 for the FIR-filter. Thus, a FIR-filter
is 18 % more intelligible than the adaptive AHN-filter. Finally, the SNR-value of the
filtered signal when applying the adaptive AHN-filter is 2.3318 and 0.8609 when
applying the FIR-filter, proving that adaptive AHN-filters can clean signals in a better
From the above experiment, a filter based on artificial hydrocarbon networks can
reduce considerably the noise in audio signals. However, the STOI-value suggests
that the filtered signal using the adaptive AHN-filter is not much intelligible, but
in terms of noise reduction, the SNR-value reveals that the AHN-filter has better
performance than the classical FIR-filter. In fact, Fig. 7.4 shows that a non-adaptive
filter, i.e. FIR-filter, has poor performance of filtering white noise, while the adaptive
AHN-filter can reach a better performance.
|Y(f)| 0.015
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
Fig. 7.4 Analysis in frequency domain of experiment 1. (top) black: noisy signal, gray: original
signal, (middle) Response of the adaptive AHN-filter, (bottom) Response of the FIR-filter
easily programmed using the LabVIEW platform. In that case, the audio signal was
obtained via a microphone connected to the analog input of the hardware. Then, the
audio signal was corrupted programmatically with white noise of 20 % SNR. The
response of the adaptive AHN-filter is then obtained and finally the filtered signal
is reproduced on headphones connected to the analog output port of the hardware.
Figure 7.5 shows the block diagram of the program implementing this experiment in
the DSP NI-Speedy 33 using LabVIEW.
Figure 7.6 (top) shows a 3-second audio signal collected from the hardware sam-
pled at 44.10 kHz. Figure 7.6 (middle) shows the response of the adaptive AHN-filter
and Fig. 7.6 (bottom) shows the response of the FIR-filter, in time domain. The AHN-
filter was built using n max = 10 and tW = 10 ms. Notice that offline performance
162 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Fig. 7.5 Block diagram of the program implemented on DSP NI-Speedy 33 using LabVIEW.
a Block diagram for recording the input signal coming from a microphone. b Block diagram for
reproducing the response of the AHN-filter. c Block diagram of the X SubVI in b. d Block diagram
of the AHN SubVI in b. e Block diagram of the simplified CH molecule C(x) SubVI in d
7.1 Filtering Process in Audio Signals 163
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (s)
Fig. 7.6 Audio segment of experiment 2. (top) black: noisy signal, gray: original signal, (middle)
Response of the adaptive AHN-filter, (bottom) Response of the FIR-filter
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
Fig. 7.7 Analysis in frequency domain of experiment 2. (top) black: noisy signal, gray: original
signal, (middle) Response of the adaptive AHN-filter, (bottom) Response of the FIR-filter
e.g. after 5000 Hz; but it cannot filter white noise in low frequencies, as revealed in
Fig. 7.7 (bottom) in the interval from 3000 to 5000 Hz. A qualitative comparison is
also complemented with the quantitative STOI metric; in which, the response of the
adaptive AHN-filter has 0.6404 of STOI value and 0.6648 STOI value obtained from
the filtered audio signal using the FIR-filter. Thus, FIR-filter is relatively 3.7 % more
efficient than the adaptive AHN-filter, in terms of intelligibility. Finally, applying
the SNR metric, the response of the adaptive AHN-filter obtained 8.3917 and the
FIR-filter 1.4556, showing that the adaptive AHN-filter reduces white noise better
than FIR-filter.
7.1 Filtering Process in Audio Signals 165
The last experiment considers an audio segment corrupted with noise of the envi-
ronment. In that case, a mobile phone was used for recording the audio signal from
an audio CD track. In fact, this is a real-world application in mobile devices to
recognize audio segments. Actually, in order to compute the results of the artifi-
cial hydrocarbon network based filter and the FIR filter; the same segment of audio
signal was extracted from the audio CD. At last, five-second mono-channel audio
segment sampled at 44.10 kHz was used in the experiment as shown in Fig. 7.8 (top).
Analyzing Fig. 7.8 (top), the recorded audio signal is corrupted with 15.1 % SNR.
Figure 7.8 (middle) shows the response of the adaptive AHN-filter with n max = 10
and tW = 10 ms, and Fig. 7.8 (bottom) shows the response of a 30-th order FIR-filter,
both in time domain.
In addition, Fig. 7.9 shows a comparison between the responses of both filters in
frequency domain. The cut-off frequency of the adaptive AHN-filter is approximately
4500 and 5000 Hz in the FIR-filter. In fact, Fig. 7.9 (bottom) reveals that some of white
noise could not be removed by FIR-filter in low frequencies, but it is very efficient
in high frequencies. In contrast, the AHN-filter in Fig. 7.9 (middle) has a better
performance in low frequencies eliminating white noise. In terms of intelligibility,
the STOI-value of the adaptive AHN-filter is 0.3514 and 0.4918 for the FIR-filter.
At last, the SNR-value for the AHN-filter and FIR-filter are 6.1314 and 1.9239,
respectively. At last, from the above experiments, adaptive AHN-filters can achieve
the music search problem because they can attenuate noise significantly; however, a
tradeoff between the STOI and the SNR has to be considered.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
Fig. 7.8 Audio segment of experiment 3. (top) black: mobile phone audio signal, gray: CD track
audio signal, (middle) Response of the adaptive AHN-filter, (bottom) Response of the FIR-filter
Particularly, the proposed inference system based on AHNs was implemented on the
design of a position controller of DC motors in a real-world application, demonstrat-
ing accuracy in both types with minimal modifications.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (Hz) x 10
Fig. 7.9 Analysis in frequency domain of experiment 3. (top) black: mobile phone audio signal,
gray: CD track audio signal, (middle) Response of the adaptive AHN-filter, (bottom) Response of
the FIR-filter
inside a room or controlling the velocity of a robotic car are examples of the response
of control systems.
For instance, consider the following system, as shown in Fig. 7.10. A trainer
hardware module is prepared for sending a reference signal r (t) from a knob and
a feedback signal y(t) (i.e. the current position of a DC motor) to a host in which
a control law is running. The correction signal u(t) computed is sent back to the
trainer module in order to feed a DC motor. In particular to this case study, a NI
CompactRIO reconfigurable and embedded system based on field programmable gate
arrays (FPGA) is used as the host. In addition, LabVIEW is used for programming
168 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Trainer Module
Host (DC motor)
(with FPGA)
(monitoring with LabVIEW)
Fig. 7.10 Overall system of the case study. The trainer module interacts with the NI CompactRIO
(host) as a control law and it is monitored with LabVIEW
r(t) u(t)
Control y(t)
DC motor
y(t) Law
the control law on the NI CompactRIO and for monitoring the performance of the
fuzzy-molecular control system.
On one hand, both the reference signal r (t) that comes from a knob and the
position signal y(t) are in the voltage range [0.0, 5.0] V; where, 0.0 V represents an
angle of 0◦ and 5.0 V represents an angle of 180◦ . On the other hand, the correction
signal u(t) is the input voltage of the DC motor in the range [0.0, 5.0] V; where, 0.0 V
represents the maximum angular velocity of the motor to rotate counterclockwise,
5.0 V represents the maximum angular velocity of the motor to rotate clockwise and
2.5 V means no rotation (halt). It is remarkable to say that the position of the DC
motor increases in counterclockwise direction and decreases in clockwise direction.
