7887 Series

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U508218-e – Revision 02 – 24 February 2009

This document consists of 17 pages, including the flyleaf

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1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1. GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................. 3

2. SERIES 7887 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 4

2.1. GENERAL. .................................................................................................................................................. 4

3. PERIODIC INSPECTION .................................................................................................................................. 6

3.1. GENERAL. .................................................................................................................................................. 6

3.2. DISASSEMBLY PRIOR TO CLEANING.................................................................................................. 6
3.3. CLEANING. ................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.4. INSPECTION. ............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.6. TROUBLESHOOTING. .............................................................................................................................. 8

4. DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................. 9

4.1. GENERAL. .................................................................................................................................................. 9

4.2. REMOVAL OF MAJOR GROUPS............................................................................................................. 9
4.3. INDIVIDUAL PARTS REPLACEMENT................................................................................................. 11
4.4. INSTALLATION OF MAJOR GROUPS ................................................................................................. 12
4.5. FINAL CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS. ............................................................................................... 16
4.6. OPERATIONAL CHECK. ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.7. IMPORTANT REMARKS ........................................................................................................................ 17

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These instructions are for servicing the Series 7887 Meter Registers.

Every Meter Register is thoroughly tested at the meter factory when installed on the meter. However,
like any precision mechanism, it requires periodic care to ensure maximum service. This manual is for
use in areas where factory rebuilding facilities and adequate exchange stocks are not readily

Where manufacturer's replacement stocks are available, it is important that no attempt be made to
repair any meter register defective within the terms of the warranty as by doing so, the warranty is void
and the user is deprived of the protection provided by the warranty. It is recommended that, when
possible, meter registers be replaced and the defective unit returned to the meter manufacturer.

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Figure 1. External View of Series 7887 Meter Register.


Specifications listed are standard unless
1. Physical. The Series 7887 Meter Register, otherwise noted. Option al features are
Figure l, displays a running account, final total available at additional cost.
and accumulated total of the quantity of liquid
product delivery. Contained in a 4" x 10" die Speed: 250 rpm.
cast enclosure, individual delivery data is Torque: Average running torque at room
displayed on five 3/4" high figures while temperature with 1:1 input: 4 oz-in. During
totalizer information is recorded on eight 1/8" display wheel transfer from a119's to aIl O's,
high figures. Reset of the Meter Register is the instantaneous peak torque may reach 40
accomplished through a reset knob on the oz-in.
right-hand side of the unit.
Operating Temperature Range: -400 to
2. Operational. The Meter Register is operated +71°C (-400 to +160°F).
by a drive shaft connected to a group of gears Number of Figures: Meter Register: 5.
on the gear plate which converts the drive Accumulative Totalizer: 8
revolutions to the appropriate ratio. The output
bevel gear of the group drives a bevel gear, Size of Figures: Meter Register: 0.750" high x
Figure 5, which is connected to the drive shaft 0.400" wide (19.05 x 10.16 mm). Totalizer:
and clutch assembly. In rotating, this shaft 0.125" high x 0.078" wide (3.175 x 1.98 mm).
drives a gear on the clutch assembly which in Colour of Figures: White on black, except
turn drives a gear on the right (unit) wheel right-hand totalizer wheel which is black on
assembly. Revolutions are then accumulated white when recording tenths of units, and white
on the wheels. In addition, this rotating shaft on black when recording whole units.
drives the bracket group connected to the Style of Figures: Veeder-Root/Cornell for
accumulative totalizer shaft, thus both displays optimum read- ability.
are driven from the same source, assuring Character Configuration :J:)-to 9 (options
accurate recording of information. During the available).
reset operation, the clutch is disconnected
from the drive shaft, a shutter moves into place Reset: Single handle on register. Designed for
covering the display wheels and reset fingers one-handed operation.
engage heart-shaped cams on the individual Mounting: Eight 1/4 x 28 tapped holes with
wheels to move them back to a zero position. steel inserts on a 6.625" (168.28 mm)
ln addition, a set of anti-topping fingers diameter. Special adapters are available for
engages the wheels to prevent jamming. At the nearly ail meters.
completion of reset, the display wheels will
read aIl zeros, and the shutter will rise to the Construction: Cover: cast aluminium. Case
normal operating position. The clutch will and sub frame: cast Zamak. Wheels, pillions,
engage the drive shaft to transfer the and clutch: acetal resin.
information from the next delivery. The totalizer Gearing: 1:1 is standard. 1:1 through 42:1 are
wheels will be unaffected by this reset available.
operation, thug displaying an accurate Lubrication: Periodic.
measure of the accumulated totals of many
deliveries. OPTIONS :
Non reset Pulser : Meter Register with Series
1871 or 7671 Pulse Transmitter.

