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WorkCentre 5790 Family Service Manual 708P89780


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February 2010

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Service Manual binder inserts

WorkCentre 5790
Family Service Manual

Front pocket insert

WorkCentre 5790 Family

Service Manual
Spine insert
February 2010

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Service Manual
Prepared by:
Creative and Technical Communications - Europe & Asia
Xerox Global Services
Bessemer Road,
Welwyn Garden City
United Kingdom

© 2010 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and the sphere of connectivity design are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no liability will be accepted by Xerox Europe arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.
All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product trained service per-
sonnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or
modules, components or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You
should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party provided service.
Revision Control List
Product: Title: Part Number: Revision:
WorkCentre 5790 Family Service Manual 708P89780 February 2010

Documentation compatible with this revision.

EDOC (Compact Disc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708P89778

EDOC Supplement (hard copy wiring diagrams) . . . . . . 708P89779
PDF (Compact Disc). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708P89780

All pages in this revision are dated February 2010.

About This Manual .......................................................................................................... iii
How To Use This Manual ................................................................................................ iii
Mod / Tag Identification................................................................................................... iv
Voltages Resistances and Tolerances ............................................................................ iv
Safety Information ........................................................................................................... vii
Health and Safety Incident reporting............................................................................... viii
Translation of Warnings .................................................................................................. ix

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family i
Introduction February 2010
ii Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
About This Manual How To Use This Manual
This manual is part of a multinational service documentation system that is structured in the Always start with the Service Call Procedures, Section 1. Perform Initial Actions and verify the
standard Xerox service manual format. problem, then follow the directions given.

Organization How to Differentiate Between Machine Variants

The service manual is the document used as the primary information source for repairing and When a procedure, parts list description or other reference is unique across different speeds of
maintaining this family of products and is available as EDOC on a CDROM, or in PDF format. machine, the appropriate speed range will be quoted. For example, 35-55 ppm, 65-90 ppm.
The information within the manual is divided into an introduction and eight other sections. Any artwork will also be specific.

Section 1 Service Call Procedures Some machines are configured as copiers only. Refer to GP 30 Copier Only Machine Identifi-
This section is used to start and complete a service call. The procedures in this section will cation.
either direct you to a Repair Analysis Procedure (RAP), or identify a faulty component or sub-
assembly. NOTE: This manual services all configurations of the machine. Ignore references to options
not installed on the machine.
Section 2 Status Indicator Repair Analysis Procedures
Warnings, Cautions And Notes
This section contains the Repair Analysis Procedures (RAPs) and checkouts necessary to
diagnose, isolate and repair faults other than image quality faults. WARNING
A warning is used whenever an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condi-
Section 3 Image Quality tion or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
This section contains the Image Quality Repair Analysis Procedures (IQ RAPs), checkouts and A translated version of all warnings is in Translation of Warnings.
setup procedures necessary to diagnose, isolate and repair image quality faults. CAUTION
A caution is used whenever an operation or maintenance procedure, practice, condition or
Section 4 Repairs/Adjustments statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.
This section contains the instructions for removal, replacement, and adjustment of parts within
the machine. NOTE: A note is used where it is essential to highlight a procedure, practice, condition or state-
Section 5 Parts List
This section contains the detailed and illustrated spare parts list. Any part that is spared or that
must be removed to access a spared part is illustrated.

Section 6 General Procedures / Information

This section contains all other procedures, product specifications and general information. It
also contains Tag / MOD information. The abbreviations used in this Manual are in GP 40 Glos-
sary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations.

Section 7 Wiring Data

This section contains PWB locations, PJ Locations and Wiring Diagrams.

Section 8 Accessories
This section contains details of any accessories that the machine may have.

Publication Comments Sheet

A Publication Comment Sheet is provided at the rear of the PDF version of the manual.

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family iii About This Manual, How To Use This Manual
Mod / Tag Identification Voltages Resistances and Tolerances
Figure 1, shows the Mod/Tag identification symbols. For AC power specifications, refer to GP 22 Electrical Power Requirements.

DC Voltage Levels and Tolerances

DC Voltages should be measured between an available test point and a machine ground.
Table 1 shows the range of the common voltages.

These with tag symbols are used to identify the components Table 1 DC Voltage Levels
or configurations that are part of a machine change covered
Nominal voltage Voltage tolerance range RAP reference
by this tag number.
0 volts 0.00 to 0.10V 01B 0V Distribution RAP
+3.3V standby +3.23V to +3.43V 01J Power On and LVPS Control Signals RAP
+3.3V +3.23V to +3.43V 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP
+5.V +4.75V to +5.25V 01E +5V Distribution RAP
+12V +11.4V to +12.6V 01F +12V Distribution RAP
These without tag symbols are used to identify the +24V +23.28V to +25.73V 01G +24V Distribution RAP
components or configurations that are used when this
tag is not fitted. Non-standard voltage levels will be quoted on the relevant circuit diagram. All other voltage lev-
els are plus or minus 10%.

Resistance Tolerances
All resistance measurement tolerances are plus or minus 10%, unless otherwise stated in the
Figure 1 Mod/Tag identification symbols
DC Signal Nomenclature
Figure 1 shows the signal nomenclature used in this manual.

Introduction February 2010

Mod / Tag Identification, Voltages Resistances and iv Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The P/J links to the connector location on the PWB in a circuit diagram.

Signal description (event that NOTE: The PWB links the connector to the pin layout on the PWB, referenced in the Wir-
causes the signal level change) ing Diagram section.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.

NOTE: This links to a RAP.

Install new components as necessary:

• Tray 1/2 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
NOTE: This links to the parts list. If installation of the new component is simple, the parts
list artwork is sufficient to show how the component is assembled in the machine. If instal-
lation of the new component is not simple, the parts listing will contain cross references to
repair procedures and adjustments, as necessary.
Voltage supplied to Symbols Used in Circuit Diagrams
Logic level when the the signal circuit
Refer to Figure 2.
signal is available
Wire color

Figure 1 Signal Nomenclature

Table 2 shows the signal tolerances.

Table 2 Signal tolerances

Signal voltage (H) logic level (L) logic level
+5V +3.85V or greater At or near 0.8V
+3.3V +2V or greater At or near 0.8V

Non standard signal tolerances will be quoted on the relevant circuit diagram.

NOTE: The logic level shown with the signal name will be the actual signal as measured with a
service meter. This will not necessarily be the same as the logic state shown on the diagnostic

Samples of RAP reference text

Throughout the manual there are linked references that extend the diagnostic procedure or
add more information.

Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-300. Refer to:

NOTE: This links to a particular part of the circuit diagram within a RAP.

• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.

NOTE: This links to General Procedures information.

• Figure 1, IOT PWB

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family v Voltages Resistances and Tolerances
Figure 2 Symbols used in circuit diagrams

Introduction February 2010

Voltages Resistances and Tolerances vi Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Safety Information Hot Surface Symbol
This symbol indicates hot surfaces. Take care when servicing the machine.
The WARNING that follows is for general guidance when live working.

Do not work in a confined space. 1m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.
Safety Icons
The safety icons that follow are displayed on the machine:

ESD Caution Symbol

Lethal Voltage Symbol
This symbol indicates potentially lethal voltages. Take care when servicing the machine when
the power cord is connected.

Certain components in this product are susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge.
Observe all ESD procedures to avoid component damage. Ozone
Laser Radiation Warning Symbol During normal operation, this machine produces ozone gas. The amount of ozone produced
does not present a hazard to the operator. However, it is advisable that the machine be oper-
ated in a well ventilated area.

Toner Cartridge
The product contains a dry imager cartridge that is recyclable. Under various state and local
laws, it may be illegal to dispose of the cartridge into the municipal waste. Check with the local
waste officials for details on recycling options or the proper disposal procedures.

Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other
than those specified in this manual, may result in an exposure to invisible laser radia- Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of
tion. During servicing, the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
directly. Part Replacement
Location Arrow Symbol Only use genuine Xerox approved spare parts or components to maintain compliance with leg-
The location arrow symbol points to the location to install, to gain access to, or to release an islation and safety certification. Also refer to GP 26 Restriction of Hazardous Substances
object. (R0HS).

Disassembly Precautions
Do not leave the machine with any covers removed at a customer location.

Reassembly Precautions
Use extreme care during assembly. Check all harnesses to ensure they do not contact moving
parts and do not get trapped between components.

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family vii Safety Information
General Procedures Health and Safety Incident reporting
Observe all warnings displayed on the machine and written in the service procedures. I. Summary
This section defines requirements for notification of health and safety incidents involving Xerox
Do not attempt to perform any task that is not specified in the service procedures.
products (equipment and materials) at customer locations.

II. Scope
Xerox Corporation and subsidiaries worldwide.

III. Objective
To enable prompt resolution of health and safety incidents involving Xerox products and to
ensure Xerox regulatory compliance.

IV. Definitions

An event or condition occurring in a customer account that has resulted in injury, illness or
property damage. Examples of incidents include machine fires, smoke generation, physical
injury to an operator or service representative. Alleged events and product conditions are
included in this definition.

V. Requirements
Initial Report:
1. Xerox organizations shall establish a process for individuals to report product incidents to
Xerox Environment Health and Safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of the event.
2. The information to be provided at the time of reporting is contained in Appendix A (Health
and Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox product).
3. The initial notification may be made by any of the methods that follow:
• For incidents in North America and Developing Markets West (Brazil, Mexico, Latin
American North and Latin American South):
– Phone* Xerox EH&S at: 1-800-828-6571.
– Electronic mail Xerox EH&S at: [email protected].
– Fax Xerox EH&S at: 1-585-216-8817 [intelnet 8*219-8817].
• For incidents in Europe and Developing Markets East (Middle East, Africa, India,
China and Hong Kong):
– Phone* Xerox EH&S at: +44 (0) 1707 353434.
– Electronic mail Xerox EH&S at: [email protected].
– Fax Xerox EH&S at: +44 (0) 1707 353914 [intelnet 8*668 3914].
*Initial notification made by phone must be followed within 24 hours by a completed inci-
dent report and sent to the indicated electronic mail address or fax number.

NOTE: If sending a fax, please also send the original via internal mail.
Responsibilities for resolution:
1. Business Groups/Product Design Teams responsible for the product involved in the inci-
dent shall:
a. Manage field bulletins, customer correspondence, product recalls, safety retrofits.
b. Fund all field retrofits.

Introduction February 2010

Safety Information, Health and Safety Incident report- viii Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2. Field Service Operations shall: Translation of Warnings
a. Preserve the Xerox product involved and the scene of the incident inclusive of any
associated equipment located in the vicinity of the incident.
A warning is used whenever an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condi-
b. Return any affected equipment/part(s) to the location designated by Xerox EH&S
tion or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
and/or the Business Division.
DANGER: Une note Danger est utilisée chaque fois qu'une procédure d'utilisation ou de
c. Implement all safety retrofits.
maintenance peut être cause de blessure si elle n'est pas strictement respectée.
3. Xerox EH&S shall:
AVVERTENZA: Un segnale di avvertenza è utilizzato ogni volta che una procedura oper-
a. Manage and report all incident investigation activities. ativa o di manutenzione, una pratica, una condizione o un'istruzione, se non stretta-
b. Review and approve proposed product corrective actions and retrofits, if necessary. mente osservata, potrebbe causare lesioni personali.
c. Manage all communications and correspondence with government agencies. VORSICHT: Weist darauf hin, dass ein Abweichen von den angeführten Arbeits- und
d. Define actions to correct confirmed incidents. Wartungsanweisungen gesundheitliche Schäden, möglicherweise sogar schwere Ver-
VI. Appendices letzungen zur Folge haben kann.
AVISO:Un aviso se utiliza siempre que un procedimiento de operación o mantenimiento,
The Health and Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox Product (Form # EH&S-700) is avail-
práctica o condición puede causar daños personales si no se respetan estrictamente.
able in the locations that follow:
• On electronic documentation (EDOC), located in the folder \safety. WARNING
• In the hardcopy, located at the end of the manual. Do not work in a confined space. 1 m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.
DANGER: Ne pas travailler dans un espace restreint. 1 mètre d'espace est nécessaire
pour un dépannage en toute sécurité.
AVVERTENZA: Non lavorare in uno spazio limitato; è necessario uno spazio di almeno
un metro attorno alla macchina per la sicurezza dell'operatore.
VORSICHT: Nur mit ausreichendem Bewegungsspielraum (1 m) arbeiten.
AVISO: No trabaje en un espacio reducido. Se necesita 1 metro de espacio para trabajar
con seguridad.
Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other
than those specified in this manual, may result in an exposure to invisible laser radia-
tion. During servicing, the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at
DANGER : Les procédures de dépannage doivent être suivies à la lettre. Si les réglages
ou vérifications ne sont pas effectués suivant les instructions de ce manuel, il peut y
avoir un risque d'exposition dangereuse au faisceau laser. Celui-ci peut provoquer des
lésions oculaires s'il est observé directement.
AVVERTENZA: Eseguire le procedure di servizio esattamente come descritto. L'utilizzo
di dispositivi di controllo o di registrazione diversi da quelli riportati in questo manuale
potrebbe comportare un'esposizione a radiazioni laser invisibili. Tali radiazioni possono
danneggiare gli occhi se si guarda direttamente il fascio laser durante gli interventi di
VORSICHT: Die Wartungsarbeiten genau den Anweisungen entsprechend durchführen.
Der Umgang mit Steuer- oder Bedienelementen, deren Verwendung nicht ausdrücklich
in diesem Handbuch angewiesen wurde, kann dazu führen, dass unsichtbare Laser-
strahlung frei gesetzt wird. Direkter Blickkontakt mit dem Laserstrahl kann bleibende
Augenschäden verursachen.
AVISO: Siga los procedimientos de mantenimiento tal como están descritos. El uso de
controles o ajustes no especificados en este manual puede tener como resultado la
exposición a radiación láser invisible. Durante las operaciones de mantenimiento, la
radiación de láser invisible puede causar daños en los ojos si se mira directamente a

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family ix Health and Safety Incident reporting, Translation of
WARNING AVVERTENZA: Procedere con cautela durante la misurazione della tensione CA della
rete. L'elettricità può causare infortuni o morte.
Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of
fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire. VORSICHT: Bei der Netzspannungsprüfung stets vorsichtig vorgehen
DANGER: Ne pas installer de fusible de type ou de calibre différent. Il existe un risque AVISO: Tenga cuidado al medir la tensión de la línea de alimentación de corriente
de surchauffe voire d'incendie. alterna. La electricidad puede causar lesiones e incluso la muerte.
AVVERTENZA: per evitare rischi di surriscaldamento o d'incendio, non installare un fus- WARNING
ibile di tipo o carica diversi da quelli esistenti. Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the IOT PWB. Repairing or installing a new fuse
VORSICHT: Keine Sicherungen anderer Art oder anderer Leistung auf dem IOT-PWB can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
installieren - Überhitzungs- und Brandgefahr. DANGER : Ne pas réparer de fusible F1 ou en installer un nouveau sur la carte d'alimen-
AVISO: No instale un fusible de potencia o tipo distinto. Un fusible de potencia o tipo tation de la machine. Il existe un risque de surchauffe voire d'incendie.
distinto puede producir sobrecalentamiento y el riesgo de incendio. AVVERTENZA: per evitare rischi di surriscaldamento o d'incendio, non riparare o instal-
WARNING lare un nuovo fusibile F1 sul PWB IOT.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord VORSICHT: Die Sicherung F1 auf dem IOT-PWB nicht reparieren oder neu installieren -
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Überhitzungs- und Brandgefahr.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. AVISO: No repare un fusible F1 ni instale uno nuevo en la PWB de la IOT. Un fusible rep-
DANGER : Mettez la machine hors tension. Reportez-vous à GP 14. Déconnectez le cor- arado o nuevo puede producir sobrecalentamiento y el riesgo de incendio.
don d'alimentation de l'alimentation du client lorsque vous réalisez des tâches qui ne WARNING
nécessitent pas d'électricité. L'électricité peut être à l'origine de blessures, voire d'un
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the power distribution PWB. Repairing or
accident mortel. Les pièces amovibles peuvent être à l'origine de blessures. installing a new fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
AVVERTENZA: Spegnere la macchina. Vedere GP 14. Scollegare il cavo di alimentazione DANGER : Ne pas réparer de fusible F1 ou en installer un nouveau sur la carte de distri-
dall'alimentatore quando si eseguono attività che non richiedono elettricità. L'elettricità
bution électrique. Il existe un risque de surchauffe voire d'incendie.
può causare morte o lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento possono causare lesioni
AVVERTENZA: per evitare rischi di surriscaldamento o d'incendio, non riparare o instal-
lare un nuovo fusibile F1 sul PWB distribuzione di alimentazione
VORSICHT: Schalten Sie die Stromversorgung der Maschine ab. Siehe auch GP 14. Zie-
hen Sie das Stromkabel ab, wenn Sie Aufgaben ausführen, für die keine Stromver- VORSICHT: Die Sicherung F1 auf dem Stromverteilungs-PWB nicht reparieren oder neu
installieren - Überhitzungs- und Brandgefahr.
sorgung benötigt wird. Stromschläge können Todesfällen oder Verletzungen
verursachen. Bewegliche Teile können zu Verletzungen führen. AVISO: No repare un fusible F1 ni instale uno nuevo en la PWB de distribución de
energía eléctrica. Un fusible reparado o nuevo puede producir sobrecalentamiento y el
AVISO: Apague la electricidad de la máquina. Consulte el GP 14. Desconecte el cable de
alimentación eléctrica de la toma de pared mientras esté realizando tareas que no riesgo de incendio.
necesiten corriente. La electricidad puede causar daños o la muerte. Las partes móviles WARNING
pueden causar daños. Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the main drive PWB. Repairing or installing a
WARNING new fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
Do not switch on the electricity to the machine while a ground circuit is disconnected. DANGER : Ne pas réparer de fusible F1 ou en installer un nouveau sur la carte
Ground circuits ensure that the machine remains safe during a fault condition. d'entraînement principal. Il existe un risque de surchauffe voire d'incendie.
DANGER : Ne pas mettre la machine sous tension si un circuit de mise à la masse est AVVERTENZA: per evitare rischi di surriscaldamento o d'incendio, non riparare o instal-
déconnecté. Les circuits de mise à la masse permettent de garantir la sécurité de la lare un nuovo fusibile F1 sul PWB azionamento principale.
machine lors d'un incident. VORSICHT: Die Sicherung F1 auf dem Hauptantriebs-PWB nicht reparieren oder neu
AVVERTENZA: Non accendere la macchina se uno dei conduttori di terra non è con- installieren - Überhitzungs- und Brandgefahr.
nesso. In caso di guasti elettrici, tali conduttori garantiscono la sicurezza del sistema. AVISO: No repare un fusible F1 ni instale uno nuevo en la PWB de impulso principal. Un
VORSICHT: Stromzufuhr zum Gerät nicht einschalten, wenn keine Erdung gegeben ist. fusible reparado o nuevo puede producir sobrecalentamiento y el riesgo de incendio.
AVISO: No encienda la máquina mientras esté deconectado algún circuito de tierra. Los WARNING
circuitos de tierra mantienen la seguridad de la máquina en las situaciones de averías o Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation.
errores. DANGER : Eviter toute exposition au faisceau laser. Radiation laser invisible.
WARNING AVVERTENZA: Evitare l'esposizione al fascio laser. Radiazioni laser invisibili.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury. VORSICHT: Nicht in den Laserstrahl blicken. Verletzungsgefahr durch unsichtbare
DANGER: Prendre des précautions lors du relevé de la tension de la prise de courant Laserstrahlung.
alternatif. L'électricité peut entraîner des blessures graves voire mortelles.

Introduction February 2010

Translation of Warnings x Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
AVISO: Evite la exposición al rayo láser. Radiación de láser invisible. AVISO: Manténgase apartado del mecanismo de la cuchilla hendedora cuando trabaje
junto al realizador de folletos si la máquina está encendida. Dicho mecanismo se activa
WARNING de forma rápida y con mucha fuerza.
Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.
DANGER : Exécuter cette procédure avec précaution. Les moteurs peuvent devenir très
Take care, a hazardous voltage is present at the XXXX. Electricity can cause death or
chauds en fonctionnement normal.
AVVERTENZA: procedere con cautela durante questa procedura. I motori si riscaldano
molto durante il funzionamento. DANGER : Faire attention, une tension électrique dangereuse est présente au niveau de
la sortie de l'inverseur de la lampe d'exposition.
VORSICHT: Bei diesem Vorgang vorsichtig vorgehen, da Motoren im Normalbetrieb heiß
AVVERTENZA: fare attenzione alla carica elettrica di uscita dell'invertitore della lampada
werden können.
di esposizione. L'elettricità può causare infortuni o morte.
AVISO: Tenga cuidado al efectuar este procedimiento. Los motores alcanzan altas tem-
VORSICHT: Achtung: Spannung am Ausgang des Belichtungslampeninverters.
peraturas durante su funcionamiento normal.
AVISO: Tenga cuidado; hay tensión peligrosa en la salida del inversor de la lámpara de
exposición. La electricidad puede causar lesiones e incluso la muerte.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
DANGER : Ne pas toucher au four pendant qu'il est encore chaud.
Do not touch the test pads on the embedded fax PWB while the machine is switched on.
AVVERTENZA: Non toccare il fonditore quando è caldo.
Dangerous voltages may be present that could cause death or injury.
VORSICHT: Fixierbereich erst berühren, wenn dieser abgekühlt ist.
DANGER : Ne pas toucher les contacts de test de la carte de circuits imprimés du fax
AVISO: No toque el fusor mientras está caliente. intégré tant que la machine est sous tension. Ils représentent un risque de chocs élec-
WARNING triques qui sont un danger de mort ou peuvent entraîner des blessures graves.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. The LCSS is unstable when undocked from the AVVERTENZA: non toccare le aree di contatto del PWB del fax incorporato mentre la
machine. Do not show the customer how to undock the LCSS. macchina è accesa. La presenza di voltaggi pericolosi comporta il rischio di morte o
DANGER: Attention à ne pas faire tomber la trieuse/agrafeuse petite capacité. Elle n'est lesioni personali.
pas stable lorsqu'elle est détachée de la machine. Ne pas montrer au client comment VORSICHT: Die Testpads (Prüfkontakte) der Platine für das integrierte Fax nicht
détacher la trieuse/agrafeuse. berühren, solange das Gerät eingeschaltet ist. An den Pads liegt eine Spannung an; es
besteht Stromschlag- bzw. Lebensgefahr!
AVVERTENZA: fare attenzione a non destabilizzare il modulo della pinzatrice/impilatore
da 2000 fogli. Quando è sganciato dalla macchina, il modulo è instabile: non mostrare al AVISO: No toque la zona terminal de prueba que presenta el circuito impreso del fax
cliente come sganciarlo interno mientras la máquina está encendida, ya que podría haber tensiones peligrosas
que podrían provocar lesiones o incluso la muerte.
VORSICHT: Stapler nicht umstoßen. Nach Trennung des Staplers vom Document Centre
ist dieser sehr instabil WARNING
AVISO: Tenga cuidado de que no se caiga el apilador/grapadora de baja capacidad. Only use the correct plug to connect a power lead to a power outlet.
Cuando no está acoplada a la máquina es inestable. No le muestre al cliente como desa- DANGER : Toujours utiliser la fiche appropriée pour connecter le cordon d'alimentation
coplar el apilador/grapadora de baja capacidad. à la prise.
WARNING AVVERTENZA: Usare la spina corretta per connettere il cavo elettrico alla presa.
Keep away from the crease blade mechanism when working in close proximity to the VORSICHT: Nur Netzkabel mit dem für die vorhandenen Netzsteckdose geeigneten
booklet maker while the machine is powered on. The crease blade mechanism activates Netzstecker verwenden.
quickly and with great force. AVISO: Utilice solamente un enchufe apropiado para conectar el cable de alimentación a
DANGER: Ne pas s'approcher du méchanisme de la lame de pliage lors d'une activité à la toma de corriente.
proximité de la plieuse/brocheuse pendant que la machine est sous tension. Ce mécan-
isme s'active rapidement et avec force.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
AVVERTENZA: Quando la macchina è accesa, tenersi a debita distanza dalla lama di pie-
gatura mentre si opera in prossimità della stazione libretto. Il meccanismo della lama di DANGER : Exécuter cette procédure avec précaution. La présence de bords tranchants
piegatura si attiva con velocità e forza notevoli. peut entraîner des blessures.
VORSICHT: Wenn bei eingeschaltetem Gerät nahe am Booklet Maker gearbeitet wird, AVVERTENZA: procedere con cautela durante questa procedura. Possono essere pre-
von der Schneidevorrichtung fernhalten. Die Schneidevorrichtung wird schnell und mit senti oggetti con bordi taglienti pericolosi.
viel Druck ausgelöst. VORSICHT: Bei diesem Vorgang vorsichtig vorgehen, damit keine Verletzungen durch
die scharfen Kanten entstehen.

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family xi Translation of Warnings
AVISO: Tenga cuidado al efectuar este procedimiento. Puede haber bordes afilados que AVISO: Tenga cuidado de que no se caiga la bandeja 5. Cuando no está acoplada a la
podrían producir lesiones. máquina, la bandeja 5 es inestable.No le muestre al cliente como desacoplar la bandeja
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
Take care when removing the latch. The latch contains a compressed spring, which can
DANGER : Prendre des précautions lors du relevé de la tension de la prise de courant
alternatif. L'électricité peut entraîner des blessures graves voire mortelles. cause injury when released.

AVVERTENZA: Procedere con cautela durante la misurazione della tensione CA della DANGER: Faites attention en déverrouillant le levier : il comporte un ressort comprimé,
ce qui présente un risque de blessure lors du déverrouillage.
rete. L'elettricità può causare infortuni o morte.
AVVERTENZA: Rimuovere il gancio con cura in quanto contiene una molla compressa
VORSICHT: Bei der Netzspannungsprüfung stets vorsichtig vorgehen
che può causare lesioni al rilascio.
AVISO: Tenga cuidado al medir la tensión de la línea de alimentación de corriente
VORSICHT: Beim Entfernen der Verriegelung mit Vorsicht vorgehen. Es ist eine unter
alterna. La electricidad puede causar lesiones e incluso la muerte.
Spannung stehende Feder enthalten, die bei spontaner Freisetzung Verletzungen
WARNING verursachen kann.
Do not attempt any repairs to the power cord or safety ground harness/conductor. AVISO: Tenga cuidado al soltar el enganche. Tiene un resorte comprimido, que puede
DANGER : Ne pas tenter de réparer le faisceau/conducteur de mise à la masse ou du causar alguna lesión al soltarlo.
cordon d'alimentation. WARNING
AVVERTENZA: non eseguire riparazioni sul cavo dell'alimentazione o sul conduttore di Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module
terra di sicurezza. is heavy.
VORSICHT: Keine Reparaturen am Netzkabel oder am Schutzleiter vornehmen. DANGER: Avertissement obligatoire. Cette procédure doit être effectuée par 2 per-
AVISO: No intente reparar el cable de alimentación ni el conductor/mazo de tierra de sonnes. Le module est très lourd.
protección. AVVERTENZA: Avviso di sicurezza obbligatorio. A causa della pesantezza del modulo,
WARNING questa procedura deve essere eseguita da due persone.
Do not remove the DADH while the DADH is lowered. In the lowered position the coun- VORSICHT: Verbindliche Sicherheitsvorschrift - dieser Vorgang muss von zwei Per-
terbalance springs are compressed and can cause injury when released. sonen ausgeführt werden, da das Modul sehr schwer ist.
DANGER : Ne pas retirer le CAD alors qu'il est en position basse. Dans cette position, AVISO: Aviso de seguridad obligatorio. Este procedimiento debe ejecutarse entre dos
les ressorts compensateurs sont compressés et peuvent entraîner des blessures s'ils personas. El módulo pesa mucho.
se relâchent. WARNING
AVVERTENZA: non rimuovere l'alimentatore automatico documenti quando è Use safe handling procedures when removing the module. Refer to GP 16. The module
abbassato. In questa posizione, le molle del contrappeso sono compresse e possono is heavy.
causare lesioni al rilascio.
DANGER: Conformez-vous aux procédures de manipulation de sécurité pour le retrait
VORSICHT: Vorlageneinzug nicht in abgesenkter Position entfernen. Bei abgesenktem du module. Reportez-vous à GP 16. Le module est lourd.
Vorlageneinzug sind die Ausgleichsfedern zusammengedrückt und können bei Fre- AVVERTENZA: Utilizzare procedure di gestione sicure durante la rimozione del modulo.
igabe Verletzungen verursachen.
Vedere GP 16. Il modulo è pesante.
AVISO: No quite el alimentador de documentos automático si está bajado. Cuando está
VORSICHT: Verwenden Sie sichere Vorgehensweisen zum Entfernen des Moduls. Siehe
bajado, los resortes de contrapeso están comprimidos y pueden causar lesiones al
auch GP 16. Das Modul ist sehr schwer.
AVISO: Utilice los procedimientos de seguridad cuando elimine el módulo. Consulte el
WARNING GP 16. El módulo es pesado.
Take care not to topple Tray 5. Tray 5 is unstable when undocked from the machine. Do WARNING
not show the customer how to undock Tray 5.
Do not break the glass. Broken glass can cause injury.
DANGER : Attention à ne pas faire tomber le magasin 5. Le magasin 5 n’est pas stable
DANGER: Attention à ne pas briser la glace sous risque de blessure.
lorsqu’il est détaché de la machine. Ne pas montrer au client comment détacher le
magasin 5. AVVERTENZA: Per evitare il rischio di lesioni, non rompere il vetro.

AVVERTENZA: Fare attenzione a non destabilizzare il vassoio 5. Quando è sganciato VORSICHT: Glas nicht zerbrechen - Verletzungsgefahr.
dalla macchina, questo vassoio è instabile: non mostrare al cliente come sganciarlo. AVISO: No rompa el cristal. El cristal roto puede ocasionar daños.
VORSICHT: Behälter 5 nicht umstoßen.Der Behälter ist nach der Trennung vom Gerät
sehr instabil.Benutzer nicht im Trennen des Behälters vom Gerät einweisen.

Introduction February 2010

Translation of Warnings xii Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wear protective gloves when using solvents and cleaning agents, PL 26.10 Item 10 .
DANGER : Porter des gants de protection lors de l'utilisation de solvants et de produits
de nettoyage, PL 26.10 Item 10.
AVVERTENZA: utilizzare guanti protettivi durante l'impiego di solventi e soluzioni per
pulizia PL 26.10 Item 10.
VORSICHT: Beim Einsatz von Lösungs- und Reinigungsmitteln Handschuhe tragen PL
26.10 Item 10.
AVISO: Póngase guantes de protección cuando utilice disolventes y productos de limp-
ieza PL 26.10 Item 10.
Do not use the on/off switch as a safety disconnect device. The on/off switch is not a
disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord from the supply to isolate the equipment.
DANGER : Ne pas utiliser l'interrupteur comme système d'arrêt d'urgence. Déconnecter
le cordon d'alimentation de la prise pour isoler l'équipement.
AVVERTENZA: Non usare l'interruttore di accensione/spegnimento come dispositivo di
sicurezza per il disinserimento dell'elettricità, in quanto l'interruttore non è stato diseg-
nato per questa funzione. Per isolare la macchina dalla corrente elettrica, scollegare il
cavo dell'alimentazione dalla presa a muro.
VORSICHT: Der Netzschalter reicht zur Trennung von der Netzspannung NICHT aus. Um
das Gerät von der Netzspannung zu trennen, den Netzstecker abziehen.
AVISO: No utilice el interruptor de encendido/apagado como dispositivo de desconex-
ión seguro. El interruptor de encendido/apagado no es un dispositivo de desconexión.
Para aislar el equipo totalmente, desconecte el cable de alimentación de la toma de cor-
USA and Canada. Do not install this machine in a hallway or exit route that does not
have 1.12 m (44 inches) of space additional to the normal space requirements in front of
the machine. To conform with fire regulations this additional 1.12 m (44 inches) of space
is needed in front of the machine in hallway and exit routes.
DANGER : États-Unis et Canada. Si cette machine est installée dans un couloir ou une
voie de sortie, 1,12 m (44 pouces) d'espace supplémentaire à l'espace normal doit être
disponible devant la machine conformément aux normes de sécurité d'incendie.
AVISO: Estados Unidos y Canadá. No instale esta máquina en un corredor o ruta de sal-
ida que no tenga 1.12 m (44 pulgadas) de ancho delante de la máquina, sin incluir el
espacio que ocupe la máquina. Este espacio adicional de 1.12 m (44 pulgadas) delante
de la máquina en corredores y rutas de salida es necesario para cumplir los requisitos
de las normas sobre incendios.

February 2010 Introduction

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family xiii Translation of Warnings
Introduction February 2010
Translation of Warnings xiv Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 Service Call Procedures
SCP 1 Initial Actions........................................................................................................ 1-3
SCP 2 First Call Actions .................................................................................................. 1-4
SCP 3 Normal Call Actions ............................................................................................. 1-4
SCP 4 Fault Analysis ...................................................................................................... 1-5
SCP 5 Subsystem Maintenance ..................................................................................... 1-7
SCP 6 Final Actions ........................................................................................................ 1-9
SCP 7 Machine Features ................................................................................................ 1-9

February 2010 Service Call Procedures

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 1-1
Service Call Procedures February 2010
1-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
SCP 1 Initial Actions 3. Touch the enter tab on the UI.

Use the Service Call Procedures to find a problem with the machine. NOTE: There will be a short delay of approximately 10 second before the fault history
report is printed.
Use the Initial Actions to collect the information on the machine performance.
To display the event log on the UI, perform the steps that follow:
Also refer to SCP 7 Machine Features. 1. Press the Machine Status key on the UI.
2. Touch the Fault tab on the UI.
Initial Actions 3. Touch the Event Log button on the UI.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. To display the active messages on the UI, perform the steps that follow:
• If the machine cannot be switched off, go to 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP. 1. Press the Machine Status key on the UI.
2. Touch the Fault tab on the UI
Procedure 3. Touch the Active Messages button on the UI.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from
the customer supply while preforming tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not work in a confined space. 1m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.
1. Take note of problems, error messages or error codes. If necessary, refer to Machine Sta-
2. Ask the operator to describe or demonstrate the problem.
3. If the problem is the result of an incorrect action by the operator, refer the operator to the
user documentation.
4. Check the steps that follow:
a. The power lead is connected to the wall outlet and to the machine.
b. The documents are not loaded in the DADH or on the document glass.
c. The paper is loaded correctly.
d. All paper trays are closed.
e. All covers are closed or installed.
f. If a telephone line cable is installed, make sure that the cable is connected between
the line socket and the wall jack.
g. If a telephone line cable is installed, make sure that the customer telephone line is
5. Check the machine service log book for previous actions that are related to this call.
6. If this service call is the first service call to this machine, go to SCP 2 First Call Actions. If
this service call is not the first call, go to SCP 3 Normal Call Actions.
Machine Status
To display a list of the last 6 fault codes on the UI, perform the steps that follow:
1. Press the Machine Status key on the UI.
2. Touch the Fault tab on the UI.
3. Touch the All Faults button on the UI.
To print a fault history report of the last 40 fault codes, perform the steps that follow:
1. Simultaneously press the * and Log in/out key on the UI.
2. Use the numerical keypad to input the code 734040.

February 2010 Service Call Procedures

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 1-3 SCP 1
SCP 2 First Call Actions SCP 3 Normal Call Actions
Use the First Call Actions for the first service call. Use the Normal Call Actions to find the reason for the service call.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• If the machine cannot be switched off, go to 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP. • If the machine cannot be switched off, go to 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP.

Procedure Procedure
1. Check the machine configuration with the customer. Check that all the required hardware NOTE: If an error message appears, go to the RAP for the error message. If necessary refer to
and software is installed. Check that all the required hardware and software is enabled.
OF4 Status Codes and Messages RAP.
2. Check that all the machine settings are entered correctly.
3. Mark off the hardware options, software options or Tags installed on the Tag matrix cards Perform the steps that follow:
and dC111. 1. Review the copy, print and Fax samples.
4. 35-55 ppm Only. If the machine has a OCT, install the OCT fingers. Go to REP 12.1. 2. Make sure the user access settings are correct. If necessary refer to the user documenta-
NOTE: The OCT fingers are supplied with the OCT but must be installed by a CSE at the 3. To prevent the deletion of the customer information and soft machine settings, perform
first service call. They are located in a plastic wallet on the rear of the machine. The OCT
NVM Save and Restore. Refer to GP 5.
fingers improve feeding to the OCT.
4. Perform GP 19 Network Clone Procedure.
5. If a fault is found, go to SCP 3 Normal Call Actions. If a fault is not found, go to SCP 6
Final Actions. NOTE: The clone file must be taken whenever the customer changes the network control-
ler setting or after the system software is changed.
6. Check the machine for waste toner contamination. Refer to the OF11 Waste Toner Con-
tamination RAP. 5. Before pressing the on/off switch or clear the memory, check for a customer job in the
7. Save the NVM. Refer to GP 5 Portable Workstation and Tools. memory.
8. Perform GP 19 Network Clone Procedure. 6. Check and record the total print counter.
7. Check the machine for waste toner contamination. Refer to the OF11 Waste Toner Con-
NOTE: The clone file must be taken whenever the customer changes the network control- tamination RAP.
ler setting or after the system software is changed.
8. Clean the optical sensors that follow:
9. Enter the machine information and the customer information in the service logbook. • (40-90 ppm) DADH feed sensor, PL 5.17 Item 2.
10. If the machine has a tray 5 installed, check the top edge registration, ADJ 7.4. • (40-90 ppm) DADH document present sensor, PL 5.35 Item 19.
• DADH length sensors, PL 5.35 Item 8.
• Tray 1 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 2 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 4 feed sensor, PL 8.31 Item 10.
• Tray 5 feed sensor, PL 8.45 Item 6.
• Wait sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 3, (65-90 ppm) PL 7.30 Item 25.
• Duplex sensor, PL 8.20 Item 4.
• Registration sensor, PL 8.17 Item 3.
• HVF Bin 1 rear wall sensor, PL 11.140 Item 17.
9. Go to SCP 4 Fault Analysis.

Service Call Procedures February 2010

SCP 2, SCP 3 1-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
SCP 4 Fault Analysis • If the user interface is illuminated, but there is no information, go to the 02-309 UI Control
Panel Button or Touch Screen RAP.
Use the Fault Analysis to identify a fault.
Messages, Fault Codes and Status Codes
Initial Actions • If the machine has the problems that follow, go to the 19-401, 19-402, 19-403 Out of
Memory Resources RAP.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
– A message that there is not enough memory to complete the job.
• If the machine cannot be switched off, go to 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP.
– The machine does not print a complex job.
– The customer reports that the print speed is slow.
• If a status code or message is displayed, but not a fault code, go to OF4 Status Code and
Use the machine in all modes until the fault is found. Message RAP.
• If a fault code is displayed, go to the Status Indicator RAP for that code.
Go to the correct procedure for the machine fault. When the fault is cleared, go to SCP 5 Sub-
system Maintenance. • If a fault code and the message ‘Mark Service Unavailable’ is displayed, perform the Sta-
tus Indicator RAP for that code. If the fault continues after you performed the RAP, go to
• Power Up Problems
the 03B Mark Service Unavailable RAP.
• Sleep Mode Problems
• If the user interface does not display the features for output devices that are installed, per-
• User Interface Problems form one of the procedures that follow:
• Messages, Fault Codes and Status Codes – 03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 IOT to Output Device Error RAP.
• DADH Problems – 11-050-110, 11-360-110 Staple Head Operation Failure RAP.
• Paper Supply and Paper Feed Problems DADH Problems
• OCT Problems • If the DADH does not detect the documents in the DADH input tray, go to 05B Document
• 1K LCSS Problems Present Failure RAP.
• 2K LCSS Problems • If the DADH has a fault, but not a fault code, go to the 05A DADH Other Faults RAP.
• HVF, HVF BM, Inserter and Tri-Folder Problems • If the DADH has detected a document of the wrong size. Perform the procedures that fol-
• Fax Problems low:
• Other Problems – 14A Scanning Document Size RAP.
• Xerographic Module (XRU) Handling – 05C Document Size Sensor Failure RAP.
Power Up Problems Paper Supply and Paper Feed Problems
• Go to the OF3 Dead Machine RAP if the machine has the problems that follow: • For the paper supply problems that do not have a fault code, perform the procedures that
– The machine will not power up. follow, as appropriate:
– There is no information on the user interface. – 07A Tray 1 and 2 Empty RAP.
– There is no LED illumination on the user interface. – 07B Tray 3 and 4 False Paper Level RAP.
• If all the panel lights are on, the UI touch screen is illuminated and the machine then pow- – 07C Bypass Tray RAP.
ers off. Go to the OF3 Dead Machine RAP. – 07D Tray 1 and 2 Wrong Size Paper RAP.
• If the UI displays ‘system unavailable’ or the machine does not come to a ‘Ready to scan – 07E Tray 3 or Tray 4 Out Of Paper RAP.
your job’ state. Go to the OF5 Boot Up Failure RAP. – 07F Tray Out of Service RAP.
• If the machine displays a ‘speed mismatch’ or ‘configuration error’, reset the machine – 07G Tray 5 Empty RAP
configuration, GP 15. • If tray 5 is not set to the correct paper size, perform ADJ 7.2 Tray 5 Paper Tray Guide Set-
Sleep Mode Problems ting.
• If the machine fails to enter or exit sleep mode, go to the 01K Sleep Mode RAP. • If the machine produces a multifeed, go to the OF8 Multifeed RAP.
User Interface Problems OCT Problems
• Go to the OF3 Dead Machine RAP if the machine has the problems that follow: • Go to the 12-301 Offset Catch Tray Failure RAP.
– The machine is silent. • If the prints adhere to each other in the OCT, go to the OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP.
– There is no information on the user interface. 1K LCSS Problems
– There is no LED illumination on the user interface. • If the machine has a 1K LCSS fault, but not a fault code, perform the procedures that fol-
• If the user interface is not illuminated, go to the OF2 UI Touch Screen Failure RAP. low, as appropriate:

February 2010 Service Call Procedures

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 1-5 SCP 4
– 11A-120 Bin 1 Overload RAP. – 11F-171 Mis-Registration in Stapled and Unstapled Sets RAP.
– 11B-120 Initialization Failure RAP. – 11G-171 HVF BM Poor Stacking RAP.
– 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. – 11H-171 Pause To Unload (PTU) RAP.
– 11D-120 1K LCSS to Machine Communication Interface RAP. – 11J-171 Inserter Paper Sensing and +5V Supply RAP.
– 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP. – 11K-171 HVF Initialization Failure RAP.
– 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. – 11L-171 Tri-Folder Not Detected RAP.
– 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP. – 11M-171 Curl Suppressor RAP
– 11H-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. – 11N-171 Chad Bin Present and Bin Full RAP.
– 11J-120 1K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP. – 11P-171 Buffer Clamp RAP
• If the machine has the problems that follow, go to the 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch • If the staples of a booklet are not correct, perform the correct procedure that follows:
Settings RAP: – 11-063-171, 11-411-171 HVF BM Staple Unit 1 Failure RAP,
– False jam clearance messages. – 11-403-171, 11-413-171, 11-414-171 HVF BM Stapler head 2 and Staple Module
– Communication errors between the LCSS and the machine. RAP.
• If the staples of a stapled set are not correct, go to the 11-364-120 Stapling Failure RAP. • If the tri-folder paper fold is not in the correct position, perform ADJ 11.2-171 Tri-Folder
• If the prints bond together in the LCSS trays, go to OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP. Paper Settings.
2K LCSS Problems Fax Problems
• If the machine has an 2K LCSS fault, but not a fault code, perform the procedures that fol- • For Fax problems with no fault code, perform the procedures that follow, as appropriate:
low, as appropriate: – 20A Fax Entry RAP.
– 11A-110 Offline Stapling Faults RAP. – 20B Unable To Send A Fax RAP.
– 11B-110 Bin 1 Overload RAP. – 20C Unable To Send A Fax To Some Machines RAP.
– 11C-110 Initialization Failure RAP. – 20D Unable To Receive A Fax RAP.
– 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. – 20E Fax Will Not Print RAP.
– 11E-110 2K LCSS to Machine Communications Interface RAP. – 20F Fax Tab Not Available RAP.
– 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP. – 20G Embedded Fax Checkout RAP.
– 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. – (W/O TAG X-001 machines only) 20H Embedded Fax PWB Voltage Checkout.
– 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP. Other Problems
– 11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. • Hot machine. Go to the OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP.
– 11K-110 2K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP. • Convenience stapler faults. Go to the OF13 Convenience Stapler RAP.
• If the punched holes are out of position, perform ADJ 11.3-110 Hole Punch Position. • If the customer has lost the System Administration password. Go to dC001 Reset
• If the machine has the problems that follow, go to the 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Auditron Master PIN.
Settings RAP: • Image quality fault. Go to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
– False jam clearance messages. • Machine noise. Go to the OF1 Audible Noise RAP.
– Communication errors between the LCSS and the machine. • Machine odour. Go to the OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP.
• If the staples of a stapled set are not correct, go to the 11-364-110 Stapling Failure RAP. • If the UI displays ‘system not available’ or the machine continues to boot up, go to OF5
• If the prints bond together in the LCSS trays, go to OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP. Boot Up Failure RAP.
HVF, HVF BM, Inserter and Tri-Folder Problems • The machine will not turn off. Go to 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP.
• If the machine has a fault in the HVF or HVF BM, but with no fault code, perform the pro- • Check the fault history. GP 1 Diagnostic Entry, Facilities and Exit.
cedures that follow, as appropriate: • Foreign device. Go to ACC 1 Foreign Device Checkout.
– 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 HVF Docking and Interlocks RAP • Xerox extensible interface platform faults. Go to the OF14 Xerox Extensible Interface
– 11A-171 HVF BM Power Distribution RAP. Platform RAP.
– 11B-171 HVF BM to Machine Communication Interface RAP. • Xerox secure access faults. Go to the OF15 Xerox Secure Access RAP.
– 11C-171 HVF BM Bin 2 Failure RAP. • Scan to file failure when using the FTP or SMB protocols. Go to 03D FTP/SMB Scan to
File Failure RAP.
– 11D-171 Booklet Quality RAP.
– 11E-171 Copy Damage in the HVF BM RAP.

Service Call Procedures February 2010

SCP 4 1-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Xerographic Module (XRU) Handling SCP 5 Subsystem Maintenance
• The Xerographic Module (XRU) must be protected from light shock and mechanical dam-
Use the Subsystem Maintenance to maintain the machine.
• Do not expose the photoreceptor drum to bright lights for extended periods. Procedure
• When ever the XRU is removed from the IOT, place the XRU in the black plastic bag sup-
plied with the IOT. Store the XRU in a safe place on a clean flat surface, to avoid damage
to the photoreceptor drum surface. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from the
• Place the XRU in the black bag if the covers are removed or left open for long periods. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause the death or injury. Moving components can cause the injury.
Go to the correct procedure:
• Installation of New Parts
• Lubrication
• How to Clean the Machine
Installation of New Parts
The design life of the major components are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Component design life

Part Life Parts list reference
Fuser module
35-55 ppm 400k prints PL 10.8 Item 1
65-90 ppm 400k prints PL 10.10 Item 1
Ozone filter 400k prints PL 9.25 Item 3
Xerographic module
35 ppm 200k prints PL 9.22 Item 2
40-90 ppm 400k prints PL 9.20 Item 2
Toner cartridge
35-55 ppm 36.5k prints at 6% area coverage PL 9.17 Item 4
65-90 ppm 50k prints at 6% area coverage PL 9.15 Item 4
Waste toner bottle 100k PL 9.10 Item 1
DADH feed roll assembly
35 ppm 170k feeds PL 5.15 Item 1
40-90 ppm 170k feeds PL 5.17 Item 1
1K LCSS staple cartridge 3k staples PL 26.10 Item 26
2K LCSS staple cartridge 5k staples PL 26.10 Item 11
HVF staple cartridge 5k staples PL 26.10
BM staple cartridge 2k staples PL 26.10 Item 24

February 2010 Service Call Procedures

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 1-7 SCP 4, SCP 5
NOTE: If a range of machine speeds are specified within Table 1, the life expectancy for the Table 2 High frequency service items
part will be specific for that machine.
If the speed has not been specified, the life expectancy for the part applies to all machines recommended
within the product family. life for new
component Parts list
HFSI Item Component Description installation reference
The High Frequency Service Items are shown in Table 2. To change HFSI settings, refer to GP
17 High Frequency Service Items. Duplex sen- Duplex sen- The total count of the 1,000k actuator (35-55 ppm) PL
sor sor actuator duplex sensor actuator counts 8.22 Item 4
after the last HFSI reset
Table 2 High frequency service items
Bias foam Bias contact The total sides of copies 500k impres- PL 8.15 Item 23
and prints after the last sions
recommended HFSI reset
life for new
Developer Developer The total sides of copies 2,500k impres- (35-55 ppm) PL
component Parts list
drive gear / and prints after the last sions 9.17 Item 2 or
Item Component Description installation reference
pulley and the HFSI reset (65-90 ppm) PL
DADH feeds Feed roll The total DADH feeds in 180k feeds (35 ppm) PL 5.15 main drive 9.15 Item 2
assembly all modes after the last Item 1 or (40-90 gear
HFSI reset ppm) PL 5.17
Post Fuser Tri-roll shaft The total sides of copies 1,200k impres- PL 10.12 Item 8,
Item 1
assembly and and prints after the last sions PL 10.12 Item 9.
Tray 1 feed Feed rolls All sheets fed from tray 1 750k feeds PL 8.25 Post fuser exit HFSI reset
after last HFSI reset roll.
Tray 2 feed Feed rolls All sheets fed from tray 2 750k feeds PL 8.25 HVF Paddle Paddle wheel All sheets fed through the 200k feeds PL 11.145 Item
after last HFSI reset HVF after last HFSI reset 28
Tray 3 feed Feed rolls All sheets fed from tray 3 1,500k feeds PL 8.30 Item 2
after last HFSI reset Lubrication
Tray 4 feed Feed rolls All sheets fed from tray 4 1,500k feeds PL 8.31 Item 2
To lubricate the machine, refer to ADJ 4.1 Machine Lubrication.
after last HFSI reset
Tray 1 trans Transport roll The total feeds from tray 2,500k feeds PL 8.25 Item 8 How to Clean the Machine
1, 2, 3, 4 after last HFSI
• Perform ADJ 9.4 Xerographic’s Cleaning.
• Clean the takeaway roll idlers, PL 5.20 Item 3. Refer to ADJ 5.4 DADH Cleaning Proce-
Tray 2 trans Transport roll The total feeds from tray 2,500k feeds PL 8.25 Item 8
2, 3, 4 after the last HFSI
reset • Clean the upper surfaces of the CVT glass and document glass. Refer to ADJ 14.1 Optics
Tray 3/4 trans Tray 3 and 4 The total feeds from tray 2,500k feeds PL 8.30 Item 18 cleaning procedures.
transport roll 3, 4 after the last HFSI • (40-90 ppm) Clean the DADH feed sensor and the area around the sensor, PL 5.17 Item
reset 2.
Bypass feeds Bypass tray The total bypass tray 100k feeds PL 7.30 Item 21 • Clean the tray 1 and tray 2 feed sensors and the area around the sensors, PL 8.25.
feed roll and feeds after the last HFSI • Clean the tray 4 feed sensor and the area around the sensor, PL 8.31 Item 10.
retard pad reset • Clean the duplex sensor and the area around the sensor, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 4.
assembly • Clean the registration sensor and the surrounding area, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 3, (65-
Tray 5 feeds Tray 5 feed All sheets fed from tray 5 1,000k feeds PL 8.45 Item 2 90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 3.
rolls after last HFSI reset
• For special tools and consumables, refer to GP 8 Special Tools and Consumables.
Inserter Inserter feed Total Inserter feeds 100k feeds PL 11.179
• Go to SCP 6 Final Actions.
rolls Part of inserter
pickup unit
Inverter feeds Nip split shaft The total turned and 2,500k feeds PL 10.11 Item 4
assembly duplex feeds after the last
HFSI reset

Service Call Procedures February 2010

SCP 5 1-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
SCP 6 Final Actions SCP 7 Machine Features
Use the Final Actions to verify the total operation of the system. Use the Final Actions to com- Configuration Options
plete the service call. The WorkCentre 5790F is available as a basic machine with trays 1, 2 and a bypass tray. It is
also available in various configurations using the options that follow:
Perform the steps that follow. If a fault is identified, go to SCP 4 Fault Analysis: General
For the space requirements, environment range and the print out time. Refer to:
1. If necessary, restore the NVM to the machine. Go to GP 5 Portable Workstation and • GP 21 Installation Space Requirements
• GP 23 Environmental Data.
2. Perform GP 19 Network Clone Procedure.
• GP 25 First Copy / Print Out Time and Power On / Off Time.
NOTE: The clone file will need to be taken whenever the system software is changed. Paper supply and paper handling options
3. Go to SCP 5 Subsystem Maintenance. • 3600 sheet high capacity feeder (tray 3 and 4).
4. To clear all fault counters, go to GP 1. • (35 ppm) 75 sheet duplex automatic document handler (DADH).
5. Operate the machine in all modes. Make the copies and prints from all trays, use the • (40-90 ppm) 100 sheet duplex automatic document handler (DADH).
DADH and the document glass. • 4100 sheet high capacity feeder (tray 5).
6. Make copies and / or prints from all trays and check the registration and copy quality. To Output options
reset the registration, go to dC604 Registration Setup. For copy quality defects, go to IQ1 • 500 sheet offsetting catch tray (OCT).
Image Quality Entry RAP. • 1250 sheet 2 bin stapler stacker tray (1K LCSS).
7. Make a proof copy or print of a customer document. • 2250 sheet 2 bin stapler stacker tray (2K LCSS).
8. If some of the customers selections were changed, return the selections to the customer • 3000 sheet 2 bin stapler stacker with 100 sheet finishing (HVF).
• 250 sheet post print inserter, PPI (HVF)
9. Mark off the hardware options, software options or Tags installed on the Tag matrix cards,
• 2000 sheet 2 bin stapler stacker with booklet maker (HVF BM).
• 2000 sheet 2 bin stapler stacker with tri-folder (HVF).
10. If some changes were made to the configuration or options were added, print the configu-
ration report. Store the configuration report with the machine log book. Discard the previ- Accessories and Kits
ous version of the configuration report. • 50 sheet convenience stapler.
11. Remove and destroy all copies of test patterns. • Tray 5 Short edge reg kit (A4 / 8.5x11 inch SEF).
12. Make sure the machine and service area are clean. • Tray 5 Short edge reg kit (A3 / 17 inch SEF).
13. If necessary, provide the customer with training. • Envelope kit.
14. At the completion of the service call report the three billing counters in order, billing • Assistive UI kit (Xerox copier assistant).
counter C13, billing counter C1 and billing counter C2. • Server Fax kit.
• 2 hole punch kit.
• Legal 2 hole punch kit.
• 3 hole punch kit.
• 4 hole punch kit.
• Swedish 4 hole punch kit.
• Internet Fax kit.
• 1 Line Fax kit.
• 2 Line Fax kit.
• Network accounting kit.
• Scan to file and scan to E-mail.
• Scan to PC desktop SE - standard.
• Scan to PC desktop SE - professional.
• Internet Fax scanning kit.

February 2010 Service Call Procedures

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 1-9 SCP 6, SCP 7
• Server fax scanning kit.
• Color scanning enablement kit (an option on 65-90 ppm machines, standard on 35-55
ppm machines W/TAG 150).
• FreeFlow SMART send 3.0.
• FreeFlow SMART send 3.0 Professional.
• Nationalization kits.
• Foreign device interface kit.
• Tray 2/4 lock kit.
• Unicode international printing kit.
• Secure access kit.
• Common access card.

NOTE: The service manual covers all of the above configurations. Within the manual, ignore
any references to options that are not installed.

Development History
The WC5790F machines have been developed from the WC5687F and offer the following new
• New model speeds of 35 and 90 ppm.
• Color user interface.
• Color scanner fitted to all 65-90 ppm machines but an option on 35-55 ppm machines. Figure 1 WC5735 with stand, document cover and OCT
The installation of the color scanner on 35-55 ppm machines is identifiable by the striking
of TAG 150.
Machine Identification
The diagrams that follow illustrate some of the various machine configurations:
• Figure 1 WC5735 with stand, document cover and OCT.
• Figure 2 WC5740 with DADH, work shelf and OCT.
• Figure 3 WC5745 with DADH, work shelf and 1K LCSS.
• Figure 4 WC5755 with DADH, work shelf and 2K LCSS.
• Figure 5 WC5775 with DADH, work shelf and HVF.
• Figure 6 WC5790 with DADH, work shelf and HVF BM.

Figure 2 WC5740 with DADH, work shelf and OCT

Service Call Procedures February 2010

SCP 7 1-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 WC5745 with DADH, work shelf and 1K LCSS Figure 5 WC5775 with DADH, work shelf and HVF

Figure 4 WC5755 with DADH, work shelf and 2K LCSS Figure 6 WC5790 with DADH, work shelf and HVF BM

February 2010 Service Call Procedures

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 1-11 SCP 7
Service Call Procedures February 2010
SCP 7 1-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2 Status Indicator RAPs
Chain 1 - Standby Power 03-480 IOT +24V Supply Failure RAP ............................................................................ 2-98
01-300 Front Door Open RAP......................................................................................... 2-5 03-700, 03-780, 03-785, 03-790 Power On / Power Off Event Fault RAP ...................... 2-99
01-305 Left Hand Door Open RAP ................................................................................. 2-7 03-720 ODIO Timeout Error RAP.................................................................................... 2-99
01A Ground Distribution RAP ......................................................................................... 2-8 03-770 IOT PWB Software Reset RAP ........................................................................... 2-100
01B 0V Distribution RAP ................................................................................................. 2-18 03-777 Power Loss Detected RAP.................................................................................. 2-100
01C AC Power RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-30 03A Single Board Controller PWB Module Cooling Fan Failure RAP ............................. 2-101
01D +3.3V Distribution RAP............................................................................................ 2-33 03B Mark Service Unavailable RAP................................................................................ 2-101
01E +5V Distribution RAP ............................................................................................... 2-36 03C Hard Disk Failure RAP............................................................................................. 2-102
01F +12V Distribution RAP ............................................................................................. 2-39 03D FTP/SMB Scan to File Failure RAP......................................................................... 2-102
01G +24V Distribution RAP............................................................................................. 2-42
01H Short Circuit and Overload RAP .............................................................................. 2-48
Chain 4 - Main Drives
04A Main Drive Motor and Photoreceptor Motor RAP .................................................... 2-103
01J Power On and LVPS Control Signal RAP ................................................................ 2-53
01K Sleep Mode RAP ..................................................................................................... 2-55 Chain 5 - DADH
Chain 2 - User Interface 05-300 DADH Open RAP................................................................................................ 2-105
02-309 UI Control Panel Button or Touch Screen RAP .................................................. 2-61 05-305 DADH Top Cover Open RAP .............................................................................. 2-106
05-310 Document too Short RAP.................................................................................... 2-108
02-320, 02-380 UI Communication Test RAP ................................................................. 2-61
05-330, 05-331 DADH Feed Sensor Failure Entry RAP ................................................. 2-108
02-390, 02-391, 02-704, 02-706 UI Software Error RAP ................................................ 2-62
02-392 Custom Services Access RAP ............................................................................ 2-62 05-330A, 05-331A DADH Feed Sensor Failure RAP (35 ppm)....................................... 2-109
05-330B, 05-331B DADH Feed Sensor Failure RAP (40-90 ppm) ................................. 2-111
02-705, 02-707, 02-709, 02-712, 02-715 UI Failure RAP ............................................... 2-63
05-335 DADH Takeaway Sensor Failure RAP................................................................ 2-114
Chain 3 - Machine Run Control 05-340 DADH Registration Sensor Failure RAP ............................................................. 2-116
03-300, 306, 461, 482, 805, 870 Single Board Controller PWB to IOT PWB Error RAP 2-65 05-345, 05-346 DADH Exit Sensor Failure RAP ............................................................. 2-118
03-310 Single Board Controller PWB to UI Error RAP.................................................... 2-67 05-350, 05-352 DADH CVT Sensor Failure RAP............................................................ 2-121
03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 Single Board Controller PWB Failure RAP ......... 2-68 05A DADH Other Faults RAP.......................................................................................... 2-124
03-320 to 03-324 Single Board Controller PWB to DADH Error RAP ............................. 2-68 05B DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP.............................................. 2-124
03-330, 03-462 Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner Fault Entry RAP ................... 2-70 05C Document Size Sensor Failure Entry RAP .............................................................. 2-125
03-330A, 03-462A Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner Fault RAP (W/O TAG 150) 2-70 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP ........................................................................................ 2-125
03-330B, 03-462B Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner Fault RAP (W/TAG 150).. 2-73 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP .............................................................................. 2-127
03-336 FAX Card Self Test Failure RAP......................................................................... 2-75 05F Damaged Documents RAP ...................................................................................... 2-128
03-338 FAX Communication Error RAP.......................................................................... 2-76 05G DADH Document Present Sensor Failure RAP (35 ppm) ....................................... 2-129
03-340, 03-416 Single Board Controller PWB to Network Controller Fault RAP ............ 2-76 05H DADH Document Present Sensor Failure RAP (40-90 ppm) .................................. 2-130
03-350, 03-351, 03-354 IOT to Tray 1 and Tray 2 PWB Error RAP................................ 2-77 05J Document Size Sensor Failure RAP (35 ppm) ......................................................... 2-131
03-359, 03-407 HCF Communications and Detection Error RAP ................................... 2-78 05K Document Size Sensor Failure RAP (40-90 ppm) ................................................... 2-134
03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 IOT to Output Device Error RAP .............................. 2-79
03-365 IOT Bus Failure RAP .......................................................................................... 2-81
Chain 6 - ROS
06-020 ROS Motor Failure RAP...................................................................................... 2-137
03-366 IOT to Tray 5 Module Communication Failure RAP............................................ 2-82
03-367 S2X Data Transmission Failure RAP.................................................................. 2-84 06-340 ROS Laser Failure RAP ...................................................................................... 2-139
06-350 ROS Laser Not Under Control RAP .................................................................... 2-141
03-371, 03-372 Fuser and Xerographic CRUM Communication Error RAP ................... 2-84
03-374 Power Off Failure RAP........................................................................................ 2-87 Chain 7 - Paper Supply
03-395, 396, 852, 853 IOT PWB Fault RAP ................................................................... 2-89 07-301 Tray 1 Open During Run RAP............................................................................. 2-143
03-397 Main Motor Not Controlled RAP.......................................................................... 2-90 07-302 Tray 2 Open During Run RAP............................................................................. 2-145
03-401, 03-403 Fax Not Detected RAP .......................................................................... 2-92 07-303 Tray 3 Open During Run RAP............................................................................. 2-147
03-412 Foreign Device PWB Fault RAP ......................................................................... 2-92 07-304 Tray 4 Open During Run RAP............................................................................. 2-148
03-415 Tray 5 Module Not Detected / Confirmed RAP ................................................... 2-95 07-306 Tray 5 Door Open During Run RAP.................................................................... 2-150
03-417 Incompatible Fax Software RAP ......................................................................... 2-97 07-353 Tray 1 Elevator Lift Failure RAP.......................................................................... 2-151
03-419, 03-420 Incompatible Software RAP................................................................... 2-97 07-354 Tray 2 Elevator Lift Failure RAP.......................................................................... 2-153
03-423, 424, 433, 434, 821, 822, 831, 832 Print Command Late RAP........................... 2-98

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-1
07-355 Tray 3 Elevator Lift Failure RAP ......................................................................... 2-154 09-380 Waste Toner Door Switch Failure RAP............................................................... 2-241
07-360 Tray 4 Elevator Lift Failure RAP ......................................................................... 2-156 09-399 Incompatible Xerographic Module RAP .............................................................. 2-243
07-372 Tray 5 Undocked During Run RAP ..................................................................... 2-158 09A Photoreceptor Motor RAP........................................................................................ 2-244
07-373 Tray 5 Elevator Lift Failure RAP ......................................................................... 2-160 09B Waste Toner Full Sensor RAP................................................................................. 2-244
07-374 Tray 5 Elevator Lower Failure RAP .................................................................... 2-164 09C Photoreceptor Fan RAP........................................................................................... 2-246
07A Tray 1 and Tray 2 Empty RAP................................................................................. 2-167
07B Tray 3 and Tray 4 False Low Paper Level RAP ...................................................... 2-169 Chain 10 - Fusing and Copy/Print transportation
07C Bypass Tray RAP .................................................................................................... 2-170 10-101, 10-102, 10-103 Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Switch Entry RAP...................... 2-247
07D Tray 1 and 2 Wrong Size Paper RAP ...................................................................... 2-172 10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Switch RAP (35-55 ppm) ... 2-247
07E Tray 3 or Tray 4 Out of Paper RAP ......................................................................... 2-175 10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Switch RAP (65- 90 ppm) .. 2-251
07F Tray Out of Service RAP.......................................................................................... 2-177 10-107, 10-108, 10-109, 10-110 Trail Edge Late from Fuser Exit Switch RAP............... 2-254
07G Tray 5 Empty RAP................................................................................................... 2-177 10-120, 10-121, 10-126 IOT Exit Sensor RAP ................................................................ 2-258
10-132, 10-133, 10-134 Lead Edge Late to Inverter Sensor RAP (65-90 ppm).............. 2-262
Chain 8 - Paper Transport 10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138 Trail edge Late from Inverter Sensor RAP .................. 2-264
08-100 Wait Sensor Jam Entry RAP............................................................................... 2-179 10-315, 10-320, 10-321, 10-323, 10-340, 10-350, 10-360, 10-365, 10-380
08-100A Wait Sensor Jam RAP (35-55 ppm) ................................................................. 2-179 Fuser Over Temperature RAP ........................................................................................ 2-269
08-100B Wait Sensor Jam RAP (65-90 ppm) ................................................................. 2-181 10-322, 10-324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-370 Fuser Under Temperature RAP ..................... 2-273
08-101 Tray 1 Misfeed RAP............................................................................................ 2-183 10-399 Fuser Authorization Failure RAP......................................................................... 2-277
08-102 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP............................................................................................ 2-185 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP............................................................................................. 2-277
08-103, 08-113 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP............................................................................... 2-187
08-104, 08-114 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP............................................................................... 2-189 Chain 11-110 - 2K LCSS
08-106 Late to Tray 1 Feed Sensor RAP ........................................................................ 2-191 11-005-110, 11-006-110, 11-310-110, 11-311-110 Front Tamper Move Failure RAP.... 2-279
08-107 Tray 3 Paper Feed Jam RAP .............................................................................. 2-193 11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11-319-110
08-108 Tray 3 or Tray 4 Paper Feed Jam RAP .............................................................. 2-195 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP ..................................................................................... 2-281
08-115, 08-117 Tray 5 Misfeed RAP............................................................................... 2-197 11-024-110, 11-025-110 Paddle Roll Failure RAP.......................................................... 2-284
08-115A, 08-117A Tray 5 Misfeed RAP (35-55 ppm) ..................................................... 2-198 11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP ......... 2-286
08-115B, 08-117B Tray 5 Misfeed RAP (65-90 ppm) ..................................................... 2-201 11-043-110, 11-350-110 Hole Punch Operation Failure RAP......................................... 2-290
08-150, 08-151 Registration Jam Entry RAP .................................................................. 2-205 11-050-110, 11-360-110 Staple Head Operation Failure RAP........................................ 2-293
08-150A, 08-151A Registration Jam RAP (35-55 ppm) .................................................. 2-205 11-053-110, 11-370-110 Staple Head Unit Movement Failure RAP ............................... 2-296
08-150B, 08-151B Registration Jam RAP (65-90 ppm) .................................................. 2-207 11-100-110 2K LCSS Paper Entry RAP.......................................................................... 2-299
08-155, 08-156 Bypass Tray Registration Jam Entry RAP ............................................. 2-209 11-110-110 Sheet Late to Hole Punch RAP.................................................................... 2-300
08-155A, 08-156A Bypass Tray Registration Jam RAP (35-55 ppm) ............................. 2-210 11-130-110, 11-132-110 Paper Exiting to Bin 0 RAP...................................................... 2-302
08-155B, 08-156B Bypass Tray Registration Jam RAP (65-90 ppm) ............................. 2-212 11-140-110, 11-142-110 Sheet Late to Bin 1 RAP.......................................................... 2-305
08-160, 08-161 Duplex Paper Path Jam Entry RAP ....................................................... 2-215 11-300-110, 11-302-110, 11-303-110 Interlocks RAP .................................................... 2-308
08-160A, 08-161A Duplex Paper Path Jam RAP (35-55 ppm) ....................................... 2-215 11-320-110, 11-322-110 Ejector Movement Failure RAP ............................................... 2-310
08-160B, 08-161B Duplex Paper Path Jam RAP (65-90 ppm) ....................................... 2-218 11-364-110 Stapling Failure RAP.................................................................................... 2-313
08-171 Unexpected Time Out RAP................................................................................. 2-221 11A-110 Offline Stapling Fault RAP ................................................................................ 2-316
08-174 Missing Pre-release Sheet RAP ......................................................................... 2-222 11B-110 Bin 1 Overload RAP.......................................................................................... 2-319
08-180 Unable to Feed Next Sheet RAP ........................................................................ 2-222 11C-110 2K LCSS Initialization Failure RAP................................................................... 2-320
08-181 Unexpected Time Out in Simplex Inverted Mode RAP ....................................... 2-223 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP .................................................................... 2-321
08-182 Unexpected Time Out in Duplex Mode RAP....................................................... 2-223 11E-110 2K LCSS to Machine Communications Interface RAP ..................................... 2-324
08-190 Post Jam Clearance Initialization RAP ............................................................... 2-224 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP ......................................................... 2-324
11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP .......................................................................... 2-325
Chain 9 - Xerographics 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP................................................................. 2-326
09-060 HVPS Fault RAP ................................................................................................. 2-225 11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP........................... 2-327
09-310, 09-390 Low Toner Sensor Failure RAP ............................................................. 2-229 11K-110 2K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP ........................................................................... 2-328
09-341, 09-342 Scorotron Cleaning Failure RAP............................................................ 2-231
09-350 Erase Lamp Failure RAP .................................................................................... 2-232 Chain 11-120 - 1K LCSS
09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363 Toner Concentration Sensor Failure RAP ................... 2-234 11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-310-120, 11-311-120 Front Tamper Move Failure RAP.... 2-329
09-365 Relative Humidity Sensor Failure RAP ............................................................... 2-237 11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-312-120, 11-313-120, 11-319-120
09-370 Developer Temperature Sensor Failure RAP ..................................................... 2-238 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP ..................................................................................... 2-331
09-375 Ambient Temperature Sensor Failure RAP ........................................................ 2-240 11-024-120, 11-025-120 Paddle Roll Failure RAP.......................................................... 2-334

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

2-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP ......... 2-336 11-450-171, 11-456-171 to 11-459-171 HVF Ejector Module RAP................................. 2-450
11-050-120, 11-360-120 Staple Head Operation Failure RAP ....................................... 2-340 11-451-171 to 11-455-171 HVF Ejector Roll & Lower Paddle RAP ................................ 2-453
11-100-120 1K LCSS Paper Entry RAP.......................................................................... 2-342 11-460-171 to 11-462-171 HVF Bin 1 Position RAP ....................................................... 2-457
11-130-120, 11-132-120 Paper Exiting to Bin 0 RAP ..................................................... 2-343 11-463-171, 11-464-171 HVF BM +24V Failure RAP ..................................................... 2-461
11-140-120, 11-142-120 Sheet Late to Bin 1 RAP ......................................................... 2-346 11-465-171 to 11-468-171 Paddle Unit Position RAP..................................................... 2-464
11-300-120, 11-302-120, 11-303-120 Interlocks RAP .................................................... 2-349 11-473-171 to 11-478-171 Support Finger Position RAP................................................ 2-466
11-320-120, 11-322-120 Ejector Movement Failure RAP ............................................... 2-352 11-479-171 Inserter Paper Length Fault RAP................................................................. 2-470
11-364-120 Stapling Failure RAP ................................................................................... 2-355 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP ............................................................................ 2-474
11A-120 Bin 1 Overload RAP ......................................................................................... 2-358 11B-171 HVF BM to Machine Communications Interface and BM Present RAP............ 2-478
11B-120 Initialization Failure RAP .................................................................................. 2-359 11C-171 HVF BM Bin 2 Failure RAP .............................................................................. 2-479
11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP .................................................................... 2-360 11D-171 Booklet Quality RAP ......................................................................................... 2-481
11D-120 1K LCSS to Machine Communications Interface RAP ..................................... 2-363 11E-171 Copy Damage in the HVF BM RAP .................................................................. 2-485
11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP......................................................... 2-363 11F-171 Mis-Registration in Stapled and Unstapled Sets RAP ...................................... 2-485
11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP ........................................................................... 2-364 11G-171 HVF BM Poor Stacking RAP ............................................................................ 2-486
11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP ................................................................ 2-365 11H-171 Pause to Unload (PTU) RAP ............................................................................ 2-486
11H-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP.......................... 2-366 11J-171 Inserter Paper Sensing and +5V Supply RAP................................................... 2-487
11J-120 1K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP............................................................................ 2-366 11K-171 HVF Initialization Failure RAP .......................................................................... 2-492
11L-171 Tri-Folder Not Detected RAP ............................................................................ 2-493
Chain 11-171 - HVF 11M-171 Curl Suppressor RAP....................................................................................... 2-493
11-024-171, 11-026-171 Paddle Roller Position RAP..................................................... 2-367 11N-171 Chad Bin Present and Bin Full RAP ................................................................. 2-495
11-044-171 to 11-047-171 Punch Unit Head and Position RAP ..................................... 2-369 11P-171 Buffer Clamp RAP ............................................................................................ 2-497
11-056-171, 11-057-171 Inserter Bottom Plate RAP ...................................................... 2-372
11-061-171, 11-416-171 HVF BM Creasing RAP ........................................................... 2-374 Chain 12 - Offset Catch Tray
11-062-171 HVF BM Crease Roll Failure RAP ............................................................... 2-377 12-301 Offset Catch Tray Failure RAP............................................................................ 2-499
11-063-171, 11-411-171 HVF BM Staple Unit 1 Failure RAP......................................... 2-379
11-065-171, 11-383-171 HVF BM Backstop Failure RAP............................................... 2-381 Chain 14 - Scanner
11-066-171, 11-384-171 HVF BM Tamper Failure RAP ................................................. 2-383 14-110 Scan Carriage Home Sensor Entry RAP ............................................................ 2-501
11-083-171, 11-440-171 to 11-443-171 Paper Pusher RAP........................................... 2-385 14-110A Scan Carriage Home Sensor RAP (W/O TAG 150) ......................................... 2-501
11-100-171, 11-101-171 HVF Entry Sensor RAP ........................................................... 2-387 14-110B Scan Carriage Home Sensor RAP (W/TAG 150) ............................................. 2-505
11-130-171, 11-132-171 HVF Top Exit Sensor RAP ...................................................... 2-389 14-310 CCD PWB Not Detected RAP (W/O TAG 150)................................................... 2-508
11-140-171, 11-142-171 HVF 2nd to Top Exit Sensor RAP ........................................... 2-391 14-320 CVT Active Hot Line in Wrong State RAP........................................................... 2-510
11-157-171, 11-161-171 HVF Buffer Position Sensor RAP ............................................ 2-393 14-322 Platen Active Hot Line in Wrong State RAP (W/O TAG 150).............................. 2-510
11-158-171, 11-160-171, 162-171, 163-171 HVF BM Entry RAP................................... 2-395 14-340 Scanner AGC Failure RAP.................................................................................. 2-511
11-164-171, 11-165-171 HVF Buffer Path RAP.............................................................. 2-398 14-703 to 14-706, 712, 714, 716, 718 Failure To Calibrate Entry RAP........................... 2-511
11-172-171 HVF BM Compiler Exit Jam RAP................................................................. 2-400 14-703A to 14-706A, 712A, 714A, 716A, 718A Failure To Calibrate RAP
11-173-171 to 11-177-171 HVF Offset Unit RAP............................................................ 2-403 (W/O TAG 150) ............................................................................................................... 2-512
11-180-171, 11-182-171 HVF BM Exit Jam RAP............................................................ 2-405 14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B Failure To Calibrate RAP
11-183-171, 11-184-171 HVF BM Paper Jam RAP ........................................................ 2-408 W/TAG 150) .................................................................................................................... 2-514
11-185-171 to 11-187-171 Tri-Folder Exit Sensor and Assist Sensor RAP .................... 2-412 14-710 NVM Value Out Of Range RAP .......................................................................... 2-517
11-188-171, 11-189-171 HVF Nip Split RAP .................................................................. 2-417 14-720 Scan Length Out Of Range RAP ........................................................................ 2-517
11-191-171, 11-193-171, 11-194-171, 11-196-171 Inserter Paper Jam RAP................. 2-419 14-730 Scanner Application Card Failure RAP ............................................................... 2-518
11-198-171, 11-199-171 HVF Paper Jam RAP .............................................................. 2-423 14A Scanning Document Size Entry RAP....................................................................... 2-518
11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 HVF Docking and Interlock RAP ......................... 2-426 14B Scanning Document Size RAP (W/O TAG 150) ...................................................... 2-519
11-306-171, 11-309-171 HVF Inserter Interlock RAP ..................................................... 2-429 14C Scanning Document Size RAP (W/TAG 150).......................................................... 2-522
11-307-171, 11-308-171 Tri-folder Interlock RAP ........................................................... 2-431 14D Exposure Lamp Failure RAP ................................................................................... 2-524
11-371-171 to 11-377-171 HVF Stapler Position and Priming RAP ............................... 2-433 Chain 19 - Image Processing
11-380-171 HVF Punch Unit Paper Edge Detect RAP ................................................... 2-438
19-401, 19-402, 19-403 Out of Memory Resources RAP ............................................... 2-527
11-392-171 to 11-395-171 HVF Front Tamper Tray RAP............................................... 2-440
19-404 Compressor Time-out RAP ................................................................................. 2-527
11-396-171 to 11-399-171 HVF Rear Tamper Tray RAP ............................................... 2-442 19-406 Loopback DVMA Time-out RAP.......................................................................... 2-528
11-403-171, 11-413-171, 11-414-171 HVF BM Staple Head 2 and Stapler Module RAP 2-444
19-407, 19-408 Middle Function DVMA Time-out RAP................................................... 2-528
11-415-171 HVF BM Crease Roll Gate Home RAP........................................................ 2-446
19-409 Video Job Integrity Fault RAP ............................................................................. 2-529
11-417-171, 11-418-171 HVF BM Flapper RAP ............................................................. 2-448

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-3
Chain 20 - Fax OF4a Status Codes in Numerical Order.......................................................................... 2-565
20-302, 20-303 Fax Reset Failure RAP .......................................................................... 2-531 OF4b Status Messages in Alphabetical Order ................................................................ 2-591
20-305 Fax System Low Memory Unrecoverable RAP................................................... 2-531 OF5 Boot Up Failure RAP ............................................................................................... 2-614
20-320 Fax Fault Not Cleared RAP ................................................................................ 2-532 OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP .................................................................................. 2-615
20-322 Fax Non-Volatile Device not Present RAP.......................................................... 2-532 OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP ..................................................................................... 2-615
20-323, 20-324 Fax System Memory Low RAP .............................................................. 2-533 OF8 Multi-feed RAP ........................................................................................................ 2-616
20-327 Extended Fax PWB Failure RAP ........................................................................ 2-533 OF9 False Fuser End of Life RAP................................................................................... 2-618
20-331, 20-339, 20-341 Fax Network Line 1 Fault RAP ................................................. 2-534 OF10 Intermittent Failure RAP ........................................................................................ 2-619
20-332, 20-340 Fax Network Line 2 Fault RAP .............................................................. 2-534 OF11 Waste Toner Contamination RAP ......................................................................... 2-622
20-342 Fax File Integrity Fault RAP ................................................................................ 2-535 OF12 False Xerographic Module End of Life RAP.......................................................... 2-623
20-701 Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP ............................................................. 2-535 OF13 Convenience Stapler RAP..................................................................................... 2-624
20-701A Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP (W/O TAG X-001) ............................. 2-536 OF14 Extensible Interface Platform RAP ........................................................................ 2-624
20-701B Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP (W/TAG X-001) ................................. 2-536 OF15 Xerox Secure Access RAP.................................................................................... 2-625
20-710, 20-711 Image Overwrite Error RAP ................................................................... 2-537
20-710A, 20-711A Image Overwrite Error RAP (W/O TAG X-001)................................. 2-537
20-710B, 20-711B Image Overwrite Error RAP (W/TAG X-001) .................................... 2-538
20A Fax Entry RAP ......................................................................................................... 2-538
20B Unable To Send A Fax RAP .................................................................................... 2-539
20C Unable To Send A Fax To Some Machines RAP .................................................... 2-541
20D Unable To Receive A Fax RAP ............................................................................... 2-542
20E Fax Will Not Print RAP............................................................................................. 2-543
20F Fax Tab Not Available RAP ..................................................................................... 2-543
20G Embedded Fax Checkout........................................................................................ 2-544
20H Embedded Fax PWB Voltage Checkout (W/O TAG X-001) .................................... 2-545
20J Fax Problems on Digital Networks RAP ................................................................... 2-546

Chain 22 - System Errors

22-300 AHA End of Record Error RAP ........................................................................... 2-547
22-306 to 22-315, 22-801, 22-814 System Error RAP .................................................... 2-548
22-316, 22-810, 22-820 Capability That Does Not Exist RAP ........................................ 2-548
22-370 Cannot Communicate to the XSA Database RAP .............................................. 2-549
22-400 to 22-403, 22-423, 22-426, 22-427, 22-775 Option Install Failure RAP.............. 2-549
22-404 to 22-406 Option Install Failure RAP .................................................................. 2-550
22-407 Embedded Fax Install Failure RAP ..................................................................... 2-550
22-410 to 22-416, 22-423, 22-425, 22-428, 22-777 Option Remove Failure RAP.......... 2-551
22-417 Embedded Fax Remove Failure RAP ................................................................. 2-551
22-419 Embedded Fax Enable Failure RAP ................................................................... 2-552
22-421 Embedded Fax Disable Failure RAP .................................................................. 2-552
22-450 Test Pattern Standard Grey Level Too High RAP .............................................. 2-553
22-451 Test Pattern Average Grey Level Too Low RAP ................................................ 2-553
22-452 Test Pattern Average Grey Level Too High RAP................................................ 2-554
22-760 IQA Factor Set to Maximum RAP ....................................................................... 2-554
22-761 IQA Factor Set to Minimum RAP ........................................................................ 2-555
22-774 CPSR File Cabinet Enable Failure RAP ............................................................. 2-555
22-776 CPSR File Cabinet Disabled Failure RAP .......................................................... 2-556
22-819, 22-831 to 22-837 Time Out Error RAP .............................................................. 2-556

OF - Other Faults
OF1 Audible Noise RAP.................................................................................................. 2-557
OF2 Touch Screen Failure RAP ..................................................................................... 2-562
OF3 Dead Machine RAP................................................................................................. 2-564
OF4 Status Codes and Messages RAP.......................................................................... 2-564

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

2-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01-300 Front Door Open RAP • (40-90 ppm) the xerographic module latch, PL 9.20 Item 7.
• (35-55 ppm) the fuser latch, PL 10.8 Item 5.
01-300 The front door has opened during machine operation.
• (65-90 ppm) the fuser latch, PL 10.10 Item 5.
Procedure • The post fuser jam clearance latch, PL 10.15 Item 11.
WARNING • The latch cam handle, PL 10.15 Item 14.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330, code 01-300 front door interlock, Figure 1. Press start, open and close the front
door. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. +12V is available at P/J147 pin 4 on the main drive PWB.
Go to Flag 2. +12V is available at P/J147 pin 3 on the main drive PWB.
Go to Flag 2. +12V is available at P/J16 pin 3 on the LVPS.
Go to the 01F +12V Distribution RAP.

Repair the wiring or the connector pins between P/J16 and P/J147. Door interlock switch S01-300.

Remove the main drive module, (35-55 ppm) REP 4.1 or (65-90 ppm) REP 4.5, Flag
2, check the continuity to the xerographic module CRUM at P/J147, between pins 3
and 4. If necessary check and repair the wiring between the main drive module and
the xerographic CRUM, REP 1.2.

Go to Flag 1. +12V is available at P/J17, pin 5.

Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Go to Flag 1. +12V is available at P/J17, pin 6.

Check the switch S01-300 and associated wiring. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J17 LVPS and base module.
Figure 1 Component Location
• REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.
If necessary, install a new door interlock switch, PL 1.10 Item 7.

Go to Flag 3. Open the front of the machine then measure the signal at P/J26 pin 8 on
the IOT PWB. +3.3V is measured.
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item

Check that the front door, PL 8.10 Item 10 closes correctly. If not, check the following:
• The jam clearance latch, PL 8.20 Item 5.
• (35 ppm) the xerographic module latch, PL 9.22 Item 7.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-5 01-300
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01-300 2-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01-305 Left Hand Door Open RAP
01-305 The left hand door has been opened during machine operation.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Left hand door
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. interlock, S01-305.
NOTE: To access the left door interlock, remove the interlock cover, PL 7.30 Item 23.

Enter dC330, code 01-305 left door interlock. Press Start, open and close the left hand door,
Figure 1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the left hand door interlock, S01-305. Refer to:
• GP 13, How to Check a Switch.
• P/J7 on the IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
• Install new components as necessary:
– Left hand door interlock, PL 7.30 Item 3.

Check that the left hand door closes correctly. If not, check the following:
• Hinge pin, PL 7.30 Item 8, is located correctly.
• Left hand door latch, part of the LH door, PL 7.30 Item 2.
• Check that the interlock cover is not loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. If necessary push the cover
towards the front and tighten the screws.

Figure 1 Component Location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-7 01-305
01A Ground Distribution RAP
Use this RAP to identify ground distribution faults.

Do not switch on the electricity to the machine while a ground circuit is disconnected.
Ground circuits ensure that the machine remains safe during a fault condition.

NOTE: Ground distribution faults must be isolated by continuity checks and visual inspection.
Check all circuits between each connection and ground.

Ground distribution faults can cause the following:

• Image quality faults
• Paper feed faults.
• Paper path faults.
• Random logic faults
To diagnose a suspected ground distribution fault, the following must be considered:
• Ensure that all the connectors are not damaged. Check crimping for suspect electrical
connections or any mechanical failure that could cause a failed or poor electrical contact.
Refer to REP 1.2 for information concerning wiring harness repairs.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
• When making a continuity check on a harness, disconnect the harness at both ends, to
ensure that other wiring does not cause continuity readings to be incorrect. Ensure that
any in-line connectors are installed correctly.
• When making a check between connectors and ground, preferably use the main frame
ground connection, Figure 1. Alternatively use any unpainted metal part of the machine
• Check the ground conductor of the main power cord for continuity or damage, if neces-
sary install a new main power cord, PL 1.10 Item 10.
• Check that the ground connections that follow are secure.
– Figure 1, main frame, main input and auxiliary output ground connections. Check for
continuity of less than 1 ohm between the ground contact of each mains connector
and the main frame ground. Check that the hardware is tight and the harness crimp-
ing is good. To improve continuity, disconnect the terminals, clean the contact faces
and re-assemble.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01-305, 01A 2-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
– Figure 2, corotron shield ground. Check for continuity of less than 10 ohms between
the exposed metal end of the corotron shield and ground. To improve continuity,
remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7, then check the corotron shield ground return,
Main frame ground

Main input ground


Figure 2 Corotron shield ground

– Figure 3. Check the connection of the Faston connector and the tightness of the
screw at the rear of the machine frame. If necessary disconnect the terminals, clean
the contact faces and re-assemble, to improve continuity.

Auxiliary output
ground connection.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-9 01A
Right hinge ground connection. Motor ground

Ground connection
to the machine

Corotron shield ground return

wire (violet) to machine frame.

Figure 3 Corotron shield ground return Auxiliary DADH ground con-

– Figure 4, DADH ground connection. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1.
Check for continuity of less than 1 ohm between the DADH frame and the main
frame ground connection. To improve continuity, check that the hardware is tight and
the harness crimping is good. If necessary disconnect the terminals, clean the con- Left hinge ground.
tact faces and re-assemble, to improve continuity.
Main DADH ground

Figure 4 DADH ground connection

– Figure 5, paper path ground check points. With the duplex transport in the latched
position, check for continuity of less than 1M ohms between the ends of the three
duplex roll shafts, the steel frame of the duplex path and the main frame ground con-
nection. Also check for continuity of less than 10 ohms between the steel frame of
the duplex path and the ends of the three duplex roll shaft. To improve continuity,
remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01A 2-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Duplex paper path
ground contact spring.

Duplex roll shafts and the steel frame of duplex path.

Ground wire terminal.

Figure 5 Paper path ground check points Figure 6 Duplex path ground contact spring

NOTE: The (35-55 ppm) duplex transport is shown in Figure 6. The (65-90 ppm) – Figure 7, registration ground check points. Check for continuity of less than 2k ohms
duplex transport has a duplex duct installed, PL 8.20 Item 12. between the ends of the pre-registration drive roll shaft, the registration roll shaft and
the grounding screw. To improve continuity, remove the registration transport, REP
– Figure 6, check the duplex paper path ground contact spring and ground wire termi-
nal. If necessary remove and clean the spring, shafts and bearings, then re-assem-
ble to improve continuity.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-11 01A
– Figure 8, check the registration ground contact spring and ground wire terminal. If
necessary remove and clean the spring, shafts and bearings, then re-assemble to
improve continuity.

NOTE: The two bearings in contact with the registration ground contact spring are
manufactured from conductive plastic. It is not possible to measure the resistance of
these bearings with the standard multi meter.

Registration ground
contact spring.

Ground wire terminal.

Figure 8 Registration ground contact spring

– Figure 9, bypass paper tray guide. Check for continuity of less than 2k ohms
between the ground contact spring and the lift plate (Figure 10). Check for continuity
Pre-registration of less than 1 ohm between the bypass paper guide and the main frame ground con-
drive roll shaft. Grounding screw.
Registration roll nection, when the left hand door is closed. To improve continuity, disconnect the
shaft. ground terminals clean the spring contact faces and re-assemble, to improve conti-
nuity. Also check and clean, if necessary the part of the machine frame where the
ground contact spring makes contact.

Figure 7 Registration ground check points

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01A 2-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Bypass paper guide. Ground connection

Lift plate.

Feed shaft.
Ground contact spring.

Figure 9 Bypass tray guide Figure 10 Bypass tray paper feed

– Figure 10, bypass tray paper feed. Check for continuity of less than 2k ohms – Figure 11, tray 3 and 4 transport rolls. Remove the tray 3 front cover, REP 7.2. With
between the ground contact spring (Figure 9) and the feed shaft. Check for continu- tray 3 closed, check for continuity of less than 10k ohms between the tray 3 take-
ity of less than 2k ohms between the feed shaft and the main frame ground connec- away roll shaft, the tray 3 transport roll shaft and the main frame ground connection.
tion when the left hand door is closed. To improve continuity, dismantle the ground If necessary, perform the following:
connection spring, clean the spring contact faces and re-assemble, to improve conti- 1. Open the tray. Rotate the shafts. Close the tray and repeat the measurements.
2. To improve continuity, remove tray 3, REP 7.2. Figure 13, check the tray 3
ground contact spring.
3. If necessary remove and clean the spring, shafts and bearings, REP 8.31, then
re-assemble to improve continuity.
Figure 12, Also remove and clean the tray 3 and 4 transport drive gear. Clean
the gear on the tray 3 and 4 transport motor, REP 8.11.
4. Clean the area in the back of the tray 3 cavity where the ground spring makes

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-13 01A
Tray 3 and 4 transport drive

Tray 3 and 4 transport motor.

Tray 3 transport Tray 3 takeaway
roll shaft. roll shaft. Tray 3 and 4 transport roll
shaft ground contact spring
(35-55 ppm).
Figure 11 HCF transport roll assembly Figure 12 HCF transport drive gear

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01A 2-14 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Tray 3 ground contact spring.
Tray 3 grounding

Figure 13 Tray 3 ground contact spring Figure 14 Tray 3 grounding spring

– Figure 14, tray 3 grounding spring. Open tray 3, check for continuity of less than 1 – Figure 15, tray 4 grounding spring. Open tray 4, check for continuity of less than 1
ohm between the tray 3 metal side wall and the main frame ground connection. To ohm between the tray 4 metal side wall and the main frame ground connection. To
improve continuity, remove, clean and re-assemble the grounding spring to improve improve continuity, remove, clean and re-assemble the grounding spring to improve
continuity. Also clean the contact area on the metal side wall. continuity. Also clean the contact area on the metal side wall.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-15 01A
Tray 1 transport
roll shaft.

Tray 4 grounding
spring. Tray 2 transport
roll shaft. Tray 3 and 4 transport roll shaft.

Figure 15 Tray 4 grounding spring Figure 16 Paper transport rolls

– Figure 16, paper transport rolls. Open the left hand door. Rotate the rolls by hand – Figure 17. Embedded FAX PWB ground connection. Ensure the grounding strip is
and check for continuity of less than 10k ohms between the tray 1 and tray 2 trans- clean and correctly installed.
port roll shaft, tray 3 and 4 transport roll shaft and the main frame ground connection.
To improve continuity for the tray 1 and tray 2 transport roll shaft, remove and clean
and re-install the shaft and bearing.
To improve continuity for the tray 3 and 4 transport roll shaft, perform the following:
Remove, clean and re-install the tray 3 and 4 transport roll shaft ground contact
spring, Figure 11. If necessary, re-form the spring to make good contact with
the end of the shaft.
Remove and clean the tray 3 and 4 transport drive gear. Clean the gear on the
tray 3 and 4 transport motor, REP 8.11.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01A 2-16 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Ground connection
under the paper tray.

Grounding strip.

Figure 17 Embedded FAX PWB ground connection

In-line ground
Ground connection. connector.
– Figure 18. Tray 5 ground connections. Check the ground connection on the frame,
the elevator motor and on the base of the paper tray. Ensure that the in-line connec-
tors are connected.
Figure 18 Tray 5 ground connections

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-17 01A
01B 0V Distribution RAP • Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.
– Flag 2, P/J271, P/J9.
Use this RAP to identify 0V distribution faults.
– Flag 4, P/J27.
Procedural Notes • Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
1. If a voltage is measured between ground and a return 0V line, then the continuity of that – Flag 49, P/J137, P/J106.
0V circuit must be checked. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
2. To isolate a 0V distribution fault, check the following: • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• The continuity of a harness while the harness is disconnected at both ends. This is – Flag 50, P/J132, P/J188, P/J152
to ensure that other wiring does not cause false continuity readings. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
• The continuity and perform a visual inspection of each connection sequentially, back • UI control PWB,PL 2.10 Item 11.
to its source. – Flag 51, P/J133, P/J130.
• Any in-line connectors are installed correctly. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
• All connectors are mechanically good. Check crimping for suspect electrical connec- • HCF PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
tions or any mechanical failure that could cause a failed or poor electrical contact,
– Flag 3, P/J394, P/J272.
GP 7. Refer to REP 1.2 for information concerning wiring harness repairs.
– Flag 2, P/J271, P/J9.
3. The expression “return” is used to identify the 0V line that completes the circuit for a par-
ticular voltage. – Flag 4, P/J27.
Procedure • Scanner PWB, W/TAG 150, PL 14.15 Item 4.
– Flag 9, P/J920, P/J135.
– Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• Scanner PWB, W/O TAG 150, PL 14.25 Item 4.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. – Flag 8, P/J451, P/J452.
Go to the 0V circuit that has the suspect problem. – Flag 52, P/J135, P/J450.
• Refer to 01B +3.3V Return. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
• Refer to 01B +5V Return. • CCD PWB, W/O TAG 150, PL 14.25 Item 19.
• Refer to 01B +12V Return. – Flag 52, P/J135, P/J450.
• Refer to 01B +24V Return. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
01B +3.3V Return • Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
– Flag 53, P/J138, P/J155.
Go to the appropriate component in the list that follows that has the suspect 0V supply. Check
the wiring GP 7. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
• ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4. • Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
– Flag 1, P/J18, P/J120. – Flag 53, P/J138, P/J155, P/J157,
• Bypass tray width sensor, PL 7.30 Item 1 and bypass tray empty sensor, PL 7.30 Item 7. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
– Flag 5, IOT PWB, P/J10. • Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
– Flag 4, IOT PWB, P/J27. – Flag 48, P/J25, P/J131.
• Paper path module components (35-55 ppm); IOT exit sensor, PL 10.11 Item 13, duplex
sensor, PL 8.22 Item 4, wait sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3, registration sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3.
Paper path module components (65-90 ppm); IOT exit sensor, PL 10.11 Item 13, duplex
sensor, PL 8.20 Item 4, wait sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24, registration sensor, PL 8.17 Item 3.
– Flag 7, IOT PWB, P/J5.
– Flag 4, IOT PWB, P/J27.
• IOT PWB PL 1.10 Item 2.
– Flag 4, P/J27.
– Flag 6, P/J27.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01B 2-18 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1 3.3V Return

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-19 01B
Figure 2 3.3V Return

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01B 2-20 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01B +5V Return
Go to the appropriate component in the list that follow that has the suspect 0V supply. Check
the wiring GP 7.
• Xerographic module, xerographic CRUM, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL
9.20 Item 2.
– Flag 17, P/J144, P/J142.
– Flag 16, P/J149, P/J8.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
• Fuser module, fuser CRUM, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
– Flag 18, P/J146, PJ141
– Flag 16, P/J149, P/J8.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
• Main drive PWB (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
– Flag 16, P/J149, P/J8.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
– (65-90 ppm) Flag 47, P/J16.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
– Flag 20, P/J272, P/J394, P/J63.
– Flag 19, P/J9, P/J271.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.
– Flag 19, P/J271, P/J9.
– Flag 19, P/J270, P/J9.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
– Flag 15, P/J19.
• Output device, PL 12.10, PL 11.26, PL 11.124, PL 11.130.
– Flag 21, PJ151, P/J11.
– Flag 15, P/J27.
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
– Flag 24, P/J155, P/J138.
– Flag 22, P/J131, P/J25.
• Embedded fax, PL 20.10 Item 4.
– Flag 24, P/J138, P/J155, P/J157.
– Flag 22, P/J25, P/J131.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
– Flag 22, P/J25, P/J131.
• Paper path module components, waste toner switch, PL 9.10 Item 6, left hand door inter-
lock, PL 7.30 Item 2.
– Flag 45, P/J7, P/J16.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8
– Flag 25, P/J502.
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.
– Flag 10, P/J999, P/J139.
• Scanner PWB, W/TAG 150, PL 14.15 Item 4.
– Flag 11, P/J920, P/J136.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-21 01B
Figure 3 5V Return

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01B 2-22 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 5V Return

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-23 01B
01B +12V Return
Go to the appropriate component in the list that follows that has the suspect 0V supply. Check
the wiring GP 7.
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
– Flag 26, P/J27.
• UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
– Flag 28, P/J133, P/J130.
– Flag 27, P/J25, P/J131.
• Scanner PWB, W/TAG 150, PL 14.15 Item 4.
– Flag 29, P/J135, P/J920.
– Flag 27, P/J25, P/J131.
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
– Flag 30, P/J138, P/J155.
– Flag 27, P/J25, P/J131.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
– Flag 30, P/J138, P/J155, P/J157.
– Flag 27, P/J131, P/J25.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
– Flag 27, P/J25, P/J131.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
– Flag 27, P/J25, P/J131.
– Flag 30, P/J138, P/J155, P/J101.
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.
– Flag 12, P/J139, P/J999.
– Flag 27, P/J25, P/J131.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01B 2-24 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 5 12V Return

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-25 01B
01B +24V Return
Go to the appropriate component in the list that follows that has the suspect 0V supply. Check
the wiring GP 7.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
– Flag 33, PJ45, P/J4.
– Flag 32, P/J27.
• Duplex motor driver PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 9 or (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 9.
– Flag 33, PJ91, PJ40, P/J4.
– Flag 32, P/J27.
• Toner dispense module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 1.
– Flag 34, PJ93, P/J6.
– Flag 32, P/J27.
• Output device, PL 12.10.
– Flag 35, PJ151, P/J11.
– Flag 32, P/J27.
• HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 5.
– Flag 36, PJ55, P/J14.
– Flag 32, P/J27.
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
– Flag 32, P/J27.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
– Flag 38, P/J132, PJ152, P/J188.
– Flag 37, P/J25, P/J131.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5
– Flag 37, P/J25, P/J131.
• Scanner PWB
– (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.25 Item 4.
Flag 39, P/J135, P/J455.
Flag 37, P/J25, P/J131.
– (W/TAG 150) PL 14.15 Item 4.
Flag 39, P/J135, P/J920.
Flag 37, P/J25, P/J131.
• Main drive PWB, part of the main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1 or (65-90
ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
– Flag 40, P/J16, P/J147.
• ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.
– Flag 41, P/J18, PJ120.
• HCF PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
– Flag 43, P/J272, PJ63, P/J394.
– Flag 42, P/J19, P/J270.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.
– Flag 42, P/J19, P/J270.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
– Flag 46, P/J502, P/J12, P/J 501.
– Flag 32, P/J27.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01B 2-26 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 6 24V Return

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-27 01B
Figure 7 24V Return

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01B 2-28 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 8 24V Return

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-29 01B
01C AC Power RAP Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Use this RAP to identify AC power input and output failures.

Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Procedure Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Check the power cords to the output device.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• 1K LCSS, PL 11.124 Item 8.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • 2K LCSS, PL 11.26 Item 4.
CAUTION • HVF, PL 11.157 Item 4
Incorrect voltage may damage the machine. The machine must not be connected to the power
outlet if the voltage is incorrect.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
Check the AC mains (line) voltage at the customer power outlet. The voltage measured is
within the electrical power requirements, GP 22.
If the voltage is incorrect or the wiring of the main supply is found to be defective, inform
your technical manager and the customer. Do not attempt to repair or adjust the customer

Check the main power cord for continuity and damage. The main power cord is good.
Install a new main power cord, PL 1.10 Item 10. PJ22 power supply for the output device.

Switch on the machine, GP 14. Go to Flag 1. Measure the voltage at the outlet connection,
PJ22, Figure 1. The voltage measured is within the electrical power requirements, GP
Go to Flag 2. Check for the AC voltage at PJ24 on the LVPS, Figure 2. The AC voltage PJ21
is present.
Switch off the machine, GP 14. Remove the power cord from PJ21, Figure 1.
Measure the resistance between ACL and ACN at PJ21 on the LVPS, Figure 1. The
resistance reading is greater than 1M Ohms.
Remove the fuser module. On the fuser module at PJ100 measure the resis-
tance between pin 10 and pins 1, 2, 3 and 4, Figure 3. The reading is infinity,
an open circuit.
Y N Figure 1 Input and output connections
Install a new fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL
10.10 Item 1 and a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Check the wire harness between PJ24 and PJ100, Figure 2. The harness is
Install a new fuser connector assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 9, (65-
90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 9 and a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
01C 2-30 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Pin 1
Pin 5
Pin 5
Pin 6

Pin 6

Pin 7
Pin 8
Pin 1
Pin 2 Pin 8

Pin 7
Pin 9
Pin 2 Pin 3

Pin 9 Pin 10
Pin 3
Pin 4

Pin 10 P/J 100

Pin 4


Figure 3 Fuser module


Figure 2 Supply to the fuser module

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-31 01C
Figure 4 AC circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01C 2-32 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01D +3.3V Distribution RAP • Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
– Flag 14, P/J138, P/J155, P/J157.
Use this RAP to identify +3.3V distribution problems.
– Flag 9, P/J25, P/J131.
NOTE: Short circuit or overload of +3.3V or +5V supply will result in all outputs off, except • Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
+3.3VSB (standby). – Flag 14, P/J138, P/J157, P/J155.
Procedure – Flag 9, P/J25, P/J131.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2. Go to the appropriate component in the list that follows that has
a suspect +3.3V supply. Check the wiring, GP 7.
• ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.
– Flag 1, P/J18, PJ120.
• Paper path module components, waste toner door switch, PL 9.10 Item 6, left hand door
interlock, PL 7.30 Item 3.
– Flag 8, P/J7.
– Flag 5, P/J27.
• Bypass tray width sensor and bypass empty sensor, PL 7.30.
– Flag 6, P/J10.
– Flag 5, P/J27.
• Paper path module components (35-55 ppm); IOT exit sensor, PL 10.11 Item 13, duplex
sensor, PL 8.22 Item 4, wait sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3, registration sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3.
Paper path module components (65-90 ppm); IOT exit sensor, PL 10.11 Item 13, duplex
sensor, PL 8.20 Item 4, wait sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3, registration sensor, PL 8.17 Item 3.
– Flag 7, P/J5.
– Flag 5, P/J27.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
– Flag 9, P/J25
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
– Flag 10, P/J137, P/J106.
– Flag 9, P/J25, P/J131.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
– Flag 11, P/J132, PJ152, P/J188.
– Flag 9, P/J25, P/J131.
• UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
– Flag 12, P/J133, P/J130
• Scanner PWB, W/TAG 150. PL 14.15 Item 4.
– Flag 13, P/J135, P/J920.
– Flag 13, P/J136, P/J920.
– Flag 9, P/J25, P/J131.
• CCD PWB, W/O TAG 150. PL 14.25 Item 19.
– Flag 13, P/J135, P/J450.
– Flag 9, P/J25, P/J131.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-33 01D
Figure 1 +3.3V distribution circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01D 2-34 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 +3.3V distribution circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-35 01D
01E +5V Distribution RAP – Flag 1, P/J27.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Use this RAP to identify +5V distribution problems.
– Flag 17, P/J137, P/J106.
NOTE: Short circuit or overload of +3.3V or +5V supply will result in all outputs off, except – Flag 16, P/J25, P/J131.
+3.3VSB (standby). • Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
Procedure – Flag 16, P/J131, P/J25.
– Flag 18, P/J138, P/J155.
• Embedded FAX PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
– Flag 18, P/J138, P/J155, P/J157.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24.
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2. Go to the appropriate component in the list that follows that has – Flag 16, P/J131, P/J25.
a suspect +5V supply. Check the wiring, GP 7. • IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Paper path module components (35-55 ppm); developer temperature sensor, PL 9.22 – Flag 1, P/J27.
Item 5, relative humidity sensor and ambient temperature sensor, PL 9.20 Item 4, waste • Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
toner full sensor, PL 9.10 Item 2, left door interlock, PL 7.30 Item 3, waste toner door – Flag 15, P/J502
switch, PL 9.10 Item 6, registration sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.
Paper path module components (65-90 ppm); developer temperature sensor, PL 9.20
– Flag 19, P/J139, P/J999.
Item 5, relative humidity sensor and ambient temperature sensor, PL 9.20 Item 4, waste
toner full sensor, PL 9.10 Item 2, left door interlock, PL 7.30 Item 3, waste toner door – Flag 16, P/J25, P/J131.
switch, PL 9.10 Item 6, registration sensor, PL 8.17 Item 3. • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
– Flag 2, P/J7. The +5V supply on the DADH PWB is generated on board from the +3.3V supply, refer to
– Flag 1, P/J27. Figure 2.
• Xerographic CRUM, part of the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 • Wait sensor, (65-90 ppm), PL 7.30 Item 25.
ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2. – Flag 10, P/J16, P/J553.
– Flag 4, P/J142, P/J144.
– Flag 3, P/J149, P/J8.
– Flag 1, P/J27.
• Fuser CRUM, part of the fuser module, PL 10.10 Item 1.
– Flag 5, P/J146, PJ141.
– Flag 3, P/J149, P/J8.
– Flag 1, P/J27.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.
– Flag 6, P/J19, P/J270.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
– Flag 7, P/J394, P/J272.
– Flag 6, P/J19, P/J270.
• OCT Module, PL 12.10.
– Flag 8, P/J11.
– Flag 1, P/J27.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
– Flag 9, P/J4.
– Flag 1, P/J27.
• Duplex motor driver PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 9 or (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 9.
– Flag 11, P/J4.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01E 2-36 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1 +5V distribution circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-37 01E
Figure 2 +5V distribution circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01E 2-38 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01F +12V Distribution RAP
Use this RAP to identify +12V distribution problems.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2. Go to the appropriate component in the list that follows that has
a suspect +12V supply. Check wiring, GP 7.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• User interface control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
– Flag 2, P/J133, P/J130.
– Flag 1, P/J25, P/J131.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
– Flag 3, P/J920, P/J135.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• CCD PWB, W/O TAG 150.
– Flag 3, P/J450, P/J135.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• Riser PWB PL 3.22 Item 3.
– Flag 4, P/J155, P/J138.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• Embedded FAX PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
– Flag 4, P/J157, P/J155, P/J138.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
– Flag 6, P/J27.
• Xerographic CRUM, part of the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90
ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
– Flag 8, P/J142, PJ144.
– Flag 7, P/J147, P/J16.
• Main drive PWB (35-55 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 6, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 6.
– Flag 7, P/J147, P/J16.
• Door interlock switch, PL 1.10 Item 7.
– Flag 9, P/J17.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
– Flag 10, P/J137, P/J106.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22.
– Flag 11, P/J139, P/J999.
– Flag 1, P/J25, P/J131.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-39 01F
Figure 1 +12V distribution circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01F 2-40 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 +12V distribution circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-41 01F
01G +24V Distribution RAP Duplex motor driver PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 9, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 9.
Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
Use this RAP to identify +24V distribution problems.
– Flag 6, P/J4.
Initial Actions – Flag 5, P/J27.
Check the following: • Toner dispense module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 1. Refer
to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
• The door interlock switch is closed.
– Flag 7, P/J6.
• The xerographic module is correctly installed.
– Flag 5, P/J27.
Procedure • Bypass tray feed solenoid, PL 7.30 Item 4. Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
– Flag 8, P/J10.
– Flag 5, P/J27.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• OCT Module, PL 12.10, Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. – Flag 9, P/J11.
Refer to Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5. Go to the appropriate component in the list – Flag 5, P/J27.
that follows that has a suspect +24V supply. Check the wiring, GP 7. • HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 5, Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5. – Flag 10, P/J14, P/J55.
– Flag 1, P/J25, P/J131. – Flag 5, P/J27.
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • Photoreceptor drive motor, part of the main drive module, (35-55) PL 4.15 Item 17, (65-90
Flag 5, P/J27. ppm) PL 4.10 Item 17. Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
• Main drive PWB, part of the main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 6, (65-90 ppm) – Flag 12, P/J151.
PL 4.10 Item 6. – Flag 11, P/J147, P/J16.
– Flag 11, P/J147, P/J16. • Ozone fan, PL 9.25 Item 1. Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
• ROS PL 6.10 Item 4 – Flag 13. P/J153.
– Flag 16, P/J18. – Flag 12, P/J151.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2. – Flag 11, P/J147, P/J16.
– Flag 17, P/J270, P/J19. • Fuser web motor, part of the main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 1, (65-90 ppm)
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2. PL 4.12 Item 1. Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
– Flag 18, P/J394, P/J272. – Flag 14, P/J154.
– Flag 17, P/J270, P/J19. – Flag 11, P/J147, P/J16.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5. Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check. WARNING
– Flag 3, P/J188. Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of
– Flag 2, P/J132. fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25. • Paper path module containing: in-line fuse and wiring, GP 7, PL 1.10 Item 9, Figure 1.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8. Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check. – Erase lamp, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 1, (45-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 1.
– Flag 20, P/J12. – Inverter path solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 14.
– Flag 21, P/J502, P/J501. – Registration clutch, PL 8.15 Item 7.
• Scanner PWB, W/TAG 150, PL 14.15 Item 4. – Inverter nip solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 6.
– Flag 4, P/J920, P/J135. – Vacuum transport fan (part of short paper path assembly), PL 10.25 Item 1.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25. – Refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
• Scanner PWB, W/O TAG 150, PL 14.25 Item 4. – Flag 15, in-line fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, Figure 1.
– Flag 4, P/J455, P/J135.
– Flag 1, P/J131, P/J25.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01G 2-42 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01G Fused Distribution Check • On the paper path module, Figure 4:
Procedure – Flag 15, P/J17.
WARNING • On the ROS, Figure 5:
– Flag 16, P/J18.
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the IOT PWB. Repairing or installing a new fuse
can cause overheating and a risk of fire. • On the tray 1 and 2 control PWB and HCF control PWB, Figure 5:
WARNING – Flag 17, P/J19
– Flag 18, P/J272.
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the power distribution PWB. Repairing or
installing a new fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire. c. Connect the circuit or harness.
WARNING d. If the voltage drops lower than +22V, switch off the machine, GP 14. Recheck the
component and harness for overheating or short circuits. Repair or install new com-
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the main drive PWB. Repairing or installing a
ponents as necessary.
new fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
e. Actuate the component using its control code, dC330.
WARNING f. If the voltage drops lower than +22V, switch off the machine, GP 14. Recheck the
Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of component and harness for overheating or short circuits. Repair or install new com-
fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire. ponents as necessary.
If the surface mounted fuse on the power distribution PWB, IOT PWB or main drive PWB has
blown, do not install a new PWB until the cause of the fault is repaired.
Use this procedure when checking the +24V fused distribution. Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, GP 14.
2. Refer to Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4. Disconnect the relevant circuit or harnesses.
Check each one for evidence of overheating or short circuits, GP 7.
3. Refer to 01H Short Circuits and Overloads RAP.
4. Monitor the +24V test point as the circuit or harnesses are individually reconnected as fol-
a. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
b. Monitor the voltage at the appropriate test point:
• On the power distribution PWB, Figure 2:
In-line +24 volt fuse
– Flag 2, P/J132.
– Flag 4, P/J135.
• On the Tray 5 Control PWB, Figure 2:
– Flag 20, P/J12.
– Flag 21, P/J501, P/J502.
• On the IOT PWB, Figure 3:
– Flag 6, P/J4. Figure 1 +24 volt in-line fuse
– Flag 7, P/J6.
– Flag 8, P/J10.
– Flag 9, P/J11.
– Flag 10, P/J14.
– Flag 19, P/J61.
• On the main drive module, Figure 4:
– Flag 12, P/J151.
– Flag 13, P/J153.
– Flag 14, P/J154.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-43 01G
Figure 2 +24V distribution circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01G 2-44 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 +24V distribution circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-45 01G
Figure 4 +24V distribution circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01G 2-46 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 5 +24V distribution circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-47 01G
01H Short Circuit and Overload RAP • Figure 1. All the PJ connectors on the IOT PWB, except PJ26 Flag 24, PJ27 Flag 25 and
PJ5 Flag 15.
Procedural Notes Press the on / off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8. The LED CR36 is on.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Check for a short circuit on the AC line. Go to 01C AC Power RAP.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Press the on/off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8. The LEDs, CR12, CR13 and CR15 are on and stay
• The LEDs, Figure 1, CR12, CR13, CR14, CR15 and CR36 on the IOT PWB are used to
indicate that a supply voltage is available. Refer to OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.
Go to Flag 15. Measure the voltage at PJ5, pin 19. Press the on / off switch, PL 1.10 Item
• Short circuit or overload of +3.3VSB (standby) will result in all outputs off.
8. The voltage changes from +3.5V to 0V.
• Short circuit or overload of +3.3V or +5V will result in all outputs off, except +3.3VSB.
• Short circuit or overload of +12V or +24V will result in only those outputs being off. Check the wiring to the on / off switch, GP 7. If necessary, install a new on / off
• In all instances, when the short circuit or overload is removed all the outputs will recover switch, PL 1.10 Item 8.
to normal operating voltages after 10 seconds.
• If +3.3VSB is over voltage, all outputs will be off. To restore to normal, switch off the Disconnect PJ26. Measure the voltage at the harness of PJ26, pin 7, Flag 24. +1.16V is
machine, GP 14. Wait three minutes. Switch on the machine. available at pin 7.
• If +3.3V, +5V or +12V are over voltage, all outputs will be off, except +3.3VSB. To restore Y N
to normal, switch off the machine, GP 14. Wait three minutes. Switch on the machine. Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• If the +24V is over voltage, only the 24V the output will be off. To restore to normal, switch
off the machine, GP 14. Wait three minutes. Switch on the machine. Reconnect PJ26. Measure the voltage at the harness of PJ26, pin 7, Flag 24. Press the
WARNING on / off switch. The voltage changes from +1.16V to 0V and stays at 0V.
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the IOT PWB. Repairing or installing a new fuse
Install new components in the order that follows:
can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
1. Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
WARNING 2. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the power distribution PWB. Repairing or PL 1.10 Item 2.
installing a new fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
WARNING Disconnect the power cord. Use a service multi-meter set to DC amps. Ensure the meter
Do not repair or install a new fuse F1 on the main drive PWB. Repairing or installing a leads are connected to the correct meter sockets to measure amps. Connect the black
lead to the machine frame. Reconnect the power cord. Use the probe on the red lead to
new fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
ground PJ26, pin 7 to ground, through the multi-meter. When the LEDs CR27, CR28 and
WARNING CR29 are flashing, press and release the on / off switch and remove the probe. The
Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating of LEDs, CR12, CR13 and CR15 are ON and stay ON.
fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire. Y N
Procedure Set the service multi-meter to measure volts. Ensure the meter leads are connected
to the correct meter sockets to measure volts. Measure the voltage at the harness of
Switch off the machine, GP 14. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1. Reconnect the power
PJ26, pin 7, Flag 24. 0V is measured.
cord. CR36 is on, Figure 1.
Y N Check that the F1 fuse on the IOT PWB has not failed. Go to 01H +24 Volt Cir-
Go to 01J Power On and LVPS Control Signals RAP.
cuits before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.

NOTE: To disconnect the connectors PJ16, PJ17, PJ18, PJ19 and PJ25 on the LVPS, open Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
tray 1 and tray 2. Remove the screw that secures the power and control assembly, PL 1.10.
Slide the power and control assembly to the left.
Set the service multi-meter set to volts. Ensure the meter leads are connected to the cor-
NOTE: Refer to Figure 3 for the low voltage distribution. This is an overview of all the low volt- rect meter sockets to measure volts. Measure the voltage at PJ25, pins 1 and 2, Flag 5.
age harnesses within the machine. +24V is measured.
NOTE: Refer to GP 7 at every harness check and if necessary perform, REP 1.2. Measure the voltage at the harness of PJ26, pin 9, Flag 24. 0V is measured.
To check the output voltages of the LVPS, disconnect the following.
• Figure 2. PJ16, PJ17, PJ18, PJ19 and PJ25.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
01H 2-48 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Y N a. Developer temperature sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 5, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item
Check that the F1 fuse on the IOT PWB has not failed. Go to 01H +24 Volt Cir- 5, WD 10.
cuits before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item 2. b. Relative humidity sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 4, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 4, WD
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3. c. Ambient temperature sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 4, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 4,
WD 10.
Disconnect the power cord. Disconnect the in-line fuse in the harness from PJ17. Recon- d. Waste toner full sensor, PL 9.10 Item 2, WD 10.
nect PJ16 and PJ17. Set the service multi-meter to measure amps. Ensure the meter
leads are connected to the correct meter sockets to measure amps. Clip the black lead to
01H +3.3 Volt and +5 Volt Circuits
the machine frame. Reconnect the power cord. Use the probe on the red lead to ground NOTE: After every disconnection, the on / off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8, must be pressed. If CR12
PJ26, pin 7 to ground. When the LEDs CR27, CR28 and CR29 are flashing, press and and CR13 are not on, reconnect and go to the next step.
release the on/off switch and remove the probe. The LEDs, CR12, CR13, CR15 and
CR16 are ON and stay ON 1. Perform the steps that follow:
Y N a. Disconnect PJ137, power distribution PWB. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on,
Check the interlock circuit, Flag 26, Flag 27 and Flag 28. If the circuit is good, check then check the harness, Flag 11, from the power distribution PWB to PJ106 on the
that F1 fuse on the IOT PWB has not failed. Go to 01H +24 Volt Circuits before a single board controller PWB, WD 3.
new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item 2. b. Disconnect PJ138 from the power distribution PWB. If the LEDs, CR12 and CR13
are on, then check the harness, Flag 12, to the riser PWB, WD 3
The LVPS is good. Continue at 01H Initial Isolation Check. 2. If no short circuit is found is found in the +3.3V and +5V circuits, go to 01H +3.3 Volt Cir-
Disconnect the power cord. Reconnect PJ16 and PJ17. Connect the power cord. Press the on/
off switch. The LED CR16 is ON.
01H +3.3 Volt Circuits
Y N NOTE: After every disconnection, the on / off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8, must be pressed. If CR12
Check the interlock circuit, Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 6. If the circuit is good, go to 01H +24 and CR13 are not on, reconnect and go to the next step.
Volt Circuits before a new a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.
1. Disconnect PJ132, power distribution PWB. If the LEDs, CR12 and CR13 are on, then
The LVPS is good. Continue at 01H Initial Isolation Check. check the harness, Flag 8, to the DADH PWB, WD 3.
01H Initial Isolation Check 2. Disconnect PJ133, power distribution PWB. If the LEDs, CR12 and CR13 are on, then
check the harness, Flag 9, to the UI control PWB, WD 3.
NOTE: After every disconnection, the on/off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8, must be pressed. If CR12 3. Disconnect PJ135, power distribution PWB. If the LEDs, CR12 and CR13 are on, then
and CR13 are not on, reconnect and go to the next step. check the harness, Flag 10, to the Scanner PWB W/O TAG 150, CCD PWB W/O TAG
150 or Scanner PWB W/TAG 150.
Disconnect the power cord. Reconnect all the disconnected PJ connections on the IOT PWB,
LVPS and the power distribution PWB. Reconnect the power cord. Switch on the machine, GP 4. If no failure is found in the +3.3V circuits, go to 01H +5 Volt Circuits.
14. If ALL the LEDs, Figure 1, CR12, CR13, CR15 and CR16 are OFF, go to step1. If the CR15 01H +5 Volt Circuits
is OFF, go to 01H +12 Volt Circuits. If the CR16 is OFF, go to 01H +24 Volt Circuits.
1. Disconnect PJ25, Flag 5, Figure 3. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, check the har- NOTE: After every disconnection, the on / off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8, must be pressed. If CR12
and CR13 are not on, reconnect and go to the next step.
ness from PJ25 to PJ131. If the harness is good, go 01H +3.3 Volt and +5 Volt Circuits.
2. Disconnect PJ18, Flag 3, Figure 3. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, check the har- 1. Disconnect PJ8, IOT PWB. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, then check the harness,
ness, Flag 3, from PJ18 to the ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4. WD 1. Flag 14, to the xerographic CRUM, part of the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item
3. Disconnect PJ19, Flag 4, Figure 3. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, check the har- 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2, and to the fuser CRUM, part of the fuser module, (35-55
ness, Flag 4, from PJ19 on the LVPS, to the Tray 1 and 2 Control PWB, PL 7.10, WD 1. ppm) PL 10.8 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1, WD 6.
a. Check the harness at Flag 7, WD 20. 2. Disconnect PJ9, IOT PWB. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, then check the harness,
b. Check the harness, Flag 4, from PJ19 on the LVPS, to the Tray 1 and 2 Control Flag 17, to tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 1, WD 10.
PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2, WD 1. 3. Disconnect PJ4, IOT PWB. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, then check the harness,
4. Disconnect PJ10, Flag 20, Figure 3. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, check the har- Flag 16, to the inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22, and to the duplex motor
ness, Flag 20, from PJ10 on the IOT PWB, to the bypass tray, PL 7.30, WD 10. driver PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 9, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 9, WD 7.
5. Disconnect PJ11, Flag 21, Figure 3. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, check the har-
ness, Flag 21, from PJ11 on the IOT PWB to the output devices, WD 5.
6. Disconnect PJ7, Flag 19, Figure 3. If the LEDs CR12 and CR13 are on, check the har-
ness, Flag 19, from PJ7 to the components that follow:

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-49 01H
01H +12 Volt Circuits 6. Disconnect PJ135 on the power distribution PWB check the harness, to the CCD PWB W/
O TAG 150 or Scanner PWB W/TAG 150.
NOTE: Before disconnection, switch off the machine, GP 14. Switch on the machine, GP 14, to
check CR15.
CR15 is OFF. Check the harnesses that follow for a short circuit, until CR15 is on, Figure 1.
1. Disconnect PJ25 on the LVPS. CR15 is ON. Check from PJ25, Flag 5, to the power distri-
bution PWB, WD 2. If the harness from PJ25 to PJ131 is good. Reconnect PJ25 and per-
form the steps that follow:
a. Disconnect PJ133 on the power distribution PWB. Check the harness, Flag 9, to
PJ130 on the UI control PWB, PL 2.10.
b. Disconnect PJ135 on the power distribution PWB. Check the harness, Flag 10, to
the Scanner PWB W/O TAG 150, CCD PWB W/O TAG 150 or Scanner PWB W/TAG
c. Disconnect PJ138 on the power distribution PWB. Check the harness, Flag 12, to
PJ155 on the riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
01H +24 Volt Circuits
NOTE: Before disconnection, switch off the machine, GP 14. Switch on the machine, GP 14, to
check CR16.
CR16 is OFF. Check the harnesses that follow for a short circuit, until CR16 is on, Figure 1.
1. Disconnect PJ18 on the LVPS. CR16 is ON. Check from PJ18 to the ROS, PL 6.10 Item
4, WD 1.
2. Disconnect PJ19 on the LVPS. CR16 is ON. Check from PJ19, Flag 4, to the tray 1 and 2 Figure 1 IOT PWB, LED and PJ location
control PWB, WD 1, WD 20 and WD 21.
3. Switch off the machine, GP 14.
If the F1 fuse on the IOT PWB has failed. Set the meter to measure ohms. Connect the
black lead to PJ27 pin 9 or pin 10 and the red lead to the bottom of the F1 fuse on the IOT
PWB. If the output is shorted the measurement will be less than 1 ohm.
a. Disconnect PJ3 on the IOT PWB. The value is below 1 Ohm. Check from PJ3, Flag
13, to the main drive PWB, WD 6.
b. Disconnect PJ4 on the IOT PWB. The value is below 1 Ohm. Check from PJ4, Flag
16, to the inverter motor, PL 10.11 Item 11, and the duplex motor, (35-55) PL 8.22
Item 8, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 8, WD 7.
c. Disconnect PJ6 on the IOT PWB. The value is below 1 Ohm. Check from PJ6, Flag
18, to PJ93 on the developer module, WD 10.
d. Disconnect PJ10 on the IOT PWB. The value is below 1 Ohm. Check from PJ10,
Flag 20, to the paper tray bypass, PL 7.30, WD 10.
e. Disconnect PJ11 on the IOT PWB. The value is below 1 Ohm. Check from PJ11,
Flag 21, to P/J151 and onto the output device, WD 5.
f. Disconnect PJ14 on the IOT PWB. The value is below 1 Ohm. Check from PJ14,
Flag 22, to PJ55 on the HVPS, PL 1.10, WD 11.
g. Install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
h. If after completing the checks above, the F1 fuse on the IOT PWB fails. Switch off
the machine, GP 14. Install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Disconnect PJ3, PJ4, PJ6, PJ11 and PJ14. Switch off the machine, GP 14 before a Figure 2 LVPS PJ location
PJ is connected. Install each PJ, one at a time until the PJ is found that causes the
fuse to fail. Check and repair the harness or install new components as necessary.
4. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
5. Disconnect PJ132 on the power distribution PWB, check the harness, to DADH, Flag 8.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01H 2-50 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Low voltage distribution

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-51 01H
Figure 4 +12V interlock circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01H 2-52 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01J Power On and LVPS Control Signal RAP
Use this RAP to check and identify power on and standby signals from the LVPS.

Ensure that the 01C AC Power RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Procedural Notes
NOTE: Short circuit or overload of +3.3VSB (standby) will result in all the LVPS outputs off.
Short circuit or overload of +3.3V or +5V will result in all the LVPS outputs off, except +3.3VSB.

NOTE: For an explanation of the LEDs on the IOT PWB and their function, go to OF7 IOT
PWB Diagnostics RAP.

NOTE: +3.3VSB (standby) is generated from the LVPS when the machine is connected to the
AC supply. +3.3VSB is required to initialize the machine from standby to power on.

Ensure that the machine is switched off, GP 14. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
Reconnect the power cord. Check CR36, Figure 1. CR36 is on.
Go to Flag 3. +3.3VSB is available at P/J27, between pin 6 and pin 14, on the IOT
Figure 1 LED location on IOT PWB
Disconnect P/J27. +3.3VSB is available at the disconnected end of the harness,
P/J27, between pins 6 and 14.
Go to 01C AC Power RAP.

Check the harness and connector P/J27, if necessary repair the harness/connector
or install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Check the pin to pin connections of P/J27. If the connections are good, install a new IOT
PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is

Go to Flag 1. Monitor the voltage at P/J5, pin 19. Press the on/off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8.
The voltage changes to 0V.
Check the wiring to the switch, GP 7. If necessary, repair the wiring or install a new on/off
switch, PL 1.10 Item 8.

Monitor the voltage at P/J26, pin 7. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP
14. Go to Flag 2. The voltage changes from +2.3V to 0V.
Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item

Go to the 01H Short Circuits and Overloads RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-53 01J
Figure 2 Power ON circuit and dependencies

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01J 2-54 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
01K Sleep Mode RAP • An incoming Fax job. To indicate a wake up call has been initiated the Fax PWB will gen-
erate a power management event/wake up (PME/wake up) signal. The PME/wake up sig-
Use this RAP to diagnose problems entering or exiting sleep mode.
nal is sent via the riser PWB through the PCI bus to the single board controller PWB to
the IOT PWB. The IOT on/off control circuit detects the PME/wake up line is active and
Sleep Mode Operation enables the PS ON signal to the LVPS, which in turn switches on the low voltage DC out-
The machine is designed to be energy efficient by reducing the power consumption after peri- puts of the machine, and also asserts the LOW PWR signal to enable AC power to the fin-
ods of inactivity. The machine has three power modes: isher.
• Standby or run mode - full power consumption. In this mode, the energy saver button, Fig- • An incoming print job to the single board controller PWB will generate a power manage-
ure 1, is not illuminated. ment event/wake up (PME/wake up) signal that is passed through single board controller
• Low power mode - the fuser temperature is reduced to save power, yet allow a quick PWB to the IOT PWB. This causes the IOT to generate the PS ON signal to the LVPS,
return to run temperature. In this mode, the energy saver button, Figure 1, is blinking. which in turn switches on the low voltage DC outputs of the machine and also asserts the
LOW PWR signal to enable AC power to the finisher.
• Sleep mode - power consumption for the whole machine is reduced to below 10 watts by
powering down all but the essential parts, see the note below. In this mode, the energy Reading or Setting the Power Save Duration Times
saver button, Figure 1, is illuminated. Access the power save feature by performing the following:
1. Access the customer administration tools screen, GP 24.
NOTE: When the machine is in sleep mode, +12V sleep is supplied from a special power
supply located within the LVPS to the power distribution PWB. The power distribution 2. Touch the More button.
PWB supplies +3.3V sleep and 12V sleep to power the PWBs that follow: 3. Touch the Power Saver Administration button.
– Riser PWB. 4. Set the Standby/Low Power duration times.
– Fax PWB. 5. Touch save.
– Single board controller (SBC) PWB. The default time for standby mode to low power mode is 15 minutes, the minimum value is 1,
– UI control PWB. the maximum value is 120.

Off to Run Mode The default time for low power mode to sleep mode is 45 minutes, the minimum value is 10,
When the On/off button is pressed, the IOT PWB sends the PS ON signal to the LVPS to the maximum value is 120.
power-on the low voltage DC outputs of the machine. The PS ON signal is diode coupled
within the LVPS to the sleep signal, therefore whenever the main power supply is on, the sleep To change either of the timing values, touch the appropriate input area, enter the new value
mode power supply is on. When the machine is in run mode the IOT watchdog signal and the using the keypad. Touch the Save button to confirm the change.
SBC watchdog signal keep the PS ON signal active.
Initial Actions
Run Mode to Sleep Mode Make sure that the cooling fan, PL 3.24 Item 2 is connected to PJ221 on the Single Board Con-
After a period of machine inactivity that equates to the sum of the low power mode duration troller PWB, not PJ134 on the Power distribution PWB.
plus the sleep mode duration, as set in the customer tools options, both the SBC and IOT
watchdogs are stopped. After approximately 4.5 seconds the PS ON signal goes inactive, Procedure
causing the low voltage DC outputs of the machine to switch off. Before the SBC and IOT stop
their watchdogs, the UI watchdog is started, this causes the sleep signal to be active; this in WARNING
turn keeps the sleep mode power supply on when the main power supply switches off. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Sleep Mode to Run Mode cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Exit from sleep mode requires one of the wake events that follows to occur: Refer to Sleep Mode to Run Mode. The machine remains in sleep mode after a wake
• An operator presses the on/off switch. This causes the IOT to generate the PS ON signal event.
to the LVPS, which in turn switches on the low voltage DC outputs of the machine and Y N
also asserts the LOW PWR signal to enable AC power to the finisher. Refer to Run Mode to Sleep Mode. The machine remains in standby mode or low
power mode after both power save duration times have elapsed.
• An operator touches the UI screen or presses any UI buttons. This causes the UI to acti-
vate the PME wake up signal. The wake signal is passed through the single board con- Y N
The machine switches off when it should enter sleep mode.
troller PWB to the IOT. This causes the IOT to generate the PS ON signal to the LVPS,
which in turn switches on the low voltage DC outputs of the machine and also asserts the
LOW PWR signal to enable AC power to the finisher. The system is operating correctly, perform SCP 6 Final Actions.


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-55 01K
Perform the following: Install new parts as necessary:
• Refer to Reading or Setting the Power Save Duration Times. Set both the • User interface harness, PL 2.10 Item 3.
standby mode to low power mode and the low power mode to sleep mode val- • User interface control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
ues to 1 minute. • User interface touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
• Disconnect the Fax telephone lines to prevent a power management event. • User interface touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.
• Disconnect the ethernet connection P/J114 to prevent a power management • Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is
Go to Flag 1. Check the voltage at P/J27 pin 8 on the IOT PWB. After 2 minutes
installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.
the voltage changes from +3.3V to 0V.
Y N Install anew LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and connectors between PJ1 pin 9 and P/J105
pin 7. Refer to the information that follows:
Perform the following:
• If the embedded fax option is installed, ensure it has been enabled and set up. If the
• P/J114 Single Board Controller PWB. customer does not use this option, it may be disabled via the tools menu, but the
Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and connectors between P/J103 pin 3 and PJ81 embedded fax must be set up to allow the operation of the Sleep Mode.
pin 1. Refer to the information that follows: • Refer to Reading or Setting the Power Save Duration Times. Set both the standby
• P/J103 Single Board Controller PWB mode to low power mode and the low power mode to sleep mode values to 1 minute.
• P/J81 User interface PWB. • Disconnect the input Fax line(s) to prevent a power management event.
The wiring and connectors are good. • Disconnect from the network to prevent a power management event.
Y N • Leave the machine untouched and observe the user interface.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2.
After one minute the energy saver button flashes, then after a further minute the
energy saver button illuminates.
Go to Flag 8. Check for +3.3V at P/J155 between pins 2 and 6, also check for
+12V between pins 4 and 8. Refer to the information that follows:
Install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP
• P/J155 Riser PWB. before the new IOT PWB is installed. Return the power save settings to the previous
The voltages are good. values and reconnect the Fax and network lines. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Go to Flag 8. Check for +3.3V at the Power distribution PWB P/J138 The system is operating correctly. Return the power save settings to the previous values
between pins 2 and 6, also check for +12V between pins 7 and 8. The and reconnect the Fax and network lines. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
voltages are good.
Y N The wake event is from the user interface.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. Check for +12V at the Power distribution Y N
PWB P/J131 between pins 17 and 13, also check for +12V between The wake event is from the network.
pins 14 and 18. The voltages are good. Y N
Y N The wake event is from the Fax PWB.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. Check for +12V at the LVPS and base Y N
module P/J25 between pins 3 and 13, also check for +12V Go to the 01J Power On and LVPS Control Signals RAP, check the operation of
between pins 4 and 14. The voltages are good. the on/off switch.
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3. Perform the following:
1. Refer to 20A Fax Entry RAP and complete all of the initial actions.
Check the wiring and connectors between P/J25 and P/J131. 2. Remove and re-seat the Fax PWB and riser PWB, REP 3.2.
Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2.
3. Refer to Reading or Setting the Power Save Duration Times. Set both the
standby mode to low power mode and the low power mode to sleep mode val-
Install a new Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
ues to 1 minute.
Go to Flag 8. Check the wiring and connectors between P/J138 and P/ 4. Go to Flag 2, Measure the voltage at P/J105 pin 11.
J155. Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2. 5. Leave the machine untouched, allow the machine to enter sleep mode.
6. Arrange for a Fax job to be sent from another machine to this machine.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
01K 2-56 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
The voltage measured changes from +3.3V to 0V when the Fax arrives at the Arrange for a Fax job to be sent from another machine to this machine. The voltage
machine. measured changes from +3.3V to 0V.
Go to Flag 8. Check for +3.3V at PJ155 between pins 2 and 6, also check for Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
+12V between pins 4 and 8. Refer to the information that follows: PL 1.10 Item 2.
• P/J155 Riser PWB.
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
The voltages are good.
Go to Flag 8. Check for +3.3V at the Power distribution PWB P/J138 Go to P/J114. Check the network connection. The harness and connectors are good.
between pins 2 and 6, also check for +12V between pins 7 and 8. The
Install a new ethernet harness.
voltages are good.
Perform the following:
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. Check for +12V at the Power distribution
PWB P/J131 between pins 17 and 13, also check for +12V between 1. Refer to Reading or Setting the Power Save Duration Times. Set both the standby
pins 18 and 14. The voltages are good. mode to low power mode and the low power mode to sleep mode values to 1 minute.
Y N 2. Disconnect the telephone network harness from the Fax PWB to prevent a power
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. Check for +12V at the LVPS and base management event.
module P/J25 between pins 3 and 13, also check for +12V 3. Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J105 pin 11. Refer to the information that fol-
between pins 4 and 14. The voltages are good. lows:
Y N • P/J114 Single Board Controller PWB.
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
4. Leave the machine untouched, allow the machine to enter sleep mode.
Check the wiring and connectors between P/J25 and P/J131. 5. Arrange for a print job to be sent from a PC to this machine.
Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2. The voltage measured changes from +3.3V to 0V, when the print job arrives at the
Install a new power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5. Y N
Go to Flag 8. Check for +3.3V at PJ155 between pins 2 and 6, also check for +12V
Check the wiring and connectors between PJ138 and PJ155. Refer to the between pins 4 and 8. Refer to the information that follows:
information that follows • P/J155 Riser PWB.
• P/J138 Power distribution PWB. The voltages are good.
• P/J155 Riser PWB. Y N
Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2. Go to Flag 8. Check for +3.3V at the Power distribution PWB P/J138 between
pins 2 and 6, also check for +12V between pins 7 and 8. The voltages are
Install new parts as necessary: good.
• Fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. Check for +12V at the Power distribution PWB P/
• Riser PWB PL 3.22 Item 3.
J131 between pins 17 and 13, also check for +12V between pins 14 and
• Single board controller PWB PL 3.24 Item 3. 18. The voltages are good.
Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J1 pin 5 on the IOT PWB. Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. Check for +12V at the LVPS and base mod-
Arrange for a Fax to be sent from another machine to this machine. The voltage ule P/J25 between pins 3 and 13, also check for +12V between pins
measured changes from +3.3V to 0V when the Fax arrives at the machine. 4 and 14. The voltages are good.
Check the wiring and connectors between PJ1 and PJ105. Refer to the infor- Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
mation that follows:
• P/J1 IOT PWB. Check the wiring and connectors between P/J25 and P/J131. Repair
• P/J114 Single Board Controller PWB. the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2.
Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2.
Install a new power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
Go to Flag 4. Measure the voltage at P/J26 pin 7 on the IOT PWB.


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-57 01K
Check the wiring and connectors between PJ138 and PJ155. Refer to the infor- Check the wiring and connectors between P/J133 and P/J130. Repair the wiring,
mation that follows REP 1.2, as necessary.
• P/J138 Power distribution PWB.
Install new parts as necessary:
• P/J155 Riser PWB.
• User interface harness, PL 2.10 Item 3.
Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2.
• User interface control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
Install new parts as necessary: • User interface touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3. • User interface touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Go to Flag 3. Measure the voltage at PJ103 pin 2. Refer to the information that follows:
Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J1 pin 5 on the IOT PWB. Arrange for a print job • P/J103 Single Board Controller PWB
to be sent from a PC to this machine. The voltage measured changes from +3.3V to The voltage changes from +3.3V to 0V when the UI screen is touched or a UI button is
0V when the print job arrives at the machine. pressed.
Check the wiring and connectors between PJ1 and PJ105. Refer to the information Check the wiring and connectors between PJ103 and PJ81.
that follows:
• P/J103 Single Board Controller PWB
• P/J81 User interface PWB.
• P/J114 Single Board Controller PWB.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2, as necessary.
Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2.
Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J105 pin 11. Refer to the information that follows:
Go to Flag 4. Measure the voltage at P/J26 pin 7 on the IOT PWB. Arrange for a print job
• P/J114 Single Board Controller PWB
to be sent from a PC to this machine. The voltage measured changes from +3.3V to
0V when the print job arrives at the machine. The voltage changes from +3.3V to 0V when the UI screen is touched or a UI button is
Y N pressed.
Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL Y N
1.10 Item 2. Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3. Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J1 pin 5 on the IOT PWB. The voltage changes from
+3.3V to 0V when the UI screen is touched or a UI button is pressed.
Go to Flag 3. Measure the voltage at P/J81 pin 2 on the User interface PWB. The voltage Y N
changes from +3.3V to 0V when the UI screen is touched or a UI button is pressed. Check the wiring and connectors between PJ1 and P/J105. Refer to the information that
Y N follows:
Go to Flag 6. +3.3V is available at P/J130 on the User interface PWB between pins 1 • P/J1 IOT PWB.
and 2. • P/J114 Single Board Controller PWB
Y N Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 as necessary.
Go to Flag 6. +3.3V is available at P/J133 on the Power distribution PWB
between pins 3 and 4. Go to Flag 4.Measure the voltage at P/J26 pin 7 on the IOT PWB. The voltage changes
Y N from +3.3V to 0V when the UI screen is touched or a UI button is pressed.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. +12V is available at P/J131 on the Power distribu- Y N
tion PWB between pins 13 and 17 and also between pins 14 and 18. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item
Y N 2.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 7. +12V is available at P/J25 on the LVPS and
base module between pins 13 and 3 and also between pins 4 and 14. Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Check the wiring and connectors between P/J25 and P/J131. Repair the
wiring, REP 1.2, as necessary.

Install a new power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
01K 2-58 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Energy saver button.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-59 01K
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

01K 2-60 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
02-309 UI Control Panel Button or Touch Screen RAP 02-320, 02-380 UI Communication Test RAP
02-309 The User Interface Button Test or the Touch Area Test failed during the UI Test. 02-320 The UI does not receive the requested data from the single board controller PWB within
the correct time out period.
02-380 UI main controller communications test failed.
Before a new user interface assembly is installed, identify the software level (GP 4). Check the
compatibility of the software on the new user interface assembly. Install the software to meet
the customer machine requirements. Perform the next steps:
Perform the next steps: • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. • Enter dC305 UI test. Perform the Communications Self Test.
• Reload the UI software, GP 4. • Go to 03-310 Single Board Controller PWB to UI Errors RAP.
• Check the condition of CR12 and CR15 on the IOT PWB, refer to the OF7 IOT PWB Diag-
nostics RAP.
• Enter dC305 UI test. Perform the Communications Self Test.
• Check the harness connections between the user interface, PL 2.10 and the single board
controller PWB, PL 3.24.
• Install new components as necessary:
– UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
– UI touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
– UI touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-61 02-309, 02-320, 02-380
02-390, 02-391, 02-704, 02-706 UI Software Error RAP 02-392 Custom Services Access RAP
02-390 All of the configured services have not reached a stable state after five minutes from 02-392 User interface/USB communication error.
02-391 All the services are not registered when the single board controller PWB/UI synchroni-
Perform the following.
zation has occurred.
• OF14 Extensible Interface Platform RAP.
02-704 Application software checksum has failed.

02-706 UI VRAM failure.

Before a new user interface assembly is installed, identify the software level (GP 4). Check the
compatibility of the software on the new user interface assembly. Install the software to meet
the customer machine requirements.
Perform the next steps:
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Enter dC305 UI test. Perform the Application Checksum Verification Test.
• Reload the UI software, GP 4.
• Install new components as necessary:
– UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
– UI touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
– UI touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

02-390, 02-391, 02-704, 02-706, 02-392 2-62 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
02-705, 02-707, 02-709, 02-712, 02-715 UI Failure RAP
02-705 The UI audio tones failed to operate.

02-707 Indicate a fault with a button on the UI control panel.

02-709 Indicate a fault with the touch screen on the UI.

02-712 UI LCD module test failed.

02-715 The LED control panel indicator test has failed.

Before a new user interface assembly is installed, identify the software level (GP 4). Check the
compatibility of the software on the new user interface assembly. Install the software to meet
the customer machine requirements.
Perform the next steps:
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Enter dC305 UI test. Perform the relevant test.
• Reload the UI software, GP 4.
• Install new components as necessary:
– UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
– UI touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
– UI touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-63 02-705, 02-707, 02-709, 02-712, 02-715
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
02-705, 02-707, 02-709, 02-712, 02-715 2-64 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-300, 306, 461, 482, 805, 870 Single Board Controller
03-300 The single board controller PWB to IOT communications have failed.

03-306 The IOT PWB has received an inappropriate print command from the single board con-
troller PWB.

03-461 A speed mismatch has been detected between the single board controller PWB and
the IOT PWB, in the NVM settings.

03-482 The single board controller PWB has failed to receive a +24V on signal from the IOT

03-805 The IOT PWB has received an un-recognized message from the single board controller

03-870 The IOT PWB cannot be recognized by the single board controller PWB.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• If the fault occurs during a software upgrade, wait 15 minutes for the software program-
ming operation to complete, before the next action.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. If the on/off switch fails to
operate, go to the 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

1. Switch off the machine, GP 14. Ensure all the connectors on the single board controller
PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3 and the IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 are correctly and securely seated.
Switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. If the fault was detected during a software upgrade, go to Flag 1. Check P/J107 on the
single board controller PWB. Re-load the software set, GP 4 Machine Software.
3. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.
4. Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring, GP 7. If necessary, install a new single board controller
PWB module / LVPS / IOT PWB harness, PL 3.24 Item 14.
5. 03-461 Only: Go to the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP. Check CR 27 for an indication of
NVM Test Failure.
6. Install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a
new IOT PWB is installed.
7. Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-65 03-300, 306, 461, 482, 805, 870
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-300, 306, 461, 482, 805, 870 2-66 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-310 Single Board Controller PWB to UI Error RAP
03-310 The single board controller PWB cannot communicate with the UI within one minute of
power-on or after three retries.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

1. Ensure all the connectors on the single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3 and UI con-
trol PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11 are correctly and securely seated.
2. Go to Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 3. Check the wiring. Repair or install new harnesses as nec-
essary, PL 2.10.
3. Go to Flag 1. Check the voltages. Refer to:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
4. Install new components as necessary:
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-67 03-310
03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 Single Board Controller 03-320 to 03-324 Single Board Controller PWB to DADH
PWB Failure RAP Error RAP
03-315 The single board controller PWB has performed a crash recovery procedure. 03-320 Communications between the single board controller PWB and the DADH have failed.

03-325 A single board controller PWB clock is not functioning. 03-321 Communications between the single board controller PWB and the DADH are out of
03-347 The single board controller PWB POST has failed the EPC test.
03-322 The DADH has detected a read/write error.
03-348 The single board controller PWB POST has failed the ASIC test.
03-323 The DADH has detected a software error.
03-349 The single board controller PWB POST has failed the rotation memory test.
03-324 The DADH has detected a boot check sum error.
03-355 The single board controller PWB POST has failed the NVM integrity test.
Initial Actions
03-400 The single board controller PWB cannot detect additional EPC memory.
Initial Actions Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
WARNING cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Remove originals from the DADH.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to the OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
• Check that the single board controller PWB cooling fan is operating. If necessary, go to
the 03A Single Board Controller PWB Cooling Fan Failure RAP.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
1. Ensure all the connectors on the PWBs that follow are correctly and securely seated:
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Procedure • Scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item 20.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
1. Ensure all the connectors on the PWBs that follow are correctly and securely seated:
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Check also, the in-line connector in the communications/power cable, PL 5.10 Item 6.
• Software module, PL 3.24 Item 8.
2. Go to Flag 2. Check the voltages. Refer to:
• Memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• (W/TAG 150) Scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item 20.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
2. Install new parts as necessary:
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• Memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.
3. Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the wiring, GP 7. If necessary, install a new communica-
• Software module, PL 3.24 Item 8.
tion/power cable, PL 5.10 Item 6.
• (W/TAG 150) Scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item 20.
4. If the fault was detected during a software upgrade, go to Flag 3. Check the connection.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Reload the software, GP 4, Machine Software.
5. Install new components as necessary:
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400, 03-320 to 03-324 2-68 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-69 03-320 to 03-324
03-330, 03-462 Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner 03-330A, 03-462A Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner
Fault Entry RAP Fault RAP (W/O TAG 150)
03-330 A single board controller PWB to scanner PWB communications error has been Initial Actions
03-462 A speed mismatch between the single board controller PWB and the scanner has been Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
detected in the NVM. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Procedure • Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 03-
330, 03-462 Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner Faults Entry RAP.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
Perform one of the steps that follow:
• For machines W/O TAG 150, go to the 03-330A, 03-462A Single Board Controller PWB to
Scanner Faults RAP (W/O TAG 150). 1. Ensure all the connectors on the PWBs that follow are correctly and securely seated:
• For machines W/TAG 150, go to the 03-330B, 03-462B Single Board Controller PWB to • Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Scanner Faults RAP (W/TAG 150). • Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• CCD PWB, PL 14.25 Item 19.
NOTE: To gain access to the scanner PWB, remove the document glass, PL 14.20 Item 5
and the scanner PWB cover, PL 14.25 Item 1.

2. Go to Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 3. Check the wiring. Repair or install new harnesses as nec-
essary, PL 14.25 Item 5 or PL 14.25 Item 13.

NOTE: Flag 4 indicates the main communication lines.

3. Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the voltages. Refer to:

• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
4. Re-load the software, GP 4 Machine Software.
5. If necessary, install new components:
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• Scanner module, PL 14.20 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-330, 03-462, 03-330A, 03-462A 2-70 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-71 03-330A, 03-462A
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-330A, 03-462A 2-72 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-330B, 03-462B Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner
Fault RAP (W/TAG 150)
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 03-
330, 03-462 Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner Faults Entry RAP.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

1. Ensure all the connectors on the PWBs that follow are correctly and securely seated:
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• CCD PWB, PL 14.25 Item 19.
• Scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item 20.
NOTE: To gain access to the scanner PWB, remove the document glass, PL 14.10 Item 5
and the scanner PWB cover, PL 14.15 Item 1.

2. Go to Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 3. Check the harnesses, GP 7. Repair or install new har-
nesses as necessary:
• Scanner daughter PWB/scanner PWB video harness, PL 14.15 Item 13.
• Single board controller/DADH comms/scanner PWB harness, PL 3.24 Item 7.
3. Go to Flag 3. Check the voltages. Refer to:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
4. Re-load the software, GP 4, Machine Software.
5. If necessary, install new components:
• Scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item 20.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-73 03-330B, 03-462B
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-330B, 03-462B 2-74 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-336 FAX Card Self Test Failure RAP
03-336 Power on self test failure detected on the embedded fax PWB.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Perform the following:
1. Go to 20G Embedded FAX Checkout.
2. Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132, select Embedded Fax NVM initialization and per-
form the routine, Reformat.
3. Install a new embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-75 03-330B, 03-462B, 03-336
03-338 FAX Communication Error RAP 03-340, 03-416 Single Board Controller PWB to Network
03-338 No response detected to commands from the single board controller PWB to the Controller Fault RAP
embedded fax PWB. 03-340 The network communications with the single board controller PWB have failed.

Initial Actions 03-416 The network controller software version supplied at power on is not compatible with the
WARNING single board controller PWB software.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Initial Actions
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Procedure cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following: • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
1. Remove, then re-install the embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4. • Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
2. Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout.
3. (W/O TAG X-001) Install a new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
4. Install new embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
1. Ensure that the ethernet connector P/J114 on the Single Board Controller PWB is
securely connected.
2. Perform RAP 03C Hard Disk Failure.
3. Reload the software, GP 4 Machine Software.
4. Install new components as necessary:
• Software module, PL 3.24 Item 8.
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-338, 03-340, 03-416 2-76 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-350, 03-351, 03-354 IOT to Tray 1 and Tray 2 PWB Error • Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
03-350 The IOT has detected no response from the tray 1 and 2 control PWB to the ping Procedure
1. Switch off the machine, GP 14. Ensure P/J9 and P/J271 are correctly and securely con-
03-351 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB has detected a feed buffer overflow. nected.
2. Go to Flag 1. Check the harness. Repair as necessary, GP 7.
03-354 Communications failure. Tray 1 and 2 control PWB has detected a communications 3. Go to Flag 2. Check the +3.3V and 0V lines. Refer to:
failure. • P/J271
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
WARNING 4. Switch on the machine, GP 14. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 5. Re-load the software, GP 4 Machine Software.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
6. Install new components as necessary:
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. 1.10 Item 2.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-77 03-350, 03-351, 03-354
03-359, 03-407 HCF Communications and Detection Error Procedure
RAP 1. Ensure the P/Js on the tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2 and the HCF PWB, PL
7.20 Item 2 are correctly and securely connected.
03-359 The HCF has failed to respond to tray 1 and 2 control PWB ping requests.
2. Go to Flag 1. Check the harness. Repair as necessary, GP 7.
03-407 The system has failed to detect the HCF module at power on. 3. Go to Flag 1. Check the power supply lines. Refer to:
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions • 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
WARNING • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 4. Go to Flag 2. Check for the presence of pulses on the two data lines, using the AC volts
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can range of the meter.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
NOTE: Pulses should be measured approximately every 20 seconds. Between pulses,
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. the voltage should be approximately 1.5VAC.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
5. As necessary, install new components:
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
6. Reload the software, GP 4, Machine Software.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-359, 03-407 2-78 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 IOT to Output Device Error 4. OCT Only. If the problem persists install a new OCT, PL 12.10 Item 2.
5. 1K LCSS Only. Perform the following:
• Go to the 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. Check the +5V and +24V sup-
03-360 The IOT to output device communications have failed.
ply from the power supply module to the 1K LCSS PWB. Ensure that the voltages
are steady.
03-408 The IOT has failed to detect the OCT at power on.
• Ensure that there is a good ground continuity between the power supply module, PL
11.124 Item 2 and the 1K LCSS frame.
03-410 The system failed to detect the output device at power on.
• Install new components as necessary:
03-418 The system has detected that the output device software is not compatible with the – Power supply module, PL 11.124 Item 2.
image processing software. – 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
6. 2K LCSS Only. Perform the following:
Initial Actions • Remove fuse F1 from the 2K LCSS PWB. Check the fuse. If the fuse is good, re-
WARNING install the fuse. If fuse F1 is blown, install a new 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Go to the 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. Check the +5V and +24V sup-
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can ply from the power supply module to the 2K LCSS PWB. Ensure that the voltages
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. are steady.
• 1K LCSS Only. Un-dock the 1K LCSS from the machine, refer to REP 11.11-120 1K • Ensure that there is a good ground continuity between the power supply module, PL
LCSS Removal. Check that the docking actuator, PL 11.102 Item 7 is correctly installed. 11.26 Item 2 and the 2K LCSS frame.
• 2K LCSS Only. Perform REP 11.13-110 LCSS Un-docking. Check that the docking actu- • Install new components as necessary:
ator, PL 11.4 Item 7 is correctly installed. – Power supply module, PL 11.26 Item 2.
• HVF and HVF BM Only. Perform 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171, HVF Un-docking – 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1
RAP. Check that the docking actuator, PL 11.130 Item 17, is correctly installed.
7. HVF and HVF BM Only. Perform the following:
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Go to the 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Check the +5V and +24V supply
• Ensure the output device power cord is connected to PJ22 on the Power and Control from the power supply module to the HVF PWB. Ensure that the voltages are steady.
• Ensure that there is a good ground continuity between the power supply module, PL
• Check the fault history file for other 03-XXX fault codes. If the 03-XXX fault codes occur 11.157 Item 1 and the HVF frame.
randomly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP. • Install new components as necessary:
– Communications cable, PL 11.157.
Procedure – Power supply module, PL 11.157 Item 1.
CAUTION 8. If the correct output device is not detected, go to Flag 3. Check that the voltages on the
Do not connect the output device power cord directly to the AC wall outlet. The output device device ID lines are correct according to the table in Figure 1. Install new components as
cannot operate without the machine. The machine controls the distribution of electricity to the necessary:
output device for correct power on and power off sequencing.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
NOTE: No parts of the OCT are spared. Where necessary, install a new OCT, PL 12.10 Item 2. 1.10 Item 2.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
NOTE: Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the external connections to the output devices.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
1. As necessary, ensure that the connectors that follow are correctly and securely con- • HVF PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
nected: • OCT, PL 12.10 Item 2.
• OCT Only. P/J495 on the OCT PWB, P/J151 on the Power and Control Module and
P/J11 on the IOT PWB.
• 1K LCSS Only. P/J3 on the 1K LCSS PWB, P/J151 on the Power and Control Mod-
ule and P/J11 on the IOT PWB.
• 2K LCSS Only. P/J301 on the 2K LCSS PWB, P/J151 on the Power and Control
Module and P/J11 on the IOT PWB.
2. Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the harnesses. Repair as necessary, GP 7.
3. Perform the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-79 03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 2-80 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-365 IOT Bus Failure RAP
03-365 The communications driver has failed.

NOTE: This fault code can occur when the driver fails because of system electrical noise.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

NOTE: The IOT controller should clear an I2C bus fault indication after five seconds.

1. Ensure the P/Js on the IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 are correctly seated.
2. Check that there is continuity between the upper and lower registration guide. Ensure that
the screw that secures the upper and lower registration guides is tight, Figure 1.
3. Check that there is continuity between the halo guide and the registration guide. Raise
and lower the short paper path assembly, PL 10.15, several times to ensure that the con-
tinuity is consistent. If the continuity is inconsistent, perform the following:
• Examine the registration and halo guide bias contact for deformation or damage, PL
8.15 Item 23.
• Ensure the transfer / detack harness is routed correctly at the rear of the short paper
path, refer to REP 10.1.
4. This fault may be caused by a ground fault, perform 01A Ground Distribution RAP.
5. Reload the software, GP 4 Machine Software.
6. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-81 03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418, 03-365
03-366 IOT to Tray 5 Module Communication Failure RAP
03-300 The IOT PWB has detected a communications failure with the tray 5 module.
Upper registration
Initial Actions
Lower registration
guide Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Halo guide • Check the condition of P/J501 on the sleeved harness from the tray 5 module, paying
attention to the condition of the pins.
• Check that P/J501 is correctly and securely connected at the rear of the machine.

Registration and halo Procedure

guide bias contact 1. Go to Flag 1 and check the wiring. Repair the wiring as necessary, GP 7.
2. As necessary, perform the following:.
• Perform OF7 IOT Diagnostics RAP.
• Install a new tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
• Install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Registration guides
securing screw.

Figure 1 Component Location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-365, 03-366 2-82 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-83 03-366
03-367 S2X Data Transmission Failure RAP 03-371, 03-372 Fuser and Xerographic CRUM
03-367: The single board controller PWB does not receive the S2X ready line signal within 10 Communication Error RAP
seconds of scan start. 03-371: The fuser CRUM communications have failed.

Procedure 03-372: The xerographics CRUM communications have failed.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Initial Actions
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can WARNING
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
1. Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Ensure the fuser module, (35-55 ppm), PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm), PL 10.10 Item 1 is
correctly installed.
• Ensure the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2 is correctly installed.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

Remove the fuser and xerographic modules to prevent damage to the CRUMs when checking
for continuity.
1. Ensure the P/Js on the IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the main drive motor and PWB
assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 6 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 6 are correctly and
securely connected.
2. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.
3. Switch off the machine, GP 14. Go to Flag 1. Disconnect P/J8 on the IOT PWB. Switch
on the machine, GP 14. Make a copy. Check the fault history for new occurrences of 03-
371 and 03-372 faults. If new occurrences are not listed, install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10
Item 2.
4. Go to Flag 1. Check the harness, GP 7 and measure the voltages. As necessary, refer to:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.

NOTE: PJ141 and PJ144 are in-line connectors on the rear panel, (refer to Flag 2 and
Flag 3). They are connected when the module is installed and are susceptible to damage.
Remove any torn paper / debris from the contacts.

5. 03-371 Only: Go to Flag 2. Check the harness. Remove any torn paper / debris from the
fuser CRUM connector, (35-55ppm) PL 4.17 Item 12 or (65-90ppm) PL 4.12 Item 12.
Repair as necessary, REP 1.2.
6. 03-372 Only: Go to Flag 3. Check the harness. Remove any torn paper / debris from the
xerographic CRUM connector, (35-55ppm) PL 4.17 Item 4 or (65-90) PL 4.12 Item 4.
Repair as necessary, REP 1.2.
7. Install new components as necessary:
• 03-371 Only: Fuser connector assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 9 or (65-90
ppm) PL 4.10 Item 9.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-367, 03-371, 03-372 2-84 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• 03-371 Only: Fuser Module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10
Item 1.
• 03-372 Only: Xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2.
• Main drive motor PWB assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 6 or (65-90 ppm) PL
4.10 Item 6.
• Main Drive Module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
8. Reload the software, GP 4 Machine Software.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-85 03-371, 03-372
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-371, 03-372 2-86 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-374 Power Off Failure RAP Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J1 pin 15 on the IOT PWB. Operate the on / off switch.
A single low pulse is detected.
03-374 The single board controller PWB has detected that the LVPS is still on, 30 seconds
after a power off request. Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring. Repair as necessary, GP 7. Install new components as
Initial Actions • Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
WARNING • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 1.10 Item 2.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Go to Flag 2. Set the meter to measure frequency. Check the pulses at P/J1 pin 13, on the IOT
PWB. These are approximately 1Hz pulses. The pulses have stopped.
• If possible, switch off the machine, then switch on the machine GP 14. If the UI fails to
respond, perform the 03-310 Single Board Controller PWB to UI Errors RAP.
Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran- 2.
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.
• If the drives module has recently been removed, then check the pins and connections at Perform the following:
P/J1 on the IOT PWB.
• Check that all associated wiring is in good condition, GP 7.
• Reload the software, GP 4, Machine Software.
Procedure • Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Ensure the P/Js on the IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and the single board controller PWB, PL 3.24
Item 3 are correctly and securely connected. The fault is still present.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Remove the left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3. Go to Flag 1. Measure the voltages at the on/off
switch terminals. The voltages are +3.3V and 0V.
Go to:
• GP 13 How to check a switch.
• P/J5.
• 01B, 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01J Power On and LVPS Control Signals RAP.
• If necessary, install a new on/off switch, PL 1.10 Item 8.

NOTE: The LVPS is software controlled. When the voltage on PJ26 is low, the LVPS should be
on. When the voltage on PJ26 pin 7 is high, the LVPS should be off.

Go to Flag 3. Measure the voltage at P/J26 pin 7 on the IOT PWB. Operate the on / off switch.
Select power down then confirm from the UI. The voltage changes from low to high within
30 seconds.
Install new components as required:
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Check the state of the LVPS by observing the power indication LEDs on the IOT PWB, (refer to
the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP). The LVPS has switched off.
Install a LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-87 03-374
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-374 2-88 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-395, 396, 852, 853 IOT PWB Fault RAP • LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

03-395 The IOT has cycled without printing.

03-396 The photoreceptor is detected not turning while the laser is on.

03-852 IOT has detected that it is out of timers.

03-853 IOT has detected that it is nearly out of timers.

Also use this RAP for fault code 06-350 ROS Laser Not Under Control.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to the OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

1. Ensure all the P/Js on the IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 are correctly and securely con-
2. 03-395 Only: This fault can be caused by a poor ground on the duplex tray or a paper
path problem. Check the active fault list for an 08-XXX or 09-XXX. Go to the indicated
3. 03-395 Only: This fault can also be caused by a paper guide in a paper tray being set to
the wrong paper size. Check the paper guide settings in the paper trays.
4. Perform the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.
5. Reload the software set, GP 4, Machine Software.

NOTE: The supply harness is a flying lead that is a part of the LVPS and is not spared

6. Go to Flag 1. Check the voltages. As necessary, refer to:

• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Circuit diagram
7. 03-853 Only: Print off a fault history report then troubleshoot any codes that coincide with
the 03-853 fault, refer to SCP 1.
8. 03-396 Only: If necessary, go to the 04A Main Drive Motor and Photoreceptor Motor RAP.
Perform the photoreceptor motor checkout.
9. As necessary, install new components:
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-89 03-395, 396, 852, 853
03-397 Main Motor Not Controlled RAP
03-397 The IOT software has detected that the main motor is not being controlled. The soft-
ware that monitors the main motor and the photoreceptor motor was not reset within the
expected time.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to the OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

Ensure that the connectors that follow are securely connected:
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
• Main drive motor and PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 6 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 6.
The fault is still present.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the wiring, GP 7. The wiring is good.

Repair the wiring, GP 7.

Go to Flag 1. Check the voltages at P/J16, pins 1 and 2 on the LVPS. The voltages are cor-
As necessary, refer to:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 2. Measure the voltage at P/J3 pin 3, on the IOT PWB. Enter dC330 code 04-010,
Main Motor On. Stack the photoreceptor motor code, 09-010. The voltage changes from
high to low and the main motor runs.
Perform the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP. If necessary, install new components:
• IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Main drive motor and PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 6 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item

Reload the software, GP 4, Machine Software. If necessary, install new components:

• Perform the OF7 IOT Diagnostics RAP before installing a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Main drive motor and PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 6 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 6.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-397 2-90 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-91 03-397
03-401, 03-403 Fax Not Detected RAP 03-412 Foreign Device PWB Fault RAP
03-401 The embedded fax PWB has not been detected or confirmed. 03-412 The foreign interface device was not detected at power on.

03-403 The extended fax PWB has not been confirmed or detected. Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
WARNING customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can CAUTION
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Do not show the customer how to install a temporary shorting link. Do not leave a shorting link
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. installed.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Perform the following:
• Ensure the foreign interface PWB, PL 3.22 Item 4 is securely connected to the single
1. Check that the embedded fax PWB has been installed, PL 20.10 Item 4.
board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
2. (W/O TAG X-001) Check that the compact flash is inserted correctly, PL 20.10 Item 3.
NOTE: Do not attach a foreign interface vend adaptor with this configuration of foreign inter-
3. Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout.
face PWB.
4. Install a new embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
Repeat the above checks for the extended fax PWB, and if necessary, install a new extended Procedure
fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2. USSG/XCL only, check the operation of the foreign interface device using a foreign interface
test tool (PL 26.10 Item 22) in conjunction with the 7655/65/75 indicator/instruction chart. If a
foreign interface test tool is not available/suitable, perform the procedure that follows:
Go to Flag 1. Check the harness. The harness is good.
Perform the following as necessary:
• Repair the harness. Refer to GP 7.
• Install a new foreign interface harness, PL 3.22 Item 5.

NOTE: Do not attempt to repair the harness from PJ124 to the foreign device.

Check the +3.3V supply to P/J201at pins 1, 5, 9, 16 and 22 on the single board controller
PWB, The +3.3V supply is good.
Go to:
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.

Disconnect the foreign device. Install a temporary shorting link between pins 2 and 3 on P/
J124. Check the voltage at PJ124 pin 2. 0V is measured.
Install a new foreign interface PWB, PL 3.22 Item 4.
If the fault remains, the foreign device is faulty.

Disconnect the foreign device. Install a temporary shorting link between pins 1 and 3 on P/
J124. Check the display. Ensure the machine is now enabled to scan or print. The machine
is enabled.
Install new components as necessary:
• Install a new foreign interface PWB, PL 3.22 Item 4.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
03-401, 03-403, 03-412 2-92 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
The enable circuits are working correctly.

NOTE: Currently the signals used for billing, e.g. machine function, premium tray, etc. cannot
be adequately measured with a standard meter.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-93 03-412
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-412 2-94 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-415 Tray 5 Module Not Detected / Confirmed RAP
03-415 The IOT PWB has not detected the tray 5 module at startup, or has failed to detect the
tray 5 module during printing.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check that the sleeved harness from the tray 5 module is correctly and securely con-
nected to PJ501 at the rear of the machine.

Switch off the machine, GP 14. Go to Flag 1. Check that there is continuity between P/J12,
pins 3 and 4. There is continuity.
Perform the following:
• Check the wiring between P/J12 and P/J501. Repair the wiring as necessary, GP 7.
• Check the wiring between P/J501and P/J512 on the Tray 5 control PWB. Repair
the wiring as necessary, GP 7.
• Check the condition of P/J501, paying attention to the condition of the pins. Repair
the wiring as necessary, GP 7.
• Check the loop between pins 19 and 20 on P/J501. Repair the wiring as necessary,
GP 7.

Switch on the machine, GP 14. With P/J501 disconnected, check for +3.3V at P/J12, pin 3.
Check for 0V at P/J12, pin 4.
As necessary, perform the following:
• Go to 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• Go to 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before installing a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-95 03-415
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-415 2-96 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-417 Incompatible Fax Software RAP 03-419, 03-420 Incompatible Software RAP
03-417 The Fax software version supplied at power up is not compatible with the image pro- 03-419 The IOT, DADH or user interface software version supplied at power on is not compati-
cessing software. ble with the image processing software.

Procedure 03-420 The tray 5 module software version supplied at power on is not compatible with the
image processing software.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Procedure
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. WARNING
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
2. Reload the software, GP 4.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
3. Install a new embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. Reload the software, GP 4 Machine Software.
3. Install new parts as necessary:
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-97 03-417, 03-419, 03-420
03-423, 424, 433, 434, 821, 822, 831, 832 Print Command 03-480 IOT +24V Supply Failure RAP
Late RAP 03-480 The IOT has detected a +24V supply fault.
03-423 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in simplex 3 mode.
Initial Actions
03-424The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in simplex 4 mode. Measure the voltage from F1 fuse on the IOT PWB to the machine frame. The F1 is a small
white fuse under PJ27 on the IOT PWB. Refer to 01G +24V Distribution RAP, Figure 4. If the
03-433 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in duplex 3 mode. voltage is less than +24V, install a new LVPS, PL 1.10 Item 3.

03-434 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in duplex 4 mode. Procedure
1. Perform the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP.
03-821 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in simplex 1 mode.

03-822 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in simplex 2 mode.

03-831 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in duplex 1 mode.

03-832 The IOT detected print command late with respect to page sync in duplex 2 mode.

These codes record events in the fault history file, but do not prevent the machine operating
normally. These faults will also result in a blank sheet being delivered to the output tray.

Delete the job and switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. If the fault is still
present, go to the 06-340 ROS Laser Failure RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-423, 424, 433, 434, 821, 822, 831, 832, 03-480 2-98 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03-700, 03-780, 03-785, 03-790 Power On / Power Off Event 03-720 ODIO Timeout Error RAP
Fault RAP 03-720 The image processing software has not detected on ODIO (On Demand Image Over-
03-700 This fault code in the fault history file indicates that the single board controller PWB write) completion response within 45 minutes. This indicates that a memory module may be
hung up, or may have crashed while overwriting an image.
module has performed the power on sequence.

03-780 This fault code in the fault history file indicates that quick restart has been selected Initial Actions
from the power down options pop up window. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
03-785 This fault code in the fault history file indicates that power off has been selected from
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
the power down options pop up window.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

03-790 This fault code in the fault history file indicates that power off has been selected from • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
the machine fault pop up window.
Procedure When the response time has been exceeded, the system records the event with this fault code
These codes record events in the fault history file, but do not prevent the machine operating and then returns the machine to normal operation. If the machine is not operating normally,
normally. They will be visible in the fault history file adjacent to the fault that caused the user to perform the following:
switch off the machine, then switch on the machine. They can therefore be used as an aid to 1. Check the Fax confirmation report and the ODIO confirmation report to establish which
identifying the root cause of faults. memory module is not overwriting.
2. Install new parts as necessary:
• (W/O TAG X-001) Fax compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
• (W/TAG X-001) Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-99 03-700, 03-780, 03-785, 03-790, 03-720
03-770 IOT PWB Software Reset RAP 03-777 Power Loss Detected RAP
03-770 This fault code in the fault history file indicates that the IOT PWB has been reset due to 03-777 This fault code in the fault history file indicates that the system has previously detected
a software fault. a power input loss.

Procedure Procedure
This code records an event in the fault history file, but does not prevent the machine operating 1. Check with the customer that the AC mains (line) input power supply is not experiencing
normally. interruptions.
2. Check with the customer that the machine does not share a power supply with any other
equipment. Sharing a power supply may cause the safety over current device to switch off
the electricity to the machine. This would cause a 03-777 fault. If possible, ensure the
machine is connected to a dedicated power supply.
3. Go to the 01C AC Power RAP and check the power input circuit and its connectors.
4. Check the fault history file for other 03-xxx fault codes. If the 03-xxx fault codes occur ran-
domly, the cause may be due to electrical noise. Go to the OF10 intermittent Failure RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03-770, 03-777 2-100 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
03A Single Board Controller PWB Module Cooling Fan 03B Mark Service Unavailable RAP
Failure RAP Before performing this RAP, any relevant status code RAP must have been performed.
Use this RAP if the single board controller PWB module cooling fan is suspected of failure.
Initial Actions
Procedure WARNING
WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Note the orientation of the cooling fan, PL 3.24 Item 2 before installing a new component. Procedure
1. Go to Flag 1. Check the cooling fan in the single board controller PWB module. Refer to: 1. Switch off the power, disconnect the power cord and ensure the P/Js are properly
installed on the IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 and single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J221 on the Single Board Controller PWB.
2. Reload the software, GP 4, Machine Software.
• 01F, +12V Distribution RAP.
3. Ensure that the output device communications cord is connected and secure, at PJ151 on
• 01B, 0V Distribution RAP. the Power and Control Module at the rear of the machine.
2. If necessary, install new components: 4. Install new components:
• Cooling fan, PL 3.24 Item 2. • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3. 1.10 Item 2.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-101 03A, 03B
03C Hard Disk Failure RAP 03D FTP/SMB Scan to File Failure RAP
Use this RAP to determine failure of the hard dIsk drive. Use this RAP when the customer reports failure to connect to the scan server when using the
FTP or SMB protocols, or when a folder on the scan server cannot be opened.
Initial Actions
Perform the Boot Up Failure RAP OF5. Procedure
Consult your manager before troubleshooting the customer’s network, as the policy varies
Procedure according to region.

WARNING [Go to Troubleshooting the FTP & SMB Protocols to Scan to File]. The CD must be in the CD
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord drive for this link to start.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Switch off the machine GP 14.
2. Go to Wiring Diagram 4, check the wiring between the hard disk drive, power distribution
PWB and single board controller PWB, GP 7.
3. Repair the wiring or install a new harness where necessary.
4. Check for +5V distribution, RAP 01E.
5. Check for +12V distribution, RAP 01F.
6. If necessary, install new components:
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.
• Power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

03C, 03D 2-102 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
04A Main Drive Motor and Photoreceptor Motor RAP • Main drive motor and PWB assembly (40- 55 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 6.
• Main drive motor and PWB assembly (65 - 90 ppm), PL 4.10 Item 6.
Use this RAP to determine failures of the main drive motor and the photoreceptor motor.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item
Procedure 2.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Go to Flag 1. Check for +24V between P/J147 pin 1 and pin 2 on the Main Drive PWB. +24V
is measured.
Ensure that the drum cartridge is correctly installed and that the CRUM connector is not
Check the wiring, GP 7, to the LVPS. Refer to:
• 01H Short Circuits and Overloads RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.

Enter dC330, code 04-010 main drive motor and code 09-010 photoreceptor motor, Figure 1.
Press Start. The main drive motor and the photoreceptor motor turn.
If the photoreceptor motor does not turn, go to the 04A Photoreceptor Motor Checkout. If Photoreceptor
the main drive motor does not turn, go to the 04A Main Drive Motor Checkout. motor

Check all the wiring and connections between the IOT PWB and the main drive module for
damage and loose connections.

04A Photoreceptor Motor Checkout

Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4. Check the wiring, GP 7. Refer to:
• P/J3, IOT PWB.
• P/J148, Main Drive PWB.
• P/J151, Main Drive PWB.
Install new components as necessary:
• Main drive motor and PWB assembly (35 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 6.
• Main drive motor and PWB assembly (40-55 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 6.
• Main drive motor and PWB assembly (65-90 ppm), PL 4.10 Item 6.
• Main drive module (35 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 1.
• Main drive module (40-55 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 1.
• Main drive module (65-90 ppm), PL 4.10 Item 1. Main drive motor
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item
04A Main Drive Motor Checkout
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring, GP 7. Refer to: Figure 1 Component location
• P/J148, Main Drive PWB.
Install new components as necessary:
• Main drive motor and PWB assembly (35 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 6.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-103 04A
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

04A 2-104 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05-300 DADH Open RAP
05-300 The DADH closed switch detects that the DADH is open during run.

Initial Actions
Check that the DADH magnet is installed and aligned correctly. Refer to Figure 1.

DADH closed
WARNING switch
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Magnet S05-300
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: (W/O TAG 150) To get access to the bulkhead connector, remove the user interface
assembly, PL 2.10 Item 1. To get access to the DADH closed switch, remove the top cover, PL
14.20 Item 3, from the scanner module. To get access to the scanner PWB, remove the docu- Bulkhead
ment glass, PL 14.20 Item 5 and the scanner PWB cover, PL 14.25 Item 1. connector

NOTE: (W/TAG 150) To get access to the bulkhead connector, remove the user interface
assembly, PL 2.10 Item 1. To get access to the DADH closed switch, remove the top cover, PL
14.10 Item 3, from the scanner module. To get access to the scanner PWB, remove the docu-
ment glass, PL 14.10 Item 5 and the scanner PWB cover PL 14.15 Item 1.
Figure 1 Component location
Enter dC330 code 05-300 to check the DADH closed switch, S05-300. Open and close the
DADH. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S05-300.
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• (W/O TAG 150) P/J453 and the bulkhead connector.
• (W/TAG 150) P/J927 and the bulkhead connector.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• The 3.3V return in the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH closed switch (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.25 Item 6.
• DADH closed switch (W/TAG 150), PL 14.15 Item 6.
• Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.25 Item 4.
• Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150), PL 14.15 Item 4.

Perform the steps that follow. Install new components as necessary:

• Check that S05-300 is installed correctly.
• Check the DADH frame for distortion, go to ADJ 5.2. If the DADH frame is distorted, install
a new DADH, PL 5.10 Item 9.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-105 05-300
05-305 DADH Top Cover Open RAP
05-305 The DADH top cover interlock switch detects that the top cover is open.

Initial Actions
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
• Check the top cover interlock actuator, Figure 1. If the actuator is damaged, install a new
DADH top cover, PL 5.20 Item 15.
• Make sure the latch springs, PL 5.20 Item 7 are installed correctly. Make sure that the top
cover closes correctly. If necessary, install a new top access cover assembly, PL 5.20
Item 17.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 code 05-305 to check the DADH top cover interlock switch, S05-305. Activate
S05-305. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S05-305.
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J187, DADH PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• The 24V return in the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH top cover interlock switch (35 ppm), PL 5.15 Item 11.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
• DADH top cover interlock switch (40-90 ppm), PL 5.17 Item 11.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Check that S05-305 is installed correctly. Install new components as necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-300, 05-305 2-106 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

DADH top cover interlock switch


Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-107 05-305
05-310 Document too Short RAP 05-330, 05-331 DADH Feed Sensor Failure Entry RAP
05-310 The DADH detects a document that is shorter than 110mm. 05-330 The DADH feed sensor does not detect the lead edge of the document within the cor-
rect time after the feed motor runs.
Initial Actions
05-331 The DADH feed sensor does not detect the trail edge of the document within the cor-
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
rect time.
• Make sure that the documents are longer than 110 mm (4.3 inches).
• Check for toner contamination on and in the locality of the feed sensor Q05-330, PL 5.17 Procedure
Item 2.
Procedure Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
If the documents are longer than 110mm, go to the procedures that follow:
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• 05-330, 05-331 DADH Feed Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine Features. Perform one of the steps
• 05-335 DADH Takeaway Sensor Failure RAP. that follow:
• 05-350, 05-352 DADH CVT Sensor Failure RAP. • If the speed of the machine is 35 ppm, go to the 05-330A, 05-331A DADH Feed Sensor
• 05-340 DADH Registration Sensor Failure RAP. Failure RAP (35 ppm).
• If the speed of the machine is 40-90 ppm, go to the 05-330B, 05-331B DADH Feed Sen-
sor Failure RAP (40-90 ppm).

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-310, 05-330, 05-331 2-108 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05-330A, 05-331A DADH Feed Sensor Failure RAP (35 Enter dC330 code 05-020 to run the DADH feed motor, MOT05-020. MOT05-020 runs.
ppm) Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.
Initial Actions
While MOT 05-020 runs, stack the code 05-025 to energize the DADH feed clutch, CL05-025.
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 05-
330, 05-331 DADH Feed Sensor Failure Entry RAP. NOTE: The feed clutch disengages after 30 seconds. The feed motor stops after 3 minutes.
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
CL05-025 energizes, the nudger rolls and the feed rolls rotate.
• Make sure that the customer is not using damaged documents. If the DADH damages the
documents, go to the 05F Damaged Documents RAP.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Figure 1. Make sure that the feed sensor actuator is not damaged. If necessary, install a
• Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP and check CL05-025.
new feed sensor, PL 5.15 Item 2.
• ADJ 5.1, DADH Drive Belt Adjustment.
• Figure 1. Check that the feed roll assembly is installed correctly, go to REP 5.14.
• Figure 1. Make sure that the feed rolls are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4. If nec- Enter dC330 code 05-010 to energize the DADH feed solenoid, SOL05-010. The feed roll
essary, install a new feed roll assembly, PL 5.15 Item 1 or feed roll assembly cover, PL assembly lowers, then raises after 10 seconds.
5.15 Item 21. Y N
• Figure 2. Check the operation of the feed yoke. Make sure that the feed yoke shaft is Go to Flag 2. Check SOL05-010.
under the clip. Make sure that the feed yoke spring is connected to the feed assembly and References:
to the feed yoke. • GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• While the DADH feed solenoid is de-energized, make sure that the feed gates are locked • P/J183, DADH PWB and P/J201.
in the down position. Manually activate the DADH feed solenoid then make sure that the
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
feed gates move freely. Manually de-activate the DADH feed solenoid, PL 5.15 Item 5.
• The 24V return in the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
NOTE: The feed solenoid remains activated (after being energized) until the last docu- Install new components as necessary:
ment has been fed. Then a reverse pulse de-actuates the armature to lift the nudger roll.
• DADH feed solenoid, PL 5.15 Item 5.
• Check the location of the feed solenoid spring. Make sure the spring is correctly located • DADH feed assembly, PL 5.15 Item 18.
on the solenoid armature. • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• Clean the DADH feed sensor and the area around the sensor, PL 5.15 Item 2.
• Clean the takeaway rolls, PL 5.35 Item 6. Refer to ADJ 5.4. Perform the steps that follow:
• Check that the DADH feed sensor, Q05-330 is installed correctly. If necessary, install a
Procedure new feed roll assembly, PL 5.15 Item 1.
• Ensure the feed motor drive belt and CVT motor drive belt are tensioned correctly, ADJ
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • When large documents are fed (A3 or 11x17 inch), check the following:
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
– The CVT motor rotates freely, refer to 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
– The CVT drive belt, refer to ADJ 5.1 DADH Drive Belt Adjustment.
Open the DADH top cover. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Hold the top cover
interlock switch closed. Enter dC330 code 05-330 to check the DADH feed sensor, Q05-330. – That the CVT roll is clean and rotates freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
Activate Q05-330. The display changes.
NOTE: If necessary install a new CVT motor, PL 5.25 Item 9.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-330. • Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP and check CL05-025.
References: • Make sure that the size of the documents are sensed correctly. Refer to the 05C Docu-
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. ment Size Sensor Failure RAP.
• P/J184 DADH PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• The 3.3V return in the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH feed sensor, PL 5.15 Item 2.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-109 05-330A, 05-331A
CVT motor MOT 05-030 Clip

Top cover interlock switch

Feed yoke and
Feed motor

Feed clutch
Feed yoke shaft

Feed gates

Feed solenoid DADH feed sensor Feed roll assembly
SOL 05-010 Q05-330

Figure 1 Component location

Feed gates

Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-330A, 05-331A 2-110 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05-330B, 05-331B DADH Feed Sensor Failure RAP (40-90
Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 05-
330, 05-331 DADH Feed Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
• Make sure that the customer is not using damaged documents. If the DADH damages the
documents, go to the 05F Damaged Documents RAP.
• Figure 1. Check that the feed roll assembly is installed correctly, go to REP 5.14.
• Figure 1. Make sure that the feed rolls are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4. If nec-
essary, install a new feed roll assembly, PL 5.17 Item 1 or feed roll assembly cover, PL
5.17 Item 21.
• Figure 2. Check the operation of the feed yoke. Make sure that the feed yoke shaft is
under the clip. Make sure that the feed yoke spring is connected to the feed assembly and
to the feed yoke.
• Figure 2. Check that the feed yoke actuates and locks the feed gates in the down posi-
tion. If necessary install a new feed yoke, PL 5.17 Item 6.
• Clean the DADH feed sensor and the area around the sensor, PL 5.17 Item 2.
• Clean the takeaway rolls, PL 5.35 Item 6. Refer to ADJ 5.4.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Open the DADH top cover. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Hold the top cover
Figure 3 Circuit diagram interlock switch closed. Enter dC330 code 05-330 to check the DADH feed sensor, Q05-330.
Activate Q05-330. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-330.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• The 5V return in the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH feed sensor, PL 5.17 Item 2.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Enter dC330 code 05-020 to run the DADH feed motor, MOT05-020. MOT05-020 runs.
Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.

While MOT 05-020 runs, stack the code 05-025 to energize the DADH feed clutch, CL05-025.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-111 05-330A, 05-331A, 05-330B, 05-331B
NOTE: The feed clutch disengages after 30 seconds. The feed motor stops after 3 minutes.

CL05-025 energizes, the nudger rolls and the feed rolls rotate. CVT motor MOT 05-030
Perform the steps that follow:
Top cover interlock switch
• Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP and check CL05-025.
• ADJ 5.1 DADH Drive Belt Adjustment.
Feed motor
Enter dC330 code 05-010 to energize the DADH nudger motor, MOT05-010. MOT05-020

NOTE: 40-90 ppm machines are fitted with a nudger motor, PL 5.17 Item 5, not a feed solenoid
SOL 05-010, PL 5.15 Item 5 as installed on 35 ppm machines. The component control code Feed clutch
05-010 is used to energize both the nudger motor and feed solenoid. However, the UI displays CL05-025
the message ‘doc handler feed solenoid’ on both configurations.

The feed roll assembly lowers, then raises after 10 seconds.

Go to Flag 2. Check nudger motor, MOT05-010.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor
• P/J183, DADH PWB and P/J201.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• The 24V return in the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH feed assembly, PL 5.17 Item 8.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• If TAG D-003 has not been struck, install a shim kit, PL 5.17 Item 29.

Perform the steps that follow:

• Check that the DADH feed sensor, Q05-330 is installed correctly. If necessary, install a
new feed roll assembly, PL 5.17 Item 1.
• Ensure the feed motor drive belt and CVT motor drive belt are tensioned correctly, ADJ
• When large documents are fed (A3 or 11x17 inch), check the items that follow:
– Check that the CVT motor rotates freely, refer to 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP. P/J201
– Check the CVT drive belt, refer to ADJ 5.1 DADH Drive Belt Adjustment. Nudger motor DADH feed sensor Feed roll assembly
MOT 05-010 Q05-330
– Check that the CVT roll is clean and rotates freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
NOTE: If necessary install a new CVT motor, PL 5.25 Item 9.

• Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP and check CL05-025.
Figure 1 Component location
• Make sure that the size of the documents are sensed correctly. Refer to the 05C Docu-
ment Size Sensor Failure RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-330B, 05-331B 2-112 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Feed yoke
and spring

Feed yoke shaft

Feed gates Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Feed gates

Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-113 05-330B, 05-331B
05-335 DADH Takeaway Sensor Failure RAP • Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP and check the DADH feed clutch.
• Make sure that the takeaway roll is clean and rotates freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
05-335 The DADH takeaway sensor does not detect the lead edge of the document within the
correct time. • Make sure that the takeaway roll idlers are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
• Check the takeaway roll static eliminator and ground harness, PL 5.35 Item 7.
Initial Actions • Make sure that the DADH ground harness is connected correctly, PL 5.10 Item 11.
• Remove all documents from the DADH. • ADJ 5.1 Feed Motor Drive Belt Adjustment.
• Figure 1. Make sure that the takeaway sensor actuator is not damaged. If necessary, Install new components as necessary:
install a new takeaway sensor, PL 5.20 Item 11. • DADH takeaway roll, PL 5.35 Item 6.
• Clean the feed rolls, refer to ADJ 5.4. If necessary, install a new feed roll assembly, (35 • DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.
ppm) PL 5.15 Item 1 or (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17 Item 1. • DADH top access cover assembly, PL 5.20 Item 17.
• DADH feed assembly (35 ppm), PL 5.15 Item 18.
Procedure • DADH feed assembly (40-90 ppm), PL 5.17 Item 18.
WARNING If the fault continues, make sure that documents correctly continue past the previous sensor in
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the the document path. Refer to the 05-330, 05-331 DADH Feed Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: To get access to the DADH takeaway sensor, remove the DADH top cover, PL 5.20
Item 15.

Open the DADH top cover. Enter dC330 code 05-335 to check the DADH takeaway sensor,
Q05-335, Figure 1. Activate Q05-335. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-335.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J186, DADH PWB and P/J191.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Refer to the 3.3V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH takeaway sensor, PL 5.20 Item 11.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Hold the top cover interlock switch closed.
Enter dC330 code 05-020 to run the DADH feed motor, MOT05-020. MOT05-020 runs.
Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.

The takeaway roll rotates.

Perform the steps follow:
• Check the feed motor drive belt, PL 5.35 Item 5.
• ADJ 5.1, Feed Motor Drive Belt Adjustment.
• Check the takeaway roll and pulley, PL 5.35 Item 6 and PL 5.35 Item 15, refer to GP

Perform the steps that follow:

• Check that the DADH feed sensor, Q05-335 is installed correctly.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-335 2-114 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Takeaway roll

Feed motor tension

Top cover interlock switch

Feed motor

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Feed motor
drive belt

Feed roll assembly

DADH takeaway sensor Feed assembly

Q05-335 Takeaway roll

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-115 05-335
05-340 DADH Registration Sensor Failure RAP Y N
Go to Final Actions.
05-340 The DADH registration sensor does not detect the lead edge of the document within
the correct time. This fault can be caused by the DADH feed motor running too slowly in reverse. Refer to the
05D DADH Motor Failure RAP. If the fault continues, go to Final Actions.
Initial Actions Final Actions
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Figure 1. Make sure that the registration sensor actuator is not damaged. If necessary,
• Check that Q05-340 is installed correctly.
install a new registration sensor, PL 5.25 Item 1.
• Make sure that the CVT idler rolls are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
• Remove the DADH top cover assembly, PL 5.20 Item 16. Make sure the harnesses are
• Make sure that the CVT roll is clean, refer to ADJ 5.4.
routed correctly and away from the document path, Figure 1.
• Make sure the feed motor drive belt and the CVT motor drive belt are tensioned correctly,
• Clean the takeaway rolls, PL 5.35 Item 6. Refer to ADJ 5.4.
ADJ 5.1.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5.
WARNING • DADH top access cover assembly, PL 5.20 Item 17.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
If the fault continues, make sure that documents correctly exit the previous sensor in the docu-
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can ment path. Refer to the 05-350, 05-352 DADH CVT Sensor Failure RAP.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: To access the DADH registration sensor, remove the DADH top cover, PL 5.20 Item 15.

Open the top access cover assembly. Enter dC330 code 05-340 to check the DADH registra- Ground harness
tion sensor, Q05-340, Figure 2. Activate Q05-340. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-340.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J186, DADH PWB
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH registration sensor, PL 5.25 Item 1.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Hold the top cover interlock switch closed.
Enter dC330 code 05-030 to check the DADH CVT motor, MOT05-030. MOT05-030 runs.
Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.
DADH registration sensor
The CVT roll rotates.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the CVT motor drive belt, PL 5.25 Item 11. Sensor harnesses
• Check the CVT motor tension spring. Make sure that the CVT motor drive belt ten-
sion is correct, ADJ 5.1.
• Check the CVT roll pulley, refer to GP 7.
If necessary, install a new DADH CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5.
Figure 1 Component location
The fault only occurs in duplex mode.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-340 2-116 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
DADH registration
sensor Q05-340
CVT motor tension spring

CVT motor MOT05-030

CVT motor drive belt

Top cover interlock


Feed motor

Figure 3 Circuit diagram

CVT roll

Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-117 05-340
05-345, 05-346 DADH Exit Sensor Failure RAP • Check the CVT motor tension spring. Check the CVT motor drive belt tension, ADJ
05-345 The DADH exit sensor does not detect the lead edge of the document within the correct
• Check the CVT roll pulley, refer to GP 7.
time in the forward mode.
If necessary, install a new DADH CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5.
05-346 The DADH exit sensor does not detect the trail edge of the document within the correct
time in the forward mode. NOTE: The exit roll idlers remain lowered for 30 seconds.

Enter dC330 code 05-050 to energize the DADH duplex solenoid, SOL05-050, to lower the exit
Initial Actions roll idlers Figure 3. The exit roll idlers lower.
• Remove all documents from the DADH exit tray. Raise the DADH, remove all documents Y N
that are wound around the CVT roll. Perform the steps that follow:
• Figure 1. Make sure that the exit sensor actuator is not damaged. If necessary, install a • Go to Flag 2. Check SOL050-050.
new exit sensor, PL 5.30 Item 2. References:
• Make sure that the customer has set the document width guides correctly. – GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
– P/J181, DADH PWB and P/J205.
Procedure – 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
WARNING – 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Check the baffle assembly link arm, PL 5.30 Item 13. Make sure that the link arm is
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can connected correctly to the DADH duplex solenoid, refer to REP 5.5.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Install new components as necessary:
NOTE: On 35 ppm machines, the DADH exit sensor is actuated by a flag. On 40-90 ppm • DADH duplex solenoid, PL 5.30 Item 4.
machines, the DADH exit sensor is a reflective type sensor. • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
Enter dC330 code 05-345 to check the DADH exit sensor, Q05-345, Figure 1. Raise the • Baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5.
DADH. Activate Q05-345. The display changes.
Enter dC330 code 05-020 to run the DADH feed motor, MOT05-020. MOT05-020 runs.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-345. Y N
Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
The exit roll rotates.
• P/J189, DADH PWB. Y N
• (35 ppm) 01D +3.3 Distribution RAP. Perform the steps that follow:
• (35 ppm) 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return. • Check the feed motor drive belt, PL 5.35 Item 5.
• (40-90 ppm) 01E +5V Distribution RAP. • Check the feed motor tension spring. Check the feed motor drive belt tension, ADJ
• (40-90 ppm) 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 5V return. 5.1.
Install new components as necessary: • Check the exit roll and pulley, PL 5.35 Item 6 and PL 5.35 Item 15, refer to GP 7.
• DADH exit sensor, PL 5.30 Item 2. If necessary, install a new DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
The fault only occurs in duplex mode.
Close the DADH. Open the DADH top cover. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Y N
Go to Final Actions.
Hold the top cover interlock switch closed. Enter dC330 code 05-030 to run the DADH CVT
motor, MOT05-030, Figure 2. MOT05-030 runs.
Y N NOTE: During normal operation, the exit roll idlers remain raised (closed) in simplex mode. In
duplex mode, the exit roll idlers remain raised unless the document is longer than 280mm (11
Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.
inches). The exit roll idlers raise and lower while feeding longer documents in duplex mode.
The CVT roll rotates. Exit the diagnostics mode. Close the DADH top cover. Make two copies in duplex mode.
Y N Check that the second document is held in the feed rolls until the first document is fed into the
Perform the steps that follow: output tray. The feed rolls held the second document.
• Check the CVT motor drive belt, PL 5.25 Item 11.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
05-345, 05-346 2-118 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP.

Go to Final Actions. Baffle assembly

Final Actions
Perform the steps that follow:
• For 05-345 and 05-346 faults:
– Check that the pre-scan idlers are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
Duplex gate
– Check that the post-scan idlers are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
– Check the CVT ramp assembly for damage and rough edges, (W/O TAG 150) PL
14.20 Item 13 or (W/TAG 150) PL 14.10 Item 13.
DADH exit sensor
– Check the duplex gate for damage and rough edges, PL 5.25 Item 12. Q05-345
– Check that Q05-345 is installed correctly.
– Make sure that the DADH ground harness is connected correctly, PL 5.10 Item 11.
– Make sure the feed motor drive belt and CVT motor drive belt are tensioned cor-
rectly, ADJ 5.1.
Install new components as necessary:
– Top access cover assembly, PL 5.20 Item 17.
– Baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5.
• For 05-346 faults:
– Make sure that the exit rolls are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4. Post scan idlers
– Make sure that the exit roll idlers are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
– Make sure the tension springs on the exit roll shaft are in the correct position, refer to
REP 5.5
– Check the exit roll static eliminator and ground harness, PL 5.35 Item 7. Pre-scan idlers
– Check the restack arm for damage or rough edges, PL 5.35 Item 3.
Install new components as necessary:
Figure 1 Component location
– DADH exit roll, PL 5.35 Item 6.
– DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.
If the fault continues, make sure that documents correctly exit the previous sensor in the docu-
ment path. Refer to the 05-340 DADH Registration Sensor Failure RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-119 05-345, 05-346
CVT motor
tension spring Feed motor tension
CVT motor spring
Feed motor
Top cover interlock
switch Feed motor drive belt

Duplex solenoid
SOL05-050 Exit roll pulley

Exit roll

CVT roll Feed clutch

CVT roll pulley and drive belt Feed Rolls

Exit roll idlers

Figure 2 Component location

Figure 3 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-345, 05-346 2-120 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05-350, 05-352 DADH CVT Sensor Failure RAP
05-350 The DADH CVT sensor does not detect the lead edge of the document within the cor-
rect time in the forward mode.

05-352 The DADH CVT sensor does not detect the lead edge of the document within the cor-
rect time in the reverse mode.

Initial Actions
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
• Figure 1. Make sure that the CVT sensor actuator is not damaged. If necessary, install a
new CVT sensor, PL 5.20 Item 12.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: To get access to the DADH CVT sensor, remove the DADH top cover, PL 5.20 Item 15.

Enter dC330 code 05-350 to check the DADH CVT sensor, Q05-350, Figure 1. Activate Q05-
350. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-350.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J186 and P/J191, DADH PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH CVT sensor, PL 5.20 Item 12.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Hold the top cover interlock switch closed.
Enter dC330 code 05-030 to check the DADH CVT motor, MOT05-030. MOT05-030 runs.
Go to the 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP.

The CVT roll rotates.

Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the CVT motor drive belt, PL 5.25 Item 11.
• Check the CVT motor tension spring. Make sure that the CVT motor drive belt ten-
sion is correct, ADJ 5.1.
• Check the CVT roll pulley, refer to GP 7.
Figure 4 Circuit diagram If necessary, install a new DADH CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5.

The fault only occurs in duplex mode (fault code 05-352).

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-121 05-345, 05-346, 05-350, 05-352
Go to Final Actions.
CVT motor tension spring
NOTE: The exit roll idlers remain lowered for 30 seconds.
CVT motor
Enter dC330 code 05-050 to check the DADH duplex solenoid, SOL05-050, to lower the exit MOT05-030
roll idlers, Figure 2. The exit roll idlers lower.
Y N CVT motor drive
Go to Flag 2. Check SOL050-050. belt
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch. Top cover interlock
• P/J181, DADH PWB. switch
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return. P/J191 Feed motor
Install new components as necessary: MOT05-020
• DADH duplex solenoid, PL 5.30 Item 4.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5. Feed clutch CL05-
• Baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5. 025

NOTE: During normal operation, the exit roll idlers remain raised (closed) in simplex mode. In
duplex mode, the exit roll idlers remain raised unless the document is longer than 280mm (11
inches). The exit roll idlers raise and lower while feeding longer documents in duplex mode.

Exit the diagnostics mode. Close the DADH top cover. Make two copies in duplex mode.
Check that the second document is held in the feed rolls until the first document is fed into the
output tray. The feed rolls held the second document.
Go to the 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP.

The fault is caused if the DADH feed motor runs too slowly in reverse, refer to the 05D DADH
Motor Failure RAP. If the fault continues, go to Final Actions.
Final Actions
Perform the steps that follow. Install new components as necessary:
• Check that the CVT roll is clean and rotates freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
• Check that the takeaway roll, PL 5.35 Item 6 is clean, refer to ADJ 5.4. If necessary, install
a new takeaway roll.
• Check that the CVT sensor, Q05-350 is installed correctly, PL 5.20 Item 12.
• Check the takeaway roll static eliminator and ground harness, PL 5.35 Item 7.
• Make sure that the DADH ground harness is connected correctly, PL 5.10 Item 11.
• Make sure the feed motor drive belt tension is correct, ADJ 5.1. Duplex solenoid
• DADH feed assembly, PL 5.15 Item 18. SOL05-050
If the fault continues, make sure that documents correctly exit the previous sensor in the docu- DADH CVT sensor Feed rolls
CVT roll
ment path. Refer to the 05-335 DADH Takeaway Sensor Failure RAP. Q05-350

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05-350, 05-352 2-122 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Exit roll idlers

Figure 2 Component location Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-123 05-350, 05-352
05A DADH Other Faults RAP 05B DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP
This RAP gives the additional information on common DADH problems. Perform the RAP for Use this RAP when the DADH document present sensor performs as follows:
all current fault codes before this RAP is performed. • The sensor detects a document when a document is not present in the input tray during
the startup procedure.
Procedure • The sensor detects a document when a document is not present in the input tray after a
Go to the correct RAP: jam.
• 05B DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP. • The sensor does not detect a document when a document is present in the input tray.
• 05C Document Size Sensor Failure Entry RAP. Procedure
• 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP. WARNING
• 05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• 05F Damaged Documents RAP. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine Features. Perform one of the steps
that follow, as appropriate:
• If the speed of the machine is 35 ppm, go to the 05G DADH Document Present Sensor
Failure RAP (35 ppm).
• If the speed of the machine is 40-90 ppm, go to the 05H DADH Document Present Sensor
Failure RAP (40-90 ppm).

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05A, 05B 2-124 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05C Document Size Sensor Failure Entry RAP 05D DADH Motor Failure RAP
Use this RAP when the DADH is in the Auto Paper Select mode and does not detect the cor- Procedure
rect size of paper.
Also use this RAP when the DADH detects a document in the input tray when the document Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
tray is empty. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Initial Actions Go to the correct procedure:
• Make sure that strong lighting is not above the DADH. • DADH Feed Motor Failure
• Remove all documents from the DADH and input tray. • DADH CVT Motor Failure
• Make sure that the sensors and the area around the sensors are clean. NOTE: The component location is shown in Figure 1.

Procedure DADH Feed Motor Failure

WARNING NOTE: In duplex mode, the DADH feed motor runs in the forward and reverse direction. The
duplex mode component control code is provided to reverse the drive of the feed motor.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Go to Flag 1. Check the DADH feed motor, MOT05-020.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine Features. Perform one of the steps References:
that follow, as appropriate: • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• If the speed of the machine is 35 ppm, go to the 05J DADH Document Size Sensor Fail- • P/J181, DADH PWB and P/J204.
ure RAP (35 ppm).
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• If the speed of the machine is 40-90 ppm, go to the 05K DADH Document Size Sensor
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return.
Failure RAP (40-90 ppm).
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH feed motor, PL 5.15 Item 16.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
DADH CVT Motor Failure
Go to Flag 2. Check the DADH CVT motor, MOT05-030.

• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J181, DADH PWB and P/J203.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH CVT motor, PL 5.25 Item 9.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-125 05C, 05D
Feed motor CVT motor
MOT05-020 MOT05-030

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05D 2-126 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05E DADH Feed Clutch Failure RAP
Use this RAP when the DADH feed clutch does not operate correctly.
Also use this RAP if the feed clutch energizes at the wrong time in duplex mode, which causes:
• Mis-feeds.
• The feed rolls to reverse and eject the original documents into the DADH input tray.
Go to Flag 1. Check the DADH feed clutch, CL05-025, Figure 1.

• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J183,DADH PWB and P/J202.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH feed clutch, PL 5.15 Item 9.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• DADH feed assembly, PL 5.15 Item 18.
Figure 2 Circuit Diagram

PJ202 Feed clutch


Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-127 05E
05F Damaged Documents RAP
Use this RAP if the documents get damaged by the DADH.
Baffle assembly
Perform the steps that follow:
1. If the DADH damages the bottom of the documents mid-way along the lead edge, install a
new feed roll assembly, (35 ppm) PL 5.15 Item 1 or (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17 Item 1.
2. ADJ 5.2 DADH height adjustment. Duplex gate
3. Check the input tray for damage, PL 5.35 Item 1.
• Make sure that the document width guides move freely.
• Check that the takeaway roll assembly and exit roll assembly, PL 5.35 Item 6 for
damage and contamination, refer to ADJ 5.4. CVT roll
• Check the restack arm for damage, PL 5.35 Item 3.
4. Open the DADH top access cover assembly, PL 5.20 Item 17.
• Check the document path for damage.
• Check the takeaway roll idlers and CVT roll idlers, PL 5.20 Item 3 for damage. Make
sure the idlers are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4.
5. Raise the DADH. Lower the baffle assembly, Figure 1.
• Remove any pieces of paper.
• Check the duplex gate, PL 5.25 Item 12 for damage. Make sure the duplex gate
moves freely. Post scan idlers
• Check the CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5 for damage. If necessary, clean the CVT roll,
ADJ 5.4.
• Check the pre-scan idlers, PL 5.25 Item 6 and post scan idlers, PL 5.30 Item 6 for
damage. Make sure the idlers are clean and rotate freely, refer to ADJ 5.4. Pre-scan idlers
• Check the document path for damage.
• Check the baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5 for damage. Figure 1 Component location
• Check the exit roll idlers for damage, PL 5.30 Item 8. Make sure the idlers are clean
and rotate freely, ADJ 5.4.
6. Check the CVT ramp assembly, (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.20 Item 13 or (W/TAG 150) PL
14.10 Item 13 for damage.
7. Make sure that the customers documents are within the specification, refer to GP 20.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05F 2-128 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05G DADH Document Present Sensor Failure RAP (35
DADH document present sensor
ppm) Q05-310
Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 05B
DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
• Check the actuator for the document present sensor, PL 5.15 Item 12.
• The DADH document present sensor can fail to detect the last document in a document
set if static electricity is on the input tray. If necessary, clean the input tray with the anti-
static fluid, refer to ADJ 5.4.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 code 05-310 to check the DADH document present sensor, Q05-310, Figure 1.
The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-310. Figure 1 Component location
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J184, DADH PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH document present sensor, PL 5.15 Item 13.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Make sure that the area around the sensor is clean. If the problem continues, install new com-
ponents as necessary:
• DADH document present sensor, PL 5.15 Item 13.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• DADH document present sensor actuator, PL 5.15 Item 12.

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-129 05G
05H DADH Document Present Sensor Failure RAP (40-90
DADH document
ppm) present sensor
Initial Actions Q05-310
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 05B
DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
• Remove all documents from the DADH.
• Clean the DADH document present sensor and the area around the sensor, PL 5.35 Item
• The DADH document present sensor can fail to detect the last document in a document
set if static electricity is on the input tray. If necessary, clean the input tray with the anti-
static fluid, refer to ADJ 5.4.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 code 05-310 to check the DADH document present sensor, Q05-310, Figure 1.
The display changes.
Y N Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-310.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J184, DADH PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 5V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH document present sensor, PL 5.35 Item 19.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Make sure that the area around the sensor is clean. If the problem continues, install new com-
ponents as necessary:
• DADH document present sensor, PL 5.35 Item 19.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05H 2-130 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
05J Document Size Sensor Failure RAP (35 ppm) • 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Initial Actions
Install new components as necessary:
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 05B
• DADH feed sensor, PL 5.15 Item 2.
DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• Make sure that a spot light or any direct light source is not above the DADH.
• Remove all documents from the DADH and input tray.
Enter dC330 code 05-340 to check the DADH registration sensor, Q05-340. Activate Q05-340.
• Make sure that the sensors and the area around the sensors are clean. The display changes.
Procedure Go to Flag 4. Check Q05-340.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• P/J186, DADH PWB.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Enter dC330 code 05-315 to check the DADH length sensor 1, Q05-315, Figure 1. Activate • 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Q05-315. The display changes. Install new components as necessary:
Y N • DADH registration sensor, PL 5.25 Item 1.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-315. • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Completely open the DADH width guides. Go to Flag 5. Measure the voltage at P/J190 pin 8.
• P/J190, DADH PWB. Completely close the DADH width guides. The voltage changes from 3.3V to 0V.
• 01D +3.3 Distribution RAP. Y N
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return. Remove the DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1. Make sure the arm of the DADH
width guide sensor is installed correctly, Figure 2. Check the mechanical operation of the
Install new components as necessary:
width guides. Install new components as necessary:
• DADH length sensor 1, PL 5.35 Item 8. • DADH width sensor, PL 5.35 Item 11.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5. • DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 05-320 to check the DADH length sensor 2, Q05-320. Activate Q05-320. Make sure that the chain 5 NVM parameters for the detection of the size of paper are correct.
The display changes. Refer to dC131.
Y N Install new components as necessary:
Go to Flag 2. Check Q05-320. • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J190, DADH PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH length sensor 2, PL 5.35 Item 8.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Open the DADH top cover. Enter dC330 code 05-330 to check the DADH feed sensor, Q05-
330. Activate Q05-330. The display changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check Q05-330.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J184, DADH PWB.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-131 05J
DADH registration sensor
Q05-340 DADH width sensor

DADH width guides

DADH feed sensor DADH length sensor 1 DADH length sensor 2

Q05-330 Q05-315 Q05-320
Figure 2 Component location
Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05J 2-132 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-133 05J
05K Document Size Sensor Failure RAP (40-90 ppm) • P/J184, DADH PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 05B
Install new components as necessary:
DADH Document Present Sensor Failure Entry RAP.
• DADH feed sensor, PL 5.17 Item 2.
• Make sure that a bright light is not above the DADH. If necessary, adjust the position of
the machine. • DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• Remove all documents from the DADH and input tray.
Enter dC330 code 05-340 to check the DADH registration sensor, Q05-340. Activate Q05-340.
• Make sure that the sensors and the area around the sensors are clean. The display changes.
Procedure Go to Flag 4. Check Q05-340.
WARNING References:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • P/J184, DADH PWB.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Enter dC330 code 05-315 to check the DADH length sensor 1, Q05-315, Figure 1. Activate • 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Q05-315. The display changes. Install new components as necessary:
Y N • DADH registration sensor, PL 5.25 Item 1.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q05-315.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Completely open the DADH width guides. Go to Flag 5. Measure the voltage at P/J190 pin 8.
• P/J190, DADH PWB. Completely close the DADH width guides. The voltage changes from 3.3V to 0V.
• 01D +3.3 Distribution RAP. Y N
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return. Remove the DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1. Make sure the arm of the DADH
width guide sensor is installed correctly, Figure 2. Check the mechanical operation of the
Install new components as necessary:
width guides. Install new components as necessary:
• DADH length sensor 1, PL 5.35 Item 8.
• DADH width sensor, PL 5.35 Item 11.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.
Enter dC330 code 05-320 to check the DADH length sensor 2, Q05-320. Activate Q05-320.
Make sure that the chain 5 NVM parameters for the detection of the size of paper are correct.
The display changes.
Refer to dC131.
Y N Install new components as necessary:
Go to Flag 2. Check Q05-320.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.
• DADH input tray assembly, PL 5.35 Item 1.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J190, DADH PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Install new components as necessary:
• DADH length sensor 2, PL 5.35 Item 8.
• DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

Open the DADH top cover. Enter dC330 code 05-330 to check the DADH feed sensor, Q05-
330. Activate Q05-330. The display changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check Q05-330.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
05K 2-134 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
DADH registration sensor
Q05-340 DADH width sensor

DADH width guides

DADH length sensor 2

DADH feed sensor DADH length sensor 1 Q05-320
Q05-330 Q05-315
Figure 2 Component location
Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-135 05K
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

05K 2-136 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
06-020 ROS Motor Failure RAP Go to Flag 1. Check the following voltages at P/J18 on the LVPS:
• +24V between pins 1 and 2.
06-020. This fault code has two failure modes.
• +3.3V between pins 3 and 4.
1. The ROS motor ready signal was not received by the IOT PWB within the set time of the
ROS being powered on. The voltages are good.
2. The IOT PWB recognizes a change of state of the ROS motor ready signal during opera-
tion. Go to the relevant RAP:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return and 24V return.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Enter the dC330 output code 06-020 to run the ROS motor. Go to Flag 2. 0V is avail-
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can able at P/J2 pin 1 on the IOT PWB.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Y N
WARNING Go to Flag 3. 0V is available at P/J2 pin 6 on the IOT PWB.
Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
• Figure 1. Check that the harness connector at PJ2 on the IOT PWB is fully inserted. PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Figure 1. Check that the harness connector at PJ121 on the ROS is fully inserted.
NOTE: The ROS must be removed from the machine, REP 6.1, to disconnect P/
Procedure J120 and P/J121. The ROS PWB where P/J120 and P/J121 are connected may
not be marked with the correct PJ numbers. P/J120 can be identified as a four way
power harness. P/J121 can be identified as a seven way signal harness.

Go to Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 3. Disconnect P/J120 and P/J121 and check the wir-
ing. The wiring is good.
Repair the wiring.

Install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.

Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item

Go to Flag 2. 0V is available at P/J2 pin 1.


NOTE: The ROS must be removed from the machine, REP 6.1, to disconnect P/J120
and P/J121. The ROS PWB where P/J120 and P/J121 are connected may not be
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The 06-020 fault still exists. marked with the correct PJ numbers. P/J120 can be identified as a four way power har-
Y N ness. P/J121 can be identified as a seven way signal harness.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Check the continuity of the seven way signal harness between P/J2 and P/J121. The
Enter the dC330 output code 06-020 and listen for the ROS motor. The ROS motor gives a harness is good.
distinctive ascending frequency sound, of a short duration (5 to 6 seconds) during tran- Y N
sition from standby to run. Install a new ROS power distribution/communication harness, PL 6.10 Item 5.
The xerographic module is fully home and the front door is fully closed or the front Install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.
door interlock is cheated.
Y N If the fault condition persists, perform the following:
Correct the condition. If necessary go to the 01-300 Front Door Open RAP. • Check the condition of the associated wiring and connectors. Repair the wiring or install
new components as necessary.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-137 06-020
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item
• Install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.




P/J2 (harness) P/J18 (harness)

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

06-020 2-138 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
06-340 ROS Laser Failure RAP NOTE: The ROS must be removed from the machine, REP 6.1, to disconnect P/J122
and P/J121. The ROS PWB where P/J122 and P/J121 are connected may not be
06-340. The IOT PWB has not detected the ROS laser reaching the operating speed.
marked with the correct PJ numbers. P/J122 can be identified as a four way power har-
ness. P/J121 can be identified as a seven way signal harness.
Check the wiring at Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 3. The wiring is good.
Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation. Repair the wiring or install new harness PL 6.10 Item 5.

Install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.

Go to Flag 4. Check P/J113 on the single board controller PWB is securely connected. If the
fault is still present, remove the ROS, REP 6.1. Go to Flag 4 and ensure that PJ122 on the
ROS is securely connected. If the fault is still present, go to Flag 4 and check the continuity of
the ROS data cable ( P/J113 to P/J122). The ROS data cable is good
Install a new ROS power distribution/communications harness, PL 6.10 Item 5.

Install new parts in the following order:

• ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item

Go to Flag 3, connect a service meter to P/J2 pin 7 and make a set of 5 copies. 0V is mea-
sured at P/J2 pin 7 on the IOT PWB during run. P/J121
The xerographic module is fully home and the front door is fully closed or the front
door interlock is cheated. P/J122
Correct the condition.

Go to Flag 1. Disconnect P/J18 from the LVPS. Check the following voltages on the P/J120
• +24V between pins 1 and 2.
• +3.3V between pins 3 and 4.
The voltages are good.
Go to the relevant RAP:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return and 24V return.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP. P/J2 (harness) P/J18 (harness)
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Figure 1 Component Location
Enter the dC330 output code 06-020. Go to Flag 2. The ROS motor gives a distinctive
ascending frequency sound, of a short duration (5 to 6 seconds) during transition
from standby to run.
Go to the 06-020 ROS Motor Failure RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-139 06-340
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

06-340 2-140 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
06-350 ROS Laser Not Under Control RAP
06-350. The IOT monitor has not received a reset command from the IOT ROS controller for
more than 5 seconds during print.

Perform the 03-395, 396, 852, 853 IOT PWB Faults RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-141 06-350
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
06-350 2-142 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07-301 Tray 1 Open During Run RAP
07-301 Tray 1 was opened during run when the paper is fed from tray 1.

Initial Actions
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home, Figure 1.
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.

Enter dC330 code 07-301 tray 1 home switch, S07-301. Press Start. Open and fully close the
tray. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-301. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Tray 1 home (H) +5V. Check at the switch terminal on the PWB, Figure 2.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2. Tray 1 and 2
control PWB
Perform the following:
• Check the paper size leaf spring is mounted correctly, PL 7.10 Item 3.
• Check for Mod/Tag 101. If Mod/TAG 101 has not been struck then install a paper feed Tray 1 home switch
module frame repair kit, PL 31.14 Item 4. (top switch)
Tray home actuator
• Check the actuator cam on the paper tray, Figure 1. S07-301
• If the problem continues, install new Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-143 07-301
Check the voltage at the
switch terminal

Tray 1 home switch

Figure 3 Tray 1 circuit diagram

Figure 2 Tray 1 home switch test point

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-301 2-144 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07-302 Tray 2 Open During Run RAP
07-302 Tray 2 was opened during run when the paper is fed from tray 2.

