Effect of Intermediate Sheet Piles in Non-Homogenous Soil On Seepage Properties Under Hydraulic Structure Using SEEP/W Program
Effect of Intermediate Sheet Piles in Non-Homogenous Soil On Seepage Properties Under Hydraulic Structure Using SEEP/W Program
Effect of Intermediate Sheet Piles in Non-Homogenous Soil On Seepage Properties Under Hydraulic Structure Using SEEP/W Program
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All content following this page was uploaded by Asmaa Abdul Jabbar Jamel on 06 August 2018.
ISSN: 1813-162X
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences
available online at: http://www.tj-es.com
The seepage through a permeable soil under hydraulic structure exerts uplift pressure and
may carry soil particles there by leads to piping. This paper concerns to study the effect of using
intermediate sheet pile under the apron of hydraulic structure besides the upstream and
downstream piles rest on non-homogeneous soil layer. This configuration aim to show how it affect
the uplift pressure, exit gradient and seepage discharge at toe of hydraulic structure by using
computer program SEEP/W Package.
From the software test carried out two cases, first case using two sheet pile one at the
upstream and the other at the downstream, then compare its results with the second case when the
sheet pile at upstream, downstream and intermediate pile introduced Also for each run the quantity
of uplift pressure, exit gradient and discharge at toe of hydraulic structure were determined to
develop an empirical equations. Also, the results have been verify with artificial neural network
(ANN), this verification shown good agreement between them.
Keywords: Uplift pressure, Exit gradient, Discharge, SEEP/W, ANN, Non-homogenous soil.
تأثير استخدام ركيزة وسطية في تربة غير متجانسة على خصائص التسرب تحت المنشأ الهيدروليكي باستخدام
SEEP/W البرنامج الحاسوبي
تسرب المٌاه فً التربة النفاذة تحت المنشأ الهٌدرولٌكً ٌولد ضغط اصعاد والذي ٌؤدي الى حمل دقائق التربة والذي ٌؤدي
ً هذا البحث ٌهدف لدراسة تأثٌر استخدام ركٌزة فً المنتصف باإلضافة الى الركٌزتٌن اللتٌن هما ف.الى حدوث ظاهرة االنبوبٌة
مقدم ومؤخر المنشأ وذلك فً تربة غٌر متجانسة على قٌم ضغط االصعاد وتدرج المخرج والتصرٌف الخارج عند مؤخر المنشأ
.SEEP/W الهٌدرولٌكً باستخدام برنامج
ً الحالة االولى كانت باستخدام ركٌزتٌن احدهما فً المقدم واالخرى ف،باستخدام البرنامج تم اجراء حالتٌن من التحلٌل
ثم مقارنتها مع الحالة الثانٌة الناتجة عن استخدام ثالث ركائز (فً مقدم ومؤخر ووسط) المنشأ على خصائص،مؤخر المنشأ
لكل تجربة تم قٌاس مقدار ضغط االصعاد وتدرج المخرج والتصرٌف عند مؤخر المنشأ الهٌدرولٌكً وبذلك تم.التسرب
ومن خاللها، كذلك تم التحقق من نتائج البرنامج باستخدام الشبكة العصبٌة الصناعٌة.استخراج معادالت رٌاضٌة إلٌجاد هذه القٌم
.اوجد ان مقدار التقارب بالنتائج كان بشكل كبٌر
. تربة غٌر متجانسة، الشبكة العصبٌة االصطناعٌة،SEEP/W ، التصرٌف، تدرج المخرج، ضغط االصعاد:الدالة الكلمات
Nomenclature B = Distance between two sheet pile (L).
= Angle of last sheet pile. d1 = Depth of first sheet pile (L).
= Angle of intermediate sheet pile. d2 = Depth of second sheet pile (L).
80 Jamel /Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 23 (3) (2016) 79-90
d3 = Depth of intermediate sheet pile (L). Baghalian and Nazari predicted the uplift
H = Upstream head (L). pressure under the diversion dam using
i= Exit gradient (L/L). artificial neural network[7].
kx = Hydraulic conductivity of soil in X Jain studied the finite depth seepage
direction (L/T). below flat overall with end cutoffs and a
ky = Hydraulic conductivity of soil in Y downstream step by way of design curves for
direction (L/T). uplift pressure at key points[8].
