Determination of Capacity of Labyrinth Side Weir by CFD
Determination of Capacity of Labyrinth Side Weir by CFD
Determination of Capacity of Labyrinth Side Weir by CFD
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: Side weirs are widely used in irrigation, land drainage, urban sewage systems, flood protection, and
Received 11 April 2012 forebay pool of hydropower systems by flow diversion or intake devices. The hydraulic behavior of side
Received in revised form weirs received considerable interest by many researchers. A large number of these studies are physical
17 August 2012
model tests of rectangular side weirs. However, in the study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Accepted 19 September 2012
models together with laboratory models of labyrinth side weirs were used for determining the discharge
Available online 23 October 2012
capacity of the labyrinth side weir located on the straight channel. The discharges performances obtained
Keywords: from CFD analyses were compared with the observed results for various Froude number, dimensionless
Side weir nappe height, dimensionless weir width, and weir included angle. The results obtained from both
Water discharge
methods are in a good agreement.
Labyrinth weir
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CFD analysis
Free surface flow
1. Introduction the labyrinth side weirs is the decrease of discharge capacity with
increasing the nappe height when the weir included angle is chosen
A side weir is an overflow weir framed in the side of a channel, too small.
which allows lateral overflow when the surface of the liquid in A review of previous studies indicated that rectangular sharp-
the channel rises above the weir crest [1]. Side weirs are hydraulic crested side weirs have been investigated extensively, including
structures often in irrigation techniques, sewer networks, land work by Ackers [5], Collinge [6], Frazer [7], Subramanya and
drainage, and flood protection. The crest length of a weir has the Awasthy [8], El-Khashab and Smith [9], Uyumaz and Muslu [10],
greatest influence on the discharge capacity. A labyrinth weir is Helweg [11], Swamee et al. [12], Agaccioglu and Yuksel [13]. The
defined as a weir crest that is not straight in planform. The hydraulic behavior and discharge coefficient of side weirs for the
increased sill length provided by labyrinth weirs effectively different type of weirs, main channel and flow conditions have
reduces upstream head to the particular discharge. A labyrinth been studied by many researchers such as: Nadesamoorthy and
weir can therefore be used to particular advantage where the Thomson [14], Singh et al. [15], Yu-Tek [16], Cheong [17], and
width of a channel is restricted and a weir is required to pass a others. Ranga Raju et al. [1] investigated on the discharge
range of discharges with a limited variation in upstream water coefficient of a broad-crested rectangular side weir depending
level. Hay and Taylor [2] and Tullis et al. [3] carried out experi- on the main channel, Froude number and head/weir width ratio.
ments on the advantage of labyrinth weirs in case of limited Recently, Aydin [18] modeled the free surface flow over the
channel widths. There are a lot of prototype labyrinth spillways triangular labyrinth side weir by using Volume of Fluids (VOF)
(for example the Avon Dam (Australia), the Ritschard Dam (USA), method to describe the surface characteristics in subcritical flow
the Ute Dam (USA), the Hyrum Dam (USA), the Sarioglan Dam conditions. Borghei and Parvaneh [19] studied a new type of
(Turkey), the Kizilcapinar Dam (Turkey)). However the idea of oblique side weir with asymmetric geometry on an experimental
labyrinth side weir was first presented by Emiroglu et al. [4], and set-up. The researchers stated that this kind of weir is more
there is not any prototype labyrinth side weir in our knowledge. efficient than the ordinary oblique weir. Emiroglu et al. [20]
They reported that discharge coefficient of the labyrinth side weir is carried out a comprehensive study to determine the discharge
1.5–4.5 times higher than normal rectangular side weir in a rectan- coefficient of a sharp crested rectangular side weir in a straight
gular channel. However it is noted that one of the disadvantages of channel, and developed an equation for discharge coefficient
including all dimensional parameters. Agaccioglu et al. [21]
presented a reliable equation based on 1504 experimental runs
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ90 4342285170; fax: þ 90 4342285171.