Initial Actions
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home, Figure 1.
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.

Enter dC330 code 07-302 tray 2 home switch, S07-302. Press Start. Open and fully close the
tray. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-302. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Tray 1 home (H) +5V. Check at the switch terminal on the PWB, Figure 2.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2. Tray 1 and 2
control PWB
Perform the following:
• Check the paper size leaf spring is mounted correctly, PL 7.10 Item 3.
Check for Mod/Tag 101. If Mod/TAG 101 has not been struck then install a paper feed Tray home actuator Tray 2 home switch
module frame repair kit, PL 31.14 Item 4. cam (top switch)
• Check the actuator on the paper tray, Figure 1. S07-302
• If the problem continues, install new Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-145 07-302
Check the voltage at the switch

Tray 2 home switch Figure 3 Tray 2 circuit diagram

Figure 2 Home switch test point

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-302 2-146 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07-303 Tray 3 Open During Run RAP
07-303 Tray 3 open during run when the paper is fed from tray 3.

Tray 3 home switch

Initial Actions S07-303
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• Check the switch actuator, Figure 1.

Enter dC330 code 07-303 tray 3 home switch, S07-303. Press Start. Open and fully close the
tray. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-303. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB. Switch actuator
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 home switch, PL 7.20 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Check the switch holder, PL 7.20 Item 3.

If the problem continues, install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 home switch, PL 7.20 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-147 07-303
07-304 Tray 4 Open During Run RAP
07-304 Tray 4 0pen during run when the paper is fed from tray 4.

Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• Check the switch actuator, Figure 1.

Enter dC330 code 07-304 tray 4 home switch, S07-304. Press Start. Open and fully close the
tray. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-304. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 home switch, PL 7.20 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
Check the switch holder, PL 7.20 Item 3.
If the problem continues, install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 home switch, PL 7.20 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-303, 07-304 2-148 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Tray 4 home switch

Switch actuator

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-149 07-304
07-306 Tray 5 Door Open During Run RAP
07-306 Tray 5 door open during run when the paper is fed from tray 5.

Initial Actions
• Ensure that the door is pushed fully home.
• Check the switch actuator, Figure 1.

Enter dC330 code 07-306 tray 5 door switch, S07-306 Press Start. Open and fully close the
door The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-306. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP
• P/J507, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 door switch, PL 7.60 Item 6.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.

If the problem continues, install new components as necessary:

Tray 5 door switch
• Tray 5 door switch, PL 7.60 Item 6 Switch actuator S07-306
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-306 2-150 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07-353 Tray 1 Elevator Lift Failure RAP
07-353 Tray 1 stack height sensor did not actuate within the correct time after the feed / eleva-
tor motor turned on.

Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
Check the stack height mechanism actuator on the back of the tray, Figure 1.
• Check the drive gears and coupling on the tray.
• Check the elevator drive coupling on the feeder assembly.

Enter dC330 code 07-336 tray 1 stack height sensor, Q07-336. Press Start. Pull out tray 1 and
push fully home. The display changes
Go to Flag 1. Check Q07-383. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J274, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 stack height sensor, PL 8.26 Item 8.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

To prevent damage to the elevator and paper feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled
Figure 2 Circuit diagram out before MOT07-010 is run in diagnostics.
Enter dC330 code 07-010 tray 1 feed / elevator motor, MOT07-010. Pull out tray 1. Press
Start. The motor runs
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT07-010. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J274, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 Feed / elevator motor, PL 8.26 Item 8.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check the feeder / elevator motor drive gears, Figure 1.
• Check the tray 1 stack height mechanism on the feeder assembly,
If the fault still occurs then go to 07A Tray 1 and Tray 2 False Paper Level RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-151 07-306, 07-353
Stack height mechanism

Drive gears

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-353 2-152 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07-354 Tray 2 Elevator Lift Failure RAP
07-354 Tray 2 stack height sensor did not actuate within the correct time after the feed / eleva-
tor motor turned on.

Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
Check the stack height mechanism actuator on the back of the tray, Figure 1.
• Check the drive gears and coupling on the tray.
• Check the elevator drive coupling on the feeder assembly.

Enter dC330 code 07-337 tray 2 stack height sensor, Q07-337. Press Start. Pull out tray 1 and
push fully home. The display changes
Go to Flag 1. Check Q07-337. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J275, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. Stack height mechanism
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. actuator
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 2 stack height sensor, PL 8.26 Item 8.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2. Drive gears

To prevent damage to the elevator and paper feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled
out before MOT07-020 is run in diagnostics. Figure 1 Component location
Enter dC330 code 07-020 tray 1 feed / elevator motor, MOT07-020. Pull out tray 1. Press
Start. The motor runs
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT07-020. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J275, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 2 Feed / elevator motor, PL 8.26 Item 6.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check the feeder / elevator motor drive gears, Figure 1.
• Check the tray 2 stack height mechanism on the feeder assembly,
If the fault still occurs then go to 07A Tray 1 and Tray 2 False Paper Level RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-153 07-354
07-355 Tray 3 Elevator Lift Failure RAP
07-355 Tray 3 stack height sensor did not actuate within the correct time after the elevator
motor turned on.

NOTE: Rapid closure of tray 4 when tray 3 is being elevated may cause this fault.

Initial Actions
• Check that the tray elevator cables and mechanisms are located correctly.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• Check the tray 3 home switch, Figure 1.
• If the tray only elevates up by 25mm (1 inch) and stops. Go to 07E RAP and check the
tray empty actuator.

Enter dC330 code 07-303 tray 3 home switch, S07-303. Press Start. Pull out the tray and push
back in. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-303. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 home switch, PL 7.20 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 07-383 tray 3 stack height sensor, Q07-383. Press Start. Pull out tray 3 and
manually activate the stack height sensor on the paper feed assembly. The display changes
Go to Flag 2. Check Q07-383. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 stack height sensor, PL 8.30 Item 21
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Go to P/J396 pin 1 on the HCF control PWB, Flag 4. Manually activate the tray 3 stack limit
switch (S07-393) on the paper feed assembly. The voltage changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check S07-393. Refer to:
Figure 2 Circuit diagram • GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J396, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
07-354, 07-355 2-154 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 paper feeder, PL 8.30 Item 2.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

To prevent damage to the elevator and paper feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled
out before MOT07-030 is run in diagnostics.
Enter dC330 code 07-030 tray 3 elevator motor, MOT07-030. Pull out tray 3. Press Start. The Stack limit switch
motor runs
Go to Flag 4. Check MOT07-030. Refer to: Stack height sensor
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J395, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 elevator motor, PL 7.20 Item 1.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check elevator cables, PL 7.15 Item 4, PL 7.15 Item 6, PL 7.15 Item 7.
• Check elevator motor drive coupling, PL 7.20 Item 1.
• Check tray elevator drive gears and drive coupling, PL 7.15.
• Check the tray 3 empty sensor actuator, PL 8.30 Item 1.
If the fault still occurs then go to 07E Tray 3 or Tray 4 Out of Paper RAP.

Tray 3 feed sen-


HCF control
Tray 3 elevator Tray 3 home
MOT07-030 switch Tray 3 feed assembly

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-155 07-355
07-360 Tray 4 Elevator Lift Failure RAP
07-360 Tray 4 stack height sensor does not actuate within 7 seconds after the elevator motor is
turned on.

NOTE: Rapid closure of tray 3 when tray 4 is being elevated may cause this fault.

Initial Actions
Failure of the tray 4 feed motor, MOT 08-840 can cause damage the 24V circuit of the HCF
Control PWB. Before replacing a HCF Control PWB ensure the tray 4 feed motor is opera-
• Check the tray 4 feed motor, MOT08-840. Go to 08-104, 08-114 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP.
• Check that the tray elevator cables and mechanisms are located correctly.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.
• If the tray only elevates up by 25mm (1 inch) and stops. Go to 07E RAP and check the
tray empty actuator.

Enter dC330 code 07-304 tray 4 home switch, S07-304. Press Start. Pull out the tray and push
back in. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-304. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 home switch, PL 7.20 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 07-384 tray 4 stack height Sensor, Q07-384. Press Start. Pull out tray 4 and
manually actuate the stack height sensor on the paper feed assembly. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q07-384. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 stack height sensor, PL 8.31 Item 13.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Figure 2 Circuit diagram Go to P/J398 pin 6 on the HCF control PWB, Flag 4. Manually activate the tray 4 stack limit
switch (S07-394) on the paper feed assembly. The voltage changes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-355, 07-360 2-156 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Go to Flag 3. Check S07-394. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J398, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Tray 4 feed
Install new components as necessary: assembly
Stack limit switch
• Tray 4 paper feeder, PL 8.31 Item 4. S07-394
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
Stack height sensor
To prevent damage to the elevator and paper feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled
out before MOT07-040 is run in diagnostics.
Enter dC330 code 07-040 tray 4 elevator motor, MOT07-040. Pull out tray 4. Press Start. The
motor runs.
Go to Flag 4. Check MOT07-040. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J397, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 elevator motor, PL 7.20 Item 1.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check elevator cables, PL 7.15 Item 4, PL 7.15 Item 5, PL 7.15 Item 7.
• Check elevator motor drive coupling, PL 7.20 Item 1.
• Check elevator drive gears and drive coupling, PL 7.15.
• Check the tray 4 empty sensor actuator, PL 8.31 Item 1.
If the fault still occurs then go to 07E Tray 3 or Tray 4 Out of Paper RAP.
Tray 4 home Tray 4 elevator
switch motor
HCF control S07-304 MOT07-040

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-157 07-360
07-372 Tray 5 Undocked During Run RAP
07-372 Tray 5 was undocked during run when the paper is fed from tray 5.

Initial Actions
• Ensure the tray is pushed fully home, Figure 1.
• Check for obstructions between the tray and the machine.

Enter dC330 code 07-372 tray 5 docking switch, S07-372. Press Start. Undock and dock tray
5, refer to REP 7.19. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-372. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J507, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 docking switch, PL 7.64 Item 1
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8

Perform the following:

• Check the docking latch on tray 5 is latched onto the machine, Figure 2.
• Check the that the rail assembly is located correctly to the machine.

Figure 2 Tray 4 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-360, 07-372 2-158 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Tray 5 docking
switch S07-372

Docking latch

Rail assembly

Figure 2 Component location

Tray 5 docking location pin

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-159 07-372
07-373 Tray 5 Elevator Lift Failure RAP
07-373 A signal was not detected by the encoder when the elevator motor was driving up.

Initial Actions
• Check for obstructions behind the tray.

Figure 1. Ensure the cable holder PL 7.68 Item 23 is not trapped behind the elevator motor
bracket PL 7.68 Item 6. The cable holder is correctly positioned.
Reposition the cable holder so that it does not become trapped behind the elevator motor
Install new components as necessary:
• Cable holder PL 7.68 Item 23.

Open and close the tray 5 door. The tray moves up.
Enter dC330 code 07-306 tray 5 door interlock switch. Press Start. Manually toggle the
the door interlock switch. The display changes.
Check the wiring to the switch, REP 1.2.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-306. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J507, Tray 5 control PWB
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Figure 3 Tray 1 circuit diagram • Tray 5 door interlock switch, PL 7.60 Item 6
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.

Enter dC330 code 07-402 tray 5 stack height sensor, Q07-402. Press Start. Manually acti-
vate the stack height sensor on the paper feed assembly. The display changes
Go to Flag 2. Check Q07-402. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J505, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 stack height sensor, PL 8.45 Item 7
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.

Go to PJ504 pin 4 on the Tray 5 control PWB, Flag 3. Manually activate the tray upper
limit switch (S07-412) on the paper feed assembly. The voltage changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check S07-412. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
07-372, 07-373 2-160 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• P/J504, Tray 5 control PWB
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Stack height sensor
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 stack upper limit switch, PL 7.68 Item 12
Tray upper limit
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8. switch
Enter dC330 code 07-406 tray 5 elevator motor encoder sensor, Q07-406. Press Start.
Manually lift the motor to activate the sensor. The display changes Cable holder
Go to Flag 4. Check Q07-406. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Tray 5 elevator
• P/J506, Tray 5 control PWB. motor encoder
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary: Tray 5 elevator
• Elevator motor encoder sensor, PL 7.68 Item 5
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8

Enter dC330 code 07-373 tray 5 elevator motor, MOT07-373. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 5. Check MOT07-373. Refer to:
Tray 5 control PWB
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J504, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
Figure 1 Component location
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 elevator motor, PL 7.68 Item 4
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8

The tray 5 elevator motor is operating correctly.

The tray 5 elevator motor is operating correctly.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-161 07-373
Door interlock switch

Tray upper limit switch


Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-373 2-162 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-163 07-373
07-374 Tray 5 Elevator Lower Failure RAP • P/J504, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
07-374 A signal was not detected by the encoder when the elevator motor was driving down.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions Install new components as necessary:
• Check for obstructions behind the tray. • Tray 5 down limit switch, PL 7.70 Item 2.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
Enter dC330 code 07-406 tray 5 elevator motor encoder sensor, Q07-406. Press Start.
Figure 1. Ensure the cable holder PL 7.68 Item 23 is not trapped behind the elevator motor Manually lift the motor to activate the sensor. The display changes
bracket PL 7.68 Item 6. The cable holder is correctly positioned.
Go to Flag 4. Check Q07-406. Refer to:
Reposition the cable holder so that it does not become trapped behind the elevator motor
bracket. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Install new components as necessary: • P/J506, Tray 5 control PWB.
• Cable holder PL 7.68 Item 23. • 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Open and close the tray 5 door. The tray moves down. Install new components as necessary:
• Elevator motor encoder sensor, PL 7.68 Item 5.
Enter dC330 code 07-306 tray 5 door interlock switch. Press Start. Manually toggle the
the door interlock switch. The display changes. • Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
Enter dC330 code 07-373 tray 5 elevator motor, MOT07-373. Press Start. The motor
Check the wiring to the switch and if necessary install a new switch, PL 7.60 Item 6.
Go to Flag 1. Check S07-306. Refer to: runs
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
Go to Flag 5. Check MOT07-373. Refer to:
• P/J507, Tray 5 control PWB.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• P/J504, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP
• Tray 5 door interlock switch, PL 7.60 Item 6.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
• Tray 5 elevator motor, PL 7.68 Item 4.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
Enter dC330 code 07-405 tray 5 stack down sensor, Q07-405, Figure 1. Press Start. Man-
ually activate the stack down sensor actuator. The display changes
The tray 5 elevator motor is operating correctly.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q07-405. Refer to:
The tray 5 elevator motor is operating correctly.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J505, Tray 5 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 stack down sensor, PL 7.68 Item 9.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.

Go to PJ504 pin 6 on the Tray 5 control PWB, Flag 3. Manually activate the tray 5 down
limit switch (S07-415) on the paper tray, Figure 2. The voltage changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check S07-415. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
07-374 2-164 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Cable holder

Tray 5 elevator motor

encoder sensor Tray down limit switch
Q07-406 S07-415
Located in the paper tray,
press the plate under the
paper tray to actuate the
Tray 5 elevator motor switch.

Tray 5 control PWB

Stack down sensor


Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-165 07-374
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07-374 2-166 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07A Tray 1 and Tray 2 Empty RAP
Use this RAP when the copier display instructs the operator to add paper to the tray that is not

NOTE: Tray 1 and tray 2 feed mechanisms are identical.

Pull out the relevant tray.
Enter the relevant code to monitor the tray empty sensor:
Tray 1 empty sensor, Q07-331. Enter dC330 code 07-331. Press Start.
Tray 2 empty sensor, Q07-332. Enter dC330 code 07-332. Press Start.
Manually actuate the tray empty sensor. The display changes.
Tray 1: Go to Flag 1. Check S07-331. Tray 2: Go to Flag 2. Check Q07-332. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Tray 1 P/J274, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
Tray 1 empty sensor Q07-331
• Tray 2 P/J275,Tray 1 and 2 control PWB Tray 2 empty sensor Q07- 342
• 01E +5 V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary. Figure 1 Component location
• Tray 1 empty sensor, Figure 1, PL 8.26 Item 8.
• Tray 2 empty sensor, Figure 1, PL 8.26 Item 8.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check that the sensor is free of paper dust.
• Check the paper feed mechanism, PL 8.26 Item 1.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-167 07A
Figure 2 Tray 1 circuit diagram Figure 3 Tray 2 circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07A 2-168 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07B Tray 3 and Tray 4 False Low Paper Level RAP
Use this RAP when the copier displays tray 3 or tray 4 is low on paper when the tray is full. The
tray is low on paper message will appear when the tray capacity is at 10%.

The machine measurers the time taken for the tray to elevate after being closed, to determine
the amount of paper remaining in tray 3 or tray 4. This measurement only occurs if the tray has
been open for a minimum of 30 seconds. If the tray is closed within 30 seconds the time-out of
the last known paper level is used and no new timing is calculated.

NOTE: A low paper condition will be declared if the stack is below approximately 190 sheets.

Pull out the relevant tray and allow it to move fully down. Close the tray. The tray moves up.
Go to 07-355 Tray 3 Elevator Lift Up Failure RAP.
Go to 07-360 Tray 4 Elevator Lift Up Failure RAP.

Pull out the tray and load a ream of paper or 500 sheets. Wait for 30 seconds before closing
the tray. The message tray is low on paper has changed.
Tray 3: Go to Flag 1. Check low paper sensor, Q07-343. Tray 4: Go to Flag 2. Check low
paper sensor, Q07-344. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Tray 4 low paper sensor
NOTE: In this check place a piece of paper between the sensor. The check is diffi- HCF control PWB
P/J 390
cult due to the problem in moving the timing disc. Tray 3 low paper sensor
• Figure 1.
• P/J390, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Component location
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary.
• Tray 3 elevator motor, PL 7.20 Item 1.
• Tray 4 elevator motor, PL 7.20 Item 1.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

The low paper sensor appears to be working correctly. If the customer is only adding small
amounts of paper at a time then the message (Tray is low on paper) will be displayed. If the
tray is filled with 190 sheets or more, the message is cancelled.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-169 07B
07C Bypass Tray RAP
Use this RAP to identify and correct problems when using the bypass tray.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the media used in the bypass tray. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check that the width sensor guide is up to the edge of the paper, Figure 1.
• If there is a width sensing problem, then check that the bypass tray width sensing potenti-
ometer is not damaged, part of input tray assembly, PL 7.30 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 07-335 to bypass tray empty sensor Q07-335. Press Start. Manually actuate
the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2.Check Q07-335. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J10, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3 V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary.
• Bypass tray empty sensor, PL 7.30 Item 7.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Go to Flag 1. Monitor the voltage on the IOT PWB at PJ10 pin 1 and move the guide in and
out. The voltage varies from 0V to +3V.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q07-350. Refer to:
• The width sensor is a potentiometer. The arm on the potentiometer is attached to the
bypass tray side guide. This gives a variable voltage to indicate the paper width set-
• P/J10, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3 V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary.
• Bypass tray width sensor, part of input tray assembly, PL 7.30 Item 1.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Figure 2 Circuit Diagram 1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-050 feed solenoid, SOL08-050. Press Start. The solenoid energized.
Go to Flag 3. Check SOL08-050. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J10, IOT PWB.
• 01G +24 V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
07B, 07C 2-170 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Install new components as necessary.
• Feed solenoid, PL 7.30 Item 4.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Ensure that the customer is not filling the tray above the max fill line.
• Clean the feed roll and retard pad with a cloth dampened with water.
• If necessary install a new feed roll and retard pad assembly, PL 7.30 Item 21.

Feed solenoid



Feed roll

Width sensor guide Tray empty sensor

Q07-350 Q07-335

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-171 07C
07D Tray 1 and 2 Wrong Size Paper RAP
Use this RAP when the paper fed from the tray does not match the paper size indicated by the
tray paper size switch. Tray 1 and tray 2 feed mechanisms are identical.

Initial Actions
• Check that the tray paper guides are set up to the edges of the paper.
• The guides are located in the slots in the base of the tray if a standard paper size is used.
• Check the actuator ribbon on the side of the tray, Figure 1.

Check the relevant tray:
Tray 1, Go to Table 1. Compare the paper size in the tray to the size switches actuated.
Tray 2. Go to Table 2. Compare the paper size in the tray to the size switches actuated.
Enter dC330 and relevant component control code as shown in the table. Press Start. Manually
activate the paper size switch. The display changes.
Tray 1: Go to Flag 1. Tray 2: Go to Flag 2. Check the relevant size switch. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Tray 1 size switch 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the switch on the PWB, Figure 2.
• Tray 2 size switch 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the switch on the PWB, Figure 4, Tray 1 and 2
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. control PWB
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Tray actuator ribbon
Install new components as necessary: Paper size leaf
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2. spring

Check the following:

• Paper tray, PL 7.10 Item 1. Figure 1 Component location
• Paper size leaf spring, PL 7.10 Item 3.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07D 2-172 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Size switch 4 test point Table 1 Tray 1 paper size table
Size Size Size Size
switch 4 switch 3 switch 2 switch 1
Paper (S07-314) (S07-313) (S07-312) (S07-311)
Size switch 3 test point
A4 LEF +5V +5V 0V +5V
A4 SEF 0V +5V 0V +5V
A5 LEF 0V 0V 0V +5V
Size switch 2 test point A3 SEF +5V 0V +5V +5V
216 x 315 mm SEF 0V +5V +5V 0V
216 x 330 mm SEF 0V 0V +5V 0V
Size switch 1 test point
8.5 x 11 LEF 0V +5V 0V 0V
8.5 x 11 SEF 0V 0V +5V +5V
8.5 x 5.5 LEF 0V +5V +5V +5V
11 x 17 SEF +5V 0V +5V 0V
8.5 x 14 SEF +5V +5V 0V 0V
8.5 x 12.4 SEF 0V +5V +5V 0V
8.5 x 13 SEF 0V 0V +5V 0V

Figure 2 Tray 1 size switch test points

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-173 07D
Size switch 4 test point

Size switch 3 test point

Figure 3 Tray 1 circuit diagram

Size switch 2 test point

Size switch 1 test point

Figure 4 Tray 2 size switch test point

Table 2 Tray 2 paper size table

Size Size Size Size
switch 4 switch 3 switch 2 switch 1
Paper (S07-324) (S07-323) (S07-322) (S07-321)
A4 LEF +5V +5V 0V +5V

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07D 2-174 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 2 Tray 2 paper size table 07E Tray 3 or Tray 4 Out of Paper RAP
Size Size Size Size Use this RAP when the copier display instructs the operator to add paper to the tray that is not
switch 4 switch 3 switch 2 switch 1 empty.
Paper (S07-324) (S07-323) (S07-322) (S07-321)
A4 SEF 0V +5V 0V +5V 07-543 Tray 3 out of service.
A5 LEF 0V 0V 0V +5V
07-544 Tray 4 out of service.
A3 SEF +5V 0V +5V +5V
216 x 315 mm SEF 0V +5V +5V 0V The above status codes and messages may be generated if the actuator is missing from the
216 x 330 mm SEF 0V 0V +5V 0V tray empty sensor.
8.5 x 11 LEF 0V +5V 0V 0V
8.5 x 11 SEF 0V 0V +5V +5V NOTE: Tray 3 and tray 4 feed mechanisms are identical.
8.5 x 5.5 LEF 0V +5V +5V +5V Initial Actions
11 x 17 SEF +5V 0V +5V 0V • Check the tray empty actuator moves freely and located correctly, Figure 1.
8.5 x 14 SEF +5V +5V 0V 0V • Check that the feed head drops when the tray is pushed fully home.
8.5 x 12.4 SEF 0V +5V +5V 0V
8.5 x 13 SEF 0V 0V +5V 0V Procedure
Enter the relevant code to monitor the tray empty sensor:
Tray 3 empty sensor, Q07-333. Enter dC330 code 07-333. Press Start.
Tray 4 empty sensor, Q07-334. Enter dC330 code 07-334. Press Start.
Manually actuate the tray empty sensor. The display changes.
Tray 3: Go to Flag 1. Check Q07-333. Tray 4: Go to Flag 2. Check Q07-334. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Tray 3 P/J399, HCF control PWB.
• Tray 4 P/J391, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 empty sensor Figure 1, part of PL 8.30 Item 1.
• Tray 4 empty sensor Figure 1, part of PL 8.30 Item 1, PL 8.31 Item 1.
• HCF Control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

The fault may be intermittent. Perform the following:

• Check the ribbon harnesses, GP 7.
• Check that the ribbon cables are connected correctly into P/J391 and P/J399. Refer to
REP 8.3 Tray 4 Paper Feed Assembly and REP 8.2 Tray 3 Paper Feed Assembly.

Figure 5 Tray 2 circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-175 07D, 07E
Tray 3 empty sensor Q07-333
Tray 4 empty sensor Q07-334

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07E 2-176 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
07F Tray Out of Service RAP 07G Tray 5 Empty RAP
The IOT has detected a fault in the tray and determines that the tray is out of service. The fol- Use this RAP to solve problems associated with the tray 5 empty sensor.
lowing status codes and messages will be displayed.
Initial Actions
07-541 Tray 1 out of service.
• Check that the hole in the tray, directly under the sensor is clear and empty, Figure 1.
07-542 Tray 2 out of service. • Check the sensor for contamination.

07-543 Tray 3 out of service. Procedure

Enter dC330 code 07-401 tray 5 empty sensor. Press Start.
07-544 Tray 4 out of service. Manually actuate the tray empty sensor. The display changes.
07-546 Tray 5 out of service. Go to Flag 1. Check Q07-401. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Initial Actions • P/J505, Tray 5 control PWB.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. • 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• Check that the tray elevator cables and mechanisms are located correctly. • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• Check that the tray is pushed fully home. Install new components as necessary:
• Check for obstructions behind the tray. • Tray 5 empty sensor, PL 8.45 Item 6.
• Check the feed heads. • Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.

Procedure The fault may be intermittent. Perform the steps that follow:
If tray 3 or tray 4 are out of service. Go to 07E Tray 3 or Tray 4 Out of Paper RAP. • Check the wiring harness for damaged wire, GP 7.
• Check that Tray 5 empty sensor is located correctly.
If tray 1 or tray 2 are out of service. Check the following and install new components as neces-
• Paper tray 1 and 2 assembly, PL 7.10 Item 1.
• Tray 1 and 2 paper feed assembly, PL 8.26 Item 1, PL 8.26 Item 2.
If tray 5 is out of service, go to 07G Tray 5 Empty RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-177 07F, 07G
Tray 5 empty sensor

Check the hole in the

tray is clear

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

07G 2-178 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-100 Wait Sensor Jam Entry RAP 08-100A Wait Sensor Jam RAP (35-55 ppm)
08-100 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the wait sensor within the correct time from 08-100 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the wait sensor within the correct time from
feed sensor 1. feed sensor 1.

Procedure Initial Actions

Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine features. Perform one of the steps • Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
that follow: 100 Wait Sensor Jam Entry.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• If the speed of the machine is 35-55 ppm, go to 08-100A Wait Sensor RAP (35-55 ppm)
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• If the speed of the machine is 65-90 ppm, go to 08-100B Wait Sensor RAP (65-90 ppm).
• Check wait sensor actuator, Figure 1.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose. PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws.
• Make sure the correct paper size is displayed for the size of paper in the tray.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-100 wait sensor, Q08-100. Press Start.

Manually actuate the wait sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-100. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Wait sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-101 tray 1 feed sensor, Q08-101. Press Start. Open left hand door and
manually actuate the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-101. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 25.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-025 tray 1 and 2 transport motor, MOT08-025. Press Start. The motor

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-179 08-100, 08-100A
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-025. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J273, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 transport motor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.25 Item 5.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check the drive belt and gears, GP 7, PL 8.25 Item 2, PL 8.25 Item 3.

Check the following:

• The bearing, shaft and rolls on the transport roll assembly, GP 7, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.25 Tray 1 and 2 transport motor
Item 8. MOT08-025
• The idler rolls in the left hand door, GP 7, PL 7.30 Item 2.
• The transport drive belt, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.25 Item 2.
• The transport rolls for wear, PL 8.25 Item 8.
Install new components as necessary.

Tray 1 feed sensor

Wait sensor

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-100A 2-180 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-100B Wait Sensor Jam RAP (65-90 ppm)
08-100 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the wait sensor within the correct time from
feed sensor 1.

Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
100 Wait Sensor Jam Entry RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose. PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws.
• Make sure the correct paper size is displayed for the size of paper in the tray.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-100 wait sensor, Q08-100. Press Start.

Manually actuate the wait sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-100. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Wait sensor, PL 7.30 Item 25.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-101 tray 1 feed sensor, Q08-101. Press Start. Open left hand door and
manually actuate the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-101. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-025 tray 1 and 2 transport motor, MOT08-025. Press Start. The motor
Figure 2 Circuit diagram runs.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-181 08-100A, 08-100B
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-025. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 transport motor, PL 8.25 Item 5.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check the drive belt and gears, GP 7, PL 8.25.

Check the following:

• The bearing, shaft and rolls on the transport roll assembly, GP 7, PL 8.25 Item 8. Tray 1 and 2 transport motor
• The idler rolls in the left hand door, GP 7, PL 7.30 Item 2.
• The transport drive belt, PL 8.25 Item 2.
• The transport rolls for wear, PL 8.25 Item 8.
Install new components as necessary.

Tray 1 feed sensor

Wait sensor

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-100B 2-182 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-101 Tray 1 Misfeed RAP
08-101 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the tray 1 feed sensor within the correct
time after feeding paper from tray 1.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 1. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check that the paper guides are set correctly.
• Observe the feeder and check for obstructions.
• Turn and change the paper in the tray.
• Check that the tray elevates to the feed position. Refer to 07-353 Tray 1 Elevator Lift Fail-
ure RAP.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws
• Check for damage to the chamfered edge on the left side of the tray. Repair the damaged
edge or install a new paper tray, PL 7.10 Item 1.
• If the paper has excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the
tray. Install TAG 002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl.
• Check the paper feeder PL 8.26 Item 2 fully descends. If the paper feeder shaft is binding
with the edge of the housing slot, apply plastislip grease to the contact areas.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

NOTE: To help fault diagnosis, install the tray 1 paper feed assembly in the tray 2 paper feed
assembly position. With tray 1 removed, the operation of the feed assembly can be observed.
Refer to REP 8.1.

Enter dC330 code 08-101 tray 1 feed sensor, Q08-101. Figure 1. Press Start. Open the left
hand door and manually actuate the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-101. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 25.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-025 tray 1 and 2 transport motor, MOT08-025. Press Start. The motor
Figure 2 Circuit diagram Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-025. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J273, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-183 08-100B, 08-101
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 transport motor, PL 8.25 Item 5.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check the drive belt and gears, PL 8.25 Item 2.

To prevent damage to the feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled out before MOT 08-
010 is run in diagnostics.
Enter dC330 code 08-010 tray 1 paper Feed motor, MOT08-010, Pull out the tray. Press Start.
The feed rolls rotate.
Remove the feed assembly from the machine. Manually rotate the feed roll shaft. The Tray 1 and 2 transport motor
drive gears rotate. MOT08-025
Check the drive gears for damage. If necessary install new components, PL 8.26.

Install the tray 1 feed assembly.

Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-010. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J274, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Instal new Components as necessary:
• Tray 1 feed motor, PL 8.26 Item 6.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

The nudger roll rotates.

Check the nudger roll drive belt and drive coupling for damage. If necessary install new
components, PL 8.26.

Remove the paper tray. Manually activate the retard nip split mechanism. The retard roll
moves against the feed roll.
Check the retard roll drive coupling and mechanism for damage.
If necessary install new components, PL 8.26.
Tray 1 feed sensor
Perform the following: Q08-101 Tray 1 and 2 transport rolls
• Clean the feed roll using a cloth dampened with water.
• Check the feed roll assembly, PL 8.26 Item 3.
• Check the feed assembly, PL 8.26 Item 1. Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-101 2-184 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-102 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP
08-102 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the tray 2 feed sensor within the correct
time after feeding paper from tray 2.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 2. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check that the paper guides are set correctly.
• Observe the feeder and check for obstructions.
• Turn and change the paper in the tray.
• Check that the tray elevates to the feed position. Refer to 07-354 Tray 2 Elevator Lift Fail-
ure RAP.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws
• Check for damage to the chamfered edge on the left side of the tray. Repair the damaged
edge or install a new paper tray, PL 7.10 Item 1.
• If the paper has excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the
tray. Install TAG 002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl.
• Check the paper feeder PL 8.26 Item 1 fully descends. If the paper feeder shaft is binding
with the edge of the housing slot, apply plastislip grease to the contact areas.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-102 tray 2 feed sensor, Q08-102. Figure 1. Press Start. Open the left
hand door and manually actuate the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1.Check Q08-102. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 2 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-025 tray 1 and 2 transport motor, MOT08-025. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-025. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram • P/J273, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 transport motor, PL 8.25 Item 5.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-185 08-101, 08-102
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check the drive belt and gears, GP 7, PL 8.25 Item 2.

To prevent damage to the feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled out before MOT 08-
020 is run in diagnostics.
Enter dC330 code 08-020 tray 2 paper feed motor, MOT08-020. Pull out the tray. Press Start.
The motor runs.
Remove the feed assembly from the machine. Manually rotate the feed roll shaft. The
feed rolls rotate.
Check the drive gears for damage. If necessary install new components, PL 8.26.
Tray 1 and 2 transport motor
Install the tray 2 feed assembly.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-020. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J275, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Instal new Components as necessary:
• Tray 2 feed motor, PL 8.26 Item 6.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB PL 7.10 Item 2.

The nudger roll rotates.

Check the nudger roll drive belt and drive coupling for damage.
If necessary install new components, PL 8.26.

Remove the paper tray. Manually activate the retard nip split mechanism. The retard roll
moves against the feed roll.
Check the retard roll drive coupling and mechanism for damage.
If necessary install new components, PL 8.26.

Perform the following:

• Clean the feed roll using a cloth dampened with water.
• Check the feed roll assembly, PL 8.26 Item 3.
Tray 2 feed sensor
• Check the feed assembly, PL 8.26 Item 1. Q08-102 Transport rolls

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-102 2-186 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-103, 08-113 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP
08-103 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the tray 3 feed sensor within the correct
time after feeding paper from tray 3.

08-113 Tray 3 sensor did not de-actuate within the correct time after the sensor was actuated.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 3. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check the tray 3 feed sensor actuator arm, PL 7.15 Item 9.
• Check that the spacers are on the paper feed assembly, refer to REP 8.2.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• If the misfeed occurs between 15 and 20 paper feeds, then go to 07-355 Tray 3 Elevator
Lift Failure RAP.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1. Locate tray 3 feed sensor, Q08-103. Figure 1.
Enter dC330 code 08-103 tray 3 Feed Sensor, Q08-103. Press Start. Manually block and
unblock the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-103. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J393, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 feed sensor, PL 8.30 Item 15.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-045 tray 3 and 4 transport motor, MOT08-045. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-045. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J398, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 and 4 transport motor, PL 8.30 Item 7.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
The transport rolls rotate.
Check the gears and drive belt, GP 7, PL 8.30 Item 8, PL 8.30 Item 9.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-187 08-102, 08-103, 08-113
CAUTION – The takeaway roll assembly, PL 8.35 Item 2.
To prevent damage to the feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled out before MOT 08- – The transport roll assembly, PL 8.35 Item 11.
030 is run in diagnostics. – The transport roll bearing, PL 8.35 Item 3.
Enter dC330 code 08-030 tray 3 feed motor, MOT08-030. Pull out the tray. Press Start. The
motor runs.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-030. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J399, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 paper feed assembly, PL 8.30 Item 1.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Clean the feed roll using a cloth dampened with water.
• Check the feed roll assembly, PL 8.30 Item 6.
1. Check for TAG 110.
2. If W/O TAG 110, install feed roll kit PL 8.30 Item 20.
3. Strike TAG 110.

NOTE: TAG 110, PL 8.30 Item 20 feed roll kit must be installed to trays 3 and 4 simulta- Tray 3 feed motor
neously. Refer to RAP 08-104, RAP 08-114, PL 8.31 Item 10. MOT08-030 Tray 3 and 4
transport motor
• Check the tray 3 feed assembly, PL 8.30 Item 1. Refer to REP 8.2 and check the feed MOT08-045
head housing location.
• Check the tray 3 stack height sensor actuator on the feed assembly, PL 8.30. Tray 3 feed sensor
HCF control Q08-103
• Check the tray is level. PWB
1. Remove the tray front cover.
2. Elevate the tray to the stack height position.
Figure 1 Component location
3. Hold the elevator drive gear and pull out the tray. Check that the tray is level.
4. If the tray is not level then install new elevator cables, PL 7.15 Item 10.
• Check the stack height.
1. Remove the front tray cover.
2. Elevate the tray to the stack height position.
3. Hold the elevator drive gear and pull out the tray.
4. Check that the paper stack does not stop below the separator strips.
Also check in the run mode that the stack does not fall below the separator strips.
5. If the paper stack stops below the separator strips, then install new elevator cables,
PL 7.15 Item 10.
• Check the tray 3 corner separation strip for paper cut damage. If necessary, install new
components, PL 7.15 Item 22.
• Check the tray 3 top edge flexure spring for paper cut damage. If necessary, install new
components, PL 7.17 Item 12.
• If the fault still occurs, check the following, GP 7:

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-103, 08-113 2-188 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-104, 08-114 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP
08-104 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the tray 4 feed sensor within the correct
time after feeding paper from tray 4.

08-114 Tray 4 sensor did not de-actuate within the correct time after the sensor was actuated.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 4. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check that the paper feed assembly is installed correctly, refer to REP 8.3.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• If the misfeed occurs between 15 and 20 paper feeds, then go to 07-360 Tray 4 Elevator
Lift Failure RAP.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-104 tray 4 feed sensor, Q08-104, Figure 1. Press Start. Pull out tray 4
and manually actuate the sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-104. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 feed sensor, PL 8.31 Item 12.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-045 tray 3 and 4 transport motor, MOT08-045. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-045. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J398, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 and 4 transport motor, PL 8.30 Item 7.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
The transport rolls rotate.
Check the drive belt and gears, GP 7, PL 8.30 Item 9, PL 8.30 Item 8.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-189 08-103, 08-113, 08-104, 08-114
CAUTION • Check the tray 4 corner separation strip for paper cut damage. If necessary, install new
To prevent damage to the feed mechanism, the paper tray must be pulled out before MOT 08- components, PL 7.15 Item 22.
040 is run in diagnostics. • Check the tray 4 top edge flexure spring for paper cut damage. If necessary, install new
Enter dC330 code 08-040 tray 4 feed motor, MOT08-040. Pull out the tray. Press Start. The components, PL 7.17 Item 12.
motor runs.
Tray 4 feed sensor
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-040. Refer to: Q08-104
• GP 10 How to Check a motor.
• P/J391, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 feed assembly, PL 8.31 Item 4.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Clean the feed roll using a cloth dampened with water.
• Check the feed roll assembly, PL 8.31 Item 2.
1. Check for TAG 110.
2. If W/O TAG 110, install feed roll kit PL 8.31 Item 10.
3. Strike TAG 110.

NOTE: TAG 110, PL 8.31 Item 10 feed roll kit must be installed to trays 3 and 4 simulta-
neously. Refer to RAP 08-103, RAP 08-113, PL 8.30 Item 20.
Tray 4 feed motor
• Check the tray 4 feed sensor is located correctly and that the flag actuator has free move- MOT08-040
ment. If necessary install a new tray 4 feed sensor, PL 8.31 Item 10. Tray 3 and 4
transport motor
• Check the tray 4 paper feed assembly, PL 8.31 Item 1. Refer to REP 8.3 replacement pro- MOT08-045
cedure and check the feed head housing location. HCF control PWB
• Check that the spacers for tray 3 paper feed assembly have not been installed into tray 4.
Refer to REP 8.2.
• Check the tray 4 stack height sensor actuator on the feed assembly, PL 8.31. Figure 1 Component location
• Check the tray is level.
1. Remove the tray front cover.
2. Elevate the tray to the stack height position.
3. Hold the elevator drive gear and pull out the tray. Check that the tray is level.
4. If the tray is not level then install new elevator cables, PL 7.15 Item 11.
• Check the stack height.
1. Remove the front tray cover.
2. Elevate the tray to the stack height position.
3. Hold the elevator drive gear and pull out the tray.
4. Check that the paper stack does not stop below the separator strips.
Also check in the run mode that the stack does not fall below the separator strips.
5. If the paper stack stops below the separator strips, then install new elevator cables,
PL 7.15 Item 11.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-104, 08-114 2-190 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-106 Late to Tray 1 Feed Sensor RAP
08-106 The lead edge of the paper was late to tray 1 feed sensor when feeding from tray 2.
The fault will also occur when feeding from tray 3 or tray 4 providing the trail edge of the sheet
has cleared the tray 4 feed sensor.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 2. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.
• Ensure that the correct size of paper is displayed.
• If the jam occurs when feeding from tray 2. Check if the paper has excessive curl and is
causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the tray. Install TAG 002 on the paper tray
to constrain the effect of the curl.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.
Enter dC330 code 08-101 tray 1 feed sensor, Q08-101. Press Start. Open the left hand door
and manually actuate the sensor, Figure 1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-101. Refer to:
• Component location, Figure 1.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-102 tray 2 feed sensor, Q08-102. Press Start. Manually actuate the sen-
sor, Figure 2. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-102. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 2 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-191 08-104, 08-114, 08-106
Enter dC330 code 08-025 tray 1 and 2 transport motor, MOT08-025. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-025. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J273, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 1 and 2 transport motor, PL 8.25 Item 5.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check the drive belt and pulleys, PL 8.25 Item 2, PL 8.25 Item 3.
Tray 1 and 2 Transport motor
Check the following:
• The bearing, shaft and rolls on the transport roll assembly, GP 7, PL 8.25 Item 8.
• The idler rolls in the left hand door, GP 7, PL 7.30 Item 2.
• The transport drive belt, PL 8.25 Item 2.
• If the fault occurs when feeding from tray 3 or tray 4 but not tray 2 then check the position-
ing of the tray 3 / 4 transport pinch rolls, PL 8.30 Item 18, and the transport motor bracket,
PL 8.30 Item 14, REP 8.11.
Install new components as necessary.

Tray 1 feed sensor


Tray 2 feed sensor Tray 1 and 2 transport rolls


Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-106 2-192 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-107 Tray 3 Paper Feed Jam RAP
08-107 The lead edge of the paper was late to tray 4 feed sensor when feeding from tray 3.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 3. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in tray 3 paper path, Figure 2.
• Check the tray 4 feed sensor, Figure 1.
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-104 tray 4 feed sensor, Q08-104. Press Start. Manually actuate the tray
4 sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-104. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J392, HCF control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 4 feed sensor, PL 8.31 Item 12.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-045 tray 3 and 4 transport motor, MOT08-045. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-045. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J398, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 and 4 transport motor, PL 8.30 Item 7.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Figure 2. Check drive belt and drive coupling, PL 8.30 Item 9.

Perform the following:

• Figure 2. Check tray 3 transport rolls, PL 8.35, PL 8.30.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram • Go to RAP 08-103, 08-113 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-193 08-106, 08-107
Drives coupling

Drive belt

Tray 4 feed
Tray 3 paper path
Tray 3 and 4 trans-
port motor
MOT08-045 Tray 4 paper path

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-107 2-194 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-108 Tray 3 or Tray 4 Paper Feed Jam RAP
08-108 The lead edge of the paper was late to tray 2 feed sensor when feeding from tray 3 or
tray 4.

Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 3 and tray 4. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws
• Ensure that the tray is pushed fully home.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.
Enter dC330 code 08-102 tray 2 feed sensor, Q08-102. Press Start. Manually actuate the sen-
sor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-102. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J276, Tray 1 and 2 control PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 2 feed sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-045 tray 3 and 4 transport motor, MOT08-045. Press Start. The motor
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-045. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J398, HCF control PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Figure 3 Circuit diagram Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 3 and 4 transport motor, PL 8.30 Item 7.
• HCF control PWB, PL 7.20 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check the gears and drive belt, PL 8.30 Item 8, PL 8.30 Item 9, GP 7.

Perform the following:

• Check the tray 3 and tray 4 transport rolls, PL 8.30 Item 18, GP 7.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-195 08-107, 08-108
• If the fault occurs when feeding from tray 4. Go to RAP 08-104, 08-114 Tray 4 Misfeed
• If the fault occurs when feeding from tray 3. Check the following, GP 7:
– The takeaway roll assembly, PL 8.35 Item 2.
– The transport roll assembly, PL 8.35 Item 11.
– The transport roll bearing, PL 8.35 Item 3.
– Go to RAP 08-103, 08-113 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP

Tray 3 and 4 transport motor


Tray 2 feed sensor


Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-108 2-196 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-115, 08-117 Tray 5 Misfeed RAP
08-115 The lead edge of the paper was late to the wait point sensor.

08-117 The lead edge of the paper failed to reach the feed sensor within the correct time after
paper feed.

Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine features. Perform one of the steps
that follow:

• If the speed of the machine is 35-55 ppm, go to 08-115A, 08-117A Tray 5 Misfeed RAP
(35-55 ppm)
• If the speed of the machine is 65-90 ppm, go to 08-115B, 08-117B Tray 5 Misfeed RAP
(65-90 ppm).

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-197 08-108, 08-115, 08-117
08-115A, 08-117A Tray 5 Misfeed RAP (35-55 ppm) • Clutch, PL 8.45 Item 13.
• Feed roll, PL 8.45 Item 12.
08-115 The lead edge of the paper was late to the wait point sensor.
The nudger roll rotates
08-117 The lead edge of the paper failed to reach the feed sensor within the correct time after Y N
paper feed. Check the nudger roll and the one way gear. Check the drive belt between the feed roll
Initial Actions and the nudger roll. Install new components as necessary:
• One way gear, PL 8.45 Item 3.
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 5. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Drive belt, PL 8.40 Item 7.
• Check that the left hand door is correctly latched, Figure 2.
• Nudger roll, PL 8.45 Item 10.
• Check that the paper tray is set to the correct paper size.
The retard roll rotates
• Check that tray 5 is set to the correct paper configuration. Enter dC131 NVM chain 8, at
location 08-313 Tray 5 Configuration. Check the retard roll, retard clutch and clutch. Install new components as necessary:
Procedure • Retard clutch, PL 8.47 Item 11.
• Clutch, PL 8.47 Item 7.
NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.
• Retard roll, PL 8.47 Item 2.
Enter dC330 code 08-105 tray 5 feed sensor, Q08-105, Figure 1. Press Start. Manually actuate
Enter dC330 code 08-046 tray 5 transport motor, MOT08-046. Press Start. The motor runs.
the sensor. The display changes. Y N
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-046. Refer to:
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-105. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J503, Tray 5 control PWB
• P/J505, Tray 5 control PWB
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 transport motor, PL 8.40 Item 2.
• Tray 5 feed sensor, PL 8.45 Item 6.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
Run the motor for 30 seconds. The motor runs at a constant speed, without slowing.
Enter dC330 code 08-117 tray 5 feed motor, MOT08-117. Open the door. Press Start. The Y N
motor runs. Install a new tray 5 transport motor, PL 8.40 Item 2.
The take away roller rotates.
Go to Flag 4. Check MOT08-117. Refer to: Y N
• GP 10 How to Check a motor. Check the drive belt and the one way pulley clutch for damage, GP 7. Check the belt ten-
• P/J511, Tray 5 control PWB. sioner. Install new components as necessary:
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP. • Drive belt, PL 8.40 Item 7.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. • One way pulley clutch, PL 8.47 Item 4.
Install new components as necessary: • Take away roller, PL 8.47 Item 5.
• Tray 5 feed motor, PL 8.40 Item 3. Enter dC330 code 08-110 T5 wait point sensor, Q08-110. Press Start.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8. NOTE: For trays 1 to 5 the input code 08-100 wait sensor is used to check the operation of the
The feed shaft rotates. wait sensor. In addition tray 5 uses the input code 08-110 T5 wait point sensor, to check the
Y N paper present signal from the IOT PWB to the tray 5 control PWB.
Check the drive gears between the motor and the feed shaft. Install new components as
necessary: Open the left hand door and manually actuate the wait sensor, Figure 2. The display
• Motor drive gear, PL 8.40 Item 5. changes.
• Gear 30T bearing, PL 8.40 Item 21. Y N
• Gear, PL 8.45 Item 14. Enter dC330 code 08-100 wait sensor, Q08-100. Press Start.
Manually actuate the wait sensor, Figure 2. The display changes.
The feed roll rotates
Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-100. Refer to:
Check the one way coupling, feed roll and clutch. Install new components as necessary:
• One way coupling, PL 8.45 Item 4. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
08-115A, 08-117A 2-198 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Wait sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
PL 1.10 Item 2.
Go to Flag 5. Manually actuate the wait sensor.
Check for a signal change on the IOT PWB at P/J12 pin 10 and on the tray 5 control
PWB at P/J512 pin 5.
Check the wiring between the IOT PWB and the tray 5 control PWB.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
Perform the steps that follow:
• Clean the feed roll using a cloth dampened with water.
• Install a new feed, nudger and retard roll, PL 8.45 Item 21.

Tray 5 feed sensor


Left hand door Wait sensor

Tray 5 feed motor

Figure 2 Component location

Tray 5 transport

Tray 5 control PWB

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-199 08-115A, 08-117A
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-115A, 08-117A 2-200 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-115B, 08-117B Tray 5 Misfeed RAP (65-90 ppm) • Gear, PL 8.45 Item 14.

08-115 The lead edge of the paper was late to the wait point sensor.
The feed roll rotates
08-117 The lead edge of the paper failed to reach the feed sensor within the correct time after
Check the one way coupling, feed roll and clutch. Install new components as necessary:
paper feed.
• One way coupling, PL 8.45 Item 4.
• Clutch, PL 8.45 Item 13.
Initial Actions
• Feed roll, PL 8.45 Item 12.
• Check the condition of the paper in tray 5. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check that the left hand door is correctly latched, Figure 2. The nudger roll rotates
• Check that the paper tray is set to the correct paper size. Y N
• Check that tray 5 is set to the correct paper configuration. Enter dC131 NVM chain 8, at Check the nudger roll and the one way gear. Check the drive belt between the feed roll
location 08-313 Tray 5 Configuration. and the nudger roll. Install new components as necessary:
• One way gear, PL 8.45 Item 3.
Procedure • Drive belt, PL 8.40 Item 7.
• Nudger roll, PL 8.45 Item 10.
NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.
The retard roll rotates
Enter dC330 code 08-105 tray 5 feed sensor, Q08-105, Figure 1. Press Start. Manually actuate
the sensor. The display changes. Y N
Check the retard roll, retard clutch and clutch. Install new components as necessary:
• Retard clutch, PL 8.47 Item 11.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-105. Refer to:
• Idler roll, PL 8.47 Item 7.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Retard roll, PL 8.47 Item 2.
• P/J505, Tray 5 control PWB
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. Enter dC330 code 08-046 tray 5 transport motor, MOT08-046. Press Start. The motor runs.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Y N
Install new components as necessary: Go to Flag 3. Check MOT08-046. Refer to:
• Tray 5 feed sensor, PL 8.45 Item 6. • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8. • P/J503, Tray 5 control PWB
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Enter dC330 code 08-117 tray 5 feed motor, MOT08-117. Open the door. Press Start. The
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
motor runs.
Y N Install new components as necessary:
Go to Flag 4. Check MOT08-117. Refer to: • Tray 5 transport motor, PL 8.40 Item 2.
• GP 10 How to Check a motor. • Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
• P/J511, Tray 5 control PWB.
Run the motor for 30 seconds. The motor runs at a constant speed, without slowing.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Install a new tray 5 transport motor, PL 8.40 Item 2.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 feed motor, PL 8.40 Item 3. The take away roller rotates.
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
Check the drive belt and the one way pulley clutch for damage, GP 7. Check the belt ten-
The feed shaft rotates. sioner. Install new components as necessary:
• Drive belt, PL 8.40 Item 7.
Check the drive gears between the motor and the feed shaft. Install new components as • One way pulley clutch, PL 8.47 Item 4.
necessary: • Take away roller, PL 8.47 Item 5.
• Motor drive gear, PL 8.40 Item 5.
• Gear 30T bearing, PL 8.40 Item 21. Enter dC330 code 08-110 T5 wait point sensor, Q08-110. Press Start.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-201 08-115B, 08-117B
NOTE: For trays 1 to 5 the input code 08-100 wait sensor is used to check the operation of the
wait sensor. In addition tray 5 uses the input code 08-110 T5 wait point sensor, to check the
Tray 5 feed sensor
paper present signal from the IOT PWB to the tray 5 control PWB.
Open the left hand door and manually actuate the wait sensor, Figure 2. The display
Enter dC330 code 08-100 wait sensor, Q08-100. Press Start.
Manually actuate the wait sensor, Figure 2. The display changes. Tray 5 feed motor
Y N MOT08-117

Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-100. Refer to:

• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
Tray 5 transport
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. motor
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. MOT08-046
Install new components as necessary:
• Wait sensor, PL 7.30 Item 24.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
PL 1.10 Item 2.
Tray 5 control PWB
Go to Flag 5. Manually actuate the wait sensor.
Check for a signal change on the IOT PWB at P/J12 pin 10 and on the Tray 5 control
PWB at P/J512 pin 5.
Check the wiring between the IOT PWB and the tray 5 control PWB.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tray 5 control PWB, PL 7.68 Item 8.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2. Figure 1 Component location

Perform the steps that follow:

• Clean the feed roll using a cloth dampened with water.
• Install a new feed, nudger and retard roll, PL 8.45 Item 21.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-115B, 08-117B 2-202 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wait sensor
Left hand door Q08-100

Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-203 08-115B, 08-117B
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-115B, 08-117B 2-204 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-150, 08-151 Registration Jam Entry RAP 08-150A, 08-151A Registration Jam RAP (35-55 ppm)
08-150 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the registration sensor within the correct 08-150 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the registration sensor within the correct
time after the paper was released from the wait point. time after the paper was released from the wait point.

08-151 The trail edge of the paper was late to the registration sensor after the registration 08-151 The trail edge of the paper was late to the registration sensor after the registration
clutch, CL08-070 on. clutch, CL08-070 on.

Procedure Initial Actions

Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine features. Perform one of the steps • Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
that follow: 150, 08-151 Registration Jam Entry RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• If the speed of the machine is 35-55 ppm, go to 08-150A, 08-151A Registration Jam RAP
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
(35-55 ppm)
• Check the registration sensor actuator and the wait sensor actuator, Figure 1.
• If the speed of the machine is 65-90 ppm, go to 08-150B, 08-151B Registration Jam RAP
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
(65-90 ppm).
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Push the cover to the
right and tighten the screws
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism.
• If the fault code is 08-151 and two sheets of paper are jammed at the registration rolls. Go
to OF8 Multifeed RAP.
• If the fault code 08-151 occurs from the bypass tray. Go to the 07C Bypass Tray RAP.
• If the power and control assembly has been moved prior to a 08-150. Check that PJ148 is
pushed fully home on the Main Drives PWB.
• Check the transport drive belt.
• Ensure that all connectors on the tray 1 and 2 Control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2 and on the
IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 are correctly and securely seated.
• If the fault is 08-150 and the paper is fed from tray 1 or tray 2. Check if the paper has
excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the tray. Install TAG
002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl.

NOTE: Ensure that the front door interlock is cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-150 registration sensor, Q08-150. Press Start. Open the left hand door
and manually actuate the registration sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-150. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to check a Sensor.
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-205 08-150, 08-151, 08-150A, 08-151A
Enter dC330 code 08-100 wait sensor, Q08-100. Press Start.
Open the left hand door and manually actuate the wait sensor. The display changes.
Y N Registration rolls
Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-100. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
Registration sensor
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP. Q08-150
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Wait sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor. Press Start. The motor runs. Registration clutch
Y N Registration transport
Go to the 04A Main Drive Motor and Photoreceptor Motor RAP. rolls

While the motor is running, add code 08-070 registration clutch, CL08-070. Press Start.

NOTE: The registration clutch will switch off after 5 seconds.

Switch the registration clutch on / off up to 10 times. The jam clearance knob 4c, PL 8.15
Item 10, rotates when the registration clutch is energized.
Go to Flag 3. Check CL08-070. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration clutch, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 7.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check the registration transport rolls and registration rolls, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 1,
GP 7.
• Check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and contamination. Refer to
the replacement procedure in REP 8.5. If necessary, install a new registration clutch, PL
8.15 Item 7.
Left hand door
• Check the tray 1 and 2 transport motor, PL 8.25 Item 5. Ensure that the motor runs cor- Wait sensor
rectly. Q08-100
• Check the tray 1 and 2 transport roll assemblies, transport drive belt and pulleys, PL 8.25
Item 2, PL 8.25 Item 3, GP 7. Install new components as necessary. Figure 1 Component location
• Install a new tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2.
• Refer to Figure 2. Make sure PJ44 is securely connected.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-150A, 08-151A 2-206 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-150B, 08-151B Registration Jam RAP (65-90 ppm)
08-150 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the registration sensor within the correct
time after the paper was released from the wait point.

08-151 The trail edge of the paper was late to the registration sensor after the registration
clutch, CL08-070 on.

Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
150, 08-151 Registration Jam Entry RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism.
• If the fault code is 08-151 and two sheets of paper are jammed at the registration rolls. Go
to OF8 Multifeed RAP.
• If the fault code 08-151 occurs from the bypass tray. Go to the 07C Bypass Tray RAP.
• If the power and control assembly has been moved prior to a 08-150. Check that PJ148 is
pushed fully home on the Main Drives PWB.
• Check the transport drive belt.
• Ensure that all connectors on the tray 1 and 2 Control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2 and on the
IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2 are correctly and securely seated.
• If the fault is 08-150 and the paper is fed from tray 1 or tray 2. Check if the paper has
excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the tray. Install TAG
002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl.

NOTE: Ensure that the front door interlock is cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-150 registration sensor, Q08-150. Press Start. Figure 1. Open the left
hand door and activate the registration sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-150. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to check a Sensor.
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration sensor, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Figure 2 Circuit diagram 1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-100 wait sensor, Q08-100. Press Start.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-207 08-150A, 08-151A, 08-150B, 08-151B
Open the left hand door and activate the wait sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q08-100. Refer to: Registration nip
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. rolls
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Wait sensor, PL 7.30 Item 25.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor. Press Start. The motor runs.
Go to the 04A Main Drive Motor and Photoreceptor Motor RAP. Registration clutch
While the motor is running, add code 08-070 registration clutch, CL08-070. Press Start.
Registration transport Registration sensor
NOTE: The registration clutch will switch off after 5 seconds. rolls Q08-150
Switch the registration clutch on / off up to 10 times. The jam clearance knob 4c, PL 8.17
Item 10, rotates when the registration clutch is energized.
Go to Flag 3. Check CL08-070. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration clutch, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 7.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check the registration transport rolls and registration rolls, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 1,
GP 7.
• Check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and contamination. Refer to
the replacement procedure in REP 8.5. If necessary, install a new registration clutch, PL
8.17 Item 7.
• Check the tray 1 and 2 transport motor, PL 8.25 Item 5. Ensure that the motor runs cor-
Left hand door
rectly. Wait sensor
• Check the tray 1 and 2 transport roll assemblies, transport drive belt and pulleys, PL 8.26 Q08-100
Item 1, GP 7. Install new components as necessary.
• Install a new tray 1 and 2 control PWB, PL 7.10 Item 2. Figure 1 Component location
• Refer to Figure 2. Make sure PJ44 is securely connected.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-150B, 08-151B 2-208 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-155, 08-156 Bypass Tray Registration Jam Entry RAP
08-155 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the registration sensor within the correct
time after start of feed from the bypass tray.

08-156 The IOT detects that a sheet fed from the bypass has arrived to early at the registration

Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine features. Perform one of the steps
that follow:

• If the speed of the machine is 35-55 ppm, go to 08-155A, 08-156A Bypass Tray Registra-
tion Jam RAP (35-55 ppm)
• If the speed of the machine is 65-90 ppm, go to 08-155B, 08-156B Bypass Tray Registra-
tion Jam RAP (65-90 ppm).

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-209 08-150B, 08-151B, 08-155, 08-156
08-155A, 08-156A Bypass Tray Registration Jam RAP (35- Y N
Go to Flag 2. Check SOL08-050. Refer to:
55 ppm) • GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
08-155 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the registration sensor within the correct
• Figure 1.
time after start of feed from the bypass tray.
• P/J10, IOT PWB.
08-156 The IOT detects that a sheet fed from the bypass has arrived to early at the registration • 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
sensor. • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Initial Actions • Feed solenoid, PL 7.30 Item 4.
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08- • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
155, 08-156 Bypass Tray Registration Jam Entry RAP. 1.10 Item 2.
• Check the condition of the paper in the bypass tray. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path. Perform the following:
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly. • Check the registration transport rolls and registration nip rolls, Figure 2, PL 8.15 Item 1.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the • If the fault still occurs, check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and
right and tighten the two screws contamination. Refer to the replacement procedure in REP 8.5.
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item • Check the idler roll and upper guide on the feed head, Figure 1.
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism. • Clean the feed roll and retard pad using a cloth dampened with water.
• If 08-155 is displayed, check the bypass tray empty actuator, 07C Bypass Tray RAP. • If necessary install a new feed and retard pad, PL 7.30 Item 21.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-150 registration sensor, Q08-150. Press Start. Figure 2. Manually actu-
ate the registration sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-150. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration sensor, PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor, code 08-070 registration clutch, CL08-070. Press
Start. The jam clearance knob, 4c, PL 8.15 Item 10, rotates.
Go to Flag 3. Check CL08-070. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17 LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.

Enter dC330 code 08-050 feed solenoid, SOL08-050. Press Start. The solenoid energizes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-155A, 08-156A 2-210 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Registration nip rolls

Feed roll drive

gear Registration sensor

Feed solenoid
Registration clutch
CL08-070 Registration transport

Feed roll

Bypass tray

Left hand door

Upper guide and Wait sensor

idler rolls Q08-100

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-211 08-155A, 08-156A
08-155B, 08-156B Bypass Tray Registration Jam RAP (65-
90 ppm)
08-155 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the registration sensor within the correct
time after start of feed from the bypass tray.

08-156 The IOT detects that a sheet fed from the bypass has arrived to early at the registration

Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
155, 08-156 Bypass Tray Registration Jam Entry RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in the bypass tray. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Check that the left hand door is latched correctly.
• Check that the interlock cover has not come loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. Bias the cover to the
right and tighten the two screws
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism.
• If 08-155 is displayed, check the bypass tray empty actuator, 07C Bypass Tray RAP.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 08-150 registration sensor, Q08-150. Press Start. Figure 2. Activate the reg-
istration sensor. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-150. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration sensor, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor, code 08-070 registration clutch, CL08-070. Press
Start. The jam clearance knob, 4c, PL 8.17 Item 10, rotates.
Go to Flag 3. Check CL08-070. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17 LVPS.
Figure 3 Circuit diagram
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.

Enter dC330 code 08-050 feed solenoid, SOL08-050. Press Start. The solenoid energizes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-155A, 08-156A, 08-155B, 08-156B 2-212 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Go to Flag 2. Check SOL08-050. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• Figure 1.
• P/J10, IOT PWB. Feed roll drive
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP. gear
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Feed solenoid, PL 7.30 Item 4.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
Feed solenoid
Perform the following: SOL08-050
• Check the registration transport rolls and registration nip rolls, Figure 2, PL 8.17 Item 1.
• If the fault still occurs, check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and
contamination. Refer to the replacement procedure in REP 8.5.
• Check the idler roll and upper guide on the feed head, Figure 1.
• Clean the feed roll and retard pad using a cloth dampened with water.
• If necessary install a new feed and retard pad, PL 7.30 Item 21. Feed roll

Bypass tray

Upper guide and

idler rolls

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-213 08-155B, 08-156B
Registration nip

Registration clutch
CL08-070 Registration transport Registration sensor
rolls Q08-150

Left hand door

Wait sensor

Figure 2 Component location

Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-155B, 08-156B 2-214 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-160, 08-161 Duplex Paper Path Jam Entry RAP 08-160A, 08-161A Duplex Paper Path Jam RAP (35-55 ppm)
08-160 The lead edge of the first sheet of a job fed into the duplex path failed to actuate the 08-160 The lead edge of the first sheet of a job fed into the duplex path failed to actuate the
Duplex sensor in the correct time. Duplex sensor in the correct time.

08-161 The trail edge is late to the duplex sensor after of the first sheet of a job fed into the 08-161 The trail edge is late to the duplex sensor after of the first sheet of a job fed into the
duplex path failed to actuate the duplex sensor in the correct time. duplex path failed to actuate the duplex sensor in the correct time.

Procedure Initial Actions

Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine features. Perform one of the steps • Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
that follow: 160, 08-161 Duplex Paper Path Jam Entry RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• If the speed of the machine is 35-55 ppm, go to 08-160A, 08-161A Duplex Paper Path
• Check for paper in the inverter and duplex transport.
Jam RAP (35-55 ppm)
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• If the speed of the machine is 65-90 ppm, go to 08-160B, 08-161B Duplex paper path
• If skew occurs when A5 paper is duplexed. Check for contact between the drive rolls and
Jam RAP (65-90 ppm).
the nip rolls, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 13.

Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.
Enter dC330 code 08-160 duplex sensor, Q08-160. Press Start. Manually actuate the sensor,
Figure 1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-160. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Duplex sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 4.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-060 duplex motor, MOT08-060, Figure 1. Press Start. The motor runs.
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-060. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J4, IOT PWB.
• P/J50, P/J91, duplex motor driver PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Duplex motor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 8.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-215 08-160, 08-161, 08-160A, 08-161A
• Duplex motor driver PWB, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 9. • P/J5, IOT PWB.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL • P/J17, LVPS.
1.10 Item 2. • Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
The transport rolls rotate.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Check the drive belt and pulleys, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 2, PL 8.22 Item 10. Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter path solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 14.
Enter dC330 code 10-030 Inverter Motor, 10-030, Figure 1. Press Start. The motor runs. • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Y N 1.10 Item 2.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT10-030. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor. Check the following, refer to GP 7:
• P/J4, IOT PWB. • Duplex nip rolls, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 7.
• P/J45, P/J55. • Nip split shaft assembly, PL 10.11 Item 4.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP. • Idler rolls, PL 10.12 Item 15.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. • If the fault still occurs, check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. contamination. Refer to the replacement procedure in REP 8.5.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter motor, PL 10.11 Item 11.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check drive gears, GP 7, PL 10.15.

Enter dC330 code 10-050 inverter nip solenoid, SOL10-050, Figure 1. Press Start. The sole-
noid energizes.
Go to Flag 4. Check SOL10-050. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter Nip Solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 6.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 10-045 inverter path solenoid, SOL10 045, Figure 1. Press Start. The sole-
noid energizes.
Go to Flag 5. Check SOL10-045. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to check a Solenoid or Clutch.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
08-160A, 08-161A 2-216 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Duplex motor
Inverter nip

Duplex sensor Inverter motor

Q08-160 MOT10-030
Inverter path

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-217 08-160A, 08-161A
08-160B, 08-161B Duplex Paper Path Jam RAP (65-90 ppm)
08-160 The lead edge of the first sheet of a job fed into the duplex path failed to actuate the
Duplex sensor in the correct time.

08-161 The trail edge is late to the duplex sensor after of the first sheet of a job fed into the
duplex path failed to actuate the duplex sensor in the correct time.

Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 08-
160, 08-161 Duplex Paper Path Jam Entry RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for paper in the inverter and duplex transport.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• If skew occurs when A5 paper is duplexed. Check for contact between the drive rolls and
the nip rolls, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 14.

Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.

NOTE: The front door interlock must be cheated when checking +24V components.
Enter dC330 code 08-160 duplex sensor, Q08-160. Press Start. Activate the sensor, Figure 1.
The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q08-160. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Duplex sensor, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 4.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-060 duplex motor, MOT08-060, Figure 1. Press Start. The motor runs.
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT08-060. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J4, IOT PWB.
• P/J50, P/J91, duplex motor driver PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
Figure 3 Circuit diagram • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Duplex motor, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 8.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
08-160A, 08-161A, 08-160B, 08-161B 2-218 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• Duplex motor driver PWB, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 9. • P/J5, IOT PWB.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL • P/J17, LVPS.
1.10 Item 2. • Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
The transport rolls rotate.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Check the drive belt and pulleys, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 2, PL 8.20 Item 10. Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter path solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 14.
Enter dC330 code 10-030 Inverter Motor, 10-030, Figure 1. Press Start. The motor runs. • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Y N 1.10 Item 2.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT10-030. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor. Check the following, refer to GP 7:
• P/J4, IOT PWB. • Duplex nip rolls, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 7.
• P/J45, P/J55. • Nip split shaft assembly, PL 10.11 Item 4.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP. • Idler rolls, PL 10.12 Item 15.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. • If the fault still occurs, check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. contamination. Refer to the replacement procedure in REP 8.5.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter motor, PL 10.11 Item 11.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

The transport rolls rotate.

Check drive gears, GP 7, PL 10.15.

Enter dC330 code 10-050 inverter nip solenoid, SOL10-050, Figure 1. Press Start. The sole-
noid energizes.
Go to Flag 4. Check SOL10-050. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter Nip Solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 6.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 10-045 inverter path solenoid, SOL10 045, Figure 1. Press Start. The sole-
noid energizes.
Go to Flag 5. Check SOL10-045. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to check a Solenoid or Clutch.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-219 08-160B, 08-161B
Duplex motor
Inverter nip

Duplex sensor Inverter motor

Q08-160 MOT10-030
Inverter path

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-160B, 08-161B 2-220 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-171 Unexpected Time Out RAP
08-171 The IOT detects an unexpected event for a known sheet. A sheet left in the machine
after jam clearance.

Initial Actions
• Enter the machine status mode and check for the active messages. Refer to OF4 Status
Codes and Message RAP for the jam clearance procedure.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays, Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the paper path.
• Make sure that all covers and paper guides are closed, and latch correctly.
• Check for paper in the output device.

If the initial actions did not resolve the problem. Switch off the machine, then switch on the
machine, GP 14. If a fault code is displayed then go to the appropriate RAP.

Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-221 08-160B, 08-161B, 08-171
08-174 Missing Pre-release Sheet RAP 08-180 Unable to Feed Next Sheet RAP
08-174 The IOT detected a missing pre-release sheet. 08-180 The machine has detected that the previous sheet has not correctly fed through the
paper path.
Initial Actions
• Enter the machine status mode and check for the active messages. Refer to OF4 Status Initial Actions
Codes and Message RAP for the jam clearance procedure. • Clear the paper path.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check for obstructions in the registration paper path. Procedure
• Make sure that all covers and paper guides are closed, and latch correctly. 35-55 ppm - Perform the following:
• Check tray 1 feed sensor, Q80-101. Refer to 08-101 Tray 1 Misfeed RAP.
Procedure Install new components as necessary.
If the initial actions did not resolve the problem. Switch off the machine, then switch on the • Check tray 2 feed sensor, Q08-102. Refer to 08-102 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP.
machine, GP 14. If a fault code is displayed then go to the appropriate RAP. Install new components as necessary.
• Check the registration sensor, Q08-150 and the wait sensor, Q08-100, refer to 08-150A,
08-151A Registration Jam RAP (35-55 ppm).
Install new components as necessary.
65-90 ppm - Perform the following:
• Check tray 1 feed sensor, Q80-101. Refer to 08-101 Tray 1 Misfeed RAP.
Install new components as necessary.
• Check tray 2 feed sensor, Q08-102. Refer to 08-102 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP.
Install new components as necessary.
• Check the registration sensor, Q08-150 and the wait sensor, Q08-100, refer to 08-150B,
08-151B Registration Jam RAP (65-90 ppm).
Install new components as necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-174, 08-180 2-222 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
08-181 Unexpected Time Out in Simplex Inverted Mode 08-182 Unexpected Time Out in Duplex Mode RAP
RAP 08-182 The IOT detected an unexpected time out for a known duplex sheet of paper.
08-181 The IOT detected an unexpected time out for a known simplex inverted sheet of paper.
Initial Actions
Initial Actions • Enter the machine status mode and check for the active messages. Refer to OF4 Status
Codes and Message RAP for the jam clearance procedure.
• Enter the machine status mode and check for the active messages. Refer to OF4 Status
Codes and Message RAP for the jam clearance procedure. • Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20. • Check for obstructions in the duplex paper path.
• Check for obstructions in the simplex and inverted paper path.
• Make sure that all covers and paper guides are closed, and latch correctly. Procedure
If the initial actions did not resolve the problem. Switch off the machine, then switch on the
Procedure machine, GP 14. If a fault code is displayed then go to the appropriate RAP.

If the initial actions did not correct the problem, perform the following:
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• If a fault code is displayed then go to the appropriate RAP.
• Enter dC330, code 10-045 and check the operation of the inverter gate, PL 10.12 Item 7.
It should move freely without binding.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-223 08-181, 08-182
08-190 Post Jam Clearance Initialization RAP
08-190 A stray sheet has been detected in either the IOT or finisher device during the post jam
clearance initialization routine.

Initial Action
• Enter the machine status mode and check for the active messages. Refer to OF4 Status
Codes and Message RAP for the jam clearance procedure.
• Check for paper in the machine paper path at all the sensor locations.
• Check for paper in the finisher paper path at all the sensor locations. Use a flashlight to
check that the hole punch sensor is clear.
– 2K LCSS, PL 11.6 Item 7.
– HVF, PL 11.153.
• Make sure that all the covers and paper guides are closed, and latched correctly.
If the initial actions did not correct the problem. Switch off the machine, then switch on the
machine, GP 14. If a fault code is displayed then go to the appropriate RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

08-190 2-224 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
09-060 HVPS Fault RAP NOTE: The charge, transfer and detack corotron have 47k Ohms arc suppression resistors
within their harnesses.
09-060 The HVPS fault sensor has detected a high voltage fault.
Check that the F1 surface mounted fuse on the IOT PWB is good. Refer to OF7 IOT PWB
The HVPS fault will occur when: Diagnostics RAP, for the location of the F1 surface mounted fuse. The surface mounted
• The (C) charge high voltage supply has a short or open circuit. fuse is good.
• The (G) charge grid high voltage supply has a short or open circuit. Y N
Perform the procedures that follow:
• The (T) transfer high voltage supply has a short circuit.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP and refer to the 01G Fused Distribution Check.
• The (DT) detack high voltage supply has a short circuit.
• 01H Short Circuit and Overload RAP.
• The (DB) developer bias high voltage supply has a short circuit.
• The +24V supply to the HVPS has a short or open circuit. Enter dC330. Select component code 09-060 HVPS fault and press save. Press start. A high
• The 24 volt supply is momentarily overloaded. signal indicates a fault or the front door interlock open.
The HVPS fault will deactivate within 100 milliseconds after the removal of the fault. Add Component code 09-061 charge scorotron. Press start. Time out after 3 seconds. The
display for code 09-060 is Low.
Initial Actions Y N
Go to the Flag 1. Check the charge scorotron harness for open circuit or short circuit to
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
ground, GP 7. The scorotron harness and connectors are good.
• Clean the charge scorotron, ADJ 9.1. Y N
• Clean the transfer / detack corotron and check the corotron wire, ADJ 9.1. Install a new charge scorotron harness, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 18, (65-90 ppm)
• Reseat the high voltage connections on the HVPS, (40-90 ppm) Figure 1, (35 ppm) Figure PL 4.12 Item 20.
Install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
• Check the registration transport bias contact, PL 8.15 Item 23, Figure 3.
If the fault continues, install a new HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 5.
• Check the bias connection, Figure 3.
• Reseat the developer bias connection, Figure 4. Add component code 09-062 charge grid. Press start. Time out after 3 seconds. The display
• If the machine is above 750 metres above sea level, check the transfer / detack assembly for code 09-060 is Low.
for arcing. If necessary go to dC131 NVM Read / Write location 09-098 and select the Y N
appropriate altitude. Go to the Flag 1. Check the charge grid harness for open circuit or short circuit to ground,
• Check for any cause of an overload to the 24V supply. For example, very thick multi-feeds GP 7. The grid harness and connectors are good.
causing the main drive motor to stall, or a possible short circuit. Y N
Install a new charge grid harness, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 19, (65-90 ppm) PL
4.12 Item 21.
WARNING Install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the If the fault continues, install a new HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 5.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Add component code 09-063 transfer corotron. Press start. Time out after 3 seconds. The
If you were directed from IQ8 Defect RAP, continue below. If the following checks do not display for code 09-060 is Low.
resolve the image quality problem, return to IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
Go to the Flag 2. Check the transfer corotron harness for short circuit to ground, GP 7.
NOTE: The following are the only values that can be measured from the HVPS. The transfer corotron harness and connectors are good.
• Charge scorotron grid, -425V +/- 21V. Y N
Install a new transfer / detack harness, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 9, (40-90 ppm) PL
• The two terminals identified as G are the same output.
9.20 Item 9.
• Registration chute bias, -490V +/- 25V.
• The two terminals identified as CB are the same output. Install a new transfer / detack corotron, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
• Developer bias, -370V +20V / -50V. Item 8.
If the fault continues, install a new HVPS PL 1.10 Item 5.

Add component code 09-064 detack corotron. Press start. Time out after 3 seconds. The dis-
play for code 09-060 is low.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-225 09-060
Go to Flag 2. Check the detack corotron harness for short circuit to ground, GP 7. The
detack corotron harness and connectors are good. Transfer corotron connector
Install a new transfer / detack harness, (35 ppm), PL 9.22 Item 9, (40-90), PL 9.20
Item 9. Detack corotron connector

On the 30 ppm machine, install a new transfer / detack corotron, PL 9.22 Item 8. On the
40-90 ppm machine, install a new short paper path assembly, PL 9.20 Item 3. Charge Grid connector. The two
If the fault continues, install a new HVPS PL 1.10 Item 5. terminals identified as G are the
same output.
Add component code 09-065 registration chute bias. Press start. Time out after 90 seconds.
The display for code 09-060 is low.
Install a new HVPS PL 1.10 Item 5.
Charge scorotron connector
Add component code 09-066 developer bias. Press start. Time out after 3 seconds. The dis-
play for code 09-060 is low.
Y N P/J55
Go to Flag 3. Check the developer bias harness for short circuit to ground, GP 7. The
developer harness and connectors are good. Developer bias connector
Install a new developer bias harness, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 6, (65-90 ppm) PL
Registration and transfer chute bias
9.15 Item 6.
connector. The two terminals identi-
fied as CB are the same output.
Install a new HVPS PL 1.10 Item 5.

Complete SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 1 Component location (40-90 ppm)

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-060 2-226 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Transfer corotron connector Registration guide

Detack corotron connector

Halo guide

Charge Grid connector. The

two terminals identified as G
are the same output.

Charge scorotron connector


Developer bias connector

Registration and transfer chute

bias connector. The two termi-
nals identified as CB are the
same output. Registration chute
bias connection
Bias contact

Figure 2 Component location (35 ppm) Figure 3 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-227 09-060
Developer bias connection

Figure 4 Component location

Figure 5 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-060 2-228 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
09-310, 09-390 Low Toner Sensor Failure RAP • P/J6, IOT PWB.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
09-310 The toner cartridge motor continues to dispense toner for a period greater than 12 sec-
onds after the low toner sensor detects that the toner dispense module is full. • 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
09-390 The low toner sensor detects that the toner level is low for a period greater than 70 sec- • Low toner sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 5, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 5.
onds after toner cartridge motor start. • Developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 2.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Initial Actions 1.10 Item 2.
Figure 1. Ensure the toner cartridge is not empty. If the toner cartridge is empty, install a new
toner cartridge, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 4, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 4. The fault may be intermittent, due to toner bridging inside the toner cartridge. Install a new
toner cartridge, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 4, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 4.
Procedure Check the image quality and complete SCP 6 Final Actions.

NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.
NOTE: The toner cartridge motor will time out after 5 seconds.

Cheat the door interlock switch. Enter dC330 code 09-045 toner cartridge motor, MOT09-045.
Press start. Observe the toner cartridge. The toner cartridge rotates.
The motor runs.
Go to Flag 1. Check MOT09-045. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• Figure 2.
• P/J6, IOT PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Toner dispense module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item
• Developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 2.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
PL 1.10 Item 2.
Toner cartridge
drive gears Toner cartridge
Check the toner dispense drive gears, Figure 1 and Figure 2. PJ93
If necessary install a new toner dispense module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1, (65-90
ppm) PL 9.15 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 09-040 toner dispense motor and add the code 09-310 low toner sensor,
Q09-310. Press Start.

NOTE: It may necessary to enter the codes several times to ensure that the toner dispense Figure 1 Component location
motor does actuate and deactuate the low toner sensor. It may be necessary to make several
copies to prevent over toning the developer.

The display changes from high to low or low to high.

Go to Flag 2. Check Q09-310. Refer to:
• Figure 2.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-229 09-310, 09-390
Toner cartridge
drive gears

Toner cartridge motor

MOT 09-045

Toner dispense motor

MOT 09-040 In-line connector PJ75
Low toner sensor

Figure 2 Component Location

Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-310, 09-390 2-230 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
09-341, 09-342 Scorotron Cleaning Failure RAP
09-341 The scorotron cleaning routine has failed to complete.

09-342 A scorotron cleaning warning detected.

Initial Actions Scorotron cleaner motor

• Check that the xerographic module is correctly installed.
• Check the scorotron cleaner drive coupling, Figure 1.

Enter dC330 code 09-071 or 09-072 scorotron cleaner motor. A clicking sound is heard.
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT09-043. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a motor.
• P/J64, IOT PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL coupling
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 09-070 scorotron cleaner home sensor, Figure 2. Press Start. Enter dC330
code 09-071 or 09-072 scorotron motor. Actuate the sensor by entering the appropriate code.
The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q09-070. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.

NOTE: The scorotron cleaner home sensor is a magnetic reed switch.

• P/J64, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Scorotron cleaner home sensor, (40-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 16, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12
Item 19. Scorotron cleaner home sensor
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2. Figure 1 Component location

The fault may be intermittent, perform the following:

• Check the wiring, GP 7. Repair if necessary, REP 1.2.
• Ensure that P/J64 is correctly and securely connected.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-231 09-341, 09-342
09-350 Erase Lamp Failure RAP
09-350 The photoreceptor erase lamp has failed.

NOTE: The xerographic module must be in the machine for the lamp to illuminate.

Do not illuminate the erase lamp for an extended length of time as this may cause damage to
the xerographic drum.

NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Cheat the door interlock switch. Enter dC330 code 09-022, photoreceptor erase lamp. Press
start. Figure 1. Observe the erase lamp. All the LEDs of the erase lamp are lit.
Some of the LEDs of the erase lamp are lit.
Go to Flag 1. +24V is available at P/J17 pin 1 on the LVPS.
Install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Go to Flag 2. +24V is available at P/J41 pin 1.

Go to Flag 1. Check the inline fuse. The fuse is good.
Install a new fuse, GP 7, PL 1.10 Item 9.
If the fuse blows again, go to 01G Fused Distribution Check.

Go to 01G +24V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 3. +13V is available at P/J5 pin 14.


NOTE: To gain access to the erase lamp wiring, remove the main drive module,
(35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.

Check the wiring, GP 7, from the in-line fuse to P/J41, pin 2. The wiring is
Repair the wiring.

Perform the steps that follow:

Figure 2 Circuit diagram • Check that the connector PJ41 is located correctly in the IOT frame, Fig-
ure 1.
• Install a new erase lamp, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 1, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
Item 1.

Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Install a new erase lamp, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 1, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
09-341, 09-342, 09-350 2-232 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
The fault may be intermittent. Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the wiring, GP 7 between P/J41 and P/J17 on the LVPS.
• Ensure that the P/Js are correctly and securely connected.
• Malfunction of the following associated circuits can cause 09-350 faults.
– The inverter paper path and Inverter nip solenoid, go to 10-120, 10-121, 10-126 IOT
Exit Sensor RAP.
– The vacuum transport fan and Registration clutch, go to 10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A
Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Sensor RAP.

Erase lamp

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Erase lamp

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-233 09-350
09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363 Toner Concentration Sensor • The developer assembly is correctly installed

Failure RAP The voltage at P/J93, pin 8, is less than +0.75V.

09-360 The toner concentration sensor has registered a reading outside the range, +0.75V to Y N
+4.55V for three consecutive sheets. The voltage is greater than +0.7V to +4.5V range. Check the wiring, GP 7. Go to Flag 3.
+24V is present at P/J93, pin 2.
09-361 The toner concentration sensor is reading high. This indicates that the toner concentra- Y N
tion (TC) is low. Disconnect P/J93, Figure 1. +24V is present at the harness end of P/J93, pin 2.
09-362 The toner concentration sensor is reading low. This indicates that the toner concentra- Go to the 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
tion (TC) is high.
Install a new developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15
09-363 This code is generated by the following factors: Item 2. Perform dC905 TC Sensor Calibration.
• The developer is not positioned correctly against the xerographic module.
• The toner concentration is low. Go to Flag 5. 0V is available at P/J93, pin 10.
• The machine is being installed.
Go to the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• On the fifth consecutive occurrence.
GUI message - TONER CONTROL FAILURE Enter dC131, 09-069, TC sensor control voltage, and record the displayed value. (100
displayed equals 1 volt). Go to Flag 4. Check the voltage at P/J93, pin 9. The dis-
Initial Actions played value is within 0.2V of the voltage checked at P/J93, pin 9.
• Check developer roll area for toner and bead contamination. If necessary, go to IQ1
Disconnect P/J93. Check the voltage at pin 9. The recorded value is within 0.2V
Image Quality Entry RAP.
of the voltage checked at P/J93, pin 9.
• If 09-360 fault, enter dC131 location 09-115, sensor failure lockout flag. Check that it is Y N
set to ‘0’. If set at ‘1’ the toner dispense motor will not run.
Check the wiring, GP 7, between P/J93 and P/J6 on the IOT PWB. The wir-
• If 09-361 fault, enter dC131 location 09-001 TC lockout low. Check that it is set to ‘0’. If ing is good.
set at ‘1’ the toner dispense motor will not run. Y N
– Check that when the xerographic module latch is in the locked position, the devel- Repair the wiring, REP 1.2. Perform the TC increase adjustment.
oper module is correctly installed, REP 9.2.
• If 09-362 fault, enter dC131 location 09-276 TC lockout high. Check that it is set to ‘0’. If Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
set at ‘1’ the toner dispense motor will not run PL 1.10 Item 2.Perform the TC increase adjustment.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Install a new developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15
Item 2. Perform dC905 TC Sensor Calibration.
Initial Procedure
Make 20 prints. If the following three conditions apply, go to the 09-310, 09-390 Low Toner Enter dC330. Enter the code 04-010, main drive motor. Press start. Add the code 09-040,
Sensor Failure RAP. If not continue at the Procedure. toner dispense motor. Press Start.
1. The prints or copies are faint.
NOTE: The routine 09-040 times out after 5 seconds.
2. The toner cartridge is not rotating.
The toner dispense motor runs.
3. The low toner sensor, 09-310, reading is high.
Procedure Go to Flag 2. Check MOT09-040. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.
• P/J6, IOT PWB.
Go to Flag 1 and read the voltage at P/J93 pin 8. The voltage is outside the range of +0.7V • Go to 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
to +4.5V.
• Go to 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Check the steps that follow: Install new components as necessary:
Toner dispense module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 1.
• Check the wiring, GP 7, between P/J93 to P/J6 on the IOT PWB.
• Refer to the 01B Ground Distribution RAP. Check the toner dispense drive gears, Figure 1. The gears rotate.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363 2-234 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Y N If the 09-360 is intermittent and causes the message Machine unavailable. Perform OF7 IOT
Install a new toner dispense module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.
9.15 Item 1. Perform the TC reduction adjustment.

Add the code 09-310, low toner sensor. Energize the components in the following order: TC reduction adjustment
• 04-010, main drive motor. Perform the following:
• 09-010, photoreceptor motor. 1. Enter dC330, code 04-010, main drive motor; code 09-010, photoreceptor motor; 09-066,
• 09-040, toner dispense motor. developer bias.
When the toner dispense motor stops, the toner level sensor display value is LOW. 2. Start the routine. The start will have to be pressed every 5 seconds to restart the devel-
Y N oper bias routine.
Go to the 09-310, 09-390 Low Toner Sensor Failure RAP. 3. Monitor the voltage output, Flag 1, at P/J6 pin 8 on the IOT PWB.

Perform the TC increase adjustment. NOTE: The toner concentration cannot be adjusted and maintained by making high area
coverage prints.

4. Run the routine until the monitored voltage is greater than 0.9 volts.
Check the wiring, GP 7, between P/J6 on the IOT PWB and P/J93 on the developer module,
Figure 1. The wiring is good. 5. Check the image quality.
Y N TC increase adjustment
Repair the wiring. Perform the following:
1. Enter dC330, code 04-010, main drive motor; 09-040, toner dispense motor; 09-045,
Go to Flag 3. +24V is present at P/J93, pin 2.
toner cartridge motor.
Disconnect P/J93, Figure 1. +24V is present at the harness end of P/J93, pin 2. 2. Start the routine. The start will have to be pressed every 5 seconds to restart the toner
dispense motor and the toner cartridge routines.
Go to the 01G +24V Distribution. 3. Monitor the voltage output, Flag 1, at P/J6 pin 8 on the IOT PWB.
4. Run the routine until the monitored voltage is between 2.2 and 2.8 volts
Install a new developer assembly, PL 9.15 Item 2. Perform dC905 TC Sensor Calibration. 5. Check the image quality.

Go to Flag 5. 0V is available at P/J93 pin 10.

Go to the 01B 0V Distribution RAP.

Enter dC131, 09-069, TC sensor control voltage, and record the displayed value. (100 dis-
played equals 1 volt). Go to Flag 4. Check the voltage at P/J93, pin 9. The displayed value
is within 0.2V of the voltage checked at P/J93 pin 9.
Disconnect P/J93. Check the voltage at pin 9. The displayed value is within 0.2V of
the voltage checked at P/J93 pin 9.
Check the wiring, GP 7, between P/J93 and P/J6 on the IOT PWB. The wiring is
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2. Perform the TC increase adjustment

Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2. Perform the TC increase adjustment

Install a new developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item
2. Perform dC905 TC Sensor Calibration.

Perform the TC reduction adjustment.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-235 09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363

TC sensor Q09-360

Toner dispense drive


Toner dispense
MOT 09-040

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363 2-236 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
09-365 Relative Humidity Sensor Failure RAP NOTE: The actual value is not critical. If the reading from Q09-365 is approximately within the
range indicated in column 4, Table 1, the sensor is good.
09-365 Average humidity reading is out of limits.
Table 1 Relative humidity values
Also use this RAP if the relative humidity sensor is suspected of working incorrectly. A faulty
relative humidity sensor can cause image quality problems. External Average relative Cold machine relative Warm machine relative
environment humidity humidity humidity
Initial Actions Wet 80% 80% 40% to 50%
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Ambient 50% 50% 15% to 30%
Dry 10% 10% 1% to 7%
Enter dC330 code 09-365, relative humidity sensor, Q09-365. Press start. Observe the dis-
played state of Q09-365. Figure 1. Open the bypass tray, gently blow on the relative humidity
sensor PWB. Observe again the displayed state of Q09-365. The displayed state has
Go to Flag 1. Check for +5V at P/J7 pin 3 on the IOT PWB. +5V is present.
Go to the 01E +5V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 1. Check for +5V at P/J46 pin 1. +5V is present.

Check the wiring between P/J7 on the IOT PWB and P/J46, GP 7. Repair wiring as
necessary, REP 1.2.

Install a new relative humidity sensor / ambient temperature sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22
Relative humidity sensor
Item 4, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 4. Q09-365 / ambient tempera-
If the fault continues, perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is ture sensor Q09-375
installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.

If possible, check the relative humidity of the external environment using a hygrometer. Com-
pare with a reading from the sensor Q09-365. Refer to the NOTE above Table 1. If a hygrome-
ter is not available refer to Table 1 for the approximate expected humidity value. Compare the
expected values with Q09-365. If the value of Q09-365 is very different from the expected
Install a new relative humidity sensor / ambient temperature sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 4,
(40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 4.
If the fault continues, perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is
installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.
If the fault is intermittent, perform the steps that follow:
• Check the wiring, GP 7. Repair if necessary, REP 1.2.
• Make sure that the P/Js are correctly and securely connected.
Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-237 09-365
09-370 Developer Temperature Sensor Failure RAP
09-370 The average developer temperature reading is out of limits.

Initial Actions
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Enter dC330 code 09-370, developer temperature sensor Q09-370. Press start. Observe the
displayed state of Q09-370. Remove the xerographic module. Disconnect P/J47, Figure 1.
Cheat the front door interlock. Observe again the displayed state of Q09-370. The displayed
state has changed.
Go to Flag 1. Check for +5V at P/J7 pin 5 on the IOT PWB. +5V is present.
Go to the 01E +5V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 1. Check for +5V at P/J47 pin 3. +5V is present.


NOTE: To gain access to the wiring, remove the main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL
4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1 and the left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
Check the wiring between P/J7 on the IOT PWB and P/J47. Repair the wiring as
necessary, REP 1.2.

Install a new temperature sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 5, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 5.
If the fault persists. Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is
installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.

Q09-370 is working correctly. Reconnect P/J47.

If the fault is intermittent, perform the steps that follow:
• Check the wiring, GP 7. Repair if necessary, REP 1.2.
• Make sure that the P/Js are correctly and securely connected.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-365, 09-370 2-238 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Temperature sensor


Figure 1 Component Location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-239 09-370
09-375 Ambient Temperature Sensor Failure RAP
09-375 The average ambient temperature is out of limits.

Initial Actions
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Reposition P/J46 on the relative humidity sensor / ambient temperature sensor and P/J7 on
the IOT PWB.

Enter dC330 code 09-375, ambient temperature sensor, Q09-375. Press start. Observe the Relative humidity sensor
displayed state of Q09-375. Figure 1. Open the left hand door, gently blow on the temperature Q09-365 / ambient tempera-
sensor PWB. Observe again the displayed state of Q09-375. The displayed state has ture sensor Q09-375
Go to Flag 1. Check for +5V at P/J7 pin 3 on the IOT PWB. +5V is present.
Go to the 01E +5V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 1. Disconnect P/J46. Check for +5V at P/J46, pin 1. +5V is present.
Y N P/J46
Check the wiring between P/J7 on the IOT PWB and P/J46, GP 7. Repair the wiring
as necessary.

Install a new relative humidity sensor / ambient temperature sensor, (35 ppm) PL 9.22
Item 4, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 4.
If the fault persists, perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is
installed, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Figure 1 Component location
The ambient temperature sensor is working correctly.
If the fault is intermittent, perform the steps that follow:
• Check the wiring, GP 7. Repair if necessary, REP 1.2.
• Make sure that the P/Js are correctly and securely connected, GP 11.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-375 2-240 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
09-380 Waste Toner Door Switch Failure RAP
09-380 The waste toner door switch has detected that the waste toner bottle is missing or the
door is open during run.

Initial Actions
Figure 1. Ensure that the waste toner door is fully closed.

Enter dC330 code 09-380 waste toner door switch, S09-380. Press start. Open and close the
waste toner door. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S09-380. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J7, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Waste toner door switch, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 8, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 8.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
• Main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.

Make sure that S09-380 is mounted correctly. Install new components as necessary.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-241 09-375, 09-380
Waste toner door switch

Waste toner

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Waste toner bottle

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09-380 2-242 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
09-399 Incompatible Xerographic Module RAP OpCo ID (Market Region) Validation Criteria
09-399 The xerographic module CRUM failed the authorization check. The xerographic module will be sold in the following market regions.
• NASG-N - North american solutions group.
The authorization check is performed to ensure that the xerographic module installed in the • NASG-S - North american solutions group.
system is compatible with the current machine configuration and the customer service plan.
• ESG - European solutions group.
• DMO-E - Developing markets east.
Initial Actions
• DMO-W - Developing markets west.
For each market region the system will support the xerographic modules configured as indi-
Do not install a new sold xerographic module into a meter service plan machine. This will con- cated by ‘Yes’ in Table 2. e.g. a xerographic module configured as NASG-S will function in the
vert the machine to a sold service plan. But this may not be noticed until the sold xerographic
following machine / market regions: NASG-N, NASG-S and DMO-W.
module has failed and is renewed with a meter xerographic module.
• Check that the xerographic module matches the customer service plan. Xerographic modules configured to ‘world wide’ are for all markets.
• Install a new xerographic module that matches the machine configuration and the cus-
tomer service plan, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2. The system will not accept a xerographic module that does not match the OpCo ID (market
region) of the system. If there is a mismatch between the system configuration and the OpCo
Procedure ID then an incompatible xerographic module message will be displayed on the GUI.

To check the chosen service plan: Table 2 OpCo ID (Market region)

1. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24. Xerographic
2. Select Consumables Management. module System configuration (Xerox OpCo ID)
3. Select Service Plan.
4. The greyed out icon will indicate the chosen service plan. Refer to Table 1. NASG-N NASG-S DMO-W DMO-E ESG
NOTE: All new machines are configured to metered. A customer with an unmetered plan NASG-N Yes Yes Yes No No
should only have new sold xerographic module. NASG-S Yes Yes Yes No No
DMO-W Yes Yes Yes No No
Table 1 Service plan DMO-E No No No Yes Yes
Service plan type Service plan description ESG No No No Yes Yes
A Sold - Xerox service agreement does not include the cost of World wide Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
the xerographic module
B Meter - Xerox service agreement does include the cost of
the xerographic module
C Aftermarket -System will accept non-Xerox and OEM sup-
plied xerographic module with no CRUM
D Not used

NOTE: There is no communication with the CRUM when the system is configured to
aftermarket (3rd party).

To Change the Service Plan Type

1. Obtain the machine serial number.
2. Enter the Service Plan, refer to the Procedure.
3. Contact the market region technical specialist for a confirmation number.
4. Enter the confirmation number.
5. Press Enter.
6. Follow the message set to Exit.
7. Check that the service plan is correct.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-243 09-399
09A Photoreceptor Motor RAP 09B Waste Toner Full Sensor RAP
Procedure Use this RAP if the message ‘waste toner bottle nearly full’ appears, when the waste toner bot-
Go to the 04A Main Drive Motor and Photoreceptor Motor RAP. tle is empty.

The waste toner bottle has the capacity to hold the waste toner from over 100K prints at 6%
average area coverage.

The waste toner sensor is an infrared transmission sensor. The sensor consists of an infrared
emitter on one side of the bottle and an infrared detector on the other side of the bottle.

Initial Actions
• Check if the bottle is full, PL 9.10 Item 1.
• Check for toner contamination around the waste toner full sensor, Figure 1.

Use thick black card to manually actuate the sensor. Enter dC330 code 09-350 waste toner full
sensor, Q09-350. Pass the black card between the sensor transmitter and receiver. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q09-350. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Figure 1.
• P/J7, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary.
• Waste toner full sensor, PL 9.10 Item 2.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

The fault may be intermittent. Check that the sensor is located correctly on the support bracket
and on the machine frame. Check for damaged components on the sensor, PL 9.10 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09A, 09B 2-244 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Waste toner full sensor


Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-245 09B
09C Photoreceptor Fan RAP
Use this RAP to check the photoreceptor fan.

NOTE: A faulty photoreceptor fan can cause image quality problems.


Ensure that the machine is switched on, GP 14. Check the airflow by holding a piece of paper
over the fan intake, PL 9.25 Item 6. The fan is working.
Go to Flag 1. Check the photoreceptor fan motor. Refer to GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
Check the following:
• +15V at PJ42.
• +15V at P/J17.
• Continuity between PJ42 and P/J17. If necessary repair the harness, REP 1.2.
Install new components as necessary.
• Photoreceptor fan, PL 9.25 Item 6.
• LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.

Ensure that the fan is installed correctly. If the fan in installed correctly air will be drawn into the
air intake. Refer to the OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP.
The fault may be intermittent. Go to Flag 1. Check the harness and the connectors, GP 7.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

09C 2-246 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
10-101, 10-102, 10-103 Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Switch 10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit
Entry RAP Switch RAP (35-55 ppm)
10-101 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time 10-101 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time
after the registration clutch was energized for a simplex sheet. after the registration clutch was energized for a simplex sheet.

10-102 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time 10-102 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time
after the registration clutch was energized for a duplex sheet side 1. after the registration clutch was energized for a duplex sheet side 1.

10-103 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time 10-103 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time
after the registration clutch was energized for a duplex sheet side 2. after the registration clutch was energized for a duplex sheet side 2.

Initial Actions WARNING

Before performing this procedure, check that the paper is not being skewed at any point Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
between the paper tray and the fuser module. If skew is found, go to IQ8 Skew RAP. Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to 10-101,
Procedure 10-102, 10-103 Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Switch Entry RAP.
• If the speed of the machine is 35-55 ppm, go to 10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A Lead Edge • Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
Late to Fuser Exit Switch RAP.
• Check for obstructions in the registration transport, Figure 2.
• If the speed of the machine is 65-90 ppm, go to 10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B Lead Edge
• Check for obstructions in the short paper path assembly, Figure 3.
Late to Fuser Exit Switch RAP.
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism.
• Check the stripper fingers on the xerographic module.
• Check for paper in the fuser module.
• Check the fuser stripper fingers for contamination, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 4.
• If a 10-101 is caused by paper fed from the bypass tray, check for paper skew.
• If a 10-103 is caused by a skewed sheet on side 2, check the inverter, PL 10.12 Item 1.
Also check the duplex paper path (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 1. Install new components as
• If 10-101 jams, check that all of the HT connectors are pushed fully home on the HVPS.
• If the fault is 10-101 and the paper is fed from tray 1 or tray 2. Check if the paper has
excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the tray. Install TAG
002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl.
• Install the XRU skids kit to eliminate paper jams caused by curled copies between the
XRU and the fuser module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 21, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 19.

NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 10-100 fuser exit switch, S10-100. Press Start. Manually actuate the switch
with a piece of paper, Figure 1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S10-100. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Figure 1.
• P/J35, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-247 10-101, 10-102, 10-103, 10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. • P/J5, IOT PWB.
Install new components as necessary: • 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• Fuser exit switch, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 11. • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL Install new components as necessary:
1.10 Item 2. • Registration sensor, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
Enter dC330 code 10-065 vacuum transport fan, MOT10-065. Figure 3. Press Start, The fan
1.10 Item 2.
Y N Check the following components, refer to GP 7:
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT10-065. Refer to:
• Registration roll, PL 8.15 Item 9.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• Roll assembly on the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1.
• Figure 3.
• Check the detack corotron and the connection to the HVPS. Refer to 09-060 HVPS Fault
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• The drive gear on the fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• The fuser drive gear on the main drives module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 10.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• Fuser web motor and the fuser web, 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• Check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and contamination. Refer to
Install new components as necessary: the replacement procedure in REP 8.5.
• Short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1. • If the fault still occurs, the +24V supply from the LVPS may be faulty. Install a new LVPS,
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL PL 1.10 Item 3.
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor. Press Start. Add code 08-070 registration clutch,
CL08-070. Press Start.

NOTE: The clutch will switch off after 5 seconds.

The jam clearance knob 4c, PL 8.15 Item 10, rotates.
Go to Flag 3. Check CL08-070. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration clutch, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 7.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 08-150 registration sensor, Q08-150. Press Start. Manually actuate the sen-
sor Figure 2. The display changes.
Go to Flag 4. Check Q08-150. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Figure 2.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A 2-248 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Registration rolls

Registration sensor

Fuser exit switch

Registration clutch

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-249 10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A
Transfer / detack corotron

Transport rolls

Vacuum transport fan


Figure 3 Component location

Figure 4 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-101A, 10-102A, 10-103A 2-250 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Switch RAP (65- 90 ppm)
• Fuser exit switch, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 11
10-101 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
after the registration clutch was energized for a simplex sheet.
1.10 Item 2.
10-102 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time
Enter dC330 code 10-065 vacuum transport fan, MOT10-065. Figure 3. Press Start, The fan
after the registration clutch was energized for a duplex sheet side 1.
10-103 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct time Y N
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT10-065. Refer to:
after the registration clutch was energized for a duplex sheet side 2.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
WARNING • Figure 3.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. • P/J5, IOT PWB.
Initial Actions • P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to 10-101,
10-102, 10-103 Lead Edge Late to Fuser Exit Switch Entry RAP. • 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20. • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• Check for obstructions in the registration transport, Figure 2. Install new components as necessary:
• Check for obstructions in the short paper path assembly, Figure 3. • Short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1.
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism. 1.10 Item 2.
• Check the stripper fingers on the xerographic module.
Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor. Press Start. Add code 08-070 registration clutch,
• Check for paper in the fuser module.
CL08-070. Press Start.
• Check the fuser stripper fingers for contamination, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 4.
• If a 10-101 is caused by paper fed from the bypass tray, check for paper skew. NOTE: The clutch will switch off after 5 seconds.
• If a 10-103 is caused by a skewed sheet on side 2, check the inverter PL 10.11 Item 23. The jam clearance knob 4c, PL 8.17 Item 10, rotates.
Also check the duplex paper path (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 1. Install new components as Y N
necessary. Go to Flag 3. Check CL08-070. Refer to:
• If 10-101 jams, check that all of the HT connectors are pushed fully home on the HVPS. • GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• If the fault is 10-101 and the paper is fed from tray 1 or tray 2. Check if the paper has • P/J5, IOT PWB.
excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the tray. Install TAG • P/J17, LVPS.
002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• Install the XRU skids kit to eliminate paper jams caused by curled copies between the
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
XRU and the fuser module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 21, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 19.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration clutch, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 7.
NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components. • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
Enter dC330 code 10-100 fuser exit switch, S10-100. Press Start. Manually actuate the switch
with a piece of paper, Figure 1. The display changes.
Y N Enter dC330 code 08-150 registration sensor, Q08-150. Press Start. Manually actuate the sen-
sor with a piece of paper, Figure 2. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S10-100. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
Go to Flag 4. Check Q08-150. Refer to:
• Figure 1.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J35, IOT PWB.
• Figure 2.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-251 10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B
• P/J16, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Registration sensor, PL 8.17 Item 3.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Check the following components, refer to GP 7:

• Registration roll, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.17 Item 9.
• Roll assembly on the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1.
• Check the detack corotron and the connection to the HVPS. Refer to 09-060 HVPS Fault
• The drive gear on the fuser module, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
• The fuser drive gear on the main drives module, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 10.
• Fuser web motor and the fuser web, 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP.
• Check the drives plate on the registration clutch for damage and contamination. Refer to
the replacement procedure in REP 8.5.
• If the fault still occurs, the +24V supply from the LVPS may be faulty. Install a new LVPS,
PL 1.10 Item 3.

Fuser exit switch


Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B 2-252 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Transfer / detack corotron
Registration nip rolls

Transport rolls

Vacuum transport fan


Figure 3 Component location

Registration clutch Registration sensor
CL08-070 Q08-150

Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-253 10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B
10-107, 10-108, 10-109, 10-110 Trail Edge Late from Fuser
Exit Switch RAP
10-107 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct
time after the trail edge at the registration sensor, for a simplex non inverted sheet.

10-108 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct
time after the trail edge at the registration sensor, for a simplex inverted sheet.

10-109 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct
time after the trail edge at the registration sensor, for a duplex sheet side 1.

10-110 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the fuser exit switch within the correct
time after the trail edge at the registration sensor, for a duplex sheet side 2.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Initial Actions
• Check that the paper size information in the UI matches the paper used in the paper trays
and the bypass tray.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism.
• Check for paper in the fuser module.
• Check the fuser stripper fingers for contamination, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 4, (65-90
ppm) PL 10.10 Item 4.
• Check the inverter upper baffle assembly, (65-90 ppm) Figure 1, (35-55 ppm) Figure 2.
• Check the entrance to the output device and the alignment of the device.
(35-55 ppm only) If a OCT is used, check for sticking fingers at the exit to the output tray,
REP 12.1.
• (35-55 ppm 0nly) If the faults occur when feeding a transparency, install TAG 004 inverter
transparency feed kit.
• Install the XRU skids kit to eliminate paper jams caused by curled copies between the
XRU and the fuser module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 21, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 19.

Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.

NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 10-100 fuser exit switch, S10-100. Press Start. Manually actuate the switch
with a piece of paper. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S10-100. Refer to:
Figure 4 Circuit diagram
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• (35-55 ppm) Figure 2.
(65-90) Figure 1.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
10-101B, 10-102B, 10-103B, 10-107, 10-108, 10-109, 2-254 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• P/J35, IOT PWB. Check the following components, refer to GP 7:
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP. • The drive gear on the fuser module, PL 10.10 Item 1.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. • The fuser drive gear on the main drives module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 10, (65-90
Install new components as necessary: ppm) PL 4.12 Item 10.
• Fuser exit switch, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 11 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 11 • Fuser web motor and the fuser web, 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL • Drives between inverter and the main drives module, PL 10.15.
1.10 Item 2. • Post fuser exit roller, PL 10.12 Item 9.

Enter dC330 code 10-045 inverter path solenoid, SOL10-045. Press Start. The solenoid NOTE: Excessive post fuser exit roll wear causes buckle between the fuser and the
inverter assembly. This can cause severe ripple on the trail edge of A3 (11x17 inch) sheet
and paper jams.
Go to Flag 2. Check SOL10-045. Refer to: • Upper baffle, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.12 Item 23, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.12 Item 22.
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch. • Baffle guide, PL 10.13 Item 3.
• (35-55 ppm) Figure 2. If the fault still occurs, the +24V supply from the LVPS may be faulty. Install a new LVPS, PL
(65-90 ppm) Figure 1. 1.10 Item 3.
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter path solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 14.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 10-030 inverter motor, MOT 10-030. Press start. The jam clearance knob,
2B, PL 10.15 Item 13, is stationary and the motor can be heard.
The jam clearance knob, 2B, PL 10.15 Item 13, rotates counterclockwise.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT10-030. Refer to: Fuser exit switch
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor. S10-100
• P/J4, IOT PWB.
• P/J45, P/J55 inverter motor driver PWB
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Inverter path solenoid
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. Upper baffle SOL10-045
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter motor, PL 10.11 Item 11.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
PL 1.10 Item 2. Figure 1 Component location (65-90 ppm)

Install a new inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-255 10-107, 10-108, 10-109, 10-110
Fuser exit switch

Inverter path solenoid

Upper baffle

Figure 2 Component location (35-55 ppm)

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-107, 10-108, 10-109, 10-110 2-256 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-257 10-107, 10-108, 10-109, 10-110
10-120, 10-121, 10-126 IOT Exit Sensor RAP Procedure
10-120 The lead edge of the paper failed to reach the IOT exit sensor within the correct time WARNING
after the trail edge at the fuser exit switch for an inverted sheet. Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.

10-121 The lead edge of the paper failed to reach the IOT exit sensor within the correct time NOTE: Ensure that the door interlock switch is cheated when checking +24V components.
after the trail edge at the fuser exit switch for an non inverted sheet. Enter dC330 code 10-120 IOT exit sensor, Q10-120. Press Start. Manually actuate the sensor.
The display changes.
10-126 The trail edge of the paper failed to clear the IOT exit sensor within the correct time.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q10-120. Refer to:
WARNING • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. • (35-55 ppm) Figure 1.
Initial Actions (65-90 ppm) Figure 2.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20. • P/J5, IOT PWB.
NOTE: If the fault occurs only with heavy weight paper of 120 gsm (32 lb.) or greater that • 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
are being inverted. Then Enter the Tools Mode and Stock Settings. Change the stock type • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
to heavyweight for the respective tray. If the problem persists, perform the RAP. Install new components as necessary:
• If the faults occur when feeding transparency, install TAG 004 inverter transparency feed • IOT exit sensor, PL 10.11 Item 13.
kit. • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
• If the fault is 10-120 and the paper is fed from tray 1 or tray 2. Check if the paper has 1.10 Item 2.
excessive curl and is causing the paper to be skewed when fed from the tray. Install TAG
002 on the paper tray to constrain the effect of the curl. Enter dC330 code 10-050 inverter nip solenoid, SOL10-050. Press Start. The solenoid ener-
• Check for obstructions in the inverter area, (35-55 ppm) Figure 1, (65-90 ppm) Figure 2.
• Check the upper and lower gravity fingers in the inverter, Figure 3, GP 7. Go to Flag 2. Check SOL10-050. Refer to:
• If the paper has dog ear on the inboard corner, install TAG 005 Rear gravity gate mylar kit. • GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• Check for obstructions in the exit area. • (35-55 ppm) Figure 1.
• Check that the output device is parallel to the machine. Refer to the appropriate adjust- (65-90 ppm) Figure 2.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
– ADJ 11.2-110 Machine to 2K LCSS Alignment.
• P/J17, LVPS.
– ADJ 11.1-171 Machine to HVF/HVF BM, HVF BM to Tri-folder Alignment.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 35-55 ppm Only. For 10-126 faults. If the machine has a OCT, make sure that the OCT
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
fingers are installed correctly. Refer to REP 12.1.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• For 10-126 faults. If the paper jam is at the entrance to the output device. Go to the rele-
vant output device copy damage RAP: Install new components as necessary:
– 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP. • Inverter nip solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 6.
– 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP. • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
– 11E-171 Copy Damage in the HVF BM RAP.
• For 10-126 faults. If the paper jam is at the entrance to the output device and the output Enter dC330 code 10-045 inverter path solenoid, SOL 10-045. Press Start. The solenoid
device fails to initialize after the front door is closed. Go to the relevant output device ini-
tialization RAP.
– 11B-120 1K LCSS Initialization Failure RAP. Go to Flag 3. Check SOL 10-045. Refer to:
– 11C-110 2K LCSS Initialization Failure RAP. • GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
– 11K-171 HVF Initialization Failure RAP. • (35-55 ppm) Figure 1.
• If the fault is caused by a multifeed of sheets, go to OF8 Multifeed RAP. (65-90 ppm) Figure 2.
• P/J17, LVPS.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
10-120, 10-121, 10-126 2-258 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter path solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 14.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 10-030 inverter motor, MOT10-030. Press Start. The jam clearance knob,
2B, PL 10.15 Item 13, is stationary and the motor can be heard.
The jam clearance knob, 2B, PL 10.15 Item 13, rotates counterclockwise.
Go to Flag 4. Check MOT10-030. Refer to: Fuser exit switch
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor. S10-100
Inverter path solenoid
• P/J45, P/J55 SOL10-045
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. IOT exit sensor
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Q10-120
Install new components as necessary: Inverter nip solenoid
• Inverter motor, PL 10.11 Item 11.
• Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
PL 1.10 Item 2.

Install a new inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.

Figure 1 Component location 35-55 ppm
Check the following components, refer to GP 7:
• Idler roll, PL 10.12 Item 15.
• Upper baffle, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.12 Item 23, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.12 Item 22.
• Double exit nip roll, PL 10.11 Item 8.
• Exit shaft assembly, PL 10.13 Item 4.
• Nip split shaft assembly, PL 10.11 Item 4.
• The drive gear on the fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10
Item 1.
• The fuser drive gear on the main drives module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 10, (65-90
ppm) PL 4.12 Item 10.
• Check the IOT exit sensor mounting bracket on the nip roll guide, PL 10.11 Item 10. The
bracket holds the IOT exit sensor in the correct position, PL 10.11 Item 13.
If the fault still occurs, the +24V supply from the LVPS may be faulty. Install a new LVPS, PL
1.10 Item 3.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-259 10-120, 10-121, 10-126
Fuser exit switch
Inverter path solenoid

Inverter nip solenoid

IOT exit sensor SOL10-050

Figure 2 Component location 65-90 ppm

5 Upper gravity

4 Lower gravity fingers

Figure 3 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-120, 10-121, 10-126 2-260 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-261 10-120, 10-121, 10-126
10-132, 10-133, 10-134 Lead Edge Late to Inverter Sensor Y N
Go to Flag 2. Check Q10-105. Refer to:
RAP (65-90 ppm) • GP 11. How to Check a Sensor.
10-132 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the inverter sensor within the correct time
• Figure 2.
after the fuser exit switch is made, for a simplex sheet.
• P/J61, IOT PWB
10-133 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the inverter sensor within the correct time • 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
after the fuser exit switch is made, for a duplex 1 sheet. • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
10-134 The lead edge of the paper failed to actuate the inverter sensor within the correct time
• Inverter sensor, PL 10.12 Item 19.
after the fuser exit switch is made, for a duplex 2 sheet.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Check the following components, refer to GP 7:
Initial Actions • The drive gear on the fuser module, PL 10.10 Item 1.
• Check that the paper size information in the UI matches the paper used in the paper trays • The fuser drive gear on the main drives module, PL 4.12 Item 10.
and the bypass tray. • Fuser web motor and the fuser web, 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20. • Drives between inverter and the main drives module, PL 10.15.
• Check that the short paper path assembly latches without excessive force, PL 10.25 Item • Post fuser exit roller, PL 10.12 Item 9.
1. Go to REP 10.1. In Replacement Step 5, check the latch mechanism.
• Check for paper in the fuser module. NOTE: Excessive post fuser exit roll wear causes buckle between the fuser and the
inverter assembly. This can cause severe ripple on the trail edge of A3 (11x17 inch) sheet
• Check the fuser stripper fingers for contamination, PL 10.10 Item 4.
and paper jams.
• Check the inverter upper baffle assembly, Figure 1.
• Upper baffle, PL 10.12 Item 22.
Procedure • Baffle guide, PL 10.13 Item 3.

Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.

NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 10-100 fuser exit switch, S10-100. Press Start. Manually actuate the switch
with a piece of paper. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check S10-100. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Figure 1.
• P/J35, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Fuser exit switch, PL 10.10 Item 11.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Enter dC330 sensor code 10-105 inverter sensor, Q10-105. Press Start. Manually actuate the
sensor with a piece of paper. The display changes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-132, 10-133, 10-134 2-262 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Inverter sensor

Fuser exit switch

Inverter nip split solenoid

Figure 2 Component location

Upper baffle

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-263 10-132, 10-133, 10-134
10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138 Trail edge Late from Inverter
Sensor RAP
10-135 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the inverter sensor within the correct
time, for a simplex non invert sheet.

10-136 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the inverter sensor within the correct
time, for a simplex inverted sheet.

10-137 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the inverter sensor within the correct
time, for a duplex sheet side 1.

10-138 The trail edge of the paper failed to de-actuate the inverter sensor within the correct
time, for a duplex sheet side 2.

Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Initial Actions
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20.

NOTE: If the fault occurs only with heavy weight paper of 120 gsm (32 lb.) or greater that
are being inverted, enter the Tools Mode and Stock Settings. Change the stock type to
heavyweight for the appropriate tray. If the problem persists, perform the procedure in this

• Check for obstructions in the inverter area, Figure 1.

• Check the upper and lower gravity fingers in the inverter, Figure 3, GP 7.
• Check for obstructions in the exit area.
Figure 3 Circuit diagram • If the fault is caused by a multifeed of sheets, go to OF8 Multifeed RAP.

Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.

NOTE: Ensure that the door interlock switch is cheated when checking +24V components.

Enter dC330 code 10-105 inverter sensor, Q10-105. Press Start. Manually actuate the sensor.
The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q10-120. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Figure 3.
• P/J61, IOT PWB.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inverter sensor, PL 10.12 Item 19.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
10-132, 10-133, 10-134, 10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138 2-264 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Enter dC330 code 10-050 inverter nip solenoid, SOL10-050. Press Start. The solenoid ener- • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
gises. 1.10 Item 2.
Go to Flag 2. Check SOL10-050. Refer to: Enter dC330 code 10-030 inverter motor, MOT10-030. Press Start. The jam clearance knob,
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch. 2B, PL 10.15 Item 13, is stationary and the motor can be heard.
• Figure 1. Y N
The jam clearance knob, 2B, PL 10.15 Item 13, rotates counterclockwise.
• P/J5, IOT PWB.
• P/J17, LVPS. Go to Flag 4. Check MOT10-030. Refer to:
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7. • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP. • P/J4, IOT PWB
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. • P/J45, P/J55
Install new components as necessary: • 01G +24V Distribution RAP
• Inverter nip solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 6. • 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
1.10 Item 2.
Install new components as necessary:
Enter dC330 code 10-045 inverter path solenoid, SOL 10-045. Press Start. The solenoid • Inverter motor, PL 10.11 Item 11.
energizes. • Inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
Y N • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed,
Go to Flag 3. Check SOL 10-045. Refer to: PL 1.10 Item 2.
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• Figure 1. Install a new inverter motor driver PWB, PL 10.11 Item 22.
Check the following components, refer to GP 7:
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Idler roll, PL 10.12 Item 15.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• Upper baffle, (65-90ppm) PL 10.12 Item 22, (35-55ppm) PL 10.12 Item 23.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• Double exit nip rolls, PL 10.11 Item 8.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• Exit shaft assembly, PL 10.13 Item 4.
Install new components as necessary:
• Nip split shaft assembly, PL 10.11 Item 4.
• Inverter path solenoid, PL 10.11 Item 14.
• The drive gear on the fuser module, PL 10.10 Item 1.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
• The fuser drive gear on the main drives module, PL 4.12 Item 10.
1.10 Item 2.
If the fault still occurs, the +24V supply from the LVPS may be faulty. Install a new LVPS, PL
Enter dC330 code 10-055 tri-roll nip split solenoid, SOL 10-055. Press Start. The solenoid 1.10 Item 3.
Go to Flag 5. Check SOL 10-055. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• Figure 3.
• P/J61, IOT PWB
• P/J17, LVPS.
• Fuse, PL 1.10 Item 9, GP 7.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Tri-roll nip split solenoid, PL 10.14 Item 1.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-265 10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138
Inverter path solenoid

Inverter nip solenoid


Figure 1 Component location

5 Upper gravity

4 Lower gravity fingers

Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138 2-266 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Inverter sensor

Inverter nip split solenoid


Figure 3 Inverter assembly

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-267 10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-135, 10-136, 10-137, 10-138 2-268 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
10-315, 10-320, 10-321, 10-323, 10-340, 10-350, 10-360, 10- Before new components are installed, restore the NVM values to default.
Install new components as necessary:
365, 10-380 Fuser Over Temperature RAP • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
10-315 The difference between 2 consecutive thermistor readings exceeds a given value. 1.10 Item 2.
• LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3.
10-320 During standby or run mode, the thermistor reading is not within the target temperature
range. • Fuser Module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

10-321 Over temperature during standby mode, the thermistor reading is not within the target
temperature range

10-323 Over temperature during run mode, the thermistor reading is not within the target tem- Web drive Pin 1
gear Pin 5
perature range.

10-340 Fuser temperature sensor A reading monitors above its normal operating temperature.
Pin 6
10-350 The hardware comparator detects a fuser reading greater than 240 degrees centigrade
or a short circuit thermistor. Pin 8

10-360 Fuser temperature sensor B reading is greater than the normal operating temperature.
Pin 7
Pin 2
10-365 The fuser module is above the recommended operating temperature.

10-380 The fuser delta value between the temperature sensors A and B is to high. Pin 9
Pin 3
Pin 4 Pin 10
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Initial Actions
• If a number of 10-321 fault codes, are in the fault history. Check if the customer has been PJ100
running transparency jobs of nominal papers at card stock settings. This fault can be gen-
erated when the temperature changes between the standby and run. This is a normal
function of the machine and should not effect the customer operation.
• Check that the fuser temperature NVM settings in dC131, are set to default. Refer to NVM
location 10-028 though to 10-061 and location 08-282 through to 08-295. Ensure that the
values are set to the default level. If the values are not at default then, 10-320, 10-321, Fuser drive
10-340 and 10-360 may appear in the fault log. gear
• Check the fuser module connector, Figure 1.
• Check the fuser connector assembly, Figure 2.
Figure 1 Component location

Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The display shows Ready to
Refer to Figure 5. Go to Flag 1. The voltage at the temperature sensors A and B should
be 2.9 volts when the sensors are cold. In standby mode the voltage should be 0.78 to
0.98 volts. Refer to:
• P/J35, IOT PWB.
• 01D +3.3 V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-269 10-315, 10-320, 10-321, 10-323, 10-340, 10-350, 10-
Pin 5

Pin 6

Pin 8
Pin 1

Pin 7
Pin 2

Pin 3 Pin 9

Pin 4 Pin 10



Figure 3 Component location 35 ppm

Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-315, 10-320, 10-321, 10-323, 10-340, 10-350, 10-360, 2-270 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Figure 4 Component location 40-90 ppm

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-271 10-315, 10-320, 10-321, 10-323, 10-340, 10-350, 10-
Figure 5 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-315, 10-320, 10-321, 10-323, 10-340, 10-350, 10-360, 2-272 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
10-322, 10-324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-370 Fuser Under WARNING
Temperature RAP Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.

10-322 Under temperature during standby mode, the thermistor reading is not within the target NOTE: The voltage will be 100% of the ACL voltage when the machine is switched on from
temperature range cold and pulse between 60% and 100% during standby.

10-324 under temperature during run mode, the thermistor reading is not within the target tem- Go to Flag 2 and check for ACL at PJ24. Switch on the machine, GP 14. ACL is available at
PJ24 between pin 1 and 3, and between pin 4 and 6.
perature range
10-325 The fuser control task watchdog timer has not been reset within a specified period. Install new components as necessary.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
10-330 The initial fuser temperature rise was not achieved within 30 seconds from the start of 1.10 Item 2.
warm up mode or the standby temperature was not reached within 150 seconds. • If the fault still occurs, install a new LVPS and base module, PL 1.10 Item 3

10-370 During power save mode, the thermistor reading is not within the target value, after the Go to Flag 1. With the fuser cold, check for +2.9V at pin 1 and at pin 2. +2.9V is available at
fuser has cooled to the power save temperature. both pins.
WARNING Go to Flag 1. Refer to:
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. • P/J35, IOT PWB.
Initial Actions • 01D +3.3 V Distribution RAP.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. • 01B 0V Distribution RAP
• If a number of 10-322 fault codes, are in the fault history. Check if the customer has been Install new components as necessary.
running transparency jobs of nominal papers at card stock settings. This fault can be gen- • Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
erated when the temperature changes between the standby and run. This is a normal 1.10 Item 2.
function of the machine and should not effect the customer operation.
• Check that the fuser temperature NVM settings in dC131, are set to default. If the fuser Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
temperatures are not set to default, 10-322 may appear in the fault log.

Switch off the machine GP 14. Remove the fuser module and check the continuity between pin
1 and pin 2 and between pin 3 and pin 4 on the fuser module connector, Figure 1. There is
Install a new fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.

Install the fuser module and disconnect PJ24, (35 ppm) Figure 3, (40-90 ppm) Figure 4. Go to
Flag 2 and check for continuity between pin 1 and 3 and between pins 4 and 6 at the harness
end. There is continuity.
Check the fuser connector assembly, Figure 2. If necessary, install a new fuser connector
assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 9, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 9.

Connect PJ24, (35 ppm) Figure 3, (40-90 ppm) Figure 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-273 10-322, 10-324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-370
Web drive Pin 1
Pin 5

Pin 5
Pin 6

Pin 6
Pin 7

Pin 7
Pin 2 Pin 8 Pin 1

Pin 2 Pin 8
Pin 9
Pin 3

Pin 10 Pin 3 Pin 9

Pin 4

P/J 100 Pin 4 Pin 10

P/J 100

Fuser drive

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-322, 10-324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-370 2-274 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family




Figure 3 Component location 35 ppm Figure 4 Component location 40-90 ppm

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-275 10-322, 10-324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-370
Figure 5 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10-322, 10-324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-370 2-276 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
10-399 Fuser Authorization Failure RAP 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP
10-399 The fuser CRUM failed the authorization check. Use this RAP when the fuser web motor is suspected of having failed. Indications of motor fail-
ure are contaminated stripper fingers and fuser roll. This fault may also cause paper jams in
The authorization check is performed to ensure that the fuser installed in the system is compat- the inverter.
ible with the machine configuration: 50Hz or 60Hz.
WARNING Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot. Initial Actions
Procedure • Check the fuser web motor drive coupling, Figure 2.
Install a new Fuser module that matches the machine configuration. • Check the fuser drawer connector, Figure 1.
• Fuser module (35-55 ppm), PL 10.8 Item 1.
• Fuser module (65-90 ppm), PL 10.10 Item 1. Procedure
NOTE: The door interlock switch must be cheated when checking +24V components.

The web motor does not run continuously. It is pulsed on for multiples of 0.9 seconds duration.
The pulsing of the motor is felt or heard during the print mode.
Enter dC330 code 10-010 fuser web motor, MOT10-010. The movement is very slow (approxi-
mately 0.1 rev per minute). The motor runs.
Go to Flag 1. Check MOT10-010. Refer to:
• Figure 1.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J154, Main Drives PWB.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Fuser web motor assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 1.
• Fuser web motor assembly, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 1.
• Main drives module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1.
• Main drives module, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
• Perform OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP before a new IOT PWB is installed, PL
1.10 Item 2.

Check the following:

• Drive coupling on the fuser web motor shaft, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 1.
• Drive coupling on the fuser web motor shaft, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 1.
• Drive coupling on the web assembly, Figure 2.
The life expectancy of the fuser web is the same as the Fuser module. Install new Fuser mod-
ule, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-277 10-399, 10A
Fuser drawer

Drive coupling for

the web assembly

Fuser drawer
connector Fuser module
Fuser web motor P/J100
assembly Fuser drive gear

Figure 2 Component location

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

10A 2-278 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-005-110, 11-006-110, 11-310-110, 11-311-110 Front Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Tamper Move Failure RAP
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
11-005-110 Front tamper fails to move to the front position.
• P/J312, 2K LCSS PWB.
11-006-110 Front tamper fails to move to the rear position. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
11-310-110 Front tamper not at the front home position. Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Tamper assembly, PL 11.16 Item 1.
11-311-110 Front tamper not at the rear home position.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. Enter dC330 code 11-310, actuate the front tamper home sensor. The display changes.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. Refer to:
Initial Actions • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• Figure 1. Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the tamper assembly from • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
operating correctly. If necessary, install a new tamper assembly, PL 11.16 Item 1. • P/J312, 2K LCSS PWB.
• Jams can be caused by removing prints from bin 1 before the machine has finished print- • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
ing. If the tampers are touched while they are moving, they may stall and cause the
Repair or install new components as necessary:
machine to shutdown. The resulting shutdown can cause un-clearable jams in the finisher
and the tray 3 and tray 4 to paper path interface. • Front tamper home sensor, PL 11.16 Item 3.
• Jams can also be caused if the tray settings do not match the paper in the trays. Make • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
sure the tray settings are correct.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• Check the condition and the tension of the front tamper drive belt. Tensioning is achieved
by a spring on the motor, the motor should be free to move.
Front tamper home
• If there is a large jam of paper above bin 1 that has obstructed the tampers, this has prob- sensor Q11-310
ably been caused by poorly stacked sets failing to actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor.
Perform the following:
– Check the paper for defects that could degrade the tamping operation e.g. curl,
paper condition, buckling or paper type. Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
– Check the operation of the paddle roll, refer to 11-024-110, 11-025-110 Paddle Roll
Failure RAP.
– Check the operation of the bin 1 upper level sensor, refer to 11-030-110, 11-334-110,
11-335-110, 11-336-110 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP.
– Refer to the 11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP.
– Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP
Switch Settings RAP.

NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors. Front tamper motor
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state MOT-003 (located at
the rear)
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, codes 11-003 and 11-005 alternately The front tamper moves between the
home and inboard positions, Figure 1.
Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 2. Check the front tamper motor, MOT11-003.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-279 11-005-110, 11-006-110, 11-310-110, 11-311-110
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-005-110, 11-006-110, 11-310-110, 11-311-110 2-280 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11-319-110 Procedure
Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.
11-007-110 Rear tamper fails to move to the front position.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
11-008-110 Rear tamper fails to move to the rear position.
Enter dC330, codes 11-004 and 11-006 alternately. The rear tamper moves between the
11-312-110 Rear tamper is not at the front home position. home and inboard positions, Figure 1.
11-313-110 Rear tamper is not at the rear home position. Go to Flag 3. Check the rear tamper motor, MOT11-004.
Refer to:
11-319-110 Rear tamper is not at the away home position. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
NOTE: The away home position is with the rear tamper approximately halfway along it’s travel.
• P/J312, 2K LCSS PWB.
WARNING • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. Repair or install new components as necessary:
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. • Tamper assembly, PL 11.16 Item 1.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Initial Actions
Enter dC330 code 11-311, actuate the rear tamper home sensor Q11-311. The display
• Figure 1. Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the tamper assembly from
operating correctly. If necessary, install a new tamper assembly, PL 11.16 Item 1.
• Jams can be caused by removing prints from bin 1 before the machine has finished print- Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-311.
ing. If the tampers are touched while they are moving, they may stall and cause the Refer to:
machine to shutdown. The resulting shutdown can cause un-clearable jams in the finisher
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
and the tray 3 and tray 4 to paper path interface.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• Jams can also be caused if the tray settings do not match the paper in the trays. Make
• P/J312, 2K LCSS PWB.
sure the tray settings are correct.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• Check the condition of the front tamper drive belt and that it is correctly tensioned. Ten-
sioning is achieved by a spring on the motor, the motor should be free to move. Repair or install new components as necessary:
• If there is a large jam of paper above bin 1 that has obstructed the tampers, this has prob- • Rear tamper home sensor, PL 11.16 Item 3.
ably been caused by poorly stacked sets failing to actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Perform the following:
– Check the paper for defects that could degrade the tamping operation e.g. curl, NOTE: The away home position is used for short edge feed small paper. This saves unneces-
paper condition, buckling or paper type. Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP. sary rear tamper travel.
– Check the operation of the paddle roll, refer to 11-024-110, 11-025-110 Paddle Roll Enter dC330, actuate the rear tamper away home sensor Q11-319. The display changes.
Failure RAP. Y N
– Check the operation of the bin 1 upper level sensor, refer to 11-030-110, 11-334-110, Go to Flag 2 and check Q11-319.
11-335-110, 11-336-110 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP. Refer to:
– Refer to the 11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
– Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP • GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
Switch Settings RAP. • P/J312, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Rear tamper away home sensor, PL 11.16 Item 3.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-281 11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11-
Rear tamper motor
MOT11-004 (located at
the front)

Rear tamper
away home

Rear tamper home


Figure 1 Component Location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11- 2-282 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-283 11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11-
11-024-110, 11-025-110 Paddle Roll Failure RAP Enter dC330, code 11-025 and stack the code 11-326, to actuate the paddle roll position sen-
sor Q11-326. The display cycles high/low.
11-024-110 The paddle is not at the home position.
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-326.
11-025-110 The paddle fails to rotate.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
NOTE: The paddle is in the home position when the sensor flag is located between the sensor
jaws. If a jam occurs in the compiler, bin 1 will not be available. • GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• Figure 1.
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
• Paddle roll position sensor, PL 11.8 Item 11.
Initial Actions • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Check the following:
• That there is no paper or other obstructions in the vicinity of the paddle. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• The paddle roll position sensor bracket is holding the sensor in the correct position, i.e.
the flag is in the middle of the sensor gap and the sensor does not touch any moving com- Paddle roll position
• Check that paper type is set correctly. If heavyweight paper is used but not set in the UI,
the compiler capacity can be exceeded. Refer to 11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets
and Non-stapled Sets RAP.
• Check the position of the paddles. With the paddle roll in the home position both sets of
paddles must be within the output cover, if they are not, refer to REP 11.12-110 Paddle
Wheel Shaft Assembly. If any of the paddles are out of alignment to other paddles, install
a new paddle wheel shaft assembly, PL 11.8 Item 4.
• 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings

NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, codes 11-024, paddle home position and 11-025, paddle run. The paddle
rotates correctly.
Go to Flag 2. Check the paddle motor, MOT 11-024. Paddle motor
Refer to: MOT11-024
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• Figure 1.
• P/J310, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP Figure 1 Component location
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Paddle motor, PL 11.8 Item 10.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-024-110, 11-025-110 2-284 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-285 11-024-110, 11-025-110
11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110 Bin 1 Procedure
Movement Failure RAP NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.
11-030-110 Bin 1 fails to move.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
11-334-110 Bin 1 has reached the upper limit of travel.
Remove the 2K LCSS rear cover. Enter dC330 code 11-336, bin 1 motor encoder sensor Q11-
11-335-110 Bin 1 has reached the lower limit of travel. 336, slowly rotate the encoder disk by hand. The display changes.
11-336-110 Bin 1 is not at the home position. Go to Flag 2 and check Q11-336.
Refer to:
NOTE: The home position of bin 1 is when bin 1 is actuating the bin 1 lower level sensor. See • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
the final actions at the end of the procedure.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Three sensors and two switches monitor the level of paper in bin 1 and the position of the tray:
• P/J304, 2K LCSS PWB.
• The bin 1 upper level sensor, the highest of two sensors that detect the top of the paper
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
stack in bin 1, or the empty bin 1, Figure 1.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• The bin 1 90% full sensor detects when the tray has descended to a position where the
• Bin 1 motor encoder sensor Q11-336, PL 11.10 Item 11.
tray is 90% full, Figure 2.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
• The bin 1 lower level sensor, the lowest of two sensors that detects when paper is
removed from bin 1, Figure 1.
Enter dC330 code 11-033. Bin 1 cycles down and up.
• Bin 1 upper limit switch, S11-334, Figure 2.
• Bin 1 lower limit switch, S11-335, Figure 2. Go to Flag 1. Check the bin 1 elevator motor, MOT11-030.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
• P/J318, 2K LCSS PWB.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions Repair or install new components as necessary:
Perform the following: • Bin 1 elevator motor MOT11-030, PL 11.10 Item 8
• Check for a physical obstruction that would prevent bin 1 from moving, such as an item of • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
• Check that bin 1 is level front to back, if necessary perform ADJ 11.1-110 2K LCSS Bin 1 Figure 1, enter dC330, code 11-332. Actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor Q11-332. The dis-
Level. play changes.
• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Y N
Switch Settings RAP. Go to Flag 4 and check Q11-332.
• Refer to the 11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. Refer to:
• If there is a large jam of paper above bin 1, this has probably been caused by poorly • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
stacked sets failing to actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Perform the relevant check: • P/J314, 2K LCSS PWB.
• If paper is overflowing the tray when it is at the lower limit, check the tray 90% full sensor. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• If paper cannot be fed to bin 1 when it is at the highest position, check the bin 1 paper • REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-docking.
sensor - low and bin 1 paper sensor - high. Repair or install new components as necessary:
Check the front and rear bin 1 drive belts. If necessary install new components, PL 11.10 Item • Bin 1 upper level sensor Q11-332, PL 11.12 Item 3.
1. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Figure 1, enter dC330, code 11-333. Actuate the bin 1 lower level sensor Q11-333. The dis-
play changes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110 2-286 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Y N • 11D-110, 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Go to Flag 3 and check Q11-333. Repair or install new components as necessary:
Refer to: • Bin 1 90% full sensor Q11-331, PL 11.10 Item 5.
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J314, 2K LCSS PWB. As final actions, check the following sequence of operation:
• 11D-110, 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. • When bin 1 is empty and at the top, the bin 1 lower level sensor, Q11-333 is actuated by
• REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-docking. the edge of the tray and the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is de-actuated.
Repair or install new components as necessary: • Paper is delivered to the tray until the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is actuated.
• Bin 1 lower level sensor Q11-333, PL 11.12 Item 3. • The motor lowers the tray until the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is de-actuated.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1. • As the tray is lowered to accommodate the increase in stack height, the Bin 1 lower level
sensor, Q11-333 is held actuated by the stack rear edge.
Figure 2. Enter dC330 code 11-334. Actuate the bin 1 upper limit switch, S11-334. The dis- • When the tray is emptied, the tray returns to the home position; the bin 1 lower level sen-
play changes. sor, Q11-333 is de-actuated and the tray is elevated until both the bin 1 lower level sensor,
Y N Q11-333 and bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 are made. The tray is then lowered until
Go to Flag 5 and check S11-334. the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is just cleared. In the home position the bin one
Refer to: upper limit switch, S11-334 is also actuated.
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
Bin 1 lower level sensor
• P/J315, 2K LCSS PWB. Q11-333
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 upper limit switch, PL 11.10 Item 3. Bin 1 upper level sensor
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1. Q11-332

Enter dC330 code 11-335, actuate the bin 1 lower limit switch, S11-335. The display
Go to Flag 6 and check S11-335.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J317, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Generation RAP.
• REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-docking.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 lower limit switch, PL 11.12 Item 1.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 11-331, actuate the bin 1 90% full sensor, Q11-331. The display changes.
Go to Flag 7 and check Q11-331.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Figure 1 Component location
• P/J316, 2K LCSS PWB.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-287 11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110
Bin 1 upper limit
switch, S11-334.

Bin 1 90% full sensor


Bin 1 motor encoder

sensor Q11-336

Bin 1 elevator motor


Bin 1 lower limit switch, S11-335.

Figure 2 Component location Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110 2-288 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-289 11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110
11-043-110, 11-350-110 Hole Punch Operation Failure RAP • P/J307, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
11-043-110 The hole punch fails to perform a punch cycle.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
11-350-110 The hole punch is not at the home position. • Punch head home sensor, PL 11.6 Item 1.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. Enter dC330 code 11-043. The punch cycles.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Go to Flag 3. Check the hole punch motor MOT11-042.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Refer to:
Initial Actions • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP • GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
Switch Settings RAP.
• P/J311, 2K LCSS PWB.
• Check that the hole punch is present and correctly installed.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• Check that the punch has not jammed in the down position. This can occur with transpar-
Repair or install new components as necessary:
encies and labels.
• Hole punch motor assembly, PL 11.6 Item 2.
NOTE: The home position of the punch unit is when the cut-out in the actuator is between • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
the punch head home sensor jaws.
NOTE: The chad bin collects the pieces of paper cut out by the hole punch. The chad bin level
Procedure sensor will not operate if the tray is incorrectly installed. Ensure the chad bin is fully inserted
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state and the lever engages in the slot.
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
Enter dC330, code 11-348. Figure 2, actuate the chad bin level sensor, Q11-348 using a strip
Go to Flag 5, check the link between P/J307 pins 10 and 11, 2K LCSS PWB. The link is of paper. The display changes.
good. Y N
Y N Go to Flag 4 and check Q11-340.
Repair the wiring or connector. Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Enter dC330, code 11-351, actuate the punch head present sensor, Q11-351, Figure 1. The • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
display changes.
• P/J307, 2K LCSS PWB.
Go to Flag 2 and check Q11-351. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Refer to: Install new components as follows.
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. • Chad bin level sensor, PL 11.6 Item 7.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
• P/J307, 2K LCSS PWB.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Punch head present sensor, PL 11.6 Item 1.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 11-350, actuate the punch head home sensor, Q11-350, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-350.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-043-110, 11-350-110 2-290 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Hole punch motor

Punch head home

Q11-350 Chad bin level sensor, Q11-348
Punch head present sensor

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-291 11-043-110, 11-350-110
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-043-110, 11-350-110 2-292 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-050-110, 11-360-110 Staple Head Operation Failure RAP Go to Flag 3 and check the SU1 safety gate switch, S11-365. Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
11-050-110 The staple head fails to cycle.
• GP 13, How to Check a Switch.
11-360-110 The staple head is not at the home position. • Figure 1.
• P/J311, P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB
NOTE: The home position is with the jaws of the staple head fully open. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
NOTE: Staple head operation faults can be caused by offline stapling failures. The user may • Ensure that the SU1 safety gate switch is correctly actuated by the switch actuator,
be attempting to staple a set that exceeds the number of sheets/weight capacity. There may PL 11.8 Item 3.
also be an offline stapling problem, refer to 11A-110 Offline Stapling Fault RAP.
NOTE: The switch is closed and supplies +24V to the staple head when the cam is
WARNING positioned either fully counterclockwise or fully clockwise. During off line stapling
when the safety gate is partly down, the cam is in the mid position, the switch is open
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
and +24V is not supplied to the staple head.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. Install new components as necessary:
CAUTION • Staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5.
Do not run code 11-050 without two sheets of paper in the stapler jaws. Running this code with- • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
out the paper in position can cause damage to the machine. • SU1 safety gate switch, PL 11.8 Item 1.
Initial Actions
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Check the following:

• Figure 1, the spring and cam are correctly located.
• Figure 1, the switch support bracket is correctly located.
• Figure 1, the safety gate switch connector is fully seated on both sides of the frame.
• The 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Set-
tings RAP.
• Figure 1, the staple head unit is correctly installed.
NOTE: Figure 1 shows the switch cam in the auto stapling position. To enable offline stapling,
the paddle motor is run in the reverse direction to lower the safety gate, this rotates the switch
cam in a counterclockwise direction, actuating the safety gate switch.

NOTE: After repairing the fault using this RAP, switch off the machine, then switch on the
machine, GP 14, to enable operation of the staple head.

NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Place two sheets of paper in the stapler jaws. Enter dC330, code 11-050 to cycle the staple
head once, and 11-051 to reverse the staple head to the home position. The staple head
operates as expected.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2, check the wiring and connectors between the 2K LCSS PWB
and the staple head. The wiring is good.
Repair the wiring.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-293 11-050-110, 11-360-110
Safety gate
switch connector

Switch support


Staple head including MOT11-

050 and staple head 1 home
sensor Q11-360
Switch cam

SU1 safety gate

switch, S11-365

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-050-110, 11-360-110 2-294 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-295 11-050-110, 11-360-110
11-053-110, 11-370-110 Staple Head Unit Movement Failure Enter dC330, code 11-370. Actuate the SU1 home sensor, Q11-370, by moving the stapler unit
to and from the home position using the green thumb-wheel. The display changes.
11-053-110 The staple head unit fails to move. Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-370.
Refer to:
11-370-110 The staple head unit is not at the home position. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11. How to check a sensor.
NOTE: The home position is when the staple head unit is at the corner stapling position (fully
• Figure 1.
to the front of the 2K LCSS and rotated through 45 degrees).
• P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB.
WARNING • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. Repair or install new components as necessary:
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. • SU1 home sensor, PL 11.20 Item 3.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Initial Actions
Enter dC330, code 11-021 to move the ejector assembly fully to the right. Enter code 11-371.
• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP
Actuate the SU1 front index sensor, Q11-371, by moving the stapler unit to and from the flag
Switch Settings RAP.
position (approximately 115mm (4.5 inches) from the front of the track) using the green thumb-
• Un-dock the 2K LCSS from the machine, REP 11.13-110, move the ejector assembly fully wheel. The display changes.
to the right, manually move the stapler unit along the full length of the track using the
green thumb-wheel. Check the home sensor flag and the two dual position flags for dam-
Go to Flag 2 and check Q11-371.
age, see NOTE. Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the stapling unit Refer to:
from moving. If necessary, install a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5 or a new stapler
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
traverse assembly, PL 11.20 Item 1.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
NOTE: For dual position stapling, the SU1 front index sensor uses two flags. • P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB.
• Dock the 2K LCSS to the machine. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
Procedure • SU1 front index sensor, PL 11.20 Item 3.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, code 11-021 to move the ejector assembly fully to the right. Enter code 11-055.
The stapling unit cycles back and forth along the track.
Go to Flag 3 and check MOT11-053.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• Figure 1.
• P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110. 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Stapler traverse assembly, PL 11.20 Item 1.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-053-110, 11-370-110 2-296 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
SU1 motor

SU1 front index

sensor Q11-371
SU1 home sensor

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-297 11-053-110, 11-370-110
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-053-110, 11-370-110 2-298 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-100-110 2K LCSS Paper Entry RAP
11-100-110 The leading edge of the sheet is late to the entry sensor Q11-100, Figure 1.

Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Initial Actions
Refer to the 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP.

Check the following:

• 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in the
• Check the input guide for damage or wear that could cause paper to jam.
• Paper jam in the machine to 2K LCSS paper path, ADJ 11.2-110 Machine to 2K LCSS
• IOT exit path and feed rolls.
• Feeding performance from a paper tray loaded with a new ream of paper.

Procedure Entry sensor

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Lower the paper entry guide assembly, PL 11.14 Item 8, to access the entry sensor. Enter
dC330, code 11-100. Actuate the entry sensor, Q11-100. The display changes.
Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-100.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J304, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Entry sensor, PL 11.24 Item 3.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-299 11-100-110
11-110-110 Sheet Late to Hole Punch RAP
11-110-110 Sheet late at the punch sensor.

Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Initial Actions
Check the following:
• The 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Set-
tings RAP.
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in the
• For a paper jam at the entrance to the 2K LCSS. Check that there is no obstruction that
would prevent a sheet from arriving in position for punching, refer to the 11H-110 Copy
Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP.
• The punch sensor, Q11-110 for chad debris, Figure 1.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-110. Actuate the punch sensor, Q11-110. The display
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-110.
Refer to:
Figure 2 Circuit diagram • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J307, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Punch sensor, PL 11.6 Item 7.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-100-110, 11-110-110 2-300 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Punch sensor Q11-110

Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-301 11-110-110
11-130-110, 11-132-110 Paper Exiting to Bin 0 RAP Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
11-130-110 The leading edge of the sheet is late to the top exit sensor.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
11-132-110 The trailing edge of the sheet is late from the top exit sensor. • P/J309, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
WARNING Repair or install new components as necessary:
Take care not to topple the LCSS. • Transport motor 2, PL 11.22 Item 5.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Initial Actions Enter dC330, code 11-002 to energize the diverter gate solenoid, S11-002, Figure 1. The
diverter gate solenoid energizes.
Check the following:
• 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings Go to Flag 2 and check SOL11-002.
RAP. Refer to:
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in the • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
tray. • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid.
• The tensioner on the intermediate paper drive belt. Check that the tensioner is free to • P/J306, 2K LCSS PWB.
move and that the tensioner pulley is free to rotate. If necessary lubricate the tensioner
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
and tensioner pulley, REP 11.3-110. Refer to GP 18 Machine Lubrication.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
NOTE: The tensioner arm and the tensioner pulley require different lubricants, refer to • Diverter gate solenoid, PL 11.22 Item 12.
REP 11.3-110.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
• The drive pulleys on both transport motor 1 and 2 are secure and do not slip on the motor
shaft. Enter dC330, code 11-130, actuate the top exit sensor, Q11-130, Figure 1. The display
• All the transport drive belts are correctly fitted and are in a good condition changes.
• All he transport rolls and idler pulleys are free to rotate.
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-130.
• The diverter gate and linkage for free movement. Refer to:
• A paper jam in the path to bin 0. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• Torn paper fragments from a previous jam clearance action. • GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• A paper jam in the path to the top tray. If the jams occur shortly after install. Check the gap • P/J313, 2K LCSS PWB.
between the entry guide cover, PL 11.24 Item 5 and the paper guide PL 11.22 Item 10. If
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
the gap is less than 1 mm, adjust or install a new entry guide cover. Refer to the replace-
ment procedure in REP 11.15-110. Repair or install new components as necessary:
Refer to the 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP and the 11J-110 Mis-Registration in • Top exit sensor, PL 11.22 Item 11.
Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

NOTE: Paper is diverted to bin 0 when the diverter gate solenoid is energized. Enter dC330, code 11-000 to energize the transport motor 1, MOT 11-000, Figure 1. The
Paper is fed to bin 1 when the diverter gate solenoid is de-energized. motor energizes.
Procedure Go to Flag 4 and check MOT 11-000.
Refer to:
NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state • GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested. • P/J305, 2K LCSS PWB.
Enter dC330, code 11-001 to run transport motor 2, MOT11-001, Figure 1. The motor runs. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Y N Repair or install new components as necessary:
Go to Flag 3 and check MOT11-001. • Transport motor 1, PL 11.14 Item 2.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-130-110, 11-132-110 2-302 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Top exit sensor


Diverter gate
Transport motor 2 S11-002

Transport motor 1
MOT 11-000

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-303 11-130-110, 11-132-110
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-130-110, 11-132-110 2-304 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-140-110, 11-142-110 Sheet Late to Bin 1 RAP Procedure
11-140-110 The leading edge of the sheet is late to the 2nd to top exit sensor, Q11-140. NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

11-142-110 The trailing edge of the sheet is late to the 2nd to top exit sensor, Q11-140. NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
WARNING Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-001 to energize the transport motor 2, MOT11-001. The
Take care not to topple the LCSS. motor energizes.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. Y N
Go to Flag 3 and check MOT11-001.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Refer to:
Initial Actions • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
NOTE: Paper is diverted to bin 0 when the diverter gate solenoid is energized. • GP 10, How to check a motor.
Paper is fed to bin 1 when the diverter gate solenoid is de-energized. • P/J309, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Check the following:
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings
RAP. • Transport motor 2, PL 11.22 Item 5.
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in all • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Enter dC330, code 11-002 to energize the diverter solenoid, S11-002. Energize the solenoid.
For trays 3 and 4, perform the following:
The diverter solenoid energizes.
– Select the systems settings button from the tools screen.
– Select the tray management button and stock settings. Go to Flag 4 and check SOL11-002.
– From the list, select tray 3. Select the change stock size button. Refer to:
– Select the paper size loaded in the tray. Select the save button. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
– Repeat for tray 4. • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
– Save the stock setting and exit the tools mode. • P/J306, 2K LCSS PWB.
• The tensioner on the intermediate paper drive belt. Check that the tensioner is free to • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
move and that the tensioner pulley is free to rotate. If necessary re-lubricate the tensioner Repair or install new components as necessary:
and tensioner pulley, REP 11.3-110. Refer to GP 18 Machine Lubrication.
• Diverter gate solenoid, PL 11.22 Item 12.
NOTE: The tensioner arm and the tensioner pulley require different lubricants, refer to • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
REP 11.3-110 for details
Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-140, actuate the 2nd to top exit sensor, Q11-140. The dis-
• That the drive pulleys on both transport motor 1 and 2 are secure and do not slip on the
play changes.
motor shaft.
• All the transport drive belts are correctly fitted and are in a good condition Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-140.
• All the transport rolls and idler pulleys are free to rotate. Refer to:
• The diverter gate and linkage for free movement. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• A paper jam in the path to bin 1, to the compiler, and for poor stacking on bin 1. • GP 11, How to Check a sensor.
• Ensure that the 2K LCSS is fully latched to the machine, refer to REP 11.13-110. • P/J313, 2K LCSS PWB.
• Torn paper fragments from a previous jam clearance action. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• If the paper has dog ear on the inboard corner, install TAG 005 Rear gravity gate mylar kit. Repair or install new components as necessary:
Refer to the 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP and the 11J-110 Mis-Registration in • 2nd to top exit sensor, PL 11.23 Item 4.
Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Enter dC330, code 11-000 to energize the transport motor 1, MOT 11-000. The motor ener-

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-305 11-140-110, 11-142-110
Go to Flag 2 and check MOT 11-000.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J305, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Transport motor 1, PL 11.14 Item 2.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

If the fault is still present, perform 11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11-319-
110 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP.

NOTE: A software problem can cause the machine to incorrectly display the fault code 11-142-

2nd to top
exit sensor

Diverter gate

Transport motor 2
Transport motor 1 MOT 11-000

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-140-110, 11-142-110 2-306 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-307 11-140-110, 11-142-110
11-300-110, 11-302-110, 11-303-110 Interlocks RAP • Enter dC330, code 11-302. Actuate the switch, if the display does not change, refer to:
– GP 13, How to Check a switch
11-300-110 The docking interlock is open during run mode.
– Figure 1.
11-302-110 The top cover interlock is open during run mode.
– P/J315, 2K LCSS PWB.
11-303-110 The front door interlock is open during run mode. • Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring between P/J315 and the switch.
WARNING • If necessary, install a new switch, PL 11.26 Item 6.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. 11-303-110 Front Door Interlock RAP
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. Check the front door interlock switch, S11-303 as follows:
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. • Check the switch actuator.
Initial Actions • Enter dC330, code 11-303. actuate the switch, if the display does not change, refer to:
• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP – GP 13, How to Check a switch
Switch Settings RAP. – Figure 1.
• Check the following: – P/J302, 2K LCSS PWB.
– The 2K LCSS is docked to the machine. • Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring between P/J302 and the switch.
– The 2K LCSS front door is closed. • If necessary, install a new switch, PL 11.26 Item 5.
– The 2K LCSS top cover is closed. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Go to Flag 1 and check for +24V on P/J302 pin 1. If the voltage is not present, refer to 11D-110
2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.

Go to the appropriate RAP:

• 11-300-110 Docking Interlock RAP
• 11-302-110 Top Cover Interlock RAP
Docking interlock switch
• 11-303-110 Front Door Interlock RAP S11-300
11-300-110 Docking Interlock RAP
Un-dock the 2K LCSS, REP 11.13-110, Check the docking interlock switch, S11-300 as fol-
• Check the interlock actuator on the machine is not damaged or missing.

NOTE: The wiring harness passes underneath the docking interlock switch housing. If
this harness is not correctly positioned, the switch can be mis-located, giving intermittent
docking interlock problems. Top cover
• Enter dC330, code 11-300. Actuate the switch, if the display does not change, refer to: switch
– GP 13, How to Check a Switch S11-302
– Figure 1.
– P/J302, 2K LCSS PWB.
• Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring between P/J302 and the switch. Front door interlock
• If necessary, install a new switch, PL 11.4 Item 2. switch S11-303
11-302-110 Top Cover Interlock RAP
Check the top cover interlock switch, S11-302 as follows:
• Check the switch actuator. Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-300-110, 11-302-110, 11-303-110 2-308 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-309 11-300-110, 11-302-110, 11-303-110
11-320-110, 11-322-110 Ejector Movement Failure RAP Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Ejector home sensor, Q11-320, PL 11.18 Item 3.
11-320-110 The ejector is not at the home position.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
11-322-110 The ejector fails to perform a cycle of operation.
Enter dC330, code 11-023 ejector cycle, check the operation of the ejector motor MOT11-020.
NOTE: A cycle of operation for the ejector is to cycle from the home position to the out position The ejector motor runs.
and back to the home position. Y N
Go to Flag 3. Check the ejector motor, MOT11-020.
WARNING Refer to:
Take care not to topple the LCSS. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. • GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. • Figure 1.
Initial Actions • P/J303, 2K LCSS PWB.
• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Switch Settings RAP. Repair or Install new components as necessary:
• Un-dock the 2K LCSS, REP 11.13-110, Check for any obstructions that would prevent the • Ejector assembly, PL 11.18 Item 1.
ejector from moving. Cheat the docking interlock switch. • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Procedure Enter dC330, code 11-023 ejector cycle, check the ejector cycles. Stack the code 11-320 ejec-
tor sensor home, then cycle the ejector. Stack the code 11-322 ejector sensor out, then cycle
NOTE: All 2K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors. the ejector. The ejector actuates the ejector home sensor and the ejector out sensor.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state Y N
Refer to GP 7, check the following components;
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
• Figure 1. Pulley/drive gear, PL 11.18.
Enter dC330, code 11-322, actuate the ejector out sensor, Q11-322. The display changes. • Ejector belt, PL 11.18 Item 5.
Install new components as necessary:
Go to Flag 2. Check Q11-322.
• Pulley/drive gear, PL 11.18.
Refer to:
• Ejector belt, PL 11.18 Item 5.
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. The ejector cycles noisily, colliding with the end stops.
• Figure 1. Y N
• P/J304, 2K LCSS PWB. Check the stapler to ensure the staples are correctly formed. Mis-formed staples can
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. cause the set to hang in the stapler causing ejector movement failures. The staples are
correctly formed.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Ejector out sensor, Q11-322, PL 11.18 Item 3. Clear the staple head of any mis-formed staples, then check the operation of the sta-
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1. pler. If necessary, install a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5.

Enter dC330, code 11-320, actuate the ejector home sensor, Q11-320. The display changes. If the ejector is still not moving, install a new ejector assembly, PL 11.18 Item 1.
Y N Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-320.
Refer to: Go to Flag 4. +5v is available at P/J304 between pins 7 and 8.
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. Y N
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Go to the 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• Figure 1.
Connect a service meter at P/J304 between pins 8 and 9. Slowly rotate the ejector motor
• P/J304, 2K LCSS PWB.
encoder. The voltage changes between +5V and 0V.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-320-110, 11-322-110 2-310 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Go to Flag 4. Check the wiring and connectors between the ejector motor encoder sensor
and the 2K LCSS PWB. If necessary repair the wiring, REP 1.2. If the wiring is good,
install a new ejector motor encoder sensor, PL 11.18 Item 3.

Perform the 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP, if necessary install a new 2K LCSS PWB,
PL 11.26 Item 1.

Pulley/drive gear

Ejector belt

Ejector out sensor


Ejector motor

Ejector motor
encoder sensor
Ejector home sensor

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-311 11-320-110, 11-322-110
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-320-110, 11-322-110 2-312 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-364-110 Stapling Failure RAP NOTE: If the SH1 priming sensor does not see staples in the primed position, the staple head
cycles a number of times to prime the staple head. This occurs when the 2K LCSS interlocks
11-364-110 Staples in the stapling head are not primed.
are made.

WARNING Follow the customer instruction label inside the 2K LCSS front door to remove the staple car-
tridge, slide out the top sheet of staples from the cartridge, to expose a fresh sheet of staples
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
on the top of the stack. Ensure the forming plate is fully closed, Figure 2. Install the staple car-
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. tridge and close the door. The stapler will now cycle a few times to feed and prime the new
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. sheet of staples. Open the door and remove the staple cartridge. Examine the sheet of staples
Initial Actions that have been fed to the staple forming part of the stapler, by opening the forming plate, Fig-
ure 3. The first two staples have been partially formed.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP
Install a new staple cartridge, PL 26.10 Item 11and repeat the check. If the first two sta-
Switch Settings RAP. ples are not partially formed, install a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5. Perform SCP
• Check the following: 6 Final Actions
– The staple cartridge has staples in it and is correctly installed,
– The leading staples in the staple head have been primed, Figure 2. Install a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
– Check that the sheets of staples in the cartridge are feeding one at a time. If staple
sheets overlap, they will jam in the cartridge. If necessary, install a new staple car-
tridge, PL 26.10 Item 11.

NOTE: The term “priming” refers to 2 staples at the front of the cartridge, that have been pre-
formed automatically by the action of the stapler, refer to Figure 2.

NOTE: The SH 1 low staples sensor, SH 1 cartridge sensor, SH 1 home sensor and the SH 1
priming sensor are all integral to the staple head unit. These sensors can be checked using
component control codes but they cannot be exchanged as components.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-361, actuate the SH 1 paper sensor, Q11-361. The display
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-361.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary: SH 1 paper
sensor Q11-361
• SH 1 paper sensor, PL 11.20 Item 4.
Staple head unit
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-313 11-364-110
Forming plate open Primed staples Forming plate fully closed

Figure 2 Staple cartridge open Figure 3 Staple cartridge closed

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-364-110 2-314 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-315 11-364-110
11A-110 Offline Stapling Fault RAP Y N
Perform the 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP, if necessary install a new 2K
Use this RAP when offline stapling fails to operate.
LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
NOTE: Due to customer difficulty with the offline stapler feature, the feature is no longer pro- Check the wiring between the 2K LCSS PWB and the offline staple PWB. The wiring is
moted. The button has had the staple symbol removed. Also the label that used to be on the good.
front, showing how to put sets in for stapling has been removed. However a customer who Y N
knows about this feature may still use it. Repair the wiring.
The functionality is still present to allow the customer to lower bin 1 to remove documents.
Install a new offline staple PWB, PL 11.26 Item 3.
Initial Actions
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Enter dC330, code 11-373, actuate the offline staple switch, S11-373. The display changes.
Check the following: Go to Flag 5 and check the wiring between the 2K LCSS PWB and the offline staple
• Figure 2, the spring and cam are correctly located. PWB. The wiring is good.
• Figure 2, the switch support bracket is correctly located. Y N
Repair the wiring.
• Figure 2, the safety gate switch connector is fully seated on both sides of the frame.
• The 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Set- Refer to the 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP, Install new components as neces-
tings RAP. sary:
• Figure 2, the staple head unit is correctly installed. • Offline staple PWB, PL 11.26 Item 3.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
NOTE: Figure 2 shows the switch cam in the auto stapling position. To enable offline stapling,
the paddle motor is run in the reverse direction to lower the safety gate, this rotates the switch Enter dC330, code 11-367, actuate the edge registration sensor, Q11-367. The display
cam in a counterclockwise direction, actuating the safety gate switch. changes.
Operation Go to Flag 2, and Flag 3, check Q11-120. Refer to:
Offline stapling should follow the following sequence: • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• The offline staple button is pressed. • GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• Bin 1 lowers to improve access to the stapler area. NOTE: The edge registration sensor Q11-367 that detects paper in position for sta-
• The front tamper moves into position to guide the set to be stapled. pling is an infra-red device. It has two parts, the receiver is mounted on the staple
• The set to be stapled is inserted fully into the throat of the stapler. traverse assembly and the LED is mounted on the sensor support assembly PL
• The SH 1 paper sensor, Q11-361 detects the set in the throat of the stapler. The edge reg- 11.12 Item 5.
istration sensor, Q11-367 detects the set in the centre of the compiler. The set is correctly
• Figure 1.
located for stapling when both sensors are made.
• P/J308 and P/J314, 2K LCSS PWB.
• The paddle motor drives in reverse to lower the safety gate until the safety gate interlock
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
switch is made. This process is a safety feature.
• REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-docking.
• The stapler is then cycled once to staple the set.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Edge registration sensor, PL 11.20 Item 8.
WARNING • 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
Enter dC330, code 11-361, actuate the SH1 paper sensor, Q11-361. The display changes.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. Go to Flag 6 and check Q11-361.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state Refer to:
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested. • 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
Enter dC330, code 11-374 to illuminate the offline staple LED. The LED is illuminated.
Y N • Figure 2.
Go to Flag 4, disconnect P/J312. +2V is available at P/J312 between pins B10 and • P/J308, 2K LCSS PWB.
B12 when the code is entered. • 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11A-110 2-316 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• SH 1 paper sensor, PL 11.12 Item 2. Offline staple switch S11-373
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1. Offline staple LED
Enter dC330, code 11-365, manually actuate the SU1 safety gate switch, S11-365. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 1, and check S11-365. Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 13, How to Check a Switch.
• Figure 2.
• P/J311, 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Safety gate interlock switch, PL 11.8 Item 1.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Enter dC330, code 11-026 to run the paddle motor in reverse. The switch cam is rotated
counter clockwise to it’s end stop.
Go to 11-024-110, 11-025-110 Paddle Roll Failure RAP.
If the stapler is still inoperative, install a new staple head unit, PL 11.20 Item 5.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Safety gate switch
Edge registration connector
sensor Q11-367

Switch support
SH1 paper sen-
sor Q11-361

traverse Staple head
assembly Spring
Edge reg-
LED Offline staple PWB

SU 1 safety gate Switch cam

switch S11-365

Ejector assembly
Figure 2 Component location

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-317 11A-110
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11A-110 2-318 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11B-110 Bin 1 Overload RAP
Use this RAP to resolve a fault on the bin 1 90% full sensor.

Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 2K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, code 11-331, actuate the bin 1 90% full sensor, Q11-331. The display
Go to Flag 1 and check Q11-331.
Refer to:
• 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11, How to Check a sensor.
• Figure 1.
• P/J316 2K LCSS PWB.
• 11D-110 2K LCSS Power Generation RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 90% full sensor, PL 11.10 Item 5.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Bin 1 90% full sensor


Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-319 11B-110
11C-110 2K LCSS Initialization Failure RAP • Staple head not at home, refer to 11-050-110, 11-360-110 Staple Head Operation Failure
When an initialization command is received from the machine, the units are initialized in two
• Stapling unit not at home, refer to 11-053-110, 11-370-110 Staple Head Unit Movement
Failure RAP.
• The following units are initialized sequentially:
• Ejector not at home, refer to 11-320-110, 11-322-110 Compiler Ejector Movement Failure
1. If the staple head is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position RAP.
2. If the stapling unit is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
3. If the ejector is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
• The following units are then initialized simultaneously:
1. If the front tamper is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
2. If the rear tamper is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
3. If the hole punch is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
4. If the paddle is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
5. If the stacker is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
NOTE: The staple cartridge must be fully pushed home.

Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Initial Actions Fuse
Check the fuse on the 2K LCSS PWB, If the fuse is good, continue at the procedure. If the fuse
not good, install a new 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Set-
tings RAP.
Remove the 2K LCSS covers, REP 11.1-110, so that the units can be viewed. Cheat the front
door interlock switch and the top cover interlock switch. Check that LED 2 is illuminated, this
shows that all interlocks are made. If the LED fails to illuminate, go to 11-300-110, 11-302-110, LED 2
11-303-110 Interlocks RAP.

Figure 1, Check that the software heartbeat is present on LED 1. The LED should flash twice Figure 1 LED location
per second if the 2K LCSS software is running. If necessary, re-load the 2K LCSS software,
refer to GP 4 Machine Software.

If the initialization sequence fails to place any unit at the home position, refer to the appropriate
• Front tamper not at home, refer to 11-005-110, 11-006-110, 11-310-110, 11-311-110 Front
Tamper Move Failure RAP
• Rear tamper not at home, refer to 11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-312-110, 11-313-110, 11-
319-110 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP.
• Paddle not at home, refer to 11-024-110, 11-025-110 Paddle Roll Failure RAP.
• Bin 1 not at home, refer to 11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110 Bin 1 Move-
ment Failures RAP.
• Punch not at home, refer to 11-043-110, 11-350-110 Hole Punch Operation Failure RAP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11C-110 2-320 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11D-110 2K LCSS Power Distribution RAP WARNING
The 2K LCSS has an integral power supply providing +24V and +5V supplies to the 2K LCSS Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or
PWB. The AC power for the 2K LCSS power supply comes from the LVPS and base module of rating of fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire.
the machine. Perform the following:
• Switch off the machine, GP 14.
WARNING • Go to Flag 3, disconnect all the +24V harnesses to components.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. • Check each harness for short circuits and overheating, GP 7.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. • Repair or install new components as necessary.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. • Install a new fuse F1 on the 2K LCSS PWB, switch on the machine, GP 14.
CAUTION • Monitor the voltage at the left end of the fuse and re-connect the circuits one at
Do not connect the finisher power cord directly to the AC wall outlet. The finisher cannot oper- a time. Energize the re-connected components using dC330 control codes.
ate without the machine. The machine controls the distribution of electricity to the finisher for • If the voltage drops below +22V, switch off the machine, GP 14. Re-check the
correct power on and power off sequencing. component and harness for overheating or short circuits. Repair or install new
Procedure components as necessary.

WARNING Perform the 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP, if necessary install a new 2K LCSS
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury. PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
Close or cheat all the 2K LCSS interlocks. LED 2 on the 2K LCSS PWB is illuminated.
Y N Go to Flag 2. +5V is available at P/J300 between pins 4 and 6, also between pins 7 and 8.
+24V is available at Fuse (F1) on the 2K LCSS PWB. Y N
Y N Disconnect P/J300. +5V is available at P/J300 between pins 4 and 6, also between
Go to Flag 2. +24V is available at P/J300 between pins 1 and 2, also between pins 7 and 8 on the end of the harness.
pins 5 and 3. Y N
Y N Loosen the 4 screws and lift the power supply module away from the 2K LCSS
Disconnect P/J300. +24V is available at P/J300 between pins 1 and 2, also frame. Go to Flag 1. ACL is available at CN1 between pins 1 and 3.
between pins 5 and 3 on the end of the harness. Y N
Y N Go to the 01C AC Power RAP and check the AC output voltages.
Figure 1. Loosen the 4 screws and lift the power supply module away from
the 2K LCSS frame. Go to Flag 1. ACL is available at CN1 between Check the wiring between CN2 and P/J300. The wiring is good.
pins 1 and 3. Y N
Y N Repair the wiring.
Go to the 01C AC Power RAP and check the AC output voltages.
Install a new power supply module, PL 11.26 Item 2.
Check the wiring between CN2 and P/J300. The wiring is good.
Y N Check for a short circuit or overload in the wiring or components connected to +5V on the
Repair the wiring. 2K LCSS PWB. Refer to GP 7.

Install a new power supply module, PL 11.26 Item 2. Perform the 11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP, if necessary install a new 2K LCSS PWB,
PL 11.26 Item 1.
Check for a short circuit or an overload in the wiring or components connected
to the +24V on the 2K LCSS PWB. Refer to GP 7.

+24 V is available at PJ315 pin 5 on the 2K LCSS PWB.

Go to the 11-300-110, 11-302-110, 11-303-110 Interlocks RAP.


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-321 11D-110
Power Supply

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11D-110 2-322 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-323 11D-110
11E-110 2K LCSS to Machine Communications Interface 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP
RAP To show the correct settings for the DIP switches on the 2K LCSS PWB.
All communications between the machine and 2K LCSS are conducted through a single inter-
face cable. WARNING
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
WARNING The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Take care not to topple the LCSS. Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine. Procedure
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS. Problems that can result from incorrect DIP switch settings are:
Procedure • False jam clearance instructions for the 2K LCSS and/or the machine exit area.
Check the 2K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Set- • Communication errors between the 2K LCSS and machine.
tings RAP. • Erratic behavior of the 2K LCSS.
Check the DIP switch settings, Figure 1. If necessary, switch off the machine, GP 14. Correct
Go to 03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 IOT to Output Device Error Rap.
the DIP switch setting, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Figure 1 DIP switch settings

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11E-110, 11F-110 2-324 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11G-110 2K LCSS PWB Damage RAP
Use this RAP to determine the cause of damage to the 2K LCSS PWB, so that the cause can
be repaired before a new 2K LCSS PWB is installed.

Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Initial Actions
Check the fuse on the 2K LCSS PWB, If the fuse is good, continue at the procedure. If the fuse
not good, install a new 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

The 2K LCSS PWB can be damaged by a component connected to it going short-circuit. If a
new 2K LCSS PWB is installed and power applied to the machine, the new 2K LCSS PWB will
be damaged in the same way. The cause of the damage must be found by following this proce-
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove the 2K LCSS PWB and inspect the components shown in Figure 1 for damage. The
damage to the component may be in the form of a crack, a small crater or a burnt patch. Refer
to Table 1 to locate the component causing the damage to the 2K LCSS PWB.

Figure 1 2K LCSS PWB components

Table 1 2K LCSS PWB Drive Components

PWB Driven Normal resistance Spared part and
component component measurement +/- 10% references
U10 Rear tamper PJ312 pin A1 to A3 = 29 ohms. Tamper assembly, PL 11.16
motor pin A1 to A4 = 29 ohms. pin A2 to Item 1. 11-007-110, 11-008-
A5 = 29 ohms. pin A2 to A6 = 29 110, 11-312-110, 11-313-
ohms. 110, 11-319-110 RAP
U11 Staple head PJ308 pin A8 to A10 = 20 ohms. Staple head unit, PL 11.20
motor pin A9 to A11 = 20 ohms Item 5. 11-050-110, 11-360-
110 RAP
U12 Front tamper PJ312 pin A7 to A9 = 29 ohms. Tamper assembly, PL 11.16
motor pin A7 to A10 = 29 ohms. pin A8 Item 1. 11-005-110, 11-006-
to A11 = 29 ohms. pin A8 to A12 110, 11-310-110, 11-311-110
= 29 ohms. RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-325 11G-110
Table 1 2K LCSS PWB Drive Components 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS RAP
2K LCSS Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of copy damage in the 2K LCSS.
PWB Driven Normal resistance Spared part and
component component measurement +/- 10% references WARNING
U14 Transport PJ305 pin 1 to 4 = 4 ohms. pin 1 Transport motor 1, PL 11.14 Take care not to topple the LCSS.
motor 1 to 5 = 4 ohms. pin 2 to 6 = 4 Item 2. 11-130-110, 11-132-
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
ohms. pin 2 to 3 = 4 ohms 110 RAP
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
U15 Transport PJ309 pin 1 to 4 = 1.3 ohms. pin Transport motor 2, PL 11.22
motor 2 1 to 5 = 1.3 ohms. pin 2 to 6 = 1.3 Item 5. 11-130-110, 11-132- Procedure
ohms. pin 2 to 7 = 1.3 ohms. 110 RAP WARNING
U16 Hole punch PJ311 pin 1 to 2 = 6 ohms Not spared. 11-043-110, 11- Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
motor 350-110 RAP from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
U17 Paddle motor PJ310 pin 1 to 3 = 29 ohms. pin 1 Paddle motor assembly, PL can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
to 4 = 29 ohms. pin 2 to 5 = 29 11.8 Item 10. 11-024-110, Check the following:
ohms. pin 2 to 6 = 29 ohms. 11-025-110 RAP
• Look for torn paper in the 2K LCSS paper path. Torn fragments can pass through the IOT
U18 SU1 motor PJ308 pin B9 to B11 = 20 ohms. Stapler traverse assembly, and 2K LCSS paper path without causing a problem until they finally wedge themselves at
(stapler index- pin B9 to B12 = 20 ohms. pin B10 PL 11.20 Item 1. 11-053-110, some point. A likely place for a piece of paper to be wedged is at the hole punch assem-
ing) to B13 = 20 ohms. pin B10 to 11-370-110 RAP bly, where the top and bottom guides form the narrowest part of the paper path.
B14 = 20 ohms.
• Ensure that the shaft diverter assembly, PL 11.22 Item 13, operates correctly and has full
U23 Ejector motor PJ303 pin 1 to 2 = 8 ohms Ejector assembly, PL 11.18 movement.
Item 1. 11-320-110, 11-322- • Ensure that the hole punches park at the fully open position. If they protrude even slightly,
110 RAP
a jam will occur in the narrow paper path of the hole punch.
Q1 Diverter gate PJ306 pin 1 to pin 2 = 74 ohms Diverter gate solenoid, PL
• Ensure that the jam clearance guide, PL 11.24 Item 6, closes and latches correctly. Check
solenoid 11.22 Item 12. 11-130-110,
that the magnet at the rear is located and functions correctly. Check the clip at the front is
11-132-110 RAP positioned correctly, Figure 1.
Q2, Q3, Q4, Bin 1 elevator PJ318 pin 1 to 2 = 7.7 ohms Bin 1 elevator motor, PL • Ensure that all idler rolls in the 2K LCSS paper path are free to rotate, particularly those
Q5 motor 11.10 Item 8. 11-030-110,
on the jam clearance guide, where the paper turns through 90 degrees.
11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-
• Ensure that the paper path ribs of the jam clearance guide, PL 11.24 Item 6, and the entry
336-110 RAP
guide cover, PL 11.24 Item 5, are free of “scores” and “nicks”. Check also for contamina-
tion and glue from label stock.
NOTE: If difficulty is found in connecting the service meter probes to the connector headers on
the 2K LCSS PWB, refer to the RAP quoted in Table 1 and make the measurement at another
point in the harness to the driven component.

If the defective driven component is found using the table checks, disconnect the connector
closest to the driven component, then check the driven component again to identify any short
circuit in the wiring to the driven component. Repair the wiring or install new parts as neces-

If the defective driven component can not be found using the table checks, refer to GP 7, check
each driven component to ensure that it is not seized. Motors should rotate reasonably easily.
Solenoid armatures should slide easily in the coil. Also check the drive components to ensure
that they rotate easily, if necessary install new parts.

When the a new driven component has been installed or the defective drive components have
been repaired, install a new 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11G-110, 11H-110 2-326 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11J-110 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled
Sets RAP
Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of mis-registration in stapled sets, resulting in
Check that the end of the spring staples missing some sheets in the set, or poorly registered non-stapled sets.
clip is positioned on the inside of
the frame.
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the LCSS.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
The most likely cause of mis-registration is paper condition and/or damage such as curl, wrin-
kle, creases, dog ears, etc.

Curl, wrinkle and creases are probably caused in the IOT, go to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.

Figure 1 Position of the spring clip For other copy/print damage and dog ears, go to the 11H-110 Copy Damage in the 2K LCSS

Check the following:

• Check that bin 1 is seated correctly and the bin 1 alignment clip is in position, PL 11.2
Item 13.
• Turn over the paper stack in the tray in use.
• Use a new ream of paper in the tray in use.
• Paper type especially recycled paper can lead to registration problems. Try changing to a
different brand or type of paper.
• Ensure that the guides in the paper trays are correctly set and reported on the UI for the
paper size loaded.
• Check that paper type is set correctly. If heavyweight paper is used but not set in the UI,
the compiler capacity can be exceeded.
• Check for obstructions in the compiler.
• Ensure that the paddle roll operates correctly and that the paddles are not damaged. The
paddles should park completely inside the top section of the compiler, with the shorter
paddle in a vertical position. If all of the paddles are out of position, check the paddle roll
position sensor, PL 11.8 Item 11, the flag, PL 11.8 Item 7 and the paddle motor assembly,
PL 11.8 Item 10. If only one paddle is mis-aligned with the others, it can be re-positioned
by hand (they are not bonded to the shaft).
• Make sure the paddles are clean. If necessary, use formula A cleaning fluid, PL 26.10
Item 2 to clean the paddles.
• Ensure that the tampers operate correctly, i.e. are not stalling or losing position during the
job. Inspect the tampers for damage, if necessary install new parts. PL 11.16.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-327 11H-110, 11J-110
• Inspect the bin 1 entry nips for roll damage. The idlers should be held against the rubber 11K-110 2K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP
driving rolls and they should be free to rotate within their support springs. If necessary,
Use this RAP to find the cause of poor stacking in the 2K LCSS.
install new parts, PL 11.23.
• Inspect the four spring loaded guides on the output cover, PL 11.2 Item 7. Ensure that
they are correctly located and are free to move up and down.
Check the following;
• Look for sets that are not dropping back fully in bin 1 and therefore not operating the bin 1
level sensors:
– Large paper sizes should not be stacked on top of small paper sizes.
– Ensure that the paper stack in each paper tray has been fanned.
– Turn over the paper stack in each paper tray.
– Ensure that all paper or other copy stock being used is within the size and weight
specifications. Refer to GP 20 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
– Try using a fresh ream of paper.
– Ensure that the edge guides of all paper trays are adjusted correctly for the paper
size and that the trays are fully closed.
– Check that bin 1 is seated correctly and the bin 1 alignment clip is in position, PL
11.2 Item 13.
• Labels must not be fed to bin 1, but to bin 0 only.
• It is recommended that transparencies are fed to bin 0 whenever possible.
• Check that bin 1 is level front to back, if necessary perform ADJ 11.1-110 2K LCSS Bin 1
• Check that the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 and the bin 1 lower level sensor, Q11-
333 are working correctly. Refer to the 11-030-110, 11-334-110, 11-335-110, 11-336-110
Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP.
• Check the operation of the front and rear tampers. Refer to 11-005-110, 11-006-110, 11-
310-110, 11-311-110 Front Tamper Move Failure RAP and 11-007-110, 11-008-110, 11-
312-110, 11-313-110, 11-319-110 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP.
• Check that the output device is not near an air conditioning or ventilation output duct. Air
flow across the output bins can cause poor stacking.
• Check if Mod. TAG F-013 LCSS bin 1 kit is installed on the finisher.
– Machine that regularly process large stacks of A4/8.5x11 inch LEF paper should
have the LCSS bin 1 W/TAG F-013 kit installed, PL 11.2 Item 16.
– Machines that regular process small stacks of A4/8.5x11 inch LEF, A3/11x17 inch
and A4/8.5x11 inch SEF paper should have the standard W/OTAG F-013 bin 1
installed, PL 11.2 Item 10.
• Check the output copies for curl, refer to IQ5.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11J-110, 11K-110 2-328 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-310-120, 11-311-120 Front • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
Tamper Move Failure RAP
• Tamper assembly, PL 11.112 Item 1.
11-005-120 Front tamper fails to move to the front position.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
11-006-120 Front tamper fails to move to the rear position.
Enter dC330 code 11-310. Actuate the front tamper home sensor, Q11-310. The display
11-310-120 Front tamper not at the front home position.
11-311-120 Front tamper not at the rear home position. Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-310.
Refer to:
Initial Actions • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Figure 1. Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the tamper assembly from
operating correctly. If necessary, install a new tamper assembly, PL 11.112 Item 1. • P/J16, 1K LCSS PWB.
• Jams can be caused by removing prints from bin 1 before the machine has finished print- • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
ing. If the tampers are touched while they are moving, they may stall and cause the Repair or install new components as necessary:
machine to shutdown. The resulting shutdown can cause un-clearable jams in the finisher • Front tamper home sensor, PL 11.112 Item 3.
and the tray 3 and tray 4 to paper path interface. • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
• Jams can also be caused if the tray settings do not match the paper in the trays. Make
sure the tray settings are correct. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• Check the condition and tension of the front tamper drive belt. Tensioning is achieved by a
spring on the motor, the motor should be free to move. Front tamper home
• If there is a large jam of paper above bin 1 that has obstructed the tampers, this has prob- sensor Q11-310
ably been caused by poorly stacked sets failing to actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor.
Perform the following:
– Check the paper for defects that could degrade the tamping operation e.g. curl,
paper condition, buckling or paper type. Refer to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
– Check the operation of the paddle roll, refer to 11-024-120, 11-025-120 Paddle Roll
Failure RAP.
– Check the operation of the bin 1 upper level sensor, refer to 11-030-120, 11-334-120,
11-335-120, 11-336-120 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP.
– Refer to the 11J-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP.
– Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP
Switch Settings RAP.

NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors. Front tamper motor
MOT11-003 (located at the
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state rear)
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, codes 11-003 and 11-005 alternately. The front tamper moves between the
home and inboard positions, Figure 1.
Y N Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 2. Check the front tamper motor, MOT11-003.
Refer to:
• 11G-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J9, 1K LCSS PWB.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-329 11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-310-120, 11-311-120
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-310-120, 11-311-120 2-330 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-312-120, 11-313-120, 11-319-120 Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
11-007-120 Rear tamper fails to move to the front position.
• P/J9, 1K LCSS PWB.
11-008-120 Rear tamper fails to move to the rear position. • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
11-312-120 Rear tamper is not at the front home position. • Tamper assembly, PL 11.112 Item 1.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
11-313-120 Rear tamper is not at the rear home position.
Enter dC330 code 11-311. Actuate the rear tamper home sensor Q11-311. The display
11-319-120 Rear tamper is not at the away home position. changes.
NOTE: The away home position is with the rear tamper approximately halfway along it’s travel.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-311.
Initial Actions Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• Figure 1. Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the tamper assembly from
operating correctly. If necessary, install a new tamper assembly, PL 11.112 Item 1. • GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• Jams can be caused by removing prints from bin 1 before the machine has finished print- • P/J16, 1K LCSS PWB
ing. If the tampers are touched while they are moving, may stall and cause the machine to • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
shutdown. The resulting shutdown can cause un-clearable jams in the finisher and the Repair or install new components as necessary:
tray 3 and tray 4 to paper path interface. • Rear tamper home sensor, PL 11.112 Item 3.
• Jams can also be caused if the tray settings do not match the paper in the trays. Make • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
sure the tray settings are correct.
• Check the condition and tension of the front tamper drive belt. Tensioning is achieved by a NOTE: The away home position is used for short edge feed small paper. This saves unneces-
spring on the motor, the motor should be free to move. sary rear tamper travel.
• If there is a large jam of paper above bin 1 that has obstructed the tampers, this has prob-
Enter dC330. Actuate the rear tamper away home sensor Q11-319. The display changes.
ably been caused by poorly stacked sets failing to actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor.
Perform the following: Y N
Go to Flag 2. Check Q11-319.
– Check the paper for defects that could degrade the tamping operation e.g. curl,
Refer to:
paper condition, buckling or paper type. Refer to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
– Check the operation of the paddle roll, refer to 11-024-120, 11-025-120 Paddle Roll
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
Failure RAP.
• P/J16, 1K LCSS PWB
– Check the operation of the bin 1 upper level sensor, refer to 11-030-120, 11-334-120,
11-335-120, 11-336-120 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP. • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
– Refer to the 11J-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. Repair or install new components as necessary:
– Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP • Rear tamper away home sensor, PL 11.112 Item 3.
Switch Settings RAP. • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Procedure Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, codes 11-004 and 11-006 alternately. The rear tamper moves between the
home and inboard positions, Figure 1.
Go to Flag 3. Check the rear tamper motor, MOT11-004.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-331 11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-312-120, 11-313-120, 11-
Rear tamper motor
MOT11-004 (located
at the front)

Rear tamper away

home sensor

Rear tamper home


Figure 1 Component Location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-312-120, 11-313-120, 11- 2-332 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-333 11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-312-120, 11-313-120, 11-
11-024-120, 11-025-120 Paddle Roll Failure RAP Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
11-024-120 The paddle is not at the home position.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
11-025-120 The paddle fails to rotate. • Figure 1.
NOTE: The home position of the paddle is when the sensor flag is located between the sensor • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP
jaws. Jams will occur in the compiler and bin 1 cannot be used.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
Initial Actions • Paddle roll position sensor, PL 11.104 Item 11.
Check the following: • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
• That there is no paper or other obstructions in the vicinity of the paddle.
• The paddle roll position sensor bracket is holding the sensor in the correct position, i.e. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
the flag is in the middle of the sensor gap and the sensor does not touch any moving com-
ponents. Paddle roll position
• Check that paper type is set correctly. If heavyweight paper is used but not set in the UI, sensor
the compiler capacity can be exceeded. Refer to 11H-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Q11-326
Sets and Non-stapled Sets RAP.
• Check the position of the paddles. With the paddle roll in the home position both sets of
paddles must be within the output cover, if they are not, refer to REP 11.10-120 Paddle
Wheel Shaft Assembly. If any of the paddles are out of alignment to other paddles, install Paddle motor
a new paddle wheel shaft assembly, PL 11.104 Item 4. MOT11-024
• 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings

NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, codes 11-024, paddle home position and 11-025, paddle run. The paddle
rotates correctly.
Go to Flag 2. Check the paddle motor, MOT 11-024.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• Figure 1.
• P/J14, 1K LCSS PWB.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP
Repair or install new components as necessary: Figure 1 Component location
• Paddle motor, PL 11.104 Item 10.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Enter dC330, code 11-025 and stack the code 11-326, to actuate the paddle roll position sen-
sor Q11-326. The display cycles high/low.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-326.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-024-120, 11-025-120 2-334 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-335 11-024-120, 11-025-120
11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120 Bin 1 Procedure
Movement Failure RAP NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.
11-030-120 Bin 1 fails to move.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
11-334-120 Bin 1 has reached the upper limit of travel.
Remove the 1K LCSS rear cover. Enter dC330 code 11-336, bin 1 motor encoder sensor Q11-
11-335-120 Bin 1 has reached the lower limit of travel. 336. Slowly rotate the encoder disk by hand. The display changes.
11-336-120 Bin 1 is not at the home position. Go to Flag 2. Check Q11-336.
Refer to:
NOTE: The home position of bin 1 is when bin 1 is actuating the bin 1 upper limit switch. See • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
the final actions at the end of the procedure.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Two sensors and two switches monitor the level of paper in bin 1 and the position of the tray
• The bin 1 upper level sensor detects the top of the paper stack in bin 1, Figure 1.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• The bin 1 90% full sensor detects when the tray has descended to a position where the
Repair or install new components as necessary:
tray is 90% full, Figure 2.
• Bin 1 motor encoder sensor Q11-336, PL 11.106 Item 11.
• Bin 1 upper limit switch, S11-334, Figure 2.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
• Bin 1 lower limit switch, S11-335, Figure 2.

Initial Actions Enter dC330 code 11-033, bin 1 elevator motor, MOT11-030. Bin 1 cycles down and up.
Perform the following:
Go to Flag 1. Check MOT11-030.
• Check for a physical obstruction that would prevent bin 1 from moving, such as an item of Refer to:
furniture. • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• Check that bin 1 is level front to back, if necessary perform ADJ 11.1-120 1K LCSS Bin 1 • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J12, 1K LCSS PWB
• Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Switch Settings RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• If the fault code is 11-030. Check that the screws to secure the motor damper and the
motor bracket are not loose. This will cause the encoder disc to move away from the • Bin 1 elevator motor, PL 11.106 Item 8.
encoder sensor. Push the motor bracket towards the encoder sensor and tighten the • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
screws. Refer to Figure 2.
• Refer to the 11H-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP. Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-332, bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332. Actuate Q11-332.
The display changes.
• If there is a large jam of paper above bin 1, this has probably been caused by poorly
stacked sets failing to actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor.
Go to Flag 3. Check Q11-332.
Perform the relevant check: Refer to:
• If paper is overflowing the tray when it is at the lower limit, check the tray 90% full sensor. • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• If paper cannot be fed to bin 1 when it is at the highest position, check the bin 1 paper • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
sensor - low and bin 1 paper sensor - high.
Check the front and rear bin 1 drive belts. If necessary install new components, PL 11.106 Item
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 upper level sensor Q11-332, PL 11.106 Item 5.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Figure 2. Enter dC330 code 11-334, bin 1 upper limit switch, S11-334. Actuate S11-334. The
display changes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120 2-336 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Go to Flag 4. Check S11-334.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 upper limit switch, PL 11.106 Item 3.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 11-335, bin 1 lower limit switch, S11-335, actuate S11-335. The display Bin 1 upper level
changes. sensor Q11-332
Go to Flag 5. Check S11-335.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J4, 1K LCSS PWB.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• REP 11.13-110 1K LCSS Un-docking.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 lower limit switch, PL 11.106 Item 11.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 11-331, bin 1 90% full sensor, Q11-331. Actuate Q11-331. The display
Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 6. Check Q11-331.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J2, 1K LCSS PWB.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 90% full sensor Q11-331, PL 11.106 Item 5.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

As final actions, check the following sequence of operation:

• When bin 1 is empty and at the top, bin 1 upper limit switch, S11-334 is actuated and the
bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is de-actuated.
• Paper is delivered to the tray until the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is actuated.
• The motor lowers the tray until the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is de-actuated.
• When the tray is emptied, the tray returns to the home position. In the home position the
bin one upper limit switch, S11-334 is actuated.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-337 11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120
Bin 1 upper limit
switch S11-334.

Bin 1 motor encoder

sensor Q11-336

Bin 1 elevator motor


Bin 1 elevator motor


Bin 1 lower limit switch

S11-335. Bin 1 90% full sensor

Figure 2 Component location

Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120 2-338 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-339 11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120
11-050-120, 11-360-120 Staple Head Operation Failure RAP
11-050-120 The staple head fails to cycle.

11-360-120 The staple head is not at the home position.

NOTE: The home position is with the jaws of the staple head fully open.

Do not run code 11-050 without two sheets of paper in the stapler jaws. Running this code with-
out the paper in position can cause damage to the machine.
Initial Actions
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Figure 1. Check the following:
– The 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch
Settings RAP.
– The staple head unit is correctly installed.

NOTE: After repairing the fault using this RAP, switch off the machine, then switch on the
machine, GP 14, to enable operation of the staple head.

NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Place two sheets of paper in the stapler jaws. Enter dC330, code 11-050, staple head motor 1,
to cycle the staple head once. The staple head operates as expected.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the wiring and connectors between the 1K LCSS PWB
and the staple head. The wiring is good.
Repair the wiring. Staple head including MOT11-050
and staple head 1 home sensor
Perform the following procedures:
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Staple head unit, PL 11.116 Item 5.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
Figure 1 Component location

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-050-120, 11-360-120 2-340 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-341 11-050-120, 11-360-120
11-100-120 1K LCSS Paper Entry RAP
11-100-110 The leading edge of the sheet is late to the entry sensor Q11-100.

Initial Actions
Refer to the 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP.

Check the following:

• 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in the
• Check the input guide for damage or wear that could cause paper to jam.
• Paper jam in the machine to 1K LCSS paper path.
• IOT exit path and feed rolls.
• Feeding performance from a paper tray loaded with a new ream of paper.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Figure 1. Lower the paper entry guide assembly, PL 11.110 Item 8, to access the entry sensor.
Enter dC330, code 11-100, entry sensor, Q11-100. Actuate Q11-100. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-100.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Entry sensor, PL 11.122 Item 3.
Entry sensor
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1. Q11-100

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-100-120 2-342 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-130-120, 11-132-120 Paper Exiting to Bin 0 RAP
11-130-120 The leading edge of the sheet is late to the top exit sensor.

11-132-120 The trailing edge of the sheet is late from the top exit sensor.

Initial Actions
Check the following:
• 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in the
• The tensioner on the intermediate paper drive belt. Check that the tensioner is free to
move and that the tensioner pulley is free to rotate. If necessary lubricate the tensioner
and tensioner pulley, REP 11.3-120. Refer to GP 18 Machine Lubrication.

NOTE: The tensioner arm and the tensioner pulley require different lubricants, refer to
REP 11.3-120.

• That the drive pulleys on both transport motor 1 and 2 are secure and do not slip on the
motor shaft.
• All the transport drive belts are correctly fitted and are in a good condition
• All the transport rolls and idler pulleys are free to rotate.
• The diverter gate and linkage for free movement.
• A paper jam in the path to bin 0.
• Paper fragments from a previous jam clearance action.
• A paper jam in the path to the top tray. If the jams occur shortly after install. Check the gap
between the entry guide cover, PL 11.122 Item 5 and the paper guide PL 11.118 Item 10.
If the gap is less than 1 mm, adjust or install a new entry guide cover. Refer to the
Figure 2 Circuit diagram replacement procedure in REP 11.13-120.
Refer to the 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP and the 11H-120 Mis-Registration in
Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP.

NOTE: Paper is diverted to bin 0 when the diverter gate solenoid is energized. Paper is fed to
bin 1 when the diverter gate solenoid is de-energized.

NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, code 11-001 transport motor 2, MOT11-001, Figure 1. MOT11-001 runs.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT11-001.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J16, 1K LCSS PWB.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-343 11-100-120, 11-130-120, 11-132-120
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Transport motor 2, PL 11.120 Item 13.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1. Top exit sensor
NOTE: The diverter gate solenoid remains energized for 5 seconds.
Enter dC330, code 11-002 diverter gate solenoid, SOL11-002. SOL11-002 energizes.
Go to Flag 2. Check SOL11-002.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Transport motor 2
• GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid.
• P/J13, 1K LCSS PWB
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Diverter gate solenoid, PL 11.118 Item 12.
Diverter gate
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1. solenoid S11-002

Enter dC330, code 11-130, top exit sensor, Q11-130. Actuate Q11-130. The display
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-130.
Refer to:
Transport motor 1
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. MOT 11-000
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Top exit sensor, PL 11.118 Item 11.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Enter dC330, code 11-000, transport motor 1, MOT11-000. MOT11-000 runs.

Go to Flag 4. Check MOT11-000.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J17, 1K LCSS PWB.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Component location
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Transport motor 1, PL 11.110 Item 2.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-130-120, 11-132-120 2-344 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-345 11-130-120, 11-132-120
11-140-120, 11-142-120 Sheet Late to Bin 1 RAP Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
11-140-120 The leading edge of the sheet is late to the 2nd to top exit sensor.
• GP 10, How to check a motor.
11-142-120 The trailing edge of the sheet is late to the 2nd to top exit sensor. • P/J16, 1K LCSS PWB.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Initial Actions Repair or install new components as necessary:
NOTE: Paper is diverted to bin 0 when the diverter gate solenoid is energized. Paper is fed to • Transport motor 2, PL 11.118 Item 5.
bin 1 when the diverter gate solenoid is de-energized. • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Check the following:

Enter dC330, code 11-002 diverter solenoid, SOL11-002. SOL11-002 energizes.
• 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings Y N
RAP. Go to Flag 4. Check SOL11-002.
• Ensure the paper tray guides are set to the correct position for the size of paper in all Refer to:
trays. • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
For trays 3 and 4, perform the following: • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid.
– Select the systems settings button from the tools screen. • P/J13, 1K LCSS PWB
– Select the tray management button and stock settings. • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
– From the list, select tray 3. Select the change stock size button. Repair or install new components as necessary:
– Select the paper size loaded in the tray. Select the save button. • Diverter gate solenoid, PL 11.22 Item 12.
– Repeat for tray 4. • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
– Save the stock setting and exit the tools mode.
• The tensioner on the intermediate paper drive belt. Check that the tensioner is free to Enter dC330, code 11-140 2nd to top exit sensor, Q11-140. Actuate Q11-140. The display
move and that the tensioner pulley is free to rotate. If necessary re-lubricate the tensioner changes.
and tensioner pulley. Refer to ADJ 4.1. Y N
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-140.
• That the drive pulleys on both transport motor 1 and 2 are secure and do not slip on the
motor shaft. Refer to:

• All the transport drive belts are correctly fitted and are in a good condition • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.

• All the transport rolls and idler pulleys are free to rotate. • GP 11, How to Check a sensor.

• The diverter gate and linkage for free movement. • P/J2, 1K LCSS PWB

• If the paper has dog ear on the inboard corner, install TAG 005 Rear gravity gate mylar kit. • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.

• A paper jam in the path to bin 1, to the compiler, and for poor stacking on bin 1. Repair or install new components as necessary:

• Ensure that the 1K LCSS is fully latched to the machine, refer to REP 11.11-120. • 2nd to top exit sensor, PL 11.120 Item 4.

• Torn paper fragments from a previous jam clearance action. • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Refer to the 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP and the 11H-120 Mis-Registration in
Enter dC330, code 11-000 transport motor 1, MOT11-000. MOT11-000 runs.
Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled Sets RAP.
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT11-000.
Procedure Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested. • GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J17, 1K LCSS PWB.
NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-001 transport motor 2, MOT11-001. MOT11-001 runs. Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Transport motor 1, PL 11.110 Item 2.
Go to Flag 3. Check MOT11-001.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-140-120, 11-142-120 2-346 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

2nd to top exit

sensor Q11-140

Transport motor 2

Diverter gate

Transport motor 1

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-347 11-140-120, 11-142-120
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-140-120, 11-142-120 2-348 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-300-120, 11-302-120, 11-303-120 Interlocks RAP • If necessary, install a new docking interlock switch, PL 11.102 Item 2.

11-300-120 The docking interlock is open during run mode. 11-302-120 Top Cover Interlock RAP
Check the top cover interlock switch, S11-302 as follows:
11-302-120 The top cover interlock is open during run mode. • Check the switch actuator.
• Enter dC330, code 11-302, top cover interlock switch, S11-302. Actuate S11-302. If the
11-303-120 The front door interlock is open during run mode. display does not change, refer to:
– GP 13, How to Check a switch
Initial Actions
– Figure 2.
Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch
Settings RAP.
• Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring between P/J5 and S11-302.
Check the following: • If necessary, install a new top cover interlock switch, PL 11.124 Item 6.
• The 1K LCSS is installed correctly, refer to REP 11.13-120. 11-303-120 Front Door Interlock RAP
• The 1K LCSS front door is closed. Check the front door interlock switch, S11-303 as follows:
• The 1K LCSS top cover is closed. • Check the switch actuator.
• Enter dC330, code 11-303, front door interlock switch, S11-303. Actuate S11-303. If the
Procedure display does not change, refer to:
– GP 13, How to Check a switch
NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested. – Figure 2.
Go to Flag 1. Check for +24V on P/J5 pin 1. If the voltage is not present, refer to 11C-120 1K
• Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring between P/J5 and S11-303.
LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• If necessary, install a new front door interlock switch, PL 11.124 Item 5.
Go to the appropriate RAP: Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• 11-300-120 Docking Interlock RAP
• 11-302-120 Top Cover Interlock RAP
• 11-303-120 Front Door Interlock RAP
11-300-120 Docking Interlock RAP
Take care not to topple the LCSS.
The LCSS is unstable when undocked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to undock the LCSS.
Undock the 1K LCSS, refer to REP 11.11-120. Figure 1, check the docking interlock switch,
S11-300 as follows:
• While supporting the 1K LCSS, slide the 1K LCSS 5cm (2 inches) away from the
machine. Check the interlock actuator on the machine is not damaged or missing.

NOTE: The wiring harness passes underneath the docking interlock switch housing. If
this harness is not correctly positioned, the switch can be mis-located, giving intermittent
docking interlock problems.

• Enter dC330, code 11-300, docking interlock switch, S11-300. While supporting the 1K
LCSS, slide the 1K LCSS 5cm (2 inches) away from the machine to de-actuate S11-300.
If the display does not change, refer to:
– GP 13, How to Check a Switch
• Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring between P/J5 and S11-300.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-349 11-300-120, 11-302-120, 11-303-120
Top cover
interlock switch

Front door interlock

switch S11-303

Figure 2 Component location

Docking interlock
switch S11-300

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-300-120, 11-302-120, 11-303-120 2-350 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-351 11-300-120, 11-302-120, 11-303-120
11-320-120, 11-322-120 Ejector Movement Failure RAP • 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
11-320-120 The ejector is not at the home position.
• Ejector home sensor, Q11-320, PL 11.114 Item 3.
11-322-120 The ejector fails to perform a cycle of operation. • 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

NOTE: A cycle of operation for the ejector is to move from the home position to the out position Enter dC330, code 11-023 to check the operation of the ejector motor, MOT11-020. MOT11-
and back to the home position. 020 runs.
Initial Actions Go to Flag 3. Check MOT11-020.
• Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Refer to:
Switch Settings RAP. • 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• Check for any obstructions that would prevent the ejector from moving. • GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• If the fault code is 11-322. Check that the screws to secure the motor damper and the • Figure 1.
motor bracket are not loose. This will cause the encoder disc to move away from the • P/J15, 1K LCSS PWB
encoder sensor. Push the motor bracket towards the encoder sensor and tighten the
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
screws. Refer to Figure 1 and REP 11.8-120.
Repair or Install new components as necessary:
Procedure • Ejector assembly, PL 11.114 Item 1.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
NOTE: All 1K LCSS interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state Enter dC330, code 11-023 ejector cycle, check the ejector cycles. Stack the code 11-320 ejec-
tor sensor home, then cycle the ejector. Stack the code 11-322 ejector sensor out, then cycle
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.
the ejector. The ejector actuates the ejector home sensor and the ejector out sensor.
NOTE: For clarity, the 1K LCSS is shown removed from the machine in Figure 1. Y N
Refer to GP 7, check the following components;
Enter dC330, code 11-322, ejector out sensor, Q11-322. Actuate Q11-322. The display
• Figure 1. Pulley/drive gear, PL 11.114.
• Ejector belt, PL 11.114 Item 5.
Go to Flag 2. Check Q11-322. Install new components as necessary:
Refer to: • Pulley/drive gear, PL 11.114.
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. • Ejector belt, PL 11.114 Item 5.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
The ejector cycles noisily, colliding with the end stops.
• Figure 1.
Check the stapler to ensure the staples are correctly formed, refer to the 11-364-120 Sta-
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP. pling Failure RAP. Mis-formed staples can cause the set to hang in the stapler causing
Repair or install new components as necessary: ejector movement failures. The staples are correctly formed.
• Ejector out sensor, Q11-322, PL 11.114 Item 3. Y N
Clear the staple head of any mis-formed staples, then check the operation of the sta-
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
pler. If necessary, install a new staple head unit, PL 11.116 Item 5.
Enter dC330, code 11-320, ejector home sensor, Q11-320. Actuate Q11-320. The display
If the ejector is still not moving, install a new ejector assembly, PL 11.114 Item 1.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-320.
Go to Flag 4. +5V is available at P/J8 between pins 7 and 8.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
Go to the 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Figure 1. Connect a service meter at P/J8 between pins 8 and 9. Slowly rotate the ejector motor
• P/J8, 1K LCSS PWB encoder. The voltage changes between +5V and 0V.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-320-120, 11-322-120 2-352 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Go to Flag 4. Check the wiring and connectors between the ejector motor encoder sensor
and the 1K LCSS PWB. If necessary repair the wiring, REP 1.2. If the wiring is good,
install a new ejector motor encoder sensor, PL 11.114 Item 3.

Perform the 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP, if necessary install a new 1K LCSS PWB,
PL 11.124 Item 1.

Ejector out sensor


Pulley/drive gear

Ejector belt

Ejector motor

Ejector motor
encoder sensor
Ejector home sensor
Ejector motor damper

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-353 11-320-120, 11-322-120
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-320-120, 11-322-120 2-354 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-364-120 Stapling Failure RAP Y N
Install a new staple cartridge, PL 26.10 Item 11 and repeat the check. If the first two sta-
11-364-120 Staples in the stapling head are not primed.
ples are not partially formed, install a new stapler assembly, PL 11.116 Item 1. Perform
SCP 6 Final Actions
Initial Actions
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Install a new staple head unit, PL 11.116 Item 5. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch
Settings RAP.

Check the following:

• The staple cartridge has staples in it and is correctly installed,
• The leading staples in the staple head have been primed, Figure 3.
• Check that the sheets of staples in the cartridge are feeding one at a time. If staple sheets
overlap, they will jam in the cartridge. If necessary, install a new staple cartridge, PL 26.10
Item 11.

NOTE: The term “priming” refers to 2 staples at the front of the cartridge, that have been pre-
formed automatically by the action of the stapler, refer to Figure 2.

NOTE: The SH 1 low staples sensor, SH 1 cartridge sensor, SH 1 home sensor and the SH 1
priming sensor are all integral to the staple head unit and although they can be checked using
component control they cannot be exchanged as components.

Figure 1. Enter dC330, code 11-361, SH 1 paper sensor, Q11-361. Actuate Q11-361. The
display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-361.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
SH 1 paper sensor
• GP 10, How to Check a Sensor.
Staple head unit Q11-361
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• SH 1 paper sensor, PL 11.116 Item 4.
Figure 1 Component location
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

NOTE: If the SH1 priming sensor does not see staples in the primed position, the staple head
cycles a number of times to prime the staple head. This occurs when the 1K LCSS interlocks
are made.

Follow the customer instruction label inside the 1K LCSS front door to remove the staple car-
tridge, slide out the top sheet of staples from the cartridge, to expose a fresh sheet of staples
on the top of the stack. Ensure the forming plate is fully closed, Figure 2. Install the staple car-
tridge and close the door. The stapler will now cycle a few times to feed and prime the new
sheet of staples. Open the door and remove the staple cartridge. Examine the sheet of staples
that have been fed to the staple forming part of the stapler, by opening the forming plate, Fig-
ure 3. The first two staples have been partially formed.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-355 11-364-120
Primed staples
Forming plate open Forming plate fully closed

Figure 2 Staple cartridge open Figure 3 Staple cartridge closed

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-364-120 2-356 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-357 11-364-120
11A-120 Bin 1 Overload RAP
Use this RAP to resolve a fault on the bin 1 90% full sensor.

NOTE: In diagnostics, actuating any 1K LCSS sensor or switch can change the displayed state
on the UI. Make sure that the correct sensor or switch is tested.

Enter dC330, code 11-331, bin 1 90% full sensor, Q11-331. Actuate Q11-331. The display
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-331.
Refer to:
• 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP.
• GP 11, How to Check a sensor.
• Figure 1.
• 11C-120 1K LCSS Power Generation RAP.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 90% full sensor, PL 11.106 Item 5.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Bin 1 90% full sensor Q11-331

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11A-120 2-358 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11B-120 Initialization Failure RAP
When an initialization command is received from the machine, the units are initialized in two
• The following units are initialized sequentially:
1. If the staple head is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
2. If the ejector is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
• The following units are then initialized simultaneously:
1. If the front tamper is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
2. If the rear tamper is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
3. If the paddle is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
4. If the stacker is not at the home position, it is driven to the home position
NOTE: The staple cartridge must be pushed fully home.

Initial Actions
Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch
Settings RAP.

Remove the 1K LCSS covers, REP 11.1-120, so that the units can be viewed. Cheat the front
door interlock switch and the top cover interlock switch. Check that LED 2 is illuminated, this
shows that all interlocks are made. If the LED fails to illuminate, go to 11-300-120, 11-302-120,
11-303-120 Interlocks RAP.

Figure 1. Check that the software heartbeat is present on LED 1. The LED should flash twice
per second if the 1K LCSS software is running. If necessary, re-load the 1K LCSS software, LED 2 LED 1
refer to GP 4 Machine Software.

If the initialization sequence fails to place any unit at the home position, refer to the appropriate Figure 1 LED location
• Front tamper not at home, refer to 11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-310-120, 11-311-120 Front
Tamper Move Failure RAP
• Rear tamper not at home, refer to 11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-312-120, 11-313-120, 11-
319-120 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP.
• Paddle not at home, refer to 11-024-120, 11-025-120 Paddle Roll Failure RAP.
• Bin 1 not at home, refer to 11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120 Bin 1 Move-
ment Failures RAP.
• Staple head not at home, refer to 11-050-120, 11-360-120 Staple Head Operation Failure
• Ejector not at home, refer to 11-320-120, 11-322-120 Compiler Ejector Movement Failure

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-359 11B-120
11C-120 1K LCSS Power Distribution RAP • Monitor the voltage at P/J6 pin 1. Re-connect the circuits one at a time. Energize the
re-connected components using dC330 control codes.
The 1K LCSS has an integral power supply providing +24V and +5V supplies to the 1K LCSS
• If the voltage drops below +22V, switch off the machine, GP 14. Re-check the com-
PWB. The AC power for the 1K LCSS power supply comes from the LVPS and base module of
the machine. ponent and harness for overheating or short circuits. Repair or install new compo-
nents as necessary.
+5V is available between TP3 and TP4 on the 1K LCSS PWB.
Do not connect the finisher power cord directly to the AC wall outlet. The finisher cannot oper- Y N
ate without the machine. The machine controls the distribution of electricity to the finisher for
Go to Flag 2. +5V is available at P/J1 between pins 4 and 6, also between pins 7
correct power on and power off sequencing.
and 8.
Procedure Y N
WARNING Disconnect P/J6. +5V is available at P/J6 between pins 4 and 6, also between
pins 7 and 8 on the end of the harness.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury. Y N
Close or cheat all the 1K LCSS interlocks. LED 2 on the 1K LCSS PWB is illuminated. Go to Flag 1. Disconnect the 1K LCSS power cord from PJ22. ACL is avail-
Y N able at PJ22 between pins 1 and 3 on the LVPS and base module.
Go to Flag 2. +24V is available at P/J1 between pins 1 and 2, also between pins 5 Y N
and 3. Go to the 01C AC Power RAP.
Disconnect P/J6. +24V is available at P/J6 between pins 1 and 2, also between Remove the 1K LCSS, REP 11.12-120. Loosen the 2 screws and lift the power
pins 5 and 3 on the end of the harness. supply module away from the 1K LCSS frame. Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring
Y N between CN2 and P/J6. The wiring is good.
Go to Flag 1. Disconnect the 1K LCSS power cord from PJ22. ACL is avail- Y N
able at PJ22 between pins 1 and 3 on the LVPS and base module. Repair the wiring.
Go to the 01C AC Power RAP. Install a new power supply module, PL 11.124 Item 2.

Remove the 1K LCSS, REP 11.12-120. Loosen the 2 screws and lift the power Perform the following:
supply module away from the 1K LCSS frame. Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring
• Check for a short circuit or an overload in the wiring or components connected
between CN2 and P/J6. The wiring is good. to the +24V on the 1K LCSS PWB. Refer to GP 7.
• Perform the 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. If necessary install a new
Repair the wiring.
1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
Install a new power supply module, PL 11.124 Item 2.
Perform the 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. If necessary install a new 1K LCSS
PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
Perform the following:
• Check for a short circuit or an overload in the wiring or components connected The +24V and +5V supplies on the 1K LCSS PWB are good.
to the +24V on the 1K LCSS PWB. Refer to GP 7.
• Perform the 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP. If necessary install a new
1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.

+24 V is available at P/J5 pin 3 on the 1K LCSS PWB.

Go to the 11-300-120, 11-302-120, 11-303-120 Interlocks RAP.

Perform the following:

• Switch off the machine, GP 14.
• Go to Flag 3. Disconnect all the +24V harnesses to components.
• Check each harness for short circuits and overheating, GP 7.
• Repair or install new components as necessary.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11C-120 2-360 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Power Supply

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-361 11C-120
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11C-120 2-362 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11D-120 1K LCSS to Machine Communications Interface 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP
RAP To show the correct settings for the DIP switches on the 1K LCSS PWB.
All communications between the machine and 1K LCSS are conducted through a single inter-
face cable. Procedure
Problems that can result from incorrect DIP switch settings are:
Procedure • False jam clearance instructions for the 1K LCSS and/or the machine exit area.
Check the 1K LCSS PWB DIP switch settings, refer to 11E-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch • Communication errors between the 1K LCSS and machine.
Settings RAP. • Erratic behavior of the 1K LCSS.
Check the DIP switch settings, Figure 1. If necessary, switch off the machine, GP 14. Correct
Go to 03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 IOT to Output Device Error Rap. the DIP switch setting, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Figure 1 DIP switch settings

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-363 11D-120, 11E-120
11F-120 1K LCSS PWB Damage RAP
Use this RAP to determine the cause of damage to the 1K LCSS PWB, so that the cause can
Table 1 1K LCSS PWB Drive Components
be repaired before a new 1K LCSS PWB is installed.
Procedure PWB Driven Normal resistance Spared part and
component component measurement +/- 10% references
The 1K LCSS PWB can be damaged by a component connected to it going short-circuit. If a
new 1K LCSS PWB is installed and power applied to the machine, the new 1K LCSS PWB will U5 Paddle motor At PJ14: Paddle motor assembly, PL
be damaged in the same way. The cause of the damage must be found by following this proce- (MOT11024) Pin 1 to 3 = 28 ohms. 11.104 Item 10.
dure. Pin 1 to 4 = 28 ohms. 11-024-120, 11-025-120
Pin 2 to 5 = 28 ohms. RAP
WARNING Pin 2 to 6 = 28 ohms.
U10 Staple head At PJ7: Staple head unit, PL 11.116
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
motor (MOT11- Pin 8 to 10 = 12.6 ohms. Item 5.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 050) Pin 9 to 11 = 12.6 ohms 11-050-120, 11-360-120
Remove the 1K LCSS PWB and inspect the components shown in Figure 1 for damage. The
U11 Bin 1 elevator At PJ12: Bin 1 elevator motor, PL
damage to the component may be in the form of a crack, a small crater or a burnt patch. Refer
motor (MOT11- Pin 1 to 2 = 6.4 ohms 11.10 Item 8.
to Table 1 to locate the component causing the damage to the 1K LCSS PWB.
030) 11-030-120, 11-334-120, 11-
335-120, 11-336-120 RAP
U12 Front tamper At PJ9: Tamper assembly, PL 11.16
motor (MOT11- Pin 1 to 3 = 20 ohms. Item 1.
003) Pin 1 to 4 = 20 ohms. 11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-
Pin 2 to 5 = 20 ohms. 310-120, 11-311-120 RAP
Pin 2 to 6 = 20 ohms.
U13 Rear tamper At PJ9: Tamper assembly, PL 11.112
motor (MOT11- Pin 7 to 9 = 20 ohms. Item 1.
004) Pin 7 to 10 = 20 ohms. 11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-
Pin 8 to 11 = 20 ohms. 312-120, 11-313-120, 11-
Pin 8 to 12 = 20 ohms. 319-120 RAP
U14 Transport At PJ17: Transport motor 1, PL
motor 1 Pin 1 to 3 = 2.2 ohms. 11.110 Item 2.
(MOT11-000) Pin 1 to 4 = 2.2 ohms. 11-130-120, 11-132-120
Pin 2 to 5 = 2.2 ohms. RAP
Pin 2 to 6 = 2.2 ohms.
U15 Ejector motor At PJ15: Ejector assembly, PL 11.114
(MOT11-020) Pin 1 to 2 = 6.6 ohms Item 1.
11-320-120, 11-322-120
U16 Transport At PJ16: transport motor 2, PL 11.118
motor 2 Pin 10 to 12 = 0.8 ohms. Item 5.
(MOT11-001) Pin 10 to 13 = 0.8 ohms. 11-130-120, 11-132-120
Pin 11 to 14 = 0.8 ohms. RAP
Pin 11 to 15 = 0.8 ohms.
Q1 Diverter gate At PJ13: Diverter gate solenoid, PL
solenoid (S11- Pin 1 to pin 2 = 74 ohms 11.118 Item 12.
002) 11-130-120, 11-132-120
Figure 1 1K LCSS PWB components

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11F-120 2-364 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: If difficulty is found in connecting the service meter probes to the connector headers on 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS RAP
the 1K LCSS PWB, refer to the RAP quoted in Table 1 and make the measurement at another
Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of copy damage in the 1K LCSS.
point in the harness to the driven component.

