Answer Assignment Dpm20133 Engineering Measurement Method

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1. Define the term of measuring and gauging and give examples of tools for each term
Measuring - Comparing the length or angle with the scale of a measuring instrument. E.g
vernier calliper, micrometre
Gauging - Comparing a part against a gauge such as plug gauge, to determine whether or not
the part is within the specified limits. E.g snap gage, plug gage
2. Why do we need to conduct inspections on produced part?
• To determine good or bad parts
• To achieve interchangeability
• To improve and develop precision measuring instruments
• To support the manufacturing department
3. What is the rule of 10 in factor of selecting measuring instrument?
The measuring instrument should be 10 times or percent more precise than the tolerance to
be measured.
4. Why the factor of resolution is very important during selection of measuring instrument
The greater the resolution of the instrument, the smaller will be the things it can resolve and
the greater will be the magnification required to expand these measurements up to the point
where they can be observed the naked eye.
5. State the difference between systematic error & random error
Systematic error Random error
It occurs constantly under the same It occurs naturally and is inherent in the
measurement condition and can be detected. measuring process.
Can be largely eliminated. It is the result of random situations and is
difficult to detect and eliminate.
For example: Thermal expansion of metal is For example: The workpiece is located
affected by the temperature. wrongly when being held in the fixture.

6. What is Abbe’s Law?

It states that ‘maximum accuracy may be obtained when the standard is in line with the axis
of the workpiece to be measured’.
7. Discuss the type of measurement and give example for each
Direct measurement
The length of the workpiece is compared directly against the line of measuring instrument such
as vernier caliper, micrometer etc.
Indirect Measurement
The value is obtained by using an intermediary /third party such as caliper, then comparing
the measurement obtained against a scale of measuring instrument such as steel ruler.
Comparative Measurement
The measurement is through comparing between the standard such as gauge blocks and the
8. State the difference between measuring and gauging
Measuring is the general act of determining dimensions or quantities, often expressed in
standard units, while gauging is a specific form of measurement focused on ensuring that an
object or part meets predefined specifications or tolerances.
9. How the environment can affect the accuracy of measuring system
The environment can significantly impact the accuracy of a measuring system. Various
environmental factors can introduce errors or uncertainties into measurements, affecting the
reliability and precision of the data obtained. Expansion due to heat, the length of a body is
different at different temperatures. A standard temperature of 20 C has been fixed for the
10. What is the purpose of calibration?
• Read out device produces zero output for zero measured input
• Display output equivalent to known measured input.
• To get as near as possible condition of actual measuring
Worksheet ( Vernier Calipers / Micrometer Screw Gauge )










+0.03 -0.03

+0.09 0

-0.02 +0.01

-0.06 -0.09

1.01 cm 1.40 cm

1.14 cm 0.64 cm
0.27 cm 0.37 cm

0.89 cm 0.38 cm

12.18 9.49

11.98 12.50

7.04 15.09
13.81 3.85

6.01 12.50

+0.03 +0.16

-0.03 +0.04

+0.50 -0.06
-0.19 -0.01

-0.13 +0.47

14.91 mm 6.11 mm

4.27 mm 12.39 mm

9.48 mm 12.45 mm
11.31 mm 7.70 mm

12.39 mm 1.75 mm

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