In addition, consider the control system of the case study depicted in Fig. 7.11 in
which a position control of the DC motor is implemented. It consists of a control
law that regulates the behavior of the overall system in order to reach a specific goal
(i.e. control the position of a DC motor) using two inputs—the error signal e(t) and
the change of the position signal ẏ(t)—and one output—the input voltage of the DC
motor u(t); and the DC motor, referred as the plant.
7.2 Position Control of DC Motor Using AHN-Fuzzy Inference Systems 169
The objective of a control system like Fig. 7.11 is to track a reference signal r (t)
with the position of the DC motor y(t). In that sense, classical linear and nonlinear
control system have been widely studied to this purpose. The most prominent control
law is called proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller [11] as expressed in
(7.7); where, P is the proportional constant, I is the integral constant, D is the
derivative constant, e(t) stands for the error between a reference signal r (t) and the
current value of the controlled variable y(t) as in (7.8), ė(t) stands for the derivative
of error, and u(t) is the correction signal.
u(t) = Pe(t) + I e(t)dt + D ė(t) (7.7)
However, there are other controllers like the so-called fuzzy controllers that can
be implemented without knowing the model of the plant, e.g. (7.9). In addition, those
are very important in real-world applications because they can deal with uncertain
and imprecise information, mapping nonlinearities from the input domain (attribute
variables) to a fuzzy space and transforming the latter into the output domain (target
variables). Focusing on fuzzy control systems, three models can be found in literature:
Takagi-Sugeno inference systems [16], Mamdani’s fuzzy control systems [4, 7] and
Tsukamoto’s inference models [17].
In a nutshell, Takagi-Sugeno inference systems apply polynomial functions to
construct the consequent values using pairs of input-output data of a given system
to model [16]. Mamdani’s fuzzy control systems refer to control laws that apply
fuzzy inference models with fuzzy sets in the defuzzification phase [7]. In contrast,
Tsukamoto’s inference models implement monotonical membership functions [17].
170 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Ra La
+ J
Ia M
Rf Lf
Uf If
In any case, the basic fuzzy inference model, known as type-1 fuzzy system,
consists of three steps, as shown in Fig. 7.13. The first step is the fuzzification process
in which the input domain is mapped into a fuzzy space using fuzzy sets that assign
a membership value of any element in the input domain to be part of the fuzzy
set. Once all membership values are computed, the inference step is performed using
propositional rules and computed consequent membership values, and the third step is
the defuzzification process in which membership values obtained from the inference
process are transformed into an element of the output domain.
As said before, fuzzy inference models use fuzzy partitions, so-called fuzzy sets
and they are of two types: the type-1 fuzzy sets (Fig. 7.14 (top)) which assign a
membership value of any element to be part of the fuzzy set; and the type-2 fuzzy
sets (Fig. 7.14 (bottom)) which assigns a two membership values, i.e. primary and
secondary memberships, in order to model uncertainties on boundaries of type-1
fuzzy sets. In particular, the region inside these two membership functions is called
the footprint of uncertainty [6, 9].
The generalized fuzzy system is the so-called type-2, as shown in Fig. 7.15. In fact,
type-1 is a particular case of type-2 fuzzy systems because the footprint of uncertainty
in type-2 systems embeds type-1 fuzzy systems, e.g. a type-2 fuzzy system can be
reduced to a type-1 fuzzy system if the secondary membership function is equivalent
to the primary membership function.
Then, type-2 fuzzy systems consist of three steps. The first two steps are fuzzifi-
cation and inference, while the third step is known as output processing. The latter
if _
Inputs Outputs
then _
0.8 function
0.6 membership value
µ (x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0.8 membership
0.6 primary value
µ (x)
0.4 secondary
secondary value
0.2 membership
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
footprint of x
Fig. 7.14 Types of fuzzy sets. (top) Type-1 fuzzy set representation, and (bottom) type-2 fuzzy set
Output Processing
if _
then _
Fuzzification Inference
region [6, 10]. Then, applications based on Mamdani’s fuzzy control systems have
to make a tradeoff between using type-1 or type-2 fuzzy systems.
In that sense, a fuzzy inference system based on artificial hydrocarbon networks
has been proposed in order to exploit both types of fuzzy systems when a tradeoff
between them is required. Formally, it is stated in Problem 7.2.
Problem 7.2 Let F be the fuzzy control law in a position controller of a DC motor
like Fig. 7.11, such that, (7.10) holds; where, e(t) and ẏ(t) are the inputs, i.e. the
error signal and the derivative of position, respectively; and u(t) is the output, i.e.
the input voltage of the DC motor.
Moreover, suppose that F has to be implemented in both type-1 and type-2 fuzzy
systems with minimal modifications. Then, design a fuzzy control law F such that
a position controller of a DC motor can be performed with accuracy in both fuzzy
types with minimal modifications.
7.2.2 Methodology
The application consists in two parts. At first, a fuzzy inference system based on
artificial hydrocarbon networks named fuzzy-molecular inference (FMI) model is
proposed. Then, the design of the fuzzy controller F is described using the FMI-
Consider a type-1 fuzzy inference system like Fig. 7.16. The fuzzy-molecular infer-
ence (FMI) model can be viewed as a block with inputs that are mapped to a fuzzy
space in which processes are run and then resulting values are returned to as outputs.
In order to do so, the fuzzy-molecular inference model considers three steps: fuzzifi-
cation, fuzzy inference engine and defuzzification. In addition, the exists a knowledge
base in which information is stored about a given specific problem.
Fuzzification is the step of the FMI-model in which an input x, known as a
linguistic variable, is mapped to a fuzzy value in the range [0, 1]. Then, let A be a
fuzzy set and μ A (x) the membership function of A for all x ⊆ X ; where X is the input
domain space. Moreover, μ A (x) is a real value in the interval [0, 1] representing the
degree of belonging x to the fuzzy set A as shown in (7.11).
μ A : x ⊇→ [0, 1] (7.11)
7.2 Position Control of DC Motor Using AHN-Fuzzy Inference Systems 173
x if_,then_ y
In fact, this linguistic variable is partitioned into k different fuzzy sets Ai , for all
i = 1, . . . , k. As an example, consider a linguistic variable x partitioned into fuzzy
sets like: “small”, “medium” and “large”. Then, its membership value is calculated
over the set of membership functions μ Ai (x) for all i = 1, . . . , k. The shape of
these membership functions depends on the purpose of the problem domain. Typical
membership functions are the triangular function (7.12), the S-function (7.13) and
the Z-function (7.14); where, a, b and c are real value parameters for each function
as shown in Fig. 7.17.
b−a a ≤ x ≤ b
The next step in the FIM-model is the fuzzy inference engine. This is a mechanism
that computes the consequent value yl of a set of fuzzy rules that accept membership
values of linguistic variables. Let, Rl be the l-th fuzzy rule of the form as (7.15);
where, {x1 , . . . , xk } is the set of linguistic variables in the antecedent, {A1 , . . . , Ak }
is the set of fuzzy partitions of the input space X , yl is the variable of the consequent
in the l-th rule, M j is the j-th C H -primitive molecule of an artificial hydrocar-
bon network excited with the resulting fuzzy implication value μΔ (x1, . . . , xk ) (see
below), and Δ is any T -norm function.