P= Uplift pressure head (L). Ijam obtained an analytical solution for
q = Discharge (L /T/L). seepage flow below a dam with inclined cutoff
= Angle of first sheet pile. set anywhere along the base of the dam. The
derivative equations have been used for
Introduction calculation of hydraulic gradient along the
The stability of earth structures and downstream bed and for the pressure at key
natural deposits is dependent not only upon points[9].
the static properties of the soil but also the Azizi et al. studied the Weep Hole and
forces produced by water as it seeps through Cut-off Effect in Decreasing of Uplift Pressure
the pores. As an aid to engineer judgment in (Case Study: Yusefk and Mahabad Diversion
the design of earth structures or the Dam) by simulation it in SEEP/W
stabilization of earth deposits, the engineer software[01].
should be talented to estimate through Mansuri et al. studied the effect of
analyses, the magnitude of seepage forces location and angle of cutoff Wall on uplift
and pressures and the quantities of water pressure in change dam by compares the
flowing through the soil. adeptness of cutoff wall for some design
Farouk and Smith, studied the design of parameters in an supposed diversion dam
hydraulic structures with two intermediate cross-section[00].
filters located anywhere between two end Khalili and Amiri studied the effects of
cutoffs of a flat floor[1]. blanket, drains and cutoff wall on reducing
Mohsen, studied seepage with nonlinear uplift pressure, exit gradient, and seepage
permeability by least square FEM[2]. under hydraulic structures for different
Al-Delewy et al., studied the optimum inclined angles of cutoff walls[02].
design of control devices for safe seepage Kramer studied piping in transient
under hydraulic structures by finite-element conditions analysis of time-dependent erosion
method which used to evaluate seepage under dikes[01].
through porous media below hydraulic Abbood et al. studied the optimum
structures with blanket, filter trench as dimensions of hydraulic structures foundation
seepage control devices[3]. and protections using combined genetic
Arslan and Mohammad used algorithm using artificial Neural Network, also
investigational for pizometric head under the Geo-studios software used to analyze
hydraulic structures for upstream, 1200 different cases[04].
intermediate and downstream sheet piles Alnealy and Alghazali, (2015), studied
inclination[4]. seepage under hydraulic structures using
Alsenousi and Mohamed studied the slide program then they had present a
effects of soil foundation features and inclined distribution curves of uplift pressure along the
cutoffs on seepage beneath hydraulic floor as well as the distribution of exit gradient
structures Using conformal analysis, electrical at downstream[15].
analog models empirical formulas, In this study and in order to provide the
experimental works using physical as well as required safety for both piping and uplift
numerical models[5]. pressure due to exit gradient, the designers
Kumar studied experimentally different usually provide sheet pile at the upstream
forms of seepage stream under the sheet pile and the downstream sides of the hydraulic
through model perform seepage analysis of structures foundation for non-homogenously
bulkheads[6]. the intermediate sheet pile being necessary.
By using SEEP/W, and depends on software
program SPSS-19 Statistics, equations will
Jamel /Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 23 (3) (2016) 79-90 81
Fig. 1. Tests for first and second group
82 Jamel /Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 23 (3) (2016) 79-90
Fig. 2b. The general section of three sheet pile in non-homogenous soil layer
(Kx/Ky=2) was decreases about 3%, 7%, maximum discharge when used last sheet
11% and 13% when ( pile with angle ( ) at (kx/ky=5), while
respectively, and for permeability ratio the minimum discharge when used last sheet
(Kx/Ky=5) decreases about 2%, 10%, 11% pile with angle ( ) at (kx/ky=0.5) with
and 17% when ( . So any intermediate sheet pile angle.
from above the maximum exit gradient is by
Beta =0 Beta=90 Beta=10
using any intermediate angle with last sheet Beta=20 Beta=30
pile at angle ( ) for (kx/ky=5), while the
minimum exit gradient when use any
intermediate angle with last sheet pile at R² = 1
Discharge q(m3/sec/m)
angle ( ) for (kx/ky=5).
R² = 1
R² = 1
R² = 1R² = 1
R² = 1
Exit Gradient
R² = 1
0 20 40 60 80 100
R² = 1
Kx/Ky=0.1 Kx/Ky=0.5
R² = 0.9326
R² = 0.9707 R² = 0.9839
0 20 40 60 80 100
α R² = 0.9841
Exit Gradient
R² = 0.9867
angle ( ) to ( ), and increases by
approximately 6.8% when decreases the
R² = 0.9841
angle ( ) to ( ), increases by
approximately 8.2% when decreases the R² = 0.984
R² = 0.9863
angle ( ) to ( ). Also, the figure
show that the exit gradient decreases with
increasing the soil permeability ratio which 0 20 40 60 80 100
decrease approximate about 30% when
increases the permeability ratio from 0.1 to Fig. 10. Relationship between ( ) and exit
0.5, decrease approximate about 34% when gradient at (
increases the permeability ratio from 0.5 to 2,
decrease approximate about 26% when Figure (11) shows the relationship
increases the permeability ratio from 2 to 5. between the angle of intermediate sheet pile
with the exit gradient at toe of hydraulic
Kx/Ky=0.1 Kx/Ky=0.5 structure (i). The boundary conditions are
constant angle of first and last sheet pile
R² = 1
( ), constant depth of all piles under taken,
four different ratio of permeability (Kx/Ky).
