Versalink c8000 c9000 Service

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VersaLink C9000 Family Printer
Service Manual

August 2018

VersaLink C8000/C9000 Printer ®

Service Manual

Xerox Internal-Use Only

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family

Service Documentation

VersaLink C9000 Family Service Manual


Initial Issue

August 2018

Prepared by:

Technical Communications Solutions

Xerox Ltd

Waterside, Ground Floor



United Kingdom

© 2018 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Xerox®, Xerox, Design® and VersaLink® are
trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.


While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no liability will be accepted
by Xerox Europe arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.

All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes
only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product trained service per-
sonnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer
any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or mod-
ules, components or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix
machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You
should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party provided

Xerox Confidential PDT/Signoff Draft

Xerox® Riptide 1
PDT/Signoff Draft Xerox Confidential
2 Xerox® Riptide
About This Manual .......................................................................................................... iii
How To Use This Manual ................................................................................................ iii
Change History ............................................................................................................... iv
Mod/Tag Identification..................................................................................................... iv
Voltages Resistances and Tolerances ............................................................................ v
Safety Information ........................................................................................................... vi
Health and Safety Incident reporting............................................................................... vii
Translation of Warnings .................................................................................................. viii

Initial Issue August 2018 Introduction

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family i
Introduction August 2018 Initial Issue
ii Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
About This Manual How To Use This Manual
This manual is part of a multinational service documentation system that is structured in the Always start with the Service Call Procedures, Section 1. Perform Initial Actions and verify the
standard Xerox service manual format. problem, then follow the directions given.

Organization How to Differentiate Between Machine Variants

The service manual is the document used as the primary information source for repairing and When a procedure, parts list description or other reference is unique across different machine
maintaining this family of products and is available as EDOC on a CDROM, or in PDF format variants, the appropriate variant name will be quoted. For example, C8000 or C9000. Any art-
on a CDROM. The information within the manual is divided into an introduction and 8 other work will also be variant-specific.
C8000 includes the following model variants:
Section 1 Service Call Procedures
This section is used to start and complete a service call. The procedures in this section will • Xerox® VersaLink® C8000DT Color Printer - 45 ppm
either direct you to a Repair Analysis Procedure (RAP), or identify a faulty component or sub- • Xerox® VersaLink® C8000DX Color Printer- 45 ppm with TTM

Section 2 Status Indicator Repair Analysis Procedures C9000 includes the following model variants:
This section contains the Repair Analysis Procedures (RAPs) and checkouts necessary to
diagnose, isolate and repair faults other than image quality faults. • Xerox® VersaLink® C9000DT Color Printer - 55 ppm
• Xerox® VersaLink® C9000DX Color Printer - 55 ppm with TTM
Section 3 Image Quality • Xerox® VersaLink® C9000GX Color Printer - 55 ppm with 2TM
This section contains the Image Quality Repair Analysis Procedures (IQ RAPs), checkouts and
setup procedures necessary to diagnose, isolate and repair image quality faults. NOTE: This manual services all configurations of the machine except for the BR Finisher.
Ignore references to options not installed on the machine. For servicing the BR Finisher, refer
Section 4 Repairs and Adjustments to the seperate BR Finisher EDOC.
This section contains the instructions for removal, replacement, and adjustment of parts within Warnings, Cautions And Notes
the machine.
Section 5 Parts List A warning is used whenever an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condi-
This section contains the detailed and illustrated spare parts list. Any part that is spared or that tion or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
must be removed to access a spared part is illustrated. A translated version of all warnings is in Translation of Warnings.
Section 6 General Procedures and Information A caution is used whenever an operation or maintenance procedure, practice, condition or
This section contains all other procedures, product specifications and general information. It statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.
also contains Tag/MOD information. The abbreviations used in this Manual are in GP 40 Glos-
sary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations. NOTE: A note is used where it is essential to highlight a procedure, practice, condition or state-
Section 7 Wiring Data
Use of the Block Schematic Diagrams
This section contains the PJ locations, wiring diagrams and block schematic diagrams (BSDs).
Block schematic diagrams (BSDs) are included in Section 7 (Wiring Data). The BSDs show the
functional relationship of the electrical circuitry to any mechanical, or non-mechanical, inputs or
Section 8 Product Technical Overview
outputs throughout the machine. Inputs and outputs such as motor drive, mechanical linkages,
This section contains technical details of the machine. operator actions, and air flow are shown. The BSDs will provide an overall view of how the
entire subsystem works.
Publication Comments Sheet
A Publication Comment Sheet is provided at the rear of the PDF version of the manual. It should be noted that the BSDs do not contain an input power block referring to Chain 1. It will
be necessary to refer to the Wiring Diagrams in order to trace a wire back to its source.

Initial Issue August 2018 Introduction

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family iii About This Manual, How To Use This Manual
Change History Mod/Tag Identification
This is the launch version of the service manual. Figure 1 shows the Mod/Tag identification symbols.

These with tag symbols are used to identify the components

or configurations that are part of a machine change covered
by this tag number.

These without tag symbols are used to identify the compo-

nents or configurations that are used when this tag is not

Figure 1 Mod/Tag identification symbols

Introduction August 2018 Initial Issue

Change History, Mod/Tag Identification iv Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Voltages Resistances and Tolerances
For AC power specifications, refer to GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements.

DC Voltage Levels and Tolerances

DC voltages should be measured between an available test point and a machine ground. Table
1 shows the range of the common voltages.

Table 1 DC Voltage Levels

Nominal Voltage Voltage Tolerance Range
0V 0.00 to 0.10V
+3.3V standby +3.23V to +3.43V
+3.3V +3.23V to +3.43V
+5V and +5V standby +4.75V to +5.25V
+12V +11.4V to +12.6V
+24V +23.28V to +25.73V

Non-standard voltage levels will be quoted on the relevant wiring diagram or BSD. All other
voltage levels are plus or minus 10%.

Figure 1 Signal Nomenclature

Resistance Tolerances
All resistance measurement tolerances are plus or minus 10%, unless otherwise stated in the Table 2 shows the signal tolerances.
Table 2 Signal tolerances
DC Signal Nomenclature
Signal Voltage (H) Logic Level (L) Logic Level
Figure 1 shows the signal nomenclature used in the BSDs.
+5V +3.85V or greater At or near 0.8V
+3.3V +2V or greater At or near 0.8V

Non standard signal tolerances will be quoted on the relevant circuit diagram.

NOTE: The logic level shown with the signal name will be the actual signal as measured with a
service meter. This will not necessarily be the same as the logic state shown on the diagnostic

Initial Issue August 2018 Introduction

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family v Voltages Resistances and Tolerances
Safety Information
The WARNING that follows is for general guidance when live working.

Do not work in a confined space. 1m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.
Safety Icons
The safety icons that follow are displayed on the machine: Toner Cartridge
The product contains a toner cartridge that is recyclable. Under various state and local laws, it
ESD Caution Symbol may be illegal to dispose of the cartridge into the municipal waste. Check with the local waste
officials for details on recycling options or the proper disposal procedures.

Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of
fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
Part Replacement
Only use genuine Xerox approved spare parts or components to maintain compliance with leg-
CAUTION islation and safety certification. Also refer to GP 21 Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Certain components in this product are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge. (RoHS).
Observe all ESD procedures to avoid component damage.
Location Arrow Symbol Disassembly Precautions
The location arrow symbol points to the location to install, to gain access to, or to release an Do not leave the machine with any covers removed at a customer location.
Reassembly Precautions
Use extreme care during assembly. Check all harnesses to ensure they do not contact moving
parts and do not get trapped between components.

General Procedures
Observe all warnings displayed on the machine and written in the service procedures. Do not
attempt to perform any task that is not specified in the service procedures.

Hot Surface Symbol

This symbol indicates hot surfaces. Take care when servicing the machine.

Lethal Voltage Symbol

This symbol indicates potentially lethal voltages. Take care when servicing the machine when
the power cord is connected.

Introduction August 2018 Initial Issue

Safety Information vi Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Health and Safety Incident reporting d. Define actions to correct confirmed incidents.

I. Summary VI. Appendices

The Health and Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox Product (Form # EH&S-700) is avail-
This section defines requirements for notification of health and safety incidents involving Xerox
products (equipment and materials) at customer locations. able in the locations that follow:
• On electronic documentation (EDOC), located in the Library.
II. Scope • In the hardcopy, located at the end of the manual.
Xerox Corporation and subsidiaries worldwide.

III. Objective
To enable prompt resolution of health and safety incidents involving Xerox products and to
ensure Xerox regulatory compliance.

IV. Definitions

An event or condition occurring in a customer account that has resulted in injury, illness or
property damage. Examples of incidents include machine fires, smoke generation, physical
injury to an operator or service representative. Alleged events and product conditions are
included in this definition.

V. Requirements
Initial Report:
1. Xerox organizations shall establish a process for individuals to report product incidents to
Xerox Environment Health and Safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of the event.
2. The information to be provided at the time of reporting is contained in Appendix A (Health
and Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox product).
3. The initial notification may be made by the method that follows:
• Email Xerox EH&S at: [email protected].
• Fax Xerox EH&S at: 1-585-422-8217 (intelnet 8*222-8217).

NOTE: If sending a fax, please also send the original via internal mail.

Responsibilities for resolution:

1. Business Groups/Product Design Teams responsible for the product involved in the inci-
dent shall:
a. Manage field bulletins, customer correspondence, product recalls, safety retrofits.
b. Fund all field retrofits.
2. Field Service Operations shall:
a. Preserve the Xerox product involved and the scene of the incident inclusive of any
associated equipment located in the vicinity of the incident.
b. Return any affected equipment/part(s) to the location designated by Xerox EH&S
and/or the Business Division.
c. Implement all safety retrofits.
3. Xerox EH&S shall:
a. Manage and report all incident investigation activities.
b. Review and approve proposed product corrective actions and retrofits, if necessary.
c. Manage all communications and correspondence with government agencies.

Initial Issue August 2018 Introduction

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family vii Health and Safety Incident reporting
Translation of Warnings mentazione. L'elettricità può causare morte o lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento
possono causare lesioni personali.
WARNING VORSICHT: Sicherstellen, dass die Stromversorgung des Geräts bei Arbeiten, die
A warning is used whenever an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condi- keinen Strom erfordern, ausgeschaltet ist. Siehe auch GP XX. Den Netzstecker ziehen.
tion or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury. Andernfalls besteht Stromschlaggefahr und Verletzungsgefahr durch bewegliche Teile.
DANGER: Une note Danger est utilisée chaque fois qu'une procédure d'utilisation ou de AVISO: Asegúrese de mantener la máquina aislada de la energía eléctrica mientras real-
maintenance peut être cause de blessure si elle n'est pas strictement respectée. iza tareas que no necesitan electricidad. Consulte GP XX. Desconecte el cable de ali-
AVVERTENZA: Un segnale di avvertenza è utilizzato ogni volta che una procedura oper- mentación. La energía eléctrica puede producir lesiones o incluso la muerte. Las piezas
ativa o di manutenzione, una pratica, una condizione o un'istruzione, se non stretta- sueltas pueden producir lesiones.
mente osservata, potrebbe causare lesioni personali. WARNING
VORSICHT: Weist darauf hin, dass ein Abweichen von den angeführten Arbeits- und
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
Wartungsanweisungen gesundheitliche Schäden, möglicherweise sogar schwere Ver-
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
letzungen zur Folge haben kann. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
AVISO:Un aviso se utiliza siempre que un procedimiento de operación o mantenimiento, DANGER : Mettez la machine hors tension. Reportez-vous à GP 10. Déconnectez le cor-
práctica o condición puede causar daños personales si no se respetan estrictamente.
don d'alimentation de l'alimentation du client lorsque vous réalisez des tâches qui ne
WARNING nécessitent pas d'électricité. L'électricité peut être à l'origine de blessures, voire d'un
Do not work in a confined space. 1 m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working. accident mortel. Les pièces amovibles peuvent être à l'origine de blessures.
DANGER : Ne pas travailler dans un espace restreint. 1 mètre d'espace est nécessaire AVVERTENZA: Spegnere la macchina. Vedere GP 10. Scollegare il cavo di alimentazione
pour un dépannage en toute sécurité. dall'alimentatore quando si eseguono attività che non richiedono elettricità. L'elettricità
AVVERTENZA: Non lavorare in uno spazio limitato; è necessario uno spazio di almeno può causare morte o lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento possono causare lesioni
un metro attorno alla macchina per la sicurezza dell'operatore.
VORSICHT: Schalten Sie die Stromversorgung der Maschine ab. Siehe auch GP 10. Zie-
VORSICHT: Nur mit ausreichendem Bewegungsspielraum (1 m) arbeiten.
hen Sie das Stromkabel ab, wenn Sie Aufgaben ausführen, für die keine Stromversor-
AVISO: No trabaje en un espacio reducido. Se necesita 1 metro de espacio para trabajar
gung benötigt wird. Stromschläge können Todesfällen oder Verletzungen verursachen.
con seguridad. Bewegliche Teile können zu Verletzungen führen.
WARNING AVISO: Apague la electricidad de la máquina. Consulte el GP 10. Desconecte el cable de
Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of alimentación eléctrica de la toma de pared mientras esté realizando tareas que no
fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire. necesiten corriente. La electricidad puede causar daños o la muerte. Las partes móviles
DANGER : Ne pas installer de fusible de type ou de calibre différent. Il existe un risque pueden causar daños.
de surchauffe voire d'incendie. WARNING
AVVERTENZA: per evitare rischi di surriscaldamento o d'incendio, non installare un fus- Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
ibile di tipo o carica diversi da quelli esistenti.
DANGER : Prendre des précautions lors du relevé de la tension de la prise de courant
VORSICHT: Keine Sicherungen anderer Art oder anderer Leistung auf dem IOT-PWB alternatif. L'électricité peut entraîner des blessures graves voire mortelles.
installieren - Überhitzungs- und Brandgefahr. AVVERTENZA: Procedere con cautela durante la misurazione della tensione CA della
AVISO: No instale un fusible de potencia o tipo distinto. Un fusible de potencia o tipo rete. L'elettricità può causare infortuni o morte.
distinto puede producir sobrecalentamiento y el riesgo de incendio.
VORSICHT: Bei der Netzspannungsprüfung stets vorsichtig vorgehen
WARNING AVISO: Tenga cuidado al medir la tensión de la línea de alimentación de corriente
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do alterna. La electricidad puede causar lesiones e incluso la muerte.
not need electricity. Refer to GP XX. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
DANGER : Assurez-vous que la machine est hors tension lorsque vous effectuez des
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
tâches ne nécessitant pas d'alimentation électrique. Reportez-vous à GP XX. Débran- death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
chez le câble d'alimentation pour prévenir tout risque d'électrocution. Les chocs élec-
DANGER : Assurez-vous que la machine est hors tension lorsque vous effectuez des
triques peuvent présenter un danger de mort ou entraîner des blessures graves. De
tâches ne nécessitant pas d'alimentation électrique. Reportez-vous à GP 10. Débran-
plus, certaines pièces, lorsqu'elles sont en mouvement, peuvent être source de bles-
sures graves. chez le câble d'alimentation pour prévenir tout risque d'électrocution. Les chocs élec-
triques peuvent présenter un danger de mort ou entraîner des blessures graves. De
AVVERTENZA: Accertarsi di isolare la macchina dall'alimentazione elettrica quando si
plus, certaines pièces, lorsqu'elles sont en mouvement, peuvent être source de bles-
eseguono attività che non richiedono elettricità. Vedere GP XX. Scollegare il cavo di ali-
sures graves.

Introduction August 2018 Initial Issue

Translation of Warnings viii Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
AVVERTENZA: Accertarsi di isolare la macchina dall'alimentazione elettrica quando si mentazione. L'elettricità può causare morte o lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento
eseguono attività che non richiedono elettricità. Vedere GP 10. Scollegare il cavo di ali- possono causare lesioni personali.
mentazione. L'elettricità può causare morte o lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento VORSICHT: Sicherstellen, dass die Stromversorgung des Geräts bei Arbeiten, die
possono causare lesioni personali. keinen Strom erfordern, ausgeschaltet ist. Siehe auch GP 10. Den Netzstecker ziehen.
VORSICHT: Sicherstellen, dass die Stromversorgung des Geräts bei Arbeiten, die Andernfalls besteht Stromschlaggefahr und Verletzungsgefahr durch bewegliche Teile.
keinen Strom erfordern, ausgeschaltet ist. Siehe auch GP 10. Den Netzstecker ziehen. AVISO: Asegúrese de mantener la máquina aislada de la energía eléctrica mientras real-
Andernfalls besteht Stromschlaggefahr und Verletzungsgefahr durch bewegliche Teile. iza tareas que no necesitan electricidad. Consulte GP XX. Desconecte el cable de ali-
AVISO: Asegúrese de mantener la máquina aislada de la energía eléctrica mientras real- mentación. La energía eléctrica puede producir lesiones o incluso la muerte. Las piezas
iza tareas que no necesitan electricidad. Consulte GP XX. Desconecte el cable de ali- sueltas pueden producir lesiones.
mentación. La energía eléctrica puede producir lesiones o incluso la muerte. Las piezas WARNING
sueltas pueden producir lesiones.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
WARNING DANGER : Ne pas toucher au four pendant qu'il est encore chaud.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. AVVERTENZA: Non toccare il fonditore quando è caldo.
DANGER : Ne pas toucher au four pendant qu'il est encore chaud. VORSICHT: Fixierbereich erst berühren, wenn dieser abgekühlt ist.
AVVERTENZA: Non toccare il fonditore quando è caldo. AVISO: No toque el fusor mientras está caliente.
VORSICHT: Fixierbereich erst berühren, wenn dieser abgekühlt ist.
AVISO: No toque el fusor mientras está caliente.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
WARNING DANGER : Exécuter cette procédure avec précaution. La présence de bords tranchants
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. peut entraîner des blessures.
DANGER : Exécuter cette procédure avec précaution. La présence de bords tranchants AVVERTENZA: procedere con cautela durante questa procedura. Possono essere pre-
peut entraîner des blessures. senti oggetti con bordi taglienti pericolosi.
AVVERTENZA: procedere con cautela durante questa procedura. Possono essere pre- VORSICHT: Bei diesem Vorgang vorsichtig vorgehen, damit keine Verletzungen durch
senti oggetti con bordi taglienti pericolosi. die scharfen Kanten entstehen.
VORSICHT: Bei diesem Vorgang vorsichtig vorgehen, damit keine Verletzungen durch AVISO: Tenga cuidado al efectuar este procedimiento. Puede haber bordes afilados que
die scharfen Kanten entstehen. podrían producir lesiones.
AVISO: Tenga cuidado al efectuar este procedimiento. Puede haber bordes afilados que WARNING
podrían producir lesiones.
Do not use the power button as a safety disconnect device. The power button is not a
WARNING disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord from the supply to isolate the equipment.
Do not use the power button as a safety disconnect device. The power button is not a DANGER : Ne vous servez pas de l’interrupteur comme d’un dispositif de déconnexion.
disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord from the supply to isolate the equipment. L’interrupteur n’est pas un dispositif de déconnexion. Débranchez le câble d’alimenta-
DANGER : Ne vous servez pas de l’interrupteur comme d’un dispositif de déconnexion. tion de la prise électrique pour isoler l’appareil.
L’interrupteur n’est pas un dispositif de déconnexion. Débranchez le câble d’alimenta- AVVERTENZA: L'interruttore di alimentazione non è un dispositivo di disconnessione di
tion de la prise électrique pour isoler l’appareil. sicurezza e pertanto non va utilizzato come tale. Per isolare la macchina, scollegare il
AVVERTENZA: L'interruttore di alimentazione non è un dispositivo di disconnessione di cavo di alimentazione dalla presa elettrica.
sicurezza e pertanto non va utilizzato come tale. Per isolare la macchina, scollegare il VORSICHT: Zur Unterbrechung der Gerätestromzufuhr nicht den Betriebsschalter ver-
cavo di alimentazione dalla presa elettrica. wenden, sondern das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose ziehen, an die das Gerät ange-
VORSICHT: Zur Unterbrechung der Gerätestromzufuhr nicht den Betriebsschalter ver- schlossen ist. Nur dann ist der Drucker vollständig vom Stromnetz getrennt.
wenden, sondern das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose ziehen, an die das Gerät ange- AVISO: No utilice el botón de encendido/apagado como dispositivo de desconexión de
schlossen ist. Nur dann ist der Drucker vollständig vom Stromnetz getrennt. seguridad. El botón de encendido/apagado no es un dispositivo de desconexión.
AVISO: No utilice el botón de encendido/apagado como dispositivo de desconexión de Desconecte el cable de alimentación de la fuente de energía para aislar el equipo.
seguridad. El botón de encendido/apagado no es un dispositivo de desconexión.
Desconecte el cable de alimentación de la fuente de energía para aislar el equipo.

Initial Issue August 2018 Introduction

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family ix Translation of Warnings
Introduction August 2018 Initial Issue
x Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
1 Service Call Procedures
SCP 1 Initial Actions........................................................................................................ 1-3
SCP 2 Call Actions.......................................................................................................... 1-3
SCP 3 Fault Analysis ...................................................................................................... 1-4
SCP 4 Subsystem Maintenance ..................................................................................... 1-5
SCP 5 Final Actions ........................................................................................................ 1-6
SCP 6 Machine Features ................................................................................................ 1-6

Initial Issue August 2018 Service Call Procedures

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 1-1
Service Call Procedures August 2018 Initial Issue
1-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
SCP 1 Initial Actions SCP 2 Call Actions
Service Call Procedures are used at the beginning of a service call. Use Initial Actions to col- Use Call Actions to perform any general actions before starting to diagnose the fault.
lect information about the machine performance.
Also refer to SCP 6 Machine Features.
1. If this is the first service call to this machine, if possible, perform the actions that follow:
a. Check the machine configuration with the customer. Check that all the required hard-
Procedure ware and software is installed. Check that all the required hardware and software is
WARNING enabled.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do b. Check that all the machine settings are entered correctly.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause c. Mark off the hardware options, software options or Tags installed on the Tag matrix
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cards.
WARNING d. Enter the machine information and the customer information in the service log book.
Do not work in a confined space. 1m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working. 2. Review the print samples.
1. Take note of problems, error messages or error codes. If necessary, refer to GP 2 Fault 3. Ensure the user access settings are correct. If necessary refer to the user documentation.
Codes and History Files. 4. If necessary, perform GP 13 Network Clone Procedure.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
NOTE: The clone file must be taken whenever the customer changes the network control-
3. Ask the operator to describe or demonstrate the problem. ler setting or after the system software is changed.
4. If the problem is the result of an incorrect action by the operator, refer the operator to the
user documentation. 5. Before switching off the machine or clearing the memory, check for a customer job in the
5. Check the steps that follow: memory.

a. The power lead is connected to the wall outlet and to the machine. 6. Check and record the total impressions usage counter.
b. The paper is loaded correctly. 7. Go to SCP 3 Fault Analysis.

c. All paper trays are closed.

d. All doors are closed.
6. Check the machine service log book for previous actions that are related to this call.
7. Go to SCP 2 Call Actions.

Initial Issue August 2018 Service Call Procedures

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 1-3 SCP 1, SCP 2
SCP 3 Fault Analysis • GP 12 Machine Lubrication.
Use Fault Analysis to identify the appropriate RAP to perform based on the machine fault or • GP 13 Network Clone Procedure.
symptoms. • GP 14 Printing Reports.
• GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
Procedure • GP 16 Installation Space Requirements.
CAUTION • GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements.
Do not expose the drum cartridges, PL 90.20 to light for more than 30 minutes. If necessary, • GP 18 Environmental Data.
remove the drum cartridges, then place in a black bag. • GP 19 Obtaining Audit and Device Logs.
Fault Codes • GP 20 First Print Out Time and Power On Time.
If a fault code is displayed, go to the relevant RAP. Also refer to Unresolved Faults. • GP 21 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
• GP 22 Special Boot Modes.
NOTE: This service manual does not cover faults in the BR Finisher, for faults in the BR Fin-
isher, refer to the separate BR Finisher service manual EDOC. • GP 23 Customer Administration Tools.
• GP 24 How to Set the Date and Time.
Image Quality Defects
• GP 25 Ethernet Crossover Cable Setup.
If the image quality is defective, go to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
• GP 27 Billing Plan/Region Conversion Process.
Unresolved Faults • GP 28 Billing Impression Mode Change Process.
If a fault cannot be resolved using the appropriate RAP, and only if instructed by 2nd level sup- • GP 29 System Administrator Password Reset.
port, obtain a device log. Refer to GP 19 Obtaining Audit and Device Logs. Escalate the prob- • GP 31 Print Orientation Definitions.
lem to 2nd level support. • GP 32 How to Open and Close the Video Contact Chassis Unit.
• GP 33 How To Obtain A Nananana log.
Other Problems
• GP 34 Print Spooling.
• For suspected power distribution faults, refer to the following:
• GP 36 How to Manually Configure an IP Address.
– 01A AC Power RAP.
• GP 40 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations.
– 01B +5VDC Power Fault RAP.
– 01C +24VDC Power Fault RAP.
– Wiring Diagrams
• For unresolved faults that occur during start up of the device, perform the OF1 POST
Error RAP.
• If the customer requires a billing plan or region change, go to GP 27 Billing Plan/Region
Conversion Process.
• If the customer requires a billing impression mode change, go to GP 28 Billing Impression
Mode Change Process.
Additional Information
If necessary, refer to the general procedures and information that follow:
• GP 1 Diagnostics Entry.
• GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files.
• GP 3 Device Information.
• GP 4 Machine Software.
• GP 5 Miscellaneous Checks.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• GP 9 How to Check a Switch.
• GP 10 How to Switch Off the Machine or Switch On the Machine.

Service Call Procedures August 2018 Initial Issue

SCP 3 1-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
SCP 4 Subsystem Maintenance Installation of New Parts
Use Subsystem Maintenance to identify potentially worn components that should be replaced The design life of the major components is shown in Table 2.
to prevent further faults, and to perform routine cleaning and lubrication of the machine.
Table 2 Design life
Procedure Part Life PL Ref.
WARNING Fuser 480K prints or when IOT power PL 10.05 Item 2
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the power lead from the cus- on time exceeds 18000K sec-
tomer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause onds.
the death or injury. Moving components can cause the injury. IBT unit 480K prints PL 90.30 Item 1
Go to the correct procedure: 2nd BTR unit 360K prints PL 80.65 Item 2
• Service Checks Drum cartridges (K) 45ppm/55ppm 213/190 KPV PL 90.20
• Installation of New Parts Drum cartridges (Y,M,C) 45ppm/ 240/224 KPV PL 90.20
• HFSI 55ppm
• How to Clean the Machine Developer Units (Y, M,C,K) 1500K Prints PL 90.30 Item 1
• Drum Cartridge Handling Tray 1 feed, nudger and retard rolls 300K feeds PL 25.10 Item 5
Service Checks Bypass tray feed and nudger rolls and 100K feeds PL 80.120 Item 6
retard pad
Perform the actions in Table 1 at the indicated service interval.
Tray 2 feed, nudger and retard rolls 300K feeds PL 25.10 Item 5
Table 1 Service actions Tray 3 feed, nudger and retard rolls 300K feeds PL 25.10 Item 5

Service Tray 4 feed, nudger and retard rolls 300K feeds PL 25.10 Item 5
Servicing Items Service Details Interval
IQ check Check the overall print quality using a test chart. Every visit HFSI
Check for uneven density, blank areas, drum For High Frequency Service Items (HFSI), refer to dC135 CRU/HFSI Status.
scratches, heat roll scratches, etc. in A3 halftone.
Clean the machine Check and clean the paper transport roller (including 300K feeds How to Clean the Machine
interior the bypass tray). Use a dry lint free cloth or a lint free cloth moistened with water for all cleaning unless directed
Clean any toner residue in the paper transport path. otherwise. Wipe with a dry lint free cloth if a moistened cloth is used.
Clean any contamination and paper dust from the jam
sensors. 1. Feed Components (Rolls and Pads)
Clean the operating parts around the toner cartridges, Every visit Use a dry lint free cloth or a lint free cloth moistened with water. Wipe with a dry lint free
PL 90.05 and drum cartridges, PL 90.20. cloth if a moistened cloth is used.
Use the cleaning tool, stored in the front door, to clean 2. Toner Dispense Units
the print head assemblies, PL 60.05. Vacuum the toner dispense units.
Safety Check Ensure that the power cords are not cracked and no Every visit 3. Jam Sensors
wires are exposed.
Clean the sensors with a dry cotton swab.
Ensure that an extension cord with insufficient length
or power cord outside the specification, such as an off- 4. Finisher
the-shelf power strip, is being used. Check the paper path for debris or damage. Clean the finisher with a dry lint free cloth.
Ensure that a single socket does not have multiple Drum Cartridge Handling
power plugs plugged into it.
• The drum cartridges must be protected from light shock and mechanical damage.
• Do not expose the photoreceptor drum to bright lights for extended periods.
• Whenever the drum cartridge is removed, place the drum cartridge in the black plastic
bag supplied with the machine. Store the drum cartridge in a safe place on a clean flat
surface, to avoid damage to the photoreceptor drum surface.
• Place the drum cartridge in the black bag if the left door is opened for long periods.

Initial Issue August 2018 Service Call Procedures

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 1-5 SCP 4
SCP 5 Final Actions SCP 6 Machine Features
Use Final Actions to verify the correct operation of the machine and to complete the service Configuration Options
The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 Printer are available as a basic machine with tray
1. It is also available in various configurations using the options that follow:
Perform the steps that follow. If a fault is identified, go to SCP 3 Fault Analysis: NOTE: Also refer to Machine Configurations in the Product Technical Overview.

1. If necessary, re-connect the machine to the customer’s network.
For the space requirements, environment range and the print out time. Refer to:
2. If necessary, perform GP 13 Network Clone Procedure.
• GP 16 Installation Space Requirements.
NOTE: The clone file will need to be taken whenever the system software is changed. • GP 18 Environmental Data.
3. Perform the relevant maintenance procedures. Refer to SCP 4 Subsystem Maintenance. • GP 20 First Print Out Time and Power On / Off Time.
4. Ensure that the machine has the latest available software loaded. Paper Supply and Paper Handling Options
5. Operate the machine in all modes. Make the copies and prints from all trays. • One 520 sheet paper tray (trays 1 and 2).
6. Make prints from all trays. Check the registration quality. To reset the registration, perform • 100 sheet bypass tray.
dC126 System Registration Adjustment. • Two tray module (2TM) (trays 3 and 4).
7. Make a proof print of a customer document. • Tandem tray module (TTM) (trays 3 and 4).
8. If some of the customer’s selections were changed, return the selections to the customer • 2000 sheet high capacity feeder (HCF).
settings. • Envelope tray.
9. Mark off the hardware options, software options or Tags installed on the Tag matrix cards. • Exit 2 tray.
10. If some changes were made to the configuration or options were added, print the configu- Output Options
ration report. Store the configuration report with the machine log book. Discard the previ-
• Catch Tray.
ous version of the configuration report.
• Office finisher LX with horizontal transport, hole punch and optional booklet maker.
11. Log the usage counters.
• BR finisher with horizontal transport, hole punch and booklet maker.
12. If necessary, provide the customer with training.
Accessories and Kits
13. Remove and destroy all copies of test patterns.
• Common access card.
14. Ensure the machine and service area are clean.
• Foreign device interface kit.
• Hard disk drive (Productivity Kit) for C8000 printer (standard with C9000 printers).
• Wireless print kit.

NOTE: The service manual covers all of the above configurations. Within the manual, ignore
any references to options that are not installed.

Service Call Procedures August 2018 Initial Issue

SCP 5, SCP 6 1-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Machine Identification
The diagrams that follow illustrate some of the machine configurations:
• Xerox® VersaLink® C8000/C9000 desktop, Figure 1.
• Xerox® VersaLink® C8000/C9000 with 2TM and office finisher LX, Figure 2.
• Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 with HCF, TTM and office finisher LX with booklet maker, Fig-
ure 3.

Figure 2 With 2TM, LX finisher and booklet maker

Figure 1 Desktop printer

Figure 3 With HCF, TTM and LX finisher with booklet maker

Initial Issue August 2018 Service Call Procedures

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 1-7 SCP 6
Service Call Procedures August 2018 Initial Issue
SCP 6 1-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
2 Status Indicator RAPs
Chain 001 012-249 Booklet Front Stapler Fail RAP ......................................................................... 2-39
01A AC Power RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-11 012-260, 282 Eject Clamp Home Sensor Fail RAP......................................................... 2-39
01B +5VDC Power Fault RAP......................................................................................... 2-11 012-268 Booklet Rear Stapler Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-40
01C +24VDC Power Fault RAP ...................................................................................... 2-12 012-269 Booklet PWB Communications Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-41
012-283, 284 Set Clamp Home Sensor Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-41
Chain 002 012-291 Stapler Fail RAP................................................................................................ 2-42
002-500 UI Error RAP ..................................................................................................... 2-13 012-295, 296 Stapler Move Position Sensor Fail RAP.................................................... 2-43
012-300 The Finisher Top Cover Is Open RAP .............................................................. 2-44
Chain 010
012-302 The Front Door Is Open RAP............................................................................ 2-44
010-327 Fusing On Time Fail RAP ................................................................................. 2-15
012-303 The Finisher Transport Cover F Is Open RAP .................................................. 2-45
010-330 Fusing Unit Motor Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-15
012-334 Download Fail RAP ........................................................................................... 2-45
010-341 Fusing Unit Illegal Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-16
012-901 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-46
010-371 Heat Belt STS Center Disconnection Fail RAP................................................. 2-17
012-903 Compiler Exit Sensor On RAP .......................................................................... 2-46
010-372, 010-374 Heat Belt STS Center Over Temperature Fail RAP........................... 2-17
012-905 Jam In Finisher RAP ......................................................................................... 2-47
010-373 Heat Belt STS Rear Disconnection Fail RAP.................................................... 2-18
012-935 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-47
010-375 Heat Belt STS Center Warm Up Time Fail RAP ............................................... 2-18
010-376 Heat Belt STS Rear Warm Up Time Fail RAP .................................................. 2-19 Chain 013
010-378 Heat Belt Rotation Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-19 013-210, 211 Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor Fail RAP ........................................... 2-49
010-379 Fusing Unit Hot Not Ready Return Time Fail RAP ........................................... 2-20 013-212, 213 Booklet Stapler Move Position Sensor Fail RAP....................................... 2-50
010-380 Fusing P/Roll Latch Motor Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-20 013-220 Folder Detect Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-51
010-382 Fusing Unit Thermostat Fail RAP ..................................................................... 2-21 013-300 Folder Door Open RAP ..................................................................................... 2-51
010-613 Fusing Motor Current Warning RAP ................................................................. 2-21 013-306 Booklet Safety Switches Open RAP ................................................................. 2-52
010-616 Fusing Unit Thermosensitivity Runaway Hot Not Ready Warning RAP ........... 2-22 013-307 Booklet Maker Door Is Open RAP .................................................................... 2-52
010-617 Fusing Paper Quality Operation Mistake Warning RAP ................................... 2-22
010-618 Fusing Unit E2PROM Write Limit Info RAP ...................................................... 2-23 Chain 016
010-619 Fusing Unit E2PROM I2C Master Communication Info RAP............................ 2-23 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP ................................................................. 2-53
010-620 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch Info RAP ............................................... 2-24 016-211, 016-212 SW Option Fail Memory Low RAP..................................................... 2-53
010-621 Fusing Unit E2PROM Not In Position Info RAP ................................................ 2-24 016-217 SW Option Fail (Controller ROM) RAP ............................................................. 2-54
010-622 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Broken Info RAP ................................................... 2-25 016-232 MRC HW Initialize Error RAP............................................................................ 2-54
010-623 Fusing Heavy Paper Quality Operation Mistake Warning RAP ........................ 2-25 016-233 SW Option Fail (USB Host Not Installed) RAP ................................................. 2-55
010-625 IH Driver Load Abnormality Detection Warning RAP........................................ 2-26 016-234, 016-235 XCP Error RAP .................................................................................. 2-55
016-242 System GMT Clock Fail RAP ............................................................................ 2-56
Chain 012 - Finisher LX 016-244 Self-Signed Certificate Auto Update Fail RAP .................................................. 2-56
Note: Business Ready (BR) Finisher fault codes are listed in the Business Ready (BR) Finisher 016-245, 016-246 Invalid Accessory Mode RAP............................................................. 2-57
Service Manual part number 705P01378........................................................................ 016-310 SSMM Job Log Full RAP .................................................................................. 2-57
012-111, 112, 126, 131 Jam In The Device RAP............................................................ 2-27 016-322 JBA Account Full RAP ...................................................................................... 2-58
012-132 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-28 016-323 B-Formatter Fatal Error RAP............................................................................. 2-58
012-151, 152 Compiler Exit Sensor Jam RAP ................................................................ 2-29 016-324 Scheduled Image Overwrite RAP ..................................................................... 2-59
012-161 Jam In The Finisher RAP .................................................................................. 2-30 016-325 Using Personal Certificate RAP ........................................................................ 2-59
012-189 Finisher Jam RAP ............................................................................................. 2-31 016-326, 016-607 UI Cable Connection Fail RAP........................................................... 2-60
012-210 NVM Fail RAP................................................................................................... 2-32 016-327, 016-328 Connection Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-60
012-211B Stacker Tray Fail RAP .................................................................................... 2-32 016-330, 331, 332 Cont System Memory Fail RAP ........................................................ 2-61
012-212 Stacker Tray Upper Limit Failure RAP .............................................................. 2-33 016-335 to 016-351 Controller Fail RAP ......................................................................... 2-61
012-213 Stacker Tray Lower Limit Failure RAP .............................................................. 2-34 016-352 Internal Network Initialize Fail RAP................................................................... 2-62
012-221, 223 Front Tamper Home Sensor Fail RAP ...................................................... 2-35 016-353, 016-354 IOT-Controller Communication Fail RAP ........................................... 2-62
012-224, 263 Rear Tamper Home Sensor Fail RAP....................................................... 2-36 016-355, 016-356 Controller ASIC Fail RAP................................................................... 2-63
012-231 Punch Home Sensor Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-37 016-357 Controller EP Communication Fail RAP............................................................ 2-63
012-243, 265 Booklet Folder Home Sensor Fail RAP..................................................... 2-38 016-358 Controller Parallel Card Fail RAP...................................................................... 2-64

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-1
016-359, 016-361 Controller USB Fail RAP.................................................................... 2-64 016-534 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 41 and 42 RAP ......................................... 2-90
016-360, 016-362 Controller UI Fail RAP ....................................................................... 2-65 016-535 Remote Download File Access Error RAP........................................................ 2-91
016-363 Controller LyraCard Fail RAP ........................................................................... 2-65 016-536 Host Name Solution Error in Remote Download RAP ...................................... 2-91
016-364, 016-365 Controller USB 2.0 Fail RAP.............................................................. 2-66 016-537 Remote Download Server Connection Error RAP ............................................ 2-92
016-366, 016-367 Controller HDD Fail RAP ................................................................... 2-66 016-538 Remote Download File Write Error RAP ........................................................... 2-92
016-368, 369, 370 Controller Diagnostic Fail RAP ......................................................... 2-67 016-539 Kerberos Attestation Other Protocol Error RAP ................................................ 2-93
016-383 Controller OS Communication Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-67 016-543 Attestation Agent Error 543 RAP ...................................................................... 2-93
016-400, 402, 427, 429 802.1x Authentication Failure RAP ........................................... 2-68 016-545 Attestation Agent Error 545 RAP ...................................................................... 2-94
016-401 802.1x EAP Type Not Supported RAP ............................................................. 2-68 016-546, 558, 569 Attestation Agent Errors RAP............................................................ 2-94
016-403, 016-430 802.1x Certificate Failure RAP .......................................................... 2-69 016-548 Attestation Agent Error 548 RAP ...................................................................... 2-95
016-404, 016-431 802.1x Inside Failure RAP ................................................................. 2-69 016-553 Attestation Agent Error 553 RAP ...................................................................... 2-95
016-405 Certificate DB File Error RAP............................................................................ 2-70 016-554 Attestation Agent Error 554 RAP ...................................................................... 2-96
016-406 802.1x Client Certificate Failure RAP ............................................................... 2-70 016-555 Attestation Agent Error 555 RAP ...................................................................... 2-96
016-407 to 016-412 XCP Error RAP ............................................................................... 2-71 016-556 Attestation Agent Error 556 RAP ...................................................................... 2-97
016-417 Invalid Network Settings RAP ........................................................................... 2-71 016-557 Attestation Agent Error 557 RAP ...................................................................... 2-97
016-421 Input Tray Removed RAP ................................................................................. 2-72 016-559 Remote Download Parameter Error RAP ......................................................... 2-98
016-422, 016-423 Offline RAP ........................................................................................ 2-72 016-560 Attestation Agent Error 560 RAP ...................................................................... 2-98
016-424, 016-425 Power Mode RAP .............................................................................. 2-73 016-562 Detected User Duplication RAP ........................................................................ 2-99
016-426 Remote Services Error RAP ............................................................................. 2-73 016-564 Remote Download Server Authentication Failed RAP ...................................... 2-99
016-428 802.1x EAP Type Not Supported (Network 2) RAP .......................................... 2-74 016-565 Backup Restore Error RAP ............................................................................... 2-100
016-432 802.1x Client Certificate Failure (Network 2) RAP ............................................ 2-74 016-566 Backup Restore Condition Error RAP ............................................................... 2-100
016-433 Supplies Activation Code Not Inputting Detection RAP .................................... 2-75 016-567 Backup Capacity Full RAP ................................................................................ 2-101
016-434 USB Dongle Temporary Mode Detected RAP .................................................. 2-75 016-568 Backup Restore Failed RAP ............................................................................. 2-101
016-435 Contract State Changing Detection RAP .......................................................... 2-76 016-570 Job Ticket Out of Memory RAP......................................................................... 2-102
016-450 SMB Host Name Duplicated RAP ..................................................................... 2-76 016-571 Job Ticket Wrong Parameters RAP .................................................................. 2-102
016-453, 016-454 Dynamic DNS - IPv6 NG RAP ........................................................... 2-77 016-572 Job Ticket Media Error RAP.............................................................................. 2-103
016-455, 016-456 SNTP Time Out RAP ......................................................................... 2-77 016-573 Job Ticket Parse Error RAP .............................................................................. 2-103
016-461 Under Non-transmitted Image Log Stagnation RAP ......................................... 2-78 016-598, 016-599 Email Message Size RAP .................................................................. 2-104
016-500, 016-501 ROM Write Error (During DLD Method) RAP .................................... 2-78 016-600 KO Authentication Locked RAP ........................................................................ 2-104
016-502 ROM Write Error (During PJL Method) RAP..................................................... 2-79 016-601 Illegal Access Detection RAP............................................................................ 2-105
016-503 SMTP Server Fail for Redirector RAP .............................................................. 2-79 016-604 Debug Log Created RAP .................................................................................. 2-105
016-507, 016-508 Image Log Send Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-80 016-606, 016-608 Controller Connection Fail RAP ......................................................... 2-106
016-509, 016-510 Image Log No Send Rule RAP .......................................................... 2-80 016-609, 016-610 PCI Option Fail RAP .......................................................................... 2-106
016-511, 016-512 Image Log Invalid Send Rule RAP .................................................... 2-81 016-611 SD Card Connection Fail RAP .......................................................................... 2-107
016-513 SMTP Server Reception Error RAP.................................................................. 2-81 016-612 Log Image Creation Failure RAP ...................................................................... 2-107
016-514 XPS Error RAP ................................................................................................. 2-82 016-700 Password Below Minimum RAP........................................................................ 2-108
016-515 XPS Short of Memory ....................................................................................... 2-82 016-701 Out of ART EX Memory RAP ............................................................................ 2-108
016-516 XPS Print Ticket Description Error RAP ........................................................... 2-83 016-702 Out of Page Buffer RAP .................................................................................... 2-109
016-517 PS Booklet Illegal Color Mode Change RAP .................................................... 2-83 016-703 Email To Invalid Box RAP ................................................................................. 2-109
016-518 PS Booklet Conflict WM RAP ........................................................................... 2-84 016-704 Mailbox Full RAP............................................................................................... 2-110
016-519 Device DV Limit Reached RAP......................................................................... 2-84 016-705 Secure Print Fail RAP ....................................................................................... 2-110
016-520 MRC HW Job Error RAP................................................................................... 2-85 016-706 Maximum User Number Exceeded RAP........................................................... 2-111
016-522 LDAP SSL Error 112 RAP ................................................................................ 2-85 016-707 Sample Print Fail RAP ...................................................................................... 2-111
016-523 LDAP SSL Error 113 RAP ................................................................................ 2-86 016-708 Annotation/Watermark HDD Full RAP .............................................................. 2-112
016-524, 016-525 LDAP SSL Error 114 and 115 RAP ................................................... 2-86 016-709 ART EX Command Error RAP .......................................................................... 2-112
016-526 LDAP SSL Error 116 RAP ................................................................................ 2-87 016-710 Delayed Print Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-113
016-527 LDAP SSL Error 117 RAP ................................................................................ 2-87 016-713 Security Box Password Error RAP.................................................................... 2-113
016-529 Remote Download Server Timeout RAP .......................................................... 2-88 016-714 Security Box Not Enabled RAP......................................................................... 2-114
016-533 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 37 RAP..................................................... 2-88 016-715 ESCP Form Invalid Password RAP .................................................................. 2-114
016-530 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 06 RAP..................................................... 2-89 016-716 TIFF Data Overflow RAP .................................................................................. 2-115
016-531 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 07 RAP..................................................... 2-89 016-718 Out of PCL6 Memory RAP ................................................................................ 2-115
016-532 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 24 RAP..................................................... 2-90 016-719 Out of PCL Memory RAP .................................................................................. 2-116

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

2-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-720 PCL Command Error RAP ................................................................................ 2-116 017-713 Start TLS Unsupported Fail RAP ...................................................................... 2-142
016-721 to 016-724 Settings Error RAP ......................................................................... 2-117 017-714 SMTP Over SSL Fail RAP ................................................................................ 2-142
016-726 PDL Auto Switch Fail RAP................................................................................ 2-117 017-715 SSL Certificate Fail RAP ................................................................................... 2-143
016-727 Unstorable Document RAP............................................................................... 2-118 017-716, 717, 718 SSL Certificate (SMTP) Fail RAP...................................................... 2-143
016-728 Unsupported TIFF Data RAP ............................................................................ 2-118 017-719 SMTP Over SSL Internal Fail RAP ................................................................... 2-144
016-729 TIFF Data Size RAP ......................................................................................... 2-119 017-720, 017-721 PJL Command Fail RAP .................................................................... 2-144
016-731, 016-732 Invalid Data RAP ............................................................................... 2-119 017-722 Total Impressions Over Fail RAP...................................................................... 2-145
016-733 Destination Address Resolution Error RAP ...................................................... 2-120 017-723 DocuWorks Unsupported Character Fail RAP .................................................. 2-145
016-735 Updating Job Template RAP ............................................................................ 2-120 017-725 Forced Annotation Syntax Fail RAP.................................................................. 2-146
016-738, 739, 740 Booklet Size RAP.............................................................................. 2-121 017-729 Temporary Error in PDL Transfer RAP ............................................................. 2-146
016-741 Download Mode Fail RAP................................................................................. 2-121 017-730 Network Error in PDL Transfer RAP ................................................................. 2-147
016-742 Download Data Product ID Mismatch RAP....................................................... 2-122 017-732 Offline Error in PDL Transfer RAP .................................................................... 2-147
016-743 Device Model/Panel Type Error RAP................................................................ 2-122 017-733 Internal Error in PDL Transfer RAP................................................................... 2-148
016-744 Download Data CheckSum Error RAP ............................................................. 2-123 017-734 IPP Data Error RAP .......................................................................................... 2-148
016-745 Download Data XPJL Fatal Error RAP ............................................................. 2-123 017-735 Unauthorized Auditron User RAP ..................................................................... 2-149
016-746, 016-751 Unsupported PDF File RAP ............................................................... 2-124 017-737 Custom Transfer Out of Memory RAP .............................................................. 2-149
016-747 Drawing Annotation Memory RAP .................................................................... 2-124 017-738, 017-746 HDD Internal Fail RAP ....................................................................... 2-150
016-748, 774, 775, 778, 981 HD Full RAP...................................................................... 2-125 017-739, 017-740 Transfer Service Not Available RAP .................................................. 2-150
016-749 JCL Syntax Error RAP ...................................................................................... 2-125 017-741 Custom Transfer Invalid Plug-In RAP ............................................................... 2-151
016-750 Print Job Ticket Description Error RAP ............................................................. 2-126 017-742, 743, 744 Custom Transfer Plug-In Connection RAP ....................................... 2-151
016-752 PDF Short of Memory RAP............................................................................... 2-126 017-745 Custom Transfer Plug-in Disk Full RAP ............................................................ 2-152
016-753 PDF Password Mismatched RAP ..................................................................... 2-127 017-747 Custom Transfer Plug-In Connection Timeout RAP ......................................... 2-152
016-755 PDF Print Prohibited RAP................................................................................. 2-127 017-748 Custom Transfer Plug-In Invalid machine RAP................................................. 2-153
016-756 Auditron Prohibited Service RAP ...................................................................... 2-128 017-749 Custom Transfer Plug-In XML Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-153
016-757 Auditron Invalid User RAP ................................................................................ 2-128 017-750 Custom Transfer Plug-In Internal Fail RAP....................................................... 2-154
016-758 Auditron Disabled Function RAP ...................................................................... 2-129 017-751 Custom Transfer Plug-In Other Fail RAP.......................................................... 2-154
016-759 Auditron Limit Reached RAP ............................................................................ 2-129 017-755 Software Download Via Network Fail RAP ....................................................... 2-155
016-760 PS Decompose Failure RAP............................................................................. 2-130 017-759 Download Data Inspection Error RAP............................................................... 2-155
016-761 FIFO Empty RAP .............................................................................................. 2-130 017-773 Netlog Task Error RAP...................................................................................... 2-156
016-762 Print Language Not Installed RAP .................................................................... 2-131 017-774 Message Lost Error RAP .................................................................................. 2-156
016-781 Server Connect Error RAP................................................................................ 2-131 017-775 Network API Error RAP..................................................................................... 2-157
016-788 Retrieve to Browser Failed RAP ....................................................................... 2-132 017-776, 017-777 Syslog Server Error RAP ................................................................... 2-157
016-790 Email Fragment Over RAP ............................................................................... 2-132 017-778 Queue Error RAP .............................................................................................. 2-158
016-792 Specified Job Not Found RAP .......................................................................... 2-133 017-779 Link Error RAP .................................................................................................. 2-158
016-794 Media Not Inserted RAP ................................................................................... 2-133 017-780 Held Job Timeout RAP...................................................................................... 2-159
016-795 Media Reader Format Error RAP...................................................................... 2-134 017-782, 784, 785, 786 Custom Image Processing Plug-In RAP ................................... 2-159
016-796 Document Insert Operation Error RAP ............................................................. 2-134 017-783 Custom Image Processing Memory RAP.......................................................... 2-160
016-797 Image File Read Error RAP .............................................................................. 2-135 017-787 Google Cloud Print Data Error RAP.................................................................. 2-160
016-799 PLW Print Instruction Fail RAP ......................................................................... 2-135 017-789 Job Limit Estimation Logic Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-161
016-910, 016-911 Required Resource Not Ready RAP ................................................. 2-136 017-790 to 017-799 Print Permission RAP ..................................................................... 2-161
016-917, 016-918, 016-919 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP .................................... 2-136
016-920 Destination Error RAP....................................................................................... 2-137 Chain 018
016-981, 982 HDD Access Error 2 RAP ......................................................................... 2-137 018-400 IPSEC Configuration Mismatch RAP ................................................................ 2-163
016A Network Error RAP ................................................................................................ 2-138 018-405 User Account Disabled RAP ............................................................................. 2-163
018-406 Setting Status of IP Address (IPv4) RAP .......................................................... 2-164
Chain 017 018-407 Setting Status of IP Address (IPv6) RAP .......................................................... 2-164
017-500 Job Limit Illegal Response RAP........................................................................ 2-139 018-408 Duplicate IPv4 Address RAP ............................................................................ 2-165
017-501 Multiple Permission Restrictions RAP............................................................... 2-139 018-409, 412, 413 Duplicate IPv6 Address 1 RAP ......................................................... 2-165
017-503 Password Over Maximum RAP ........................................................................ 2-140 018-410, 018-411 Dynamic DNS Update Failure RAP ................................................... 2-166
017-504, 017-505 Job Limit RAP .................................................................................... 2-140 018-414 Duplicate IPv6 Address 2 RAP ......................................................................... 2-166
017-506 Job Limit Rejected RAP .................................................................................... 2-141 018-415 Duplicate IPv6 Address 3 RAP ......................................................................... 2-167
017-507 Job History Full RAP ......................................................................................... 2-141 018-416 Duplicate IPv6 Address 4 RAP ......................................................................... 2-167

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-3
018-424 to 018-426 WLAN WPA Enterprise Certificate Failure RAP ............................. 2-168 021-510, 021-511 SOAP Fault RAP................................................................................ 2-193
018-427 Duplicate IP Address Range WiFi and WiFi Direct RAP................................... 2-168 021-512, 513, 514, 517, 518, 519 Installation Conflict RAP............................................ 2-194
018-428 WLAN Module Connection Failure RAP ........................................................... 2-169 021-523 Internal Error RAP............................................................................................. 2-194
018-429 to 018-436 Duplicate IP Address IPv4 (WiFi) RAP ........................................... 2-169 021-524 to 012-527 Communications Error RAP............................................................ 2-195
018-439 WiFi Direct Setting Conflict RAP ....................................................................... 2-170 021-528, 021-529 Communication Settings RAP............................................................ 2-195
018-440 WiFi Direct Setting IPv6 Conflict RAP............................................................... 2-170 021-530, 012-531 Update Server Error RAP .................................................................. 2-196
018-441 WiFi Direct Setting 5GHz Conflict RAP............................................................. 2-171 021-532 to 021-535 Unsupported ROM Set RAP ........................................................... 2-196
018-500, 501, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508 CA Server Error RAP ........................................ 2-171 021-700 Accessory Failure RAP ..................................................................................... 2-197
018-565 Proxy Name Solution Error in HTTP RAP......................................................... 2-172 021-701 Accessory Preparing RAP................................................................................. 2-197
018-595 Detected User Duplication RAP ........................................................................ 2-172 021-732, 943, 945 EP Accessory Error RAP .................................................................. 2-198
018-596, 018-700 Network Error RAP ............................................................................ 2-173 021-733, 944, 946 EP Accessory Color Error RAP......................................................... 2-198
018-701 to 018-705 LDAP Protocol Errors 01 to 05 RAP ............................................... 2-173 021-948, 949 Subtractive Accessory Disable (Scan) RAP.............................................. 2-199
018-706 LDAP Protocol Error 06 RAP ............................................................................ 2-174
018-707, 018-708 LDAP Protocol Errors 07 and 08 RAP ............................................... 2-174 Chain 023
018-709 Active Communication is Unavailable Now Fail RAP ....................................... 2-175 023-500 UI ROM Download Fail RAP ............................................................................. 2-201
018-710 to 018-714 LDAP Protocol Errors 10 to 14 RAP ............................................... 2-175 023-600, 023-601 UI Key Error RAP............................................................................... 2-201
018-715 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 73 RAP..................................................... 2-176 Chain 024
018-716 to 018-721 LDAP Protocol Errors 16 to 21 RAP ............................................... 2-176
024-322, 323 SEEPROM Refurbish Fail RAP................................................................. 2-203
018-722 GCP Network Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-177 024-324 IOT NVM Backup Restore Fail 6 RAP .............................................................. 2-203
018-723, 018-740 GCP Certification Fail RAP ................................................................ 2-177
024-340 to 024-360 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 1 RAP ............................................. 2-204
018-724 GCP SSL Connection Fail RAP ........................................................................ 2-178
024-361 Invalid IOT Paper Size RAP.............................................................................. 2-205
018-725 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 22 RAP..................................................... 2-178 024-362, 363 Page Sync Illegal Start or Stop RAP......................................................... 2-205
018-726 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 70 RAP..................................................... 2-179
024-364 DMA Transfer Fail RAP..................................................................................... 2-206
018-727 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 71 RAP..................................................... 2-179
024-365 Overflow on Loop Back Write RAP ................................................................... 2-206
018-728 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 72 RAP..................................................... 2-180 024-366 JBIG Library Other Fail RAP ............................................................................. 2-207
018-729, 730, 738, 739, 743, 744, 745, 746 GCP Network Fail RAP............................. 2-180
024-367 Decompress Other Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-207
018-731 GCP HDD Limit Fail RAP.................................................................................. 2-181
024-368 PCI Error RAP................................................................................................... 2-208
018-732 to 018-736 LDAP Protocol Errors 32 to 36 RAP ............................................... 2-181 024-370 Marker Code Detection Fail RAP ...................................................................... 2-208
018-737, 018-741 GCP Other Fail RAP.......................................................................... 2-182
024-371, 372, 373, 375 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 2 RAP........................................ 2-209
018-748, 018-750 to 018-754 LDAP Protocol Errors 48, 50 to 36 RAP .......................... 2-182
024-376 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 3 RAP................................................................ 2-209
018-749 LDAP Protocol Error 49 RAP ............................................................................ 2-183 024-600 to 024-614 Counter Repair RAP ....................................................................... 2-210
018-764 to 018-769, 771 LDAP Protocol Errors 64 to 69 and 71 RAP ........................... 2-183
024-615 IOT Unsupported Drum Shut Off RAP .............................................................. 2-210
018-770 LDAP Protocol Error 70 RAP ............................................................................ 2-184
024-616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621 Serial/Product Number Restore RAP........................ 2-211
018-780 to 018-784 LDAP Protocol Errors 80 and 82 to 84 RAP ................................... 2-184 024-700 Memory Shortage or No Hard Disk RAP........................................................... 2-211
018-781 LDAP Protocol Error 81 RAP ............................................................................ 2-185
024-701 Invalid Instruction of Face Inversion RAP ......................................................... 2-212
018-785 LDAP Protocol Error 85 RAP ............................................................................ 2-185
024-702 Paper Jam RAP ................................................................................................ 2-212
018-786 to 018-797 LDAP Protocol Errors 86 to 97 RAP ............................................... 2-186 024-703, 742, 775 Booklet Sheets Count Over RAP ...................................................... 2-213
Chain 021 024-707 Duplex Inversion Prohibited (Duplex) RAP ....................................................... 2-213
021-210, 211, 212 USB IC Card Reader Error RAP ....................................................... 2-187 024-708 Duplex Inversion Prohibited (Face Down) RAP ................................................ 2-214
021-213 Controller Price Table Error RAP ...................................................................... 2-187 024-746, 747 Print Request Failure RAP ........................................................................ 2-214
021-214 USB IC Card Reader Encryption Setting RAP .................................................. 2-188 024-748 Bates Numbering Digit Exceeded RAP............................................................. 2-215
021-215 Invalid Accessory Type Setting RAP ................................................................ 2-188 024-910, 945, 959 Tray 1 Fault RAP............................................................................... 2-215
021-360 EP Accessory Fail RAP .................................................................................... 2-189 024-911, 947, 960 Tray 2 Size Mismatch RAP ............................................................... 2-216
021-361 EP Accessory Type Configuration Error RAP ................................................... 2-189 024-912, 948, 961 Tray 3 Size Mismatch RAP ............................................................... 2-216
021-401 USB IC Card Reader Connection Error RAP .................................................... 2-190 024-913, 949, 962 Tray 4 Size Mismatch RAP ............................................................... 2-217
021-501 Invalid URL Detected RAP................................................................................ 2-190 024-916, 980, 981 Full Stack RAP .................................................................................. 2-217
021-502, 503, 504 Couldn’t Resolve Proxy Name RAP.................................................. 2-191 024-917 Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count................................................................. 2-218
021-505, 021-506 SSL Error RAP................................................................................... 2-191 024-920 Face Down Tray 1 Full RAP.............................................................................. 2-218
021-507 Unauthorized Proxy Access RAP ..................................................................... 2-192 024-922 Face Down Tray 2 Full RAP.............................................................................. 2-219
021-508, 520, 521 Host/Proxy Connection Timed Out RAP ........................................... 2-192 024-923, 924, 925 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP .................................................. 2-219
021-509, 515, 516, 522 Invalid Message Detected RAP ................................................ 2-193 024-926, 963, 990 Puncher Waste Bin Not Set RAP ...................................................... 2-220

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

2-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-928 Scratch Sheet Compile Entry RAP ................................................................... 2-220 027-569 SMB (TCP/IP) Not Started RAP........................................................................ 2-246
024-933, 940, 941 Drum Cartridge End of Life RAP....................................................... 2-221 027-584 SMB Protocol Error 4-044 RAP......................................................................... 2-247
024-934 Paper Type Mismatch RAP............................................................................... 2-221 027-600 External Print Check Mode Error RAP .............................................................. 2-247
024-943, 978, 984, 989 Booklet Staple RAP .................................................................. 2-222 027-700 Mail Address Domain Error RAP....................................................................... 2-248
024-946 Tray 1 Missing RAP .......................................................................................... 2-222 027-701 Disconnected Network Cable RAP ................................................................... 2-248
024-950 Tray 1 Is Out Of Paper RAP ............................................................................. 2-223 027-702 to 027-709 Certificate for Addresses Error RAP ............................................... 2-249
024-951 Tray 2 Is Out Of Paper RAP ............................................................................. 2-223 027-710 to 027-715 S/MIME Mail Error RAP .................................................................. 2-249
024-952 Tray 3 Out Of Paper RAP ................................................................................. 2-224 027-716 Unsigned Mail Receipt Was Rejected RAP ...................................................... 2-250
024-953 Tray 4 Out Of Paper RAP ................................................................................. 2-224 027-717 No MX Record at DNS RAP.............................................................................. 2-250
024-954 Bypass Tray Is Out Of Paper RAP.................................................................... 2-225 027-720, 027-721 Extension Server Error RAP .............................................................. 2-251
024-955 Tray 6 Is Out Of Paper RAP ............................................................................. 2-225 027-723 Extension Server Authentication Fail RAP........................................................ 2-251
024-958 Bypass Tray Paper Size Mismatch RAP........................................................... 2-226 027-724, 725, 726 Extension Server Access Fail RAP ................................................... 2-252
024-965, 966 ATS/APS RAP .......................................................................................... 2-226 027-727 Extension Server Parameters RAP................................................................... 2-252
024-967 Mixed Width Paper RAP ................................................................................... 2-227 027-728 Extension Server File Exceeded RAP............................................................... 2-253
024-968 Stapler/Punch Concurrence RAP ..................................................................... 2-227 027-735 machine SSL Configuration Error RAP ............................................................. 2-253
024-969 Different Width Mix Punch RAP ........................................................................ 2-228 027-736 machine Certificate Error RAP .......................................................................... 2-254
024-976, 977, 979 Finisher Staple Error RAP................................................................. 2-228 027-752 Required User Entry Not Entered RAP ............................................................. 2-254
024-982 Stacker Tray Lower Safety RAP ....................................................................... 2-229 027-753 Job Flow Service Request Disabled RAP ......................................................... 2-255
024-983 Booklet Tray Full RAP....................................................................................... 2-229 027-754 Job Flow Service File Signature Mismatch RAP............................................... 2-255
024-985 Bypass Tray Obstructed RAP ........................................................................... 2-230 027-757 Extension Server SSL Fail RAP........................................................................ 2-256
024-986 Confirmation of Printing All ............................................................................... 2-230 027-758 System Credential Setting Error RAP ............................................................... 2-256
027-759 Reference Server Connection Error RAP ......................................................... 2-257
Chain 025 027-760 XJT Command Fail RAP ................................................................................... 2-257
025-596, 025-597 HDD Diagnostics RAP ....................................................................... 2-231 027-761 Web Print Timeout RAP .................................................................................... 2-258
Chain 026 027-762 Illegal Web Print Job Ticket RAP ...................................................................... 2-258
027-763 Auditron Cannot Verify User RAP ..................................................................... 2-259
026-400 USB Host Connection Number Exceeded RAP ................................................ 2-233
027-770 PDL Error RAP.................................................................................................. 2-259
026-402 Changed IOT Speed RAP................................................................................. 2-233
026-403 Stop printing and wait for toner cooling RAP .................................................... 2-234 027-771 DFE Disk Full RAP............................................................................................ 2-260
027-772, 774, 776 SMTP Server Error RAP ................................................................... 2-260
026-700 LDAP Protocol Error RAP ................................................................................. 2-234
027-775 Too Many SMTP Addresses RAP..................................................................... 2-261
026-701 Address Book Request Overflow RAP.............................................................. 2-235
026-702 Address Book Directory Service Overflow RAP................................................ 2-235 027-777 SMTP Server Non Support RAP ....................................................................... 2-261
027-778 No Mode Specified by SMTP-AUTH RAP......................................................... 2-262
026-703 Abort With Logout RAP ..................................................................................... 2-236
027-779 Authentication Failure by SMTP-AUTH RAP .................................................... 2-262
026-704 DocuWorks Error RAP ...................................................................................... 2-236
026-705 DocuWorks Short of Memory RAP ................................................................... 2-237 027-796 Email Not Printed RAP...................................................................................... 2-263
027-797 Invalid Output Destination RAP......................................................................... 2-263
026-706, 026-707 DocuWorks Error RAP ....................................................................... 2-237
027-798 JFS Target Document Not Found RAP............................................................. 2-264
026-712 HTTP Out Job Overlap Error RAP .................................................................... 2-238
026-718 PS Print Instruction Fail RAP ............................................................................ 2-238 Chain 028
026-724, 026-725 Remote Download File Error RAP ..................................................... 2-239 028-987 Tray Size Mismatch RAP .................................................................................. 2-265
026-726 Inconsistent Options RAP ................................................................................. 2-239
026-730 Tray Paper Size Not Detected RAP.................................................................. 2-240 Chain 029
026-731 to 026-733 PJL Fail RAP .................................................................................. 2-240 029-704, 711 Invalid PACFile RAP ................................................................................. 2-267
026-734 PJL Diag Mode RAP ......................................................................................... 2-241 029-705, 706, 709, 712, 713, 716 PACFile Communications RAP................................. 2-267
029-707, 029-708, 714, 715 PACFile Not Found RAP.................................................... 2-268
Chain 027 029-710, 0129-717 PACFile URL Not Found RAP ......................................................... 2-268
027-442, 443, 444 Duplicate IP Address 1 RAP ............................................................. 2-243 029-718 EIP Print Network Timeout RAP ....................................................................... 2-269
027-445 Illegal IP Address RAP...................................................................................... 2-243 029-719 EIP Print Error With Remote Server RAP ......................................................... 2-269
027-446 Duplicate IP Address 2 RAP ............................................................................. 2-244 029-720 EIP Print Error With Server Permission RAP .................................................... 2-270
027-447 Duplicate IP Address 3 RAP ............................................................................. 2-244 029-721, 029-722 EIP Print Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-270
027-452 Duplicate IP Address 4 RAP ............................................................................. 2-245 029-723 EIP Print SSL Connection Fail RAP.................................................................. 2-271
027-500 SMTP Server Fail for Mail IO RAP.................................................................... 2-245 029-724, 029-727 EIP Print Other Network Fail RAP ..................................................... 2-271
027-566 SMB Protocol Error 4-026 RAP ........................................................................ 2-246 029-725 EIP Print Network DNS Resolve Fail RAP ........................................................ 2-272

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-5
029-726 EIP Print Software Error RAP ........................................................................... 2-272 058-334 Heat Belt STS Rear Warm Up Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail RAP ............ 2-298
058-335 Fusing Paper Quality Operation Mistake Fail RAP ........................................... 2-298
Chain 041 to 047 058-337 Fusing Paper Quality Operation Mistake Fail RAP ........................................... 2-299
041-310 IM Logic Fail RAP ............................................................................................. 2-273
041-316 IH Driver IF Fail RAP ........................................................................................ 2-273 Chain 060 and 061
041-317 MCU IH IF Fail RAP .......................................................................................... 2-274 060-341 to 060-356 System FaIL RAP ........................................................................... 2-301
041-340, 341 Motor Drive PWB NVM (EEPROM) Fail RAP ........................................... 2-274 060-357, 358, 359, 360 CONTIF Error Fail RAP............................................................. 2-302
041-344 Motor Drive PWB F1 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-275 060-361 SPI Error ........................................................................................................... 2-302
041-345 Motor Drive PWB F2 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-275 061-310 Video ASIC Fail................................................................................................. 2-303
041-346 Motor Drive PWB F3 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-276 061-354, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 390, 391,
041-350 Motor Drive PWB F7 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-276 392, 393 LPH System Fail RAP ...................................................................................... 2-303
041-352 Motor Drive PWB F5 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-277 061-358, 359, 360, 361 LPH Configuration RAP ............................................................ 2-304
041-353 Motor Drive PWB F8 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-277
041-354 Motor Drive PWB F9 Fuse Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-278 Chain 071 to 078
041-355 Motor Drive PWB F10 Fuse Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-278 071-100 Jam In Tray 1 RAP............................................................................................ 2-305
041-356 Motor Drive PWB F11 Fuse Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-279 071-105 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-305
041-358 Motor Drive PWB F13 Fuse Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-279 071-210 Tray 1 Lift Up Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-306
041-368 MCU-SW Firmware Mismatch Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-280 071-212 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP................................................................ 2-306
041-369 MD Type Mismatch ........................................................................................... 2-280 072-100 Tray2 Pre-Feed Sensor 1 On Jam RAP............................................................ 2-307
041-388 Logic Fail RAP .................................................................................................. 2-281 072-105 Registration Sensor Jam (Tray 2) RAP............................................................. 2-307
041-391 Finisher Module Logic Fail RAP........................................................................ 2-281 072-210 Tray2 Lift UP Fail RAP ...................................................................................... 2-308
041-603, 604 Environment Sensors Fail RAP ................................................................ 2-282 072-212 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP................................................................ 2-308
042-324, 385 K_IBT Drive Motor Fail RAP ..................................................................... 2-282 073-100 Jam In Tray 3 (2TM/TTM) ................................................................................. 2-309
042-344 IOT Fan Fail RAP.............................................................................................. 2-283 073-101, 900 Jam In The Device RAP............................................................................ 2-309
043-322, 349, 351, 352, 354, 356 IOT Fan Fail RAP...................................................... 2-284 073-105 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-310
042-641 NOHAD Temp Humid Sensor Fail RAP............................................................ 2-285 073-108 Tray 3 Bypass Feed Out Sensor Jam RAP....................................................... 2-311
043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP................................................................................. 2-285 073-210 Tray 3 Lift Up Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-311
044-312, 313, 314, 389 Timeout Error RAP.................................................................... 2-286 073-212 Tray 3 Sensor Broken Fail RAP ........................................................................ 2-312
044-329 Shut Down Fail RAP ......................................................................................... 2-286 074-100 Jam In Tray 4 (2TM/TTM) ................................................................................. 2-312
045-310 Image Ready RAP ............................................................................................ 2-287 074-101, 103, 900 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................... 2-313
045-311 Controller Communication Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-287 074-105 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-314
045-368, 369 SBM Fail RAP ........................................................................................... 2-288 074-107 MSI Feed Out Sensor On Jam RAP ................................................................. 2-314
045-370, 371 LPH DL RAP ............................................................................................. 2-288 074-210 Tray 4 Lift Up Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-315
045-377 SBM Slave Communication Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-289 074-212 Tray 4 Sensor Broken Fail RAP ........................................................................ 2-315
045-382, 398 Drive PWB NVM (EEPROM) Verify Fail RAP ........................................... 2-289 075-100 Jam In The Bypass Tray RAP........................................................................... 2-316
047-211 Exit 1 OCT Home Fail ....................................................................................... 2-290 075-135 Registration Sensor Jam (Bypass Tray) RAP ................................................... 2-316
047-212 Exit 2 OCT Home Fail ....................................................................................... 2-290 075-212 Bypass Tray Nudger Up Down Fail................................................................... 2-317
047-213, 216 Finisher Communication RAP................................................................... 2-291 076-300 Transport Path Interlock Open Rap .................................................................. 2-317
047-217 HCF Communication RAP ................................................................................ 2-291 077-103, 104, 106, 109 Jam In The Device RAP............................................................ 2-318
047-320 All Destination Tray Broken RAP ...................................................................... 2-292 077-105 Exit Sensor 2 Off Jam RAP............................................................................... 2-319
077-110 POB Sensor On Jam......................................................................................... 2-319
Chain 058 077-130 Jam In The Device RAP.................................................................................... 2-320
058-322, 323 Heat Belt STS Abnormal Temperature Rise Fail RAP .............................. 2-293 077-211 Tray Module Mismatch RAP ............................................................................. 2-320
058-324 Fusing Unit Non-Wearing Fail RAP .................................................................. 2-293 077-300 The Device Front Door Is Open RAP................................................................ 2-321
058-325 Fusing Unit Wind Around Belt Fail RAP............................................................ 2-294 077-301 The Device Left-Side Door A is Open RAP....................................................... 2-321
058-327 Plug Drawn Fail RAP ........................................................................................ 2-294 077-305 The Device Left-Side Door B is Open RAP....................................................... 2-322
058-328 Fusing Unit E2PROM I2C Master Communication Fail RAP ............................ 2-295 077-314 Paper Handling Module Logic Fail RAP............................................................ 2-322
058-329 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch RAP ...................................................... 2-295 077-900, 902, 912 IOT Static Jam RAP .......................................................................... 2-323
058-330 Fusing Unit E2PROM Not In Position RAP ....................................................... 2-296 077-901 IOT Static Jam RAP .......................................................................................... 2-323
058-331 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Broken RAP .......................................................... 2-296 077-967, 968 Paper Mismatch RAP................................................................................ 2-324
058-332 IH Driver Load Abnormality Detection Fail RAP ............................................... 2-297 078-102 Registration Sensor Jam (HCF) RAP................................................................ 2-324
058-333 Heat Belt STS Center Warm Up Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail Rap .......... 2-297 078-104, 901 HCF Feed Out Sensor Fault RAP ............................................................. 2-325

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

2-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
078-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (HCF) RAP.......................................................... 2-326 116-210, 211 Media Reader Error RAP .......................................................................... 2-363
078-118 HCF Bypass Tray Feed Out Sensor On Jam (HCF) RAP ................................ 2-326 116-212, 220, 310, 311 ESS Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-363
078-216, 219 HCF Communication Failure RAP ............................................................ 2-327 116-312, 313 HDD Encrypt Key Fail RAP....................................................................... 2-364
078-250 HCF Lift Fault RAP ........................................................................................... 2-327 116-314 Ethernet Address Fail RAP ............................................................................... 2-364
078-300 HCF Transport Cover Interlock Open RAP ....................................................... 2-328 116-319 Controller and UI Configuration RAP ................................................................ 2-365
078-301 HCF1 Slide Out Switch Open RAP ................................................................... 2-329 116-320, 345 Process Error RAP.................................................................................... 2-365
116-321, 322, 323, 328, 329, 338 Software Error RAP................................................... 2-366
Chain 089 116-324 Exception Fail RAP ........................................................................................... 2-366
Chain 089 Entry RAP ...................................................................................................... 2-331 116-325 ESS Fan Fail RAP............................................................................................. 2-367
089-313, 314, 316, 317 IReCT Error Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-331 116-330, 331, 336, 337, 339 HDD File System Fail RAP ............................................... 2-367
089-600 RC Sample Lateral Fail-A1 RAP ....................................................................... 2-332 116-334 ESS NVRAM Data Compare Fail...................................................................... 2-368
089-601, 089-603 RC Sample Block Fail-A1 RAP .......................................................... 2-332 116-340 Not Enough Memory RAP................................................................................. 2-368
089-604, 606, 607, 609, 610, 612, 613, 615 RC Sample Block Fail-B RAP ................... 2-333 116-341, 342, 393, 394 ROM Version Incorrect RAP ..................................................... 2-369
089-616 RC Data Overflow Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-334 116-343, 346, 357, 359 ESS PWB Error RAP ................................................................ 2-369
089-617 RC Data Over Range RAP ............................................................................... 2-335 116-348, 349, 358, 360, 374 Redirecter Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-370
089-623, 673, 629 Vsout Stability Fail RAP .................................................................... 2-335 116-353, 354, 356, 361, 362 HDD Fail RAP ................................................................... 2-370
089-674, 675, 676 MOB LED Fail RAP........................................................................... 2-336 116-355, 363, 367, 370, 373, 376 Fatal Error RAP......................................................... 2-371
089-677, 678, 679 MOB Threshold Fail RAP.................................................................. 2-337 116-364, 365, 366, 368, 371, 372, 375, 377 Timer Fail RAP.......................................... 2-371
Chain 091 to 099 116-378, 379, 395 MCR/MCC Soft Fail RAP .................................................................. 2-372
116-380 ESS Font ROM DIMM #1 Check Fail RAP ....................................................... 2-372
091-328, 329, 330, 331 Drum CRUM Communication Error RAP .................................. 2-339
116-381 ABL Version Fail RAP ....................................................................................... 2-373
091-400, 405, 910, 911 Waste Toner Cartridge RAP ..................................................... 2-339
091-401, 411, 421, 431, 406, 416, 426, 436 Drum Cartridge Near End of Life RAP ...... 2-340 116-382 ABL Initialize Fail RAP ...................................................................................... 2-373
116-383 PIT Lib Failure RAP .......................................................................................... 2-374
091-402, 424, 480, 481, 482, 913 Drum Cartridge Life Over RAP ................................. 2-340
116-384, 385, 387, 389 DCS/IDC Software Fail RAP ..................................................... 2-374
091-916, 943, 944, 945 Drum CRUM Data Mismatch RAP ............................................ 2-341
091-921, 927, 928, 929 Check the (Y/M/C/K) Drum Cartridge R1 Position RAP............ 2-341 116-388 No HDD RAP .................................................................................................... 2-375
116-390 ROM and NVM Version Mismatch RAP............................................................ 2-375
092-312, 313, 314, 315 ATC System Fail RAP............................................................... 2-342
116-391 Illegal Code RAP............................................................................................... 2-376
092-649, 650, 651 ADC Shutter/Sensor Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-343
092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail RAP........................................................... 2-344 116-392 Machine Code Check Fail RAP......................................................................... 2-376
116-393, 394 AAA Manager Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-377
092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail RAP ............................................................. 2-346
116-395 USB Soft Fail..................................................................................................... 2-377
092-670, 671, 672, 673 ADC Patch Fail RAP ................................................................. 2-348
092-675, 676, 677, 678 ADC MiniSetup Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-350 116-396 FIPS140 Self Test Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-378
116-397 Illegal Setting Area Coverage Threshold RAP .................................................. 2-378
093-335, 336, 337, 338 Toner CRUM Authentication IC Is Not Available RAP .............. 2-351
116-399 Initialization RAP ............................................................................................... 2-379
093-400, 423, 424, 425 Toner Cartridge Near Empty RAP ............................................ 2-352
093-401, 402, 403, 916 Check the (Y/M/C/K) Toner Cartridge Position RAP................. 2-352 116-701, 710 Out of Memory Duplex Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-379
116-702 Print with Substitute Font RAP.......................................................................... 2-380
093-406, 407, 408, 409 Toner Cartridge Pre Near Empty RAP ...................................... 2-353
116-703 Postscript Language RAP ................................................................................. 2-380
093-912 Toner Cartridge (K) Empty RAP ....................................................................... 2-353
093-926, 960, 961, 962 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch RAP ........................................... 2-354 116-704 Media Reader RAP ........................................................................................... 2-381
116-705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 716, 717 Media Reader Format RAP............................... 2-381
094-318 1st BTR Position Fail ........................................................................................ 2-354
116-713, 751 HDD Full RAP ........................................................................................... 2-382
094-417, 419 IBT / 2nd BTR Near End of Life RAP ........................................................ 2-355
094-418, 420, 421, 422 IBT / 2nd BTR Roll End RAP .................................................... 2-355 116-714 HP-GL/2 Command Error RAP ......................................................................... 2-382
116-719 XPIF Parameter Cancelled RAP ....................................................................... 2-383
099-364 Fuser Temperature Fault RAP.......................................................................... 2-356
116-720 PCL Memory Low Page Simplified RAP ........................................................... 2-383
099-373 Wind Around P/Roll Fail .................................................................................... 2-356
099-395 Fusing Motor Current Fail ................................................................................. 2-357 116-721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 727, 728 Color Print Permissions RAP ............................ 2-384
116-725 HDD Image Log Full RAP ................................................................................. 2-384
Chain 102 116-738 Size/Orientation Mismatch RAP........................................................................ 2-385
102-311 to 102-319 USB Dongle Errors RAP ................................................................. 2-359 116-739, 741, 742, 743 Out of Disk Area RAP ............................................................... 2-385
102-356 EWS Soft Fail RAP ........................................................................................... 2-359 116-740 Arithmetic Error RAP......................................................................................... 2-386
116-746 Selected Form Not Registered RAP ................................................................. 2-386
Chain 112 116-747, 748 Invalid Page Data RAP ............................................................................. 2-387
112-700 Punch Dust Near Full RAP ............................................................................... 2-361 116-749 PostScript Font Error RAP ................................................................................ 2-387
116-750 Banner Sheet Cancelled RAP........................................................................... 2-388
Chain 116
116-751 Booklet Aborted by HDD Fail ............................................................................ 2-388

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-7
116-752 Print Job Ticket RAP ......................................................................................... 2-389 123-354 to 123-381 UI Error 2 RAP ................................................................................ 2-413
116-771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 780 Invalid JBIG Parameter RAP ............ 2-389 123-382 to 123-399 UI Error 3 RAP ................................................................................ 2-414
116-790 Stapling Canceled RAP .................................................................................... 2-390
Chain 124
Chain 117 124-310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 344, 380 DC132 Error RAP.............................. 2-415
117-310 WSD Scan S/W Fail RAP ................................................................................. 2-391 124-312, 357 DC132 Error 12 RAP................................................................................. 2-415
117-311 Incorrect Installation of Security Enhancing Kit RAP ........................................ 2-391 124-313, 356 DC132 Error 10 RAP................................................................................. 2-416
117-312 Machine Self Test Error RAP ............................................................................ 2-392 124-315, 317, 355 DC132 Error 02, 04 and 14 RAP....................................................... 2-416
117-313, 314 Geographic Region Change Fail RAP ...................................................... 2-392 124-319 DC132 Error 08 RAP......................................................................................... 2-417
117-315 Contract Type/Geographic Region Changed RAP ........................................... 2-393 124-320 SEEPROM Fail RAP ......................................................................................... 2-417
117-316 Contract Manager Software Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-393 124-321 Backup SRAM Fail RAP.................................................................................... 2-418
117-317, 318 Contract Manager PPP RAP..................................................................... 2-394 124-323 DC132 06 RAP.................................................................................................. 2-418
117-319 SD Card Program or Font Data Access RAP ................................................... 2-394 124-325 Billing Restoration Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-419
117-320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 329, 338 SD Card Fail RAP ..................................... 2-395 124-326 IOT Speed Not Registered RAP ....................................................................... 2-419
117-325, 326 Access Fail RAP ....................................................................................... 2-395 124-327 IOT Speed Change Fail RAP ............................................................................ 2-420
117-330 XBDS Soft Fail RAP.......................................................................................... 2-396 124-328 Punch Unit User Initial Set Up RAP .................................................................. 2-420
117-331, 355 Uninitialized HDD RAP ............................................................................. 2-396 124-331 to 124-339 ESS ROM DIMM RAP .................................................................... 2-421
117-332, 335 Uninitialized Used NVM RAP .................................................................... 2-397 124-340, 360, 390 CRUM Market Fail All RAP ............................................................... 2-421
117-333 Uninitialized Used SD Card RAP ...................................................................... 2-397 124-341, 351, 361, 381, 391 CRUM Market Fail RAP .................................................... 2-422
117-336, 337 PCI(EX) Option No Support Device Fail RAP ........................................... 2-398 124-342, 343, 352, 353, 362, 363, 382, 383, 392, 393 CRUM Market Fail SYS 1 RAP . 2-422
117-339 NVM Backup Fail RAP...................................................................................... 2-398 124-345 Billing Meter Type Restoration Fail RAP........................................................... 2-423
117-340, 342 Other HDD Fail RAP ................................................................................. 2-399 124-346, 348, 354 Information Mismatch RAP ............................................................... 2-423
117-343 Log Sending Parameter Fail RAP ..................................................................... 2-399 124-347 Billing Count Type Restoration Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-424
117-344 Invalid User Job Type Fail RAP ........................................................................ 2-400 124-349 Modal Break Point Restoration Fail RAP .......................................................... 2-424
117-345 SSMM Batch Setting Duration Fail RAP ........................................................... 2-400 124-350 CRUM OEM Fail RAP ....................................................................................... 2-425
117-347, 349, 350 Service Fail RAP............................................................................... 2-401 124-372, 373, 374 IOT Soft Fail RAP.............................................................................. 2-425
117-348 Uninitialized Used SD Card RAP ...................................................................... 2-401 124-701, 702, 710 Output Tray Change RAP ................................................................. 2-426
117-354, 356, 358 Job Limit System Fail RAP ............................................................... 2-402 124-705, 124-706 Canceled Instructions RAP ................................................................ 2-426
117-357 TPM Fail RAP ................................................................................................... 2-402 124-708 Changed to Sub Tray RAP................................................................................ 2-427
117-360 Date Limit Exceeding Fail RAP......................................................................... 2-403 124-709 Stapler Sheets Counts Over Warning RAP....................................................... 2-427
117-362, 363 USB Dongle Fail RAP ............................................................................... 2-403
117-364 Key Fail RAP..................................................................................................... 2-404 Chain 125
117-365 WiFi Diagnostics Test Failure RAP ................................................................... 2-404 125-311 PSW Controller Unexpected Fail RAP .............................................................. 2-429

Chain 118 Chain 127

118-310, 311 Internal Fail RAP....................................................................................... 2-405 127-310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 315, 342 ESS Error RAP.......................................... 2-431
127-320 DFE Critical Fail RAP........................................................................................ 2-431
Chain 121 127-337 Job Template HDD Write Error RAP................................................................. 2-432
121-310, 327 EPSV-Accessory Communication Fail RAP ............................................. 2-407 127-353, 354, 396, 398, 399 Fatal Error RAP................................................................. 2-432
121-311, 312, 313 IC Card Auditron Password Fail RAP ............................................... 2-407 127-700 SIP Registration Fail RAP ................................................................................. 2-433
121-314 Customize User Prompts Fail RAP ................................................................... 2-408
121-316 Accessory Conflict RAP .................................................................................... 2-408 Chain 132
121-317 Continuous Job Setting Mismatch RAP ............................................................ 2-409 132-312 UI Display Port Link Error RAP ......................................................................... 2-435
121-318 Auth/Account Settings Not Supported RAP ...................................................... 2-409 Chain 500
121-322 Controller Price Table Error RAP ...................................................................... 2-410 500-030 DC612 Print No Good By IOT Wait State RAP ................................................. 2-437
121-323 Web EP Software Fail RAP .............................................................................. 2-410
500-033, 500-035 Diagnostic Documents RAP............................................................... 2-437
121-325 ICCR and Panel Setting Confliction RAP.......................................................... 2-411
500-990 DC612 Print No Good By Any Reason RAP ..................................................... 2-438
121-328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 341, 342, 343 EP Communication Fail RAP .................... 2-411
121-339 Price Table Error RAP ...................................................................................... 2-412 Other Faults
121-340 EP Accessory MisMatch RAP ........................................................................... 2-412 OF1 POST Error RAP ..................................................................................................... 2-439
OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP ........................................................................................ 2-439
Chain 123 OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP............................................................................. 2-440
123-310 to 123-353 UI Error 1 RAP................................................................................ 2-413

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

2-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
OF4 HDD System Fail RAP ............................................................................................ 2-441
OF5 NET/USB System Fail RAP .................................................................................... 2-442
OF6 UI Fail RAP ............................................................................................................. 2-442
OF7 Common Job Fail RAP............................................................................................ 2-443
OF8 Hard Disk Job Fail RAP .......................................................................................... 2-444
OF9 Network Job Fail RAP ............................................................................................. 2-444
OF10 Unrepeatable Error RAP ....................................................................................... 2-445
OF11 Unable to Start After Power On RAP .................................................................... 2-445
OF12 Unable to Return From Power Save Mode RAP ................................................... 2-446
OF13 Stuck in Printing Fail RAP ..................................................................................... 2-446

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-9
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
2-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
01A AC Power RAP 01B +5VDC Power Fault RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC) BSD-ON:BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC)

BSD-ON:BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC) BSD-ON:BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC)

Use this procedure to identify AC power input and output failures. BSD-ON:BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury. Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
Switch off the main power switch, GP 10. Check the voltage between P/J10 pin 1 and P/J11 Check the voltage between the LVPS P/J501 pin 1 and ground. +5VDC is measured.
pin 1 on the GFI breaker. The voltage measured is within electrical power requirements, Y N
GP 17. Check the voltage between P/J1 pin 1 and P/J501 pin 4 on the LVPS. The AC power
Y N supply is within specification, GP 17.
Disconnect the power cord from the outlet. Check the AC mains (line) voltage at the cus- Y N
tomers power outlet. The voltage measured is within electrical power requirements, Perform the 01A AC Power RAP.
GP 17.
Y N Switch off the machine, GP 10. Disconnect P/J501 from the LVPS. Wait 15 seconds, then
The voltage is incorrect, or the wiring of the main supply is found to be defective, switch on the machine, GP 10. Check the voltage between the LVPS P/J501pin 1 and
inform your technical manager and the customer. Do not attempt to repair or adjust ground. +5VDC is measured.
the customer supply. Y N
Install a new LVPS, PL 1.15 Item 3.
Check the power cord for open circuit and poor contact. The main power cord is good.
Y N Check the +5VDC circuit for a short circuit to frame. Refer to Chapter 7 Wiring Data.
Install a new power cord.
Check the wiring of the suspect component for an open circuit or poor contact. Refer to Chap-
Install a new GFI breaker, PL 1.10 Item 1. ter 7 Wiring Data.

Switch on the main power switch, GP 10. Check the voltage on P/J4 between pin 1 and pin 3
on the AC drive PWB. The AC power supply is within specification, GP 17.
Switch off the power, then unplug the power cord from the outlet. Check the wiring:
• Between the GFI breaker P/J10 pin 1and the main power switch P/J12 pin 1.
• Between the GFI breaker P/J12 pin 1) and the main power switch P/J14 pin 1.
• Between the main power switch P/J13 pin 1 and the AC drive PWB P/J4 pin 3.
• Between the main power switch P/J15 pin 1 and the AC drive PWB P/J4 pin 1.
Install new components as necessary:
• Main power switch, PL 1.20 Item 1.
• AC drive PWB, PL 1.15 Item 1.

Check the AC circuit to each component. Refer to Wiring Diagrams.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-11 01A, 01B
01C +24VDC Power Fault RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC)

BSD-ON:BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC)

BSD-ON:BSD 1.6 DC Power Generation +24V (1 of 2)

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
Check the voltage between the LVPS P/J501 pin 1 and ground. +24VDC is measured.
Check the voltage between P/J1 pin 1 and pin 4 on the LVPS. The AC power supply is
within specification, GP 17.
Perform the 01A AC Power RAP.

Switch off the machine, GP 10. Disconnect P/J501 from the LVPS. Wait 15 seconds, then
switch on the machine, GP 10. Check the voltage between the LVPS P/J501 pin 1 and
ground. +24VDC is measured.
Install a new LVPS, PL 1.15 Item 3.

Check the +24VDC circuit for a short circuit to frame. Refer to Chapter 7 Wiring Data.

Check the wiring of the suspect component for an open circuit or poor contact. Refer to Chap-
ter 7 Wiring Data.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

01C 2-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
002-500 UI Error RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 2.1 User Interface

002-500 A user inteface error has occured.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the wiring between on the UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 is securely connected, no short or open circuits, and no
damage exists. Repair any damage to wiring or connectors as necessary.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-13 002-500
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
002-500 2-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
010-327 Fusing On Time Fail RAP 010-330 Fusing Unit Motor Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

010-327 The fuser heater coil has been on continuously for longer than the setting time. 010-330 The fusing unit drive motor revolution failure was detected.

Procedure WARNING
WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
2. Ensure that the fuser and fuser heater coil are installed correctly. • GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
3. Ensure that the power supply voltage is within specification, refer to GP 17 Electrical Remove the Fuser from the machine. Manually rotate the drive gear of the fuser and check for
Power Requirements. any abnormal loading (gear not able to rotate, etc.). Can the gear be rotated without heavy
4. Check the wiring and connectors between the fuser heater coil P634 and the fuser heater
power supply P60/J61 for an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact. Also check the wir- Y N
Install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
ing and connectors between P/J530 on the fuser heater power supply and P/J441 on the
motor drive Pourboire an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
Reinstall the fuser, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Check if the exit roll 1 rotates
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: as the machine turns on. Exit roll 1 rotates.
• Fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15. Y N
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Enter dC330 code 010-002. Run the fuser unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 19. The
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. motor runs.
Check the connections of P/J201 and P/J211 on the fuser unit drIve motor and P/
J426 and P/J427 on the motor drive PWB. The connections are good.
Secure the connections.

Check for an open or short circuit between P/J201 / P/J426 and P/J426 / P/J427.
The wiring is good.
Repair the wiring or connectors.

Measure the voltage between the fuser P/J194 pin 1 (+) and ground (-). Run the
fuser unit drive motor. The voltage is approximately +5DVC.
Check the +5VDC circuit. Refer to Chapter 7 Wiring Data.

Measure the voltage between the fuser P/J427 pin A3 (+) and ground (-). Run the
fuser unit drive motor. The voltage changes.
Install a new fusing unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 19.

Visually inspect the retract motor assembly gears, PL 10.05 Item 1 and the helical gear,
PL 40.05 Item 4 for wear and damage. There is wear or damage.
Enter dC330 code 094-008 (retract) 094-009 (contact) to actuate the 1st BTR con-
tact/retract clutch. Does the clutch operate correctly?
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-15 010-327, 010-330
Y N 010-341 Fusing Unit Illegal Fail RAP
Perform SCP 5 Final actions.
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection
NOTE: During the 1st BTR contact/retract operation, check whether the fusing unit
drive motor is also rotating. If it is not rotating, check the 1st BTR contact/retract gear 010-341 A incorrect type of fusing unit was installed.
for blockage and damage.
Install new components as necessary in the following order. Check operation after Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
installing each part before installing the next part.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
1. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16.
3. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
1. Switch off the machination switch on the machine,GP 10. If the fault still exists, switch off
Install a new retract motor assembly, PL 10.05 Item 1. the machine.
Install a new helical gear, PL 40.05 Item 4. 2. Install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14. Switch on the machine,GP 10.

Enter dC330 code 094-008 (retract) 094-009 (contact) to actuate the 1st BTR contact/retract
clutch. Does the clutch operate correctly?
Perform SCP 5 Final actions.

NOTE: During the 1st BTR contact/retract operation, check whether the fusing unit drive motor
is also rotating. If it is not rotating, check the 1st BTR contact/retract gear for blockage and

Install new components as necessary in the following order. Check operation after installing
each part before installing the next part.
1. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
2. Fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16.
3. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

010-330, 010-341 2-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
010-371 Heat Belt STS Center Disconnection Fail RAP 010-372, 010-374 Heat Belt STS Center Over Temperature
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
010-371 The open circuit AD value of the IH center thermistor was detected 3 times in a row.
010-372 The AD value of the IH center thermistor was detected to be higher than the defined
Procedure value 4 times in a row.
010-374 The AD value of the IH rear thermistor was detected to be higher than the defined
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause value 4 times in a row.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
NOTE: To clear this fault first remove the cause, then change the value of NVM [744-001]
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the fault still exists, continue with the pro-
(Error Detection History) to '0'. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The following list
cedure. provides the part associated to the NVM code value:
2. Switch off the main power switch, PL 1.20 Item 1.
• 0: Normal
3. Check the connection between the motor drive PWB P/J420 and the drawer connector
DJ600/J600 for open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact. • 1: High temperature error (IH Center Thermistor - Run in progress)
4. Install new components as necessary in the following order. Check operation after install- • 2: High temperature error (IH Rear Thermistor - Run in progress)
ing each part before installing the next part. • 3: High temperature error (IH Center Thermistor - other than Run in progress)
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14. • 4: High temperature error (IH Rear Thermistor - other than Run in progress)
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • 5: Coil loading error
• 6: Heating error (IH Center Thermistor)
• 7: Heating error (IH Rear Thermistor)
• 8: High temperature error detection due to out of control thermosensitivity monitor
• 9: IH Center Thermistor Warm up Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail
• 10: IH Rear Thermistor Warmup Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail
• 11: IH Power Supply Part Failure

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:

1. Check the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14 for proper installation, correct as necessary.
2. Check the fuser belt for paper jam, clear all paper as necessary.
3. Enter dC140, code 010-200 to monitor the IH center thermistor temperature. A monitor
AD value ≤ 100 is a fail, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
4. Check the fuser heater coil wiring for damage, broken connector, or open circuit. Repair
as necessary.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary in the following order. Check for
fault cleared after installing each part before installing the next part:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-17 010-371, 010-372, 010-374
010-373 Heat Belt STS Rear Disconnection Fail RAP 010-375 Heat Belt STS Center Warm Up Time Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)

010-373 The open circuit AD value of the IH rear thermistor was detected 3 times in a row. 010-375 The temperature of IH center thermistor does not reach the specified temperature or
higher within the specified time.
010-376 The temperature of IH rear thermistor does not reach the specified temperature or
WARNING higher within the specified time.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause NOTE: This fail may occur when the temperature in the installation environment is low (10
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. degree Celsius or lower) or when the voltage is low (-10% of rated voltage or lower).
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the fault still exists, continue with the pro-
cedure. Procedure
2. Switch off the main power switch, PL 1.20 Item 1. WARNING
3. Check the connection between the motor drive PWB P/J420 and the drawer connector Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
DJ600/J600 for open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary in the following order. Check for death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
fault cleared after installing each part before installing the next part: Check the items that follow:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
1. The IH rear thermistor for debris, contamination and clogging due to foreign substances.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
2. The heat belt for wound up, stuck paper.
3. The IH rear thermistor dC140 code 010-201 for operation failure. Monitor AD value: 100
or lower (temperature monitor value: 250 degree Celsius or higher) is a fail, install a new
fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
4. The heat belt for damage.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary in the following order. Check for
fault cleared after installing each part before installing the next part:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

010-373, 010-375 2-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
010-376 Heat Belt STS Rear Warm Up Time Fail RAP 010-378 Heat Belt Rotation Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing

010-376 The temperature of IH rear thermistor does not reach the specified temperature or 010-378 After the fuser unit drive motor ON, the fuser unit belt speed sensor output does not
higher within the specified time. change within the specified time.

NOTE: This fail may occur when the temperature in the installation environment is low (10 Procedure
degree Celsius or lower).
• 0: Normal Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• 1: High temperature error (IH Center Thermistor - Run in progress) not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• 2: High temperature error (IH Rear Thermistor - Run in progress) death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• 3: High temperature error (IH Center Thermistor - other than Run in progress) Enter dC330 code 010-004 to run the fuser unit drive motor. The fuser unit drive motor, belt,
and pressure roll rotate.
• 4: High temperature error (IH Rear Thermistor - other than Run in progress)
• 5: Coil loading error
Switch off the machine, GP 10, check the connections of P/J201 and P/J211 on the fuser
• 6: Heating error (IH Center Thermistor) unit drIve motor and P/J426 and P/J427 on the motor drive PWB.
• 7: Heating error (IH Rear Thermistor) If the fault persists, install the following parts in sequence:
• 8: High temperature error detection due to out of control thermosensitivity monitor
NOTE: Check the machine for cleared fault before installing the next part.
• 9: IH Center Thermistor Warmup Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail
• Fuser unit drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16.
• 10: IH Rear Thermistor Warmup Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• 11: IH Power Supply Part Failure

An open circuit in the fusing unit belt speed sensor may have occurred. Switch off the machine,
Procedure GP 10, to perform the checks that follow:
WARNING • The drawer connector DJ600/J600 and DP600/P600 between the machine and the fuser
for broken/bent pins, burn damage, foreign substances, etc.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause • The connection between the motor drive PWB P/J426 and the drawer connector DJ600/
J600 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
If the fault persists, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
Check the items that follow:

1. The IH rear thermistor for debris, contamination and clogging due to foreign substances.
2. The heat belt for wound up, stuck paper.
3. The IH rear thermistor dC140 code 010-201 for operation failure. Monitor AD value: 100
or lower (Temperature Monitor Value: 250 degree Celsius or higher) is a fail, install a new
fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
4. The heat belt for damage.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary in the following order. Check for
fault cleared after installing each part before installing the next part:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-19 010-376, 010-378
010-379 Fusing Unit Hot Not Ready Return Time Fail RAP 010-380 Fusing P/Roll Latch Motor Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing

010-379 The time taken to recover from High Temperature Not Ready state has exceeded the 010-380 When the pressure roll contact or retract operation was performed, the pressure roll
specified time. latch sensor detected a latch position error of the pressure roll.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the 010-327 Fusing On Time Fail RAP. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:

1. Enter dC330, code 010-009/010 (latch on/off) to run the roll latch motor, PL 10.05 Item 5.
2. Check the connection between the motor drive PWB P/J420 and the drawer connector
DJ600/J600 for open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact.
3. Check the connection between the drawer connector DJ600/J600 and DP600/P600
between the machine and the fuser for broken/bent pins, burn damage, foreign sub-
stances etc.
4. Check the helical gear, PL 40.05 Item 4 for wear and damage, install a new helical gear
as required.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary in the following order. Check for
fault cleared after installing each part before installing the next part:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

010-379, 010-380 2-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
010-382 Fusing Unit Thermostat Fail RAP 010-613 Fusing Motor Current Warning RAP
BSD-ON:BSB 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing

010-382 The fuser heater coil thermostat has failed. 010-613 The current value that is applied to the Fusing Motor has continuously exceeded the
Threshold for more than the specified time.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. If the fault remains, switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the thermostat for an open cir- Perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter dC135, code 945-850 to verify the HFSI counter value is less than 450,000.
3. Check the connection between the motor drive PWB P/J437 Pins 4 and 6 and the fuser
heater coil for an open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact. 2. Enter dC330, code 010-203 to activate the fuser unit belt speed sensor, part of the fuser,
4. If the fault persist, install a new fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15. PL 10.05 Item 14.
3. Enter dC330, code 010-002 to run the fuser unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 16.
4. Check the helical gear, PL 40.05 Item 5, for excessive wear and damage. Install a new
helical gear as necessary.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as needed:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-21 010-382, 010-613
010-616 Fusing Unit Thermosensitivity Runaway Hot Not 010-617 Fusing Paper Quality Operation Mistake Warning
Ready Warning RAP RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2) 010-617 The paper type is different than expected by the UI settings.

BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) Procedure

Check the tray setting and change it to a correct paper setting or verify the correct paper type is
010-616 High temperature error detection due to out of control thermosensitivity monitor was
in the tray for the job.
detected for specified times (from half of the setting times to the setting times - 1).

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, install new components as needed:
• Fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15
• Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14

NOTE: After installation of a new part, check the value of NVM [744-001] (Error Detection His-
tory). When the value is set to [5] (Coil loading error), clear it to [0]. Switch off, then switch on
the machine, GP 10.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

010-616, 010-617 2-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
010-618 Fusing Unit E2PROM Write Limit Info RAP 010-619 Fusing Unit E2PROM I2C Master Communication
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection Info RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection
010-618 The upper limit of write guarantee to the Fusing Unit E2PROM has been exceeded.
010-619 The I2C Master has a communication error, or the communication control ASIC has a
Procedure fault.
No action required.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

NOTE: If this resolves the problem, it is highly probable that the operation failure had
occurred due to external electrical noise or abnormal electrical noise caused by electrical
discharge in the machine. Check for any electrical noise source around the machine and
check for any abnormal electrical discharge, etc.

2. Check the fuser is fully engaged into the drawer connector. Switch off the machine, then
perform the steps that follow:
• Check the controller PWB assembly and back plane PWB are fully engaged into
• Check the motor drive ribbon cable between the halftone PWB P/J511 and the motor
drive PWB P/J410 for open circuit and poor contact.
• Check the connection between the motor drive PWB P/J420 and the drawer connec-
tor DJ600/J600 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
• The connection between the drawer connector DJ600/J600 and the fuser DP600/
P600 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary in the following order. Check for
fault cleared after installing each part before installing the next part:
a. Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
b. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-23 010-618, 010-619
010-620 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch Info RAP 010-621 Fusing Unit E2PROM Not In Position Info RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection

010-620 Incorrect authentication area data was detected in the fuser. The fuser is not installed correctly or a communication error has occurred.

Procedure Procedure
1. Remove and install the fuser to verify correct installation. 1. Remove and install the fuser to verify correct installation.
2. If the fault persists, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14. 2. If the fault persists, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

010-620, 010-621 2-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
010-622 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Broken Info RAP 010-623 Fusing Heavy Paper Quality Operation Mistake
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection Warning RAP
010-623 The paper type (plain or lightweight) is different from the UI settings (heavyweight).
010-622 The system detected that the data written to the Fusing Unit E2PROM and the data
read from the Fusing Unit E2PROM do not match.
Procedure Check the tray settings in the UI and change as needed to the correct paper setting for the job.

Perform the 010-620 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch Info RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-25 010-622, 010-623
010-625 IH Driver Load Abnormality Detection Warning

010-625 Communications with the IT Power Supply output of 1.5kVA or higher were made for
several times within a given cycle. (Status code 0x0 is received)

1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, install a new fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15 and fuser, PL 10.05
Item 14.

NOTE: After replacement, check the value of NVM [744-001] (Error Detection History). When
the value is set to [5] (Coil loading error), clear it to [0].

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

010-625 2-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Note: Business Ready (BR) Finisher fault codes are listed 012-111, 112, 126, 131 Jam In The Device RAP
in the Business Ready (BR) Finisher Service Manual part BSD-ON: BSD 13.5 Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transport
number 705P01378. 012-111 The horizontal transport entrance sensor did not deactuate within the specified time.

012-112 After the fuser exit sensor was actuated, the horizontal transport entrance sensor did
not deactuate within the specified time.

012-126 After the horizontal transport entrance sensor was actuated, the horizontal transport
entrance sensor did not deactuate within the specified time.

012-131 After the fuser exit sensor was actuated, the horizontal transport entrance sensor did
not deactuate within the specified time.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the horizontal transport drive rolls, PL 13.08 and nip rolls, PL 13.07 for wear or contam-
ination. Check for obstructions or damage in the paper path. The paper path is good.
Clean or install new components as necessary.

Enter dC330 code 012-190. Actuate the horizontal transport entrance sensor, PL 13.08 Item
6. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8861 pin 2 and J8897 pin 6 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between J8897 pins 4 and 5 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between J8897 pin 6 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
horizontal transport entrance sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new horizontal transport entrance sensor, PL 13.08 Item 6.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Switch off the machine, GP 10. Open the horizontal transport top cover. Cheat the horizontal
transport interlock sensor. Switch on the machine, GP 10. The horizontal transport belt is

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-27 Note:, 012-111, 112, 126, 131
Y N 012-132 Jam In The Device RAP
Check the wiring between P/J8862 on the horizontal transport motor and J8987 on the fin-
BSD-ON: BSD 13.7 Office Finisher LX Transportation
isher PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is
Y N 012-132 A paper jam occured at the entrance of the horizontal transfer.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Initial Actions
Measure the resistance of the horizontal transport motor between P/J8862 pins 1, 2, 5 Perform the checks that follow:
and 6. The resistance is approximately 20 Ohms. • Ensure that paper is being fed correctly from the horizontal transport to the finisher.
Y N • Check that the alignment of the finisher to the printer is correct.
Install a new horizontal transport motor, PL 13.08 Item 13.
• Inspect and clean if necessary, the horizontal transport rollers, PL 13.08 and the hole
punch assembly, PL 13.06 Item 10.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new horizontal
transport motor, PL 13.08 Item 13. • If necessary, install a new horizontal transport assembly, PL 13.05 Item 1.

Check the horizontal transport entrance sensor and horizontal transport Motor circuits for an Procedure
intermittent condition. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 code 012-100. Actuate the finisher transport entrance sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10.
The display changes.
Check the wiring between P/J8988 pin 2 and P/J8868 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or
a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 1 and 3 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
finisher entrance sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new finisher transport entrance sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-038. The transport motor runs.

Check the wiring between P/J8879 on the transport motor and P/J8988 on the finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the resistance of the transport motor between P/J8879 pins 1, 2, 5 and 6. The
resistance is approximately 20 Ohms.
Install a new transport motor, PL 13.08 Item 13.
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
012-111, 112, 126, 131, 012-132 2-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new transport 012-151, 152 Compiler Exit Sensor Jam RAP
motor, PL 13.08 Item 13.
BSD-ON: BSD 13.7 Office Finisher LX Transportation
Check the components that follow:
012-151 A paper jam occured at the compiler exit sensor.
• The entrance roller, paddle shaft and eject belt, PL 13.29 for wear, damage or contamina-
012-152 A paper jam occured at the compiler exit sensor.
• The finisher entrance sensor and transport motor circuits for an intermittent condition.
If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
• (012-152 Only) Ensure that the chute assembly, PL 13.35 Item 16 is installed correctly.
• Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Enter dC330 code 012-150. Actuate the compiler exit sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10. The display
Check the wiring between P/J8988 pin 5 and P/J8869 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or
a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 4 and 6 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 5 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
compiler exit sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new compiler exit sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 012-038. The transport motor runs.

Check the wiring between P/J8879 on the transport motor and P/J8863 on the finisher
PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the resistance of the transport motor between P/J8879 pin 1, 2, 5 and 6. The
resistance is approximately 20 Ohms.
Install a new transport motor, PL 13.08 Item 13.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-29 012-132, 012-151, 152
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new transport 012-161 Jam In The Finisher RAP
motor, PL 13.08 Item 13.
BSD-ON:BSD 13.10 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (2 of 2)
Check the components that follow:
BSD-ON: BSD 13.13 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
• The exit roller, paddle shaft and eject belt for wear, damage or contamination, PL 13.29.
• The compiler exit sensor and transport motor circuits for an intermittent condition. 012-161 A paper jam occured at the compiler tray exit.
If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 012-151. Actuate the compiler tray no paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9. The dis-
play changes.
Check the wiring between P/J8984A/B pin 2 and P/J8880 pin 2 on the finisher PWB for an
open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8984A/B pins 1 and 3 on the finisher PWB. The volt-
age is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8984A/B pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate
the compiler tray no paper sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new compiler tray no paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-055. The eject motor runs.

Check the wiring between P/J8878 on the eject motor and P/J8983 on the finisher PWB
for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the resistance of the eject motor between P/J8878 pins 1, 3, 4 and 6. The
resistance is approximately 20 Ohms.
Install a new eject motor assembly, PL 13.27 Item 3.

Install a new eject motor assembly, PL 13.27 Item 3. If the fault persists, install a new fin-
isher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Check the components that follow:

• The exit roller, entrance roller, paddle shaft and eject belt for wear, damage or contamina-
tion, PL 13.29.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

012-151, 152, 012-161 2-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
• The compiler tray no paper sensor and eject motor circuits for an intermittent condition. 012-189 Finisher Jam RAP
If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. 012-198 A paper jam occured within the finisher paper path.

Clear the paper jam and repeat the job. If the paper jam is repeated, check the finisher paper
path and remove any paper fragments or other debris,

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-31 012-161, 012-189
012-210 NVM Fail RAP 012-211B Stacker Tray Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher) BSD-ON: BSD 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control

012-210 The NVM has failed. 012-211 After the stacker tray starts lifting, the tray height sensor 1 is not turned on within the
specified time.
WARNING Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Check the wiring between the finisher and the IOT. • Check for obstructions under the tray.
2. Perform OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP, 03. NVRAM INIT MODE to initialize the NVM and • Check the operation of the stack height sensor 1 (Q12-264), PL 13.27 Item 16 actuator.
reset the system memory. • Check the tray raise/lower mechanism for damage or contamination.
3. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Enter dC330 code 012-264. Actuate the stack height sensor 1, PL 13.27 Item 16. The dis-
play changes.
Check the wiring between P/J8873 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 17 for an open or short circuit,
or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 16 and 18 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 17 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate
the stacker height sensor 1. The voltage changes.
Install a new stack height sensor 1, PL 13.27 Item 16.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-263. Manually rotate the encoder, PL 13.15 Item 19 to actuate the
stacker encoder sensor. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8875 pin 2 and P/J8898 pin 23 for an open or short circuit, or
a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8898 pins 22 and 24 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
012-210, 012-211B 2-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Measure the voltage between P/J8898 pin 23 on the finisher PWB and ground. Manually 012-212 Stacker Tray Upper Limit Failure RAP
rotate the encoder, PL 13.15 Item 19 to actuate the stacker encoder sensor The voltage
BSD-ON: BSD 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
Install a new stacker encoder sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. 012-212 The stacker has continued to elevate after the defined period of time has passed
since stacker no paper sensor is on during stacker elevation.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Initial Actions
Enter dC330 code 012-060 and 012-061 alternatively to run the stacker elevator motor, PL WARNING
13.15 Item 29. The stacker motor runs. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Measure the voltage between P/J8898 pin 12 and ground. The voltage is approxi-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
mately +24 VDC.
Y N • Check for obstructions under the tray.
Check the +24VDC circuit. Refer to Chapter 7 Wiring Data. • Check the operation of the stack height sensor, PL 13.27 actuators.
• Check the tray raise/lower mechanism for damage or contamination.
Check the wiring between P/J8898 pins 11 and 12 and the stacker motor for an open or
short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good. Procedure
Reconnect or repair as necessary. Enter dC330 code 012-264. Actuate stack height sensor 1. The display changes.
Check the wiring between P/J8873 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 17 for an open or short circuit,
Install a new stacker elevator motor, PL 13.15 Item 29. If the fault persists, install a new
finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 16 and 18 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 17 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate
the stacker height sensor 1. The voltage changes.
Install a new stack height sensor 1, PL 13.27 Item 16.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-265. Actuate the stack height sensor 2. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8874 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 20 for an open or short circuit, or
a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 19 and 21 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 20 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate
the stack height sensor 2. The voltage changes.
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-33 012-211B, 012-212
Y N 012-213 Stacker Tray Lower Limit Failure RAP
Install a new stack height sensor 2, PL 13.27 Item 16.
BSD-ON: BSD 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
012-213 Stacker descended lower than normal levels, below low limit height.
Enter dC330 code 012-263. Manually rotate the encoder, PL 13.15 Item 19 to actuate the
stacker encoder sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. The display changes. Initial Actions
Y N • Check for obstructions under the tray.
Check the wiring betweenJ8875 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 23 for an open or short circuit, or a • Check the operation of the stack height sensor, PL 13.27 actuators.
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good. • Check the tray raise/lower mechanism for damage or contamination.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 22 and 24 on the finisher PWB. The voltage Enter dC330 code 012-264. Actuate the stack height sensor 1. The display changes.
is approximately +5VDC. Y N
Y N Check the wiring between J8873 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 17 for an open or short circuit, or
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 23 on the finisher PWB and ground. Manually Reconnect or repair as necessary.
rotate the encoder, PL 13.15 Item 19 to actuate the stacker encoder sensor. The volt-
age changes. Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 16 and 18 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
Y N is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new stacker encoder sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. Y N
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 17 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate
Enter dC330 code 012-262. Actuate the stacker paper sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. The display the stacker height sensor 1. The voltage changes.
changes. Y N
Y N Install a new stack height sensor 1, PL 13.27 Item 16.
Check the wiring between J8872 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 14 for an open or short circuit, or
a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good. Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Reconnect or repair as necessary. Enter dC330 code 012-265. Actuate the stack height sensor 2. The display changes.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 13 and 15 on the finisher PWB. The voltage Check the wiring between J8874 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 20 for an open or short circuit, or
is approximately +5VDC. a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 14 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 19 and 21 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
the stacker paper sensor The voltage changes. is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new stacker paper sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 20 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate
the stack height sensor 2. The voltage changes.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Y N
Install a new stack height sensor 2, PL 13.27 Item 16.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
012-212, 012-213 2-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Enter dC330 code 012-263. Manually rotate the encoder, PL 13.15 Item 19 to actuate the 012-221, 223 Front Tamper Home Sensor Fail RAP
stacker encoder sensor. The display changes.
BSD-ON: BSD 13.9 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (1 of 2)
Check the wiring betweenJ8875 pin 2 and P/J8898 pin 23 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good. BSD-ON: BSD 13.10 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (2 of 2)
012-221 The front tamper home sensor is not turned on within the specified time.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

012-223 The front tamper home sensor is not turned off within the specified time.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 22 and 24 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
is approximately +5VDC.
Y N Procedure
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 23 on the finisher PWB and ground. Manually
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
rotate the encoder, PL 13.15 Item 19 to actuate the stacker encoder sensor. The volt-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
age changes.
Y N Manually operate the tamper mechanism. The tamper mechanism moves smoothly.
Install a new stacker encoder sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32.
Install a new components as necessary, PL 13.28.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Enter dC330 code 012-220 front tamper home sensor. Manually operate the tamper mecha-
nism to actuate the front tamper home sensor. The display changes.
Enter dC330 code 012-262. Actuate the stacker paper sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. The display
changes. Y N
Check the wiring between J8881 pin 2 and P/J8884 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Check the wiring between J8872 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 14 for an open or short circuit, or
a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good. Y N
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pins 6 and 4 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 13 and 15 on the finisher PWB. The voltage
is approximately +5VDC.
Y N Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pin 5 on the finisher PWB and ground. Manually
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 14 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate operate the tamper mechanism to actuate the front tamper home sensor. The voltage
the stacker paper sensor The voltage changes.
Install a new stacker paper sensor, PL 13.15 Item 32. Install a new front tamper home sensor, PL 13.28 Item 8.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Enter dC330 012-020 and 012-023 alternately to run the front tamper motor, PL 13.28 Item 6.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
The front tamper motor runs.
Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pin 19 on the finisher PWB and ground. The volt-
age is approximately +24VDC.
Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pin 4 on the finisher PWB and ground. The
voltage is approximately +24VDC.
Check the +24VDC circuit. Refer to Chapter 7 Wiring Data. If the fault persists,
install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-35 012-213, 012-221, 223
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. 012-224, 263 Rear Tamper Home Sensor Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.9 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (1 of 2)
Check the wiring between J8984A/B pins 18 to 22 on the finisher PWB and the front tam-
per motor J8884 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wir-
ing is good. BSD-ON: BSD 13.10 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (2 of 2)
012-224 The rear tamper home sensor is not turned off within the specified time.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

012-263 The rear tamper home sensor is not turned on within the specified time.
Install a new front tamper motor, PL 13.28 Item 6. If the fault persists, install a new finisher
PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Manually operate the tamper mechanism. The tamper mechanism moves smoothly.
Install a new components as necessary, PL 13.28.

Enter dC330 code 012-221. Manually operate the tamper mechanism to actuate the rear tam-
per home sensor. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8882 pin 2 and P/J8884 pin 8 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pins 9 and 7 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pin 8 on the finisher PWB and ground. Manually
operate the tamper mechanism to actuate the rear tamper home sensor. The voltage
Install a new rear tamper home sensor, PL 13.28 Item 8.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 012-026 and 012-029. alternately to run the rear tamper motor, PL 13.28 Item 6
each direct ii on. The rear tamper motor runs.
Measure the voltage between P/J8884 pin 14 on the finisher PWB and ground. The volt-
age is approximately +24VDC.
Measure the voltage between P/J8883 pin 4 on the finisher PWB and ground. The
voltage is approximately +24VDC.
Check the +24VDC circuit. Refer to Chapter 7 Wiring Data. If the fault persists,
install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
012-221, 223, 012-224, 263 2-36 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. 012-231 Punch Home Sensor Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.6 Office Finisher LX Punch
Check the wiring between P/J8984A/B pins 13 to 17 on the finisher PWB, and the rear
tamper motor P/J8883 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
The wiring is good. 012-231 The punch home sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the punch motor
started running.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Initial Actions
Install a new rear tamper motor, PL 13.28 Item 6. If the fault persists, install a new finisher WARNING
PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the punch home actuator for deformation.
• Check the punch home sensor, PL 13.09 Item 5 for proper installation.

Enter dC330 code 12-074 and 12-078 alternately to run the punch motor, PL 13.09 Item 1.
The punch motor runs.
Check the wiring to the punch motor. Install new components as necessary:
• Punch motor, PL 13.09 Item 1.
• Finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 12-271. Use a piece of paper to actuate the punch home sensor. The dis-
play changes.
Check the wiring to the punch motor. Install new components as necessary:
• Punch home sensor, PL 13.09 Item 5.
• Finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-37 012-224, 263, 012-231
012-243, 265 Booklet Folder Home Sensor Fail RAP If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
BSD-ON: BSD 13.8 Office Finisher LX Folding

012-243 Folder home sensor is not actuated after the lapse of 500ms from motor on while
folder knife is returning to home.

012-265 When the booklet home moves from home position, the folder home sensor did not
turn off within the specified time.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the folder home sensor, PL 13.40 Item 16 for improper installation.
• Check the knife drive mechanism, PL 13.40 for a foreign substance.

Enter dC330 code 013-022 and 013-023 alternately to run the folder knife motor, PL 13.40 Item
15. The fold knife motor runs.
Check the wiring between P/J8905 on the folder knife motor and J8890 on the finisher
PWB and between J8894 on the booklet PWB and J8895 on the finisher PWB for an open
or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Install a new booklet folder knife motor, PL 13.40 Item 15. If the fault persists, install a new
booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Enter dC330 code 013-101. Actuate the folder home sensor. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8904 pin 2 and J8890 pin 2 on the finisher PWB for an open
or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between J8890 pins 3 and 1 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between J8890 pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
folder home sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new folder home sensor, PL 13.40 Item 16.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
012-243, 265 2-38 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
012-249 Booklet Front Stapler Fail RAP 012-260, 282 Eject Clamp Home Sensor Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.17 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front) BSD-ON: BSD 13.13 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)

012-249 The booklet front staple home switch is not on (does not return to home position) 012-260 After the eject clamp started ascending, the eject clamp home sensor did not turn on
within the specified time after the booklet front staple motor starts to reverse. within 500ms.

Initial Actions 012-282 After the eject clamp started descending, the eject clamp home sensor did not turn off
within 200ms.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Initial Actions
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
Check the booklet front stapler for jammed staples or an incorrectly installed staple cartridge. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Manually operate the eject mechanism. Check for binding, a dirty sensor, or damage.
Enter dC330 code 12-024 then 12-025 to cycle the front booklet stapler. The front booklet
stapler cycles normally. • Check the actuator for the eject clamp home sensor, PL 13.27 Item 16 for damage
Measure the voltage between P/J8995 pin 5 on the booklet PWB and ground. The volt- Procedure
age is approximately +5VDC. Enter dC330 code 012-250. Actuate the eject clamp home sensor, PL 13.27 Item 16. The
Y N display changes.
Check the circuit from the booklet PWB to the booklet stapler cover switch. Repair Y N
the wiring or install new components as necessary, PL 13.70. Check the wiring between J8870 pin 2 on the eject clamp home sensor and P/J8988 pin 8
on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
Perform the steps that follow: wiring is good.
• Switch off the machine, GP 10. Y N
• Check the wiring between P/J8995 on the booklet PWB and P/J8994 on the front Reconnect or repair as necessary.
booklet stapler for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit.
• If the wiring is good, install a new front booklet stapler assembly, PL 13.60 Item 13. Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 9 and 7 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
• If the fault persists, install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Switch off the machine, GP 10. Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 8 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
• Check the wiring between P/J8995 pin 5 on the booklet PWB and J8894 pin 3 on the front eject clamp home sensor. The voltage changes.
booklet stapler for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit. Y N
• If the wiring is good, install a new front booklet stapler assembly, PL 13.60 Item 13. Install a new eject clamp home sensor, PL 13.27 Item 16.
• If the fault persists, install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-052 and 012-053 alternately. The eject motor runs.
Check the wiring between P/J8878 pins 1 to 6 on the eject motor and P/J8983 pins 5 to 8
on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the resistance of the eject motor between each pin of P/J8878 pins 1, 3, 4 and
6. The resistance is approximately 2 Ohm.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-39 012-249, 012-260, 282
Y N 012-268 Booklet Rear Stapler Fail RAP
Install a new eject motor, PL 13.27 Item 4.
BSD-ON: BSD 13.4 Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new eject motor,
PL PL 13.27 Item 4. BSD-ON: BSD 13.18 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)

012-268 The booklet rear staple home switch is not on (does not return to home position)
Check for an intermittent circuit or intermittent mechanical problem. If the check is good, install
a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. within the specified time after the booklet rear staple motor starts to reverse.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the booklet rear stapler for jammed staples or an incorrectly installed staple cartridge.

Enter dC330 code 12-026 then 12-027 to cycle the front booklet stapler. The rear booklet
stapler cycles normally
Measure the voltage of P/J8995 on the booklet PWB between pin 8 and ground, pin 9 and
ground, pin 10 and ground, and pin 11 and ground. The voltage is approximately
+24VDC on each pin.
Check the circuit from the booklet PWB to the booklet stapler cover switch. Repair
the wiring or install new components as necessary, PL 13.70.

Perform the steps that follow:

• Switch off the machine, GP 10.
• Check the wiring between P/J8995 on the booklet PWB and J8895 on the rear book-
let stapler for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit.
• If the wiring is good, install a new rear booklet stapler assembly, PL 13.65 Item 13.
• If the fault persists, install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Perform the steps that follow:

• Switch off the machine, GP 10.
• Check the wiring between P/J8995 pin 12 on the booklet PWB and J8895 pin 3 on the
rear booklet stapler for a loose or damaged connector, or an open or short circuit.
• If the wiring is good, install a new rear booklet stapler assembly, PL 13.65 Item 13.
• If the fault persists, install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

012-260, 282, 012-268 2-40 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
012-269 Booklet PWB Communications Fail RAP 012-283, 284 Set Clamp Home Sensor Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher) BSD-ON: BSD 13.13 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)

012-269 Communications between the finisher PWB and the booklet PWB failed. BSD-ON: BSD 13.14 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the connectors at the finisher PWB and the booklet PWB are connected or seated • Manually operate the eject mechanism. Check for binding, a dirty sensor, or damage.
correctly • Check the actuator for the set clamp home sensor, PL 13.27 Item 16 for damage
• Check the wiring between the finisher PWB and the booklet PWB for damage.
Procedure Enter dC330 code 012-251. Actuate the set clamp home sensor. The display changes.
Switch off, then on switch on the machine, GP 10. Enter dC330 code 013-161 to detect the Y N
booklet maker. The fault is resolved. Check the wiring between J8871 pin 2 on the set clamp home sensor and P/J8988 pin 11
Y N on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
Reload the software, GP 4. The fault is resolved. wiring is good.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new booklet Reconnect or repair as necessary.
PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.
Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 12 and 10 on the finisher PWB. The volt-
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. age is approximately +5VDC.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between the P/J8988 pin 11 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actu-
ate the eject clamp home sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new eject clamp home sensor, PL 13.27 Item 16.

Install a new finisher PWB,PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-052 then 012-053 alternately. The eject motor, PL 13.27 Item 4 runs.
Check the wiring between P/J8878 pins 1 to 6 on the eject motor and P/J8983 pins 5 to 8
on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the resistance of the eject motor between each pin of P/J8878-1, 3, 4 and 6.
The resistance is approximately 2 Ohm.
Install a new eject motor, PL 13.27 Item 4.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new eject motor,
PL 13.27 Item 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-41 012-269, 012-283, 284
Enter dC330 code 012-050. The set clamp clutch energizes. 012-291 Stapler Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 13.12 Office Finisher LX Staple Control
Check the wiring between P/J8878 pins 1 and 2 on the set clamp clutch and P/J8988 pins
3 and 4 on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wiring is good. BSD-ON:BSD 13.11 Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
Reconnect or repair as necessary. Initial Actions
Measure the voltage between the Finisher PWB P/J8988 pin 4 (+) and ground (-). The
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
voltage is approximately +24VDC. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Install a new set clamp clutch, PL 13.27 Item 12. If the fault persists, install a new fin-
Check the stapler for jammed staples or an incorrectly installed staple cartridge.
isher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Procedure

Enter dC330 code 012-046 then 012-047. Actuate the stapler unit, PL 13.20 Item 16. The
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. stapler cycles.
Check the wiring between J8887 pins 1 to 4 on the stapler assembly and P/J8981A/B pins
9 to 12 on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
If the wires are good, install a new stapler assembly, PL 13.20 Item 4. If the fault persists,
install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-244 to check the staple home sensor, part of PL 13.20 Item 4. The
value is L.
Measure the voltage between J8886 pins 1 to 5 on the stapler assembly. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Check the wiring from P/J8981A/B pins 4 and 8 to J8886 pins 5 and 1 for an open
circuit. If the wires are good, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Check the wiring from P/J8981A/B pin 4 to J8886 pin 5 for an open circuit. If the wiring is
good, install a new stapler assembly, PL 13.20 Item 4.

Check for an intermittent connection. If the check is good, install a new stapler assembly, PL
13.20 Item 4. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

012-283, 284, 012-291 2-42 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
012-295, 296 Stapler Move Position Sensor Fail RAP Y N
Check the wiring between P/J8981A/B pins 13 to 16 on the finisher PWB and P/J8888 on
BSD-ON: BSD 13.11 Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
the stapler move motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wiring is good.
012-295 occurs when: Y N
• After the stapler started moving to the staple position, the stapler move position sensor Reconnect or repair as necessary.
did not turn on within 2 seconds.
• After the stapler completed moving to the staple position, the stapler move position sen- Install a new staple move motor, PL 13.20 Item 20. If the fault persists, install a new fin-
sor did not turn on. isher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
012-296 occurs when:
Check for an intermittent connection. If the check is good, install a new stapler assembly, PL
• After the stapler started moving to the staple position and the staple move sensor turned
13.20 Item 4. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
off, the staple move sensor did not turn off within 500ms.
• After the staple position had been fixed, the staple move sensor turned off.
• After the staple move sensor actuated when paper passed through the dual staple 1 posi-
tion while moving to the rear staple position, the staple move sensor did not deactuate
within 500ms.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the stapler, base frame and rail, PL 13.20 for freedom of movement.