If the defective driven component is found using the table checks, disconnect the connector Procedure
closest to the driven component, then check the driven component again to identify any short
circuit in the wiring to the driven component. Repair the wiring or install new parts as neces-
sary. Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
If the defective driven component can not be found using the table checks, refer to GP 7, check can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
each driven component to ensure that it is not seized. Motors should rotate easily. Solenoid Check the following:
armatures should slide easily in the coil. Also check the drive components to ensure that they • Look for torn paper in the 1K LCSS paper path. Torn fragments can pass through the IOT
rotate easily, if necessary install new parts. and 1K LCSS paper path without causing a problem until they finally wedge themselves at
some point.
When the a new driven component has been installed or the defective drive components have
• Ensure that the shaft diverter assembly, PL 11.118 Item 13, operates correctly and has it’s
been repaired, install a new 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1. full movement.
• Ensure that the jam clearance guide, PL 11.122 Item 6, closes and latches correctly.
Check that the magnet at the rear is located and functions correctly. Check the clip at the
front is positioned correctly, Figure 1.
• Ensure that all idler rolls in the 1K LCSS paper path are free to rotate, particularly those
on the jam clearance guide, where the paper turns through 90 degrees.
• Ensure that the paper path ribs of the jam clearance guide, PL 11.122 Item 6, and the
entry guide cover, PL 11.122 Item 5, are free of “scores” and “nicks”. Check also for con-
tamination and glue from label stock.

Check that the end of the spring

clip is positioned on the inside of
the frame.

Figure 1 Position of the spring clip

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-365 11F-120, 11G-120
11H-120 Mis-Registration in Stapled Sets and Non-Stapled 11J-120 1K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP
Sets RAP Use this RAP to find the cause of poor stacking in the 1K LCSS.
Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of mis-registration in stapled sets, resulting in
staples missing some sheets in the set, or poorly registered non-stapled sets. Procedure
Check the following;
Procedure • Look for sets that are not dropping back fully in bin 1 and therefore not operating the bin 1
WARNING level sensors:
– Large paper sizes should not be stacked on top of small paper sizes.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity – Ensure that the paper stack in each paper tray has been fanned.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. – Turn over the paper stack in each paper tray.
The most likely cause of mis-registration is paper condition and/or damage such as curl, wrin- – Ensure that all paper or other copy stock being used is within the size and weight
kle, creases, dog ears, etc. specifications. Refer to GP 20 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
– Try using a fresh ream of paper.
Curl, wrinkle and creases are probably caused in the IOT, go to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry
– Ensure that the edge guides of all paper trays are adjusted correctly for the paper
size and that the trays are fully closed.

For other copy / print damage and dog ears, go to the 11G-120 Copy Damage in the 1K LCSS – Check that bin 1 is seated correctly and the bin 1 alignment clip is in position, PL
11.100 Item 13.
• Labels must not be fed to bin 1, but to bin 0 only.
Check the following: • It is recommended that transparencies are fed to bin 0 whenever possible.
• Check that bin 1 is seated correctly and the bin 1 alignment clip is in position, PL 11.100 • Check that bin 1 is level front to back, if necessary perform ADJ 11.1-120 1K LCSS Bin 1
Item 13. Level.
• Turn over the paper stack in the tray in use. • Check that the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332 is working correctly. Refer to the 11-030-
• Use a new ream of paper in the tray in use. 120, 11-334-120, 11-335-120, 11-336-120 Bin 1 Movement Failure RAP.
• Paper type, especially recycled paper, can lead to registration problems. Try changing to • Check the operation of the front and rear tampers. Refer to 11-005-120, 11-006-120, 11-
a different brand or type of paper. 310-120, 11-311-120 Front Tamper Move Failure RAP and 11-007-120, 11-008-120, 11-
312-120, 11-313-120, 11-319-120 Rear Tamper Move Failure RAP.
• Ensure that the guides in the paper trays are correctly set and reported on the UI for the
paper size loaded. • Check that the output device is not near an air conditioning or ventilation output duct. Air
• Check that paper type is set correctly. If heavyweight paper is used but not set in the UI, flow across the output bins can cause poor stacking.
the compiler capacity can be exceeded. • Check if Mod. TAG L-013 LCSS bin 1 kit is installed on the finisher.
• Check for obstructions in the compiler. – Machine that regularly process large stacks of A4/8.5x11 inch LEF paper should
have the LCSS bin 1 W/TAG L-013 kit installed, PL 11.100 Item 10.
• Ensure that the paddle roll operates correctly and that the paddles are not damaged. The
paddles should park completely inside the top section of the compiler, with the shorter – Machines that regular process small stacks of A4/8.5x11 inch LEF, A3/11x17 inch
paddle in a vertical position. If all of the paddles are out of position, check the paddle roll and A4/8.5x11 inch SEF paper should have the standard W/OTAG L-013 bin 1
position sensor, PL 11.104 Item 11, the flag, PL 11.104 Item 7 and the paddle motor installed, PL 11.100 Item 10.
assembly, PL 11.104 Item 10. If only one paddle is mis-aligned with the others, it can be • Check the output copies for curl, refer to IQ5.
re-positioned by hand (they are not bonded to the shaft).
• Make sure the paddles are clean. If necessary, use formula A cleaning fluid, PL 26.10
Item 2 to clean the paddles.
• Ensure that the tampers operate correctly, i.e. are not stalling or losing position during the
job. Inspect the tampers for damage, if necessary install new parts. PL 11.112.
• Inspect the bin 1 entry nips for roll damage. The idlers should be held against the rubber
driving rolls and they should be free to rotate within their support springs. If necessary,
install new parts, PL 11.120.
• Inspect the four spring loaded guides on the output cover, PL 11.100 Item 7. Ensure that
they are correctly located and are free to move up and down.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11H-120, 11J-120 2-366 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-024-171, 11-026-171 Paddle Roller Position RAP
11-024-171 The paddle roller has failed to return to the home position.

11-026-171 The paddle roller has failed to move from the home position.

Initial Actions Paddle roller

home sensor
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Pusher
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check for damage or any obstruction that would prevent paddle movement. If necessary,
install new components.

Figure 1 shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330, code 11-326. Manually operate the paddle roller home sensor, Q11-326, Figure
1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the paddle roller
home sensor, Q11-326. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Paddle roller
• P/J201, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Paddle module assembly, PL 11.145 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-025 Paddle Roll Motor Run, to check the movement of the paddle, Fig-
ure 1. The paddle turns.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the paddle roller
motor, MOT11-025. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J202, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components ad necessary:
• Paddle module assembly, PL 11.145 Item 2
Figure 1 Component location
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-367 11-024-171, 11-026-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-024-171, 11-026-171 2-368 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-044-171 to 11-047-171 Punch Unit Head and Position Y N
Go to Flag 4 and check the wiring from the motor to the PWB. Repair as necessary, REP
RAP 1.2. Check the punch unit motor, MOT11-045. Refer to:
11-044-171 The punch head has failed to return to the home position. • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J502, HVF Control PWB
11-045-171 The punch head has failed to move from the home position. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
11-046-171 The punch unit has failed to return to the home position.
• HVF hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1
11-047-171 The punch unit has failed to move from the home position. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Initial Actions Enter dC330, code 11-044 for the punch unit home sensor and stack the code 11-045 or 11-
046 to take the punch unit motor into, and out of, the home position. Observe the condition of
WARNING the sensor on the UI. The display changes.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Y N
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Go to Flag 3 and check the wiring from the sensor to the PWB. Repair as necessary, REP
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1.2. Check the punch unit home sensor, Q11-044. Refer to:
Check the punch head area for any obstruction or damage that could prevent the free move- • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
ment of the head or the unit. If necessary, install new components. • P/J501, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Procedure Install new components as necessary:
Figure 1 shows the location of the components. • HVF hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1
Enter dC330, code 11-043 for the punch head motor. The motor operates.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Go to Flag 2 and check the wiring from the motor to the PWB. Repair as necessary, REP
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
1.2. Check the punch head motor, MOT11-043. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J502, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• HVF hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-350 for the punch head home sensor and stack the code 11-043 for the
punch head motor. Observe the condition of the sensor on the UI. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1 and check the wiring from the sensor to the PWB. Repair as necessary, REP
1.2. Check the punch head home sensor, Q11-350. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J501, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• HVF hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-045 for the motor to travel in the forward direction, or enter the code 11-
046 for the motor to travel in the reverse direction. The motor operates.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-369 11-044-171 to 11-047-171
Punch head motor

Punch head home

sensor Q11-350

Punch unit home

sensor Q11-044

Punch unit motor


Hole punch assembly

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-044-171 to 11-047-171 2-370 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-371 11-044-171 to 11-047-171
11-056-171, 11-057-171 Inserter Bottom Plate RAP Install new components as necessary:
• IDG Pickup sensor, PL 11.179 Item 10.
11-056-171 The inserter bottom plate has failed to return to the home position.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
11-057-171 The inserter bottom plate has failed to lift. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check that the bottom plate area is clear and that there is no damage or obstructions. Install
new components as necessary.
IDG Pickup Sen-
Procedure sor

Figure 1 shows the location of the components.

Enter dC330, code 11-078 for the inserter motor. The motor runs.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 6 and check the wiring from the motor to the HVF control PWB.
Repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the Inserter motor, MOT-078. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB
• P/J4, P/J12, Inserter PWB Inserter motor
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inserter Motor, MOT 11-078, PL 11.181 Item 1. Inserter bottom plate sen-
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. sor Q11-156

Enter dC330, code 11-156 for the inserter bottom plate sensor and actuate the sensor. The
display changes.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2 and check the wiring from the sensor to the HVF control PWB.
Repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the bottom plate sensor, Q11-156. Refer to: Figure 1 Component location
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• P/J3, P/J4, Inserter PWB
Install new components as necessary:
• Bottom plate sensor, Q11-156, PL 11.175 Item 16.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4 and check the wiring from the IDG Pickup Sensor to the Inserter PWB.
Check the IDG Pickup Sensor. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB
• P/J7, P/J4, Inserter PWB

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-056-171, 11-057-171 2-372 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-373 11-056-171, 11-057-171
11-061-171, 11-416-171 HVF BM Creasing RAP Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
11-061-171 The crease blade has failed to clear the crease blade home sensor.
• BM crease blade motor encoder sensor, PL 11.165 Item 1.
11-416-171 The crease blade has failed to return to the home position.
Enter dC330, code 11-061 to run the BM crease blade motor, MOT 11-061, Figure 1. The
Initial Actions motor runs.
• Turn the crease blade knob to ensure that the crease blade mechanism is free to move. If
Go to Flag 3, check the BM crease blade motor, MOT 11-061.
necessary, clear any paper jam in the area of the blade. Refer to:
• Ensure that the crease roll is level front to back and is installed correctly, refer to REP • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J557, BM PWB.
• Check the following parts for damage:
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
– Crease blade assembly, PL 11.165 Item 13.
Install new components as necessary:
– Drive gear, PL 11.165 Item 6.
• BM crease blade motor, PL 11.165 Item 3.
– Connecting rods, PL 11.165 Item 9.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
– Crank, PL 11.165 Item 8.
The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
Procedure sary install new components:
Keep away from the crease blade mechanism when working in close proximity to the
booklet maker when the machine is powered on. The crease blade mechanism activates
quickly and with great force.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter dC330 code 11-416. Actuate the BM crease blade home sensor, Figure 1, by rotating the
crease blade knob, so that the actuator moves into and out of the home sensor. The display
Go to Flag 1, check the BM crease blade home sensor, Q11-416.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• Crease blade home sensor, PL 11.165 Item 1.

Enter dC330 code 11-418. Actuate the BM crease blade motor encoder sensor, Figure 1, by
slowly rotating the crease blade knob. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2, check the BM crease blade motor encoder sensor, Q11-418.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-061-171, 11-416-171 2-374 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
BM crease blade BM crease BM crease blade
motor encoder sensor, blade motor, Crease blade home sensor,
Q11-418 MOT 11-061 knob Q11-416

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-375 11-061-171, 11-416-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-061-171, 11-416-171 2-376 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-062-171 HVF BM Crease Roll Failure RAP
11-062-171 The HVF BM crease roll motor has failed to run.

Initial Actions
Clear any paper jam in the area of the crease rolls.

Keep away from the crease blade mechanism when working in close proximity to the
booklet maker when the machine is powered on. The crease blade mechanism activates
quickly and with great force.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Release the crease roll nip pressure by moving the crease roll handle, PL 11.161 Item 5, fully
counter clockwise. Remove the BM right hand cover, PL 11.168 Item 15, to access the crease
rolls. Enter dC330 code 11-419. Actuate the BM crease roll motor encoder sensor by rotating
the crease rolls slowly by hand. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1, check the BM crease roll motor encoder sensor, Q11-419, Figure 1.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM crease roll motor encoder sensor, PL 11.166 Item 9. BM crease roll motor,
Enter dC330, code 11-062 to run the BM crease roll motor, MOT 11-062, Figure 1. The motor
Go to Flag 2, check the BM crease roll motor, MOT 11-062. BM crease roll motor encoder sensor,
Refer to: Q11-419
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J557, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Component location
Install new components as necessary:
• BM crease roll motor, PL 11.166 Item 12.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
• BM crease roll motor encoder sensor, PL 11.166 Item 9.
• BM crease roll motor, PL 11.166 Item 12.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-377 11-062-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-062-171 2-378 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-063-171, 11-411-171 HVF BM Staple Unit 1 Failure RAP Enter dC330 code 11-063 to run the BM SH1 motor, Figure 1. The staple head cycled.
11-063-171 The HVF BM staple unit 1 has failed to leave the home position.
Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and connectors between P/J560 and P/J585. The wir-
ing and connectors are good.
11-411-171 The HVF BM staple unit 1 has failed to return to the home position.
Repair the wiring or connectors, REP 1.2.
Initial Actions
WARNING Install a new BM staple head 1, PL 11.168 Item 7.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
sary install new components:
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• BM staple head 1, PL 11.168 Item 7.
• Check that there is no damage or obstruction that would prevent the stapling unit from
cycling. • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• Check that the sheets of staples in the cartridge are feeding one at a time. If staple sheets
overlap, they will jam in the cartridge. If necessary, install a new staple cartridge, PL 26.10
Item 11.
• Check for jammed staples in the stapler head.
• Ensure that the customer job does not exceed the capacity of the booklet maker. Refer to
11D-171 Booklet Quality RAP for booklet maker quality specifications.

Enter dC330, code 11-421 to check the BM staple head carrier closed sensor, Q11-421, Figure
1. Open and close the staple head carrier. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1, check the BM staple head carrier closed sensor, Q11-421.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM staple head carrier closed sensor, PL 11.168 Item 18.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Remove the HVF front door and door support, refer to REP 11.1-171 HVF Covers. Pull out the
BM module. Remove the staple head 1 cover, PL 11.168 Item 14. Enter dC330, code 11-411 to BM staple head carrier
check the BM SH1 home switch. Manually rotate the staple head to actuate the BM SH1 home closed sensor, Q11-421
BM staple head 1
switch. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the BM SH1 home switch, S11-411.
Refer to:
• GP 13, How to Check a Switch. Figure 1 Component location
• P/J551, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM staple head 1, PL 11.168 Item 7.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-379 11-063-171, 11-411-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-063-171, 11-411-171 2-380 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-065-171, 11-383-171 HVF BM Backstop Failure RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
11-065-171 The HVF BM staple unit 1 has failed to leave the home position.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
11-383-171 The HVF BM staple unit 1 has failed to return to the home position.
• Back stop assembly, PL 11.164 Item 17.
Initial Actions The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
WARNING sary install new components:
• BM backstop guide home sensor, PL 11.163 Item 18.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • BM backstop motor,PL 11.163 Item 4.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction that could prevent the backstop mechanism from
• Check the following items:
– Damaged BM back stop drive belt, PL 11.163 Item 7.
– Damaged BM back stop belt, PL 11.164 Item 15.
– Damaged pulley, PL 11.163 Item 5.
– Damaged pulley on the BM back stop drive shaft, PL 11.164 Item 14.
– Damaged pulley on the BM back stop idler shaft, PL 11.163 Item 13.
– The BM back stop drive belt is tensioned correctly. Refer to REP 11.20-171.
– The BM back stop belt is tensioned correctly. Refer to REP 11.26-171.
Enter dC330 code 11-383. Actuate the BM backstop guide home sensor, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 1, check the sensor, Q11-383.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J556, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM backstop guide home sensor, PL 11.163 Item 18.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Enter dC330, code 11-065 to run the BM backstop motor, MOT 11-065, Figure 1. The motor
Go to Flag 2 and Flag 3, check the motor, MOT 11-065.
Refer to:
BM backstop motor,
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
MOT 11-065
• P/J554, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary: BM backstop guide BM stack hold solenoid,
home sensor, Q11-383 SOL11-076
• BM backstop motor, PL 11.163 Item 4.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Go to Flag 4, Check the BM stack hold solenoid SOL 11-076.
Refer to: Note: For clarity, the BM base plate is not shown
• GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J555, BM PWB. Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-381 11-065-171, 11-383-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-065-171, 11-383-171 2-382 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-066-171, 11-384-171 HVF BM Tamper Failure RAP
11-066-171 The HVF tamper has failed to clear the home sensor.

11-384-171 The HVF tamper is not at the home sensor.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction that could prevent the tamper mechanism from mov-
• Check for damaged tamper components, PL 11.162.

Enter dC330 code 11-384 Actuate the BM tamper 1 home sensor, Figure 1. The display
changes. BM tamper 1 motor,
Y N MOT11-066
Go to Flag 1, check the sensor, Q11-384.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J556, BM PWB.
BM tamper 1 home sensor, Q11-384
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM tamper 1 home sensor, PL 11.162 Item 1.
Figure 1 Component location
Enter dC330, code 11-066, to run the BM tamper 1 motor, MOT 11-066, Figure 1. The motor
Go to Flag 2 and Flag 3, check the motor, MOT 11-066.
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J554, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM tamper 1 motor, PL 11.162 Item 3.

The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
• BM tamper 1 home sensor, PL 11.162 Item 1.
• BM tamper 1 motor, PL 11.162 Item 3.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-383 11-066-171, 11-384-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-066-171, 11-384-171 2-384 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-083-171, 11-440-171 to 11-443-171 Paper Pusher RAP • HVF Control PWB PL 11.157 Item 2
Enter dC330, code 11-173. Manually actuate the paper pusher lower sensor, Q11-173. The
11-083-171 The paper pusher motor has stalled.
display changes.
11-440-171 The paper pusher has failed to return to the home, (upper) position. Y N
11-441-171 The paper pusher has failed to move from the home, (upper) position. Go to Flag 3, check the sensor, Q11-173.
Refer to:
11-442-171 The paper pusher has failed to return to the away, (lower) position.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
11-443-171 The paper pusher has failed to move from the away, (lower) position. • P/J201, HVF Control PWB
Initial Actions • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
WARNING Install new components as necessary:
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Paper pusher lower sensor, PL 11.145 Item 22.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • HVF Control PWB PL 11.157 Item 2.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
• Check for a jam or other obstruction that could prevent the paper pusher from moving. sary install new components:
• Check for damaged paper pusher components. • Paper pusher upper sensor, PL 11.145 Item 22.
Procedure • Paper pusher lower sensor, PL 11.145 Item 22.
Figure 1. shows the location of the components. • Paper pusher motor, PL 11.145 Item 13.
Enter dC330, code 11-083 to run the paper pusher motor, MOT 11-083, Figure 1. The motor • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
runs. • Stapler gate safety switch, PL 11.145 Item 17.
Go to Flag 2. Check the motor, MOT 11-083.
Paper pusher motor
Refer to: (MOT11-083)
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J202, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Paper pusher motor, PL 11.145 Item 13. Paper pusher upper
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2 sensor (Q11-171)
Go to Flag 4. Check the stapler gate safety switch S11-365.
Refer to:
• GP 13 How to check a switch
• P/J304, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP Stapler gate
The switch is good. safety switch
Y N (S11-365)
Install new components as necessary:
• Sensor assembly, PL 11.145 Item 22. Paper pusher lower sensor
• HVF Control PWB PL 11.157 Item 2. (Q11-173)
Enter dC330, code 11-171. Manually operate the paper pusher upper sensor, Q11-171, The
display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-171
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J201, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Figure 1 Component location
Install new components as necessary:
• Paper pusher upper sensor, PL 11.145 Item 22.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-385 11-083-171, 11-440-171 to 11-443-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-083-171, 11-440-171 to 11-443-171 2-386 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-100-171, 11-101-171 HVF Entry Sensor RAP The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
11-100-171 The paper leading edge is late arriving at the entry sensor.
• Entry sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
11-101-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the entry sensor. • Entry feed motor 1, PL 11.150 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Initial Actions • Check if the HVF module has the W/TAG V-006 modifications installed. If the modifica-
WARNING tions have not been installed perform ADJ 11.13-171 HVF Performance Improvements W/
TAG V-006.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the entrance guide.
• Check the entrance guide for damage.
• If the paper has dog ear on the inboard corner, install TAG 005 Rear gravity gate mylar kit.

Figure 1. shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330, code 11-100. Manually operate the entry sensor, Q11-100, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-100.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB Entry feed motor 1
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP (MOT11-000)
Install new components as necessary:
• Entry sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-000 to run the Entry feed motor 1, MOT 11-000, Figure 1. The motor
runs. Entry sensor
Y N (Q11-100)
Go to Flag 2. Check the entry feed motor 1, MOT 11-000.
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB Figure 1 Component location
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Entry feed motor 1, PL 11.150 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good.
Install a new drive belt, PL 11.150 Item 7.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-387 11-100-171, 11-101-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-100-171, 11-101-171 2-388 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-130-171, 11-132-171 HVF Top Exit Sensor RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
11-130-171 The paper leading edge is late arriving at the top exit sensor.
• Exit feed motor 2, PL 11.150 Item 1.
11-132-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the top exit sensor. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Initial Actions Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good.
WARNING Install a new drive belt, PL 11.150 Item 7.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. sary install new components:
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the paper guide. • Top exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 3.
• Check the paper guide for damage. • Exit diverter solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4.
• Diverter gate, PL 11.153 Item 9.
Procedure • Exit feed motor 2, PL 11.150 Item 1.
Figure 1. shows the location of the components. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-130. Manually operate the top exit sensor, Q11-130, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
Y N Exit diverter solenoid
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-130. (SOL11-002)
Refer to:
Top exit sensor
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. (Q11-130)
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Top exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 3.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Enter dC330, code 11-002. Energize the exit diverter solenoid SOL 11-002, Figure 1. The
solenoid energizes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the solenoid, SOL 11-002.
Refer to:
• GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Exit diverter solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4. Exit feed motor 2
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2 (MOT11-001)

Enter dC330, code 11-001 to run the exit feed motor 2, MOT 11-001, Figure 1. The motor
Go to Flag 3. Check the exit feed motor 2, MOT 11-001.
Figure 1 Component location
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-389 11-130-171, 11-132-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-130-171, 11-132-171 2-390 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-140-171, 11-142-171 HVF 2nd to Top Exit Sensor RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
11-140-171 The paper leading edge is late arriving at the 2nd to top exit sensor.
• Exit feed motor 2, PL 11.150 Item 1.
11-142-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the 2nd to top exit sensor.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2
Initial Actions
Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Install a new drive belt, PL 11.150 Item 10.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the paper guide. sary install new components:
• Check the paper guide for damage. • 2nd to top exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
• If the paper has dog ear on the inboard corner, install TAG 005 Rear gravity gate finger kit. • Exit diverter solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4.
• Diverter gate, PL 11.153 Item 9.
Procedure • Exit feed motor 2, PL 11.150 Item 1.
Figure 1. shows the location of the components. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-140. Manually activate the 2nd to top exit sensor, Q11-140, Figure 1. • Check if the HVF module has the W/TAG V-006 modifications installed. If the modifica-
The display changes. tions have not been installed perform ADJ 11.13-171 HVF Performance Improvements W/
Y N TAG V-006.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-140.
Refer to:
Exit diverter solenoid
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP 2nd to top exit sensor
Install new components as necessary: (Q11-140)
• 2nd to top exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Enter dC330, code 11-002. Energize the exit diverter solenoid SOL 11-002, Figure 1. The
solenoid energizes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the solenoid, SOL 11-002.
Refer to:
• GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Exit diverter solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Enter dC330, code 11-001 to run the exit feed motor 2, MOT 11-001, Figure 1. The motor Exit feed motor 2
runs. (MOT11-001)
Go to Flag 3. Check the exit feed motor 2, MOT 11-001.
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-391 11-140-171, 11-142-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-140-171, 11-142-171 2-392 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-157-171, 11-161-171 HVF Buffer Position Sensor RAP Y N
Install a new hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1.
11-157-171 The paper leading edge is late arriving at the buffer position sensor.
Check the punch head motor, MOT 11-043 and the Punch head home sensor, Q11-350, refer
11-161-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the buffer position sensor.
to RAP 11-044-171 to 11-047-171Punch Unit Head and Position.
The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
Initial Actions sary install new components:
WARNING • Buffer position sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Entry feed motor 1, PL 11.150 Item 2.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in inserter transport.
• Check the paper guide for damage.
• Check the paper path of the hole punch assembly for obstructions
Inserter transport
Figure 1. shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330, code 11-157. Manually activate the buffer position sensor, Q11-157, Figure 1.
The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-157.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB Buffer position sensor
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Buffer position sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
• HVF Control PWB PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-000 to run the entry feed motor 1, MOT 11-000, Figure 1. The motor
Entry Feed motor 1
Go to Flag 2. Check the entry feed motor 1, MOT 11-000. MOT11-000
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Entry feed motor 1, PL 11.150 Item 2. Figure 1 Component location
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good.
Install a new drive belt, PL 11.150 Item 7.

Remove the hole punch assembly. Check the mechanical operation of the hole punch. The
hole punch rotates unimpeded.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-393 11-157-171, 11-161-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-157-171, 11-161-171 2-394 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-158-171, 11-160-171, 162-171, 163-171 HVF BM Entry Enter dC330, code 11-080 to run the bypass feed motor, MOT 11-080, Figure 1. The motor
11-158-171 The paper leading edge is late leaving the HVF booklet exit sensor to enter into the Go to Flag 3. Check the bypass feed motor, MOT 11-080.
booklet maker. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
11-160-171 The paper leading edge is late arriving at the booklet maker entry sensor.
• P/J103, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
11-162-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the booklet maker entry sensor.
Install new components as necessary:
11-163-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the HVF booklet exit sensor to enter into the • Bypass feed motor, PL 11.150 Item 2.
booklet maker. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Initial Actions Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good.
Install a new drive belt, PL 11.150 Item 8.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Enter dC330, code 11-160. Manually activate the BM entry sensor, Q11-160, Figure 2. The
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
display changes.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in bypass transport. Y N
• Check or a jam or other obstruction in the BM paper entry guide. Go to Flag 4. Check the sensor, Q11-160.
Refer to:
Procedure • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Figure 1 and Figure 2. shows the location of the components. • P/J551, BM PWB
Enter dC330, code 11-158. Manually activate the HVF booklet exit sensor, Q11-158, Figure 1. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
The display changes. Install new components as necessary:
• BM entry sensor, PL 11.161 Item 16.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-158.
Refer to: • HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Enter dC330, code 11-060 to run the BM compiler motor, MOT 11-060, Figure 2. The motor
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB runs.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP Y N
Install new components as necessary: Go to Flag 5. Check the BM compiler motor, MOT 11-060.
• HVF booklet exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 3. Refer to:

• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2 • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.

• P/J554, BM PWB
Enter dC330, code 11-074. Energize the BM diverter solenoid SOL 11-074, Figure 1. The • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
solenoid energizes. Install new components as necessary:
• BM compiler motor, PL 11.166 Item 1
Go to Flag 2. Check the solenoid, SOL 11-074.
Refer to: • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

• GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.

Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB Y N
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Install a new drive belt, PL 11.166 Item 16.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM diverter solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4. The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2
• HVF booklet exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 3.
• BM diverter solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-395 11-158-171, 11-160-171, 162-171, 163-171
• BM diverter gate, PL 11.153 Item 9,
• BM compiler motor, PL 11.166 Item 1.
• Bypass feed motor 2, PL 11.150 Item 2. BM entry sensor
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157
BM compiler
BM diverter solenoid MOT11-060

HVF booklet exit sensor


Bypass feed motor


Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-158-171, 11-160-171, 162-171, 163-171 2-396 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-397 11-158-171, 11-160-171, 162-171, 163-171
11-164-171, 11-165-171 HVF Buffer Path RAP • Buffer feed motor, PL 11.150 Item 1.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
11-164-171 The paper trailing edge is late leaving the buffer path sensor.

11-165-171 The paper leading edge is late arriving at the buffer path sensor.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in buffer path transport.
• Check the paper guide for damage.

Figure 1. shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330, code 11-164. Manually activate the buffer path sensor, Q11-164, Figure 1. The
display changes. Buffer path sensor
Y N Q11-164
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-164.
Refer to: Buffer feed motor
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. MOT11-079
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Buffer path sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Enter dC330, code 11-079 to run the Buffer feed motor 1, MOT 11-079, Figure 1. The motor
Go to Flag 2. Check the entry feed motor 1, MOT 11-079.
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Buffer feed motor, PL 11.150 Item 1.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Check the drive belt on the motor. The drive belt is good. Figure 1 Component location
Install a new drive belt, PL 11.150 Item 9.

The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
• Buffer path sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-164-171, 11-165-171 2-398 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-399 11-164-171, 11-165-171
11-172-171 HVF BM Compiler Exit Jam RAP Unlatch the entrance baffle assembly, PL 11.161 Item 22. Run again MOT11-060. The BM
entry roll rotates.
11-172-171 The trail edge is late leaving the BM compiler exit sensor.
Check the following components:
Initial Actions • BM compiler motor belt, PL 11.166 Item 15.
WARNING • BM entry roll pulley, PL 11.161 Item 14.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • BM entry roll, PL 11.161 Item 15.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Install new components as necessary.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• If necessary, remove any paper from the BM. Make a 60 page booklet (15 sheets of paper). Check that the top sheet of paper has not been
• Check that there is no damage or obstruction in the booklet compiling area or the paper torn from the booklet. The booklet is good.
path to the booklet compiling area. Y N
• Check that the stapler bracket assembly, PL 11.168 Item 10, is correctly latched. Check that the components in the lower crease roll gear and clutch assembly are cor-
rectly installed. Refer to the replacement procedure in REP 11.52-171 BM Crease Rolls,
• Check the operation of the BM tampers, refer to the 11-066-171, 11-384-171 HVF BM
Gears and Bearings.
Tamper Failure RAP. If the tampers are operating correctly, go to ADJ 11.5-171 Booklet
Tamping and check the tampers are correctly adjusted.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Lower the stapler bracket assembly, Figure 1. Enter dC330 code 11-190 BM paper present
sensor, Q11-190. Actuate Q11-190. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-190.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J556, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM paper present sensor, PL 11.168 Item 5.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Go to Flag 1. Check the connectors and harness between PJ568 and P/J556. Refer to GP 7.
The wiring and connectors are good.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install new components as necessary.

Enter dC330 code 11-060 BM compiler motor, MOT11-060. MOT11-060 runs.

Go to Flag 2. Check MOT11-060.
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J554, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary
• BM compiler motor, PL 11.166 Item 1.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-172-171 2-400 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
BM entry roll

BM compiler motor,

BM paper present sensor,


Stapler bracket assembly

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-401 11-172-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-172-171 2-402 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-173-171 to 11-177-171 HVF Offset Unit RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
11-173-171 The offset unit has failed to find its initialization point.
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
11-174-171 The offset unit has failed to return the home position. • HVF Control PWB PL 11.157 Item 2.
11-175-171 The offset unit has failed to move from the home position. Enter dC330, code 11-034 to run the bin offset motor, MOT 11-034, Figure 1. The motor
11-176-171 The offset unit has failed to return to the away position. Y N
11-177-171 The offset unit has failed to move from the away position. Go to Flag 4. Check the bin offset motor, MOT 11-034.
Refer to:
Initial Actions • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
WARNING • P/J801, HVF Control PWB
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Install new components as necessary:
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Bin offset motor, PL 11.140 Item 19.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the offset unit. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• Check the offset unit for damage. The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
Procedure • Bin 1 offset sensor, PL 11.140 Item 15.
Figure 1. shows the location of the components. • Offset index sensor, PL 11.140 Item 15.
Enter dC330, code 11-337. Manually activate the bin 1 offset sensor, Q11-337, Figure 1. The • Offset away sensor, PL 11.140 Item 15.
display changes. • Bin offset motor, PL 11.140 Item 19.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-337.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J302, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 offset sensor, PL 11.140 Item 15.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-187. Manually activate the offset index sensor, Q11-187, Figure 1. The
display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-187.
Refer to: Bin 1 offset sensor
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Q11-337
• P/J302, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-176. Manually activate the offset away sensor, Q11-176, Figure 1. The Offset index sensor
display changes. Q11-187
Y N Bin 1 offset motor
Offset away sensor
Go to Flag 3. Check the sensor, Q11-176. MOT11-034
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J302, HVF Control PWB Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-403 11-173-171 to 11-177-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-173-171 to 11-177-171 2-404 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-180-171, 11-182-171 HVF BM Exit Jam RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
11-180-171 The lead edge is late arriving at the BM exit sensor.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
11-182-171 The trail edge is late leaving the BM exit sensor. • BM exit sensor, PL 11.168 Item 17.

Initial Actions Enter dC330, code 11-062 to run the BM crease roll motor, MOT 11-062. The motor runs.
WARNING Go to Flag 4. Check the motor, MOT 11-062.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Refer to:
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• P/J557, BM PWB.
Turn the crease blade knob (6d) to ensure that the crease blade mechanism is free to move. If
necessary, clear any paper jam in the exit area. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Procedure • BM crease roll motor, PL 11.166 Item 12.
Enter dC330 code 11-418. Actuate the BM crease blade motor encoder sensor, Q11-418, Fig- • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
ure 1 by rotating the crease blade knob (6d). The display changes.
Enter dC330, code 11-061 to run the BM crease blade motor, MOT 11-061. The motor runs.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-418. Y N
Go to Flag 5. Check the motor, MOT 11-061.
Refer to:
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• P/J557, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM crease blade motor, PL 11.165 Item 3.
• BM crease blade motor encoder sensor, PL 11.165 Item 1.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Release the crease roll nip pressure by moving the crease roll handle fully counter clockwise.
Enter dC330, code 11-401 to run the BM crease roll gate motor, MOT 11-401. The motor
Remove the BM right hand cover, PL 11.168 Item 15, to access the crease rolls. Enter dC330
code 11-419. Actuate the BM crease roll motor encoder sensor by rotating the crease rolls
slowly by hand. The display changes. Y N
Go to Flag 6 and Flag 7. Check the motor, MOT 11-401.
Refer to:
Go to Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-419.
Refer to: • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor. • P/J555, BM PWB.
• P/J552, BM PWB. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Install new components as necessary:
Install new components as necessary: • BM crease roll gate motor, PL 11.166 Item 8.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10. • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM crease roll motor encoder sensor, PL 11.166 Item 9.
The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install a new BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Enter dC330 code 11-409. Actuate the BM exit sensor, Q11-409, Figure 2. The display
Go to Flag 3. Check sensor, Q11-409.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J556, BM PWB.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-405 11-180-171, 11-182-171
BM crease roll gate motor, MOT11-401

BM crease blade
motor encoder
sensor, Q11-418

BM exit sensor, Q11-409

BM crease blade motor,

Figure 2 Component location

BM crease roll motor, MOT11-062

BM crease roll motor encoder sensor, Q11-419

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-180-171, 11-182-171 2-406 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-407 11-180-171, 11-182-171
11-183-171, 11-184-171 HVF BM Paper Jam RAP • P/J551, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
11-183-171 The BM control PWB has detected an unexpected sheet in the booklet maker
paper path. Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
11-184-171 The BM control PWB has detected a stray sheet in the booklet maker paper path • BM entry sensor, PL 11.161 Item 16.
after jam clearance.
Enter dC330 code 11-183. Manually actuate the tri-folder entry sensor, Q11-183, Figure 3.
Initial Actions The display changes.
Go to Flag 4. Check the sensor, Q11-183.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Refer to:
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• P/J604, Tri Folder Control PWB.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the booklet maker paper path.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• Check the paper path for damage.
Install new components as necessary:
Procedure • Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
• Tri-folder entry sensor, PL 11.197 Item 11.
Figure 3. shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330 code 11-190. Manually actuate the BM paper present sensor, Q11-190, Figure 1.
The display changes. Enter dC330 code 11-183. Manually actuate the tri-folder entry sensor Q11-183. The display
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-190.
Refer to: Go to Flag 5. Check between P/J602 pin 10 on the tri-folder control PWB and P/J563 pin
1 on the BM PWB.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Refer to:
• P/J556, BM PWB.
• P/J563, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• P/J602, Tri-folder Control PWB
Install new components as necessary:
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM paper present sensor, PL 11.168 Item 5.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
Enter dC330 code 11-409. Manually actuate the BM exit sensor, Figure 2. The display
The fault may be intermittent, check the wiring REP 1.2. If necessary, install a new BM PWB,
PL 11.166 Item 10
Go to Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-409.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J556, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM exit sensor, PL 11.168 Item 17.

Enter dC330 code 11-160. Manually actuate the BM entry sensor, Q11-160, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check sensor, Q11-160.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-183-171, 11-184-171 2-408 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
BM entry sensor,

BM exit sensor, Q11-409

Figure 2 Component location

BM paper present sensor,


Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-409 11-183-171, 11-184-171
Tri folder entry sensor Q11-183

Figure 3 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-183-171, 11-184-171 2-410 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-411 11-183-171, 11-184-171
11-185-171 to 11-187-171 Tri-Folder Exit Sensor and Assist Enter dC330 code 11-085 to energize the tri folder diverter solenoid, SOL 11-085. The sole-
noid energizes.
Sensor RAP Y N
11-185-171 The lead edge is late arriving at the folder exit sensor. Go to Flag 5 and Flag 6. Check the solenoid, SOL 11-085.
Refer to:
11-186-171 The trail edge is late leaving the folder exit sensor. • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J602, P/J603, Tri Folder Control PWB.
11-187-171 The lead edge is late arriving at the tri folder assist sensor.
• P/J563, BM PWB.
Initial Actions • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Diverter solenoid, PL 11.197 Item 16.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the tri-folder.
Enter dC330 code 11-086 to energize the tri folder assist gate solenoid, SOL 11-086, Figure 1.
• Check the tri-folder for damage.
The solenoid energizes.
Procedure Go to Flag 7 and Flag 8. Check the solenoid, SOL 11-086.
Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the location of the components. Refer to:
Enter dC330 code 11-184. Manually actuate the tri folder assist sensor, Q11-184, Figure 1. • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
The display changes. • P/J563, BM PWB.
• P/J602, P/J603, Tri Folder Control PWB.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-184.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Refer to:
Install new components as necessary:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• Tri-folder assist solenoid, PL 11.197 Item 8.
• P/J604, P/J602, Tri Folder Control PWB
• Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
• P/J563, BM PWB.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary: Enter dC330 code 11-087 to energize the drive clutch, CL 11-087, Figure 1. The clutch ener-
• Tri folder assist gate sensor, PL 11.197 Item 6. gizes.
• Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16. Y N
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10. Go to Flag 9 and Flag 10. Check the clutch, CL 11-087.
Refer to:
Enter dC330 code 11-185. Manually actuate the folder exit sensor, Figure 2. The display • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
changes. • P/J563, BM PWB.
• P/J602, P/J603, Tri Folder Control PWB.
Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4. Check the sensor, Q11-185.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Refer to:
Install new components as necessary:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• Drive clutch, PL 11.193 Item 9.
• P/J604, P/J602, Tri Folder Control PWB.
• Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
• P/J563, BM PWB.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary: Enter dC330, code 11-062 to run the BM crease roll motor, MOT 11-062, Figure 3. The motor
• Folder exit sensor, PL 11.197 Item 12. runs.
• Tri-folder control PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16. Y N
B • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10. B Go to Flag 11. Check the motor, MOT 11-062.
A Refer to: B • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-185-171 to 11-187-171 2-412 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• P/J557, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
TF Exit sensor,
Install new components as necessary: Q11-185
• BM crease roll motor, PL 11.166 Item 8.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Drive clutch,

TF Assist sensor,

Figure 2 Component location

TF Assist gate solenoid, TF diverter solenoid,

SOL11-086 SOL11-085

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-413 11-185-171 to 11-187-171
BM crease roll motor,

Figure 3 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-185-171 to 11-187-171 2-414 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-415 11-185-171 to 11-187-171
Figure 5 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-185-171 to 11-187-171 2-416 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-188-171, 11-189-171 HVF Nip Split RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
11-188-171 The nip split has failed to operate.
• Nip split sensor, PL 11.153 Item 14.
11-189-171 The nip split has failed to return to the home position. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Initial Actions Perform SCP 6, Final Actions.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Nip split motor, MOT11-081
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the nip split.
• Check the nip split for damage.

Figure 1. shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330, code 11-081 to run the nip split motor, MOT 11-081. The nip-split mechanism
can be heard.
Go to Flag 3. Check the motor, MOT 11-081. Nip split sensor, Nip home sensor,
Refer to: Q11-170 Q11-159
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor. REAR VIEW
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Nip split motor, PL 11.153 Item 15.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 11-159. Manually actuate the Nip home sensor, Q11-159, Figure 1. The
display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-159.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
Figure 1 Component location
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Nip home sensor, PL 11.153 Item 14.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330 code 11-170. Manually actuate the nip split sensor, Q11-170. The display
Go to Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-170.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J101, P/J102HVF Control PWB.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-417 11-188-171, 11-189-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-188-171, 11-189-171 2-418 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-191-171, 11-193-171, 11-194-171, 11-196-171 Inserter Install new components as necessary:
• Acceleration sensor, PL 11.175 Item 10.
Paper Jam RAP
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
11-191-171 The leading edge is late arriving at the inserter standby sensor.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
11-193-171 The trailing edge is late leaving the inserter standby sensor.
Measure the voltage at pin 2 of P/J702 on the HVF PWB. Open the front door and open 8a
jam clearance guide. Manually actuate the inserter standby sensor with a sheet of paper. The
11-194-171 The leading edge is late arriving at the inserter TE sensor.
voltage changes.
11-196-171 The trailing edge is late leaving the inserter TE sensor. Y N
Go to Flag 5. Check the sensor.
Refer to:
Fault code 11-191 may also be generated where a fault in the inserter causes jamming in the
IOT. • GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J702, HVF Control PWB
Initial Actions • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
WARNING Install new components as necessary:
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Inserter standby sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the inserter. Enter dC330 code 11-077. Energize the inserter, CL 11-077. The clutch energizes.
• Check the inserter for damage.
Go to Flag 6 (W/O TAG V-001) or Flag 10 (With TAG V-001) and Flag 7. Check the clutch,
CL 11-077.
Procedure Refer to:
Figure 1. shows the location of the components. • GP 12, How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
Enter dC330 code 11-155. Manually actuate the inserter TE sensor, Q11-155, Figure 1. The
• P/J12, P/J5, Inserter PWB.
display changes.
• P/J703, HVF Control PWB
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-155. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Refer to: Install new components as necessary:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor. • Inserter clutch, PL 11.179 Item 3.
• P/J6, P/J4, Inserter PWB. • Inserter control PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Enter dC330, code 11-078 to run the inserter motor, MOT 11-078. The motor runs.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inserter TE sensor, PL 11.179 Item 11.
Go to Flag 8 and Flag 9. Check the motor, MOT 11-078.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9. Refer to:
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB
Measure the voltage of pin 2 of P/J11. Manually actuate the acceleration sensor, Figure 1.
• P/J4, Inserter PWB.
The voltage changes.
Y N • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4. Check the sensor. Install new components as necessary:
Refer to: • Inserter motor, PL 11.181 Item 1.
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor. • Inserter control PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• P/J6, P/J4, Inserter PWB. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB
Perform SCP 6, Final Actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-419 11-191-171, 11-193-171, 11-194-171, 11-196-171
Inserter TE sen-
sor Q11-155

Inserter LE sensor

Acceleration sensor

Inserter clutch, Inserter motor,

CL11-077 MOT11-078

Inserter standby

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-191-171, 11-193-171, 11-194-171, 11-196-171 2-420 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-421 11-191-171, 11-193-171, 11-194-171, 11-196-171
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-191-171, 11-193-171, 11-194-171, 11-196-171 2-422 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-198-171, 11-199-171 HVF Paper Jam RAP • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
11-198-171 A stray sheet was detected in the finisher, after a jam clearance.
• Buffer path sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
11-199-171 An unexpected sheet has been detected in the finisher. • HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Initial Actions Enter dC330, code 11-140. Manually activate the stacker exit sensor, Q11-140, Figure 1. The
display changes.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Go to Flag 4. Check the sensor, Q11-140.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Refer to:
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• Check for a jam or other obstruction in the HVF paper path. • P/J101, HVF Control PWB.
• Check the paper path for damage. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
Procedure • Stacker exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2.
Figure 1. shows the location of the components. • HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-100. Manually activate the entry sensor, Q11-100, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
Enter dC330, code 11-130. Manually activate the top exit sensor, Q11-130, Figure 1. The dis-
Y N play changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-100.
Refer to:
Go to Flag 5. Check the sensor, Q11-130.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Refer to:
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP • P/J101, HVF Control PWB.
Install new components as necessary: • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
• Entry sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2. Install new components as necessary:
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. • Top exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 3.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-157. Manually activate the buffer position sensor, Q11-157, Figure 1.
The display changes.
HVF BM machines only, enter dC330, code 11-158. Manually activate the HVF booklet exit
Y N sensor, Q11-158, Figure 1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the sensor, Q11-157.
Refer to:
Go to Flag 6. Check the sensor, Q11-158.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. Refer to:
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP • P/J101, HVF Control PWB.
Install new components as necessary: • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
• Buffer position sensor, PL 11.156 Item 2. Install new components as necessary:
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. • HVF booklet exit sensor, PL 11.156 Item 3.
• HVF Control PWB PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-164. Manually activate the buffer path sensor, Q11-164, Figure 1. The
display changes.
The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
Y N sary install new components.
Go to Flag 3. Check the sensor, Q11-164.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J101, HVF Control PWB.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-423 11-198-171, 11-199-171
Top exit sensor

Stacker sensor

Buffer path sensor


Entry sensor
Q11-100 HVF booklet exit sensor
Buffer position sensor

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-198-171, 11-199-171 2-424 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-425 11-198-171, 11-199-171
11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 HVF Docking and 11-303-171 Front Door Interlock RAP
Interlock RAP Check the front door interlock switch, S11-303, Figure 1.

11-300-171 The finisher was detected to be undocked in the run mode. • Check the switch actuator on the inside of the front door is not damaged.
• Enter dC330, code 11-303 actuate the switch and check the display.
11-302-171 The top cover interlock was detected open during a run. Refer to:
– GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
11-303-171 The finisher front door interlock was detected open during a run.
– P/J112, HVF Control PWB.
– Figure 1, Flag 2.
Initial Actions
• Check the wiring, GP 7.
WARNING • If necessary, install a new front door interlock switch, PL 11.145 Item 24.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Ensure the HVF is correctly docked to the machine and all interlocks are c]losed.

• Ensure the HVF is correctly docked to the machine and all interlocks are closed.
• Go to the OF12 Output Device Undocked RAP and complete the procedure.

Go to the appropriate RAP:
• 11-300-171 Docking Interlock RAP
• 11-302-171 Top Cover Interlock RAP
• 11-303-171 Front Door Interlock RAP
11-300-171 Docking Interlock RAP
Check the docking interlock switch, S11-300, Figure 1.
• Check the switch actuator mounted on the machine is correctly installed and un-broken.
• Enter dC330, code 11-300, actuate the switch and check the display.
Refer to:
– GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
– P/J112, HVF Control PWB
– Figure 1, Flag 3.
• Check the wiring, GP 7.
• If necessary, install new components:
– Docking interlock switch, PL 11.130 Item 16.
11-302-171 Top Cover Interlock RAP
Check the top cover interlock switch, S11-302, Figure 1.
• Check the switch actuator is not damaged.
• Enter dC330, code 11-302 actuate the switch and check the display.
Refer to:
– GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
– P/J112, HVF Control PWB.
– Figure 1, Flag 1.
• Check the wiring, GP 7.
• If necessary, install a new front door interlock switch, PL 11.145 Item 24.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 2-426 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Top cover interlock switch

Front door interlock switch,

Docking interlock switch, S11- S11-303

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-427 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 2-428 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-306-171, 11-309-171 HVF Inserter Interlock RAP • HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

11-306-171 The inserter top cover interlock was detected open in the run mode.
The fault may be intermittent. Check the wiring and the routing of the harness. Refer to GP 7.

11-309 The inserter left hand door was detected open in the run mode.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check that the inserter top cover and left hand door can be fully closed and that the interlocks
are operated. Remove any obstruction as necessary.

Check the inserter top cover interlock switch, S11-306, Figure 1.
Check the switch actuator is not damaged.
Check the actuator on the top cover is not damaged, PL 11.179 Item 17.
Enter dC330, code 11-306. Open and close the top cover to actuate the switch. The display
Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Figure 1, Flag 1 and Flag 2.
• P/J1, P/J5, P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• P/J701, P/J703, HVF Control PWB.
Inserter left hand door Inter- Inserter top cover interlock
• Check the wiring, GP 7.
lock switch, S11-431 switch, S11-306
If necessary install new components:
• Inserter top cover interlock switch, PL 11.177 Item 8.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Figure 1 Component location
Check the inserter top left door interlock switch, S11-431, Figure 1.
Check the switch actuator is not damaged.
Check the actuator on the left hand door is not damaged, PL 11.179 Item 17.
Open the top cover. Enter dC330, code 11-431, open and close the left hand door to actuate
the switch. The display changes.
Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• Figure 1, Flag 3 and Flag 4.
• P/J2, P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB
• Check the wiring, GP 7.
If necessary install new components:
• Inserter left door interlock switch, PL 11.175 Item 18.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-429 11-306-171, 11-309-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-306-171, 11-309-171 2-430 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-307-171, 11-308-171 Tri-folder Interlock RAP Enter dC330, code 11-394. Open the tri-folder top cover. The display changes.
11-307-171 The Tri-folder top cover interlock was detected open during a run.
Go to Flag 6 and Flag 7. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the
Tri-folder top cover interlock sensor, Q11-394. Refer to:
11-308-171 The Tri-folder front door interlock was detected open during a run.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J605, P/J602, Tri Folder Control PWB.
Initial Actions
• P/J563, BM PWB.
WARNING • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Install new components as necessary:
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
• Top cover interlock sensor, Q11-394, PL 11.190 Item 10.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Tri-folder PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
Check that the tri-folder top cover and front door can be fully closed and that the interlocks are
operated. Remove any obstruction as necessary. • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 1 shows the location of the components. The two yellow, +24V interlock LEDs on the
BM PWB will extinguish if a tri-folder interlock is open. TF top cover interlock TF top cover sensor
switch Q11-394
Check that the yellow, +24V interlock LED on the BM control PWB is lit. The LED is lit.
Go to Flag 1, Flag 2 and Flag 3. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2.
Check the TF top cover interlock switch and the TF front door interlock switch, S11-393.
Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J601, Tri Folder Control PWB.
• P/J553, BM PWB.
• P/J559, BM PWB.
• P/J131, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Top cover interlock switch, PL 11.197 Item 3.
• Front door interlock switch, PL 11.197 Item 2.
• Tri-folder PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• HVF PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
TF front door interlock
Enter dC330, code 11-393. Open the tri-folder front door. The display changes. switch, S11-393
Go to Flag 4 and Flag 5. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the
tri-folder front door interlock, S11-393. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J605, P/J602, Tri Folder Control PWB.
• P/J563, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Component location
Install new components as necessary:
• Tri-folder front door interlock switch, PL 11.197 Item 3.
• Tri-folder PWB, PL 11.193 Item 16.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-431 11-307-171, 11-308-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-307-171, 11-308-171 2-432 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-371-171 to 11-377-171 HVF Stapler Position and Priming Install new components as necessary:
• Stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
11-371-171 The stapler did not move from the home position.
With the stapler unit still at the inboard end, enter dC330, code 11-360, stapler home sensor.
11-372-171 The stapler did not return to the home position. Manually activate the stapler home sensor, Q11-360, Figure 2. The display changes.
11-373-171 The stapler did not enter the mid home position.
Go to Flag 1. Check the sensor, Q11-360.
Refer to:
11-374-171 The stapler did not leave the mid home position.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
11-375-171 The stapler jaw did not enter the home position. • P/J301, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
11-376-171 The stapler jaw did not leave the home position. Install new components as necessary:
• Stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.
11-377-171 A stapler priming failure was detected.
• HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Initial Actions Enter dC330, code 11-054 to send the stapler unit to the outboard end of the machine. Enter
WARNING code 11-175, stapler unit mid home sensor. Manually activate the stapler unit mid home sen-
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the sor, Q11-175, Figure 2. The display changes.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Y N
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Go to Flag 4. Check the sensor, Q11-373.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Do not run code 11-050 without two sheets of paper in the stapler jaws. Running this code with-
out the paper in position can cause damage to the machine. • P/J301, HVF Control PWB.
If stapling has failed, perform the following: • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new components as necessary:
• Check that the staple head unit is correctly installed. • Stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.
• Check that the staple cartridge has staples in it and is correctly installed in the staple • HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• Check that the leading staples in the staple head have been primed. Place two sheets of paper in the stapler jaws. Raise the finisher top cover. Figure 1, lower the
• Check that the sheets of staples in the cartridge are feeding one at a time. If staples paper pusher fully down and lower the top cover. Enter dC330, code 11-050 to run the staple
sheets overlap, they will jam in the cartridge. If necessary, install a new cartridge, PL head motor, MOT 11-050. The motor runs.
11.140. Y N
Go to Flag 6. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the stapler gate
safety switch.
Procedure Refer to:
NOTE: The sensors Q11-364, Q11-363, Q11-360 and Q11-362 are integral to the staple head • GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
unit and although they can be checked they are not separately spared. • P/J304, HVF Control PWB.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the locations of the components. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Enter dC330, code 11-053 to run the stapler unit motor, MOT 11-053 and send it to the inboard Install new components as necessary:
end of its travel. The motor runs. • Stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.
Y N • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Go to Flag 5. Check the motor, MOT 11-053.
With the paper still in place, re-enter the code 11-050 to run the staple head motor, MOT
Refer to:
11-050. The motor runs.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J801, HVF Control PWB. Go to Flag 2. Check the motor, MOT 11-050.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-433 11-371-171 to 11-377-171
Refer to: Install a new HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J801, HVF Control PWB. Enter dC330, code 11-360 to monitor the staple home sensor Q11-360, stack the code 11-050
to cycle the staple head. The display changes.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary: Go to Flag 3, check for a change in signal level at P/J301 pin 12, while code 11-050 is
• Stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14. running. The signal level changes.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. Y N
Check the wiring between P/J301 pin 12 and the staple head unit. The wiring is
If the stapler is now working satisfactorily, perform SCP 6 Final Actions. If necessary, con- good.
tinue with this RAP. Y N
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new stapler harness and P-clip assembly,
Remove the stapled paper and raise the paper pusher fully upwards. Go to Flag 3. +5V is PL 11.140 Item 25 as necessary.
available at T502 between pins 1 and 4, also between pin 1 and 7 on the staple head.
Y N Install a new stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.
Check the wiring between P/J T502 and P/J301. The wiring is good.
Y N Install a new HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new stapler harness and P-clip assembly, PL
11.140 Item 25. Enter dC330, code 11-362, actuate the low staples sensor, Q11-362, by removing and install-
ing the staple cartridge. The display changes.
Install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. Y N
Go to Flag 3, check for a change in signal level at P/J301 pin 13 when Q11-362 is being
Enter dC330, code 11-364 actuate the stapler priming sensor, Q11-364, by removing and actuated. The signal level changes.
installing the staple cartridge. The display changes. Y N
Y N Check the wiring between P/J301 pin 13 and the staple head unit. The wiring is
Check for a change in signal level at P/J301 pin 9 when Q11-364 is being actuated. The good.
signal level changes. Y N
Y N Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new stapler harness and P-clip assembly,
Check the wiring between P/J301 pin 9 and the staple head unit. The wiring is PL 11.140 Item 25 as necessary.
Y N Install a new stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new stapler harness and P-clip assembly,
PL 11.140 Item 25 as necessary. Install a new HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Install a new stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14. The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components.
Install a new HVF Control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-363 actuate the stapler cartridge sensor, Q11-363, by removing and
installing the staple cartridge. The display changes.
Check for a change in signal level at P/J301 pin 10 when Q11-363 is being actuated.
The signal level changes.
Check the wiring between P/J301 pin 10 and the staple head unit. The wiring is
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new stapler harness and P-clip assembly,
PL 11.140 Item 25 as necessary.

Install a new stapler assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-371-171 to 11-377-171 2-434 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Stapler unit mid home sensor,

Paper pusher

Stapler gate safety

switch, S11-365

Figure 1 Component location

Stapler home sensor,


Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-435 11-371-171 to 11-377-171
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-371-171 to 11-377-171 2-436 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-437 11-371-171 to 11-377-171
11-380-171 HVF Punch Unit Paper Edge Detect RAP
11-380-171 The punch unit failed to detect the edge of the paper.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check that the paper path through the punch is clear, Figure 1. Check the punch module is
seated at the rear or the machine.

Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the punch paper sen-
sor, Figure 1. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J501, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Entry Feed motor 1,
Install new components as necessary:
• HVF hole punch assembly, PL 11.153 Item 1.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. Paper edge sensor
Enter dC330, code 11-000, entry feed motor 1, to check that the motor runs. The motor runs.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check entry feed motor
1, MOT11-000. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J102, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Component location
Install new components as necessary:
• Entry Feed motor, MOT11-000, PL 11.150 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• For machines W/TAG 046 or W/TAG 047, decrease the downcurl on prints. Refer to ADJ
• Check the tension of the entry feed motor 1 belt, PL 11.150 Item 7. Refer to ADJ 11.10-
• If the fault only occurs when paper is fed from tray 5, check the tray 5 alignment. Refer to
ADJ 7.4.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-380-171 2-438 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-439 11-380-171
11-392-171 to 11-395-171 HVF Front Tamper Tray RAP Y N
Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the front tamper
11-392-171 The front tamper tray did not move from the home position.
away sensor, Q11-174. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
11-393-171 The front tamper tray did not return to the home position.
• P/J901, HVF Control PWB.
11-394-171 The front tamper tray did not enter the away position. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
11-395-171 The front tamper tray did not move from the away position. • Front tamper away sensor, Q11-174, PL 11.156 Item 1.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Initial Actions
WARNING Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the front tamper tray from operating
• Jams can be caused if the tray settings do not match the paper in the trays. Make sure the
tray settings are correct.

Figure 1 shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330, code 11-003 to move the tamper inboard, and enter 11-005 to move the tamper
outboard. The tamper moves.
Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the front tamper
motor, MOT11-003. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J902, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Front tamper motor, MOT11-003, PL 11.153 Item 6.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Front tamper home Front tamper away Front Tamper Motor,
Stack the dC330 code 11-310, front tamper home sensor. Move the motor using its control sensor, Q11-310 sensor, Q11-174 MOT 11-003
code 11-003 or 11-005. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the front tamper
home sensor, Q11-310. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Figure 1 Component location
• P/J901, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Front tamper home sensor, Q11-310, PL 11.156 Item 1.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Stack the dC330 code 11-174, front tamper away sensor. Move the motor using its control code
11-003 or 11-005. The display changes.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-392-171 to 11-395-171 2-440 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-441 11-392-171 to 11-395-171
11-396-171 to 11-399-171 HVF Rear Tamper Tray RAP • GP 11 How to check a sensor.
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
11-396-171 The rear tamper tray did not move from the home position.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
11-397-171 The rear tamper tray did not return to the home position.
Install new components as necessary:
11-398-171 The rear tamper tray did not move from the away position. • Rear tamper, PL 11.140 Item 13.
11-399-171 The rear tamper tray did not return to the away position. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Initial Actions Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the rear tamper tray from operating
• Check that the drive belt is securely in position. Figure 1.
• Jams can be caused if the tray settings do not match the paper in the trays. Make sure the
tray settings are correct.

Enter the dC330 code, 11-006, move rear tamper inboard. The tamper moves.
Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the rear tamper
motor, MOT11-004. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor. Rear tamper
Rear tamper motor, Rear tamper
• P/J801, HVF Control PWB. away sensor, home sensor,
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Q11-319 Q11-311
Install new components as necessary:
• Rear tamper, PL 11.140 Item 13.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Stack the dC330 code, 11-311, rear tamper home sensor. Move the tamper motor using the
code 11-006, move motor inboard. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the rear tamper
home sensor, Q11-311. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Rear tamper, PL 11.140 Item 13.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter the dC330 code, 11-319, rear tamper away sensor. Actuate the rear tamper away sensor,
using a piece of paper inserted from the rear of the machine. The display changes.
Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the rear tamper
Figure 1 Component location
away sensor, Q11-319. Refer to:
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-396-171 to 11-399-171 2-442 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-443 11-396-171 to 11-399-171
11-403-171, 11-413-171, 11-414-171 HVF BM Staple Head 2 Install new components as necessary:
• BM staple head 2, PL 11.168 Item 7.
and Stapler Module RAP
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
11-403-171 The booklet maker staple head 2 motor has failed to move.
Enter dC330, code 11-403 to run the BM SH2 motor, Figure 1. The staple head cycled.
11-413-171 The booklet maker staple head 2 is not detected in the home position. Y N
Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and connectors between P/J560 and P/J585. The wir-
11-414-171 The booklet maker stapler module is not detected in the home (staple head closed)
ing and connectors are good.
position during hard / soft initialize, or at set boundary. Y N
Repair the wiring or connectors, REP 1.2.
Initial Actions
WARNING Install a new BM staple head 2, PL 11.168 Item 7.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new components:
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• BM staple head carrier closed sensor, PL 11.168 Item 18.
• Check that there is no damage or obstruction that would prevent the stapling unit from
cycling. • BM staple head 2, PL 11.168 Item 7.
• Check that the sheets of staples in the cartridge are feeding one at a time. If staple sheets • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
overlap, they will jam in the cartridge. If necessary, install a new staple cartridge, PL
11.168 Item 8.
• Ensure that the customer job does not exceed the capacity of the booklet maker. Refer to
11D-171 Booklet Quality RAP for booklet maker quality specifications.

Enter dC330, code 11-421 to check the BM staple head carrier closed sensor, Q11-421. Open
and close the staple head carrier. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1, check the staple head carrier closed sensor, Q11-421.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM staple head carrier closed sensor, PL 11.168 Item 18.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Remove the HVF front door and door support, refer to REP 11.1-171 HVF Covers. Pull out the
BM module. Remove the staple head 2 cover, PL 11.168 Item 14. Enter dC330, code 11-413 to Staple head carrier closed
check the BM SH2 home switch. Manually rotate the staple head to actuate the BM SH2 home sensor, Q11-421
switch. The display changes.
Go to Flag 2. Check the BM SH2 home switch, S11-413.
Refer to: BM staple head 2
• GP 13, How to Check a Switch.
• P/J551, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-403-171, 11-413-171, 11-414-171 2-444 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-445 11-403-171, 11-413-171, 11-414-171
11-415-171 HVF BM Crease Roll Gate Home RAP
11-415-171 The crease roll gate is not at the home position.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. BM crease roll gate home sensor,
• Check for a jam or other obstruction that can prevent the crease roll gate mechanism from
• Check the following parts for damage:
– Crease roll gate rack gears, PL 11.167 Item 8.
– Crease roll gate racks, PL 11.167 Item 14.
BM crease roll gate motor,
MOT 11-401
Enter dC330 code 11-415. Actuate the BM crease roll gate home sensor, Q11-415. The dis-
play changes.
Go to Flag 1, check the BM crease roll gate home sensor, Q11-415.
Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J552, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM crease roll gate home sensor PL 11.166 Item 9.
Figure 1 Component location
Enter dC330, code 11-401 to run the BM crease roll gate motor, MOT 11-401. The motor
Go to Flag 2 and Flag 3, check the BM crease roll gate motor, MOT 11-401.
Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J555, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM crease roll gate motor, PL 11.166 Item 8.

The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install a new BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-415-171 2-446 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-447 11-415-171
11-417-171, 11-418-171 HVF BM Flapper RAP
11-417-171 The booklet maker flapper did not return to the home position.

11-418-171 The booklet maker flapper did not move from the home position.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the BM flapper from rotating.

NOTE: All HVF BM interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors.

Enter dC330, code 11-390 to check the BM flapper motor, MOT11-390, Figure 1. The BM
flapper rotates.
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT11-390.
Refer to:
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J560, BM PWB.
• 11A-171, HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM flapper motor, PL 11.166 Item 1.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM flapper, PL 11.161 Item 23.
Flapper home
Enter dC330, code 11-391. Actuate the flapper home sensor, Q11-391. The display changes. BM Flapper motor,
sensor, Q11-391.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-391.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J551, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Flapper home sensor, PL 11.161 Item 12.
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10. Figure 1 Component location

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-417-171, 11-418-171 2-448 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-449 11-417-171, 11-418-171
11-450-171, 11-456-171 to 11-459-171 HVF Ejector Module Exit the diagnostics mode, selecting the Re-boot option. This returns the ejector module to the
home position.
RAP Enter the dC330 code, 11-322, ejector unit out sensor.
11-450-171 The ejector module motor has stalled Stack the dC330 code, 11-053 to move the stapler unit inboard, and observe the display. The
display changes.
11-456-171 The ejector module did not return to the home position. Y N
Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector unit
11-457-171 The ejector module did not move from the home position. out sensor, Q11-322. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
11-458-171 The ejector module did not return to the out position. • P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
11-459-171 The ejector module did not move from the out position.
Install new components as necessary:
Initial Actions • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Exit the diagnostics mode, selecting the Re-boot option. This returns the ejector module to the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can home position.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Enter the dC330 code 11-177, ejector motor encoder.
Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the ejector module from operating cor- Stack the dC330 code, 11-053 to move the stapler unit inboard, and observe the display. The
rectly. display changes condition for a few seconds.
Procedure Go to Flag 4. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector motor
encoder, Q11-177. Refer to:
Figure 1 shows the location of the components. • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
Enter the dC330 code 11-320, ejector home sensor.
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
Stack the dC330 code 11-053 to move the stapler unit inboard, and observe the display. This
action moves the stapler unit inboard, and moves the ejector module to the out position. The • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
display changes. Install new components as necessary:
Y N • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
The ejector module moved to the out position. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
unit motor, MOT11-023. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J802, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector home
sensor, Q11-320. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-450-171, 11-456-171 to 11-459-171 2-450 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Left view of ejector
Ejector Unit Motor,

Ejector Motor Encoder Ejector Home Sensor, Ejector Unit Out

Sensor, Q11-177 Q11-320. Sensor, Q11-322.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-451 11-450-171, 11-456-171 to 11-459-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-450-171, 11-456-171 to 11-459-171 2-452 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-451-171 to 11-455-171 HVF Ejector Roll & Lower Paddle • P/J802, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
11-451-171 The ejector roll motor has stalled.
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
11-452-171 The ejector roll did not return to the home position. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

11-453-171 The ejector roll did not move from the home position. Go to Flag 3. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector plate
encoder sensor, Q11-178. Refer to:
11-454-171 The lower paddle has failed to return to the home position. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
11-455-171 The lower paddle has failed to move from the home position. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Initial Actions • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
WARNING • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Measure the voltage at P/J401, pin B4. Figure 3, Rotate the lower home paddle upwards and
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. inwards for one full rotation. The voltage changes from a logic high to a low, and then
• Check for any damage or obstructions that would prevent the ejector roll and lower paddle back to high.
from operating correctly. Y N
Go to Flag 4. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector lower
• Check that the curl suppressor solenoid SOL11-084 is operating correctly. If necessary,
go to 11M-171 Curl Suppressor RAP. paddle switch, S11-180. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the component locations.
Install new components as necessary:
Enter dC330 code, 11-032 to take the bin 1 stacker tray down.
Enter dC330 code 11-053, staple unit 1 forward. This moves the ejector module to the out posi- • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
tion. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330 code 11-179, ejector plate home sensor. Manually turn the ejector belts a few
centimetres. The display changes. Measure the voltage at P/J401, pin B12. Actuate the ejector paper present sensor by placing a
Y N sheet of paper on the ejector module. The voltage changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector plate Y N
home sensor, Q11-179. Refer to: Go to Flag 5. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector paper
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. present sensor. Refer to:
• P/J401, HVF Control PWB. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. • P/J401, HVF Control PWB.
Install new components as necessary: • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2. Install new components as necessary:
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter the dC330 code 11-178, ejector plater encoder sensor. Enter the code, 11-088 to rotate
the ejector roll motor one cycle of the ejector plates in the forward direction. The display Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
The ejector roll motor turned.
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the ejector
roll motor, MOT 11-088. Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-453 11-451-171 to 11-455-171
Ejector roll motor

Ejector lower
paddle home
switch, S11-180

Ejector plate encoder Ejector plate home

sensor Q11-178 sensor Q11-179


Figure 1 Component location Figure 2 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-451-171 to 11-455-171 2-454 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Rotate paddle 1 Ejector paper
complete turn present sensor

Figure 3 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-455 11-451-171 to 11-455-171
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-451-171 to 11-455-171 2-456 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-460-171 to 11-462-171 HVF Bin 1 Position RAP Y N
Go to Flag 6. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the bin 1
11-460-171 Bin 1 motor has stalled.
lower limit switch, S11-335. Refer to:
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch.
11-461-171 Bin 1 did not actuate the bin 1 upper level sensor during stacking.
• P/J602, HVF Control PWB.
11-462-171 Bin 1 did not leave the bin 1 upper level sensor during stacking. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Initial Actions • Bin 1 lower limit switch, PL 11.135 Item 7.
• Check that bin1 is not damaged and there are no obstructions that would prevent bin 1 • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
from moving.
• Remove any obstructions that could prevent the full descent and elevation of bin 1. Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the bin 1 eleva-
tor motor, 11-030. Refer to:
• Press the pause to unload button to lower bin 1. Press again the pause to unload button
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
to raise bin 1.
• P/J202, HVF Control PWB.
Procedure • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 elevator motor, PL 11.135 Item 10.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Enter the dC330 code, 11-182, bin 1 encoder sensor. Turn the bin 1 encoder wheel. The dis-
NOTE: The bin 1 90% full sensor, Q11-331, and the bin 1 lower limit switch are mounted on the play changes.
same bracket. This bracket can be in either of two positions. It is in the upper position, only Y N
when a tri-folder module is installed. Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and repair as necessary. Check the bin 1 encoder sensor,
Q11-182. Refer to:
NOTE: The bin 1 upper level sensor controls the height of the tray during normal use. The sen-
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
sor is in two parts: the transmitter at the rear of the tray and the receiver at the front of the tray.
Only the LED of the rear sensor is used and only the light sensitive transistor of the front sen- • P/J601, HVF Control PWB.
sor is used. Refer to Flag 3 and Flag 4. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Figure 1 shows the location of the components.
Place about one centimetre thickness of paper on the bin 1 tray. Switch OFF the machine, then • Bin 1 encoder sensor, Q11-182, PL 11.135 Item 3.
switch ON the machine. The bin 1 tray moves during initialization. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
If the tray is not at the upper limit, enter the dC330 code 11-334, bin 1 upper limit switch. Enter the dC330 code 11-332, bin 1 upper level sensor. Remove the paper from the tray. Actu-
Manually actuate the switch. The display changes. ate the sensor by breaking the light beam from the rear sensor to the front sensor. The dis-
Y N play changes.
Go to Flag 5. Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the bin 1 Y N
upper limit switch, S11-334. Refer to: Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4. Check the wiring and repair as necessary. Check the two parts of
• GP 13 How to Check a Switch. the bin 1 upper level sensor, Q11-332. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J602, HVF Control PWB.
• P/J601 and P/J901, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 upper limit switch, PL 11.135 Item 7.
• Bin 1 upper level sensor transmitter or receiver, as necessary, PL 11.140 Items 16
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
and 20.
If the tray is not at the lower limit, enter the dC330 code 11-335, bin 1 lower limit switch. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Manually actuate the switch. The display changes.
Enter the dC330 code 11-331, bin 1 90% full sensor. Actuate the sensor using a piece of
paper. The display changes.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-457 11-460-171 to 11-462-171
Go to Flag 7. Check the wiring and repair as necessary. Check the bin 1 90% full sensor,
Q11-331. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J601, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Bin1 90% full sensor, PL 11.135 Item 3. Bin 1 encoder
sensor, Q11-182 Bin 1 eleva-
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. tor motor,
Bin 1 rear wall sensor, MOT11-030
Lower the bin 1 tray by pressing the PTU switch, or by entering the dC330 code 11-032, bin1
elevator motor down. Enter the dC330 code 11-196, bin 1 rear wall sensor. Actuate the bin 1
rear wall sensor using a sheet of paper. The display changes.
Go to Flag 8.Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the bin 1 rear
wall sensor, Q11-196. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J403, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Bin 1 upper level sensor,
(transmitter) Q11-332
Install new components as necessary:
• Bin 1 rear wall sensor, PL 11.140 Item 17.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. Bin 1 upper level sensor,
If the fault is random and Bin 1 has an erratic up / down movement and poor stacking. Check
that the Bin 1 rear wall sensor is clean. The sensor is clean.
Y N Bin 1 upper limit
Clean the Bin 1 rear wall sensor. Use a brush to remove paper dust from the sensor and switch, S11-334
the plastic surround. Then use a damp cloth to clean the sensor and plastic surround.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Bin 1 90% full sensor, Q11-331

Bin 1 lower limit

switch, S11-335

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-460-171 to 11-462-171 2-458 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-459 11-460-171 to 11-462-171
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-460-171 to 11-462-171 2-460 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11-463-171, 11-464-171 HVF BM +24V Failure RAP Go to Flag 5. +24V is available at P/J601 between pins 1 and pin 4.
11-463-171 The booklet maker control PWB has failed to detect +24V at the input from the
Install a new BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Go to Flag 6. +24V is available at P/J601 between pins 4 and 6.
11-464-171 The booklet maker control PWB has detected an internal +24V failure, such as
over current, short circuit or under voltage. Go to the 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 Docking and Interlocks RAP.

Initial Actions The +24V supply are good. Go to SCP 6 Final actions.
• Ensure the HVF BM is correctly docked to the machine and all interlocks are closed.
The +24V supply are good. Go to SCP 6 Final actions.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
Close or cheat all the HVF BM interlocks. The HVF BM performs a mechanical reset.
Go to Flag 1. ACL is available at PJ22 on the LVPS and base module between pins 1
and 2.
Go to the 01C AC Power RAP and check the AC output voltages.

Go to Flag 2. +24V is available at P/J111 between pins 1 and 4.

Figure 1. +24V is available at T001 on the HVF power supply between pins 1
and 5.
Install a new HVF power supply module, PL 11.157 Item 1.

Check the connectors and harness between T001 and PJ111. Repair the harness as
necessary, REP 1.2.

Go to Flag 3. +24V is available at P/J111 between pins 1 and 4, between pins 2 and 5
and between pins 3 and 6.
Go to the 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 HVF Docking and Interlock RAP.

Go to Flag 4. +24V is available at P/J559 between pins 1 and 2.

+24V is available at P/J131 between pins 1 and 2.
Install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Check the connectors and harness between P/J559 and P/J131. Repair the har-
ness as necessary, REP 1.2.

If an inserter is installed, go to P/J703. +24V is available between P/J703 pin 1 and P/

J111 pin 1.
Go to 11-306-171, 11-309-171 HVF Inserter Interlock RAP


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-461 11-463-171, 11-464-171
Tri-folder unit

HVF power
supply module
HVF control

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-463-171, 11-464-171 2-462 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-463 11-463-171, 11-464-171
11-465-171 to 11-468-171 Paddle Unit Position RAP Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
11-465-171 The paddle unit has failed to return to the upper position.
• P/J201, HVF Control PWB.
11-466-171 The paddle unit has failed to move from the upper position. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
11-467-171 The paddle unit has failed to return to the lower position. Install new components as necessary:
• Paddle unit lower sensor, PL 11.145 Item 22.
11-468-171 The paddle unit has failed to move from the lower position.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Initial Actions Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the paddle unit from operating correctly.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: All HVF BM interlocks must be made to supply +24V to the motors. Paddle Unit Upper Paddle Unit Lower
Sensor, Q11-194. Sensor, Q11-195.
Enter dC330, code 11-027 paddle unit motor, MOT11-027, Figure 1. Select code 11-027 and
press Start. The motor runs.
Go to Flag 2. Check MOT11-027.
Refer to:
• GP 10, How to Check a Motor.
• P/J202, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Paddle module driving motor assembly, PL 11.150 Item 6.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter dC330, code 11-027 to check the paddle unit motor, MOT11-027, Figure 1. The paddle
unit moves.
Check the drive gears on the paddle unit. Install new components as necessary. PL
11.145 Item 2.

Enter dC330, code 11-194 paddle unit upper sensor, Q11-194. Select code 11-194 and press
Start. Select code 11-027 and press Start. The sensor status changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-194.
Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J201, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Paddle unit upper sensor, PL 11.145 Item 2.
Paddle Unit Motor,
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. MOT11-027
Enter dC330, code 11-195 paddle unit lower sensor, Q11-195. Select code 11-195 and press
Start. Select code 11-027 and press Start. The sensor status changes.
Y N Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 3. Check Q11-195.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-465-171 to 11-468-171 2-464 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-465 11-465-171 to 11-468-171
11-473-171 to 11-478-171 Support Finger Position RAP • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
11-473-171 The support finger has failed to return to the initial position.

11-474-171 The support finger has failed to move from the initial position. Enter the dC330 code 11-193, support finger out sensor, Q11-193 and continue turning the
gear wheel. When the support fingers have extended by about 105 mm, the support finger out
sensor changes state. The display changes from High to Low.
11-475-171 The support finger has failed to return to the home position.
Go to Flag 3. Check the support finger out sensor, Q11-193. Refer to:
11-476-171 The support finger has failed to move from the home position.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
11-477-171 The support finger has failed to return to the out position. • P/J402, HVF Control PWB
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
11-478-171 The support finger has failed to move from the out position. Install new components as necessary:
• Rear tamper assembly, PL 11.140 Item 13.
Procedure • Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2.
WARNING • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Make several small sets of copies and observe that the support fingers are extended between
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. each set.

NOTE: When manually extending the fingers to check the sensors, the home sensor operates NOTE: If copies can not be made, go to the check of the support finger motor encoder.
first, followed by the init sensor. The away sensor operates when the fingers are fully extended.
The support fingers are extended.
All three sensors are spared as part of the rear tamper assembly.
Figure 1 shows the component locations. Remove the HVF top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-171. Enter the dC330 code 11-172,
Enter dC330 code 11-192, support finger home sensor. Note the position of the support fingers support finger motor encoder. Figure 1. Manually turn the support motor encoder disc.
at rest. Using a screwdriver, or with a finger, turn the gear wheel shown in Figure 1, down- The encoder sensor changes state.
wards. The support fingers extend to the right as the gear is turned. When the support fingers Y N
have extended by about six millimetres, the support finger home sensor changes state. The Go to Flag 4. Check the support finger motor encoder sensor, Q11-172. Refer to:
display changes from High to Low. • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Y N • P/J402, HVF Control PWB.
Go to Flag 1. Check the support finger home sensor, Q11-192. Refer to:
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Install new components as necessary:
• P/J402, HVF Control PWB.
• Support finger motor encoder sensor, PL 11.140 Item 15.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Install new components as necessary:
• Rear tamper assembly, PL 11.140 Item 13. Go to Flag 5. Check the wiring between P/J802 and the support finger motor. Repair as
• Ejector assembly, PL 11.140 Item 2. necessary, REP 1.2. Install new components as necessary:
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. • Motor encoder assembly, PL 11.140 Item 18.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Enter the dC330 code 11-191 and continue turning the gear wheel. When the support fingers
have extended by about 25 mm, the support finger init sensor changes state. The display Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
changes from High to Low.
Go to Flag 2. Check the support finger init sensor, Q11-191. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J402, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Rear tamper assembly, PL 11.140 Item 13.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-473-171 to 11-478-171 2-466 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Support Finger Home Sensor, Q11-192. Support Finger Out
Sensor, Q11-193

Gear wheel

Support Finger Init Support Finger Motor Support Finger Motor

Sensor, Q11-191. Encoder Sensor.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-467 11-473-171 to 11-478-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-473-171 to 11-478-171 2-468 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-469 11-473-171 to 11-478-171
11-479-171 Inserter Paper Length Fault RAP Install new components as necessary:
• Pickup sensor, PL 11.179 Item 11.
11-479-171 A shorter than expected sheet has been fed from the inserter.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
Initial Actions • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Check that the inserter paper path is clear of obstructions and the sensors are clean.
Enter the dC330 code 11-154, inserter paper path sensor. Operate the sensor using a sheet of
paper. The sensor display changes state.
Procedure Y N
WARNING Go to Flag 7 and Flag 8 and check the inserter paper path sensor, Q11-154. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • P/J6, P/J4, Inserter PWB.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • P/J701, HVF Control PWB.
Figure 1 shows the component locations. • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Enter the dC330 code 11-150, inserter paper length 1 sensor. Operate the sensor using a Install new components as necessary:
sheet of paper. The sensor display changes state. • Inserter paper path sensor, PL 11.175 Item 11.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2 and check the inserter paper length 1 sensor, Q11-150. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• P/J9, P/J4, Inserter PWB.
Enter the dC330 code 11-077, to energize the inserter clutch. The inserter clutch is ener-
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB. gised.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Y N
Install new components as necessary: Go to Flag 9 (W/O TAG V-001) or Flag 13 (With TAG V-001) and Flag 10 and check the
• Inserter paper length 1 sensor, Q11-150, PL 11.175 Item 12. inserter clutch, CL11-077. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• P/J703, HVF Control PWB.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• P/J5, P/J12, Inserter PWB.
Enter the dC330 code 11-151, inserter paper length 2 sensor. Operate the sensor using a • 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
sheet of paper. The sensor display changes state. Install new components as necessary:
• Inserter clutch, PL 11.179 Item 3.
Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4 and check the inserter paper length 2 sensor, Q11-151. Refer to:
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• P/J9, P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB. Enter the dC330 code 11-078, to run the inserter motor. The inserter motor runs.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. Y N
Install new components as necessary: Go to Flag 11 and Flag 12 and check the inserter motor, MOT11-078. Refer to:
• Inserter paper length 2 sensor, PL 11.175 Item 12. • GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9. • P/J701, HVF Control PWB.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2. • P/J4, P/J12, Inserter PWB.
• 11A-171, HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Enter the dC330 code 11-155, inserter pick up sensor. Operate the sensor using a sheet of Install new components as necessary:
paper. The sensor display changes state. • Inserter motor, PL 11.181 Item 1.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
Go to Flag 5 and Flag 6 and check the paper path sensor, Q11-154. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. • HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
• P/J6, P/J4, Inserter PWB.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• P/J701, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171, HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11-479-171 2-470 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Inserter paper length 1
sensor, Q11-150
Inserter paper length 2
sensor, Q11-151 Pickup Sensor

Paper Path Sen-

sor Q11-154

Inserter clutch,

Inserter motor,

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-471 11-479-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11-479-171 2-472 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-473 11-479-171
11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP Go to Flag 3. +24V is available at P/J111 between pins 1 and 4, between pins 2 and 5
and between pins 3 and 6.
The HVF has an integral power supply providing +24V and +5V supplies to the HVF PWB and
HVF BM PWB. The AC power for the HVF power supply comes from the LVPS and base mod- Go to the 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 Docking and Interlocks RAP.
ule of the machine.
Go to Flag 4. +5V is available at P/J559 between pins 4 and 5.
Do not connect the HVF power cord directly to the AC wall outlet. The HVF cannot operate +5V is available at P/J132 between pins 1 and 2.
without the machine. The machine controls the distribution of electricity to the HVF/HVF BM for Y N
correct power on and power off sequencing. Install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Initial Actions
• Ensure the HVF/HVF BM is correctly docked to the machine and all interlocks are closed. Check the connectors and harness between P/J132 and P/J559. Repair the har-
ness as necessary.
• Refer to Figure 3 for the location on components.
• Refer to HVF Control PWB and BM PWB LEDs to identify the status of the PWBs. Go to Flag 4. +24V is available at P/J559 between pins 1 and 2.
Procedure +24V is available at P/J131 between pins 1 and 2.
WARNING Install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury.
Close or cheat all the HVF BM interlocks. The HVF BM performs a mechanical reset. Check the connectors and harness between P/J559 and P/J131. Repair the har-
Y N ness as necessary, REP 1.2.
Go to Flag 2. +5V is available at P/J113 between pins 1 and 2.
Y N If a inserter is installed, go to P/J703. +24V is available between P/J703 pin 1 and P/
Figure 3. +5V is available at T001 on the HVF power supply module between J111 pin 1.
pins 4 and 8. Y N
Y N Go to 11-306-171, 11-309-171 HVF Inserter Interlock RAP
Go to Flag 1. ACL is available at PJ22 on the LVPS and base module
between pins 1 and 2. Go to Flag 5. +5V is available at P/J601 between pins 3 and 4.
Go to the 01C AC Power RAP and check the AC output voltages. +5V is available at P/J553 between pins 3 and 4.
Install a new HVF power supply module, PL 11.157 Item 1. Install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Disconnect P/J113. Go to Flag 2. +5V is available at the harness end of P/J113 Check the connectors and harness between P/J553 and P/J601. Repair the har-
between pins 1 and 2. ness as necessary, REP 1.2.
Check the connectors and harness between T001 and P/J113. Repair the har- Go to Flag 5. +24V is available at P/J601 between pins 1 and pin 4.
ness as necessary, REP 1.2. Y N
Install a new BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
Install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Go to Flag 6 +24V is available at P/J601 between pins 4 and 6.
Go to Flag 2. +24V is available at P/J111 between pins 1 and 4. Y N
Y N Go to the 11-300-171, 11-302-171, 11-303-171 Docking and Interlocks RAP.
+24V is available at T001 between pins 1 and 5.
Y N The +24V and +5V supplies are good. Go to SCP 6 Final actions.
Install a new HVF power supply module, PL 11.157 Item 1
The +24V and +5V supplies are good. Go to SCP 6 Final actions.
Figure 3. Check the in-line fuse (10A), and as necessary install a new fuse PL HVF Control PWB and BM PWB LEDs
11.157 Item 5.
Figure 1. Shows the LED s on the HVF PWB. These are:
Check the connectors and harness between T001 and PJ111. Repair the harness as
necessary, REP 1.2.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
11A-171 2-474 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• LED 1 - red. Not used. – that the interlock cheater is present in PJ553 on the BM control PWB the logic
• LED 2 - red. Not used. cheater is present in PJ563 on the BM control PWB.
• LED 3 - red, flashing. This indicates the functioning of the CPU. When flashing at 2Hz, • LED 19 - orange, steady. This indicates that the +24V supply is within voltage and current
(every 1/2 second), the software is running normally. When flashing at about 1/4Hz, limits, and that the power limiting circuit has not been active for over a set time limit.
(every 4 seconds), this indicates that the software is encountering a code problem and a • LED 5 - blue, steady. this indicates that the +5V supply is present in the BM module.
possible software upgrade is needed. If this LED is OFF, the CPU does not function and a
new HVF control PWB is needed.
• LED 4 - red. Not used.
• LED 5 - red, toggling. This changes state whenever the paper is accelerated to 1,300 m/s.
It is only used for paper that is longer than 220mm.
• LED 6 - red, steady. When this is ON, a paper jam has been detected. It remains ON until
the HVF successfully initializes. In all other cases this LED is OFF.
• LED 7 - red. This LED is used during the machine production and is connected with the
activity of the stacker nearly full sensor.
• LED 8 - red, steady. This indicates that the HVF top cover, front door and docking inter-
locks are all closed and +24V is available at the HVF module.
• LED 9 - red, steady. This indicates that the +5V supply is present in the HVF module.

Figure 2 LEDs on the BM PWB

Figure 1 LEDs on the HVF control PWB

Figure 2. Shows the LEDs on the BM PWB. These are:

• LED 1 - red, steady. This indicates a fault or other abnormal status.

• LED 2 - yellow, flashing at about 1Hz. This indicates that the software is operating in nor-
mal mode. In other modes, e.g., software downloading, the flashing rate is higher.
• LED 3 - orange, steady. This indicates either:
– that the tri-folder front door and top cover interlocks are closed, and +24V is avail-
able to the BM module or, if the tri-folder in not installed;

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-475 11A-171
Tri-folder unit

In-line fuse
HVF power
supply module

HVF control

Figure 3 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11A-171 2-476 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-477 11A-171
11B-171 HVF BM to Machine Communications Interface
and BM Present RAP
A communication fault exists between the HVF BM and the machine.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Figure 1 shows the communications between the booklet maker and the HVF control PWB. For
communications between the HVF control PWB and the machine, go to the 03-360, 03-408 to
03-410, 03-418 IOT to Output Device Error RAP.

The pulses on the connections at Flag 1 cannot be measured, but may be detected using a
meter that can record maximum and minimum voltage levels, or by using an AC voltage range.
Check the wiring and repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Refer to:

• P/J133, HVF Control PWB.

• P/J562, BM PWB.
If necessary, install new components:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
If the machine indicates that the booklet maker is not present, check that P/J133, pin 6 is held
at zero. If necessary, repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new HVF control PWB, PL 11.157
Item 2.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11B-171 2-478 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11C-171 HVF BM Bin 2 Failure RAP • BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.

Bin 2 fails to remove the finished booklets from the exit area of the booklet maker.
The fault may be intermittent, check for damaged wiring or bad connectors, REP 1.2. If neces-
sary install new conveyor belts, PL 11.169 Item 1.
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check for a jam or any other obstruction that could prevent the conveyor belt mechanism from

Enter dC330 code 11-389. Actuate the BM bin 2 90% full sensor, Q11-389, Figure 1. The dis-
play changes.
If a tri-folder is installed, go to Flag 4. Check the connection at PJ583 on the tri-folder.
The connection are good.
Check the connectors and harness at the tri-folder. Repair the harness as neces-
sary, REP 1.2.

Go to Flag 1. Check Q11-389.

Refer to:
• GP 11, How to Check a Sensor.
BM bin 2 90% full
• P/J556, BM PWB.
sensor Q11-389 BM conveyor belts drive
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP. motor, MOT11-402
Install new components as necessary:
• BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
• BM bin 2 90% full sensor PL 11.169 Item 5.

NOTE: The BM conveyor belts drive motor stops after 10 seconds. Figure 1 Component location
Enter dC330, code 11-402 to run the BM conveyor belts drive motor, MOT11-402. MOT11-402
If a tri-folder is installed, go to Flag 5. Check the connection at PJ583 on the tri-folder.
The connection are good.
Check the connectors and harness at the tri-folder. Repair the harness as neces-
sary, REP 1.2.

Go to Flag 3 or Flag 2. Check MOT 11-402.

Refer to:
• GP 10 How to Check a Motor.
• P/J555, BM PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• BM conveyor belts drive motor, PL 11.169 Item 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-479 11C-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11C-171 2-480 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11D-171 Booklet Quality RAP • Booklet Compiler is Not Correct
• Skewed Booklet Crease.
Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of poor booklet quality in the HVF BM.
• Booklet Crease is Off Centre.
The following booklet quality problems are covered in this RAP: • Booklet Staple Position is Not On The Fold.
• The alignment of the top and bottom edges of the booklet are not within specification. • The Booklet is Not Sufficiently Creased.
• The alignment of the open side edges of the booklet are not within specification. Top and Bottom Edge Alignment
• The booklet staples are badly formed. Figure 1, open out the booklet at the centre page and press it onto a flat surface. Measure the
• The booklet compiling is not correct (page order is wrong). mis-alignment of the top and bottom edges of the booklet.
• The booklet crease is skewed greater than the specification.
• The booklet crease is off-centre, greater than the specification.
• The booklet staple position is not within the specification.
• The booklet is not sufficiently creased.
Initial Actions
• Check that the paper loaded in the paper trays matches the paper size displayed on the
UI, refer to 07D Tray 1 and 2 Wrong Size Paper RAP.
• Ensure that the paper being fed to the BM conforms to the specification, GP 20 Paper and
Media Size Specification.
• Ensure that the booklets being produced do not exceed the maximum contents given in
Table 1.

Table 1 Booklet contents

Maximum Maximum
Maximum number of number of
number of booklet unstapled
Media Paper weight sheets pages sheets
Plain paper 60 to 80gsm (16 to 21lb bond) 15 60 5
Heavyweight 90gsm (24lb bond) 13 52 -
Heavyweight 120gsm (32lb bond) 10 40 -
Heavyweight 160gsm (43lb bond) 7 28 -
Heavyweight 216gsm (58lb bond) 5 20 -
Plain paper 60 to 80 gsm (16 to 21lb bond) 14 including 56 - Measure the total scatter
with heavy- with 160 gsm (43lb bond) cover 1 cover
weight cover

• Check the machine and HVF BM paper paths for any obstruction that could cause mis-
alignment of the paper fed to the BM compiling area. Figure 1 Top and bottom alignment

Procedure Table 2 Top and bottom edge alignment

Produce three 4 sheet / 16 page booklets, using 80gsm (20lb) paper. Paper size and weight Paper weight 95% of booklets 99.7% of booklets
must conform the specification in GP 20 Paper and Media Size Specification.
80gsm (20lb) 1mm 2mm
Examine the booklets for defects. Refer to the following: All other BM approved weights in GP 20 2mm 3mm
• Top and Bottom Edge Alignment.
• Open Side Edge Alignment.
• Badly Formed Booklet Staples

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-481 11D-171
If the top and bottom edge alignment does not conform to the specification in Table 2, check
the operation of the BM tampers, refer to the 11-066-171, 11-384-171 HVF BM Tamper Failure
RAP. If the tampers are operating correctly, go to ADJ 11.5-171 Booklet Tamping and check the
Measure the total scatter
tampers are correctly adjusted.

If the booklet skew does not conform to the specification in Table 4. Perform the following:

• Check the operation of the BM stack hold solenoids, refer to 11-065-171, 11-383-171 HVF
Booklet Back Stop failure RAP.
• If the stack hold solenoids are operating correctly, check for contamination or debris in the
compiling area of the BM that could cause the mis-alignment.
• Perform ADJ 11.4-171 Crease Blade Position.
Open Side Edge Alignment
Figure 2, open out the booklet at the centre page and press it onto a flat surface. Measure the
mis-alignment of the open side edges of the booklet.

Figure 2 Open side edge alignment

Table 3 Open side edge alignment

Paper weight 95% of booklets 99.7% of booklets
80gsm (20lb) 1mm 2mm
All other BM approved weights in GP 20 2mm 3mm

If the open side edge alignment does not conform to the specification in Table 3, check the
operation of the BM stack hold solenoids, refer to the 11-065-171, 11-383-171 HVF Booklet
Back Stop Failure RAP. If the stack hold solenoids are operating correctly, check carefully for
any contamination or debris in the compiling area of the BM, that could cause the mis-align-

Badly Formed Booklet Staples

If the booklet staples are not formed correctly, perform ADJ 11.3-171 Staple Anvil Alignment.

Booklet Compiler is Not Correct

If the page order of the booklets is not correct, perform ADJ 11.6-171 Booklet Compiling Posi-

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11D-171 2-482 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Skewed Booklet Crease If the booklet skew does not conform to the specification in Table 4, check the operation of the
BM stack hold solenoids, refer to the 11-065-171, 11-383-171 HVF Booklet Back Stop Failure
Figure 3, open out the booklet at the centre page and press it onto a flat surface. Measure the
amount of booklet skew. RAP. If the stack hold solenoids are operating correctly, check for any contamination or debris
in the compiling area of the BM, that could cause the mis-alignment.

Booklet Crease is Off Centre

Figure 4, open out the booklet at the centre page and press it onto a flat surface. Measure the
position of the booklet crease.

Measure from the booklet

edge to the crease

The amount of skew is the difference

between the two measurements

Figure 3 Booklet skew

Table 4 Skew tolerance

Paper size A4, Paper size A4,
8.5x11in, 8.5x11in,
8.5x13in or 8.5x13in or Paper size A3 Paper size A3 Figure 4 Booklet crease position
Paper weight 8.5x14in 8.5x14in or 11x17in or 11x17in
Table 5 Crease position and tolerance
95% of 99.7% of 95% of 99.7% of
Paper size Edge to crease measurement
- booklets booklets booklets booklets
A4 148.5 +/- 1.5mm
80gsm (20lb) Less than Less than 2.5mm Less than Less than
A3 210 +/- 1.5mm
1.0mm 1.4mm 3.1mm
8.5x11 inch 139.5 +/- 1.5mm
All other booklet Less than Less than 3.0mm Less than Less than
maker approved 1.5mm 2.1mm 3.6mm 8.5x13 inch 165.1 +/- 1.5mm
weights in GP 20 8.5x14 inch 178.0 +/- 1.5mm
11x17 inch 216.0 +/- 1.5mm

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-483 11D-171
If the booklet crease position does not conform to the specification in Table 5, perform ADJ
11.7-171 Booklet Crease Position.

Booklet Staple Position is Not On The Fold

Figure 5, open out the booklet at the centre page and press it onto a flat surface. Measure the
position of the booklet staple from the crease line.

Staple position
must align with the
crease +/-1.5mm

Figure 6 Booklet creasing

Table 6 Creasing tolerance

Paper size A4,
8.5x11in, Paper size A4,
8.5x13in or 8.5x11in, 8.5x13in Paper size A3 or Paper size A3 or
Paper weight 8.5x14in or 8.5x14in 11x17in 11x17in
Figure 5 Booklet staple position
- 95% of booklets 99.7% of booklets 95% of booklets 99.7% of booklets
If the booklet staple position does not conform to the specification in Figure 5, perform ADJ 80gsm (20lb) Less than 30mm Less than 35mm Less than 22mm Less than 25mm
11.8-171 Booklet Staple Position.
If the open dimension of the booklets does not conform to the specification in Table 6, install
The Booklet is Not Sufficiently Creased new crease nip springs, PL 11.165 Item 12.
Figure 6, Measure the open dimension of the booklets.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11D-171 2-484 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11E-171 Copy Damage in the HVF BM RAP 11F-171 Mis-Registration in Stapled and Unstapled Sets
Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of copy damage in the HVF BM. RAP
Use this RAP to identify and correct the causes of mis-registration in stapled sets, resulting in
Procedure staples missing some sheets in the set, or poorly registered non-stapled sets.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Procedure
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity WARNING
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Check the following: from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
• Check the alignment between the IOT and the HVF BM, ADJ 11.1-171. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Look for paper fragments in the HVF BM paper path. Paper fragments can move through A probable cause of mis-registration is the condition of the paper and/or damage such as, curl,
the IOT and HVF BM paper path without causing a problem until they finally wedge them- wrinkle, creases, dog ears, etc.
selves at some point. A likely place for a fragment of paper to be wedged is at the hole • Curl, wrinkle and creases are probably caused in the IOT, go to the IQ1 Image Quality
punch assembly, where the top and bottom guides form the narrowest part of the paper Entry RAP.
• For other copy / print damage and dog ears, go to the 11E-171 Copy Damage in the HVF
• Ensure that the exit diverter gate solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4, operates correctly and has BM RAP.
it’s full movement. Check the following:
• Ensure that the hole punches park at the fully open position. If they protrude, even • Check the alignment between the IOT and the HVF BM, ADJ 11.1-171.
slightly, a jam will occur in the narrow paper path of the hole punch. Refer to the 11-044-
• Turn over the paper stack in the tray in use.
171 to 11-047-171 Punch Head Position RAP.
• Use a new ream of paper in the tray in use.
• Check that all the idler rolls in the HVF BM paper path are free to rotate, particularly those
on the jam clearance guides. Refer to ADJ 4.1 Machine Lubrication. • Paper type, especially recycled paper, can lead to registration problems. Try changing to
a different brand or type of paper.
• Make sure that the jam clearance guides 5a, 5b and 5c close and latch correctly.
• Ensure that the guides in the paper trays are correctly set and reported on the UI for the
• Check that the paper path ribs of the jam clearance guide 5b, PL 11.161 Item 7 and the
exit path PL 11.168 are free of scores and nicks. Check also for contamination and glue paper size loaded, refer to the 07D Tray 1 and 2 Wrong Size Paper RAP.
from label stock. • Check that paper type is set correctly. If heavyweight paper is used but not set in the UI,
the compiler capacity can be exceeded.
• Make sure that the compiler carriage tampers move to the correct paper size.
• Check for obstructions in the compiler.
• Check that the paper size reported on the user interface corresponds to the actual paper
size loaded in the trays, refer to the 07D Tray 1 and 2 Wrong Size Paper RAP. • Ensure the paddle roll mechanism in the eject housing operating correctly, refer to the 11-
024-171, 11-026-171 Paddle Roll Position RAP.
• Make sure that the BM tampers move to the correct paper size, refer to the 11-066-171,
11-384-171 HVF BM Tamper Failure RAP. • Make sure that the compiler carriage tampers move to the correct paper size.
• Ensure that the BM paper guide, PL 11.161 Item 7, closes and latches correctly. • Make sure that the BM tampers move to the correct paper size, refer to 11-066-171, 11-
• If the top sheet of paper is being been torn from booklets, check that the components in 384-171 HVF BM Tamper Failure RAP.
the lower crease roll gear and clutch assembly are correctly installed. Refer to the • Check if the HVF module has had the W/TAG V-006 modifications installed. If necessary
replacement procedure in REP 11.52-171 BM Crease Rolls, Gears and Bearings. perform ADJ 11.13-171 HVF Performance Improvement W/TAG V-006.
• If heavy-weight paper is used, the paper can stop in the vertical transport and cause a 10-
126 fault. The fault is caused when the vertical transport motor is over loaded. Check the
position of the jam clearance guides 5a, 5b and 5c. Check the vertical transport rolls and
bearings for contamination. If necessary remove and clean the drive shaft and the bear-
ings. If the problem continues then install a new transport motor,.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-485 11E-171, 11F-171
11G-171 HVF BM Poor Stacking RAP 11H-171 Pause to Unload (PTU) RAP
Use this RAP to find the cause of poor stacking in the HVF BM. Use this RAP to diagnose Pause to Unload (PTU) problems.

Procedure Procedure
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the following; Figure 1 shows the component locations. Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and the voltages.
• Look for sets that are not dropping back fully in the bin 1 tray and therefore not being Refer to P/J901. Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2. Install new components as neces-
detected by the kicker fingers and sensors: sary:
– Large paper sizes should not be stacked on top of small paper sizes.
• Pause to unload PWB, PL 11.157 Item 3.
– Ensure that the paper stack in each paper tray has been fanned.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
– Turn over the paper stack in each paper tray.
– Ensure that all paper or other copy stock being used is within the size and weight
specifications. Refer to GP 20 Paper and Media Size Specifications.
– Try using a fresh ream of paper.
– Ensure that the edge guides of all paper trays are adjusted correctly for the paper
size and that the trays are fully closed.
• Labels must not be fed to bin1, but to bin 0 only.
• It is recommended that transparencies are fed to bin 0 whenever possible.
• Check that the bin 1 upper limit switch, S11-334 and the bin 1 lower limit switch, S11-335
are working correctly. Refer to the 11-460-171 to 11-462-171 Bin 1 Position RAP.
• Make sure that the compiler carriage tampers move to the correct paper size.
• Check that the HVF BM is not positioned near an air conditioning or ventilation output
duct. Air flow across the output bins can cause poor stacking.
• Check the output copies for curl, refer to IQ5.




Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11G-171, 11H-171 2-486 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11J-171 Inserter Paper Sensing and +5V Supply RAP
Use this RAP to find the cause of inserter empty, inserter paper width and +5v supply prob-

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the component locations.
If a +5V supply problem is suspected, perform the following:
Go to 11A-171 and check the 0V and +5V supply from the HVF control PWB to the inserter
control PWB. Repair the wiring as necessary, REP 1.2, or refer to 11A-171 HVF Power Distri-
bution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
To diagnose inserter paper sensing and paper width problems, perform the following:
Enter the dC330 code 11-153, inserter unit empty sensor. Actuate the sensor using a sheet of
paper. The sensor display changes.
Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2 and check the inserter unit empty sensor Q11-153. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J8 and P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP
Install new component as necessary:
• Unit empty sensor, PL 11.175 Item 11.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Go to Flag 3 and Flag 4 and measure the voltage from the inserter paper width sensor 1, Q11-
152, while sliding paper width guide. The voltage changes.
Check the inserter paper width sensor 1, Q11-152. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J8 and P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Inserter paper width sensor 1, PL 11.175 Item 13.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Go to Flag 5 and Flag 6 and measure the voltage from the inserter paper width sensor 2, Q11-
152 while sliding paper width guide. The voltage changes.
Check the inserter paper width sensor 2, Q11-152. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-487 11H-171, 11J-171
• P/J8 and P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Inserter unit empty sensor,
• Inserter paper width sensor 2, PL 11.175 Item 13. Q11-153
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Go to Flag 7 and Flag 8. Measure the voltage from the acceleration sensor, while actuating the
sensor with paper. The voltage changes.
Check the acceleration sensor. Refer To:
• GP 11 How to check a Sensor.
• P/J11 and P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Acceleration sensor, PL 11.175 Item 10.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Got to Flag 9 and Flag 10. Measure the voltage from the IDG pickup sensor while actuating the
sensor with paper. The voltage changes.
Y N IDG pickup sensor
Check the IDG Pickup sensor. Refer to: Acceleration sensor
• GP 11 How to check a Sensor.
• P/J7 and P/J4, Inserter PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
Figure 1 Component location
• IDG pickup sensor, PL 11.179 Item 10.
• Inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Perform SCP 6 final actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11J-171 2-488 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
inserter paper width
sensor 1, Q11-152

inserter paper width

sensor 2

Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-489 11J-171
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11J-171 2-490 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 4 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-491 11J-171
11K-171 HVF Initialization Failure RAP • Staple head not at home, refer to 11-371-171 to 11-377-171 HVF stapler Position and
Priming RAP.
When an initialization command is received from the machine, the HVF is initialized with the
• Ejector not at home, refer to 11-450-171, 11-456-171 to 11-459-171 HVF Ejector Module
following actions:
1. The tray lowers.
• The buffer motor fails to start, refer to 11-164-171, 11-165-171 HVF Buffer Path RAP.
2. The flapper performs two revolutions.
• Entry feed motor 1 fails to start, refer to 11-100-171, 11-101-171 HVF Entry Sensor RAP.
3. The ejector module travels to the out position.
• Exit feed motor 2 fails to start, refer to 11-130-171, 11-132-171 HVF Top Exit Sensor RAP.
4. The stapler unit travels to the inboard position.
• The tray fails to offset, refer to 11-173-171 to 11-177-171 HVF Offset Unit RAP.
5. The stapler unit returns to the outboard position.
• The booklet maker diverter solenoid fails to operate, refer to 11-158-171, 11-160-171,
6. The ejector module returns to the home position. 162-171, 163-171 HVF BM Entry RAP.
7. The tray offsets. • The exit diverter solenoid fails to operate, refer to 11-130-171, 11-132-171 HVF Top Exit
8. The three feed motors start. Sensor RAP.
9. The booklet maker diverter solenoid actuates, if applicable. • Either of the BM staple heads are not at the home position, refer to 11-063-171, 11-411-
10. The exit diverter solenoid actuates. 171 HVF BM Stapler Unit 1 Failure RAP or 11-403-171, 11-413-171, 11-414-171 HVF BM
11. The booklet maker diverter solenoid de-actuates. Stapler Head 2 and Stapler Module RAP.
12. The exit diverter solenoid de-actuates. • The BM tampers are not at the home position, refer to 11-066-171, 11-384-171 HVF BM
Tamper Failure RAP.
13. The three feed motors stop.
• The BM backstop is not at the home position, refer to 11-065-171, 11-383-171 HVF BM
14. The hole punch operates, if applicable.
Backstop Failure RAP.
15. The tray returns to the home position.
• The BM crease roll gate is not at the home position, refer to 11-415-171 HVF BM Crease
NOTE: The HVF initialization procedure can be triggered by opening and closing the HVF front Roll Gate Home RAP.
door, or by raising and lowering the top tray. When this is done the tray will not lower com- • The BM crease blade is not at the home position, refer to 11-061-171, 11-416-171 HVF
pletely, but will adjust its position. BM Creasing RAP.
The booklet maker is initialized as follows:
1. The BM tampers are driven to their home position, unless already home.
2. The BM backstop is driven to the home position, unless already home
3. The BM crease roll gate is driven to the home position, unless already home
4. The BM crease blade is driven to the home position, unless already home
5. The BM staple heads are driven to their home position, unless already home.
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Open the HVF front door. Cheat the front door interlock switch. Fully pull out the BM module

If the initialization sequence fails to place any unit at the home position, refer to the appropriate
• Front tamper not at home, refer to 11-392-171 to 11-395-171 HVF Front tamper Tray RAP
• Rear tamper not at home, refer to 11-396-171 to 11-399-171 HVF Rear Tamper Tray RAP.
• Paddle not at home, refer to 11-024-171, 11-026-171 Paddle Roll Position RAP.
• Bin 1 not at home, refer to 11-460-171 to 11-462-171 HVF Bin 1 Position RAP.
• Punch not at home, refer to 11-044-171 to 11-047-171 Punch head Position RAP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11K-171 2-492 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11L-171 Tri-Folder Not Detected RAP 11M-171 Curl Suppressor RAP
Use this RAP when the machine fails to detect the tri-folder module. Use this RAP with the curl suppressor problems.

Initial Actions Procedure

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check for damage or obstructions that would prevent the tri-folder from operating correctly. Enter dC330, code 11-084 curl suppressor solenoid, SOL11-084, Figure 1. The solenoid
Procedure Y N
Go to Flag 1 and check the curl suppressor solenoid, SOL 11-084.
Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring of the tri-folder present link, and repair as necessary, REP 1.2.
Refer to:
Check for 0V at P/J563 pin 7. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J563, BM PWB.
• P/J202, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
• 11A-171, HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Paddle module assembly, PL 11.145 Item 2.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-493 11L-171, 11M-171
Curl suppressor
solenoid, SOL11-084

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11M-171 2-494 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11N-171 Chad Bin Present and Bin Full RAP
Use this RAP when there is a false indication of a missing or full chad bin.

Initial Actions
Check that the chad sensor hole in the side of the bin is clear of obstruction. Check that the bin
is fully inserted and is empty.

Procedure Chad bin full sensor,

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Figure 1 shows the location of the components.
Enter dC330 code 11-112, chad bin present sensor. Remove the chad bin and operate the sen-
sor manually. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1 and check the wiring. Repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the chad bin
present sensor, Q11-112. Refer to: Chad bin present
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor. sensor, Q11-112
• P/J501, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
As necessary, install new components:
• Chad bin present sensor, PL 11.153 Item 18.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Enter the dC330 code, 11-348, chad bin full sensor. Remove the chad bin and activate the sen- UNDERSIDE VIEW
sor with paper. The display changes.
Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 2 and check the wiring. Repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J501, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Chad bin full sensor, PL 11.153 Item 17.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-495 11N-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11N-171 2-496 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
11P-171 Buffer Clamp RAP
Use this RAP when having problems with the buffer clamp on the HVF. Problems in this area
result in paper jams at the exit and poor compiling.

Initial Actions
Check that the solenoid and the clamp can move freely without obstruction.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Figure 1 shows the location of the components.
Enter the dC330 code 11-082, buffer clamp solenoid. The solenoid actuates.
Go to Flag 1 and check the wiring. Repair as necessary, REP 1.2. Check the buffer clamp
solenoid, SOL 11-082. Refer to:
• GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch.
• P/J104, HVF Control PWB.
• 11A-171 HVF Power Distribution RAP.
Install new components as necessary:
• Buffer clamp solenoid, PL 11.150 Item 4.
• HVF control PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Buffer clamp solenoid,
SOL 11-082
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-497 11P-171
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

11P-171 2-498 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
12-301 Offset Catch Tray Failure RAP
12-301 The offset catch tray has not made an index position within 450 ms of the last index
position being made.

Initial Actions
• Check that the offset catch tray is correctly installed and there is no obstruction to prevent
movement between offset positions. If the tray is damaged, install a new OCT PL 12.10
Item 1.
OCT index sensor
• 35-55 ppm Only. Make sure that the OCT fingers are installed correctly. Refer to REP Q12-301

Procedure OCT motor

Figure 1. Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check the OCT wiring, GP 7. The wiring is good. MOT12-005
Repair the wiring or install a new OCT, PL 12.10 Item 1.

Enter dC330, code 12-005 to check the OCT motor, MOT12-005. MOT12-005 runs.
Install a new OCT, PL 12.10 Item 1.

Enter dC330, code 12-005 and stack code 12-301 to check the OCT index sensor, Q12-301.
The display changes as the motor runs.
Install a new OCT, PL 12.10 Item 1.

Enter dC330, code 12-300 to check the OCT tray 90% full sensor, Q12-300. Actuate the sen-
sor, Figure 1. The display changes.
Check the sensor actuator. If necessary install a new OCT, PL 12.10 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions RAP.

OCT tray 90% full sensor


Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-499 12-301
Figure 2 Circuit Diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

12-301 2-500 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
14-110 Scan Carriage Home Sensor Entry RAP 14-110A Scan Carriage Home Sensor RAP (W/O TAG 150)
14-110. The scanner PWB has not detected the scan carriage in the home position. Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 14-
Procedure 110 Scan Carriage Home Sensor Entry RAP.
WARNING • Check that the scan cables are correctly positioned, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Visually check the alignment of the scan motor through the document glass, the rubber
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can element of the motor bracket can fail. If necessary, install a new scan motor bracket, PL
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 14.25 Item 18. Refer to REP 14.11 Scan Motor.
Identify the machine configuration, refer to SCP 7 Machine Features and processor TAG 150.
Go to the relevant procedure: Procedure
• (W/O TAG 150), go to the 14-110A Scan Carriage Home Sensor RAP (W/O TAG 150). WARNING
• (W/TAG 150), go to the 14-110B Scan Carriage Home Sensor RAP (W/TAG 150).
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
NOTE: This fault has been caused on a number of machines by bad DADH/PDB PWB harness customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
routing within the single board controller PWB module. Check that the harness from PJ132 on cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
the PDB PWB is not routed under the single board controller PWB. If the harness was under Go to Flag 3. Check for +24V on P/J135 between pins 1 to 3 and 2 to 4 on the power distribu-
this PWB, examine the harness sleeving for punctures or other damage. If necessary, install a tion PWB. The voltage is good.
new DADH / PDB PWB harness, PL 3.24 Item 6. Route the new harness to the right, away Y N
from the single board controller PWB. If this has caused a blown fuse F1 on the power distribu- As necessary, perform the steps that follow:
tion PWB, install a new power distribution PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5. • Go to the 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• Go to the 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return.

Go to Flag 3. Check for +12V on P/J135 between pins 6 to 8 on the power distribution PWB.
The voltage is good.
As necessary, perform the steps that follow:
• Go to 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• Go to 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 12V return.

Check that +24V is available in the scanner by entering the dC330 output code 14-005. The
exposure lamp illuminates.
Go to Flag 3. Check for +24V on P/J455 between pins 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 on the scanner
PWB. Also check for +12V on P/J450 between pins 1 and 2 on the CCD PWB. The volt-
ages are good.
Check the harnesses between the power distribution PWB, the scanner PWB and
the CCD PWB. If necessary, install a new single board controller module/scanner
driver PWB/CCD PWB harness PL 14.25 Item 13, CCD PWB/Scanner PWB har-
ness PL 14.25 Item 23.

Go to the 14D Exposure Lamp Failure RAP.

Check that +5V is available in the scanner by entering the dC330 input code 14-310, actuate
the input module angle sensor by opening and closing the DADH. The display changes.
Go to Flag 4. Check for +5V on P/J451 pins 1 to 2 on the CCD PWB right side. The
voltage is good.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-501 14-110, 14-110A
Y N The sensor and scan motor are working correctly, the fault may be intermittent. Check the fol-
Perform the following: lowing:
• Check all harness connectors on the scanner PWB and CCD PWB are • The connectors are fully seated and the wiring is not damaged.
securely connected. • Q14-100 is mounted correctly.
• Check the CCD PWB for damaged components. Install new components as • Check that the scanner drive belt is not loose, causing the belt to slip, refer to REP 14.11.
necessary: If necessary, go to REP 14.11 Scan Motor and re-position the scan motor so that the belt
– Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4. does not slip.
• Check the scan motor bracket, the rubber component can fail, allowing the motor to move
Go to the 14A Scanning Document Size RAP and check the input module angle sensor, out of position. If necessary, install a new scan motor bracket, PL 14.25 Item 18.

Go to Flag 4, check for +5V on P/J452 pins 17 to 18 on the scanner PWB. The voltage is
good. Scan carriage home sensor (Q14-100)
Check the harness between P/J451 and P/J452. If necessary, install a new harness, PL
14.25 Item 23.

Enter dC330 code 14-100 to check the scan carriage home sensor, Q14-100. Activate Q14-
100, Figure 1. The display changes.
Go to Flag 1. Check the scan carriage home sensor, Q14-100. Refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• P/J454, scanner PWB.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V and 5V return.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Sensor harness, REP 1.2.
• Scan carriage home sensor, PL 14.25 Item 16.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.
Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure.

Switch off the machine, GP 14. Open the DADH or document cover. Switch on the machine,
GP 14. Observe the scan carriage as the machine initializes. The scan carriage moves
away from and back to the scan carriage home sensor. Scanner PWB
Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and P/J457. The wiring and connector are good.
Y N Figure 1 Carriage home sensor
Repair the wiring and connector, REP 1.2. If necessary, install a new scan motor, PL
14.25 Item 2.

Perform the following:

• Check the scan motor bracket, the rubber component can fail, allowing the motor to
move out of position. If necessary, install a new scan motor bracket, PL 14.25 Item
• If necessary install a new scan motor, PL 14.25 Item 2.
• If necessary install a new scanner, PL 14.25 Item 1.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
14-110A 2-502 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
The scan cable upper run must
not go through cable anchor

Cable anchor slot

Figure 2 Correct position of the scan cable

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-503 14-110A
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-110A 2-504 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
14-110B Scan Carriage Home Sensor RAP (W/TAG 150) Go to the 14A Scanning Document Size RAP and check the input module angle sensor,
Initial Actions
• Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 14- Go to Flag 4, check for +5V on P/J920 between pins 7 to 8 on the scanner PWB. Also check
110 Scan Carriage Home Sensor Entry RAP. for +3.3V on P/J920 between pins 15 and 16 on the scanner PWB. The voltages are good.
• Check that the scan cables are correctly positioned, Figure 2. Y N
Check the harness between P/J136 and P/J920. If necessary, install a new SBC PWB/
DADH comms/scanner power harness, PL 14.15 Item 5.
WARNING Enter dC330 code 14-100 to check the scan carriage home sensor, Q14-100. Activate Q14-
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 100. The display changes.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Y N
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Check Q14-100. Refer to:
Go to Flag 3. Check for +24V on P/J135 between pins 1 to 3 and 2 to 4 on the power distribu- • GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
tion PWB. The voltage is good. • P/J924, scanner PWB W/TAG 150.
Y N • 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
As necessary, perform the steps that follow: • 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V and 5V return.
• Go to the 01G +24V Distribution RAP. Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Go to the 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return. • Sensor harness, REP 1.2.
• Scan carriage home sensor, PL 14.15 Item 16.
Go to Flag 3. Check for +12V on P/J135 between pins 6 to 8 on the power distribution PWB.
The voltage is good. • Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
Y N • Scanner, PL 14.10 Item 1.
As necessary, perform the steps that follow: Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure.
• Go to 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• Go to 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 12V return. Switch off the machine, GP 14. Open the DADH or document cover. Switch on the machine,
GP 14. Observe the scan carriage as the machine initializes. The scan carriage moves
Check that +24V is available in the scanner by entering the dC330 output code 14-005. The away from and back to the scan carriage home sensor.
exposure lamp illuminates. Y N
Y N Go to Flag 2. Check the wiring and P/J929. The wiring and connector are good.
Go to Flag 3. Check for +24V on P/J920 between pins 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 on the scanner Y N
PWB. Also check for +12V on P/J920 between pins 1 and 2 on the scanner PWB. The Repair the wiring and connector, REP 1.2.
voltages are good.
Y N Perform the following:
Check the harnesses between the power distribution PWB and the scanner PWB. If • If necessary install a new scan motor, PL 14.15 Item 2.
necessary, install a new single board controller PWB/DADH comms/scanner power • If necessary install a new scanner, PL 14.10 Item 1.
harness PL 14.15 Item 5.
The sensor and carriage motor are working correctly, the fault may be intermittent. Check the
Go to the 14D Exposure Lamp Failure RAP. following:
• The connectors are fully seated and the wiring is not damaged.
Check that +5V is available in the scanner by entering the dC330 input code 14-310, actuate
• Q14-100 is mounted correctly.
the input module angle sensor by opening and closing the DADH. The display changes.
Y N • Check that the scanner drive belt is not loose, causing the belt to slip. If necessary re-
Go to Flag 4. Check for +5V on P/J136 between pins 1 to 4 on the PDB PWB. Also check position the scan motor so that the belt does not slip.
for +3.3V on P/J136 between pins 2 and 3 on the PDB PWB. The voltages are good.
lnstall new components as necessary:
• PDB PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-505 14-110B
The scan cable upper run must
not go through cable anchor
Scan carriage home sensor (Q14-100). slot.

Cable anchor slot.

Scanner PWB Figure 2 Correct position of the scan cable

Figure 1 Carriage home sensor

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-110B 2-506 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 3 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-507 14-110B
14-310 CCD PWB Not Detected RAP (W/O TAG 150) Y N
Disconnect P/J135. Check the voltages again at the connector on the power distribution
14-310 The scanner PWB detects an abnormal power supply voltage or a CCD PWB failure.
PWB. The voltages are good.
NOTE: This fault code only applies to machines W/O TAG 150.
Go to the relevant RAP:
Procedure • 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 12V return and 3.3V return.
WARNING • 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Check for a short circuit on the harness between P/J135 and P/J450. Repair the har-
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
ness, REP 1.2, or install a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 13. Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics
Go to Flag 1. Check the following voltages at P/J135 on the power distribution PWB:
Cleaning Procedure.
• +24V between pins 1 and 3.
• +24V between pins 2 and 4. Go to Flag 2. Check the following voltages at P/J450 on the CCD PWB, Figure 1:
The voltages are good. • +12V between pins 1 and 2.
Y N • +3.3V between pins 3 and 4.
Disconnect P/J135. Check the voltages again at P/J135 on the power distribution PWB.
The voltages are good.
The voltages are good.
Y N Check for an open circuit in the harness between P/J135 and P/J450. Repair the har-
Go to the following RAPs:
ness, REP 1.2, or install a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 13. Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return. Cleaning Procedure.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
Install new components in the following order:
Check for a short circuit in the harness between P/J135 and P/J455. Repair the harness, • CCD harness, PL 14.25 Item 5.
REP 1.2, or install a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 13. If the harness is good, install a new
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.
Check that +24V is available in the scanner by entering the dC330 output code 14-005. The
exposure lamp illuminates.
Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
Remove the PWB cover, 3 screws, PL 14.25 Item 1.
Re-install the scanner top cover and GUI, but do not install the screws. Re-connect the
power cord and switch on the machine, GP 14.
Go to Flag 1. Check the following voltages at P/J455 on the scanner PWB, Figure 1:
• +24V between pins 1 and 3.
• +24V between pins 2 and 4.
The voltages are good.
Check for a open circuit on the harness between P/J135 and P/J455. Repair the
harness, REP 1.2, or install a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 13. Perform ADJ 14.1
Optics Cleaning Procedure.

Go to the 14D Exposure Lamp Failure RAP.

Go to Flag 2 and check the following voltages at P/J135 on the power distribution PWB:
• +12V between pins 8 and 6.
• +3.3V between pins 7 and 5.
The voltages are good.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-310 2-508 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Figure 1 Component location

Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-509 14-310
14-320 CVT Active Hot Line in Wrong State RAP 14-322 Platen Active Hot Line in Wrong State RAP (W/O
14-320 The CVT active hot line (DADH) is in the wrong state before a scan calibration or scan. TAG 150)
14-322 The platen active hot line is in the wrong state before a scan calibration or scan.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault code is still present. Procedure
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault code is still present.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Check the leads and the connections that follow:
• (W/O TAG 150) Check between PJ188 pin 5 on the DADH PWB and PJ102 pin 1 on the Check between PJ452 pin 5 and pin 6 on the scanner PWB W/O TAG 150 and PJ451 pin 13
single board controller PWB. Refer to wiring diagram WD 12 and pin 14 on the CCD PWB. Refer to WD 15.
• (W/TAG 150) Check between PJ921 pin 5 on the scanner PWB W/TAG 150, inline con-
nector PJ102, PJ152 pin 17 and PJ188 pin 5 on the DADH PWB. Refer to wiring dia-
grams WD 13 and WD 16.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-320, 14-322 2-510 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
14-340 Scanner AGC Failure RAP 14-703 to 14-706, 712, 714, 716, 718 Failure To Calibrate
14-340 The scanner AGC (automatic gain control) failure has been detected during calibration Entry RAP
or before the start of scan. 14-703. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate as the pixel gain is too high.

Procedure 14-704. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate as the pixel gain is too low.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault code is still present.
Y N 14-705. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate as one or more pixels are offset higher than the
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions. required level.

Check that the lamp illuminates correctly. 14-706. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate as one or more pixels are offset lower than the
Install new components as required. required level.
• (W/O TAG 150) Exposure lamp, PL 14.25 Item 9.
14-712. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate due as overall gain is at maximum and fails to
• (W/TAG 150) Exposure lamp, PL 14.15 Item 9.
raise the brightest pixel to an acceptable level.

14-714. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate as the dark gain is at minimum and fails to lower
the darkest pixel to an acceptable level.

14-716. The scanner PWB failed to calibrate due to an abnormal CCD level.

14-718. The scanner PWB failed to auto-calibrate.

NOTE: The fault code 14-716 only applies to machines W/O TAG 150.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine Features. Go to the relevant proce-
• (W/O TAG 150), go to the 14-703A to 14-706A, 712A, 714A, 716A, 718A Failure to Cali-
brate RAP (W/O TAG 150).
• (W/TAG 150), go to the 14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B Failure to Calibrate RAP
(W/TAG 150).

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-511 14-340, 14-703 to 14-706, 712, 714, 716, 718
14-703A to 14-706A, 712A, 714A, 716A, 718A Failure To Y N
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2.
Calibrate RAP (W/O TAG 150)
Initial Actions Check the tension of the scanner drive belt, refer to REP 14.11. A loose drive belt can cause
the belt to slip. The scanner drive belt is good.
Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 14-703 to
14-706, 712, 714, 716, 718 Failure to Calibrate Entry RAP. Y N
Refer to REP 14.11 Scan Motor. Re-position the scan motor so that the belt does not slip.

Procedure Inspect the calibration strips on the front underside of the CVT glass and document glass. The
WARNING calibration strips are undamaged.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Install a new CVT glass, PL 14.20 Item 4 and / or a new document glass, PL 14.20 Item 5.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Clean the calibration strips, using a cleaning cloth dampened with water. Re-assemble the
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault is still present.
parts. Turn on the machine, GP 14. The fault is still present.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Go to Flag 1 and Flag 2. Check for the following voltages at P/J135 on the power distribution Install new parts in the following order:
• Exposure lamp, PL 14.25 Item 9.
• +24V between pins 1 and 3, Flag 1.
• Single board controller PWB module / CCD PWB harness, PL 14.25 Item 5.
• +24V between pins 2 and 4, Flag 1.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• +12V between pins 6 and 8, Flag 2.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• +3.3V between pins 5 and 7, Flag 2.
• Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.
The voltages are good.
Refer to the following:
• Go to 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return and 12V return.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP.

Remove the CVT glass and document glass REP 14.6. Check that all optics mirrors are
securely attached and correctly aligned, Figure 1. Check that the light path to the CCD array is
clear of obstructions. The optical path is good.
Correct the mirror alignment, clear the light path or install a new scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.

Check the CCD assembly for loose electrical connections or misalignment of the assembly,
Figure 2. The CCD assembly is good.
Correct the problem or install a new scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.

Check the scanner PWB for loose connections or damage, Figure 2. The scanner PWB is
Install a new scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.

Check the wiring between P/J135 and P/J455, also between P/J135 and P/J450, refer to GP
7. The wiring is good.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-703A to 14-706A, 712A, 714A, 716A, 718A 2-512 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
CVT glass Document glass Full rate carriage mirror Exposure lamp

Half rate carriage mirrors

CCD array Lens


Figure 1 Optical path Figure 2 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-513 14-703A to 14-706A, 712A, 714A, 716A, 718A
14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B Failure To Calibrate
RAP (W/TAG 150)
Initial Actions
Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 14-703 to
14-706, 712, 714, 716, 718 Failure to Calibrate Entry RAP.

Check that the exposure lamp illuminates when the machine is performing the set up proce-
dure. If necessary, enter the dC330 output code, 14-005. If the lamp does not illuminate, go to
the Exposure Lamp Check at the end of this RAP.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care, a hazardous voltage is present at the output of the exposure lamp inverter.
Electricity can cause death or injury.
Figure 1 shows the component location. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine,
GP 14. The fault is still present.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Perform the following:

• Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
• Remove the scanner top cover, REP 14.14.
• Reinstall the DADH, REP 5.19.
Go to Flag 1 and check the voltages at P/J135 on the power distribution PWB. As necessary,
refer to:
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Check that the CCD PWB/Scanner PWB ribbon cable 1, PL 14.15 Item 15 and CCD PWB/
Scanner PWB ribbon cable 2, PL 14.15 Item 23 are undamaged and correctly connected. Flag
Figure 3 Circuit diagram 1 Check the wiring between P/J135 and P/J136 on the power distribution PWB in the SBC
PWB module, and P/J920 on the scanner PWB. Repair as necessary, REP 1.2 or install a new
SBC PWB/DADH comms/scanner power harness, PL 14.15 Item 5.
Inspect the calibration strips on the front underside of the CVT glass and document glass. The
calibration strips are undamaged.
Install a new CVT glass, PL 14.20 Item 4 and/or a new document glass, PL 14.20 Item 5.

Clean the white CVT strips, under the front edges of the document glass and the CVT glass,
using a cleaning cloth dampened with film remover, PL 26.10 Item 4. Re-assemble the parts.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-703A to 14-706A, 712A, 714A, 716A, 718A, 14-703B 2-514 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
If the fault persists, install new components as necessary:
• Scan carriage ribbon cable, PL 14.15 Item 10. Exposure lamp
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4. inverter
• Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.
Exposure Lamp Check
When measuring voltages of the scanner PWB, take special care not to short any two pins
Remove the document size sensor cover REP 14.20. Go to Flag 2 and check the +24V at P/
J926 on the scanner PWB W/TAG 150, between pins 6 and 3.

If +24V cannot be measured, check that there is no short circuit between P/J926, pins 6 and 3.
As necessary install new components:
Scan carriage
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4. ribbon cable
• Scan carriage ribbon harness, PL 14.15 Item 10.
Measure the lamp enable signal between P/J926 pin 4 on the scanner PWB W/TAG 150 and
the chassis, and enter the dC330 output code 14-005. The signal should change from +24V to
0V. If the signal does not change, install a new scanner PWB W/TAG 150, PL 14.15 Item 4.
Exposure lamp
Go to Flag 3 then check the wiring between P/J1 on the exposer lamp inverter and P/J926 on
the scanner PWB. Go to Flag 4 then check the wiring between the exposure lamp, PL 14.15
Item 9 and P/J2 on the exposure lamp inverter,
Scanner PWB Scan carriage
NOTE: The fuse of the exposure lamp inverter is not replaceable assembly
Check the fuse in the exposure lamp inverter, see above note. If necessary, install new compo-
• Scan carriage ribbon cable, PL 14.15 Item 10.
• Exposure lamp inverter PWB, PL PL 14.15 Item 12. Figure 1 Component location
• Exposure lamp, PL 14.15 Item 9.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-515 14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B 2-516 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
14-710 NVM Value Out Of Range RAP 14-720 Scan Length Out Of Range RAP
14-710 The scanner PWB has received an NVM value from the single board controller PWB 14-720 The scan length request from the single board controller PWB exceeds the physical
that is out of range, high or low. limits of the scan carriage.

Procedure Procedure
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault is still present. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Perform dC132 NVM Initialization, copier NVM initialization.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-517 14-710, 14-720
14-730 Scanner Application Card Failure RAP 14A Scanning Document Size Entry RAP
14-730 There is no response or an incorrect response to the command issued by the scan ser- The scanner has encountered a document that is larger than expected.
The scanner has encountered a document of unknown size. The document size sensors have
Procedure incorrectly determined the size of the original.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
NOTE: This fault has been caused on a number of machines by bad routing of the DADH/PDB WARNING
PWB harness PL 3.24 Item 6. Check that the harness from PJ152 is not routed under the sin-
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
gle board controller PWB. If the harness was under the PWB, examine the harness sleeving
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
for punctures or other damage. If necessary, install a new DADH/ PDB PWB harness, PL 3.24 cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Item 6. Route the new harness to the right, away from the single board controller PWB. If this
Identify the speed of the machine, refer to SCP 7 Machine Features. Go to the relevant proce-
has caused a blown fuse F1 on the power distribution PWB, install a new power distribution
PWB, PL 3.24 Item 5.
• (W/O TAG 150), go to the 14B Scanning Document Size RAP (W/O TAG 150).
• (W/TAG 150), go to the 14C Scanning Document Size RAP (W/TAG 150).

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14-730, 14A 2-518 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
14B Scanning Document Size RAP (W/O TAG 150) Check the wiring between P/J454 and Q14-310 for an open circuit.

Initial Actions Go to Flag 4. Check the input module angle sensor, refer to:
Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 14A • P/J454, scanner PWB.
Scanning Document Size Entry RAP
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Procedure • 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
WARNING Repair or install new components as necessary:
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Input module angle sensor, PL 14.25 Item 16.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.
Check that the input module angle sensor actuator is not damaged, if necessary, install a new
input module angle sensor actuator, PL 14.25 Item 21.
Raise the DADH. Enter the dC330 input code 14-315. Actuate the document size sensor 1 by
Enter the dC330 input code 14-310. Actuate the input module angle sensor, Q14-310 by open-
placing a piece of paper on the document glass above the sensor, Figure 1. Enter the dC330
ing and closing the DADH. The display changes. input code 14-320 and repeat the test for document size sensor 2. The display changes for
both sensors.
Go to Flag 2. Check for +12V on P/J135 between pins 6 and 8 on the power distribution
PWB. The voltage is good. Go to Flag 1. Check the document size sensors 1 and 2, refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Go to the following RAPs:
• 01B 0V distribution RAP, refer to the 12V return. NOTE: If necessary, temporarily install the document glass when checking the size
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP. sensors, to ensure that the document is the correct distance from the sensor.

• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 4. +5V is available at pin 3 on Q14-310 connector (yellow wire).
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP, refer to the 3.3V return.
Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6. Repair or install new components as necessary:
Remove the PWB cover, 3 screws, PL 14.25 Item 1. • Document size sensor, PL 14.25 Item 3.
Re-install the scanner top cover and GUI, but do not install the screws. Re-connect • Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
the power cord and switch on the machine, GP 14. • Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.
Go to Flag 2. Check for +12V on P/J450 between pins 1 and 2 on the CCD PWB.
The voltage is good.
The scanner is working correctly, perform dC604 Registration Setup.
Check the harness between P/J135 and P/J450 for an open or short circuit.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2, or install a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 13.

Go to Flag 3. Check for +5V on P/J451 between pins 1 and 2 on the scanner PWB.
The voltage is good.
Install a new scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.

Go to Flag 3. Check for +5V on P/J452 between pins 17 and 18. The voltage is
Check the connectors on the ribbon cable between P/J451 and P/J452 are
correctly installed. If necessary install a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 5.

+5V is available at P/J458 pins 1 and 4, also on P/J454 pin 4.

Install a new scanner drive PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.


February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-519 14B
Document size sensor 2 Document size sensor 1
Q14-320 Q14-315

Input module angle sensor Q14-310

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14B 2-520 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-521 14B
14C Scanning Document Size RAP (W/TAG 150) NOTE: If necessary, temporarily install the document glass when checking the size
sensors, to ensure that the document is the correct distance from the sensor.
Initial Actions
Make sure that the correct RAP is used. To identify the correct RAP to use, go to the 14A Repair or install new components as necessary:
Scanning Document Size Entry RAP • Document size sensor, PL 14.15 Item 3.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
Reassemble the scanner, then perform dC604 Registration Setup.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Figure 1 shows the component location. Go to Flag 1 and check the voltages at P/J136 on the
power distribution PWB. As necessary, refer to:
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
Remove the following components,
Document size
• DADH, REP 5.19.
sensor 2
• Document glass, REP 14.6.
• Document size sensor cover, REP 14.20.
Check the wiring between P/J136 on the power distribution PWB in the single board controller Document size
PWB module and P/J920 on the scanner PWB. Repair as necessary, REP 1.2 or install a new sensor 1
single board controller PWB/DADH comms/scanner power harness, PL 14.15 Item 5.
Check that the input module angle sensor actuator is not damaged, if necessary, install a new
actuator, PL 14.15 Item 21.
Switch the machine off, then switch the machine on GP 14. The fault is still present
Figure 1 Component location
Perform SCP 6 final actions.

Reinstall the DADH, REP 5.19. Enter the dC330 input code 14-310, Document Handler Angle
Sensor and actuate the input module angle sensor, Q14-310 by opening and closing the
The display changes.
Go to Flag 2 and check the input module angle sensor, Q14-310. Refer to GP 11, How to
Check a Sensor.
Repair or install new components as necessary:
• Input module angle sensor, PL 14.15 Item 16.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.

Reinstall the document size sensor cover, REP 14.20. Raise the DADH, enter the dC330 input
code 14-315, actuate the document size sensor 1, Q14-315 by placing a piece of paper above
the sensor, Figure 1. Enter the dC330 input code 14-320 and repeat the test for document size
sensor 2, Q14-320. The display changes for both sensors.
Go to Flag 3, check the document size sensors 1 and 2, refer to:
• GP 11 How to Check a Sensor.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
14C 2-522 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-523 14C
14D Exposure Lamp Failure RAP Y N
Go to Flag 1. Check the lamp ribbon harness between P/J456 and P/
(W/O TAG 150), use this RAP when the exposure lamp does not light, and there is no auto-
J463 for open or short circuits. The lamp ribbon harness is good.
matic gain control signal. Y N
Install a new lamp ribbon harness, PL 14.25 Item 10.
(W/TAG 150) go to 14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B Failure to Calibrate RAP (W/TAG
150) Install new components in the following order:
• Exposure lamp, PL 14.25 Item 9.
• Exposure lamp inverter, PL 14.25 Item 12.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure.
Take care, a hazardous voltage is present at the output of the exposure lamp inverter. Install new components in the following order:
Electricity can cause death or injury. • Exposure lamp, PL 14.25 Item 9 and exposure lamp fuse, PL 14.25 Item 11.
Procedure • Exposure lamp inverter, PL 14.25 Item 12 and exposure lamp fuse, PL 14.25
Go to Flag 2. Check the following voltages at P/J135 on the power distribution PWB. Item 11.
• +24V between pins 1 and 3. Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure.
• +24V between pins 2 and 4.
Switch on the copier. Go to Flag 1. Disconnect P/J456 and check the following voltages
The voltages are good.
at P/J456 on the scanner PWB:
Go to 01B 0V distribution RAP, refer to the 24V return and 01G +24V Distribution RAP. • +24V between pins 1 and 7.
• +24V between pins 2 and 8.
Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6. • +24V between pins 3 and 9.
Remove the PWB cover, 3 screws, PL 14.25 Item 1. The voltages are good.
Re-install the scanner top cover and GUI, but do not install the screws. Re-connect the power Y N
cord, switch on the machine, GP 14. Install a new scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
Go to Flag 2. Check for the following voltages at P/J455 on the scanner PWB.
• +24V between pins 1 and 2. Re-connect P/J456. Disconnect P/J463. Check the following voltages on the inverter
• +24V between pins 3 and 4. end of the harness.
The voltages are good. • +24V between pins 1 and 7.
Y N • +24V between pins 2 and 8.
Check the harness between P/J135 and P/J455. Repair the harness, REP 1.2, or install • +24V between pins 3 and 9.
a new harness, PL 14.25 Item 13.
The voltages are good.
Enter the dC330 output code 14-005. The exposure lamp illuminates. Install a new lamp ribbon harness, PL 14.25 Item 10.
WARNING Re-connect P/J463. +10V is available at PJ/463 pin 4.
Do not install a fuse of a different type or rating. Installing the wrong type or rating Y N
of fuse can cause overheating and a risk of fire. Install a new exposure lamp inverter, PL 14.25 Item 12.
Check the fuse, Figure 1. Refer to REP 14.2, to remove the fuse. The fuse is good.
Y N +10V is available at PJ/456 pin 6.
Install a new fuse, PL 14.25 Item 11. Re-install the scanner top cover and GUI, but Y N
do not install the screws. Switch on the machine, GP 14. Enter the dC330 output Install a new lamp ribbon harness, PL 14.25 Item 10.
code 14-005. The new fuse fails.
Y N Go to Flag 1. Connect a test meter between pins 6 and 1 of P/J456 on the scanner PWB.
The lamp is lit. Enter the dC330 output code 14-005. The voltage changes from +10V to 0V when the
code is entered.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
14D 2-524 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Install new components in the following order:
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
• Scanner, PL 14.20 Item 1.

Check the lamp ribbon harness between P/J456 and P/J463. The lamp ribbon har-
ness is good.
Install a new lamp ribbon harness, PL 14.25 Item 10.

Install new components in the following order:

• Exposure lamp, PL 14.25 Item 9.
• Exposure lamp inverter, PL 14.25 Item 12.
• Scanner PWB, PL 14.25 Item 4.
Perform ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure.

The automatic gain control circuit does not see the light from the exposure lamp. Check for
misplaced optics mirrors or an obstruction in the light path. If necessary, install a new scanner,
PL 14.20 Item 1.

Exposure lamp


Scanner PWB Exposure lamp inverter

Figure 1 Exposure lamp, inverter and fuse.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-525 14D
Figure 2 Circuit diagram

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

14D 2-526 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
19-401, 19-402, 19-403 Out of Memory Resources RAP 19-404 Compressor Time-out RAP
19-401 Out of memory - stress document. 19-404 Video compressor DVMA time-out

19-402 Out of memory - stress job. Initial Actions

• Check for DADH misfeed.
19-403 Out of memory with greater than one job in EPC.
• Check for jammed paper before the fuser.
Also use this RAP when a fault code is not displayed but the machine fails to complete com- • If the job has mixed originals, make sure that Mixed Size Originals is selected on the UI.
plex jobs. • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Also use this RAP when memory related messages appear e.g.: Procedure
• Resources low, will start shortly. Perform the following:
• Please wait your job will start shortly. • Check the history files for DADH 05-XX faults and if necessary perform the appropriate
• System memory is full. Please wait while memory resources are made available to con-
• (W/TAG 150) Reseat PJ922 on the Scanner PWB.
tinue your job. Do not press the start button again the scanner will start automatically. Or
touch Cancel Job to cancel your job. • Perform 03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 Single Board Controller PWB Failure RAP.
Initial Actions • If prints are mostly black, fuzzy or scrambled make sure that all grounding straps are
secure. If necessary perform 01A Ground Distribution RAP.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Perform the following:
• Reseat the memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.
• The problem may be the memory module. Install a new memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-527 19-401, 19-402, 19-403, 19-404
19-406 Loopback DVMA Time-out RAP 19-407, 19-408 Middle Function DVMA Time-out RAP
19-406 Video loop back DVMA time-out detected. 19-407 Video middle function DVMA input time-out.

Initial Actions 19-408 Video middle function DVMA output time-out.

Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Initial Actions
Procedure Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Perform the following:

• Perform 03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 Single Board Controller PWB Failure RAP.
Perform the following:
• Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Perform 03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 Single Board Controller PWB Failure RAP.
• Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
• Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

19-406, 19-407, 19-408 2-528 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
19-409 Video Job Integrity Fault RAP
19-409 Video determines that it cannot guarantee the integrity of the job being processed.

Initial Actions
• If the job has mixed originals, make sure that Mixed Size Originals is selected on the UI.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Perform the following:
• Perform 03-315, 325, 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 Single Board Controller PWB Failure RAP.
• Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-529 19-409
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
19-409 2-530 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20-302, 20-303 Fax Reset Failure RAP 20-305 Fax System Low Memory Unrecoverable RAP
The embedded fax PWB will automatically reset itself. The embedded fax PWB will automatically reset itself.

20-302 Unexpected reset on the embedded fax PWB due to hardware or software error. 20-305 Unrecoverable fax system low memory due to hardware or software error

20-303 Unrecoverable embedded fax PWB failed due to hardware or software error. Initial Actions
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
WARNING customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore
tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5. Procedure
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
Procedure Y N
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs. Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. (W/O TAG X-001) The compact flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 is installed correctly.
Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132, select Embedded Fax NVM initialization and perform Remove, then re-install the compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If necessary install a
the routine, Reformat. The fault is cleared. new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
Reload the software, GP 4. The fault is cleared. Clear the images from the embedded fax PWB. Go to dC132 NVM Initialization. Select Embed-
Y N ded Fax NVM Initialization. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault is cleared.
Go to RAP 20G Embedded Fax Checkout. Y N
Go to dC132 fax card NVM initialization. Perform the routine Reformat. The fault is
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. cleared.
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. Reload the software GP 4. If the fault remains, install a new embedded fax PWB, PL
20.10 Item 4.

Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.

Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-531 20-302, 20-303, 20-305
20-320 Fax Fault Not Cleared RAP 20-322 Fax Non-Volatile Device not Present RAP
20-320 After five instances of an unrecoverable fax fault and has not been cleared by a card 20-322 The non-volatile device has not been installed on the embedded fax PWB.
Initial Actions
Initial Actions WARNING
WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore
Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
Procedure Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs. Y N
Y N Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
(W/O TAG X-001) The compact flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 is installed correctly.
(W/O TAG X-001) The compact flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 is installed correctly. Y N
Y N Remove, then re-install the compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If necessary install a
Remove, then re-install the compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If necessary install a new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132, NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa-
Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132 NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa- tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault still occurs.
tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault is cleared. Y N
Y N Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
Reload the software, GP 4.
Install new components as necessary:
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. • (W/O TAG X-001) Compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

20-320, 20-322 2-532 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20-323, 20-324 Fax System Memory Low RAP 20-327 Extended Fax PWB Failure RAP
20-323 The fax system memory is low, less than 6Mb. 20-327 The registers cannot be accessed on the extended fax PWB.

20-324 There is not enough memory to use the fax service. Initial Actions
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
WARNING customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore
tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5. Procedure
Perform the following:
Procedure • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
• Check if the extended fax PWB is installed, PL 20.10 Item 2.
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. • Check that the extended fax PWB is connected correctly to the embedded fax PWB.
• Check that the embedded fax PWB is connected correctly in the riser PWB.
(W/O TAG X-001) The compact flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 is installed correctly. • If an extended fax PWB has just been installed and the Fax continues to reset with an
Y N error message. Perform the following:
Remove, then re-install the compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If necessary install a – Remove the extended fax PWB from the embedded fax PWB and install the embed-
new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. ded fax PWB back into the machine.
– Complete the removal procedure in 22-417 Embedded Fax Remove Failure RAP.
Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132, NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa-
– Remove the embedded fax PWB and install the extended fax PWB onto it.
tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault still occurs.
Y N – Install the embedded fax PWB and extended fax PWB and complete the install pro-
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. cedure.
• If necessary, install a new extended fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2.
Install new components as necessary:
• (W/O TAG X-001) Compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-533 20-323, 20-324, 20-327
20-331, 20-339, 20-341 Fax Network Line 1 Fault RAP 20-332, 20-340 Fax Network Line 2 Fault RAP
20-331 No communication via the PSTN 1 port. 20-332 No communication via the PSTN 2 port.

20-339 Fault at fax port 1 on the fax card. 20-340 Fault at port 2 on the extender fax PWB.

20-341 Miscellaneous faults on the embedded fax PWB. Initial Actions

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
WARNING customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
Do not touch the test pads on the embedded fax PWB while the machine is switched on. Procedure
Dangerous voltages may be present that could cause death or injury.
Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5. Y N
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
Check the connection pins on the extended fax PWB, GP 7. The pins are good.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
Install a new extended fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2.
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
Check that the customer line is operational, plug a phone into the line and check for a dial tone.
If a phone is not available then use a line test tool, PL 26.10 Item 3. The phone line connec-
(W/O TAG X-001) Check the connection pins on the extended Fax PWB, GP 7. The pins are tion is good.
The telephone line has a fault, advise the customer to have the line checked by the tele-
Install a new extended fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2. phone company.

Check that the customer line is operational, plug a phone into the line and check for a dial tone.
Install new components in the following order:
If a phone is not available then use a line test tool, PL 26.10 Item 3. The phone line connec-
tion is good, • Telephone cable, PL 20.10 Item 8.
Y N • Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
The telephone line has a fault, inform the customer to have the line checked by the tele-
phone company.

Install new components in the following order:

• Telephone cable, PL 20.10 Item 8.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

20-331, 20-339, 20-341, 20-332, 20-340 2-534 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20-342 Fax File Integrity Fault RAP 20-701 Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP
20-342 An error has occur when accessing the file on a non-volatile device. 20-701 The fax phone book down load failed.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore • Check that the embedded fax PWB is correctly grounded. Ensure that the grounding strip,
tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5. PL 20.10 Item 7 is securely attached to the bracket of the embedded fax PWB.
• Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and
Procedure restore tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
Y N Procedure
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. Go to the relevant procedure:
• (W/O TAG X-001) 20-701A Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP (W/O TAG X-001).
(W/O TAG X-001) The compact flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 is installed correctly.
• (W/TAG X-001) 20-701B Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP (W/TAG X-001).
Remove, then re-install the compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If necessary install a
new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.

Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132 NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa-
tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault is cleared.
Reload the software, GP 4.

Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-535 20-342, 20-701
20-701A Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP (W/O TAG 20-701B Fax Phone Book Download Failed RAP (W/TAG X-
X-001) 001)
Procedure Procedure
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs. Perform the following:
Y N 1. Reload the machine software, GP 4.
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
2. Install a new single board controller, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Retry to download the fax phone book. The phone book downloads.
Check the connection between the embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4 and the riser
PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3. The connections are good.
Install new components as necessary:
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

The fault still occurs.

Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.

Install a new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If the fault remains, reload the
machine software, GP 4.

Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

20-701A, 20-701B 2-536 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20-710, 20-711 Image Overwrite Error RAP 20-710A, 20-711A Image Overwrite Error RAP (W/O TAG X-
20-710 Immediate image overwrite error has occurred on the fax card when overwriting the 001)
20-711 On demand image overwrite error has occurred on the fax card when overwriting the WARNING
compact flash memory. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Initial Actions cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Y N
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
(W/O TAG X-001) The compact flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 is installed correctly.
Make a backup of the phone book and the customer settings, using the NVM save and restore Y N
tool on the PWS. Refer to Portable Work Station and Tools, GP 5.
Remove, then re-install the compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3. If necessary install a
new compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
Go to the relevant procedure: Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132, NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa-
• (W/O TAG X-001) 20-710A, 20-711A Image Overwrite Error RAP (W/O TAG X-001). tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault still occurs.
• (W/TAG X-001) 20-710B, 20-711B Image Overwrite Error RAP (W/TAG X-001).
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions.

Install new components as necessary:

• Compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-537 20-710, 20-711, 20-710A, 20-711A
20-710B, 20-711B Image Overwrite Error RAP (W/TAG X- 20A Fax Entry RAP
001) Use this RAP to isolate components which contribute to Fax communications failure.

Procedure Initial Actions

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault still occurs. • Check that the telephone line cables are properly connected. Fax line 1 from the tele-
Y N phone line outlet connects to line 1 socket on the machine. If fitted, fax line 2 from the
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. telephone line outlet connects to line 2 socket on the machine, Figure 1.
• Use a hand set to dial remote number and listen to dial type, (tone / pulse)
Clear the fax card NVM. Go to dC132, NVM Initialization. Select Embedded Fax NVM initialisa-
tion. Perform the routine, Reformat. The fault still occurs. • (W/O TAG X-001 machines only) Perform 20H Embedded Fax PWB Voltage Checkout.
Y N • Check the ground connection on the embedded fax PWB. Go to the 01A Ground Distribu-
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. tion RAP and refer to figure 16 and figure 17.
• Check the Fault History. If the fault codes are 20-331, 20-339, 20-341 or 20-332, 20-340,
Perform an Altboot, GP 4. The fault still occurs. then go to the appropriate RAP.
Y N • Check the Fax setup for any active feature that would inhibit the sending of a fax, such as:
Go to SCP 6 and complete the final actions. Delayed start time, Local name and ID are set, Dialing type or junk fax prevention.
Enter Tools / Fax Setup and check the following:
Install new components as necessary:
– Country setting
• Hard disk drive, PL 3.22 Item 2.
– Line Selection
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
– Line Configuration
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
– Dial type setting, tone / pulse.
• Enter dC109 Embedded Fax Protocol Report and check for error codes.
• Enter Tools / Fax Setups / Fax Reports. Print a Activity Report and check for error codes.

The Fax tab is available
Go to 20F Fax Tab Not Available RAP.

The machine will send a fax to all machines.

The machine will send a fax to some machines.
Go to 20B Unable To Send A Fax RAP.

Go to 20C Unable To Send A Fax To Some Machines RAP.

The machine will receive a fax from the remote machine.

Go to 20D Unable To Receive A Fax RAP.

The fax prints out.

Go to 20E Fax Will Not Print RAP.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
20-710B, 20-711B, 20A 2-538 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
The fault is cleared. 20B Unable To Send A Fax RAP
Use this RAP to isolate components which contribute to a send failure.
Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout RAP.

The fax is working correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax machine. Print a Initial Actions
Protocol Report and check for errors. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Line 1 socket
Do not touch the test pads on the embedded fax PWB while the fax cable is connected
to the machine. Dangerous voltages may be present that could cause death or injury.
Refer to the 20A Fax Entry RAP and complete all of the initial actions.

Line 2 socket
NOTE: Refer to the Fax NVM Document for the fax NVM values.
(W/O Tag X-001 only)
Verify with the customer that PSTN / PABX (Public Switched Telephone Network / Private
Automatic Branch Exchange) line is operational. Connect a telephone handset into line outlet
and listen for a dial tone. Use a known good telephone handset. The dial tone is present.
Use the line test tool, PL 26.10 Item 3 to check the telephone line. The green normal
indicator light is on.
Ask the customer to request a line check by the telephone company.

Figure 1 Line 1 and line 2 sockets Use a telephone handset to dial a known good number. The ring back is heard.
Ask the customer to request a line check by the telephone company.

Enable audio line monitor (Enter Tools / Fax setups / Fax Transmission defaults / audio
line monitor) and set to ON and High volume.
Dial the fax number and listen for a dial tone or dialing and answer tones. A fax tone is
(W/O TAG X-001) Reset the NVM value at the following locations:
20-281 Line1CurrentDetect = 0
20-282 Line2CurrentDetect = 0 A Fax tone is present.
Go to the 20G Embedded Fax Checkout.
Install new components as necessary:
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• Telephone cable, PL 20.10 Item 8.

The fax is working correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax
machine. Print a Protocol Report and check for errors.

The dial tone and dialling answer tones are present.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs
Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-539 20A, 20B
Y N Reset the values at location 20-230 FaxLine1DialTypeDef and at location 20-231
The exchange is receiving the digits too quickly or is not processing the digits cor- FaxLine2DialTypeDef set to 0 = Tone or 1 = Pulse.
rectly. Ask the customer if the exchange is DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) or • Insert a pause ( , ) between the first and second digit of the dial string. In the Dialling
pulse dialing. Options select Dialling Characters / Pause / Add Character / Save.
Perform the following:
• Set NVM Location 20-621 FaxTimeBeforeDial to 13.
• Ensure that the machine is set for the correct dialing tone.
Reset the values at location 20-230 FaxLine1DialTypeDef and at location 20- The fax only dials once and hangs up or the busy tone has unusual timing, frequency or level.
231 FaxLine2DialTypeDef set to 0 = Tone or 1 = Pulse. Are the busy tones recognized.
• Insert a pause ( , ) between the first and second digit of the dial string. In the Y N
Dialling Options select Dialling Characters / Pause / Add Character / Save. • Check the number for a voice or tone answer.
• Check that the values at location 20-461 to 20-466 are set to the correct defaults to
The fax only dials once and hangs up or the busy tone has unusual timing, frequency or match the appropriate country setting.
level. The busy tones are recognized.
Y N The fax is working correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax machine. Print a
Check the number for a voice or tone answer. Protocol Report and check for errors. Re-enter the details from the fax options
Check that the values at location 20-461 to 20-466 are set to the correct defaults to
match the appropriate country setting.

The fax is working correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax machine.
Print a Protocol Report and check for errors. Re-enter the details from the fax options

Check that the customer is dialing the correct number. The number is correct.
Ask the customer to dial the number using the appropriate access codes.

Enable audio line monitor (Enter Tools / Fax setups / Fax Transmission defaults / audio line
monitor) and set to ON max time and High volume.
Dial the fax number and listen for a dial tone or dialing and answer tones. A fax tone is
(W/O TAG X-001) Reset the value at the following locations:
20-281 Line1CurrentDetect = 0
20-282 Line2CurrentDetect = 0 A Fax tone is present.
Go to the 20G Embedded Fax Checkout.
Install new components as necessary:
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• Telephone cable, PL 20.10 Item 8.

The fax is working correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax machine.
Print a Protocol Report and check for errors.

The dial tone and dialling answer tones are present.

The exchange is receiving the digits too quickly or is not processing the digits correctly.
Ask the customer if the exchange is DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) or pulse dial-
Perform the following:
• Ensure that the machine is set for the correct dialing tone.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
20B 2-540 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20C Unable To Send A Fax To Some Machines RAP Y N
The Fax is working correctly. Send a three page test Fax to a known good Fax machine.
Use this RAP to isolate components which contribute to a failure to send a Fax to some
Print a Protocol Report and check for errors.
The machine will resend up to 10 times before printing the failure report.
Initial Actions Enter Tools / Fax Setups / Fax Transmission Defaults / Automatic Resend. Set Auto Resend
WARNING Attempts to 1 or 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Refer to the 20A Fax Entry RAP and complete all of the initial actions.

NOTE: Refer to the Fax NVM Document for the fax NVM values.
The correct number is being dialled to make the connection. The connection is made.
The exchange is not processing the digits correctly, the machine needs longer pause
between digits.
• Insert a pause ( , ) between the first and second digit of the dial string. In the Dialling
Options select Dialling Characters / Pause / Add Character / Save.
• Change the setting at location 20-640 FaxDTMFInterdigitTime to 100.

Call the fax number from a known good telephone and listen for the answer fax tone. The Fax
tone is heard.
Fax on remote end is not picking up or no Fax is connected. Advise customer to check the
machine at the remote end.

Enter dC109 and print a Protocol Report. The Protocol Report shows RNR (Receive Not
Ready) is received from the remote Fax repeatedly until time out and DCN (Disconnect).
Check communication failure after V34-PH2 / V34-PH3 or DCS / TCF. The remote Fax
receives and prints the Fax.
Compatibility problem with remote Fax.
• Print a Protocol Report and check for communication errors.
• Line quality too poor for Super G3 to function correctly. Possible mains interference
on line.
• Disable V34 (Super G3). Reset the value at the following locations:
– 20-287 T30MaxSpeedL1Tx = 11 (14400).
– 20-288 T30MaxSpeed2Tx = 11 (14400).
(W/O TAG X-001) If mains noise, install and use line 2 instead of line 1.
• (W/O TAG X-001) When sending to a PC fax or fax server that has an ISDN card,
need to customize the CEQ values. Set the value at location 20-832 and 20-833 to

The Protocol Report shows MCF (Message Confirmation) is not sent by the remote Fax (last
page), only DCN (Disconnect). The failure report printed out but the remote fax prints mul-
tiple copies of the job or failed page.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-541 20C
20D Unable To Receive A Fax RAP Y N
Print Activity Report. Check for receive calls on the Activity Report. Machine probably
Use this RAP to isolate components which contribute to the fax not received from the machine.
does not bleep to indicate incoming call.
Check that the NVM values at location 20-222 and at location 20-654 to 20-658 are set to
Initial Actions the correct defaults to match the appropriate country setting. The machine answers and
WARNING a Fax tone is heard.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Install new components as necessary:
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• (W/O TAG X-001) Compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
Do not touch the test pads on the embedded fax PWB while the fax cable is connected
to the machine. Dangerous voltages may be present that could cause death or injury.
The Fax is working correctly. Send a three page test Fax to a known good Fax machine.
Refer to the 20A Fax Entry RAP and complete all of the initial actions. Print a Protocol Report and check for errors.

Procedure Receive a three page test Fax from the original Fax machine. Enter dC109 and print a Protocol
Report and check for errors. The Protocol Report shows communication failure after CSI /
NOTE: Refer to the Fax NVM Document for the fax NVM values. DIS (Called Subscriber Identified / Digital Identification Signal) or DCS / TCF (Digital
Command Signal / Training Check) or (W/O TAG X-001) after V34-PH2 / V34-PH3 or EQM
Verify with the customer that PSTN / PABX (public switched telephone network / private auto-
matic branch exchange) line is operational. Use a known good telephone handset or use the (Eye Quality Monitor) value greater than 5000.
line test tool, PL 26.10 Item 3 to check the telephone line. The dial tone is present.
The problem may be intermittent, inform the operator of the remote machine, they should
Ask the customer to request a line check by the telephone company. report the problem to the telephone company.
Ensure Fax service is enabled and supported on that line by a PBX administrator.
Perform the following:
Call the handset from another telephone. The phone rings. • Confirm line is standard PSTN / PBX analogue line
Y N • Line quality too poor for Super G3 or G3 to function correctly. Possible mains interference
Ask the customer to request a line check by the telephone company. on line. Possible DSL line, not properly filtered.
Ensure Fax service is enabled and supported on that line by a PBX administrator. • Ask customer to request Fax capable service from telephone company.
• If mains noise, install a (W/O TAG X-001) embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4 and an
Enable audio line monitor (Enter Tools / Fax Setups / Fax Transmission defaults / audio line extended fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2. Use line 1.
monitor) and set to ON and High volume.
• Disable the advanced fax features. Login to Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
Dial the Fax number and listen for a dial tone or dialing and answer tones. A Fax tone is
Select Fax Setups / Receive Defaults / Advanced Capabilites / Disable.
Y N • Disable V34 (Super G3). Reset the value at the following locations:
(W/O TAG X-001) Reset the value at the following location: – 20-289 T30MaxSpeedL1Rx = 11 (14400)
20-281 Line1CurrentDetect = 0 – 20-290 T30MaxSpeedL2Rx = 11 (14400)
20-282 Line2CurrentDetect = 0 A Fax tone is present.
If the problem still exists try a lower line receive (Rx) speed: 12 = 12000, 13 = 9600, 14 =
7200, 15 = 4800, 16 = 2400
Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout
Install new components as necessary: • Send a three page test Fax from a known good fax machine. Enter dC109 and print a Pro-
tocol Report and check for errors.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• Telephone cable, PL 20.10 Item 8.

The fax is working correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax machine.
Enter dC109 and print a Protocol Report and check for errors.

Reconnect the fax and call the fax number from a independent telephone line and listen for a
Fax tone. The machine answers and a fax tone is heard.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

20D 2-542 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20E Fax Will Not Print RAP 20F Fax Tab Not Available RAP
Use this RAP to solve fax printing problems. Use this RAP to isolate the problem when the Fax tab is not available or greyed out.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check the condition of the paper in all trays. Refer to IQ1 and GP 20. • Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check that the paper trays are loaded with the appropriate paper sizes for printing the • Check for the correct installation of the embedded fax option. Refer to the system admin-
Fax. istration guide CD1, for the install instruction. Follow the screen prompts.

Procedure Procedure
• If the received fax has mixed size documents (example, the first prints are 8.5 x 11 and The Fax tab is displayed on the user interface screen.
then followed by 8.5 x 14 prints). Check in the ‘All Incomplete Jobs’ queue, the job will Y N
print 8.5 x 11 pages without printing 8.5 x 14 pages and then the job will be deleted. The fax installation was not completed.
Perform the following: Go to Tools / Options services / Embedded Fax. Select Enable and Save. Switch off the
In Tools menu, go to Fax setup and select: machine and switch on the machine, GP 14. This will initiate the ‘Fax Install Wizard’ and
follow the prompts on the screen to complete the install of the Fax.
– Receive Defaults.
– Receive Printing mode and change to Manual. The Fax tab is displayed after installation.
– In paper sizes, select correct page for each size to match the paper in the tray. Y N
– Save and then change back to Auto. Save and Exit. Check that the embedded fax PWB and the (W/O TAG X-001) compact flash memory are
• If the User Interface is asking for a size paper that is not loaded in trays. installed correctly. Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, GP 14.
Perform the following:
2. (W/O TAG X-001) Remove, then install the compact flash card.
In Tools menu, go to Fax setup and select:
3. Check the following connections:
– Receive Defaults.
• Between the embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4 and the riser PWB, PL 3.22
– Receive Printing mode.
Item 1.
– Select manual, change small paper setting to None and Save.
• Between the single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3 and the riser PWB,
NOTE: For small, long and large paper sizes select NONE if the corresponding PL 3.22 Item 1.
paper is not loaded in the paper trays. 4. Switch on the machine, GP 14.

– Change setting to Auto and Save.

The super fine tab is displayed.
The Server Fax may be enabled.
Go to Tools / Optional Services / Embedded Fax and press enable Embedded Fax. This
will disable the Server Fax.

After installing embedded fax. The fax selection tab is greyed out and requesting a pass
code to enable the embedded fax (scan to E-mail fitted).
The fax is installed correctly. Send a three page test fax to a known good fax machine.
Print a Protocol Report and check for errors.

Perform an AltBoot, GP 4.

NOTE: Software should only be loaded on a working machine. Loading or reloading software
onto a machine (or fax card) that has a fault will not work.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-543 20E , 20F
20G Embedded Fax Checkout
Use this RAP to check for problems with the embedded Fax PWB.
Single board controller
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Embedded fax
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. PWB
Do not touch the test pads on the embedded fax PWB while the fax cable is connected
to the machine. Dangerous voltages may be present that could cause death or injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check that the embedded fax PWB is located correctly, Figure 1.
• Check that the embedded fax PWB is correctly grounded. Ensure that the grounding strip,
PL 20.10 Item 7 is securely attached to the bracket of the embedded fax PWB.
• (W/O TAG X-001) If an extended fax PWB has just been installed and the fax continues to
reset with an error message. Refer to 20-327 Extended Fax PWB failure RAP
• For copy quality defects, go to IQ9 Unacceptable Received Facsimile Image Quality RAP.
Figure 1 Component location
Go to Flag 1. Check the voltages at P/J155. The voltages are good.
Refer to the following:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP
• 01F +12V Distribution RAP
If necessary install a new riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.

Switch off the machine GP 14. Disconnect the following:

• The embedded fax PWB from the riser PWB.
• The riser PWB from the single board controller PWB.
Check that the connectors are clean and not damaged. If the connectors are damaged then
install new components as necessary:
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
• Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
Reconnect the following:
• The riser PWB to the single board controller PWB.
• The embedded fax PWB to the riser PWB.
Switch on the machine, GP 14. The fault is cleared.
Return to the original fault code RAP and perform the remaining actions in the procedure.

Go to SCP 6 and perform the final actions.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

20G 2-544 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
20H Embedded Fax PWB Voltage Checkout (W/O TAG X-
Use this procedure when there is communication or image quality defects with the fax. The
image quality defects are caused by electrical noise on the line.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not touch the test pads on the embedded fax PWB while the fax cable is connected
to the machine. Dangerous voltages may be present that could cause death or injury.

NOTE: The voltages on the embedded fax PWB test pads can be between 50V to 100V AC if
the machine has a ground problem or is in receipt a fax.

1. Switch off the machine, GP 14.

2. Disconnect the fax cable from the single board controller PWB.
3. Remove the embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
4. Remove the safety cover, PL 20.10 Item 1 and the lower cover, PL 20.10 Item 5.
5. If installed, remove the extended fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2.
6. Install the embedded fax PWB.
7. Connect the fax cable.
8. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
9. On the multimeter, select the AC volts and auto range.
Check that the voltage is between 0 and less than 1V on the test pads.
• For line 1. Measure between test pad 1 and test pad 2 and between test pad 2 and
test pad 3, Figure 1.
• For line 2. Measure between test pad 4 and test pad 5 and between test pad 5 and
test pad 6, Figure 1.
Figure 2 Circuit diagram If the voltage is more than 1V, this indicates a possible ground connection problem. Refer
to 01A Ground Distribution RAP.
If the machine ground connections are good, request that the customer has the power
outlet socket checked.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-545 20G, 20H
20J Fax Problems on Digital Networks RAP
Use this RAP to isolate the problem when using digital networks.
Line 1 test pads 1, 2 and 3
The Fax option was designed as an analogue Group 3 device. This will have the best perfor-
mance when connected to a dedicated analog phone PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Net-
work) line or POTS (Plain Old Telephone System).

• The Fax option will function on the following technologies:

– ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
– DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
Line 2 test pads 4, 5 and 6
– VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol
– T1 Trunk / E1 Trunk (Europe).

NOTE: Due to the compression used on the technologies. The level of performance
will be lower than on a PSTN or POTS.

• The Fax option will not function on the following technologies:

– ISDN - Integrated services Digital Network
– FOIP - Fax Over Internet Protocol, (T.38 protocol).
Initial Actions
Figure 1 Line 1 and line 2 test pads
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check with the customer or IT person on what network the Fax service is being used and
what is the quality of service.
• Check that an analogue adapter or a connection for analogue terminals are available.
• Ask the customer to check with service provider that an analogue port for Fax service has
been provided and enabled.

NOTE: Refer to the Fax NVM Document for the fax NVM values.

Perform the steps that follow:

• Go to 20A Fax Entry RAP.
• Request the latest SPAR release.
• If a communication fault occurred while sending the fax, decrease the transmission speed
by disabling V34 (Super G3).
Reset the value at the following locations:
– 20-287 T30MaxSpeedL1Tx = 11 (14400)
– 20-288 T30MaxSpeedL2Tx = 11 (14400)
– 20-289 T30MaxSpeedL1Rx = 11 (14400)
– 20-290 T30MaxSpeedL2Rx = 11 (14400)
• If problems are still not resolved after these actions, then escalate the problem using the
normal escalation process.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

20H, 20J 2-546 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
22-300 AHA End of Record Error RAP
22-300 AHA end of record error (Advanced Hardware Architecture). Registration
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Halo guide
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Clear obstructions from the paper path.
• Reseat all connectors on the single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3. Reseat the
software module, PL 3.24 Item 8 and memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.

Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. Figure 1. Check the conductive path between the transfer / detack corotron halo guide
and the bias contact, PL 8.15 Item 23. A bad contact can cause a corrupted image on the
3. Measure the resistance between the registration chute and the halo guide. If more than
10 ohms is measured, install a new bias contact, PL 8.15 Item 23.
4. Clean the transfer / detack corotron and check for signs of arcing, ADJ 9.1.
5. Figure 1, Check and if necessary clean the area of the halo guide, registration guide.
• Check the bias contact, connection.
• Check that the bias is available at the halo guide while the machine is in run mode.
For the voltage range of the registration chute bias, refer to 09-060 HVPS Fault RAP.
6. Xerographic contamination may be caused by the failure of the scorotron cleaner, go to
the 09-341, 09-342 Scorotron Cleaning Failure RAP.

NOTE: If the fault has been caused by contamination and showing a CQ defect of band-
ing on the prints. Check the fuser module stripper fingers for contamination. If necessary
clean the stripper fingers or install a new stripper fingers (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 4, (65-
90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 4.
7. Check the machine fault history for other fault codes that occurs around the same time as Registration chute Bias contact
the 22-300 fault code and follow the related RAP. bias connection
8. If 22-300 codes persist, the jobs may be beyond the capabilities of the machine. Request
the customer to select job parameters that are within the capabilities of the machine.
9. If a 22-300 fault code occurs. There are paper jams on the short paper path and the cop-
ies have half the print and black lines on them. The cause can be because of the ROS Figure 1 Component location
corrupting the video data lines. Install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-547 22-300
22-306 to 22-315, 22-801, 22-814 System Error RAP 22-316, 22-810, 22-820 Capability That Does Not Exist RAP
22-306 No proposal for rejection. 22-316 Job requires a paper tray that does not exist. Job terminated.

22-307 Reschedule Error. Can not find reschedule point for rejection. 22-810 Job required IOT capability that does not exist. Job terminated.

22-309 No accept time out error. Consecutive no accepts received from a module exceeds the 22-820 Job required finishing capability that does not exist. Job terminated.
threshold value (20). Five consecutive 22-309s will cause a 22-819.
22-310 Image sequence error. Job terminated.
22-315 Module completion no response fault. One or more modules did not respond with com- Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
pletion message. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
22-801 Module completion message received after IOT returned to standby. Perform the following:
1. Resend the job with acceptable instructions that are within the capabilities of the machine.
22-814 Module registration late error. Module registration message received beyond required
2. If the error recurs, switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
time window.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Check for and clear any obstructions in the paper path.

Perform the following:
1. If a 22-315 fault code is displayed, go to the 06-340 ROS Laser Failure RAP.
2. If the problem persists, the jobs may be beyond the capabilities of the machine. Request
the customer to select job parameters that are within the capabilities of the machine.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

22-306 to 22-315, 22-801, 22-814, 22-316, 22-810, 22- 2-548 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
22-370 Cannot Communicate to the XSA Database RAP 22-400 to 22-403, 22-423, 22-426, 22-427, 22-775 Option
22-370 A loss of data communications on the single board controller. Install Failure RAP
22-400 The system manager failed to install the network scanning (scan to file) option.
The Xerox Standard Accounting (XSA) feature will only be available on a System Terminal (ST)
devices. The administrator enables the feature through the machine user Interface or by a Web 22-401 The system manager failed to install the server fax option.
user interface.
22-402 The system manager failed to install the E-mail (scan to E-mail) option.
WARNING 22-403 The system manager failed to install the internet fax option.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
22-423 The system manager failed to install the searchable fire format option.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
22-426 The system manager failed to install the common access card (CAC) option.
Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. 22-427 The system manager failed to install the colour scan option.
2. Perform an Altboot, GP 4.
22-775 The system manager failed to install the CPSR file cabinet option.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. Reinstall the failed option. Refer to the system administration guide CD1, for the install
instruction. Enter the kit option number found in the software options kit.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-549 22-370, 22-400 to 22-403, 22-423, 22-426, 22-427, 22-
22-404 to 22-406 Option Install Failure RAP 22-407 Embedded Fax Install Failure RAP
22-404 The system manager failed to install the network accounting (JBA) option. 22-407 The system manager failed to install the embedded fax option.

22-405 The system manager failed to install the on demand image overwrite option. Initial Actions
• Check if the Fax tab is greyed out.
22-406 The system manager failed to install the immediate image overwrite option.
• Check that the compact flash is installed correctly.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following:
Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. Reinstall the failed option. Refer to the system administration guide CD1, for the install
instruction. Enter the kit option number found in the software options kit. 2. Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout.
3. Reinstall the embedded fax option. Refer to the system administration guide, CD1 for the
installation instructions. Follow the screen prompts.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

22-404 to 22-406, 22-407 2-550 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
22-410 to 22-416, 22-423, 22-425, 22-428, 22-777 Option 22-417 Embedded Fax Remove Failure RAP
Remove Failure RAP 22-417 The system manager failed to remove the embedded fax option.
22-410 The system manager failed to remove the network scanning (scan to file) option.
22-411 The system manager failed to remove the server fax option. WARNING
22-412 The system manager failed to remove the E-mail (scan to E-mail) option. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
22-413 The system manager failed to remove the internet fax option. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following:
22-414 The system manager failed to remove the network accounting (JBA) option.
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
22-415 The system manager failed to remove the on demand image overwrite option. 2. To remove the option perform the following:
a. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
22-416 The system manager failed to remove the immediate image overwrite option.
b. Select Optional Services.
22-424 The system manager failed to remove the searchable fire format option. c. Select the option to be disabled.
d. Select Disable.
22-425 The system manager failed to remove the common access card (CAC) option.
NOTE: An option must be disabled before it can be removed.
22-428 The system manager failed to remove the colour scan option.
e. Select Save.
22-777 The system manager failed to remove, disable and delete CPSR file cabinet option. f. Wait for the screen to refresh and select the failed option.
g. Select Remove.
h. Select Save.
WARNING i. Select Confirm.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the j. Select Exit Tools.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
k. The machine system reboots.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
After the machine system reboot. A Fax Install window appears and the options are
Perform the following:
to View Install Information, Install now or Install later. Select the option required.
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
l. The machine will reset with the new configuration. When complete the optional fea-
2. To remove the option perform the following:
ture removed will not appear in the machine user interface screen.
a. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
3. If the embedded fax remove failure still occurs, go to dC132 NVM initialization and select
b. Select Optional Services. All Copier NVM and reset the NVM.
c. Select the option to be disabled. 4. If the embedded fax PWB is to be removed from the machine. Switch off the machine, GP
d. Select Disable. 14. Remove the embedded fax PWB. Switch the machine on, GP 14.
Perform the following:
NOTE: An option must be disabled before it can be removed.
a. An Options not detected window appears.
e. Select Save
b. Select SA confirm.
f. Wait for the screen to refresh and select the failed option.
c. Enter password (1111).
g. Select Remove
d. Select Enter.
h. Select Save
e. Select line 1 fax card.
i. Select Confirm
f. Select Confirm removal of selected option.
j. Select Exit Tools
g. Repeat for line 2 fax card.
k. The machine system reboots.
h. Select Confirm removal of selected option.
l. The machine will reset with the new configuration. When complete the optional fea-
i. Select Confirm.
ture removed will not appear in the machine user interface screen.
j. Select Save.
If the fault is not cleared then reload the software, GP 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-551 22-410 to 22-416, 22-423, 22-425, 22-428, 22-777, 22-
22-419 Embedded Fax Enable Failure RAP 22-421 Embedded Fax Disable Failure RAP
22-419 The system manager failed to enable embedded fax option. 22-421 The system manager failed to disable embedded fax option.

Procedure Procedure
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following: Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. 1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. Go to 20G Embedded Fax Checkout. 2. To disable the option perform the following:
3. To enable the option perform the following: a. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
a. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24. b. Select Optional Services.
b. Select Optional Services. c. Select the Embedded fax.
c. Select the Embedded fax. d. Select Disable.
d. Select Enable. e. Select Save
e. Select Save f. Select Exit Tools
f. Select Exit Tools g. The machine will reset with the new configuration. When complete the optional fea-
g. The machine will reset with the new configuration. When complete the optional fea- ture removed will not appear in the machine user interface screen.
ture removed will not appear in the machine user interface screen. 3. If the embedded fax disable failure still occurs. Go to dC132 NVM initialization and select
All Copier NVM and reset the NVM.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

22-419, 22-421 2-552 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
22-450 Test Pattern Standard Grey Level Too High RAP 22-451 Test Pattern Average Grey Level Too Low RAP
22-450 The image quality adjustment routine has determined that the test pattern standard 22-451 The image quality adjustment routine has determined that the average grey level of the
deviation is too high. The standard deviation of the grey levels of the test pattern as scanned test pattern is too low. The grey part of the test pattern as measured by the scanner is too dark
by the scanner is too high. (i.e. low grey levels = dark). If this fault occurs the (IQA) image quality adjustment factor will not
be readjusted and stay as it is.
Initial Actions
WARNING Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the WARNING
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Load A4 (8.5x11 inch) white paper LEF in the bypass tray. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Load A4 (8.5x11 inch) white paper LEF in the Bypass Tray.
Run print samples using a test pattern and inspect the copy quality. All copy quality defects Procedure
must be rectified before running the image quality adjustment routine. Streaks and non-uniform Perform the following:
halftone prints can cause the code to be shown. 1. Make print samples and if the images are dark or black refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry
RAP to resolve image quality defects for dark or black images.
Take print samples to check image quality. Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP to resolve
2. Check that the image quality adjustment factor in the NVM is not too high causing the
image quality defects. ROS to have a high level output and very dark test pattern. Enter dC131 location 06-04
image quality adjustment factor and reset value to 100. Reboot the machine and repeat
the ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
3. Check in dC131 location 06-01 ROS light level, is correct and not set high. Enter dC131
location 06-01 ROS light level and reset value to default. Reboot the machine and repeat
the ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
4. Check that the developer bias is not set high. Enter dC131 location 09-021 developer bias
print level and reset value to default.
5. If the fault still occurs the ROS output level may be too high. Go to the RAP 03-395, 396,
852, 853 IOT PWB Fault RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-553 22-450, 22-451
22-452 Test Pattern Average Grey Level Too High RAP 22-760 IQA Factor Set to Maximum RAP
22-452 The image quality adjustment routine has determined that the average grey level of the 22-760 The (IQA) image quality adjustment factor has been set to the maximum value (dark).
test pattern is too high. The grey part of the test pattern as measured by the scanner is too light The fault will occur if the test pattern is light, but not light enough to create a 22-452 fault. This
(i.e. high greys levels = light). If this fault occurs the (IQA) image quality adjustment factor will may result in subsequent image quality being too dark, as the ROS output level may be too
not be re-adjusted and will stay as it is. Subsequent IQ will not be altered. high. Check in fault history to find a 22-760 failure.

Initial Actions Initial Actions

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Load A4 (8.5x11 inch) white paper LEF in the Bypass Tray. Load A4 (8.5x11 inch) white paper LEF in the Bypass Tray.

Procedure Procedure
Perform the following: Perform the following:
1. Check that the test pattern was fed through the document handler the correct way up. 1. Check that the test pattern was fed through the document handler the correct way up.
2. Make print samples and if the images are light or white refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry 2. Make print samples and if the images are light or white refer to the IQ1 Image Quality
RAP to resolve image quality defects for light or white images. Entry RAP to resolve image quality defects for light or white images.
3. Check that the image quality adjustment factor in the NVM is not too low causing a high 3. Check that the image quality adjustment factor in the NVM is not too, low causing high
ROS light level output, and very light test pattern. ROS light level output, and very light test pattern.
Enter dC131 location 06-04 (IQA) image quality adjustment factor, reset value to 100. Enter dC131 location 06-04 (IQA) image quality adjustment factor, reset value to 100.
Reboot the machine and repeat the ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine. Reboot the machine and repeat the ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
4. Check in dC131 location 06-01 ROS light level, is correct and not set low. Enter dC131 4. Check in dC131 location 06-01 ROS light level, is correct and not set low. Enter dC131
location 06-01 ROS light level, reset value to default. Reboot the machine and repeat the location 06-01 ROS light level, reset value to default. Reboot the machine and repeat the
ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine. ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
5. Check that the developer bias is not set low. Enter dC131 location 09-021 developer bias 5. Check that the developer bias is not set low. Enter dC131 location 09-021 developer bias
print level and reset value to default. print level and reset value to default.
6. If the fault still occurs the ROS output level may be too low. Go to the RAP 03-395, 396, 6. If the fault still occurs the ROS output level may be too low. Go to the RAP 03-395, 396,
852, 853 IOT PWB Fault RAP. 852, 853 IOT PWB Fault RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

22-452, 22-760 2-554 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
22-761 IQA Factor Set to Minimum RAP 22-774 CPSR File Cabinet Enable Failure RAP
22-761 The (IQA) image quality adjustment factor has been set to the minimum value (light). 22-774 The system manager failed to enable the CPSR file cabinet option.
The fault will occur if the test pattern is dark, but not dark enough to create a 22-451 fault. This
may result in subsequent image quality being too light, as the ROS output level may be too Procedure
low. Check in fault history to find a 22-761 failure.
Initial Actions Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
WARNING cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Perform the following:
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. To enable the option perform the following:
Load A4 (8.5x11 inch) white paper LEF in the Bypass Tray.
a. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
b. Select Optional Services.
c. Select the CPSR File Cabinet.
Perform the following:
d. Select Enable.
1. Make print samples and if the images are dark or black refer to the IQ1 Image Quality
e. Select Save
Entry RAP to resolve image quality defects for dark or black images.
f. Select Exit Tools
2. Check that the image quality adjustment factor in the NVM is not too high causing high
ROS light level output and very dark test pattern. g. The machine will reset with the new configuration. When complete the optional fea-
Enter dC131 location 06-04 (IQA) image quality adjustment factor and reset value to 100. ture removed will not appear in the machine user interface screen.
Reboot the machine and repeat the ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
3. Check in dC131 location 06-01 ROS light level, is correct and not set high. Enter dC131
location 06-01 ROS light level and reset value to default. Reboot the machine and repeat
the ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
4. Check that the developer bias is not set high. Enter dC131 location 09-021 developer bias
print level and reset value to default.
5. If the fault still occurs the ROS output level may be too high. Go to the RAP 03-395, 396,
852, 853 IOT PWB Fault RAP.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-555 22-761, 22-774
22-776 CPSR File Cabinet Disabled Failure RAP 22-819, 22-831 to 22-837 Time Out Error RAP
22-776 The system manager failed to disable the CPSR file cabinet option. The 22-83x faults occur when the service fails to respond to the job queue request. This is
either because it is busy processing a previous job request, or has failed or locked up.
22-819 Cycle up / cycle down loop failure. Job terminated. Can be caused by five consecutive
WARNING 22-309s.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can 22-831 List jobs request timed out between single board controller PWB and user interface.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following: 22-832 List jobs request timed out between single board controller PWB and network controller
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. print service.
2. To disable the option perform the following:
22-833 List jobs request timed out between single board controller PWB and network controller
a. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
scan to file.
b. Select Optional Services.
c. Select the CPSR File Cabinet. 22-834 List jobs request timed out between single board controller PWB and network controller
d. Select Disable. scan to fax / server fax service.
e. Select Save
22-835 List jobs request timed out between queue utility and either DC job service or the
f. Select Exit Tools
embedded fax services.
g. The machine will reset with the new configuration. When complete the optional fea-
ture removed will not appear in the machine user interface screen. 22-836 Network controller scan to distribution service not responding to List jobs RPC call for
scan to E-mail or for internet fax.

22-837 List jobs request time out between the single board controller PWB and file 2 E-Fax

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Check for and clear any obstructions in the paper path.
• Check for other fault codes generated about the same time, in case a more relevant fault
code has been generated.

Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
2. Go to the fault history (GP 2) and perform the relevant RAP for the fault that occurred
prior to any of the above faults occurring.
3. If the problem persists, the jobs may be beyond the capabilities of the machine. Request
the customer to select job parameters that are within the capabilities of the machine.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

22-776, 22-819, 22-831 to 22-837 2-556 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF1 Audible Noise RAP Release the jam clearance latch 3b4a on the fuser module, to separate the pressure
roll from the fuser roll.
Use this RAP to isolate unusual noises in the machine.
– Remove the fuser module to eliminate the noise caused by the fuser. If the source of
NOTE: Due to the intermittent nature of unusual noises, this RAP can only give guidance on the noise is the fuser, go to the Fuser check out.
how to isolate noises. This RAP will not find all possible causes. When machines become old • Enter dC330 code 04-010 and add code 08-070 to energize the registration clutch. The
and worn, unusual noises may arise that are not covered in this RAP. registration rolls and the jam clearance knob 4c rotate.
• Enter dC330 code 10-065 Vac. transport fan, to run the vacuum transport fan, PL 10.25.
Procedure • Enter dC330 code 08-060 motor slow or code 08-062 motor fast, to run the duplex trans-
WARNING port motor. The duplex transport rolls rotate, (35-55 ppm), PL 8.22 or (65-90 ppm), PL
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 8.20.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • Enter dC330 code 10-030 Invert Mot Fwd Slow, to rotate the nip split shaft, PL 10.11 Item
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 4.
1. Ask the customer if there are any specific machine functions that are noisy. • Enter dC330 code 10-035 Invert Mot Rev Slow, to rotate the nip split shaft and the jam
2. Ask the customer to demonstrate the function of the machine that generates the unusual clearance knob 2b rotates, PL 10.11 Item 4.
noise. • Enter dC330 code 10-040 Invert Mot Rev Duplex, to rotate the nip split shaft and the jam
3. Check the Fault and Error logs. clearance knob 2b rotates fast, PL 10.11 Item 4.
4. Switch off the machine, GP 14. Wait for two minutes, switch on the machine and allow the • Enter dC330 code 10-045 Invert Path solenoid, energizes the solenoid and moves the
machine to perform a normal initialization and warm-up. inverter gate, PL 10.11 Item 14.
5. Run the machine in all modes. Also use the diagnostics to run individual components. Go • Enter dC330 code 10-050 Invert Nip solenoid, energizes the solenoid and moves the nip
to the relevant subsection: split shaft, PL 10.11 Item 4.
• Main drives and paper transport Possible causes and potential solutions are:
• DADH • Squeaks.
• ROS Possible causes are:
• Tray 1 and 2 Assembly – Contamination of the drive shafts and the bearings.
• Tray 3 and 4 Assembly – Bearings in cooling fans.
• Tray 5 Assembly – Incorrectly adjusted or worn drive belts.
• Xerographics – Incorrectly aligned or damaged parts.
• Fuser Solution:
• LCSS 1K – Clean the components.
• LCSS 2K – Remove and clean the drive shafts, bearings and then lubricate. Refer to ADJ 4.1
• HVF / HVF BM Machine Lubrication.

• Scanner – Adjust the components if necessary.

– Check for parts that are damaged or out of position.
Main drives and paper transport
– Install new parts as necessary.
• Enter dC330 code 04-010 main drive motor, to run the main drives.
• Squeaks from the duplex tray (65-90 ppm)
The following components will be run:
Possible causes are:
– Registration transport PL 8.15 Item 1.
– The metal stiffener bracket on the bottom of the duplex tray vibrates against the
– Developer module (35-55 ppm), PL 9.17 Item 2 or (65-90 ppm), PL 9.15 Item 2. plastic frame moulding.
– Short paper path assembly PL 10.25 Item 1. Solution:
– Fuser module (35-55 ppm), PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm), PL 10.10 Item 1. – Remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7.
– Inverter post fuser and exit rolls and the jam clearance knob 3C rotate. – Remove the metal stiffener bracket and reform the securing edge with the two loca-
– To isolate the developer module: tion holes by 5 degrees. Refit the metal stiffener bracket and ensure that the metal
Unlatch the xerographic module to separate the developer from the main drives. If bracket is tight against the plastic frame moulding.
the source of the noise is the developer assembly, check the developer drive gear, • Clicking.
PL 9.15 Item 16.
– To isolate the fuser module:

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-557 OF1
Possible causes are: Possible causes are:
– The waste toner auger clutch slipping. This clutch is designed to slip to prevent dam- – DADH exit roll assembly or takeaway roll assembly, PL 5.35 Item 6.
age to the auger gear box if toner backs up in the waste pipe. Solution:
– Short paper path drive belt slipping on gear/pulley. – Remove and clean the shafts and plastic bushes with antistatic fluid, PL 26.10 Item
Solution: 19.
– Remove the waste toner bottle and clean the toner from the waste pipe and the • Knocking noise.
auger system. Refer to REP 9.10 Auger Damper. Possible causes are:
– Install a new drives module, (35-55 ppm), PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm), PL 4.10 Item – The feed motor and CVT motor are not tensioned correctly, causing the drive belts to
1. slip.
– Install a new drive belt, PL 10.25 Item 10. Solution:
DADH – Adjust the DADH drive belts, ADJ 5.1.
Run the following components: • Gear rattle.
• Enter dC330 code 05-030 DADH CVT motor to rotate the DADH CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5. Possible causes are:
• Enter dC330 code 05-020 feed motor, to run the DADH takeaway rolls, PL 5.35 Item 6. – A loose meshing of the feed clutch and motor gears (35 ppm) PL 5.15 Item 9 and PL
• Enter dC330 code 05-020 and add code 05-025 feed solenoid, to energize the feed 5.15 Item 16 or (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17 Item 9 and PL 5.17 Item 16.
clutch, (35 ppm) PL 5.15 Item 9 or (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17 Item 9. Solution:
Possible causes and potential solutions are: – Adjust the DADH drive belts, ADJ 5.1.
• Excessive noise from the DADH when duplex documents are being recirculated for ROS
copying the second side.
Run the following components:
Possible causes are:
• Enter dC330 code 06-020 ROS motor, to drive the ROS motor at normal run speed, PL
– The DADH speeds up during second side recirculation when in duplex mode. 6.10 Item 4.
Solution: • Enter dC330 code 06-025 ROS motor, to drive the ROS motor at standby speed, PL 6.10
– Switch off the acceleration in duplex mode. Set dC131 NVM location 05-012 DADH Item 4.
Dup Motor Spd to 1. The ROS gives out a ascending frequency, a whining noise for a duration between 5 and 6
NOTE: The default value for dC131 NVM location 05-012 DADH Dup Motor Spd is seconds. The whining noise is the normal sound of the ROS motor accelerating.
Tray 1 and 2 Assembly
• Grinding noise. Remove tray 1 and tray 2 and run the following components:
Possible causes are: • Enter code dC330 code 08-010 T1 Feed Motor, to run the tray 1 feed motor, PL 8.26 Item
– The intermediate feed bearing, (35 ppm) PL 5.15 Item 22 or (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17 6.
Item 22 can stick, preventing the feed roll from free wheeling as the document is
• Enter code dC330 code 08-020 T2 Feed Motor, to run the tray 2 feed motor, PL 8.26 Item
transported by takeaway roll.
– Large flat spots, confined to one or two areas on the retard roll, which causes feed
• Open left hand door.
noise and an increase in 05-330, 05-331and 05-335 jams.
Enter dC330 code 08-025 tray 1 and 2 transport motor, to run tray 1 and tray 2 transport
Solution: rolls, PL 8.25 Item 8.
– Install a new the feed assembly, (35 ppm) PL 5.15 Item 18 or (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17 Possible causes and potential solutions are:
Item 18.
• Squeaks.
• Noise from the DADH input tray.
Possible causes are:
Possible causes are:
– Contamination of the drive shafts and bearings.
– Document guides.
– Incorrectly adjusted or worn drive belts.
– Incorrectly aligned or damaged parts.
– Clean the DADH input tray in the area below the input guides with antistatic fluid, PL
26.10 Item 19.
– Remove and clean the drive shafts, bearings and then lubricate. Refer to ADJ 4.1
• Squeaks from the DADH.
Machine Lubrication.
– Go to ADJ 8.1 Transport Drive Belt. Install new parts as necessary, PL 8.25 Item 2.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF1 2-558 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
– Check for parts that are damaged or out of position. Solution:
– Adjust the components if necessary. – None, this is normal behavior.
– Install new parts as necessary. • A clicking noise from the Xerographic module.
Tray 3 and 4 Assembly Possible causes are:
Run the following components: – The scorotron cleaning mechanism. A clicking noise is made when the scorotron
cleaning brush reaches the end of its travel.
• Open the left hand door. Enter dC330 code 08-045 tray 3 and 4 transport motor, to run the
tray 3 and 4 transport roll, PL 8.30 Item 18. Solution:
• Pull out tray 3 and let the tray drop, then push the tray back in. Enter dC330 code 07-030 – None, this is normal behavior. If the scorotron cleaning mechanism is the cause of
Tray 3 elevator motor, to elevate tray 3, PL 7.20 Item 1. the noise, inform the customer.
• Pull out tray 4 and let the tray drop, then push the tray back in. Enter dC330 code 07-040 • Knocking or clicking noise.
Tray 4 elevator motor to elevate tray 4, PL 7.20 Item 1. Possible causes are:
Possible causes and potential solutions are: – Xerographic module drive gear is not correctly engaged, PL 9.20 Item 2.
• Knocking noise No drive or a knocking noise from the tray 3 and 4 transport motor. – Developer module drive gear is not correctly engaged, PL 9.15 Item 2.
Possible causes are: – Cooling fan blades catching on a harness, component or cover.
– The tray 3 and 4 transport motor. Solution:
– Worn or stretched elevator cables. – Remove the xerographic module. Re-install the module.
– Worn or stretched elevator cables. – Remove and lubricate the developer module support pins, REP 9.2. Refer to ADJ
Solution: 4.1 Machine Lubrication.
– Check the drive belt and gears, PL 8.30 Item 8. – Ensure that the fan is secured correctly and the area around the fan is clear.
– Adjust and install new components as necessary, PL 7.15. – Install a new fan:
– Check that the paper trays are correctly position and that the tray moves freely Cooling fan, PL 9.25 Item 7.
inside the tray assembly. Ozone fan, PL 9.25 Item 1.
– Install new components as necessary, PL 7.15. Photoreceptor fan assembly, PL 9.25 Item 6.
Tray 5 Assembly Fuser
Run the components as follows: Possible causes and potential solutions are:
• Open the tray 5 door to lower the elevator. • Grinding noise.
• Close the door or actuate the interlock. Possible causes are:
• Enter the dC330 code 07-373 to drive the tray up. – The fuser web motor not turning the fuser web, causing excessive loading on the
• Enter the dC330 code 07-374 to drive the tray down. fuser drives. This will also cause toner contamination on the stripper fingers and
paper jams in the inverter.
• Enter the dC330 code 08-046 to operate the tray 5 transport motor, PL 8.40 Item 2.
– The fuser web drive dog, 35-55 ppm PL 10.8 Item 2 or 65-90 ppm PL 10.10 Item 2.
• Enter the dC330 code 08-117 to operate the tray 5 feed motor, PL 8.40 Item 3.
Check the associated belts, rollers, bearings, sensors and encoders for possible noise
sources. – Go to 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP.

NOTE: Do not change the fuser module, because of the appearance of wrinkles on
Xerographics the pressure roll. This is normal for the pressure roll, caused by the conductive
Run the following components: sleeve that stretches as the silicon rubber base of the roll expands. The pressure
• Enter dC330 code 09-010 P/R motor, to run the photoreceptor drive motor, (35-55 ppm) rolls are more wrinkled due to the higher run temperatures on the 65-90 ppm
PL 4.15 Item 17 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 17. machines.
• Enter dC330 code 09-071 Scorotron Cleaner Motor Forward or 09-072 scorotron cleaner LCSS 1K
motor Reverse, to run the scorotron cleaner motor.
Run the following components:
Possible causes and potential solutions are:
• Enter dC330 code 11-000 Transport Motor 1, to run the entry transport rolls, PL 11.110
• A high pitched noise when the corotron is switched on.
Item 2 and PL 11.110 Item 9, PL 11.110 Item 6.
Possible causes are:
• Enter dC330 code 11-001 Transport Motor 2, to run the entry rolls, PL 11.120 Item 13.
– The detack corotron.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-559 OF1
• Enter dC330 code 11-024 Paddle Wheel Motor Run, rotates the paddle wheel, PL 11.104 Solution:
Item 4. – Go to the 11-320-110, 11-322-110 Ejector Movement Failure RAP.
• Enter dC330 code 11-009 Tamp Mot Cycle, cycles the front and rear tampers, PL 11.112 • Noise from the right hand side of the machine.
Item 1. Possible causes are:
• Enter dC330 code 11-023 Eject Mot Cycle, cycles the eject assembly, PL 11.114 Item 1. – The LCSS is not aligned correctly.
• Enter dC330 code 11-033 Bin 1 Elevator Motor Cycle, to move bin 1 up and down, PL Solution:
11.106 Item 8.
– Check the machine to LCSS alignment, ADJ 11.2-110.
NOTE: The bin will move down and then move up to the home position. – Adjust the components if appropriate.
Possible causes and potential solutions are: – Install new parts as necessary.
• 2 knocks for each stapled set. • Clicking Noise from the LCSS
Possible causes are: Possible causes are:
– LCSS set ejector. – The staple head continually operating for approximately 15 seconds. This occurs
every time the LCSS top cover or front door is opened then closed, because the sta-
pler is attempting to prime the staple head, by indexing the staple stick forward and
– Go to the 11-320-120, 11-322-120 Ejector Movement Failure RAP. pre-forming two staples.
• Clicking Noise from the LCSS. Solution:
Possible causes are: – Check the staple cartridge for jammed staples and remove any that are found.
– The staple head continually operating for approximately 15 seconds. This occurs – Ensure the staple cartridge is fully seated.
every time the LCSS top cover or front door is opened then closed, because the sta-
– Ensure that the correct staple cartridge is installed.
pler is attempting to prime the staple head, by indexing the staple stick forward and
pre-forming two staples. – Perform 11-364-110 Stapling Failure RAP.
Solution: HVF / HVF BM
– Check the staple cartridge for jammed staples and remove any that are found. Run the following components:
– Ensure the staple cartridge is fully seated. CAUTION
– Ensure that the correct staple cartridge is installed. Make sure that the first tamper in the compiler carriage is returned to the home position before
– Perform 11-364-120 Stapling Failure RAP. the second tamper is checked in diagnostics.
LCSS 2K • Enter dC330 code 11-000 Transport Motor 1, to run the input transport roll, PL 11.150
Item 2.
Run the following components:
• Enter dC330 code 11-001 Transport Motor 2, to run the exit drive shafts to feed paper to
• Enter dC330 code 11-000 Transport Motor 1, to run the entry transport rolls, PL 11.14
the top tray or to the stacker tray, PL 11.150 Item 1.
Item 6.
• Enter dC330 code 11-003 Tamp. Mot. Front Home, to move the front tamper to the home
• Enter dC330 code 11-001 Transport Motor 2, to run the entry rolls, PL 11.22 Item 5. position PL 11.153 Item 6.
• Enter dC330 code 11-024 Paddle wheel Motor run, rotates the paddle wheel, PL 11.8 • Enter dC330 code 11-004 Tamp. Mot. Rear Home, to move the rear tamper to the home
Item 4.
position, PL 11.153 Item 6.
• Enter dC330 code 11-009 Tamp Mot Cycle, cycles the front and rear tampers, PL 11.16
• Enter dC330 code 11-005 Tamp. Mot. Front Move, to move the front tamper to the centre
Item 1.
of the compiler, PL 11.153 Item 6.
• Enter dC330 code 11-023 Eject Mot Cycle, cycles the eject assembly, PL 11.18 Item 1.
• Enter dC330 code 11-006 Tamp. Mot. Rear Move, to move the rear tamper to the centre
• Enter dC330 code 11-033 Bin 1 Elevator Motor Cycle, to move bin 1 up and down, PL of the compiler tray, PL 11.153 Item 6.
11.10 Item 8. • Enter dC330 code 11-025 Paddle Roll Motor Run, to lift the paddle unit and rotate the
NOTE: The bin will move down and then move up to the home position. paddle rolls, PL 11.145 Item 2.
• Enter dC330 code 11-027 Paddle Unit Mot. Home, to lift the paddle unit to the up position,
• Enter dC330 code 11-043 Punch Head run, rotates the punch head, PL 11.6 Item 3.
PL 11.145 Item 2.
• Enter dC330 code 11-055 SU1 index Mot Cycle, cycles the stapler from the front to the
• Enter dC330 code 11-030 Bin 1 Elevator Motor Home, to move Bin 1 up to the home posi-
rear, PL 11.20 Item 5. tion, PL 11.135 Item 10.
Possible causes and potential solutions are: • Enter dC330 code 11-031 Bin 1 Elevator Motor Up, to move Bin 1 down, PL 11.135 Item
• 2 knocks for each stapled set. 10.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF1 2-560 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The tray moves up for 15 seconds and then stops. Solution:
– Adjust the belt tension as required.
• Enter dC330 code 11-032 Bin 1 Elevator Motor Down, to move Bin 1 down, PL 11.135
Item 10. – Pre-load bin 1 with 30 sheets of paper this acts a a damper and will stop the noise.
– Install new parts as necessary.
NOTE: The tray moves down for 15 seconds and then stops.
• Squeak.
• Enter dC330 code 11-034 Bin 1 Offset Motor, to offset sets and fed to Bin 1, PL 11.140 Possible causes are:
Item 19. – The transport drive shaft or bearings.PL 11.150.
• Enter dC330 code 11-053 SU1 Motor Forward, to move the stapler unit to the rear, PL – Check that the paper guides are closed and located correctly.
11.140 Item 12.
• Enter dC330 code 11-054 SU1 Motor Reverse, to move the stapler unit to the rear, PL
– Install new parts as necessary.
11.140 Item 12.
• Clicking Noise from the HVF / HVF BM.
• Enter dC330 code 11-060 BM Compiler Motor, runs the compiler BM entry roll, PL 11.161
Item 15. Possible causes are:
– The noise is caused by the transport motor 2, dC330 code 11-001, continually oper-
NOTE: The tray moves down for 15 seconds and then stops.
ating for approximately 15 seconds. This occurs every time the top tray, PL 11.130
• Enter dC330 code 11-061 BM Blade motor, to move the crease blade assembly, PL Item 9, or the front door, PL 11.130 Item 3, is opened then closed.
11.165 and the crease roll gate, PL 11.167. Solution:
• Enter dC330 code 11-062 BM Crease Motor, to rotate the two crease rolls, PL 11.167 Item – Ensure the staple cartridge is fully seated and that the correct cartridge is installed.
NOTE: When a new staple cartridge is installed the stapler makes a repeating noise.
• Enter dC330 code 11-065 BM Back Stop Motor, to move the back stop assembly, PL
This is normal it is the stapler performing a priming cycle.
11.164 Item 17.
• Enter dC330 code 11-066 BM Tamper 1 Motor, to move the tamper rack and fingers, PL – Perform 11-371-171 to 11-377-171 HVF Stapler Position and Priming RAP.
11.162 Item 3. Scanner
• Enter dC330 code 11-402 BM conveyor drive motor, to run the output tray conveyor belts, Possible causes and potential solutions are:
PL 11.169 Item 1.
• Knocking.
• Enter dC330 code 11-390 BM flapper Motor, to run the BM flapper, PL 11.161 Item 23.
Possible causes are:
• Enter dC330 code 11-401 BM Crease roll, to move the crease roll gate up and down, PL
– If the scan carriage moves to the right and repeatedly knocks against the frame
11.166 Item 8.
together with the UI screen remaining blank.
• Enter dC330 code 11-078 Inserter unit motor, to run inserter main drives, PL 11.181 Item
– Check the condition of CR15 on the IOT PWB. Refer to the OF7 IOT PWB Diagnos-
• Enter dC330 code 11-062 BM crease roll motor, to run the tri-roller drives, PL 11.166 Item tics RAP.
Possible causes and potential solutions are:
• Noise from the right hand side of the machine.
Possible causes are:
– The HVF / HVF BM is not aligned correctly.
– Bin 1 not aligned correctly on the main drive belts, PL 11.135 Item 6.
– Check the machine to HVF / HVF BM alignment, ADJ 11.1-171
– Check that the Bin 1 is level, refer to REP 11.38-171 HVF Stacker Drive Belts.
– Adjust the components if appropriate.
– Install new parts as necessary.
• Knocking.
Possible causes are:
– Mis-adjusted or worn drive belts.
– The support fingers on the ejector hit bin1 each time they are moved out.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-561 OF1
OF2 Touch Screen Failure RAP Y N
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new single board controller PWB module/UI har-
Use this RAP to solve UI touch screen problems when the machine has power but either the
ness, PL 2.10 Item 3.
display is missing, is too dark or the UI screen responds incorrectly or does not refresh.

Initial Actions Go to Flag 4. Check the harness and wiring, GP 7. Check between PJ103 and PJ81. Refer to
the information that follows:
WARNING • P/J103, Single Board Controller PWB.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • P/J81, User Interface PWB.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
The wiring is good.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
• Go to the Customer Tools application and adjust the backlight output level. Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new single board controller PWB module/UI har-
• Refer to REP 2.1 to access the user interface assembly. ness, PL 2.10 Item 3.
• Check and re-seat all connectors on the UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11 and UI touch
screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6. The energy saver button on the UI is flashing, Figure 1.
• Enter dC305 UI test. Perform the relevant tests to check the operation of the UI. Y N
Install new components as necessary:
• If the problem occurs while entering or exiting sleep mode, go to 01K Sleep Mode RAP.
• Memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.
• Software module, PL 3.24 Item 8.
• UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
Go to Flag 1. +3.3V is available at P/J130 between pin 1 and 2.
Y N • UI touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
Check the harness and wiring, GP 7. Check between P/J130 on the UI control PWB and • UI touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.
P/J133 on the power distribution PWB. The wiring is good.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new single board controller PWB module/UI Switch off the machine GP 14. Check the memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12. The memory
harness, PL 2.10 Item 3. module is correctly installed.
Refer to: Correctly install the memory module, refer to REP 3.4.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. Check the software module, PL 3.24 Item 8. The software module is correctly installed.
Go to Flag 2. +12V is available at P/J130 between pin 3 and 4. Correctly install the memory module, refer to, REP 3.3.
Check the harness and wiring, GP 7. Check between P/J130 on the UI control PWB and Install new components as necessary:
P/J133 on the power distribution PWB. The wiring is good. • Memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.
Y N • Software module, PL 3.24 Item 8.
Repair the wiring, REP 1.2 or install a new single board controller PWB module/UI • UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
harness, PL 2.10 Item 3.
• UI touch screen PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
Refer to: • UI touch screen, PL 2.10 Item 5.
• 01F+12V Distribution RAP. If the fault remains, install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.

Go to Flag 3. Check the harness and wiring, GP 7. Check between PJ104 and PJ130. Refer to
the information that follows:
• P/J104, Single Board Controller PWB.
• P/J130, User Interface PWB.
The wiring is good.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF2 2-562 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Energy saver

Figure 1 Energy saver button

Figure 2 Circuit Diagram

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-563 OF2
OF3 Dead Machine RAP OF4 Status Codes and Messages RAP
Use this RAP for faults and messages without fault codes.
Use the following procedure if the copier fails to reach an operational state when switched on.
Initial Actions The status code numbers are in the series XX-5XX. However a shortage of 500 series num-
• Check that the power cord is connected to the machine. bers means that occasionally other numbers must be used, for example; XX-6XX and XX-9XX.
• Remove the power cord from the customer power socket. Wait 1 minute, then reconnect The first two digits identify the relevant functional chain link number. Refer to GP 2 Fault Codes
and History Files.
the plug into the socket. Switch on the machine, GP 14. If the fault still occurs then follow
the procedure.
Status codes are used to call up UI status messages and are displayed in the Active Messages
• If the problem occurs while entering or exiting sleep mode, go to 01K Sleep Mode RAP. Log. Most recent fault and status codes can be displayed on the UI without entering diagnos-
Procedure tics, by pressing the Machine Status button on the keypad, touching the Fault tab on the UI,
then select as appropriate:
• All Faults.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • Active Messages - status codes and a status message.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Error Log - fault codes.
WARNING The tables in this procedure bring together the status codes, the relevant RAP or procedure
references, and some of the UI messages.
Only use the correct plug to connect a power lead to a power outlet.
CAUTION NOTE: Not all status codes are shown in the active message window. Some status codes have
Incorrect voltage may damage the machine. The machine must only be connected to the no messages.
power outlet of the correct voltage.
Switch on the machine, GP 14. Listen at the rear of the machine for the cooling fans to oper-
ate. The fans are running Enter the Fault Codes and History Files, GP 2 and identify and clear any active faults. Go to
Y N the following RAPs to identify a status code or message:
Go to the 01C AC Power RAP. • OF4a Status Codes in Numerical Order
• OF4b Status Messages in Alphabetical Order
Check that the following events occur in sequence:

NOTE: During boot up, two beep sounds are made. This is normal.