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Figure 2. internal View of Series 7887 Meter Register

Figure 3. Mounting Dimension

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b. Output bevel gear on gear plate with the bevel
3.1. GENERAL. drive gear on drive shaft.
The Meter Register is fully lubricated and properly c. 57 tooth gear on clutch assembly with gear on
adjusted at manufacture. However, periodic right wheel assembly.
cleaning a}\d lubrication are required. d. Gear drive shaft with gear train that operates the
totalizer, and gear connecting the drive train to the
Judgement of the intervals at which the meter totalizer.
register requires such service must necessarily be
left to the individual user due to varying conditions 3. Rotate drive shaft by hand to see that unit
of service. Under normal conditions, this will be at operates freely and then reset, checking for proper
least once a year, or after each 2-1/2 million units of reset and shutter action. Adjust pointer alter reset as
measure delivered, whichever comes first. required.
4. Check ail screws, retaining rings and groove pins
3.2. DISASSEMBLY PRIOR TO CLEANING. to see that they are tight and seated properly.
Remove the meter register from its housing as
follows: 3.5. LUBRICATION.
1. Remove the bolts securing the cover (if present) 1. Recommended Lubricants
to the top of the housing. These bolts are hex head Note: Chemlube and Vischem products are
and are located at the four corners of the bottom of manufactured by Ultrachem Inc.,
the housing. Remove the cover. 1400 N. Walnut St., P.O. Box 2053
2. Remove the three button-head bolts securing the Wilmington, DE 19899
meter register to the housing. Remove the meter Oil: Chemlube 201 or equivalent with a temperature
register. range of -65°F to +275°F (-54°C to + 135°C).
3. Remove the screws securing the gear plate to the Grease: Vischem 352 or equivalent with a
bottom of the housing. Remove the gear plate. temperature range of -65°F to +3000F (-MOC to +
Note: All lubricants used in the register must be of a
CAUTION: DO NOT USE A WIRE BRUSH. type which remains fluid over the full temperature
range to which the register will be subjected. Also,
1. Wipe bezel crystal with a clean lint-free rag. they should not oxidize or dry out leaving a gummy
2. If the wheel faces are dirty, gently clean with a or perceptible residue.
clean lint-free rag dipped in mild soapy water.
3. Clean the gears on the base plate by flushing or If the Chemlube 201 oil lubricant is not available, a
with a brush dipped in solvent. Blow dry with substitute with equivalent properties may be used.
compressed air. To assist field personnel in obtaining suitable
4. Clean Housing by dipping, flushing or brushing lubricants for the meter register and ticket printers,
with solvent. Blow dry with compressed air. the following list showing equivalent lubricants has
been prepared:
A periodic inspection of the en tire meter register, REGENT SPINTEX OIL 60
housing and gear plate is required to make sure that GARGOYLE ARCTIC OIL LIGHT
they function properly, parts are in place, and no CASTROL HYSPIN 40
binding or excessive side-to-side motion of shafts ANDEROL 40lD
occurs. A checklist on such procedures follows: GREASE
1. Check the following shafts for perceptible side-to-
side motion.
Note: Remove the meter register from the housing
2. Points to Lubricate
before checking shaft freedom.
Oil: Ali points indicated as "Oil" on Figure 6 should
a. Wheel Shaft
be lubricated with oil as described above. This
b. Anti-Topping Finger Group Shaft includes ail shafts, studs, and bosses on which a
c. Reset Finger Group Shaft moving part bears.
d. Clutch Group Shaft Grease: Grease should be applied to ail points
e. Pinion Shaft indicated as "Grease" on Figure 6. This includes
2. Temporarily install the base plate and meter gears and the no-back ratchet and pinion.
register in the housing and check for proper Note: The oil and grease should be applied with a
engagement and freedom of movement of: small brush to make certain that ail areas will be
properly lubricated. In this manner, the amount of
a. AlI gears on gear plate.
lubricant being used will be more easily controlled.

