Guidelines For Authors 2024

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Guidelines for Authors 2024, for articles written in English

Bolivian Journal of Chemistry or REVISTA BOLIVIANA DE QUIMICA is an official publication of the Department of Chemistry of Universidad
Mayor de San Andrés, in La Paz, Bolivia. It is currently indexed in Scielo, Scribd, Google Scholar, Facebook, OAJI and Redalyc.
Scope. The BJC is a periodic magazine covering general chemistry and other related disciplines.
Vision and Mission of BJC. The BJC seeks to divulge new chemical discoveries or new facets of already known subjects, as well as other related
researches. To be published, the submissions must have an appropriate degree of subject originality.
Publication. The Bolivian Journal of Chemistry is published both in print and in electronic formats ( y SciELO). BJC is
an open access journal; it charges no fee to authors for publication and includes a peer-review system (single blind peer-review system). Bolivian Journal of
Chemistry is published both in print and in electronic formats (, Scribd and SciELO). The type of publications is: original
full papers, and reviews on determined general subjects.
Names of the Authors. The names of the authors must be written in Times New Roman, 12 in the following order: first and last names. The author's full
name is followed by a superscript number correlated to the same number (superscript) preceding the name of the author's institution. Author names are
separated by commas located immediately after the author’s name and before the superscript reference number. More than one reference number can be
attributed per author when it represents more than one institution, use commas without spaces between numbers to separate them. Add the conjunction “and”
before the last author. The corresponding author is indicated with an asterisk (*).
Names of the Institutions.
They are placed in the order used for the names of the corresponding authors in Arial, 9. The following order must be respected: Department, or Institute, or
Laboratory, University, postal address (physical or postal box), city, country, postal code , institutional email.
Referee committee. Every submitted paper will be peer-reviewed. The single blinded peer-review system was adopted. The editorial office receives
submissions and envoy articles pre-approved by Chief Editor to peer-reviewers. The acceptance or refusal is upon the peer-reviewers’ criteria.
Sections of a paper (The following order must be respected): Title, Author(s), Institution(s), Keywords, Abstract, Corresponding Author, Main Text:
Introduction, Results and Discussion, Experimental, (these last two sections can be exchanged in the order), Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References. If
the experimental part is very extensive, it can be sent separately under the heading of Supplemental Material.
Title. The title must be written in bold letters, in Times New Roman, font size 17. A short but descriptive title should be appropriate.
Keywords. It is required a limited number of significant key words. Use Verdana, font size 9.
Abstract. The abstract should describe very concisely the outstanding methods used and the results obtained during the research. It should not exceed 1/2 of
an American letter size page. Use Times New Roman, font size 10. The abstract in English and Spanish is mandatory. Maximal Number of words: 150 each.
Resumen. El resumen debe describir de manera muy concisa los métodos destacados utilizados y los resultados obtenidos durante la investigación. No debe
exceder la mitad de una página tamaño carta americana. Utilice fuente Times New Roman, tamaño 10. El resumen en inglés y español es obligatorio.
Número máximo de palabras: 150 cada uno.
Corresponding Author. He is not necessarily the first author. He is responsible for interaction with the editorial office and with his co-authors. His email
address is mandatory. Times New Roman (10).
Main Text. In all its sections (Introduction, Results and Discussion etc.) in Times New Roman 10, using single spacing; formatted in a column. The title of
each section in bold capital letters in Arial 10, without italics, double spaced. Subtitles in lowercase, bold without italics Times New Roman 10. The article
must be written in letter size. Note: The relative sequential order of the Results and Discussion, and Experimental sections is defined by the lead author.
INTRODUCTION (Arial 10, capital letters)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Arial 10, capital letters)
EXPERIMENTAL (Arial 10, uppercase)
CONCLUSIONS Optional. (Arial 10, capital letters)
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (Arial 10, capital letters)
REFERENCES (Arial 10, capital letters) The bibliographical references must be called in the text according to the numerical order. The use of automatic
references provided by Word® is mandatory: 1st call: Main menuReferencesInsert note at the end; 2nd or 3rd or more calls of the same reference: Main
menuReferencesCross reference; apply superscript to the automatically generated cross reference number in the text. The references themselves (use
Times New Roman, 10) should appear at the end of the article. Reference that does not fit into any of the following formats must be excluded (it is not a
valid reference), or: apply formatting: “In the case of electronic address”. Write the names of all the authors, it is prohibited to write the names of authors
as: “A. A. Author et al.”
In the case of articles (Times New Roman 10)
They will follow the standards of the journal HETEROCYCLES (The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry, discontinued since Dec. 2023).
T. Kametani, K. Katoh, M. Tsubuki, and T. Honda, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1986, 108, 7055. DOI is optional
In the case of books (Times New Roman 10)
They will follow the standards of the journal HETEROCYCLES (The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry, discontinued since Dec. 2023)
L. M. Jackman, 'Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry', Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, 1959
In the case of compiled editions (Times New Roman 10)
They will follow the standards of the journal HETEROCYCLES (The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry, discontinued since Dec. 2023)
T. Kametani and T. Honda, 'Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Application of Aziridines to the Synthesis of Natural Products', Vol. 39, ed. by A. R.
Katritzky, Academic Press, Inc., London, 1986, pp.181-236
In the case of electronic address
http://www._____________ or 1. www.__________________ ,Access date. Obtained from the web or created in Google drive or One drive.
In the case of a doctoral, master's or bachelor's thesis
Reference format for doctoral, master's or bachelor's thesis published from a commercial database
A. A. Surname, year, Title of the thesis (PhD thesis) or (MSc thesis) or (BSc thesis), available in: Name of the database, (Accession or Order No.)
Reference format for doctoral, master's or bachelor's thesis published from an institutional repository
A. A. Surname, year, Title of thesis (PhD thesis) or (MSc thesis) or (BSc thesis), Name of the institution, city, country, retrieved from http://xxxxx
Reference format for published doctoral, master's or bachelor's thesis from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (US)
Pflieger, J.C. 2009, Adolescents' parent and peer relations and romantic outcomes in young adulthood (PhD thesis). Available from ProQuest Dissertations
& Theses Global database. (UMI No. 3371229).
Reference format for unpublished doctoral, master's or bachelor's thesis
A. A. Surnames. year. Title of the thesis (PhD unpublished thesis) or (MSc unpublished thesis) or (BSc unpublished thesis), Name of the institution, city,
A. Knight 2001, Exercise and osteoarthritis of the knee (MSc unpublished thesis). Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
In the case of a conference, seminar or symposium
M. Porter, M. Omar, C. Campus, and S. Edinburgh, (2008, January). Marketing to the bottom of the pyramid: Opportunities in emerging markets. Poster or
oral communication, or lecture presented at the 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice, Italy. Recovered from http://www.escp-,pdf.

