Flow Plasticity

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2/11/24, 7:27 PM Flow plasticity theory - Wikipedia

The above requirements can be expressed in three dimensional states of stress and multidirectional
loading as follows.

Elasticity (Hooke's law). In the linear elastic regime the stresses and strains in the material are
related by

where the stiffness matrix is constant.

Elastic limit (Yield surface). The elastic limit is defined by a yield surface that does not depend on
the plastic strain and has the form

Beyond the elastic limit. For strain hardening materials, the yield surface evolves with increasing
plastic strain and the elastic limit changes. The evolving yield surface has the form

Loading. For general states of stress, plastic loading is indicated if the state of stress is on the
yield surface and the stress increment is directed toward the outside of the yield surface; this
occurs if the inner product of the stress increment and the outward normal of the yield surface is
positive, i.e.,

The above equation, when it is equal to zero, indicates a state of neutral loading
where the stress state moves along the yield surface.

Unloading: A similar argument is made for unloading for which situation , the material is in
the elastic domain, and

Strain decomposition: The additive decomposition of the strain into elastic and plastic parts can
be written as

Stability postulate: The stability postulate is expressed as

Flow rule

In metal plasticity, the assumption that the plastic strain increment and deviatoric stress tensor have
the same principal directions is encapsulated in a relation called the flow rule. Rock plasticity theories
also use a similar concept except that the requirement of pressure-dependence of the yield surface
requires a relaxation of the above assumption. Instead, it is typically assumed that the plastic strain
increment and the normal to the pressure-dependent yield surface have the same direction, i.e.,
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2/11/24, 7:27 PM Flow plasticity theory - Wikipedia

where is a hardening parameter. This form of the flow rule is called an associated flow rule
and the assumption of co-directionality is called the normality condition. The function is also called
a plastic potential.

The above flow rule is easily justified for perfectly plastic deformations for which when
, i.e., the yield surface remains constant under increasing plastic deformation. This implies
that the increment of elastic strain is also zero, , because of Hooke's law. Therefore,

Hence, both the normal to the yield surface and the plastic strain tensor are perpendicular to the
stress tensor and must have the same direction.

For a work hardening material, the yield surface can expand with increasing stress. We assume
Drucker's second stability postulate which states that for an infinitesimal stress cycle this plastic work
is positive, i.e.,

The above quantity is equal to zero for purely elastic cycles. Examination of the work done over a cycle
of plastic loading-unloading can be used to justify the validity of the associated flow rule.[2]

Consistency condition

The Prager consistency condition is needed to close the set of constitutive equations and to eliminate
the unknown parameter from the system of equations. The consistency condition states that
at yield because , and hence

Large deformation theory

Large deformation flow theories of plasticity typically start with one of the following assumptions:

the rate of deformation tensor can be additively decomposed into an elastic part and a plastic part,
the deformation gradient tensor can be multiplicatively decomposed in an elastic part and a plastic

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