• All the panel lights are on and the UI touch screen is illuminated.
• The output module resets.
• The DADH resets.
• The exposure lamp is on.
The sequence completed correctly.
Perform the relevant action:
• All the panel lights are on, the UI touch screen is illuminated and then the machine
powers off. Go to 01H Short Circuit RAP.
• The panel and UI are not illuminated. Go to the OF2 UI Touch Screen Failure RAP.
• The UI touch screen is illuminated, but the printer fails to reach an operational state.
Go to 03C Hard Disk Failure RAP W/TAG 040.
• The output module did not reset. Go to the 03-360, 03-408 to 03-410, 03-418 IOT to
Output Device Error RAP.
• The DADH did not reset. Go to 03-320 to 03-324 Single Board Controller PWB to
• The exposure lamp is off. Go to 03-330, 03-462 Single Board Controller PWB to
Scanner Fault RAP.
If the UI displays the message “not ready to copy” or the machine continues to reboot without
reaching an operational state, go to OF5 Boot Up Failure RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF3, OF4 2-564 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF4a Status Codes in Numerical Order Table 2 02-5XX Status codes

Status Message Tables Status

Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
• Table 1 01-5XX Status codes
• Table 2 02-5XX Status codes 02-530 The User Interface is not Fault detected at UI. Local UI Perform 02-320, 02-380
available. Please call for needs service RAP
• Table 3 03-5XX Status codes
• Table 4 05-5XX Status codes
02-531 Local interface problem Faults declared. UI running in Perform 02-309, 02-390,
• Table 5 06-5XX Status codes detected. Please switch degraded mode 02-391, 02-704, 02-706
• Table 6 07-5XX Status codes the machine off and on RAP
• Table 7 08-5XX Status codes again
• Table 8 09-5XX Status codes 02-532 Local interface problem Fault declared. UI software Perform 02-320, 02-380
• Table 9 10-5XX Status codes detected. Please switch error. Fault 02-320 called dur- RAP
the machine off and on ing power on sequence
• Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
• Table 11 12-5XX Status codes
02-533 Not all configurable ser- Machine not achieved stable Perform 02-390, 02-391,
• Table 12 14-5XX Status codes vices have achieved a sta- state five minutes from power 02-704, 02-706 RAP
• Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes ble state on
• Table 14 17-5X Status codes 02-534 There is a problem with at Machine not achieved stable Perform 02-390, 02-391,
• Table 15 19-5XX Status codes least one machine service. state five minutes from power 02-704, 02-706 RAP
• Table 16 20-5XX Status codes Please switch the machine on
off then on again. If this
• Table 17 22-5XX Status codes
does not solve the prob-
lem, switch the machine
Table 1 01-5XX Status codes off and call for assistance
Status 02-535 There is a problem with at All services that the UI is wait- Perform 02-390, 02-391,
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action least one machine service. ing for in the registry do not 02-704, 02-706 RAP
01-510 Close front door Front door open Perform 01-300 RAP Please switch the machine appear even though the
off then on again. If this Image processing / UI sync
01-512 Close left hand door Left hand door open Perform 01-305 RAP
does not solve the prob- occurred
01-514 Close top tray cover Finisher bin 0 cover open Perform 11-300-110, 11-
lem, switch the machine
302-110, 11-303-110 for off and call for assistance
the 2K LCSS, perform
02-536 There is a problem with at All services that the UI is wait- Perform 02-390, 02-391,
the 11-300-120, 11-302-
least one machine service. ing for do not appear in the 02-704, 02-706 RAP
120, 11-303-120 for the
1K LCSS, perform the Please switch the machine registry
off then on again. If this
11-300-171, 11-302-171,
does not solve the prob-
11-303-171 for the HVF.
lem, switch the machine
01-550 No message System in power save mode Used internally by the off and call for assistance
network controller
02-540 Installation procedure is System Manager install phase Complete install proce-
not complete. Please com- not set to IpinstallComplete or dure
plete installation, then DC Platform Manager install
switch the machine off phase not set to IpinstallCom-
Table 2 02-5XX Status codes then on again plete
Status 02-550 Auto Configuration is dis- System manager auto-config- Perform 02-390, 02-391,
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action abled. Please re-enable uration NVM set to disable 02-704, 02-706 RAP
this feature before pro-
02-521 Custom Services not UI gets no response from EIP Switch off machine and
available. Power Off then service within 20 seconds switch on machine, GP
On and Notify System 14.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-565 OF4a
Table 2 02-5XX Status codes Table 3 03-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
02-560 Remove Reorder Toner Set by the user interface when Cleared by the user 03-510 Please check the output Paper is delivered to the out- Perform 03-423, 424,
Cartridge the user enters *33 code to interface once Status bin for blank and partially put and a video complete has 433, 434, 821, 822,
remove the Reorder Notifica- 09-599 is cleared. imaged sheets and dis- not been received by the sin- 831, 832 RAP
tion message when the Toner card them gle board controller PWB
Cartridge is replaced. 03-511 Output Bin full. Touch The 90% full sensor is cleared Printing will continue
02-561 Unable to access the dis- Part of save job for reprint. Select O.K, then attempt pause to hold printing before the bin switch timer automatically 15 sec-
play list. Please select O.K selection again. while emptying the bin expires. onds after raised if the
and then attempt your Pause button is not
selection again. pressed.
Or when the Resume
button pressed.
Or Automatically 15
Table 3 03-5XX Status codes minutes after Pause
button pressed if
Status Resume button is not
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
03-500 Printing and scanning are Voltage not present on +24V Perform 03-480 RAP 03-520 Power down failure. System fails to power off after Perform 03-374 RAP
unavailable. Please call rail monitored by IOT Power off cannot be com- request from the UI
for assistance pleted. Press the power
03-501 Please wait. The system prtgeneralReset MIB object on No action, system auto- button on the left side of
software and the network the network controller is set to matically reboots which the machine. If there is no
controller are about to be a value of powerCycleReset(4) eliminates the request response within 1 minute,
reset from a remote client. for reboot state then remove the power
The reset may take sev- cord. Wait 1 minute then
eral minutes. Any jobs reinsert the power cord
currently being marked and switch the machine
will be cancelled on.
03-503 Fax card not supported The Fax card capabilities Perform 03-336 RAP 03-525 - Software upgrade NVM re-ini- Cleared when the single
reported to the SIP are not suf- tialization board controller mod-
ficient to function adequately in ule has completed ini-
the system, (e.g. sleep mode tialization, the status will
not supported). clear
03-504 No message The network controller will sim- Clears when the system 03-526 Restoring configuration Software upgrade configura- Cleared when the single
ulate this status when the sys- is put back on line setting. Please wait. Sys- tion reset board controller mod-
tem is taken offline tem will reboot when com- ule has completed
03-505 Unsupported scanner Scanner software no longer Switch off machine and pleted. restoring the configura-
detected supported switch on machine, GP tion settings the status
14. Check software sta- will clear
tus and upgrade where 03-527 Automatic software Sip NC sync failure prior to Switch off the machine,
necessary upgrade failure power on upgrade then switch on the
03-506 Please wait while your This status is raised while Clears when the report machine, GP 14
receipt is printing. This auditron copy activity report is has printed 03-535 Please enter your pass- Machine in service copy mode Status clears on leav-
may take up to 7 seconds. printed word and press Enter for password entry ing service copy mode
03-536 No message Set on entry to diagnostics. Clears on leaving diag-
(intrusive diagnostic activity in nostics

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-566 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 03-5XX Status codes Table 3 03-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
03-537 Software upgrade com- Indicates machine in IOT soft- Clears on leaving IOT 03-551 Fax service is unavailable Single board controller-FAX: Perform 03-338 RAP
pleting - please wait ware upgrade status software upgrade comms error. Fault 03-338 is
03-538 An error has occurred - System attempting to recover Cleared if communica- raised.
The system is attempting from an single board controller tion is established. Per- 03-552 Tray 3 and 4 are unavail- IOT microprocessor to HCF Perform 03-359, 03-407
to recover PWB to IOT communication form 03-300, 306, 461, able. Please call for assis- comms error. Fault 03-359 RAP
failure. Fault 03-300 or 03-320 482, 805, 870 RAP, 03- tance. raised
is raised. 320 to 03-324 RAP 03-553 The BM is unavailable. BM communications failure. Perform 11B-171 RAP
03-539 An error has occurred. Comms failure between the Clears when comms re- Please call for assistance. Fault 03-363 is raised.
The system is attempting IOT and single board controller established, or is con- 03-554 Network controller is initi- Network controller powered up No action
to recover. verted to status code ating. Power Off will be but is still initializing. Fault 03-
03-540 after third recov- available when initializa- 340 is raised, and will clear
ery attempt tion has completed. when initial is at ion is com-
03-540 Communications failure. DC-IOT: three times retry fail at Perform the 03-300, Please wait. plete
Please call for assistance 100 ms cycle communication - 306, 461, 482, 805, 870 03-556 Please wait. The system Tray 1 and 2 comms error. Perform 03-350, 03-
no response. The DC is unable RAP is attempting to recover Fault codes 03-351 and 03- 351, 03-354 RAP
to communicate with the IOT from a fault 354 are raised
within one minute of power on
03-557 Please wait - the system is Tray 5 comms error. Fault 03- Perform 03-366 RAP
or after three retries
attempting to recover from 366 is raised
03-541 No message Single board controller-UI: Perform 03-310 RAP a fault
three times retry fail at 100 ms 03-558 Copying is being pre- The foreign Interface is config- Perform 03-412 RAP
cycle communication - no
vented by the Access ured and a connected 3rd
Control device party accessory is reporting as
03-542 DADH fault. Please call Single board controller-DADH: Clear DADH of originals not enabled.
for assistance three times retry fail at 100 ms - use document glass 03-559 Copying is being pre- This status occurs when there The status clears when
cycle communication - no for copy or Fax. Perform
vented by the Access is a status 03-558 and the sys- the jobs are deleted. If
response 03-320 to 03-324 RAP
Control device tem contains non-held jobs necessary, perform 03-
03-543 Scanner fault. Please call Single board controller-CCD: Perform 14-310 RAP controlled by the Foreign Inter- 412 RAP
for assistance three times retry fail at 100 ms face
cycle communication - no
03-560 Software cycling control Laser on without printing. Fault Perform 03-395, 396,
fault. Printing is unavail- 03-396 raised 852, 853 RAP
03-544 Network controller Single board controller-net- Switch off the machine able. If fault persists, call
unavailable. Please call work controller: three times then switch on the for assistance. Touch
for assistance retry fail at 100 ms cycle com- machine, GP 14. Ignore Error to use other
munication - no response services / Printing is
03-545 Output device communi- IOT-Finisher: three times retry Perform 03-360, 03-408 unavailable
cations fault. Please call fail at 100 ms cycle communi- to 03-410, 03-418 RAP 03-561 An internal communica- Single board controller wall Perform 03-315, 325,
for assistance. cation - no response. 03-360 tions error has occurred. clock is not incrementing. Fault 347, 348, 349, 355, 400
03-547 Pull out fuser module, IOT-Fuser comms fault. Fault Perform 03-371, 03-372 Switch off the machine 03-325 is raised. RAP
then firmly push it back in 03-371 is raised. RAP and call for assistance
03-548 Pull out xerographic mod- IOT-X-Crum comms fault. Perform 03-371, 03-372 03-562 No message Image processing POST fail- Perform 03-315, 325,
ule, then firmly push it Fault 03-372 is raised. RAP ure. NVM Integrity ASICEPC- 347, 348, 349, 355, 400
back in Failure. Fault 03-347, 03-348, RAP
03-549 Paper Trays are unavail- IOT to trays 1 and 2 comms Perform 03-350, 03- 03-355 is raised.
able. Call for assistance fault. Fault 03-350 is raised. 351, 03-354 RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-567 OF4a
Table 3 03-5XX Status codes Table 3 03-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
03-563 An internal communica- Image processing rotation Perform 03-315, 325, 03-585 Scan to file unavailable Fault 03-331 raised. The sta- Switch off the machine
tions error has occurred. memory POST has failed 347, 348, 349, 355, 400 tus is cleared when status 03- then switch on the
Switch off the machine RAP 544 is raised. machine, GP 14.
and call for assistance 03-586 FAX service unavailable The fault 03-401 or 03-403 is Perform 03-401, 03-
03-568 Job contains too many The single board controller Maximum number of raised. 403. Perform 20A RAP
sheets to be folded and PWB reports that the BM job output sheets that can 03-587 Machine unavailable The fault 03-417 is raised. Perform 03-417 RAP
stabled. See Help for contains too many sheets for be folded and stapled is
03-588 Fax service is unavailable Basic Fax not detected or con- Perform 03-401, 03-
more details. the BM to fold and staple. 15 firmed. 403. Perform 20A RAP
03-569 Job contains too many The single board controller Maximum number of 03-589 Fax Service Error A Fax Extended Fax not detected or Perform 20A RAP
sheets to be folded. See PWB reports that the BM job output sheets that can
Service error has confirmed.
Help for more details. contains too many sheets for be folded is 15
occurred. Fax line 2 is
the BM to fold unavailable. Fax line 1 is
03-570 Current job exceeds tray Job is too large for selected None still available. Contact
capacity, you will be output bin your System Administra-
prompted to empty the tor.
tray 03-590 A Fax Service error has Fax POST failure status Perform 20A RAP
03-571 The installed staple car- 50 sheet cartridge installed in Press confirm. occurred. Press the power
tridge can staple a maxi- the HVF button on the left side of
mum of 50 sheets. Please the machine and choose
confirm to close this win- Quick Restart. If fault per-
dow sists, please call for assis-
03-573 After clearing paper, Image processing reports that Cleared when the IOT tance.
replace any discarded a jam occurred has performed stray 03-591 Try turning the machine The single board controller Switch the machine off
tabs with identical tab sheet detection suc- off and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored and on, GP 14. If nec-
stock in the correct tray cessfully the status assistance if the problem machine model ID differs from essary, reload the soft-
clears persists that stored in the IOT ware, GP 4
03-575 Main motor control fault. Main motor not being con- Perform 03-397 RAP 03-592 Try turning the machine The single board controller Switch the machine off
Printing is unavailable. If trolled. Fault 03-397 raised off and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored and on, GP 14. If nec-
fault persists, call for assistance if the problem machine type differs from that essary, reload the soft-
assistance. Touch Ignore persists stored in the IOT ware, GP 4
Error to use other services 03-593 Try turning the machine The single board controller Switch the machine off
03-576 IOT cycled in without IOT cycled in without printing. Perform 03-395, 396, off and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored and on, GP 14. If nec-
printing Fault 03-395 raised 852, 853 RAP assistance if the problem machine speed ID differs from essary, reload the soft-
03-579 Machine speed configura- Speed in image processing Perform 03-320 to 03- persists that stored in the IOT ware, GP 4
tion error NVM does not match speed in 324 RAP. Perform 03- 03-594 Try turning the machine The single board controller Switch the machine off
DADH 330, 03-462 RAP off and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored and on, GP 14. If nec-
03-580 Machine speed configura- Speed in Image processing Perform 03-330, 03-462 assistance if the problem machine variant ID differs from essary, reload the soft-
tion error NVM does not match speed in RAP persists that stored in the IOT ware, GP 4
IOT NVM. Fault 03-461 is 03-597 The software that controls Incompatible software Switch the machine off
raised. tray 5 requires updates. detected in the tray 5 controller and on, GP 14. Per-
03-581 Machine speed configura- Speed in Image processing Perform 03-330, 03-462 Tray 5 is unavailable form 03-419, 03-420
tion error NVM does not match scanner RAP 03-598 Tray 5 is unavailable. Tray 5 software is installed but Check that all tray 5
speed. Fault 03-462 is raised. Check cabling connec- hardware is not detected control PWB connec-
tions tions are good. Perform

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-568 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 03-5XX Status codes Table 4 05-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
03-600 A daylight saving time Daylight saving time has been No action 05-525 Remove all documents Sheet left over DADH docu- Remove sheet. Perform
change has occurred. The automatically changed from the document feeder ment present sensor after jam 05B RAP
device clock has been tray
adjusted. 05-526 Open document feeder DADH - sheet near CVT sen- Reset when DADH top
03-601 Unable to detect card Smart Card authentication has Perform 03-412 RAP. top cover sor in duplex path. 05-352 fault cover closed after jam
reader been enabled but no card is raised cleared. Perform 05-
reader is installed 350, 05-352 RAP
05-530 No message Document in DADH tray Remove document
from tray. Perform 05B
Table 4 05-5XX Status codes 05-531 No message Document in DADH area 2 Remove document.
Status with no document in area 3 Perform 05-330, 05-
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action 331, 05-335, 05-340
05-502 Lower the document Document present in DADH Close the DADH cover.
05-532 No message Document in DADH area 2 Remove document.
feeder to use it to scan tray and the DADH cover is Perform 05-300 RAP
with document in area 3 Perform RAP. Perform
your documents. open
05-330, 05-331, 05-
05-503 Reload originals and press Not enough originals during Reload originals 335, 05-340 RAPs.
Start recovery
05-533 No message Document in DADH area 3 Remove document.
05-504 A nonstandard document A document length is detected Cleared when job can-
Perform RAP. Perform
has been detected. It will during the document feed celled or completed.
05-330, 05-331, 05-
be scanned to match the cycle that is not consistent with Perform 05C RAP 335, 05-340 RAPs.
closest standard size the document size assumed by
05-534 Check for a stray original Unscheduled document Clear the document
the DADH sensors and the
in the document tray detected by any sensor path in the DADH. Per-
market region settings
form 05-330, 05-331,
05-507 Job was deleted because Fault 05-331 is raised. Perform 05-330, 05- 05-335, 05-340, 05-
a document was larger 331 RAP
345, 05-346 RAPs.
than expected. Discard
05-535 Close Document Feeder Open DADH cover Close document han-
output. Try flattening the
document and either re- Top Cover dler. Perform 05-310
scan it through the docu-
ment feeder or scan it 05-536 Document feeder is open Open document feeder Close document feeder.
from the document glass Perform 05-300 RAP
05-520 Open document feeder Sheet left over DADH feed Remove the sheet. Per- 05-537 No message DADH tray empty Put document in tray.
top cover sensor after a jam form 05-330, 05-331 Perform 05B RAP
RAP 05-538 Document feeder is DADH not available. 03-322, Perform 03-320 to 03-
05-521 Open document feeder Sheet left over DADH take Perform 05-335 Take- unavailable 03-323, 03-324 or 14-320 324 RAP and 14-320
top cover away sensor after jam away Sensor Failure raised RAP
RAP 05-539 Document feeder feed roll DADH feed head CRU None
05-522 Open the document Sheet left over DADH CVT Remove sheet. Perform has been replaced replaced. Message automati-
feeder sensor after jam 05-350, 05-352 RAP cally cleared half a second
after setting
05-523 Open the document Sheet left over DADH registra- Remove sheet. Perform
feeder tion sensor after jam 05-340 RAP 05-540 Resort and reload all origi- DADH document jam is Replace document on
05-524 Open the document Sheet left over DADH exit sen- Remove sheet. Perform nals. cleared for a single job DADH input tray to
enable recovery. Check
feeder sor after jam 05-345, 05-346 RAP
for blanks in output tray.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-569 OF4a
Table 4 05-5XX Status codes
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Table 5 06-5XX Status codes
05-542 Document feeder is Document transport needs ser- Perform 05A RAP
unavailable vice. Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
05-544 Resort and reload ALL Document jam is cleared (cov- Resume job command 06-520 The ROS motor has fail- ROS motor failed. Perform 06-020 RAP
originals in the document ers cycled and switch cleared) is given with documents ure. Switch the machine
feeder and ‘normal job’ or ‘build job’ replaced in input tray, if off, wait 1 minute, then
required, or cancel job switch on the machine
command is given again. If the fault persists
call for assistance or
05-546 Reload originals or select On pre-feed the DADH fails to Reload originals or
press Close to use other
original size and press recognize the size of the docu- select size. Perform
Start ment 05C RAP services.

05-547 Re-order but do not DADH feed roll assembly near Re-order feed roll 06-530 ROS system failure. Print- ROS system failed. Perform 06-340 RAP
ing is unavailable. If fault
replace Document Feeder end of life assembly, (35 ppm) PL
persists, call for assis-
Feed Roll 5.15 Item 1 or (40-90
ppm) PL 5.17 Item 1. tance. Touch Ignore Error
to use other services
05-548 Please follow the instruc- DADH feed roll assembly at Install a new feed roll
06-540 ROS laser not being con- ROS laser not being con- Perform 06-350 RAP
tions below to replace the end of life assembly, (35 ppm) PL
trolled trolled.
document handler feed 5.15 Item 1 or (40-90
roll: ppm) PL 5.17 Item 1.
05-560 Document is too short to Document too short for DADH, Remove document
be scanned by the docu- use document glass. Fault 05- from DADH during jam
ment feeder, use the docu- 310 raised clearance, Perform 05- Table 6 07-5XX Status codes
ment glass 310 RAP Status
05-586 Try turning the machine off Network controller software No action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
and on. Please call for version supplied at power-on is
07-501 Check the settings for Tray 1 closed or size change Confirm the attributes
assistance if the problem not compatible with single Tray 1 from power-on or open the tray
persists board controller PWB. Fault
07-502 Check the settings for Tray 2 closed or size change Confirm the attributes
03-416 is raised
Tray 2 from power-on or open the tray
05-588 Try turning the machine off Finisher software version sup- Perform 03-360, 03-
07-505 Check settings for the Bypass tray size confirmation Confirm the attributes
and on. Please call for plied is not compatible. Fault 408 to 03-410, 03-418
assistance if the problem 03-418 raised RAP If necessary, bypass tray required
persists reload the software, GP 07-506 Adjust position of Tray 1 Tray 1 guides moved out of Open tray 1 and reset
4 before proceeding ‘fixed’ position the paper guides
05-589 Try turning the machine off IOT, DADH or UI software ver- Perform 03-300, 306, 07-507 Adjust position of Tray 2 Tray 2 guides moved out of Open tray 2 and reset
and on. Please call for sion supplied at power-on is 461, 482, 805, 870 before proceeding ‘fixed’ position the paper guides
assistance if the problem not compatible with the single RAP, 03-320 to 03-324 07-511 Tray 1 empty, please Tray 1 paper present sensor Reload paper. If neces-
persists board controller PWB. RAP, 03-310 RAP. If reload detects no paper in tray sary perform 07A RAP
necessary, reload the 07-512 Tray 2 empty, please Tray 2 paper present sensor Reload paper. If neces-
software, GP 4 reload detects no paper in tray sary perform 07A RAP
07-513 Tray 3 empty, please Tray 3 paper present sensor Reload paper. If neces-
reload detects no paper in tray sary perform 07A RAP
07-514 Tray 4 empty, please Tray 4 paper present sensor Reload paper. If neces-
reload detects no paper in tray sary perform 07A RAP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-570 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 6 07-5XX Status codes Table 6 07-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
07-515 Bypass Tray empty, Paper present sensor detects Reload paper. If neces- 07-544 Tray 4 is out of service, Tray 4 elevate top sensor does Perform 07-360 RAP
please reload no paper in bypass tray, while sary perform 07C RAP please use a different tray not turn on within 7 seconds
attempting to feed from the after elevator motor on
bypass 07-546 Tray 5 is out of service, Tray 5 cannot feed paper Switch the machine off
07-516 Tray 5 empty, please Tray empty sensor detects no Reload paper. If neces- please use a different tray and on, GP 14. Check
reload paper sary, perform 07G that the tray is in the
07-517 Inserter empty, please Paper sensor detects no paper Reload paper. correct position. Per-
reload form 07-306, 07-372, or
07-373 RAP
07-521 Remove misfed sheet. IOT microprocessor detects Close tray. Perform 07-
Close tray 1 Tray 1 open 301RAP 07-550 Tray 3 is lifting Tray 3 is lifting. Perform 07-355 RAP
07-551 Tray 1 is lifting Tray 1 is lifting. Perform 07-353 RAP
07-522 Remove misfed sheet. IOT microprocessor detects Close tray. Perform 07- 07-552 Tray 2 is lifting Tray 2 is lifting. Perform 07-354 RAP
Close tray 2 Tray 2 open 302 RAP 07-560 Tray 4 is lifting Tray 4 is lifting Perform 07-360 RAP
07-523 Remove misfed sheet. IOT microprocessor detects Close Tray. Perform 07- 07-561 Tray 5 is lifting, please Tray 5 is currently lifting Perform 07-373
Close tray 3 Tray 3 open 303 RAP wait
07-524 Remove misfed sheet. IOT microprocessor detects Close Tray. Perform 07- 07-562 - Tray 5 is currently lowering Perform 07-374
Close tray 4 Tray 4 open 304 RAP
07-563 Tray 5 is unavailable. Tray 5 lifting has stopped Perform 07-373
07-526 Close tray 5 door Tray 5 door has been detected Close the door, or per- Check for obstructions in
open form 07-306 Tray 5
07-531 Tray 1 is low on paper Tray 1 paper low Perform 07A RAP 07-564 Tray 5 is unavailable. Tray 5 lowering has stopped Perform 07-374
07-532 Tray 2 is low on paper Tray 2 paper low Perform 07A RAP Check for obstructions in
07-533 Tray 3 is low on paper Tray 3 paper low IOT microprocessor Tray 5
detects Tray 3 paper 07-571 Paper size mismatch. First sheet fed after a tray 1 Check the paper in tray
level at 25%. Perform Check paper in Tray 1. status change does not match 1. Perform 07D RAP
07B RAP Some image loss may the confirmed stock
07-534 Tray 4 is low on paper Tray 4 paper low IOT microprocessor occur
detects Tray 4 paper 07-572 Paper size mismatch. First sheet fed after a tray 2 Check the paper in tray
level at 25%. Perform Check paper in Tray 2. status change does not match 2. Perform 07D RAP
07B RAP Some image loss may the confirmed stock
07-536 Tray 5 is low on paper Tray 5 paper below 5% full Add paper. If neces- occur
sary, perform 07-373 07-573 Paper size mismatch. First sheet fed after a tray 3 Check the paper in tray
and 07-374 RAPs Check paper in Tray 3. status change does not match 3. Check that the tray is
07-539 Tray 5 is overloaded, Paper equals or is more than Remove some paper. If Some image loss may the confirmed stock set to correct paper
please remove excess 100% full in tray 5 necessary, perform 07- occur size, ADJ 7.1
paper 373 and 07-374 07-574 Paper size mismatch. First sheet fed after a tray 4 Check the paper in tray
07-541 Tray 1 is out of service, Tray 1 out of service. Perform 07F RAP Check paper in Tray 4. status change does not match 4. Check that the tray is
please use a different tray Some image loss may the confirmed stock set to correct paper
07-542 Tray 2 is out of service, Tray 2 out of service. Perform 07F RAP occur size, ADJ 7.1
please use a different tray 07-575 Paper size mismatch. First sheet fed after a bypass Check the paper in
Check paper in Bypass tray status change does not bypass tray and the
07-543 Tray 3 is out of service, Tray 3 elevate top sensor does Perform 07-355 RAP
tray. Some image loss match the confirmed stock side guide is set cor-
please use a different tray not turn on within 7 seconds
after elevator motor on. may occur rectly
07-576 Paper size mismatch. The first sheet after a tray 5 Confirm the paper size
Check paper in tray 5 status change does not match in the UI
the confirmed stock

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-571 OF4a
Table 6 07-5XX Status codes Table 7 08-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
07-580 Re-order but do not Near the end of life - ensure Order new feed roll kit, 08-561 Open tray 1 Sheet near Tray 1 feed sensor. Jam clearance. Per-
replace the Tray 5 Feed new stock is available PL 8.45 Item 2 08-106 form 08-106 RAP
Rolls 08-562 Open tray 2 Sheet near Tray 2 feed sensor Jam clearance. Per-
07-581 Slide Tray 5 up to Tray 5 is un-docked Perform 07-372 form 08-106 RAP
machine 08-563 Open tray 3 Sheet near Tray 3 feed sensor Jam clearance.
07-590 Replace tray 5 feed rolls The feed head counter has Install new tray 5 feed Perform08-107 RAP
reached the end of life figure rolls, PL 8.45 Item 2 08-564 Open tray 4 Sheet near Tray 4 feed sensor Jam clearance. Per-
07-592 Check the settings for tray Tray 2 closed or size change Confirm the attributes form 08-108 RAP
from power-on or open the tray 08-565 Open left hand door Sheet near registration sensor Jam clearance Per-
form 08-150, 08-151
08-566 Open front door Sheet near duplex sensor Jam clearance. Per-
Table 7 08-5XX Status codes form 08-160, 08-161
Status RAP
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action 08-567 Open left hand door Paper over the registration Jam clearance. Per-
08-548 Clear jam from right hand Sheet did not clear the wait Perform 08-115B, 08- sensor when feeding from the form 08-155, 08-156
bypass tray RAP
side of Tray 5 sensor within the expected 117B
time 08-568 Clear jam in Tray 5 Paper did not reach the tray 5 Clear jam or perform
feed sensor in time 08-115B, 08-117B
08-550 Open left hand door Sheet over wait sensor Jam clearance. Per-
form 08-100A RAP RAP

08-551 Open left hand door Tray 1 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per- 08-570 Post jam clearance initial The IOT and finisher device Status clears on com-
is at ion in progress are performing the post jam pletion of initialization
paper in feed area on power- form 08-101 RAP
clearance initialization pro- process
on or in standby, 08-101
cess to check for stray sheets
08-552 Open left hand door Tray 2 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
paper in feed area on power- form 08-102 RAP 08-580 Paper jam not fully cleared A stray sheet has been Jam clearance. Per-
detected in either the IOT or form 08-190 RAP
on or in standby. 08-102
finisher device during the post
08-553 Open tray 3 Tray 3 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
jam clearance initialization rou-
paper in feed area on power- form 08-103, 08-113 tine. 08-190
on or in standby. 08-103 RAP
08-590 An unexpected time-out Unexpected event or time-out Perform 08-171 RAP,
08-554 Open left hand door Tray 4 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
was detected for a sheet in for sheet. 08-171, 08-181, 08- 08-181 RAP, 08-182
paper in feed area on power- form 08-104, 08-114
the paper path. This may 182 RAP
on or in standby. 08-104 RAP be due to a different paper
08-555 Open front door Registration sensor detects Jam clearance. Per- in the trays than the
paper in registration area on form 08-150A, 08- machine expects. Please
power-on or in standby. 08-150 151A RAP check and confirm the con-
08-556 Open front door Paper in duplex path at power- Jam clearance. Per- tents of the paper trays
on or in standby form 08-160A, 08-
161A RAP
08-557 Open left hand door Paper over the registration Jam clearance. Per-
sensor when feeding from the form 08-155A, 08-
bypass tray 156A RAP
08-558 Clear jam in Tray 5 Sheet over the feed sensor Jam clearance. Per-
form 08-115B, 08-

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-572 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 8 09-5XX Status codes
Table 8 09-5XX Status codes Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
09-587 The Xerographic Module is The system setting does not Install correct xero-
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action not compatible with this match the xerographic module graphic module or
09-540 Xerographic Module The Scorotron cleaning is in Refer to 09-341, 09- machine. type modify setting
cleaning in progress. progress 342 Scorotron Clean- 09-588 The Xerographic Module is The system setting does not Install correct xero-
Please wait ing Failure RAP not compatible with this match the xerographic module graphic module or
09-541 Xerographic Module Scorotron cleaning failure Refer to 09-341, 09- machine. market region ID setting modify setting
Cleaning Failure. Copy 342 Scorotron Clean- 09-589 The Xerographic Module is The system setting does not Install correct xero-
and Printing unavailable. ing Failure RAP not compatible with this match the xerographic module graphic module or
Touch Power Off to switch machine. speed setting modify speed setting
machine off or touch
09-590 Ozone filter near end of Ozone life counter near end of Order a new ozone fil-
Ignore Error to use other life, ensure you have a life ter, PL 9.25 Item 3.
replacement filter
09-543 Xerographic Module Main- Charge scorotron manual Refer to IQ1 Image
09-591 Replace Ozone Filter Ozone life counter reaches end Install new ozone fil-
tenance Please follow the cleaning required Quality Entry RAP
of life ter, PL 9.25 Item 3
instructions below
09-592 Toner cartridge empty Toner level sensor registers Install new toner car-
09-545 Toner cartridge status is This status is raised when the No action required. developer sump not full tridge, PL 9.15 Item 4,
disabled toner gas gauge is disabled The toner gas gauge
PL 9.17 Item 4.
can be enabled, if
09-593 Replace toner cartridge Accumulated toner dispense Install new toner car-
time value greater than 27 s tridge. Perform 09-
09-546 Toner adjustments in Replenisher sump refilling Perform 09-360, 09- attained, or cycle out event 310, 09-390 RAP
progress. Please wait. 361, 09-362, 09-363
occurs (Toner cartridge empty).
09-550 Printing is unavailable Photoreceptor erase lamp has Perform 09-350 RAP
09-594 Replace waste toner bottle Waste toner shutdown counter Install new waste toner
failed. 09-350 fault value attained OR if waste bottle, PL 9.10 Item 1.
09-560 Printing and Copying are HVPS failure. 09-060 fault Perform 09-060 RAP. toner shutdown counter value
unavailable greater than 50% and cycle out
09-570 The Xerographic module is Xerographic module CRUM Perform 09-399 RAP. event occurs
not compatible with this authorization failure. 09-399. 09-595 Waste toner bottle nearly Waste toner full sensor regis- Perform 09B RAP
machine. Please refer to The status clears when the full, ensure you have a ters full for greater than 100
the User Guide associated has been cleared replacement bottle pages.
09-584 Re-order, but do not Xerographic module near end Re-order a new xero- 09-596 Ensure waste toner bottle IOT detects waste bottle door Ensure waste bottle fit-
replace xerographic mod- of life graphic module, (35 is fitted and waste toner open. ted and door closed.
ule ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, door is closed Perform 09-380 RAP
(40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
09-597 Toner control failure Toner concentration process Perform 09-360, 09-
Item 2.
control failure. 361, 09-362, 09-363
09-585 Replace Xerographic Mod- Xerographic module end of life Install a new xero- RAP
ule graphic module (35 09-598 Toner control sensor fail- Toner control sensor failure. Perform 09-360, 09-
ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2,
ure 361, 09-362, 09-363
(40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
Item 2. Refer to GP 27,
End of Life Extension 09-599 Toner cartridge nearly When less than X days pre- Order a new toner car-
empty. Ensure you have a dicted until toner cartridge end tridge, PL 9.15 Item 4,
09-586 Replace xerographic mod- IOT detects an xerographic Switch the machine off
replacement cartridge of life PL 9.17 Item 4.
ule module failure and on, GP 14. Install
Or cleared when 02-
a new xerographic 560 status code is

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-573 OF4a
Table 9 10-5XX Status codes
Table 9 10-5XX Status codes Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
10-531 Incompatible fuser module The system setting does not Install a new fuser or
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action match the fuser type setting modify settings
10-505 The fuser is warming up. Fuser not at temperature Perform 10-322, 10- (fuser voltage)
Printing may be delayed 324, 10-325, 10-330, 10-532 Incompatible fuser module The system setting does not Install a new fuser or
10-370 RAP match the fuser OpCo ID set- modify OpCo ID set-
10-507 Open front door Sheet is near the IOT exit sen- Jam clearance or per- ting (Market region) ting
sor in the non-invert path form 10-120, 10-121, 10-533 Incompatible fuser module The system setting does not Install a new fuser or
10-126 match the fuser product speed modify the product
10-508 Open front door Sheet is near the IOT exit sen- Jam clearance or per- setting speed setting
sor in the left hand side of the form 10-120, 10-121, 10-540 Please wait adjusting Fuser temperature control fail- Perform 10-322, 10-
invert path 10-126 fuser temperature ure. 324, 10-325, 10-330,
10-509 Open front door Sheet is near the IOT exit sen- Jam clearance or per- 10-370 RAP, 10-315,
sor in the right hand side of the form 10-120, 10-121, 10-320, 10-321, 10-
invert path 10-126 323, 10-340, 10-350,
10-510 Clear jam in IOT zone 4 Post fuser sensor detects Perform 10-107, 10- 10-360, 10-365, 10-
paper in post fuser area on 108, 10-109, 10-110 380 RAP
power-on or in standby RAP 10-545 Fuser module under tem- Fuser warm-up failure. Perform 10-322, 10-
10-511 Open front door Sheet near post fuser sensor Jam clearance or per- perature fault. Printing is 324, 10-325, 10-330,
form 10-107, 10-108, unavailable. If fault per- 10-370 RAP
10-109, 10-110 RAP sists, call for assistance.
Touch Ignore Error to use
10-512 Open front door IOT exit sensor paper in IOT Jam clearance. Per-
other services
exit area at power -on or start form 10-120, 10-121,
print 10-126 RAP 10-550 Fuser module temperature Hardware detected fuser fail- Perform 10-315, 10-
10-513 Open front door Sheet near IOT exit sensor Jam clearance. Per- fault. Printing is unavail- ure. 320, 10-321, 10-323,
able. If fault persists, call 10-340, 10-350, 10-
form 10-120, 10-121,
for assistance. Touch 360, 10-365, 10-380
10-126 RAP
Ignore Error to use other RAP
10-516 Output tray nearly full Printer bin 0 90% full sensor Unload the tray services
10-555 Fuser module control fail- Fuser control software failure. Perform 10-322, 10-
10-520 Replace fuser module Fuser counter reaches 300 k Install new fuser mod-
ure. Printing is unavail- 324, 10-325, 10-330,
prints ule, PL 10.10 Item 1,
able. If fault persists, call 10-370 RAP
PL 10.8 Item 1. Refer for assistance. Touch
to GP 27, End of Life
Ignore Error to use other
10-521 Re-order but do not Fuser counter reaches 290 k Order a new fuser
10-570 Replace fuser module FRU CRUM authorization fail- Perform 10-399 RAP
replace fuser module prints module, PL 10.10 Item ure. Status active when fault
1, PL 10.8 Item 1.
10-399 raised
10-523 Replace fuser module IOT detects fuser failure Install new fuser mod-
10-571 Clear the jam in Areas 3,4. Paper detected in inverter area Perform 10-132, 10-
ule, PL 10.10 Item 1,
Close the front door when on power up or in standby 133, 10-134 and 10-
PL 10.8 Item 1. the paper has been 107, 10-108, 10-109,
10-530 The fuser module is not The system setting does not Install new fuser mod- removed 10-110
compatible with this match the fuser type setting ule or modify settings
10-572 Clear the jam in Areas 3,4. Paper detected near the Perform 10-132, 10-
machine. Please refer to (service offering)
Close the front door when inverter sensor on power up or 133, 10-134 and 10-
the user guide the paper has been in standby 107, 10-108, 10-109,
removed 10-110

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-574 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-510 Open output device door Sheet detected over entry sen- Perform 11-100-110
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action sor RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
11-500 Ensure output module is Output module un-docked in Dock the output mod- 100-120 for 2K LCSS,
docked standby. ule. Perform 11-300- 11-100-171, 11-101-
110, 11-302-110, 11- 171 RAP for HVF
303-110 RAP for 2K 11-511 Open output device door Sheet near entry sensor at Perform 11-100-110
LCSS, 11-300-120, shutdown RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
11-302-120, 11-303- 100-120 for 2K LCSS,
120 for 1K LCSS, 11- 11-100-171, 11-101-
300-171, 11-302-171, 171 RAP for HVF
11-303-171 RAP for
11-512 Open output device door Sheet detected over punch Perform 11-110-110
sensor RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
11-501 Close the output module Output module entry gate Close the exit cover 044-171 to 11-047-
top tray opened in standby 171 for HVF
11-502 Close output module top Output module top cover Perform 11-300-110, 11-513 Open output device door Sheet near punch sensor at Perform 11-110-110
cover opened in standby 11-302-110, 11-303- shut down RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
110 RAP for 2K 044-171 to 11-047-
LCSS, 11-300-120, 171 for HVF
11-302-120, 11-303-
11-514 Open output device door Sheet detected over compiler Perform 11-158-171,
120 for 1K LCSS, 11-
sensor 11-160-171, 162-171,
300-171, 11-302-171, 163-171 RAP
11-303-171 RAP for
11-515 Open output device door Sheet near 2nd to top exit sen- Perform 11-140-110,
sor 11-142-110 RAP for
11-503 Close output module front Output module front door open Perform 11-300-110,
2K LCSS, 11-140-
door in standby 11-302-110, 11-303- 120, 11-142-120 RAP
110 RAP for 2K
for 1K LCSS, 11-140-
LCSS, 11-300-120,
171, 11-142-171 RAP
11-302-120, 11-303- for HVF
120 for 1K LCSS, 11-
11-516 Open output device door Sheet detected over edge reg- Perform 11A-110 RAP
300-171, 11-302-171,
istration sensor for 2K LCSS
11-303-171 RAP for
HVF 11-518 Open output device door Sheet detected over top exit Perform 11-130-110,
11-506 Close the Top Left door of HVF Inserter top cover is open Close cover. Perform sensor 11-132-110 RAP for
2K LCSS, 11-130-
the Finisher. 11-306-171, 11-309-
120, 11-132-120 RAP
171 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
11-507 Close the Tri-Folding Unit HVF Tri-Folder top cover is Close cover. Perform 171, 11-132-171 RAP
Top Cover. open 11-307-171, 11-308-
for HVF
171 RAP
11-519 Open output device door Sheet near top exit sensor at Perform 11-130-110,
11-508 Close the Tri-Folding Unit HVF Tri-Folder front door is Close door. Perform
shutdown 11-132-110 RAP for
Front Door. open 11-307-171, 11-308- 2K LCSS, 11-130-
171 RAP
120, 11-132-120 RAP
11-509 Close the Top Left door of HVF Inserter left hand door is Close cover. Perform for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
the Finisher. open 11-306-171, 11-309- 171, 11-132-171 RAP
171 RAP for HVF

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-575 OF4a
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-520 Clear jam in area 5 Paper or debris covering the Perform 11-140-110, 11-539 Job in progress. Please Offline stapling is ‘Ready’ and a Cleared when offline
sensors 11-142-110 RAP for wait until Manual Stapling user requests a print job for out- stapling mode is can-
2K LCSS, 11-140- job is complete put to the stacker, mailboxes or celled
120, 11-142-120 RAP BM
for 1K LCSS, 11-140- 11-540 Replace punch head unit Punch head present sensor not Perform 11-043-110,
171, 11-142-171 RAP made 11-350-110 RAP for
for HVF 2K LCSS, 11-044-171
11-521 Open output device door Sheet near 2nd to top exit sen- Perform 11-140-110, to 11-047-171 RAP
sor 11-142-110 RAP for for HVF
2K LCSS, 11-140- 11-541 Punch Chad Bin Set State The chad bin has been Reinstall the chad bin.
120, 11-142-120 RAP removed from the finisher Perform 11N-171
for 1K LCSS, 11-140- RAP
171, 11-142-171 RAP
11-542 Staple count low. Please BM staples low Perform 11-063-171,
for HVF ensure you have replace- 11-411-171 RAP
11-522 Open output device door Sheet over the BM exit sensor Perform 11-180-171, ment Xerox staple car-
11-182-171 RAP tridge.
11-523 Open output device door Sheet near the BM exit sensor Perform 11-180-171, 11-543 BM out of staples. Please BM staples empty Perform 11-063-171,
11-182-171 RAP replace the staple car- 11-411-171 RAP
11-524 Page-over PPI Pickup Sen- Sheet over the inserter pickup Clear the area or per- tridges
sor sensor form 11-479-171 RAP 11-545 Staple count low. Please Staple cartridge low Perform 11-364-110
11-525 Page-over PPI Tab Sheet over the inserter tab Clear the area or per- ensure you have replace- RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
Standby Sensor standby sensor form 11-191-171, 11- ment Staple Cartridge 364-120 RAP for 1K
193-171, 11-194-171, LCSS, 11-371-171 to
11-196-171 RAP 11-377-171 RAP for
11-526 Page over Buffer Position Sheet over the buffer position Clear the area or per- HVF
Sensor sensor form 11-198-171, 11- 11-546 Replace staple cartridge Staple cartridge empty Perform 11-364-110
199-171 RAP RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
11-527 Page over exit HVF into Sheet over the HVF exit into Clear the area or per- 364-120 RAP for 1K
Booklet Maker Sensor BM sensor form 11-198-171, 11- LCSS, 11-371-171 to
199-171 RAP 11-377-171 RAP for
11-528 Page over Stacker Bin Exit Sheet over the stacker bin exit Clear the area or per- HVF
Sensor sensor form 11-140-171, 11- 11-549 Empty chad bin Hole punch chad bin is full and Perform 11-364-110
142-171 needs emptying RAP for 2K LCSS,
11N-171 for HVF
11-529 Page over Tri-fold Entry Sheet over the tri-folder entry Clear the area or per-
Sensor sensor form 11-183-171, 11- 11-550 Hole punching is unavail- There are too many pages for Instruct customer to
184-171 RAP able the punch to operate use fewer pages in
the set (max 50
11-530 Page-over BB compiler Sheet over the booklet maker Clear the area or per-
Sensor entry sensor form 11-183-171, 11-
184-171 RAP 11-551 Hole punching is unavail- The punch operation has been Perform 11-043-110,
11-538 Job in progress. Manual Offline stapling requested while Cleared when current able taken out of service 11-350-110 RAP for
2K LCSS, 11-044-171
stapling will be available a print job is in progress for out- job completed
to 11-047-171 RAP
when the current output job put to any bin other than bin 0
set completes (top bin) for HVF

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-576 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-552 Hole punching is unavail- There are too many pages for Instruct customer to 11-565 No message Bin status message received Perform 11-140-110,
able the punch to operate use fewer pages in from the finisher indicating bin 1 11-142-110 RAP for
the set (max 50 out of service 2K LCSS, 11-140-
sheets) 120, 11-142-120 RAP
11-553 Stapling not available. Stapling disabled, out of service Perform 11-050-110, for 1K LCSS, 11-140-
Please call for assistance 11-360-110 RAP for 171, 11-142-171 RAP
2K LCSS, 11-050- for HVF
120, 11-360-120 RAP 11-566 No message Bin status message received Perform 11-140-110,
for 1K LCSS, 11-050- from the finisher indicating bin 2 11-142-110 RAP for
120, 11-360-120 RAP out of service 2K LCSS, 11-140-
for HVF 120, 11-142-120 RAP
11-554 Stapling disabled, out of Stapling disabled, out of staples Perform 11-050-110, for 1K LCSS, 11-140-
staples 11-360-110 RAP for 171, 11-142-171 RAP
2K LCSS, 11-050- for HVF
120, 11-360-120 RAP 11-570 Finisher bin 0 full Fifty additional prints have been Perform 11-130-110,
for 1K LCSS, 11-050- sent to bin 0 since 90% full sen- 11-132-110 RAP for
120, 11-360-120 RAP sor made 2K LCSS, 11-130-
for HVF 120, 11-132-120 RAP
11-555 Stapling feature requires Stapling disabled, zero / one Instruct customer for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
two or more pages page 171, 11-132-171 RAP
11-560 Staple capacity exceeded. BM disabled - too many pages Each booklet must not for HVF
Job completed without sta- exceed 15 sheets 11-571 Output tray nearly full Bin 0 90% full sensor made Perform 11-130-110,
pling 11-132-110 RAP for
2K LCSS, 11-130-
11-561 BM out of staples. Please BM disabled - out of staples Perform 11-063-171,
replace the staple car- 11-411-171 RAP 120, 11-132-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
171, 11-132-171 RAP
11-562 BM requires two or more BM disabled - zero/one page Requires two or more
for HVF
pages sheets to enable sta-
pling 11-572 Output Tray full. Please Fifty additional prints have been Perform 11-030-110,
empty the Output Tray. sent to bin 1 since 90% full sen- 11-334-110, 11-335-
11-563 BM is unavailable. Please BM disabled - out of service Switch off the
sor made 110, 11-336-110 RAP
call for assistance machine then switch
for 2K LCSS, 11-030-
on the machine, GP 120, 11-334-120, 11-
14. Perform 11B-171
335-120, 11-336-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
11-564 No message Bin status message received Perform 11-130-110, 460-171 to 11-462-
from the finisher indicating bin 0 11-132-110 RAP for 171 RAP for HVF
out of service 2K LCSS, 11-130-
11-573 Output tray nearly full Bin 1 90% full sensor made Perform 11-030-110,
120, 11-132-120 RAP
11-334-110, 11-335-
for 1K LCSS, 11-130- 110, 11-336-110 RAP
171, 11-132-171 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-030-
for HVF
120, 11-334-120, 11-
335-120, 11-336-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
460-171 to 11-462-
171 RAP for HVF

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-577 OF4a
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-574 Output Tray full. Please Finisher bin 2 full Perform 11C-171 11-902 Output tray 1 out of ser- Tamper move or Bin 1 or com- Clear the paper jam.
empty the Output Tray. RAP vice. Check for obstruc- piler eject or staple fault Switch off the
11-575 Output tray nearly full Bin 2 90% full sensor made Perform 11C-171 tions in output tray 1 machine then switch
RAP on the machine, GP
14. Perform 11-005-
11-598 Output Trays out of ser- Output trays have reached Cleared when con-
110, 11-006-110, 11-
vice. Remove all paper there capacity. firm button pressed
from Output Trays. 310-110, 11-311-110
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
11-901 Unable to staple. check for Tamper move or paddle roll Clear the paper jam.
007-110, 11-008-110,
obstructions in the output fault Switch off the
11-312-110, 11-313-
trays machine then switch 110, 11-319-110 RAP
on the machine, GP
for 2K LCSS, 11-024-
14. Perform 11-005-
110, 11-025-110 RAP
110, 11-006-110, 11- for 2K LCSS, 11-005-
310-110, 11-311-110
120, 11-006-120, 11-
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
310-120, 11-311-120
007-110, 11-008-110, RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
11-312-110, 11-313-
007-120, 11-008-120,
110, 11-319-110 RAP
11-312-120, 11-313-
for 2K LCSS, 11-024- 120, 11-319-120 RAP
110, 11-025-110 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
for 2K LCSS, 11-005-
120, 11-025-120 RAP
120, 11-006-120, 11- for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
310-120, 11-311-120
171, 11-026-171, 11-
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
392-171 to 11-395-
007-120, 11-008-120, 171, 11-396-171 to
11-312-120, 11-313-
11-399-171 RAP for
120, 11-319-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
120, 11-025-120 RAP 11-903 Some finishing features are Compiler carriage or stapling Clear the paper jam.
unavailable. Check for fault Switch off the
for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
obstructions in the finisher machine then switch
171, 11-026-171, 11-
392-171 to 11-395- on the machine, GP
14. Perform 11-364-
171, 11-396-171 to
110 RAP for 2K
11-399-171 RAP for
HVF LCSS, 11-364-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
172-171, 11-180-171,
11-182-171, 11-185-
171 to 11-187-171,
11-371-171 to 11-377-
171 RAP for HVF

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-578 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-904 Output trays 1 and 2 out of Tamper home or paddle roll or Clear the paper jam. 11-905 Offsetting is unavailable Bin 1 offset motor fails to move Clear the paper jam.
service. Check for obstruc- compiler or stapling fault Switch off the from output tray 1. Check or home. Switch off the
tions in the output trays machine then switch for obstructions in output machine then switch
on the machine, GP tray 1 on the machine, GP
14. Perform 11-005- 14. Perform 11-005-
110, 11-006-110, 11- 110, 11-006-110, 11-
310-110, 11-311-110 310-110, 11-311-110
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
007-110, 11-008-110, 007-110, 11-008-110,
11-312-110, 11-313- 11-312-110, 11-313-
110, 11-319-110 RAP 110, 11-319-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-024- for 2K LCSS, 11-024-
110, 11-025-110 RAP 110, 11-025-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-005- for 2K LCSS, 11-005-
120, 11-006-120, 11- 120, 11-006-120, 11-
310-120, 11-311-120 310-120, 11-311-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11- RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
007-120, 11-008-120, 007-120, 11-008-120,
11-312-120, 11-313- 11-312-120, 11-313-
120, 11-319-120 RAP 120, 11-319-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024- for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
120, 11-025-120 RAP 120, 11-025-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024- for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
171, 11-026-171, 11- 171, 11-026-171, 11-
392-171 to 11-395- 392-171 to 11-395-
171, 11-396-171 to 171, 11-396-171 to
11-399-171 RAP for 11-399-171 RAP for
11-908 Hole punching is unavail- Punch head motor fails Clear the paper jam.
able. Check for obstruc- Perform 11-043-110,
tions in the hole puncher 11-350-110 RAP for
2K LCSS, 11-044-171
to 11-047-171 RAP
for HVF

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-579 OF4a
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-909 All output trays are unavail- Punch head home sensor not Clear the paper jam. 11-914 - Rear tamper away home sen- Clear the paper jam.
able. Check for obstruc- made Switch off the sor failure Switch off the
tions in the finisher machine then switch machine then switch
on the machine, GP on the machine, GP
14. Perform 11-030- 14. Perform 11-007-
110, 11-334-110, 11- 110, 11-008-110, 11-
335-110, 11-336-110 312-110, 11-313-110,
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- 11-319-110 RAP for
030-120, 11-334-120, 2K LCSS, 11-007-
11-335-120, 11-336- 120, 11-008-120, 11-
120 RAP for 1K 312-120, 11-313-120,
LCSS, 11-044-171 to 11-319-120 RAP for
11-047-171 RAP for 1K LCSS
HVF 11-915 - HVF staple cartridge empty Replace the staple
11-910 Stapler is unavailable. Stapler head motor 1 fails to Clear obstruction from cartridge. Perform 11-
Check for obstructions in move or not primed stapler. Perform 11- 371-171 to 11-377-
the stapler. 050-110, 11-360-110 171 RAP
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- 11-916 - HVF staples low Replace the staple
050-120, 11-360-120 cartridge. Perform 11-
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11- 371-171 to 11-377-
371-171 to 11-377- 171 RAP
171 RAP for HVF
11-917 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet over HVF BM compiler Clear the HFV BM
11-911 Stapling is unavailable. Staple head 2 motor fails to Clear obstruction from Finisher. paper present sensor paper present sensor
Check for obstructions in move stapler. Perform 11- area. Perform 11-172-
the BM stapler. 063-171, 11-411-171 171 RAP
11-918 - Sheet over tri- folder assist sen- Perform 11-185-171
11-912 Some finishing features are Stapler unit 1 fails to move Clear obstruction from sor to 11-187-171 RAP
unavailable. Check for stapler. Perform 11- 11-919 - Sheet over tri- folder exit sensor Perform 11-185-171
obstructions in the stapler. 053-110, 11-370-110
to 11-187-171 RAP
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
11-920 The Booklet Maker and Tri- Failure of any BM or TF func- Check for obstruc-
371-171 to 11-377-
171 RAP for HVF folder are currently unavail- tion tions in the HVF BM
able and the tri-folder.
11-913 Booklet making is unavail- Back stop motor fails to move Clear the paper jam.
Check that the HVF
able. Check for obstruc- or not home Switch off the
BM and tri-folder
tions in the BM machine then switch interlocks are made.
on the machine, GP
Switch the machine
14. Perform 11-065-
OFF and ON, GP 14.
171, 11-383-171, 11- Check the current
403-171, 11-413-171,
fault codes list for
11-414-171 RAP for
HVF BM or tri-folder
HVF faults and perform the
appropriate RAP.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-580 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-921 Please close the Booklet The stapler position sensor indi- Close the BM stapler 11-935 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the buffer Clear the sheet. If
Maker Stapler module cates the stapler module is not module. If necessary, Finisher. sensor necessary, perform
closed in initialisation perform 11-063-171, 11-157-171, 11-161-
11-411-171 RAP for 171 RAP and 11-164-
staple unit 1, and 11- 171, 11-165-171 RAP
403-171, 11-413-171, 11-936 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near Exit HVF Clear the sheet. If
11-414-171 RAP for Finisher. to BM entry sensor necessary, perform
staple unit 2 11-158-171, 11-160-
11-926 Booklet Maker Stapling is Failure of the booklet maker Perform 11-063-171, 171, 162-171, 163-
currently unavailable stapling functions. 11-411-171 RAP for 171 RAP
staple unit 1, and 11- 11-938 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the top bin Perform 11-130-171,
403-171, 11-413-171, Finisher. exit sensor 11-132-171 RAP
11-414-171 RAP for
11-940 - Tray ready for unloading Follow the instruc-
staple unit 2 tions to unload the
11-928 - Booklet maker output tray is full Empty the tray. If nec- tray. If necessary, per-
essary, perform 11C- form 11-460-171 to
171 RAP 11-462-171 RAP for
11-929 - The stacker tray is 90% full Empty the stacker the stacker tray, 11-
tray when conve- 130-171, 11-132-171
nient. If necessary, RAP for the top tray,
perform 11-460-171 to and 11C-171 for the
11-462-171 RAP HVF BM tray
11-930 - The stacker tray is full Empty the stacker 11-941 Pause To Unload Time-out Machine is paused for unload- Follow the instruc-
tray. If necessary, per- Warning ing. Need to press button on tions. If necessary,
form 11-460-171 to pop up screen perform 11H-171
11-462-171 RAP 11-942 Pause To Unload Time-out Timer expiry. Wait for machine Follow the instruc-
11-931 - Paper is not detected in the Check the paper. If Warning to pause, then press button on tions. If necessary,
inserter tray necessary, perform pop up screen perform 11H-171
11J-171 RAP 11-943 Booklet Making and Tri- Booklet making or tri-folding Check for obstruc-
11-932 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the Clear the sheet. If folding are unavailable. capability degraded tions in the HVF BM
Finisher. inserter pickup sensor necessary, perform Check for obstructions and the tri-folder.
11-191-171, 11-193- Check that the HVF
171, 11-194-171, 11- BM and tri-folder
196-171 RAP interlocks are made.
11-933 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the Check the paper. If Switch the machine
Finisher. inserter tab standby sensor necessary, perform OFF and ON, GP 14.
11-191-171, 11-193- Check the current
171, 11-194-171, 11- fault codes list for
196-171 RAP HVF BM or tri-folder
11-934 - Sheet detected near the entry Clear the sheet. faults and perform the
appropriate RAP.
sensor Check the HVF is
docked and correctly
aligned. If necessary,
perform 11-100-171,
11-101-171 RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-581 OF4a
Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes Table 10 11-5XX to 9XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-944 Inserter is unavailable. Inserter capability degraded Check for obstruc- 11-952 Open the Finisher Front Page over Buffer Path Sensor Clear Buffer Path
Check for obstructions in tions in the inserter. If Door Sensor, perform 11-
the inserter necessary, perform 157-171, 11-161-171
11-191-171, 11-193- RAP and 11-164-171,
171, 11-194-171, 11- 11-165-171 RAP for
196-171 RAP and HVF
11J-171 RAP 11-953 Open the Finisher Front Page detected near buffer path Clear sheet near
11-945 Booklet Making available. All trays have degraded capa- Check for obstruc- Door sensor buffer path sensor,
All other output trays bility, except booklet maker tions in the buffer, perform 11-157-171,
unavailable stacker and top tray 11-161-171, 11-164-
areas. Switch the 171, 11-165-171RAP
machine OFF and for HVF
ON, GP 14. Check 11-954 No message 100 sheet staple cartridge N/A
the current fault codes installed in finisher
list for faults in the
11-955 Open Finisher Top Cover. Page over Inserter Lead Edge Clear Inserter Lead
buffer, stacker and top
Remove Paper. Sensor Edge Sensor, per-
tray areas and per- Close Finisher Top Cover. form 11-479-171 RAP
form the appropriate
for HVF
11-946 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the tri-fold Clear the sheet. If
Table 11 12-5XX Status codes
Tri-Folding Unit entry sensor necessary, perform
11-183-171, 11-184- Status
171 RAP Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
11-947 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the tri-fold Clear the sheet. If 12-530 Offsetting is unavailable. Offsetting catch tray is not in Perform 12-301 RAP
Tri-Folding Unit exit sensor necessary, perform Check for obstructions in index position.
11-185-171 to 11-187- the output tray
11-948 Clear the paper jam in the Sheet detected near the tri-fold Clear the sheet. If
Tri-Folding Unit assist sensor necessary, perform
11-185-171 to 11-187- Table 12 14-5XX Status codes
171 RAP
11-949 Finisher Insert Stock Out of An insert sheet has not arrived See the message Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
Order at its intended output destina- text. If necessary, per-
tion form 11-191-171, 11- 14-508 System error, scanner is Status active when start is Switch off the
unavailable selected but scan service is machine then switch
193-171, 11-194-171,
unable to acquire resources on the machine, GP
11-196-171 RAP and
11-100-171, 11-101- 14. Wait for a few min-
utes, if scanning is still
171 RAP
not available, go to
11-950 Unexpected Stock Size in A shorter than expected sheet Follow the message
03-330, 03-462 RAP
the Finisher has been fed from the inserter text. Check the size of
the paper in the
11-951 Clear the paper jam in the Page detected near the stacker Clear the sheet. If
finisher bin exit sensor necessary, perform
11-140-171, 11-142-
171 RAP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-582 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 12 14-5XX Status codes Table 12 14-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
14-560 Scanner is calibrating, Scanner is calibrating If calibration does not 14-565 No message Document is larger than Close status popup or
please wait complete, switch off expected press start, Perform
the machine, then 14A RAP
switch on the 14-566 Reload originals and press CCD (width) and length sen- Reposition originals
machine, GP 14. Wait start sors cannot determine size of and press start, Per-
for a few minutes, if the original form 14A RAP
the scanner contin-
ues to calibrate with-
out completing
perform 14-703 to 14- Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes
706, 712, 714, 716,
718 RAP Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
14-561 No message Downloaded NVM values are Switch off the
out of range and too low. SVCM machine, then switch 16-500 No message Print from file cabinet is The status is disabled
received NVM data within cor- on the machine, GP enabled via the Web UI when the print from
rect range 14. Wait for a few min- file cabinet is disabled
utes, if scanning is still via the Web UI
not available perform 16-501 Some network services Not enough memory on the Machine restart initi-
03-330, 03-462 RAP unavailable. Please notify image processing for JBA ated
14-562 Adjustments in progress Scanner ready checks are not If the ready check the machine administrator
complete does not complete, 16-502 The network controller is Status active when ever the Cleared when the net-
switch off the about to be reset network controller detects that a work controller reset
machine, then switch platform reset is about to occur is initiated
on the machine, GP 16-504 Some network services Dynamic domain name regis- Machine restart initi-
14. Wait for a few min-
unavailable. Please notify tration process failed ated
utes, if the scanner
the machine administrator
continues to check
without completing 16-505 Some network services Insufficient memory for E-mail More physical mem-
unavailable. Please notify ory needs to be
perform 03-330, 03-
the machine administrator added to the platform
462 RAP
16-506 Machine cloning is in pro- Status raised while Network Cleared automati-
14-563 Scanner has failed to initai- Scanner needs service Switch off the
ilize. Switch off the machine then switch cess. This shall take a few controller connectivity settings cally when cloning is
minutes to complete are being cloned completed
machine, wait 1 minute, on the machine, GP
then switch on the 14. Perform 14-110 16-507 Some network services Service location protocol pro- Machine restart initi-
machine. If fault persists RAP, 14-310, 14-710 unavailable. Please notify cess failed ated
call for assistance, or press RAP, 14-720 RAP the machine administrator
close to use other services 16-508 Some network services Autonet address resolution did Machine restart initi-
14-564 No message Job is incomplete, scan ser- Resume the scanning unavailable. Please notify not work ated
vice is ready and needs a job, or press the can- the machine administrator
resume command cel key. If the status 16-509 Some network services Insufficient memory for internet Machine restart initi-
code is still present, unavailable. Please notify fax ated
switch off the the machine administrator
machine, then switch 16-510 Some network services E-mail process failed Machine restart initi-
on the machine, GP unavailable. Please notify ated
14 the machine administrator

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-583 OF4a
Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
16-511 Some network services Internet fax process failed Machine restart initi- 16-525 Some Network Controller The network controller’s Scan Machine restart initi-
unavailable. Please notify ated services are not available. to Distribution service process ated
the machine administrator Please notify the machine has stopped
16-512 Some network services USB printer port process failed Machine restart initi- administrator
unavailable. Please notify ated 16-526 Some Network Controller The network controller’s SMB Machine restart initi-
the machine administrator services are not available. service process has stopped. ated
16-513 Some network services Simple service discovery proto- Machine restart initi- Please notify the machine
unavailable. Please notify col failed ated administrator
the machine administrator 16-527 Some Network Controller The network controller’s TCP/IP Machine restart initi-
16-514 Some network services Post office protocol (for inbound Machine restart initi- services are not available. service process has stopped. ated
unavailable. Please notify IFAX messages) process failed ated Please notify the machine
the machine administrator administrator
16-517 Some network services SMTP process failed Machine restart initi- 16-528 Some Network Controller The network controller’s WS Machine restart initi-
unavailable. Please notify ated services are not available. Scan Temp service process has ated
the machine administrator Please notify the machine stopped.
16-518 Some Network Controller ESS web services edge client Machine restart initi- administrator
services are not available. interface does not work ated 16-529 Some Network Controller The network controller’s Scan Machine restart initi-
Please notify the machine services are not available. Compressor service process ated
administrator Please notify the machine has stopped.
16-519 Some Network Controller ESS web services client con- Machine restart initi- administrator
services are not available. troller does not work ated 16-535 Immediate Job Overwrite ESS Immediate Image Over- The status is cleared
Please notify the machine failed. Please perform and write Error when the ESS com-
administrator On Demand Overwrite pletes the On
16-520 Some Network Controller ESS web services server con- Machine restart initi- immediately Demand Image Over-
services are not available. troller interface does not work. ated
Please notify the machine 16-536 Network controller error. The ESS XSA service is The ESS XSA ser-
administrator Please contact system unavailable. The fault is due to vice becomes avail-
16-521 Some Network Controller The network controller’s CPI Machine restart initi- administrator. a failure of internal communica- able.
tion in the network controller.
services are not available. service process has stopped ated
Please notify the machine 16-537 Incomplete Network Inter- Any scan to distribution service Switch off the
administrator face window not available machine then switch
16-522 Some Network Controller The network controller’s job log Machine restart initi- on the machine, GP
services are not available. service process has stopped ated
Please notify the machine 16-538 Internal address book Could not communicate with Verify LDAP server
administrator unavailable. Please notify the LDAP server setup at web UI, verify
16-523 Some Network Controller The network controller’s job Machine restart initi- machine administrator server is online, check
network connectivity
services are not available. tracker service process has ated
Please notify the machine stopped 16-539 Cannot connect to prime or Could not communicate with Verify authentication
administrator backup authentication primary or alternate authentica- server setup at web
16-524 Some Network Controller The network controller’s Ker- Machine restart initi- server. tion server UI, verify server is
online, check network
services are not available. beros service process has ated
connectivity. Can con-
Please notify the machine stopped
administrator figure authentication
to use guest mode

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-584 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
16-540 Incomplete Network Inter- Death of any authentication Switch off the 16-550 System reset required, Network controller - system Switch off the
face window services machine then switch please switch off the enters customer sw upgrade machine then switch
on the machine, GP machine, then switch on mode on the machine, GP
14. the machine 14.
16-541 Cannot receive internet Could not communicate will Verify POP3 server 16-551 Accounting out of memory. Network controller - accounting Accounting Adminis-
jobs. Please call for assis- POP3 server settings at UI. Verify Please notify machine log is full or a hard disk full state trator needs to
tance server is online and administrator exists retrieve accounting
check network con- data log from the sys-
nectivity tem
16-542 Image too large to process. Insufficient resources to pro- Reduce scan size, 16-552 Software option codes do Network controller - the flag in Switch off the
Please alter job and scan cess the image reduce scan resolu- not match system manager is not in sync. machine then switch
again tion with the network controller PM on the machine, GP
16-543 Accounting problem. Network controller - authoriza- Authorization should 14.
Please notify machine tion file on the system is cor- be disabled until the 16-553 Additional memory Network controller - not enough Add memory
administrator rupted. No jobs can be accounting SA can required. Please call for physical memory is configured
authorized. purge and reload the assistance on the platform to support scan
authorization data- to file
base 16-554 Hardware must be added Network controller - the IPA Re-insert or replace
16-544 Ensure network cables are Network controller detected that Check the network or replaced. Please notify card is either broken or missing IPA card
properly connected the network cable is discon- cable connections machine administrator
nected 16-555 Additional memory required Network controller - not enough Add memory
16-545 Network scanning commu- Network controller - unrecover- Machine restart initi- to support fax. Please physical memory is configured
nication error. Please notify able scan to file communication ated. Resubmit job notify machine administra- on the platform to support lan
machine administrator error tor fax
16-546 Network scanning filing Network controller - network Verify destination 16-556 802.1x Network Error The request to authenticate the Ensure the 802.1x
error. Please notify repository filing error address; check repos- device credentials with the EAP type, username
machine administrator itory setup; verify authentication server has failed and password for the
repository is online. machine, authentica-
Check network con- tion switch and
nectivity. Resubmit authentication server
the job match.
16-547 Network scanning tem- Network controller - scan to file Verify remote tem- 16-557 System error, copier is no Network controller - DC plat- Switch off the
plates could not be template retrieval failure plate pool settings; longer available form fails to recover in less than machine then switch
retrieved. Please notify verify that the tem- 5 minutes after a crash on the machine, GP
machine administrator plate repository is 14.
online. Check network 16-558 System error, copier is no Network controller - DC com- DC platform call failed
connectivity longer available munications unavailable
16-548 Network scanning error. Network controller - scan to file Resubmit job. If prob- 16-559 BOOTP initialization failure. Network controller - BOOTP Connectivity fix and
Please notify machine job processing error lem persists, Machine Please notify machine (failure) configuration of IP, will switch off the machine
administrator restart initiated administrator use stored IPdata then switch on the
16-549 Network scanning is not Network controller - failure of If problem persists, machine, GP 14.
available. Please notify any scan to file services Machine restart initi- 16-560 Some network services Some processes on the net- Switch off the
machine administrator ated. Resubmit job. unavailable. Please notify work controller have failed machine then switch
machine administrator on the machine, GP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-585 OF4a
Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
16-561 Network Scanning Unavail- Some scan to file processes Switch off the 16-574 Job status information not The network controller protocol Switch off the
able have died machine then switch available. Please notify module process has stopped machine then switch
on the machine, GP machine administrator on the machine, GP
14. 14.
16-562 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - the line Switch off the 16-575 Network controller connec- The network controller registra- Automatic network
face window printer Deamon process has machine then switch tion is about to be reset tion service process has controller reset
failed on the machine, GP stopped
14. 16-576 Network controller connec- The network controller event Automatic network
16-563 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - the Novell Switch off the tion is about to be reset notification service process has controller reset
face window Netware connectivity process machine then switch stopped
has failed on the machine, GP 16-577 Network controller connec- The network controller platform Automatic network
14. tion is about to be reset manager service process has controller reset
16-564 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - the Net- Switch off the stopped
face window BIOS connectivity process has machine then switch 16-578 Incomplete system infor- The network controller fault ser- Switch off the
failed on the machine, GP mation. Please notify vice process has stopped (fault machine then switch
14. machine administrator logging will be disabled) on the machine, GP
16-565 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - the Apple- Switch off the 14.
face window talk connectivity process has machine then switch 16-579 Job status information not The network controller com- Switch off the
failed on the machine, GP available. Please notify pleted job log service and print machine then switch
14. machine administrator SPI processes have stopped on the machine, GP
16-567 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - a Postscript Switch off the 14.
face window interpreter error has occur, machine then switch 16-580 Incomplete system infor- The network controller remote Switch off the
causing the process to fail on the machine, GP mation. Please notify configuration process has machine then switch
14. machine administrator stopped on the machine, GP
16-568 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - a PCL Switch off the 14.
face window interpreter error has occurred, machine then switch 16-581 Some network services The network controller diagnos- Switch off the
causing the process to fail on the machine, GP unavailable. Please notify tic service process has stopped machine then switch
14. machine administrator on the machine, GP
16-570 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - the http Switch off the 14.
face window server (web-UI) has failed machine then switch 16-582 Some network services The network controller authenti- Switch off the
on the machine, GP unavailable. Please notify cation SPI process has stopped machine then switch
14. machine administrator on the machine, GP
16-571 Network printing disabled. Network controller - print ser- Switch off the 14.
Please notify machine vice has failed machine then switch 16-583 Incomplete system infor- The network controller counters Switch off the
administrator on the machine, GP mation. Please notify utility process has stopped machine then switch
14. machine administrator on the machine, GP
16-572 Network printing disabled. Network controller - print SPI Switch off the 14.
Please notify machine service has failed machine then switch 16-584 Network controller connec- The network controller counters Switch off the
administrator on the machine, GP tion is about to be reset document manager process machine then switch
14. has stopped on the machine, GP
16-573 Network printing disabled. Network controller - MF print Switch off the 14.
Please notify machine service has failed machine then switch 16-585 Incomplete system infor- The network controller counters Switch off the
administrator on the machine, GP mation. Please contact the remote configuration synchroni- machine then switch
14. Machine Administrator zation process has stopped on the machine, GP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-586 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes Table 13 16-5XX to 7XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
16-586 Incomplete system infor- The network controller counters Switch off the 16-598 IP interface error. Please Network controller - TCP / IP Contact SA. Another
mation. Please notify SNMP agent process has machine then switch notify machine administra- address is already in use on the IP address needs to
machine administrator stopped on the machine, GP tor network be used
14. 16-599 Some network services Raw TCP/IP printing (port Machine restart initi-
16-588 Some network services The network controller sub- Switch off the unavailable. Please notify 9100) process failed. ated
unavailable. Please notify agent process has failed machine then switch the machine administrator.
machine administrator on the machine, GP
16-589 Incomplete Network Inter- Network controller - serial port Switch off the
face window connectivity failed machine then switch Table 14 17-5XX Status codes
on the machine, GP
14. Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
16-590 Some network services The network controller connec- Switch off the
unavailable. Please notify tivity configuration process has machine then switch 17-500 Job stored as <job name> CPSR input job has com- No action required. Infor-
in <folder name> pleted storage mational text
machine administrator failed on the machine, GP
14. 17-501 ‘Save job for Reprint’ ser- Network controller unavail- Wait for the network con-
vice is unavailable. Please able and customer already troller to become avail-
16-591 Ethernet functions are not Network controller - Ethernet Connectivity fix and
available. Please notify TCP / IP port connectivity pro- switch off the machine try again later within pathway, or CPSR fea- able. If necessary,
ture suspended Switch off the machine
machine administrator cess failed then switch on the
then switch on the
machine, GP 14.
machine, GP 14.
16-592 Token Ring functions are Network controller - Token Ring Connectivity fix and
not available. Please notify TCP / IP port connectivity failed switch off the machine 17-502 <Entered name> already Duplicate file names in Enter a different file
exists. Please enter a dif- CPSR input are not allowed. name
machine administrator then switch on the
ferent name
machine, GP 14.
17-503 Job deleted due to the CPSR input job in progress Make more space for file
16-593 DHCP functions are not Network controller - DHCP Connectivity fix and
available. Please notify address resolution failed switch off the machine device storage disk has been deleted due to storage or re-define
becoming full. Stored jobs memory full pathway
machine administrator then switch on the
will need to be deleted to
machine, GP 14.
make space available
16-594 RARP functions are not Network controller - RARP Connectivity fix and
available. Please notify address resolution fails switch off the machine 17-504 Additional memory is Insufficient memory for Delete saved jobs from
required. Please call for CPSR filing cabinet memory
machine administrator then switch on the
machine, GP 14.
17-510 IP interface error. Please The IPv6 IP address is Use a different address
16-595 Incomplete Network Inter- The network controller Lan-Fax Switch off the
face window service failed machine then switch notify system administra- already in use
on the machine, GP
14. 17-511 Build job scanning error Error during scan to email Inform the customer to
build job rescan the last segment
16-596 Incomplete Network Inter- The network controller account- Switch off the
face window ing (JBA) service failed machine then switch or delete the job.
on the machine, GP 17-513 IP interface error. Please The IPv4 IP address is Use a different address
14. notify system administra- already in use
16-597 Incomplete Network Inter- The network controller TIFF Switch off the
face window interpreter failed machine then switch 17-514 IP interface error. Please External Accounting Device Contact SA.
on the machine, GP notify system administra- Communication Failure
14. tor

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-587 OF4a
Table 14 17-5XX Status codes Table 15 19-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
17-518 Some network controller WSD discovery failure Switch off the machine 19-506 Please wait, your job will Job delayed status High EPC usage. Per-
services are not available. then switch on the continue shortly. Do not form 19-401, 19-402,
Please notify the machine machine, GP 14. press the Start button again 19-403 RAP
administrator. 19-507 System memory is full etc. Memory resources low High EPC usage. Per-
17-519 Some network controller WSD print service failure Switch off the machine form 19-401, 19-402,
services are not available. then switch on the 19-403 RAP
Please notify the machine machine, GP 14. 19-508 System memory is full etc. Internal memory handling sta- Usage is above inter-
administrator. tus mediate EPC usage
17-520 Some network controller WSD scan service failure Switch off the machine threshold. Perform 19-
services are not available. then switch on the 401, 19-402, 19-403
Please notify the machine machine, GP 14. RAP
administrator. 19-509 System memory is full etc. Internal memory job truncated Usage exceeds inter-
17-565 Custom Services are not Raised by the network con- Switch off the machine mediate EPC usage
responding. Try Powering troller when EIP service is then switch on the threshold. Perform 19-
Off then On not responding machine, GP 14. 401, 19-402, 19-403
17-570 Some network controller Communication with NNTP Switch off the machine RAP
services are not available. server failed then switch on the 19-510 Please wait, the system is At power up, the image disk is Switch off the
Contact system adminis- machine, GP 14. attempting to recover not present or faulty. machine, then switch
trator. on the machine, GP
17-580 Data encryption / decryp- Raised by the network con- No action. Cleared by 14. Perform 03C RAP
tion is in progress. troller when disk encryption the network controller. 19-511 Image disk offline. Jobs may Faulty image disk Switch off the
or decryption has been take longer than normal machine, then switch
requested on the machine, GP
14. Perform 03C RAP
19-512 Image disk offline. Please Image disk read or write fail- Switch off the
call for assistance ure. machine, then switch
Table 15 19-5XX Status codes on the machine, GP
Status 14. Perform 03C RAP
Code UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action 19-513 Please wait. The image disk The system has detected that Wait for space to
is full. insufficient space is available become available
19-502 Please wait, freeing memory Out of memory resources. Perform 19-401, 19-
on the image disk
Fault 19-401, 19-402 402, 19-403 RAP
19-514 An image data error has Video job integrity fault. Should clear automat-
19-503 System memory is full etc. EPC memory resources low Memory becomes
occurred etc. ically. If necessary,
available, job is can- perform 19-409 RAP
celled or documents
19-515 System memory is full etc. This status code becomes Cleared when the cur-
are removed from
active when fault 19-403 is rent job completes or
DADH. Perform 19-
401, 19-402, 19-403 raised when the job is
deleted. Perform 19-
401, 19-402, 19-403
19-504 No message EPC memory resources inter- Clears automatically
mediate after being raised.
Perform 19-404 RAP 19-516 System memory is full etc. EPC memory is full. The status code is
cleared when either
19-505 An image data error has Compressor DVMA time-out. Perform 19-404 RAP
the job is cancelled or
occurred etc. Fault 19-404 is raised.
the user selects the
resume option

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-588 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 16 20-5XX Status codes
Table 16 20-5XX Status codes Codes UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
20-565 Max. number of fax jobs in All jobs IDs allocated cannot Cleared when fax job
Codes UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action the system has been create any more IDs become available
20-544 The Fax service is initialis- Basic Fax card restarts User clears or time- reached. Contact your sys-
ing. Please wait. out. (W/O TAG X-001) tem administrator.
Install a new compact 20-570 A Fax Service error has Status active when the fault Perform 20-342 RAP
flash, PL 20.10 Item 3 occurred. Press the power 20-342 is raised
20-545 Fax job could not be sent at Error with image processing - User clears or times button on the left side of the
this time, please try again. fax command out (7 seconds) machine and choose Quick
20-546 Not enough memory to use This status code becomes Cleared when fault Restart. If fault persists,
fax services. Contact your active when fault 20-324 is 20-324 is cleared. please call for assistance.
system administrator. raised Perform 20-323, 20- 20-571 A Fax Service error has Status active when the fault Perform 20-331, 20-
324 RAP occurred. Press the power 20-339 is raised 339, 20-341 RAP
20-547 Fax memory is low. Contact This status code becomes Perform 20-323, 20- button on the left side of the
your system administrator. active when fault 20-323 is 324 RAP machine and choose Quick
raised Restart. If fault persists,
please call for assistance.
20-550 A fax service error has Extended card failure detected Install a new extender
occurred. Fax line 2 is card and reboot 20-572 A Fax Service error has Status active when the fault Perform 20-332, 20-
unavailable. Fax line 1is still occurred. Press the power 20-340 is raised 340 RAP
available. Contact your sys- button on the left side of the
tem administrator. machine and choose Quick
Restart. If fault persists,
20-556 A fax service error has Basic card failure detected Switch off the
occurred. Press the power machine, then switch please call for assistance.
button on the left side of the on the machine, GP 20-580 No message Set if the NVM values supplied The user interface
machine and choose quick 14. by the Fax are invalid requests the single
restart. If fault persists, call board controller PWB
for assistance. for the Fax NVM val-
20-558 A fax memory error has Status active when fault 20- Cleared when fault
occurred. Contact your sys- 322 is raised 20-322 is cleared. 20-590 Immediate Job Overwrite Fax immediate image over- Perform 20-710A, 20-
tem administrator. Perform 20-322 RAP failed. Please perform an write error. Fault 20-710 is 711A RAP.
20-559 A fax service error has Status active when fault 20- Cleared when fault On Demand Overwrite raised.
occurred. Press the power 320 is raised 20-320 is cleared.
button on the left side of the Perform 20-320 RAP
machine and choose quick
restart. If fault persists, call
for assistance. Table 17 22-5XX Status codes
20-562 No communication on fax Status active when fault 20- Cleared when fault Status
line 1. Please check exter- 331 is raised 20-331 is cleared. Codes UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
nal connection Perform 20-331, 20-
22-501 Please wait... The system is Attempting print recovery. 22- Perform 22-306 to 22-
339, 20-341 RAP attempting to recover 306, 22-307, 22-309 315, 22-801, 22-814
20-563 No communication on fax Status active when fault 20- Cleared when fault RAP
line 2. Please check exter- 332 is raised 20-332 is cleared.
22-502 No UI message appears Status active when fault 22- Automatically clears
nal connection Perform 20-332, 20-
310 is raised after being raised
340 RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-589 OF4a
Table 17 22-5XX Status codes Table 17 22-5XX Status codes
Status Status
Codes UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action Codes UI Message Reason for Message Reference / Action
22-504 Please delete the job. No No tray configured for media Configure one tray for 22-557 Annotation error Annotation Bates number Cleared by the single
tray is configured with the this stock size. overflow. Set by the system on board controller PWB,
required paper size. Press the next page after the Bates 7 seconds after raised
the Job Status button. Then number reaches the maximum
select the Delete Button. of 999999999
22-511 Media required for held job This status code becomes Provide media to 22-558 One or more HFSI item An HFSI item has reached or Reset ‘Actual’ count to
is not available active when correct media is complete the held job needs attention. exceeded its threshold zero or reset the
not available for held job or cancel job threshold
22-512 All the paper trays have All trays direct select only Enable one tray for 22-560 Scheduling fault etc. SML error. Switch off the
been disabled for Auto auto select machine then switch
Selection. Auto Paper can- on the machine, GP
not be used with these set- 14.
tings. It is recommended
that at least one tray be
enabled for Auto Selection
22-513 Media required for held job Queued Job being held due to Add paper to the tray
is not available lack of for resources being used to clear
queued job
22-547 Network controller error. XSA service unavailable. This Perform 22-370 RAP
Please contact system status code becomes active
administrator. when the fault 22-370 is raised
22-552 Optional service mismatch Service option mismatch Install or remove ser-
detected detected vice option. If neces-
sary, perform 22-410
to 22-416, 22-423, 22-
425, 22-428, 22-777
or 22-400 to 22-403,
22-423, 22-426, 22-
427, 22-775
22-553 Optional service installed Service option installed Informational only
22-554 Option service removed Unable to remove optional ser- Refer to 22-410 to 22-
vice 416, 22-423, 22-425,
22-428, 22-777 RAP,
22-417 RAP
22-555 Unable to install option ser- Service option install failed Refer to 22-400 to 22-
vice when any of the faults 22-400, 403, 22-423, 22-426,
22-401, 22-402, 22-403, 22- 22-427, 22-775 RAP,
404, 22-405, 22-406, 22-407 22-404 to 22-406
are raised RAP, 22-407 RAP
22-556 Unable to remove option Service option removal failed Refer to 22-404 to 22-
service when any of the faults 22-410, 406 RAP, 22-400 to
22-411, 22-412, 22-413, 22- 22-403, 22-423, 22-
414, 22-415, 22-416, 22-417 426, 22-427, 22-775
are raised RAP, 22-407 RAP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4a 2-590 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF4b Status Messages in Alphabetical Order Table 1 Status messages A to F

Status Message Tables Status

UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
The status message tables contain all the messages to which a status code can be attributed.
• Table 1 Status Messages 1 to 9 and A to F. A Fax Service error has 03-590 Fax POST failure status Perform 20A RAP
occurred. Press the power
• Table 2 Status Messages G to N.
button on the left side of the
• Table 3 Status Messages O to R. machine and choose Quick
• Table 4 Status Messages S to X. Restart. If fault persists,
please call for assistance.
Table 1 Status messages A to F A Fax Service error has 20-570 When the fault 20-342 is raised Perform 20-342 RAP
Status occurred. Press the power
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action button on the left side of the
machine and choose Quick
802.1x Network Error 16-556 The request to authenticate the Ensure the 802.1x
Restart. If fault persists,
device credentials with the EAP type, username please call for assistance.
authentication server has failed and password for the
A Fax Service error has 20-571 When the fault 20-339 is raised Perform 20-331, 20-
machine, authentica-
occurred. Press the power 339, 20-341 RAP
tion switch and
authentication server button on the left side of the
machine and choose Quick
Restart. If fault persists,
A daylight saving time 03-600 Daylight saving time has been No action
please call for assistance.
change has occurred. The automatically changed
device clock has been A Fax Service error has 20-572 When the fault 20-340 is raised Perform 20-332, 20-
occurred. Press the power 340 RAP
button on the left side of the
A fax memory error has 20-558 When fault 20-322 is raised When fault 20-322 is
machine and choose Quick
occurred. Contact your sys- cleared. Perform 20- Restart. If fault persists,
tem administrator. 322 RAP
please call for assistance.
A fax service error has 20-550 Extended card failure detected Install a new extender
A nonstandard document 05-504 A document length is detected Cleared when job
occurred. Fax line 2 is card and reboot
has been detected. It will during the document feed cycle cancelled or com-
unavailable. Fax line 1is be scanned to match the that is not consistent with the pleted. Perform 05C
still available. Contact your
closest standard size document size assumed by the RAP
system administrator.
DADH sensors and the market
A fax service error has 20-556 Basic card failure detected Switch off the region settings
occurred. Press the power machine, then switch Accounting out of memory. 16-551 Network controller - accounting Accounting Adminis-
button on the left side of the on the machine, GP
Please notify machine log is full or a hard disk full trator needs to
machine and choose quick 14.
administrator state exists retrieve accounting
restart. If fault persists, call data log from the sys-
for assistance.
A fax service error has 20-559 When fault 20-320 is raised When fault 20-320 is
Accounting problem. 16-543 Network controller - authoriza- Authorization should
occurred. Press the power cleared. Perform 20-
Please notify machine tion file on the system is cor- be disabled until the
button on the left side of the 320 RAP administrator rupted. No jobs can be accounting SA can
machine and choose quick
authorized. purge and reload the
restart. If fault persists, call
authorization data-
for assistance. base
A Fax Service error has 03-589 Extended Fax not detected or Perform 20A RAP Additional memory required 16-555 Network controller - not enough Add memory
occurred. Fax line 2 is confirmed.
to support fax. Please physical memory is configured
unavailable. Fax line 1 is
notify machine administra- on the platform to support lan
still available. Contact your tor fax
System Administrator.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-591 OF4b
Table 1 Status messages A to F Table 1 Status messages A to F
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Additional memory 16-553 Network controller - not enough Add memory All the paper trays have 22-512 All trays direct select only Enable one tray for
required. Please call for physical memory is configured been disabled for Auto auto select
assistance on the platform to support scan Selection. Auto Paper can-
to file not be used with these set-
Additional memory is 17-504 Insufficient memory for CPSR Delete saved jobs tings. It is recommended
required. Please call for filing cabinet from memory that at least one tray be
assistance enabled for Auto Selection
Adjust position of Tray 1 07-506 Tray 1 guides moved out of Tray 1 is opened or An error has occurred - The 03-538 System attempting to recover Cleared if communi-
before proceeding ‘fixed’ position guides set to the system is attempting to from an single board controller cation is established.
‘fixed’ position recover PWB to IOT communication Perform 03-300, 306,
Adjust position of Tray 2 07-507 Tray 2 guides moved out of Tray 2 is opened or failure. Fault 03-300 or 03-320 461, 482, 805, 870
is raised. RAP, 03-320 to 03-
before proceeding ‘fixed’ position guides set to the
324 RAP
‘fixed’ position
An error has occurred. The 03-539 Comms failure between the Clears when comms
Adjustments in progress 14-562 Scanner ready checks are not If the ready check
complete does not complete, system is attempting to IOT and Image processing re-established, or is
recover. converted to status
switch off the
code 03-540 after
machine, then switch
on the machine, GP third recovery attempt
14. Wait for a few min- An image data error has 19-514 19-409 Cleared when status
utes, if the scanner occurred etc. 19-514 is raised. Per-
continues to check form 19-409 RAP
without completing. An image data error has 19-505 Compressor DVMA time-out. Perform 19-404 RAP
Perform 03-330, 03- occurred etc. Fault 19-404 is raised.
462 RAP An internal communica- 03-561 Single board controller wall Perform 03-315, 325,
After clearing paper, 03-573 When the image processing When the IOT has tions error has occurred. clock is not incrementing. Fault 347, 348, 349, 355,
replace any discarded tabs determines that a jam occurred performed stray sheet Switch off the machine and 03-325 is raised. 400 RAP
with identical tab stock in detection successfully call for assistance
the correct tray An internal communica- 03-563 Image processing rotation Perform 03-315, 325,
All output trays are unavail- 11-909 Punch head home sensor not Clear the paper jam. tions error has occurred. memory POST has failed 347, 348, 349, 355,
able. Check for obstruc- made Switch off the Switch off the machine and 400 RAP
tions in the finisher machine then switch call for assistance
on the machine, GP An unexpected time-out 08-590 Unexpected event or time-out Perform 08-171 RAP,
14. Perform 11-030- was detected for a sheet in for sheet. 08-171, 08-181, 08- 08-181 RAP, 08-182
110, 11-334-110, 11- the paper path. This may 182 RAP
335-110, 11-336-110 be due to a different paper
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- in the trays than the
030-120, 11-334-120, machine expects. Please
11-335-120, 11-336- check and confirm the con-
120 RAP for 1K tents of the paper trays
LCSS, 11-044-171 to Annotation error 22-557 Annotation Bates number over- Cleared by the single
11-047-171 RAP for
flow. Set by the system on the board controller PWB,
next page after the Bates num- 7 seconds after raised
ber reaches the maximum of

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-592 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Status messages A to F Table 1 Status messages A to F
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Auto Configuration is dis- 02-550 System manager autoConfigu- Perform 02-390, 02- Booklet Making available. 11-945 All trays have degraded capa- Check for obstructions
abled. Please re-enable ration NVM set to disable 391, 02-704, 02-706 All other output trays bility, except booklet maker in the buffer, stacker
this feature before pro- RAP unavailable and top tray areas.
ceeding Switch the machine
Automatic software 03-527 Sip NC sync failure prior to Switch off the OFF and ON, GP 14.
upgrade failure power on upgrade machine, then switch Check the current
on the machine, GP fault codes list for
14 faults in the buffer,
stacker and top tray
BM is unavailable. Please 11-563 BM disabled - out of service Switch off the
call for assistance machine then switch areas and perform the
appropriate RAP.
on the machine, GP
14. Perform 11B-171 Booklet making is unavail- 11-913 Back stop motor fails to move Clear the paper jam.
RAP able. Check for obstruc- or not home Switch off the
BM out of staples. Please 11-543 BM staples empty Perform 11-063-171, tions in the BM machine then switch
on the machine, GP
replace the staple car- 11-411-171 RAP
14. Perform 11-065-
171, 11-383-171, 11-
BM out of staples. Please 11-561 BM disabled - out of staples Perform 11-063-171, 403-171, 11-413-171,
replace the staple car- 11-411-171 RAP
11-414-171 RAP for
BM requires two or more 11-562 BM disabled - zero/one page Requires two or more
BOOTP initialization failure. 16-559 Network controller - BOOTP Connectivity fix and
pages sheets to enable sta- Please notify machine [failure] configuration of IP, will switch off the machine
administrator use stored IPdata then switch on the
Booklet Maker Stapling is 11-926 Failure of the booklet maker Perform 11-063-171, machine, GP 14.
currently unavailable stapling functions. 11-411-171 RAP for
Build job scanning error 17-511 Error during scan to email build Inform the customer
staple unit 1, and 11- job to rescan the last seg-
403-171, 11-413-171,
ment or delete the job.
11-414-171 RAP for
Bypass Tray empty, please 07-515 MSI document present sensor Perform 07C RAP
staple unit 2
reload detects no paper in MSI while
Booklet Making and Tri- 11-943 Booklet making or tri-folding Check for obstructions attempting to feed from the MSI
folding are unavailable. capability degraded in the HVF BM and
Cannot connect to prime or 16-539 Could not communicate with Verify authentication
Check for obstructions the tri-folder. Check
backup authentication primary or alternate authentica- server setup at web
that the HVF BM and
tri-folder interlocks are server. tion server UI, verify server is
online, check network
made. Switch the
connectivity. Can con-
machine OFF and
ON, GP 14. Check the figure authentication
to use guest mode
current fault codes list
for HVF BM or tri- Cannot receive internet 16-541 Could not communicate will Verify POP3 server
folder faults and per- jobs. Please call for assis- POP3 server settings at UI. Verify
form the appropriate tance server is online and
RAP. check network con-
Check for a stray original in 05-534 Unscheduled document Clear the document
the document tray detected by any sensor path in the DADH
Check settings for the 07-505 Bypass tray size confirmation Attributes confirmed
bypass tray required or tray opened

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-593 OF4b
Table 1 Status messages A to F Table 1 Status messages A to F
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Check the settings for Tray 07-501 Tray 1 closed or size change Attributes confirmed Clear the paper jam in the 11-933 Sheet detected near the Check the paper. If
from power-on or tray opened Finisher. inserter tab standby sensor necessary, perform
Check the settings for Tray 07-502 Tray 2 closed or size change Attributes confirmed 11-191-171, 11-193-
from power-on or tray opened 171, 11-194-171, 11-
196-171 RAP
Check the settings for Tray 07-592 Tray 2 closed or size change Attributes confirmed
from power-on or tray opened Clear the paper jam in the 11-935 Sheet detected near the buffer Clear the sheet. If
Finisher sensor necessary, perform
Clear jam from right hand 08-548 Sheet did not clear the wait Perform 08-115B, 08-
side of Tray 5 sensor within the expected time 117B 11-157-171, 11-161-
171 RAP and 11-164-
Clear jam in area 5 11-520 Paper or debris covering the Perform 11-140-110,
171, 11-165-171 RAP
sensors 11-142-110 RAP for
Clear the paper jam in the 11-936 Sheet detected near Exit HVF Clear the sheet. If
2K LCSS, 11-140-
120, 11-142-120 RAP Finisher. to BM entry sensor necessary, perform
11-158-171, 11-160-
for 1K LCSS, 11-140-
171, 162-171, 163-
171, 11-142-171 RAP
for HVF 171 RAP

Clear jam in IOT zone 4 10-510 Post fuser sensor detects Perform 10-107, 10- Clear the paper jam in the 11-938 Sheet detected near the top bin Perform 11-130-171,
Finisher. exit sensor 11-132-171 RAP
paper in post fuser area on 108, 10-109, 10-110
power-on or in standby RAP Clear the paper jam in the 11-951 Sheet detected near the Clear the sheet. If
finisher stacker bin exit sensor necessary, perform
Clear jam in Tray 5 08-558 Sheet over the feed sensor Jam clearance. Per-
form 08-115B, 08- 11-140-171, 11-142-
171 RAP
Clear the paper jam in the 11-946 Sheet detected near the tri-fold Clear the sheet. If
Clear jam in Tray 5 08-568 Paper did not reach the tray 5 Clear jam or perform
Tri-Folding Unit entry sensor necessary, perform
feed sensor in time 08-115B, 08-117B
RAP 11-183-171, 11-184-
171 RAP
Clear the jam in Areas 3,4. 10-571 Paper detected in inverter area Perform 10-132, 10-
Clear the paper jam in the 11-947 Sheet detected near the tri-fold Clear the sheet. If
Close the front door when on power up or in standby 133, 10-134 and 10-
Tri-Folding Unit exit sensor necessary, perform
the paper has been 107, 10-108, 10-109,
removed 10-110 11-185-171 to 11-187-
Clear the jam in Areas 3,4. 10-572 Paper detected near the Perform 10-132, 10-
Clear the paper jam in the 11-948 Sheet detected near the tri-fold Clear the sheet. If
Close the front door when inverter sensor on power up or 133, 10-134 and 10-
Tri-Folding Unit assist sensor necessary, perform
the paper has been in standby 107, 10-108, 10-109,
removed 10-110 11-185-171 to 11-187-
171 RAP
Clear the paper jam in the 11-917 Sheet over HVF BM compiler Clear the HFV BM
Close Document Feeder 05-535 Open DADH cover Close document han-
Finisher. paper present sensor paper present sensor
Top Cover dler cover. Perform
area. Perform 11-172-
171 RAP 05-310 RAP

Clear the paper jam in the 11-932 Sheet detected near the Clear the sheet. If Close output module front 11-503 Output module front door open Perform 11-300-110,
door in standby 11-302-110, 11-303-
Finisher. inserter pickup sensor necessary, perform
110 RAP for 2K
11-191-171, 11-193-
171, 11-194-171, 11- LCSS, 11-300-120,
11-302-120, 11-303-
196-171 RAP
120 for 1K LCSS, 11-
300-171, 11-302-171,
11-303-171 RAP for

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-594 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Status messages A to F Table 1 Status messages A to F
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Close output module top 11-502 Output module top cover Perform 11-300-110, Copying is being prevented 03-558 When the Foreign Interface is Perform 03-412 RAP
cover opened in standby 11-302-110, 11-303- by the Access Control configured and a connected 3rd
110 RAP for 2K device Party accessory is reporting
LCSS, 11-300-120, that it is not enabled.
11-302-120, 11-303- Copying is being prevented 03-559 Status 03-558 occurs and the Perform 03-412 RAP
120 for 1K LCSS, 11- by the Access Control system contains non-held jobs
300-171, 11-302-171, device controlled by the Foreign Inter-
11-303-171 RAP for face
Current job exceeds tray 03-570 Job is too large for selected None
Close front door 01-510 Front door open Perform 01-300 RAP capacity, you will be output bin
Close left hand door 01-512 Left hand door open Perform 01-305 RAP prompted to empty the tray
Close the output module 11-501 Output module entry gate Close the exit cover Custom Services not avail- 02-521 UI gets no response from EIP Switch off machine
top tray opened in standby able. Power Off then On service within 20 seconds and switch on
Close the Top Left door of 11-506 HVF Inserter left hand door is Close cover. Perform and Notify System Admin- machine, GP 14.
the Finisher. open 11-306-171, 11-309- istrator
171 RAP Custom Services are not 17-565 Raised by the network control- Switch off the
Close the Top Left door of 11-509 HVF Inserter left hand door is Close cover. Perform responding. Try Powering ler when EIP service is not machine then switch
the Finisher. open 11-306-171, 11-309- Off then On responding on the machine, GP
171 RAP 14.
Close the Tri-Folding Unit 11-508 HVF Tri-Folder front door is Close door. Perform DADH fault. Please call for 03-542 Single board controller-DADH: Clear DADH of origi-
Front Door. open 11-307-171, 11-308- assistance three times retry fail at 100 ms nals - use document
171 RAP cycle communication - no glass for copy or FAX.
response Perform 05A RAP
Close the Tri-Folding Unit 11-507 HVF Tri-Folder top cover is Close cover. Perform
Top Cover. open 11-307-171, 11-308- Data encryption / decryp- 17-580 Raised by the network control- No action. Cleared by
171 RAP tion is in progress. ler when disk encryption or the network controller
decryption has been requested
Close top tray cover 01-514 Finisher bin 0 cover open Perform 11-300-110,
11-302-110, 11-303- DHCP functions are not 16-593 Network controller - DHCP Connectivity fix and
110 for the 2K LCSS, available. Please notify address resolution failed switch off the machine
perform the 11-300- machine administrator then switch on the
120, 11-302-120, 11- machine, GP 14.
303-120 for the 1K Document feeder is open 05-536 Open document handler Close document han-
LCSS, perform the 11- dler. Perform 05-300
300-171, 11-302-171, RAP
11-303-171 for the Document feeder feed roll 05-539 DADH feed head CRU None
HVF. has been replaced replaced. Message automatic
Close tray 5 door 07-526 Tray 5 door has been detected Close the door, or per- 0.5 s after setting
open form 07-306 Document feeder is 05-538 DADH not available. 03-322, Perform 05-305 RAP,
Communications failure. 03-540 DC-IOT: three times retry fail at Perform the 03-300, unavailable 03-323, 03-324 or 14-320 03-320 to 03-324 RAP
Please call for assistance 100 ms cycle communication - 306, 461, 482, 805, raised and 14-320 RAP
no response. The DC is unable 870 RAP Document feeder is 05-542 DADH document transport Perform 05A RAP
to communicate with the IOT unavailable needs service
within one minute of power on
Document is too short to be 05-560 Document too short for DADH, Remove document
or after three retries
scanned by the document use document glass. Fault 05- from DADH during
feeder, use the document 310 raised jam clearance, Per-
glass form 05-310 RAP

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-595 OF4b
Table 1 Status messages A to F Table 1 Status messages A to F
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Ethernet functions are not 16-591 Network controller - Ethernet Connectivity fix and Finisher bin 0 full 11-570 Fifty additional prints have Perform 11-130-110,
available. Please notify TCP / IP port connectivity pro- switch off the machine been sent to bin 0 since 90% 11-132-110 RAP for
machine administrator cess failed then switch on the full sensor made 2K LCSS, 11-130-
machine, GP 14. 120, 11-132-120 RAP
Empty chad bin 11-549 Hole punch chad bin is full and Perform 11-364-110 for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
needs emptying RAP for 2K LCSS, 171, 11-132-171 RAP
11N-171 for HVF for HVF
Ensure output module is 11-500 Output module un-docked in Dock the output mod- Finisher Insert Stock Out of 11-949 An insert sheet has not arrived See the message text.
docked standby. ule. Perform 11-300- Order at its intended output destina- If necessary, perform
110, 11-302-110, 11- tion 11-191-171, 11-193-
303-110 RAP for 2K 171, 11-194-171, 11-
LCSS, 11-300-120, 196-171 RAP and 11-
11-302-120, 11-303- 100-171, 11-101-171
120 for 1K LCSS, 11- RAP
300-171, 11-302-171, Fuser module control fail- 10-555 Fuser control software failure. Perform 10-322, 10-
11-303-171 RAP for ure. Printing is unavailable. 324, 10-325, 10-330,
HVF If fault persists, call for 10-370 RAP
Ensure network cables are 16-544 Network controller detected Check the network assistance. Touch Ignore
properly connected that the network cable is dis- harness connections Error to use other services
connected Fuser module temperature - Fuser lamps not under control. Perform the 10-315,
Ensure waste toner bottle 09-596 IOT detects waste bottle door Ensure the waste bot- fault 10-320, 10-321, 10-
is fitted and waste toner open. tle is installed and the 323, 10-340, 10-350,
door is closed door is closed. Per- 10-360, 10-365, 10-
form 09-380 RAP 380 RAP
Extensible services are not 17-565 Raised by the network control- Switch off the Fuser module temperature 10-550 Hardware detected fuser fail- Perform 10-315, 10-
responding. Try powering ler when EIP service is not machine then switch fault. Printing is unavail- ure. 320, 10-321, 10-323,
off then on responding on the machine, GP able. If fault persists, call 10-340, 10-350, 10-
14. for assistance. Touch 360, 10-365, 10-380
Fax card not supported 03-503 The Fax card capabilities Perform 03-336 RAP Ignore Error to use other RAP
reported to the SIP are not suf-
ficient to function adequately in Fuser module under tem- 10-545 Fuser warm-up failure. Perform 10-322, 10-
the system, (e.g. sleep mode perature fault. Printing is 324, 10-325, 10-330,
not supported). unavailable. If fault per- 10-370 RAP
sists, call for assistance.
Fax job could not be sent at 20-545 Error with image processing - User clears or times
Touch Ignore Error to use
this time, please try again. fax command out (7 seconds)
other services
Fax service is unavailable 03-551 Single board controller-FAX: Perform 03-338 RAP
communication error. Fault 03-
338 is raised.
FAX service unavailable 03-586 When the fault 03-401 or 03- Perform 20A RAP
Table 2 Status messages G to N
403 is raised.
Fax service is unavailable 03-588 Basic Fax not detected or con- Perform 20A RAP
firmed. UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action

Fax memory is low. Contact 20-547 When fault 20-323 is raised Perform 20-323, 20- Hardware must be added 16-554 Network controller - the IPA Re-insert or replace
your system administrator. 324 RAP or replaced. Please notify card is either broken or missing IPA card
machine administrator

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-596 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 2 Status messages G to N Table 2 Status messages G to N
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Hole punching is unavail- 11-550 There are too many pages for Instruct customer to Incompatible fuser module 10-533 The system setting does not Install a new fuser or
able the punch to operate use fewer pages in match the fuser product speed modify the product
the set (max 50 setting speed setting
sheets) Incompatible network con- 03-528 Low speed controller fitted to Switch off the
Hole punching is unavail- 11-551 The punch operation has been Perform 11-043-110, troller high speed copier machine, then switch
able taken out of service 11-350-110 RAP for on the machine, GP
2K LCSS, 11-044-171 14
to 11-047-171 RAP for Incomplete Network Inter- 16-537 Any scan to distribution service Switch off the
HVF face window not available machine then switch
Hole punching is unavail- 11-552 There are too many pages for Instruct customer to on the machine, GP
able the punch to operate use fewer pages in 14.
the set (max 50 Incomplete Network Inter- 16-540 Death of any authentication Switch off the
sheets) face window services machine then switch
Hole punching is unavail- 11-908 Punch head motor fails Clear the paper jam. on the machine, GP
able. Check for obstruc- Perform 11-043-110, 14.
tions in the hole puncher 11-350-110 RAP for Incomplete Network Inter- 16-562 Network controller - the line Switch off the
2K LCSS, 11-044-171 face window printer Deamon process has machine then switch
to 11-047-171 RAP for failed on the machine, GP
HVF 14.
Image disk offline. Jobs 19-511 Faulty image disk Switch off the Incomplete Network Inter- 16-563 Network controller - the Novell Switch off the
may take longer than nor- machine, then switch face window Netware connectivity process machine then switch
mal on the machine, GP has failed on the machine, GP
14. Perform 03C RAP 14.
Image disk offline. Please 19-512 Image disk read or write failure. Switch off the Incomplete Network Inter- 16-564 Network controller - the Net- Switch off the
call for assistance machine, then switch face window BIOS connectivity process has machine then switch
on the machine, GP failed on the machine, GP
14. Perform 03C RAP 14.
Image too large to process. 16-542 Insufficient resources to pro- Reduce scan size, Incomplete Network Inter- 16-565 Network controller - the Apple- Switch off the
Please alter job and scan cess the image reduce scan resolu- face window talk connectivity process has machine then switch
again tion failed on the machine, GP
Immediate Job Overwrite 16-535 ESS Immediate Image Over- The status is cleared 14.
failed. Please perform and write Error when the ESS com- Incomplete Network Inter- 16-567 Network controller - a Post- Switch off the
On Demand Overwrite pletes the On face window script interpreter error has machine then switch
immediately Demand Image Over- occur, causing the process to on the machine, GP
write fail 14.
Immediate Job Overwrite 20-590 Fax immediate image over- Perform 20-710A, 20- Incomplete Network Inter- 16-568 Network controller - a PCL Switch off the
failed. Please perform an write error. Fault 20-710 is 711A RAP. face window interpreter error has occurred, machine then switch
On Demand Overwrite raised. causing the process to fail on the machine, GP
immediately. 14.
Incompatible fuser module 10-531 The system setting does not Install a new fuser or Incomplete Network Inter- 16-570 Network controller - the http Switch off the
match the fuser type setting modify settings face window server (web-UI) has failed machine then switch
(fuser voltage) on the machine, GP
Incompatible fuser module 10-532 The system setting does not Install a new fuser or 14.
match the fuser OpCo ID set- modify OpCo ID set-
ting (Market region) ting

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-597 OF4b
Table 2 Status messages G to N Table 2 Status messages G to N
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Incomplete Network Inter- 16-589 Network controller - serial port Switch off the Installation procedure is not 02-540 System Manager install phase Complete install pro-
face window connectivity failed machine then switch complete. Please com- not set to IpinstallComplete or cedure
on the machine, GP plete installation, then DC Platform Manager install
14. switch the machine off then phase not set to IpinstallCom-
Incomplete Network Inter- 16-595 The network controller Lan-Fax Switch off the on again plete
face window service failed machine then switch Internal address book 16-538 Could not communicate with Verify LDAP server
on the machine, GP unavailable. Please notify the LDAP server setup at web UI, verify
14. machine administrator server is online, check
Incomplete Network Inter- 16-596 The network controller account- Switch off the network connectivity
face window ing (JBA) service failed machine then switch Internal power supply fail- 09-560 HVPS failure. 09-060 fault Perform 09-060 RAP.
on the machine, GP ure. Printing is unavailable.
14. If fault persists, call for
Incomplete Network Inter- 16-597 The network controller TIFF Switch off the assistance. Touch Ignore
face window interpreter failed machine then switch Error to use other services
on the machine, GP IOT cycled in without print- 03-576 IOT cycled in without printing. Perform 03-395, 396,
14. ing Fault 03-395 raised 852, 853 RAP
Incomplete system infor- 16-585 The network controller counters Switch off the IP interface error. Please 16-598 Network controller - TCP / IP Contact SA. Another
mation. Please contact the remote configuration synchroni- machine then switch notify machine administra- address is already in use on the IP address needs to
Machine Administrator zation process has stopped on the machine, GP tor network be used
14. IP interface error. Please 17-510 The IPv6 IP address is already Use a different
Incomplete system infor- 16-578 The network controller fault ser- Switch off the notify system administrator in use address
mation. Please notify vice process has stopped (fault machine then switch IP interface error. Please 17-513 The IPv4 IP address is already Use a different
machine administrator logging will be disabled) on the machine, GP notify system administrator in use address
14. IP interface error. Please 17-514 External Accounting Device Contact SA.
Incomplete system infor- 16-580 The network controller remote Switch off the notify system administrator Communication Failure
mation. Please notify configuration process has machine then switch
Job contains too many 03-568 When the BM job contains too Maximum number of
machine administrator stopped on the machine, GP
sheets to be folded and sta- many sheets for the BM to fold output sheets that can
14. bled. See Help for more and staple. be folded and stapled
Incomplete system infor- 16-583 The network controller counters Switch off the details. is 15
mation. Please notify utility process has stopped machine then switch
Job contains too many 03-569 When the BM job contains too Maximum number of
machine administrator on the machine, GP
sheets to be folded. See many sheets for the BM to fold output sheets that can
14. Help for more details. be folded is 15
Incomplete system infor- 16-586 The network controller counters Switch off the Job deleted due to the 17-503 CPSR input job in progress has Make more space for
mation. Please notify SNMP agent process has machine then switch
device storage disk becom- been deleted due to memory file storage or re-
machine administrator stopped on the machine, GP
ing full. Stored jobs will full define pathway
14. need to be deleted to make
Inserter empty, please 07-517 Paper sensor detects no paper Reload paper. space available
Job in progress. Manual 11-538 Offline stapling requested while Cleared when current
Inserter is unavailable. 11-944 Inserter capability degraded Check for obstructions stapling will be available a print job is in progress for out- job completed
Check for obstructions in in the inserter. If nec- when the current output job put to any bin other than bin 0
the inserter essary, perform 11- set completes (top bin)
191-171, 11-193-171,
Job in progress. Please 11-539 Offline stapling is ‘Ready’ and a Cleared when offline
11-194-171, 11-196-
wait until Manual Stapling user requests a print job for stapling mode is can-
171 RAP and 11J-171 job is complete output to the stacker, mailboxes celled
or BM

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-598 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 2 Status messages G to N Table 2 Status messages G to N
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Job status information not 16-574 The network controller protocol Switch off the Max. number of fax jobs in 20-565 All jobs IDs allocated cannot When fax job IDs
available. Please notify module process has stopped machine then switch the system has been create any more become available
machine administrator on the machine, GP reached. Contact your sys-
14. tem administrator.
Job status information not 16-579 The network controller com- Switch off the Media required for held job 22-513 Queued Job being held due to Add paper to the tray
available. Please notify pleted job log service and print machine then switch is not available lack of for resources being used to clear
machine administrator SPI processes have stopped on the machine, GP queued job
14. Media required for held job 22-511 When correct media is not Provide media to
Job was deleted because a 05-507 Fault 05-331 is raised. Perform 05-330, 05- is not available available for held job complete the held job
document was larger than 331 RAP or cancel job
expected. Discard output. Network controller connec- 16-575 The network controller registra- Automatic network
Try flattening the docu- tion is about to be reset tion service process has controller reset
ment and either re-scan it stopped
through the document
Network controller connec- 16-576 The network controller event Automatic network
feeder or scan it from the tion is about to be reset notification service process has controller reset
document glass
Local interface problem 02-531 Faults declared. UI running in Perform 02-309, 02-
Network controller connec- 16-577 The network controller platform Automatic network
detected. Please switch the degraded mode 390, 02-391, 02-704,
tion is about to be reset manager service process has controller reset
machine off and on again 02-706 RAP stopped
Local interface problem 02-532 Fault declared. UI software Perform 02-320, 02- Network controller connec- 16-584 The network controller counters Switch off the
detected. Please switch the error. Fault 02-320 called dur- 380 RAP
tion is about to be reset document manager process machine then switch
machine off and on again ing power on sequence
has stopped on the machine, GP
Lower the document feeder 05-502 Document present in DADH Perform 05-300 RAP 14.
to use it to scan your docu- tray and the DADH cover is Network controller error. 22-547 XSA service unavailable. This Perform 22-370 RAP
ments open
Please contact system status code becomes active
Machine cloning is in pro- 16-506 Status raised while Network Cleared automatically administrator. when the fault 22-370 is raised
cess. This shall take a few controller connectivity settings when cloning is com-
Network controller error. 16-536 The ESS XSA service is The ESS XSA service
minutes to complete are being cloned pleted Please contact system unavailable. The fault is due to becomes available.
Machine speed configura- 03-579 Speed in image processing Perform 03-320 to 03- administrator. a failure of internal communica-
tion error NVM does not match speed in 324 RAP. Perform 03- tion in the network controller.
DADH 330, 03-462 RAP
Network controller is initiat- 03-554 network controller machine No action
Machine speed configura- 03-580 Speed in Image processing Perform 03-330, 03- ing. Power Off will be avail- powered up but network con-
tion error NVM does not match speed in 462 RAP able when initialization has troller still initializing. Fault 03-
IOT NVM. Fault 03-461 is completed. Please wait. 340 is raised.
Network controller unavail- 03-544 Single board controller-net- Switch off the
Machine speed configura- 03-581 Speed in Image processing Perform 03-330, 03- able. Please call for assis- work controller: three times machine then switch
tion error NVM does not match scanner 462 RAP tance retry fail at 100 ms cycle com- on the machine, GP
speed. Fault 03-462 is raised. munication - no response 14.
Machine unavailable 03-587 The fault 03-417 is raised. Perform 03-417 RAP Network printing disabled. 16-571 Network controller - print ser- Switch off the
Main motor control fault. 03-575 Main motor not being con- Perform 03-397 RAP Please notify machine vice has failed machine then switch
Printing is unavailable. If trolled. Fault 03-397 raised administrator on the machine, GP
fault persists, call for assis- 14.
tance. Touch Ignore Error
to use other services

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-599 OF4b
Table 2 Status messages G to N Table 2 Status messages G to N
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Network printing disabled. 16-572 Network controller - print SPI Switch off the No UI message appears 22-502 When fault 22-310 is raised Automatically clears
Please notify machine service has failed machine then switch after being raised
administrator on the machine, GP Not all configurable ser- 02-533 Machine not achieved stable Perform 02-390, 02-
14. vices have achieved a sta- state five minutes from power 391, 02-704, 02-706
Network printing disabled. 16-573 Network controller - MF print Switch off the ble state on RAP
Please notify machine service has failed machine then switch Not enough memory to use 20-546 When fault 20-324 is raised When fault 20-324 is
administrator on the machine, GP fax services. Contact your cleared. Perform 20-
14. system administrator. 323, 20-324 RAP
Network scanning commu- 16-545 Network controller - unrecover- Machine restart initi-
nication error. Please notify able scan to file communication ated Resubmit job
machine administrator error
Network scanning error. 16-548 Network controller - scan to file Resubmit job. If prob- Table 3 Status messages O to R
Please notify machine job processing error lem persists, Machine Status
administrator restart initiated
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Network scanning filing 16-546 Network controller - network Verify destination
Offsetting is unavailable 11-905 Bin 1 offset motor fails to move Clear the paper jam.
error. Please notify repository filing error address; check repos-
from output tray 1. Check or home. Switch off the
machine administrator itory setup; verify
repository is online. for obstructions in output machine then switch
tray 1 on the machine, GP
Check network con-
14. Perform 11-005-
nectivity. Resubmit
the job 110, 11-006-110, 11-
310-110, 11-311-110
Network scanning is not 16-549 Network controller - failure of If problem persists,
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
available. Please notify any scan to file services Machine restart initi-
007-110, 11-008-110,
machine administrator ated. Resubmit job. 11-312-110, 11-313-
Network scanning is 03-567 S2X job started but Switch the machine 110, 11-319-110 RAP
unavailable. Check cabling S2X_Ready line not detected off and on, GP 14. for 2K LCSS, 11-024-
connections Check the connec- 110, 11-025-110 RAP
tions. for 2K LCSS, 11-005-
Network scanning tem- 16-547 Network controller - scan to file Verify remote tem- 120, 11-006-120, 11-
plates could not be template retrieval failure plate pool settings; 310-120, 11-311-120
retrieved. Please notify verify that the tem- RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
machine administrator plate repository is 007-120, 11-008-120,
online. Check net- 11-312-120, 11-313-
work connectivity 120, 11-319-120 RAP
Network Scanning Unavail- 16-561 Some scan to file processes Switch off the for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
able have died machine then switch 120, 11-025-120 RAP
on the machine, GP for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
14. 171, 11-026-171, 11-
392-171 to 11-395-
No communication on fax 20-562 When fault 20-331 is raised When fault 20-331 is
171, 11-396-171 to
line 1. Please check exter- cleared. Perform 20-
nal connection 331, 20-339, 20-341 11-399-171 RAP for
Offsetting is unavailable. 12-530 Offsetting catch tray is not in Perform 12-301 RAP
No communication on fax 20-563 When fault 20-332 is raised When fault 20-332 is
Check for obstructions in index position.
line 2. Please check exter- cleared. Perform 20-
nal connection 332, 20-340 RAP the output tray

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-600 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 3 Status messages O to R
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
One or more HFSI item 22-558 An HFSI item has reached or Reset ‘Actual’ count to Open output device door 11-518 Sheet detected over top exit Perform 11-130-110,
needs attention. exceeded its threshold zero or reset the sensor 11-132-110 RAP for
threshold 2K LCSS, 11-130-
Open document feeder top 05-520 Sheet left over DADH post feed Remove sheet 120, 11-132-120 RAP
cover sensor after a jam for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
171, 11-132-171 RAP
Open document feeder top 05-521 Sheet left over DADH TAR sen- Remove sheet
cover sor after jam for HVF

Open document feeder top 05-526 DADH - sheet near CVT sensor Reset when DADH Open output device door 11-519 Sheet near top exit sensor at Perform 11-130-110,
shutdown 11-132-110 RAP for
cover in duplex path. 05-352 fault is top cover closed after
2K LCSS, 11-130-
raised jam cleared. Perform
05-350, 05-352 RAP 120, 11-132-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-130-
Open output device door 11-510 Sheet detected over entry sen- Perform 11-100-110
171, 11-132-171 RAP
sor RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
for HVF
100-120 for 2K LCSS,
11-100-171, 11-101- Open output device door 11-521 Sheet near 2nd to top exit sen- Perform 11-140-110,
sor 11-142-110 RAP for
171 RAP for HVF
2K LCSS, 11-140-
Open output device door 11-511 Sheet near entry sensor at Perform 11-100-110
120, 11-142-120 RAP
shutdown RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- for 1K LCSS, 11-140-
100-120 for 2K LCSS,
171, 11-142-171 RAP
11-100-171, 11-101-
for HVF
171 RAP for HVF
Open front door 08-555 Registration sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
Open output device door 11-512 Sheet detected over punch Perform 11-110-110 paper in registration area on form 08-150, 08-151
sensor RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
power-on or in standby. 08-150 RAP
044-171 to 11-047-
Open front door 08-556 Paper in duplex path at power- Jam clearance. Per-
171 for HVF
on or in standby form 08-160, 08-161
Open output device door 11-513 Sheet near punch sensor at Perform 11-110-110 RAP
shut down RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
Open left hand door 08-557 Paper over the registration sen- Jam clearance. Per-
044-171 to 11-047-
sor when feeding from the form 08-155, 08-156
171 for HVF
bypass tray RAP
Open output device door 11-514 Sheet detected over compiler Perform 11-158-171,
sensor 11-160-171, 162-171, Open finisher front door 11-952 Page over Buffer Path Sensor Clear Buffer Path
Sensor, perform 11-
163-171 RAP
157-171, 11-161-171
Open output device door 11-515 Sheet near 2nd to top exit sen- Perform 11-140-110,
RAP and 11-164-171,
sor 11-142-110 RAP for 11-165-171 RAP
2K LCSS, 11-140-
Open finisher front door 11-953 Page detected near buffer path Clear sheet near
120, 11-142-120 RAP
sensor buffer path sensor,
for 1K LCSS, 11-140-
171, 11-142-171 RAP perform 11-157-171,
11-161-171 RAP and
for HVF
11-164-171, 11-165-
Open output device door 11-516 Sheet detected over edge reg- Perform 11A-110 RAP
171 RAP
istration sensor for 2K LCSS
Open Finisher Top Cover. 11-955 Page over Inserter Lead Edge Clear Inserter Lead
Remove Paper. Sensor Edge Sensor, per-
Close Finisher Top Cover. form 11-479-171 RAP
Open front door 08-566 Sheet near duplex sensor Jam clearance

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-601 OF4b
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 3 Status messages O to R
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Open left hand door 08-567 Paper over the registration sen- Jam clearance Open tray 3 08-553 Tray 3 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
sor when feeding from the paper in feed area on power-on form 08-103, 08-113
bypass tray or in standby. 08-103 RAP
Open front door 10-507 Sheet is near the IOT exit sen- Jam clearance Open tray 3 08-563 Sheet near Tray 3 feed sensor Jam clearance
sor in the non-invert path Open tray 4 08-564 Sheet near Tray 4 feed sensor Jam clearance
Open front door 10-508 Sheet is near the IOT exit sen- Jam clearance Option service removed 22-554 Unable to remove optional ser- Refer to 22-410 to 22-
sor in the left hand side of the vice 416, 22-423, 22-425,
invert path 22-428, 22-777 RAP,
Open front door 10-509 Sheet is near the IOT exit sen- Jam clearance 22-417 RAP
sor in the right hand side of the Optional service installed 22-553 Service option installed
invert path
Optional service mismatch 22-552 Service option mismatch Install or remove ser-
Open front door 10-511 Sheet near post fuser sensor Jam clearance detected detected vice option. If neces-
Open front door 10-512 IOT exit sensor paper in IOT Jam clearance. Per- sary, perform 22-410
exit area at power -on or start form 10-107, 10-108, to 22-416, 22-423, 22-
print 10-109, 10-110 RAP 425, 22-428, 22-777
Open front door 10-513 Sheet near IOT exit sensor Jam clearance. Per- or 22-400 to 22-403,
form 10-107, 10-108, 22-423, 22-426, 22-
10-109, 10-110 RAP 427, 22-775
Open left hand door 08-550 Sheet over wait sensor Jam clearance. Per- Output Bin full 03-511 When the 90% full sensor is Printing will continue
form 08-100 RAP cleared before the bin switch automatically 15 sec-
timer expires. onds after raised if the
Open left hand door 08-551 Tray 1 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
paper in feed area on power-on form 08-101 RAP Pause button is not
or in standby, 08-101
Or when the Resume
Open left hand door 08-552 Tray 2 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per-
button pressed.
paper in feed area on power-on form 08-102 RAP Or Automatically 15
or in standby. 08-102
minutes after Pause
Open left hand door 08-554 Tray 4 feed sensor detects Jam clearance. Per- button pressed if
paper in feed area on power-on form 08-104, 08-114 Resume button is not
or in standby. 08-104 RAP pressed.
Open left hand door 08-565 Sheet near registration sensor Jam clearance Output device communica- 03-545 IOT-Finisher: three times retry Perform 03-360, 03-
Open output device door 11-522 Sheet over the BM exit sensor Perform 11-180-171, tions fault. Please call for fail at 100 ms cycle communi- 408 to 03-410, 03-418
11-182-171 RAP assistance. cation - no response. 03-360 RAP
Open output device door 11-523 Sheet near the BM exit sensor Perform 11-180-171,
11-182-171 RAP
Open the document feeder 05-523 Sheet left over DADH registra- Remove sheet
tion sensor after jam
Open the document feeder 05-524 Sheet left over DADH exit sen- Remove sheet. Per-
sor after jam form 05-345, 05-346
Open tray 1 08-561 Sheet near Tray 1 feed sensor. Jam clearance. Per-
08-106 form 08-106 RAP
Open tray 2 08-562 Sheet near Tray 2 feed sensor Jam clearance

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-602 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 3 Status messages O to R
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Output tray 1 out of service. 11-902 Tamper move or Bin 1 or com- Clear the paper jam. Output trays 1 and 2 out of 11-904 Tamper home or paddle roll or Clear the paper jam.
Check for obstructions in piler eject or staple fault Switch off the service. Check for obstruc- compiler or stapling fault Switch off the
output tray 1 machine then switch tions in the output trays machine then switch
on the machine, GP on the machine, GP
14. Perform 11-005- 14. Perform 11-005-
110, 11-006-110, 11- 110, 11-006-110, 11-
310-110, 11-311-110 310-110, 11-311-110
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
007-110, 11-008-110, 007-110, 11-008-110,
11-312-110, 11-313- 11-312-110, 11-313-
110, 11-319-110 RAP 110, 11-319-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-024- for 2K LCSS, 11-024-
110, 11-025-110 RAP 110, 11-025-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-005- for 2K LCSS, 11-005-
120, 11-006-120, 11- 120, 11-006-120, 11-
310-120, 11-311-120 310-120, 11-311-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11- RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
007-120, 11-008-120, 007-120, 11-008-120,
11-312-120, 11-313- 11-312-120, 11-313-
120, 11-319-120 RAP 120, 11-319-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024- for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
120, 11-025-120 RAP 120, 11-025-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024- for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
171, 11-026-171, 11- 171, 11-026-171, 11-
392-171 to 11-395- 392-171 to 11-395-
171, 11-396-171 to 171, 11-396-171 to
11-399-171 RAP for 11-399-171 RAP for
Output Tray full. Please 11-572 Fifty additional prints have Perform 11-030-110,
empty the Output Tray. been sent to bin 1 since 90% 11-334-110, 11-335-
full sensor made 110, 11-336-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-030-
120, 11-334-120, 11-
335-120, 11-336-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
460-171 to 11-462-
171 RAP for HVF
Output Tray full. Please 11-574 Finisher bin 2 full Perform 11C-171 RAP
empty the Output Tray.
Output tray nearly full 10-516 Printer bin 0 90% full sensor Unload the tray

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-603 OF4b
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 3 Status messages O to R
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Output tray nearly full 11-571 Bin 0 90% full sensor made Perform 11-130-110, Paper jam not fully cleared 08-580 A stray sheet has been Jam clearance. Per-
11-132-110 RAP for detected in either the IOT or fin- form 08-190 RAP
2K LCSS, 11-130- isher device during the post
120, 11-132-120 RAP jam clearance initialization rou-
for 1K LCSS, 11-130- tine. 08-190
171, 11-132-171 RAP Paper size mismatch. 07-571 First sheet fed after a tray 1 sta- Check the paper in
for HVF Check paper in Tray 1. tus change does not match the tray 1. Perform 07D
Output tray nearly full 11-573 Bin 1 90% full sensor made Perform 11-030-110, Some image loss may confirmed stock RAP
11-334-110, 11-335- occur
110, 11-336-110 RAP Paper size mismatch. 07-572 First sheet fed after a tray 2 sta- Check the paper in
for 2K LCSS, 11-030- Check paper in Tray 2. tus change does not match the tray 2. Perform 07D
120, 11-334-120, 11- Some image loss may confirmed stock RAP
335-120, 11-336-120 occur
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11- Paper size mismatch. 07-573 First sheet fed after a tray 3 sta- Check the paper in
460-171 to 11-462-
Check paper in Tray 3. tus change does not match the tray 3. Check that the
171 RAP for HVF
Some image loss may confirmed stock tray is set to correct
Output tray nearly full 11-575 Bin 2 90% full sensor made Perform 11C-171 RAP occur paper size, ADJ 7.1
Output Trays out of service. 11-598 Output trays have reached their Cleared when con- Paper size mismatch. 07-574 First sheet fed after a tray 4 sta- Check the paper in
Remove all paper from capacity. firm button pressed Check paper in Tray 4. tus change does not match the tray 4. Check that the
Output Trays. Some image loss may confirmed stock tray is set to correct
Ozone filter near end of life, 09-590 Ozone life counter near end of Order a new ozone fil- occur paper size, ADJ 7.1
ensure you have a replace- life ter, PL 9.25 Item 3. Paper size mismatch. 07-576 The first sheet after a tray 5 sta- Confirm the paper
ment filter Check paper in tray 5 tus change does not match the size in the UI
Page-over BB compiler 11-530 Sheet over the booklet maker Clear the area or per- confirmed stock
Sensor entry sensor form 11-183-171, 11- Paper size mismatch. 07-575 First sheet fed after a bypass Check the paper in
184-171 RAP Check paper in Bypass tray status change does not bypass tray and the
Page over Buffer Position 11-526 Sheet over the buffer position Clear the area or per- tray. Some image loss may match the confirmed stock side guide is set cor-
Sensor sensor form 11-198-171, 11- occur rectly
199-171 RAP Paper Trays are unavail- 03-549 IOT microprocessor: comm Perform 03-350, 03-
Page over exit HVF into 11-527 Sheet over the HVF exit into Clear the area or per- able. Call for assistance error. Fault 03-350 is raised. 351, 03-354 RAP
Booklet Maker Sensor BM sensor form 11-198-171, 11- Pause To Unload Time-out 11-941 Machine is paused for unload- Follow the instruc-
199-171 RAP Warning ing. Need to press button on tions. If necessary,
Page-over PPI Pickup Sen- 11-524 Sheet over the inserter pickup Clear the area or per- pop up screen perform 11H-171
sor sensor form 11-479-171 RAP Pause To Unload Time-out 11-942 Timer expiry. Wait for machine Follow the instruc-
Page-over PPI Tab 11-525 Sheet over the inserter tab Clear the area or per- Warning to pause, then press button on tions. If necessary,
Standby Sensor standby sensor form 11-191-171, 11- pop up screen perform 11H-171
193-171, 11-194-171, Please check the output bin 03-510 When paper is delivered to the Perform 03-423, 424,
11-196-171 RAP for blank and partially output and a video complete 433, 434, 821, 822,
Page over Stacker Bin Exit 11-528 Sheet over the stacker bin exit Clear the area or per- imaged sheets and discard has not been received by the 831, 832 RAP
Sensor sensor form 11-140-171, 11- them single board controller PWB
Page over Tri-fold Entry 11-529 Sheet over the tri-folder entry Clear the area or per-
Sensor sensor form 11-183-171, 11-
184-171 RAP

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-604 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 3 Status messages O to R
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Please close the Booklet 11-921 The stapler position sensor Close the BM stapler Please wait. The system 03-501 prtgeneralReset MIB object on None
Maker Stapler module indicates the stapler module is module. If necessary, software and the network the network controller is set to a
not closed in initialisation perform 11-063-171, controller are about to be value of powerCycleReset(4)
11-411-171 RAP for reset from a remote client.
staple unit 1, and 11- The reset may take sev-
403-171, 11-413-171, eral minutes. Any jobs cur-
11-414-171 RAP for rently being marked will be
staple unit 2 cancelled
Please delete the job. No 22-504 No tray configured for media Configure one tray for Please wait, your job will 19-506 Job delayed status High EPC usage. Per-
tray is configured with the this stock size. continue shortly. Do not form 19-401, 19-402,
required paper size. Press press the Start button again 19-403 RAP
the Job Status button. Then Please wait... The system 22-501 Attempting print recovery. 22- Perform 22-306 to 22-
select the Delete Button. is attempting to recover 306, 22-307, 22-309 315, 22-801, 22-814
Please enter your pass- 03-535 Machine in service copy mode Status clears on leav- RAP
word and press Enter for password entry ing service copy mode Please wait while your 03-506 This status is raised while Clears when the
Please follow the instruc- 05-548 DADH feed roll assembly at Install a new feed roll receipt is printing. This may auditron copy activity report is report has printed
tions below to replace the end of life assembly, (35 ppm) take up to 7 seconds. printed
document handler feed roll PL 5.15 Item 1 or (40- Post jam clearance initial is 08-570 The IOT and finisher device are Status clears on com-
90 ppm) PL 5.17 Item at ion in progress performing the post jam clear- pletion of initialization
1. ance initialization process to process
Please wait, adjusting fuser 10-540 Fuser temperature control fail- Perform 10-322, 10- check for stray sheets
temperature ure. 324, 10-325, 10-330, Power down failure. Power 03-520 System fails to power off after Perform 03-374 RAP
10-370 RAP, 10-315, off cannot be completed. request from the UI
10-320, 10-321, 10- Press the power button on
323, 10-340, 10-350, the left side of the machine.
10-360, 10-365, 10- If there is no response
380 RAP within 1 minute, then
Please wait, freeing mem- 19-502 Out of memory resources. Fault Perform 19-401, 19- remove the power cord.
ory 19-401, 19-402 402, 19-403 RAP Wait 1 minute then reinsert
Please wait, freeing mem- 17-580 Out of memory resources. Fault Perform 19-401, 19- the power cord and switch
ory. 19-401, 19-402 402, 19-403 RAP the machine on.
Please wait. The image 19-513 The system has detected that Wait for space to Printing and scanning are 03-500 Voltage not present on 24 V rail Perform 03-480 RAP
disk is full. insufficient space is available become available unavailable. Please call for monitored by IOT
on the image disk assistance
Please wait, the system is 19-510 At power up, the image disk is Switch off the Printing is unavailable 09-550 Photoreceptor erase lamp has Perform 09-350 RAP
attempting to recover not present or faulty. machine, then switch failed. 09-350 fault
on the machine, GP Pull out fuser module, then 03-547 IOT-FRU: unable to read from Perform 03-371, 03-
14. Perform 03C RAP firmly push it back in FRU. Fault 03-371 is raised. 372 RAP
Please wait. The system is 03-556 When fault codes 03-351 and Perform 03-350, 03- Pull out xerographic mod- 03-548 IOT-XRU: unable to read from Perform 03-371, 03-
attempting to recover from 03-354 are raised 351, 03-354 RAP ule, then firmly push it back XRU. Fault 03-372 is raised. 372 RAP
a fault in
Please wait - the system is 03-557 Tray 5 comms error. Fault 03- Perform 03-366 RAP Punch Chad Bin Set State 11-541 The chad bin has been Reinstall the chad bin
attempting to recover from 366 is raised removed from the finisher Perform 11N-171
a fault Raise document handler 05-522 Sheet left over DADH CVT sen- Remove sheet
sor after jam

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-605 OF4b
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 3 Status messages O to R
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
RARP functions are not 16-594 Network controller - RARP Connectivity fix and Replace fuser module 10-520 Fuser counter reaches 300 k Install new fuser mod-
available. Please notify address resolution fails switch off the machine prints ule, PL 10.10 Item 1,
machine administrator then switch on the PL 10.8 Item 1.
machine, GP 14. Replace fuser module 10-523 IOT detects fuser failure Install new fuser mod-
Reload originals and press 14-566 CCD (width) and length sen- Reposition originals ule, PL 10.10 Item 1,
start sors cannot determine size of and press start, Per- PL 10.8 Item 1.
the original form 14A RAP Replace fuser module 10-570 FRU CRUM authorization fail- Perform 10-399 RAP
Reload originals and press 05-503 Not enough originals during Reload originals ure. When fault 10-399 raised
Start recovery Replace Ozone Filter 09-591 Ozone life counter reaches end Install new ozone fil-
Reload originals or select 05-546 On pre-feed the DADH fails to Reload originals or of life ter, PL 9.25 Item 3
original size and press Start recognize the size of the docu- select size. Perform Replace punch head unit 11-540 Punch head present sensor not Perform 11-043-110,
ment 05C RAP made 11-350-110 RAP for
Remove documents from 05-502 Document present in DADH Lower the document 2K LCSS, 11-044-171
the paper tray and close tray with DADH cover open handler to scan your to 11-047-171 RAP for
the cover documents. Perform HVF
05-300 RAP Replace staple cartridge 11-546 Staple cartridge empty Perform 11-364-110
Remove all documents 05-525 Sheet left over DADH docu- Remove sheet. Per- RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
from the document feeder ment present sensor after jam form 05B RAP 364-120 RAP for 1K
tray LCSS, 11-371-171 to
Remove misfed sheet. 07-521 IOT microprocessor detects Close tray. Perform 11-377-171 RAP for
Close tray 1 Tray 1 open 07-301RAP HVF
Replace toner cartridge 09-593 Accumulated toner dispense Install new toner car-
Remove misfed sheet. 07-522 IOT microprocessor detects Close tray. Perform time value greater than 27 s tridge. Perform 09-
Close tray 2 Tray 2 open 07-302 RAP attained, or cycle out event 310, 09-390 RAP
Remove misfed sheet. 07-523 IOT microprocessor detects Close Tray. Perform occurs (Toner cartridge empty).
Close tray 3 Tray 3 open 07-303 RAP
Replace tray 5 feed rolls 07-590 The feed head counter has Install new tray 5 feed
Remove misfed sheet. 07-524 IOT microprocessor detects Close Tray. Perform
reached the end of life figure rolls, PL 8.45 Item 2
Close tray 4 Tray 4 open 07-304 RAP
Replace waste toner bottle 09-594 Waste toner shutdown counter Install new waste
Remove Reorder Toner 02-560 Set by the user interface when Cleared by the user
Cartridge the user enters *33 code to interface once Status value attained OR if waste toner bottle, PL 9.10
toner shutdown counter value Item 1.
remove the Reorder Notifica- 09-599 is cleared.
greater than 50% and cycle out
tion message when the Toner
Cartridge is replaced. event occurs

Re-order but do not replace 05-547 DADH feed head near end of Replace feed head or Replace Xerographic Mod- 09-585 Xerographic module end of life Install a new xero-
ule graphic module (35
Document Feeder Feed life end of life status
ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2,
(40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
Re-order but do not replace 10-521 Fuser counter reaches 290 k Order a new fuser Item 2. Refer to GP
fuser module prints module, PL 10.10
27, End of Life Exten-
Item 1, PL 10.8 Item
Replace xerographics mod- 09-586 IOT detects an xerographic Switch the machine
Re-order but do not replace 07-580 Near the end of life - ensure Order new feed roll ule module failure off and on, GP 14.
the Tray 5 Feed Rolls new stock is available kit, PL 8.45 Item 2
Install a new xero-
Re-order, but do not 09-584 Xerographic module near end Re-order a new xero- graphic module
replace xerographic mod- of life graphic module

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-606 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 Status messages O to R Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Resort and reload all origi- 05-540 DADH document jam is cleared Replace document on Scanner has failed to initai- 14-563 Scanner needs service Switch off the
nals. for a single job DADH input tray to ilize. Switch off the machine then switch
enable recovery. machine, wait 1 minute, on the machine, GP
Check for blanks in then switch on the 14. Perform 14-110
output tray. Resume machine. If fault persists RAP, 14-310, 14-710
or cancel job call for assistance, or press RAP, 14-720 RAP
Resort and reload ALL the 05-544 Document jam is cleared (cov- Resume job com- close to use other services
originals in the document ers cycled and switch cleared) mand is given with Scanner is calibrating, 14-560 Scanner is calibrating If calibration does not
feeder and ‘normal job’ or ‘build job’ documents replaced please wait complete, switch off
in input tray, if the machine, then
required, or cancel job switch on the
command is given machine, GP 14. Wait
Restoring configuration set- 03-526 Software upgrade configura- When the Image pro- for a few minutes, if
ting. Please wait. System tion reset cessing module has the scanner contin-
will reboot when com- completed restoring ues to calibrate with-
pleted. the configuration set- out completing
tings perform 14-703 to 14-
706, 712, 714, 716,
ROS laser not being con- 06-540 ROS laser not being controlled. Perform 06-350 RAP
718 RAP
Scheduling fault etc. 22-560 SML error. Switch off the
ROS system failure. Print- 06-530 ROS system failed. Perform 06-340 RAP
ing is unavailable. If fault machine then switch
on the machine, GP
persists, call for assistance.
Touch Ignore Error to use
other services Slide Tray 5 up to machine 07-581 Tray 5 is un-docked Perform 07-372
Sip FireWire card not sup- 03-502 SIP FireWire card vendor and No action
ported device ID not in list of sup-
ported FireWire cards
Table 4 Status messages S to X Software cycling control 03-560 Laser on without printing. Fault Perform 03-395, 396,
Status fault. Printing is unavail- 03-396 raised 852, 853 RAP
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action able. If fault persists, call
for assistance. Touch
‘Save job for Reprint’ ser- 17-501 Network controller unavailable Wait for the network
Ignore Error to use other
vice is unavailable. Please and customer already within controller to become
services / Printing is
try again later pathway, or CPSR feature sus- available. Switch off unavailable
pended the machine then
Software option codes do 16-552 Network controller - the flag in Switch off the
switch on the
not match system manager is not in sync. machine then switch
machine, GP 14.
with the network controller PM on the machine, GP
Scan to file unavailable 03-585 Fault 03-331 raised Switch off the 14.
machine then switch
Software upgrade complet- 03-537 IOT software upgrade status None
on the machine, GP
ing - please wait
Scanner fault. Please call 03-543 Single board controller-CCD: Perform 14-310 RAP
for assistance three times retry fail at 100 ms
cycle communication - no

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-607 OF4b
Table 4 Status messages S to X Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Some finishing features are 11-903 Compiler carriage or stapling Clear the paper jam. Some network services 16-504 Dynamic domain name regis- Machine restart initi-
unavailable. Check for fault Switch off the unavailable. Please notify tration process failed ated
obstructions in the finisher machine then switch the machine administrator
on the machine, GP Some network services 16-505 Insufficient memory for E-mail More physical mem-
14. Perform 11-364- unavailable. Please notify ory needs to be added
110 RAP for 2K the machine administrator to the platform
LCSS, 11-364-120 Some network services 16-507 Service location protocol pro- Machine restart initi-
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
unavailable. Please notify cess failed ated
172-171, 11-180-171,
the machine administrator
11-182-171, 11-185-
171 to 11-187-171, Some network services 16-508 Autonet address resolution did Machine restart initi-
unavailable. Please notify not work ated
11-371-171 to 11-377-
the machine administrator
171 RAP for HVF
Some network services 16-509 Insufficient memory for internet Machine restart initi-
Some finishing features are 11-912 Stapler unit 1 fails to move Clear obstruction from
unavailable. Check for stapler. Perform 11- unavailable. Please notify fax ated
the machine administrator
obstructions in the stapler. 053-110, 11-370-110
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11- Some network services 16-510 E-mail process failed Machine restart initi-
371-171 to 11-377- unavailable. Please notify ated
171 RAP for HVF the machine administrator
Some network controller 17-570 Communication with NNTP Switch off the Some network services 16-511 Internet fax process failed Machine restart initi-
services are not available. server failed machine then switch unavailable. Please notify ated
Contact system administra- on the machine, GP the machine administrator
tor. 14. Some network services 16-512 USB printer port process failed Machine restart initi-
Some network services 16-560 Some processes on the net- Switch off the unavailable. Please notify ated
unavailable. Please notify work controller have failed machine then switch the machine administrator
machine administrator on the machine, GP Some network services 16-513 Simple service discovery proto- Machine restart initi-
14. unavailable. Please notify col failed ated
Some network services 16-581 The network controller diagnos- Switch off the the machine administrator
unavailable. Please notify tic service process has stopped machine then switch Some network services 16-514 Post office protocol (for Machine restart initi-
machine administrator on the machine, GP unavailable. Please notify inbound IFAX messages) pro- ated
14. the machine administrator cess failed
Some network services 16-582 The network controller authen- Switch off the Some network services 16-517 SMTP process failed Machine restart initi-
unavailable. Please notify tication SPI process has machine then switch unavailable. Please notify ated
machine administrator stopped on the machine, GP the machine administrator
14. Some network services 16-599 Raw TCP/IP printing (port Machine restart initi-
Some network services 16-588 The network controller sub- Switch off the unavailable. Please notify 9100) process failed. ated
unavailable. Please notify agent process has failed machine then switch the machine administrator.
machine administrator on the machine, GP Some Network Controller 16-521 The network controller’s CPI Machine restart initi-
14. services are not available. service process has stopped ated
Some network services 16-590 The network controller connec- Switch off the Please notify the machine
unavailable. Please notify tivity configuration process has machine then switch administrator
machine administrator failed on the machine, GP Some Network Controller 16-522 The network controller’s job log Machine restart initi-
14. services are not available. service process has stopped ated
Some network services 16-501 Not enough memory on the Machine restart initi- Please notify the machine
unavailable. Please notify image processing for JBA ated administrator
the machine administrator

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-608 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 4 Status messages S to X Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Some Network Controller 16-523 The network controller’s job Machine restart initi- Staple count low. Please 11-545 Staple cartridge low Perform 11-364-110
services are not available. tracker service process has ated ensure you have replace- RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
Please notify the machine stopped ment Staple Cartridge 364-120 RAP for 1K
administrator LCSS, 11-371-171 to
Some Network Controller 16-524 The network controller’s Ker- Machine restart initi- 11-377-171 RAP for
services are not available. beros service process has ated HVF
Please notify the machine stopped Stapling disabled, out of 11-554 Stapling disabled, out of staples Perform 11-050-110,
administrator staples 11-360-110 RAP for
Some Network Controller 16-525 The network controller’s Scan Machine restart initi- 2K LCSS, 11-050-
services are not available. to Distribution service process ated 120, 11-360-120 RAP
Please notify the machine has stopped for 1K LCSS, 11-050-
administrator 120, 11-360-120 RAP
for HVF
Some Network Controller 16-527 The network controller’s SMB Machine restart initi-
services are not available. service process has stopped. ated Stapling feature requires 11-555 Stapling disabled, zero / one Instruct customer
Please notify the machine two or more pages page
administrator Stapler is unavailable. 11-910 Stapler head motor 1 fails to Clear obstruction from
Some Network Controller 16-528 The network controller’s WS Machine restart initi- Check for obstructions in move or not primed stapler. Perform 11-
services are not available. Scan Temp service process ated the stapler. 050-110, 11-360-110
Please notify the machine has stopped. RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
administrator 050-120, 11-360-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
Some Network Controller 16-529 The network controller’s Scan Machine restart initi-
services are not available. Compressor service process ated 371-171 to 11-377-
171 RAP for HVF
Please notify the machine has stopped.
administrator Stapling is unavailable. 11-911 Staple head 2 motor fails to Clear obstruction from
Check for obstructions in move stapler. Perform 11-
Some network controller 17-518 WSD discovery failure Switch off the
services are not available. machine then switch the BM stapler. 063-171, 11-411-171
Please notify the machine on the machine, GP
administrator. 14. Stapling not available. 11-553 Stapling disabled, out of service Perform 11-050-110,
Please call for assistance 11-360-110 RAP for
Some network controller 17-519 WSD print service failure Switch off the
services are not available. machine then switch 2K LCSS, 11-050-
120, 11-360-120 RAP
Please notify the machine on the machine, GP
for 1K LCSS, 11-050-
administrator. 14.
120, 11-360-120 RAP
Some network controller 17-520 WSD scan service failure Switch off the for HVF
services are not available. machine then switch
System error, copier is no 16-557 Network controller - DC plat- Switch off the
Please notify the machine on the machine, GP
longer available form fails to recover in less than machine then switch
administrator. 14.
5 minutes after a crash on the machine, GP
Staple capacity exceeded. 11-560 BM disabled - too many pages Each booklet must not 14.
Job completed without sta- exceed 15 sheets
System error, copier is no 16-558 Network controller - DC com- DC platform call failed
longer available munications unavailable
Staple count low. Please 11-542 BM staples low Perform 11-063-171,
ensure you have replace- 11-411-171 RAP
ment Staple Cartridge.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-609 OF4b
Table 4 Status messages S to X Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
System error, scanner is 14-508 When start is selected but scan Switch off the The Booklet Maker and Tri- 11-920 Failure of any BM or TF func- Check for obstructions
unavailable service is unable to acquire machine then switch folder are currently unavail- tion in the HVF BM and
resources on the machine, GP able the tri-folder. Check
14. Wait for a few min- that the HVF BM and
utes, if scanning is still tri-folder interlocks are
not available, go to made. Switch the
03-330, 03-462 RAP machine OFF and
System memory is full etc. 19-503 EPC memory resources low Memory becomes ON, GP 14. Check
available, job is can- the current fault codes
celled or documents list for HVF BM or tri-
are removed from folder faults and per-
DADH. Perform 19- form the appropriate
401, 19-402, 19-403 RAP.
RAP The Fax service is initialis- 20-544 Basic Fax card restarts User clears or time-
System memory is full etc. 19-507 Memory resources low High EPC usage. Per- ing. Please wait. out. (W/O TAG X-001)
form 19-401, 19-402, Install a new compact
19-403 RAP flash, PL 20.10 Item 3
System memory is full etc. 19-508 Internal memory handling sta- Usage is above inter- The fuser is warming up. 10-505 Fuser not at temperature Perform 10-322, 10-
tus mediate EPC usage Printing may be delayed 324, 10-325, 10-330,
threshold. Perform 19- 10-370 RAP
401, 19-402, 19-403 The fuser module is not 10-530 The system setting does not Install new fuser mod-
RAP compatible with this match the fuser type setting ule or modify settings
System memory is full etc. 19-515 This status code becomes Cleared when the cur- machine. Please refer to (service offering)
active when fault 19-403 is rent job completes or the user guide
raised when the job is The installed staple car- 03-571 50 sheet cartridge installed in Press confirm.
deleted. Perform 19- tridge can staple a maxi- the HVF
401, 19-402, 19-403 mum of 50 sheets. Please
RAP confirm to close this win-
System memory is full etc. 19-516 EPC memory is full. The status code is dow
cleared when either The network controller is 16-502 When ever the network control- When the network
the job is cancelled or about to be reset ler detects that a platform reset controller reset is initi-
the user selects the is about to occur ated
resume option The scanner could not Document size sensor failure. Perform 14A RAP
System reset required, 16-550 Network controller - system Switch off the match the original with a Input module angle sensor fail-
please switch off the enters customer sw upgrade machine then switch known size. ure.
machine, then switch on mode on the machine, GP The ROS motor has failure. 06-520 ROS motor failed. Perform 06-020 RAP
the machine 14. Switch the machine off,
The BM is unavailable. 03-553 BM communications failure. Perform 11B-171 RAP wait 1 minute, then switch
Please call for assistance. Fault 03-363 is raised. on the machine again. If
the fault persists call for
assistance or press Close
to use other services.
The software that controls 03-597 Incompatible software detected Switch the machine
tray 5 requires updates. in the tray 5 controller off and on, GP 14.
Tray 5 is unavailable Perform 03-419, 03-

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-610 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 4 Status messages S to X Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
The User Interface is not 02-530 Fault detected at UI. Local UI Perform 02-320, 02- Toner cartridge nearly 09-599 When less than X days pre- Order a new toner
available. Please call for needs service 380 RAP empty. Ensure you have a dicted until toner cartridge end cartridge, PL 9.15
assistance replacement cartridge of life Item 4.
The Xerographic module is 09-570 Xerographic module CRUM Perform 09-399 RAP. Or cleared when 02-
not compatible with this authorization failure. 09-399. 560 status code is
machine. Please refer to The status clears when the raised.
the User Guide associated has been cleared Toner cartridge status is 09-545 This status is raised when the No action required.
The Xerographic Module is 09-587 The system setting does not Install correct xero- disabled toner gas gauge is disabled The toner gas gauge
not compatible with this match the xerographic module graphic module or can be enabled, if
machine. type modify setting required
The Xerographic Module is 09-588 The system setting does not Install correct xero- Toner control failure 09-597 Toner concentration process Perform 09-360, 09-
not compatible with this match the xerographic module graphic module or control failure. 361, 09-362, 09-363
machine. market region ID setting modify setting RAP
The Xerographic Module is 09-589 The system setting does not Install correct xero- Toner control sensor failure 09-598 Toner control sensor failure. Perform 09-360, 09-
not compatible with this match the xerographic module graphic module or 361, 09-362, 09-363
machine. speed setting modify speed setting RAP
There is a problem with at 02-534 Machine not achieved stable Perform 02-390, 02- Tray 1 empty, please reload 07-511 Tray 1 paper present sensor Perform 07A RAP
least one machine service. state five minutes from power 391, 02-704, 02- detects no paper in tray
Please switch the machine on 706RAP Tray 1 is low on paper 07-531 Tray 1 paper low Perform 07A RAP
off then on again. If this Tray 1 is out of service, 07-541 Tray 1 out of service. Perform 07F RAP
does not solve the problem, please use a different tray
switch the machine off and
Tray 2 empty, please reload 07-512 Tray 2 paper present sensor Perform 07A RAP
call for assistance
detects no paper in tray
There is a problem with at 02-535 All services that the UI is wait- Perform 02-390, 02-
Tray 2 is low on paper 07-532 Tray 2 paper low Perform 07A RAP
least one machine service. ing for in the registry do not 391, 02-704, 02-706
Please switch the machine appear even though the Image RAP Tray 2 is out of service, 07-542 Tray 2 out of service. Perform 07F RAP
please use a different tray
off then on again. If this processing / UI sync occurred
does not solve the problem, Tray 3 empty, please reload 07-513 Tray 3 paper present sensor Perform 07E RAP
switch the machine off and detects no paper in tray
call for assistance Tray 1 is lifting 07-551 Tray 1 is lifting. Perform 07-353 RAP
There is a problem with at 02-536 All services that the UI is wait- Perform 02-390, 02- Tray 2 is lifting 07-552 Tray 2 is lifting. Perform 07-354 RAP
least one machine service. ing for do not appear in the reg- 391, 02-704, 02- Tray 3 is lifting 07-550 Tray 3 is lifting. Perform 07-355 RAP
Please switch the machine istry 706RAP
Tray 3 is low on paper 07-533 Tray 3 paper low IOT microprocessor
off then on again. If this
detects Tray 3 paper
does not solve the problem, level at 25%. Perform
switch the machine off and
call for assistance
Tray 3 is out of service, 07-543 Tray 3 elevate top sensor does Perform 07-355 RAP
Token Ring functions are 16-592 Network controller - Token Ring Connectivity fix and
please use a different tray not turn on within 7 seconds
not available. Please notify TCP / IP port connectivity failed switch off the machine after elevator motor on.
machine administrator then switch on the
Tray 3 and 4 are unavail- 03-552 IOT microprocessor to HCF Perform 03-359, 03-
machine, GP 14.
able. Please call for assis- communication error. Fault 03- 407 RAP
Toner adjustments in 09-546 Replenisher sump refilling Perform 09-360, 09-
tance. 359 raised
progress. Please wait. 361, 09-362, 09-363
RAP Tray 4 empty, please reload 07-514 Tray 4 paper present sensor Perform 07E RAP
detects no paper in tray
Toner cartridge empty 09-592 Toner level sensor registers Install new toner car-
Tray 4 is lifting 07-560 Tray 4 is lifting Perform 07-360 RAP
developer sump not full tridge, PL 9.15 Item 4.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-611 OF4b
Table 4 Status messages S to X Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Tray 4 is low on paper 07-534 Tray 4 paper low IOT microprocessor Try turning the machine off 03-594 The single board controller Switch the machine
detects Tray 4 paper and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored off and on, GP 14. If
level at 25%. Perform assistance if the problem machine variant ID differs from necessary, reload the
07B RAP persists that stored in the IOT software, GP 4
Tray 4 is out of service, 07-544 Tray 4 elevate top sensor does Perform 07-360 RAP Try turning the machine off 05-588 Finisher software version sup- Perform 03-360, 03-
please use a different tray not turn on within 7 seconds and on. Please call for plied is not compatible. Fault 408 to 03-410, 03-418
after elevator motor on assistance if the problem 03-418 raised RAP If necessary,
Tray 5 empty, please reload 07-516 Tray empty sensor detects no Reload paper. If nec- persists reload the software,
paper essary, perform 07G GP 4
Tray 5 is lifting, please wait 07-561 Tray 5 is currently lifting Perform 07-373 Try turning the machine off 05-589 IOT, DADH or UI software ver- Perform 03-300, 306,
and on. Please call for sion supplied at power-on is not 461, 482, 805, 870
Tray 5 is out of service, 07-546 Tray 5 cannot feed paper Switch the machine
please use a different tray off and on, GP 14. assistance if the problem compatible with the single RAP, 03-320 to 03-
persists board controller PWB. 324 RAP, 03-310
Check that the tray is
RAP. If necessary,
in the correct posi-
tion. Perform 07-306, reload the software,
GP 4
07-372, or 07-373
RAP Unable to access the dis- 02-561 Part of save job for reprint. Select O.K, then
play list. Please select O.K attempt selection
Tray 5 is overloaded, 07-539 Paper equals or is more than Remove some paper.
please remove excess 100% full in tray 5 If necessary, perform and then attempt your again.
selection again.
paper 07-373 and 07-374
Unable to detect card 03-601 Smart Card authentication has Perform 03-412 RAP.
Tray 5 is low on paper 07-536 Tray 5 paper below 5% full Add paper. If neces-
reader been enabled but no card
sary, perform 07-373
and 07-374 RAPs reader is installed

Tray 5 is unavailable. 03-598 Tray 5 software is installed but Check that all tray 5 Unable to install option ser- 22-555 Service option install failed Refer to 22-400 to 22-
vice when any of the faults 22-400, 403, 22-423, 22-426,
Check cabling connections hardware is not detected control PWB connec-
22-401, 22-402, 22-403, 22- 22-427, 22-775 RAP,
tions are good. Per-
form 03-366. 404, 22-405, 22-406, 22-407 22-404 to 22-406
are raised RAP, 22-407 RAP
Tray 5 is unavailable. 07-563 Tray 5 lifting has stopped Perform 07-373
Unable to remove option 22-556 Service option removal failed Refer to 22-400 to 22-
Check for obstructions in
service when any of the faults 22-410, 403, 22-423, 22-426,
Tray 5
22-411, 22-412, 22-413, 22- 22-427, 22-775 RAP,
Tray 5 is unavailable. 07-564 Tray 5 lowering has stopped Perform 07-374 414, 22-415, 22-416, 22-417 22-404 to 22-406
Check for obstructions in
are raised RAP, 22-407 RAP
Tray 5
Try turning the machine off 03-591 The single board controller Switch the machine
and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored off and on, GP 14. If
assistance if the problem machine model ID differs from necessary, reload the
persists that stored in the IOT software, GP 4
Try turning the machine off 03-592 The single board controller Switch the machine
and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored off and on, GP 14. If
assistance if the problem machine type differs from that necessary, reload the
persists stored in the IOT software, GP 4
Try turning the machine off 03-593 The single board controller Switch the machine
and on. Please call for PWB reports that its stored off and on, GP 14. If
assistance if the problem machine speed ID differs from necessary, reload the
persists that stored in the IOT software, GP 4

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF4b 2-612 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 4 Status messages S to X Table 4 Status messages S to X
Status Status
UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action UI Message Code Reason for Message Reference / Action
Unable to staple. check for 11-901 Tamper move or paddle roll Clear the paper jam. Xerographic Module clean- 09-540 When the Scorotron cleaning is Refer to 09-341, 09-
obstructions in the output fault Switch off the ing in progress. Please wait in progress 342 Scorotron Clean-
trays machine then switch ing Failure RAP
on the machine, GP Xerographic Module Main- 09-543 Charge scorotron manual Refer to IQ1 Image
14. Perform 11-005- tenance. Please follow the cleaning required Quality Entry RAP
110, 11-006-110, 11- instructions below
310-110, 11-311-110
RAP for 2K LCSS, 11-
007-110, 11-008-110,
11-312-110, 11-313-
110, 11-319-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-024-
110, 11-025-110 RAP
for 2K LCSS, 11-005-
120, 11-006-120, 11-
310-120, 11-311-120
RAP for 1K LCSS, 11-
007-120, 11-008-120,
11-312-120, 11-313-
120, 11-319-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
120, 11-025-120 RAP
for 1K LCSS, 11-024-
171, 11-026-171, 11-
392-171 to 11-395-
171, 11-396-171 to
11-399-171 RAP for
Unexpected Stock Size in 11-950 A shorter than expected sheet Follow the message
the Finisher has been fed from the inserter text. Check the size of
the paper in the
Unsupported scanner 03-505 Scanner software no longer Switch off machine
detected supported and switch on
machine, GP 14.
Check software sta-
tus and upgrade
where necessary
Waste toner bottle nearly 09-595 Waste toner full sensor regis- Perform 09B RAP
full, ensure you have a ters full for greater than 100
replacement bottle pages.
Xerographic Module Clean- 09-541 Scorotron cleaning failure Refer to 09-341, 09-
ing Failure. Copy and Print- 342 Scorotron Clean-
ing unavailable. Touch ing Failure RAP
Power Off to switch
machine off or touch Ignore
Error to use other services

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-613 OF4b
OF5 Boot Up Failure RAP NOTE: Re-install the original embedded fax PWB. Connect the DADH communica-
tion/power cable. Connect the output device communication cable and power cord.
Use this RAP if the UI displays ‘system unavailable’ or the machine does not come to a ‘Ready
to scan your job’ state. Also, use this RAP if the software loading procedure fails. Connect the DADH communication/power cable. Switch on the machine, GP 14. The
machine boots up.
Initial Actions Y N
• Switch off the machine, GP 14. Switch the machine on, GP 14. Install a new DADH PWB, PL 5.10 Item 5.

• If the boot up failure occurs after new components are installed, make sure the new com- NOTE: Re-install the original embedded fax PWB. Connect the output device communi-
ponents are compatible with the machine. cation cable and power cord.
• Check the LEDs on the IOT PWB, OF7.
Connect the output device communication cable and power cord. Switch on the machine, GP
• Check that the software module, PL 3.24 Item 8 is located correctly. 14. The machine boots up.
• Check that the memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12 is located correctly. Y N
• Check that all the PJs are seated correctly on the single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 The output device is a HVF with a booklet maker.
Item 3. Y N
Install new components as necessary:
• Check that all PJs are seated correctly on the user interface PWB, PL 2.10 Item 6.
• 1K LCSS PWB, PL 11.124 Item 1.
• Check the single board controller/user interface harness, PL 2.10 Item 3.
• 2K LCSS PWB, PL 11.26 Item 1.
• Check the Hard disk drive (HDD) power cable, PL 3.22 Item 10.
• HVF PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2
• Check the Hard disk drive (HDD) data cable, PL 3.22 Item 11.
Disconnect the booklet maker PWB. The machine boots up.
Procedure Y N
WARNING Install a HVF PWB, PL 11.157 Item 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Install a new BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item 10.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Re-install the original embedded fax PWB. Switch on the machine, GP 14. The machine
Perform the following:
boots up.
1. Disconnect the DADH communication/power cable, PL 5.10 Item 6 from the single board Y N
controller PWB module. Install new components as necessary:
2. If a 1K LCSS, 2K LCSS or HVF is installed, disconnect the communication cable from • Embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
PJ151 and the power cord from PJ22 on the power and control module. Install a finisher • (W/O TAG X-001) Compact flash memory, PL 20.10 Item 3.
bypass harness, PL 26.10 Item 7.
• (W/O TAG X-001) Extended fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 2.
3. If a fax is installed, remove the embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
4. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
• Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
The machine boots up.
If necessary, reload the software. Refer to GP 4 Machine Software.
Perform the following:
• Check the UI. Go to the OF2 UI Touch Screen Failure RAP.
• Install a new software module, PL 3.24 Item 8.
• Install a new memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12.
• At the start of the AltBoot software upgrade procedure the Software Upgrade in
Progress screen is not displayed within 1 minute.
– If the USB Flash drive in use is new, load the software onto a different USB
flash drive, then retry the AltBoot procedure GP 4.
– Check the hard disk drive. Go to 03C Hard Disk Failure RAP.
• Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
• Perform the Altboot Software Loading procedure, GP 4.
Status Indicator RAPs February 2010
OF5 2-614 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP OF7 IOT PWB Diagnostics RAP
Use this RAP to diagnose faulty machine fans. Faulty fans can cause smells or overheating.
Procedure To assist in identifying any suspected problems with the IOT PWB. If directed here from
WARNING another procedure always return to that procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Perform the IOT PWB corruption check before a new IOT PWB is installed. If the fault still
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
occurs after completing this check then install a new IOT PWB.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Identify the suspect fan. Check that the fan is working correctly.
Photoreceptor Fan WARNING
This fan draws air in at the rear of the machine and uses a duct to direct the air flow over the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
ROS, through the photoreceptor module and over the post fuser area. If the fan is suspect, go customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
to the 09C Photoreceptor Fan RAP. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Perform the following checks:
Ozone Fan • IOT NVM Corruption Check.
This fan draws air from the photoreceptor module and out through the ozone filter. Refer to PL
• IOT PWB Voltage Check.
9.25 Item 1 and to Wiring Diagram 6.
• IOT PWB Communications Check.
Power and Control Assembly Fan Ensure the machine is in normal mode (not standby mode).

This fan draws in air from the rear of the machine and blows it into the power supply. The fan is
hard wired into the power supply. Refer to PL 1.10 Item 1.
IOT NVM Corruption Check
Corruption of the IOT NVM can cause paper jams, fuser temperature or xerographic control
Single Board Controller Cooling Fan faults. Perform these steps before a new IOT PWB is installed.

This fan is located within the single board controller PWB module. This fan draws air into the
Perform the steps that follow:
single board controller PWB module and blows the air onto the single board controller PWB.
1. Enter dC131 location 09-271 Developer Age. Note the developer age value. Also check
when the developer was last changed, to ensure that the age value is correct.
Refer to the information that follows:
2. Go to dC132 NVM initialization - Copier
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
3. Select Machine Variable NVM.
• Wiring Diagram 3.
4. Select Initialize.
Vacuum Transport Fan
5. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Check if the fault still occurs.
This fan draws air down through the short paper path to assist the transport of A6 paper. Refer
• If the fault does not occur, then go to step 6.
to PL 10.25 Item 1 short paper path and Wiring Diagram 7.
• If the fault still occurs, install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2.
Duplex Paper Path Cooling Fans 6. Perform dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.
This consists of a cooling fan, exhaust fan and a cooling duct assembly, all of which are inte- 7. Enter dC131 location 09-069 TCSensorCtrlVoltage. Record the value on the NVM sheet
grated into the front door. The cooling fan 2 is located in the middle of the front door, PL 8.11 stored in the wallet on the rear cover.
Item 6. This fan draws in air via the cooling duct into the front door and directs the air across 8. Enter dC131 location 09-271 Developer Age. Check that the value for the developer age
the duplex transport area and into the image exit area. The cooling fan 1 is located in the front is correct, reset the value if required.
door, PL 8.11 Item 3. This fan draws air from the inverter base pan area and exhausts the air 9. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions
via the cooling duct in the front door. The fans are turned on and off simultaneously and only
operate during the duplex mode. A thermistor is located in the inverter assembly which will
IOT PWB Voltage Check
switch the fans on when the temperature reaches 48 degrees C (119 degrees F) during a 1. On the IOT PWB check that the voltage-present LEDs that follow are on, Figure 1:
duplex job. If the thermistor fails, then the fans will switch on at the start of a duplex job. • CR12 - Indicates the presence of 3.3V.
The fans are enabled or disabled in dC131 location 09-116. The fans are run in dC330 code • CR13 - Indicates the presence of 5V.
09-036 Duplex cooling fans. • CR15 - Indicates the presence of 12V.
• CR16 - Indicates the presence of 24V.
Refer to cooling fan 1, cooling fan 2 and the thermistor in Wiring Diagram 11.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-615 OF6, OF7
• CR36 - Indicates the presence of 3.3V standby supply voltage. OF8 Multi-feed RAP
2. If CR16 is not on, but 24V is present at P/J27 pin 1, go to the 01G Fused Distribution
Check. If +24V is not present at P/J27, pin 1, check the voltage at P/J26 pin 9. This is the To solve several sheet multi-feeds or extra blank sheet output problems.
Low Power Mode Enable signal. If this signal is high, install a new LVPS and base mod-
ule, PL 1.10 Item 3. Initial Actions
3. If no LEDs are on, or only the CR36 3.3Vsb is on, go to 01H Short Circuits and Overloads WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
IOT PWB Communications Check customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
1. Switch off the machine GP 14. Switch on the machine, GP 14. Observe the following con- cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
ditions, Figure 1: • Check the condition of the paper. Do not use incorrectly cut paper, damp paper, paper
• CR14 is off. with rough edges, badly drilled paper, paper with wrapper wax or glue contamination.
Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.
• CR27 is flashing at about 2 Hz.
• Check the paper specification, GP 20.
• CR28 and CR29 are flashing alternately at about 1 Hz.
• Multi-feed from the bypass tray, go to 07C By-pass Tray RAP
2. If any of the above conditions do not apply, perform the steps that follow:
• Switch off the machine, GP 14.
• Use the jumpers to short J17 pins 1 and 2, J18 pins 1 and 2, J19 pins 1 and 2, Figure
1. When checking for multi-feeds always use a new ream of paper. If a new ream can not be
used, then perform the following:
• Switch on the machine, GP 14.
• After the machine has power up, switch off the machine, GP 14. • Fan the paper.
• Lift the jumpers from J17, J18 and J19. Park the jumpers on one pin only. • Turn the paper round or turn the paper over.
• Switch on the machine, GP 14. • Remove four or five sheets from the top of the stack.
3. If any of the above conditions still fail, then install a new IOT PWB, PL 1.10 Item 2. • When loading multi-reams of paper into the tray 3 or tray 4. Remove the top and bottom
sheet from each ream. This will prevent ream interface multi-feeds.
For tray 1 and tray 2 check the following:
• Check that the paper tray side guides are set to the correct paper size.
• The paper tray drops down when the tray is pulled out and the tray elevates up when
pushed in.
– Check the paper feed assembly, REP 8.1.
– Check the paper feed rolls, REP 8.35.
– Install new components as necessary, PL 8.26.
• The paper trays for worn, broken or missing components.
– Install new components as necessary, PL 7.10 Item 1.
For tray 3 and tray 4 check the following:
• The tray moves down when the tray is pulled out, and moves up when the tray is closed.
– Check tray 3 paper feed assembly, REP 8.2.
– Check tray 4 paper feed assembly, REP 8.3.
– Install new components as necessary, PL 8.30 Item 1.
• The paper trays for worn, broken or missing components.
– The separation strip is located correctly on the tray, Figure 1.
– Tray 3 only - Remove the spacers in the tray 3 feed assembly, Figure 2.
Figure 1 IOT PWB LED and switch locations

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF7, OF8 2-616 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The tray 3 spacers are fitted to reliably feed the sheets with large amounts of
up-curl, which normally occurs in very dry environments. Removing these spacers
decrease the multi-feed rate, but may increase the mis-feed rate if the paper is

These spacers are not fitted to any other tray.

– Install new components as necessary, PL 7.15.
For tray 5 check the following:
• The tray moves down when the door is opened, and moves up when the door is closed.
– Check the tray 5 paper feed assembly.
– Check the tray 5 paper feed rolls, PL 8.45 Item 2.
– Install new components as necessary, PL 8.45.
For the Bypass tray, perform the following:
• Ensure that the customer is not filling the tray above the max fill line.
• Clean the feed roll and retard pad with a damp cloth with water.
• Install a new feed roll, REP 8.21 and retard pad, REP 8.22, PL 7.30 Item 21.

Separation strip

Feed head

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-617 OF8
OF9 False Fuser End of Life RAP
Use this RAP if the fuser module has reached its end of life, 400,000 prints, prematurely.

Initial Actions
Enter dC131 location 09-064 FRU Total Count, then check the fuser module image count. If the
image count is unexpectedly high, 422,000 or greater, then the CRUM data is corrupted.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the following:
1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 6. Check the wiring harness at PJ141. Repair the wiring as nec-
essary, REP 1.2.
2. Check that the wires from the vacuum transport fan have not been trapped in the fuser
CRUM socket, Figure 1. Repair the wiring or install a new short paper path assembly, PL
10.25 Item 1. Use a cable tie to route the wires away from the fuser module.
3. Check for damage to the fuser CRUM socket on the drives module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15
Remove the spacers Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
4. Check for damage to the CRUM plug on the fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1,
(65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
5. If the fault remains, go to OF10 Intermittent Failure RAP and refer to the Electrostatic Dis-
charge Checkout.

Figure 2 Tray 3 feed assembly

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF8, OF9 2-618 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF10 Intermittent Failure RAP
Use this RAP to locate failures when no specific cause can be found, i.e. if the machine resets
to ‘Ready to scan your job’ or ‘Please wait’ during a print / copy run, or a fault code occurs
which cannot easily be repeated.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Perform the following to gather additional information about the fault:
• Ask the customer if there are any specific print / copier functions that cause the fault to
occur; e.g. using the input or output module, or making reduced images.
• Enter faults mode and check the active messages and the event log. If a fault code is
raised when the failure occurs, then go to the appropriate RAP.
• Make copies and observe where the paper stops and which components are switched ON
or OFF when the failure occurs.
Fuser connector • Check if there is a repeating pattern to the failure.

Go to the relevant checkout:
CRUM connector • Customer Power Supply Checkout
• External Electrical Equipment Checkout
• Common Causes Checkout
• Connectors and Wiring Checkout
• Power Supply Checkout
Cable tie • EPROMs Checkout
• Electric Motors Checkout
• Solenoids and Clutches Checkout
Wire to vacuum transport • Switches and Sensors Checkout
fan • High Voltage Arcing Checkout
• Registration Guide Checkout
• Developer Assembly Checkout
• Xerographic Module and Corotron Checkout
Figure 1 Fuser and CRUM connector
• Electrostatic Discharge Checkout
• Paper Trays 1 to 5 Checkout
• Duplex Transport Assembly Checkout
• Output Device Checkout

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-619 OF9, OF10
Customer Power Supply Checkout • Check the continuity of the ground connections to the copy cartridge, fuser module and
input and output modules; refer to the 01A Ground Distribution RAP.
• Check that all the input and output module static eliminators are connected correctly and
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity causes death or injury.
in good condition; refer to the relevant input or output module RAP.
Power Supply Checkout
If you suspect that the customer power supply is incorrect, do not try to correct the customer
Check the power cord for continuity. Refer to the 01C AC Power RAP.
power supply. Do not reconnect the printer. Inform the customer and your manager.
• Measure the customer power supply voltage at the power outlet and check that the cus-
tomer power supply is within specification; Refer to GP 22 Electrical Power Require-
EPROMs Checkout
ments. Check that all EPROMs are installed correctly. Refer to REP 3.4 Single Board Controller and
Power Distribution PWBs.
• Check that the customer power supply does not drop below the specification when the
copier is making copies; use a digital meter and select “Peak Hold”. Refer to GP 22 Elec-
trical Power Requirements. Electric Motors Checkout
External Electrical Equipment Checkout Refer to GP 10 How to Check a Motor and perform the following:
• Disconnect each motor in turn to locate the motor that is causing the fault. When the
WARNING faulty motor has been located, install a new motor.
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity causes death or injury.
• If the fault still exists, locate the PWB that drives the motor and install a new PWB.
Solenoids and Clutches Checkout
If you suspect that the customer power supply is incorrect, do not try to correct the customer
Refer to GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch and perform the following:
power supply. Do not reconnect the machine. Inform the customer and your manager.
• Check that the components are installed correctly.
Perform the following:
• Check that there is no mechanical binding, slipping or interference.
• Ask the customer if there is any electrical equipment, which uses a large amount of cur-
rent, that is connected to the same supply circuit as the machine. • Enter the relevant output codes and check that the energizing of the components is reli-
• With the customer's assistance, check if the failure occurs when electrical equipment near able. Check if the fault is caused when the components de-energize.
to the machine is switched ON or OFF. • If it is suspected that a clutch or solenoid is faulty, install a new component as necessary.
• If possible, connect the machine to a different supply circuit from the equipment that is • If the fault still exists, locate the PWB that drives the component and install a new PWB.
causing the problem. Switches and Sensors Checkout
Common Causes Checkout Refer to GP 11 How to Check a Sensor and GP 13 How to Check a Switch and perform the fol-
Make the following checks of common causes of intermittent failures: lowing:
• Check for intermittent connections in the fuser connector assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 • Check that the components are clean and installed correctly. Ensure that the wiring to the
Item 9, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 9. components is connected correctly.
• Check for intermittent connections in the wiring to the exposure lamp, (W/TAG 150) PL • Enter the relevant input codes and check that the sensing of the components is reliable.
14.15 Item 9 or (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.25 Item 9. Check if the fault is caused when the components are actuated.
• Check that the interlock switch S01-300; PL 1.10 Item 7, is fully actuated by the front • If it is suspected that a switch or sensor is faulty, install a new component as necessary.
interlock. If the fault is eliminated when an interlock cheater is installed, check that the • If the fault still exists, locate the PWB that controls the component and install a new PWB.
interlock actuator bracket is not damaged. Install new parts as necessary. High Voltage Arcing Checkout
Connectors and Wiring Checkout Use this Checkout when there are intermittent 03-XXX failures and the suspect cause is high
Refer to REP 1.2 for details of wiring harness repair. voltage arcing.

Check the following: Refer to the 09-060 HVPS Fault RAP and complete all of the actions to check the HVPS.
• Visible signs of damage to the wiring and the ribbon cables.
• Check for pinched wires near moving parts. Registration Guide Checkout
• The DADH module harness for broken wiring and ensure that the earth terminals are • Check that the upper registration and lower registration guides are not shorted to ground.
secure. If a short to ground is found, inspect the guides and harnesses between the registration
guide and bias lead at CB terminal on the HVPS.
• For the continuity of harnesses by checking for wire breaks inside insulation. Gently pull
the relevant connector and wire while measuring continuity. • Check that there is continuity between the upper and lower registration guide. Check that
the registration bias terminal screw is tight.
• Check that all the PWB and in-line connections are good; refer to PJ Locations.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF10 2-620 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• Check that the bias contact on the registration guide is not damaged, PL 8.15 Item 23. Electrostatic Discharge Checkout
• Check that the transfer / detack corotron shield is not damaged. Install a new transfer / Perform the following:
detack corotron, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2. If the registration
• If the fault only occurs when feeding from a specific paper tray, go to Paper Trays 1 to 5
guide is damaged, install a new guide, (35-55 ppm), PL 8.15 Item 4, (65-90 ppm), PL 8.17 Checkout.
Item 4.
• If the fault only occurs when only making duplex copies, go to Duplex Transport Assembly
Developer Assembly Checkout Checkout.
• Check the harness between DB terminal on the HVPS and PJ94 on the black developer • Check that all EPROMs and the NVM are seated correctly and that the connectors are not
assembly for shorts to ground or damage. damaged. Refer to REP 3.4 Single Board Controller and Power Distribution PWBs.
• Check the ground line from PJ93 pin 10 on the developer assembly is in place and that Paper Trays 1 to 5 Checkout
the connector is installed correctly and undamaged. Confirm that there is continuity
• Check that the paper tray size detection sensors match the size of paper in the trays.
between the connector and ground.
Check that the control panel indicators display the correct size of paper.
• Inspect the developer assembly for damage and or incorrect assembly that may cause
arcing. • Check that the ground plate, PL 8.30 Item 17, has good contact with the drive shaft and
continuity with the ground. If continuity to ground is an open circuit or high resistance
• If no fault is found, install a new developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2, (65-90
change the ground plate.
ppm) PL 9.15 Item 2.
• Perform the Electrostatic Discharge Checkout.
Xerographic Module and Corotron Checkout • Refer to the appropriate RAPs to check the operations of sensors, feed components and
WARNING associated harnessing.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord – 08-101 Tray 1 Misfeed RAP
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity – 08-102 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
– 08-103, 08-113 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP
• Check the transfer / detack corotron guide and the surface of the photoreceptor for dam-
– 08-104, 08-114 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP
age and contamination that indicates that these components are colliding with each other.
Ensure that both components are installed correctly. – 08-115, 08-117 Tray 5 Misfeed RAP

• Inspect the transfer / detack corotron for correct installation. If any damage or wear is Duplex Transport Assembly Checkout
identified, install new transfer / detack corotron, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8, (40-90 ppm) PL • Check the operation of the duplex tray latch.
9.20 Item 2. • Check the earth connections on the duplex transport assembly, PL 8.20 and REP 8.20.
• Check that the charge scorotron leaf spring on the drives module for damage. Check the • Check for continuity between the upper guide and the transport drive shafts.
spring and the terminal on the xerographic module for signs of arcing.
• Check that the duplex transport is located correctly, REP 8.7 Duplex Transport.
• Disconnect the corotron harnesses one at a time from the HVPS. Make copies to deter-
mine if the fault is caused by one of these components. Install new components if the fault
Output Device Checkout
is determined and isolated. To run the machine without the output device connected, use a finisher bypass harness, PL
26.10 Item 7. If the problem is cleared, then go to the appropriate output device.
• Inspect the HVPS and its surrounding area for signs of arcing. If necessary install a new
HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 5.
• 1K LCSS. Check the following:
• Check the corotron harnesses on the HVPS for damage and short circuits to ground.
– Ground connection on the power cord, PL 11.124 Item 8.
• Check that the corotron wires are correctly tensioned and terminal blocks are clean and
– Static eliminator on bin 0 entry, PL 11.118 Item 7.
free of arcing marks.
– Static eliminator on the tamper assembly, PL 11.112 Item 5.
• Check the transfer / detack corotron is located correctly in the short paper path assembly.
Ensure that the short paper path moves freely and latches in the correct position. Refer to – Static eliminator on the bin 1 entry, PL 11.120 Item 7.
the replacement procedure in REP 10.1. – Check that all of the connectors on the 1K LCSS PWB are pushed fully home.
• Check the bias contact on the registration guide for damage, (35-55 ppm), PL 8.15 Item Ensure that all of the ground wires are connected to the frame.
23, (65-90 ppm), PL 8.17 Item 23. – Check all the harnesses for damage and short circuit to ground.
• Check that there is continuity between the upper and lower registration guide and that the • 2K LCSS. Check the following:
bias terminal screw is tight. – Ground connection on the power cord, PL 11.26.
– Static eliminator on bin 0 entry, PL 11.22 Item 7.
– Static eliminator on the tamper assembly, PL 11.16 Item 5.
– Static eliminator on the bin 1 entry, PL 11.23 Item 7.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-621 OF10
– Check that all of the connectors on the LCSS PWB are pushed fully home. Ensure OF11 Waste Toner Contamination RAP
that all of the ground wires are connect to the frame.
Use this RAP if there is excessive waste toner contamination in the machine or on the cus-
– Check all the harnesses for damage and short circuit to ground.
tomer’s floor.
NOTE: The HVF may optionally have a tri folder and inserter unit. Where fitted, these
should also be checked. Procedure
• HVF. Check the following: WARNING
– Ground connection to the power supply unit, PL 11.157 Item 1. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
– Static eliminator on BM entry. PL 11.161 Item 26.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
– Exit brush on HVF top exit, PL 11.155.
Waste toner is being deposited in the waste toner bottle.
– Static eliminator on BM exit, PL 11.168 Item 16.
– Exit brush on the Tri folder right hand frame, PL 11.190. Remove the waste toner bottle and waste toner door, REP 9.1. Place a sheet of paper in
– Ground wire on the BM compiler motor, PL 11.166 Item 4. the bottom of the aperture from where the waste toner bottle was removed, to collect
– Ground wire on the BM back stop motor, PL 11.163 Item 1. fallen toner. Enter dC330, code 09-010 photoreceptor motor. Push back the waste toner
shutter, Figure 1, to expose the auger. The auger rotates.
– Ground wires to HVF entry and exit feed motors, PL 11.150.
– Ground wires to HVF buffer reed and bypass feed motors, PL 11.150.
Install a new main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10
– Ground wire to front of HVF paddle module, PL 11.145 Item 2. Item 1.
– Ground wire to the HVF offset motor, PL 11.140 Item 19.
– Ground wire to HVF paper pusher motor, PL 11.145 Item 13. Perform the following
– Ground wire to HVF staple assembly, PL 11.140 Item 14. • Remove and examine the shutter, Figure 1. Ensure that the shutter operates cor-
rectly and allows waste toner to reach the bottle. If necessary install a new shutter,
– Check that all of the connectors on the HVF PWB, and BM PWB are pushed fully
(35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 11, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 13.
home. Ensure that all of the ground wires are connected to the frame.
• Remove the auger damper, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 13, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item
– Where the Tri Folder and the Inserter options are installed check that the PWB con-
nectors are pushed fully home. Ensure that all of the ground wires are connected to 11. Remove the xerographic module. Use a toner vacuum cleaner to remove waste
toner from the duct between the xerographic module and the waste toner bottle. Re-
the frame
install all removed components. Monitor the waste toner bottle during subsequent
– Ground wire on the inserter PWB, PL 11.179 Item 9.
customer use of the machine.
– Inserter docking PJ and connector.
Waste toner is being deposited in the waste toner bottle
– Check all the harnesses for damage and short circuit to ground. Y N
Install new components:
1. Xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
2. Main drive module, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.

Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.

Check that the waste toner bottle is undamaged and that the waste toner bottle seal, Figure 1,
is undamaged.
If necessary, install new parts:
• Waste toner bottle, PL 9.10 Item 1.
• Shutter assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 11, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 13.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF10, OF11 2-622 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF12 False Xerographic Module End of Life RAP
Use this RAP if the xerographic module has reached its end of life, 400,000 prints, prematurely.

Initial Actions
Enter dC131 location 09-063 XRU Total Count, then check the xerographic module image
Waste toner door
count. If the image count is unexpectedly high, 422,000 or greater, then the CRUM data is cor-

Waste toner bottle WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Check the following:
1. Refer to Wiring Diagram 6. Check the wiring harness at PJ144. Repair the wiring as nec-
essary, REP 1.2.
2. Check for damage to the xerographic module CRUM connector, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.10
Item 4 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 4. If necessary, install a new drives module, (35-55
ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1.
3. Check for damage to the CRUM plug on the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item
2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2. If necessary, install a new xerographic module.
4. Refer to Wiring Diagram 11. Make sure all connectors on the HVPS and PJ55 are secure.
5. Install a new HVPS, PL 1.10 Item 5.
6. If the fault remains, go to OF10 Intermittent Failure RAP and refer to the Electrostatic Dis-
charge Checkout.

Waste toner bottle seal

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-623 OF11, OF12
OF13 Convenience Stapler RAP OF14 Extensible Interface Platform RAP
To identify problems with the convenience stapler. Use this RAP when experiencing faults with the Xerox Extensible Interface Platform.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING 1. As necessary, perform the following:
Take care when measuring AC mains (line) voltage. Electricity can cause death or injury. • Reload the Machine software, GP 4, using the Altboot process. Ask the customer to
CAUTION resubmit the EIP enablement file and restore EIP settings
Incorrect voltage may damage the convenience stapler. The convenience stapler must not be • Install a new UI control PWB, PL 2.10 Item 11.
connected to the power outlet if the voltage is incorrect. • Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
NOTE: There are no serviceable components in the convenience stapler. 2. Request the customer to check their network and software.

Figure 1 shows the convenience stapler.

Check that the power lead is correctly connected to the convenience stapler PL 25.10 Item 1.
Check the AC mains (line) voltage at the customer power outlet. The voltage measured is
within the power requirements, GP 22.
If the voltages are incorrect or the wiring of the main supply is found to be defective,
inform your technical manager and the customer. Do not attempt to repair or adjust the
customer supply.
Install a new convenience stapler, PL 25.10 Item 1.

Convenience stapler

Figure 1 Component location

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF13, OF14 2-624 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
OF15 Xerox Secure Access RAP Perform the steps that follow:
• Check the connection between the Card Reader and the Secure Access Authentication
Overview Device.
Xerox Secure Access uses an external device, such as a card reader or biometric device, to
• Check which LED’s are on or blinking on the Secure Access Authentication Device. If the
authorize access to the machine. The reader then passes the information to the controller,
LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication Device are not operating, go to Secure
which handles the authentication process, including which GUI screens are displayed, accept- Access Authentication Device Failure.
ing GUI responses that defines their content and order. The controller can pass user identities
• Check for the LED’s are on or blinking on the Card Reader. If the LEDs on the Card
and passwords directly to the machine after gathering the data from an external server. All
Reader are not operating, go to Card Reader Failure.
communication is via a secure network link, Figure 1 Network Diagram.
• If customers have problems of install / setting up, or any other problems related to their
Xerox Secure Access is controlled via the CentreWare Web GUI. The active status is displayed Secure Access Administrator, they should refer to the Installation / Administration Guide
in tools within Access Control. If communications cannot be established with the Xerox Secure or contact Xerox Technical Support.
Access Server, the service may be temporarily disabled by touching the now enabled Off but- Secure Access Authentication Device Failure
ton within the Xerox Secure Access tools window. Once communication is re-established the
The primary failure modes are power problems or failed hardware components. The symptom
stored Xerox Secure Access setting are restored. of these failures can be detected by observing the LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication
Device, Figure 2.

Card reader or
biometric device Server

Client PC

Ethernet - secure link

Authentication device
Controller Down link port
Card reader
Up link port Power supply connection

Figure 1 Network Diagram

Figure 2 Authentication device

Initial Actions
WARNING Check the power to the Secure Access Authentication Device.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the • Check the power supply at the wall socket. If there is no power at the wall socket, have
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can the customer restore power and continue when confirmed.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Disconnect the power cord from the wall socket and the power supply. Check the power
Before working on the Xerox Secure Access, test the machine in the service mode to ensure cord for continuity and damage. If necessary install a new power cord.
no faults are displayed and that the machine is functioning properly. If it is not, repair any prob- Disconnect the power cord from the power supply and plug the power cord into the wall
lems before proceeding with diagnosing the Secure Access Accessory. Diagnostics can be outlet. Using a multimeter, check for line voltage at the end of the power cord discon-
entered to test copier functionality when Secure Access is installed. nected from the power supply. If there is power at the wall but not at the end of the power
cord. Install a new power cord.

February 2010 Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 2-625 OF15
• Disconnect the small power cord from the Secure Access Authentication Device. Check • If the UI on the machine is locked and no secondary PIN is required. Check that the Xerox
there is +5V at the connector that plugs into the Secure Access Authentication Device. If Secure Access is installed correctly, and ask customer to check the configuration at the
there is no +5V, install a new the power supply. server.
• There is a ‘Keyed’ switch on the end of the Secure Access Authentication Device. Obtain The Red LED on the Card Reader is On
the key from the customer. Insert the key into the ‘keyed’ switch and cycle the switch 1 • This indicates the Card Reader is in an idle state. If the red LED remains on, and the UI
quarter turn clockwise and then back to its start position. Observe the LEDs and listen for remains locked after a card is swiped, re-orient the card and re-swipe.
an audible tone. • Try a known good card in the reader. If the other card is working on the problem Card
• If the LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication Device “Uplink” and “Downlink” Ethernet Reader. Ask customer to make sure the card corresponds to a valid Secure Access
ports do not cycle on and off as the controller goes through its boot-up process, or if the Account.
audible tone is not heard. Install a new Secure Access Authentication Device.
• Try the card in a known good reader. If the card is working on a known good Card Reader,
NOTE: A new device will require the Secure Access Administrator to reconfigure the it may be a problem with the Secure Access Authentication Device. Check to see is the
server with the new MAC address of the new part. Be sure to inform the Secure Access LEDs on the Secure Access Authentication Device are on.
Administrator of the MAC address of the device being removed and the MAC address of The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Slowly
the new device • This indicates the reader is connected to the controller but the controller is not connected
to the server. Check the Ethernet green LED on the Authentication Device.
Card Reader Failure
• If the Ethernet green LED on the Authentication Device is off, make sure the connectors
The primary failure modes are power problems or failed hardware components. The symptom of the LAN connections are working properly. If the connections are working, this indi-
of these failures can be detected by observing the LED on the Card Reader. Table 1.
cates the network may not work properly. Ask customer to check with Network Adminis-
• The Green LED on the Card Reader is On
• If the Ethernet green LED on the Authentication Device is either on or flashing, contact
• The Green LED on the Card Reader Flashes Rapidly the Secure Access Administrator.
• The Red LED on the Card Reader is On The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Rapidly
• The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Slowly • This indicates a valid card but does not correspond to a valid Secure Access Account at
• The Red LED on Card Reader Flashes Rapidly the server, test with a known valid user’s card.
• The Card Reader LED’s are not On or Blinking • If all cards react the same way, this indicates the Server Configuration may not be correct.
Ask customer to check the Server Configuration.
Table 1 LED identification
• If all the card react this way, this indicates the cards are not valid. Ask customer to check
When the LED on the the Server Configuration
card reader is Meaning The Card Reader LED’s are not On or Blinking
Red The authentication device is in idle mode; there is no active • Check to see is the Secure Access is correctly installed.
session. • If there is still no LED on the Card Reader, install a new the Card Reader.
Green The authentication device is in ready mode; a session is active.
NOTE: if there is another working Card Reader available, the readers can be changed
Slow flashing red The authentication device has no connection to the server.
over to confirm failure.
Slow flashing green The authentication device is communicating to the server.
• If the Card Reader is not functioning, the web page of the machine has a setting that will
Fast flashing red Invalid card / password; access denied
enable UI keypad access. If the users know their card access number, they can use the
machine by manually entering their number. The process is as follows:
The Green LED on the Card Reader is On
1. Go to the machine web page under properties and then security and check the box
• This indicates an active Secure Access Session and the Card Read correctly corre- that says “Allow local user interface initiation”.
sponds to a valid Secure Access Account. 2. Enable the keypad and test with valid credentials. This will validate the rest of the
• If the UI on the machine is locked, check with the customer for a second PIN number for secure access function.
additional security. This PIN number will need to be entered via the soft keys on the UI.
3. Leave it in this mode until the new card reader can be installed.
• Ensure that the card corresponds to a valid Secure Access Account.
The Green LED on the Card Reader Flashes Rapidly
• This indicates a valid card swipe and in the process of authentication on the server.
• If the UI on the machine is locked, check with the customer for a second PIN number for
additional security. This PIN number will need to be entered via the soft keys on the UI.

Status Indicator RAPs February 2010

OF15 2-626 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
3 Image Quality
Image Quality RAPs
IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP ......................................................................................... 3-3
IQ2 Defects RAP ............................................................................................................. 3-11
IQ3 Xerographic RAP...................................................................................................... 3-14
IQ4 Fuser Module RAP ................................................................................................... 3-15
IQ5 Print Damage RAP ................................................................................................... 3-16
IQ6 Narrow Bands RAP .................................................................................................. 3-17
IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and Scanner RAP ............................................................. 3-18
IQ8 Skew RAP ................................................................................................................ 3-19
IQ9 Unacceptable Received Facsimile Image Quality RAP............................................ 3-20
IQ10 Image Quality Improvement RAP ........................................................................... 3-21
IQ11 Light Copies RAP ................................................................................................... 3-22
IQ12 Barber Pole Deletions / Developer Leakage RAP .................................................. 3-27
IQ13 Cockle Deletion RAP.............................................................................................. 3-30

Image Quality Specifications

IQS 1 Solid Area Density ................................................................................................ 3-31
IQS 2 Background........................................................................................................... 3-32
IQS 3 Fusing ................................................................................................................... 3-33
IQS 4 Resolution ............................................................................................................. 3-34
IQS 5 Skew ..................................................................................................................... 3-34
IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects .............................................................................................. 3-35
IQS 7 Registration........................................................................................................... 3-36
IQS 8 Magnification......................................................................................................... 3-37

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-1
Image Quality February 2010
3-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP Y N
Go to IQ9 Unacceptable Received Facsimile Image Quality RAP.
Use this RAP to determine the source of an image quality problem.
Go to IQ2 Defects RAP.
When border erase is switched off, an image defect within 5 mm of the edge of the sheet is
Exit diagnostics. Use the prints of the internal test pattern and make copies of these from the
DADH. The copies of the internal test pattern are good.
Initial Actions Y N
• Check the condition of the paper. Do not use incorrectly cut paper, damp paper, paper Go to the IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and Scanner RAP.
with rough edges, badly drilled paper, paper with wrapper wax or glue. Paper and media
should be stored flat, enclosed in wrappers, in a cool dry environment. Use the print of the internal test pattern and make three copies from the document glass. The
• Check that the paper is within specifications. GP 20. copies of the internal test pattern are good.
• Check that paper tray guides are set to the correct paper size.
Check the image quality defects. The defects on the copies are identical.
• Check the document guides on the DADH.
• Check the original documents for defects. If the documents are damaged passing through Go to the IQ2 Defects RAP.
the DADH, go to the 05F Damaged Documents RAP.
• Ensure that the image adjustment mode selections are those used by the customer. Go to the IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and Scanner RAP.
• Clean the charge and transfer / detack corotrons.
Compare the image dimensions of the internal test pattern with the prints through the DADH
and from the document glass. Refer to IQS 8 Magnification. The dimensions are within
Procedure specifications.
If necessary, refer to IQ1 Internal Test Patterns for: Y N
• A description of image quality defects. Go to ADJ 3.2 Magnification Adjustment.
• The optimum test pattern to be used to diagnose the defect.
If possible, use the customer document to make a copy from the document glass or through
• An example of all internal test patterns.
the DADH, at 100% magnification. Make another copy at a different magnification setting.
If possible, use the customer job to recreate the image quality problem. Compare the images, Figure 1. The defect is on the same part of the image.
Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Select Other Routines. Select dC606 Print Test Patterns. Select a
suitable test pattern. Select 1 Sided. Press Start Test. The printed images of the internal
Return to the start of this procedure and select a different internal test pattern to check the
test pattern are good. image quality.
Go to IQ2 Defects RAP.
There is a defect on the scanning optics. Refer to ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/O
TAG 150) or ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/TAG 150).
Check the back of the prints for toner contamination. The back of the prints are clean.
Go to IQ2 Defects RAP.

Select a suitable test pattern. Select 2 Sided. Press Start Test. The printed images of the
internal test pattern are good.
Go to IQ2 Defects RAP.

Check the prints for damage. The prints are not damaged.
Go to the IQ5 Print Damage RAP.

If a facsimile card is installed, send a test facsimile to the machine. The facsimile image
quality is good.
Compare the facsimile print with an internal test pattern print. The facsimile print and
the internal print display the same defect.

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-3 IQ1
Table 1 Image quality defects
Image quality internal test
defect Description of defect pattern
Blurred image Part or whole of the image has the appearance of being out 19, 16
of focus. Refer to IQS 4 Resolution.
Dark prints Very dark background with a visible image. 1, 19
Deletions Areas of the image missing from the print. Deletions may be 2, 5, 8, 16
in the form of white spots, marks, lines, or whole areas of
toner missing from the print.
Displaced and Distorted images, part images and missing images (scram- 5, 16, 19
fragmented bled images). Displaced images.
Light images The image is visible on the print, but with insufficient solid 11, 15
area density.
Defect in the same position
Lines Black or white lines across the process direction or in the pro- 2, 5, 8
cess direction. See also the description, displaced and frag-
mented image.
Magnification At 100% magnification the printed image differs from the size 11, 19
Figure 1 The defect location check of the image on the original document. Refer to IQS 8 Magni-
IQ1 Internal Test Patterns Marks Dark marks in the non-image areas of the print. 1, 2
Table 1 defines the image defect, gives a description of the defect and identifies the optimum Misregistration The image on the paper is Misregistration. Refer to IQS 7 16
test pattern to be used. Registration.
Narrow Bands Bands across the process direction visible in halftone areas. 8
Table 2 describes the test patterns and the purpose for which they should be used to identify Non uniformity Variation in image quality and density across the print. See 5
image quality defects. also uneven density.
Offsetting A previous image that was not removed from the fuser roll 14
Use the test patterns 1, 2, 5, 8, 14, 16 and 19 for image quality analysis. The other test patterns
during the cleaning cycle. The image is repeated at regular
are designed for the use of initial machine calibration by the manufacturer.
Table 1 Image quality defects Part images Incomplete or missing images. 5, 16, 19
and missing
Optimum images
Image quality internal test
Print damage Creases, curl, cuts, folds, wrinkles, or embossed marks are 5
defect Description of defect pattern
visible on the print.
Background Uniform darkening across all the non print areas 1 Repeat images Refer to offsetting defects and residual image defects. 14, 19
Bands Grey to dark in the light or non-image areas of the print in the 2, 5 Residual A previous image that was not removed from the photorecep- 14, 19
process direction or across the process direction. See also image tor during the cleaning cycle.
narrow bands.
Rotated image The image on the printed document has turned 90 Degrees 19
Barber pole A series of finger print deletions that form a pattern like a bar- 5 to the image printed on the original document.
deletions ber pole or auger marks. The deletions are repeated at proxi-
Skew A difference in angular alignment between image on the print 16
mately 7 cm and are approximately 30 degrees to the lead
and the original document.
edge throughout a grey or dark dusting.
Skips. Loss or stretching of the image, and compression of the 16
Beads on print Developer beads in the light or non-image areas of the print. 2, 1
image, in bands across the process direction.
Black image A print that is black or grey all over, but has no visible image 1
Smears Loss or stretching of the image, and compression of the 16
of the original document.
image, in bands across the process direction.
Blank image No visible image. 5
Smudges Darker images across the process direction. 5

Image Quality February 2010

IQ1 3-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Image quality defects Table 2 Internal test patterns
Optimum Number Description Purpose
Image quality internal test
12 Perpendicular bands. 25 mm (1 inch) Solid area reproducibility. For checking fus-
defect Description of defect pattern
on and 25 mm (1 inch) off black. Fig- ing, stripper finger marks, solid area, offset-
Spots Dark spots in the non-image areas of the print. 1, 2 ure 9. ting and cleaning.
Streaks Lines on the print, in the process direction of the non-image 2, 5 .
area. 13 Perpendicular lines 2 on 30 off. Fig- Motion quality, wobble (ROS).
Stretched and The image on the paper is stretched or distorted. 16 ure 10.
distorted 14 12cm. (4.75 inches) Lead edge black Fuser offsetting and cleaning failure. Stress
images band. Figure 11. test for stripping from the fuser.
Toner contami- Random black spots or marks 2 15 Tone reproduction curve. Step- 21 mm wide strips that run inboard to out-
nation on the wedge 106 dpi, 45 degrees. Figure board of varying area coverage. The 50%
back of prints 12. wedge is used for checking IOT darkness.
Uneven den- Variation in image density across the print. See also non uni- 5 16 Quadrille 4 on 60 off. Figure 13. Used to check for deletions, skew and skips.
sity formity. 17 Ladder chart. Figure 14. Registration and skew.
Unfused prints The toner image on the finished print is not fused to the print 14 18 Manufacturing, tone reproduction 10 mm wide strips that run inboard to out-
medium. curve. 10 mm strips (235 lines), board of alternating area coverage. Used in
alternating area coverage, 50%, manufacturing for automated measurements.
25%, 75%, 0%, 100% repeating
(right to left) with a 3 mm white bor-
Table 2 Internal test patterns der. Figure 15.
Number Description Purpose 19 Field test pattern. Uniformity areas, Registration, resolution, uniformity, streaks
registration marks and resolutions and bands
1 Blank sheet, Figure 2. 0% area coverage. Background defects targets. Figure 16.
spots, scratches.
2 75 dpi, 0 degrees 25% area cover- Light density uniformity, deletions, lines,
age halftone. Figure 3. bands, streaks and photoreceptor defects.
3 106 dpi, 45 degrees, 25% area cov- Light density uniformity, deletions, lines,
erage halftone. Figure 3. bands and streaks.
4 212 dpi, 45 degrees, 25% area cov- Reserved for engineering investigations.
erage halftone. Figure 3. Stress test pattern. Will not be defect free.
5 106 dpi, 45 degrees, 50% area cov- Uniformity, fuser defects, lines, bands,
erage halftone. Figure 4. streaks and smears. Barber Pole deletions.
6 212 dpi, 45 degrees, 50% halftone. Reserved for engineering investigations.
Figure 4. Stress test pattern. Will not be defect free.
7 424 dpi, 45 degrees, 50% halftone. Reserved for engineering investigations.
Figure 4. Stress test pattern. Will not be defect free.
8 Perpendicular lines 2 on 2 off. Figure Motion quality. ROS, developer, registration
5. transport, fuser and intermediate gear trains.
9 Perpendicular lines 8 on 56 off. Fig- Reserved for engineering investigations.
ure 7. Stress test pattern. Will not be defect free.
10 Parallel lines 8 on 56 off. Figure 6. Lines that run LE to TE.
11 Combined grey scales. Figure 8. This test pattern is for engineering develop-
ment and used in the light copies RAP.

Figure 2 Test pattern 1.

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-5 IQ1
Figure 3 Test patterns 2, 3 and 4 Figure 5 Test pattern 8

Figure 4 Test patterns 5, 6 and 7 Figure 6 Test pattern 9

Image Quality February 2010

IQ1 3-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 7 Test pattern 10

Figure 8 Test pattern 11

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-7 IQ1
Figure 9 Test pattern 12 Figure 11 Test pattern 14

Figure 10 Test pattern 13 Figure 12 Test pattern 15

Image Quality February 2010

IQ1 3-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 13 Test pattern 16

Figure 14 Test pattern 17

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-9 IQ1
Figure 15 Test pattern 18 Figure 16 Test pattern 19

Image Quality February 2010

IQ1 3-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ2 Defects RAP – Insert a door cheat and make a copy. At the same time use a flashlight and illumi-
nate the photoreceptor between the developer and the xerographic module. Check
Use this RAP to resolve image quality defects.
the following:

When border erase is switched off, an image defect within 5 mm of the edge of the sheet is If the copy is completely blank, go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
acceptable. If the copy has a dark band go to the 06-340 ROS Laser Failure RAP.
If the blank images are additional output. Go to the OF8 Multifeed RAP
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. – Check the developer drives:
1. Remove the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL
Initial Actions 9.20 Item 2.
Check the error log for the following codes: 09-310, 09-390, 09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363. If 2. Make a visible bald patch on the developer roll by moving the developer brush.
any of the codes are displayed, go to the 09-310, 09-390 Low Toner Sensor Failure RAP or the 3. Re-install the xerographic module.
09-360, 09-361, 09-362, 09-363 Toner Concentration Sensor RAP.
4. Enter dC330 code 04-010 main motor MOT04-010. Run MOT04-010 for
approximately 5 seconds.
Procedure 5. Remove the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL
Refer to the appropriate image quality failure and perform the appropriate action. 9.20 Item 2.
• Background. Refer to the IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects and IQS 2 Background. Go to the 6. Check for the visible bald patch on the developer roll. If the patch is still visible,
IQ3 Xerographic RAP. check the drives to the developer, GP 7.
• Bands. Go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP. – If 09-060 faults are in the fault history log, go to the 09-060 HVPS Faults RAP.
White bands on a grey or dark dusting. Check for developer leakage, refer to Developer • Blurred image. Check that the documents are flat on the document glass. Use a new
Assembly Checkout. ream of paper. Check the transfer and detack corotrons wires are secure and taut. If nec-
• Barber pole deletions. A series of finger print deletions that form a pattern like a barber essary install the following:
pole or auger marks. The deletions are repeated at proximately 7 cm and are approxi- – A new transfer / detack corotron, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
mately 30 degrees to the lead edge throughout a grey or dark dusting. Go to IQ12 Barber Item 2.
Pole Deletions RAP. – A new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
• Beads on print. Clean the following: • Dark prints. Go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
– Developer beads hanging from the developer roll and the lower lip, Figure 1. • Deletions. Check the following:
– The developer roll area, above and in the recesses below the roll, Figure 1. – If the deletions are on the duplex side of a print or copy, go the IQ5 Print Damage
– The halo guide and the registration guide, Figure 1. RAP. Also refer to the white lines defect.
– The drive roll assembly, PL 8.15 Item 9 and under the registration roll cover, PL 8.15 – Intermittent (1 in 50 to 1 in 400 copies) irregularly-shaped deletions positioned near
Item 5. Refer to Figure 1. the centre of the leading edge, and on either side of the print. This type of deletion is
– The duplex paper path (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 or (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20. known as Cockle deletion, refer to IQ13 Cockle Deletion RAP.
– The base pan of the machine. – If the deletions are small spots, this can be caused by beads on the image. Refer to
Go to IQ3 Xerographic RAP and complete the Xerographic Module and Short Paper Path the beads on print defect.
Checkout and the Developer Assembly Checkout. – Go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
• Black band. Copies have black band 1 inch wide from top of the copy. At start print the • Displaced and fragmented image. Check the following:
scan carriage assembly moves to the right, start to scan and then pulsates for an inch. – If the machine is lower than 750 metres (2461 feet) above sea level, go to the IQ3
Check the connections on the scanner PWB. Install a new scanner PWB, (W/O TAG 150) Xerographic RAP.
PL 14.20 Item 1 or (W/TAG 150) PL 14.10 Item 1.
– If the machine is higher than 750 metres (2461 feet) above sea level, check the
• Black image. Check the following conditions: transfer / detack assembly for arcing. If necessary go to dC131 NVM Read / Write
– If both the print and the copy are completely black, go to the 06-350 ROS Laser Not location 09-098 Altitude. Check the value is correct.
Under Control RAP. – Refer to IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and Scanner RAP. Perform the IQ7 Scanner
– If only the print is good, but the copy is black, go to the 14-703 to 14-706, 712, 714, Checkout.
716, 718 Failure To Calibrate Entry RAP and perform the Exposure Lamp Check. – Refer to OF10 Intermittent Failure RAP and perform the Electrostatic Discharge
– For other black images, go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP. Checkout.
• Blank image. Perform the following:

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-11 IQ2
• Grey images. Dark grey images too dark or light images too light. Go to ADJ 9.2 Image 4. If the top edge registration is variable after a dC604 Registration Setup. Check that
Quality Adjustment Routine as an initial action. If ADJ 9.2 fails to solve the problem, go to the ROS securing screw is tight, refer to REP 6.1 ROS.
ADJ 9.5 Optimize Dark and Light Grey Image. 5. For any other registration problem, refer to dC604 Registration Setup.
• Light images. Go to the IQ11 light images RAP. • Narrow bands. Go to IQ6 Narrow Bands RAP
• Lines. Perform the following: • Non uniformity. Perform the following:
– If there are dark lines in the process direction that are continuous from edge to edge – Go to IQ3 Xerographic RAP and complete the ROS Checkout.
of the image, install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90
– Print internal test pattern 12. If the print has a non uniform density defect, install a
ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.
– White lines or deletions in the process direction that are continuous from edge to
– Go to and complete the Developer Assembly Checkout
edge of the image. Check the following:
• Offsetting. A toner image that adheres to the fuser roll or output rolls and transfers to
Contamination of the scorotron. Refer to IQ3 Xerographic RAP another area of the print. The repeat intervals for a fuser roll defects are at 110mm for all
Damage to the fuser roll. Refer to IQ4 Fuser Module RAP speeds.
Spots or marks on the CVT glass. Refer to IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and The repeat intervals for the pressure roll are 110 mm for 35-55 ppm and 126 mm for 65-
Scanner RAP 90 ppm machine due to the different size of the pressure roll.
– White lines in the process direction that are continuous from edge to edge of the Perform the following:
image can be caused by ROS contamination. Perform the following:
– Check that the fuser roll is cleaned and lubricated by the fuser web. Go to IQ4 Fuser
1. Print test pattern 5. Module RAP
2. Remove the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-90 ppm) PL – Check the fuser web motor, refer to the 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP
9.20 Item 2. • Part images and missing images. Go to 05C Document Size Sensor Failure RAP.
3. Remove the ROS securing screw, refer to REP 6.1 ROS. • Print damage. Go to the IQ5 Print Damage RAP.
4. Push the ROS to the rear of the machine. • Repeat image defects. Perform the following:
NOTE: The ROS will move back approximately 12 mm (0.5 inch). – If the distance between repeated defects in the process direction on A3
(11X17inches) printed images is 264 mm, install a new xerographic module, (35
5. Install the xerographic module.
ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
6. Print test pattern 5.
– If the repeated distance between defects is 110 mm (35-55ppm) or 126mm (65-
7. Check the printed test patterns. If the line has moved, perform ADJ 6.1 ROS 90ppm), go to the IQ4 Fuser Module RAP.
Window Cleaning Procedure and if necessary, ADJ 6.2 ROS Cleaning Proce- – If there other defects that are repeated in sequential images, install a new xero-
graphic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
8. Return the ROS to the correct location. Install the ROS securing screw.
• Residual image. Perform the following:
– If the problem persists, go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
– If the repeated residual image on A3 (11X17 inches) paper is 264 mm, install a new
• Magnification. Refer to IQS 8 Magnification. Go to ADJ 3.2 Magnification Adjustment. xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
• Marks and Spots. Perform the following: – If the problem persists, go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP
– Check the original documents for spot and marks. • Rotated image. Go to the 14A Scanning Document Size Entry RAP.
– Refer to the IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects. Go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP. • Scrambled image. Perform the following:
• Misregistration. Perform the following: – Check the connections on the ROS data cable, PJ113 on the single board controller
1. Go to dC131a NVM tables and refer to the chain 8 table and check that the buckle PWB and PJ122 on the ROS, PL 3.24 Item 15. Refer to Wiring Diagram 12.
settings are set to default for 08-152, 08-169, 08-170, 08-171 and 08-172. Increase – Check for a loose or missing bias connection to the halo guide, PL 8.15 Item 23. A
the values in increments of 10 until the problem is resolved. bad connection can cause arcing and show on the print as a scrambled image.
2. Open the front door, install a cheat in the front door interlock. Run the copies and • Skew. Refer to the IQS 5 Skew and the IQ8 Skew RAP.
observe the jam clearance knob 4b on the front of the registration roll. The knob
• Skips. Skips are associated with a variation in the relative scan speed of the projected
must turn / stop while making copies. If the knob turns continuously and does not
image and the rotation speed of the photoreceptor.
stop, install a new registration clutch, PL 8.15 Item 7 (35-55 ppm), PL 8.17 Item 7
(65-90 ppm). Refer to the IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects. Go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP

3. If the registration is variable after a developer spillage over the registration transport, • Smears. Smears are associated with a variation in the rotation speed of the photorecep-
tor or speed of the paper.
install a new registration clutch, PL 8.15 Item 7.
Refer to the IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects. Go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP

Image Quality February 2010

IQ2 3-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• Smudges. They are caused by the unfused image being disturbed. Go to the IQ3 Xero-
graphic RAP.
• Streaks. The result of disturbance either before or after image transfer. Go to the IQ3 Developer roll area
Xerographic RAP.
• Stretched and distorted images. Perform the following:
– If the defect is present on Fax, Scan to E-mail or Scan to File, send the job at a
higher resolution. Select fine or super fine resolution.
Developer roll and lower lip
– Check for the paper stalling or catching as it passes under the xerographic drum.
– Check for wear or damage on the transport rolls.
– Check the document feed, refer to IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and Scanner RAP. Magnetic developer seal
Perform the DADH checkout. brush
• Toner contamination on the back of prints. Perform the following:
– Clean the lower bias guide, PL 8.15 Item 22 and the registration nip assembly, PL
8.15 Item 5. Halo guide
– Clean the transfer / detack corotron, Figure 1.
– If the transfer / detack corotron was contaminated with toner, perform ADJ 9.3 Mag-
netic Developer Seal Brush Adjustment.
– Clean the short paper path assembly, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 3 or (40-90 ppm) PL Transfer / Detack
9.20 Item 3.
– If the problem persists go to the IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
• Uneven Density. Perform the following:
– If the uneven density occurs at 20 mm (0.75 inches) intervals in a band along the
lead edge of the paper, perform the following:
Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Enter dC131. Refer to chain 9 NVM xerographic set-
ting values 09-015 and 09-018. Ensure the values are set to default.
Refer to IQS 1 Solid Area Density, to check for the correct density.
Registration roll
Install a new transfer/detack corotron, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8 or (40-90 ppm) cover
PL 9.20 Item 2.
If the NVM values are increased, paper stripping faults can occur. The faults can
include damage to the lead edge of the paper, paper jams, stripper finger contamina-
tion and marks on copies.
If the uneven density is still present, enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Enter dC131.
Refer to chain 9 NVM xerographic setting values 09-015 and 09-018. Increase
both values in increments of 5 to a maximum of 150.
– Check that the developer assembly has been correctly installed, REP 9.2.
– ADJ 6.1 ROS Window Cleaning Procedure.
– ADJ 6.2 ROS Cleaning Procedure. Figure 1 Component location
– If problem persists go to IQ3 Xerographic RAP.
• Unfused prints. Refer to the IQS 3 Fusing and IQ4 Fuser Module RAP.

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-13 IQ2
IQ3 Xerographic RAP • Check that the surface of the photoreceptor is not chipped, scored or scratched. The
damage can be caused by the covers on the end blocks of the transfer / detack. Check
Use this RAP to determine the cause of the image quality problem.
that the covers are locked in position. Check that the halo guide is not in contact with the
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. drum.
If the photoreceptor is damaged, install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item
Initial Actions 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
Perform the following checks and if necessary, install new components:
• Check that there is continuity between the halo guide and the registration guide, Figure 1.
• Check that the photoreceptor fan is working. If the fan is working, air will be drawn into the Raise and lower the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1, several times to ensure
air intake. If necessary refer to the 09C Photoreceptor Fan RAP and the OF6 Ozone and that the continuity is consistent. If the continuity is inconsistent, examine the registration
Air Systems RAP. and halo guide bias contact for deformation, PL 8.15 Item 23. Figure 1.
• (65-90 ppm) Check that the duplex cooling fans are working, refer to the OF6 Ozone and • If the transfer / detack corotron, Figure 1, is contaminated with toner. Perform the Devel-
Air Systems RAP. oper Assembly Checkout.
• Check that the relative humidity sensor is working. Go to the 09-365 Relative Humidity
• Raise and lower the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1, to ensure that the trans-
Sensor Failure RAP. fer / detack corotron is parallel to the photoreceptor. Check that the movement of raising
• Perform ADJ 9.4 Xerographics Cleaning. the short paper path assembly is smooth, REP 10.1.
• Check the registration / developer bias harness connection, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 6
• Check the waste toner system, refer to OF11 Waste Toner Contamination RAP.
or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 6. Figure 1.
• Check that the corotron lead connections to the HVPS are secure, PL 1.10 Item 5. If nec- Developer Assembly Checkout
essary, refer to 09-060 HVPS Faults RAP. • Operate the xerographic module latch, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 7 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
• Check for loose ground connections. Go to the 01A Ground Distribution RAP. Item 7. Check the operation of the latch mechanism. Check the operation of the devel-
Make prints. If the image quality defect is still present perform the procedure. oper paddle, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 14 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 14.
• Check that the developer assembly moves freely and rests against the xerographic mod-
Procedure ule, refer to REP 9.2 Developer Assembly.
WARNING • Check the magnetic developer brush seal for a uniform profile. Refer to ADJ 9.3 Devel-
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the oper Magnetic Seal Brush Adjustment.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can • If the transfer / detack corotron, Figure 1, is contaminated with toner, perform ADJ 9.3
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Magnetic Developer Seal Brush Adjustment.
WARNING • Install a new developer module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item
Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other 2.
than those specified in this manual, may result in an exposure to invisible laser radia- After a new developer module has been installed, check the image quality. Print internal
tion. During servicing, the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at test pattern 2 and 5, run 25 of each. If there is an image quality problem, install a new
directly. xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
The following components can cause image quality defects. Perform the checks: Fuser Module Checkout
• Xerographic Module and Short Paper Path Checkout
• Check the fuser rolls and stripper fingers for toner and developer contamination. If con-
• Developer Assembly Checkout tamination is present, go to the IQ4 Fuser Module RAP.
• Fuser Module Checkout
ROS Checkout
• ROS Checkout
• Perform ADJ 6.1 ROS Window Cleaning Procedure.
• Scanner Checkout
• Perform ADJ 6.2 ROS Cleaning Procedure.
Xerographic Module and Short Paper Path Checkout
• Check there are no obstructions between the ROS and the photoreceptor window.
• Check the xerographic module stripper fingers for wear, damage and contamination. If
necessary install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL • Check the connection PJ122, Wiring Diagram 12 and the ROS power distribution / com-
9.20 Item 2. munication harness, PL 6.10 Item 5, from the ROS to the single board controller PWB.
• Check that all the connections to the single board controller PWB are good, GP 7.
NOTE: When a new xerographic module is installed then the transfer / detack corotron.
• Check that the ROS securing screw is tight, refer to REP 6.1 ROS.
must be changed at the same time.
Scanner Checkout
• Hold the xerographic module and view the rear end. Check the toner reclaim drive cou-
Check the exposure lamp (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.25 Item 9 or (W/TAG 150) PL 14.15 Item 9.
pling is free to rotate in a clockwise direction. If the black drive coupling does not rotate
freely, install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
Item 2.

