Legal Medicine
Legal Medicine
Legal Medicine
the process by which the medico-legal officer
conducts an examination on the cadaver to determine
the exact CAUSE OF DEATH
- It is a document stating the cause of
death of the victim. This is the medico-legal
-initial injury that led to a sequence of
events, which caused the death of the
2. Immediate
-injury or disease that finally killed the
Kinds of Autopsy
A.) Hospital on Non-Official Autopsy
- This is an autopsy done on a human body
with the consent of the deceased person
B.) Medico-legal or Official Autopsy
- This is an examination performed on the
dead body. To determine the cause, manner
( mode ) and time of death. Recovering,
Identifying , and Preserving evidentiary material.
then Providing inter petition and correlation of
Persons Authorized to perform
1.Health Officers
2.Medical officers of law enforcement
3.Members of the medical staff of
accredited hospitals
Forms of Medical Evidence
1. Real or Autoptic
evidence which is addressed to the
senses of the court. It is not limited to that
which can be known by the sense of vision
but extends to those which are perceived by
the senses of hearing, taste and smell or
2. Testimonial Evidence
A physician may be commanded to appear
before a court to give his testimony.
Is the declaration of truth or facts by an expert.
A solemn declaration made orally by a witness
under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer.
3. Experimental
is a form of evidence wherein an expert or
a medical witness may be required to performs
certain experiments to prove a certain matter
of fact.
4. Documentary evidence
any written evidence presented by an
expert witness in court which is relevant to the
subject matter in dispute.
5. Physical Evidence
Are articles and materials which are
found in connection with an investigation
and which aid in establishing the identity of
the perpetrator of the circumstances under
which the crime was committed or which in
general assist in the prosecution of the
Mr. Xanzo was caught stealing the personal belongings of
Mr. Zanny particularly a pale of paint. When Mr. Xanzo fled
together with the stolen item, he did not notice that there was
a hole in the pale that cause a continuous dropping of the
paint. These drops of paint are example of physical
evidence which can be considered as…
A. Corpus Delicti Evidence B. Associative evidence
C. Tracing evidence D. None of
Types of Physical Evidence
1. Corpus delicti evidence
It means the body of the crime or actual
commission of the crime charged.
2. Associative evidence
These are physical evidence which link a
suspect to the crime.
3. Tracing evidence
These are physical evidence which may
assist the investigator in locating the suspect.
Medico Legal
Aspects of
Rules in Personal Identification
• By exclusion
If two or more persons have to be identified
and all but one is not yet identified, then the
whose identity has not been established may
be known by the process of elimination.
Characteristics Characteristics that
which may easily may not be easily
be changed. changed
b. Psychological death
The condition of death wherein the patient
regresses, gives up or surrenders accepting
death prematurely and refuses to continue
c. Biogenic death
Type of death characterized by the absence
of cognitive function or awareness, although
artificial support system may maintain organs
d. Physiologic death
Type of death when all vital organs cease to
Several tests could be administered to the victim’s
body in order to ascertain if there is still sign of life.
What is that test in which a ligature will be applied
around the victim’s finger?
4. Diaphanous test
the fingers are spread wide and the finger
webs are viewed through a strong light.
Living : the finger webs appear red
Dead : yellow
Methods of Detecting Cessation of
1.Expose the chest and abdomen and observe
the movement during inspiration and
2. Examine the person with the aid of a
3. Examination with a mirror.
4. Examination with a feather or cotton fibers.
5. Winslow’s test(Glass of Water/Milk)
It is mostly associated with violent death due to
extreme nervous tension and injury to the central
nervous system, the statement is referring to the
spontaneous rigor, what if all the muscles of the body
totally stiffed due to death?
Algor Mortis
- After death the metabolic process inside
the body ceases. No more heat is produced
but the body losses slowly its temperature by
evaporation or by conduction of the
surrounding atmosphere.
Post- Mortem Caloricity
1. Hypostatic Lividity
- the blood merely gravitates into the
most dependent portions of the body but still
inside the blood vessels and still fluid in
2. Diffusion Lividity
-this appears during the later stage of its
formation when the blood has coagulated
inside the blood vessels or has diffused into
the tissues of the body.
This is the second stage of death investigation that involves thorough and
meticulous examination of the cadaver?
A. Autopsy B. Post-mortem Investigation
– a straw-yellow liquid form in a clotted blood. It
contains fibrin.
History of Blood Grouping
• A = 26.3%
• B = 24.7%
• O = 43.3%
• AB = 5.7%
Blood transfusions – who can receive blood
from whom?
Gavino Ang was found dead in the garage with a deep stab wound on the
neck. Kim Pang was found with a kitchen knife in his hand stained with blood.
Examination of the weapon showed that the stain was blood of human origin and
belonging to the same group as that of the deceased Gavino Ang, with such result
of the examination, the investigating authorities have a very strong presumption
that Kim Pang was the one who committed the crime. This case would help us
evaluate the legal importance of blood and blood stain as to:
A. Determination of the direction of the escape of the victim or the assailant.
B. Circumstantial or corroborative evidence against or in favor of the
perpetrator of the crime.