µ (x) 0.4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
µ (x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
µ (x)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If assuming that μΔ (x1 , . . . , xk ) is the result of any T -norm function, then (7.15)
can be rewritten as (7.16); where, ϕ j is the molecular behavior of M j .
For simplicity to this case study, let μΔ (x1 , . . . , xk ) be the min function (7.17):
The last step in the FMI-model is the defuzzification. It calculates the crisp output
value y as (7.18) using all fuzzy rules of the form as (7.16); where, yl is the l-th
consequent value and μΔl (x1 , . . . , xk ) is the fuzzy evaluation of the antecedents, for
all fuzzy rules.
μΔl (x1 , . . . , xk ) · yl
y= (7.18)
μΔl (x1 , . . . , xk )
7.2 Position Control of DC Motor Using AHN-Fuzzy Inference Systems 175
Since, the fuzzy-molecular inference model has a generic fuzzy inference engine,
proper knowledge of a specific problem domain can be enclosed into a knowledge
base. It is a matrix that summarizes all fuzzy rules of the form as (7.16) in the
following way:
• For all input variables x1 , . . . , xk , represent all possible combinations of them
using the label of each set in the fuzzy partition of inputs, such that all antecedents
in the fuzzy rules will be covered.
• For each combination (summary of antecedents), assign the corresponding label
of molecule M j that will act when the fuzzy rule is fired.
At last, the fuzzy-molecular inference model combines interesting properties from
both fuzzy logic and artificial hydrocarbon networks. Advantages of the FMI-model
are the following:
• Fuzzy partitions in the output domain might be seen as linguistic units, e.g. “small”,
• Fuzzy partitions have a degree of understanding (parameters are metadata).
• Molecular units deal with noise and uncertainties.
It is remarkable to say that molecules are excited by consequent values, thus
molecules does not model a given system, but transfer information from a fuzzy
subspace to a crisp set. Moreover, molecular units have the property of filtering
noise and uncertainties, especially important in real-world control applications.
Consider the control law depicted in Fig. 7.11. It is based on the fuzzy-molecular
inference model to implement a position controller of a DC motor.
For instance, the fuzzification step considers the two input variables (error signal
e(t) and first derivative of position signal ẏ(t)) in the partitioned space with three
type-2 fuzzy sets: “negative” (N ), “zero” (Z ) and “positive” (P). Figure 7.18 shows
the fuzzy sets for input e(t) and Fig. 7.19 shows the fuzzy sets for input ẏ(t) . All
parameters were tuned manually. Notice that type-2 fuzzy sets are determined using
the primary membership function μUA (x) and the secondary membership function
μ LA (x), the latter as an additional value of uncertainty. As a matter of fact, the region
inside both membership functions is called the footprint of uncertainty (7.19) of a
fuzzy set A. ⎧ ⎪
FOU(A) = μ LA (x), μUA (x) (7.19)
Membership Value
−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Error Signal
Fig. 7.18 Fuzzy sets of the input error signal. (solid line) Primary membership function, (dashed
line) secondary membership function
Membership Value
−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
First Derivative Position Signal
Fig. 7.19 Fuzzy sets of the input first derivative position signal. (solid line) Primary membership
function, (dashed line) secondary membership function
in Table 7.1. Consequent values y L and yU are similarly obtained using (7.18) for
both primary and secondary membership values, respectively.
As noted in Table 7.1, the output signal was partitioned into three CH-molecules
M j for all j = 1, . . . , 3 that represent the action to be held. In particular, the output
signal was partitioned into the following molecules: “clockwise” (CW), “halt” (H )
and “counterclockwise” (CCW). Figure 7.20 shows the artificial hydrocarbon com-
pound used for this position controller. Parameters were found using Algorithm 4.5.
At last, the Nie-Tan method was used for computing the final value of the output
variable u(t) for the type-2 fuzzy controller because of its simplicity of computation.
Consider other methods like Karnik-Mendel, Greenfield-Chiclana, or Wu-Mendel
for type-reduction. In fact, the Nie-Tan method generates a type reduction of the
form as (7.20); where, y is the crisp output value u(t).
−0.8 C −1 C0 C1 −0.8
Fig. 7.20 Artificial hydrocarbon network used in the FMI-model based position controller
y L + yU
y= (7.20)
In order to demonstrate that the fuzzy-molecular inference model for fuzzy control
systems can be used as an alternative of type-2 fuzzy control systems, an exper-
iment over system of Fig. 7.10. The experiment considers a comparison between
the FIM-model based fuzzy control system designed previously and a Mamdani’s
fuzzy controller system designed with the same parameters for type-1 and type-
2 fuzzy systems. Actually, the output variable was partitioned for the Mamdani’s
fuzzy controller system into three type-2 fuzzy sets: “clockwise” (CW), “halt”
(H ) and “counterclockwise” (CCW). Figure 7.21 shows this partition for the output
variable u(t).
For this experiment, the fuzzy-molecular position controller for a DC motor was
reduced to a type-1 fuzzy system by only considering the primary membership func-
tions in the fuzzification step, as well as in the Mamdani’s fuzzy controller.
Membership Value
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5
Correction Signal
Fig. 7.21 Fuzzy sets of the defuzzification step in the Mamdani’s fuzzy control system. (solid line)
Primary membership function, (dashed line) secondary membership function
178 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
The system was subjected to a step function without noise as shown in Fig. 7.22.
Results of the FMI controller determine that it had a step response of 0 % of maximum
overshoot, a rise time of 1.0 s and a maximum error of 2.5◦ in steady state. On the
other hand, the system was subjected to a step function with 35 % of noise as shown
in Fig. 7.23. Results of the FMI controller reports a 0 % of maximum overshooting,
a rise time of 1.1 s and a maximum error of 5.8◦ in steady state measured from
position 180◦ . For contrasting, Table 7.2 summarizes the overall results of the FMI
and Mamdani fuzzy controllers.
Notice in Fig. 7.22 that the response of the FMI controller is 50 % faster than the
response of the Mamdani controller and has a less value of maximum error in steady
state than then Mamdani controller. In comparison, Fig. 7.23 shows that both fuzzy
controllers are well stable as measured (5.8◦ and 5.5◦ of maximum error in steady
state). However, FMI controller is still faster (1.1 s of rise time) than the response
of the Mamdani controller (2.5 s of rise time). As noted, FMI controller has a better
response for dynamic uncertainties than the Mamdani controller.
Also, the system was subjected to a ramp function without noise as shown in
Fig. 7.24. Results determine that the FIM controller has a maximum error of 3.6◦ in
steady state while the Mamdani controller has 6.7◦ . On the other hand, the system
was subjected to a ramp function with 35 % of noise as shown in Fig. 7.25. The FMI
controller reports 11.0◦ of maximum error in steady state and the Mamdani controller
reports 12.3◦ . Also, Table 7.2 summarizes the overall results of this experiment with
respect to the response of FMI and Mamdani fuzzy controllers.