Image Quality February 2010

IQ3 3-14 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ4 Fuser Module RAP
Use this RAP for fuser module related problems.

Developer roll and lower lip Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Perform the following:
• Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Enter dC131. Refer to chain 10 NVM fuser setting values; 10-
Magnetic developer seal 028; 10-029; 10-059. Check the NVM values. If the NVM values are increased, fusing
brush performance is improved, but contamination can occur. If the NVM values are decreased,
fusing performance is reduced.
• Poor fusing can be caused by alternative quality paper and heavily embossed envelopes,
Halo guide GP 20. If the customer is using alternative quality paper, select the card stock setting on
the GUI. Adjusting 10-059 only changes the fuser temperature when card stock is
selected. Some 200 gsm papers do not fuse correctly.
– Check that the customer is using tray 1 and tray 2 for alternative quality paper or
heavy weight paper.
Registration roll
area – Refer to IQS 3 Fusing.
• Check the following for wear and contamination:
– Stripper fingers. If possible remove the contamination. If the stripper fingers are
damaged or worn, install a new fuser stripper fingers, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 4 or
Transfer corotron (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 4.
– Fuser rolls. If the fuser rolls are damaged or worn, install a new fuser module, (35-55
ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.

NOTE: Do not change the fuser module, because of the appearance of wrinkles on
the pressure roll. This is normal for the pressure roll, caused by the conductive
Registration guide sleeve that stretches as the silicon rubber base of the roll expands. The pressure
rolls are more wrinkled due to the higher run temperatures on the 65-90 ppm

– Fuser web. If this is heavily contaminated or shows no sign of advancement, go to

the 10A Fuser Web Motor RAP.
Detack corotron

Registration / developer bias

harness connection. Registration and halo guide bias contact.

Figure 1 Component location

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-15 IQ3, IQ4
IQ5 Print Damage RAP – If the paper displays wrinkles due to excessive buckle in the duplex or registration
transport, perform ADJ 8.2 Buckle Timing.
Use this RAP when the prints have nicks, tears, creases, folds, curled edges or wrinkles.
• If the output device suffers from poor stacking, perform the following as necessary:
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. – Check that the output device is not positioned near an air conditioning or ventilation
output duct. Air flow across the output bins can cause poor stacking.
Procedure – 11K-110 2K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP.
Enter Diagnostics, GP 1. Enter dC606. Select the internal test pattern 14. Make prints to iden- – 11J-120 1K LCSS Poor Stacking RAP.
tify where the prints are damaged. – 11G-171 HVF BM Poor Stacking RAP.
• Remove the output device, then connect a finisher bypass harness, PL 26.10 Item 7.
Check the paper supply for the following: Check the paper path through the inverter assembly, PL 10.11 Item 23.
• Curled paper in the paper trays, go to Curl Measurement. If the paper has excessive curl after passing through the inverter, install TAG 046 (35-
– If the paper in trays 1 and 2 has excessive curl install TAG 001 and TAG 002 Tray 1 55ppm) or TAG 047 (65-90 ppm) Inverter Decurler Kit. For machines W/TAG 046 or W/
and tray 2 Lip kit. TAG 047 perform ADJ 10.1 Inverter Decurler Adjustment.
– In high humidity environments, If there is excessive curl on paper in trays 3 and 4 If the paper path and the duplex path are good, check that the paper and other media used, is
install TAG 111 HCF Heater kit. of the correct weight and size, GP 20.
Check the paper path, Figure 2 for the following:
• Obstructions. Curl Measurement
• Damaged guides and rolls, GP 7. Pay particular attention to the areas that align with the Make five singled sided prints. Refer to Figure 1. If the curl on the print exceeds 13mm (0.5
damage on the prints. For example, fuser stripper fingers. inch), perform the following checks:
• The edges of the paper path for protruding objects. • Check the paper storage and wrapping.
• Ensure that the paper feed does not skew the paper, go to the appropriate procedure: • Turnover the paper stack in the paper tray.
– 08-101 Tray 1 Misfeed RAP • Use paper from a new ream.
– 08-102 Tray 2 Misfeed RAP • Go to the IQ4 fuser Module RAP.
– 08-103, 08-113 Tray 3 Misfeed RAP
– 08-104, 08-114 Tray 4 Misfeed RAP
– 08-115, 08-117 Tray 5 Misfeed RAP
• Check that the paper strips from the xerographic module and enters the fuser nip cor-
rectly. If necessary, perform the following: Place the print on a flat surface. Measure the curl within 5 seconds.
– If the paper does not correctly strip from the xerographic module, ensure that all the
HT leads on the HVPS PWB are correctly connected, refer to REP 1.1.
– If the paper is contacting the upper fuser roll before entering the fuser roll nip, check
that the short paper path is correctly latched and the transfer/ detack corotron, (35
ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2, is correctly positioned, ADJ 9.1
Corotron Cleaning.
• Check that the fuser roll stripper fingers are clean.
• If the prints are creased or wrinkled after the fuser module, then install a new fuser mod-
ule, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
• Ensure that paper path sensor actuators move freely, GP 7.
• If the paper is corrugated after passing through the fuser module, install a new tri-roll shaft Maximum allowable curl for any paper size in any direction: 13mm (0.5inch)
assembly, PL 10.12 Item 8.
• If the paper is curled after passing through the fuser module, go to Curl Measurement.
• Check the inverter for damage or wear, GP 7.
• If the paper has dog ear on the inboard corner, install TAG 005 Rear gravity gate mylar kit. Figure 1 Curl height measurement
• Check the duplex and registration transport assemblies for damage or wear and ensure
the jam clearance latch is located correctly.

Image Quality February 2010

IQ5 3-16 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ6 Narrow Bands RAP
Use this RAP to determine the cause of narrow bands.

Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Check the pitch of the bands. The bands have a regular pitch.
Bands that are irregular are caused by worn gears in the following areas. Examine the
gears, the shafts and the bearings, GP 7.
• Registration transport gears; PL 8.15 Item 17, PL 8.15 Item 18 and PL 8.15 Item 19.
• Registration transport drive pulley, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 14 or (65-90 ppm) PL
Tray 1 4.12 Item 15.
• Main drive belts; (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 9 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 9 and PL
Tray 2 4.12 Item 18.
• Developer drive gear, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 15 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 17.
• Fuser drive gear, (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17 Item 10 or (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12 Item 10.
• Developer assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15.
• Short paper path gears, PL 10.25 Item 3 and PL 10.25 Item 5.
Tray 5 Tray 3
Tray 4 • Install new components as necessary.

The ROS makes the narrow bands that are only visible on half tones prints.
• Machine speed of 35-55 ppm, the pitch is 9.8 bands to 1cm (25 bands to 1 inch).
• Machine speed of 65-90 ppm, the pitch is 10 bands to 1 cm (25 bands to 1 inch).
To resolve banding caused by motion wobble of the ROS, install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.

Figure 2 Paper path

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-17 IQ5, IQ6
IQ7 DADH, Document Glass and Scanner RAP • Check the position of the document pad, ADJ 5.6 DADH Document Pad.
• Check that the white AGC strips on the document glass and the CVT glass are at the front
Use this RAP to identify failures caused by the DADH, document glass and the scanner.
and underside of the glass.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. Scanner Checkout (W/O TAG 150)
Perform the following:
Procedure • If the copy of the internal test is fragmented and displaced, check the following:
Perform the following: – The ribbon cable from the CCD PWB to the to the scanner PWB. Refer to Wiring
• DADH Checkout Diagram 15.
• Document Glass Checkout – The harness connections from the CCD PWB to the single board controller PWB.
• Scanner Checkout (W/O TAG 150) Refer to Wiring Diagram 15.
• Scanner Checkout (W/TAG 150) – If fragmented and displaced images appear in a regular pattern across process
direction, remove and re-seat all memory modules, PL 3.24 Item 12.
DADH Checkout
– If necessary, go to 03-330A, 03-462A Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner
Perform the following:
Faults RAP (W/O TAG 150).
• Clean the underside of the DADH area around the CVT roll, PL 5.25.
• Raise the DADH. Make a copy from the document glass. If the exposure lamp does not
• Clean the top surface of the CVT glass and the document glass. Refer to ADJ 14.1 Optics illuminate, go to the 14D Exposure Lamp Failure RAP.
Cleaning Procedure (W/O TAG 150) or ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/TAG
• Check the mirrors and exposure lamp for contamination, refer to ADJ 14.1 Optics Clean-
150). ing Procedure (W/O TAG 150).
• If the documents are skewed. Check that the document input guides are correctly
Scanner Checkout (W/TAG 150)
• Check that the DADH is seated correctly, perform the ADJ 5.2 DADH Height Adjustment. Perform the following:
• Make copies from the DADH and the document glass. If the copies from the DADH are • If the copy of the internal test is fragmented and displaced, check the following:
lighter or darker than those from the document glass, perform the following: – The ribbon cables from the CCD PWB to the scanner PWB. Refer to Wiring Diagram
– Go to dC131 NVM Read / Write location 15-007 CVT scanning image gain. The
default value is 3. If the value is increased copies made from the DADH will be – The harness connections from the scanner PWB to the scanner daughter PWB.
darker. If the value is decreased, copies made from the DADH will be lighter. Refer to Wiring Diagram 16 and Wiring Diagram 19.
• Make copies from the DADH. If the copies have a background problem, perform the fol- – Reseat the scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item 20.
lowing: – If fragmented and displaced images appear in a regular pattern across process
– Check the DADH height, Refer to ADJ 5.2 DADH Height Adjustment. direction, remove and re-seat all memory modules, PL 3.24 Item 12.
– Check the registration. Refer to dC604 Registration Setup. – If necessary, go to 03-330B, 03-462B Single Board Controller PWB to Scanner
Faults RAP (W/TAG 150).
– Copying thick documents can leave the DADH raised above the document glass.
• Raise the DADH. Make a copy from the document glass. If the exposure lamp does not
Raise and lower the DADH five times. If the DADH is still raised, install new counter-
illuminate, go to the 14-703B to 14-706B, 712B, 714B, 718B Failure To Calibrate RAP (W/
balance, PL 5.10 Item 2 and PL 5.10 Item 4.
TAG 150) and perform the Exposure Lamp Check.
• Make copies from the DADH. If the copies are stretched or smudged, perform the follow-
ing: • Check the mirrors and exposure lamp for contamination. Refer to ADJ 14.2 Optics Clean-
ing Procedure (W/TAG 150).
– Lower the height of the DADH by half a turn of the setting screws, refer to ADJ 5.2
DADH Height Adjustment. Make copies from the DADH after each adjustment. If the
fault persists, re-adjust the height of the DADH as necessary.
– If the fault persists after the height of the DADH has been adjusted, install a new
DADH baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5. Re-adjust the height of the DADH to the
default setting, refer to ADJ 5.2 DADH Height Adjustment.
Document Glass Checkout
Perform the following:
• Clean the top surface of the CVT glass and the document glass. Refer to ADJ 14.1 Optics
Cleaning Procedure (W/O TAG 150) or ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/TAG

Image Quality February 2010

IQ7 3-18 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ8 Skew RAP • Check the feed rolls and transport rolls for wear. Install new parts as necessary.
• Check that there is no variation in the size or weight of the sheets of paper in each tray.
Use this RAP to determine the source of skew.
• Check that the paper weight and type is within the specification. Refer to GP 20 Paper
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP. and Media Size Specifications.
Initial Actions • Check that the paper size guides are set correctly.
• Perform the misregistration procedure in the IQ2 Defects RAP. • Check the separator strips on the paper tray for wear. Refer to OF8 Multifeed RAP.
• Check that the bypass tray width guides are set correctly.
• Check the bypass tray pre-reg nip rolls. If necessary, install a skew bypass tray spares kit,
Enter dC606. Use the internal test pattern 16 and select 1 Sided. Make 5 prints. Check the PL 7.30 Item 29.
prints for skew, IQS 5 Skew. The prints are skewed.
• Open the left hand door and check for wear on the ribs, Figure 2. If necessary install a
new bypass tray and left hand door assembly, PL 7.30 Item 1.
Use the internal test pattern 16 and select 2 Sided. Make 5 prints. Check the prints for
skew, IQS 5 Skew. The prints are skewed. • Check that the interlock cover is not loose, PL 7.30 Item 23. If necessary bias the cover to
Y N the right and tighten the two screws.
Use a print of the internal test pattern 16 as a master and make 5 copies from the • Check the paper paths for obstructions. Refer to IQ5 Print Damage RAP.
document glass. Check the copies for skew. The copies are skewed. • Check the registration clutch. Refer to 08-150, 08-151 Registration Jam Entry RAP.
Y N • Check that the locking foot of the registration transport is correctly located in the base
frame, REP 8.4.
Use a print of the internal test pattern 16 as a master and make 5 copies fed
through the DADH, Figure 1. Check the copies for skew. The copies are
Y N Document path
No skew is present. Re-define the image quality defect. Refer to IQ1
Image Quality Entry RAP.

The skew is originating in the DADH. Go to ADJ 5.3 DADH Skew Adjustment.

There is a skew problem originating in the scanner. Complete a visual check of the
• The mirrors are not loose and are held securely in place.
• The scan carriage is not damaged and moves freely.
• The scan cables are wrapped around their drive pulleys, refer to REP 14.10
Scan Idler Pulleys.
• If necessary, install a new scanner, (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.20 Item 1 or (W/TAG
150) PL 14.10 Item 1.

The skew occurs in the duplex paper path.

• Check the nip and drive rolls in the inverter assembly, PL 10.12 and PL 10.14.
• Check the drive and idler rolls in the duplex transport, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 7 or
(65-90 ppm) PL 8.20 Item 7.
Document width guides
• Install new components as necessary.

Using the prints made from dC606, check the prints for distortion by measuring between the CVT glass
lines produced. The lines are parallel to each other.
Install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.

Make five prints from each tray and the bypass tray to identify the source of skew. Figure 1 Document path through the DADH
• Check the feed rolls and guides for contamination.

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-19 IQ8
IQ9 Unacceptable Received Facsimile Image Quality RAP
Use this RAP to identify the causes of poor reception.
Ensure IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP is performed before starting this RAP.

Initial Actions
NOTE: Refer to the Fax NVM Document for the fax NVM values.

Verify the following:

• This problem occurs only when receiving transmissions.
• This problem occurs on all receiving transmissions.
• Check the Facsimile Options Settings. Check the NVM location 20-254 Fax Country set-
ting is correct.

The condition of the original transmission document is good.
Generate a new document from the original.

If possible, establish voice contact using the same telecommunication link as used to receive
the document. The line is free of interference sounds and the normal voice can be heard
Perform the following:
• (W/O TAG X-001) Go 20H Embedded Fax PWB Voltage Checkout.
• (W/TAG X-001) Check the machine ground connections, refer to the 01A Ground
Distribution RAP. If the machine ground connections are good, request that the cus-
tomer has the power outlet socket checked.

Receive the document at a slower receive speed. Set the NVM location 20-289 Line 1 = 11 and
location 20-290 Line 2 = 11. The image quality is acceptable.
The telecommunication links and harnesses are connected properly and there is
no visible damage.
Check for wear on the ribs
Correct the connections. If necessary install new line cable and connectors.

Verify the operation of the machine and the communication link by transmitting between
machines over a known good link. All received documents have an acceptable image
Figure 2 Left hand door quality.
Install a new embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.

Perform the following:

• (W/O TAG X-001) Go 20H Embedded Fax PWB Voltage Checkout.
• (W/TAG X-001) Check the machine ground connections, refer to the 01A Ground
Distribution RAP. If the machine ground connections are good, request that the cus-
tomer has the power outlet socket checked.

Inform the remote user of the required changes to the settings.

Image Quality February 2010

IQ8, IQ9 3-20 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ10 Image Quality Improvement RAP • Image Quality.
2. Change the settings as required.
Use this RAP if the customer is not satisfied with the image quality.
NOTE: If the Text or the Halftone Photo option are selected then the Sharpness and Con-
The image quality can be altered by changing the image quality defaults. This will optimize the trast slider are greyed out. The Text option is the same as High Contrast 2. The Halftone
image quality to the unique requirements of the customer. Photo is the same as Low Contrast 1.

A combination of changes may give the best result. It is recommended to change the image Save the image quality options to be used as the default setting.
quality options and then perform ADJ 9.5 Optimize the Dark and Light Grey Image. The alter- Select End Defaults and Exit Tools.
native would be to change the image quality options. 3. Run different jobs to confirm that the changes made have not caused other image quality
Initial Actions 4. If the image quality still does not meet the requirements of the customer, go to ADJ 9.5
• Perform IQ3 Xerographics RAP before starting this procedure Optimize the Dark and Light Grey Image.
• Make a copy of the customer document that shows the defect and keep as a reference. 5. Record the new values in the machine log book.
• Ensure that the customer image quality requirements are understood. 6. Perform NVM Save and Restore, GP 5.
• Perform ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine. If the image quality routine does not
correct the image quality defect. Enter dC131 and reset location 09-321 and 09-322 to the
default value and continue with the procedure.

Make a copy of the customers document with different image quality setups until the image
quality has been improved. Use different combinations of the image quality options that are
available. Set the image quality setting, as the default.

Refer to the image adjustments options that follow.

• Normal. Standard setting for most originals.
• Text. Use for originals containing text or line art.
• Halftone Photo. Use for high quality lithographic images or continues tone photo with
text and / or graphics.
• Photo. Use for continuous tone photographs.
• Lighter / Darken. One to seven levels can be selected by using the slider.
• Background Suppression. Select Off or On (default).
• Sharpness. One to seven levels can be selected by using the slider
• Contrast. One to seven levels can be selected by using the slider
• Screen. This option is preset On with Normal, Text and Halftone Photo Original Type
options. Set to Special or Auto (default)
– Special Enhances continuous tone photographs or high quality frequency halftone
images. Use to create smoother, less grainy output, but risk of blotchy copy quality
– Auto. Eliminates the risk of blotches or small areas that have different texture or pat-
tern appearance than surrounding area. This may produce a grainier picture than if
Special is used.

1. Login to Customer Administrator Tools, GP 24. In the Tools Pathway, select:

• Feature Defaults.
• Set Copy Defaults.

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-21 IQ10
IQ11 Light Copies RAP
Use this RAP when the machine is making light copies.
Perform IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP before starting this RAP.
1 Text areas 3.0 and 3.3 should
Initial Actions be clearly visible
• Examine the fault log and troubleshoot any current 06-XXX, 09-XXX, 10-XXX or 14-XXX
• Clean the platen and CVT glass. Refer to ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/O TAG
3 The 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4 squares
150) or ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/TAG 150). should be darker than in the origi-
• Ensure the white patch on the CVT glass is to the front of the machine and is facing down- nal document
• Remove and inspect the xerographic module. If the drum is discolored or hazy, install a
new module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2. Check the opera-
tion of the photoreceptor and ozone fans, refer to OF6 Ozone and Air Systems RAP. 2 The 4.1 line pairs should be
• Clean the charge corotron, ADJ 9.4. clearly visible
• Clean the transfer/detack corotron, ADJ 9.1.
• Clean the erase lamp, ADJ 9.4.
• Clean the ROS window, ADJ 6.1.
4 The bulls eye targets should be
• With the xerographic module in the machine, remove the fuser module. Reach under the clearly reproduced
bottom back end of the short paper path, PL 10.25, push it upwards to ensure it is posi-
tioned against the bottom frame of the xerographic module. If the short paper path will not
latch properly, inspect it for damage and if necessary, install a new short paper path mod- 1 Text area 3.4 should be clearly
ule, PL 10.25 Item 1, REP 10.1. visible
• Check that there is toner in the toner cartridge.
• Check that the machine is level. If the machine is not level, the developer can leak from
the developer module, causing light images.
Figure 1 Copy of test pattern 82E2010 / 82E2020
• Print internal test print 5, dC606 and check for barber pole deletions. Refer to IQ12 Barber
Pole Deletions / Developer Leakage RAP.
• Remove the developer unit and check that the magnetic roll can be turned using normal
Do not set the charge grid voltage outside the minimum or maximum values
force. If it is too difficult or too easy to turn, or if developer spills out, install a new devel-
oper module, and toner dispenser module, PL 9.15, PL 9.17, items 1 and 2. 3. If the copy does not meet the above specification, alter the charge grid voltages. Enter
diagnostics dC131, location 09-003 and decrease the value by 25. Refer to Table 1.
• If a new developer module and toner dispenser were installed as directed in the previous
bullet point, check that the waste toner auger is operating. Refer to the OF11 Waste Toner
Contamination RAP.

This procedure is written in two parts. Go to the relevant part.
Part 1 is to be performed on newly installed machines that have not had any new parts or NVM
values changed.
Part 2 is to be performed on machines that have had parts or NVM values changed or when
performing part 1 does not satisfy the customer’s requirements.
Part 1
1. Make one platen copy of test pattern 82E2010 (A4), or 82E2020 (8.5 x 11 inches).
2. Refer to Figure 1. Evaluate the copy at each numbered area as shown in the figure.

Image Quality February 2010

IQ11 3-22 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The effect of altering the charge grid voltage is best monitored by observing the Remove the xerographic module. Remove the developer module REP 9.2. Clear the developer
4.1 line pair, the 3.4 text area and the bull’s-eye targets on this test pattern. Decreasing from the developer roll by rotating the drive gear. Re-install the developer and xerographic
the charge grid voltage darkens the grey scale. Increasing the charge grid voltage light- modules. Enter dC330, code 04-010 main motor MOT04-010. Run MOT04-010 for approxi-
ens the grey scale. To save new NVM values, exit diagnostics correctly and ensure the mately 5 seconds. Remove the xerographic module and inspect the developer roll. The devel-
machine reboots. oper roll has developer on its surface.
Table 1 Charge grid NVM location 09-003 values Check the drives to the developer, GP 7. If no problem is found, install a new developer
paddle, PL 9.20 Item 14. If necessary, install a new developer module, (35-55 ppm) PL
Speed Min/Max Values Default Value
9.17 Item 2 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 2.
35 ppm 370/470 420
45/55 ppm 380/480 430 If applicable, save the customer auditron, using the PWS Auditron Save and Restore tool.
65/75/90 ppm 370/470 420 Perform dC132, All Copier NVM initialisation. This sets the machine NVM to default. Make one
DADH and one platen copy of test pattern 82E2010/82E2020. Then run one each of Internal
Test Patterns 11, and 15, dC606. Compare these copies and prints to Figure 1, Figure 4 and
4. Save the new NVM value then exit diagnostics via call closeout. Use the copier reboot
Figure 5. The copies fail to meet the specification.
option. Evaluate another platen copy of test pattern 82E2010/82E2020. If necessary, Y N
lower the value in NVM location 09-003 by decrements of 10 until the copy meets the
The copies are good. Perform Final Actions within this procedure.
5. If the copy still fails to meet the specification after decreasing the charge grid value by a Check dC131 NVM location 09-069. If the value is between 805 and 1200, do not perform the
total of 50, go to Part 2 of this procedure. following action, but continue with this procedure. If the value is not between 805 and 1200,
6. If the copy meets the specification, record the 09-003 NVM value in the machine log book. perform the following action:
Save a copy of the test pattern 82E2010/2020 in the log book. Save the NVM, GP 5. • Change the value to 1000. Save the new NVM value and exit diagnostics using the call
Part 2 closeout and the machine reboot option. Run 200 copies of internal test print 12 to stabi-
Perform this part of the procedure on machines that have had new parts or have had NVM val- lise the machine. Copy and evaluate test pattern 82E2010/82E2020 and print and evalu-
ues changed. Also, perform this part of the procedure when copies have failed to meet the ate internal test patterns 11 and 15. Refer to Figure 1, Figure 4 and Figure 5. If the copies
specification in Part 1. and prints now meet the specification, perform Final Actions. If the copies and prints still
Make the following copies and prints. With normal copy quality settings, make one DADH and fail to meet the specification, continue with this procedure.
one platen copy of test pattern 82E2010 (A4), or 82E2020 (8.5x11 inches). Then run one each Produce a solid black print. Refer to the Solid Black Print Routine. Evaluate the print as follows:
of Internal Test Patterns 11, and 15, dC606. Mark these “START” and save them for reference. Use the density reference chart 82P520 or 82E8230. Compare the solid black area of the print,
Figure 1, Figure 4 and Figure 5 show examples of these. with the 1.3 -1.5 reference patches of the chart, Figure 3. If using 82P520, the solid black print
Enter diagnostics dC131. Refer to Table 2. Enter the appropriate NVM values dependant on should be darker than the 1.4 reference, but lighter than the 1.5 reference. If using 82E8230,
machine speed. In the table NC = No Change. the solid black print should be as dark or darker than the 1.3, but lighter than the 1.5. The
solid black is good and not grey or mottled.
Table 2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine Values Y N
Check that the toner dispenser is working. Open the bypass tray and remove the upper
Speed DC131 NVM locations for IQA routine
left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3. Refer to Wiring Diagram 10. Monitor the voltage on the
3-400 3-401 3-402 3-403 3-404 3-405 3-406 red wire on pin 8 of PJ93 while printing 20 copies of test pattern 82E2010/82E2020. This
35 ppm 136 13 NC NC NC NC NC is the output of the toner concentration sensor. The voltage should be between +1.5V and
45/55 ppm 136 13 2500 1500 0 0 135000 +2.8V. The voltage is correct.
65/75/90 136 13 NC NC NC NC NC Y N
If the voltage is consistently above +2.8V, the toner dispenser is not operating cor-
rectly. Install a new toner dispenser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 1 or (65-90
ppm) PL 9.15 Item 1.
Save the new NVM value and exit diagnostics using the call closeout and the machine reboot If the voltage is below +1.5V, install a new developer module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17
option. Item 2 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 2.
Perform the Image Quality Adjustment Routine, ADJ 9.2.
Make one DADH and one platen copy of test pattern 82E2010/82E2020. Then run one each of Enter diagnostics dC131, location 09-069. Increase the value by 200, or to the maximum
Internal Test Patterns 11, and 15, dC606. Compare these copies and prints to Figure 1, Figure value of 1200 if an increase of 200 is not available.
4 and Figure 5. The copies fail to meet the specification. Save the new NVM value and exit diagnostics using the call closeout and the machine
Y N reboot option.
The copies are good. Perform Final Actions.


February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-23 IQ11
Run 200 copies of internal test pattern 12, then produce a solid black print using the Solid Table 3 Laser light level NVM location 06-001 values
Black Print Routine. Check the solid black area of the print using the density reference
Speed Min/Max Values Default Value
chart, Figure 3, as checked previously. The print is solid black and meets the specifi-
cation. 65/75/90 ppm 1500/3200 2400
Install a new developer module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 4. When the specifications in the above three steps are met, the ROS is functioning cor-
Item 2. rectly.
Final Actions
The solid black reproduction is good.
• Record all changes in the log book for future reference. Perform an NVM Save, GP 5 then
SCP 6 Final Actions. Make one DADH and one platen copy of 82E2020/2010. Run one
Perform the ROS Check, then return and continue with this procedure.
copy each of internal test patterns 11, and 15, dC606. Mark these “FINISH” and write the
Produce one DADH and one platen copy of 82E2020/2010. Evaluate the copies as shown in
Figure 1. The copies fail to meet the specification. new NVM values on these prints and copies. Save these documents in the machine for
future reference.
The copies are good. Perform Final Actions. • Run sample customer documents. If necessary, use the image quality options (sharp-
ness/contrast/lighter/darker) on the UI to customize the look of the customer's copies as
Enter diagnostics dC131, refer to Table 2 and enter the appropriate NVM values dependant on detailed in IQ10.
machine speed. • Run dC604 Registration Setup Routine.
Perform the Image Quality Adjustment Routine, ADJ 9.2. • Restore the customer’s auditron data, using the PWS Auditron Save and Restore Tool.
Perform Final Actions.
• Record any image quality options selected onto the customer copy, and save in the
machine for future reference.
Solid Black Print Routine
Unscrew the head of an AA Mini-Mag Lite, tool number 600T01824. Ensure fresh batteries are
installed. With the light lit, place the Mini-Mag Lite in the slot on the top side of the xerographics
module, with the back of the Mini-Mag Lite to the rear of the module, Figure 2. Run one copy.
Remove the Mini-Mag Lite to prevent light shock on the drum.

On the copy, the area of the drum that was blocked by the Mini-Mag Lite should be white. The
area of the drum illuminated by the Mini-Mag Lite should be solid black.

ROS Check
Print one internal test print 15, dC606. Evaluate the print, refer to Figure 4:

Do not set the laser tight levels outside the minimum or maximum values
1. The two darkest bands, 7 and 8, should be solid black and almost or completely indistin-
guishable from each other. If bands 7 and 8 are not solid black, refer to Table 3. Enter
diagnostics dC131, location 06-001. Raise or lower the value by 250. Raising the value
darkens the print density and merges the darker bands. Lowering the value lightens the
print density and separates the darker bands. If this part of the specification cannot be
met, clean the ROS, ADJ 6.2. If necessary, install a new ROS, PL 6.10 Item 4.
2. Bands 1 to 6 inclusive should all be distinct from each other.
3. Band 1 may be white or light grey. If any of these bands merge, the single board controller
PWB is defective. Install a new single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.

Table 3 Laser light level NVM location 06-001 values

Speed Min/Max Values Default Value
35 ppm 3000/4471 3471
45/55 ppm 1500/3050 2250

Image Quality February 2010

IQ11 3-24 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

AA Mini Mag Lite

Xerographics module

Figure 2 Xerographics module with AA Mini Mag-lite Figure 3 Density reference chart 82P520/82E8230

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-25 IQ11
Bands 7 and 8 should merge
or nearly merge, and should
be evenly black

Bands 1 to 6 should all be

Bands 1 can be white or
light grey

These three areas

should be grey. They
should not be white.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Figure 4 Internal test print 15

Figure 5 Internal test print 11

Image Quality February 2010

IQ11 3-26 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQ12 Barber Pole Deletions / Developer Leakage RAP • If there has been a developer spillage into the base pan of the machine, check the devel-
oper module latching. The developer module locates onto two locating pins at the front of
Use this RAP to cure barber pole deletions and developer leakage problems.
the machine and two locating pins on the rear wall of the machine. Refer to Figure 3 and
Figure 4. Ensure the locating pins are clean and perpendicular, (at 90 degrees), to the
Initial Actions machine rear frame.
• Check that the machine is level. If the machine is not level, developer can leak from the • Check for, and remove any excess material round the locating holes on the developer
developer module. module. If necessary, apply some plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8 around the locating
• Clean the charge scorotron, ADJ 9.4. holes to ensure smooth operation. If the developer module still will not latch properly,
• Clean the transfer/detack corotron, ADJ 9.1. install a new developer paddle, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 14 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 14.
• (35 ppm) Ensure the scorotron cleaning tool is fully pushed to the back of the xerograph- • If a large amount of developer material has been lost, discard the remaining developer
ics module. and install a full developer charge, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 27 or (35-55) PL 9.17 Item
25. Reset the HFSI developer counter, GP 17.
• Check and clean the erase lamp, ADJ 9.4.
• If there is still developer leakage, install a new xerographics module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22
• Check that the high voltage connections and the PJs on the HVPS are correctly and
Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2. At the same time, install a new developer module,
securely seated. Refer to 09-060 HVPS Fault RAP.
(35-55) PL 9.17 Item 2 or (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15 Item 2.
• If the customer copies books, instruct them in the use of the Bound Original feature on the
Procedure Image Adjustment screen. Also, instruct the customer to use the scorotron cleaning tool,
Print the internal test pattern 5, dC606. If the barber pole deletions are present, they appear as three times every day.
shown in Figure 1.
These deletions appear when 0.5kg (1.1 lbs) or more of the developer is lost from the devel-
oper module. This represents half of the developer charge. The causes of loss of developer
• A damaged, (scored or scratched), drum. The drum can be scratched by a mis-adjusted
or bent detack / transfer corotron.
• A contaminated charge corotron can create an electrostatic ‘hot spot’ on the drum. Con-
tamination can be caused by excessive book copying without having selected the Bound
Original feature on the image adjustment screen.
• The machine is not level. A 2 degree tilt, front to rear, causes developer to leak out from
the overflow tube in the rear of the developer module, into the waste bottle.
• The spacing between the developer module and the Xerographics module is incorrect. In
this case, developer spills out at the magnetic brush into the base pan of the machine.
• A defective developer module. If the magnet separates from the magnetic roll, developer
may spill out of the developer module, along the length of the magnetic roll. Worn devel-
oper bearings can allow developer to leak out the housing at the inboard and outboard
Remove the xerographics module and examine the drum surface for chips, scores and
scratches. It is important to note that the drum is usually scored at the inboard or outboard end,
in the non-image area. Scores in these areas are as serious as in the image area. The drum
surface is good.
Install a new xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90) PL 9.20 Item 2. Dis-
card the remaining developer and install a full developer charge, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15
Item 27 or (35-55) PL 9.17 Item 25.

Perform the following:

• Remove the upper left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3. Run the machine and check for
approximately -350V on the single red wire at the high voltage connection to the devel-
oper module. Wiring Diagram 11. If necessary, go to 09-060 HVPS Fault RAP.
• Ensure there is a good fit between the trickle door at the rear of the developer module and
the trickle tube. Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3.

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-27 IQ12
Trickle tube

Figure 2 Developer trickle tube

Figure 1 Example of barber pole deletions

Image Quality February 2010

IQ12 3-28 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Front locating Rear locating
pins pins
Locating hole Trickle door Locating hole


Figure 3 Developer trickle door and rear locating holes Figure 4 Developer module locating pins

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-29 IQ12
IQ13 Cockle Deletion RAP Y N
Install a new duplex transport assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm) PL
Use this RAP to cure intermittent cockle deletion on buckled/rippled copies.
8.20 Item 1.

Initial Actions Remove the registration transport assembly, REP 8.4, then inspect the assembly for damage,
• Perform the IQ1 Image entry RAP before starting this RAP. GP 7. The registration transport assembly is in good condition.
Procedure Replace the registration transport assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 8.15 Item 1 or (65-90 ppm)
PL 8.17 Item 1.
Print internal test pattern number 16, dC606. Run 20 off 1 and 2 sided copies of test pattern
number 16, and then check the copies for cockle deletions. If cockle deletions are present they
Print internal test pattern number 16, dC606. Run 20 off 1 and 2 sided copies of test pattern
appear as shown in Figure 1.
number 16, and then check the copies for cockle deletions. The copies are good.
Perform ADJ 8.2 Simplex and Duplex Buckle Timing.

Lead edge of test pat- Record all changes in the log book for future reference. Perform SCP 6 Final Actions.
tern 16

Typical areas of image


Figure 1 Cockle deletions

These deletions appear when the paper is buckled in the duplex transport and registration
transport assemblies. The effect of the buckling forms a permanent ripple in each sheet of
paper which leads poor image transfer. The known causes of paper buckle are:
• Worn/damaged components within the duplex transport assembly.
• worn/damaged components within the registration transport assembly
Remove the duplex transport assembly, REP 8.7, then inspect the assembly for damage, GP
7. The duplex transport assembly is in good condition.

Image Quality February 2010

IQ13 3-30 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQS 1 Solid Area Density
Test patterns: 82E2000 (A3 and 11X17) 82E2010 (A4) 82E2020 (8.5X11) and the solid area
density scale, 82E8230 (SIR 542.00) for reference.

Compare the copies of one of the above 82E series test patterns, Figure 1, made from the doc-
ument glass, with the solid area density scale, 82E8230 (SIR 542.00). The density of the 2.1;
2.3; and 2.5 areas must be as dark or darker than the 1.3 reference, but less than 1.5. The 3.0,
3.3 and 3.4 text areas should all be visible. The 4.1 line pair should be visible. The 2.0, 2.2 and
2.4 squares should be darker than the original document. The bullseye targets should be
clearly reproduced.

Compare a print of the internal test pattern 12, Figure 2, with the solid area density scale,
82E8230 (SIR 542.00). The density of the solid areas must be as dark or darker than the 1.3
reference, but less than 1.5.

Corrective action
If the solid area density specification is not met, then go to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP. SIR 542.00


Figure 1 Test patterns

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-31 IQS 1
IQS 2 Background
Test patterns: 82E2000 (A3 and 11X17) 82E2010 (A4) 82E2020 (8.5X11) and visual scale,
82P448 for reference.

Compare the copies of one of the above 82E series test patterns, Figure 1, made from the doc-
ument glass, with the visual scale, 82P448. The background of the copies must not be darker
than the reference area B.

Compare a print of the internal test pattern 1, Figure 2, with the visual scale, 82P448. The
background of the print must not be darker than the reference area B.

Corrective Action
If the background specification is not met, then go to the IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.

Figure 2 Internal test pattern 12

SIR 494.00


Figure 1 Test pattern

Image Quality February 2010

IQS 1, IQS 2 3-32 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQS 3 Fusing
Test Patterns: 82E2000 (A3 and 11X17) 82E2010 (A4) 82E2020 (8.5X11).

Make 5 copies of the test pattern, Figure 1. Check the fusing by folding one of the copies
through the center of a solid area. Use a finger to apply medium pressure along the fold to
crease the paper. Unfold the copy. Use a finger to lightly rub the area of the fold and adjacent

Any break should measure less than 1 mm (1/32 inch) across the line of a fold. Any area
rubbed with a cloth should not smudge or the image lift off the surface of the paper. When
checking the fusing on heavy weight paper (200 gsm), rub the image with a finger. Images
fused on the smooth side have a greater resistance to rubbing than images fused on the rough
side. Do not attempt to fold heavy weight paper, as this breaks the fibres.

Figure 2 Internal test pattern 1

Rub these area with a finger.

Fold the print across these solid areas

Figure 1 Test pattern

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-33 IQS 2, IQS 3
IQS 4 Resolution IQS 5 Skew
Documents Documents
Test patterns: 82E2000 (A3 and 11X17) 82E2010 (A4) 82E2020 (8.5X11). Test patterns: 82E2000 (A3 and 11X17) 82E2010 (A4) 82E2020 (8.5X11).

Specification Specification
Make copies of a test pattern. from the document glass. Examine the targets of the second Refer to Table 1, Skew measurement.
copy to determine the overall resolution of the copy. The lines identified by the letter H, Figure
1, should be clearly reproduced at 100% Table 1 Skew measurement
Source of paper DADH Document glass Printer
Corrective action
All trays lead edge registration 3mm (1/8 inch) 1.3mm (1/16 inch) 1mm (1/32 inch)
If the resolution specification is not met, refer to IQ1 Image Quality entry RAP.
Bypass tray 3mm (1/8 inch) 1.3mm (1/16 inch) 1mm (1/32 inch)
Duplex 3mm 1.3mm (1/16 inch) 1mm (1/32 inch)

Skew measurement
The amount of skew is determined by the difference, “A” from “B” Figure 1, measured from the
datum line to the lead edge of the print or copy. The distance between area “A” and area “B” is
250mm (10 inches). Use internal test prints 16 or 17 to check printer skew.

Corrective Action
Refer to IQ1 Image Quality Entry RAP.

Figure 1 Test pattern

Image Quality February 2010

IQS 4, IQS 5 3-34 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects
The printer should produce prints free of defects. Any defects not explicitly covered by this
Measure from this datum line to the edge
specification should be considered as a fault.
of the print.

Show through
No show through of the underside of the document handler should be visible when using Xerox
Area A 80gsm (20lb) or heavier paper as an input document. The check is made with the document
handler closed and in normal copy / print mode. Some show through might occur using 60gsm
(15lbs) paper as documents.

Oil on copies or prints

No oil should be evident on any print when viewed normally. Oil should not be visible on any
transparency when viewed using an overhead projector. It should be possible to mark fused
transparencies with a spirit based marker pen.

Dark spots
Dark spots are toner deposits in the background area of a copy / print. The specification for the
number spots and the size of the allowable spot size shown in Table 1. The specification is for
the total image area; document glass and CVT glass; and the whole of the imaged area on the
photoreceptor. To assess for dark spots use the internal test pattern number 1.

Table 1 Dark spots

Maximum number of spots per photoreceptor
circumference, 264 mm (10.4 ins) X width across process
Spot diameter direction
0.4 mm. and larger (1/64 0
No more than 2 sheets with more than 3 spots per 25x25mm
square (per square inch)
Area B

White spots
White spots are areas visible on a half tone or solid area where the toner has failed to be
Measure from this datum line to the deposited. The specification for the number and size of allowable spots is shown in Table 2.
edge of the print. The specification is for the whole of the imaged area on the photoreceptor. To assess for white
spots use the internal test pattern 5.

Table 2 White spots

Maximum number of spots per photoreceptor
Figure 1 Skew measurement circumference, 264 mm (10.4 ins) X width across
Spot diameter process direction
0.4mm. and larger (1/64 inch) 0
No more than 2 spots in any 25x25mm area (1 square inch)

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-35 IQS 5, IQS 6
Skips and smears IQS 7 Registration
Skips and smears are image disturbances that are assessed using the ladder scale, A. Use
one of the test patterns, 82E2000 (A3 and 11X17) 82E2010 (A4) 82E2020 (8.5X11). Refer to Documents
Table 3 to assess image disturbances. Test patterns: 82E2010 (A4), 82E2020 (8.5 X 11)

Table 3 Skips and smears Specifications

Maximum number Refer to Table 1.
Magnification ratio% disturbances Test area of document
Table 1 Registration measurement
All magnification None Ladder scale A. 3 line pairs
Source of paper DADH Document glass reference only
Paper wrinkle
All trays, bypass tray and 2.3 mm (3/32 inch) 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) 1.6 mm (1/16 inch)
Paper wrinkles which result in the loss of information are unacceptable at any level. In any
duplex lead edge registration
mode, copy / prints containing wrinkles or creases which do not result in the loss of information
may occur less frequently than 1 in 500 consecutive copies / prints in that mode. This is appli- All trays, bypass tray and 3 mm (1/8 inch) 2.1 mm (3/32 inch) 1.6 mm (1/16 inch)
cable to all base line papers; to simplex and duplex prints, provided the paper is stored inside duplex top edge registration
the printer and that the printer is operated within the environmental specification.
Registration measurement
Hole Punch Performance Use the areas A and B on the test pattern, Figure 1, to measure the displacement of the lead
The hole punch unit makes a set of holes near the trail edge of single copies or prints. The edge on the image. Use the area C, Figure 1, to measure the top edge displacement. The dis-
dimension between the holes are set by the hole punch. The position of the holes from the trail placement measured at A and B should be equal.
edge is controlled by the software that uses timing information from the punch sensor. The
specification for the hole positions in the top to bottom direction is +/-2 mm, with A4 / 80 gsm NOTE: If a difference between measurements at A and B of a DADH copy are greater than 3
(8.5x11, 75 gsm) simplex, from a single tray in a nominal environment. For all paper sizes, mm, refer to IQS 5 Skew.
weights, trays and environments, the specification is +/-3 mm.
NOTE: If a difference between measurements at A and B of a document glass copy are
greater than 1.3 mm, refer to IQS 5 Skew.

Corrective Action
Refer to ADJ 3.1 Registration Setup.

Image Quality February 2010

IQS 6, IQS 7 3-36 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IQS 8 Magnification
Area C
Top edge Documents
Use the internal test pattern generated in dC604 Registration Setup.

Refer to Table 1.
Area A
Table 1 Specifications
Source of image In process direction Across process direction
Printer (In ambient conditions equal to and less than 0.4% equal to and less than 0.4%
using 80gsm/20lb A4/letter
Printer (In hot/wet or cool/dry equal to and less than 0.5% equal to and less than 0.5%
conditions using other papers)
Document glass less than + 0.7% to -0.7% less than + 0.7% to -0.7%
DADH less than + 1% to -0.5% less than + 0.7% to -0.7%

Magnification measurement
Make copies of the registration test pattern from the document glass and through the DADH.
Fold the printed images across Zone A to Zone C and from Zone B to Zone D. Lay the folded
printed images over the unfolded test pattern. Compare the dimensions, Figure 1.

Corrective action
Refer to ADJ 3.2 Magnification Adjustment.

Area B

Figure 1 Registration measurement

February 2010 Image Quality

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 3-37 IQS 7, IQS 8
NOTE: There are no across process direction adjustments.

Figure 1 Magnification check

Image Quality February 2010

IQS 8 3-38 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
4 Repairs/Adjustments
REPs 1 - Standby Power REP 5.14 Feed Roll Assembly ........................................................................................ 4-68
REP 1.1 Power and Control Assembly ........................................................................... 4-5 REP 5.15 Duplex Gate, CVT Roll and CVT Motor, Drive Belt......................................... 4-69
REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.................................................................................... 4-9 REP 5.16 Document Width Sensor ................................................................................. 4-71
REP 1.3 Molex SL Connectors ....................................................................................... 4-9 REP 5.17 Input Tray Static Eliminator............................................................................. 4-72
REP 1.4 Male Hirose DF1B Connectors ......................................................................... 4-11 REP 5.18 Exit Roll Idler................................................................................................... 4-73
REP 1.5 AMP EI Connectors .......................................................................................... 4-13 REP 5.19 DADH Removal............................................................................................... 4-75
REP 1.6 Hirose DF11 Connectors .................................................................................. 4-16 REP 5.20 Mylar Guide Strip ............................................................................................ 4-76
REP 1.7 AMP CT Connectors......................................................................................... 4-16
REP 1.8 Door Interlock Switch........................................................................................ 4-18
REPs 6 - ROS
REP 6.1 ROS .................................................................................................................. 4-77
REP 1.9 LVPS and Base Module.................................................................................... 4-19
REP 1.10 HVPS .............................................................................................................. 4-20 REPs 7 - Paper Supply
REP 1.11 Molex Mini-Fit Junior Connectors ................................................................... 4-22 REP 7.1 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Removal .............................................................................. 4-79
REPs 2 - User Interface REP 7.2 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Removal .............................................................................. 4-79
REP 7.3 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Elevator Motor ..................................................................... 4-81
REP 2.1 User Interface Assembly................................................................................... 4-25
REP 2.2 User Interface Touch Screen PWB................................................................... 4-26 REP 7.4 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Elevator Cables ................................................................... 4-82
REP 7.5 Bypass Tray and Left Hand Door Assembly ..................................................... 4-84
REP 2.3 User Interface Control PWB ............................................................................. 4-27
REP 7.6 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Guides....................................................................... 4-85
REP 2.4 User Interface Touch Screen............................................................................ 4-28
REP 7.7 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Stack Height Sensor............................................................ 4-86
REPs 3 - Machine Run Control REP 7.8 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Stack Limiter........................................................................ 4-87
REP 3.1 IOT PWB........................................................................................................... 4-29 REP 7.9 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Home Switch ....................................................................... 4-88
REP 3.2 Hard Disk Drive................................................................................................. 4-30 REP 7.10 HCF Control PWB........................................................................................... 4-89
REP 3.3 Software Module............................................................................................... 4-32 REP 7.11 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Elevator Damper and Gears.............................................. 4-90
REP 3.4 Single Board Controller and Power Distribution PWBs .................................... 4-33 REP 7.12 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Size Cams............................................................... 4-91
REP 7.13 Tray 5 Empty Sensor ...................................................................................... 4-92
REPs 4 - Main Drives REP 7.14 Tray 5 Stack Height Sensor ............................................................................ 4-94
REP 4.1 Main Drive Module (35-55 ppm) ....................................................................... 4-37 REP 7.15 Tray 5 Down Sensor ....................................................................................... 4-95
REP 4.2 Main Drive PWB (35-55 ppm)........................................................................... 4-42 REP 7.16 Tray 5 Elevator Motor Assembly..................................................................... 4-95
REP 4.3 Main Drive Belt, Drive Gears and Idlers (35-55 ppm) ....................................... 4-43 REP 7.17 Tray 5 Upper Limit Switch............................................................................... 4-97
REP 4.4 Photoreceptor Drive Gear................................................................................. 4-44 REP 7.18 Tray 5 Down Limit Switch ............................................................................... 4-98
REP 4.5 Main Drive Module (65-90 ppm) ....................................................................... 4-45 REP 7.19 Un-docking and Docking Tray 5...................................................................... 4-99
REP 4.6 Main Drive PWB (65-90 ppm)........................................................................... 4-49 REP 7.20 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Lift Gear Assembly ............................................................ 4-101
REP 4.7 Main Drive Belts, Drive Gears and Idlers (65-90 ppm) ..................................... 4-51
REPs 8 - Paper Transport
REPs 5 - DADH REP 8.1 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Feed Assembly ......................................................... 4-103
REP 5.1 Top Cover Assembly ........................................................................................ 4-53 REP 8.2 Tray 3 Paper Feed Assembly ........................................................................... 4-103
REP 5.2 Top Access Cover Assembly ............................................................................ 4-54 REP 8.3 Tray 4 Paper Feed Assembly ........................................................................... 4-105
REP 5.3 Feed Assembly ................................................................................................. 4-55 REP 8.4 Registration Transport ...................................................................................... 4-106
REP 5.4 Input Tray Assembly ......................................................................................... 4-56 REP 8.5 Registration Clutch............................................................................................ 4-109
REP 5.5 Baffle Assembly ................................................................................................ 4-57 REP 8.6 Registration Sensor and Wait Sensor (35-55ppm) ........................................... 4-111
REP 5.6 Takeaway Roll Assembly.................................................................................. 4-59 REP 8.7 Duplex Transport .............................................................................................. 4-111
REP 5.7 Duplex Solenoid................................................................................................ 4-60 REP 8.8 Duplex Motor and Drive Belts ........................................................................... 4-112
REP 5.8 Takeaway and CVT Sensor.............................................................................. 4-61 REP 8.9 Bypass Tray Feed Solenoid.............................................................................. 4-113
REP 5.9 Length Detect Sensors ..................................................................................... 4-62 REP 8.10 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Transport Motor ................................................................. 4-113
REP 5.10 Registration Sensor ........................................................................................ 4-63 REP 8.11 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Transport Drive Gear......................................................... 4-114
REP 5.11 Exit Sensor ..................................................................................................... 4-64 REP 8.12 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Transport Drive Belt........................................................... 4-116
REP 5.12 DADH Counterbalance ................................................................................... 4-66 REP 8.13 Tray 3 Transport Assembly............................................................................. 4-117
REP 5.13 Exit Roll Assembly .......................................................................................... 4-67 REP 8.14 Tray 3 Feed Sensor Actuator.......................................................................... 4-118

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-1
REP 8.15 Registration Sensor (65-90 ppm).................................................................... 4-118 REP 10.15 Intermediate Drive Belt ................................................................................. 4-189
REP 8.16 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Transport Rolls and Bearings ............................................ 4-121 REP 10.16 Fuser Exit Switch .......................................................................................... 4-191
REP 8.17 Wait Sensor (65-90ppm)................................................................................. 4-122 REP 10.17 IOT Exit Sensor............................................................................................. 4-193
REP 8.18 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Transport Roll Drives Motor .............................................. 4-124 REP 10.18 Inverter Output Guide Assembly................................................................... 4-195
REP 8.19 Bypass Tray Feed Head ................................................................................. 4-125 REP 10.19 Tri-Roll Nip Split Solenoid ............................................................................. 4-197
REP 8.20 Bypass Tray Drive Gear ................................................................................. 4-128 REP 10.20 Inverter Sensor ............................................................................................. 4-198
REP 8.21 Bypass Tray Feed Roll ................................................................................... 4-129
REP 8.22 Bypass Tray Retard Pad................................................................................. 4-130 REPs 11-110 - 2K LCSS
REP 8.23 Bypass Tray Empty Sensor ............................................................................ 4-131 REP 11.1-110 2K LCSS Covers...................................................................................... 4-199
REP 8.24 Tray 1 or Tray 2 Feed Sensor......................................................................... 4-131 REP 11.2-110 Input Drive Belt and Paper Entry Transport Motor................................... 4-200
REP 8.25 Tray 5 Feed Sensor ........................................................................................ 4-134 REP 11.3-110 Intermediate Paper Drive Belt.................................................................. 4-201
REP 8.26 Drive Roll Assembly........................................................................................ 4-135 REP 11.4-110 Paper Output Drive Belt and Paper Transport Exit Motor........................ 4-202
REP 8.27 Registration Transport Drive Belt.................................................................... 4-137 REP 11.5-110 Bin 1 Drive Belts ...................................................................................... 4-203
REP 8.28 Tray 3 Feed Sensor ........................................................................................ 4-137 REP 11.6-110 Tamper Assembly.................................................................................... 4-206
REP 8.29 Tray 3 Takeaway Roll Assembly .................................................................... 4-138 REP 11.7-110 Hole Punch Unit, Motor and Sensors ...................................................... 4-207
REP 8.30 Tray 3 Transport Roll Assembly ..................................................................... 4-140 REP 11.8-110 Stapler Traverse Assembly...................................................................... 4-209
REP 8.31 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Transport Roll.................................................................... 4-142 REP 11.9-110 Staple Head Unit...................................................................................... 4-210
REP 8.32 Duplex Sensor ................................................................................................ 4-144 REP 11.10-110 Ejector Assembly Sensors..................................................................... 4-211
REP 8.33 Tray 5 Transport Drive Belt............................................................................. 4-146 REP 11.11-110 Bin 1 Level Sensors............................................................................... 4-213
REP 8.34 Tray 5 Feed Rolls ........................................................................................... 4-147 REP 11.12-110 Paddle Wheel Shaft Assembly .............................................................. 4-214
REP 8.35 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Feed Rolls ......................................................................... 4-148 REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-Docking ............................................................................ 4-217
REP 8.36 Tray 5 Feed Motor .......................................................................................... 4-149 REP 11.14-110 2K LCSS PWB....................................................................................... 4-218
REP 8.37 Tray 5 Transport motor ................................................................................... 4-149 REP 11.15-110 Entry Guide Cover ................................................................................. 4-218
REP 8.38 Tray 5 Takeaway Roller.................................................................................. 4-150 REP 11.16-110 Docking Latch Assembly ....................................................................... 4-220
REP 11.17-110 Ejector Belt ............................................................................................ 4-221
REPs 9 - Xerographics
REP 9.1 Waste Toner Bottle Assembly .......................................................................... 4-153 REPs 11-120 - 1K LCSS
REP 9.2 Developer Assembly......................................................................................... 4-154 REP 11.1-120 1K LCSS Covers...................................................................................... 4-223
REP 9.3 Ozone Fan ........................................................................................................ 4-155 REP 11.2-120 Input Drive Belt and Transport Motor 1.................................................... 4-224
REP 9.4 Waste Toner Full Sensor .................................................................................. 4-156 REP 11.3-120 1K LCSS Stability Foot ............................................................................ 4-225
REP 9.5 Toner Dispense Module.................................................................................... 4-157 REP 11.4-120 Paper Output Drive Belt and Transport Motor 2 ...................................... 4-225
REP 9.6 Xerographic Module Latch................................................................................ 4-159 REP 11.5-120 Bin 1 Drive Belts ...................................................................................... 4-226
REP 9.7 Developer Paddle ............................................................................................. 4-161 REP 11.6-120 Tamper Assembly.................................................................................... 4-228
REP 9.8 Transfer / Detack Harness................................................................................ 4-161 REP 11.7-120 Stapler Assembly and SH1 Paper Sensor............................................... 4-229
REP 9.9 Erase Lamp ...................................................................................................... 4-162 REP 11.8-120 Ejector Assembly and Sensors................................................................ 4-231
REP 9.10 Auger Damper ................................................................................................ 4-163 REP 11.9-120 Bin 1 Upper Level Sensor........................................................................ 4-232
REP 11.10-120 Paddle Wheel Shaft Assembly .............................................................. 4-233
REPs 10 - Print Transport and Fusing REP 11.11-120 1K LCSS Removal................................................................................. 4-236
REP 10.1 Short Paper Path Assembly............................................................................ 4-167 REP 11.12-120 1K LCSS PWB....................................................................................... 4-237
REP 10.2 Inverter Assembly ........................................................................................... 4-169 REP 11.13-120 Entry Guide Cover ................................................................................. 4-238
REP 10.3 Inverter Motor ................................................................................................. 4-173 REP 11.14-120 Docking Latch Assembly and Docking Interlock Switch ........................ 4-239
REP 10.4 Inverter Path Solenoid .................................................................................... 4-173 REP 11.15-120 Ejector Belt ............................................................................................ 4-240
REP 10.5 Inverter Nip Solenoid ...................................................................................... 4-174
REP 10.6 Nip Roll Guide................................................................................................. 4-174 REPs 11-171 - HVF
REP 10.7 Upper Baffle Assembly ................................................................................... 4-176 REP 11.1-171 HVF Covers ............................................................................................. 4-243
REP 10.8 Nip Split Shaft Assembly ................................................................................ 4-177 REP 11.2-171 HVF Stapler Assembly............................................................................. 4-246
REP 10.9 Shaft Actuator ................................................................................................. 4-179 REP 11.3-171 Top Tray .................................................................................................. 4-248
REP 10.10 Fuser Latch................................................................................................... 4-180 REP 11.4-171 Bin 1 Removal ......................................................................................... 4-249
REP 10.11 Inverter Gate................................................................................................. 4-181 REP 11.5-171 Right Side-Cover Removal ...................................................................... 4-250
REP 10.12 Tri-Roll Shaft Assembly ................................................................................ 4-183 REP 11.6-171 HVF Ejector Assembly Removal.............................................................. 4-251
REP 10.13 Fuser Web Motor Assembly ......................................................................... 4-186 REP 11.7-171 Pressing Plate Fingers............................................................................. 4-253
REP 10.14 Exit Shaft Assembly...................................................................................... 4-188 REP 11.8-171 Front and Rear Support Fingers .............................................................. 4-254

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

4-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.9-171 HVF Offset Motor Assembly .................................................................... 4-256 REP 11.61-171 BM Module............................................................................................. 4-329
REP 11.10-171 Stacker Idler Rolls ................................................................................. 4-256 REP 11.62-171 BM Slide Assembly................................................................................ 4-334
REP 11.11-171 Front Tamper Drive Assembly ............................................................... 4-257 REP 11.63-171 Transport Motor 1 .................................................................................. 4-337
REP 11.12-171 Stacker Motor Gearbox Assembly......................................................... 4-258 REP 11.64-171 Bypass Feed Motor................................................................................ 4-337
REP 11.13-171 HVF / HVF BM Un-Docking ................................................................... 4-259 REP 11.65-171 Buffer Feed Motor.................................................................................. 4-338
REP 11.14-171 HVF Top Jam Clearance Guide Assembly ............................................ 4-260 REP 11.66-171 Transport Motor 2 .................................................................................. 4-338
REP 11.15-171 HVF Rear Tamper Assembly................................................................. 4-261 REP 11.67-171 Tri-Folder Covers................................................................................... 4-339
REP 11.16-171 BM Flapper ............................................................................................ 4-263 REP 11.68-171 Tri-Folder Drive Assembly ..................................................................... 4-340
REP 11.17-171 BM PWB ................................................................................................ 4-264 REP 11.69-171 Crease Roll Drive Assembly .................................................................. 4-343
REP 11.18-171 BM Crease Blade Motor ........................................................................ 4-266 REP 11.70-171 Tri-Folder Feed Roller and Drive Belt .................................................... 4-344
REP 11.19-171 BM Crease Roll Motor ........................................................................... 4-268 REP 11.71-171 Tri-Folder Assist Gate Solenoid............................................................. 4-345
REP 11.20-171 BM Backstop Motor Assembly............................................................... 4-269 REP 11.72-171 Crease Roll Springs............................................................................... 4-345
REP 11.21-171 BM Backstop Assembly......................................................................... 4-270 REP 11.73-171 Tri-Folder Top Cover and Idler Assemblies ........................................... 4-346
REP 11.22-171 BM Entry Roll......................................................................................... 4-273 REP 11.74-171 Tri-Folder Roller Assembly and Diverter Solenoid................................. 4-347
REP 11.23-171 BM Entry Sensor ................................................................................... 4-274 REP 11.75-171 Bin 1 Limit Switches............................................................................... 4-348
REP 11.24-171 BM Crease Roll Gate Motor .................................................................. 4-276 REP 11.76-171 Bin 1 Upper Level Sensor...................................................................... 4-349
REP 11.25-171 BM Compiler Motor and BM Flapper Motor........................................... 4-276 REP 11.77-171 Tri-Folder Door Interlock Switches and Sensor ..................................... 4-350
REP 11.26-171 Back Stop Drive Assembly .................................................................... 4-277 REP 11.78-171 Tri-Folder Entry and Assist Gate Sensors ............................................. 4-350
REP 11.27-171 BM Staple Heads................................................................................... 4-279 REP 11.79-171 Tri Folder Exit Sensor ............................................................................ 4-351
REP 11.28-171 BM Stapler Bracket Assembly ............................................................... 4-281 REP 11.80-171 Tri-Folder PWB ...................................................................................... 4-351
REP 11.29-171 BM Conveyor Belts................................................................................ 4-285 REP 11.81-171 Tri-Folder and Bin 2 Tray Harnesses..................................................... 4-352
REP 11.30-171 BM Tamper Assembly and Tamper 1 Motor.......................................... 4-287 REP 11.82-171 Inserter Undocking................................................................................. 4-353
REP 11.31-171 HVF Buffer Guide Assembly.................................................................. 4-289 REP 11.83-171 Inserter Front and Rear Covers ............................................................. 4-354
REP 11.32-171 HVF Input Jam Clearance Guide........................................................... 4-290 REP 11.84-171 Inserter Motor ........................................................................................ 4-354
REP 11.33-171 Buffer Pocket Jam Clearance Guide Assembly..................................... 4-290 REP 11.85-171 Inserter PWB ......................................................................................... 4-355
REP 11.34-171 Inserter Jam Clearance Guide Assembly .............................................. 4-291 REP 11.86-171 Inserter Clutch ....................................................................................... 4-355
REP 11.35-171 Diverter Exit Gate .................................................................................. 4-292 REP 11.87-171 Inserter Top Cover Interlock Switch....................................................... 4-356
REP 11.36-171 Crease Blade Assembly ........................................................................ 4-293 REP 11.88-171 Left Hand Door Interlock Switch ............................................................ 4-357
REP 11.37-171 Stacker Driving Shaft Bearings.............................................................. 4-295 REP 11.89-171 Main Tray and Paper Length Sensors ................................................... 4-358
REP 11.38-171 HVF Stacker Driving Belts ..................................................................... 4-296 REP 11.90-171 Bottom Tray and Paper Sensors ........................................................... 4-358
REP 11.39-171 HVF BM Diverter Gate........................................................................... 4-297 REP 11.91-171 Inserter Top Cover and IDG Pickup Sensor .......................................... 4-359
REP 11.40-171 HVF Input Roll ....................................................................................... 4-298 REP 11.92-171 Inserter Top Left Door and Acceleration Sensor ................................... 4-360
REP 11.41-171 HVF Inserter Guide Roll ........................................................................ 4-300 REP 11.93-171 LE and TE Sensors................................................................................ 4-361
REP 11.42-171 HVF Buffer Pocket Roll.......................................................................... 4-301 REP 11.94-171 Inserter Bottom Plate Sensor................................................................. 4-361
REP 11.43-171 HVF Booklet Entrance Roll.................................................................... 4-302 REP 11.95-171 Inserter Pickup Assembly and Reverse Feed Roller ............................. 4-362
REP 11.44-171 HVF Buffer Lower Roll........................................................................... 4-303 REP 11.96-171 HVF Fixed and Adjustable Casters........................................................ 4-363
REP 11.45-171 HVF Buffer Upper Roll........................................................................... 4-304 REP 11.97-171 Pause to Unload PWB ........................................................................... 4-364
REP 11.46-171 HVF Stacker Exit Feed Roll................................................................... 4-305 REP 11.98-171 Inserter Idle Roller Assembly................................................................. 4-365
REP 11.47-171 HVF Top Exit Feed Roll......................................................................... 4-306 REP 11.99-171 Tri-Folder Removal ................................................................................ 4-366
REP 11.48-171 Compiler Paddle Motor Assembly ......................................................... 4-308 REP 11.100-171 Ejector Paddle Assembly (W/TAG V-007) ........................................... 4-367
REP 11.49-171 Compiler Paddle Module ....................................................................... 4-308 REP 11.101-171 Paddle Wheel ...................................................................................... 4-368
REP 11.50-171 BM Exit Sensor...................................................................................... 4-309
REP 11.51-171 Compiler Paper Pusher Motor Assembly .............................................. 4-310 REPs 12 - OCT
REP 11.52-171 BM Crease Rolls, Gears, Clutch and Bearings ..................................... 4-310 REP 12.1 OCT Fingers Install ......................................................................................... 4-369
REP 11.53-171 Compiler Paper Pusher ......................................................................... 4-316 REPs 14 - Scanner
REP 11.54-171 Pusher Upper and Lower Sensors ........................................................ 4-317
REP 14.1 Scanner........................................................................................................... 4-371
REP 11.55-171 HVF PSU Assembly .............................................................................. 4-317
REP 14.2 Exposure Lamp Inverter and Fuse (W/O TAG 150)........................................ 4-373
REP 11.56-171 BM Right Hand Cover............................................................................ 4-318 REP 14.3 Document Size Sensors (W/O TAG 150) ....................................................... 4-374
REP 11.57-171 HVF Main PWB ..................................................................................... 4-320
REP 14.4 DADH Closed Switch ...................................................................................... 4-374
REP 11.58-171 BM Crease Nip Springs ......................................................................... 4-321
REP 14.5 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) ....................................................................... 4-375
REP 11.59-171 Crease Roll Gate Assembly .................................................................. 4-323 REP 14.6 CVT Glass, Document Glass and CVT Ramp ................................................ 4-375
REP 11.60-171 BM Paper Guide Assembly ................................................................... 4-326

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-3
REP 14.7 Scan Carriage Home Sensor.......................................................................... 4-376 ADJs 11-110 - 2K LCSS
REP 14.8 Input Module Angle Sensor ............................................................................ 4-377 ADJ 11.1-110 2K LCSS Bin 1 Level................................................................................ 4-427
REP 14.9 Exposure Lamp............................................................................................... 4-378 ADJ 11.2-110 Machine to 2K LCSS Alignment ............................................................... 4-427
REP 14.10 Scan Idler Pulleys ......................................................................................... 4-379 ADJ 11.3-110 Hole Punch Position ................................................................................. 4-428
REP 14.11 Scan Motor (W/O TAG 150) ......................................................................... 4-380 ADJ 11.4-110 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning ..................................................................... 4-429
REP 14.12 Scan Cables ................................................................................................. 4-381
REP 14.13 Scanner Drive Belt (W/O TAG 150).............................................................. 4-384 ADJs 11-120 - 1K LCSS
REP 14.14 Top Cover ..................................................................................................... 4-385 ADJ 11.1-120 1K LCSS Bin 1 Level................................................................................ 4-431
REP 14.15 Scan Motor (W/TAG 150) ............................................................................. 4-386 ADJ 11.2-120 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning ..................................................................... 4-431
REP 14.16 Scan Motor and Scan Carriage Drive Belts (W/TAG 150)............................ 4-386
ADJs 11-171-HVF / HVF BM
REP 14.17 Exposure Lamp Inverter (W/TAG 150) ......................................................... 4-388
ADJ 11.1-171 Machine to HVF/HVF BM, HVF BM to Tri-folder Alignment ..................... 4-433
REP 14.18 Scan Carriage Ribbon Harness (W/TAG 150) .............................................. 4-390
ADJ 11.2-171 Tri-Folder Paper Size Setting ................................................................... 4-434
REP 14.19 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) ......................................................................... 4-391
ADJ 11.3-171 Stapler Anvil Alignment ............................................................................ 4-435
REP 14.20 Document Size Sensor 1 and Document Size Sensor 2 (W/TAG 150) ........ 4-391
ADJ 11.4-171 Crease Blade Position.............................................................................. 4-438
ADJs 3 - Registration ADJ 11.5-171 Booklet Tamping ...................................................................................... 4-442
ADJ 3.1 Registration Setup............................................................................................. 4-393 ADJ 11.6-171 Booklet Compiling Position....................................................................... 4-444
ADJ 3.2 Magnification Adjustment .................................................................................. 4-393 ADJ 11.7-171 Booklet Crease Position ........................................................................... 4-446
ADJ 11.8-171 Booklet Staple Position ............................................................................ 4-447
ADJs 4 - Machine Lubrication ADJ 11.9-171 Booklet Maker Skew................................................................................. 4-447
ADJ 4.1 Machine Lubrication .......................................................................................... 4-395 ADJ 11.10-171 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning ................................................................... 4-448
ADJ 11.11-171 Idler Drive Belt Tensioning ..................................................................... 4-449
ADJs 5 - DADH ADJ 11.12-171 Tri-Folder Fold Adjustment..................................................................... 4-450
ADJ 5.1 DADH Drive Belt Adjustment............................................................................. 4-401
ADJ 11.13-171 HVF Performance Improvement (W/TAG V-006)................................... 4-451
ADJ 5.2 DADH Height Adjustment.................................................................................. 4-402
ADJ 5.3 DADH Skew Adjustment ................................................................................... 4-404 ADJs 14 - Scanner
ADJ 5.4 DADH Cleaning Procedure ............................................................................... 4-405 ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/O TAG 150).................................................... 4-457
ADJ 5.5 DADH Registration Adjustment ......................................................................... 4-406 ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/TAG 150) ....................................................... 4-457
ADJ 5.6 DADH Document Pad ....................................................................................... 4-406

ADJs 6 - ROS
ADJ 6.1 ROS Window Cleaning Procedure .................................................................... 4-407
ADJ 6.2 ROS Cleaning Procedure.................................................................................. 4-408

ADJs 7 - Paper Trays

ADJ 7.1 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Paper Tray Guide Setting .................................................... 4-409
ADJ 7.2 Tray 5 Paper Tray Guide Setting....................................................................... 4-410
ADJ 7.3 Tray 5 Module to Machine Alignment ................................................................ 4-411
ADJ 7.4 Tray 5 Module Tray Alignment .......................................................................... 4-413

ADJs 8 - Paper Feed and Registration

ADJ 8.1 Registration Setup............................................................................................. 4-415
ADJ 8.2 Simplex and Duplex Buckle Timing................................................................... 4-415

ADJs 9 - Xerographics
ADJ 9.1 Corotron Cleaning ............................................................................................. 4-417
ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.................................................................... 4-417
ADJ 9.3 Developer Magnetic Seal Brush Adjustment..................................................... 4-418
ADJ 9.4 Xerographics Cleaning ...................................................................................... 4-422
ADJ 9.5 Optimize Dark and Light Grey Image ................................................................ 4-423

ADJs 10 - Print Transport and Fusing

ADJ 10.1 Inverter Decurler Adjustment........................................................................... 4-425

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

4-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 1.1 Power and Control Assembly
Parts List on PL 1.10
Removal Remove the nut.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 2
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Remove the ground
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. wires from the ground

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the IOT

NOTE: 1. If a new power and control assembly complete with IOT PWB is to be installed refer
to REP 3.1 IOT PWB.

NOTE: 2. Before starting this procedure, read and record the dC131 NVM values in location
09-271 Developer age, and 09-069 TC sensor control voltage. After installing the new IOT
PWB, perform an NVM restore, GP 5, and write the values recorded from the old IOT PWB into
NVM locations 09-271 and 09-069. Load software if required, GP 4. In diagnostics, on the ‘Ser-
vice Info’ screen, select the serial number box and enter the machine serial number as it
appears on the serial number plate on the front frame of the machine.

1. Pull out tray 1 and tray 2 approximately 100mm (4 inches).

2. Disconnect accessories and the output device.
3. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
4. Remove the waste toner bottle door assembly, REP 9.1.
5. Figure 2. Disconnect the ground wires from the ground point.

Figure 2 Main frame ground point

6. Figure 3. Remove the cable ties.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-5 REP 1.1
Remove screw

Remove cable tie.

Move the power
and control
assembly to the
Cut cable tie.

Figure 4 Power and control assembly

8. Figure 5. Disconnect PJ24 and all of the HT leads on the HVPS PWB.

Figure 3 Cable tie and ground connection

7. Figure 4. Remove the securing screw from the power and control assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.1 4-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Disconnect PJ24.

2 Figure 6 IOT PWB

Disconnect all the HT
leads on the HVPS PWB
10. Figure 7. Disconnect all of the PJs from the LVPS.

Figure 5 HVPS PWB

9. Figure 6. Disconnect all the PJs on the IOT PWB except PJ14.

Figure 7 LVPS

11. Remove the power and control assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-7 REP 1.1
• If a new LVPS and base module is installed with the HVPS and IOT PWB transferred from
Main frame ground connection.
the failed LVPS and base module then perform steps 1 to 3.
• If a new power and control assembly complete with IOT PWB has been installed then per-
form steps 1 to 4.
Ensure the HT leads are correctly connected. Do not connect the female spade connector
between the male spade connector and the outer casing of the HT leads.
Do not trap the harnesses when the power and control assembly is installed.
Perform the following:
1. Figure 8. Ensure that the bypass tray cable is routed as shown under the bracket.

PJ148 on the main drive PWB.

Ground pin on

Figure 9 Ground check

5. Reconnect the power cord and switch on the machine, GP 14.

If necessary, reload the software set, GP 4.

NOTE: After the software reload has been completed, the machine resets and gives a
message ‘Restoring Configuration Settings’. Do not switch off the machine or intervene
during this NVM transformation process.

6. Check the machine serial number and the machine configuration, GP 15.

Bypass tray cable

Figure 8 Bypass tray cable

2. Refer to Figure 8. Check that PJ148 has not been disconnected on the Main Drive PWB.
3. Figure 9. Ensure that the nut on the ground connection is tightened to secure the ground
4. Figure 9. Use a digital multimeter set to a resistance range. Verify that there is continuity
between the ground pin on PJ21 and the frame ground connection.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.1 4-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs REP 1.3 Molex SL Connectors
Purpose Parts List on PL 31.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord WARNING
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
WARNING cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not attempt any repairs to the power cord or safety ground harness/conductor.
NOTE: Molex connectors have small black housings in single or double rows, formed with min-
NOTE: Safety ground connections use green/yellow cables, or green cables with a yellow iature square section pins and sockets.
stripe or band. 1. If the damaged connector is in the centre of a double row housing beneath the latching
The steps that follow identify the relevant procedures for repairing the various connectors con- clip, the latching prong will not be accessible to release the connector from the housing.
tained within the copier. Therefore it will be necessary to disassemble the housing as shown in Figure 1.
1. If wiring is damaged, use connector splicing blocks from the appropriate repair kit, PL
31.20, PL 31.25 and PL 31.30, to repair damaged wiring.
2. The following harness assemblies are not repairable; install new parts:
• Any ribbon harness.
1 2
• Single board controller module / LVPS/IOT PWB harness, PL 3.24 Item 14.
Attach the Molex connector.
• ROS data cable, PL 3.24 Item 15. Hold the wires from the
bold row connector.
• Single board controller module / UI harness, PL 3.24 Item 11.
• Riser PWB/Power distribution PWB harness, PL 3.22 Item 1.
• Single board controller module/CCD PWB harness, PL 3.24 Item 9.
• Single board controller PWB/scanner driver PWB/CCD PWB harness (W/OTAG
150), PL 3.24 Item 7.
• Single board controller PWB/DADH comms/scanner power harness (W/TAG 150)
PL 3.24 Item 7.
3. The following connectors can be repaired by removing the faulty terminals and installing
new terminals:
• Molex SL connectors - REP 1.3.
• Male Hirose DF 1B connectors - REP 1.4. 3
• AMP EI connectors - REP 1.5. Bend the housing open.
• Hirose DF11 Connectors - REP 1.6.
• AMP CT connectors - REP 1.7.
• Molex Mini-Fit Junior - REP 1.11. 5
Pull out A row.
Pull out B row connector.

Figure 1 Disassembling the connector.

2. Figure 2. Remove the terminal from the connector housing using the Molex extractor tool,
Table 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-9 REP 1.2, REP 1.3
Insert Molex tool.

Press prong flat.

Figure 3 Crimping the terminal.

3 3. Insert the wire fully into the terminal so that the stripped portion of the wire is within the
Push terminal out of housing inner grip of the terminal. Close the crimp tool fully to make the crimp.
using a male terminal from the 4. Figure 4. Insert the crimped terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool and
repair kit.
close the crimp tool, to fasten the insulation of the wire in the outer grip of the terminal.

Figure 2 Removing the terminal.

3. Cut off the damaged terminal, then strip 3mm of insulation from the end of the wire.
1. Table 1. Select the correct replacement terminal, and identify the appropriate crimp posi-
tions for the terminal. Refer to PL 31.20 Item 10, and PL 31.20 Item 13.

Table 1 Connector Information

Description part No. Extractor Crimp Tool Crimp Tool Jaw

Wire insulation
Molex SL female 713W00432 600T1825 600T913 B B
Molex SL male 713W00232 600T1825 600T913 B B

2. Figure 3. Insert a male or female terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool,
then close the tool just enough to hold the terminal.
Figure 4 Crimping the insulation grip.

5. Figure 5. Check that the crimp is correctly made.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.3 4-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 1.4 Male Hirose DF1B Connectors
Correct Parts List on PL 31.18 and PL 31.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Figure 1. Remove the damaged terminal from the housing.

Loose strands of wire

Raise plastic tab with
suitable tool, to
release terminal.

Crimp loose

Insulation in crimp Wire exposed

Figure 5 Inspecting the finished crimp.

6. Insert the replacement terminal into the connector housing.

7. If the repair was carried out on a double row connector that was disassembled, push both
connectors into the housing taking care that the “A” connector is fitted on the fastener 2
side. Remove terminal from

Figure 1 Remove the terminal

2. Cut off the damaged terminal, then strip 3mm of insulation from the end of the wire.
There are different terminals for large gauge and small gauge wire (Table 1). Ensure that the
correct replacement terminal is used.
1. Table 1. Select the correct replacement terminal and identify the appropriate crimp posi-
tions for the terminal. Refer to PL 31.18 Item 4 and PL 31.20 Item 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-11 REP 1.3, REP 1.4
NOTE: These connectors can be repaired using either crimp terminals or pre-crimped ter-
minals with flying lead and butt connector, as required.

Table 1 Connector Information

Description Part No Extractor Crimp Tool Crimp Tool Jaw
Wire Insulation
Male socket, 20-22 AWG 915W00007 - 600T913 A B
Male socket, 24-28 AWG 915W00008 - 600T913 B C
Male socket with flying 600K37891 - 600T913 - -
lead (part of Kit)

2. Figure 2. Insert the terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool and close the
tool just enough to hold the terminal.

Figure 3 Crimping the insulation grip.

5. Figure 4. Check that the crimp is correctly made.

Figure 2 Crimping the terminal.

3. Insert the wire fully into the terminal so that the stripped portion of the wire is within the
longer grip of the terminal and the insulation of the wire is within the cable grip of the ter-
minal. Close the crimp tool fully to make the crimp; check that the wire is firmly crimped in
the terminal.
4. Figure 3. Insert the crimped terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool, then
close the crimp tool to firmly fasten the insulation of the wire in the cable grip of the termi-

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.4 4-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 1.5 AMP EI Connectors
Parts List on PL 31.18
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The male housings contain socket terminals, and the female housings contain pin ter-

1. Use the extractor tool, Table 1, to release the terminal from the housing. Refer to Figure 1
Wire exposed to identify the male housing and terminal type. Refer to Figure 2 to identify the female
housing and the terminal type.

Insulation In crimp

Depress prong to
crimp loose release terminal.

Loose strands of wire

Figure 4 Inspecting the finished crimp.

6. Insert the replacement terminal into the connector housing.

Remove terminal from

Figure 1 Terminal removal; male housing.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-13 REP 1.4, REP 1.5
Remove terminal from housing.

Figure 3 Crimping the terminal.

3. Insert the wire completely into the terminal, so that the stripped portion of the wire is in the
1 longer grip of the terminal. The insulation of the wire is within the cable grip of the termi-
Insert a paper clip to nal. Close the crimp tool completely to make the crimp. Check that the wire is crimped
release prong. firmly in the terminal.
4. Figure 4. Insert the crimped terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool and
close the crimp tool to firmly fasten the insulation of the wire in the cable grip of the termi-
Figure 2 Terminal removal; female housing. nal.

2. Cut off the damaged terminal, then strip 3mm of insulation from the end of the wire.
1. Table 1. Select the correct replacement terminal and identify the appropriate crimp posi-
tions for the terminal. Refer to PL 31.18 Item 1.

Table 1 Connector Information

Description Part No Extractor Crimp Tool Crimp Tool Jaw
Wire Insulation
Male socket 115P60155 - 600T913 A B
Female pin 115P60182 Paper clip 600T913 A B

2. Figure 3. Insert the terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool and close the
tool enough to hold the terminal.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.5 4-14 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family


Wire exposed

Insulation in crimp

Crimp loose
Figure 4 Crimping the insulated grip.

5. Figure 5. Check that the crimp is correctly made.

Loose strands of wire

Figure 5 Inspect the finished crimp

6. Insert the replacement terminal into the connector housing.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-15 REP 1.5
REP 1.6 Hirose DF11 Connectors REP 1.7 AMP CT Connectors
Parts List on PL 31.20 Parts List on PL 31.30
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
NOTE: The male housing contains female terminals that cannot be crimped in the field; if a ter-
minal is damaged, install a new terminal with flying lead. Amp CT connectors use in-line adaptors to connect housings together. Ensure that the correct
adaptor is used for each in-line connection (Table 1). Do not attempt to disassemble or repair
1. Figure 1. Remove the damaged terminal from the connector housing. the in-line adaptors.

NOTE: There are two types of CT connector: insulation displacement connector (IDC) or crimp
terminal. Repairing crimp terminal CT connectors is performed by installing individual replace-
ment terminals with flying leads, connected to the existing wiring with connector splicing blocks
1 (removal steps 2 and 3). Repairing IDC connectors is performed by installing a complete
Raise plastic tab with suitable tool, to release terminal. replacement housing with wires already fitted, connected to the existing wiring with connector
splicing blocks (removal steps 4 and 5). The replacement procedure is only applicable to crimp
terminal connectors.
2 1. Identify the terminal type. Go to step 2 for a housing containing crimp terminals, or go to
Remove terminal from step 4 for a housing containing insulation displacement (IDC) terminals.
2. Figure 1. Remove the damaged crimp terminal from the connector housing.

Figure 1 Terminal removed

2. Cut the damaged terminal off the wire.

1. Insert the replacement terminal with flying lead into the connector housing. Refer to repair
kit PL 31.20 Item 7.
2. Use a butt connector to connect the flying lead to the original wire.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.6, REP 1.7 4-16 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Connector Information
Description Part No
IDC replacement connector kit (contains 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 way 600K40650
connectors with flying leads)
1 Crimp terminal with flying lead (part of Kit) 600K37901
Raise plastic tab with suitable tool, to release terminal.
In-line adaptor kit (contains 2, 3 and 6 way connectors) 600K90400
In-line adaptor kit (contains 4, 8 and 15 way connectors) 600K90390
Remove terminal from

Figure 1 Terminal removal.

3. Cut the damaged crimp terminal off of the wire.

4. IDC housings are repaired by installing a complete replacement housing with wires
already fitted, These are connected with connector splicing blocks to the existing wiring.
Refer to Table 1. Select the correct replacement connector.
5. Cut one wire from the faulty connector and then reconnect the wire to the appropriate fly-
ing lead on the replacement connector. Repeat this process for each wire in turn, until the
faulty connector has been fully disconnected and the replacement connector installed in
its place.
1. Insert the replacement crimp terminal with flying lead into the connector housing. Refer to
Table 1.
2. Use a connector splicing block to connect the flying lead to the original wire.

Table 1 Connector Information

Description Part No
IDC replacement connector kit (contains 2, 3, 4 and 6 way connectors with 600K40640
flying leads)

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-17 REP 1.7
REP 1.8 Door Interlock Switch
Parts List on PL 1.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Pull the fuser module out a short way.
2. Figure 1. Release the door interlock switch.

Repeat step 1 to release the
other side of the switch.

1 Rotate the body of the
Insert a steel rule or feeler switch to remove.
gauge. Push to release the
catch and simultaneously pull
the switch forward.

Figure 2 Removing switch

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the door interlock switch.

Figure 1 Releasing switch

3. Figure 2. Remove the interlock switch.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.8 4-18 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 1.9 LVPS and Base Module
Parts List on PL 1.10 Remove 4 hex
Removal head screws.

Disconnect PJ515.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Remove the output device
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. harness and tray 5 harness.
1. Remove the power and control assembly, REP 1.1.
2. Remove the HVPS, (2 screws) and the IOT PWB, (8 screws), from the old LVPS and base
3. Remove the insulating sheet from behind the HVPS.
4. Figure 2. Remove the output device harness and tray 5 harness from the LVPS and base Figure 2 Remove the output device harness and tray 5 harness
Do not over tighten the four hex head screws. The screws break very easily.
1. The Replacement procedure is the reverse of the Removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-19 REP 1.9
Parts List on PL 1.10 4
Remove the
Removal HVPS.

Disconnect 6
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the HT connectors.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1. 3
2. Figure 2. Remove the HVPS. Remove 2 screws.
Disconnect PJ55.

Figure 2 Remove the HVPS

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the HVPS.
2. Figure 3. Ensure that the white plastic insulator underneath the HVPS is seated correctly
under the locating tabs and over the two metal studs.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.10 4-20 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Frame ground


(35-55 ppm only)

Ground pin on PJ21.
HVPS PWB locating tabs.

(65-90 ppm only)

Figure 3 HVPS insulator and push clips Ground pin on PJ21.

3. Figure 4. Use a digital multimeter set to a resistance range. Verify that there is continuity
between the ground pin on PJ21 and the frame ground connection.

Figure 4 Ground connection check

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-21 REP 1.10
REP 1.11 Molex Mini-Fit Junior Connectors
Parts List on PL 31.25
Withdraw the terminal from
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
the connector body.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol 1

Insert prongs fully down the
WARNING sides of the terminal.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Figure 2. Remove the terminal from the housing, using the Molex, Mini-Fit extractor tool.

Figure 2 Removing the terminal

2. Cut off the damaged terminal, then strip 4mm of insulation from the end of the wire.
1. Select the correct terminal type:
• Male, PL 31.25 Item 3.
• Female, PL 31.25 Item 4.
2. Figure 3.Insert the terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool and close the
tool just enough to hold the terminal.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 1.11 4-22 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Loose strands of wire

Insulation in crimp

Figure 3 Crimping the terminal

3. Insert the wire fully into the terminal so that the stripped portion is within the inner grip of
the terminal. Close the crimp tool fully to make the crimp.
4. Figure 4. Insert the crimped terminal into the appropriate position of the crimp tool and
close the crimp tool to fasten the wire insulation in the outer grip of the terminal.
Wire exposed

Figure 5 Inspecting the finished crimp

6. Insert the replacement terminal into the connector housing.

Figure 4 Crimping the insulation grip

5. Figure 5. Check that the crimp is correctly made.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-23 REP 1.11
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
REP 1.11 4-24 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 2.1 User Interface Assembly
Parts List on PL 2.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the user
interface assembly. 2
Disconnect PJ905,
1. Open the front door, PL 8.10 Item 10. 1 PJ130 and PJ81 then
2. Remove the user interface assembly, Figure 2. Remove 2 screws.
carefully remove the
UI assembly.

Figure 2 UI assembly removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before the
screws are installed.
2. If prompted, reload the software set, GP 4. The software will automatically upgrade or
downgrade when the machine is switched on, GP 14.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-25 REP 2.1
REP 2.2 User Interface Touch Screen PWB
4 3
Parts List on PL 2.10 Remove 3 screws Remove 1 screw.
Removal marked A.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the user 2
interface touch screen PWB. Disconnect the ribbon
1. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1 Disconnect the 4 ribbon cables cable from PJ908.
2. Put the user interface assembly on a flat surface. 5 from the UI touch screen PWB.
Remove the clamp
assembly. Take care not
The cable clamps are very fragile and only need to be moved slightly to release the ribbon to damage the ribbon
3. Remove the user interface touch screen clamp assembly, Figure 2. Figure 2 Remove the clamp assembly

4. Carefully release the UI control panel PWB from the screen clamp.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before the screws are

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 2.2 4-26 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 2.3 User Interface Control PWB
Parts List on PL 2.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the user Remove 6 screws marked
interface control PWB. A, then the UI control PWB.
1. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1
Disconnect PJ909.
2. Put the user interface assembly on a flat surface. 1
CAUTION Remove the ribbon
The cable clamps are very fragile and only need to be moved slightly to release the ribbon
3. Remove the user interface control PWB, Figure 2.
Figure 2 UI control PWB removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before the screws are

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-27 REP 2.3
REP 2.4 User Interface Touch Screen
Parts List on PL 2.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the user
Raise the end of the touch screen,
interface touch screen.
then remove the touch screen in
1. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1 the direction of the arrow.
2. Put the user interface assembly on a flat surface.
3. Remove the user interface screen clamp assembly, refer to REP 2.2.
4. Remove the user interface touch screen, Figure 2.

Figure 2 UI control PWB removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before the
screws are installed.
2. When replacing the ribbon cables, the blue flash should face away from the UI control

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 2.4 4-28 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 3.1 IOT PWB If necessary, reload the software set, GP 4. The machine will automatically upgrade or
downgrade the software when the machine is switched on.
Parts List on PL 1.10
NOTE: After the software reload has been completed, the machine resets and gives a
Removal message ‘Restoring Configuration Settings’. Do not switch off the machine or intervene
WARNING during this NVM transformation process.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
2. Check the machine serial number and the machine configuration, GP 15. If necessary, in
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can diagnostics, on the ‘Service Info’ screen, select the serial number box and enter the
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
machine serial number as it appears on the front frame of the machine.
3. If necessary, perform a NVM restore, GP 5.
Enter dC131.
Write the developer age value 09-271.
Write the TC sensor control voltage 09-069.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the IOT

NOTE: Before starting this procedure, read and record the dC131 NVM values in location 09-
271 Developer age, and 09-069 TC sensor control voltage. After installing the new IOT PWB,
perform an NVM restore, GP 5, and write the values recorded from the old IOT PWB into NVM
locations 09-271 and 09-069. Load software if required, GP 4. In diagnostics, on the ‘Service
Info’ screen, select the serial number box and enter the machine serial number as it appears
on the serial number plate on the front frame of the machine.

1. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.

2. Enter dC131.
Record the developer age value 09-271.
Record the TC sensor control voltage 09-069.

NOTE: If the developer age is unavailable then record HFSI-developer copies.

3. Figure 2, disconnect the PJs from the IOT PWB.

NOTE: 35ppm IOT PWBs do not have PJ33 and PJ64. Figure 2 IOT PWB

4. Remove the IOT PWB (8 screws).

• If a new IOT PWB has been installed, perform steps 1 and 2.
• Install the new IOT PWB. Ensure the IOT PWB ground contact screw is tight on the IOT
PWB, Figure 3. Ensure the contact faces are clean. Ensure the screw is bright plated and
not black. Perform 1 below.
Perform the following:
1. Reconnect the power cord and switch on the machine, GP 14.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-29 REP 3.1
REP 3.2 Hard Disk Drive
Parts List on PL 3.22 Item 2
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

IOT PWB ground contact screw
Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the disk
Figure 3 IOT PWB ground contact screw
1. Pull out the single board controller PWB module, PL 3.24 Item 1.
2. Remove the hard disk drive, Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 3.1, REP 3.2 4-30 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
four screws

Remove the hard disk drive
3 4 from the mounting bracket.
1 2
Disconnect PJ999 Disconnect the Remove two Remove the hard disk drive
data cable screws and mounting bracket.

Figure 2 Hard disk drive removal Figure 3 Hard disk drive removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform an Altboot. Refer to the procedure in GP 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-31 REP 3.2
REP 3.3 Software Module
Parts List on PL 3.24
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the 2
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Remove the software
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. module.

NOTE: During this procedure, the most recent Golden NVB Restore file will be required. The
file is available from the Office Black & White and ColorQube GSN library, number 10231. Be
aware that the file on the faulty software module may be corrupt.

NOTE: If the machine does not behave as expected during this procedure, switch off the
machine, GP 14, then switch on the machine.

Release the 2 catches.

Figure 2 Software module removal

Figure 1 ESD Symbol
Perform the following:
1. Switch off the machine, GP 14. 1. Install the new software module, refer to Figure 2. Press the ends of the module firmly
downwards and the catches will return to their original positions.
2. Pull out the single board controller PWB module, PL 3.24 Item 1.
2. Reconnect the power cord and switch on the machine, GP 14.
3. If installed, remove the embedded fax PWB, PL 20.10 Item 4.
4. If the machine has a finisher installed, remove the finisher then install a finisher bypass NOTE: Some or all of the following messages will appear on the UI:
harness, PL 26.10 Item 7. Refer to the relevant procedure: • ‘Ready to scan your job’.
• REP 11.11-120 1K LCSS Removal. • ‘Install phase incomplete’.
• REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-Docking. • Check settings for Tray 1’.
• REP 11.13-171 HVF/HVF BM Un-Docking. • Machine speed configuration error, power down / ignore.
5. Remove the software module, Figure 2. • Local interface problem detected. Please switch the machine off / on.
NOTE: Figure 2 does not show a riser PWB. The machine may have a riser PWB 3. Perform GP 15 How to Set the Machine Configuration.
installed. 4. Perform the AltBoot software loading procedure, refer to GP 4.

NOTE: The software module is not upgraded when the machine is switched on.
5. Perform an NVM restore, refer to GP 5.

NOTE: The following warning may be displayed; ‘The NVM you are trying to restore has
been generated from a different version set number’.
Select Yes to continue.

6. When the restore is complete, close the NVM save and restore tool. The UI should now
display ‘Ready to scan’. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 3.3 4-32 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: This will load the SCD on to the new software module and upgrade the software if REP 3.4 Single Board Controller and Power Distribution
7. If necessary, switch off the machine, GP 14. Install the finisher then the embedded fax.
Switch on the machine, GP 14.
Parts List on PL 3.24
8. Check that the machine has the correct levels of software. Removal
9. Press the Machine Status button. WARNING
a. Go to Tools / Device Settings / General / Date and Time. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
b. Set Date: Follow the instructions on the screen to set the correct date. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
c. Set Time: Select 12 Hour (AM / PM) or 24 Hour clock. Follow the instructions on the cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
screen to set the correct time.
d. Press Reboot to exit.
10. Complete the final actions, SCP 6.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

1. Pull out the single board controller PWB module, PL 3.24 Item 1.
2. If installed, remove the foreign interface PWB, PL 3.22 Item 4 from the single board con-
troller PWB.
NOTE: Record the location of the memory module(s) before removal.

NOTE: Remove the memory module(s) and the software module by pressing the side
catches downwards. When reinstalling the memory and software modules, press each
end of the modules down firmly and the catches will return to their original position.

3. Remove the memory module, PL 3.24 Item 12 from the single board controller PWB.
4. Remove the software module from the single board controller PWB, REP 3.3.
5. (W/TAG 150 Only). Disconnect the PJs from the scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24 Item
20. Remove the scanner daughter PWB.
6. Disconnect the PJs from the relevant PWBs:
• Single board controller PWB, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Riser PWB, PL 3.22 Item 3.
7. Remove the embedded fax module, riser PWB or single board controller PWB, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-33 REP 3.3, REP 3.4
NOTE: Only perform steps 1 to 4 of the removal procedure shown in Figure 2 if an
embedded fax module is installed.

Slide the fax clip away from
the embedded fax module.

Release the corner of the
embedded fax module from
the fax clip.

Loosen 1 screw.
Remove 1 screw, then the embedded
fax module from the riser PWB.

Remove 4 screws from
the riser PWB.

Remove the riser PWB.
Remove 6 screws then the
Power Distribution PWB.

7 Memory modules
(W/TAG 150 Only) Remove 1 spacer. PJ203
NOTE: The other 2 spacers are removed after
the SBC PWB has been removed. 9
Remove 12 screws then the
Single Board Controller PWB.
Remove 4 screws
Figure 2 Single board controller PWB module

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 3.4 4-34 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
8. (W/TAG 150 Only) Remove the 2 remaining spacers, PL 3.24 Item 19 and nuts from the
single board controller PWB.
Ensure the DADH / Power distribution PWB harness from PJ152 at the rear of the SIP tray is
not routed under the single board controller PWB. It must be routed away from the PWB, to the
1. Ensure the first memory module is installed in PJ203 on the single board controller PWB.
Refer to Figure 2.
2. Install the software module, REP 3.3.
3. Connect the power cord and switch on the machine, GP 14.
4. Reload the software, GP 4 Machine Software.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-35 REP 3.4
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
REP 3.4 4-36 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 4.1 Main Drive Module (35-55 ppm)
Parts List on PL 4.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
The 35 ppm Main Drive Modules are not interchangeable with 45-55 or 65-90 ppm Main Drive
Modules. Before you begin this repair procedure, ensure that the new Main Drive Module is the
correct part number for your machine speed and model.
1. Pull out fuser module approximately 100mm, (4 inches), PL 10.8 Item 1.
2. Drop down the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1.
3. Remove the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2, and place in a black bag.
4. Remove the left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3.
5. Disconnect PJ93 and the bias lead on the developer module, Figure 1.

Disconnect PJ93.
Disconnect bias lead.

Figure 1 Developer module

6. Remove the two screws securing the developer module, REP 9.2.
7. Pull the developer module out approximately 100mm (4 inches).
8. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
9. Remove the waste toner bottle door assembly, REP 9.1.
10. Remove the ozone filter and duct, PL 9.25 Item 2.
11. Move the power and control assembly to the rear, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-37 REP 4.1
Disconnect PJ24.

Remove screw.



Disconnect HT lead C
and G.
Disconnect PJ2.
Move Power supply to
the rear. Disconnect PJ35. Disconnect PJ1.

Figure 2 Power supply Figure 3 Power and control assembly

Take care when removing PJ1 on the IOT PWB, the pins can be easily damaged.
12. Disconnect PJs on the power and control assembly, (35 ppm) Figure 3, (40-55 ppm) Fig-
ure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.1 4-38 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Disconnect PJ57.

Disconnect HT Disconnect PJ2.

lead C and G.
Disconnect PJ35
and PJ64. Disconnect PJ1.

Figure 4 Power and control assembly

13. Remove the main frame ground wire, 01A Ground Distribution RAP. 1
14. Remove the waste toner full sensor, REP 9.4. Remove harness
15. Unclip the wiring harness from the retaining clip and move the harness away from the from the retaining
drives module, Figure 5. clip.
16. Disconnect PJ57 on the waste toner door switch, Figure 5.

Figure 5 Harness and door switch

17. Prepare to remove the main drive assembly, Figure 6.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-39 REP 4.1
Slide the assembly off the
location dowels. 2 1
Remove 7 silver screws Disconnect PJ147,
marked A. PJ148 and PJ149.
Support the short paper path.

Figure 6 Main drive module Figure 7 Short paper path assembly

18. Slide the assembly off of the location dowels. 2. If a new main drives module is installed, check that the drive speed is correct. The 35 ppm
Replacement modules have black drive gears, Figure 8. The 40-55 ppm modules have white drive
gears, Figure 9.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
3. Lubricate the developer module support pin on the main drive module drives plate with
Plastislip grease, (35 ppm) Figure 8, (40-55 ppm) Figure 9.
Do not trap the harnesses when the main drives module is located onto the dowels.
Take care when reconnecting PJ1 on the IOT PWB, the pins can easily be damaged.
Perform the following:
1. It is important that the short paper path assembly is held in the UP position before install-
ing the main drives module, Figure 7.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.1 4-40 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Fuser drive gear.
Fuser drive gear.

Lubricate the support pin. Lubricate the support pin.

35 ppm black gears. 40-55 ppm white gears.

Figure 8 Main drives module 35 ppm Figure 9 Main drive module 40-55 ppm

4. Manually rotate the main drive motor to engage the drive between the drives plate and the
inverter transport before tightening up the seven mounting screws, Figure 6.
5. Take care when connecting PJ1 on the IOT PWB, make sure to align the pins correctly.
6. If a new drives module or developer drive gear is installed, reset the developer count to
zero in the HFSI feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-41 REP 4.1
REP 4.2 Main Drive PWB (35-55 ppm)
Parts List on PL 4.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the fly wheel (3 short screws), Figure 1.

3 1
Remove main drive motor. Disconnect 7 PJs
2 marked B.
Remove 6 black
screws marked A.

Figure 2 Main drive PWB

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

2 Remove 3 short screws.
Remove the fly wheel.

Figure 1 Remove the fly wheel

3. Remove the main drive PWB, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.2 4-42 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 4.3 Main Drive Belt, Drive Gears and Idlers (35-55
Parts List on PL 4.17
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the main drive module, REP 4.1.
2. To remove the main drive belt, (35 ppm), refer to Figure 1.
To remove the main drive belt, (40-55 ppm), refer to Figure 2.

3 2
Remove the drive belt. Slip the drive belt over the 1
pulley on the belt tensioner. Remove the circlip and
intermediate drive gear.

Figure 2 Main drive belt 40-55 ppm

3. Refer to Figure 3, to remove the following:

• Output paper path drive gear.
• Fuser drive gear.
• Registration transport drive gear.
• Developer drive gear.
• Idler rolls

3 2 1
Remove the drive belt. Slip the drive belt over Remove the circlip and
the pulley on the belt intermediate drive gear.

Figure 1 Main drive belt 35 ppm

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-43 REP 4.3
REP 4.4 Photoreceptor Drive Gear
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
When the drive gear is removed from the shaft, the dowel pin may drop onto the IOT PWB or
2. Remove the photoreceptor drive gear, Figure 1.
Remove the cir-
Remove the circlip
clip, paper path
and the developer
drive gear and
drive gear.

Remove the circlip and Remove the idler Remove the circlip
the registration trans- rolls. and the fuser drive
port drive gear. gear.

Figure 3 Remove drive gears and idlers

The spring loaded belt tensioner, Figure 1 is a floating type and should not be locked down.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

If a new developer drive gear is installed, reset the developer count to zero in the HFSI feature
screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Remove three short
2 3
screws and the fly Remove the screw Remove the drive gear
wheel. and collar. and the dowel pin.

Figure 1 Photoreceptor drive gear

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.3, REP 4.4 4-44 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Replacement REP 4.5 Main Drive Module (65-90 ppm)
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the Parts List on PL 4.10
NOTE: Turn the drive shaft, so that the dowel pin is horizontal then locate the drive gear onto WARNING
the drive shaft.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
The 65- 90 ppm Main Drive Modules are not interchangeable with 35 ppm or 45-55 ppm Main
Drive Modules. Before you begin this repair procedure, ensure that the new Main Drive Module
is the correct part number for your machine speed and model.
1. Pull out fuser module approximately 100mm, (4 inches), PL 10.10 Item 1.
2. Drop down short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1.
3. Remove the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2, and place in a black bag.
4. Remove left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3.
5. Disconnect PJ93 and the bias lead on the developer module, Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-45 REP 4.4, REP 4.5
Disconnect PJ24.

Remove the

Disconnect PJ93.
Disconnect bias lead.
Move Power supply to
the rear.

Figure 1 Developer module Figure 2 Power supply

6. Remove the two screws securing the developer module, REP 9.2. CAUTION
7. Pull the developer module out approximately 100mm (4 inches). Take care when removing PJ1 on the IOT PWB, the pins can be easily damaged.
8. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1. 12. Disconnect PJs on the power and control assembly, Figure 3.
9. Remove the waste toner bottle door assembly, REP 9.1.
10. Remove the ozone filter and duct, PL 9.25 Item 2.
11. Move the power and control assembly to the rear, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.5 4-46 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

PJ18. 2
Disconnect PJ57.

Disconnect HT lead C
and G.
Disconnect PJ2.

Disconnect PJ35, Disconnect PJ1.


Figure 3 Power and control assembly

13. Remove the main frame ground wire, 01A Ground Distribution RAP. 1
14. Remove the waste toner full sensor, REP 9.4. Remove harness
15. Unclip the wiring harness from the retaining clip and move the harness away from the from the retaining
drives module, Figure 4. clip.
16. Disconnect PJ57 on the waste toner door switch, Figure 4.

Figure 4 Harness and door switch

17. Prepare to remove the main drive assembly, Figure 5.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-47 REP 4.5
Slide the assembly off the
location dowels. 2 1
Remove 7 silver screws Disconnect PJ147,
marked A. PJ148 and PJ149.
Support the short paper path.

Figure 5 Main drive module Figure 6 Short paper path assembly

18. Slide the assembly off the location dowels. CAUTION

Replacement The belt tensioners are of the floating type, and are spring loaded. They should not be locked
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Lubricate the developer module support pin on the main drive module drives plate with
CAUTION Plastislip grease, Figure 7.
Do not trap the harnesses when the main drives module is located onto the dowels.
Take care when reconnecting PJ1 on the IOT PWB, the pins can easily be damaged.
Perform the following:
1. It is important that the short paper path assembly is held in the UP position before install-
ing the main drives module, Figure 6.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.5 4-48 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 4.6 Main Drive PWB (65-90 ppm)
Parts List on PL 4.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the main drive module, REP 4.5.
2. Remove the PJs from the main drive PWB, Figure 1.

Disconnect PJ144.

Lubricate the support pin.

Disconnect PJ146,
Figure 7 Main drives module PJ154 and PJ151.

3. Manually rotate the main drive motor to engage the drive between the drives plate and the
inverter transport before tightening the seven mounting screws, Figure 5.
4. Rotate the jam clearance knob 4c and ensure that the registration shaft turns freely.
5. Take care when connecting PJ1 on the IOT PWB, make sure to align the pins correctly.
6. If a new drives module or developer drive gear is installed, reset the developer count to
zero in the HFSI feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Figure 1 Disconnect the PJs

3. Remove the main drive PWB, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-49 REP 4.5, REP 4.6
Remove 4 screws.

Figure 2 Main drive PWB 3

Remove the main
4. Remove the drives support bracket on the main drive module, Figure 3. Then remove the drive PWB.
drive belt and the main drive PWB, 1
2 Remove 6 screws.
Remove the support bracket.

Figure 3 Drives support bracket

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

The belt tensioners are of the floating type, and are spring loaded. They should not be locked
1. Ensure that the drives bracket is located in the tabs on the drives plate, Figure 4. Then
secure the main drive PWB to the drives plate.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.6 4-50 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 4.7 Main Drive Belts, Drive Gears and Idlers (65-90 ppm)
Parts List on PL 4.12
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the main drive module, REP 4.5.
2. Remove the drives support bracket, Figure 1.

Ensure that the tabs are located in the bracket.

Figure 4 Main drive PWB location

2. Ensure that the support bracket on the main drive module is located correctly with the
drive shafts and the collar, Figure 5. Then secure the support bracket.

1 2
Remove six screws. Remove the support

Position the collar. Locate all 3 shafts correctly

in the bracket. Figure 1 Drives support bracket
3. Refer to Figure 2, to remove the following:
• Main drive belt 2
Figure 5 Main drive module support bracket • Fuser drive gear
• Output paper path drive gear
3. Before installing the main drive module turn the drive gears by hand to position the drive
belts correctly on the drive gears. • Intermediate drive gear
• Idler

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-51 REP 4.6, REP 4.7
Remove the circlip, output Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
paper path drive gear and
the spring. CAUTION
The belt tensioners are of the floating type, and are spring loaded. They should not be locked
1. Ensure that the support bracket on the main drive module is located correctly on the drive
1 shafts and the collar, Figure 4.
Remove circlip and intermediate
drive gear.

Remove the circlip and fuser

drive gear / pulley.

Remove the idler. 2

Remove drive belt 2.

Figure 2 Remove drive belt 2

4. Refer to Figure 3, to remove the following:

• Main drive belt 1
• Developer drive gear Position the collar. Locate all 3 shafts correctly
• Registration drive gear in the bracket.
• Idlers

Remove the circlip and the Figure 4 Main drive module support bracket
developer drive gear / pulley.
2. Turn the drive gears by hand to position the drive belts correctly on the drive gears and
tensioner rolls.
3. If a new developer drive gear is installed, reset the developer count to zero in the HFSI
feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
Remove the circlip and
registration drive pulley.

Remove the idlers.

Remove the drive
belt 1.

Figure 3 Remove drive belt 1

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 4.7 4-52 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.1 Top Cover Assembly
Parts List on PL 5.20 3 4
Remove the 2 latch pins. Remove the top
Removal cover assembly.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the DADH top cover. Take note of the position of
2. Remove the DADH top cover assembly, Figure 1. latch pins.

Remove the screw and 1
the plastic bushing (front Disengage the hinges.
and back).

Figure 1 Top cover

Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the latch pins are
installed correctly, refer to Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-53 REP 5.1
REP 5.2 Top Access Cover Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 5.20 CAUTION
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure that the 2 springs on the
WARNING idler roll are in the correct position, Figure 2. Then install the top cover.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Takeaway idler roll
1. Open the DADH top cover.
torsion spring
2. If installed, remove the rear wall, PL 8.10 Item 6.
3. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1.
4. Remove the DADH top cover assembly, REP 5.1.
5. Remove the DADH top access cover assembly, Figure 1.

3 Remove the screw and
the bracket.
Remove the top access
cover assembly.

CVT idler roll torsion


1 Figure 2 Torsion springs

Disconnect PJ191 and
the ground harness.

Figure 1 Top access cover assembly

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.2 4-54 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.3 Feed Assembly NOTE: 40-90 ppm machines have an in-line connector between PJ184 and the document
present sensor. Disconnect the in-line connector before removing the feed assembly.
Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 5.15, (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Disengage the hinges.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the DADH top cover.
2. If installed, remove the rear wall, PL 8.10 Item 6.
3. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1. Remove 4 self tapping
4. Remove the feed roll assembly, REP 5.14. screws marked A.
5. Remove the feed assembly, Figure 1.

Remove the feed
3 In-line connector. 4 5
Disconnect PJ183, See NOTE. Release the Disconnect the ground
PJ184 and PJ187. harness. harness.

Figure 1 Feed assembly

Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-55 REP 5.3
REP 5.4 Input Tray Assembly
Parts List on PL 5.35 7
8 6
Removal Remove the input Remove 3 self tapping Loosen the screw.
tray assembly. screws marked A.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the feed assembly, REP 5.3.

NOTE: To release the tension of the drive belts, refer to ADJ 5.1.

3. Remove the input tray assembly, Figure 1.

5 1
Disconnect PJ190. Release the tension on the
CVT motor drive belt.

Disconnect the ground harness.
Release the harness. 3
Release the tension and disengage
the drive belt.

Figure 1 Input tray assembly

Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform the feed motor and the CVT motor, belt tension adjustment, ADJ 5.1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.4 4-56 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.5 Baffle Assembly CAUTION
When the top access cover assembly, feed assembly, input tray assembly and CVT roll are
Parts List on PL 5.30 removed the DADH structure is weak. Do not lower the DADH in this configuration.
Removal 7. Carefully install the DADH frame on the machine. Secure the DADH with the two thumb-
WARNING screws.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can Be careful to prevent damage to the document pad when the document pad is removed from
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. the baffle assembly.
WARNING 8. Slide the baffle assembly lower cover, Figure 2.

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19. DADH frame.
2. Remove the top access cover assembly, REP 5.2.
3. Remove the feed assembly, REP 5.3.
4. Remove the input tray assembly, REP 5.4.
5. Remove the CVT roll, REP 5.15.
6. Prepare to remove the baffle assembly, Figure 1.

Disengage the lugs in the lower

Release the harness.

1 3
Disconnect the link arm.
Disconnect PJ189.

Remove 2 screws.
To help the removal of the
baffle assembly, slide the 1
lower cover approximately Carefully remove the left hand
40mm (1.5 inches) away end of the document pad from the
from the document pad. baffle assembly.
Figure 1 Preparation

Figure 2 Lower cover

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-57 REP 5.5
Take care removing the baffle assembly, do not damage the solenoid link arm.
9. Remove the baffle assembly, Figure 3.

Disengage the hinge

Slide the tab through
slot in DADH frame.

Remove the baffle

Feed the harness and
ground harness through the

Torsion springs.

Solenoid link arm.

Figure 3 Baffle assembly

Route the harness.
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure that the torsion springs
and harness are in the correct position, Figure 4.

Figure 4 Torsion springs and harness

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.5 4-58 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.6 Takeaway Roll Assembly NOTE: To release the tension of the drive belt on the feed motor, refer to ADJ 5.1.

Parts List on PL 5.35

Removal 2
WARNING Remove 2 E-clips.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can White spacers.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Black spacer.
1. Remove the feed assembly, REP 5.3.
2. Remove the takeaway roll assembly, Figure 1.
Slide the bearing forward.

Release the tension and
disengage the drive belt.

Remove the takeaway roll

Figure 1 Takeaway roll assembly

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the spacers and E-clips
are installed correctly, refer to Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-59 REP 5.6
REP 5.7 Duplex Solenoid
Parts List on PL 5.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. If installed, remove the rear wall, PL 8.10 Item 6.
2. Remove the DADH rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1.
3. Prepare to remove the drive assembly, Figure 1.

Disconnect 3 ground

Remove 3 self tapping 1
screws marked A.
Release the tension and
disengage the drive
2 belts.
Remove the drive assembly. Release the harness.

Figure 2 Drives assembly

3 5. Remove the duplex solenoid, Figure 3.

Disconnect PJ203 and

Release the harnesses.

Figure 1 Drives assembly

NOTE: To release the tension on the drive belts, refer to ADJ 5.1.

4. Remove the drive assembly, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.7 4-60 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.8 Takeaway and CVT Sensor
3 2
Disconnect PJ205.
Parts List on PL 5.20
Remove the screw.
Disconnect the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
link arm. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH top cover assembly, REP 5.1.
2. Remove the takeaway or CVT sensor, Figure 1.

Disconnect the correct PJ. Remove the
correct sensor.
Remove the screw.

Takeaway sensor.

4 Release the duplex sole-
Disconnect the ground harness. noid from the clips.
CVT sensor.

Figure 3 Duplex solenoid

CAUTION Spring plate.
The screw that attaches the ground harness to the duplex solenoid is shorter than the other
screws. Do not use the incorrect screw.
CVT idler roll
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6. shaft.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure that the wiring is not
caught below the drive assembly.
2. Perform the DADH motor adjustment, ADJ 5.1.

Figure 1 Takeaway and CVT sensors

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-61 REP 5.7, REP 5.8
Replacement REP 5.9 Length Detect Sensors
CAUTION Parts List on PL 5.35
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into plastic component, refer to GP 6
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the spring plate and idler
roll torsion springs are in the correct position. Also make sure that the CVT sensor actuator is WARNING
in the correct position below the CVT roll and the idler shaft. Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2. Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Then install the top cover assembly, customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the input tray assembly, REP 5.4.
Takeaway idler roll CAUTION
torsion spring Disconnect the ground harness from the static eliminator before the input tray assembly lower
cover is removed, refer to Figure 1.
2. Turn the input tray assembly upside down. Remove the relevant cover:
• (35 ppm) Input tray assembly lower cover, PL 5.35 Item 21.
• (40-90 ppm) Lower cover (right), PL 5.35 Item 9 and Lower cover (left), PL 5.35 Item
3. Remove the length detect sensors, Figure 1.

Remove the ground harness
and bracket. Ground harness.

CVT idler roll torsion


Figure 2 Torsion springs

Length sensor 2.
Length sensor 1. Disconnect the correct PJ. Remove
the correct sensor.

Figure 1 Length detect sensors

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.8, REP 5.9 4-62 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Replacement REP 5.10 Registration Sensor
CAUTION Parts List on PL 5.25
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, top cover assembly, REP 5.1.
2. Remove the registration sensor, Figure 1.

Disconnect PJ192. Remove the registration

Remove the sensor assembly.

Remove 2 screws. 2 3
Carefully release the Remove the pre-scan
torsion spring. idler roll.

Figure 1 Registration sensor

Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure that the torsion spring is
installed correctly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-63 REP 5.9, REP 5.10
REP 5.11 Exit Sensor
Parts List on PL 5.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Raise the DADH.
Be careful to prevent damage to the document pad when the document pad is removed from
the baffle assembly.
2. Prepare to remove the exit sensor, Figure 1.

Torsion spring.

Figure 2 Torsion spring

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.10, REP 5.11 4-64 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PJ196. Remove
the exit sensor.

Disengage the lugs in the lower

4 2
Remove the lower cover. Remove 2 screws.

Carefully remove the left hand end of the
document pad from the baffle assembly.

Figure 1 Preparation Figure 2 Exit sensor

3. Remove the exit sensor, Figure 2. Replacement

Take care when installing self tapping screw into plastic components, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-65 REP 5.11
REP 5.12 DADH Counterbalance
Parts List on PL 5.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not remove the DADH while the DADH is lowered. In the lowered position the coun-
terbalance springs are compressed and can cause injury when released.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Put the DADH upside down on a solid flat surface.
NOTE: The counterbalances are different. The removal procedure for the two counterbalances
is same. The right counterbalance
ground tag.
3. Remove the relevant counterbalance, right, PL 5.10 Item 2 (4 screws) or left, PL 5.10 Item
4 (4 screws).
CAUTION The left counterbalance
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6. ground tag.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the ground tags are
attached when the counterbalances are installed Figure 1.
2. Perform the steps that follow:
• DADH height adjustment, ADJ 5.2.
Figure 1 Ground tags
• DADH registration adjustment, ADJ 5.5.
3. If a new right counterbalance has been installed, perform the DADH skew adjustment,
ADJ 5.3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.12 4-66 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.13 Exit Roll Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 5.35 CAUTION
Take care when installing self tapping screws into plastic components, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the spacers and E-clips
WARNING are installed correctly, refer to Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the feed assembly, REP 5.3.
2. Remove the input tray assembly, REP 5.4.
Disconnect the ground harness from the static eliminator before the input tray assembly lower
cover is removed, refer to Figure 1.
3. Turn the input tray assembly upside down. Remove the relevant cover:
• (35 ppm) Input tray assembly lower cover, PL 5.35 Item 21.
• (40-90 ppm) Lower cover (right), PL 5.35 Item 9 and Lower cover (left), PL 5.35 Item
4. Remove the exit roll assembly, Figure 1.

Black spacers.


Ground harness.

Remove the exit roll

Figure 1 Exit roll assembly

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-67 REP 5.13
REP 5.14 Feed Roll Assembly
Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 5.15, (40-90 ppm) PL 5.17
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the DADH top cover.
2. Remove the DADH feed roll assembly, Figure 1.
Completely raise the feed
roll assembly (2 clicks).

Raise the feed roll assembly

Remove the feed roll assem-

NOTE: There are three rollers on the

feed roll cartridge.
If the lower feed roll does not come out
with feed roll assembly, then remove it
separately from the machine.

Figure 1 Feed roll assembly

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. When the feed rolls are
installed, make sure the lowest roll, (retard roll), is positioned as shown in Figure 2.
2. If a new feed roll assembly is installed, select dC131 chain 5, location 05-001 and reset
the copy count to zero.
3. If a new feed roll assembly is installed, reset the DADH feed count to zero in the HFSI fea-
ture screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency Service Items.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.14 4-68 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.15 Duplex Gate, CVT Roll and CVT Motor, Drive Belt
Parts List on PL 5.25
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the feed assembly, REP 5.3.
2. Remove the input tray assembly, REP 5.4.
3. Remove the DADF drive assembly, refer to REP 5.7.
4. Remove the duplex gate, Figure 1.
Key Retard roll

Lift out the duplex

Figure 2 Retard roll position

Figure 1 Duplex gate

When the top access cover assembly, feed assembly, input tray assembly and CVT roll are
removed the DADH structure is weak. Do not lower the DADH in this configuration
5. Carefully install the DADH frame on the machine. Secure the DADH with the 2 thumb-

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-69 REP 5.14, REP 5.15
6. Disengage the back CVT roll bearing, Figure 2.

Compress the two ends of
the bearing together.

Remove the CVT roll.

Remove the CVT motor drive
Push the bearing to disengage.

Figure 3 CVT roll

Figure 2 Bearing
7. Release the front CVT roll bearing, PL 5.25 Item 4. Remove the CVT roll and CVT motor, 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the white washer is
drive belt, Figure 3. installed correctly, Figure 4.
2. Perform the DADH CVT motor adjustment, refer to ADJ 5.1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.15 4-70 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.16 Document Width Sensor
CVT roll.
Parts List on PL 5.35
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
White washer. customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the feed assembly, REP 5.3.
2. Remove the input tray assembly, REP 5.4.
Disconnect the ground harness from the static eliminator before the input tray assembly lower
cover is removed, refer to Figure 1.
3. Turn the input tray assembly upside down. Remove the relevant cover:
• (35 ppm) Input tray assembly lower cover, PL 5.35 Item 21.
• (40-90 ppm) Lower cover (right), PL 5.35 Item 9 and Lower cover (left), PL 5.35 Item
4. Remove the document width sensor, Figure 1.

Figure 4 Replacement

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-71 REP 5.15, REP 5.16
REP 5.17 Input Tray Static Eliminator
Parts List on PL 5.35
Release the harness.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
2 customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Disconnect PJ193. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the input tray assembly, REP 5.4.
Disconnect the ground harness from the static eliminator before the input tray assembly lower
cover is removed, refer to Figure 1.
2. Turn the input tray assembly upside down. Remove the relevant cover:
arm • (35 ppm) Input tray assembly lower cover, PL 5.35 Item 21.
3 • (40-90 ppm) Lower cover (right), PL 5.35 Item 9 and Lower cover (left), PL 5.35 Item
Remove the document width sensor. 20.
3. Remove the input tray static eliminators, Figure 1.

Ground harness.

Ground harness.

Figure 1 Document width sensor

Replacement 1
CAUTION Remove the correct
static eliminator.
Be careful when the self tapping screw is installed into a plastic component, refer to GP 6.
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure the document width
sensor arm is attached correctly, refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1 Static eliminators

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.16, REP 5.17 4-72 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Replacement REP 5.18 Exit Roll Idler
CAUTION Parts List on PL 5.30
Take care when installing self tapping screws into plastic components, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the baffle assembly lower cover, PL 5.30 Item 1.
2. Remove the baffle assembly, REP 5.5.
3. Prepare to remove the exit roll idlers, Figure 1.

Release the link arm.

Remove the lift bar and
link arm.
Raise one end of the exit roll idler shaft, then release
the lift bar.

Figure 1 Preparation

4. Remove the exit roll idlers, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-73 REP 5.17, REP 5.18
Lift out the exit roll idlers.

Torsion spring.

Document finger.

Remove the 2 bearings.

Figure 3 Torsion spring and document finger

Carefully remove the tor-
sion spring and the docu-
ment finger.

Figure 2 Exit roll idlers

Take care when installing self tapping screws into plastic components, refer to GP 6.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure that the torsion spring
and document finger are installed correctly, refer to Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.18 4-74 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 5.19 DADH Removal
Parts List on PL 5.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not remove the DADH while the DADH is lowered. In the lowered position the coun-
terbalance springs are compressed and can cause injury when released.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. If installed, remove the rear wall, PL 8.10 Item 6 and the left rear wall bracket assembly.
2. Disconnect the communication/power cable, PL 5.10 Item 6 and the DADH ground har- 1
ness, PL 5.10 Item 11. Remove 2 thumbscrews.
3. Raise the DADH.
Use safe handling procedures when removing the module, GP 16. The module is heavy.
NOTE: The DADH weight is 13Kg (29lb.).
4. Remove the DADH from the machine, Figure 1. Remove the DADH.

Figure 1 DADH removal

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. If a new DADH is installed, perform the steps that follow:
a. Attach the document pad, refer to ADJ 5.6.
b. Select dC131 chain 5, location 05-001. Reset the copy count to zero.
c. Reset the DADH feed count to zero in the HFSI feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High
Frequency Service Items.
d. DADH height adjustment, ADJ 5.2.
e. DADH registration adjustment, ADJ 5.5.
f. DADH skew adjustment, ADJ 5.3.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-75 REP 5.19
REP 5.20 Mylar Guide Strip
Parts List on PL 5.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Raise the DADH.
2. Open the baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5.
3. Remove the old mylar guide strip, PL 5.30 Item 14.
4. Use cleaning fluid to remove any contamination from the baffle assembly.
1. Remove the 3 backing strips from the pressure sensitive adhesive tape on the mylar
2. Adhere the mylar guide to the baffle assembly, Figure 1.

Bias the corner of the
mylar guide with the edge
of the baffle assembly.

Position the centre of the
mylar guide over the cen-
tre rib.

Figure 1 Mylar guide

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 5.20 4-76 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Parts List on PL 6.10 Front Rear
Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation.

Slide the ROS to the rear to align
1 cut out. Lift the rear of the ROS.
Figure 1 Laser Beam Symbol See Caution.
Remove screw.

Figure 2 ESD Symbol

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Slide the ROS to the rear to
1. Remove the scanner, REP 14.1 clear the front dowels, then lift
up and out.
Take care not to damage the wiring at the rear of the ROS.
2. Figure 3, remove the ROS.
Disconnect the harnesses at the ROS,
then remove the ROS.

Figure 3 ROS removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-77 REP 6.1
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the ROS.

Ensure that the harnesses are not damaged when the ROS is installed.
1. If installing a new ROS, ensure that the ROS is the correct one for the machine speed.
Check that the part number is correct, as listed in PL 6.10 Item 4. The part number and
the machine speed are labelled on the underside of the ROS, as shown in Figure 4.
2. Figure 4. Ensure that the harness is routed correctly.

Label (Underneath).

Harness routing.

Figure 4 ROS harness routing

3. Go to dC604 Registration Setup, check/adjust the registration.

4. Perform ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 6.1 4-78 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.1 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Removal REP 7.2 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Removal
Parts List on PL 7.10 Parts List on PL 7.15
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
CAUTION 1. Remove the paper from the two trays.
Do not stack the trays one on top of the other tray. The top tray can damage the bottom tray, 2. Remove the right hand cover, PL 7.25 Item 7.
which can cause misfeeds or paper jams. 3. Remove the tray 3 and tray 4 front cover, Figure 1.
1. Remove the tray 1 or tray 2, Figure 1.

NOTE: The removal procedure for tray 1 and tray 2 is the same.

Tray stop Tray stop

Remove 3 screws (tray 3).

Remove 2 screws (tray 4).

Figure 1 Tray 3 and tray 4 front covers removal

4. Remove the stops, Figure 2.

If tray 4 needs to be removed then remove tray 3 first.
1 3 If only tray 3 is to be removed then do not remove the left hand stop.
Pull out the tray.
Release the right
side of the tray,
then the left.
Lift the front of tray.

Figure 1 Tray 1 and tray 2 removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Make sure that the left tray slide is
located inside the tray stop before inserting the right side of the tray. Refer to Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-79 REP 7.1, REP 7.2
Tray 4 rail location.

3 1
Remove left hand stop Remove right hand stop
2 (tray 3).
(tray 4). Remove centre stop.

Figure 2 Tray 3 and tray 4 rail stops

5. Lift and pull to remove the tray complete with the guide rails.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 when refitting the
screws to secure tray 3 and tray 4 front covers. Tray 3 rail location.

NOTE: When installing tray 3 or tray 4 ensure that the tray rails are located correctly in the
base of the HCF, Figure 3.

Figure 3 Location of the tray rails

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.2 4-80 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.3 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Elevator Motor
Parts List on PL 7.20
Removal Tray 4 elevator motor.

Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
HCF control PWB.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Pull out tray 3 and tray 4.
2. Remove the rear cover from the HCF, PL 7.25 Item 1.
3. Disconnect PJ395 or PJ397 elevator motor harness from the HCF control PWB,
4. Disconnect the harness from the low paper sensor on the elevator motor.
5. Remove the tray 3 or tray 4 elevator motor, Figure 1.

Tray 3 elevator motor.

Remove the screw.

Low paper

2 Timing disc.
Remove the elevator

Figure 1 Elevator motor removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-81 REP 7.3
REP 7.4 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Elevator Cables NOTE: Short cable over the outer pulley and the long cable over the inner pulley.

Parts List on PL 7.15

Removal Tray 4 pulley carrier. Tray 3 pulley
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.

NOTE: The elevator drives at the front and at the rear are similar for both trays.

1. Remove tray 3 or tray 4, REP 7.2.

2. Remove the cables from the front drive pulley, Figure 1.

Remove the short cable from the
drive pulley.

3 Tray 4 drive shaft. Tray 3 drive shaft.

Remove the long cable from the Remove cables.
drive pulley.

Figure 2 Remove front elevator cables

Remove E 4. Remove the tray 3 rear elevator cable, Figure 3.

Figure 1 Front elevator cable removal

3. Remove the pulley carrier and pass the cables through the base of the tray, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.4 4-82 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2 5
Remove the metal plate if Remove the metal plate if fitted.
Remove the pulley
carrier. 4
Remove 3 pulley carrier.

Remove the drive
dog and end cap.

Remove the cable from
the drive pulley.
Remove the cable from
the drive pulley.

Remove E-clip. 1 2
6 6 Remove E-clip.
Remove the drive dog
Pass cable through the Pass the cable through and end cap.
base of the tray. the base of the tray.

Figure 3 Tray 3 rear cable removal Figure 4 Tray 4 rear cable removal

5. Remove the tray 4 rear elevator cable, Figure 4. Replacement

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Tray 3 front cables.

1. Thread the short cable over the inner groove on the pulley.
2. Thread the long cable over the outer groove on the pulley.
Tray 3 rear cable.
• Thread the medium length cable over the inner groove on the pulley.
Tray 4 front cables.
1. Thread the long cable over the inner groove on the pulley.
2. Tread the short cable over the outer groove on the pulley.
Tray 4 rear cable.
• Thread the medium length cable over the outer groove on the pulley.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-83 REP 7.4
REP 7.5 Bypass Tray and Left Hand Door Assembly
Parts List on PL 7.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Remove the hinge pin.
1. Remove rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the waste toner bottle and door, REP 9.1.
Remove the left door
3. Prepare to remove the bypass tray, Figure 1. and bypass tray.

Disconnect PJ636
and PJ36.

Wire harness.

Figure 2 Bypass tray hinge pin

When replacing the hinge pin, do not damage the wire harness.
Figure 1 Preparation 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Connect PJ636 and PJ36 before installing the bypass tray and the left door assembly,
4. Remove upper left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3. refer to Figure 1.
5. Pull out the extender tray on the bypass tray. 3. Make sure that the bypass tray and left door assembly is correctly aligned before inserting
6. Remove the bypass tray and left hand door assembly, Figure 2. the hinge pin.
4. Perform the dC604 Registration Setup.
NOTE: Check that the point of the hinge pin has not damaged the wire harness.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.5 4-84 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.6 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Guides
Parts List on PL 7.10 1
Removal Align the tabs with the cut outs
in the tray base.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.

NOTE: The removal procedure is the same for tray 1 and for tray 2.
1. Remove the paper then remove the tray, REP 7.1. Lift the tab with a small
2. To remove the paper width guide, Figure 1.

Remove the paper guide.

Figure 2 Remove the paper length guide

Press the green tab and Replacement
move the side guide 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
towards the centre of the
tray. 2. Locate the paper length guide correctly in the base of the tray, Figure 3.
Raise the paper lift plate. 3
Lift and remove the 1
paper guide. Locate the ribbon tag in the paper

Figure 1 Remove the paper width guide

3. To remove the paper length guide.

a. Remove the paper width guide and the paper tray.
b. Remove the paper length guide, Figure 2. 2
Position the paper guide over
the cut outs.

Press down on the two
tabs and slide the paper
guide into position.

Figure 3 Locate the paper length guide

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-85 REP 7.6
REP 7.7 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Stack Height Sensor
Parts List on PL 8.30, PL 8.31
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Pull out tray 3 or tray 4, PL 7.15 Item 3.
2. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
3. Remove the required paper feed assembly:
• Tray 3 paper feed assembly, REP 8.2.
• Tray 4 paper feed assembly, REP 8.3.
4. Disconnect and remove the stack height sensor, Figure 1.

Stack limit switch.

Unclip and remove the

stack height sensor.

Figure 1 Stack height sensor

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.7 4-86 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.8 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Stack Limiter
Parts List on PL 7.20 1
Removal Use a small screwdriver to press down
the tab to release the bracket
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 and tray 2.
2. Remove tray 3, REP 7.2.
3. Perform the following:
• To remove the tray 3 stack limiter and bracket, Figure 1.
• To remove the tray 4 stack limiter and bracket, Figure 2.

Use a small screwdriver to press down
the tab to release the bracket.
Slide the bracket to the front

Figure 2 Tray 4 stack limiter and bracket

4. Remove the stack limiter from the bracket.

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Slide the bracket to the front
to remove.

Figure 1 Tray 3 stack limiter and bracket

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-87 REP 7.8
REP 7.9 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Home Switch
Parts List on PL 7.20 3
Disconnect the
Removal harness.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
The removal procedure is the same for tray 3 and tray 4.

1. Pull out Tray 3 or Tray 4. 1

Release harness.
2. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
3. Remove the tray home switch and holder, Figure 1. 2
Press the tabs to release the

Figure 2 Tray home switch

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Ensure that the tabs on the switch holder locate correctly in the holes in the base, Figure 3.

1 Tab on the switch holder.

2 Remove screw.
Lift and remove the

Figure 1 Tray home switch and holder

4. Remove the tray home switch, Figure 2.

Location holes in the
base of the machine.

Figure 3 Holder location

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.9 4-88 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.10 HCF Control PWB
Parts List on PL 7.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Figure 1 ESD Symbol

Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during the removal and installation of the HCF
Press the clip to
Control PWB.
release the PWB.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
2. Remove the HCF Control PWB, Figure 2. 2
1 Remove the screw.
Disconnect all PJ

Figure 2 Remove the HCF control PWB

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

After completing the replacement procedure, perform dC604 Registration Setup.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-89 REP 7.10
REP 7.11 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Elevator Damper and Gears
Parts List on PL 7.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 3 or tray 4, REP 7.2.
2. To remove the damper from tray 3, Figure 1.

2 1
Lift and remove the
Remove the screw.

Figure 2 Tray 4 damper

4. To remove the drive gears, Figure 3.

2 1
Lift and remove the Remove the screw.

Figure 1 Tray 3 damper

3. To remove the damper from tray 4, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.11 4-90 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.12 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Size Cams
Parts List on PL 7.10
Pinch the two sections of the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
shaft together and pull off the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
gears. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the output device.
2. Remove the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 9.
3. Remove tray 1 or tray 2 leaf spring, Figure 1.

Figure 3 Remove the gears

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Ensure the gears are correctly aligned, Figure 4.

Align the two gears as shown

and then push the gears onto
the shaft.

Remove the screw and

leaf spring for tray 1.
Remove the screw and leaf
spring for Tray 2.

Figure 1 Remove the leaf springs

4. Remove the cams for tray 1 or tray 2, Figure 2.

Figure 4 Install the gears

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-91 REP 7.11, REP 7.12
NOTE: The cams are the same for tray 1 and for tray 2. The small cam is for the tray REP 7.13 Tray 5 Empty Sensor
home position and the larger cams are for the paper size position.
Parts List on PL 8.45
1 Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Remove the tray customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
home cam.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, PL 7.60 Item 10.
2. Prepare to remove the tray 5 empty sensor, Figure 1.

Remove the 4 paper
size cams.

Figure 2 Remove the cams

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
1 2 3
Disconnect the harness. Remove eight screws Lift the upper plate.
marked A.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove tray 5 empty sensor, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.12, REP 7.13 4-92 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Spring position.

Figure 4 Nip roll spring

4. Check that the correct screw is used to attach the upper plate.
5. Make sure that the spring is positioned on top of the chute upper insert, Figure 5.
1 2
Disconnect the harness. Press the tabs to release the

Figure 2 Remove tray 5 empty sensor

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Make sure that the spring on the paper feed assembly is in the correct position, Figure 3.

Place the spring under the


Figure 3 Feed assembly spring

Position spring on the top of the chute.
3. Make sure that the spring is position on top of the nip roll shaft when the upper plate is
installed, Figure 4.
Figure 5 Upper insert chute spring

6. Check that the harness routing is correct, Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-93 REP 7.13
REP 7.14 Tray 5 Stack Height Sensor
Parts List on PL 8.45
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, PL 7.60 Item 10.
2. Prepare to remove the tray 5 stack height sensor, Figure 1.

Press the tabs to release the sensor.

Figure 2 Remove the sensor

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Check that the harness routing is correct, Figure 1.
Disconnect the harness.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove tray 5 stack height sensor, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.14 4-94 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.15 Tray 5 Down Sensor REP 7.16 Tray 5 Elevator Motor Assembly
Parts List on PL 7.68 Parts List on PL 7.68
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9. 1. Remove the paper from the tray.
2. Remove the tray 5 down sensor, Figure 1. 2. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9.
3. Remove the tray 5 elevator motor assembly, Figure 1.
NOTE: The tray 5 paper tray must be supported before the elevator motor assembly is

PJ518 on the
In-line ground

2 1
Remove the sensor. Disconnect the

5 4 Disconnect the motor
Slide the motor off Remove the 3
Figure 1 Remove the sensor connections.
the shaft. KL clip. Release the
cable tie on the
Replacement motor.
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
Figure 1 Remove the elevator motor assembly
4. If required remove the encoder sensor from the plastic bracket, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-95 REP 7.15, REP 7.16
1 Mylar guide.
Press the tab to release the encoder

Rear channel.
Disconnect the harness on
the encoder sensor.

Figure 2 Remove the encoder sensor

1. To help with the installing of a new elevator motor, support the paper tray on two reams of
2. Make sure that the encoder sensor is position on the elevator motor assembly, Figure 2.
3. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
4. Check that the harness is routed in the channel on the plastic bracket, Figure 3. Ramp to slide against
the mylar, to keep the
harness in the correct

Check that the wires in the har-

ness are not trapped and are
free to move.
Figure 4 Location of the harness

8. Check the registration, refer to dC604.

Figure 3 Harness position

5. Ensure that there are no twists in the harness when installing the elevator motor.
6. When the motor is installed, remove the paper supporting the paper tray.
7. Exercise the elevator motor with one sheet of paper in the tray. Observe that the harness
tracks properly between the mylar guide and the rear channel. Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.16 4-96 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.17 Tray 5 Upper Limit Switch
Parts List on PL 8.40, PL 7.68
WARNING Remove screw and
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the release the spring to
remove the actuator.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Remove two
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9. screws and
2. Remove the top cover, PL 7.60 Item 10. remove switch.
3. Prepare to remove the tray 5 upper limit switch, Figure 1.

1 1
Remove two screws. Disconnect harness.

2 Figure 2 Remove tray upper limit switch

Remove E-clip.
3 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
Loosen the screw to the screws.
release belt tensioner.

Remove two screws.

Figure 1 Preparation

4. Remove the tray 5 upper limit switch and the actuator if required, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-97 REP 7.17
REP 7.18 Tray 5 Down Limit Switch
Parts List on PL 7.70
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. If the tray must be repositioned, refer to REP 7.16. Disengage the elevator motor from the
tray and move the tray to the required position. Re-engage the elevator motor to hold the
2. Release the paper tray to gain access to the tray 5 down limit switch, Figure 1.

2 Remove the E-clip to release

1 Remove two screws. the actuator.
Disconnect harness.

Figure 2 Remove tray 5 down limit switch

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Check that the wires are not trapped when refitting the tray.

Remove three screws.

Tray 5 down limit switch.

Figure 1 Release the paper tray

3. Lift the tray to gain access to the tray 5 down limit switch and the actuator if required, Fig-
ure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.18 4-98 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.19 Un-docking and Docking Tray 5 3. At the rear of the machine release the latch and pull the tray 5 module away from the
machine, Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 7.64
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care not to topple Tray 5.
Tray 5 is unstable when undocked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to undock Tray 5.
1. Remove the paper from the tray.
2. Engage the transit lock and pull the tray 5 module away from the machine until the lock
engages, Figure 1.

Press the lever to release

the latch.

Figure 2 Un-dock the tray 5 module

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Position the tray 5 module and align the docking guides with the machine, Figure 3

To engage - lift the lever and

move to the right.

Figure 1 Engage transit lock

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-99 REP 7.19
Align the tray 5 module with the
docking plate on the machine. Push Lift the latch and move to the left to
the module to dock and lock the tray release the lock.
5 module to the machine.

Figure 3 Docking the Tray 5 module

Figure 4 Release transit lock
3. Release the transit lock and push the tray 5 module into the docked position against the
4. Go to ADJ 7.3 Machine to Tray 5 Alignment and complete the adjustment.
machine, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 7.19 4-100 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 7.20 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Lift Gear Assembly Replacement
Parts List on PL 7.10 The existing gears are snap fitted to the shafts and can be removed to allow the new gears to
be pushed on.
WARNING Engage the lift gear assembly with the spigots on the rear of the tray. The remainder of the
replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the tray, REP 7.1.
2. Remove the paper width guide, REP 7.6.

NOTE: Make a note of the position of the two screws on the gear assembly, for replace-
ment purposes.

3. Raise the paper lift plate. Raise the paper tray lift arm to its fullest extent and slide it
towards the rear of the tray. This releases the pin from the quadrant as shown in Figure 1.

1 4
Slide the raised arm to Remove the gear
the rear of the tray. assembly, quadrant
and the bush behind
the quadrant.
2 Remove the 2
Remove the pin. screw.


Figure 1 Lift gear removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-101 REP 7.20
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
REP 7.20 4-102 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.1 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Paper Feed Assembly REP 8.2 Tray 3 Paper Feed Assembly
Parts List on PL 8.26 Parts List on PL 8.30
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 or tray 2 as required. 1. Pull out tray 3.
2. Remove tray 1 or tray 2 feed assembly. Figure 1. 2. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
3. Remove the paper feed assembly, Figure 1.
3 NOTE: Note the position of the blue flash on the ribbon cable when connected into
Remove the screw and PJ399.
remove tray 1.

2 Disconnect the harness
Remove the screw and
remove tray 2.
1 3
Disconnect 2 PJs. 2 Lift the tab and move the
Figure 1 Remove tray 1 or tray 2 paper feeder Disconnect ribbon cable
feed assembly to the left
from PJ399.
and remove.
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
2. If new feed rolls are installed reset tray 1 or tray 2 feeds count to zero in the HFSI feature Figure 1 Tray 3 feed assembly
screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-103 REP 8.1, REP 8.2
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

1. Refer to the kit instructions and install the spacers on the paper feed assembly.
2. Slide the spacer to the end of the shaft, Figure 2.

Locate the feeder into the stack

limit bracket

Position of the spacer.

Figure 3 Locate the paper feeder assembly

4. Install the paper feed assembly and push the tray in slowly.

NOTE: Check that the tray does not touch the feed assembly.

5. Connect the ribbon cable and the PJs, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Location of the spacer 6. If a new feed roll assembly is installed reset the tray 3 feed count to zero in the HFSI fea-
ture screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
3. Make sure that the feed assembly locates in the stack limiter bracket, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.2 4-104 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.3 Tray 4 Paper Feed Assembly NOTE: Note the position of the blue flash on the ribbon cable when connected into
Parts List on PL 8.30, PL 8.31
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Pull out tray 4.
2. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
3. Prepare to remove the paper feeder, Figure 1.

Disconnect ribbon 2 3
cable from PJ391. Disconnect 2 PJs. Lift tab and move the feed
assembly to the left and

Figure 2 Tray 4 feed assembly

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

1. Make sure that the feed assembly locates in the stack limiter bracket., Figure 3.

2 1
Remove the cover. Remove 2 screws.

Figure 1 Preparation

4. Remove the paper feed assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-105 REP 8.3
REP 8.4 Registration Transport
Locate the feeder into the stack Parts List on PL 8.15
limit bracket.
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the fuser module, PL 10.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the duplex assembly, REP 8.7.
3. Remove the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2.
4. Remove the developer module, REP 9.2.
5. Remove the short paper path assembly, REP 10.1.
6. Open left hand door, PL 7.30 Item 2.
Figure 1. Do not damage the temperature/humidity PWB.
7. Prepare to remove the registration transport, Figure 1.

Figure 3 Install the paper feed assembly

2. Install the paper feed assembly and push the tray in slowly.

NOTE: Check that the tray does not touch the feed assembly.

3. Connect the ribbon cable and the PJs, Figure 2.

4. If a new feed roll assembly is installed, reset the tray 4 Feeds count to zero in the HFSI
feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.3, REP 8.4 4-106 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Temperature / Humidity Disconnect bias
PWB. lead.

Ground wire.
2 1
Remove the registration transport Move the frame to the front and lift to
through the front of the machine. unlock the transport from the base.

Figure 2 Transport removal

9. If required remove the cover from the drive gears, Figure 3.

1 Remove the 2 screws and the retainer bracket.
Disconnect the harness.

Figure 1 Preparation

8. Remove the registration transport, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-107 REP 8.4
Lift the cover and slide
off the shaft.

Release the clip.


Figure 3 Remove the cover Figure 4 Transport foot location

Replacement 3. Ensure that the mylar guide on the registration transport is located on the top of the IOT
frame and not below the frame, Figure 5.
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
screw to the retaining bracket.
Ensure that the locking foot is correctly located into the base.
2. Locate the transport foot into the base, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.4 4-108 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.5 Registration Clutch
Parts List on PL 8.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the registration transport, REP 8.4.
2. Remove the clutch cover, PL 8.15 Item 24.
3. Prepare to remove the clutch, Figure 1.

Position the mylar guide on top of the frame.

Figure 5 Mylar guide position

4. Check that the ground wire is secured, Figure 1, when the retainer bracket is reinstalled.
5. Go to 01A Ground Distribution RAP. Check the grounding of the registration drive shaft 1
and the pre-registration drive shaft. Disconnect the harness.
6. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.
7. If a new Bias contact is installed, reset the Bias Foam count to zero in the HFSI feature
screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
Remove the harness
from the baffle.

Figure 1 Preparation

4. Remove the registration clutch, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-109 REP 8.4, REP 8.5
3. Turn the jam clearance knob 4c to rotate the drive shaft. Ensure that the drive plate on the
clutch rotates without binding on the clutch body, Figure 3.
4. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.

Remove the clutch and
gear together.

Frame key.

Locate the clutch

onto the key of
the frame.
Clutch drive plate
Clutch body

Remove the E-clip. 1 Figure 3 Clutch location
Remove E-clip on the

Figure 2 Registration Clutch

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Check the following:

1. The clutch is located with the key on the frame of the registration transport assembly, Fig-
ure 3.
2. The clutch harness is correctly routed and secure, Figure 1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.5 4-110 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.6 Registration Sensor and Wait Sensor (35-55ppm) REP 8.7 Duplex Transport
Parts List on PL 8.15 Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the registration transport, REP 8.4. WARNING
2. Remove the appropriate sensor, Figure 1. Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.
1. Remove the duplex transport, Figure 1.

Registration sensor.
Disconnect harness.

2 3 1
Release the sensor Wait sensor. Pull out and remove Remove screw.
the duplex transport.
and remove. 2
Pull the transport out by 75 mm
(3 inches) and disconnect the

Figure 1 Sensor location

Figure 1 Duplex transport removal
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
2. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.
screw to the duplex transport.
2. Go to 01A Ground Distribution RAP. Check the grounding of the duplex transport.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-111 REP 8.6, REP 8.7
3. Check that the duplex transport is located correctly on the metal channel, Figure 2. REP 8.8 Duplex Motor and Drive Belts
4. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20
NOTE: Lift the left side of the transport to engage the support pin through the rear frame. Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Duplex transport. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.
1. Remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7.

NOTE: The duct on the duplex transport is only used on the 65 - 90 ppm machine.
2. Remove the motor and drive belts, Figure 1.

Remove the drive
Disconnect the
motor harness.

Duplex transport.

Metal channel.

Remove the E-clip. 3 2
Remove the motor. Remove 2 screws.

Figure 2 Duplex transport location

Figure 1 Duplex motor and drive belts

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.7, REP 8.8 4-112 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.9 Bypass Tray Feed Solenoid REP 8.10 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Transport Motor
Parts List on PL 7.30 Parts List on PL 8.30
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the bypass tray, REP 7.5. 1. Remove HCF rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
CAUTION 2. Remove the Tray 3 and 4 transport motor, Figure 1.
Take care not to lose the small spring on the back of the solenoid.
2. Remove the bypass feed solenoid, Figure 1.

Remove the spring
(top first).

Disconnect harness.

3 4
Remove the solenoid.
Remove 2 screws.

Figure 1 Bypass tray feed solenoid

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-113 REP 8.9, REP 8.10
REP 8.11 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Transport Drive Gear
Parts List on PL 8.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
2. Remove the tray 3 and 4 transport motor, REP 8.10.
3. Remove the tray 3 and 4 transport motor bracket, Figure 1.

3 2 1
Remove the motor. Remove 2 screws. Disconnect motor

Figure 1 Tray 3 and 4 transport motor

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
2. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.10, REP 8.11 4-114 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Drive belt. Tray 3 transport drive
Drive gear.

Figure 2 Transport drive gear

2. Check that the transport motor bracket is located on the stops on the HCF frame, Figure

2 1
Remove the bracket with the Remove 2 screws.
drive gear and the drive belt.

Figure 1 Tray 3 and 4 transport motor bracket

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

The needle bearing in the drive gear can be damaged during removal / replacement. Care
must be taken when removing / replacing the drive gear onto the take away drive shaft.
1. Locate the drives belt onto the drive gear and the tray 3 transport drive coupling, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-115 REP 8.11
REP 8.12 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Transport Drive Belt
HCF frame. Parts List on PL 8.25
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
2. Remove waste toner bottle, PL 9.10 Item 1.
3. Remove the transport drives belt, Figure 1.

Slip the drive belt over the
Locate the bracket on the stop to idler roll to remove the
position the bracket correctly. drives belt.

Figure 3 Transport motor bracket

Figure 1 Tray 1 and 2 drives belt

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the transport drives belt.
2. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.11, REP 8.12 4-116 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.13 Tray 3 Transport Assembly
Parts List on PL 8.35
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care when removing tray 3 support bracket from its snap in mounting. 3
1. Remove tray 3 and tray 4 front covers, Figure 1. Press the rear lug over the post.

Use a small screw driver to remove the

front cover from tray 3.

Remove the transport.

Remove 2 screws.
Apply pressure between
transport and tray.
Remove 3 screws.
1 Figure 2 Tray 3 transport assembly
Remove 2 screws.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
Figure 1 Remove front covers
Take care to avoid damage to the tray 3 feed sensor flag at the rear of the tray, PL 7.15 Item 9.
2. Remove tray 3 transport assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-117 REP 8.13
REP 8.14 Tray 3 Feed Sensor Actuator REP 8.15 Registration Sensor (65-90 ppm)
Parts List on PL 7.15 Parts List on PL 8.17
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 3 transport assembly, REP 8.13. 1. Remove the developer assembly, REP 9.2.
2. Remove tray 3 feed sensor actuator, Figure 1. 2. Remove the xeromodule.

NOTE: Make a note of how the spring is located. 3. Remove the registration nip assembly, Figure 1
NOTE: To improve the access when removing the screw. Move the xerographic module
latch to the lock position, this changes the position of the developer paddle.

Move the xero-

graphic module latch
in the lock position.

Remove the actuator.

Remove actuator spring.

2 3
Remove the registration
1 Remove the screw.
nip assembly.
Figure 1 Tray 3 feed sensor actuator Remove the bias lead.

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Figure 1 Remove registration nip assembly
4. Remove the registration sensor and support bracket, Figure 2.
Take care when locating the actuator spring, it can be easily deformed or broken

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.14, REP 8.15 4-118 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Disconnect the harness.
Remove the sensor from
the support bracket.
Remove the sensor and
Loosen two screws.
support bracket.

Figure 2 Remove sensor and bracket Figure 3 Remove the sensor

5. Remove the sensor from the support bracket, Figure 3. Replacement

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
2. Locate the support bracket on the machine frame and tightened the screws, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-119 REP 8.15
Locate the tab on the
bracket in the hole on the

Tighten two screws.

Position the mylar guide above

the machine frame.

Figure 4 Position of sensor Figure 5 Position of the mylar guide

3. Ensure that the mylar guide is located on the top of the frame, Figure 5. 4. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.15 4-120 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.16 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Transport Rolls and Bearings
Parts List on PL 8.25
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 and tray 2, PL 7.10.
2. Remove tray 1 and 2 paper feed assembly, REP 8.1.
3. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
4. Remove the waste toner bottle and door, REP 9.1.
5. Remove the drive belt, Figure 1.

3 4
Remove the E-clip. Move the shaft to the
rear and remove.

1 2
Remove the drive pulley.
Remove the E-clip.

Figure 2 Remove the drive shaft

Remove the drive belt
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
2. Ensure that the bearings are located correctly.
3. If a new transport roll is installed, reset the Tray 1 or Tray 2 trans count to zero in the HFSI
feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
Figure 1 Remove the drive belt 4. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup.

6. Remove the drive shaft and bearings, Figure 2.

NOTE: The drive pulleys have a built-in one way clutch. Before the drive pulley is
removed, mark the pulley to indicate its installed position. The drive shaft rotates when
the pulley is turned in a anti-clockwise direction.

• The removal procedure is the same for the tray 1 and tray 2 transport rolls.
• Remove the front bearing when the shaft has been removed.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-121 REP 8.16
REP 8.17 Wait Sensor (65-90ppm)
Parts List on PL 7.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the left hand door, REP 7.5.
2. Prepare to remove the door cover, Figure 1.

Remove the cover from the
left hand door assembly.

Figure 2 Remove the door cover

4. Location of the wait sensor, Figure 3.

Remove the 3 screws.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove the door cover, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.17 4-122 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Disconnect the harness.

Un-clip and remove the

Figure 4 Remove the wait sensor

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
1 2. Ensure that the lug on the cover is located correctly in the left hand door assembly, Figure
Wait sensor 5.

Figure 3 Location of the wait sensor

5. Remove the wait sensor, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-123 REP 8.17
REP 8.18 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Transport Roll Drives Motor
Parts List on PL 8.25
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
1 2. Remove the waste toner bottle and door, REP 9.1.
Location point on
the door assembly. 3. Remove tray 1 and tray 2 paper trays.
4. Prepare to remove the transport roll drives motor, Figure 1.

Remove drive

Lug on the cover.

Figure 5 Left hand door assembly

3. After completing the replacement procedure, perform the dC604 Registration Setup. 2
Remove two screws.
Remove ground screw.

Figure 1 Prepare to remove the motor

5. Remove tray 1 and tray 2 and remove the transport motor, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.17, REP 8.18 4-124 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.19 Bypass Tray Feed Head
Parts List on PL 7.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3.
Take care not to lose the small spring on the back of the solenoid.
2. Open left hand door and remove the spring from the feed solenoid, Figure 1.

2 1
Remove the motor Disconnect the
and ground wire. connector.

Figure 2 Tray 1 and tray 2 transport roll drive motor

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
Un-clip and remove
the spring.

Figure 1 Feed solenoid spring

3. Remove the cover from the feed head, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-125 REP 8.18, REP 8.19
Disconnect the
PJ from the tray
empty sensor.

1 2
Use a small screw driver to Remove ribbon
release the cover. cable.

Figure 2 Feed head cover Figure 3 Feed head ribbon cable

4. Remove ribbon cable from feed head, Figure 3. 5. Remove the feed head, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.19 4-126 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2 Bypass tray
Position of the pressure empty sensor
plate cam. actuator.

Position the flat
on the Feed roll.

Remove the
feed head.

Press the tabs and lift the 3
feed head. Repeat the Position of the tab on
action at the rear. the drive gear.
Position of the nip

Figure 4 Bypass tray feed head

Figure 5 Component alignment
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Before replacement of the feed head ensure that feed roll, pressure plate cam and drive
gear are correctly aligned, Figure 5.
3. When the feed head is replaced, ensure that the bypass tray empty sensor actuator is
positioned in the slot in the lift plate. Refer to Figure 5.
4. Manually rotate the drive gear until the tab on the drive gear is engaged with the armature
on the bypass tray feed solenoid.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-127 REP 8.19
REP 8.20 Bypass Tray Drive Gear 2. Before replacement of the feed head, ensure that feed roll, pressure plate cam and drive
gear are correctly aligned, Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 7.30
Position of the pressure
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Position the flat
plate cam. on the feed roll.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the bypass tray feed head, REP 8.19.
2. Remove the bypass tray drive gear, Figure 1.

Position of the tab on 4
the drive gear. Position of the nip rolls.

Figure 2 Component alignment

Lift the tab to remove the gear.

Figure 1 Drive gear removal

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.20 4-128 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.21 Bypass Tray Feed Roll Replacement
Parts List on PL 7.30 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Ensure that the bearings at both ends of the shaft are correctly located.
3. Check the feed head to ensure that the feed roll, pressure plate cam and drive gear are
WARNING correctly aligned, Figure 2,
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Position of the pressure
WARNING plate cam.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Position the flat
1. Open the left hand door, PL 7.30 Item 2. on the feed roll.
2. Remove the bypass tray feed head, REP 8.19.
3. Remove the bypass tray drive gear, REP 8.20.
4. Remove the bypass tray feed roll, Figure 1.

Position of the tab on

the drive gear.
Position of the nip rolls.

Remove E-clip.

Figure 2 Component alignment

3 4. If a new feed roll is installed, reset the Bypass feeds count to zero in the HFSI feature
Slide the shaft out of the front screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
1 bearing. Lift the shaft and remove
Remove the E-clips. the feed roll.

Figure 1 Remove the feed roll

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-129 REP 8.21
REP 8.22 Bypass Tray Retard Pad
Parts List on PL 7.30
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
Insert a screwdriver
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
between the pad and
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. holder and twist.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the bypass tray feed head, REP 8.19.
2. Prepare to remove the retard pad, Figure 1.
Remove the retard

Figure 2 Remove the retard pad

1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. If a new retard pad is installed, reset the Bypass feeds count to zero in the HFSI feature
screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Move the pad to the rear
and allow the pad to
spring up.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove the retard pad, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.22 4-130 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.23 Bypass Tray Empty Sensor REP 8.24 Tray 1 or Tray 2 Feed Sensor
Parts List on PL 7.30 Parts List on PL 7.30
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the bypass tray feed head, REP 8.19. 1. Remove the left hand door assembly, REP 7.5.
2. Remove the tray empty sensor, Figure 1. 2. Prepare to remove the left hand door cover, Figure 1.

1 2 Remove the sensor.
Push down on the lug
Disconnect the 1
to release the sensor.
connector. Remove three screws

Figure 1 Tray empty sensor

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove the cover from the left hand door assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-131 REP 8.23, REP 8.24
Remove the cover from the left Wait sensor harness Tray 1 feed sensor. Tray 2 feed sensor.
hand door assembly. (55-90 ppm).

Figure 3 Location of the feed sensor

Figure 2 Remove the cover
5. Remove the feed sensor, Figure 4.
4. Location of tray 1 and tray 2 feed sensor, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.24 4-132 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Location point on
the door assembly.

Remove 1 screw,
then the sensor.

1 1
Disconnect the harness. Lug on the cover.

Figure 4 Remove the feed sensor

Figure 5 Location of the cover
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
2. (55-90 ppm Only) Before refitting the left hand door cover, ensure that the wait sensor
harness is correctly located. Refer to Figure 3.
3. Ensure that the lug on the cover is located correctly in the left hand door assembly, Figure

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-133 REP 8.24
REP 8.25 Tray 5 Feed Sensor
Parts List on PL 8.45
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, PL 7.60 Item 10.
2. Prepare to remove the tray 5 feed sensor, Figure 1.

Press the tabs to release the

Figure 2 Remove the feed sensor

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Make sure that the spring on the paper feed assembly is in the correct position, Figure 3.

1 2 3
Disconnect the harness. Remove eight screws Lift the bracket
marked A. housing. Place the spring under the
Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove tray 5 feed sensor, Figure 2.

Figure 3 Feed assembly spring

3. Make sure that the spring is position on top of the nip roll shaft when the bracket housing
is installed, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.25 4-134 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.26 Drive Roll Assembly
Parts List on PL 8.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Spring position.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the registration transport, REP 8.4.
Figure 4 Nip roll spring 2. Remove the registration nip assembly, Figure 1.

4. Make sure that the spring is positioned on top of the chute upper insert, Figure 5.

Press down and
slide to release
the nip assembly.

Remove the screw.

Remove jam clearance

Figure 1 Registration nip assembly

3. Remove the lower registration guide, Figure 2.

Position Spring on the top of the chute.

Figure 5 Upper insert chute spring

5. Check that the correct screw is used to attach the bracket housing.
6. Check that the harness routing is correct, Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-135 REP 8.25, REP 8.26
1 1
Remove 2 screws. Remove the drive roll
Remove the bias guide.

Figure 2 Lower bias guide Figure 4 Drive roll assembly

4. Remove the registration clutch, REP 8.27. Replacement

5. Remove the E-clips and bearing from the registration shaft, Figure 3. 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Ensure that the ground strap is routed between the frame and the bearing. Figure 5.

Remove the E-clip and

Remove the E-clip, spring
washer and bearing.

Ground strap

Figure 3 E-clip and bearing

6. Remove the drive roll assembly, Figure 4. Figure 5 Ground strap position

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.26 4-136 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.27 Registration Transport Drive Belt REP 8.28 Tray 3 Feed Sensor
Parts List on PL 8.15 Parts List on PL 8.30
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the registration transport, REP 8.4. 1. Pull out Tray 3.
2. Remove the drive belt, Figure 1. 2. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.25 Item 1.
3. Remove tray 3 feed sensor, Figure 1.

Press the tabs together
1 to release the sensor.
Remove the drive belt.

Figure 1 Drive belt

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Disconnect the harness.

Figure 1 Tray 3 feed sensor

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-137 REP 8.27, REP 8.28
REP 8.29 Tray 3 Takeaway Roll Assembly
Parts List on PL 8.35
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 3 transport assembly, REP 8.13.
2. Remove the jam clearance door, Figure 1.

Lift the jam clearance door.

Push the tab to release the
door hinge.

Figure 1 Remove the jam clearance door

3. Preparation to remove the transport roll assembly, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.29 4-138 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Press the tabs and
push the bearing out.

Remove the takeaway

Remove the E-clip.

Remove the drive gear and belt.

Figure 2 Preparation
4. Remove the takeaway roll assembly, Figure 3. Remove the E-clip.

Remove the E-clip.

Figure 3 Remove the takeaway shaft

5. Remove the idler roll and shaft, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-139 REP 8.29
REP 8.30 Tray 3 Transport Roll Assembly
Parts List on PL 8.35
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 3 transport assembly, REP 8.13.
2. Remove the jam clearance door, Figure 1.

Move the tabs to remove the idler rolls
and shaft.

Figure 4 Remove the idler roll and shaft

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.29, REP 8.30 4-140 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the E-clip.

Remove the belt and 2
1 drive gear. Remove the coupling.
Remove the coupling.

Lift the jam clearance door.
Figure 2 Preparation

4. Remove the transport roll assembly, Figure 3.

Push the tab to release the
door hinge.

Figure 1 Remove the jam clearance door

3. Preparation to remove the transport roll assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-141 REP 8.30
REP 8.31 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Transport Roll
1 Parts List on PL 8.30
Remove the E-clip. Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
2 customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
Remove the E-clip
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 3 and tray 4 transport motor, REP 8.10.
2. Remove Tray 3 and tray 4 transport drive gear, REP 8.11.
3. Remove the left cover, PL 7.25 Item 2.
4. Remove paper tray 2, REP 7.1.
5. (35-55 ppm Only) Remove the ground plate, Figure 1.

Press the tabs and push
the bearing out.
Remove 2 screws
and the bracket.
Remove the transport 2
roll assembly. Remove the ground

Figure 3 Remove the transport roll assembly Remove the E-clip.

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Remove the ground plate (35-55 ppm only)

6. Remove tray 3, REP 7.2.

7. Remove the idler shaft assembly, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.30, REP 8.31 4-142 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 2 Press the rolls and slide the shaft
2 Slide the shaft to the front until it is to the rear until it is released from
Remove the idler rolls, shaft and Remove the springs.
released from the rear bearing. the front bearing.

Figure 2 Remove the idler shaft assembly Figure 3 Remove the transport roll

8. Remove tray 3 and tray 4 transport roll, Figure 3. Replacement

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

1. Refer to Figure 4, to install the tray 3 and tray 4 transport roll.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-143 REP 8.31
REP 8.32 Duplex Sensor
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 8.22, (65-90 ppm) PL 8.20
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.
1. Remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7.

NOTE: The duct on the duplex transport is only on the 65 - 90 ppm machine.
2. Identify the speed of the machine and go to the appropriate procedure:
a. (35-55 ppm). Remove the duplex sensor, Figure 1.

2 1
Press and slide the shaft Locate the shaft in the 3
Front bearing. into the front bearing. bearing at the rear. Remove the sensor.

Figure 4 Install the transport roll

Press the lugs to release the
2. (35-55 ppm Only) Ensure that the ground plate has contact with the transport roll shaft,
refer to Figure 1. 1 sensor.
Disconnect the harness.
3. If a new tray 3 and tray 4 transport roll is installed, reset the tray 3 / 4 trans count to zero
in the HFSI feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Figure 1 Duplex sensor (35-55 ppm)

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.31, REP 8.32 4-144 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
b. (65-90 ppm). Remove the duct from the duplex transport. Remove a duplex sensor,
Figure 2.

Check that the wires pass Check that the tension spring
through the cut out in the duct. is located correctly.

Remove the screw to release
the bracket, then remove the 1
sensor. Disconnect the harness. Figure 3 Duplex transport duct

Figure 2 Duplex sensor (65-90 ppm)

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. If a new duplex sensor is installed, reset the duplex sensor count to zero in the HFSI fea-
ture screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
3. (65-90 ppm). Check that the tension spring is located correctly on the upper transport
guide. Install the duct on the duplex transport. Check that the sensor wires pass through
the cut-out in the duct and are not caught under the duct. Figure 3.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-145 REP 8.32
REP 8.33 Tray 5 Transport Drive Belt
Parts List on PL 8.40
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1
WARNING Remove the drive
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9.
2. Prepare to remove the drive belt, Figure 1.

Remove two screws.

Remove the E-clip.
Figure 2 Remove the drive belt
Loosen the screw to Replacement
release belt tensioner. 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
4 2. Allow the tension idler to tension the belt and then tighten the screw, Figure 1.
Remove two screws.

Release the motor assembly from the drive belt.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Remove the transport drive belt, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.33 4-146 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.34 Tray 5 Feed Rolls
Parts List on PL 8.45
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the tray 5 door and allow the tray to move down.
2. Remove the nudger and the feed roll from the front. Slide the tray 5 module away from the
machine and remove the retard roll, Figure 1. 1 2
Lift the tab. Lift the guide and slide 1
the nudger and feed roll Lift the tab and slide the retard roll
off the drive shaft. off the drive shaft.

Figure 1 Remove the feed rolls

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Ensure that the tabs on the feed roll are located in the drive shaft.
3. Check the registration, refer to dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.
4. If a new nudger / feed and retard roll are installed, reset the tray 5 feeds count to zero in
the HFSI feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-147 REP 8.34
REP 8.35 Tray 1 and Tray 2 Feed Rolls Replacement
Parts List on PL 8.26 1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
Removal 2. Make sure that the tabs on the feed roll are located in the drive shaft.
WARNING 3. Check that the tray empty sensor is located in the cover and that the cover is located cor-
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the rectly and secure on the feeder frame.
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can 4. Check the registration, refer to dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
5. When new feed rolls are installed, reset tray 1 or tray 2 Feeds count to zero in the HFSI
WARNING feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove tray 1 or tray 2 as required, REP 8.1.
2. Remove tray 1 or tray 2 feed rolls, Figure 1.

NOTE: The removal procedure is the same for tray 1 or tray 2. The feed and nudger rolls
are the same diameter but the retard roll has a larger diameter.

Un-clip the cover that supports the
tray empty sensor.

3 2
4 Lift the tab and remove Lift the tab and remove
Lift the tab and remove the retard roll. the nudger roll.
the feed roll.

Figure 1 Remove the feed rolls

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.35 4-148 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 8.36 Tray 5 Feed Motor REP 8.37 Tray 5 Transport motor
Parts List on PL 8.40 Parts List on PL 8.40
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9. 1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9.
2. Remove tray 5 feed motor, Figure 1. 2. Remove the drives plate, Figure 1.

Remove two screws.

1 2
Remove two screws. Remove the E-clip.

Loosen the screw to
2 release belt tensioner.
Disconnect the harness.

3 Remove 2 screws.
Remove the motor.

Disconnect both motor

Figure 1 Remove the feed motor Figure 1 Remove the drives plate

Replacement 3. Remove tray 5 transport motor, Figure 2.

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-149 REP 8.36, REP 8.37
REP 8.38 Tray 5 Takeaway Roller
Ground wire Parts List on PL 8.45
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the
customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can
cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 7.60 Item 9.
2. Remove the top cover, PL 7.60 Item 10
3. Remove the transport drive belt, REP 8.33.
4. Prepare to remove the upper feed assembly, Figure 1.
Remove the motor. 1
Remove two screws.

Figure 2 Remove the transport motor

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Ensure that the ground wire terminal is located under the motor securing screw, Figure 2.

3 2 1
Lift the upper feed Remove two screws. Remove two screws.

Figure 1 Preparation

5. Lift the upper feed assembly and remove the lower feed assembly, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 8.37, REP 8.38 4-150 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 2 1 Remove the take away
Lift the upper feed Remove the lower feed Move the take away roller from the lower feed
assembly. assembly. roller to the rear. assembly.

Figure 2 Remove lower feed assembly Figure 4 Remove the takeaway shaft

6. Remove the one way pulley clutch, Figure 3. Replacement

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
4 2. Check that the cable routing is correct, Figure 1
Remove the E-clip
and bearing.

Remove the E-clip
and bearing.

Remove the one way pulley clutch.

Remove the E-clip.

Figure 3 Remove the one-way pulley clutch

7. Remove the takeaway roller, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-151 REP 8.38
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
REP 8.38 4-152 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 9.1 Waste Toner Bottle Assembly
Parts List on PL 9.10
Removal 1
Open the waste toner door
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Screw the cap onto the bottle
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the waste toner bottle and the waste toner door, Figure 1.
Remove the waste toner

Press the ends of the strap together to
release the waste toner door

Depress the retaining clip on the
hinge block. Remove the waste
toner door

Figure 1 Waste toner door

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-153 REP 9.1
REP 9.2 Developer Assembly
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15
Removal 1
Turn the latch
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3.
2. Disconnect PJ93 and the developer bias lead, Figure 1.

3 2
Remove two screws and remove Remove the xerographic module and
the developer module place in a black bag

Figure 2 Remove the developer assembly

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

When replacing the original developer, perform step 3 only.

1 When installing new developer module, perform the following:

Disconnect PJ93 1. Follow the developer spares pack instruction sheet to prepare the developer module.
Disconnect developer bias lead 2. (65-90 ppm only). Perform ADJ 9.3 Developer Magnetic Seal Brush Adjustment.
3. Lubricate the developer module support pins, ADJ 4.1.
4. (35-55 ppm only). Ensure that the washer and stepped washer are correctly positioned,
Figure 1 Developer bias leads Figure 3.
5. Enter diagnostics, GP 1. Select dC131 location 09-271 developer age and reset to zero.
3. Remove the developer module, Figure 2. 6. Perform the dC905 TC Sensor Calibration.
7. Perform ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine.
8. If a new developer assembly is installed, reset the Developer count to zero in the HFSI
feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.2 4-154 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 9.3 Ozone Fan
Parts List on PL 9.25
Developer assembly Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the waste toner bottle, REP 9.1.
3. Remove ozone filter and duct, PL 9.25 Item 2.
When the drive gear is removed, the drive pin may fall onto the IOT PWB or LVPS.
Machine frame Stepped washer
Washer 4. Remove the ozone fan, Figure 1.

Figure 3 35-55 ppm developer washer location

Remove the fan, then
disconnect PJ153 on
the photoreceptor
motor PWB.
Drive pin

1 4
2 3 Remove 3 screws
Remove 3 screws Remove the collar Remove the drive
and the fly wheel gear

Figure 1 Remove the ozone fan

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-155 REP 9.2, REP 9.3
Replacement REP 9.4 Waste Toner Full Sensor
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the Parts List on PL 9.10
NOTE: Turn the drive shaft so that the dowel pin is horizontal then locate the drive gear onto WARNING
the shaft.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the waste toner bottle, PL 9.10 Item 1.
3. Remove the waste toner full sensor, Figure 1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.3, REP 9.4 4-156 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 9.5 Toner Dispense Module
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17, (65-90 ppm) PL 9.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
1 from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
Remove the screw
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the developer assembly, REP 9.2.
2. Remove the toner cartridge.
3. Disconnect the harness PJ97 and PJ75 on the toner dispense module, Figure 1.

2 4
Disconnect PJ48 3 Remove the sensor from
Remove cable-ties the black plastic housing

1 2
Disconnect harness PJ75
Disconnect harness PJ97
Figure 1 Waste toner full sensor

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Figure 1 Disconnect the harness

4. Remove the securing screws from the toner dispense module, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-157 REP 9.4, REP 9.5
Slide the module

Support guides
Figure 3 Remove the toner dispense module

Harness Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Remove 2 screws 1. Ensure that the harnesses are routed under the support guides on the toner dispense
module, Figure 2.
2. After a new Toner Dispense Module and a Toner Cartridge are installed and the machine
is powered on. The toner cartridge motor will turn on, the toner bottle will rotate and toner
will be dispense into the toner dispenser sump. Once the toner in the sump reaches the
level of the low toner sensor, the toner bottle will stop turning. The toner must then be
Figure 2 Remove the securing screws manually run from the toner sump into the developer module.
To run the toner into the Developer Module:
5. Remove the toner dispense module by sliding it of the developer assembly, Figure 3. a. Remove the top left cover to access the left side of the Developer Module and moni-
tor the toner concentration sensor voltage output at PJ93 pin 8 (red wire)
b. Enter DC330 code 04-010 main drive motor and 09-040 toner dispense motor.
c. Start the routine. The start will have to be pressed every 5 seconds to restart the
toner dispense motor.
d. Run the routine until the monitored voltage is between 2.2V and 2.8V at PJ93 pin 8.
e. Check the density and image quality. Repeat the procedure if the copies are still

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.5 4-158 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 9.6 Xerographic Module Latch NOTE: Observe where the spring is located on the tie bar and on the developer paddle.

Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 9.22, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the scanner, REP 14.1.
2. Remove the developer assembly, REP 9.2.
3. Refer to REP 6.1 and move the ROS to the side, Figure 1.

Remove the pivot
Support the developer
paddle 2
Spring Remove the

Figure 2 Remove the pivot plate

Take care when removing the latch. The latch contains a compressed spring, which can
cause injury when released.
5. Remove the screw from the latch, Figure 3.

Figure 1 Position the ROS

4. Remove the pivot plate to release the developer paddle, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-159 REP 9.6
Latch pin
Remove the screw

Latch plate

Remove the latch

Figure 3 Remove the latch

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Apply plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to the internal diameter of the bush on the frame (i.e.
Latch handle
the hole the pin fits into) prior to insertion.

Check the following, Figure 4.

1. The latch pin is correctly lined up with the flats on the latch plate.
2. The latch handle and the latch pin are correctly lined up. Latch pin
3. When reinstalling the developer paddle into the pivot plate, check that the spring is cor-
rectly located on the tie bar and on the feature on the developer paddle, Figure 2.

Figure 4 Latch alignment

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.6 4-160 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 9.7 Developer Paddle REP 9.8 Transfer / Detack Harness
Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 9.22, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 9.22, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the xerographic module latch, REP 9.6. 1. Remove the short paper path assembly, REP 10.1.
2. Remove the developer paddle, Figure 1. 2. Remove the transfer / detack harness, Figure 1.

Insert a screwdriver to flex the

Remove spring 2
Push down on the harness
terminal block to release the
3 tab
Tab on the harness terminal block
Release and remove 2
the developer paddle Move the developer paddle

Figure 1 Developer paddle Figure 1 Transfer / detack harness

Replacement Replacement
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-161 REP 9.7, REP 9.8
REP 9.9 Erase Lamp
Rear location posts
Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 9.22, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Front posts
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.

1. Remove the fuser module, PL 10.10 Item 1. 2

Slide the erase lamp out of
2. Remove the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2. the support
3. Remove the erase lamp support, Figure 1. 1
Lift the tab at the end of the erase lamp

Remove the screw
Figure 2 Remove the erase lamp

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Check that the location posts on the erase lamp (Figure 2), locate in the holes in the frame,
Figure 3.

Pull out the erase
lamp support

Figure 1 Erase lamp support

4. Remove the erase lamp, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.9 4-162 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 9.10 Auger Damper
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10
Location holes Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.

1. Cam off the developer module.

2. Remove the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2.
3. Remove the waste toner from the auger system at the front of the machine, Figure 1.
Erase lamp connector

Figure 3 Location holes

Vacuum out the
auger system

Figure 1 Auger system at the front

4. Remove the waste toner bottle assembly, REP 9.1.

5. Remove the waste toner from the shutter auger tube at the rear of the machine, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-163 REP 9.9, REP 9.10
Disconnect PJ97

Place the vacuum cleaner hose over the waste toner tube
and push the shutter to the open position.

Remove the shut-
ter assembly and
Figure 2 Shutter and waste toner auger bracket

6. Remove the ozone filter and the duct, PL 9.25 Item 2.

7. Remove the waste toner full sensor up to step 3, REP 9.4.
8. Remove the shutter assembly and the support bracket, Figure 3.

Remove 4 screws

Figure 3 Remove shutter assembly

9. Remove the auger damper, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.10 4-164 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The auger damper is longer than the auger spring.

Pull out the auger damper 1

Push and twist the auger damper until it
stops at the end of the auger tube.

Figure 4 Remove the auger damper

Figure 5 Installing the insert

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. 2. Ensure that the shutter assembly is positioned correctly on the support bracket.
3. Support the auger tube when locating the shutter assembly and bracket onto the auger
1. Install the new auger damper, Figure 5.
tube, Figure 6.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-165 REP 9.10
2 1
Ensure that the shutter is Support the auger tube
positioned correctly on the

Figure 6 Shutter and bracket position

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 9.10 4-166 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.1 Short Paper Path Assembly 7. Remove the short paper path assembly, Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 10.25

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the fuser assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7.
3. Remove the xerographic module and place in a black bag, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2, (40-
90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
4. Remove the transfer / detack corotron, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 8, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20
Item 3.
5. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
6. Prepare the power and control module, Figure 1.

1 1
Remove securing Remove screw 2 4
and ground lead Remove screw
screw Disconnect PJ43 Pass the HT leads
through the hole

Figure 2 Remove short paper path assembly

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

To ensure the transport hinge is located correctly, First install the left hand screw, with the
ground lead, then the right hand screw.
1. Check that the detack wire with the plastic sleeve is routed correctly on the transport
hinge, Figure 3.

Move the module 2
to the rear
Disconnect transfer
and detack lead

Figure 1 Prepare the power and control module

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-167 REP 10.1
NOTE: Ensure that both ends of the ground lead are connected to the correct terminals.

Detack wire with plastic

Transfer wire sleeve
Position of the ground wire tag Position of the HT leads

Figure 3 Spiral wrap location

Figure 4 Ground wire and spiral wrap
2. Position the ground wire terminal in the left hand screw location on the hinge bracket and
position the HT leads, Figure 4.
5. After completing the replacement procedure, check that the short paper path assembly
3. When locating the hinge bracket to the frame make sure that the hinge is pushed fully latches without excessive force.
against the frame.
6. Raise and lower the latch mechanism of the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1,
4. To ensure that the transport hinge is located correctly, first install the left hand screw, with to ensure that the transfer / detack corotron is parallel to the photoreceptor. If the move-
the ground wire, then the right hand screw. ment of raising the short paper path assembly is not smooth, check the action of the
corotron carrier PL 10.25 Item 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.1 4-168 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.2 Inverter Assembly
Parts List on PL 10.11, PL 10.20
Removal 3
Remove the
WARNING adjuster.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation.
1. Remove the fuser assembly, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the duplex transport, REP 8.7.
3. Remove the output device and the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 9.
4. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
5. (W/O TAG 046 or TAG 047 Machines). Remove the inverter support, Figure 1.
6. (W/TAG 046 or TAG 047 Machines). Remove the inverter decurler adjuster and retaining
ring, Figure 2.

1 2
Rotate the inverter
Remove the
decurler retaining ring to
2 screws.
align both cutouts then
Rotate the inverter
support clockwise
to align both cut-
outs and remove
Figure 2 Adjuster and retaining ring

7. Remove the tie bar. Figure 3.

Remove 2 screws

Figure 1 Inverter support

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-169 REP 10.2
harness at Rotate the inverter and
PJ49 and then slide the assembly
PJ76. clear of the machine

Remove the tie bar

Remove 4 screws 2
marked A
Disconnect the harness on
inverter motor driver PWB 1 2 3
Remove the support bracket, 1 Lift the frame out of the Move the inverter
screw. (W/TAG 46 and W/TAG 47 base assembly
machines only)

Figure 3 Tie bar Figure 4 Move the inverter to the front

8. Lift the inverter assembly and move to the front, Figure 4. 9. Remove the inverter assembly through the right hand side of the machine, Figure 5.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.2 4-170 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the inverter

Solenoid harness

Ensure the idler shafts at the rear
are clear, before turning the inverter

Figure 5 Remove inverter assembly Figure 6 Solenoid harness connector

Replacement 3. The nip roll guide is correctly located in the cut-out at the front and rear of the inverter
frame, Figure 7.
Before installing the inverter assembly check the following:.
1. The inverter motor harness is routed correctly. Check that the harness does not get
trapped between the inverter frame and the base, Figure 3.
2. The solenoid harness connector is located at the rear of the inverter frame, Figure 6.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-171 REP 10.2
Nip roll guide located on the
inverter frame

Figure 7 Nip roll guide 1

Ensure the flats on the
4. Make sure that the baffle guide, PL 10.13 Item 3 and upper baffle, PL 10.12 Item 14 are pivot shaft are horizontal.
linked correctly. When latch 3d/4d is released, the two baffles must lift together.
5. (W/TAG 046 or W/TAG 047 Machines). Ensure the gear indexer is set to the neutral
Engage the detent pin into the 4th/central
position, Figure 8. detent on the gear indexer.

Figure 8 Initial setup of the gear indexer

6. Replacement of the inverter assembly is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to
GP 6 before refitting the screws.

NOTE: When the idler shafts are located, Figure 5. Rotate knob 3C clockwise to engage
the drives coupling between the inverter and the drives plate. This will also allow the
inverter to locate into the base of the machine, Figure 4.

7. If a new inverter assembly is installed, reset the Post Fuser count to zero in the HFSI fea-
ture screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
8. (W/TAG 046 or W/TAG 047 Machines). Perform ADJ 10.1 Inverter Decurler Adjustment.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.2 4-172 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.3 Inverter Motor REP 10.4 Inverter Path Solenoid
Parts List on PL 10.11 Parts List on PL 10.11
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
WARNING Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. 1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
WARNING 2. Remove upper baffle assembly, REP 10.7.
Take care during this procedure. Motors will become hot during normal operation. 3. Remove the diverter solenoid, Figure 1.

1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.

2. Remove the inverter motor, Figure 1. 3
Remove the solenoid

Remove the inverter

2 Disconnect solenoid
Remove 2 screws harness

Remove 2 screws

Un-clip the support arm from the
shaft Figure 1 Inverter path solenoid
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
Figure 1 Inverter motor
1. Check that the solenoid harness connector is located at the rear of the inverter frame as
in Figure 1.
2. Make sure that the link arm is connected to the solenoid armature. Manually operate the
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. solenoid armature and check that the inverter gate operates correctly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-173 REP 10.3, REP 10.4
REP 10.5 Inverter Nip Solenoid REP 10.6 Nip Roll Guide
Parts List on PL 10.11 Parts List on PL 10.11
Removal Purpose
WARNING This procedure is used to repair the following:
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord • Single exit nip roll, PL 10.11 Item 7.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity • Double exit nip roll, PL 10.11 Item 8.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. • Nip roll guide, PL 10.11 Item 10.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. WARNING
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2. Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
2. Remove the inverter nip solenoid, Figure 1. from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove the solenoid Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the output device and the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 9.
2. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
3. Remove the tie bar, Figure 1.

2 1
Remove 2 screws Disconnect the harness

Figure 1 Inverter nip solenoid

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.5, REP 10.6 4-174 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 3 1
Remove 4 screws Remove two screws
2 Remove tie bar 3
Disconnect harness from Remove the nip roll Disconnect the harness from the
inverter motor driver PWB guide exit sensor and from the nip roll

Figure 1 Remove tie bar Figure 2 Nip roll guide

4. Remove the nip roll guide, Figure 2. 5. Remove the following components from the nip roll guide as required:
• IOT exit sensor.
• Single exit nip roll.
• Double exit nip roll.
Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

Check that the inverter path solenoid harness is not trapped between the nip roll guide and the
support bracket, Figure 3.
1. Ensure that the ground connection is secured by the nip roll guide front fixing screw.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-175 REP 10.6
REP 10.7 Upper Baffle Assembly
Parts List on PL 10.11
Nip roll guide Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
Support bracket 2. Remove the upper baffle assembly.
• (35-55 ppm). Complete the procedure in Figure 1.
• (65-90 ppm). Remove the inverter sensor, REP 10.20. Then complete the procedure
in Figure 1.

Figure 3 Inverter path solenoid Harness

Solenoid harness

Remove the shaft
and the baffle

Lift the upper baffle to vertical position
Remove 2 E-clips

Figure 1 Upper baffle assembly

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.6, REP 10.7 4-176 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Replacement REP 10.8 Nip Split Shaft Assembly
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the Parts List on PL 10.11
1. Check that the solenoid harness connector is located at the rear of the inverter frame, WARNING
refer to Figure 1.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
2. Make sure that the two upper baffles are linked correctly. When the latch 3d/4d is from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
released, the two baffles lift together. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the output device and the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 9.
2. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
3. Remove the tie bar, Figure 1.

1 Remove the tie bar
Remove 4 screws 2
Disconnect harness on
inverter motor driver

Figure 1 Tie bar

4. Remove the nip split shaft assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-177 REP 10.7, REP 10.8
Spring position

Figure 3 Location of the spring

2. If a nip slit shaft assembly is installed, reset the nip split shaft count to zero in the HFSI
2 1
feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.
Release both springs
Remove nip split
shaft assembly

Figure 2 Nip split shaft assembly

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

1. Check that both springs are positioned correctly, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.8 4-178 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.9 Shaft Actuator NOTE: Check that both springs are positioned correctly, Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 10.11

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
2. Remove the inverter nip solenoid, REP 10.5.
3. Remove the shaft actuator, Figure 1.

Spring position

Figure 2 Location of the spring

2 1
Remove the shaft actuator Unclip both springs

Figure 1 Shaft actuator

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-179 REP 10.9
REP 10.10 Fuser Latch
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord 1
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Remove screw
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the scanner, REP 14.1. 4
3. Refer to REP 6.1 and move the ROS to the side, Figure 1. Remove latch and stop


Remove spring

Remove latch pin

Fuser latch

Figure 2 Remove the fuser latch

Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

Figure 1 Move the ROS

Take care when removing the latch. The latch contains a compressed spring, which can
cause injury when released.
4. Hold the fuser latch pin in position with a screw driver and remove the screw at the back
of the latch to release the fuser latch, latch pin and spring, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.10 4-180 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: Ensure that the latch stop is seated over the locator post on the machine frame, Figure REP 10.11 Inverter Gate
Parts List on PL 10.12
Locator post
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter path solenoid, REP 10.4.
Latch stop 2. Remove the jam clearance lever 3a, Figure 1.

NOTE: To remove the inverter gate, remove two nuts, Figure 2 and flex the bracket.
If the repair is used with REP 10.12, the jam clearance lever 3a, Figure 1 and the inverter
assembly bracket, Figure 2, must be removed.


Use a small screwdriver to

release the jam clearance
lever 3a.

Fuser latch
Latch pin

Figure 3 Locate the latch stop

Figure 1 Jam clearance lever 3a

Take care not break the inverter assembly bracket.
3. Carefully unlatch the inverter assembly bracket from the inverter assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-181 REP 10.10, REP 10.11
NOTE: When the link arm has been removed, a new link arm must be installed, PL 10.11
Item 1.

Use a screwdriver
to remove the link

2 Remove 2 nuts
Use a screwdriver to
unlatch the clip on the Inverter assembly
inverter assembly bracket
bracket from the tie bar

Figure 3 Inverter path solenoid link

5. Remove the inverter gate, Figure 4.

Figure 2 Inverter assembly bracket

4. Remove the inverter path solenoid link, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.11 4-182 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.12 Tri-Roll Shaft Assembly
1 Parts List on PL 10.12
Rotate and then remove the inverter gate
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter gate, REP 10.11.
2. Remove the tri-roll jam clearance knob 3c, Figure 1.

Use a small screwdriver

to release the clip on the
tri-roll jam clearance
knob 3c

Figure 4 Inverter gate

Re-install the remainder of the removed components. Replacement is the reverse of the
removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the screws.

Figure 1 Tri-roll knob

3. Preparation. Remove the tri-roll, fuser exit and exit shaft bearings, Figure 2. Remove the
duct (65-90 ppm) or the baffle guide (35-55 ppm), PL 10.13.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-183 REP 10.11, REP 10.12
Remove the E-clip and 1
bearing on the exit shaft Remove the screw

Raise the tang to
remove the tri-roll gear.
Remove the E-clip

3 Remove the bearing
Remove the bearing from the behind the gear
tri-roll shaft

Figure 3 Tri-roll drive gear

5 4 5. Remove the tri-roll guide, Figure 4.

Remove the E-clip and bearing
Remove 2 screws
on post fuser exit roll

Figure 2 Preparation

4. Remove the securing screw and tri-roll drive gear, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.12 4-184 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: Note the orientation of the tri-roll shaft.

To remove the tri-roll guide, lift and
twist the guide
Pull the side plate to Move the shaft to the front, lift and
release the tri-roll guide remove the shaft

Figure 4 Tri-roll guide

6. Remove the tri-roll shaft, Figure 5. Figure 5 Tri-roll shaft

Refer to GP 6 before refitting the screws.

1. Re-install the following components:

a. Tri-roll shaft, Figure 5
b. Tri-roll guide. The guide locates on the tri-roll shaft in front of the bearing. Locate the
post on the tri-roll guide into the location holes in the front and rear frame. Figure 6.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-185 REP 10.12
REP 10.13 Fuser Web Motor Assembly
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 4.17, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.12
1 Removal
Install the guide so that the fingers
wrap around the tri-roll shaft. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the main drive module, (35-55 ppm) REP 4.1, (65-90 ppm) REP 4.5.
2. Disconnect PJ154 on the main drive PWB and remove the fuser web motor assembly,
(35-55 ppm) Figure 1, (65-90 ppm) Figure 2.

Rear location

Locate the fingers on the guide at the
rear and then move to the front.
Ensure that the post on the guide are
Front location located in the holes in the frame

Figure 6 Install tri-roll guide

c. Tri-roll gear and the securing screw., Figure 3.

Ensure that the post is located in the hole on the frame.
d. The tri-roll bearing and E-clip, Figure 2.
e. The exit shaft bearing and E-clip
i. Locate the duct (65-90 ppm) or baffle guide (35-55) on the exit shaft, PL 10.13.
ii. Install the bearing and E-clip on the exit shaft, Figure 2. 1
iii. Ensure the nip roll guide is located correctly, REP 10.2 and refer to Figure 6. 2 Remove 3 screws
f. Install bearing and E-clip on the post fuser exit roll, Figure 2. Remove the fuser web
g. Complete the steps in REP 10.12.
h. Install the inverter gate. Make sure that the inverter assembly support bracket is
installed correctly. Refer to the replacement procedure in REP 10.11.
2. If a new tri-roll shaft assembly is installed, reset the Post Fuser count to zero in the HFSI Figure 1 Drives module 35-55 ppm
feature screen. Refer to GP 17 High Frequency service Items.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.12, REP 10.13 4-186 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove 2 screws

Remove the fuser connector

Remove 3 screws
Remove the fuser web assembly

Figure 2 Drives module 65-90 ppm Figure 3 Fuser web motor assembly

3. Remove the fuser connector assembly from the fuser web motor assembly, Figure 3. Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-187 REP 10.13
REP 10.14 Exit Shaft Assembly
Parts List on PL 10.13
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
2. Remove the exit shaft assembly, (35-55 ppm) Figure 1, (65-90 ppm) Figure 2.

Remove circlip, drive gear and
1 bearing
Remove the circlip and

Remove the exit shaft

Figure 2 Exit shaft assembly 65-90 ppm

Remove circlip, drive gear and Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
1 1. Ensure that the bearings locate into the baffle guide and that the baffle guide is linked with
Remove the circlip and bearing the upper baffle. Both baffles are lifted together when clearing a post fuser jam.

Remove the exit shaft

Figure 1 Exit shaft assembly 35-55 ppm

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.14 4-188 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.15 Intermediate Drive Belt
Parts List on PL 10.25
Corotron carrier
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.

1. Remove the short paper path assembly, REP 10.1.

2. Release the transfer / detack corotron harness from the supports, Figure 1.

Drives assembly

Remove screw

Figure 2 Short paper path assembly

4. Remove the vacuum fan, Figure 3.

Release the harness

Figure 1 Transfer / detack corotron harness

3. Remove the securing screw to release the drives assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-189 REP 10.15
1 2 1
Remove 2 screws Move the drive gear assem- Lift the drive gear assembly
bly to release the catch and
2 remove the assembly
Remove the vacuum fan

Figure 3 Remove vacuum fan Figure 4 Remove the drive assembly

5. Remove the intermediate drive assembly, Figure 4. 6. Remove the intermediate drive belt, Figure 5.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.15 4-190 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.16 Fuser Exit Switch
Parts List on (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
1. Remove the fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the top cover from the fuser module, Figure 1.
1 2
Remove snap on washer Remove drive belt

Figure 5 Remove the drive belt 2

Remove the top cover
1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Check that the transfer / detack HT leads are correctly positioned at the rear of the short
paper path assembly, Figure 1.

Remove 4 screws

Figure 1 Remove the top cover

3. Remove the upper paper guide assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-191 REP 10.15, REP 10.16
2 Remove the
Release the harness screw

Figure 3 Remove the fuser exit switch

Remove 2 screws 1
Disconnect the harness Replacement
The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

1. On 65-90 ppm machines, make sure that the harness and the connector are routed away
from the spring, Figure 4.
Figure 2 Remove the upper guide assembly

4. Release the harness and remove the fuser exit switch, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.16 4-192 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.17 IOT Exit Sensor
Anti-rotation bracket Parts List on PL 10.11
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Harness connector
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the output device.
2. Remove the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 4.
3. Remove the tie bar, Figure 1.



Figure 4 Harness location 65-90 ppm

2. On all machines. Check for 5mm clearance between the anti-rotation bracket and the
heater lamp wires, Figure 4. Inspect the heater lamp wires for damage. If the wires are
damaged install a new fuser module. 3
Remove the tie bar
Remove 4 screws
Disconnect the harness from the
inverter motor driver PWB

Figure 1 Remove the tie bar

4. Release the nip roll guide, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-193 REP 10.16, REP 10.17
1 2
Remove two screws Lift the guide to release 2
the nip roll guide 1 Press the lugs down to release
Disconnect the harness
the IOT sensor

Figure 2 Release the nip roll guide Figure 3 Remove the IOT sensor

5. Remove the IOT exit sensor, Figure 3. Replacement

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the
screws to the output guide.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.17 4-194 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
CAUTION REP 10.18 Inverter Output Guide Assembly
Check that the inverter path solenoid harness is not caught between the nip roll guide and the
support bracket, Figure 4.
Parts List on PL 10.11
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Nip roll guide WARNING
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
2. Release the nip roll guide, Figure 1.


Inverter path solenoid harness

Figure 4 Inverter path solenoid harness 1

Disconnect the

Lift the guide to release the nip
roll guide Remove two screws

Figure 1 Release nip roll guide

3. Remove the output guide, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-195 REP 10.17, REP 10.18
Check that the inverter path solenoid harness is not caught between the nip roll guide and the
support bracket, Figure 3.

Nip roll guide

Support bracket

Remove two screws

Inverter path solenoid


Figure 3 Inverter path solenoid harness

1 Flex the side plates to release the
Remove two screws output guide

Figure 2 Remove the output guide

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting the

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.18 4-196 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 10.19 Tri-Roll Nip Split Solenoid 3. Check that the wires to the solenoid are free to move and not trapped by the plastic guide,
Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 10.14
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
2. Remove the tri-roll nip split solenoid, Figure 1.

The wires are not

trapped by the plastic
Plastic guide

Figure 2 Route solenoid wires

1 2 4
Remove screw and 3 Flex the actuator
Disconnect the
plastic guide Remove two bar to remove the
harness screws solenoid

Figure 1 Remove the solenoid

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Before the inverter is installed, manually operate the solenoid and check that the nip rolls
operate correctly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-197 REP 10.19
REP 10.20 Inverter Sensor
Parts List on PL 10.12
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the inverter assembly, REP 10.2.
2. Remove the inverter sensor, Figure 1.

Follow the sequence to remove
the sensor

Disconnect the harness from the

Tab to secure the


Figure 1 Remove the inverter sensor

1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Refer to GP 6 before refitting
the screws.
2. Route the harness under the tab on the upper baffle, Figure 1.
3. Make sure that the upper baffle and the inverter assembly duct are linked correctly. When
the latch 3d/4d is released, the two items lift together.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 10.20 4-198 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.1-110 2K LCSS Covers NOTE: Removing the top cover first will allow easy removal of the front and rear covers.

Parts List on PL 11.2.

Removal 2
Remove the top
WARNING cover.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1 6
Open the exit cover, Remove the rear cover
WARNING assembly.
remove two screws.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Remove the covers, Figure 1.

3 4 Remove two screws.
Open the front door, Remove the front door
remove four screws. cover assembly.

Figure 1 Removing the covers

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the covers.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-199 REP 11.1-110
REP 11.2-110 Input Drive Belt and Paper Entry Transport 3. Install the spring
4. Rotate the shaft by hand to ensure the belt runs smoothly over the pulleys and allow the
Motor spring to tension the belt, ADJ 11.4-110.
Parts List on PL 11.14. 5. Tighten the motor screws and re-connect the harness.
Removal 6. Install the 2K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
2. Remove the motor and drive belt, Figure 1.

Remove the drive

Remove 2 screws
and motor

2 Remove the
Disconnect the spring.
motor harness.

Figure 1 Removing the drive belt

1. Place the belt around the pulleys.
2. Install the motor screws, but do not tighten.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.2-110 4-200 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.3-110 Intermediate Paper Drive Belt NOTE: Two of the pulleys are free to slide along the shaft. Ensure the belt is correctly
located on these pulleys.
Parts List on PL 11.22.
3. Install the 2K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS rear cover REP 11.1-110.
2. Remove the intermediate paper drive belt, Figure 1.

Disconnect the spring.

Remove the drive belt.

2 3
Disconnect PJ307. Disconnect the bulkhead connector.

Figure 1 Removing the drive belt

1. Lubricate the belt tensioner, refer to ADJ 4.1.
2. Install the belt over the pulleys, ensuring that the belt is on all five pulleys.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-201 REP 11.3-110
REP 11.4-110 Paper Output Drive Belt and Paper Transport
Exit Motor
Parts List on PL 11.22. Remove the
Removal motor and
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
2. Remove the intermediate drive belt, REP 11.3-110.
3. Remove the output drive belt and motor, Figure 1.
Support the motor
and remove three

Remove the
belt tensioner
1 spring.
Disconnect PJ309.

Figure 1 Removing the drive belt

1. Install the belt over the pulleys.
2. Install the motor pivot shouldered screw and fully tighten.
3. Install the two motor mounting bracket securing screws but do not tighten them.
4. Install the belt tensioner spring.
5. Rotate the belt by hand to allow the spring to tension the belt, ADJ 11.4-110. Tighten the
6. Install the intermediate drive belt, REP 11.3-110.
7. Install the 2K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-110.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.4-110 4-202 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.5-110 Bin 1 Drive Belts
Parts List on PL 11.10.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS front and rear covers, REP 11.1-110.
2. Remove the bin 1 drive belt (rear) Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-203 REP 11.5-110
NOTE: Keep all of the components removed as a set. The set of rear frame components
are different from the front frame set.

Remove 2 screws

Remove 3 screws and
release the lower and middle
8 PWB standoffs, leaving the
Move motor assembly to PWB attached by only the top
the right standoff.

Remove 2 screws and
upper pulley.
10 Release the tensioner spring.
Disconnect PJ316 and release the belt
from behind the PWB and drive pulley.

11 1 4
Disconnect PJ318. Fully lower bin 1.
Remove screw and
remove the belt clamp.

Remove 2 screws, lower 3
pulley and drive belt. Remove 3 screws, remove
2 bracket with motor.
Remove E-clip and bearing.

Figure 1 Bin 1 drive belt (rear)

3. Remove the bin 1 drive belt (front) Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.5-110 4-204 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 NOTE: Ensure the correct set of components are used for each side of the 2K LCSS.
If not already lowered, fully lower bin 1, refer
to figure 1. 1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the bin 1 drive belts.

NOTE: The bin 1 level can critically affect the overall stack registration. Refer to ADJ
11.1-110 if adjustment is necessary.

2. Install the front and rear covers REP 11.1-110.

Remove 2 screws, upper
pulley and drive belt.

Remove screw and
front belt clamp.

Remove two screws
and lower pulley.

Release the tensioner spring.

Figure 2 Bin 1 drive belt (front)

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-205 REP 11.5-110
REP 11.6-110 Tamper Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.16.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS covers REP 11.1-110.
2. Prepare to remove the tamper assembly Figure 1.
3 4 Remove 2 screws
Release the harness Release the harness from the retainer
from all retainers along next to the paddle motor assembly, PL
the tamper assembly. 11.8 Item 10

Lift the tamper
assembly upwards
and remove from the

2 1
Disconnect the tamper
Disconnect 3 sensor harnesses and
motors harnesses.
release the harnesses from the retainers.
Figure 2 Removing the tamper assembly
Figure 1 Preparing the tamper assembly Reverse the removal procedure to replace the tamper assembly.

3. Figure 2, remove the tamper assembly. NOTE: Ensure that the slots in the tamper assembly locate correctly in the 2K LCSS frame.

NOTE: Ensure that the sensors are correctly located in the tamper assembly, they are easily
mis-located when being re-connected to the harnesses.

NOTE: Ensure that all connectors in the harness over the tamper assembly are securely con-

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.6-110 4-206 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.7-110 Hole Punch Unit, Motor and Sensors
Parts List on PL 11.6.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS covers, REP 11.1-110.
2. Remove and empty the chad bin, PL 11.6 Item 4.
3. Remove the hole punch unit, motor assembly and sensors, Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-207 REP 11.7-110
Remove 2 screws.
Remove the thumb
screw and slide out
the punch unit.

Disconnect the
motor harness and
remove the hole
punch motor

Remove 2 screws,
4 remove sensors
5 and disconnect the
Remove the screw securing the sensor bracket. Discon- Disconnect
nect the harnesses and remove the bracket assembly. harnesses.
the PJ.
Press the tabs together to remove the punch head
home and punch head present sensors.

Remove screw and slide out the bracket.

Figure 1 Hole punch unit, motor and sensors

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.7-110 4-208 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Replacement REP 11.8-110 Stapler Traverse Assembly
1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the hole punch unit, motor assembly and sen- Parts List on PL 11.20.
2. If necessary, perform ADJ 11.3-110 Hole Punch Position.
NOTE: When installing the hole punch motor assembly, ensure that the belt tensioner arm
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
does not get trapped behind the motor assembly plate.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
NOTE: Refer to IQS 6 Copy / Print Defects for hole punch performance specifications. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care not to topple the 2K LCSS.
The 2K LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the 2K LCSS.
1. Un-dock the 2K LCSS, REP 11.13-110.
2. Remove the rear cover and front door cover assembly, REP 11.1-110.
3. Manually move the ejector, PL 11.18 Item 1 fully to the right.
4. Figure 1, Disconnect the harness.

Disconnect the group
of 5 connectors.

NOTE. For clarity the entry guide cover is omitted

Figure 1 Harness disconnection

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-209 REP 11.7-110, REP 11.8-110
CAUTION REP 11.9-110 Staple Head Unit
When removing and replacing the stapler traverse assembly, support the weight of the assem-
bly underneath the stapler and take care not to damage wiring.
Parts List on PL 11.20.
5. Remove the stapler traverse assembly, Figure 2. Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the stapler traverse assembly, REP 11.8-110.
2. Place the stapler traverse unit upside-down
3. Remove the staple head unit from the stapling unit Figure 1.

Remove 2 screws.

Remove the stapler 1
traverse assembly. Remove

Figure 2 Removing the stapler traverse assembly

1. Ensure the stapling traverse assembly is engaged on the front and rear locating dowels.
2. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the stapling unit.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.8-110, REP 11.9-110 4-210 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.10-110 Ejector Assembly Sensors
1 Parts List on PL 11.18.
Remove 2
screws, remove Removal
stapler cover. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care not to topple the 2K LCSS.
The 2K LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the 2K LCSS.
1. Disconnect the two harnesses between the 2K LCSS and the machine.
Disconnect the
harness 2. Un-dock the 2K LCSS, REP 11.13-110 and move it away from the machine.
3. Ensure the stapling unit is at the home position.
4. If necessary, manually move the ejector to the left position.
5. Figure 1, remove the ejector assembly.

Remove two screws and
remove the staple head unit.

Figure 1 Removing the staple head unit

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the staple head unit.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-211 REP 11.9-110, REP 11.10-110
6. Remove the appropriate sensor by releasing the sensor tabs and disconnecting the har-
When installing the ejector assembly onto the 2K LCSS, ensure that the ejector fingers do not
damage the wiring to the staple head unit.
Ejector motor encoder Reverse the removal procedure to replace the eject assembly or sensors.
sensor. Remove 2
screws and cover to
access the sensor

Ejector out sensor


Ejector home
sensor Q11-320

Disconnect 2 bulkhead

Remove 3 screws.

Lower the ejector assembly,
disengage the dowels from the
mounting blocks and remove.

Figure 1 Removing the ejector assembly

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.10-110 4-212 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.11-110 Bin 1 Level Sensors
Parts List on PL 11.12.
Removal 3
Remove 2
WARNING screws, remove
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord sensor support
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity assembly.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the ejector assembly, REP 11.10-110.
2. Remove the stacker level sensors Figure 1.

Release the sensors and
disconnect harnesses.

Disconnect 2 connectors.

Remove two screws
and harness retainers.

Figure 1 Removing the stacker level sensors

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the bin 1 level sensors.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-213 REP 11.11-110
REP 11.12-110 Paddle Wheel Shaft Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.8. Disconnect 2
Removal harnesses
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the stapler traverse assembly, REP 11.8-110.
2. Remove the tamper assembly, REP 11.6-110.
3. Figure 1, remove the paddle motor assembly.

Release harness 3
from retainer Remove 2

Remove motor

Figure 1 Paddle motor assembly

4. Figure 2, prepare the rear components.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.12-110 4-214 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove E-clip 4
and bearing Remove screw
Disconnect the harness
and remove the switch

Remove gear

Remove 2 screws

Remove E-clip
4 and flag
Remove 3 screws
Release spring and remove
the switch actuator
Remove E-clip

Figure 2 Rear preparation Figure 3 Front preparation

5. Figure 3, prepare the front components. 6. Ensure that the compiler ejector is in the home position (fully to the left).
7. Figure 4, remove the paddle wheel shaft assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-215 REP 11.12-110
5. Install the gear assembly, refer to Figure 2, ensuring that it locates onto the large “D” flat.
6. Install the flag and E-clip, refer to Figure 2, ensuring that the flag locates on the small “D”
7. Figure 5, ensure the paddles and flag are correctly aligned, install the motor assembly,
refer to Figure 1.
Slide shaft assembly
to the rear
Align paddles with the output cover

Remove the
shaft assembly

Ensure the
encoder flag is
within the sensor

Move the output
cover to the right
Figure 5 Paddle alignment

8. Test the operation of the paddle roll, enter dC330, output code 11-025. When the code is
cancelled the paddles must stop with both rubber blades inside of the output cover. If nec-
essary, check that the gear assembly and flag are correctly located on the “D” flats.

Figure 4 Paddle wheel shaft removal

1. Install the paddle wheel shaft, ensure that the pin on the rear of the safety gate switch
cam, refer to Figure 3, locates in the safety gate. Install the front E-clip.
2. Install the output cover, refer to Figure 4, ensuring that the safety gate is aligned with the
slots in the output cover.
3. Install the rear bearing and E-clip.
4. Install the switch bracket, 1 screw, connect the harness, refer to Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.12-110 4-216 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Un-Docking
Parts List on PL 11.4
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care not to topple the 2K LCSS.
The 2K LCSS is unstable when un-docked from the machine.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the 2K LCSS. Press the latch block forward
1. If necessary, disconnect the harnesses between the 2K LCSS and the machine. to release both latches.
2. Open the 2K LCSS front door.
3. Figure 1, release the 2K LCSS link bracket assembly.

Roll the 2K LCSS away
from the machine.

Figure 1 2K LCSS link bracket assembly

Line up the 2K LCSS latches to the machine apertures then push the two units firmly together
until they latch.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-217 REP 11.13-110
REP 11.14-110 2K LCSS PWB REP 11.15-110 Entry Guide Cover
Parts List on PL 11.26 Parts List on PL 11.24
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 2K LCSS rear cover assembly, REP 11.1-110. 1. Remove the 2K LCSS front cover and 2K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
2. Disconnect all harness connectors from the 2K LCSS PWB. 2. Disconnect the harness to the entry sensor, PL 11.24 Item 3, at the rear frame.
3. Remove the three screws and release the three standoffs securing the 2K LCSS PWB. 3. Figure 1, remove the entry guide cover.
NOTE: Before replacing the 2K LCSS rear cover assembly, perform 11F-110 2K LCSS PWB
DIP Switch Settings RAP.

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the 2K LCSS PWB.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.14-110, REP 11.15-110 4-218 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Refer to GP 6 before refitting the screws.

1. Bias the entry guide cover away from the paper guide when you tighten the screws.
2. The clearance between the entry guide cover and the paper guide must be a minimum of
1 mm. Refer to Figure 2.

NOTE: If the clearance is less than 1 mm, then install a new entry guide cover.
Remove the cover

Check for a minimum

clearance of 1mm
between the entry
guide cover and the
paper guide

Remove 2 screws

Figure 2 Entry guide cover clearance

3. Run copies through the output device, if possible use heavy weight paper or labels.
Check for marks on the print and for damage to the paper. If there are no marks or dam-
age then install the covers.

Remove 2 screws

Figure 1 Entry guide cover removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-219 REP 11.15-110
REP 11.16-110 Docking Latch Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.4.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Release the
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. harness
1. Remove the front and rear covers, REP 11.1-110. retainer
2. Figure 1, prepare to remove the docking latch assembly.

the switch


Remove 2
Remove the latch assembly
Figure 2 Latch assembly removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the docking latch assembly.
Remove 2 screws CAUTION
Ensure that the front and rear harness are routed through the flanged holes, refer to Figure 1
Flanged hole and Figure 2.

Disconnect P/J302

Figure 1 Prepare to remove the latch

3. Figure 2, remove the docking latch assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.16-110 4-220 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.17-110 Ejector Belt
Parts List on PL 11.18.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the ejector assembly, refer to REP 11.10-110.
2. Figure 1, remove the ejector belt.
Belt grip. Remove the clip.

Remove the pulley
then the ejector belt.

Remove the E-clip.

Figure 1 Remove the ejector belt

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Ensure that the ejector belt is cor-
rectly engaged with the belt grip on the ejector assembly before the clip is reinstalled. Refer to
Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-221 REP 11.17-110
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
REP 11.17-110 4-222 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.1-120 1K LCSS Covers NOTE: Removing the top cover first will allow easy removal of the front and rear covers.

Parts List on PL 11.100.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Remove the front door
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity cover assembly.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. 3
1. Remove the covers, Figure 1. Open the front door,
remove three screws.

Open the exit cover.
Remove two screws,
then the top cover.

Remove two screws,
then the rear cover.

Figure 1 Removing the covers

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the covers.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-223 REP 11.1-120
REP 11.2-120 Input Drive Belt and Transport Motor 1 NOTE: Ensure that the shoulder screw is installed in the correct position. Refer to Figure
Parts List on PL 11.110.
2. Install the motor screws, but do not tighten.
3. Install the spring.
WARNING 4. Rotate the shaft by hand to ensure the belt runs smoothly over the pulleys and allow the
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord spring to tension the belt, ADJ 11.2-120.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 5. Tighten the motor screws and re-connect the harness.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
6. Install the 1K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-120.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-120.
2. Remove transport motor 1 and the input drive belt, Figure 1.

Remove the drive belt.

Remove 3 screws, then
transport motor 1.

Shoulder screw.

Remove the spring.

Disconnect PJ17.

Figure 1 Removing the drive belt

1. Place the belt around the pulleys.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.2-120 4-224 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.3-120 1K LCSS Stability Foot REP 11.4-120 Paper Output Drive Belt and Transport Motor
Parts List on PL 11.100. 2
Removal Parts List on PL 11.120.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. WARNING
1. Remove the 1K LCSS, REP 11.11-120. Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
2. Figure 1, remove the stability foot. from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-120.
2. Remove the intermediate drive belt, PL 11.118 Item 4.
3. Remove the paper output drive belt, Figure 1.

Locating pin Loosen the screw.

Release the tension on
2 the paper output drive
Push down the front locking belt. Re-tighten the
tab. Remove the stability foot. screw.

Remove the paper
output drive belt.

Locating pin

Push down the rear locking
tab. Release the rear of the
stability foot.

Figure 1 Removal

Figure 1 Removing the paper output drive belt

Align the slots in the stability foot with the locating pins under the machine. Firmly push the sta- 4. Remove transport motor 2, Figure 2.
bility foot into position.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-225 REP 11.3-120, REP 11.4-120
REP 11.5-120 Bin 1 Drive Belts
3 Parts List on PL 11.106.
Remove transport
motor 2. Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Enter dC330, code 11-032, bin 1 elevator motor down. Fully lower bin 1.
2. Open the 1K LCSS front door, PL 11.100 Item 4.
3. Switch off the machine.
4. Remove the 1K LCSS rear cover and front cover, REP 11.1-120.
2 NOTE: Keep all of the components removed as a set. The set of rear frame components
Remove 2 screws. are different from the front frame set.

5. Prepare to remove the rear bin 1 drive belt, Figure 1.

Disconnect the
inline PJ.

Figure 2 Removing transport motor 2

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

NOTE: Rotate the paper output drive belt by hand to allow the spring to tension the belt, ADJ

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.4-120, REP 11.5-120 4-226 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
5 4
Remove the bin 1 Remove 2 screws then
elevator motor and the upper pulley.


Disconnect PJ.
Remove 3 screws.

Remove the E-clip and 2
bearing. Remove 3 screws
marked A. Release 1

1 2
Release the tensioner spring. Disconnect PJ6, PJ4, PJ1, PJ3 and 1
PJ12. Release the harnesses from 5 Remove 2 screws then the lower pulley.
the 2 cable clamps. Remove 1 screw from the belt clamp.
Remove the belt.

Figure 1 Preparation Figure 2 Bin 1 drive belt removal (rear)

6. Remove the rear bin 1 drive belt, Figure 2. 7. Remove the bin 1 drive belt (front) Figure 3.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-227 REP 11.5-120
REP 11.6-120 Tamper Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.112.
3 Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Remove two screws
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
then the upper pul-
ley. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS covers REP 11.1-120.
2. Prepare to remove the tamper assembly, Figure 1.
Remove screw and front
belt clamp. Remove the
belt. 1
Disconnect 3 sensor harnesses
and release the harnesses from
the retainers.

Release the tensioner

2 4
Remove two screws then Release the harness from the
the lower pulley. retainer next to the paddle
motor assembly, PL 11.104
Item 10.

Figure 3 Bin 1 drive belt (front)

2 3
NOTE: Ensure the correct set of components are used for each side of the 1K LCSS. Disconnect the tamper Release the harness from all retainers
motors harnesses. along the tamper assembly.
1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the bin 1 drive belts.

NOTE: Bin 1 level can critically affect the overall stack registration. Refer to ADJ 11.1-120
if adjustment is necessary. Figure 1 Preparing the tamper assembly

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.5-120, REP 11.6-120 4-228 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
3. Figure 2, remove the tamper assembly. REP 11.7-120 Stapler Assembly and SH1 Paper Sensor
Parts List on PL 11.116.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS covers, REP 11.1-120.
2. Manually move the ejector, PL 11.114 Item 1 fully to the right (out position).
3. Prepare to remove the staple head unit and mounting bracket, Figure 1.

Remove 2 screws.
Remove 2 screws

Lift the tamper assembly upwards and
remove from the 1K LCSS.

Figure 2 Removing the tamper assembly Disconnect the bulk-
head connector.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the tamper assembly.

NOTE: Ensure that the slots in the tamper assembly locate correctly in the 1K LCSS frame.

NOTE: Ensure the sensors are correctly located in the tamper assembly, they are easily mis-
located when being disconnected and re-connected to the harnesses.

NOTE: Ensure that all connectors in the harness over the tamper assembly are securely con-

Figure 1 Preparation

When removing and replacing the stapler assembly, support the weight of the assembly under-
neath the stapler and take care not to damage wiring.
4. Remove the stapler assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-229 REP 11.6-120, REP 11.7-120
Remove the SH1
paper sensor.

SH1 cartridge
sensor actuator

Remove 3 screws.

Remove 2 screws.
Disconnect the PJ.
Remove the stapler assembly.

Figure 2 Removal Figure 3 SH1 paper sensor removal

CAUTION Replacement
When removing the SH1 paper sensor, do not damage the actuator for the SH1 cartridge sen- Reverse the removal procedure to replace the staple head unit.
sor, Figure 3.
5. Remove the SH1 paper sensor, Figure 3.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.7-120 4-230 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.8-120 Ejector Assembly and Sensors
Parts List on PL 11.114.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Ejector motor encoder sensor.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. If necessary, manually move the ejector to the right (out position).
2. Remove the docking latch, REP 11.14-120. 4
Remove 2 screws and
NOTE: Do not disconnect the docking interlock switch. cover to access the sensor.
3. Figure 1, remove the ejector assembly.

Ejector out sensor


Ejector home
sensor Q11-320

Disconnect 2 bulkhead

Remove 3 screws.