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Figure 4. Lubrification Points

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Table 1 is used to assist in locating problems and making repairs and corrections. In some problems,
similar defects can be produced by several causes of an entirely different nature. Cause of the trouble
must be determined and the correction made.

Table 1. Troubleshooting


1. Drive shaft hard to turn Pointer or brake rubbing on first wheel. Check pointer and break positioning.
Adjust as required.

Dirt or pieces of foreign material in Remove case. Check all gears, clean
teeth of drive shaft gears, gear plate, and lubricate as necessary. See
totalizer or bevel gear train driving Section
totalizer 3.
2. Binding occurs during reset Missing washers on outside of clutch Check end play and washer as
cycle. shaft. required.

Pinion jam, anti-topping finger( s) Check end play of wheel shaft.

broken or spring(s) missing. Replace broken anti-topping fingers or
3. Reset knob turns hard Reset knob flange on the case binds Remove reset knob. Loosen flange
on reset shaft. screws, center the flange on the shaft
and tighten the screws.
Wheel shaft group is bent. Replace wheel shaft.
Check for missing retaining rings on
Reset fingers rubbing on wheel or reset finger and wheel shafts. Replace
retaining rings. as required.

4. Any one wheel will not Broken reset finger. Replace reset fingers as required.
reset to zero
Locking disc pin out of wheel groove. Disassemble wheel group and insert
locking disc pin into groove in wheel.
5. Incomplete reset cycle. Key in large multiple cam broken. Replace cam with new cam and key.
Knob turns but reset does
not occur. Reset actuating lever not engaged m Remove cam, inspect and replace
cam or reset arm broken. parts as required, and assemble
6. Shutter partially obscured Shutter disconnected from reset lever. Connect shutter to reset lever.
wheels at completion of
reset cycle or completely
covers wheels at end of
reset cycle.
7. Shutter will not drop into Detent lever spring missing or broken. Install new spring.
place or loss of detent
action during reset.
8 Pointer not aligned with unit Improper adjustment of brake or Adjust brake to proper clearance.
wheel. pointer. Adjust pointer to center mark.
9. Unit wheel can be turned in Dirty drive shaft clutch assembly. Clean clutch group and lubricate. See
reverse by hand. Section 3.
10. Cannot drive meter Pinion jam, reset fingers are engaged, Check washers on pinion shaft. Check
register. heart cams hit on detent lever shutter end play of shafts. Clean and lubricate
stud, clutch not engaged. clutch.

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4.1. GENERAL. 1. If present, remove the retaining ring
When disassembling the meter register, be securing the reset idler gear to the reset idler
extremely careful not to lose or intermix any of gear shaft.
the washers round on the shafts. By doing so, 2. Remove retaining rings and washers
potential problems with end-play and backlash securing the pinion, reset, anti-topping and
adjustments will be greatly lessened. When clutch shafts to the right-hand side plate
removing retaining rings or other parts from (Figure 7). Remove screws and lockwasher
shafts, do not hold the shaft with any tool that securing the totalizer group and rear mounting
might gouge or create burrs on the shaft. bar tram right-hand side plate.
3. Remove side plate.
Instructions for removal of aIl shaft groups are WASHERS FROM EACH SHAFT.
Note: Remove only those shaft groups
necessary to gain access to parts being

Figure 5. Right -Hand Side Plate.