It is evident from Table 7.2 that both fuzzy controllers decrease their performance
in presence of noise. However, the FIM controller can track the reference signal
better than the Mamdani controller, as shown in the steady state error. In addition,
note that the FMI controller is slightly faster than the Mamdani controller.
160 Reference
140 Mamdani
Position (º)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (s)
Fig. 7.22 Comparison of the step response without noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-1
7.2 Position Control of DC Motor Using AHN-Fuzzy Inference Systems 179
0 Mamdani
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (s)
Fig. 7.23 Comparison of the step response with 35 % noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-1
Position (º)
50 Reference
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (s)
Fig. 7.24 Comparison of the ramp response without noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-1
Position (º)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (s)
Fig. 7.25 Comparison of the ramp response with 35 % noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-1
of ramp response, the FIM controller presents similar performance than the Mamdani
controller without noise (3.8◦ and 3.7◦ maximum steady state errors, respectively).
Again, both controllers present the same tendency when they are exposed to noise,
and in comparison with type-1 controllers, type-2 fuzzy controllers act slightly better
as found in Tables 7.2 and 7.3 (FIM: 17.2 % better, Mamdani: 1.7 % better).
On one hand, from the above results, fuzzy-molecular inference models can
achieve fuzzy control applications. Moreover, these FIM-model based controllers
can be used as an alternative for type-2 fuzzy control systems. This statement comes
from the evaluation and comparison of step and ramp responses between the FIM-
controller and the Mamdani fuzzy controller, both models subjected to static and
7.2 Position Control of DC Motor Using AHN-Fuzzy Inference Systems 181
140 FMI
120 Mamdani
Position (º)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (s)
Fig. 7.26 Comparison of the step response without noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-2 con-
Position (º)
0 Mamdani
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (s)
Fig. 7.27 Comparison of the step response with 35 % noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-2
dynamic uncertainties. In this case study, a Mamdani’s fuzzy control system was
used because it is the fuzzy inference system most implemented in industry.
On the other hand, it is important to distinguish the fuzzy-molecular inference
model from other fuzzy inference models like Takagi-Sugeno inference systems
or Mamdani’s fuzzy control systems. For instance, the defuzzification process in
each fuzzy inference model is different. As FMI-model uses artificial hydrocar-
bon networks, each molecule represents a linguistic partition of the output variable.
In above results simple CH-molecules were implemented, but complex molecules
can either be used. Thus, defuzzification can have complex nonlinear mappings in
the FMI-model. In contrast, Takagi-Sugeno’s model uses polynomial functions and
Mamdani’s model represents linguistic partitions with membership functions
182 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
Position (º)
50 Reference
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (s)
Fig. 7.28 Comparison of the ramp response without noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-2
Position (º)
0 Mamdani
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (s)
Fig. 7.29 Comparison of the ramp response with 35 % noise of the FMI and Mamdani type-2
associated to fuzzy sets. Parameters inside artificial hydrocarbon networks are hydro-
gen and carbon values, polynomial coefficients for Takagi-Sugeno’s model, and
parameters of membership functions in Mamdani’s model. In addition, molecules
in FMI-model make a mapping from membership or truth-values to output values,
also dealing with uncertainties. This is remarkable because Takagi-Sugeno’s model
maps from input values to output values and using fuzzy inference values linearly
acts on the final output value. At last, Mamdani’s model makes a mapping from
membership values to output values. In fact, the fuzzy-molecular inference model
combines linguistic partitions of output variables with molecular structures.
7.3 Facial Recognition Based on Signal Identification Using AHNs 183
Nowadays, facial recognition systems are widely used for identifying, verifying or
tracking people from images or video frames, security, government activities, enter-
tainment and so forth. In security, facial recognition can be considered as a bio-
metric system that analyzes, extracts and classifies features, landmarks or any other
information within images. In that context, the following case study applies artificial
hydrocarbon networks with the discrete cosine transform to easily implement a facial
recognition system.
facial recognition systems are: scaling, edge detection, histogram equalization and
color to grayscale [8].
Then, feature extraction refers to the process of representing an image in a punch
of relevant parameters. One of the most prominent feature extraction techniques in
imaging is the so-called discrete cosine transform (DCT) [3, 12]. It is a separable
linear transformation that compact the energy of an image in frequency. For a two-
dimensional image, the DCT is expressed as (7.21); where I (x, y) is the intensity
of pixel at (x, y) coordinates, N and M are two integers values related to the size of
the image M × N , u and v vary from 0, . . . , N − 1 and 0, . . . , M − 1, respectively,
and α(u), α(v) hold (7.22).
N −1 M−1
⎨ ⎩ ⎨ ⎩
π u(2n + 1) π v(2m + 1)
F(u, v) = α(u)α(v) I (n, m) cos cos
2N 2M
n=0 m=0
⎛ (7.21)
1 u=0
α(u) = ⎛ N
2 u ∅= 0
⎛ (7.22)
1 v=0
α(v) = ⎛ M
2 v ∅= 0
Moreover, low frequencies of DCT contain the average intensity of an image that
are very useful in facial recognition systems. High frequencies of DCT contain other
components of an image like noise and illumination variations [8]. Since, the first
values of the DCT are required, a zigzag ordering or raster scan order is computed
to reorder the values of DCT in a vector, placing the most important values at first.
The above technique avoids some problems of pose and position.
Finally, a classification process is done using the resulting vector from feature
extraction analysis and obtaining a matching image, previously recorded on a data-
base. The most common technique is the Euclidean classifier (7.23) [8]; where, D is
the distance between two vector of images, pi is the i-th element of the target vector
(i.e. from the repository) and qi is the i-th element of the testing vector image. To
this end, the minimum distance D associated to a testing image means the matching
7.3 Facial Recognition Based on Signal Identification Using AHNs 185
As noted, (7.23) is computed k times for the k target images in the repository.
Moreover, if the database of target images is too large, then the computation of the
set of (7.23) will take a huge amount of time. Then, other techniques have to be
Problem 7.3 Consider the above facial recognition system. The objective is to
design an easier facial recognition system under variant pose using artificial hydro-
carbon networks.
7.3.2 Methodology
The proposed facial recognition system is shown in Fig. 7.31. As reviewed earlier, the
facial recognition system considers three main components: pre-processing, feature
extraction and classification.
For this application, consider an input red-green-blue (RGB) image I (x, y) with
M × N pixels. Initially, the pre-processing step computes a RGB-color to grayscale
transformation of image I (x, y) to a grayscale image G(x, y).
Once the latter is obtained, a feature extraction step over G is computed. The two-
dimensional discrete cosine transform is applied to G(x, y) obtaining a transformed
image F(u, v) in the frequency domain. Later, a zigzag ordering is applied to F giving
a vector v with low frequency elements at first. In particular to this application, the
first 50 elements in v are considered. Furthermore, v is highly dynamic but for a set of
face images with different poses, the set of v vectors tends to be equal. Then, taking
RGB Discrete
Image To Cosine
Grayscale Transform
Zigzag Image
Ordering Database
Euclidean Image
AHNs Identification
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Feature Vector
Bounds of Molecules
Fig. 7.32 An example of using AHN-metadata for capturing features of facial images
7.3 Facial Recognition Based on Signal Identification Using AHNs 187
the matching of I S as (7.24). To this end, C is the matching index of two images I S
and IT .