Lower the ejector assembly,
disengage the dowels from the
mounting blocks and remove.

Figure 1 Removing the ejector assembly

4. Remove the appropriate sensor by releasing the sensor tabs and disconnecting the har-

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-231 REP 11.8-120
Replacement REP 11.9-120 Bin 1 Upper Level Sensor
CAUTION Parts List on PL 11.106.
When installing the ejector assembly onto the 1K LCSS, ensure that the ejector fingers do not
damage the wiring to the staple head unit.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the eject assembly or sensors. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the ejector assembly, REP 11.8-120.
2. Remove the bin 1 upper level sensor, Figure 1.

Unclip the sensor.

2 1
Remove two screws, then the Disconnect the harness.
sensor support.

Figure 1 Removing the stacker level sensors

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the bin 1 upper level sensor.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.8-120, REP 11.9-120 4-232 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.10-120 Paddle Wheel Shaft Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.104. 2
Removal Disconnect PJ.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the tamper assembly, REP 11.6-120.
2. Figure 1, remove the paddle motor assembly.

Remove 2 screws.

1 Remove motor
Disconnect PJ14. assembly.

Figure 1 Paddle motor assembly

3. Figure 2, prepare the rear components.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-233 REP 11.10-120
Remove 3 screws 2
marked A. Remove 3 screws
marked A.

1 2
Remove E-clip and Remove E-clip and bearing 1
flag. Remove E-clip and bearing.

Figure 2 Rear preparation Figure 3 Front preparation

4. Figure 3, prepare the front components. 5. Ensure that the compiler ejector is fully to the left (home position).
6. Figure 4, remove the paddle wheel shaft assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.10-120 4-234 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 1
Remove the output Align paddles with the output cover.
cover. 2
Ensure the encoder flag is within the sensor.
Remove the shaft assembly.

Figure 4 Paddle wheel shaft removal Figure 5 Paddle alignment

Replacement 2. Test the operation of the paddle roll, enter dC330, output code 11-025. When the code is
1. The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Ensure the paddles and flag cancelled the paddles must stop with both rubber blades inside of the output cover. If nec-
are correctly aligned, refer to Figure 5. essary, check that the gear assembly and flag are correctly located on the “D” flats.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-235 REP 11.10-120
REP 11.11-120 1K LCSS Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Use safe handling procedures when removing the module, GP 16. The module is heavy.

NOTE: The 1K LCSS weight is 21Kg (46lb).

1. Disconnect the harnesses between the 1K LCSS and the machine.
2. Remove the 1K LCSS bin 1, PL 11.100 Item 10.
3. Remove the 1K LCSS top cover, refer to REP 11.1-120.
4. Open the 1K LCSS front door.
5. Figure 1, prepare to remove the 1K LCSS.

Pull the latch block forward to
release both latches.

Remove 2 thumb-
screws from under-
neath the 1K LCSS.

Figure 1 1K LCSS link bracket assembly

6. Close the 1K LCSS front door.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.11-120 4-236 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
7. Figure 2, remove the 1K LCSS. REP 11.12-120 1K LCSS PWB
Parts List on PL 11.124.
1 Removal
Slide the 1K LCSS away from the
machine to disengage the latches and WARNING
bottom bracket. Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS rear cover, REP 11.1-120.
2. Disconnect all harness connectors from the 1K LCSS PWB.
3. Remove the three screws and release the three standoffs securing the 1K LCSS PWB.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the 1K LCSS PWB. Before replacing the 1K LCSS
rear cover, perform the 11F-120 1K LCSS PWB DIP Switch Settings RAP.

Use the lifting handles to
remove the 1K LCSS from
the mounting bracket.

Support pins (front and


Docking latch (front

and rear) Bottom bracket

Figure 2 1K LCSS removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Ensure that the bottom bracket on
the 1K LCSS is located over the support pins. Line up the 1K LCSS latches to the machine
apertures then push the two units firmly together until they latch.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-237 REP 11.11-120, REP 11.12-120
REP 11.13-120 Entry Guide Cover
Parts List on PL 11.122.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Remove 2 screws
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS, REP 11.11-120.
2. Remove the 1K LCSS front cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-120.
3. Figure 1, remove the entry guide cover.

Disconnect the
bulkhead connector

Remove the cover

Remove 2 screws

Figure 1 Entry guide cover removal

Refer to GP 6 before refitting the screws.

1. Bias the entry guide cover away from the paper guide when you tighten the screws.
2. The clearance between the entry guide cover and the paper guide must be a minimum of
1 mm. Refer to Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.13-120 4-238 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: If the clearance is less than 1 mm, then install a new entry guide cover. REP 11.14-120 Docking Latch Assembly and Docking
Interlock Switch
Parts List on PL 11.102.
Check for a minimum Removal
clearance of 1mm
between the entry WARNING
guide cover and the Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
paper guide from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS, REP 11.11-120.
2. Figure 1, prepare to remove the docking latch assembly.

Remove 2 screws
Figure 2 Entry guide cover clearance

3. Run copies through the output device, if possible use heavy weight paper or labels. 2
Check for marks on the print and for damage to the paper. If there are no marks or dam- Release 2 harness
age then install the covers.

Pull the harness
through the flanged

Disconnect PJ6.

Figure 1 Preparation

3. Figure 2, remove the docking latch assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-239 REP 11.13-120, REP 11.14-120
REP 11.15-120 Ejector Belt
Parts List on PL 11.114.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove the latch
assembly Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the ejector assembly, refer to REP 11.8-120.
2. Figure 1, remove the ejector belt.

Release the harness

Remove 2 screws

Figure 2 Latch assembly removal

4. Remove the sensor cover, PL 11.102 Item 1.

5. Release the docking interlock switch from the sensor cover.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the docking latch assembly.

Ensure that the harness is put through the flanged hole, refer to Figure 1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.14-120, REP 11.15-120 4-240 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Belt grip. Remove the clip.

Remove the pulley
then the ejector belt.

Remove the E-clip.

Figure 1 Remove the ejector belt

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure. Ensure the ejector belt is correctly
engaged with the belt grip on the ejector assembly before the clip is reinstalled. Refer to Figure

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-241 REP 11.15-120
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
REP 11.15-120 4-242 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.1-171 HVF Covers
Parts List on PL 11.130
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.

NOTE: All major HVF covers are dealt with in this procedure, only remove the covers listed for
the procedure that you are performing.

Remove the HVF covers as follows:

1. Remove the front door, Figure 1. If required, remove 5 screws to separate the door sup- 1
port from the front door. Remove the hinge pin.

Remove the hinge pins (2 places).

Figure 1 Front door removal

2. Remove the top cover, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-243 REP 11.1-171
NOTE: If an inserter is installed, remove the inserter, REP 11.82-171. NOTE: The top cover must be removed before removing the front cover.

Remove 2 screws.

Lift the top tray.

2 Remove the top cover.
Remove 2 screws.
1 1
Remove the inserter cover or 3 2 Remove 6 screws.
inserter, see NOTE. Remove the front cover. Lift the cover to disengage the
bottom locating tabs form the

Figure 2 Top cover removal Figure 3 Front cover removal

3. Remove the front cover, Figure 3. 4. Remove the rear cover, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.1-171 4-244 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The top cover must be removed before removing the front cover.

Remove 6 screws,
then the vent cover.

Remove 3

Remove 2
Remove 3 screws,
then the foot cover.

4 Lift the rear cover to disengage
Remove the rear cover. the bottom locating tabs from
the frame. Figure 5 Vent and foot covers removal
Figure 4 Rear cover removal
5. Remove the vent cover and foot cover, Figure 5. To provide enough room to remove the 1. Reverse the removal procedure to reinstall the HVF covers.
vent cover, undock the HVF, REP 11.13-171. 2. Depending on the installed options and the covers removed, refit covers in the following
NOTE: The top front cover and rear cover must be removed before removing the vent
cover and foot cover. a. Vent cover.
b. Foot cover (if a tri-folder is not installed).
NOTE: The foot cover in not installed if a tri-folder is installed.
c. Rear cover.
d. Front cover
e. Top cover.
f. Inserter cover (if a inserter so not installed).
g. Front door.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-245 REP 11.1-171
REP 11.2-171 HVF Stapler Assembly 7. Figure 2. With the power cord disconnected, it is possible to reach behind the stapler and
move the ejector unit to the out position, by turning the encoder of the ejector unit motor,
Parts List on PL 11.140 MOT11-020 in the direction indicated.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Slide the HVF away from the IOT.
2. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Remove the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
6. Figure 1. At the rear of the HVF, disconnect three connectors and remove one screw
securing the grounding strap.

Turn the encoder wheel

Stapler (shown
in faint lines)

Figure 2 Move ejector to the out position

8. Figure 3. At the HVF rear, turn the back stop latch as indicated, to release the back stop.
The back stop will move in the outboard direction.

Disconnect three PJs
Remove grounding
strip screw

Figure 1 Disconnect PJs and remove screw

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.2-171 4-246 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family

Remove the screw

Turn the latch 2

Slide the stapler
assembly forward


Figure 3 Releasing the back stop Figure 4 Removing the stapler assembly

9. Figure 4. Remove the stapler assembly. Replacement

NOTE: The ejector unit returns to the home position when the HVF is initialized.

1. Slide the stapler assembly into the tray, taking care not to trap the earth wire at the rear.
2. At the HVF rear, pull the back stop to the rear and hold it there while turning the back stop
latch clockwise. Release the back stop, which should slide forward until stopped by the
3. Reconnect all PJs and re-install the screws.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-247 REP 11.2-171
REP 11.3-171 Top Tray NOTE: Remove the idler pulley to avoid straining the drive belt when removing the shaft
drive pulley.
Parts List on PL 11.130
5 4
WARNING Remove the top tray. Remove the E-clip and
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord bearing.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Remove the top tray as follows:
1. If fitted, undock the inserter, REP 11.82-171.
2. Remove the top and rear covers REP 11.1-171. 3
Remove the E-clip
3. Disconnect the links from the tray, Figure 1.
and bearing.

Remove the
inner belt idler
and pulley.

Remove the E-clip
and outer pulley.

Figure 2 Shaft drive and support bushes

Reverse the removal procedure to reinstall the HVF top tray.

Lift the tray and pull the
link eyes from the lugs 2
on the tray Remove the pin
and spring

Figure 1 Link Disconnection

4. Remove the bias spring and pin, Figure 1.

5. Remove the shaft front and rear circlips and bushes. Lift the top tray from the shaft, Figure

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.3-171 4-248 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.4-171 Bin 1 Removal
Parts List on PL 11.135
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the E-clip and lift bin 1 to release bin 1 from Bin 1 lift bar. Figure 1

Lift bin 1 to release the
bin from the lifting bar

Remove the E-clip

Figure 1 Bin 1 removal

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall bin 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-249 REP 11.4-171
REP 11.5-171 Right Side-Cover Removal
Parts List on PL 11.135
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 1
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Lower the lifting bar
1. With the machine powered, use the PTU or control code 11-032 to lower Bin 1.
2. Remove Bin 1, REP 11.4-171, then remove the right side cover, Figure 1.
3. Remove 6 screws then remove the right side-cover, Figure 1.

Remove 6

Figure 1 Right Side cover

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the right side cover.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.5-171 4-250 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.6-171 HVF Ejector Assembly Removal 6. Remove the pressing plate bracket, Figure 2.

Parts List on PL 11.140

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove Bin 1, REP 11.4-171.
2. Remove the right side-cover REP 11.5-171.
3. Remove the door and the front cover REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the front and rear pressing plate fingers, REP 11.7-171.
5. Remove the front tamper and the ejector front cover, Figure 1.

NOTE: Rotate the ejector encoder wheel to extend the ejector.

2 1 3
3 Flex the ejector cover from the shaft Remove 2 screws. Remove the pressing plate
of the support finger drive gear. bracket.
Remove ejector
front cover

Figure 2 Ejector Assembly

7. Prepare to remove the ejector module, Figure 3.

Remove 2 screws

encoder wheel

Remove 1 screw and the
front tamper UNDERSIDE VIEW

Figure 1 Front Tamper and Ejector Cover

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-251 REP 11.6-171
Note the routing of the
ejector assembly harness.

2 2 1
Disconnect the ejector assembly Remove the ejector Remove 2 screws
harness, 4 connectors. assembly and the earth wire

Figure 3 Disconnect the harness Figure 4 Ejector assembly removal

8. Remove the ejector assembly. Figure 4. Replacement

NOTE: Set the front and rear support fingers so that their ends are aligned when extended.
Refer to REP 11.8-171.

1. Prepare to reinstall the ejector assembly, Figure 5.

2. Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the ejector assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.6-171 4-252 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.7-171 Pressing Plate Fingers
Location slot Offset module 1
Route the harness under
Parts List on PL 11.140
the rear tamper assembly. Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the right side-cover REP 11.5-171.
2. Remove the screws then lower the pressing plate fingers through the cover slots, Figure

Rear Pressing
2 Ejector assembly
Plate Finger
Ensure the base plate location tab is inserted
through the location slot in the offset module. Base plate location tab

Figure 5 Reinstall the ejector assembly

When reinstalling the front tamper and the ejector front cover make sure that the correct
screws are used and that the screws are not overtightened GP 6.

When refitting the pressing plate, the shaft of the front support finger drive gear must fit into the
ejector assembly cover, refer to Figure 2. Front Pressing
Plate Finger 2 1
Remove the fingers Remove 2 screws

Figure 1 Pressing Plate Fingers

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the front and rear pressing plate fingers.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-253 REP 11.6-171, REP 11.7-171
REP 11.8-171 Front and Rear Support Fingers
Parts List on PL 11.140
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the right side cover REP 11.5-171.
2. Remove the ejector assembly REP 11.6-171.
3. Remove the ejector front plate and support finger assembly, Figure 1.

1 Front Tamper Finger Guide 2

Remove the screw Base Rotate the finger to dis-
and clip engage the pin from the
guide slot.

Figure 2 Front Support Finger

5. Remove the guide and the rear support finger, Figure 3.

Front Tamper Base. Ejector front plate

Figure 1 Ejector Front Plate

4. Remove the front tamper base and front support finger, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.8-171 4-254 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Rotate the finger to disen-
gage the pin from the guide
slot, refer to Figure 2.

3 2 1
Rotate the encoder Remove the clip and Remove the rear Encoder Wheel
wheel until the finger disengage the gear. pressing plate finger
ends align.
Rear support finger guide

Figure 3 Rear Support Finger


Reverse the removal procedure to replace the front or rear support fingers.

NOTE: Set the front and rear support fingers so that their ends are aligned when extended.
Refer to Figure 4.
4 5
With the pressing plate installed, set the front and rear support finger alignment, Figure 4. If the Re-engage the gear and Replace rear pressing
fingers are not aligned, the compiler output will be uneven and cause exit jams. refit the circlip plate finger

Figure 4 Support Finger End Alignment

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-255 REP 11.8-171
REP 11.9-171 HVF Offset Motor Assembly REP 11.10-171 Stacker Idler Rolls
Parts List on PL 11.140 Parts List on PL 11.145
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the right side cover REP 11.5-171. 1. Lift the top tray
2. Remove the offset motor and gear assembly, Figure 1. 2. Figure 1. Raise the paper pusher and remove the four stacker idler rolls.

Raise the paper

1 Idler rolls
Disconnect the
grounding wire

2 Remove the roll
Disconnect the
motor PJ.

Remove the 2
bracket front and Ease spring brackets
rear screws outwards

Figure 1 Offset Motor and Gears Figure 1 Paper pusher and idler rolls.

Replacement Replacement
Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the offset motor assembly. 1. Figure 2. Ensure the sprung brackets are parallel and re-install the idler rolls in the sprung

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.9-171, REP 11.10-171 4-256 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.11-171 Front Tamper Drive Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.140
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Incorrect Correct from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front door and front cover REP 11.1-171.
Figure 2 Correct spring bracket position. 2. Remove the front tamper. Remove the tamper motor and bracket assembly, Figure 1.

2. Check that the rolls are held securely.

Tamper motor and

bracket assembly

Front tamper

Figure 1 Front Tamper Drive Assembly

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the front tamper drive assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-257 REP 11.10-171, REP 11.11-171
REP 11.12-171 Stacker Motor Gearbox Assembly NOTE: Check that the ‘flats’ on the shaft bearing align with the cut-outs in the bracket.

Parts List on PL 11.135 Check that the Bin 1 lift bar is level before refitting the stacker belt lower pulley.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front and rear covers REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the rear drive belt lower pulley to relieve the belt tension.
3. Remove the stacker motor and gearbox assembly Figure 1.

NOTE: The pulley pin may fall when the pulley is removed.

3 2 1
Release the wiring Remove the Remove the circlip,
from the clamps bearing. the upper pulley and
the pin.

Figure 1 Stacker Motor Gearbox Assembly

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the stacker motor gearbox assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.12-171 4-258 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.13-171 HVF / HVF BM Un-Docking
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not show the customer how to un-dock the HVF / HVF BM.
1. Open the front door.
2. Figure 1, release the docking latch and move the HVF / HVF BM to the right, away from
the IOT.

Pull the lever forward to release both latches

Roll the HVF to the right
away from the IOT

Figure 1 Docking latch location

NOTE: Where fitted, the tri folder may remain docked to, and moved with, the HVF.

3. Disconnect the harnesses between the IOT and the HVF / HVF BM if necessary.
Take care to align the HVF to the right side of the IOT before rolling the HVF into position. Mis-
alignment will damage or break the interlock actuator.
Reverse the removal procedure to dock the HVF / HVF BM.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-259 REP 11.13-171
REP 11.14-171 HVF Top Jam Clearance Guide Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.145
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. Remove the outboard pivot screw.

Remove the inboard

pivot screw


Figure 2 Inboard pivot screw

7. Figure 3. Remove the jam clearance assembly.

Remove the outboard

pivot screw

Figure 1 Outboard pivot screw

6. Figure 2. Remove the inboard pivot screw.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.14-171 4-260 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.15-171 HVF Rear Tamper Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.140
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the right side cover REP 11.5-171.
3. Remove the ejector assembly REP 11.6-171.
4. Remove the support finger motor assembly, PL 11.140 Item 9.
5. Remove the rear tamper assembly, Figure 1.

Twist the assembly

and lift upwards

Figure 3 Assembly removal.

The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-261 REP 11.14-171, REP 11.15-171
Check that the Ejector cable harnesses are routed below rear tamper assembly and do not
obstruct any moving parts.
Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the rear tamper assembly.

Turn the offset drive gear to position the offset carriage so that the rear tamper assembly can
be positioned on the locating pins.

Disconnect 3 PJs.

4 3 2
Remove the rear tamper Remove 2 screws. Disen- Turn the offset motor gear to
assembly through the gage the 2 locating pins on move the offset carriage to the
opening created by the left side. front.
removing the ejector (see

Figure 1 Rear Tamper Assembly

NOTE: To ease the removal of the rear tamper assembly, remove the cable clamps that
secure the pressing and support encoder sensor harness to the rear tamper assembly.
Also, turn the offset motor gear to move the offset carriage to the rear.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.15-171 4-262 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.16-171 BM Flapper
Parts List on PL 11.161
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Figure 1, remove the BM flapper bracket assembly.

Disengage the
drive belt. 1
3 Remove 4 screws
4 and the ground
Remove the BM Disconnect the
BM flapper roll wire.
flapper bracket
assembly. home sensor.

Figure 1 Remove the BM flapper bracket

3. Figure 2, remove the BM flapper assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-263 REP 11.16-171
REP 11.17-171 BM PWB
Parts List on PL 11.166
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Figure 1, Remove the BM PWB.

1 Remove the BM flapper
Remove the KL-clip and assembly.
the bearing.

Figure 2 BM flapper assembly removal

4. Figure 3, remove the BM flapper.

2 Remove the E-
3 Remove the KL-clip, then clip, pin, then the
Remove the KL-clip, then the bearing. pulley.
the bearing.

Figure 3 BM flapper removal

The replacement is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.16-171, REP 11.17-171 4-264 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Figure 1, ensure the BM harness and bin 2 harness are correctly positioned in the retainers to
prevent damaged when the BM is moved to the extremities of its travel.
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the BM PWB.
2. The booklet maker PWB is supplied with a label with the customized NVM values for the
new BM PWB. Enter the values into the machine dC131 NVM Read / Write at Finisher /
DFA Location 12.
Check and perform the adjustments that follow:
• ADJ 11.5-171 Booklet Tamping
• ADJ 11.6-171 Booklet Compiling Position.
• ADJ 11.7-171 Booklet Crease Position
• ADJ 11.8-171 Booklet Staple Position

Bin 2 harness
Harness retainers 1
Disconnect all PJs
BM harnesses

3 Remove 8 screws and
If necessary, release harnesses remove the PWB
from the retainers to allow the
PWB to be removed

Figure 1 PWB removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-265 REP 11.17-171
REP 11.18-171 BM Crease Blade Motor
Parts List on PL 11.165
This procedure is used to repair the following components:
• BM crease blade motor encoder sensor, PL 11.165 Item 1.
• BM crease blade motor, PL 11.165 Item 3.
• Motor encoder, PL 11.165 Item 4.
• Bearing, PL 11.165 Item 7.
• Crank, PL 11.165 Item 8.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Remove the left frame plate, PL 11.162 Item 2.
6. Remove the motor cover, PL 11.165 Item 11. It is easier to remove the screw using an
open ended spanner, this means the removal of the BM PWB is not necessary.
7. Figure 1, remove the BM crease blade motor assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.18-171 4-266 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the motor
assembly from the frame

Remove the circlip, rear
crank and bearing

Remove the E-clip and
bearing, release the con-
necting rod

6 5 4
Disconnect the Remove circlip, Remove E-clip and
motor harness front crank and bearing, release the
bearing connecting rod

Remove 4 screws

Figure 1 Removing the motor assembly

8. Figure 2, remove the BM crease blade motor.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-267 REP 11.18-171
REP 11.19-171 BM Crease Roll Motor
Parts List on PL 11.166
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Support the encoder 1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
and slide out the shaft 2. Remove 4 screws securing the BM PWB mounting plate to the frame, allow the PWB and
3 mounting plate to hang down, giving access to the BM crease roll motor.
Remove the sensor
from the bracket 3. Figure 1, remove the motor assembly.

Remove the encoder

Figure 2 Removing the motor

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM crease blade motor.

NOTE: Ensure that the mark on the crease blade knob aligns with the arrow on the front infill
cover when the crease blade is fully withdrawn.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.18-171, REP 11.19-171 4-268 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.20-171 BM Backstop Motor Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.163
This procedure is used to repair the following components:
• Ground wire, PL 11.163 Item 1.
• Motor damper, PL 11.163 Item 3.
• BM backstop motor, PL 11.163 Item 4.
• BM backstop drive belt, PL 11.163 Item 11.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Figure 1, remove the BM backstop motor.
Pull the motor
assembly off
the shaft

Remove the
1 encoder disc
Remove 3

the motor

Remove the circlip

Figure 1 Motor assembly removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM crease roll motor.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-269 REP 11.19-171, REP 11.20-171
REP 11.21-171 BM Backstop Assembly
1 Parts List on PL 11.163
allen key Removal
and spring WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2 Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Remove 1. Remove the booklet maker, REP 11.61-171.
4 screws 2. Rotate the crease roll handle (6c), fully counter clockwise.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
5. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
3 The BM harnesses and the backstop assembly harnesses are connected with a catch. Ensure
Disconnect the the catch is released when disconnecting the solenoid harnesses.
motor harness
6. Remove the two harness clamps, Figure 1.

Remove 2 screws to release the motor
from the bracket, remove 2 screws to
remove the motor and ground wire from
the damper

Remove the belt

Free the motor pulley from the belt
and lift out the motor assembly

Figure 1 Motor removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM backstop motor.

NOTE: Allow the spring to tension the drive belt while the screws are still loose, then tighten
the 4 screws.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.20-171, REP 11.21-171 4-270 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Lay down the BM assembly to access the
backstop assembly.

Remove 2 screws

Use a flat blade screwdriver
to push out the harness

2 2
Use a flat blade screwdriver Remove the belt clamp
to push out the harness
Figure 2 Belt clamp

8. Use the allen key, PL 11.163 Item 9 to remove the 2 screws and remove shaft support, PL
11.164 Item 10.
9. Prepare to remove the shaft from the frame, Figure 3.

Figure 1 Remove the two harness clamps

7. Remove the belt clamp, Figure 2. Frame locator

Remove the E-clip

Move the shaft

Figure 3 Preparation

10. Move the backstop assembly to the bottom of the BM assembly.

11. Remove the shaft from the BM backstop assembly, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-271 REP 11.21-171
2. When installing the shaft ensure that the anti-play shoe has not moved out of position,
Figure 6.

Correct position of the anti-play

Ensure that the shaft is gripped

1 Incorrect position of the anti-play

Remove the shaft through the BM backstop assembly shoe.
bottom of the BM assembly

Figure 4 Remove the shaft

12. Remove the BM backstop assembly, Figure 5. Figure 6 Location of the anti-play shoe

3. Ensure that all of the cable ties are installed and that the harnesses are in the correct
4. Check that all of the PJ connections on the BM PWB are connected.
5. Return the allen key to the storage position inside the drive belt tensioner spring, PL
11.163 Item 9.
6. Go to ADJ 11.9-171 and complete the adjustments.

1 2 3
Flex the belt Rotate the BM back- Slide the BM backstop under
upwards stop into this position the belt

Figure 5 Remove the backstop assembly

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the backstop assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.21-171 4-272 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.22-171 BM Entry Roll
Parts List on PL 11.161
Purpose Remove E-clip, bearing,
This procedure is used to repair the following components: pulley and belt.
• BM entry roll pulley, PL 11.161 Item 14.
• BM entry roll, PL 11.161 Item 15.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Figure 1, remove the BM Entry Roll. 2
Remove E-clip and

Remove the
entry roll.

Figure 1 Roll removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM entry roll.

NOTE: Tension the drive belt by loosening then tightening the screw, ADJ 11.10-171.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-273 REP 11.22-171
REP 11.23-171 BM Entry Sensor
Parts List on PL 11.161
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Figure 1, remove the BM entry sensor.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.23-171 4-274 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the sensor.
Disconnect the 4
sensor harness. Remove the baffle.

Remove 2 screws.

Remove 2 screws.

Figure 1 Sensor removal

Replacement Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM entry sensor.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-275 REP 11.23-171
REP 11.24-171 BM Crease Roll Gate Motor REP 11.25-171 BM Compiler Motor and BM Flapper Motor
Parts List on PL 11.166 Parts List on PL 11.166
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171. 1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Fully pull out the BM module. 2. Fully pull out the BM module.
3. Figure 1, remove the motor assembly 3. Figure 1, remove the motor assembly.

Remove E-clip
and pulley

Remove the
2 motor assembly
Remove 2

Disconnect the
motor harness

Remove 3 screws

Disconnect the
ground strap
Remove the 1
motor assembly Disconnect the

Figure 1 Motor assembly removal Figure 1 Motor assembly removal

4. Remove 3 nuts to release the motor from the bracket. 4. Remove 2 screws to remove the relevant motor from the bracket.
Replacement 5. Remove 2 screws to remove the motor from the damper.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM crease roll gate motor. Replacement
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM compiler motor or BM flapper motor.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.24-171, REP 11.25-171 4-276 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.26-171 Back Stop Drive Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.163
Purpose Remove KL-clip
This procedure is used to repair the following components: and pulley
• BM backstop link springs, PL 11.163 Item 15.
• BM backstop link, PL 11.163 Item 16.
• BM backstop drive shaft, PL 11.164 Item 14.
• BM backstop belt, PL 11.163 Item 7.
• BM back stop bearing, PL 11.163 Item 11.
• BM back stop idler bracket, PL 11.163 Item 12.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Remove the LH frame plate, PL 11.162 Item 2.
6. Remove the BM tamper assembly, REP 11.30-171.
7. Remove the backstop motor assembly, REP 11.20-171.
8. Remove the backstop assembly, REP 11.21-171.
9. Remove the crease blade assembly, REP 11.36-171.
10. Figure 1, remove the BM backstop drive shaft and bearings.
3 4 1
Remove KL-clip Remove the Remove E-clip
and bearing drive shaft and bearing

Figure 1 Drive shaft removal

11. Figure 2, remove the backstop link.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-277 REP 11.26-171
Remove the link
and two springs

2 1 2
Press down on the link and Remove the bracket 1
Press down on the link and Remove 2 screws
release the rear tensioner link release the front tensioner link assembly and belt

Figure 2 Backstop link removal Figure 3 Idler bracket assembly removal

12. Figure 3, remove the BM backstop idler bracket assembly. 13. Figure 4, remove the BM backstop belt.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.26-171 4-278 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.27-171 BM Staple Heads
1 Parts List on PL 11.168
Remove KL-clip, tensioner
link and bearing Removal
Slide the shaft Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
to one side
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the relevant staple head cover, PL 11.168 Item 14.
3. Pull the stapler bracket handle, PL 11.168 Item 9. Open the staplers fully.
4. Figure 1, remove a staple head.
Remove the belt

Figure 4 Backstop belt removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the removed components. Allow the BM backstop
belt to be tensioned correctly before the bracket assembly securing screws are tightened.
Refer to Figure 3.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-279 REP 11.26-171, REP 11.27-171
1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM staple heads.
2. Perform ADJ 11.3-171, Stapler Anvil Alignment.

Loosen 1 screw
using a 5.5mm
socket and
ratchet driver

Using a 5.5mm socket
and short extension fully 4 1
loosen the screw until the Disconnect the Remove 2 screws
staple head is released. stapler harness using a 5.5mm
Leave the socket and and remove the socket and
extension in position on stapler ratchet driver
the screw

Figure 1 Staple head removal

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.27-171 4-280 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.28-171 BM Stapler Bracket Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.168
Purpose 2
This procedure is used to repair the following parts: Remove
the KL-clip
• Front follower, PL 11.168 Item 1.
• Actuator, PL 11.168 Item 2.
• Rear follower, PL 11.168 Item 3.
• Spring, PL 11.168 Item 4.
• BM paper present sensor Q11-190, PL 11.168 Item 5.
• Latch slide, PL 11.168 Item 6.
• Staple bracket handle, PL 11.168 Item 9.
• Stapler bracket assembly, PL 11.168 Item 10. 3
Remove the
• Torsion spring, PL 11.168 Item 11. actuator
• Bearing, PL 11.168 Item 12.
• Spring, PL 11.168 Item 13.
• BM stapler head carrier closed sensor Q11-421, PL 11.168 Item 18.
• Lower shaft, PL 11.168 Item 19.
• Upper shaft, PL 11.168 Item 20. 1
Removal Remove the
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Figure 1 Actuator removal
1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Temporarily attach the PWB mounting plate using only the top two screws.
2. Remove 4 screws securing the BM PWB mounting plate to the frame, allow the PWB and
5. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
mounting plate to hang down, giving access to the BM staple head carrier closed sensor.
6. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Figure 1, remove the BM staple head carrier closed sensor actuator.
7. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
8. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
9. Remove both staple head covers, PL 11.168 Item 14.
10. Figure 2, lower the stapler bracket.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-281 REP 11.28-171
2 1
Pull the stapler bracket Release the rear follower
handle to open the staplers from the slot using a
fully screwdriver

Figure 2 Lowering stapler bracket

11. Figure 3, remove the latch shaft.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.28-171 4-282 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove KL-clip and pull shaft forward
50 mm (2 inches)

Pull the shaft completely
to the rear to remove

Remove 2 E-clips and
the front follower

Push the shaft to the rear
to release the latch slide

Compress the spring, remove
the rear follower and spring

Figure 3 Latch shaft removal

12. Figure 4, prepare to remove the BM stapler bracket assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-283 REP 11.28-171
Remove KL-clip

Disconnect harnesses
and ground wire

Release the spring
from the side frame

Remove E-clip
2 3
Disconnect Remove 2 E-clips
ground wire

Figure 4 Preparation

13. Figure 5, remove the BM stapler bracket assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.28-171 4-284 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.29-171 BM Conveyor Belts
Parts List on PL 11.169
1 Removal
Lever out WARNING
the bearing
using a Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
screwdriver WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The removal procedure illustrates how to remove the rear conveyor belt. The proce-
dure for the front conveyor belt is similar.

1. Remove bin 2 by disconnecting the harness, removing the thumb screw then lifting the bin
upwards to release.
2. Remove the BM bin 2 extension by aligning the pivot pins with the cutouts and snapping
the extension out of engagement.
3. Turn over bin 2 and remove the base pan, 3 screws.
Remove the 4. Remove the BM bin 2 connector from the base pan, 1 screw.
bracket 5. Figure 1, remove the idler roller.
from the front

Figure 5 Assembly removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM stapler bracket assembly and components.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-285 REP 11.28-171, REP 11.29-171
3 1
Release belt from the drive pulley
Push the other bearing
though the frame to
remove the idler roller

Push out shaft and
remove one bearing

Remove E-clip

Feed the belt through
the cut-out to remove

Figure 2 Belt removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM conveyor belts.

Figure 1 Idler roller removal

6. Figure 2, remove the BM conveyor belt.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.29-171 4-286 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.30-171 BM Tamper Assembly and Tamper 1 Motor
3 4
Parts List on PL 11.162 Remove 2 screws Remove 2 screws
Purpose and earth connector
This procedure is used to repair the following components:
• BM tamper 1 motor, PL 11.162 Item 3.
• BM rear tamper arm, PL 11.162 Item 5.
• BM front tamper arm, PL 11.162 Item 6.
• BM rear tamper rack, PL 11.162 Item 7.
• BM front tamper rack, PL 11.162 Item 8.
• BM rear tamper assembly, PL 11.162 Item 9.
• BM front tamper assembly, PL 11.162 Item 10.
• BM tamper gear,PL 11.162 Item 11.
• BM tamper bracket, PL 11.162 Item 12.
• BM tamper rack guide, PL 11.162 Item 13.
• BM tamper guide plate, PL 11.162 Item 15.
• BM rear tamper finger, PL 11.162 Item 16.
• BM front tamper finger, PL 11.162 Item 17.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2 1
If necessary, remove 2 Remove the cover and 5
WARNING screws to remove the Remove 2 screws
disconnect the harness
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. motor
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3. 6
Move the tampers to align with the
5. Remove the left frame plate, PL 11.163 Item 17. slots to release each tamper from the
6. Figure 1, remove the tamper assembly. slot

Remove the tamper

Figure 1 Tamper assembly removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-287 REP 11.30-171
7. Figure 2, remove the front and rear tamper assemblies. Also remove the tamper gear and
tamper motor.

Remove 2 screws, 5
remove the motor Remove
the gear

4 Remove
Remove screw and
E-clip tamper finger

Remove the
guide plate
Guide tab

Guide tab
1 Remove End stop
Pull out both tamper 4 screws 3
assemblies Remove the BM
tamper rack guide Figure 3 Guide plate removal

Figure 2 Dismantling the tamper assembly Replacement

1. If the tamper racks were removed from the BM tamper rack guide, perform the following:
8. Figure 3, remove the tamper guide plate from each of the tamper assemblies.
a. Align the guide tabs on both tamper racks with the slots in the BM tamper rack guide.
Refer to Figure 2.
b. Start both tamper racks into the BM tamper rack guide at the same time. Both
tamper racks must engage with the BM tamper gear simultaneously. To check that
the front and rear tampers are correctly aligned, perform the following:
• Fully push in the tampers.
• The distance between the end stop on each tamper and the ends of the BM
tamper rack guide should be equal. Refer to Figure 2.
• If the distances are different by more than 1mm (0.040 inches). Perform again
step B.
2. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM tamper assembly and tamper 1 motor.
3. Perform ADJ 11.5-171 Booklet Tamping.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.30-171 4-288 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.31-171 HVF Buffer Guide Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.153
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
Remove the
5. Figure 1. At the rear of the finisher, disconnect the two PJs.
pivot screw

Figure 2 Pivot screw removal

7. Pass the PJs through the cut-out in the rear frame.

8. Withdraw the guide through the front opening.
Disconnect the Position the spigot at the guide rear in the hole in the rear frame. The rest of the replacement
two PJs procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.


Figure 1 Disconnecting PJs

6. Figure 2. Remove the pivot screw.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-289 REP 11.31-171
REP 11.32-171 HVF Input Jam Clearance Guide REP 11.33-171 Buffer Pocket Jam Clearance Guide
Parts List on PL 11.153 Assembly
Removal Parts List on PL 11.153
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. WARNING
WARNING Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord WARNING
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171. 1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171. 2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Figure 1. Remove the pivot screw at the front of the input guide. 3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Remove the buffer pocket roll, REP 11.42-171.
6. Figure 1. At the rear of the HVF, prepare to remove the buffer pocket jam clearance guide.

Remove the
pivot screw

Figure 1 Pivot screw removal Bypass feed motor

(MOT 11-080) ref. only
5. Remove the guide through the front opening. 1
REAR VIEW Remove 3 screws.
Position the spigot at the guide rear in the hole in the rear frame. The rest of the replacement
procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure. Figure 1 Rear screw removal

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.32-171, REP 11.33-171 4-290 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
7. Figure 2. At the front of the HVF, remove the buffer pocket jam clearance guide. REP 11.34-171 Inserter Jam Clearance Guide Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.153
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Figure 1. Remove the pivot screw from the front end of the inserter jam clearance guide.

2 1
Remove the buffer pocket Remove 3 screws.
jam clearance guide.

Figure 2 Guide removal

The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Remove the pivot


Figure 1 Pivot screw removal

5. Remove the guide through the front opening.

1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-291 REP 11.33-171, REP 11.34-171
REP 11.35-171 Diverter Exit Gate
Parts List on PL 11.153
Remove the
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. diverter
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
Remove the
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171. pivot screw
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. At the rear of the HVF, remove the solenoid arm, the K-L clip and the bush from
the diverter shaft.

Open Guide 5c

Figure 2 Diverter removal

After replacement, check the K-L clip is in the correct groove, and the bush cannot be pulled
from the frame.
The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

3 Pull the solenoid arm
Remove the bush from the shaft

Remove the K-L clip


Figure 1 Removal preparation

6. Figure 2. Remove the diverter exit gate.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.35-171 4-292 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.36-171 Crease Blade Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.165 1
Remove 2
Purpose screws
This procedure is used to repair the following components:
• Connecting rod, PL 11.165 Item 9.
• Crease blade assembly, PL 11.165 Item 13.
• Crease blade support guide, PL 11.165 Item 14.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Figure 1, remove the crease blade.

3 2
Manoeuvre the blade out from Remove 4 screws
under the front and rear supports

Figure 1 Crease blade removal

6. Figure 2, remove the front blade support.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-293 REP 11.36-171
Remove front 4
blade support Remove rear
blade support

Remove E-clip
Remove E-clip
Release the front
connecting rod
and bearing 2
Release the rear
connecting rod
and bearing

Remove E-clip
Remove E-clip

Figure 2 Front support removal Figure 3 Rear support removal

7. Figure 3, remove the rear blade support. CAUTION

Do not loosen the three red screws that surround the lower support guides
8. Figure 4, remove the support guides (4 places).

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.36-171 4-294 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.37-171 Stacker Driving Shaft Bearings
Parts List on PL 11.140
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
1 can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Depress the centre 1. Remove the front and rear covers REP 11.1-171.
of the guide
2. Remove the stacker motor and gear assembly REP 11.12-171.
3. To access the shaft rear bearing, remove the circlip and the gear wheel. Remove the cir-
clip and the thrust washer and remove the bearing from the shaft, Figure 1.


Red screw, Thrust Washer


Pull the guide outward to remove Circlip

Figure 4 Support guide removal

Gear Wheel
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the crease blade assembly.

Figure 1 Stacker shaft bearings

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-295 REP 11.36-171, REP 11.37-171
NOTE: The upper pulley pin may fall when the pulley is removed. REP 11.38-171 HVF Stacker Driving Belts
4. To remove the stacker shaft front bearings, remove the front upper pulley and the support Parts List on PL 11.135
bracket. Remove the circlip and the thrust washer and slide the inner bearing from the
shaft, Figure 2.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
Inner Bearing
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The removal and replacement procedure for the front and rear stacker driving belts is
the same. Support the Bin 1 lift bar if removing the front and rear belts at the same time

1. Remove the front or rear cover to access the front or rear driving belt REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the stacker bin 1 tray REP 11.4-171.
3. Remove the belt clamp, Figure 1.
4. Remove the circlip and lower pulley to relieve the driving belt tension, Figure 1.
5. Remove the driving belt from the upper pulley and idler, Figure 1.

Outer Bearing

Upper Pulley Pulley Pin

Figure 2 Stacker shaft front bearing

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the stacker driving shaft front and rear bearings.

NOTE: Make sure that the ‘flats’ on the bearing align with the cut-outs in the bracket or frame.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.37-171, REP 11.38-171 4-296 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.39-171 HVF BM Diverter Gate
Parts List on PL 11.153
Remove the upper pulley Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
if required.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. At the rear of the HVF, remove the solenoid arm, the K-L clip and the bush from
the diverter shaft.

Belt Clamp 1
Pull the solenoid arm
from the shaft

Lower Pulley

Figure 1 Stacker Driving Belts

2 3
Replacement Remove the K-L clip Remove the bush
NOTE: Check that the bin 1 lift bar is level before fitting the belt clamp.

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the front and rear stacker driving belts. REAR VIEW

Figure 1 Removal preparation

6. Figure 2. Remove the BM diverter gate.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-297 REP 11.38-171, REP 11.39-171
REP 11.40-171 HVF Input Roll
Parts List on PL 11.155
Open Guide 5d Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. Remove the black plastic cover.
Remove the
pivot screw

3 Press in the catches,
Remove the (2 places)

Figure 2 Diverter removal

The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Lift out the cover

Figure 1 Cover removal

6. Figure 2. At the front of the HVF, remove the circlip and bush.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.39-171, REP 11.40-171 4-298 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the input roll

Remove the pulley and
the bush

Lift the shaft and remove
the belt from the pulley
Remove the circlip
and bush
Slide the pulley and the
bush along the shaft
Remove the circlip

Figure 2 Circlip and bush removal Figure 3 Input roll removal

7. Figure 3. At the rear of the HVF, remove the input roll. Replacement
The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-299 REP 11.40-171
REP 11.41-171 HVF Inserter Guide Roll
Parts List on PL 11.155
Removal 1
Remove the circlip
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
WARNING Slide the pulley and the
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord bush along the shaft
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171. 3
Slip the belt off of
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171. the pulley
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Open guide 8a.
6. Figure 1. At the front of the HVF, remove the circlip and the bush. Remove the pulley and
the bush

Remove the inserter
guide roll


Figure 2 Inserter guide roll removal

Remove the circlip
and the bush Replacement
The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Figure 1 Circlip and bush removal

7. Figure 2. At the rear of the HVF, remove the inserter guide roll.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.41-171 4-300 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.42-171 HVF Buffer Pocket Roll 7. At the rear of the HVF, remove the buffer pocket roll. The bracket can be moved if neces-
sary, to improve access, (two screws), Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 11.155
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Remove the circlip
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord 2
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Slide the pulley and the
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. bush along the shaft
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171. 3
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171. Slip the belt off the
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171. pulley
5. Remove the punch unit, or the punch unit guide, as appropriate.
6. Figure 1. At the front of the HVF, remove the circlip and bush. 4
Remove the pulley and
the bush

Remove the buffer
pocket roll


Figure 2 Buffer pocket roll removal

Remove the circlip The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
and the bush

Figure 1 Circlip and bush removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-301 REP 11.42-171
REP 11.43-171 HVF Booklet Entrance Roll
Parts List on PL 11.155
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. Remove the circlip and bush at the outboard end of the roll.

Remove the
1 booklet
Remove the circlip entrance roll

2 3 4
Slide the pulley and the Slip the belt off the Remove the pulley and
bush along the shaft pulley the bush


Figure 2 Booklet entrance roll removal

Remove the circlip The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
and the bush

Figure 1 Circlip and bush removal

6. Figure 2. At the rear of the HVF, remove the booklet entrance roll.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.43-171 4-302 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.44-171 HVF Buffer Lower Roll
Parts List on PL 11.155
Removal 5
Remove the buffer
WARNING lower roll
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord 4
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Remove the pulley and
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. the bush

1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.

2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171. 3
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171. Slip the belt off the
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171. pulley
5. Open jam clearance guide 5b. 1 2
6. Figure 1. Remove the circlip and the bush from the outboard end of the roll. Remove the circlip Slide the pulley and the
bush along the shaft
Figure 2 Buffer lower roll removal

The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Remove the circlip

and the bush

Figure 1 Circlip and bush removal

7. Figure 2. At the rear of the HVF, remove the buffer lower roll.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-303 REP 11.44-171
REP 11.45-171 HVF Buffer Upper Roll
1 2
Parts List on PL 11.155 Remove the circlip Slide the pulley and the
Removal bush along the shaft
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Slip the belt off the pul-
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Remove the pulley and
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity the bush
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 5
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171. Remove the screw
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171. 6
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171. Loosen the screw
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. Remove the circlip and the bush. Pull the upper part of the fixed
guide to the left and remove the
Fixed guide buffer upper roll
Remove the circlip Figure 2 Buffer upper roll removal
and the bush
2 The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Remove the screw

Loosen screw

Figure 1 Circlip and bush removal

6. Figure 2. Remove the buffer upper roll.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.45-171 4-304 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.46-171 HVF Stacker Exit Feed Roll
Parts List on PL 11.155
Remove the idler,
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. (1 screw)
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord 2
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Remove the circlip,
pulley and bush
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171. Remove the stacker
3. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171. exit feed roll
4. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Figure 1. Remove the circlip and bush


Figure 2 Stacker exit feed roll removal

The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

Remove the circlip

and the bush

Figure 1 Circlip and bush removal

6. Figure 2. Remove the stacker exit feed roll.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-305 REP 11.46-171
REP 11.47-171 HVF Top Exit Feed Roll
Parts List on PL 11.155
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. If fitted, undock the inserter, REP 11.82-171.
2. Remove the HVF front door, REP 11.1-171.
3. Remove the HVF top cover, REP 11.1-171.
4. Remove the HVF front cover, REP 11.1-171.
5. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
6. Figure 1. Raise the top tray and lower the plate beneath it.

1 2
1 Remove the circlip and Remove 2 screws
Release the the bush
two links

Figure 2 Feed Roll Front Fasteners

8. Figure 3. At the rear of the HVF, Remove the circlip, bush, pulley and the rear screws from
the magnet bracket.

Lower the plate

Figure 1 Lowering the plate

7. Figure 2. Remove the circlip and bush. Remove the front magnet bracket screws.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.47-171 4-306 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the circlip

Slide the pulley and
the bush along the

Slip the belt off of
the pulley

5 Remove the pulley and
Remove 2 screws the bush 2
1 Remove the top
Remove the exit feed roll
magnet bracket

Figure 3 Rear component removal Figure 4 Top exit feed roll removal

9. Figure 4. Remove the top exit feed roll. Replacement

The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-307 REP 11.47-171
REP 11.48-171 Compiler Paddle Motor Assembly REP 11.49-171 Compiler Paddle Module
Parts List on PL 11.145 Parts List on PL 11.145
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171. 1. Remove the front, rear and top covers REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the paddle motor assembly, Figure 1. 2. Remove the HVF stapler assembly, REP 11.2-171.
3. Remove the paddle module driving motor assembly, REP 11.48-171.

NOTE: The motor coupler should detach with the motor assembly. If the coupler fails to
detach, remove the coupler from the paddle module assembly.
4. Remove the PJs and screws securing the ribbon cable connectors, Figure 1. Carefully
Disconnect the motor
PJ push the ribbon cable bulkhead connectors through the frame cut-outs.

Remove the 2 bracket
Remove the Paddle Motor

Figure 1 Paddle Motor Assembly

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the compiler paddle motor assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.48-171, REP 11.49-171 4-308 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.50-171 BM Exit Sensor
Parts List on PL 11.168
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the BM right hand cover, REP 11.56-171.
2. Remove the upper static eliminator (3 screws), PL 11.168 Item 18.
3. Figure 1, remove the BM exit sensor.

Paddle module rear Paddle Module Disconnect
screws cable connectors the harness
and remove
the sensor

Paddle module
front screws
Remove the
screw then slide
Figure 1 Paddle module attachment out the sensor

5. Remove the screws (front and rear) and the front grounding strap then manoeuvre the
module downwards, Remove the module through the stapler aperture, Figure 1.
Replacement Figure 1 Sensor removal
Do not damage or strain the paddle module ribbon cables or connectors
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM exit sensor.
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the compiler paddle module.
2. Use the correct screws to secure the compiler paddle module; do not overtighten GP 6.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-309 REP 11.49-171, REP 11.50-171
REP 11.51-171 Compiler Paper Pusher Motor Assembly REP 11.52-171 BM Crease Rolls, Gears, Clutch and
Parts List on PL 11.145 Bearings
Removal Parts List on PL 11.167
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. WARNING
WARNING Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord WARNING
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
1. Remove the top and rear covers REP 11.1-171. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Remove the paper pusher motor assembly, Figure 1. 1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Release the crease roll nip pressure by fully rotating the crease roll handle (6c) counter-
3. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
4. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
5. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
6. Remove the BM right hand cover, REP 11.56-171.
7. Remove the BM crease roll motor, REP 11.19-171, but do not disconnect the motor har-
ness or remove the motor from the mounting plate.
8. Figure 1, remove the rear bearings.

Motor bracket rear screw

Motor bracket front screws

Disconnect the Motor PJ

Figure 1 Paper Pusher motor assembly

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the compiler paper pusher motor assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.51-171, REP 11.52-171 4-310 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2 3
1 Remove 2 bearings. 2 1
Remove the upper Remove the upper Remove the circlip.
Remove 2 circlips. crease roll bearing. crease roll gear.

Figure 1 Rear bearing removal Figure 2 Preparation

9. Temporarily attach the BM crease roll motor using only the top screw. 13. Figure 3, remove the upper crease roll.
10. Temporarily attach the PWB mounting plate using only the top two screws.
11. Fully pull out the BM module.
12. Figure 2, prepare to remove the upper crease roll.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-311 REP 11.52-171
Pull the lower crease roll and
clutch assembly to the front to
release the bearing.

Slide the upper crease
roll to the rear, remove
from the front.

Figure 3 Upper crease roll removal

14. Figure 4, remove the lower crease roll and clutch assembly.

2 3
Slide the front of the lower Remove the lower crease roll
crease roll and clutch assem- and clutch assembly.
bly out of the slot.

Figure 4 Lower crease roll and clutch assembly

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.52-171 4-312 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Do not remove the crease roll and clutch assembly if they are secure on the shaft.
1. Install the lower crease roll and clutch assembly and bearings.
2. Check if the lower crease roll gear and clutch assembly are secure on the shaft. If the
lower crease roll gear and clutch assembly wobble, perform the following:
a. Figure 5, remove the clutch.

Remove the screw and
the retainer.

Remove the 9 nine
clutch plates and the
lower crease roll gear.

Figure 5 Clutch removal

b. Figure 6, carefully identify the lower crease roll gear and clutch assembly compo-
nents. Reassemble the components on the lower crease roll shaft in sequence from
1 to 12. Ensure the following points are followed:
• Components are orientated correctly as shown in Figure 6.
• The shallow grooves in the bore of the gear face towards the rear and mate
with the teeth of the clutch plate installed on the shaft.
• The deep grooves in the bore of the gear face towards the front and mate with
the teeth of the clutch plates subsequently installed on the shaft.
• The spring retainer is installed over the end the shaft.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-313 REP 11.52-171
Lower crease roll gear
Retainer (note the Gear keyed clutch (note the orientation)
orientation) plate

Gear keyed clutch


Screw Shaft keyed clutch Shaft keyed clutch

plate plate Bearing Lower crease roll shaft

Figure 6 Clutch components

c. Figure 7, Ensure that the tabs of the outer gear keyed clutch plate are not outside of
the grooves in the gear.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.52-171 4-314 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
3. Install the remainder of the removed components by reversing the removal procedure.

Outer gear keyed

clutch plate



Figure 7 Outer gear keyed clutch plate

d. Figure 8, ensure that the final shaft keyed clutch plate does not come off of the shaft
during installation.

Final shaft keyed

clutch plate

Figure 8 Outer gear keyed clutch plate

e. Tighten the screw on the front end of the shaft until it reaches a hard stop.
f. Check that the lower crease roll gear and clutch assembly is secure on the shaft. If
necessary, repeat steps A to D.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-315 REP 11.52-171
REP 11.53-171 Compiler Paper Pusher 6. Remove the front and rear screws and push the left edge of the compiler exit guide plate
downward away from the pinion shaft, Figure 2.
Parts List on PL 11.145
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front, rear and top covers REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the stacker motor gearbox, REP 11.12-171.
3. Remove the stacker shaft front bearing bracket and the exit guide plate front and rear
screws, Figure 1.
Pinion Shaft

Pusher Module

Exit Guide Plate

Figure 2 Pusher guide and pinion shaft

7. Remove the pinion shaft front and rear circlips, the shaft bearings and the front bearing
Stacker front bearing thrust washers then remove the pinion shaft, Figure 2.
8. Lift the pusher module out of the guides. The mylar strips and dampers are attached to
the pusher module, Figure 2.
Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the compiler paper pusher.

Figure 1 Stacker shaft front bearing bracket

4. Remove the pusher driving motor assembly, REP 11.51-171.

5. Remove the pusher sensor assembly, REP 11.54-171.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.53-171 4-316 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.54-171 Pusher Upper and Lower Sensors REP 11.55-171 HVF PSU Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.145 Parts List on PL 11.157
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover REP 11.1-171. 1. Remove the front and rear covers REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the upper and lower sensor assembly, Figure 1. 2. Remove the PSU module, Figure 1.

Remove the 3 screws

Remove the screw

Disconnect the grounding strap
and the two PJs

Disconnect the two PJs

Figure 1 Pusher sensor assembly Figure 1 HVF PSU

Replacement Replacement
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the Pusher sensor assembly. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the HVF PSU module.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-317 REP 11.54-171, REP 11.55-171
REP 11.56-171 BM Right Hand Cover
Parts List on PL 11.168
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Open the BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
3. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
4. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
5. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
6. Figure 1, Prepare to remove the BM right hand cover.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.56-171 4-318 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Push the BM fully

Remove 3 screws

Fully pull out the
BM module
Remove 3 screws

Figure 1 Preparation

7. Figure 2, remove the BM right hand cover.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-319 REP 11.56-171
REP 11.57-171 HVF Main PWB
2 Parts List on PL 11.157
Disconnect the
harness and Removal
remove the cover
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171.
2. Disconnect the PJs, remove 9 screws and remove the PWB assembly, Figure 1.

Lever the cover
free of the detents

Figure 2 Cover removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM right hand cover.

Figure 1 HVF main PWB

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the HVF Main PWBA.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.56-171, REP 11.57-171 4-320 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.58-171 BM Crease Nip Springs
Parts List on PL 11.165
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
WARNING Remove the
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord KL-clip
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the BM front door and fully pull out the BM.
2. Rotate the crease roll handle (6c) fully counterclockwise.
3. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
4. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
5. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
6. Figure 1, remove the front lower linkage.

3 Slide the linkage off the shafts
Release the linkage from
the spring hook

Figure 1 Front linkage removal

7. Figure 2, remove the front spring.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-321 REP 11.58-171
Move the spring to the corner cutout

Flex the spring
slightly and slide out
of the hole

Release the linkage
from the spring hook

Slide the linkage from
the shafts

Figure 2 Front spring removal

8. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover REP 11.1-171.
9. Fully push in the BM. 2
10. Remove 4 screws securing the BM PWB mounting plate to the frame, allow the PWB and Remove the E-clip
mounting plate to hang down, giving access to the rear nip spring and linkage.
11. Figure 3, remove the rear lower linkage.
Remove the KL-clip

Figure 3 Rear linkage removal

12. Figure 4, remove the rear spring.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.58-171 4-322 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.59-171 Crease Roll Gate Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.167
This procedure is used to repair the following components:
• Crease roll gate rack gear, PL 11.167 Item 8.
• Crease roll gate rack drive gear, PL 11.167 Item 13.
• Crease roll gate rack, PL 11.167 Item 14.
• Crease roll gate front guide, PL 11.167 Item 15.
• Crease roll gate rear guide, PL 11.167 Item 16.
• Crease roll gate, PL 11.167 Item 19.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
2 1
Flex the spring slightly Move the spring to WARNING
and slide out of the hole the corner cutout Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Remove the BM right hand cover, REP 11.56-171.
6. Remove the crease roll gate motor, REP 11.24-171.
7. Figure 1, remove the crease roll gate rack drive gear and both crease roll gate rack gears.
Figure 4 Rear spring removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM crease roll nip front spring.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-323 REP 11.58-171, REP 11.59-171
Remove E-clip
and rear rack

Remove the E-clip and 2 gears

Remove E-clip
and front rack

Remove E-clip Figure 2 Removing the racks
and gear
9. Figure 3, remove the crease roll gate.

Figure 1 Removing gears

8. Figure 2, Remove the front and rear crease roll gate racks.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.59-171 4-324 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Twist the gate
to allow the
shaft to exit the
slot, then lift
out the gate
Hold the baffle 4
away from the Remove
guide the guide

Figure 3 Gate removal

10. Figure 4, remove the grease roll gate front guide. Remove screw

Remove two

Figure 4 Front guide removal

11. Figure 5, remove the grease roll gate rear guide.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-325 REP 11.59-171
REP 11.60-171 BM Paper Guide Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.161
This procedure is used to repair the following components:
• Paper guide, PL 11.161 Item 7.
• Nip spring, PL 11.161 Item 9.
• Nip roll, PL 11.161 Item 10.
• Nip shaft, PL 11.161 Item 11.
NOTE: If only new nip components are being installed, the BM paper guide assembly
does not need to be removed.

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
4 can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove Hold the baffle 1. Open the BM front door and fully pull out the BM.
the guide away from the 2. Rotate the crease roll handle (6c) fully counterclockwise.
3. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
4. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 4.
5. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
6. Figure 1, remove the front bearing.

Remove screw

Remove two screws

Figure 5 Rear guide removal

12. Loosen 3 screws to remove the crease roll gate shaft from the crease roll gate.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the crease roll gate assembly.

Ensure that the crease roll gate shaft is positioned centrally within the crease roll gate.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.59-171, REP 11.60-171 4-326 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove 1
the E-clip Remove the
E-clip, then
the bearing.

Remove the bearing

Figure 1 Front bearing removal Figure 2 Rear bearing removal

7. Figure 2, remove the rear bearing. 8. Figure 3, remove the BM paper guide assembly.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-327 REP 11.60-171
Carefully disengage the
spring legs from the
guide and remove the
shaft assembly

Release the nip
springs to
remove the nip
shaft and nip rolls

Pivot the BM flapper assembly
2 down to rest on the crease
Remove 4 screws. Disconnect the blade.
ground harness.
Remove E-clip
4 and front latch
Lift out the BM paper
guide assembly. 2
Remove E-clip and
rear latch

Figure 4 Paper guide dismantling

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM paper guide assembly.

Pull out the 2 harness supports.

Figure 3 Paper guide assembly removal

9. Figure 4, remove the components from the BM paper guide assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.60-171 4-328 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.61-171 BM Module
Parts List on PL 11.160
Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by two people. The mod-
ule is heavy.
Do not undock the HVFBM from the machine. The machine maintains the stability of the
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the top cover, then the rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Figure 1, disconnect PJ562 and PJ559 from the BM PWB.

Disconnect PJ562 and

Release the harness from
the retainers.

Figure 1 Disconnect the PJs

3. Figure 2, disconnect the harness from bin 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-329 REP 11.61-171
1 2 Align approximately two
Make sure that the top of the paper reams of paper against the
2 Remove 2 screws. edge of the HVF BM.
stack is level with the base of the BM
Disconnect the harness. Secure the module.
harness to the harness retainers.

Figure 2 Disconnect the harness Figure 3 Preparation

4. Figure 3, prepare to remove the BM module. 5. Figure 4, prepare to remove the BM module.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.61-171 4-330 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Fully pull out the BM

Disconnect the ground har-
ness. Secure the harness to 2
the harness retainers. Fully push in the slide.

Figure 4 Preparation

6. Figure 5, Release the latches.

Pull up the right side latch to
release the slide from the rail.

Fully push in the

Push down the left side latch
to release the slide from the

Figure 5 Releasing the slides

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-331 REP 11.61-171
Use safe handling procedures, GP 16 when removing this module. The module is heavy.
Do not damage the BM front cover when the BM module is removed.
NOTE: The BM module weight is 23 Kg (50.6 lb.).

NOTE: The BM catch will spring to the rear when the BM module is removed. Refer to Figure

7. Figure 6, remove the BM module.

One person must lift the

BM module by the left side
cross member.

Carefully remove the
BM module.

A second person must lift the

BM module by the booklet exit

Figure 6 Remove the BM module

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.61-171 4-332 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Do not damage the harnesses when the BM module is installed. Ensure that the rails are cor-
rectly aligned with the slides.
1. Put the BM module on the paper stack in front of the HVF BM.
2. Route the bin 2 harness and the ground harness to the rear of the HVF BM.
3. If a new BM is to be installed, perform the following:
a. Unlatch the slides from the new BM module. Refer to Figure 5.
b. Install the new BM module onto the existing rails in the HVF BM.
4. Figure 7, prepare to install the BM module.

Carefully push the BM module into
the HVF BM until the catch is held
under the guide. Do not push the
BM further into HVF BM.


Hold the catch in the forward position.

Figure 7 Position of the catch

5. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the BM module.

Ensure the BM harness and bin 2 harness are correctly positioned in the harness retainers so
that harnesses are not damaged when the BM is moved to the extremities of its travel.
6. Perform the 11D-171 Booklet Quality RAP.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-333 REP 11.61-171
REP 11.62-171 BM Slide Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.160
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the BM module, REP 11.61-171.
2. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
3. Figure 1, Remove the slide assembly from the HVF BM frame.

Remove screw

1 Move the slide to
2 Remove screw the rear and
Move the slide to the rear and remove the slide
remove the slide assembly assembly

Figure 1 Remove the slide assembly

4. Figure 2. Remove the bracket and the slide rail from the right side of the BM module.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.62-171 4-334 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove screw 1
Remove screw

4 Remove the bracket
Remove the bracket from from the slide rail
the slide rail

Figure 3 Remove the bracket from the slide rail

3 2 1 6. Figure 4, Remove the bracket and the slide rail from the left side of the BM module.
Cut the four cable ties Remove four screws
Remove the bracket and the
slide rail to release the harness

Figure 2 Remove the bracket and the slide rail

5. Figure 3. Remove the two brackets from the slide rail.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-335 REP 11.62-171
3 Remove screw
Remove screw

4 2
Remove the bracket from the Remove the bracket from
slide rail the slide rail

2 1
3 Cut the five cable ties to Remove four screws Figure 5 Remove the bracket from the slide rail
Remove the bracket release the harness
and the slide rail Replacement
1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the slide assembly.
2. Ensure that all of the cable ties are installed and the harness are in the correct position.
3. Check that all of the PJ connections are connected.

Figure 4 Remove the bracket and slide rail

7. Figure 5, Remove the two brackets from the slide rail

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.62-171 4-336 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.63-171 Transport Motor 1 REP 11.64-171 Bypass Feed Motor
Parts List on PL 11.150 Parts List on PL 11.150
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171. 1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove transport motor 1 and bracket assembly, Figure 1. 2. Remove the bypass feed motor and bracket assembly, Figure 1.

Remove the pivot and
2 bracket screws
Remove the 2
bracket screws

Remove the pivot
screw 2
Disconnect the
motor PJ.
Disconnect the Tension Spring
motor PJ.
Tension Spring

Figure 1 Entry feed motor and bracket Figure 1 Bypass feed motor and bracket

3. Remove 2 screws and the grounding wire to remove the motor and damper from the 3. Remove 2 screws and the grounding wire to remove the motor and damper from the
bracket. bracket.
Replacement Replacement
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace transport motor 1. 1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the bypass feed motor.
2. Set the belt tension ADJ 11.10-171. 2. Set the belt tension, ADJ 11.10-171.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-337 REP 11.63-171, REP 11.64-171
REP 11.65-171 Buffer Feed Motor REP 11.66-171 Transport Motor 2
Parts List on PL 11.150 Parts List on PL 11.150
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171. 1. Remove the rear cover REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the buffer feed motor and bracket assembly, Figure 1. 2. Remove transport motor 2 and bracket assembly, Figure 1.

Remove the
pivot and 2
bracket screws 1
Remove the
pivot and 2
bracket screws

Disconnect the
motor PJ.

Disconnect the
motor PJ.
Tension Spring Tension Spring

Figure 1 Buffer feed motor and bracket Figure 1 Exit feed motor and bracket
3. Remove 2 screws and the grounding wire to remove the motor and damper from the
bracket. 3. Remove 2 screws and the grounding wire to remove the motor and damper from the
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the buffer feed motor.
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace transport motor 2.
2. Fit the pivot screw and set the belt tension, ADJ 11.10-171. Do not tighten the motor
bracket screws fully until the belt is tensioned by the spring. 2. Fit the bracket pivot screw and set the belt tension, ADJ 11.10-171.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.65-171, REP 11.66-171 4-338 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.67-171 Tri-Folder Covers NOTE: Open the top cover and remove the rear cover to access to the top cover rear fas-
teners and the top cover interlock sensor connector.
Parts List on PL 11.190
WARNING Remove the top cover (4 fasteners).
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
WARNING Remove the rear cover
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord (4 screws).
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front door then the front cover, Figure 1.

Remove 1 screw
then the front door
hinge pin.

Open the front door to
access the top cover front 2
fasteners. Remove the right hand side cover (5 screws).

Figure 2 Top, rear and right side covers

Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the tri-folder covers.

3 2
Remove 4 screws Remove the door from the
then the front cover. upper pivot.

Figure 1 Tri-folder front door and cover

2. Remove the rear cover, the top cover and the right side cover as necessary, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-339 REP 11.67-171
REP 11.68-171 Tri-Folder Drive Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.193
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 1
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Slide out the booklet
1. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171. maker.
2. Remove the tri-folder rear cover REP 11.67-171.
3. Remove the tri-folder drive assembly, Figure 1.

Drive coupler

Coupler alignment tool Attach the drive assembly,
4 screws.
Release the coupler
drive belt tension, then Figure 2 Attach the drive assembly
remove the belt.
3. Centralise the coupler alignment tool onto the crease roll encoder disc, PL 11.166 Item 13
and Figure 3.

Drive assembly Remove 4 screws,
then the tri-folder drive

Figure 1 Drive assembly

4. If necessary, remove the circlip then remove the drive coupler, refer to Figure 1.
1. Detach the coupler alignment tool from the drive unit, refer to Figure 1.
2. Install the drive assembly, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.68-171 4-340 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Drive unit

Position the coupler
alignment tool onto
the crease roll
encoder disc.

Loosen the drive unit,
4 screws.
Carefully slide the BM towards the
drive assembly.

Figure 3 Centralise the alignment tool Figure 4 Loosen the drive unit

4. Prepare to centralise the drive coupler, refer to Figure 1, with the HVF BM crease roll 6. Centralise the coupler alignment tool with the drive unit coupler, Figure 5.
encoder disc, Figure 3.
5. Slacken off the drive unit retaining screws, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-341 REP 11.68-171
Alignment tool

Drive coupler
Slide out the BM
and remove the
coupler alignment

Ensure the drive coupler is centralised
1 with the alignment tool. 1
Adjust the position of the Secure the drive unit, 4 screws.
drive unit.

Figure 5 Centralise the drive coupler Figure 6 Secure the drive unit

7. Secure the drive unit in the centralised position, Figure 6. 8. Attach the alignment tool onto the drive assembly for future use.
9. Carefully slide back the BM and engage the drive unit coupler.
10. Check that the harnesses do not obstruct the BM crease roll motor encoder disc.
11. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the tri-folder

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.68-171 4-342 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.69-171 Crease Roll Drive Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.193
WARNING Remove the
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. drive belt.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Remove the
1. Remove the tri-folder rear cover, REP 11.67-171. driven pulley and
NOTE: Access is improved if the top cover is removed also.
2. Remove the drive coupling assembly bracket, Figure 1.

Remove the feed and
the exit roll drive gear
then the bearing.
Remove 5 screws,
then the drive coupling
assembly bracket
Slacken the tensioner lock screw
then move the crease roll tensioner
pulley to the left. Tighten the lock

Figure 1 Drive coupling assembly

3. Remove the clutch and bearing from the idler bracket, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-343 REP 11.69-171
REP 11.70-171 Tri-Folder Feed Roller and Drive Belt
Parts List on PL 11.193
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the tri-folder from the HVF then move the unit to the right to access the left side of
the frame, refer to REP 11.73-171.
Clutch torque arm 2. Remove the drive belt, Figure 1.

Feed Roller

Disconnect the
clutch connector.

Bearing 1
Pull the roller shaft
through the frame bearing
and remove the drive belt.
Remove the idler
Release the belt
Crease roll belt tension.

Figure 2 Idler assembly and crease roll clutch Driven pulley

1. Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the crease roll clutch and drive coupling
Remove the shaft circlip and move the feed
2. Replace the idler assembly with the smooth side of the crease roll drive belt towards the roller shaft toward the front to remove the driven
idler, then fit the drive belt over the clutch gear. Refer to Figure 2. pulley.
3. Position the clutch torque arm in the slot in the idler bracket. Refer to Figure 2.
Figure 1 Drive belt removal
4. Perform ADJ 11.10-171 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning.
3. If necessary, remove the feed roller shaft front circlip and bearing, then remove the feed
roller assembly from the Tri Folder. Refer to Figure 1.
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the feed roller and drive belt.
2. Before docking the tri-folder unit to the HVF, perform ADJ 11.10-171 Motor Drive Belt Ten-

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.69-171, REP 11.70-171 4-344 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.71-171 Tri-Folder Assist Gate Solenoid REP 11.72-171 Crease Roll Springs
Parts List on PL 11.197 Parts List on PL 11.197
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Open the front door, or remove the bin 2 assembly. Remove the tri-folder rear cover, REP 1. Remove the front door, front cover and rear cover, REP 11.67-171.
11.67-171. 2. Remove the circlip then remove the front or rear spring, Figure 1.
2. Remove the assist gate solenoid, Figure 1.

Remove the
assist gate

Front crease roll spring Rear crease roll spring

2 1
Remove 2 screws. Disconnect the connector.
Figure 1 Crease roll springs
Figure 1 Assist gate solenoid
Replacement Reverse the removal procedures to replace the front or rear crease roll spring.
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the assist gate solenoid.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-345 REP 11.71-171, REP 11.72-171
REP 11.73-171 Tri-Folder Top Cover and Idler Assemblies
Parts List on PL 11.195 1
Remove the top cover
Removal (5 screws).
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the tri-folder from the HVF, then move it to the right to gain access to the left side
of the tri-folder frame,REP 11.99-171.

NOTE: The wiring harnesses to the HVF do not need to be disconnected.

2. Remove the top cover door assembly, Figure 1.

Release the springs, then
NOTE: Control the movement of the torsion spring. remove the idler assembly.

Figure 2 Idler assembly removal

1. Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the idler assembly and top cover door
2. Make sure that the correct self-tapping screws are used to replace the cover base. Do not
overtighten the screws, refer to GP 6.
3. Replace, but do not tighten, the rear pivot shaft screw. Position the cover and torsion
spring then fit the front of the pivot shaft in the frame. Replace then tighten both front and
rear pivot shaft screws.
4. Check that the cable harnesses are not obstructed or touching moving parts when the tri-
folder is docked to the HVF.
2 4 Torsion Spring
Remove the clip. Release the front of the top Remove the
cover door assembly, then front screw.
1 remove.
Remove the rear screw.

Figure 1 Top Cover Removal

3. Remove idler assemblies, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.73-171 4-346 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.74-171 Tri-Folder Roller Assembly and Diverter
Solenoid 2
Remove the upper screws.
Parts List on PL 11.197
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the tri-folder assembly from the HVF, REP 11.73-171. Position and support the tri-
folder so that it is safely accessible from the front, rear and left side.
2. Release the crease roll drive belt tension, REP 11.69-171. Disconnect the harness from
the diverter and assist gate solenoids.
3. Remove the tri-folder roller assembly, Figure 1.

NOTE: If not supported, the roller assembly will fall inside the tri-folder frame.
the assist
gate sensor.

3 4
Support the roller assembly, then Remove the roller assembly
remove the lower screws, see NOTE. through the front door.

Figure 1 Roller assembly removal

4. Remove the diverter gate solenoid or crease roll pulleys as necessary, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-347 REP 11.74-171
REP 11.75-171 Bin 1 Limit Switches
Parts List on PL 11.135
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Diverter gate
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1 1. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
Remove 2 2. Remove the relevant limit switch, Figure 1.

Remove the
diverter gate
Crease roll

Figure 2 Solenoid and pulleys removal

1. Reverse the removal procedures to reinstall the pulleys, diverter gate solenoid and tri-
folder roller assembly.
2. Before replacing the roller assembly set the diverter operating lever to the forward posi-
tion (solenoid armature extended) to engage with the right side of the diverter shaft lever.
Refer to Figure 2.
3. Check that the diverter gate operates correctly before tensioning the crease roll drive belt.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.74-171, REP 11.75-171 4-348 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.76-171 Bin 1 Upper Level Sensor
Parts List on PL 11.140
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF front and rear covers, REP 11.1-171.
2. Disconnect the connector, then remove the transmitter or receiver as necessary, Figure 1.
Remove 1 screw, then the
upper limit switch.


Remove 1 screw, then the
lower limit switch.

Figure 1 Bin 1 limit switches

Figure 1 Bin 1 upper level sensor removal
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the Bin 1 upper and lower limit switches.
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the transmitter or receiver of the bin 1 upper level

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-349 REP 11.75-171, REP 11.76-171
REP 11.77-171 Tri-Folder Door Interlock Switches and REP 11.78-171 Tri-Folder Entry and Assist Gate Sensors
Sensor Parts List on PL 11.197
Parts List on PL 11.145 Removal
WARNING Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. WARNING
WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1. Undock the tri-folder unit from the HVF, refer to REP 11.73-171.
1. Remove the tri-folder front and top covers, REP 11.67-171. 2. Disconnect, then remove the relevant sensor, Figure 1.
2. Disconnect, then remove the relevant interlock switch or top cover sensor, Figure 1.

Top cover sensor

Top cover interlock switch

Entry sensor Assist gate sensor

Front door interlock switch LEFT SIDE VIEW

Figure 1 Sensors removal

Figure 1 Switches and sensor removal
Replacement Reverse the removal procedures to replace the entry and assist gate sensors.
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the front door and top cover interlock switches and
the top access cover sensor.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.77-171, REP 11.78-171 4-350 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.79-171 Tri Folder Exit Sensor REP 11.80-171 Tri-Folder PWB
Parts List on PL 11.197 Parts List on PL 11.193
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the tri-folder top cover, REP 11.67-171. 1. Remove the tri-folder rear cover, REP 11.67-171.
2. Remove the exit sensor, Figure 1. 2. Disconnect the PJs, then remove the PWB, Figure 1.

Disconnect all
connectors from
the PWB.

Disconnect, then remove
the exit sensor.
Remove 4 screws,
then the PWB.

Figure 1 Exit sensor removal Figure 1 PWB removal

Replacement Replacement
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the exit sensor. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the tri-folder PWB.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-351 REP 11.79-171, REP 11.80-171
REP 11.81-171 Tri-Folder and Bin 2 Tray Harnesses
Parts List on PL 11.193
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the tri-folder rear cover, REP 11.67-171. If removing the tri folder harness,
remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Disconnect, then remove the relevant harness, Figure 1.

Tri folder harness

Bin 2 Harness

Bin 2 Harness PJ

Figure 1 Harness removal

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the main and bin 2 tray harnesses.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.81-171 4-352 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.82-171 Inserter Undocking Replacement
Parts List on PL 11.175 1. Reverse the removal procedures to dock the inserter.
2. Lock the inserter onto the HVF by sliding the latch handle towards the front, Figure 1.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Place the inserter on a suitable surface. Do not damage the inserter locating pins.
Do not show the customer how to undock the inserter.
1. Open the HVF front door.
2. Undock the inserter, Figure 1.

Lift the inserter vertically from
the HVF and put it on a suitable

Move the white latch handle to the rear.

Locating Pins

Figure 1 Inserter undocking

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-353 REP 11.82-171
REP 11.83-171 Inserter Front and Rear Covers REP 11.84-171 Inserter Motor
Parts List on PL 11.175 Parts List on PL 11.181
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Undock the inserter and put it on a suitable surface, REP 11.82-171. 1. Remove the inserter rear cover, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the lower screw and release the upper tab. Move the cover to release the right 2. Remove the inserter motor and bracket, Figure 1.
side tab from the frame, Figure 1.

Release the upper tab, then
the side tab. Remove the front

1 3
Remove 1 screw. Remove 1 screw.
Release the upper tab, then 1
the side tab. Remove the rear 2 3 Open the top
cover. Disconnect the Remove 3 screws, then left door.
connector. the inserter motor.

Figure 1 Inserter motor removal

Figure 1 Covers removal
Replacement 1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the inserter motor.
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the inserter front and rear covers. 2. Make sure that the correct screws are used to replace the inserter motor, GP 6.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.83-171, REP 11.84-171 4-354 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.85-171 Inserter PWB REP 11.86-171 Inserter Clutch
Parts List on PL 11.179 Parts List on PL 11.179
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the inserter rear cover, REP 11.83-171. 1. Remove the inserter rear cover, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the inserter PWB, Figure 1. 2. Remove the clutch, Figure 1.

NOTE: The reverse roll drive idler and the drive belt are not attached to the clutch bracket
or the inserter frame.

1 2
Remove the E-clip Remove 4 screws, then the bracket.
and bearing.

Disconnect the
connector, then
remove the clutch.

1 2 Reverse roll drive

Disconnect all connectors Remove 4 screws, then the belt
on the inserter PWB. inserter PWB.
Reverse roll drive Reverse roll drive
Figure 1 Inserter PWB idler pulley

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the inserter PWB.
Figure 1 Inserter clutch removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-355 REP 11.85-171, REP 11.86-171
Replacement REP 11.87-171 Inserter Top Cover Interlock Switch
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the inserter clutch. Parts List on PL 11.177
2. When replacing the bracket, check that the clutch torque arm locates in the locating tab.
Put the reverse roll drive belt over the drive idler and check that the reverse roll idler gear
shaft locates properly into the frame. WARNING
3. When the bracket is secured, temporarily remove the circlip and the reverse roll drive pul- Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
ley to replace the drive belt over the reverse roll drive pulley. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the inserter front cover, REP 11.83-171.
2. Disconnect the PJs and remove the 2 screws securing the top cover interlock switch, Fig-
ure 1.

Disconnect the connectors.

Remove 2 screws, then the
top cover interlock switch.

Figure 1 Switch removal

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the inserter top cover interlock switch.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.86-171, REP 11.87-171 4-356 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.88-171 Left Hand Door Interlock Switch
Parts List on PL 11.175 3 2 1
Remove 3 screws from Remove 2 latch pins. Remove the rear
Removal the rear. pivot screw, then
WARNING the top cover.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the inserter front and rear covers, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the inserter motor, REP 11.84-171.
3. Remove the rear pivot screw and remove the top cover, Figure 1.

Remove 3 screws
from the front.

Release the cable harness 6
clips and lift the top-inside Remove the left hand
cover. door interlock switch.

Figure 1 Switch removal

4. Remove the door latch pins then remove 4 screws holding the top inside cover, Figure 1.
5. Release the cable harness clips and lift the top-inside cover. Disconnect the PJs and
remove the top left door interlock switch.
1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the left hand cover interlock switch.
2. When reinstalling the inside top cover and the top cover make sure that the correct
screws are used and that the screws are not overtightened GP 6

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-357 REP 11.88-171
REP 11.89-171 Main Tray and Paper Length Sensors REP 11.90-171 Bottom Tray and Paper Sensors
Parts List on PL 11.175 Parts List on PL 11.175
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the main tray or relevant sensor, Figure 1 1. Undock the inserter, REP 11.82-171. and release the front and rear pivot tabs then lift the
bottom tray. Control the movement of the bottom tray springs.
2. Remove the relevant sensor, Figure 1.

Remove the relevant
paper length sensor.

Remove 2
screws, then the
cover plate.

Pull the lug on one side of
the tray to disconnect from
the frame pivot.

Figure 1 Main tray assembly removal

Reverse the removal procedures to replace the inserter main tray and paper length sensors.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.89-171, REP 11.90-171 4-358 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.91-171 Inserter Top Cover and IDG Pickup Sensor
2 Parts List on PL 11.179
3 Remove the
Remove the pivot shaft. circlip and Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the inserter front cover, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the top cover pivot screw. Move the rear top guide to disengage the pivots then
remove the sensor bracket and disconnect the sensor PJ, Figure 1.
Paper width
sensors 1
Remove the top cover pivot screw.

Move the rear
top guide to
the pivots.

Remove 2 screws,
then the sensor
5 Paper present Release the front and rear
Remove the relevant sensor pivot tabs.

Remove the sensor bracket,
then the sensor.
Figure 1 Bottom tray and sensors removal

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the bottom tray and paper sensors.
Figure 1 Top Cover and sensor removal
2. Check that the loading levers are at the same angle and that the tray pivot shaft passes
below the front and rear loading levers. Check that the bottom tray is supported horizon-
tally in the frame.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the IDG pickup sensor and top cover.
3. Make sure that the bottom tray springs are correctly aligned before engaging the front and
rear pivot tabs.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-359 REP 11.90-171, REP 11.91-171
REP 11.92-171 Inserter Top Left Door and Acceleration Replacement
Sensor Reverse the removal procedure to replace the inserter top left door and the acceleration sen-
Parts List on PL 11.175
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the front and rear covers, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the acceleration sensor, Figure 1.

Remove 2 screws, then
the guide plate.

1 3
Remove the front
Remove the
and rear door
stop and door
pivot screws.

Figure 1 Sensor removal

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.92-171 4-360 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.93-171 LE and TE Sensors REP 11.94-171 Inserter Bottom Plate Sensor
Parts List on PL 11.177 Parts List on PL 11.175
Removal Removal
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the inserter front and rear covers, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the inserter motor, REP 11.84-171. 1. Undock the inserter, REP 11.82-171.
3. Remove the pickup roll assembly, REP 11.95-171. 2. Release the front and rear pivot tabs, then lift the bottom tray. Control the movement of
4. Remove the top cover, REP 11.91-171. the bottom tray springs.
5. Remove the top inside cover, refer to REP 11.88-171. 3. Remove the sensor from the bracket, Figure 1.
6. Remove the relevant sensor, Figure 1.

Bottom Tray

Release the harness
3 2 Disconnect, then
Disconnect, then remove Remove 1 screw, then remove the sensor.
the relevant sensor. the bracket.

Figure 1 Sensor removal Figure 1 Sensor removal

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the LE and TE sensors.
Reverse the removal procedure to replace the inserter bottom plate sensor.
2. When replacing the top inside cover, and the top cover make sure that the correct screws
are used and that the screws are not overtightened, GP 6

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-361 REP 11.93-171, REP 11.94-171
REP 11.95-171 Inserter Pickup Assembly and Reverse 2. Remove the reverse roller shaft, Figure 2.

Feed Roller For clarity the top

Parts List on PL 11.179 cover is not shown. 1
Release the tab
Removal then remove the
WARNING retard cover.

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the pickup assembly from the inserter, Figure 1.

Remove the Link Arm
plastic clip.

Raise the inserter top

2 3
Remove the clip. Remove the reverse roller.

Figure 2 Reverse roller removal

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the reverse feed roller and the pickup assem-
2. After replacing the pickup assembly, close the inserter top cover fully to engage the link
arm with the pickup roller.

3 4
Pull the pickup assembly towards the front to Disengage the shaft from
disengage the roller shaft from the drive cou- the drive coupling.
pling and the link arm.
Remove the pickup

Figure 1 Pickup roller assembly removal

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.95-171 4-362 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.96-171 HVF Fixed and Adjustable Casters
Parts List on PL 11.130
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Mandatory safety warning. This procedure must be performed by 2 people. The module
is heavy.
Do not remove more than one castor at a time unless the HVF frame is properly supported and

NOTE: The HVF weight is 72.8 kg (160 lbs.), the HVF BM weight is 100.3 kg (220.6 lbs.).

1. If installed, undock the tri-folder from the HVF, REP 11.82-171.

2. If installed, undock the inserter from the HVF, REP 11.82-171.
3. Undock the HVF, REP 11.13-171.
4. Remove the HVF front and rear covers, REP 11.1-171.
5. Lift and support the HVF frame securely at a position close to where the castor is to be
Remove 2 screws, then
removed, GP 16. Support the frame approximately 4 inches (approximately 2 reams of
the fixed castor.
paper) above the floor so that the castor is not supporting the unit.
6. Remove the fixed castor, Figure 1.
Figure 1 Fixed castor removal

7. Support the HVF frame. Remove the adjustable castor from the frame, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-363 REP 11.96-171
REP 11.97-171 Pause to Unload PWB
Parts List on PL 11.157
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF Front door, front cover and top cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the pause to unload PWB and bracket, Figure 1.

1 Rotate the castor adjustment
Remove the screw and wheel to unscrew the castor
stop plate. from the frame

Figure 2 Adjustable castor removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the HVF fixed and adjustable casters.

1 2
Disconnect the connector. Remove the pause to unload PWB.

Figure 1 PWB removal

Reverse the removal procedure to replace the pause to unload PWB.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.96-171, REP 11.97-171 4-364 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 11.98-171 Inserter Idle Roller Assembly
Parts List on PL 11.179
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Disconnect the
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
connector. Unclip
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity the connector
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. from the frame.
1. Remove the inserter front and rear covers, REP 11.83-171.
2. Remove the inserter motor, REP 11.84-171.
3. Remove the inserter clutch, REP 11.86-171.
4. Remove the top cover assembly, REP 11.91-171.
5. Remove the inside top cover and top left door interlock switch, REP 11.88-171.
6. Prepare to remove the idle roller assembly, Figure 1.

Remove 2 screws at
the rear of the idle
roller assembly.
Remove 2 circlips then the driven and
idler gears.

Figure 1 Preparation

7. Remove the idle roller assembly from the frame, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-365 REP 11.98-171
NOTE: Check that the loading gear remains engaged with the loading shaft gear. REP 11.99-171 Tri-Folder Removal
Parts List on PL 11.190, PL 11.193
5 Removal
Remove the idle roller assembly.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the HVF rear cover, REP 11.1-171.
2. Remove the tri-folder rear cover, REP 11.67-171.
3. Remove the coupler drive belt, REP 11.68-171.
4. Open the tri-folder front door, then remove the front and rear thumb screws, Figure 1.

Remove 3 screws
marked A.
Remove 2 screws
marked B.

Turn the loading

Rear thumb screw

Front thumb screw

Release the torsion spring tension.
Loading Lever

Figure 2 Idle Roller Assembly

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the Idle roller assembly. Figure 1 Thumb screw removal
2. Replace the loading bracket screws and check that the front loading lever is at the same
angle as the rear loading lever, then tension the torsion spring. The loading tray will not 5. Disconnect the HVF to tri-folder bin 2 tray harness from the tri-folder module, REP 11.81-
operate correctly if it is not supported horizontally in the inserter frame. 171.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.98-171, REP 11.99-171 4-366 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
6. Disconnect the tri-folder harness from PJ553 and PJ563 on the BM PWB, PL 11.166 Item REP 11.100-171 Ejector Paddle Assembly (W/TAG V-007)
7. Undock the tri-folder from the HVF
Parts List on PL 11.140
Replacement Removal
Reverse the removal procedures to replace the tri-folder module. WARNING
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Rotate the ejector paddle assembly until the two short tabs are visible.
2. Squeeze the two short tabs together and pull to remove the ejector paddle assembly, Fig-
ure 1.

Figure 1 Ejector paddle assembly

1. Rotate the paddle shaft to ensure that the locating tab is uppermost, Figure 2.
2. Hold the paddle assembly by the two short tabs and clip onto the shaft.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-367 REP 11.99-171, REP 11.100-171
NOTE: Ensure that the paddle assembly is correctly oriented to fit onto the plastic locat- REP 11.101-171 Paddle Wheel
ing tab.
Parts List on PL 11.145
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
Paddle locating tab
NOTE: This procedure shows the replacement of the paddle wheels with the paddle module
assembly installed. If necessary, remove the paddle unit assembly before replacing the paddle
wheels. Refer to REP 11.49-171.

1. Rotate the paddle until the two rubber blades are visible.
To ensure that the correct home position of the paddle wheel shaft is maintained, install the
new paddle wheels one at a time.
2. Squeeze the two rubber blades together and pull to remove the paddle wheel from the
Figure 2 Paddle locating tab shaft, Figure 1.

Figure 1 Paddle removal

1. Hold the paddle wheel by the two rubber blades and clip onto the shaft.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 11.100-171, REP 11.101-171 4-368 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 12.1 OCT Fingers Install
Parts List on PL 12.10
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not install the OCT fingers on 65 -90 ppm machines.
1. Remove the OCT, PL 12.10 Item 1.
2. Remove the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 4.
3. Remove lug 1 and lug 2 from the rear of the right hand cover, Figure 1.

Finger 1
Finger 2
Finger 3

Figure 2 Finger install

5. Remove the fuser module, (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1.
Lug 1 (1st in from the right Right side of cover.
Lug 2 (5th in from the right 6. Manually feed a sheet of A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch paper, long edge feed, through the paper
side of the cover).
side of the cover). path, Figure 3.

Figure 1 Lug removal

Make sure that the OCT fingers are installed in the correct position. Each of the three fingers is
4. Install three OCT fingers on to the exit shaft assembly, Figure 2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-369 REP 12.1
NOTE: This is necessary to make sure that the OCT fingers are fully raised when the right
hand cover is installed.

OCT fingers.

Figure 4 Finger check

3 8. Remove the piece of paper from the paper path. Make sure that the OCT fingers fall freely
2 1 Rotate the jam clear- under their own weight.
Insert a sheet of paper Release the jam clear- ance handle 3c counter
in to the paper path. ance handle 3d/4d. 9. Re-install the fuser and then the OCT.

Figure 3 Inserting paper

When the right cover is installed, make sure that the OCT fingers extend through the hole in
the right hand cover. Refer to Figure 4.
7. Install the right hand cover, Figure 4.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 12.1 4-370 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 14.1 Scanner 8. Remove the right hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 4.
9. Remove the xerographic module. Put the module in a black bag.
Parts List on PL 14.20 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.10 (W/TAG 150)
Use safe handling procedures, GP 16 when removing the module. The module is heavy.
NOTE: The scanner weight is 16.5 kg (36lb.).
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 10. Figure 2. Stand at the rear of the machine and remove the scanner.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the OCT, PL 12.10 Item 1, or perform the following:
• REP 11.12-120 1K LCSS Removal.
• REP 11.13-110 2K LCSS Undocking.
• REP 11.13-171 HVF / HVF BM
2. Lock the scan carriage, Figure 1.
3. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
4. Pull out the single board controller PWB module, PL 3.24 Item 1.
Perform the following:
a. Disconnect the following connectors from the power distribution PWB:
• PJ136
• PJ135
• PJ133
• PJ131
• PJ132
b. Disconnect the following connectors from the single board controller PWB:
• PJ101
• PJ102
• PJ103 Remove the transport screw from the storage
• PJ104 position. Use the transport screw to lock the
• PJ105 scan carriage.
• PJ107
• PJ109
• PJ113
Figure 1 Scan carriage locking
• PJ114
• PJ152 (connection on the rear of the module to DADH)
c. (W/TAG 150), disconnect PJ4 and PJ6 from the scanner daughter PWB, PL 3.24
Item 20.
d. Remove the cable clamp, PL 3.24 Item 10.
e. Release the harnesses from the single board controller PWB module.
f. Release the catch on the single board controller PWB module, then remove the sin-
gle board controller PWB module.
5. Remove the rear cover, PL 8.10 Item 1.
6. Remove the user interface, REP 2.1.
7. Remove the left hand cover, PL 8.10 Item 3.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-371 REP 14.1
4 1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Raise the scanner and release the harness 2. Ensure that the receptacle on the base of the scanner is correctly installed onto the
from beneath the scanner. tongue on the machine frame. Refer to Figure 2.

W/TAG 150 Only,
Remove 1 screw
and 1 spacer.

Receptacle (2 positions)
Remove the scanner.

Push the scanner towards
the rear of the machine.


Remove 2 screws and 2 spacers.

Remove 1 screw and 1 spacer.

Figure 2 Scanner removal

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.1 4-372 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 14.2 Exposure Lamp Inverter and Fuse (W/O TAG 150)
Parts List on PL 14.25
Removal 5 4
WARNING Remove the inverter and Disconnect 2
fuse. connectors.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
2. Remove the exposure lamp inverter and fuse, Figure 1. PJ464
Note the orientation
of the ribbon cable,
blue stripe to the


1 PJ463
Remove 2 screws

Place fingers under the carriage to hold
the cable clamp, then release the 3 clips
from above while pulling the clamp down.

Figure 1 Inverter and fuse

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the exposure lamp inverter and fuse.
2. When re-connecting the ribbon cable into PJ463, the blue band printed on the cable must
face to the left, when viewed as shown in Figure 1.
3. Figure 1, ensure the ribbon cable is folded correctly in the cable clamp. Engage two of the
cable clamp clips in the carriage holes. Bend the clamp to engage the third clip.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-373 REP 14.2
REP 14.3 Document Size Sensors (W/O TAG 150) REP 14.4 DADH Closed Switch
Parts List on PL 14.25 Parts List on PL 14.25 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.15 (W/TAG 150)
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6. 1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. For document size sensor 2 only, remove the PWB cover (3 screws), PL 14.25 Item 1. 2. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1.
3. Remove the document size sensor 1 and / or 2, Figure 1. 3. Remove the scanner top cover, PL 14.20 Item 3 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.10 Item 3 (W/TAG
4. Remove the DADH closed switch, Figure 1.
Pinch the tabs together to
release the sensor.

Remove 2

2 Remove the
Disconnect the harness. switch.
Release the catch and disconnect
the bulkhead connector.
Figure 1 Document size sensor 1

NOTE: Figure 1 shows document size sensor 1. The fastening for the document size sen- Figure 1 DADH closed switch
sor 2 is the same as for 1.
Replacement Replacement
1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the document size 1 and 2 sensors. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the DADH closed switch.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.3, REP 14.4 4-374 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 14.5 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) REP 14.6 CVT Glass, Document Glass and CVT Ramp
Parts List on PL 14.25 Parts List on PL 14.20 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.10 (W/TAG 150)
Removal Removal
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6. 1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the scanner PWB cover, PL 14.25 Item 1. Release the document size sensor 2. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1.
from the cover, REP 14.3. 3. Remove the scanner top cover, REP 14.14.
3. Remove the scanner PWB, Figure 1. CAUTION
Contamination in the optics cavity can cause image quality defects. Do not allow the optics
1 cavity to become contaminated.
Disconnect all 4. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, Figure 1.
1. Clean the underside of the CVT glass and document glass, ADJ 14.1.

NOTE: Ensure that the white stripes on both the CVT glass and the document glass, are
at the front of the machine and on the underside of the glass.

2. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the CVT glass and document glass.
3. Clean the upper side of the CVT glass and document glass, ADJ 14.1 (W/O TAG 150),
ADJ 14.2 (W/TAG 150).

Remove the scanner 2
PWB. Release 4 standoffs.

Figure 1 Scanner PWB

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the scanner PWB.
2. When re-connecting the ribbon cable to PJ456 ensure that the blue band printed on the
cable faces the front of the machine.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-375 REP 14.5, REP 14.6
REP 14.7 Scan Carriage Home Sensor
Parts List on PL 14.25 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.15 (W/TAG 150)
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

Remove 2 screws. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1.
3. Remove the scanner top cover, PL 14.20 Item 3 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.10 Item 3 (W/TAG
Do not remove the document glass.
Do not loosen the two screws securing the setting plate, shown in Figure 1.
4. Remove the scan carriage home sensor, Figure 1.


Disconnect the harness THESE SCREWS.
and remove the sensor.

2 Setting
Lift off the CVT glass plate
and store carefully.
Lift off the document
glass and store carefully. 1
Peel back
the adhesive

Remove the
Figure 1 Document glass and CVT glass

Remove screw and release the sensor mounting plate to Location hole
reveal the sensor.

Figure 1 Scan carriage home sensor

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.6, REP 14.7 4-376 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Replacement REP 14.8 Input Module Angle Sensor
1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the scan carriage home sensor. Parts List on PL 14.25 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.15 (W/TAG 150)
2. Figure 1, when mounting the sensor, ensure that the location hole in the sensor mounting
plate is located over the dowel of the setting plate.
3. When replacing the scan carriage home sensor, ensure that the lugs are located in the WARNING
slot of the sensor mounting plate before tightening the screw. Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
4. Ensure that the adhesive tape is re-installed so that it entirely covers the aperture. If nec- from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
essary install new adhesive tape. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1.
3. Remove the scanner top cover, PL 14.20 Item 3 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.10 Item 3 (W/TAG
4. Remove the input module angle sensor, Figure 1.

Depress the actuator
to release the sensor.

3 1
Disconnect the sensor from the harness. Remove the screw.

Figure 1 Input module angle sensor

1. Reverse the removal procedures to replace the input module angle sensor.
2. When replacing the input module angle sensor, ensure that the lugs on the sensor are
located in the slot of the frame before tightening the screw.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-377 REP 14.7, REP 14.8
REP 14.9 Exposure Lamp
Parts List on PL 14.25 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.15 (W/TAG 150)
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord 1
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Slide the end block
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. from the lugs.

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
2. Manually move the Scan carriage to align with the cut-outs in the frame.
3. Remove the exposure lamp with the end blocks, Figure 1.

3 2
Remove the end block from the
Release the lamp
other end of the exposure
mounting block from
the carriage at both
ends. Remove the lamp
and end blocks.

1 Figure 2 Removing end blocks

Disconnect the PJ through
the access hole, then
release the lamp harness Replacement
retainer. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the exposure lamp.

Press the catch and slide the
mounting block upwards at both
ends of the lamp.

Figure 1 Releasing lamp fasteners

4. Remove the end blocks from the exposure lamp, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.9 4-378 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 14.10 Scan Idler Pulleys Replacement
Parts List on PL 14.25 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.15 (W/TAG 150) 1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the scan idler pulleys. Install the scan idler pul-
leys, Figure 2.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Maintain the tension in the
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity cable and place the pulley
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. in the cable loop.

Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
2. Carefully move the Scan carriage to the left side of the scanner module.
3. Remove the scan idler pulleys, Figure 1.

NOTE: Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the rear scan idler pulley. The procedure for the front
scan idler pulley is similar.

Hold the tension in the cable and
slide the pulley off of the shaft.

3 2
Install the E-clip. Slide the pulley onto the

Figure 2 Scan idler pulley replacement

Remove the

Maintain the tension in the cable and
remove the pulley from the cable loop.

Figure 1 Scan idler pulley removal

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-379 REP 14.10
REP 14.11 Scan Motor (W/O TAG 150)
Parts List on PL 14.25 3 4 Weight (35 ppm
Loosen 2 grub screws and then only)
Remove the motor
Removal and bracket. remove the flywheel.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
2. Mark the position of the scan motor bracket, Figure 1.

Remove 2
screws. Remove 2 screws and then
remove the motor from the
1 bracket.

Figure 2 Motor removal

1. Re-assemble the motor onto the bracket and fully tighten the screws.
2. Replace motor / bracket assembly into the optics cavity, engage the motor pulley with the
drive belt and install the two screws, but do not tighten.
3. Move the motor / bracket assembly to the right until the bracket aligns with the scribe line,
Figure 1, then fully tighten the screws.
4. Re-install the flywheel and tighten the 2 screws.
Scribe a line.
5. Re-install the CVT glass and document glass.
6. Ensure that the weight (35 ppm only) is fitted onto the new motor.

Figure 1 Motor bracket position

3. Remove the scan motor and then remove the weight (35 ppm only), Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.11 4-380 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 14.12 Scan Cables
Parts List on PL 14.25 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.15 (W/TAG 150)
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
When moving the scan carriages, hold them by the metal parts only, to avoid damaging the
lamp or mirrors.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
3. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of the scan cables. Refer to this Figure 1 when installing
the cables.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-381 REP 14.12

Drive shaft Anchor ball

Rear cable (silver cable)

End ball

Fly-wheel weight, W/O TAG 150 Scan carriage

machines only. clamp

Half rate scan carriage

Anchor ball

End ball

Scan carriage

Half rate scan carriage

pulleys Fixed pulley
Front cable (dark cable)

Tab to secure the spring

to the frame

Fixed pulley

Figure 1 Scan cables arrangement

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.12 4-382 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
4. Move the scan carriage to the position shown in Figure 2, with the exposure lamp at the Replacement
left end of the frame cut-outs, then mark the position of the half rate scan carriage. The
anchor balls should be in the position shown in Figure 1. NOTE: The replacement procedure is made easy by holding the windings on the capstan in
place with tape at all times, until each cable is fully installed. Keep the cable tight to prevent it

1. Prepare several short lengths of adhesive tape.

Scan carriage Frame cut-out
2. If necessary, rotate the capstan to bring the anchor ball recess to the top and slightly to
the right. Check that the half rate scan carriage is in the start position, as in Figure 2.
3. Place the rear cable in the position shown in Figure 3. Hold in place on the capstan with
adhesive tape.

Silver cable


End ball
Exposure lamp Half rate scan

Figure 2 Carriage start position

5. (W/TAG 150) remove the document size sensor cover, refer to REP 14.20.
6. Remove the cable clamps, with captive screws, from the scan carriage. Move the cables
Dark cable
clear of the scan carriage, then lift the scan carriage out through the cut-outs in the frame. Front
Rest the scan carriage out of the way of the cables. It is not necessary to disconnect the
ribbon cable. Store the cable clamps for later use.
7. Unhook the tension spring from the rear cable. Remove the spring from the cable and
Figure 3 Winding start position
store the spring for later use.
8. Remove the rear cable completely by unhooking the end ball from its retaining bracket 4. Starting with the end-ball end of the cable, wind on three turns, stopping at each turn to
and unwind the cable from the capstan. hold the cable to the capstan with adhesive tape. If necessary, use a fresh length of adhe-
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the front cable. sive each time to ensure the cable is held tightly.
5. Hold the capstans in position, then tape the top of the fly-wheel weight (W/O TAG 150) or
the drive shaft (W/TAG 150) onto the top left of the scanner frame. This is to prevent the
capstan turning while the cable end is placed in position.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-383 REP 14.12
6. Wrap the cable over the half rate scan carriage pulley, as shown in Figure 1, and back to REP 14.13 Scanner Drive Belt (W/O TAG 150)
the end ball holding bracket. If the winding is correct, the end ball will fit tightly onto the
bracket. Parts List on PL 14.25
7. Wind the loop end of the cable round the capstan three times, as shown in Figure 1, stop- Removal
ping at each turn to hold the cable to the capstan with adhesive tape. If necessary, use a WARNING
fresh length of adhesive tape each time to ensure the cable is held tightly.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
8. Wrap the cable round the fixed pulley as shown in Figure 1, and back round the half rate
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
scan pulley.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
9. Attach the spring to the cable loop and hook the spring to its tab on the frame.
10. Ensure all the adhesive tape is removed from the scanner.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 for the front cable.
12. Fit the scan carriage through the slots in the frame and position the ribbon cable round the
guide on the half rate scan carriage. When moving the scan carriages, hold them by the metal parts only, to avoid damaging the
13. Slide both carriages fully to the right, and install the cable clamps so the cable are under lamp or mirrors.
the clamps as shown in Figure 4. 1. Remove the front scan cable, REP 14.12.
2. Figure 1. Remove the scanner motor flywheel.

Drive belt

Scan carriage front

Scan carriage rear Cable

Circlip 1
Loosen 2 allen

Figure 4 Cable clamps

Drive shaft Remove the
14. Hold the carriages fully to the right and tighten the clamps.
15. Move the carriages from one end to the other to ensure the windings are straight and
16. Reinstall the following: DADH, REP 5.19. Reinstall the CVT glass and document glass,
REP 14.6.
• (W/TAG 150) Document size sensor cover, REP 14.20.
• DADH, REP 5.19
Figure 1 Flywheel removal and component location
• CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6
3. Remove the circlip from the front end of the scanner drive shaft.
4. Push the drive shaft inboard and remove the bearing.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.12, REP 14.13 4-384 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
5. Remove the drive belt from the motor shaft. REP 14.14 Top Cover
6. Remove the drive belt from the drive shaft.
Parts List on PL 14.20 (W/O TAG 150), PL 14.10 (W/TAG 150)
1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1. It is not necessary to disconnect the PJ.
3. Figure 1, remove the top cover.

4 Remove
Lift off the top cover. three

1 Loosen three screws.
Remove one

Figure 1 Top cover removal

1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform ADJ 14.1 (W/O TAG 150), ADJ 14.2 (W/TAG 150) Optics Cleaning.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-385 REP 14.13, REP 14.14
REP 14.15 Scan Motor (W/TAG 150) REP 14.16 Scan Motor and Scan Carriage Drive Belts (W/
Parts List on PL 14.15 TAG 150)
Removal Parts List on PL 14.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord WARNING
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
1. Remove the CVT and document glass, REP 14.6. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Figure 1. Remove the scan motor. WARNING
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
2. Remove the CVT glass, REP 14.6.
3. Remove the CVT ramp and document glass assembly, REP 14.6.
4. Remove five screws securing the PWB cover, PL 14.15 Item 1.
5. Lift the PWB cover and disconnect PJ923 on the scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
6. Release the securing screws on the scan motor, REP 14.15.
7. Mark the position of the intermediate drive pulley bracket and then remove the securing
screws, Figure 1.
8. Remove the E-clips to release the intermediate drive pulley from the bracket.
9. To remove the scan motor drive belt
a. Slip the motor drive belt over the intermediate pulley.
10. To remove the scan carriage belt.
a. Slip the scan carriage drive belt over the intermediate pulley.
b. Remove the user interface assembly, REP 2.1.
c. Release the scan carriage drive shaft, Figure 2.
d. Move the drive shaft towards the front and slip the scan carriage drive belt over the
drive shaft, Figure 3.
Disconnect the motor
harness and then
remove the motor.

1 2 3
Scribe a line round the Remove 3 screws. Remove the scan motor
motor bracket. drive belt.

Figure 1 Scan motor

1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Ensure the motor bracket is aligned with the scribe line on the base of the scanner, Figure

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.15, REP 14.16 4-386 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2 1
Push the scan drive Remove the E clip.
3 shaft in.
2 1
Remove the E clip and Remove 2 screws. Scribe round the motor
release the intermediate bracket.
drive pulley.

Figure 1 Preparation Figure 2 Release the scan shaft

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-387 REP 14.16
REP 14.17 Exposure Lamp Inverter (W/TAG 150)
Parts List on PL 14.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass, REP 14.6.
2. Remove the CVT ramp and document glass, REP 14.6.
3. Release the exposure lamp inverter PWB, Figure 1.

1 2 3
Move the scan carriage Slip the scan carriage Release the intermediate drive
drive shaft to the front. drive belt over the scan pulley and slip the scan motor
carriage pulley. drive belt over the pulley.

Figure 3 Remove scan belt

1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

1 2
Remove 2 screws. Place fingers under the carriage to hold the
cable clamp, then release the 3 clips from
above while pulling the clamp down.

Figure 1 Release the inverter

4. Remove the exposure lamp inverter, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.16, REP 14.17 4-388 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Remove the exposure
lamp inverter PWB.

Blue tab on the scan carriage

ribbon harness.

Figure 3 Ribbon harness

1 2
Disconnect the lamp harness. Disconnect the scan carriage rib-
bon harness.
Make a note of the orientation of
the blue tab on the harness.

Figure 2 Remove the inverter

1. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the exposure lamp inverter PWB.
2. When re-connecting the ribbon harness, the blue band printed on the cable must face as
shown in Figure 3.
3. Ensure the ribbon harness is folded correctly in the harness clamp, Figure 3. Engage two
of the harness clamp clips in the carriage holes. Bend the clamp to engage the third clip.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-389 REP 14.17
REP 14.18 Scan Carriage Ribbon Harness (W/TAG 150) Replacement
Parts List on PL 14.15 1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Remove the CVT glass, REP 14.6.
2. Remove the CVT ramp and document glass assembly, REP 14.6.
3. Remove five screws securing the scanner PWB cover.
4. Lift the PWB cover and disconnect PJ923 on the scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
5. Disconnect the ribbon harness from the exposure lamp inverter, REP 14.17.
6. Release the ribbon harness from the half rate scan carriage.
7. Disconnect and remove the exposure lamp ribbon harness, Figure 1.

1 2 3
Remove 4 screws, 2 on Disconnect the ribbon Lift the lens carriage and
each side of the lens car- harness at PJ926. release the ribbon harness.
riage assembly.

Figure 1 Release the ribbon harness

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.18 4-390 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
REP 14.19 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) REP 14.20 Document Size Sensor 1 and Document Size
Parts List on PL 14.15 Sensor 2 (W/TAG 150)
Removal Parts List on PL 14.15
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord WARNING
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
WARNING can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. WARNING
1. Remove the CVT glass, REP 14.6. Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
2. Remove the CVT ramp and document glass assembly, REP 14.6. 1. Remove the CVT glass, REP 14.6.
3. Remove five screws securing the scanner PWB cover. 2. Remove the CVT ramp and document glass assembly, REP 14.6.
4. Lift the PWB cover and disconnect PJ923 on the scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4. 3. Remove four screws securing PWB cover.
5. Disconnect all of the harness connectors from the scanner PWB, PL 14.15. 4. Lift the PWB cover and disconnect PJ923 on the scanner PWB, PL 14.15 Item 4.
6. Remove four screws securing the scanner PWB. 5. Remove document size sensor 1 (Q14-315) or document size sensor 2 (Q14-320), Figure
7. Remove the scanner PWB. 1.
Replacement NOTE: The removal of document size sensor 1 and document size sensor 2 is identical.
1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning.
Size sensor 1

Size sensor 2

2 1
Press the side of the sensor to Disconnect the harness from
release the sensor from the bracket. the document size sensor.

Figure 1 Remove document size sensor.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-391 REP 14.19, REP 14.20
1. The replacement procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.
2. Perform ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

REP 14.20 4-392 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 3.1 Registration Setup ADJ 3.2 Magnification Adjustment
Purpose Purpose
To adjust the machine magnification to 100%
To measure and adjust image to paper registration. Refer to dC604 Registration Setup.

NOTE: There are no across process direction adjustments.
1. Select 100% magnification.
2. Use the internal registration test pattern.
3. Make a copy from the document glass or through the DADH.
4. Measure the process direction dimension, IQS 8 Magnification.
5. Enter dC131, select 05-009 for the DADH adjustment or 14-027 for the document glass
adjustment. An entry of less than the default value will increase the dimension B.
6. Repeat the above steps until the dimension on the copy is the same as on the print.
If the across process dimension is not within the tolerances specified and the customer is dis-
satisfied, install a new scanner module, (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.20 Item 1 or (W/TAG 150) PL
14.10 Item 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-393 ADJ 3.1, ADJ 3.2
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
ADJ 3.1, ADJ 3.2 4-394 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 4.1 Machine Lubrication Tray 3 and 4 Transport Roll and Bearings
Purpose Parts list on: PL 8.30
To correctly lubricate the machine to prevent noise and wear.
1. Remove the tray 3 and 4 transport roll, REP 8.31.

Lubrication 2. Apply plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the ends of the transport roll, where
the bearings locate.
Refer to GP 18 Machine Lubrication for general guidance on the use of lubricants.
3. Reinstall the tray 3 and 4 transport roll, REP 8.31.

WARNING Tray 3 and 4 Elevator Motor Drive Coupling

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Parts list on: PL 7.20
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
1. Pull out tray 3 and tray 4.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
2. Apply plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the coupling on the elevator motor
The following list gives the parts of the machine where lubrication is permitted. Go to the rele-
and the coupling on the back of the tray.
vant procedure:
3. Push home tray 3 and tray 4
• Tray 3 and 4 Transport Roll and Bearings.
• Tray 3 and 4 Elevator Motor Drive Coupling. Bypass Feed Roll Shaft
• Bypass Feed Roll Shaft. 1. Remove the bypass tray drive gear, REP 8.20.
• Tray 1 and 2 Support Slides. 2. Figure 1, plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the shaft.
• Tray 3 Takeaway Roll Assembly.
• Tray 3 Transport Roll Assembly. 3
• Registration Transport Gears. Slide the shaft to the rear to expose the areas of the shaft
normally located within the rear and front bearings. Apply
• Developer Assembly Main Drive Gear. grease to these newly exposed areas.
• Developer Module Support Pins.
• 1K LCSS Drive Belt Tensioners.
• 1K LCSS Bin 1 Drive Belt Pulleys and Idler.
• 2K LCSS Drive Belt Tensioners.
• 2K LCSS Bin 1 Drive Belt Pulleys and Idler.
• 1K and 2K LCSS Bin 1 Elevator Motor Worm and Gear.
• 1K and 2K LCSS Tamper Assembly.
• HVF BM Support Pin.

Remove E-clip

Remove the E-clips

Figure 1 Bypass feed shaft

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-395 ADJ 4.1
3. Return the feed roll shaft to the original position and install the E-clips, Figure 1. Tray 3 Transport Roll Assembly
4. Install the bypass tray drive gear and feed head, REP 8.20. Parts list on: PL 8.35 Item 11.
Tray 1 and 2 Support Slides
1. Remove tray 1 and 2, REP 7.1. 1. Remove the tray 3 transport assembly, REP 8.13.
2. Figure 2, plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the support slides. 2. Figure 3, plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the tray 3 transport roll assembly.

Apply grease to the 2 areas of
4 the shaft that are normally inside
Remove E-clip, slide the bearings
shaft to the rear

Apply grease to the upper Apply grease to the upper

surface of the left slides surface of the right slides

Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 support slides

3. Lubricate the stack height mechanism actuator located at the rear left side of the tray and
the paper width guides.
4. Re-install tray 1 and 2, REP 7.1.
Tray 3 Takeaway Roll Assembly 3 1
2 Spring open the legs and
Parts list on: PL 8.35 Item 2. Slide pulley and Remove E-clip and remove the outer coupling
belt from the shaft. inner coupling
1. Remove the tray 3 takeaway roll assembly, REP 8.29.
2. Use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the two areas of the shaft normally
located within the bearings. Figure 3 Transport roll removal
3. Re-install the tray 3 takeaway roll assembly. REP 8.29.
3. Re-install the tray 3 transport roll assembly.
4. Re-install the tray 3 transport assembly, REP 8.13.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 4.1 4-396 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Registration Transport Gears
Parts list on: PL 8.15.

1. Remove the registration clutch, REP 8.5.

2. Use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the following parts:
• Registration clutch, PL 8.15 Item 7. Lubricate the gear teeth only.
• Gear (22T/28T), PL 8.15 Item 17. Lubricate the gear teeth only.
• Gear (23T), PL 8.15 Item 18. Lubricate the gear teeth and the bore of the gear.
3. Re-install the removed components, REP 8.5.
Developer Assembly Main Drive Gear
Parts list on: PL 9.15 Item 16.

NOTE: Only perform this lubrication if a new main drive gear is being installed.
1. Remove the developer assembly, REP 9.2.
2. Remove the old main drive gear (1 E-clip).
3. Use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to coat the area of the main drive shaft, where the
gear locates.
4. Install the new main drive gear (1 E-clip).
Developer Module Support Pins
1. Remove the developer assembly, REP 9.2.
2. Figure 4, use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the developer assembly sup-
port pins at the front and rear.
Front pins Rear pins

Figure 4 Developer assembly support pins

3. Re-install the developer assembly, REP 9.2.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-397 ADJ 4.1
1K LCSS Drive Belt Tensioners 5. Reinstall the belt tensioner.
1. Remove the 1K LCSS top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-120. 1K and 2K LCSS Bin 1 Elevator Motor Worm and Gear
2. Remove the relevant belt tensioner: 1. Remove the 1K LCSS top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-120 or the 2K LCSS top cover
• Bin 1 drive belt tensioner, PL 11.106 Item 15. and rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
• Intermediate paper drive belt tensioner, PL 11.118 Item 14. 2. Figure 5, use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the worm and gear.
• Paper output drive belt, PL 11.120 Item 8. NOTE: The lubrication procedure is the same for the 1K LCSS and the 2K LCSS. The 1K
3. Remove the E-clip and pulley from the belt tensioner. Apply plastislip grease, PL 26.10 LCSS is shown in Figure 5.
Item 8 to the shaft and pulley bore. Re-assemble the pulley and E-clip on the belt ten-
4. (Bin 1 drive belt tensioner only) Clean off the old lubricant and any contamination from
the belt tensioner and 1K LCSS frame using a micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13. Apply
plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to the whole contact face of the belt tensioner.
5. Reinstall the belt tensioner.
1K LCSS Bin 1 Drive Belt Pulleys and Idler
1. Remove the 1K LCSS top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-120.
2. If necessary, remove the 1K LCSS PWB, REP 11.12-120.
3. Remove the relevant pulley or idler:
• Bin 1 drive belt idler, PL 11.106 Item 17.
• Bin 1 drive belt pulleys, PL 11.106 Item 6.
4. Remove the E-clip and pulley or idler from the belt tensioner. Apply plastislip grease, PL
26.10 Item 8 to the shaft and pulley or idler bore. Re-assemble the pulley or idler and E-
clip on the belt tensioner.
5. Reinstall the belt tensioner.
2K LCSS Drive Belt Tensioners
1. Remove the 2K LCSS top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-110.
2. Remove the relevant belt tensioner:
• Intermediate paper drive belt tensioner, PL 11.22 Item 17. Apply grease to the
• Bin 1 drive belt tensioner, PL 11.10 Item 13. worm and gear
3. Remove the E-clip and pulley from the belt tensioner. Apply plastislip grease, PL 26.10
Item 8 to the shaft and pulley bore. Re-assemble the pulley and E-clip on the belt ten-
4. Clean off the old lubricant and any contamination from the belt tensioner and 2K LCSS
frame using a micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13. Apply plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item
8, to the whole contact face of the belt tensioner. Figure 5 Lower vertical slides
5. Reinstall the belt tensioner.
2K LCSS Bin 1 Drive Belt Pulleys and Idler 1K and 2K LCSS Tamper Assembly
1. Remove the 2K LCSS top cover and rear cover, REP 11.1-110. 1. Remove the 1K LCSS top cover, REP 11.1-120 or the 2K LCSS top cover, REP 11.1-110.
2. If necessary, remove the 1K LCSS PWB, REP 11.14-110. 2. Figure 6, use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the tamper assembly.
3. Remove the relevant pulley or idler:
• Bin 1 drive belt idler, PL 11.10 Item 15.
• Bin 1 drive belt pulleys, PL 11.10 Item 6.
4. Remove the E-clip and pulley or idler from the belt tensioner. Apply plastislip grease, PL
26.10 Item 8 to the shaft and pulley or idler bore. Re-assemble the pulley or idler and E-
clip on the belt tensioner.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 4.1 4-398 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: The lubrication procedure is the same for the 1K LCSS and the 2K LCSS.

Apply grease to the pin

Figure 7 Support pin lubrication

4. Fully push in the BM unit and close the HVF BM front door.

Apply grease to the


Figure 6 Lower vertical slides

HVF BM Support Pin

1. Open the BM front door.
2. Fully pull out the BM unit.
3. Figure 7, use plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8, to lubricate the BM support pin.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-399 ADJ 4.1
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
ADJ 4.1 4-400 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 5.1 DADH Drive Belt Adjustment
Parts List on PL 5.25 and PL 5.35
To correctly set the tension of the feed motor and the CVT motor drive belts.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Before this adjustment is performed, make sure all components removed in the repair proce-
dure are installed correctly.
NOTE: The same adjustment applies to the feed motor and the CVT motor. This procedure Feed motor Pitch rings Loosen the 3
shows how to adjust the feed motor. The green spring applies tension to the feed motor drive screws.
belt. The silver spring applies tension to the CVT motor drive belt.

1. Remove the rear cover, PL 5.10 Item 1.

2. Adjust the correct motor drive belt, Figure 1. When the feed motor is adjusted, correctly
engage the gears on the feed motor and the feed clutch. Check that the pitch rings just

Feed motor CVT motor

3 2
Tighten the 3 screws. Allow the spring to apply the tension to the drive belt.

Figure 1 Drive belt

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-401 ADJ 5.1
ADJ 5.2 DADH Height Adjustment
Parts List on PL 5.10 and PL 5.25
To correctly set the distance between the scanner module and the DADH.

Check Front DADH standoff.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity CVT glass.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

NOTE: The DADH standoffs include the CVT roll bearings, PL 5.25 Item 4 and PL 5.25 Item

1. Check the height of the DADH. The two standoffs touch the CVT glass when the DADH is
closed, Figure 1. Check that the DADH is parallel to the scanner module. Perform the
steps that follow. Refer to Figure 2:
a. Put a strip of paper on the CVT glass below the back DADH standoff.
b. Close the DADH.
c. Carefully pull the paper. Make sure that the paper was pressed between the CVT
glass and back DADH standoff.
d. Repeat A to C for the front DADH standoff.
2. If the DADH height is incorrect, perform the Adjustment.

Back DADH standoff.

CVT glass.

Figure 1 DADH standoffs

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 5.2 4-402 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
CVT glass. Back DADH standoff. Use an allen key to adjust the setting screw to raise
or lower the DADH.

Lower the DADH.

Loosen the lock nut.

Tighten the lock nut.

Approximately 3mm
(0.125 inch)

Strip of paper. Raise the DADH.

Figure 3 Counterbalances
Figure 2 Clearance check
2. If mis-registration is found after the DADH is set to the correct height, go to ADJ 5.5
Adjustment DADH Registration Adjustment.

NOTE: The factory setting of the counterbalances is approximately 3mm (0.125 inch), refer to
Figure 3. The same adjustment applies to the left counterbalance and right counterbalance.
Adjust the two counterbalances.

1. If the height of the DADH is wrong, adjust the counterbalances, Figure 3.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-403 ADJ 5.2
ADJ 5.3 DADH Skew Adjustment
Parts List on PL 5.10 1
Loosen the lock nut.
To correct document feed skew induced by the DADH. 3
Tighten the lock nut.
Perform the following:
1. Clean the CVT glass. Refer to ADJ 5.4 DADH cleaning procedure.
2. Check that the document width guides are adjusted correctly.
3. Make sure that the DADH is set to the correct height. Go to ADJ 5.2 DADH Height Adjust-
4. Check the document path for obstructions or foreign objects.
5. Perform the Skew Check.
Skew Check
1. Use the DADH to make 5 copies. Check the skew, refer to IQS 5 Skew.

NOTE: Skew is always measured on the lead edge, irrespective of paper orientation.

2. If necessary, perform the Adjustment.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 2
Adjust the setting
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
screw (see NOTE).
1. Raise the DADH.
2. Loosen both DADH thumbscrews, PL 5.10 Item 12.
Figure 1 Skew adjustment
3. Adjust the setting screw on the right counterbalance to correct the skew, Figure 1.
NOTE: Turn the setting screw in direction A to move the right side of the DADH to the
front. Turn the setting screw in direction B to move the right side of the DADH to the rear.

4. Pull the DADH forward, then tighten the thumbscrews.

5. Perform again the Skew Check.
6. When the DADH skew is good, check the DADH registration. Go to ADJ 5.5 DADH regis-
tration Adjustment.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 5.3 4-404 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 5.4 DADH Cleaning Procedure CAUTION
When the under side of the input tray is cleaned, do not damage the restack arm, PL 5.35 Item
Parts List on PL 5.10 3.
Purpose 14. Clean the input tray and the exit area below the input tray with a micro fiber wiper and
This procedure describes how to clean the DADH. The wear of the feed rolls, paper dust and antistatic fluid.
dirt in the environment can cause the copy quality defects. 15. Clean the CVT glass and the document glass. Refer to (W/O TAG 150) ADJ 14.1 Optics
Cleaning Procedure or (W/TAG 150) ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure.
The tools required:
• 5.5 mm nut driver
The supplies required:
• Dry micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13.
• Brush
• Cleaning fluid, PL 26.10 Item 2.
• Antistatic fluid, PL 26.10 Item 19.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. Key Retard roll
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Use a brush to clean the document length sensors, PL 5.35 Item 8.
2. Open the DADH top cover.
3. Use a dry micro fiber wiper, or brush to clean the document path area, top and bottom.
Remove all loose material.
4. Clean the CVT roll, PL 5.25 Item 5 with a micro fiber wiper and water.
5. Clean the CVT idlers and the takeaway idlers, PL 5.20 Item 3 with a micro fiber wiper and Figure 1 Retard roll position
6. Remove the DADH rear cover, rotate the takeaway rolls.
7. Clean the takeaway rolls, PL 5.35 Item 6 with a micro fiber wiper and water.
When the feed rolls are installed, make sure the lowest roll, (retard roll), is correctly position on
the assembly as shown in Figure 1.
8. Remove the feed roll assembly, REP 5.14. Clean the 3 rolls and the pad, PL 5.35 Item 2
with a micro fiber wiper and water. Use a brush to clean the paper dust from the assembly
and from the area around the assembly. Install the feed roll assembly.
9. Leave the top cover open and raise the DADH assembly.
10. Lower the baffle assembly, PL 5.30 Item 5. Clean the four CVT idler rolls with a micro fiber
wiper and water.
11. Clean the exit roll idlers, PL 5.30 Item 8 and the takeaway roll, PL 5.35 Item 6 with a micro
fiber wiper and water.
12. Clean the document pad with a micro fiber wiper and water.
13. Lower the DADH assembly. Install the DADH rear cover.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-405 ADJ 5.4
ADJ 5.5 DADH Registration Adjustment ADJ 5.6 DADH Document Pad
Parts List on PL 5.10 Parts List on PL 5.10
Purpose Purpose
To measure and adjust the image to paper registration. To correctly align the DADH document pad with the document glass.

Adjustment Adjustment
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Reset the DADH registration, refer to dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.
NOTE: If a new document pad is installed, make sure that the protective paper is removed
from the adhesive pads.

1. Raise the DADH. Put the document pad with the adhesive pads face-up on the document
2. Align the document pad with the document registration guides as shown in Figure 1.

Document registration

Document pad

Figure 1 Document pad alignment

3. Carefully lower then raise the DADH. Make sure the document pad is attached correctly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 5.5, ADJ 5.6 4-406 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 6.1 ROS Window Cleaning Procedure
To improve the image quality.

NOTE: Only perform this procedure if directed to it from an Image Quality RAP.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not break the glass. Broken glass can cause injury.
The ROS window is secured by 2 clips, 1 at the front and 1 at the rear. If too much pressure is
applied when cleaning the ROS window, the glass will flex and may break.
1. Remove the xerographic module, (35 ppm) PL 9.22 Item 2 or (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Item 2.
2. Using a clean, dry cotton tip, very carefully clean the underside of the ROS widow, Figure

Insert the cotton tip through
the aperture on the bottom of
the ROS.

NOTE: The ROS window is

positioned 12mm (0.5 inch)
above the aperture.

Very carefully clean the
ROS window.

Figure 1 ROS window cleaning

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-407 ADJ 6.1
ADJ 6.2 ROS Cleaning Procedure Cleaning Methods
To improve the image quality. Do not break the glass. Broken glass can cause injury.
NOTE: Only perform this procedure if directed to from an Image Quality RAP. Do not use the toner vacuum cleaner near the ROS window. The glass is flexible and can
1. Use a toner vacuum cleaner to carefully clean metalwork inside of the ROS.
WARNING 2. Use a clean, dry cotton tip to remove the contamination from glass components.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
3. If the contamination remains, use a cotton tip dampened with film remover, PL 26.10 Item
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 4.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
4. Start from the center of each component and carefully clean towards the outside edge.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
ROS window ROS laser diode.


Ensure that E.S.D. procedures are observed during this procedure.
When rotating the polygon mirror, do not press down on the polygon mirror. Do not move any
other components. The components are aligned during manufacture.
Contamination of the inside of the ROS can cause image quality defects. Ensure the inside of
the ROS is clean before the top cover is replaced.
1. Remove the ROS, REP 6.1.
2. Remove the top cover from the ROS (5 torx head screws).
Do not attempt to clean the ROS laser diode.
3. Refer to Figure 1. Refer to Cleaning Methods. Inspect the inside of the ROS. As neces-
Polygon mirror.
sary, clean the inside of the ROS, the mirrors, the polygon mirror, the lens and the surface See CAUTION.
of all glass components

NOTE: Carefully rotate the polygon mirror for access to all sides.

4. Install the ROS top cover. Figure 1 ROS component location

5. Install the ROS, REP 6.1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 6.2 4-408 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 7.1 Tray 3 and Tray 4 Paper Tray Guide Setting • Go to Figure 3, to set the paper tray guide to 8.5 x 11 inch paper size and reposition
the retaining clips.
Parts List on PL 7.17
Retaining clips.
To adjust the paper tray guide in tray 3 and tray 4 for A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch paper.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Pull out the tray to be adjusted and remove the paper from the tray.
2. Push in the retaining clips and remove the paper tray guide, PL 7.15 Item 20, Figure 1.

Retaining clips.

Figure 2 Set the paper guide to A4 size

Figure 1 Remove the paper guide

3. To reset the paper tray guide:

• Go to Figure 2, to set the paper tray guide to A4 paper size and reposition the retain-
ing clips.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-409 ADJ 7.1
ADJ 7.2 Tray 5 Paper Tray Guide Setting
Parts List on PL 7.64
Retaining clips.
To adjust the paper tray guides in tray 5 for A4 / A3 or 8.5 x 11 / 11 x 17 inch paper.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

1. Open tray 5 door and allow the tray to lower and remove the paper stack.
2. Adjust the paper guide to the required paper size, Figure 1.
• To set the paper tray guide to A4 / A3 paper size, move the paper guide to the outer
• To set the paper tray guide to 8.5 x 11 / 11 x 17 inch paper size, move the paper
guide to the inner position.
3. Check the registration, refer to dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.

Figure 3 Set the paper tray guide to 8.5 x 11 size

4. To lock the paper tray guide in position, push the retaining clips in the reverse direction as
shown in Figure 1.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 7.1, ADJ 7.2 4-410 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 7.3 Tray 5 Module to Machine Alignment
Parts List on PL 7.64
Paper size indicator window
To correctly align the tray 5 module to achieve correct top edge registration and reliable trans-
fer of paper from the tray 5 module to the machine.
Move the handle up to
release the lock on the Adjustment
paper guide. Machines W/OTAG P-001. The adjustment must be performed in the following order:

1. Figure 1, turn the hand wheel above the front castor at the left of the tray 5 module to set
tray 5 level with the left hand door. The measurement between the left hand door and tray
2 5 should be equal at the front and the rear. This is the nominal position for tray 5 and the
Use the handle to move the image registration and hole punching should need little or no correction.
paper guide to the required
paper size. NOTE: Before each adjustment or measurement, un-dock and re-dock the module to
reset the tray 5 position.

2. Make prints to check for image registration and correct hole punching. If necessary, con-
tinue to step 3.
3 3. Figure 1, turn the wheel as necessary. The ‘+’ direction moves the paper towards the front
Move the handle down to of the machine. The ‘-’ direction moves the paper towards the rear of the machine.
lock the paper guide.
4. Check the registration, refer to dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.
Machines W/TAG P-001. The adjustment must be performed in the following order:

1. Figure 2, turn the hand wheel in the centre of the tray 5 module to raise the casters off the
2. Check the registration, refer to dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.

Figure 1 Paper guide adjustment

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-411 ADJ 7.2, ADJ 7.3
Ensure edges are

Turn the hand wheel to obtain
Turn the wheel at the front
to obtain the alignment.
- +

Raise front and rear casters off of the floor.

Figure 1 Tray 5 alignment W/OTAG P-001 Figure 2 Tray 5 alignment W/TAG P-001

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 7.3 4-412 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 7.4 Tray 5 Module Tray Alignment
Parts List on PL 7.64
To align the tray 5 module paper tray with the paper trays in the IOT module. Use this adjust-
ment when the top edge registration cannot be achieved using the NVM values in dC604 Reg- 1
istration Setup Procedure. Turn the adjusting
screw as necessary.
NOTE: Perform ADJ 7.3, Tray 5 Module to Machine Alignment, before starting this adjustment
procedure. Use both ADJ 7.3 and this adjustment to achieve correct hole punch alignment.

Before performing this adjustment return the NVM values for tray 5 to the nominal values.

Make a sample print and determine which way and how far the tray needs to be moved. After
the adjustment is made, take a sample print. 2
The bracket moves.
1. Loosen the two screws on the docking pin bracket, Figure 1.

Figure 2 Adjusting screw

Use the scribed indicator to determine the amount of movement, Figure 3.

Loosen two screws.

Use the scribed indicators to

determine the amount of
Figure 1 Docking pin bracket adjustment required.
The indicator is in 1 mm
2. Turn the adjusting screw to move the docking pin bracket to the front or to the rear, Figure increments.

Figure 3 Adjustment indicator

3. Secure the docking pin bracket, Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-413 ADJ 7.4
Tighten two screws.

Figure 4 Secure the docking pin bracket

4. Make sample prints and check the top edge registration.

5. Enter dC604 Registration Setup Procedure and set the top edge registration.
6. If the top edge registration is still out of range, then repeat the adjustment.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 7.4 4-414 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 8.1 Registration Setup ADJ 8.2 Simplex and Duplex Buckle Timing
Purpose Purpose
To check and adjust the buckle timing on the simplex and duplex transport assemblies.
To measure and adjust the image to paper registration. Refer to dC604 Registration Setup.

Simplex Buckle Timing

Go to dC131, select location 08-152 (LeRegSnrToClutchOn). The value should be set in the
region of 10 to 30 below the default value shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Simplex
Adjust to
Machine speed Default Value between
35 ppm 630 600-620
40-55 ppm 440 410-430
65-90 ppm 313 283-303

1. Adjust the simplex buckle timing NVM value in increments of 10 in accordance with Table
2. Print internal test pattern number 16, dC606. Run 20 copies of test pattern number 16 in
simplex mode and then check the copies for cockle deletions, Figure 1.
3. If necessary repeat steps 1 and 2.
4. Record the new values in the machine log book.
5. Check the duplex buckle timing.
Duplex Buckle Timing
Go to dC131, select location 08-148 (Le Dup Snr To Clh On). The value should be set in the
region of 10 to 30 below the default value shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Duplex
Adjust to
Machine speed Default Value between
35 ppm 496 466-486
40-55 ppm 343 313-333
65-90 ppm 256 226-246

1. Adjust the duplex buckle timing NVM value in increments of 10 in accordance with Table

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-415 ADJ 8.1, ADJ 8.2
2. Print internal test pattern number 16, dC606. Run 20 copies of test pattern number 16 in
duplex mode and then check the copies for cockle deletions, Figure 1.
3. If necessary repeat steps 1 and 2.
4. Record the new values in the machine log book.
5. Perform NVM Save and Restore, GP 5.

Lead edge of test

pattern 16

Typical areas of image


Figure 1 Cockle deletion

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 8.2 4-416 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 9.1 Corotron Cleaning ADJ 9.2 Image Quality Adjustment Routine
Parts List on (35 ppm) PL 9.22, (40-90 ppm) PL 9.20. Purpose
Purpose The Image Quality Adjustment (IQA) feature allows adjustment of the image quality by adjust-
ment of the Grid Voltage and ROS Exposure levels. This is achieved by running an Image
To clean the corotrons.
Quality Adjustment routine from within SAKO tools. This routine can be performed at any stage
of the machine’s operational life by the key operator.
WARNING Adjustment
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord The adjustment routine consists of the steps that follow:
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 1. Load A4 (8.5x11 inch) white paper LEF in the Bypass Tray.
1. (35 ppm) Remove the transfer / detack corotron, PL 9.22 Item 8, from the short paper 2. Turn off or reset to nominal all image enhance features.
path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1. 3. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.
2. Use a soft small brush to remove any small particle that may be on the corotron wire. 4. Select More.
3. Reinstall the transfer / detack corotron in the short paper path. 5. Select Machine Tests.
4. (40-90 ppm) These machines have a cleaning device for the transfer / detack corotron. 6. Select Image Quality Adjustment.
Move the device back and forward to clean the transfer / detack wires. If the transfer / 7. Follow the prompts in the image quality adjustment window.
detack corotron is heavily contaminated then the corotron assembly can be removed and
8. Example of the IQA test pattern is shown in Figure 1.
cleaned with a brush.
9. When the test pattern image is scanned, the following sequence of events occur:
5. Raise and lower the latch mechanism of the short paper path assembly, PL 10.25 Item 1,
to ensure that the transfer / detack corotron is parallel to the photoreceptor. If the move- a. The average image density (grey level measured on a grey scale; 0 = black, 255 =
ment of raising the short paper path assembly is not smooth, check the action of the push white) of the shadow and highlight is measured to obtain two respective averages. If
rod, PL 10.25 Item 13, REP 10.1. the average for either the highlight or shadow is out of range, the image cannot be
used reliably and the routine is terminated with an appropriate message displayed
NOTE: Do not attempt to clean the corotron wires with any solvents or wipe clean using paper. on the GUI.
If necessary install a new transfer / detack corotron, PL 10.25 Item 11.
b. Once the validity of the test pattern has been confirmed the measured average grey
levels of the shadow and highlights are compared against shadow and highlight
Grey Level reference values contained in NVM, producing a shadow error and high-
light error.
c. These errors are then used together with pre-stored IQA factors to determine a Grid
Voltage Offset and a ROS exposure Offset.
d. Range checking and capping is then performed to limit any unexpected behavior.
e. The SIP sends these offsets to the IOT to be stored in IOT NVM.
f. The Grid Voltage and ROS exposure are then adjusted by applying the relevant off-
set to the nominal setting after any other adjustments are applied (e.g. calibration or
Process Control adjustments etc.).
10. If a fault occurs on completion of the routine then refer to the relevant RAP.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-417 ADJ 9.1, ADJ 9.2
ADJ 9.3 Developer Magnetic Seal Brush Adjustment
To check and maintain an effective seal on the 65, 75 and 90 ppm machine developer module.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the xerographic module, PL 9.20 Item 2.
2. Use a flashlight to examine the condition of the seal, Figure 1.
3. Check for the following:
• The seal for damage.
• The halo guide, transfer and detack corotron, PL 9.20 Item 8, for contamination.
If either or both above are true, continue below.

1. Remove the developer module, PL 9.15 Item 2. Place the developer module, left side
down, on a suitable surface.
2. Check the shutter assembly seal for damage, Figure 2. If necessary install a new shutter
Figure 1 IQA test pattern
assembly, PL 9.15 Item 20.
3. Remove contamination from the following:
• Above and below the developer roll area.
• Registration guide and the halo guide.
• The floor pan.
• Transfer corotron, detack corotron and the duplex paper path.
4. Restore the magnetic seal brush. Go to Magnetic Seal Loading.
5. Reinstall the developer module and the xerographic module.
6. Make 50 prints.
7. Remove the xerographic module.
8. Use a flashlight to check the halo guide, transfer corotron, detack corotron and the duplex
paper path for contamination of toner and developer beads.
9. If there is contamination, repeat steps 1 through to 9.
10. If contamination persists, install a new developer module, PL 9.15 Item 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 9.2, ADJ 9.3 4-418 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Magnetic seal brush. To be
effective this must have a
uniform profile the full
length of the magnet.

Check the seal for torn fabric, broken edges and

delamination from the main fabric.

Figure 1 Magnetic seal brush Figure 2 Shutter assembly seal

Magnetic Seal Loading

1. Use a brush to remove the residual magnetic seal brush.
2. Use the curved edge of the magnetic seal repair tool, PL 26.10 Item 23, to remove devel-
oper from the rear of the magnetic roll, Figure 3. The correct quantity of toner that should
be removed from the magnetic roll is shown in Figure 4.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-419 ADJ 9.3
1 Correct quantity of developer
Hold the tool against the rear
edge of magnetic roll as

Lean the tool toward the bottom
of the developer until it is in line
with lower lip.

Figure 4 Developer quantity

3. Apply the developer evenly to the magnetic strip to form the seal. Gently shake the tool as
developer is applied to aid distribution, Figure 5.
Keeping the tool at this
angle, push the tool up the
magnetic roll to remove

When the tool is in line with
upper seal, lean back, then
carefully lift the tool. Ensure
the maximum amount of
developer is removed.

Use the upper seal to keep the
material on the tool.

Figure 3 Developer removal

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 9.3 4-420 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Distribute the developer
across the width of the mag-
netic strip.
Start at the inboard end of
the magnetic strip.

Apply the developer evenly
to the magnetic strip to form
the seal. One scoop of devel-
oper should cover half the
magnetic strip. Figure 6 Distributing developer

5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the front of the magnetic roll.

NOTE: Two scoops of developer is the optimum amount to form a good seal. Do not use
more than three scoops.

6. An example of a good magnetic seal is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 5 Applying developer

Ensure the developer is evenly distributed across the magnetic seal. Too much developer will
cause beads on prints, too little will not form a good seal.
4. Use a flat edge of the tool to distribute the developer across the width of the magnetic
strip, Figure 6.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-421 ADJ 9.3
ADJ 9.4 Xerographics Cleaning
To clean the xerographics area.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the erase lamp assembly, PL 9.20 Item 1. Use a dry micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10
Item 13, to clean the erase lamp assembly. Ensure the electrical contacts at the rear of
the erase lamp assembly and on the chassis are clean before re-installing the assembly.
2. Clean the detack / transfer corotron assembly, ADJ 9.1 Corotron Cleaning. Ensure the
electrical contacts at the rear of the transfer / detack corotron assembly and on the chas-
sis are clean before re-installing the assembly.
3. (35 ppm). Clean the charge scorotron by carefully pulling out the cleaning rod on the front
of the xerographic module as far as it will go and then pushing it fully home. Repeat nine
4. (40-90 ppm) Clean the charge scorotron. Perform the following:
1 a. Press the Log in/out (key symbol) button on the key pad or select Guest on the UI.
A good magnetic seal should be an b. Enter User Name ‘admin’ (case sensitive). Select Next.
even distribution of material along
c. Enter the Password ‘1111’ (default setting). Select Next.
the length of the magnetic seal.
d. Select the Xerographic Module Cleaning routine. Repeat the routine two times.

NOTE: The routine completes four cleaning cycles of the charge scorotron. If the
charge scorotron cleaner fails to work, go to the 09-341, 09-342 Scorotron Cleaning
Failure RAP.
Figure 7 A good magnetic seal
5. Clean the waste toner bottle area, refer to the OF11 Waste Toner Contamination RAP.
6. Check and clean the following areas for toner and developer bead contamination, Figure
• The developer roll area, above the roll and in the recesses below the roll.
• Developer beads hanging from the developer roll and the lower lip.
• The halo guide, registration guide and the registration cover.
• The duplex paper path.
7. (65-90 ppm) Perform ADJ 9.3 Developer Magnetic Seal Brush Adjustment.
8. Refer to the checkouts in IQ3 Xerographic RAP.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 9.3, ADJ 9.4 4-422 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 9.5 Optimize Dark and Light Grey Image
Developer roll and lower lip Use this adjustment if the dark greys are too dark and / or light greys are too light.

Use this adjustment in combination with the changes made in IQ10 Image Quality Improve-
ment RAP.

Perform IQ3 Xerographics RAP before starting this adjustment.

NOTE: This procedure will only make a slight improvement to the image quality.
Halo guide
Initial Actions
• Ensure that all the image quality settings on the UI are at default.
• Make a copy of the customer document that shows the defect and keep as a reference.
• Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns and print internal test pattern 15.
Registration • Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
• Place the test pattern 15 on the platen glass with the dark bands to the right and the light
band to the left. Make a copy.
• Compare the copy with the test pattern 15, Figure 1.
Transfer corotron – If the sections 5 - 7 look the same as each other then the machine has a problem
with poor shadows / dark greys. Go to the Poor Shadows Adjustment.
– If section 1 looks white then the machine has a problem with poor highlights / light
greys. Go to the Poor Highlights Adjustment.

Detack corotron • For 35 ppm machines only. Some machines suffer from poor shadows and poor high-
lights. In such cases install the ROS filter and optimize poor shadows first. Installation of
the ROS filter will improve dark grey performance at the expense of slight degradation of
the light grey performance.
Registration roll cover Then perform the poor highlights adjustment which, will attempt to restore the highlights.
If the highlights are unacceptable, then do not install the ROS filter.

Poor Shadows Adjustment

Figure 1 Component location 1. Enter dC131 NVM Read / Write location 06-001 Light Level and reduce the value by 200.
• 35 ppm machines. Ensure that the value is between 3000 and 6000.
• 40-55 ppm machines. Ensure that the value is between 1500 and 3050.
• 65-90 ppm machines. Ensure that the value is between 1500 and 3200.
2. Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns and print test pattern 15.
3. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
4. Place the new printed test pattern 15 on the platen glass and make one copy.
5. If the copy has poor shadows, then go to the next step.
If the copy has good shadows, then go to the Poor Highlights Adjustment.
6. Enter dC131 NVM Read / Write at location 06-001 Light Level and reduce the value by
200. Reduce the value in increments of 200 until good shadow is achieved.
• 35 ppm machines. Do not reduce the value below 3000.
• 40-55 ppm machines. Do not reduce the value below 1500.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-423 ADJ 9.4, ADJ 9.5
• 65-90 ppm machines. Do not reduce the value below 1500.
7. Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns and print internal test pattern 15
8. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
9. If the copy has poor highlights, then go to the Poor Highlights Adjustment.
If the highlights are good, then go to the Final Image Quality Check.
Poor Highlights Adjustment
1. Enter dC131 NVM location 09-003 Charge Grid and reduce the value by 25.
• 35 ppm machines. Ensure that the value is between 370 and 470.
• 40-55 ppm machines. Ensure that the value is between 380 and 480.
• 65-90 ppm machines. Ensure that the value is between 370 and 470.
2. Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns and print internal test pattern 15.
3. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
4. Place the new printed test pattern 15 on the platen glass and make one copy.
5. If the copy has poor highlights, then go to the next step.
If the highlights are good, then go to the Final Image Quality Check.
6. Enter dC131 NVM. Location 09-003 Charge Grid and reduce the value by 25. Reduce the
value in increments of 25 until good highlights is achieved.
Do not reduce the value below 350.
7. Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns and print internal test pattern 15. Figure 1 Test pattern 15
8. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
9. Place the new printed test pattern 15 on the platen glass and make one copy. The copy
quality is optimized.
Final Image Quality Check
1. Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns and print internal test pattern 15.
2. Exit diagnostics, GP 1.
3. Place the new printed test pattern 15 on the platen glass and make one copy. The image
quality is optimized.
4. Make a copy of the customer document and compare it with the initial copy. Check that
the image quality has improved.
5. Run a variety of jobs to confirm that the changes made have not introduced other copy
quality problems.
6. Record any NVM changes in the machine log book.
7. Perform NVM Save and Restore, GP 5.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 9.5 4-424 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 10.1 Inverter Decurler Adjustment
Parts List on PL 10.20
Purpose Tighten the retaining ring
Use this adjustment to increase or decrease the output curl on prints from the IOT. fixing screw.

Check 2
Enter dC131a NVM Read/Write, scroll to 10-028 and 10-029 and ensure that the temperature Align the adjuster slot with the
values are set to default. indicator on the retaining ring.

Perform the procedures in IQ5 Print Damage RAP.

Check the machine is otherwise functioning correctly, refer to SCP 1 Initial Actions.

If the machine is fitted with a 1K or 2K LCSS output device, make sure the software timing Adjuster slot
patch is enabled:
1. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24. 1
2. Select the Tools tab. Slacken the retaining
3. Select Device Settings. ring fixing screw.
4. Select Option Enablement.
Figure 1 Initial calibration
5. Enter the software timing patch code, *3386787231.
6. Select Enter. NOTE: After the adjuster slot is set central to the indicator on the retaining ring, it will only
Adjustment be possible to make adjustments of 1 increment in either the clockwise or counter clock-
wise directions.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Adjust the initial calibration of the inverter decurler
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 1. Adjust the initial calibration, Figure 2.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. 2. Run 20 duplex copies of the customers preferred print media or A4 / 8.5x11 inch paper.
Initial calibration of the inverter decurler 3. Assess the copies for curl, refer to IQ5. If output curl is evident then reset the inverter
decurler retaining ring to allow for further adjustment, refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4.
The initial calibration procedure should give acceptable results for 80 gsm paper and most
other print media. However, for non-Xerox paper, pre-printed paper and card it may be neces-
sary to adjust the initial calibration, Figure 2 or reset the inverter decurler retaining ring, Figure
• Align the slot of the adjuster slot with the retaining ring, Figure 1.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-425 ADJ 10.1
Tighten the retaining ring fix-
ing screw.

Align the indicator on the
retaining ring with the
adjuster slot.

Turn the adjuster 1 increment
clockwise to decrease downcurl.

Slacken the retaining
ring fixing screw.

1 2 Figure 3 Increase downcurl

Insert a coin into the slot Turn the adjuster 1 increment clock-
of the adjuster. wise to increase downcurl.
Turn the adjuster 1 increment counter- 4
clockwise to decrease downcurl. Tighten the shoulder screw.

Figure 2 Adjust the initial calibration 3

Align the indicator on the
Reset the inverter decurler retaining ring retaining ring, central with
After the retaining ring is reset adjustments of a further 2 increments are enabled, 1 in either the adjuster slot.
1. Reset the position of the retaining ring. To increase the downcurl on output copies, see
Figure 3. To decrease the downcurl on output copies, see Figure 4.
2. Run 20 duplex copies of the customers preferred print media or A4 / 8.5x11 inch paper. Turn the adjuster 1 increment
3. Assess the copies for curl, refer to IQ5. counter-clockwise to
decrease downcurl.

Slacken the retaining
ring fixing screw.

Figure 4 Decrease downcurl

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 10.1 4-426 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.1-110 2K LCSS Bin 1 Level ADJ 11.2-110 Machine to 2K LCSS Alignment
Parts List on PL 11.10 Parts List on PL 11.2
Purpose Purpose
To ensure bin 1 is level, and achieve the best stacking performance. To correctly align the 2K LCSS to achieve reliable transfer of paper from the machine to the 2K
WARNING Adjustment
Turn the hand wheels above the castors below bin 1 to adjust the alignment:
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
• Figure 1, turn both hand wheels in the same direction to adjust the vertical alignment
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
between the 2K LCSS and the machine viewed from the front or rear.
1. Remove the bin 1 motor, refer to REP 11.5-110.
2. Move bin 1 to the lowest position.
3. Slacken the screw on each belt clamp and adjust the position they sit on the belts to level
the tray. Lock the clamps.
4. Re-install the bin 1 motor, refer to REP 11.5-110.
5. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
6. Enter dC330 code 11-033, Bin 1 Elevator Motor Cycle. Check that bin 1 cycles without
giving any fault indications.

Figure 1 Machine to 2K LCSS alignment

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-427 ADJ 11.1-110, ADJ 11.2-110
ADJ 11.3-110 Hole Punch Position 2. Pull out the hole punch assembly a short distance to access the spacer, if installed, refer
to Figure 2. The following settings can be made:
Parts List on PL 11.6.
NOTE: If the spacer cannot be found, suitable washers up to a total thickness of 2 mm
Purpose (0.080 inches) may be used.
To optimize the position of the hole punch.
• With no spacer installed the holes are punched closest to the bottom of the sheet.
Check • With the spacer installed unfolded the holes are punched 1mm (0.040 inches) closer
1. Ask the customer which trays are used to feed from for hole punching. to the top of the sheet.

2. Load the indicated trays with A4 (8.5x11 inch) paper. • With the spacer installed folded the holes are punched is 2mm (0.080 inches) closer
to the top of the sheet.
3. Make a set of five punched copies or prints from each of the indicated trays. Mark the top
edge (towards the front of the machine) of each set to indicate the tray from which it was
4. Evaluate the average hole positions in each set, referring to Figure 1. The distances
shown should be equal at the top and bottom of the sheet. If the distances are different by
more than 1mm (0.040 inches), perform the adjustment.

Spacer unfolded to give Spacer folded to give 2mm

1mm (0.040 inches) offset (0.080 inches) offset
towards the top towards the top

Figure 2 Hole punch spacer

3. Evaluate the movement needed and re-position the hole punch assembly. If the spacer is
removed, tape it next to the TAG label on the 2K LCSS frame for future use.
4. Make sets from each of the indicated trays once more and ensure that the hole alignment
is now optimized, make further adjustment if necessary.
Figure 1 Hole positions
5. If necessary, re-load the paper trays as they were before the adjustment was performed.
1. Remove the chad bin and unscrew the thumb screw retaining the hole punch assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.3-110 4-428 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.4-110 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning NOTE: Check the belt condition and routing if the tension spring is not extended or the
locking screw is at the end of the bracket adjustment slot.
To set the tension of directly or indirectly driven belts that are tensioned by a spring attached to
the motor.
Drive belt
1. The shafts and pulleys are installed and properly located.
2. The drive belt is undamaged and correctly routed.
3. The adjustable motor or tensioning pulley bracket is positioned with fastening screws not
tightened fully.
Pivot Screw
NOTE: For motors with pivoted brackets, the pivot screw must be fitted and tightened.

4. The tensioning spring is fitted between the bracket and frame locating point.
1. Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement. Press the belt midway between pulleys and check Bracket
that the bracket moves in the direction of the spring pull; slacken the bracket screws if
2. Release the belt and allow the spring to pull the bracket and tension the drive belt then
tighten the lock and bracket screws.
Tension spring

Adjustment slot Lock screw

Typical spring tensioning arrangement

Figure 1 Drive Belt Tensioning

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-429 ADJ 11.4-110
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
ADJ 11.4-110 4-430 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.1-120 1K LCSS Bin 1 Level ADJ 11.2-120 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning
Parts List on PL 11.106 Purpose
Purpose To set the tension of directly or indirectly driven belts that are tensioned by a spring attached to
the motor.
To ensure bin 1 is level, and achieve the best stacking performance.

Adjustment Check
1. The shafts and pulleys are installed and properly located.
2. The drive belt is undamaged and correctly routed.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity 3. The adjustable motor or tensioning pulley bracket is positioned with fastening screws not
tightened fully.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
1. Remove the bin 1 elevator motor, refer to REP 11.5-120. NOTE: For motors with pivoted brackets, the pivot screw must be fitted and tightened.
2. Move bin 1 to the lowest position. 4. The tensioning spring is fitted between the bracket and frame locating point.
3. Slacken the screw on each belt clamp and adjust the position they sit on the belts to level Adjustment
the tray. Lock the clamps.
1. Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement. Press the belt midway between pulleys and check
4. Re-install the bin 1 elevator motor, refer to REP 11.5-120.
that the bracket moves in the direction of the spring pull; slacken the bracket screws if
5. Switch on the machine, GP 14. necessary.
6. Enter dC330, code 11-033, Bin 1 Elevator Motor Cycle. Check that bin 1 cycles without 2. Release the belt and allow the spring to pull the bracket and tension the drive belt then
giving any fault indications. tighten the lock and bracket screws.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-431 ADJ 11.1-120, ADJ 11.2-120
NOTE: Check the belt condition and routing if the tension spring is not extended or the
locking screw is at the end of the bracket adjustment slot.

Drive belt

Pivot Screw


Tension spring

Adjustment slot Lock screw

Typical spring tensioning arrangement

Figure 1 Drive Belt Tensioning

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.2-120 4-432 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.1-171 Machine to HVF/HVF BM, HVF BM to Tri-
folder Alignment
To correctly align the HVF or HVF BM, to achieve reliable transfer of paper from the machine to
the output tray.

To correctly align the tri-folder, to achieve reliable transfer of paper from the HVF BM to the out-

• Ensure the HVF/HVF BM is aligned both vertically and horizontally with the machine. If
necessary perform the adjustment. Figure 1.
• Ensure the Tri-folder is aligned vertically and horizontally with the HVF/HVF BM. If neces-
sary perform the adjustment. Figure 2.

1 2
Rotate the adjustable castors. Ensure the tri-folder is
aligned vertically and
horizontally with the HVF

Figure 2 Tri-Folder to HVF BM alignment

1 2
Rotate the adjustable castors. Ensure the HVF/HVF BM is aligned
vertically and horizontally with the

Figure 1 Machine to HVF/HVF BM alignment

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-433 ADJ 11.1-171
ADJ 11.2-171 Tri-Folder Paper Size Setting NOTE: Figure 1 shows the tri-folder front and rear paper setting adjusters in the 8.5 x11 inch
(LTR) position.
To set the tri-folder to correctly fold 8.5 x 11 inch or A4 paper. 1. Remove the front door, PL 11.190, front cover PL 11.190 and the rear cover PL 11.190.
Check that the front and rear paper setting adjusters are in position for the appropriate
size of paper, Figure 1.
2. Set the front and rear paper setting adjusters to the A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch (LTR) position,
1. Ensure that the tri-folder is at the same height as the HVF, ADJ 11.1-171.
Figure 1.
2. Run a copy job 4 sheets and check that the folds are in the correct place.
NOTE: Do not over loosen the adjuster screws. The adjusters can detach from the back-
3. The paper should be folded into three equal parts and the folds parallel to the edge of the
stop. Make sure the position of the backstop changes when the adjusters are moved.
paper. If necessary perform the adjustment.
Adjustment 3. Ensure the front door interlock switch is cheated, PL 11.197 Item 2. Run a four sheet C
fold and Z fold copy job. Check that the copies are folded into three approximately equal
parts, with the folds parallel to the edge of the paper.
4. Check the C and Z folded copies meet the customer requirements. If necessary make fine
adjustments to the position of the folds, ADJ 11.12-171 Tri-Folder Fold Adjustment.

1 2 2 1
Loosen the Move the adjuster Loosen the
Move the adjuster
screw screw
3 3
Fasten the screw Fasten the screw

Front Rear

Figure 1 Tri-Folder paper setting

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.2-171 4-434 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.3-171 Stapler Anvil Alignment
Parts List on PL 11.168
To ensure the correct alignment of the stapler anvil to the stapler throat.

Special Tools Required

Stapler alignment tool, supplied with the HVF BM, located on the left of the BM frame.

NOTE: This procedure illustrates the front stapler. The procedure for adjusting the rear stapler
is identical.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Insert the stapler
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury. alignment tool into
1. To improve the access to the two clamp screws for the anvil, remove the tamper assem- the stapler throat
bly, REP 11.30-171.
2. Fully pull out the BM module. Remove the stapler cover(s), one screw on each. Pull the 2
stapler bracket handle and swing open the stapler bracket. Press the tool firmly into
3. Figure 1, insert the alignment tool. place and slowly close
the stapler bracket

Figure 1 Alignment tool insertion

4. Figure 2, loosen the anvil.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-435 ADJ 11.3-171
Loosen 2 clamp screws so
that the anvil can move freely,
see note

Figure 2 Loosening the anvil

NOTE: Take great care not to drop the anvil, spacer or clamp plate, Figure 3, as they can
fall to the bottom of the BM module. If parts need to be retrieved from the bottom of the
BM module it may be necessary to tilt the whole HVF BM to make the loose parts slide to
the centre of the base, from where they can be easily removed.

5. Figure 3, close the stapler.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.3-171 4-436 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Continue to rotate the
stapler gear so that the
two protrusions on the
tool engage with the
depressions in the
anvil. Move the anvil if
necessary using the
two clamp screws


Spacer Clamp plate

Rotate the stapler gear counterclockwise
to begin closing the stapler

Continue to rotate the stapler gear
until the anvil is tightly clamped by
the alignment tool and the stapler
will close no further
Tighten the two screws alternately a little at a time, while
holding the free screw with a finger. Ensure that the anvil
does not move as the screws are tightened

Figure 3 Closing the stapler

6. Open the stapler fully by use of the stapler gear, Figure 3, then remove the alignment tool. 7. Perform the adjustment on the other stapler anvil if necessary.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-437 ADJ 11.3-171
8. Check the operation of the stapler by making a few stapled sets using 2 sheets of 80gsm ADJ 11.4-171 Crease Blade Position
(20 pound) paper. check the quality of the staple clinch.
To correctly position the crease blade to ensure accurate booklet creasing.

Special Tools Required

Crease blade setup tools (2), supplied with the HVF BM, located on the left of the frame.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and fully pull out the BM module.
2. Remove the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4.
3. Remove the crease roll handle (6c), PL 11.161 Item 5.
4. Remove the BM front cover, PL 11.161 Item 3.
5. Re-install the crease blade knob and crease roll handle.
6. Remove the BM right hand cover, REP 11.56-171.
7. Rotate the crease roll handle fully counter clockwise to open the crease roll nip. Rotate
the crease roll handle clockwise until the crease rolls are just touching.
8. Ensure the crease blade is fully retracted by positioning the crease blade knob with the
arrow in the up position.
9. Figure 1, position the crease blade setup tools on the crease roll shafts.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.3-171, ADJ 11.4-171 4-438 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Insert an interlock cheater in
the teeth as shown to prevent
One tool is shown located on the gate from falling.
the front of the crease rolls.
Locate the second tool on the
rear of the crease rolls in the
same manner.

Crease blade setup tool

Lift the gate to the highest

Figure 2 Lock the crease gate

11. Figure 3, loosen the crease blade screws.

Crease roll shafts

Figure 1 Setup tool positioning

10. Figure 2, lock the crease gate in the open position.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-439 ADJ 11.4-171
Loosen 10 screws marked A.

Figure 3 Blade loosening

12. Fully insert the crease blade by positioning the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item 4,
with the arrow in the down position.
13. Figure 4, set the crease blade in the correct position.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.4-171 4-440 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2 Push the front of the
Push the rear of the crease blade forward to
crease blade forward to contact the setup tool
contact the setup tool

3 Tighten 2 screws
Tighten 2 screws

Crease blade

Setup tool

Figure 4 Blade positioning

14. Fully retract the crease blade by positioning the crease blade knob (6d), PL 11.161 Item
4, with the arrow in the up position.
15. Tighten the six remaining crease blade clamp screws, refer to Figure 3.
16. Remove both crease blade setup tools and return them to the storage position.
17. Install all of the removed components and check the operation of the BM module.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-441 ADJ 11.4-171
ADJ 11.5-171 Booklet Tamping e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.
g. Select Read/Write and increase the value by 8.
To set the tamper travel to give neat booklets without edge damage.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.

Procedure Adjustment
Go to the appropriate check and adjustment from the following options: 1. Do the following:
• If only A4 paper is available, go to A4 Paper Procedure. a. Enter dC131.

• If only 8.5 X 11 inch paper is available, go to 8.5 X 11 Inch Procedure. b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
c. Select Copier Routines.
A4 Paper Procedure
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
Check e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
1. Open the HVF BM front door and insert an interlock cheater into the front door interlock
f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.
g. Select Read/Write and enter the new value to correct the error found during the
2. Fully pull out the BM module and release the jam clearance handle PL 11.161 Item 8, fully check. Increasing the value lengthens the tamping stroke (tamps to a narrower
open the paper guide, PL 11.161 Item 7.
dimension between the tampers. Decreasing the value shortens the tamping stroke
3. Do the following: (tamps to a wider dimension between the tampers). One step = 0.53mm.
a. Enter dC131. h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines. 2. Repeat the check to ensure the tampers are set correctly.
c. Select Copier Routines. 3. When the tamper travel is correct, do the following:
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write. a. Enter dC131.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA. b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set. c. Select Copier Routines.
g. Select Read/Write and reduce the original value by 8. d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit. e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
4. Enter dC330 code 11-065 BM Backstop Motor, select Start, allow the backstop to raise to f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.
the receive position (where it will pause), select Stop.
g. Select Read/Write and increase the value by 8.
5. Enter dC330 code 11-066 BM tamper 1 motor. Select Start to energize the tamper motor,
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
allow the tampers to move into the tamped position (where they will pause), select Stop.
4. Switch the machine off then on, GP 14.
6. Insert a single sheet of A4 paper, short edge downward into the booklet maker compiling
area, so that it rests on the backstop and is located between the two tampers 8.5 X 11 Inch Procedure
7. Bias the sheet towards the rear of the machine until the sheet touches the rear tamper, Check
Figure 1. 1. Open the HVF BM front door and insert an interlock cheater into the front door interlock
8. Observe the position of the sheet between the tampers, Figure 1. switch.
• If the sheet cannot reach the backstop because the tampers are too close together, 2. Fully pull out the booklet maker and release the jam clearance handle PL 11.161 Item 8,
the NVM value will need to be decreased to move the tampers further apart, perform fully open the paper guide PL 11.161 Item 7.
the adjustment. 3. Do the following:
• If the front tamper is not within 0.5mm (0.02 inch) of the sheet edge without touching a. Enter dC131.
the sheet, the NVM value will need to be increased to move the tampers closer
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
together, perform the adjustment.
c. Select Copier Routines.
• If the tampers are in the correct position, within 0.5mm (0.02 inch) of the sheet edge
without touching the sheet, do the following: d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.

a. Enter dC131. e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.

b. Select Diagnostic Routines. f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.

c. Select Copier Routines. g. Select Read/Write and reduce the original value by 19.

d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write. h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.5-171 4-442 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
4. Enter dC330 code 11-065 BM Backstop Motor, select Start, allow the backstop to raise to f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.
the receive position (where it will pause), select Stop. g. Select Read/Write and increase the value by 19.
5. Enter dC330 code 11-066 BM tamper 1 motor. Select Start to energize the tamper motor, h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
allow the tampers to move into the tamped position (where they will pause), select Stop. 4. Switch the machine off then on, GP 14.
6. Insert a single sheet of 8.5 X 11 inch paper, short edge downward into the booklet maker
compiling area, so that it rests on the backstop and is located between the two tampers
7. Bias the sheet towards the rear of the machine until the sheet touches the rear tamper,
Figure 1.
8. Observe the position of the sheet between the tampers, Figure 1.
• If the sheet cannot reach the backstop because the tampers are too close together,
the NVM value will need to be decreased to move the tampers further apart, perform
the adjustment.
• If the front tamper is not within 0.5mm (0.02 inch) of the sheet edge without touching
the sheet, the NVM value will need to be increased to move the tampers closer
together, perform the adjustment. Front tamper Paper sheet Paper sheet Rear tamper
• If the tampers are in the correct position, within 0.5mm (0.02 inch) of the sheet edge
without touching the sheet, do the following:
a. Enter dC131.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
c. Select Copier Routines.
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.
g. Select Read/Write and increase the value by 19.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
1. Do the following:
a. Enter dC131.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
c. Select Copier Routines.
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
f. Select 12-006 BookMkrTampRdyOff-set.
g. Select Read/Write and enter the new value to correct the error found during the
check. Increasing the value lengthens the tamping stroke (tamps to a narrower
dimension between the tampers. Decreasing the value shortens the tamping stroke Booklet maker staplers
(tamps to a wider dimension between the tampers). One step = 0.53mm.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
2. Repeat the check to ensure the tampers are set correctly.
3. When the tamper travel is correct, do the following:
a. Enter dC131.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines. Figure 1 Observing the tamper positions

c. Select Copier Routines.

d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-443 ADJ 11.5-171
ADJ 11.6-171 Booklet Compiling Position
To set the compiling position to ensure correct compiling without damage. When the compiling
position is correctly set, each sheet is fed behind the BM entry roll to rest against the right side
of the compiler.

Go to the appropriate check and adjustment from the following options:
• If only A4 paper is available, go to A4 Paper Procedure. Top of sheet must align
with the 0 mark on the
• If only 8.5 X 11 inch paper is available, go to 8.5 X 11 Inch Procedure. B scale
A4 Paper Procedure
1. Open the HVF BM front door and insert an interlock cheater into the front door interlock
2. Fully pull out the BM module and release the jam clearance handle PL 11.161 Item 8, fully
open the paper guide PL 11.161 Item 7.
3. Enter dC330 code 11-065 BM Backstop Motor, select Start, allow the backstop to raise to
the receive position (where it will pause), select Stop.
4. Insert a single sheet of A4 paper short edge downward into the booklet maker compiling
area, so that it rests on the backstop and is approximately central front to back. Tuck the
top of the sheet behind the BM entry roll, PL 11.161 Item 5.
5. If the BM right hand cover does not have a viewing hole, remove the BM right hand cover,
REP 11.56-171.
6. Figure 1, check the alignment of the sheet against the scale.

Figure 1 Top edge alignment

7. If the sheet is correctly aligned, exit diagnostics and re-install the BM right hand cover, if
removed in step 5. If the sheet is not correctly aligned, perform the adjustment.
1. Do the following
a. Enter dC131.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
c. Select Copier Routines.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.6-171 4-444 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
f. Select 12-003 BookMkrCompileOff-set.
g. Select Read/Write and enter the new value to correct the error found during the
check. Increasing the value will raise the sheet. Decreasing the value will lower the
sheet. One step = 0.1137mm.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
2. Repeat the Check to ensure the compiling position is correctly set.
3. When the compiling position is correct, switch the machine off then on, GP 14. Top of sheet must align
8.5 X 11 Inch Procedure with the bottom mark
on the B scale
1. Open the HVF BM front door and insert an interlock cheater into the front door interlock
2. Fully pull out the BM module and release the jam clearance handle PL 11.161 Item 8. fully
open the paper guide PL 11.161 Item 7.
3. Do the following
a. Enter dC131.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
c. Select Copier Routines.
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
f. Select 12-003 BookMkrCompileOff-set.
g. Select Read/Write and increase the original value by 80.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
4. Enter dC330 code 11-065 BM Backstop Motor, select Start, allow the backstop to raise to
the receive position (where it will pause), select Stop.
5. Insert a single sheet of 8.5 X 11 inch paper short edge downward into the booklet maker
compiling area, so that it rests on the backstop and is approximately central front to back.
Tuck the top of the sheet behind the BM entry roll, PL 11.161 Item 15.
6. If the BM right hand cover does not have a viewing hole, remove the BM right hand cover,
REP 11.56-171.
7. Figure 2, check the alignment of the sheet against the scale.

Figure 2 Top edge alignment

8. If the sheet is correctly aligned, do the following:

a. Enter dC131.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
c. Select Copier Routines.
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write.
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA.
f. Select 12-003 BookMkrCompileOff-set.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-445 ADJ 11.6-171
g. Select Read/Write and decrease the value by 80, this will return the NVM value to ADJ 11.7-171 Booklet Crease Position
the original setting.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
To set the crease position of the booklet in relation to the left edge of the top sheet of the book-
i. Re-install the BM right hand cover, if removed in step 5.
9. If the sheet is not correctly aligned, perform the adjustment.
Adjustment Check
1. Do the following 1. Run a copy job of 3 stapled 4 sheet booklets.
a. Enter dC131. 2. Observe the position of the crease in relation to the open end of the booklet. The fold
b. Select Diagnostic Routines. should be central, so that the open end of the booklet pages are equal from the fold. If
c. Select Copier Routines. necessary perform the adjustment.
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write. Adjustment
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA. 1. Perform the following:
f. Select 12-003 BookMkrCompileOff-set. a. Enter dC131.
g. Select Read/Write and enter the new value to correct the error found during the b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
check. Increasing the value will raise the sheet. Decreasing the value will lower the c. Select Copier Routines.
sheet. One step = 0.1137mm. d. Select 131 NVM Read/Write...
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit. e. Select 12Finisher/DFA...
2. Repeat the Check to ensure the compiling position is correctly set. f. Select 12-005 BookMrkFoldOffset.
3. Do the following: g. Select Read/Write.
a. Enter dC131. h. Enter the new value to correct the error found during the check.
b. Select Diagnostic Routines.
NOTE: Increasing the value increases the width of the top sheet of the booklet
c. Select Copier Routines.
(moves the fold away from the left edge). Decreasing the value decreases the width
d. Select dC131 NVM Read/Write. of the top sheet of the booklet (moves the fold towards the left edge). One step =
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA. 0.1137mm.
f. Select 12-003 BookMkrCompileOff-set.
i. Select Save, then OK.
g. Select Read/Write and decrease the value by 80.
2. Select Save, then select OK.
h. Select Save, select OK, select Close, select Exit.
3. When the crease position is correct, switch the machine off then on, GP 14.
i. Re-install the BM right hand cover, if removed in step 5.
4. When the compiling position is correct, switch the machine off then on, GP 14.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.6-171, ADJ 11.7-171 4-446 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.8-171 Booklet Staple Position ADJ 11.9-171 Booklet Maker Skew
Purpose Purpose
To set the position of the staples so that they are positioned on the fold of the booklet. To adjust the skew of the booklet crease.

Check Check and complete the following adjustments:

1. Run a copy job of 3 stapled 4 sheet booklets. • ADJ 11.6-171 Booklet compiling position.
2. Observe the position of the staple in relation to the fold of the booklet. The staple should • ADJ 11.8-171 Booklet staple position.
be positioned in the middle of the fold. If necessary perform the adjustment. • ADJ 11.7-171 Booklet crease position.
Adjustment Check
1. Perform the following: 1. Run a copy job of 3 stapled 4 sheet booklets.
a. Enter dC131. 2. Observe the position of the crease in relation to the open end of the booklet. The fold
b. Select Diagnostic Routines. should be central, so that the open end of the booklet pages are equal from the fold. If
necessary perform the adjustment.
c. Select Copier Routines.
d. Select 131 NVM Read/Write...
e. Select 12Finisher/DFA... 1. Slide out the booklet maker and locate the adjustment screw on the booklet backstop,
Figure 1.
f. Select 12-004 BookMrkStapleOffset.
2. Use a 2.5 mm allen head driver and turn the adjustment screw as follows:
g. Select Read/Write.
• Turn the screw clockwise to rotate the crease clockwise relative to the centre line.
h. Enter the new value to correct the error found during the check.
• Turn the screw anti-clockwise to rotate the crease anti-clockwise relative to the cen-
i. Select Save, then OK.
tre line.
j. Select 12-005 BookMrkFoldOffset.
• One half turn of the adjustment screw will change the crease angle approximately 3
k. Select Read/Write. to 4 mm over the length of the crease.
l. Change the value by the same amount as the 12-004 BookMrkStapleOffset value. 3. Run a copy job of 3 stapled 4 sheet booklets to check that the crease is in the centre of
the book. Repeat the adjustment if necessary.
NOTE: Increasing both values moves the staple position toward the left edge of the
top sheet. Decreasing both values moves the staple position away from the left edge
of the top sheet. One step = 0.1137mm. Changing only the 12-004 BookMrkStaple-
Offset value will move the staple position and fold position the same amount.

m. Select Save, then OK.

2. Select Save, then select OK.
3. Repeat the Check to ensure the staple position is correct.
4. When the staple position is correct, switch the machine off then on, GP 14.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-447 ADJ 11.8-171, ADJ 11.9-171
ADJ 11.10-171 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning
Correct position of the Purpose
crease blade fold To set the tension of belts that are tensioned by a spring attached to a motor. See also ADJ
11.11-171 Idler Drive Belt Tensioning.

1. The shafts and pulleys are installed and properly located.
2. The drive belt is undamaged and correctly routed.
3. The adjustable motor or tensioning pulley bracket is positioned with fastening screws not
tightened fully.
Angle of adjustment
NOTE: For motors with pivoted brackets, the pivot screw must be fitted and tightened.

4. The tensioning spring is fitted between the bracket and frame locating point.
1. Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement. Press the belt midway between pulleys and check
that the bracket moves in the direction of the spring pull; slacken the bracket screws if
2. Release the belt and allow the spring to pull the bracket and tension the drive belt then
Adjustment screw tighten the lock and bracket screws.

Figure 1 Booklet crease adjustment

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.9-171, ADJ 11.10-171 4-448 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: Check the belt condition and routing if the tension spring is not extended or the ADJ 11.11-171 Idler Drive Belt Tensioning
locking screw is at the end of the bracket adjustment slot.
To set the tension of drive belts that are tensioned by a spring attached to an idler. See also
ADJ 11.10-171 Motor Drive Belt Tensioning.

Drive belt Check

1. The shafts and pulleys are installed and properly located.
2. The drive belt is undamaged and correctly routed.
3. The tensioning spring is fitted between the idler bracket and frame locating point.
Pivot Screw 1. Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement. Loosen the adjustment screw and allow the spring
to tension the belt.
2. Tighten the adjustment screw.
3. If no more adjustment is available, install new components as necessary.

Tension spring

Adjustment slot Lock screw

Typical spring tensioning arrangement

Figure 1 Drive Belt Tensioning

Adjustment slot Tension spring

Locking screw


Typical idler tensioning arrangement

Figure 1 Drive Belt Tensioning

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-449 ADJ 11.10-171, ADJ 11.11-171
ADJ 11.12-171 Tri-Folder Fold Adjustment
To adjust C or Z folded copies in accordance with the customer requirements.

1. Ensure the tri-folder and the HVF BM are aligned correctly, ADJ 11.1-171 Machine to
HVF/HVF BM, HVF BM to Tri-Folder Alignment.
2. Ensure the tri-folder is set for the correct size of paper, ADJ 11.2-171 Tri-Folder Paper
Size Setting.
3. The NVM settings. Enter dC131 then check that codes values for 12-009 (C folds), 12-
010 (Z folds) and 12-011 (Trifold deskew) are set in accordance with the values on the
HVF/BM label, Figure 1.
• If necessary, enter dC131 and change the NVM values for codes 12-009, 12-010
and 12-011 to match with the values on the HVF BM label.
4. Ensure the front door interlock switch is cheated, PL 11.197 Item 2. Run a four sheet C
fold and Z fold copy job. Check that the copies are folded into three approximately equal
parts, with the folds parallel to the edge of the paper.
C Fold profile Z Fold profile
5. Check that the C and Z folded copies meet with the customer requirements. If necessary
make fine adjustments to the length of folds A and/or B. Figure 3.
Figure 2 C folded and Z folded output copy profiles
Open the HVF BM front door, then NOTE: Figure 3 shows the orientation of a C and Z folded copy on the tri-folder output tray, as
pull out the booklet maker module viewed from the front of the machine.
from the HVF BM.
A Folds
Figure 3. The folds marked A are created within the booklet maker module. The length of the A
fold is determined by the NVM values in dC131. An increase to the NVM value by 30 will
decrease the A fold by 1mm. A decrease to the NVM value by 30 will increase the A fold by

• Use dC131 code 12-009 to make adjustments to C folded copies.

• Use dC131 code 12-010 to make adjustments to Z folded copies.
B Folds
MOD. TAG Matrix Figure 3. The folds marked B are created within the tri-folder module. The length of the B fold is
determined by the position of the paper setting adjusters. If necessary remove the front door,
2 PL 11.190, front cover PL 11.190 and the rear cover PL 11.190, then reposition the paper set-
Check that the values on the Booklet maker ting adjusters. Figure 2. An adjustment of 1 graduation on the paper size adjuster scale will
HVF/BM label match the
adjust the position of fold B by 1mm.
NVM values.

• Raise the paper setting adjusters to decrease fold B.

Figure 1 HVF/BM NVM Value Label Location
• Lower the paper setting adjusters to increase fold B.

1. Perform the adjustments that follow as necessary to meet with the customer C fold and Z
fold requirements, Figure 2.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.12-171 4-450 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 11.13-171 HVF Performance Improvement (W/TAG V-
To improve the overall performance and reliability of the HVF finisher module.

Perform the following 10 remedial procedures in consecutive order to accomplish the HVF per-
formance improvement adjustment W/TAG V-006.
1. Hole punch blanking assembly modification.
2. Hole punch blanking assembly to HVF frame modification.
3. Check for wear on the upper paddles.
4. Check the front and rear tampers for scoring.
5. Check the spacing between the front and rear tampers.
6. Buffer pocket jam clearance guide modification.
7. Check for wear on the lower paddles.
8. Check the position of the ejector assembly.
9. Chamfered staple cartridge installation.
2 2 10. Customer awareness instruction on bin 1 obstructions.
Move the adjuster Move the adjuster
3 3
Fasten the screw Fasten the screw Procedures
1 1 Hole punch blanking assembly modification
Loosen the screw Loosen the screw
The hole punch blanking assembly heats up as copies pass through. The increase in tempera-
ture causes the hole punch blanking assembly to bow. This bowing effect causes a reduction of
the paper path gap through the assembly, resulting in paper jams and misfeeds.
Figure 3 Set the paper size adjusters 1. Remove the hole punch blanking assembly, PL 11.153 Item 4.
2. Figure 1. Dismantle the hole punch blanking assembly.
3. Figure 2. Form a slot to allow translational movement (inboard to outboard) during expan-
sion and contraction of the hole punch blanking assembly.
4. Reinstall the hole punch blanking assembly then proceed to Hole punch blanking assem-
bly to HVF frame modification.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-451 ADJ 11.12-171, ADJ 11.13-171
Hole punch blanking assembly to HVF frame modification
The right angled tab on the HVF Rear frame can obstruct the hole punch blanking assembly
from reaching the home position. This causes the top section of the assembly to bend forward
and reduce the paper path gap through the assembly, resulting in paper jams and misfeeds.
1. Remove then reinstall the hole punch blanking assembly, PL 11.153 Item 4. Check if the
assembly collides with the tab, refer to Figure 3.
2. Figure 3. If necessary bend the tab.
3. Reinstall the hole punch blanking assembly. Ensure the assembly is not obstructed by the
4. Proceed to Check for wear on the upper paddles.

HVF Rear frame

1 2
Remove the shoulder Remove the screw then 1
screw. separate the assembly. Bend the tab upwards to between 90
and 95 degrees.

Hole punch blanking assembly

Figure 1 Hole punch blanking assembly

Figure 3 HVF rear frame

Check for wear on the upper paddles

2 mm Ware of the upper paddles will cause the failure of sheets 2 to 100 in the compile area to regis-
ter against the back stops. This can lead to mis-registered or mis-stapled sheets in a set.
1. Figure 4. Check the paddles wheels of the paddle module assembly for wear.
1 2. Run 50 sets of 3 documents in A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch LEF simplex and stapled mode. Check
File the screw hole towards the front for mis-registered or mis-stapled sets in the direction of paper feed on the 2nd and 3rd
by 2 mm to form a clearance slot. sheets of each set. If any sets are mis-registered or mis-stapled install new the paddle
wheels, refer to REP 11.49-171.
3. Proceed to Check the front and rear tampers for scoring.

Figure 2 Hole punch blanking assembly

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.13-171 4-452 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Paddle module assembly

1.5 mm The paddle wheels should

be in good condition with
a thickness not less than
Typical areas of possible scoring for front
1.5 mm.
and rear tampers (rear tamper shown).

Figure 5 Rear tamper

1.5 mm Check the spacing between the front and rear tampers
Paddle wheel 4 places The use of shim stock packing between the HVF frame and the front tamper motor assembly.
must not exceed a total thickness of 2mm. Exceeding the 2 mm limit will impede the operation
of the HVF front door.
Incorrect spacing between the tampers can cause the paper to buckle between the tampers.
Figure 4 Paddle module assembly This can cause mis-stacking, mis-stapling and/or upper and lower paddle grooves in one or
more of the tampers.
Check the front and rear tampers for scoring 1. Run 50 sets of 3 documents in A4 or 8.5 x 11 inch LEF simplex and stapled mode.
Deep scores in the front and rear tampers can cause the paper to catch and fail to register in 2. Check during the upper paddle operation that the tampers come to a closed position with
the compiler area. un-buckled paper in between.
1. Figure 5. Check the tampers for scoring. If scoring is evident install a new metal pin rein- 3. Check for mis-compiling in the direction of feed. If mis-compiling is evident and greater
forced tamper set, PL 11.140 Item 22. than 1.2 mm continue with steps 4 to 6. If there is no mis-compiling or mis-compiling less
2. Proceed to Check the spacing between the front and rear tampers. than 1.2mm proceed to Buffer pocket jam clearance guide modification.
4. Figure 6. In small increments position the front tamper motor assembly up to 2 mm away
from the front frame with spacers made from shim stock (600T41512).
5. Re-run the test job (step 1) and check for improvements.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as necessary, then proceed to Buffer pocket jam clearance guide

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-453 ADJ 11.13-171
Buffer pocket jam clearance guide

Loosen the 3 screws. Shaft

Pack shim stock between the HVF
frame and the tamper motor assembly
Cut away the the ribs of the
guide to increase shaft clearance
3 (2 places).
Tighten the 3 screws.

HVF frame Tamper motor assembly

Figure 6 Tamper motor assembly Figure 7 Buffer pocket jam clearance guide

Buffer pocket jam clearance guide modification Check for wear on the lower paddles
The spring loaded diverter gate shaft can bind to the buffer pocket jam clearance guide. As a Wear on the lower paddle on the ejector assembly will cause the top sheet of a stacked set to
result the diverter gate becomes slow in its movement causing 11-142-171 and 11-140-171 mis-stack, mis-staple or not staple.
paper jam faults. 1. Figure 8. Check the lower paddle for wear.
1. Remove the buffer pocket jam clearance guide, REP 11.33-171.
NOTE: The lower paddle is not a spared item.
2. Figure 7. Cut away the guide.
3. Replace the buffer pocket jam clearance guide, REP 11.33-171. 2. If wear on the lower paddle is evident install a new ejector assembly, REP 11.6-171.
4. Proceed to Check for wear on the lower paddles. 3. Proceed to Check the position of the ejector assembly.

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.13-171 4-454 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
1 Location slot Offset module 1
Ejector assembly Route the harness under
the rear tamper assembly.

Extensive wear

Paddles subject to extensive

wear will form pointed ends, Formation of
as indicated by the shaded pointed end

2 Ejector assembly
Ensure the base plate location tab is inserted
Lower paddle through the location slot in the offset module. Base plate location tab

Figure 8 Lower paddle Figure 9 Ejector assembly

Check the position of the ejector assembly Chamfered staple cartridge installation
If the ejector assembly has been removed after manufacturing it may have been replaced The surface area of the 100 sheet staple cartridge can protrude slightly, where the corner of
incorrectly. A incorrectly positioned ejector assembly will cause miss-compiling and premature the output sets are positioned for stapling. This raised area can catch the first 5 sheet in a out-
wear of components. put set, then cause the set to mis-compile, mis-staple and/or create dog ears.
1. Figure 9. Check the ejector module is located correctly, refer to REP 11.6-171. 1. Figure 10. Check the staple cartridge for a raised surface.
2. Proceed to Chamfered staple cartridge installation. 2. Check if the customer ever runs more than 50 sheet staple sets.
3. In accordance with the customer requirements either;
• Fit a 50 sheet capacity staple cartridge, which has a chamfered surface.
• Figure 11. Hand file a chamfer on a 100 sheet capacity staple cartridge.
4. Proceed to Customer awareness instruction on bin 1 obstructions

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-455 ADJ 11.13-171
Customer awareness instruction on bin 1 obstructions
It is not always obvious to customers that bin 1 will lower almost to the base of the HVF finisher
Raised surface area. when the stacker tray is at full capacity. If bin 1 is obstructed as it descends the elevator motor
will continue to try and drive bin 1 downwards. This type of incident can cause elevator motor
(11-460-171) faults.
1. Advise the customer that items should never be placed in the area under bin 1, and that
obstruction of bin 1 will cause premature elevator motor failure.
2. Mark off the HVF module modification tag number 006, refer to Tags.

Figure 10 Staple cartridge

Raised surface area.

File the raised surface area until it
is level with the metal plate.

Metal plate.

Figure 11 Staple cartridge

Repairs/Adjustments February 2010

ADJ 11.13-171 4-456 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ADJ 14.1 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/O TAG 150) ADJ 14.2 Optics Cleaning Procedure (W/TAG 150)
Parts List on PL 14.20 Parts List on PL 14.10
Purpose Purpose
To clean the optics components of the scanner ensuring optimum image quality. To clean the optical components of the scanner ensuring optimum image quality.

NOTE: This adjustment must only be performed if directed to from an Image Quality RAP, or if NOTE: This adjustment must only be performed if directed to it from an Image Quality RAP, or
the optics cavity was opened to install a new component and contamination can be seen on if the optics cavity was opened to install a new component and contamination can be seen.
the optics components.
Procedure WARNING
WARNING Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. CAUTION
CAUTION Observe ESD precautions during this procedure.
Observe ESD precautions during this procedure. 1. Remove the DADH, REP 5.19.
1. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6. 2. Remove the CVT glass and document glass, REP 14.6.
2. Inspect the cleanliness of the optics mirrors, if necessary, clean them as follows: 3. Inspect the cleanliness of the exposure lamp, lens and mirror and if necessary, clean
a. Vacuum clean the area to remove all visible contamination, taking care not to touch them as follows:
the mirrors with the cleaning nozzle. It may be necessary to move the carriages to a. Vacuum clean the area as necessary to remove all visible contamination, taking care
gain reasonable access, do this by hand rotation of the flywheel on the capstan not to touch the mirror, exposure lamp or lens with the cleaning nozzle. It may be
shaft. necessary to move the carriage gently to the left. It is advisable to leave it in this
b. Wash your hands. position, but it can be returned to the home position by depressing slightly to allow
c. Carefully clean the mirrors using a dry micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13. It may be the flag to enter the gap in the scan carriage home sensor.
necessary to use a cleaning cloth dampened with film remover, PL 26.10 Item 4 on b. Wash your hands.
stubborn contamination. c. Carefully clean the exposure lamp, the top of the full width array and the mirror with
d. Polish the mirrors with a dry micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13. a micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13, dampened with antistatic fluid, PL 26.10 Item
e. Check that the mirror surfaces are now clean. Repeat the cleaning operation if nec- 19.
essary. d. Polish the lamp, array top and mirror with a dry micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13.
3. Inspect the cleanliness of the document glass and CVT glass, if necessary, clean them as 4. Examine the lenses of the document size sensors, PL 14.15 Item 3, and clean if neces-
follows: sary with a micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13.
a. Clean the under side of document glass and CVT glass using a micro fiber wiper, PL 5. Inspect the document glass and CVT glass and if necessary, clean them as follows:
26.10 Item 13, dampened with film remover, PL 26.10 Item 4. a. Clean the under side of document glass and CVT glass using a micro fiber wiper, PL
b. Polish the under side of document glass and CVT glass with a dry micro fiber wiper. 26.10 Item 13, dampened with antistatic fluid, PL 26.10 Item 19.
c. Install the document glass and CVT glass, taking care not to smear the cleaned b. Polish the under side of document glass and CVT glass with a dry micro fiber wiper,
underside, REP 14.6 PL 26.10 Item 13.
c. Install the document glass and CVT glass, taking care not to smear the cleaned
NOTE: Ensure that the CVT glass is installed as far to the right as possible.
underside, REP 14.6.
NOTE: Ensure that the white stripes on both the CVT glass and the document glass,
are at the front of the machine and on the underside of the glass. NOTE: Ensure that the white AGC strip on both the CVT glass and the document
glass, are at the front of the machine and on the underside of the glass.
d. Clean the upper side of document glass and CVT glass using a micro fiber wiper,PL
d. Clean the upper side of document glass and CVT glass using a micro fiber wiper,
26.10 Item 13, dampened with film remover, PL 26.10 Item 4.
dampened with film remover, PL 26.10 Item 4.
e. Polish the upper side of document glass and CVT glass using a dry micro fiber
wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13. e. Polish the upper side of document glass and CVT glass using a dry, micro fiber
4. Re-install the remainder of the removed components.
6. Re-install the remainder of the removed components.

February 2010 Repairs/Adjustments

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 4-457 ADJ 14.1, ADJ 14.2
Repairs/Adjustments February 2010
ADJ 14.1, ADJ 14.2 4-458 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
5 Parts Lists
PL 1 - Standby Power PL 8.20 Duplex Transport (65-90 ppm)........................................................................... 5-37
PL 1.10 Power and Control Assembly ............................................................................ 5-3 PL 8.22 Duplex Transport (35-55 ppm)........................................................................... 5-38
PL 1.15 Main Power Cables............................................................................................ 5-4 PL 8.25 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Feed Assembly (1 of 2) ...................................................... 5-39
PL 8.26 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Feed Assembly (2 of 2) ...................................................... 5-40
PL 2 - User Interface PL 8.30 Tray 3 Paper Feed Assembly ............................................................................ 5-41
PL 2.10 User Interface .................................................................................................... 5-5 PL 8.31 Tray 4 Paper Feed Assembly ............................................................................ 5-42
PL 8.35 Tray 3 Transport Assembly................................................................................ 5-43
PL 3 - Machine Run Control
PL 8.40 Tray 5 Feed Assembly (1 of 3)........................................................................... 5-44
PL 3.22 Single Board Controller PWB Module (1 of 2) ................................................... 5-6
PL 8.45 Tray 5 Feed Assembly (2 of 3)........................................................................... 5-45
PL 3.24 Single Board Controller PWB Module (2 of 2) ................................................... 5-7
PL 8.47 Tray 5 Feed Assembly (3 of 3)........................................................................... 5-46
PL 4 - Machine Drive Assembly
PL 9 - Xerographics
PL 4.10 Main Drive Module (65-90 ppm) (1 of 2)............................................................ 5-8
PL 9.10 Waste Toner Bottle Assembly............................................................................ 5-47
PL 4.12 Main Drive Module (65-90 ppm) (2 of 2)............................................................ 5-9
PL 9.15 Developer Assembly (65-90 ppm) ..................................................................... 5-48
PL 4.15 Main Drive Module (35-55 ppm) (1 of 2)............................................................ 5-10
PL 9.17 Developer Assembly (35-55 ppm) ..................................................................... 5-49
PL 4.17 Main Drive Module (35-55 ppm) (2 of 2)............................................................ 5-11
PL 9.20 Xerographic Module and Short Paper Path Assembly (40-90 ppm) .................. 5-50
PL 5 - DADH PL 9.22 Xerographic Module and Short Paper Path Assembly (35 ppm) ....................... 5-51
PL 5.10 DADH (Complete), Covers, DADH PWB ........................................................... 5-12 PL 9.25 Ozone Fan and Photoreceptor Fan ................................................................... 5-52
PL 5.15 Feed Assembly (35 ppm)................................................................................... 5-13
PL 10 - Copy Transportation and Fusing
PL 5.17 Feed Assembly (40-90 ppm) ............................................................................. 5-14
PL 10.8 Fuser Module Assembly (35-55 ppm)................................................................ 5-53
PL 5.20 Top Cover Assembly ......................................................................................... 5-15
PL 10.10 Fuser Module Assembly (65-90 ppm).............................................................. 5-54
PL 5.25 CVT.................................................................................................................... 5-16
PL 10.11 Inverter Assembly (1 of 4)................................................................................ 5-55
PL 5.30 Baffle Assembly ................................................................................................. 5-17
PL 10.12 Inverter Assembly (2 of 4)................................................................................ 5-56
PL 5.35 Input Tray Assembly .......................................................................................... 5-18
PL 10.13 Inverter Assembly (3 of 4)................................................................................ 5-57
PL 5.40 Document Cover................................................................................................ 5-19
PL 10.14 Inverter Assembly (4 of 4)................................................................................ 5-58
PL 6 - Imaging PL 10.15 Inverter Drive Gears and Jam Clearance Knobs ............................................. 5-59
PL 6.10 ROS ................................................................................................................... 5-20 PL 10.20 Inverter Decurler Assemblies W/TAG 046/047 ................................................ 5-60
PL 10.25 Short Paper Path Assembly............................................................................. 5-61
PL 7 - Paper Supply
PL 7.10 Tray 1 and 2 Assembly ...................................................................................... 5-21 PL 11 - 2K LCSS
PL 7.15 HCF Tray 3 and 4 Assembly (1 of 2) ................................................................. 5-22 PL 11.2 2K LCSS Covers................................................................................................ 5-62
PL 7.17 HCF Tray 3 and 4 Assembly (2 of 2) ................................................................. 5-23 PL 11.4 2K LCSS Docking Latch .................................................................................... 5-63
PL 7.20 Elevator Motor and Control PWB....................................................................... 5-24 PL 11.6 2K LCSS Hole Punch Unit ................................................................................. 5-64
PL 7.25 HCF Covers ....................................................................................................... 5-25 PL 11.8 2K LCSS Paddle Wheel/Safety Gate................................................................. 5-65
PL 7.30 Bypass Tray and Left Hand Door Assembly...................................................... 5-26 PL 11.10 2K LCSS Bin 1 Control Components (1 of 2)................................................... 5-66
PL 7.40 Stand Assembly................................................................................................. 5-27 PL 11.12 2K LCSS Bin 1 Control Components (2 of 2)................................................... 5-67
PL 7.60 Tray 5 Covers .................................................................................................... 5-28 PL 11.14 2K LCSS Paper Entry Transport...................................................................... 5-68
PL 7.62 Tray 5 Base ....................................................................................................... 5-29 PL 11.16 2K LCSS Tamper Assembly ............................................................................ 5-69
PL 7.64 Tray 5 Guides .................................................................................................... 5-30 PL 11.18 2K LCSS Ejector Assembly ............................................................................. 5-70
PL 7.68 Tray 5 Lift assembly (1 of 2) .............................................................................. 5-31 PL 11.20 2K LCSS Staple Head Unit/Traverse Assembly .............................................. 5-71
PL 7.70 Tray 5 Lift assembly (2 of 2) .............................................................................. 5-32 PL 11.22 2K LCSS Bin 0 Entry........................................................................................ 5-72
PL 11.23 2K LCSS Bin 1 Entry........................................................................................ 5-73
PL 8 - Paper Transport PL 11.24 2K LCSS Entry Guide Cover/Jam Clearance Guide........................................ 5-74
PL 8.10 Main Covers....................................................................................................... 5-33 PL 11.26 2K LCSS Electrical........................................................................................... 5-75
PL 8.11 Front Door Assembly (65-90 ppm) (2 of 3) ........................................................ 5-34
PL 8.15 Registration Transport (35-55 ppm)................................................................... 5-35 PL 11 - 1K LCSS
PL 8.17 Registration Transport (65-90 ppm)................................................................... 5-36 PL 11.100 1K LCSS Covers............................................................................................ 5-76

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-1
PL 11.102 1K LCSS Docking Latch ................................................................................ 5-77 PL 14.20 Scanner Module, CVT/Document Glass (W/O TAG 150) ................................ 5-118
PL 11.104 1K LCSS Paddle Wheel/Safety Gate............................................................. 5-78 PL 14.25 Electrical Components (W/O TAG 150) ........................................................... 5-119
PL 11.106 1K LCSS Bin 1 Control Components............................................................. 5-79
PL 11.110 1K LCSS Paper Entry Transport.................................................................... 5-80 PL 17 - Secure Access
PL 11.112 1K LCSS Tamper Assembly .......................................................................... 5-81 PL 17.00 Secure Access Additions ................................................................................. 5-120
PL 11.114 1K LCSS Ejector Assembly ........................................................................... 5-82 PL 20 - Fax
PL 11.116 1K LCSS Staple Head Assembly................................................................... 5-83
PL 20.10 Fax PWBs ........................................................................................................ 5-121
PL 11.118 1K LCSS Bin 0 Entry ..................................................................................... 5-84
PL 11.120 1K LCSS Bin 1 Entry ..................................................................................... 5-85 PL 25 - Accessories
PL 11.122 1K LCSS Entry Guide Cover/Jam Clearance Guide...................................... 5-86 PL 25.10 Convenience Stapler........................................................................................ 5-122
PL 11.124 1K LCSS Electrical ........................................................................................ 5-87
PL 26 - Consumables and Tools
PL 11 - HVF PL 26.10 Consumables and Tools (1 of 2)...................................................................... 5-123
PL 11.130 HVF Covers and Docking .............................................................................. 5-88 PL 26.11 Consumables and Tools (2 of 2)...................................................................... 5-124
PL 11.135 HVF Stacker .................................................................................................. 5-89
PL 11.140 HVF Ejector, Pressing and Support (1 of 2) .................................................. 5-90 PL 28 - Covers
PL 11.145 HVF Ejector, Pressing and Support (2 of 2) .................................................. 5-91 PL 28.10 Covers.............................................................................................................. 5-125
PL 11.150 HVF Main Drives............................................................................................ 5-92
PL 31 - Maintenance/Installation/Removal Kits
PL 11.153 HVF Feed Assembly and Punch (1 of 3) ....................................................... 5-93
PL 31.10 Maintenance/Installation/Removal Kits (1 of 5)................................................ 5-126
PL 11.155 HVF Feed Assembly and Punch (2 of 3) ....................................................... 5-94
PL 31.11 Maintenance/Installation/Removal Kits (2 of 5)................................................ 5-127
PL 11.156 HVF Feed Assembly and Punch (3 of 3) ....................................................... 5-95
PL 31.12 Maintenance/Installation/Removal Kits (3 of 5)................................................ 5-128
PL 11.157 HVF Power and Control................................................................................. 5-96
PL 31.13 Maintenance/Installation/Removal Kits (4 of 5)................................................ 5-129
PL 11 - HVF Booklet Maker PL 31.14 Maintenance/Installation/Removal Kits (5 of 5)................................................ 5-130
PL 11.160 HVF BM Module (Complete).......................................................................... 5-97 PL 31.18 Terminal Repair Kits (1 of 2) ............................................................................ 5-131
PL 11.161 HVF BM Entry and Front Cover..................................................................... 5-98 PL 31.20 Terminal Repair Kits (2 of 2) ............................................................................ 5-132
PL 11.162 HVF BM Tamper Assembly ........................................................................... 5-99 PL 31.25 Splicing Block and Terminal Repair ................................................................. 5-133
PL 11.163 HVF BM Back Stop Motor.............................................................................. 5-100 PL 31.30 Connector Kits ................................................................................................. 5-134
PL 11.164 HVF BM Back Stop assembly........................................................................ 5-101 PL 31.35 Line 1 Fax Kits ................................................................................................. 5-135
PL 11.165 HVF BM Crease Blade Motor ........................................................................ 5-102 PL 31.40 Line 2 Fax Kits ................................................................................................. 5-136
PL 11.166 HVF BM Crease Rolls Motor and PWB ......................................................... 5-103 Common Hardware ......................................................................................................... 5-137
PL 11.167 HVF BM Crease Rolls and Support Leg ........................................................ 5-104
PL 11.168 HVF BM Stapler Assemblies ......................................................................... 5-105
PL 11.169 HVF BM Bin 2 ................................................................................................ 5-106

PL 11 - Inserter
PL 11.175 Inserter Covers .............................................................................................. 5-107
PL 11.177 Inserter Main Drives (1 of 3) .......................................................................... 5-108
PL 11.179 Inserter Main Drives (2 of 3) .......................................................................... 5-109
PL 11.181 Inserter Main Drives (3 of 3) .......................................................................... 5-110

PL 11 - Tri-Folder
PL 11.190 Tri-Folder Covers ........................................................................................... 5-111
PL 11.193 Tri-Folder Drives module ............................................................................... 5-112
PL 11.195 Tri-Folder Top Door Cover Assembly ............................................................ 5-113
PL 11.197 Tri-Folder Main Drives Assembly................................................................... 5-114

PL 12 - OCT
PL 12.10 OCT ................................................................................................................. 5-115

PL 14 - Scanner
PL 14.10 Scanner Module, CVT/Document Glass (W/TAG 150).................................... 5-116
PL 14.15 Electrical Components (W/TAG 150)............................................................... 5-117

Parts Lists February 2010

5-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 1.10 Power and Control Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Power and control assembly (Not
Spared) (REP 1.1)
2 960K52502 IOT PWB (REP 3.1)
3 – LVPS and base module (see below
for variants) (REP 1.9)
– 105K29953 35 -55 ppm (USSG/XCL)
– 105K35814 35-55 ppm
– 105K36410 65-90 ppm (XE)
– 105K36400 65-90 ppm (USSG/XCL)
4 – Shield (Not Spared)
5 105K29562 HVPS (35 ppm) (REP 1.10)
– 105K29552 HVPS (40-90 ppm)
6 – Locking screw (Not Spared)
7 110K14020 Door interlock switch (S01-300)
(NOTE) (REP 1.8)
8 110K14030 On/Off switch
9 108E06730 In-line fuse (2.5A slow blow)
10 – Main power cord (REF: PL 1.15
Item 1)
11 – Not used
12 962K34760 IOT-HVPS harness (35 ppm)
– 962K27020 IOT - HVPS harness (40-90 ppm)
13 962K49460 IOT - Finisher Harness
14 962K63630 IOT internal tray 5 harness

NOTE: For the left door interlock (S01-305), refer to PL 7.30

Item 3.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-3 PL 1.10
PL 1.15 Main Power Cables
Item Part Description
1 – Main power cord (see below for
– 152S06414 United Kingdom (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06407 United Kingdom (65-90 ppm)
– 152S06410 Europe (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06413 Europe (Alternative) (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06406 Europe (65-90 ppm)
– 152S06400 USSG/XCL (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06401 USSG/XCL (65-90 ppm)
– 152S06415 Denmark (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06404 Denmark (65-90 ppm)
– 152S06416 Switzerland (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06420 Switzerland (65-90 ppm)
– 152S06402 Argentina (35-55 ppm)
– 152S06403 Argentina (65-90 ppm)
– 152S06405 South Africa (65-90 ppm)
2 117E36280 20A power cord

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 1.15 5-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 2.10 User Interface
Item Part Description
1 – User interface assembly (USSG/
XCL) (35-55 ppm) (REP 2.1)
– – User interface assembly (XE) (35-
55 ppm) (REP 2.1)
– – User interface assembly (USSG/
XCL) (65-90 ppm) (REP 2.1)
– – User interface assembly (XE) (65-
90 ppm)(REP 2.1)
2 868E60560 UI screen clamp
3 – UI Harness (REF: PL 14.10 Item 9)
(PJ81, PJ130)(W/TAG 150)
– – UI Harness (REF: PL 14.20 Item
9)(W/OTAG 150)
4 – Overlay label kit (French/Canadian)
5 123K08651 UI touch screen (REP 2.4)
6 960K59860 UI touch screen PWB (REP 2.2)
7 848K48821 User interface housing (USSG/
XCL) (35-55 ppm)
– 848K48811 User interface housing (XE) (35-55
– 848K48841 User interace housing (USSG/XCL)
(65-90 ppm)
– 848K48831 User interface housing (XE) (65-90
8 – Name plate label (see below for
– 897E70180 35 ppm
– 897E70170 40 ppm
– 897E70160 45 ppm
– 897E70150 55 ppm
– 897E70140 65 ppm
– 897E70130 75 ppm
– 897E70120 90 ppm
9 – CUI Internal USB cable (Not
10 – UI/USB harness pack (Not Spared)
11 960K59842 UI Control PWB (REP 2.3)
12 960K59850 UI Status PWB
13 – Control to status PWB harness (P/
O PL 2.10 Item 12) (PJ909)
14 – UI touch screen ribbon cable (40
way) (P/O PL 2.10 Item 6) (PJ944,
15 – UI touch screen ribbon cable (12
way) (P/O PL 2.10 Item 6) (PJ942,
16 835E29400 Safety cover

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-5 PL 2.10
PL 3.22 Single Board Controller PWB
Module (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 962K56410 Riser PWB/Power distribution
2 121E19942 Hard disk drive (SATA) (REP 3.2)
3 960K34080 Riser PWB (REP 3.4)
4 960K27451 Foreign device interface PWB
5 962K82620 Foreign device interface harness
6 019E67610 Fax mounting bracket
7 – HDD mounting bracket (Not
8 – HDD thumb screw (Not Spared)
9 813W25205 Locking screw
10 – HDD power cable (Not Spared)
11 – HDD data cable (Not Spared)
12 – Foreign device interface kit (REF:
PL 31.14 Item 2)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 3.22 5-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 3.24 Single Board Controller PWB
Module (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Single board controller PWB
module (Not Spared)
2 127K56210 Cooling fan
3 960K59801 Single board controller PWB (35-55
ppm) (REP 3.4)
– 960K59811 Single board controller PWB (65-90
4 – Single board controller PWB/Power
distribution PWB harness (Not
5 960K59830 Power distribution PWB
6 962K33461 DADH/power distribution PWB
7 – Single board controller module/
scanner driver PWB/CCD PWB
harness (REF: PL 14.25 Item 13)
(W/O TAG 150)
– – Single board controller PWB/DADH
comms/scanner power harness
(REF: PL 14.15 Item 5) (W/TAG
8 960K65030 Software module (REP 3.3)
9 – Single board controller/CCD PWB
harness (REF: PL 14.25 Item 5)
10 – Cable clamp (Not Spared)
11 – Single board controller module/user
interface harness (Not Spared)
12 960K52410 Memory module (1Gb)
13 813W25205 Locking screw
14 962K49410 Single board controller module/
LVPS/IOT PWB harness (PJ131-
PJ25 & PJ105-PJ1)
15 962K76580 ROS data cable (PJ113-PJ122)
16 – UI video cable (Not Spared)
17 – Thumbscrew (Not Spared)
18 – Extension bracket (Not Spared)
19 014E68681 Spacer
20 960K59821 Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG
21 – Scanner daughter PWB/scanner
PWB video PWB harness (REF: PL
14.15 Item 13) (PJ6)
22 105K36240 Battery

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-7 PL 3.24
PL 4.10 Main Drive Module (65-90
ppm) (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 007K14322 Main drive module (REP 4.5)
2 – Flywheel (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
3 807E09920 Photoreceptor drive gear (REP 4.4)
4 – Dowel pin (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
5 – Main drive (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
6 – Main drive motor and PWB
assembly (Not Spared) (NOTE)
(REP 4.6)
7 – Ozone fan (REF: PL 9.25 Item 1)
8 130E10530 Waste toner door switch (S09-380)
9 114E18630 Fuser connector assembly
10 – Spring (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
11 604K24650 Auger damper kit (REP 9.10)
12 – Mounting bracket (P/O PL 4.10
Item 1)
13 055K36090 Shutter assembly (REP 9.10)
14 – Washer (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
15 – Screw (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
16 – Waste toner full sensor (REF: PL
9.10 Item 2)
17 – Photoreceptor drive motor (09-010)
(P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
18 – Dowel pin (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)

NOTE: The main drive motor is an integral part of the main

drive PWB.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 4.10 5-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 4.12 Main Drive Module (65-90
ppm) (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 127K55430 Fuser web motor assembly
2 – Not used
3 – Not used
4 – Xerographic CRUM connector (P/O
PL 4.10 Item 1)
5 – Xerographic CRUM connector
screw (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
6 – Spring (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
7 807E09930 Output paper path drive gear (REP
8 807E09940 Intermediate drive gear (REP 4.7)
9 023E25040 Main drive belt 2 (REP 4.7)
10 807E06462 Fuser drive gear/pulley assembly
(REP 4.7)
11 – Bearing (P/O PL 4.12 Item 10)
12 114E18810 Fuser CRUM connector
13 – Screw (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
14 – Support plate (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
15 807E05670 Registration transport drive pulley
(REP 4.7)
16 – Bearing (P/O PL 4.12 Item 17)
17 – Developer drive gear/pulley
assembly (P/O PL 9.15 Item 23)
(REP 4.7)
18 023E25050 Main drive belt 1 (REP 4.7)
19 – Scorotron cleaner home sensor
(Q09-070) (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
20 – Charge scorotron harness (P/O PL
4.10 Item 1)
21 – Charge scorotron grid harness (P/O
PL 4.10 Item 1)
22 – Auto cleaner harness (P/O PL 4.10
Item 1)
23 – Idler (P/O PL 4.10 Item 1)
24 – Bearing (P/O PL 4.12 Item 10)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-9 PL 4.12
PL 4.15 Main Drive Module (35-55
ppm) (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 007K14313 Main drive module (35 ppm) (REP
– 007K14333 Main drive module (40-55 ppm)
(REP 4.1)
2 – Flywheel (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
3 807E06600 Photoreceptor drive gear (REP 4.4)
4 – Dowel pin (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
5 – Main drive (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
6 127K55410 Main drive motor and PWB
assembly (35 ppm) (NOTE) (REP
– 127K55420 Main drive motor and PWB
assembly (40-55 ppm) (NOTE)
(REP 4.2)
7 – Ozone fan (REF: PL 9.25 Item 1)
8 130E10530 Waste toner door switch (S09-380)
9 114E18630 Fuser connector assembly
10 – Spring (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
11 055K36090 Shutter assembly (REP 9.10)
12 – Waste toner full sensor (P/O PL
9.10 Item 2)
13 604K24650 Auger damper kit (REP 9.10)
14 – Washer (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
15 – Screw (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
16 – Mounting bracket (P/O PL 4.15
Item 1)
17 – Photoreceptor drive motor (MOT09-
010) (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)

NOTE: The main drive motor is an integral part of the main

drive PWB.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 4.15 5-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 4.17 Main Drive Module (35-55
ppm) (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 127K55430 Fuser web motor assembly
2 – Not used
3 – Not used
4 – Xerographic CRUM connector (P/O
PL 4.15 Item 1)
5 – Xerographic CRUM connector
screw (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
6 – Spring (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
7 807E09930 Output paper path drive gear (REP
8 807E09940 Intermediate drive gear (REP 4.3)
9 023E30740 Main drive belt (REP 4.3)
10 007K13201 Fuser drive gear (REP 4.3)
11 – Bearing (P/O PL 4.17 Item 10)
12 114E18810 Fuser CRUM connector
13 – Screw (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
14 807E05670 Registration transport drive pulley
(REP 4.3)
15 807E05700 Developer drive gear (White) (REP
– 807E05680 Developer drive gear (Black)
16 – Scorotron cleaner home sensor
(Q09-070) (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)
17 – Auto cleaner harness (P/O PL 4.15
Item 1)
18 – Charge scorotron harness (P/O PL
4.15 Item 1)
19 – Charge scorotron grid harness (P/O
PL 4.15 Item 1)
20 – Idler (P/O PL 4.15 Item 1)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-11 PL 4.17
PL 5.10 DADH (Complete), Covers,
Item Part Description
1 – Rear cover (P/O PL 5.10 Item 9)
2 036K01701 Right counterbalance (REP 5.12,
ADJ 5.2, ADJ 5.5)
3 – Document pad (ADJ 5.6)
4 036K01630 Left counterbalance (REP 5.12,
ADJ 5.2, ADJ 5.5)
5 – DADH PWB (35 ppm)
– 960K51761 DADH PWB (40-90 ppm) (W/TAG
6 962K62931 Communication/power cable
7 – Harness support (P/O PL 5.10 Item
8 – Top cover (REF: PL 5.20 Item 15)
9 084K36762 DADH (complete) (REP 5.19, ADJ
5.2, ADJ 5.5)
10 – DADH Closed switch magnet
(NOTE 1) (Not Spared)
11 – DADH ground harness (P/O PL
5.10 Item 9)
12 803E13680 Thumbscrew
13 – Bracket (P/O PL 5.10 Item 9)
14 – CVT Cleaning label (Not Spared)
15 – End stop
16 – Mylar guide (P/O PL 5.10 Item 17)
17 – Mylar guide kit (REF: PL 31.14 Item

NOTE: 1. For the DADH closed switch (Q05-300), refer to PL

14.15 - W/TAG 150 or PL 14.25 - W/O TAG 150.

NOTE: 2. To clean the DADH, refer to ADJ 5.4 .

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 5.10 5-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 5.15 Feed Assembly (35 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 113R00717 Feed roll assembly (REP 5.14)
2 130K73950 Feed sensor (Q05-330)
3 – Front cover (P/O PL 5.15 Item 18)
4 – Feed housing (P/O PL 5.15 Item
5 121K44530 Feed solenoid (SOL05-010)
6 – Feed yoke (P/O PL 5.15 Item 18)
7 – Spring (P/O PL 5.15 Item 18)
8 – Bearing (P/O PL 5.15 Item 18)
9 005K12600 Feed clutch (CL05-025)
10 – Rear cover (P/O PL 5.15 Item 18)
11 110E13480 Top cover interlock switch (S05-
12 – Document present sensor actuator
13 130K73890 Document present sensor (Q05-
14 125E00430 Static eliminator
15 – Gear (P/O PL 5.15 Item 26)
16 127K53770 Feed motor (MOT05-020) (ADJ
5.1)(See NOTE)
17 – Feed motor tension spring (red) (P/
O PL 5.10 Item 9)
18 – Feed assembly (complete) (Not
19 – Shaft (P/O PL 5.15 Item 26)
20 – Bracket (P/O PL 5.15 Item 18)
21 – Feed roll assembly cover (Not
22 – Intermediate feed bearing (P/O PL
5.15 Item 26)
23 – Bearing (P/O PL 5.15 Item 26)
24 004E22560 Feed motor bracket
25 – Ground harness (P/O PL 5.15 Item
26 604K42680 DADH feed bearing kit (Complete)

NOTE: For the feed motor drive belt, refer to PL 5.35 Item 5 .