C. Determination of the approximate time the crime was committed.
D. Determination of the place of commission of the crime.
Is the normal amount of
semen per ejaculation of a
normal built person.
a.1.5 to 3.5 cc
b.2.5 to 3.5 cc -England /Western
c.3.5 to 5.5 cc
d.3.5 to 4.5 cc
• Viscidwhitish fluid of the male reproductive tract
consisting of spermatozoa suspended in secretion of
accessory glands.
Composition of Semen:
1.Seminal fluid – liquid portion
2.Formed Cellular Elements – consists the
spermatozoa, epithelial cells and proteins of
choline and lecithin.
Semen and seminal stains are involve in cases like:
• Rape
• Adultery
• Sodomy
• Bestiality
1. Cortex or the Wall – thickest layer of the shaft
responsible for shade of color of the hair. Melanin –
is the chemical responsible for the color of the
hair, present in the cortex
2. Medulla – the central canal of the hair. It runs
through the cortex. Can be interrupted, continuous
or fragmented.
3. Cuticles – the scaly covering of the shaft.
Hair Structure
Hair is composed of three principal parts:
The structure of hair has been compared to that of a pencil with the
medulla being the lead, the cortex being the wood and the cuticle
being the paint on the outside.
Medullary Index
Determined by measuring
the diameter of the
medulla and dividing it by
the diameter of the hair.
fundamental building block of all living matter.
The “blueprint of life”, DNA contains the inherited
information determining how an organism is built
and organized. DNA is a component of virtually all
the cells of the body, and is identical in each of
those cells.
A group of DNA molecules that, together, perform
a specific function is known as a GENE. Most
genes are located on chromosomes that are then
tightly packed within the nucleus of a cell (nuclear
DNA). Genes may also be found in mitochondria,
which are located outside the nucleus of the cell.
The DNA comprising genes found in the
mitochondria are referred to as mitochondrial
Structurally, nuclear DNA is a double
helix; two strands of genetic material
spiraled around each other like a
twisted ladder. The sides of the ladder
are made up of alternating sections of
phosphates and sugars. The inner
strands (like rungs of the ladder) are
pairs of four (4) bases:
Contamination – the evidence becomes
contaminated when DNA from another
source gets mixed with the DNA relevant to
the case.
As the first responder upon closely examining the cadaver found beside a river, you
noticed that there were no open wounds present on the body of the victim but both
hands and feet were tied because of the abrasions and then some strands of hair
could be found on his shirt. What will be your presumption?
A. the victim was poisoned and thrown to the river making some of the
evidence to perish
B. the victim was vigorously tortured before he was thrown to the river
C. the victim was forcibly drowned to death
D. the victim was threatened then jump to the river
In a tropical country, if the blood is found to be soft with the
abdomen distended with gases without the presence of rigor mortis, it
may have been dead for about
A. 24 hours B. 12 hours
C. 36 hours D. 48 hours
If the soil found on suspect’s clothing is consistent with soil found at the crime scene, this would
indicate that:
A. the suspect was in the area at the same time
B. the suspect has committed the crime
C. the suspect was in the area at the time of the crime
D. the suspect is guilty of the crime
In gunshot wounds, when there is evident burning of tissues and blackening of the skin, it may
be ascertained that it is a near contact fire meaning that the distance of the body to the gun is
A. 6 inches B. 18 inches
C. 12 inches D. 24 inches
After cessation of the vital function of the body there is still animal life among
individual cells.
A. Somatic death B. Molecular death
C. Apparent death D. State of suspended animation
A physical injury wherein the offended victim is incapacitated for work or requires
medical assistance for 10 days or more but not more than 30 days.
A. Slight physical injury B. Mutilation
C. Serious physical injury D. less serious physical injury
A policeman found the body of Jose floating in the river. Initial examination of
Jose’s body revealed that his stomach is not bloated. There is no sign of injury in his
body. What is the possible conclusion of Jose’s death?
A. accidental B. Homicidal
C. negligent D. drowning
The presence of maggots in a cadaver indicates that the
victim was dead for_________.
a.1 day c. 3 days
b.2 days d. 4 days
C. 5 years D. 9 years
48. A condition characterized by hardening of the muscle and
coagulation of muscles and due to exposure to burn and hot spot.
A. Cold stiffening B. rigor mortis
C. Heat stiffening D. algor mortis
49. It is a discoloration of the body after death when blood tends to
pool in the blood vessels of the most dependent portion of the body.
A. Algor mortis B. rigor mortis
C. Post investigation D. livor mortis
50. It may be made to in order to afford the opportunity for a post
mortem examination to establish the circumstances of the death.
A. autopsy B. post mortem examination
C. exhumation D. interment
These fractures show up on the surface opposite to the one where the
fracturing blow or pressure was applied.
A. Concentric fractures B. Radial fractures
C. Both A & B D. None of these
What if Y killed Z?
f. Parricidal