C = arg min {DT } (7.24)
Fifty images from the public head pose image database of Gournier, Hall and Crowley
[2] were used. Selected images come from 10 different people with 5 different poses
each. Figure 7.33 shows an example of pose variations ranging from +30◦ to −30◦ in
pan angles with 0◦ tilt angle, in the set of selected images. In that sense, the training
set consists of 60 % of the latter set, i.e. 3 random poses per person. Figure 7.34
shows one pose of the 10 people in the training sample.
The above facial recognition system based on artificial hydrocarbon networks
were implemented. Ten different AHN-structures were obtained, one for each target
person. These structures were trained with a fixed number of molecules n = 6, one
compound c = 1 and a step size of η = 0.05. At last, one feature vector f T with
7 elements (bounds of molecules) was found for each person. Table 7.4 shows the
resultant set of feature vectors for each person.
Then, the 50 selected images were used as the testing set. The facial recognition
system based on artificial hydrocarbon networks has a misclassification rate of 10 %.
In fact, the system can order the facial identification from the most probable person
to the less probable one. Actually, the system can identify 64 % of the images as
Fig. 7.33 Collection of images from person 1 in the set of images in the case study. All faces have
0◦ tilt-angle, and the pan-angle are +30◦ , +15◦ , 0◦ , −15◦ and −30◦ from left to right
Fig. 7.34 Image samples, (top) person 1 to person 5, (bottom) person 6 to person 10
188 7 Applications of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
its first choice, 18 % of the images as its second choice, and 8 % of the images as
its third choice. Figure 7.35 shows the recognition rate from each person versus the
choice position.
As shown in Fig. 7.35, the system can easily recognize images from people
1, 3, 6, 7, 9 and 10, while people 2, 5 and 8 are the most difficult ones to recog-
nize. It is evident from Fig. 7.34 that person 2 and person 8 are visually similar,
explaining the difficulty of recognition.
Concluding, the above experimental results demonstrate that a facial recognition
system based on artificial hydrocarbon networks can be easily implement for variant
poses. Interestingly, this approach uses metadata of AHN-structures, in contrast to
other applications.
Table 7.4 Set of feature vectors for each person in the set of images in the case study
Person L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
1 1 0 0 6 10 12 50
2 1 5 9 13 25 38 50
3 1 5 10 21 27 38 50
4 1 5 11 17 27 37 50
5 1 4 8 12 19 33 50
6 1 5 10 15 24 33 50
7 1 5 10 16 30 39 50
8 1 4 9 17 26 38 50
9 1 5 10 18 29 39 50
10 1 1 4 5 10 20 50
First Option
Second Option
Third Option
Recognition Rate (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Person (#)
Fig. 7.35 Variation of recognition rate with the option number. It represents the cumulative prob-
ability of image I S to be correctly classified
References 189
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3. Hafed ZM, Levine MD (2001) Face recognition using the discrete cosine transform. Int J
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4. Iancu I (2012) A Mamdani type fuzzy logic controller. In: Dadios EP (ed) Fuzzy logic: controls,
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5. Jablonski R, Turkowski M, Szewczyk R (eds) (2007) Recent advances in mechatronics.
Springer, Berlin
6. Linda O, Manic M (2010) Comparative analysis of type-1 and type-2 fuzzy control in context of
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7. Mamdani HE (1974) Application of fuzzy algorithms for control of simple dynamic plant. In:
IEEE proceedings of the institution of electrical engineers, vol 121, pp 1585–1588
8. Manikantan K, Govindarajan V, Kiran VVSS, Ramachandran S (2012) Face recognition using
block-based DCT feature extraction. J Adv Comput Sci Technol 1(4):266–283
9. Mendel JM, John RIB (2002) Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple. IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst
10. Musikasuwan S, Garibaldi JM (2006) On relationships between primary membership functions
and output uncertainties in interval type-2 and non-stationary fuzzy sets. In: IEEE international
conference on fuzzy systems, pp 1433–1440
11. Ogata K (2002) Modern control engineering. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River
12. Rao KR, Yip P (eds) (2010) The transform and data compression handbook. Taylor & Francis,
13. Smith J (2010) Introduction to digital filters with audio applications. Stanford University Press,
14. Smith SW (1997) The scientist and engineers guide to digital signal processing. California
Technical Publishing, San Diego
15. Taal C, Hendriks R, Heusdeus R, Jensen J (2011) An algorithm of intelligibility prediction of
time-frequency weighted noisy speech. IEEE Trans Audio Speech Lang Process 19(7):2125–
16. Takagi T, Sugeno M (1985) Fuzzy identification of systems and its applications to modeling
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17. Tsukamoto, Y (1979) An approach to fuzzy reasoning method. In: Gupta M, Ragade R, Yager
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Appendix A
Brief Review of Graph Theory
(2) (2)
(1) (1)
(1) (1)
(1) (2)
(7) (8)
The following experiment was run in order to find any correlation between the output
response of a system and the type of CH-primitive molecules that form an artificial
hydrocarbon compound, using the energy information of the system. The methodol-
ogy and results of the experiment are present below.
Let ω be a system with an input signal x and an output signal y such that the behavior
of the system relates the input and the output as ω(x) = y. Also, let suppose that there
is no other information about the system. Then, assume that an artificial hydrocarbon
network AHN = ⊆φ f , η, τ, x⊇ with behavior S(x) has to approximate ω. Hence,
the build topological structure problem (BTSP) claims for finding molecules and
compounds, φ f , of an artificial hydrocarbon network using an algorithm f , such
that AHN can approximate ω. In that sense, an experiment was designed and run in
order to find any correlation between ω and φ f .
For instance, consider the energy E of signal y in the interval x ∈ [a, b], calculated
as (B.1); where, g stands for the norm of g.
E(y) = y 2 d x , x ∈ [a, b] (B.1)
E i = E(yi ) = yi 2
d x , xi ∈ [r1 , r2 ] (B.2)
From signal theory, an energy signal is said to be any signal s such that 0 <
E(s) ≤ ∅. Thus, y is an energy signal, and also S(x). In that sense, the output
response y might be related to the behavior S(x).
The experiment aims to determine the relationship between the energy signal of the
system and the structure of an artificial hydrocarbon compound. Initially, a set of
energy signals was defined and a prototype of an artificial hydrocarbon compound
was designed.
B.2.3 Methodology
After the experiment was run, the distribution of each class was obtained, as shown in
Fig. B.1. Qualitatively, it can be seen that Class1 has the greatest number of samples,
in comparison with Class3 which it has the lowest number of test signals. Table B.1
summarizes statistics from Fig. B.1. In fact, from Table B.1, Class1 has 96.4 % of test
signals, Class2 has 2.8 % of test signals, and Class3 only has 0.08 % of test signals.