Exit Gradient
Kx/Ky=0.1 Kx/Ky=0.5
Figure (10) shows the relationship
between the angle of first sheet pile with the
exit gradient at toe of hydraulic structure (i).
Exit Gradient
constant angle of first and intermediate sheet ( ) to ( ). Also shown that the
pile ( ), constant depth of all piles under discharge decreases with decreasing soil
taken, four different ratio permeability (Kx/Ky) permeability ratio.
have used. From this figure it can be shown
that the discharge increases with increasing Kx/Ky=0.1 Kx/Ky=0.5
( ) but when reach to ( ) the discharge
decrease. Discharge increases by
Discharge q (m3/sec/m)
approximately 7.4% when decreases the R² = 0.9861
angle ( ) to ( ), and increases by
approximately 7.7% when decreases the
angle ( ) to ( ), increases by R² = 0.9838
approximately 5.2% when decreases the
angle ( ) to ( ). Also, the figure R² = 0.984
show that the seepage discharge decreases R² = 0.9867
with decreasing the soil permeability ratio
0 20 40 60 80 100
which increase approximate about 72% when θ
increases the permeability ratio from 0.1 to
0.5, increase approximate about 62% when Fig. 13. Relationship between ( ) and
increases the permeability ratio from 0.5 to 2, discharge at (
increase approximate about 42% when
increases the permeability ratio from 2 to 5. Figure (14) shows the relationship
between the angle of intermediate sheet pile
Kx/Ky=0.1 Kx/Ky=0.5 with the seepage discharge at toe of
hydraulic structure (q). The boundary
R² = 0.9803 conditions are constant angle of first and last
Discharge q (m3/sec/m)
Figure (13) shows the relationship between Kx/Ky=0.1 Kx/Ky=0.5 Kx/Ky=2 Kx/Ky=5
the angle of first sheet pile with the seepage
discharge at toe of hydraulic structure (q).
Discharge q (m3/sec/m)
(R =0.94), (Pearson correlation=0.970) ...(5)
Dischrge calculated from ANN
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 Fig. 20. Comparison between the calculated
Uplift pressure calculated from ANN discharge by SEEP/W model and ANN
Table 3. Independent variable importance for 4- The maximum increasing in exit gradient
discharge using three sheet piles approximately 8.2% when decreases the
angle ( ) to ( ). Also exit
variable Importance Normalized Importance gradient decreases with increasing the soil
permeability ratio.
.018 2.3% 5- The maximum decreasing in exit gradient
.033 4.2% was approximately 3.1% when decreases
the angle ( ) to ( ).
.166 21.2% 6- The maximum increasing in exit gradient
Kx/Ky .784 100.0% was approximately 0.067% when decreases
the angle ( ) to ( ).
7- The maximum discharge increasing
Conclusions approximately 7.7% when decreases the
In this paper, the SEEP/W model was angle ( ) to ( ).
used to simulate the uplift pressure head, exit 8- The maximum decreasing in discharge
gradient and discharge at toe of hydraulic was approximately 3% when decreases the
structure in non-homogenous soil in to case: angle ( ) to ( ).
first case by using two sheet piles, which 9- The maximum increasing in discharge
shown: was approximately 0.058% when decreases
the angle ( ) to ( ).
1- The high effect of using intermediate
Depended on the SEEP/W results
sheet pile on the magnitude of the uplift
developed equations to determine the uplift
pressure head, and (P) decreases with
pressure head, exit gradient and discharge at
increasing (α) but when reach to (α=90°)
toe of hydraulic structure.
the uplift pressure increase. The maximum
When verify the SEEP/W and ANN
uplift pressure head was used intermediate
results it was shown good agreement. Also
sheet pile with angle ( ) at (kx/ky=5),
show the high effect of permeability ratio on
while the minimum uplift pressure head
these results and the lower effect was at
when used intermediate sheet pile with
intermediate sheet pile angle.
angle ( ) at (kx/ky=0.1).
2- (i) increases with increasing (α) but when
reach to (α=90°) the exit gradient decrease.
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