Defense Primer: Special Operations Forces
soldiers, training cadre, and sustainment Soldiers. USASOC • Special Operations Command South (SOCSOUTH),
has three major subordinate commands: the 1st Special Homestead Air Force Base, FL; supports U.S. Southern
Forces Command (Airborne), U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Command (USSOUTHCOM).
Special Warfare Center and School, and the U.S. Army
Special Operations Aviation Command.
• Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA),
Stuttgart, Germany; supports U.S. Africa Command
Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) (USAFRICOM).
Established on April 16, 1987, and based in Coronado, CA,
the NSWC is responsible for organizing training and • Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR),
equipping six Naval Special Warfare Groups (NSWG), the Stuttgart, Germany; supports U.S. European Command
Naval Special Warfare Center (NSWC), and the (USEUCOM).
Development Group (DEVGRU). With approximately • Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT),
10,500 personnel, the NSWC consists of Sea, Air, Land MacDill Air Force Base, FL; supports U.S. Central
(SEAL) Teams and Special Warfare Combatant Craft Command (USCENTCOM).
Crewmen (SWCC) as part of Special Boat Teams (SBTs).
Enablers, including logistics, communications, intelligence, • Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC), Camp
and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel, are also Smith, HI; supports U.S. Pacific Command
part of NSWC. (USPACOM).
Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) • Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR), Camp
Established May 22, 1990, with its headquarters at Hurlburt Humphreys, South Korea; supports U.S. Forces Korea
Field, FL, AFSOC is responsible for organizing, training (USFK).
and equipping seven Special Operations Wings (SOW), one
Special Operations Group (SOG), and the Air Force Special • Special Operations Command U.S. Northern Command
(SOCNORTH), Peterson Air Force Base, CO; supports
Operations Air Warfare Center. AFSOC consists of about
U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM).
16,800 personnel comprising Special Operations Aviators,
Special Tactics Airmen—including Combat Controllers,
Pararescuemen, Special Operations Weather Airmen, Relevant Statutes
Tactical Air Control Party Airmen, Combat Aviation Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 162 – Combatant Commands:
Advisors, and Support Air Commandos, who provide a Assigned Force, Chain of Command.
wide variety of mission support service. The command’s
active duty and reserve component flying units operate Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 167 – Unified Combatant Command
specially equipped fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. for Special Operations Forces.
Defense Primer: Special Operations Forces
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