In that sense, it shows a strong relationship to real organic tendencies in which the
most number of forming bonds in nature are subjected to simple bonds, then double
bonds appear less, and the number of triple bonds appears last.
198 Appendix B: Experiment of Signal-Molecule Correlation
Fig. B.1 Distribution of classes. a Class1 : the best approximation via simple bond molecules,
b Class2 : the best approximation via double bond molecules, and c Class3 : the best approximation
via triple bond molecules
Table B.1 also reports the mean energy. Roughly, it can be interpreted as the mea-
surement of dynamics of signals: the greater the mean energy is, the more dynamic
the signal is. Actually, dynamics of signals is due to oscillations and large values
of amplitude signals, as shown in Figs. B.2, B.3 and B.4. Interestingly, all signals in
each class are very similar.
Fig. B.4 Class3 : low dynamic, linear and/or constant quasi-stable and stable signals.
For instance, Fig. B.2 shows the tendency of profiles in Class1 ; where signals
are irregular and with some peaks, a few more are periodic—several presenting
phase offset—, and they may have discontinuities. Class2 presents smooth signals
with concavities shaping quadratic functions as observed in Fig. B.3. Finally, Class3
depicted in Fig. B.4 presents constant and quasi-constant signals and some others
are linear. Thus, a relationship between energy in signals and compound behaviors
(explained by the dynamics of signals) was revealed. In nature, the most flexible
organic compounds present large staturated, linear chains and branched chains, while
the most rigid and stable organic compounds are made of double or triple bonds (or by
symmetric geometries, out of scope). This notion is shown in artificial hydrocarbon
networks by the above discussion in which signals with simple bonds (Class1 ) are
not too stable, but dynamic; signals with double bonds (Class2 ) are less dynamic;
and, signals with triple bonds (Class3 ) are the most stable ones. In fact, another
interpretation of experimental results deals with the notion of flexibility. Structures
of artificial hydrocarbon network with lower order of bonds are more flexible than
structures of artificial hydrocarbon networks with higher order of bonds. Finally,
Table B.1 is used for selecting the best pair of molecules when the energy of an
output signal of any given system can be measured.
Appendix C
Practical Implementation of Artificial
Hydrocarbon Networks
This appendix provides example codes of the programs employed in the real-world
applications depicted in Chap. 7. For detailed information about background and
description of these applications, refer to the latter chapter. In addition, a quick
guide of implementing artificial hydrocarbon networks is presented at the end of the
appendix. If required, Appendix D summarizes the documentation of the Artificial
Organic Networks Toolkit using LabVIEWTM .
The adaptive audio filter based on artificial hydrocarbon networks of Algorithm 7.1
is implemented in LabVIEWTM as shown in Fig. C.1. First, the original signal is
obtained from the WAV SubVI (see Fig. C.2). As shown in Fig. C.2, the audio signal
is extracted from a *.wav file using the first channel (monochannel). The signal is
transformed into a (X, Y ) system. Then, this signal is corrupted with white noise
using the Uniform White Noise VI (Fig. C.1).
The corrupted signal, also expressed as a (X, Y ) system, enters to a While Loop in
which the signal is splitted into windows (batches) using the BATCH SubVI depicted
in Fig. C.3. This batch code receives an initial time value (initial) and the length in
time (WindowTime). The outputs of the BATCH SubVI are two arrays containing
a portion of the system (X, Y ) in the given interval [WindowTime + initial, initial].
Once a segment of corrupted signal is obtained, it is introduced to the Modified-
SimpleAHN VI (see Fig. C.1) which it computes the modified artificial hydrocarbon
networks algorithm. In fact, it receives its training parameters (Training Proper-
ties) with the step size (StepSize), the maximum number of molecules in the com-
pound (NumberOfMolecules), the maximum number of compounds fixed to one
in this application, and the tolerance value (Tolerance). As a result, this VI gives
the response (MixtureResponse) of the trained artificial hydrocarbon network. At
last, both the corrupted signal and the adaptive AHN-filter are shown in a graph (XY
For this example code, the audio signal had 5 s. Thus, the stop criterion of the
While Loop is fixed to compare the time of the signal to be greater or equal to the
value 4.999. The front panel of the code is shown in Fig. C.4.
Appendix C: Practical Implementation of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 203
The position control of the direct current (DC) motor designed in Chap. 7 requires
three steps: fuzzification, fuzzy inference engine and defuzzification. Since the first
two steps can be any fuzzification and fuzzy inference engine procedures detailed in
proper literature, this appendix only shows the defuzzification program code.
The defuzzification step of the fuzzy-molecular inference (FMI) controller written
in LabVIEWTM is shown in the block diagram of Fig. C.5. In that case, the fuzzy
membership values of antecedents in rules (FuzzyEvaluationValues) are collected
in an array. This array enters to a For Loop in order to evaluate the consequent values.
The evaluation is done via an artificial hydrocarbon compound implemented in the
Compound VI which receives the Molecular Parameters (i.e. type of molecule,
the number of molecules, order of bonding and hydrogen values), the Compound
Parameters (i.e. the type of behavior, bounds and optional properties of covalent
bonds) and the fuzzy membership values of the antecedents.
Notice that consequent values are multiplied by the fuzzy membership values of
antecedents. Then, these results are summed as well as the fuzzy membership values
of antecedents in order to compute the Crisp Output Value. It is remarkable to say
that the VI shown in Fig. C.5 can be used directly for type-1 fuzzy systems, and
reproducing it another time can be used for type-2 fuzzy systems.
Fig. C.5 Block diagram of the defuzzification step in the FMI controller
204 Appendix C: Practical Implementation of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
The facial recognition system using artificial hydrocarbon networks was imple-
mented in MATLAB®. The main script for training an artificial hydrocarbon net-
work and for extracting the feature vector made of bounds of molecules, is shown
clear all;
close all;
warning off all;
s(n).X(i) = X(SizeX);
s(n).Y(i) = Y(SizeY);
Intervals = [a Intervals];
As shown above, the inputs of the script are: an array of the numbers of input
vectors coming from the discrete cosine transform (DCT) rastered in zigzag denoted
as X, an array of the feature vector coming from the DCT rastered in zigzag denoted
as Y, the number of molecules in the artificial hydrocarbon compound denoted as n,
and the step size denoted as StepSize. The resultant feature vector using artificial
hydrocarbon networks is obtained from the Intervals variable.
This section presents a guick guide for using artificial hydrocarbon networks to model
Observations to chemical organic compounds reveal enough information to derive
the artificial organic networks technique. From studies of organic chemistry, organic
compounds are the most stable ones in nature. In addition, molecules can be seen as
206 Appendix C: Practical Implementation of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
units of packaging information; thus, complex molecules and its combinations can
determine a nonlinear interaction of information. Moreover, molecules can be used
for encapsulation and potential inheritance of information. Thus artificial organic
networks take advantage of this knowledge, inspiring the artificial hydrocarbon net-
works algorithm that infer and classify information based on stability and chemical
rules that allow formation of molecules.
In that sense, artificial organic networks define four components, i.e. atoms, mole-
cules, compounds and mixtures; and two basic interactions among components, i.e.
covalent bonds and chemical balance interaction. In order to obey chemical rules,
the following definitions of artificial hydrocarbon networks hold:
• Atoms. They are the basic units with structure. No information is stored in them.