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-13 PL 5.15
PL 5.17 Feed Assembly (40-90 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 113R00718 Feed roll assembly (REP 5.14)
2 130E11200 Feed sensor (Q05-330)
3 – Front cover (P/O PL 5.17 Item 18)
4 – Feed housing (P/O PL 5.17 Item
5 – Nudger motor (P/O PL 5.17 Item
18) (MOT05-010)
6 – Feed yoke (P/O PL 5.17 Item 28)
7 – Spring (P/O PL 5.17 Item 18)
8 – Bearing (P/O PL 5.17 Item 18)
9 005K12600 Feed clutch (CL05-025) (W/O TAG
– – Feed clutch (P/O PL 5.17 Item 30)
(W/TAG D-005)
10 – Rear cover (P/O PL 5.17 Item 18)
11 110E13480 Top cover interlock switch (S05-
12 – Front feed gate (P/O PL 5.17 Item
13 – Rear feed gate (P/O PL 5.17 Item
14 125E00430 Static eliminator
15 – Gear (P/O PL 5.17 Item 26)
16 127K53770 Feed motor (MOT05-020) (ADJ
5.1)(See NOTE)
17 – Feed motor tension spring (red) (P/
O PL 5.10 Item 9)
18 059K64323 Feed assembly (complete)(W/TAG
19 – Shaft (P/O PL 5.17 Item 26)
20 – Bracket (P/O PL 5.17 Item 18)
21 802E87730 Feed roll assembly cover
22 – Intermediate feed bearing (P/O PL
5.17 Item 26)
23 013E93370 Bearing (P/O PL 5.17 Item 26)
24 004E22560 Feed motor bracket
25 – Ground harness (P/O PL 5.17 Item
26 604K42680 DADH feed bearing kit (Complete)
27 – Nudger motor bracket (P/O PL 5.17
Item 18)
28 604K54340 Lever arm CRU spares kit
29 – Shim kit (Not Spared) (W/TAG D-
30 604K61440 Feed clutch and spacer kit (W/TAG
31 – Spacer (P/O PL 5.17 Item 30)

NOTE: For the feed motor drive belt, refer to PL 5.35 Item 5.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 5.17 5-14 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 5.20 Top Cover Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Hinge (P/O PL 5.20 Item 16)
2 – Bushing (P/O PL 5.20 Item 16)
3 022E25061 CVT/Takeaway idler
4 806E19680 Shaft
5 – Torsion spring (green) (P/O PL 5.20
Item 17)
6 038E22914 Base
7 – Spring (P/O PL 5.20 Item 17)
8 – Torsion spring (silver) (P/O PL 5.20
Item 17)
9 029E37810 Latch pin
10 – Spring plate (P/O PL 5.20 Item 17)
11 130K73960 Takeaway sensor (Q05-335) (REP
12 130K73970 CVT Sensor (Q05-350) (REP 5.8)
13 – Sensor support (P/O PL 5.20 Item
14 – Shaft securing bracket (P/O PL
5.20 Item 17)
15 802K62453 Top cover
16 – Top cover assembly (REP 5.1)
17 – Top access cover assembly (REP

NOTE: For the top cover interlock switch (S05-305), refer to

PL 5.17 Item 11.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-15 PL 5.20
PL 5.25 CVT
Item Part Description
1 130K73980 Registration sensor (Q05-340)
(REP 5.10)
2 – Sensor support (P/O PL 5.10 Item
3 – Torsion spring (P/O PL 5.10 Item 9)
4 013E21103 Front CVT roll bearing
5 – CVT Roll (P/O PL 5.25 Item 17)
(REP 5.15)
6 022E25061 Pre-scan idler
7 – Base (P/O PL 5.10 Item 9)
8 – Shaft (Not Spared)
9 127K53780 CVT Motor (MOT05-030) (ADJ 5.1)
10 – CVT Motor tension spring (silver)
(P/O PL 5.10 Item 9)
11 023E25420 CVT Motor drive belt (REP 5.15,
ADJ 5.1)
12 050E14972 Duplex gate (REP 5.15)
13 013E21094 Rear CVT roll bearing
14 – Spacer (white) (P/O PL 5.10 Item 9)
15 004E22560 CVT Motor bracket
16 – Ground harness (Not Spared)
17 604K55240 CVT roll kit (white) (W/TAG D-004)
– 604K48370 CVT roll kit (grey) (W/O TAG D-

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 5.25 5-16 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 5.30 Baffle Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Lower cover (P/O PL 5.30 Item 5)
2 130K73990 Exit sensor (Q05-345) (35 ppm)
(REP 5.11)
– 130E11500 Exit sensor (Q05-345) (40-90 ppm)
(REP 5.11)
3 038E34361 Baffle assembly
4 121E20060 Duplex solenoid (SOL05-050) (REP
5 – Baffle assembly (complete) (REP
5.5) (Not Spared)
6 022E25061 Post scan idlers
7 806E19680 Shaft
8 059K50770 Exit roll idlers (35 ppm) (REP 5.18)
– 059K43910 Exit roll idlers (40-90 ppm) (REP
9 – Bearing (P/O PL 5.30 Item 5)
10 – Document finger (P/O PL 5.30 Item
11 – Torsion spring (P/O PL 5.30 Item 5)
12 – Lift bar (P/O PL 5.30 Item 5)
13 – Link arm (P/O PL 5.30 Item 5)
14 604K48160 Mylar guide strip (REP 5.20)
15 – Not used
16 – Not used
17 – Not used
18 – Spring (P/O PL 5.30 Item 19)
19 – Duplex solenoid assembly (Not

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-17 PL 5.30
PL 5.35 Input Tray Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Input tray assembly (complete)
(REP 5.14) (Not Spared)
2 004K00971 Pad
3 031E11310 Restack arm
4 050E22922 Input tray
5 423W00949 Feed motor drive belt (ADJ 5.1)
6 059K50920 Takeaway roll assembly (REP 5.6)/
Exit roll assembly (REP 5.13)
7 125E00430 Static eliminator (small) (REP 5.17)
8 130E11500 DADH Length sensor 1 (Q05-315)/
DADH Length sensor 2 (Q05-320)
(REP 5.9)
9 – Lower cover (right) (P/O PL 5.35
Item 18) (40-90 ppm)
10 115K02540 Static eliminator (large)
11 103K01511 Document width sensor (Q05-325)
(REP 5.16)
12 – Bearing (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1)
13 014E61020 Spacer (black)
14 – Spacer (white) (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1)
15 – Pulley (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1)
16 – Sensor bracket (P/O PL 5.35 Item
17 059K43920 Exit roll assembly (40-90 ppm)
(REP 5.13)
18 – Not used
19 130E11200 Document present sensor (Q05-
310) (40-90 ppm)
20 – Lower cover (Left) (P/O PL 5.35
Item 1) (40-90 ppm)
21 – Lower cover (P/O PL 5.35 Item 1)
(35 ppm)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 5.35 5-18 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 5.40 Document Cover
Item Part Description
1 848K06210 Document cover assembly
2 – Document cover (P/O PL 5.40 Item
3 – Counter balance (P/O PL 5.40 Item
4 – Document pad (Not Spared)
5 – Counterbalance support (Not
6 – Document cover bracket (Not
7 803E13680 Thumbscrew
8 – LH Adaptor plate (P/O PL 5.40 Item
9 – RH Adaptor plate (P/O PL 5.40
Item 1)
10 – Platen cover handle (P/O PL 5.40
Item 1)
11 – Magnetic interlock (P/O PL 5.40
Item 2)
12 – Cover platen (P/O PL 5.40 Item 2)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-19 PL 5.40
PL 6.10 ROS
Item Part Description
1 – Scanner (W/TAG 150)(REF: PL
14.10 Item 1),(W/O TAG 150)(REF:
PL 14.20 Item 1)
2 – Spacer
3 – Grommet
4 604K41020 ROS spares kit (35 ppm)
– 604K34980 ROS spares kit (40-55 ppm)
– 604K34950 ROS spares kit (65-90 ppm)
5 – ROS Power distribution (PJ120-
PJ18)/Communication (PJ121-PJ2
& PJ122-PJ109) harness (Not
Spared) (35-55 ppm)
– – ROS Power distribution (PJ120-
PJ18)/communication (PJ121-PJ2
& PJ122-PJ228) harness (Not
Spared) (65-90 ppm)
6 – Scanner frame securing bracket
(Not Spared)
7 – Spacer (Not Spared)
8 – ROS (P/O PL 6.10 Item 4)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 6.10 5-20 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 7.10 Tray 1 and 2 Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Tray housing (P/O PL 7.10 Item 26,
PL 7.10 Item 27) (W/TAG 001)
2 960K42122 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB
3 809E84170 Leaf spring (REP 7.12)
4 059K59261 Paper guide latch assembly (REP
5 – Label tray 1 (P/O PL 7.10 Item 26)
6 – Label tray 2 (P/O PL 7.10 Item 27)
7 059K59230 Cam assembly (REP 7.12)
8 – Tray home cam (P/O PL 7.10 Item
9 – Paper size cam (P/O PL 7.10 Item
10 – Retaining plate (Not Spared)
11 – Paper guide (P/O PL 8.26 Item 1)
12 – MAX Fill label (P/O PL 7.10 Item 4)
13 – Tray 1 and 2 paper lift plate (P/O PL
7.10 Item 26, PL 7.10 Item 27)
14 059K59270 Paper stop assembly
15 059K59221 Lift gear kit (REP 7.20)
16 – IOT-PFM Harness (PJ7-PJ382)
(Not Spared) (REP 7.13)
17 025E07320 Paper tray 1 & 2 lift arm
18 – Bearing (P/O PL 7.10 Item 26, PL
7.10 Item 27)
19 – Quadrant gear (60T) (P/O PL 7.10
Item 15)
20 – Gear (13T) (P/O PL 7.10 Item 15)
21 – Not used
22 – Lift arm pin (P/O PL 7.10 Item 15)
23 – Paper tray lip (P/O PL 7.10 Item 24)
24 604K48700 Paper tray lip kit (W/TAG 002)
25 – Gear (60T) (P/O PL 7.10 Item 15)
26 050K68570 Tray 1 assembly (See NOTE) (W/
TAG 001) (REP 7.1)
27 050K68580 Tray 2 assembly (See NOTE) (W/
TAG 001) (REP 7.1)
28 – Lift arm bracket (P/O PL 7.10 Item
26, PL 7.10 Item 27)

NOTE: For the envelope tray feeding kit please refer to PL

31.13 Item 18.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-21 PL 7.10
PL 7.15 HCF Tray 3 and 4 Assembly (1
of 2)
Item Part Description
1 022E27180 Tray hoist pulley
2 050K59433 Tray 4 assembly (NOTE) (REP 7.2)
3 050K59422 Tray 3 assembly (NOTE) (REP 7.2)
4 – Front short elevator cable (P/O PL
7.15 Item 10, PL 7.15 Item 11)
5 – Rear elevator cable (tray 4) (P/O
PL 7.15 Item 11)
6 – Rear elevator cable (tray 3) (P/O
PL 7.15 Item 10)
7 – Front long elevator cable (P/O PL
7.15 Item 10, PL 7.15 Item 11)
8 – HCF (complete) (Not Spared)
9 130K67521 Tray 3 feed sensor actuator (REP
10 012K05690 Tray 3 elevator cable assembly
(REP 7.4)
11 012K05701 Tray 4 elevator cable assembly
(REP 7.4)
12 849E21140 Pulley carrier
13 – Tray 3 feed sensor actuator spring
(P/O PL 7.15 Item 9)
14 004K07330 Tray 4 elevate damper assembly
(REP 7.11)
15 004K07320 Tray 3 elevate damper assembly
(REP 7.11)
16 038E30370 Tray lift guide
17 019E73940 Retard pad (cork)
18 – Separation strip (7 off) (P/O PL 7.15
Item 19)
19 801K20310 Separation strip kit
20 – Paper tray guide (P/O PL 7.15 Item
2, 3) (ADJ 7.1)
21 807E22950 Gear (REP 7.11)
22 801E11400 Corner separation strip
23 019E75120 Retard pad (Metamoll)

NOTE: Refer to ADJ 7.1 to set the tray 3 and tray 4 paper

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 7.15 5-22 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 7.17 HCF Tray 3 and 4 Assembly (2
of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Tray 4 assembly (REF: PL 7.15
Item 2)
2 – Tray 3 assembly (REF: PL 7.15
Item 3)
3 049K00300 Tray 3 and 4 clamp kit
4 – Side clamp (2 off) (P/O PL 7.17
Item 3)
5 – Center clamp (P/O PL 7.17 Item 3)
6 604K18182 Tray 3 & 4 mylar retainer clip kit
7 – Retainer clip (Wide) (6 off) (P/O PL
7.17 Item 6)
8 – Retainer clip (Narrow) (2 off) (P/O
PL 7.17 Item 6)
9 – Side edge flexure spring (Not
10 – Paper tray guide (Not Spared) (ADJ
11 – Flexure spring (Not Spared)
12 009K02380 Top edge flexure spring
13 – Retaining clips (Not Spared)
14 019K06030 HCF Tray alignment clip kit
15 – Front clip (P/O PL 7.17 Item 14)
16 – Rear clip (P/O PL 7.17 Item 14)
17 – Alignment locking clip (P/O PL 7.17
Item 14)
18 005E21801 Elevator drives gear coupling

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-23 PL 7.17
PL 7.20 Elevator Motor and Control
Item Part Description
1 127K55950 Tray 3 elevator motor (MOT07-
030), Tray 4 elevator motor
(MOT07-040) (REP 7.3)
2 960K41522 HCF control PWB (REP 7.10)
3 019E63410 Switch holder
4 130E10570 Tray 3 home switch (S07-303), Tray
4 home switch (S07-304) (REP 7.9)
5 – Not used
6 120E25810 Tray 4 stack limiter (REP 7.8)
7 868E11660 Tray 3 stack limiter bracket
8 120E25800 Tray 3 stack limiter (REP 7.8)
9 868E11670 Tray 4 stack limiter bracket

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 7.20 5-24 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 7.25 HCF Covers
Item Part Description
1 802K48781 Rear cover
2 848K12270 Left cover
3 017K03771 Castor (locking)
4 848E17500 Tray 4 front cover
5 848E17490 Tray 3 front cover
6 826E20970 Screw (M6 x 30)
7 802K48770 Right cover
8 – Cover infill 1 (P/O PL 7.25 Item 10)
9 – Cover infill 2 (P/O PL 7.25 Item 10)
10 848E17510 Cover infill kit

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-25 PL 7.25
PL 7.30 Bypass Tray and Left Hand
Door Assembly
Item Part Description
1 050K67882 Bypass tray and left hand door
assembly (35-55 ppm) (REP 7.5)
– 050K67892 Bypass tray and left hand door
assembly (65-90 ppm) (REP 7.5)
2 – Left hand door (P/O PL 7.30 Item 1,
PL 7.30 Item 27)
3 – Left hand door interlock (S01-305)
(Not Spared)
4 121E25680 Feed solenoid (SOL08-050) (REP
5 – Feed head assembly (P/O PL 7.30
Item 1, PL 7.30 Item 27) (REP 8.19)
6 – Feed head (P/O PL 7.30 Item 5)
7 130E12060 Bypass tray empty sensor (Q07-
335) (REP 8.23)
8 – Hinge pin (Not Spared)
9 – Spring retainer (P/O PL 7.30 Item
10 809E57640 Spring drive gear
11 807E05311 Drive gear assembly (REP 8.20)
12 – Bypass tray (P/O PL 7.30 Item 1,
13 809E84190 Ground spring
14 – Feed head top cover (P/O PL 7.30
Item 5)
15 – Feed roll (P/O PL 7.30 Item 21)
(REP 8.21)
16 – Nip roll (P/O PL 7.30 Item 5)
17 – Left hand door cover (P/O PL 7.30
Item 2)
18 – Retard pad bracket (P/O PL 7.30
Item 21)
19 – Retard pad assembly (P/O PL 7.30
Item 21)
20 – Retard pad spring (P/O PL 7.30
Item 21)
21 059K39862 Feed roll and retard pad assembly
(NOTE 2) (REP 8.22)
22 – Solenoid spring (P/O PL 7.30 Item
23 – Interlock cover (Not Spared)
24 130E12770 Tray 1 feed sensor (Q08-101), Tray
2 feed sensor (Q08-102) (65-90
ppm) (REP 8.24)
25 130E11610 Wait Sensor (Q08-100, Q08-110)
(65-90 ppm) (NOTE 1) (REP 8.17)
26 – Nip roll (Not Spared)
27 – Not used
28 – Pre-reg nip roll spring (P/O PL 7.30
Item 29)
29 – Skew bypass tray spares kit (x2
spring) (W/TAG 048)(REF:PL 31.14
Item 5)
30 – Nip roller (Not Spared)
31 – Shaft (Not Spared)
32 – Lower cover (Not Spared)
33 – Front pre-nip roll spring (Not
34 – Middle pre-nip roll spring (Not
NOTE: 1.Refer to PL 8.15 Item 3 for the 35-55 ppm wait
NOTE: 2.HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 7.30 5-26 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 7.40 Stand Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Stand unit (complete) (Not Spared)
2 802K48582 Front door (NOTE)
3 017K03771 Castor (locking)
4 802K48770 Right cover
5 802K48781 Rear cover
6 – Stand base (Not Spared)
7 826E20970 Screw (M6x30)
8 – Door hinge pin (P/O PL 7.40 Item 2)
9 – Cover infill 1 (P/O PL 7.40 Item 11)
10 – Cover infill 2 (P/O PL 7.40 Item 11)
11 848E17510 Cover infill kit
12 848K12270 Left cover

NOTE: Hinge pins (PL 7.40 Item 8) are supplied with the front

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-27 PL 7.40
PL 7.60 Tray 5 Covers
Item Part Description
1 802K93561 Front door assembly
2 – Front door hinge (P/O PL 7.60 Item
3 – Front door hinge pin (P/O PL 7.60
Item 1)
4 – Trail edge guide assembly (P/O PL
7.60 Item 1)
5 – Front door latch (P/O PL 7.60 Item
6 110E20570 Front door interlock switch (S07-
– 110E07300 Front door interlock switch (See
7 – Interlock switch plate (Not Spared)
8 848K19110 Front cover
9 802E82351 Rear cover
10 802E82363 Top cover
11 – Not used
12 848E05863 Base knuckle cover
13 – Front door interlock harness (Not
14 – Tamper guide lever (P/O PL 7.60
Item 1)
15 – Tamper lever compression spring
(P/O PL 7.60 Item 1)
16 – Label (Tray 5) (P/O PL 7.60 Item 8)
17 – Label (Max) (P/O PL 7.60 Item 8)

NOTE: For use with all Tray 5 SEF option kits

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 7.60 5-28 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 7.62 Tray 5 Base
Item Part Description
1 – Adjustable castor (Not Spared)
2 – Castor (Not Spared)
3 – Platform assembly (Not Spared)
4 009E74211 Spring bias
5 003E76870 Latch bias
6 – Docking latch (P/O PL 7.62 Item
7 – Docking latch spring (P/O PL 7.62
Item 16)
8 – Docking latch bracket (P/O PL 7.62
Item 16)
9 – Docking latch main bracket (P/O PL
7.62 Item 16)
10 803E13680 Docking latch thumb screw
11 068K54920 Docking plate
12 – Slide assembly (Not Spared)
13 – Docking guides (P/O PL 7.62 Item
14 – Slide assembly locking nut (Not
15 – Docking plate assembly (Not
16 003K20681 Latch assembly

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-29 PL 7.62
PL 7.64 Tray 5 Guides
Item Part Description
1 110E07300 Docking interlock switch (S07-372)
2 – Handle latch (Not Spared)
3 – Latch spacer (Not Spared)
4 – Slide latch (Not Spared)
5 – Spring leaf (Not Spared)
6 – Rear guide (P/O PL 7.64 Item 12)
7 – Front guide assembly (Not Spared)
8 038E34401 Guide strip
9 – Adjustment plate (P/O PL 7.64 Item
10 – Docking pin (P/O PL 7.64 Item 13)
11 – Rear guide assembly spring (P/O
PL 7.64 Item 12)
12 038K16403 Rear guide assembly
13 029K04680 Docking pin assembly

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 7.64 5-30 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 7.68 Tray 5 Lift assembly (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Tray assembly (complete) (REF: PL
7.70 Item 1)
2 – Crash bar (Not Spared)
3 – Frame top brace (Not Spared)
4 – Elevator motor (MOT07-373) (P/O
PL 7.68 Item 24) (REP 7.16)
5 130K74380 Elevator motor encoder sensor
(Q07-406) (REP 7.16)
6 – Elevator motor bracket (P/O PL
7.68 Item 24)
7 – Elevator motor shaft (Not Spared)
8 960K35024 Control PWB
9 130K75511 Stack down sensor (Q07-405)
(REP 7.15)
10 – Standoff (Not Spared)
11 – Tray level drive gear clip (Not
12 110E06961 Upper limit switch (S07-412) (REP
13 – Rear elevator rack (P/O PL 7.68
Item 25)
14 – Front elevator rack (P/O PL 7.68
Item 25)
15 – Retard roller shield (Not Spared)
16 003K20950 Shipping handle assembly
17 – Shipping pin bearing (P/O PL 7.68
Item 16)
18 – Shipping pin spring (P/O PL 7.68
Item 16)
19 – Shipping pin (P/O PL 7.68 Item 16)
20 – Shipping pin handle (P/O PL 7.68
Item 16)
21 – Cable tie (Not Spared)
22 – Not used
23 – Cable holder (Not Spared)
24 127K56330 Elevator motor assembly
25 007K19660 Elevator rack assembly

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-31 PL 7.68
PL 7.70 Tray 5 Lift assembly (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Tray lift assembly (Not Spared)
2 110E06961 Tray down limit switch (S07-415)
(Not Spared) (REP 7.18)
3 025E06871 Lower safety bar
4 – Tray level drive gear (P/O PL 7.68
Item 25)
5 – Fixing plate (Not Spared)
6 – Infill plate (P/O PL 7.70 Item 19)
7 019K13470 Cork pad
8 – Tray lift top cover (Not Spared)
9 – Lift plate crash bar actuator 2 (Not
10 – Lift plate crash bar actuator 1 (Not
11 – Crash bar actuator spring (Not
12 – Tray level drive gear clip (Not
13 – Infill actuator arm (P/O PL 7.70
Item 19)
14 – Infill actuator arm spring (P/O PL
7.70 Item 19)
15 – Infill actuator arm pin (P/O PL 7.70
Item 19)
16 – Infill plate spring (P/O PL 7.70 Item
17 – Lower safety spring (Not Spared)
18 612W25655 Tray down limit switch screw
19 815K11380 Infill plate assembly
20 962K50461 Tray 5 elevator harness

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 7.70 5-32 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.10 Main Covers
Item Part Description
1 802E93221 Rear cover
2 – Not used
3 802E93211 Left hand cover
4 802E93202 Right hand cover (W/O TAG 046,
TAG 047)
– – Right hand cover (P/O PL 10.20
Item 1) (W/TAG 046, TAG 047)
5 – Filter (Not Spared)
6 – Filter cover (Not Spared)
7 826E49310 Thumbscrew
8 – Work shelf (P/O PL 8.10 Item 11)
9 – Work shelf bracket (P/O PL 8.10
Item 11)
10 848K48880 Front door assembly (35-55 ppm)
– 848K48890 Front door assembly (REF: PL 8.11
Item 10) (65-90 ppm)
11 – Work shelf assembly kit
12 014E67571 Stand off cable holder (NOTE)

NOTE: This part can also be ordered as part of PL 31.14 Item


February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-33 PL 8.10
PL 8.11 Front Door Assembly (65-90
ppm) (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Internal cover (P/O PL 8.11 Item
2 – Grill (P/O PL 8.11 Item 10)
3 – Paper path cooling fan 1 (P/O PL
8.11 Item 10)
4 – Cooling duct (P/O PL 8.11 Item 10)
5 – Foam seal (P/O PL 8.11 Item 10)
6 – Paper path cooling fan 2 (P/O PL
8.11 Item 10)
7 – Harness (P/O PL 8.11 Item 10)
8 – Front door (P/O PL 8.11 Item 10)
9 – Logo badge (Not Spared)
10 848K48890 Front door assembly
11 – Door hinge pin (P/O PL 8.11 Item

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.11 5-34 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.15 Registration Transport (35-55
Item Part Description
1 – Registration transport assembly
(REP 8.4, ADJ 8.1) (Not Spared)
2 – Retainer bracket (Not Spared)
3 130E11430 Wait sensor (Q08-100),
Registration sensor (Q08-150)
(NOTE 2) (REP 8.6)
4 – Registration transport guide (P/O
PL 8.15 Item 1)
5 059K52341 Registration nip assembly
6 028E16630 Snap on washer (M6)
7 121E19460 Registration clutch (CL08-070)
(REP 8.5, ADJ 8.1, ADJ 4.1)
8 013E36980 Bearing
9 806E18030 Drive roll assembly (REP 8.26)
10 – Jam clearance knob (P/O PL 8.15
Item 1)
11 – Gear (26T) (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
12 – Spring arm (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
13 – Torsion spring (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
14 – Gear (28T) (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
15 – Ring pitch (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
16 – Black nylon washer (P/O PL 8.15
Item 1)
17 – Gear (22G/28T) (P/O PL 8.15 Item
1) (ADJ 4.1)
18 – Gear (23T) (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
(ADJ 4.1)
19 – Gear (22G/20T) (P/O PL 8.15 Item
20 – Drive belt (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
(REP 8.27)
21 – Spring arm pin (P/O PL 8.15 Item 1)
22 – Lower bias guide (P/O PL 8.15 Item
23 835E05350 Bias contact (NOTE 1)
24 – Clutch cover (Not Spared)
25 – Drive shaft (P/O PL 8.15 Item 26)
26 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (W/TAG 051)

NOTE: 1. This is a HFSI. Refer to GP 17 and reset the bias

foam count to zero in the feature screen.

NOTE: 2. Sensor reference Q08-110 may also be seen when

the tray 5 is present.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-35 PL 8.15
PL 8.17 Registration Transport (65-90
Item Part Description
1 – Registration transport assembly
(REP 8.4, ADJ 8.1) (Not Spared)
2 – Retainer bracket (Not Spared)
3 – Registration sensor (Q08-150)
(REP 8.15)
4 – Registration transport guide (P/O
PL 8.17 Item 1)
5 059K52341 Registration nip assembly
6 028E16630 Snap on washer (M6)
7 121E19460 Registration clutch (CL08-070)
(REP 8.5, ADJ 8.1, ADJ 4.1)
8 013E36980 Bearing
9 806E18030 Drive roll assembly (REP 8.26)
10 – Jam clearance knob (P/O PL 8.17
Item 1)
11 – Gear (26T) (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
12 – Spring arm (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
13 – Torsion spring (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
14 – Gear (28T) (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
15 – Ring pitch (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
16 – Black nylon washer (P/O PL 8.17
Item 1)
17 – Gear (22G/28T) (P/O PL 8.17 Item
1) (ADJ 4.1)
18 – Gear (23T) (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
(ADJ 4.1)
19 – Gear (22G/20T) (P/O PL 8.17 Item
20 – Drive belt (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
(REP 8.27)
21 – Spring arm pin (P/O PL 8.17 Item 1)
22 – Lower bias guide (P/O PL 8.17 Item
23 835E05350 Bias contact (NOTE)
24 – Clutch cover (Not Spared)
25 – Registration sensor bracket (Not
26 – Drive shaft (P/O PL 8.17 Item 27)
27 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (W/TAG 051)
NOTE: This is a HFSI. Refer to GP 17 and reset the bias
foam count to zero in the feature screen.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.17 5-36 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.20 Duplex Transport (65-90 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 059K64151 Duplex transport (REP 8.7)
2 – Drive belt (76T) (P/O PL 8.20 Item
1) (REP 8.8)
3 – Drive belt (285T) (P/O PL 8.20 Item
1) (REP 8.8)
4 130E12070 Duplex sensor (Q08-160) (REP
5 003K20760 Jam clearance latch
6 – Spring (P/O PL 8.20 Item 1)
7 – Nip roll shaft (P/O PL 8.20 Item 1)
8 127K62340 Duplex motor (MOT08-060) (REP
9 960K32880 Duplex motor driver PWB (REP
10 – Drive pulley (P/O PL 8.20 Item 1)
11 – Lower cover (P/O PL 8.20 Item 1)
12 – Duplex duct (P/O PL 8.20 Item 1)
13 – Duplex nip roll shaft (P/O PL 8.20
Item 1)
14 059K49400 Nip roll assembly
15 – Bearing (P/O PL 8.20 Item 1)
16 – Duplex drive roll shaft (P/O PL 8.20
Item 17) (W/O TAG 051)
– – Duplex drive roll shaft (P/O PL 8.20
Item 17) (W/TAG 051)
17 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (W/TAG 051)

NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-37 PL 8.20
PL 8.22 Duplex Transport (35-55 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 – Duplex transport (REP 8.7)
2 – Drive belt (76T) (P/O PL 8.22 Item
1) (REP 8.8)
3 – Drive belt (285T) (P/O PL 8.22 Item
1) (REP 8.8)
4 130E12070 Duplex sensor (Q08-160) (NOTE)
(REP 8.32)
5 003K20760 Jam clearance latch
6 – Spring (P/O PL 8.22 Item 1)
7 – Nip roll shaft (P/O PL 8.22 Item 1)
8 127K53190 Duplex motor (MOT08-060) (REP
9 960K52720 Duplex motor driver PWB (REP
10 – Drive pulley (P/O PL 8.22 Item 1)
11 – Lower cover (P/O PL 8.22 Item 1)
12 – Duplex nip roll shaft (P/O PL 8.22
Item 1)
13 059K49400 Nip roll assembly
14 – Bearing (P/O PL 8.22 Item 1)
15 – Duplex drive roll shaft (P/O PL 8.22
Item 16) (W/O TAG 051)
16 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (W/TAG 051)
NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.22 5-38 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.25 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Feed
Assembly (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Tray 1 or 2 paper feed assembly (P/
O PL 8.26 Item 1)
2 023E31270 Transport drive belt (REP 8.12)
3 020E54150 Pulley
4 020E48680 Pulley idler
5 127K61842 Transport roll drives motor
6 013E37480 Rear transport roll bearing
7 013E37490 Front transport roll bearing
8 059K70070 Transport roll (NOTE)
9 962K64030 Power harness
10 962K64020 Signal harness
11 120E36130 Cable holder
12 962K64040 Connection harness

NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-39 PL 8.25
PL 8.26 Tray 1 and 2 Paper Feed
Assembly (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 604K61760 Tray 1 or 2 paper feed assembly
(REP 8.1)
2 – Not used
3 059K69800 Roll assembly (3 rolls) (REP 8.35)
4 – Retard roll (P/O PL 8.26 Item 3)
5 – Feed Nudger roll assembly (P/O PL
8.26 Item 3)
6 127K61850 Feed/elevator motor (MOT08-010,
7 130E12770 Tray empty sensor (Q07-331, Q07-
8 130E12750 Stack height sensor
9 – Guide (P/O PL 8.26 Item 1)
10 014E67650 Shim sensor
11 809E84180 Retard roll gate spring
12 – Retard roll gate (P/O PL 8.26 Item

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.26 5-40 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.30 Tray 3 Paper Feed Assembly
Item Part Description
1 604K53950 Tray 3 and 4 paper feed assembly
kit (REP 8.2, REP 8.3)
2 – Tray 3 paper feeder (P/O PL 8.30
Item 1) (NOTE 2)
3 – Spacer tool (P/O PL 8.30 Item 1)
4 – Feeder spacer (Tray 3 only) (P/O
PL 8.30 Item 1)
5 – Tray 3 feeder label (P/O PL 8.30
Item 1)
6 059K43730 Feed roll assembly (W/O TAG 110)
– – Feed roll assembly (REF: PL 8.30
Item 20) (W/TAG 110)
7 127K42880 Tray 3 and 4 transport motor
(MOT08-045) (P/O PL 8.30 Item
23) (REP 8.10)
– 127K53380 Tray 3 and 4 transport motor
(MOT08-045) (Alternative) (REP
8 807E06210 Tray 3 and 4 transport drive gear
(Non-conductive) (35-55 ppm)
– – Tray 3 and 4 transport drive gear
(Conductive) (P/O PL 8.30 Item 23)
(65-90 ppm) (REP 8.11)
9 – Transport drive belt (P/O PL 8.30
Item 16)
10 – Flange (P/O PL 8.30 Item 16)
11 – Pulley (P/O PL 8.30 Item 16)
12 – Spring (P/O PL 8.30 Item 16)
13 – Drive coupling (P/O PL 8.30 Item
14 – Tray 3 and 4 transport motor
bracket (Not Spared)
15 130E12510 Tray 3 feed sensor (Q08-103)
(NOTE) (REP 8.28)
16 005E21801 Drive coupling assembly
17 809E94510 Ground plate (35-55 ppm)
18 059K58620 Tray 3 and 4 transport roll (35-55
ppm) (NOTE 2) (REP 8.31, ADJ
– 059K50120 Tray 3 and 4 transport roll (65-90
ppm) (REP 8.31, ADJ 4.1)
19 – Tray 3 stack height sensor actuator
(P/O PL 8.30 Item 1)
20 604K48620 Tray 3 and 4 multifeed roll fix kit
(rough feed rolls) (W/TAG 110)
21 130E12060 Stack height sensor (REP 7.7)
22 – Paper guide (Not Spared)
23 127K56490 Tray 3 and 4 transport motor and
drive gear kit (Conductive) (65-90
ppm) (REP 8.11)
NOTE: 1. For the tray 3 feed sensor actuator, refer to PL 7.15
Item 9.
NOTE: 2. HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-41 PL 8.30
PL 8.31 Tray 4 Paper Feed Assembly
Item Part Description
1 604K53950 Tray 3 and 4 paper feed assembly
kit (REP 8.2, REP 8.3)
2 059K43730 Feed roll assembly (NOTE) (W/O
TAG 110)
– – Feed roll assembly (REF: PL 8.31
Item 10) (W/TAG 110)
3 – Mounting bracket (Not Spared)
4 – Tray 3 and 4 paper feeder (P/O PL
8.31 Item 1)
5 – Shaft (P/O PL 8.31 Item 11)
6 – Bearing (P/O PL 8.31 Item 11)
7 – Idler roll (Not Spared)
8 – Spring (P/O PL 8.31 Item 11)
9 – Tray 4 feed sensor bracket (P/O PL
8.31 Item 12)
10 604K48620 Tray 3 and 4 multifeed roll fix kit
(rough tread rolls) (W/TAG 110)
11 006K29490 Idler shaft assembly
12 130K75380 Tray 4 feed sensor assembly (Q08-
13 130E12060 Stack height sensor

NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.31 5-42 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.35 Tray 3 Transport Assembly
Item Part Description
1 848K42530 Jam clearance door HCF paper
2 059K30402 Takeaway roll assembly (35-55
ppm) (REP 8.29, ADJ 4.1)
– 059K50101 Takeaway roll assembly (65-90
ppm) (REP 8.29, ADJ 4.1)
3 022E26620 Transport roll bearing
4 – Flange (P/O PL 8.35 Item 15)
5 – Pulley (P/O PL 8.35 Item 15)
6 023E24440 Drive belt
7 – Drive coupling (P/O PL 8.30 Item
8 022E26630 Transport roll REP 8.30)
9 – Shaft (Not Spared)
10 – Spring (P/O PL 8.35 Item 15) (REP
11 059K50110 Transport roll assembly (REP 8.30,
ADJ 4.1)
12 022E26640 Idler roll
13 – Spring plate (P/O PL 8.35 Item 15)
14 – Base (P/O PL 8.35 Item 15)
15 059K43830 Tray 3 transport assembly (REP

NOTE: Refer to REP 8.13 for the tray 3 transport assembly.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-43 PL 8.35
PL 8.40 Tray 5 Feed Assembly (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Upper feeder assembly (REF: PL
8.45 Item 1) (REP 8.38)
2 127K56453 Tray 5 transport motor (MOT08-
046) (REP 8.37)
3 127K61980 Feed motor (MOT08-117) (REP
4 – Bearing (Not Spared)
5 – Gear (P/O PL 8.40 Item 3)
6 – Not used
7 – Drive belt (Not Spared) (REP 8.33)
8 – Upper limit actuator spring (Not
9 – Upper limit actuator (Not Spared)
10 – Belt tensioner (Not Spared)
11 – Belt tensioner spring (Not Spared)
12 – Not used
13 125E00430 ESD brush
14 – Transport motor harness (Not
15 – Tray 5 upper feeder assembly
harness (Not Spared)
16 962K50475 Elevator motor harness
17 962K63351 IOT to tray 5 harness
18 – Not used
19 – Feed/elevator motor harness (Not
20 – Elevator harness shield (Not
21 007K14401 Gear 30T bearing

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.40 5-44 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 8.45 Tray 5 Feed Assembly (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 059K51080 Upper feed assembly
2 – Upper feed assembly base (P/O PL
8.45 Item 1)
3 – One way gear (P/O PL 8.45 Item
20) (W/TAG P-002)
– – One way gear (Not Spared) (W/O
TAG P-002)
4 – One way coupling (P/O PL 8.45
Item 20)
5 – Take away idler roller (P/O PL 8.45
Item 1)
6 130E11610 Tray 5 empty (Q07-401) /feed sen-
sor (Q08-105) (REP 7.13, REP
7 130E12060 Stack height sensor (Q07-402)
(REP 7.14)
8 013E93370 Bearing
9 – Torsion spring (P/O PL 8.45 Item 1)
10 – Nudger roll (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20,
PL 8.45 Item 21) (W/TAG P-002)
– – Nudger roll (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20,
PL 8.45 Item 22) (W/O TAG P-002)
11 – Upper feed assembly top cover (P/
O PL 8.45 Item 1)
12 – Feed roll (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20, PL
8.45 Item 21) (W/TAG P-
002)(NOTE 3)
– – Feed roll (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20, PL
8.45 Item 22) (W/O TAG P-
002)(NOTE 3)
13 – Clutch (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20)
14 – Gear (38T) (P/O PL 8.45 Item 1)
15 – Roller belt (P/O PL 8.45 Item 1)
16 – Washer (P/O PL 8.45 Item 1)
17 – Torsion chute spring (P/O PL 8.45
Item 1)
18 – Housing spring (P/O PL 8.45 Item
19 – Torsion nudger spring (P/O PL 8.45
Item 1)
20 604K55110 Feed roll retrofit kit (NOTE 1) (W/
TAG P-002)
21 – Feed roll kit (Pack of 3) (REF: PL
8.45 Item 20) (NOTE 2) (W/TAG P-
22 604K55480 Feed roll kit (Pack or 3) (REF: PL
8.45 Item 20) (W/O TAG P-002)
NOTE: 1. Kit installs reduced miss-feed (different colour) rolls
and associated parts.
NOTE: 2. Replaces the rolls installed with the feed roll retrofit
kit, PL 8.45 Item 20.
NOTE: 3. HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-45 PL 8.45
PL 8.47 Tray 5 Feed Assembly (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 059K70530 Lower feed assembly (REP 8.38)
2 – Retard roll (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20,
PL 8.45 Item 21) (W/TAG P-002)
– – Retard roll (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20,
PL 8.45 Item 22) (W/O TAG P-002)
3 – Actuator pivot shaft (P/O PL 8.47
Item 1)
4 – One way pulley clutch (P/O PL 8.47
Item 1)
5 – Take away roller (P/O PL 8.47 Item
1) (REP 8.38)
6 – Bearing (P/O PL 8.47 Item 1)
7 – Clutch (P/O PL 8.45 Item 20) (W/
TAG P-002)
– – Clutch (Not Spared) (W/O TAG P-
8 – Torsion retard spring (P/O PL 8.47
Item 1)
9 – Retard roller shaft (P/O PL 8.47
Item 1)
10 – Lower feed assembly base (P/O PL
8.47 Item 1)
11 – Clutch coupling (P/O PL 8.45 Item
20) (W/TAG P-002)
– – Clutch coupling (Not Spared) (W/O
TAG P-002)
12 – Actuator pivot shaft bearing (P/O
PL 8.47 Item 1)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 8.47 5-46 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 9.10 Waste Toner Bottle Assembly
Item Part Description
1 008R12896 Waste toner bottle
2 130K74701 Waste toner full sensor (Q09-350)
(REP 9.4)
3 802E93282 Waste toner door (REP 9.1)
4 003E77450 Strap (NOTE)
5 803E03180 Hinge block
6 – Waste toner door switch (S09-380)
(REF: PL 4.10 Item 8, PL 4.15 Item
7 – Sensor cover (Not Spared)

NOTE: Refer to REP 9.1 for the waste toner bottle assembly.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-47 PL 9.10
PL 9.15 Developer Assembly (65-90
Item Part Description
1 – Toner dispense module (P/O PL
9.15 Item 18) (REP 9.5)
2 – Developer module (P/O PL 9.15
Item 26) (NOTE 3) (REP 9.2)
3 – Retaining bracket (P/O PL 9.15
Item 1)
4 – Toner cartridge (P/O PL 26.11 Item
2) (NOTE 1)
5 – Low toner sensor (Q09-310) (P/O
PL 9.15 Item 13)
6 962K25641 Registration/Developer bias
7 – Toner concentration sensor (Q09-
360) (P/O PL 9.15 Item 2)
8 – Toner cartridge latch (P/O PL 9.15
Item 24)
9 – Retaining plate (P/O PL 9.15 Item
10 – Speed nut (P/O PL 9.15 Item 2)
11 – Sleeve (P/O PL 9.15 Item 24)
12 – Not used
13 604K16890 Out of toner sensor kit
14 – Push on fastener (P/O PL 9.15 Item
15 – Spring (P/O PL 9.15 Item 24)
16 – Main drive gear (P/O PL 9.15 Item
23) (ADJ 4.1)
17 – Not used
18 – Toner dispense module kit (REF:
PL 31.12 Item 21)
19 604K24570 Trickle outlet shutter kit
20 – Shutter assembly (P/O PL 9.15
Item 19)
21 – Shutter spring (P/O PL 9.15 Item
22 – Push on fastener (P/O PL 9.15 Item
23 604K24930 Developer/Drives interface kit
(NOTE 2)
24 604K18510 Developer latch repair kit
25 – Developer material (P/O PL 9.15
Item 26, PL 9.15 Item 27)
26 604K41371 Developer spares kit (includes
27 604K35340 Developer charge kit
NOTE: 1. A waste toner bottle, PL 9.10 Item 1 is supplied
with the toner cartridges.
NOTE: 2. The main drive gear PL 9.15 Item 16 and
developer drive gear/pulley PL 4.12 Item 17, must always be
replaced as a pair.
NOTE: 3. HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 9.15 5-48 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 9.17 Developer Assembly (35-55
Item Part Description
1 – Toner dispense module (P/O PL
9.17 Item 27) (REP 9.5)
2 – Developer module (P/O PL 9.17
Item 26) (NOTE 1 & 3) (REP 9.2)
3 – Retaining bracket (Not Spared)
4 – Toner cartridge (P/O PL 26.11 Item
3) (NOTE 2)
5 – Low toner sensor (Q09-310) (P/O
PL 9.17 Item 13)
6 – Registration/Developer bias
harness (Not Spared)
7 – Toner concentration sensor (Q09-
360) (P/O PL 9.17 Item 2)
8 – Not used
9 – Not used
10 – Not used
11 – Stepped washer (Not Spared)
12 – Washer (Not Spared)
13 604K16890 Out of toner sensor kit
14 – Push on fastener (P/O PL 9.17 Item
15 – Spring (P/O PL 9.17 Item 23)
16 – Sleeve (P/O PL 9.17 Item 23)
17 – Toner cartridge latch (P/O PL 9.17
Item 23)
18 – Not used
19 604K24570 Trickle outlet shutter kit
20 – Shutter assembly (P/O PL 9.17
Item 19)
21 – Shutter spring (P/O PL 9.17 Item
22 – Push on fastener (P/O PL 9.17 Item
23 604K30560 Developer latch repair kit
24 – Developer material (P/O PL 9.17
Item 25, PL 9.17 Item 26)
25 604K35340 Developer charge kit
26 604K41360 Developer spares kit (includes
27 – Toner dispense module kit (REF:PL
31.12 Item 21)
NOTE: 1. To remove and replenish the developer material,
refer to the developer charge kit, PL 9.17 Item 25.
NOTE: 2. A waste toner bottle, PL 9.10 Item 1 is supplied
with the toner cartridges.
NOTE: 3. HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-49 PL 9.17
PL 9.20 Xerographic Module and
Short Paper Path Assembly (40-90
Item Part Description
1 122K02660 Erase lamp (REP 9.9)
2 – Xerographic module (see below for
variants, see also NOTE 1, NOTE 2
and NOTE 3)
– 113R00672 Metered (USSG/XCL/XE)
– 113R00673 Sold (XE)
– 113R00674 Sold (USSG/XCL)
3 – Short paper path assembly (REF:
PL 10.25 Item 1) (NOTE 1)
4 130E10510 Relative humidity sensor (Q09-
365)/Ambient temperature sensor
5 960K40570 Temperature sensor (Q09-370)
6 055E54960 Erase lamp support
7 – Xerographic module latch (P/O PL
9.20 Item 17) (REP 9.6)
8 504K12320 Transfer/Detack corotron (NOTE 1)
(ADJ 9.1)
9 113K03330 Transfer/Detack harness
10 802E87940 Pivot plate
11 – Latch spring (P/O PL 9.20 Item 17)
12 – Latch pin (P/O PL 9.20 Item 17)
13 – Latch plate (Not Spared)
14 031E11102 Developer paddle (REP 9.7)
15 809E69220 Spring
16 – Curly clip (Not Spared)
17 604K41120 Developer latch pin kit (REP 9.6)
18 – Bracket stabiliser (P/O PL 9.20 Item
19 604K53940 XRU skids kit
20 – Stripper finger assembly (P/O PL
9.20 Item 19)

NOTE: 1. A transfer/detack corotron PL 9.20 Item 8 is

supplied with the xerographic module.

NOTE: 2. For the charge scorotron and the charge scorotron

grid harnesses, refer to PL 4.17 or PL 4.12.

NOTE: 3. If a new Xerographic module has been installed,

perform ADJ 9.2.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 9.20 5-50 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 9.22 Xerographic Module and
Short Paper Path Assembly (35 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 122K02650 Erase Lamp (REP 9.9)
2 – Xerographic module (see below for
variants) (NOTE 3)
– 113R00608 Metered (USSG/XCL/XE)
– 113R00607 Sold (XE)
– 113R00610 Sold (USSG/XCL)
3 – Short paper path assembly (REF:
PL 10.25 Item 1)
4 130E10510 Relative humidity sensor (Q09-
365)/Ambient temperature sensor
5 960K40570 Temperature sensor (Q09-370)
6 055E54960 Erase lamp support
7 – Xerographic module latch (P/O PL
9.22 Item 18) (REP 9.6)
8 504K12310 Transfer/Detack corotron (NOTE 1)
(ADJ 9.1)
9 113K03330 Transfer/Detack harness (REP 9.8)
10 – Not used
11 – Latch spring (P/O PL 9.22 Item 18)
12 – Latch pin (P/O PL 9.22 Item 18)
13 – Latch plate (Not Spared)
14 031E11102 Developer paddle (REP 9.7)
15 809E69220 Spring
16 802E87940 Pivot plate
17 – Curly clip (Not Spared)
18 604K41120 Developer latch pin kit
19 – Bracket stabiliser (P/O PL 9.22 Item
20 – Stripper finger assembly (P/O PL
9.22 Item 21)
21 604K53940 XRU skids kit

NOTE: 1. A transfer/detack corotron PL 9.22 Item 8 is

supplied with the xerographic module

NOTE: 2. For the charge scorotron and charge scoroton grid

harnesses, refer to PL 4.17.

NOTE: 3. If a new Xerographic module has been installed,

perform ADJ 9.2.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-51 PL 9.22
PL 9.25 Ozone Fan and Photoreceptor
Item Part Description
1 127K42790 Ozone fan (REP 9.3)
2 054E33051 Ozone duct
3 053K04960 Ozone filter
4 – Magnet (P/O PL 9.25 Item 2)
5 – Photoreceptor duct (P/O PL 9.25
Item 6)
6 127K53200 Photoreceptor fan assembly
7 – Fan (P/O PL 9.25 Item 6)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 9.25 5-52 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 10.8 Fuser Module Assembly (35-
55 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 109R00751 Fuser module (XE) (NOTE 1)
– 109R00752 Fuser module (USSG/XCL) (NOTE
2 – Web drive dog (Not Spared)
3 – Spring (P/O PL 10.8 Item 1)
4 604K48340 Fuser stripper finger kit
5 – Fuser latch (P/O PL 10.8 Item 10)
(REP 10.10)
6 – Fuser latch pin (P/O PL 10.8 Item
7 – Spring (P/O PL 10.8 Item 10)
8 – Latch stop (P/O PL 10.8 Item 10)
9 – Screw (P/O PL 10.10 Item 10)
10 604K35371 Fuser latch pin kit
11 110E20190 Fuser exit switch (S10-100) (REP
12 – Fuser upper exit guide (P/O PL
10.8 Item 1)
13 – Fuser top cover (P/O PL 10.8 Item
14 – Lower input guide (Not Spared)
15 – Lamp (P/O PL 10.8 Item 1)

NOTE: 1. An ozone filter, PL 9.25 Item 3, is supplied with the

fuser module.

NOTE: 2. For the fuser web motor, fuser connector

assembly and fuser CRUM connector, refer to PL 4.15.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-53 PL 10.8
PL 10.10 Fuser Module Assembly (65-
90 ppm)
Item Part Description
1 109R00772 Fuser module (XE) (NOTE 1)
– 109R00773 Fuser module (USSG/XCL) (NOTE
2 – Web drive dog (Not Spared)
3 – Spring (P/O PL 10.10 Item 1)
4 604K48340 Fuser stripper finger kit
5 – Fuser latch (P/O PL 10.10 Item 10)
(REP 10.10)
6 – Fuser latch pin (P/O PL 10.10 Item
7 – Spring (P/O PL 10.10 Item 10)
8 – Latch stop (P/O PL 10.10 Item 10)
9 – Screw (P/O PL 10.10 Item 10)
10 604K35371 Fuser latch pin kit
11 110K20910 Fuser exit switch (S10-100) (REP
12 – Fuser upper exit guide (P/O PL
10.10 Item 1)
13 – Fuser top cover (P/O PL 10.10 Item
14 – Lower input guide (Not Spared)
15 – Lamp (P/O PL 10.10 Item 1)

NOTE: 1. An ozone filter, PL 9.25 Item 3 is supplied with the

fuser module.

NOTE: 2. For the fuser web motor, fuser connector

assembly and fuser CRUM connector, refer to PL 4.10.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 10.10 5-54 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 10.11 Inverter Assembly (1 of 4)
Item Part Description
1 011E25300 Link arm
2 – Shaft actuator (P/O PL 10.11 Item
25) (REP 10.9)
3 – LH Spring (P/O PL 10.11 Item 25)
4 006K30320 Nip split shaft assembly (NOTE)
(REP 10.8)
5 – RH Spring (P/O PL 10.11 Item 25)
6 121K44380 Inverter nip solenoid (SOL10-050)
(REP 10.5)
7 059E05230 Single exit nip roll (REP 10.6)
8 059K49900 Double exit nip roll (REP 10.6)
9 – Not used
10 – Nip roll guide (P/O PL 10.11 Item
23) (REP 10.6)
11 127K53210 Inverter motor (MOT10-040) (35-55
ppm) (REP 10.3)
– 127K53540 Inverter motor (MOT10-040) (65-90
ppm) (REP 10.3)
12 – Inverter output assembly (P/O PL
10.11 Item 23)
13 130E12080 IOT Exit sensor (Q10-120) (REP
14 121K44390 Inverter path solenoid (SOL10-045)
(REP 10.4)
15 – Rear gravity gate mylar (P/O PL
10.11 Item 16) (W/TAG 005)
16 604K54630 Rear gravity gate mylar kit (W/TAG
17 – Inverter nip solenoid bracket (P/O
PL 10.11 Item 25)
18 – Solenoid link (P/O PL 10.11 Item
19 – Bearing (P/O PL 10.11 Item 25)
20 130K68450 Thermistor assembly (65-90 ppm)
21 – Inverter locator (Not Spared) (W/O
TAG 046, TAG 047)
22 960K32890 Inverter motor driver PWB
23 – Inverter assembly (See below for
– 112K00803 Inverter assembly (35-55 ppm) (W/
O TAG 046) (REP 10.2)
– – Inverter assembly (65-90 ppm) (W/
O TAG 047) (REP 10.2)
– – Inverter decurler assembly (REF:
PL 10.20 Item 5) (35-55 ppm) (W/
TAG 046) (REP 10.2)
– – Inverter decurler assembly (REF:
PL 10.20 Item 5) (65-90 ppm) (W/
TAG 047) (REP 10.2)
24 – Output guide (P/O PL 10.11 Item
25) (REP 10.18)
25 – Output guide assembly (Not
NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-55 PL 10.11
PL 10.12 Inverter Assembly (2 of 4)
Item Part Description
1 – Inverter output assembly (P/O PL
10.11 Item 23)
2 – Post fuser gear (20T) (REF: PL
10.15 Item 7)
3 013E36980 Bearing
4 007K19670 Dog drive assembly (REF: PL
10.15 Item 6)
5 – Idler gear (20T) (REF: PL 10.15
Item 4)
6 – Tri-roll knob (REF: PL 10.15 Item
7 – Inverter gate (Not Spared) (REP
8 – Tri-roll shaft assembly (Not Spared)
(NOTE 2) (REP 10.12)
9 006K29971 Post fuser exit roller (NOTE 2) (W/
O TAG 004)
– – Post fuser exit roller (P/O PL 10.12
Item 24) (W/TAG 004)
10 – Tri-roll guide (P/O PL 10.11 Item
11 – Front gravity finger (P/O PL 10.11
Item 23)
12 – Gravity gate finger (P/O PL 10.11
Item 23)
13 – Rear gravity gate finger (P/O PL
10.11 Item 23)
14 – Upper baffle (P/O PL 10.12 Item
22, PL 10.12 Item 23)
15 – Idler roll (P/O PL 10.12 Item 22, PL
10.12 Item 23)
16 – Idler roll shaft (P/O PL 10.12 Item
22, PL 10.12 Item 23)
17 – Spring (P/O PL 10.12 Item 22, PL
10.12 Item 23)
18 – Post fuser jam clearance latch
(REF: PL 10.15 Item 11)
19 – Inverter sensor (P/O PL 10.12 Item
22) (65-90 ppm)(NOTE 1)
20 – Hinge pin (P/O PL 10.12 Item 22,
PL 10.12 Item 23)
21 – Torsion spring (P/O PL 10.12 Item
22, PL 10.12 Item 23)
22 038K17842 Upper baffle assembly (65-90 ppm)
(REP 10.7)
23 – Upper baffle assembly (35-55 ppm)
(REF: PL 10.12 Item 22) (NOTE)
(REP 10.7)
24 604K54010 Inverter transparency feed kit (35-
55 ppm) (W/TAG 004)
25 604K54630 Rear gravity gate finger kit
NOTE: 1. For 35-55 ppm speed machines do not have the
inverter sensor.
NOTE: 2. HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 10.12 5-56 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 10.13 Inverter Assembly (3 of 4)
Item Part Description
1 – Inverter assembly duct seal (P/O
PL 10.11 Item 23)
2 – Inverter assembly duct (P/O PL
10.11 Item 23)
3 – Baffle guide (35-55 ppm) (P/O PL
10.11 Item 23)
4 806E41910 Exit shaft assembly (W/O TAG 046,
TAG 047) (REP 10.14)
– – Exit shaft assembly (W/TAG 046,
TAG 047) (REP 10.14)
5 013E36980 Bearing
6 – Exit gear (REF: PL 10.15 Item 1)
7 – Baffle guide (65-90 ppm) (P/O PL
10.11 Item 23)
8 – Decurler roll (P/O PL 10.13 Item 9)
(NOTE) (W/TAG 046, TAG 047)
9 604K55120 Decurler soft roll repair kit (NOTE)
(W/TAG 046, TAG 047)

NOTE: The decurler roll is only to be installed on W/TAG 046

TAG 047 machines.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-57 PL 10.13
PL 10.14 Inverter Assembly (4 of 4)
Item Part Description
1 121K44380 Inverter nip split solenoid (65-90
2 – Actuator assembly (Not Spared)
3 – Nip roller (Not Spared)
4 – Solenoid ramp (Not Spared)
5 – Jam clearance knob (REF: PL
10.15 Item 13)
6 – Bearing (Not Spared)
7 – Gear (24T) (REF: PL 10.15 Item 9)
8 – Gear assembly (REF: PL 10.15
Item 8)
9 – Upper inverter drive shaft (P/O PL
10.14 Item 11) (W/O TAG 051)
10 – Lower inverter drive shaft (P/O PL
10.14 Item 11) (W/O TAG 051)
11 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (W/TAG 051)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 10.14 5-58 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 10.15 Inverter Drive Gears and
Jam Clearance Knobs
Item Part Description
1 007K13890 Exit gear (20T)
2 – Not used
3 – Not used
4 807E15790 Idler gear (20T)
5 – Not used
6 007K19670 Dog drive assembly
7 807E15770 Post fuser gear (20T)
8 807E15820 Gear assembly
9 807E15850 Gear (24T)
10 – Not used
11 003K20990 Post fuser jam clearance latch (W/
TAG 125)
12 003E77260 Tri-roll knob
13 003E77270 Jam clearance knob
14 003E77250 Latch cam handle
15 – Inverter motor gear (35-55 ppm)
(REF: PL 10.11 Item 11)
– – Inverter motor gear (65-90 ppm)
(REF: PL 10.11 Item 11)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-59 PL 10.15
PL 10.20 Inverter Decurler
Assemblies W/TAG 046/047
Item Part Description
1 604K55010 Inverter decurler kit (65-90 ppm)
(W/TAG 047) (REP 10.2)
– 604K53911 Inverter decurler kit (35-55 ppm)(W/
TAG 046)(REP 10.2)
2 – Retaining ring (P/O PL 10.20 Item
1) (W/TAG 046, TAG 047)
3 – Adjuster (P/O PL 10.20 Item 1) (W/
TAG 046, TAG 047)
4 – Support bracket (P/O PL 10.20 Item
1) (W/TAG 046, TAG 047)
5 604K60870 Inverter decurler assembly (35-
– 604K60800 Inverter decurler assembly (65-90
6 – Screw (M4x8) (P/O PL 10.20 Item
7 – Shoulder screw (M4x12) (P/O PL
10.20 Item 1)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 10.20 5-60 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 10.25 Short Paper Path Assembly
Item Part Description
1 – Short paper path assembly (REP
2 – Corotron carrier (P/O PL 10.25 Item
3 – Gear (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1) (16T)
4 – Bearing (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1)
5 – Gear (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1) (32T)
6 – Transfer/Detack harness (REF: PL
9.20 Item 9)
7 – Intermediate drive assembly (P/O
PL 10.25 Item 1)
8 807E15940 Gear/Pulley (28T/25G)
9 – Gear/Pulley (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1)
10 – Intermediate drive belt (P/O PL
10.25 Item 1) (REP 10.15)
11 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (W/TAG 051)
12 – Ozone duct (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1)
13 – Push rod (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1)
14 – Ground harness (P/O PL 10.25
Item 1)
15 – Base (P/O PL 10.25 Item 1)
16 – Roll assembly (P/O PL 10.25 Item
17 – Corotron carrier latch (P/O PL
10.25 Item 20)
18 028E16630 Snap on washer (M6)
19 – Spring clip (P/O PL 10.25 Item 20)
20 604K41110 4B latch kit
21 – Drives support clip (NOTE 2)

NOTE: 1. For the registration and halo bias contact, refer to

PL 8.15 Item 23.

NOTE: 2. This clip is also supplied as part of PL 31.11 Item


February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-61 PL 10.25
PL 11.2 2K LCSS Covers
Item Part Description
1 802K48330 Exit cover
2 848K06190 Top cover (REP 11.1-110)
3 – Entry guide cover (REF: PL 11.24
Item 5) (REP 11.15-110)
4 – Front door cover assembly (P/O PL
11.2 Item 14) (REP 11.1-110)
5 017K03750 Fixed castor
6 017K04520 Adjustable castor
7 – Output cover (Not Spared)
8 802K48320 Lower right hand cover
9 050K67380 Bin 0
10 050K54133 Bin 1 (W/O TAG F-013) (ADJ 11.1-
11 848K06180 Rear cover assembly (REP 11.1-
12 – Upper right hand cover (Not
13 019K13380 Bin 1 alignment clip
14 604K41410 2K LCSS front door cover assembly
15 – Hole punch assembly cover (Not
16 604K48150 Bin 1 tray kit (improved stacking)
(W/TAG F-013)

NOTE: Refer to ADJ 11.2-110 to align the 2K LCSS to the


Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.2 5-62 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.4 2K LCSS Docking Latch
Item Part Description
1 – Sensor cover (Not Spared)
2 110K13980 Docking interlock switch (S11-300)
3 003K20401 Link bracket assembly
4 – Stopper (Not Spared)
5 – Docking latch (P/O PL 11.4 Item 8)
6 003K17520 Latch handle
7 120K02590 Docking actuator
8 003K20410 Docking latch assembly (REP

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-63 PL 11.4
PL 11.6 2K LCSS Hole Punch Unit
Item Part Description
1 130E10360 Punch Head Home Sensor (Q11-
350), Punch Head Present Sensor
(Q11-351) (REP 11.7-110)
2 127K55900 Hole Punch Motor Assembly
(MOT11-042) (REP 11.7-110)
3 – Hole punch unit (see below for
variants) (REP 11.7-110, ADJ 11.3-
– – 2 Hole (XE) (Not Spared)
– – 2 Hole Legal(Not Spared)
– 180K00200 3 Hole (USSG/XCL)
– – 4 Hole (Sweden) (Not Spared)
– – 4 Hole (XE) (Not Spared)
4 093E03820 Chad Bin
5 – Thumb Screw (Not Spared)
6 – Bracket (P/O PL 11.6 Item 14)
7 130E10380 Punch Sensor (Q11-110), Chad Bin
Full Sensor (Q11-348) (REP 11.7-
8 – Sensor Bracket (Not Spared)
9 – LCSS Hole Punch Repair Kit (W/
TAG F-006) (ADJ 11.3-
110)(REF:PL 31.14 Item 7)
– 604K53830 LCSS Hole Punch Repair Kit (W/
TAG F-014) (ADJ 11.3-110)
10 – Bracket (P/O PL 11.6 Item 9) (W/
TAG F-014)
– – Bracket (P/O PL 11.6 Item 9) (W/
TAG F-006)
11 – Punch Drive Gear (P/O PL 11.6
Item 9) (W/TAG F-006)
– – Punch Drive Gear (P/O PL 11.6
Item 9) (W/TAG F-014)
12 – Punch Cam (P/O PL 11.6 Item 3)
(W/O TAG F-014)
– – Punch Cam (P/O PL 11.6 Item 9)
(W/TAG F-006)
13 – Punch Spacer (P/O PL 11.6 Item 9)
(W/TAG F-006)
14 – Punch Sensor Assembly (Not
Spared) (W/O TAG F-008)
– – Punch Sensor Assembly (Not
Spared) (W/TAG F-008)
15 014K10610 Hole punch assembly cover

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.6 5-64 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.8 2K LCSS Paddle Wheel/Safety
Item Part Description
1 110K14000 SU1 Safety gate switch (S11-365)
2 – Spring (Not Spared)
3 – Switch actuator (Not Spared)
4 006K27951 Paddle wheel shaft assembly (REP
5 013E25790 Bearing
6 – Gear (Not Spared)
7 – Flag (Not Spared)
8 – Cable clamp (Not Spared)
9 – Output cover (REF: PL 11.2 Item 7)
10 127K55881 Paddle motor assembly (MOT11-
11 130E10360 Paddle roll position sensor (Q11-

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-65 PL 11.8
PL 11.10 2K LCSS Bin 1 Control
Components (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 023E24320 Bin 1 drive belt (REP 11.5-110)
2 – Rear belt clamp (Not Spared) (ADJ
3 110E20180 Upper limit switch (S11-334)
– 110K13990 Upper limit switch (alternate) (S11-
4 – Sensor bracket (Not Spared)
5 130E10360 Bin 1 90% full sensor (Q11-331)
6 – Pulley (Not Spared)
7 013E25810 Bearing
8 127K55890 Bin 1 elevator motor (MOT11-030)
9 – Front belt clamp (Not Spared) (ADJ
10 – Motor bracket (Not Spared)
11 130E12330 Motor encoder sensor (Q11-336)
12 – Pulley assembly (Not Spared)
13 – Belt tensioner (Not Spared)
14 – Spring (Not Spared)
15 – Idler (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.10 5-66 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.12 2K LCSS Bin 1 Control
Components (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 110K13990 Bin 1 lower limit switch (S11-335)
2 130K75140 Edge registration sensor assembly
3 130E10360 Bin 1 Upper level sensor (Q11-
332), Bin 1 Lower level sensor
(Q11-333) (REP 11.11-110)
4 – Actuator (Not Spared)
5 – Sensor support assembly (Not
6 – P-clamp (Not Spared)
7 – Edge registration sensor LED (P/O
PL 11.12 Item 2) (REP 11.11-110)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-67 PL 11.12
PL 11.14 2K LCSS Paper Entry
Item Part Description
1 023E24340 Input drive belt (REP 11.2-110)
2 127K55860 Transport motor 1 (MOT11-000)
(REP 11.2-110)
3 – Spring (Not Spared)
4 – Pulley (Not Spared)
5 013E25790 Nylon bearing
6 006K27980 Feed roll shaft (short)
7 013E25800 Bearing
8 – Paper entry guide assembly (REF:
PL 11.24 Item 1)
9 006K31670 Feed roll shaft (long)
10 – Thumb wheel (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.14 5-68 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.16 2K LCSS Tamper Assembly
Item Part Description
1 068K54280 Tamper assembly (REP 11.6-110)
2 – Tamper unit (P/O PL 11.16 Item 1)
3 130E10360 Front tamper home sensor (Q11-
310), Rear tamper home sensor
(Q11-006), Rear tamper home
away sensor (Q11-319)
4 – Sensor bracket (P/O PL 11.16 Item
5 – Static eliminator (stacker) (REF: PL
11.23 Item 7)
6 – Sensor retainer (P/O PL 11.16 Item

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-69 PL 11.16
PL 11.18 2K LCSS Ejector Assembly
Item Part Description
1 054K37940 Ejector assembly (REP 11.10-110)
2 – Ejector base (P/O PL 11.18 Item 1)
3 130E10360 Ejector home sensor (Q11-320),
Ejector out sensor (Q11-322),
Ejector motor encoder sensor (REP
4 – Pulley (Not Spared)
5 023E24330 Ejector belt (REP 11.17-110)
6 – Clip (P/O PL 11.18 Item 1)
7 019K13390 Support finger set (Qty. 4)
8 020E54090 Pulley drive gear
9 – Washer (Not Spared)
10 – KL-Clip (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.18 5-70 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.20 2K LCSS Staple Head Unit/
Traverse Assembly
Item Part Description
1 604K41341 Stapler traverse assembly kit (REF:
PL 31.12 Item 9) (REP 11.8-110)
2 – Head traverse unit (P/O PL 11.20
Item 1)
3 130E10360 SU1 Home sensor (Q11-370), SU1
Front index sensor (Q11-371)
4 130E10380 SH1 Paper sensor (Q11-361)
5 029K04520 Staple head unit (REP 11.9-110)
6 – Stapler cover (P/O PL 11.20 Item 1)
7 – Staple cartridge (REF: PL 26.10
Item 11)
8 – Edge registration sensor (Q11-367)
(P/O PL 11.12 Item 2)
9 – Sensor cover (P/O PL 11.20 Item 1)
10 – Staple head assembly (P/O PL
11.20 Item 1)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-71 PL 11.20
PL 11.22 2K LCSS Bin 0 Entry
Item Part Description
1 006K27960 Ejector drive shaft
2 013E25790 Nylon bearing
3 – Pulley (Not Spared)
4 023E24330 Intermediate paper drive belt (REP
5 127K55870 Transport motor 2 (MOT11-001)
(REP 11.4-110)
6 – Spring (Not Spared)
7 115E12830 Static eliminator
8 006K27980 Feed roll shaft (short)
9 013E25800 Bearing
10 032K04580 Paper guide
11 130E10370 Top exit sensor (Q11-130)
12 121K45010 Diverter solenoid (SOL11-002)
13 006K31591 Shaft diverter assembly
14 023E24340 Paper output drive belt (REP 11.4-
15 006K27970 Drive shaft assembly
16 003K17531 Jam clearance knob
17 – Belt tensioner (Not Spared)
18 – Spring (Not Spared)
19 – Washer (Not Spared)
20 – Actuator (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.22 5-72 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.23 2K LCSS Bin 1 Entry
Item Part Description
1 032K04610 Left hand paper guide
2 032K04590 Lower right hand paper guide
3 006K27960 Ejector drive shaft (REF: PL 11.22
Item 1)
4 130E10370 2nd to top exit sensor (Q11-140)
5 013E25790 Nylon bearing
6 – Pulley (Not Spared)
7 115E11810 Static eliminator (stacker)
8 – Paper output drive belt (REF: PL
11.22 Item 14)
9 – Upper right hand paper guide (Not
10 013E25800 Bearing
11 – Mylar safety cover (P/O PL 11.23
Item 1)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-73 PL 11.23
PL 11.24 2K LCSS Entry Guide Cover/
Jam Clearance Guide
Item Part Description
1 032K04600 Jam clearance guide assembly
2 – Jam clearance handle (P/O PL
11.24 Item 1)
3 130E10380 Entry sensor (Q11-100)
4 – Sensor bracket (Not Spared)
5 848K06160 Entry guide cover (REP 11.15-110)
6 – Jam clearance guide (P/O PL 11.24
Item 1)
7 809E78390 Latch

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.24 5-74 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.26 2K LCSS Electrical
Item Part Description
1 960K34501 2K LCSS PWB (CAUTION) (W/
TAG F-015) (REP 11.14-110)
2 105K26331 Power supply module
3 960K34490 Offline staple PWB (S11-373)
4 962K56951 Cord bracket assembly
5 110K13980 Front door interlock switch (S11-
6 110K13970 Top cover interlock switch (S11-
Do not install a new 2K LCSS PWB until the cause of the
damage to the old LCSS PWB has been determined. Go to
the 11G-110 LCSS PWB Damage RAP.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-75 PL 11.26
PL 11.100 1K LCSS Covers
Item Part Description
1 802K48330 Exit cover
2 848K06150 Top cover (REP 11.1-120)
3 – Entry guide cover (REF: PL 11.122
Item 5)
4 848K06130 Front door cover assembly (REP
5 – 1K LCSS mounting bracket repair
6 – Thumbscrew (Not Spared)
7 – Output cover (Not Spared)
8 – Not used
9 050K67380 Bin 0
10 050K54133 Bin 1 (W/O TAG L-013) (ADJ 11.1-
– 604K48150 Bin 1 tray kit (improved stacking)
(W/TAG L-013)
11 848K06140 Rear cover (REP 11.1-120)
12 – Right hand cover (Not Spared)
13 019K13380 Bin 1 alignment clip
14 017E11260 Stability foot (REP 11.3-120)
NOTE: W/TAG L-013 improves stacking on machines
running large stacks of 8.5" x 11" or A4 LEF.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.100 5-76 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.102 1K LCSS Docking Latch
Item Part Description
1 – Sensor cover (P/O PL 11.102 Item
2 110K13980 Docking interlock switch (S11-300)
(REP 11.14-120)
3 003K20401 Link bracket assembly (REP 11.14-
4 – Not used
5 – Docking latch (P/O PL 11.102 Item
8) (REP 11.14-120)
6 – Spring (P/O PL 11.102 Item 8)
7 120K02590 Docking actuator
8 003K20391 Docking latch assembly (REP

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-77 PL 11.102
PL 11.104 1K LCSS Paddle Wheel/
Safety Gate
Item Part Description
1 – Not used
2 – Not used
3 – Not used
4 006K30491 Paddle wheel shaft (REP 11.10-
5 013E25790 Bearing
6 – Not used
7 – Flag/Gear (Not Spared)
8 – Not used
9 – Output cover (REF: PL 11.100 Item
10 127K55840 Paddle motor assembly (MOT11-
11 130E12330 Paddle roll position sensor (Q11-

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.104 5-78 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.106 1K LCSS Bin 1 Control
Item Part Description
1 023E30710 Bin 1 drive belt (REP 11.5-120)
2 – Rear belt clamp (Not Spared) (ADJ
3 110E20180 Bin 1 upper limit switch (S11-334)
4 – Sensor bracket (Not Spared)
5 130E12330 Bin 1 90% full sensor (Q11-331),
Bin 1 upper level sensor (Q11-332)
(REP 11.9-120), Motor encoder
sensor (Q11-336)
6 – Pulley (Not Spared)
7 013E25810 Bearing
8 127K55890 Bin 1 elevator motor (MOT11-030)
9 – Front belt clamp (Not Spared) (ADJ
10 – Motor bracket (Not Spared)
11 110K13990 Bin 1 lower limit switch (S11-335)
12 – Pulley assembly (Not Spared)
13 – Sensor support (Not Spared)
14 – P-clamp (Not Spared)
15 – Belt tensioner (Not Spared)
16 – Spring (Not Spared)
17 – Idler (Not Spared)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-79 PL 11.106
PL 11.110 1K LCSS Paper Entry
Item Part Description
1 023E30690 Input drive belt (REP 11.2-120)
2 127K55820 Transport motor 1 (MOT11-000)
(REP 11.2-120)
3 – Spring (Not Spared)
4 – Pulley (Not Spared)
5 013E25790 Nylon bearing
6 006K27980 Feed roll shaft (short)
7 013E25800 Bearing
8 – Paper entry guide assembly (REF:
PL 11.122 Item 1)
9 006K31670 Feed roll shaft (long)
10 – Thumb wheel (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.110 5-80 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.112 1K LCSS Tamper Assembly
Item Part Description
1 068K54270 Tamper assembly (REP 11.6-120)
2 – Tamper unit (P/O PL 11.112 Item 1)
3 130E12330 Front tamper home sensor (Q11-
310), Rear tamper home sensor
(Q11-006), Rear tamper home
away sensor (Q11-319)
4 – Sensor bracket (P/O PL 11.112
Item 1)
5 – Static eliminator (stacker) (REF: PL
11.120 Item 7)
6 – Sensor retainer (P/O PL 11.112
Item 1)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-81 PL 11.112
PL 11.114 1K LCSS Ejector Assembly
Item Part Description
1 054K37920 Ejector assembly (REP 11.8-120)
2 – Ejector base (P/O PL 11.114 Item
3 130E12330 Ejector home sensor (Q11-320),
Ejector out sensor (Q11-322),
Ejector motor encoder sensor (REP
4 – Pulley (Not Spared)
5 023E24330 Ejector belt (REP 11.15-120)
6 – Clip (P/O PL 11.114 Item 1)
7 020E54090 Pulley drive gear
8 – Washer (Not Spared)
9 – KL-Clip (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.114 5-82 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.116 1K LCSS Staple Head
Item Part Description
1 014K10100 Stapler assembly
2 – Mounting bracket (P/O PL 11.116
Item 1)
3 – Stapler harness (P/O PL 11.116
Item 1)
4 130E10380 SH1 Paper sensor (Q11-361) (REP
5 – Staple head unit (P/O PL 11.116
Item 1)
6 – Stapler cover (P/O PL 11.116 Item
7 – Cable clamp (P/O PL 11.116 Item
8 – Staple cartridge (Not Spared)
9 – Staple refills (Not Spared)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-83 PL 11.116
PL 11.118 1K LCSS Bin 0 Entry
Item Part Description
1 006K27960 Ejector drive shaft
2 013E25790 Nylon bearing
3 – Pulley (Not Spared)
4 023E30700 Intermediate paper drive belt
5 – Spring (Not Spared)
6 – Spring (Not Spared)
7 115E12830 Static eliminator
8 006K27980 Feed roll shaft (short)
9 013E25800 Bearing
10 032K04550 Paper guide
11 130E11440 Top exit sensor (Q11-130)
12 121K45000 Diverter solenoid (SOL11-002)
13 006K31591 Shaft diverter assembly
14 – Belt tensioner (Not Spared)
15 006K27970 Drive shaft assembly
16 003K17531 Jam clearance knob
17 – Actuator (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.118 5-84 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.120 1K LCSS Bin 1 Entry
Item Part Description
1 032K04570 Left hand paper guide
2 032K04560 Lower right hand paper guide
3 006K27960 Ejector drive shaft (REF: PL 11.118
Item 1)
4 130E11440 2nd to top exit sensor (Q11-140)
5 013E25790 Nylon bearing
6 – Pulley (Not Spared)
7 115E11810 Static eliminator (stacker)
8 023E24340 Paper output drive belt (REP 11.4-
9 – Upper right hand paper guide (Not
10 013E25800 Bearing
11 – Belt tensioner (Not Spared)
12 – Spring (Not Spared)
13 127K55830 Transport motor 2 (MOT 11-001)
(REP 11.4-120)
14 – Mylar safety cover (P/O PL 11.120
Item 1)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-85 PL 11.120
PL 11.122 1K LCSS Entry Guide
Cover/Jam Clearance Guide
Item Part Description
1 032K04600 Jam clearance guide assembly
2 – Jam clearance handle (P/O PL
11.122 Item 1)
3 130E10380 Entry sensor (Q11-100)
4 – Sensor bracket (Not Spared)
5 848K06160 Entry guide cover (REP 11.13-120)
6 – Jam clearance guide (P/O PL
11.122 Item 1)
7 809E78390 Latch

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.122 5-86 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.124 1K LCSS Electrical
Item Part Description
1 960K21261 1K LCSS PWB (CAUTION) (REP
2 105K28270 Power supply module
3 – Not used
4 962K56941 Cord bracket assembly
5 110K13980 Front door interlock switch (S11-
6 110K13970 Top cover interlock switch (S11-
7 – 1K LCSS communication harness
(P/O PL 11.124 Item 4)
8 – Power cord (P/O PL 11.124 Item 4)
9 – Lower bracket (P/O PL 11.124 Item
10 – Upper bracket (P/O PL 11.124 Item
11 – Screw (P/O PL 11.124 Item 4)
Do not install a new 1K LCSS PWB until the cause of the
damage to the old LCSS PWB has been determined. Go to
the 11G-120 LCSS PWB Damage RAP.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-87 PL 11.124
PL 11.130 HVF Covers and Docking
Item Part Description
1 848K12490 Top cover (REP 11.1-171)
2 848K12501 Front cover (REP 11.1-171)
3 848E17790 Front door (REP 11.1-171)
4 848K12510 Door support (REP 11.1-171)
5 848K12520 Rear cover (REP 11.1-171)
6 848K12530 Vent cover (REP 11.1-171)
7 848E17800 Foot cover (REP 11.1-171)
8 848E17810 Inserter removable cover (REP
9 848K12540 Top tray (REP 11.3-171)
10 – Seal (Not Spared)
11 017K03750 Fixed castor assembly (REP 11.96-
12 – Fixed castor bracket (P/O PL
11.130 Item 11)
13 017K04630 Adjustable castor (REP 11.96-171)
14 – Adjustable castor washer (P/O PL
11.130 Item 13)
15 017K04640 Mounting bracket assembly
16 110K20900 Docking interlock switch (S11-300)
17 – Docking actuator (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.130 5-88 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.135 HVF Stacker
Item Part Description
1 848E17820 Upper right side cover (REP 11.5-
2 848E17840 Lower right side cover
3 130E12830 Bin 1 90% full sensor (Q11-311)/Bin
1 encoder sensor (Q11-182)
4 – Rear main belt clamp (1 of 2) (Not
5 – Rear main belt clamp (2 of 2) (Not
6 023E31220 Bin 1 main drive belt (REP 11.38-
7 110K20890 Bin 1 upper limit switch (REP
11.75-171) (S11-334)/Bin 1 lower
limit switch (REP 11.75-171) (S11-
8 – Main belt pulley (Not Spared)
9 – Main belt tensioner (Not Spared)
10 127K56591 Stacker motor gear box (REP
11 – Bin 1 rear lift bar bracket (Not
12 – Bin 1 front lift bar bracket (Not
13 – Bin 1 lift bar (Not Spared)
14 – Front main belt clamp (2 of 2) (Not
15 – Front main belt clamp (1 of 2) (Not
16 050E23670 Bin 1 (REP 11.4-171)
17 – Not used
18 – Not used
19 848E17830 Middle right side cover
20 019K13380 Bin 1 retaining clip (REP 11.4-171)
21 – Bin 1 lift bar brace (Not Spared)
22 110K20880 Stacker full sensor and lower limit
switch assembly (REP 11.75-171)
23 – Sensor/switch bracket (Not Spared)
24 – Stacker tray guide (P/O PL 11.135
Item 26)
25 – Stacker tray guide pulley (P/O PL
11.135 Item 26)
26 110K21060 Stacker tray guide assembly

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-89 PL 11.135
PL 11.140 HVF Ejector, Pressing and
Support (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Ejector front cover (Not Spared)
2 059K59492 Ejector assembly (REP 11.6-
171)(W/TAG V-007)
3 – Offset module (Not Spared) (REP
4 – Front pressing plate finger (P/OPL
11.140 Item 28) (REP 11.7-171)
5 – Rear pressing plate finger (P/OPL
11.140 Item 28)(REP 11.7-171)
6 – Pressing plate bracket (P/O PL
11.140 Item 18)
7 003K20651 Front support finger (REP 11.8-
8 003K20661 Rear support finger (P/O PL 11.140
Item 13) (REP 11.8-171)
9 – Support finger motor assembly (P/
O PL 11.140 Item 18)
10 – Offset rod (Not Spared)
11 019K13380 Offset rod KL clip
12 – Stapler module (P/O PL 11.140
Item 14) (REP 11.2-171)
13 032K09651 Rear tamper assembly (REP 11.15-
14 029K04631 Staple assembly (REP 11.2-171)
15 130E12830 Pressing and support encoder
sensor (Q11-172), Bin 1 offset
sensor (Q11-337), Offset index
sensor (Q11-187), Offset away
sensor (Q11-176)
16 130K75480 Bin 1 upper level sensor (receiver)
(Q11-332) (REP 11.76-171)
17 130K75900 Bin 1 rear wall sensor (Q11-196)
(P/O PL 11.140 Item 2)
18 127K56550 Motor encoder assembly
19 127K56580 Bin 1 offset motor (MOT11-034)
(REP 11.9-171)
20 130K75470 Bin 1 upper level sensor
(transmitter) (Q11-332) (REP
21 032E35301 Rear tamper arm (P/O PL 11.140
Item 13) (W/O TAG V-006)
– – Rear tamper arm (reinforced) (P/O
PL 11.140 Item 13) (W/TAG V-006)
22 032E35311 Tamper arm set (W/TAG V-006)
23 – Stapler harness (P/O PL 11.140
Item 25)
24 – P-clip (P/O PL 11.140 Item 25)
25 962K82410 Stapler harness and p-clip
26 033K04850 Ejector paddle assembly (W/TAG
V-007) (REP 11.100-171)
27 – Rear tamper (P/O PL 11.140 Item
28 003K21100 Pressing plate kit

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.140 5-90 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.145 HVF Ejector, Pressing and
Support (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Paper pusher (P/O PL 11.145 Item
2 033K04411 Paddle module assembly (REP
3 – Pusher mylar (P/O PL 11.145 Item
4 – Timing belt pulley (Not Spared)
5 – Timing belt tensioner (Not Spared)
6 – Front stacker pulley bracket (Not
7 – Thrust washer (Not Spared)
8 050K67800 Paper pusher assembly (REP
9 – Pinion gear E-clip (Not Spared)
10 – Compile exit upper guide (Not
11 – Stacker main drive gear shaft (Not
12 – Stacker main drive gear (Not
13 674K03550 Paper pusher motor assembly
(MOT11-083) (REP 11.51-171)
14 – Pinion gear (Not Spared)
15 – Pinion gear shaft (Not Spared)
16 130E12830 Paper pusher upper sensor (Q11-
171)/Paper pusher lower sensor
(Q11-173) (REP 11.54-171)
17 – Stapler gate safety switch (S11-
365) (P/O PL 11.145 Item 22)
18 – Sensor screw (P/O PL 11.145 Item
19 – Sensor assembly bracket (P/O PL
11.145 Item 22)
20 – Lower exit guide
21 – Pusher dampers (P/O PL 11.145
Item 8)
22 674K03540 Sensor assembly (REP 11.54-171)
23 013E37150 Stacker shaft bearing (plastic) (REP
24 110K20900 Front door interlock switch (S11-
303)/Top cover interlock switch
25 006K33400 Exit idler roll
26 006K33400 Top jam clearance guide assembly
(Not Spared)
27 006K32210 Stacker idler roll (REP 11.10-171)
28 033K04581 Paddle wheel (NOTE) (REP
NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-91 PL 11.145
PL 11.150 HVF Main Drives
Item Part Description
1 127K56570 Buffer feed motor (MOT11-079)
(REP 11.65-171)/Exit feed motor 2
(MOT11-001) (REP 11.66-171)
2 127K56560 Entry feed motor 1 (MOT11-000)
(REP 11.63-171)/Bypass feed
motor (MOT11-080) (REP 11.64-
3 – Solenoid bracket (P/O PL 11.150
Item 4)
4 121K45290 BM diverter solenoid (SOL11-074)/
Exit diverter solenoid (SOL11-002)/
Buffer clamp solenoid (SOL11-082)
5 – Solenoid connector (Not Spared)
6 127K56610 Paddle module driving motor
assembly (REP 11.48-171)
7 – Entry feed motor 1 belt (Not
8 – Bypass feed motor belt (Not
9 – Buffer feed motor belt (Not Spared)
10 – Exit feed motor 2 belt (A) (Not
11 – Exit feed motor 2 belt (B) (Not

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.150 5-92 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.153 HVF Feed Assembly and
Punch (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 604K54740 HVF 2 hole punch assembly (XE)
– 604K54230 HVF 3 hole punch assembly
2 – HVF chad bin (P/O PL 11.153 Item
3 – Hole punch thumb screw (P/O PL
11.153 Item 1)
4 059K59551 Hole punch blanking assembly
5 868E05770 Front tamper arm (W/O TAG V-006)
– – Front tamper arm (reinforced) (P/O
PL 11.140 Item 22) (W/TAG V-006)
6 127K56600 Front tamper motor assembly (REP
7 038E40870 Diverter exit gate
8 059K59560 Upper exit guide
9 038E40881 BM diverter gate
10 059K59531 Buffer pocket jam clearance guide
11 059K59540 Inserter jam clearance guide
12 059K59521 Input jam clearance guide
13 059K59510 Buffer guide assembly
14 – Nip split motor cover (P/O PL
11.153 Item 13)
15 – Nip split motor (MOT11-081) (P/O
PL 11.153 Item 13)
16 121K45300 Magnet
17 130E12810 Chad bin level sensor (Q11-348)/
Paper edge sensor (NOTE)
18 130E12840 Chad bin present sensor (Q11-112)
19 – Hole punch unit (see below for
– 180K00190 2 Hole (XE)
– – 2 Hole Legal (Not Spared)
– 180K00200 3 Hole (USSG/XCL)
– – 4 Hole (XE) (Not Spared)
– – 4 Hole (Sweden) (Not Spared)

NOTE: There is no component control code for the paper

edge sensor

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-93 PL 11.153
PL 11.155 HVF Feed Assembly and
Punch (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 006K32700 Stacker exit feed roll (REP 11.46-
2 – Buffer upper roll (REF: PL 11.155
Item 1) (REP 11.45-171)
3 – Buffer lower roll (REF: PL 11.155
Item 1) (REP 11.44-171)
4 – Inserter guide roll (REF: PL 11.155
Item 1) (REP 11.41-171)
5 – Booklet entrance roll (REF: PL
11.155 Item 1) (REP 11.43-171)
6 – Buffer pocket roll (REF: PL 11.155
Item 1) (REP 11.42-171)
7 019K13660 Buffer clamp
8 – Input roll (REF: PL 11.155 Item 1)
(REP 11.40-171)
9 – Bearing (Not Spared)
10 006K32690 Stacker exit roll
11 – Top exit roll (Not Spared)
12 – Top exit feed roll (REF: PL 11.155
Item 1) (REP 11.47-171)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.155 5-94 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.156 HVF Feed Assembly and
Punch (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 130E12830 Tamper front home sensor (Q11-
310)/Front tamper tray away sensor
(Q11-174)/Nip split sensor (Q11-
170)/Nip home sensor (Q11-159)
2 130E12810 Entry sensor (Q11-100)/2nd to top
exit sensor (Q11-140)/Buffer
position sensor (Q11-157)/Buffer
path sensor (Q11-164)/Inserter
sensor (NOTE)
3 130E12840 Top exit sensor (Q11-130)/Booklet
exit sensor (Q11-158)

NOTE: There is no component code number for the Inserter


February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-95 PL 11.156
PL 11.157 HVF Power and Control
Item Part Description
1 105K30210 HVF power supply unit (REP 11.55-
2 960K41770 HVF control PWB (REP 11.57-171)
3 960K41780 Pause to unload PWB (REP 11.97-
4 – Power cord (Not Spared)
5 – Inline fuse (10A slo-blow) (Not
6 – Harness (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.157 5-96 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.160 HVF BM Module (Complete)
Item Part Description
1 801K27251 BM Module (REP 11.61-171)
2 010K04360 Slide assembly (REP 11.62-171)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-97 PL 11.160
PL 11.161 HVF BM Entry and Front
Item Part Description
1 003E69092 Drawer handle
2 809E46511 Crease roll leaf spring
3 802E66650 BM Front cover
4 003E69022 Crease blade knob (6d)
5 003E66010 Crease roll handle (6c)
6 013E12610 Nylon bearing
7 – Paper guide (P/O PL 11.161 Item
22) (REP 11.60-171)
8 – Jam clearance handle (Not Spared)
(REP 11.60-171)
9 – Nip spring (Not Spared) (REP
10 022E30620 Nip roll (REP 11.60-171)
11 – Nip shaft (P/O PL 11.161 Item 22)
(REP 11.60-171)
12 130K74072 Flapper home sensor (Q11-391) (P/
O PL 11.161 Item 30) (REP 11.16-
13 – Bearing (Not Spared)
14 020E39990 BM Entry roll pulley (REP 11.22-
15 006K28660 BM Entry roll (REP 11.22-171)
16 130K74110 BM Entry sensor (Q11-160) (REP
17 125E00430 Static eliminator
18 – Rear latch (Not Spared)
19 – Shaft (Not Spared)
20 809E46411 Latch spring
21 – Front latch (Not Spared)
22 – Entrance baffle assembly (Not
Spared) (REP 11.60-171)
23 – BM Flapper (P/O PL 11.161 Item
30) (REP 11.16-171)
24 – BM flapper bracket (P/O PL 11.161
Item 30)
25 – BM Compiler shaft (Not Spared)
26 125K03831 Static eliminator
27 – Top baffle (Not Spared)
28 – Pulley (Not Spared)
29 – BM flapper drive belt (Not Spared)
30 – BM Flapper assembly (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.161 5-98 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.162 HVF BM Tamper Assembly
Item Part Description
1 107E22600 BM Tamper 1 home sensor (Q11-
2 – LH Frame plate (Not Spared)
3 127K47660 BM Tamper 1 motor (MOT 11-066)
(REP 11.30-171)
4 – BM Tamper spring (P/O PL 11.162
Item 10)
5 – BM Rear tamper arm (P/O PL
11.162 Item 9) (REP 11.30-171)
6 – BM Front tamper arm (P/O PL
11.162 Item 10) (REP 11.30-171)
7 – BM Rear tamper rack (P/O PL
11.162 Item 9) (REP 11.30-171)
8 – BM Front tamper rack (P/O PL
11.162 Item 10) (REP 11.30-171)
9 007K13190 BM Rear tamper assembly (REP
10 007K13180 BM Front tamper assembly (REP
11 807E15450 BM Tamper gear (REP 11.30-171)
12 – BM Tamper bracket (Not Spared)
(REP 11.30-171)
13 – BM Tamper rack guide (Not
Spared) (REP 11.30-171)
14 802E59410 BM Connector cover
15 – BM Tamper guide plate (Not
Spared) (REP 11.30-171)
16 – BM Rear tamper finger (Not
Spared) (REP 11.30-171)
17 – BM Front tamper finger (Not
Spared) (REP 11.30-171)
18 125K03593 BM Static eliminator

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-99 PL 11.162
PL 11.163 HVF BM Back Stop Motor
Item Part Description
1 – Ground wire (P/O PL 11.163 Item
2 – Motor bracket (Not Spared)
3 – Motor damper (P/O PL 11.163 Item
20) (REP 11.20-171)
4 – BM back stop motor (MOT11-065)
(P/O PL 11.163 Item 20) (REP
5 – Pulley (Not Spared)
6 – BM back stop bearing (Not Spared)
(REP 11.26-171)
7 023E23300 BM back stop drive belt (REP
8 809E78370 BM back stop tensioner spring
(REP 11.20-171)
9 – Allen key (3mm) (Not Spared)
10 802E59180 Sensor cover
11 – BM back stop bearing (Not Spared)
(REP 11.26-171)
12 – BM back stop idler bracket (Not
Spared) (REP 11.26-171)
13 – BM back stop idler shaft (Not
14 – BM back stop tensioner link (Not
15 809E25100 BM back stop link spring (REP
16 012E20870 BM back stop link (REP 11.26-171)
17 – LH frame plate (Not Spared)
18 107E22600 BM back stop guide home sensor
19 – Not used
20 127K54710 BM back stop motor assembly
(REP 11.20-171)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.163 5-100 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.164 HVF BM Back Stop
Item Part Description
1 019E74451 Anti-play shoe
2 – BM back stop lock washer (P/O PL
11.164 Item 17)
3 – Cable fastener (P/O PL 11.164 Item
4 031E11300 Anti-rattle arm
5 – Screw (P/O PL 11.164 Item 17)
6 – Flanged hex nut (P/O PL 11.164
Item 17)
7 – Back stop adjust spring (P/O PL
11.164 Item 17)
8 809E71970 Antiplay spring (Not Spared)
9 – Solenoid spring (P/O PL 11.164
Item 17)
10 – Shaft support (Not Spared)
11 – Belt clamp (P/O PL 11.164 Item 17)
12 – BM back stop solenoid nut (P/O PL
11.164 Item 17)
13 – Pivoting clamp (P/O PL 11.164 Item
14 006K30790 BM back stop drive shaft (REP
15 023E23140 BM back stop belt (REP 11.26-171)
16 – BM back stop shaft (Not Spared)
17 019K13550 BM back stop assembly

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-101 PL 11.164
PL 11.165 HVF BM Crease Blade
Item Part Description
1 107E22600 BM Crease blade motor encoder
sensor (Q11-418), BM Crease
blade home sensor (Q11-416) (Not
Spared) (REP 11.18-171)
2 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 11.165 Item
3 127K54690 BM Crease blade motor assembly
(MOT11-061) (REP 11.18-171)
4 014E47460 Motor encoder (REP 11.18-171)
5 – Drive shaft (Not Spared)
6 007E69830 Drive gear
7 413W30654 Bearing (REP 11.18-171)
8 008E08220 Crank (REP 11.18-171)
9 012E20860 Connecting rod (REP 11.36-171)
10 – Bearing (Not Spared)
11 802E59171 Motor cover
12 809E42861 Crease nip spring (REP 11.58-171)
13 815K11660 Crease blade assembly (REP
14 032E19330 Crease blade support guide (REP
15 – Crease blade home sensor bracket
(Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.165 5-102 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.166 HVF BM Crease Rolls Motor
and PWB
Item Part Description
1 127K43751 BM Compiler motor (MOT11-060)/
BM flapper motor (MOT11-390)
(REP 11.25-171)
2 – Damper bracket (P/O PL 11.166
Item 16) (REP 11.25-171)
3 – Motor bracket (Not Spared)
4 – Ground wire (P/O PL 11.166 Item
5 – Not used
6 – Not used
7 – Not used
8 127K53620 Crease roll gate motor (MOT11-
401) (REP 11.24-171)
9 107E22600 BM Crease roll gate home sensor
(Q11-415), BM Crease roll motor
encoder sensor (Q11-419)
10 960K42390 BM PWB (REP 11.17-171)
11 – Motor bracket (P/O PL 11.166 Item
12 127K54680 BM crease roll motor assembly
(MOT11-062) (REP 11.19-171)
13 014E47460 BM Crease roll motor encoder
14 – Support bracket (Not Spared)
15 023E25430 Belt
16 127K55520 BM Compiler motor assembly (REP
17 – BM flapper motor pulley (Not
18 – BM flapper motor drive belt (Not
19 – Tri-folder interlock cheat (PJ553)
(Not Spared)
20 – Tri-folder logic cheat (PJ563) (Not

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-103 PL 11.166
PL 11.167 HVF BM Crease Rolls and
Support Leg
Item Part Description
1 – Lower crease roll bearing (P/O PL
11.167 Item 23)
2 – Shaft keyed clutch plate (P/O PL
11.167 Item 23)
3 413W31054 Crease roll bearing (REP 11.52-
4 – Lower crease roll gear (P/O PL
11.167 Item 23)
5 – Gear keyed clutch plate (P/O PL
11.167 Item 23) (REP 11.52-171)
6 006K29391 Upper crease roll (REP 11.52-171)
7 – Lower crease roll (P/O PL 11.167
Item 25) (REP 11.52-171)
8 007E69081 Crease roll gate rack gear (REP
9 – Not used
10 – Not used
11 – Not used
12 – Bearing (Not Spared)
13 007E69070 Crease roll gate rack drive gear
(REP 11.52-171)
14 007E68951 Crease roll gate rack (REP 11.52-
15 020E38701 Crease roll gate front guide (REP
16 020E38081 Crease roll gate rear guide (REP
17 – Crease roll drive shaft (Not Spared)
18 – Crease roll gate shaft (Not Spared)
19 050E23160 Crease roll gate (REP 11.52-171)
20 – Retainer (P/O PL 11.167 Item 23)
21 – Screw (P/O PL 11.167 Item 23)
22 807E06040 Upper crease roll gear
23 – Lower crease roll and clutch
assembly (Not Spared)
24 – Wavy washer (P/O PL 11.167 Item
25 604K42120 Crease roll repair kit

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.167 5-104 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.168 HVF BM Stapler Assemblies
Item Part Description
1 020E38513 Front follower
2 016E17731 Actuator
3 – Rear follower (Not Spared)
4 809E44010 Spring
5 130K74090 BM paper present sensor (Q11-
6 008E06850 Latch slide
7 029K03232 BM Staple head assembly (REP
11.27-171, ADJ 4.1)
8 050K21270 Staple cartridge
9 – Staple bracket handle (Not Spared)
(REP 11.28-171)
10 – Stapler bracket assembly (Not
Spared) (REP 11.28-171)
11 809E48830 Torsion spring (REP 11.28-171)
12 – Bearing (Not Spared) (REP 11.28-
13 – Spring (Not Spared) (REP 11.28-
14 802E42770 Staple head cover
15 – BM Right hand cover (Not Spared)
(REP 11.56-171)
16 125K03831 Static eliminator
17 130E11640 BM exit sensor (Q11-409) (REP
18 107E22600 BM Stapler head carrier closed
sensor (Q11-421) (Not Spared)
(REP 11.28-171)
19 – Lower shaft (Not Spared) (REP
20 – Upper shaft (Not Spared) (REP
21 055E51870 Mylar guide

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-105 PL 11.168
PL 11.169 HVF BM Bin 2
Item Part Description
1 023E18612 Conveyor belt (REP 11.29-171)
2 050E21971 HVF BM Bin 2 extension
3 – HVF BM Bin 2 upper cover (P/O PL
11.169 Item 8)
4 127K53630 BM Conveyor belt drive motor
5 019E61171 HVF BM Bin 2 90% full sensor
6 – HVF BM Bin 2 lower cover (P/O PL
11.169 Item 8)
7 – Thumbscrew (Not Spared)
8 – HVF BM Bin 2 assembly (Not
9 – HVF BM Bin 2 connector (Not
10 809E47341 HVF Bin 2 actuator spring
11 007E69000 Gear (50T)/pulley (24T)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.169 5-106 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.175 Inserter Covers
Item Part Description
1 – Front cover (Not Spared) (REP
2 – Rear cover (Not Spared) (REP
3 – Sensor tray (P/O PL 11.175 Item
20) (REP 11.89-171)
4 – Bottom tray spring (Not Spared)
5 – Bottom tray shaft (P/O PL 11.175
Item 19)
6 – Bottom tray (P/O PL 11.175 Item
19) (REP 11.90-171)
7 – Top left door (P/O PL 11.175 Item
21) (REP 11.92-171)
8 – Top cover door (P/O PL 11.179
Item 20)
9 – Pivot pin (Not Spared)
10 – Acceleration sensor (P/O PL
11.175 Item 21) (REP 11.92-171)
11 – Unit empty sensor (Q11-153) (Not
Spared) (REP 11.90-171)
12 – Sheet size detector 1 (Q11-150)/
Sheet size detector 2 (Q11-151) (P/
O PL 11.175 Item 20) (REP 11.89-
13 – Inserter paper width sensor 1 (Q11-
152) (P/O PL 11.175 Item 19) (REP
– – Inserter paper width sensor 2 (P/O
PL 11.175 Item 19) (NOTE) (REP
14 – Bottom tray bracket (P/O PL 11.175
Item 19)
15 – Bottom tray rack (P/O PL 11.175
Item 19)
16 – Bottom plate sensor (Q11-156) (P/
O PL 11.175 Item 19) (REP 11.94-
17 – Top cover (Not Spared)
18 – Left hand door interlock switch
(S11-431) (Not Spared) (REP
19 050K68100 Bottom tray assembly (REP 11.90-
171, REP 11.95-171)
20 848K19170 Sensor tray assembly (REP 11.89-
21 848K19180 Top left door assembly (REP 11.92-

NOTE: Inserter paper width sensor 2 has no component

control code.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-107 PL 11.175
PL 11.177 Inserter Main Drives (1 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 – Idler (Not Spared)
2 – Idler pin (Not Spared)
3 – Gear (Not Spared)
4 – Pulley (Not Spared)
5 – Belt (Not Spared)
6 – Bracket (Not Spared)
7 – Jam drive belt (Not Spared)
8 – Top cover interlock switch (S11-
306) (Not Spared) (REP 11.87-171)
9 – Loading lever (Not Spared)
10 – Loading gear (Not Spared)
11 – Bearing (Not Spared)
12 – Torsion spring (Not Spared)
13 – Loading shaft (Not Spared)
14 – Front loading bracket (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.177 5-108 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.179 Inserter Main Drives (2 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 050K68080 Pickup assembly (REP 11.95-171)
2 – Pickup gear (Not Spared)
3 005K12890 Inserter clutch (REP 11.86-171)
4 – Reverse roller drive idler (Not
5 – Pickup assembly bracket (Not
6 – Bearing (Not Spared)
7 – Reverse roller drive belt (Not
8 – Reverse roller drive (Not Spared)
9 960K46170 Inserter PWB (REP 11.85-171)
10 – IDG pickup sensor (P/O PL 11.179
Item 20) (REP 11.91-171)
11 – TE sensor (Q11-155) (REP 11.93-
171)/LE sensor (Q11-154) (REP
11.93-171) (P/O PL 11.179 Item 19)
12 – Idle roller assembly (P/O PL 11.179
Item 19) (REP 11.98-171)
13 – Idler roller bracket (Not Spared)
14 – Idler roller spring (P/O PL 11.179
Item 19)
15 – Top inside cover (Not Spared)
16 – Idler roller cover (P/O PL 11.179
Item 19)
17 – Top cover door (P/O PL 11.179
Item 20) (REP 11.91-171)
18 050K68090 Reverse feed roller (REP 11.95-
19 006K32470 Idler roller assembly (REP 11.93-
20 848K19160 Top cover door assembly (REP
21 848K37330 Retard cover
22 – Drive coupling (Not Spared)
23 – Reverse feed roll core (Not Spared)
24 – Pin (Not Spared)
25 – Shaft (Not Spared)
NOTE: HFSI. To reset the HFSI count, refer to GP 17.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-109 PL 11.179
PL 11.181 Inserter Main Drives (3 of 3)
Item Part Description
1 127K61990 Inserter motor (MOT11-078) (REP
2 – Idler (Not Spared)
3 – Driver gear (Not Spared)
4 – Idler (Not Spared)
5 – Tray down gear (Not Spared)
6 – Gear cover bracket (Not Spared)
7 – Idler (Not Spared)
8 – Bottom shaft drive (Not Spared)
9 – Feed roller drive gear (Not Spared)
10 – Tray down clutch (Not Spared)
11 – Tray down clutch assembly (Not

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.181 5-110 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.190 Tri-Folder Covers
Item Part Description
1 – Door pin (Not Spared)
2 802K94010 Front door (REP 11.67-171)
3 848K11740 Rear cover (REP 11.67-171)
4 – Top cover door assembly (P/O PL
11.190 Item 8) (REP 11.73-171)
5 – Top cover door assembly spring (P/
O PL 11.190 Item 8)
6 802E93931 Top cover (REP 11.67-171)
7 848E17430 Right hand side cover (REP 11.67-
8 – Tri-Folder (complete) (Not Spared)
9 – Top cover door assembly shaft (P/O
PL 11.190 Item 8)
10 107E26490 Top cover interlock sensor (Q11-
394) (REP 11.77-171)
11 – Top cover locking stud (Not Spared)
12 802E99581 Front cover
13 017K04190 Castor

NOTE: For detail of bin 2, refer to PL 11.169.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-111 PL 11.190
PL 11.193 Tri-Folder Drives module
Item Part Description
1 – Drive coupling assembly bracket
(P/O PL 11.193 Item 13)
2 – Bearing (P/O PL 11.193 Item 13)
3 – Feed/exit roll drive gear (40T) (P/O
PL 11.193 Item 13)
4 – Gear (40T) (Black) (P/O PL 11.193
Item 13)
5 – Driven pulley (P/O PL 11.193 Item
6 – Bearing (P/O PL 11.193 Item 13)
7 – Bearing (P/O PL 11.193 Item 13)
8 – Idler assembly bracket (P/O PL
11.193 Item 13)
9 – Clutch drive (P/O PL 11.193 Item
13) (121E18961)
10 023E23290 Crease roll belt
11 023E30780 Coupler drive belt
12 007K14460 Drive assembly
13 005K12690 Drive coupling assembly (REP
14 675K53640 Tri-Folder install kit (REP 11.68-
15 – Thumb screw (P/O PL 11.193 Item
16 960K24000 Tri-folder control PWB (REP 11.80-
17 – Drive coupler (P/O PL 11.193 Item
18 – Align gauge coupler (P/O PL
11.193 Item 12)
19 962K49592 Bin 2 tray harness (REP 11.81-171)
20 962K49571 Tri-folder harness (REP 11.81-171)
21 – Drive belt tensioner pulley (Not
22 – Feed roller bearing (Not Spared)
23 – Feed roll pulley (Not Spared) (REP
24 – Feed roll belt (Not Spared) (REP
25 023E23370 Feed roll drive belt (REP 11.68-
26 020E39921 Pulley gear 19T/20T BM (REP
27 020E39930 Pulley gear 38T (REP 11.68-171)
28 – Drive assembly bracket (P/O PL
11.193 Item 12)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.193 5-112 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 11.195 Tri-Folder Top Door Cover
Item Part Description
1 – Top access cover (P/O PL 11.195
Item 10)
2 – Top cover door assembly spring
(Not Spared)
3 – Top cover door assembly shaft (Not
4 – Latch hook (P/O PL 11.195 Item
5 – Top door cover assembly base (P/O
PL 11.195 Item 10)
6 – Latch handle (P/O PL 11.195 Item
7 – Latch spring (P/O PL 11.195 Item
8 059K58690 Idler assembly (REP 11.73-171)
9 – Idler spring (P/O PL 11.195 Item
10 848K11680 Top cover door assembly (REP
11 – Idler assembly (Not Spared)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-113 PL 11.195
PL 11.197 Tri-Folder Main Drives
Item Part Description
1 – Roller assembly (Not Spared) (REP
2 110E19840 Front door interlock switch (S11-
393) (REP 11.77-171)
3 110E19831 Top cover interlock switch (REP
4 – Top access cover docking catch
(Not Spared)
5 – Pressing and stacking assembly
(Not Spared)
6 130E11861 Assist gate sensor (Q11-184) (REP
7 020E38480 Crease roll pulley (REP 11.74-171)
8 121K44660 Assist gate solenoid (SOL11-086)
(REP 11.71-171)
9 011E13832 Centerfold entry gate lever (REP
10 809E44040 Crease roll spring (REP 11.72-171)
11 130K74920 Entry sensor (Q11-183) (REP
12 130K74051 Exit sensor (Q11-086) (REP 11.79-
13 – Not used
14 – Feed roller bearing (Not Spared)
15 – Feed roller (Not Spared) (REP
16 121K44650 Diverter solenoid (SOL11-085)
(REP 11.74-171)
17 050E23180 Diverter gate

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 11.197 5-114 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 12.10 OCT
Item Part Description
1 604K41660 OCT (complete)
2 – Tray
3 675K26824 OCT finger kit (REP 12.1)
4 – Thumbscrew
5 130E81311 OCT 90% full sensor (Q12-300)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-115 PL 12.10
PL 14.10 Scanner Module, CVT/
Document Glass (W/TAG 150)
Item Part Description
1 062K28150 Scanner (65-90 ppm) (REP 14.1)
– – Scanner (35-55 ppm)
2 – Not used
3 – Top cover (REP 14.14) (Not
4 090E02590 CVT Glass (NOTE) (REP 14.6)
5 090K02451 Platen glass assembly (NOTE)
(REP 14.6)
6 – Spacer (014E61280) (REP 14.1)
7 – Grommet (Not Spared)
8 848E57531 Base cover (REP 14.1)
9 – Single board controller PWB
module/UI harness (PJ103 &
PJ104 & PJ130-PJ133 & PJ80)
(Not Spared)
10 016E18310 Top cover plug
11 – Spacer (Not Spared)
12 032E20580 Rubber stop
13 032K04061 CVT Ramp assembly (REP 14.6)
14 – Document glass securing bracket
(P/O PL 14.10 Item 1)
15 – Transit screw hole plug (P/O PL
14.10 Item 3)
16 – Scanner frame securing bracket
(Not Spared)

NOTE: Refer to ADJ 14.2 for the optics cleaning procedure.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 14.10 5-116 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 14.15 Electrical Components (W/
TAG 150)
Item Part Description
1 – PWB Cover (Not Spared)
2 127K68200 Scan motor (REP 14.15)
3 130E12310 Document size sensor 1 (Q14-315),
Document size sensor 2 (Q14-320)
(REP 14.20)
4 960K59880 Scanner PWB (REP 14.19)
5 962K89030 Single board controller PWB/DADH
comms/scanner power harness
(PJ920, PJ921)
6 130E12300 DADH Closed switch (Q05-300)
(REP 14.4)
7 – Front end block (030K79630) (REP
8 – Rear end block (030K79620) (REP
9 122K02870 Exposure lamp (REP 14.9)
10 962K88980 Scan carriage ribbon harness (REP
11 – CCD cover (Not Spared) (USSG)
12 960K59870 Exposure lamp inverter PWB (REP
13 962K89020 Scanner daughter PWB/scanner
PWB video PWB harness (PJ922)
14 – Scanner motor drive belt (P/O PL
14.10 Item 1) (REP 14.16)
15 – CCD PWB/Scanner PWB ribbon
cable 1 (PJ931) (P/O PL 14.10 Item
16 130K75130 Scan carriage home sensor (Q14-
100) (REP 14.7)/Input module
angle sensor(Q14-310)(REP 14.8)
17 020K12510 Scan idler pulley (REP 14.10)
18 030K79640 Scan motor bracket (REP 14.15)
19 – CCD PWB (P/O PL 14.10 Item 1)
20 – Actuator spring (Not Spared)
21 110K14010 Input module angle sensor actuator
(REP 14.8)
22 – Actuator support (Not Spared)
23 – CCD PWB/Scanner PWB ribbon
cable 2 (PJ932) (P/O PL 14.10 Item
24 – Scan cable (Not Spared) (REP
25 – Scan carriage drive belt (REP
NOTE: Refer to ADJ 14.2 for the optics cleaning procedure.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-117 PL 14.15
PL 14.20 Scanner Module, CVT/
Document Glass (W/O TAG 150)
Item Part Description
1 062K22743 Scanner (REP 14.1)
2 – Not used
3 802K62500 Top cover (REP 14.14)
4 090E02500 CVT glass (28mm wide) (NOTE)
(REP 14.6)
– 090E02590 CVT glass (31mm wide) (NOTE)
(REP 14.6)
5 090K02451 Document glass (NOTE) (REP
6 – Spacer (REP 14.1) (Not Spared)
7 – Grommet (Not Spared)
8 802E93181 Base cover (REP 14.1)
9 – Single board controller PWB
module/UI harness (PJ130-PJ133
& PJ104) (Not Spared)
10 016E18310 Top cover plug
11 – Base cover plug (Not Spared)
12 032E20580 Rubber stop
13 032K04061 CVT Ramp assembly (REP 14.6)

NOTE: Refer to ADJ 14.1 for the optics cleaning procedure.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 14.20 5-118 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 14.25 Electrical Components (W/O
TAG 150)
Item Part Description
1 – PWB Cover (Not Spared)
2 127K55800 Scan motor (REP 14.11)
3 130E12310 Document size sensor 1 (Q14-315),
Document size sensor 2 (Q14-320)
(REP 14.3)
4 960K34310 Scanner PWB (REP 14.5)
5 962K12190 Single board controller module/
CCD PWB PJ125-PJ110 harness
6 130E12300 DADH Closed switch (Q05-300)
(REP 14.4)
7 030K79630 Front end block (REP 14.9)
8 030K79620 Rear end block (REP 14.9)
9 122K02290 Exposure lamp (REP 14.9)
10 962K12210 Lamp ribbon harness
11 960K34340 Fuse (USSG) (REP 14.2)
12 960K34320 Exposure lamp inverter PWB (REP
13 152S06184 Single board controller module/
scanner driver PWB/CCD PWB
(PJ455 & PJ450-PJ135) harness
14 023E25140 Scanner drive belt (P/O PL 14.20
Item 1) (REP 14.13)
15 – Sensor bracket (Not Spared)
16 130K75130 Scan carriage home sensor (Q14-
100) (REP 14.7)/Input module
angle sensor (Q14-310) (REP 14.8)
17 020K12510 Scan idler pulley (REP 14.10)
18 030K79640 Scan motor bracket (REP 14.11)
19 – CCD PWB (P/O PL 14.20 Item 1)
20 – Actuator spring (Not Spared)
21 110K14010 Input module angle sensor actuator
(REP 14.8)
22 – Actuator support (Not Spared)
23 – CCD PWB/Scanner PWB harness
(P/O PL 14.20 Item 1)
24 – Scan cable (Not Spared) (REP

NOTE: Refer to ADJ 14.1 for the optics cleaning procedure.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-119 PL 14.25
PL 17.00 Secure Access Additions
Item Part Description
1 101E28760 Secure access controller
2 105E24030 Xerox secure access power supply
3 146E02180 Xerox secure access card reader
4 – Xerox secure access card reader
(MAGSTRIPE) (Not Spared)
5 146E02190 Xerox secure access card reader
6 146E02200 Xerox secure access card reader
7 – Xerox secure access power cord
(NA) (Not spared)
8 – Xerox secure access power cord
(EU) (Not Spared)
9 – Xerox secure access power cord
(UK) (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 17.00 5-120 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 20.10 Fax PWBs
Item Part Description
1 802E60122 Safety cover
2 – Extended fax PWB (see below for
– – (R6/R7) (2 Line) (NOTE 1) (W/O
TAG X-001)
– – (R8) (2 Line) (NOTE 2) (W/O TAG
– – (R8) (2 Line) South Africa only
(NOTE 2)
– 960K52340 (R9) (2 Line) (NOTE 3) (W/O TAG
3 537E67440 Compact flash memory (512Mb)
(W/O TAG X-001)
4 – Embedded fax PWB (see below for
– – (R7) (1 Line) (NOTE 1) (W/O TAG
X-001) (REP 3.2)
– – (R8) (1 Line) ((NOTE 2) (W/O TAG
X-001) (REP 3.2)
– 960K52330 (R9) (1 Line) (NOTE 3) (W/O TAG
X-001) (REP 3.2)
– – (R8) (1 Line) South Africa only
(NOTE 2) (W/O TAG X-001) (REP
– 960K58801 Embedded fax PWB (1 Line) (W/
TAG X-001)
5 802E65251 Lower cover
6 – Single board controller PWB mod-
ule (REF: PL 3.24 Item 1)
7 – Grounding strip (P/O PL 20.10 Item
8 – Telephone cable (not shown on
illustration, see below for variants)
(P/O PL 20.10 Item 9, PL 20.10
Item 10)
– – United Kingdom
– – (USSG/XCL)
– – Germany
– – Italy
– – Belgium
– – Austria
– – France
– – Finland
– – Denmark
– – Norway
– – Portugal/Spain
– – Sweden
– – Switzerland
9 – Line 1 fax kit (W/TAG X-001) (REF:
PL 31.35 Item 1)
10 – Line 2 fax kit (REF: PL 31.40 Item
1) (W/O TAG X-001)
NOTE: 1. This hardware item is compatible with 21.113.xx
and 21.120.xx software level.
NOTE: 2. This hardware item is compatible with 21.113.xx,
25.xx.xx and 21.120.xx software level.
NOTE: 3. This hardware item is compatible with 25.xx.xx and
21.120.xx software level.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-121 PL 20.10
PL 25.10 Convenience Stapler
Item Part Description
1 – Convenience stapler kit (REF: PL
31.11 Item 2) (NOTE)
2 – Power cord (P/O PL 25.10 Item 1)
3 – PSU (P/O PL 25.10 Item 1)
4 008R12964 Staple cartridge (1 cartridge 5000
– 008R12941 Staple cartridge refill (3 cartridges,
3 x 5000 staples)
5 – Convenience stapler (XE) (P/O PL
25.10 Item 1)
– – Convenience stapler (USSG/XCL)
(P/O PL 25.10 Item 1)

NOTE: The convenience stapler has no serviceable parts.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 25.10 5-122 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 26.10 Consumables and Tools (1
of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – 9 Way gender changer/Null modem
adapter (Not Spared)
2 043P00048 Formula A cleaning fluid
3 600T02133 Line test tool
4 043P00045 Film remover (WARNING)
5 – USB Cable (Not Spared)
6 – Ethernet crossover cable (Not
7 600T02261 Finisher bypass connector
8 043E00550 Plastislip grease
9 043P00081 Lens and mirrors cleaner
10 099P03037 Disposable gloves (general
protection) (Qty. 100) (WARNING)
11 108R00493 Staple cartridge (pack of 3) (2K
12 – Serial cable (Not Spared)
13 035E56460 Wiper
14 082E02000 Test pattern (A3/11x17)
15 082E02010 Test pattern (A4)
16 082E02020 Test pattern (8.5x11)
17 082E08230 Test pattern (solid area density
18 082P00448 Test pattern (visual scale)
19 – Antistatic fluid (Not Spared)
20 – Molub grease 777 (Not Spared)
21 – Not used
22 – Foreign interface test tool (USSG/
XC) (Not Spared)
23 – Mag seal repair tool(Not spared)
24 – Not used
25 – Compiler carriage support (Not
26 108R00682 1K LCSS staple cartridge
27 – 1K LCSS staple refill (Not Spared)
(pack of 40)
Wear protective gloves, PL 26.10 Item 10 when using
solvents and cleaning agents

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-123 PL 26.10
PL 26.11 Consumables and Tools (2 of
Item Part Description
1 008R12964 Convenience stapler cartridge (1
cartridge 5000 staples)
2 006R01146 Black toner (Includes waste toner
bottle) (REF: PL 9.15 Item 4) (65-
90 ppm) (Pack of 2)
3 006R01046 Toner cartridge (2) pack (REF: PL
9.17 Item 4) (35-55 ppm)
4 008R12941 Convenience stapler cartridge refill
(3 cartridges, 3 x 5000 staples)
5 – Handset tool (Not Spared)

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 26.11 5-124 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 28.10 Covers
Item Part Description
1 – DADH covers (REF: PL 5.10)
2 – HCF covers (REF: PL 7.25)
3 – Main covers (REF: PL 8.10)
4 – 2K LCSS covers (REF: PL 11.2)
5 – Not used
6 – Not used
7 – Scanner covers (W/TAG 150)
(REF: PL 14.10)
8 – 1K LCSS covers (REF: PL 11.100)
9 – Stand covers (REF: PL 7.40)
10 – Scanner covers (W/O TAG 150)
(REF: PL 14.20)
11 – HVF covers (REF: PL 11.130)
12 – Not used
13 – Tray 5 covers (REF: PL 7.60)
14 – Inserter covers (REF: PL 11.175)
15 – Tri-folder covers (REF: PL 11.190)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-125 PL 28.10
PL 31.10 Maintenance/Installation/
Removal Kits (1 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 – Not used
2 – Not used
3 – Vend adaptor kit (Not Spared)
4 – Not used
5 – Hole punch kit (see below for
– 498K10260 2 hole punch kit (XE)
– 498K10310 2 hole punch kit (legal) (XE)
– 498K10270 3 hole punch kit (USSG/XCL)
– 498K10310 4 hole punch kit (Swedish) (XE)
– 498K10280 4 hole punch kit (XE)
– 604K54230 HVF 3 hole punch assembly (REF:
PL 11.153 Item 1) (USSG/XCL)
– 604K54740 HVF 2 hole punch assembly (REF:
PL 11.153 Item 1) (XE)
6 – Not used
7 – Finishing devices (see below for
– – 1K LCSS (no hole punch) (P/O PL
11.100) (32-45 ppm)
– – 2K LCSS (no hole punch) (REF: PL
8 Tray 5 (P/O PL 7.60)
9 498K12130 Tray 5 paper feed kit (A3 SEF
10 498K12140 Tray 5 paper feed kit (A4 SEF
11 604K48370 CVT roll kit (grey) (REF: PL 5.25
Item 17)
12 604K54340 Lever arm CRU spares kit (REF: PL
5.17 Item 28) (W/TAG D-001)

NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the

CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 31.10 5-126 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 31.11 Maintenance/Installation/
Removal Kits (2 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 497K05240 Colour scanning enablement kit
2 498K08260 Convenience stapler (REF: PL
25.10 Item 1) (XE)
– 498K08250 Convenience stapler (REF: PL
25.10 Item 1) (USSG/XCL)
3 498K16091 Xerox copier assistant (XE)
– 498K13733 Xerox copier assistant (USSG/XCL)
4 – Short paper path kit (Not Spared)
5 – Internet Fax kit (Not Spared)
6 497K05760 Server Fax kit
7 497K05720 Network accounting
8 – Not used
9 – Searchable file formats kit (Not
10 – Not used
11 – Not used
12 604K41020 Ros spares lit (35 ppm) (REF: PL
6.10 Item 4)
– 604K34980 ROS spares kit (REF: PL 6.10 Item
4) (40-55 ppm)
– 604K34950 ROS spares kit (REF: PL 6.10 Item
4) (65-90 ppm)
13 – Image module spares kit (Not
14 – Not used
15 – Not used
16 604K48620 Tray 3 and 4 multifeed roll fix kit
(rough tread rolls) (REF: PL 8.30
Item 20, PL 8.31 Item 10) (W/TAG
17 604K48700 Paper tray lip kit (REF: PL 7.10
Item 24)
18 604K48150 Bin 1 tray kit (improved stacking)
REF: PL 11.2 Item 16, PL 11.100
Item 10 (W/TAG L-013)

NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the

CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-127 PL 31.11
PL 31.12 Maintenance/Installation/
Removal Kits (3 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 604K22250 Tray 4 adjustment kit
2 604K18510 Developer latch repair kit (65-90
ppm) (REF: PL 9.15 Item 24)
– 604K30560 Developer latch repair kit (35-55
ppm) (REF: PL 9.17 Item 23)
3 604K24570 Trickle outlet shutter kit (REF: PL
9.15 Item 19, PL 9.17 Item 19)
4 604K24620 Tray 4 multi feed kit (REF: PL 7.15
Item 23)
5 604K24650 Auger damper kit (REF: PL 4.10
Item 11, PL 4.15 Item 13)
6 – Not used
7 604K41110 4B latch kit (REF: PL 10.25 Item
8 604K41120 Developer latch pin kit (REF: PL
9.20 Item 17, PL 9.22 Item 18)
9 604K41341 Stapler traverse assembly kit (REF:
PL 11.20 Item 1)
10 604K41410 2K LCSS front door cover assembly
kit (REF: PL 11.2 Item 14)
11 – Not used
12 604K42020 BM back stop repair kit (REF: PL
11.164 Item 17)
13 – Not used
14 604K42120 Crease roll repair kit (REF: PL
11.167 Item 25)
15 – Not used
16 – Not used
17 604K42680 DADH feed bearing kit (REF: PL
5.15 Item 26)
18 604K35340 Developer charge kit (REF: PL 9.17
Item 25)
19 – Not used
20 – Not used
21 604K41610 Toner dispense module kit (35-55
– 604K54040 Toner dispense module kit (65-90
22 604K41360 Developer spares kit (includes
developer and developer
module)(35-55 ppm) (REF: PL 9.17
Item 26)
23 604K41371 Developer spares kit (includes
developer and developer
module)(65-90 ppm) (REF: PL 9.15
Item 26)
24 604K54630 Rear gravity gate mylar kit (REF:
PL 10.11 Item 16) (W/TAG 005)
25 604K54010 Inverter transparency feed kit (REF:
PL 10.12 Item 24) (W/TAG 004)
NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the
CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 31.12 5-128 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 31.13 Maintenance/Installation/
Removal Kits (4 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 019K06030 HCF Tray alignment clip kit (REF:
PL 7.17 Item 14)
2 604K35371 Fuser latch pin kit (REF: PL 10.8
Item 10, PL 10.10 Item 10)
3 604K62080 DADH sensor replacement kit
4 – Rear wall kit (Not Spared)
5 – Not used
6 – Not used
7 – Work shelf assembly kit (REF: PL
8.10 Item 11) (Not Spared)
8 604K16890 Out of toner sensor kit (REF: PL
9.15 Item 13, PL 9.17 Item 13)
9 604K18182 Tray 3 & 4 mylar retainer clip kit
(REF: PL 7.17 Item 6)
10 604K53830 Hole punch field repair kit (REF: PL
11.6 Item 9) (W/TAG F-014)
11 – Punch sensor assembly kit (REF:
PL 11.6 Item 14) (Not Spared)
12 604K24930 Developer/Drives interface kit
(REF: PL 9.15 Item 23)
13 801K20310 Separation strip kit (REF: PL 7.15
Item 19)
14 – Not used
15 604K53950 Tray 3 and 4 paper feed assembly
kit (REF: PL 8.30 Item 1, PL 8.31
Item 1)
16 – 1K LCSS mounting bracket repair
kit (REF: PL 11.100 Item 5)
17 848E17510 Cover infill kit (REF: PL 7.25 Item
10, PL 7.40 Item 11)
18 604K54760 Envelope tray feeding kit (REF: PL
19 675K26824 OCT fingers kit (REF: PL 12.10
Item 3)
20 675K53640 Tri-Folder install kit (REF: PL
11.193 Item 14)
21 – Not used
22 604K48340 Fuser stripper finger kit (REF: PL
10.8 Item 4, PL 10.10 Item 4)
23 – Not used
24 – Feed roll kit (Pack of 3) (REF: PL
8.45 Item 21)
25 604K53940 XRU skids kit (REF: PL 9.20 Item
26 – Replacement HDD kit (Not Spared)

NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the

CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-129 PL 31.13
PL 31.14 Maintenance/Installation/
Removal Kits (5 of 5)
Item Part Description
1 604K53911 Inverter decurler kit (35-55 ppm)
(REF: PL 10.20 Item 1) (W/TAG
– 604K55010 Inverter decurler kit (65-90 ppm)
(REF: PL 10.20 Item 1) (W/TAG
2 498K17550 Foreign device interface kit
3 604K55120 Decurler soft roll repair kit (REF: PL
10.13 Item 9)
4 604K55050 Paper feed module frame repair kit
(REF: PL 7.10) (W/TAG 101)
5 604K55500 Skew bypass tray spares kit (x2
spring) (REF: PL 7.30 Item 29) (W/
TAG 048)
6 – Shim kit (REF: PL 5.17 Item 29) (W/
TAG D-003)
7 604K21620 LCSS Hole Punch Repair Kit
8 604K55570 Drive roll repair kit (Pre-reg PL 8.15
Item 26, PL 8.17 Item 27) (Duplex
PL 8.20 Item 17, PL 8.22 Item 16)
(Inverter PL 10.14 Item 11) (SPP
PL 10.25 Item 11) (W/TAG 051)
9 604K60701 DADH mylar guide kit (REF: PL
5.10 Item 17)
10 – Not used
11 – Not used
12 146E02210 Magstripe USB reader
13 – 20A adaptor kit (Not Spared)
14 650K32680 Install kit (USSG/XCL) (35-55 ppm)
– 650K32690 Install kit (USSG/XCL) (65-90 ppm)
– 650K32660 Install kit (XE) (35-55 ppm)
– 650K32670 Install kit (XE) (65-90 ppm)
15 604K55100 HCF Heater kit

NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the

CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 31.14 5-130 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 31.18 Terminal Repair Kits (1 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – AMP E1 Terminal Repair Kit (Not
Spared) (REP 1.5)
2 – Crimp Socket (20-26 AWG) (Not
3 – Crimp Pin (Qty. 20) (Not Spared)
4 – Hirose DF1B Terminal Repair Kit
(Not Spared) (REP 1.4)
5 – Crimp Socket (20-22 AWG) (Qty.
20) (Not Spared)
6 – Crimp Socket (24-28 AWG) (Qty.
20) (Not Spared)
7 – Crimp Pin (20-22 AWG) (Qty. 20)
(Not Spared)
8 – Crimp Pin (24-28 AWG) (Qty. 20)
(Not Spared)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-131 PL 31.18
PL 31.20 Terminal Repair Kits (2 of 2)
Item Part Description
1 – Hirose DF1B Terminal Repair Kit
(Not Spared) (REP 1.4)
2 – Pre-crimped Wire (24 AWG) (Qty.
20) (Not Spared)
3 – Splicing Block (Qty. 20) (Not
4 – AMP CT Terminal Repair Kit (Not
Spared) (REP 1.5)
5 – Pre-crimped Wire (24 AWG) (Qty.
20) (Not Spared)
6 – Splicing Block (Qty. 20) (Not
7 – Hirose DF11 Terminal Repair Kit
(Not Spared) (REP 1.6)
8 – Pre-crimped Wire (24 AWG) (Qty.
20) (Not Spared)
9 – Splicing Block (Qty. 20) (Not
10 – Molex SL Socket Repair Kit (Not
Spared) (REP 1.3)
11 – Pre-crimped Wire (24 AWG) (Qty.
10) (P/O PL 31.20 Item 10)
12 – Splicing Block (Qty. 20) (P/O PL
31.20 Item 10)
13 – Molex SL Pin Terminal Repair Kit
(Not Spared)
14 – Pre-crimped Wire (24 AWG) (Qty.
20) (Not Spared)
15 – Splicing Block (Qty. 20) (Not

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 31.20 5-132 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 31.25 Splicing Block and Terminal
Item Part Description
1 – Connector Splicing Block (22-24
AWG) (Not Spared)
2 – Faston 187 Connector (Not Spared)
– – Faston 250 Connector Red,
Straight Case (Not Spared)
– – Faston 250 Connector Blue, Socket
(Not Spared)
3 – Molex Mini Fit Junior Terminal Pin
(Not Spared)
4 – Molex Mini Fit Junior Terminal
Socket (Not Spared)

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-133 PL 31.25
PL 31.30 Connector Kits
Item Part Description
1 – AMP CT (In-line Adaptor) Kit (A)
(Not Spared) (REP 1.7)
2 – Extender (2 Way) (Qty. 1) (P/O PL
31.30 Item 1)
3 – Extender (3 Way) (Qty. 1) (P/O PL
31.30 Item 1)
4 – Extender (6 Way) (Qty. 1) (P/O PL
31.30 Item 1)
5 – AMP CT (In-line Adaptor) Kit (B)
(Not Spared) (REP 1.7)
6 – Extender (4 Way) (Qty. 1) (P/O PL
31.30 Item 5)
7 – Extender (8 Way) (Qty. 1) (P/O PL
31.30 Item 5)
8 – Extender (15 Way) (Qty. 1) (P/O PL
31.30 Item 5)
9 – AMP CT Connector Kit (A) (Not
Spared) (REP 1.7)
10 – IDC Connector (2 Way) (Qty. 4)
(Not Spared)
11 – IDC Connector (3 Way) (Qty. 4)
(Not Spared)
12 – IDC Connector (4 Way) (Qty. 4)
(Not Spared)
13 – IDC Connector (6 Way) (Qty. 4)
(Not Spared)
14 – Splicing Block (Qty. 30) (Not
15 – AMP CT Connector Kit (B) (Not
Spared) (REP 1.7)
16 – IDC Connector (7 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
17 – IDC Connector (8 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
18 – IDC Connector (9 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
19 – IDC Connector (10 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
20 – IDC Connector (11 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
21 – IDC Connector (12 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
22 – IDC Connector (14 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
23 – IDC Connector (15 Way) (Qty. 2)
(Not Spared)
24 – Splicing Block (Qty. 60) (Not

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 31.30 5-134 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PL 31.35 Line 1 Fax Kits
Item Part Description
1 – Line 1 Fax Kits (see below for
– 497K06330 United Kingdom,Spain,Greece,
Ireland, Portugal
– 497K06340 Austria,Germany, Switzerland, Italy
– 497K06350 Netherlands, Belgium, France
– 497K06360 Sweden, Norway, Finland,
– – South Africa

NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the

CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-135 PL 31.35
PL 31.40 Line 2 Fax Kits
Item Part Description
1 – Line 2 Fax Kits (see below for
– 497K06370 United Kingdom, Spain, Greece,
Ireland, Portugal
– 497K06380 Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
– 497K06390 Netherlands, Belgium, France
– 497K06400 Sweden,Norway, Finland, Denmark
– – South Africa

NOTE: 497/8K part numbers should not be ordered by the

CSE. 497/8K part numbers are customer install kits and are
for reference only.

Parts Lists February 2010

PL 31.40 5-136 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Common Hardware AX – Screw M3x14 Machine
AY – Screw M3x18 Self Tapping
Item Part Description
AZ – Washer M4
A 826E33270 Screw M3x6 Taptite (Zinc finish) BA – Screw M4x16 Machine
B – Screw M4x8 Taptite BB – Screw M4x5 Machine
C 153W42353 Screw M4x13 Self Tapping BC – Screw M3x10 Machine
D – Screw M3.9.5 Taptite BD – Screw M3x6 Machine
E – Screw M3x8 Taptite BE – Screw M4x7.5 Machine
F – Screw M3x7.5 Taptite BF – Screw M3x5.5 Machine
G – Screw M4x12 Self Tapping BG – Washer M3
H – Screw M3x4.5 Machine BH – Spring Washer M3
I 153W72553 Screw M4x16 Self Tapping BI – Screw M3x6 Machine
J – Screw M3x14 Self Tapping (Countersunk) BJ – Screw M3x22 Self Tapping
K 153W41553 Screw M3x16 Self Tapping BK – Retaining Ring (Skiffy) M7
L 153W42253 Screw M4x10 Self Tapping BL 354W00655 Circlip M10
M 354W20852 E-Clip M4 BM – Screw M3x8 Machine
N 354W20952 E-Clip M5 BN – Screw M4x8 Self Tapping
O 153W62353 Screw M4x12 Self Tapping BO 158W27655 Screw M3x6 Taptite
P 153W72353 Screw M4x12 Taptite BP – Screw M3x4 Machine (Countersunk)
Q – Screw M4x11 Self Tapping BQ – Screw M3x16 Machine
R – KL Clip M6 BR – Screw M3x9.5 Self Tapping (026P63574)
S – Screw M4x30 Taptite BS 251W16355 Washer M4
T – Screw M3x10 Self Tapping BT 158W35855 Screw M4x8 Self Tapping
U – Screw M3x10 Taptite BU 153W17855 Screw M3x5.5 Self Tapping
V – Screw M3x6 Taptite BV – Screw M4x7 Taptite
W – Screw M3x16 Self Tapping BW 158W27660 Screw M3x6 Self Tapping
X – Screw M3x6 Self Tapping BX – Screw M3x8 Self Tapping
Y – E-Clip M8 BY 158W40459 Screw M4x8 Self Tapping
Z 354W26251 E-Clip M4 BZ – Screw M4x16 Taptite
AA 354W29251 E-Clip M7 CA 153W71153 Screw M3x8 Self Tapping
AB – Screw M3x25 Self Tapping CB – Screw M4x10 Self Tapping
AC 112W25155 Screw M3x4 Taptite CC 158W20459 Screw M4x8 Self Tapping
AD 354W21052 E-Clip M6 CD 153W71253 Screw M3x10 Self Tapping
AE 251W10655 Washer M8 CE – Screw M3x12 Self Tapping
AF 265W00650 Spring Washer M6 CF 158W35860 Screw M4x5 Taptite
AG – Screw M3.5x10 Self Tapping CG – Circlip M6 (028E16190)
AH – Circlip M5 CH – Screw M3x10 Machine
AI – Circlip M8 CI 113W35557 Screw M4x5 Machine
AJ 259W30351 Star Washer M4 CJ – Screw M3x11 Self Tapping
AK – Screw M4x9.5 Machine CK 354W20652 E-clip M2.5
AL – Screw M5x18 Self Tapping CL 251W10556 Washer M5
AM – Star Washer M3.5 CM – Screw M4x9 Self Tapping
AN – Screw M3.5x5.5 Machine CN – Screw M3x14 Self Tapping
AO – Screw M3.5x6 Machine CO – Screw M3x8 Self Tapping
AP – Screw M5x11 Taptite CP – Screw M4x15 Taptite
AQ – Screw M3x8 Taptite CQ – Spring Washer M8
AR – Screw M4x8 Machine CR – Screw M3x8 Self Tapping
AS – Screw M4x10 Self Tapping CS – Screw M4x8 Machine
AT – Screw M4x10 Self Tapping CT – Screw M3x5.5 Machine
AU – Screw M3x5 Machine CU – Screw M3x9 Self Tapping
AV – E-Clip M3.5 CV – Nut M3
AW – Screw M3x5.5 Taptite CW – Nut M3

February 2010 Parts Lists

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 5-137 Common Hardware
CX – Screw M4x6 Machine
CY – Screw M4x11.5 Taptite
CZ – Screw M3x7.5 Taptite
DA – Screw M4x7 Self Tapping
DB – Screw M3x6 Self Tapping
DC – Screw M3x12 Self Tapping
DD – Screw M5x12 Self Tapping
DE – Circlip M7
DF – Screw M3x6 Machine
DG – Screw M3x7.5 Self Tapping
DH – Screw M4x7 Self Tapping
DI – Screw M4x34 Self Tapping
DJ – Screw M4x16 Self Tapping
DK – Screw M4x7 Self Tapping
DL – Screw M4x6 Taptite
DM – M3 Star Washer
DN – Screw M4x6 Machine
DO – Screw M3x6 Self Tapping
DP – M3 Nut (Washer Head)
DQ – Screw M4x11 Machine
DR – Washer M8 (Nylatron)
DS – Screw M3 x 8 (158W10462)
DT – Screw M3x17 Taptite
DU – Screw M2.5x8 Taptite
DV – Screw M3.5x10 Torx
DW – Screw M3.5x10 Taptite
EA – Screw M4x6 Machine
EB – Screw M4x10 Machine
EC – Screw M4x8 Machine
EF – Screw M5x6 machine
EH – Pivot pin M4X10 Hex Head
EI 013E25790 Nylon bearing
EJ 013E25800 6mm x 10mm x 13mm bush (bronze)
ET – M4 x 5.5 Screw/Machine/Pozi/Wash Hd Brass
EU 658W28660 M3x16 Screw/Machine/Pozi/Pan Hd
ZZ 354W21251 E-clip M3

Parts Lists February 2010

Common Hardware 5-138 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
6 General Procedures/Information
GP 1 to GP 9 Diagnostic Codes dC305 to dC905
GP 1 Diagnostics Entry, Facilities and Exit ..................................................................... 6-3 dC305 UI Test ................................................................................................................. 6-91
GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files................................................................................ 6-7 dC312 Network Echo Tests............................................................................................. 6-91
GP 3 Service Information ................................................................................................ 6-8 dC314 Network Connectivity Tests ................................................................................. 6-92
GP 4 Machine Software .................................................................................................. 6-10 dC330 Component Control.............................................................................................. 6-93
GP 5 Portable Work Station and Tools ........................................................................... 6-18 dC604 Registration Setup Procedure.............................................................................. 6-106
GP 6 Screw Usage.......................................................................................................... 6-19 dC606 Internal Print Test Patterns .................................................................................. 6-108
GP 7 Miscellaneous Checks ........................................................................................... 6-20 dC640 Video Path Diagnostics........................................................................................ 6-109
GP 8 Special Tools and Consumables ........................................................................... 6-21 dC905 TC Sensor Calibration ......................................................................................... 6-109
GP 9 Secure Diagnostic.................................................................................................. 6-21
GP 40
GP 10 to GP 19 GP 40 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................ 6-111
GP 10 How to Check a Motor ......................................................................................... 6-23
GP 11 How to Check a Sensor ....................................................................................... 6-25 Change Tags
GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch ..................................................................... 6-26 Tags ................................................................................................................................ 6-119
GP 13 How to Check a Switch ........................................................................................ 6-27 Processor Tags ............................................................................................................... 6-120
GP 14 How to Switch Off the Machine or Switch On the Machine.................................. 6-27 DADH Tags ..................................................................................................................... 6-122
GP 15 How to Set the Machine Configuration ................................................................ 6-29 Finisher (2K LCSS) Tags ................................................................................................ 6-123
GP 16 How to Safely Lift or Move Heavy Modules ......................................................... 6-29 Finisher (1K LCSS) Tags ................................................................................................ 6-125
GP 17 High Frequency Service Items............................................................................. 6-30 Finisher (HVF) Tags ........................................................................................................ 6-125
GP 18 Machine Lubrication............................................................................................. 6-30 Tray 6 Inserter Tags ........................................................................................................ 6-126
GP 19 Network Clone Procedure .................................................................................... 6-31 Tray 5 Tags ..................................................................................................................... 6-127
Fax Tags ......................................................................................................................... 6-127
GP 20 to GP 30
GP 20 Paper and Media Size Specifications .................................................................. 6-33
GP 21 Installation Space Requirements ......................................................................... 6-49
GP 22 Electrical Power Requirements............................................................................ 6-51
GP 23 Environmental Data ............................................................................................. 6-53
GP 24 Customer Administration Tools............................................................................ 6-53
GP 25 First Copy / Print Out Time and Power On / Off Time.......................................... 6-54
GP 26 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)..................................................... 6-55
GP 27 Fuser/Xerographics Module End of Life Extension .............................................. 6-55
GP 28 USB Connection Mode ........................................................................................ 6-56
GP 29 Embedded Customer Documentation.................................................................. 6-56
GP 30 Copier Only Machine Identification ...................................................................... 6-57

Diagnostic Codes dC001 to dC131b

dC001 Reset Auditron Master PIN.................................................................................. 6-59
dC104 Modal Usage Counters........................................................................................ 6-59
dC109 Embedded Fax Protocol Report .......................................................................... 6-60
dC111 Tag Matrix............................................................................................................ 6-62
dC131 NVM Read/Write.................................................................................................. 6-62
dC131a NVM Tables Chain 1 to 10 ................................................................................ 6-63
dC131b NVM Tables Chain 12 to 19 .............................................................................. 6-87

Diagnostic Codes dC132

dC132 NVM Initialization ................................................................................................. 6-89

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-1
General Procedures/Information February 2010
6-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 1 Diagnostics Entry, Facilities and Exit Network routines:
• dC132 NVM Initialization - Network
Purpose • dC312 Echo Test.
This procedure describes the following items: • dC314 Network Connectivity Tests.
• How to Enter Diagnostics. Other routines:
• Diagnostic Menu. • dC001 Reset Auditron Master Pin
• How to Exit From Diagnostics. • dC104 Modal Usage Counters.
• How to Enter the Service Copy Mode. • dC111 Tag Matrix.
NOTE: When the diagnostic mode is entered, all existing copy jobs are cancelled and an • dC606 Internal Print Test Patterns.
‘Offline’ screen message is displayed. When exiting the diagnostics mode an ‘Online’ screen Fax routines:
message is displayed. • dC109 Protocol Report.
To increase diagnostics security, refer to GP 9. • dC131 NVM Read / Write.
• dC132 NVM Initialization.
Procedure • dC330 Component Control.
How to Enter Diagnostics How to Exit From Diagnostics
1. Switch on the machine, GP 14. 1. Touch the Exit button to exit from the dC procedures.
2. When the machine in ready, press and hold the # key, then the Log In/Out key. 2. Touch the Call Closeout button to exit diagnostics.
3. Enter the PIN 1934. Touch the Enter button on the UI. 3. When the Call Closeout window is displayed, the following options are available:
• Reset All Counters. The default is No. If the Yes button is touched, the following
NOTE: Press the C Key to clear an incorrect entry. Three incorrect entries cause the entry
counters are reset:
screen to lock for three minutes.
– Faults.
4. If secure diagnostics is enabled, a second PIN is required to enter Diagnostic Routines.
– Last 40 faults.
Refer to GP 9.
– Total Images made after the last service call.
5. Select the correct tab from the Diagnostic screen, refer to Table 1.
• Reboot copier. The default is Yes. The single board controller PWB, IOT, scanner,
Diagnostic Menu
GUI, DADH, tray 1 and 2 assembly, HCF and Finisher are rebooted. Touch the No
The Diagnostic Routines screen gives access to the diagnostic menu, refer to Table 1. The button if machine reboot is not needed.
diagnostic routines available are given below:
NOTE: If the machine is not rebooted, the exit time from diagnostics is decreased.
Copier routines:
4. Touch the Closeout button to complete the exit procedure.
• dC131 NVM Read/Write
How to Enter the Service Copy Mode
• dC132 NVM Initialization - Copier.
The Service Copy Mode allows the engineer to make copies when the Auditron, Foreign Inter-
• dC305 UI Test. face or Job Based Accounting are enabled.
• dC330 Component Control.
• dC604 Registration Setup. 1. Press and hold the # button, then the Log In/Out key.
• dC640 Video Path Diagnostics. 2. Enter the Service Copy Mode, PIN 4391.
• dC905 TC Sensor Calibration. 3. Select the Enter button on the UI.
4. To exit, press and hold the # button, then the Log In/Out key.

Table 1 Diagnostic screen menu

1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level
Service Info GP 3 Software Versions - - NOTE: Only the categories for the installed options are dis-
- Usage Counters Display Current Usage Counters - -

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-3 GP 1
Table 1 Diagnostic screen menu
1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level
- Machine Serial No.: - - -
- Images Since Last Call: - - -
- Network IP Address: Full Network IP Address value: - -
Fault History GP 2 Fault Log Erase History - -
- Fault Counters Fault Chain 01 Standby Power -
- - - 02 Mode Selection UI -
- - - 03 Machine Run Control -
- - - 04 Start Print Power -
- - - 05 Document Transport -
- - - 06 ROS -
- - - 07 Paper Supply -
- - - 08 Paper Feed and Transports -
- - - 09 Xerographics -
- - - 10 Copy Transports -
- - - 11 Sorter/Mailbox -
- - - 12 Finisher/DFA -
- - - 13 Transition Module -
- - - 14 RIS -
- - - 15 IPS1 -
- - - 16 Network Controller -
- - - 17 Disk Operation -
- - - 18 Connectivity -
- - - 19 Video Image Manipulation -
- - - 20 Fax -
- - - 21 RDT -
- - - 22 Main Controller Module -
Diagnostic Routines Copier Routines dC131 NVM Read/Write 01 Standby Power -
- - - 02 Mode Selection UI -
- - - 03 Machine Run Control -
- - NOTE: Refer to GP 4 Machine Software. 05 Document Transport -
- - - 06 ROS -
- - - 07 Paper Supply -
- - - 08 Paper Feed/Trans -
- - - 09 Xerographics -
- - - 10 Copy Trans/Fusing -
- - - 12 Finisher/DFA -
- - - 14 RIS -
- - - 15 Image Process Sys -
- - - 17 Disk Operation -
- - - 19 Video Image Manip -
- - dC132 NVM Initialization - Copier... All Copier NVM -

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 1 6-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Diagnostic screen menu
1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level
- - NOTE: Refer to GP 4 Machine Software. Machine Variable NVM -
- - - SA/KO Dust Off -
- - - System Counters Dust Off -
- - dC305 UI Test... User Interface Button Test -
- - - Audio Tone Test -
- - - LED Indicator Test -
- - - Touch Area Test -
- - - Display Pixel Test -
- - - Video Memory Test -
- - - Communications Self Test -
- - - Reset User Interface -
- - - Application Checksum Verification -
- - dC330 Component Control... - -
- - dC604 Registration Setup... IOT Registration Side 1 -
- - - IOT Registration Side 2 -
- - - Scanner Registration -
- - - Document Handler Registration -
- - dC640 Video Path Diagnostics... Scanner Video Test -
- - - Network Controller/SIP Test -
dC905 TC Sensor Calibration... Start / Stop -
- Network Routines dC132 NVM Initialization - Network All Network NVM -
- - - Variable NVM -
- - - Configuration NVM -
- - dC312 Echo Test TCP/IP Internal. - Tests internal IP stack and hosts file.
- - - - Network. - Tests the Network to find other IP hosts.
- - - Novell Internal. - Tests the internal Novell stack and driver.
- - - - Network. - Tests the Network to find the other IPX devices.
- - - NetBIOS/NetBEUI Network. - Tests the Network to find the other NetBIOS
- - - AppleTalk Network. - Tests the Network to find the other AppleTalk
- - - Internal TCP/IP -
- - dC314 Network Connectivity Test... TCP/IP -
- - - Novell or IPX -
- - - NetBIOS/NetBEUI -
- - - AppleTalk -
- - dC001 Reset Auditron Master Pin - -
- Other Routines dC104 Modal Usage - -
- - dC111 Tag Matrix... - -
- - dC606 Print Test Patterns... - -
- Fax Routines dC109 Protocol Report - -

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-5 GP 1
Table 1 Diagnostic screen menu
1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level 5th Level
- - dC131 NVM Read/Write - -
- - dC132 NVM Initialization - -
- - dC330 Component Control - -

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 1 6-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files Table 1 Function and fault code prefixes

Purpose Chain Code Function

To explain the fault code structure and describe fault history contents. 14 Raster input scanner (RIS)
15 Image Processing System (IPS1)
Description 16 Network controller
• To access some history files from the UI, refer to Machine Status Button Fault History. 19 Video image manipulation
• To view all the machine fault history, clear the last 40 faults, or reset each of the fault 20 Facsimile (FAX)
counters, refer to Diagnostics Fault History. 22 Main controller module
• For information on fault codes, refer to Function, Fault, Component and Status Codes.
• For information on status codes, refer to OF4 Status Codes and Messages RAP. -
Table 2 Fault and control code suffixes
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
Link Code Description
2. Select ‘Fault History.
3. Select ‘Fault Log’ or ‘Fault Counters’ button as appropriate and follow the on screen 000 to 099 Output
instructions. 100 to 199 Jams
Function, Fault, Component and Status Codes 200 to 299 System timing
Refer to: 300 to 399 Controls
• Table 1 Function and fault code prefixes. Also known as the chain code. 400 to 499 Spare or overflow
• Table 2 Fault and control code suffixes. Also known as the link code. 500 to 599 Status codes
• Table 3 Finisher fault code and status code suffixes. Also known as the extension code. 600 to 699 Xerographic copy/print quality
For example. Displayed code 07-345 - Tray 1 Out of Service: 700 to 799 Non-declared defects
• 07 - The fault is located in the function chain ‘Paper supply’, Table 1. 800 to 899 Optional use
• 345 - Because this starts with 3, it is a ‘Controls’ code, Table 2. The 4 and the 5 are 900 to 999 Operator messages
sequence numbers and have no other significance.

NOTE: Where possible, the component related fault codes are the same as the component
control codes.
Table 3 Finisher fault code and status code extensions
Suffix No. Finisher Identifier

Table 1 Function and fault code prefixes 65 OCT

Chain Code Function 110 2K LCSS

120 1K LCSS
01 Standby power
171 HVF
02 User interface mode selection
172 HVF BM
03 Machine run control
173 HVF BM + tri-fold
04 Start print power
174 HVF BM + inserter
05 Document transport
175 HVF BM + tri-fold
06 Raster output scanner (ROS)
176 HVF BM + tri-fold + inserter
07 Paper supply
08 Paper feed and transports
09 Xerographic
10 Fusing
11 Finisher
12 Offsetting catch tray

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-7 GP 2
NOTE: The finisher status code extensions are not normally visible. Throughout this manual, GP 3 Service Information
the code extension 171 is used for all HVF variants.
Machine Status Button Fault History To provide machine hardware and software information.
The most recent fault and status codes can be displayed on the UI by pressing the ‘Machine
Status’ button. Touch the ‘Faults’ tab on the UI, then touch, as appropriate: Service Information From The Diagnostic Screen
• All Faults. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1, select the Service Information tab. This gives the following options:
• Active Messages - status codes and a status message.
• Event Log. • Machine Serial Number. See Machine Serial Number
Diagnostics Fault History • Images Since Last Call
• Network IP Address
The diagnostics Fault History window contains two options:
• Software Versions
1. Last 40 faults - Displays the last 40 faults in time or code order. Displays a selected fault
in detail. Permits deletion of the entire history file. – System Set
2. Fault Counters - Displays the title buttons for the faults separated into chains. Selection of – Software Upgrade
a chain will display the fault detail. – SIP Application
NOTE: Categories that do not exist on the machine will not be displayed.
When a paper jams fault chain is selected and the OK button is touched, the details will be – UBOOT
shown for the selected chain. A ‘Rate’ button is displayed. Touch the ‘Rate’ button to show the
– Operating System
jam rate per million sheets fed (fault counter x 1 000 000 divided by sheets fed).
– Network Controller
– GUI Application
– DUI H8
– Document Handler Application
– Image Output Terminal Bootstrap
– Image Output Terminal Bootloader
– Image Output Terminal Application
– Scanner Application
– Trays 3 and 4
– Booklet Maker Application
• Usage Counters
Service Information From The UI Machine Information Tab
Press the machine status key to the left of the UI to display the machine information tab. This
gives the following options:

• General Information
– Customer Support
– Supplies Number
– Machine Serial Number. Refer to Machine Serial Number.
– System Software Version
– Fax
– Total Impressions
• Paper Tray Status

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 2, GP 3 6-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• Information Pages • XGB: 35 ppm, Platen, Stand, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
• Print Reports • XGD: 55 ppm, DADH, Stand, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
• Machine Hardware Options • XDX: 35 ppm, DADH, Stand, Mono Scanner, (50Hz).
– Paper Supply • XDY: 35 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono Scanner, (50Hz).
– Finisher • XEA: 35 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (50Hz).
– Pre-collation RAM • XEB: 45 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono Scanner, (50Hz).
– Image Disc • XEC: 45 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (50Hz).
– Fax • XED: 65 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono/Color Scanner, (50Hz).
– Foreign Interface Device • XGA: 35 ppm, Platen, Stand, Mono Scanner, (50Hz).
– Network Controller • XGC: 45 ppm, DADH, Stand, Mono Scanner, (50Hz).
– Network Controller RAM Singapore built machines:
– USB Printer Port • XEEN: 35 ppm, DADH, Stand, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
• Machine Software Versions • XEFN: 35 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (60Hz).
– Scanner and Image Processor • XEGN: 35 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
– Image Output Device • XEHN: 55 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (60Hz).
– User Interface • XEKN: 55 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
– Network Controller • XELN: 65 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono/Color Scanner, (60Hz).
– Document Feeder • XGDN: 55 ppm, DADH, Stand, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
– Tray 5 Secondary Build Upgrades
– Fax
– Finisher • HLX: 2K LCSS
Machine Serial Number
The machine serial number is also on the machine TAG label.
The serial number for the US markets is in the format • YFY: Inserter
• YGD: Tri-folder
X ###### #. Where XXX is the product code (see Product Code). ###### is the serial number. • BVU: Tray 5
# is the model code.

The serial number for the XE markets is in the format XXX ### ###### #. Where XXX is the
product code (see Product Code). ### is the manufacturing location code. ###### is the serial
number. # is the check digit.

Product Code
Primary Build Machines

Primary build machines are supplied as WorkCentres. Configuration changes to faster speeds
and output modules are carried out as secondary build upgrades.

Malaysia built machines:

• XEE: 35 ppm, DADH, Stand, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
• XEF: 35 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (60Hz).
• XEG: 35 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
• XEH: 55 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (60Hz).
• XEK: 55 ppm, DADH, HCF, Mono Scanner, (60Hz).
• XEL: 65 ppm, DADH, HCF, Color Scanner, (60Hz).

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-9 GP 3
GP 4 Machine Software When an upgrade has been initiated the machine will reboot with all modules in upgrade mode.
Progress and errors are displayed on the GUI screen. When the upgrade is complete, the
Purpose machine will reboot.
To provide machine software information and explain the software loading procedures.
When a machine is switched on, the single board controller PWB module compares its SCD
Description with the software in the hardware modules. If necessary, a software upgrade or downgrade is
instigated by the single board controller PWB module.
Software sets are compilations of the various software modules and together with a SCD (soft-
ware compatibility database) are bundled into a DLM file.
NOTE: If a component is installed that has a later version of software than the software set on
the single board controller PWB module, at machine startup the software on the new compo-
Refer to the following items for additional information about machine software:
nent is downgraded.
• Modules
• Software Compatibility Database (SCD) The SCD is updated on successful completion of the upgrade.
• Common Upgrade Behaviour
• Normal Software Loading Procedure
Normal Software Loading Procedure
Use this procedure to load software onto a good, working machine.
• Alboot Software Loading Procedure
NOTE: Copier only machines can not be upgraded using this procedure. Use the Alboot Soft-
A software module is defined as a programmable piece of software existing as a file in its own ware Loading Procedure to upgrade copier only machines. To identify a copier only machine,
right. Software modules reside on hardware modules. refer to GP 30 Copier Only Machine Identification.

The following hardware modules contain firmware and cannot have software upgrades loaded: Initial Requirements
• Scanner (W/O TAG 150). • Before software is loaded, ensure that the machine is in a fully operational condition. Any
active faults or jams must be resolved before loading software.
• Paper feed module.
• High capacity feeder. NOTE: The procedure will take approximately 15 minutes.

NOTE: The software for the scanner (W/O TAG 150), paper feed module or high capacity • If the software loading procedure fails, go to OF5 Boot Up Failure RAP.
feeder can only be upgraded by installing a newer version of the relevant PWB on each Procedure
hardware module.
There are three methods to load software, go to the relevant procedure:
Software Compatibility Database (SCD) • Software Loading Via the Customers Network.
The SCD is used to describe the machine system software. The SCD comprises of the system • Software Loading From the PWS.
software version in the format WorkCentre_5735-5790_system- • Software Loading From a USB Thumb Drive
sw#(PPP).(MMM).(YYY).(DDD)(RR)#.dlm and a list of software versions for the different mod-
Software Loading Via the Customers Network
NOTE: Copier only machines can not be upgraded via the customers network. Refer to GP 30
The description of the system software file name is: Copier Only Machine Identification.
• PPP - is the platform identifier.
The software is loaded via the customers network. As the software loading instructions are
• MMM - is the machine identifier. subject to change, a read me file is available at the same location as the software. Refer to the
• YYY - is the year of release. read me file for the software loading procedure.
• DDD - is the day, in the year, of release.
The progress of the software loading procedure is displayed on the UI. For more information,
• RR - is the daily revision number.
refer to Software Loading Progress.
NOTE: The system software version is displayed on the UI under Machine Details and on the
Service Info screen in service mode. If the machine does not go into the software loading procedure, check the following:
• The relevant cabling to the machine.
The primary function of an SCD is to ensure that all software on the machine is compatible.
• The functionality of the PC being used to perform the procedure.
Common Upgrade Behaviour Software Loading From the PWS
A software upgrade is requested if a new hardware module is installed which has an earlier or Perform the following:
later software version. 1. Print a configuration report.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 4 6-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
2. Set the proxy server setting on the PWS. Perform the following: 14. Click on the Install Software button.
a. Open Start / Control Panel / Network Connections/Local Area Connections. 15. The DLM is displayed in the machines print queue. The upgrade begins in approximately
b. Open Local Area Connection. 10 minutes. The progress of the software loading procedure will be displayed on the UI.
c. In the General tab, highlight the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) icon. For more information, refer to Software Loading Progress.

d. Click on the Properties button. 16. When the upgrade has completed, the machine will reboot automatically.
e. Select Use the following IP address. NOTE: When the machine reboots, the connection to the machines web page is lost.

NOTE: Before changing the proxy server settings, record the original IP address and 17. After the machine has rebooted, a configuration report will be printed. Check the software
Subnet mask. The original settings are reset at the end of this procedure. version against the software version in the machine details screen on the user interface.

f. Refer to the configuration report for IP address of the machine. Set the IP address of 18. Compare the configuration reports. Ensure that the configuration report generated after
the upgrade shows the same machine configuration as before the upgrade.
the PWS one number higher than the machine. For example, if the IP address of the
machine is, set the IP address of the PWS to 19. If the proxy server setting on the PWS was changed, return the setting to the original
g. Refer to the configuration report for Subnet mask of the machine. Set the Subnet
mask of the PWS to the same as the Subnet mask of the machine. 20. Connect the customers network cable to the machine. Switch off the machine, then switch
on the machine, GP 14.
NOTE: A default gateway setting is not required.
Software Loading From a USB Thumb Drive
h. Click on OK to close the properties dialog box. Perform the following:
i. Click on Close to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. 1. Create a top level folder on the USB flash drive named upgrade (this is not case sensi-
j. If any settings have been changed, reboot the PWS. tive).
3. Switch on the machine, GP 14. 2. Copy the WorkCentre_5735-5790_system-sw#ppp.mmm.yyy.dddrr#.dlm file from the
system software CD into the upgrade folder of the USB flash drive.
4. Disconnect the ethernet cable from the machine.
5. Connect the ethernet crossover cable, PL 26.10 Item 6 between the machine and the NOTE: Make sure there is only one file in the upgrade folder.
3. If possible, complete or delete all pending print jobs. If the prints jobs cannot be deleted,
NOTE: The machine has a network 802.1x Authentication option. If this option is enabled warn the customer that all pending jobs will be lost.
the PWS will not connect to the machine. To make a successful connection, press the 4. Check the Release Notes and the current software already loaded on the machine.
Machine Status button, select Tools / Network Settings / 802.1X / Disable. Ensure that the upgrade can be applied.
6. If the web browser on the PWS is set to use a proxy server, it will not connect to the 5. Connect the USB flash drive into any of the USB ports.
machines web page. Perform the following: NOTE: It is not necessary to switch off the machine to perform a software upgrade.
a. Open the web browser on the PWS. Occasionally the USB flash drive will be incompatible with the machine. Replace the USB
b. Select Tools, then select Internet Options. flash drive with a Xerox approved model. Restart the process.
c. Select the Connections tab.
6. The upgrade start screen is displayed, Figure 9.
d. Click on the LAN settings button. The LAN settings dialog box will now be displayed.
7. The upgrade will begin and the progress screen will open, Figure 10.
e. The ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’ box should not be checked.
8. The system upgrade process should complete after approximately 5 minutes and the
7. Open the web browser. Enter the machines IP address in the web browsers Address field, machine will come to a ready state.
then press the enter key. The machines web page will open.
9. If the system upgrade process fails, perform an Altboot. Refer to Alboot Software Loading
NOTE: Refer to the configuration report for the machines IP address. Procedure.
10. The machine will reboot several times before returning to a ready state. The machine may
8. In the machines web page, click on the Properties tab.
also display the upgrade progress screen, Figure 10. If the power on failure screen is dis-
9. Login as the administrator, i.e. Login: Admin. Password: 1111 (default). played, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
10. Open the General Setup folder, then the Machine Software folder. 11. After the software has upgraded, a software upgrade report will be printed.
11. Select Manual Upgrade. Software Loading Progress
NOTE: If necessary, enable manual software upgrades. During the software loading procedure, a progress screen is displayed on the UI, Figure 1. The
display has the following features:
12. Click the browse button in the middle of the screen.
• A progress bar is assigned to each of the hardware modules.
13. Browse to the correct location of the DLM file, then click open.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-11 GP 4
• For the upgrade of each hardware module to be successful, the progress bar must reach Software requirements:
100% for each module being upgraded. During upgrading, the symbol to the left of the • The DLM file to be loaded.
progress bar indicates one of the following conditions: Perform the following:
– Orange circle with white arrows, an upgrade is in progress. 1. Create a top level folder on the USB Flash drive named “AltBoot”.
– Green tick, an upgrade has completed. 2. Copy the WorkCentre_5735-5790_system-sw#ppp.mmm.yyy.dddrr#.dlm file from the
– Red circle with white cross, a module has failed to be upgraded. system software CD into the AltBoot folder of the USB flash drive.
• The upgrade is completed when all the progress bars are 100%.
NOTE: If there is more than 1 version of a DLM file in the AltBoot folder on the USB flash
drive the machine will always access the latest version.

3. If possible, perform a NVM save, refer to GP 5.

4. Switch off the machine GP 14.
5. Plug the USB Flash drive into either of the 2 USB ports in the rear of the single board con-
troller PWB module.
6. Switch on the machine GP 14. The Software Upgrade start screen will display on the UI,
Figure 9.

NOTE: If the Upgrade Failed screen, Figure 12 displays at this time, it is an indication of
hard disk failure. Refer to the 03C Hard Disk Failure RAP.

7. After approximately 1 minute the upgrade will begin and the progress screen will open,
Figure 10.

NOTE: If the upgrade process screen is not displayed after 2 minutes, restart the pro-

8. The AltBoot process should complete after approximately 5 minutes and the AltBoot com-
plete screen will open, Figure 10. Follow the on screen instructions.
9. If the AltBoot process fails, the AltBoot failed screen will open, Figure 11. Follow the on
screen instructions. Restart the procedure and refer to Troubleshooting as necessary.
10. The UI displays the Data Encryption/Decryption in progress screen, Figure 13.
Figure 1 Software upgrade in progress
NOTE: Do not switch off the machine until directed to on the UI. During the reboot, the
Alboot Software Loading Procedure hard disk drive is encrypted. Switching off the machine can cause only partial encryption
Use this procedure to load software onto a faulty machine. Only use this procedure if directed. of the hard disks partitions. The AltBoot process may need to be re-run if power is
removed at this step.
CAUTION 11. The machine will reboot several times before returning to a ready state. If a power on fail-
The AltBoot software loading procedure erases the customer Optional Services (Network ure screen appears, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Scanning; E-Mail; Internet Fax; Network Accounting; Server Fax; Hard Disk Overwrite; Xerox 12. Check that the software set has been installed. Refer to the printed software upgrade
Standard Accounting (XSA). Check with the customer, that they have the necessary codes to report or by pressing the machine status button.
enable their Optional Services and they can restore any configuration information for the
13. Perform a NVM restore, refer to GP 5.
installed options.
14. Switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
NOTE: To restore the XSA data, use the customers XSA data backup (clone) file on the cus- PWS Altboot Procedure
tomers PC. Refer to the Customer Administrators Guide CD.
Hardware requirements:
There are two methods of performing an Altboot. Go to the relevant procedure: • Serial cable, PL 26.10 Item 12.
• USB AltBoot Procedure • 9 way gender changer, PL 26.10 Item 1.
• PWS Altboot Procedure • Ethernet crossover cable, PL 26.10 Item 6.
USB AltBoot Procedure Software requirements:
Hardware requirements: • gawain.uImage - Linux kernal file.
• USB Flash drive. • gawain_ramdisk.uboot - Linux root file system file.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 4 6-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• The DLM file to be loaded.
Perform the following:

NOTE: For additional information or if the Altboot fails, refer to the help file supplied with the
PWS Altboot tool.

1. Print a configuration report.

2. If possible, perform a NVM save, refer to GP 5.
3. Switch off the machine, GP 14.
4. Disable the wireless network on the PWS.
5. Set the proxy server setting on the PWS. Perform the following:
a. Open Start / Control Panel / Network Connections/Local Area Connections.
b. Open Local Area Connection.
c. In the General tab, highlight the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) icon.
d. Click on the Properties button.
e. Select Use the following IP address.

NOTE: Before changing the proxy server settings, record the original IP address and
Subnet mask. The original settings are reset at the end of this procedure.

f. Set the IP address of the PWS to

Figure 2 Browse for folder
g. Set the Subnet mask of the PWS to

NOTE: A default gateway setting is not required. 11. Switch on the machine, GP 14. After approximately 10 seconds, the transfer of the uIm-
age and uboot files will begin.
h. Click on OK to close the properties dialog box.
12. After file transfer, the settings menu is displayed in the terminal window, Figure 3.
i. Click on Close to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.
j. If any settings have been changed, reboot the PWS.
6. Disconnect the ethernet cable from the machine.
7. Connect the crossover ethernet cable from the PWS network port to the machine network
8. Connect the null modem serial cable from the PWS serial port to the machine serial port.
9. Start the PWS AltBoot tool.
10. Browse to and highlight the folder that contains the upgrade files, Figure 2. Select OK.

Figure 3 Settings menu

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-13 GP 4
NOTE: Check that the ‘Received packet’ line is displayed and that the IP address is set
one digit away from the packet was received from address.

Press ‘y’ at the prompt and continue. If the valid netmask is not set, press ‘n’ and change
it to the value shown in Figure 3.
13. From the next menu, Figure 4, select action 5, Install ESS software.

Figure 5 Install confirmation window

15. At the second proceed prompt, Figure 6, select ‘Y’.

Figure 4 Action menu

14. At the proceed prompt, Figure 5, select ‘Y’.

Figure 6 Release image install window

16. From the next menu, Figure 7, select option 4, Continue.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 4 6-14 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
NOTE: If the Upgrade Failed screen, Figure 12 displays at this time, it is an indication of
hard disk failure. Refer to the 03C Hard Disk Failure RAP.

19. After approximately 1 minute the upgrade will begin and the progress screen will open,
Figure 10.

NOTE: If the upgrade process screen is not displayed after 2 minutes, restart the pro-
20. The AltBoot process should complete after approximately 5 minutes and the AltBoot com-
plete screen will open, Figure 11. Ignore the instruction to remove the USB flash drive,
only press 0 to continue.
21. If the AltBoot process fails, the AltBoot failed screen will open, Figure 12. Follow the on
screen instructions. Restart the procedure and refer to Troubleshooting as necessary.
22. The UI displays the Data Encryption/Decryption in progress screen, Figure 13.

NOTE: Do not switch off the machine until directed to on the UI. During the reboot, the
hard disk drive is encrypted. Switching off the machine can cause only partial encryption
of the hard disks partitions. The AltBoot process may need to be re-run if power is
removed at this step.

23. The machine will reboot several times before returning to a ready state. If a power on fail-
ure screen appears, switch off, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
Figure 7 Option menu
24. Disconnect the null modem serial cable from the PWS serial port and the machine.
17. From the next menu, Figure 8, select the correct DLM file to download to the machine. A 25. Disconnect the special crossover ethernet cable from the PWS network and the machine.
transfer progress window will then open. 26. Connect the ethernet cable to the machine.
27. Check that the software set has been installed. Refer to the printed software upgrade
report or by pressing the machine status button.
28. If the NVM was saved at the beginning of this procedure, perform a NVM restore, refer to
GP 5.

Figure 8 DLM list

18. After the DLM file has been downloaded to the machine, the Software Upgrade start
screen will display on the UI, Figure 9.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-15 GP 4
Figure 9 Software upgrade Figure 11 Altboot complete

Figure 10 Start of upgrade Figure 12 Upgrade failed

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 4 6-16 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
• The upgrade is completed when all the progress bars are 100%.

Figure 13 Encryption progress

Listed below are possible problems that may stop AltBoot software loading:

Possible causes and solutions are:

• Incompatible USB flash drive. Use a Xerox approved model of USB flash drive.
• Corrupt.dlm file. Replace the .dlm file.
• Incorrect spelling of the AltBoot directory on USB flash drive.
• Bad data connection to a HDD. Reseat the HDD data cable, PL 3.22 Item 11.
• Hard disk drive corruption or failure.
• USB port damage. Use a different USB port.
• UI failure. Refer to OF2 Touch Screen Failure RAP.
• Copy controller PWB failure, PL 3.24 Item 3.
• Check the +5V supply to the USB ports at PJ106 pin 6 on the copy controller PWB. Refer
to WD 3.
Software Loading Progress
During the software loading procedure, a progress screen is displayed on the UI, Figure 1. The
display has the following features:
• A progress bar is assigned to each of the hardware modules.
• For the upgrade of each hardware module to be successful, the progress bar must reach
100% for each module being upgraded. During upgrading, the symbol to the left of the
progress bar indicates one of the following conditions:
– Orange circle with white arrows, an upgrade is in progress.
– Green tick, an upgrade has completed.
– Red circle with white cross, a module has failed to be upgraded.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-17 GP 4
GP 5 Portable Work Station and Tools Enable/Disable Log Files
The network controller process/state log files are permanently enabled. The following logs can
Purpose be enabled or disabled, as a group, using the PWS:
To describe the PWS diagnostic tools for machines.
Enabling these logs will degrade machine performance.
• NC Debug Logs.
NOTE: Before using these diagnostic tools ensure that the USB printing option is set to Xerox • Event Log.
Copier Assistant/PWS Service Tool. Refer to GP 28 USB Connection Mode.
• Shutdown Log.
The PWS Diagnostic Tools are: • Error / Warning Log.
• SBC Altboot Tool. • Completed Job Log.
• Counter Retrieval.
NOTE: It is not necessary to keep the PWS connected if selectable logging is enabled.
• Network Configuration.
• Network Controller Logging. NVM Save and Restore
• NVM Save and Restore. NVM Save and Restore is used to save NVM settings to the PWS, then restore them to the
machine. Previous NVM values can be restored after loading a software set using AltBoot, or if
SBC Altboot Tool the machines NVM settings are changed.
Use this tool to perform a Altboot software load when the USB flash drive method can not be
used. NOTE: If the machines NVM has become corrupt, the most recent Golden NVB Restore file
will be required. The file is available from Office Black & White and ColorQube GSN library,
Counter Retrieval number 10231.
Use this tool to save the billing counters information to file. The file includes details of regis- CAUTION
tered fault codes, plus a list of the last 40 fault codes.
When the machine software is upgraded using AltBoot, customer NVM settings are not auto-
matically saved. The customer NVM settings must be saved, then restored using NVM Save
Network Configuration and Restore.
Network Configuration is used to manage network systems. This tool displays the state of the
network settings
1. Important - Connect the USB cable between the PWS and the machine before opening
the NVM tool.
Network Controller Logging
2. Ensure that the PWS is connected to a mains AC power supply.
Network Controller Logging is used to enable or disable network controller logging and also
3. Open the NVM Save and Restore application on the PWS. Follow the instructions.
retrieve log files for off-line viewing. The following logging files are stored on the network con-
troller and can be accessed, and with one exception displayed on the PWS: If the PWS suffers a power failure or crash during the procedure, the machine should recover.
If the machine has not recovered after 5 minutes, perform the following:
• Network controller Process / State Logs - a record of state changes.
1. Switch on the PWS. Open the NVM Save and Restore application on the PWS.
• Network controller Debug Logs / Core Files - a compressed file containing all the log files,
cannot be displayed on PWS. It is saved on the PWS as a *.log file for analysis. 2. Select the Exit button in the NVM Save and Restore window.
• Event Log - a record of unscheduled events. 3. Restart the NVM Save and Restore procedure.
• Shutdown Log - a record of faults serious enough for the network controller to stop work- 4. Set the USB connection mode to Walk Up USB Printing, refer to GP 28.
ing (if the fault allows the fault to be logged).
• Error / Warning Log - a record of anomalies that are not serious enough to cause the sys-
tem to reset.
• Completed Job Log - a record of the completed jobs.
There is a Status and Results window, and log files can be saved to a *.log text file on the

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 5 6-18 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 6 Screw Usage
Majority of thread is parallel
To prevent damage to parts that may be damaged by screws not being installed correctly.

Replacing Existing Screws
Tapered end to thread
Always use the correct driver for the type of screw head. Use a nut driver if possible; this gives
a better grip than a slotted or cross-head driver.

Take care not to install self-tapping screws into machine-screw holes, or machine-screws into
self-tapper holes. Three or four lobes on the end
of the thread
When replacing self-tapping screws into plastic components, turn the screw counterclockwise
to engage the original thread, then turn the screw clockwise. Do not overtighten. If a new
thread is cut, the plastic component will lose the ability to hold the screw as firmly, and eventu-
ally not at all. This also applies, to a lesser degree, to metal components.

NOTE: Reverse the direction of turn for left-hand threads.

Use the same method for machine thread screws and nuts to avoid cross threading.
Figure 1 Thread forming screw
Inserting a Screw into an Un-threaded Hole
Some new components are supplied with fastening holes that do not have the screw thread If the screw that is used to fasten the component does not appear to be a thread forming
pre-cut. It is the insertion of the first screw into the hole that forms the thread. screw, temporarily use a thread forming screw from another location on the machine.
2. Do not assemble the new part into the machine yet, form the screw threads first.
CAUTION 3. Use the correct screw driver or nut driver to ensure a good grip on the head of the screw.
Use the following procedure to avoid broken screws and damaged holes: 4. Using a moderate axial force, insert the screw to form the thread in the hole, then remove
1. Ensure that the screw is a thread forming screw, refer to Figure 1. the screw.
5. Repeat step 4 as necessary until all fastening holes in the new component are threaded
6. Assemble the component on the machine.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-19 GP 6
GP 7 Miscellaneous Checks • Secure E-clips and other retainers.
• Contamination.
To indicate which types of problems to look for when checking or inspecting parts of the
• Misalignment.
• Rotates without binding.
1. Assess the fault. Is the part broken, too loose, too tight. Check if it needs cleaning or lubri-
2. Check the following items as appropriate:
• Free movement.
• Damage
• Contamination.
• Wear.
• Damage.
• Contamination.
Drive Belts
• Wear.
• Damaged teeth.
• Correct tension.
• Contamination of tension rollers and support shafts.
• Contamination.
• Chips or cracks.
• Wear.
• Misalignment.
Gravity Fingers and Stripper Fingers
• Free movement.
• Missing fingers.
• Damage.
• Contamination on the fingers, rollers or on the pivot shaft.
Harnesses and Wiring
• Continuity.
• Short-circuits caused by physical damage or contamination of conductors, terminals or
• Overheated insulation.
• Damaged insulation near moving parts and sharp edges.
• Pin and receptacle damage on connectors.
• Flats.
• Tears.
• Contamination.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 7 6-20 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 8 Special Tools and Consumables GP 9 Secure Diagnostic
Description Purpose
Refer to the following: The purpose is to provide increased security to Diagnostics pathways.

WARNING Use this procedure when the diagnostics entry code 1934 has been compromised or added
security has been requested by the customer.
Wear protective gloves when using solvents and cleaning agents, PL 26.10 Item 10.
• Antistatic fluid, PL 26.10 Item 19.
How to Enable Secure Diagnostics
– Cleaning agent.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
• Disposable gloves, PL 26.10 Item 10.
2. Select Diagnostics Routines.
– General protection.
3. Select Copier Routines.
• Ethernet crossover cable, PL 26.10 Item 6.
4. Select 131 NVM Read / Write.
– PWS to machine.
5. Select 03 Machine Run Control.
• Film remover, PL 26.10 Item 4.
6. Select Location 03-900 Restrict Diag Pin.
– Cleaning agent.
NOTE: The default PIN is 1962. The PIN must be between 1000 and 99999999.
• Finisher bypass harness, PL 26.10 Item 7.
– Electrical cheat for PJ151. To change the secure diagnostics PIN:
• Formula A cleaning fluid, PL 26.10 Item 2. a. Select Read / Write.
– General cleaning. b. Enter a new PIN using the key pad.
• Lens and mirror cleaner, PL 26.10 Item 9.
NOTE: The secure diagnostic PIN has to be a number that has been agreed by the
– Optics cleaning. team or district (e.g. team telephone number or the last 5 digits of the machine serial
• Micro fiber wiper, PL 26.10 Item 13. number).
– General cleaning.
c. Press Save.
• 9 way gender changer/null modem adapter PL 26.10 Item 1.
d. In the options window, press OK.
– PWS to machine.
e. Check that the new secure diagnostics PIN is displayed in the 03-900 Value volume.
• Plastislip grease, PL 26.10 Item 8.
f. To return the secure diagnostics entry PIN to default, press the Reset and Save.
– Lubrication for plastic gears and components.
7. Select 131 NVM Read / Write.
• Serial cable, PL 26.10 Item 12.
8. Select 08 Paper feed / Transport.
– PWS to machine.
9. Select Location 08-900 Enable Diag Access.
• Staple cartridge, PL 26.10 Item 11.
a. Select Read / Write.
• Test pattern, A3/11X17, PL 26.10 Item 14.
b. Use the key pad to change value from 0 to 1 to enable then press Save.
– IQS 1 Solid Area Density and IQS 2 Background.
c. To reset the value to 0, press Reset and Save.
• Test pattern, A4, PL 26.10 Item 15.
10. Exit diagnostic and complete the Call Closeout procedure.
– IQS 1 Solid Area Density and IQS 2 Background.
NOTE: If the PIN has been forgotten, contact your technical specialist.
• Test pattern, 8.5 X 11, PL 26.10 Item 16.
– IQS 1 Solid Area Density and IQS 2 Background.
• Test pattern, solid area density scale, PL 26.10 Item 17.
– IQS 1 Solid Area density.
• Test pattern, visual scale, PL 26.10 Item 18.
– IQS 2 Background.
• USB cable, PL 26.10 Item 5.
– PWS (portable work station) to single board controller PWB.
• Xerox approved USB pen drive.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-21 GP 8, GP 9
General Procedures/Information February 2010
GP 8, GP 9 6-22 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 10 How to Check a Motor Four Wire Stepper Motor

This procedure describes how to check the following motors: NOTE: A stepper motor with an internal open circuit may appear to be fully functional under
• Two Wire DC Motors. dC330 component control. However, under normal operation it will run with intermittent failure.
Use the standard digital meter to check that the resistance of the stepper motor coils are simi-
• Four Wire Stepper Motor
• Six Wire Stepper Motor.
Initial Actions NOTE: In some service manuals, the phase winding wires, A, /A, B and /B may be marked: A+,
A-, B+ and B-, or as: phase A+, phase A-, phase B+ and phase B-.
• Go to Flag 6. Disconnect PJH. Check the motor on pulses on the harness when the com-
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from the
customer supply while tasks are performed that do not need the electricity. The electric- ponent control code for the motor is entered.
ity can cause the death or injury of persons. The moving components can cause the • Go to Flag 6. Disconnect PJJ. Check the motor on pulses on the harness when the com-
injury of persons. ponent control code for the motor is entered.
1. Check that the motor is free to rotate. • Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.
2. Check that all the motors mechanisms are clean, free to move and lubricated correctly. References:
3. Enter the component control code for the motor, refer to dC330. Run the motor for 30 sec- • 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
onds, if the motor shows signs of or can be heard to slow down, then the motor is defec- • 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
tive. Replace the motor. • REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.
4. Perform the appropriate procedure: Six Wire Stepper Motor
• Two Wire DC Motors.
NOTE: A stepper motor with an internal open circuit may appear to be fully functional under
• Four Wire Stepper Motor.
dC330 component control. However, under normal operation it will run with intermittent failure.
• Six Wire Stepper Motor. Use the standard digital meter to check that the resistance of the stepper motor coils are simi-
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example
only. Go to the circuit diagram in the RAP for the correct information. NOTE: In some service manuals, the phase winding wires, A, /A, B and /B may be marked: A+,
A-, B+ and B-, or as: phase A+, phase A-, phase B+ and phase B-.
NOTE: For the motors supplied through the IOT PWB, refer to the OF7 IOT Diagnostics
RAP. • Go to Flag 5. Disconnect PJF. Check the +24V supply and the motor on pulses when the
Two Wire DC Motors component control code for the motor is entered.
• Go to Flag 4. Disconnect PJD. Check the +24V, +5V and 0V supplies.
NOTE: In cases where the motor may be driven forward or backward, the same two feed wires
• Go to Flag 4. Check the clock pulses.
are used, but the voltages on them are reversed, to reverse the motor direction. Such motors
may have two component control codes, for forward and reverse. A typical application is a tray • Go to Flag 4. Check that the signal on PJD pin 13 changes when the component control
code for the motor is entered.
lift motor with a tray-up and a tray-down direction.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.
• Go to Flag 2. Disconnect PJB. Check that +24V is measured when the component control References:
code for the motor is entered.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• Go to Flag 1. Disconnect PJA. Check for +24V on the LVPS.
• 01E +5V distribution RAP.
• Go to Flag 3. Disconnect PJC. Check that the signal changes on the IOT PWB when the
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
component control code for the motor is entered.
• REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the motor circuit.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-23 GP 10
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 10 6-24 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 11 How to Check a Sensor References:
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01D +3.3V Distribution RAP.
Use this procedure to check the operation of all types of sensor.
• REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.
NOTE: The upper circuit diagram, in Figure 1 shows a flag sensor. Some sensors have a resis-
tor within the sensor, other sensors require a resistor on the PWB, such as R1 in Figure 1. The
resistor limits the current through the LED. This decreases the voltage on the sensor LED to
1.2V, typically.

NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.
Go to the circuit diagram in the RAP for the correct information.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from the
customer supply while tasks are performed that do not need the electricity. The electric-
ity can cause the death or injury of persons. The moving components can cause the
injury of persons.
Perform the steps that follow:
1. Make sure that the sensor is installed correctly.
2. Clean the sensor and the area around the sensor.
3. If a flag actuator is installed, check that it has free movement.
4. Check that the paper path is clear.
5. If the sensor activates by a surface that reflects, check that the surface is clean. Also
make sure that there is not an obstruction between the sensor and the surface.
6. If the sensor actuates by an encoder disc, ensure the holes or gaps in the disc are aligned
correctly with the sensor.
Sensor Action
In the upper sensor, in Figure 1, when light from the LED is allowed to fall on the photo-sensi-
tive transistor, the sensing line, PJA, pin2, is low. When light from the LED is blocked by the
flag, the sensing line is high.

In the lower sensor in Figure 1, when light from the LED is reflected by the paper onto the Figure 1 Circuit diagram
photo-sensitive transistor, the sensing line, PJE, pin 2 is low. When no paper is present, no
light falls on the transistor and the sensing line is high.

Quick Sensor Check

Enter the component control code for the sensor, refer to dC330. Activate the sensor. If the dis-
play changes, the sensor operates correctly. If the display does not change, perform the proce-

For the upper sensor in Figure 1:
• Go to Flag 1. Disconnect PJA. Check for +3.3V and 0V at PJA on the harness.
• Go to Flag 2. Disconnect PJC. Check the wiring and the connectors for the sensor circuit.
• Go to Flag 2. Check for +3.3V and 0V at PJC on the IOT PWB.
• If necessary, install new components or repair the wiring.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-25 GP 11
GP 12 How to Check a Solenoid or Clutch
Use this procedure to check a clutch or solenoid.

Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from the
customer supply while tasks are performed that do not need the electricity. The electric-
ity can cause the death or injury of persons. The moving components can cause the
injury of persons.
1. For a clutch, check that the mechanical components are clean, free to move and lubri-
cated correctly
2. For a solenoid, check that the armature and associated mechanical components are free
to move.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only.
Go to the circuit diagram in the RAP for the correct information.

NOTE: When a solenoid is energized in diagnostics, armature movement is seen. When a

clutch is energized in diagnostics, the sound of the clutch action is heard. If possible, energize Figure 1 Circuit diagram
the motor connected to the clutch to confirm when the clutch is energized.

• Go to Flag 1. Check that the signal changes on the IOT PWB when the component con-
trol code for the clutch or solenoid is entered.
• Go to Flag 2. Disconnect PJC. Check that +24V is measured when the component control
code for the clutch or solenoid is entered.
• Go to Flag 3. Disconnect PJD. Check for +24V on the LVPS.
• Check the wiring and the connectors for the clutch or solenoid circuit.
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP.
• 01G +24V Distribution RAP.
• REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 12 6-26 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 13 How to Check a Switch GP 14 How to Switch Off the Machine or Switch On the
Description Machine
Use this procedure to check the operation of a switch. Purpose
To show how to switch off or switch on the machine, without the loss of customer data or dam-
NOTE: The circuit in Figure 1 shows an interlock switch activated by the closing of a door.
age to the system hardware.
Initial Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from the
Switch off the electricity to the machine, GP 14. Disconnect the power lead from the customer supply while tasks are performed that do not need the electricity. The electric-
customer supply while tasks are performed that do not need the electricity. The electric-
ity can cause the death or injury of persons. The moving components can cause the
ity can cause the death or injury of persons. The moving components can cause the
injury of persons.
injury of persons.
Manually check that the switch operates. Ensure that the magnet or other actuator has enough
mechanical movement to operate the switch. Do not use the on/off switch as a safety disconnect device. The on/off switch is not a
disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord from the supply to isolate the equipment.
NOTE: The voltages, PJ numbers, pin numbers and PWB names shown are an example only. Refer to:
Go to the circuit diagram in the RAP for the correct information. • Switch Off Procedure
Procedure • Switch Off Failure Procedure
• Go to Flag 1. Disconnect PJA. Check the electrical operation of the switch. • Quick Restart
• Go to Flag 1. Disconnect PJB. Check for +5V and 0V on the IOT PWB. • Switch On Procedure
• Go to Flag 1. Check the wiring and the connectors for the switch circuit. • Power Saver Mode
References: Switch Off Procedure
• 01B 0V Distribution RAP. CAUTION
• 01E +5V Distribution RAP. Do not disconnect the power lead or interrupt the electricity supply before the power down is
• REP 1.2 Wiring Harness Repairs. complete unless advised. The data and software can become damaged.
1. Press the on/off switch. The Power Down Options window will display.

NOTE: The Power Down Confirmation window replaces the Power Down Options window
when the following operations are performed:
a. The machine is in the diagnostics mode.
b. During CRU replacement.
c. The machine is in the Install Wizard or Setup Modes.
d. A module is not communicating.
e. The Power Saver mode is disabled.
f. A software upgrade is performed.
g. The network controller initializes.

2. Touch the Power Down button on the UI.

3. When the Power Off Confirmation window is displayed, touch the Confirm button.

NOTE: If a controlled power off is confirmed, the on / off switch is disabled until the
sequence is completed.
If there is a fault that prevents power down, the UI requests that the power lead is
removed and replaced after one minute.

4. When the machine has switched off, remove the power lead from the outlet.
5. If the machine does not switch off, go to Switch Off Failure Procedure.
Figure 1 Circuit diagram

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-27 GP 13, GP 14
General • If the machine switches on, but the UI is blank, go to the OF2 UI Touch Screen Fail-
1. When power down is selected and confirmed, power down starts after a maximum of 45 ure RAP.
seconds with the following exceptions: • If the machine does not respond, go to the OF3 Dead Machine RAP.
a. If the system and the UI cannot communicate, then power down begins after 3 sec- • If the machine switches on, but does not respond, go to the OF5 Boot Up Failure
onds. RAP.
b. If possible, the system finishes all jobs. General
c. The delays occur if the machine cancels: 1. When the power lead is connected, the LVPS +3.3VSB supply is energized. The LVPS
i. A print job or copy job. +3.3VSB supply provides +3.3VSB to the on/off switch and the IOT PWB.
ii. An exposure lamp calibration. 2. When the on/off switch is pressed, the LVPS is energized. The +3.3V, +5V, +12V, +24V
and AC voltage for the auxiliary output sockets and fuser module is distributed.
iii. An image quality adjustment.
3. Each module manages its power-on self-test (POST) and power-up sequence.
iv. Diagnostic mode communications.
d. If a module does not respond and the power down is possible, the power down com- NOTE: Refer to GP 22 Electrical Power requirements for further information.
pletes after a maximum of 2 minutes.
2. The machine stops processing all jobs that remain in the queue.
Power Saver Mode
3. A warning message displays on the UI. The Power Saver mode is selected from the Power Down window. The Power Saver mode is
delayed until the machine is not active for 30 seconds.
Switch Off Failure Procedure
1. If the machine fails to power down, disconnect the power lead. NOTE: If the power saver feature is disabled, the option is not displayed. Refer to GP 22 Elec-
2. If necessary, reconnect the power lead after one minute. trical Power Requirements for further information.
3. If the machine does not power down again, perform the 03-374 Power Off Failure RAP.
Quick Restart
The quick restart causes the system to reset the software of the single board controller PWB,
the IOT PWB and the GUI.
1. Press the on/off switch. The Power Down Options window is displayed.

NOTE: The Power Down Confirmation window replaces the Power Down Options window
when the following operations are performed:
a. The machine is in the diagnostics mode.
b. During CRU replacement.
c. The machine is in the Install Wizard or Setup Modes.
d. A module is not communicating.
e. The Power Saver mode is disabled.
f. A software upgrade is performed.
g. The network controller initializes.

2. Touch the Quick Restart button on the UI.

3. When the Quick Restart Confirmation window is displayed, touch the Confirm button.
4. The Quick Restart window is displayed with the following message: ‘Quick Restart is
underway and will take approximately 1 minute’.
Switch On Procedure
1. After a machine has been switched off, wait a minimum of one minute before the machine
is switched on.
2. After a service call, ensure that all service tools are removed from the machine.
3. Connect the power lead from the power supply outlet to the machine.
4. Press the on/off switch.
5. If the machine does not initialize, go to the appropriate RAP as follows:

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 14 6-28 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 15 How to Set the Machine Configuration GP 16 How to Safely Lift or Move Heavy Modules
Description Purpose
Use this procedure when lifting or moving heavy modules.
Use this procedure when a new IOT PWB has been installed or the message ‘Machine Speed
Configuration Error’ occurs.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury. can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
Do not use the on / off switch as a safety disconnect device. The on/off switch is not a Take care during this procedure. Sharp edges may be present that can cause injury.
disconnect device. Disconnect the power cord from the supply to isolate the equipment. When removing heavy modules from the machine, the following instructions must be observed:
Procedure 1. Ensure that a suitable stable surface to support the module after removal is located in
Perform the following: close proximity to the machine.
1. Enter dC131 NVM location 03-005 System Install Phase. Set the value to 2. NOTE: Other parts of the machine are not a suitable stable surface.
2. Exit diagnostics, then reboot the machine.
2. Ensure that the height of the support surface is between 750mm and 1000mm (30 inches
3. Re-run the install wizard. When requested, input the relevant activation code.
and 39 inches).
NOTE: The activation code can be found on a label on the rear of the machine. 3. Ensure that there are no hazards or obstacles between the machine and the support sur-
4. Complete the final actions, SCP 6.
4. If instructed to remove the module toward the rear of the machine and only one person is
available, the module must be removed while standing at the rear of the machine. If two
people are available, the module may be removed while standing at the front of the
5. Two people are required if the module is to be lifted on to the floor or lifted from the floor.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-29 GP 15, GP 16
GP 17 High Frequency Service Items GP 18 Machine Lubrication
Purpose Purpose
To provide the service engineer with a method to view the service history of the high frequency To give information on the use of lubricants.
service items (HFSI). The service engineer can reset the counters and change the setting of
the maximum life and threshold value of each HFSI item. Procedure
Procedure Only use lubricants as directed. Incorrect use of lubricants could seriously affect the perfor-
Enter diagnostics GP 1. Select the Service Info window and touch the HFSI feature to select mance of the machine.
the HFSI table.
Take the following precautions when performing machine lubrication:

The five columns in the HFSI table on the display are: • Wear disposable gloves, PL 26.10 Item 10.
• The Item column, shows the HFSI item to be tracked. • Only use lubricants that are specified in the Parts List.
• The Status column, indicates the status of an item relative to its threshold setting. Values • Only lubricate parts of the machine as directed in the relevant RAPs, Repairs and Adjust-
ments etc.
are “Off” (not tracked), “OK” or “Check”.
• Apply only the smallest amount of lubricant, sufficient to lubricate the parts. To prevent
• The Unit column, shows the events that are being used to track the item.
contamination, remove any surplus lubricant before the machine is run.
• The Actual column, shows the actual count value against the HFSI item.
• Take great care not to contaminate other parts of the machine with the lubricant.
• The Max. Life column, shows the maximum life count value of the HFSI item.
The Actual and Maximum Life count value have a numeric range of 0 to 9999999 for all HFSI

The first item in the HFSI table will be the item that requires attention (if needed) then the item
will be displayed as “Check”. If the item has not yet reached threshold the “OK” is displayed.

To change the maximum life or threshold value of each HFSI item, perform the following:
1. Select and highlight the HFSI item to change.
2. Touch the Edit button.
3. Enter the new value using the numeric keypad. The new value will overwrite the existing
value in the table. Touch the Save button to enter the new maximum life or threshold
value into the file. If the entered value is incorrect, press the Undo button. This stops the
process and the old value is retained.
A threshold value of zero indicates that there is no threshold value assigned to the item and the
status will be “Off” (not tracked).

The maximum life setting and the threshold settings are independent of each other. The
threshold value can exceed the maximum life value.

To reset the HFSI item Actual count value to zero, perform the following:
1. Select and highlight the HFSI item to reset.
2. Touch the Reset button,
3. Touch the OK button to reset the count value to zero.
For details of high frequency service items, refer to SCP 5 Subsystem Maintenance.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 17, GP 18 6-30 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 19 Network Clone Procedure 8. On the Cloning DLM, right click, select Save Target As.
9. Select File Name - Enter.DLM
10. Save to the PWS.
To save and restore the customers unique network controller configuration setting.
How to Install a Clone File
The clone file must be taken at the first service call and whenever the system software is 1. Open the web browser. Enter the machine IP address in the web browser address field.
changed. Then press the Enter key. The machine web page will open.

NOTE: Refer to the configuration report for the machine IP address.

2. Select: Index.
Setting Up the PWS
3. Select Cloning.
Perform the following:
4. At install clone file, scroll down and select the Browse and select the floppy drive.
1. Print a copy of the latest configuration report.
5. Select the clone file, open the file and press install.
2. Set the proxy server setting on the PWS. Perform the following:
a. Open Start / Control Panel / Network Connections / Network Connections / Local NOTE: There is no indication or message to say that the install has been completed.
Area Connections.
b. Double click the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) icon, or open Properties when selected
c. Select Use the following IP address.

NOTE: Before changing the proxy server settings, record the original IP address and
Subnet mask. The original settings are reset at the end of this procedure.

d. Refer to the configuration report for IP address of the machine. Set the IP address of
the PWS one number higher than that of the machine. For example, if the IP address
of the machine is, set the IP address of the PWS to
e. Refer to the configuration report for Subnet mask of the machine. Set the Subnet
mask of the PWS to the same as the Subnet mask of the machine.

NOTE: A default gateway setting is not required.

f. Click on OK to close the properties dialog box.

g. Click on OK to close the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.
h. If any settings have been changed, it will be necessary to reboot the PWS.
3. Switch off the machine, GP 14.
4. Disconnect the ethernet cable from the machine.
5. Connect the ethernet crossover cable, PL 26.10 Item 6 between the machine and the
6. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
How to Save a Clone File
1. Open the web browser. Enter the machines IP address in the web browser Address field,
then press the enter key. The machine web page will open.

NOTE: Refer to the configuration report for the machines IP address.

2. Select Index
3. Select Cloning
4. Ensure that all the boxes are ticked
5. Select Clone
6. Enter User name and Password
7. Press OK and follow the on screen cloning instructions.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-31 GP 19
General Procedures/Information February 2010
GP 19 6-32 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 20 Paper and Media Size Specifications • Table 7 2K LCSS output paper sizes. The table defines the paper sizes that can be deliv-
ered to the output trays of a 2K LCSS.
Purpose • Table 8 HVF output paper sizes. The table defines the paper sizes that can be delivered
To list the paper and media size specifications. to the output bins of the HVF.
• Table 9 Output stock performance. The table shows the media (stock) performance con-
Specifications straints for the output. Performance will not be guaranteed for media not listed in the
The baseline papers used in this specification, are defined as: table. Media that is smaller than 139 mm (5.5 inches) in either the process or cross pro-
cess direction cannot be duplexed.
• Xerox 4200 (20lb / 75 gsm) 8.5 x 11 inch paper. • Table 10 Input document material definitions.
• Xerox Premier TCF 80 gsm A4 paper. • Table 11 Input document quality definitions.
The machine design and performance is optimized for these papers. • Envelope Specifications

NOTE: Check that the paper tray settings match the paper size in the tray. Table 1 Performance indication
Refer to the following: Code Description
• Table 1 Performance indication. Use this table to determine the meaning of the alpha 3 Excellent performance
numeric codes in Table 2 and Table 3.
2 Good performance (Good image quality, some jams and poor stacking)
• Table 2 European papers.
1 Degraded performance (Image quality defects, increased jams or bad stacking)
• Table 3 American papers.
X Not recommended (outside specification)
• Table 4 U.S. paper weight conversion. Use this table to determine approximate equivalent
N Size unrecognized and not acceptable
points in weight specifications other than for U.S. bond weight.
U Size unrecognized but acceptable
• Table 5 Input / output paper sizes. The table defines the paper sizes that are recognized
by the DADH, document glass and the paper trays when using an OCT output device. Y Size recognized and accepted
• Table 6 1K LCSS output paper sizes. The table defines the paper sizes that can be deliv-
ered to the output trays of a 1K LCSS.

Table 2 European papers

Paper Size Paper Weight gsm Feed Direction Paper Type Tray 1/2 Tray 3/4 Bypass Duplex Tray 5 Defects
A4 60 LEF Plain paper 2 2 2 2 2 Duplex show through
A4 60 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X Duplex show through
A4 61 - 120 LEF Plain paper 3 3 3 3 3 None
A4 61 - 120 SEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X None
A4 121 - 200 LEF Plain paper 2 2 2 2 2 None
A4 121 - 200 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X None

A4 201 - 216 LEF / SEF Plain paper X X 2 X X None

A4 - LEF / SEF Labels X X 2 X X None
A4 - LEF / SEF Plain transparency X X 2 X X None
A4 - LEF White strip transparency X X 2 X X None
A4 - SEF White strip transparency X X X X X Out of specification
A4 - LEF Paper backed transparency X X 2 X X None
A4 - SEF Paper backed transparency X X X X X Out of specification
Oversize A4 - LEF Tabs 2 X 2 X X Productivity reduction
Oversize A4 - LEF Covers 2 X 2 X X Productivity reduction
A3 60 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Curl
A3 61 - 120 SEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X None

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-33 GP 20
Table 2 European papers
Paper Size Paper Weight gsm Feed Direction Paper Type Tray 1/2 Tray 3/4 Bypass Duplex Tray 5 Defects
A3 120 - 161 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X None
A3 161 - 200 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Mis-registration and skew
A5 60 LEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Curl
A5 60 SEF Plain paper X X 2 1 X Curl
A5 61 - 120 LEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X None
A5 61 - 120 SEF Plain paper X X 3 3 X None
A5 121 - 200 LEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X None
A5 121 - 200 SEF Plain paper X X 2 1 X Mis-registration and skew
A6 60 LEF Plain paper X X X X X Out of specification.
A6 60 SEF Plain paper X X 2 X X Out of specification.
A6 61 - 120 LEF Plain paper X X X X X Out of specification.
A6 61 - 120 SEF Plain paper X X 3 X X Out of specification.
A6 121 - 200 LEF Plain paper X X X X X Out of specification.
A6 121 - 200 SEF Plain paper X X 1 X X Out of specification.
A4 60 LEF / SEF Nekosa 1 1 1 1 1 Jams
8.5 x 12.4 All SEF Spanish Folio 2 X 2 2 X Not tested
A4 200 LEF / SEF Premier TCF 2 2 2 2 2 Poor fusing on 35-65 ppm machines.
All All LEF / SEF Envelopes (see NOTE) 2 X 2 X X Wrinkle
All 100 LEF / SEF Conqueror finely ridged laid 2 2 2 2 2 Poor fusing on 35-65 ppm machines.
All 80 LEF / SEF Recycled 1 1 1 1 1 Excessive curl
Any Any LEF / SEF Jobs with covers 1 X 1 1 X Rear cover of stapled sets of more than 35 sheets plus 2 cov-
ers, may be mis-registered in the 1K LCSS and 2K LCSS.
All 200 LEF / SEF Colortech (coated paper) 2 2 2 2 2 Stapling more than 10 sheets not recommended
A4 200 LEF / SEF Beaverboard 2 2 2 2 2 Poor fusing on 35-65 ppm machines.

NOTE: Optional envelope tray kit is required to feed envelopes from tray 2.

Table 3 American papers

Paper Size Paper Weight US
inches bond lb. Feed Direction Paper Type Tray 1/2 Tray 3/4 Bypass Duplex Tray 5 Defects
8.5 x 11 16 LEF Plain paper 2 2 2 2 2 Duplex show through
8.5 x 11 16 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X Duplex show through
8.5 x 11 20 - 32 LEF Plain paper 3 3 3 3 3 None
8.5 x 11 20 - 32 SEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X None
8.5 x 11 34 - 53 LEF Plain paper 2 2 2 2 2 None
8.5 x 11 34 - 53 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X None
8.5 x 11 57 LEF / SEF Plain paper X X 2 X X None
8.5 x 11 - LEF / SEF Labels 2 X 2 X X None
8.5 x 11 - LEF / SEF Plain transparency X X 2 X X None
8.5 x 11 - LEF White strip transparency X X 2 X X None

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-34 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 3 American papers
Paper Size Paper Weight US
inches bond lb. Feed Direction Paper Type Tray 1/2 Tray 3/4 Bypass Duplex Tray 5 Defects
8.5 x 11 - SEF White strip transparency X X X X X Out of specification
8.5 x 11 - LEF Paper backed transparency X X 2 X X None
8.5 x 11 - SEF Paper backed transparency X X X X X Out of specification
Oversize 8.5 - LEF Tabs 2 X 2 X X Productivity reduction
x 11
Oversize 8.5 - LEF Covers 2 X 2 X X Productivity reduction
x 11
11 x 17 16 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Curl
11 x 17 20 - 32 SEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X None
11 x 17 34 - 53 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Mis-registration and skew
8.5 x 14 16 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Curl
8.5 x 14 20 - 32 SEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X None
8.5 x 14 34 - 53 SEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Mis-registration and skew
8.5 x 5.5 16 LEF Plain paper 2 X 2 1 X Not tested
8.5 x 5.5 16 SEF Plain paper X X 2 1 X Not tested
8.5 x 5.5 20 - 32 LEF Plain paper 3 X 3 3 X Not tested
8.5 x 5.5 20 - 32 SEF Plain paper X X 3 3 X Not tested
8.5 x 5.5 34 - 53 LEF Plain paper 2 X 2 2 X Not tested
8.5 x 5.5 34 - 53 SEF Plain paper X X 2 1 X Not tested
5.5 x 4.25 16 LEF Plain paper X X X X X Out of specification.
5.5 x 4.25 16 SEF Plain paper X X 2 X X Out of specification.
5.5 x 4.25 20 - 32 LEF Plain paper X X X X X Out of specification.
5.5 x 4.25 20 - 32 SEF Plain paper X X 3 X X Out of specification.
5.5 x 4.25 34 - 53 LEF Plain paper X X X X X Out of specification.
5.5 x 4.25 34 - 53 SEF Plain paper X X 1 X X Out of specification.
All All LEF / SEF Envelopes (see NOTE) 2 X 2 X X Wrinkle
11 x 17 32 SEF Domtar (10% recycled) 1 X 1 1 X Bad stacking due to curl
8.5 x 11 110 LEF / SEF Bristol Vellum 2 2 2 2 2 Poor fusing on 35-65 ppm machines.
Any Any LEF / SEF Jobs with covers 1 1 1 1 1 Rear cover of stapled sets of more than 35 sheets plus 2 cov-
ers, may be mis-registered in the LCSS

NOTE: Optional envelope tray kit is required to feed envelopes from tray 2.

Table 4 U.S. paper weight conversion

US post card thickness US bond weight US text / book weight US cover weight US Bristol weight US index weight US tag weight Metric weight
(mm) (see NOTE) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (gsm)
- 16 41 22 27 33 37 60
- 17 43 24 29 35 39 64
- 20 50 28 34 42 46 75
- 21 54 30 36 44 49 80
- 22 56 31 38 46 51 83

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-35 GP 20
Table 4 U.S. paper weight conversion
US post card thickness US bond weight US text / book weight US cover weight US Bristol weight US index weight US tag weight Metric weight
(mm) (see NOTE) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (lb.) (gsm)
- 24 60 33 41 50 55 90
- 27 68 37 45 55 61 100
- 28 70 39 49 58 65 105
- 32 80 44 55 67 74 120
- 34 86 47 58 71 79 128
- 36 90 50 62 75 83 135
0.18 39 100 55 67 82 91 148
0.19 42 107 58 72 87 97 158
0.20 43 110 60 74 90 100 163
0.23 47 119 65 80 97 108 176
0.25 51 128 70 86 105 117 190
0.26 53 134 74 90 110 122 199
0.27 54 137 75 93 113 125 203
0.29 58 146 80 98 120 133 216
0.32 65 165 90 111 135 150 244
0.33 66 169 92 114 138 154 250
0.34 67 171 94 115 140 155 253
0.35 70 178 98 120 146 162 264
0.36 72 183 100 123 150 166 271

NOTE: U.S. Post Card measurements are approximate. Use for reference only.

Table 5 Input / output Paper sizes

Document glass size Output
Paper size Orientation Paper tray size sensing DADH size sensing sensing device Notes

Common Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) Tray 1 Bypass Tray 3 Eur / Eur /

Name +/-1/32 inch +/-1 mm LEF / SEF and 2 tray and 4 Tray 5 NASG Asia Latin NASG Asia Latin OCT -
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 SEF Y Y N Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 LEF Y Y Y* Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
Ledger 11 x 17 279 x 432 SEF Y Y N Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
Invoice 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 138 SEF N Y N N Y* Y* Y* Y Y Y Y *ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5 depends on
(statement) NVM 2 setting
Invoice 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 138 LEF Y Y N N Y* Y* Y* Y Y Y Y *ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5 depends on
(statement) NVM 2 setting
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 139 SEF N Y N N N N N Y U U Y -
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 139 LEF N N N N N N N U U U N Cannot be fed in IOT

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-36 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 5 Input / output Paper sizes
Document glass size Output
Paper size Orientation Paper tray size sensing DADH size sensing sensing device Notes

Common Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) Tray 1 Bypass Tray 3 Eur / Eur /

Name +/-1/32 inch +/-1 mm LEF / SEF and 2 tray and 4 Tray 5 NASG Asia Latin NASG Asia Latin OCT -
Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356 SEF Y Y N Y* Y Y Y Y U U Y *Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 SEF Y Y N Y** Y* Y* Y* Y Y Y Y *ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13 depends on
NVM 1 setting
** Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 LEF Y Y Y Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
ISO A3 11.69 x 16.54 297 x 420 SEF Y Y N Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Fixed size dependant on pur-
chased option
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 SEF N Y N N Y* Y* Y* U Y U Y *ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5 depends on
NVM 2 setting
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 LEF Y Y N N Y* Y* Y* U Y U Y *ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5 depends on
NVM 2 setting
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 SEF N Y N N N N N U Y Y Y -
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 LEF N N N N N N N U U U N -
Foolscap or 8.5 x 13 216 x 330 SEF Y Y N N Y* Y* Y* U Y Y Y *ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13 depends on
Euroletter NVM 1 setting
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 SEF U Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y -
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 LEF U Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y -
JIS B4 10.12 x 14.33 257 x 364 SEF U Y N N U* U* U* Y Y Y Y * Detected as ISO B4
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 SEF N Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y -
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 LEF N N N N U* U* U* U U U Y * Detected as ISO B5
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 SEF N U N N Y Y Y U U U Y -
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 LEF U U N N Y Y Y U U U Y -
ISO B4 9.84 x 13.9 250 x 353 SEF U U N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y -
SB4 9.9 x 14.09 252 x 358 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B4
Postcard- 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 SEF N U N N N N N U U U Y -
Postcard- 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 LEF N N N N U* U* U* U U U N * Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
Lakes depending on NVM 2 setting
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 SEF N U N N N N N U U U Y -
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 LEF N N N N U* U* U* U U U N * Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
depending on NVM 2 setting
Oufuku- 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 SEF N U N N U* U* U* U U U Y * Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
Hagaki depending on NVM 2 setting
Oufuku- 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
Hagaki depending on NVM 2 setting

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-37 GP 20
Table 5 Input / output Paper sizes
Document glass size Output
Paper size Orientation Paper tray size sensing DADH size sensing sensing device Notes

Common Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) Tray 1 Bypass Tray 3 Eur / Eur /

Name +/-1/32 inch +/-1 mm LEF / SEF and 2 tray and 4 Tray 5 NASG Asia Latin NASG Asia Latin OCT -
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 SEF N U N N U* U* U* U U U U *Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
depending on NVM 2 setting
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
depending on NVM 2 setting
Royal 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 SEF N U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A5 or 8.5 x 5.5
Octavo depends on NVM 2 setting
Royal 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B5
Foolscap 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 SEF N U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B5
Foolscap 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
Crown 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B5
Crown 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B5
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
8 x 13 inch 8 x 13 203 x 330 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8.26 x 13 210 x 330 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting
Foolscap 8.25 x 13.06 209 x 333 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
Folio depends on NVM 1 setting
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as 8.5 x 11
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-38 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 5 Input / output Paper sizes
Document glass size Output
Paper size Orientation Paper tray size sensing DADH size sensing sensing device Notes

Common Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) Tray 1 Bypass Tray 3 Eur / Eur /

Name +/-1/32 inch +/-1 mm LEF / SEF and 2 tray and 4 Tray 5 NASG Asia Latin NASG Asia Latin OCT -
Folio (Spain) 8.46 x 12.4 215 x 315 SEF Y# U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting.
#Detected as 8.5 x 13
- 8.66 x 13 220 x 330 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting.
- 8.75 x 11.69 223 x 297 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting.
- 8.75 x 11.69 223 x 297 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting.
Arch A 9 x 12 229 x 305 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO A4 or 8.5 x 13
depends on NVM 1 setting.
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 258 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B4
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 258 LEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B4
Accounting 10 x 14 254 x 356 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B4
- 10 x 15 254 x 381 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B4
8K Taiwan 10.51 x 15.28 267 x 388 SEF U U N N U* U* U* U U U Y *Detected as ISO B4

Table 6 1K LCSS output paper sizes

Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Output

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Corner Top Tray

Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 SEF Y Y Y
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 LEF Y Y Y
Ledger 11 x 17 279 x 432 SEF Y Y Y
Invoice (statement) 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 140 SEF Y Y Y
Invoice (statement) 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 140 LEF Y Y Y
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 140 SEF N N Y
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 140 LEF N N N
Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356 SEF Y Y Y
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 SEF Y Y Y
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 LEF Y Y Y
ISO A3 11.69 x 16.54 297 x 420 SEF Y Y Y
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 SEF Y Y Y
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 LEF Y Y Y
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 SEF N N Y
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 LEF N N N
Foolscap or Euroletter 8.5 x 13 216 x 330 SEF Y Y Y

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-39 GP 20
Table 6 1K LCSS output paper sizes
Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Output

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Corner Top Tray

JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 SEF Y Y Y
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 LEF Y Y Y
JIS B4 10.12 x 14.33 257 x 364 SEF Y Y Y
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 SEF N N Y
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 LEF N N N
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 SEF Y Y Y
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 LEF Y Y Y
ISO B4 9.84 x 13.9 250 x 353 SEF Y Y Y
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 358 SEF Y Y Y
ISO A4 Cover or Tab 8.78 x 11.69 297 x 223 SEF Y Y Y
ISO A4 Cover or Tab 8.78 x 11.69 297 x 223 LEF Y Y Y
Letter Cover or Tab 9 x 11 229 x 279 SEF Y Y Y
Letter Cover or Tab 9 x 11 229 x 279 LEF Y Y Y
Postcard-Lakes 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 SEF N N Y
Postcard-Lakes 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 LEF N N N
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 SEF N N Y
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 LEF N N N
Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 SEF Y Y Y
Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 LEF Y Y Y
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 SEF Y Y Y
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 LEF Y Y Y
Royal Octavo 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 SEF Y Y Y
Royal Octavo 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 LEF Y Y Y
Foolscap Quarto 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 SEF Y Y Y
Foolscap Quarto 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 LEF Y Y Y
Crown Quarto 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 SEF Y Y Y
Crown Quarto 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 LEF Y Y Y
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 SEF Y Y Y
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 LEF Y Y Y
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 SEF Y Y Y
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 LEF Y Y Y
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 SEF Y Y Y
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 LEF Y Y Y
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 SEF Y Y Y
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 LEF Y Y Y
- 8 x 13 203 x 330 SEF Y Y Y
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 SEF Y Y Y
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 LEF Y Y Y
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 SEF Y Y Y

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-40 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 6 1K LCSS output paper sizes
Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Output

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Corner Top Tray

- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 LEF Y Y Y
Foolscap Folio 8.25 x 13.06 209 x 333 SEF Y Y Y
8.26 x 13 210 x 330 SEF Y Y Y
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 SEF Y Y Y
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 LEF Y Y Y
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 SEF Y Y Y
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 LEF Y Y Y
Folio (Spain) 8.46 x 12.4 215 x 315 SEF Y Y Y
- 8.66 x 13 220 x 330 SEF Y Y Y
- 8.75 x 11.69 223 x 297 SEF Y Y Y
- 8.75 x 11.69 223 x 297 LEF Y Y Y
Arch A 9 x 12 229 x 305 SEF Y Y Y
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 358 SEF Y Y Y
Accounting 10 x 14 254 x 356 SEF Y Y Y
- 10 x 15 254 x 381 SEF Y Y Y
8K Taiwan 10.51 x 15.28 267 x 388 SEF Y Y Y

Table 7 2K LCSS output paper sizes

Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Option Output

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Front Rear Dual Hole punch (all types) Top Tray
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 SEF Y Y Y N Y Y
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 LEF Y Y N Y Y Y
Ledger 11 x 17 279 x 432 SEF Y Y N Y Y Y
Invoice (statement) 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 140 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Invoice (statement) 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 140 LEF Y Y Y N Y Y
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 140 SEF N N N N N Y
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 140 LEF N N N N N N
Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356 SEF Y Y Y N Y Y
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 LEF Y Y N Y Y Y
ISO A3 11.69 x 16.54 297 x 420 SEF Y Y N Y Y Y
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 SEF Y Y N N N Y
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 LEF Y Y N N N Y
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 SEF N N N N N Y
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 LEF N N N N N N
Foolscap or Euroletter 8.5 x 13 216 x 330 SEF Y Y Y N Y Y
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 SEF Y Y N N N Y

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-41 GP 20
Table 7 2K LCSS output paper sizes
Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Option Output

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Front Rear Dual Hole punch (all types) Top Tray
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 LEF Y Y N N N Y
JIS B4 10.12 x 14.33 257 x 364 SEF Y Y N N N Y
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 SEF N N N N N Y
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 LEF N N N N N N
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 SEF Y Y N N N Y
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 LEF Y Y N N N Y
ISO B4 9.84 x 13.9 250 x 353 SEF Y Y N N N Y
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 358 SEF Y Y N N N Y
ISO A4 Cover or Tab 8.78 x 11.69 297 x 223 SEF Y Y N N N Y
ISO A4 Cover or Tab 8.78 x 11.69 297 x 223 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Letter Cover or Tab 9 x 11 229 x 279 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Letter Cover or Tab 9 x 11 229 x 279 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Postcard-Lakes 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 SEF N N N N N Y
Postcard-Lakes 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 LEF N N N N N N
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 SEF N N N N N Y
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 LEF N N N N N N
Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 LEF Y Y Y N N Y
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 SEF Y Y N N N Y
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Royal Octavo 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Royal Octavo 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Foolscap Quarto 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Foolscap Quarto 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 LEF Y Y Y N N Y
Crown Quarto 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Crown Quarto 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 LEF Y Y N N N Y
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 SEF Y Y N N N Y
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 LEF Y Y N N N Y
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 LEF Y Y N N N Y
- 8 x 13 203 x 330 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 LEF Y Y N N N Y
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 LEF Y Y N N N Y

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-42 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 7 2K LCSS output paper sizes
Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Option Output

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Front Rear Dual Hole punch (all types) Top Tray
Foolscap Folio 8.25 x 13.06 209 x 333 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
8.26 x 13 210 x 330 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 LEF Y Y N N N Y
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 LEF Y Y N N N Y
Folio (Spain) 8.46 x 12.4 215 x 315 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8.66 x 13 220 x 330 SEF Y Y Y N N Y
- 8.75 x 11.69 223 x 297 SEF Y Y N N N Y
- 8.75 x 11.69 223 x 297 LEF Y Y N Y Y Y
Arch A 9 x 12 229 x 305 SEF Y Y N N N Y
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 358 SEF Y Y N N N Y
Accounting 10 x 14 254 x 356 SEF Y Y N N N Y
- 10 x 15 254 x 381 SEF Y Y N N N Y
8K Taiwan 10.51 x 15.28 267 x 388 SEF Y Y N N N Y

Table 8 HVF output paper sizes

Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Option Output

Hole punch Booklet

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Front Rear Dual Multiple (all types) Top Tray maker
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 SEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279 LEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Ledger 11 x 17 279 x 432 SEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Invoice (statement) 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 140 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
Invoice (statement) 8.5 x 5.5 216 x 140 LEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 140 SEF N N N N N N Y N
Postcard 4.25 x 5.5 108 x 140 LEF N N N N N N N N
Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356 SEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y
ISO A4 8.26 x 11.69 210 x 297 LEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
ISO A3 11.69 x 16.54 297 x 420 SEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
ISO A5 5.83 x 8.27 148 x 210 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 SEF N N N N N N Y N
ISO A6 4.13 x 5.83 105 x 148 LEF N N N N N N N N
Foolscap or Euroletter 8.5 x 13 216 x 330 SEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-43 GP 20
Table 8 HVF output paper sizes
Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Option Output

Hole punch Booklet

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Front Rear Dual Multiple (all types) Top Tray maker
JIS B5 7.17 x 10.12 182 x 257 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
JIS B4 10.12 x 14.33 257 x 364 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 SEF N N N N N N Y N
JIS B6 5.08 x 7.17 128 x 182 LEF N N N N N N N N
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 SEF Y Y N N N N Y N
ISO B5 6.93 x 9.84 176 x 250 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
ISO B4 9.84 x 13.9 250 x 353 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
ISO A4 Cover 8.78 x 11.69 297 x 223 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
ISO A4 Cover 8.78 x 11.69 297 x 223 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
ISO A4 Tab Stock - - LEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Letter Cover 9 x 11 229 x 279 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Letter Cover 9 x 11 229 x 279 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
8.5 x 11 inch Tab Stock - - LEF Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Postcard-Lakes 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
Postcard-Lakes 4.5 x 6 114 x 152 LEF N N N N N N N N
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
Postcard 5x7 127 x 178 LEF N N N N N N N N
Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
Oufuku-Hagaki Postcard 5.83 x 7.87 148 x 200 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
6 x 9 inch 6x9 152 x 229 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Royal Octavo 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
Royal Octavo 6 x 9.5 152 x 241 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Foolscap Quarto 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 SEF Y N N N N N Y N
Foolscap Quarto 6.5 x 8.25 165 x 206 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Crown Quarto 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Crown Quarto 7.25 x 9.5 184 x 241 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
16K Taiwan 7.64 x 10.51 194 x 267 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Quarto 8 x 10 203 x 254 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8 x 10.5 203 x 267 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8 x 13 203 x 330 SEF Y Y Y Y N N Y N
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8.26 x 10 210 x 254 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-44 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 8 HVF output paper sizes
Paper Size Orientation Output Staple position Option Output

Hole punch Booklet

Common Name Inch (W x L) mm (W x L) LEF / SEF Stack Front Rear Dual Multiple (all types) Top Tray maker
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8.26 x 10.63 210 x 270 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Foolscap Folio 8.25 x 13.06 209 x 333 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8.26 x 13 210 x 330 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 SEF Y Y Y Y N N Y N
Demi Quarto 8.46 x 10.7 215 x 273 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8.46 x 10.83 215 x 275 LEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 8.66 x 13 220 x 330 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Arch A 9 x 12 229 x 305 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 358 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
SB4 9.92 x 14.09 252 x 358 LEF N N N N N N N N
Accounting 10 x 14 254 x 356 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
- 10 x 15 254 x 381 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
8K Taiwan 10.51 x 15.28 267 x 388 SEF Y Y Y Y Y N Y N
Custom size, cross process 4.13 105 - N N N N N N Y N
direction (minimum)
Custom size, process direction 5.5 138 - N N N N N N Y N
Custom size, cross process 11.69 297 - N N N N N N Y N
direction (maximum)
Custom size, process direction 17.01 432 - N N N N N N Y N

Table 9 Output stock performance

Trays 1 Trays 3 Duple Hole Booklet Tri-
Stock Type and 2 Bypass and 4 Tray 5 x Offset Stack Staple punch Maker folder Inserter Notes
Bond/standard 70 gsm to 90 gsm Y Y Y Y Y Y Y(1) Y(2) Y Y Y Y (1) Possible performance degradation if
(16 lbs to 24 lbs) small documents and stacked on large.
Index Y Y Y Y Y Y Y(1) Y(2) Y Y Y Y (2) For stapled sets, staple build up may
affect stack quality.
Recycled Y Y Y Y Y Y Y(1) Y(2) Y Y Y Y
Transparency (non paper backed) N Y N N N Y(1)(2) Y(1) N N N N N (1) An increase in set scatter or set to set
registration may occur with greater than 20
(2) LCSS only.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-45 GP 20
Table 9 Output stock performance
Trays 1 Trays 3 Duple Hole Booklet Tri-
Stock Type and 2 Bypass and 4 Tray 5 x Offset Stack Staple punch Maker folder Inserter Notes
Transparency (paper backed) (3) N Y N N N Y(1)(2) Y(1) N N N N N Must be fed with sealed edge leading. Must
not be inverted.
(1) An increase in set scatter or set to set
registration may occur with greater than 20
(2) LCSS only.
(3) Must be fed into the output device
sealed edge first.
Labels (1) N (3) Y N N N N N Y(2) N N N N (1) Must not be inverted.
(2) LCSS = Top tray only.
(3) Except for hospital labels.
Card stock, 120 gsm to 200 gsm Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y(2) N Y (1) Pro-rata reduction in capacity with
Card stock, 216 gsm N Y N N Y N Y Y Y Y(2) N Y weight of stock.
(2) One cover may be included within the
quoted sheet capacity consistent with paper
weight of the body of the booklet.
Tabs (1) Y Y N N N N Y Y Y N N N (1) Tabs must be on trail edge when fed
from trays and bypass, but lead edge when
arriving at the output. Therefore tab stock
will be inverted before output. Hole punch
registration performance may be degraded.
Punched Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y -
Envelopes (1) Y(2) Y N N N N N Y(3) N N N N (1) Must not be inverted.
(2) ID #10 envelopes can be fed from tray 2
if the optional envelope kit is installed.
(3) LCSS = Top tray only.
Carbonless paper N N N N N N N N N N N N

Table 10 Input document material definitions

Category Material Image Type
Group I. Common usage input. 80 gsm (20lb.) to 120gsm (32lb.) or equivalent weight range (rag bond Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
offset and ledger paper). This group includes 4040 paper. press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen.
Group II. Heavy weight common usage 121gsm (32.1lb.) to 200gsm (110lb.) index or equivalent weight range Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
input. (rag bond and ledger paper). press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen.
Group III. Light weight common usage 60gsm (16lb) to 79gsm (19.9lb.) bond or equivalent weight range (rag Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
input. bond, offset, mimo/duplicator, and NCR paper). press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen.
Group IV. Common surface finished paper. 60gsm (16lb) to 200gsm (110lb.) index or equivalent (Bristol text, maga- Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
zine, cover, vellum, safety paper) press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen.
Group V. Uncommon and other input. 80 gsm (20lb.) to 200gsm (110lb.) or equivalent weight: plastic laminated Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
paper: metallic cover stock: tag stock: plastic transparencies: Telecopier press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen. Liquid developed
paper: label stock: silver photographic paper: Electrofax paper (ZnO) electrostatic image.
race-erase: paste ups with loose edges type 1, 2 and 3: XE approved
punched or perforated stock: Continuous computer forms.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-46 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 10 Input document material definitions
Category Material Image Type
Group VI. Light weight input. 49gsm (13lb.) to 59gsm 15.9lb.) bond or equivalent weight range (rag Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
bond, ledger mimeo or GSE papers). press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen.
34gsm (9lb) to 48gsm (12.9lb) bond or equivalent weight range (rag Impact typewriter, offset image, Xerographic image, gravure image, Letter-
Group VII. bond, ledger mimeo or GSE papers). press image, pencil 2H or harder, ballpoint pen, ink pen.