Enter dC330 code 012-241. Manually move the stapler from the home position to the staple
position and back to actuate the stapler move position sensor, PL 13.20 Item 8. The display
Check the wiring between J8885 pin 2 on the stapler move position sensor and P/J8981A/
B pin 2 on the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8981A/B pins 3 and 1 on the finisher PWB. The volt-
age is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between P/J8981A/B pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Manu-
ally move the stapler from the home position to the staple position and back. The volt-
age changes.
Install a new stapler move position sensor, PL 13.20 Item 8.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 012-045 and 012-042 alternately. The stapler move motor runs.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-43 012-295, 296
012-300 The Finisher Top Cover Is Open RAP 012-302 The Front Door Is Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.3 Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching BSD-ON: BSD 13.3 Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching

012-300 Eject cover switch open was detected. 012-302 The finisher front door interlock switch has detected the door is open.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Ensure that the eject cover, PL 13.25 Item 1 is closed. Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the eject cover switch, PL 13.27 Item 19 for improper installation. • Check the installation of the front door interlock switch, PL 13.45 Item 19.
• Check eject cover switch connectors for connection failure. • Check that the front cover can be opened and closed.
• Check the switch actuator for damage.
Procedure Enter dC330 code 012-302. Open then close the finisher front cover to actuate the front door
Enter dC330 code 012-300. Actuate the eject cover switch. The display changes interlock switch. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8889 pin 1 and 2 for an open or short circuit, or loose or dam- Cheat the front door interlock switch. The display changes.
aged connectors. The wiring is good. Y N
Y N Check the wiring between J8982 pin 3 and J8891 pin 2B, and from J8891 pin 2A to
Install a new eject cover switch, PL 13.27 Item 19. J8982 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wir-
ing is good.
Check the wiring between J8889 on the eject cover switch and J8982 on the finisher for Y N
an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. If the check is good, install a Reconnect or repair as necessary.
new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. The wiring is good.
Y N Remove the cheater. Measure the voltage between J8891 pin 2A on the front door
Reconnect or repair as necessary. interlock switch and ground. The voltage is approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Check the wiring from J8891 pin 2A to J8982 pin 3 for an open or short circuit,
or a loose or damaged connector. If the wires are good, install a new finisher
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Cheat the interlock switch. The voltage drops to 0VDC.

Install a new front door interlock switch, PL 13.45 Item 19.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Check the actuator for damage or misalignment

Check the interlock circuit for an intermittent condition. If the fault persists, install a new finisher
PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

012-300, 012-302 2-44 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
012-303 The Finisher Transport Cover F Is Open RAP 012-334 Download Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.5 Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transport BSD-ON: BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher)

012-303 The finisher horizontal transport top cover is open. 012-334 An abnormal end during downloading has occured. The machine can start only in the
download mode when the power is on.
Initial Actions
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• Check the installation of the horizontal transport open sensor, PL 13.08 Item 3. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check that the finisher horizontal transport cover can be opened and closed Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the wiring between the finisher and the IOT.
Procedure 2. Reload the software, GP 4
Enter dC330 code 012-303. Actuate the horizontal transport open sensor. The display 3. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Check the wiring between J8880 pin 2 and J8987 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between J8987 pins 3 and 1 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Measure the voltage between J8987 pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
horizontal transport open sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new horizontal transport open sensor, PL 13.08 Item 3.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-45 012-303, 012-334
012-901 Jam In The Device RAP 012-903 Compiler Exit Sensor On RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.5 Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transport BSD-ON: BSD 13.7 Office Finisher LX Transportation

012-901 Paper remains on the horizontal transport entrance sensor. 012-903 The compiler exit sensor remains in the actuated condition.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path • Check the paper path for jammed pieces paper.
• Check that the finisher is docked correctly to ensure proper transport gate operation. • Clean the compiler exit sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10.

Procedure Procedure
Enter dC330 code 012-190. Actuate the horizontal transport entry sensor, PL 13.08 Item 6. Enter dC330 code 012-150. Actuate the compiler exit sensor. The display changes.
The display changes. Y N
Y N Check the wiring between J8869 pin 2 and P/J8988 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a
Check the wiring between J8860 pin 2 at the horizontal transport entry sensor connector loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
and P/J8867 pin 2 at the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged Y N
connector. The wiring is good. Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Reconnect or repair as necessary. Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pins 6 and 4 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Measure the voltage between J8860 pins 3 and 1 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is Y N
approximately +5VDC. Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Measure the voltage between P/J8988 pin 5 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
compiler exit sensor. The voltage changes.
Measure the voltage between P/J8867 pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the Y N
finisher entrance sensor. The voltage changes. Install a new compiler exit sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10.
Install a new horizontal transport entry sensor, PL 13.08 Item 6. Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

012-901 , 012-903 2-46 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
012-905 Jam In Finisher RAP 012-935 Jam In The Device RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 13.10 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (2 of 2) BSD-ON: BSD 13.7 Office Finisher LX Transportation

012-905 Paper remains on the compiler tray no paper sensor. 012-935 Paper remains at the finisher entrance sensor.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the paper path for jammed pieces paper. • Check for obstructions in the paper path
• Clean the compiler tray no paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9. • Check that the finisher is docked correctly to ensure proper transport gate operation.

Procedure Procedure
Enter dC330 code 012-151. Actuate the compiler tray no paper sensor. The display changes. Enter dC330 code 012-100. Actuate the finisher entry sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10. The display
Y N changes.
Check the wiring between J8880 pin 2 and J8984A/B pin 2 on the finisher PWB for an Y N
open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good. Check the wiring between J8868 pin 2 at the finisher entry sensor connector and P/J8888
Y N pin 2 at the finisher PWB for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector.
Reconnect or repair as necessary. The wiring is good.
Measure the voltage between J8984A/B pins 3 and 1 on the finisher PWB. The voltage Reconnect or repair as necessary.
is approximately +5VDC.
Y N Measure the voltage between J8868 pins 3 and 1 on the finisher PWB. The voltage is
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. approximately +5VDC.
Measure the voltage between J8984A/B pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
the compiler tray no paper sensor. The voltage changes.
Y N Measure the voltage between P/J8888 pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
Install a new compiler tray no paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9. finisher entrance sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Install a new horizontal transport entry sensor, PL 13.35 Item 10.

If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-47 012-905, 012-935
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
012-905, 012-935 2-48 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
013-210, 211 Booklet Staple Move Home Sensor Fail RAP Monitor the voltage at P/J8894 pin 3. Enter dC330 code 013-028 and 013-029 alter-
nately. An AC clock pulse is detected.
BSD-ON:BSD 13.16 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Positioning
Check the wiring between P/J8994 pin 3 and P/J8985 pin 4. If the wiring is good,
013-210 The booklet staple move home sensor does not actuate within designated time install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Install a new booklet stapler move motor assembly, PL 13.55 Item 4. If the fault persists,
013-211 The booklet staple move home sensor does not deactuate within designated time install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.
Check the wiring for an intermittent fault.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Ensure the staple head is free from obstructions.
• Check dC122 Shutdown History for 013-306 or 013-307 faults. If either fault is listed, first
perform the relevant procedure:
– 013-306 Booklet Safety Switches Open RAP.
– 013-307 Booklet Left Cover Open RAP.

Enter dC330 code 013-144. Move the booklet staplers to actuate the booklet staple move
home sensor (Q13-144), PL 13.55 Item 13. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8897 pin 2 and P/J8891 pin 2 for an open or short circuit, or a
loose or damaged connector. The wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8891 pins 3 and 1 on the booklet PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Measure the voltage between P/J8891 pin 2 on the booklet PWB and ground. Move the
booklet staplers to actuate the booklet staple move home sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new booklet staple move home sensor, PL 13.55 Item 13.

Install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Enter dC330 code 013-028 and 013-029 alternately. The stapler move motor runs.
Check the wiring between P/J8892 pins 1 to 6 on the booklet PWB and P/J9806 on the
stapler move motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors. The
wiring is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-49 013-210, 211
013-212, 213 Booklet Stapler Move Position Sensor Fail Enter dC330 code 013-028 and 013-029 alternately. The stapler move motor runs.
RAP Check the wiring between P/J8992 pins 1 to 6 on the booklet PWB andP/J8906 on the
BSD-ON:BSD 13.11 Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning booklet stapler move motor for an open or short circuit, or loose or damaged connectors.
The wiring is good.
013-212 Booklet stapler move position sensor does not actuate within designated time period. Y N
Reconnect or repair as necessary.
013-213 Booklet stapler move position sensor does not deactuate within designated time
period. Monitor the voltage at P/J8994 pin 3. Enter dC330 code 013-028 and 013-029 alter-
nately. An AC clock pulse is detected.
Initial Actions Y N
Check the wiring between P/J8994 pin 3 and P.J8985 pin 4. If the wiring is good,
WARNING install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Install a new booklet stapler move motor assembly, PL 13.55 Item 4. If the fault persists,
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Ensure the staple head is free from obstructions. Check the wiring for an intermittent fault.
• Check dC122 Shutdown History for 013-306 or 013-307 faults. If either fault is listed, first
perform the relevant procedure:
– 013-306 Booklet Safety Switches Open RAP.
– 013-307 Booklet Left Cover Open RAP.

Enter dC330 code 013-143. Move the booklet stapler to actuate the booklet stapler move posi-
tion sensor (Q13-143), PL 13.55 Item 13. The display changes.
Check the wiring between J8898 pin 2 andP/J8991 pin 5 and between P/J8994 pin 5 and
P/J8995 pin 5 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. The wiring
is good.
Reconnect or repair as necessary.

Measure the voltage between P/J8991 pins 4 and 6 on the booklet PWB. The voltage is
approximately +5VDC.
Install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Measure the voltage between P/J8991 pin 5 on the booklet PWB and ground. Actuate the
booklet staple move position sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new booklet staple move position sensor, PL 13.55 Item 13.

Measure the voltage between P/J8995 pin 5 on the finisher PWB and ground. Actuate the
booklet staple move position sensor. The voltage changes.
Install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4. If the fault persists, install a new finisher
PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
013-212, 213 2-50 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
013-220 Folder Detect Fail RAP 013-300 Folder Door Open RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 13.8 Office Finisher LX Folding BSD-ON:BSD 13.3 Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching

013-220 Control logic cannot detect the folder assembly. 013-300 Folder door safety switch is open.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 code 013-160 to detect the folder. The displayed state is Low. Measure the voltage between J8982 pin 4 on the finisher PWB and ground. +24VDC is mea-
Y N sured.
Measure the voltage at P/J8990 pin 4. Less than +1VDC is measured. Y N
Y N Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Check the wiring between P/J8903 pins 4 and 5. Also ensure that P/J8903 is
securely fastened. Make sure the eject cover is closed. Measure the voltage between J8982 pin 8 and pin 7 on
the finisher PWB and ground. +24VDC is measured on both pins.
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2. Y N
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
Check the wiring for an intermittent fault.
Check the circuit to P/J8981A/B and from P/J8981A/B at the front door interlock switch, PL
13.45 Item 19. The circuit is good.
Measure the voltage between J8982 pin 2 on the finisher PWB and ground. +5VDC is
Install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Install a new front door interlock switch, PL 13.45 Item 19.

Install a new front door interlock switch, PL 13.45 Item 19.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-51 013-220, 013-300
013-306 Booklet Safety Switches Open RAP 013-307 Booklet Maker Door Is Open RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 13.3 Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching BSD-ON:BSD 13.4 Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching

013-306 Control logic senses that one or more booklet safety switch is open. 013-307 Control logic senses that the booklet left cover is open.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check dC122 Shutdown History for a 013-307 fault. If the fault is listed, perform the 013-307 Ensure the left cover, PL 13.50 Item 8 is closed.
Booklet Left Cover Open RAP.
Procedure Measure the voltage between P/J8993 pin 5 on the booklet PWB and ground. +24VDC is
Measure the voltage between P/J8993 pin 3 on the booklet PWB and ground. +24VDC is measured.
measured. Y N
Y N Check the circuit from J8899 to and from J8899 on the booklet stapler cover switch, PL
Measure the voltage between P/J8993 pin 6 on the booklet PWB and ground. +24VDC 13.70 Item 10.
is measured.
Y N Install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.
Perform the 013-307 Booklet Left Cover Open RAP.

Check the circuit through the booklet stapler safety switch assembly, PL 13.70 Item 2.

Install a new booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

013-306, 013-307 2-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP 016-211, 016-212 SW Option Fail Memory Low RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) 016-211 Insufficient system memory was detected.

016-210 One of the SW option functions cannot be executed due to a HDD error or HDD not 016-212 Insufficient Page Memory was detected.
016-506 The log image storage area on the disk is full, a job cannot be continued. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
016-777 An error other than disk full was detected when opening/reading/writing file for com-
pression conversion/image processing operation. 2. Refer the customer to the User Guide to check memory usage.

016-780 An error other than HDD full was detected when opening/writing file for operation.

016-798 A HDD unavailable error was returned when the decomposer called the S-image

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
3. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-53 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798, 016-211, 016-212
016-217 SW Option Fail (Controller ROM) RAP 016-232 MRC HW Initialize Error RAP
016-217 Controller ROM does not support printer kit. 016-232 MRC HW initialize error. an error has occurred during high compression board initial-
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. WARNING
2. Reload the software, GP 4. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-217, 016-232 2-54 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-233 SW Option Fail (USB Host Not Installed) RAP 016-234, 016-235 XCP Error RAP
016-233 Any one of the SW optional functions cannot be used because the USB host has a 016-234 Lack of memory causes the XCP to stop.
failure or is not installed.
016-235 Another internal error causes the XCP function to stop.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Reload the software, GP 4. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 2. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-55 016-233, 016-234, 016-235
016-242 System GMT Clock Fail RAP 016-244 Self-Signed Certificate Auto Update Fail RAP
016-242 System GMT clock fail. 016-244 Self-sIgned certificate auto update failure.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-242, 016-244 2-56 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-245, 016-246 Invalid Accessory Mode RAP 016-310 SSMM Job Log Full RAP
016-245 Invalid accessory in auth and account mode. 016-310 A job log file was not retrieved from the external application (AWAS) and the number
of files stored exceeded the specified value (280).
016-246 Invalid accessory kind in auth and account mode.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
WARNING 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 2. Obtain the job log file from the external application (AWAS) via SSMI:
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
b. Perform GP 19, How to Obtain Log Files, and contact Support with the appropriate
Perform the steps that follow: log files for further assistance.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Disconnect the invalid accessory.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-57 016-245, 016-246, 016-310
016-322 JBA Account Full RAP 016-323 B-Formatter Fatal Error RAP
016-322 The cumulated accounting data reached the specified value (15,000). 016-323 Fatal error has occurred in the B-formatter task.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Advise the customer to perform a manual retrieval of machine data from their accounting 2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
server. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. Advise the customer to 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
push the user accounts to the machine from their accounting server. 4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
4. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
7. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-322, 016-323 2-58 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-324 Scheduled Image Overwrite RAP 016-325 Using Personal Certificate RAP
016-324 Scheduled image overwrite. 016-325 The IC card personal certificate is set in the certificate for signing.

Procedure Procedure
For information only, no service action necessary. Wait until the Scheduled Image Overwrite to Perform the steps that follow:
complete. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter dC131. Set NVM value 790-389 to 0.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-59 016-324, 016-325
016-326, 016-607 UI Cable Connection Fail RAP 016-327, 016-328 Connection Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.2 PWB Communications (Controller to UI PWB) 016-327 Backplane connection fail.

016-326 The controller has detected a failure at its cable connection with the UI. 016-328 The controller has detected a failure at its cable connection with the motor drive PWB.

016-607 Cont-UI Cable Connection Fail Procedure

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
1. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the UI con- connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
sole assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Install new components as necessary:
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-326, 016-607, 016-327, 016-328 2-60 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-330, 331, 332 Cont System Memory Fail RAP 016-335 to 016-351 Controller Fail RAP
016-330 Cont system memory diagnostic fail 1. 016-335 Cont program ROM diagnostic fail 1.

016-331 Cont system memory diagnostic fail 2. 016-336 Cont program ROM diagnostic fail 2.

016-332 Cont system memory diagnostic fail 3. 016-337 Cont program ROM diagnostic fail 3.

Procedure 016-338 Cont font ROM diagnostic fail 1.

WARNING 016-339 Cont font ROM diagnostic fail 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 016-340 Cont font ROM diagnostic fail 3.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: 016-341 Cont font ROM diagnostic fail 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely 016-342 Cont RTC diagnostic fail.
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
016-343 Long boot diag timer fail.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 016-345 Cont NVM diagnostic fail.

016-347 Cont page memory diagnostic fail 1.

016-348 Cont page memory fail 2.

016-349 Cont MAC address data fail.

016-350 Cont SEEP-ROM diagnostic fail 1.

016-351 Cont SEEP-ROM diagnostic fail 2.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-61 016-330, 331, 332, 016-335 to 016-351
016-352 Internal Network Initialize Fail RAP 016-353, 016-354 IOT-Controller Communication Fail RAP
016-352 Internal network initialization error. 016-353 Communication cannot be established between the IOT and the ESS.

Procedure 016-354 Communication cannot be established between the IIT and the controller.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-352, 016-353, 016-354 2-62 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-355, 016-356 Controller ASIC Fail RAP 016-357 Controller EP Communication Fail RAP
016-355 Cont IO ASIC diagnostic fail. 016-357 Controller to EP-controller communication fail.

016-356 Cont video ASIC diagnostic fail. Procedure

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. 4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-63 016-355, 016-356, 016-357
016-358 Controller Parallel Card Fail RAP 016-359, 016-361 Controller USB Fail RAP
016-358 Controller parallel port diagnostic fail. 016-359 Cont USB HUB diagnostic fail.

Procedure 016-361 Cont USB 3.0 device diagnostic fail.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
3. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-358, 016-359, 016-361 2-64 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-360, 016-362 Controller UI Fail RAP 016-363 Controller LyraCard Fail RAP
016-360 Cont UI diagnostic fail 1. 016-363 Cont JPEG card diagnosed as having a failure.

016-362 Cont UI diagnostic fail 2. Procedure

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
2. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the UI con- 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
sole assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1. 4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
3. Install new components as necessary:
• controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-65 016-360, 016-362, 016-363
016-364, 016-365 Controller USB 2.0 Fail RAP 016-366, 016-367 Controller HDD Fail RAP
016-364 Cont USB 2.0 host diagnostic fail. BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)

016-365 Cont USB 2.0 device diagnostic fail. 016-366 Cont HDD diagnostic fail 1.

Procedure 016-367 Cont HDD diagnostic fail 2.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 2. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Install new components as necessary:
• Controller PWB assembly,PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-364, 016-365, 016-366, 016-367 2-66 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-368, 369, 370 Controller Diagnostic Fail RAP 016-383 Controller OS Communication Fail RAP
016-368 Cont torino diagnostic fail. 016-383 Communication failure between linux and VX works

016-369 Cont S2X board diagnostic fail. Procedure

016-370 Cont rendering engine diagnosed as having a failure.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Procedure not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
Perform the steps that follow:
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-67 016-368, 369, 370, 016-383
016-400, 402, 427, 429 802.1x Authentication Failure RAP 016-401 802.1x EAP Type Not Supported RAP
016-400 802.1x Authentication error (incorrect user name or password). The user name or 016-401 802.1x Authentication method mismatch (the authentication server does not support
password that has been set in the machine is incorrect. The settings are different from those in the authentication method of the machine). A fail signal, which indicates that the authentication
the authentication device switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network. method set in the machine cannot be processed, was received from the authentication device
switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network.
016-402 802.1x authentication time-out (there was no response signal from the authentication
device). The authentication was timed-out because there was no response signal from the Procedure
authentication device switch that is physically connected to the machine via the network.
Advise the customer to:
1. Set the authentication method of the machine to be the same as the one set in the
016-427 802.1x authentication failure (network 2).
authentication server.
016-429 802.1x authentication failure by timing out (network 2). 2. Check the 802.1x authentication method from the UI.

Advise the customer to:
1. Enter the correct user name or password for 802.1x authentication from the machine
2. Check the switch settings and network connections of the authentication device switch
that is physically connected to the machine via the network and connect it correctly.
3. Check the settings in the Authentication Device switch that is physically connected to the
machine via the network.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-400, 402, 427, 429, 016-401 2-68 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-403, 016-430 802.1x Certificate Failure RAP 016-404, 016-431 802.1x Inside Failure RAP
016-403 802.1x authentication certificate mismatch. The root server certificate for the authenti- 016-404 An internal error has occurred in the 802.1x supplicant function of the machine. An
cation server is not stored in the machine or it is mismatched. incorrect protocol signal was received from the authentication server.

016-430 The route certificate of the server certificate (for network 2) of the authentication 016-431 An internal error has occurred in the 802.1x supplicant function of the machine. An
server is not stored in the machine or it does not match. incorrect protocol signal was received from the authentication server in network 2.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: 1. Advise the customer to repeat the operation.
1. Store the root server certificate for the authentication server in the machine. 2. If the problem persists, Switch off, then switch on the machine GP 10.
2. If the root certificate of the server certificate cannot be obtained, disable the 802.1x set- 3. Obtain the log file using the log tool GP 19.
ting item ‘Verify Server Certificate’ in the device.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-69 016-403, 016-430, 016-404, 016-431
016-405 Certificate DB File Error RAP 016-406 802.1x Client Certificate Failure RAP
016-405 Certificate database file is wrong. 016-406 An error in setting up client certificate for 802.1x authentication. Although ‘EAP-TLS’
is selected as the authentication method for 802.1x authentication, SSL client certificate is not
Procedure set up or deleted.
Advise the customer to start ‘initialize certificate’ under Maintenance.
Advise the customer to:
1. Store SSL client certificate in this machine and set it up as SSL client certificate.
2. If SSL client certificate cannot be set up, select an authentication method other than

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-405, 016-406 2-70 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-407 to 016-412 XCP Error RAP 016-417 Invalid Network Settings RAP
016-407 The package management function has detected security exception. 016-417 An invalid or improper network setting has prevented communication.

016-408 The package management function has detected the damaged JAR file. Procedure
On machines with both ethernet and Wi-Fi adapters, ensure that the IP addresses are not
016-409 The package management function has detected a version mismatch.
identical. This is considered a duplicate IP even if, for example, the ethernet cable is not con-
nected but has the same static IP as the Wi-Fi adapter.
016-410 The package management function has detected the invalid definition file.

016-411 The package management function has detected an unsupported class file version.

016-412 The package management function has detected the plug-in has caused an error that
is included in a miscellaneous group of errors.

Advise the customer to modify the plug-in, then re-install.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-71 016-407 to 016-412, 016-417
016-421 Input Tray Removed RAP 016-422, 016-423 Offline RAP
016-421 The paper tray is removed. 016-422 Diag Offline

Procedure 016-423 Offline

Ensure all paper trays are fully inserted.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. If a remote access session in progress, wait for it to end.
2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Obtain the log file using the log tool GP 19 and contact support for further Instruction.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-421, 016-422, 016-423 2-72 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-424, 016-425 Power Mode RAP 016-426 Remote Services Error RAP
016-424 Low power mode. 016-426 Could not connect to SMart eSolutions server.

016-425 Sleep mode. Procedure

Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Cancel the power save mode. • Before you can use SMart eSolutions, register the printer for SMart eSolutions.
2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. • The machine must be connected to a network.
3. Obtain the log file using the log tool GP 19 and contact support for further Instruction. • The machine must be configured to use the HTTP proxy server if required.
• Ensure that the printer recognizes the DNS server.
• If the network is blocking outside communications in a secure environment, disable the
remote services upload.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-73 016-424, 016-425, 016-426
016-428 802.1x EAP Type Not Supported (Network 2) RAP 016-432 802.1x Client Certificate Failure (Network 2) RAP
016-428 802.1x Authentication method mismatch (authentication server does not support the 016-432 802.1x setting error of the client certificate of the authentication (network 2).
authentication method of this device: network 2)
Procedure Advise the customer to:
Advise the customer to: 1. Store the client certificate to this machine SSL and set as SSL client certificate.
1. Set the authentication method of network 2 of this machine to the same authentication 2. If the setting of SSL client certificate cannot be made, select other than (EAP-TLS) as the
method as the one set in the authentication server. authentication method.
2. Check the 802.1x authenticating method on the UI.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-428, 016-432 2-74 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-433 Supplies Activation Code Not Inputting Detection 016-434 USB Dongle Temporary Mode Detected RAP
RAP 016-433 The number in this message has occured.
016-433 The number in this message has occured.
Procedure Advise the customer to:
Advise the customer to: 1. Follow the instructions on the local user interface to resolve the problem.
1. Follow the instructions on the local user interface to resolve the problem.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-75 016-433, 016-434
016-435 Contract State Changing Detection RAP 016-450 SMB Host Name Duplicated RAP
016-435 The number in this message has occured. 016-450 A PC of the same host name exists on the network.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Advise the customer to:
1. Follow the instructions on the local user interface to resolve the problem. 1. Check whether the device host name setting of the same host name is the same as
another device. If the setting is duplicated, change the host name of the device or dupli-
cate device.
2. If a duplicated setting is not confirmed, change the device host name.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-435, 016-450 2-76 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-453, 016-454 Dynamic DNS - IPv6 NG RAP 016-455, 016-456 SNTP Time Out RAP
016-453 Failed to update of the IPv6 address and host name to the DNS server. 016-455 There is no response from the SNTP server within the specified time (60sec).

016-454 Dynamic DNS - dynamic update failed. 016-456 A standard time synchronized source message and an asynchronous message was
received from the SNTP server.
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Advise the customer to: Perform the steps that follow:
a. Check that DNS server address is set correctly in the device. 1. Advise the customer to:
b. Check with the System Administrator whether the DNS server settings that allow a. Check the time on the machine, if the time on the machine is incorrect, manually set
dynamic DNS using IPv6 address have been set. the time.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP. b. Check that the SNTP server address is set correctly in the device.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-77 016-453, 016-454, 016-455, 016-456
016-461 Under Non-transmitted Image Log Stagnation 016-500, 016-501 ROM Write Error (During DLD Method)
016-461 Creation of a new job is being restricted because image logs yet to be transferred are 016-500 An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the cont-ROM.
piled up and delayed.
016-501 An error has occurred during the process of writing data to the S2X-ROM.
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Advise the customer to: WARNING
a. Check the image log management server status and the network status, and clear Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
any cause that may impede the transfer of image logs to the image log server. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
b. Check the transfer settings and transfer all logs that are yet to be transferred. Or, death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
change the transfer guarantee level to ‘Low’. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Reload the software, GP 4.
NOTE: Setting the transfer guarantee level to ‘Low’ may cause the image logs to get
deleted in sequence even before they are transferred. 2. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-461, 016-500, 016-501 2-78 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-502 ROM Write Error (During PJL Method) RAP 016-503 SMTP Server Fail for Redirector RAP
016-502 An error was detected when writing data to one of the ROMs in the machine. 016-503 The SMTP server name could not be resolved (though the machine tried to connect to
the server).
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 1. Advise the customer to specify the correct SMTP server name or specify the IP address.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 2. Verify that the DNS settings are configured properly on the Machine. If needed, use the
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. same DNS settings from the Customer's PC.
Perform the steps that follow: 3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.
1. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-79 016-502, 016-503
016-507, 016-508 Image Log Send Fail RAP 016-509, 016-510 Image Log No Send Rule RAP
016-507 A log image transfer fails, making it impossible to continue a target job which will con- 016-509 Because rules for log image transfer are not registered, a job cannot be continued.
sist of created images.
016-510 Rules for log image transfer are not registered.
016-508 A log image transfer fails, making it impossible to continue an image transfer job.
Procedure WARNING
Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. Advise the customer to check the state of the destination image log control server and not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
that of the network. Clear any factor preventing image logs from being transferred to the death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
image log control server.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
1. Advise the customer to register rules for transfer from the destination image log control
3. If the fault persists, install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9. server to the device.
2. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
3. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-507, 016-508, 016-509, 016-510 2-80 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-511, 016-512 Image Log Invalid Send Rule RAP 016-513 SMTP Server Reception Error RAP
016-511 Rules for log image transfer are illegal, causing a job to be discontinued. 016-513 Error when receiving response from the SMTP server (after connecting to the server).

016-512 Rules for log image transfer are illegal. Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Advise the customer to wait 5 minutes before resubmitting the job.
WARNING 2. Check that SMTP send port number is correct.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to overwrite rules for transfer from the destination image log control
server to the device.
2. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
3. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-81 016-511, 016-512, 016-513
016-514 XPS Error RAP 016-515 XPS Short of Memory
016-514 During XPS Bridge processing, invalid schema, parameter error, damage to XPS file, 016-515 During XPS Bridge processing, a lack of memory was detected.
or an error internal to XPS decomposer occurred.
Procedure WARNING
WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Advise the customer to check the print mode. If print mode is set to High Resolution,
1. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely change it to Standard. If print mode is set to Standard, change it to High Speed.
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and hard disk,
2. Reload the software, GP 4. PL 3.05 Item 9 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP. connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-514, 016-515 2-82 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-516 XPS Print Ticket Description Error RAP 016-517 PS Booklet Illegal Color Mode Change RAP
016-516 XPS Print Ticket description error. 016-517 PS documents to be printed into a booklet have black and white and color areas.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to check whether the application that sends a print job and the print 1. Advise the customer to resubmit the job with corrected parameters. Rewrite the Post-
instructions has a problem. Script file so that the page device and process color model cannot be changed in the pro-
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and hard disk, cess.
PL 3.05 Item 9 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely 2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and hard disk,
connected. PL 3.05 Item 9 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely
3. Reload the software, GP 4. connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-83 016-516, 016-517
016-518 PS Booklet Conflict WM RAP 016-519 Device DV Limit Reached RAP
016-518 PS booklet and watermarks were specified at the same time. 016-519 Number of printable sides limit full.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Ask the System Administrator to increase the limit of printable sides.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. PS booklet and watermark/UUID cannot be specified at the same time. Advise the cus-
tomer to cancel either one.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and hard disk,
PL 3.05 Item 9 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely
3. Reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-518, 016-519 2-84 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-520 MRC HW Job Error RAP 016-522 LDAP SSL Error 112 RAP
016-520 An error has occurred during the usage of high compression board. 016-522 LDAP-SSL authentication error 112 has occurred (the client certificate cannot be
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Advise the customer to install the SSL client certificate into the device as the LDAP server will
request it.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to repeat the operation or change the output file format/color mode.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and hard disk,
PL 3.05 Item 9 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely
3. Reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-85 016-520, 016-522
016-523 LDAP SSL Error 113 RAP 016-524, 016-525 LDAP SSL Error 114 and 115 RAP
016-523 LDAP-SSL authentication error 112 has occurred (the client certificate cannot be 016-524 LDAP-SSL authentication error 114 has occurred (the server certificate is close to
obtained). expiring).

Procedure 016-525 LDAP-SSL authentication error 115 has occurred (the server certificate has expired).
The device cannot trust the SSL certificate of the LDAP server. Advise the customer to register
the root certificate of the LDAP server SSL certificate in the device. Procedure
Advise the customer to change the LADP server SSL certificate to one that is valid.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-523, 016-524, 016-525 2-86 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-526 LDAP SSL Error 116 RAP 016-527 LDAP SSL Error 117 RAP
016-526 LDAP-SSL authentication error 116 has occurred (the server name and the certificate 016-526 LDAP-SSL authentication error 116 has occurred (the server name and the certificate
does not match) does not match)

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to ensure that the address of the LDAP server set in the device matches For information only, an internal error has occurred in the program.
the address of the LDAP server defined in the SSL certificate.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-87 016-526, 016-527
016-529 Remote Download Server Timeout RAP 016-533 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 37 RAP
016-529 There was no response within the specified time (45 sec) when connecting to the 016-533 A Kerberos server Attestation protocol error has occurred.
remote download server.
Procedure Advise the customer to:
Check the network connection. Advise the customer to check that the remote download server 1. The clock difference between the device and the Kerberos server has exceeded the clock
is correctly configured and operating on the network. skew limit of the Kerberos server. Check that the clocks of the device and Kerberos server
are set correctly.
Perform the checks that follow: 2. Check that the daylight saving time and time zone settings for the device and the Kerbe-
• Before you can use SMart eSolutions, register the printer for SMart eSolutions. ros server are the same.
• The machine must be connected to a network.
• The machine must be configured to use the HTTP proxy server if required.
• Ensure that the printer recognizes the DNS server.
• If the network is blocking outside communications in a secure environment, disable
remote services upload

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-529, 016-533 2-88 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-530 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 06 RAP 016-531 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 07 RAP
016-530 A Kerberos server Attestation protocol error has occurred. 016-531 A Kerberos server Attestation protocol error has occurred.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check that the realm name and server address in the Kerberos settings Advise the customer to check that the realm name and server address in the Kerberos settings
of the device are set correctly. of the device are set correctly.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-89 016-530, 016-531
016-532 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 24 RAP 016-534 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 41 and 42
016-532 A Kerberos server Attestation protocol error has occurred. RAP
016-534 A Kerberos server Attestation protocol error has occurred.
Advise the customer to check that the realm name and server address in the Kerberos settings Procedure
of the device are set correctly. Advise the customer to check that the realm name and server address in the Kerberos settings
of the device are set correctly.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-532, 016-534 2-90 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-535 Remote Download File Access Error RAP 016-536 Host Name Solution Error in Remote Download
016-535 There are no FW update files in the remote download server. RAP
016-536 Remote download server name resolution error.
Advise the customer to check the remote download server for the FW update file. Procedure
Advise the customer to check the connection to the DNS and whether the remote download
server name has been registered in the DNS.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-91 016-535, 016-536
016-537 Remote Download Server Connection Error RAP 016-538 Remote Download File Write Error RAP
016-537 Remote download server connection error. BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)

Procedure 016-538 Remote download file write to HDD error.

Advise the customer to check the network connection setting (port) of the remote download
server. Procedure
Perform the checks that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Before you can use SMart eSolutions, register the printer for SMart eSolutions. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• The machine must be connected to a network. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• The machine must be configured to use the HTTP proxy server if required. Perform the steps that follow:
• Ensure that the printer recognizes the DNS server. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
• If the network is blocking outside communications in a secure environment, disable 2. Check the wiring between the controller PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
remote services upload 3. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-537, 016-538 2-92 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-539 Kerberos Attestation Other Protocol Error RAP 016-543 Attestation Agent Error 543 RAP
016-539 A Kerberos Server Attestation protocol error has occurred. 016-543 The specified realm/domain has disappeared from the ApeosWare authentication
agent (the domain was manually deleted at the ApeosWare authentication agent after obtain-
Procedure ing the realm name list from the device).
For information only, an internal error has occurred in the program.
Advise the customer to:
1. Update the realm list, using the Update Realm button on the device, or add the domain to
the ApeosWare authentication agent. To update the device realm information, perform the
steps that follow:
a. Press the Authentication Agent button on the Authentication window of the device.
b. The Authentication Agent window appears. Press the Update button.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-93 016-539, 016-543
016-545 Attestation Agent Error 545 RAP 016-546, 558, 569 Attestation Agent Errors RAP
016-545 A Clock skew error has occurred in attestation. The time of ApeosWare Authentication 016-546 A general user has attempted to obtain other user’s information.
Agent and ActiveDirectory is out of sync with the upper limit of the Kerberos ClockSkew set in
the ActiveDirectory. 016-558 The machine has received an unknown error from the ApeosWare Authentication
Advise the customer to match the time of the PC where the ApeosWare Authentication agent is 016-569 Attestation agent errors other than listed previously.
installed with the time of the PC where the ActiveDirectory is. Furthermore, if the Windows
Time Service in the PC where the ApeosWare Authentication Agent is installed is stopped, Procedure
start it. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-545, 016-546, 558, 569 2-94 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-548 Attestation Agent Error 548 RAP 016-553 Attestation Agent Error 553 RAP
016-548 The information of the machine that is performing the authentication operation is not 016-553 The version information written in the SOAP header cannot be understood. The Apeo-
in the database. sWare Authentication Agent does not support the version of the device interface.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to register the device in the ApeosWare Authentication Agent. The version of the ApeosWare Authentication Agent needs to be upgraded. Advise the cus-
tomer to check that the machine is a product that is supported by the upgraded version of the
ApeosWare Authentication Agent.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-95 016-548, 016-553
016-554 Attestation Agent Error 554 RAP 016-555 Attestation Agent Error 555 RAP
016-554 The existence check for the specified user in the event of an authentication error has 016-555 The ApeosWare Authentication Agent cannot connect to the database or the Active
failed. Directory.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to correctly set the domain user reference login name or the reference Advise the customer to check that the ApeosWare Authentication Agent can connect to the
password of the ApeosWare Authentication Agent domain. database or the active directory.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-554, 016-555 2-96 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-556 Attestation Agent Error 556 RAP 016-557 Attestation Agent Error 557 RAP
016-556 Error has occurred in the database that the ApeosWare Authentication Agent is con- 016-557 An internal error has occurred in the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
nected to due to overloading.
Procedure Advise the customer to check the ApeosWare Authentication Agent.
Advise the customer to wait 5 minutes before authenticating again as the service is over-

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-97 016-556, 016-557
016-559 Remote Download Parameter Error RAP 016-560 Attestation Agent Error 560 RAP
016-559 When performing the remote download, an invalid value is set in the required system 016-560 A communication error has occurred between the ApeosWare Authentication Agent
data. and the machine.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check that all system data that must be set to perform the remote Advise the customer to:
download are correct. 1. Check that the network cable is connected and check the settings of the authentication
agent function.
Perform the checks that follow: 2. If DNS address of the server is set as the server name/IP address of the ApeosWare
• Before you can use SMart eSolutions, register the printer for SMart eSolutions. Authentication Agent in the printer function settings list, check that DNS is enabled.
• The machine must be connected to a network.
• The machine must be configured to use the HTTP proxy server if required.
• Ensure that the printer recognizes the DNS server.
• If the network is blocking outside communications in a secure environment, disable
remote services upload

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-559, 016-560 2-98 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-562 Detected User Duplication RAP 016-564 Remote Download Server Authentication Failed
016-562 Two or more entries with the same IC card information were found in the temporary RAP
user DB of Active Directory or Authentication Agent.
016-564 When accessing the remote download server, an authentication error notification was
issued from the server.
Advise the customer to make corrections so that the temporary user entries of the Active Direc- Procedure
tory or Authentication Agent do not have the same IC card information.
Advise the customer to check that the correct user name and password was specified when
accessing the remote download server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-99 016-562, 016-564
016-565 Backup Restore Error RAP 016-566 Backup Restore Condition Error RAP
016-565 Backup/restore error. 016-566 NVM backup/restore condition error.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to:
1. For USB backup, check that the USB memory is correctly installed. If the fault persists, 1. During backup, save the FW download file into the ‘dwld’ directory in the USB memory,
use a PC to check the USB memory for a ‘backup’ directory. If it is not there, create it. connect it the machine, then perform the backup.
2. When performing restore or deletion of backup files from the USB backup file, check that 2. During restore, use the same IOT and IIT ROM versions as those during backup. When
the USB memory is correctly installed. performing restore using a USB backup file, also use the same HDD configuration.
3. If there is no HDD, use the same ESS ROM versions as well. If the same configuration
cannot be attained, delete the backup file from the panel.
4. If the problem occurred at an attempt to restore a backed-up file from an external place,
check that the ESS/IIT/IOT ROM version is still the same as the version used when the
backed-up file was created. Furthermore, check the device is the same as the one that
generated the backed-up file.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-565, 016-566 2-100 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-567 Backup Capacity Full RAP 016-568 Backup Restore Failed RAP
016-567 NVM data to back up is over the capacity of the destination to save it. 016-568 NVM data could not be backed up or restored.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Before performing the HDD backup, delete existing backup files through to increase the 1. Format the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
capacity. 2. Before performing the restore using the HDD backup file, delete backup files.
2. Before performing USB backup, delete the backup files in the USB memory, or use a PC 3. For USB backup, check that the USB memory is correctly installed. If the fault persists,
to delete unnecessary files on the USB memory to increase the capacity. use a PC to format the USB Memory.
4. When performing restore using USB backup files, check that the USB memory is correctly
installed. If the fault persists, delete the backup files.
5. If the problem still persists, use a PC to format the USB memory.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-101 016-567, 016-568
016-570 Job Ticket Out of Memory RAP 016-571 Job Ticket Wrong Parameters RAP
016-570 XPIF memory is low. 016-571 XPIF parameter mismatch.

Procedure Procedure
Increase memory size for job ticket on UI Panel. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Advise the customer to check for a mismatch between parameters specified by the job ticket.
Run the job. Correct the parameters, then resend the job.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-570, 016-571 2-102 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-572 Job Ticket Media Error RAP 016-573 Job Ticket Parse Error RAP
016-572 XPIF media conversion error. 016-573 XPIF Interpret error.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check that the device that receives data can print it onto paper whose Advise the customer to ensure the that software is correctly installed on client that generates
properties (size/type/weight/color/punched) are specified by job ticket. job ticket; operational requirements are met; and software version matches device version.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-103 016-572, 016-573
016-598, 016-599 Email Message Size RAP 016-600 KO Authentication Locked RAP
016-598 Email message size is over spec. 016-600 The number of incorrect Key Operator log in attempts reached the limit.

016-599 Email message size is over spec. Procedure

If required, refer to GP 19 to reset password to 1111 (default) if the System Administrator ID is
Procedure unavailable.
Advise the customer to:
1. Reduce a resolution send parameter (image-to-send quality) then resend the job. NOTE: Default is 5 events. NVM value 700-563 can be set between 1 to 10 events.
2. Reduce a magnification send parameter, then resend the job. With this feature enabled, the machine denies access when an incorrect System Administrator
3. Increase the maximum message size (10MB recommended default). ID is entered the selected number of times.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-598, 016-599, 016-600 2-104 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-601 Illegal Access Detection RAP 016-604 Debug Log Created RAP
016-601 The number of incorrect authentication log in attempts reached the limit. 016-604 Debug log auto creation by system.

Procedure Procedure
If required, refer to GP 19 to reset password to 1111 (default) if the System Administrator ID is Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

NOTE: Default is 10 users. NVM value 700-564 can be set between 1 to 600 users.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-105 016-601, 016-604
016-606, 016-608 Controller Connection Fail RAP 016-609, 016-610 PCI Option Fail RAP
016-606 Cont-BP cable connection fail. 016-609 PCI option no support device fail.

016-608 Cont-Drive PWB cable connection fail. 016-610 PCI EX option no support device fail.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Remove unknown PCI or PCIEX option.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-606, 016-608, 016-609, 016-610 2-106 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-611 SD Card Connection Fail RAP 016-612 Log Image Creation Failure RAP
016-611 SD card connection fail. 016-612 Creation of log image has failed.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 2 is correctly installed. For information only, no service action necessary.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-107 016-611, 016-612
016-700 Password Below Minimum RAP 016-701 Out of ART EX Memory RAP
016-700 The number of digits used for the password for security and authentication prints is 016-701 Insufficient memory was detected while using the ART EX.
less than the minimum.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Advise the customer to increase the number of password digits for the print job. 1. Advise the customer to:
a. Increase the allocated memory of the ART EX.
b. Lower the print mode.
c. Lower the resolution.
d. Set Page Print mode to Enabled.
e. Execute Image Compression in the Graphics tab of the printer driver.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-700, 016-701 2-108 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-702 Out of Page Buffer RAP 016-703 Email To Invalid Box RAP
016-702 Unable to compress any page due to insufficient print page buffer. 016-703 When receiving Email, an invalid (not setup) mailbox number is selected.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: WARNING
1. Advise the customer to: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
a. Set Print Mode to High Speed and reduce the print resolution. Retry the operation. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
b. Increase the memory to increase the page buffer. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
c. Retry the operation in Print Page Mode. Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 1. Advise the customer to:
a. Check whether the selected mailbox is set up correctly.
b. Have email sent to a valid mailbox.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
4. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
5. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-109 016-702, 016-703
016-704 Mailbox Full RAP 016-705 Secure Print Fail RAP
016-704 The system detected that a mailbox was full (it exceeded the maximum number of 016-705 Unable to perform secure print/mailbox print/pay for print storing from the printer
documents per box) and aborted a job. driver.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to delete unnecessary documents, then repeat the operation. 1. Advise the customer to check that the required optional software is installed and enabled.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. Also check that the correct print driver is being used.
2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
a. Reload the software, GP 4.
b. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard
c. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
d. Install new components as necessary:
• Hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
• controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-704, 016-705 2-110 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-706 Maximum User Number Exceeded RAP 016-707 Sample Print Fail RAP
016-706 The system detected that a job exceeded the maximum number of users for secure 016-707 When receiving email an invalid (not setup) mailbox number is selected.
and sample prints and aborted the job.
Procedure WARNING
Perform the steps that follow: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. Advise the customer to delete unnecessary documents or users, then repeat the opera- not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
tion. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to:
a. Remove the conditions that disable sample print.
b. If the fault occurred at installation, check whether the operations for Sample Print are
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
5. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
6. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
7. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-111 016-706, 016-707
016-708 Annotation/Watermark HDD Full RAP 016-709 ART EX Command Error RAP
016-708 When an annotation or watermark image was to be stored in the HDD, full status was 016-709 An ART EX command error occurred during PLW processing.
detected and the job was aborted.
Procedure WARNING
WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Advise the customer to:
1. Advise the customer to: a. Switch off parallel bi-directional communication in the printer driver.
a. Cancel annotation or watermark, then repeat the operation. b. Set a longer time for Auto Output Time.
b. Reduce the number of document pages. In Mixed Size mode, only a single size is c. Change the PC BIOS settings.
d. Use a shorter, genuine, parallel cable.
c. For printing Stored Document, delete unnecessary documents from the hard disk,
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
then repeat the operation. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
4. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
6. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
5. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
7. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
6. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
7. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-708, 016-709 2-112 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-710 Delayed Print Fail RAP 016-713 Security Box Password Error RAP
016-710 Process conditions for delay print were not met. 016-713 Password check error was detected during data storage in a mailbox.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to: 1. Advise the customer to set a correct password and try again.
a. If secure print, proof print or knowledge storage print is specified, disable them. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
b. Reduce the delay print jobs waiting to 100 jobs or less. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. 4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
5. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
6. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
7. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-113 016-710, 016-713
016-714 Security Box Not Enabled RAP 016-715 ESCP Form Invalid Password RAP
016-714 The mailbox specified for the job does not exist. 016-715 Unable to access the ESCP form because ESCP form password did not match

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to open the appropriate mailbox and then try again. 1. Advise the customer to input the correct password to use ESCP form.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely 2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected. connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-714, 016-715 2-114 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-716 TIFF Data Overflow RAP 016-718 Out of PCL6 Memory RAP
016-716 The system detected that the files to be spooled in TIFF exceeded the disk capacity. 016-718 Insufficient PCL6 decomposer memory.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 1. Advise the customer to decrease the resolution to reduce the PLW memory.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
4. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
5. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-115 016-716, 016-718
016-719 Out of PCL Memory RAP 016-720 PCL Command Error RAP
016-719 An insufficient memory was detected while using the PCL. 016-720 A PCL command error occurred during PCL processing.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to increase the PCL memory size. Increasing the memory for the 1. Advise the customer to cancel the job then execute the command again.
whole system will increase the memory to be allocated to the Decomposer in some mea- 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-719, 016-720 2-116 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-721 to 016-724 Settings Error RAP 016-726 PDL Auto Switch Fail RAP
016-721 Paper types cannot be determined because all the settings for custom paper priority 016-726 Print language auto judgment fail.
are set to disabled.
016-722 Staple position that is not supported by this machine or a paper size that is not sup-
Perform the steps that follow:
ported by the Finisher was specified.
1. Advise the customer to fix, then select the decomposer from the UI or with a command.
016-723 Punch position that is not supported by this machine or the paper size that is not sup- 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
ported by the Finisher was specified.

016-724 Job canceled due to invalid combination of staple and punch positions.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to correct the settings, then execute the command again.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-117 016-721 to 016-724, 016-726
016-727 Unstorable Document RAP 016-728 Unsupported TIFF Data RAP
016-727 The 0 page condition is detected in the print job mailbox storage. 016-728 Unsupported TIFF data.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: For information only, no service action necessary. Refer the customer to the User Guide.
1. Advise the customer to switch off paper saving, then print the job again.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-727, 016-728 2-118 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-729 TIFF Data Size RAP 016-731, 016-732 Invalid Data RAP
016-720 The files to be spooled in the TIFF exceeded the disk capacity. 016-731 The TIFF data is broken or discontinued halfway.

Procedure 016-732 The decomposer detected that the form specified is not registered.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to refer to the User Guide to correct the valid range.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
1. Advise the customer to resend the data or form data.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-119 016-729, 016-731, 016-732
016-733 Destination Address Resolution Error RAP 016-735 Updating Job Template RAP
016-733 A failure to resolve a P2P address problem (before connection to the server). 016-735 The system attempted to output the job template list while the job template was being
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Advise the customer to: Perform the steps that follow:
a. Check if the destination address has been entered correctly. 1. Advise the customer to perform the operation again after the Job Template update com-
b. Set a correct DNS server address.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-733, 016-735 2-120 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-738, 739, 740 Booklet Size RAP 016-741 Download Mode Fail RAP
016-738 Invalid paper size for PS booklet print. 016-741 Not able to change into download mode.

016-739 The combination of the specified document/paper sizes is incorrect. Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
016-740 The specified tray is invalid.
1. Advise the customer to cancel the download prohibited mode then check that the jobs
have completed before retrying the operation.
2. Enter dC131. Set NVM value 700-420 to 0, the retry the operation.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to specify the correct settings that allow booklet printing.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-121 016-738, 739, 740, 016-741
016-742 Download Data Product ID Mismatch RAP 016-743 Device Model/Panel Type Error RAP
016-742 A mismatch in the product ID of download data was detected. 016-743 The supported model in the download data does not match the device model.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to obtain the download data again, then retry the job. Advise the customer to source a download file that has the same model with the device VerUP
then retry the job.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-742, 016-743 2-122 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-744 Download Data CheckSum Error RAP 016-745 Download Data XPJL Fatal Error RAP
016-744 CheckSum error of download data. 016-744 XPJL fatal error during download.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
1. Ensure that the cable connected to the device is secured correctly, then retry the job.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-123 016-744, 016-745
016-746, 016-751 Unsupported PDF File RAP 016-747 Drawing Annotation Memory RAP
016-746 PDF error due to unsupported function sent. 016-747 When drawing an annotation image with the copy repeat function specified, there
would be insufficient memory.
016-751 Syntax error, usage of undefined command, parameter error, damaged PDF file, inter-
nal error of the PDF decomposer has occurred during PDF bridge process. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Advise the customer to:
Perform the steps that follow:
a. Increase the annotation image size.
1. Advise the customer to print via the driver from Acrobat Reader.
b. Reduce the number of repeat images for the repeat function.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-746, 016-751, 016-747 2-124 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-748, 774, 775, 778, 981 HD Full RAP 016-749 JCL Syntax Error RAP
016-748 HDD full when mailbox is accessed. 016-749 The PJL/XPJL detected a print language that cannot be printed.

016-774 Disk full was detected when opening/writing file for compression type conversion. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
016-775 Disk full was detected when opening/writing file for image processing operation.
1. Advise the customer to:
016-778 HDD full was detected when opening/writing file for operation. a. Use the printer driver of the machine to print.
b. Not use ContentsBridge to print a PDF file.
016-981 When accessing it, the HD is detected being full. c. Request the other party to resend the internet document using a print language that
can be printed by the machine.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to:
a. Split the job into pages in order to prevent the full state. Reduce the resolution if pos-
b. Delete documents that are no longer needed, such as; mailbox documents, secure
print documents and delayed print documents.
c. Retrieve each page from the EWS.
2. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
3. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.10 Item 2.
4. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-125 016-748, 774, 775, 778, 981, 016-749
016-750 Print Job Ticket Description Error RAP 016-752 PDF Short of Memory RAP
016-750 When the customer uses applications such as ‘ContentsBridge2005’, etc. to send 016-752 Insufficient memory was detected during PDF bridge processing.
PDF directly, the machine received the print job ticket that was sent together with the PDF.
However, the print job ticket data has text that is not supported in this machine or print instruc- Procedure
tion that is not supported by the machine.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to:
a. Change the print mode. When the print mode is set to High Quality, change the set-
Perform the steps that follow:
ting to Normal. When the print mode is set to Standard, change the setting to High
1. Advise the customer to refer to the user Guide. Speed.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. b. Print using a driver from Acrobat Reader.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-750, 016-752 2-126 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-753 PDF Password Mismatched RAP 016-755 PDF Print Prohibited RAP
016-753 When processing a PDF file that is protected by a password, the password in the UI 016-755 The system processed a PDF file prohibited for printing.
panel settings and the password specified using XPJL (set in the contents bridge utility) do not
match. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Advise the customer to use Acrobat to clear the print prohibition setting then print the PDF
Perform the steps that follow: file.
1. Advise the customer to specify the correct password using the UI or the contents bridge. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-127 016-753, 016-755
016-756 Auditron Prohibited Service RAP 016-757 Auditron Invalid User RAP
016-756 Illegal User Detected 016-756 The account has not been registered.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to request the Account Administrator for access to use the service. 1. Advise the customer to set the correct account, then redo.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-756, 016-757 2-128 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-758 Auditron Disabled Function RAP 016-759 Auditron Limit Reached RAP
016-758 An illegal account was detected. 016-759 The number of registered users reached the limit.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to: 1. Advise the customer to request the Account Administrator to set the number of copies,
a. Set the new function that is allowed for that account then try again. etc.
b. Request the Account Administrator to add the rights. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-129 016-758, 016-759
016-760 PS Decompose Failure RAP 016-761 FIFO Empty RAP
016-760 An error occurred in decompose processing. 016-761 Image enlargement error (FIFO empty).

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to resend the job. 1. Advise the customer to print in the high speed mode. If the fault persists, use print guaran-
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. teed mode.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-760, 016-761 2-130 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-762 Print Language Not Installed RAP 016-781 Server Connect Error RAP
016-762 The system requested functions (print language, print utility, etc.) that are not 016-781 SMTP server not found.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Advise the customer to:
1. Advise the customer to correct then select the decomposer from the UI or with a com- a. Correctly set the subnet mask and gateway.
b. From the destination server, ping the machine.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
c. Check whether characters other than ASCII are set for the host name of the device.
Set the host name of the device to ASCII characters.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-131 016-762, 016-781
016-788 Retrieve to Browser Failed RAP 016-790 Email Fragment Over RAP
016-788 SMTP server not found. 016-790 Email fragment quantity is over spec.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Advise the customer to:
2. Advise the customer to: a. Reduce resolution (image to send quality), then resend the job.
a. Reload the browser page then perform retrieval operation again. b. Reduce magnification, then resend the job.
b. Re-activate the browser, then perform retrieval operation again. c. Increase the maximum fragment quantity.
c. Improve the connection status to a network. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.
d. Check whether there are problems such as duplicated IP addresses.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-788, 016-790 2-132 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-792 Specified Job Not Found RAP 016-794 Media Not Inserted RAP
016-792 An error was detected in the Image conversion library. 016-794 Media not inserted.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to repeat the operation. 1. Advise the customer to check that the media is inserted.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-133 016-792, 016-794
016-795 Media Reader Format Error RAP 016-796 Document Insert Operation Error RAP
016-795 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access 016-796 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media. to Media.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to check the media content from the PC. Check the file format/direc- 1. Advise the customer to verify the media is connected the PC. Check whether the print file
tory in the media and the selected mode (Digital Camera Print/Document Print), then attribute data is displayed on the PC, then reset the settings.
reset the settings. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-795, 016-796 2-134 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-797 Image File Read Error RAP 016-799 PLW Print Instruction Fail RAP
016-797 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access 016-799 The specified print parameter is abnormal.
to media.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Advise the customer to repeat the operation.
1. Advise the customer to verify the media is connected to the PC. Check whether the print 2. Reload the software, GP 4.
file images are displayed on the PC, then reset the settings.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-135 016-797, 016-799
016-910, 016-911 Required Resource Not Ready RAP 016-917, 016-918, 016-919 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty
016-910 The paper and staples requested by the selected print parameters are not installed. RAP
016-917 The yellow toner cartridge is empty.
016-911 The paper and staples requested by the print specification are not loaded or different
sizes and/or types of paper switching are requested from the same tray.
016-918 The magenta toner cartridge is empty.

Procedure 016-918 The cyan toner cartridge is empty.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to correctly load paper or install the staples. Procedure
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. Perform the 024-923, 924, 925 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016-910, 016-911, 016-917, 016-918, 016-919 2-136 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
016-920 Destination Error RAP 016-981, 982 HDD Access Error 2 RAP
016-920 The paper specified for printing can not be detected. BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)

Procedure 016-981 HDD was determined to be full due to secure print, delayed print or sample print was
specified when the HDD capacity is low.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to correctly set the paper settings.
016-982 HDD was determined to be full due to collate, stored or interrupted jobs.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to:
a. Process or delete the jobs (documents) stored in the same HDD partition, then
repeat the operation.
b. If step A does not resolve the problem, expand the HDD partition size of the relevant
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Check the wiring between the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the hard disk.
4. Initialize the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
5. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-137 016-920, 016-981, 982
016A Network Error RAP c. In the Command window (where the blinking cursor is) type ping. Press the space
bar once, then enter the IP address of the machine. Press Enter.
Use this RAP when the customer reports network failures. e.g. cannot connect to the SMTP
d. If the ping command is successful, the machine will reply four times. This should not
server or NTP Error
take more than two or three seconds.
Initial Actions e. If the ping command times out, or responds with ‘host unreachable’, check the IP
address that was entered. If the IP address is correct, contact 2nd level support.
Consult with your manager before troubleshooting the customer’s network, as the policy varies
according to region. Also consult with the customer’s IT personnel or System Administrator. 2. Contact 2nd level support if needed.

NOTE: Network errors can be complex to diagnose and resolve. Actions are limited to check-
ing for fundamental faults and to collect system information, before contacting 2nd level sup-

NOTE: If it is possible to log in to the Embedded Web Server by entering the IP address of the
machine, then the network controller on the controller PWB assembly is good.

Check that the date and time are set correctly on the machine, refer to GP 24 How to Set the
Date and Time. The time and date are correct.
Set the time and date parameters correctly.

Check the LED link lights at the controller PWB assembly ethernet connection. The LEDs illu-
If possible, perform the following to try and eliminate the problem of a faulty network port:
• Check the connections at the network port and controller PWB assembly are good.
• Connect the machine to another network port.
• Advise the customer to a provide a new network port to the controller PWB assembly
• Check the operation of a known good machine to the network port.
If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. The LEDs
Contact 2nd level support.

Perform the Final Actions.

Perform the Final Actions.

Final Actions
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Attempt to ping the machine:
a. Print a configuration report to obtain the IP address of the machine, GP 14.
b. From an internet connected PC or laptop, select Start and in the Search box above
the Start button, type CMD, then press Enter to open a command window.

NOTE: If the Windows key is enabled (the key located in the lower left corner with
the Microsoft logo), hold the Windows key down, press R and release both keys to
open the Run window.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

016A 2-138 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-500 Job Limit Illegal Response RAP 017-501 Multiple Permission Restrictions RAP
017-500 Invalid response from job limit server. 017-501 A print rights violation has occurred.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Advise the customer to change the user privileges.
1. Check the job parameter settings, then re-run the job.
2. Check the response packet from the job limit server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-139 017-500, 017-501
017-503 Password Over Maximum RAP 017-504, 017-505 Job Limit RAP
017-503 Password has exceeded maximum number of digits. 017-504 An error occurred when communicating with JobLimit server.

Procedure 017-505 An error occurred when communicating with JobLimit server.

Advise the customer to lower the number of password digits.
Advise the customer to check the network status and the operating status of JobLimit server.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-503, 017-504, 017-505 2-140 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-506 Job Limit Rejected RAP 017-507 Job History Full RAP
017-506 The job was canceled because the JobLimitServer sent Reject. 017-507 The job was cancelled because the job history is full.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to contact the System Administrator. Advise the customer to clear the job history and repeat the job.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-141 017-506, 017-507
017-713 Start TLS Unsupported Fail RAP 017-714 SMTP Over SSL Fail RAP
017-713 Start TLS unsupported fail. 017-714 SSL communication failure with SMTP server.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to change the SSL operation mode setting to other than STARTTLS Perform the steps that follow:
mode. 1. Advise the customer to check if this occurred in TLS Mode, it may be due to an incorrect
port number. Check the Port Number settings of the SMTP Server.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-713, 017-714 2-142 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-715 SSL Certificate Fail RAP 017-716, 717, 718 SSL Certificate (SMTP) Fail RAP
017-715 An SSL Server Authentication Error has occurred because there is something wrong 017-716 The validity period of the server certificate has not started.
in the Server Certificate Data.
017-717 The validity period of the server certificate has expired.
017-718 The server name does not match the server address of the server certificate.
Advise the customer to register the root certificate of the SMTP server SSL certificate in the
Advise the customer to:
1. Check that the SMTP server clock and machine clock are correct.
2. Check the validity period of the SMTP server certificate.
3. Check that the server name that are registered in the SMTP server certificate and the
server address are correct.
4. If the clocks are correct, change the SMTP server SSL certificate to one that is valid.

NOTE: This problem can also be fixed by switching off the machines SSL Server Verifica-
tion setting. This will render the machine unable to guarantee the authenticity of the
SMTP server that it is connecting to.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-143 017-715, 017-716, 717, 718
017-719 SMTP Over SSL Internal Fail RAP 017-720, 017-721 PJL Command Fail RAP
017-719 Internal software error has occurred during SMTP over SSL process. 017-720 Contract type value is incorrect.

Procedure 017-721 Geographic region value is incorrect.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to repeat the operation.
Advise the customer to correct the contract type or geographic region value specified by PJL
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
command, then try again.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-719, 017-720, 017-721 2-144 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-722 Total Impressions Over Fail RAP 017-723 DocuWorks Unsupported Character Fail RAP
017-722 The total impressions of billing meter in the data for PJL diag is 9,999,900 or more. 017-723 When the DocuWorks decomposer is working, it detected some text that cannot be
output is in use.
Advise the customer to perform the operation when the value of total impressions is between 0 Procedure
and 9,999,900. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to print from the DocuWorks viewer using the print driver (ART-EX,
PCL, etc.).
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-145 017-722, 017-723
017-725 Forced Annotation Syntax Fail RAP 017-729 Temporary Error in PDL Transfer RAP
017-725 Syntax error in Forced Annotation instructions is detected. 017-729 Temporary inability to send due to maximum jobs exceeded at the destination
machine, or spool area of print data full, etc.
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Advise the customer to check the driver settings. Advise the customer to:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 1. Set the spooling of the print data at the destination machine to hard disk.
2. Change spooling setting to Spool to Hard Disk.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-725, 017-729 2-146 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-730 Network Error in PDL Transfer RAP 017-732 Offline Error in PDL Transfer RAP
017-730 Network occurred during PDL data transfer. 017-732 Unable to send because destination printer is offline.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Advise the customer to disable the offline status of the destination machine.
1. Check the connection of the network cable.
2. Check the destination machine is powered on.
3. Check that the IPP port of the destination machine is enabled.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-147 017-730, 017-732
017-733 Internal Error in PDL Transfer RAP 017-734 IPP Data Error RAP
017-733 Unable to send because destination printer is offline. 017-734 Syntax error, usage of undefined command, parameter error, damage of the file, or
internal error of the decomposer has occurred during the decomposer process of a direct print
Procedure job that used IPP in its network protocol.
Advise the customer to repeat the operation.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to print by using a different print method (printer driver or utility other
than print from IPP) that is supported by the machine.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-733, 017-734 2-148 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-735 Unauthorized Auditron User RAP 017-737 Custom Transfer Out of Memory RAP
017-735 Unauthorized user is detected. 017-737 A HDD unavailable error was returned when the decomposer called the S-image
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Advise the customer to get permission to use the machine from the account administrator. Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 1. Advise the customer to deactivate or delete all unnecessary plug-ins.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Image Disk Diagnostics.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-149 017-735, 017-737
017-738, 017-746 HDD Internal Fail RAP 017-739, 017-740 Transfer Service Not Available RAP
017-738 The system detected that the JVM has stopped due to internal error. 017-739 Custom transfer XCP not activated error.

017-746 Custom transfer plug-in local disk malfunction. 017-740 Custom transfer plug-in not activated error.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Enable the embedded plug-in feature.
2. Initialise the hard disk. Refer to dC355 Image Disk Diagnostics. 2. Input the software key for the customization kit.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-738, 017-746, 017-739, 017-740 2-150 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-741 Custom Transfer Invalid Plug-In RAP 017-742, 743, 744 Custom Transfer Plug-In Connection
017-741 The instruction that was specified by the instruction set to the plug-in and the feature RAP
provided by the plug-in (API) are mismatched when the custom transfer job is in progress.
017-742 Custom transfer plug-in server connection error.

Procedure 017-743 Custom transfer plug-in authentication error.

Advise the customer to:
1. Upgrade the embedded plug-in feature (install the latest version). 017-744 Custom transfer plug-in server access error.
2. Check the contents of the instruction set that is being used. If the instruction set was gen-
erated by a custom service, revise the custom service contents. Procedure
Advise the customer to:
1. Check whether the transfer destination server, etc. and the machine are able to communi-
cate via the network.
2. Check whether it is possible to log in to the transfer destination server, etc. by using the
specified user name and password.
3. Check whether it is possible to log in to the transfer destination server, etc. by using the
specified user name and password.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-151 017-741, 017-742, 743, 744
017-745 Custom Transfer Plug-in Disk Full RAP 017-747 Custom Transfer Plug-In Connection Timeout RAP
017-745 Insufficient hard disk area for processing was detected. 017-747 Custom transfer plug-in communication timed out error.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to:
1. Advise the customer to take any one of the actions that follow: 1. Wait a while, then re-run the job.
a. Lower the resolution, then re-send. 2. If the situation does not improve, consult with the Network Administrator.
b. Reduce the size, then re-send.
c. Reduce the page count, then re-send the job in several batches.
d. Change the output color to black & white, then re-send.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-745, 017-747 2-152 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-748 Custom Transfer Plug-In Invalid machine RAP 017-749 Custom Transfer Plug-In XML Fail RAP
017-748 Custom transfer plug-in invalid machine settings data error. 017-749 When extracting the custom transfer parameter from XML file, the obtaining of the
parameter has failed, the parameter format is inconsistent, or the parameter value cannot be
Procedure processed due to wrong grammar.
Advise the customer to check the machine settings required for file transfer.
Advise the customer to check the contents of the instruction set that is being used. If the
instruction set was generated by a custom service, revise the custom service contents.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-153 017-748, 017-749
017-750 Custom Transfer Plug-In Internal Fail RAP 017-751 Custom Transfer Plug-In Other Fail RAP
017-750 An internal logic error was detected in the custom transfer plug-in. 017-751 An error specific to the custom transfer plug-in was detected.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to refer to the error details in the job undelivered transmission report, then
1. Advise the customer to revise the custom transfer plug-in and then reinstall it. take appropriate action.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-750, 017-751 2-154 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-755 Software Download Via Network Fail RAP 017-759 Download Data Inspection Error RAP
017-755 A software download via the network was performed when the software download via 017-759 Electronic signature verification error of download data.
network set as prohibited.
Procedure Advise the customer to re-obtain the download data then perform the operation again.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Either set the software download via network to allowed or perform the software down-
load using a USB.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-155 017-755, 017-759
017-773 Netlog Task Error RAP 017-774 Message Lost Error RAP
017-773 Detected fatal error during Netlog operation. 017-774 Message discard error.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check the setting related to the Netlog function. For information only, no service action necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-773, 017-774 2-156 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-775 Network API Error RAP 017-776, 017-777 Syslog Server Error RAP
017-775 Sending message was discarded due to sending API error. 017-776 The sending message was discarded because the server sent an invalid response or
did not respond.
017-777 The sending queue became full and discarded the message sending request.
Advise the customer to check if there is any issues on the network route to the Syslog server.

Advise the customer to check the status of the Syslog server, address value of the Syslog that
is set to the machine, whether there is an issue in the network route between the machine and
the Syslog server, or a network cable failure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-157 017-775, 017-776, 017-777
017-778 Queue Error RAP 017-779 Link Error RAP
017-778 The sending queue became full due to no IP address being set or assigned, and dis- 017-779 Detected unplugged network cable on the machine side.
carded the message sending.
Procedure Check the connection state of the network cable.
Advise the customer to check if the IP address of the machine is set.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-778, 017-779 2-158 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-780 Held Job Timeout RAP 017-782, 784, 785, 786 Custom Image Processing Plug-In
017-780 Auto delete due to the timeout of held Job that has been overtaken. RAP
017-782 Detected mismatch of the version of image processing module.
Perform the steps that follow: 017-784 Custom image processing XML error.
1. Advise the customer to disable the auto delete setting or change the timer setting (1-7200
minutes) to an appropriate value. 017-785 Detected an error that is custom image processing plug-in specific.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
017-786 Image processing error of custom image processing plug-in.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to reinstall after correcting the custom image processing plug-in.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-159 017-780, 017-782, 784, 785, 786
017-783 Custom Image Processing Memory RAP 017-787 Google Cloud Print Data Error RAP
017-783 The operation was unable to continue due to the memory shortage of the image pro- 017-787 Syntax error, undefined command, parameter error, file corruption, decomposer inter-
cessing module that is executed in the controller. nal error occurred when the decomposer is processing at the Google Cloud Print processing
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Advise the customer to take any one of the actions that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
a. Lower the resolution. 1. Advise the customer to use a different print method supported by the machine (print
driver, utility other than Google Cloud Print).
b. Change the output color to black & white.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

017-783, 017-787 2-160 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
017-789 Job Limit Estimation Logic Fail RAP 017-790 to 017-799 Print Permission RAP
017-789 During job limit estimate acquisition, a logic error was detected in the 017-790 Color print made in a time zone that is prohibited.
017-791 Print made in a time zone that is prohibited.
017-792 Printing performed despite being prohibited.
Advise the customer to check the job settings, then re-run the job.

017-793 Color printing performed despite being prohibited.

017-794 Print made from a prohibited application.

017-795 Color print made from a prohibited application.

017-796 Single sided print made from a prohibited application.

017-797 Print made from a paper tray that is prohibited.

017-798 Job type print made that is prohibited.

017-799 Single sided print made despite being prohibited.

Advise the customer to set the permissions as required.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-161 017-789, 017-790 to 017-799
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
017-789, 017-790 to 017-799 2-162 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-400 IPSEC Configuration Mismatch RAP 018-405 User Account Disabled RAP
018-400 IPSEC error (setting mismatch). 018-405 User account disabled error.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to clear the IPSEC setting mismatch and re-enable the IPSEC. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer that there is a check mark at Account Invalid for the relevant user in
NOTE: Mismatched IPSEC settings occur when the password is not set because the authenti- the active directory of the LDAP authentication destination server. The server has been
cation method is set to pre-shared key, or when IPSEC certificate is not set because the set to prohibit access from the relevant user.
authentication method is set to digital signature. 2. Advise the customer to consult with the Server Administrator.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-163 018-400, 018-405
018-406 Setting Status of IP Address (IPv4) RAP 018-407 Setting Status of IP Address (IPv6) RAP
018-406 Setting state of the same IP address (IPv4). 018-407 Setting state of the same IP address (IPv6).

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to change the setting to a different IP address. Either that or allow the
1. Advise the customer to change the setting to a different IP address. same IP address setting.
2. If the fault persists, perform the OF5 NET/USB System Fail RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-406, 018-407 2-164 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-408 Duplicate IPv4 Address RAP 018-409, 412, 413 Duplicate IPv6 Address 1 RAP
018-408 The same IP address machine as the IPv4 address of this machine exists on the net- 018-409 The same IP address machine as the IPv6 of this machine exists on the network in
work in the network environment where the Ether 2 side is connected. the network environment where the Ether 2 is connected.

Procedure 018-412 The same IP address machine as the state-less auto setting address 2 of this
machine exists on the network in the network environment where Ether 2 is connected.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to: 018-413 The same IP address machine as the IPv6 state-less auto setting address 3 of this
a. Change the IPv4 address of this machine or the IPv4 address of the network upper machine exists on the network in the network environment where the Ether 2 is connected.
b. For manual address setting, ensure that the IP address specified by the client is not Procedure
used in other places.
Perform the steps that follow:
c. Check the respective server setting environments with the client.
1. Advise the customer to:
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.
a. Change the IPv6 address of the network upper apparatus that is duplicated to
resolve the IP address duplication.
b. Check if the IP address that was set in state-less address auto setting is not used in
other places.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-165 018-408, 018-409, 412, 413
018-410, 018-411 Dynamic DNS Update Failure RAP 018-414 Duplicate IPv6 Address 2 RAP
018-410 For Ethernet 2, failed to update the IPv4 address and host name to the DNS server. 018-414 The IPv6 manual setting address that was set in this machine in a network environ-
ment connected to Ether 2 is invalid.
018-411 For Ethernet 2, failed to update the IPv6 address and host name to the DNS server.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Advise the customer to:
1. Advise the customer to: a. Change the IPv6 manual setting address of this machine to the IPv6 address that
a. Check if the DNS server address is correctly set to the machine. can be used in the machine address.
b. Check if the DNS server is set so that the dynamic DNS can be operated. b. Check if the IPv6 address that was automatically set as manual address is a valid
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP. address.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-410, 018-411, 018-414 2-166 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-415 Duplicate IPv6 Address 3 RAP 018-416 Duplicate IPv6 Address 4 RAP
018-415 The same IP address machine as the IPv6 manual setting address of this machine 018-416 The same IP address machine as the IPv6 link local address of this machine exists on
exists on the network in the network environment where the Ether 2 is connected. the network in the network environment where Ether 2 is connected.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to change the IPv6 manual setting address of this machine or the IPv6 Perform the steps that follow:
address of the network upper apparatus. 1. Advise the customer to:
a. Change the IPv6 address of the network upper apparatus that is duplicated to
resolve the IP address duplication.
b. Check if the IPv6 address that was automatically set as link local address is not used
in other places.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-167 018-415, 018-416
018-424 to 018-426 WLAN WPA Enterprise Certificate 018-427 Duplicate IP Address Range WiFi and WiFi Direct
Failure RAP RAP
018-424 The WLAN WPA enterprise certificate is empty. 018-427 The machine has detected that it is connected to two (or possible more) networks that
share the same IP address range.
018-425 The WLAN WPA enterprise certificate is unavailable.
018-426 The WLAN WPA enterprise certificate has failed.
Advise the customer to request their network administrator to change the IP address of one (or
more) networks the machine is connected to, to something different.
Advise the customer to request their network administrator to configure the WPA-Enterprise
and validate the server certificate.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-424 to 018-426, 018-427 2-168 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-428 WLAN Module Connection Failure RAP 018-429 to 018-436 Duplicate IP Address IPv4 (WiFi) RAP
018-428 There is a connection failure between the WIFI module and the ESS PWBA. 018-429 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).

Procedure 018-430 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI direct).
Perform the steps that follow:
018-431 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).
1. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Remove, then install the WIFI module. Switch on the
machine, GP 10. 018-432 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).
2. If the fault persists install a new controller (ESS) PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1.
018-433 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).

018-434 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).

018-435 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).

018-436 There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network (WIFI).

Advise the customer to request their network administrator to change the IP address of the
systems the machine is connected to, to something different.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-169 018-428, 018-429 to 018-436
018-439 WiFi Direct Setting Conflict RAP 018-440 WiFi Direct Setting IPv6 Conflict RAP
018-439 When activating the Wi-Fi Direct, the conflict setting for Wi-Fi Network Type Ad-hoc is 018-440 When activating the Wi-Fi Direct of this machine, the setting for the IPv6 mode is
detected. detected in the conflict configuration information related to the IP protocol stack.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to request their network administrator to change the setting for the Wi-Fi Advise the customer to request their network administrator to change the setting for the config-
network type to Infrastructure. uration information related to the IP protocol stack to Dual or the IPv4 mode.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-439, 018-440 2-170 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-441 WiFi Direct Setting 5GHz Conflict RAP 018-500, 501, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508 CA Server Error RAP
018-441 When activating the Wi-Fi Direct of this machine, the setting for the 5GHz mode is 018-500 The SSL server that is necessary for CA could not start because there was no server
detected in the conflict Wi-Fi Band. certificate or private key at an attempt to start the machine.

Procedure 018-501 The machine could not connect to the CA server when trying to do CA authentication.
The machine has failed in communication.
Advise the customer to request their network administrator to change the setting for the Wi-Fi
band of this machine to Auto or the 2.4GHz mode.
018-503 The machine received a message from the CA server and was waiting for a JRM/UI
judgment, but received no response in time.

018-504 During communication between the machine and the CA server for authentication, a
mismatch in Session ID between both has occurred.

018-506 During communication between the machine and the CA server, a mismatch in Field
ID between both has occurred.

018-507 The CA authentication server requested an entry of user info, and the server deter-
mined that the entered info was different.

018-508 In process of CA authentication, the machine has received a server exception mes-
sage from the CA authentication server.

Advise the customer to:
1. Make the IOT and the controller the same in agreement info.
2. Set up the server certificate, or set the CA function to off.
3. Check the address of the CA server, or recheck the connection to the network.
4. Retry the authentication operation.
5. Enter the correct user name and password.
6. Check the status of the CA server. Reboot it if necessary.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-171 018-441, 018-500, 501, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508
018-565 Proxy Name Solution Error in HTTP RAP 018-595 Detected User Duplication RAP
018-565 Failed to resolve proxy name error in HTTP. 018-595 Duplicate IDs were detected at ICCG external authentication (LDAP protocol).

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Advise the customer to make corrections so that the user entries in the database of the LDAP
1. Check whether the proxy server name that is set in the machine has been registered in server do not have the same IC card information.
the DNS.
2. Check whether it is connected to the DNS server.
3. Check whether the DNS server address is set.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-565, 018-595 2-172 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-596, 018-700 Network Error RAP 018-701 to 018-705 LDAP Protocol Errors 01 to 05 RAP
018-596 An undefined protocol error, and other errors with LDAP protocol. 018-701 LDAP protocol error 01 at address book operation (operation error).

018-700 Network stack is not initialized fail. 018-702 LDAP protocol error 02 at address book operation (operation error).

Procedure 018-703 LDAP protocol error 03 at address book operation.

Advise the customer to wait for a while, then perform the same operation again.
018-704 LDAP protocol error 04 at address book operation (too many search results to be pro-

018-705 LDAP protocol error 05 at Address Book operation (comparison request result is

Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-173 018-596, 018-700, 018-701 to 018-705
018-706 LDAP Protocol Error 06 RAP 018-707, 018-708 LDAP Protocol Errors 07 and 08 RAP
018-706 LDAP protocol error 06 at address book operation (comparison request result is true). 018-707 LDAP protocol error 07 at address book operation (the specified authentication
method is not supported).
018-708 LDAP protocol error 08 at address book operation (strong authentication is required)
Perform the steps that follow:
1. For a single occurrence, take no action.
2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-706, 018-707, 018-708 2-174 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-709 Active Communication is Unavailable Now Fail 018-710 to 018-714 LDAP Protocol Errors 10 to 14 RAP
RAP 018-710 LDAP protocol error 10 at address book operation (not registered in search range).
018-709 Active communication is unavailable now fail.
018-711 LDAP protocol error 11 at address book operation (admin limit is exceeded).
Procedure 018-712 LDAP protocol error 12 at address book operation (extended function cannot be
1. In case of IPv4 environment, advise the customer to: used).
a. Check whether the address that is being used as the IPv4 address of the machine is
undefined, or whether it has become the Auto IP address. 018-713 LDAP protocol error 13 at address book operation (secrecy is required).
b. Check if the network has been connected correctly.
018-714 LDAP protocol error 14 at Address Book operation (SASL bind in progress).
c. Check with the network administrator on whether the DHCP server address has
been exhausted.
2. In case of IPv6 environment, advise the customer to:
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
a. Check whether the address that is being used as the IPv6 address of the machine
has been allocated with a global address that uses the network address distributed settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
by the IPv6 router.
b. Check if the network has been connected correctly.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
c. Check with the network administrator on whether the IPv6 router has been config- problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.
ured correctly.
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-175 018-709, 018-710 to 018-714
018-715 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 73 RAP 018-716 to 018-721 LDAP Protocol Errors 16 to 21 RAP
018-715 Kerberos Attestation protocol error 73 018-716 LDAP protocol error 16 at address book operation (the requested attribute does not
018-717 LDAP protocol error 17 at address book operation (the specified attribute is not
Advice the customer that:
1. If the error occurred in the case of smart card authentication, algorithm not supported by
the machine is specified by KDC. 018-718 LDAP protocol error 18 at address book operation (unsuitable combination).
2. In the case of password authentication, KDC does not support any of the machine’s algo-
rithms. 018-719 LDAP protocol error 19 at address book operation (limit violation).
3. KDC settings should be reviewed. Also, in the case of machines supporting FIPS, dis-
abling FIPS mode may correct the problem. 018-720 LDAP protocol error 20 at address book operation (the specified attribute already

018-721 The server returned RFC2251 standard result message 21 (syntax error of the speci-
fied attribute value) in response to the address book inquiry.

Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-715, 018-716 to 018-721 2-176 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-722 GCP Network Fail RAP 018-723, 018-740 GCP Certification Fail RAP
018-722 GCP network connection error. 018-723 GCP certificate connection error.

Procedure 018-740 Connection error of certificate has occurred during communication through XMPP
protocol with Google server.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to confirm the network connection status, network settings status
with the system administrator.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
1. Advise the customer to confirm with the network administrator the correct root CA certifi-
cate is present, certificate authentication settings are correct.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-177 018-722, 018-723, 018-740
018-724 GCP SSL Connection Fail RAP 018-725 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 22 RAP
018-724 GCP SSL connection error. 018-725 Duplicate IDs were detected at ICCG external authentication (LDAP protocol).

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer that the user Kerberos password set on the Kerbeors server has expired,
1. Advise the customer to confirm with the network administrator the network (SSL Commu- it is necessary to ask the server administrator to extend the expiration date of it.
nication) connection status, SSL settings status.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-724, 018-725 2-178 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-726 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 70 RAP 018-727 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 71 RAP
018-726 Duplicate IDs were detected at ICCG external authentication (LDAP protocol). 018-727 The certificate in the user SmartCard is incorrect (rejected by the Kerbeors server).

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check if a higher CA certificate in the user SmartCard is registered with Advise the customer to check if the certificate in the user SmartCard is valid. If it has become
the machine. If not, register it with the machine. invalid or expired, renew it, or if the Kerberos server prohibits the use of the certificate, it is nec-
essary to ask the server administrator to authorise the server permit it.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-179 018-726, 018-727
018-728 Kerberos Attestation Protocol Error 72 RAP 018-729, 730, 738, 739, 743, 744, 745, 746 GCP Network Fail
018-728 The Kerbeors server KDC certificate is incorrect (the root CA certificate is not regis- RAP
tered with the machine; the KDC certificate has expired; or the KDC certificate address is dif-
018-729 GCP connection timeout error.
ferent from that written on the certificate.)
018-730 GCP other network error.
Advise the customer to: 018-738 Network-related error has occurred during communication through XMPP protocol
1. Check if the root CA certificate of KDC certificate is registered with the machine. If not, with Google server.
register the root CA certificate.
018-739 Network-related internal error has occurred during communication through XMPP pro-
2. If the KDC certificate has expired, renew the Kerbeors server KDC certificate
tocol with Google server.
3. Check that the Kerberos server address set on the machine is the same as that written on
the Kerbeors server KDC certificate. If they are different, change the Kerbeors server 018-743 A network related (proxy connection) error has occurred when communicating with
address set on the machine, or check the Kerbeors server KDC certificate. In this case,
Google server via HTTP.
there is a possibility of a wrong setting or Kerbeors server impersonation.
018-744 A network related (DNS name resolution) error has occurred when communicating
with Google server via HTTP.

018-745 A network related (proxy connection) error has occurred when communicating with
Google server via XMPP protocol.

018-746 A network related (DNS name resolution) error has occurred when communicating
with Google server via XMPP protocol.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to check the network connection status, settings status as the net-
work might be congested.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-728, 018-729, 730, 738, 739, 743, 744, 745, 746 2-180 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-731 GCP HDD Limit Fail RAP 018-732 to 018-736 LDAP Protocol Errors 32 to 36 RAP
018-731 Job is aborted because there is not enough capacity in the HDD. 018-732 LDAP protocol error 32 at address book operation (applicable object does not exist).

Procedure 018-733 LDAP protocol error 33 at address book operation (wrong alias).
Perform the steps that follow:
018-734 LDAP protocol error 34 at address book operation (wrong DN format, wrong pass-
1. Advise the customer to check the HDD available capacity, and free up space. Print again
after executing all print jobs which are being spooled.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 018-735 LDAP protocol error 35 at address book operation (object is terminated).

018-736 LDAP protocol error 36 at address book operation (cannot refer to alias).

Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-181 018-731, 018-732 to 018-736
018-737, 018-741 GCP Other Fail RAP 018-748, 018-750 to 018-754 LDAP Protocol Errors 48, 50 to
018-737 Other internal error has occurred during GCP module processing. 36 RAP
018-748 LDAP protocol error 48 at address book operation (authentication denied).
018-741 Other internal error has occurred during GCP module (XMPP library) processing.
018-750 LDAP protocol error 49 at address book operation (the specified authentication certifi-
Procedure cate is invalid, login name is invalid).
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to check the settings. 018-751 LDAP protocol error 51 at address book operation (busy).
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
018-752 LDAP protocol error 52 at address book operation (cannot be processed).

018-753 LDAP protocol error 53 at address book operation (execution denied).

018-754 LDAP protocol error 54 at address book operation (loop detected).

Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-737, 018-741, 018-748, 018-750 to 018-754 2-182 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-749 LDAP Protocol Error 49 RAP 018-764 to 018-769, 771 LDAP Protocol Errors 64 to 69 and
018-749 There is a LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) error (Designated authenti- 71 RAP
cation certificate is invalid/Login name is invalid).
018-764 LDAP protocol error 64 at address book operation (naming violation).

Procedure 018-765 LDAP protocol error 65 at address book operation (object class specification error).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates 018-766 LDAP protocol error 66 at address book operation (entries other than termination can-
valid network settings. not be executed).
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a 018-767 LDAP protocol error 67 at Address Book operation (cannot be executed at RDN).
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
018-768 LDAP protocol error 68 at address book operation (the specified entry already exists).
There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Ask the customer to re-verify user name and password to be used for authentication to cancel 018-769 LDAP protocol error 69 at address book operation (object class cannot be changed).
incorrect search login name. Check with the network administrator to verify authentication set-
ting of server side when the status is not improved. 018-771 LDAP protocol error 71 at address book operation (influence on multiple DSA).
Verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote
LDAP server. Procedure
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-183 018-749, 018-764 to 018-769, 771
018-770 LDAP Protocol Error 70 RAP 018-780 to 018-784 LDAP Protocol Errors 80 and 82 to 84
018-770 LDAP protocol error 70 at Address Book operation (search target is too large). RAP
018-780 LDAP protocol error 80 at address book operation (an unknown error has occurred).
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup 018-782 LDAP protocol error 82 at address book operation (program error or SASL authentica-
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates tion error).
valid network settings.
Y N 018-783 LDAP protocol error 83 at address book operation (outgoing message encoding
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a error).
problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.
018-784 LDAP protocol error 84 at address book operation (incoming message decoding
Ask the customer to retry search with narrower search target by changing search condition/ error).
search start position in Address Book internal data. If the check is OK, there may be a problem
with the remote LDAP server. Procedure
Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-770, 018-780 to 018-784 2-184 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
018-781 LDAP Protocol Error 81 RAP 018-785 LDAP Protocol Error 85 RAP
018-781 LDAP protocol error 81 at address book operation (cannot connect to server). 018-785 LDAP protocol error 85 at address book operation (search timeout).

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
1. Check if the network cable is connected. settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
2. If it is connected, check the start up state of the target request server.
3. Check whether the shared name that is set at the main unit is only specified by a period.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
4. Check that the server name is correct. problem with the network. Tell the customer that the network requires service.

Ask the customer to retry search with narrower search target by changing search condition/
search start position in Address Book internal data. Ask the customer to verify the machine
LDAP setups. If the check is OK, there may be a problem with the remote LDAP server.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-185 018-781, 018-785
018-786 to 018-797 LDAP Protocol Errors 86 to 97 RAP
018-786 LDAP protocol error 86 at address book operation (an unknown authentication
method has been specified).

018-787 LDAP protocol error 87 at address book operation (mistake in definition of search fil-

018-788 LDAP protocol error 88 at address book operation (instruction canceled).

018-789 LDAP protocol error 89 at address book operation (an incorrect parameter was

018-790 LDAP protocol error 90 at address book operation (insufficient memory).

018-791 LDAP protocol error 91 at address book operation (server connection prohibited).

018-792 LDAP protocol error 92 at address book operation (unsupported function).

018-793 LDAP protocol error 93 at address book operation (result is not returned).

018-794 LDAP protocol error 94 at address book operation (result no longer exist).

018-795 LDAP protocol error 95 at address book operation (result still exist).

018-796 LDAP protocol error 96 at address book operation (client loop detected).

018-797 LDAP protocol error 97 at address book operation (maximum hop number for refer-
ence is exceeded).

Verify that print jobs are printing or print a configuration report and verify that network setup
settings are indicated. The printer is operational or the configuration report indicates
valid network settings.
Check for damage with the network connection. If there is no damage then there is a
problem with the network. Inform the customer that the network requires service.

There is a problem with the LDAP setups on the machine or with the remote LDAP server.
Advise the customer to verify the machine LDAP setups. If the check is good, there may be a
problem with the remote LDAP server.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

018-786 2-186 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-210, 211, 212 USB IC Card Reader Error RAP 021-213 Controller Price Table Error RAP
021-210 USB IC card reader connection status error. 021-213 An error in setting up EPA controller unit price table.

021-211 The USB IC card reader is broken. Procedure

021-212 USB IC card reader activation failure.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Procedure not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. Advise the customer to save the unit price table to a file. Then set a value between 1 and
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 9999999 at the location(s) where a value out of the range is set. Then save the file con-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
taining the corrected unit price table.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. To not use the new type of subtraction system (M/C Unit-Price Table system), enter
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. dC131. Set the value of NVM 850-027 to 0.
2. Check the wiring between the card reader and the machine. 3. To use the new type of subtraction system, enter dC131. Set every available unit price
3. Enter dC131. Ensure NVM value 700-885 is set correctly: (NVM values 855-xxx) to a value between 1 and 9999999. Switch off, then switch on the
• Internal IC card reader: 0 machine, GP 10.
• IC card reader (HID support): 1 NOTE: Obtain consent from the customer as to the values to set the prices to.
4. If the fault persists, advise the customer that the card reader is faulty.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-187 021-210, 211, 212, 021-213
021-214 USB IC Card Reader Encryption Setting RAP 021-215 Invalid Accessory Type Setting RAP
021-214 Failure in the USB IC card reader encryption settings. 021-215 Invalid accessory type setting.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Enter dC131. Set NVM value 850-007 to the appropriate one for the connected acces-
2. Advise the customer that the encryption settings of the connected USB IC card reader are sory. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
wrong. Connect an USB IC card reader that has never been used before, or one that has 2. Or replace the connected accessory with the appropriate one for the setting. Switch off,
had its encryption settings initialized as factory default settings to the machine. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

021-214, 021-215 2-188 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-360 EP Accessory Fail RAP 021-361 EP Accessory Type Configuration Error RAP
021-360 An error occurred in the connection to the EP accessory. The accessory that should 021-361 EP accessory type setting error.
be installed is not found.
Procedure WARNING
Perform the 016-357 Controller EP Communication Fail RAP. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter dC131. Ensure NVM value 850-007 is set correctly.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016-357 Controller EP Communication Fail RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-189 021-360, 021-361
021-401 USB IC Card Reader Connection Error RAP 021-501 Invalid URL Detected RAP
021-401 USB IC card reader connection status is incorrect. 021-501 The server URL is grammatically incorrect.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 2. Advise the customer to check the URL of the EP server.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Advise the customer to disconnect the USB IC card reader that caused this error to occur
from the USB connector.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

021-401, 021-501 2-190 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-502, 503, 504 Couldn’t Resolve Proxy Name RAP 021-505, 021-506 SSL Error RAP
021-502 Proxy server address resolution error. 021-505 An error has occurred during SSL/TLS handshake.

021-503 Server address resolution error. 021-506 The SSL certificate of the server is invalid.

021-504 Server connection error. Procedure

Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Advise the customer to:
1. Check the connection of the LAN cable.
2. Check the DNS server address settings.
3. Check the default gateway settings.
4. Check the subnet mask settings.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-191 021-502, 503, 504, 021-505, 021-506
021-507 Unauthorized Proxy Access RAP 021-508, 520, 521 Host/Proxy Connection Timed Out RAP
021-507 Authentication of the proxy server has failed. 021-508 Communication timeout has occurred.

Procedure 021-520 CA communication error.

Advise the customer to:
021-521 CA communication timeout.
1. Check the EP proxy server authentication user.
2. Check the EP proxy server authentication password. Procedure
3. If the problem persists after checking the settings, there may be a network failure or the
Advise the customer to:
proxy server settings may have changed/failed.
1. Check the connection of the LAN cable.
2. Check the default gateway settings.
3. Check the subnet mask settings.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

021-507, 021-508, 520, 521 2-192 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-509, 515, 516, 522 Invalid Message Detected RAP 021-510, 021-511 SOAP Fault RAP
021-509 The server detected an invalid message. 021-510 Recall status mismatch (EP system).

021-515 Invalid product code. 021-511 Installation status mismatch (EP system)

021-516 Invalid serial number. Procedure

For information only. No service action required.
021-522 Certificate library error.

Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-193 021-509, 515, 516, 522, 021-510, 021-511
021-512, 513, 514, 517, 518, 519 Installation Conflict RAP 021-523 Internal Error RAP
021-512 EP-SV installation conflict (EP system). 021-523 Software failure where processing can still continue was detected.

021-513 EP-DX installation conflict (EP system). Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
021-514 TRESS installation conflict (EP system).
1. If the SOAP port has stopped, advise the customer to restart it.
021-517 Communication failure (EP center) 2. If the fault persists, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

021-518 An internal error has occurred in the server.

021-519 High load status detected (EP center).

Advise the customer to check with the EP Center for the EP contract status, registration status
and system operation status.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

021-512, 513, 514, 517, 518, 519, 021-523 2-194 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-524 to 012-527 Communications Error RAP 021-528, 021-529 Communication Settings RAP
021-524 Installation status mismatch. 021-528 Communication setting error.

021-525 Recall status mismatch. 021-529 The latest version is detected (software update).

021-526 Communication library error. Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
021-527 Invalid communication message (edge server).
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, advise the customer to check with the EP Center for the EP contract
status, registration status and system operation status.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-195 021-524 to 012-527, 021-528, 021-529
021-530, 012-531 Update Server Error RAP 021-532 to 021-535 Unsupported ROM Set RAP
021-530 An error internal to the server (software update). 021-532 An unsupported set of ROM versions is detected.

021-531 A large load on the server is detected (software update). 021-533 The user cannot do an update.

Procedure 021-534 An unsupported submodule is detected.

Advise the customer to:
021-535 An unsupported accessory is detected.
1. Wait a while, then perform the same operation again.
2. If the fault persists, advise the customer to check with the EP Center for the EP contract Procedure
status, registration status and system operation status.
Reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

021-530, 012-531, 021-532 to 021-535 2-196 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-700 Accessory Failure RAP 021-701 Accessory Preparing RAP
021-700 EP accessory - service canceled by USB accessory failure or disconnect. 021-701 EP accessory - service canceled by USB accessory preparing.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the fault history, dC122 for fault 021-210, 021-211 or 021-212. If any of the faults is 1. Advise the customer to wait for a minimum of 3 minutes for the USB accessory to start,
listed, perform the relevant RAP. then re-run the job
2. If none of the faults are listed, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-197 021-700, 021-701
021-732, 943, 945 EP Accessory Error RAP 021-733, 944, 946 EP Accessory Color Error RAP
021-732 EP accessory - service canceled by disable. 021-733 EP accessory service canceled by color mode restriction.

021-943 EP accessory - print service paused by disable. 021-944 EP accessory - print service paused by color mode restriction.

021-945 EP accessory - service paused by disable. 021-946 EP accessory - service paused by color mode restriction.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to insert a Xerox card, copy card or cash into the accessory, and 1. Advise the customer to operate the color restriction key SW to allow color. Or, replace the
ensure that there are sufficient fees or card value. card with another card that does not reach its upper limit in color mode.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

021-732, 943, 945, 021-733, 944, 946 2-198 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
021-948, 949 Subtractive Accessory Disable (Scan) RAP
021-948 The remaining rate subtractive accessory has is insufficient (print service paused by
subtractive accessory disable).

021-949 The remaining rate subtractive accessory has is insufficient (service paused by sub-
tractive accessory disable).

Advise the customer that in the case of dispenser, to insert a card that has a remaining rate
enough to continue the job. In the case of coin kit, to add a necessary amount of money to con-
tinue the job.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-199 021-948, 949
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
021-948, 949 2-200 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
023-500 UI ROM Download Fail RAP 023-600, 023-601 UI Key Error RAP
023-500 Panel ROM data write processing error detection. 023-600 A hard key on the panel has been found to be held down for one or more consecutive
023-601 The touch panel has been found to be held down for one or more consecutive min-
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
For information only, no service action necessary.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. If the fault persists, install a new UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-201 023-500, 023-600, 023-601
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
023-500, 023-600, 023-601 2-202 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-322, 323 SEEPROM Refurbish Fail RAP 024-324 IOT NVM Backup Restore Fail 6 RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

024-322 A backup data read error was detected. 024-324 IOT NVM backup restore fail 6.

024-323 When restore was requested, it was detected that the backup data did not exist. Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-203 024-322, 323, 024-324
024-340 to 024-360 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 1 RAP 024-360 Initialization error between IOT and ESS.
BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)
024-340 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (invalid parameter was used). WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
024-341 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (sequence number error). not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
024-342 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (packet number error).
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
024-343 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (message length error).
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
024-345 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (check code error). PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
024-346 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (parity error detected by the 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
IOT. 4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
024-347 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (framing error detected by the
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
024-348 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (overrun error detected by the

024-349 Motor drive PWB sending error detected by controller (receive abort detected by the
IOT after the header had been recognized).

024-350 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (sequence number of the
received message packet is incorrect).

024-351 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (packet number error).

024-352 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (message length error).

024-353 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (check code error).

024-354 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (parity error detected by the

024-355 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (framing error detected by the

024-356 Motor drive PWB receiving overrun error detected by controller (overrun error
detected by the UART).

024-357 Motor drive PWB receiving error detected by controller (receiving abort detected after
the header had been recognized).

024-358 Print sequence error detected by controller (paper feed and paper output that are not
applicable to the number detected.)

024-359 Motor drive PWB transmission receiving error detected by controller (invalid parame-
ter used).

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-340 to 024-360 2-204 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-361 Invalid IOT Paper Size RAP 024-362, 363 Page Sync Illegal Start or Stop RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

024-361 Invalid IOT paper size group information. 024-362 Page-sync occurred before video output preparation completes.

Procedure 024-363 Page-sync completion error during video output.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod- 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
ules on both PWBs are securely connected. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
3. Initialize the user NVM, refer to dC301 NVM Initialization. PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
4. Reload the software, GP 4. ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• controller PWB assembly,PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-205 024-361, 024-362, 363
024-364 DMA Transfer Fail RAP 024-365 Overflow on Loop Back Write RAP
024-364 DMA transfer error. Reduction/enlargement was not completed even though the spec- 024-365 Loop back write overflow.
ified data was entered.
Procedure This fault is currently not displayed. No service action necessary.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the connectors on the hard disk are securely connected.
3. Remove, then re-install the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8. If necessary, install a new SD card.
4. Format the hard disk drive, refer to dC355 Image Disk Diagnostics.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-364, 024-365 2-206 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-366 JBIG Library Other Fail RAP 024-367 Decompress Other Fail RAP
024-366 Other errors in JBIG Lib. BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)

Procedure 024-367 Incorrect line synchronization was detected.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Perform the steps that follow: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the connectors on the hard disk are securely connected.
3. Format the hard disk drive, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-207 024-366, 024-367
024-368 PCI Error RAP 024-370 Marker Code Detection Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

024-368 PCI access error occurred due to a faulty PCI bus. 024-370 Marker code detection error. During enlarge, when the file was enlarged only by the
specified size, the end code (FF02) cannot be found in the compressed data.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Ensure the connectors on the hard disk are securely connected. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Format the hard disk drive, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. 2. Change the Print mode (Normal/High Quality/High Resolution). Inform the customer of
any print mode setting changes.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Remove, then re-install the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8. If necessary, install a new SD card.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
4. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
7. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-368, 024-370 2-208 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-371, 372, 373, 375 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 2 RAP 024-376 IOT-ESS Communication Fail 3 RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

024-371 Communication between the ESS and IOT has not been established. 024-376 Motor drive PWB image signal truncation detected by the controller.

024-372 Sending error detected by the controller (incorrect parameter instruction). Procedure
024-373 DLL communication failure recovery error detected by the controller.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
024-375 DLL receiving error detected by the controller (incorrect parameter instruction). not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
WARNING 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
3. Check the FFC ribbon cable between the controller PWB assembly and the LPH assem-
Perform the steps that follow:
bly, PL 60.05 Item 1, PL 60.05 Item 2, PL 60.05 Item 3, and PL 60.05 Item 4.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected. 6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
3. Reload the software, GP 4. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP. • Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Motor drive PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-209 024-371, 372, 373, 375, 024-376
024-600 to 024-614 Counter Repair RAP 024-615 IOT Unsupported Drum Shut Off RAP
024-600 The billing master counter is automatically repaired. 024-615 IOT unsupported drum shut off.

024-601 The billing backup counter 1 is automatically repaired. Procedure

For information only, no service action necessary.
024-602 The billing backup counter 2 is automatically repaired.

024-603 The SW key master counter is automatically repaired.

024-604 The SW key backup counter 1 is automatically repaired.

024-605 The SW key backup counter 2 is automatically repaired.

024-606 Billing meter type is automatically repaired (ESS SEEP repaired).

024-607 Billing meter type is automatically repaired (ESS NVM repaired).

024-608 Billing meter type is automatically repaired (IOT NVM repaired).

024-609 Billing count type is automatically repaired (ESS SEEP repaired).

024-610 Billing count type is automatically repaired (ESS NVM repaired).

024-611 Billing count type is automatically repaired (IOT NVM repaired).

024-612 Modal break point is automatically repaired (ESS SEEP repaired).

024-613 Modal break point is automatically repaired (ESS NVM repaired).

024-614 Modal break point is automatically repaired (IOT NVM repaired).

For information only, no service action necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-600 to 024-614, 024-615 2-210 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621 Serial/Product Number 024-700 Memory Shortage or No Hard Disk RAP
Restore RAP BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)
024-616 Serial number master was restored automatically.
024-700 A job that could not be printed due to insufficient system memory or hard disk not
installed was received.
024-617 Serial number backup 1 was restored automatically.

024-618 Serial number backup 2 was restored automatically. Procedure

024-619 Product number master was restored automatically. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
024-620 Product number backup 1 was restored automatically.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

024-621 Product number backup 2 was restored automatically. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Remove, then re-install the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8. If necessary, install a new SD card.
Procedure 2. Ensure that the connectors from the hard disk drive, PL 3.10 Item 2 to the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected.
For information only, no service action necessary.
3. If the fault persists, install a new hard disk drive, PL 3.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-211 024-616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 024-700
024-701 Invalid Instruction of Face Inversion RAP 024-702 Paper Jam RAP
024-701 Job cancellation due to invalid invert instruction. 024-702 Job cancellation due to paper jam.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to use paper that is in specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Clear the paper jam.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-701, 024-702 2-212 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-703, 742, 775 Booklet Sheets Count Over RAP 024-707 Duplex Inversion Prohibited (Duplex) RAP
024-703 Number of booklet sheets exceeded fail has occurred during printing. 024-707 A duplex print instruction was received for duplex/invert prohibited paper.

024-742 The number of sheets per set exceeds a specific allowable number for a booklet. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
024-775 A job that exceeds booklet paper quantity is cancelled.
1. Advise the customer to use paper that is in specification or to print simplex. Refer to GP
15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to use paper of a lighter weight so as not to exceed the maximum
output limit or use less pages.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-213 024-703, 742, 775, 024-707
024-708 Duplex Inversion Prohibited (Face Down) RAP 024-746, 747 Print Request Failure RAP
024-708 A face down output instruction was received for duplex/invert prohibited paper. 024-746 There are parameters that are incompatible with the specified paper type.

Procedure 024-747 The specified combination of parameters (stored file size, paper size, paper tray,
duplex command, output tray) cannot be executed or continued.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to use paper that is in specification or to print face up. Refer to GP 15
Paper and Media Size Specifications.
Advise the customer to use the correct print parameters.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-708, 024-746, 747 2-214 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-748 Bates Numbering Digit Exceeded RAP 024-910, 945, 959 Tray 1 Fault RAP
024-748 The number of bates numbering digits is exceeded. 024-910 Check Tray Settings for Tray 1.

Procedure 024-945 Check Tray 1.

Perform the steps that follow:
024-959 Check Tray Settings for Tray 1.
1. Advise the customer to reduce the number of documents to less than the user-specified
number or reduce the number of numbering digits.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the 071-212 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-215 024-748, 024-910, 945, 959
024-911, 947, 960 Tray 2 Size Mismatch RAP 024-912, 948, 961 Tray 3 Size Mismatch RAP
024-911 Check Tray Settings for Tray 2. 024-912 Check Tray Settings for Tray 3.

024-947 Check Tray 2. 024-948 Check Tray 3.

024-960 Check Tray Settings for Tray 2. 024-961 Check Tray Settings for Tray 3.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the 072-212 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP. Perform the 073-212 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-911, 947, 960, 024-912, 948, 961 2-216 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-913, 949, 962 Tray 4 Size Mismatch RAP 024-916, 980, 981 Full Stack RAP
024-913 Check Tray Settings for Tray 4. 024-916 One of the conditions that follow was met during mix full position detection:
• When the paper size of the next job (either in feed direction or width direction) is larger
024-949 Check Tray 4. than the uppermost paper size loaded for the previous job.
• When changed to staple mode, the uppermost paper size loaded for the previous job is
024-962 Check Tray Settings for Tray 4.
less than 279.4mm (11 inches).
• When uppermost paper size loaded for the previous job is ‘unknown’
024-980 Finisher stacker tray full stack.
Perform the 074-212 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP.
024-981 Finisher top tray paper full.

Perform the 012-211B Stacker Tray Fail Entry RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-217 024-913, 949, 962, 024-916, 980, 981
024-917 Stacker Tray Staple Set Over Count 024-920 Face Down Tray 1 Full RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control 024-920 The paper output to the face down tray 1 is full.

024-136 The staple set count exceeded 50 sets on the stacker tray during the staple set eject BSD-Reference: BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport
Initial Actions
Procedure Perform the checks that follow:
Perform the 012-212 Stacker Tray Upper Limit Failure RAP. • Check the exit 1 bail arm assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1, is correctly installed and un-broken.
• Check that the flag on the bail arm is correctly positioned in the exit 1 OCT full stack sen-
sor, PL 10.10 Item 14.
• Check that the exit 1 OCT full stack sensor, PL 10.10 Item 14 is correctly mounted
If necessary, install new parts.

Enter dC330 code 077-124, exit 1 OCT full stack sensor. Actuate the sensor. The display
Refer to the items that follow:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport.
If necessary install new parts:
• Exit 1 OCT full stack sensor, PL 10.10 Item 14.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-917, 024-920 2-218 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-922 Face Down Tray 2 Full RAP 024-923, 924, 925 Y/M/C Toner Cartridge Empty RAP
024-922 The paper output to the face down tray 2 is full. 024-923 The yellow toner cartridge is empty.

BSD-Reference: BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2) 024-924 The magenta toner cartridge is empty.

Initial Actions 024-925 The cyan toner cartridge is empty.

Perform the checks that follow:
• Check the exit 1 bail arm assembly, PL 10.25 Item 21, is correctly installed and un-broken.
• Check that the flag on the bail arm is correctly positioned in the exit 2 sensor, PL 10.25 Install new components as necessary:
Item 15. • Yellow toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 10.
• Check that the exit 1 OCT full stack sensor, PL 10.10 Item 14 is correctly mounted • Magenta toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 11.
If necessary, install new parts. • Cyan toner cartridge, PL 90.05 Item 12.

Enter dC330 code 077-124, exit 2 sensor. Actuate the sensor. The display changes.
Refer to the items that follow:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport.
If necessary install new parts:
• Exit 1 OCT full stack sensor, PL 10.25 Item 15.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-219 024-922, 024-923, 924, 925
024-926, 963, 990 Puncher Waste Bin Not Set RAP 024-928 Scratch Sheet Compile Entry RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 13.6 Office Finisher LX Punch 024-928 Abnormal paper (scratch sheet), which is notified from the IOT via the sheet integrity
command, was output to the finisher.
024-926 The puncher waste bin is not installed correctly or there is a failure in the punch box
set sensor or related circuitry. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
024-963 The amount of waste has become equal to or over the number that makes the punch not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
dust box full.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure that the eject cover assembly, PL 13.25 Item 1 is closed.
024-990 Punch dust full.

Initial Actions Procedure

Check the specification of the paper, refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
WARNING The paper is within specification.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Y N
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Load new paper that is in specification.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Empty the punch box, PL 13.06 Item 11. Check the condition of the paper. The paper is in good condition.
• Check for any debris or obstructions in the path of the punch waste bin or the punch box Y N
set sensor. Load new paper that is in specification.

Check all connectors on the finisher PWB. The connectors are connected correctly.
Procedure Y N
Enter dC330, code 012-275, punch box set sensor. Remove, then reinstall the punch waste Connect the connectors.
bin. The display changes.
Y N Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Open, then close the eject cover. If the fault per-
Check the punch box set sensor, refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. Install new com- sists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
ponents as necessary:
• Punch box set sensor, PL 13.09 Item 5.
• Finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Reload the software, GP 4. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-926, 963, 990, 024-928 2-220 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-933, 940, 941 Drum Cartridge End of Life RAP 024-934 Paper Type Mismatch RAP
024-933 The yellow drum cartridge has reached end of life. 024-934 The fed paper is different from that specified in the controller (plain paper and heavy-
weight cannot be recognized).
024-940 The magenta drum cartridge has reached end of life.
024-941 The cyan drum cartridge has reached end of life.
Procedure Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Install new components as necessary: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Yellow drum assembly, PL 90.15 Item 5. Perform the steps that follow:
• Magenta drum assembly, PL 90.15 Item 4. 1. Load the specified media.
• Cyan drum assembly, PL 90.15 Item 3. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-221 024-933, 940, 941, 024-934
024-943, 978, 984, 989 Booklet Staple RAP 024-946 Tray 1 Missing RAP
024-943 Both front and rear booklet staples are running low, or a staple cartridge was BSD-ON:BSD 70.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
024-946 Check tray 1.
024-978 Ready signal remains not ready when the specified time has passed since booklet
staple operation has begun. Procedure
024-984 Booklet low front staple.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
024-989 Booklet low rear staple. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the 012-268 Booklet Rear Stapler Fail RAP. 1. Check tray 1 is fully seated in the IOT tray slot.
2. Remove tray 1, then check underneath the tray for obstruction, damage to the link mecha-
nism, or damage to the tray 1 size sensor.
3. Check the actuator at the rear of tray 1. If necessary, install a known to be good or new
tray assembly, PL 70.10 Item 1 to eliminate tray 1 is the cause of the fault.
4. Install tray 1, then enter dC140 Analog Monitor, code 071-200. Check the tray 1 size sen-
sor, PL 70.05 Item 6 for proper operation.
5. Check the wiring between the tray 1 size sensor and P/J417 on the motor drive PWB.
6. Reload the software, GP 4.
7. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 size sensor, PL 70.05 Item 3.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-943, 978, 984, 989, 024-946 2-222 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-950 Tray 1 Is Out Of Paper RAP 024-951 Tray 2 Is Out Of Paper RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking BSD-ON:BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking

024-950 Tray 1 is out of paper. 024-951 Tray 2 is out of paper.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Procedure Procedure
Enter dC330, code 071-101, tray 1 no paper sensor. Manually actuate the tray 1 no paper sen- Enter dC330, code 072-101, tray 2 no paper sensor. Manually actuate the tray 2 no paper sen-
sor, PL 80.10 Item 6. The display changes. sor, PL 80.15 Item 7. The display changes.
Check the tray 1 no paper sensor. Refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. Check the tray 2 no paper sensor. Refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.

Perform the 071-210 Tray 1 Lift Fail RAP. Check the tray 1 feed/lift motor. If the fault persists, Perform the 072-210 Tray 2 Lift Fail RAP. Check the tray 2 feed/lift motor. If the fault persists,
install new components as necessary: install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 no paper sensor, PL 80.10 Item 1. • Tray 2 no paper sensor PL 80.15 Item 7.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-223 024-950, 024-951
024-952 Tray 3 Out Of Paper RAP 024-953 Tray 4 Out Of Paper RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM) BSD-ON:BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)

024-952 Tray 3 is out of paper. BSD-ON:BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)

Initial Actions 024-953 Tray 4 is out of paper.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Enter dC330, code 073-101, tray 3 no paper sensor. Manually actuate the tray 3 no paper sen-
sor, PL 80.35 Item 5 2TM or PL 80.50 Item 6 TTM. The display changes. Procedure
Y N Enter dC330, code 074-101, tray 4 no paper sensor. Manually actuate the tray 4 no paper sen-
Check the tray 3 no paper sensor. Refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. sor, PL 80.35 Item 5 2TM or PL 80.50 Item 6 TTM. The display changes.
Perform the 073-210 Tray 3 Lift Fail RAP. Check the tray 3 feed/lift motor. If the fault persists, Check the tray 4 no paper sensor. Refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 no paper sensor, PL 80.35 Item 5 2TM or PL 80.50 Item 6 TTM. Perform the 074-210 Tray 4 Lift Fail RAP. Check the tray 4 feed/lift motor. If the fault persists,
install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 no paper sensor, PL 80.35 Item 5 2TM or PL 80.50 Item 6 TTM.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-952, 024-953 2-224 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-954 Bypass Tray Is Out Of Paper RAP 024-955 Tray 6 Is Out Of Paper RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking BSD-ON:BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking

024-954 The bypass tray is out of paper. 024-955 Tray 6 is out of paper.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Procedure Procedure
Enter dC330, code 075-100, bypass tray no paper sensor. Manually actuate the bypass tray no Enter dC330, code 078-200, HCF no paper sensor. Manually actuate the HCF paper sensor,
paper sensor, PL 70.55 Item 5. The display changes. PL 70.95 Item 13. The display changes.
Check the bypass tray no paper sensor, refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. Check the HCF paper sensor. Refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.

Install new components as necessary: Perform the 078-250 HCF Lift Fault RAP. Check the HCF feed/lift motor. If the fault persists,
• Bypass tray no paper sensor, PL 70.55 Item 5. install new components as necessary:
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • HCF no paper sensor, PL 70.95 Item 13.
• HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-225 024-954, 024-955
024-958 Bypass Tray Paper Size Mismatch RAP 024-965, 966 ATS/APS RAP
BSD-ON: BSD70.7 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensing 024-965 The paper specified for printing is not loaded in the tray.

024-958 Bypass tray paper size mismatch. 024-966 The paper specified for printing cannot be detected.

Initial Actions Procedure

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Reload the relevant paper tray.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
Enter dC330, code 075-100, bypass tray paper size sensor. Manually actuate the bypass tray a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
paper size sensor, PL 70.55 Item 1. The display changes. b. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
Y N PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted
Check the bypass tray paper size sensor, refer to: modules on both PWBs are securely connected.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. c. Reload the software, GP 4.
• BSD70.7 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensing.

Install new components as necessary:
• Bypass tray paper size sensor, PL 70.55 Item 1.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Perform SCP 5 Final actions.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-958, 024-965, 966 2-226 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-967 Mixed Width Paper RAP 024-968 Stapler/Punch Concurrence RAP
024-967 Mixed width was detected with settings only available for stapling the same paper BSD-ON:BSD 13.6 Office Finisher LX Punch
024-968 Staple position and punch position are the same.
WARNING Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Cancel the stapling job. Refer the customer to the user documentation. • Check if the specified paper is loaded in the tray.
2. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow: • Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
b. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller Procedure
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted Cancel staple mode and punch mode. The fault persists.
modules on both PWBs are securely connected. Y N
c. Reload the software, GP 4. Correct the settings.

Check the connectors on the finisher PWB. The connectors are securely connected.
Connect the connectors securely.

Check the connection of the harness between the machine and the finisher. The harness is
securely connected.
Connect the harness securely.

Perform the steps that follow:

1. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-227 024-967, 024-968
024-969 Different Width Mix Punch RAP 024-976, 977, 979 Finisher Staple Error RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 13.6 Office Finisher LX Punch 024-976 After the staple motor started forward rotation, the staple home sensor did not turn on
within 450ms, and after the staple motor started reverse rotation, the stapler head home sen-
024-969 Mixed punch paper of different widths was detected while printing in punch mode. sor turned on within 200ms.

Initial Actions 024-977 Stapler feed ready fail.

WARNING 024-977 Staple near empty or staple feed failure was detected.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check if the specified paper is loaded in the tray.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Cancel punch mode. The fault persists.
1. Install a new staple cartridge as necessary, PL 13.20 Item 15.
Correct the settings. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 012-249 Booklet Front Stapler Fail RAP

Check the connectors on the finisher PWB. The connectors are securely connected.
Connect the connectors securely.

Check the connection of the harness between the machine and the finisher. The harness is
securely connected.
Connect the harness securely.

Perform the steps that follow:

1. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, install a new finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-969, 024-976, 977, 979 2-228 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
024-982 Stacker Tray Lower Safety RAP 024-983 Booklet Tray Full RAP
024-982 Finisher stacker tray lower safety. 024-983 The paper output to the booklet tray is full.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the 012-213 Stacker Tray Lower Limit Failure RAP. Advise the customer to remove the finished booklets from the booklet tray.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-229 024-982, 024-983
024-985 Bypass Tray Obstructed RAP 024-986 Confirmation of Printing All
024-985 Bypass tray stopped due to an obstruction. 024-986 Confirmation of Printing All

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to ensure the correct paper size or type is loaded in the bypass tray in the For information only, no service action necessary.
correct orientation. Resubmit the job.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

024-985, 024-986 2-230 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
025-596, 025-597 HDD Diagnostics RAP
025-596 An NG occurred when HDD fail forecast of diagnostics was executed.

025-597 An error occurred when HDD initialization of diagnostics was executed.

Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-231 025-596, 025-597
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
025-596, 025-597 2-232 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
026-400 USB Host Connection Number Exceeded RAP 026-402 Changed IOT Speed RAP
026-400 The number of machines that are connected to the USB Host Port of this machine has 026-402 The IOT has started the print at a low speed.
exceeded the maximum permissible number of connections.
Procedure For information only, no service action necessary.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Advise the customer to disconnect some of the machines that are connected to this USB
host port and ensure that the number of connected machines are below the maximum
permissible number of connections.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-233 026-400, 026-402
026-403 Stop printing and wait for toner cooling RAP 026-700 LDAP Protocol Error RAP
026-403 When IOT sends notification that cooling related to the toner is required when the IOT 026-700 It was detected that the error response returned from the server does not exist in the
internal temperature is high. LDAP protocol definitions.

Procedure Procedure
Inform the customer to give the machine time to cool down before proceeding. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer that this fault is caused when the server uses an undefined LDAP
protocol that is not supported by the machine. Correct any mistakes in server settings or
client operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

026-403, 026-700 2-234 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
026-701 Address Book Request Overflow RAP 026-702 Address Book Directory Service Overflow RAP
026-701 The software in the machine was subjected to a large amount of simultaneous 026-702 The JRM directory service, which is an internal software of the machine, has simulta-
address queries from multiple machine panel and Web UI input machines. The processing neously received two or more requests for the same operation.
capacity of the JRM directory service has been exceeded.
Procedure Reload the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer that when performing simultaneous queries on the address book in
the machine from multiple machine panel and Web UI input machines, lower the query
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-235 026-701, 026-702
026-703 Abort With Logout RAP 026-704 DocuWorks Error RAP
026-703 At installation of additional document, authentication is already cancelled. 026-704 In process of operating DocuWorks decomposer, there has occurred; a syntax error,
use of an undefined command, a parameter error, damage to DocuWorks file, or an internal
Procedure error of DocuWorks decomposer.
Advise the customer to make it impossible for authentication to be cancelled at additional doc-
ument loading. Procedure
Advise the customer to print from DocuWorks viewer by use of printer driver (ART-EX, PCL,

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

026-703, 026-704 2-236 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
026-705 DocuWorks Short of Memory RAP 026-706, 026-707 DocuWorks Error RAP
026-705 In process of operating DocuWorks decomposer, lack of memory has been detected. 026-706 DocuWorks decomposer has processed a DocuWorks document printing of which is
026-707 In the processing of a security-protected DocuWorks file, either of the password set
Advise the customer to:
on the UI panel and the XPJL specified password (set in ContentsBridge utility) does not
1. Change print mode from High Resolution to Standard or from Standard to High Speed.
2. Print from DocuWorks viewer by use of printer driver (ART-EX, PCL, etc.).
Advise the customer to:
1. Enter the correct password.
2. Enter Full Access Password, etc. from DocuWorks viewer then disable printing prohibited.
Print using printer driver (ART-EX, PCL, etc.).

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-237 026-705, 026-706, 026-707
026-712 HTTP Out Job Overlap Error RAP 026-718 PS Print Instruction Fail RAP
026-712 The high compression/OCR processing module has detected that a job that specifies 026-718 An erroneous combination of print parameters selected (finishing, paper size, paper
high compression/OCR processing and is to be taken out using HTTP has started while tray, Duplex instructions, output tray) prevents the machine from running the job.
another job to be sent via the network is undergoing high compression/OCR processing.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
For information only, no service action necessary. Advise the customer that as a job specifying 1. Advise the customer to correctly set finishing, paper size, paper tray, duplex instructions,
high compression/OCR processing is in progress, wait until the job is complete before running and output tray options, then re-run the job.
another job. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

026-712, 026-718 2-238 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
026-724, 026-725 Remote Download File Error RAP 026-726 Inconsistent Options RAP
026-724 The size of the remote download file reported from the EP center is different from that 026-726 The machine configuration info included in XPJL does not match the actual configura-
of the actual downloaded file. tion.

026-725 The checksum of the remote download file reported from the EP center does not Procedure
match that of the downloaded file.
Advise the customer to set up the machine configuration info on the printer driver screen so
that it can match the actual configuration.
Advise the customer that it is necessary to check the size of the file registered with the EP cen-
ter and the size stored in the SW repository.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-239 026-724, 026-725, 026-726
026-730 Tray Paper Size Not Detected RAP 026-731 to 026-733 PJL Fail RAP
026-730 The paper size of the paper tray selected is unknown. 026-731 The PIN number that is specified by PJL command is different from the number that is
calculated from the machine’s serial number.
026-732 The print count that is specified by PJL command has exceeded the machine’s total
Ensure the paper guides in the selected tray are set correctly.
impression meter value by +100.

026-733 The password that is specified by PJL command is different from the one that is set in
the machine.

Advise the customer to correct the PIN number, print count or password that is specified by
PJL Command, then try again.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

026-730, 026-731 to 026-733 2-240 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
026-734 PJL Diag Mode RAP
026-734 Unable to transition to the PJL Diag Mode.

Advise the customer to:
1. Ensure that the job has completed, then try again.
2. After completing a panel operation, wait at least 1 minute before starting the download

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-241 026-734
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
026-734 2-242 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-442, 443, 444 Duplicate IP Address 1 RAP 027-445 Illegal IP Address RAP
027-442 IPv6 - stateless auto setting IP address 1 is duplicated. 027-445 IPv6 - manually set IP address is invalid.

027-443 IPv6 - stateless auto setting IP address 2 is duplicated. Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
027-444 IPv6 - stateless auto setting IP address 3 is duplicated.
1. Advise the customer to change the IPv6 (Manual Setting Address) of this machine to the
IPv6 address that can be used as the self-machine address.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to either change the IPv6 Stateless Auto Setting Address 1, 2 or 3 of
this machine or the IPv6 address of the other machine on the network.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-243 027-442, 443, 444, 027-445
027-446 Duplicate IP Address 2 RAP 027-447 Duplicate IP Address 3 RAP
027-446 IPv6 - automatically set IP address is duplicated. 027-447 IPv6 - link local IP address is duplicated.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to change the IPv6 (Manual Setting Address) of this machine to the 1. Advise the customer to change the IPv6 Link Local Address of this machine or the IPv6
IPv6 address that can be used as the self-machine address. address of the other machine on the network.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP. 2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-446, 027-447 2-244 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-452 Duplicate IP Address 4 RAP 027-500 SMTP Server Fail for Mail IO RAP
027-452 A PC with the same IP address exists on the network. 027-500 SMTP server address resolution fail for mail IO.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to:
1. Advise the customer to change the duplicated IP address of the PC. 1. Check with the System Administrator that the mail server has been launched and the
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP. environment is already used for other purposes (such as for PC).
2. Check that a correct SMTP server address is reflected in the machine setting list:
a. When the SMTP server address is specified using IP address, set a correct IP
b. When the SMTP server address is specified using FQDN, check that the FQDN
name is correct. Also check that a correct DNS server address is set for the
machine, and set a correct IP address.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-245 027-452, 027-500
027-566 SMB Protocol Error 4-026 RAP 027-569 SMB (TCP/IP) Not Started RAP
027-566 SMB protocol error (4-026), the library has not been initialized. 027-569 SMB (TCP/IP) is not started

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check if the SMB client has been started. Advise the customer to check that SMB (TCP/IP) is enabled.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-566, 027-569 2-246 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-584 SMB Protocol Error 4-044 RAP 027-600 External Print Check Mode Error RAP
027-584 SMB protocol error (4-044), authentication server common security mode is operat- 027-600 External print check mode error.
Procedure Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Advise the customer to set the authentication server to Windows other than Win95/Win98/Me.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-247 027-584, 027-600
027-700 Mail Address Domain Error RAP 027-701 Disconnected Network Cable RAP
027-700 The domain of the destination mail address is designated as a prohibited domain. 027-701 In external authentication, the disconnected cable is detected.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check that the domain of the destination mail address is not designated Ensure the network cable is connected correctly.
as a prohibited domain.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-700, 027-701 2-248 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-702 to 027-709 Certificate for Addresses Error RAP 027-710 to 027-715 S/MIME Mail Error RAP
027-702 No certificate for the destination exists (before connection to the server). 027-710 The mail I/O received S/MIME mail even though S/MIME was disabled.

027-703 The certificate for the destination expired (before connection to the server). 027-711 SMIME mail certificate retrieval error.

027-704 The certificate for the destination is not reliable (before connection to the server). 027-712 Invalid S/MIME mail certificate error.

027-705 The certificate for the destination existed on a list of revoked certificates (before con- 027-713 Receive S/MIME mail tampered error.
nection to the server).
027-714 S/MIME mail sender impersonation error.
027-706 No machine certificate exists (before connection to the server).
027-715 S/MIME mail certificate not supported.
027-707 The machine certificate expired (before connection to the server).
027-708 The machine certificate is not reliable (before connection to the server).
Perform the steps that follow:

027-709 The certificate for the destination existed on a list of revoked certificates (before con- 1. Advise the customer to:
nection to the server). a. Enable S/MIME setting in the machine.
b. Register the sender certificate in the machine or change the mailer options so that
Procedure the S/MIME signature mails from the sender will be sent with the certificate.
Perform the steps that follow: c. Check that the signature bearer of the CA certificate is registered in the machine.
1. Advise the customer to: d. Check that the mail address written on the machine certificate is the same as that
set up on the machine.
a. Store the correct certificate for the destination in the machine. Check the items that
follow: 2. Advise the customer that the sender needs to send a mail that is signed with a valid certif-
i. That the term for which the certificate is valid. icate because the sender certificate has expired.
ii. The machines time is correct. 3. Advise the customer that the machine may be blocking the attacks.

b. Check the certification path for the destination certificate and import the necessary 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
CA certificate. 5. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.
c. Store in this machine a destination certificate that is not on the list of revoked certifi-
d. Check that the mail address written on the machine certificate is the same as that
set up on the machine.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-249 027-702 to 027-709, 027-710 to 027-715
027-716 Unsigned Mail Receipt Was Rejected RAP 027-717 No MX Record at DNS RAP
027-716 Prohibited unsigned mail was detected. All the S/MIME unsigned mails (including 027-717 An enquiry was sent to the DNS server for the MX record, but it cannot be obtained.
standard mails and S/MIME encrypted mails) are discarded.
Procedure Advise the customer to:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Check with the DNS server administrator on the existence of DNS/MX record.
1. Reload the software, GP 4. 2. Check that the DNS server settings of the machine are set correctly.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-716, 027-717 2-250 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-720, 027-721 Extension Server Error RAP 027-723 Extension Server Authentication Fail RAP
027-720 Server for application interface cannot be found during web service interface. 027-723 Application interface during web service interface - authentication failure.

027-721 Application interface destination during web service interface - not found. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Advise the customer to check the user name and password to be entered for creating a
Perform the steps that follow: job flow.
1. Advise the customer to check that the DNS server address is set correctly. Check that the 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
PC running the application interface is registered in DNS.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016A Network Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-251 027-720, 027-721, 027-723
027-724, 725, 726 Extension Server Access Fail RAP 027-727 Extension Server Parameters RAP
027-724 Application interface during web service interface - access failure. 027-727 Application interface during web service - invalid parameter.