for discharge coefficient of the rectangular side weir in a curved
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.C. Aydin), channel depending on the all dimensionless parameters. Haddadi
[email protected] (M.E. Emiroglu). and Rahimpour [22] investigated an experimental setup to obtain
0955-5986/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M.C. Aydin, M.E. Emiroglu / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 29 (2013) 1–8
" #
1 @ ! Xn aspects known as iterative convergence and grid convergence, in
ðaq rq Þ þ r:ðaq rq v q Þ ¼ Saq þ _ pq m
ðm _ qp Þ ð4Þ terms of time-dependent problems, iterative convergence at
rq @t p¼1
every time step should be checked. It must be ensured that
where r is the density of fluid, m is the dynamic viscosity of fluid, u is iterative convergence is achieved with at least three orders-of-
the velocity vectors, Ps is the pressure and F is a body force; m _ qp is the magnitude decrease in the normalized residuals for each equation
mass transfer from phase q to phase p, m _ pq is the mass transfer from solved. Each time steps are maximum 40 iterations and all
phase p to phase q, aq is the qth fluid’s volume fraction in a cell. The residuals drop under three orders every time steps. As shown in
source term Saq of Eq. (4) is zero by default. If aq ¼0, the cell is empty, Fig. 3, iterative convergences were achieved for each Froude
if aq ¼1, the cell is full (of the qth fluid), and if 0o aq o1, the cell number of the each CFD model of labyrinth side weirs (for
contains the interface between two fluid phases. The VOF model with L¼0.25 m, y ¼601, and p ¼0.20 m). It is pointed out that this is
time-dependent solution in Fluent was used to calculate free surface quite time-consuming process despite of using the HPC system.
flow in the labyrinth side weir models. A method for discretization error estimation is the Richardson
extrapolation (RE) method which was first used by Richardson [33].
3.1. Geometry and boundary conditions The Grid Convergence Index (GCI) method which is based on Richard-
son Extrapolation was used to estimate the discretization errors. The
The geometries and meshes were generated by using Gambit. procedure of this method was outlined by Celik et al. [34] as
The parameters of the created models and its meshing specifica- following.
tions were given in Table 1. The typical view of model geometry For three dimensional calculations the representative cell,
and boundary conditions are given in Fig. 2. The open channel mesh or grid size l was estimated by
boundary conditions were applied to the CFD model as the
" #1=3
pressure inlet at the main channel inlet, the pressure outlets at 1XN
the boundaries which open to atmosphere and labyrinth side weir l¼ ðDV i Þ ð5Þ
outlet (Fig. 2). The pressure inlet boundary condition presents an
option which ensures to easily describe the bottom and the
surface levels of the main channel and also the velocity of the
main channel flow. A water level of downstream weir is imposed
initially by the pressure inlet boundary at the main channel
outlet. It is assumed that the free surface levels of the inlet and
outlet boundaries in the main channel are approximately equal
initially. After the solution is converged, the water levels reach
own natural level in the subcritical conditions. For subcritical
outlet flows (F1 o1), if there are only two phases, then the
pressure is taken from the pressure profile specified over the
boundary, otherwise the pressure is taken from the neighboring
cell. Based on the Froude number when F1 o1 the flow is known
to be subcritical where disturbances can travel upstream as well
as downstream. In this case, downstream conditions might affect
the flow upstream [31].
where DVi is the volume of ith cell and N is the number of cell. 4. Results and discussion
Three different sets of grid are selected and the apparent order is
calculated using the equation below. The discharge coefficients Cd of CFD models were calculated by
Eq. (1) using the data obtained from CFD analyses as calculated by
Emiroglu et al. [25] for their physical model.
P¼ ln j32 =j21
þ qðPÞ
lnðr 21 Þ Emiroglu et al. [4] found that the discharge coefficient Cd for
labyrinth side weir included angles of 451 and 601 is greater than
where j21 ¼ f2 f1, j32 ¼f3 f2, r is the grid refinement factor, the Cd coefficient for the other included angles (y ¼901, 1201 and
defined as r21 ¼ l2/l1 for l1 o l 2, f1, f2, f3 are the key variables 1501). They stated that the effect of L/b ratio, which plays an
which play an important role for the considered study. If the grid important role in the discharges capacity of labyrinth side weir,
refinement (r) is constant, q(P) ¼0. Then, it is calculated following on Cd for labyrinth side weir included angles of 451 and 601 is very
approximate relative errors: important due to the increase in the intensity of secondary flow
created by lateral flow. Therefore, in the CFD analyses, it is only
f f
considered that the triangular labyrinth side weir included angles
e21 ¼
1 2
f1 of 451 and 601.