Figure 6. Left -Hand Side Plate.

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4. Clutch Shaft Group Removal. Note: If the inoperable totalizer has a small bevel
a. Remove retaining ring and washers securing gear (approx. 11/32 inch dia.) on the drive shaft,
the clutch shaft group to the left-hand Bide plate. replace the bracket group on the left side frame as
See Figure 6. well as the totalizer group (see Figure 29 and
b. Move clutch lever group so clutch is free. See Paragraph D, 7 and E, 5). Remove the screw
Figure 7. Remove clutch shaft group. See holding the pointer onto the old totalizer and save
Paragraph C, 1 for parts replacement. for installation on new totalizer.
5. Reset Finger Group Removal. 9. Pinion Removal.
a. Remove retaining ring and washer securing a. Remove retaining ring securing pinion shaft to
the reset group to the left-hand Bide plate. See the left hand side plate. See Figure 6.
Figure 6. b. Rotate the detent lever group so it will clear
b. Disengage the reset fingers and no-back pawl the reset cam. Remove shaft.
from the wheels. See Figure 8. Remove the c. Remove pillions, detent lever group washers
group. See Paragraph C, 2 for parts and retaining rings from shaft.
replacement. 10. Wheel Group Removal.
6. Stop Shaft Removal. a. Mark relationship of reset gear to wheel group
a. Remove the springs from between the anti- shaft to assure proper positioning during
topping fingers and the stop shaft. assembly.
b. Remove the spring from between the detent b. Remove pin securing reset gear to the wheel
lever group and the stop shaft. group shaft.
c. Remove the stop shaft. c. Remove gear, retaining ring and washer.
7. Anti-Topping Finger Group Removal. Remove shaft. See Paragraph C, 4 for parts
a. Remove the retaining ring and washers replacement.
securing the anti-topping finger group shaft to
the left-hand Bide plate. See Figure 6.
b. Disengage the anti-topping fingers and the
clutch lever group from the wheels. See Figure
c. Remove the group from the Bide plate. See
Paragraph C, 3 for parts replacement.
8. Totalizer Group Removal.
a. Remove the screws securing the totalizer
group to the left-hand and right-hand Bide
plates. See Figures 5 and 6.
b. Remove the totalizer group.
c. No addition al disassembly of the totalizer is
possible. If the totalizer is inoperable, replace
the group.

Figure 8. Reset Finger Group Removal.

Figure 7. Clutch Group Removal.

Figure 9. Anti-Topping Finger Group Removal.

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1. Clutch Shaft Parts Replacement. See Figure 10.

a. Totalizer and Drive Bevel Gears.
(1) Drift out pin securing gear to shaft. (2)
Remove gear.
(3) Remove retaining rings and washers that
position drive gear. Do not change the
order of the rings and washers.
(4) Drift out pin holding drive gear and
remove gear.
(5) Install new gear, pin, retaining rings and
washers. Use new pin if required.
(6) Install totalizer bevel gear and secure
with pin.
Figure 10. Clutch Shaft Group

2. Reset Finger Group Parts Replacement. See

Figure 11. Individual reset fingers, reset arm, no-
back pawl and pawl spring may be replaced as
a. Remove retaining rings and appropriate
washer to reach particular part.
b. Replace defective items with new part. Figure 11. Reset Finger Group.
Assemble remaining parts on shaft. Install
retaining rings and washers. Check end play
per Figure 26.

3. Anti-Topping Finger Group Parts Replacement.

See Figure 12. Individual anti-topping fingers,
reset lever and clutch lever may be replaced as
a. Remove retaining rings, washers and parts as
required to get to part that is to be replaced.
b. Install parts, retaining rings and washers in
the sequence shown in Figure 12. Be sure to
install parts so they are in the proper
direction. Check end play per Figure 26.