027-725 Application interface during web service interface - job operation failure. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
027-726 Application interface during web service interface - unknown job status.
1. Advise the customer to check the parameters for creating a job flow.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Perform the steps that follow:

1. Advise the customer to check that the application interface is working correctly.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-724, 725, 726, 027-727 2-252 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-728 Extension Server File Exceeded RAP 027-735 machine SSL Configuration Error RAP
027-728 The number of files requested to be sent exceeded the maximum number of files that 027-735 When SSL transfer was instructed, the SSL setting of the machine is disabled.
can be sent during Web service interface (this occurs when a single-page document is being
stored). Procedure
Advise the customer to enable the SSL settings of the machine or specify HTTP as the transfer
Procedure protocol.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to set a job so that the maximum number of files that can be sent will
not be exceeded.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-253 027-728, 027-735
027-736 machine Certificate Error RAP 027-752 Required User Entry Not Entered RAP
027-736 When server certificate validation is instructed, the server certificate validation of the 027-752 With the required user entry not entered, the instruction to start the job was given.
machine is disabled.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Advise the customer to enable the server certificate validation settings of the machine or dis- 1. Advise the customer to:
able the server certificate validation setting during transfer.
a. Not link the box to the instruction that requires user entry.
b. Set preset values for the items in the instruction requiring user entry.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-736, 027-752 2-254 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-753 Job Flow Service Request Disabled RAP 027-754 Job Flow Service File Signature Mismatch RAP
027-753 Job is executed by instruction when the service is disabled. 027-754 File signature settings mismatch in instruction.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to enable the service. 1. Advise the customer to check the system data setting of the XDW/PDF signature and the
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. signature setting that is specified in the instruction. If the system data setting is different
from the setting in the instruction, either change the instruction or change the system
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-255 027-753, 027-754
027-757 Extension Server SSL Fail RAP 027-758 System Credential Setting Error RAP
027-757 Web application linkage during service linkage SSL access failed. 027-758 Login credential setting error at remote authentication LDAP.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Advise the customer to:
1. Advise the customer to: 1. Check whether the login name and password have been set correctly.
a. Check the server/network connection. 2. Consult with the Network Administrator to check the authentication settings at the LDAP
b. Check the communication route that can be reached. Server.
c. Ping the DNS server.
d. Check if the CA certificate of the connection destination server is imported to the
machine by using the browser.
e. Check if the machine does not go through the proxy that SSL has the function to
check the communication details SSL.
f. Specify the machine as out of the SSL proxy target.
g. Check if the server supports the relevant encryption method.
h. Set the client certificate to the machine.
i. Import the client certificate to the machine and set to use as the client certificate.
j. Check the daylight saving time difference to see if the date/time of the machine is
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-757, 027-758 2-256 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-759 Reference Server Connection Error RAP 027-760 XJT Command Fail RAP
027-759 Reference server connection fail at remote authentication LDAP. 027-760 Incorrect command from XDOD client.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check whether the machines network settings are set correctly. 1. Advise the customer to:
2. Consult with the network administrator to check the connection status from the machine a. Check if the parameter setting specified in XDOD client is out of system specifica-
to the reference server. tions.
b. Check the XDOD client and controller versions.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-257 027-759, 027-760
027-761 Web Print Timeout RAP 027-762 Illegal Web Print Job Ticket RAP
027-761 Although a web print job was received, the machine did not start printing on time. 027-762 Although a web print job was received, the attached job execution ticket is incorrect.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Advise the customer to repeat the print instruction.
1. If on-demand print for multiple documents was instructed using the external access func-
tion, reduce the number of documents then retry it.
2. Either extend the print on demand print duration or set it to 0.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-761, 027-762 2-258 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-763 Auditron Cannot Verify User RAP 027-770 PDL Error RAP
027-763 The machine cannot check user info with the external accounting server. 027-770 The DFE detected a failure in PDL during job processing.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check if the external accounting server is working correctly. 1. Advise the customer to change the job conditions then try again.
2. Connect the cable correctly. 2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.
3. Set up the machine so that it can correctly communicate with the external accounting

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-259 027-763, 027-770
027-771 DFE Disk Full RAP 027-772, 774, 776 SMTP Server Error RAP
027-771 The remaining HDD capacity in the DFE became less than 500Mb when printing from 027-772 The SMTP server refused the HELO command (after connection to the server).
027-774 Unavailable letters were specified as a destination address (after connection to the
Procedure server).
Perform the steps that follow:
027-776 The SMTP server refused the EHLO command (after connection to the server).
1. Advise the customer to:
a. Change the job parameters, then try again. Procedure
b. Delete unnecessary files from the HDD in the DFE. Advise the customer to use only ASCII letters for the machine host name and destination
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. address.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-771, 027-772, 774, 776 2-260 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-775 Too Many SMTP Addresses RAP 027-777 SMTP Server Non Support RAP
027-775 The SMTP server refused the EHLO command (after connection to the server). 027-777 The SMTP server does not support SMTP-AUTH (after connection to the server).

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to reduce the number of mail addresses. Advise the customer to send mail without setting SMTP-AUTH.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-261 027-775, 027-777
027-778 No Mode Specified by SMTP-AUTH RAP 027-779 Authentication Failure by SMTP-AUTH RAP
027-778 The mode specified by SMTP-AUTH was not found (after connection to the server). 027-779 Authentication fail (after connecting to the server).

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to contact the network administrator to check what SMTP authentication Advise the customer to check if the authentication information (user name/password) has been
method the server uses. set correctly.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-778, 027-779 2-262 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
027-796 Email Not Printed RAP 027-797 Invalid Output Destination RAP
027-796 Email print control through user settings. 027-797 Incorrect output destination of received mail.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to correct the settings, then repeat the operation. 1. Advise the customer to specify the output destination that can be processed by the
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4. machine, then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-263 027-796, 027-797
027-798 JFS Target Document Not Found RAP
027-798 The execution target document in the instruction set does not exist.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to select another document, then repeat the operation.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

027-798 2-264 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
028-987 Tray Size Mismatch RAP
028-987 ATS/APS no destination, tray can not detect paper size.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Reload the relevant paper tray.
2. Set the specified paper on the specified tray.
3. If the fault persists, perform the steps that follow:
a. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
b. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted
modules on both PWBs are securely connected.
c. Reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-265 028-987
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
028-987 2-266 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
029-704, 711 Invalid PACFile RAP 029-705, 706, 709, 712, 713, 716 PACFile Communications
029-704 In WiFi mode, the contents of the proxy configuration file (PACFile) acquired by the RAP
proxy auto- detection function (WPAD) has detected that it is a fraud.
029-705 In WiFi mode, communication time-out at the time of the proxy configuration file (PAC-
File) acquisition occurs in a proxy auto detection function (WPAD).
029-711 In Ethernet 1 mode, the contents of the proxy configuration file (PACFile) acquired by
the proxy auto- detection function (WPAD) has detected that it is a fraud.
029-706 In WiFi mode, the proxy configuration file (PACFile) the time of acquisition in a proxy
auto-detection function (WPAD), connection error has occurred.
Advise the customer to check the proxy configuration file that is stored in the HTTP server, it 029-709 In WiFi mode, communication time-out of the storage destination URL of the PACFile
may be an invalid format, such as JavaScript or too large (greater than 64KB). proxy auto-detection function (WPAD).

029-712 In Ethernet 1 mode, communication time-out at the time of the proxy configuration file
(PACFile) acquisition occurs in a proxy auto-detection function (WPAD).

029-713 In Ethernet 1 mode, the proxy configuration file (PACFile) the time of acquisition in a
proxy auto-detection function (WPAD), connection error has occurred.

029-716 In Ethernet 1 mode, communication time-out of the storage destination URL of the
PACFile proxy auto-detection function (WPAD).

Advise the customer to:
1. Check the connection of the network cable.
2. Check the default gateway configuration.
3. Verify the subnet mask setting.
4. Check the DNS server address setting.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-267 029-704, 711, 029-705, 706, 709, 712, 713, 716
029-707, 029-708, 714, 715 PACFile Not Found RAP 029-710, 0129-717 PACFile URL Not Found RAP
029-707 In WiFi mode, failed to find the proxy settings file (PACFile) in the proxy automatic 029-710 In WiFi mode, failed to locate the storage destination URL of PACFile the proxy auto-
detection function (WPAD). detection function (WPAD).

029-708 In WiFi mode, incorrect format of the storage destination URL of PACFile acquired by 029-717 In Ethernet 1 mode, failed to locate the storage destination URL of PACFile the proxy
the proxy auto- detection function (WPAD). auto-detection function (WPAD).

029-714 In Ethernet 1 mode, failed to find the proxy settings file (PACFile) in the proxy auto- Procedure
matic detection function (WPAD).
Advise the customer to check whether the URL information of the PACFile in the DHCP server
is correctly registered.
029-715 In Ethernet 1 mode, incorrect format of the storage destination URL of PACFile
acquired by the proxy auto- detection function (WPAD).

Advise the customer to:
1. Check the URL setting of PACFile storage destination server.
2. Check the URL information PACFile set in the DHCP server is correct (if the proxy server
acquisition method is WPAD).
3. If the URL is correct, check that the PACFile to the HTTP server has been registered.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

029-707, 029-708, 714, 715, 029-710, 0129-717 2-268 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
029-718 EIP Print Network Timeout RAP 029-719 EIP Print Error With Remote Server RAP
029-718 Timeout error has occurred during HTTP communication with server. 029-719 An error on the server side has occurred, during HTTP communication with server.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to confirm the network connection status or after a while, repeat the oper- A corresponding document does not exist or the server cannot be accessed. Advise the cus-
ation. tomer to confirm the server setting.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-269 029-718, 029-719
029-720 EIP Print Error With Server Permission RAP 029-721, 029-722 EIP Print Fail RAP
029-720 A rejection error on the server side has occurred during HTTP communication with 029-721 Network-related (proxy connection) error has occurred during HTTP communication
server. with server.

Procedure 029-722 Communication failed because network-related error has occurred during HTTP com-
munication with server.
The file server cannot be accessed. Advise the customer to confirm the proxy server setting,
the user name, the password, and the user setting for access again.
Advise the customer to confirm the server setting and connection status.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

029-720, 029-721, 029-722 2-270 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
029-723 EIP Print SSL Connection Fail RAP 029-724, 029-727 EIP Print Other Network Fail RAP
029-723 An SSL communication error has occurred during HTTP communication with server. 029-724 Other network-related error has occurred during HTTP communication with server.

Procedure 029-727 Other error has occurred during the process of the EIP Print module.
An error related to SSL has occurred. The server cannot be accessed. Advise the customer to
confirm the access authentication and the SSL setting. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, advise the customer to contact the System Administrator.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-271 029-723, 029-724, 029-727
029-725 EIP Print Network DNS Resolve Fail RAP 029-726 EIP Print Software Error RAP
029-725 A network-related (DNS name resolution) error has occurred during HTTP communi- 029-726 A problem has occurred in the software processing and it is unable to continue with
cation with server. the subsequent processes.

Procedure Procedure
The file server cannot be accessed. Advise the customer to confirm the DNS server setting or Perform the steps that follow:
the file server setting again. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, advise the customer to contact the System Administrator.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

029-725, 029-726 2-272 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
041-310 IM Logic Fail RAP 041-316 IH Driver IF Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2)

041-310 IM software control error detected. 041-316 Interface error between the motor drive PWB and the fuser heater power supply was
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Reload the software, GP 4. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: 2. Switch off the machine, then check the connection between the fuser heater power supply
P/J530 and the motor drive PWB P/J441 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser heater power supply, PL 1.05 Item 3.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-273 041-310, 041-316
041-317 MCU IH IF Fail RAP 041-340, 341 Motor Drive PWB NVM (EEPROM) Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

041-317 Interface error between the motor drive PWB and the fuser heater power supply was 041-340 NVM (EEPROM) data abnormality.
detected (at the MCU).
041-341 NVM (EEPROM) access error.
WARNING Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Fault code 041-340 Only. Enter dC131. Check that the NVM values that follow are set to 0:
2. Switch off the machine, then check the connection between the fuser heater power supply • 740-016 Range Over Chain No
P/J530 and the motor drive PWB P/J441 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. • 740-017 Range Over Link No
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: • 740-018 Range Over Chain Link
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • 740-019 Range Over Value
• 740-020 Write in Progress Range Over Chain No
• 740-021 Write in Progress Range Over Link No

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. dC301 NVM Initialization.
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

041-317, 041-340, 341 2-274 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
041-344 Motor Drive PWB F1 Fuse Fail RAP 041-345 Motor Drive PWB F2 Fuse Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check

BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 90.17 1st BTR Contact/retract

BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration

BSD-ON:BSD 40.4 Toner Cartridge Cooling BSD-ON:BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow

041-344 F1 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown. 041-345 F2 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor Switch off the machine, then remove the Rear Lower Cover. Measure the resistance of the
drive PWB. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher. Motor Drive PWB F2. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-1 and the motor drive PWBP/ Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-2 and the Motor Drive PWBP/
J401-1 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. J401-2 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.

Disconnect the following connectors from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance Disconnect the following connectors from the Motor Drive PWB and measure the resistance
between each connector terminal and the GND. between each connector terminal and the GND.
• P/J262-1 fusing unit exhaust fan • P/J240-B13 1st BTR contact/retract clutch
• P/J267-1 toner cartridge cooling fan • P/J610-6 ADC shutter solenoid
• P/J272-1 toner cartridge exhaust fan • P/J265-1 marking fan
Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
• The connections that are in earth fault (at 5 Ohm or lower) for short circuits. • The connections that are in earth fault (at 5 Ohm or lower) for short circuits.
• The target components for internal short circuits. • The target components for internal short circuits.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-275 041-344, 041-345
041-346 Motor Drive PWB F3 Fuse Fail RAP 041-350 Motor Drive PWB F7 Fuse Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check

BSD-ON:BSD 1.6 DC Power Generation +24V (1 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2)

BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport

BSD-ON:BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow BSD-ON:BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2)

BSD-ON:BSD 1.10 LVPS Cooling BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

BSD-ON:BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport 041-350 F7 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown.

BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) Procedure

BSD-ON:BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
041-346 F3 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor
drive PWB F7. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-5 and the motor drive PWBP/
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause J401-3 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor Disconnect the following connectors from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance
drive PWB F3. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher. between each connector terminal and the GND.
Y N • P/J422-7/8 exit 1 OCT motor
Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-2 and the motor drive PWB P/ • P/J434-A3/A4 exit 2 OCT motor
J401-1 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
• P/J431-A9 registration heater

Disconnect the following connectors from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all.
between each connector terminal and the GND.
Perform the steps that follow:
• P/J408-7 front left marking fan
• The connections that are in earth fault (at 5 Ohm or lower) for short circuits.
• P/J408-10 rear add fan
• The target components for internal short circuits.
• P/J444-1 LVPS fan
• P/J408-4 IHPS intake fan Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• P/J423-1 front right marking fan
• P/J434-A7 exit 1 gate solenoid
Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all.
Perform the steps that follow:
• The connections that are in earth fault (at 5 Ohm or lower) for short circuits.
• The target components for internal short circuits.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

041-346, 041-350 2-276 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
041-352 Motor Drive PWB F5 Fuse Fail RAP 041-353 Motor Drive PWB F8 Fuse Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check

BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2)

BSD-ON:BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport BSD-ON:BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport

041-352 F5 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown. BSD-ON:BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport

Procedure BSD-ON:BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport

WARNING BSD-ON:BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause BSD-ON:BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor BSD-ON:BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
drive PWB F5. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
Y N 041-353 F8 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown.
Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-2 and the motor drive PWBP/
J401-2 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. Procedure
Disconnect the connector P/J422 from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance
between P/J422-1/2/3/4 and the GND. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Y N not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• The connection between the motor drive PWB P/J422-1/2/3/4 and the P/Roll latch Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor
motor P/J225-6/5/2/1 for short circuit. drive PWB F8. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
• The P/Roll latch motor for internal short circuit. Y N
Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-2 and the motor drive PWB P/
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. J401-2 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.

Disconnect the following connectors from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance
between each connector terminal and the GND.
• P452-14 2TM/TTM take away motor
• P452-1/2/3/4 2TM/TTM tray 3 feed/lift motor
• P452-5/6/7/8 2TM/TTM tray 4 feed/lift motor
Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all.
Perform the steps that follow:
• The connections that are in earth fault (at 5 Ohm or lower) for short circuits.
• The target components for internal short circuits.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-277 041-352, 041-353
041-354 Motor Drive PWB F9 Fuse Fail RAP 041-355 Motor Drive PWB F10 Fuse Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check

BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2)

BSD-ON:BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport BSD-ON:BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport

BSD-ON:BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher) BSD-ON:BSD 3.4 PWB Communications (Controller to HCF)

041-354 F9 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown. 041-355 F10 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor
drive PWB F9. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher. drive PWB F10. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-1 and the motor drive PWB P/ Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-1 and the motor drive PWB P/
J401-1 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. J401-1 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.

Disconnect the connector P490 from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance Disconnect the connector P/J492 from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance
between P490-11 and the GND. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher. between P/J492-1 and the GND. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB P490-11 and the finisher A2 J8989- • The connection between the motor drive PWB P/J492-1 and the HCF PWB P/JF04-
1 for short circuit. 1 for short circuit.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

041-354, 041-355 2-278 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
041-356 Motor Drive PWB F11 Fuse Fail RAP 041-358 Motor Drive PWB F13 Fuse Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check BSD-ON:BSD 1.9 Fuse Check

BSD-ON:BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V BSD-ON:BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2)

BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)

041-356 F11 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown. 041-358 F13 fuse on the motor drive PWB has blown.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor Switch off the machine, then remove the rear lower cover. Measure the resistance of the motor
drive PWB F11. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher. drive PWB F13. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J509-2 and the motor drive PWB P/ Check the connection between the LVPS_CP1U P/J510-1 and the motor drive PWB P/
J400-1 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. J401-1 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.

Disconnect the following connectors from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance Disconnect the connector P/J437 from the motor drive PWB and measure the resistance
between each connector terminal and the GND. between P/J437-4 and the GND. Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher.
• P/J416-12 ADC sensor Y N
• P/J433-6 rear MOB sensor Perform the steps that follow:
• The connection between the motor drive PWB P/J437-4 and the thermostat P/J196-
• P/J433-12 front MOB sensor
1 for short circuit.
Is the resistance 5 Ohm or higher for all.
Y N Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the connections that are in earth fault (at 5 Ohm or lower) for short circuits.
• Check the target components for internal short circuits.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-279 041-356, 041-358
041-368 MCU-SW Firmware Mismatch Fail RAP 041-369 MD Type Mismatch
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

041-368 IM software control error detected. 041-369 The IOT software configuration and the motor drive PWB configuration do not match.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 2. If the problem persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

041-368, 041-369 2-280 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
041-388 Logic Fail RAP 041-391 Finisher Module Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher)

041-388 When fatal abnormality was detected in marking control. 041-391 A fatal error was detected in the finisher module.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Perform the steps that follow:
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB, P490 and the finisher PWB for an
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB at P/J405, and the halftone PWB,
P550/481 for an open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact.
• Check the connections between the controller PWB and the back plane PWB P335,
and between the back plane PWB and the halftone PWB P/J451, for poor contact,
damage, and foreign substances.
• Measure the input voltage at P/J590 on the finisher PWB. Verify voltage is within the
electrical specifications found in GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements.
3. If the fault persists, install new components in order as necessary:
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-281 041-388, 041-391
041-603, 604 Environment Sensors Fail RAP 042-324, 385 K_IBT Drive Motor Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 60.4 Temperature and Humidity Sensing BSD-ON:BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control

041-603 The value of the temperature sensor exceeds the upper limit. 024-324 Drum/developer (K)/IBT motor revolution failure was detected.

041-604 The value of the humidity sensor exceeds the upper limit. 042-385 Drum/developer (K)/IBT motor revolution failure at startup was detected.

NOTE: The control for temperature or humidity cannot be performed when fault 041-603 or Procedure
041-604 occurs, image density error (too dark, too light) might occur due to changes in the
temperature or humidity.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Procedure not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
WARNING death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove the drum cartridge (K), PL 90.15 Item 2, and the developer housing assembly (K), PL
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
90.05 Item 12. Manually close the front cover interlock switch and the front cover open interlock
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. switch to make the machine operable.
Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 042-003 to run the drum/developer (K)/IBT motor,
Perform dC937 Procon ON/OFF Print to turn Procon ON, check the result of test pattern
PL 40.05 Item 14. The drum/developer (K)/IBT motor rotates.
printed. The test pattern printed correctly.
Y N Switch off the machine. Install the drum cartridge (K) and the developer housing assem-
Switch off the machine, GP 10, and check the connection between the temp and humidity
bly (K), and remove the IBT belt unit, Enter dC330 code 042-003 to run the drum/devel-
sensor (MOB/ADC assembly) P/J151 and the motor drive PWB P/J416 for open circuit,
oper (K)/IBT motor, PL 40.05 Item 14. The drum/developer (K)/IBT motor rotates.
short circuit, and poor contact. Y N
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the wiring for open circuits, short circuits, and
• MOB/ADC assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
poor contacts.
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC Sensor Assembly, go to the Diag mode • Between the motor drive PWB, P/J427, and the Drum/developer (K)/IBT motor,
and perform dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon ON Print P/J212.
in sequence. • Between the motor drive PWB, P/J426, and the Drum/developer (K)/IBT motor,
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7.
Run dC937 Procon ON/OFF Print continuously several number of times. Does the fault
occur. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Check the IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1, for loading and loading due to blockage at
the IBT waste toner collector auger section.
Install the following parts in sequence. Check if the fault still occurs after replacement of each
part. Install the original part back into the machine if the new part makes no change. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Install the drum cartridge (K), PL 90.15 Item 2, and the devel-
• MOB/ADC assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. oper housing assembly (K), PL 90.05 Item 12, and remove the IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30
Item 1, enter dC330 code 042-003 to run the drum/developer (K)/IBT motor, PL 40.05 Item 14.
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC Sensor Assembly, go to the Diag mode The drum/developer (K)/IBT motor rotates.
and perform dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon ON Print in Y N
sequence. Check the drum cartridge (K), PL 90.15 Item 2, and the developer housing assembly (K),
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. PL 90.05 Item 12 for loading.

Switch off the machine. Check the wiring between the drum/developer (K)/IBT motor, P/J212/
P/J202, and the motor drive PWB, P/J427/P/J426 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor con-
If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

041-603, 604, 042-324, 385 2-282 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
042-344 IOT Fan Fail RAP – IHPS intake fan, PL 40.15 Item 8 (P/J263 to P/J408).
BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing for open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
• Check for excessive load and resistance to rotation of the failed fan.
BSD-ON:BSD 1.10 LVPS Cooling Install new components as necessary:
• Fuser unit exhaust fan assembly, PL 40.15 Item 2.
BSD-ON:BSD 40.4 Toner Cartridge Cooling • Toner cartridge exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 9.
• LVPS fan, PL 40.15 Item 4.
BSD-ON:BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow
• Marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 15.
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) • Front right marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 9.
• Toner cartridge cooling fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 12.
Abnormality was detected in the IOT fan. • Front left marking fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 13.
• IHPS intake fan, PL 40.15 Item 8.
042-344 Toner cartridge exhaust fan fail.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Procedure Install new components as necessary:
WARNING • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do • Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Enter dC330 and the following code to run the fan causing the fault:
• 042-060 fusing unit exhaust fan
• 042-056 toner cartridge exhaust fan
• 042-053 LVPS fan
• 042-051 marking fan
• 042-054 front right marking fan
• 042-055 toner cartridge cooling fan
• 042-062 front left marking fan
• 042-070 IHPS intake fan
The fan runs.
Check the +24V power supply to the failed fan. The power supply is good.
Check the power supply circuit to the failed fan.

Check the items that follow:

• The connection between the failed fan below and the Motor Drive PWB:
– fusing unit exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 2 (P/J192 to P/J420).
– LVPS fan, PL 40.15 Item 4 (P/J264 to P/J444).
– toner cartridge exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 9 (P/J272 to P/J442).
– marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 15 (P/J270 to P/J442).
– front/right marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 9 (P/J261 to P/J442).
– front/left marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 13 (P/J265 to P/J442).
– toner cartridge cooling fan, PL 40.10 Item 12 (P/J267 to P/J408).

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-283 042-344
043-322, 349, 351, 352, 354, 356 IOT Fan Fail RAP • The connection between the failed fan below and the Motor Drive PWB:
BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing – fusing unit exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 2 (P/J192 to P/J420).
– LVPS fan, PL 40.15 Item 4 (P/J264 to P/J444).
BSD-ON:BSD 1.10 LVPS Cooling – toner cartridge exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 9 (P/J272 to P/J442).
– marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 15 (P/J270 to P/J442).
BSD-ON:BSD 40.4 Toner Cartridge Cooling
– front/right marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 9 (P/J261 to P/J442).

BSD-ON:BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow – front/left marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 13 (P/J265 to P/J442).
– toner cartridge cooling fan, PL 40.10 Item 12 (P/J267 to P/J408).
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) – IHPS intake fan, PL 40.15 Item 8 (P/J263 to P/J408).
for open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
Abnormality was detected in the IOT fan.
• Check for excessive load and resistance to rotation of the failed fan.
043-322 LVPS fan fail. Install new components as necessary:
• Fuser unit exhaust fan assembly, PL 40.15 Item 2.
043-349 Marking fan fault. • Toner cartridge exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 9.
• LVPS fan, PL 40.15 Item 4.
043-351 Front/right marking fan fail. • Marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 15.
• Front right marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 9.
043-352 Toner cartridge cooling fan fail.
• Toner cartridge cooling fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 12.
043-354 Front/left marking fan fail. • Front left marking fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 13.
• IHPS intake fan, PL 40.15 Item 8.
043-356 IHPs intake fan fail. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Procedure Install new components as necessary:

WARNING • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Enter dC330 and the following code to run the fan causing the fault:
• 042-060 fusing unit exhaust fan
• 042-056 toner cartridge exhaust fan
• 042-053 LVPS fan
• 042-051 marking fan
• 042-054 front right marking fan
• 042-055 toner cartridge cooling fan
• 042-062 front left marking fan
• 042-070 IHPS intake fan
The fan runs.
Check the +24V power supply to the failed fan. The power supply is good.
Check the power supply circuit to the failed fan.

Check the items that follow:

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
043-322, 349, 351, 352, 354, 356 2-284 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
042-641 NOHAD Temp Humid Sensor Fail RAP 043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing BSD-ON:BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control

042-341 NOHAD temperature/humidity sensor error was detected. 043-345 A drum/developer YMC motor failure was detected.

Procedure 043-346 A drum/developer YMC motor failure at startup was detected.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause WARNING
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Check the NOHAD temp humidity sensor, PL 40.10 Item 5 for foreign material, blockage, Remove the drum cartridge (YMC) and the developer housing assembly (YMC). Close the
or damage. front cover interlock switch and the front cover open interlock switch to make the machine
2. Check the wiring between the NOHAD temp humidity sensor P/J115 and the motor drive operable.
PWB P/J435 for open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact. Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 042-008 to run the drum/developer YMC motor.
Does the drum/developer YMC motor rotate.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
Switch off the machine. Check the following connections for open circuits, short circuits,
• NOHAD temp humidity sensor, PL 40.10 Item 5.
and poor contacts.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• The motor drive PWB P/J427 and the drum/developer (C, M, Y) motor P/J213.
• The motor drive PWB P/J426 and the drum/developer (C, M, Y) motor P/J203.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Switch off the machine. Install the drum cartridge (Y,M,C) and the developer housing assembly
Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 042-008 to run the drum/developer YMC motor.
Does the drum/developer YMC motor rotate.
Check the drum cartridge (Y,M,C) and the developer housing assembly (Y,M,C) for load-

Switch off the machine. Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB P/J426 and the drum/
developer (C, M, Y) motor P/J203 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-285 042-641, 043-345, 346
044-312, 313, 314, 389 Timeout Error RAP 044-329 Shut Down Fail RAP
044-312 IM software control error was detected (MK). 044-329 Shut down fail detected

044-313 M software control error was detected (PH). Procedure

Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
044-314 Pitch skip that has been repeated for the specified time or more was detected.

044-389 Detected abnormal output of the device during power up, cycle up, or switching to
marking standby.

1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

044-312, 313, 314, 389, 044-329 2-286 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
045-310 Image Ready RAP 045-311 Controller Communication Fail RAP
045-310 Controller image preparation failure detected. BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

Procedure 045-311 Communication failure between controller PWB assembly and motor drive PWB was
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
3. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Switch off the machine. Check the connections between:
• controller PWB assembly P335 to the back plane PWB.
• back plane PWB P/J451 to halftone PWB.
• halftone PWB P/J551 to motor drive PWB P/J410.
3. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-287 045-310, 045-311
045-368, 369 SBM Fail RAP 045-370, 371 LPH DL RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M

BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K

045-368 Unable to establish communication at the serial bus between the controller PWB and 045-370 ASIC register error during IBY initial DL confirmation. Fail has occurred simultane-
the motor drive PWB. ously in LPHs of all colors. Possibility of common parts (board power connector, etc) error.

045-369 A communication error of Viento has occurred at the serial bus between the controller 045-371 ASIC register error during IBY initial DL confirmation. Fail has occurred simultane-
PWB and the motor drive PWB. ously in multiple LPHs (2 or 3 colors). Possibility of common parts (board power connector, etc)
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Check the voltage (+5VDC) between the motor drive PWB P/J400-1(+) and GND. Perform the steps that follow:
3. Check the motor drive ribbon cable is fully seated between the halftone PWB P551/J480 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
and the motor drive PWB P/J410 for open circuit and poor contact. 2. Enter dC131 code 749-115 to determine which LPHs have failed. An NVM value of 1 in
4. Check the controller PWB assembly P335 and halftone PWB J335 at the socket of the the bits listed below indicates a failure in the LPH of that color:
back plane PWB for poor contact, damage, and foreign substances. • Bit 0: Yellow LPH.
5. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: • Bit 1: Magenta LPH.
• Motor drive ribbon cable, PL 3.10 Item 3. • Bit 2: Cyan LPH.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. • Bit 3: Black LPH.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 3. Check the LPH for debris or contamination.
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4. 4. Check the FFC cable, PL 60.05 between the LPH and the halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4
or open circuit, short circuit or damage.
5. Check the power supply to the LPH, Refer to 01B +5VDC Power Fault RAP.
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:.
• LPH, PL 60.05 Item 1.
• FFC cable assembly kit, PL 60.05 Item 9.
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

045-368, 369, 045-370, 371 2-288 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
045-377 SBM Slave Communication Fail RAP 045-382, 398 Drive PWB NVM (EEPROM) Verify Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

045-377 A communication error has occurred at the serial bus between the controller PWB and 045-382 NVM (EEPROM) write verify error.
the motor drive PWB.
041-398 NVM (EEPROM) read verify error.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Check the motor drive ribbon cable is fully seated between the halftone PWB P551/J480 Perform the steps that follow:
and the motor drive PWB P/J410 for open circuit and poor contact. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Check the controller PWB assembly P335 and halftone PWB J335 at the socket of the 2. Reload the software, GP 4.
back plane PWB for poor contact, damage, and foreign substances. 3. Install new components as necessary:
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Motor drive ribbon cable, PL 3.10 Item 3. • Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-289 045-377, 045-382, 398
047-211 Exit 1 OCT Home Fail 047-212 Exit 2 OCT Home Fail
BSD-ON:BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport BSD-ON:BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2)

047-211 The exit 1 OCT home position sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after The Exit 2 OCT Home Position Sensor did not turn ON within the specified time after the Exit 2
the exit 1 OCT motor turned on. OCT Motor On.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 077-109 to activate the exit 1 OCT home position Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 077-110 to activate the exit 2 OCT home position
sensor. Does the exit 1 OCT home position sensor activate. sensor. Does the exit 2 OCT home position sensor activate.
• Switch off the machine, then check the wiring of the exit 1 OCT home position sen- • Switch off the machine, then check the wiring of the exit 2 transport assembly for
sor for open circuit, contamination, and improper installation. open circuit, contamination, and improper installation.
• Install a new, exit 1 sensor guide assembly, PL 10.10 Item 12. • Install a new, exit 2 transport assembly, PL 10.15 Item 2.
Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 077-042 (front) 077-043 (rear). Run the exit 1 Switch on the machine. Enter dC330 code 077-047 (front) 077-048 (rear). Run the exit 2
OCT motor to verify operation. Does the exit 1 OCT motor rotate. OCT motor to verify operation. Does the exit 2 OCT motor rotate.
Switch off the machine, then check the exit 1 OCT motor for gear blockage or dam- Switch off the machine, then check the exit 2 transport assembly for gear blockage
aged gear. or damaged gear.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

047-211, 047-212 2-290 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
047-213, 216 Finisher Communication RAP 047-217 HCF Communication RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher) BSD-ON:BSD 3.4 PWB Communications (Controller to HCF)

047-213 The connected finisher is of an incorrect type. 047-217 Reply from the HCF was determined as a communication error.

047-216 Reply from the finisher was determined as a communication error. Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Check the connection between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3 and the HCF PWB,
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. PL 70.95 Item 9 for open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
2. Check the connection between, the motor drive PWB P490, and the finisher PWB J8989, 3. Install new components as necessary:
for open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
• HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.
3. Install new components as necessary:
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• Finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-291 047-213, 216, 047-217
047-320 All Destination Tray Broken RAP
047-320 All trays connected to the IOT have become unusable.

Check the fault history, dC122 for any tray faults. Perform the relevant procedures.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

047-320 2-292 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
058-322, 323 Heat Belt STS Abnormal Temperature Rise 058-324 Fusing Unit Non-Wearing Fail RAP
Fail RAP 058-324 The fuser is not installed (at interlock close).
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
058-322 The temperature of the IH center thermistor rises faster than the specified speed. Install the fuser into the machine.

058-323 The temperature of the IH rear thermistor rises faster than the specified speed.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

2. If the fault persists, install a new fuser, PL 10.10 Item 14.

NOTE: After replacement of the fuser, check the value of NVM [744-001] (Error Detection His-
tory). When the value is set to [6] (Heating error (IH Center Thermistor), clear it to [0].

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-293 058-322, 323, 058-324
058-325 Fusing Unit Wind Around Belt Fail RAP 058-327 Plug Drawn Fail RAP
058-325 Wound up, stuck paper was detected at the fuser belt. 058-327 Power cord disconnected was detected.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
1. Securely connect the power cord.

1. Remove the paper.

2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. If the fault persists, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

058-325, 058-327 2-294 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
058-328 Fusing Unit E2PROM I2C Master Communication 058-329 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch RAP
Fail RAP BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection
058-329 Incorrect authentication area data was detected in fuser E2PROM.
058-328 The communication control ASIC with the fuser E2PROM had a fault.
Procedure Refer to 010-620 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch Info RAP.
Refer to 010-619 Fusing Unit E2PROM I2C Master Communication Info RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-295 058-328, 058-329
058-330 Fusing Unit E2PROM Not In Position RAP 058-331 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Broken RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection BSD-ON:BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection

058-330 The fuser E2PROM is not installed at the predefined position (E2PROM discon- 058-331 The system detected that the data written to the fuser E2PROM and the data read
nected), or a communication error with the E2PROM has occurred. from the fuser E2PROM do not match.

Procedure Procedure
Refer to 010-621 Fusing Unit E2PROM Not In Position Info RAP. Refer to 010-620 Fusing Unit E2PROM Data Mismatch Info RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

058-330, 058-331 2-296 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
058-332 IH Driver Load Abnormality Detection Fail RAP 058-333 Heat Belt STS Center Warm Up Time (No
BSD-ON:BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2) Temperature Rise) Fail Rap
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
058-332 Power output from IH driver to IH fuser exceeded 1.5KVA during a certain period (sta-
tus code:0x0).
058-333 The temperature of IH center thermistor does not reach the warm up time fail detec-
tion temperature or higher within the specified time.
Refer to 010-625 IH Driver Load Abnormality Detection Warning RAP. Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

2. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15.
• Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.

NOTE: After replacement, check the value of NVM [744-001] (Error Detection History). When
the value is [10] (IH Rear Thermistor Warmup Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail), change value
to [0].

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-297 058-332, 058-333
058-334 Heat Belt STS Rear Warm Up Time (No 058-335 Fusing Paper Quality Operation Mistake Fail RAP
Temperature Rise) Fail RAP 058-335 Paper whose paper type (plain or lightweight) is different from the setting (Heavy-
weight) has passed.
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)

058-334 The temperature of IH rear thermistor does not reach the warm up time fail detection Procedure
temperature or higher within the specified time. Check the UI and set to the correct paper tray or add the correct paper for the paper size
required for the print job.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

2. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15.
• Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.

NOTE: After replacement, check the value of NVM [744-001] (Error Detection History). When
the value is to [10] (IH Rear Thermistor Warmup Time (No Temperature Rise) Fail), change
value to [0].

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

058-334, 058-335 2-298 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
058-337 Fusing Paper Quality Operation Mistake Fail RAP
058-337 Paper whose paper type is different from the setting has passed.

Check the UI and set to the correct paper tray or add the correct paper for the paper size
required for the print job.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-299 058-337
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
058-337 2-300 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
060-341 to 060-356 System FaIL RAP Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
060-341 Large pixel count error between the video output and yellow LPH. Image abnormality
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
may occur.
2. Check the FFC ribbon cable connectors on each LPH and on the halftone PWB for an
open circuit, short circuit, or loose connection.
060-342 Large pixel count error between the video output and magenta LPH. Image abnormal-
ity may occur. 3. Check the connection of the controller PWB at the back plane PWB J335 and the halftone
PWB at the back plane PWB J451 for an open circuit, short circuit, or loose connection.
060-343 Large pixel count error between the video output and cyan LPH. Image abnormality 4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
may occur. • The failed LPH, PL 60.05.
• FFC cable assembly kit, PL 60.05 Item 9.
060-344 Large pixel count error between the video output and black LPH. Image abnormality
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
may occur.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
060-345 Communication error between ESS and yellow LPH. Possibly caused by an external

060-346 Communication error between ESS and magenta LPH. Possibly caused by an exter-
nal noise.

060-347 Communication error between ESS and cyan LPH. Possibly caused by an external

060-348 Communication error between ESS and black LPH. Possibly caused by an external

060-349 Yellow LPH reset due to a noise was detected. Possibly caused by an external noise.

060-350 Magenta LPH reset due to a noise was detected. Possibly caused by an external

060-351 Cyan LPH reset due to a noise was detected. Possibly caused by an external noise.

060-352 Black LPH reset due to a noise was detected. Possibly caused by an external noise.

060-353 Large pixel count error between the video output and yellow LPH. Image abnormality
may occur.

060-354 Large pixel count error between the video output and magenta LPH. Image abnormal-
ity may occur.

060-355 Large pixel count error between the video output and cyan LPH. Image abnormality
may occur.

060-356 Large pixel count error between the video output and black LPH. Image abnormality
may occur.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-301 060-341 to 060-356
060-357, 358, 359, 360 CONTIF Error Fail RAP 060-361 SPI Error
BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M

BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K

060-357 CONTIF Error Fail #1. 060-361 A connection failure, external electrical noise, or failed controller PWB assembly.

060-358 CONTIF Error Fail #2. • Broken access in units of bytes was detected during CS negate.
• As a result of a Read/Write command, the data area not in units of 16 bits was detected.
060-359 CONTIF Error Fail #3.
060-360 CONTIF Error Fail #4. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the connector on each side of the back plane PWB
where the controller PWB assembly J335 and halftone PWB J451 connect for poor contact,
• Irregular output of Video Data from the Controller was detected. damage, and foreign substances. If no problem is found, switch off, then switch on the
• The output timing of the Valid signal from the Controller is abnormal. machine, GP 10 several times to attempt resetting the fault. Does the 061-310 (Video ASIC
Fail) occur.
Procedure Y N
Enter dC131 NVM/Read/Write to verify the correct NVM value for the following: Check for any noise source around the machine or any abnormal electrical discharge in
• NVM [757-003] (CONTIF ERROR FLAG #1) the machine.
• NVM [757-004] (CONTIF ERROR FLAG #2) The fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• NVM [757-005] (CONTIF ERROR FLAG #3) • Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• NVM [757-006] (CONTIF ERROR FLAG #4) • Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
Is the value 4 or higher. • Back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2.
Update the software GP 4.
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the connector on each side of the back plane PWB
where the controller PWB assembly J335 and halftone PWB J451 connect for poor con-
tact, damage, and foreign substances. If no problem is found, switch off, then switch on
the machine, GP 10 several times to attempt resetting the fault. Does the fault persist.
Install a new, controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

The fault persists, install new components as necessary:

• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
• Back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2.

Update the software GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

060-357, 358, 359, 360, 060-361 2-302 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
061-310 Video ASIC Fail 061-354, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368,
BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 390, 391, 392, 393 LPH System Fail
BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M
061-310 Unable to Read/Write to the Video ASIC.
BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
061-354 ASIC register error in IBY initial DL check. It may be an error in the yellow LPH (ASIC
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. or memory). It may also be an ASIC malfunction due to poor power supply or a communication
2. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the connector on each side of the back plane PWB error due to poor connection with the ESS.
where the controller PWB assembly J335 and halftone PWB J451 connect for poor con-
tact, damage, and foreign substances. 061-355 ASIC register error in IBY initial DL check. It may be an error in the magenta LPH
3. If the fault persists, install a new halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4. (ASIC or memory). It may also be an ASIC malfunction due to poor power supply or a commu-
nication error due to poor connection with the ESS.

061-356 ASIC register error in IBY initial DL check. It may be an error in the cyan LPH (ASIC or
memory). It may also be an ASIC malfunction due to poor power supply or a communication
error due to poor connection with the ESS.

061-357 ASIC register error in IBY initial DL check. It may be an error in the black LPH (ASIC
or memory). It may also be an ASIC malfunction due to poor power supply or a communication
error due to poor connection with the ESS.

061-362 Communication error between ESS and yellow LPH (data read error from LPH). It
may occur due to external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-363 Communication error between ESS and magenta LPH (data read error from LPH). It
may occur due to external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-364 Communication error between ESS and cyan LPH (data read error from LPH). It may
occur due to external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-365 Communication error between ESS and black LPH (data read error from LPH). It may
occur due to external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-366 Communication error between ESS and yellow LPH (data write error to LPH). It may
occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-367 Communication error between ESS and magenta LPH (data write error to LPH). It
may occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-368 Communication error between ESS and cyan LPH (data write error to LPH). It may
occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-369 Communication error between ESS and black LPH (data write error to LPH). It may
occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

061-370 Communication error between ESS and yellow LPH (error in the communication IC or
cable). It may occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-303 061-310, 061-354, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365,
061-371 Communication error between ESS and magenta LPH (error in the communication IC 061-358, 359, 360, 361 LPH Configuration RAP
or cable). It may occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply,
BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M

061-372 Communication error between ESS and cyan LPH (error in the communication IC or BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
cable). It may occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.
061-358 The model number of the installed yellow LPH does not match. It may also be a mem-
061-373 Communication error between ESS and black LPH (error in the communication IC or ory error in the LPH.
cable). It may occur due to an external noise, poor connection of FFC, poor power supply, etc.
061-359 The model number of the installed magenta LPH does not match. It may also be a
061-391 Large pixel count error between the video output and magenta LPH. Image abnormal- memory error in the LPH.
ity may occur.
061-360 The model number of the installed cyan LPH does not match. It may also be a mem-
061-392 Large pixel count error between the video output and cyan LPH. Image abnormality ory error in the LPH.
may occur.
061-361 The model number of the installed black LPH does not match. It may also be a mem-
061-393 Large pixel count error between the video output and black LPH. Image abnormality ory error in the LPH.
may occur.
Procedure WARNING
Perform the 060-341 to 060-356 LPH Fault RAP. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Verify the correct LPH for the machine is installed and is installed correctly. Install the cor-
rect LPH or correctly install the LPH in the machine.
3. Check each FFC cable at the halftone PWB for poor connection, damage, or excessive
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• LPH assembly (K), PL 60.05 Item 1.
• LPH assembly (C), PL 60.05 Item 2.
• LPH assembly (M), PL 60.05 Item 3.
• LPH assembly (Y), PL 60.05 Item 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

061-354, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 2-304 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
071-100 Jam In Tray 1 RAP 071-105 Jam In The Device RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking BSD-ON:BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

BSD-ON:BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

071-100 Paper does not actuate the tray 1 feed out sensor within the specified time after tray 1 071-105 The registration sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the registration
feed start. clutch initialized during paper feed from tray 1.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

• Check the condition of the paper in tray 1. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifi- Check the condition of the paper in tray 1. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications
• Check that the tray 1 paper guides are set correctly. Procedure
Procedure Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. Perform the steps that follow:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
Perform the steps that follow: 2. Enter dC330, code 077-103. Check the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 1.
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. 3. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Check the takeaway motor, PL 80.10 Item 4.
2. Check the tray 1 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.10 for foreign substances or 4. Enter dC330, code 071-001. Check the tray 1 feed/lift up motor, PL 40.10 Item 10.
wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
5. Check the tray 1 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.10 for foreign substances or
3. Check the registration roll and takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
6. Check the helical gear, PL 40.05 Item 4 for wear or damage.
4. Enter dC330, code 071-105. Check the tray 1 pre-feed sensor, PL 80.10 Item 4.
7. Check the tray1 feed out chute, PL 80.05 Item 3 and feedhead chute assembly, PL 80.05
5. Enter dC330, code 071-002. Check the tray 1 feed/lift up motor, PL 80.10 Item 9. Item 4 for proper installation.
6. Check the drive gears, PL 80.10 Item 10 for wear or damage. Install new components as 8. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
necessary. 9. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
. • Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-305 071-100, 071-105
071-210 Tray 1 Lift Up Fail RAP 071-212 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking BSD-ON:BSD 70.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing

071-210 Tray 1 lift NG has occurred three consecutive times. 071-212 Abnormal output AD value from tray 1 paper size sensor was detected.

Initial Actions Procedure

• Check for obstructions behind the tray. WARNING
• Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 1 feed/lift motor for opera- death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
tion failure. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Load the correct paper in tray 1.
Procedure 2. Ensure that the customer is programming the job correctly.
WARNING 3. Remove tray 1. Check underneath the tray for damage to the link mechanism. Also check
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do the actuator at the rear of tray 1. If necessary, install a new tray assembly, PL 70.10 Item
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 4. Enter dC140 Analog Monitor, code 071-200. Check the tray 1 size sensor, PL 70.05 Item
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
5. Check the wiring between the tray 1 size sensor and P/J417 on the motor drive PWB.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
6. Reload the software, GP 4.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
7. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
Perform the steps that follow:
• Tray 1 size sensor, PL 70.05 Item 3.
1. Enter dC330, code 071-102. Check the tray 1 level sensor, PL 80.10 Item 6.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
2. Enter dC330, code 071-002. Check the tray 1 feed/lift up motor, PL 80.10 Item 4.
3. Check the drive gears, PL 80.10 for wear or damage.
4. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

071-210, 071-212 2-306 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
072-100 Tray2 Pre-Feed Sensor 1 On Jam RAP 072-105 Registration Sensor Jam (Tray 2) RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.1 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Pre-feeding BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

072-100 The tray 2 pre-feed sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the paper 072-105 The registration sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the registration
feed from tray 2 has started. clutch initialized during paper feed from tray 2.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

• Check for obstructions behind the tray. Check the condition of the paper in tray 2. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications
• Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly.
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home. Procedure
• Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 2 feed/lift motor for opera- WARNING
tion failure. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Procedure death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. 2. Check the tray 2 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.15 for foreign substances or
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
Perform the steps that follow: 3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
1. Enter dC330 code 072-105 to check the tray 2 pre-feed sensor, PL 80.15 Item 4 for oper- 5. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17.
ation failure.
6. Enter dC330, code 072-001. Run the tray 2 feed/lift motor, PL 80.15 Item 8.
2. Enter dC330 code 072-001(Feed) tray 2 feed/lift motor, PL 80.15 Item 8 for operation fail-
7. Check the gear, PL 80.10 Item 10 for wear or damage. Install a new gear as necessary.
8. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
3. Check the tray 2 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.15 for foreign substances or
wear. Clean or install new components as necessary. 9. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation.
4. Check the drive gears PL 80.15 for wear and damage. Clean or install new components 10. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
as necessary.
5. Check the pad, PL 70.15 Item 14 for an proper installation and correct if necessary.
6. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-307 072-100, 072-105
072-210 Tray2 Lift UP Fail RAP 072-212 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor Fault RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking BSD-ON:BSD 70.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing

071-210 Tray 2 lift NG has occurred three consecutive times. 072-212 Abnormal output AD value from tray 2 paper size sensor was detected.

Initial Actions Procedure

• Check for obstructions behind the tray. WARNING
• Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 2 feed/lift motor for opera- death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
tion failure. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Load the correct paper in tray 2.
Procedure 2. Ensure that the customer is programming the job correctly.
WARNING 3. Remove tray 2. Check underneath the tray for damage to the link mechanism. Also check
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do the actuator at the rear of tray 2. If necessary, install a new tray assembly, PL 70.05 Item
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 4. Enter dC140 Analog Monitor, code 072-200. Check the tray 2 paper size sensor:
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: 5. Check the wiring between the tray 2 paper size sensor P/J175 and the motor drive PWB
P/J417 for open circuit, short circuit, or poor contact.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
6. Reload the software, GP 4.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter dC330, code 072-102. Check the tray 2 no paper sensor/tray 2 level sensor, PL
80.15 Item 7.
2. Enter dC330, code 072-002. Check the tray 2 feed/lift motor, PL 80.15 Item 8.
3. Check the gear, PL 80.15 Item 9 for wear or damage. Install a new gear as necessary.
4. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

072-210, 072-212 2-308 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
073-100 Jam In Tray 3 (2TM/TTM) 073-101, 900 Jam In The Device RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.2 Tray 3 and 4 Paper Pre-feeding BSD-ON:BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)

073-100 The tray 3 pre-feed sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the paper BSD-ON:BSD 70.14 IOT and 2TM Paper Path and Drive Transmission
feed from tray 3 has started.
BSD-ON:BSD 70.15 IOT and TTM Paper Path and Drive Transmission
Initial Actions
BSD-ON:BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly.
BSD-ON:BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home.
• Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 3 feed/lift motor for opera- BSD-ON:BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation
tion failure.
073-101 Paper does not actuate the tray 3 feed out sensor within the specified time after tray 3
Procedure feed start.

WARNING 073-900 The tray 3 feed out sensor detected remaining paper.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Initial Actions
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the condition of the paper in tray 3. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. Procedure
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
1. Enter dC330 code 073-103 to actuate the tray 3 pre-feed sensor:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 10.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 2.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
2. Enter dC330 code 073-001 (Feed). Run the tray 3 feed/lift motor:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.
Perform the steps that follow:
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9.
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
3. Check the tray 3 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll for foreign substances or wear. Clean
or install new components as necessary: 2. Check the tray 3 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.25 for foreign substances or
wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
• 2TM PL 80.35.
• 2TM PL 80.30.
• TTM PL 80.50.
• TTM PL 80.50.
4. Check the gear for wear and damage. Clean or install new components as necessary:
3. Check the takeaway roll assembly for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
components as necessary.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
• 2TM PL 80.25 Item 1.
5. Check the pads for an proper installation and correct if necessary:
• TTM PL 80.40 Item 10.
• 2TM PL 70.25.
4. Enter dC330, code 073-103. Actuate the tray 3 feed out sensor, PL 80.25 Item 4.
• TTM PL 70.40 Item 5.
5. Enter dC330, code 073-001. Run the tray 3 feed/lift motor:
6. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9.
6. Enter dC330, code 077-033. Run the takeaway motor:
• 2TM PL 80.30 Item 1.
• TTM PL 80.45 Item 3.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-309 073-100, 073-101, 900
7. Check the gear for wear or damage. Install a new gear as necessary: 073-105 Jam In The Device RAP
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12. BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
8. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 073-105 The registration sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the registration
clutch initialized during paper feed from tray 3.

Initial Actions
Check the condition of the paper in tray 3. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the tray 3 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.35 for foreign substances or
wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run the takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17.
6. Enter dC330, code 072-001. Run the tray 3 feed/lift motor:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9.
7. Check the tray 3 gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
8. Check the drive assembly, PL 40.10 Item 1 for wear or damage.
9. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation.
10. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

073-101, 900, 073-105 2-310 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
073-108 Tray 3 Bypass Feed Out Sensor Jam RAP 073-210 Tray 3 Lift Up Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport BSD-ON:BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)

073-108 Paper does not actuate the bypass feed out sensor within the specified time after tray 073-210 Tray 3 lift NG has occurred three consecutive times.
3 feed start.
Initial Actions
Initial Actions • Check for obstructions behind the tray.
Check the condition of the paper in tray 3. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications • Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly.
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Perform the steps that follow: • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
1. Check the left hand door is fully closed and latched. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Check for obstructions in the paper path. 1. Enter dC330, code 073-102. Actuate the tray 3 no paper sensor:
3. Check the following components for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new • 2TM PL 80.35 Item 5.
components as necessary.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 6.
• 2TM takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.25 Item 1.
2. Enter dC330, code 073-002. Run the tray 3 feed/lift up motor:
• TTM takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.40 Item 10.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.
• 2TM feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.35.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9.
• TTM feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.50.
3. Enter dC330, code 042-003. Run the main drive assembly PL 40.05 Item 7.
• Bypass tray roll, PL 80.120 Item 6.
4. Check the gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary:
4. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the bypass tray feed out sensor, PL 80.115 Item 1.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
6. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17.
5. (2TM Only) Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 3 feed/lift
7. Enter dC330, code 077-035. Run the takeaway motor: motor for operation failure. Install new components as necessary, PL 70.25.
• 2TM PL 80.30 Item 1. 6. (TTM Only) Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 3 feed/lift
• TTM PL 80.45 Item 3. motor for operation failure. Also check the bottom plate lift mechanism. Install new com-
8. Enter dC330, code 072-001. Run the tray 3 feed/lift motor: ponents as necessary, PL 70.40.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11. 7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9.
9. Check the tray 3 gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
10. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation.
11. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-311 073-108, 073-210
073-212 Tray 3 Sensor Broken Fail RAP 074-100 Jam In Tray 4 (2TM/TTM)
BSD-ON:BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM) BSD-ON:BSD 80.2 Tray 3 and 4 Paper Pre-feeding

073-212 Abnormal output AD value from tray 3 paper size sensor was detected. 074-100 The tray 4 pre-feed sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the paper
feed from tray 4 has started.
WARNING Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause • Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Ensure the tray is pushed fully home.
Perform the steps that follow: • Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 4 feed/lift motor for opera-
1. Ask the customer to verify the correct paper is in tray 3. tion failure.
2. Ensure that the customer is programming the job correctly.
3. Remove tray 3. Check underneath the tray for damage to the link mechanism. Also check Procedure
the actuator at the rear of tray 3. If necessary, install a new tray assembly: WARNING
• 2TM PL 70.20 Item 1. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• TTM PL 70.35 Item 1. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
4. Enter dC140 Analog Monitor, code 073-200. Check the tray 3 paper size sensor: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• 2TM PL 70.20 Item 12. Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• TTM PL 70.35 Item 22. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
5. Check the wiring between the tray 3 paper size sensor, P/J102 and P/J453 on the motor • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
drive PWB. Perform the steps that follow:
6. Reload the software, GP 4.
7. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: 1. Enter dC330 code 073-103. Actuate the tray 4 pre-feed sensor:

• Tray 3 paper size sensor: • 2TM PL 80.35 Item 10.

– 2TM PL 70.20 Item 12. • TTM PL 80.50 Item 2.

– TTM PL 70.35 Item 22. 2. Enter dC330 code 073-001 (Feed). Run the tray 4 feed/lift motor:

• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.

• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9.
3. Check the tray 4 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll for foreign substances or wear. Clean
or install new components as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.35.
• TTM PL 80.50.
4. Check the gear for wear and damage. Clean or install new components as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
5. Check the pads for an proper installation and correct if necessary:
• 2TM PL 70.25.
• TTM PL 70.40 Item 5.
6. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

073-212, 074-100 2-312 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
074-101, 103, 900 Jam In The Device RAP 7. Check the tray 4 gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary:
BSD-ON:BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM) • 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 10.
BSD-ON:BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM) 8. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

BSD-ON:BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport

BSD-ON:BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport

074-101 Paper does not actuate the tray 4 feed out sensor within the specified time after tray 2
feed start.

074-103 The tray 4 feed out sensor detected remaining paper.

074-900 The tray 4 feed out sensor detected remaining paper.

Initial Actions
Check the condition of the paper in tray 4. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the tray 4 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, clean or install new components as
• 2TM PL 80.35.
• TTM PL 80.50.
3. Check the tray 4 takeaway roll for foreign substances or wear, clean or install new compo-
nents as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.25.
• TTM PL 80.30.
4. Enter dC330, code 073-103. Actuate the tray 4 feed out sensor:
• 2TM PL 80.25 Item 7.
• TTM PL 80.60 Item 3.
5. Enter dC330, code 073-001. Run the tray 4 feed/lift motor, PL 80.50 Item 9.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 9.
6. Enter dC330, code 077-033. Run the takeaway motor, PL 80.45 Item 3.
• 2TM PL 80.30 Item 1.
• TTM PL 80.45 Item 3.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-313 074-101, 103, 900
074-105 Jam In The Device RAP 074-107 MSI Feed Out Sensor On Jam RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration BSD-ON:BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport

074-105 The registration sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the registration 074-107 Paper does not actuate the bypass feed out sensor within the specified time after tray
clutch initialized during paper feed from tray 4. 4 feed start.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Check the condition of the paper in tray 3. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications Check the condition of the paper in tray 4. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. 1. Check the left hand door is fully closed and latched.
2. Check the tray 4 feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.35 for foreign substances or 2. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
wear. Clean or install new components as necessary. 3. Check the following components for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new
3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2. components as necessary.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5. • 2TM takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.25 Item 1.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17. • TTM takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.40 Item 10.
6. Enter dC330, code 072-001. Run the tray 4 feed/lift motor: • 2TM feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.35.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11. • TTM feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.50.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 9. • Bypass tray roll, PL 80.120 Item 6.
7. Check the tray 4 gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary: 4. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the bypass tray feed out sensor, PL 80.115 Item 1.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12. 5. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 10. 6. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17.
8. Check the main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7 for wear or damage. 7. Enter dC330, code 077-035. Run the takeaway motor:
9. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation. • 2TM PL 80.30 Item 1.
10. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • TTM PL 80.45 Item 3.
8. Enter dC330 code 073-001 (Feed). Run the tray 4 feed/lift motor:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 9.
9. Check the tray 4 gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 10.
10. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation.
11. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

074-105, 074-107 2-314 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
074-210 Tray 4 Lift Up Fail RAP 074-212 Tray 4 Sensor Broken Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM) BSD-ON:BSD 70.5 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (2TM)

BSD-ON:BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM) BSD-ON:BSD 70.6 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)

074-210 Tray 4 lift NG has occurred three consecutive times. 074-212 Abnormal output AD value from tray 4 paper size sensor was detected.

Initial Actions Procedure

• Check for obstructions behind the tray. WARNING
• Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 4 feed/lift motor for opera- death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
tion failure. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Load the correct paper in tray 4.
Procedure 2. Ensure that the customer is programming the job correctly.
WARNING 3. Remove tray 4. Check underneath the tray for damage to the link mechanism. Also check
the actuator at the rear of tray 4. If necessary, install a new tray assembly:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause • 2TM PL 70.20 Item 1.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • TTM PL 70.35 Item 2.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: 4. Enter dC140 Analog Monitor, code 074-200. Actuate the tray 4 paper size sensor:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. • 2TM PL 70.20 Item 12.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. • TTM PL 70.35 Item 22.
Perform the steps that follow: 5. Enter dC330 code 074-104. Actuate the tray 4 paper size sensor (2TM only).
1. Enter dC330, code 074-102. Actuate the tray 4 level sensor: 6. Check the wiring between the tray 4 paper size sensor, P/J103 and P/J453 on the motor
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 5. drive PWB.
• TTM PL 80.55 Item 6. 7. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Enter dC330, code 074-002. Run the tray 4 feed/lift up motor: 8. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 11. • Tray 4 paper size sensor:
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 9. – 2TM PL 70.20 Item 12.
3. Enter dC330, code 042-003. Run the main drive assembly PL 40.05 Item 7. – TTM PL 70.35 Item 22.
4. Check the gear for wear or damage, install a new gear as necessary: • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• 2TM PL 80.35 Item 12.
• TTM PL 80.50 Item 10.
5. (2TM Only) Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 4 feed/lift
motor for operation failure. Install new components as necessary, PL 70.25.
6. (TTM Only) Check the drive system between the bottom plate and the tray 4 feed/lift
motor for operation failure. Also check the bottom plate lift mechanism. Install new com-
ponents as necessary, PL 70.40.
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-315 074-210, 074-212
075-100 Jam In The Bypass Tray RAP 075-135 Registration Sensor Jam (Bypass Tray) RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport BSD-ON:BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport

075-100 The bypass tray feed out sensor does not turn on within the specified time after the BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration
paper feed from bypass tray has started.
075-135 The registration sensor does not turn on within the specified time after the registration
Initial Actions motor turns on once the paper feed from the bypass tray has started.
Check the condition of the paper in the bypass tray. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size
Specifications Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in the bypass tray. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size
Procedure Specifications
• Check that the paper guides are set correctly.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Perform the steps that follow: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
2. Check the bypass tray feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.120. Clean or install new • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
components as necessary Perform the steps that follow:
3. Check the tray 4 takeaway roll for foreign substances or wear, clean or install new compo- 1. Check the left door is fully closed and latched.
nents as necessary: 2. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• 2TM PL 80.25. 3. Check the bypass tray feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.120. Clean or install new
• TTM PL 80.30. components as necessary
4. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the bypass tray feed out sensor, PL 80.115 Item 1. 4. Check the registration roll and takeaway roll 1, PL 80.55 for foreign substances or wear.
Clean or install new components as necessary.
5. Enter dC330, code 075-003 (Feed). Run the bypass tray feed/lift motor, PL 80.120 Item 1.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the bypass tray feed out sensor, PL 80.115 Item 1.
6. Check the bypass tray feedhead assembly gears for wear or damage, install a new
bypass tray feedhead assembly, PL 80.120 Item 10. 6. Enter dC330, code 075-003 (Feed). Run the bypass tray feed/lift motor, PL 80.120 Item 1.
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 7. Check the bypass tray feedhead assembly gears for wear or damage, install a new
bypass tray feedhead assembly, PL 80.120 Item 10.
8. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation.
9. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

075-100, 075-135 2-316 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
075-212 Bypass Tray Nudger Up Down Fail 076-300 Transport Path Interlock Open Rap
BSD-ON:BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking BSD-ON:BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport

075-212 After the bypass tray nudger up or down operation has started, the bypass tray 076-300 A transport path drawer open was detected at the TTM.
nudger position sensor output does not change within the specified time.
Initial Actions
Procedure Check that the TTM transport path drawer, tray 3 and tray 4 are fully closed.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter dC330, code 075-102 to actuate the bypass tray nudger position sensor, PL 80.120 Procedure
Item 2. Enter dC330 code 077-307. Actuate the transport path interlock by opening tray 3, tray 4 and
2. Enter dC330, code 075-004 (Up/Down) to run the bypass tray feed/lift motor, PL 80.120 the transport path drawer. The display changes.
Item 1. Y N
3. Check the bypass tray nudger roll, PL 80.120 Item 8 up/down mechanism for mechanical Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB P/J451, relay connector P/J624, and the
loading, the springs for deformation, snags, and etc. Install a new bypass tray roll kit if drawer connector DP618 and DJ618 for broken/bent pins and poor contact. repair as nec-
necessary, PL 80.120 Item 6. essary. The wiring and connectors are good.
4. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Y N
Repair the wiring and connectors.

Check the transport path drawer connector of the TTM for damage, wear, or misalignment
of the drawer rails. The alignment of the drawer connector is good.
Repair or install new components.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Perform SCP 5 Final actions.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-317 075-212, 076-300
077-103, 104, 106, 109 Jam In The Device RAP 4. Enter dC330, code 077-101 to actuate exit sensor 1, part of the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14
for proper operation.
BSD-ON:BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive
5. Enter dC330, code 010-004 to run the fuser unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 19 for proper
BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing
6. Enter dC330, code 077-060/061 (CW/CCW) to run the exit 2 drive motor, PL 10.25 Item 5
BSD-ON:BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport for proper operation.
7. Enter dC330, code 077-003 to energize the exit 1 gate solenoid, PL 10.25 Item 11 for
BSD-ON:BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2) proper operation.
8. Check the fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16 for wear and damage, if damaged
077-103 The fusing unit exit sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the fusing install a new fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16.
unit exit sensor turned on.
9. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

077-104 The trail edge of the paper turned off the fuser exit sensor earlier than the specified

077-106 The fusing unit exit sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the fusing
unit exit sensor turned off.

077-109 The fuser exit sensor did not actuate within the specified time after the registration
clutch energized.

Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly, GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home.

NOTE: If fault code 077-109 occurs multiple times when feeding the media that follows:
• Xerox bold coated satin or gloss digital printing paper 210 gsm / 80 lb cover.
• Xerox bold coated satin or gloss digital printing paper heavyweight 280 gsm / 100 lb
• Xerox bold coated satin or gloss digital printing paper heavyweight 300 gsm / 110 lb
When a high area coverage image job is printed in duplex mode on moisture content paper in
A-zone environment. Change the output destination to exit 1 (center tray lower).

Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for paper jammed in the fuser.
2. Check the margin at the lead edge. If the margin is narrow, perform the following:
• Enter dC126, System Registration Adjustment to adjust the lead edge margin.
• Check for multi-sheet feeding from the paper tray.
• Reload the paper in the tray.
3. Check the toner density. If the toner density is dark perform dC991, Toner Density Adjust-

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

077-103, 104, 106, 109 2-318 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
077-105 Exit Sensor 2 Off Jam RAP 077-110 POB Sensor On Jam
BSD-ON:BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper

BSD-ON:BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

077-105 The trail of the paper was late from the exit 2 tray sensor. 077-110 The POB Jam Sensor does not turn on within the specified time after the registration
motor turns on.
Initial Actions
Ensure the correct paper is loaded in the tray, GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications. Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
NOTE: If feeding any of the media that follows: • Ensure the correct paper is loaded in the tray, GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifica-
• Xerox vitality coated printing paper - gloss, 210 gsm / 80 lb cover. tions.
• Xerox vitality coated printing paper - gloss, 280 gsm / 100 lb cover. • Ensure the tray is pushed fully home.
• Xerox bold super gloss cover, 210 gsm / 10 pt. Procedure
• Xerox bold super gloss cover, 250 gsm / 12 pt. WARNING
• Xerox colotech+ gloss coated, 170 to 280gsm.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• Xerox colotech+ supergloss, 135 to 250gsm. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Jams may occur when a high area coverage image job is printed on coated media with output death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
destination of exit 2. If jam occurs, change the output destination to exit 1 (center tray lower). Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
Procedure • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. Enter dC330, code 077-110 to actuate the POB jam sensor, PL 80.80 Item 9.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2. Enter dC330, code 077-055 to run the registration motor, PL 80.95 Item 4.
3. Check the 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2 for paper jam, contamination, wear,
WARNING and revolution failure.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. 4. Check the IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1 for paper jam.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: 5. Check the pinch roller PL 80.80 Item 19, for contamination, wear, and transportation fail-
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. ure due to deterioration.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. 6. Check all registration driver assembly gears, PL 80.95 for wear and damage. Install new
Perform the steps that follow: components as necessary.
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. 7. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 for proper installation. Correct as
2. Enter dC330, code 077-113 to actuate the exit 2 tray sensor, PL 10.25 Item 15. necessary.
3. Enter dC330, code 077-110 to actuate the exit 2 OCT home position sensor, PL 10.25 8. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Item 14.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-045/046(CW/CCW) to run the exit 2 OCT motor, PL 10.25 Item
5. Enter dC330, code 077-060/061(CW/CCW) to run the exit 2 drive motor, PL 10.25 Item 5.
6. Check the exit 2 gears for wear or damage:
• Exit 2 drive bracket assembly, PL 10.25 Item 3.
• Gear, PL 10.25 Item 10.
• Offset gear, PL 10.25 Item 16.
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-319 077-105, 077-110
077-130 Jam In The Device RAP 077-211 Tray Module Mismatch RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

BSD-ON:BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport 077-211 A tray module mismatch has occurred.

077-130 The registration sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the registration Procedure
motor turned on during paper feed from the duplex path.
Initial Actions Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifica-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
NOTE: If jams occur when feeding any of the media that follows: 1. Check the correct tray module (2TM/TTM) is installed. Install the correct tray module
• Xerox bold digital printing paper, 270 gsm / 100 lb cover desired.

• Xerox bold super gloss cover, 250 gsm / 12 pt. 2. Check the connections between the tray module and the machine.

• Xerox bold coated satin or gloss digital printing paper,300 gsm / 110 lb cover. 3. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

• Xerox colotech+ gloss coated, 170 to 280gsm. 4. If the fault persists, enter dC131 to ensure the tray module type is correctly set in NVM
value 742-205:
If necessary advise the customer to use a lighter media.
• 2TM = 4
Procedure • TTM = 5
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
• GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
2. Check the mid and lower duplex roll assemblies, PL 80.75, and pinch roller, PL 80.80 Item
19 for foreign substances or wear.
3. Enter dC330, code 077-103. Check the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2.
4. Enter dC330, code 042-055. Check the registration motor, PL 80.95 Item 4.
5. Check the registration drive gear, PL 80.90 Item 8 wear or damage.
6. Check the main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 1 for wear or damage.
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

077-130, 077-211 2-320 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
077-300 The Device Front Door Is Open RAP 077-301 The Device Left-Side Door A is Open RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching

077-300 Front cover was opened during run. 077-301 Left cover assembly was opened during run.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: Refer to GP 9 How to Check a Switch, as necessary.
• GP 9 How to Check a Switch
Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Check the actuator on the L/H cover for damage. If necessary, install a new left cover, PL
1. Check the actuator on the front cover for damage. If necessary, install a new front cover
80.65 Item 1.
assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Enter dC330 code 077-300. Check the left cover interlock switch assembly, PL 80.65 Item
2. Enter dC330 code 077-303. Check the front cover interlock switch, PL 28.05 Item 11.
3. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
3. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-321 077-300, 077-301
077-305 The Device Left-Side Door B is Open RAP 077-314 Paper Handling Module Logic Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching BSD-ON: BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

077-301 Tray module left cover was opened during run. 077-314 A tray module fatal error was detected.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to GP 9 How to Check a Switch, as necessary. Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Switch off the machine, then check the following items:
1. Check the actuator on the tray module left cover for damage. If necessary, install a new
• The connection at P/J335 between the controller PWB and the back plane PWB,
tray module left cover assembly:
and P/J451 between the back plane PWB and the halftone PWB for poor contact,
• (2TM), PL 80.20 Item 1. damage, and foreign substances
• (TTM), PL 70.35 Item 16. • The motor drive ribbon cable, PL 3.10 Item 3, between the halftone PWB P551/J480
2. Enter dC330, code 077-306. As necessary, perform the steps that follow: and the motor drive PWB P/J410 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact.
• Check the 2TM interlock switch, PL 80.20 Item 8. 3. If the fault persists, install new components in the following order as necessary:
• Check the TTM interlock switch assembly, PL 80.40 Item 1.
NOTE: After each individual component installation, switch on the machine to verify the
3. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. fault is cleared before installing the next component.

a. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

b. Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
c. Halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4.
d. Back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

077-305, 077-314 2-322 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
077-900, 902, 912 IOT Static Jam RAP 077-901 IOT Static Jam RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration BSD-ON:BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

077-900 The registration sensor detected remaining paper. BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing

077-902 The exit 2 sensor detected remaining paper. BSD-ON:BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport

077-912 The bypass tray feed out sensor detected remaining paper. BSD-ON:BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2)

Initial Actions 077-901 The fuser exit sensor detected remaining paper in the paper path.
• Remove all jammed paper in the paper path.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Speci-
Initial Actions
fications • Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Ensure that all the trays are loaded correctly. • Ensure that the tray is loaded correctly, GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home.
Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: WARNING
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
Perform the steps that follow: • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
1. Check the takeaway roll and takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 for foreign substances or wear. • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Clean or install new components as necessary.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Enter dC330, code 077-103 to actuate the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2.
1. Remove the fuser. Remove any foreign material or paper wound around the heat roll.
3. Check the main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7 for wear or damage.
2. Enter dC330, code 077-101 to actuate exit sensor 1, part of the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14
4. Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.55 Item 1 for wear or damage. for proper operation.
5. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 3. Enter dC330, code 010-004 to run the fuser unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 19.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-060/061(CW/CCW) to run the exit 2 drive motor, PL 10.25 Item 5.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-003 to energize the exit 1 gate solenoid, PL 10.25 Item 11 for
proper operation.
6. Check the fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16 for wear and damage, if damaged
install a new fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16.
7. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-323 077-900, 902, 912, 077-901
077-967, 968 Paper Mismatch RAP 078-102 Registration Sensor Jam (HCF) RAP
077-967 The paper loaded is different from the specified paper type. BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

077-968 The paper loaded is different from the specified paper type. BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

Procedure 078-102 Paper fed from the HCF did not actuate the registration sensor within the specified
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. time.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Initial Actions
Load the specified paper, then resubmit the job.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the condition of the paper in the HCF. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Spec-
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.

Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Enter dC330, code 077-104. Manually actuate the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2. The
display changes.
Check the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 078-093 to run the HCF takeaway motor. The motor runs.
Check the wiring between the HCF takeaway motor (JF57) and the HCF PWB (JF06).
The wiring is good.
Repair as necessary.

Check that the resistance through the HCF takeaway motor is approximately 0.8 ohms
• JF57 pin 3 to pins 1 and 2.
• JF57 pin 4 to pins 5 and 6.
The resistances are good.
Install a new HCF takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7.

Check the voltage between JF06 pins 9 and 10 and ground. +24V is measured.
Check the +24VDC circuit.

Install a new HCF takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7. If the fault persists, install a new HCF
PWB, PL 70.95 Item 7.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
077-967, 968, 078-102 2-324 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Check the items that follow: 078-104, 901 HCF Feed Out Sensor Fault RAP
• Check the HCF feed roll, nudger roll, PL 80.105 and retard roll, PL 80.110 Item 1 for for- BSD-ON:BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation
eign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
• Check the HCF pinch roller, PL 70.90 Item 12 and HCF takeaway roll, PL 70.90 Item 18 078-104 Paper fed from the HCF did not actuate the HCF feed out sensor within the specified
for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary. time.
• HCF and IOT for a poor docking
• Drive gears, PL 80.100. 078-104 The HCF feed out sensor detected paper.
If the fault persists, install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.
Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the condition of the paper in the HCF. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Spec-
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.

Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Enter dC330 code 078-101. Manually actuate the HCF feed out sensor, PL 70.90 Item 25.
The display changes.
Check the HCF feed out sensor.

Enter dC330 code 078-093 to run the HCF takeaway motor PL 70.95 Item 7. The motor
Check the wiring between the HCF takeaway motor (JF57) and the HCF PWB (JF06).
The wiring is good.
Repair as necessary.

Check that the resistance through the HCF takeaway motor is approximately 0.8 ohms
• JF57 pin 3 to pins 1 and 2.
• JF57 pin 4 to pins 5 and 6.
The resistances are good.
Install a new HCF takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7.

Check the voltage between JF06 pins 9 and 10 and ground. +24V is measured.
Check the +24VDC circuit.

Install a new HCF takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7. If the fault persists, install a new HCF
PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-325 078-102, 078-104, 901
078-105 Registration Sensor On Jam (HCF) RAP 078-118 HCF Bypass Tray Feed Out Sensor On Jam (HCF)
BSD-ON:BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport
BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration
BSD-ON:BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation
078-105 The registration sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the registration
motor turned on during paper feed from the HCF. BSD-ON:BSD 80.9 Registration

Initial Actions 078-105 The registration sensor did not turn on within the specified time after the registration
WARNING motor turned on during paper feed from the HCF.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Initial Actions
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
• Check the condition of the paper in the HCF. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Spec- Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
ifications. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• Check for obstructions in the paper path. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the condition of the paper in the HCF. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Spec-
Procedure ifications.
WARNING • Check for obstructions in the paper path.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary: Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
1. Check for obstructions in the paper path. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
2. Check the feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.35 for foreign substances or wear. • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Clean or install new components as necessary. Perform the steps that follow:
3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2. 1. Check for obstructions in the paper path.
4. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5. 2. Check the feed roll, nudger roll and retard roll, PL 80.35 for foreign substances or wear.
5. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17. Clean or install new components as necessary.
6. Enter dC330, code 078-003. Run the HCF feed lift motor, PL 80.100 Item 23. 3. Enter dC330, code 077-104. Actuate the bypass tray feed out sensor, PL 80.115 Item 1.
Check the items that follow: 4. Enter dC330, code 077-050. Run takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
• HCF and IOT for a poor docking 5. Enter dC330, code 077-051. Run the takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17.
• Check the HCF feed roll, nudger roll, PL 80.105 and retard roll, PL 80.110 Item 1 for 6. Enter dC330, code 078-003. Run the HCF feed lift motor, PL 80.100 Item 23.
foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary. Check the items that follow:
• Check the HCF pinch roller, PL 70.90 Item 12 and HCF takeaway roll, PL 70.90 Item • HCF and IOT for a poor docking
18 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary. • Check the HCF feed roll, nudger roll, PL 80.105 and retard roll, PL 80.110 Item 1 for
• Drive gears, PL 80.100. foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
• Check the main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7 for wear or damage. • Check the HCF pinch roller, PL 70.90 Item 12 and HCF takeaway roll, PL 70.90 Item
• Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation. 18 for foreign substances or wear. Clean or install new components as necessary.
If the fault persists, install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9. • Drive gears, PL 80.100.
• Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 for improper installation.
If the fault persists, install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

078-105, 078-118 2-326 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
078-216, 219 HCF Communication Failure RAP 078-250 HCF Lift Fault RAP
078-216 Cannot read from and/or write to the NVM in the HCF. BSD-ON: BSD 7.15 HCF Paper Stacking

078-219 HCF soft download fail. 078-250 HCF tray lift failure. The tray 6 level sensor is not actuated within the specified time.

Procedure Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: • Check the condition of the paper in the HCF. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Spec-
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. ifications.
2. Check wires and connectors between the HCF and the IOT. • Check for obstructions in the paper tray.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9. Procedure
Refer to the procedures that follow as necessary:
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Open, then close the HCF tray, PL 70.75 Item 5. The HCF feed lift motor runs.
Check the wiring between the HCF feed lift motor (JF58) and the HCF PWB (JF06). The
wiring is good.
Repair as necessary.

Check that the resistance through the HCF feed lift motor, PL 80.100 Item 23 is approxi-
mately 0.8 ohms between:
• JF58 pin 3 to pins 1 and 2.
• JF58 pin 4 to pins 5 and 6.
The resistances are good.
Install a new HCF feed lift motor, PL 80.100 Item 23.

Check the voltage between JF06 pins 3 and 4 and ground. +24V is measured.
Check the +24VDC circuit.

Install a new HCF feed lift motor, PL 80.100 Item 23. If the fault persists, install a new HCF
PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

Check the installation of the HCF level sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19 and the operation of the
actuator. The sensor and actuator are good.
Correctly install the HCF level sensor, or install new components as necessary, PL 80.105
Item 19.

Enter dC330 code 078-201. Manually actuate the HCF level sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19. The
display changes.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-327 078-216, 219, 078-250
Y N 078-300 HCF Transport Cover Interlock Open RAP
Check the HCF level sensor connection and for damage. If damaged, install a new HCF
BSD-ON: 1.12 DC Power Distribution - HCF
level sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19.

Check the mechanical components of the lift mechanism for dirty or damaged gears, broken or 078-300 The HCF top cover interlock is open.
out of place cables, PL 80.100. If the fault persists, install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to GP 9 How to Check a Switch, as necessary.
Enter dC330 code 078-300. Open then close the top cover, PL 70.90 Item 7 to actuate the HCF
top cover interlock switch. The display changes.
Measure the voltage between P/JF05 pin 2 on the HCF PWB and ground. +24V is mea-
Measure the voltage between P/JF05 pin 1 on the HCF PWB and ground. +24V is
Measure the voltage between P/JF04 pin 1 and 2 on the HCF PWB and
ground. +24VDC is measured.
Check the +24VDC circuit.

Install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

Check the items that follow: wiring:

• P/JF05 pin 1 on the HCF PWB and FS001 on the HCF top cover interlock
• P/JF05 pin 2 on the HCF PWB and FS002 on the HCF top cover interlock
If the wiring is good, install a new HCF top cover interlock switch, PL 70.90 Item 26.

Install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

The fault could be caused by misalignment of the HCF top cover interlock switch. Ensure the
switch and HCF top cover are correctly installed. Check if the actuator is damaged, install new
components as necessary, PL 70.55.
If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.
• Motor drive PWB, PL PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

078-250, 078-300 2-328 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
078-301 HCF1 Slide Out Switch Open RAP
BSD-ON: 1.12 DC Power Distribution - HCF

078-301 HCF1 slide out switch open indicating the HCF and the IOT are undocked.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check that the HCF and the IOT are correctly docked.
• Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 9 How to Check a Switch.
Enter dC330 code 078-301. Dock then undock the HCF to actuate the HCF1 slide out switch.
The display changes.
Undock the HCF. Actuate the HCF1 slide out switch, PL 70.95 Item 8. The display
Measure the voltage between P/JF08 pin 2 on the HCF PWB and ground. The volt-
age drops to less than +1VDC when the switch is actuated
Check the wiring between:
• P/JF08 pin 1 on the HCF PWB and FS003 on the HCF1 slide out switch.
• P/JF08 pin 2 on the HCF PWB and FS004 on the HCF1 slide out switch.
If the wiring is good, install a new HCF1 slide out switch, PL 70.95 Item 8.

Install a new HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

Check the alignment of the HCF docking base and the IOT.

The fault may be intermittent. Check HCF1 slide out switch wiring. If the fault persists, install
new components as necessary:
• HCF1 slide out switch, PL 70.95 Item 8.
• HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-329 078-301
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
078-301 2-330 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Chain 089 Entry RAP 089-313, 314, 316, 317 IReCT Error Fail RAP
When multiple Chain 89 fault codes are indicated in the active fault list (dC125) fixing higher BSD-ON:BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M
priority faults can result in automatically fixing other, lower priority faults. Fix faults in the order
indicated in Table 1. BSD-ON:BSD 60.2 LPH C and K

Chain 89 Fault Priority 089-313 IReCT Error Fail #1

Table 1 Chain 89 RAP Priority 089-314 IReCT Error Fail #2

Priority Fault Code Fault

089-316 IReCT Error Fail #3
1 (high) 089-313, 314, 316, 317 IReCTErrorFail
2 089-674, 675, 676 MOBLEDFail 089-317 IReCT Error Fail #4
3 089-677, 678, 679 MOBThreshHoldFail
• Detected insufficient input data (UnderRun) on the controller regarding the output data to
4 089-623, 673, 629 VsoutStabilityFail
5 089-616 RCDataOverflowFail
• IReCT settings error has occurred.
6 089-604, 606, 607, 609, 610, RCSampleBlockFail-B
612, 613, 615
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
7 089-601, 089-603 SampleBlockFail-A1
2. Switch off the machine, then check the connection of the back plane PWB between the
8 089-600 RCSampleLateralFail-A1
controller PWB assembly P335 and the halftone PWB J451 for loose connection, poor
9 (low) 089-617 RCDataOverRangeFail
contact, or an obstruction.
3. Perform dC675, Registration Control Setup Cycle.
4. If the fault persists, contact your Xerox Support Center.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-331 Chain 089 Entry RAP, 089-313, 314, 316, 317
089-600 RC Sample Lateral Fail-A1 RAP 089-601, 089-603 RC Sample Block Fail-A1 RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration BSD-ON: BSD 60.3 Color Registration

089-600 An error with the Cyan fast scan position that is used as a reference during A1 (fine 089-601 During the A1 (fine adjustment pattern) and C patch detection, the patch at the MOB
adjustment pattern) and C patch detection. ADC sensor In did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.

Initial Actions 089-603 During the A1 (fine adjustment pattern) and C patch detection, the patch at the MOB
ADC sensor Out did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.
Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
mine the highest priority fault.
Initial Actions
Procedure Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
mine the highest priority fault.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Procedure
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Procedure

Check the installation and condition of the IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. The IBT belt
assembly is good. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Y N not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Install the IBT belt assembly correctly. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to GP 7 How to Check a sensor, as necessary:
Perform the steps that follow: Check the applicable MOB ADC sensor for contamination, open circuits, short circuits or dam-
1. Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1 age, if necessary install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. The fault per-
2. Enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the HFSI value for the BTR unit.
The fault persists. Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Perform the steps that follow:

Perform the steps that follow: 1. Install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1.
1. If the fault persists install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 2. Enter dC675, perform the Registration Control Setup Cycle.

2. Enter dC675, perform the Registration Control Setup Cycle.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

089-600, 089-601, 089-603 2-332 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
089-604, 606, 607, 609, 610, 612, 613, 615 RC Sample Block Check the IBT belt, PL 90.35, at the applicable MOB ADC sensor position for damage and dis-
tortion. The IBT belt is good.
Fail-B RAP Y N
BSD-ON: BSD 60.3 Color Registration. Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. Enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the
HFSI value for the BTR unit.
089-604 During the yellow B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the MOB
ADC In sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks. Check the Drum Cartridge, PL 90.15, for damage and deformation. The drum cartridge is
089-606 During the yellow B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the MOB Y N
ADC Out sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks. Install a new drum cartridge:
• PL 90.15 Item 2 (K)
089-607 During the magenta B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the • PL 90.15 Item 3 (C)
MOB ADC In sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks. • PL 90.15 Item 4 (M)
• PL 90.15 Item 5 (Y)
089-609 During the magenta B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the
MOB ADC Out sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.
Install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. If the fault persists install a new
motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Enter dC675, perform the Registration Control Setup Cycle.
089-610 During the cyan B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the MOB
ADC In sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.

089-612 During the cyan B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the MOB
ADC Out sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.

089-613 During the black B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the MOB
ADC In sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.

089-615 During the black B (rough adjustment pattern) patch detection, the patch at the MOB
ADC Out sensor did not satisfy the defined number of valid sample blocks.

Initial Actions
Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
mine the highest priority fault.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the applicable MOB ADC sensor for open
circuits, short circuits or damage. The connection is good.
Reconnect or repair the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the MOB ADC sensor.

Check the magnet roll at the applicable MOB ADC sensor position for contamination, damage
or distortion. The magnet roll is good.
Install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-333 089-604, 606, 607, 609, 610, 612, 613, 615
089-616 RC Data Overflow Fail RAP Check if Fast Scan Margin or Slow Scan Margin have reached the minimum or maximum
adjustment value. Slow Scan Margin has reached the minimum or maximum adjustment
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration
089-616 The correction setting value of the calculation result has exceeded the allowed range. Raise/lower each LPH (Y, M, C, K) 2 to 3 times to check the LPH lift up/down mechanism.
If no problem is found, install a new LPH assembly as necessary:
Initial Actions • PL 60.05 Item 1 (K).
Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
• PL 60.05 Item 2 (C).
mine the highest priority fault.
• PL 60.05 Item 3 (M).
• PL 60.05 Item 4 (Y).
WARNING Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Enter dC675, perform the Registration Control
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Setup Cycle.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC675, perform the Registration Control Setup Cycle and compare the correction
amount with the value in Table 1.

Table 1 Registration control adjustment ranges

Adjustment Range

Correction item
Minimum Maximum
Fast Scan Margin -4720 +4720
Slow Scan Margin -4720 +4720
Skew -1650 +1650

Fast Scan Margin or Slow Scan Margin have reached the minimum or maximum adjust-
ment value.
Check the position of the drum cartridge of each color. The drum cartridge positions
are good.
Correctly position all drum cartridges.

Install a new drum cartridge as necessary:

• PL 90.15 Item 2 (K).
• PL 90.15 Item 3 (C).
• PL 90.15 Item 4 (M).
• PL 90.15 Item 5 (Y).
If the fault persists, install a new LPH assembly as necessary:
• PL 60.05 Item 1 (K).
• PL 60.05 Item 2 (C).
• PL 60.05 Item 3 (M).
• PL 60.05 Item 4 (Y).

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
089-616 2-334 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
089-617 RC Data Over Range RAP 089-623, 673, 629 Vsout Stability Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration

089-617 The result from adding the offset value to the correction value has exceeded the offset 089-623 The amount of reflected light was not stabilized during front MOB sensor, PL 90.30
range. Item 1 LED brightness correction.

Initial Actions 089-673 The amount of reflected light was not stabilized during ADC sensor, PL 90.30 Item 11
LED brightness correction.
Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
mine the highest priority fault.
089-629 The amount of reflected light was not stabilized during rear MOB sensor, PL 90.30
Item 12 LED brightness correction.
Enter dC131, check the NVM values that follow: Initial Actions
• 759-319 (Lead Registration Offset). Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
• 759-321 (Side 1 Registration Offset). mine the highest priority fault.
• 759-322 (Side 2 Registration Offset).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to GP 7 How to Check a Sensor, as necessary.
Check the wiring between:
• The motor drive PWB P/J443 and the applicable MOB sensor P/J609 (front and rear).
• The motor drive PWB P/J416 and ADC sensor P/J608.
for open circuits, short circuits or damage. The connection is good.
Reconnect or repair the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the MOB ADC sensor

Check the IBT belt, PL 90.35, at the applicable MOB ADC sensor position for damage and dis-
tortion. The IBT belt is good.
Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. Enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the
HFSI value for the BTR unit.

Check the detection area of the applicable MOB ADC sensor for obstruction or contamination.
The MOB ADC sensor is good.
Clean the detection area of the MOB ADC sensor.

Install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. After installing a new IBT belt assembly, enter
dC135 code 954-820 to reset the HFSI value for the BTR unit. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-335 089-617, 089-623, 673, 629
If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB PL 1.10 Item 2. Enter dC675, perform the 089-674, 675, 676 MOB LED Fail RAP
Registration Control Setup Cycle.
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration

089-674 The LED light amount setting value does not converge in gain correction of the front
MOB sensor, PL 90.30 Item 10 LED Brightness Correction.

089-675 An error occurs in the output voltage value of the IBT belt sensor during ADC sensor,
PL 90.30 Item 11 LED Brightness Correction.

089-676 The LED light amount setting value does not converge in gain correction of the rear
MOB sensor, PL 90.30 Item 12 LED Brightness Correction.

Initial Actions
Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
mine the highest priority fault.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the applicable MOB ADC sensor for open
circuits, short circuits or damage. The connection is good.
Reconnect or repair the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the MOB ADC sensor.

Check the IBT belt, PL 90.35, at the applicable MOB ADC sensor position for damage and dis-
tortion. The IBT belt is good.
Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. Enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the
HFSI value for the BTR unit.

Check the detection area of the applicable MOB ADC sensor for obstruction or contamination.
The MOB ADC sensor is good.
Clean the detection area of the MOB ADC sensor.

Install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. After installing a new IBT belt assembly, enter
dC135 code 954-820 to reset the HFSI value for the BTR unit. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
089-623, 673, 629, 089-674, 675, 676 2-336 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB PL 1.10 Item 2. Enter dC675, perform the 089-677, 678, 679 MOB Threshold Fail RAP
Registration Control Setup Cycle.
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration

089-677 An error occurs in the output voltage value of the IBT belt sensor during front MOB
sensor, PL 90.30 Item 10 LED Brightness Correction.

089-678 An error occurs in the output voltage value of the IBT belt sensor during ADC sensor,
PL 90.30 Item 11 LED Brightness Correction.

089-679 An error occurs in the output voltage value of the IBT belt sensor during rear MOB
sensor, PL 90.30 Item 12 LED Brightness Correction.

Initial Actions
Enter dC125, if multiple chain 89 faults are indicated, refer to Chain 089 Entry RAP to deter-
mine the highest priority fault.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:
• GP 7 How to Check a sensor.
Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the applicable MOB ADC sensor for open
circuits, short circuits or damage. The connection is good.
Reconnect or repair the wiring between the motor drive PWB and the MOB ADC sensor.

Check the IBT belt, PL 90.35, at the applicable MOB ADC sensor position for damage and dis-
tortion. The IBT belt is good.
Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. Enter dC135 code 954-820 to reset the
HFSI value for the BTR unit.

Check the detection area of the applicable MOB ADC sensor for obstruction or contamination.
The MOB ADC sensor is good.
Clean the detection area of the MOB ADC sensor.

Install a new MOB ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. After installing a new IBT belt assembly, enter
dC135 code 954-820 to reset the HFSI value for the BTR unit. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-337 089-674, 675, 676, 089-677, 678, 679
If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB PL 1.10 Item 2. Enter dC675, perform the
Registration Control Setup Cycle.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

089-677, 678, 679 2-338 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
091-328, 329, 330, 331 Drum CRUM Communication Error 091-400, 405, 910, 911 Waste Toner Cartridge RAP
RAP BSD-ON:BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal
BSD-ON:BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)
091-400 Waste cartridge is nearly full.
BSD-ON:BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)
091-405 Waste cartridge is pre nearly full.
091-328 Black Drum cartridge CRUM authentication IC communication error.
091-910 Waste cartridge is not positioned.
091-329 Yellow Drum cartridge CRUM authentication IC communication error.
091-911 Waste cartridge is full.
091-330 Magenta Drum cartridge CRUM authentication IC communication error.
091-331 Cyan Drum cartridge CRUM authentication IC communication error. Check the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6. The waste cartridge is full or nearly full.
Procedure Enter dC330 code 091-201, waste toner cartridge full sensor, PL 90.20 Item 6. Actuate
the sensor. The display changes.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Check the waste toner cartridge full sensor, refer to:
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• GP 7 How to check a sensor.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal.
Perform the steps that follow:
If necessary, install new parts:
1. Remove the drum cartridge causing the fault.
• Waste toner cartridge full sensor, PL 90.20 Item 6.
2. Check the drum cartridge CRUM and connector for damage and contamination.
• Motor Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
3. Install the drum cartridge back into the machine.
4. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Enter dC330 code 091-200, waste toner cartridge position sensor, PL 90.20 Item 7. Actu-
5. Remove the drum cartridge causing the fault, then install a new drum cartridge. If the fault ate the sensor. The display changes.
persists, check the wiring of the drum causing the fault between: Y N
• Drum cartridge CRUM (K), P/J123 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418. Check the waste toner cartridge full sensor, refer to:
• Drum cartridge CRUM (C), P/J122 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418. • GP 7 How to check a sensor.
• Drum cartridge CRUM (M), P/J121 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418. • BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal.
• Drum cartridge CRUM (Y), P/J120 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418. If necessary, install new parts:
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: • Waste toner cartridge position sensor, PL 90.20 Item 7.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 2 (K). • Motor Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 3 (C).
Check that the waste cartridge seats correctly in the machine and is not distorted or dam-
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 4 (M).
aged, If necessary install a new waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 5 (Y).
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Correctly dispose of the used waste cartridge, then install a new waste cartridge, PL 90.15
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. Item 6.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-339 091-328, 329, 330, 331, 091-400, 405
091-401, 411, 421, 431, 406, 416, 426, 436 Drum Cartridge 091-402, 424, 480, 481, 482, 913 Drum Cartridge Life Over
Near End of Life RAP RAP
091-401 Black drum cartridge is near end of life. 091-402 Drum cartridge K life over.

091-411 Yellow drum cartridge is near end of life. 091-424 Drum cartridge K life end.

091-421 Magenta drum cartridge is near end of life. 091-480 Drum cartridge Y life over.

091-431 Cyan drum cartridge is near end of life. 091-481 Drum cartridge M life over.

091-406 Black drum cartridge is near end of life. 091-482 Drum cartridge C life over.

091-416 Yellow drum cartridge is near end of life. 091-913 Drum cartridge K near life end.

091-426 Magenta drum cartridge is near end of life. Procedure

Install new components as necessary:
091-436 Cyan drum cartridge is near end of life.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 2 (K).
Procedure • Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 3 (C).
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 4 (M).
Information only. No service action necessary. Advise the customer that the drum cartridge is
near end of life. • Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 5 (Y).

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

091-401, 411, 421, 431, 406, 416, 426, 436, 091-402, 2-340 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
091-916, 943, 944, 945 Drum CRUM Data Mismatch RAP 091-921, 927, 928, 929 Check the (Y/M/C/K) Drum Cartridge
BSD-ON:BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M) R1 Position RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)
BSD-ON:BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)
BSD-ON:BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)
091-916 Invalid authentication area data of black drum cartridge CRUM detected.
091-921 Check the Black Drum Cartridge R1 Position.
091-943 Invalid authentication area data of yellow drum cartridge CRUM detected.
091-927 Check the Yellow Drum Cartridge R1 Position.
091-944 Invalid authentication area data of magenta drum cartridge CRUM detected.
091-928 Check the Magenta Drum Cartridge R1 Position.
091-945 Invalid authentication area data of cyan drum cartridge CRUM detected.
091-929 Check the Cyan Drum Cartridge R1 Position.
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Remove the drum cartridge causing the fault. WARNING
2. Check the drum cartridge CRUM and connector for damage and contamination. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
3. Install the drum cartridge back into the machine. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
4. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
5. If the fault persists, install a genuine Xerox drum cartridge: Perform the steps that follow:
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 2 (K). 1. Remove the drum cartridge causing the fault.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 3 (C). 2. Check the drum cartridge CRUM and connector for damage and contamination.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 4 (M). 3. Install the drum cartridge back into the machine.
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 5 (Y). 4. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
5. Remove the drum cartridge causing the fault, then install a new drum cartridge. If the fault
persists, check the wiring of the drum causing the fault between:
• Drum cartridge CRUM (K), P/J123 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418.
• Drum cartridge CRUM (C), P/J122 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418.
• Drum cartridge CRUM (M), P/J121 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418.
• Drum cartridge CRUM (Y), P/J120 and the motor drive PWB, P/J418.
6. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 2 (K).
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 3 (C).
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 4 (M).
• Drum cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 5 (Y).
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-341 091-916, 943, 944, 945, 091-921, 927, 928, 929
092-312, 313, 314, 315 ATC System Fail RAP Procedure
BSD-ON:BSD 90.13 Development Y WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
BSD-ON:BSD 90.14 Development M not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
BSD-ON:BSD 90.15 Development C
NOTE: When this fault occurs, toner density control, by the ATC sensor, is not performed and
BSD-ON:BSD 90.16 Development K ICDC (pixels) based toner supply control is performed instead. If the fault remains for a long
time, an image density error (too dark or too light) may occur.
092-312 The ATC sensor output that detects the Toner density in the (Y) Developer Housing Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as necessary:
Assembly is continuously abnormal. This occurs when the number of continuous occurrence of
• 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail RAP
ATC Average Fail or ATC Amplitude Fail of the (Y) color has reached or exceeded the thresh-
old value. • 092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail RAP

NOTE: After the repair, clear the NVM value listed under [Effect] to '0'.
092-313 The ATC sensor output that detects the Toner density in the (M) Developer Housing
Assembly is continuously abnormal. This occurs when the number of continuous occurrence of
ATC Average Fail or ATC Amplitude Fail of the (M) color has reached or exceeded the thresh-
old value.

092-314 The ATC sensor output that detects the Toner density in the (C) Developer Housing
Assembly is continuously abnormal. This occurs when the number of continuous occurrence of
ATC Average Fail or ATC Amplitude Fail of the (C) color has reached or exceeded the thresh-
old value.

092-315 The ATC sensor output that detects the Toner density in the (K) Developer Housing
Assembly is continuously abnormal. This occurs when the number of continuous occurrence of
ATC Average Fail or ATC Amplitude Fail of the (K) color has reached or exceeded the thresh-
old value.

Initial Actions
• Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
• The fail is normally cleared by GP 10 allowing resuming of print jobs; however, when the
fail occurrence count has reached the specified value, it can no longer be cleared by GP
10. To release, clear the following NVM value of the applicable color to '0'. Furthermore, if
the machine is not returned to normal status, this fail will occur again during the operation.
Enter dC131, NVM Read/Write, then enter the following codes to view the NVM values
and change value to (0) for the applicable color:
– ATC System Fail
• (Y) 745-131
• (M) 745-132
• (C) 745-133
• (K) 745-134
– ATC System Fail Continuous Count
• (Y) 745-147
• (M) 745-148
• (C) 745-149
• (K) 745-150

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

092-312, 313, 314, 315 2-342 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
092-649, 650, 651 ADC Shutter/Sensor Fail RAP NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, enter Diagnos-
tics, then perform dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon
BSD-ON: BSD 60.3 Color Registration
On/Off Print in sequence.

092-649 ADC Shutter Open Fail. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

092-651 ADC Shutter Close Fail. Enter dC330, code 092-003 (Shutter Open) and dC330, code 092-004 (Shutter Close)
alternately. During shutter open/close, operation noise of the shutter can be heard.
092-651 ADC sensor Fail. Y N
Measure the voltage between the motor drive PWB P/J416 pin6 (+24VDC) and
ground. The voltage is +24VDC.
Initial Actions Perform 041-345 Motor Drive PWB F2 Fuse Fail RAP.
An ADC sensor malfunction, abnormality in electrical system, or abnormality in transfer belt
Measure voltage of the following:
reflection output has occurred. • Enter dC330, code 092-003 (Shutter On), between the motor drive PWB P/
J416 pin7 (+24VDC) and GND(-) P/J416 pin8.
1. Enter Diagnostics GP 1, then dC125 Active Faults, to view the fault history.
• Enter dC330, code 092-004 (Shutter Close), between the motor drive PWB P/
2. Check for the following faults and perform the RAP associated:
J416 pin5 (+24VDC) and GND(-) P/J416 pin8.
• 041-345 Motor Drive PWB F2 Fuse Fail RAP
The voltages are +24VDC for all.
• 041-356 Motor Drive PWB F11 Fuse Fail RAP Y N
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Disconnect the motor drive PWB P/J416 and
Procedure measure the resistances between P/J416 pin5 and pin6 and between P/J416
pin6 and pin7. The resistance between pin-5 and pin-6 is approximately 24
WARNING Ohm and the resistance between pin-6 and pin-7 approximately 8 Ohm.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Y N
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the wiring between the motor drive
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. PWB P/J416 and the shutter solenoid, PL 90.30 Item 13, P/J152, for open
CAUTION circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If no problem is found, install a new
To prevent light-induced fatigue, cover the Drum with a black sheet when removing the Drum MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
Cartridge. In addition, do not touch the Drum surface.
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, enter Diag-
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: nostics, then perform dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. dC937 Procon On/Off Print in sequence.
Perform dC937, Procon On/Off Print. All results are OK.
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB
P/J416 and the ADC sensor (MOB/ADC sensor assembly) P/J153 for open cir-
Enter dC131 NVM Read / Write to check the following NVM values.
cuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If the fault persists, install new components
• 752-062 ADC_Vdark
as necessary:
• 752-063 ADC_Vclose • MOB/ADC sensor Assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
• 752-064 ADC_Diffusion Vcln
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, enter Diag-
• 752-065 ADC_Mirror Vcln
nostics, then perform dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then
dC937 Procon On/Off Print in sequence.
All the values are 10 or higher.
Y N • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB P/J416 and the ADC sensor (MOB/
ADC sensor Assembly) P/J153 for open circuit, short circuit, and poor contact. If the Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2
fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. Enter dC131 NVM Read / Write to check the following NVM values.
• 752-062 ADC_Vdark
• 752-063 ADC_Vclose
Both NVM values are within range of 0 to 50.
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-343 092-649, 650, 651
Y N 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail RAP
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB P/
BSD-ON:BSD 90.13 Development Y
J416 and the ADC sensor (MOB/ADC sensor assembly) P/J153 for open circuit,
short circuit, and poor contact.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: BSD-ON:BSD 90.14 Development M
• MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
BSD-ON:BSD 90.15 Development C
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, enter Diagnos-
tics, then perform dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon BSD-ON:BSD 90.16 Development K
On/Off Print in sequence.
092-657 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC
sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
Pull out the IBT belt unit. The IBT belt is free of contamination, foreign substances,
or damage. 092-658 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal.
This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC
Install a new IBT belt, PL 90.35 Item 9.
sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
NOTE: After replacement of the IBT belt, enter Diagnostics, then perform dC675
Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon On/Off Print, in sequence. 092-659 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal.
This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC
Remove the MOB ADC assembly and check the detection surface of the ADC sensor for sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
contamination. If it is contaminated, clean it.
If the problem persists, install a new MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. 092-660 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal.
This fault occurs when the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the ATC
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, enter Diagnostics, then per-
sensor measurement set is lower than the threshold value.
form dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon On/Off Print in
Initial Actions
Run dC937 Procon On/Off Print continuously, several number of times. The fault persists.
• Perform RAP IQ1 to check for a blank page image quality defect.
No action necessary. • Enter Diagnostics, GP 1, dC125 Active Faults. Check for the below faults and perform the
applicable procedures as necessary:
Install a new parts in sequence as necessary: – 043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP
1. MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. – 042-324, 385 K_IBT Drive Motor Fail RAP
2. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
3. IBT belt, PL 90.35 Item 9. Procedure
4. LVPS, PL 1.15 Item 3. WARNING
NOTE: After replacement of the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, enter Diagnostics, then perform Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon On/Off Print in sequence. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: To prevent light-induced fatigue, cover the Drum with a black sheet when removing the
Drum Cartridge. In addition, do not touch the Drum surface.

Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:

• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print, check the result of ATC Ampli-
tude Fail. All the results are good.
Check the Measured ATC Amplitude value of the applicable color. The value is 20 or

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
092-649, 650, 651, 092-657, 658, 659, 660 2-344 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Y N • Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
The ATC sensor may be malfunctioning. Switch off the machine, GP 10.Check the
NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
wiring of the applicable color for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable
• Between the ATC sensor (Y) P/J127 and the motor drive PWB P/J418
• Between the ATC sensor (M) P/J126 and the motor drive PWB P/J424
• Between the ATC sensor (C) P/J125 and the motor drive PWB P/J424 • Motor drive PWB PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Between the ATC sensor (K) P/J124 and the motor drive PWB P/J424
Install a new developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4. NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC Sensor
Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable color.
NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable If the problem persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print continuously several numbers of
• Motor drive PWB PL 1.10 Item 2.
times. Fail occurs.
Check the density of the image that was output by Procon ON Print.
No further action is required as this could have been due to a temporary change in Toner
NOTE: If any of the symptoms indicated in Initial Actions has appeared or the same density.
symptom reappeared, perform the procedures in Initial Actions required before continu-
ing. Install new components as necessary:
• Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
Is the density normal.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Switch off the machine, GP 10. Remove the developer housing assembly, PL 90.05. NOTE: If the Developer Housing Assembly was replaced, perform dC950 ATC Sensor Setup,
Rotate the drive gear in the developer housing assembly manually and check then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable color.
whether the auger is rotating. The auger in the developer housing assembly
Install a new developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.

NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable

Reinstall the developer housing assembly and run the developer motor of the appli-
cable color.
• dC330, code 042-008 (Deve YMC Motor)
• dC330, code 042-003 (Drum_K/Deve_K/IBT Motor)
The developer motor rotates.
Perform the RAP that applies:
• 043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP
• 042-324, 385 K_IBT Drive Motor Fail RAP

The ATC sensor may be malfunctioning. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Check the
following wiring for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
• Between the ATC sensor (Y) P/J127 and the motor drive PWB P/J418
• Between the ATC sensor (M) P/J126 and the motor drive PWB P/J424
• Between the ATC sensor (C) P/J125 and the motor drive PWB P/J424
• Between the ATC sensor (K) P/J124 and the motor drive PWB P/J424
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-345 092-657, 658, 659, 660
092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail RAP Y N
Check the Measured ATC Amplitude value of the applicable color. The value is 20 or
BSD-ON:BSD 90.13 Development Y
BSD-ON:BSD 90.14 Development M The ATC sensor may be malfunctioning. Switch off the machine, GP 10.Check the
wiring of the applicable color for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
BSD-ON:BSD 90.15 Development C
• Between the ATC sensor (Y) P/J127 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J418

BSD-ON:BSD 90.16 Development K • Between the ATC sensor (M) P/J126 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J424
• Between the ATC sensor (C) P/J125 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J424
092-665 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the yellow ATC sensor abnormal. • Between the ATC sensor (K) P/J124 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J424
This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not The wiring is good.
between the upper and lower limit values. Y N
Repair the wiring.
092-666 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the magenta ATC sensor abnormal.
This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not The fault persists.
between the upper and lower limit values. Y N
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
092-667 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the cyan ATC sensor abnormal.
This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not Install new components as necessary:
between the upper and lower limit values. • Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.

092-668 Toner density in the developer unit as detected by the black ATC sensor abnormal. NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
This fault occurs when the average value of the ATC sensor measurement values is not Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable
between the upper and lower limit values. color.

• Motor drive PWB PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Actions
• Perform RAP IQ1 to check for a blank page image quality defect. Check the density of the image that was output by Procon ON Print.
• Enter dC125. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable procedures as neces- NOTE: If any of the symptoms indicated in Initial Actions has appeared or the same
symptoms recur, perform the procedures required before continuing.
– 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail Y/M/C/K RAP
– 024-923, 924, 925 Toner Cartridge Y/M/C Empty RAP The density is normal.
– 093-912 Toner Cartridge K Empty RAP
The toner density may be abnormal. The value of measured ATC average on the
– 043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP procon on print display screen is 1000 or higher (toner density is light).
– 042-324, 385 K_IBT Drive Motor Fail RAP Y N
Install a new developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
Procedure NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
WARNING Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause The toner density was detected to be abnormally light. Perform the following:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1. Check the faulty toner cartridge for toner, if there is no toner in the cartridge,
install a new toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
NOTE: To prevent light-induced fatigue, cover the Drum with a black sheet when removing the
Drum. In addition, do not touch the Drum surface. 2. Enter dC330, code 093-009/010/011/012 (Y/M/C/K) to run the toner dispense
motor of the applicable color. If the problem persists, install a new toner dis-
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: pense motor assembly, PL 90.10 Item 1.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor. 3. Check the toner dispense path between the toner cartridge and the developer
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor. housing assembly for occurrence of toner blockage.
Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print, check the result of ATC Ampli-
tude Fail. All the results are good.
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
092-665, 666, 667, 668 2-346 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
After removing the cause for the density error, perform dC991 Tone Up/Down to NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC Sensor Setup,
recover the toner density. Adjust the ATC Average Value within [+/-15] of the ATC then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable color.
Target Value. The fail has stopped occurring.
The ATC sensor may be malfunctioning. Switch off the machine, GP 10, then
check the wiring of the applicable color for open circuits, short circuits, and poor
• Between the ATC sensor (Y) P/J127 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J418
• Between the ATC sensor (M) P/J126 and the Motor Drive PWBP/J424
• Between the ATC sensor (C) P/J125 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J424
• Between the ATC sensor (K) P/J125 and the Motor Drive PWB P/J424
The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install new components as necessary:

• Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950
ATC Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the
applicable color.

• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.

NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC Sensor
Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable color.

The fault persists.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print continuously several numbers of
times. A fail occurs.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install new components as necessary in sequence. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print contin-
uously several numbers of times after each part installation to verify the fault recurs or not. End
component installation when the fault ends:
1. Toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
2. Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
3. Dispenser assembly, PL 90.10.
4. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
5. Developer bias HVPS PWB, PL 1.15 Item 4.
6. BCR HVPS PWB, PL 1.20 Item 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-347 092-665, 666, 667, 668
092-670, 671, 672, 673 ADC Patch Fail RAP • GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print, check the result of ATC Ampli-
tude and ATC Average Fail. All the results are OK.
092-670 The density of the yellow (Y) ADC patch is out of specification range or the ADC sen-
sor is malfunctioning. Go to the appropriate procedure:
• 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail Y/M/C/K RAP.
092-671 The density of the magenta (M) ADC patch is out of specification range or the ADC • 092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail Y/M/C/K RAP.
sensor is malfunctioning.
Check the result of ADC Patch Fail. All the results are OK.
092-672 The density of the cyan (C) ADC patch is out of specification range or the ADC sensor Y N
is malfunctioning. Check the following output images:
1. Has the overall image density of the image output by ProCon ON/OF Print become
092-673 The density of the black (K) ADC patch is out of specification range or the ADC sensor lighter?
is malfunctioning. 2. Use Test Pattern to output the Full Halftone Image (Pattern No. 9) for the applicable
color. Does the output image contain blank areas or has become extremely light at
Initial Actions the FS direction center section (ADC patch position)?
• Perform RAP IQ1 to check for out of specification density color image quality defect. The image density is normal?
• Enter dC122, Shutdown History. Check for the below faults and perform the applicable
Perform the following:
procedures as necessary:
1. Perform all Initial Actions procedures required in dC122, Shutdown History.
– 024-933, 940, 941 Drum Cartridge Y/M/C Life End RAP
2. Check the toner cartridge has toner. If the toner cartridge is empty, install a new
– 091-402, 424, 480, 481, 482, 913 Drum Cartridge Life End RAP toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
– 043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP 3. Check the drum assembly for contamination, foreign matter, or damage. If con-
– 042-324, 385 K_IBT Motor Fail RAP taminated or damaged, install a new drum assembly, PL 90.15.
– 060-341 to 060-356 LPH System Fail RAP 4. Check the amount of toner in the developer housing. Rotate the gear in clock-
– 060-357, 358, 359, 360 CONTIF Error Fail RAP wise. If the tone is low at feed entrance, center section on the developer hous-
– 061-354, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, ing assembly mag roll, or the toner remains low after rotating the gear. Install a
390, 391, 392, 393 LPH System Fail RAP new developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
– 061-358, 359, 360, 361 LPH Configuration RAP 5. Enter dC330, code 093-009/010/011/012 (Y/M/C/K). Run the toner dispense
– Chain 089 Entry RAP motor for each color. If excessive or abnormal noise, damage, or forced rotation
exists. Install a new toner dispense motor assembly, PL 90.10 Item 1.
– 092-312, 313, 314, 315 ATC System Fail Y/M/C/K RAP
6. Check the LPH assembly for contamination. If it is contaminated, clean the LPH
– 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail Y/M/C/K RAP
assembly. If the LPH assembly is damaged, install a new LPH assembly, PL
– 092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail Y/M/C/K RAP 60.05.
– 093-400, 423, 424, 425 Toner Cartridge Y/M/C/K Near Empty RAP 7. Check the wiring between:
– 094-318 1st BTR Position Fail RAP • The BCR HVPS PWB and the drum cartridge.
– 094-418, 420, 421, 422 IBT / 2nd BTR Roll End RAP • The developer bias HVPS PWB and the magnet roll of the drum cartridge.
• The BTR HVPS PWB and the 1st and 2nd BTR roll.
Procedure for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
WARNING If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do • BCR HVPS PWB, PL 1.20 Item 4.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause • developer bias HVPS PWB, PL 1.15 Item 4.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • BTR HVPS PWB, PL 1.05 Item 1.
NOTE: To prevent light-induced fatigue, cover the drum with a black sheet when removing the
If the ADC Patch is light, check the IBT belt and the 1st BTR center section, the ADC
drum cartridge. In addition, do not touch the drum surface.
patch position, for contamination, foreign substances, damage, and etc. The IBT belt
Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary: and 1st BTR are good.
• GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
092-670, 671, 672, 673 2-348 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Y N NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC Sensor Setup,
Install a new: then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable color.
• IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1.

NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable

• IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2.

Check the ADC sensor for any abnormality. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Perform the
steps that follow:
1. Check the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4, for improper installation,
contamination, foreign substances at the detection section, and snagged shutter.
2. Check the wiring between the below components below for open circuit, short circuit,
and poor contact.
• The motor drive PWB and the MOB/ADC sensor assembly P/J609.
• The motor drive PWB and the MOB/ADC sensor assembly P/J608.
• The motor drive PWB and the MOB/ADC sensor assembly P/J610.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 ATC
Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the applicable

• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Run dC937 Procon On/Off Print continuously several number of times. Does the Fail occur.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install new components as necessary, in sequence. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print con-
tinuously several numbers of times after each part installation to verify the fault recurs or not.
End component installation when the fault ends:
1. MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
2. IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1.
3. IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2.
4. Toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
5. Drum assembly, PL 90.15.
6. LPH assembly, PL 60.05.
7. Developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
8. BCR HVPS PWB, PL 1.20 Item 4.
9. Developer bias HVPS PWB, PL 1.15 Item 4.
10. BTR HVPS PWB, PL 1.05 Item 1.
11. Dispenser assembly, PL 90.10.
12. FFC cable assembly kit, PL 60.05 Item 9.
13. Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-349 092-670, 671, 672, 673
092-675, 676, 677, 678 ADC MiniSetup Fail RAP Procedure
BSD-ON:BSD 60.3 Color Registration WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
092-675 The yellow ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
detected. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

092-676 The magenta ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was NOTE: To prevent light-induced fatigue, cover the drum with a black sheet when removing the
detected. drum cartridge. In addition, do not touch the drum surface.

Refer to the procedure that follows as necessary:

092-677 The cyan ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was
detected. • GP 6 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 7 How to Check a Sensor.
092-678 The black ADC tone patch is abnormally light or a fault in the ADC sensor was Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Perform dC937 Procon On/Off Print, check the result of ATC Average
detected. Fail, ATC Amplitude Fail, Temperature Fail, and Humidity Fail. All the results are OK.
Initial Action Go to the appropriate FIP
• 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail Y/M/C/K RAP
• Perform RAP IQ1 to check for a low density color or white vertical streaks image quality
defect. • 092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail Y/M/C/K RAP
• Enter dC122, Shutdown History. Check for the faults listed below and perform the applica-
ble procedures as necessary: Check the value of ADC Measurement Min2 of the applicable color. Is the value lower than
– 024-933, 940, 941 Drum Cartridge Y/M/C Life End RAP
– 091-402, 424, 480, 481, 482, 913 Drum Cartridge Life End RAP The density of the print is normal.
– 043-345, 346 YMC Motor Fail RAP Y N
– 042-324, 385 K_IBT Motor Fail RAP Perform the following:
– 060-341 to 060-356 LPH System Fail RAP 1. Perform all Initial Action procedures required in dC122, Shutdown History.

– 060-357, 358, 359, 360 CONTIF Error Fail RAP 2. Check the toner cartridge has toner. If the toner cartridge is empty, install a new
toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
– 061-354, 355, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373,
3. Check the drum assembly for contamination, foreign matter, or damage. If con-
390, 391, 392, 393 LPH System Fail RAP
taminated or damaged, install a new drum assembly, PL 90.15.
– 061-358, 359, 360, 361 LPH Configuration RAP
4. Check the amount of toner in the developer housing. Rotate the gear in clock-
– Chain 089 Entry RAP
wise. If the tone is low at feed entrance, center section on the developer hous-
– 092-312, 313, 314, 315 ATC System Fail Y/M/C/K RAP ing assembly mag roll, or the toner remains low after rotating the gear. Install a
– 092-657, 658, 659, 660 ATC Amplitude Fail Y/M/C/K RAP new developer housing kit, PL 90.05 Item 4.
– 092-665, 666, 667, 668 ATC Average Fail Y/M/C/K RAP 5. Enter dC330, code 093-009/010/011/012 (Y/M/C/K). Run the toner dispense
– 093-400, 423, 424, 425 Toner Cartridge Y/M/C/K Near Empty RAP motor for each color. If excessive or abnormal noise, damage, or forced rotation
exists. Install a new toner dispense motor assembly, PL 90.10 Item 1.
– 094-318 1st BTR Position Fail RAP
6. Check the LPH assembly for contamination. If it is contaminated, clean the LPH
– 094-418, 420, 421, 422 IBT / 2nd BTR Roll End RAP
assembly. If the LPH assembly is damaged, install a new LPH assembly, PL
7. Check the wiring between the components below for open circuits, short cir-
cuits, and poor contacts.
• The BCR HVPS PWB and the drum cartridge of the relevant color.
• The developer bias HVPS PWB and the magnet roll of the relevant color.
• The BTR HVPS PWB and the 1st BTR roll of the relevant color.
for open circuits, short circuits, and poor contacts.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• BCR HVPS PWB, PL 1.20 Item 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
092-675, 676, 677, 678 2-350 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
• Developer bias HVPS PWB, PL 1.15 Item 4. 093-335, 336, 337, 338 Toner CRUM Authentication IC Is
• BTR HVPS PWB, PL 1.05 Item 1.
Not Available RAP
Enter dC612, then print out Pattern No. 9 of the relevant color. Uneven density has BSD-ON:BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M)
occurred in the in process direction.
Y N BSD-ON:BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K)
1. Check the MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4, for improper installa-
tion, contamination, foreign substances at the detection section, and snagged 093-335 Toner CRUM (K) authentication IC is not available.
2. Check the wiring between the below components below for open circuit, short 093-336 Toner CRUM (Y) authentication IC is not available.
circuit, and poor contact.
093-337 Toner CRUM (M) authentication IC is not available.
• The motor drive PWB and the MOB/ADC sensor assembly P/J609.
• The motor drive PWB and the MOB/ADC sensor assembly P/J608. 093-338 Toner CRUM (C) authentication IC is not available.
• The motor drive PWB and the MOB/ADC sensor assembly P/J610.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary: Procedure
• MOB/ADC sensor assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. WARNING
NOTE: After replacing the Developer Housing Assembly, perform dC950 Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
ATC Sensor Setup, then dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup for the not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
applicable color. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
2. Remove, then reinstall the relevant toner cartridge.
Uneven density is the cause. Perform IQ1, Image Quality Entry RAP, followed by IQ3, 3. Check the toner cartridge CRUM connector for damage and contamination. Use a dry
White Streaks, Spots or Uneven Density (38mm/1.5 inches) in the Cross Process Direc- cloth to wipe the joining terminal between the toner cartridge CRUM PWB and the con-
tion RAP: nector assembly.
1. Check the IBT belt for contamination, foreign substances, or damage. If the any 4. Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB, P/J412, and the relevant CRUM connec-
issues exist, install a new IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. tor:
NOTE: After replacement of the IBT Belt, go to the Diag mode and perform dC675 • P/J117 Yellow.
Registration Control Setup Cycle, then dC937 Procon On/Off Print in sequence. • P/J118 Magenta.
• P/J119 Cyan.
2. Check the drum cartridge of the relevant color for contamination, foreign matter,
scratches on the drum. If any issues exist, install a new drum cartridge, PL 90.15. • P/J634 Black.

3. Check the wiring for between the components below for open circuit, short circuit, or for an open circuit, short circuit or poor contact.
and poor contact: 5. If the fault persists, install an new:
• The BCR HVPS PWB and the drum cartridge of the relevant color. • Toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
• The developer bias HVPS PWB and the magnet roll of the relevant color. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• The BTR HVPS PWB and the 1st BTR roll of the relevant color.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• BCR HVPS PWB, PL 1.20 Item 4.
• Developer bias HVPS PWB, PL 1.15 Item 4.
• BTR HVPS PWB, PL 1.05 Item 1.
4. Check the LPH assembly, PL 60.05, of the relevant color for contamination. If it is
contaminated, first clean the LPH assembly. If the fault persists, install a new LPH
assembly, PL 60.05.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-351 092-675, 676, 677, 678, 093-335, 336, 337, 338
093-400, 423, 424, 425 Toner Cartridge Near Empty RAP 093-401, 402, 403, 916 Check the (Y/M/C/K) Toner Cartridge
093-400 Toner Cartridge K Near Empty. Position RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M)
093-423 Toner Cartridge Y Near Empty.
BSD-ON:BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K)
093-424 Toner Cartridge M Near Empty.
093-401 Check the yellow toner cartridge (Y) position.
093-425 Toner Cartridge C Near Empty.
093-402 Check the magenta toner cartridge (M) position.
Information only, no service action necessary, advise the customer relevant the toner cartridge 093-402 Check the cyan toner cartridge (C) position.
is almost empty.
093-916 Check the black toner cartridge (K) position.

The Toner Cartridge CRUM is not in the proper position (loose CRUM).

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Remove the relevant toner cartridge, check the toner cartridge CRUM for proper installa-
tion in the connector of the toner cartridge. Check the toner cartridge, CRUM connector of
the toner cartridge, and the toner CRUM connector assembly for damage or foreign
2. Reinstall the toner cartridge, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Toner cartridge, PL 90.10.
• Toner CRUM connector assembly, PL 90.10 Item 3.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

093-400, 423, 424, 425, 093-401, 402, 403, 916 2-352 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
093-406, 407, 408, 409 Toner Cartridge Pre Near Empty 093-912 Toner Cartridge (K) Empty RAP
RAP 093-912 The black toner cartridge is empty.
093-406 Toner Cartridge K Pre Near Empty.
093-407 Toner Cartridge Y Pre Near Empty Install a new (K) toner cartridge, PL 90.10 Item 30.

093-408 Toner Cartridge M Pre Near Empty

093-409 Toner Cartridge C Pre Near Empty

Information only, no service action necessary, advise the customer the relevant toner cartridge
is almost empty.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-353 093-406, 407, 408, 409, 093-912
093-926, 960, 961, 962 Toner CRUM Data Mismatch RAP 094-318 1st BTR Position Fail
BSD-ON:BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M) BSD-ON:BSD 90.17 1st BTR Contact/retract

BSD-ON:BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K) 094-318 Contact or retract operation does not finish after specified time has passed from the
start of 1st BTR contact/retract operation.
093-926 Invalid authentication area data of black toner cartridge CRUM detected.
093-960 Invalid authentication area data of yellow toner cartridge CRUM detected.
Perform the steps that follow:

093-961 Invalid authentication area data of magenta toner cartridge CRUM detected. 1. Check the BTR contact/retract sensor, PL 40.05 Item 11 for improper installation.
2. Enter dC330, code 094-200 to activate the BTR contact/retract sensor to verify proper
093-962 Invalid authentication area data of cyan toner cartridge CRUM detected.
Procedure 3. Enter dC330, code 094-008/009 (retract/contact). Activate the sensor in both modes to
verify proper operation.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Remove the toner cartridge. Check the toner cartage is a genuine Xerox part. Reinstall NOTE: During BTR contact/retract operation, check the fusing unit drive motor for rota-
the toner cartridge. tion. If it is not rotating, check the BTR contact/retract clutch assembly and helical gear for
2. If the fault persists, install a new genuine Xerox toner cartridge, PL 90.10. blockage and damage.

4. Check the IBT belt assembly for mechanical loading or damage.

If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• BTR contact/retract sensor, PL 40.05 Item 11.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

093-926, 094-318 2-354 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
094-417, 419 IBT / 2nd BTR Near End of Life RAP 094-418, 420, 421, 422 IBT / 2nd BTR Roll End RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) BSD-ON:BSD 90.17 1st BTR Contact/retract

094-417 IBT is near end of life. 094-418 IBT cleaner unit near end warning.

094-419 2nd BTR unit is near end of life. 094-420 IBT unit end warning.

Procedure 094-421 IBT cleaner unit end warning.

Information only, no service action necessary, advise the customer that the IBT belt assembly
or 2nd BTR unit is almost at end of life. 094-422 2nd BTR unit end warning.

Install new components as necessary:
• IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1.
• IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2.
• 2nd roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 17.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-355 094-417, 419, 094-418, 420, 421, 422
099-364 Fuser Temperature Fault RAP 099-373 Wind Around P/Roll Fail
BSD-ON:BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) BSD-ON:BSD 10.5 Fusing

099-364 The recovery time from low temperature not ready state has become longer than the 099-373 Wound up, stuck paper was detected at the fuser pressure roll.
setting time.
Procedure 1. Clear the paper from the fuser roll.
Perform the following procedures as necessary: 2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 3. If the fault persists, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
2. Switch off the machine, GP 10.
3. Check the wiring between the motor drive PWB, P/J437 and fuser heater coil, P/J196 for
open circuit, short circuit, or damage.
4. Check the fuser drawer connector, DP600/P600, and the chassis drawer connector,
DJ600/J600 for damage or obstruction.
5. Install new components as necessary:
• Fuser heater coil, PL 10.05 Item 15.
• Fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

099-364, 099-373 2-356 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
099-395 Fusing Motor Current Fail
BSD-ON:BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

099-395 The current value that is applied to the fuser motor has continuously exceeded the
threshold for more than the specified time.

Refer to 010-613 Fusing Motor Current Warning RAP

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-357 099-395
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
099-395 2-358 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
102-311 to 102-319 USB Dongle Errors RAP 102-356 EWS Soft Fail RAP
102-311 USB dongle access failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. 102-356 Fatal error related to EWS.

102-312 It was detected that MAC address of another M/C was recorded in the dongle during Procedure
the initial installation by the USB dongle.
102-313 An illegal IOT speed setting key was detected during the initial installation by the USB Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
dongle. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
102-314 Setting the IOT speed setting key failed during the initial installation by the USB don- Perform the steps that follow:
gle. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
102-315 Setting the SW Key failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
102-316 Setting the supply setting failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle.
3. Initialise the hard disk, refer to dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics.
102-317 Setting the page pack failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. 4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP, 06. HDD INITIALIZE MODE to attempt restor-
102-318 Setting the country code failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle. ing the HDD to default.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.10 Item 2.
102-319 The NVM rewriting list process failed during the initial installation by the USB dongle.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Advise the customer to:
1. Follow the instructions on the local user interface to resolve the problem.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-359 102-311 to 102-319, 102-356
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
102-311 to 102-319, 102-356 2-360 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
112-700 Punch Dust Near Full RAP
112-700 The punch debris box is almost full.