To show the effects of parameter (h1 p)/p on discharge
Finally, the fine grid convergence index was calculated as [35] coefficients, Cd values obtained from both the CFD and physical
models are plotted against the dimensionless nappe height
1:25e21 (h1 p)/p for L/b ¼0.5 and 1.0 in Fig. 5(a–d). These figures show
f ine ¼ ð8Þ
r P21 1 that Cd decreases with the increase in (h1 p)/p. The effect of
(h1 p)/p on Cd can be explained with the discontinuity region.
Three various grid sizes which are fine-grid, base grid (10 mm) This discontinuity region has a strong secondary motion next to
and coarse-grid were used to control grid convergence. The the boundary of the weir side. Tullis et al. [3] also stated that the
refinement factors between the coarse and fine grids (r ¼ l coarse/ values of discharge coefficient decrease with the increasing nappe
l fine 41) is 1.11 according to Roache [36] who recommended a height. The decreasing trend of Cd with the increase of (h1 p)/p
minimum 10% change in the grid refinement factor. The values of increases with reducing labyrinth side weir included angle. For
key variable (f1, f2, f3) were considered as the overflow discharges this reason, higher nappe heights on labyrinth side weir are not
of side weir for three grid sizes. The numerical errors for selected by hydraulic designers. The discharge capacity of the
L¼0.25 m, y ¼601, p¼0.12 m were estimated in Table 2. Accord- labyrinth side weir increases with the reducing included angle (y).
ing to this table, the fine-grid evaluation of GCI can be given as Thus, the effect of nappe height on discharge of labyrinth side
between 0.77% and 7.88% which corresponds to the weir dis- weir is more significant in the small angles. Therefore, the
charges of 0.12 and 0.52 L/s approximately. The maximum dis- designer must carefully be choosing the nappe height.
cretization error with the averaged apparent order was also
obtained as 2.13% in terms of velocity magnitude in the middle
of side-weir by Aydin [18].
Table 2
Discretization errors.
(h1-p)/h1 Discharges (L/s) e21 e32 r21 r32 pave e21 e32 GCI21
fine (%) GCI32
fine (%)
f1 f2 f3
0.25 7.69 6.68 6.23 1.0066 0.4487 1.11 1.11 11.26 0.131 0.067 7.88 4.04
0.30 9.86 9.37 9.34 0.4858 0.0283 1.11 1.11 11.26 0.049 0.003 2.96 0.18
0.35 12.52 12.30 12.39 0.2175 0.0935 1.11 1.11 11.26 0.017 0.008 1.05 0.46
0.40 15.66 15.46 15.38 0.2018 0.0833 1.11 1.11 11.26 0.013 0.005 0.77 0.32
0.45 19.29 18.86 18.30 0.4385 0.5587 1.11 1.11 11.26 0.023 0.030 1.37 1.78
M.C. Aydin, M.E. Emiroglu / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 29 (2013) 1–8 5
Fig. 6 (a–d) shows the comparison of Cd values obtained from flow created by the lateral flow was affected by the length of the
CFD and experimental studies against the Froude number. The side weir, crest height of side weir and Froude number. An increase
results generally indicated that discharge coefficient increases in the secondary flow causes the growth of the deviation angle and
with increasing Froude number. Agaccioglu and Yüksel [13] also kinetic energy towards the side weir when the relative length of the
found the similar tendency. But, the variation of Cd against F1 is side weir increases. The occurrence of the vortex near to middle of
not significant for the small width of the side weir as L/b¼ 0.5. labyrinth side weir in XY-plane gets complicated the secondary flow
Moreover, there has been a little reduction of Cd with increasing phenomenon in YZ-plane. Due to the vortex occurrence while the
Froude number (Fig. 6a) like sharp-crested side weirs. The main secondary flow moves counter-clockwise at the upstream of middle
reason of this is the low intensity of secondary motion created by of the weir, the secondary flow moves clockwise at the downstream
lateral flow for small value of L/b. However for higher L/b¼1.0 the of middle of the weir (see Fig. 7).