In addition, when two atoms have the same number of degrees of freedom they
are called similar atoms, and different atoms otherwise. The degree of freedom is
the number of valence electrons that allow atoms to be linked with others. Only
hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms can be found.
• Molecules. They are the interactions of two or more atoms made of covalent bonds.
These components have structural and behavioral properties. Structurally, they
conform the basis of an organized structure while behaviorally they can contain
information. Thus, molecules are known as the basic units of information. If a
molecule has filled out all of the valence electrons in atoms, it is stable; but if
a molecule has at least one valence electron without filling, it is considered as
unstable. Two behaviors of molecular units can be found in artificial hydrocarbon
networks: the sum form (5.10)–(5.11) and the product form (5.18)–(5.19).
• Compounds. Structurally, they are two or more molecules interacting each other
linked with covalent bonds. Their behaviors are mappings from the set of molecular
behaviors to real values.
• Mixtures. They are the interaction of two or more molecules and/or compounds
without physical bonds. Mixtures are linear combinations of molecules and/or
compounds like (5.28) forming a basis of molecules with weights so-called stoi-
chiometric coefficients.
• Covalent bonds. They are of two types. Polar covalent bonds refer to the interaction
of two similar atoms while nonpolar covalent bonds refer to the interaction of two
different atoms. Three models of covalent bond behaviors can be identified: the
weighted sum interaction (4.5)–(4.7), the exponential interaction (4.8) and the
piecewise interaction (4.16). For implementation purposes, the latter is the easiest
covalent bond behavior.
• Chemical balance interaction. It refers to find the proper values of stoichiometric
coefficients in mixtures in order to satisfy constrains in artificial hydrocarbon
On the other hand, artificial hydrocarbon networks algorithm is divided in two steps:
the training process and the inference process (refer to Sect. 3.4.3 for further details).
Following, both processes are summarized in order to implement them easily.
Appendix C: Practical Implementation of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks 207
This process will build and train an artificial hydrocarbon network AH N for mod-
eling a given system ω. In order to do this, compute the following steps:
1. Collect q samples of attribute X and target Y variables from the system and
represent it as a pair of variables ω = (X, Y).
2. Determine the maximum number of compounds cmax > 0 that the artificial hydro-
carbon network AH N can have.
3. Determine the maximum number of molecules kmax ← 2 each compound can
4. Fix the learning rate value 0 < σ < 1 that is used for training the artificial
hydrocarbon network AH N . Small values of σ work well.
5. Determine the tolerance value Δ > 0 (error between the system and the model)
expected in the artificial hydrocarbon network AH N .
6. Use Algorithm 5.3 for training multidimensional artificial hydrocarbon networks.
At last, Algorithm 5.3 will return the artificial hydrocarbon network AH N in terms
of its structure φ (the total number of compounds used, the total number of molecules
per compound used and the links between molecules), and all parameters required
in that structure (the set of hydrogen values H , the stoichiometric coefficients τ and
the intermolecular distances Ω ).
In order to implement Algorithm 5.3, consider the flow diagram shown in Fig. C.6.
As noted, it consists of two main procedures: generate a set of compounds (build
and train a mixture of compounds) and mix them up to find optimal stoichiometric
For instance, consider Algorithm 5.3. In order to generate the set of compounds,
it is neccesary to generate one compound at a time (see Fig. C.6).
To generate a compound, it is required to initialize the number of the current
compound i and to set the minimal number of molecules k = 2 in the compound.
Once it is done, the CREATE-COMPOUND (R, k) procedure (Algorithm 4.1) is called
to build the structure of the compound; where, R stands for the residual system
(initially set to be the system ω) and k is the number of molecules in the compound.
In particular, this procedure has to split the system ω = (X, Y ) in equal partitions.
Thus, it requires to initialize the set of bounds of molecules L using (4.24) and (4.25).
Three different splitting processes were presented through the book. For example,
to split multivariate systems, it can be applied (6.16) to use a hyperplane criterion
or (6.19) to use a centers-of-molecules criterion. If the system is univariate, it can
be applied (4.26). After that, it is required to measure the energy of partitions using
(5.33) and compare this energy with Table 4.2.
Then, that compound is optimized and trained using the OPTIMUM-COMPOUND
(R, Ci , k, σ) procedure (Algorithm 4.4); where Ci stands for the current compound
in the set of all compounds. This procedure initializes the set of intermolecular
distances Θi and recalculates the set of bounds of molecules L using (4.25). Then,
it has to compute the least squares estimates using (5.35) and finally it has to update
intermolecular distances using (5.36) and (5.37).
208 Appendix C: Practical Implementation of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks
minimal compound
no optimal number
of molecules?
no optimal number
of compounds?
The last step of Algorithm 5.3 mixes the set of compounds using the least squares
estimates (4.19) in order to obtain a set of stoichiometric coefficients τ which it
terminates the algorithm.
This process can be used for making a query x to the artificial hydrocarbon network
AHN and obtaining a value response y (prediction). In order to do this, compute the
following steps:
1. Build the structure of the AHN using φ , H , τ and Θ.
2. Feed AHN with a query x.
3. Calculate the value response y.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all queries are respond.
Appendix D
Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit Using
This appendix presents a quick starting guide for designing applications with the
Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit using LabVIEWTM . First, an installation guide
is presented. Then, the functions palette is described. Finally, a complete list of
function blocks and their descriptions is summarized.
Refer to the online reference of the book in order to download the release version
of the Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit using LabVIEWTM . Then, follow these
instructions in order to install it:
1. Close the LabVIEWTM software if running.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Locate the AON_Toolkit folder and the dir.mnu file and put them inside the
user.lib folder following the path: Program Files ∼ National Instruments ∼
LabVIEW ∼ user.lib. It is remarkable to say that the dir.mnu file already present
in the system will be replaced.
4. Open the LabVIEWTM software and verify that there is the Artificial Organic
Networks Toolkit (AON) under the User Libraries in the functions palette.
When the Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit is installed, it appears under the User
Libraries in the functions palette. Figure D.1 shows the whole toolkit which it is clas-
sified into four categories: Components, Interactions, Chemical Rules and Training.
The Components palette (Fig. D.2) contains function blocks to implement the
basic components of the artificial hydrocarbon networks like molecules, compounds
and mixtures.
The Interactions palette (Fig. D.3) contains function blocks to implement covalent
bonds between components of artificial hydrocarbon networks. In fact, these virtual
instruments (VI) functions implement three models of covalent bonding behaviors.
The Chemical Rules palette (Fig. D.4) contains function blocks to implement rules
to create compounds, to split systems, to calculate intermolecular distances, and to
measure energy in components and systems.
Finally, the Training palette (Fig. D.5) contains function blocks to implement
training algorithms of articial hydrocarbon networks. In particular, both the simple-
AHN and the modified-AHN algorithms are programmed.
Refer to the next section to obtain general information of each function block in
the toolkit.
Appendix D: Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit Using LabVIEWTM 213
Fig. D.4 Chemical Rules palette of the Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit
This section summarizes the function blocks of the Artificial Organic Networks
Toolkit using LabVIEWTM .