Advise the customer to empty the punch debris box.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-361 112-700 Punch Dust Near Full
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
112-700 Punch Dust Near Full 2-362 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-210, 211 Media Reader Error RAP 116-212, 220, 310, 311 ESS Error RAP
116-210 Fatal error of reader. 116-212 MediaLib internal logic error has occurred.

116-211 Connection cable disconnected. 116-220 The downloader software that processes downloads within the ESS failed to initialize
during transition into download mode.
116-310 An error was detected when the ESS font ROM DIMM #2 was checked.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 116-311 A fail is detected during a check of ESS font ROM DIMM #3.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
2. Change the USB device to verify the current USB device is functioning.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
3. If the fault persists, refer to OF3, System or Sub System Fail RAP. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, refer to OF3, System or Sub System Fail RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-363 116-210, 211, 116-212, 220, 310, 311
116-312, 313 HDD Encrypt Key Fail RAP 116-314 Ethernet Address Fail RAP
116-312 An error in the encryption key was detected on booting. 116-314 An Ethernet error was detected.

116-313 An encryption setting error was detected on booting. Procedure

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
WARNING not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the steps that follow:
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Advise the customer to verify all network settings are correct for the customer network,
Perform the steps that follow: the Ethernet cable is correctly connected on both ends, or the WiFi dongle is correctly
1. Perform OF4 Hard Disk System Fail RAP. installed.
2. When the system has recovered, advise the customer to set the correct HDD encryption 2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
key. 3. Verify the DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7 and SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8 are fully seated and prop-
erly installed on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
4. If the fault persists, refer to OF5, NET/USB System Fail.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-312, 313, 116-314 2-364 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-319 Controller and UI Configuration RAP 116-320, 345 Process Error RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 2.1 Control Panel 116-320 Fatal error of the STREAMZ. A problem has occurred in the software processing and
it is unable to continue with the subsequent processes.
116-319 A mismatch between the installed ROM and UI.
116-345 Token Ring Control IC Access error.
WARNING Procedure
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors between the UI assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• UI assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-365 116-319, 116-320, 345
116-321, 322, 323, 328, 329, 338 Software Error RAP 116-324 Exception Fail RAP
116-321 Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed. 116-324 A fatal software exception error has occurred in the controller PWB CPU.

116-322 Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes cannot be performed. Procedure
116-323 During a read/write check at power on, OS/DD detects an error with the ESS-NVRAM
board. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
116-328 A failure was detected in the level 2 cache built in the CPU. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Print a Configuration Report, then check the version of Controller ROM. If the version is
116-329 A system call error related to the serial I/F was detected. not the latest available perform GP 4, Machine Software.
2. Corrective actions when the fault occurred at power on.
116-338 Overall JBA fatal error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes a. From power saver mode, note the result, then perform Steps 1 to 7 in OF3 System or
cannot be performed.
Sub System Fail RAP.
b. Switch off the machine, GP 10, then remove and install the DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7.
c. Perform OF4, Hard Disk System Fail RAP as it pertains to the fault.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do NOTE: Check with the customer whether important data is stored in the hard disk. If
possible, copy all customer data from the hard disk to a thumb drive using the USB
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
port on the front of the machine.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: d. If important data is stored in the hard disk, and the data cannot be copied, install a
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. new HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4 and the controller e. Switch on the machine, GP 10. If the fault persists, install the original HDD back into
PWB assembly, PL 3.10 Item 6 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or the machine, then install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
damage exists. Repair as necessary. f. Perform GP 33, How To Capture A Nananana.log from The WebUI, then contact
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4. Support for instructions.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP. 3. Corrective actions when the fault occurred at other than power ON.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. a. Ask the customer the steps for reproducing an error:
• Check the job settings from the UI.
• Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn
Spool off while working through this fault procedure.
• Obtain the PRN file if available.
• Collect other information as much as possible to reproduce the error.
b. Print a Configuration Report, Error History Report, Job History Report, and Shut-
down Report.
• Ask the customer for the printer driver (manufacturer, version) installed in the
c. Perform Steps 1 to 7 in OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP.
• Perform GP 33, How To Capture A Nananana.log from The WebUI, then con-
tact Support for instructions.
• Switch off the machine, GP 10. Remove and reinstall the DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7
on the controller PWB assembly.
d. If the fault persists, gather all logs and reports, contact Support for further instruc-

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-321, 322, 323, 328, 329, 338, 116-324 2-366 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-325 ESS Fan Fail RAP 116-330, 331, 336, 337, 339 HDD File System Fail RAP
BSD-ON: BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) 116-330 HDD check at power on detected that an error has occurred or the HDD was not for-
116-325 An error occurred in the rotation of the ESS fan.
116-331 A log related error was detected.
116-336 An error was detected when the HDD was accessed.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 116-337 Overall SNTP fatal error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent pro-
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause cesses cannot be performed.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: 116-339 When the JBA is started up, the HDD is not installed.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the wiring between P313 on the back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2 and P/J273 of Procedure
the ESS fan, PL 3.15 Item 7 for an open or short circuit, or a loose or damaged connector. Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• ESS fan, PL 3.15 Item 7.
• Back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-367 116-325, 116-330, 331, 336, 337, 339
116-334 ESS NVRAM Data Compare Fail 116-340 Not Enough Memory RAP
116-334 ESS NVRAM data compare fail. 116-340 Insufficient memory was detected during initialization. A PS option requiring an addi-
tional memory was installed but memory was not added.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do WARNING
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform the steps that follow: death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Enter Diagnostics, dC125 Active Faults. If a 124-3XX fault code is displayed, perform the
relevant RAP.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
4. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-334, 116-340 2-368 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-341, 342, 393, 394 ROM Version Incorrect RAP 116-343, 346, 357, 359 ESS PWB Error RAP
116-341 Versions of the multiple ROM DIMMs installed are incorrect. 116-343 An error was detected in the IC in the controller PWB assembly.

116-342 Fatal error related to the SNMP agent. 116-346 A response such as system function recall error was detected.

116-393 AAA manager fatal error. 116-357 PS Fatal System Error

116-394 Abnormal authentication mode and accounting mode settings detected during AAA 116-359 Fatal error in PLW.
manager boot sequence.
Procedure WARNING
Upgrade the software, GP 4. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-369 116-341, 342, 393, 394, 116-343, 346, 357, 359
116-348, 349, 358, 360, 374 Redirecter Fail RAP 116-353, 354, 356, 361, 362 HDD Fail RAP
116-348 Various fatal errors detected in the redirecter. 116-353 The HDD was not booted due to a physical HDD failure detected on booting.

116-349 An error occurred when calling the Pflite function using the SIF. 116-354 The M/C was not started up due to a product code error detected in the HDD on boot-
116-358 Fatal error related to salutation.
116-356 The M/C was not started up due to an insufficient HDD capacity error detected during
116-360 Fatal error related to SMB. HDD formatting.

116-374 Fatal error of auto SW. 116-361 Fatal error of SPL HDD.

Procedure 116-362 SSDP Software Fail.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to verify the printer network settings are correct for the customer net-
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
4. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-348, 349, 358, 360, 374, 116-353, 354, 356, 361, 362 2-370 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-355, 363, 367, 370, 373, 376 Fatal Error RAP 116-364, 365, 366, 368, 371, 372, 375, 377 Timer Fail RAP
116-355 Fatal error related to the SNMP Agent. 116-364 An error in the timer was detected.

116-363 BMLinkS/print service software failure. 116-365 Fatal error of the SPL.

116-367 Overall fatal error of Parallel. 116-366 Print utility operational failure, report generator operational failure.

116-370 Fatal error of XJCL. 116-368 Fatal error of DumpPrint.

116-373 Fatal error related to dynamic DNS. 116-371 PCL decomposer software failure.

116-376 Port 9100 software fail. 116-372 Fatal error of P-formatter.

Procedure 116-375 A response such as system function recall error was detected.
WARNING 116-377 Video DMA failure was detected.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to verify the printer network settings are correct for the customer net- Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform the steps that follow:
3. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary. 2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
4. Upgrade the software, GP 4. PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-371 116-355, 363, 367, 370, 373, 376, 116-364, 365, 366,
116-378, 379, 395 MCR/MCC Soft Fail RAP 116-380 ESS Font ROM DIMM #1 Check Fail RAP
116-378 Fatal error related to MCR. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent pro- 116-380 ESS Font ROM DIMM #1 check failure.
cesses cannot be performed.
116-369 Fatal error related to MCC. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent pro-
cesses cannot be performed.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
116-395 Fatal error related to USB. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
WARNING 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
1. Advise the customer to check that the TCP/IP ports are correctly configured.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
4. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-378, 379, 395, 116-380 2-372 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-381 ABL Version Fail RAP 116-382 ABL Initialize Fail RAP
116-381 ABL did not match the ABL version information on the NVM, or corrupted data was 116-382 ABL has failed to access the NVM or HDD.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
NOTE: Inform the customer that this will clear all address information. 1. Enter dC131. Set NVM value 790-664 to 0.
2. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
Initialize the NVM, refer to dC301 NVM Initialization.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-373 116-381, 116-382
116-383 PIT Lib Failure RAP 116-384, 385, 387, 389 DCS/IDC Software Fail RAP
116-383 Board Fault/non-installation, or HDD access error. 116-384 DCS-related fatal error. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent processes
cannot be performed.
116-385 Fatal error related to IDC. Due to an error in software processing, subsequent pro-
Perform the steps that follow:
cesses cannot be performed.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check dC125 Faults. If a new fault is listed, perform the relevant RAP. 116-387 A fatal error has occurred during the usage of high compression board.
3. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
116-389 The necessary additional RAM was not installed.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-383, 116-384, 385, 387, 389 2-374 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-388 No HDD RAP 116-390 ROM and NVM Version Mismatch RAP
116-388 The system detected that the HDD was not installed, even though the system configu- 116-390 Incompatible versions of the standard ROM and NVM were detected.
ration (with finisher) requires a HDD.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
WARNING 1. Initialize the NVM, refer to dC301 NVM Initialization.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
NOTE: Inform the customer that this will clear all address information.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-375 116-388, 116-390
116-391 Illegal Code RAP 116-392 Machine Code Check Fail RAP
116-391 Country code/territory code/paper size group setting error detected. 116-392 Machine code check fail.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING For information only. No service action necessary.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, enter dC131. Ensure NVM values 700-165, 700-338 and 700-402 are
correct. Change the values as necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-391, 116-392 2-376 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-393, 394 AAA Manager Fail RAP 116-395 USB Soft Fail
116-393 AAA manager fatal error. 116-395 A USB related fatal error has occurred.

116-394 AAA manager detect illegal signal authorization & account. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 4.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Perform OF5 NET/USB System Fail RAP.
1. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
3. Perform OF9 Network Job Fail RAP.
2. Perform GP 33, How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI. Contact Support with
4. If the fault persists, perform GP 33, How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI.
the nanananalog for further instruction.
Contact Support with the nanananalog for further instruction.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-377 116-393, 394, 116-395
116-396 FIPS140 Self Test Fail RAP 116-397 Illegal Setting Area Coverage Threshold RAP
116-396 At start, the FIPS140 encryption module self-test has detected a failure. Self test error 116-397 The plain total color judge threshold setting is incorrect.
due to illegal ROM (FW).
Procedure WARNING
WARNING Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 2. Enter dC131. Ensure the value of 720-061 is higher than 720-060. Adjust the values as
2. Upgrade the software, GP 4. necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-396, 116-397 2-378 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-399 Initialization RAP 116-701, 710 Out of Memory Duplex Fail RAP
116-399 The machine remains in initializing state even after 10 minutes has passed since it 116-701 One page data was printed on multiple pages during two sided print.
has started up (not including the startup after power save).
116-710 HP-GL spool file overflow.
WARNING Procedure
Advise the customer that the optional hard disk is required.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-379 116-399, 116-701, 710
116-702 Print with Substitute Font RAP 116-703 Postscript Language RAP
116-702 Printing performed with substitute font. 116-703 There is a problem in the PostScript data and an error occurred in PostScript grammar
interpretation or language interpretation.
Advise the customer that additional fonts are required. Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Upgrade the software, GP 4.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-702, 116-703 2-380 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-704 Media Reader RAP 116-705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 716, 717 Media Reader Format
116-704 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access RAP
to media.
116-705 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.
Ensure that all paper trays are loaded with the correct media. 116-706 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.

116-707 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.

116-708 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.

116-709 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.

116-716 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.

116-717 The MediaLib detected this error while performing the operation that requires access
to media.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to check the contents in the media for errors from the computer:
a. Check the file format/directory and selected mode (digital camera print/document
b. Check whether the printed file attribute information is displayed.
c. Check whether the print file images are displayed.
d. Check whether the printed file attribute information is displayed.
e. If the fault persists, inform the customer that the media may be defective.
2. If the fault persists, inform the customer that the media may be defective.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-381 116-704, 116-705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 716, 717
116-713, 751 HDD Full RAP 116-714 HP-GL/2 Command Error RAP
116-713 Collate operation was split when HDD full occurred in print service. 116-714 HP-GL/2 command error occurred.

116-751 When a Booklet job is writing into the HDD, the job is aborted because the HDD Procedure
became full
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Upgrade the software, GP 4.
2. Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Advise the customer to:
a. Delete the stored documents to clear HDD full condition.
b. Split the job so that HDD full does not occur.
2. If the fault persists, perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-713, 751, 116-714 2-382 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-719 XPIF Parameter Cancelled RAP 116-720 PCL Memory Low Page Simplified RAP
116-719 Cancellation of the parameter(s) disabled by XPIF. 116-720 PCL memory low, page simplified.

Procedure Procedure
Some of the parameters are disabled by XPIF so the machine cannot execute them. Advise the Advise the customer to:
customer to cancel the disabled parameter(s). 1. Deactivate the unnecessary ports.
2. Adjust buffer memory sizes.
3. If the fault persists, the optional hard disk is required.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-383 116-719, 116-720
116-721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 727, 728 Color Print 116-725 HDD Image Log Full RAP
Permissions RAP 116-725 The log image storage area on the disk is full.
116-721 Color printing is prohibited in this time zone. Output changed to monochrome.
017-722 Color printing prohibited. Output changed to monochrome. Advise the customer to:
1. Rerun the job.
017-723 Color print attempted from a prohibited application. Output changed to monochrome.
2. If the situation persists despite re-attempts, delete unnecessary documents saved in the
017-724 Single sided print attempted from a prohibited application. Output changed to duplex.

017-726 Color, single sided print attempted. Output changed to monochrome, duplex.

017-727 Single sided print attempted. Output changed to duplex.

017-728 Prohibited print attempted. Output changed to acceptable output.

Advise the customer to set the permissions as required.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-721, 722, 723, 724, 726, 727, 728, 116-725 2-384 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-738 Size/Orientation Mismatch RAP 116-739, 741, 742, 743 Out of Disk Area RAP
017-738 Form overlay is impossible because the size/orientation of the form’s drawing is differ- 017-739 The form/logo data cannot be registered due to insufficient ram or hard disk space.
ent from that of the paper.
017-741 The form data cannot be registered due to the restriction on the no. of forms.
017-742 The logo data cannot be registered due to the restriction on the no. of logos.
Advise the customer to select paper that has the same size and orientation as the registered
017-743 The received data (form/logo) exceeded the registered buffer size.

Advise the customer to delete the unnecessary forms/logos. Otherwise, if not already installed,
inform the customer that the optional hard disk is required.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-385 116-738, 116-739, 741, 742, 743
116-740 Arithmetic Error RAP 116-746 Selected Form Not Registered RAP
017-740 The value calculated in the interpreter exceeded the limit. 017-746 The specified form is not registered.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to upgrade the driver. Advise the customer to use a registered form or register the required form.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-740, 116-746 2-386 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-747, 748 Invalid Page Data RAP 116-749 PostScript Font Error RAP
017-747 After subtracting the paper margin from the valid coordinate area, the result of the cal- 017-749 Job was aborted because the specified font is not found.
culation will be negative.
017-748 Drawing data does not exist in the page data.
Advise the customer to add the necessary font, or specify a substitute font.

Advise the customer to repeat the operation.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-387 116-747, 748, 116-749
116-750 Banner Sheet Cancelled RAP 116-751 Booklet Aborted by HDD Fail
017-750 Banner sheet was cancelled. 116-751 Booklet processing has stopped due to HDD full.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to set the banner sheet feed tray status to normal or change the banner Perform the steps that follow:
sheet feed tray. 1. Delete the stored documents to clear the fault.
2. Split the job into several smaller jobs.
3. If the fault persists, perform OF4 HDD System Fail RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-750, 116-751 2-388 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
116-752 Print Job Ticket RAP 116-771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 780 Invalid JBIG
116-752 The machine received a print job ticket sent together with a PDF but the job ticket data Parameter RAP
includes printing instructions that are not supported by the machine.
116-771 An incorrect JBIG parameter DL was automatically corrected.

Procedure 116-772 An incorrect JBIG parameter D was detected and automatically corrected.
116-773 An incorrect JBIG parameter P was detected and automatically corrected.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 116-774 An incorrect JBIG parameter YD was detected and automatically corrected.

Perform the steps that follow:

116-775 An incorrect JBIG parameter L0 was detected and automatically corrected.
1. Advise the customer to re-run the print job. If the fault persists, print the job on a machine
known to support the printing instructions for the job ticket data requirements. 116-776 An incorrect JBIG parameter MX was detected and automatically corrected.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected, no short circuit, open circuit, or 116-777 An incorrect JBIG parameter MY was detected and automatically corrected.
damage exists. Repair as necessary.
3. Upgrade the software, GP 4. 116-778 An incorrect JBIG parameter VLENGTH was detected and automatically corrected.

116-780 The system detected an error in the document attached to the E-mail to XXX

For information only. No service action necessary.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-389 116-752, 116-771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776, 777, 778,
116-790 Stapling Canceled RAP
017-750 Either all or one of the staple requests is canceled during print.

Advise the customer not to cancel stapling during a job.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

116-790 2-390 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-310 WSD Scan S/W Fail RAP 117-311 Incorrect Installation of Security Enhancing Kit
117-310 A problem occurred in the processing of WSD scan service software, causing the pro- RAP
cessing to discontinue.
117-311 The security enhancing kit is installed in the incorrect slot.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Install the security enhancing kit in the correct slot.
Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.10 Item 6.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-391 117-310, 117-311
117-312 Machine Self Test Error RAP 117-313, 314 Geographic Region Change Fail RAP
117-312 In an OS self program determination test, it was detected the checksum value and the 117-313 The geographic region change command from the PJL can not be implemented.
mini OS/program were different.
117-314 The contract type change command from the PJL can not be implemented.
WARNING Procedure
Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
Perform the steps that follow: assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
1. Reload the software, GP 4. damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.

2. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-312, 117-313, 314 2-392 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-315 Contract Type/Geographic Region Changed RAP 117-316 Contract Manager Software Fail RAP
117-315 The geographic region and contract type change command from the PJL was imple- 117-316 When the contract manager is running, it can no longer perform task control due to
mented. software malfunction.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to install the correct CRUs for the changed geographic region and con- Perform the steps that follow:
tract type. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-393 117-315, 117-316
117-317, 318 Contract Manager PPP RAP 117-319 SD Card Program or Font Data Access RAP
117-317 The contract manager detected the PPP contract has ended. 117-319 SD card program or font data access fail.

117-318 The contract manager detected the DC command write that was performed at the end Procedure
of a PPP contract has failed.
Procedure Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
Advise the customer to wait for the machine to reboot.
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8 is fully seated and locked into the SD card slot, and
the SD card clip, PL 3.05 Item 2 is properly installed.

NOTE: Ensure the write protection switch, to the left of the SD card, is not enabled. If the
installation of the SD card and the write protection switch setting are good, advise the
customer to rewrite the program and font data into the SD Card.

3. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
6. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-317, 318, 117-319 2-394 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 329, 338 SD Card Fail RAP 117-325, 326 Access Fail RAP
117-320 When starting, the SD card hardware error was detected by SysCheckSD. 117-325 Failed to obtain RTC timer value due to hardware problem in the contract function.

117-321 When starting, the installed SD card was detected to be unsupported by Sys- 117-326 Software fault processing of NVRAM area/access.
117-322 When starting, SD encryption error was detected by SysCheckSD. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

117-323 When starting, SD card file system access error was detected by SysCheckSD.

117-324 When the OS is starting up, the system detected the SD card is meant for another
product and an error is issued.

117-327 Hardware fault processing of NVRAM area/access on the SD card.

117-329 When starting up, the SD card was detected to be not connected by the OS or Sys-

117-338 Fault in the connection with SD card is detected by the controller.

Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8 is fully seated and locked into the SD card slot, and
the SD card clip, PL 3.05 Item 2 is properly installed.
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
6. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-395 117-320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 329, 338, 117-325,
117-330 XBDS Soft Fail RAP 117-331, 355 Uninitialized HDD RAP
117-330 An Ethernet error was detected. 117-331 An uninitialized HDD that was used for another machine was recognized.

Procedure 117-355 HDD not found on device using HDD.

Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
Perform the 016-210, 506, 777, 780, 798 HDD Error RAP.
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Advise the customer to ensure network settings of the machine are correctly configured
for the customer network.
3. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-330, 117-331, 355 2-396 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-332, 335 Uninitialized Used NVM RAP 117-333 Uninitialized Used SD Card RAP
117-332 An uninitialized NVM that was used for another machine was recognized. 117-333 An uninitialized SD card that was used for another device was detected.

117-335 Invalid NVM detection. Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
Procedure 1. Initialize the NVM, perform dC301 NVM Initialization.
Initialize the NVM, perform dC301 NVM Initialization.
2. Initialize the HDD. Perform OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-397 117-332, 335, 117-333
117-336, 337 PCI(EX) Option No Support Device Fail RAP 117-339 NVM Backup Fail RAP
117-336 An unknown PCI option was detected. 117-339 NVM backup is not carried out fail.

117-337 An unknown PCIEX option was detected. Procedure

Initialize the HDD. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure the PCI(EX) option is supported.
2. Check the PCI(EX) option is correctly installed, if supported.
3. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-336, 337, 117-339 2-398 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-340, 342 Other HDD Fail RAP 117-343 Log Sending Parameter Fail RAP
117-340 A hard disk that was formatted by another machine was detected. 117-343 An incorrect setting of the log transfer function was detected:
1. When the image log function is disabled and the auto transfer function is enabled, transfer
117-342 A hard disk that was formatted by another machine was detected. in job units is set.
2. When the job log auto transfer function is disabled (no hard disk), the auto transfer func-
Procedure tion of the log is set to enabled.
WARNING Procedure
Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not WARNING
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
Perform the steps that follow:
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
Perform the steps that follow:
2. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
1. Advise the customer to change the settings of the log transfer function:
3. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
• For detection condition 1, change the operation method for Log Auto Transfer to
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any anything other than Transfer in Job Units.
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
• For detection condition 2, check whether a hard disk is installed or change the Auto
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
Transfer function of the log to disable it.
5. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
3. Perform the OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP.
• HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-399 117-340, 342 , 117-343
117-344 Invalid User Job Type Fail RAP 117-345 SSMM Batch Setting Duration Fail RAP
117-344 The applicable user job cannot be executed at the system level. 117-345 During the batch setting of LoDeM, a reboot occurred due to a change in system data.

Procedure Procedure
Advise the customer to check if public print it is set to be stored as charge print. WARNING
Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. For a single occurrence, take no action.
2. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
3. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
7. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-344, 117-345 2-400 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-347, 349, 350 Service Fail RAP 117-348 Uninitialized Used SD Card RAP
117-347 When the SEEP extension billing counter have been used and billing count cannot be 117-348 An un-initialized SD card that had been used in another machine was recognized.
performed as new extension counter cannot be obtained.
117-349 Detects this fail when enters a state where it is unable to continue operating as GRS.
117-350 A problem has occurred in the AirPrint scan service software processing and it is Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not
unable to continue with the subsequent processes. need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
WARNING 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Ensure the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do not 2. Initialize the NVM, perform dC301 NVM Initialization.
need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause death 3. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
1. For a single occurrence, take no action.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Install a new hard disk, PL 3.05 Item 9.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
3. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. has no open or short circuits and is not damaged. Repair any
damaged wiring or plug/jacks as necessary.
5. Reload the software, GP 4.
6. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
7. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-401 117-347, 349, 350, 117-348
117-354, 356, 358 Job Limit System Fail RAP 117-357 TPM Fail RAP
117-354 Before Job execution, an error occurs in Coml_SsmiIsJoblimit. 117-357 A Trusted Platform Module has failed.

117-356 During Job estimate acquisition, an error occurs. Procedure

Perform the steps that follow:
117-358 Fatal error of JAL relationship in software processing.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Procedure 2. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-354, 356, 358, 117-357 2-402 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
117-360 Date Limit Exceeding Fail RAP 117-362, 363 USB Dongle Fail RAP
117-360 Date limit exceeded. 117-362 During the initial installation by USB dongle, it fails to set the TSC contract mode.

Procedure 117-363 During the initial installation by USB dongle, it fails to set the count-up mode.
Advise the customer to set the correct time and date.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the correct USB WiFi dongle is installed.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-403 117-360, 117-362, 363
117-364 Key Fail RAP 117-365 WiFi Diagnostics Test Failure RAP
117-364 TPM encryption key data corrupted. 117-365 Error during WiFi diagnostics test.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10, 2 times if necessary. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists perform OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP. 2. Check the connection of the WiFi dongle.
3. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 3. If the fault persists install a new WiFi dongle, PL 3.05 Item 3.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

117-364, 117-365 2-404 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
118-310, 311 Internal Fail RAP
118-310 IPSEC internal error, occurred during initialization of the IPSEC.

118-311 CSB soft fatal error, occurred during software processing.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 1 and the controller PWB
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 is secure, no short or open circuits, and no damage exists.
Repair and damage to wire or connectors.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Perform the OF5 NET/USB System Fail RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-405 118-310, 311
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
118-310, 311 2-406 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
121-310, 327 EPSV-Accessory Communication Fail RAP 121-311, 312, 313 IC Card Auditron Password Fail RAP
121-310 Transmission has failed between the EP-SV and the accessories. 121-311 IC card auditron config fail 01.

121-327 EPSV accessory not in service fail. 121-312 IC card auditron config fail 02.

Procedure 121-313 IC card auditron config fail 03.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good. Perform the steps that follow:

3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for- 1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or 2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
service center. 3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
service center.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-407 121-310, 327, 121-311, 312, 313
121-314 Customize User Prompts Fail RAP 121-316 Accessory Conflict RAP
121-314 Customize user prompts fail. 117-316 Prohibited combination of EP accessory connection and secure access authentica-
Perform the steps that follow: Procedure
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good. 1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for- 2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or 3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
service center. eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
service center.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

121-314, 121-316 2-408 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
121-317 Continuous Job Setting Mismatch RAP 121-318 Auth/Account Settings Not Supported RAP
117-317 Prohibited combination of EP accessory connection and secure access authentica- 117-318 Auth/account settings not supported.
Procedure Perform the steps that follow:
Perform the steps that follow: 1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it. 2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good. 3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for- eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or service center.
service center.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-409 121-317, 121-318
121-322 Controller Price Table Error RAP 121-323 Web EP Software Fail RAP
121-322 EPA - controller unit price table settings error. 121-323 Fatal error related to Web EP.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it. 1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good. 2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for- 3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
service center. service center.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

121-322, 121-323 2-410 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
121-325 ICCR and Panel Setting Confliction RAP 121-328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 341, 342, 343 EP
121-325 ICCR and panel auth setting confliction. Communication Fail RAP
117-328 Cannot detect the connection of related products or there is no response from the
Procedure transmission path, or protocol error.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it. 117-329 A communications error was detected during transmission of the message change
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
117-330 The disconnect boot of related products in the product is not the correct specification.
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
service center.
117-331 Related products settings contradiction.

117-332 The wake command from this machine to related products has elapsed.

117-341 Undefined accessory information was detected in the wake up answer message.

117-342 fatal error of related products in the job disable message.

117-343 fatal error of related products in the accessory status message.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
service center.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-411 121-325, 121-328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 341, 342, 343
121-339 Price Table Error RAP 121-340 EP Accessory MisMatch RAP
117-339 EPA unit price table error. 117-340 The combination of accessories that are installed does not match the specifications.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it. 1. Disconnect the foreign device and verify that the printer is working correctly without it.
2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good. 2. Check the foreign device interface wiring and connections on the printer are good.
3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for- 3. Re-connect the foreign device, if the fault still persists, inform the customer that the for-
eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or eign device is at fault and needs servicing or re-configuring by the device manufacturer or
service center. service center.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

121-339, 121-340 2-412 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
123-310 to 123-353 UI Error 1 RAP 123-354 to 123-381 UI Error 2 RAP
123-310 The data sent from the UI to the controller exceeded the upper limit for the processing 123-354 The control panel has detected a drop in +24V power voltage.
123-355 The control panel has detected a drop in +5V power voltage.
123-311 The data received from the controller exceeded the upper limit for the processing
capability in the UI. 123-357 The control panel has detected that writing in the EEPROM has failed.

123-312 The data received from the controller has exceeded the upper limit of the processing 123-358 The control panel has detected that writing in the EEPROM for logging failed.
capability in the UI.
123-362 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-325 The specified UI internal object could not be created due to a setting/specification
error. UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB. 123-368 There is insufficient memory or the connection failed.

123-326 The memory in the GUAM exceeded the upper limit. 123-369 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-333 The H/W connection in the UI is faulty or the internal connection could not be correctly 123-371 The parameter sent from the controller was incorrect.
123-374 The job ID parameter sent from the controller was incorrect.
123-343 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-377 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-344 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-379 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-350 MCW panel one-touch key fail.
123-380 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.
123-352 An error internal to the con-panel (an abnormal value in EEPROM for Sys) has been
detected. 123-381 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-343 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB. Procedure

Perform OF6 UI Fail RAP.
123-344 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-350 MCW panel one-touch key fail.

123-353 The control panel has detected that the UI cable is disconnected.

Perform OF6 UI Fail RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-413 123-310 to 123-353, 123-354 to 123-381
123-382 to 123-399 UI Error 3 RAP
123-382 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-383 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-384 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-389 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-390 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-392 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-393 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-395 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-396 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-397 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-398 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

123-399 UI-SW failure in the ESS PWB.

Perform OF6 UI Fail RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

123-382 to 123-399 2-414 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 344, 380 DC132 Error 124-312, 357 DC132 Error 12 RAP
RAP 124-312 Stored data mismatch. The product number did not match.
124-310 Product number not specified.
124-357 Product number 1 point mismatch.
124-311 Serial number not specified.
124-313 Stored data mismatch. The serial numbers do not match.
124-314 Stored data mismatch.
124-356 Serial number 1 point mismatch.
124-316 Stored data mismatch.
124-315 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected.
124-318 Stored data mismatch.
124-317 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected.
124-322 Stored data mismatch.
124-355 At least one set of territory information at the 3 locations is different.
124-324 All billing counter mismatch.
124-344 All the billing meter types kept at multiple locations are different. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
124-380 The CRUM destinations stored in three positions match, but their values are not set
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Procedure Y N
WARNING Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data and compare all numbers. All three product num-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. bers are different.
Perform the steps that follow: Y N
1. Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and controller PWB assembly, PL
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
3.05 Item 1.
2. Ensure the wiring between the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and controller PWB
2. Perform dC132. Follow the directions to ensure the three product numbers match.
assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 is securely connected, no short or open circuits, and no damage
exists. Repair any damage to wiring or connectors as necessary. Perform dC132. Follow the directions to ensure the three product numbers match.
3. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-415 124-310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 322, 324, 344, 380, 124-
124-313, 356 DC132 Error 10 RAP 124-315, 317, 355 DC132 Error 02, 04 and 14 RAP
124-313 Stored data mismatch. The serial numbers do not match. 124-315 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected.

124-356 Serial number 1 point mismatch. 124-317 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected.

124-315 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected. 124-355 At least one set of territory information at the 3 locations is different.

124-317 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected. Procedure
124-355 At least one set of territory information at the 3 locations is different.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Procedure not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Y N
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 700-600, 700-601 and 700-602. All three values are dif-
Y N ferent.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Y N
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05
Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. All three serial numbers are different. Item 1.
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Perform dC132. Make all three values match.
Item 1.

Perform dC132. Make all three serial numbers match.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

124-313, 356, 124-315, 317, 355 2-416 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-319 DC132 Error 08 RAP 124-320 SEEPROM Fail RAP
124-319 Stored data mismatch. Internal control error was detected. 124-320 Write error occurred in the SEEPROM on the controller PWB assembly.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Perform the steps that follow:
Y N 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 700-606, 700-607 and 700-608. All three values are dif-
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
Y N 4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05
Item 1.

Perform dC132. Make all three values match.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-417 124-319, 124-320
124-321 Backup SRAM Fail RAP 124-323 DC132 06 RAP
124-321 Write error occurred in the NVM on the controller PWB assembly. 124-323 Internal control error was detected.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Y N
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 700-603, 700-604 and 700-605. All three values are dif-
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. Y N
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 or controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item
1 as necessary.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2, then a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05
Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

124-321, 124-323 2-418 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-325 Billing Restoration Fail RAP 124-326 IOT Speed Not Registered RAP
124-325 Billing counter mismatch (1 position). 124-326 IOT Speed not registered.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Advise the customer to follow the instructions on the UI in order to enter the SW key for chang-
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do ing IOT speed.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. All three product numbers are different.
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 or controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item
1 as necessary.

Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2, then a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05
Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-419 124-325, 124-326
124-327 IOT Speed Change Fail RAP 124-328 Punch Unit User Initial Set Up RAP
124-327 A SW error was detected during the procedure for changing IOT speed. 124-328 Punch unit user initial installation screen displayed.

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Have the customer select the punch unit according to the instruction on the UI.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

124-327, 124-328 2-420 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-331 to 124-339 ESS ROM DIMM RAP 124-340, 360, 390 CRUM Market Fail All RAP
124-331 The system detected that the ESS ROM DIMM #1 was not installed. 124-340 The CRUM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not set
124-333 An error was detected in the Panther.
124-360 The CRUM enable/disable settings stored in three positions match but their values
124-334 An error was detected in the standard built-in font ROM. are not set (0).

124-335 The installation of the font ROM was not detected. 124-390 The CRUM OEM destinations stored in three positions match but their values are not
set (0).
124-337 An error was detected in the ESS built-in standard RAM.
124-338 The system detected that a duplicate font ROM was installed.
124-339 The system detected that the ROM DIMM for another model was installed. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Procedure death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
2. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely connected. Ensure all surface mounted mod-
ules on both PWBs are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-421 124-331 to 124-339, 124-340, 360, 390
124-341, 351, 361, 381, 391 CRUM Market Fail RAP 124-342, 343, 352, 353, 362, 363, 382, 383, 392, 393 CRUM
124-341 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (IOT). Market Fail SYS 1 RAP
124-342 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1).
124-351 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (IOT).
124-343 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2).
124-361 One of CRUM Enable/Disable settings is different from the others (IOT).
124-352 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1).
124-381 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (IOT).
124-353 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2).
124-391 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (IOT).
124-362 One of CRUM enable/disable settings is different from the others (SYS 1).
WARNING 124-363 One of CRUM enable/disable settings is different from the others (SYS 2).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 124-382 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1).
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
124-383 One of CRUM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2).
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. 124-392 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 1).
2. Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three values match.
3. If the fault persists, install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. 124-393 One of CRUM OEM destinations is different from the others (SYS 2).

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three product numbers match. The fault
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Reinstall the SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8. The fault persists.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new SD card, PL 3.05 Item 8. The fault persists.

Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

124-341, 351, 361, 381, 391, 124-342, 343, 352, 353, 2-422 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-345 Billing Meter Type Restoration Fail RAP 124-346, 348, 354 Information Mismatch RAP
124-345 Billing meter type fail (one mismatches the others but cannot be automatically 124-346 Billing count type fail (all the three are different from each other).
124-348 Modal break point fail (all the three are different from each other).
124-354 Territory info fail (contents corrupted, the controller PWB was replaced).
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Procedure
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Y N not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 720-002 and 720-062. Both values are different. 1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
Y N 2. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary:
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. • Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-423 124-345, 124-346, 348, 354
124-347 Billing Count Type Restoration Fail RAP 124-349 Modal Break Point Restoration Fail RAP
124-347 Billing count type fail (one mismatches the others but cannot be automatically 124-349 Modal break point fail (one mismatches the others but cannot be automatically
repaired.) repaired.)

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. The fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 720-052 and 720-063. Both values are different. Enter dC131. Compare NVM values 720-057 and 720-064. Both values are different.
Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Install a new motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. Install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

124-347, 124-349 2-424 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-350 CRUM OEM Fail RAP 124-372, 373, 374 IOT Soft Fail RAP
124-350 All three CRUM OEM destinations are not set (0 or different values are set). 124-372 IOT controller software failure.

Procedure 124-373 IOT manager software failure.

WARNING 124-374 IOT IM device driver software failure.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
2. Enter dC132 Device ID and Billing Data. Make all three product numbers match. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
3. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely Perform the steps that follow:
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
4. Reload the software, GP 4.
2. Ensure that all connectors on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 are securely
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
connected. Ensure all surface mounted modules are securely connected.
3. Reload the software, GP 4.
4. Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-425 124-350, 124-372, 373, 374
124-701, 702, 710 Output Tray Change RAP 124-705, 124-706 Canceled Instructions RAP
124-701 The machine changed output tray from side tray to another and continued printing. 124-705 Punching instruction was canceled and printing continued.

124-702 The machine changed output tray from stacker to another and continued printing. 124-706 Folding instruction was canceled and printing continued.

124-710 The machine changed output tray from sorter to another and continued printing. Procedure
Check dC120 Fault History for associated faults. Perform the relevant RAP.
Advise the customer to use the correct paper type and size for the job.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

124-701, 702, 710, 124-705, 124-706 2-426 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
124-708 Changed to Sub Tray RAP 124-709 Stapler Sheets Counts Over Warning RAP
124-708 The machine changed output tray from the selected tray to sub tray and continued 124-709 The number of stapler sheets exceeded and printing continued.
Procedure For information only. No service actions necessary.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure that the customer is using the correct paper type and size for the job.
2. Check dC120 Fault History for faults 012-231, 012-232, 012-233 or 012-234. If any of the
faults is listed, perform the relevant RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-427 124-708, 124-709
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
124-708, 124-709 2-428 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
125-311 PSW Controller Unexpected Fail RAP
125-311 PSW controller software failure.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, perform OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-429 125-311
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
125-311 2-430 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
127-310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 315, 342 ESS Error RAP 127-320 DFE Critical Fail RAP
127-310 A fatal error occurred in ESR task. 127-320 An error occurred in the connection to the DFE. Or the DFE needs to treat the device
as System Fail.
127-311 Fatal error related to ExtPRTc.
127-312 DFE detected a video link error.
Advise the customer to:

127-313 ESS detected a video link error. 1. Take the corrective actions based on the fault code displayed in the DFE monitor, then
reboot the system. If the fault persists check the following:
127-314 ESS detected a video link error. • Device settings.
• Connection to the DFE.
127-315 A problem has occurred with software processing, causing the processing to stop. • DFE hardware.

127-342 A response such as system function recall error was detected.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, perform OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-431 127-310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 315, 342, 127-320
127-337 Job Template HDD Write Error RAP 127-353, 354, 396, 398, 399 Fatal Error RAP
127-337 An error occurred when the job template was stored on the HDD. 127-353 Fatal error related to LPD.

Procedure 127-354 Fatal error of FTP server was detected.

WARNING 127-396 Fatal error related to mail IO.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 127-398 Fatal error related to IPP.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow: 127-399 Fatal error related to JME.
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, perform the following procedures in order: Procedure
a. OF4 HDD System Fail RAP. WARNING
b. OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the fault persists, perform OF5 NET/USB System Fail RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

127-337, 127-353, 354, 396, 398, 399 2-432 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
127-700 SIP Registration Fail RAP
127-700 An error has occurred in registering device info with the SIP registration server.

Have the customer:
1. Check what the SIP registration server is set to on the device.
2. Check that the SIP registration server is available.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-433 127-700
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
127-700 2-434 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
132-312 UI Display Port Link Error RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.2 PWB Communications (Controller to UI PWB)

132-312 An communication error occured between the UI, PL 2.05 Item 1 and the controller
PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.

Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Check the mini display cable from the controller PWB assembly P/J352 and the UI.
Ensure the connections are fully seated, no short or open circuits, and no damage exists.
Repair any damage as necessary.
3. If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-435 132-312
Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue
132-312 2-436 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
500-030 DC612 Print No Good By IOT Wait State RAP 500-033, 500-035 Diagnostic Documents RAP
500-030 The machine changed state during dC612. 500-033 The document is not loaded or the documents are not enough when a diagnostics
routine is performed.
500-035 The document size is different when a Diagnostic routine is performed.
Allow the machine to return from the wait state, then re-run the routine.

Load the required number and size of documents, then re-run the routine.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-437 500-030, 500-033, 500-035
500-990 DC612 Print No Good By Any Reason RAP
500-990 Printing could not start due to unknown reason in dC612 test pattern print, or it was

Re-run the routine.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

500-990 2-438 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
OF1 POST Error RAP OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP
Use this RAP when the UI has stalled and shows the splash-logo screen, or the system Use this RAP to solve boot up errors. If directed here from another procedure, always return to
appears to have power but the UI is blank. that procedure.

• Power on Self Test (POST) occurs each time the machine is powered on. POST verifies Procedure
the functionality of key subsystems.
• POST begins when power is switched on before higher level machine functions (such as
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
the user interface) are operational.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
• POST is performed by the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• The fault is communicated via an eight LED display on the controller PWB assembly, PL Perform the steps that follow:
3.05 Item 1. This is to help diagnose common faults which prevent the machine from pow-
1. Enter special boot mode, GP 22.
ering up correctly to the point where faults are displayed and service mode can be
entered. 2. Perform the special boot modes in the order that follows:
Procedure a. LONGDIAG MODE.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. e. 03. NVRAM INIT MODE.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. If the system power up sequence has failed, check the code on the eight LED display.
Refer to:
• BSD 3.10 ESS Status LED (1 of 5)
• BSD 3.11 ESS Status LED (2 of 5)
• BSD 3.12 ESS Status LED (3 of 5)
• BSD 3.13 ESS Status LED (4 of 5)
• BSD 3.12 ESS (Controller) Status LED (5 of 5)
If the eight LED display indicates a related fault code, perform the relevant RAP. If a
related fault code is not listed, Perform the OF2 Special Boot Modes RAP. If the fault per-
sists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.10 Item 6.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-439 OF1, OF2
OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP NOTE: Always switch off the machine, GP 10, and disconnect the power cord from the
machine before attempting to remove the DIMM module, or any other electrical compo-
BSD-ON:BSD 3.5 PWB Communications (Controller to Halftone/Back plane)

BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) If the fault persists, perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to
obtain the nananana.log for Support.
The following describes the common procedures at System Fail or Sub System Fail, regard- 6. Switch off the machine, GP 10, check the connection of the controller PWB assembly, PL
less of whether the power is turned on or during Job processing. 3.05 Item 1, back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2, and halftone PWB PL 3.15 Item 4. Check
all wiring for poor connections and damage. Correct any issues, then switch on the
Initial Actions machine. Perform the same operation causing the fault. Perform GP 33 for Support.
Collect the detailed procedures below from the customer when a trouble occurred. 7. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Install a new DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7. Switch on the
machine, then perform the same operation causing the fault. Perform GP 33 for Support.
1. What job was performed when the problem occurred. 8. If the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. Perform the
2. Check the job settings from the UI. same operation causing the fault. Perform GP 33 for Support.
3. Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool off 9. If the fault persists after installing a new controller PWB assembly, reinstall the original
while working through this fault procedure. controller PWB assembly, gather all reports and logs, then contact Support for instruc-
4. Collect all related information to reproduce the error. tions.

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. If the error was displayed during a service call, perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nanan-
ana.log From The WebUI, to obtain the nananana.log for Support.
NOTE: It may not be possible to obtain a device log if the device executed a reboot after
an error occurred. To enable the device log collection enter dC131 then set the NVM
chain-link code 700-530 value to 0. Repeat the device log procedure then reset the NVM
chain-link code 700-530 value back to 1.

2. Perform GP 22, Special Boot Modes, LONG DIAG MODE.

3. Perform GP 14, Printing Reports, print a Configuration Report. Check the Controller ROM
version, if not the latest version perform GP 4, Machine Software.
4. Switch off, then switch on the machine GP 10. If the power cannot be switched off, go to
Step 5.
• If the fault persists after switching off, then switching on the machine, GP 10, perform
GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nanan-
ana.log for Support
• If switching on the machine starts the system, perform GP 14, Printing Reports, to
obtain a Startup and Configuration Report for Support.
• If unable to reproduce the fault, use the button on the UI to transition the device out
of power saver mode or initiate a Job to bring the machine out of power save mode
and check if the fault persists. Capture the above reports for Support.
5. Disconnect the power cord from the machine. Remove and reinstall the DIMM, PL 3.05
Item 7, reconnect the power cord, then switch on the machine, GP 10, perform the same
operation causing the fault.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

OF3 2-440 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
OF4 HDD System Fail RAP Hard Disk Initialization
BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) Enter GP 22 Special Boot Modes, HDD INITIALIZE MODE.

Always read the following three basic notes regarding the hard disk in this machine model HDD initialization specifies the logical formatting of the HDD partition. Initializing the HDD
before servicing. deletes all data on the hard disk.

1. Hard Disk Data Table 2 Hard Disk Initialization Method

2. Hard Disk Initialization Data Clear Method
3. Hard Disk Formatting Special
After reading the basic notes, proceed with the service operations. Partition No. Diag KO Tools Booting Machine Power OFF/ON
1 Yes Yes Yes No
2 Yes No Yes Yes
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
3 Yes No Yes No
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 4 Yes No Yes No
Procedure 5 Yes No Yes Yes
6 Yes No Yes No
Perform the steps that follow, in accordance with the system fail fault:
7 Yes No Yes No
Hard Disk Data 8 Yes No Yes No

Description by hard disk partition.

Hard Disk Formatting
Table 1 Hard disk data Forced formatting of the hard disk in Special Boot Modes, GP 22, 04. HDD FORMATMODE for-
Partition Purpose of Use/ mat’s the partition to factory setting.
No. Volume Type Stored Data
• Formatting will delete all customer saved data on the hard disk.
1 ide0a Resource Font, Form/Logo, Job
• Hard disk failures may be recovered by formatting.
2 ide0b Print EPC Print Temporary Data
3 ide0c Folder Extended Folder, Report, Secure Print, Sample
Set, Delayed Print 1. Disconnect, then reconnect the hard disk, P/J302 and P/J310.
4 ide0d PDL PDL, MailIO Temporary, Spool Area 2. Perform steps 1 through 7 of OF3 System or Sub System Fail RAP.
8 ide0h Management Management Information (PFlite User Document 3. Enter dC131 NVM Read/Write, change the NVM (700-530) from 0 to 1.
Information Store) 4. Reinstall the software, GP 4.
Job recovery Data, Job Flow, Job Log, Failure 5. Enter GP 22, Special Boot Modes, perform the routines below in order:
Log, Audit Log, Device Certificate
6. If the fault persists, install a new components as necessary. Perform the operation caus-
ing the fault before installing the next component. Stop what the fault is no longer pro-
a. HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9.
b. Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
7. If the system is not restored after installing a new controller PWB assembly, reinstall the
original controller PWB assembly, prepare the logs and the obtained reports, then contact
Support for instructions.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-441 OF4
OF5 NET/USB System Fail RAP OF6 UI Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) BSD-ON:BSD 3.2 PWB Communications (Controller to UI PWB)

Procedure Procedure
WARNING Perform the steps that follow:
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do 1. Verify the UI cable at the UI is correctly installed.
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause 2. Check the wiring between the UI and the controller PWB assembly P352 for loose con-
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. nection, open or short circuit, and damage. Correct or repair as necessary.
Perform the steps that follow: 3. If the LED on the UI is flashing, use the information described in Table 1 to identify the
1. Print a Configuration Report, then verify the Controller ROM is the latest version. Upgrade fault location.
the software, GP 4, Machine Software if not the latest version.
2. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nanan- Table 1 UI Self Diagnostic Function
ana.log to provide to Support. Operation
3. Enter dC131, NVM Read/Write, code 700-530. Change the value from 1 to 0 to disable No. Target Diagnostic Item Mode What's this?
the Automatic Startup Boot Operation At System Fail. Perform the operation causing the 1 Communication No Yes • Display Fail Code (123-333)
fault. If the fault persists, print the Configuration Report for later. (Same as existing)
4. Verify the ethernet cable connected at J340 on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 • [Interrupt] [Log In / Out] LED blinks
Item 1 is fully engaged and locked. Visually verify the connectivity light is on and illumi- (repeats 2 times)
nated green. 2 Read EEPROM for Sys No Yes • Display Fail Code (123-352)
5. On a computer connected to the same network as the machine, ping the IP address listed • [Interrupt] [Log In / Out] LED blinks
in the Configuration Report to verify connectivity of the machine on the network.
(repeats 3 times)
6. Verify the all active connections on the machine used below are functioning as required.
3 UI Cable Partial Connection No Yes • Display Fail Code (123-353)
• Write Control Panel internal error
• NetWare log
• Salutation IO • [Interrupt] [Log In / Out] LED blinks
• Port 9100 (repeats 4 times)
• USB 4 24V Supply Line Voltage Level No Yes • Can be differentiated from UI
• lpd Monitoring Cable Partial Connection
• MailIO • Display Fail Code (123-354)
• IPP • [Interrupt] [Log In / Out] LED
Correct any issues and perform the same operation causing the fault. If the fault persists, flashes (repeats 5 times)
perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nanan- 5 5V Supply Line Voltage Level No Yes • Can be differentiated from UI
ana.log to provide to Support. Monitoring Cable Partial Connection
7. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Remove and install the DIMM module, PL 3.05 Item 9. • Display Fail Code (123-355)
Switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform the same operation causing the fault. If the fault 7 Hard Key Pressed Continuously No Yes • Save 023-600 in Controller log
persists, install a new DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 9. • Write Control Panel internal error
8. After replacing the DIMM, if the fault persists, install a new controller PWB assembly, PL log
3.05 Item 1. 8 Operation Panel (GOT) Yes Yes • Skipping the Origin Point Correc-
9. Enter dC131, NVM Read/Write, code 700-530. Change the value from 0 to 1. Print and tion brings you to the Touch Check
save the Configuration Report. screen
10. Repeat the operation causing the fault. If the fault persists, reinstall the original controller • Pressing continuously saves 023-
PWB assembly, then contact Support for instruction. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A 601 in Controller log
Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log for Support. • Write Control Panel internal error

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

OF5, OF6 2-442 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 UI Self Diagnostic Function OF7 Common Job Fail RAP
Operation Procedure
No. Target Diagnostic Item Mode What's this?
Perform the steps that follow:
9 Write EEPROM for Sys No Yes • Display Fail Code (123-357)
1. Print a Configuration Report and Startup Report, refer to GP 14, Printing Reports.
• Write Control Panel internal error
2. Verify and collect for Support, the customer procedures for reproducing the fault, verify UI
log setting are correct for the Job type, then rerun the print Job causing the fault.
• [Interrupt] [Log In / Out] LED blinks • Check the exact occurrence timing during job execution.
(repeats 7 times)
• Check the job settings from the UI.
Write EEPROM for Log No Yes • Display Fail Code (123-358)
• Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool
• [Interrupt] [Log In / Out] LED blinks
off while working through this fault procedure.
(repeats 7 times)
• Collect other information as much as possible to reproduce the error.
10 LED ON/OFF ([Interrupt]/[Log In No Yes • Both are ON during reset -> both
3. Check the Configuration Report for the Controller ROM version. Perform GP 4, Machine
/ Out]) simultaneously turns OFF at can-
cellation of reset (except for hot- Software if not the latest version.
line). 4. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nanan-
ana.log for Support.
11 LCD/M (Screen Display/Back- No Yes • As this can be differentiated from
light) poor connection, the malfunction 5. Collect all logs and reports, then contact Support for further instruction.
can be found automatically

4. If the fault persists, perform the procedures in OF3 System Sub System Fail RAP.
5. If the fault persists, install new components below in order. After each component installa-
tion, check for the fault. Stop when the fault no longer shows.
a. Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
b. UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.
c. Back plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2.
6. If the fault persists, install the original parts and contact Support for instructions preparing
the logs as required to be sent to Support.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-443 OF6, OF7
OF8 Hard Disk Job Fail RAP OF9 Network Job Fail RAP
Procedure Procedure
Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Perform the procedures in OF7 Common Job Fail. 1. Print a configuration report to find the TCP/IP address of the machine. Use the PING
2. Perform the procedures in OF4 Hard Disk System Fail. command from a computer on the customer network to test communication of the
machine on the network.
3. If the fault persists, perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to
obtain the nananana.log, the contact Support for further instructions. 2. Check the version of controller ROM on the configuration report. Upgrade the software,
GP 4, Machine Software, if the controller ROM version is not the latest.
3. Verify and collect for Support, the customer procedures for reproducing the fault, verify UI
setting are correct for the Job type, then rerun the print Job causing the fault.
• Check the exact occurrence timing during job execution.
• Check the job settings from the UI.
• Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool
off while working through this fault procedure.
• Collect other information as much as possible to reproduce the error.
4. If the fault persists, perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to
obtain the nananana.log, the contact Support for further instructions.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

OF8, OF9 2-444 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
OF10 Unrepeatable Error RAP OF11 Unable to Start After Power On RAP
Initial Actions BSD-ON:BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5)
Collect the detailed procedures below from the customer when a trouble occurred.
Initial Actions
1. What job was performed when the problem occurred. Collect the detailed procedures below from the customer when a trouble occurred.
2. Check the job settings from the UI.
1. What job was performed when the problem occurred.
3. Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool off
while working through this fault procedure. 2. Check the job settings from the UI.
3. Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool off
No Problem Occurred during Service Call. while working through this fault procedure.
4. Collect all related information to reproduce the error.
Procedure A problem had occurred or can be reproduced
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nanan- Procedure
ana.log. Perform the steps that follow:
2. Perform GP 19, Obtaining Audit and Device Logs, immediately after the error has 1. Verify the main power LED of the UI is on.
occurred. Do not switch off or restart the machine before obtaining logs. 2. Perform GP 22, Special Boot Modes. Select LONG DIAG MODE.
3. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. On the Home screen of the UI; touch 3. If the fault can be reproduced, leave it alone for 10 minutes and wait for fault 116-399 Ini-
Device, About, scroll to the bottom, touch Reports, then print the Configuration and tialization, to occur. After 10 minutes have passed, perform GP 33 How To Capture A
Startup reports. Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log.
4. Perform GP 22, Special Boot Mode. Select LONG DIAG MODE. 4. Check the status of ESS STATUS LED on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
5. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nanan- Refer to BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5).
ana.log, then contact Support for further instructions. 5. Check the Configuration Report for the Controller ROM version. If not the latest version,
perform GP 4, Machine Software to upgrade.
6. Check the connection of the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 to the back plane
PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2. Correct obstructions or poor connection, then perform the same
operation causing the fault.
7. Remove and reinstall the DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7, then perform the same operation Caus-
ing the fault.
8. Disconnect and reconnect the HDD connectors, P/J302 and P310, then perform the
same operation causing the fault.
9. Remove the HDD, the switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A
Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log.
10. Install new components as necessary:
a. DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7.
b. HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9.
c. Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
11. If the fault persists after installing a new controller PWB assembly, contact the Support for
further instructions. Prepare the logs and the obtained reports as required for Support.

Initial Issue August 2018 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 2-445 OF10, OF11
OF12 Unable to Return From Power Save Mode RAP OF13 Stuck in Printing Fail RAP
BSD-ON:BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5). BSD-ON:BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5).

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Collect the detailed procedures below from the customer when a trouble occurred. Collect the detailed procedures below from the customer when a trouble occurred.

1. What job was performed when the problem occurred. 1. What job was performed when the problem occurred.
2. Check the job settings from the UI. 2. Check the job settings from the UI.
3. Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool off 3. Check if print spool is turned on in the WebUI. Refer to GP 34 Print Spool, turn spool off
while working through this fault procedure. while working through this fault procedure.
4. Collect all related information to reproduce the error. 4. Collect all related information to reproduce the error.
During a service call, the error, Stuck in Copying or Printing, occurred or can be reproduced.
NOTE: This RAP is only for occurrences where during a service call, the machine is unable to
return from power save mode. In all other cases where the machine does not start normally
after switching off, then switching on the machine, GP 10, follow the procedure for that fault or Procedure
error. Perform the steps that follow:
1. If the problem occurs during the service call, perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nanan-
Procedure ana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log, then contact Support for further
Perform the steps that follow: instructions. Else, continue with the procedure.
1. Verify the main power LED of the UI is on. 2. Open and close the front cover, PL 28.05 Item 8, verify the UI message changes.
2. Perform GP 22, Special Boot Modes. Select LONG DIAG MODE. 3. Perform GP 22, Special Boot Modes. Select LONG DIAG MODE.
3. If the fault can be reproduced, leave it alone for 10 minutes and wait for fault 116-399 Ini- 4. If the fault can be reproduced, leave it alone for 10 minutes and wait for fault 116-399 Ini-
tialization, to occur. After 10 minutes have passed, perform GP 33 How To Capture A tialization, to occur. After 10 minutes have passed, perform GP 33 How To Capture A
Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log. Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log.
4. Check the status of ESS STATUS LED on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. 5. Check the status of ESS STATUS LED on the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
Refer to BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5). Refer to BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5).
5. Check the Configuration Report for the Controller ROM version. If not the latest version, 6. Check the Configuration Report for the Controller ROM version. If not the latest version,
perform GP 4, Machine Software. perform GP 4, Machine Software.
6. Check the connection of the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1 to the back plane 7. Remove and reinstall the DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7, then perform the same operation caus-
PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2. Correct obstructions or poor connection, then perform the same ing the fault.
operation causing the fault. 8. Disconnect and reconnect the HDD connectors, P/J302 and P310, then perform the
7. Remove and reinstall the DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7, then perform the same operation caus- same operation causing the fault.
ing the fault.
9. Remove the HDD, the switch on the machine, GP 10. If the machine starts despite dis-
8. Disconnect and reconnect the HDD connectors, P/J302 and P310, then perform the playing an fault, perform GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI to
same operation causing the fault. obtain the nananana.log.
9. Remove the HDD, the switch on the machine, GP 10. Perform GP 33 How To Capture A 10. Install new components as necessary:
Nananana.log From The WebUI to obtain the nananana.log. a. DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7.
10. Install new components as necessary: b. HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9.
a. DIMM, PL 3.05 Item 7. c. Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
b. HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9. 11. If the fault persists after installing a new controller PWB assembly, contact the Support for
c. Controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1. further instructions. Prepare the logs and the obtained reports as required for Support.
11. If the fault persists after installing a new controller PWB assembly, prepare the logs and
the obtained reports as required, then contact Support for further instructions.

Status Indicator RAPs August 2018 Initial Issue

OF12, OF13 2-446 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3 Image Quality RAPs
IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP ......................................................................................... 3-3
IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP ................................................................................................. 3-7
IQ3 White Streaks, Spots or Uneven Density (38mm/1.5 inches) in the Cross Process Direction
RAP................................................................................................................................. 3-10
IQ4 Color Line of Photoreceptor Pitch (94mm/3.7 inches) in the Cross Process Direction RAP
IQ5 Dark Lines RAP ........................................................................................................ 3-11
IQ6 Toner Droplet Contamination RAP ........................................................................... 3-11
IQ7 Smear....................................................................................................................... 3-12
IQ8 Rough Black RAP..................................................................................................... 3-12
IQ9 Toner Contamination at Lead or Trail Edge RAP..................................................... 3-13
IQ10 Multi Color Transfer Failure RAP ........................................................................... 3-13
IQ11 Micro White Spots (Side 2) RAP ............................................................................ 3-14
IQ12 Color Streaks RAP ................................................................................................. 3-15
IQ13 Caterpillar Mark (Transfer) RAP ............................................................................. 3-15
IQ14 Heat Haze/Mock Heat Haze RAP ......................................................................... 3-16
IQ15 Kiss Marks RAP .................................................................................................... 3-18
IQ16 Circular Stamping Marks RAP............................................................................... 3-18
IQ17 Reverse Dark Lines RAP ....................................................................................... 3-19
IQ18 In Process 3mm Pitch Line RAP ............................................................................ 3-20
IQ19 Scalelike Defect (Transfer) RAP ............................................................................ 3-20
IQ20 Cross Process Ghosting RAP ................................................................................ 3-21
IQ21 Residual Image Ghosting RAP............................................................................... 3-21
IQ22 DC Charging Ghosting RAP .................................................................................. 3-22
IQ23 Background RAP.................................................................................................... 3-23
IQ24 Deletions RAP ........................................................................................................ 3-23
IQ25 IOT Skew RAP ....................................................................................................... 3-24
IQ26 Print Damage RAP ................................................................................................. 3-24
IQ27 Unfused Print/Toner Offset RAP ............................................................................ 3-25
IQ30 Solid Color in Prints RAP ....................................................................................... 3-25
IQ31 Missing Color from Image RAP .............................................................................. 3-26
IQ32 Repeated Defects RAP .......................................................................................... 3-27

Image Quality Specifications

IQS 1 Fusing ................................................................................................................... 3-29
IQS 2 Skew ..................................................................................................................... 3-29
IQS 3 Print Defects ......................................................................................................... 3-30
IQS 4 MAX Setup............................................................................................................ 3-31
IQS 5 Thin Line Emphasis Mode Adjustment ................................................................. 3-33

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-1
Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue
3-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP Y N
Perform the IQ26 Print Damage RAP.
Use this RAP to determine the source of an image quality problem.
No specific image quality defect has been identified. If necessary, modify the print quality to
Initial Actions meet the customer requirements.
Refer to Figure 1 for print definitions.
Inboard edge
Perform the steps that follow:
• Discuss the IQ problem with the customer to fully understand the defect and the modes in
Lead edge
which it occurs. Produce the customer job that displays the customer’s IQ defect.
• Check the condition of the paper. Do not use incorrectly cut paper, damp paper, paper
with rough edges, badly drilled paper, paper with wrapper wax or glue. Paper and media
should be stored flat, enclosed in wrappers, in a cool dry environment.
• Check that the paper is within specifications, GP 15.
• Check that paper tray guides are set to the correct paper size. edge
• Use the cleaning assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4 , stored in the front cover, PL 28.05 Item 5 ,
to clean each of the 4 LPH assemblies, PL 60.05 . In process
• Ensure that the image adjustment mode selections are those used by the customer. direction
• Check the original documents for defects.
• If image density has degraded, perform ADJ 90.1 Marking Refresh. Cross
• Perform ADJ 90.2 Color Calibration - Automatic.

Trail edge
Enter dC612 Print Test Patterns. Select a suitable test pattern (pattern 51 Total Chart recom-
mended). Select simplex. Select quantity 3. Select Start Test. The printed image of the sec-
ond print is good, with reference to IQS 1 Color Reproduction.
Produce the customer job that displays the customer’s IQ defect. The image quality
fault persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final actions.

Enter dC612 Print Test Patterns. Select the required internal test pattern, refer to Table 1 Figure 1 Print definitions
. Select simplex. Select Start Test. The printed image of the internal test pattern is
good. IQ1 Internal Test Patterns
Table 1 describes the test patterns and the purpose for which they should be used to identify
Perform the IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP.
image quality defects. To access internal test patterns, refer to dC612 Print Test Pattern.
Check the back of the prints for toner contamination. The back of the prints are clean.
If the settings for a test pattern are wrong, the message appears: ‘Invalid parameter. Please re-
enter’. and the Print Test Pattern cannot be performed. In this case, change the settings to
Perform the IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP.
ensure that they match the requirements listed in Table 1, and repeat the test print.
Select a suitable duplex internal test pattern. Select duplex. Select Start Test. The
Test patterns 1-11 are IOT patterns. Test patterns 51 and above are controller patterns. Ensure
printed images of the internal test pattern are good.
that the correct screen settings are made for either IOT or controller.
Perform the IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP.
The Paper Supply setting shows both which tray is selected, and the paper size for that tray.
For best results, select a tray to match listed paper size.
Check the prints for damage. The prints are good.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-3 IQ1
For Cin%, leave setting a 0% unless a range is specified. Where a range is specified, the lower
the number entered, the lighter the test patter print will be.

Table 1 Internal test patterns

Pattern Paper Supply Paper Supply 1-Sided/
Number Name Intended Use Paper Size Paper Tray Output Color Cin% Screen 2-Sided
1 Grid Used for isolating problems (cannot be used for Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Any 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 Any
registration adjustment) Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot Default is 1-sided
2 A1 Patch Pattern For visual checking of Registration Control A1 Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 Any
Patch Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot Default is 1-sided
3 B Patch Pattern For visual checking of Registration Control B Patch Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 Any
Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot Default is 1-sided
4 C Patch Pattern For visual checking of Registration Control C Patch Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 Any
Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot Default is 1-sided
5 Full Halftone For defect detection/shipment inspection (dis- A3 1-4, Bypass Any 1% to 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 Any
charge carbon fiber) 100% Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot Default is 1-sided
6 Procon Patch Y Color Process Control, Gradation, Defect detection (Y A3 1-4, Bypass Yellow 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 1-sided
color) Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot
7 Procon Patch M Color Process Control, Gradation, Defect detection (M A3 1-4, Bypass Magenta 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 1-sided
color) Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot
8 Procon Patch C Color Process Control, Gradation, Defect detection (C A3 1-4, Bypass Cyan 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 1-sided
color) Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot
9 Procon Patch K Color Process Control, Gradation, Defect detection (K A3 1-4, Bypass Black (Color) 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 1-sided
color) Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot
10 LPH Chart LM For LPH line detection A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 1-sided
Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot
11 LPH Chart IBY For LPH line detection and for identifying causes of A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color 150 Dot, 200 Dot, 200 1-sided
Video data failure Line, 300 Dot, 600 Dot
51 Total Chart For detection. For adjustment in the market/deter- A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
mining problems. This chart is the same as TCMC. Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Resolution is 600 dpi Special Usage
52 Binary C-TRACS For Gradation Correction. Gradation pattern for gra- A4 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard 1-sided
Check PG (Print) dation correction for Print Fineness
Special Usage
53 Binary Procon PG For gradation, defect detection A4 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard 1-sided
Special Usage
54 Multi-value C-TRACS For Gradation Correction. Gradation pattern for gra- A4 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard 1-sided
Check PG (Print) dation correction for Print Fineness
Special Usage
55 Multi-value Procon PG For gradation, defect detection A4 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard 1-sided
Special Usage

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ1 3-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 Internal test patterns
Pattern Paper Supply Paper Supply 1-Sided/
Number Name Intended Use Paper Size Paper Tray Output Color Cin% Screen 2-Sided
56 SDTP123600 (Black For shipment inspection A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
Grid) Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
57 Full Halftone For defect detection A3 1-4, Bypass Any 1% to Standard Any
100% Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
58 Ladder Pattern For defect detection/banding A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
59 Drum Pitch Halftone For defect detection/shipment inspection. This chart A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
is the same as CKGM 50% Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
60 Production Banding For shipment inspection A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
Chart Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
61 HT60M Ladder For defect detection/banding (magenta) A3 1-4, Bypass Magenta Standard Any
Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
62 HT60C Ladder For defect detection/banding (cyan) A3 1-4, Bypass Cyan Standard Any
Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
63 HT60K Ladder For defect detection/banding (black (K)) A3 1-4, Bypass Black (Mono) Standard Any
Black (Color) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
64 MQ-ALL For evaluating pixel position A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
65 SIQA_IN_OUT Adjust- For gradation correction A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
ment (Primary Color) Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Chart Special Usage
66 SIQA_IN_OUT Adjust- For gradation correction A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
ment (Secondary/Pro- Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
cess Color) Chart Special Usage
68 LPH Line Chart For line defect detection. This chart is the same as A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
CKGM 60% Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage
71 No Paper Run For specifying the DC710 No Paper Run function A4 Tray 1 only Full Color 1-sided
Black (Mono)
72 SDTP957A3S600 A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard Any
Black (Mono) Fineness Default is 1-sided
Special Usage

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-5 IQ1
Table 1 Internal test patterns
Pattern Paper Supply Paper Supply 1-Sided/
Number Name Intended Use Paper Size Paper Tray Output Color Cin% Screen 2-Sided
92 DC940 (Procon On/Off Print mode that uses the current Procon Data with A3 1-4, Bypass Full Color Standard 1-sided
Print#3) the Procon (Process Control) Fineness
Special Usage
102 Process Control PG/ Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion
104 Auto Gradation Correc- For Document Creation 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion
106 Calibration/Binary For Gradation check Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
108 Highlight PG/Binary Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
113 Pre IPS/FS Increment Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
117 Pre IPS/SS Increment Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
122 Pre IPS/Shading Data Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
124 Pre IPS/YMCK Vertical Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
125 Pre IPS/8 Shades Patch Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
126 Pre IPS/Solid Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
127 Post IPS/Grid/4C Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
128 Post IPS/Grid/BW Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Black (Color) Diffusion 1-sided
129 Post IPS/FSRE/Grid Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
130 Post IPS/FSRE/Slant- Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
ing Grid
168 ED 24 Shades Patch Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
169 ED 24 Shades Patch Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Full Color Diffusion 1-sided
170 ED 24 Shades Patch Not Fixed 1-4, Bypass Black (Mono) Diffusion 1-sided

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ1 3-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP Initial Actions
Use this RAP to resolve image quality defects produced in the IOT. WARNING
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Refer to Table 1, then perform the appropriate action.

Table 1 IQ defects
Image Quality Defect Subsytem Symptom Action
2.5mm (0.1 inch) diagonal Xerographics Diagonal streaks may occur due to BCR (bias charge roll) flow coating unevenness. Install a new relevant drum car-
streaks tridge, PL 90.20.
3mm pitch line Transfer Lines occur at the rib pitch interval of holder DTS. Perform the IQ18 In Process
3mm Pitch Line RAP.
Background Xerographics The whole page or part of the page is contaminated by toner. The contamination appears as very light Perform the IQ23 Background
grayish color. RAP.
Banding (print head assembly LED printhead Narrow banding in the process direction, approximately 10.7mm (0.4 inch) apart, for any of the four Install a new relevant LPH
periodical line) assembly colors. assembly, PL 60.05 .
BCR pitch 38mm (1.5 inches) Xerographics Charging failure occurs in weak contact parts which lowers the surface potential and the density of the Perform the IQ3 White Streaks,
density unevenness half-tone image darkens with a BCR pitch (38mm/1.5 inches). Spots or Unevenness in BCR
Pitch Axial Direction RAP.
Caterpillar mark Transfer Removal of electricity with diselectrification material is performed in the charged state after the paper Perform the IQ13 Caterpillar
discharges the secondary transfer part. Mark (Transfer) RAP.
If the adhesion of the toner to the paper is weak and the amount of electricity removal is big, the toner
image scatters and a round shaped pattern appears continuously in the vertical direction.
Circular stamping marks Transfer When paper is peeled off by the secondary transfer, the toner which is not fused on the sheet is scat- Perform the IQ16 Circular Stamp-
tered in a semicircular arc. ing Marks RAP.
Color streaks Transfer Presence of paper dust in between the intermediate transfer belt and the cleaner blade causes poor Perform the IQ12 Color Streaks
cleaning. RAP.

Cross ghost Transfer Streaks in the cross process direction that occurs after 94.5mm (3.7 inches) in high image density Perform the IQ20 Cross Process
images of upstream engine (Y color, M color) Ghosting RAP.
Dark lines Xerographics Fine lines in the cross process direction due to abnormal electric discharge between BCR and the Perform the IQ5 Dark Lines RAP.
photo receptor.
DC charging ghosting Xerographics As DC charging has weak charging capability compared to AC charging, ghosting may worsen with Perform the IQ22 DC Charging
the environment or paper. Also see residual image (ghosting). Ghosting RAP.
Deletions Xerographics Part of the image is missing. Perform the IQ24 Deletions RAP.
Heat haze/mock heat haze Transfer A scattering of toner around solid patches. Perform the IQ14 Heat Haze/
Mock Heat Haze RAP.
Kiss marks Transfer As system resistance of the primary transfer is high, the charge voltage of the primary transfer to the Perform the IQ15 Kiss Marks
toner on the Photoreceptor is increased, causing kiss-shaped discharge marks. RAP.
Line color of photo receptor pitch Xerographics Vibrations during the drum transportation may cause scrapes and friction in the BCR and the photore- Perform the IQ4 Color Line of
(94.5mm) ceptor, resulting in leftover electrostatic memory on the photoreceptor, which generates thin white Photoreceptor Pitch in the Cross
streaks in the cross process direction on the highlight portion at the photoreceptor pitch. Process Direction RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-7 IQ2
Table 1 IQ defects
Image Quality Defect Subsytem Symptom Action
Line or spots appear at regular Other Fault or dirt on one of the IBT belt, fusing, or exit components. Perform the IQ32 Repeated
intervals on prints Defects RAP.
Micro white spots (Side 2) Transfer When the resistance in the secondary transfer section is high, e.g. in the early mornings (low humidity Perform the IQ11 Micro White
environment), the transfer latitude between multi color and mono color is narrow and the setting volt- Spots (Side 2) RAP.
age favors multi color. In other words, the voltage is a little high for mono color, and this causes the
Transfer NIP discharge phenomenon that creates the white spots.
Missing color from image Other Paper is missing one color completely. Perform the IQ31 Missing Color
from Image RAP.
Multi color transfer failure Transfer Paper that has had its side 1 fused has a reduced percentage of moisture content, which increases its Perform the IQ10 Multi Color
electric resistance. Transfer Failure RAP.
As the resistance in the secondary transfer increases by lower humidity or over time, the required
electrical field may not be attained, especially in the early mornings (low humidity environment).
This setting controls the micro white spots within the limit.
Print damage Other The prints have nicks, tears, creases, folds, curled edges or wrinkles. Perform the IQ26 Print Damage
Poor resolution LED printhead Images appear out of focus Remove, clean and re-seat the
assembly LED printhead assemblies (4).
Residual image (ghosting) Xerographics Ghost images appear on the paper. Parts of the previous page or current page may appear as ghost Perform the IQ21 Residual Image
images on the paper. Also see DC charging ghosting. (Ghosting) RAP.
Reverse dark lines Transfer Phenomenon of part of the solid patch of K-color having partial dark lines (multiple) at the FS direction. Perform the IQ17 Reverse Dark
Toner charge amount before secondary transfer is insufficient causing transfer failure. Lines RAP.
Rough black Transfer On paper that is not flat or has poor hue, the toner may not have been transferred properly due to the Perform the IQ8 Rough Black
irregular paper surface, creating a rough transferred image. RAP.
Scalelike defect Transfer Removal of electricity with diselectrification material is performed in the charged state after the paper Perform the IQ19 Scalelike
discharges the secondary transfer part. Defect (Transfer) RAP.
If the adhesion of the toner to the paper is weak and the amount of electricity removal is big, the toner
image scatters and semicircle shaped pattern appears.
Skew Xerographics Printed images are not parallel to the edges of the paper. Perform the IQ25 IOT Skew RAP.
Smear Transfer When the lead edge of paper reaches the secondary transfer, it immediately increases the secondary Perform the IQ7 Smear RAP.
transfer section load and causes the IBT drive roll speed to change (decrease in speed).
This change in speed changes the difference in relative speed between the photoreceptor and the IBT
belt surface in the K-color primary transfer section, hence creating a smear (distorted image).
Solid color in prints Other Paper is printed solidly on one of the colors Perform the IQ30 Solid Color in
Prints RAP.
Toner contamination at lead/tail Transfer Lead Edge: Paper lead edge contacts the belt when it is transported from registration to transfer. Perform the IQ9 Toner Contami-
edge Tail Edge: The tail edge of the paper that loops between the transfer-fusing sections, at the release of nation at Lead or Trail Edge RAP.
the secondary transfer NIP, moves opposite to the feed direction and contacts the 2nd BTR surface, or
bounds up and contacts the belt
Toner droplet contamination Developer A contamination consisting of random spatters of toner in sizes of a few millimeters. Perform the IQ6 Toner Droplet
Contamination RAP.
Transfer wrinkle PH, transfer Paper wrinkles occur between registration-transfer and transfer voids occur. Check the paper in the Tray for
moisture. Use fresh paper.
Unfused image Fusing Printed images are not correctly fused onto the paper. When rubbed, the image comes off easily. Perform the IQ27 Unfused Print/
Toner Offset RAP.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ2 3-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 IQ defects
Image Quality Defect Subsytem Symptom Action
White streaks, spots or uneven- Xerographics If the BCR is deformed at the BCR and photoreceptor NIP sections, the trace may appear as thin Perform the IQ3 White Streaks,
ness in BCR (38mm/1.5 inches) white streaks in the cross process direction on the highlight portion at the charging roll pitch. Spots or Unevenness in BCR
pitch axial direction Pitch Axial Direction RAP.
White spots in BCR (bias charge Xerographics If the substances contained in the cleaner roll get stuck to the BCR at the BCR and cleaner roll NIP Perform the IQ3 White Streaks,
roll) pitch 38mm (1.5 inches) sections, the resistance on the BCR gets reduced and may cause the appearance of white streaks in Spots or Unevenness in BCR
apart in axial direction. the cross process direction. Pitch Axial Direction RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-9 IQ2
IQ3 White Streaks, Spots or Uneven Density (38mm/1.5 IQ4 Color Line of Photoreceptor Pitch (94mm/3.7 inches)
inches) in the Cross Process Direction RAP in the Cross Process Direction RAP
Perform this RAP if the prints have white streaks, spots or unevenness in the cross process Perform this RAP if the prints have a color line in the cross process direction at 94mm (3.7
direction at 38mm (1.5 inches) intervals. inches) intervals.

In the BCR (bias charge roll)and photoreceptor nip sections, when BCR deformation remains, From the vibration in the drum cartridge or moving unit, a frictional charge is created by the
thin white streaks in the cross process direction at the BCR pitch occur. These streaks may position of BCR, cleaner blade that touches the photo receptor and creates a dark line of photo
occur after storage in low temperature/humidity environment. receptor pitch (approximately 94mm/3.7 inches).

If the substances contained in the cleaner roll get stuck to the BCR at the BCR and cleaner roll This problem may occur after installation of a new drum cartridge.
NIP sections, intermittent white spots may occur at the BCR pitch. These spots may occur
when the machine has been resting for a long time or in the early mornings. Ensure IQ1Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Unevenness from charging failure occurs in weak contact parts which lowers the surface Procedure
potential and the density of the half-tone image darkens with a BCR pitch.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Procedure death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Enter dC612 Print Test Pattern. Print test pattern 5. Check that lines with 94mm (3.7
WARNING inches) pitch appear in the cross process direction.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
2. If the defect appears in a color, make 30 full color prints of an internal test pattern. If the
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause defect appears only in black, make 30 black and white prints of an internal test pattern.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
3. If the image quality defect remains, install a new drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL
1. Enter dC612 Print Test Pattern. Print test patterns 6 to 9. Check which color has the
image quality defect.
2. If the defect appears in a color, make 30 full color prints of an internal test pattern. If the
defect appears only in black, make 30 black and white prints of an internal test pattern.
3. If the image quality defect remains, install a new drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ3, IQ4 3-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ5 Dark Lines RAP IQ6 Toner Droplet Contamination RAP
Perform this RAP if dark lines appear in the cross process direction on half-tone images. This Perform this RAP if the prints have contamination consisting of random spatters of toner in
is a unique phenomenon of a charged DC by BCR. Refer to Figure 1. sizes of a few millimeters. Refer to Figure 1.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. Ensure IQ1Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example Figure 1 Example

Cause Cause
Uneven DC charge of the BCR. When the developer unit cover is badly contaminated. The cover is likely to be contaminated
when there are rapid changes in humidity or a certain amount of low and high density images
Procedure are copied repeatedly.
1. Enter dC612 Print Test Pattern. Print test pattern 5.
2. If thin, dark lines appear randomly, enter dC131. Set the value of NVM location 740-205 to
1 (on). 1. Check if there is extreme contamination of developer unit or drum cartridge on any of the
four colors. If contamination is present, clean as necessary.
2. If the image quality defect remains after cleaning, install new components as necessary:
• Relevant developer unit, PL 90.05.
• Relevant drum cartridge, PL 90.20.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-11 IQ5, IQ6
IQ7 Smear IQ8 Rough Black RAP
Perform this RAP when prints have a line in the in the cross process direction 125mm (4.9 Perform this RAP if blacks appear poor. When apparent on paper that is not flat or has poor
inches) away from the lead edge, primarily on heavyweight paper. Refer to Figure 1. hue, the toner may not have been transferred properly due to the irregular paper surface, cre-
ating a rough transferred image. This occurs in modes other than transparencies Refer to Fig-
When the lead edge of paper reaches the secondary transfer, it immediately increases the sec- ure 1.
ondary transfer section load and causes the IBT drive roll speed to change (decrease in
speed). Ensure IQ1Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

This change in speed changes the difference in relative speed between the photoreceptor and
the IBT belt surface in the K-color primary transfer section, hence creating a smear (distorted
image). This occurs in the BW mode for heavyweight paper

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example

Initial Actions
Advise the customer to change the paper or use paper with a better hue.

Figure 1 Example
1. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
Procedure a. While the nominal value is 0, perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to high
1. Enter dC612 Print Test Pattern. Print test pattern 5. If the print has a line in the in the voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
cross process direction 125mm (4.9 inches) away from the lead edge, enter dC131. Set b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
the NVM values that follow: 746-034 as necessary.
• 740-033 (Plain Paper B Smear Countermeasure SW) to 1.
• 740-034 (Plain Paper E Smear Countermeasure SW) to 1.
• 740-035 (Plain Paper G Smear Countermeasure SW) to 1.
• 740-036 (Heavyweight 1S Smear Countermeasure SW) to 1.
• 740-037 (Heavyweight 2S Smear Countermeasure SW) to 1.
NOTE: The above NVM changes causes the IOT to operate in the FC mode, regardless
of the color mode setting (color priority, BW priority, ACS) in the controller, when perform-
ing monochrome printing for the above paper types.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ7, IQ8 3-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ9 Toner Contamination at Lead or Trail Edge RAP IQ10 Multi Color Transfer Failure RAP
Perform this RAP if the prints have toner contamination on either the lead or trail edge. Refer to Paper that has had side 1 fused has a reduced percentage of moisture content, which
Figure 1. increases its electric resistance. Refer to Figure 1.

Toner contamination suddenly appears on the 2nd BTR or IBT belt: Since the resistance in the secondary transfer section also increases by lower humidity or over
• Lead Edge: Paper lead edge contacts the belt when it is transported from registration to time, the required electrical field may not be attained, especially in the early mornings (low
Transfer. humidity environment).
• Trail Edge: The tail edge of paper that loops between the transfer-fusing sections, at the
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
release of the secondary transfer nip, moves opposite to the feed direction and contacts
the BTR surface, or bounds up and contacts the belt
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example

Figure 1 Example
Due to the characteristics of the EA-ECO toner, high Rsys (in the early morning low tempera-
Initial Actions ture and low humidity environment) requires a transfer voltage for the areas where multiple
transfers and MWS cannot be used at the same time.
Make a 1 sided print to check on which side (transfer side or side 2) the contamination occurs.
Because the machine is adjusted for multiple transfer priority by default, micro white spots may
Procedure be visible from side 1.
1. Enter dC131. Set the NVM values that follow:
• 744-108 (126mm/s Plain ABC) to -40. Initial Actions
• 744-109 (126mm/s Plain DEFG) to -40. 1. Verify that the hue on side 2 becomes lighter when printing a high density image in a low
• 744-110 (126mm/s Plain S) to 0. temperature and low humidity environment.
• 744-111 (126mm/s Heavyweight 1, Label 1 BW) to -20. 2. Change the secondary transfer voltage setting up or down, then compare the hue to the
paper with defective image.
• 744-112 (126mm/s Coated 1 BW) from -20 to 0.
• 744-113 (63mm/s Heavyweight 1, Label FC) to -20. Procedure
• 744-114 (63mm/s Coated 1 FC) to 0. 1. Increase the secondary transfer voltage by decreasing the single color density or by
changing the permissible range for MWS.
• 744-115 (63mm/s Heavyweight 2, Label 2, Envelope) to 0.
2. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
• 744-116 (63mm/s Coated 2) to 0.
a. While the nominal value is 0, perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to high
NOTE: If the fusing unit heat roll speed is changed, paper wrinkle, wetting or caterpillar voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
marks may occur.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-13 IQ9, IQ10
b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value IQ11 Micro White Spots (Side 2) RAP
746-034 as necessary.
Perform this RAP if side 2 has small white spots. In the early morning of a low humidity envi-
ronment, the resistance of the secondary transfer is high. Refer to Figure 1.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example

Occurs on side 2 in a low humidity environment. Occurs due to the discharge of transfer nip as
the multi-color and monochrome transfer latitude is narrow, and the set voltage of multiple col-
ors causes excessive voltage for monochrome.

1. Use the NVM to decrease the secondary transfer voltage as a trade-off with the multi
2. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
a. While the nominal value is "0", perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to
high voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
746-034 as necessary.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ10, IQ11 3-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ12 Color Streaks RAP IQ13 Caterpillar Mark (Transfer) RAP
At Cin50% and Cin30%, the lines in the process direction have reversed black and white col- Removal of electricity with diselectrification material is performed in the charged state after the
ors. Width is approximately 1mm. Refer to Figure 1. paper discharges the secondary transfer part. Refer to Figure 1.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. If the adhesion of the toner to the paper is weak and the amount of electricity removal is big,
the toner scatters and a round shaped pattern appears continuously in the vertical direction.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example

Figure 1 Example
This can occur when paper that is prone to flaking is used at high relative humidity.

Initial Actions Cause

This is caused by low electric charge in the toner,
1. Remove the IBT belt cleaner assembly PL 90.30 Item 2 to check if foreign substances
exist at the tip of the blade.
2. If the side that is opposite to the intermediate transfer belt has toner scrapes or if the color
Initial Actions
streaks disappear after the tip of the blade is cleaned, it can be identified as this problem. 1. Take a sample from a half-tone image with uniformed entire surface and check by com-
paring with image sample.
2. Judge if this phenomenon is solved or improved by raising the secondary transfer voltage.
1. Enter dC131. Change the NVM to change the frequency and amount of intermediate
transfer belt reverse rotation. Procedure
1. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
NOTE: Default is the reverse rotation starts at job end after 70 prints.
a. While the nominal value is "0", perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to
a. Reverse rotation switch: NVM 746-130: high voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
0: Reverse at job end b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
1: Reverse during job 746-034 as necessary.
2: Do not perform reverse rotation
b. Lowering the value of reverse rotation frequency, change NVM: 746-131, 746-132
(Reverse Rotation Execution pv at Job End or Job Split) increases the frequency of
reverse rotation.

NOTE: Nominal 7000 ( = 70 prints).

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-15 IQ12, IQ13
IQ14 Heat Haze/Mock Heat Haze RAP Figure 2, Heat haze example.
The heat haze/mock heat haze is generated in various places and in different ways. This can
be affected by transfer of the paper path at the transfer exit. Refer to Figure 1.

Mock heat haze occurrence differs according to the sampling chart.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 2 Heat haze example

Figure 3, Mock heat haze (line/text image).

Figure 1 Paper path

Figure 3 Mock heat haze example: line/text

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ14 3-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Figure 4, Mock heat haze (halftone image). 3. Increase the primary transfer current value
NOTE: If this adjustment is made, ghosting (see IQ22) may worsen.
Print and check a test pattern. If the level is bad and unacceptable, check if (1), (2) is per-
formed, decrease the scope of change.

a. For mock heat haze, enter dC131. Set the NVM values that follow:
• 746-008 (Primary Transfer Output Mock Heat Haze Correction Run Environ-
ment) to 1.
• 746-009 (Primary Transfer Output Mock Heat Haze Area Coverage Threshold
Value) to 1.
• 746-010 (Primary Transfer Output Mock Heat Haze Correction Coefficient
(63mm/s)) to 120.
• 746-011 (Primary Transfer Output Mock Heat Haze Correction Coefficient
(126mm/s)) to 120.
• 746-012 (Primary Transfer Output Mock Heat Haze Correction Coefficient
(175mm/s)) to 120.
If the result is insufficient, proceed to b.
b. Increase the primary transfer output control.
Figure 4 Mock head haze example: halftone
• If the defect only occurs in black. Enter dC131. Increase the value of NVM 747-
605 (the Primary Transfer Output Adjustment Value (BW mode K)) to 130.
Cause • If the default occurs with multiple colors. Enter dC131. Increase NVM values
The heat haze occurs at the place where paper is peeled off from the IBT belt. The toner scat- 747-606 (Y), 747-607 (M), 747-608 (C), and 747-609 (K) to 130.
ters in small clouds all around the solid patch. Refer to Figure 2.

The mock heat haze (line/text image) occurs when the transported paper rubs against the Occurrence of both heat haze and mock heat haze are easily influenced by the paper ori-
holder DTS (chute at the transfer exit), which charges it electrically and causes the toner to entation. As final step, print an image which has solid portions located at various positions
scatter at the lead and tail edges of the solid section. Refer to Figure 3. to check for them.
Especially for the secondary voltage offset chart, only one patch in the area is useful
Also, for mock heat haze (halftone images), the paper is charged strongly at the negative side because the secondary transfer voltage changes between lead and trail edges.
so that a positive corona discharge occurs between the holder DTS and the paper grounded to
it, and along the portion where it occurs, toner is scattered, and branch-like (pulsating-like) dis-
charge patterns can be seen. Refer to Figure 4.

Initial Actions
1. Obtain the chart for secondary transfer offset mode to check whether the defect occurs for
single K color or multi colors and whether it changes at the secondary transfer voltage.
Also, when the secondary transfer voltage is increased, see if branch-like patterns
change by sampling 2 sided halftone images in single K color (45%).
1. When a heat haze or mock heat haze occurs during installation, print 25 sheets of a test
chart on A3.
2. Increase the secondary voltage.
Increase the secondary transfer voltage based on the result of 1. Perform dC1215
Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
a. While the nominal value is "0", perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to
high voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
746-034 as necessary.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-17 IQ14
IQ15 Kiss Marks RAP IQ16 Circular Stamping Marks RAP
As system resistance of the primary transfer is high, the charge voltage of the primary transfer Perform this RAP when the prints have a semicircular arc pattern. Refer to Figure 1.
to the toner on the Photoreceptor is increased, causing kiss-shaped discharge marks. Refer to
Figure 1. Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example

Figure 1 Example Cause

Occurs if the charge of the toner is too low. Also, it tends to occur when the charge elimination
Cause of paper is insufficient.
1. Occurs if cloud toner enters the IBT unit, 1st BTR, IBT belt is contaminated.
Initial Actions
Initial Actions Take a sample from a half-tone image with uniformed entire surface and check by comparing
with image sample.
1. Sample whole, uniform halftone images of each color, and check the color (engine) in
which it occurs and the position of the in process direction (front side, rear side, etc.).
Enter dC612 Print Test Pattern. Print test pattern 5. If semicircular arc patterns are visible, per-
1. Clean the contamination of 1st BTR of the relevant color (empty wipe is recommended).
form the steps that follow:
1. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
2. Decrease the primary transfer output control.
a. While the nominal value is "0", perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to
• If the defect only occurs in black, enter dC131. Decrease the value of NVM 747-605 high voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
(the Primary Transfer Output Adjustment Value (BW mode K)) to 90.
b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
• If the default occurs with multiple colors, enter dC131. Decrease NVM values 747-
746-034 as necessary.
606 (Y), 747-607 (M), 747-608 (C) and 747-609 (K) to 90.
2. If the image quality defect persists, perform the steps that follow:
NOTE: When using a drum cleaner for tough toner which is stuck, allow it to dry com- • If the defect only occurs in black, enter dC131. Increase the NVM value 747-605
pletely before attaching the IBT belt. (Increase the Primary Transfer Output Adjustment Value (BW mode K)) to 130.
NOTE: Decreasing the primary transfer current value tends to cause white spots. • If the default occurs with multiple colors, enter dC131. Increase the NVM values that
follow to 130:
– 747-606
– 747-607

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ15, IQ16 3-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
– 747-608 IQ17 Reverse Dark Lines RAP
– 747-609 Perform this RAP if part of the K color solid patch and a phenomenon that partly becomes a
NOTE: Increasing the primary transfer current value can cause ghosting. If the fusing unit thick line (multiple) in the cross process direction
heat roll speed is changed, paper wrinkle, wetting or caterpillar marks may occur.
Transfer defect occurred due to lack of electric charge in the toner before the secondary trans-

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example

Occurs when the developer ability drops.

Initial Actions
Enter dC612 Print Test Patterns. Select a suitable test pattern (pattern 51 Total Chart recom-
mended). Check by comparing with image sample, Figure 1.

1. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
a. While the nominal value is "0", perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to
high voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
746-034 as necessary.
2. Increase the primary transfer output control.
• If the defect only occurs in black, enter dC131. Increase the value of NVM 747-605
(the Primary Transfer Output Adjustment Value (BW mode K)) to 130.
• If the default occurs with multiple colors, enter dC131. Increase NVM values 747-606
(Y), 747-607 (M), 747-608 (C) and 747-609 (K) to 130.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-19 IQ16, IQ17
IQ18 In Process 3mm Pitch Line RAP IQ19 Scalelike Defect (Transfer) RAP
Use this RAP if the prints have 3mm (0.12 inch) pitched lines in the process direction. Refer to Use this RAP if the prints have a scalelike defect. Refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Removal of electricity with diselectrification material is performed in the charged state after the
The paper loop amount between the secondary transfer and fusing unit is large, and the rib of paper discharges the secondary transfer part.
the holder DTS is friction-charged by being strongly rubbed against, and toner is attracted by
static, causing streaks to be generated at intervals of the rib pitch. If the adhesion of the toner to the paper is weak and the amount of electricity removal is big,
the toner image scatters and semicircle shaped patterns appear.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 1 Example
Figure 1 Example
Rib of holder DTS increases the contact area by wear, and friction charge amount increases Cause
causing streaks. This is caused by low electric charge in the toner. The stress conditions are:
• Plain paper (lightweight paper)
Procedure • Mid humidity - high temperature environment
WARNING • New toner cartridge
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do • Job first thing in the morning (less than 10 prints)
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause Procedure
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Make 12 prints.
1. Clean the ribs of the 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2 .
2. Advise the customer change the paper (paper with high basis weight), or change the feed
2. If necessary, install a new 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2. direction.
3. If the image quality defect remains. Perform dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
a. While the nominal value is "0", perform variable output (between -5 and 10, low to
high voltage) for secondary voltage, and register the optimal value.
b. Nominal variable range: 10%/1 step. If necessary, enter dC131. Adjust NVM value
746-034 as necessary.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ18, IQ19 3-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ20 Cross Process Ghosting RAP IQ21 Residual Image Ghosting RAP
Ghost images in the cross process direction that occur after 94.5mm (3.7 inches) in high image Parts of the previous page or current page may appear as ghost images on the paper.
density images of upstream engine (Y color and M color). Refer to Figure 1.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
This occurs in C color and K color and more likely to happen at half speed rather than full
speed. Procedure
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove, then reinstall the drum cartridges, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the machine,
GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the
machine, GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Remove the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2. Check for contamination on the surface of the heat roll.
The surface of the heat roll is clean.
If possible, remove the contamination. If necessary, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2.

Install new components as necessary:

• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

Figure 1 Example

Uneven charging due to localized poor electric discharge.

1. Enter dC131. Perform the steps that follow:
• For cross process ghosting that occurs at half speed, change NVM value 740-205
(White Streaks Countermeasure Switch) to 1 (on).
• For cross process ghosting that occurs at full speed, increase the NVM values 747-
608 and 747-609 to 130.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-21 IQ20, IQ21
IQ22 DC Charging Ghosting RAP
As DC charging has weak charging capability compared to AC charging, ghosting may worsen
with the environment or paper. Refer to Figure 1.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Figure 2 NVM 998-175 setting

Figure 1 Example

Positive ghosting: The print appears darker after halftone of one rotation (94.5mm/3.7 inches)
of the photoreceptor.

Negative ghosting: The unprinted blank spaces (white spaces of image gaps) appear darker at
halftone after one rotation (94.5mm/3.7 inches) of the photoreceptor.

1. Enter dC612 Print Test Pattern. Print a suitable test pattern. Identify if the ghosting is pos-
itive or negative.
2. Refer to Figure 2. Enter dC131. Perform the steps that follow:
• For positive ghosting, reduce the value of NVM 998-175.
• For negative ghosting, increase the value NVM 998-175.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ22 3-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ23 Background RAP IQ24 Deletions RAP
The page has uniform darkening across all the non print areas. Part of the image is missing.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Procedure Initial Actions

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove, then reinstall the drum cartridges, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the machine, Perform the steps that follow:
GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists. • If the deletions are small and align with the stripper fingers in the drum cartridges, clean
Y N the stripper fingers. If necessary, install a new drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. 90.20.
• If the deletions are small and align with the stripper fingers in the fuser, clean the stripper
Install a new drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the
fingers. If necessary, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 1.
machine, GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. Procedure
Check the paper type, refer to GP 15. Paper used is within specifications.
Check the surface of the 2nd BTR for contamination or distortion. The surface of the BTR is Y N
good. Use paper within specifications.
Clean the 2nd BTR. If necessary, install a new 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2. Use a new ream of paper. The image quality defect persists.
Remove, then reinstall the BTR HVPS. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Make a Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
print. The image quality defect persists.
Y N Remove, then reinstall the drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL 90.20. Switch off, then
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions. switch on the machine, GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists.
Install new components as necessary: Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• BTR HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 1. Install a new drum cartridge of the relevant color, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the
machine, GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6 .
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Check the surface of the 2nd BTR for distortion. The surface of the BTR is good.
Install a new 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2.

Install new components as necessary:

• Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 4.
• ESS PWB, PL 3.10 Item 6.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-23 IQ23, IQ24
IQ25 IOT Skew RAP IQ26 Print Damage RAP
Printed images are not parallel to the edges of the paper. The prints have nicks, tears, creases, folds, curled edges or wrinkles.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Procedure Procedure
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC612. Select the a relevant internal test pattern. Make 5 simplex prints. Check the Enter dC612. Select a relevant internal test pattern. Make prints to identify where the prints are
prints for skew. Refer to IQS 5 Skew. The prints are skewed. damaged.
Make 5 duplex prints of the same internal test pattern. Check the prints for skew, refer to Check for curled paper in the paper trays:
IQS 5 Skew. Side 2 of the prints are skewed. • Ensure the paper is in specification. Refer to GP 15.
Check the paper path, for the problems that follow:
No IOT skew is present. Re-define the image quality defect. Refer to IQ1 Image
• Obstructions.
Quality Entry RAP.
• Damaged guides and rolls. Pay particular attention to the areas that align with the dam-
The skew occurs in the duplex paper path. age on the prints. For example, fuser stripper fingers.
• Check the nip and drive rolls in the exit 2 transport assembly, PL 10.25 for wear, • Protruding objects on the edges of the paper path.
damage and contamination. • If the paper feed is introducing skew to the paper, perform the IQ25 IOT Skew RAP.
• Check the exit 2 drive transport ribs, PL 10.15 for wear, damage and contamination. • If the paper does not correctly strip from the drum cartridges, ensure the contacts on the
• Check the drive and idler rolls in the duplex L/H assembly, PL 80.50 for wear, dam- HV housing assembly, PL 90.20 Item 9 and the contact housing assembly, PL 90.20 Item
age and contamination. 10 are good.
• Check the duplex cover chute ribs, PL 80.50 Item 6 for wear, damage and contami- • Check that the fuser roll stripper fingers are clean. If possible remove any contamination.
nation. If the stripper fingers are missing, damaged or worn, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2.
Clean or install new components as necessary. • Check that the drum cartridge stripper fingers are clean. If possible remove any contami-
nation. If the stripper fingers are missing, damaged or worn, install a new drum cartridge
Using the prints made from dC612, check the prints for distortion by measuring between the of the relevant color, PL 90.20 .
lines produced. The lines are parallel to each other. • Check the registration transport assembly, PL 80.55 Item 1 for damage or wear.
Y N • Check the LH cover assembly, PL 80.45 Item 1 and inner duplex chute, PL 80.45 Item 3
Install a new LPH assembly, PL 60.05. for damage or wear.
If the paper path and the duplex path are good, check that the paper and other media used, is
Make 5 prints from each tray and the bypass tray to identify the source of skew: of the correct weight and size, refer to GP 15.
• Check the feed rolls and guides for contamination. Clean the components as necessary.
• Check the feed rolls and transport rolls for wear. Install new components as necessary.
• Check that there is no variation in the size or weight of the sheets of paper in each tray.
• Check that the paper weight and type is within the specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper
and Media Size Specifications.
• Check that the paper size guides are set correctly.
• Check that the bypass tray width guides are set correctly.
• Check the bypass tray lower feeder assembly, PL 70.35 Item 2 for contamination, wear or
• Check the registration chute, PL 80.55 Item 2 for wear, damage or contamination. If nec-
essary clean the housing or install a new registration chute.
• Check the paper path for obstructions. Refer to the IQ26 Print Damage RAP.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ25, IQ26 3-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQ27 Unfused Print/Toner Offset RAP IQ30 Solid Color in Prints RAP
Printed images are not correctly fused onto the paper. When rubbed, the image comes off eas- Paper is printed completely in one of the four colors.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
BSD-Reference: BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M
BSD-Reference: BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do BSD-Reference: BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. BSD-Reference: BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M
Check the paper type, refer to GP 15. Paper used is within specifications.
Y N BSD-Reference: BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C
Use paper within specifications.
BSD-Reference: BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K
Use paper stored under room conditions. The image quality defect persists.
Y N Procedure
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Check the paper settings for the tray being used. The settings are correct. Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
Y N not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
Correct the tray settings. death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
For the relevant color.
Check the fuser rolls for contamination. The rolls are clean. Remove, then reinstall the drum cartridge, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the machine,
Y N GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect persists.
Clean the fuser rolls. If necessary, install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2. Y N
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Check the power supply voltage. The voltage is within the specified range.
Y N Install a new drum cartridge, PL 90.20. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Make a
Connect a power supply with voltage within the specified range. print. The image quality defect persists.
Enter dC140, codes 010-200, 010-201, 010-202 and 010-203. Check the fusing temperature. Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.
Normal fusing temperatures are detected.
Y N Check the wiring and connectors between P/J513 on the BCR HVPS and P/J414 on the motor
Adjust the fusing temperatures as necessary. drive PWB. The wiring and connectors are good.
Install a new fuser, PL 10.05 Item 2. Correct the connections or repair the wiring as necessary.

Check the ribbon cable and connectors for the relevant color:
• Between the (Y) print head assembly and P554 on the halftone PWB.
• Between the (M) print head assembly and P555 on the halftone PWB.
• Between the (C) print head assembly and P556 on the halftone PWB.
• Between the (K) print head assembly and P557 on the halftone PWB.
The ribbon cable and connectors are good.
Correct the connections. If necessary, install a new FFC cable for the relevant color, PL
31.05 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality
Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-25 IQ27, IQ30
Check the connections to the components that follow, install new components as necessary: IQ31 Missing Color from Image RAP
• BCR HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 1. Paper has no visible print from one of the four colors.
• LPH assembly (for the relevant color), PL 60.05.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
• Controller PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1.
BSD-Reference: BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M

BSD-Reference: BSD 60.2 LPH C and K

BSD-Reference: BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y

BSD-Reference: BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M

BSD-Reference: BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C

BSD-Reference: BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K

Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
For the relevant color.
Check the installation of the LPH assembly, PL 60.05. The print head assembly is installed
Correctly install the print head assembly.

Check the drum ground contact point, positioned on the front underside of the drum cartridge
for contamination or distortion. The drum ground contact point is good.
Clean the drum ground contact point. Correct any distortion.

Remove, then reinstall the drum cartridge, PL 90.15.

Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Make a print. The image quality defect per-
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Install a new drum cartridge, PL 90.15. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Make a
print. The image quality defect persists.
Perform SCP 5 Final Actions.

Print a page that is entirely of the missing color. During the print cycle, switch off the power
after the paper has been fed out of the tray (stop the transfer in mid-progress). Check the sur-
face of the IBT belt. There is a considerable amount of toner on the surface of the IBT

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ30, IQ31 3-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Y N IQ32 Repeated Defects RAP
Check the ribbon cable and connectors between the relevant print head assembly and the
Use this RAP to identify the cause of repeated defects.
ESS PWB. The ribbon cable and connectors are good.
Correct the connections. If necessary, install a new FFC cable for the relevant color, Repeated defects can be caused by a variety of issues in the print engine. Refer to Figure 1.
PL 31.05 Item 1.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.
Check the connections to the components that follow, install new components as neces-
• BCR HVPS, PL 1.20 Item 4.
• LPH assembly (for the relevant color), PL 60.05.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Controller PWB, PL3.05/1.

Check the connections to the components that follow, install new components as necessary:
• 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2.
• BTR HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 1.
• Motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Figure 1 Print engine

Initial Actions
Refer to Table 1. Observe any lines or defects to see if space between them match any values
in the table.

Table 1 Defect periods

Print Period Print Period Part List
Sub System Device (mm) (inches) Reference
Exit Exit Roll 47.1 1.85 PL 10.25 Item 2
Pinch Roll 31.4 1.24 PL 10.25 Item 2
Drive Roll 41.0 1.61 PL 10.25 Item 2

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-27 IQ31, IQ32
Table 1 Defect periods
Print Period Print Period Part List
Sub System Device (mm) (inches) Reference
Fusing Heat Roll (part 82.5 3.25 PL 10.05 Item 14
of the fuser unit)
Belt (part of the 95.1 3.74 PL 10.05 Item 14
fuser unit)
Transfer 2nd-BTR Roll 56.5 2.22 PL 80.65 Item 2
IBT IBT-Belt 795.0 31.3 PL 90.30 Item 1
Tension Roll 70.9 2.79 Part of IBT belt Assy
PL 90.30 Item 1
Idle Roll 31.7 1.25 Part of IBT belt Assy
PL 90.30 Item 1
1st-BTR Roll 19.1 0.75 Part of IBT belt Assy
PL 90.30 Item 1
Sensor Roll 56.8 2.24 Part of IBT belt Assy
PL 90.30 Item 1
Developer Developer Unit 28.7 1.13 PL 90.05
Xerographics Drum Cartridge 94.5 3.72 PL 90.15
BCR 38.0 1.5 Part of drum cartridge
PL 90.15
BCR Cleaner 29.3 1.15 Part of drum cartridge
PL 90.15

Clean or install new components as necessary.

NOTE: Some of the items cannot be cleaned or replaced as they are contained within a larger
part. For example the idle roll, 1st BTR roll and sensor roll are contained within the IBT unit belt

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQ32 3-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQS 1 Fusing IQS 2 Skew
Procedure Documents
Make 5 prints of an internal test pattern that has solid areas. Check the fusing by folding one of Internal test pattern 28
the prints through the centre of a solid area. Use a finger to apply medium pressure along the
fold to crease the paper. Unfold the copy. Use a finger to lightly rub the area of the fold and Procedure
adjacent areas.
NOTE: For a description of the print/copy orientation definitions, refer to GP 31 Print/Copy Ori-
Specification entation Definitions.

Any break should measure less than 1mm (1/32 inch) across the line of a fold. Any area Print Skew
rubbed with a cloth should not smudge or the image lift off the surface of the paper. When Specification
checking the fusing on heavyweight paper (200gsm), rub the image with a finger. Images fused
Refer to Table 1.
on the smooth side of the paper have a greater resistance to rubbing than images fused on the
rough side of the paper. Do not attempt to fold heavyweight paper, as this breaks the fibres.
Table 1 Print skew measurement
Corrective Action Source of Paper Maximum Allowable Skew
If the fusing specification is not met, perform the IQ27 Un fused Print/Toner Offset RAP. Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4 1mm
Bypass tray 2.2mm

Skew Measurement
To check for skew, perform the steps that follow:
1. Enter dC612. Make a simplex print of internal test pattern 28.
2. Determine the amount of skew. Measure the distance from a printed line to the lead edge
of the paper at the inboard and outboard edges.
3. If skew is not within specification on either side, perform the IQ25 IOT Skew RAP.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-29 IQS 1, IQS 2
IQS 3 Print Defects • For damaged rollers in the paper path.
The machine should produce prints free of defects. Any defects not explicitly covered by this – Wrinkles occurring before image transfer can be flattened by the fuser, resulting in a
wrinkled image even though the paper is flat.
specification should be considered as a fault.
– Wrinkles occurring after transfer tend to be creased into the paper and can be
Dark Spots caused in the fuser.

Dark spots are toner deposits in the background area of a print. The specification is for the total
image area. To assess for dark spots use the dC612 internal test pattern 55.
• Spots of 0.4mm (0.016 inch) and larger - none allowed.
• Spots 0.3mm to 0.4mm (0.012 to 0.015 inch) - no more than 1 spot per A4 (8.5 x 11 inch)
• Spots 0.2mm to 0.3mm (0.008 to 0.012 inch) - no more than 6 spots per A4 (8.5 x 11 inch)
• Spots 0.15mm to 0.2mm (0.006 to 0.008 inch) - no more than 10 spots per A4 (8.5 x 11
inch) page.
Corrective Action
Go to the IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP.

White Spots
White spots are areas visible on a half tone or solid area where the toner has failed to be
deposited. The specification is for the total image area. To assess for white spots use the
dC612 internal test pattern 123.
• Spots of 1mm (0.04 inch) and larger - none allowed.
• Spots 0.5mm to 1mm (0.02 to 0.04 inch) - no more than 1 spot per A4 (8.5 x 11 inch)
• Spots 0.25mm to 0.5mm (0.01 to 0.02 inch) - no more than 4 spots per A4 (8.5 x 11 inch)
• Spots 0.125mm to 0.25mm (0.005 to 0.01 inch) - no more than 20 spots per A4 (8.5 x 11
inch) page.
Corrective Action
Go to the IQ2 IOT IQ Defects RAP.

Paper Wrinkle
Paper wrinkles which result in the loss of information are unacceptable at any level. In any
mode, prints containing wrinkles or creases of 84mm (3.3 inch) or less in length which do not
result in the loss of information may occur less frequently than 1 in 10 consecutive copies/
prints in that mode. This is applicable to all base line papers; to simplex prints, provided the
paper is stored inside the printer and that the printer is operated within the environmental spec-

Corrective Action
Perform the checks that follow:
• That the paper stock conforms to the specification. Refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size
Specifications. Inform the customer if the paper is outside of the specifications.
• The customer’s paper storage conditions. Paper must be stored in unopened packs in
cool dry conditions. Inform the customer if the storage conditions are not good.
• The environmental conditions. Refer to GP 18 Environmental Data. Inform the customer if
the environmental conditions are outside of the specifications.

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQS 3 3-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQS 4 MAX Setup
To maintain a high image quality that meets the demands of the customer resulting in good
customer satisfaction.

This adjustment procedure uses the sub-procedures that follow:

• ADJ 90.2: Color Calibration - Automatic. This procedure automatically adjusts the color
• dC612: Print Test Pattern. This procedure allows selection and printing of internal test pat-
• dC924: TRC Manual Adjust. This function adjusts the IOT gradation with the ADC Grada-
tion Correction LUT and to darken or lighten the L, M, and H of each color Y, M, C and K.
• dC937: Procon ON/OFF Print. This function identifies the IOT density reproduction prob-
lem. Perform the Procon Setup to output the built-in PG and indicate whether there is a
control related parameter failure. There are two modes for Procon Control: [Procon “On”
Print] mode for Process Control ON and [Procon “Off” Print] mode for Process Control
OFF. These modes are used to identify whether the trouble is caused by the Process
Control or the IOT.
• dC950: ATC sensor setup. To acquire the sensitivity correction values [Correction Coeffi-
cient] and [Correction Offset] for adjusting the ATC sensor output from the bar code num-
bers which display the sensitivity attribute in every ATC sensor. Only implement colors
which a new developer assembly or ATC sensor have been installed.
• dC991: Tone Up/Down. This function changes the toner density and adjusts the IOT den-
sity. Input and set the number of sheets for tone up or down and perform the Tone Up /
During a service call, when a problem with the image quality has been determined or when
there is a request from the customer regarding image quality, perform the adjustment accord-
ing to the following flow, Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Figure 1 IQ call flow (1 of 3)

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-31 IQS 4
Figure 2 IQ call flow (2 of 3) Figure 3 IQ call flow (3 of 3)

Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue

IQS 4 3-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IQS 5 Thin Line Emphasis Mode Adjustment
Table 1 NVM of ADC Goal Manual Correction Target Purpose
Chain Link Number Parameter Name Adjustment Range For correcting the poor reproducibility of 600dpi/1200dpi thin lines.

753-194 Delta RADC_potential_target -30 to +30. Thin lines, especially slanted ones, tend to break up, when this happens, use this procedure to
manual correction amount [Y] When concentration is up,use a correct the problem.
753-195 Delta RADC_potential_target negative value.
manual correction amount [M] When concentration is down, NOTE: This adjustment might cause defects to appear in images when in use:
use a positive vaue.
753-196 Delta RADC_potential_target • Interference in the form of banding in ladder images.
manual correction amount [C] • LPH streaks appearing in high temperature environments.
753-197 Delta RADC_potential_target • HT concentration increases.
manual correction amount [K]
Because of these reasons, keep the adjustment amount as low as possible.

Table 2 NVM of ATC Goal Manual Correction Target Procedure

Chain Link Number Parameter Name Adjustment Range Adjust the NVMs that follow:
1. 749-247 1200 Only Fine Line Correction - 0: OFF (also perform correction for 600dpi), 15:
754-509 ATC target manual correction -30 to +30.
amount [Y] When concentration is up,use a ON (only perform correction for 1200dpi)

754-510 ATC target manual correction negative value. 2. 749-246 Thin Line Correction Switch - 0: Thin Line Correction OFF, 1: Thin Line Correc-
When concentration is down, tion ON. The default value is 0.
amount [M]
use a positive vaue. 3. Change the value of 749-938 NOUDLUT_ratio Fixed Value ON to 0. 0: Calculated value,
754-511 ATC target manual correction
1: Fixed Value
amount [C]
4. Adjust the thin line correction amount, Table 1.
754-512 ATC target manual correction
amount [K]
Table 1 Thin Line Correction Amount Adjustment
NVM Address Description Default Value Adjustment Range
749-251 Thin line correction 0 0 to 255
amount Y color
749-251 Thin line correction 0 0 to 255
amount M color
749-251 Thin line correction 0 0 to 255
amount C color
749-251 Thin line correction 0 0 to 255
amount YK color

NOTE: The larger the value, the more emphasis the thin line gets (amount of exposure is
The amount of exposure increases +10% at 120, +20% at 220. The smaller value has
fewer defects so120 is recommended.

Initial Issue August 2018 Image Quality

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 3-33 IQS 4, IQS 5
Image Quality August 2018 Initial Issue
IQS 4, IQS 5 3-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4 Repairs - Adjustments
REPs 1 - Standby Power REP 13.14 Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly.................................................................... 4-49
REP 1.1 BTR HVPS PWB............................................................................................... 4-3 REP 13.15 Stapler Move Motor Assembly ...................................................................... 4-50
REP 1.2 Fuser Heater Power Supply.............................................................................. 4-4 REP 13.16 Stapler Assembly .......................................................................................... 4-51
REP 1.3 GFI Chassis Assembly ..................................................................................... 4-5 REP 13.17 Compiler Tray Assembly............................................................................... 4-52
REP 1.4 Motor Drive PWB .............................................................................................. 4-6 REP 13.18 Crease Assembly.......................................................................................... 4-62
REP 1.5 AC Drive PWB .................................................................................................. 4-7 REP 13.19 Stacker Elevator Motor ................................................................................. 4-63
REP 1.6 LVPS................................................................................................................. 4-8 REP 13.20 Stacker Tray.................................................................................................. 4-67
REP 1.7 Developer Bias HVPS PWB ............................................................................. 4-11 REP 13.21 Eject Belt....................................................................................................... 4-67
REP 1.8 Main Power Switch ........................................................................................... 4-12 REP 13.22 Eject Motor Assembly ................................................................................... 4-68
REP 1.9 BCR HVPS PWB .............................................................................................. 4-13 REP 13.23 Finisher PWB ................................................................................................ 4-68
REP 13.24 Finisher LVPS ............................................................................................... 4-69
REPs 2 - UI REP 13.26 Front/Rear Tamper Motor ............................................................................. 4-70
REP 2.1 UI Assembly...................................................................................................... 4-15 REP 13.27 Front/Rear Tamper Home Sensors............................................................... 4-71
REP 13.28 Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor................................................................... 4-71
REPs 3 - Machine Run Control
REP 13.29 Front/Rear Carriage Assembly ..................................................................... 4-72
REP 3.1 Controller PWB Assembly ................................................................................ 4-17
REP 13.30 Booklet Maker PWB...................................................................................... 4-73
REP 3.2 SD Memory Card .............................................................................................. 4-18
REP 13.31 Booklet Maker Assembly .............................................................................. 4-74
REP 3.3 Back Plane PWB .............................................................................................. 4-20
REP 13.32 Booklet Maker Front Cover ........................................................................... 4-76
REP 3.4 Halftone PWB ................................................................................................... 4-21
REP 13.33 Booklet Maker Rear Cover............................................................................ 4-77
REPs 10 - Print Transport and Fusing REP 13.34 Booklet Maker Top Cover ............................................................................. 4-78
REP 10.1 Retract Motor Assembly ................................................................................. 4-23 REP 13.35 Booklet Maker PWB Cover ........................................................................... 4-79
REP 10.2 Fuser............................................................................................................... 4-24 REP 13.36 Booklet Maker Left Cover ............................................................................. 4-79
REP 10.3 Fuser Heater Coil............................................................................................ 4-24 REP 13.37 Booklet Maker Front/Rear Stapler ................................................................ 4-80
REP 10.4 Exit 1 Transport Assembly .............................................................................. 4-25 REP 13.38 Booklet Maker Stapler Move Motor............................................................... 4-82
REP 10.5 Exit 1 OCT Motor ............................................................................................ 4-27
REPs 40 - Drive and NOHAD
REP 10.6 Exit 1 OCT Home Position Sensor ................................................................. 4-28
REP 40.1 Main Drive Assembly ...................................................................................... 4-83
REP 10.7 Exit 1 Drive Gear ............................................................................................ 4-29
REP 40.2 Fuser Drive Assembly..................................................................................... 4-84
REP 10.8 Exit 2 Transport Assembly .............................................................................. 4-29
REP 40.3 Temp/Humidity Sensor (No 1 external)........................................................... 4-84
REP 10.9 Exit 2 Drive Assembly..................................................................................... 4-30
REP 40.4 Duct Assembly (Front Right Marking Fan)...................................................... 4-85
REP 10.10 Exit 1 Gate Solenoid ..................................................................................... 4-31
REP 40.5 Toner Cartridge Cooling Fan Assembly.......................................................... 4-86
REP 10.11 Exit 2 OCT Home Position Sensor ............................................................... 4-33
REP 40.6 Front/Left Marking Fan Assembly ................................................................... 4-87
REP 10.12 Offset Gear ................................................................................................... 4-34
REP 40.7 Rear Fuser Duct Assembly ............................................................................. 4-88
REPs 13 - Office Finisher LX REP 40.8 LVPS Fan Assembly ....................................................................................... 4-89
REP 13.1 Horizontal Transport Assembly....................................................................... 4-37 REP 40.9 IHPS Intake Duct Assembly............................................................................ 4-89
REP 13.2 Hole Punch Assembly..................................................................................... 4-37 REP 40.10 Toner Cartridge Exhaust Fan Assembly ....................................................... 4-90
REP 13.3 Horizontal Transport Belt ................................................................................ 4-38
REPs 60 - Imaging
REP 13.4 Horizontal Transport Motor ............................................................................. 4-39
REP 60.1 LPH Assembly (Y,M,C,K)................................................................................ 4-91
REP 13.5 Finisher LX Undocking.................................................................................... 4-39
REP 60.2 FFC Cable Assembly ...................................................................................... 4-93
REP 13.6 Front Cover..................................................................................................... 4-40
REP 13.7 Rear Upper Cover........................................................................................... 4-42 REPs 70 - Paper Supply
REP 13.8 Rear Lower Cover........................................................................................... 4-44 REP 70.1 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor............................................................. 4-97
REP 13.9 Top Right Cover.............................................................................................. 4-45 REP 70.2 Pivot ................................................................................................................ 4-97
REP 13.10 Foot Cover .................................................................................................... 4-47 REP 70.3 Bypass Tray .................................................................................................... 4-99
REP 13.11 Stacker Lower Cover .................................................................................... 4-48 REP 70.4 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensor Assembly .................................................... 4-102
REP 13.12 Stacker Upper Cover .................................................................................... 4-48 REP 70.5 2TM Tray 3/4 Paper Size Sensor Assembly ................................................... 4-105
REP 13.13 Stack Height Sensors 1 and 2 ...................................................................... 4-49 REP 70.6 TTM Tray 3/4 Paper Size Sensor Assembly................................................... 4-105

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-1
REP 70.7 HCF Undocking .............................................................................................. 4-106 REP 80.36 HCF Feed Shaft Assembly, Ball Bearing and Feed Gear............................. 4-170
REP 70.8 HCF Tray Removal ......................................................................................... 4-107 REP 80.37 HCF Latch..................................................................................................... 4-171
REP 70.9 HCF Tray Set Sensor ..................................................................................... 4-107 REP 80.38 HCF Level/No Paper and Pre Feed Sensor.................................................. 4-171
REP 70.10 HCF Tray Latch Assembly............................................................................ 4-108 REP 80.39 HCF Feed Lift Motor ..................................................................................... 4-172
REP 70.11 HCF Lift Gear................................................................................................ 4-109
REP 70.12 HCF Gear Bracket Assembly........................................................................ 4-109 REPs 90 - Xerographics
REP 70.13 HCF Cables (Rear) ....................................................................................... 4-110 REP 90.1 Conductor Housing Assembly......................................................................... 4-173
REP 70.14 HCF Cable (Front) ........................................................................................ 4-112 REP 90.2 Plunger............................................................................................................ 4-175
REP 70.15 HCF Takeaway Roll and Bearing ................................................................. 4-114 REP 90.3 New Developer Assembly (Y,M,C,K) .............................................................. 4-176
REP 70.16 HCF Feed Out Sensor .................................................................................. 4-117 REP 90.4 Toner Dispense Motor Assembly.................................................................... 4-179
REP 70.17 HCF Transport Interlock Switch.................................................................... 4-118 REP 90.5 Toner CRUM Connector Assembly................................................................. 4-180
REP 70.18 HCF Takeaway Motor................................................................................... 4-119 REP 90.6 Dispenser Assembly ....................................................................................... 4-181
REP 70.19 HCF Slide Out Switch ................................................................................... 4-120 REP 90.7 Developer Replacement ................................................................................. 4-182
REP 70.20 HCF PWB ..................................................................................................... 4-120 REP 90.8 IBT Belt Assembly........................................................................................... 4-187
REP 70.21 HCF Paper Size Sensor ............................................................................... 4-121 REP 90.9 MOB/ADC Assembly....................................................................................... 4-189
REP 70.22 HCF Damper and Pinion............................................................................... 4-122 REP 90.10 Upper Conductor Housing Assembly............................................................ 4-190
REP 70.23 HCF Feed Head............................................................................................ 4-123 REP 90.11 Drum Assembly............................................................................................. 4-191
REP 90.12 Gear Housing Assembly ............................................................................... 4-192
REPs 80 - Paper Transport REP 90.13 Drive Shaft .................................................................................................... 4-194
REP 80.1 Tray 1 Feedhead Assembly............................................................................ 4-125 REP 90.14 Agitator Motor Assembly............................................................................... 4-196
REP 80.2 Tray 2 Feedhead Assembly............................................................................ 4-126 REP 90.15 Joint Pipe Assembly...................................................................................... 4-197
REP 80.3 Tray 1/2 Feed Roll Kit ..................................................................................... 4-127 REP 90.16 Housing Assembly ........................................................................................ 4-198
REP 80.4 2TM Feedhead 1 Assembly ............................................................................ 4-128 REP 90.17 Sleeve Bearing.............................................................................................. 4-200
REP 80.5 2TM Feedhead 2 Assembly ............................................................................ 4-130 REP 90.18 Waste Toner Cartridge Sensors ................................................................... 4-201
REP 80.6 2TM Takeaway Roll Assembly (Upper) .......................................................... 4-132
REP 80.7 2TM Tray Chute Assembly ............................................................................. 4-133 ADJs 10 - Print Transportation and Fusing
REP 80.8 2TM Takeaway Roll Assembly (Lower) .......................................................... 4-134 ADJ 10.1 Fuser Paper Wrinkle Adjustment..................................................................... 4-203
REP 80.9 2TM Takeaway Motor Assembly .................................................................... 4-135 ADJs 13 - Finisher
REP 80.10 2TM Belt ....................................................................................................... 4-136
ADJ 13.1 Booklet Folding and Staple Position................................................................ 4-207
REP 80.12 2TM Feed Roll Kit ......................................................................................... 4-136
REP 80.14 TTM Tray 3 Feedhead Assembly ................................................................. 4-137 ADJs 60 - Imaging
REP 80.15 TTM Tray 4 Feedhead Assembly ................................................................. 4-139 ADJ 60.1 Image Position................................................................................................. 4-209
REP 80.16 TTM Feed Roll Kit......................................................................................... 4-140 ADJ 60.2 LPH Exposure Amount Detail Correction ........................................................ 4-209
REP 80.17 TTM Transport Roll Assembly ...................................................................... 4-141
REP 80.18 Not Used....................................................................................................... 4-142 ADJs 90 - Xerographics
REP 80.19 Bypass Feedhead Assembly ........................................................................ 4-142 ADJ 90.1 Marking Refresh .............................................................................................. 4-213
REP 80.20 Bypass Tray Roll Kit ..................................................................................... 4-146 ADJ 90.2 Color Calibration - Automatic........................................................................... 4-213
REP 80.21 Left Cover Assembly..................................................................................... 4-147
REP 80.22 2nd BTR Roll Assembly................................................................................ 4-150
REP 80.23 2nd BTR Housing Assembly......................................................................... 4-151
REP 80.24 Duplex Inner Chute Assembly ...................................................................... 4-153
REP 80.25 Lower Chute Assembly................................................................................. 4-157
REP 80.26 Registration Sensor ...................................................................................... 4-158
REP 80.27 Handle .......................................................................................................... 4-159
REP 80.28 POB Jam Sensor .......................................................................................... 4-160
REP 80.29 Left Cover Interlock Switch Assembly .......................................................... 4-161
REP 80.30 Registration Transport Assembly.................................................................. 4-162
REP 80.31 Chute Assembly............................................................................................ 4-164
REP 80.32 Takeaway Roll Assembly.............................................................................. 4-166
REP 80.33 Registration Drive Assembly......................................................................... 4-167
REP 80.34 Drive Assembly (Takeaway Motor 2)............................................................ 4-168
REP 80.35 HCF Feed, Nudger, and Retard Rolls........................................................... 4-169

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

4-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Parts List on PL 1.05
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, PL 3.10 Item 2, GP 32.
2. Remove the HVPS, Figure 2:
a. Remove five screws (1).
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Remove the HVPS (3).

Figure 2 HVPS removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-3 REP 1.1
REP 1.2 Fuser Heater Power Supply
Parts List on PL 1.05
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, PL 3.10 Item 2, GP 32.
2. Remove the BTR HVPS PWB, REP 1.1.
3. Remove the bracket: Figure 2.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove two cable ties (2).
c. Open two clamps (3), then move the harness out of the way.
Figure 2 Bracket removal
d. Remove four screws (4).
e. Remove the bracket (5).

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 1.2 4-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Remove the fuser heater power supply: Figure 3. REP 1.3 GFI Chassis Assembly
a. Disconnect four connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 1.10
b. Remove five screws (2).
c. Remove the fuser heater power supply (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
3. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.

Figure 3 Power supply removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-5 REP 1.2, REP 1.3
4. Remove the items that follow, Figure 2: REP 1.4 Motor Drive PWB
a. Remove three screws (1).
Parts List on PL 1.10
b. Disconnect four connectors (2).
c. Lift the GFI chassis assembly (3) off the frame hook then remove.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
When installing a new drive PWB and a new ESS PWB at the same time, first install the new
ESS PWB, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the new ESS PWB installation is successful,
switch off the machine, then install the new drive PWB.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
3. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.

Figure 2 GFI chassis assembly removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 1.3, REP 1.4 4-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Remove the motor drive PWB, Figure 2: REP 1.5 AC Drive PWB
a. Disconnect all connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 1.15
b. Remove eight screws (2).
c. Remove the motor drive PWB (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
3. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.

Figure 2 Drive PWB removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-7 REP 1.4, REP 1.5
4. Remove the AC drive PWB: Figure 2. REP 1.6 LVPS
a. Disconnect seven connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 1.15
b. Remove four screws (2).
c. Remove the AC drive PWB (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
3. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.

Figure 2 AC drive PWB removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 1.5, REP 1.6 4-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Remove the motor drive chassis assembly, Figure 2: 5. Remove the AC Bracket, Figure 3.
a. Remove four screws (1). a. Remove three screws (1).
b. Disconnect all connectors (2). b. Disconnect six connectors (2).
c. Remove the motor drive chassis assembly (3). c. Remove the AC bracket (3).

Figure 2 Motor drive chassis assembly removal Figure 3 AC bracket removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-9 REP 1.6
6. Disconnect the LVPS harnesses, Figure 4. 7. Remove the LVPS, Figure 5.
a. Disconnect three connectors (1). a. Remove four screws (4).
b. Remove two wire ties (2). b. Disconnect the connector (5).
c. Release the harness from two clamps, then move the harness away from the LVPS c. Remove the LVPS (6).