4. Wheel Group Parts Replacement. See Figures

13, 14, 15 and 16. The reset cam, individual
wheels, locking discs and eccentrics may be
replaced as required. Figure 12. Anti-Topping Finger Group.
a. Remove retaining rings, washers and key as
required to remove reset cam, wheels,
locking discs and eccentrics.
b. Install parts, retaining rings, washers and key
in the sequence shown in Figure 15. When
installing wheels, be sure the pin on the
locking disc engages the groove in the wheel
as shown in Figure 16. Check end play per
Figure 26.

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Prior to installing each shaft, lubricate per

Paragraph 5 in Section 3. During assembly, do not
intermix washers from one shaft to another.

1. Wheel Group Installation.

a. If not present, install a 0.030 inch thick washer
over the end of the wheel group shaft
opposite the cam.
b. Install the shaft into the proper hole in the left-
hand side plate. See Figure 6.
Figure 14. Unit Wheel Removal
2. Anti-Topping Finger Group Installation. See
Figure 17.
a. Hold wheel and side plate assembly upside
b. Install anti-topping finger group in proper hole
in left- hand side plate (see Figure 6). Be sure
aIl fingers and clutch lever are free of wheels
and the pin on the reset lever engages the
track on the cam.
c. Seat the shaft, install washers and retaining
ring to secure shaft to left-hand Bide plate.
d. See that aIl fingers are free to engage wheels.

3. Stop Shaft Installation.

a. install retaining rings on ends of shaft.
b. Insert stop shaft into proper hole in left-hand
Bide plate. See Figure 6. Figure 15. Locking Disc, Eccentric and Washer
Removal and Installation
4. Reset Finger Shaft Group Installation.
a. Rotate no-back pawl so that spring puts pawl.
under tension. Slip an elastic band over the
reset fingers and pawl to hold pawl in
position. See Figure 18.
b. Install shaft into left-hand side plate and
secure with retaining ring and washers. See
Figure 6.
c. Engage pin on reset lever group with slot in
reset afro. See Figure 20.

5. Clutch Shaft Group InstaIlation.

a. Install shaft in proper hole in left-hand Bide
plate. Add washers and secure with
retaining ring. See Figure 6.
b. b. Make sure that bevel gears that drive the
totalizer are free to turn. Figure 16. Unit Wheel Installation.

Figure 17. Anti-Topping Finger Group Installation.

Figure 13. Reset Cam Removal

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6. Right-hand Side Plate Installation screws. For adjustment of bevel gear drive,
a. Hold meter register assembly as shown in sec Paragraph E, 5.
Figure 20 and place a rubber band around
the assembly to hold it together. Be sure the 8. Spring Installation.
pin in the reset lever group remains a. See Figure 21 for identification of springs.
engaged in the slot in the reset afro. b. Install the five anti-topping finger springs
b. Install side plate over wheel shaft first, then between the anti-topping fingers and the
engage the other shafts. stop shaft. See Figure22.
c. c. Temporarily secure the side plate to the d. Install the reset spring between the reset
rear mounting bar with screws. lever and the pinion shaft.
e. Install the detent spring between the detent
lever group and the stop shaft.
7. Bracket Group (if required) and Totalizer
f. e. Install the clutch spring between the
clutch lever group and the pinion shaft.
a. If required, install new bracket group to
inside of left side frame and secure with two 9. Pinion Shaft Assembly Installation
screws and lock- washers. See Figure 29. a. If not previously accomplished, remove all
b. Install pointer with screw (saved from old parts from pinion shaft.
totalizer) onto new totalizer group but do not b. Rotate wheel shaft so reset fingers are fully
tighten screw securely. Pointer position engaged in the heart-shaped cams on each
must be adjusted after totalizer group is wheel.
installed. See Paragraph F, 2. g. Place pillions, with short finger up, in
c. Install the totalizer group so that the bevel between each wheel as shown in Figure 23.
gear is in mesh with the top bevel gear on h. d. Install the end of the shaft closest to the
the bracket group and secure with retaining two retaining ring slots into the left-hand
side plate and through each pinion.