CH Molecule Sum:
It computes the Compound Behavior due to an Input Signal. It requires the set
of Molecular Parameters (Type of Molecule, Number of Molecules, Degrees Of
Freedom and Hydrogen Values) and the Compound Parameters (Type Of Com-
pound Behavior, Bounds and optional Properties of the Weighted Sum behavior).
Compound N Points:
This VI calculates the Weights of two molecules. It requires an Input Signal and
the Properties of bond interactions.
Covalent Bonds (Polymorphic):
Bond Energy:
It creates a linear chain of CH-primitive molecules using the bond energy crite-
rion. This VI requires the System to model and the Number Of Molecules in the
compound, and returns the order of bonds (Bond Orders) between the Number Of
Molecules and the Degrees Of Freedom of each molecule.
Saturated Linear Chain:
It determines the Lower Bound and the Upper Bound in the input domain of the
Molecules Selector:
This is the look-up-table that helps to find the best order of bond (Bond Energy)
between two CH-primitive molecules.
Split System:
This VI splits the System, using the set of Bounds for each partition, in a Number
Of Molecules specified. It returns the set of partitions of the system (Partitions
Appendix D: Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit Using LabVIEWTM 219
This VI trains an artificial hydrocarbon network using the Simple AHN Algo-
rithm. It requires the Training Properties, the System to model, the Number Of
Molecules, the Number of Compounds and the Tolerance value. It outputs the
Mixture Structure, the Hydrogen Values, the Stoichiometric Coefficients and the
Mixture Response.
Modified Simple AHN:
The Artificial Organic Networks Toolkit using LabVIEWTM is available for design-
ing, training and implementing artificial hydrocarbon networks (AHNs). Following,
a series of examples show the way how components of AHNs can be used. Then,
training virtual instruments (VI) nodes are described.
Solution E.1 Create a new blank VI and select the CHMoleculeSelector function
from the following path: AHN ∼ Components. This VI allows to select the type of
CH model to use (TypeOfMolecule), the degree of freedom (DegreeOfFreedom),
the hydrogen values and carbon value (AtomicValues) and the input (InputSignal).
Then, it performs the behavior of molecule (MolecularBehavior). In this case, select
Sum Form for TypeOfMolecule, 3 for DegreeOfFreedom, and the hydrogen values
h 1 , h 2 , h 3 and carbon value vC for AtomicValues.
However, this VI only calculates the behavior of molecule from one data point of
the input domain. Then, place it inside a For Loop and create an array of values from
x = −1 to x = 1, considering a step value between elements, e.g. 0.01. Figure E.1
shows the global block diagram of this example. As noted, a graph (XY Graph) was
connected to the output terminal of the CHMoleculeSelector VI. Figure E.2 shows
the front panel of the this application.
Solution E.2 Create a new blank VI and select the Compound function from the
following path: AHN ∼ Components. This VI requires three inputs. The first input
terminal (MolecularParameters) is a cluster of the molecular parameters, including:
type of CH model (Product Form), the number of molecules in the compound (2), the
degrees of freedom of all molecules in the compound expressed as a vector (2, 2),
and an array of atomic parameters (hydrogen parameters and the carbon value). The
second input refers to the input value (InputSignal) of the compound (x = 0.45)
and the third input refers to paramaters of the compound (CompoundParameters),
including: type of compound interaction (Piecewise in this case), the bounds of
molecules in as a vector (−1, 0, 1) and an optional vector for additional parameters
to the Weighted Sum interaction. The Exponential interaction among molecules is
also available. The result of the VI is the compound behavior (CompoundBehavior).
Figure E.5 shows the global block diagram of this example. Run the application
and verify that the compound behavior at x = 0.45 is β(x) = −0.0125.
224 Appendix E: Examples of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks in LabVIEWTM
value (InputSignal) of the compound (x = 0.8). Finally, the fourth input is a vector
of sotichiometric coefficients (StoichiometricCoefficients).
Figure E.6 shows the global block diagram of this example. Run the application
and verify that the behavior of the mixture at x = 0.8 is S(x) = 0.056.
Example E.4 Consider the same mixture of Example E.3. Improve the LabVIEWTM
application for drawing the behavior of the mixture in the input domain x ∈ [−1, 1].
Solution E.4 Open the application of Example E.3 and place it inside a For Loop.
In order to reduce the size of the ParametersOfCompound array, right-click in the
outer cluster inside the array and select the View Cluster As Icon option in the
context menu. Then, create an array of values from x = −1 to x = 1 with a step
of 0.01, or place the input signal VI created in Example E.1. Replace the constant
input signal (InputSignal) with the latter array of inputs, and relink the output of
the Mixture VI to a graph control (XY Graph). Figure E.7 shows the overall block
diagram and Fig. E.8 shows the front panel with the behavior of mixture.
Solution E.5 Create a new blank VI and select the ModifiedSimpleAHN function
from the following path: AHN ∼ Training. This VI implements Algorithm 4.5 for
training an artificial hydrocarbon network. Five inputs are required. The first input
corresponds to some parameters (TrainingProperties) that determine how linear
chains of molecules are created (Simple Bond Based or Bond Energy Based), the
type of CH molecules in compounds (Sum Form or Product Form), the type of
interactions between molecules (Piecewise, Weighted Sum or Exponential), optional
properties for the Weighted Sum interactions, and a cluster for the step size and the
maximum number of iterations. In this case, Simple Bond Based algorithm, Product
Form type, Piecewise type, and σ = 0.05 and tmax = 100 values were used.
The second input requires a cluster (System) with two arrays containing the input
signal and the output signal, respectively. In this example, an array of inputs was
implemented (using the VI created in Example E.1) with lower bound 0 and upper
bound 5 and a step of 0.01. Function (E.2) was implemented with the Sine node
Appendix E: Examples of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks in LabVIEWTM 227
Fig. E.10 Response of the trained artificial hydrocarbon network of Example E.5
inside a For Loop, as depicted in Fig. E.9. Both arrays are clustered with the Bundle
The third input refers to the number of molecules (NumberMolecules) in the
AHN-structure, while the next input refers to the maximum number of compounds
in the mixture (NumberCompounds), and the fifth input is the tolerance value
(Tolerance). For this example, the corresponding values were 5, 2 and 0.001, respec-
Finally, the response of the trained artificial hydrocarbon network was plotted in
a graph (XY Graph). In order to graph the original function and the response (i.e.
the output terminal MixtureResponse), the latter is clustered with the input signal
228 Appendix E: Examples of Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks in LabVIEWTM
using the Bundle node. To this end, the original function and the response clusters
are used for creating a 2D-array with the Build Array node. Figure E.9 shows the
overall block diagram of the application and Fig. E.10 shows the response of the
trained AHN-structure in comparison with the original function.
If the AHN-structure and all trained parameters are required for a reasoning
process (predicting, forecasting, etc.), the ModifiedSimpleAHN function has other
three outputs: the structure of compounds in the mixture (MixtureStructure), the
hydrogen values with carbon values (HydrogenValues) and the set of stoichiometric
coefficients (StoichiometricCoefficients).