Figure 5 LVPS removal

Figure 4 Disconnect the harness
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 1.6 4-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 1.7 Developer Bias HVPS PWB
Parts List on PL 1.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the LVPS, REP 1.6.
2. Remove the AC drive PWB, REP 1.5.
3. Remove HVPS developer bias, Figure 2:
a. Disconnect two connectors (1).
b. Remove four screws (2).
c. Release two hooks at the top, lean the HVPS developer bias forward to clear the
hooks (3). Figure 2 HVPS developer bias removal
d. Lift then remove the HVPS developer bias PWB (4).
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-11 REP 1.7
REP 1.8 Main Power Switch 2. Remove the main power switch, Figure 2:
a. Remove the screw (1).
Parts List on PL 1.20
b. Disconnect the main power switch from the connector (2).
Removal c. Remove the main power switch (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the components that follow:
• Front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
• Waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
• Waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
• Inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
• Inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
• Inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
• Inner right cap cover, PL 28.05 Item 3.
• Inner right cover, PL 28.05 Item 6.

Figure 2 Main power switch removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 1.8 4-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Parts List on PL 1.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the upper right front cover, PL 28.15 Item 1.
2. Remove the BCR HVPS cover, PL 1.20 Item 2.
3. Remove the BCR HVPS, Figure 2:
a. Remove the connector (1).
b. Remove four screws (2).
c. Remove the BCR HVPS (3).
Figure 2 BCR HVPS removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-13 REP 1.9
Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue
REP 1.9 4-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 2.1 UI Assembly 2. Remove the cable cover (2), Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 2.05

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the UI top cover (1), PL 2.05 Item 3, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Cable cover removal

Figure 1 UI top cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-15 REP 2.1
3. Disconnect the UI and speaker connectors (3), Figure 3. 4. Remove two screws (4), then remove the UI console assembly, Figure 4.

Figure 3 UI and speaker connections Figure 4 UI console assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 2.1 4-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 3.1 Controller PWB Assembly
Parts List on PL 3.05
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
When installing a new controller PWB and new halftone PWB or a new back plane PWB in the
same procedure, first install the new controller PWB, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the
new controller PWB installation is successful, switch off the machine, then install the new half-
tone or back plane PWB.
1. Remove the ESS rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 4.
2. Remove the controller cover assembly kit, PL 3.10 Item 1. Figure 2 Screw removal
3. Disconnect all external connectors from the controller PWB assembly, PL 3.05 Item 1.
4. Remove five screws (1), Figure 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-17 REP 3.1
5. Remove the controller PWB assembly, Figure 3: REP 3.2 SD Memory Card
a. Disconnect six connectors (2).
Parts List on PL 3.05
b. Slide the case left in the direction of the arrow, disengage the stopper, then discon-
nect the controller PWB from the back plane PWB (3). Removal
c. Remove the controller PWB assembly (4). WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.

Figure 3 Controller PWB assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: When replacing the controller PWB assembly, remove the SD card, PL 3.05 Item
8 from the old controller PWB assembly and install it onto the new one.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 3.1, REP 3.2 4-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
2. Remove the HDD, Figure 2: 3. Remove the HDD bracket, Figure 3:
a. Disconnect two connectors (1). a. Remove two screws (1).
b. Release the hook and remove the HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9 (2). b. Remove the HDD bracket (2).

Figure 2 HDD removal Figure 3 HDD bracket removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-19 REP 3.2
4. Remove the SD memory card, Figure 4: REP 3.3 Back Plane PWB
a. Remove the screw (1).
Parts List on PL 3.15
b. Remove the SD card clip (2).
c. Remove the SD memory card (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
When installing a new back plane PWB and new controller PWB in the same procedure, first
install the new controller PWB, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the new controller PWB
installation is successful, switch off the machine, then install the new back plane PWB.
1. Remove the controller PWB assembly, REP 3.1.

Figure 4 SD card removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 3.2, REP 3.3 4-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
2. Remove the back plane PWB, Figure 2: REP 3.4 Halftone PWB
a. Disconnect three connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 3.15
b. Remove five screws (2).
c. Remove the SEEP ROM (3).
d. Remove the back plane PWB (4). WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
When installing a new halftone PWB and new controller PWB at the same time, first install the
new controller PWB, then switch on the machine, GP 10. If the new controller PWB installation
is successful, switch off the machine, then install the new halftone PWB.
Perform dC363, Backup NVM Values before replacing the halftone PWB.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the DFE cover, PL 3.10 Item 5.

Figure 2 Back plane PWB removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-21 REP 3.3, REP 3.4
3. Remove the halftone PWB, Figure 2:
a. Disconnect six connectors (1).
b. Remove five screws (2).
c. Disconnect the back plane PWB (3).
d. Remove the halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4 (4).

Figure 2 Halftone PWB removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: After installing a new halftone PWB, perform dC362 Restore NVM Values to
restore NVM values backed up at the beginning of the procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 3.4 4-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 10.1 Retract Motor Assembly CAUTION
When replacing the retract motor assembly verify the gears are replaced on the shaft in the
Parts List on PL 10.05 correct manner, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the video contact chassis, GP 32.
2. Remove the retract motor assembly, PL 10.05 Item 1, Figure 1:
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove three screws (2).
c. Remove the retract motor assembly (3).

Figure 2 Proper gear alignment

Figure 1 Retract motor assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-23 REP 10.1
REP 10.2 Fuser REP 10.3 Fuser Heater Coil
Parts List on PL 10.05 Parts List on PL 10.05
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.75 Item 21. 1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.75 Item 21.
2. Remove the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14, Figure 1: 2. Remove the fuser, REP 10.2.
a. Lift the lock (1) at the rear of the fuser up and slide left to unlock the fuser. 3. Remove the top rear cover, PL 28.10 Item 10.
b. Push two locks (2) to the inside to release the fuser. 4. Disconnect the fuser heater coil wiring, Figure 1:
c. Remove the fuser (3). a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove the screw on the ground wire (2).
c. Remove the harness from the guide (3).

Figure 1 Fuser removal

Replacement Figure 1 Disconnect wiring

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 10.2, REP 10.3 4-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Remove the fuser heater coil, Figure 2: REP 10.4 Exit 1 Transport Assembly
a. Remove two screws (1).
Parts List on PL 10.10
b. Release four hooks (2).
c. Remove the fuser heater coil (3).
NOTE: While removing the fuser heater coil, carefully thread the fuser heater coil
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
harness through the frame to not damage the harness insulation.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the right upper cover, PL 28.10 Item 11.
3. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, REP 10.8.
4. Remove the front toggle lever assembly and rear toggle lever assembly, Figure 1:
a. Remove two screws (1).
b. Remove the front toggle lever assembly (2).
c. Remove two screws (3).
d. Remove the rear toggle lever assembly (4)

Figure 2 Coil assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Rear toggle lever assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-25 REP 10.3, REP 10.4
5. Remove the motor cover and remove the harness, Figure 2: 6. Remove the bracket and front guide, Figure 3:
a. Remove the screw (1). a. Remove the sensor cover (1).
b. Remove the motor cover (2). b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Disconnect two connectors (3). c. Remove two screws (3).
d. Remove the harness from exit 1 transport. assembly (4). d. Remove the bracket (4).
e. Remove the front guide (5).

Figure 2 Harness removal

Figure 3 Front guide removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 10.4 4-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
7. Remove the exit 1 transport assembly, Figure 4: REP 10.5 Exit 1 OCT Motor
a. Remove the belt (1).
Parts List on PL 10.10
b. Remove two screws (2).
c. Remove the exit 1 transport assembly (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, refer to REP 10.8.
2. Remove the motor cover, Figure 1:
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the motor cover (2).

Figure 4 Exit 1 transport assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Motor cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-27 REP 10.4, REP 10.5
3. Remove the exit 1 oct motor, Figure 2: REP 10.6 Exit 1 OCT Home Position Sensor
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
Parts List on PL 10.10
b. Remove two screws (2).
c. Remove the exit 1 oct motor (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, refer to REP 10.8.
2. Remove the exit 1 OCT home position sensor, Figure 1:
a. Remove the sensor cover (1).
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Remove the screw (3).
d. Remove the front guide (4).
e. Remove the exit 1 oct home position sensor (5).

Figure 2 Exit 1 OTC removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Exit 1 OCT home position sensor removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 10.5, REP 10.6 4-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 10.7 Exit 1 Drive Gear REP 10.8 Exit 2 Transport Assembly
Parts List on PL 10.10 Parts List on PL 10.15
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, refer to REP 10.8. 1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.70.
2. Remove the gear, Figure 1: 2. Remove the two screws and remove the left top cover, PL 10.15 Item 1.
a. Release the latch (1). 3. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, PL 10.15 Item 2, Figure 1:
b. Remove exit 1 drive gear, PL 10.10 Item 10. a. Disconnect four connectors (1).
b. Remove four screws (2).
c. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly.

Figure 1 Exit 1 drive gear removal

Replacement Figure 1 Exit 2 transport assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-29 REP 10.7, REP 10.8
REP 10.9 Exit 2 Drive Assembly 3. Remove the exit 2 drive assembly: Figure 2.
a. Remove two clamps (1).
Parts List on PL 10.25
b. Disconnect the connector (2) and release the harness clamps from the case.
Removal c. Remove four screws (3).
WARNING d. Remove the exit 2 drive assembly, PL 10.25 Item 2 (4).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, REP 10.8.
2. Remove the harness guide: Figure 1.
a. Remove the clamp (1).
b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove the harness guide (3).

Figure 2 Exit 2 drive assembly

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Harness guide removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 10.9 4-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 10.10 Exit 1 Gate Solenoid 4. Remove the exit 1 gate solenoid: Figure 2.
a. Remove two screws (1).
Parts List on PL 10.25
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
Removal c. Remove the exit 1 gate solenoid, PL 10.25 Item 11 (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, REP 10.8.
2. Remove the exit 2 guide assembly: Figure 1.
a. Remove five screws (1).
b. Remove the guard exit and the exit guide assembly (2).

Figure 2 Exit 2 gate solenoid

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Install with the leading edge in the groove, Figure 3.

Figure 1 Exit 2 guide assembly

3. Remove the exit 2 drive assembly, REP 10.9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-31 REP 10.10
Figure 3 Leading edge in groove Figure 4 Exit 2 guide and guard exit reassembly

3. Install the exit 2 guide assembly aligned with the bracket, Figure 4.
4. Install the guard exit in the direction shown, Figure 4.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 10.10 4-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 10.11 Exit 2 OCT Home Position Sensor 3. Remove the exit 2 OCT home position sensor, PL 10.25 Item 14, Figure 2:
a. Position the exit 2 chute assembly face down. (1).
Parts List on PL 10.25
b. Disconnect the harness (2).
Removal c. Release the sensor from the hook. (3).
WARNING d. Remove the 2 OCT home position sensor (4).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, REP 10.8.
2. Remove the exit 2 guide assembly, PL 10.25 Item 6, Figure 1:
a. Remove five screws (1).
b. Remove the guard exit and the exit guide assembly (2).

Figure 2 Exit 2 OCT home position sensor removal

Figure 1 Exit guide assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-33 REP 10.11
Replacement REP 10.12 Offset Gear
1. Install the exit 2 guide assembly aligned with the bracket, Figure 3. Parts List on PL 10.25
2. Install the guard exit in the direction shown, Figure 3.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the exit 2 transport assembly, REP 10.8 and then remove the exit 2 guide assem-
bly, PL 10.25 Item 6, REP 10.11.
2. Remove the offset gear, PL 10.25 Item 16, Figure 1.

Figure 3 Exit 2 guide reassembly

3. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Offset gear removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 10.11, REP 10.12 4-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
1. Install the offset gear with the peg in the recess of the gear arm, Figure 2.

Figure 2 offset gear leading edge in groove

2. Observe the procedure for the replacement of the exit 2 guide assembly in REP 10.11.
3. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-35 REP 10.12
Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue
REP 10.12 4-36 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.1 Horizontal Transport Assembly REP 13.2 Hole Punch Assembly
Parts List on PL 13.05 Parts List on PL 13.06
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the finisher, REP 13.5. NOTE: For clarity, the horizontal transport is shown removed from the machine in Figure 1.
2. Remove the horizontal transport assembly, Figure 1:
1. Hold open the horizontal transport top cover.
a. Disconnect the harness (1).
2. Open the horizontal transport front cover.
b. Remove two screws (2).
3. Remove the hole punch assembly, Figure 1:
c. Remove the docking plate (3).
a. Release the cable clamp (1).
d. Remove the horizontal transport (4).
b. Remove the connector cover (2), then disconnect the connector.
c. Remove the thumbscrew (3).
d. Remove the hole punch assembly (4).

Figure 1 Horizontal transport removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Hole punch assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-37 REP 13.1, REP 13.2
Replacement REP 13.3 Horizontal Transport Belt
1. Insert the hole punch assembly rear locating pin into the horizontal transport frame. Parts List on PL 13.08
2. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
3. Perform ADJ 13.1 Finisher LX Hole Punch Position.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the horizontal transport assembly, REP 13.1.
2. Remove the horizontal transport rear cover, PL 13.06 Item 9.
3. Remove the horizontal transport belt, PL 13.08 Item 22, Figure 1:
a. Loosen two screws to release the belt tension (1).
b. Remove the belt (2).

Figure 1 Belt removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.2, REP 13.3 4-38 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.4 Horizontal Transport Motor REP 13.5 Finisher LX Undocking
Parts List on PL 13.08 Parts List on PL 13.05
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the horizontal transport assembly, REP 13.1. 1. Disconnect the finisher power cord, the horizontal transport connector and the finisher
2. Remove the horizontal transport rear cover, PL 13.06 Item 9. connector from the IOT.
3. Place the horizontal transport top down on a work surface. CAUTION
4. Remove the horizontal transport motor, PL 13.08 Item 13, Figure 1: Take care not to topple the finisher. The finisher is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
a. Remove the screw, then the shield (1). 2. Raise the feet (1) to free the finisher, Figure 1.
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Loosen two screws to release the belt tension (3).
d. Remove two screws (4), then remove the horizontal transport motor.

Figure 1 Finisher feet

3. Open the finisher front door.

Figure 1 Motor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-39 REP 13.4, REP 13.5
4. Undock the finisher, Figure 2: REP 13.6 Front Cover
a. Remove the thumb screw (1).
Parts List on PL 13.10
b. Pull the docking plate lever (2) forwards to detach the finisher.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the finisher, REP 13.5.
Take care not drop the booklet maker thumb screw into the finisher.
2. Remove the booklet maker, REP 13.31.
3. Open the finisher front door, PL 13.10 Item 5.
4. Start to remove the front cover, remove one screw (1), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Finisher undocking

1. Align the machine docking bracket with the cut outs in the finisher docking bracket.
2. Mate the finisher to the machine until it latches.
3. Check that the finisher is firmly latched to the machine.
4. Perform the remainder of the replacement procedure in reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Preparation 1 of 3

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.5, REP 13.6 4-40 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Continue to remove the front cover, remove two screws (2), Figure 2. 6. Remove the front cover, Figure 3:
a. Remove one screw (3).
b. Remove the front cover.

Figure 2 Cover removal 2 of 3

Figure 3 Cover removal 3 of 3

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-41 REP 13.6
REP 13.7 Rear Upper Cover 4. Continue to remove the cover, remove one screw (2), Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 13.10

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the finisher, REP 13.5.
2. Remove the booklet maker, REP 13.31.
3. Start to remove the cover, remove one screw (1), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Cover removal 2 of 4

Figure 1 Cover removal 1 of 4

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.7 4-42 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Continue to remove the cover, remove one screw (3), Figure 3. 6. Remove the rear upper cover, Figure 4:
a. Remove one screw (4).
b. Remove the cover.

Figure 3 Cover removal 3 of 4

Figure 4 Cover removal 4 of 4

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-43 REP 13.7
REP 13.8 Rear Lower Cover 3. Remove the rear lower cover, Figure 2:
a. Remove one screw (2).
Parts List on PL 13.10
b. Remove the cover.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the finisher, REP 13.5.
2. Prepare to remove the cover, remove two screws (1), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Cover removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Preparation

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.8 4-44 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.9 Top Right Cover Replacement
Parts List on PL 13.26 1. Align the top right cover (1) with the pins (2) on both sides, then slide it to the right, Figure
NOTE: The left side of the cover will be captured by the pins and cannot be lifted up.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the top right cover, PL 13.26 Item 1, Figure 1:
a. Unlatch the eject cover (1), then move it to the left.
b. Remove the retaining screw (2).
c. Push the latch (3) through the hole in the cover.
d. Remove the cover by moving it to the left.

Figure 2 Eject cover alignment

Figure 1 Eject cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-45 REP 13.9
2. Position the top right cover (1) so that the latch (2) is inserted in the hole, Figure 3. 4. Position the latch hook (1) and latch pin (2) as shown, Figure 5.
NOTE: The Latch must be outside the hole.

Figure 5 Hook and pin positioning

Figure 3 Inserting the Latch

3. Position the latch spring (1) as shown, Figure 4.

Figure 4 Latch spring position

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.9 4-46 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Install the retaining screw (1), Figure 6. REP 13.10 Foot Cover
Parts List on PL 13.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the screw (1), then the foot cover (2), Figure 1.

Figure 6 Retaining screw

Figure 1 Foot cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-47 REP 13.9, REP 13.10
REP 13.11 Stacker Lower Cover REP 13.12 Stacker Upper Cover
Parts List on PL 13.10 Parts List on PL 13.15
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the foot cover, REP 13.10. 1. Remove the stacker tray, REP 13.20.
2. Remove the two screws (1), then the stacker lower cover (2), Figure 1. 2. Remove the stacker lower cover, REP 13.11.
3. Remove six screws (1), then the stacker upper cover (2), PL 13.15 Item 33, Figure 1.

Figure 1 Stacker lower cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Stacker upper cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.11, REP 13.12 4-48 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.13 Stack Height Sensors 1 and 2 REP 13.14 Sub Paddle Solenoid Assembly
Parts List on PL 13.27 Parts List on PL 13.26
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear upper cover, REP 13.7. 1. Remove the top right cover, REP 13.9.
2. Remove the relevant stack height sensor, PL 13.27 Item 16, Figure 1: 2. Remove the sub paddle solenoid assembly, PL 13.26 Item 8, Figure 1:
a. Disconnect the relevant connector (1). a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove either stack height sensor 1 (2) or stack height sensor 2 (3). b. Release the harness from the clamps (2).
c. Remove the screw (3), then the sub paddle solenoid assembly.

Figure 1 Solenoid assembly removal

Figure 1 Sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-49 REP 13.13, REP 13.14
REP 13.15 Stapler Move Motor Assembly 3. Remove the wire guide, Figure 2:
a. Pull out the cable clamps (1), then remove the wires from the wire guide.
Parts List on PL 13.20
b. Remove two screws (2).
Removal c. Remove the wire guide (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the finisher stapler assembly, REP 13.16.
2. Remove two screws (1), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Wire guide removal

Figure 1 Screw removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.15 4-50 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Remove the stapler move motor, Figure 3: REP 13.16 Stapler Assembly
a. Release the wires from the cable clamp (1).
Parts List on PL 13.20
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Remove two screws (3).
d. Remove the stapler motor (4). WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the crease assembly, REP 13.18.
2. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 13.6.
3. Remove the stapler cover, Figure 1:
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the stapler cover (2).

Figure 3 Stapler motor removal

Replacement Figure 1 Stapler cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-51 REP 13.15, REP 13.16
4. Remove the stapler assembly, PL 13.20 Item 4, Figure 2: REP 13.17 Compiler Tray Assembly
a. Disconnect the connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 13.28
b. Remove three screws (2).
c. Remove the stapler assembly (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the finisher, REP 13.5.
2. Remove the front cover, REP 13.6.
3. Remove the rear upper cover, REP 13.7.
4. Remove the foot cover, REP 13.10.
5. Remove the stacker lower cover, REP 13.11.
6. Remove the stacker tray, REP 13.20.
7. Remove the stacker upper cover, REP 13.12.
8. Remove the top right cover, REP 13.9.
9. Remove the E-clip and bearing from the end of the shaft (1), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Stapler assembly removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform ADJ 13.1 Booklet Folding and Staple Position.

Figure 1 E-clip and bearing removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.16, REP 13.17 4-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
10. Remove the eject roller, Figure 2: 11. Remove the compiler tray screw (1), Figure 3.
a. Remove the E-clip (1). NOTE: Note the position of the set clamp holders (2).
b. Slide the eject roller shaft (2) toward the front.
c. Remove the gear and bearing (3).
d. Remove the eject roll shaft (4) from the finisher.

Figure 3 Compiler tray screw removal

Figure 2 Eject roll shaft removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-53 REP 13.17
12. Disengage the three springs (1) from the set clamp holders, Figure 4. 13. Remove the front E-clip and the bearing (1) from the set clamp shaft assembly, Figure 5.

Figure 5 Front E-clip removal

Figure 4 Set clamp holder springs

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.17 4-54 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
14. Note the position and orientation of the set clamp shaft gear and the cam gear that it 15. Prepare to remove the set clamp shaft, PL 13.25 Item 9, Figure 7:
engages (1). When installing the set clamp shaft, these gears must engage in the same a. Remove the rear E-clip (1) from the set clamp shaft
manner, Figure 6.
b. Slide the gear (2) away from the frame.
c. Disconnect the spring (3) from the gear.

Figure 6 Gear orientation

Figure 7 Preparation

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-55 REP 13.17
16. Slide the gear, spring and the bearing away from the frame, Figure 8: 17. Remove the set clamp shaft, Figure 9:
a. Unlock, then remove the flag (1). a. Slide the shaft toward the front (1).
b. Slide the gear, spring and the bearing (2) away from the frame. b. Slide the shaft toward the rear, then remove (2).

Figure 8 Flag removal Figure 9 Set clamp shaft removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.17 4-56 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
18. Remove the compiler tray assembly (1), Figure 10. Replacement
1. Route the harness through the wire guides and connect the proper connectors to the no
paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9, tamper home sensors, PL 13.28 Item 8, and the tamper
motors, PL 13.28 Item 6.
2. Place the compiler tray assembly into position.
3. Install the set clamp shaft front end into the front frame, Figure 11:
a. Insert the front end of the shaft into the front frame (1).
b. Slide the shaft toward the front until the rear end of the shaft can be inserted into the
rear frame (2).

Figure 10 Tray assembly removal

NOTE: Usually this level of compiler tray assembly removal is to facilitate removal of the
front or rear tamper motors, tamper home sensors or compiler tray no paper sensor. How-
ever, if the compiler tray assembly PL 13.28 Item 1, is to be completely removed, it will be
necessary to disconnect all the connectors to the tamper motors, PL 13.28 Item 6, tamper
home sensors, PL 13.28 Item 8, and no paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9, and release the
harnesses from the guides.

Figure 11 Set clamp shaft installation

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-57 REP 13.17
4. Slide the three set clamp holders with springs (1) into the correct location on the shaft, 5. Install the bearing, spring and gear onto the rear end of the set clamp shaft, Figure 13:
Figure 12. a. Install the bearing (1).
b. Install the spring (2).
c. Install the gear (3).
d. Install the stack height sensor flag (4) onto the rear end of the shaft as shown.

Figure 12 Replacement preparation

Figure 13 Parts installation

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.17 4-58 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
6. Rotate the set clamp shaft until the stack height sensor flag (1) is in the correct position, 8. Ensure that the shaft gear (1), pinion gear (2) and the stack height sensor flag (3) are
then correctly align both gears (2), Figure 14. positioned as shown in Figure 15, then install the E-clip (4).

Figure 14 Parts alignment

7. Attach the spring to the gear and slide the gear into position.
Figure 15 Parts positioning

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-59 REP 13.17
9. Install the bearing onto the end of the set clamp shaft, then install the E-clip (1), Figure 16. 10. Ensure that the set clamp holder springs (1) are connected, Figure 17.

Figure 16 Bearing and E-clip

Figure 17 Set clamp holder springs

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.17 4-60 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
11. Install the eject roll shaft (1) into position in the front and rear frame, Figure 18. 12. Install the bearing (1), gear (2) and E-clip (3) onto the rear of the eject roll shaft, Figure

Figure 19 Rear components

Figure 18 Eject roll shaft installation

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-61 REP 13.17
13. Install the bearing and E-clip onto the front of the eject roll shaft (1), Figure 20. REP 13.18 Crease Assembly
Parts List on PL 13.35
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the crease assembly, PL 13.35 Item 20, Figure 1:
a. Open the finisher front door.
b. Remove the guard (1).
c. Disconnect the cable (2).
NOTE: Pull out the cable tie (3) to obtain additional slack in the cable.

d. Remove the thumbscrew (4).

e. Pull out the crease assembly (5).

Figure 20 Front components

14. The remainder of the replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Crease assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.17, REP 13.18 4-62 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 13.19 Stacker Elevator Motor
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 13.15
NOTE: Ensure the locating pins (1) are correctly engaged, Figure 2. Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the finisher, REP 13.5.
2. Remove the booklet maker, REP 13.31.
3. Remove the finisher rear upper cover, REP 13.7.
4. Remove the main harness guide, Figure 1.
a. Release two harness retainers (1).
b. Release the harness retainer and disconnect the motor (2).
c. Release the harness from the guide (3).
d. Remove two screws, then remove the harness guide (4).

Figure 2 Crease assembly

2. Perform ADJ 13.1 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position.

Figure 1 Main harness release

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-63 REP 13.18, REP 13.19
5. Release the upper harness guide Figure 2. 6. Remove the sensor bracket, Figure 3.
a. Disconnect two sensors (1). a. Disconnect two sensors (1).
b. Release the harness retainer (2). b. Remove two screws (2).
c. Disconnect two switches (3). c. Remove the sensor bracket (3).
d. Remove one screw to release the harness guide (4).
e. Allow the harness and guide to hang to the right side.

Figure 3 Sensor bracket removal

Figure 2 Upper harness guide release

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.19 4-64 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
7. Remove the clutch, Figure 4. 8. Remove the bracket, Figure 5.
a. Remove two timing wheels (1). a. Remove three screws (1).
b. Remove the screw and sensor bracket (2). b. Remove the bracket (2).
c. Disconnect the clutch harness at the in-line connector (3).
d. Remove the clutch (4).

Figure 5 Bracket removal

Figure 4 Clutch removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-65 REP 13.19
9. Remove the motor, Figure 6. Replacement
a. Release the locking arm, then slide the belt and pulley off of the motor shaft (1).
NOTE: When reinstalling the bracket ensure the idler gear (1) is installed on the stub shaft,
b. Remove three screws (2). Figure 7.
c. Remove the motor from the bracket, then disconnect the motor harness from the

Figure 7 Idler pulley

Figure 6 Motor removal
The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.19 4-66 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.20 Stacker Tray REP 13.21 Eject Belt
Parts List on PL 13.15 Parts List on PL 13.27 Item 7
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. If installed, remove the booklet maker assembly, REP 13.31. 1. Go to REP 13.19, perform steps 1 to 5. Continue at 2 of this repair.
2. Remove the front cover assembly, REP 13.6. 2. Remove the motor bracket assembly, Figure 1.
3. Remove the rear upper cover, REP 13.7. a. Remove three screws (1).
4. Remove the stacker tray, PL 13.20 Item 15, Figure 1: b. Loosen three screws about 4 turns (2).
a. Remove four screws (1). c. Pull the large bracket (3) away to release the shaft of the motor bracket assembly
b. Remove the stacker tray (2). (4), then remove the motor bracket assembly.

Figure 1 Stacker tray removal

Replacement Figure 1 Motor bracket removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
3. Remove the eject belt, PL 13.27 Item 7 from the pulleys.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-67 REP 13.20, REP 13.21
REP 13.22 Eject Motor Assembly REP 13.23 Finisher PWB
Parts List on PL 13.27 Item 4 Parts List on PL 13.45
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Perform REP 13.21.
2. Remove two screws and remove the eject motor, PL 13.27 Item 4.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. If possible, record the current software level by either:
• Printing the configuration report, GP 14.
• From the user interface Home screen, touch Device, then About. Scroll down to view
the Software Version. Refer to GP 3.
2. Remove the rear upper cover, REP 13.7.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.22, REP 13.23 4-68 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3. Remove the finisher PWB, PL 13.45 Item 2, Figure 2: REP 13.24 Finisher LVPS
a. Disconnect all connectors from the finisher PWB.
Parts List on PL PL 13.45
b. Remove the five screws (1).
c. Remove the finisher PWB (2).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the rear lower cover, REP 13.8.

Figure 2 Finisher PWB removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Check the current software level against the software level recorded prior to installation of
the new finisher PWB. If necessary, reload the software, GP 4.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-69 REP 13.23, REP 13.24
2. Remove the finisher LVPS, PL 13.45 Item 14, Figure 2: REP 13.26 Front/Rear Tamper Motor
a. Disconnect two connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 13.28
b. Remove four screws (2).
c. Remove the finisher LVPS (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the compiler tray, REP 13.17.
2. Place the compiler tray upside down on a work surface.
3. Remove the tamper motor, PL 13.28 Item 6, Figure 1:
a. Release the harness (1) from the harness guide.
b. Remove the screw (2), then the harness guide.
c. Disconnect the tamper motor connector (3).
d. Remove both screws to remove the tamper motor.

NOTE: Figure 1 shows the removal of the rear tamper motor.

Figure 2 Finisher LVPS removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Tamper motor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.24, REP 13.26 4-70 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.27 Front/Rear Tamper Home Sensors REP 13.28 Compiler Tray No Paper Sensor
Parts List on PL 13.28 Parts List on PL 13.28
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the compiler tray assembly, REP 13.17. 1. Remove the compiler tray assembly, REP 13.17.
2. Place the compiler tray upside down on a work surface. 2. Place the compiler tray upside down on a work surface.
3. Remove the front or rear tamper home sensor, PL 13.28 Item 8, Figure 1: 3. Remove the screw (1) that secures the bracket, Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove the front or rear tamper home sensor (2).

NOTE: Removal of the rear tamper home sensor is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Bracket removal

Figure 1 Tamper home sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-71 REP 13.27, REP 13.28
4. Remove the compiler no paper sensor, PL 13.28 Item 9, Figure 2: REP 13.29 Front/Rear Carriage Assembly
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
Parts List on PL 13.15
b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove the compiler tray no paper sensor (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Enter dC330, code 12-060 stacker motor up, to fully raise the stacker tray.
2. Remove the finisher front cover,REP 13.6.
3. Remove the rear upper cover, REP 13.7.
4. Remove the rear lower cover, REP 13.8.
5. Remove the stacker tray, REP 13.20.
6. Removing the carriage assembly, Figure 1:
a. Disconnect, then remove the spring (1).
b. Use a flat bladed screwdriver to release the belt clamp latch (2).
c. Remove the stacker belt and carriage assembly.

NOTE: The carriage bearings (2 each assembly) are not fastened to the shafts.
Ensure the bearings are retained when the carriage assembly is removed.

Figure 2 No paper sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Carriage assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.28, REP 13.29 4-72 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 13.30 Booklet Maker PWB
CAUTION Parts List on PL 13.70
Ensure that the front and rear carriage assemblies are installed at the same height.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the booklet PWB cover, REP 13.35.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-73 REP 13.29, REP 13.30
2. Remove the booklet PWB, PL 13.70 Item 4, Figure 2: REP 13.31 Booklet Maker Assembly
a. Disconnect the connectors from the booklet PWB.
Parts List on PL 13.10
b. Remove four screws (1).
c. Remove the booklet PWB (2).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Prepare to remove the booklet maker assembly, Figure 1:
a. Unlatch the top right cover (1), then move it all the way to the left.
b. Remove the front and rear thumbscrews (2).

Figure 2 Booklet PWB removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Figure 1 Preparation

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.30, REP 13.31 4-74 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
2. Remove the connector cover (1), Figure 2. 3. Disconnect the booklet maker assembly from the finisher, Figure 3:
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Pull out the four cable ties (2).

Figure 2 Connector cover Figure 3 Disconnection

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-75 REP 13.31
4. Lift the booklet maker assembly (1) off the four locating pins (2), then remove, Figure 4. REP 13.32 Booklet Maker Front Cover
Parts List on PL 13.50
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the booklet maker assembly from the finisher, REP 13.31.
2. Remove the screw (1), Figure 1.

Figure 4 Removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Screw removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.31, REP 13.32 4-76 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3. Remove two screws (1), then remove the front cover (2), PL 13.50 Item 3, Figure 2. REP 13.33 Booklet Maker Rear Cover
Parts List on PL 13.50
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the booklet maker assembly from the finisher, REP 13.31.
2. Remove the booklet PWB cover, REP 13.35.
3. Prepare to remove the rear cover, Figure 1:
a. Remove two self-tapping screws (1).
b. Remove the side cover (2).

Figure 2 Booklet front cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Preparation

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-77 REP 13.32, REP 13.33
4. Remove the screw (1), then the rear cover (2), PL 13.50 Item 4, Figure 2. REP 13.34 Booklet Maker Top Cover
Parts List on PL 13.50
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front cover, REP 13.32.
2. Remove the rear cover, REP 13.33.
3. Remove the booklet maker top cover, PL 13.50 Item 5, Figure 1:
a. Remove four screws (1).
b. Remove the booklet maker top cover (2).

Figure 2 Booklet rear cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Booklet top cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.33, REP 13.34 4-78 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 13.35 Booklet Maker PWB Cover REP 13.36 Booklet Maker Left Cover
Parts List on PL 13.50 Parts List on PL 13.50
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the booklet PWB cover, PL 13.50 Item 7, Figure 1: 1. Remove the booklet maker from the finisher, REP 13.31.
a. Remove two self-tapping screws (1). 2. Remove the booklet maker left cover, PL 13.50 Item 8:
b. Remove two screws (2). a. Align the slots at the front and rear of the booklet maker left cover with the flats on
c. Remove the booklet PWB cover (3). the mounting pins.
b. Move the booklet maker left cover by allowing the flats on the mounting pins to slide
through the slots in the cover.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Booklet PWB cover removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-79 REP 13.35, REP 13.36
REP 13.37 Booklet Maker Front/Rear Stapler 3. Remove the stapler lower cover, Figure 2:
a. Remove the screw (1).
Parts List on PL 13.60 and PL 13.65
b. Remove the stapler lower cover (2).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the booklet maker from the finisher, REP 13.31.
2. Remove the stapler guide, Figure 1:
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the stapler guide (2).

Figure 2 Stapler lower cover removal

Figure 1 Stapler guide removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.37 4-80 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Prepare to remove the stapler, Figure 3: 5. Remove the stapler, PL 13.60 or PL 13.65, Figure 4:
a. Remove one screw (1). a. Release the harness from the clamp (1).
b. Remove the chute (2). b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Remove two screws (3). c. Remove three screws (3).
d. Remove the stapler rear cover (4). d. Remove the stapler (4).

Figure 3 Preparation
Figure 4 Stapler removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform ADJ 13.1 Finisher LX Booklet Crease/Staple Position.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-81 REP 13.37
REP 13.38 Booklet Maker Stapler Move Motor 3. Remove the booklet stapler move motor, PL 13.55 Item 9, Figure 2:
a. Release the harness from the clamp (1).
Parts List on PL 13.55
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
Removal c. Remove three screws (3).
WARNING d. Remove the booklet stapler move motor (4).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the booklet maker assembly, REP 13.31.
2. Remove the cover for the booklet stapler move motor, Figure 1:
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the cover (2).

Figure 2 Move motor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Cover removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 13.38 4-82 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 40.1 Main Drive Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 40.05 1. When installing the drive assembly, align each of the four bosses on the assembly (1) with
the receptacles in the chassis (2), Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.
2. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
3. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.
4. Remove the main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect six connectors (1).
b. Remove five clips (2).
c. Open the clamp to release the harness (3).
d. Remove four screws (4).
e. Remove the main drive assembly (5).

Figure 2 Drive assembly alignment

2. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Main drive assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-83 REP 40.1
REP 40.2 Fuser Drive Assembly REP 40.3 Temp/Humidity Sensor (No 1 external)
Parts List on PL 40.05 Parts List on PL 40.10
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32. 1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the fusing drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 15: Figure 1. 2. Remove tray 1 and tray 2.
a. Disconnect four connectors (1). 3. Remove the left cover assembly if necessary, PL 80.65 Item 1, REP 80.21.
b. Remove two clips (2). 4. Remove the tray inner cover, PL 28.10 Item 2.
c. Remove four screws (3). 5. Remove the temp/humidity sensor, PL 40.10 Item 5: Figure 1.
d. Remove the fusing drive assembly (4). a. Release the hook (1).
b. Disconnect the connector, (2).
c. Remove the temp/humidity sensor (3).

Figure 1 Fusing drive assembly removal

Replacement Figure 1 Temp/humidity sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 40.2, REP 40.3 4-84 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 40.4 Duct Assembly (Front Right Marking Fan)
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 40.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
3. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
4. Remove the inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
5. Remove the drum assemblies, REP 90.1.
6. Remove the duct assembly, PL 40.10 Item 7, Figure 1.
a. Disconnect three connectors (1).
b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove the duct assembly (3).

Figure 1 Duct assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-85 REP 40.3, REP 40.4
Replacement REP 40.5 Toner Cartridge Cooling Fan Assembly
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 40.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
3. Remove the waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
4. Remove the inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
5. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
6. Remove the top cover, PL 28.10 Item 9.
7. Remove the toner cartridge cooling fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 12: Figure 1.
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Release the hook on the bottom (2).
c. Remove the toner cartridge cooling fan assembly (3).

Figure 1 Toner cartridge cooling fan assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 40.4, REP 40.5 4-86 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 40.6 Front/Left Marking Fan Assembly
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 40.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the inner left cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 5.
3. Remove the duct, PL 40.10 Item 1.
4. Remove the front handle: Figure 1.
a. Move the handle in the direction of the arrow.
b. move the handle so that it is released from the stop and remove the handle from the
machine (2).

Figure 1 Front handle removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-87 REP 40.5, REP 40.6
5. Remove the front left marking fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 13: Figure 2. REP 40.7 Rear Fuser Duct Assembly
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
Parts List on PL 40.15
b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Release the hook (3).
d. Remove the front left marking fan assembly (4). WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
3. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.
4. Remove the rear fuser duct assembly, PL 40.15 Item 1: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove two screws (2).
c. Remove the rear duct (3).

Figure 2 Front/Left marking fan assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Rear duct removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 40.6, REP 40.7 4-88 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 40.8 LVPS Fan Assembly REP 40.9 IHPS Intake Duct Assembly
Parts List on PL 40.15 Parts List on PL 40.15
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8. 1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.
2. Remove the left lower cover, PL 28.10 Item 4. 2. Remove the upper rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 5.
3. Remove the LVPS fan assembly, PL 40.15 Item 4: Figure 1. 3. Remove the IHPS, intake duct assembly, PL 40.15 Item 8: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1). a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Release the clamp (2). b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove two screws (3). c. Remove the IHPS intake duct assembly (3).
d. Remove the LVPS Fan (4).

Figure 1 IHPS intake duct assembly removal

Figure 1 LVPS fan removal
Replacement The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-89 REP 40.8, REP 40.9
REP 40.10 Toner Cartridge Exhaust Fan Assembly
Parts List on PL 40.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.
2. Remove the upper rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 5.
3. Remove the toner cartridge exhaust fan assembly, PL 40.15 Item 9: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove two screws (2).
c. Remove the toner cartridge exhaust fan assembly (3).

Figure 1 Toner cartridge exhaust fan assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 40.10 4-90 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 60.1 LPH Assembly (Y,M,C,K) 4. Remove the screw (1) securing the LPH then move the LPH fully to the front, Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 60.05

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
To prevent light fatigue, either wrap the removed drum cartridge in a sheet of black paper or
store it in a black bag.
Do not touch the surface of the drum cartridge.
The removal procedure for all LPH assemblies is the same. The following steps are for the
LPH assembly (K) procedure only.
1. Open the video contact chassis unit, GP 32. Figure 2 Remove the screw
2. Remove the following components:
a. Front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
b. Waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
c. Waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
d. Inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
e. Inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
f. Inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
g. Inner right cover, PL 28.05 Item 6.
h. Drum assembly, REP 90.11.
i. Developer assembly, REP 90.3.
j. IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2.
3. Remove the IBT belt assembly, REP 90.8.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-91 REP 60.1
5. Roll the LPH (3) in the direction of the arrow to expose the FFC cable (4), Figure 3. 6. Press the release latch on the connector (5), remove the FFC cable from the LPH in the
direction of the arrow, then remove the LPH (6), Figure 4.

Figure 3 FFC cable

Figure 4 LPH removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 60.1 4-92 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 60.2 FFC Cable Assembly 10. Release the FFC cable from the half tone PWB: Figure 2.
a. Disconnect four FFC cables on the half tone PWB (1).
Parts List on PL 60.05
b. Remove four ferrites (2).
Removal c. Release the FFC cable assembly from the harness guide (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the LPH assembly (Y, M, C, K), REP 60.1
2. Remove the motor drive PWB, REP 1.4.
3. Remove the AC drive PWB, REP 1.5.
4. Remove the HVPS developer bias REP 1.7.
5. Remove the DFE cover, PL 3.10 Item 5.
6. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
7. Remove the drive assembly, REP 40.1.
8. Remove the fuser drive assembly, REP 40.2.
9. Remove the registration drive assembly, REP 80.32.

Figure 2 Disconnect the FFC cables

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-93 REP 60.2
11. Release the FFC cables from the harness guide, (4) and (5): Figure 3. 12. Remove 10 screws (1) then remove the BCR HVPS cover assembly PL 1.20 Item 2, and
cover, PL 1.20 Item 3 (2), Figure 4.

Figure 3 Unharness the FFC cables

Figure 4 Cover assembly and cover

13. Remove the BCR HVPS, REP 1.9

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 60.2 4-94 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
14. Remove four screws (1), Figure 5. 15. Move the conductor assembly, PL 1.20 Item 5 (3), to the rear, disconnect the connector
(2), then remove the conductor assembly (3), Figure 6.

Figure 5 Remove four screws

Figure 6 BCR housing removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-95 REP 60.2
16. Remove two screws (1) then remove the marking guide, PL 90.25 Item 1 (2), Figure 7. 17. Remove the FFC cable assembly, PL 60.05 Item 7 and PL 60.05 Item 8 from the marking
guide PL 90.25 Item 1, Figure 8.

Figure 7 Marking guide removal

Figure 8 FFC cable assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 60.2 4-96 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 70.1 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Size Sensor REP 70.2 Pivot
Parts List on PL 70.05 Parts List on PL 70.50
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 and tray 2 to gain access to the inside-rear of the machine. 1. Separate the bypass tray from the lower frame assembly: Figure 1.
2. Remove the failed paper size sensor, PL 70.05 Item 3: Figure 1. a. Remove two screws (1).
a. Disconnect the connector (1). b. Release the tray link cover from the lower frame assembly (2).
b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove the failed paper size sensor (3).

Figure 1 Tray link cover

Figure 1 Tray 1/2 paper size sensor

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-97 REP 70.1, REP 70.2
2. Remove the top chute assembly, Figure 2. 3. Remove the chute front: Figure 3.
a. Release four latches (1) then (2). a. Release five hooks (1) then (2).
b. Remove the top chute assembly (3). b. Remove the chute front (3).

Figure 2 Top chute assembly Figure 3 Chute front removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.2 4-98 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Remove the pivot, PL 70.50 Item 1: Figure 4. REP 70.3 Bypass Tray
a. Rotate the pivot in the direction of the arrow (1).
Parts List on PL 70.50
b. Slide the pivot in the direction of the arrow (2).
c. Remove the pivot (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the pivot, REP 70.2.
2. Unlock the bypass tray from the left cover, lift the extension tray up to expose the back of
the bypass tray, then insert a screw in the hole (1) to keep the extension tray lifted, Figure

Figure 4 Pivot removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Extension tray lifted

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-99 REP 70.2, REP 70.3
3. Remove the screw (1) then remove the connector cover, Figure 2. 4. Disconnect the no paper harness connector, Figure 3.

Figure 2 Connector cover removal Figure 3 No paper harness connector

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.3 4-100 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Lower the extension tray (1) and feed the no paper harness through the hole of the 6. Lift the extension tray (2) to 75 degrees, remove the link part (3) of the bypass tray from
bypass tray (2), Figure 4. the main unit, then remove the bypass tray (4), Figure 5.

Figure 4 Release the harness Figure 5 Bypass tray removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-101 REP 70.3
REP 70.4 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensor Assembly 3. Lift the bypass tray, remove six screws (1), then remove the tray plate (2), Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 70.55

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Fully extend the extension tray.
2. Using firm pressure, pull the extension tray (2) from the bypass tray (1) to remove: Figure

Figure 2 Tray plate removal

Figure 1 Extension tray removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.4 4-102 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Remove the MSI paper size sensor assembly, PL 70.55 Item 1: Figure 3.
a. Remove three screws (1).
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
c. Release the harness (3).
d. Release the bypass tray paper size sensor assembly (4).
e. Disconnect the paper size sensor.
f. Remove the bypass tray paper size sensor assembly.

Figure 3 Assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-103 REP 70.4
Replacement 2. When installing the gear, align the marks on the front/rear rack to the marks on the bypass
tray, Figure 5.
1. When installing the bypass tray paper size sensor assembly, put the pin into the long hole
of the link, Figure 4.

Figure 5 Gear alignment

Figure 4 Pin and link location
3. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.4 4-104 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 70.5 2TM Tray 3/4 Paper Size Sensor Assembly REP 70.6 TTM Tray 3/4 Paper Size Sensor Assembly
Parts List on PL 70.20 Parts List on PL 70.35
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove 2TM tray 3 and tray 4, PL 70.20 Item 1. 1. Remove the transport stopper, PL 70.35 Item 20 or PL 70.35 Item 21.
2. Remove the malfunctioning paper size sensor, PL 70.20 Item 12: Figure 1. 2. Remove TTM tray 3 or tray 4, PL 70.35 Item 1 or PL 70.35 Item 2.
a. Disconnect the connector (1). 3. Remove the malfunctioning paper size sensor, PL 70.35 Item 22: Figure 1.
b. Remove the screw (2). a. Disconnect the connector (1).
c. Remove the paper size sensor (3). b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove the paper size sensor (3).

Figure 1 2TM paper size sensor removal

Figure 1 TTM Paper size sensor removal
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-105 REP 70.5, REP 70.6
REP 70.7 HCF Undocking Replacement
Parts List on PL 70.75 and PL 70.95 1. Align the holes in the HCF docking base (3) with the docking points (2) on the left side of
the machine. Refer to Figure 1.
NOTE: It may be necessary to rotate the machine caster so that it does not interfere with
WARNING docking.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 2. Push the HCF into place.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 3. Reconnect the HCF power cable.
1. Disconnect the HCF cable from the machine.
2. Unscrew the wing screw, then slide the HCF away from the machine.
3. Release the docking latch spring lever (1) on the right side of the docking base, Figure 1.

Figure 1 Docking base

4. Undock the HCF from the machine.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.7 4-106 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 70.8 HCF Tray Removal REP 70.9 HCF Tray Set Sensor
Parts List on PL 70.80 Parts List on PL 70.75
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the tray to full stop.
2. Remove all paper from the tray.
3. Using a small screwdriver, or other small blunt instrument, release the stopper on each
rail of the tray while pulling the tray out to release the tray.
4. Remove the tray.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

1. Remove the left cover, PL 70.75 Item 9.

2. Open the tray fully to gain access to the tray set sensor.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-107 REP 70.8, REP 70.9
3. Disconnect the connecor (1), then remove the tray set sensor (2), PL 70.75 Item 3, Figure REP 70.10 HCF Tray Latch Assembly
Parts List on PL 70.80

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Tray latch assembly removal, Figure 1:
a. Lay the HCF on the left side.
b. Open the tray to gain access to the tray bottom and tray latch assembly, PL 70.80
Item 1.
c. Remove two screws (1), then remove the tray latch assembly (2).

Figure 2 Tray set sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Tray latch assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.9, REP 70.10 4-108 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 70.11 HCF Lift Gear REP 70.12 HCF Gear Bracket Assembly
Parts List on PL 70.85 Parts List on PL 70.85
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7. 1. Remove the HCF lift gear, REP 70.11.
2. Remove the HCF tray, REP 70.8. 2. Remove three screws (1), then remove the gear bracket assembly, PL 70.85 Item 17, Fig-
3. Remove the lift gear, Figure 1: ure 1.
a. Remove two E-clips (1) then remove the plate (2).
b. Remove the lift gear PL 70.85 Item 24 (3).

Figure 1 Gear bracket assembly removal

Figure 1 Lift gear removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-109 REP 70.11, REP 70.12
REP 70.13 HCF Cables (Rear) 3. Remove the E-clip (1), Figure 2:

Parts List on PL 70.85

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HCF gear bracket assembly, REP 70.11.
2. Remove two E-clips the two short wire guides and two pulleys (1), then the E-clip the long
wire guide and pulley (2), Figure 1.

Figure 2 E-clip removal

Figure 1 Guides and pulleys removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.13 4-110 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Slide the bearing (1) left, away from the frame, releasing the lift shaft (2) from the HCF Replacement
frame, slide the pulley (3) to the rear, releasing the cable ends from the lift shaft (4), Fig-
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to Figure 4.
ure 3.

Figure 3 Releasing the cable ends

5. Thread the cables through the bottom plate, PL 70.85 Item 11, to remove the cables, Fig-
ure 4.

Figure 4 Replacement

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-111 REP 70.13
REP 70.14 HCF Cable (Front) 3. Prepare to remove the tray front cables. Remove two E-rings, wire guides and pulleys (1)
from the front of the HCF tray, Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 70.85
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HCF tray front cover, PL 70.50 Item 7.
2. Free movement of the front tray cable pulley, Figure 1:
a. Remove the E-ring (1) on the lift shaft.
b. Slide the bearing (2) to the rear on the lift shaft.
c. Front tray cable pulley (3), PL 70.85 Item 4.

Figure 2 Preparation

Figure 1 Tray cable pulley

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.14 4-112 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
4. Slide the pulley (1) to the right to release the rear lift cable ends (2), Figure 3. 5. Remove the front tray cables, Figure 4:
a. Remove the E-ring, wire guide and pulley (1).
b. Remove the cables (2).

Figure 3 Releasing the cable ends

Figure 4 Front cables removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-113 REP 70.14
Replacement REP 70.15 HCF Takeaway Roll and Bearing
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to Figure 5. Parts List on PL 70.90
NOTE: When reinstalling the HCF tray front cover, raise the gear on the indicator shaft so that Removal
it meshes with the adjoining lift shaft gear. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove the right cover, PL 70.75 Item 7.
3. Remove the front right cover, PL 70.75 Item 8.
4. Remove four screws (1) to remove the inner right cover, Figure 1.

Figure 5 Replacement
Figure 1 Inner right cover removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.14, REP 70.15 4-114 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Remove the lower chute, PL 70.90 Item 24: c. Release the cable clamp from the frame (4), Figure 4.
a. Remove the lower chute front screw (1), Figure 2.

Figure 4 Cable clamp

Figure 2 Front screw removal
d. Move the lower chute forward off the two screw shafts (5), then remove the lower
b. Gently pry the chute from the HCF frame to get over the set notch (2), then lift the chute (6), PL 70.90 Item 24, Figure 5.
chute front out of the way of the front cover latch pin (3), Figure 3.
NOTE: The two screw shafts are not securing the chute to the machine frame, only
holding the rear side of the chute in-place. Do not attempt to remove the two screws.

Figure 3 Chute front release

Figure 5 Rear screws

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-115 REP 70.15
6. Release the takeaway roll from the frame, PL 70.90 Item 18. c. Slide the bearing end of the takeaway roll forward (left) into the shaft hole (3), Figure
a. Remove the K-clip (1), Figure 6. 8.

Figure 6 K-clip removal Figure 8 Shaft hole

b. Slide the bearing (2) to the rear (right) onto the takaway roll, Figure 7. d. Drop the takeaway roll (4) through the notch in HCF frame, then remove the take-
away roll, PL 70.90 Item 18, Figure 9.

Figure 7 Slide bearing to the rear (right)

Figure 9 Takeaway roll removal

7. Remove the bearing from the takeaway roll, PL 70.90 Item 1,

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.15 4-116 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 70.16 HCF Feed Out Sensor
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 70.90
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove the right cover, PL 70.75 Item 7.
3. Remove four screws (1), then remove the inner right cover, Figure 1.

Figure 1 Inner right cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-117 REP 70.15, REP 70.16
4. Remove two screws (1) holding the feed out sensor bracket, Figure 2. REP 70.17 HCF Transport Interlock Switch
Parts List on PL 70.90
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove two screws (1), lift the transport interlock switch (2) from the frame hole, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Screw removal

5. Disconnect the connector (1), then remove the feed out sensor (2), PL 70.90 Item 25 from
the bracket, Figure 3.

Figure 1 Screw removal

Figure 3 Feed out sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.16, REP 70.17 4-118 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
2. Disconnect two connectors (1), then remove the transport interlock switch (2), PL 70.90 REP 70.18 HCF Takeaway Motor
Item 26, from the bracket, Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 70.95
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove the rear cover, PL 70.75 Item 10.
3. Disconnect the connector (1), remove four screws (2), then remove the takeaway motor
(3), PL 70.95 Item 7, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Transport interlock switch removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Takeaway motor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-119 REP 70.17, REP 70.18
REP 70.19 HCF Slide Out Switch REP 70.20 HCF PWB
Parts List on PL 70.95 Parts List on PL 70.95
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove the HCF tray, REP 70.8.
3. Disconnect two connectors (1), then squeeze the locks on each side of the slide out
switch (2), then remove the slide out switch (3), PL 70.95 Item 8 from the bracket, Figure

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Print a Configuration Report, then verify the software is the latest version. Upgrade the
software as necessary, GP 4.
2. Undock the HCF, REP 70.8.
3. Remove the rear cover, PL 70.75 Item 10.
4. Disconnect all connectors from the HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9.
5. Remove fore screws (1), then remove the HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9, Figure 2.

Figure 1 Slide out switch removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 2 HCF PWB removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.19, REP 70.20 4-120 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 70.21 HCF Paper Size Sensor
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure Parts List on PL 70.95
NOTE: Post replacement: print a configuration report, then compare to the confuguration Removal
report printed at the begining of the procedure. If necessary, reload the software, GP 4. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Open the HCF tray, PL 70.75.
3. Remove the rear cover, PL 70.75 Item 10.
4. Remove the left top cover, PL 70.75 Item 7.
5. Disconnect the connector (1), then remove the appropriate size sensor; (2) HCF paper
sensor (Letter) (Q78-202), (3) HCF paper sensor (A4) (Q78-203), PL 70.95 Item 13, Fig-
ure 1.

Figure 1 Size sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-121 REP 70.20, REP 70.21
REP 70.22 HCF Damper and Pinion 5. Remove the damper, Figure 2.
a. Remove two screws (1), then remove the damper (2), PL 70.95 Item 16.
Parts List on PL 70.95
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove the HCF tray, REP 70.8.
3. Remove the wing screw to release the slide mechanism, then slide the HCF open to gain
access to the pinion, PL 70.95 Item 17 and damper, PL 70.95 Item 16.
4. Remove the Pinion: Figure 1:
a. Remove the E-clip (1), then remove the pinion (2), PL 70.95 Item 17.

Figure 2 Damper removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Pinion removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 70.22 4-122 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 70.23 HCF Feed Head Replacement
Parts List on PL 70.75 1. Align the guide pins of the frame with the adjacent holes in the feedhead frame pushing
the feedhead assembly into the connector until fully seated.
2. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove the tray, REP 70.8.
3. Remove the left top cover, PL 70.75 Item 6.
4. Open the top cover, PL 70.90 Item 7.
5. Remove two screws (1) securing the front frame, PL 80.100 Item 13, to the HCF frame,
Figure 1.

Figure 1 Feeder securing screws

6. Slide the feed head assembly, PL 70.75 Item 11 forward to remove.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-123 REP 70.23
Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue
REP 70.23 4-124 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.1 Tray 1 Feedhead Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.05 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
Removal HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-800"
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 and tray 2, PL 70.05 Item 1 and PL 70.05 Item 2.
2. Remove the left cover assembly, REP 80.18.
3. Remove the chute, PL 70.50 Item 11.
4. Remove the tray 1 feedhead assembly, PL 80.05 Item 1, Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove two screws (2).
c. Remove the tray 1 feedhead assembly (3).

Figure 1 Tray 1 feedhead assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-125 REP 80.1
REP 80.2 Tray 2 Feedhead Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.05 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
Removal HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-801"
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 and tray 2, PL 70.05 Item 1 and PL 70.05 Item 2.
2. Remove the left cover assembly, REP 80.18.
3. Remove the chute, PL 70.50 Item 11.
4. Remove the tray 2 feedhead assembly, PL 80.05 Item 2, Figure 1.
a. Disconnect two connectors (1).
b. Remove the harness tie (2).
c. Remove two screws (3).
d. Remove the tray 2 feedhead assembly (4).

Figure 1 Tray 2 feedhead assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.2 4-126 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.3 Tray 1/2 Feed Roll Kit Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.10 and PL 80.15 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
Removal HFSI counter:
WARNING Tray 1: “Chain Link: 954-800".
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
Tray 2: “Chain Link: 954-801".
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The feed roll kit replacement procedure is the same for tray 1 and tray 2. The feed rolls
are replaced as a set, PL 80.10 Item 11, PL 80.15 Item 10.

1. Remove tray 1 and tray 2, PL 70.05 Item 1 and PL 70.05 Item 2.

2. Remove the feed, nudger, and retard roll, PL 80.10 and PL 80.15, Figure 1.
a. Move the chute to the front (1).
b. Remove the feed, nudger, and retard roll (2).

Figure 1 Tray 1/2 feed roll kit removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-127 REP 80.3
REP 80.4 2TM Feedhead 1 Assembly 5. Disconnect the 2TM feedhead 1 assembly: Figure 2.
a. Disconnect two connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 80.20
b. Open the clamp (2), then move the harness out of the way.
Removal c. Remove the screw at the rear (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2TM tray 3 and tray 4 assemblies, PL 70.20 Item 1.
2. Open the 2TM left cover assembly, PL 80.20 Item 1.

NOTE: The feedhead 1 assembly and the feedhead 2 assembly, PL 80.20 Item 10 are
identified by (1) and (2). Refer to the upper position for assemblies that are in both posi-

3. Remove the feed out chute, PL 80.20 Item 11, upper position.
4. Remove the connector cover PL 80.20 Item 9, Figure 1.
a. Release the hook (1).
b. Remove the connector cover (2), PL 80.20 Item 9 upper position.

Figure 2 Rear screw removal

Figure 1 Connector cover removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.4 4-128 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
6. Remove the screw at the front (4), Figure 3. 8. Remove the 2TM feedhead 1 assembly (5) in the direction of the arrow, PL 80.20 Item 10
upper position, Figure 4.

Figure 3 Front screw removal

Figure 4 2TM feedhead 1 assembly removal
7. Remove the takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.25 Item 1, upper position.
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-802".

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-129 REP 80.4
REP 80.5 2TM Feedhead 2 Assembly 6. Remove the connector cover: Figure 1.
a. Release the hook (1).
Parts List on PL 80.20
b. Remove the connector cover (2).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2TM tray 3 and tray 4 assemblies, PL 70.20 Item 1.
2. Remove the foot cover, PL 80.20 Item 4.
3. Remove the 2TM left cover, PL 80.20 Item 7.
4. Open the 2TM left cover assembly, PL 80.20 Item 1.

NOTE: The feedhead 1 assembly and the feedhead 2 assembly, PL 80.20 Item 10 are
identified by (1) and (2). Refer to the lower position for assemblies that are in both posi-

5. Remove the feed out chute, PL 80.20 Item 11, lower position.

Figure 1 Connector cover removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.5 4-130 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
7. Disconnect the 2TM feedhead 2 assembly: Figure 2. 8. Remove the screw at the front (4), Figure 3.
a. Disconnect two connectors (1).
b. Open the clamp (2), then move the harness out of the way.
c. Remove the screw at the rear (3).

Figure 3 Front screw removal

9. Remove the takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.25 Item 1, lower position.

Figure 2 Rear screw removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-131 REP 80.5
10. Remove the 2TM feedhead 2 assembly (5) in the direction of the arrow, PL 80.20 Item 10 REP 80.6 2TM Takeaway Roll Assembly (Upper)
lower position, Figure 4.
Parts List on PL 80.25
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the 2TM left cover assembly, PL 80.20 Item 1.
2. Remove the k-clip (1), Figure 1.

Figure 4 2TH feeder 2 assembly removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-803".

Figure 1 K-clip removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.5, REP 80.6 4-132 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3. Remove the takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.25 Item 1, Figure 2. REP 80.7 2TM Tray Chute Assembly
a. Slide the takeaway roll assembly to the rear (2).
Parts List on PL 80.25
b. Lift the actuator and lay the shaft out of the way.
c. Slide forward, then pull out from the front to remove (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: This procedure describes the removal of 2TM tray 3 chute assembly, PL 80.25 Item 3,
tray 4 chute assembly is similar, PL 80.25 Item 8.

1. Remove the 2TM feedhead 1 assembly, REP 80.4.

2. Remove the upper takeaway roll assembly, REP 80.6.
3. Remove the tray 3 chute assembly, PL 80.25 Item 3, Figure 1.
a. Remove two screws (1).
b. Release the boss, above left and slide to the rear to remove the tray chute assembly
c. Release two hooks, then remove the switch from the actuator.

Figure 2 Takeaway roll assembly removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Tray 3 chute assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-133 REP 80.6, REP 80.7
Replacement REP 80.8 2TM Takeaway Roll Assembly (Lower)
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 80.25
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the 2TM left cover assembly, PL 80.20 Item 1.
2. Remove the 2TM takeaway roll assembly, Figure 1.
a. Remove the k-clip (1).
b. Slide the 2TM takeaway roll assembly to the rear and remove (2).

Figure 1 2TM takeaway roll assembly

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.7, REP 80.8 4-134 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.9 2TM Takeaway Motor Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.30 The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 70.20 Item 11.
2. Remove the 2TM takeaway motor assembly, PL 80.30 Item 1, Figure 1.
a. Remove four screws (1).
b. Disconnect the connector (2),
c. Remove the c-clip (3).
d. Release the harness from the clamp (4).
e. Remove the 2TM takeaway motor assembly (5).

Figure 1 Takeaway motor assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-135 REP 80.9
REP 80.10 2TM Belt REP 80.12 2TM Feed Roll Kit
Parts List on PL 80.30 Parts List on PL 80.35
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2TM takeaway motor assembly, REP 80.8.
NOTE: The feed roll kit replacement procedure is the same for tray 3 and tray 4. The feed rolls
2. Remove the 2TM belt, PL 80.30 Item 2, Figure 1. are replaced as a set, PL 80.35 Item 13.
a. Loosen the tensioning screw (1).
1. Remove the tray 3 & 4 assembly, PL 70.20 Item 1.
b. Remove the 2TM belt (2).
2. Remove the feed, nudger, and retard roll, PL 80.35, Figure 1.
a. Move the chute to the front (1).
b. Remove the feed, nudger, and retard roll (2).

Figure 1 2TM belt

Figure 1 2TM feed roll kit removal
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.10, REP 80.12 4-136 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 80.14 TTM Tray 3 Feedhead Assembly
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 80.40
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
HFSI counter:
Tray 3: “Chain Link: 954-802". WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
Tray 4: “Chain Link: 954-803“.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the TTM left cover assembly, PL 70.35 Item 16.
2. Remove the connector cover (1), Figure 1.

Figure 1 Connector cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-137 REP 80.12, REP 80.14
3. Disconnect two connectors (2), open the clamp (3), then remove the screw (4), Figure 2. 4. Remove the screw (5), then remove the TTM tray 3 feedhead assembly (6) PL 80.40 Item
3, Figure 3.

Figure 2 Rear side removal

Figure 3 Front side removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-802".

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.14 4-138 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.15 TTM Tray 4 Feedhead Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.55 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
Removal HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-803".
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the TTM Tray 3 Assembly, PL 70.35 Item 1.
2. Remove the TTM Tray 4 Assembly, PL 70.35 Item 2.
3. Remove the TTM Transport Assembly, PL 80.40 Item 6.
4. Remove the TTM tray 4 feedhead assembly, PL 80.40 Item 7, Figure 1.
a. Remove two screws (1).
b. Remove the TTM tray 4 feedhead assembly (2)

Figure 1 TTM tray 4 feedhead assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-139 REP 80.15
REP 80.16 TTM Feed Roll Kit Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.55 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
Removal HFSI counter:
WARNING Tray 3: “Chain Link: 954-802".
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
Tray 4: “Chain Link: 954-803".
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The feed roll kit replacement procedure is the same for tray 3 and tray 4. The feed rolls
are replaced as a set, PL 80.50 Item 11, PL 80.55 Item 11.

1. Remove TTM tray 3 assembly, PL 70.35 Item 1.

2. Remove TTM tray 4 assembly, PL 70.35 Item 2.
3. If replacing the rolls for tray 4 remove the tray 4 feedhead assembly, REP 80.15.
4. Remove the feed, nudger, and retard roll, PL 80.50 and PL 80.55, Figure 1.
a. Move the chute to the front (1).
b. Remove the feed, nudger, and retard roll (2).

Figure 1 TTM feed roll kit removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.16 4-140 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.17 TTM Transport Roll Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 80.60 The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove TTM tray 3 assembly, PL 70.35 Item 1.
2. Remove TTM tray 4 assembly, PL 70.35 Item 2.
3. Remove the TTM tray 4 feedhead assembly, REP 80.15.
4. Remove the transport roll assembly, PL 80.60, Figure 1.
Take care not to lose the two washers, PL 80.60 Item 15 and two bearings, PL 80.60 Item
9 behind the two pulleys, PL 80.60 Item 10.
a. Move two e-rings (1).
b. Remove two pulleys and the belt (2).
c. Remove the transport roll assembly (3).

Figure 1 Transport roll assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-141 REP 80.17
REP 80.18 Not Used REP 80.19 Bypass Feedhead Assembly
Parts List on Parts List on PL 80.120
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the left cover assembly, REP 80.21.
2. Remove the bypass tray, REP 70.3.
3. Remove the bypass feedhead assembly.
a. Remove the screw (1), then remove the harness guide (2), Figure 1.

Figure 1 Transport roll assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.18, REP 80.19 4-142 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
b. Disconnect the connector (3), Figure 2. c. Lift the bypass takeaway assembly (4) in the direction of the arrow, Remove two
claws (5), than remove the knob (6), Figure 3.

Figure 2 Connector
Figure 3 Knob removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-143 REP 80.19
d. Push in and move left to release two springs (7) and remove from the bypass take- e. Press the left lower chute assembly tabs in the direction of the arrows to release the
away assembly, them remove the bypass takeaway assembly (8) PL 70.50 Item 4, tab pins (9), then lift the left chute assembly, Figure 5.
Figure 4.

Figure 5 Left lower chute pins

Figure 4 Bypass takeaway assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.19 4-144 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
f. Remove two screws (10) holding the miller plate, then remove the left lower chute g. Remove five screws (11), disconnect the connector (12), then remove the bypass
assembly, Figure 6. feeder kit (13), PL 70.50 Item 17, Figure 7.

Figure 6 Left lower chute assembly removal Figure 7 Bypass feeder kit removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-145 REP 80.19
REP 80.20 Bypass Tray Roll Kit b. Release the hooks of the feed, nudge, and retard rolls, PL 80.20, then slide and
remove in the direction of the arrow (2), Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 80.120
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the bypass feedhead assembly, REP 80.19.
2. Remove the bypass tray roll kit.
a. Lift the top cover of the upper frame assembly in the direction of the arrow (1), Figure

Figure 2 Roll removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After a replacement, enter Diagnostic Mode, and use “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the
HFSI counter:
“Chain Link: 954-805".

Figure 1 Lift the cover

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.20 4-146 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.21 Left Cover Assembly 3. Remove the left cover assembly.
a. Open the left cover (1), then remove the KL-clip (2) securing the rear left support
Parts List on PL 80.65 bracket, PL 80.65 Item 5, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the lower left cover, PL 28.10 Item 4.
2. Disconnect the left cover assembly harness: Figure 1.
a. Release the clamp (1).
b. Disconnect two connectors (2).
c. Remove the screw securing the ground wire (3).

Figure 2 KL-clip removal

Figure 1 Disconnect the harness

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-147 REP 80.21
b. Remove the EL-clip (3), then release the front support from the pin, Figure 3. c. Remove the KL-clip (4) securing the link assembly, then release the link assembly
from the pin, Figure 4.

Figure 3 E-clip removal

Figure 4 Release the link assembly

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.21 4-148 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
d. Remove the KL-clip (5), then securing the front support to the IOT frame, Figure 5. e. Open the left cover assembly 15 degrees from horizontal. Slide the left cover assem-
bly to the rear of the machine to clear the front hinge (6) and pull out, then slide the
left cover assembly forward to release the pin in the rear (7) and remove the left
cover assembly, Figure 6.

Figure 5 KL-clip removal

Figure 6 Left cover assembly removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-149 REP 80.21
REP 80.22 2nd BTR Roll Assembly
Parts List on PL 80.65
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.65 Item 1.
2. Remove the 2nd BTR roll assembly, PL 80.65 Item 2.
The bearing is not secured to the 2nd BTR roll assembly, do not drop the bearing during
removal and replacement.
a. Release four hooks (1), then remove the 2nd BTR roll (2), Figure 1.
Figure 2

Figure 2 2nd BTR roll removed

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Enter dC135 to reset the HFSI Counter for the 2nd BTR assembly:
“Chain Link: 954-821".

Figure 1 2nd BTR roll removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.22 4-150 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.23 2nd BTR Housing Assembly
Parts List on PL 80.70
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.65 Item 1.
2. Remove the fusing link: Figure 1.
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the bracket (2).

Figure 1 Bracket removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-151 REP 80.23
3. Release the boss securing the 2nd BTR housing assembly, PL 80.70 Item 5, Figure 2. 4. Slide the 2nd BTR housing assembly in the direction of the arrow to remove, Figure 3.

Figure 2 Boss location Figure 3 2nd BTR housing assembly removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. After replacement, enter dC135 HFSI Counter to reset the counter for the 2nd BTR unit:
“Chain Link: 954-821".

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.23 4-152 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.24 Duplex Inner Chute Assembly 3. Disconnect two connectors (1), then release the harness from the harness guide (2), Fig-
ure 2.
Parts List on PL 80.70
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the 2nd BTR roll surface with your hands.
1. Remove the 2nd BTR housing assembly, REP 80.23.
2. Remove the screw (1), then remove the duplex motor cover (2), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Release the harness

Figure 1 Duplex motor cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-153 REP 80.24
4. Remove the duplex inner chute assembly, PL 80.80, Figure 3. 5. Release the two registration chute pins (3), Figure 4.
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the plate (2).

Figure 4 Pin release

Figure 3 Plate removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.24 4-154 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
6. Lift then remove the registration chute (4), Figure 5. 7. Remove the e-clip (5), then remove the handle (6), Figure 6.

Figure 5 Registration chute removal Figure 6 Handle removal

8. Remove the POB jam sensor, REP 80.28.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-155 REP 80.24
9. Remove four screws (8), then remove the registration tie plate (9), Figure 7. 10. Turn the duplex inner chute assembly over, then remove the wire harness (10), Figure 8.

Figure 7 Tie plate removal Figure 8 Wire harness removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.24 4-156 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.25 Lower Chute Assembly
Parts List on PL 80.75
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.65 Item 1. If it is necessary to remove the left cover
assembly refer to REP 80.21.
2. Press in on the lower chute assembly (1) in the direction of the arrows, then lift the lower
chute assembly, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Lower chute assembly removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Duplex motor cover removal

3. Release two tabs (2) attaching the left transport chassis to the lower chute assembly, then
remove the lower chute assembly, Figure 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-157 REP 80.25
REP 80.26 Registration Sensor 3. Disconnect two connectors (1), the release the harness from the harness guide (2), Fig-
ure 2.
Parts List on PL 80.80
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2nd BTR housing assembly, REP 80.23.
2. Remove the screw (1), then remove the duplex motor cover (2), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Release the harness

4. Remove the duplex inner chute assembly, REP 80.24.

Figure 1 Registration sensor removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.26 4-158 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Remove the registration sensor (1), Figure 3. REP 80.27 Handle
Parts List on PL 80.80
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.65 Item 1.
2. Remove the e-clip (1), then remove the handle (2), PL 80.80 Item 6, Figure 1.

Figure 3 Registration sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Disconnect the harness

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-159 REP 80.26, REP 80.27
REP 80.28 POB Jam Sensor 3. Remove the POB jam sensor, PL 80.80 Item 9, Figure 2.
a. Remove the screw (1).
Parts List on PL 80.80
b. Disconnect the connector (2).
Removal c. Remove the POB jam sensor (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2ND BTR housing assembly, REP 80.23.
2. Remove the harness cover: Figure 1.
a. Remove the screw (1).
b. Remove the harness cover (2).

Figure 2 POB jam sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Harness cover removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.28 4-160 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.29 Left Cover Interlock Switch Assembly 4. Remove two screws (2) then remove the interlock switch assembly (3) PL 80.65 Item 9,
Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 80.65
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.
2. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.65 Item 1.
3. Disconnect the connector behind the video contact chassis assembly (1), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Interlock switch assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Connector location

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-161 REP 80.29
REP 80.30 Registration Transport Assembly 3. Remove the registration transport assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1, Figure 2.
a. Remove three screws (1).
Parts List on PL 80.90
b. Slide the registration transport assembly (2) left towards the shaft hole.
Removal c. Lift the right side up then disengage the registration transport assembly from the pin.
WARNING d. Roll the top of the registration transport assembly back to release the registration
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord transport assembly from the pin.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity e. Pull the right-side out to release the shaft from the hole in the chassis and remove
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. the registration transport assembly.
1. Open the left cover assembly, PL 80.65 Item 1.
2. Mark the position of the adjustment camshaft on the front side of the registration transport
assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1, before beginning removal, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Registration transport assembly removal

Figure 1 Mark the adjust camshaft location

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.30 4-162 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement 5. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6, then loosen two screws (2) securing the
skew adjust block, Figure 4.
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Attach the registration transport assembly with the rear screw first.
Tighten the rear screw at the rear side of the registration transport assembly or the duplex
motor drive of the motor drive PWB may be damaged.
3. Set the position of the adjustment cam on the front side to the mark made before removal,
Figure 1.
4. Loosen the two screws (1) of the registration transport assembly, Figure 3.

Figure 4 Adjust block screws

Figure 3 Registration transport assembly screws

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-163 REP 80.30
6. Turn the adjustment camshaft while observing the front of the registration transport REP 80.31 Chute Assembly
assembly to verify the registration transport assembly rises as the adjustment camshaft
turns, Figure 5. Parts List on PL 80.90
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the left cover assembly, REP 80.21.
2. Remove the screw (1), Figure 1.

Figure 5 Adjust camshaft turn location

7. Tighten the two screws (1) of the registration transport assembly left loose, Figure 3.

NOTE: If paper wrinkles are generated, refer to RAP IQ2 IOT defects rap, transfer wrin-
kle. Check for moisture in the paper, replace with new paper as needed.

Figure 1 Screw removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.30, REP 80.31 4-164 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3. Remove the screw (2), then remove connector cover (3), Figure 2. 4. Slide the chute assembly (3), PL 80.90 Item 4, in the direction of the right-arrow, then
remove the chute assembly in the direction of the out-arrow, Figure 3.

Figure 2 Connector cover removal

Figure 3 Chute assembly removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: To ease assembly the following steps are suggested:

1. Lift the tray 1 feedhead assembly.
2. Insert the locating pins of the chute assembly into the frame.
3. Install the front screw.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-165 REP 80.31
REP 80.32 Takeaway Roll Assembly 4. Remove the k-clip on the inside of the bracket (2), Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 80.90

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the left cover assembly, REP 80.21.
2. Remove the chute assembly REP 80.31.
3. Remove the k-clip (1) holding the gear on the end the shaft towards the rear of the
machine, then remove the gear, Figure 1.

NOTE: For reassembly, note the orientation of the front-side hinge plate.

Figure 2 Connector cover removal

Figure 1 K-clip and gear removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.32 4-166 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Slide the takeaway roll assembly (4), PL 80.90 Item 7, in the direction of the arrow REP 80.33 Registration Drive Assembly
towards the rear of the machine (3), then remove the takeaway roll assembly, Figure 3.
Parts List on PL 80.95
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.
2. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.
3. Remove the motor drive PWB, REP 1.4.
4. Remove the registration drive assembly, PL 80.95 Item 1: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect two connectors (1).
b. Remove the five screws (2).
c. Remove the cable tie from the frame.
d. Remove the registration drive assembly (3).

Figure 3 Takeaway roll assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Registration drive assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-167 REP 80.32, REP 80.33
Replacement REP 80.34 Drive Assembly (Takeaway Motor 2)
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 80.95
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the motor drive PWB, REP 1.5.
2. Remove the AC drive PWB, REP 1.5.
3. Remove the LVPS, REP 1.6.
4. Remove the takeaway motor 2 drive assembly, PL 80.95 Item 15: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove the three screws (2).
c. Remove the drive assembly (3).

Figure 1 Takeaway motor 2 drive removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.33, REP 80.34 4-168 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Replacement REP 80.35 HCF Feed, Nudger, and Retard Rolls
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 80.105 and PL 80.110
NOTE: The feed rolls are replaced as a set. Refer to, PL 80.105 Item 24.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the feeder top cover, PL 70.90 Item 7.
2. Release the green lever opening the upper feeder assembly to gain access to the feed,
nudger, and retard rolls.

NOTE: For reference purposes, the single roll in the upper feeder assembly is the nudger
roll. The double roll in the upper feeder assembly is the feed roll. The larger double roll in
the lower feeder component is the retard roll.

3. Remove the feed roll, PL 80.105 Item 22, nudger roll, PL 80.105 Item 23, and retard roll,
PL 80.110 Item 1by squeezing the roll’s shaft at both ends and lifting the roll up and out of
the HCF.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-169 REP 80.34, REP 80.35
REP 80.36 HCF Feed Shaft Assembly, Ball Bearing and 5. Remove the ball bearing and feed gear, Figure 2:
a. Remove the E-clip (1).
Feed Gear
b. Remove the feed gear (2).
Parts List on PL 80.105 c. Remove the ball bearing (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the top cover, PL 70.90 Item 7.
2. Release the green lever opening the upper feeder assembly, PL 80.105 Item 1.
3. Remove the nudger roll, PL 80.105 Item 23.
4. Remove the feed shaft, ball bearing, and feed gear: Figure 1.
a. Remove the E-clip (1) and bearing (2), PL 80.105 Item 10.
b. Slide the remaining feed shaft assembly (3) to the right (rear), then remove the feed
shaft assembly, PL 80.105 Item 4.

Figure 2 Ball bearing and feed gear removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: Order replacement using feed shaft assembly, PL 80.105 Item 4.

Figure 1 Feed shaft assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.36 4-170 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 80.37 HCF Latch REP 80.38 HCF Level/No Paper and Pre Feed Sensor
Parts List on PL 80.105 Parts List on PL 80.105
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the top cover, PL 70.90 Item 7. 1. Open the top cover, PL 70.90 Item 7.
2. Lift the upper feed assembly lever, PL 80.105 Item 9, to open the upper feed assembly, 2. Lift the upper feed assembly lever, PL 80.105 Item 9, to open the upper feed assembly,
gaining access to the latch shaft, PL 80.105 Item 3. gaining access to the underside components.
3. Remove the latch, PL 80.105 Item 2. 3. Remove the rear upper chute, PL 80.105 Item 14.
a. Remove three E-clips. 4. Remove the upper chute, PL 80.105 Item 15.
b. Release the spring, PL 80.105 Item 18, from the hole in the rear latch. 5. Remove one screw (1), then remove the sensor cover (2), Figure 1.
c. Slide the latch shaft, PL 80.105 Item 3, to the front (left) clearing the rear end of the
latch shaft from the hole in the frame, then remove the latch shaft.
d. Slide the latch, PL 80.105 Item 2 off the latch shaft to remove.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: Ensure that the plastic pads on the lower chute fit in the track before pushing it in.

Figure 1 Sensor cover removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-171 REP 80.37, REP 80.38
6. Disconnect the connectors (1), level sensor and no paper sensor (2), PL 80.105 Item 19, REP 80.39 HCF Feed Lift Motor
then one screw (3) securing the pre feed sensor (4), PL 80.105 Item 20, Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 80.100
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the HCF, REP 70.7.
2. Remove rear cover, PL 70.75 Item 10.
3. Disconnect the motor harness (1) from the HCF electrical harness, remove two screws
(2), then remove the HCF feed lift motor (3), PL 80.100 Item 23, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 HCF feed lift motor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 80.38, REP 80.39 4-172 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 90.1 Conductor Housing Assembly 10. Remove the harness bracket: Figure 1.
a. Release two cable ties (1).
Parts List on PL 90.05
b. Release the LED head harness from the guide (3).
Removal c. Remove the screw (2) then remove the harness bracket.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8. REP 90.1
2. Remove the motor drive PWB, REP 1.4.
3. Remove the motor drive chassis assembly, PL 1.10 Item 3.
4. Remove the AC drive PWB, REP 1.5.
5. Remove the AC bracket, PL 1.15 Item 2.
6. Remove the LVPS, REP 1.6.
7. Remove the fuser drive assembly, REP 40.2.
8. Remove main the drive assembly, REP 40.1.
9. Remove the developer bias HVPS PWB, REP 1.7.

Figure 1 Harness bracket removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-173 REP 90.1
11. Remove the conductor housing assembly, PL 90.05 Item 1, Figure 2. Replacement
CAUTION 1. During replacement properly route the LED head harnesses, Figure 3.
Take care not to damage the springs or allow the springs to fall out of the conductor hous-
ing assembly.
a. Remove two screws (1).
b. Remove the conductor housing assembly (2).

Figure 3 LED head harness routing

2. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 2 Conductor housing assembly removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.1 4-174 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 90.2 Plunger
Parts List on PL 90.05
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Perform the procedure to remove the FFC cable assembly PL 60.05 Item 9, REP 60.2.

NOTE: Plunger location:

• To access the plunger it is not necessary to remove the FCC cables PL 60.05 Item 7
and PL 60.05 Item 8 from the marking guide, PL 90.25 Item 1.
• The plunger is mounted on the developer conductor housing assembly, PL 90.05
Item 2, part of the FCC cable assembly, PL 60.05 Item 9.

2. Remove the plunger, PL 90.05 Item 3, Figure 1.

a. Press down on the plunger, turn clockwise to align the grove to the pin (1) unlocking
the plunger (2).
b. Remove the plunger (2).

Figure 1 Plunger removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-175 REP 90.2
Replacement REP 90.3 New Developer Assembly (Y,M,C,K)
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Parts List on PL 90.05
NOTE: Take caution not to touch the LPH assembly during the plunger removal and Removal
replacement. If you touch it, perform LPH cleaning.
NOTE: Take caution not to spill toner onto the marking guide opening during the tasks. A Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
power supply failure occurs when toner is adhered to the contact of the plunger. Wipe the from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
contact part of the plunger with a dry cloth if toner has adhered to the plunger contact.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
To prevent light fatigue, either wrap the removed drum cartridge in a black sheet of paper or
store it in a black bag.
Do not touch the surface of the drum cartridge.

NOTE: The following describes only the procedure for the developer assembly (K), the proce-
dure is the same for all developer assemblies (Y,M,C,K).

1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.

2. Remove the waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
3. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
4. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
5. Remove the developer assembly: Figure 1.
a. Disconnect the connector (1).
b. Remove the screw (2).
c. Remove the developer assembly (3).

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.2, REP 90.3 4-176 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
1. Using a toner vacuum on the output port, clean the inside of the waste toner transport
assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1, Figure 2.

NOTE: Rotate the gear in the direction of the arrow (clockwise) to assist ejection of the
toner during cleaning.

Figure 1 Developer assembly removal

Figure 2 Rotate the gear

2. Inspect the MOB/ADC assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4. If toner is visible on the MOB/ADC
assembly remove the MOB/ADC assembly for cleaning, REP 90.9.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-177 REP 90.3
3. Inspect and clean the frame of all toner before installing the developer assembly, Figure 3. 4. Inspect and clean all toner from the developer assembly gear before installing or banding
and excessive wear of the gear will occur, Figure 4.

Figure 3 Frame inspection

Figure 4 Gear inspection

5. Add new developer to the developer housing assembly, see REP 90.7.
6. Remove the gear cover, PL 90.05 Item 7, and the developer plate assembly, PL 90.05
Item 6, from the old developer assembly, then install the gear cover and developer plate
assembly onto the new developer assembly.
7. Tear off the loose half of the ATC sensor perforated tag. Leave the other half of the ATC
sensor label on the developer housing. Retain the torn off tag to be used in step 11.
8. Install the developer.
9. The remainder of the replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
10. Enter Diagnostic Mode, then use dC135 “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the HFSI coun-
“Chain Link: 954-830" (Y)
“Chain Link: 954-831" (M)
“Chain Link: 954-832" (C)
“Chain Link: 954-833" (K)
“Chain Link: 954-834" (Y)
“Chain Link: 954-835" (M)

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.3 4-178 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
“Chain Link: 954-836" (C) REP 90.4 Toner Dispense Motor Assembly
“Chain Link: 954-837" (K)
Parts List on PL 90.10
11. Run dC950 ATC Sensor Setup. Enter the value from the tag removed from the replace-
ment developer. Removal
12. Run dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup. WARNING
13. Run dC301 to initialize NVM for: Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
“ATC Setup Coefficient” from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
“ATC Setup Offset” can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
“ATC_Barcode_No” 1. Pull out the toner cartridge to the extent indicated in Figure 1.
“deltaATC Target Setup Correction”

Figure 1 Toner cartridge

2. Remove the rear lower cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.

3. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.
4. Remove the BTR HVPS PWB, REP 1.1.
5. Remove the conductor housing assembly, REP 90.1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-179 REP 90.3, REP 90.4
6. Remove the toner dispense motor assembly, PL 90.10 Item 1, Figure 2. REP 90.5 Toner CRUM Connector Assembly
a. Disconnect four connectors (1).
Parts List on PL 90.10
b. Remove five clips (2).
c. Open the clamp (3), then remove the harness.
d. Remove six screws (4). WARNING
e. Remove the toner dispense motor assembly (5). Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste cartridge assembly, PL 90.15 Item 6.
3. Remove the waste toner assembly, PL 90.15 Item 6.
4. Remove the inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
5. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
6. Remove the inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
7. Remove the inner right cap cover, PL 28.05 Item 3.
8. Remove the inner right cover, PL 28.05 Item 6.
9. Remove the affected toner cartridge (Y,M,C,K), PL 90.10.

Figure 2 Toner dispense motor assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.4, REP 90.5 4-180 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
10. Remove the toner CRUM connector assembly: Figure 1. REP 90.6 Dispenser Assembly
(1) Disconnect the connector (1).
Parts List on PL 90.10
(2) Release the hook (2), and slide in the direction of the arrow.
(3) Remove the toner crum connector assembly (3).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
When removing the Drum, cover it with a black sheet, etc. to prevent light fatigue.
Do not touch the Drum surface with your hands.

NOTE: The following procedure if for the dispenser assembly (Y) PL 90.10 Item 27, the proce-
dure is the same for all dispenser assemblies (Y,M,C,K).

1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.

2. Remove the waste toner assembly, PL 90.15 Item 6.
3. Remove the inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
4. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
5. Remove the inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
6. Remove the inner right cap cover, PL 28.05 Item 3.
7. Remove the inner right cover, PL 28.05 Item 6.
8. Remove the IBT belt assembly, REP 90.8.
9. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
10. Remove the developer assembly, REP 90.3.
11. Remove the affected toner cartridge (Y,M,C,K), PL 90.10.

Figure 1 Toner crum connector assembly removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-181 REP 90.5, REP 90.6
12. Remove the dispenser assembly: Figure 1. REP 90.7 Developer Replacement
(1) Remove four screws (1).
Parts List on PL 90.05
(2) Remove the dispenser assembly (3).
NOTE: Always remove in the order (Y,M,C,K).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
To prevent light fatigue, either wrap the removed drum cartridge in a black sheet of paper or
store it in a black bag.
1. Prepare the black paper or black bag.
2. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
3. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
4. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
5. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
6. Remove the developer assembly, REP 90.3.
7. Release the snap fit and remove the upper cover (6), Figure 1.

Figure 1 Dispenser assembly removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Upper cover removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.6, REP 90.7 4-182 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
8. Remove the triumph plate (7), Figure 2. 9. Place the developer housing assembly (1) into the plastic bag shipped with the developer,
turn the developer housing assembly upside down, then rotate the gear (2) clockwise to
eject the developer into the bag, Figure 3.

Figure 2 Triumph plate removal

Figure 3 Eject old developer

10. Install the triumph plate back into the developer housing assembly, Figure 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-183 REP 90.7
11. Open the bag of new developer carefully, then slowly add new developer to the magnetic 12. Rotate the gear (1) to the right (clockwise) to evenly distribute the developer on the mag-
roller side, Figure 4. netic roller, Figure 5.

Figure 4 Add new developer Figure 5 Rotate the gear

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.7 4-184 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
NOTE: Do not fill developer past the line inside the housing, approximately 3mm, below 13. Clean any developer or toner from the location indicated by the black dashed area out-
the upper cover installation slot, Figure 6. lined in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Clean housing area

Figure 6 Fill line

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-185 REP 90.7
14. Inspect and clean all developer or toner from the seal on the upper cover, Figure 8. 16. Turn the developer housing over, inspect and clean all developer or toner from the DRS
block located in Figure 9.

Figure 8 Clean the seal

Figure 9 Clean the DRS block
15. Install the upper cover removed in Step 6.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.7 4-186 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
17. Inspect and clean all developer or toner from the gear by turning the gear clockwise, Fig- REP 90.8 IBT Belt Assembly
ure 10.
Parts List on PL 90.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
To prevent light fatigue, either wrap the removed drum cartridge in a black sheet of paper or
store it in a black bag.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
3. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
4. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
5. Remove the IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2.
6. Open the left cover, PL 80.65 Item 1.

Figure 10 Clean the gear

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Enter Diagnostic Mode GP 1, then use dC135 “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the HFSI
“Chain Link: 954-834" (Y)
“Chain Link: 954-835" (M)
“Chain Link: 954-836" (C)
“Chain Link: 954-837" (K)

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-187 REP 90.7, REP 90.8
7. Remove the IBT belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. b. Pull the IBT belt assembly (1) out to full stop, grasp the IBT belt assembly handle (2),
a. Remove two screws (1), Figure 1. then remove the IBT belt assembly (1), Figure 2.

NOTE: A stopper mechanism is in place to prevent the IBT belt assembly from falling out
of the machine. The stopper mechanism is configured to release when the handle is lifted.

Figure 1 Remove two screws

Figure 2 IBT belt assembly removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Enter Diagnostic Mode GP 1, then use dC135 “Initialize HFSI Counter” to clear the HFSI
“Chain Link: 954-820"

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.8 4-188 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 90.9 MOB/ADC Assembly 10. Remove the MOB/ADC assembly, PL 90.30 Item 4.
a. Disconnect three connectors (1), Figure 1.
Parts List on PL 90.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
To prevent light fatigue, either wrap the removed drum cartridge in a black sheet of paper or
store it in a black bag.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
3. Remove the inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
4. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
5. Remove the developer assembly, REP 90.3.
6. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
7. Open the left cover, PL 80.65 Item 1.
8. Remove the IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2.
9. Remove the registration transport assembly, REP 80.30.

Figure 1 Connectors location

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-189 REP 90.9
b. Remove two screws (2), remove the lower guide-IBT (3), the remove the MOB/ADC REP 90.10 Upper Conductor Housing Assembly
assembly (4), Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 90.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the BTR HVPS PWB, REP 1.1.
2. Remove the conductor housing assembly: Figure 1.
a. Remove two screws (1).
b. Release the hook (2).
c. remove the upper conductor housing assembly, PL 90.30 Item 7, (3).

Figure 2 MOB/ADC assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Conductor housing assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.9, REP 90.10 4-190 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 90.11 Drum Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 90.15 Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: Cover the drum assembly with a dark material after removal to reduce light fatigue
while out of the machine.

NOTE: Do not touch the drum assembly surface.

1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.

2. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 1.
3. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
4. Remove the drum assembly, PL 90.15, Figure 1.
a. Raise the developer assembly lever (1).
b. Raise the hook and remove the drum assembly (2).

Figure 1 Drum assembly removal

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-191 REP 90.11
REP 90.12 Gear Housing Assembly 5. Remove the conductor assembly: Figure 2.
a. Remove four screws (1).
Parts List on PL 90.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the four developer assemblies, REP 90.3.
2. Remove the upper right front cover, PL 28.15 Item 1.
3. Remove the cover assembly and cover: Figure 1.
a. Remove ten screws (1).
b. Remove the cover assembly and cover (2).

Figure 2 Screw location

Figure 1 Drum assembly removal

4. Remove the BCR HVPS, REP 1.9.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.12 4-192 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
b. Disconnect the connector (2) and remove the conductor housing assembly (3), Fig- 6. Remove two screws (1), then remove the gear housing assembly (2), Figure 4.
ure 3.

Figure 4 Gear housing assembly removal

Figure 3 Conductor housing removal
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-193 REP 90.12
REP 90.13 Drive Shaft 13. Release the latch inside the rear gear (1), then remove the gear and sleeve bearing, Fig-
ure 1.
Parts List on PL 90.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: When removing the Drum, cover it with a black sheet, etc. to prevent light fatigue.

NOTE: Do not touch the Drum surface with your hands.

1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.

2. Remove the waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
3. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
4. Remove the inner cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 1.
5. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
6. Remove the inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
7. Remove the inner right cap cover, PL 28.05 Item 3.
8. Remove the inner right cover, PL 28.05 Item 6.
9. Remove the (Y) drum assembly, REP 90.11.
10. Remove the (Y) developer assembly, REP 90.3.
11. Remove the (Y) toner cartridge, PL 90.10 Item 27.
12. Remove the agitator motor assembly, REP 90.14.

Figure 1 Rear gear removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.13 4-194 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
14. Grasp the rear-end of the drive shaft (2), PL 90.20 Item 2, pulling the front-end of the drive Replacement
shaft through the frame hole, then remove the drive shaft from the front, Figure 2.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: The flanged end of the sleeve bearing seats against the gear on both ends, Figure 3.
The shaft of the sleeve bearing seats inside the frame hole, Figure 4.

Figure 2 Drive shaft rear-end

Figure 3 Sleeve bearing to gear position

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-195 REP 90.13
REP 90.14 Agitator Motor Assembly
Parts List on PL 90.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Cover the drum assembly with a dark material after removal to reduce light fatigue while out of
the machine.
Do not touch the drum assembly surface.
1. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.
2. Open the video contact chassis assembly, GP 32.

Figure 4 Sleeve bearing in the frame

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.13, REP 90.14 4-196 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3. Remove the agitator motor assembly, PL 90.20 Item 9, Figure 1. REP 90.15 Joint Pipe Assembly
Parts List on PL 90.20
Use extreme caution when disconnecting the connector from the motor. The connector PWB is
very fragile and will break easily. Removal
a. Disconnect the connector (1). WARNING
b. Remove two screws (2). Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
c. Remove the agitator motor assembly (3). from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Cover the drum assembly with a dark material after removal to reduce light fatigue while out of
the machine.
Do not touch the drum assembly surface.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste cartridge, PL 90.15 Item 6.
3. Remove the waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
4. Remove the inner cover assembly, PL 25.05 Item 1.
5. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
6. Remove the inner hinge cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 4.
7. Remove the inner right cap cover, PL 28.05 Item 3.
8. Remove the inner right cover, PL 28.05 Item 6.

Figure 1 Agitator motor assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-197 REP 90.14, REP 90.15
9. Remove the joint pipe assembly, PL 90.20 Item 11, Figure 1. REP 90.16 Housing Assembly
a. Remove two screws (1).
Parts List on PL 90.25
b. Remove the joint pipe assembly (2).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Cover the drum assembly with a dark material after removal to reduce light fatigue while out of
the machine.
Do not touch the drum assembly surface.
1. Remove the front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8.
2. Remove the waste toner assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
3. Remove the inner lower cover, PL 28.05 Item 2.
4. Remove the drum assembly, REP 90.11.
5. Remove the developer assembly, REP 90.3.
6. Remove the FFC cable assembly, REP 60.2.
7. Remove two screws (1), Figure 1.

Figure 1 Joint pipe assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.15, REP 90.16 4-198 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
8. Remove the housing assembly (2), PL 90.25 Item 2, Figure 2.

Figure 1 Screw removal

Figure 2 Housing assembly removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-199 REP 90.16
REP 90.17 Sleeve Bearing 3. Remove the front sleeve bearing, PL 90.20 Item 3, Figure 2.
a. Remove the e-clip (1).
Parts List on PL 90.20
b. Remove the sleeve bearing (2) leaving the gear (3) on the drive shaft.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the drive shaft, REP 90.13.
2. Remove the rear sleeve bearing, PL 90.20 Item 3, Figure 1.
a. Release the gear latch, then remove the helical gear (1) and sleeve bearing (2).

NOTE: During replacement, the bearing flange seats against the gear.

Figure 2 Front sleeve bearing alignment

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: Verify both bearings installed with the flange side against the gear.

Figure 1 Rear sleeve bearing removal

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.17 4-200 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
REP 90.18 Waste Toner Cartridge Sensors 8. Remove two screws (3) securing the cartridge guide, Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 90.20

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the BCR HVPS PWB, REP 1.9.
2. Remove the lower right front cover, PL 28.15 Item 2.
3. Remove the upper right rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 3.
4. Remove the conductor assembly, PL 1.20 Item 5.
5. Remove seven screws (1), then remove the handle assembly (2), Figure 1.

Figure 2 Cartridge guide screws

9. Release two tabs and move the cartridge guide out of the way to gain access to the sen-

Figure 1 Handle assembly removal

6. Remove the agitator motor assembly, REP 90.14.

7. Remove the drive shaft, REP 90.13.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-201 REP 90.18
10. Disconnect the connector (4) of the failed sensor, release the sensor housing hooks of the
failed sensor (5), then remove the sensor, PL 90.20 Item 6 or PL 90.20 Item 7, Figure 3.

Figure 3 Sensor removal

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

REP 90.18 4-202 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
ADJ 10.1 Fuser Paper Wrinkle Adjustment 3. Left side of the paper is wrinkled, go to Step 4. Right side of the paper is wrinkled, go to
Step 5.
Purpose 4. Adjust the position of the bracket for left side wrinkle.
To adjust the fuser paper alignment to reduce occurrences of paper wrinkle. a. Begin adjustment inserting the screw removed from location C into the hole marked
D1 (4) and tighten both D1 (4) and the top screw (2), Figure 2.
1. Remove the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14.
2. Adjustment bracket (1), Figure 1.
a. Loosen the top screw (2).
b. Remove the screw in location C (3).

Figure 2 Initial left side adjustment

Figure 1 Loosen adjustment bracket

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-203 ADJ 10.1
b. After testing if more adjustment is required, loosen the top screw (2), remove the 5. Adjust the position of the bracket for right side wrinkle.
screw from D1 (4), install into the hole marked D2 (5), tighten the top screw (2), Fig- a. Begin adjustment inserting the screw removed from location C into the hole marked
ure 3. U1 (6) and tighten both U1 (6) and the top screw (2), Figure 4.

Figure 3 Subsequent left side adjustment Figure 4 Initial right side adjustment

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

ADJ 10.1 4-204 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
b. After testing if more adjustment is required, loosen the top screw (2), remove the
screw from U1, install into the hole marked U2 (7), tighten the top screw (2), Figure

Figure 5 Subsequent right side adjustment

6. Install the fuser.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-205 ADJ 10.1
Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue
ADJ 10.1 4-206 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
ADJ 13.1 Booklet Folding and Staple Position
To adjust the position of the booklet fold and staple position.

NOTE: This adjustment can also be performed by the customer.

NOTE: For a description of the print/copy orientation definitions, refer to GP 31 Print/Copy Ori-
entation Definitions.

1. Enter Customer Administrator Tools, GP 23.

2. Touch Device, then Support.
3. Touch Fold Position.
4. Follow the on screen instructions.
5. Exit Customer Administrator Tools, GP 23.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-207 ADJ 13.1
Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue
ADJ 13.1 4-208 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
ADJ 60.1 Image Position ADJ 60.2 LPH Exposure Amount Detail Correction
Purpose Purpose
To adjust the position of the image on the page. To supply a process of adjusting the LPH exposure amount to correct uneven density in the
pocess direction due to various causes in the vicinity of the drum for each YMCK color individ-
NOTE: This adjustment can also be performed by the customer. ually.

Procedure The LPH Exposure Amount Adjustment can be performed as a negative correction within the
range of 0 to -17(%).
NOTE: For a description of the print/copy orientation definitions, refer to GP 31 Print/Copy Ori-
entation Definitions.
Correction Area
1. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 23.
2. Touch Device, then Support.
3. Touch Image Position.
4. Follow the on screen instructions.
5. Exit Customer Administrator Tools, GP 23.

Figure 1 Correction areas

Refer to Table 1 for specific dimensions of correction areas defined in Figure 1.

Table 1 Correction area dimensions

Distance from the 0 54 108 162 216 270 325
left of image (mm)

As shown in Figure 1, the LPH zone is divided into 7 areas by setting the 6 points - from A (left-
most edge) to G (rightmost edge).

Adjustment is performed at each area to lower the LPH exposure amount until the density is

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-209 ADJ 60.1, ADJ 60.2
NOTE: There are cases where point A or G will lie beyond the image zone. Furthermore, the IN/OUT Density Correction
162mm mark is the center of the image. • Corrects the IN-OUT density skew in the process direction of the photoreceptor.
NOTE: • When there is density skew from the left to the right of the image, the adjustment amount
to correct that has to be set for each color.
• Make adjustments as small as possible. A large adjustment can cause jumps in grada-
tion. • Setting Range is -17 to +17 (%)
• The adjustment amount (%) is not = amount of change in density. Refer to Table 3.
• The actual exposure level includes a process that converts the brightness of ADC Sensor,
PL 90.30 Item 11, Position to 100%. (For more information refer also to MOB and ADC Table 3 IN/OUT Density Correction
sensors.) Adjustment
Default Range
Procedure NVM Name NVM Address Value (units: 0.1%)
1. LPH Exposure Amount Fine Adjustment ON/OFF Switch Selector (smile correction). To
In Out Tendency 749-276 Y 0 -170~170
enable the LPH Exposure Amount Fine Adjustment function, set the following NVM as (IN/OUT correction)
749-277 M 0 -170~170
Table 2 Smile correction switch 749-278 C 0 -170~170
749-279 K 0 -170~170
Default Adjustment
NVM Name NVM Address Description Value Range
Smile Correction Switch 749-255 0:OFF 1 0 or 1

NOTE: Smile correction is the name given to the process that allows the adjustment of
uniformity of density, giving accurate color edge-to-edge and page-to-page.

2. Select Correction Method

The LPH Exposure Amount Fine Adjustment can be done by:
• Correcting the density skew in the IN-OUT direction - see IN/OUT Density Correction
• Selecting a pre-prepared pattern to perform the correction - see Pattern Selection
Correction below
• Using custom correction to manually correct the adjustment amount for each area -
see Custom Correction below
A combination of the three correction methods below can be used. However, the correc-
tion cannot go beyond the 0 to -17 (%) range.

Figure 2 IN/OUT density correction

NOTE: Although there is also an adjustment range at the positive side, it only involves reduc-
ing the brightness at the IN side or the OUT side and therefore will not have any correction that
goes above 100%.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

ADJ 60.2 4-210 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Pattern Selection Correction Refer to Table 4 and Table 5.
Select the Pattern 1~6 and Level 1~6 that is most suitable for the density correction from Fig-
ure 3. Table 4 Correction Pattern
• The selected Pattern and Level are reflected as LPH Brightness Correction by changing Default Range
the following NVMs. NVM Name NVM Address Value (units: 0.1%)
• As there are separate NVMs for each color, they can each be corrected independently.
Correction Pattern 749-280 Y 0 1~6
(Pattern Selection)
749-281 M 0 1~6
749-282 C 0 1~6
749-283 K 0 1~6

Table 5 Correction Level

Default Range
NVM Name NVM Address Value (units: 0.1%)
Correction Level 749-284 Y 0 1~6
749-285 M 0 1~6
749-286 C 0 1~6
749-287 K 0 1~6

"0" and "5" for Pattern means "Disabled" and
"1" for Level means "No correction".

Custom Correction
The required adjustment amount for the correction of every area must me input into the NVM
for each YMCK color. Refer to Table 6.

NOTE: Only negative correction can be performed for density correction.

Table 6 Custom Correction Value

NVM Default Value Adjustment
Name NVM Address Description Range
Custom 749-288~294 R/E (%) within Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -170~170
Correc- 749-295~301 Pulse Width M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -170~170
tion Value 749-302~308 Variable C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -170~170
749-309~315 K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -170~170
Figure 3 Correction patterns

The NVM Addresses correspond in ascending order to ABCDEFG.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-211 ADJ 60.2
Although there is also an adjustment range at the positive side, the brightness will saturate at Inclination Adjustment Procedure
100%. The positive correction of up to the 100% range will only be applied when the exposure
1. Adjust the density distribution based on the printout sample. (Adjustment amount is -
amount has been corrected towards the negative side at IN-OUT Density Correction or Pattern
17~17) The greater the value, the greater the adjustment amount. Figure 4.
Selection Correction.

NOTE: IN/OUT Density Correction, Pattern Selection Correction and Custom Correction
can be used in combination.
• The total amount of exposure adjustment for these Smile Corrections are restricted to
within 0 to -17%. [Correction sum from 0 to -17%] = [IN/OUT correction amount%] + [Pat-
tern selection correction amount%] + [Custom correction amount%] If the sum of the
above 3 is less than -17%, it is limited uniformly to -17%.
• If the correction is larger than 0% it will be uniformly limited to 0%.
• The above are the restrictions that apply to the exposure amount correction and correc-
tion by smile correction function. But, inside the actual M/C, the light intensity at the ADC
sensor position is considered 100% due to another process, after light intensity correction
by smile correction.

Figure 4 Density adjustment

2. Printout the sample with [Print] again after adjustment and check the adjustment result.
3. Readjust if necessary.
4. Press [OK] after confirming the numbers.
5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue

ADJ 60.2 4-212 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
ADJ 90.1 Marking Refresh ADJ 90.2 Color Calibration - Automatic
Purpose Purpose
To adjust the density level. To automatically adjust the color calibration.

NOTE: This adjustment is only available when the machine determines that the density level NOTE: This adjustment can also be performed by the customer.
has degraded. This adjustment can also be performed by the customer.
NOTE: For a description of the print/copy orientation definitions, refer to GP 31 Print/Copy Ori-
1. Enter Customer Administrator Tools, GP 23. entation Definitions.
2. Touch Device, then Supplies.
1. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 23.
3. Touch Drum Cartridge.
2. Touch Device, then Support.
4. Touch Marking Refresh.
3. Touch Color Calibration - Automatic.
5. Exit Customer Administrator Tools, GP 23.
4. Follow the on screen instructions.
5. Exit Customer Administrator Tools, GP 23.

Initial Issue August 2018 Repairs- Adjustments

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 4-213 ADJ 90.1, ADJ 90.2
Repairs- Adjustments August 2018 Initial Issue
ADJ 90.1, ADJ 90.2 4-214 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5 Parts Lists
PL 1 - Standby Power PL 28.05 Covers (1 of 3) ................................................................................................. 5-39
PL 1.05 Electrical - Rear (1 of 3)..................................................................................... 5-3 PL 28.10 Covers (2 of 3) ................................................................................................. 5-40
PL 1.10 Electrical - Rear (2 of 3)..................................................................................... 5-4 PL 28.15 Covers (3 of 3) ................................................................................................. 5-41
PL 1.15 Electrical - Rear (3 of 3)..................................................................................... 5-5
PL 1.20 Electrical - Front/Right ....................................................................................... 5-6
PL 31 - Maintenance/Removal/Installation Kits
PL 31.05 Maintenance/Removal/Installation Kits ............................................................ 5-42
PL 1.25 Wire Harness ..................................................................................................... 5-7

PL 2 - User Interface PL 40 - Main Drive Assembly

PL 40.05 Main Drive Assembly ....................................................................................... 5-43
PL 2.05 User Interface .................................................................................................... 5-8
PL 40.10 NOHAD (front) ................................................................................................. 5-44
PL 3 - Machine Run Control PL 40.15 NOHAD (rear) .................................................................................................. 5-45
PL 3.05 Control Unit (ESS PWB) .................................................................................... 5-9
PL 3.10 Video Contact Chassis Unit ............................................................................... 5-10
PL 60 - Imaging
PL 60.05 LPH Module ..................................................................................................... 5-46
PL 3.15 Video Contact Chassis Assembly ...................................................................... 5-11

PL 10 - Copy Transportation and Fusing PL 70 - Paper Supply

PL 10.05 Fuser................................................................................................................ 5-12 PL 70.05 Tray 1 & 2 Assembly........................................................................................ 5-47
PL 70.10 Tray 1 Assembly .............................................................................................. 5-48
PL 10.10 Exit 1 Transport Components .......................................................................... 5-13
PL 70.15 Tray 2 Assembly .............................................................................................. 5-49
PL 10.15 Exit 2 Transport Components .......................................................................... 5-14
PL 10.25 Exit 2 Transport Assembly............................................................................... 5-15 PL 70.20 2TM Components ............................................................................................ 5-50
PL 70.25 2TM Tray 3/4 Assembly ................................................................................... 5-51
PL 13 - Office Finisher LX PL 70.30 TTM Components ............................................................................................ 5-52
PL 13.05 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (1 of 5) ........................... 5-16 PL 70.35 TTM Covers and Tray 3/4 Assembly ............................................................... 5-53
PL 13.06 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (2 of 5) ........................... 5-17 PL 70.40 TTM Tray 3 Assembly...................................................................................... 5-54
PL 13.07 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (3 of 5) ........................... 5-18 PL 70.45 TTM Tray 4 Assembly...................................................................................... 5-55
PL 13.08 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (4 of 5) ........................... 5-19 PL 70.50 Bypass Tray Components................................................................................ 5-56
PL 13.09 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (5 of 5) ........................... 5-20 PL 70.55 Bypass Tray Assembly .................................................................................... 5-57
PL 13.10 Office Finisher LX Covers................................................................................ 5-21 PL 70.70 Envelope Tray.................................................................................................. 5-58
PL 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker ............................................................................... 5-22 PL 70.75 HCF Unit .......................................................................................................... 5-59
PL 13.20 Office Finisher LX Stapler................................................................................ 5-23 PL 70.80 HCF Tray 6 (1 of 2) .......................................................................................... 5-60
PL 13.25 Office Finisher LX Ejector (1 of 5).................................................................... 5-24 PL 70.85 HCF Tray 6 (2 of 2) .......................................................................................... 5-61
PL 13.26 Office Finisher LX Ejector (2 of 5).................................................................... 5-25 PL 70.90 HCF Top Cover Unit ........................................................................................ 5-62
PL 13.27 Office Finisher LX Ejector (3 of 5).................................................................... 5-26 PL 70.95 HCF Electrical and Rail.................................................................................... 5-63
PL 13.28 Office Finisher LX Ejector (4 of 5).................................................................... 5-27
PL 13.29 Office Finisher LX Ejector (5 of 5).................................................................... 5-28
PL 80 - Paper Transport
PL 80.05 Tray 1 & 2 Feedhead Assembly....................................................................... 5-64
PL 13.35 Office Finisher LX Exit and Folder Assembly .................................................. 5-29
PL 13.40 Office Finisher LX Folder Assembly ................................................................ 5-30 PL 80.10 Tray 1 Feedhead Assembly ............................................................................. 5-65
PL 80.15 Tray 2 Feedhead Assembly ............................................................................. 5-66
PL 13.45 Office Finisher LX Folder Electrical ................................................................. 5-31
PL 80.20 2TM Left Cover Feedhead Assembly .............................................................. 5-67
PL 13.50 Office Finisher LX Booklet Cover..................................................................... 5-32
PL 13.55 Office Finisher LX Booklet Stapler Assembly .................................................. 5-33 PL 80.25 2TM Takeaway Assembly................................................................................ 5-68
PL 80.30 2TM Drive Assembly........................................................................................ 5-69
PL 13.60 Office Finisher LX Booklet Front Stapler Assembly......................................... 5-34
PL 80.35 2TM Tray 3 & 4 Feedhead Assembly .............................................................. 5-70
PL 13.65 Office Finisher LX Booklet Rear Stapler Assembly ......................................... 5-35
PL 13.70 Office Finisher LX Booklet Electrical................................................................ 5-36 PL 80.40 TTM Transport assembly / Tray 3 & 4 Feedhead Assembly............................ 5-71
PL 80.45 TTM Drive Assembly........................................................................................ 5-72
PL 25 - Consumables and Tools PL 80.50 TTM Tray 3 Feedhead Assembly..................................................................... 5-73
PL 25.05 Consumables and Tools (1 of 2)...................................................................... 5-37 PL 80.55 TTM Tray 4 Feedhead Assembly..................................................................... 5-74
PL 25.10 Consumables and Tools (2 of 2)...................................................................... 5-38 PL 80.60 TTM Transport Assembly................................................................................. 5-75
PL 80.65 Left Cover Components ................................................................................... 5-76
PL 28 - Covers PL 80.70 Left Cover Transport Components................................................................... 5-77

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-1
PL 80.75 Left Cover Transport Assembly ....................................................................... 5-78
PL 80.80 Duplex Inner Chute Assembly ......................................................................... 5-79
PL 80.85 Duplex Chute Assembly .................................................................................. 5-80
PL 80.90 Registration Transport Assembly..................................................................... 5-81
PL 80.95 Registration Drive Assembly............................................................................ 5-82
PL 80.100 HCF Feeder (1 of 3)....................................................................................... 5-83
PL 80.105 HCF Feeder (2 of 3)....................................................................................... 5-84
PL 80.110 HCF Feeder (3 of 3)....................................................................................... 5-85
PL 80.115 Bypass Tray Takeaway Assembly................................................................. 5-86
PL 80.120 Bypass Tray Feedhead Assembly ................................................................. 5-87

PL 90 - Xerographics
PL 90.05 Developer Unit ................................................................................................. 5-88
PL 90.10 Toner Dispense ............................................................................................... 5-89
PL 90.15 Xerographic Components ................................................................................ 5-90
PL 90.20 Xerographic Assembly (1 of 2) ........................................................................ 5-91
PL 90.25 Xerographic Assembly (2 of 2) ........................................................................ 5-92
PL 90.30 IBT Belt Unit Components ............................................................................... 5-93
PL 90.35 IBT Belt Unit Assembly .................................................................................... 5-94

PLCH - Common Hardware

Common Hardware ......................................................................................................... 5-95

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

5-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 1.05 Electrical - Rear (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 105E23240 BTR HVPS PWB (REP 1.1)
2 – Bracket (Not Spared)
3 105E23001 Fuser heater power supply (110V)
(REP 1.2)
– 105E22322 Fuser heater power supply (220V)
(REP 1.2)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-3 PL 1.05
PL 1.10 Electrical - Rear (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 101K69950 GFI chassis assembly (REP 1.3)
2 960K81545 Motor drive PWB (REP 1.4)
3 – Motor drive chassis assembly (Not
4 – Power cord bracket (Not Spared)
5 – Power cord (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 1.10 5-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 1.15 Electrical - Rear (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 105K32890 AC drive PWB (110V) (REP 1.5)
– 105K33530 AC drive PWB (110V) (REP 1.5)
– 105K32900 AC drive PWB (220V) (REP 1.5)
– 105K33540 AC drive PWB (220V) (REP 1.5)
2 – AC bracket (Not Spared)
3 112K91350 LVPS (REP 1.6)
4 105E22572 Developer bias HVPS PWB (REP

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-5 PL 1.15
PL 1.20 Electrical - Front/Right
Item Part Description
1 049K35050 Main power switch (REP 1.8)
2 – BCR HVPS cover (Not Spared)
3 – Cover (Not Spared)
4 105E23230 BCR HVPS PWB (REP 1.9)
5 – Conductor assembly (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 1.20 5-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 1.25 Wire Harness
Item Part Description
1 – Drive harness (Not Spared)
2 – PH drive harness (Not Spared)
3 – LH harness (Not Spared)
4 – DC power harness (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-7 PL 1.25
PL 2.05 User Interface
Item Part Description
1 948K19282 UI console assembly (REP 2.1)
2 822E32001 Cable cover (REP 2.1)
3 822E48500 UI top cover
4 – Speaker assembly (Not Spared)
5 822E48510 UI base cover
6 – Card reader assembly (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 2.05 5-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 3.05 Control Unit (ESS PWB)
Item Part Description
1 101K69280 Controller PWB assembly (REP
2 – SD card clip (Not Spared)
3 101K72680 Wi-fi dongle
4 – Blanking cover (Not Spared)
5 – SIM card blanking cover (Not
6 – PCI blanking cover (Not Spared)
7 133K28271 DIMM (4GB)
8 540K22511 SD memory card (REP 3.2)
9 101K73920 HDD

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-9 PL 3.05
PL 3.10 Video Contact Chassis Unit
Item Part Description
1 607K11840 Controller cover assembly kit
2 – Video contact chassis assembly
(Not Spared)
3 117K49232 Motor drive ribbon cable
4 117K49390 USB cable
– 117K50010 USB cable (alternative)
– 117K49210 USB cable (alternative)
5 – DFE cover (Not Spared)
6 – Shield gasket (Not Spared)
7 – Thumbscrew (P/O PL 3.10 Item 1)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 3.10 5-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 3.15 Video Contact Chassis Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Controller chassis assembly (Not
2 960K89800 Back plane PWB (REP 3.3)
3 – SEEPROM (Not Spared)
4 960K81373 Halftone PWB (REP 3.4)
5 – ESS duct assembly
6 – ESS duct (P/O PL 3.15 Item 5)
7 127K66150 ESS fan
– 127K77940 ESS fan (alternative)
8 – ESS inner cover (Not Spared)
9 – Video chassis assembly (P/O PL
3.15 Item 1)
10 – BP bracket cover (P/O PL 3.15 Item
11 – BP bracket (P/O PL 3.15 Item 1)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-11 PL 3.15
PL 10.05 Fuser
Item Part Description
1 007K21640 Retract motor assembly (REP 10.1)
2 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 10.05 Item
3 – Gear (17/40T) (P/O PL 10.05 Item
4 – Gear (17/54T) (P/O PL 10.05 Item
5 – Roll latch motor (P/O PL 10.05 Item
6 007K21650 Retract gear assembly
7 – Support (Not Spared)
8 – Spring (Not Spared)
9 – Adjust plate (Not Spared)
10 – Front fuser bracket (Not Spared)
11 – Rear fuser bracket (Not Spared)
12 – Front stopper lever (Not Spared)
13 – Rear stopper lever (Not Spared)
14 115R00143 Fuser (110/220V) (REP 10.2)
15 – Fuser heater coil - see below for
– 104K91373 110V (REP 10.3)
– 104K91393 220V (REP 10.3)
16 – Holder (Not Spared)
17 – Stopper lever assembly (Not

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 10.05 5-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 10.10 Exit 1 Transport Components

Item Part Description

1 859K08131 Exit 1 transport assembly (REP
2 – Exit 1 transport (P/O PL 10.10 Item
3 – Exit 1 OCT motor (MOT77-040)
(REP 10.5)
4 – Ground spring (P/O PL 10.10 Item
5 – Bracket (Not Spared)
6 013E46800 Bearing
7 – Front guide (P/O PL 10.10 Item 12)
8 – Exit 1 OCT home position sensor
(Q77-109) (P/O PL 10.10 Item 12)
(REP 10.6)
9 – Exit 1 OCT home position sensor
cover (P/O PL 10.10 Item 12)
10 807E20620 Exit 1 drive gear (REP 10.7)
11 948K02070 Motor cover
12 032K10662 Exit 1 sensor guide assembly
13 – Guard (P/O PL 10.10 Item 1)
14 – Exit 1 OCT full stack sensor (Q77-
124) (P/O PL 10.10 Item 1)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-13 PL 10.10
PL 10.15 Exit 2 Transport Components

Item Part Description

1 822E33800 Left top cover
2 859K10296 Exit 2 transport assembly (REP
3 – Top chute assembly (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 10.15 5-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 10.25 Exit 2 Transport Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Harness guide (P/O PL 10.15 Item
2 – Exit 2 drive assembly (P/O PL
10.15 Item 2) (REP 10.9)
3 – Exit 2 drive bracket assembly (P/O
PL 10.25 Item 2)
4 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 10.25 Item
5 – Exit 2 drive motor (MOT77-060) (P/
O PL 10.25 Item 2)
6 – Exit 2 guide assembly (P/O PL
10.15 Item 2)
7 – Bearing (P/O PL 10.15 Item 2)
8 – Exit 2 chute assembly (P/O PL
10.15 Item 2)
9 – Bearing (P/O PL 10.15 Item 2)
10 – Gear (P/O PL 10.15 Item 2)
11 – Exit 1 gate solenoid (SOL77-003)
(P/O PL 10.15 Item 2) (REP 10.10)
12 – Link (P/O PL 10.15 Item 2)
13 – Harness guide (P/O PL 10.15 Item
14 – Exit 2 OCT home position sensor
(Q77-110) (P/O PL 10.15 Item 2)
(REP 10.11)
15 – Exit 2 sensor (Q77-113) (P/O PL
10.15 Item 2)
16 – Offset gear (P/O PL 10.15 Item 2)
(REP 10.12)
17 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 10.15 Item
18 – Exit 2 OCT motor (MOT77-045) (P/
O PL 10.15 Item 2)
19 – Exit 2 transport chassis (P/O PL
10.15 Item 2)
20 036K92441 Exit 2 bail arm assembly
21 036K92431 Exit 1 bail arm assembly

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-15 PL 10.25
PL 13.05 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (1 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 859K04770 Horizontal transport assembly
(REP 13.1)
2 068K59494 Docking plate assembly
3 – Docking plate (P/O PL 13.05 Item
4 – Side guide (P/O PL 13.05 Item 2)
5 – Center guide (P/O PL 13.05 Item 2)
6 026K81200 Thumb screw
7 868E51550 Docking bracket
8 – Not used
9 – Finisher LX assembly (Not Spared)
(REP 13.5)
10 – HTU spacer (Not Spared)
11 – Gap kit

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.05 5-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.06 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (2 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 – Left cover assembly (Not Spared)
2 – Left cover (P/O PL 13.06 Item 1)
3 – Paper guide (P/O PL 13.06 Item 1)
4 – Top cover assembly (Not Spared)
5 – Lower chute assembly (Not
6 – Lower chute assembly (P/O PL
13.06 Item 5)
7 – Chute assembly (P/O PL 13.06
Item 5)
8 026K81200 Thumb screw
9 – Rear cover (Not Spared)
10 180K00393 Punch assembly (2/3 Hole) (REP
13.2, ADJ 13.1)
– 180K00403 Punch assembly (2/4 Hole) (REP
13.2, ADJ 13.1)
11 695K19403 Punch box
12 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
13 – Connector cover (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-17 PL 13.06
PL 13.07 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (3 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.06 Item 4)
2 054K50020 Left chute assembly
3 – Left chute (P/O PL 13.07 Item 2)
4 – Pinch spring (P/O PL 13.07 Item 2)
5 – Pinch roller (P/O PL 13.07 Item 2)
6 054K35246 Right chute assembly
7 – Right chute (P/O PL 13.07 Item 6)
8 – Nip roll (P/O PL 13.07 Item 6)
9 – Nip spring (P/O PL 13.07 Item 6)
10 – Top cover (Not Spared)
11 – Horizontal transport counter
balance (Not Spared)
12 – Spring (Not Spared)
13 – Spring (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.07 5-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.08 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (4 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 – Lower chute (P/O PL 13.06 Item 6)
2 – Magnet (P/O PL 13.06 Item 6)
3 930W00125 Horizontal transport open sensor
4 – Sensor bracket (Not Spared)
5 – Actuator (Not Spared)
6 930W00211 Horizontal transport entrance
sensor (Q12-190)
7 948K05100 Horizontal transport front cover
8 – Horizontal transport front cover (P/
O PL 13.08 Item 7)
9 835E43650 Gasket
10 – Hinge (P/O PL 13.08 Item 7)
11 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.06 Item 6)
12 – Rear frame assembly (P/O PL
13.06 Item 6)
13 127K57622 Horizontal transport motor (MOT12-
032) (REP 13.4)
14 – Tension pulley (Not Spared)
15 – Pulley (43T) (Not Spared)
16 – Pulley (43T) (Not Spared)
17 – Tension bracket (P/O PL 13.06 Item
18 – Spring tension (Not Spared)
19 – Drive roll (Not Spared)
20 – Drive roll (Not Spared)
21 – Bearing (Not Spared)
22 423W01154 Horizontal transport belt (REP 13.3)
23 – Sleeve bearing (Not Spared)
24 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
25 – Fan blade (Not Spared)
26 – Pinch bushing (Not Spared)
27 – Lower hinge (P/O PL 13.08 Item 7)
28 – Front cover (Not Spared)
29 – Switch cover (Not Spared)
30 – Cover (Not Spared)
31 – Bracket (Not Spared)
32 – Pinch cushion (Not Spared)
33 – Gasket (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-19 PL 13.08
PL 13.09 Office Finisher LX - Horizontal Transport Assembly (5 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 – Punch motor (MOT12-074) (P/O
PL 13.06 Item 10)
2 – Punch lower cover (P/O PL 13.06
Item 10)
3 – Punch motor cover (P/O PL 13.06
Item 10)
4 – Sensor bracket (P/O PL 13.06 Item
5 930W00111 Punch encoder sensor (Q12-274)/
Punch home sensor (Q12-271)/
Punch box set sensor (Q12-275)
6 – Punch frame assembly (P/O PL
13.06 Item 10)
7 – Encoder/gear assembly (P/O PL
13.06 Item 10)
8 – Gear (P/O PL 13.06 Item 10)
9 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 13.06 Item
10 – Punch top cover (P/O PL 13.06
Item 10)
11 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.06 Item 10)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.09 5-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.10 Office Finisher LX Covers
Item Part Description
1 848E22730 Plate
2 – Lower plate (Not Spared)
3 – Docking lever (Not Spared)
4 848E75671 Front cover (REP 13.6)
5 848K57230 Front door
6 – Bracket (Not Spared)
7 – Hinge (Not Spared)
8 – Rear lower cover (Not Spared)
(REP 13.8)
9 – Rear upper cover (Not Spared)
(REP 13.7)
10 – Connector cover (Not Spared)
11 848E75711 Stacker lower cover (REP 13.11)
12 – LH cover (Not Spared)
13 – Cover (Not Spared)
14 – Spring (Not Spared)
15 – Foot cover (Not Spared) (REP
16 801K30704 Booklet maker assembly (REP
17 – Thumb screw (Not Spared)
18 – Upper adjust cover (Not Spared)
19 – Lower adjust cover (Not Spared)
20 – Base frame assembly (Not Spared)
21 835E43650 Gasket
22 – Extension spring (Not Spared)
23 – Paper guide (Not Spared)
24 – Thumb screw (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-21 PL 13.10
PL 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker
Item Part Description
1 – Front carriage assembly (Not
Spared) (REP 13.29)
2 – Bearing (P/O PL 13.15 Item 1)
3 – Spring (P/O PL 13.15 Item 1)
4 – Front stacker belt (P/O PL 13.15
Item 1)
5 – Clamp (P/O PL 13.15 Item 1)
6 – Front carriage assembly (P/O PL
13.15 Item 1)
7 – Rear carriage assembly (REP
8 – Bearing (P/O PL 13.15 Item 7)
9 – Clamp (Not Spared)
10 – Knob caster assembly (Not Spared)
11 – Rear stacker belt (P/O PL 13.15
Item 7)
12 – Rear carriage (P/O PL 13.15 Item
13 – Actuator (P/O PL 13.15 Item 7)
14 – Carriage tray (Not Spared)
15 – Stacker tray (REP 13.20)
16 – Shaft (Not Spared)
17 – Gear (Not Spared)
18 – Pulley (Not Spared)
19 146E90651 Encoder
20 – Spring (Not Spared)
21 – Pulley (18T) (Not Spared)
22 068K58304 Stacker elevator motor assembly
23 – Bearing (P/O PL 13.15 Item 22)
24 – Pulley (60T) (Not Spared)
25 – Gear (15T/37T) (P/O PL 13.15
Item 22)
26 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 13.15 Item
27 – Worm shaft (P/O PL 13.15 Item 22)
28 – Belt (Not Spared)
29 – Stacker elevator motor (MOT12-
060) (P/O PL 13.15 Item 22) (REP
30 – Stacker encoder sensor assembly
(Not Spared)
31 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.15 Item 30)
32 930W00111 Stacker encoder sensor (Q12-263)/
stacker paper sensor (Q12-262)
33 – Stacker upper cover (Not Spared)
(REP 13.12)
34 – Bearing (Not Spared)
35 017K96450 Caster assembly
36 – Washer (Not Spared)
37 017K94901 Adjustable foot assembly
38 607K04580 Stacker tray kit

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.15 5-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.20 Office Finisher LX Stapler
Item Part Description
1 – Base frame (P/O PL 13.20 Item 16)
2 – Rail (P/O PL 13.20 Item 16)
3 – Harness guide (P/O PL 13.20 Item
4 029K93260 Stapler assembly (REP 13.16)
5 – Holder (P/O PL 13.20 Item 16)
6 – Stapler move position sensor
assembly (Not Spared)
7 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.20 Item 6)
8 130E94940 Stapler move position sensor (Q12-
9 068K58811 Stapler move motor assembly
(MOT12-046) (REP 13.15)
10 – Harness guide (P/O PL 13.20 Item
11 – Harness support guide (P/O PL
13.20 Item 16)
12 – Harness guide (P/O PL 13.20 Item
13 – Stapler cover (Not Spared)
14 – Clamp (P/O PL 13.20 Item 16)
15 – Stapler cartridge (See NOTE)
16 801K64900 Stapler unit
17 – Cable band (Not Spared)
18 – Harness guide (Not Spared)
19 952K35890 Wire harness
20 – Label (Not Spared)
21 – Stapler move motor bracket (P/O
PL 13.20 Item 9)

NOTE: Refer to PL 25.10 for the staple refills and cartridge.