increasing of Cd values against F1 is more significant, as shown in As it can be seen from Figs. 5 and 6, the discharge coefficients
Fig. 6(c–d). The strength of the secondary flow was affected by the from CFD analyses are quietly compatible with the experimental
length of the side weir and Froude number. An increase on the data observed. In Fig. 9, the weir discharges obtained from CFD
secondary flow causes the growth of the deviation angle and analyses and computed from Eq. (1) with Cd values of Emiroglu
kinetic energy towards the side weir when the relative side-weir et al. [4] were compared. As seen in this figure, the CFD and the
length increases. Therefore, an increase of F1 values also increases calculated values are in reasonable agreement with 711% errors.
Cd values. El-Khashab and Smith [9] also mentioned that the Additionally, to evaluate the accuracy between experimental and
secondary flow condition due to lateral flow is dominant when a CFD results, the root mean square error (RMSE) and the average
side weir is relatively long (i.e., L/b41). percent error (APE) criteria were used. The RMSE and APE are
The development of secondary flow towards the downstream given as 2.016% and 10.64% respectively for the side weir
direction inside the labyrinth side weir is presented in Fig. 7. The discharges. These values present a satisfactory agreement
intensity of secondary flow created by lateral flow is defined as the between experimental and CFD results.
ratio of the mean kinetic energy of the lateral motion to the total vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u N
kinetic energy of main flow at a given cross section. The intensity of u1 X
RMSE ¼ t
ðQ ðobservedÞQ s ðCFDÞÞ ð9Þ
secondary flow is probably created by lateral flow shown in Fig. 8. Ni¼1 s
Turbulence and velocity streamlines oriented towards the side weir.
By orientation of the velocity streamlines towards side weir, the N
100 X
Q s ðobservedÞQ s ðCFDÞ
occurrence of the stagnation zone and the vortex plays an important APE ¼ ð10Þ
N i¼1
Q s ðobservedÞ
role in flow interactions (see Fig. 8). The strength of the secondary
6 M.C. Aydin, M.E. Emiroglu / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 29 (2013) 1–8
Fig. 7. Secondary flows in the different cross sections. (a) Plan, (b) Section II-II, (c) Section III-III, (d) Section IV-IV and (e) Section V-V.
M.C. Aydin, M.E. Emiroglu / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 29 (2013) 1–8 7
Fig. 8. Velocity vectors on free surface at junction location. (a) XY-plan, (b) X-component and (c) Y-component.
in which N is the number of data set and Qs is the discharge model. It is reported that the fine-grid evaluation of GCI as
of weir. between 0.77% and 7.88% in terms of overflow discharges.
Both the results of CFD and physical model showed that while
Cd coefficient decreases with increasing values of (h1 p)/p, it
increases with increasing F1 due to the effects of secondary flow
5. Conclusions inside the labyrinth side weir. Only for small values of L/b as 0.5,
Cd values decreases with increase of Froude number, like sharp-
In the present study, the CFD (Fluent) analyses of labyrinth crested side weir because of low intensity of secondary flow. For
side weir located on a straight channel were performed to all results, it is concluded that a reasonable agreement was
investigate the effects of some dimensionless parameters as F1 achieved between the CFD results and the experimental observa-
and (h1 p)/p at the certain values of y and L/b. The open channel tions. Additionally, an interval error of 711%, RMSE¼2.016 and
boundary conditions used in the CFD models provide an efficient APE¼10.64% respect to the side weir discharges between CFD and
approach for simulation of the flow over the labyrinth side weir. experimental results is reported. The presented results in this
The GCI analysis performed with the fine, base (10 mm) and study can encourage further the researchers in making new
coarse grid to determine the numerical sensitivity to the grid of different designs of labyrinth side weir by using CFD.
8 M.C. Aydin, M.E. Emiroglu / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 29 (2013) 1–8