Figure18. Reset Finger Shaft Group Preparation for Figure 20. Preparation For Side Plate Installation

Figure 19. Reset Lever Group Pin Engagement Figure 21. Spring Identification

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e. Install washers and detent lever group onto
shaft and engage shutter with tab on detent lever.
f. Push shaft through the right-hand side plate
and secure with washer and retaining ring.
g. Secure detent lever group into position with
retaining rings.
h. After assembly, rotate wheel shaft to make
sure all pillions have been positioned
properly. If binding occurs, reposition pillions
per step c.

10. Reset Gear Installation.

a. Install reset gear on wheel shaft, aligning
orientation mark made at disassembly.
b. Secure gear to shaft with pin.

11. Reset Idler Gear Installation.

a. If present, install reset idler gear on the reset
idler gear shaft. See Figure 6.
b. Secure with retaining ring.
Note: This gear will be timed when the meter
duplicator and meter register are assembled

Figure 22. Anti-Topping Finger Spring Installation. Figure 24. Installation Of Meter Register Onto
Mounting Fixture.

Figure 23. Pinion Positioning. Figure 25. Securing Mounting Fixture.

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Figure 26. End Play Limits

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1. End Play Check: Check end play (back and forth

motion) of shafts and parts as follows:
a. For proper measurement, the meter register
must be installed in the TD-42383 mounting
fixture, Figure 24, to constrain the frame into
the same position that it is when installed in
the housing.
b. Secure the meter register to the fixture with
two 1/4-28 button-head bolts. See Figure 25.
c. Take end play measurements of each shaft.
Add or subtract washers as necessary to
obtain correct end play.

2. Input Drive Bevel Gear Engagement Adjustment.

a. Install the gear plate onto the fixture using the
appropriate hardware.
b. Remove the retaining ring behind the bevel Figure 27. Clutch Lever Adjustment.
gear and add or subtract washers as required
for proper mesh between the bevel gear on the
gear plate and the drive bevel gear on the
clutch shaft. The shaft end play must be
maintained as specified in Figure 26.
c. Replace the retaining ring after adjustment.

3. Clutch Lever Positioning Adjustment.

a. Rotate the reset gear until the clutch is fully
b. Measure the clearances as shown in Figure
c. If the dimensions cannot be obtained, add or
remove washers as required, or replace the
clutch and shaft.
d. The amount of face engagement between the
spur gear on the input clutch and the first
wheel should be 75%± 20%.

4. Wheel Brake Adjustment.

a. Rotate reset gear to position cam as shown in
Figure 28. b. Figure 28. Brake Adjustment.
b. Measure clearance between brake and first
wheel. If clearance is not within the
dimensions given, adjust brake by loosening
screw and moving brake into position.
c. Remove the meter register from the fixture by
removing the two button-head screws.
Remove the gear plate from the fixture.

5. Gearing Adjustment for Totalizer. See Figure 29.

a. Loosen set screw on bottom bevel gear. Mesh
the top bevel gear tightly with the totalizer
bevel gear. Press the register clutch shaft
toward the left side frame. Adjust the bottom
bevel gear such that it has 0.012 -0.015 end
play when meshing with the clutch shaft bevel
gear. Tighten set screw and secure with a
sealant (Loctite 222 or equivalent) to prevent

6. Apply Anderol L- 795 or equivalent grease on teeth

of bevel gears. Figure 29. Inside Left Side Plate of Meter Register

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1. Before returning the meter register to normal service, check that it operates properly as follows:
Rotate the input bevel gear and see that the totalizer and individual delivery wheels are driven and
that they record the same amount.. There should be no binding or drag.

2. Rotate the reset gear and see that the shutter drops into place, the wheels aIl reset and that there
is no binding or drag.. At the completion of reset, the zeros should align with the pointer.

3. See Troubleshooting, Table 1. Page 5, if there are any problems.


It is disadvised cleaning the whole of counting by using a jet apparatus high pressure,
being able to be the cause of a deterioration of the whole of counting.

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