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-23 PL 13.20
PL 13.25 Office Finisher LX Ejector (1 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 – Eject cover assembly (Not Spared)
2 – Eject assembly (Not Spared)
3 031K93790 Clamp arm assembly
4 807E21400 Gear (31T)
5 059K55111 Eject roller
6 807E21380 Sector gear (72T)
7 807E21391 Gear (18T)
8 120E29773 Actuator
9 006K86733 Set clamp shaft assembly
10 809E79060 Spring
11 – Set clamp holder (P/O PL 13.25
Item 9)
12 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.25 Item 9)
13 – Not used
14 809E79080 Spring
15 006K86743 Guide paper shaft assembly
16 – Guide paper shaft (P/O PL 13.25
Item 15)
17 – Gear (20T) (P/O PL 13.25 Item 15)
18 – Shaft (Not Spared)
19 807E21420 Gear (19T)
20 807E21370 Gear (25T)
21 038E36490 Guide paper (left/right)
22 005K14950 Clutch
23 807E45590 Gear (23T)
24 – Stopper (Not Spared)
25 – Bracket (front) (Not Spared)
26 – Bracket (rear) (Not Spared)
27 – Option switch assembly (Not
28 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.25 Item 27)
29 – Option switch (P/O PL 13.25 Item
30 413W11660 Sleeve bearing
31 – Bearing (Not Spared)
32 – Clamp arm (P/O PL 13.25 Item 3)
33 – Roll (P/O PL 13.25 Item 3)
34 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.25 Item 3)
35 – Spacer (Not Spared)
36 962K60434 Wire harness

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.25 5-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.26 Office Finisher LX Ejector (2 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 – Top right cover (P/O PL 13.26 Item
2 – Top cover lever (P/O PL 13.26 Item
3 – Top cover latch (P/O PL 13.26 Item
4 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.26 Item 31)
5 – Spring (P/O PL 13.26 Item 31)
6 – Eject cover (P/O PL 13.26 Item 31)
(REP 13.9)
7 – Eject chute (P/O PL 13.26 Item 31)
8 121K41632 Sub paddle solenoid assembly
(REP 13.14)
9 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.26 Item 8)
10 – Damper (P/O PL 13.26 Item 8)
11 – Sub paddle solenoid (SOL12-013)
(P/O PL 13.26 Item 8)
12 – Eject roller assembly (P/O PL 13.26
Item 31)
13 031K94470 Paddle arm assembly
14 – Sub paddle arm (P/O PL 13.26 Item
15 – Belt (P/O PL 13.26 Item 14)
16 – Sub paddle (P/O PL 13.26 Item 13)
17 – Pulley (P/O PL 13.26 Item 13)
18 – Pulley (P/O PL 13.26 Item 13)
19 – Gear/Pulley (31T/20T) (Not
20 059K55715 Eject nip roll assembly
21 – Bearing (P/O PL 13.26 Item 20)
22 – Eject nip roll (P/O PL 13.26 Item
23 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.26 Item 20)
24 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.26 Item 12)
25 – Spring (P/O PL 13.26 Item 12)
26 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.26 Item 12)
27 – Spring (Not Spared)
28 006K86691 Eject drive shaft
29 – Bearing (Not Spared)
30 – Bearing (Not Spared)
31 – Eject chute assembly (Not Spared)
32 – Static eliminator (P/O PL 13.26
Item 20)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-25 PL 13.26
PL 13.27 Office Finisher LX Ejector (3 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 007K15451 Gear (82T/77T/51T)
2 – Gear (38T) (Not Spared)
3 127K57196 Eject motor assembly
4 – Eject motor (MOT12-054) (P/O PL
13.27 Item 3) (REP 13.22)
5 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 3)
6 – Gear/Pulley (20T/49T) (P/O PL
13.27 Item 3)
7 – Belt (P/O PL 13.27 Item 7)
8 – Gear (28T/22T/38T) (Not Spared)
9 – Gear (25T) (Not Spared)
10 – Gear/Pulley (32T/25T) (Not
11 – Gear (23T) (Not Spared)
12 121K34631 Set clamp clutch (34T) (CL12-050)
13 120E29593 Set clamp cam actuator
14 130K72171 Stacker height sensor 1 assembly
15 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 14)
16 930W00111 Stack height sensor 1 (Q12-264)
(REP 13.13)/Stack height sensor 2
(Q12-265) (REP 13.13)/Eject clamp
home sensor (Q12-250)/Set clamp
home sensor (Q12-251) ()
17 – Stacker height sensor 2 assembly
(P/O PL 13.27 Item 34)
18 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 17)
19 – Eject cover switch (S12-300) (P/O
PL 13.27 Item 37)
20 – Harness guide (P/O PL 13.27 Item
21 120E29852 Gear select actuator
22 068K58732 Eject drive bracket assembly
23 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 22)
24 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 22)
25 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.27 Item 22)
26 – Clamp set cam (P/O PL 13.27 Item
27 809E79070 Spring
28 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 22)
29 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.27 Item 22)
30 – Eject clamp cam (P/O PL 13.27
Item 22)
31 413W11660 Sleeve bearing
32 – Sleeve bearing (P/O PL 13.27 Item
33 – Drive eject flange (Not Spared)
34 – Eject clamp home sensor assembly
(Not Spared)
35 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 34)
36 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.27 Item 37)
37 068K58742 Eject cover switch assembly
38 809E79820 Spring
39 807E22040 Gear (30T)
40 – Belt (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.27 5-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.28 Office Finisher LX Ejector (4 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 050K61092 Compiler tray assembly (REP
2 – Rear tamper guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
3 – Compiler center paper guide (P/O
PL 13.28 Item 1)
4 – Compiler rear paper guide (P/O PL
13.28 Item 1)
5 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
6 127K58040 Front tamper motor (MOT12-020)/
Rear tamper motor (MOT12-026)
(REP 13.26)
7 – Rack (front) (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
8 930W00111 Front tamper home sensor (Q12-
220)/Rear tamper home sensor
(Q12-221) (REP 13.27)
9 930W00211 Compiler tray no paper sensor
(Q12-151) (REP 13.28)
10 – Spring (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
11 – Tamper front guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
12 – Tamper rear guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
13 – Compiler tray (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
14 – Paper paddle guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
15 – Spring (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
16 – Paper end guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
17 – Paper tray guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
18 – Spring (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
19 – Spring (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
20 – Harness guide (P/O PL 13.28 Item
21 – Actuator (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
22 – Tamper base (P/O PL 13.28 Item 1)
23 – Front tamper guide (P/O PL 13.28
Item 1)
24 962K60454 Wire harness

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-27 PL 13.28
PL 13.29 Office Finisher LX Ejector (5 of 5)

Item Part Description

1 068K58823 Transport motor (MOT12-013)
2 – Tension roller assembly (Not
3 – Spring (Not Spared)
4 – Pulley (30T) (Not Spared)
5 – Pulley (41T) (Not Spared)
6 – Gear/Pulley (27T/30T) (Not
7 – Gear (Not Spared)
8 059K55082 Entrance roller
9 059K55092 Exit roller
10 – Transport belt (Not Spared) (REP
11 006K98010 Paddle shaft assembly
12 – Cyclone paddle (P/O PL 13.29 Item
13 – Paddle shaft (P/O PL 13.29 Item
14 413W75959 Bearing
15 – Eject drive shaft (REF: PL 13.26
Item 28)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.29 5-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.35 Office Finisher LX Exit and Folder Assembly

Item Part Description

1 054K35532 Lower chute assembly
2 – Lower chute (P/O PL 13.35 Item 1)
3 – Shaft (P/O PL 13.35 Item 1)
4 – Nip roll (P/O PL 13.35 Item 1)
5 – Spring (P/O PL 13.35 Item 1)
6 054K35540 Exit upper chute assembly
7 – Exit upper chute (P/O PL 13.35
Item 6)
8 – Static eliminator (P/O PL 13.35
Item 6)
9 – Paper guide (P/O PL 13.35 Item 6)
10 130K88311 Compiler exit sensor (Q12-150)/
Finisher entrance sensor (Q12-
11 054K48531 Exit lower chute assembly
12 – Exit lower chute (P/O PL 13.35 Item
13 – Nip roll assembly (P/O PL 13.35
Item 11)
14 – Spring (P/O PL 13.35 Item 13)
15 – Nip roll (P/O PL 13.35 Item 13)
16 607K03960 Chute assembly
17 – Lower chute (P/O PL 13.35 Item
18 – Upper chute (P/O PL 13.35 Item
19 026K81200 Thumb screw
20 695K18692 Crease assembly (Option) (REP

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-29 PL 13.35
PL 13.40 Office Finisher LX Folder Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Upper chute (P/O PL 13.35 Item
2 – Upper plate (P/O PL 13.35 Item 20)
3 – Knife assembly (P/O PL 13.35 Item
4 – Blade holder (P/O PL 13.40 Item 3)
5 – Lower holder 1 (P/O PL 13.40 Item
6 – Lower holder 2 (P/O PL 13.40 Item
7 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.40 Item 3)
8 – Blade (P/O PL 13.40 Item 3)
9 – Spring (P/O PL 13.35 Item 2)
10 – Frame (P/O PL 13.35 Item 20)
11 – Front cover (Not Spared)
12 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.35 Item 20)
13 – Knife motor assembly (P/O PL
13.35 Item 20)
14 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 13.40 Item
15 – Knife motor (MOT13-022) (P/O PL
13.40 Item 13)
16 930W00111 Folder home sensor (Q12-101)
17 – Cam shaft assembly (P/O PL 13.35
Item 20)
18 – Guide (P/O PL 13.35 Item 20)
19 – Gear (28T/8T) (P/O PL 13.35 Item
20 – Encoder (P/O PL 13.35 Item 20)
21 – Bearing (P/O PL 13.35 Item 20)
22 – Gear (12T/27T) (P/O PL 13.35
Item 20)
23 – Gear (12T/30T) (P/O PL 13.35
Item 20)
24 – Gear (12T/51T) (P/O PL 13.35
Item 20)
25 – Wire harness (P/O PL 13.35 Item

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.40 5-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.45 Office Finisher LX Folder Electrical

Item Part Description

1 – LVPS cover (Not Spared)
2 960K96561 Finisher PWB (REP 13.23)
3 – Harness guide (Not Spared)
4 – Harness guide (Not Spared)
5 – Harness guide (Not Spared)
6 – Magnet (Not Spared)
7 – Gasket plate assembly (Not
8 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
9 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
10 962K60482 Wire harness (IF)
11 962K60493 Wire harness (LVPS)
12 962K60594 Wire harness (IF)
13 962K60511 Power cable
14 105E22590 Finisher LVPS (REP 13.24)
15 – Bracket (Not Spared)
16 – Caster (Not Spared)
17 – Thumb Screw (Not Spared)
18 – Knob (Not Spared)
19 110E97990 Finisher front door interlock switch
20 017K96450 Caster
21 – Core (Not Spared)
22 – Screw (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-31 PL 13.45
PL 13.50 Office Finisher LX Booklet
Item Part Description
1 – Frame assembly (Not Spared)
2 – Booklet stapler assembly (Not
Spared) (ADJ 13.1)
3 – Front cover (Not Spared)(REP
4 – Rear cover (Not Spared) (REP
5 – Top cover (Not Spared) (REP
6 – Side cover (Not Spared)
7 – PWB cover (Not Spared) (REP
8 – Left cover (Not Spared) (REP
9 – Harness guide (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.50 5-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.55 Office Finisher LX Booklet Stapler Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Front carriage rail (Not Spared)
2 – Frame (P/O PL 13.55 Item 1)
3 – Core (P/O PL 13.55 Item 1)
4 127K57052 Booklet stapler move motor
5 – Belt (P/O PL 13.55 Item 4)
6 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.55 Item 4)
7 – Gear (12T) (P/O PL 13.55 Item 4)
8 – Pulley (50T) (P/O PL 13.55 Item 4)
9 – Booklet stapler move motor
(MOT13-028) (P/O PL 13.55 Item
4) (REP 13.38)
10 – Wire harness (P/O PL 13.55 Item 4)
11 – Sensor bracket assembly (P/O PL
13.55 Item 1)
12 – Sensor bracket (P/O PL 13.55 Item
13 930W00111 Booklet stapler move position
sensor (Q13-143)/Booklet stapler
move home sensor (Q13-144)
14 – Rear rack gear (Not Spared)
15 – Carriage assembly (Not Spared)
16 – Carriage (P/O PL 13.55 Item 15)
17 – Core (P/O PL 13.55 Item 15)
18 – Core (Not Spared)
19 – Front rack gear (Not Spared)
20 – Motor cover (Not Spared)
21 – Harness guide assembly (Not
22 – Harness strap (P/O PL 13.55 Item
23 – Locking clamp (P/O PL 13.55 Item
24 – Harness guide (front) (Not Spared)
25 – Harness guide (rear) (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-33 PL 13.55
PL 13.60 Office Finisher LX Booklet Front Stapler Assembly

Item Part Description

1 029K92491 Booklet front stapler assembly
2 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
3 – Rear cover (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
4 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
5 – Chute (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
6 – Sub chute (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
7 – Support (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
8 – Spring (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
9 – Exit sub chute (P/O PL 13.60 Item
10 – Spring (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
11 – Front cover (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
12 – Lower cover (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
13 – Booklet stapler assembly (P/O PL
13.60 Item 1) (REP 13.37, ADJ
14 – Wire harness (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
15 – Guide (P/O PL 13.60 Item 1)
16 – Booklet staple cassette assembly

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.60 5-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 13.65 Office Finisher LX Booklet Rear Stapler Assembly

Item Part Description

1 029K92501 Booklet rear stapler assembly
2 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
3 – Rear cover (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
4 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
5 – Chute (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
6 – Sub chute (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
7 – Support (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
8 – Spring (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
9 – Sub chute (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
10 – Spring (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
11 – Front cover (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
12 – Lower cover (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
13 – Booklet stapler assembly (P/O PL
13.65 Item 1) (REP 13.37, ADJ
14 – Wire harness (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
15 – Guide (P/O PL 13.65 Item 1)
16 – Booklet staple cassette assembly

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-35 PL 13.65
PL 13.70 Office Finisher LX Booklet Electrical

Item Part Description

1 068K58351 Stapler rear safety switch/stapler
front safety switch
2 – Booklet stapler safety switch
assembly (P/O PL 13.70 Item 1)
3 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.70 Item 1)
4 960K32545 Booklet PWB (REP 13.30)
5 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
6 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
7 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
8 068K58361 Booklet stapler cover switch
9 – Bracket (P/O PL 13.70 Item 8)
10 – Booklet cover open switch (S13-
300) (P/O PL 13.70 Item 8)
11 – Plate (Not Spared)
12 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
13 – Wire harness (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 13.70 5-36 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 25.05 Consumables and Tools (1 of 2)

Item Part Description

1 – Toner cartridge (C) - see variants
– 106R04034 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (XC)
– 106R04038 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (XE)
– 106R04042 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (DMO)
– 106R04046 45ppm High capacity (16.5K) (XC)
– 106R04050 45ppm High capacity (16.5K) (XE)
– 106R04054 45ppm High capacity (16.5K)
– 106R04058 45ppm WW metered (26K)
– 106R04062 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (XC)
– 106R04066 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (XE)
– 106R04070 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (DMO)
– 106R04074 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (XC)
– 106R04078 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (XE)
– 106R04082 55ppm High capacity (26.5K)
– 106R04086 55ppm WW metered (26K)

2 – Toner cartridge (M)- see variants

– 106R04035 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (XC)
– 106R04039 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (XE)
– 106R04043 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (DMO)
– 106R04047 45ppm High capacity (16.5K) (XC)
– 106R04051 45 ppm High capacity (16.5K) (XE)
– 106R04055 45ppm High capacity (16.5K)
– 106R04059 45ppm WW metered (26K)
– 106R04063 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (XC)
– 106R04067 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (XE)
– 106R04071 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (DMO)
– 106R04075 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (XC)
– 106R04079 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (XE)
– 106R04083 55ppm High capacity (26.5K)
– 106R04087 55ppm WW metered (26K)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-37 PL 25.05
PL 25.10 Consumables and Tools (2 of 2)

Item Part Description

1 – Toner cartridge (Y) - see variants
– 106R04036 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (XC)
– 106R04040 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (XE)
– 106R04044 45ppm Standard (7.6K) (DMO)
– 106R04048 45ppm High capacity (16.5K) (XC)
– 106R04052 45ppm High capacity (16.5K) (XE)
– 106R04056 45ppm High capacity (16.5K) (DMO)
– 106R04060 45ppm WW metered (26K)
– 106R04064 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (XC)
– 106R04068 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (XE)
– 106R04072 55ppm Standard (12.3K) (DMO)
– 106R04076 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (XC)
– 106R04080 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (XE)
– 106R04084 55ppm High capacity (26.5K) (DMO)
– 106R04088 55ppm WW metered (26K)
2 – Toner cartridge (K)- see variants
– 106R04037 45ppm Standard (12.6K) (XC)
– 106R04041 45ppm Standard (12.6K) (XE)
– 106R04045 45ppm Standard (12.6K) (DMO)
– 106R04049 45ppm High capacity (20.9K) (XC)
– 106R04053 45ppm High capacity (20.9K) (XE)
– 106R04057 45ppm High capacity (20.9K) (DMO)
– 106R04061 45ppm WW metered (36K)
– 106R04065 55ppm Standard (18.9K) (XC)
– 106R04069 55ppm Standard (18.9K) (XE)
– 106R04073 55ppm Standard (18.9K) (DMO)
– 106R04077 55ppm High capacity (31.4K) (XC)
– 106R04081 55ppm High capacity (31.4K) (XE)
– 106R04085 55ppm High capacity (31.4K) (DMO)
– 106R04089 55ppm WW metered (36K)
3 008R12964 Staple cartridge (5000) - LX Finisher
and BR Finisher
4 008R13177 Staple refills - BR Finisher BM (5000)
5 109R00790 Tray 1-4 feed rolls
6 104R00256 Transfer belt cleaner
7 101R00602 Drum cartridge
8 108R01504 Waste cartridge
9 116R00016 Tray 5 feed rolls (REF: PL 80.120 Item
10 116R00015 2nd BTR roller
11 115R00143 Fuser assembly
12 116R00017 Tray 6 feed rolls (REF: PL 80.105
Item 24)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 25.10 5-38 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 28.05 Covers (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Inner cover assembly (Not Spared)
2 – Inner lower cover (Not Spared)
3 – Inner right cap cover (Not Spared)
4 – Inner hinge cover assembly (Not
5 – Inner left cover (Not Spared)
6 – Inner right cover (Not Spared)
7 674K05081 Front cover strap kit
8 948K13110 Front cover assembly
9 110K18350 Front cover interlock switch
assembly (S77-303)
10 – Bracket (P/O PL 28.05 Item 9)
11 – Front cover interlock switch (P/O PL
28.05 Item 9)
12 – Front cover open switch (P/O PL
28.05 Item 9)
13 – Inner upper cover (Not Spared)
14 – Knob (Not Spared)
15 – Logo badge (P/O PL 28.05 Item 8)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-39 PL 28.05
PL 28.10 Covers (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Front exit cover (Not Spared)
2 – Tray inner cover (Not Spared)
3 822E25072 Upper left cover
4 822E25112 Lower left cover
5 822E46761 Pillar cover
6 – Thumbscrew (Not Spared)
7 050E32924 Exit 2 tray
8 – Bottom left cover (Not Spared)
9 822E24855 Top cover
10 – Top rear cover (Not Spared)
11 822E46741 Right upper cover
12 822E46701 Upper top cover
13 822E46680 Top left cover
14 050K79510 Add tray
15 – Thumbscrew (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 28.10 5-40 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 28.15 Covers (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 822E25191 Upper right front cover
2 822E25133 Lower right front cover
3 822E33951 Upper right rear cover
4 822E25311 ESS rear cover
5 822E25321 Upper rear cover
6 822E25420 Left rear cover
7 – Cap cover (Not Spared)
8 822E25443 Lower rear cover
9 – EPSV cover (Not Spared)
10 822E25601 MCU cover
11 – Outlet cover (Not Spared)
12 – Label (Date) (Not Spared)
13 – Label (GFI) (Not Spared)
14 – Label (Warning) (Not Spared)
15 – Label (Earth) (Not Spared)
16 – Gasket (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-41 PL 28.15
PL 31.05 Maintenance/Removal/Installation Kits

Item Part Description

1 607K10570 FFC Cable assembly kit (REF: PL
60.05 Item 9)
2 607K10600 Tray 1 kit (REF: PL 70.05 Item 1)
3 607K10631 Bypass tray kit (REF: PL 70.50 Item
4 607K10642 Bypass feeder kit (REF: PL 70.50
Item 17)
5 -- Not used
6 674K05081 Front cover strap kit (REF: PL 28.05
Item 7)
7 607K10610 Tray 2-4 kit (REF: PL 70.05 Item 2)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 31.05 5-42 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 40.05 Main Drive Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Fuser input bracket assembly (Not
2 – Spacer (Not Spared)
3 – Spring (Not Spared)
4 807E51730 Helical gear
5 – Flange (Not Spared)
6 423W10354 Drive belt
– 423W10355 Drive belt (alternative)
7 007K22595 Main drive assembly (MOT42-018)
(REP 40.1)
8 – Drum drive bracket assembly (P/O
PL 40.05 Item 7)
9 – Drum drive housing assembly (P/O
PL 40.05 Item 7)
10 – Bearing (P/O PL 40.05 Item 7)
11 930W00121 BTR contact/retract sensor (Q94-
12 – Sensor bracket (P/O PL 40.05 Item
13 – Drum/developer (C, M, Y) motor
(MOT42-007) (P/O PL 40.05 Item
14 – Drum/developer (K)/ IBT motor
(MOT42-001) (P/O PL 40.05 Item
15 – Fuser drive bracket assembly (P/O
PL 40.05 Item 16)
16 007K21444 Fuser drive assembly (REP 40.2)
17 – Gear lever (Not Spared)
18 – Bracket (Not Spared)
19 – Fuser unit drive motor (P/O PL
40.05 Item 16)
20 – BTR contact/retract clutch
assembly (P/O PL 40.05 Item 16)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-43 PL 40.05
PL 40.10 NOHAD (front)
Item Part Description
1 – Duct (Not Spared)
2 – Fuser duct assembly (Not Spared)
3 – Fuser seal (Not Spared)
4 – Fuser duct (Not Spared)
5 930K00500 Temp/Humidity sensor (external)
(REP 40.3)
6 – Rear duct (Not Spared)
7 – P1 duct (P/O PL 40.10 Item 8)
8 – Duct assembly (Not Spared) (REP
9 127K69610 Front/right marking fan
10 – Screw (P/O PL 40.10 Item 8)
11 – Connector (P/O PL 40.10 Item 8)
12 127K74190 Toner cartridge cooling fan
assembly (REP 40.5)
13 054K55030 Front/Left marking fan assembly
(MOT42-067) (REP 40.6)
14 – Front duct (Not Spared)
15 054K55060 Marking fan duct assembly

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 40.10 5-44 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 40.15 NOHAD (rear)
Item Part Description
1 – Rear fuser duct assembly (Not
Spared) (REP 40.7)
2 054K55050 Fuser unit exhaust fan assembly
3 815K16761 Side plate
4 127K74210 LVPS fan assembly (MOT42-052)
(REP 40.8)
5 – Screw (P/O PL 40.15 Item 4)
6 – Connector (P/O PL 40.15 Item 4)
7 – Bracket (P/O PL 40.15 Item 8)
8 054K55210 IHPS intake duct assembly
(MOT42-069) (REP 40.9)
9 054K54990 Toner cartridge exhaust fan
assembly (REP 40.10)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-45 PL 40.15
PL 60.05 LPH Module
Item Part Description
1 930K00722 LPH assembly (K) (REP 60.1)
2 – LPH assembly (C) (REP 60.1)
3 – LPH assembly (M) (REP 60.1)
4 – LPH assembly (Y) (REP 60.1)
5 – Core ferrite (P/O PL 60.05 Item 9)
6 – FFC guide (P/O PL 60.05 Item 9)
7 – FFC cable (P/O PL 60.05 Item 9)
8 – FFC cable (P/O PL 60.05 Item 9)
9 607K10570 FFC cable assembly kit (REP 60.2)
10 042K94930 LPH cleaner
11 – Cleaner assembly kit
12 – Cleaner base assembly (P/O PL
60.05 Item 11)
13 – Cleaner rod (P/O PL 60.05 Item 11)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 60.05 5-46 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.05 Tray 1 & 2 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 607K10600 Tray 1 assembly
2 607K10610 Tray 2 assembly
3 110K12100 Tray 1 paper size sensor (Q71-104)
/ Tray 2 paper size sensor (Q72-
104) (REP 70.1)
– 110K17951 Tray 1 paper size sensor (Q71-104)
(REP 70.1) / Tray 2 paper size
sensor (Q72-104) (REP 70.1)
4 – Bracket (Not Spared)
5 – Label (instruction) (P/O PL 70.05
Item 1 & PL 70.05 Item 2)
6 – Label (No. 1) (P/O PL 70.05 Item
7 – Label (No. 2) (P/O PL 70.05 Item
8 – Gasket (Not Spared)
9 – Not used
10 – Bracket (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-47 PL 70.05
PL 70.10 Tray 1 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Pinion (P/O PL 70.05 Item 1)
2 – Spring (P/O PL 70.05 Item 1)
3 – End guide (Not Spared)
4 – Tray gear assembly (Not Spared)
5 – Gear (13) (P/O PL 70.10 Item 4)
6 – Gear (13/60) (P/O PL 70.10 Item 4)
7 – Gear assembly (P/O PL 70.10 Item
8 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.05 Item 1)
9 – Cassette assembly (P/O PL 70.05
Item 1)
10 – Front side guide assembly (Not
11 – Front side guide (P/O PL 70.10
Item 10)
12 – Pad (P/O PL 70.10 Item 10)
13 – Rear side guide assembly (Not
14 – Rear side guide (P/O PL 70.10 Item
15 – Pad (P/O PL 70.10 Item 13)
16 – Label (MAX) (P/O PL 70.10 Item
17 – Side actuator (P/O PL 70.05 Item 1)
18 – Lift plate (P/O PL 70.05 Item 1)

NOTE: All parts are part of PL 70.05 Item 1.

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.10 5-48 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.15 Tray 2 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Pinion (P/O PL 70.05 Item 2)
2 – End guide kit (Not Spared)
3 – Tray gear kit (Not Spared)
4 – Gear (13) (P/O PL 70.15 Item 3)
5 – Gear (13/60) (P/O PL 70.15 Item 3)
6 – Gear assembly (P/O PL 70.15 Item
7 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.05 Item 2)
8 – Cassette assembly (P/O PL 70.05
Item 2)
9 – Front side guide kit (Not Spared)
10 – Front side guide (P/O PL 70.15
Item 9)
11 – Pad (P/O PL 70.15 Item 9)
12 – Rear side guide kit (Not Spared)
13 – Rear side guide (P/O PL 70.15 Item
14 – Pad (P/O PL 70.15 Item 12)
15 – Label (MAX) (P/O PL 70.15 Item
16 – Side actuator (P/O PL 70.05 Item 2)
17 – Lift plate (P/O PL 70.05 Item 2)

NOTE: All parts are part of PL 70.05 Item 2.

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-49 PL 70.15
PL 70.20 2TM Components
Item Part Description
1 – Tray 3 & 4 assembly (REF:PL
2 – 2TM tray label kit (P/O PL 31.05
Item 7)
3 – Label (instruction) (P/O PL 31.05
Item 7)
4 – Label (No. 3) (P/O PL 31.05 Item
5 – Label (No. 4) (P/O PL 31.05 Item
6 – Top cover (Not Spared)
7 822E41111 Foot cover
8 – Docking screw (Not Spared)
9 822E41071 Right cover
10 – Shoulder screw (Not Spared)
11 822E41013 Rear cover
12 110K12100 Tray 3 paper size sensor (Q73-104)
/ Tray 4 paper size sensor (Q74-
104) (REP 70.5)
– 110K17951 Tray 3 paper size sensor (Q73-
104)/ Tray 4 paper size sensor
(Q74-104) (alternative) (REP 70.5)
13 – Joint bracket (Not Spared)
14 – Gasket (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.20 5-50 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.25 2TM Tray 3/4 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Pinion (P/O PL 70.20 Item 1)
2 – End guide (P/O PL 70.20 Item 1)
3 – Tray gear kit (Not Spared)
4 – Gear (13) (P/O PL 70.25 Item 3)
5 – Gear (13/60) (P/O PL 70.25 Item 3)
6 – Gear assembly (P/O PL 70.25 Item
7 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.20 Item 1)
8 – Cassette assembly (P/O PL 70.20
Item 1)
9 – Front side guide kit (Not Spared)
10 – Front side guide (P/O PL 70.25
Item 9)
11 – Pad (P/O PL 70.25 Item 9)
12 – Rear side guide kit (Not Spared)
13 – Rear side guide (P/O PL 70.25 Item
14 – Pad (P/O PL 70.25 Item 12)
15 – Label (MAX) (P/O PL 70.25 Item
16 – Side actuator (P/O PL 70.20 Item 1)
17 – Lift plate (P/O PL 70.20 Item 1)

NOTE: All parts are part of PL 70.20 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-51 PL 70.25
PL 70.30 TTM Components
Item Part Description
1 – TTM module
2 – Joint bracket (Not Spared)
3 – Docking screw (Not Spared)
4 – Cover bracket (Not Spared)
5 822E41013 Rear cover

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.30 5-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.35 TTM Covers and Tray 3/4 Assembly

Item Part Description

1 607K10491 TTM Tray 3 assembly
2 607K10500 TTM Tray 4 assembly
3 – Not used
4 – Label (No. 3) (P/O PL 70.35 Item
5 – Label (No. 4) (P/O PL 70.35 Item
6 – Label (instruction) (P/O PL 70.35
Item 1 & PL 70.35 Item 2)
7 – Label (MAX) (P/O PL 70.35 Item 1
& PL 70.35 Item 2)
8 – Label (C) (Not Spared)
9 – Upper roller (Not Spared)
10 – Roller bracket assembly (Not
11 – Top cover (Not Spared)
12 – Foot cover (P/O PL 70.35 Item 23)
13 – Adjuster foot (P/O PL 70.35 Item
14 – Foot bracket (P/O PL 70.35 Item
15 822E41053 Left cover
16 948K12040 Left door assembly
17 – Pivot bracket (Not Spared)
18 822E41071 Right cover
19 – TTM frame assembly (Not Spared)
20 – Left stopper (Not Spared)
21 – Right stopper (Not Spared)
22 110K17960 Tray 3 paper size sensor (Q73-
104)/ Tray 4 paper size sensor
(Q74-104) (REP 70.6)
– 110K15040 Tray 3 paper size sensor (Q73-
104)/ Tray 4 paper size sensor
(Q74-104) (alternative) (REP 70.6)
– 110K11820 Tray 3 paper size sensor (Q73-
104)/ Tray 4 paper size sensor
(Q74-104) (alternative) (REP 70.6)
23 607K11480 Adjuster foot assembly

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-53 PL 70.35
PL 70.40 TTM Tray 3 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Tray 3 chassis assembly
2 – Tray 3 chassis (P/O PL 70.40 Item
3 – Upper roller (P/O PL 70.40 Item 1)
4 – Pinion (P/O PL 70.40 Item 1)
5 – Pad (P/O PL 70.35 Item 1)
6 – Tray 3 cover assembly (P/O PL
70.35 Item 1)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.40 5-54 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.45 TTM Tray 4 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Tray 4 chassis assembly (P/O PL
70.35 Item 2)
2 – Tray 4 chassis (P/O PL 70.45 Item
3 – Upper roller (P/O PL 70.45 Item 1)
4 – Pinion (P/O PL 70.45 Item 1)
5 – Pad (P/O PL 70.35 Item 2)
6 – Tray 4 cover assembly (P/O PL
70.35 Item 2)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-55 PL 70.45
PL 70.50 Bypass Tray Components
Item Part Description
1 029E54380 Pivot (REP 70.2)
2 – Harness guide (Not Spared)
3 – Stopper link (Not Spared)
4 054K55424 Takeaway assembly
5 – Upper feedhead assembly (P/O PL
70.50 Item 17)
6 – Lower feedhead assembly (P/O PL
70.50 Item 17)
7 – Stopper plate (Not Spared)
8 – Knob (P/O PL 70.50 Item 17)
9 – Tray assembly (P/O PL 70.50 Item
10 – Extension tray (P/O PL 70.50 Item
11 – Chute front (P/O PL 70.50 Item 17)
12 – Top chute assembly (P/O PL 70.50
Item 17)
13 – Label (MAX) (P/O PL 70.50 Item
14 – Label (instruction) (P/O PL 70.50
Item 16)
15 – Harness cover (P/O PL 70.50 Item
16 607K10631 Bypass tray kit
17 607K10642 Bypass feeder kit

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.50 5-56 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.55 Bypass Tray Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Paper size sensor assembly (P/O
PL 70.55 Item 8) (REP 70.4)
2 – Link (P/O PL 70.55 Item 8)
3 – Spring (P/O PL 70.55 Item 8)
4 – Tray plate (P/O PL 70.55 Item 8)
5 – No paper sensor (Q75-101) (P/O
PL 70.55 Item 8)
6 – No paper sensor harness (P/O PL
70.55 Item 8)
7 – Bypass tray (P/O PL 70.55 Item 8)
8 – Bypass tray assembly (P/O PL
70.50 Item 16) (REP 70.3)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-57 PL 70.55
PL 70.70 Envelope Tray
Item Part Description
1 050K76591 Envelope tray assembly
2 – Envelope tray (P/O PL 70.70 Item
3 – End guide (P/O PL 70.70 Item 1)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.70 5-58 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.75 HCF Unit
Item Part Description
1 – Joint plate (P/O PL 70.75 Item 18)
2 003K91881 Knob
3 130K55590 Tray set sensor (Q78-204)(REP
4 801K15701 Tray rail
5 050K51976 HCF tray (REP 70.7, REP 70.8)
6 – Left top cover (Not Spared)
7 – Right cover (Not Spared)
8 – Front right cover (Not Spared)
9 – Left cover (Not Spared)
10 – Rear cover (Not Spared)
11 – HCF feed head (REF: PL 80.100 &
PL 80.105) (REP 70.23)
12 – Label (Top) (Not Spared)
13 – Label (Tray number) (Not Spared)
14 – Label (End) (Not Spared)
15 – Label (Size) (Not Spared)
16 – Frame assembly (Not Spared)
17 – Plate assembly (Not Spared)
18 604K23830 HCF docking plate

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-59 PL 70.75
PL 70.80 HCF Tray 6 (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 003K13592 Tray latch assembly (REP 70.10)
2 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.80 Item 1)
3 – Spring (P/O PL 70.80 Item 1)
4 – Latch lever (P/O PL 70.80 Item 1)
5 – Tray
6 – Front cover assembly
7 – Front cover (P/O PL 70.80 Item 6)
8 – Gear bracket (P/O PL 70.80 Item 6)
9 – Label (Gauge) (P/O PL 70.80 Item
10 – Frame
11 – Plate (P/O PL 70.80 Item 10)
12 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.80 Item 10)
13 – Pin (P/O PL 70.80 Item 10)
14 – Spring (P/O PL 70.80 Item 10)
15 – Top plate (P/O PL 70.80 Item 10)
16 – Wave washer (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.80 5-60 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.85 HCF Tray 6 (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Lift shaft (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
2 – Bearing (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
3 – Bearing (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
4 020E37620 Pulley
5 – Gear (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
6 – Bottom plate assembly (P/O PL
70.75 Item 5)
7 – Bottom plate (P/O PL 70.85 Item 6)
8 019E58620 Pad
9 – Front side guide (P/O PL 70.75
Item 5)
10 – Rear side guide (P/O PL 70.75 Item
11 604K19981 Cable and pulley kit (REP 70.13)
12 032E22410 Long wire guide
13 – Pulley (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
14 – Short wire guide (P/O PL 70.75
Item 5)
15 – Pulley (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
16 – Screw (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
17 015K65532 Gear bracket assembly(REP 70.12)
18 – Gear bracket (P/O PL 70.85 Item
19 – Contact gear (P/O PL 70.85 Item
20 – Gear (P/O PL 70.85 Item 17)
21 – Gear (P/O PL 70.85 Item 17)
22 – Brake (P/O PL 70.85 Item 17)
23 – Spring (P/O PL 70.85 Item 17)
24 807E04500 Lift gear (REP 70.11)
25 – Plate (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)
26 – Gear (P/O PL 70.75 Item 5)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-61 PL 70.85
PL 70.90 HCF Top Cover Unit
Item Part Description
1 013E17100 Bearing
2 – Bracket (Not Spared)
3 – Pivot bracket (Not Spared)
4 – Transport cover assembly
5 – Bearing (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
6 – Upper chute (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
7 – Top cover (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
8 – Knob (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
9 – Latch (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
10 – Latch (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
11 – Spring (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
12 059E01430 Pinch roller
13 – Shaft (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
14 – Shaft (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
15 – Spring (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
16 – Spring (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
17 – Gasket (P/O PL 70.90 Item 4)
18 059K36260 Takeaway roll (REP 70.15)
19 – Spring (Left) (Not Spared)
20 – Spring (Right) (Not Spared)
21 – Lower chute assembly (Not
22 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.90 Item 21)
23 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.90 Item 21)
24 – Lower chute (P/O PL 70.90 Item
25 130K88150 Feed out sensor (Q78-101) (REP
26 110E94770 Transport interlock switch (S78-
300) (REP 70.17)
27 – Pivot shaft (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 70.90 5-62 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 70.95 HCF Electrical and Rail
Item Part Description
1 – Plate (Not Spared)
2 017E92820 Rack caster
3 017E97191 Foot
4 – Latch lever (Not Spared)
5 – Spring (Not Spared)
6 801K15690 Rail
7 127K47152 Takeaway motor (MOT78-007)
(REP 70.18)
8 110E10381 Slide out switch (S78-301)(REP
9 960K88140 HCF PWB (REP 70.20)
10 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
11 130K55590 HCF Size Sensor Assembly (REP
12 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.95 Item 11)
13 – HCF paper sensor (Letter) (Q78-
202) / HCF paper sensor (A4)
(Q78-203) (P/O PL 70.95 Item 11)
14 – Core (Not Spared)
15 – Gear rack (Not Spared)
16 004K03000 Damper (REP 70.22)
17 807E32730 Pinion (REP 70.22)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-63 PL 70.95
PL 80.05 Tray 1 & 2 Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 859K14361 Tray 1 feedhead assembly (REP
2 859K14380 Tray 2 feedhead assembly (REP
3 054E36442 Feed out chute
4 054K55444 Feedhead chute assembly

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.05 5-64 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.10 Tray 1 Feedhead Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.10 Item 11)
(REP 80.3)
2 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.10 Item 11)
(REP 80.3)
3 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.10 Item 11)
(REP 80.3)
4 930W00211 Tray 1 pre-feed sensor (Q71-105)
5 – Chute (P/O PL 80.10 Item 7)
6 – Wire harness (P/O PL 80.10 Item 7)
7 – Feedhead assembly (P/O PL 80.05
Item 1)
8 – Tray 1 no paper sensor (Q71-101)/
Tray 1 level sensor (Q71-102) (P/
O PL 80.05 Item 1)
9 – Tray 1 feed /lift motor (MOT71-001)
(P/O PL 80.05 Item 1)
10 – Gear (P/O PL 80.10 Item 9)
11 109R00790 Tray 1-4 feed rolls

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-65 PL 80.10
PL 80.15 Tray 2 Feedhead Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.15 Item 10)
(REP 80.3)
2 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.15 Item 10)
(REP 80.3)
3 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.15 Item 10)
(REP 80.3)
4 930W00211 Tray 2 pre-feed sensor (Q72-105)
5 – Chute (P/O PL 80.15 Item 6)
6 – Feedhead assembly (P/O PL 80.05
Item 2)
7 – Tray 2 no paper sensor (Q72-101) /
Tray 2 level sensor (Q72-102) (P/
O PL 80.05 Item 2)
8 – Tray 2 feed/lift motor (MOT72-001)
(P/O PL 80.05 Item 2)
9 – Gear (P/O PL 80.15 Item 8)
10 109R00790 Tray 1-4 feed rolls

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.15 5-66 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.20 2TM Left Cover Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 948K12050 Left door assembly
2 – Latch holder (Not Spared)
3 – Pivot bracket (Not Spared)
4 – Foot cover (P/O PL 80.20 Item 12)
5 – Adjuster foot (P/O PL 80.20 Item
6 – Foot bracket (P/O PL 80.20 Item
7 822E41053 Left cover
8 948K01810 2TM left door interlock switch (S77-
9 822E27982 Connector cover
10 859K04741 2TM feedhead 1 assembly (REP
80.4)/ 2TM feedhead 2 assembly
(REP 80.5) (REF: PL 80.35)
11 054E36442 Feed out chute
12 607K11480 Adjuster foot assembly

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-67 PL 80.20
PL 80.25 2TM Takeaway Assembly
Item Part Description
1 859K07790 Takeaway roll assembly (upper)
(REP 80.6)/ Takeaway roll
assembly (lower) (REP 80.8)
2 413W88650 Bearing
3 054K55191 Tray 3 chute assembly (REP 80.7)
4 – Not used
5 – Tray 3 feed out sensor harness (P/
O PL 80.25 Item 3)
6 – Tray 3 chute (P/O PL 80.25 Item 3)
7 – Not used
8 – Tray 4 chute assembly (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.25 5-68 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.30 2TM Drive Assembly
Item Part Description
1 049K41791 Takeaway motor assembly (REP
2 423W37754 Belt (REP 80.10)
3 – Pulley (24T) (Not Spared)
4 – Roller (P/O PL 80.30 Item 5)
5 – Tension bracket assembly (Not
6 – Tension bracket (P/O PL 80.30 Item
7 – Spring (Not Spared)
8 – Wire harness assembly (Not
9 – Clamp (Not Spared)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-69 PL 80.30
PL 80.35 2TM Tray 3 & 4 Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Feedhead assembly (REF: PL
80.40 Item 3 & PL 80.40 Item 7)
2 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.35 Item 13)
(REP 80.12)
3 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.35 Item 13)
(REP 80.12)
4 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.35 Item 13)
(REP 80.12)
5 – Tray 3 no paper sensor (Q73-101)/
Tray 4 no paper sensor (Q74-101)
(P/O PL 80.20 Item 10)
6 – Tray 3 level sensor (Q73-102)/ Tray
4 level sensor (Q74-102) (P/O PL
80.20 Item 10)
7 – Chute (P/O PL 80.35 Item 1)
8 – Feedhead frame (P/O PL 80.35
Item 1)
9 – Bracket (Not Spared)
10 930W00211 Tray 3 pre-feed sensor (Q73-105)/
Tray 4 pre-feed sensor (Q74-105)
11 – Tray 3 lift motor (MOT73-001)/Tray
4 lift motor (MOT74-001) (P/O PL
80.35 Item 1)
12 – Gear (P/O PL 80.35 Item 11)
13 109R00790 Tray 1-4 feed rolls

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.35 5-70 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.40 TTM Transport assembly / Tray 3 & 4 Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 948K01810 TTM left door interlock switch (S77-
2 – Connector cover (Not Spared)
3 859K02411 Tray 3 feedhead assembly (REP
4 054E33803 Feed out chute
5 859K02862 Transport assembly (REF: PL
6 – TTM transport assembly (P/O PL
80.40 Item 5)
7 859K02931 Tray 4 feedhead assembly (REP
8 054K56450 Takeaway chute assembly
9 054E39560 Transport feed chute
10 859K07790 Takeaway roll assembly
11 – Transport stopper (Not Spared)
12 413W88650 Bearing
13 – Not used
14 – Actuator (P/O PL 80.40 Item 8)
15 – Spring (P/O PL 80.40 Item 8)
16 – Feed out sensor 3 (Q73-103) (P/O
PL 80.40 Item 8)
17 – Harness assembly (P/O PL 80.40
Item 8)
18 – Takeaway chute (P/O PL 80.40
Item 8)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-71 PL 80.40
PL 80.45 TTM Drive Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Connector bracket (Not Spared)
2 – Wire harness (Not Spared)
3 049K31871 Takeaway motor assembly
4 – Collar (Not Spared)
5 – Pulley (48T) (Not Spared)
6 423W85054 Belt
7 – Roller (Not Spared)
8 – Pulley (Not Spared)
9 – Tension bracket assembly (Not
10 – Spring (Not Spared)
11 – Transport bracket assembly (Not
12 – Drawer harness (Not Spared)
13 – Shoulder screw (Not Spared)
14 – Spring (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.45 5-72 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.50 TTM Tray 3 Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Chute (P/O PL 80.40 Item 3)
2 930W00211 Tray 3 pre-feed sensor (Q73-105)
3 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.50 Item 11)
(REP 80.16)
4 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.50 Item 11)
(REP 80.16)
5 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.50 Item 11)
(REP 80.16)
6 – Tray 3 no paper sensor (Q73-101)/
Tray 3 level sensor (Q73-102) (P/
O PL 80.40 Item 3)
7 – Feedhead cover (P/O PL 80.40
Item 3)
8 – Feedhead frame (P/O PL 80.40
Item 3)
9 – Tray 3 feed/lift motor (MOT73-001)
(P/O PL 80.40 Item 3)
10 – Gear (P/O PL 80.50 Item 9)
11 109R00790 Tray 1-4 feed rolls

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-73 PL 80.50
PL 80.55 TTM Tray 4 Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Chute (P/O PL 80.40 Item 7)
2 930W00211 Tray 4 pre-feed sensor (Q74-105)
3 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.55 Item 11)
(REP 80.16)
4 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.55 Item 11)
(REP 80.16)
5 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.55 Item 11)
(REP 80.16)
6 – Tray 4 no paper sensor (Q74-101)/
Tray 4 level sensor (Q74-102) (P/
O PL 80.40 Item 7)
7 – Feedhead cover (P/O PL 80.40
Item 7)
8 – Feedhead frame (P/O PL 80.40
Item 7)
9 – Tray 4 feed/lift motor (MOT74-001)
(P/O PL 80.40 Item 7)
10 – Gear (P/O PL 80.55 Item 9)
11 109R00790 Tray 1-4 feed rolls

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.55 5-74 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.60 TTM Transport Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Upper chute transport kit (REF: PL
80.40 Item 5)
2 – Upper chute transport (P/O PL
80.60 Item 1)
3 – Feed out sensor 4 (Q74-103) (P/O
PL 80.60 Item 1)
4 – Label (Transport) (P/O PL 80.60
Item 1)
5 – Feed out sensor cover (Not Spared)
6 – Feed out sensor harness (Not
7 – Transport roll assembly (Not
Spared) (REP 80.17)
8 – Transport roll (Not Spared)
9 – Bearing (Not Spared)
10 – Pulley (Not Spared)
11 – Belt (Not Spared)
12 – Collar (Not Spared)
13 – Lower chute transport (Not Spared)
14 – Rear jam clearance handle (Not
15 – Washer (Not Spared)
16 – Front jam clearance handle (Not

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-75 PL 80.60
PL 80.65 Left Cover Components
Item Part Description
1 859K14042 Left cover asembly (REP 80.21)
2 – 2nd BTR roll assembly (P/O PL
80.65 Item 17) (REP 80.22)
3 – Label (P/O PL 80.65 Item 17)
4 869E24730 Rear left support
5 – Support bracket (Not Spared)
6 – Shaft (Not Spared)
7 – Front lever assembly (Not Spared)
8 – Rear lever assembly (Not Spared)
9 110K18150 Interlock switch assembly (S77-
300) (REP 80.29)
10 – Switch bracket (P/O PL 80.65 Item
11 – Switch plate (P/O PL 80.65 Item 9)
12 – Left cover interlock switch (P/O PL
80.65 Item 9)
13 – Caution label kit (Not Spared)
14 – Label (Finger caution) (P/O PL
80.65 Item 1)
15 – Label (Caution) (P/O PL 80.65
Item 1)
16 – Rear bracket (Not Spared)
17 116R00015 2nd BTR assembly

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.65 5-76 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.70 Left Cover Transport Components

Item Part Description

1 – Left cover asembly (REF: PL 80.75)
2 – Duplex motor cover
3 – Harness guide
4 – Bearing
5 – 2nd BTR housing assembly (REF:
PL 80.65 Item 17) (REP 80.23)
6 – Duplex inner chute assembly (REF:
PL 80.80) (REP 80.24)
7 – Link (P/O PL 80.70 Item 6)
8 – Duplex chute assembly (REF: PL
9 – Front toggle guide
10 – Rear toggle guide
11 – Toggle gate
12 – Spring
13 – Toggle spring

NOTE: All parts are part of PL 80.65 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-77 PL 80.70
PL 80.75 Left Cover Transport Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Lower chute assembly (REP 80.25)
2 – Handle
3 – Spring
4 – Front latch
5 – Rear latch
6 – Shaft
7 – Pulley
8 – Gear
9 – Gear/pulley
10 – Duplex motor and bracket assembly
11 – Belt
12 – Belt
13 – Front support
14 – Front toggle guide assembly
15 – Spring
16 – Rear toggle guide assembly
17 – Close stopper
18 – Link assembly
19 – Connector cover
20 – Harness assembly
21 – Left cover assembly
22 – Mid duplex roll asembly
23 – Lower duplex roll assembly
24 – Vent cover

NOTE: All components are part of PL 80.65 Item 1.

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.75 5-78 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.80 Duplex Inner Chute Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Registration chute assembly
2 – Registration sensor (Q77-103)
(REP 80.26)
3 – Registration heater assembly
4 – Registration heater bracket
5 – Registration tie plate
6 – Handle (REP 80.27)
7 – Label (A3)
8 – Spring
9 – POB jam sensor (Q94-201) (REP
10 – Front spring housing
11 – Rear spring housing
12 – 2nd roller assembly
13 – Spring
14 – Harness cover
15 – BTR bracket
16 – POB jam sensor holder
17 – Duplex inner chute
18 – Pinch spring
19 – Pinch roller

NOTE: All components are part of PL 80.65 Item 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-79 PL 80.80
PL 80.85 Duplex Chute Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Pulley
2 – Front holder assembly
3 – Rear holder assembly
4 – Duplex chute housing assembly
5 – Upper duplex roll assembly
6 – Bearing
NOTE: All components are part of PL 80.65 Item 1.

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.85 5-80 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.90 Registration Transport Assembly

Item Part Description

1 859K03317 Registration transport assembly
(REP 80.30)
2 – Registration transport (P/O PL
80.90 Item 1)
3 – Chute holder (P/O PL 80.90 Item 1)
4 – Chute assembly (Not Spared)
(REP 80.31)
5 – Chute (P/O PL 80.90 Item 4)
6 – Chute guide (P/O PL 80.90 Item 4)
7 859K07200 Takeaway roll 2 assembly (REP
– 859K02290 Takeaway roll 2 assembly
(alternative)(REP 80.32)
8 807E52000 Drive gear
9 013E46820 Bearing
10 – Connector cover (Not Spared)
11 – Upper chute assembly (Not

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-81 PL 80.90
PL 80.95 Registration Drive Assembly
Item Part Description
1 007K22002 Registration drive assembly (REP
2 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 80.95 Item
3 – Block (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
4 – Registration motor (MOT77-055)
(P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
5 – Takeaway motor 1 (MOT77-050)
(P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
6 – Gear (39/22) (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
7 – Gear (30/18) (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
8 – Shaft (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
9 – Bearing
10 – Bearing (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
11 – Gear (37) (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
12 – Gear (25) (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
13 – Bracket (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
14 – Screw (P/O PL 80.95 Item 1)
15 007K22022 Takeaway drive assembly (REP
16 – Takeaway motor 2 bracket (P/O PL
80.95 Item 15)
17 – Takeaway motor 2 (MOT77-051)
(P/O PL 80.95 Item 15)
18 – Gear (18) (P/O PL 80.95 Item 15)
19 – Gear (Z39/22) (P/O PL 80.95 Item
20 – Screw (P/O PL 80.95 Item 15)
21 – Drive bracket (Not Spared)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.95 5-82 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.100 HCF Feeder (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Shaft (P/O PL 70.75 Item 11)
2 007E78760 Gear (19T)
3 007E78770 Gear (25T)
4 007E78780 Gear (25T)
5 007E78790 Gear (40T)
6 013E25530 Bearing
7 – Block (P/O PL 70.75 Item 11)
8 – Spacer (P/O PL 70.75 Item 11)
9 019E56470 Holder
10 – Upper feeder assembly (P/O PL
70.75 Item 11)
11 – Lower feeder assembly (P/O PL
70.75 Item 11)
12 413W66250 Ball bearing
13 – Front frame (P/O PL 70.75 Item 11)
14 – Rear frame assembly (P/O PL
70.75 Item 11)
15 – Link assembly (P/O PL 80.100 Item
16 – Rear frame (P/O PL 80.100 Item
17 – Spring (P/O PL 70.75 Item 11)
18 – Bracket (P/O PL 70.75 Item 11)
19 – Drive gear assembly (P/O PL 70.75
Item 11)
21 007K88520 Gear (23T/27T)
22 007K88530 Gear (31T/36T)
23 127K37901 HCF feed lift motor (MOT78-003)
(REP 80.39)
24 – Motor frame (P/O PL 80.100 Item

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-83 PL 80.100
PL 80.105 HCF Feeder (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Upper feeder assembly (P/O PL
70.75 Item 11)
2 003E59570 Latch (REP 80.37)
3 – Shaft latch (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
4 006K23124 Feed shaft assembly (REP 80.36)
5 – Feed shaft (P/O PL 80.105 Item 4)
6 413W66250 Ball bearing (REP 80.36)
7 – Gear (20T) (P/O PL 80.105 Item 4)
8 007E78180 Feed gear (25T) (REP 80.36)
9 – Lever (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
10 – Bearing (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
11 – Spacer (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
12 – Pin drive (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
13 – Guide (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
14 – Rear upper chute (P/O PL 80.105
Item 1)
15 – Upper chute (P/O PL 80.105 Item
16 120E21900 Actuator
17 – Upper Frame (P/O PL 80.105 Item
18 – Spring (P/O PL 80.105 Item 1)
19 930W00112 HCF level sensor / HCF no paper
sensor (REP 80.38)
20 930W00211 HCF pre feed sensor (REP 80.38)
21 – Wire harness (P/O PL 80.105 Item
22 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.105 Item 24)
23 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.105 Item
24 116R00017 Tray 6 feed rolls

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.105 5-84 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.110 HCF Feeder (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.105 Item 24)
2 – Lower feeder assembly (P/O PL
70.75 Item 11)
3 – Retard shaft assembly (P/O PL
80.110 Item 2)
4 – Collar (P/O PL 80.110 Item 3)
5 005K06701 Friction clutch
6 – Shaft (P/O PL 80.110 Item 3)
7 007E78170 Gear (15T)
8 007E89760 Gear (22T)
9 013E23600 Bearing
10 013E23610 Bearing
11 – Retard bracket (P/O PL 80.110
Item 3)
12 – Slide (P/O PL 80.110 Item 2)
13 – Lever (P/O PL 80.110 Item 2)
14 – Lower chute (P/O PL 80.110 Item
15 – Lower frame (P/O PL 80.110 Item
16 – Spring (P/O PL 80.110 Item 2)
17 – Spring (P/O PL 80.110 Item 2)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-85 PL 80.110
PL 80.115 Bypass Tray Takeaway Assembly

Item Part Description

1 930W00211 Feed out sensor (Q77-104)
2 – Feed out sensor holder
3 – Feed out sensor harness
4 – Spring
5 – Spring
6 – Pinch chute
7 – Tie plate
8 – Miler plate

NOTE: All parts are part of PL 70.50 Item 4.

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 80.115 5-86 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 80.120 Bypass Tray Feedhead Assembly

Item Part Description

1 – Bypass tray feed/lift motor (MOT75-
003) (P/O PL 80.120 Item 10)
2 – Bypass tray nudger position sensor
(Q75-102) (P/O PL 80.120 Item
3 – Harness assembly (P/O PL 80.120
Item 10)
4 – Upper feedhead assembly (P/O PL
80.120 Item 10)
5 – Lower frame (P/O PL 80.120 Item
6 116R00016 Bypass tray roll kit (REP 80.20)
7 – Feed roll (P/O PL 80.120 Item 6)
8 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 80.120 Item 6)
9 – Retard roll (P/O PL 80.120 Item 6)
10 – Bypass tray feedhead assembly (P/
O PL 70.50 Item 17) (REP 80.19)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-87 PL 80.120
PL 90.05 Developer Unit
Item Part Description
1 948K01510 Conductor housing assembly (REP
2 948K01530 Developer conductor housing
3 010E96730 Plunger (REP 90.2)
4 948K13033 Developer housing kit (See NOTE)
5 – Developer assembly (P/O PL 90.05
Item 4) (REP 90.3)
6 – Developer plate asembly (Not
7 – Gear cover (Not Spared)
8 607K12421 Developer material (Y) (REP 90.7)
9 607K12411 Developer material (M) (REP 90.7)
10 607K12401 Developer material (C) (REP 90.7)
11 607K12391 Developer material (K) (REP 90.7)
12 – Harness guide (Not Spared)
13 – Wire harness (P/O PL 90.05 Item 4)
14 – ATC sensor (P/O PL 90.05 Item 4)

NOTE: When ordering item 4 also order relevant Developer

material items 8,9,10 or 11.

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 90.05 5-88 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 90.10 Toner Dispense
Item Part Description
1 007K23170 Toner dispense motor assembly
(MOT92-005) (REP 90.4)
2 – Drive assembly (P/O PL 90.10 Item
3 019K16490 Toner CRUM connector assembly
(REP 90.5)
4 094K94141 Dispenser assembly (Y) (REP
5 – Toner guide assembly (P/O PL
90.10 Item 4)
6 – Main pipe (Y) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
7 – Lower pipe (Y) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
8 – Shutter (Y) (P/O PL 90.10 Item 4)
9 094K94151 Dispenser assembly (M) (REP
10 – Toner guide assembly (M) (P/O PL
90.10 Item 9)
11 – Main pipe (M) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
12 – Sub pipe (M) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
13 – Lower pipe (M) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
14 – Shutter (M) (P/O PL 90.10 Item 9)
15 094K94161 Dispenser assembly (C) (REP
16 – Toner guide assembly (C) (P/O PL
90.10 Item 15)
17 – Main pipe (C) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
18 – Sub pipe (C) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
19 – Lower pipe (C) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
20 – Shutter (C) (P/O PL 90.10 Item 15)
21 094K94171 Dispenser assembly (K) (REP
22 – Toner guide assembly (K) (P/O PL
90.10 Item 21)
23 – Main pipe (K) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
24 – Sub pipe (K) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
25 – Lower pipe (K) (P/O PL 90.10 Item
26 – Shutter (K) (P/O PL 90.10 Item 21)
27 – Toner cartridge (Y) (REF: PL 25.10
Item 1)
28 – Toner cartridge (M) (REF: PL
25.05 Item 2)
29 – Toner cartridge (C) (REF: PL 25.05
Item 1)
30 – Toner cartridge (K) (REF: PL 25.10
Item 2)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-89 PL 90.10
PL 90.15 Xerographic Components
Item Part Description
1 948K00016 Waste toner transport assembly
2 – Drum assembly (K) (NOTE) (REP
3 – Drum assembly (C) (NOTE) (REP
4 – Drum assembly (M) (NOTE) (REP
5 – Drum assembly (Y) (NOTE) (REP
6 108R01504 Waste cartridge

NOTE: The part number for all Drum assemblies is


Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 90.15 5-90 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 90.20 Xerographic Assembly (1 of 2)

Item Part Description

1 948K02890 Gear housing assembly (REP
2 – Drive shaft (Not Spared) (REP
3 413W11660 Sleeve bearing (REP 90.17)
4 807E52060 Gear
5 807E51980 Helical gear
6 930W00511 Waste toner bottle full sensor (Q91-
201) (REP 90.18)
7 130E81600 Waste toner bottle position sensor
(Q91-200) (REP 90.18)
8 – Bottle guide (Not Spared)
9 948K00350 Agitator motor assembly (MOT91-
006) (REP 90.14)
10 – Handle assembly (Not Spared)
11 052K14000 Joint pipe assembly (REP 90.15)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-91 PL 90.20
PL 90.25 Xerographic Assembly (2 of 2)

Item Part Description

1 – Marking guide (P/O PL 60.05 Item
2 948K00060 Housing assembly (REP 90.16)
3 113E48880 Drum CRUM connector

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 90.25 5-92 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PL 90.30 IBT Belt Unit Components
Item Part Description
1 064K02536 IBT belt assembly (REP 90.8)
2 104R00256 IBT belt cleaner assembly
3 – IBT lower guide (Not Spared)
4 930K02752 MOB/ADC Assembly (REP 90.9)
5 948K01955 Conductor housing assembly (REP
6 – Lower conductor housing assembly
(P/O PL 90.30 Item 5)
7 – Upper conductor housing assembly
(P/O PL 90.30 Item 5)
8 – Bracket (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
9 – Temp/Humidity sensor (internal)
(P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
10 – Front MOB sensor (P/O PL 90.30
Item 4)
11 – ADC sensor (Q92-029) (P/O PL
90.30 Item 4)
12 – Rear MOB sensor (P/O PL 90.30
Item 4)
13 – Shutter solenoid (P/O PL 90.30
Item 4)
14 – Spring (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
15 – Shutter (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
16 – Solenoid holder (P/O PL 90.30 Item
17 – Arm (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
18 – Cushion (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
19 – Pin (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)
20 – MOBC harness assembly (P/O PL
90.30 Item 4)
21 – Humidity spacer (P/O PL 90.30
Item 4)
22 – Cover (P/O PL 90.30 Item 4)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-93 PL 90.30
PL 90.35 IBT Belt Unit Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Cleaner housing guide
2 – Handle holder
3 – IBT upper guide
4 – Belt arm
5 – Tension holder asembly
6 – Tension gear
7 – Tension collar
8 – Tension roller assembly
9 – IBT belt
10 – IBT handle unit

NOTE: All parts are part of PL 90.30 Item 1.

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

PL 90.35 5-94 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Common Hardware BB – Dowel pin (1.6x8)
BC – Dowel pin (2.5x10)
Item Part Description
BD – Dowel pin (2.5x16)
A – Flat head screw (M3 x 14) BE – Dowel pin (2.5x14)
B – Screw (M3x6:Red) BF – Dowel pin (3x10)
C – Sems screw (M3x6) BG – Dowel pin (4x20)
D – Sems screw (M3x8) BH – Spring pin (2x8)
E – Sems screw (M8x20) BJ – Spring pin (2x12)
F – Pan head screw (M2x10) BK – Slotted tubular pin spring (2.5x10)
G – Screw (M3x4:Blue) BL – Slotted tubular pin spring (3x10)
H – Screw (M3x4:White) BM – Slotted tubular pin spring (3x16)
J – Screw (M3x6:Red) BN – C-clip (8)
K – Screw (M3x6:White) BP – E-Clip (2:White)
L – Round point screw (M3x6:White) BQ – E-Clip (3:White)
M – Screw (M3x8) BR – KL-Clip (4)
N – Screw (M3x8) BS – E-Clip (4:White)
P – Screw (M3x10) BT – E-Clip (5:White)
Q – Screw (M3x12:White) BU – KL-Clip (6)
R – Screw (M3x14:White) BV – E-Clip (6:White)
S – Screw (M3x16) BW – E-clip (7)
T – Pan head screw (M3x6:White) BX – Pan Head Screw (M3x4:White)
U – Pan head screw (M3x14) BY – Knurling screw
V – Screw (M4x6:White) BZ – Nylon washer (8) (t0.5)
W – Screw (M4x8:White) CA – E-Clip (10:White)
X – Pan head screw (M4x8:White) CB – Screw (M4x16:White)
Y – Screw (M4x10:White) CC – Screw (M3x10:White)
Z – Bind head screw (M3x6) CD – Screw (M4x30:White)
AA – Bind shuthead screw (3x8) CE – Shoulder Screw
AB – Bind head screw (M3x4) CF – Tapping Screw (M4x8:White)
AC – Bind head screw (M3x6) CG – Tapping Screw (M3x14:White)
AD – Shoulder screw CH – Screw (M3x12:White)
AE – Setscrew (M4x4) CJ – Screw (M4x6:White)
AF – Setscrew (M4x6) CK – Screw (M4x10:White)
AG – Tapping screw (M4x10) CL – Hexagon Nut
AH – Tapping screw (M3x6:White) CM – Washer (10:White)
AJ – Tapping screw (M3x8:White) CN – Nylon Washer (8) (t 0.25)
AK – Tapping screw (M3x10:White) CP – Nylon Washer (8) (t 1.5)
AL – Tapping screw (M3x10) CQ – Spring Washer
AM – Screw (M3x6) CR – Dowel Pin (2x10)
AN – Round point screw (M3x7:White) CS – Dowel Pin (3x16)
AP – Screw (M3x8:White) CT – KL-Clip (3)
AQ – Round point screw (M3x9:White) CU – KL-Clip (8)
AR – Screw (M4x8:White) CV – E-Clip (8:White)
AS – Flat head knurling screw CW – Sems Screw (M3x10)
AT – Flange nut (3) CX – Pan Head Screw (Mx5)
AU – Special nut CY – Screw (M2x10)
AV – Washer (4) CZ – Tapping screw (M3x4)
AW – Nylon washer (6) (t 0.25) DA – Pan Head Screw (M2.5x6)
AX – Nylon washer (6) (t 0.5) DB – Pan Head Screw (M3x4)
AY – Nylon washer (6) (t 1) DC – Pan head screw (M3x8)
AZ – Nylon washer (8) (t 1) DD – Set screw (M3x4)
BA – Nylon washer (10) (t1.5) DE – Tapping screw (M4x12)

Initial Issue August 2018 Parts Lists

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 5-95 Common Hardware
DF – Tapping screw (M3x8)
DG – Washer (2.5(10.5))
DH – Washer (4) (10.8)
DJ – Washer (5)
DK – Nylon washer (4)
DL – Nylon washer (5)
DM – Nylon washer (10) (10.25)
DN – Nylon washer (10) (10.5)
DP – Spring washer
DQ – Dowel pin (2x12)
DR – Dowel pin (3x12)
DS – Dowel pin (3x14)
DT – Dowel pin (4x16)
DU – E-clip (1.5)
DV – E ring (2.5)
DW – Wing screw
DX – Screw (M4x6)
DY – Sems Screw (M3x6)
DZ – Screw (M3x6)
EA – Screw (M3x5)
EB – Screw (M2x10)
EC – Bind Head Screw (M3x8)
ED – screw (3x18)
EE – E-ring
EF – Dowel pin (2x10)
EG – Tapping screw (M4x5)
EH – Screw (3x6)
EJ – Washer (3) (10.5)
EK – Screw (3x8)
EL – Screw (2x4)
EM – Screw (3x8)

Parts Lists August 2018 Initial Issue

Common Hardware 5-96 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
6 General Procedures - Information
GP 1 to GP 9 dC132 to dC1215
GP 1 Diagnostics Entry ................................................................................................... 6-3 dC132 Device ID and Billing Data ................................................................................... 6-63
GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files................................................................................ 6-4 dC135 HFSI Counter....................................................................................................... 6-63
GP 3 Device Information ................................................................................................. 6-5 dC140 Analog Component Monitoring ............................................................................ 6-64
GP 4 Machine Software .................................................................................................. 6-5 dC301 NVM Initialization ................................................................................................. 6-65
GP 5 Miscellaneous Checks ........................................................................................... 6-7 dC305 UI Panel Diagnostics ........................................................................................... 6-66
GP 6 How to Check a Motor ........................................................................................... 6-8 dC330 Component Control.............................................................................................. 6-66
GP 7 How to Check a Sensor ......................................................................................... 6-10 dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics ......................................................................................... 6-79
GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch ....................................................................... 6-11 dC362 Restore NVM Values ........................................................................................... 6-79
GP 9 How to Check a Switch .......................................................................................... 6-12 dC363 Backup NVM Values............................................................................................ 6-80
dC402 LPH EEPROM Self Test ...................................................................................... 6-80
GP 10 to GP 19 dC612 Print Test Pattern................................................................................................. 6-81
GP 10 How to Switch Off the Machine or Switch On the Machine.................................. 6-13 dC671 Registration Measurement Cycle......................................................................... 6-81
GP 12 Machine Lubrication............................................................................................. 6-14 dC673 Registration Control Sensor Check Cycle ........................................................... 6-82
GP 13 Network Clone Procedure .................................................................................... 6-14 dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle......................................................................... 6-82
GP 14 Printing Reports ................................................................................................... 6-16 dC740 Bypass Tray Guide Adjustment ........................................................................... 6-83
GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications .................................................................. 6-17 dC924 TRC Manual Adjustment...................................................................................... 6-83
GP 16 Installation Space Requirements ......................................................................... 6-21 dC931 Density Uniformity Adjustment............................................................................. 6-84
GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements............................................................................ 6-23 dC937 Procon On/Off Print ............................................................................................. 6-86
GP 18 Environmental Data ............................................................................................. 6-24 dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup ............................................................................. 6-86
GP 19 Obtaining Audit and Device Logs......................................................................... 6-24 dC950 ATC Sensor Setup............................................................................................... 6-87
GP 20 to GP 36 dC991 Tone Up/Down..................................................................................................... 6-87
dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment ............................................................................. 6-88
GP 20 First Print Out Time and Power On Time............................................................. 6-25
GP 21 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)..................................................... 6-26 Change Tags
GP 22 Special Boot Modes ............................................................................................. 6-27 Change Tags................................................................................................................... 6-89
GP 23 Customer Administration Tools ............................................................................ 6-28
GP 24 How to Set the Date and Time............................................................................. 6-28
GP 25 Ethernet Crossover Cable Setup ......................................................................... 6-29
GP 27 Billing Plan/Region Conversion Process.............................................................. 6-30
GP 28 Billing Impression Mode Change Process ........................................................... 6-32
GP 29 System Administrator Password Reset................................................................ 6-33
GP 31 Print/Copy Orientation Definitions........................................................................ 6-34
GP 32 How to Open and Close the Video Contact Chassis Unit .................................... 6-35
GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI ........................................... 6-38
GP 34 Print Spool ........................................................................................................... 6-40
GP 36 How to Manually Configure an IP Address .......................................................... 6-41

GP 40
GP 40 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................ 6-43

dC118 to dC131
dC118 Jam Counter ........................................................................................................ 6-49
dC120 Failure Counter.................................................................................................... 6-49
dC122 Fault History ........................................................................................................ 6-50
dC125 Active Faults ........................................................................................................ 6-50
dC126 System Registration Adjustment ......................................................................... 6-51
dC131 NVM Read/Write.................................................................................................. 6-62

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-1
General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue
6-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 1 Diagnostics Entry • dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup
• dC950 ATC Sensor Setup
Purpose • dC991 Tone Up/Down
This procedure describes how to enter and exit diagnostics and the available service routines. • dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment
How to Exit Diagnostics
How to Enter Diagnostics
1. Touch Exit. Select either Clear Error Log History or Keep Error Log History.
1. If necessary, switch on the machine, GP 10.
2. Touch Service.
NOTE: Log out of system administration tools and delete all print jobs in the queue before 3. Touch Log Out.
entering diagnostics.
Administrator Password Not Available
2. When the machine is ready, press and hold the Home button for 5 seconds. Release the If the maintenance passcode is unavailable, perform the steps that follow:
home button. 1. From the Embedded Web Server Home screen, select Log In, then Admin.
3. When the passcode screen opens, enter the passcode, 6789. Touch OK. If the UI dis- 2. Enter the password ‘1111’ (default setting). Select Log In. If the administrator password is
plays a message requesting a maintenance password, touch Next.
unknown, perform GP 29 System Administrator Password Reset.
NOTE: The system administrator can set an extra level of diagnostics password protection. 3. Select System, Security.
Security sensitive customers may have this feature enabled. If this feature is enabled, obtain 4. Select Customer Service Engineer Access Restriction. If this option is not displayed,
the maintenance password from the customer. select SSL/TSL Settings, then enable HTTP-SSL/TLS Communication. Then select
OK, then Restart Now. After the restart, select System, then Security, then Customer
4. If required, enter the maintenance password, touch OK. If the maintenance password is
Service Engineer Access Restriction.
unavailable, refer to Administrator Password Not Available.
5. Disable the feature, select OK, then Restart Now.
5. Touch Diagnostics.
6. Enter diagnostics normally.
6. Select the relevant diagnostics routine:
• dC118 Jam Counter
• dC120 Failure Counter
• dC122 Shutdown History
• dC125 Faults
• dC126 System Registration Adjustment
• dC131 NVM Read/Write
• dC132 Device ID and Billing Data
• dC135 HFSI Counter
• dC140 Analog Component Monitoring
• dC301 Initialize NVM
• dC305 Panel Diagnostics
• dC330 Component Control
• dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics
• dC362 Restore NVM Values
• dC363 Backup NVM Values
• dC402 LPH EEPROM Self Test
• dC612 Print Test Pattern
• dC671 Registration Measurement Cycle
• dC673 Registration Control Sensor Check Cycle
• dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle
• dC740 MSI Guide Adjustment
• dC924 TRC Manual Adjustment
• dC937 Procon On/Off Print

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-3 GP 1
GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files Table 1 Fault code prefixes and Functions

Purpose Chain Code Function

To describe access to fault history information and explain the fault code structure. 118 Machine Controller
121 Accessory
Fault Data Available from Diagnostics 123 User Interface
Diagnostics (GP 1) gives access to the fault history options that follow: 124 Machine Controller
• For information on paper jam codes, refer to dC118 Jam Counter. 125 Machine Controller
• For information on failures, refer to dC120 Failure Counter. 127 Machine Controller
• For information on current machine faults, refer to dC125 Faults. 500 Machine Controller
Function, Fault, Component Codes
Refer to Table 1 for a description of the function and fault code prefixes.

Table 1 Fault code prefixes and Functions

Chain Code Function
001 Standby power
002 User interface
003 Machine run control
010 Fusing and copy/print transportation
012 BR Finisher and LX Finisher
013 LX Finisher Booklet Maker
016 Network controller
017 Network controller
018 Network controller
021 Machine Controller
023 User interface
024 Machine Controller
025 Hard Disk Drive
026 Machine Controller
027 Machine Controller
028 Machine Controller
029 Network controller
041 to 047 Main drives
058 Fusing
060 to 061 LED print head
071 to 078 Paper supply, feed and transportation
089 Image Transfer
091 to 099 Xerographics
102 Machine Controller
103 Machine Controller
112 Finisher
116 Machine Controller
117 Machine Controller

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 2 6-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 3 Device Information GP 4 Machine Software
Purpose Purpose
To provide machine hardware and software information. To provide machine software information and explain the software loading procedures.

Service Information Available Obtaining Machine Software

From the Home screen, touch Device. This gives the options that follow: The firmware download manager tool (FWDLMgr.exe) and the device firmware file (.bin) can
be downloaded from the, Product Support & Drivers page.
• Language
• About: Procedure
– Device Name Four methods are available to download the machine software:
– Model 1. Software Loading via the Special Boot Menu
– Serial Number 2. Software Loading via the Embedded Web Server
– Xerox Asset Tag 3. Software Download via the USB Port
– Customer Asset Tag 4. Software Download via the Network Port (Port 9100)
– Software Version Software Loading via the Special Boot Menu
– Contact information NOTE: A video of this procedure is available on the EDOC. The video is accessible from the
– Network information Library menu on the Service Interface.
– Information Pages
1. Download the firmware (.bin) file, refer to Obtaining Machine Software.
• Software Update
2. Create a folder named ‘DWLD’ on the USB memory device.
• Notifications
3. Store the software download file (.bin) in the ‘DWLD’ folder
• Paper Trays
4. Switch off the machine, GP 10. Insert the USB memory device.
• Supplies
5. Enter special boot mode, GP 22. Select Download Mode on SPECIAL BOOT MENU 1/3,
• Billing Usage then touch YES. The UI will display SW update progress. The machine will eventually
• General: reboot.
– Measurements CAUTION
– Date & Time Do not switch off the printer until the reboot is complete. The printer will reboot after the down-
– System Timeout load is complete.
– Display Brightness 6. After the reboot, a Software Upgrade Report will print. Remove the USB memory device.
– Sounds Software Loading via the Embedded Web Server
– Power Save There are three options available for updating the software via the Embedded Web Page:
– Feature Installation • Check Now
• Connectivity • Periodic Updates
• Support • Updates with File Specified
• Resets: Check Now
– Reset 802.1X and IPsec
Use this feature to check for software updates.
– Reset Fonts, Forms and Macros
– Reset to Factory Defaults Perform the steps that follow:
1. Log in as an administrator via the Embedded Web Server. Ensure that software Update is
set to Enable (Home/System/Software Update/Enable).
2. Touch Check Now.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-5 GP 3, GP 4
Periodic Updates 3. Disconnect the ethernet cable from the machine. Connect an ethernet crossover cable
from the PWS network port to the machine network port. Refer to GP 25 Ethernet Cross-
Use this feature setup the device to check periodically (daily, weekly, monthly) for software over Cable Setup.
updates. 4. Switch on the machine, GP 10. When the machine reaches the Ready state, print a con-
figuration report, GP 14.
Perform the steps that follow:
5. Ensure the IP address (refer to the configuration report) of the machine can be pinged
1. Log in as an administrator via the Embedded Web Server. Ensure that software Update is from the PWS:
set to Enable (Home/System/Software Update/Enable). a. Open a command window (CMD):
2. Under the Check Automatically banner, use to pull down menu to set “When should the • If running Windows 7, select Start and in the Search box above the Start but-
Device check for updates?” to Never, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
ton, type CMD, then press Enter.
Updates with File Specified
NOTE: If the Windows key is enabled (the key located in the lower left corner with
Perform the steps that follow: the Microsoft logo), hold the Windows key down, press R and release both keys to
open the Command window.
1. Download the firmware (.bin) file, refer to Obtaining Machine Software.
2. Log in as an administrator via the Embedded Web Server. Ensure that software Update is b. In the Command window (where the blinking cursor is) type ping. Press the space
set to Enable (Home/System/Software Update/Enable). bar once, then enter the IP address of the device. Press Enter.
3. Select System. c. If the ping command is successful, the device will reply four times. This should not
4. Select Software Update. take more than two or three seconds.
5. Under Update with File Specified, click Select, browse and select the desired bin file d. If the ping command times out, or responds with ‘host unreachable’, check the IP
and click Open. address that was entered. If the IP address is correct, contact 2nd level support.
6. Select Install Now. 6. Log in as an administrator via the Embedded Web Server. Ensure that software Update is
set to Enable (Home/System/Software Update/Enable).
Software Download via the USB Port
7. Double click on FWDLMgr.exe to run the firmware download manager tool.
Perform the steps that follow:
8. Touch Agree on the Firmware Update Tool (License).
1. Download the appropriate firmware download manager tool (FWDLMgr.exe) and firmware
(.bin) to an appropriate file location on the PWS. Refer to Obtaining Machine Software. 9. The Printer Model And File Selection window will open. From the pull down menu, select
the printer model, then browse to where the firmware file (.bin) is located. Double-click the
2. Connect a USB cable (type A/B) from the PWS to the machine.
(.bin) file then touch Add and then touch Next.
3. Double click on FWDLMgr.exe to run the firmware download manager tool.
10. The Communication Interface Selection window will open. Select Network (Port9100),
4. Touch Agree on the Firmware Update Tool (License). then touch Next.
5. The Printer Model And File Selection window will open. From the pull down menu, select 11. The Printer Specification window will open. Specify the printer to be updated (entering the
the printer model, then browse to where the firmware file (.bin) is located. Double-click the
IP address is the best method). Touch Next to start the software download.
(.bin) file then select Add, then select Next.
12. The software update status appears on the Update in Progress screen.
6. The Communication Interface Selection window will open. Select USB Port, then select
Do not switch off the machine until the reboot is complete. The machine will reboot after the
7. The software update status appears on the Update in Progress screen.
download is complete.
13. When the update is complete, the Result window will open. Touch complete. The
Do not switch off the machine until the reboot is complete. The machine will reboot after the machine will reboot, and a Software Upgrade Report will be printed.
download is complete.
8. When the update is complete, the Result window will open. Touch complete. The
machine will reboot, and a Software Upgrade Report will be printed.
Software Download via the Network Port (Port 9100)
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Download the appropriate firmware download manager tool (FWDLMgr.exe) and firmware
(.bin) to an appropriate file location on the PWS. Refer to Obtaining Machine Software.
2. Switch off the machine, GP 10.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 4 6-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 5 Miscellaneous Checks • Short circuits caused by physical damage or contamination of conductors, terminals or
Purpose • Overheated insulation.
To indicate which types of problems to look for when checking or inspecting parts of the • Damaged insulation near moving parts and sharp edges.
• Pin and receptacle damage on connectors.
Procedure Rollers
• Flats.
1. Assess the fault. Check if the part is broken, too loose or too tight. Check if it needs clean-
ing or lubricating. • Tears.
2. Check the components that follow as appropriate: • Contamination.
• Actuators • Secure E-clips and other retainers.
• Bearings Shafts
• Drive Belts • Contamination.
• Gears • Misalignment.
• Gravity Fingers and Stripper Fingers • Rotates without binding.
• Harnesses and Wiring
• Rollers
• Shafts
• Free movement.
• Damage
• Contamination.
• Wear.
• Damage.
• Contamination.
Drive Belts
• Wear.
• Damaged teeth.
• Correct tension.
• Contamination of tension rollers and support shafts.
• Contamination.
• Chips or cracks.
• Wear.
• Misalignment.
Gravity Fingers and Stripper Fingers
• Free movement.
• Missing fingers.
• Damage.
• Contamination on the fingers, rollers or on the pivot shaft.
Harnesses and Wiring
• Continuity.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-7 GP 5
GP 6 How to Check a Motor Six Wire Stepper Motor
This procedure describes how to check the motors that follow: NOTE: A stepper motor with an internal open circuit may appear to be fully functional under
• Two Wire DC Motors. dC330 component control. However, under normal operation it will run with intermittent failure.
• Four Wire Stepper Motor. Use the standard digital meter to check that the resistance of the stepper motor coils are simi-
• Six Wire Stepper Motor.
Initial Actions • Disconnect PJF (Flag 5). Check the +24V supply and the motor on pulses when the com-
ponent control code for the motor is entered.
WARNING • Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Check that the motor is free to rotate.
2. Check that all the motor’s mechanisms are clean, free to move and lubricated correctly.
3. Enter the component control code for the motor. Refer to dC330. Run the motor for 30
seconds. If the motor shows signs of, or can be heard to slow down, then the motor is
defective. Replace the motor.
4. Perform the appropriate procedure:
• Two Wire DC Motors.
• Four Wire Stepper Motor.
• Six Wire Stepper Motor.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example

Two Wire DC Motors

NOTE: In cases where the motor may be driven forward or backward, the same 2 feed wires
are used, but the voltages on them are reversed, to reverse the motor direction. Such motors
may have 2 component control codes, for forward and reverse. A typical application is a tray lift
motor with a tray-up and a tray-down direction.

• Disconnect PJB (Flag 2). Check that +24V is measured when the component control code
for the motor is entered.
• Disconnect PJA (Flag 1). Check for +24V on the LVPS.
• Disconnect PJC (Flag 3). Check that the signal changes on the ESS PWB when the com-
ponent control code for the motor is entered.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.
Four Wire Stepper Motor

NOTE: A stepper motor with an internal open circuit may appear to be fully functional under
dC330 component control. However, under normal operation it will run with intermittent failure.
Use the standard digital meter to check that the resistance of the stepper motor coils are simi-

• Disconnect PJH (Flag 6). Check the motor on pulses on the harness when the component
control code for the motor is entered.
• Disconnect PJJ (Flag 6). Check the motor on pulses on the harness when the component
control code for the motor is entered.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 6 6-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Figure 1 Wiring diagram

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-9 GP 6
GP 7 How to Check a Sensor
Use this procedure to check the operation of a sensor.

NOTE: The upper circuit diagram in Figure 1 shows a flag sensor. Some sensors have a resis-
tor within the sensor. Other sensors require a resistor on the PWB, such as R1 in Figure 1. The
resistor limits the current through the LED. This decreases the voltage on the sensor LED to
1.2V, typically.

NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Ensure that the sensor is installed correctly.
2. Clean the sensor and the area around the sensor.
3. If a flag actuator is installed, check that it has free movement.
4. Check that the paper path is clear.
5. If the sensor actuates by a surface that reflects, check that the surface is clean. Also
ensure that there is not an obstruction between the sensor and the surface.
6. If the sensor actuates by an encoder disc, ensure the holes or gaps in the disc are aligned
correctly with the sensor.
Sensor Action
In the upper sensor in Figure 1, when light from the LED is allowed to fall on the photo-sensi-
tive transistor, the sensing line, PJA, pin 2, is low. When light from the LED is blocked by the
Figure 1 Wiring diagram
flag, the sensing line is high.

In the lower sensor in Figure 1, when light from the LED is reflected by the paper onto the
photo-sensitive transistor, the sensing line, PJE, pin 2 is low. When no paper is present, no
light falls on the transistor and the sensing line is high.

Quick Sensor Check

Enter the component control code for the sensor. Refer to dC330. Actuate the sensor. If the
display changes, the sensor operates correctly. If the display does not change, perform the

For the upper sensor in Figure 1:
• Disconnect PJA (Flag 1). Check for +3.3V and 0V at PJA on the harness.
• Disconnect PJC (Flag 2). Check the wiring and the connectors for the sensor circuit.
• Check for +3.3V and 0V at PJC (Flag 2) on the ESS PWB.
• If necessary, install new components or repair the wiring.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 7 6-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 8 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch
Use this procedure to check a clutch or solenoid.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. For a clutch, check that the mechanical components are clean, free to move and are lubri-
cated correctly
2. For a solenoid, check that the armature and associated mechanical components are free
to move.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.

NOTE: When a solenoid is energized in diagnostics, armature movement is seen. When a

clutch is energized in diagnostics, the sound of the clutch action is heard. If possible, energize
the motor connected to the clutch to confirm when the clutch is energized.
Figure 1 Wiring diagram
• Check that the signal changes on the ESS PWB (Flag 1) when the component control
code for the clutch or solenoid is entered.
• Disconnect PJC (Flag 2). Check that +24V is measured when the component control
code for the clutch or solenoid is entered.
• Disconnect PJD (Flag 3). Check for +24V on the LVPS.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the clutch or solenoid circuit.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-11 GP 8
GP 9 How to Check a Switch
Use this procedure to check the operation of a switch.

NOTE: The circuit in Figure 1 shows an interlock switch actuated by the closing of a door.

Initial Actions
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Manually check that the switch operates. Ensure that the magnet or other actuator has enough
mechanical movement to operate the switch.

NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.

• Disconnect PJA (Flag 1). Check the electrical operation of the switch.
• Disconnect PJB (Flag 1). Check for +5V and 0V on the IOT PWB.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the switch circuit.

Figure 1 Wiring diagram

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 9 6-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 10 How to Switch Off the Machine or Switch On the Sleep Mode
Machine Sleep is selected from the Power Down Options window. When pressed, the machine should
immediately enter sleep mode.
To show how to switch off or switch on the machine, without the loss of customer data or dam-
age to the system hardware.

Do not use the power button as a safety disconnect device. The power button is not a
disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord from the supply to isolate the equipment.
Refer to:
• Switch Off Procedure
• Quick Restart
• Switch On Procedure
• Sleep Mode
Switch Off Procedure
Do not disconnect the power cord or interrupt the electricity supply before the power down is
complete unless advised. The data and software can become damaged.
1. Press the Power button on the UI. The Power Down Options window will display.
2. Touch Power Off.
3. Open the front cover, PL 28.05 Item 8. Switch off the main power switch, PL 1.20 Item 1.
4. When the machine has switched off, remove the power cord bracket, PL 1.10 Item 4, then
remove the power lead from the outlet.
Quick Restart
The quick restart causes the system to reset the software of the ESS PWB, the drive PWB and
the UI.
1. Press the Power button on the UI. The Power Down Options window will display.
2. Select the Quick Restart button on the UI touch screen.
Switch On Procedure
1. After the machine has been switched off, wait a minimum of 2 minutes before the
machine is switched on.
2. After a service call, ensure that all service tools are removed from the machine.
3. Connect the power lead from the power supply outlet to the machine, install the power
cord bracket, PL 1.10 Item 4.
4. Switch on the main power switch, PL 1.20 Item 1.
5. Press the Power button on the UI.
6. The machine will perform a power on self test (POST). The POST checks that the hard-
ware resources are available to run the operating system. If a POST fault is detected, the
machine is prevented from booting. The fault is communicated via LEDs on the controller
PWB. Refer to the OF1 POST Error RAP. TBD
Restart is selected from the Power Down Options window. When pressed, the machine should
restart within 2 minutes.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-13 GP 10
GP 12 Machine Lubrication GP 13 Network Clone Procedure
Purpose Purpose
To give information on the use of lubricants. Use this procedure to establish a network connection between the PWS and printer, create a
copy of network configuration settings and then distribute these settings to multiple devices on
Procedure the network. This cloning process can also be used to backup and restore network settings lost
during a software reload.
Ensure that the electricity to the machine is switched off while performing tasks that do NOTE: To establish a direct Ethernet connection between the PWS and printer requires the
not need electricity. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord. Electricity can cause printer’s driver installation CD-ROM, a crossover cable, and the PWS.
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Depending on the printer, a Windows 7 (W7) driver might not be available on the printer’s
CAUTION driver installation CD-ROM. If not, download the driver from under the Support and
Only use lubricants as directed. Incorrect use of lubricants could seriously affect the perfor- Drivers page. Windows 7 has two kernal types, 32 and 64-bit. If installation of the wrong driver
mance of the machine. is attempted, Windows displays an error to indicate the driver is incorrect. To check the kernal
Take the precautions that follow when performing machine lubrication: type, click on Start, in the right column, right click on Computer and select Properties, the ker-
nal type will be listed as System Type.
• Wear disposable gloves.
• Only use lubricants that are specified in the Parts List. Procedure
• Only lubricate parts of the machine as directed in the relevant RAPs, Repairs, Adjust- Refer to the relevant procedure:
ments and General Procedures.
• Establishing a LAN Connection
• Apply only the smallest amount of lubricant, sufficient to lubricate the parts. To prevent
• Creating the Clone File
contamination, remove any surplus lubricant before the machine is run.
• Using the Clone File
• Take great care not to contaminate other parts of the machine with the lubricant.
• Set a Static IP Address on the PWS
• PWS Browser Proxy Server Setting
Establishing a LAN Connection
Use these steps to establish a Local Area Network (LAN) connection between the PWS and
printer using a crossover cable.

NOTE: Record the original data for every change. It may be necessary to reset the IP address,
depending on PWS usage and local network practice.

1. Print a Configuration Report, GP 14. Note the printer’s IP address.

2. Connect the crossover cable between the PWS and printer.
3. Open a Command window (CMD) on the PWS.
• If running Windows XP, click on Start, then select Run. Type CMD in the Run dialog
box and press Enter.
• If running Windows 7, select Start and in the Search box above the Start button, type
CMD and press Enter.

NOTE: If the Windows key is enabled (the key located in the lower left corner with the
Microsoft logo), hold the Windows key down, press R and release both keys to open the
Run dialog box.

4. Type ipconfig at the prompt, record the current network settings displayed. Restore
these settings when the LAN connection is no longer needed.

NOTE: Use the IPv4 address for the Local Area Connection, not the address listed under
Wireless Ethernet Connection (if enabled in the laptop).

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 12, GP 13 6-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Check the IP addresses of the PWS and printer. If the PWS has been connected to the Creating the Clone File
same subnet, the PWS and printer address should share the same values for the first
three and have a different value for the forth number. Refer to Table 1 for an example. NOTE: This procedure can be performed from any PC connected to the network or the PWS
connected to the machine using an Ethernet crossover cable. The only requirement on the PC
Table 1 Example LAN settings is an Internet Browser.

Printer PWS / Laptop 1. Open Internet Explorer

IP Address 2. Enter the machine’s IP address in the Address line and select Go.
Subnet Mask 3. When the Internet Services window opens, login to Admin mode, GP 23. Click on the
Home tab, then the Cloning link.
4. Select individual parameters to clone from the device or Select/Clear All.
5. Click on Create.
If the PWS and printer share similar, but unique IP address, continue. If not, use the Set a
Static IP Address on the PWS to set the PWS IP address. 6. If prompted, save the clone file to an easily remembered location that for later installation.
If not prompted to save the file, look for it in the Downloads folder.
6. After verifying the IP addresses are correctly configured, PING the printer:
7. Click Close.
a. In the Command window (where the blinking cursor is) type the word PING. Press
the space bar once and enter the printer’s IP address and press Enter. As an exam- 8. Log out of Admin mode, GP 19.
ple: ping Using the Clone File
b. If the printer responds to the PING command, it replies four times. This should not
NOTE: This procedure can be performed from any PC connected to the network or the PWS
take more than two or three seconds.
connected to the machine using an Ethernet crossover cable. The only requirement on the PC
c. If the PING command times out, or responds with “host unreachable”, check the IP is an Internet Browser.
addresses that were entered. If the IP address is correct, contact 2nd level support.
7. If the PING command replies, exit the Command window (type “exit” at the prompt and 1. Open Internet Explorer
press Enter). This test verifies the Ethernet connection is good. 2. Enter the machine’s IP address in the Address line and select Go.
8. Install the printer driver and setup the printer as a local printer. Select connect to the 3. When the Internet Services window opens, login to Admin, GP 23. Click on the Home
printer using “other” port type. From the dialog drop down select Standard TCP/IP port. tab, then the Cloning link.
9. For the printer name or IP address, enter the printer’s IP address ( in this 4. Click on the Select button.
example). 5. Use the Browse button to navigate to the clone file, or type the full path to the file, then
10. When the driver installation finishes, Select Yes at the Print Test Print dialog box. click Open.
6. Click Install.
NOTE: If the test page does not print, the customer could have Accounting enabled (if the
device supports it) requiring that a special code is submitted with the print job before the 7. Verify the cloned settings with a new Configuration Report.
printer prints. Set a Static IP Address on the PWS
11. After the test print is completed, open a web browser on the PWS. Use this procedure to manually set the PWS IP address. Instructions are given for W7 and XP.
12. In the Address Bar (in place of a web site address or URL), enter the printer’s IP address
NOTE: If the PWS has a wireless Ethernet card/adapter installed, Windows will not use the
( in this example).
wired Ethernet port by default until either the PWS is rebooted or the wireless Ethernet card is
13. If the connection is working correctly, the web page of the printer will be displayed. temporarily disabled. If unsure how to disable/enable the wireless Ethernet card, restart the
NOTE: If the printer’s web page cannot be opened, verify that Web Services are enabled PWS after setting the IP address.
on the configuration page. If the web browser is set to use a Proxy address for the internet
For W7:
connection, it will not be possible to open the printer’s web page as there will be no con-
nection to that proxy server while directly connected to the printer via the crossover Ether- 1. Open the Control Panel.
net cable. Refer to PWS Browser Proxy Server Setting for instructions on Internet 2. Select Network Sharing Center.
Explorer proxy configuration. 3. Select Change Adaptor Settings in the upper left corner of the Control Panel.
4. Right-click on Local Area Connection, then select Properties.
5. On the Networking tab (for local area connection), click on Internet Protocol Version 4
(TCP/IPv4), then select Properties.
6. Select Use the following IP address and enter an IP address similar to the printer to
manually set the PWS IP address and subnet mask to match the printer’s IP configuration

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-15 GP 13
7. Click OK twice and exit Network Connections and return to Creating the Clone File. GP 14 Printing Reports
For XP:
1. Click Start and select Control Panel.
To list reports available from the UI:
2. Click Network and Internet Connections and then select Network Connections.
• Configuration Report
3. Right-click on Local Area Connection and then select Properties.
• Billing Summary Report
4. On the General tab (for local area connection), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then
click on Properties. • Supplies Usage
5. Click Use the following IP address to manually set the computer's IP address and sub- • PostScript Font List
net mask to match the printer’s IP configuration. • PCL Font List
6. Click OK twice to exit Network Connections and return to Creating the Clone File. • Demonstration Print
PWS Browser Proxy Server Setting • Startup Page

The following steps ensure the proxy server settings are correct. • Job History
1. Open Windows Internet Explorer. Procedure
2. Select Tools - Internet Options. Perform the steps that follow:
3. Select the Advanced tab. 1. From the Home Screen, touch Device.
4. Scroll down to HTTP 1.1 Settings. 2. Touch About.
5. Ensure that the “Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections” box is un-checked. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the list, then touch Information Pages.
6. Select OK to close the Internet Options window. 4. Select the desired report, then touch Print.
7. Close Windows Internet Explorer. Configuration Report
The Configuration Report lists the current state of system configuration parameters including
installed options and network settings.

Billing Summary Report

The Billing Summary Report lists Device Information, Billing Meter impression counters (for
customers on billing meter supplies plans only) and Sheet Count by Paper Type.

Supplies Usage
The Supplies Usage report includes the current status of printer consumables and routine
maintenance items. Installation dates and replacement part numbers are listed.

PostScript Font List

This report provides a list of the installed PostScript fonts.

PCL Font List

This report provides a list of the installed PCL fonts.

Demonstration Print
This report shows a brief synopsis of the device.

Startup Page
This report lists device type, software versions, enabled protocols and mobile connectivity.

Job History
Print lists of all jobs, print jobs, job via network communications, and file transfer jobs.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 13, GP 14 6-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications • Table 2. Recommended paper types.
• Table 3. Supported banner size media.
• Table 4. Office Finisher LX supported paper size. The table defines the paper sizes that
To list the paper and media size specifications. can be delivered to the output bins of the Office finisher LX.
• Table 5. Office Finisher LX recommended paper types. The table defines the paper types
Specifications that can be delivered to the output bins of the Office finisher LX.
NOTE: Check that the paper tray settings match the paper size in the tray. • Table 6. Envelope Tray supported envelope sizes.

Refer to the tables that follow:

• Table 1. Supported paper size and weight for trays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Table 1 Supported paper size and weight

Supported Paper (Custom Size) (W
Tray Supported Paper (Standard Size) x L) Supported Paper Weight Capacity Remarks
1 Min: Postcard SEF Min: 100.0 x 148.0mm 64 to 300gsm (17 to 203lbs) 520 (80gsm/54lbs) Stack height 54mm (2.1 inches)
IOT Max: A3 SEF, 11x17 inch SEF Max: 297.0 x 431.8mm
2 Min: Postcard SEF Min: 100.0 x 148.0mm 64 to 300gsm (17 to 203lbs) 520 (80gsm/54lbs) Stack height 54mm (2.1 inches)
Max: SRA3 SEF, 12x18 inch SEF Max: 220.0 x 457.2mm
3 Min: Postcard SEF Min: 100.0 x 148.0mm 64 to 300gsm (17 to 203lbs) 520 (80gsm/54lbs) Stack height 54mm (2.1 inches)
2TM Max: SRA3 SEF, 12x18 inch SEF Max:320.0 x 457.2mm
4 Min: Postcard SEF Min: 100.0 x 148.0mm 64 to300gsm (17 to 203lbs) 520 (80gsm/54lbs) Stack height 54mm (2.1 inches)
Max: SRA3 SEF, 12x18 inch SEF Max: 320.0 x 457.2mm
TTM 3 Min. B5 LEF Not supported 64 to300gsm (17 to 203lbs) 980 (80gsm/54lbs)
Max. A4 LEF/8.5x11 inch LEF
4 Min. B5 LEF Not supported 64 to300gsm (17 to 203lbs) 1280 (80gsm/54lbs)
Max. A4 LEF/8.5x11 inch LEF
Bypass 5 Min: Postcard SEF Min. 88.9 x 98.4mm 64 to 350gsm (17 to 236lbs) 100 (80gsm/54lbs) Stack height 10mm (0.4 inch)
Max: SRA3 SEF, 12x18 inch SEF Max. 320.0 x 482.6mm Feed performance for paper less than 140mm
For banner printing, max. feed length is (5.5 inches) in length may result in fuser jams.
1320.8mm (52 inch)
Banner size: 483mm < feed length <
1320.8mm (52 inch)
HCF 6 Min. B5 LEF, 7.25x10.5 inch LEF Not supported 64 to 216gsm (17 to 146lbs) 2000 (80gsm/54lbs)
Max. A4 LEF/8.5x11 inch LEF

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-17 GP 15
Table 2 Recommended paper types
Trays 3 and 4 Trays 3 and 4 Tray 5 Auto
Trays 1 and 2 (2TM) (TTM) (bypass) Duplexing
(52 to 300gsm) (52 to 300gsm) (52 to 300gsm) (52 to 350gsm) Tray 6 (HCF) (52 to 300gsm)
Media type Weight (*1) Envelope tray (*1) (*1) (*1) (52 to 216gsm) (*3)
Lightweight 52 to 63gsm NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Plain 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Bond 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Lightweight card stock 106 to 176gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Card stock 177 to 220gsm Y N Y Y Y Y (*2) Y
Heavyweight card stock 221 to 300gsm Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*2) Y (*3)
Extra heavyweight card stock 301 to 350gsm Y (*1) N Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*1) N N
Letterhead 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Labels 106 to 176gsm Y N Y Y Y N N
Envelope - N Y N N Y N N
Postcard 106 to 220gsm Y N Y Y Y N Y
Lightweight glossy card stock 106 to 176gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Glossy card stock 177 to 220gsm Y N Y Y Y Y (*2) Y
Heavyweight glossy card stock 221 to 300gsm Y (*1) N Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*2) Y (*3)
Extra heavyweight glossy card stock 301 to 350gsm Y (*1) N Y (*1) Y (*1) Y (*1) N N
Pre-printed 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y N N
Hole punched 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Recycled 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y
Custom types 1 to 5 64 to 105gsm Y N Y Y Y Y Y

NOTE: (*1) NOTE: (*2)

Paper weighing over 256gsm, performance may not be guaranteed for some papers.
The HCF supports up to 216gsm. Performance guaranteed for paper up to 216gsm, but the
Banner size printing is available from tray 5 (bypass). The controller does not restrict use of controller does not restrict the use of heavyweight glossy card stock (221-300gsm).
any media type. 350gsm media should only be used for the C9000 and only via tray 5
(bypass).The driver restricts use of media type to the following 9 media types: NOTE: (*3)
1. Plain and bond. Paper weighing over 220gsm, performance may not be guaranteed for some papers.
2. Lightweight card stock.
3. Card stock.
4. Heavyweight card stock. Table 3 Supported banner size media
5. Extra heavyweight card stock. Media Size Weight
6. Lightweight glossy card stock.
Xerox accent opaque 320 x 1016mm (12.6 x 40 in.) 104 gsm (65 lb.)
7. Glossy card stock.
Xerox accent opaque 320 x 1016mm (12.6 x 40 in.) 176 gsm (70 lb.)
8. Heavyweight glossy card stock.
Xerox accent opaque 320 x 1016mm (12.6 x 40 in.) 216 gsm (80 lb.)
9. Extra heavyweight glossy card stock.
Xerox vitality or Xerox business 320 x 1320.8mm (12.6 x 52 in.) 75gsm
Xerox vitality or Xerox business 320 x 1320.8mm (12.6 x 52 in.) 221 to 256gsm
Xerox vitality or Xerox business 320 x 1320.8mm (12.6 x 52 in.) 257 to 300gsm

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 15 6-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 4 Office Finisher LX supported paper size
Length (feed
Paper Size Orientation Width (cross feed) direction) Staple Front Staple Rear Staple Dual Stacked Notes
A6 SEF 105mm 148.5mm N N N N
LEF 148.5mm 105mm N N N N
A5 SEF 148.5mm 210mm N N N N
LEF 210mm 148.5mm N N N Y
A4 SEF 210mm 297mm Y Y Y Y
LEF 297mm 210mm Y Y Y Y
A3 SEF 297mm 420mm Y Y Y Y
B6 SEF 128.5mm 182mm N N N N
LEF 182mm 128.5mm N N N N
B5 SEF 182mm 257mm N N N N
LEF 257mm 182mm Y Y Y Y
B4 SEF 257mm 364mm Y Y Y Y
5.5 x 85 in. (statement) SEF 139.7mm 215.9mm N N N N
LEF 215.9mm 139.7mm N N N N
7.25 x 10.5 in. (executive) SEF 184.2mm 266.7mm N N N N
LEF 266.7mm 184.2mm Y Y Y Y
8 x 10 in. SEF 203.2mm 254mm N N N N
LEF 254mm 203.2mm Y Y Y Y
8.5 x 11 in. (letter) SEF 215.9mm 279.4mm Y Y Y Y
LEF 279.4mm 215.9mm Y Y Y Y
215 x 315mm SEF 215mm 315mm Y Y Y Y
(8.46 x 12.4 in.)
8.5 x 13 in. SEF 215.9mm 330.2mm Y Y Y Y
8.5 x 14 in. (legal) SEF 215.9mm 355.6mm Y Y Y Y
11 x 15 in. SEF 279.4mm 381mm Y Y Y Y
11 x 17 in. (ledger) SEF 279.4mm 431.8mm Y Y Y Y
A4-cover SEF 223mm 297mm Y Y Y Y
LEF 297mm 223mm Y Y Y Y
A4-tab (index) LEF 297mm 223mm - - - -
9 x 11 in. (letter cover) SEF 228.6mm 279.4mm Y Y Y Y
LEF 279.4mm 228.6mm Y Y Y Y
Minimum size - 210mm 182mm - - - -
Maximum size - 297mm 432mm - - - -

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-19 GP 15
Table 5 Office Finisher LX recommended paper types
Crease (fold
Stack Offset Punch Staple Booklet line only)
Media type Weight (52 to 2200gsm) (52 to 220gsm) (52 to 200gsm) (52 to 220gsm) (60 to 220gsm) (60 to 105gsm)
Lightweight 52 to 63gsm NA NA NA NA NA NA
Plain 64 to 105gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) Y (*3) Y
Bond 64 to 105gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) Y (*3) Y
Lightweight card stock 106 to 176gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) Y (*3) N
Card stock 177 to 220gsm Y Y Y (*2) Y (*1) Y (*3) N
Heavyweight card stock 221 to 300gsm N N N N N N
Extra heavyweight card stock 301 to 350gsm N N N N N N
Letterhead 64 to 105gsm Y Y Y N Y (*3) Y
Labels 106 to 176gsm N N N N N N
Envelope - N N N N N N
Postcard 106 to 220gsm N N N N N N
Lightweight glossy card stock 106 to 176gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) N N
Glossy card stock 177 to 220gsm Y Y Y (*2) Y (*1) N N
Heavyweight glossy card stock 221 to 300gsm N N N N N N
Extra heavyweight glossy card stock 301 to 350gsm N N N N N N
Pre-printed 64 to 105gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) N Y
Hole punched 64 to 105gsm Y Y N Y (*1) N N
Recycled 64 to 105gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) Y (*3) Y
Custom types 1 to 5 64 to 105gsm Y Y Y Y (*1) Y (*3) Y

NOTE: (*1)
Able to staple up to 50-sheets with 52 - 90gsm plain paper. 50-sheets stapling not guaranteed
for paper over 90gsm.

NOTE: (*2)
Punch available up to 200gsm

NOTE: (*3)
Paper over 90gsm can be used as a cover page.

Table 6 Envelope Tray supported envelope sizes

Size group Name Cross feed width x feed length XC auto detect by default XE auto detect by default
A No. 7-3/4 (Monarch) envelope LEF 190.5 x 98.4mm Y Y
A ISO-C6 Envelope LEF 162 x 114mm (NVM) (NVM)
C No. 10 (Commercial # 10) envelope LEF 241.3 x 104.8 Y (NVM)
C ISO-DL envelope LEF 220 x 110mm (NVM) Y
F ISO-C4 envelope SEF 229 x 324mm Y Y

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 15 6-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 16 Installation Space Requirements • Desktop and TTM = 114.6kg (252.6lb).
• Office finisher LX = 28kg (61.7lb).
To outline the general space requirements to enable safe use and adequate access for service.
• BR Finisher = 39.5kg (87.1lb).
WARNING • Booklet = 9.2kg (20.2lb).
Do not work in a confined space. 1 m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working. • Punch = 0.7kg (1.5lb).
Paper Trays
• HCF = 29kg (63.9lb).
USA and Canada. Do not install this machine in a hallway or exit route that does not
have 1.12 m (44 inches) of space additional to the normal space requirements in front of • 2TM = 27.2kg (60lb).
the machine. To conform with fire regulations this additional 1.12 m (44 inches) of space • TTM = 33.8kg (82.5lb).
is needed in front of the machine in hallway and exit routes. Machine Dimensions and Installation Space Requirements
Machine Height Table 1 shows the dimensions of the machine and the installation space required for safe oper-
• Desktop machine= 809mm (31.9 inches). ation.
• Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) = 1071mm (42.2 inches).
NOTE: The installation dimensions in Table 1 allow for a 1 metre (39.4 inches) minimum safety
• Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) and BR finisher = 1071mm (42.2 inches).
work space around the machine. To acquire this minimum safety work space, it may be neces-
• Stacked machine (2TM or TTM), LX finisher = 1071mm (42.2 inches). sary to move the machine within the area specified.
• Stacked machine (2TM or TTM), LX finisher and booklet maker = 1080mm (42.5 inches). A gap of 100mm (4 inches) is required at the rear for airflow to fans
Machine Weight For machines with an HCF, the required install width (dimension C) includes the extra space
• Desktop machine = 80.8kg (178lb). required (250mm/9.8 inches) to slide the HCF away from the machine.
• Desktop and 2TM = 108kg (238lb). The installation dimensions in Table 1 show the machine footprint with the bypass tray and out-
put trays fully extended.

Table 1 Dimensions and space requirements

Install Width Required Install Depth Required Install Airflow/Service Work Space
(C) mm / inches (D) mm / inches (E) mm / inches
Machine Width Machine Depth
Configuration (A) mm / inches (B) mm / inches Moveable Fixed Moveable Fixed Moveable Fixed
Desktop machine 620 / 24.4 723 / 28.5 1678 / 66.1 2620 / 103.1 1299 / 51.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) 620 / 24.4 723 / 28.5 1299 / 51.1 2620 / 103.1 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) with HCF 1055 / 41.5 723 / 28.5 1387 / 54.6 3012 / 118.6 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) with Office finisher 1228 / 48.4 723 / 28.5 1887 / 74.3 3228 / 127 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) with Office finisher 1228 / 48.4 723 / 28.5 1887 / 74.3 3228 / 127 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
LX and booklet maker
Stacked machine (2TMor TTM) with office finisher 1572 / 61.9 723 / 28.5 1975 / 77.8 3572 / 140.6 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
LX, booklet maker and HCF
Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) with BR finisher and 1438 / 56.6 723 / 28.5 2054 / 80.8 3438 / 135.4 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
booklet maker
Stacked machine (2TM or TTM) with BR finisher, 1781 / 70.1 723 / 28.5 2142 / 84.3 3781 / 148.9 1678 / 66.1 2723 / 107.2 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
booklet maker and HCF

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-21 GP 16
Figure 1 represents a plan view of a machine installation and is to be read in conjunction with
Table 1. The dimensions A and B outline a footprint of the machine within the boundary of safe
operation, dimensions C and D. The dimension E indicates the area required for airflow/work
space at the rear of the machine.


Figure 1 Installation plan

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 16 6-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements Table 4 IOT states

Power Requirements Low Power

Mode/ Plug-in/Off
Refer to Table 1. Standby/ Semiconscious Deep Sleep Mode
Sub-System Ready Mode Run Mode Mode Mode (sub power)
Table 1 Electrical power requirements
Print Head Off Operating state Off Off Off
Nominal Voltage Average Current Comments
110-127VAC (60Hz) Less than or equal to 12A RMS. 50/60Hz plus 3% minus 3% Fusing Fan Temperature Temperature Temperature Off Off
Plus 10% minus control in controlled slow control in stop or
10% stop or rotate or fast rotation rotate (slow)
220-240VAC Less than or equal to 10A RMS. 50/60Hz plus 3% minus 3% (slow)
(50Hz) Plus 10% Marking Fan Temperature Temperature Temperature Off Off
minus 10% control led controlled, control led either
either stop or either stopped stop or slow rota-
Power Consumption slow rotation or slow or fast tion
Refer to Table 2.
ESS (Refer- Standby Operating state Standby Ready to Inactive
ence only) receive
Table 2 Power consumption
HDD Accessible Accessible Accessible Not accessi- Not accessi-
Region Voltage Power Consumption Value (W)
ble ble
XC 115VAC 1380 or less
XE 220VAC 2200 or less

Operation Modes
Refer to Table 3 and Table 4.

For full descriptions of operating modes refer to IOT Modes and System Status in the Product
Technical Overview.

Table 3 Operation modes

Mode State
Standby/Ready The state prior to entering run mode.
Run Mode Normal operation mode
Low Power/Semiconscious Mode A lower power consumption mode than ready mode
Deep Sleep Mode A lower power consumption mode than low power mode.
Plug-in/Off Mode (sub power) The controller is maintained with the programs running.

Table 4 IOT states

Low Power
Mode/ Plug-in/Off
Standby/ Semiconscious Deep Sleep Mode
Sub-System Ready Mode Run Mode Mode Mode (sub power)
Fuser Maintaining Maintaining Maintaining low Off Off
standby tem- operating tem- temperature
perature perature
Xerographcs Off Operating state Off Off Off

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-23 GP 17
GP 18 Environmental Data GP 19 Obtaining Audit and Device Logs
Operating Purpose
• Temperature range: 10 to 32 degrees C (50 to 90 degrees F). To obtain then download device data for analysis by 2nd level support.
• Relative humidity: 15 to 85%.
NOTE: It may not be possible to obtain a device log if the device executed a reboot after an
• Altitude: 0 to 2500 metres (0 to 8200 feet).
error occurred. To enable the device log collection enter dC131 then set the NVM chain-link
• Noise: code 700-530 value to 0. Repeat the device log procedure then reset the NVM chain-link code
– Table 1 contains the maximum value in decibels of noise that can be generated by 700-530 value back to 1.
the C8000.
– Table 2 contains the maximum value in decibels of noise that can be generated by Procedure
the C9000. Audit Log
To obtain the Audit Log:
Table 1 C8000 - 45ppm
1. Obtain the machine’s IP address by printing a configuration report. Refer to GP 14 Print-
IOT plus ing Reports.
IOT finisher 2. Access the web UI by entering the IP address into a web browser on a PC on the same
Declared A-weighted sound power level (B) at standby 3.24 3.36 network as the machine.
3. Log in to the web UI as an administrator. Refer to GP 23 Customer Administration Tools.
NOTE: LwAd – sound power level at a source = measure LwA value
4. Ensure HTTP - SSL/TLS is enabled:
(per 1 machine) + 0.3B
a. Click Connectivity.
Declared A-weighted sound power level (B) running 6.63 7.56
b. Click HTTP.
NOTE: LwAd – sound power level at a source = measure LwA value c. Enable HTTPS.
(per 1 machine) + 0.3B
d. Click OK. You will be prompted to restart the machine, click Restart Now.
Sound pressure level (dB) 50.8 57.7
5. When the machine restarts, log back in as an administrator, then click System.
NOTE: LpAm – sound pressure level at a bystander position. 6. Click Logs.
7. Click Audit Log.
Table 2 C9000 - 55ppm 8. Click Enable.
IOT plus 9. Click Export. The auditlog.txt file is downloaded via the web browser.
IOT finisher Device Log
Declared A-weighted sound power level (B) at standby 3.24 3.38 To obtain the Device Log:
NOTE: LwAd – sound power level at a source = measure LwA value 1. Obtain the machine’s IP address by printing a configuration report. Refer to GP 14 Print-
(per 1 machine) + 0.3B ing Reports.
Declared A-weighted sound power level (B) running 6.83 7.71 2. Access the web UI by entering the IP address into a web browser on a PC on the same
network as the machine.
NOTE: LwAd – sound power level at a source = measure LwA value
3. Log in to the web UI as an administrator. Refer to GP 23 Customer Administration Tools.
(per 1 machine) + 0.3B
4. Click System.
Sound pressure level (dB) 52.7 59.4
5. Click Logs.
NOTE: LpAm – sound pressure level at a bystander position. 6. Click Device Log.
7. Click Accept. The devicelog.dat file is downloaded via the web browser.
• Altitude: 0 to 3100 metres (0 to 10170 feet).
• Maximum temperature 48 degrees C (118 degrees F).

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 18, GP 19 6-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 20 First Print Out Time and Power On Time First Print Out
Refer to Table 1. The first print out time (FPOT) is the duration from selecting the print button
on a client computer to the delivery of the first copy to output tray 1. Values are based on paper
fed from tray 1.

Table 1 First Print Out

Response Time Response Time
Response Time PCL Response Time PCL Postscript (reference Postscript (reference
Description color mode B/W mode only) color mode only) color mode Notes
FPOT 45ppm B/W priority mode 12.3 seconds or less 9.7 seconds or less 8.1 seconds 6.6 seconds A4 or 8.5x11 LEF
FPOT 45ppm color priority mode 11.0 seconds or less 11.0 seconds or less 7.9 seconds 6.5 seconds A4 or 8.5x11 LEF
FPOT 55ppm B/W priority mode 11.8 seconds or less 9.0 seconds or less 7.7 seconds 6.4 seconds A4 or 8.5x11 LEF
FPOT 55ppm color priority mode 10.5 seconds or less 10.0 seconds or less 7.4 seconds 6.1 seconds A4 or 8.5x11 LEF

Power On
Refer to Table 2 for power on timings.

Table 2 Power On
Description Response Time
Time to Standby/Ready Mode from Plug-in/Off Mode (sub power) 60 seconds or less
Time to Standby/Ready Mode from Semiconscious/Low-Power Mode 10 seconds or less
Time to Standby/Ready Mode from Deep Sleep Mode 10 seconds or less

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-25 GP 20
GP 21 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
To provide information on the RoHS Directive.

The RoHS Directive restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and elec-
tronic equipment. It applies to equipment placed in the European Union (EU) market. The
directive takes effect from 1st July 2006.

NOTE: Currently these restrictions are only for the European Union (EU) market and some
associated countries. For more information go to However, Xerox has man-
dated that all Xerox® VersaLink® C8000/9000 machines must be maintained as RoHS compli-
The hazardous substances are:
• Lead (Pb)
• Mercury (Hg)
• Cadmium (Cd)
• Hexavalent Chromium (Cr 6+, Cr [VI])
• Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
• Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

Identification of a RoHS Compliant Machine

Xerox will maintain a central list of RoHS compliant machines.

All Xerox® VersaLink® C8000/9000 machines are RoHS compliant at time of manufacture.

Failure to comply with RoHS guidelines can result in product recalls, imprisonment, fines or
Use only spares that are listed in the Xerox® VersaLink® C8000/9000 Spare Parts List. Do not
use spare parts from other similar machines, even if the parts look identical. All Xerox® Ver-
saLink® C8000/9000 machines are RoHS compliant at time of manufacture and must be main-
tained as RoHS compliant.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 21 6-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 22 Special Boot Modes Table 1 Next level of menu

Purpose Function Display Notes

To start the device in various modes to enable special functions. 01. JOB LOG --BOOT MODE-- Used to clear corrupted jobs.
Procedure MODE
1. Switch off the machine, GP 10.
2. Simultaneously press then hold down the Home and Power buttons until the device pow- NO
ers on and SPECIAL BOOT MENU appears, Figure 1.
3. Simultaneously touch the letters A in SPECIAL, B in BOOT and the Home button. Do not INITMODE 02. FACTORY INIT MODE Do not perform this mode unless directed.
hold any of the three locations, just touch/press then release simultaneously, Figure 1. ARE YOU SURE?
Machine will be reset and the message
YES NVMEM IS CLEARED will be displayed.
Switch the machine off, then on, GP 10. Fault
code 116-334 will be displayed, again switch
the machine off, then on, GP 10. Fault code
124-315 will be displayed, perform dC132.
The machine will restart at the install wizard.
All customer configured settings will be
deleted. To restore the customer configured
settings, a clone file is required. Refer to GP
03. NVRAM INIT -BOOT MODE-- Forcibly initializes the controller NVM back to
Figure 1 Accessing special boot mode MODE 03. NVRAM INIT MODE default. This is the same as initializing the
ARE YOU SURE? Sys - System NVM and Sys - User NVM in
4. At the keypad screen enter code number, 6789#. The first SPECIAL BOOT MENU screen YES dC301.
will display. NO
CAUTION 04. HDD FOR- -BOOT MODE-- All pending jobs will be deleted. The HDD will
Do not switch off the device until the reboot is complete. The device will reboot after the down- MATMODE 04. HDD FORMAT MODE be forcibly reformatted.
load is complete. ARE YOU SURE? CAUTION
5. Scroll through the SPECIAL BOOT MENU screens to select the appropriate function, YES All customer data on the HDD (mailboxes,
refer to Table 1. Follow the on screen instructions. The device may reboot, then print a NO user IDs and account IDs) will be deleted.
report. 06. HDD INITIAL- --BOOT MODE-- All pending jobs will be deleted. The spool
IZE MODE 06. HDD INITIALIZE area of the HDD will be initialized.
Table 1 Next level of menu MODE CAUTION
Function Display Notes ARE YOU SURE? All customer data on the HDD (mailboxes,
YES user IDs and account IDs) will be deleted.
DOWNLOAD --BOOT MODE-- Machine starts in Firmware Download Mode.
ARE YOU SURE? SKIP INSTALL --BOOT MODE-- Starts the machine without displaying the
LONGDIAG --BOOT MODE-- Performs a more detailed check than the
MODE LONGDIAG MODE usual device diagnostic items at machine
ARE YOU SURE? start. If a fault code is displayed, perform the
YES relevant procedure.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-27 GP 22
GP 23 Customer Administration Tools GP 24 How to Set the Date and Time
Purpose Purpose
To gain access to Customer Administration Tools on the UI. To set the machine’s date and time.

How to Enter Customer Administration Tools Procedure

Perform the steps that follow: Perform the steps that follow:
1. Switch on the machine, GP 10. 1. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 23.
2. When the machine is ready, touch Log In in the top left corner of the UI. 2. Touch General.
3. Touch Admin. 3. Touch Date & Time.
4. The User Accounts screen displays. Enter user name ‘admin’ (case sensitive) or touch 4. Again, touch Date & Time.
admin if the account already exists. 5. Correctly set the date and time. Touch OK.
5. Enter the password ‘1111’ (default setting). Touch OK. 6. Touch the back arrow.
NOTE: If the administrator password is unknown, perform GP 29 System Administrator 7. Touch Admin.
Password Reset. 8. Log out of Customer Administration Tools.

Call Closeout
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Touch Admin in the top left corner of the UI.
2. Touch Logout.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 23, GP 24 6-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 25 Ethernet Crossover Cable Setup 4. Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Select Properties, refer to Figure 1. The
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window will open.
To connect and then configure the PWS to communicate with a device via a ethernet crossover
cable (600T02252).

Switch off the electricity to the machine GP 10. Disconnect the power cord from the cus-
tomer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause
death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Print a configuration report, GP 14.
2. Ensure that Windows firewall and wireless network connectivity on the PWS are turned
3. Record the IP address and Subnet Mask of the PWS.
Before changing the value of a setting ensure the original value is recorded. All the origi-
nal values will need to be restored to the PWS at the end of the procedure.
a. Open a command window on the PWS:
• If running Windows 7, select Start and in the Search box above the Start but-
ton, type CMD, then press Enter.

NOTE: If the Windows key is enabled (the key located in the lower left corner with
the Microsoft logo), hold the Windows key down, press R and release both keys to
open the Command window.

b. Type ipconfig at the command prompt, then record the Local Area Connection: IPv4
Address and Subnet Mask.
4. Configure the LAN connection of the PWS to enable communication with the device. Go
to the relevant procedure:
• Windows 7 and Windows 10 Figure 1 Properties window
Windows 7 and Windows 10
5. Double-click the entry Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Open Start/Control Panel/ Network and Sharing Centre.
2. From the left pane, select Change adapter settings.
3. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon. Select Properties. The Local Area Con-
nection Properties window will open.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-29 GP 25
6. Select Use the following IP address. Enter the IP address and subnet mask, Figure 2. GP 27 Billing Plan/Region Conversion Process
To provide information about the process to follow when a customer requires a billing plan
change. For billing impression mode refer to GP 28.

General Information
Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 printers are shipped from manufacturing in a neutral
state with neutral starter toner cartridges. The first toner cartridges installed after the neutral
starter toner cartridges sets the region and the billing plan of the machine.

The billing plan governs what consumables are compatible with the product:
• The metered billing plan allows metered consumables to be used on a machine that is
included as part of the metered contract.
• The sold billing plan only allows sold consumables (purchased by the customer), to be

NOTE: Sold supplies can also be used in metered machines. However, metered supplies
cannot be used in sold machines (a fault code will be generated and a message displayed
on the UI indicating toner incompatibility).

There are four billing pans supported:

• NA/XE Sold.
• DMO Sold.
• Worldwide Metered.
• PagePack (XE only).
Should a customer wish to convert their billing plan, this can be done from either the user inter-
face or Embedded Web Server and involves obtaining the following:
• For Sold to Metered or Metered to Sold; a plan conversion code.
Figure 2 Properties window • For Sold to XE PagePack or XE PagePack to Sold; a supplies plan activation code.
To confirm the customers current billing plan, either:
7. Refer to the configuration report. Set the IP address of the PWS to one number higher • Print a configuration report, GP 14. The supplies plan will be listed as either Activated
than the device. For example, if the IP address of the device is, set the (Metered/PagePack) or Not Activated (Sold).
IP address of the PWS to • Enter dC131. Check the NVM location values listed in Table 1.
8. Refer to the configuration report. Set the Subnet mask of the PWS to the same as the
Subnet mask of the device. Table 1 Initialization kit numbers
9. Click on OK to close the properties dialog box, then OK to close the second properties Chain Link Parameter Value
dialog box.
700 400 Total Service Contract Mode 1 = Metered
10. Close the Local Area Connection Status dialog box.
2 = Sold
11. Connect the ethernet crossover cable to the device, then continue with your procedure. 15 = Neutral (starter cartridge, region not yet set)
700 774 PagePack Contract Setting 0 = Unlimited (Metered/Sold)
1 = Non-PagePack Contract (NA PagePack)
2 = Pack Contract (XE PagePack)
700 775 Supplies Plan Number 0 to 268435455
700 776 PagePack Contract Length 0 to 127 (Months) (1-126 = XE PagePack) (127
= NA PagePack)

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 25, GP 27 6-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 Initialization kit numbers NOTE: If converting from Metered to Sold or PagePack to Sold, appropriate Sold toner
cartridges must be installed immediately after the conversion process or the device will
Chain Link Parameter Value
display an incompatible toner error message.
700 777 PagePack Region Code 0 = Worldwide/Neutral
1 = DMO/Sold 7. Confirm the service plan is correct by printing a configuration report, GP 14 or checking
2 = NA/XE Sold the NVM values, refer to Table 1.
3 to 7 = Invalid Conversion Process from the Embedded Web Server
Perform the steps that follow:
Refer to PL 25.05 for the toner cartridge part numbers. 1. From the Home screen, scroll down to Supplies, then select Details.
2. Scroll down, beneath Options, select Supplies Plan.
Procedure 3. The Supplies Plan window opens. Select either Supplies Plan Activation or Plan Con-
Refer to the relevant procedure: version as necessary.
• Conversion Process from the User Interface
NOTE: The device serial number and sequence number are listed on the Supplies Activa-
• Conversion Process from the Embedded Web Server tion screen. The device serial number and total impressions are listed on the Plan Con-
Conversion Process from the User Interface version screen.
Perform the steps that follow:
4. Contact the relevant OPCO:
1. From the Home screen, touch the Device button. Scroll down, then touch Supplies, then
Supplies Plan. For plan conversion, record the device serial number and total impres- • DMO - Follow the local process.
sions. For supplies plan activation, record the serial number and sequence number. • GIS - Conversion requests must be approved by the GIS Headquarter VP of Service.
Request that your field service manager contact their GIS Company VP of Service
2. Contact the relevant OPCO:
for directions. The GIS Core Company VP of Service will require authorization to
• DMO - Follow the local process.
convert the machine from sold to metered and provide a status of your request. Do
• GIS - Conversion requests must be approved by the GIS Headquarter VP of Service. not call field engineering to obtain a service plan conversion pin code.
Request that your field service manager contact their GIS Company VP of Service • USCU - Call PageConnect at 1-888-892-6483 or send an email to pageconnectpro-
for directions. The GIS Core Company VP of Service will require authorization to
[email protected] requesting a pin code. Provide the machine serial number and the
convert the machine from sold to metered and provide a status of your request. Do
number of total impressions.
not call field engineering to obtain a service plan conversion pin code.
• USEU - Call Xerox Corporate Licensing System (XDSS) on 1-800-890-3260 or 1-
• USCU - Call PageConnect at 1-888-892-6483 or send an email to pageconnectpro- 800-635-8054, prompt eight for toner conversions. Provide the machine serial num-
[email protected] requesting a pin code. Provide the machine serial number and the
ber and the number of total impressions.
number of total impressions.
• XCL - Call the Customer Delivery Organization (CDO) Field support number 1-800-
• USEU - Call Xerox Corporate Licensing System (XDSS) on 1-800-890-3260 or 1-
647-1331, prompt 8 (license strings) for a toner conversion PIN. Provide the
800-635-8054, prompt eight for toner conversions. Provide the machine serial num- machine serial number and the total number of impressions.
ber and the number of total impressions.
• XE - Email [email protected].
• XCL - Call the Customer Delivery Organization (CDO) Field support number 1-800-
5. A six character pin code will be provided.
647-1331, prompt 8 (license strings) for a toner conversion PIN. Provide the
machine serial number and the total number of impressions. NOTE: The plan conversion pin code is valid for approximately 500 additional impres-
• XE - Email [email protected]. sions after being generated.
3. A six character pin code will be provided. 6. From the Home screen, scroll down to Supplies, then select Details. Scroll down,
NOTE: The plan conversion pin code is valid for approximately 500 additional impres- beneath Options, select Supplies Plan.
sions after being generated. 7. The Supplies Plan window opens. Select either Supplies Plan Activation or Plan Con-
version as necessary. Enter the six digit pin code that was provided.
4. From the Home screen, touch the Device button. Scroll down, then touch Supplies, then
Supplies Plan. Select either Supplies Plan Activation or Plan Conversion as neces- 8. Select Apply.
sary. NOTE: If converting from Metered to Sold or PagePack to Sold, an appropriate Sold toner
5. Select the Enter and Apply Supplies Plan Activation Code or Enter and Apply Plan cartridge must be installed immediately after the conversion process or the device will dis-
Conversion Code entry field on the UI. Enter the six digit pin code that was provided. play an incompatible toner error message.
6. Select OK. 9. Confirm the service plan is correct by printing a configuration report, GP 14 or checking
the NVM values, refer to Table 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-31 GP 27
GP 28 Billing Impression Mode Change Process NOTE: Record the serial number and sequence number to obtain a BIM pin code.