Revista Boliviana de Química Edificio IIQ Campus Universitario UMSA Calle Andrés Bello y calle 27 Cota Cota, La Paz Bolivia
Tel. 591 2 2612807 [email protected]
K. M. Markman, (2003, October). Taking the flesh with me: Embodied; interaction as a framework for studying Internet communication. Paper (poster or
oral communication), or lecture presented at the meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers, Toronto, Canada. Recovered from
Figures. In colors or black and white. Take into account that the printed edition is in colors. Only figures or spectra scanned in text mode will be accepted.
Images scanned in photo mode will be accepted only in the case of real images. We recommend that the figures be inserted in the text, they must be
identified with a figure number. Each figure carries a reference name as follows: “Figure name, not capitalized, not italicized, not bold; Times New Roman
10” not centered, left margin. The indication “Figure No. X”, below the figure followed by the explanatory or allusive text.
Tables. Tables must be synchronized with the text and must be identified with a table number. Each table must have a name as follows: “Table name, no
capital letters, no italics no bold; Times New Roman 10” not centered, left margin. The indication “Table No. X”, above the table followed by the
explanatory or allusive text.
Address for submissions. Articles should be submitted by email to [email protected].
Indexing 1. BJC is indexed in Google scholar:
Indexing 2. BJC is indexed in Scribd:
Indexing 3. BJC is indexed in Redalyc:
Indexing 4. BJC is indexed in Scielo:
Indexing 5. BJC is indexed in Latindex:
Indexing 6. BJC is indexed in OAJI:
Indexing 7. BJC is in Facebook:
Failure in complying with the requirements above may result in a rejection of the article.
The Bolivian Journal of Chemistry avails itself the right of refusing to publish any article that does not comply with the analytical criteria set by the
referee committee.
The BJC will be in contact only with the corresponding author. Claims from co-authors will not be considered but only throughout the principal.

Revista Boliviana de Química Edificio IIQ Campus Universitario UMSA Calle Andrés Bello y calle 27 Cota Cota, La Paz Bolivia
Tel. 591 2 2612807 [email protected]

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