Purpose How to Verify the Contract and Change the BIM

To provide information about the process to follow when a customer requires a billing impres- If the machines BIM is thought to be incorrect, contact the relevant OPCO:
sion mode (BIM) change. • GIS - Contact the service manager.
• USEU/XCL/USCU - Call Xerox Corporate Licensing System (XDSS) on 1-800-890-3260.
General Information • XE/DMO - Advise the customer to contact their sales representative.
Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 machines can be ordered with the option to bill custom- The OPCO will require the machine’s serial number and sequence number. If the machine’s
ers two meter clicks for oversized media using Billing Impression Mode ‘A4 Impressions’. BIM does not match the customer’s contract, the OPCO can generate a six digit PIN code to
Sales will order the equipment using a market code to determine if Billing Impression Mode is correct the BIM.
‘A3 Impressions’ or ‘A4 Impressions’.
Once the OPCO has generated the PIN code, it will be provided via telephone, email or the
If Billing Impression Mode is set for ‘A4 Impressions’, any media over 145 inches square Xerox Software Activation Portal at The PIN code
(935cm square) will be billed as 2 meter clicks. For example, an 8.5x14 page is 119 inches can be entered:
square, so it will be billed as 1 click. A 11x17 page is 187 inches square (greater than 145 • From the User Interface
inches square), so if the machine is setup for BIM ‘A4 Impressions’, a 11x17 page will be billed
• From the Embedded Web Server
as 2 meter clicks.
From the User Interface
The BIM can only be changed if the current BIM does not match the customers contract. If the
customer disagrees, advise them to contact their sales representative to discuss their contract. Perform the steps that follow:
1. From the Home screen, touch the Device button. Scroll down, then touch Billing/Usage,
Procedure then Impression Mode.
Perform the relevant procedure: 2. On the Impression Mode screen, touch Enter PIN.
• How to Check the Customers Current BIM 3. Use the displayed keyboard to enter the six digit PIN code, the touch Enter.
• How to Verify the Contract and Change the BIM 4. Verify that the BIM has been changed. Refer to How to Check the Customers Current
How to Check the Customers Current BIM
From the Embedded Web Server
Refer to the relevant procedure:
• From the User Interface Perform the steps that follow:
• From the Embedded Web Server 1. From the Home screen, select Log In, then Admin.
From the User Interface 2. Enter the password ‘1111’ (default setting). Select Log In.
3. Scroll down, beneath Billing / Usage, select Details.
Perform the steps that follow:
4. The Billing Details & Usage Counters window opens. Select Impression Mode.
1. From the Home screen, touch the Device button. Scroll down, then touch Billing/Usage,
then Impression Mode. 5. On the Impression Mode screen, enter the six digit PIN code on the Enter and Apply PIN
line. Select Apply.
2. On the Impression Mode screen, the current BIM will be displayed alongside Current
Mode. 6. Verify that the BIM has been changed. Refer to How to Check the Customers Current
NOTE: Record the serial number and sequence number to obtain a BIM pin code.

From the Embedded Web Server

Perform the steps that follow:

1. From the Home screen, select Log In, then Admin.
2. Enter the password ‘1111’ (default setting). Select Log In.
3. Scroll down, beneath Billing/Usage, select Details.
4. The Billing Details & Usage Counters window opens. Select Impression Mode.
5. On the Impression Mode screen, the current BIM will be displayed alongside Current

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 28 6-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 29 System Administrator Password Reset c. Copy the line below and paste into the new Notepad text area, Figure 1.
• Replace <Pin code> with the actual 12 digit PIN code that you generated from
To reset the system administrator password. the SA Password tool.
• Example of PIN code: @PJL SET JOBATTR="@RSAP=123456789123"
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Create a PIN code using the administrator password reset tool.
a. Run the administrator password reset tool.
b. Enter the serial number of the device with no punctuation or spaces.
c. Enter the total page count from the device.
d. Press Calculate.
e. Note the 12 digit reset code.
2. Create a reset file using Windows Notepad.
a. Windows 7
• Go to: ‘Start’ > ‘All Programs’ > ‘Accessories’ > ‘Notepad’
b. Windows 8 or 10
• In Search window (next to the Start button or Windows icon) type ‘Notepad’
then select ‘Notepad’ from the list.

Figure 1 Notepad example

d. Save this Notepad file as Reset.PJL to your PC.

3. Submitting the Reset.PJL file using DirectPrint utility.
a. Run the DirectPrint utility.
b. Select the Reset.PJL file where you saved it to on your computer by clicking the “…”
box next to filename.
c. Enter the IP Address of the Machine in the field box under Printer/IP.
d. Select Print.
e. You will hear a job completed tone at the machine and observe changes are being
made on the UI.

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-33 GP 29
NOTE: The process only takes a few seconds. If the UI screen is hung on changes GP 31 Print/Copy Orientation Definitions
being made, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10.
f. The administrator password should now be defaulted to ‘1111’. Use the web UI to
To describe the print/copy orientation definitions.
access the device to confirm.
4. Troubleshooting reset file not accepted error, Table 1. Definitions
Refer to Figure 1. Be aware of the points that follow:
Table 1 File not accepted procedure
• Inboard edge - can also be described as the top edge or side edge.
Status Code Procedure
• In process direction - can also be described as the slow scan direction.
016-749 • Verify the license string @PJL SET • Cross process direction - can also be described as the fast scan direction.
JOBATTR="@RSAP=<Pin code>" was copied to Note-
pad correctly.
Inboard edge
• Verify the PIN code is correct.
• When generating the code, make sure the current total
meter read was used. Lead edge


In process


Trail edge

Figure 1 Print/copy orientation definitions

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 29, GP 31 6-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 32 How to Open and Close the Video Contact Chassis 2. Open the video contact chassis assembly, PL 3.10 Item 2.
a. Disconnect the motor drive ribbon cable (1) from the motor drive PWB (2), Figure 2.
To open the video contact chassis assembly during repair and replacement procedures.

Opening Procedure
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 10. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD symbol

Observe ESD procedures during this procedure.
1. Remove the following covers:
a. Remove the MCU cover, PL 28.15 Item 10.
b. Remove the left rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 6.
c. Remove the controller cover assembly, PL 3.10 Item 1.
d. Remove the lower rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 8.
e. Remove the upper rear cover, PL 28.15 Item 5. Figure 2 Ribbon cable disconnect

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-35 GP 32
b. Remove one screw (3) from behind the motor drive ribbon cable and above the c. Remove one screw (4) above the video contact control chassis assembly, Figure 4.
motor drive PWB, Figure 3.

Figure 4 Screw removal

Figure 3 Screw removal

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GP 32 6-36 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
d. Remove five screws (5), Figure 5. e. Open the video contact chassis unit (6), Figure 6.

Figure 6 Video contact chassis unit open

Closing Procedure
Closing is the reverse of the opening procedure.

Figure 5 Screw removal

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-37 GP 32
GP 33 How To Capture A Nananana.log From The WebUI 2. In the web browser address URL, enter "nananana.cmd" after the IP address of the
machine: Figure 2.
Purpose a. ex. (1).
To capture the nananana.log file for Support troubleshooting of the machine state. b. Log in at the dialog box (2):
i. User name - “Analyst”
Opening Procedure
ii. Password - “Xerox”
1. Log into WebUI as administrator; Figure 1.
iii. OK

Figure 1 Administrator login

Figure 2 Nananana.cmd entry

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 33 6-38 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
3. Select "MAKE a new log file” (3) in the list on the screen, Figure 3. 4. Press the back button (4) on the web browser, then press the refresh button (5) to refresh
the screen and update the list items. Figure 4.

Figure 3 Selecting MAKE

Figure 4 Screen refresh

NOTE: Depending on the size of the nananana.log file file may take a few seconds
to post, continue to refresh the screen as necessary.

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-39 GP 33
5. The file appears. Click on the hyperlink on the file name (6) to download and save GP 34 Print Spool file to provide to Support, Figure 5.

NOTE: A.txt file may appear. The.txt file does not contain logs for the operating system.
Purpose file contains the logs for the operating system. If file is not created, provide To switch on or switch off print spooling from the WebUI.
the.txt file to Support in its place.
1. Open a browser window, then enter the machine TCP/IP address in the address line.
2. The WebUI starts.
3. Select Connectivity.
4. Select LPD.
5. Click on Spool to turn on or off.
• Spool off: Machine determined print job order.
– A large print job sent before a small print job may print after the small job.
• Spool on: Queued.
– Print jobs are processed in order received regardless of size.
6. Restart the machine to save and implement the new settings.

Figure 5 New log file appears

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

GP 33, GP 34 6-40 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 36 How to Manually Configure an IP Address
Manual configuration of the IP address of the printer.

Manual IP setup
To assign a static IP address to the printer:
1. At the printer user interface, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device >Connectivity>Ethernet>IPv4.
3. Touch STATIC.
4. At the restart system prompt, touch Continue.
5. Touch the IPv4 Address field.
6. Using the keypad, enter the address as x.x.x.x, where x is a number from 0 to 255, then
touch Enter.
7. Touch the subnet mask field.
8. Using the keypad, enter the address as x.x.x.x, where x is a number from 0 to 255, then
touch Enter.
9. Touch the gateway address field.
10. Using the keypad, enter the address as x.x.x.x, where x is a number from 0 to 255, then
touch Enter.
11. Touch Restart.

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-41 GP 36
General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue
GP 36 6-42 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
GP 40 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Where possible unit designations as appear in ISO 1000 (International Organization for Stan- Term Description
dardization) and Xerox Standard MN2-905 have been used. All measurements appear in ISO CIS Contact Image Sensor
units followed by any conversion in brackets e.g.; 22.5mm (0.885 inches) CL Copy Lighter. A copy density setting
CQ Copy Quality
Refer to Table 1.
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
Table 1 Abbreviations CRU Customer Replaceable Unit
Term Description CRUM Customer Replaceable Unit Monitor
CSE Customer Service Engineer
1TM One Tray Module
CVT Constant Velocity Transport
2TM Two Tray Module
CWIS CentreWare Internet Services (also known as Web UI)
AAA Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting
DADF Duplex Automatic Document Feeder
ABS Automatic Background Suppression.
dB Decibel (applies to sound pressure level units)
AC Alternating Current
dC Diagnostic code
ACAST Anti Counterfeiting Activities Support/Strategy Team
DC Device Controller, generic term for any module that acts as a image han-
ACL Alternating Current Live
dling device e.g., SIP. Digital Copier
ACN Alternating Current Neutral
DC Direct Current
AGC Automatic Gain Control
DCN Disconnect
AHA Advanced Hardware Architecture
DCS Digital Command Signal
AMPV Average Monthly Print Volume
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System
ANSAM Answer Tone, Amplitude Modulated
DH Document Handler
APS Auto Paper Selection
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (similar to BootP)
ARP Address Resolution Protocol. Converts an IP address to a MAC address.
DIMM Dual In-line Memory Module
DIP Dual In-line Package (switch)
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
DIS Digital Identification Signal
B Bels (applies to sound power level units)
DLM Dynamically Loadable Module
Binding Part of the communication between modules.
DM Document Manager
BM Booklet Maker
DMA Direct Memory Access
BootP Boot Protocol. AN IP protocol for automatically assigning IP addresses.
DMO Developing Markets Operations
BPS Bits Per Second
DMO-E Developing Markets Operations East
BS Behavior Specification
DMO-W Developing Markets Operations West
BT Busy Tone
DPI Dots Per Inch
BCR Bias Charge Roll
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
BTR Bias Transfer Roll
DST Daylight Saving Time
C Celsius
DT Dial Tone
CAT Customer Administration Tool
DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
CBC Customer Business Center
DTS Detack Saw
CCD Charged Coupled Device
Dust Off Routine to return machine to pre-install state
CCM Copy Controller Module
DVMA Direct Virtual Memory Access
CCS Copy Controller Service
EEC European Economic Community
CentreWare CentreWare internet services is the embedded HTTP server application
that is available on network enabled machines. It enables access to print- EEPROM Electrically Erasible/Programmable Read Only Memory
ing over the internet. EH&S Environmental Health and Safety
CIPS Common Image Path Software EJS Easy Java Simulation

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-43 GP 40
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
ELT Extract, Load, Transform I2C-bus Inter Integrated Circuit bus. This provides a simple bidirectional 2-wire
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility bus for efficient inter-IC control. All I2C-bus compatible devices incorpo-
EME Electromagnetic Emission rate an interface which allows them to communicate directly with each
other via the I2C-bus.
ENS Event Notification Service. Used by a software module to alert another
ID Identification
module of an event.
IDG Inter Document Gap
EOM End Of Message
IIT Image Input Terminal
EOP End Of Procedure
Intlk Interlock
EOR End Of Retransmission
ioctl Input/output control
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
IOT Image Output Terminal
EPROM Erasable / Programmable Read Only Memory
IP Internet Protocol
ERR End Retransmission Response
IPS Image Processing Service
ERU Engineer Replaceable Unit
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
IPX Internetwork Protocol eXchange
ESS Electronic Sub-System (equivalent to Network Controller)
IQ Image Quality
EU European Union
IQS Image Quality Specification
EUR Europe
IR Intelligent Ready
FAR Fully Active Retard feeder
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network / International Standard Data Net-
FCOT First Copy Out Time
FDI Foreign Device Interface
ISO International Standards Organization
FIFO First In First Out
ITP Internal Test Pattern
Firmware Software in a ROM
JBA Job Based Accounting (Network Accounting)
FLASH On board erasable and re-programmable non volatile memory
JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
kg kilogram (International unit of mass)
FPOT First Print Out Time
kHz kilohertz (frequency of one thousand cycles per second)
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
Kill All Routine to return all NVM, including protected NVM, to a virgin state.
FRU Fuser Replacement Unit
Factory use only
FX Fuji Xerox
KO Key Operator
g gram or gramme (one thousandth part of a kilogram)
LAN Local Area Network
G3 Group 3
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
LCSS Low Capacity Stapler Stacker
GND Ground
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (allows sharing of corporate
GSM Grams per square metre phone book information)
GUI Graphical User Interface LE Lead Edge
HCF High Capacity Feeder LED Light Emitting Diode
HDD Hard Disk Drive LEF Long Edge Feed
HFSI High Frequency Service Intervals LOA Load Object Attributes
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol LPD Line Printer Daemon
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply LPH LED Print Head. An LED array in close proximity to and the same width
Hz Hertz (unit of frequency of one cycle per second) as the photoreceptor. Individual LEDs are switched on/off to develop the
I/O Input/Output image on the xerographic drum.
lpi Lines Per Inch

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GP 40 6-44 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
LVF BM Low Volume Finisher Booklet maker OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signal OpCo Operating Company
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply OS Operating System
LUI Local User Interface P/R Photoreceptor
m metre (International unit of measurement) PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
MAC Address Media Access Code. This is the basic, unique identifier of a networked PC Personal Computer
device. An incoming message is analysed and an address in another PCI Peripheral Component Interface
form, such as an IP address, is resolved by a lookup table to a MAC PCL Printer Control Language
address. The message is then directed to, and accepted by the equip-
PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format
ment thus identified. It is the burnt-in, hardware address of a NIC.
PFM Paper Feed Module
Mark Service Mark Service is the software module that tells the hardware to put toner
on paper. PIN Procedural Interrupt Negative
MB Megabyte (one MB = 1,048,576 bytes = 1024 kilobytes). Mail Box PIN Personal Identification Number
Mb Mega bit (one million bits) ping Packet InterNet Groper. Tool to test connections between nodes by send-
ing and returning test data.
MCF Message Confirmation
PME Power Management Event
MF Multifunction
POPO Power Off Power On
mm millimeter (one thousandth of a metre)
POO or P of O Principles of Operation
Modem MOdulator/DEModulator. Hardware unit that converts the ‘one’ and ‘zero’
binary values from the computer to 2 frequencies for transmission over POST Power On Self Test
the public telephone network (modulation). It also converts the 2 frequen- POTS Plain Old Telephone System
cies received from the telephone network to the binary values for the PPM Prints Per Minute / Parts Per Million
computer (demodulation).
PR Photo-Receptor
Moire Image quality defect caused by interference between patterned originals
Procon Process control
and the digital imaging process. Moire patterns are repetitive and visible
Process Death A process has stopped working.
as bands, plaids or other texture.
PS Post Script
MSG Management Steering Group
PS Power Supply
ms millisecond (one thousandth of a second)
PSTN Private Switched Telephone Network
N Newton (a unit of force)
PSW Portable Service Workstation
NA North America
Pthread Process Thread. A very low level operating system concept for code exe-
NC Network Controller (equivalent to ESS)
NC Normal Contrast. Copy contrast setting
PTO Product Technical Overview
NCR No Copying Required
PWB Printed Wiring Board
NetBIOS Network Basic Input / Output System. Software developed by IBM that
provides the interface between the PC operating system, the I/O bus, PWBA Printed Wiring Board Assembly
and the network. Since its design, NetBIOS has become a de facto stan- PWM Pulse-Width Modulation
dard. PWS Portable Work Station
Nm Newton metre (a unit of torque equivalent to one Newton at one metre RAM Random Access Memory
radius) RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. Reverse of ARP. Converts a MAC
NOHAD Noise, Ozone, Heat, Airflow and Dust address to an IP address. The document centre resolves its address
NTP Network Time Protocol using RARP. See also MAC, NIC and ARP.
NVM Non-Volatile Memory RDT Remote Data Transfer
OA Open Architecture Reg Registration
ODIO On Demand Image Overwrite

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-45 GP 40
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
Registration Ser- Monitors when RPC services go online and offline. SPI Service Provider Interface. Steps to process a job.
vice SR Service Representative
RF Radio Frequency SRS Service Registry Service
RFID Radio Frequency Identification SS or S/S Sub System
RPC Remote Procedure Call. How the device communicates internally SSDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol
between software modules. SSID Service Set Identifier (wireless network name)
RH Relative humidity STM Single Tray Module
RMS Root Mean Square (AC effective voltage) SU Staple Unit
RNR Receive Not Ready SW Switch
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances SW or S/W Software
ROM Read Only Memory sync Synchronize
RR Receive Ready TAR Take Away Roll
RS-232, RS-423, Series of standards for serial communication of data by wire. RS-232 TAR or tar An archive file format, derived from Tape ARchive
RS-422, RS-485 operates at 20kbits/s, RS-423 operates at 100kbits/s, RS-422 and RS-
TBC To Be Confirmed
485 operate at 10Mbits/s. See FireWire and USB.
TBD To Be Defined
RTC Real Time Clock
TC Toner Concentration
Rx Receive
TCF Training Check Field
SA Systems Administration
TCO Thermal Cutout
SAKO Systems Administration Key Operator
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
SAR Semi-Active Retard feeder
TE Trail Edge
SBC Single board controller. Copy, print and UI controllers all on one PWB
within the image processing module. TIFF Tagged Image File Format
SCD Software Compatibility Database TP Test Point
SD Secure Digital, memory card format TRC Toner Reproduction Curve
SEF Short Edge Feed TTM Tandem Tray Module
Semaphore A variable or abstract data type. TTY Teletype Terminal
SESS Strategic Electronic Sub-System Tx Transmit
SH Staple Head UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
SIM Subscriber Identity Module (also known as a SOK-Software Option Key) U-boot Universal Boot Loader
SIMM Single In-line Memory Module UI User Interface (display screen)
SIR Standard Image Reference UK United Kingdom
SLP Service Location Protocol (finds servers) UM Unscheduled Maintenance
SM Scheduled Maintenance USB Universal Serial Bus.
High speed successor to parallel port for local device communications.
SMART Systematic Material Acquisition Release Technique
Operates at 12Mbits/s. See FireWire and RS-232.
Smile Correction Correction process that allows the adjustment of uniformity of density,
giving accurate color edge-to-edge and page-to-page. USCO United States Customer Operations
SMP Service Maintenance Pack (contains a software package) USSG United States Solutions Group
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol V.17 / V.29 / V.34 Modem standards
Snr Sensor VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol

SOK Software Option Key (also known as a SOIM-Subscriber Identity Module) WC WorkCentre

SPAR Software Problem Action Request WEB UI CentreWare Internet Services

spi Spots per inch XCL Xerox Canada Limited

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GP 40 6-46 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description
XE Xerox Europe
XEIP Xerox Extensible Interface Platform
XLA Xerox Latin America
XML eXtensible Markup Language
XPS XML Paper Specification (printing format)
XRU Xerographic Replacement Unit
XSA Xerox Standard Accounting

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General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue
GP 40 6-48 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC118 Jam Counter dC120 Failure Counter
Purpose Purpose
To view the number of jams that have occurred. dC118 Jam Counter records the number of To view the faults raised by the machine. dC120 Fault Counters records the number of occur-
occurrences of a jam and allows the counters to be sorted by occurrences. rences of a fault.

Procedure Procedure
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Touch dC118 Jam Counter. 2. Touch dC120 Failure Counter.

NOTE: There will be a delay while the machine retrieves the jam counter data. NOTE: There will be a delay while the machine retrieves the fault counter data.
3. A list of jams that have occurred is displayed. 3. A list of faults that have occurred on the machine is displayed.
4. Touch X to return to the Diagnostics screen. 4. Touch X to return to the Diagnostics screen.
5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. 5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-49 dC118, dC120
dC122 Fault History dC125 Active Faults
Purpose Purpose
To view the fault history in chronological order and in more detail than shown in dC120 Failure To view the current faults.
Procedure 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. 2. Touch dC125 Active Faults.
2. Touch dC122 Fault History.
NOTE: There will be a delay while the machine retrieves the fault data.
3. The dC122 Fault History screen is displayed.
4. Faults are listed in a time and date order. 3. A list of current faults is displayed.
5. Touch X to return to the Diagnostics screen. 4. Touch X to return to the Diagnostics screen.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. 5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC122, dC125 6-50 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC126 System Registration Adjustment Test Pattern
Print the Adjustment Test Pattern (containing the record of measurement (length) locations of
Purpose the various alignment components) that is stored in the controller and then follow the instruc-
To measure and adjust the image to paper registration for the IOT from the output result of the tions on the UI screen to input the result of measurements from the measurement locations on
Built-in Adjustment Test Pattern. the printout via the UI screen to send the misalignment to the IOT and adjust the alignment
NOTE: This routine only works correctly for A3 or 11x17 inch paper. Ensure there is A3 or
11x17 inch paper available in one of the paper trays. For adjustment items other than the Side 1/Side 2 Registration, successive adjustments can be
If setting system registration for A4 or 8.5x11 inch paper, perform ADJ 60.1 Image Position. performed using the output result of 1 chart sheet. Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1 Registration test pattern side 1

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-51 dC126
Figure 2 Registration test pattern side 2

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC126 6-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Procedure 2. Load A3 or 11"x17" paper in the proper tray then select Paper Supply to select the proper
tray, Figure 4.
1. Enter Diagnostics mode and select dC126 System Registration Adjustment. Figure 3.

Figure 4 Tray selection

Figure 3 Diagnostics screen

NOTE: If the incorrect expected paper size for the procedure is in the default tray, the
above message will be displayed. Ignoring the message above produces an incorrect
print pattern for the procedure. Changing the tray to the correct paper size corrects the

Adjustment Options

• Side 1/Side 2 Perpendicularity Adjustment

• Side 1/Side 2 Slow Scan Reduce/Enlarge Adjustment
• Side 1/Side 2 Lead Edge Registration Adjustment
• Side 1/Side 2 Side Edge Registration Adjustment
• Side 1/Side 2 Registration Adjustment

NOTE: Before performing this adjustment, make sure that dC675 Registration Control Setup
Cycle has already been completed. Appropriate alignment adjustment cannot be performed if
the Registration Control Setup Cycle is not finished properly.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-53 dC126
Side 1/Side 2 Perpendicularity Adjustment 2. Measure La and Lb on Side 1 of the measurement chart. Figure 7.
1. Select Perpendicularity from the procedure selection, Figure 5.

Figure 7 Side 1 La and Lb measurement

Figure 5 Procedure selction
3. Select Side 1, input the measured value, and select OK. Figure 8 and Figure 9.

• The Side 1 Perpendicularity screen will display, Figure 6.

Figure 8 Perpendicularity La value input

Figure 6 Perpendicularity screen Side 1

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC126 6-54 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Figure 9 Perpendicularity Lb value input Figure 11 Perpendicularity screen side 2

4. Select Adjust. automatic adjustment is performed, then Successfully completed is dis-

played, Figure 10.

Figure 10 Side 1 perpendicularity adjustment completed

5. Select Side to Adjust, then Side 2. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 above for Side 2.
6. Input the measured value, and select Adjust, Figure 11.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-55 dC126
Side 1/Side 2 Slow Scan Reduce/Enlarge Adjustment 3. Input the measured value for Side 1, then select Adjust, Figure 14.

NOTE: Slow scan refers to the process direction.

1. Select Slow Scan %. Figure 12.

Figure 14 TBD Slow Scan % Side 1 adjustment entry

4. Measure Lss on Side 2 of the measurement chart. Figure 15.

Figure 12 Slow Scan % selection

2. Measure Lss on Side 1 of the measurement chart, Figure 13.

Figure 15 Side 2 Lss measurement

Figure 13 Side 1 Lss measurement

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC126 6-56 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
5. Select Side 2, input the measured value, then select Adjust. Figure 16. Side 1/Side 2 Lead Edge Registration Adjustment
1. Select Lead Registration, Figure 17.

Figure 16 Slow Scan % Side 2 adjustment entry

Figure 17 Lead edge registration selection

2. Measure B on Side 1 of the measurement chart, Figure 18.

Figure 18 Lead edge side 1 measurement

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-57 dC126
3. Select Side 1, input the measured value, and select Adjust. Figure 19. 6. Select Side 2, input the measured value, and select Adjust. Figure 21.

Figure 19 Lead Registration Side 1 input Figure 21 Lead Registration Side 2 input

4. Select Apply Value to All Paper Types, Figure 19. 7. Select Apply Value to All Paper Types.
5. Measure B on Side 2 of the measurement chart. Figure 20.

Figure 20 Lead edge side 2 measurement

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC126 6-58 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Side 1/Side 2 Side Edge Registration Adjustment 3. Select Side 1. Input the measured value, then select Adjust. Figure 24.
1. Select Paper Supply for the correct tray, then select Side Registration. Figure 22.

Figure 24 Side 1 Side Registration input

Figure 22 Side edge registration selection
4. Measure A on Side 2 of the measurement chart. Figure 25.
2. Measure A on Side 1 of the measurement chart. Figure 23.

Figure 25 Side 2 Side Registration measurement

Figure 23 Side 1 Side Registration measurement

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-59 dC126
5. Select Side 2, input the measured value, then select Adjust. Figure 26. Side 1/Side 2 Registration Adjustment
NOTE: Before performing this adjustment, make sure that all System Registration adjustments
other than the Front/Back Registration have already been completed.

NOTE: Do not use perforated paper, labels, etc.

1. Select Paper Supply for the appropriate tray, select Print to print a measurement page,
then Side 1/Side 2 Registration to perform adjustments, Figure 27.

Figure 26 Side 2 Side Registration adjustment

6. Set each tray, bypass, or HCF individually. Print out a measurement chart, then perform
procedures 2 through 5 for each tray.

NOTE: Load A3 or 11"x17" (Standard paper) into the Tray/MSI.

Figure 27 Side 1/Side 2 Registration selection

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC126 6-60 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
2. Measure A to D on Side 1 and Side 2 of the measurement chart. Figure 28. 3. Enter the measured values for A to D on Side 1 and Side 2 of the measurement chart,
then select Adjust. Figure 29.

Figure 28 Side 1/Side 2 Registration measurement

Figure 29 Side 1/Side 2 Registration adjustment

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-61 dC126
dC131 NVM Read/Write • NVM List 747 Transfer 3.
• NVM List 748 Transfer 4.
• NVM List 749 LPH 1.
To review and modify values within the machine configuration and control parameters stored in
NVM. • NVM List 750 Xerographic Cleaning 1.
• NVM List 751 Xerographic Cleaning 2.
Description • NVM List 752 Process Control 1.
Each NVM item is identified using an NVM chain link number in the form XXX-XXX. • NVM List 753 Process Control 2.
• NVM List 754 Process Control 3.
Procedure • NVM List 755 Process Control 4.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. • NVM List 756 Process Control 5.
2. Touch dC131 NVM Read/Write. • NVM List 757 LPH 4.
3. To read NVM, enter the required chain link number. The current value will be displayed. • NVM List 758 High Voltage.
4. To write NVM: • NVM List 759 Registration control 1.
a. Enter the required chain link number. • NVM List 760 Registration control 2.
b. Touch Change. • NVM List 761 Development.
c. Enter a new value. • NVM List 764 Output.
d. Touch OK. • NVM List 765 Fuser 2.
e. The new value will be displayed in the Current Value box. • NVM List 766 Rmt 1.
5. Touch Close to return to the Diagnostics screen. • NVM List 767 Fi_767.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. • NVM List 980 Process Control 6.
NOTE: The Edoc CD must be in the CD drive to use the links below. • NVM List 981 Process Control 7.
• NVM List 984 Process Control 11.
For the NVM tables, refer to the documents that follow:
• NVM List 985 Fuser 6.
• NVM List 501 Fuser 5.
• NVM List 986 Fuser 3.
• NVM List 502 Process Control 8.
• NVM List 987 Fuser 4.
• NVM List 503 Process Control 9.
• NVM List 988 Crm_988.
• NVM List 504 Process Control 10.
• NVM List 998 Marking System.
• NVM List 505 Transfer 5.
• NVM List 999 Rmt 2.
• NVM List 506 Transfer 6.
• NVM List 507 Transfer 7.
• NVM List 508 Transfer 8.
• NVM List 509 Transfer 9.
• NVM List 510 LPH 2.
• NVM List 511 LPH 3.
• NVM List 512 Xerograhic Cleaning 3.
• NVM List 513 Xerograhic Cleaning 4.
• NVM List 740 IOT Manager.
• NVM List 741 Drive.
• NVM List 742 Paper Handling 1.
• NVM List 743 Paper Handling 2.
• NVM List 744 Fuser 1.
• NVM List 745 Transfer 1.
• NVM List 746 Transfer 2.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC131 6-62 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC132 Device ID and Billing Data dC135 HFSI Counter
Purpose Purpose
To view and, if required, synchronize the serial and product numbers between the halftone To view the counters for high frequency service items (HFSI).
PWB, back plane PWB, and controller PWB when a new back plane PWB or new halftone
PWB and controller PWB has been installed. Procedure
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
The serial and product numbers are held at the following locations:
2. Select dC135 HFSI Counter.
• EPROM on the halftone PWB (IOT).
3. Select Details. The Details screen will open, displaying the part name, current value,
• SEEP ROMM of back plane PWB (SYS1).
replacement data and the specified life.
• SRAM of controller PWB (SYS2).
4. Refer to Table 1 to observe the status of the items.
NOTE: This function must only be used when a failure has occurred. When the values at the 5. To reset an HFSI value:
three locations (IOT, SYS1, SYS2) are the same, there is no need to continue with the proce- a. Select Reset.
b. The Reset Current Value screen will open.
Procedure c. Select Yes to reset the NVM value.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. NOTE: The three previous replacement values will be modified.
2. Select dC132 Device ID and Billing Data.
6. To edit the specified life of an HFSI:
3. To change the values, select IOT, SYS1 or SYS2.
a. Select Spec Life.
4. Follow the on screen instructions to enter the required values, then select OK.
b. The Spec Life screen will open.
5. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
c. Enter the new value.
d. Select OK.
7. Select X to return to the HFSI Counter screen.
8. Select X to return to the Diagnostics screen.
9. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Table 1 HFSI Details

Chain-Link Name Spec Life
954-800 Tray 1 Feed/Retard/Nudger Rolls 300K feeds
954-801 Tray 2 Feed/Retard/Nudger Rolls 300K feeds
954-802 Tray 3 Feed/Retard/Nudger Rolls 300K feeds
954-803 Tray 4 Feed/Retard/Nudger Rolls 300K feeds
954-804 HCF Feed/Retard/Nudger Rolls 300K feeds
954-805 MSI (Bypass Tray) Feed Roll/Retard 100K feeds
954-820 IBT Unit 480K
954-821 2nd BTR Unit 200K
954-822 IBT Cleaner Unit 160K
954-830 Developer Unit Y 1500K prints
954-831 Developer Unit M 1500K prints
954-832 Developer Unit C 1500K prints
954-833 Developer Unit K 1500K prints
954-834 Developer Y 1500K prints
954-835 Developer M 1500K prints
954-836 Developer C 1500K prints

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-63 dC132, dC135
Table 1 HFSI Details dC140 Analog Component Monitoring
Chain-Link Name Spec Life Purpose
954-837 Developer K 1500K prints To provide tools to start (actuate) and stop (de-actuate) monitoring of specific analog compo-
VersaLink C8000 nents. The nominal range of the analog value and, when monitoring is active, the current value
954-840 45ppm Y Drum Cartridge PV 213K prints is displayed. The values are updated at least every second to allow the component state to be
954-841 45ppm M Drum Cartridge PV 213K prints monitored.

954-842 45ppm C Drum Cartridge PV 213K prints

954-843 45ppm K Drum Cartridge PV 240K prints
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
954-844 45ppm Y Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
2. Select dC140 Analog Component Monitoring.
954-845 45ppm M Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
3. Select Chain-Link.
954-846 45ppm C Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
4. Enter the relevant Chain-Link number, refer to Table 1.
954-847 45ppm K Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
5. Select OK.
VersaLink C9000
6. Select Start. The screen will display the information that follows:
954-840 55ppm Y Drum Cartridge PV 190K prints
• Chain-Link number of the component.
954-841 55ppm M Drum Cartridge PV 190K prints
• Input or output code clarification.
954-842 55ppm C Drum Cartridge PV 190K prints
• The enabled or disabled state.
954-843 55ppm K Drum Cartridge PV 224K prints
• The output level.
954-844 55ppm Y Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
7. Select Stop All to stop component operation.
954-845 55ppm M Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
8. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
954-846 55ppm C Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
9. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
954-847 55ppm K Drum Cartridge Cycle 1120K cycles
954-850 Fusing Unit Print Count 500K feeds Table 1 Component list
Link Component Name Description
010-200 Heat Belt STS Centre Displays the status of the centre heat sensor.
010-201 Heat Belt STS Rear Displays the status of the rear heat sensor.
041-200 MD_Fuse1_CHK Displays the status of fuses F1, F6 and F10 on the
motor drive PWB.
041-201 MD_Fuse2_CHK Displays the status of fuses F2 and F3 on the motor
drive PWB.
041-202 MD_Fuse3_CHK Displays the status of fuses F5 and F8 on the motor
drive PWB.
041-203 MD_Fuse4_CHK Displays the status of fuse F7 on the motor drive PWB.
041-204 MD_Fuse6_CHK Displays the status of fuse F11 on the motor drive
041-205 MD_Fuse7_CHK Displays the status of fuse F13 on the motor drive
042-200 NOHAD_ENV_SNR_TE Displays the status of the temperature sensor.
042-201 NOHAD_ENV_SNR_HU Displays the status of the humidity sensor.
071-200 Tray 1 Size Sensor Displays the status of the tray 1 size sensor:
072-200 Tray 2 Size Sensor Displays the status of the tray 2 size sensor:

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC135, dC140 6-64 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 1 Component list dC301 NVM Initialization
Chain- Purpose
Link Component Name Description
To reset the values of all applicable NVM parameters to default.
073-200 Tray 3 Size Sensor Displays the status of the tray 3 size sensor.
074-200 Tray 4 Size Sensor Displays the status of the tray 4 size sensor. Procedure
075-200 MSI Size Sensor Displays the status of the bypass tray (MSI) size sen- 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
sor. 2. Select dC301 Initialize NVM.
089-200 MOB_SNR_OUT_ANA Displays the status of the rear MOB sensor. 3. Select the area to be initialized. Refer to Table 1.
089-201 MOB_SNR_IN_ANA Displays the status of the front MOB sensor.
091-202 BCR DC I MONI Y Displays the DC status of the Y BCR. Table 1 NVM areas
091-203 BCR DC I MONI M Displays the DC status of the M BCR. Area Comments
091-204 BCR DC I MONI C Displays the DC status of the C BCR. IOT 1 Motor drive PWB NVM. After initializing the IOT 1 NVM, ensure the tray
091-205 BCR DC I MONI K Displays the DC status of the K BCR. module type is correctly set, refer to the 077-211 Tray Module Mismatch
092-203 ATC_SNR_Y TC detection in the Y developer housing assembly. RAP.
092-204 ATC_SNR_M TC detection in the M developer housing assembly. IOT 2 Do not use.
092-205 ATC_SNR_C TC detection in the C developer housing assembly. Finisher Finisher NVM.
092-206 ATC_SNR_K TC detection in the K developer housing assembly. IFM Do not use.
092-207 ADC_SNR_VSPC Displays the ADC sensor input status. IISS - IIT/IPS Do not use.
092-208 PROREGI_ENV_SNR_T Displays the temperature sensor input status. IISS - Extension Do not use.
EMP Input Device Do not use.
092-209 PROREGI_ENV_SNR_H Displays the humidity sensor input status. Sys - System Controller PWB NVM.
Sys - User SD card customer settings. The installation wizard will have to be run
092-210 ATC_SNR_VDIF Displays the ADC sensor input status. after initializing the SD card NVM.
Fault Counter Fault history.
HCS 1 Do not use.
HCS 2 Do not use.
PFIM Do not use.

4. Select Start.
5. Follow the UI messages to initialize the NVM.
6. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
7. Enter dC131. Ensure NVM value 790-900 is set to 1. If the NVM value was changed,
switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 10. Verify that the Embedded Web Server is
8. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-65 dC140, dC301
dC305 UI Panel Diagnostics dC330 Component Control
Purpose Purpose
To test the LED and audio functions of the user interface. To show the status of input components e.g. sensors, and to run or energize output compo-
nents e.g. motors, solenoids.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Description
2. Select dC305 UI Panel Diagnostics. Output and input component codes are entered into the Component Control Table on the UI,
3. Select LED Test or Audio Test. and then checked individually or in permitted groups. The codes in the tables are grouped in
function chain order. Refer to GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files.
4. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
LED Test NOTE: To check the operation of the fuser temperature, tray size sensing, development hous-
1. Select the 1 or more LEDs to be diagnosed: ing ATC sensors and MOB sensor, refer to dC140 Analog Monitor.
• Interactive Go to the appropriate procedure:
• Error • Input Components
• NFC • Output Components
• Power Input Components
• Data When the appropriate code is entered, the status of the component is shown on the UI.
2. Select the display pattern to be diagnosed. The selected LEDs are switched on.
3. Select All Off. NOTE: The logic level shown on the BSD with the signal name is the actual signal as mea-
sured with a service meter. This is not necessarily the same as the logic state shown on the UI,
4. Select the back button (top left) to return to the Diagnostics screen.
especially where the output is inverted. When testing components using these control codes,
Audio Test look for a change in state, not for a high or low.
1. Select Volume. Adjust the volume as necessary.
The displayed status of the input component can be changed by causing the component status
2. Select the pattern to be diagnosed. The audio sounds with the specified volume and pat-
to change, e.g. operating a sensor with a sheet of paper.
• Pattern 1 Go to the appropriate table:
• Pattern 2 • Table 1 Input Codes 010.
• Pattern 3 • Table 2 Input Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX.
• Pattern 4 • Table 3 Input Codes 071 to 078.
• Pattern 5 • Table 4 Input Codes 091.
• Pattern 6 Output Components
3. Select the back button (top left) to return to the Diagnostics screen. When the appropriate code is entered, the component runs or energizes for a set time. The
default timeout for most components is set at 90 seconds, but can be as short as 5 seconds.
Some components require that other components are run or energized at the same time. It is
possible to enter and run or energize up to 6 component control codes (not fax), but only in
permitted groups. If illegal combinations of codes are entered, the components do not run or

Go to the appropriate table:

• Table 5 Output Codes 010
• Table 6 Output Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX.
• Table 7 Output Codes 042.
• Table 8 Output Codes 061 and 062.
• Table 9 Output Codes 071 to 078.
• Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC305, dC330 6-66 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Procedure Input Codes
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
Table 1 Input Code 010 Fusing
2. Select dC330 Component Control.
CAUTION Code Displayed Name Description General
Check the component control tables for components that will damage the machine if run 010-201 Fusing Thermostat Sta- Displays the current level of the ther- H: Disconnected
together. tus. mostat. L: Connected
3. Select Chain-Link. 010-202 Fusing P/Roll Latch Displays the current level of the p/ H: On
4. Enter the relevant Chain-Link number. Sensor. roll latch sensor. L: Off
5. Select OK. 010-203 Belt Speed Sensor. Displays the current level of the 0: On
fuser belt speed sensor. 1: Off
6. Select Start. The component will operate and the screen will display the information that
• Chain-Link number of the component. Table 2 Input Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX
• Input or output code clarification. Code Displayed Name Description General
• The component status. 012-100 Finisher Entrance Sen- Finisher entry sensor (Q12-100) High/Low
• Operation counter. sor
7. Toggle Cyclic Motion to repeat the operation. 012-110 Reg. Clutch on Detect Registration clutch (CL12-110) On/off
8. Select Stop All to stop component operation. 012-111 IOT Exit Sensor IOT exit sensor (Q12-111) High/Low
9. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen. 012-150 Compile Exit Sensor Compiler exit sensor (Q12-150) High/Low
10. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. 012-151 Compiler Tray No Paper Compiler tray no paper sensor (Q12- High/Low
Sensor 151)
012-190 H-Transport Entrance H-transport entrance sensor (Q12- High/Low
Sensor 190)
012-220 Front Tamper Home Front tamper home sensor (Q12- High = home
Sensor 220)
012-221 Rear Tamper Home Rear tamper home sensor (Q12- High = home
Sensor 221)
012-241 Stapler Move Position Stapler move position sensor (Q12- High/Low
Sensor 241)
012-242 Low Staple Sensor Low staples sensor (Q12-242) High = almost
012-243 Self Priming Sensor Self priming sensor (Q12-243) High = ready
012-244 Staple Home Sensor Staple head home sensor (Q12-244) High = staple head
012-250 Eject Clamp Home Sen- Eject clamp home sensor (Q12-250) High/Low
012-251 Set Clamp Home Sen- Set clamp home sensor (Q12-251) High = set clamp
sor home
012-260 Upper Limit Sensor Upper limit sensor (Q12-260) High/Low
012-262 Stacker Paper Sensor Stacker paper sensor (Q12-262) High/Low
012-263 Stacker Encoder Sensor Stacker encoder sensor (Q12-263) High/Low
012-264 Stack Height Sensor 1 Stack height sensor 1 (Q12-264) High/Low
012-265 Stack Height Sensor 2 Stack height sensor 2 (Q12-265) High/Low
012-271 Punch Home Sensor Punch home sensor (Q12-271) High/Low
012-274 Punch Encoder Sensor Punch encoder sensor (Q12-274) High/Low
012-275 Punch Box Set Sensor Punch box set sensor (Q12-275) High/Low

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-67 dC330
Table 2 Input Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX Table 3 Input codes 071 to 078
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
012-277 Puncher Detect Puncher detect (Q12-277) High/Low 073-104 Tray 3 Tray Paper Size Tray 3 paper size sensor (Q73-104) High = Tray Miss-
012-300 Eject Cover Switch Eject cover switch (S12-300) High/Low Sensor (digital) ing
012-302 Fin. Front Door Intlk Finisher front door interlock switch High/Low 073-105 Tray 3 Pre Feed Sensor Tray 3 pre feed sensor (Q73-105) High = Tray Miss-
Switch (S12-302) ing
012-303 H-Transport Open Sen- H-transport open sensor (Q12-303) High/Low 074-101 Tray 4 No Paper Sensor Tray 4 no paper sensor (Q74-101) High = Tray Empty
sor 074-102 Tray 4 Level Sensor Tray 4 level sensor (Q74-102) High = Tray Empty
013-101 Folder Home Sensor Folder home sensor (Q13-101) High/Low 074-103 Tray 4 Feed Out Sensor Tray 4 feed out sensor (Q74-103) High = Paper
013-107 Booklet Front Low Sta- Booklet front low staple switch (S13- High = Staple slow Detected
ple Switch 107) 074-104 Tray 4 Tray Paper Size Tray 4 paper size sensor (Q74-104) High = Tray Miss-
013-108 Booklet Rear Low Sta- Booklet rear low staple switch (S13- High = Staple slow Sensor (digital) ing
ple Switch 108) 074-105 Tray 4 Pre Feed Sensor Tray 4 pre feed sensor (Q74-105) High = paper
013-141 Booklet Front Staple Booklet front staple home switch High/Low detected
Home Switch (S13-141) 075-101 MSI No Paper Sensor Bypass tray no paper sensor (Q75- High/Low
013-142 Booklet Rear Staple Booklet rear staple home switch High/Low 101)
Home Switch (S12-142) 075-102 MSI Nudger Position Bypass tray nudger position sensor High/Low
013-143 Booklet Stapler Move Booklet stapler move position sen- High/Low Sensor (Q75-102)
Position Sensor sor (S13-143) 077-100 Tray 2 Exit Sensor Exit 2 sensor (Q77-113) High = paper
013-144 Booklet Stapler Move Booklet stapler move home sensor High/Low detected
Home Sensor (S13-144) 077-101 Exit 1 Sensor Exit 1 sensor (Q77-101) High = paper
013-160 Folder Detect Folder detect High/Low detected
013-161 Booklet Detect Booklet detect High/Low 077-102 POB Jam Sensor POB Jam Sensor (Q94-201) High = paper
013-300 Booklet Cover Open Booklet cover open switch (S13- High/Low
Switch 300) 077-103 Regi Sensor Registration sensor (Q77-103) High = paper
013-301 Booklet Safety Switch Booklet safety switches High/Low detected
077-104 MSI Feed Out Sensor Bypass tray feed out sensor (Q77- High = paper
104) detected
Table 3 Input codes 071 to 078
077-109 OCT1 Home Position Exit 1 OCT home position sensor High = paper
Code Displayed Name Description General
Sensor (Q77-109). detected
071-101 Tray 1 No Paper Sensor Tray 1 no paper sensor (Q71-101) High = Tray Empty 077-110 OCT2 Home Position Exit 2 OCT home position sensor High/Low
071-102 Tray 1 Level Sensor Tray 1 level sensor (Q71-102) High = Tray Empty Sensor (Q77-110).
071-104 Tray 1 Tray Paper Size Tray 1 paper size switch (S71-104) High = Paper 077-124 OCT1 Full Stack Sensor Exit 1 OCT full stack sensor (Q77- High/Low
Switch (digital) Detected 124).
071-105 Tray 1 Pre Feed Sensor Tray 1 pre feed sensor (Q71-105) High = Paper 077-125 OCT2 Full Stack Sensor Exit 2 OCT full stack sensor (Q77- High/Low
Detected 125).
072-101 Tray 2 No Paper Sensor Tray 2 no paper sensor (Q72-101) High = Tray Empty 077-300 Left Cover Interlock Left cover interlock switch (S77- High/Low
072-102 Tray 2 Level Sensor Tray 2 level sensor (Q72-102) High = Tray Empty Switch 300).
072-104 Tray 2 Tray Paper Size Tray 2 paper size sensor (Q72-104) High = Tray Miss- 077-303 Front Cover Interlock Front cover interlock switch (S77- High/Low
Sensor (digital) ing Switch 303).
072-105 Tray 2 Tray Pre Feed Tray 2 pre feed sensor (Q72-105) High = Paper 077-306 Tray Module Left Cover TM left cover interlock switch (S77- High/Low
Sensor Detected Interlock Switch 306).
073-101 Tray 3 No Paper Sensor Tray 3 no paper sensor (Q73-101) High = Tray Empty 077-307 Trans Path Drawer TM Transport Path Drawer Switch High/Low
073-102 Tray 3 Level Sensor Tray 3 level sensor (Q73-102) High = Tray Empty Switch (S77-307).

073-103 Tray 3 Feed Out Sensor Tray 3 feed out sensor (Q73-103) High = Paper 078-100 HCF1 Pre Feed Sensor HCF pre feed sensor (Q78-100). High/Low
Detected 078-101 HCF1 Feed Out Sensor HCF feed out sensor (Q78-101) High/Low

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC330 6-68 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 3 Input codes 071 to 078 Table 5 Output Codes 010
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description
078-200 HCF1 No Paper Sensor HCF no paper sensor (Q78-200) High/Low 010-203 Belt Speed Sensor Display’s current level of fuser belt
078-201 HCF1 Level Sensor HCF level sensor (Q78-201) High/Low speed sensor.
078-202 HCF1 Size Sensor A HCF size sensor A (Q78-202) High/Low
078-203 HCF1 Size Sensor B HCF size sensor B (Q78-203) High/Low Table 6 Output Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX

078-204 HCF1 Tray In Sensor HCF tray in sensor (Q78-204) High/Low Code Displayed Name Description General
078-300 HCF1 Transport Inter- HCF transport interlock(S78-300) High/Low 012-013 Sub Paddle Solenoid Energizes the sub paddle solenoid On/off. 250 ms
lock (SOL12-013).
078-301 HCF1 Side Out Switch HCF side out switch (S78-301) High/Low 012-018 Transport Motor Runs the transport motor (MOT12- On/off.
Reverse 018) in reverse.
Table 4 Input codes 091 012-020 Front Tamper Mot Low Runs the front tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
Front (MOT12-020) at low speed to move
Code Displayed Name Description General
the front tamper forward.
091-201 Waste Toner Full Sensor Detects toner waste bottle near full. -
012-022 Front Tamper Mot High Runs the front tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
Front (MOT12-020) at high speed to move
Output Codes the front tamper forward.
012-023 Front Tamper Mot Low Runs the front tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
Table 5 Output Codes 010 Rear (MOT12-020) at low speed to move
Code Displayed Name Description the front tamper backward.

010-001 Fusing Motor(308mm Runs the drive fuser motor at 012-025 Front Tamper Mot High Runs the front tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
Rear (MOT12-020) at high speed to move
Speed) 308mm/s.
the front tamper backward.
010-002 Fusing Motor(255mm Runs the drive fuser motor at
012-026 Rear Tamper Motor Low Runs the rear tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
Speed) 255mm/s.
Front (MOT12-026) at low speed to move
010-003 Fusing Motor(233mm Runs the drive fuser motor at the rear tamper forward.
Speed) 233mm/s.
012-028 Rear Tamper Motor Runs the rear tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
010-004 Fusing Motor(185mm Runs the drive fuser motor at
High Front (MOT12-026) at high speed to move
Speed) 185mm/s.
the front tamper forward.
010-005 Fusing Motor(150mm Runs the drive fuser motor at
012-029 Rear Tamper Motor Low Runs the rear tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
Speed) 150mm/s. Rear (MOT12-026) at low speed to move
010-006 Fusing Motor(121mm Runs the drive fuser motor at the rear tamper backward.
Speed) 121mm/s.
012-031 Rear Tamper Motor Runs the rear tamper motor On/off. 82 pulses
010-009 P/Roll Latch ON Runs the roll latch motor to move High Rear (MOT12-026) at high speed to move
pressure roller to the fully cammed the rear tamper backward.
(latched) position. 012-032 H-Transport Motor 1 Runs the horizontal transport motor On/off.
010-010 P/Roll Latch OFF Runs the roll latch motor to move (MOT12-032) forward at highest
pressure roller to the uncammed speed.
(unlatched) position.
012-033 H-Transport Motor 2 Runs the horizontal transport motor On/off.
010-011 P/Roll Half Latch Runs the roll latch motor to move (MOT12-032) forward at high speed.
pressure roller to the half-cammed 012-034 H-Transport Motor 3 Runs the horizontal transport motor On/off.
(half-latched) position.
(MOT12-032) forward at mid speed.
010-201 Fusing Thermostat Sta- Display’s the current level of Ther-
012-035 H-Transport Motor 4 Runs the horizontal transport motor On/off.
tus mostat.
(MOT12-032) forward at low speed.
010-202 Fusing P/Roll Latch Display’s current level of pressure
012-036 Transport Motor 1 Runs the transport motor (MOT12- On/off.
Sensor roller latch sensor. 036) forward at high speed.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-69 dC330
Table 6 Output Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX Table 6 Output Codes 012 and 013 - Office Finisher LX
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
012-037 Transport Motor 2 Runs the transport motor (MOT12- On/off. 012-079 Punch (4 hole) Runs the punch motor (MOT12-074) On/off.
036) forward at mid speed. to drive 4 hole punch movement.
012-038 Transport Motor 3 Runs the transport motor (MOT12- On/off. 013-022 Knife Motor Forward Runs the knife motor (MOT13-022) On/off.
036) forward at low speed. forward.
012-039 H-Transport Motor Runs the horizontal transport motor On/off. 013-023 Knife Motor Reverse Runs the knife motor (MOT13-022) On/off.
Reverse (MOT12-032) in reverse. in reverse.
012-040 Stapler Move Motor Runs the stapler move motor On/off. 013-024 Booklet Front Stapler Runs the front booklet staple motor On/off.
Front Low (MOT12-040) to move the stapler Motor Forward (MOT13-024) forward.
assembly to the front at low speed. 013-025 Booklet Front Stapler Runs the front booklet staple motor On/off.
012-042 Stapler Move Motor Runs the stapler move motor On/off. Motor Reverse (MOT13-024) in reverse.
Front High (MOT12-040) to move the stapler 013-026 Booklet Rear Stapler Runs the rear booklet staple motor On/off.
assembly to the front at high speed. Motor Forward (MOT13-026) forward.
012-043 Stapler Move Motor Runs the stapler move motor On/off. 013-027 Booklet Front Stapler Runs the rear booklet staple motor On/off.
Rear Low (MOT12-040) to move the stapler Motor Reverse (MOT13-026) in reverse.
assembly to the rear at low speed.
013-028 Booklet Staple Move Runs the booklet staple move motor On/off. 350 pulses
012-045 Stapler Move Motor Runs the stapler move motor On/off. Motor In (MOT13-028) to move booklet sta-
Rear High (MOT12-040) to move the stapler pler to the I/B side.
assembly to the rear at high speed. 013-029 Booklet Staple Move Runs the booklet staple move motor On/off. 350 pulses
012-046 Staple Motor Forward Runs the stapler motor (MOT12- On/off. Motor Out (MOT13-028) to move booklet sta-
046) forwards. pler to the O/B side.
012-047 Staple Motor Reverse Runs the stapler motor (MOT12- On/off. 200ms time-
046) in reverse. out. Table 7 Output Codes 042
012-050 Set Clamp Clutch Energizes the set clamp clutch On/off. 583 pulses.
Code Displayed Name Description General
041-001 All Sub consistent mode Drum, toner dispense, paper path, -
012-052 Eject Clamp Up Runs the eject motor (MOT12-054) On/off. 200ms time-
in reverse at high speed to raise the out. waste toner bottle auger, fuser, exit 1
noise detection processing.
eject clamp roll.
041-002 Drum abnormal noise Drum abnormal sound detection pro- -
012-053 Eject Clamp Down Runs the eject motor (MOT12-054) On/off. 46 pulses
detection mode cessing.
in reverse at high speed to lower the after home.
eject clamp roll. 041-003 Dispense noise detec- Dispense abnormal sound detection -
012-054 Eject Motor Forward Runs the eject motor (12-054) for- On/off. 1136 tion mode processing.
Low ward at low speed. pulses. 041-004 Paper path, waste toner Paper path, waste toner bottle auger, -
bottle auger, fuser, exit fuser, exit 1 abnormal noise detec-
012-055 Eject Motor Forward Runs the eject motor (12-054) for- On/off. 1136
1 abnormal noise detec- tion.
High ward at high speed. pulses.
tion mode.
012-060 Stacker Motor Up Runs the stacker motor (MOT12- On/Off. 500ms
060) to drive the stacker tray up. timeout. 042-001 (K) IBT Motor (308mm/ Runs the (K) IBT motor (MOT42-001) On/off
s) at 308mm/s.
012-061 Stacker Motor Down Runs the stacker motor (MOT12- On/Off. 500ms
042-002 (K) IBT Motor (225mm/ Runs the (K) IBT motor (MOT42-001) On/off
060) to drive the stacker tray down. timeout.
s) at 225mm/s.
012-074 Punch Motor Move Runs the punch motor (MOT12-074) On/off.
042-003 (K) IBT Motor (233mm/ Runs the (K) IBT motor (MOT42-001) On/off
Home to drive the punch home.
s) at 233mm/s.
012-077 Punch (2 hole) Runs the punch motor (MOT12-074) On/off.
to drive 2 hole punch movement. 042-004 (K) IBT Motor (185mm/ Runs the (K) IBT motor (MOT42-001) On/off
s) at 185mm/s.
012-078 Punch (3 hole) Runs the punch motor (MOT12-074) On/off.
042-005 (K) IBT Motor (155mm/ Runs the (K) IBT motor (MOT42-001) On/off
to drive 3 hole punch movement.
s) at 155mm/s.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC330 6-70 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 7 Output Codes 042 Table 7 Output Codes 042
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
042-006 (K) IBT Motor (120mm/ Runs the (K) IBT motor (MOT42-001) On/off 042-025 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC Drum On/off
s) at 120mm/s. (185mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 185mm/
042-007 (Y,M,C) Motor (255mm/ Runs the (Y,M,C) motor (MOT42-007) On/off s.
s) at 255mm/s. 042-050 Marking Fan Low Runs the marking fan (MOT42-025) On/off
042-008 (Y,M,C) Motor (233mm/ Runs the (Y,M,C) motor (MOT42-007) On/off Speed Rotation at low speed.
s) at 233mm/s. 042-051 Marking Fan High Runs the marking fan (MOT42-025) On/off
042-009 (Y,M,C) Motor (185mm/ Runs the (Y,M,C) motor (MOT42-007) On/off Speed Rotation at high speed.
s) at 185mm/s. 042-052 LVPS Fan Low Speed Runs the LVPS fan (MOT42-052) at On/off
042-010 (Y,M,C) Motor (155mm/ Runs the (Y,M,C) motor (MOT42-007) On/off Rotation low speed.
s) at 155mm/s. 042-053 LVPS Fan High Speed Runs the LVPS fan (MOT42-052) at On/off
042-011 (Y,M,C) Motor (120mm/ Runs the (Y,M,C) motor (MOT42-007) On/off Rotation high speed.
s) at 120mm/s. 042-054 (P1) Front/Right Mark- Runs the (P1) front/right marking fan. On/off
042-012 (Y,M,C) Drum Motor Runs the (Y,M,C) drum motor On/off ing Fan Rotation
(308mm/s) (MOT42-007) at 308mm/s. 042-055 Toner Cartridge Cool- Runs the toner cartridge cooling fan. On/off
042-013 (Y,M,C) Drum Motor Runs the (Y,M,C) drum motor On/off ing Fan Rotation
(233mm/s) (MOT42-007) at 233mm/s. 042-056 Toner Cartridge Runs the toner cartridge exhaust fan. On/off
042-014 (Y,M,C) Drum Motor Runs the (Y,M,C) drum motor On/off Exhaust Fan Rotation
(185mm/s) (MOT42-007) at 185mm/s. 042-057 REAR ADD Fan Rota- Runs the rear add fan. On/off
042-015 (Y,M,C) DEVE Motor Runs the (Y,M,C) developer motor On/off tion
(308mm/s) (MOT42-007) at 308mm/s. 042-058 Fusing Unit Exhaust Runs the fuser exhaust fan (MOT42- On/off
042-016 (Y,M,C) DEVE Motor Runs the (Y,M,C) developer motor On/off Fan Low Speed 058) at low speed.
(233mm/s) (MOT42-007) at 233mm/s. Rotation
042-017 (Y,M,C) DEVE Motor Runs the (Y,M,C) developer motor On/off 042-059 Fusing Unit Exhaust Runs the fuser exhaust fan (MOT42- On/off
(185mm/s) (MOT42-007) at 185mm/s. Fan Mid Speed 058) at mid speed.
042-018 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC motor On/off Rotation
(255mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 255mm/ 042-060 Fusing Unit Exhaust Runs the fuser exhaust fan (MOT42- On/off
s. Fan High Speed 058) at high speed.
042-019 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC motor On/off
(233mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 233mm/ 042-061 (P2) Front/Left Marking Runs the (P2) front/left marking fan On/off
s. Fan Low Speed Rota- (MOT42-067) at low speed.
042-020 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC motor On/off
(185mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 185mm/ 042-062 (P2) Front/Left Marking Runs the (P2) front/left marking fan On/off
s. Fan High Speed Rota- (MOT42-067) at high speed.
042-021 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC motor On/off tion
(155mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 155mm/ 042-069 IHPS Intake Fan Low Runs the IHPS intake fan (MOT42- On/off
s. Speed Rotation 069) at low speed.
042-022 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC motor On/off 042-070 IHPS Intake Fan High Runs the IHPS intake fan (MOT42- On/off
(120mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 120mm/ Speed 069) at low speed.
s. Rotation
042-023 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC Drum On/off
(308mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 308mm/ Table 8 Output Codes 061 and 062
s. Code Displayed Name Description General
042-024 Main Drive Motor All Runs the (K)IBT motor/YMC Drum On/off
061-001 LPH Forced Light Out- Switches on the print head assembly On/off
(233mm/s) (MOT42-001/MOT42-007) at 233mm/
put (Cin100%) (Cin 100%).

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-71 dC330
Table 8 Output Codes 061 and 062 Table 9 Output Codes 071 to 078
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
061-002 LPH forced ON (Cin Switches on the print head assembly On/off 077-035 TM T/A Motor Full Runs the TM T/A motor 2 (MOT77- On/off
50%) (Cin 50%). Speed 035) at full speed.
061-003 LPH forced ON (thyris- Switches on the print head assembly On/off 077-040 OCT 1 Motor Moves the Exit 1 roll to cross-pro- On/off
tor transfer) (performs thyristor transfer only. (CW 1-2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
1000msec until timer is turned off)
Table 9 Output Codes 071 to 078 Clockwise = Exit roll moves to M/C
front (outboard) side.
Code Displayed Name Description General
077-041 OCT 1 Motor Moves the Exit 1 roll to cross-pro- On/off
071-001 Tray 1 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 1 feed/lift motor On/off (CCW 1-2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
phase (CW2) Feed (MOT71-001) at paper feed speed in 1000msec until timer is turned off)
Direction the clockwise (feed) direction. Counterclockwise = Exit roll moves
071-002 Tray 1 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 1 feed/lift motor On/off to M/C rear (inboard) side.
phase (CCW2) Lift Up (MOT71-001) at tray lift speed in the 077-042 OCT 1 Motor Moves the Exit 1 roll to cross-pro- On/off
Direction counter clockwise (lift) direction. (CW 2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
072-001 Tray 2 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 2 feed/lift motor On/off 1000msec until timer is turned off)
phase (CW2) Feed (MOT72-001) at paper feed speed in Clockwise = Exit roll moves to M/C
Direction the clockwise (feed) direction (2 front (outboard) side.
phase control). 077-043 OCT 1 Motor Moves the Exit 1 roll to cross-pro- On/off
072-002 Tray 2 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 2 feed/lift motor On/off (CCW 2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
phase (CCW2) Lift Up (MOT72-001) at tray lift speed in the 1000msec until timer is turned off)
Direction counter clockwise (lift) direction. Counterclockwise = Exit roll moves
073-001 Tray 3 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 3 feed/lift motor On/off to M/C rear (inboard) side.
phase (CW2) Feed (MOT73-001) at paper feed speed in 077-045 OCT 2 Motor Moves the Exit 2 roll to cross-pro- On/off
Direction the clockwise (feed) direction (2 (CW 1-2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
phase control). 1000msec until timer is turned off)
073-002 Tray 3 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 3 feed/lift motor On/off Clockwise = Exit roll moves to M/C
phase (CCW2) Lift Up (MOT73-001) at paper feed speed in front (outboard) side.
Direction the counter clockwise (lift) direction 077-046 OCT 2 Motor Moves the Exit 2 roll to cross-pro- On/off
(1-2 phase control) (CCW 1-2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
074-001 Tray 4 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 4 feed/lift motor On/off 1000msec until timer is turned off)
phase (CW 2) Feed (MOT74-001) at paper feed speed in Counterclockwise = Exit roll moves
Direction the clockwise (feed) direction (2 to M/C rear (inboard) side.
phase control). 077-047 OCT 2 Motor Moves the Exit 2 roll to cross-pro- On/off
074-002 Tray 4 Feed Motor 2- Runs the tray 4 feed/lift motor On/off (CW 2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
phase (CCW 2) Lift Up (MOT74-001) at tray lift speed in the 1000msec until timer is turned off)
Direction counter clockwise (lift) direction. Clockwise = Exit roll moves to M/C
075-003 MSI Feed Motor 2- Runs the bypass tray feed/lift motor On/off front (outboard) side.
phase (CW2) Feed (MOT78-003) in the clockwise (feed) 077-048 OCT 2 Motor Moves the Exit 2 roll to cross-pro- On/off
Direction direction at paper feed speed. (CCW 2 Phase Mode) cess direction (turn the motor on for
1000msec until timer is turned off)
075-004 MSI Feed Motor 1-2 Runs the bypass tray feed/lift motor On/off
Phase (CCW1-2) (MOT78-003) in the counter clock- Counterclockwise = Exit roll moves
to M/C rear (inboard) side.
Nudger Up/Down Direc- wise (nudger roll up/down) direction
tion at the nudger roll up/down speed. 077-050 Take Away Motor 1 Runs the take away motor 1 On/off
(MOT77-050) in the feed direction at
077-003 Exit 1 Gate Solenoid Energizes the exit 1 gate solenoid On/off
(SOL77-003). maximum speed.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC330 6-72 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 9 Output Codes 071 to 078 Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
077-051 Take Away Motor 2 Runs the take away motor 2 On/off 091-006 Agitator Motor Runs the agitator motor (MOT91- On/off
(MOT77-051) in the feed direction at 006).
maximum speed. 091-007 Waste toner convey- On/off
Runs the agitator motor (MOT91-
077-055 Regi Motor Runs the registration motor On/off ance (Waste toner 006).
(MOT77-055) in the feed direction at transport assembly)
maximum speed (640mm/s). sequence at replace- Note: The agitator motor runs when
077-060 Exit 2 Motor (CW) Runs the exit 2 drive motor (MOT77- On/off ment of drum cartridge interlock is opened.
060) in the feed direction at maxi- 091-008 BCR Y AC Energizes the output AC of BCR On/off
mum speed. (Yellow).
077-061 Exit 2 Motor (CCW) Runs the exit 2 drive motor (MOT77- On/off
060) in the pull-back direction at See the following NVMs for AC out-
maximum speed. put value:
077-071 Duplex Motor Runs the duplex motor (MOT77- On/off 45ppm M/C: NvM 750-046 (ConstB-
071) in the reverse (pull-back) direc- CRACOut #PS3)
tion at maximum speed. 55ppm M/C: NVM 750-047 (ConstB-
078-003 HCF1 Feed Motor - Runs the HCF feed/lift motor On/off
Feed Direction (MOT78-003) of tray 6 in the clock- 091-009 BCR M AC Energizes the output of BCR On/off
wise (feed) direction at paper feed (Magenta).
See the following NVMs for AC out-
078-004 HCF1 Feed Motor - Lift Runs the HCF feed/lift motor On/off
put value:
Up (MOT78-003) of tray 6 at tray lift
45ppm M/C: NvM 750-046 (ConstB-
speed in the counter clockwise (lift)
55ppm M/C: NVM 750-047 (ConstB-
078-006 HCF 1 T/A Motor Runs the HCF T/A motor (MOT78- On/off CRACOut #PS4(750-047)
(500mm/s) 093) at 500mm/s speed.
091-010 BCR C AC Energizes the output AC of BCR On/off
078-007 HCF 1 T/A Motor Runs the HCF T/A motor (MOT78- On/off (Cyan).
(640mm/s) 093) at 640mm/s speed.
078-008 HCF 1 T/A Motor Runs the HCF T/A motor (MOT78- On/off See the following NVMs for AC out-
(364mm/s) 093) at 364mm/s speed. put value:
45ppm M/C: NvM 750-046 (ConstB-
Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094 CRACOut #PS3)
55ppm M/C: NVM 750-047 (ConstB-
Code Displayed Name Description General
CRACOut #PS4(750-047)
091-001 BCR Y AC DC Energizes the BCR AC/DC Y bias On/off 091-011 BCR K AC Energizes the output AC of BCR On/off
voltage. (Black).
091-002 BCR M AC DC Energizes the BCR AC/DC M bias On/off
voltage. The following NVMs should be refer-
091-003 BCR C AC DC Energizes the BCR AC/DC C bias On/off enced for AC output value of each
voltage. speed model:
091-004 BCR K AC DC Energizes the BCR AC/DC K bias On/off 45ppm M/C: NvM 750-046 (ConstB-
voltage. CRACOut #PS3)
55ppm M/C: NVM 750-047 (ConstB-
091-005 BCR AC Clock Testing to output charge control AC On/off
CRACOut #PS4(750-047)
clock (Hz) of BCR.
Chart control AC clock for the high-
est process speed is output.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-73 dC330
Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094 Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
091-012 BCR Y DC Energizes the output DC of BCR On/off 092-010 DISPENSE MOTOR-M Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(Yellow) (150mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
The following NVM should be refer- (150mm/s).
enced for DC output value. 092-011 DISPENSE MOTOR-C Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
NVM 756-001 (BCR_DC_OUT[Y]) (150mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
091-013 BCR M DC Energizes the output DC of BCR On/off (150mm/s).
(Magenta) 092-012 DISPENSE MOTOR-K Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
The following NVM should be refer- (150mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
enced for DC output value. (150mm/s).
NVM 756-002 (BCR_DC_OUT[M]) 092-013 DISPENSE MOTOR-Y Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
091-014 BCR C DC Energizes the output DC of BCR On/off (185mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
(Cyan) (185mm/s).
The following NVM should be refer-
092-014 DISPENSE MOTOR-M Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
enced for DC output value. (185mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
NVM 756-003 (BCR_DC_OUT[C])
091-015 BCR K DC Energizes the output DC of BCR On/off
092-015 DISPENSE MOTOR-C Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(185mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
The following NVM should be refer- (185mm/s).
enced for DC output value.
092-016 DISPENSE MOTOR-K Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
NVM 756-004 (BCR_DC_OUT[K])
(185mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
092-003 ADC_SNR_SOL_OPEN Energizes the ADC solenoid to open On/100ms timeout.
the ADC shutter.
Note: The ADC shutter needs to be 092-017 DISPENSE MOTOR-Y Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(246mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
closed (092-004) after performing
this component control otherwise
the sensor inside the shutter may 092-018 DISPENSE MOTOR-M Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
get contaminated. ADC shutter auto- (246mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
matically closes when a print job is (246mm/s).
run. 092-019 DISPENSE MOTOR-C Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
092-004 ADC_SNR_SOL_CLOS De-energizes the ADC solenoid to Off/100ms timeout. (246mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
E close the ADC shutter. (246mm/s).
092-005 DISPENSE MOTOR-Y Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 092-020 DISPENSE MOTOR-K Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(120mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (246mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
(120mm/s). (246mm/s).
092-006 DISPENSE MOTOR-M Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 092-021 DISPENSE MOTOR-Y Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(120mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (278mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
(120mm/s). (278mm/s).
092-007 DISPENSE MOTOR-C Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 092-022 DISPENSE MOTOR-M Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(120mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (278mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
(120mm/s). (278mm/s).
092-008 DISPENSE MOTOR-K Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 092-023 DISPENSE MOTOR-C Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(120mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (278mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
(120mm/s). (278mm/s).
092-009 DISPENSE MOTOR-Y Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 092-024 DISPENSE MOTOR-K Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off
(150mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (278mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed
(150mm/s). (278mm/s).

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC330 6-74 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094 Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
092-025 DISPENSE MOTOR-Y Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 093-012 Deve Motor K(308mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
(308mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(308mm/s). 308mm/s.
092-026 DISPENSE MOTOR-M Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 093-013 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off
(308mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (120mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of
(308mm/s). 120mm/s.
092-027 DISPENSE MOTOR-C Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 093-014 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off
(308mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (150mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of
(308mm/s). 150mm/s.
092-028 DISPENSE MOTOR-K Runs the dispense motor assembly On/off 093-015 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off
(308mm/s) (MOT92-005) at process speed (185mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of
(308mm/s). 185mm/s.
092-029 ADC_SNR_LED Energizes the LED output. On/off 093-016 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off
093-001 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off (235mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of
(120mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of 235mm/s.
120mm/s. 093-017 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off
093-002 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off (278mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of
(150mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of 278mm/s.
150mm/s. 093-018 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off
093-003 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off (308mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of
(185mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of 308mm/s.
185mm/s. 093-019 Deve Motor K(120mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
093-004 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(233mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of 120mm/s.
233mm/s. 093-020 Deve Motor K(150mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
093-005 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(278mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of 150mm/s.
278mm/s. 093-021 Deve Motor K(185mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
093-006 Deve Motor YMC Runs the YMC developer motor On/off (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(308mm/s) (MOT42-007) at process speed of 185mm/s.
308mm/s. 093-022 Deve Motor K(233mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
093-007 Deve Motor K(120mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(MOT42-001) at process speed of 233mm/s.
120mm/s. 093-023 Deve Motor K(278mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
093-008 Deve Motor K(150mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(MOT42-001) at process speed of 278mm/s.
150mm/s. 093-024 Deve Motor K(308mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
093-009 Deve Motor K(185mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off (MOT42-001) at process speed of
(MOT42-001) at process speed of 308mm/s.
185mm/s. 093-025 Deve Bias DC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-Y On/off
093-010 Deve Motor K(233mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off (120mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of Yellow
(MOT42-001) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
233mm/s. 120mm/s.
093-011 Deve Motor K(278mm/s) Runs the K developer motor On/off
(MOT42-001) at process speed of

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-75 dC330
Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094 Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
093-026 Deve Bias DC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-M On/off 093-037 Deve Bias DC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-Y On/off
(120mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of (235mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of Yellow
magenta developer) at process developer) at process speed of
speed of 120mm/s. 235mm/s.
093-027 Deve Bias DC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off 093-038 Deve Bias DC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-M On/off
(120mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of cyan (235mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of
developer) at process speed of magenta developer) at process
120mm/s. speed of 235mm/s.
093-028 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-K On/off 093-039 Deve Bias DC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off
(120mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of black (235mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of cyan
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
120mm/s. 235mm/s.
093-029 Deve Bias DC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-M On/off 093-040 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-K On/off
(150mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of Yellow (235mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of black
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
150mm/s. 235mm/s.
093-030 Deve Bias DC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off 093-041 Deve Bias DC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-Y On/off
(150mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of (278mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of Yellow
magenta developer) at process developer) at process speed of
speed of 150mm/s. 278mm/s.
093-031 Deve Bias DC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off 093-042 Deve Bias DC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-M On/off
(150mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of cyan (278mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of
developer) at process speed of magenta developer) at process
150mm/s. speed of 278mm/s.
093-032 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-K On/off 093-043 Deve Bias DC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off
(150mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of black (278mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of cyan
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
150mm/s. 278mm/s.
093-033 Deve Bias DC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-Y On/off 093-044 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-K On/off
(185mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of Yellow (278mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of black
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
185mm/s. 278mm/s.
093-034 Deve Bias DC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-M On/off 093-045 Deve Bias DC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-Y On/off
(185mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of (308mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of Yellow
magenta developer) at process developer) at process speed of
speed of 185mm/s. 308mm/s.
093-035 Deve Bias DC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off 093-046 Deve Bias DC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-M On/off
(185mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of cyan (308mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of
developer) at process speed of magenta developer) at process
185mm/s. speed of 308mm/s.
093-036 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-K On/off 093-047 Deve Bias DC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-C On/off
(185mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of black (308mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of cyan
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
185mm/s. 308mm/s.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC330 6-76 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094 Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
093-048 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-DC-MINUS-K On/off 093-059 Deve Bias AC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-C On/off
(308mm/s) (negative DC bias voltage of black (185mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of cyan
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
308mm/s. 185mm/s.
093-049 Deve Bias AC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-Y On/off 093-060 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-K On/off
(120mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of Yellow (185mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of black
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
120mm/s. 185mm/s.
093-050 Deve Bias AC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-M On/off 093-061 Deve Bias AC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-Y On/off
(120mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of (235mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of Yellow
magenta developer) at process developer) at process speed of
speed of 120mm/s. 235mm/s.
093-051 Deve Bias AC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-C On/off 093-062 Deve Bias AC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-M On/off
(120mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of cyan (235mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of
developer) at process speed of magenta developer) at process
120mm/s. speed of 235mm/s.
093-052 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-K On/off 093-063 Deve Bias AC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-C On/off
(120mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of black (235mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of cyan
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
120mm/s. 235mm/s.
093-053 Deve Bias AC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-Y On/off 093-064 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-K On/off
(150mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of Yellow (235mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of black
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
150mm/s. 235mm/s.
093-054 Deve Bias AC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-M On/off 093-065 Deve Bias AC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-Y On/off
(150mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of (278mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of Yellow
magenta developer) at process developer) at process speed of
speed of 150mm/s. 278mm/s.
093-055 Deve Bias AC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-C On/off 093-066 Deve Bias AC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-M On/off
(150mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of cyan (278mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of
developer) at process speed of magenta developer) at process
150mm/s. speed of 278mm/s.
093-056 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-K On/off 093-067 Deve Bias AC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-C On/off
(150mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of black (278mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of cyan
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
150mm/s. 278mm/s.
093-057 Deve Bias AC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-Y On/off 093-068 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-K On/off
(185mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of Yellow (278mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of black
developer) at process speed of developer) at process speed of
185mm/s. 278mm/s.
093-058 Deve Bias AC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-M On/off 093-069 Deve Bias AC Y Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-Y On/off
(185mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of (308mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of Yellow
magenta developer) at process developer) at process speed of
speed of 185mm/s. 308mm/s.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-77 dC330
Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094 Table 10 Output Codes 091 to 094
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
093-070 Deve Bias AC M Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-M On/off 094-016 IBT MOT REVERSE ON Runs the IBT motor in reverse direc- On/off
(308mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of tion at process speed of 120mm/s.
magenta developer) at process Note: IBT motor automatically stops
speed of 308mm/s. running after a specified period of
093-071 Deve Bias AC C Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-C On/off time (NVM 998-258) after reverse
(308mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of cyan rotation start.
developer) at process speed of (Clock = NVM 741-001:K_IBT motor
308mm/s. Speed at 120mm/s)
093-072 Deve Bias DC K Runs the DEVE BIAS-AC-MINUS-K On/off 094-200 1st BTR ConRet Sensor Energizes the 1st BTR contract/ On/off
(308mm/s) (negative AC bias voltage of black retract sensor to display sensor
developer) at process speed of value.
308mm/s. 094-201 POB Jam Sensor Testing to detect active level of POB On/off
094-001 2nd BTR Voltage Energizes the negative (-) constant On/off Jam Sensor
voltage of 2nd BTR.
094-002 2nd BTR CLN Voltage Energizes the positive (+) constant On/off
voltage of 2nd BTR.
094-003 2nd BTR Current Energizes the negative (-) constant On/off
current of 2nd BTR.
094-004 1st BTR Current Y Energizes the positive (+) constant On/off
current of 1st BTR for Yellow.
094-005 1st BTR Current M Energizes the positive (+) constant On/off
current of 1st BTR for magenta.
094-006 1st BTR Current C Energizes the positive (+) constant On/off
current of 1st BTR for cyan.
094-007 1st BTR Current K Energizes the positive (+) constant On/off
current of 1st BTR for black.
094-008 1st BTR Retract Energizes the 1st BTR to retract On/off
094-009 1st BTR Contact Energizes the 1st BTR to contact On/off
094-010 IBT MOT ON (120mm/s) Runs the IBT motor at process On/off
speed of 120mm/s.
094-011 IBT MOT ON (150mm/s) Runs the IBT motor at process On/off
speed of 150mm/s.
094-012 IBT MOT ON (185mm/s) Runs the IBT motor at process On/off
speed of 185mm/s.
094-013 IBT MOT ON (233mm/s) Runs the IBT motor at process On/off
speed of 233mm/s.
094-014 IBT MOT ON (278mm/s) Runs the IBT motor at process On/off
speed of 278mm/s.
094-015 IBT MOT ON (308mm/s) Runs the IBT motor at process On/off
speed of 308mm/s.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC330 6-78 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics dC362 Restore NVM Values
Purpose Purpose
To initialize hard disk or perform the failure prediction test. To restore NVM values.

Procedure CAUTION
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Do not perform this routine if installing a new controller PWB assembly.
2. Select dC355 Hard Disk Diagnostics. CAUTION
3. Select Failure Prediction Test or Initialize Hard Disk. To avoid the loss of NVM data, perform this routine before performing dC301 NVM Backup
4. Follow the UI messages, then select Start. Restore.

5. The result is displayed. Select Close. Procedure

6. Select Close to return to the Hard Disk Diagnostics screen. 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
7. Select Back to return to the Diagnostics screen. 2. Select dC362 Restore NVM Values.
8. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. 3. Select Start.
4. Refer to the Restore NVM confirmation screen, then select Yes to continue.
5. Wait for the process to complete, then select Close.
6. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
7. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-79 dC355, dC362
dC363 Backup NVM Values dC402 LPH EEPROM Self Test
Purpose Purpose
To backup NVM values. To check LPH EEPROM data for errors.

CAUTION Procedure
Do not perform this routine if installing a new controller PWB assembly. 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
CAUTION 2. Select dC402 LPH EEPROM Self Test.
To avoid the loss of NVM data, perform this routine before performing dC301 NVM Backup 3. Select Start.
Restore. 4. Wait for the test to complete.
Procedure 5. Select close.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. 6. Select X.
2. Select dC363 Backup NVM Values. 7. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
3. Select Back Up Files, then select Start.
4. Refer to the Backup NVM confirmation screen, then select Yes to continue.
5. Wait for the process to complete, then select Close.
6. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
7. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC363, dC402 6-80 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC612 Print Test Pattern dC671 Registration Measurement Cycle
Purpose Purpose
To print the internal test patterns. This procedure checks and adjusts color registration:
• Performs measurement to determine the condition of the registration control.
NOTE: All test prints should be printed long edge feed.
• Checks that the belt controls are operating normally.
Procedure • Measures/displays the amount of color shift relative to black.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. • Displays the results as either OK or NG (OK=Good/Pass, NG=Not Good/Fail).
2. Select dC612 Print Test Pattern. Procedure
3. Select the test pattern required. Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP. Select from the 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
available options for the required test pattern: 2. Select dC671 Registration Measurement Cycle.
• Pattern number 3. Select Start, the Registration Measurement Cycle Processing message displays.
• Quantity 4. Wait for the process to complete, then select Close.
• Paper Supply 5. OK or NG is displayed in the Result column for each row.
• Output Color 6. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
• Cin% 7. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
• Screen Refer to IQS 1 Color Reproduction.
• Output destination
• 1 sided or 2 Sided
4. Select the Start button.
5. Select the Close button to return to the diagnostics screen.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
Pattern Numbers and Images
NOTE: If the settings for a test pattern are incorrect, an error message is displayed and the
test pattern will not be printed. In this case, ensure the settings match the requirements listed
in RAP IQ1 under Internal Test Patterns, then repeat the test print.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-81 dC612, dC671
dC673 Registration Control Sensor Check Cycle dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle
Purpose Purpose
This is a self-diagnostic cycle for checking that the registration detection system is operating This is a setup procedure to be used after removal of key marking module components such
normally. Color shift is detected using a cyan patch. Any misregistration detected in the MOB as:
sensor is displayed on the screen. • LPH.
• 2nd BTR.
This detection result is compared with the target value to determine the OK or NG status
• IBT belt.
(OK=Good/Pass, NG=Not Good/Fail). Correction is not performed.
• IBT cleaning unit.
Procedure • Belt module.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. • Developer.
2. Select dC673 Registration Control Sensor Check Cycle. Function 1: This is a registration control full cycle that can be performed after NVM initializa-
tion. Performing this function corrects the color registration into the predefined range. The cor-
3. Select Start, the Registration Control Sensor Check Cycle Processing message displays.
rected shift amount for each color is saved in the NVM and it is displayed at normal completion.
4. Wait for the process to complete, then select Close.
5. OK or NG is displayed in the Result column for each row. Function 2: On entering a setup cycle, the IOT does not start. The registration control shift cor-
6. Select Close to return to the diagnostics screen. rection amount is displayed automatically on the UI screen and is used as a tool for determin-
7. Exit diagnostics, GP 1. ing the cause when a failure occurs.

1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select dC675 Registration Control Setup Cycle. Readings for all four colors are displayed
on the screen. Scroll down to view more readings.
3. Select Start, the Registration Control Setup Cycle Processing message displays.
4. Wait for the process to complete, then select Close.
5. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

NOTE: If a fail occurs after performing this procedure resolve the fail first and then perform
again. The appropriate alignment adjustment cannot be performed if this procedure is not com-
pleted properly.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC673, dC675 6-82 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC740 Bypass Tray Guide Adjustment dC924 TRC Manual Adjustment
Purpose Purpose
To correctly set the MSI (bypass tray) paper guides sensor. This procedure allows a manual density adjustment. It sets an offset amount of the ADC look-
up table created by the ADC patch to finely adjust the gradation.
NOTE: This adjustment is performed when the replacing the MSI size sensor and when a size
detection error occurs. Procedure
Procedure 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select dC924 TRC Manual Adjustment.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
3. Select the color to be adjusted.
2. On the [Maintenance / Diagnostics] screen, select [Registration].
• Select the - or + for Low, Medium or High to decrease or increase any of these val-
3. On the [Registration] screen, select [Tray 5 Guide Adjustment].
ues between -128 and +127.
4. The [Tray 5 Guide Adjustment] screen is displayed.
4. Select Target.
5. Select [Minimum Size Position] or [Maximum Size Position].
• None
6. When [Minimum Size Position] is selected.
• Copy & Print Jobs
a. Follow the instructions on the screen and align the Paper Guides to the minimum
size position. 5. Select Adjust.
b. Press <Start>. 6. Select close X.
• If the sensor output value is within the specified range, [OK] will be displayed. 7. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
At the same time, the NVM [742-271] MSI Side Guide Minimum Position data is
• If the sensor output value is out of the specified range, [NG] will be displayed.
If [NG], check the guide position and try again.
7. When [Maximum Size Position] is selected.
a. Follow the instructions on the screen and align the Paper Guides to the maximum
size position.
b. Press <Start>
• If the sensor output value is within the specified range, [OK] will be displayed.
At the same time, the NVM [742-272] MSI Side Guide Maximum Position data
is changed.
• If the sensor output value is out of the specified range, [NG] will be displayed.
If [NG], check the guide position and try again.
8. Select [Close] to return to the [Registration] screen.
9. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-83 dC740, dC924
dC931 Density Uniformity Adjustment • The items and the setting range for the Plane Irregularity Adjustment are shown in Table
By adjusting the IN-OUT direction of the LPH light exposure amount (MC rear-front), the IN- Table 1 Specification
OUT uneven density of each of the colors YMCK is corrected independently.
Item Display Description Range
NOTE: There are usually no problems adjusting in Primary Color, but even if the uneven den-
sity is corrected for each individual color by the status, environment and machine difference of Shape Each of the four Correction shape pattern specified 1~6
the MC image developing unit, the RGB and Gray for Secondary/Process Color may not nec- (1-6) colors of Y, M, C, K • Display NVM during the entry.
essarily be corrected in equivalence. In this case it is possible to specifically adjust the uneven • Each of the 4 values can be changed
density for RGB or the specified color the customer wishes to adjust. individually from the screen.
However, as the unevenness in density for each Single Color for YMCK may worsen instead in Level (1-6) Each of the four Form Adjustment Level specification 1~6
this case, it is necessary to check the Primary Color after Secondary/Process Color adjustment colors of Y, M, C, K • Display NVM during the entry.
and adjust the density to the customer's desired level. • Each of the 4 values can be changed
Primary Colors are Y, M, C, and K; Secondary Colors are R, B, and G, which are printed with 2 individually from the screen.
of the colors Y, M, and C; Process Color is gray color printed with all 3 colors Y, M, and C. Position Each of the four [Position Adjustment] screen selection but- -17~17
Adjustment colors of Y, M, C, K ton (only num-
NOTE: Although the standard test pattern density (Cin) is Low: 25% and Mid: 80%, if it is differ-
• Display NVM value during the entry on bers in the -
ent from the customer's density requirement, change the Cin% on the screen before perform-
ing this. (However, limit the total Y,M,C,K to 240% or less.) [Position Adjustment] screen. direction are -
• Each value at the 6 locations (B, C, D, enabled)
If this setting is used it is possible to set 2 types of density for each of the Y, M, C, and K colors. E, F, G) can be changed individually
from the [Position Adjustment] screen.
Function Description: Check print Each of the four Built-in PG Pattern Print Cin specification 0~100%
There are 2 functions: PG Output Mode and Adjustment Mode. Cin% colors of Y, M, C, K • This option can be changed from the
Coverage 1, Cov- screen.
PG Output Mode erage 2 (2 types) • Coverage 1: concentration of the thin
• The 3 types of In/Out Built-in PG is output for the Primary Colors, Secondary/Process part of the horizontal band of the inter-
Colors, and Single Color specified from the 4 YMCK colors. (As the PG for Primary Colors nal PG pattern print (25%)
and Secondary/Process Colors consist of multiple colors, they are output as the same PG • Coverage 2: concentration of the dark
regardless of the color specified) part of the horizontal band of the inter-
• The output mode outputs one sheet in 4C mode. Paper size and type follow the Tray Set- nal PG pattern print (80%)
tings. (1 to 4 can be specified using Chain-Link in the UI) Sample Select 2 from: Full Built-in PG Pattern Print Color Selection But- 2 types of Full
• The PG output Procon setup conditions for Potential Control and Toner Supply Control Printout Color (Primary ton Color (Pri-
are the same as in Customer mode settings. Colors, Second- • This option can be changed from the mary Colors,
• When performing PG output it is important to run the Minisetup in Procon setup. ary/Process Col- screen. Secondary/
Adjustment Mode ors), or Single Process Col-
Color ors), Single
• The Form Adjustment (1 to 6), Form Adjustment Level (1 to 6) and Position Adjustment (6
areas: B, C, D, E, F, G) found in the In/Out Adjustment Settings of the specified color can
Inclination Each of the four Correction Shape Inclination Specification -17~17
be set from the screen.
(-17~17) colors of Y, M, C, K • Display NVM during the entry.
• Each of the 4 values can be changed
individually from the screen.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC931 6-84 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Primary, Secondary, Process Color Rough Adjustment Procedure

1. Load A3 paper into Tray 1.

2. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
3. Select dC931, Density Uniformity Adjustment.
4. Select Print Settings.
5. Specify Tray 1 - A3.
6. Select Full Color, then OK.
7. Select Print Sample, Figure 1:
• The Print Sample will be printed out in the order of Primary color, Secondary color,
and Process color.
8. Check the Print Sample for incorrect color density.
9. Adjustment:
a. Select Color (Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, or Black).
b. Select Shape, 1 ~ 6.
c. Select Level, -17 ~ +17.
d. Select Inboard/Outboard, -17 ~ +17.
e. Select Print Sample.

Figure 1 Test pattern

10. Check the color density repeating Steps 4 to 9 until the density is even.
11. Refer to the ADJ 60.2, LPH Exposure Amount Detail Correction for detailed information
on how to adjust inclination and color density shape.
12. Select OK to return to the Diagnostics screen.
13. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-85 dC931
dC937 Procon On/Off Print dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup
Purpose Purpose
The procedure prints out the process control test pattern in two different modes. The compari- This procedure sets the ATC target value by having the ATC sensor measure the toner density
son between the two prints can help isolate process control related image quality problems. of the developer housing assembly. This procedure can also work as the check function of the
Ensure that paper is loaded in tray 1 before starting this procedure as test patterns are printed. ATC sensors, that measures the toner density of the developing powder and displays readings
for ATC measure value ATC target value for all four colors. Below these readings, only fail
The Procon On/Off Print consists of the following: states are displayed.
• Procon On Print: This is a print mode that uses the current Procon Data with the Procon
(Process Control) soft enabled and the TRC Adjustment turned on. For each color, there is a setting switch option that can be set to either on or off. If performed in
the on state, this procedure changes the value of the ATC target. Perform in the on state only
• Procon Off Print: This is a print mode that uses IOT features with the Procon routine fully
directly after a developer replacement. For performance checks on the ATC sensors, set
turned off.
switches to off.
Procon On Print Procedure
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select dC937 Procon On/Off Print. 2. Select dC949 Default Developer ATC Setup.
3. Select Procon On Print. 3. Select Setting Switch.
4. Select Start. The internal test pattern Pcon PG is printed. 4. To turn on any of the four colors, select the left of the two boxes below each color.
5. Check the image quality of the internal test pattern Pcon PG print. 5. To turn off any of the four colors, select the right of the two boxes below each color.
6. Select Close to return to the Procon On / Off Print screen. 6. Select OK to return to the Default Developer ATC Setup screen.
Procon Off Print 7. Select Start.
1. Select Procon Off Print. 8. After the Successfully Completed message is displayed, select Close.
2. Select Start. The internal test pattern Pcon PG is printed. 9. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
3. Compare the output of the ProCon On and ProCon Off prints. Evaluate according to one 10. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
of the following problem statements:
• The problem involves a single color, this is an indication that the imaging unit and/or
power supplies or LPH may be at fault.
• The problem involves all colors, this is an indication that the 2nd BTR and/or transfer
belt assembly may be at fault.
• The ProCon Off print is OK, but ProCon On print is unacceptable, this is an indica-
tion that process control items, rather than IOT items are at fault.
4. Select Close to return to the Procon On / Off Print screen.
5. Select Back to return to the Diagnostics screen.
6. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC937, dC949 6-86 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
dC950 ATC Sensor Setup dC991 Tone Up/Down
Purpose Purpose
CAUTION Adjusts toner density. Make this adjustment if the difference between the current TC target
This procedure should only be performed after installation of a new ATC sensor or drum car- number and the TC value number is large (30 or higher).
tridge. Or when there is reason to believe that the calibration values in NVM are incorrect
To acquire the sensitivity correction values (correction coefficient and correction offset) for Procedure
adjusting the ATC sensor output from the bar code numbers which display the sensitivity attri- 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
bute in every ATC sensor. The bar code numbers are set in NVM (bar code number) manually 2. Select dC991 Toner Density Adjustment.
from this adjustment screen.
3. Observe numbers for TC Target and TC Value for each color. Only make adjustments if
difference is greater than 30. To exit at this point, select Close to return to the Diagnostics
Procedure screen.
1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. 4. To proceed with adjustment, select Number of Sheets.
2. Select dC950 ATC Sensor Setup. 5. For one color only, select - or + to choose a number of sheets to be printed.
3. Select Bar Code No.
NOTE: Negative numbers are permitted. For example entering -6 will result in 6 sheets
4. Select on the - or + for Yellow, Magenta, Cyan and Black to decrease or increase any of
being printed. The toner density will reduce for each sheet. If +6 is entered, toner density
these values between 0 and +99. Default values are 55 for all colors. will increase for each sheet.
5. Select OK.
6. Select Start to commence printing.
6. Select Start.
7. After the Successfully Completed message is displayed, select Close. NOTE: If negative numbers were inputted, the first print will have a high density, with each
8. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen. subsequent print will have a slightly lower density. If positive numbers were inputted, the
first print will have a low density, with each subsequent print will have a slightly higher
9. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

7. Observe numbers for TC Target and TC Value. Make further adjustments if necessary.
8. Select Close to return to the Diagnostics screen.
9. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-87 dC950, dC991
dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment
To adjust the transfer voltage to minimise the transfer capability difference caused by different
paper type.

1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select dC1215 Transfer Voltage Adjustment.
3. Print Sample
4. Select Next to adjust Side 1 or Side 2.
5. Select OK or Back if no change.
6. Print Sample.
7. Compare the first print sample to the post-adjustment print sample.
8. Select Next to make any adjustments as necessary repeating Steps 3 ~ 6 until the trans-
fer voltage is correct for the image expected.
9. Select X to return to the Diagnostic menu.
10. Exit Diagnostics, GP 1.

General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue

dC1215 6-88 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Change Tags
Change Tag Introduction
This section describes tags associated with the printer, as well as multinational applicability,
classification codes, and permanent or temporary modification information. Important modifica-
tions to the printer are identified by a tag number which is recorded on a tag matrix inside the
front door.

Classification Codes
A tag number may be required to identify differences between parts that cannot be inter-
changed, or differences in diagnostic, repair, installation, or adjustment procedures.

A tag number may also be required to identify the presence of optional hardware, special non-
volatile memory programming, or whether mandatory modifications have been installed. Each
tag number is given a classification code to identify the type of change that the tag has made.
The classification codes and their descriptions are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Classification codes

Classification Code Description
M Mandatory tag.
N Tag not installed in the field.
O Optional tag.
R Repair tag.

Change Tags
There are no Change Tags currently in effect for this product.

Initial Issue August 2018 General Procedures and Information

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 6-89
General Procedures and Information August 2018 Initial Issue
6-90 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
7 Wiring Data
PJ Locations
PJ Locations.................................................................................................................... 7-3

Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagrams.............................................................................................................. 7-27

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)

Symbology ...................................................................................................................... 7-57
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)................................................................................. 7-58

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-1
Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue
7-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
PJ Locations • Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2, Figure 9.
• Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3, Figure 10.
PJ Location Tables
• Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3, Figure 11.
To locate a connector, go to the appropriate table.
• Tray module (TTM) 3 of 3, Figure 12.
• Connectors 1 to 99, Table 1.
• Connectors 100 to 199, Table 2. Table 1 Connectors 1 to 99
• Connectors 200 to 399, Table 3. Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
• Connectors 400 to 599, Table 4.
FS001 Figure 32 3 HCF top
• Connectors 600 to 1399, Table 5.
P1 Figure 2 5 Motor drive PWB
• Connectors 8800 to 8999, Table 6.
P/J1 Figure 16 9 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
Location of Figures for PWB Connectors and In-line Connectors P/JF01 Figure 33 4 HCF rear
NOTE: Part list references are given with each figure. FS002 Figure 32 3 HCF top
• Back plane PWB, Figure 25. P2 Figure 2 45 Motor drive PWB
• BCR HVPS, Figure 1. P/JF02 Figure 33 5 HCF rear
• BTR HVPS, Figure 18. FS003 Figure 32 8 HCF top
• Bypass tray, Figure 6. P/J3 Figure 24 16 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
• Controller PWB, Figure 23. P/JF03 Figure 33 6 HCF rear
• Developer bias HVPS/LVPS, Figure 16. FS004 Figure 32 8 HCF top
• Dispense motor/GFI, Figure 19. P/J4 Figure 24 17 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
• Drum CRUM, Figure 15. P/JF04 Figure 33 7 HCF rear
• Drum/developer/fuser drives, Figure 13. P/J5 Figure 24 10 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
• Exit 1 and 2, Figure 22. P/JF05 Figure 33 8 HCF rear
• Fuser, Figure 21. P/J6 Figure 24 13 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
• Fuser power supply, Figure 18. P/JF06 Figure 33 9 HCF rear
• Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB, Figure 24. P/J7 Figure 24 14 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
• HCF Top, Figure 32. P8 Figure 24 15 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
• HCF Rear, Figure 33. P/JF08 Figure 33 3 HCF rear
• IOT front location/ATC sensor, Figure 17. P/J10 Figure 19 11 Dispense motor/GFI
• LPH/toner cartridge CRUM, Figure 3. P/J11 Figure 19 7 Dispense motor/GFI
• LX finisher horizontal transport, Figure 26. P/J12 Figure 1 5 Main power switch
• Machine left side, Figure 20. P/J13 Figure 1 4 Main power switch

• Main power switch, Figure 1. P/J14 Figure 1 2 Main power switch

• MOB assembly, Figure 4. P/J15 Figure 1 3 Main power switch
• Motor drive PWB, Figure 2. J20 Figure 10 12 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
• NOHAD, Figure 14. T20 Figure 21 6 Fuser
• Office finisher LX front, Figure 27. J21 Figure 10 13 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
• Office finisher LX rear, Figure 28. T21 Figure 21 4 Fuser
• Office finisher LX top, Figure 29. P/J22 Figure 19 12 Dispense motor/GFI
• Office Finisher LX Booklet Maker Top, Figure 30 P/J23 Figure 19 5 Dispense motor/GFI
• Office Finisher LX Booklet Maker PWB, Figure 31 P/J24 Figure 19 6 Dispense motor/GFI
• Registration, Tray 1/2 feeder, Figure 7. P/J30 Figure 18 6 BTR HVPS/fuser power supply
• Tray 1, 2 paper size sensors, Figure 5. T31 Figure 6 5 Bypass tray
• Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2, Figure 8. T33 Figure 20 8 Machine left side

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-3
Table 1 Connectors 1 to 99 Table 2 Connectors 100 to 199
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
T34 Figure 20 9 Machine left side P/J111 Figure 11 14 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
P/JF51 Figure 33 2 HCF rear P/J111 Figure 15 8 Drum CRUM
P/JF52 Figure 33 1 HCF rear P/J111 Figure 9 4 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2
P/JF53 Figure 33 10 HCF rear P/J112 Figure 11 15 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
P/JF54 Figure 32 2 HCF top P/J112 Figure 9 3 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2
P/JF56A Figure 32 9 HCF top P/J113 Figure 11 16 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
P/JF56B Figure 32 9 HCF top P/J113 Figure 9 2 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2
P/JF57 Figure 33 11 HCF rear P/J115 Figure 17 3 IOT front location/ATC sensor
P/JF58 Figure 32 1 HCF top P/J116 Figure 3 1 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/JF60 Figure 32 7 HCF top P/J117 Figure 3 4 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P60/J61 Figure 18 3 BTR HVPS/fuser power supply P/J118 Figure 3 3 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/JF61 Figure 32 5 HCF top P/J119 Figure 3 2 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P61/J60 Figure 18 4 BTR HVPS/fuser power supply P/J120 Figure 15 2 Drum CRUM
P/JF62 Figure 32 6 HCF top P/J120 Figure 11 11 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
P/JF67 Figure 32 4 HCF top P/J121 Figure 11 10 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
T80 Figure 10 14 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3 P/J121 Figure 15 3 Drum CRUM
T80 Figure 19 8 Dispense motor/GFI P/J121 Figure 9 5 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2
T82 Figure 6 3 Bypass tray P/J122 Figure 11 9 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
J88 Figure 19 10 Dispense motor/GFI P/J122 Figure 15 4 Drum CRUM
T88 Figure 19 9 Dispense motor/GFI P/J122 Figure 9 6 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2
J90 Figure 10 15 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3 P/J123 Figure 11 8 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
P/J123 Figure 15 5 Drum CRUM
P/J123 Figure 9 7 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2
P/J124 Figure 17 12 IOT front location/ATC sensor
Table 2 Connectors 100 to 199
P/J125 Figure 17 13 IOT front location/ATC sensor
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location P/J126 Figure 17 14 IOT front location/ATC sensor
P/J101 Figure 12 2 Tray module (TTM) 3 of 3 P/J127 Figure 17 15 IOT front location/ATC sensor
P/J101 Figure 20 1 Machine left side P/J129 Figure 20 2 Machine left side
P/J101 Figure 8 4 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2 P/J132 Figure 20 10 Machine left side
P/J102 Figure 12 1 Tray module (TTM) 3 of 3 P/J133 Figure 20 11 Machine left side
P/J102 Figure 9 9 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 P/J134 Figure 6 10 Bypass tray
P/J103 Figure 12 3 Tray module (TTM) 3 of 3 P/J135 Figure 22 11 Exit 1 and 2
P/J103 Figure 17 5 IOT front location/ATC sensor P/J136 Figure 22 10 Exit 1 and 2
P/J103 Figure 9 10 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 P/J138 Figure 22 15 Exit 1 and 2
P/J104 Figure 11 4 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P/J139 Figure 22 13 Exit 1 and 2
P/J104 Figure 17 6 IOT front location/ATC sensor J140 Figure 13 4 Drum/developer/fuser drives
P/J104 Figure 9 16 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 P/J141 Figure 22 1 Exit 1 and 2
P/J105 Figure 17 7 IOT front location/ATC sensor P/J142 Figure 22 3 Exit 1 and 2
P/J110 Figure 11 12 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P/J143 Figure 22 2 Exit 1 and 2
P/J110 Figure 15 7 Drum CRUM P/J151 Figure 4 1 MOB assembly
P/J110 Figure 9 11 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 P/J152 Figure 4 2 MOB assembly

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 2 Connectors 100 to 199 Table 3 Connectors 200 to 399
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
P/J153 Figure 4 7 MOB assembly P/J222 Figure 19 3 Dispense motor/GFI
P/J154 Figure 4 8 MOB assembly P/J223 Figure 19 4 Dispense motor/GFI
P/J155 Figure 4 6 MOB assembly P/J225 Figure 13 3 Drum/developer/fuser drives
P/J170 Figure 7 5 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J226 Figure 22 16 Exit 1 and 2
P/J171 Figure 7 6 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J231 Figure 7 2 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder
P/J172 Figure 7 9 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J232 Figure 7 1 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder
P/J174 Figure 5 1 Tray 1, 2 paper size sensors P/J233 Figure 7 3 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder
P/J175 Figure 5 2 Tray 1, 2 paper size sensors P/J234 Figure 20 3 Machine left side
P/J177 Figure 7 12 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J235 Figure 22 12 Exit 1 and 2
P/J178 Figure 7 11 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J236 Figure 22 8 Exit 1 and 2
P/J179 Figure 7 10 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J237 Figure 22 9 Exit 1 and 2
P/J181 Figure 6 2 Bypass tray P/J240 Figure 13 1 Drum/developer/fuser drives
P/J182 Figure 6 1 Bypass tray P/J261 Figure 17 9 IOT front location/ATC sensor
P/J183 Figure 6 9 Bypass tray P/J262 Figure 14 3 NOHAD
P/J190 Figure 21 1 Fuser P/J263 Figure 14 1 NOHAD
P/J192 Figure 21 8 Fuser P/J264 Figure 14 4 NOHAD
P/J193 Figure 21 10 Fuser P/J265 Figure 17 2 IOT front location/ATC sensor
P/J194 Figure 21 7 Fuser P/J267 Figure 17 1 IOT front location/ATC sensor
P/J195 Figure 21 11 Fuser P/J270 Figure 14 5 NOHAD
P/J196 Figure 21 9 Fuser P/J270 Figure 15 6 Drum CRUM
P/J197 Figure 24 11 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB P/J272 Figure 14 6 NOHAD
P/J273 Figure 14 2 NOHAD
P/J275 Figure 7 4 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder
P/J276 Figure 7 15 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder
Table 3 Connectors 200 to 399
P/J277 Figure 6 8 Bypass tray
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location P/J300 Figure 23 7 Controller PWB
P/J201 Figure 11 17 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P/J302 Figure 23 10 Controller PWB
P/J201 Figure 9 1 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 P310 Figure 23 11 Controller PWB
P/J201 Figure 13 2 Drum/developer/fuser drives P313 Figure 25 1 Back plane PWB
P/J202 Figure 11 7 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P321 Figure 23 3 Controller PWB
P/J202 Figure 13 8 Drum/developer/fuser drives J330 Figure 23 12 Controller PWB
P/J202 Figure 9 8 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 P332 Figure 23 19 Controller PWB
P/J203 Figure 13 7 Drum/developer/fuser drives J335 Figure 25 6 Back plane PWB
P/J203 Figure 8 8 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2 P335 Figure 23 8 Controller PWB
P/J203 Figure 10 7 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3 P336 Figure 23 2 Controller PWB
P/J211 Figure 13 9 Drum/developer/fuser drives J340 Figure 23 16 Controller PWB
P/J212 Figure 13 5 Drum/developer/fuser drives J346 Figure 23 18 Controller PWB
P/J213 Figure 13 6 Drum/developer/fuser drives J348 Figure 23 1 Controller PWB
P/J215 Figure 15 1 Drum CRUM J351 Figure 23 13 Controller PWB
P/J220 Figure 19 1 Dispense motor/GFI P/J352 Figure 23 6 Controller PWB
P/J221 Figure 19 2 Dispense motor/GFI P380 Figure 23 14 Controller PWB

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-5
Table 3 Connectors 200 to 399 Table 4 Connectors 400 to 599
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
P390 Figure 23 20 Controller PWB P/J446 Figure 2 17 Motor drive PWB
J451 Figure 8 1 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2
Table 4 Connectors 400 to 599 J451 Figure 10 4 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location J451 Figure 25 4 Back plane PWB
P/J400 Figure 2 29 Motor drive PWB P/J451 Figure 24 8 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J401 Figure 2 31 Motor drive PWB P/J451 Figure 2 34 Motor drive PWB
P/J404 Figure 2 30 Motor drive PWB J452 Figure 8 2 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2
P/J405 Figure 2 9 Motor drive PWB J452 Figure 10 5 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
P/J408 Figure 2 18 Motor drive PWB P452 Figure 2 33 Motor drive PWB
P/J409 Figure 2 27 Motor drive PWB J453 Figure 8 3 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2
P/J410 Figure 2 1 Motor drive PWB J453 Figure 10 6 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
P/J411 Figure 2 48 Motor drive PWB P453 Figure 2 32 Motor drive PWB
P/J412 Figure 2 47 Motor drive PWB P/J480C Figure 3 8 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/J413 Figure 2 44 Motor drive PWB P/J480M Figure 3 7 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/J414 Figure 2 41 Motor drive PWB P/J480Y Figure 3 6 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/J415 Figure 2 40 Motor drive PWB P/J480K Figure 3 9 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/J416 Figure 2 6 Motor drive PWB P551/J480 Figure 24 7 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J417 Figure 2 37 Motor drive PWB P550/J481 Figure 24 1 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J418 Figure 2 39 Motor drive PWB P485 Figure 2 11 Motor drive PWB
P/J420 Figure 2 10 Motor drive PWB P486 Figure 2 20 Motor drive PWB
P/J421 Figure 2 14 Motor drive PWB P490 Figure 2 36 Motor drive PWB
P/J422 Figure 2 19 Motor drive PWB P491 Figure 2 35 Motor drive PWB
P/J423 Figure 2 2 Motor drive PWB P/J492 Figure 2 21 Motor drive PWB
P/J424 Figure 2 3 Motor drive PWB P/J493 Figure 2 22 Motor drive PWB
P/J425 Figure 2 7 Motor drive PWB P/J501 Figure 16 7 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J426 Figure 2 43 Motor drive PWB P/J502 Figure 16 5 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J427 Figure 2 46 Motor drive PWB P/J503 Figure 16 6 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J428 Figure 2 26 Motor drive PWB P/J509 Figure 16 8 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J429 Figure 2 24 Motor drive PWB P/J510 Figure 16 4 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J431 Figure 2 25 Motor drive PWB P/J511 Figure 24 12 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J433 Figure 2 12 Motor drive PWB P/J513 Figure 1 1 BCR HVPS
P/J434 Figure 2 16 Motor drive PWB P/J514 Figure 16 1 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J435 Figure 2 8 Motor drive PWB P/J515 Figure 16 2 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J436 Figure 2 23 Motor drive PWB P/J516 Figure 18 1 BTR HVPS/fuser power supply
P/J437 Figure 2 13 Motor drive PWB P/J530 Figure 18 5 BTR HVPS/fuser power supply
P/J441 Figure 2 42 Motor drive PWB P/J540 Figure 24 9 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J442 Figure 2 38 Motor drive PWB P550/J481 Figure 24 1 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J443 Figure 2 4 Motor drive PWB P551/J480 Figure 24 7 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J444 Figure 2 28 Motor drive PWB P552 Figure 24 2 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P/J445 Figure 2 15 Motor drive PWB P554 Figure 24 6 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB
P555 Figure 24 5 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Table 4 Connectors 400 to 599 Table 5 Connectors 600 to 1399
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
P556 Figure 24 4 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB P/J623 Figure 10 9 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
P557 Figure 24 3 Halftone PWB/AC drive PWB P/J623 Figure 6 4 Bypass tray
P/J590 Figure 28 15 Office finisher LX rear P/J624 Figure 8 7 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2
P/J591 Figure 28 14 Office finisher LX rear P/J624 Figure 10 10 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
P/J624 Figure 6 7 Bypass tray
P/J625 Figure 8 5 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2
P/J625 Figure 10 8 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
Table 5 Connectors 600 to 1399
P/J625 Figure 20 7 Machine left side
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location P/J626 Figure 20 6 Machine left side
DJ600/J600 Figure 21 3 Fuser P/J628 Figure 6 6 Bypass tray
DP600/P600 Figure 21 2 Fuser P/J629 Figure 20 4 Machine left side
P/J601 Figure 7 7 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J630 Figure 20 5 Machine left side
P/J602 Figure 7 8 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J631 Figure 22 6 Exit 1 and 2
P/J604 Figure 17 8 IOT front location/ATC sensor P/J632 Figure 22 4 Exit 1 and 2
P/J605 Figure 17 10 IOT front location/ATC sensor P/J633 Figure 22 14 Exit 1 and 2
P/J606 Figure 17 4 IOT front location/ATC sensor P/J634 Figure 22 5 Exit 1 and 2
P/J607 Figure 17 11 IOT front location/ATC sensor J634 Figure 21 5 Fuser
P/J608 Figure 4 5 MOB assembly P/J634 Figure 3 10 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/J609 Figure 4 3 MOB assembly P634 Figure 18 2 BTR HVPS/fuser power supply
P/J610 Figure 4 4 MOB assembly P636 Figure 3 5 LPH/toner cartridge CRUM
P/J611 Figure 11 19 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P/J638 Figure 22 7 Exit 1 and 2
P/J611 Figure 9 17 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 DP800 Figure 32 10 HCF top
P/J612 Figure 11 18 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 DP800 Figure 16 3 Developer bias HVPS/LVPS
P/J612 Figure 9 15 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 J1312 Figure 23 4 Controller PWB
P/J613 Figure 11 20 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 J1314 Figure 23 5 Controller PWB
P/J613 Figure 9 14 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 J1315 Figure 23 17 Controller PWB
P/J614 Figure 10 11 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3 P/J1332 Figure 23 9 Controller PWB
P/J616 Figure 11 5 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P1371/J1341 Figure 25 3 Back plane PWB
P/J617 Figure 11 13 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 J1344 Figure 23 15 Controller PWB
DJ618 Figure 11 1 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P1353 Figure 25 5 Back plane PWB
DJ618A Figure 11 2 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P1364 Figure 25 2 Back plane PWB
DJ618B Figure 11 3 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3 P1371/J1341 Figure 25 3 Back plane PWB
DP618 Figure 10 3 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
DP618A Figure 10 2 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
DP618B Figure 10 1 Tray module (TTM) 1 of 3
Table 6 Connectors 8800 to 8999
P/J619 Figure 11 6 Tray module (TTM) 2 of 3
P/J621 Figure 9 13 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
P/J621 Figure 7 13 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder J8860 Figure 26 1 LX finisher horizontal transport
P/J622 Figure 9 12 Tray module (2TM) 2 of 2 J8861 Figure 26 4 LX finisher horizontal transport
P/J622 Figure 7 14 Registration, tray 1/2 feeder P/J8862 Figure 26 2 LX finisher horizontal transport
P/J623 Figure 8 6 Tray module (2TM) 1 of 2 J8863 Figure 26 7 LX finisher horizontal transport

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-7
Table 6 Connectors 8800 to 8999 Table 6 Connectors 8800 to 8999
Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location Connector No. Figure No. Item No. Connector Location
P8863 Figure 26 5 LX finisher horizontal transport J8904 Figure 27 2 Office finisher LX front
J8864 Figure 26 8 LX finisher horizontal transport P/J8905 Figure 27 3 Office finisher LX front
J8865 Figure 26 10 LX finisher horizontal transport P/J8906 Figure 31 2 LX booklet maker PWB
J8866 Figure 26 6 LX finisher horizontal transport J8980 Figure 28 19 Office finisher LX rear
P/J8867 Figure 26 9 LX finisher horizontal transport P/J8981A/B Figure 28 10 Office finisher LX rear
J8868 Figure 29 4 Office finisher LX top J8982 Figure 28 18 Office finisher LX rear
J8869 Figure 29 3 Office finisher LX top P/J8983 Figure 28 8 Office finisher LX rear
J8870 Figure 28 24 Office finisher LX rear J8984A/B Figure 28 9 Office finisher LX rear
J8871 Figure 28 23 Office finisher LX rear J8985 Figure 31 4 LX booklet maker PWB
J8872 Figure 28 21 Office finisher LX rear P8985 Figure 28 17 Office finisher LX rear
J8873 Figure 28 2 Office finisher LX rear P/J8986 Figure 28 7 Office finisher LX rear
J8874 Figure 28 1 Office finisher LX rear P8987 Figure 28 16 Office finisher LX rear
J8875 Figure 28 22 Office finisher LX rear P/J8988 Figure 28 11 Office finisher LX rear
P/J8876 Figure 29 5 Office finisher LX top J8989 Figure 28 13 Office finisher LX rear
P/J8877 Figure 28 20 Office finisher LX rear P/J8990 Figure 28 12 Office finisher LX rear
P/J8878 Figure 28 6 Office finisher LX rear P/J8991 Figure 31 9 LX booklet maker PWB
P/J8879 Figure 28 5 Office finisher LX rear P/J8992 Figure 31 7 LX booklet maker PWB
J8880 Figure 29 7 Office finisher LX top P/J8993 Figure 31 6 LX booklet maker PWB
J8881 Figure 29 11 Office finisher LX top P/J8994 Figure 31 5 LX booklet maker PWB
J8882 Figure 29 6 Office finisher LX top P/J8995 Figure 31 8 LX booklet maker PWB
P/J8883 Figure 29 8 Office finisher LX top
P/J8884 Figure 29 10 Office finisher LX top
J8885 Figure 27 6 Office finisher LX front
J8886 Figure 27 5 Office finisher LX front
J8887 Figure 27 4 Office finisher LX front
P/J8888 Figure 29 9 Office finisher LX top
J8889 Figure 28 3 Office finisher LX rear
J8890 Figure 28 4 Office finisher LX rear
J8891 Figure 29 2 Office finisher LX top
P/J8892 Figure 30 1 LX booklet maker top
P/J8893 Figure 30 2 LX booklet maker top
J8894 Figure 31 1 LX booklet maker PWB
J8895 Figure 31 3 LX booklet maker PWB
P/J8896 Figure 30 7 LX booklet maker top
J8897 Figure 30 4 LX booklet maker top
J8898 Figure 30 5 LX booklet maker top
J8899 Figure 30 6 LX booklet maker top
J8900 Figure 30 8 LX booklet maker top
J8901 Figure 30 3 LX booklet maker top
P8903 Figure 29 1 Office finisher LX top
P/J8903 Figure 27 1 Office finisher LX front

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Main Power Switch / BCR HVPS Motor Drive PWB
Location: PL 1.20 Location: PL 1.10

Figure 1 Main Power Switch/BCR HVPS Figure 2 Motor Drive PWB

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-9
LPH/Toner Cartridge CRUM MOB Assembly
Location: PL 60.05, PL 90.10 Location: PL 90.30

Figure 3 LPH/Toner Cartridge CRUM Figure 4 MOB Assembly

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Tray 1 and 2 Paper Size Sensors Bypass Tray
Location: PL 70.05 Location: PL 80.120

Figure 5 Tray 1, 2 Paper Size Sensors Figure 6 Bypass Tray

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-11
Registration, Tray 1/2 Feeder Tray Module (2TM) 1 of 2
Location: PL 80.05 Location: PL 80.25

Figure 7 Registration, Tray 1/2 Feeder Figure 8 Tray Module (2TM) 1 of 2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Tray Module (2TM) 2 of 2 Tray Module (TTM) 1 of 3
Location: PL 80.20 Location: PL 70.30, PL 70.35

Figure 9 Tray Module (2TM) 2 of 2 Figure 10 Tray Module (TTM) 1 of 3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-13
Tray Module (TTM) 2 of 3 Tray Module (TTM) 3 of 3
Location: PL 70.30, PL 70.35 Location: PL 70.30, PL 70.35

Figure 11 Tray Module (TTM) 2 of 3 Figure 12 Tray Module (TTM) 3 of 3

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Drum/Developer/Fuser Drives NOHAD
Location: PL 40.05 Location: PL 40.10, PL 40.15

Figure 13 Drum/Developer/Fuser Drives

Figure 14 NOHAD

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-15
Drum CRUM Developer Bias HVPS/LVPS
Location: PL 90.25 Location: PL 1.15

Figure 15 Drum CRUM Figure 16 Developer Bias HVPS/LVPS

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
IOT Front Location / ATC Sensor BTR HVPS/Fuser Heater Power Supply
Location: PL 90.10, PL 90.15 Location: PL 1.05

Figure 17 IOT Front Location/ATC Sensor Figure 18 BTR HVPS/Fuser Power Supply

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-17
Dispense Motor/GFI Machine Left Side
Location: PL 1.10, PL 90.10 Location: PL 80.70, PL 80.75, PL 80.80, PL 80.85, PL 80.90

Figure 19 Dispense Motor/GFI Figure 20 Machine Left Side

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Fuser Exit 1 and 2
Location: PL 10.05 Location: PL 10.10, PL 10.15, PL 10.25

Figure 21 Fuser Figure 22 Exit 1 and 2

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-19
Controller PWB Halftone PWB/AC Drive PWB
Location: PL 3.05 Location: PL 1.15, PL 3.15

Figure 23 Controller PWB Figure 24 Halftone PWB/AC Drive PWB

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Back Plane PWB Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transport
Location: PL 3.15 Location: PL 13.06

Figure 26 LX Finisher horizontal transport

Figure 25 Back Plane PWB

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-21
Office Finisher LX Front Office Finisher LX Rear
Location: PL 13.20 Location: PL 13.45

Figure 27 Office finisher LX front Figure 28 Office finisher LX rear

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Office Finisher LX Top Office Finisher LX Booklet Maker Top
Location: PL 13.25 Location: PL 13.70

Figure 29 Office finisher LX top Figure 30 LX Booklet maker top

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-23
Office Finisher LX Booklet Maker PWB HCF Top
Location: PL 13.70 Location: PL 70.95

Figure 31 LX Booklet maker PWB Figure 32 HCF top

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

7-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
HCF Rear
Location: PL 70.95

Figure 33 HCF rear

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-25
Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue
7-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagrams
Wiring diagrams are an aid to trace wiring faults. Wiring diagrams are used to complement the
block schematic diagrams (BSDs).

Refer to the wiring diagrams that follow:
• Wiring Diagram 1 ACH/ACN 100VAC Figure 1.
• Wiring Diagram 2 ACH/ACN 220 to 240VAC Figure 2.
• Wiring Diagram 3 ACH/ACN Figure 3.
• Wiring Diagram 4 +24VDC (1 of 3) Figure 4.
• Wiring Diagram 5 +24VDC (2 of 3) Figure 5.
• Wiring Diagram 6 +24VDC (3 of 3) Figure 6.
• Wiring Diagram 7 +5VDC (1 of 4) Figure 7.
• Wiring Diagram 8 +5VDC (2 of 4) Figure 8.
• Wiring Diagram 9 +5VDC (3 of 4) Figure 9.
• Wiring Diagram 10 +5VDC (4 of 4) Figure 10.
• Wiring Diagram 11 +3.3VDC/+2.5VDC (1 of 2) Figure 11.
• Wiring Diagram 12 +3.3VDC/+2.5VDC (2 of 2) Figure 12.
• Wiring Diagram 13 DC COM (1 of 6) Figure 13.
• Wiring Diagram 14 DC COM (2 of 6) Figure 14.
• Wiring Diagram 15 DC COM (3 of 6) Figure 15.
• Wiring Diagram 16 DC COM (4 of 6) Figure 16.
• Wiring Diagram 17 DC COM (5 of 6) Figure 17.
• Wiring Diagram 18 DC COM (6 of 6) Figure 18.
• Wiring Diagram 19 2TM Tray +24VDC/+5VDC/+3.3VDC Figure 19.
• Wiring Diagram 20 TTM TRAY +24VDC/+5VDC/+3.3VDC Figure 20.
• Wiring Diagram 21 2TM Tray DC COM Figure 21.
• Wiring Diagram 22 TTM Tray DC COM Figure 22.
• Wiring Diagram 23 Office Finisher LX +5VDC Figure 23.
• Wiring Diagram 24 Office Finisher LX +24VDC Figure 24.
• Wiring Diagram 25 Office Finisher LX DC RTN Figure 25.
• Wiring Diagram 26 HCF +24VDC Figure 26.
• Wiring Diagram 27 HCF +5VDC Figure 27.
• Wiring Diagram 28 HCF DC COM Figure 28.

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-27 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 1 ACH/ACN 100VAC

Figure 1 Wiring diagram 1

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 2 ACH/ACN 220 to 240VAC

Figure 2 Wiring diagram 2

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-29 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 3 ACH/ACN

Figure 3 Wiring diagram 3

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 4 +24VDC (1 of 3)

Figure 4 Wiring diagram 4

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-31 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 5 +24VDC (2 of 3)

Figure 5 Wiring diagram 5

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 6 +24VDC (3 of 3)

Figure 6 Wiring diagram 6

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-33 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 7 +5VDC (1 of 4)

Figure 7 Wiring diagram 7

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 8 +5VDC (2 of 4)

Figure 8 Wiring diagram 8

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-35 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 9 +5VDC (3 of 4)

Figure 9 Wiring diagram 9

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-36 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 10 +5VDC (4 of 4)

Figure 10 Wiring diagram 10

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-37 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 11 +3.3VDC/+2.5VDC (1 of 2)

Figure 11 Wiring diagram 11

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-38 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 12 +3.3VDC/+2.5VDC (2 of 2)

Figure 12 Wiring diagram 12

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-39 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 13 DC COM (1 of 6)

Figure 13 Wiring diagram 13

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-40 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 14 DC COM (2 of 6)

Figure 14 Wiring diagram 14

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-41 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 15 DC COM (3 of 6)

Figure 15 Wiring diagram 15

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-42 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 16 DC COM (4 of 6)

Figure 16 Wiring diagram 16

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-43 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 17 DC COM (5 of 6)

Figure 17 Wiring diagram 17

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-44 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 18 DC COM (6 of 6)

Figure 18 Wiring diagram 18

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-45 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 19 2TM Tray +24VDC/+5VDC/+3.3VDC

Figure 19 Wiring diagram 19

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-46 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 20 TTM TRAY +24VDC/+5VDC/+3.3VDC

Figure 20 Wiring diagram 20

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-47 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 21 2TM Tray DC COM

Figure 21 Wiring diagram 21

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-48 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 22 TTM Tray DC COM

Figure 22 Wiring diagram 22

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-49 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 38 Office Finisher LX +5VDC

Figure 23 Wiring diagram 38

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-50 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 39 Office Finisher LX +24VDC

Figure 24 Wiring diagram 39

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-51 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 40 Office Finisher LX DC RTN

Figure 25 Wiring diagram 40

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Wiring Diagrams 7-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 41 HCF +24VDC

Figure 26 Wiring diagram 41

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-53 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 42 HCF +5VDC

Figure 27 Wiring diagram 42

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Wiring Diagrams 7-54 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Wiring Diagram 43 HCF DC COM

Figure 28 Wiring diagram 43

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-55 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue
Wiring Diagrams 7-56 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Symbology Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1 BSD Symbology

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-57
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) Chain 13
• BSD 13.1 Office Finisher LX DC Power Generation
Block Schematic Diagrams
• BSD 13.2 Office Finisher LX DC Power Distribution
Refer to the relevant BSD.
• BSD 13.3 Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching
Chain 1 • BSD 13.4 Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching
• BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC) • BSD 13.5 Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transport
• BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC) • BSD 13.6 Office Finisher LX Punch
• BSD 1.3 Machine Power Control (1 of 2) • BSD 13.7 Office Finisher LX Transportation
• BSD 1.4 Machine Power Control (2 of 2) • BSD 13.8 Office Finisher LX Folding
• BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V • BSD 13.9 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (1 of 2)
• BSD 1.6 DC Power Generation +24V (1 of 2) • BSD 13.10 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (2 of 2)
• BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2) • BSD 13.11 Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning
• BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching • BSD 13.12 Office Finisher LX Staple Control
• BSD 1.9 Fuse Check • BSD 13.13 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)
• BSD 1.10 LVPS Cooling • BSD 13.14 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)
• BSD 1.11 PWB Locations • BSD 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control
• BSD 1.12 DC Power Distribution HCF • BSD 13.16 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Positioning
Chain 2 • BSD 13.17 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front)
• BSD 2.1 User Interface • BSD 13.18 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)
Chain 3 Chain 40
• BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) • BSD 40.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control
• BSD 3.2 PWB Communications (Controller to UI PWB) • BSD 40.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control
• BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher) • BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow
• BSD 3.4 PWB Communications (Controller to HCF) • BSD 40.4 Toner Cartridge Cooling
• BSD 3.5 PWB Communications (Controller to Halftone/Back plane) Chain 60
• BSD 3.6 Electric Billing • BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M
• BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller) • BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
• BSD 3.8 ESS (Controller) Status LED (1 of 5) • BSD 60.3 Color Registration
• BSD 3.9 ESS (Controller) Status LED (2 of 5) • BSD 60.4 Temperature and Humidity Sensing
• BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5) Chain 70
• BSD 3.11 ESS (Controller) Status LED (4 of 5) • BSD 70.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
• BSD 3.12 ESS (Controller) Status LED (5 of 5) • BSD 70.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
Chain 10 • BSD 70.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2TM)
• BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive • BSD 70.4 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
• BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch • BSD 70.5 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (2TM)
• BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2) • BSD 70.6 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)
• BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2) • BSD 70.7 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensing
• BSD 10.5 Fusing • BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking
• BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection • BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking
• BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport • BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
• BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport • BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)
• BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2) • BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
• BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2) • BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-58 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
• BSD 70.14 IOT and 2TM Paper Path and Drive Transmission
• BSD 70.15 IOT and TTM Paper Path and Drive Transmission
• BSD 70.16 HCF Paper Size Sensing and Tray Set
• BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking
Chain 80
• BSD 80.1 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Pre-feeding
• BSD 80.2 Tray 3 and 4 Paper Pre-feeding
• BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport
• BSD 80.4 Tray 2 Paper Transport
• BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport
• BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport
• BSD 80.7 HCF Paper Feeding
• BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation
• BSD 80.9 Registration
Chain 90
• BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control
• BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control
• BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)
• BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)
• BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M)
• BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K)
• BSD 90.7 Toner Cartridge Cooling
• BSD 90.8 Toner Dispense Control
• BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y
• BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M
• BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C
• BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K
• BSD 90.13 Development Y
• BSD 90.14 Development M
• BSD 90.15 Development C
• BSD 90.16 Development K
• BSD 90.17 1st BTR Contact/retract
• BSD 90.18 Image Transfer to IBT
• BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper
• BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal
• BSD 90.21 Marking Air Flow

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-59 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC)

Figure 1 BSD 1.1

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-60 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC)

Figure 2 BSD 1.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-61 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 1.3 Machine Power Control (1 of 2)

Figure 3 BSD 1.3

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-62 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 1.4 Machine Power Control (2 of 2)

Figure 4 BSD 1.4

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-63 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V

Figure 5 BSD 1.5

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-64 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 1.6 DC Power Generation +24V (1 of 2)

Figure 6 BSD 1.6

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-65 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2)

Figure 7 BSD 1.7

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-66 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching

Figure 8 BSD 1.8

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-67 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 1.9 Fuse Check

Figure 9 BSD 1.9

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-68 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 1.10 LVPS Cooling

Figure 10 BSD 1.10

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-69 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 1.11 PWB Locations

Figure 11 BSD 1.11

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-70 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 1.12 DC Power Distribution HCF

Figure 12 BSD 1.11

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-71 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 2.1 User Interface

Figure 13 BSD 2.1

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-72 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

Figure 14 BSD 3.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-73 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 3.2 PWB Communications (Controller to UI PWB)

Figure 15 BSD 3.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-74 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher)

Figure 16 BSD 3.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-75 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 3.4 PWB Communications (Controller to HCF)

Figure 17 BSD 3.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-76 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 3.5 PWB Communications (Controller to Halftone/Back plane)

Figure 18 BSD 3.5

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-77 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 3.6 Electric Billing

Figure 19 BSD 3.6

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-78 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)

Figure 20 BSD 3.7

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-79 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 3.8 ESS (Controller) Status LED (1 of 5)

Figure 21 BSD 3.8

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-80 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 3.9 ESS (Controller) Status LED (2 of 5)

Figure 22 BSD 3.9

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-81 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5)

Figure 23 BSD 3.10

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-82 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 3.11 ESS (Controller) Status LED (4 of 5)

Figure 24 BSD 3.11

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-83 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 3.12 ESS (Controller) Status LED (5 of 5)

Figure 25 BSD 3.12

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-84 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

Figure 26 BSD 10.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-85 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch

Figure 27 BSD 10.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-86 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2)

Figure 28 BSD 10.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-87 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)

Figure 29 BSD 10.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-88 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 10.5 Fusing

Figure 30 BSD 10.5

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-89 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection

Figure 31 BSD 10.6

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-90 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport

Figure 32 BSD 10.7

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-91 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport

Figure 33 BSD 10.8

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-92 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2)

Figure 34 BSD 10.9

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-93 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2)

Figure 35 BSD 10.10

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-94 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.1 Office Finisher LX DC Power Generation

Figure 36 BSD 13.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-95 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.2 Office Finisher LX DC Power Distribution

Figure 37 BSD 13.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-96 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.3 Office Finisher LX Interlock Switching

Figure 38 BSD 13.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-97 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.4 Office Finisher LX Booklet Interlock Switching

Figure 39 BSD 13.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-98 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.5 Office Finisher LX Horizontal Transport

Figure 40 BSD 13.5

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-99 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.6 Office Finisher LX Punch

Figure 41 BSD 13.6

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-100 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.7 Office Finisher LX Transportation

Figure 42 BSD 13.7

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-101 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.8 Office Finisher LX Folding

Figure 43 BSD 13.8

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-102 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.9 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (1 of 2)

Figure 44 BSD 13.9

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-103 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.10 Office Finisher LX Tamping and Offset (2 of 2)

Figure 45 BSD 13.10

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-104 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.11 Office Finisher LX Staple Positioning

Figure 46 BSD 13.11

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-105 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.12 Office Finisher LX Staple Control

Figure 47 BSD 13.12

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-106 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.13 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (1 of 2)

Figure 48 BSD 13.13

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-107 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.14 Office Finisher LX Eject Control (2 of 2)

Figure 49 BSD 13.14

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-108 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.15 Office Finisher LX Stacker Tray Control

Figure 50 BSD 13.15

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-109 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.16 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Positioning

Figure 51 BSD 13.16

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-110 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 13.17 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Control (1 of 2 - Front)

Figure 52 BSD 13.17

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-111 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 13.18 Office Finisher LX Booklet Staple Control (2 of 2 - Rear)

Figure 53 BSD 13.18

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-112 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 40.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control

Figure 54 BSD 40.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-113 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 40.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control

Figure 55 BSD 40.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-114 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow

Figure 56 BSD 40.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-115 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 40.4 Toner Cartridge Cooling

Figure 57 BSD 40.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-116 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M

Figure 58 BSD 60.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-117 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 60.2 LPH C and K

Figure 59 BSD 60.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-118 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 60.3 Color Registration

Figure 60 BSD 60.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-119 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 60.4 Temperature and Humidity Sensing

Figure 61 BSD 60.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-120 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing

Figure 62 BSD 70.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-121 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing

Figure 63 BSD 70.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-122 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2TM)

Figure 64 BSD 70.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-123 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.4 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)

Figure 65 BSD 70.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-124 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.5 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (2TM)

Figure 66 BSD 70.5

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-125 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.6 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)

Figure 67 BSD 70.6

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-126 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.7 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensing

Figure 68 BSD 70.7

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-127 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

Figure 69 BSD 70.8

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-128 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking

Figure 70 BSD 70.9

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-129 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)

Figure 71 BSD 70.10

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-130 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)

Figure 72 BSD 70.11

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-131 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)

Figure 73 BSD 70.12

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-132 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking

Figure 74 BSD 70.13

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-133 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.14 IOT and 2TM Paper Path and Drive Transmission

Figure 75 BSD 70.14

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-134 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.15 IOT and TTM Paper Path and Drive Transmission

Figure 76 BSD 70.15

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-135 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 70.16 HCF Paper Size Sensing and Tray Set

Figure 77 BSD 70.16

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-136 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking

Figure 78 BSD 70.17

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-137 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 80.1 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Pre-feeding

Figure 79 BSD 80.1

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-138 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 80.2 Tray 3 and 4 Paper Pre-feeding

Figure 80 BSD 80.2

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-139 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport

Figure 81 BSD 80.3

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-140 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 80.4 Tray 2 Paper Transport

Figure 82 BSD 80.4

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-141 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport

Figure 83 BSD 80.5

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-142 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport

Figure 84 BSD 80.6

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-143 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 80.7 HCF Paper Feeding

Figure 85 BSD 80.7

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-144 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation

Figure 86 BSD 80.8

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-145 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 80.9 Registration

Figure 87 BSD 80.9

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-146 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control

Figure 88 BSD 90.1

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-147 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control

Figure 89 BSD 90.2

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-148 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)

Figure 90 BSD 90.3

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-149 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)

Figure 91 BSD 90.4

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-150 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M)

Figure 92 BSD 90.5

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-151 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K)

Figure 93 BSD 90.6

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-152 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.7 Toner Cartridge Cooling

Figure 94 BSD 90.7

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-153 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.8 Toner Dispense Control

Figure 95 BSD 90.8

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-154 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y

Figure 96 BSD 90.9

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-155 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M

Figure 97 BSD 90.10

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-156 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C

Figure 98 BSD 90.11

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-157 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K

Figure 99 BSD 90.12

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-158 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.13 Development Y

Figure 100 BSD 90.13

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-159 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.14 Development M

Figure 101 BSD 90.14

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-160 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.15 Development C

Figure 102 BSD 90.15

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-161 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.16 Development K

Figure 103 BSD 90.16

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-162 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.17 1st BTR Contact/retract

Figure 104 BSD 90.17

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-163 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.18 Image Transfer to IBT

Figure 105 BSD 90.18

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-164 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper

Figure 106 BSD 90.19

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-165 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal

Figure 107 BSD 90.20

Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue

Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-166 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
BSD 90.21 Marking Air Flow

Figure 108 BSD 90.21

Initial Issue August 2018 Wiring Data

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 7-167 Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs)
Wiring Data August 2018 Initial Issue
Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs) 7-168 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
8 Product Technical Overview
System Overview ............................................................................................................ 8-3
Standby Power................................................................................................................ 8-4
User Interface.................................................................................................................. 8-14
Machine Run Control ...................................................................................................... 8-15
Main Drives and NOHAD ................................................................................................ 8-18
Paper Supply and Feed .................................................................................................. 8-25
Paper Transport .............................................................................................................. 8-38
Xerographics ................................................................................................................... 8-44
Fusing ............................................................................................................................. 8-56
Print Transportation......................................................................................................... 8-61
Finishers.......................................................................................................................... 8-65

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-1
Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue
8-2 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
System Overview Printing
• Page description languages: PCL® 5e/PCL 6/PDF/XPS/TIFF/JPEG/HP-GL/Adobe®
Machine Configurations PostScript® 3™
The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 printer are available in the following configurations: • Color management: Embedded spot color table
• Xerox® VersaLink® C8000DT Color Printer - 45ppm
• Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T
• Xerox® VersaLink® C9000DT Color Printer - 55ppm
• USB 3.0
• Up to 1200 x 2400 dpi
• NFC Tap-to-Pair
• Duplex printing
• Wi-Fi see options.
Basic Configuration:
Controller Features
• Color print engine
• Nextwave
• Tray 1 - Up to 520 sheets; Custom sizes: 3.9 x 5.8 in. to 11.69 x 17 in./100 x 148 mm to
297 x 431.8 mm (64 to 300 gsm) • Configuration Cloning
• Tray 2 - Up to 520 sheets; Custom sizes: 3.9 x 5.8 in. to 12.598 x 18 in./100 x 148 mm to • Xerox Extensible Interface Platform®
320 x 457.2 mm (64 to 300 gsm) • Xerox App Gallery
• Bypass Tray - Up to 100 sheets; Custom sizes: 3.5 x 3.9 in. to 12.6 x 19 in./88.9 x 98.4 • Xerox® Standard Accounting Tool
mm to 320 x 482.6 mm; Banners: 19 x 52 in./483 x 1320.8 mm (64 to 350 gsm) • Role Based Permissions
• 1.6 GHz processor • Convenience Authentication Enabled
• Memory: 5 GB User Interactivity
Optional Configurations: • Customize and personalize: Walkup customization, Personalize Home Screen by User,
• Two Tray Module (2TM): Up to 1,040 sheets (2 x 550 sheets vertically configured); Cus- Multiple Home Screens with Simple ID, Customize by Site, Function or Workflow with
tom sizes: 3.9 x 5.8 in. to 12.6 x 18 in./100 x 148 mm to 320 x 457.2 mm (64 to 300 gsm). Xerox App Gallery and Xerox® App Studio
Refer to Paper Supply. • Embedded Web Server (PC or mobile): Status Information, Responsive Design, Settings,
• Tandem Tray Module (TTM): Up to 2,000 sheets (2 x 1000 sheets side by side); 8.5 x 11 Device Management, Cloning
in., 7.25 x 10.5 in./A4, B5 (64 to 300 gsm). Refer to Paper Supply. Security
• High Capacity Feeder: Up to 2,000 sheets; 8.5 x 11 in., 7.25 x 10.5 in./A4, B5 (64 to 216 • Network: IPsec, HTTPS, Network Authentication, SNMPv3, SSL/TLS, Security Certifi-
gsm) The High Capacity Feeder requires the machine to be configured with either a 2TM cates, Automatic Self-Signed Certificate
or a TTM.
• Device Access: Firmware Verification, User access and internal firewall, Port/IP/Domain
• Envelope Tray (replaces Tray 1): Up to 50 envelopes: #10 Commercial, Monarch, DL, C4, Filtering, Audit Log, Access Controls, User Permissions, Smart Card Enabled (CAC/PIV/
C6 (106 to 300 gsm) .NET), Xerox® Integrated RFID Card Reader Bay
• 320 GB HDD Productivity Kit (standard on C9000, option on C8000) • Data Protection: Job Level Encryption via HTTPS/IPPS submission, Encrypted hard disk
• Optional Wi-Fi kit (Wi-Fi® or Wi-Fi Direct®) available for C8000 or C9000. (AES 256-bit, FIPS 140-2) and image overwrite
• Common Access Card (CAC) reader. available for C8000 or C9000. • SNMPv3 operation in FIPS mode support, SIPRNet Support, HTTPS/HTTP simultaneous
• Xerox Precise Color Management System (Calibration and Color Management Software support, Weblet Encryption support.
includes the Color Measurement Device powered by X-Rite) optional accessory for Other Features
C9000 only. • Print from USB, Secure Print, Sample Set, Personal Print, Saved Job, Xerox® Earth
Output/Finishing Smart Driver Settings, Job Identification, Store and Recall Driver Settings, Bi-directional
• Catch Tray (standard): 500 sheets, offsets Real-time Status, Scaling, Job Monitoring, Skip Blank Pages, Draft Mode
• Office Finisher LX with booklet maker: 2,000 sheet stacker, 50 sheets stapled, 2-position • Mobile Printing: Apple® AirPrint®, Google Cloud Print™ Ready, Xerox® Print Service and
stapling, optional hole-punch, booklet maker (score, saddle stitch). The Office Finisher LX Mopria® Print Service Plug-ins for Android™
requires the machine to be configured with either a 2TM or a TTM. • Mobility Options: @PrintByXerox, Xerox® Mobile Print and Mobile Print Cloud.
• BR Finisher: 1,500 sheet stacker and 500 sheet top tray, 50-sheet multiposition stapling • Print from Google Drive™, Microsoft® OneDrive®, Dropbox™, Microsoft Office 365®,
and 2/3 hole punching plus saddle-stitch booklet making (2 to 15 sheets, 60 pages) and Box®, Xerox® DocuShare® Platform
V-folding. The Business Ready Finisher requires the machine to be configured with either • Foreign Device Interface available for C8000 or C9000 - for devices such as coin operated
a 2TM or a TTM. printing or card operated printing.
• Weblet Certificate Support, Personal Favorite, One Touch App.

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-3
Standby Power Closing the main power switch, PL 1.20 Item 1, supplies AC power to the AC Drive PWB, PL
1.15 Item 1, from which it is distributed to the Low Voltage Power Supply, the fusing circuit and
Mains Power Input the finisher power outlet.
The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 machines are equipped with a power button on the
UI and a main power switch on the front of the IOT. To access the main power switch, open the • BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC)
front cover assembly, PL 28.05 Item 8. • BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC)

Refer to GP 10 for power off, quick restart and power on procedures.

Mains power is supplied via the GFI chassis assembly (PL 1.10 Item 1) Figure 1, to the main
power switch (PL 1.20 Item 1), Figure 2.

• BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC)

• BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC)

Figure 2 Main power switch

Figure 1 Mains power connector

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-4 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
AC Drive PWB Low Voltage Power Supply
The AC drive PWB, PL 1.15 Item 1 receives AC power from the main power switch, PL 1.20 The LVPS, PL 1.15 Item 3, receives AC power from the AC Drive PWB. The LVPS generates
Item 1. The main functions of the AC drive PWB, are as follows: 5VDC power and 24VDC power distributed to the following:
• Provides ground fault interrupt and filtered power. • Controller (ESS) PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1.
• Supplies AC power to the Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS, PL 1.15 Item 3). • Back Plane PWB, PL 3.15 Item 2.
• Supplies AC power to the IH power supply PWB, PL 1.05 Item 3. • Motor Drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Supplies AC power to the finisher outlet. When the machine goes into sleep mode the 5VDC power and the 24VDC power is withheld
Refer to NOHAD for the LVPS fan. and only a 5VDC standby power is supplied. Refer to Sleep Recovery in the UI section for
details of power up during sleep recovery.
Refer to Figure 3.
Refer to Figure 4.
• BSD 1.1 Main Power On (100 VAC)
• BSD 1.2 Main Power On (220-240 VAC) • BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V
• BSD 1.6 DC Power Generation +24V (1 of 2)
• BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2)

Figure 3 AC Drive PWB

Figure 4 LVPS

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-5
Bias Charge Roll HVPS PWB Bias Transfer Roll HVPS PWB
The BCR HVPS converts 24VDC power into the high voltages required by the bias charge The BTR HVPS converts +24VDC power into the high voltages required by the bias transfer
roller within the xerographic subsystem. (Refer to Xerographics Overview.) roller within the xerographic subsystem. (Refer to Xerographics Overview.)

The bias charge roll HVPS, PL 1.20 Item 4, receives 24VDC interlocked power from the motor The bias transfer roller HVPS, PL 1.05 Item 1 receives 24VDC interlocked power from the
drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. The BCR HVPS transforms the voltages (one each for CMYK) into motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. The BTR HVPS transforms the voltages (one each for
high voltage and supplies them to each of the bias charge rollers, one for each color. CMYK) into high voltage and supplies them to each of the bias transfer rollers, one for each
The BCR HVPS monitors the bias charge roll bias output and feeds it back to the Motor Drive
PWB. The BTR HVPS monitors the magenta and black output voltages and feeds them back to the
Motor Drive PWB.
Refer to Figure 5.
Refer to Figure 6.
• BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y
• BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M • BSD 90.18 Image Transfer to IBT
• BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C • BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper
• BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K

Figure 6 Bias transfer roll HVPS PWB

Figure 5 BCR HVPS

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-6 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Developer Bias HVPS PWB Fuser Heater Power Supply
The developer bias HVPS converts 24VDC power to the high voltages required by the devel- The fuser heater power supply, PL 1.05 Item 3, takes power from the IH relay and converts it to
oper bias within the Xerographic subsystem. the high voltages required for fusing. The fuser is in two parts, the fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14, and
the instant heat (IH) coil unit, PL 10.05 Item 15. Refer to Fuser Components for details.
The developer bias HVPS PL 1.15 Item 4, receives 24VDC interlocked power from the motor
drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. The developer bias HVPS transforms the voltages (one each for The fuser heater power supply is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB which in turn communi-
CMYK) into high voltage and supplies them to each of the developer bias rollers, one for each cates with the Controller (ESS) PWB.
Refer to Figure 8.
The developer bias HVPS monitors the bias power output and feeds it back to the Motor Drive
PWB. • BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2)
• BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
Refer to Figure 7.
• BSD 10.5 Fusing

• BSD 90.13 Development Y

• BSD 90.14 Development M
• BSD 90.15 Development C
• BSD 90.16 Development K

Figure 8 Fuser heater power supply

Figure 7 Developer bias HVPS

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-7
Motor Drive PWB – BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking
The motor drive PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2, controls the print engine, providing power and drive sig- – BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
nals to most of the motors, sensors, clutches and solenoids. Refer to Figure 9. – BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)
– BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
It performs the following functions:
• Monitors the pre-feed sensors and for trays 1, 2, 3 and 4. Refer to Paper Transport to
• Receives 5VDC and 24VDC from the Low Voltage Power Supply. Registration Transport Assembly.
– BSD 1.5 DC Power Generation +5V – BSD 80.1 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Pre-feeding
– BSD 1.7 DC Power Generation +24V (2 of 2) – BSD 80.2 Tray 3 and 4 Paper Pre-feeding
• Passes on sleep recovery signal to Low Voltage Power Supply. Refer to BSD 1.5 DC • Controls the feed/lift motor for trays 1, 2, 3 and 4. Refer to Paper Tray Elevation and Feed-
Power Generation +5V. ing: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Monitors the interlocks on left cover, front cover, front cover open switch, tray module – BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking
interlock switch, Machine Interlocks. Refer to BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching.
– BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking
• Monitors the continuity of fuses shown on BSD 1.9 Fuse Check, and generates a fault
– BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
code on failure.
– BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)
• Supplies 24VDC to the LVPS fan and monitors for failure. If a fail condition is indicated
– BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
error code 043-322 is logged. Refer to NOHAD and BSD 1.10 LVPS Cooling.
• Monitors the bypass tray (MSI) nudger position sensor and no paper sensor. Refer to
• Monitors communication from the Controller (ESS) PWB to the motor drive PWB and logs
fault codes. Refer to BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB) Bypass Tray (Tray 5) and BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking

• Acts as a path receiving data from the Controller (ESS) PWB (via the back plane PWB • Controls the bypass tray feed lift motor. Refer to Bypass Tray (Tray 5) and BSD 70.13
Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking
and the half tone PWB) and communicates with the finisher (Office Finisher LX or BR Fin-
isher). Data from the finisher is received by the motor drive PWB and passed back to the • Controls the bypass tray takeaway motor and monitors the feed out sensor for the bypass
controller PWB. Error codes are logged by the controller PWB. Refer to BSD 3.3 PWB tray. Refer to Bypass Tray (Tray 5) and BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport.
Communications (Controller to Finisher). • Controls the 2TM takeaway motor and monitors the feed out sensor 3 within the 2TM.
• Acts as a path receiving data from the Controller (ESS) PWB (via the back plane PWB Refer to Takeaway Rolls and Drives and BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport.
and the half tone PWB) and communicates with the High Capacity Feeder. Data from the • Controls the TTM takeaway motor and monitors the feed out sensor 3 and 4 within the
HCF is received by the motor drive PWB and passed back to the controller PWB. Error TTM. Refer to Takeaway Rolls and Drives and BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport.
codes are logged by the controller PWB. Refer to BSD 3.4 PWB Communications (Con- • Monitors the presence of the TTM via the Transport Path Drawer Interlock (TTM only).
troller to HCF) Refer to BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport.
• Supplies 24VDC and 5VDC power to the Halftone PWB. Refer to BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M. • Controls the registration motor and monitors the registrations sensor. Supplies 24VDC to
• Monitors the marks on belt (MOB) sensors and the automatic density control (ADC) sen- the registration heater. Refer to Registration Transport Assembly and BSD 80.9 Registra-
sor (MOB and ADC sensors). Refer to BSD 60.3 Color Registration. tion.
• Monitors the internal temperature and humidity sensors. If a temperature error is detected • Controls the drum/development and IBT drive motor (K), PL 40.05 Item 14. Refer to Main
error code 041-603 is logged. If a humidity error is detected error code 041-604 is logged. Drive Assembly and BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control
Refer to Temperature and Humidity Detection and BSD 60.4 Temperature and Humidity • Controls the drum/development motor (CMY), PL 40.05 Item 13. Refer to Main Drive
Sensing. Assembly and BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control.
• Monitors the paper size sensors for trays 1, 2, 3, 4 and the bypass tray (MSI). Refer to • Monitors the drum CRUMs for KCMY, PL 90.25 Item 3. Refer to Drum Cartridge CRUM.
Paper Size Detection and Bypass Tray (Tray 5).
– BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)
– BSD 70.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing
– BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)
– BSD 70.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
• Monitors the toner cartridge CRUM for KCMY, PL 90.10 Item 3. Refer to Toner Cartridge
– BSD 70.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2TM) CRUM.
– BSD 70.4 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM) – BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M)
– BSD 70.5 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (2TM) – BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K)
– BSD 70.6 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM) • Controls and monitors the toner cartridge cooling and exhaust fans. Refer to NOHAD and
– BSD 70.7 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensing BSD 90.7 Toner Cartridge Cooling
• Monitors the paper level sensors and no paper sensors for trays 1, 2, 3 and 4. Refer to • Controls the toner dispense motors for KCMY. Refer to Toner Dispenser Assemblies and
Remaining Paper Indication and No Paper Detection: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4 BSD 90.8 Toner Dispense Control
– BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-8 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
• Supplies 24VDC interlocked power to the BCR HVPS for KCMY and monitors the outputs. • Controls the exit 1 offset catch tray motor and the exit 1 gate solenoid. It also monitors the
Refer to Bias Charge Roll HVPS PWB. exit 1 offset catch tray home position sensor and the exit 1 offset catch tray full stack sen-
– BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y sor. Refer to Exit 1 and BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport
– BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M • Controls the duplex motor. Refer to Duplex Transport, Duplex Printing and BSD 10.8
– BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C Duplex Paper Transport

– BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K • Controls the exit 2 offset catch tray motor, the exit 2 drive motor and monitors the exit 2
offset catch tray home position sensor. Refer to Exit 2 and BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Trans-
• Monitors the automatic toner control (ATC) sensor for KCMY. Refer to Developer Units.
port (1 of 2).
– BSD 90.13 Development Y
• Monitors the exit 2 sensor and the exit 2 offset catch tray home position sensor. Refer to
– BSD 90.14 Development M Exit 2, and BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2).
– BSD 90.15 Development C
NOTE: The face up sensor is installed but is not used in the C8000 or the C9000 printers.
– BSD 90.16 Development K
• Supplies 24VDC to the developer bias HVPS for KCMY. Refer to Developer Bias HVPS
– BSD 90.13 Development Y
– BSD 90.14 Development M
– BSD 90.15 Development C
– BSD 90.16 Development K
• Monitors the BTR contact/retract sensor and controls the BTR contact/retract clutch.
Refer to IBT Unit greyscale and full-color mode switching and BSD 90.17 1st BTR Con-
• Supplies 24VDC interlocked power to the BTR HVPS for 1st bias transfer (KCMY) and
monitors the output to M and K. Refer to 1st Bias Transfer and BSD 90.18 Image Transfer
to IBT.
• Supplies 24VDC interlocked power to the BTR HVPS for the 2nd bias transfer and moni-
tors the output. Refer to 2nd Bias Transfer and BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper.
• Monitors the paper on belt (POB) jam sensor. Refer to Paper on Belt Jam Sensor and
BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper
• Controls the agitator motor (waste toner) and monitors the (waste) toner bottle position
sensor and the (waste) toner bottle full sensor. Refer to Drum Cartridge and Transfer Belt
Cleaning and BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal.
• Controls the marking fans. Refer to NOHAD and BSD 90.21 Marking Air Flow
• Controls the fusing unit drive motor and monitors the fusing belt speed sensor. Refer to
Fuser Sensors and Drives and BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive.
• Controls the pressure roll latch motor and monitors the pressure roll latch sensor. Refer to
Fuser Sensors and Drives and BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch.
• Controls the instant heat power supply and monitors the output. Data is fed back to the
Controller (ESS) PWB via the Halftone PWB and the Back Plane PWB. Refer to Fuser
Heater Power and BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2).
• Monitors the fuser thermistors and the instant heat coil unit thermostat. It also controls the Figure 9 Motor drive PWB
instant heat power supply intake fan. Refer to Fuser Temperature Control and BSD 10.4
Fusing Heat (2 of 2).
• Monitors the fusing unit exit sensor, fusing unit exhaust fan and the NOHAD temperature
and humidity sensor. Refer to Fuser Sensors and Drives, NOHAD, Temperature and
Humidity Detection and BSD 10.5 Fusing
• Monitors the fusing unit EEPROM to verify that the fuser is installed. Refer to Fuser Sen-
sors and Drives and BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection.

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-9
Machine Interlocks Left Cover Interlock Switch
Front Cover Interlock Assembly The left cover interlock switch, PL 80.65 Item 9, is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. When
interrupted it logs code 077-301. It is wired in series with the front cover interlock switch so it
The front cover interlock assembly contains 2 switches, one to generate the code that the cover
cuts power to the 24V interlocked supply.
is ope and to prompt a change of display on the UI, the second switch cuts the 24VDC inter-
locked supply. They are operated by the same action of opening the front cover.
Refer to Figure 11 and BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching.
Front Cover Open Switch

The front cover open switch, PL 28.05 Item 12, is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. When
the switch is open code 077-300 is logged.

Front Cover Interlock Switch

The front cover interlock switch, PL 28.05 Item 11, is wired in series with the left cover interlock
switch. It cuts power to the 24V interlocked supply.

Refer to Figure 10 and BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching.

Left cover interlock switch

Figure 11 Left cover interlock switch

Transport Path Drawer Interlock

The transport path drawer interlock is shown on BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport. This is not an
interlock in the normal sense. It does not disconnect power, it is a signal to the IOT that the
TTM transport assembly is in the operational position. Refer to Transport Path Drawer Interlock
Front cover interlock switch Front cover open switch (TTM only).

Figure 10 Front cover switches

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-10 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Tray Module Interlocks
The tray module interlock acts when the tray module left door is opened. Code 077-305 is
logged. The same circuit is used in the 2TM and the TTM.

• 2TM - PL 80.20 Item 8, refer to Figure 12.

• TTM - PL 80.40 Item 1, refer to Figure 13.
Refer to BSD 1.8 Interlock Switching.

Tandem tray module interlock switch

Figure 13 Tandem tray module interlock switch

Two tray module interlock switch

Figure 12 Two tray module interlock switch

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-11
HCF Interlocks IOT Modes and System Status
Transport cover interlock switch, PL 70.90 Item 26, cuts +24VDC power to the K1 relay on the Refer also to GP 17 Electrical Power Requirements.
HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9, when opened, turning off the HCF feed/lift motor, PL 80.100 Item
23, and the takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7. Plug-in/Off Mode (sub power)
This is not an operating mode. Plug in/off is the condition of the machine when power is con-
Docking interlock switch, PL 70.95 Item 8, The docking interlock switch detects if the HCF is in nected but the machine is powered down. When the power button is pressed to shut down (and
the home position (against the left side of the machine) following jam clearance. confirmed) this is the condition of the machine. This is the lowest power state that the machine
can enter. Only the AC Drive PWB, Low Voltage Power Supply and power management cir-
cuitry on the Controller (ESS) PWB is active. The only method that can be used to power the
machine on, in this mode, is to press the UI power button.

Standby/Ready Mode
This is the normal operating condition of the machine when it is ready for printing. The UI is
active and illuminated in this mode. This is the condition of the machine while a user is pro-
gramming a job via the UI or performing any other UI activity. In this mode the system is ready
to print with little or no delay in hard copy output. The system has full functionality when in this

Run Mode
This is the condition of the machine when it is actively printing a job. The machine enters this
state when it executes a print job via the network. In this mode the system is in the process of
marking images and/or collating in an output device.

Sleep States

NOTE: The user will not be able to tell the difference semi conscious state and deep sleep
state. Visually the machine appears the same.

Semiconscious/Low Power Mode

The machine enters semi conscious mode after a period of inactivity after the most recent print
job. In semi-conscious mode the UI is inactive and the power button is illuminated. The delay
time is preset but is adjustable by the customer in the range 0 to 30 minutes. Semi conscious
Docking interlock switch mode allows the system to perform the following limited functions:

Transport cover interlock switch • Access to the remote control panel via the web UI.
• Wireless printing (if installed)
• All non print related network requests (including HDD access), such as access from the
Figure 14 HCF interlocks web UI.

NOTE: If Wake on USB is enabled the system remains in semi conscious mode and does not
Refer also to:
enter deep sleep mode.
• High Capacity Feeder: Sensors and Interlocks
• BSD 1.12 DC Power Distribution HCF Deep Sleep Mode

Finisher Interlocks Recovery from this mode to standby/ready is from either pressing the UI power button or an
For finisher interlocks refer to: incoming print job. The machine does not wake from sleep mode upon insertion of a USB
• Office Finisher LX Interlocks drive.
• Go to the separate BR Finisher Service Manual
• Only standby power is available, controller network control, power management.
• The system is able to wake up for network printing.

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-12 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
• The system is able to wake up when a user presses the UI power button.
Auto Power Off
Enables the system to switch off after a specified time in deep sleep mode via an adjustable
timeout that is accessed using tools or in the Web UI. The default is ‘disabled’. Once the
machine has switched off it can be switched on via the power switch on the UI. When the
machine has powered down automatically it is in the same state as it would be after first con-
necting mains power

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-13
User Interface
The user interface (UI) displays the state of the printer via the LCD touch screen. The UI
enables operation of the machine by means of the touch screen and buttons. Refer to Figure 1.

The UI speaker generates synchronised operational sounds for the UI.

The user interface (UI) consists of the components that follow:

• UI console assembly, PL 2.05 Item 1.
• Power button.
• Home button.
• LED machine status display.
• Card reader assembly.
• USB port under the UI console assembly.

NOTE: The UI console assembly, is replaced as a single item. The components within the UI
are not accessible. UI console assembly
Sleep Recovery Speaker assembly
When the UI power button is activated a 3.3V sleep recovery signal is sent via a path through
the Back Plane PWB, the Controller (ESS) PWB (waking the controller PWB in the process),
the Halftone PWB and the Motor Drive PWB. When the sleep recovery signal reaches the Low
Voltage Power Supply 5VDC power is restored. The restoration of 5V power, in turn, restores
the 24V DC power.

Refer to Figure 1 and BSD 2.1 User Interface Card reader assembly

Figure 1 User interface

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-14 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Machine Run Control
The main functions of run control are to:
• Perform self-testing at power on to verify the communication status between PWBs.
• Monitor and control the operation of the base machine and the installed options during all
power states.
• Detect, log, and report faults.
• Communicate with the user through the user interface.
Controller (ESS) PWB
The primary functions of the controller PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1, are as follows:
1. Receives digital data from the network.
2. Processes this data based upon the user's requests (made at the user interface or a
remote PC/server)
3. Sends the processed image data to the LPH, via the Back Plane PWB and the Halftone
PWB to be written to the LED Print Head (LPH) for each of the four colors.
4. Sends printing, paper supply, and finishing requests to the Motor Drive PWB.
The controller PWB performs the following functions:
• Sends data to the Motor Drive PWB via the Back Plane PWB and the Halftone PWB. The
motor drive PWB in turns sends signals back to the controller PWB via the halftone PWB,
back plane PWB.
• Communicates with the UI.
• Communicates with the finisher via the Back Plane PWB, Halftone PWB and the Motor
Drive PWB receiving information from the finisher by the reverse route.
• Communicates with the High Capacity Feeder via the Back Plane PWB, Halftone PWB
and the Motor Drive PWB receiving information from the HCF by the reverse route.
The controller PWB is contained in a chassis, PL 3.10. The chassis contains the controller
PWB, PL 3.05 Item 1 and the HDD, PL 3.05 Item 9, along with mechanical parts and har- Figure 1 Controller PWB

Refer to Figure 1.

• BSD 3.1 PWB Communications (Controller to Motor Drive PWB)

• BSD 3.2 PWB Communications (Controller to UI PWB)
• BSD 3.3 PWB Communications (Controller to Finisher)
• BSD 3.4 PWB Communications (Controller to HCF)
• BSD 3.5 PWB Communications (Controller to Halftone/Back plane)
• BSD 3.6 Electric Billing
• BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)
• BSD 3.8 ESS (Controller) Status LED (1 of 5)
• BSD 3.9 ESS (Controller) Status LED (2 of 5)
• BSD 3.10 ESS (Controller) Status LED (3 of 5)
• BSD 3.11 ESS (Controller) Status LED (4 of 5)
• BSD 3.12 ESS (Controller) Status LED (5 of 5)

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-15
Controller Interface Back Plane PWB
The functions of the connectors along the external edge of the Controller (ESS) PWB are The backplane PWB PL 3.15 Item 2, provides a communication link between the Controller
shown in Figure 2. (ESS) PWB and the Halftone PWB. The route through the back plane PWB and the Halftone
PWB carries all the communications between the controller PWB and the Motor Drive PWB.

Refer to Figure 3.




Wi-fi dongle

Foreign device

Figure 2 Controller interface

Figure 3 Back plane PWB

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-16 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Halftone PWB
The halftone PWB, PL 3.15 Item 4, takes the image data from the Controller (ESS) PWB, via
the Back Plane PWB, and sends it to the LED Print Head (LPH) for each of the 4 colors.

The halftone PWB receives 24VDC and 5VDC from the Motor Drive PWB. The 24VDC is con-
verted to 12VDC. The 5VDC is converted to 3.3VDC.

The halftone PWB, along with the Back Plane PWB also provides the communication route
from the Controller (ESS) PWB to the Motor Drive PWB.

Refer to Figure 4.

• BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M

• BSD 60.2 LPH C and K

Figure 4 Halftone PWB

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-17
Main Drives and NOHAD
Main Drives
The main drives are located to the rear of the machine behind the Controller (ESS) PWB and
the Halftone PWB.

Main Drive Assembly

NOTE: The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 printers use the same main drive assem-
bly. The print speed difference is generated by the software.

The main drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 7, drives the xerographic drums and associated com-
ponents including the developers and the IBT belt.

The main drive assembly consists of:

• The drum motor, PL 40.05 Item 13 is controlled by the Motor Drive PWB. It drives the fol-
– Xerographic drum for colors Y, M and C, PL 90.15
– Developer for Y, M and C, PL 90.05.
• The drum/developer IBT motor, PL 40.05 Item 14 is controlled by the Motor Drive PWB. It
drives the following:
– Xerographic drum for K, PL 90.15
– Developer for K, PL 90.05.
– IBT belt, PL 90.30 and PL 90.35.
Fuser unit drive motor
• The drum drive bracket assembly, PL 40.05 Item 8.
• The drum drive housing assembly, PL 40.05 Item 9. Drum/developer (K)/IBT motor
Drum motor/developer (Y,M,C)
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2. motor

• BSD 40.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control

• BSD 40.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control Figure 1 Main drive assembly
Fuser Drive Assembly
The fuser drive assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16, is controlled by the Motor Drive PWB. It drives the
fuser. The motor drive PWB monitors the belt speed sensor within the fuser unit, PL 10.05 Item

The fuser drive assembly consists of:

• The fuser unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 19.
• The fuser drive bracket assembly, PL 40.05 Item 15.
• The BTR contact/retract clutch assembly, PL 40.05 Item 20.
Refer to Figure 1, Figure 2.

Refer to BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-18 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Main Drive Paths NOHAD
The main motor drive paths are shown in Figure 2. The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 printers employ 8 main cooling fans.

Refer also to Temperature and Humidity Detection.

• Low Voltage Power Supply fan, PL PL 40.15 Item 4, receives 24VDC from the Motor Drive
PWB. The motor drive PWB logs code 043-322 if a fan failure is detected, Figure 7.
• IHPS intake duct assembly, PL 40.15 Item 8, runs at 2 speeds, The fan receives power
from the Motor Drive PWB. At low speed the fan receives 12VDC, at high speed it
receives 24VDC. The motor drive PWB logs code 043-356 if a fan failure is detected, Fig-
ure 8.
• Front/right marking fan (P1), PL 40.10 Item 9, receives 24VDC from the Motor Drive PWB.
The motor drive PWB logs code 043-351 if a fan failure is detected, Figure 3.
• Front left marking fan (P2), PL 40.10 Item 13, runs at 2 speeds. The fan receives power
from the Motor Drive PWB. At low speed the fan receives 12VDC, at high speed it
receives 24VDC. The motor drive PWB logs code 043-354 if a fan failure is detected, Fig-
ure 3.
• Fuser unit exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 2, Figure 5.
• Marking fan duct assembly, PL 40.10 Item 15, runs at 2 speeds. The fan receives power
from the Motor Drive PWB. At low speed the fan receives 12VDC, at high speed it
receives 24VDC. The motor drive PWB logs code 043-349 if a fan failure is detected, Fig-
ure 4.
• Toner cartridge cooling fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 12, receives 24VDC from the Motor
Drive PWB. The motor drive PWB logs code 043-352 if a fan failure is detected, Figure 6.
• Toner cartridge exhaust fan assembly, PL 40.15 Item 9, receives 24VDC from the Motor
Drive PWB. The motor drive PWB logs code 042-344 if a fan failure is detected, Figure 6.
Refer to:
• BSD 40.3 Marking Air Flow
• BSD 40.4 Toner Cartridge Cooling
Other fans
• ESS fan, PL 3.15 Item 7.
Refer to BSD 3.7 ESS (Controller)

Figure 2 Main drives

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-19
Front right marking fan Marking fan and rear duct
Front left marking fan assembly

Figure 3 Front marking fans Figure 4 Marking fan and rear duct assembly

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-20 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Fuser ducts

Toner cartridge cooling
Fuser unit exhaust fan fan assembly Toner cartridge exhaust
fan assembly

Figure 5 Fuser fan and ducts Figure 6 Toner cartridge cooling fan and exhaust fan

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-21
IHPS intake duct assembly
LVPS fan assembly

Figure 7 LVPS fan assembly Figure 8 IHPS intake duct assembly

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-22 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Temperature and Humidity Detection
Temperature and humidity is managed by two sensors.
• NOHAD Temperature/Humidity (No.1, External) Sensor - PL 40.10 Item 5.
• Temperature/Humidity (No.2, Internal) Sensor - PL 90.30 Item 9.
NOHAD Temperature/Humidity (No.1, External) Sensor
The NOHAD temp & humidity sensor, PL 40.10 Item 5, is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB.
The sensor detects changes in external temperature and humidity. The motor drive PWB logs
code 042-641 if a value is detected outside of the optimum for the machine. Code 042-641 is
categorized as a hidden fail value and does not appear on the UI. dC120 will record 042-641 in
the failure code list.

Values from the external sensor are used as part of the ON/OFF control logic for the following

NOTE: The external sensor only contributes to ON/OFF signals for these fans, fan speed is
controlled by the Temperature/Humidity (No.2, Internal) Sensor.

• Fusing unit exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 2.

• Marking fan, PL 40.10 Item 15.
• Front/right marking fan (P1), PL 40.10 Item 9.
• Front/left marking fan (P2), PL 40.10 Item 13.
• Toner cartridge cooling fan assembly, PL 40.10 Item 2.
• Toner cartridge exhaust fan, PL 40.15 Item 9.
• LVPS fan, PL 40.15 Item 4.
• IHPS intake duct assembly, PL 40.15 Item 8.
The external sensor, in conjunction with values from the Temperature/Humidity (No.2, Internal) Temperature and humidity sensor (external)
Sensor, also contributes to ON/OFF control logic for the registration heater assembly, PL 80.80
Item 3.
Figure 9 NOHAD temperature and humidity sensor
Refer to Figure 9 and BSD 10.5 Fusing.

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-23
Temperature/Humidity (No.2, Internal) Sensor
A second temperature and humidity sensor, PL 90.30 Item 9, is installed below the IBT belt
assembly. This sensor measures the temperate and humidity inside the machine.

Values from the internal temperature and humidity sensor are used for many subsystems
including control of fans and heaters, fuser temperature control and process control.

Refer to Figure 10 and BSD 60.4 Temperature and Humidity Sensing.

Location of internal temperature and humidity sensor

on bracket below the IBT unit towards the rear of the
machine. Refer to PL 90.30 Item 9.

Figure 10 Temperature and humidity sensor (internal)

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-24 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Paper Supply and Feed
Paper Supply
Paper tray characteristics
• Tray 1 - up to 520 sheets (80gsm/54lbs) A4/letter LEF or SEF or A3/11 x 17in SEF
• Tray 2 - up to 520 sheets (80gsm/54lbs) A4/letter LEF or SEF or SRA3 SEF, 12x18 inch
• Tray 3 2TM - up to 520 sheets (80gsm/54lbs) A4/letter LEF or SEF or SRA3 SEF, 12x18
inch SEF
• Tray 4 2TM - up to 520 sheets (80gsm/54lbs) A4/letter LEF or SEF or SRA3 SEF, 12x18
inch SEF
• Tray 3 TTM - up to 980 sheets (80gsm/54lbs) A4/letter LEF or 8.5x11in LEF
C8000/CC9000 with
• Tray 4 TTM - up to 1280 sheets (80gsm/54lbs) A4/letter LEF or 8.5x11in LEF tray1 and tray 2
• HCF - up to 2000 sheets A4/letter LEF or 8.5x11in LEF (80gsm/54lbs) C8000/C9000 with tray 1,
• Bypass tray - up to 100 sheets custom sizes (80gsm/54lbs) tray 2 and 2TM
• Envelope tray (replaces tray 1) - up to 50 envelopes
Refer also to Machine Configurations in the Machine Overview section of this PTO and GP 15
for full paper specifications.

Paper Supply Configurations

The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 paper supply is available in the following configura-
tions, Figure 1:
• C8000/C9000 with built in paper tray 1 and 2.
• Stacked machine with paper tray 1 and 2 and 2 tray module (2TM).
• Stacked machine with paper tray 1 and 2 and tandem tray module (TTM).
• An optional envelope tray, PL 70.70, can be added in the position of tray 1.
• An optional 2000 sheet high capacity feeder (HCF), PL 70.75, can also be added to a
stacked machine. This would normally be used with a finisher. C8000 with tray 1,
tray 2, 2TM, HCF and
• All Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 machine configurations feature a bypass tray C8000/C9000 with tray 1, BR finisher
(Tray 5), PL 70.50. tray 2 and TTM
NOTE: The HCF can only be installed on machines configured with either a 2TM or TTM.

NOTE: Tray 2, Tray 3 (2TM) and Tray 4 (2TM) can carry a maximum size of SRA3 or
Figure 1 Example configurations
12x18 inches.

Paper Tray Functionality

• Paper Tray Elevation and Feeding: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Paper Size Detection
• No Paper Detection: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Remaining Paper Indication
• Sensors and Motors, Trays 1, 2, 3, 4 (including 2TM and TTM)
• Bypass Tray (Tray 5)
• High Capacity Feeder

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-25
Paper Tray Elevation and Feeding: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4
NOTE: The paper elevation mechanism is similar for trays 1, 2, 3 and 4 within the 2TM. The Tray 1 no paper sensor
TTM (trays 3 and 4) is different.

Paper Elevation - Trays 1 and 2 plus 3 and 4 within the 2TM. Tray 1 level sensor

Paper trays 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2TM only) have similar paper elevator systems that lift the paper
stack into the paper feed position. The paper feed side of a hinged bottom plate is raised by a Feed/lift motor
lift shaft until the paper stack is at the correct height to feed the top sheet of paper, Figure 2.
The tray drops mechanically when the tray is opened as the gears disengage. Gear train

Each paper tray has a level sensor and a no paper sensor. The sensors are monitored by the
Motor Drive PWB.

When any of the paper trays 1, 2, 3 or 4 are fully inserted into a powered on machine the state
of their tray level sensor is checked by the Motor Drive PWB. If the motor drive PWB detects a
High signal (3.3VDC) from the tray level sensor the control logic activates the feed/lift motor to
run. The motor elevates (via a gear train and lift shaft) the bottom plate and paper stack of the
tray up to the paper feed position. In the feed position the elevated paper stack actuates the
tray level sensor to signal Low. When the tray level sensor Low signal is detected by the motor
drive PWB the feed/lift motor begins to rotate in the feed (opposite) direction, driving the
nudger and feed rolls and thereby feeding the top sheet towards the takeaway rolls.

If, while the tray is elevated, the no paper sensor detects no paper (High, 3.3VDC), the control
logic stops the operation of the tray and notifies the user on the UI.
Feed roll Lift shaft
During paper feeding the tray level sensor is continuously monitored. When the tray level sen-
sor High is detected (3.3VDC), the control logic determines that it cannot feed the next sheet. Nudger roll Bottom plate
The feed/lift motor then begins rotating in the lift direction thereby, recommencing elevation of
the paper stack to the paper feed position, then the feed cycle begins again,
Figure 2 Tray 1 components
Refer to Figure 2.

• BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

• BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking
• BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
• BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)

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8-26 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Paper Elevation - Trays 3 and 4 (TTM only) When the last sheet feeds from the tray the tray no paper sensor actuator drops into an open-
ing in the paper tray elevator unblocking the tray no paper sensor (refer to Feedhead Compo-
Tray 3 and 4 (TTM) uses a bottom plate raised by a pulley and cable system. The bottom plate nents). This signals the control logic that the tray is empty and to display a (tray empty)
is supported by four cables which are raised as the feed/lift motor runs in the lift direction. The message on the UI, Refer to No Paper Detection: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4.
feed lift motor is a bi directional stepping motor.

When the tray is loaded and pushed into the machine, thereby actuating the paper size sensor
(see Paper Size Detection), the control logic commands the feed/lift motor to rotate in the lift Level sensor
direction. The motor provides drive to the cable and pulley system raising the stack. When the
stack actuates the level sensor to signal Low the motor stops, holding the paper stack in the
feed position. The tray level is maintained by a clutch. Refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4. Feed/lift motor

• BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)

• BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)

Level sensor

Feed/lift motor

No paper sensor

Pulley system with shaft connected

to front and rear lift cables

No paper sensor Figure 4 Tandem tray module tray 4

Pulley system with shaft connected

to front and rear lift cables

Figure 3 Tandem tray module tray 3

In the feed position the control logic directs the feed/lift motor to rotate in the feed direction.
When the height of the paper stack is no longer adequate to actuate the tray level sensor the
sensor signals High (3.3VDC) and the control logic directs the feed/lift motor to rotate in the lift
direction again.

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-27
Feedhead Components
The feedheads in trays 1 and 2 and trays 3 and 4 (in both the 2TM and the TTM) are similar.
Tray 1 feedhead is shown as a typical example.

The tray level sensor, no paper sensor and pre feed sensor are all integral to the feeder assem-
bly. The pre feed sensor is used to detect paper mis feeds and paper jams. Figure 5.

• BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

• BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking
• BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
• BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)
• BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)

Feed/lift motor

Tray level sensor

No paper sensor

No paper sensor actuator

Pre feed sensor

Figure 5 Tray 1 feedhead assembly

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8-28 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Paper Size Detection
Paper Size Detection - Trays 1 and 2, and Trays 3 and 4 (within the 2TM only).

NOTE: Paper size detection is similar for trays 1, 2, 3 and 4 within the 2TM. The TTM (3 and 4)
is different. Refer to Paper Size Detection - Trays 3 and 4 in the TTM.

Paper size is detected by a combination of switches mounted on the rear of the bay into which
the paper tray is installed. The switches are actuated by a slotted panel on the rear of the paper
tray. A lever system attached to the paper guides moves the slotted panel actuating the

The combination of on and off signals from the paper size switches changes an output voltage.
This output voltage is then converted from an analog to a digital value that is monitored by a
the Motor Drive PWB. The digital value indicates the size of the paper. Refer to BSDs listed
below for details.

Paper size detection is performed at power on and every 0.1 second thereafter. However, the
paper size sensor for a tray that has begun to feed paper is not monitored.

If a tray selected on the UI does not contain paper of the selected size, the machine will not
print using that tray. If an analog to digital value that is not appropriate for the size of paper in a
specific tray is detected the machine will not print using that tray.

The paper size switches within trays 1 and 2 and trays 3 and 4 of the 2TM operate in a similar
way. Figure 6 shows the position of the switch in tray 1 and 2; trays 3 and 4 of the 2TM are in a
similar location. The paper size switches in the TTM are different.

• BSD 70.1 Tray 1 Paper Size Sensing

• BSD 70.2 Tray 2 Paper Size Sensing
• BSD 70.3 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (2TM)
• BSD 70.5 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (2TM) Figure 6 Tray 1 paper size switch location

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-29
Paper Size Detection - Trays 3 and 4 in the TTM

The TTM paper size sensors contain two switches mounted on the rear of the bay into which
the tray is installed. Movement of the paper guides moves an actuator assembly on the rear of
the paper tray.

The actuator assembly consists of a black housing with two openings facing the switches. A
sheet of transparent film, mounted inside the housing, is moved by the paper guides. Holes in
the film align with the holes in the housing to either open or close the opening dependent on
the position of the paper guides. As the paper tray closes the combination of open or closed
openings actuate the switches.

The combination of the on and off states of the switches changes the output voltage which is
sensed by the Motor Drive PWB.

Paper size switch locations in the TTM are shown in Figure 7.

• BSD 70.4 Tray 3 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)

• BSD 70.6 Tray 4 Paper Size Sensing (TTM)

Paper size sensor

switches tray 3
Paper size sensor switches
tray 3

Figure 7 TTM paper size sensors

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8-30 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
No Paper Detection: Trays 1, 2, 3 and 4
NOTE: The no paper detection system is different on the High Capacity Feeder. No paper sensor
The no paper sensor detects if there is paper in the paper tray. The no paper sensors monitor
every 0.01 second while the machine is in operation and at standby. When the last sheet feeds
from the tray, the no paper sensor actuator drops into an opening in the paper tray bottom plate
and unblocks the no paper sensor. This signals to the control logic that the tray is empty and to
display a tray empty message on the UI.

If it is determined that a tray has no paper, the machine prohibits that tray from being used. If
no paper is detected during feed, the machine will finish with the paper that is being fed and
then stop. However, if the machine is in auto tray switch (ATS) mode and the same size of
paper is found in another tray, the machine will start to feed paper from that tray.

• BSD 70.8 Tray 1 Paper Stacking

• BSD 70.9 Tray 2 Paper Stacking
• BSD 70.10 Tray 3 Paper Stacking (2TM/TTM)
• BSD 70.11 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (2TM)
• BSD 70.12 Tray 4 Paper Stacking (TTM)
Refer to Figure 8 and Figure 9.

No paper sensor opening No paper sensor actuator

Figure 8 Tray 1 no paper sensor

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TTM no paper sensors

Figure 9 TTM no paper sensor

Remaining Paper Indication

The machine informs the user of the amount of paper in each tray at five levels: 100%, 75%,
50%, 25%, and 0%.

The calculation of the amount of paper in a paper tray by the control logic is dependent on the
time that elapses during elevation of the paper stack. The calculation is based on the time
taken from when the tray feed/lift motor begins to drive the lift plate, until the paper stack trig-
gers the tray level sensor On.

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8-32 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Sensors and Motors, Trays 1, 2, 3, 4 (including 2TM and TTM) Table 3 Tray 3 and 4 (TTM) Sensors and Motors
Component Fail Code
Table 1 Tray 1 and 2 Sensors and Motors
Tray 3 no paper sensor N/A
Component Fail Code
PL 80.50 Item 6
Tray 1 paper size sensor Tray 1 071-212 Tray 4 no paper sensor
Tray 2 paper size sensor Tray 2 072-212 PL 80.55 Item 6
PL 70.05 Item 3 Tray 3 level sensor Tray 3 073-210
PL 80.50 Item 6 Tray 4 074-210
Tray 1 no paper sensor N/A Tray 4 level sensor
PL 80.10 Item 8 PL 80.55 Item 6
Tray 2 no paper sensor Tray 3 feed/lift motor
PL 80.15 Item 7 PL 80.50 Item 9
Tray 1 level sensor Tray 1 071-210 Tray 4 feed/lift motor
PL 80.10 Item 8 Tray 2 072-210 PL 80.55 Item 9
Tray 2 level sensor Tray 3 pre-feed sensor
PL 80.15 Item 7 PL 80.50 Item 2
Tray 1 feed/lift motor Tray 4 feed out sensor
PL 80.10 Item 9 PL 80.60 Item 3
Tray 2 feed/lift motor
PL 80.15 Item 8 Transport Path Drawer Interlock (TTM only)

Table 2 Tray 3 and 4 (2TM) Sensors and Motors The transport path drawer interlock is a wire link across the connector on the rear of the TTM
Component Fail Code transport assembly, PL 80.40 Item 6. The connector is shown at PL 80.45 Item 12 described as
drawer harness. The mating connector is shown on PL 80.40 Item 7 attached to the tray 4
Tray 3 paper size sensor Tray 3 073-212
feedhead assembly.
Tray 4 paper size sensor Tray 4 074-212
PL 70.20 Item 12
A 3.3VDC signal is supplied from the Motor Drive PWB through the connector and back to the
Tray 3 no paper sensor N/A motor drive PWB. When the signal is Low the motor drive PWB detects that the TTM transport
Tray 4 no paper sensor assembly, PL 80.40 Item 6, is in the operational position. When the transport is pulled out for
PL 80.35 Item 5 jam clearance the connector separates the feed head and transport wiring.
Tray 3 level sensor Tray 3 073-210
Tray 4 level sensor Tray 4 074-210 The connector can only be accessed by removing the TTM from the machine and accessing
PL 80.35 Item 6 the transport assembly through the open top of the TTM. Refer to PL 70.35.
Tray 3 feed/lift motor
Tray 4 feed/lift motor Refer to BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport
PL 80.35 Item 11
Tray 3 feed out sensor
Tray 4 feed out sensor
PL 80.25 Item 4

Table 3 Tray 3 and 4 (TTM) Sensors and Motors

Component Fail Code
Tray 3 paper size sensor Tray 3 073-212
PL 70.35 Item 22 Tray 4 074-212
Tray 4 paper size sensor
PL 80.40 Item 13

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-33
Bypass Tray (Tray 5)
The bypass tray is located on the left side of the IOT below the left cover assembly.
Retard roll
The bypass tray has a no paper sensor, PL 70.55 Item 5 actuated by a flag when paper is
inserted. The Motor Drive PWB continually monitors the no paper sensor, a High signal
(3.3VDC) indicates no paper. When the signal goes Low the control logic determines that Nudger roll
paper has been inserted.
Retard roll
Refer to BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking

The bypass tray has an analogue paper size sensor, PL 70.55 Item 1. The sensor is actuated
by a link, PL 70.55 Item 2. The link is driven by a gear actuated by the paper width guides. The
Motor Drive PWB monitors the position of the paper size sensor and references a list of paper
sizes stored in NVM.

Refer to BSD 70.7 Bypass Tray Paper Size Sensing

The bypass tray has a bypass tray nudger position sensor, PL 80.120 Item 2. The sensor is
actuated when the bypass tray nudger roll, PL 80.120 Item 8, is lifted by the paper stack. The
Motor Drive PWB monitors the nudger position sensor, a Low signal indicates the nudger roll
has been lifted by paper.

Refer to BSD 70.13 Bypass Tray Paper Sensing and Stacking Bypass tray no paper
When paper is loaded into the bypass tray the motor drive PWB detects a High signal Bypass tray nudger position sensor
(3.3VDC) from the bypass tray no paper sensor and the control logic activates the feed/lift
Bypass tray paper size sensor
motor, PL 80.120 Item 1 to run. The motor elevates the tray (via a gear train and lift shaft) and Bypass tray feed/lift motor
paper stack acting on a link attached to the base of the tray. When the paper stack actuates the
bypass tray nudger position sensor the control logic deactivates the feed/lift motor. When paper
is requested from the bypass tray the feed/lift motor operates in the feed direction. If feeding
the paper causes the bypass tray nudger position sensor to go High (3.3VDC) the control logic Figure 10 Bypass tray components
runs the feed/lift motor again in the lift direction until the stack is detected once more.
For detailed media information refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
Refer to Figure 10.
Table 4 Tray 5 (Bypass Tray) Sensors and Motors
Fail Code
Bypass tray paper size sensor None
PL 70.55 Item 1
Bypass tray no paper sensor N/A
PL 70.55 Item 5
Bypass tray nudger position sensor 075-212
PL 80.120 Item 2
Bypass tray feed/lift motor
PL 80.120 Item 1
Bypass tray feed out sensor
PL 80.115 Item 1

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8-34 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
High Capacity Feeder
The High Capacity Feeder (HCF) is primarily loaded with 8.5x11 or A4 paper. The capacity of
the HCF is 2000 sheets of 80gsm (20lb) paper.

For detailed media information refer to GP 15 Paper and Media Size Specifications.

High Capacity Feeder: Sensors and Interlocks

During jam clearance the operator may need to slide the HCF to the left, away from the
machine. The HCF docking interlock switch, PL 70.95 Item 8, detects if the HCF is in the home
position (against the left side of the machine) following jam clearance.

Refer to PL 70.90 Item 26. The HCF transport cover interlock switch cuts +24VDC power to the
K1 relay on the HCF PWB, PL 70.95 Item 9, when opened, turning off the HCF feed/lift motor,
PL 80.100 Item 23, and the takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7.

The HCF tray set sensor, PL 70.75 Item 3, detects that the HCF tray is in the operating posi-
tion. This prevents the HCF feed/lift motor from operating with the drawer open, Figure 12.
Transport cover
Refer to Figure 11. interlock switch

• BSD 1.12 DC Power Distribution HCF

• BSD 70.16 HCF Paper Size Sensing and Tray Set
• BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking

Docking interlock switch

Figure 11 HCF interlocks

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-35
High Capacity Feeder: Loading and Size Sensing High Capacity Feeder: Tray Lift Operation

When the HCF tray is pulled out to load paper the lift gear is separated from the drive gear and When the HCF tray is pushed in and actuates the HCF tray set sensor, PL 70.75 Item 3, Figure
the tray is free to fall to the bottom position. A torque limiter on the lift shaft slows the fall of the 12, the following sequence of events occurs:
paper tray to prevent damage to feeder components. 1. The nudger roll, PL 80.105 Item 23, is lowered.
2. The HCF feed/lift motor switches, PL 80.100 Item 23, on and rotates CCW to lift the tray
Size sensing is determined by the HCF paper sensor A (letter), PL 70.95 Item 13, and the HCF through a pulley and cable arrangement.
size sensor B (A4), PL 70.95 Item 13. The paper tray guides actuate the size sensors, Figure
3. Lift continues until the paper stack reaches and lifts the nudger roll, deactuating the HCF
12 and Table 5. A combination of ON/OFF states of sensor A and sensor B indicate the loaded
level sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19.
paper size.
4. The HCF feed/lift motor switches off.
Refer to: Refer to Figure 13 and BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking.
• Figure 12
• Table 5
• BSD 70.16 HCF Paper Size Sensing and Tray Set HCF feed lift motor

HCF level sensor

HCF size sensor
B. (A4)
HCF size sensor HCF no paper
A. (letter) sensor

HCF tray set sensor


Figure 12 HCF tray in and paper size sensors

Pulley and cable
Nudger roll
Table 5 Paper size by sensor state
Tray Paper Size Sensor
Paper Size
Sensor B (A4) Sensor A (Letter) Figure 13 HCF level sensor
B5 LEF or 7.25x10.5 inch LEF OFF OFF
8.5x11 inch (letter) LEF OFF ON

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8-36 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
High Capacity Feeder: Remaining Paper Calculation
The control logic calculates the amount of paper that remains in the HCF tray by the time it
takes for the paper stack to deactuate the HCF level sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19, Figure 13. The
value is then displayed on the UI for operator information. Refer to Table 6 for the time/quantity

If the HCF is empty, the HCF no paper sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19, will actuate, and a Tray
Empty message will display.

Refer to Figure 13 and BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking.

Table 6 Time/quantity relationship

Paper Remaining Lift Time (msec)
25% 8798-11526
50% 6068-8797
75% 3338-6067
FULL 0-3337

Table 7 Tray 5 HCF Sensors and Motors

HCF paper sensor A4

HCF paper sensor Letter
PL 70.95 Item 11
HCF tray set sensor
PL 70.75 Item 3
HCF takeaway motor
PL 70.95 Item 7
HCF feed/lift motor
PL 80.100 Item 23
HCF level sensor
HCF no paper sensor
PL 80.105 Item 19
HCF prefeed sensor
PL 80.105 Item 20
HCF feedout sensor
PL 70.90 Item 25

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-37
Paper Transport
Paper Transport Overview
NOTE: Paper feed from trays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the HCF is discussed in the Paper Supply sec-
tion, as are the functions of the paper trays' paper size sensors, level sensors, no paper sen-
sors, and feed/lift motors.

The purpose of the paper transport system is to take a sheet of media from any of the various
paper trays and then deliver that media un-skewed to the point of xerographic transfer. Refer to
Xerographics Overview for details on the xerographic process, Fuser Overview for details on
fusing and Print Transportation Overview for post fuser print transportation.

Takeaway Rolls and Drives

Each individual paper tray with the exception of tray 3 and 4 of the TTM has an associated
takeaway roll that takes over transportation of media fed via the paper feeder and then drives
that media along the paper path towards the registration nip rolls. The TTM tray 4 has a trans-
port assembly that transports the paper across the top of tray 3 to a combined takeaway roll for
the TTM unit.

Tray 1 and Tray 2. Refer to Figure 1 or Figure 2.

• Tray 1 takeaway roll. Driven by takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
Refer to BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport
• Takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7. Driven by takeaway motor 2, PL 80.95 Item 17.
Refer to BSD 80.4 Tray 2 Paper Transport
Two tray module (2TM). Refer to Figure 1.
• 2TM upper takeaway roll, PL 80.25 Item 1, the upper takeaway roll serves tray 3 and tray
4. Driven by 2TM takeaway motor assembly, PL 80.30 Item 1.
Refer to BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport
• 2TM lower takeaway roll, PL 80.25 Item 1, the lower takeaway roll serves tray 4 only.
Driven by 2TM takeaway motor assembly, PL 80.30 Item 1.
Refer to BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport
Tandem tray module (TTM). Refer to Figure 2.
• TTM takeaway roll, PL 80.40 Item 10, serves tray 3 and 4. Driven by TTM takeaway motor
assembly, PL 80.45 Item 3.
Refer to BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport
• TTM tray 4 transport assembly, PL 80.40 Item 6, transports the paper from tray 4 across
the top of tray 3 to the TTM takeaway roll.
Refer to BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport
The TTM transport assembly, PL 80.60, contains the following
– Transport roll assembly, PL 80.60 Item 7. Driven by TTM takeaway motor assembly,
PL 80.45 Item 3.
– Transport roll, PL 80.60 Item 8. Driven by TTM takeaway motor assembly, PL 80.45
Item 3.
Bypass tray. Refer to Figure 1 or Figure 2.
• Bypass tray takeaway roll, driven by takeaway motor 1, PL 80.95 Item 5.
Refer to BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport

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8-38 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Registration transport
assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1

Registration sensor,
PL 80.80 Item 2
Tray 1 pre-feed sensor,
PL 80.10 Item 4

Bypass tray feed out sensor,

PL 80.115 Item 1 Tray 2 pre-feed sensor,
PL 80.15 Item 4

Takeaway roll assembly

upper (2TM) PL 80.25 Item 1
Tray 1 takeaway Tray 3 pre-feed sensor,
PL 80.50 Item 2
Bypass tray takeaway roll,
PL 70.50 Item 4 Tray 4 feed out sensor,
PL 80.25 Item 4

Takeaway roll 2, PL
80.90 Item 7

Tray 4 pre-feed sensor,

PL 80.35 Item 10

Takeaway roll assembly lower (2TM),

PL 80.25 Item 1

Tray 3 feed out sensor,

PL 80.25 Item 4

Figure 1 Paper path from 2TM configuration

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-39
Registration transport assembly,
PL 80.90 Item 1

Registration sensor,
PL 80.80 Item 2 Tray 1 pre-feed sensor,
PL 80.10 Item 4

Bypass tray feed out sensor,

PL 80.115 Item 1
Tray 2 pre-feed sensor,
PL 80.15 Item 4

Tray 1 takeaway

Bypass tray takeaway roll,

PL 70.50 Item 4 Feed out sensor 3,
PL 80.40 Item 16

Takeaway roll 2,
PL 80.90 Item 7 Tray 4 pre-feed sensor,
PL 80.55 Item 2

Feed out sensor 4,

PL 80.60 Item 3
Transport roll (TTM),
Tray 3 pre-feed sensor, PL 80.60 Item 8
PL 80.50 Item 2

Transport roll assembly (TTM),

Takeaway roll assembly (TTM), PL 80.60 Item 7
PL 80.40 Item 10

Figure 2 Paper path from TTM configuration

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8-40 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Paper Transport to Registration Transport Assembly 3. triggers feed out sensor 4, PL 80.60 Item 3,dC330 code 074-103
Refer to Paper Supply for details of paper tray operation. Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2. 4. passes through TTM transport roll assembly, PL 80.60 Item 7
5. passes through the TTM takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.40 Item 10
• Paper from tray 1: 6. triggers feed out sensor 3, PL 80.40 Item 16, dC330 code 073-103
1. triggers the tray 1 pre feed sensor, PL 80.10 Item 4, dC330 code 071-105 7. passes through takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7
2. passes through the tray 1 takeaway roll 8. passes through the bypass tray takeaway roll, PL 70.50 Item 4
3. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103 9. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103
4. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 10. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1
• Paper from tray 2: • Paper from the bypass tray:
1. triggers the tray 2 pre feed sensor, PL 80.15 Item 4, dc330 code 072-105 1. passes through the bypass tray takeaway roll, PL 70.50 Item 4
2. passes through takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7 2. triggers the bypass tray feed out sensor, PL 80.115 Item 1, dC330 code 077-104
3. passes through the bypass tray takeaway roll, PL 70.50 Item 4 3. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103
4. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103 4. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1
5. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1 Refer to:
• Paper from 2TM tray 3: • BSD 80.3 Tray 1 and Bypass Tray Paper Transport
1. triggers the tray 3 pre feed sensor, PL 80.35 Item 10, dC330 code 073-105 • BSD 80.4 Tray 2 Paper Transport
2. passes through the 2TM upper takeaway roll, PL 80.25 Item 1 • BSD 80.5 2TM Paper Transport
3. triggers tray 3 feed out sensor 3, PL 80.25 Item 4, dC330 code 073-103 • BSD 80.6 TTM Paper Transport
4. passes through takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7
5. passes through the bypass tray takeaway roll, PL 70.50 Item 4
6. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103
7. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1
• Paper from 2TM tray 4:
1. triggers the tray 4 prefeed sensor, PL 80.35 Item 10, dC330 code 074-105
2. passes through 2TM lower takeaway roll, PL 80.25 Item 1
3. triggers tray 4 feed out sensor, PL 80.25 Item 4
4. passes through 2TM upper takeaway roll, PL 80.25 Item 1
5. triggers tray 3 feed out sensor, PL 80.25 Item 4, dC330 code 073-103
6. passes through takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7
7. passes through the bypass tray takeaway roll, PL PL 70.50 Item 4
8. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103
9. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1
• Paper from TTM tray 3
1. triggers tray 3 pre-feed sensor, PL 80.50 Item 2
2. passes through the TTM takeaway roll assembly, PL 80.40 Item 10
3. triggers feed out sensor 3, PL 80.40 Item 16, dC330 code 073-103
4. passes through takeaway roll 2, PL 80.90 Item 7
5. passes through the bypass tray takeaway roll, PL 70.50 Item 4
6. triggers the registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, dC330 code 077-103
7. passes into the Registration Transport Assembly, PL 80.90 Item 1
• Paper from TTM tray 4:
1. triggers tray 4 pre-feed sensor, PL 80.55 Item 2, dC330 code 074-105
2. passes through TTM transport roll, PL 80.60 Item 8

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-41
Registration Transport Assembly Duplex Transport
The registration roll is driven by the registration motor, PL 80.95 Item 4. As the registration roll The duplex paper path reverses the direction of travel, enabling side 2 printing. The duplex rolls
receives the paper fed from the paper trays a buckle is formed in each sheet as it reaches the are driven by the duplex motor, PL 80.75 Item 10. The duplex motor is controlled by the Motor
registration nip to remove any skew. At this point there is a small delay for sheet scheduling. Drive PWB with an encoder signal monitored by the motor drive PWB.
After this time has expired the registration roll is run to transport the sheet to the Intermediate
Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit. The duplex transport fans are controlled by the Motor Drive PWB.

The registration motor is controlled by the Motor Drive PWB with an encoder signal monitored Duplex rolls
by the motor drive PWB. • Upper duplex roll assembly, PL 80.55 Item 9.
• Mid duplex roll assembly, PL 80.75 Item 22.
The registration sensor is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. When paper is sensed the 5VDC
• Lower duplex roll assembly, PL 80.75 Item 23.
signal from the sensor goes LOW generating code 077-103.
Refer to Figure 4 and BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport.
Registration Heater
The purpose of the registration heater is to prevent dew condensation inside the printer. ON/
OFF control of the registration heater is determined by temperature and humidity values from
Temperature/Humidity (No.2, Internal) Sensor.

The registration heater is designed for use in environments with wide variations in temperature
and humidity. Upper duplex roll
• NVM 741-335 activates the registration heater control based on the temperature inside
the printer. Default value 0 = activation disabled. 1 = activation enabled.
• The registration heater starts working when temperature from Temperature/Humidity
(No.2, Internal) Sensor is lower than threshold value and stops working when temperature
from the internal sensor rises beyond the threshold value. Mid duplex roll
Refer to Figure 3 and BSD 80.9 Registration.

Lower duplex roll


Figure 4 Duplex transport assembly

Registration heater Registration sensor

Figure 3 Registration transport

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-42 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
High Capacity Feeder: Paper Feed
1. The HCF feed/lift motor, PL 80.100 Item 23, switches on in a clockwise direction, rotating HCF level sensor HCF feed lift motor
the nudger roll and feed rolls.
2. The top sheet feeds into the nip of the feed roll, PL 80.105 Item 22, and retard roll, PL
80.110 Item 1, actuating the HCF pre feed sensor, PL 80.105 Item 19; this turns on the
takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7.
Takeaway motor
3. Paper continues to advance, actuating the HCF feed out sensor, PL.
4. The takeaway motor, PL 70.95 Item 7, rotates the takeaway rolls, PL 70.90 Item 18, trans-
porting the sheet to the takeaway rolls in the IOT's takeaway (vertical) transport.
5. When the trail edge of the paper clears the HCF feed out sensor, PL 70.90 Item 25, a
timed interval begins after which the takeaway motor switches off.
6. As paper continues to feed from the paper stack, the HCF level sensor, PL 80.105 Item
19, will de actuate, causing a lift cycle. The HCF lift/feed motor will switch off to stop feed-
ing, then begin rotating counter clockwise to lift the paper stack, causing the feed cycle to Feed roll
begin again.
Refer to Figure 5.
HCF feed
• BSD 70.17 HCF Paper Stacking out sensor
• BSD 80.7 HCF Paper Feeding
• BSD 80.8 HCF Paper Transportation

Retard rolls Takeaway rolls HCF pre-feed sensor

Figure 5 HCF paper feed

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-43
Xerographics Overview
The Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 printer employ a four-color, intermediate belt trans- Toner cartridges
fer print engine which utilizes the xerographic process described below:
1. Charge: A negative charge is uniformly distributed over the surface of each of the four
photoreceptor drums by a dedicated bias charge roll (BCR). The BCR is a part of the
drum assembly, PL 90.15. Refer to LED Print Head (LPH).
2. Expose: Each color-specific LED Print Head (LPH), PL 60.05, creates a latent image on
the Photoreceptor Drum Assembly for the specific color by exposing it with light emitted
from a semiconductor LED.
3. Develop: Toner is transported from the color-specific Toner Cartridges, PL 90.10, via the
dispenser, to the corresponding Developer Units, PL 90.05, then via a magnetic developer
roll onto the Photoreceptor Drum Assembly, PL 90.15. The toner particles are attracted to
the latent image formed on the photoreceptor drum by the exposure process.
4. Transfer: The 1st Bias Transfer roll (1st BTR), one for each color, transfers the toner
image from each photoreceptor drum to the Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit to build
up the color image. The 2nd Bias Transfer (2nd BTR) then transfers the image from the
IBT assembly to the surface of the paper. The four 1st bias transfer rollers are within the
IBT assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. The 2nd bias transfer roller is within the left cover trans-
port, PL 80.70 Item 5.
5. Clean: Waste toner is removed from the surface of each Photoreceptor Drum Assembly
and the Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit by independent cleaning mechanisms, then
transported to a waste toner bottle for periodic emptying, PL 90.15 Item 1. Refer to Drum IBT unit
Cartridge and Transfer Belt Cleaning. Drum assemblies Developer assemblies
NOTE: The print engine employs the “Write Black” xerography principle; when developing
the image, the discharged areas of the photoreceptor drum attract toner.

The print engine uses the following components in the xerographic process.
• Toner Cartridge (customer replaceable unit), PL 90.10. Refer to Toner Cartridges for Figure 1 Main xerographic components
• Toner dispenser assembly, PL 90.10. Refer to Toner Dispenser Assemblies for details
• LED Print Head (LPH) PL 60.05. Refer to LED Print Head (LPH) for details
• Developer unit, PL 90.05. Refer to Developer Units for details
• Drum cartridge (customer replaceable unit), PL 90.15. Refer to Photoreceptor Drum
Assembly for details
• Intermediate belt transfer unit (IBT) containing the transfer belt and 1st BTR, PL 90.30.
Refer to Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit and 1st Bias Transfer for details.
• 2nd BTR (customer replaceable unit), PL 80.70 Item 5. Refer to 2nd Bias Transfer for
• Bias Charge Roll HVPS PWB, PL 1.20 Item 4.
• Bias Transfer Roll HVPS PWB, PL 1.05 Item 1.
Figure 1 shows the main xerographic components as viewed from the front of the machine,
with the waste toner bottle removed.

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-44 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Toner Cartridges LED Print Head (LPH)
The toner cartridges, PL 25.05 are customer replaceable units (CRU). The larger black toner Exposure of the image on the drums is achieved using a dedicated LED print head (LPH), one
cartridge carries a higher capacity of toner than the yellow, cyan and magenta cartridges due to for each color, C, M, Y and K, PL 60.05.
the expected higher use of black toner.
The LED printheads are controlled by the Controller (ESS) PWB via the Back Plane PWB and
Refer to BSD 90.8 Toner Dispense Control the Halftone PWB.

Toner Cartridge Life Control The LEDs are switched on and off based on the image density data from the Controller (ESS)
The toner cartridge does not include a toner empty sensor. Toner level is monitored by a com- PWB. Light from the LED is directed onto the surface of the photoreceptor. The regions of the
bination of feedback from the automatic toner control (ATC) sensor, PL 90.05 Item 14, and pixel photoreceptor that are exposed by the LED become discharged, forming the electrostatic
counting. The machine monitors toner level and informs the user when it reaches these states: latent image that attracts the toner.
• Pre-Near End-of-Life: the toner cartridge is approximately 25% full.
Refer to:
• Near End-of-Life: the dispense motor is on but the ATC sensor detects no increase in
• BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M
toner in the drum cartridge.
• BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
• End-of-Life: the ATC sensor detects no toner in the drum cartridge. The machine hard
stops at this point. The ATC sensors are within the Developer Units. Developer Units
• BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M) The four developer units, PL 90.05, are engineer replaceable units (ERU). The machine will
• BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K) stop operation when developer unit end of life is reached and will generate a fault code. Refer
to the HFSI data in dC135 for developer unit life span.
NOTE: The toner cartridge is a CRU and is not serviceable.
Toner is supplied from each of the toner cartridges to the corresponding photoreceptor drum by
Toner Cartridge CRUM
the Toner Dispenser Assemblies, the augers and developer rolls. The rotation of the augers
The toner cartridges are each equipped with customer replaceable unit monitor (CRUM). The
mixes the toner and carrier beads which make up the developer mixture. The mixing process
CRUM monitors and stores information about the customer replaceable unit (CRU). The infor- produces an electrostatic charge on the toner.
mation stored in the CRUM is used to:
• Monitor CRU usage (total number of copies/prints). Each developer roll has a magnetic core which causes a brush composed of developer mixture
• Indicate how near the CRU is to the end of its life. to form at its surface similar to the way iron filings stand up on the surface of a magnet. The
• Prevent the installation and use of an unauthorized or incorrect CRU (CRUM checks for height of the brush is controlled by the trimmer blade. The developer brush contacts the photo-
Xerox trademark on the CRU). receptor drum and the toner is attracted from the brush to the latent image formed by exposure
to the LPH, that is, to the areas that have a reduced charge. The carrier material and any
• Indicate that a new CRU has been installed.
excess toner not attracted to the drum falls back into the developer reservoir where it is mixed
• BSD 90.5 Toner Cartridge Life Control (Y, M)
back into the developer mixture by the continued movement of the augers.
• BSD 90.6 Toner Cartridge Life Control (C, K)
The CRUM consists of two components - a CRUM reader and a CRUM PWB. The CRUM PWB Toner concentration, the amount of toner to carrier material in the developer mixture, is con-
is mounted at the rear of the toner cartridge. trolled by an automatic toner control system. The automatic toner control (ATC) sensor on each
developer, PL 90.05 Item 14, feeds data back to the Motor Drive PWB. As toner is used up in
Toner Dispenser Assemblies the printing process the developer level rises and more toner is added from the toner cartridge
Each toner cartridge is installed in a toner dispenser, PL 90.10. Toner is transported from the until the ATC sensor detects the designated toner concentration.
toner cartridge to each developer. The four dispensers are driven by the dispense motor
The ATC system allows for calculation of toner usage to calculate the remaining toner level.
assembly, PL 90.10 Item 1. There is one dispense motor for each color within the toner dis-
pense motor assembly. The toner dispense motors are controlled by the Motor Drive PWB. This is described in the Toner Cartridges section.

A developer bias voltage that is applied to the developer roll controls the development process
Refer to BSD 90.8 Toner Dispense Control
and thereby controls the amount of toner applied to the drum. The developer bias voltage is
modified based on the user's selections on the UI. Darker images require a greater amount of
charge to be applied than lighter images. The high voltages required by each developer unit to
energize the developer rolls are provided by the Developer Bias HVPS PWB.

The mechanical drive for each of the four developer units is provided by the Main Drive Assem-

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-45
Refer to Figure 2. Photoreceptor Drum Assembly
The C8000/C9000 contains four drums, one for each color K,C,M and Y. PL 90.15. The drums
• BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control
are customer replaceable units, (CRU). The machine will stop operation when end of life is
• BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control reached and generate a fault code. A message on the UI will inform the customer to replace
• BSD 90.13 Development Y the cartridge. Refer to the HFSI data in dC135 for drum assembly life span.
• BSD 90.14 Development M
Each of the four drum cartridges contains the following components:
• BSD 90.15 Development C
• Photoreceptor drum
• BSD 90.16 Development K
• Bias charge roll (BCR)
• Drum cartridge CRUM
• Waste toner auger
Refer to:
• BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control
• BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control
• BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)
• BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)
Bias Charge Roll
WIthin each of the four drum cartridges a bias charge roll (BCR) is in constant contact with and
rotates with the photoreceptor drum. It applies a uniform DC voltage charge superimposed with
AC voltage on the surface of the photoreceptor, preparing it to be exposed by the LED print
head (LPH).

The surface of the drum is a light-sensitive, dispersion undercoat (DUC) membrane. After the
photoreceptor's surface receives a uniform charge from the bias charge roller, the LPH
exposes (discharges) the image areas.

Drum Cartridge (Power)

The high voltages required by the drum cartridge for charging are provided by the Bias Charge

Refer to Figure 3.

• BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y

• BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M
• BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C
• BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K
Figure 2 Developer operation

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-46 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Drum Cartridge CRUM
NOTE: The drum cartridge is a CRU and is not serviceable.

The drum cartridge is equipped with customer replaceable unit monitor (CRUM). A CRUM
monitors and stores information about the customer replaceable unit (CRU). The information
stored in the CRUM is used to:
• Monitor CRU usage (total number of copies/prints)
• Indicate how near the CRU is to the end of its life.
• Prevent the installation and use of an unauthorized or incorrect CRU (CRUM checks for
Xerox trademark on the CRU)
• Indicate that a new CRU has been installed
The CRUM consists of two components - a CRUM reader and a CRUM PWB. The CRUM PWB
is mounted at the rear of the drum cartridge.

Refer to:
• BSD 90.3 Drum Life Control (Y, M)
• BSD 90.4 Drum Life Control (C, K)

Figure 3 Photoreceptor drum charging

Drum Cartridge (Drive)

The mechanical drives for the drums are driven by two motors.
• Drum assembly K, PL 90.15 Item 2 - driven by drum/developer (K)/IBT motor, PL 40.05
Item 14.
• Cyan, magenta and yellow drums.
– Drum assembly C, PL 90.15 Item 3 - driven by drum/developer (C,M,Y) motor PL
40.05 Item 13.
– Drum assembly M, PL 90.15 Item 4 - driven by drum/developer (C,M,Y) motor PL
40.05 Item 13.
– Drum assembly Y, PL 90.15 Item 5 - driven by drum/developer (C,M,Y) motor PL
40.05 Item 13.
The drum waste toner auger is driven by the same motor as the drum via a separate gear and

Refer to Main Drive Paths.

• BSD 90.1 K Drum/Developer and IBT Drive Control

• BSD 90.2 YMC Drum and Developer Drive Control

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-47
Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit
The Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) unit is an engineer replaceable unit (ERU). The IBT unit
contains the transfer belt and four 1st Bias Transfer Rolls (1st BTR) to facilitate the first image
transfer from all four photoreceptor drums. Refer to the HFSI data in dC135 for IBT unit life
span. Paper path

The four colors of toner are transferred to the belt in four layers in the order Y, M, C and K. the
belt then transfers the four colors of toner to the paper at 2nd Bias Transfer before the paper is
transported to the fusing module (see Fuser Overview). 2nd bias transfer - transfer to paper

First bias transfer (1st Bias Transfer) refers to the process of transfer to the belt. Second bias
transfer (2nd Bias Transfer) refers to transfer from the belt to the paper. Therefore there is one
1st BTR for each color. The transfer to the paper is performed by the 2nd bias transfer roll.
In the case of 1st bias transfer the bias transfer roller carries a charge that has a greater elec-
trostatic attraction than the charge that is holding the image on the drum. This means that the
toner particles are drawn away from the drum to the belt as the belt passes between the BTR
and the drum.

The 1st bias transfer process continues for each of the four colors until the four toner colors are
on the belt together. The process is then repeated, at 2nd bias transfer, to transfer the image
from the belt to the paper.
Belt cleaning
The belt is then cleaned before repeating the cycle. Refer to Drum Cartridge and Transfer Belt Four colors on belt at this position

Mechanical drive for the IBT units is provided by the drum/developer (K)/IBT motor, PL 40.05 1st bias transfer in four positions
Item 14 via the drum drive housing assembly PL 40.05 Item 9.

Refer to Figure 4.
Figure 4 Image transfer process

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-48 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
1st Bias Transfer Fuser unit drive motor
The toner image is transferred first from the Photoreceptor Drum Assembly to the surface of
the IBT belt by the 1st bias transfer roll (1st BTR). The 1st BTR is constructed of a metal shaft
surrounded by a soft, conductive urethane roll which is given a positive charge. Power for the
charge on the 1st BTR is supplied by the Bias Transfer Roll HVPS PWB. As the photoreceptor 1st BTR contact retract
and BTR rotate together, the positive charge of the BTR attracts the negative charge of the
toner from the photoreceptor drum to the transfer belt. This process is repeated for all four col-
ors to build up the image on the transfer belt. The four 1st bias transfer rolls are part of the IBT
belt assembly, PL 90.30 Item 1. 1st BTR contact retract
Refer to BSD 90.18 Image Transfer to IBT

IBT Unit greyscale and full-color mode switching

In order to reduce wear on the cyan, yellow and magenta photoreceptor drums the 1st BTR
rollers are retracted from the C, M and Y drums when operating in greyscale modes. The Motor
Drive PWB operates the 1st BTR contact retract clutch, PL 40.05 Item 20. The clutch allows
drive from the fuser unit drive motor, PL 40.05 Item 19, to the 1st BTR contact/retract cam
which moves the 1st bias transfer roll (C, M, and Y only) away from the belt. The BTR contact/
retract sensor, PL 40.05 Item 11, is monitored by the motor drive PWB to monitor the state of
the 1st BTR rolls. The sensor monitors one of the 1st bias transfer rolls and implies the state of
the other two.

There is a single drive from the fuser unit drive motor with a signal contact retract clutch.
Beyond the clutch the drive splits to drive the individual cams for the C, M and Y bias transfer Contact retract cams
rollers. Refer to Main Drive Paths.

Refer to Figure 4 and Figure 5 and BSD 90.17 1st BTR Contact/retract

Figure 5 First BTR contact/retract mechanism

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-49
2nd Bias Transfer Paper on Belt Jam Sensor
The toner image is transferred from the Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit to the surface of The paper on belt jam sensor, PL 80.80 Item 9, detects paper in the path from the Intermediate
the paper using the 2nd bias transfer roll (2nd BTR), PL 80.70 Item 5. The 2nd BTR is con- Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit to the fuser (Fuser Overview). The sensor is monitored by the Motor
structed of a metal shaft surrounded by a soft, conductive urethane roll which is given a posi- Drive PWB. When the sensor detects High (3.3VDC) the control logic determines a detack fail-
tive charge. Power for the charge is suppled by the Bias Transfer Roll HVPS PWB. As the ure. Detack failure indicates that the paper has left the paper path and is jammed on the IBT
transfer belt and paper pass between the 2nd BTR and the belt the positive charge of the 2nd unit. The IBT unit is stopped and code 077-110 is logged.
BTR attracts the negatively charged toner to the paper.
Refer to Figure 7 and BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper.
The paper is released from the transfer belt by the detack saw. A voltage is applied to the
detack saw to eliminate the charge on the paper and allow it to release from the belt. If the
detack saw fails to separate the paper from the belt the Paper on Belt Jam Sensor detects the

Figure 6 shows the IBT belt and the 2nd bias transfer roll. The tension roll and other IBT com-
ponents inside the belt have been removed for clarity.
Refer to BSD 90.19 Image Transfer to Paper
Paper on belt jam sensor

IBT belt assembly

Paper on belt jam sensor

Registration rollers

Detack saw

Figure 7 Paper on belt jam sensor

2nd BTR housing assembly 2nd bias transfer roll IBT belt

Figure 6 Second transfer

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-50 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Drum Cartridge and Transfer Belt Cleaning
As each of the four photoreceptor drums rotate (Photoreceptor Drum Assembly) their surfaces
are cleaned by the cleaning blade. A waste toner auger within the drum cartridge carries the
waste toner and developer particles away from the cleaning blade to the waste toner transport
assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1. The waste toner transport assembly transports the waste to the
waste toner bottle assembly, PL 90.15 Item 6. The waste toner bottle assembly contains an
auger to carry the waste toner away from the point where it enters from the waste toner trans-
port assembly.

The Intermediate Belt Transfer (IBT) Unit is cleaned by the IBT belt cleaner assembly, PL 90.30
Item 2. Waste toner is transported by an auger to the front of the IBT belt cleaner assembly into
the waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1. The waste toner from the belt joins the
waste from the drums and is transported into the waste toner bottle assembly, PL 90.15 Item 6.

Drives. (See also Main Drives.)

• The drum cartridge aguers are driven by the drum/developer motors, PL 40.05 Item 13,
and PL 40.05 Item 14.
• The auger within the waste toner bottle assembly is driven by the agitator motor assem-
bly, PL 90.20 Item 9.
• The waste toner transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1, is driven by a drive from the agitator
motor assembly, PL 90.20 Item 1 and PL 90.20 Item 2.
• The IBT cleaning assembly, PL 90.30 Item 2, is driven by a drive from the waste toner
transport assembly, PL 90.15 Item 1.
• Waste toner bottle full sensor, PL 90.20 Item 6. This sensor detects the fill level of the
waste toner bottle in three levels, full, near full and pre near full.
• Waste toner bottle position sensor, PL 90.20 Item 7. This sensor detects that the waste
tone bottle is in position.
• The waste toner bottle sensors are monitored by the Motor Drive PWB.
Refer to Figure 8 and BSD 90.20 Waste Toner Disposal.

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-51
IBT belt cleaner assembly

Waste toner bottle

position sensor

Waste toner bottle full sensor

Waste toner transport assembly

Drive shaft to waste toner transport assembly

Transporter assembly auger

Waste toner bottle auger

Waste is transferred from the waste

NOTE: The IBT belt and the IBT belt cleaner toner transport assembly to the waste Waste toner bottle assembly
assemblies are not shown in this illustration. toner bottle at this point

Figure 8 Drum and IBT cleaning

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-52 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Process Control
Process control maintains image quality by compensating for changes in temperature and
IBT belt assembly
humidity and the aging of machine components. In part, this involves controlling the charge
potential of the Bias Charge Roll and the light output from the LED Print Head (LPH). Image
quality deterioration also occurs as the photoconductive layer on the Photoreceptor Drum
Assembly wears with increased use.
IBT belt
Process control uses inputs from the:
• Environment sensors (refer to Temperature and Humidity Detection).
• Automatic toner control (ATC) sensor, PL 90.05 Item 14, one each for K, C, M, Y (refer to
Developer Units).
• Marks on belt (MOB) sensor, PL 90.30 Item 10, PL 90.30 Item 12.
• Automatic density control (ADC) sensor, PL 90.30 Item 11.
The internal temperature/humidity sensor, PL 90.30 Item 9, monitors the environmental condi-
tions inside the machine.

Automatic Toner Control Sensors

The ATC sensors, PL 90.05 Item 14 (one within each of the Developer Units), monitor the toner
concentration inside the developer. The ATC system is described in the developer units section 1st BTR transport Drums 4
and hereafter in Automatic Toner Control (ATC) Sensor Check. rolls 4 positions positions IBT belt cleaner assembly

Refer to:
Location of MOB sensors, ADC sensor and
• BSD 90.13 Development Y
internal temperature/humidity sensor
• BSD 90.14 Development M
• BSD 90.15 Development C
• BSD 90.16 Development K
Figure 9 MOB and ADC sensors.
NOTE: BSDs 90.13/14/15/16 make reference to the toner density sensor circuit. This is part of
the automatic toner control system within the developer unit. This should not be confused with Process control uses the information from the Automatic Toner Control Sensors and the MOB
the automatic density control sensors that monitor toner concentration on the transfer belt. and ADC sensors to:
• Alter the voltage of the Bias Charge Roll as required
MOB and ADC sensors
• Alter the LED Print Head (LPH) light intensity
The MOB and ADC sensors monitor the toner concentration on the transfer belt. The sensors
are mounted in a row across the belt in a position after the fourth color has been added and • Control the toner dispense rate, see Toner Dispenser Assemblies.
before the toner is transferred to the paper, PL 90.30 Item 8 and Figure 9. The MOB and ADC
sensors are monitored by the Motor Drive PWB which feeds data to the Halftone PWB. Refer
to Automatic Density Control.

Refer to Figure 9 and BSD 60.3 Color Registration

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-53
Process Control Sensor Checks Exposure Control
Environmental Sensor Check
Exposure control corrects the quantity of LED light for image exposure on the Photoreceptor
When the power is ON, the temperature and humidity sensor values are continuously moni- Drum Assembly. Correction factors for temperature and humidity (Temperature and Humidity
tored to measure the temperature and humidity in the machine. The sensors are mounted on Detection), cumulative number of drum rotations, and no-toner state detection are added to
the same bracket as the MOB and ADC sensors, PL 90.30 Item 8. calculate the exposure correction value. Exposure control occurs at the following times:
• At power on
Refer to BSD 10.5 Fusing and BSD 60.4 Temperature and Humidity Sensing. • On return from Power Save Mode
• At the start of a print job
Automatic Toner Control (ATC) Sensor Check
• When the print count reaches a predetermined level
Each of the four ATC sensors (PL 90.05 Item 14) check the toner concentration while the devel- Refer to:
oper roll is being driven (Developer Units). The method is as follows: • BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M
• The ATC sensor output is read at predetermined intervals. • BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
• The read values, excluding some of the highest and lowest, are averaged. • BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y
• The difference between maximum and minimum values is calculated. • BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M
• The average read value is corrected to determine the ATC output value (current toner • BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C
concentration). • BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K
Values derived from the internal temperature and humidity sensor and the cumulative drum
rotation time are used to adjust the ATC target value.

Refer to:
• BSD 90.13 Development Y
• BSD 90.14 Development M
• BSD 90.15 Development C
• BSD 90.16 Development K
NOTE: BSDs 90.13/14/15/16 make reference to the toner density sensor circuit. This is part of
the automatic toner control system within the developer unit. This should not be confused with
the automatic density control sensors that monitor toner concentration on the transfer belt.

Charge Control and Exposure Control

Charge Control

Charge control corrects the charge voltage (the BCR output, Bias Charge Roll HVPS PWB).
Charge control correction factors include temperature and humidity and the cumulative number
of drum rotations. These values are added to calculate the charge voltage correction value.
Charge control occurs at the following times:
• At power on
• On return from power save mode
• At the start of a print job
Refer to:
• BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y
• BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M
• BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C
• BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-54 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Automatic Density Control Toner Dispensing
Image density control uses the automatic density control sensor, PL 90.30 Item 11 and marks This control function supplies toner from the Toner Cartridges to the Photoreceptor Drum
on belt sensors, PL 90.30 Item 10 and PL 90.30 Item 12 (MOB and ADC sensors), to read the Assembly to maintain optimum toner concentration. The control logic calculates the dispensing
density of ADC patches that are developed on the transfer belt. Process control then compen- time using image count dispense control (ICDC) and automatic toner control (ATC).
sates for the difference between the reading and an ADC Target Value by controlling the elec-
trical potentials. ATC Dispensing

The ADC Patch is generated at specified times, such as at Power ON, at recovery from Sleep The dispense time is calculated from the toner concentration in the Developer Units. The differ-
Mode, at the start, during, and at the end of a job. If the measured density of the ADC patch is ence between the ATC target value and the ATC output value is calculated. From this differ-
lighter than the target, the machine controls the drum charging potential, developer bias, and ence, the ATC dispense time is calculated.
LPH light quantity to bring the density closer to the ADC target.
ICDC Dispensing
Refer to Figure 10.
• BSD 60.1 LPH Y and M The dispense time is calculated from the number of pixels in image data. From each print, the
pixels per page are counted. From the ICDC count, the dispense time per sheet is calculated.
• BSD 60.2 LPH C and K
• BSD 90.9 Charging and Exposure Y
Dispense Motor Drive
• BSD 90.10 Charging and Exposure M
• BSD 90.11 Charging and Exposure C The dispense motor, PL 90.10 Item 1, is driven for the dispense time calculated from ATC and
• BSD 90.12 Charging and Exposure K ICDC. Refer to Toner Dispenser Assemblies and BSD 90.8 Toner Dispense Control.

NOTE: Toner dispense may be set in the NVMs to timed dispense, ICDC dispense, or dis-
pense based on ATC control. When either timed or ICDC dispense is selected, ATC s will not
be reported but TC will be out of control. The preferred (default) setting allows Toner Control to
manage dispense.

Refer to Figure 11.

Figure 10 Automatic density control

Figure 11 Toner dispensing control

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-55
Fusing Fusing works using a free belt nip fusing mechanism consisting of a pressure roll that presses
against a heated belt. The belt is held against the pressure roll by a pressure pad inside the
Fuser Overview belt. The belt is driven by friction applied by the rotation of the pressure roll and the movement
The fuser module bonds the toner to the paper by applying heat and pressure. This process of the paper through the fusing nip. The pressure roll is driven by the fuser unit drive motor, PL
melts the toner and fuses it to the paper. 40.05 Item 19, (refer also to Fuser Drive Assembly). A latch mechanism allows for the fusing
nip to open for jam clearance when the left cover, PL 80.70 Item 1, is opened. The fuser nip is
Refer to HFSI data in dC135 for fuser unit life span. opened when printing is not in progress to prevent deformation of the pressure roll.

Refer to Figure 1. Refer to Figure 2.

• BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

• BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch
• BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2) Free belt nip fuser
Fusing belt
• BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
• BSD 10.5 Fusing
• BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection

Instant heat coil

Pressure roll radiates heat
onto belt

Pressure pad

Conventional fusing with

heated pressure rollers

Figure 2 Free belt nip fusing


Figure 1 Fuser

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8-56 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Fuser Components Fuser Heater Power
The fuser module, PL 10.05 Item 14, consists of a pressure roll, a fusing belt, a thermostat and The fuser is powered by the Fuser Heater Power Supply. The fuser heater power supply is con-
thermistors. An instant heat (IH) coil unit, PL 10.05 Item 15 is installed separately from the trolled by the Motor Drive PWB in turn controlled by the Controller (ESS) PWB.
fuser. The fuser unit can be used in any territory whereas the IH coil unit is specified for use on
either 110V or 220V supplies. The Fuser Heater Power Supply (PL 1.05 Item 3) supplies high voltage AC power to the IH coil
unit, PL 10.05 Item 15.
Refer to Figure 3.
Refer also to:
• BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive • BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2)
• BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch • BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
• BSD 10.5 Fusing Fuser Sensors and Drives
Pressure roller NOTE: The sensors within the fuser are part of the fuser unit and are not shown in the Parts

The main drive for the fuser unit is supplied by the Fuser Drive Assembly, PL 40.05 Item 16.
The motor drives the pressure roll which drives the fuser belt. Movement of the belt is mea-
sured by the belt speed sensor.

The belt speed sensor is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. The sensor detects the move-
ment of an encoder to measure the speed of movement of the fuser belt.

Refer to Figure 4.

• BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

Instant heat coil • BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch

Free belt

Figure 3 Fuser with IH coil unit

The fuser contains three sensors

• Belt speed sensor
• Pressure roll latch sensor
• Fusing unit exit sensor

NOTE: These sensors are part of the fuser module, PL 10.05 Item 14 and are not individ- Belt speed sensor and encoder
ually listed in the Parts List.
A separate retract motor assembly, PL 10.05 Item 1, drives the latch/unlatch mechanism. Refer
to Fuser Sensors and Drives, Figure 5. The motor is mounted on the rear of the machine
behind the video contact chassis assembly, refer also to PL 3.15 and GP 32 for location and

Fuser temperature control is managed by two thermistors and a thermostat. Refer to Fuser Figure 4 Belt speed sensor
Temperature Control.

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-57
The pressure roll latch sensor is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. It measures the posi- The fusing unit exit sensor (exit sensor 1) is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. Paper leav-
tion of a cam attached to the pressure roll mechanism. ing the fuser lifts an actuator which unblocks the sensor sending a 3.3VDC signal to the motor
drive PWB. Once the paper has fully exited the fuser the actuator returns to the default position
The pressure roll latch is driven by the retract motor assembly, PL 10.05 Item 1. The pressure blocking the sensor.
roll is unlatched when the fuser is not operational or when the left cover is opened for jam
clearance. Refer to Figure 6 and BSD 10.5 Fusing

Refer to Figure 5 and BSD 10.2 Pressure Roll Latch/Unlatch.

Fusing unit exit sensor (exit

sensor 1)

Roll latch motor

Pressure roll latch


Pressure roll latch/unlatch


Fusing unit exit sensor

Figure 5 Pressure roll latch mechanism actuator

Figure 6 Fusing unit exit sensor

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8-58 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
The fusing unit EEPROM contains data about the fuser which is read by the Motor Drive PWB Fuser Temperature Control
The Motor drive PWB monitors the connection of pin 2 across P/J 600 to verify that the fuser is
Fuser temperature control is monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. Two thermistors (IH center
thermistor, IH rear thermistor) are mounted inside the fuser belt to monitor the temperature of
the fuser unit, PL 10.05 Item 14.
Refer to Figure 7 and BSD 10.6 Fuser Detection.
The maximum temperature of the IH coil unit, PL 10.05 Item 15, is defined by a thermostat in
the IH coil unit. If the temperature exceeds a predetermined value it cuts the 24VDC supply to
the IH relay on the AC Drive PWB. This switches off the AC supply from the Fuser Heater
Power Supply to the IH coil unit.

Refer to Figure 8.

• BSD 10.3 Fusing Heat (1 of 2)

• BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)

P/J 600
Fusing unit EEPROM

IH rear thermistor
Figure 7 Fuser presence detection

IH center thermistor


Figure 8 Thermistors and thermostat

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-59
Fuser Cooling
Fuser cooling is performed by the fuser unit exhaust fan assembly, PL 40.15 Item 2. Warm air
is drawn away by the fan and expelled by the fuser duct assembly, PL 40.10 Item 2 and PL
40.10 Item 4.

Refer to:
• BSD 10.4 Fusing Heat (2 of 2)
• BSD 10.5 Fusing
Fuser Life
The fuser, PL 10.05 Item 14, is an customer replaceable unit (CRU). The fuser heater coil is an
engineer replaceable unit, PL 10.05 Item 15. Refer to the HFSI data in dC135 for fuser unit life

The fuser may require more frequent replacement if any of the following usage factors exist:
• Area coverage exceeds 5%
• Paper larger than letter size is commonly printed
• Printing short-edge feed
• Printing on specialty media
Print Quantity Counter:
Fusing assembly print count (NVM name niot_HFSIFusingAssyPrintCount) increments each
time the fuser exit sensor registers OFF.

Each A4 LEF fed sheet is counted as 100 HFSI counts. When the HFSI counter (chain-link
954-850) reaches the threshold value listed in dC135, a request for change of fuser is indi-

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8-60 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Print Transportation
Print Transportation Overview Exit 2 output rolls
Print transportation consists of a diverter gate, two exits and associated sensors and drives. and nip
• The lower exit is designated Exit 1. Refer to exit 1 transport assembly, PL 10.10 Item 1. If
a finisher is installed output to the finisher passes through exit 1 into the horizontal trans-
port, PL 13.05.
• The upper exit is designated Exit 2. Refer to exit 2 chute assembly, PL 10.25 Item 8. If a
finisher is installed prints output to exit 2 are collated on top of the horizontal transport,
PL 13.05.
• Diverter gate, part of exit 2 transport assembly, PL 10.15 Item 2. The diverter gate is
driven by exit 1 gate solenoid, PL 10.25 Item 11. Refer also to Figure 3. The exit gate
solenoid is normally de-energized (L). With the solenoid in this state, the diverter gate Exit 2 transport roll
directs prints to exit 1. To direct prints to exit 2 the Motor Drive PWB supplies 24VDC (H) and nip
to energise the solenoid.
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2.

• BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

• BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport
• BSD 10.8 Duplex Paper Transport
• BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2)
• BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2)

Diverter gate set to Diverter gate set to Exit 1 output roll and
feed prints to exit 1 feed prints to exit 2 nip

Figure 1 Print transport components

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-61
Exit 1
Exit 2 output roll and nip Exit 1 offsets prints for collation in the main output tray. If a finisher is installed exit 1 is used to
feed prints into the horizontal transport, PL 13.05. Offsetting is disabled if a horizontal transport
is installed.
Exit 2 OCT home
position sensor Exit 1 transport consists of the following:
Exit 2 sensor • Exit 1 transport nip. Refer to Figure 1.
• Exit 1 offset catch tray (OCT) motor, PL 10.10 Item 3. drives the movement of the offset-
Exit 2 transport roll and nip
ting mechanism.
• Exit 1 offset catch tray (OCT) home position sensor, PL 10.10 Item 8. The sensor is actu-
Exit 1 output roll and nip ated by the position of the offsetting mechanism. When the offsetting mechanism is in the
home position no signal is generated (L) and code 047-211 is logged by the Motor Drive
PWB. When the offsetting mechanism is in the away position 3.3VDC (H) is generated.
• Exit 1 offset catch tray (OCT) full stack sensor, PL 10.10 Item 14. The sensor is actuated
when the paper in offset catch tray 1 reaches the full level. The signal from the sensor
goes high and 3.3VDC is sent to the Motor Drive PWB. Code 077-124 is logged.
Exit 1 OCT full
stack sensor Print transport for exit 1 is driven by the fuser unit drive motor. Refer to Fuser Drive Assembly
and PL 40.05 Item 19. Drive input to exit 1 transport is via gear, PL 10.10 Item 10.

Refer to Figure 3.

• BSD 10.1 Fusing Unit Drive

Exit 1 OCT home position sensor • BSD 10.7 Exit 1 Paper Transport

Diverter gate
Upper duplex roll assembly Exit 1 gate solenoid
Fuser exit sensor (exit sensor 1)

Print transport drive

Figure 2 Print transportation sensors and rollers from fuser unit drive

Exit 1 OCT full stack


Exit 1 OCT home Exit 1 OCT motor

position sensor

Figure 3 Exit 1

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8-62 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Exit 2
• The exit 2 rolls are driven by the exit 2 drive motor, PL 10.25 Item 5. An encoder on the Exit 2 drive components
motor sends data to the Motor Drive PWB. Refer to Figure 4 and BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper
Transport (1 of 2).
• Exit 2 sensor, PL 10.25 Item 15. The sensor is actuated by paper passing the exit 2 trans-
port roll and along the exit 2 print path. The sensor sends 5VDC to the Motor Drive PWB.
When paper is sensed the signal goes Low. Refer to Figure 5 and BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper
Transport (2 of 2). Exit 2 chute assembly
• Exit 2 offset catch tray (OCT) home position sensor, PL 10.25 Item 14. The sensor is actu-
ated by a flag on the exit 2 chute assembly. The sensor goes High and sends 3.3VDC to
the Motor Drive PWB when the chute moves away from the home position. Refer to Fig-
ure 4 and BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2).
• Exit 2 offset catch tray (OCT) motor, PL 10.25 Item 18. The motor is controlled by the
Motor Drive PWB operating a gear and lever that moves the exit 2 chute assembly. Refer
to Figure 6 and BSD 10.9 Exit 2 Paper Transport (1 of 2).
• Exit 2 chute assembly, PL 10.25 Item 8. Refer to Figure 4 and Figure 5.
• The face up exit sensor is not used on the C8000 or the C9000 printers. The sensor is
connected to and monitored by the Motor Drive PWB. In other machines the sensor would
be triggered by prints passing in front of the sensor. This part of the print path is not uti- Exit 2 OCT home position
lized in the C8000 or the C9000. Any codes generated by the sensor are in error. Refer to sensor
Figure 5, and BSD 10.10 Exit 2 Paper Transport (2 of 2).

Exit 2 transport roll Diverter gate

Figure 4 Exit 2 rolls and drives

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-63
After the trail edge of the sheet passes the diverter gate the sheet is drawn back into the
machine. The junction to the duplex path is straight so the sheet automatically passes into the
duplex path via the duplex rolls, PL 80.85. At the end of the duplex path the sheet arrives at the
registration sensor, PL 80.80 Item 2, to begin the process of printing the second side.

Refer to Figure 7.

Refer also to Registration Transport Assembly and Duplex Transport.

Exit 2

Diverter gate
Exit 2 drive motor

Exit 2 chute assembly

Exit 2 sensor
Face up exit sensor is Duplex path
not used

Figure 5 Exit 2 chute assembly

Duplex rolls Registration sensor

Exit 2 OCT home position Figure 7 Duplex path

Exit 2 OCT motor

Figure 6 Exit 2 OCT components

Duplex Printing
The duplex printing function first prints the front side of the sheet and then partially ejects the
lead edge of the sheet into the exit 2 tray. If a finisher is installed the lead edge is ejected onto
the top of the horizontal transport.

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8-64 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Finishers The main components of the finisher are:
• Horizontal Transport Assembly - feeds the sheets exiting from the IOT to the finisher.
Office Finisher LX
• Finisher - squares up the edges of sheets in the compiler tray to create sets and ejects/
Overview offsets the sets into the stacker tray.
The Office Finisher LX consists of a horizontal transport and finisher LX. It can collate, stack, • Compiler Stapler - Staples sets as specified.
staple, and hole punch sets of copies or prints.
• Hole Punch Assembly - Punches 2, 3 or 4 holes depending on the market. If ordered by
the customer, the punch unit is in the horizontal transport.
When fitted with the optional booklet maker assembly, the finisher also can produce booklets.
• Stacker Tray - Collects the sets ejected from the finisher.
The Finisher LX handles a variety of standard paper sizes, ranging from A4 SEF/8.5x11 inch • Booklet Maker - (optional) saddle stitches and creases booklets
up to A3 SEF/11x17 inch. The centre tray has a capacity of 200 sheets of A3/11x17 inch paper. Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3 for supported paper sizes.
The stacker tray has a capacity of 2000 sheets of A4/8.5x11 inch SEF or 1000 sheets of A3/
11x17 inch paper.

The finisher LX can collate, stack, staple, and hole punch up to 2000 sheets or 200 sets of
90gsm or 20lb paper. For paper sizes greater than A4 SEF, the maximum number of sets is lim-
ited to 100. Refer to Figure 1.

NOTE: The finisher cannot handle transparencies or envelopes.


Office finisher LX
Horizontal transport

Figure 1 Office finisher LX

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Figure 3 Supported paper sizes

Figure 2 Supported paper sizes

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8-66 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Horizontal Transport Assembly NOTE: The internal components and operation of the horizontal transport shown at the right
are identical to the unit that installs on the Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 machines;
The horizontal transport assembly moves the sheets from the exit 1 assembly to the Finisher
only the cover color is different.

The horizontal transport assembly has its own drives, rollers, sensors, and interlocks and is
powered and controlled by the finisher.

The top cover can be opened for jam clearance. Refer to Figure 4.

NOTE: If a booklet maker also is installed, the hole punch is installed in the horizontal trans-

Figure 5 Horizontal transport open sensor

Figure 4 Horizontal transport assembly

Top Cover Interlock

The horizontal transport assembly has one Interlock, the H-transport open sensor.

The H-transport open sensor senses when the top cover is raised and disconnects the 24V
supply from the horizontal transport assembly.

The H-transport open sensor can be viewed from the underside of the horizontal transport.
Refer to Figure 5.

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Sensors Rolls and Drives
The movement of paper through the horizontal transport is monitored by the entrance sensor.
The paper is moved through the horizontal transport assembly by three sets of transport rolls.
The entrance sensor is an optical sensor which is triggered when the light it emits is reflected
by the sheet of paper. Drive is provided to the transport rolls by the transport motor through a system of gears and
belts. Refer to Figure 7.
As paper is fed from exit 1 into the horizontal transport, the entrance sensor detects this.

If, after a preset amount of time, the entrance sensor does not de-actuate, this indicates a
paper jam and an error message is displayed on the UI. Refer to Figure 6.

NOTE: The internal components and operation of the horizontal transport shown at the right
are identical to the unit that installs on the Xerox® VersaLink® C8000 and C9000 machines;
only the cover color is different.

Figure 7 Transport rolls

Figure 6 Entrance sensor

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Power and Control Finisher PWB
The Finisher LX contains all the electrical and mechanical components required to collate, All the sensors, switches, interlocks, motors, and clutches are controlled by the finisher PWB.
stack, staple, and hole punch sets of copies or prints. Sets can be output to the center tray or to
the stacker tray. The finisher PWB receives +24V from the LVPS, which in turn it supplies to the motors and
NOTE: When the Finisher LX is installed, the center tray is the top surface of the horizontal
transport. In addition to the +24V supplies, the finisher PWB also provides +5V supply for all the sensors
and switches. Refer to Figure 9.

Power is supplied to the finisher components by the low voltage power supply (LVPS).

The LVPS receives 110/240VAC supply from the GFI via the power cord and provides +24V to
the finisher PWB. Refer to Figure 8.

Figure 9 Finisher PWB

Figure 8 Low voltage power supply

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Office Finisher LX Interlocks
Finisher LX has two Interlocks which disconnect the + 24V supply when deactuated. These
• Eject Cover Switch - triggered when the eject cover is raised. Refer to Figure 10.
• Front Door Interlock - triggered when the front cover is opened. Refer to Figure 11.

Figure 11 Front door interlock

Figure 10 Eject cover switch

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8-70 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Stacker Tray Elevation System
The stacker tray is an output tray on the finisher LX that is used to store compiled sets in a The position of the stacker tray is controlled by an encoder and sensor.
stack. The stacker tray lowers in steps to accommodate up to 200 sets.
The encoder has a number of apertures cut into it and is connected directly to the main stacker
The stacker tray is raised and lowered by a system of gears and belts. The gears and belts are tray drive gear via a shaft.
driven by the stacker elevator motor through a rack gear. Refer to Figure 12.
As the stacker tray drive gear rotates to lower or raise the stacker tray, the encoder also rotates.
The rotation of the encoder is monitored by the encoder wheel sensor which is an optical sen-
sor that reflects light onto the encoder. Refer to Figure 13.


Stacker elevator motor

(located behind mounting
gears Stacker tray drive belt

Encoder sensor

Figure 12 Stacker tray

Figure 13 Encoder and sensor

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-71
No Paper Sensor Paper Feed
The uppermost position of the stacker tray is monitored by the stacker no paper sensor. When Drive
actuated, this indicates that the stacker tray is in the uppermost feed position. Refer to Figure
14. The sheets of paper are moved through the main section of the compiler by the entrance roll,
exit roll, paddle shaft assembly and sub-paddle assembly.

Drive is provided to these components by the transport motor and a system of gears and pul-
leys. Refer to Figure 15 and Figure 16.

Sub paddle assembly

Paddle shaft assembly

Stacker no paper sensor

Exit roller

Entrance roller

Figure 14 Stacker no paper sensor

Figure 15 Compiler components

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8-72 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Compiler Entrance and Exit Sensors
The progress of paper through the main compiler is monitored by two sensors, (1) the entrance
sensor and (2) the compiler exit sensor.

The entrance sensor is actuated by the lead edge of the paper entering the finisher from the
horizontal transport. This signals the paper feed process to begin.

The compiler exit sensor is used to ensure that paper successfully moves through the paper
path. If the compiler exit sensor is not actuated within a pre-set time of the entrance sensor
being actuated, a paper jam condition is signalled and an error message appears. Refer to Fig-
ure 17.

Compiler exit sensor

Transport motor

Figure 16 Transport motor

Finisher entrance

Figure 17 Entrance sensor and compiler exit sensor

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-73
Sub Paddle Assembly Exit Chute
The sub-paddle assembly actively drives fed paper into the compiler tray when it exits the exit When instructed, the solenoid is energized, which lowers the eject chute and the sub paddles
roll. onto the paper.

The sub-paddle assembly consists of a set of sub-paddles, an eject chute, and a solenoid. The rotation of the sub paddles actively drives the paper against the compiler backstops where
drive is provided by the transport motor. Refer to Figure 18. the paper is tamped, stapled (if required), and ejected.

The sub paddles rotate constantly and only come into contact with the paper when the sole-
noid is actuated. Refer to Figure 19, Figure 20 and Figure 21.


Exit chute

Figure 18 Sub paddle assembly

Figure 19 Exit chute

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8-74 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Figure 20 Sub paddle assembly Figure 21 Closer view

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Tamper Assemblies Exit and Stack
The tamper assemblies are used to compile sets of paper into registered stacks either for sta- The exit roll, paper guides, and set clamp assembly all are driven by the eject motor through
pling or exit to the stacker tray. The tamper assemblies tamp the sets of paper to the front, cen- the main exit drive gear.
ter, or rear of the compiler, as required.
Each assembly has a discrete system of gears and quadrant gears which transfer drive from
The Finisher LX has two separate tamper assemblies which operate as a single unit. These the main exit drive gear to the individual assembly. Refer to Figure 23.
are the front and rear tamper assemblies. Each tamper assembly consists of a tamping paddle,
tamper paddle motor, and a tamper home sensor. Refer to Figure 22.

Front tamping paddle

Front tamper motor

Rear tamping
Main exit drive gear

Eject motor

Front tamper home


Rear tamper
Rear tamper
motor Figure 23 Main exit drive
home sensor

Figure 22 Tamper assemblies

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8-76 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Exit Roll Assembly The eject roll is driven by the exit roll gears through the main exit drive gear.
The exit roll assembly consists of exit roll gears, exit roll cam, upper exit roll, lower exit roll,
Paper is moved from the compiler tray to the stacker tray when the eject pinch roll is lowered
retaining chassis, and retaining chassis lever. The upper exit roll is free rotating and is main-
tained in the raised or lowered position by the retaining chassis. onto the eject roll. Refer to Figure 25.

The exit cam roll, driven by the main exit drive gear, moves the retaining chassis into the raised
or lowered position by actuating the retaining chassis lever.
Eject chute
The lower exit roll is driven by the exit roll gears through the main exit drive gear. Paper is Eject pinch roll
moved from the compiler tray to the stacker tray when the upper exit roll is lowered onto the
lower exit roll. Refer to Figure 24.

Clamp arm

Eject roller

Figure 25 Exit roll assembly

Eject clamp cam

Figure 24 Exit clamp

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-77
Paper Support Assembly Eject Assembly
Paper Guide The position of the paper guide is monitored by the eject clamp home sensor.

The paper guide consists of two paper guides, the eject assembly, the gear select actuator, and The gear select actuator is fixed to the end of one of the drive shafts for the eject assembly and
an eject clamp home sensor. rotates to trigger the eject clamp home sensor.

Each paper guide features an integral rack which connects to the gears. The eject clamp home sensor and gear select actuator are only used to confirm that the sup-
port arms are fully extended or retracted. They do not control drive to the main exit drive gear.
As the main exit drive gear rotates, the eject assembly also rotates, thereby extending or Refer to Figure 27.
retracting the paper guide.

This action is reversed by a change in direction of the main exit drive gear. Refer to Figure 26.

Paper guide gears

Paper guides
Gear select

Eject clamp
home sensor

Figure 26 Paper guide

Figure 27 Eject assembly

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8-78 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Paper Clamp Assembly Set Clamp Position
Set Clamps The position of the set clamps is monitored by two sensors. These are the upper and lower
stack height sensors. The set clamp actuator is fixed to the end of the paper clamp shaft and
The set clamp assembly uses set clamps to hold sets of paper in position on the stacker tray. triggers the sensors when the set clamps are in either the upper or lower position. The sensors
The set clamps are fixed to the set clamp shaft which is rotated by the set clamp quadrant gear. and actuator are only used to confirm that the set clamps are fully raised or lowered. They do
Drive is provided by the main exit drive gear. Refer to Figure 28. not control drive to the main exit drive gear. Refer to Figure 29.

Set clamps
Set clamp shaft
Stack height sensor 1

Stack height
sensor 2

Set clamp
Quadrant gear actuator

Figure 28 Set clamps Figure 29 Set clamp position

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Booklet Maker Power and Control
The optional booklet maker produces pre-creased booklets with either 1 or 2 staples. The The Finisher LX supplies the booklet PWB with a +24V power supply through the interconnec-
booklet maker is supplied with a crease assembly which is installed into the Finisher LX. Refer tion harness.
to Figure 30.
The booklet PWB controls all the booklet maker components and distributes the + 24V supply
to the motors and + 5V to the sensors and interlocks.

The crease assembly is powered and controlled by the finisher PWB. Refer to Figure 31.

Booklet maker

Booklet PWB

Figure 31 Booklet maker power and control

Figure 30 Booklet maker and crease assembly

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8-80 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Booklet Maker Interlocks Interlock - Front and Rear Booklet Stapler Safety Switches
The booklet maker has three Interlocks: the booklet stapler cover switch, the front booklet sta- The front and rear booklet stapler safety switches are actuated when either the front or rear
pler safety switch, and rear booklet stapler safety switch. covers are raised.

Interlock - Booklet Stapler Cover Switch These Interlocks prevent the booklet maker from operating when either the front or rear covers
are obstructed, i.e., raised, or when the booklet maker is incorrectly mounted. Refer to Figure
The booklet stapler cover switch is actuated when the side cover is opened. When actuated, all 33.
+ 24V supplies are removed from the booklet maker. Refer to Figure 32.

Booklet stapler cover


Front booklet staple

safety switch Rear booklet stapler
safety switch

Figure 33 Front and rear safety switches

Figure 32 Booklet stapler cover switch

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Interlock - Finisher Side Interlock Stapler Assembly
The booklet maker contains two staple assemblies which support and staple compiled booklets
An option switch is used to detect when the booklet maker is installed on the finisher. This prior to ejecting into the stacker tray.
Interlock is located on the Finisher LX, not the booklet maker.
Each staple assembly contains a staple module and an exit sub chute. The staple units are
When Interlocks are open, power is removed and an error message displays on the UI. Refer mounted on a carriage rail. Refer to Figure 35 and Figure 36.
to Figure 34.

Stapler assemblies

Figure 35 Stapler assemblies

Figure 34 Finisher side interlock

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8-82 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Stapler Assembly Carriage Rail and Move Motor
The stapler assemblies are moved into position along the carriage rail by the booklet stapler
move motor.
Stapler assemblies
The booklet stapler move motor drives two rack gears, one connected to each stapler assem-

Exit sub-chute The position of the stapler assemblies is controlled by the booklet stapler move home sensor
and booklet stapler move position sensor which monitor the position of the rack gears. Refer to
Figure 37.

Carriage rail

Booklet stapler move

motor Booklet stapler move home sensor and
booklet stapler move position sensor

Figure 36 Components

Figure 37 Stapler move motor

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Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-83
Crease Assembly Crease Assembly Folder and Gears
The crease assembly pre-creases sheets of paper prior to collating, stapling and stacking of The crease assembly consists of a folder knife motor, gears, crease blade and paper chute.
The folder knife motor raises and lowers the crease blade through one cycle of the gears. Refer
It is installed behind the compiler within the Finisher LX and is controlled by the finisher PWB. to Figure 39.

Refer to Figure 38.

Folder blade

Crease assembly

Figure 39 Crease assembly folder and gears

Figure 38 Crease assembly

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Crease Assembly Position Compiler Stapler
The action of the crease blade pressing the paper against the paper chute creates a pre- Stapler Unit
crease in the sheet of paper.
The compiler stapler has a stapler unit which is installed on a stapler mount. The stapler mount
The position of the paper within the crease assembly is monitored by the entrance and com- moves the stapler unit to key stapling positions along the rail. Refer to Figure 41.
piler exit sensors (part of the finisher LX).

When the paper is in the correct position within the paper chute, the paper momentarily stops
feeding and the crease blade is raised and lowered. Paper feed now resumes. Refer to Figure
Stapler unit


Stapler mount
Crease blade

Figure 41 Stapler unit

Figure 40 Crease blade and chute

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-85
Stapler Mount Stapler Mount Position
The stapler mount is driven by the stapler move motor which is secured to the bottom of the The position of the stapler mount is controlled by the stapler move position sensor.
stapler mount.
As the stapler mount moves along the base frame, the light emitted between the two prongs of
A gear fixed to the end of the stapler move motor drives the stapler mount along the rail, which the stapler move position sensor is interrupted by one of three positional tabs.
is an integral part of the base frame. Refer to Figure 42.
These are the end, front, and rear positional tabs.

The end positional tab is used to indicate the correct position along the base frame for single

The front and rear positional tabs are used to indicate the correct position along the base frame
for double stapling. Refer to Figure 43.

Stapler move position


Rail Stapler move

motor Rear positional

Front positional
End positional
Figure 42 Stapler mount movement tab

Figure 43 Stapler mount position

Stapler Cartridge

The staple units contain a staple cartridge CRU, staple clinch motor, cam and a staple drive

When required, the staple clinch motor is energized to drive the cam.

One full rotation of the cam causes the staple drive mechanism to drive and clinch a staple,
stored in the staple cartridge CRU, through the paper set. Refer to PL 13.20.

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-86 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Hole Punch Assembly Hole Punch Components
The hole punch assembly punches either 2 or 4 holes in Europe or 2 or 3 holes in North Amer- The hole punch assembly consists of a motor, gears, main cam, four (XE) or three (USSG,
ica. The hole punch assembly is installed within the horizontal transport. It is controlled by the XCL) punch cams and a punch box.
finisher PWB. Refer to Figure 44.
The motor raises and lowers the punches through one cycle of the gears.

When the motor rotates in a clockwise direction it operates the two inner punch cams and in a
counter-clockwise direction it operates all four (XE) or three (USSG, XCL) punch cams. Refer
to Figure 45.

Gears and main cam


Motor Punch cams

Figure 44 Hole punch assembly Cover

Figure 45 Hole punch components

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-87
Hole Punch Encoder The rotation of the encoder wheel causes the apertures to pass through the encoder sensor
wheel, allowing light to pass. This triggers the sensor, which indicates that the hole punch has
The operation of the hole punch is controlled by an encoder and sensor. The encoder has a rotated one cycle. Refer to Figure 47.
number of apertures cut into it and is connected to the motor. As the motor rotates the gears to
operate the hole punch, the encoder also rotates.
Encoder Encoder sensor
The rotation of the encoder is monitored by the encoder sensor which is an optical sensor that
reflects light onto the encoder. Refer to Figure 46.

Figure 47 Encoder wheel and sensor

Encoder sensor


Figure 46 Hole punch encoder

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-88 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
Hole Punch Box Customer Replaceable Units
The punch box is located beneath the hole punch assembly and collects the discarded chads. Refer to Figure 49. The only customer replaceable units (CRUs) for the LX finisher are:
This will need to be emptied periodically. Refer to Figure 48.
• The 5,000 stitch staple cartridge and
• The two staple cassettes for the booklet maker. Each of the staple cassettes holds 2,000

Punch box

Figure 48 Hole punch box

Figure 49 Customer replaceable units

Initial Issue August 2018 Product Technical Overview

Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family 8-89
Paper Path Components
Refer to Figure 50.

Figure 50 Paper path components

Product Technical Overview August 2018 Initial Issue

8-90 Xerox® VersaLink® C9000 Family
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Part#: 705P01418

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