Table 11 Input document quality definitions

Defect Acceptable Marginal Unacceptable Notes
Holes. Maximum of three cleanly punched Four to nine cleanly punched holes. Rough or torn holes. -
holes up to 6mm. (0.25 inch) diameter.
Staples. Cleanly removed staples. Poorly removed staples resulting in dog- Staples not removed.
Edge defects. None. Any cut or tear near a corner less than 3mm. Any cut or tear not at a corner or greater than 3 -
(0.125 inch) in length. mm. (0.125 inch) in length,
Folds* (in the Two letter folds less than 1.5 mm. Two letter folds less than 3mm. (0.125 inch) Any fold greater than 3mm. (0.125 inch) high. * Folds must be flattened to within
feed direction). (0.062 inch) high. high. 6mm (0.25 inch) height before plac-
ing in the input device.
Folds* (across None. One fold not to exceed 3mm. (0.125 inch) Any fold greater than 3mm. (0.125 inch) high. * Folds must be flattened to within
the feed direc- high. 6mm (0.25 inch) height before plac-
tion) ing in the input device.
Curl (measured None. In-ream or inherent curl up to 13mm. (0.5 Curl greater than 13mm.
from a flat sur- inch) maximum.
Wrinkle. None. Multiple moderate wrinkles, up to 38mm. (1.5 Severe wrinkles greater than 38mm. (1.5 inch) -
inch) long in any direction, 3mm. (0.125 inch) long in any direction, greater than 3mm. (0.125
in height. inch) in height
Foreign material None. Hole reinforcement, correction fluid or dry Correction tape major paste-up or correction -
on the surface. glue no greater than 13 square millimeters. fluid greater than 13 square millimeters. (0.02
(0.02 square inch) per correction. square inch) per correction.
Bent corners No bent corners One bent corner up to 75mm. (3 inch) diago- One or more bent corner exceeding 75mm. (3 * Dog ears must be flattened to within
(“dog-ears”)* nal length inch) diagonal length. 6mm (0.25 inch) height before plac-
ing in the input device.
Computer fan - Perforated tractor feed edges cleanly Perforated tractor feed edges not removed. -
fold sheets removed.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-47 GP 20
Envelope Specifications
Tray 2 (With Optional Kit)

Refer to Table 12 and Table 13 for the envelope sizes that can be fed from tray 2 if the optional
envelope kit is installed.

Table 12 European envelope sizes

ID Size Flap minimum length Flap maximum length Feed orientation
DL 110 x 220mm (4.33 x 8.66 inch) 25mm (1.0 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap
C5 162 x 229mm (6.38 x 9.02 inch) - 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open non-leading flap

Table 13 American envelope sizes

ID Size Flap minimum length Flap maximum length Feed orientation
7 3/4 (Monarch) 98 x 190mm (3.87 x 7.5 inch) 36mm (1.4 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap
10 105 x 241mm (4.12 x 9.5 inch) 29mm (1.1 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap

Bypass Tray

Refer to Table 14 and Table 15 for the envelope sizes that can be fed from the bypass tray.

Table 14 European envelope sizes

ID Size Flap minimum length Flap maximum length Feed orientation
DL 110 x 220mm (4.33 x 8.66 inch) 25mm (1.0 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap
C5 162 x 229mm (6.38 x 9.02 inch) - 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open non-leading flap

Table 15 American envelope sizes

ID Size Flap minimum length Flap maximum length Feed orientation
7 3/4 (Monarch) 98 x 190mm (3.87 x 7.5 inch) 36mm (1.4 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap
9 98 x 225mm (3.87 x 8.87 inch) 36mm (1.4 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap
10 105 x 241mm (4.12 x 9.5 inch) 29mm (1.1 inch) 55mm (2.1 inch) LEF, open trailing flap

NOTE: All sizes quoted are with the flap closed. Except for C5 envelopes, only envelopes with Exclusions:
flaps on the long edge are acceptable. Envelopes must not be inverted. Some wrinkle is • No windows
expected on the back of envelopes.
• No board backed
Acceptable flap types: • No gusset type
• Diamond/Banker • No padded
• Pocket • No peel and seal
• Wallet
• Lightweight
• Medium weight
Acceptable sealing:
• Gummed
• Press and seal

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 20 6-48 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 21 Installation Space Requirements • Fully configured machine weight = 125.5 kg (275.8 lbs.) excluding media shelf.

Purpose NOTE: Machine weight does not include the weight of the finisher or tray 5.
To outline the general space requirements to enable safe use and adequate access for service. Optional Tray
• Tray 5 = 30 kg (66 lbs.)
WARNING Finishers
Do not work in a confined space. 1 m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.
• OCT = 2 kg (4.5 lbs.)
WARNING • 1K LCSS = 25 kg (55 lbs.)
USA and Canada. Do not install this machine in a hallway or exit route that does not • 2K LCSS = 30 kg (66.5 lbs.)
have 1.12 m (44 inches) of space additional to the normal space requirements in front of
• HVF = 72.8 kg (160 lbs.)
the machine. To conform with fire regulations this additional 1.12 m (44 inches) of space
is needed in front of the machine in hallway and exit routes. • HVF BM = 100.3 kg (220.6 lbs.)
• HVF BM with PPI = 107.5 kg (236.5 lbs.)
Machine Height
• HVF BM with PPI and Tri-folder = 127.8 kg (281.1 lbs.)
35-55 ppm
• Machine height with the platen lowered = 1010mm (40 inches)
Machine Dimensions and Installation Space Requirements
Table 1 shows the dimensions of the WC5790F machines and the installation space required
• Machine height with the platen raised = 1400mm (55 inches)
for safe operation.
• Machine height with the DADH lowered = 1140 mm (44.7 inches)
• Machine height with the DADH raised = 1450 mm (57 inches) NOTE: The installation dimensions in Table 1 allow for a 1 metre (39.4 inches) minimum safety
65-90 ppm workspace around the machine. To acquire this minimum safety workspace it may be neces-
• Machine height with the DADH lowered = 1147 mm (45.2 inches) sary to move the machine within the area specified.
• Machine height with the DADH raised = 1457 mm (57.3 inches) A gap of 100 mm is required at the rear of the IOT for airflow to the fans. This is also be suffi-
cient for the DADH when raised.
Machine Weight
35-55 ppm Figure 1 represents a plan view of a machine installation and is to be read in conjunction with
Table 1. The dimensions A and B outline a footprint of the machine within the boundary of safe
• Basic machine weight = 98.75 kg (217.3 lbs.)
operation, dimensions C and D. The dimension E indicates the area required for airflow / work-
• Basic machine with DADH weight = 118 kg (259.6 lbs.)
space at the rear of the machine.
• Fully configured machine weight = 122 kg (267 lbs.) excluding media shelf.

NOTE: Machine weight does not include the weight of the finisher or tray 5.
65-90 ppm
• Basic machine weight = 123.15 kg (271 lbs.)

Table 1 Dimensions and space requirements

Install width required Install depth required Install airflow / service workspace
(C) mm / inches (D) mm / inches (E) mm / inches
Machine width Machine depth
Configuration (A) mm / inches (B) mm / inches Moveable Fixed Moveable Fixed Moveable Fixed
WC5735-WC5755 with OCT and media shelf 1240 / 48.8 675 / 26.6 2240 / 88.2 3240 / 127.6 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with OCT and tray 5 1344 / 53 675 / 26.6 2344 / 92.3 3244 / 131.7 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with 1K LCSS and media shelf 1499 / 59 675 / 26.6 2499 / 98.4 3499 / 137.8 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with 1K LCSS and tray 5 1603 / 63 675 / 26.6 2603 / 102.5 3603 / 142 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with 2K LCSS and media shelf 1499 / 59 675 / 26.6 2499 / 98.4 3499 / 137.8 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with 2K LCSS and tray 5 1603 / 63 675 / 26.6 2603 / 102.5 3603 / 142 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with HVF and media shelf 1935 / 76.2 675 / 26.6 2935 / 115.6 3935 / 154.9 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with HVF and tray 5 2039 / 76.2 675 / 26.6 3039 /119.6 4039 / 150 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with HVF BM and media shelf 1955 / 77 675 / 26.6 2955 / 116.3 3955 / 155.7 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-49 GP 21
Table 1 Dimensions and space requirements
Install width required Install depth required Install airflow / service workspace
(C) mm / inches (D) mm / inches (E) mm / inches
Machine width Machine depth
Configuration (A) mm / inches (B) mm / inches Moveable Fixed Moveable Fixed Moveable Fixed
WC5735-WC5755 with HVF BM and tray 5 2059 / 81.1 675 / 26.6 3059 120.4 4059 / 159.8 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with HVF BM and tri-fold 2315 / 91.1 675 / 26.6 3315 / 130.5 4315 / 169.9 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5735-WC5755 with HVF BM, tri-fold and tray 5 2419 / 95.2 675 / 26.6 3419 / 134.6 4419 / 174 1675 / 66 2675 / 105.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765 with OCT and media shelf 1297 / 51 725 / 28.5 2297 / 90.4 3297 / 129.8 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765 with OCT and tray 5 1344 / 53 725 / 28.5 2344 / 92.3 3344 / 131.7 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with 1K LCSS and media shelf 1556 / 61.3 725 / 28.5 2556 / 100.6 3556 / 140 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with 1K LCSS and tray 5 1603 / 63 725 / 28.5 2603 / 102.5 3603 / 140 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with 2K LCSS and media shelf 1556 / 61.3 725 / 28.5 2556 / 100.6 3556 / 140 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with 2K LCSS and tray 5 1603 / 63 725 / 28.5 2603 / 102.5 3603 / 140 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with HVF and media shelf 1992 / 78.4 725 / 28.5 2992 / 117.8 3992 / 157.2 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with HVF and tray 5 2039 / 80.3 725 / 28.5 3039 / 119.6 4039 / 159 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with HVF BM and media shelf 2012 / 79.2 725 / 28.5 3012 / 118.6 4012 / 158 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with HVF BM and tray 5 2059 / 81.1 725 / 28.5 3059 / 120.4 4059 / 159.8 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with HVF BM, tri-fold and media 2372 / 93.4 725 / 28.5 3372 / 132.8 4372 / 172.1 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4
WC5765-WC5790 with HVF and tray 5 2419 / 95.2 725 / 28.5 3419 / 134.6 4419 / 174 1725 / 68 2725 / 107.3 100 / 4 1000 / 39.4


Figure 1 Installation plan

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 21 6-50 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 22 Electrical Power Requirements Low Power Mode
Low power mode is automatically entered after a period of inactivity (determined by timer set-
Power Requirements ting) whilst in standby/ready mode. Timer setting range is from 1 to 120 minutes, refer to Table
Refer to Table 1 and Table 3. 2 for the default settings. Single board controller disk off, IOT +24V disabled, ROS motor off,
fuser to low power. The mode of power is returned to standby following a user request, a key
Table 1 Electrical power requirements pressed on the user interface, offline staple button, power switch, document in the DADH,
Average current DADH opened, incoming FAX or print job. Entry into low power mode is controlled by

Nominal Voltage 35-55 ppm 65-90 ppm Comments Sleep Mode

110VAC (60Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Specific XLA markets only. Sleep mode is automatically entered after a period of inactivity (determined by timer setting)
Plus 6% minus 10% to 13.2A RMS. to 17.6A RMS. whilst in Low Power Mode. Timer setting range is from 10 to 120 minutes, refer to Table 2 for
127VAC (60Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Mandatory for Saudi Arabia the default settings. The mode of power is returned to standby following a user request, a key
Plus 6% minus 10% to 13.2A RMS. to 17.6A RMS. only. press on the user interface, power switch, incoming FAX or print job.
127VAC (60Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal To operate at 127VAC +10%
Table 2 Default settings
Plus 6% minus 10% to 13.2A RMS. to 17.6A RMS. for long periods. Mandatory
for Mexico only. Standby to low Low power mode to
120VAC (60Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Run mode, USA and Can- Speed power mode (mins) sleep mode (mins)
Plus 6% minus 10% to 13.2A RMS. to 17.6A RMS. ada. 35 ppm 1 5
120VAC (60Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Warm up, All 60Hz markets 40 ppm 2 45
Plus 6% minus 10% to 13.2A RMS. to 17.6A RMS. including USA and Canada.
45 ppm 5 45
220VAC (50Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Europe and other 50Hz
55 ppm 8 45
Plus 6% minus 10% to 10A RMS. to 10A RMS. markets.
65 ppm 8 45
230VAC (50Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Europe and other 50Hz
Plus 6% minus 10% to 10A RMS to 10A RMS. markets. 75 ppm 15 45

240VAC (50Hz) Less than or equal Less than or equal Europe and other 50Hz 90 ppm 15 45
Plus 6% minus 10% to 10A RMS. to 10A RMS. markets.
Power consumption
Power Save Modes Refer to Table 3 for power the consumption of all modes:
There are two power save modes which are entered after pre-set timers have expired, low
power mode and sleep mode. Both of these power modes are initially set to factory default time
values but are customer adjustable. Entry to both modes can set by the customer to be either
‘job activated’ or ‘intelligent ready’. The machine will automatically enter low power, then sleep
mode after a period of inactivity exceeds a timer value, refer to Table 2. If ‘intelligent ready’ is
set, the default value for the timer is preset but is adjusted by the machine based on customer

Table 3 Power consumption in all modes

Run mode Standby EPA Typical Energy
Configuration (Watt) (Watt) Low power (Watt) Sleep (Watt) Plug-in/off mode (Watt) Consumption Value (Kwh/wk)
35 ppm 1050 290 Less than 125 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 7.0
40 ppm 1050 290 Less than 125 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 9.6
45 ppm 1150 290 Less than 125 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 10.7
55 ppm 1250 290 Less than 125 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 12.5
65 ppm 1550 310 Less than 160 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 13.7
75 ppm 1600 310 Less than 160 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 15.8
90 ppm 1650 310 Less than 160 Less than 15 Less than or equal to 0.9 16.8
Additional power for 1K LCSS 70 10 0 0 0 N/A

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-51 GP 22
Table 3 Power consumption in all modes
Run mode Standby EPA Typical Energy
Configuration (Watt) (Watt) Low power (Watt) Sleep (Watt) Plug-in/off mode (Watt) Consumption Value (Kwh/wk)
Additional power for 2K LCSS (35-55 ppm) 80 10 0 0 0 N/A
Additional power for 2K LCSS (65-90 ppm) 90 10 0 0 0 N/A
Additional power for HVF (55 ppm) 160 30 0 0 0 N/A
Additional power for HVF (65-90 ppm) 190 30 0 0 0 N/A
Additional power for HVF BM (55 ppm) 160 30 0 0 0 N/A
Additional power for HVF BM (65-90 ppm) 190 30 0 0 0 N/A

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 22 6-52 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 23 Environmental Data GP 24 Customer Administration Tools
Operating Purpose
• Temperature range: 10 to 32 degrees C (50 to 90 degrees F) To gain access to customer administration tools.
• Humidity: 15% to 85% RH.
• Noise: How to Enter Customer Administrator Tools
Perform the following:
NOTE: Blue Angel criteria measured in accordance with ISO 7779
1. Switch on the machine, GP 14.
– Table 1 contains the maximum value in decibels of noise that can be generated by 2. When the machine is ready, press the Log in/out (key symbol) button on the key pad or
the basic machine. select Guest on the UI.
– Table 2 contains the maximum value in decibels of noise that can be generated by 3. Enter User Name ‘admin’ (case sensitive). Select Next.
the machine in other configurations.
4. Enter the Password ‘1111’ (default setting). Select Next. If the password is not 1111, per-
form dC001 Reset Auditron Master PIN to reset the password to default. Inform the cus-
Table 1 Maximum noise limits (dBA), basic machine
tomer that the password has been changed.
PPM Standby Run continuous Run impulse 5. Select Tools Pathway.
35 35 54 57
NOTE: After entering customer administration tools, all existing copy jobs are cancelled. The
40 35 55 58 network controller will stop accepting jobs and a ‘Offline’ screen message is displayed. When
45 35 56 59 exiting Customer Administration Tools, an ‘Online’ screen message is displayed.
55 35 56 61
The customer administration Tools contains the Device Setting, Network Setting and the Trou-
65 35 57 62 ble Shooting features. The features are listed below.
75 35 57 62
90 35 58 63 • System Settings
• Feature Defaults
Table 2 Maximum noise limits (dBA), all configurations • Consumables Management
PPM Standby Run continuous Run impulse • Screen Defaults
35 35 58 61 • Connectivity and Network Setup
40 35 58 62 • Customer Support and Supplies Numbers
45 35 59 63 • Access and Accounting
55 35 59 63 • Online/Offline
65 35 59 63 • Optional Services
75 35 60 63 • Machine Tests

90 35 61 64 • Customer Software Upgrade

• Power Saver Administration

• Altitude: 0 to 1829 metres (0 to 6000 feet) • Copy Activity Report

• Software Reset
• Temperature and humidity range:
Call Closeout
Perform the following:
– 55 degrees C (131 degrees F) 85% RH max.
1. Select admin on the UI button to exit Customer Administration Tools.
– -25 degrees C (-13 degrees F) 15% RH max.
2. Select Logout.
• Altitude: 0 to 3048 metres (0 to 10000 feet).

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-53 GP 23, GP 24
GP 25 First Copy / Print Out Time and Power On / Off Time
The first copy out time (FCOT) is the duration from the start copy request to the delivery of the
first copy in the OCT. Values in Table 1 are based on a standard job where the original is cop-
ied at 100% from the document glass or DADH onto A4 LEF paper fed from the bypass tray.

The first print out time (FPOT) is the duration from the print job request to the delivery of the
print in the OCT. FPOT values in Table 1 are based on a 1 byte ASCII text file sent using TCP/
IP and LPR, from a Pentium II 128Mb NT 4.0 PC with 100Mb Ethernet.

Table 1 Machine timing

Response time

Description 35 ppm 40 ppm 45 ppm 55 ppm 65 ppm 75 ppm 90 ppm Notes

FCOT from the document glass 4.6 seconds 4.6 seconds 3.4 seconds 3.4 seconds 2.7 seconds 2.7 seconds 2.7 seconds A4 sheet, bypass tray to
OCT no invert.
FCOT from the DADH 9.3 seconds 9.3 seconds 7.3 seconds 7.3 seconds 5.9 seconds 5.9 seconds 5.9 seconds A4 sheet, bypass tray to
OCT no invert.
FPOT 9.2 seconds 9.2 seconds 7.0 seconds 7.0 seconds 5.5 seconds 5.5 seconds 5.5 seconds A4 sheet, bypass tray to
OCT no invert.
Recovery from low power mode. Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or From low power mode to
equal to 9 sec- equal to 9 sec- equal to 9 sec- equal to 9 sec- equal to 9 sec- equal to 9 sec- equal to 9 sec- ready to copy, print or fax.
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds.
Recovery from sleep mode. Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or From sleep mode to ready
equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- to print or copy.
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds.
Power on time to ready to copy. Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Ready to copy is indicated
equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- by the message “Ready to
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. Scan” being displayed on
the user interface.
Power on time to ready to print. Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Print is indicated by the
equal to 2 min- equal to 2 min- equal to 2 min- equal to 2 min- equal to 2 min- equal to 2 min- equal to 2 min- message “Machine On Line”
utes and 10 sec- utes and 10 sec- utes and 10 sec- utes and 10 sec- utes and 10 sec- utes and 10 sec- utes and 10 sec- being displayed on the user
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. interface.
Power on time to ready to fax. Less than 28 Less than 28 Less than 28 Less than 28 Less than 28 Less than 28 Less than 28 sec- Fax ready is indicated by
seconds. seconds. seconds. seconds. seconds. seconds. onds. the presence of the Fax icon
being displayed on the user
Power off time, multi functional Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or -
machine. equal to 35 sec- equal to 35 sec- equal to 35 sec- equal to 35 sec- equal to 35 sec- equal to 35 sec- equal to 35 sec-
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds.
Quick restart time. Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or From re-start option con-
equal to 40 sec- equal to 40 sec- equal to 40 sec- equal to 40 sec- equal to 40 sec- equal to 40 sec- equal to 40 sec- firmed, to ready to print or
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. copy.
Fax recovery from sleep mode Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or Less than or From activity detected on
time. equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- equal to 28 sec- the Fax line to start of paper
onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. onds. feed.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 25 6-54 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 26 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) GP 27 Fuser/Xerographics Module End of Life Extension
Purpose Purpose
To allow the customer a further 5000 prints while a new module is ordered and delivered.
To give information on the RoHS Directive.

The RoHS Directive restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and elec- NOTE: Ensure that the customer has ordered a replacement module. This is a one-time only
procedure and at the next ‘Replace now’ screen, the CRU must be replaced.
tronic equipment. It applies to equipment placed in the European Union (EU) market. The
directive takes effect from 1st July 2006. NOTE: This procedure works only when the CRU is at the End Of Life stage. It will not work if
the CRU is exchanged for another CRU. It is not possible to extend the life of a CRU from a dif-
NOTE: Currently these restrictions are only for the European Union (EU) market and some ferent machine.
associated countries. For more information go to www.Xerox.com. However Xerox has man-
dated that all WC5790F machines must be maintained as RoHS compliant. Procedure
Perform the following procedure when one of the following two messages is displayed:
The hazardous substances are:
• Lead (Pb)
• “Replace the fuser module now, no prints can be made until module replacement.”
• Mercury (Hg)
• “Replace the xerographic module now, no prints can be made until module replacement.”
• Cadmium (Cd)
1. Press the Log in/out (key symbol) button on the key pad or select Guest on the UI.
• Hexavalent Chromium (Cr 6+, Cr [VI])
2. Select the Enablement Code button.
• Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE’s)
3. For the fuser module, use the numerical keypad to enter the following code:
• Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB’s)
• *33886724691
The asterisk must be entered before the number. Press Enter.
Identification of a RoHS Compliant Machine 4. For the xerographic module, use the numerical keypad to enter the following code:
Xerox will maintain a central list of RoHS compliant machines. • *33886714351
The asterisk must be entered before the number. Press Enter.
All WC5790F machines are RoHS compliant at time of manufacture.
5. The screen returns to the Authentication Login Required screen. Select the Cancel
6. Open and close the front door. This step is mandatory for the procedure to work. The
‘Replace the Module’ message clears and the machine can now make 5000 more prints.
Failure to comply with RoHS guidelines can result in
• Product recalls
• Fines or penalties
• Imprisonment
Use only spares that are listed in the WC5790F Spare Parts List. Do not use spare parts from
other similar machines, even if the parts look identical. All WC5790F machines are RoHS com-
pliant at time of manufacture and must be maintained as RoHS compliant.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-55 GP 26, GP 27
GP 28 USB Connection Mode GP 29 Embedded Customer Documentation
Purpose Purpose
To set the USB connection mode. To explain how to print the embedded customer documentation.

NOTE: In order to use the CAT/PWS tools the USB print option must be set to Xerox Copier Procedure
Assistant/PWS Service Tool.
Perform the following:
Procedure 1. Press the Machine Status button.
Perform the following: 2. Select Information Pages.
1. Enter Customer Administration Tools, GP 24. 3. Select the relevant information page, then select Print.
2. Press the Machine Status button.
3. Select Tools.
4. Select Network Settings.
5. Select USB Printer Port.
6. Select Xerox Copier Assistant/PWS Service Tool.
7. Select Save.
8. Exit Customer Administration Tools, GP 24.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 28, GP 29 6-56 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 30 Copier Only Machine Identification
To explain how to identify a copier only configured machine.

Enter dC131 NVM location 03-016 SIP Machine Type and 08-004 Machine Type. If the values
are set to 2, the machine is configured as a copier only.

NOTE: These values are protected, they can only be reset by running the install wizard. Refer
to GP 15 How to Set the Machine Configuration.

Be aware of the following:

• Other than checking the above NVM values, there is no other method for identifying a
copier only machine.
• Copier only machines:
– Will display the network controller booting up message when the machine is
switched on.
– Will display a status message if a network controller fault is detected.
– Have some network controller maintenance features still present, for example, on
demand image overwrite.
– Can not have software upgraded via DLM from either the network or USB flash

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-57 GP 30
General Procedures/Information February 2010
GP 30 6-58 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC001 Reset Auditron Master PIN dC104 Modal Usage Counters
Purpose Purpose
To reset the customer administration password to the default, (1111).
To list counters that provide information about features of the machine that have been used by
the customer.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1. Procedure
2. Select Diagnostic Routines, select Other Routines, select 001 Reset Auditron Master PIN. 1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
3. Select Reset Auditron Master PIN. 2. Select Diagnostic Routines, select Other Routines, select 104 Modal Usage Counters.
4. Select confirm or cancel. The modal usage counters screen displays, showing the list of counters and the amount
of use.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-59 dC001, dC104
dC109 Embedded Fax Protocol Report • If the Protocol Report gives errors that show that the Fax is not able send a Fax, go to
RAP 20B Unable To Send A Fax.
Purpose • If the Protocol Report gives errors that show that it is unable to receive a Fax, go to RAP
This procedure allows the CSE to print out the Protocol reports for both line 1 and line 2 if con- 20D Unable To Receive A Fax.
figured. The protocol report contains the protocol information about the last fax transmission • If the EQM column in the Job details, gives a code of greater than 5xxx, go to RAP 20D
whether it was a send or receive job. The protocol report contains the following: Unable To Receive A Fax.

• Date and time

• The last local ID and name of the transaction for line 1 or line 2.
• A firmware version listing for FPGA, application, boot code and hardware.
• The Job details with the job, line, Fax number, start time and duration. The results column
will show the speed of the communications to the remote machine and the connection
status. The EQM column will show the EQM value to determine the line quality.
• The communication summary with the time and a local and remote column. The local and
remote columns will display abbreviations refer to Table 1.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select Diagnostic Routines.
3. Select Fax dC Routines, select 109 Protocol Report.
4. Select Protocol Report Line 1 or Protocol Report Line 2 if configured for 2 lines, then
select, Print Report.
5. The Print Report button greys out until the job has been submitted. The Fax card builds
the protocol report job and places the job in the Fax NVM. This is the equivalent of an
active Fax job in the Fax card queue. The job does not print, it remains in the queue until
the Fax card exits diagnostics.
6. Exit Diagnostics, GP 1.
7. The protocol report prints out.
Analyse the Protocol Report.
For an example of a send and a receive Fax protocol report, refer to Figure 1 or Figure 2.

In Job Details:
• The results column also shows the line speed (i.e. 1440 bps).
The EQM column indicates the line quality (i.e. if the value is greater than 5xxx, then the
line quality is poor). Figure 1 Send Fax protocol report
In Communications summary:
• The time column records the time at which each event occurs, from the start of the com-
• The local and remote column shows the G3 protocol command or response with a direc-
tion arrow. Refer to Table 1 for the description of the abbreviations.
• The FCF column providing a Hex value of the data information contained in the G3 fac-
simile checking field.
• the FIF column providing a Hex value of the data information contained in the G3 facsim-
ile information field.
Identify the fault and refer to the appropriate RAP:
• If the Protocol Report is blank, go to RAP 20A Fax Entry.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC109 6-60 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Local and remote abbreviations
Term Description
DCS Digital command signal
DIS Digital identification signal
DTC Digital transmit command
EOM End of message
EOP End of procedure
EOR End of retransmission
EQM Eye quality monitor (measures the quality of the line)
ERR Response for end of transmission
FCD Facsimile coded data
FCF Fax Code Field
FIF Fax Information Field
FTT Failure to train
JM Joint menu
MCF Message confirmation
MPS Multi page signal
NSC Non to standard facilities command
NSF Non to standard facilities
NSS Non to standard setup
PID Procedure interrupt
PIN Procedure interrupt negative
PIP Procedure interrupt positive
PPS Partial page signal
PPR Partial page request
Figure 2 Receive Fax protocol report PRI-EOM Procedure interrupt to EOM
PRI-EOP Procedure interrupt to EOP
Table 1 Local and remote abbreviations PRI-MPS Procedure interrupt to MPS
Term Description PWD Password for (polling)
ANSam Modulated answer tone PWD Password for (transmission)
CED Called terminal identification RCP Return to control for partial page
CFR Confirmation to receive RNR Receive not ready
CI Call indicator RR Receive ready
CIG Calling subscriber indentation RTN Retrain negative
CJ CM terminator RTP Retrain positive
CM Call menu SEP Selective polling
CNG Calling tone SUB Subaddress
CRP Command repeat TCF Training check
CSI Called subscriber identified TSI Transmitting subscriber identification
CTC Continue to correct
CTR Response for continue to correct
DCN Disconnect

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-61 dC109
dC111 Tag Matrix dC131 NVM Read/Write
Purpose Purpose
This NVM store provides the CSE with a means to enter, store, delete and retrieve Tag Num- To review and modify values within the machine configuration and control parameters stored in
bers that show which hardware and software upgrades are incorporated in the machine. NVM.

Description NOTE: This does not include customer administration or accounting data, these are accessible
from the billing and auditron facilities, refer to the User Guide.
NOTE: This store is not deleted during a “dustoff” procedure, dC132 NVM initialisation.
Tags are issued with a module identifying prefix and number as follows:
Each NVM item is identified using a chain and location code in the form XX-XXX, where XX- is
• Processor module to 001 to 250. the chain prefix, and -XXX is an identifier in the range 001 to 999. For example 09-245. Refer
• DADH module to D001 to D050. to GP 2 Fault Codes and History Files.
• Finisher module to F001 to F050.
The tag numbers are stored in areas defined by module and are entered into the Tag Matrix dC Procedure
111 without the prefix. 1. Save the NVM, GP 5.
2. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
Refer to the procedure Tags. This contains a list of Tag numbers together with an description of
each of the modifications. 3. Select Diagnostic Routines.
4. Select required dC routine category:
Procedure • Copier Routines.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1. • Fax Routines.
2. Select Diagnostic Routines, select Other Routines, select dC111 Tag Matrix. 5. For copier routines, select the appropriate button for the NVM chain to be viewed.
3. Select the appropriate module button, and follow the on screen instructions. 6. Use the scroll buttons to view the other NVM locations of the chain.
• Use the keyboard to type the three digit identifier code into the Find: field and then
touch the Find: button. This puts the found NVM value at the top of the list.

NOTE: Press the keypad C button to reset the Find: button to 000.

7. Touch the selected NVM in the list, and touch the Read/Write button.
• The Read/Write window will open for editable NVM, and the Read Only window will
open for Read Only (protected) NVM.
8. Refer to the tables that follow for NVM chain locations and parameters:
• NVM Tables Chains 1 to 10 dC131a.
• NVM Tables Chains 12 to 19 dC131b.

NOTE: Refer to the Fax NVM Document for the fax (chain 20) NVM values.

9. When the values of an editable NVM have been changed, switch off the machine, then
switch on the machine, GP 14, to check and evaluate the changes made to the NVM.

NOTE: If the NVM default characters exceed 10 characters only the first eight characters are
displayed in the list. The full string is displayed in the Read/Write window.

NOTE: Selecting Reset will cause the selected NVM location to be reset to its default value.
Selecting Cancel closes the window and cancels any changes made in the now closed win-
NOTE: The CSE cannot read or modify any NVM that contains customer administrative or
accounting data.

NOTE: The Read Only (protected) NVM can only be changed using a password obtained from
Xerox. Protected NVM cannot be reset from dC132 NVM initialisation.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC111, dC131 6-62 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC131a NVM Tables Chain 1 to 10 Table 3 NVM chain 3
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
03-007 Value Added Defines installation's value 0 to 255 255
1. Refer to the following for NVM parameters chain 1 to 10:
Reseller added reseller. Password
• NVM chain 1 Table 1 protected.
• NVM chain 2 Table 2 03-008 Product Identifier Sets the product identifier. 151 = 35 ppm 73
• NVM chain 3 Table 3 This is used to identify the 152 = 40 ppm
• NVM chain 5 Table 4 printer type over the net- 153 = 45 ppm
work (through the sysOb- 154 = 55 ppm
• NVM chain 6 Table 5
jectID Object). 155 = 65 ppm
• NVM chain 7 Table 6
Password protected. 156 = 75 ppm
• NVM chain 8 Table 7 157 = 90 ppm
NOTE: For machine identi-
• NVM chain 9 Table 8
fication, refer to SCP 7
• NVM chain 10 Table 9
Machine Features.

Table 1 NVM chain 1 03-009 Install Client Defines current client of 0 to 255 0
system installation.
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default 03-010 SVC Copy Mode Service copy mode entry 1000 to 999999999 4391
01-001 Power Save Defines whether power save is 0=disabled 1 PIN code. Normally the reverse
Enable enabled. 1=enabled of the diagnostic entry
Table 2 NVM chain 2 03-011 Auto Hold Hold job queue if 0=disable 1=enable 1
Enable resources unavailable.
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
03-012 Prod config Defines product configura- 35=35ppm 33
02-001 Printer Language - 0 0
(speed) tion (processing speed). 45=45ppm
08-001 must be set to the 55=55ppm
Table 3 NVM chain 3 same speed. 65=65ppm
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default 75=75ppm
03-001 Foreign Interface Determines whether for- 0=disabled 1=enabled 0
03-013 Doc Handler Defines if the DADH or 0=DADH 1=Document 1
eign interface is config-
Config document cover is present, cover
Auto select.
03-003 Market Region Defines market region. 0=USCO, 1=XCL, 0
Password protected. 2=FX, 3=FXAPO, 03-014 Inverter Switch Determines if sheets deliv- 0=face up 1=face 1
ered face up (non inverted) down
4=ACO, 5=XE
or face down (inverted).
03-004 System Config Defines type of system. 0=Digital Copier, 0
03-015 SIP Machine Machine Configuration Range 0 to 8 0
Device, 2=Printer, Model Setting. (WC5790F = 7)
Password protected.
3=Scan Server,
4=OEM Scanner, 03-016 SIP Machine Machine Type Setting. 0=Unknown 0
5=OEMPrinter, Type Password protected. 1=Universal
6=OEM MultiFunction, 2=DC
7=Atlanta Only 3=MF
03-005 System Install Defines system's current 0=manfg, 1=FIC, 0
Phase installation phase. 2=Customer Install, 03-017 SIP CommsPort- Image Processing serial 0=Disabled 1
3=Customer Setup, Accs communication port 1=Enabled
4=Install Complete access - either disabled or
03-006 Auto Configura- Determines if the system 0=disabled 1=enabled 1
tion runs through auto configu-
ration, detect at power on.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-63 dC131a
Table 3 NVM chain 3 Table 3 NVM chain 3
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
03-018 DC Install Phase Define platform current 0=Incomplete 0 03-405 IQA K4 Constant Image quality adjustment. Range 0 to 5000 35-55
phase. 1=Incomplete K4 constant. ppm = 0,
2=Incomplete 65-90
3=Install Wizard ppm =
4=Complete 3000
03-019 SIP Serial Port SIP serial port mode. 0=Debug mode 0 03-406 IQA K5 Constant Image quality adjustment. Range 0 to 500000 35-55
Mode 1=Modem Mode K5 constant. ppm =
03-020 ADV Threshold Determines the threshold 1 to 100 1 135000,
for when the daily count is 65-90
added to the Average daily ppm =
volume. 91000
03-021 SIP USBPort SIP USB communication 0 = Disable 1 03-407 IQA K6 Constant Image quality adjustment. Range 0 to 3000 0
Access port access disabled or 1 = Enabled K6 constant.
enabled. 03-408 IQA White Max Image quality adjustment Range 0 to 25 15
03-022 Full Odio Time- Defines system manager Range 0 to 255 60 mins SD maximum standard devia-
out full ODIO timeout. tion limit for white back-
03-023 Stndrd Odio Tim- Defines system manager Range 0 to 255 20 mins ground.
eout standard ODIO timeout. 03-409 IQA Max Av Image quality adjustment Range 0 to 255 0
Grey Lvl maximum average grey (Grey scale units 0 =
03-024 SIP Machine Machine configuration set- Range 0 to 255 49
level. Black, 255 = White)
Quay ting machine key. (Set in manufacturing)
03-410 IQA Min Av Grey Image quality adjustment 0 to 255 230
03-025 PowerManage- Power management mode 0= intelligent ready 0
mentMode 1= job activated Lvl minimum average grey
2= scheduled
03-411 IQA Highlight C IQA HighLight Reference Range 0 to 255 126
03-029 FastResStatus Fast Resume status 0=Disabled 0
Ref (Grey scale units 0 =
Black, 255 = White)
03-400 IQA Highlight Image quality adjustment Range 0 to 255 136
Ref highlight reference. (Grey scale units 0 = 03-412 IQA Shadow C IQA Shadow Reference 17
Ref Range 0 to 255
Black, 255 = White)
(Grey scale units 0 =
03-401 IQA Shadow Ref Image quality adjustment Range 0 to 255 13
Black, 255 = White)
shadow reference. (Grey scale units 0 =
Black, 255 = White) 03-420 AutoModeTRC- TRC Slope in auto mode 10 to 80 20
Slope (Toner reproduction curve)
03-402 IQA K1 Constant Image quality adjustment. Range 0 to 3000 35-55
03-421 AutoModeTR- TRC offset in auto mode 0 to 500 400
K1 constant. ppm
65-90 03-422 SpecialMode- TRC slope in special mode 10 to 80 20
ppm TRCSlope
=500 03-423 SpecialModeTR- TRC offset in special mode 0 to 500 400
03-403 IQA K2 Constant Image quality adjustment. Range 0 to 6000 35-55 COffset
K2 constant. ppm 03-424 PhotoModeTRC- TRC slope in photo mode 10 to 80 20
=1500, Slope
65-90 03-425 PhotoModeTR- TRC offset in photo mode 0 to 500 400
ppm COffset
03-900 Restrict Diag. Retains the restricted diag- 1000 to 99999999 1962
03-404 IQA K3 Constant Image quality adjustment. Range 0 to 200 0 Pin nostics pin. Use with 08-
K3 constant. 900

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-64 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 4 NVM chain 5 Table 6 NVM chain 7
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
05-001 DADH Feed Head Number of feeds. 0 to 300000 0 07-001 Feeder Module Type Defines feeder module type 67 to 180 67
Count 67=2 internal trays + bypass
05-002 CRU Days Number of days. 0 to 65535 0 68=2 internal trays + bypass
05-007 Detect Paper Size 1 DADH sensor to detect sizes 0=A4, 2
for market regions. 1=8.5x13, 177=2 internal trays + bypass
+ tray 5180=2 internal trays +
2=Auto market
bypass + HCF + tray 5
region set
07-002 LE Late T5 Feed Steps allowed before a sheet 0 to 800 500
05-008 Detect Paper Size 2 DADH sensor to detect sizes 0=A5; 2
for market regions. 1=8.5x5.5, Snr is declared a misfed. LE late
to tray 5 feed sensor.
2=auto market
region set 07-003 LE Late Wait Point Number of transport motor 0 to 2000 35-55 ppm
T5 steps allowed between the =1052,
05-009 DADH Mag (copy Half speed adj for >100% 0 to 200 35-55 ppm
mode) copy. minus 10% to =100, LE at TAR nips to hand over 65-90 ppm
before a jam is declared. =724
plus 10% 65-90 ppm
=94 07-004 Wait Point Steps T5 Number of transport motor 0 to 500 35-55
steps from the time the LE is ppm=115,
05-012 DADH Duplex Motor Adjustment of duplex motor 0=normal 0
Speed speed. 1=quiet mode at prehand over to hand over 65-90 ppm
point. =223
speed) 07-005 T1 Stock Level Number of steps tray 1 has 0 to 700 0
been lifted since it was last
Table 5 NVM chain 6 closed.
07-006 T2 Stock Level Number of steps tray 2 has 0 to 700 0
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default been lifted since it was last
06-001 Laser Light Level ROS light level 600 dpi and 1500 to 6000 35ppm closed.
1200 dpi. =3471, 07-007 T1 Stack Height Number of steps tray 1 has to 0 to 40 7
09-319 must be set to the 40-55 ppm Adjust be lifted above the stack
same value as 06-001. =2250, height sensor for optimum
65-90 ppm feed position.
07-008 T2 Stack Height Number of steps tray 2 has to 0 to 40 7
06-003 Ros Motor Time-out Time after which ROS motor 100 to 5000 Adjust be lifted above the stack
fault will be called. 20000ms height sensor for optimum
06-005 Extended Rng Ros Indicates which type of ROS 0 = 3 to 6 Erg/ 1 feed position.
Enable is fitted (35 ppm only). cm2 range 07-009 LE Late T1 Feed Maximum number of steps 0 to 500 200
ROS Snr from tray 1 feed motor to LE
1 = 1.5 to 6 at tray 1 feed sensor.
Erg/cm2 07-010 LE Late T2 Feed Maximum number of steps 0 to 500 200
Snr from tray 2 feed motor to LE
range ROS
at tray 2 feed sensor.
07-011 T1 Buckle Size Number of steps from LE at 0 to 200 13
tray 1 feed sensor to start of
transport motor.
07-012 T2 Buckle Size Number of steps from LE at 0 to 200 13
tray 2 feed sensor to start of
tray 1 and 2 transport motor.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-65 dC131a
Table 6 NVM chain 7 Table 6 NVM chain 7
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
07-013 LE Late T1 From T2 Maximum number of steps 0 to 1200 940 07-028 PreRelease Dis- Number of steps for pre- 100 to 150 130
from tray 2 TAR nips to LE at tance T1 sheet separation.
tray 1 feed sensor. 07-029 Tray Media Combi Tray media size sensing 0=Old 1
07-014 LE Late Wait Point Maximum number of steps 0 to 1400 1000 Switch switch to alternate between combination1
T1-T2 from tray 1 TAR nips to LE at old and new switch combina- =New combi-
wait sensor. tions. nation
07-015 Wait Point Steps T1- Number of steps from LE at 0 to 600 35-55 ppm 07-030 HCFtransMtrSpd Process speed applied Steps 35ppm
T4 wait sensor to tray 1 and 2 =240, between T2 and T1 sensors =3171, 40-
transport motor stop. 65-90 ppm 55ppm
=434 =2214,
07-016 Release Steps T1- Number of steps the tray 1 0 to 2000 440 65-90ppm
T4 and 2 transport motor should =1573
run after the release sheet 07-031 HCFcatchUpSpd Catch up speed applied Steps 35ppm
command. between T2 and T1 sensors =3171, 40-
07-017 LE Late T2 From Time for the LE of an HCF 0 to 2000 1400 55ppm
T3-T4 sheet to reach the tray 2 feed =1262,
sensor. 65-90ppm
07-018 Release Steps T5 Distance from wait point to 0 to 1000 116
transport motor releasing
sheet. Table 7 NVM chain 8
07-019 T3 Stack Height Number of steps tray 3 has to 0 to 100 50 Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
Adjust be lifted above the stack
08-001 Print Rate Number of prints per minute 0 = 35 ppm 7
height sensor for optimum (Controls the IOT print rate). 9 = 40 ppm
feed position.
03-012 must be set to the 1 = 45 ppm
07-020 T4 Stack Height Number of steps tray 4 has to 0 to 100 50 same speed. 2 = 55 ppm
Adjust be lifted above the stack 3 = 65 ppm
height sensor for optimum 4 = 75 ppm
feed position. 6 = 90 ppm
07-021 LE Late T3 Feed Maximum number of steps 0 to 700 350 08-002 Process speed Speed at which sheets 160 to 500 35 ppm=179,
Snr from tray 3 feed motor to LE move through machine. 40-55 ppm
at tray 3 feed sensor. =257,
07-022 LE Late T4 Feed Maximum number of steps 0 to 800 400 65-90
Snr from tray 4 feed motor to LE ppm=362
at tray 4 feed sensor. 08-003 Machine Model Machine configuration set- 0 to 8 0
07-023 T3 Buckle Size Size of de-skew buckle. 0 to 15 3 ting.
07-024 T4 Buckle Size Size of de-skew buckle. 0 to 15 10 08-004 Machine Type Machine type setting. 0=Unknown 0
07-025 Release Steps T3- Number of steps the HCF 0 to 15 5 1=Universal
T4 transport motor should run 2=DC
after the release sheet com- 3=MF
mand. 4=Spare
07-026 LE Late T4 From T3 Maximum number of steps 0 to 2000 1000 08-005 Machine Quay Machine configuration set- 0 to 255 49
from tray 3 TAR nips to LE at ting Machine Key.
tray 4 feed sensor. 08-045 Short Cycle Out IOT inactivity shutdown 0 to 15 seconds 0
07-027 Wait Point Steps T3- Number of steps from tray 4 30 to 100 35-55 Time timer (except ROS motor).
T4 feed sensor to stop position. ppm=40, 08-046 Long Cycle Out Inactivity cycle out timer. 0 to 180 sec- 35-45 ppm=0
65-90=53 Time onds 55-90 ppm =60

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-66 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-047 Abnormal Cycle Abnormal cycle out time. 0 to 15 seconds 35-45 ppm=0 08-127 Res Sht To Le Dup Restart sheet to duplex jam 200 to 2556 35 ppm =2400,
Out Time 55-90 ppm =10 Lt Jam 3 window to indicate LE of 40-55 ppm
08-048 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 1 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7510 sheet is late in mode 3. =1670,
1 Simp simplex. 65-90 ppm
08-049 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 2 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7510 =900
2 Simp simplex. 08-128 Res Sht To Le Dup Restart sheet to duplex jam 200 to 3000 35 ppm =2010,
Lt Jam 4 window to indicate LE of 40-55 ppm
08-050 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 3 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7522
sheet is late in mode 4. =1340,
3 Simp simplex.
65-90 ppm
08-051 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 4 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7504 =900
4 Simp simplex.
08-148 Le Dup Snr To Clh Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700 35 ppm =496,
08-052 Top Edge Reg MSI Bypass tray top edge regis- 7300 to 7700 7522
On Act 1. 40-55 ppm
Simp tration simplex.
08-059 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 1 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7510 65-75 ppm
1 Dup duplex. =244,
08-060 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 2 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7521 90 ppm = 256
2 Dup duplex. 08-149 PSync To Reg Clut Duplex registration mode 1. 100 to 380 35 ppm =314,
08-061 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 3 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7533 On Dup 40-55 ppm
3 Dup duplex. =219,
08-062 Top Edge Reg Tray Tray 4 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7510 65-90 ppm
4 Dup duplex. =154
08-063 Top Edge Reg MSI Bypass tray top edge regis- 7300 to 7700 7522 08-152 Le Reg Snr To Simplex buckle. 100 to 900 35 ppm =630,
Dup tration duplex. Clutch On 40-55 ppm
08-074 IOT LE Reg Simp IOT lead edge registration 0 to 255 141 =440,
65-90 ppm
08-075 IOT LE Reg Dup IOT Lead Edge Reg Dup. 0 to 255 129
08-153 Sync To Reg Clut Simplex registration. 100 to 360 35 ppm =314,
08-107 Inv Mot Fwd To IOT paper path timing, 0 to 2500 35 ppm=1353,
On Simp 40-55 ppm
Rev D1 restart sheet into duplex for 40-55 ppm =219,
mode 1. =927,
65-90 ppm
65-75 ppm
90 ppm=697 08-154 Te Reg Snr To Ensures sheet clear of reg 100 to 1200 35 ppm =860,
Clutch Off nips before turning clutch 40-55 ppm
08-108 Inv Mot Fwd To IOT paper path timing, 100 to 4000 35 ppm=3055,
off. (See 08-619 for 90 ppm) =610,
Rev D2 restart sheet into duplex for 40-55 ppm
65-75 ppm
mode 2. =2130, =288
08-155 Te Reg Snr To Ensures sheet clear of reg 100 to 1500 35 ppm =1194,
Cltch Of Evl nips before turning clutch 40-55 ppm
90 ppm=1185
off, when media type is =843,
08-109 Inv Mot Fwd To IOT paper path timing, 100 to 5000 35 ppm=3771, envelopes. 65-90 ppm
Rev D3 restart sheet into duplex for 40-55 ppm
mode 3. =2631,
08-159 Te Dup Snr To Time after paper reaches 100 to 1100 35 ppm =860,
=2062, Clutch Off sensor to switch clutch off. 40-55 ppm
90 ppm=1725
65-90 ppm

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-67 dC131a
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-160 Pitch Sync To Dup Time to switch duplex motor 10 to 60 30 08-180 Simp Buckle Simplex buckle for rough 100 to 900 35 ppm =630,
Mot On on. Rough Stock stock. 40-55 ppm
08-162 Rel Sht Msi To Le Release sheet to reg to MSI 200 to 1200 35 ppm =630, =440,
Reg Jam jam window to indicate LE 40-55 ppm 65-90 ppm
of sheet is late. =440, =290
65-90 ppm 08-183 Tab Length Tab time. 0 to 1000 35 ppm =70,
=350 40-55 ppm
08-169 Simp Buckle Simplex buckle for transpar- 100 to 900 35 ppm =630, =50,
Transp'y ency stock. 40-55 ppm 65-90 ppm =40
=440, 08-190 Inv Mot Fwd To IOT paper path timing. 100 to 4000 35 ppm =3055,
65-90 ppm Rev D4 Restart sheet into duplex for 40-55 ppm
=290 mode 4. =2130,
08-170 Simp Buckle Simplex buckle for enve- 100 to 900 35 ppm =630, 65-75 ppm
Enlopes lopes. 40-55 ppm =1478,
=440, 90 ppm =1185
65-90 ppm 08-191 Simp Buckle MSI Simplex buckle for MSI spe- 100 to 800ms 35 ppm =630,
=290 std cific standard stock. 40-55 ppm
08-171 Simp Buckle Simplex buckle for labels. 100 to 900 35 ppm =600, =440,
Labels 40-55 ppm 65-90 ppm
=420, =290
65-90 ppm 08-200 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 400 to 3500 35 ppm =1460
=290 Mode 1 tick setting - Simplex mode 40 ppm =1330
08-172 Simp Buckle Card- Simplex buckle for card 100 to 900 35 ppm =630, 1. 45 ppm =1220
stock stock. 40-55 ppm 55 ppm =1090
=440, 65 ppm =920
65-90 ppm 75 ppm =800
=290 90 ppm =690
08-177 Le Reg Snr To LE at reg sensor to clutch 0 to 1000 35 ppm =530, 08-201 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =2390,
Clutch Off off. (See 08-618 for 90 ppm) 40-55 ppm Mode 2 tick setting - Simplex mode 40-55 ppm
=350, 2. =1670,
65-75 ppm 65-75 ppm
=235 =1220,
90 ppm =110
08-178 Le Dup Snr To LE at dup sensor to clutch 0 to 1000 35 ppm =380,
Clutch Off off. 40-55 ppm 08-202 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =2760,
=240, Mode 3 tick setting - Simplex mode 40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm 3. =1930,
=205 65-75 ppm
08-179 Le Dup Snr To Cl LE at dup sensor to clutch 0 to 1000 35 ppm =496, =1430,
90 ppm =1290
On Nom on. 40-55 ppm
=343, 08-203 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 4000 35 ppm =3540,
65-75 ppm Mode 4 tick setting - Simplex mode 40-55 ppm
=244, 4. =2500,
90 ppm =256 65-75 ppm
90 ppm =1640

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-68 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-204 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 600 to 3500 35 ppm =2600, 08-212 Restart Dup M5 IOT transparency timing 0 to 2500ms 35 ppm =1331,
Mode 5 tick setting - Simplex mode 40-55 ppm Txpar restart sheets into duplex 40-55 ppm
5. =1800, for mode 5. Transparency =927,
65-75 ppm pitch mode 1 simplex. 65-75 ppm
=1300, =985,
90 ppm =1280 90 ppm =697
08-205 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =2760, 08-213 Restart Dup M6 IOT envelopes timing 0 to 2500ms 35 ppm =1331,
Mode 6 tick setting - Simplex mode 40-55 ppm Envelope restart sheets into duplex 40-55 ppm
6. =1700, for mode 6. =927,
65-90 ppm Envelope pitch mode 1. 65-75 ppm
=1210 =985,
08-206 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 600 to 3500 35 ppm =1560, 90 ppm =697
Mode 1 tick setting - Duplex mode 40-55 ppm 08-214 Nip Open Inv Mot Time for nip to open after 10 to 1000ms 35 ppm =570,
1. =1090, Rev M1 inverter motor starts to 40-55 ppm
65-75 ppm reverse (duplex for mode =400,
=800, 1). 65-90 ppm
90 ppm =690 =240
08-207 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =2390, 08-215 Nip Open Inv Mot Time for nip to open after 10 to 1600ms 35 ppm =1300,
Mode 2 tick setting - Duplex mode 40-55 ppm Rev M2 inverter motor starts to 40-55 ppm
2. =1670, reverse (duplex for mode =900,
65-75 ppm 2). 65-90 ppm
=1220, =240
90 ppm =1110 08-216 Nip Open Inv Mot Time for nip to open after 10 to 2000ms 35 ppm =1300,
08-208 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =2760, Rev M3 inverter motor starts to 40-55 ppm
Mode 3 tick setting - Duplex mode 40-55 ppm reverse (duplex for mode =900,
3. =1930, 3). 65-90 ppm
65-75 ppm =640
=1430, 08-217 Nip Open Inv Mot Time for nip to open after 10 to 1600ms 35 ppm =1300,
90 ppm =1290 Rev M4 inverter motor starts to 40-55 ppm
08-209 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =2390, reverse (duplex for mode =900,
Mode 4 tick setting - Duplex mode 40-55 ppm 4). SEF Heavyweight invert 65-90 ppm
4. =1670, only pitch. =640
65-75 ppm 08-218 Nip Open Inv Mot Time for nip to open after 10 to 1000ms 35 ppm =570,
=1220, Rev M5 inverter motor starts to 40-55 ppm
90 ppm =1110 reverse (duplex for mode 5) =400,
08-210 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 600 to 3500 35 ppm =1560, transparencies. Transpar- 65-90 ppm
Mode 5 tick setting - Duplex mode 40-55 ppm ency pitch mode 1 simplex. =240
5. =1090, 08-219 Nip Open Inv Mot Time for nip to open after 10 to 1000ms 35 ppm =570,
Transparency pitch mode 1 65-75 ppm Rev M6 inverter motor starts to 40-55 ppm
simplex. =800, reverse (duplex for mode =400,
90 ppm =690 6). Envelopes pitch simplex 65-90 ppm
08-211 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 3500 35 ppm =1560, only. =240
Mode 6 tick setting - Duplex mode 40-90 ppm 08-220 Inv Mot Rev Dup NVM inverter motor reverse 0 to 200ms 35 ppm =0,
6. =1090 Mot M1 to duplex motor speed up 40-55 ppm =0,
for mode 1. 65-90 ppm =0

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-69 dC131a
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-221 Inv Mot Rev Dup NVM inverter motor reverse 0 to 2000ms 35 ppm =1180, 08-230 Inv Mot Slow Down Inverter motor slow down 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =100,
Mot M2 to duplex motor speed up 40-55 ppm M1 for mode 1. Delay from 40-55 ppm
for mode 2. =820, invert motor start ramp =100,
65-90 ppm down from high speed to 65-90 ppm
=550 restart in opposite direction. =100
08-222 Inv Mot Rev Dup NVM inverter motor reverse 0 to 2000ms 35 ppm =1760, 08-231 Inv Mot Slow Down Inverter motor slow down 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =100,
Mot M3 to duplex motor speed up 40-55 ppm M2 for mode 2. Delay from 40-55 ppm
for mode 3. =1230, invert motor start ramp =100,
65-90 ppm down from high speed to 65-90 ppm
=550 restart in opposite direction. =100
08-223 Inv Mot Rev Dup NVM inverter motor reverse 0 to 2000ms 35 ppm =1180, 08-232 Inv Mot Slow Down Inverter motor slow down 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =100,
Mot M4 to duplex motor speed up 40-55 ppm M3 for mode 3. Delay from 40-55 ppm
for mode 4. SEF Heavy- =820, invert motor start ramp =100,
weight invert only pitch 65-90 ppm down from high speed to 65-90 ppm
mode 2. =550 restart in opposite direction. =100
08-224 Inv Mot Rev Dup NVM inverter motor reverse 0 to 200ms 35 ppm =0, 08-233 Inv Mot Slow Down Inverter motor slow down 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =100,
Mot M5 to duplex motor speed up 40-55 ppm =0, M4 for mode 4. SEF heavy- 40-55 ppm
for mode 5 transparencies 65-90 ppm =0 weight invert only pitch =100,
pitch mode 1 simplex. mode 2. 65-90 ppm
08-225 Inv Mot Rev Dup NVM inverter motor reverse 0 to 200ms 35 ppm =0, =100
Mot M6 to duplex motor speed up 40-55 ppm =0, 08-234 Inv Mot Slow Down Inverter motor slow down 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =100,
for mode 6. Envelope pitch 65-90 ppm =0 M5 for mode 5. Transparencies 40-55 ppm
simplex. pitch mode 1 simplex. =100,
08-226 Rst Dup Jam Win- Restart sheet to duplex jam 200 to 1500ms 35 ppm =1050, 65-90 ppm
dow M1 window to indicate LE of the 40-55 ppm =100
sheet is late in mode 1. =690, 08-235 Inv Mot Slow Down Inverter motor slow down 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =100,
65-90 ppm M6 for envelopes mode 6 - 40-55 ppm
=500 envelopes pitch simplex. =100,
08-227 Rst Dup Jam Win- Restart sheet to duplex jam 200 to 3000ms 35 ppm =2010, 65-90 ppm
dow M2 window to indicate LE of the 40-55 ppm =100
sheet is late in mode 2. =1340, 08=236 Lead Edge Thresh- NVM Lead edge threshold. 1 35 ppm =1,
65-90 ppm old 40-55 ppm =1,
=900 65-90 ppm =1
08-228 Rst Dup Jam Win- Restart sheet to duplex jam 200 to 3000ms 35 ppm =1050, 08-237 Trail Edge Thresh- NVM Trail edge threshold. 0 to 4 35-55 ppm =4,
dow M5 window to indicate LE of the 40-55 ppm hold 65-90 ppm =1
sheet is late in mode 5. =690, 08-238 Inv Mot on Fwd Inverter motor on forward. 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =860,
Transparencies pitch mode 65-90 ppm Use on 65-90 ppm only for 40-55 ppm
1 simplex. =500 A6 media. =600,
08-229 Rst Dup Jam Win- Restart sheet to duplex jam 200 to 1500ms 35 ppm =1050, 65-90 ppm
dow M6 window to indicate LE of the 40-55 ppm =430
sheet is late - Envelope =690, 08-239 Eng Nip To Mov Engages nips to move 0 to 400ms 35 ppm =230,
pitch simplex only. 65-90 ppm Sheet sheet into inverter path. 40-55 ppm
=500 =130,
65-90 ppm =10

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-70 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-240 Inv Mot On Rev Inverter motor on reverse 100 to 340ms 35 ppm =230, 08-250 TE Post Fsr Exit Trail edge post fuser to exit 500 to 1700ms 35 ppm =1490,
Open until open. 40-55 ppm Jam Win jam window to indicate trail 40-55 ppm
=180, edge of sheet is late. =1060,
65-90 ppm 65-90 ppm
=140 =760
08-241 Inv Mot FwdStop Time for inverter motor to 36 to 80ms 35-55 ppm 08-251 LE Post Fsr Exit Lead edge post fuser to top 1000 to 35 ppm =3000,
Rev go forward, then stop, then =50, Late Win exit jam windows to indicate 3300ms 40-55 ppm
to reverse. 65-90 ppm =66 lead edge of sheet is late. =2000,
08-242 Le Fsri Inv Mot On Time to turn on inverter 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =860, 65-90 ppm
dup motor after LE leaves fuser 40-55 ppm =1420
(duplex). =600, 08-252 LE Post Fsr TE Lead edge post fuser to trail 0 to 500ms 35 ppm =270,
65-90 ppm =0 Late Win edge post fuser jam window 40-55 ppm
08-243 Le Nip Closed Dup Time between trail edge 0 to 400ms 35 ppm =230, to indicate trail edge of =170,
and nip closed (duplex). 40-55 ppm sheet is late. 65-90 ppm
=130, =130
65-90 ppm =0 08-253 Le Iot Exit Iot Exit Lead edge IOT exit to trail 90 to 350ms 35 ppm =220,
08-244 Exit Sen To Ofset Time from exit sensor to off- 0 to 3000ms 35 ppm =0, Late edge IOT exit jam window 40-55 ppm
Mot On set tray motor on. 40-55 ppm =0, to indicate lead / trail late. =170,
65-90 ppm =0 65-90 ppm
08-245 Post Fsr To Top Timing from post fuser to 100 to 2000ms 35 ppm =1520, =130
Tray Mot top tray motor (forward). 40-55 ppm 08-254 Le Top Exit TE Top Lead edge top exit to trail 90 to 350ms 35 ppm =220,
=1060, Exit Win edge top exit jam window to 40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm indicate lead edge / trail =170,
=750 edge late. 65-90 ppm
08-246 Top Tray Mot To Timing from top tray motor 100 to 3000ms 35 ppm =1880,
Post Fsr to post fuser. 40-55 ppm 08-255 LE late To Reg Lead edge late to registra- 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =350,
=1360, Cltch On tion after registration clutch 40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm on. =250,
=750 65-90 ppm
08-247 PFM Jam Window Release sheet registration 100 to 800ms 35 ppm =400,
PFM jam window to indicate 40-55 ppm 08-256 Reg Clutch On To Registration clutch on to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =350,
LE of sheet is late. =280, TE Late trail edge late to duplex 40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm sensor. =190,
=250 65-90 ppm
08-248 Clutch On Post Fsr Clutch on to post fuser jam 600 to 1850ms 35 ppm =1410, =350
Jam window to indicate LE of 40-55 ppm 08-258 Tim After Sen Nominal time after hitting 0 to 200ms 35-55 ppm
sheet is late. =980, Ramp Dwn M1 sensor that speed ramps =20,
65-90 ppm down for mode 1. 65-90 ppm
=700 =130
08-249 LE Post Fsr Exit Lead edge post fuser to exit 360 to 1100ms 35 ppm =920, 08-259 Slow Down Correct Temperature value to cor- 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =36,
Jam Win jam window to indicate lead 40-55 ppm rect slowdown. Ramp down 40-55 ppm
edge of sheet is late. =680, time from high to process =17,
65-90 ppm speed, used in error correc- 65-90 ppm =27
=490 tion algorithm mode 1
08-260 Main Mot Run Up Main motor run up time. 0 to 4000ms 35 ppm =450,
40-90 ppm

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-71 dC131a
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-261 PR Mot Run Up Photoreceptor motor run up 0 to 4000ms 35 ppm =400, 08-272 Inv Mot Rev To Inverter motor reverse to 0 to 1000ms 35-55 ppm
time. 40-90 ppm Stop Dup 2 inverter motor stop duplex =188,
=500 2. 65-75 ppm
08-262 LE Sen To MSI Rel Time from release to lead 0 to 2000ms 35 ppm =505, =219,
edge at registration sensor 40-55 ppm 65-90 ppm
=364, =179
65-90 ppm 08-273 Inv Mot Rev To Inverter motor reverse to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =410,
=260 Stop Dup 3 inverter motor stop duplex 40-55 ppm
08-263 LE Sen To PFM Time from PFM release to 0 to 2000ms 35 ppm =177, 3. =414,
Rel lead edge at registration 40-55 ppm 65-90 ppm
sensor. =122, =365
65-90 ppm =61 08-274 Inv Mot Rev To Inverter motor reverse to 10 to 2000ms 35-55 ppm
08-264 TE Reg Fsr Exit Trail edge detection at reg- 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =60, Stop Dup 4 inverter motor stop duplex =188,
istration, fuser + exit sensor 40-55 ppm 4. 65-75 ppm
= paper size - NVM from =40, =219,
LE. 65-90 ppm =70 90 ppm =179
08-265 TE Duplex Trail edge detection duplex 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =270, 08-275 Inv Mot Rev To Inverter motor reverse to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=628,
sensor = paper size - NVM 40-55 ppm Stop Dup 5 inverter motor stop duplex 5 40-55 ppm
from LE duplex sensor. =200, (transparencies). =343,
65-90 ppm 65-90 ppm
=100 =500
08-266 Pitch Win Rel Del Pitch window release delay. 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =440, 08-276 Inv Mot Rev To Inverter motor reverse to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=628,
40-55 ppm Stop Dup 6 inverter motor stop duplex 6 40-55 ppm
=320, (envelopes). =343,
65-90 ppm 65-90 ppm
=227 =500
08-267 Fin Finish Tim Finisher finish time. 0 to 0 35 ppm =0, 08-277 Add To MSUI Pitch Addition to normal bypass 0 to 1000ms 35-55 ppm=0
40-55 ppm =0, Period (MSI) pitch period. 65 ppm=170
65-90 ppm =0 75 ppm=290
90 ppm=400
08-268 Fin Prep Tim Finisher preparation time. 0 to 0ms 35 ppm =0,
40-55 ppm =0, 08-278 Split Nip Control Split nip control for 1st 0 to 350ms 210
65-90 ppm =0 S1 sheet.
08-269 MSI Stray Sheet Jam timer for stray sheets 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =0, 08-279 Tim To Del Simp IOT time to deliver simplex. 0 to 5000ms 35 ppm=2814,
from the bypass tray (MSI). 40-55 ppm =0, 40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm =0 =1961,
08-270 MSI Feed To PFM Delay from the bypass tray 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =370, 65-90 ppm
Feed (MSI) feed to paper feed 40-55 ppm
module (PFM) feed to avoid =250, 08-280 Tim To Del Invet IOT time to deliver: inter 0 to 5000ms 35 ppm=3218,
jam. 65-90 ppm (simplex + paper length). 40-55 ppm
=172 =2247,
65-90 ppm
08-271 Inv Mot Rev To Inverter motor reverse to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm =628,
Stop Dup1 inverter motor stop duplex 40-55 ppm
1. =343,
65-90 ppm

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-72 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-281 Tim To Del Simp3 IOT time to deliver duplex 0 to 5000ms 35 ppm=2814 08-297 Inv Mot On Fwd Time from LE at inverter 200 to 35 ppm=860
(simplex + 3 pitches). 40-55 ppm sensor to inverter motor on 20000ms 40-55 ppm
=1961, forward. =600,
65-75 ppm 65-90 ppm
=1429, =330
90 ppm=1432 08-298 LE Inv Snr Mot On Time to turn on inverter 300 to 1000ms 35 ppm=860
08-282 Fsr 3min Warning Temperature threshold 10 to 50 deg C 40 Frwd Dup motor on after LE leaves 40-55 ppm
Temp level. fuser (duplex). =600,
08-283 Fsr 2min Warning Temperature threshold 40 to 100 deg C 60 65-90 ppm
Temp level. =330
08-284 Fsr 1min Warning Temperature threshold 60 to 120 deg C 90 08-299 TEF sr Exit Jam TE post fuser to exit jam 400 to 1700ms 35 ppm=1490
Temp level. Win Siz2 window. 40-55 ppm
08-286 Fsr Delta Temperature difference 0 to 0 deg C 45 =1060,
65-75 ppm
between the 2 thermistors.
08-287 Fsr TolrunA Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 20
08-300 TE Inv Snr To Inv Actuates inverter path sole- 0 to 100 steps 35-55 ppm=30
either side of run target tem-
perature. Thermistor A. Path Sol noid to divert duplex sheet 65-90 ppm =40
to output from TE of previ-
08-288 Fsr Tolsave Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35-45 ppm=0
ous sheet at inverter sen-
either side of power save 55-90 ppm=15
target temperature.
08-301 TE Snr To Inv Sol Actuates inverter path sole- 500 to 800 35-55 ppm
08-289 Fsr Step Temperature difference 0 to 0 deg C 3 On Exit noid to divert duplex sheet steps =628,
between 2 consecutive
to output from TE of previ- 65-90 ppm
ous sheet when registration =620
08-290 Fsr TolrunB Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35-45 ppm=0 clutch turns on.
either side of run target tem- 55-90 ppm=40 08-302 TE Inv Snr To Inv Disables inverter path sole- 0 to 100 steps 35-45 ppm=0
perature. Thermistor B.
Sol Off noid to divert sheet into 55-90 ppm=40
08-291 Fsr Max1 Temperature at which soft- 0 to 0 deg C 230 invert path after TE at
ware calls an over tempera- inverter sensor.
ture fault. 08-303 TE Inv Snr To Mot Inverter motor off stop posi- 0 to 400 steps 35-55 ppm=40
08-292 Fsr Max2 Temperature at which the 0 to 0 deg C 245 Of Smp S2 tion (simplex). 65-90 ppm =58
electronics shutdown the
08-304 TE Inv Snr To Mot Time to turn off inverter 0 to 400ms 35-55 ppm=97
Of Dup S2 motor after TE leaves 65-90 ppm =90
08-293 Fsr Tolstandby Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35 ppm=26 inverter sensor (duplex).
either side of standby target 40-55 ppm=20 08-305 TE Pst Fsr Exit Number of steps from TE 400 to 1700 35-55 ppm
temperature. 65-90 ppm =15
Jam Win S2 post fuser to exit jam win- =640,
08-294 Fsr Apply Power Fuser apply power time. 100 to 200 dow. 65-75 ppm
Time 20000ms =760
08-295 Fsr Bias To Run Fuser bias to marking mode 0 to 0 deg C 0 08-306 LE Lt Inv Frm LE Number of steps from LE at 0 to 300 35-55 ppm
Time time. Pst Fsr post fuser to LE at inverter =130,
08-296 Trange Cooling Temperature offset above T 0 to 0 deg C 10 sensor. 65-90 ppm
save at which control and =170
fault detection is enabled. 08-307 Tri Rol Open Frm Number of steps before the 0 to 200 0
Fsr Snr tri roll split nip opens after
TE at fuser exit switch.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-73 dC131a
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-308 Tri Rol Close Frm Number of steps before the 0 to 200 35-55 ppm =0 08-322 Pitch Simp Mode 1 IOT paper path timing pitch 400 to 3500ms 35 ppm=1560
Inv Off tri roll split nip closes after 65-90 ppm =30 Alt tick setting - simplex mode 40 ppm=1450
inverter motor off (forward). 1. 45 ppm=1220
08-309 Tim To Del Invert IOT time to deliver. 800 to 2000 35-55 ppm 55 ppm=1090
steps =1678, 65 ppm=920
65-90 ppm 75 ppm=800
=1553 90 ppm=690
08-310 TE Late Frm Inv Jam window for TE late 0 to 300 steps 35 ppm=168 08-323 Pitch Simp Mode 2 IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 35 ppm=2390
Sensor from inverter sensor. 40-55 ppm Alt tick setting -simplex mode 3500ms 40-55 ppm
=117, 2. =1670,
65-90 ppm =83 65-90 ppm
08-311 Top Edge Reg T5 Tray 5 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7510 =1190
Dup duplex. 08-324 Pitch Simp Mode 3 IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 35 ppm=2760
Alt tick setting -simplex mode 3500ms 40-55 ppm
08-312 T5 Feed Head Tray 5 nudger roll, feed roll 0 to 1500000 0
3. =1930,
Count and retard roll feed count.
65-90 ppm
08-313 Tray 5 Configura- 0 = Tray 5 Standard: A4 0 to 2 0 =1380
tion LEF, 8.5x11 LEF
08-325 Pitch Simp Mode 4 IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 35 ppm=3540
1 = Tray 5 Kit A: A3 SEF,
Alt tick setting -simplex mode 4 4000ms 40-55 ppm
11x17 SEF
2 = Tray 5 Kit B: A4 SEF, - SEF heavyweight invert =2500,
pitch. 65-90 ppm
8.5x11 SEF, 8.5x14 SEF
08-314 PFP Top Edge Reg Tray 5 top edge registration 7300 to 7700 7510
08-326 Pitch Simp Mode 5 IOT paper path timing pitch 600 to 3500ms 35 ppm=2600
Simp simplex.
Alt tick setting -simplex mode 5 40-55 ppm
08-315 PFM Wait Point Paper feed module wait 0 to 20ms 35-55 ppm=8 - transparency - pitch mode =1800,
Adj point adjustment. 65-90 ppm =9
1 simplex. 65-75 ppm
08-316 PFM Release Adj Paper feed module release 0 to 20 35-55 ppm=8 =1040
adjustment. 65-90 ppm =15 90 ppm=1280
08-317 LCSS Fin Ready LCSS finisher ready delay. 0 to 5000ms 200 08-327 Pitch Simp Mode 6 IOT paper path timing pitch 1000 to 35 ppm=2760
Delay Alt tick setting -simplex mode 6 3500ms 40-55 ppm
08-319 HVF Fin Ready HVF finisher ready delay. 0 to 5000ms 0 - transparency - pitch mode =1700,
Delay 1 simplex. 65-90 ppm
08-320 Pitch Tick Simp IOT paper path timing pitch 700 to 3500ms 35 ppm=1630 =1210
Mode 7 tick setting - simplex mode 40-55 ppm 08-328 Pitch Simp Mode 7 IOT paper path timing pitch 700 to 3500 35 ppm=1560,
7. =2180, Alt tick setting -simplex mode 40-55 ppm
65 ppm=920, 7. =2180,
75-90 ppm 65-90 ppm
=800 =800
08-321 Pitch Tick Dup IOT paper path timing pitch 600 to 3500ms 35 ppm=1560 08-582 Fsr 3 min Warning Temperature threshold 10 to 50 deg C 40
Mode 7 tick setting - duplex mode 7. 40-55 ppm T(2) level.
=2180, 08-583 Fsr 2 min Warning Temperature threshold 40 to 100 deg C 60
65 ppm=920, T(2) level.
75-90 ppm
08-584 Fsr 1 min Warning Temperature threshold 60 to 120 deg C 90
T(2) level.
08-586 Fsr Delta(2) Temperature difference 0 to 0 deg C 45
between the 2 thermistors.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-74 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 7 NVM chain 8
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-587 Fsr Tol run A(2) Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35 ppm=40 08-603 LE Dup Snr To Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700ms 35 ppm=496
either side of run target on 40-90 ppm Clutch On M2 1. 40-55 ppm
thermistor A. =20 =343,
08-588 Fsr Tol save(2) Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35-45 ppm=0 65-75 ppm
either side of power save 55-90 ppm=15 =425,
target. 90 ppm=431
08-589 Fsr Step(2) Temperature difference 0 to 0 deg C 3 08-604 LE Dup Snr To Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700ms 35 ppm=496
between 2 consecutive Clutch On M3 1. 40-55 ppm
readings. =343,
65-75 ppm
08-590 Fsr Tol run B(2) Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35-45 ppm=0
either side of run target on 55-90 ppm=40
thermistor B. 90 ppm=431
08-591 Fsr Max 1(2) Temperature at which the 0 to 0 deg C 230 08-605 LE Dup Snr To Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700ms 35 ppm=496
Clutch On M4 1. 40-55 ppm
machine calls an over tem-
perature fault.
65-75 ppm
08-592 Fsr Max 2(2) Temperature at which the 0 to 0 deg C 245 =425,
machine shutdowns the
90 ppm=431
08-606 LE Dup Snr To Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700ms 35 ppm=496
08-593 Fsr Tol Standby (2) Temperature tolerance 0 to 0 deg C 35 ppm=26
Clutch On M5 1. 40-55 ppm
either side of standby target 40-55 ppm =20 =343,
temperature. 65-90 ppm =15
65-75 ppm
08-594 Fsr Apply Power Fuser apply power time. 100 to 200 =244,
Time (2) 20000ms 90 ppm=256
08-596 T Range Cool- Temperature offset above 0 to 0 deg C 10 08-607 LE Dup Snr To Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700ms 35 ppm=496
ing(2) Tsave at which control and Clutch On M6 1. 40-55 ppm
fault detection is enabled. =343,
08-597 TE Reg Clutch Off Time to ensure the sheet is 100 to 1200ms 35 ppm=860 65-75 ppm
Transp clear of the registration nips 40-55 ppm =244,
before switching clutch off. =610, 90 ppm=256
65-90 ppm 08-608 LE Dup Snr To Duplex buckle timer mode 0 to 700ms 35 ppm=496
=700 Clutch On M7 1. 40-55 ppm
08-600 VT Fan On In Enable/disable vacuum 0=Disabled 0 =343,
Duplex transport fan continuously 1=Enabled 65-75 ppm
on during duplex printing. =244,
08-601 Inv Mt Fwd To Inv Restart sheet into duplex 0 to 2500ms 35 ppm=1353 90 ppm=256
Mt Rev M7 (mode 7), sheets >185mm 40-55 ppm 08-609 LE Dup Snr To Clt LE at duplex sensor to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=496
size 2. =927, On Nom M2 clutch on. 40-55 ppm
65-75 ppm =343,
=985, 65-75 ppm
90 ppm=697 =425,
08-602 Inv Mt Fwd To Inv Restart sheet into duplex 0 to 2500ms 35 ppm=478 90 ppm=431
Mt Rev S1 (mode 1), sheets <185mm 40-55 ppm
size 1. =927,
65-75 ppm
90 ppm=492

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-75 dC131a
Table 7 NVM chain 8 Table 8 NVM chain 9
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
08-610 LE Dup Snr To Clt LE at duplex sensor to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=496 09-001 TC Lockout Low CSF NVM lockout for TC 0=clear 1=lock- 0
On Nom M3 clutch on. 40-55 ppm process control failure out
=343, (low).
65-75 ppm 09-002 Charge Scorotron Charge scorotron (wire). 500 to 3000 35 ppm=800
=425, Absolute value in NVM, real microA 40-90 ppm
90 ppm=431 value is negative. =2050
08-611 LE Dup Snr To Clt LE at duplex sensor to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=496 09-003 Charge Grid Charge scorotron (grid). 150 to 700 V 35 ppm=420
On Nom M4 clutch on. 40-55 ppm Absolute value in NVM, real 40-55 ppm
=343, value is negative. =430,
65-75 ppm 65-90 ppm
=425, =420
90 ppm=431 09-004 Chute Bias LE Chute bias print level. 0 to 1400 V 35 ppm=650
08-612 LE Dup Snr To Clt LE at duplex sensor to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=496 Unsigned no. in NVM table 40-55 ppm
On Nom M5 clutch on. 40-55 ppm (displayed on GUI) to be =735,
=343, converted to signed no. 65-90 ppm
65-75 ppm over range of -500 to +900 =890
=244, (Volts) by subtraction of 500
90 ppm=256 from table value.
08-613 LE Dup Snr To Clt LE at duplex sensor to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=496 09-005 Chute Bias Mid Chute bias inter document 0 to 1400 V 35 ppm=650
On Nom M6 clutch on 40-55 ppm level. Refer to 09-004. 40-55 ppm
=343, =735,
65-75 ppm 65-90 ppm
=244, =890
90 ppm=256
09-006 Chute Bias TE Chute bias trail edge level. 0 to 1400 V 35 ppm=650
08-614 LE Dup Snr To Clt LE at duplex sensor to 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=496 Refer to 09-004. 40-55 ppm
On Nom M7 clutch on 40-55 ppm =735,
=343, 65-90 ppm
65-75 ppm =890
09-007 Transfer LE Side 1 Side 1 transfer corotron LE. 150 to 1000 35 ppm=210
90 ppm=256 microA 40-55 ppm
08-615 HVF RFNS Time removes a variable time in O to 40ms 35-45 ppm= 0 =300,
delay ms from HVF RFNS 55-90 ppm= 40 65-90 ppm
08-616 FsrTolrunC Temp tolerance either side 35-45 ppm=0 =350
of run target temp-Ther- 55 ppm=30 09-008 Transfer Mid Side Side 1 transfer corotron 150 to 1000 35 ppm=210
mistor C. 65-90 ppm=0 1 intra-document. microA 40-55 ppm
08-617 FsrTolrunC(2) Temp tolerance either side 35-45 ppm=0 =300,
of run target temp-Ther- 55 ppm=30 65-90 ppm
mistor C. 65-90 ppm=0 =350
08-618 LeRegSnrTo- This NVM is for 90ppm only. 0 to 50 90 ppm=10 09-009 Transfer TE Side 1 Side 1 transfer corotron TE. 150 to 1000 35 ppm=210
ClutchOffH LE Reg Snr To Clutch Off microA 40-55 ppm
08-619 TeRegSnrTo- This NVM is for 90ppm only. 0 to 200 90 ppm=112 =300,
ClutchOffH TE Reg Snr To Clutch Off 65-90 ppm
08-900 Enable Diag. Use to enable or disable 0 = disabled 0 =350
Access restricted diagnostics 1 = enable
access. Use with 03-900

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-76 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 8 NVM chain 9 Table 8 NVM chain 9
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
09-010 Transfer LE Side 2 Side 2 transfer corotron LE. 150 to 1000 35 ppm=210 09-018 Detack LE Side 2 Side 2 Detack Corotron LE. 0 to 220 microA 35 ppm=150
microA 40-55 ppm Unsigned no. in NVM table 40-90 ppm
=300, (and displayed on GUI) to =130
65-90 ppm be converted to signed no.
=350 over range of +20 to -200
09-011 Transfer Mid Side Side 2 transfer corotron 150 to 1000 35 ppm=210 (microA) by subtraction of
2 intra-document. microA 40-55 ppm 200 from value in table.
=300, 09-019 Detack Mid Side 2 Side 2 detack corotron 0 to 220 microA 35 ppm=165
65-90 ppm intradocument. Unsigned 40-90 ppm
=350 no. in NVM table (and dis- =160
09-012 Transfer TE Side 2 Side 2 transfer corotron TE. 150 to 1000 35 ppm=210 played on GUI) to be con-
microA 40-55 ppm verted to signed no. over
=300, range of +20 to -200
65-90 ppm (microA) by subtraction of
=350 200 from value in table.
09-013 Detack AC Side 1 Side 1 detack corotron volt- 3000 to 5000 V 4200 09-020 Detack TE Side 2 Side 2 detack corotron TE. 0 to 220 microA 199
age. Unsigned no. in NVM table
(and displayed on GUI) to
09-014 Detack AC Side 2 Side 2 detack corotron volt- 3000 to 5000 V 4200
age. be converted to signed no.
over range of +20 to -200
09-015 Detack LE Side 1 Side 1 detack corotron LE. 0 to 220 microA 35 ppm=150
(microA) by subtraction of
Unsigned no. in NVM table 40-90 ppm
200 from value in table.
(and displayed on GUI) to =130
be converted to signed no. 09-021 Dev Bias Print Developer bias print level. 100 to 600 V 35 ppm=350
Level Absolute value in NVM real 40-90 ppm
over range of +20 to -200
value is negative. =345
(microA) by subtraction of
200 from value in table. 09-022 Dev Age Table Developer age table. 0 or 1 0
09-016 Detack Mid Side 1 Side 1 detack corotron 0 to 220 microA 35 ppm=165 09-023 T MMONCI Main motor on cycle In. 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=770
intradocument. Unsigned 40-90 ppm 40-55 ppm
no. in NVM table (and dis- =160 =540,
played on GUI) to be con- 65-90 ppm
verted to signed no. over =380
range of +20 to -200 09-024 T CSONCI Charge scorotron on cycle 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=430
(microA) by subtraction of In. 40-55 ppm
200 from value in table. =300,
09-017 Detack TE Side 1 Side 1 detack corotron TE. 0 to 220 microA 199 65-90 ppm
Unsigned no. in NVM table =210
(and displayed on GUI) to 09-026 T PCELONCI Pre clean erase lamp on 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=430
be converted to signed no. cycle In. 40-55 ppm
over range of +20 to -200 =300,
(microA) by subtraction of 65-90 ppm
200 from value in table. =210
09-027 T DBONCI Developer bias on cycle In. 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=270
40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-77 dC131a
Table 8 NVM chain 9 Table 8 NVM chain 9
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
09-029 T PCELONCI_alt Pre clean erase lamp on 0 to 1000 ms 0 09-045 T CBTERUN Chute bias trail edge switch. 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=140
cycle in alternative. 40-55 ppm
09-031 T TCONRUN Transfer corotron on run. 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=500 =100,
40-55 ppm 65-90 ppm =70
=360, 09-048 T DBOFCO Developer bias off cycle 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=350
65-90 ppm out. 40-55 ppm
=220 =240,
09-032 T DCONRUN Detack corotron on run. 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=530 65-90 ppm
40-55 ppm =160
=360, 09-049 T MMOFCO Main motor off cycle out. 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=390
65-90 ppm 40-55 ppm
=260 =270,
09-033 T CBONRUN Chute bias on run. 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=540 65-90 ppm
40-55 ppm =190
=380, 09-050 T PCELOFCO PR erase lamp off cycle out. 0 to 1500 ms 35 ppm=1100
65-90 ppm 40-55 ppm
=270 =770,
09-036 T CBOFFRUN Chute bias off run. 0 to 100 ms 35 ppm=60 65-90 ppm
40-55 ppm =40 =550
65-90 ppm =30 09-051 T PRMOFCO Photoreceptor motor off 0 to 1500 ms 35 ppm=1130
09-037 T TCOFFRUN Detack corotron off run. 0 to 100 ms 35 ppm=60 cycle out. 40-55 ppm
40-55 ppm =40 =790,
65-90 ppm =50 65-90 ppm
09-039 T DCOFFRUN Detack corotron off run. 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=150 =560
40-55 ppm 09-052 T MMOFCO-alt Main motor off cycle out 0 to 1500 ms 35 ppm=1120
=110, alternative. 40-55 ppm
65-90 ppm =80 =780,
09-040 T TCLERUN Transfer corotron lead edge 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=140 65-90 ppm
switch. 40-55 ppm
=100, 09-053 T DBOFCO-alt Developer bias off cycle out 0 to 1500 ms 35 ppm=1130
65-90 ppm =70 alternative. 40-55 ppm
09-041 T TCT ERUN Transfer corotron trail edge 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=90 =790,
65-90 ppm
switch. 40-55 ppm =60
65-90 ppm =40
09-054 XeroCycleInMode Xerographic cycle in mode. 0=normal 0
09-042 T DCLERUN Detack corotron lead edge 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=140
switch. 40-55 ppm 1=alternative
=100, 09-056 XeroTransCoro- Xerographic transfer 0=normal 35-45 ppm=0
65-90 ppm =70 RunMode corotron run mode. 1=alternative 55 ppm=1
65-90 ppm =0
09-043 T DCTERUN Detack corotron trail edge 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=130
switch. 40-55 ppm =90 09-057 XeroDetackCoro- Xerographic detack 0=normal 1
65-90 ppm =60 Run corotron run mode. 1=alternative
09-044 T CBLERUN Chute bias lead edge 0 to 500 ms 35 ppm=140 09-058 XeroChuteBias- Xerographic chute bias run 0=normal 1
switch. 40-55 ppm RunMode mode. 1=alternative
65-90 ppm =70

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-78 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 8 NVM chain 9 Table 8 NVM chain 9
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
09-059 T DBOFCOFS Developer bias off cycle out 0 to 1000 ms 35 ppm=420 09-098 Altitude Altitude adjustment in 0 = zero to 0
fast shutdown. 40-55 ppm metres. 749m
=310, 1 = 750 to
65-90 ppm 1499m
=220 2 = 1500 to
09-060 XeroCycleOut- Xerographic cycle out 0=normal 0 2249m
Mode mode. 1=alternative 3 = 2250 to
09-061 Detack ID Side 1 Detack corotron inter docu- 0 to 220 microA 200 2999m
4 = 3000+m
ment level, side 1.
09-100 Main Motor Delay Enables or disables a delay 0=disabled 0
09-062 Detack ID Side 2 Detack corotron inter docu- 0 to 220 microA 200
Flag to the main motor and pho- 1=enabled
ment level, side 1.
toreceptor motor run up
09-063 XRU Total Count Backup of CRU data: XRU 0 Read only 0 times by adding 1150 to
total count.
both of the read NVM val-
09-064 FRU Total Count Backup of CRU data: FRU 0 Read only 0 ues for IOT NVM.
total count.
09-101 Ambient Temp Actual ambient temp as Degrees C 0
09-065 XRU PR Cycle Backup of CRU data: XRU 0 Read only 0 measured by sensor.
Count P/R cycle count. 09-110 Replenisher Replenisher capacity. 1050 to 1787 35-55 ppm
09-066 FRU Web Usage Backup of CRU data: FRU 0 Read only 0 capacity grams =1353,
Count xeb usage count. 65-90 ppm
09-068 TC Setpoint Sets target TC for devel- 0 0 =1750
oper process controls. 09-111 Repl. Delivery Replenisher delivery rate. 15 to 60 35-55 ppm
09-069 TCSensorCtrtVolt- Sets TC sensor control volt- 400 to 1200 800 Rate decigrams/min =460,
age age to adjust sensitivity. (mVx10) 65-90 ppm
09-070 TCSetupCom- TC setup completed. 0 or 1 0 =550
pleted 09-112 Cumulative Disp Total dispense time. 0 to 0
09-073 Last Pixel Count Cumulative Pixel Count 0 Read only 0 Time 78000000ms
over the last TC control 09-114 Rep Lev Snr Fault Flag to indicate replenisher 0 0
block (20 prints). sensor failure.
09-083 ReplenCart- Maximum continuous run 15 to 40 ms 30 09-115 TC Sensor Fault TC sensor fault. 0 0
MotRun period. 09-116 Paper path fans Paper path cooling mode. 0=disabled 35-55 ppm=0
09-087 Rep Cartridge Toner (replenisher) car- 0 or 1 0 mode 1=enabled 65-90 ppm =1
Empty tridge empty status. 09-117 Scorotron On Charge scorotron ON cycle 0 to 1000ms 100
09-090 Waste Full Thresh- Waste Full Print Count at 1 to 1000 prints 35-45 ppm=0 Ramp Up in ramp up.
old which ‘Bottle Full’ status is 55-90 ppm 09-118 Dev bias On Ramp Developer bias ON cycle in 0 to 1000ms 160
confirmed. =100 Up ramp up.
09-093 Waste Shutdown Maximum number of prints 0 to 10000 35-45 ppm=0 09-119 GridV Off Ramp Charge scorotron grid volt- 0 to 1000ms 35 ppm=80
Limit allowed post waste full prints 55-90 ppm Dwn age OFF cycle out ramp 40-90 ppm
before shutdown. =1000 down. =120
09-096 Developer Temp Actual developer temp as Degrees C. 0 09-120 Ozone max life Stores the maximum prints 0 to 350k
measured by sensor. to make with the current 4294967295
09-097 Humidity% RH Actual machine humidity as %RH 0 ozone filter.
measured by sensor.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-79 dC131a
Table 8 NVM chain 9 Table 8 NVM chain 9
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
09-121 Man Cleaning Charge Scorotron Manual 2 to 50 25k 09-268 Dev Temp Sensor Developer temperature sen- 0 0
Interval Cleaning Interval. Fre- Fault sor fault.
quency in K sheets for 09-269 AmbTempSensor- Ambient temperature sen- 0 0
when a manual scorotron Fault sor fault.
cleaning request is dis- 09-271 Developer age Developer material age. 0 to 0
09-122 Auto Cleaning Charge Scorotron Auto 2 to 50 20k pages
Interval Cleaning Interval. Fre-
09-273 OCT Full Filter OCT 90% full filter. 0 to 50 pages 30
quency in K sheets for Page Count
when a manual scorotron
09-274 Chute Bias inter Chute bias inter document 0 to 1400V 0
cleaning request is dis-
doc level. Unsigned no. in NVM
table (displayed on GUI) to
09-123 Num Images Number of images deliv- 0 to 0 be converted to signed no.
Delivered ered. 4294967295
over range of -500 to +900
09-124 InactivityLimit The set limit of machine 120 to 4320 300 (Volts) by subtraction of 500
inactivity in minutes from table value.
09-125 Dev Bias Off Developer bias OFF cycle 0 to 1000ms 160 09-275 TC Setup Target Toner concentration setup 0 to 500 35-45 ppm=0
Ramp Dwn out ramp down. Voltage target voltage. (mVx10) 55-90 ppm
09-126 Dev Bias Off Developer bias OFF cycle 0 to 1000ms 35-55 ppm=0 =185
Ramp Dwn Alt out ramp down alternative. 65-90 ppm 09-276 TC lockout high CSF NVM lockout for TC 0 0
=100 process control. Failure =
09-127 Dev Bias Off FS Developer bias OFF fast 0 to 1000ms 35-55 ppm=0 high.
Ramp Dwn Alt shutdown cycle out ramp 65-90 ppm 09-277 Int Man Clean Interim manual charge 0=disabled 35 ppm=0
down. =100 Enable scorotron cleaning ennoble- 1=enabled 40-90 ppm =1
09-128 PC From Flash Or For development only. 0 to 1 0 ment flag.
Ram Alters process control fac- 09-278 Auto Clean Enable Auto charge scorotron 0=disabled 35 ppm=0
tors source from either flash cleaning ennoblement flag. 1=enabled 40-90 ppm =1
or NVM.
09-279 Charg Clean Cout Charge cleaner count 0=disabled 0
09-129 Disp Mot Min Run Dispense motor minimum 100 to 1000ms 200 Enable enable. 1=enabled
run time for toner dispense.
09-280 Inactivity Limit IOT Machine inactivity limit held 120 to 4320 300
09-130 Disp Mot Ramp Up Dispense motor ramp up 10 to 20000ms 30 on the IOT PWB. minutes
time. 09-281 TDT AutoClean Transfer/Detack auto clean 0=disabled 1
09-131 Disp Mot Run On Dispense motor run on 10 to 20000ms 320 Enable enable flag. 1=enabled
09-282 Dev Age Time Developer age - time 0 to 0
09-132 Nh Vac Fan Off To Nohad vacuum fan on time. 0 to 100ms 35 ppm=61 Based based. 2147483647
Off Tme 40-90 ppm =43 seconds
09-133 Nh Vac Fan Off To Nohad vacuum fan off time. 0 to 100ms 35 ppm=42 09-312 Grid Voltage Offset Used to display the grid 0 to 50 = 0 to 0
On Tme 40-90 ppm =29 voltage offset value held in +50V
09-134 Rep Del Rate Adj Replenisher delivery rate 95 to 115% 100 the XRU CRUM. 129 to 178 = -1
Factor adjustment factor. to -50V
09-135 TggAdaptiveEn- Enables and disables the 0=disabled 1 09-313 Grid Volt Adj Nom Used to display the grid 110 to 740 35 ppm=420
able replenisher delivery rate 1=enabled voltage adjusted nominal. 40-55 ppm
adjustment feature =430
09-267 Humidity Sensor Humidity sensor fault. 0 0 65-90 ppm
Fault =420

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-80 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 8 NVM chain 9 Table 8 NVM chain 9
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
09-314 Grid Volt Adj Used to enable grid voltage 0=disabled 1 09-400 XRU Blade A Coefficient A. 0 to 10000ug/s 35 ppm=200
Enable nominal adjustment. 1=enabled 40-55 ppm
09-315 Grid Curr Scaler Used to display the grid cur- 0 0 =350,
rent scaler value held in the 65-90 ppm
XRU CRUM. =500
09-316 Grid Curr Adj Nom Used to display the grid cur- 250 to 4500mA 35 ppm=800 09-401 XRU Blade B Coefficient B. 0 to 1000ug per 16
rent adjusted nominal. 40-95 ppm 10^5 pixels
=2050 09-402 XRU Blade Mco Blade maintenance level at 0 to 3000mg 0
09-317 Grid Curr Adj Used to enable grid current 0=disabled 1 cycle out.
Enable nominal adjustment. 1=enabled 09-403 XRU Blade CICO Prediction of blade mainte- 0 to 100mg 35 ppm=8
09-318 ROS Laser Scaler Used to display the ROS 0 0 bands nance provided by cycle in 40-55 ppm =9
laser light level scaler value and cycle out bands. 65-90 ppm =11
held in the XRU CRUM. 09-404 XRU Blade XRU Blade maintenance 2 to 3000mg 10
09-319 ROS Laser Adj Used to display the ROS 750 to 9000 35 ppm=3471 Level(1) threshold level 1.
Nom laser light level adjusted 40-55 ppm 09-405 XRU Blade XRU Blade maintenance 1 to 3000mg 30
nominal. =2250, Level(2) threshold level 2.
06-001 must be set to the 65-75 ppm 09-406 XRU Blade XRU Blade maintenance 0 to 3000 0
same value as 09-319. =2400 Count(1) event type 1 counter.
09-320 ROS Laser Adj Used to enable ROS laser 0=disabled 1 09-407 XRU Blade XRU Blade maintenance 0 to 3000 0
Enable light level nominal adjust- 1=enabled Count(2) event type 2 counter.
09-408 XRU Blade C Coefficient C. 0 to 10000ug 805
09-321 IQA Grid V Offset IQA Grid V Offset level. 0 to 80 40 per 10^5 pixels
Unsigned no. in NVM table
09-409 XRU Blade Enable XRU Blade maintenance 0=disable (XT) 0 for XT,
(displayed on GUI) to be enable/disable. 1=enable (EA) 1 for EA
converted to signed no.
09-410 XRU Blade XRU Blade maintenance 0 to 300ug 42
over range of -40 to +40
ML(max) level maximum level.
(Volts) by subtraction of 40
from table value.
09-322 IQA ROS Level IQA ROS Level Offset level. 0 to 3000 1500 Table 9 NVM chain 10
Offset Unsigned no. in NVM table Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
(displayed on GUI) to be 10-028 Standby Temp Target temperature during 10 to 218 35 ppm=190
converted to signed no.
standby mode. degrees C 40-55 ppm
over range of -1500 to
+1500 (mErg/cm2) by sub- 65-90 ppm
traction of 1500 from table
10-029 Run Temp Target temperature during 100 to 213 35 ppm=185
09-331 Upper Relaxation Upper relaxation capping 100 to 600% 400
run mode. degrees C 40-55 ppm
limit when aggressive dis- =195,
pense mode active.
65-90 ppm
09-332 Prop B Factor Additional factor applied to 100 to 1000% 100 =203
the proportional term when
10-030 Low Power Temp Target temp during Power 50 to 150 35 ppm=85
aggressive dispense mode save mode. The low power degrees C 40-55 ppm
simmer temperature is deter- =95,
mined by the Power Save 65-90 ppm
mode set in Tools. =135

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-81 dC131a
Table 9 NVM chain 10 Table 9 NVM chain 10
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
10-042 101-120 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-046 181-200 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
on thermistor B for paper on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in width. Unsigned number in
NVM table (displayed on NVM table (displayed on
GUI) to be converted to GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac- signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
sius sius
10-043 121-140 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-047 201-220 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
on thermistor B for paper on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in width. Unsigned number in
NVM table (displayed on NVM table (displayed on
GUI) to be converted to GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac- signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
sius sius
10-044 141-160 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-048 221-240 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
on thermistor B for paper on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in width. Unsigned number in
NVM table (displayed on NVM table (displayed on
GUI) to be converted to GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac- signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
sius sius
10-045 161-180 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-049 241-260 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
on thermistor B for paper on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in width. Unsigned number in
NVM table (displayed on NVM table (displayed on
GUI) to be converted to GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac- signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
sius sius

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-82 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 9 NVM chain 10 Table 9 NVM chain 10
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
10-050 261-280 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-060 Envelopes Offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 15
on thermistor B for paper temperature. Unsigned num-
width. Unsigned number in ber in NVM table (displayed
NVM table (displayed on on GUI) to be converted to
GUI) to be converted to signed number. by subtrac-
signed number. by subtrac- tion of 10 from table value.
tion of 10 from table value. i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- sius
sius 10-061 Labels Offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 15
10-051 281-300 mm offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 temperature. Unsigned num-
on thermistor B for paper ber in NVM table (displayed
width. Unsigned number in on GUI) to be converted to
NVM table (displayed on signed number. by subtrac-
GUI) to be converted to tion of 10 from table value.
signed number. by subtrac- i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
tion of 10 from table value. equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is sius
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- 10-063 Total Fsr Web Total fuser web count. Cycles 0
sius Count
10-053 80 gms Offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 10 10-064 Transparency Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 0
temperature. Unsigned num- delay fuser roll temperature.
ber in NVM table (displayed
10-065 Cardstock delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
on GUI) to be converted to
fuser roll temperature.
signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. 10-066 Envelopes delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
fuser roll temperature.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- 10-067 Labels delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
sius fuser roll temperature.
10-058 Transparency Off- Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 35-55 ppm 10-068 Tab stock delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
set temperature. Unsigned num- =10, fuser roll temperature.
ber in NVM table (displayed 65-90 ppm=0 10-069 Cold Start Offset Fuser cold start offset profile. 0 to 3 35-55 ppm=0
on GUI) to be converted to 65-90 ppm =2
signed number. by subtrac- 10-070 Cold Roll Offset Fuser cold roll offset profile. 0 to 11 35 ppm=1
tion of 10 from table value. 40-55 ppm =6
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is 65-90 ppm =8
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
10-071 Rough Stock Off- Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 25 15
sius set temperature. Unsigned num-
10-059 Card stock offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 25 15 ber in NVM table (displayed
temperature. Unsigned num- on GUI) to be converted to
ber in NVM table (displayed signed number. by subtrac-
on GUI) to be converted to tion of 10 from table value.
signed number. by subtrac- i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
tion of 10 from table value. equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is sius.
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
10-072 Rough Stock Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
Delay fuser roll temperature.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-83 dC131a
Table 9 NVM chain 10 Table 9 NVM chain 10
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
10-074 Rough Stk FRU Rough Stock Fuser (TOS) Disable = 0 0 10-342 101-120mm Ofsfet Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
Enable Enable = 1 (2) on thermistor B for paper
10-075 Type 256 FRU Type 256 Fuser Disable = 0 1 width. Unsigned number in
Enable Enable = 1 NVM table (displayed on
10-102 Te PFs Toinv Mot Inverter motor off stop posi- 0 to 800 ms 35 ppm=530 GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac-
Off Dup tion (simplex). 40-55 ppm
tion of 10 from table value.
65-90 ppm =0 i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
10-122 Te PFs To Inv Mot Time to turn off inverter motor 0 to 1200ms 35 ppm=740
Off Dup after TE leaves fuser 40-55 ppm
10-343 121-140mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
(duplex). =510,
65-90 ppm =0 (2) on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in
10-123 Fsr Range Temperature range below 10 to 30 deg C 35 ppm=30
NVM table (displayed on
standby in which start print 40-55 ppm
GUI) to be converted to
can begin. =10 signed number. by subtrac-
65-90 ppm
tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
10-124 Te Inv Snr To Mot Inverter motor off stop posi- 0 to 800 ms 35 ppm=530 equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
Of SmpS1 tion (simplex). 40-55 ppm sius
10-344 141-160mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
65-90 ppm
(2) on thermistor B for paper
=200 width. Unsigned number in
10-125 Te Inv Snr Inv Of Time to turn off inverter motor 200 to 1200ms 35 ppm=740 NVM table (displayed on
Dup Siz 1 after TE leaves inverter sen- 40-55 ppm GUI) to be converted to
sor for sheets <185mm and =510, signed number. by subtrac-
>216mm. 65-90 ppm tion of 10 from table value.
=295 i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
10-126 Web Advance Web advance group banding 1 = group 1 2 equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
Group select. 2 = group 2 sius
3 = group 3 10-345 161-180mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
10-328 Standby Temp (2) Target temperature during 10 to 230 deg 35 ppm=190 (2) on thermistor B for paper
standby mode. C 40-55 ppm width. Unsigned number in
=195, NVM table (displayed on
65-90 ppm GUI) to be converted to
=208 signed number. by subtrac-
10-329 Run Temp (2) Target temperature during 100 to 230 deg 35 ppm=185 tion of 10 from table value.
run mode. C 40-55 ppm i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
=195, equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
65-90 ppm sius
10-330 Low Power Temp Target temperature during 50 to 150 deg 35 ppm=85
(2) power save mode. The low C 40-55 ppm
power simmer temperature is =95,
determined by the Power 65-90 ppm
Save mode set in Tools. =135

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-84 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 9 NVM chain 10 Table 9 NVM chain 10
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
10-346 181-200mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-350 261-280mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
(2) on thermistor B for paper (2) on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in width. Unsigned number in
NVM table (displayed on NVM table (displayed on
GUI) to be converted to GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac- signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
sius sius
10-347 201-220mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-351 281-300mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10
(2) on thermistor B for paper (2) on thermistor B for paper
width. Unsigned number in width. Unsigned number in
NVM table (displayed on NVM table (displayed on
GUI) to be converted to GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac- signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value. tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
sius sius
10-348 221-240mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 10-353 80gms Offset (2) Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 20 10
(2) on thermistor B for paper temperature. Unsigned num-
width. Unsigned number in ber in NVM table (displayed
NVM table (displayed on on GUI) to be converted to
GUI) to be converted to signed number. by subtrac-
signed number. by subtrac- tion of 10 from table value.
tion of 10 from table value. i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- sius.
sius 10-358 Transp_cy Offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 35-55 ppm
10-349 241-260mm Offset Offset temperature required 0 to 20 10 (2) temperature. Unsigned num- =10,
(2) on thermistor B for paper ber in NVM table (displayed 65-90 ppm = 0
width. Unsigned number in on GUI) to be converted to
NVM table (displayed on signed number. by subtrac-
GUI) to be converted to tion of 10 from table value.
signed number. by subtrac- i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
tion of 10 from table value. equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is sius.
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel- 10-359 Card Stock Offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 25 15
sius (2) temperature. Unsigned num-
ber in NVM table (displayed
on GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-85 dC131a
Table 9 NVM chain 10 Table 9 NVM chain 10
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
10-360 Envelopes Offset Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 15 10-426 Web Advance Web advance group banding 1=group 1 2
(2) temperature. Unsigned num- Group (2) select. 2=group 2
ber in NVM table (displayed 3=group 3
on GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
10-361 Labels Offset (2) Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 35-55 ppm
temperature. Unsigned num- =15,
ber in NVM table (displayed 65-90 ppm
on GUI) to be converted to =10
signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
10-364 Transp_cy Delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 0
(2) fuser roll temperature.
10-365 CardStock Delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
(2) fuser roll temperature.
10-366 Envelopes Delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
(2) fuser roll temperature.
10-367 Labels Delay (2) Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
fuser roll temperature.
10-368 Tab Stock Delay Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
(2) fuser roll temperature.
10-370 Cold Roll offset (2) Fuser cold roll offset profile. 0 to 11 35 ppm=1
40-55 ppm =6
65-90 ppm =8
10-371 Rough Stock Off- Media type offset for fuser roll 0 to 30 15
set (2) temperature. Unsigned num-
ber in NVM table (displayed
on GUI) to be converted to
signed number. by subtrac-
tion of 10 from table value.
i.e. 8 displayed in NVM is
equivalent to -2 degrees Cel-
10-372 Rough Stock Media type time delay for 0 to 8 seconds 4
Delay (2) fuser roll temperature.
10-423 Fsr Range (2) Temperature range below 10 to 30 deg C 35 ppm = 30
standby in which start print 40-55 ppm =
can begin. 10
65-90 ppm =

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131a 6-86 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC131b NVM Tables Chain 12 to 19 Table 1 NVM chain 12
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
12-012 BookMkrStapleOff- Used to control the staple 0 to 200 100
1. Refer to the tables that follow for NVM parameters chain 12 to 28:
setM offset position for 8.5x11 0.1137mm/step
• NVM chain 12 Table 1 and 8.5x14 paper. HVF BM
• NVM chain 14 Table 2 only.
• NVM chain 15 Table 3 12-013 BookMkrStapleOff- Used to control the staple 0 to 200 100
• NVM chain 17 Table 4 setL offset position for 11x17 and 0.1137mm/step
A3 paper. HVF BM only.
• NVM chain 19 Table 5
12-050 FinisherSoftCyc- Time out for soft cycling of 0 to 60 sec- 35 ppm=40
Table 1 NVM chain 12 Time finisher to time seconds onds 45=35,
55-90 ppm=30
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
12-001 Finisher Module Defines finisher module 65=OCT 100 Table 2 NVM chain 14
Type types 110=LCSS2K
120=LCSS1K Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
176=HVFBM 14-001 DADH Centre Reg DADH CVT centre registra- 3513 to 3770 35-55 ppm
100=No Fin- tion pixels =3563,
isher 65-90 ppm
12-002 OCTFullFilter OCT 90% full filter 0 to 5000 ms 35 ppm=4000 =3720
40-90 ppm 14-002 DADH LE Reg DADH lead edge registra- 0 to 150 scan 70
=2500 tion lines
12-003 BookMkrCompile- Used to adjust the compiler 0 to 200 100 14-003 Platen Top Edge Platen top edge registration 7056 to 7313 35-55 ppm
Offset position of the booklet 0.1137mm/step Reg pixels =7106,
maker back stop. 65-90 ppm
12-004 BookMkrStapleOff- Used to align the staple to 0 to 200 100 =7263
set the fold. 0.1137mm/step 14-004 Platen Lead Edge Platen lead edge registra- 0 to 150 scan 70
12-005 BookMkrFold Off- Used to centre the fold and 0 to 200 100 Reg tion lines
set the staple relative to the 0.1137mm/step 14-012 Scanner CVT posi- Adjusts position of scan car- 4868 to 4898 35-55 ppm
lead edge. tion riage at the CVT position 0.1mm incre- =4988,
12-006 BookMkrTampRdy- Used to adjust the booklet 0 to 200 100 ments 65-90 ppm
Offset maker tamping ready posi- 0.265mm/step =4878
tion. 14-013 Scanner Doc Size Adjusts position of scan car- 0 to 5000 35-55 ppm
12-009 BookMkrTriFoldC- Used to position upper tri- 60 to 140 100 Pos riage at the document size 0.1mm incre- =700,
Fold fold. Moves fold relative to 0.1137mm/step position ments 65-90 ppm
lead edge on C Fold. =500
12-010 BookMkrTriFoldZ- Used to position lower tri- 60 to 140 100 14-014 Scanner LE Hotline Scanner lead edge active 200 to 500 35-55 ppm
Fold fold. Moves fold relative to 0.1137mm/step hot line 0.1mm incre- =350,
lead edge on Z Fold. ments 65-90 ppm
12-011 BookMkrTriFold- Used to adjust the amount 90 to 110 100
Deskew of deskew for the 2nd fold in 14-025 Scan CCD Gain To adjust pixel gain set point 150 to 255 35-55 ppm
a tri-fold by varying the Setpt during scanner CCD calibra- increments of =212,
amount of buckle length in tion 1 bit 65-90 ppm
registration for the paper =214
entering TF. 14-026 Scan CCD Offset To adjust offset point during 0 to 20 Incre- 0
Pnt scanner CCD calibration ments of 1 bit

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-87 dC131b
Table 2 NVM chain 14 Table 5 NVM chain 19
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
14-027 Scanner Mag Adj Adjust platen scan speed in 50 to 150 100 19-002 Resource% Resource percentage reported 0 to 99% 10
slow scan direction to com- Reported
pensate for magnification 19-003 Use Partial Used partial blocks 0 or 1 1
errors Blocks
14-028 Green Gain Set Green scan calibration set- 150 to255 200 19-004 Mark mode Marking mode when EPC full 0 or 3 0
point Nvm ting. EPC full
14-029 Red Gain Set point Red scan calibration setting. 150 to255 195 19-005 Memory on Tar- Memory on target 0 to 65535 32
Nvm get
14-030 Blue Gain Set point Blue scan calibration set- 150 to255 203 19-006 Image Alloc Nominal compression ratio 1 to 50% 30
Nvm ting. Ratio
14-031 Red Sako Adjust Red color balance adjust- 0 to 200 100 19-007 Print Img Limit Maximum number of network 35 to 5000 3501
Nvm ment setting. controller images that can be in
14-032 Green Sako Adjust Green color balance adjust- 0 to 200 100 EPC at any given time
Nvm ment setting. 19-008 EPC Setting Governs the setting of the EPC 1 = Optimized for 1
14-033 Blue Sako Adjust Blue color balance adjust- 0 to 200 100 low and intermediate thresh- smaller sheets,
Nvm ment setting. olds. A4/8.5x11inch.
14-034 Light Sako Adjust Lighten/Darken balance 0 to 200 100 EPC less than
Nvm adjustment setting. 256Mb.
2 = Intermediate
Table 3 NVM chain 15 setting, optimized
for medium size
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default sheet
15-005 ScannerFSResolu- To provide configuration sup- 400 or 600 600 3 = Optimized for
tion port for scanners with Fast large sheet, A3/
Scan resolutions of 400 dpi and 11x17 inch. EPC
600 dpi. greater than
15-006 Scanner Direction To provide configuration sup- 0=reverse 1
port for scanners with different 1=forward 19-009 Ncomp EPC Number of images inputted Range 1 to 50 2
Fast Scan direction. Simp Img No before a non-compiled simplex
15-007 CVT scanning Percentage increase with 0 to 20% 10 print job is released for marking
image gain adjust- respect to document glass 19-010 Ncomp EPC Number of images inputted Range 1 to 50 4
ment scanning gain. Dup Img No before a non-compiled duplex
print job is released for marking
Table 4 NVM chain 17 (image disk drive not used) 19-011 Comp EPC Number of images inputted Range 1 to 50 2
Simp Img No before a compiled simplex
Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default print job is released for marking
17-001 Disk Mode Disk present. 1=enabled 0 19-012 Comp EPC Dup Number of images inputted Range 1 to 50 4
0=disabled Img No before a compiled duplex print
17-002 Disk spin up Time before image disk 0 to 30 seconds 10 job is released for marking
delay receives power

Table 5 NVM chain 19

Location NVM Name NVM Description Value Default
19-001 Megs of Mem- Amount of memory installed 0 to 65535M 16

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC131b 6-88 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC132 NVM Initialization Network Controller NVM initialization
There are 4 items under this heading:
To return to default network settings, configuration and flags.
• Copier NVM Initialization
• Network Controller NVM initialization Description
• Embedded Fax NVM initialization There are three routines:
• NVM to Install Condition • All Network NVM - This initialization will default all network and configuration settings to a
NOTE: Certain NVM settings are password protected. pre-installation state.
• Variable NVM - The items that will be initialized are related to crash recovery, software
Copier NVM Initialization upgrade settings, alterate boot and any other items needing to be set to default values
Purpose that are not included in the network controller configuration initialization routine.
The NVM initialization routine provides the means for the CSE to reset specific machine vari- • Configuration NVM - This initialization will clear all fault and system usage counters, net-
able NVM or all machine variable NVM non-volatile memory (with the exception of Protected work controller variable, configuration NVM and reset the network controller error log.
NVM for which a password is required) to their default values. Procedure
1. Save the NVM, GP 5.
2. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
If the machine configuration changes through the addition of an input or output device, an ini-
3. Select Diagnostic Routines.
tialization of the NVM for that device must be performed to make sure that all configuration val-
ues are correct for that device. 4. Select Network Routines, 132 NVM initialization-Network.
5. Touch the appropriate button to select the NVM to be initialized and follow the on screen
NOTE: initialization does not affect the billing counter, accounting, fault counter, diagnostic instructions.
data, or auditron services. These, with the exception of billing counters, can be reset if the 6. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.
machine is restored to the install state using the NVM to Install Condition procedure. Embedded Fax NVM initialization
NOTE: The auditron (billing counters) is initialized using the auditron setup routine, refer to the Purpose
User Guide. To return to default the fax NVM settings. Refer to the Fax NVM Document, tables 1, 2, 3 and
The market region configuration attribute must have been preset at the factory or at first install
to ensure that the NVM default values are regionally correct. Some post install configuration
can be performed using the configuration tool, refer to dC131 NVM Read / Write. Procedure
1. Save the NVM, GP 5.
Procedure 2. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
1. Save the NVM, GP 5. 3. Select Diagnostic Routines.
2. Enter diagnostics, GP 1. 4. Select Fax dC Routines, 132 NVM initialization
3. Select Diagnostic Routines. 5. Touch the appropriate button to select the NVM to be initialized and follow the screen
4. Select Copier Routines, 132 NVM initialization-Copier. instructions. Refer to Table 2, for the functions that are reset to default.
5. Touch the appropriate button to select the NVM to be initialized and follow the on screen • Reformat
instructions. Refer to Table 1, for the functions that are reset to default. • All Fax Directories
• All Copier NVM. • Fax Job NVM
• Machine Variable NVM, (i.e. paper path, platen and DADH registration). • Fax Configuration NVM
• SA / KO Dust Off. • Fax SA / KO Settings NVM
• System Counters Dust Off 6. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14.

NOTE: The NVM window will gray out while the initialization is in progress. NVM to Install Condition
The Dust Off routines are available to return the machine to a pre-installed state, refer to Table
6. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. 1.
7. Enter dC131 location 09-069 TCSensorCtrlVoltage. Set the value to the value recorded
on the NVM sheet stored in the wallet on the rear cover.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-89 dC132
Dust Off Table 1 Copier NVM
The NVM Dust Off routine will: Machine System
• Clear all non-billing counters. All Copier Variable SA / KO counters
• Default all SA / KO NVM including default PINs. Initialization Function NVM NVM Dust Off Dust Off
• Clear fault history. Completed Job Log Y
• Set the install NVM (install Byte) to default to enable an install procedure at the next Controller Access N
power-on, while retaining all existing configuration NVM e.g. paper path registration, xero- Machine Speed, Market Region
graphic parameters and market configuration values. JBA Database Y Y
NOTE: The auditron is initialized using the auditron setup routine, refer to User Guide. JBA Configuration Y Y
HFSI Counter N N N N
• Not alter any protected NVM.
The routine is accessed and performed as follows:
1. Save the NVM, GP 5.
2. Enter diagnostics, GP 1. Table 2 Embedded Fax NVM
3. Select Diagnostic Routines, then Copier Routines, then 132 NVM initialization-Copier, Reformat Reset Reset Reset Reset
then System Counters Dust Off. Fax file type Category Reset All Directories Jobs Configuration Variables
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. Dial Directories Y Y
5. Switch off the machine, then switch on the machine, GP 14. Group Directories Y Y
Junk Directories Y Y
Logo Directories Y Y
Table 1 Copier NVM
Mailbox Directories Y Y
Machine System
Poll Directories Y Y
All Copier Variable SA / KO counters
Initialization Function NVM NVM Dust Off Dust Off Jobs Sets Y Y
Jobs Y Y
IOT (with Flag type: = Reset All Image Y Y
Billing Counter N Bitmaps Y Y
System Usage Counter Y Y Job ID Y Y
Fault Counter Y Y Mailboxes Y Y
Diagnostic Counter Y Y Alarm Y Y
SA / KO Setting Y Y Fax Protocol Trace Y Y
Fault Log Y Protocol Records Y Y
Configuration Y Container Versions Y N
Diagnostic Y Fax NVM Category = Y Y Y
NVM Configuration
Debug Y
Fax NVM Category = Y Y Y
NVM Machine Variable Y Y
IOT with Flag type: = Reset Nominal NVM SA / KO Settings

Machine Variable Zero Y Y

Machine Variable Registration Y Y
Machine Variable Paper Path Y Y
Machine Variable DADH Y Y
Machine Variable Platen Y Y
Auditron Y Y
Crash Recovery Y

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC132 6-90 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC305 UI Test dC312 Network Echo Tests
Purpose Purpose
To initiate component testing of the local UI. This function also provides a means to test the UI To enable verification of the machines connectivity to an attached network. Performing a test
memory and to restart the local UI. will give the result, pass or fail, eliminating the possibility of the machines hardware being at
fault during a diagnostic session. In addition it will test the machines network drivers.
The tests that can be performed are: Description
1. User Interface Button Test - tests the keys on the user interface. The dC312 Echo Test is available through two pathways
2. Audio Tone Test - produces audible tones at the user interface. 1. Diagnostics pathway, dC312 (available to the CSE).
3. LED Indicator Test - energizes all LEDs on the user interface. 2. Tools pathway (for use by the System Administrator and the Key Operator).
4. Touch Area Test - enables the tester to test all areas on the touch panel. NOTE: The Tools window does not have a test for Internal TCP / IP.
5. Display Pixel Test - tests the individual pixels on the user interface.
The tests that can be performed are:
6. Video Memory Test - tests that the SRAM used by the video controller on the local user
interface is functioning properly.
• Novell or IPX.
7. Communications Self Test - tests communications with the single board controller PWB.
• NetBIOS / NetBEUI.
8. Reset User Interface - used to restart/reboot the UI, will cause the POST to start.
• AppleTalk.
9. Application Checksum Verification - permits access to a procedure that displays and veri-
fies the checksum and can display any errors found. • Internal TCP / IP - Will initiate a ‘ping’ to the IP device name ‘local host’. This test is per-
formed to make sure that the IP stack is up and the host’s file is intact.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select, Diagnostics Routines, Copier Routines, dC 305 UI Tests.
2. Select, Network Routines, dC312 Echo Test.
3. Touch the appropriate test button.
3. Touch the appropriate test button.
4. Touch Start Test and follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: The feature button is grayed out and disabled for unavailable protocols.

4. Touch Start Test and follow the on-screen instructions.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-91 dC305, dC312
dC314 Network Connectivity Tests • Hop count to device.
Purpose 1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
To assist the SA and CSE to isolate the cause of printing, feature network scanning, or network
2. Select, Network Routines, dC 314 Network Connectivity Test.
fax problems. The test will interrogate each device on the network so that they respond with
their identity and other information. The data files will be stored on the machine (files deleted at 3. Touch the appropriate test button.
next boot) and can be retrieved. Refer to GP 5 Portable Workstation and Tools. NOTE: The feature button is grayed out and disabled for unavailable protocols.

Description 4. Touch Start Test and follow the on-screen instructions.

The network interface tests that can be performed are:

• Network controller interface where host discovered (Enet).
• Device name.
• Device subnet mask.
• Device IP address.
• Device media access control (MAC) address.
• Gateway IP address.
2. Novell or IPX
• Frame type (local network devices only).
• Server name.
• Print queue name.
• Server internal network number.
• Server node (media access control) address.
• Server NOS version number.
• Hop count to device (local net), extended test.
• Is the printer attached to file server status.
• Is the printer attached to print queue status.
• NDPS enabled
• No data need be collected as the network controller has a dynamic internal name
table stored in RAM.
4. AppleTalk
• ESS port id.
• Device type (router, print server, file server, workstation etc.).
• NBP registered device name, such as:
– Appleshare file server name or;
– Novell PAP server name or;
– PAP printer registered name.
• Device NBP protocol address.
• Device media access control (MAC) address.
• Network number.
• Zone name.
• Sub zone names.
• Device OS version number.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC314 6-92 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC330 Component Control • Table 13 Output Codes 06
• Table 14 Output Codes 07
Purpose • Table 15 Output Codes 08
To show the status of input components e.g. sensors, and to energies and exercise output • Table 16 Output Codes 09
components e.g. motors, solenoids. • Table 17 Output Codes 10
• Table 18 Output Codes 11
• Table 19 Output Codes 12
Output and input component codes are entered into the Component Control Table on the UI,
• Table 20 Output Codes 14
and then energized individually or in permitted groups. The codes in the tables are grouped in
function chain (GP 2) order. • Table 21 Output Codes 20
Go to the appropriate procedure:
• Input Components
Do not press Exit before stopping any energized components. The UI may lock up and grey
• Output Components out. If this occurs, switch off the machine, GP 14 and remove the power cord. Reconnect the
Input Components power cord and switch on the machine GP 14.
When the appropriate code is entered the status of the component will be shown on the UI. 1. Enter Diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select Diagnostics Routines.
NOTE: The logic level shown on the circuit diagrams with the signal name will be the actual
3. Select required dC routine category:
signal as measured with a service meter. This will not necessarily be the same as the logic
• Copier Routines, 330 Component Control.
state shown on the UI, especially where the output is inverted. When testing components using
these control codes, look for a change in state, not for a high or low. • Fax dC Routines, 330 Component Control.
4. Select and input the required codes as follows:
The displayed status of the input component can be changed by causing the component status
to change, e.g. operating a sensor with a sheet of paper. When a sensor is operated a beep NOTE: After a fault condition it may be necessary to switch off the machine and switch on
will sound. the machine (GP 14) for the codes to operate.

NOTE: To clear an incorrectly entered code and reset the Add Component button to
Go to the appropriate table:
00.000, press the hard key C.
• Table 1 Input codes 01
• Table 2 Input Codes 05 a. From the component control Input Components tables and the Output Components
tables, select and enter the appropriate code into the Add Component button, and
• Table 3 Input Codes 06
touch the button. This will add the component to the top of the Component Name
• Table 4 Input Codes 07 table list, and when the list is full; the addition of more components will cause com-
• Table 5 Input Codes 08 ponents to be deleted from the bottom of the list.
• Table 6 Input Codes 09
NOTE: Fax component control codes can only be energized one at a time.
• Table 7 Input Codes 10
• Table 8 Input Codes 11 b. If a control code is not known, it can be selected from the list displayed when the
Find Component button is touched, as follows:
• Table 9 Input Codes 12
• Table 10 Input Codes 14 NOTE: The ‘Find Component’ button is not available if components are energized.
Output Components i. Enter the chain number into the Chain: button. Touch the Chain button to dis-
When the appropriate code is entered, the component will energize for a set time and then stop play the control codes for that chain.
to protect the components. The default time-out for most components is set at 90 s, but can be
ii. Use the scroll buttons to locate the required code, touch the Component Name
as short as 5 s. Some components require that other components are energized at the same
button to highlight it and touch Select.
time and it is possible to enter and energize up to six component control codes (not fax), but
only in permitted groups. If illegal combination of codes are entered the illegal codes will not iii. Repeat as required to add components to the Component Name table.
energize. iv. Touch Save to save the selections to the Component Name table list and return
to the Component Control window.
Go to the appropriate table: 5. To energize a component or group of components:
• Table 11 Output Codes 04 a. Touch the control code to highlight it.
• Table 12 Output Codes 05 b. Touch Start.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-93 dC330
c. The status of the component is shown in the Status column i.e.:
i. On
ii. Off
iii. High
iv. Low
v. A numeric value with up to four digits e.g. 0020.
6. Touching a component in the component table and then touching Stop, stops that compo-
nent. To stop all components touch Stop All.
7. Touching Exit closes the Component Control window.
8. To exit diagnostics mode, GP 1, select the Call Close Out button.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC330 6-94 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Input Codes Table 4 Input codes 07
Code Displayed Name Description General
Table 1 Input codes 01
07-301 T1 Home Switch Tray 1 home switch (S07-301) High = tray home, low =
Code Displayed Name Description General tray not home
01-300 Front Door Inter- Front door interlock switch (S01- High = door closed, low = 07-302 T2 Home Switch Tray 2 home switch (S07-302) High = tray home, low =
lock 300) door open tray not home
01-305 Left Door Interlock Left hand door interlock (S01-305) High = door closed, low = 07-303 T3 Home Switch Tray 3 home switch (S07-303) High = tray home. low =
door open tray not home
07-304 T4 Home Switch Tray 4 home switch (S07-304) High = tray home, low =
Table 2 Input codes 05 tray not home
Code Displayed Name Description General 07-306 T5 Door Switch Tray 5 Door switch (S07-306) High = door closed, low
= door open
05-300 Document handler DADH closed switch (S05-300) High = DADH lowered, low
07-311 T1 Size Switch 1 Size switch 1 (S07-311) High = made
closed switch = DADH raised
07-312 T1 Size Switch 2 Size switch 2 (S07-312) High = made
05-305 Document handler Top cover interlock switch (S05- High = cover closed, low =
cover interlock 305). cover open 07-313 T1 Size Switch 3 Size switch 3 (S07-313) High = made
05-310 Document handler Document present sensor (Q05- High = document present, 07-314 T1 Size Switch 4 Size switch 4 (S07-314) High = made
doc present sensor 310). low = no document 07-321 T2 Size Switch 1 Size switch 1 (S07-321) High = made
05-315 Document handler DADH length sensor 1 (Q05-315). High = document present, 07-322 T2 Size Switch 2 Size switch 2 (S07-322) High = made
length sensor 1 low = no document 07-323 T2 Size Switch 3 auto size sensing (optional). High = made
05-320 Document handler DADH length sensor 2 (Q05-320). High = document present, 07-324 T2 Size Switch 4 auto size sensing (optional). High = made
length sensor 2 low = no document 07-331 T1 Empty Sensor Tray 1 empty sensor (Q07-331) High = tray empty, low =
05-325 Document handler Document width sensor (Q05-325). Analogue output. paper in tray
width sensor
07-332 T2 Empty Sensor Tray 2 empty sensor (Q07-332) High = tray empty, low =
05-330 Document handler Feed sensor (Q05-330). High = document present, paper in tray
feed sensor low = no document
07-333 T3 Empty Sensor Tray 3 empty sensor (Q07-333) High = tray empty, low =
05-335 Document handler Takeaway sensor (Q05-335). High = document present, paper in tray
takeaway sensor low = no document 07-334 T4 Empty Sensor Tray 4 empty sensor (Q07-334) High = tray empty, low =
05-340 Document handler Registration sensor (Q05-340). High = document present, paper in tray
reg sensor low = no document
07-335 Bypass Empty Sensor Bypass empty sensor (Q07-335) High = tray empty, low =
05-345 Document handler Exit sensor Q05-345). High = document present, paper in tray
exit sensor low = no document
07-336 T1 stack height Sensor Tray 1 stack height sensor (Q07- High = top of stack
05-350 Document handler CVT sensor (Q05-350). High = document present, 336) sensed, low = top of
CVT sensor low = no document stack not sensed
07-337 T2 stack height Sensor Tray 2 stack height sensor (Q07- High = top of stack
Table 3 Input codes 06 337) sensed, low = top of
Code Displayed Name Description General stack not sensed
07-338 T3 Level Encoder Detects tray 3 paper level encoder High = top of stack
06-320 ROS Motor Ready Detects when ROS motor is at High = motor ready. Toggle
status (Q07-338) sensed, low = top of
Snr required speed. ROS motor (06-020) on
and off to check sensor. stack not sensed

06-340 ROS Ready Indicates that the ROS laser has High = ready. Toggle ROS 07-339 T4 Level Encoder Detects tray 4 paper level encoder High = top of stack
status (Q07-339) sensed, low = top of
reached it’s operating level and the motor (06-020) on and off
stack not sensed
ROS motor is up to required speed. to check sensor. The ROS
laser level will only be set 07-341 T1 paper low switch Detects if the stack height of tray 1 High = more than 25%
once the ROS motor has is more than 25% (S07-341) full, Low = less than
reached the required 25% full

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-95 dC330
Table 4 Input codes 07 Table 5 Input codes 08
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
07-342 T2 paper low switch Detects if the stack height of tray 2 High = more than 25% 08-102 T2 Feed Sensor Detects when lead edge of paper is High = paper present,
is more than 25% (S07-342) full, Low = less than at tray 2 feed sensor, (Q08-102) low= no paper
25% full 08-103 T3 Feed Sensor Detects when lead edge of paper is High = paper present,
07-350 Bypass Width Sensor Bypass width sensor (Q07-335) Display indicates width at tray 3 feed sensor, (Q08-103) low = no paper
setting 100 to 300 mm 08-104 T4 Feed Sensor Detects when lead edge of paper is High = paper present,
(3.93 to 11.81 inch) at tray 4 feed sensor, (Q08-104) low = no paper
07-372 T5 Docking Switch Detects that tray 5 is in the docked High = Tray 5 docked 08-105 T5 Feed Sensor Detects when the lead edge of the High = paper present,
position (S07-372) paper is at tray 5 feed sensor (Q08- Low = no paper
07-383 T3 Stack Height Sen- Tray 3 stack height sensor (Q07- High = top of stack 105)
sor 383) sensed, low = top of 08-110 T5 wait Point Sensor Wait sensor (Q08-110), detects High = paper present,
stack not sensed when lead edge of paper at wait low = no paper
07-384 T4 Stack Height Sen- Tray 4 stack height sensor (Q07- High = top of stack point. (same sensor as for 08-100)
sor 384) sensed, low = top of 08-111 T5 Release Sheet Hot- Displays the state of the release High = hotline active,
stack not sensed line sheet hotline low = not active
07-385 T3 hall Sensor Tray 3 hall sensor (Q07-385) High = Made. Only run 08-150 Registration Sensor Detects when paper is at the regis- High = paper present,
The sensor is located on a small when T3 door is open tration sensor (Q08-150) low = no paper
PCB and detects magnetic field
08-160 Duplex Sensor Detects when paper is at the duplex High = paper present,
changes as the feed motor rotates.
sensor (Q08-160) low = no paper
07-386 T4 hall Sensor Tray 4 hall sensor (Q07-386) High = Made. Only run
The sensor is located on a small when T4 door is open Table 6 Input codes 09
PCB and detects magnetic field
changes as the feed motor rotates. Code Displayed Name Description General
07-387 HCF 24V Monitor Indicates the state of 24V input High = 24V present 09-060 HVPS Fault Detects a fault in the HVPS High = fault, low = good
monitor 09-070 Scorotron cleaner Detects the scorotron cleaning High = head not home,
07-401 T5 Tray Empty Sensor Detects the presents of paper on High = paper present, head home sensor head in the home position low = head in home
tray 5 (Q07-401) Low = no paper position
07-402 T5 Stack Height Sen- Tray 5 stack height sensor (Q07- High = top of stack 09-073 Transfer / Detack Transfer / detack cleaner head High = head not home,
sor 402) sensed, Low = top of Home Sensor home sensor. Low = head in home
stack not sensed position
07-403 T5 24V Monitor Indicates the state of 24V input High = 24V present Stack with transfer /
monitor detack corotron cleaner
07-405 T5 Stack Down Sensor Tray 5 stack down sensor (Q07- High = tray is fully down motor stall sensor,
motor forward and
405), detects when the tray is in the
motor reverse
fully lowered position
09-074 Transfer / Detack Stall Transfer / detack cleaner head stall High = actuated, Low =
07-406 T5 El Motor Encoder Encoder sensor (Q07-406), detects High = detected, low =
Sensor state of motor encoder sensor bit not detected Sensor sensor. not actuated
The stall sensor is a electrical Stack with transfer /
device within the motor control on detack corotron cleaner
Table 5 Input codes 08
the IOT PWB. motor stall sensor,
Code Displayed Name Description General motor forward and
motor reverse
08-100 Wait Sensor Wait sensor (Q08-100), detects High = paper present,
when lead edge of paper at wait low = no paper 09-310 Low Toner Sensor Low toner sensor (Q09-310) High = toner in sump,
point. low = toner depleted
08-101 T1 Feed Sensor Detects when lead edge of paper is High = paper present, 09-350 Waste Toner Full Sen- Waste toner full sensor(Q09-350) High = container full,
at tray 1 feed sensor, (Q08-101) low = no paper sor detects when waste toner reaches low = container not full
a certain level in the container.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC330 6-96 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 6 Input codes 09 Table 8 Input codes 11
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
09-360 Toner Concentration Toner concentration sensor (Q09- Displays toner concen- 11-150 Inserter Sheet Size HVF inserter sheet size detector 1 High = sheet size
Sensor 360) tration level in% Detector 1 (Q11-150) detects the DOF (Direc- detected
09-365 Humidity Sensor Relative humidity sensor (Q09-365) Displays RH% tion Of Feed) sheet size in inserter
09-370 Dev. Temp. Sensor Developer temperature sensor Displays temperature in
(Q09-370) degrees C 11-151 Inserter Sheet Size HVF inserter sheet size detector 2 High = sheet size
09-375 Ambient Temp. Sensor Ambient temperature sensor (Q09- Displays temperature in Detector 2 (Q11-151) detects the DOF (Direc- detected
tion Of Feed) sheet size in inserter
375) degrees C
09-380 Waste Toner Door Sw Waste toner door switch (S09-380) High = bottle present/
11-152 Inserter STS Sheet HVF inserter STS (Side To Side) High = sheet size
detects if the waste bottle is miss- door closed, low = bottle
ing or the door is open during run missing/door open Size Detector sheet size detector (Q11-152) detected
detects STS (Side To Side) sheet
size in inserter tray
Table 7 Input codes 10
11-153 Inserter Unit Empty HVF inserter unit empty sensor High = paper present,
Code Displayed Name Description General Sensor (Q11-153) detects paper present low = no paper
10-100 Fuser Exit Switch Fuser exit switch (S10-100), High = paper present, inserter tray
detects when paper exits the fuser low = no paper 11-154 Inserter LE Sensor HVF inserter LE sensor (Q11-154) High = LE detected, low
10-105 Invert Sensor Inverter sensor (Q10-105), detects High = paper present, detects the LE of the paper = LE not detected
when paper enters the inverter low = no paper 11-155 Inserter TE Sensor HVF inserter TE sensor (Q11-155) High = TE detected, low
10-120 IOT Exit Sensor IOT exit sensor (Q10-120), detects High = paper present, detects the TE of the paper = TE not detected
when paper exits the IOT low = no paper 11-156 Inserter Bottom Plate HVF inserter bottom plate sensor High = home position,
10-300 Fuser Module Temp Displays current thermistor values. 0-255 degrees C. Sensor (Q11-156) detects the bottom plate low = not home
Sensor A Converts input resistance of ther- in home position
mistors and shows A-D conversion. 11-157 Buffer Position Sen- HVF Buffer position sensor (Q11- High = paper present,
10-310 Fuser Module Temp Displays current thermistor values. 0-255 degrees C. sor 157) detects paper low = no paper
Sensor B Converts input resistance of ther- 11-158 HVF Booklet Exit HVF booklet exit sensor (Q11-158) High = paper present,
mistors and shows A-D conversion. Sensor detects paper exiting the finisher to low = no paper
10-315 Fuser Module Temp Detects fault in fuser thermistor. High = fault low = good enter into booklet maker
Fault Snr 11-159 Nip Home Sensor HVF nip home sensor (Q11-159) High = Nip home
detects the position of the buffer
Table 8 Input codes 11 movement tray in descending
11-160 BM Entry Sensor HVF BM entry sensor (Q11-160) High = paper present,
Code Displayed Name Description General
detects paper entry to the booklet low = no paper
11-044 Punch Unit Home HVF punch unit home sensor (Q11- High = home, low = unit maker
Sensor 044) not home
11-164 Buffer Path Sensor HVF buffer path sensor (Q11-164) High = paper present,
11-100 Entry Sensor LCSS and HVF entry sensor (Q11- High = paper present, detects paper low = no paper
100) low = no paper 11-170 Nip Split Sensor HVF nip split sensor (Q11-170) High = Nip split home
11-110 Punch Sensor LCSS and HVF punch position sen- High = paper present, detects the position of the buffer
sor (Q11-110) low = no paper movement tray in ascending
11-112 Chad Bin Set Sensor HVF chad bin set sensor (Q11-112) High = chad bin 11-171 Paper Pusher Upper HVF paper pusher upper sensor High = upper position
detects when the chad bin installed installed Sensor (Q11-171) detects if the pusher is in
11-130 Top Exit Sensor LCSS and HVF top exit sensor High = paper present, the upper position
(Q11-130) low = no paper 11-172 Pressing and Sup- HVF pressing and support encoder High = made, low = not
11-140 2nd to Top Exit Snr LCSS and HVF 2nd to top exit sen- High = paper present port Encoder Sensor sensor (Q11-172) detects the tim- detected
sor (Q11-140) detects paper exiting low = no paper ing for pressing and support motor
to the bin (bin 1)

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-97 dC330
Table 8 Input codes 11 Table 8 Input codes 11
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
11-173 Paper Pusher Lower HVF paper pusher lower sensor High = made, low = not 11-192 Pressing and Sup- HVF pressing and support home High = made, low = not
Sensor (Q11-173) detects if paper pusher detected port Home Snr sensor (Q11-192) detects the home detected
is in lower position position sensor
11-174 Front Tamper Tray HVF front tamper tray away sensor High = made, low = not 11-193 Pressing and Sup- HVF pressing and support out sen- High = made, low = not
Away Sensor (Q11-174) detects the front tamper detected port Out Snr sor (Q11-193) detects the out posi- detected
is in away position tion sensor
11-175 Stapler Unit Mid HVF stapler unit mid home sensor High = made, low = not 11-194 Paddle Unit Upper HVF paddle unit upper sensor High = made, low = not
Home Sensor (Q11-175) detects if stapler unit is detected Sensor (Q11-194) detects the paddle unit detected
in mid home position position
11-176 Offset Unit Away Sen- HVF offset unit away sensor (Q11- High = made, low = not 11-195 Paddle Unit Lower HVF paddle unit lower sensor High = made, low = not
sor 176) detects if offset unit is in away detected Sensor (Q11-195) detects paddle unit lower detected
position position
11-177 Ejector Module Motor HVF ejector module motor encoder High = made, low = not 11-196 Bin 1 Rear Wall Sen- HVF Bin1 paper stack sensor, Q11- Low = paper stack
Encoder Sensor sensor (Q11-177) detects the tim- detected sor 196 operates together with Q11- detected, High = not
ing for ejector module motor 322. detected
11-178 Ejector Plate Motor HVF ejector plate motor encoder High = made, low = not 11-300 Docking Interlock LCSS and HVF docking interlock High = docked, low =
Encoder Sensor sensor (Q11-178) detects the tim- detected switch (S11-300) un-docked
ing for ejector plate motor 11-302 Top Cover Intlk LCSS and HVF top cover interlock High = closed, low =
11-179 Ejector Plate Home HVF ejector plate home sensor High = made, low = not switch (S11-302), detects if top open
Sensor (Q11-179) detects if ejector plate is detected cover is open.
in home position 11-303 Front Door Intlk LCSS and HVF front door interlock High = closed, low =
11-180 Ejector Unit Lower HVF ejector unit lower paddle High = made, low = not switch (S11-303), detects if front open
Paddle Home Sensor home sensor (Q11-180) detects if detected door is open.
eject unit lower paddle is in home 11-306 Inserter Top Cover HVF inserter top cover interlock High = made, low = not
position Intlk sensor (Q11-306) detects if inserter detected
11-182 Stacker Unit Encoder HVF stacker unit encoder sensor High = made, low = not tray top cover is closed
Sensor (Q11-182) detects the timing for detected 11-310 Tamp Front Home Snr LCSS and HVF front tamper home High = home, low = not
stacker unit motor sensor (Q11-310) Detect if front home
11-183 Tri Folder Entry Sen- HVF tri folder entry sensor (Q11- High = made, low = not tamper is home
sor 183) detects the booklet and tri detected 11-311 Tamp Rear Home Snr LCSS and HVF rear tamper home high = home, low - not
folder entry. Trigger point for CL80 sensor (Q11-311), detects if rear home
11-184 Tri Folder Assist Sen- HVF tri folder assist sensor (Q11- High = made, low = not tamper is home
sor 184) detects trigger point for L81 detected 11-319 Tamp Rear Away Snr LCSS and HVF rear tamper away High = away home, low
11-185 Tri Folder Exit Sensor HVF tri folder exit sensor (Q11-185) High = made, low = not home sensor (Q11-319), detects if = not away home
detects booklet and tri folder exit to detected the rear tamper is at the away
tray home position
11-187 Offset Unit Index Sen- HVF offset unit index sensor (Q11- High = made, low = not 11-320 Ejector Home Sensor HVF ejector home sensor (Q11- High = home, low = not
sor 187) detects if offset unit is in index detected 320) detects the home (closed) home
position position of the ejector housing.
11-190 BM Paper Present HVF BM paper present sensor High = paper present, LCSS ejector home sensor (Q11-
Sensor (Q11-190) detects when paper is low = no paper 320) detects the home position of
present in the booklet maker com- the ejector assembly
piling area 11-322 Ejector Out Sensor LCSS and HVF Ejector out sensor High = out, low= not out
11-191 Pressing and Sup- HVF pressing and support initial High = made, low = not (Q11-322) detects the out position
port Init Snr sensor (Q11-191) detects the initial detected of the ejector assembly
position sensor

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC330 6-98 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 8 Input codes 11 Table 8 Input codes 11
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
11-326 Paddle Roll Home LCSS paddle roll position sensor, High = home, low = not 11-362 SH 1 Low Staples Snr LCSS staple head 1 low staples High = almost empty,
Snr HVF BM paddle roll home sensor home sensor (Q11-362) detects when low = plentiful staples
(Q11-326) detects the home posi- staple cartridge is almost empty
tion of the paddle roll 11-363 SH 1 Cartridge Sen- LCSS staple head 1 cartridge High = cartridge
11-331 Bin 1 90% Full Sen- LCSS and HVF bin 1 90% full sen- High = 90% or more full, sor present sensor (Q11-363) detects installed, low = cartridge
sor sor (Q11-331) detects when bin 1 is low = less than 90% full when a staple cartridge is installed not installed
90% or more full 11-364 SH 1 Priming Sensor LCSS staple head 1 priming sensor High = primed, low = not
11-332 Bin 1 Upper Level Snr LCSS bin 1 upper level sensor and High = stack sensed, (Q11-364) detects when the front primed
HVF bin 1 upper level sensor (Q11- low = stack not sensed two staples have been pre-formed
332) detects the top of the paper (primed)
stack in bin 1 11-365 SU 1 Safety Gate LCSS stapling unit 1 safety gate High = safety gate
11-333 Bin 1 Lower Level Snr LCSS bin 1 lower level sensor High = stack sensed, Switch switch (S11-365) closed
(Q11-333) detects the top of the low = stack not sensed 11-367 SU 1 Edge Reg Sen- LCSS staple unit 1 edge registra- High = paper present,
paper stack in bin 1 sor tion sensor (Q11-367) detects the low = no paper
11-334 Bin 1 Upper Limit SW LCSS and HVF bin 1 upper limit High = bin detected, low edge of the paper is correctly regis-
switch (S11-334) detects the upper = bin not detected tered
limit of bin 1 movement 11-370 SU 1 Home Sensor LCSS staple unit 1 home sensor High = stapler home,
11-335 Bin 1 Lower Limit SW LCSS and HVF bin 1 upper limit High = bin detected, low (Q11-370) detects when the staple low = stapler not home
switch (S11-335) detects the lower = bin not detected head is at the corner staple position
limit of bin 1 movement 11-371 SU 1 Front Index Snr LCSS staple unit 1 front index sen- High = at stapling posi-
11-336 Bin 1 Mot Encoder LCSS bin 1 motor encoder sensor High = bar in encoder sor (Q11-371) detects the index tion, low = not at sta-
Snr (Q11-336) generates motor speed wheel, low = gap in position of the stapling head pling position
pulses encoder wheel 11-373 Offline Staple SW LCSS offline staple switch (S11- High = switch pressed,
11-337 Bin1 Offset Sensor HVF bin 1 offset sensor (Q11-337) High = tray moving from 373) detects the operator com- low = switch not
detects the offset and home posi- home to offset, low = mand for offline stapling pressed
tion of bin 1 tray moving from offset 11-374 Offline Staple LED LCSS offline staple LED, detects High = paper present,
to home paper to be stapled low = not detected
11-348 Chad Bin Lvl Sensor LCSS and HVF chad bin full sensor High = bin full, low = bin 11-383 BM Guide Home Snr HVF backstop guide home sensor High = home, low = not
(Q11-348) detects when the weight not full (Q11-383) detects when the back- home
of the chad reaches a pre-set value stop is in the home position
11-350 Punch Head Home LCSS and HVF punch head home High = punch home, low 11-384 BM Tamper1 Home HVF tamper 1 home sensor (Q11- High = home, low = not
Snr sensor (Q11-350) detects the home = punch not home Snr 384) detects when the BM tampers home
position of the punch head are in the home position
11-351 Punch Hd Present LCSS punch head present sensor High = punch installed, 11-389 BM Bin2 90% Full Snr HVF bin 2 90% full sensor (Q11- High = 90% or more full,
Snr (Q11-351) detects if a hole punch is low = punch not 389) detects when bin 2 is 90% or low = less than 90% full
installed installed more full
11-360 SH 1 Home Sensor LCSS and HVF staple head 1 High = home, low = not 11-391 BM Flapper Sector HVF booklet maker flapper sector High = home
home sensor (Q11-360) detects home Roll Home Sensor roll home sensor (Q11-391)
when the staple head is fully open
11-392 PTU Switch HVF PTU switch (S11-392) detects High = made, low = not
(home position) if pause to unload button is pressed detected
11-361 SH 1 Paper Sensor LCSS and HVF staple head 1 High = paper present, 11-393 TriFold Front Dr Inter- HVF tri fold door interlock (S11- High = closed, low =
paper present sensor (Q11-361) low = no paper
lock 393) detects if the tri fold door is door open
detects when paper is within the
jaws of the stapler
11-394 TriFold Top Cover HVF tri fold top cover interlock High = closed, low =
Interlock (S11-394) detects if the tri fold top cover open
cover is closed

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-99 dC330
Table 8 Input codes 11 Table 9 Input codes 12
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
11-409 BM Exit Sensor HVF BM exit sensor (Q11-409) High = detected, low = 12-301 OCT Index Sensor OCT index sensor (Q12-301) High = tray moving from
detects booklets exiting the booklet not detected detects the offset and home posi- home to offset, low =
maker tion of bin 1 tray moving from offset
11-411 BM SH1 Home Snr HVF BM staple head 1 home sen- High = home, low = not to home
sor (Q11-411) detects when the sta- home
ple head is fully open (home Table 10 Input codes 14
Code Displayed Name Description General
11-412 BM SH1 Staples Low HVF BM staple head 1 staples low High = almost empty,
14-100 Carriage Home Sensor Scan carriage home sensor (Q14- High - Home, low = not
sensor (Q11-412) detects when low = plentiful staples
100) detects the home position of home
staple cartridge is almost empty
the scan carriage
11-413 BM SH2 Home Snr HVF BM staple head 2 home sen- High = home, low = not
sor (Q11-413) detects when the home 14-310 DADH Angle Sensor Input module angle sensor (Q14- High = input module
310) detects the input module at lowered, low input mod-
staple head is fully open (home
30% angle for size sensing. ule raised
14-315 Doc Size Sensor 1 Document size sensor 1 (Q14-310) High = document not
11--414 BMSH2 Staples Low HVF BM staple head 2 staples low High = almost empty,
sensor (Q11-412) detects when low = plentiful staples sensed, low = document
staple cartridge is almost empty
14-320 Doc Size Sensor 2 Document size sensor 2 (Q14-314) High = document not
11-415 BM Crease Gate HVF BM crease roll gate home High = gate raised, low
sensed, low = document
Home sensor (Q11-415) detects when the = gate not raised
gate is fully raised sensed

11-416 BM Crease Blade HVF BM crease blade home sensor High = home, low = not
Output Codes
Home (Q11-416) detects when the crease home
blade is fully retracted
Table 11 Output codes 04
11-418 BM Blade Mot HVF BM crease blade motor High = bar in encoder
Encoder encoder sensor (Q11-418) gener- wheel, low = gap in Code Displayed Name Description General
ates motor speed pulses encoder wheel 04-010 Main motor Drives the pre-registration, registra- On/Off. 60 seconds timeout
11-419 BM Crease Mot HVF BM crease roll motor encoder High = bar in encoder tion, developer, fuser and paper
Encode sensor (Q11-419) generates motor wheel, low = gap in output modules.
speed pulses encoder wheel
11-421 BM SH Carrier HVF BM staple head carrier closed High = closed, low = not Table 12 Output codes 05
Closed sensor (Q11-421) detects when the closed
Code Displayed Name Description General
carrier is in the closed position
05-010 Document handler DADH feed solenoid (SOL05-010) On/off. 30 seconds timeout
11-431 Inserter Left Hand HVF Insert left hand door interlock High = closed, low =
Door Interlock (Q11-431) detects the state of the open feed solenoid
inserter door interlock 05-020 Document handler DADH feed motor (MOT05-020) On/off. 90 seconds time out
feed motor
05-025 DADH feed clutch DADH feed clutch (CL05-025) On/off. Normally linked with
feed motor. 30 seconds time-
Table 9 Input codes 12 out

Code Displayed Name Description General 05-030 Document handler DADH CVT motor (MOT05-030) On/off. 90 seconds timeout
CVT motor
12-300 OCT Level Sensor OCT 90% full sensor (Q12-300) High = 90% or more full, 05-050 Document handler DADH duplex solenoid (SOL05- On/off. 30 seconds timeout
detects when tray is 90% or more low = less than 90% full
duplex solenoid 050)

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC330 6-100 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 13 Output codes 06 Table 15 Output codes 08
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
06-020 ROS Motor Run Drives ROS motor at run mode On/off. 90 seconds timeout 08-025 T1+2 Transport Energizes the tray 1 and 2 trans- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
speed. Motor port motor (MOT08-025)
06-025 ROS Motor Drive ROS motor at standby mode On/off. 90 seconds timeout 08-030 T3 Feed Motor Energizes the tray 3 feed motor On/off. Linked to tray 3
Standby speed. (MOT08-030) home sensor. Paper tray
must be open when motor
Table 14 Output codes 07 energized. 90 seconds time-
Code Displayed Name Description General
08-040 T4 Feed Motor Energizes the tray 4 feed motor On/off. Linked to tray 4
07-010 T1 Elevate Motor Energizes the tray 1 elevator motor On/off. Linked to tray 1 (MOT08-040) home sensor. Paper tray
(MOT07-010) up. home sensor. Only ener- must be open when motor
gize with tray out. 5 seconds energized. 90 seconds time-
timeout out
07-020 T2 Elevate Motor Energizes the tray 2 elevator motor On/off. Linked to tray 2 08-045 T3+4 Transport Energizes the tray 3 and 4 trans- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
(MOT07-020) up. home sensor. Only ener- Motor port motor (MOT08-045)
gize with tray out. 5 seconds
08-046 T5 Transport Motor Energizes the tray 5 transport On/off. 60 seconds timeout
timeout motor (MOT08-046)
07-030 T3 Elevate Motor Energizes the tray 3 elevator motor On/off. Linked to tray 3 08-050 Bypass Feed Sole- Energizes the bypass feed sole- On/off. 5 seconds timeout
(MOT07-030) up. home sensor. Only ener-
noid noid (SOL08-050)
gize with tray out. 10 sec-
08-060 Duplex Motor Slow Energizes the duplex motor at sim- On/off. 90 seconds timeout
onds timeout
plex speed.
07-040 T4 Elevate Motor Energizes the tray 4 elevate motor On/off. Linked to tray 4
(MOT07-040) up. home sensor. Only ener- 08-062 Duplex Motor Fast Energizes the duplex motor at On/off. 90 seconds timeout
duplex speed.
gies with tray out. 10 sec-
onds timeout 08-070 Registration Clutch Energizes the registration clutch On/off. 5 seconds timeout
07-373 Raise T5 Elevate Energizes the tray 5 elevate motor On/off. Only runs while tray
Motor (MOT07-373) to move the tray up. transport limits are not 08-117 T5 Feed Motor Energizes the stepper motor to On/off. Paper tray must be
reached. 10 seconds time- drive tray 5 nudger and feed rolls. down when motor ener-
out (MOT08-117) gized. 60 seconds timeout
07-374 Lower T5 Elevate Energizes the tray 5 elevate motor On/off. Only runs while tray
Motor (MOT07-373) to move the tray transport limits are not Table 16 Output codes 09
down. reached. 10 seconds time- Code Displayed Name Description General
09-010 P/R Motor Energizes the photoreceptor drive On/off. 60 seconds timeout
motor (MOT09-010)
Table 15 Output codes 08
09-022 P/R Erase Lamp Energizes the photoreceptor erase On/off. 90 seconds timeout
Code Displayed Name Description General lamp.
08-010 T1 Feed Motor Energizes the tray 1 feed motor On/off. Linked to tray 1 09-030 Ozone Fan Energizes the ozone fan. On/off. 90 seconds timeout
(MOT 08-010). home sensor. Paper tray 09-035 P/R Cooling Fan Energizes the photoreceptor fan Full speed/half speed. 90
must be open when motor seconds timeout
energized. 90 seconds time-
09-036 Duplex cooling Energizes the duplex path cooling On/off. 90 seconds timeout.
out fans enable fans When enabled the fans will
08-020 T2 Feed Motor Energizes the tray 2 feed motor. On/off. Linked to tray 2 switch on simultaneously
(MOT08-020) home sensor. Paper tray
09-037 Duplex cooling Duplex path cooling fans: speed On = high speed
must be open when motor
fans speed 0 = low speed
energized. 90 seconds time-
out 09-040 Dispense Motor Energizes the toner dispense On/off. 5 seconds timeout
motor (MOT09-040)

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-101 dC330
Table 16 Output codes 09 Table 17 Output codes 10
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
09-045 Cartridge Motor Energizes the toner cartridge On/off. 5 seconds timeout 10-030 Invert Mot Fwd Energizes the inverter motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
motor (MOT09-045) Slow (MOT10-030) forward at process
09-061 Charge Scorotron Energizes the scorotron wire at On/off. 3 seconds timeout. speed.
nominal drive levels with drives Linked with Charge grid 09- 10-035 Invert Mot Rev Energizes the inverter motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
off. 062. Normally stacked with Slow (MOT10-030) in reverse at pro-
HVPS fault cess speed.
09-062 Charge Grid Energizes the grid at nominal drive On/off. 3 seconds timeout. 10-040 Invert Mot Rev Dup Energizes the inverter motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout
level with drives off. Linked with charge (MOT10-030) in reverse at duplex
scorotron 09-061 speed.
09-063 Transfer Corotron Energizes the transfer corotron On/off. 3 seconds timeout. 10-045 Inverter Path Sol Energizes the invert path solenoid On/off. 5 seconds timeout
wire on at nominal drive level with Normally stacked with (SOL10-045). When de-energized
drives off. HVPS fault sheets are fed to the inverter
09-064 Detack Corotron Energizes the detack wire on. AC On/off. 3 seconds timeout. 10-050 Inverter Nip Sol Energizes the inverter nip solenoid On/off. 5 seconds timeout
voltage and DC current offset at Normally stacked with (SOL10-050). When de-energized
nominal drive levels with drives HVPS fault the nip is open
off. 10-055 Tri Roll Split Nip Energizes the tri roll split nip sole- On/off. 5 seconds timeout
09-065 Chute Bias Energizes the bias voltage on at On/off. 90 seconds timeout. Solenoid noid (SOL10-055). When de-ener-
nominal drive level. Normally stacked with gized the nip is open
HVPS fault 10-065 Vac Transport Fan Energizes the vacuum transport On/off. 90 seconds timeout
09-066 Dev Bias Energizes the developer bias volt- On/off. 3 seconds timeout. fan in the short paper path assem-
age on at nominal drive level with Stack with HVPS fault bly
drives off.
09-071 Scorotron Cleaner Energizes the scorotron cleaning On/Off. 13 seconds timeout. Table 18 Output codes 11
Motor: Forward motor (MOT09-070) in the forward Stack with scorotron cleaner Code Displayed Name Description General
direction home sensor
09-072 Scorotron Cleaner Energizes the scorotron cleaning On/off. 13 seconds timeout. 11-000 Transport Motor 1 Energizes the LCSS transport Motor 1, On/off. 90 seconds
HVF transport motor 1A and Transport timeout
Motor: Reverse motor (MOT09-070) in the reverse Stack with scorotron cleaner
motor 1B (MOT11-000)
direction home sensor
11-001 Transport Motor 2 Energizes the LCSS and HVF transport On/off. 90 seconds
09-075 Transfer / Detack When set to ON the transfer / On/off. 13 seconds timeout.
Motor: Forward detack corotron cleaner motor is Stack with transfer / detack motor 2 (MOT11-001) timeout
turned on and run in the forward corotron cleaner motor stall 11-002 Diverter Solenoid Energizes the LCSS, HVF diverter gate On/off. 5 seconds
direction. Moves cleaner to the sensor and motor reverse solenoid, HVF BM upper diverter solenoid timeout
rear. (SOL11-002)
09-076 Transfer / Detack When set to ON the transfer / On/off. 13 seconds timeout. 11-003 Tamp Mot Front Energizes the LCSS and HVF front tamper On/off. 5 seconds
Motor: Reverse detack corotron cleaner motor is Stack with transfer / detack Home motor (MOT11-003) to the home position. timeout
turned on and run in the reverse corotron cleaner motor stall 11-004 Tamp Mot Rear Energizes the LCSS and HVF rear tamper On/off. 5 seconds
direction. Moves cleaner to the sensor and motor reverse Home motor (MOT11-004) to home position timeout
front. 11-005 Tamp Mot Front Energizes the LCSS and HVF front tamper On/off. 5 seconds
Move motor (MOT11-003) move inbound. timeout
Table 17 Output codes 10 11-006 Tamp Mot Rear Energizes the LCSS and HVF rear tamper On/off. 5 seconds
Code Displayed Name Description General Move motor (MOT11-004) move inbound. timeout

10-010 Fuser Module Web Energizes the fuser web motor On/off. 90 seconds timeout 11-007 Tampers to A4LEF Moves the LCSS tampers to A4LEF posi- On/off. 5 seconds
tion. timeout
Motor (MOT10-010)
11-008 Tampers to Move the LCSS tampers to 8.5”x11” LEF On/off. 5 seconds
8.5x11LEF position. timeout

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC330 6-102 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 18 Output codes 11 Table 18 Output codes 11
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
11-009 Tamper Motor Cycles the LCSS tampers in and out until On/off. 90 seconds 11-051 SH 1 Motor Rev. Energizes the LCSS staple head 1 motor On/off. 15 seconds
Cycle time-out or stop. timeout Home (MOT11-050) in reverse to the home posi- timeout
11-010 CC Eject Roll Motor Energizes the HVF compiler carriage eject On/off. 90 seconds tion
roll motor (MOT11-010) timeout 11-053 SU 1 Motor For- Energizes the LCSS and HVF stapling unit On/off. 15 seconds
11-020 Ejector Motor Energizes the LCSS, ejector motor On/off. 5 seconds ward traverse motor (MOT11-053) increment timeout
Home (MOT11-020) to the home position timeout forward.
11-021 Ejector Motor Move Energizes the LCSS, ejector motor On/off. 5 seconds 11-054 SU 1 Motor Energizes the LCSS and HVF stapling unit On/off. 15 seconds
(MOT11-020) to the out position timeout Reverse traverse motor (MOT11-053) increment timeout
11-023 Ejector Motor Cycle Energizes the LCSS ejector motor (MOT On/off. 90 seconds
11-020), and the HVF BM ejector motor timeout 11-055 SU1 Index Mot Energizes the LCSS and HVF stapling unit On/off. 15 seconds
(MOT11-023) cycle routines, until timeout Cycle traverse motor (MOT11-053) cycle routine timeout
or stop. 11-060 BM Compiler Motor Energizes the HVF BM paper path trans- On/off. 90 seconds
11-024 Paddle Roll Motor Energizes the LCSS paddle roll motor On/off. 15 seconds port motor (MOT11-060) timeout
Home (MOT11-024) to the home position timeout 11-061 BM Blade Motor Energizes the HVF BM crease blade On/off. 90 seconds
11-025 Paddle Roll Motor Energizes the LCSS and HVF paddle roll On/off. 15 seconds motor (MOT11-061) cycle timeout
Run motor (MOT11-025) until timeout or stop timeout 11-062 BM Crease Motor Energizes the HVF BM crease roll motor On/off. 6 seconds
11-026 Paddle Roll Mot Energizes the LCSS paddle roll motor On/off. 15 seconds (MOT11-062) timeout
Rev (MOT11-024) in reverse to actuate safety timeout 11-063 BM Staple Head 1 Energizes the HVF BM staple head 1 On/off. 5 seconds
gate. Motor motor (MOT11-063) timeout
11-027 Paddle Unit Motor Energizes the HVF paddle unit motor On/off. 90seconds 11-065 BM Back Stop Energizes the HVF BM backstop motor On/off. 90 seconds
(MOT11-027) to lift / lower paddle unit timeout Motor (MOT11-065) moves to receive, then sta- timeout
11-030 Bin 1 Elev. Mot Energizes the LCSS and HVF bin 1 ele- On/off. 15 seconds ple, then crease positions
Home vate motor (MOT11-030) to the home posi- timeout 11-066 BM Tamper 1 Motor Energizes the HVF BM tamper 1 motor On/off. 90 seconds
tion. (MOT11-066) timeout
11-031 Bin 1 Elev. Mot Up Energizes the LCSS and HVF bin 1 ele- On/off. 15 seconds 11-074 BM Diverter Sole- Energizes the HVF BM lower diverter gate On/off. 5 seconds
vate motor (MOT11-030) by increments up timeout noid solenoid (SOL11-074) timeout
11-032 Bin 1 Elev. Mot Energizes the LCSS and HVF bin 1 ele- On/off. 15 seconds 11-076 BM Stack Hold Sol Energizes the HVF BM stack hold sole- On/off. 5 seconds
Down vate motor (MOT11-030) by increments timeout noids (SOL11-076) part of back stop timeout
down assembly
11-033 Bin1 Elev. Mot Energizes the LCSS and HVF bin 1 ele- On/off. 90 seconds 11-077 Inserter Electric Energizes the HVF inserter electric clutch On/off.
Cycle vate motor (MOT11-033) to cycle bins up/ timeout. Clutch (CL11-077) to drive the pickup roll
down until time-out or stop. 11-078 Inserter Unit Motor Energizes the HVF inserter unit motor On/off.
11-034 Bin 1 Offset Motor Energizes the HVF bin 1 offset motor On/off. 15 seconds (MOT11-078) to drive the inserter rolls
(MOT11-034) timeout 11-079 Buffer Motor Energizes the HVF Buffer motor (MOT11- On/off. 90 seconds
11-042 Punch Head Move Energizes the LCSS hole punch motor On/off. 15 seconds 079) to drive the buffer rolls timeout
Home (MOT11-042) to the home position timeout 11-080 Feed Motor Energizes the HVF feed motor (MOT11- On/off. 90 seconds
11-043 Punch Head Run Energizes the LCSS and HVF hole punch On/off. 15 seconds 080) to drive the feed rolls timeout
motor (MOT11-043) continuously timeout 11-081 Nip Split Motor Energizes the HVF nip split motor On/off. 90 seconds
11-045 Punch Unit Motor Energizes HVF punch unit motor (MOT11- On/off. (MOT11-081) to activate the buffer move- timeout
Forward 045) moves punch unit forward ment tray
11-046 Punch Unit Motor Energizes HVF punch unit motor (MOT11- On/off. 11-082 Clamp solenoid Energizes the HVF clamp solenoid On/off. 90 seconds
Reverse 045) moves punch unit in reverse (SOL11-082) to keep first sheet of paper in timeout
11-050 Staple Head 1 Energizes the LCSS and HVF staple head On/off. 15 seconds the buffer pocket at buffer mode
Motor 1 motor (MOT11-050) timeout 11-083 Paper Pusher Energizes the HVF paper pusher motor On/off. 90 seconds
Motor (MOT11-083) to drive the paper pusher timeout

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-103 dC330
Table 18 Output codes 11 Table 21 Output codes 20
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
11-084 Curl Suppressor Energizes the HVF curl suppressor sole- On/off. 90 seconds 20-002 Diag. LED 30 Red Switches diagnostic LED 30 red On/off
Solenoid noid (SOL11-084) to activate the pressing timeout 20-003 Diag. LED 30 green Switches diagnostic LED 30 green On/off
20-010 Sngl Tone 0Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 0Hz on line 1 On/off
11-085 Tri Folder Diverter Energizes the HVF tri folder diverter sole- On/off. 5 seconds
20-011 Sngl Tone 400Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 400Hz on line 1 On/off
Solenoid noid (SOL11-085) to activate the tri folder timeout
20-012 Sngl Tone 1100Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 1100Hz on line 1 On/off
diverter gate to divert paper to tri fold path
20-013 Sngl Tone 1300Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 1300Hz on line 1 On/off
11-086 Tri Folder Assist Energizes the HVF tri folder assist gate On/off. 5 seconds
Gate Solenoid solenoid (SOL11-086) to activate the tri timeout 20-014 Sngl Tone 1650Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 1650Hz on line 1 On/off
folder assist gate to assist C fold into sec- 20-015 Sngl Tone 1850Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 1850Hz on line 1 On/off
ond nip 20-016 Sngl Tone 2100Hz Ln1 Emits single tone 2100Hz on line 1 On/off
11-087 Clutch Drive Energizes the HVF clutch drive (CL11- On/off. 5 seconds 20-017 ANSAM Ln1 On/off
087) to drive tri folding rolls timeout
20-018 CI Ln1 On/off
11-088 Cycle Ejector Motor Energizes the HVF ejector roll motor On/off. 90 seconds
20-020 DTMF # Line1 Emits DTMF # on line 1 On/off
(MOT11-088) cycle routine. timeout
20-021 DTMF * Line1 Emits DTMF * on line 1 On/off
11-374 Offline Staple LED Energizes the LCSS offline staple LED On/off. 90 seconds
20-022 DTMF 0 Line1 Emits DTMF 0 on line 1 On/off
20-023 DTMF 1 Line1 Emits DTMF 1on line 1 On/off
11-390 BM Flapper Sector Energizes the HVF Booklet maker flapper On/off. 90 seconds
Roll Motor sector roll motor (MOT11-390) timeout 20-024 DTMF 2 Line1 Emits DTMF 2 on line 1 On/off
11-400 BM Flapper Clutch Energizes the HVF BM flapper clutch sole- On/off. 5 seconds 20-025 DTMF 3 Line1 Emits DTMF 3 on line 1 On/off
Sol noid (SOL11-400) timeout 20-026 DTMF 4 Line1 Emits DTMF 4 on line 1 On/off
11-401 BM Crease Roll Energizes the HVF crease roll gate motor On/off. 15 seconds 20-027 DTMF 5 Line1 Emits DTMF 5 on line 1 On/off
Motor (MOT11-401) cycle routine timeout 20-028 DTMF 6 Line1 Emits DTMF 6 on line 1 On/off
11-402 BM Mt Conveyor Energizes the HVF BM conveyor belt drive On/off. 90 seconds 20-029 DTMF 7 Line1 Emits DTMF 7 on line 1 On/off
Drive motor timeout
20-030 DTMF 8 Line1 Emits DTMF 8 on line 1 On/off
11-403 BM Staple Hd 2 Energizes the HVF staple head 2 motor On/off. 5 seconds
20-031 DTMF 9 Line1 Emits DTMF 9 on line 1 On/off
Motor (MOT11-403) timeout
20-032 DTMF A Line1 Emits DTMF A on line 1 On/off
11-404 BM Crease Gate Energizes the HVF crease roll gate motor On/off. 90 seconds
20-033 DTMF B Line1 Emits DTMF B on line 1 On/off
Open (MOT11-401) to the open position timeout
20-034 DTMF C Line1 Emits DTMF C on line 1 On/off
11-430 Kicker Solenoid Energizes the HVF kicker solenoid On/off. 5 seconds
(SOL11-430) timeout 20-035 DTMF D Line1 Emits DTMF D on line 1 On/off
20-040 V.21 300 bps Line1 Emits V.21 300 bps on line 1 On/off
Table 19 Output codes 12 20-041 V.27ter 2400 bps Line1 Emits V.27ter 2400 bps on line 1 On/off
Code Displayed Name Description General 20-042 V.27ter 4800 bps Line1 Emits V.27ter 4800 bps on line 1 On/off
20-043 V.29 7200 bps Line1 Emits V.29 7200 bps on line 1 On/off
12-005 OCT Motor Energizes the OCT motor On/off. 2 seconds
timeout 20-044 V.29 9600 bps Line1 Emits V.29 9600 bps on line 1 On/off
20-045 V.17 7200 bps Line1 Emits V.17 7200 bps on line 1 On/off
Table 20 Output codes 14 20-046 V.17 9600 bps Line1 Emits V.17 9600 bps on line 1 On/off
Code Displayed Name Description General 20-047 V.17 12000 bps Line1 Emits V.17 12000 bps on line 1 On/off
20-048 V.17 14400 bps Line1 Emits V.17 14400 bps on line 1 On/off
14-005 Exposure Lamp Energizes the exposure lamp On/off. 90 seconds
timeout 20-049 V.34 2400 bps Line1 Emits V.34 2400 bps on line 1 On/off
20-050 V.34 4800 bps Line1 Emits V.34 4800 bps on line 1 On/off
20-051 V.34 7200 bps Line1 Emits V.34 7200 bps on line 1 On/off
20-052 V.34 9600 bps Line1 Emits V.34 9600 bps on line 1 On/off
20-053 V.34 12000 bps Line1 Emits V.34 12000 bps on line 1 On/off

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC330 6-104 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 21 Output codes 20 Table 21 Output codes 20
Code Displayed Name Description General Code Displayed Name Description General
20-054 V.34 14400 bps Line1 Emits V.34 14400 bps on line 1 On/off 20-104 DTMF C Line2 Emits DTMF C on line 2 On/off
20-055 V.34 16800 bps Line1 Emits V.34 16800 bps on line 1 On/off 20-105 DTMF D Line2 Emits DTMF D on line 2 On/off
20-056 V.34 19200 bps Line1 Emits V.34 19200 bps on line 1 On/off 20-110 V.21 300 bps Line2 Emits V.21 300 bps on line 2 On/off
20-057 V.34 21600 bps Line1 Emits V.34 21600 bps on line 1 On/off 20-111 V.27ter 2400 bps Line2 Emits V.27ter 2400 bps on line 2 On/off
20-058 V.34 24000 bps Line1 Emits V.34 24000 bps on line 1 On/off 20-112 V.27ter 4800 bps Line2 Emits V.27ter 4800 bps on line 2 On/off
20-059 V.34 26400 bps Line1 Emits V.34 26400 bps on line 1 On/off 20-113 V.29 7200 bps Line2 Emits V.29 7200 bps on line 2 On/off
20-060 V.34 28800 bps Line1 Emits V.34 28800 bps on line 1 On/off 20-114 V.29 9600 bps Line2 Emits V.29 9600 bps on line 2 On/off
20-061 V.34 31200 bps Line1 Emits V.34 31200 bps on line 1 On/off 20-115 V.17 7200 bps Line2 Emits V.17 7200 bps on line 2 On/off
20-062 V.34 33600 bps Line1 Emits V.34 33600 bps on line 1 On/off 20-116 V.17 9600 bps Line2 Emits V.17 9600 bps on line 2 On/off
20-070 ISDN mode Loopback Applies a loop back of both B channels to the On/off 20-117 V.17 12000 bps Line2 Emits V.17 12000 bps on line 2 On/off
network 20-118 V.17 14400 bps Line2 Emits V.17 14400 bps on line 2 On/off
20-071 ISDN tst mode info 1 Provides INFO 1 signals on both B channels On/off 20-119 V.34 2400 bps Line2 Emits V.34 2400 bps on line 2 On/off
20-072 ISDN tst mode info 0 Provides INFO 0 signals on both B channels On/off 20-120 V.34 4800 bps Line2 Emits V.34 4800 bps on line 2 On/off
20-073 ISDN PH-ACT-REQ Able to initiate activation procedures (PH- On/off 20-121 V.34 7200 bps Line2 Emits V.34 7200 bps on line 2 On/off
20-122 V.34 9600 bps Line2 Emits V.34 9600 bps on line 2 On/off
20-074 ISDN LED 10/18 Red Switches ISDN LED 10/18 red On/off
20-123 V.34 12000 bps Line2 Emits V.34 12000 bps on line 2 On/off
20-075 ISDN LED 10/18 Grn Switches ISDN LED 10/18 green On/off
20-124 V.34 14400 bps Line2 Emits V.34 14400 bps on line 2 On/off
20-076 ISDN line relay Switches SDN line relay On/off
20-125 V.34 16800 bps Line2 Emits V.34 16800 bps on line 2 On/off
20-080 Sngl Tone 0Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 0Hz on line 2 On/off
20-126 V.34 19200 bps Line2 Emits V.34 19200 bps on line 2 On/off
20-081 Sngl Tone 400Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 400Hz on line 2 On/off
20-127 V.34 21600 bps Line2 Emits V.34 21600 bps on line 2 On/off
20-082 Sngl Tone 1100Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 1100Hz on line 2 On/off
20-128 V.34 24000 bps Line2 Emits V.34 24000 bps on line 2 On/off
20-083 Sngl Tone 1300Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 1300Hz on line 2 On/off
20-129 V.34 26400 bps Line2 Emits V.34 26400 bps on line 2 On/off
20-084 Sngl Tone 1650Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 1650Hz on line 2 On/off
20-130 V.34 28800 bps Line2 Emits V.34 28800 bps on line 2 On/off
20-085 Sngl Tone 1850Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 1850Hz on line 2 On/off
20-131 V.34 31200 bps Line2 Emits V.34 31200 bps on line 2 On/off
20-086 Sngl Tone 2100Hz Ln2 Emits single tone 2100Hz on line 2 On/off
20-132 V.34 33600 bps Line2 Emits V.34 33600 bps on line 2 On/off
20-087 ANSAM Ln2 - On/off
20-088 CI Ln2 - On/off
20-090 DTMF # Line2 Emits DTMF # on line 2 On/off
20-091 DTMF * Line2 Emits DTMF * on line 2 On/off
20-092 DTMF 0 Line2 Emits DTMF 0 on line 2 On/off
20-093 DTMF 1 Line2 Emits DTMF 1on line 2 On/off
20-094 DTMF 2 Line2 Emits DTMF 2 on line 2 On/off
20-095 DTMF 3 Line2 Emits DTMF 3 on line 2 On/off
20-096 DTMF 4 Line2 Emits DTMF 4 on line 2 On/off
20-097 DTMF 5 Line2 Emits DTMF 5 on line 2 On/off
20-098 DTMF 6 Line2 Emits DTMF 6 on line 2 On/off
20-099 DTMF 7 Line2 Emits DTMF 7 on line 2 On/off
20-100 DTMF 8 Line2 Emits DTMF 8 on line 2 On/off
20-101 DTMF 9 Line2 Emits DTMF 9 on line 2 On/off
20-102 DTMF A Line2 Emits DTMF A on line 2 On/off
20-103 DTMF B Line2 Emits DTMF B on line 2 On/off

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-105 dC330
dC604 Registration Setup Procedure a. The first three copies out will be the IOT test samples, one of which will be used as
an original to make the scanner test samples.
Description NOTE: To obtain the correct scanner registration. Check that the registration on the
The dC604 routine places an internal generated scaled test pattern on the paper. IOT test samples is correct, Figure 2. If not correct then return to step 3.

NOTE: ADJ 8.1 Registration Setup contains only a reference to this diagnostic procedure. b. Place one of the IOT test sample on the platen glass.
c. Compare the zones A and D on the scanner test samples, with those in Figure 3.
Purpose d. Adjust the registration, enter the number at the point where the scale is deleted.
To measure and adjust image to paper registration using the four routines:
For example. If the top of the zone A scale is deleted at the 10mm mark (10mm indi-
1. Image Output Terminal Registration side 1 - simplex lead and top edge registration adjust- cates the correct scanner registration, Figure 3) then enter 10. If the top of the zone
ment. A scale is deleted at the 5mm mark then enter 5.
2. Image Output Terminal Registration Side 2 (duplex) - duplex lead and top edge registra- 6. Select Document Handler Registration and follow the UI screen prompts.
tion adjustment. a. The first three copies out will be IOT test samples which will be used as originals to
3. Scanner Registration - document glass lead and top edge registration adjustment. make the DADH test samples.
4. DADH Registration - constant velocity transport (CVT) lead edge and centre registration
adjustment. NOTE: To obtain the correct DADH registration. Check that the registration on IOT
test samples is correct, Figure 2. If not correct then return to step 3.
NOTE: During the scanner and the DADH registration procedures a border erase is
b. Place the IOT test samples in the DADH.
applied to the copied test patterns. Since the test pattern has been designed for both mar-
kets regions, the size of the edge deletion will depend on the paper size: c. Compare the zones A and D on the DADH test samples, with those in Figure 3.
• For A4 LEF paper, all edges have a 10mm deletion, but the bottom edge (Zone C on d. Adjust the registration, enter the number at the point where the scale is deleted.
Figure 1) will measure 28mm from the edge of the paper. For example. If the top of the zone A scale is deleted at the 10mm mark (10mm indi-
• For 8.5 x 11 LEF paper, all edges have a 10mm deletion, but the trail edge (Zone B cates correct DADH registration, Figure 3) then enter 10mm. If the top of the zone A
on Figure 1) will measure 16mm from the edge of the paper. scale is deleted at the 5mm mark then enter 5mm.
Place the IOT test samples in the DADH to enable the Save option.
Initial Action 7. If the correct registration can not be obtained because the registration scales are out of
• Ensure that 8.5 x 11 or A4 LEF paper is loaded in tray 1. range or off the page. Enter dC132 NVM Initialization, select Machine Variable NVM and
• Ensure that the ROS is secured and positioned correctly. Check that the ROS securing initialize. This will reset all of the registration values to default, return to step 3, complete
screw at the front of the machine is present and secure, refer to REP 6.1. all four routines.
Procedure 8. Take samples from each tray using the individual tray select button and check the lead
edge and top edge registration is within specification, Figure 2. If the top edge registration
NOTE: Always perform the IOT Registration Side 1 adjustments before performing any other is not correct on individual trays then go to step 9.
registration adjustment, as the IOT Registration Side 1 adjustment affects the others.
9. The individual trays can be adjusted to compensate for any mechanical variation between
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1. the trays, which may cause an error in the top edge registration.
2. Select, Diagnostics Routines, then select Copier Routines, then select dC604 Registra- The individual tray top edge has an adjustment range of +/-10mm with increments of
tion Setup Routine. 0.5mm. When saved, the adjustment will update the NVM offset value for the specific tray.
3. Select Image Output Terminal Registration Side 1, then select All Trays, then select Print To adjust the top edge registration on individual trays perform the following:
Test Samples and follow the UI screen prompts. a. Enter diagnostics GP 1. Select, Diagnostics Routines / Copier Routines / dC 604
Registration Setup
NOTE: Do not select individual trays unless directed by the documentation.
b. Select Image Output Terminal Registration Side 1 / select the individual tray / Print
a. Compare the zones A and D on the test samples, with those in Figure 2. Test Samples.
b. Adjust the registration, enter the number on the scale at the edge of the paper.
NOTE: If the top edge of the paper aligns above the 20mm mark on zone A i.e. at
For example. If the top edge of the paper aligns with the 20mm mark on zone A (20 22mm. Then select +2mm to align the top edge of the paper with the 20mm mark on
mm indicates correct IOT registration, Figure 2) then enter 20mm. If the top edge zone A. If the top edge of the paper aligns with the 15mm mark on zone A. Then
aligned with the 15mm mark then enter 15mm. select -5mm to align the top edge of the paper with the 20mm mark on zone A.
4. Select Image Output Terminal Registration Side 2, then select All Trays, then select Print
Test Samples and follow the UI screen prompts. Make the adjustments, then press Print Test Samples. When the top edge of the
paper aligns with the 20mm mark on zone A, the registration is correct, Figure 2.
5. Select Scanner Registration and follow the UI screen prompts.
Press Save and repeat the procedure as necessary for the other trays.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC604 6-106 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
c. Select Image Output Terminal Registration Side 2 and repeat the above procedure
as necessary.
d. If Tray 5 is still out of specification, go to ADJ 7.3 and then ADJ 7.4. After checking
these adjustments, repeat the procedure in step 9.
10. Make copies of the test pattern 82E2010 or 82E2020 from the DADH and document glass
to check for skew. Refer to IQS 5 Skew. Use internal test prints 16 or 17 to check printer
skew. Refer to IQS 5 Skew.

Top edge registration on the 20mm line

Lead edge registration on the 20mm line

Figure 2 IOT registration

Figure 1 Registration test pattern

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-107 dC604
dC606 Internal Print Test Patterns
Top edge of the paper To print internal test patterns for image quality analysis.
Lead edge of the paper
NOTE: Refer to IQ1 for information on the test patterns.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Enter diagnostics Routines
3. Enter Other Routines.
4. Enter dC606 Print Test Patterns.
5. Select Image Quality Test Patterns 1 - 19.
6. Select the Features, 1 or 2 sided and paper size.
Top edge registration on the 10mm line
NOTE: Two sided test patterns are always backed with test pattern 16, quadrille.

7. Select the Format, Label on or off and Border on or off.

8. Select Saved.
9. Touch the Start Test.
Lead edge registration on the 10mm line
10. Press Exit to return to the main diagnostic menu; select another feature or exit diagnos-

NOTE: The system administrator and key operator cannot generate print test patterns 4, 6, 7
or 8.

Figure 3 Scanner and DADH registration

General Procedures/Information February 2010

dC604, dC606 6-108 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
dC640 Video Path Diagnostics dC905 TC Sensor Calibration
This procedure is not applicable to the WorkCenter 5790F. Do not use. Purpose
To calibrate and setup the Toner Concentration Sensor. This setup is required at manufacture
and after installing a new developer module, (35-55 ppm) PL 9.17 Item 2 or (65-90 ppm) PL
9.15 Item 2.

Switch off the electricity to the machine. Refer to GP 14. Disconnect the power cord
from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity
can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.
The TC sensor, located in the bottom of the developer housing, is used in the process control
loop to help maintain the concentration of toner in the developer tank at the optimal level.

The TC sensor needs to be calibrated by adjusting the sensor output to the required target
value for a new developer toner concentration. The sensor output voltage can be adjusted to
the correct level by varying the control voltage applied to the sensor.

The output of the sensor depends on the:

• Magnetic properties of the developer material (this is a fixed value).
• Applied control voltage.
• Developer temperature.
• Humidity.
1. Enter diagnostics, GP 1.
2. Select Diagnostics Routines, Copier Routines, dC905 TC Sensor Calibration.
3. Touch the Start button to start the routine, and follow the on screen instructions.
• Message displayed “Only run this routine when a new developer package has been
• Message displayed “Make sure you have cammed on the developer before starting
this routine.”
• The components listed will energize:
– Photoreceptor drive motor.
– Photoreceptor erase lamp.
– Charge scorotron and charge grid.
– Developer bias voltage.
– Main drive motor (to rotate the developer).
4. If the setup fails, a ‘TC Sensor Setup Routine Failed’ message appears, go to 09-360, 09-
361, 09-362, 09-363 TC Sensor Failure RAP.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-109 dC640, dC905
General Procedures/Information February 2010
dC640, dC905 6-110 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
GP 40 Glossary of Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations

Where possible unit designations as appear in ISO 1000 (International Organization for Stan- Term Description
dardization) and Xerox Standard MN2-905 have been used. All measurement appear in ISO BT Busy Tone
units followed by any conversion in brackets e.g.; 22.5 mm (0.885 inches)
C Celsius
CAT Customer Admin Tool
Refer to Table 1.
CB Certification Bodies
Table 1 Abbreviations CC Copy Centre
Term Description CCA Cenelec Certification Agreement
CCA Customer Call Assistance
AAA Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting
CCD Charged Coupled Device
ABS Automatic Background Suppression.
CCITT Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique
ACK Acknowledge
CCR Change Control Request
ADF Automatic Document Feeder
CD Copy Darker. A copy density setting
ADU Automatic Duplexing Unit
CD-ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
AGC Automatic Gain Control
CDDU Controller and Drivers Delivery Unit
AHA Advanced Hardware Architecture
CDDUW Controller and Drivers Delivery Unit - West Coast
AMCV Average Monthly Copy Volume
CDS Charge - deficient spot. A photoconductor defect that as a very small
AMF Advanced Multi Function device
black spot (image quality parameter).
AMPV Average Monthly Print Volume
CED Called Station Identification
AMR Automatic Meter Read
CEH&S Corporate Environmental Heath and Safety
AMS Automatic Magnification Selection
CentreWare CentreWare internet services is the embedded HTTP server application
ANSI American National Standards Institute that is available on network enabled machines. It enables access to print-
API Application Programming Interface ing, faxing and scanning over the internet.
APS Auto Paper Selection CFR Confirmation To Receive
ARP Address Resolution Protocol. Converts an IP address to a MAC address. CISPR Comite International Special des Perturbations
CID Command Identification
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CIG Calling Subscriber Identification
ASP Authorized Service Provider
CIS Contact Image Sensor
ASTM American Standard Test Method
CL Copy Lighter. A copy density setting
ATPD Across The Process Direction
Click Charge Charge by copy/print rate
AZAP Any Zone Any Paper
COD Customer Operating Division
B Bels (applies to sound power level units)
CPHI Calls Per Hundred Installs
B (A) Bels (A weighted) (applies to sound power level units)
CPM Copies per minute
B (A) I Bels (A weighted) Impulse response (applies to sound power level units)
CPSR Capture / Print, Save and Reprint
BABT British Approvals Board for Tele-Communication
CQ Copy Quality
BAM Bundes Anstalt fur Materialprufung
CR Change Request
BEUI BIOS Extended User Interface
CRU Customer Replaceable Unit
Bluetooth Wireless local area network
CRUM Customer Replaceable Unit Monitor
BM Booklet Maker
CSE Customer Service Engineer
BMF Basic Multi Function device
CSF Call Service Fault
BootP Boot Protocol. AN IP protocol for automatically assigning IP addresses.
CSMS Customer Satisfaction Management System
BPS Bits Per Second
BS Behavior Specification

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-111 GP 40
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
Customer Drivers Customer drivers are specially developed generally made with a driver DOF Direction Of Feed, paper width sensors
toolkit. These drivers can provide a full set of features for Xerox printers. DPI Dots per inch
In the past, customers drivers have been provided for all major operating
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
systems. A customer print driver is costly to develop, and does not used
DRS Drum to Roll Spacing
standard operating system components. For this reason, PPD / GPD
solutions will be used in future whenever possible. DSR Data Set Ready
CTC Continue To Correct DST Daylight Saving Time
CTF Contrast Transfer Function DT Dial Tone
CTR Response For Continue To Correct DTC Digital Transmit Command
CTS Clear To Send DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
CVT Constant Velocity Transport DU Density Units
CW CentreWare DUI Display User Interface
CWW CentreWare Web Dust Off Routine to return machine to pre-install state
DADF Duplex Automatic Document Feeder (feeds documents to a different EAA Electron Auditron Administrator
stack) EBS Electronic Billing Service
DADH Duplex Automatic Document Handler (feeds documents to bottom of EC European Community
existing feed stack) ECE External Customer Engagement
DB Database ECM Error Correction Mode. Electronic Counter Measure
dB Decibel (applies to sound pressure level units) EEC European Economic Community
dB(A) Decibels (A weighted) (applies to sound pressure level units) EET Edge Enhancement Technology
dB(A)I Decibels (A weighted) Impulse response (applies to sound pressure level EHS Environmental Health and Safety
ELOG Electronic Log
dC Diagnostic code
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
DC Digital Copier
Embedded Fax A fax system included in a system device
DC Device Controller, generic term for any module that acts as a image han-
EME Electromagnetic Emission
dling device e.g., SIP. Digital Copier
EN European Norm
DC Direct Current
EOL End Of Line
DC + Fax Digital Copier with embedded Fax card
EOM End Of Message
DCN Disconnect
EOP End Of Procedure
DCS Digital Command Signal
EOR End Of Retransmission
DDF Device Description File
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
DHCP Dynamic Host Config Protocol (similar to BootP)
EPC Electronic Page Collation (memory dedicated to temporary retention of
DIMM Dual In Line Memory Module
images captured from the scanner and network controller)
DIN Deutches Institute fur Normung
EPROM Erasable / Programmable Read Only Memory
DLM Dynamically Loadable Module
EP-SV Electronic Partnership Supervisor (kit)
DMO-E Developing Markets Operations East (was part of RX)
ERR End Retransmission Response
DMO-W Developing Markets Operations West (was part of ACO)
ERU Engineer Replaceable Unit
DOS Disk Operating Systems
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
DPHM Defects Per Hundred Machines
ESG European Solutions Group
DIS Digital Identification Signal
ESS Electronic Sub-System. For this machine use NC
DMA Direct Memory Access
ETP Electronic Test Pattern
DMO Developing Markets Operations
EU European Union

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 40 6-112 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
EUR Europe GWA Green World Alliance
FAX Facsimile HC High Capacity
FCC Federal Communications Commission HCF High Capacity Feeder
FCD Facsimile Coded Data HDD Hard Disk Drive
FCS Facsimile Checking Sequence HDLC High Level Data Link Control
FCOT First Copy Out Time HFLEN High - Frequency (random) Line - Edge Noise. image quality metric.
FD Functional Description HFSI High Frequency Service Intervals
FER Feature Enhancement Request HLD High Level Design. A document that defines the software high level
FID Foreign Interface Device design.
FIF Facsimile Information Field HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
FIFO First In First Out HUI Hybrid User Interface
FireWire IEEE 1349. High speed serial communications system, comprising hard- HVF High Volume Finisher
ware plus protocol. Operates at 100, 200 or 400 Mbits/s, with 800 Mbits/s HVF / BM High Volume Finisher Booklet Maker
under development. See USB and RS-232 HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
firmware Software in a ROM Hz Hertz
FLASH On board erasable and reprogrammable non volatile memory IB or I/B InBoard
FOIP FAX Over Internet Protocol I2C-bus Inter Integrated Circuit bus. This provides a simple bidirectional 2-wire
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array bus for efficient inter-IC control. All I2C-bus compatible devices incorpo-
FPOT First Print Out Time rate an interface which allows them to communicate directly with each
FRU Fuser Replacement Unit other via the I2C-bus.

FSK Frequency Shift Keying ICAT Internal Customer Acceptance Test

FSMA Field Service Maintenance Agreement ICE Internal Customer Engagement

FTP File Transfer Protocol ID Identification
FTT Failure To Train IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
FX Fuji Xerox IDG Inter document gap
G3 Group 3 IEE Institute of Electrical Engineers
GC Group Command IEEE 1284 Parallel port communication
GDI Graphical Display Interface IETF Internal Engineering Task Force

GI Group Identification IFAX Internet Fax

GLCD Graphic Liquid Crystal Display IIT Image Input Terminal

GND Ground IM Interim Maintenance

GPD Minidrivers A Generic Printer Description file has a function similar to PPD files. This Intlk Interlock
format was developed by Microsoft to provide a simple method to IOT Image Output Terminal
develop drivers for non-postScript printers. Standard GPD minidrivers IOTC Image Output Terminal Controller (IOT PWB, LVPS and HVPS). Some-
share the same lamentations as the PPD minidrivers, but they too can be times referred to as the Power and Control Assembly.
enhanced using plug-ins. GPD Minidrivers are a new technology intro- IP Internet Protocol
duced for Windows 2000 and they will also be supported Windows NT 4. IPA Image Processing Accelerator. Used by the machine scanning services
In Windows 95/98, a similar, but less powerful ‘unidriver’ format was
to convert scanned images to a standard format e.g. for scan to file /
scan to E-mail for network transmission.
GS German safety
IPM Incremental Preventative Maintenance
GSM Grams per square metre
IPM Images per minute
GUI Graphics User Interface
IPP Internet Printing Protocol

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-113 GP 40
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
IPS Image Processing Service m metre
IPS1 Image Processing System MAC Address Media Access Code. This is the basic, unique identifier of a networked
IPX Internetwork Protocol eXchange device. An incoming message is analysed and an address in another
form, such as an IP address, is resolved by a lookup table to a MAC
IQ Image Quality
address. The message is then directed to, and accepted by the equip-
IR Infra Red
ment thus identified. It is the burnt-in, hardware address of a NIC.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network / International Standard Data Net-
MB Megabyte (one MB = 1,048,576 bytes = 1024 kilobytes). Mail Box
Mb Mega bit (one million bits)
ISIL Inter and Side Image Lamp
MCF Message Confirmation
ISO International Standards Organization
Mem-Mem Memory to Memory
ITP Internal Test Pattern
MF Multifunction
ITTCC International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
MFLEN Mid - Frequency (random) Lines - Edge Noise
ITU -T International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunication
MH Modified Huffman
JBA Job Based Accounting (Network Accounting)
MIB Machine Information Block. SNMP database element
JBIG Joint Bi-Level Image Experts Group file interchange format
MJ Modular Jack
jitter A line of missing or corrupted information in the fast scan direction.
mm millimetre
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group file interchange format
MMC Microsoft Management Console
kg kilogram
MMR Modified Modified Read compression
kHz kilohertz
MN Multi - National
Kill All Routine to return all NVM, including protected NVM, to a virgin state.
Factory use only Modem MOdulator/DEModulator. Hardware unit that converts the ‘one’ and ‘zero’
binary values from the computer to two frequencies for transmission over
KO Key Operator
the public telephone network (modulation). It also converts the two fre-
LAA Local Area Addressing quencies received from the telephone network to the binary values for
LAN Local Area Network the computer (demodulation).
LCD Liquid Crystal Display Moire Image quality defect caused by interference between patterned originals
LCDM Liquid Crystal Display Module and the digital imaging process. Moire patterns are repetitive and visible
LCS Line Conditioning Signal as bands, plaids or other texture.

LCSS Low Capacity Stapler Stacker MPS Multi-Page Signal

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (allows sharing of corporate MR Modified Read compression
phone book information) MRC Modified Read Compression
LE Lead edge MSG Management Steering Group
LED Light Emitting Diode ms millisecond
LEF Long Edge Feed MSI Multi-Sheet Inserter
LEISUS Low End Interface Unsolicited Status-B MSO Mixed Size Originals
LG Legal MX Modi Xerox
LOA Load Object Attributes N Newton
lpi Lines per inch NA North America
LSI Large Scale Integration NASG-N North American Solutions Group (equivalent to XCI)
LT Letter NASG-S North American Solutions Group (equivalent to USCO)
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply nC nanoCoulomb
Lwr Lower NC Network Controller (equivalent to ESS).
LUI Local user Interface NC Normal Contrast. Copy contrast setting

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 40 6-114 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
NCP Network Core Protocol PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
NCR No Copying Required PD Process Direction
NCU Network Control Unit PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format
NDS NetWare Domain Services or Novell Directory Services PDL Page Description Language
NDS Context NetWare Domain Services Context PDT Product Delivery Team
NDS Tree NetWare Domain Services Tree Pels Picture Data (Pixel)
NetBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface. A network device driver or transport PFM Paper Feed Module
protocol that is the transport driver supplied with LAN Manager. It can PFP Paper Feed Platform
bind with as many as eight media access control drivers.
PHI per Hundred Installs
NetBIOS Network Basic Input / Output System. Software developed by IBM that
PIN Procedural Interrupt Negative
provides the interface between the PC operating system, the I?O bus,
PIN Personal Identification Number
and the network. Since its design, NetBIOS has become a de facto stan-
dard. ping Packet InterNet Groper. Tool to test connections between nodes by send-
NGI Next Generation Infrastructure (new files and mail servers) ing and returning test data.
NIC Network Interface Card. Converts the data to a form suitable for trans- PIP Procedural Interrupt Positive
mission and reception. Uses ARP and RARP. PJL Printed Job Language. Hewlett Packard page description language.
Nm Newton metre PMC Programme Management Committee
NOHAD Noise, Ozone, Heat, Airflow and Dust POPO Power Off Power On
NP Printer configuration POO or P of O Principles of Operation
NS Normal Sharpness. Copy sharpness setting POST Power On Self Test
NSC Non-Standard Facilities Command PPC Power PC. A EPROM manufacturer
NSF Non-Standard Facilities PPD Postscript Printer Description. A PPD file is a simple formatted text file
that contains a description of the printers features and the corresponding
NSS Non-Standard Set-Up
PostScript ‘code’ needed to activate each feature. Apple LaserWrite driv-
NSSD Network. The SESS and CentreWare development team based in Roch-
ers and application programs such as Adobe PageMaker can use PPD
ester NY. This group is now named CDDU. files. With a OOD file, many of the printing features of a network printer
NVM Non-Volatile Memory can be made available to users. However advanced features such as
OA Open Architecture LAN Fax, Accounting and Exception Page Programming cannot be pro-
OB or O/B Out Board vided.
OCT Offsetting Catch Tray PPD Minidrivers PPD minidrivers are available in Windows operating systems (from Win-
dows 95 onwards). With these, a Xerox - supplied PPD file is used in
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
conjunction with an operating system supplied driver ton create a Post-
OGM On Going Maintenance Script driver tailored for a specific device. In windows 95/98, a driver pro-
OOP Out Of Paper vided by this method has lamentations and not all devices features can
OpCo Operating Company be made available to the user. With Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000, it
OSA Online support Assistant is possible to make more features available by using a user interface ren-
dering plug - in. In this document, if the driver is to be provided with If no
OSCG Office Systems Component Group
plug-ins are provided, then it is called a standard minidriver.
P/R Photoreceptor
PPHI Problems Per Hundred Installs
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PPI Post Process Inserter
PC Personal Computer
PPM Prints per minute / Parts Per Million
PC Fax Personal Computer Fax
PPR Partial page Request
PCI Peripheral Component Interface
pps Partial Page Signal / pulses per second
PCI Personal Computer Interface
PPS Product Performance Specification
PCL Printer Control Language

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-115 GP 40
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
PR Photo-Receptor RS-232, RS-423, Series of standards for serial communication of data by wire. RS-232
PRI-EOM Procedure Interrupt-EOM RS-422, RS-485 operates at 20 kbits/s, RS-423 operates at 100 kbits/s, RS-422 and RS-
485 operate at 10 Mbits / s. See FireWire and USB.
PRI-EOP Procedure Interrupt-EOP
RTN Retrain Negative
PRI-MPS Procedure Interrupt-MPS
RTP Retrain Positive
PSM1 Power Save Mode 1 (low power mode)
RTS Request To Send
PSM 3 Power Save Mode 3 (sleep mode)
Rx Receive
PS Post Script
S2E Scan-to-E-mail
PSTN Private Switched Telephone Network
S2F Scan-to-File
PSW Portable Service Workstation
S2X Scan-to-Export
PTT Post, Telephone, Telegraph (national public utilities)
SA Systems Administration
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
SAD Solid Area Density
PVT Product Verification Test
SAKO Systems Administration Key Operator
PWB Printed Wiring Board
SAP Service Advertising Protocol. a network device will broadcast its capabili-
PWB A Printed Wiring Board Assembly
ties onto the network at a defined intervals.
PWS Portable Work Station
SAF Safety
QIT Quality Improvement Team
SAP Service Advertising Protocol
RAM Random Access Memory
SAR Semi-Active Retard feeder
RARP Reverse Address Resolution. Reverse of ARP. Converts a MAC address
SBC Single board controller
to an IP address. The document centre resolves its address using RARP.
See also MAC, NIC and ARP. SCD Software Compatibility Database
RBT Ring Back Tone SCM Software Configuration Management
RCA Remote Customer Assistance SCN Specification Change Notice
RDT Remote Data Transfer SCR Software Change Request
R/E Reduction / Enlargement SCSI Small computer Systems Interface
REN Ringer Equivalence Number SCT Simple Catch Tray
RFC Request for comment. An IETF standard reference. S/D Shut Down
RPC Remote Procedure Call SDK Software Development Kit
RH Relative humidity SDP Software Development Plan
RIC Remote Interactive Communications SDR Shut Down Rate
RIS Raster Input Scanner SDRAM Static Dynamic Remote Access Memory
Riser PWB A card that increases the number of PCI slots. Server Fax A fax system that uses a remote Fax server. Faxes transmit as a Scan to
RJ 45 Phone type network connector File job sent to the server. Fax receive as print jobs submitted to the Con-
nection Device.
RM Requirements Management
SEF Short Edge Feed
RMS Root Mean Square (AC effective voltage)
SESS Strategic Electronic Sub-System
RNR Receive Not Ready
SIM Scanner Input Module
RO Regional Operations
Single board con- Copy, print and UI controllers all on one PWBA within the image process-
ROM Read Only Memory
troller PWB ing module.
ROS Raster Output Scanner
SIP Scanning and Image Processing
RR Receive Ready
SIR Standard Image Reduction
RRB Requirements Review Board
Sixth Sense A single device and group management tool
SLP Service Location Protocol (finds servers)

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 40 6-116 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 1 Abbreviations Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description Term Description
SM Scheduled Maintenance TP Test Point
SMART Systematic Material Acquisition Release Technique TOS Teflon over Silicon
SMB Server Message Block. Microsoft Server / Client Communications proto- TPM Technical Programme Manager
col Transmissive LCD Liquid Crystal Display lit from the back
SMP1 Service Maintenance Pack 1 (contains a software package) TRC Toner Reproduction Curve
SPAR Software Problem Action Request Tri-Folder Output device that creates C and Z folds
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol TRN Train
Snr Sensor TSH Technical Service Hours
SOD System Operating Description TSI Transmit Subscriber Identification
SPL Sound Pressure Level TTY Teletype Terminal
SPP Short Paper Path TUI Textual User Interface
spi Spots per inch Tx Transmit
SPID Service Profile Identification UGD An upgrade file, i.e. filename.ugd
SQA Software Quality Assurance UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
SR Service Representative UDP User Datagram Protocol
SRAM Static Random Access Memory UI User Interface (display screen)
SRC Software Requirements UK United Kingdom
SS or S/S Sub System UM Unscheduled Maintenance
ST System Terminal Device. Multi-functional device as defined by Energy UMR Unscheduled Maintenance Rate
Star (includes DC / NC and DC / NC / Fax)
URL Universal Resource Locator
STP Standard Test Pattern
USB Universal Serial Bus.
STS Side To Side, paper width sensors High speed successor to parallel port for local device communications.
SW Switch Operates at 12 Mbits / s. See FireWire and RS-232.
SW or S/W Software USCO United States Customer Operations
SWL Sound Power Level UTP Un-shielded Twisted Pair
system kernel Minimal operating system V.17 / V.29 / V.34 Modem standards
T&M Time and Materials VALO Value Added Logistic Organization
TAR Take away Roll VAR Value Added Reseller
TBC To Be Confirmed VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker
TBD To Be Defined VGA Video Graphics Array
TCP / IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
TE Trail Edge WC WorkCentre
Template A collection of Scan to File attributes that can be conveniently re-used. WC + PS WorkCentre + PostScript print drivers
TC Toner Concentration WCP WorkCentre Pro
TCF Training Check Field WEB UI CentreWare Internet Services
TDT Transfer Detack WINS Window Internet Name Service
TEC Typical Electricity Consumption XAP Xerox Asia Pacific
TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier XCL Xerox Canada Limited
TIFF Tagged Image File Format XCMI Xerox Common Management Interface
TIFF FX TIFF Fax eXtended XCRU Xerographic CRU (also known as XRU)
TIFFX Tagged Image File Format - for internet FAX XE Xerox Europe

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-117 GP 40
Table 1 Abbreviations
Term Description
XI Xerox Initiated
XL Xerox Limited
XLA Xerox Latin America
XOG Xerox Office Group
XRU Xerographic Replacement Unit
XSA Xerox Standard Accounting
XUL Xerox Unique Login enables use of the xerox corporate directory

General Procedures/Information February 2010

GP 40 6-118 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Tags The 2K LCSS module. Un-dock the LCSS and the Mod / Tag plate is located in the base pan of
the LCSS.
To provide a list of all the tag numbers used together with a description of each of the machine The HVF module. Un-dock the HVF and the Mod / Tag plate is located on the metal panel
modifications. under the docking latch.

Description The tray 5 module. Undock the tray 5 module. The Mod/Tag plate is located on the right side
metal panel.
Each modification to the system is assigned a unique tag number. This section of the service
documentation contains a listing and brief description of all change tags. It also references the
On the Tray 6 inserter the Mod / Tag plate is located on the under side of the unit.
diagnostic routine, dC111 Tag Matrix, used to access, enter, store and retrieve hardware and
software upgrade information contained in the machine's NVM.
Embedded Fax. The Mod / Tag plate is located on the safety cover, PL 20.10 Item 1.
Change tags listed in this section are listed by machine module. The module to which the tag
relates is identified by the tag prefix letter, for example; Tag F048 applies to the Finisher - mod- Classification Codes
ule. The module prefixes are: The Class or Classification code can be explained as follows:
• Processor module - 001 to 250 (no prefix).
• DADH module - D001 to D050. Table 1 Classification codes
• Finisher (1K LCSS) module - L001 to L050. NASG XE
• Finisher (2K LCSS) module - F001 to F050. code code Description
• Finisher (HVF) module - V001 to V050. - 1 Safety: Install this tag immediately.
• Tray 5 module - P001 to P050. M 2 Mandatory: Install this tag at the next opportunity.
• Tray 6 Inserter module - I001 to I050. R 3 Repair: Install this tag as a repair, at the failure of a component.
• Fax - X001 to X050. O 4 Optional: Install as a customer option or a field engineering decision.
Tag Information S 4 Situational: Install as the situation demands.
N 5 Manufacturing: Cannot be installed in the field.
Information that may be included with each tag item is as follows:
6 Refurbishing only.
• Tag - gives the control number for the tag.
• Class - gives the classification codes as listed in Table 1.
• Use - indicates the multinational operating markets affected by the modification.
• Manufacturing Serial Number - gives the serial number of the factory built machines with
the modification installed.
• Purpose - gives a brief description of the modification.
• Name - gives the name of the part or modification.
• Kit Number - gives the part number of the kit or part required to install the modification.
• Reference or Parts List On - indicates the parts list where the kit or modification part can
be found.
Mod / Tag Plate Location
The Processor module. Open the front door and the Mod / Tag plate is located on the left side
of the main machine frame.

The DADH module. Lift up the DADH and the Mod / Tag plate is located on the rear of the

The 1K LSCSS module. Un-dock the 1K LCSS and the Mod / Tag plate is located on the dock-
ing plate.

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-119 Tags
Processor Tags TAG: 005
TAG: 001 CLASS: 3
NAME: Rear gravity gate finger Kit
PURPOSE: This kit is to eliminate paper catching in the gap between the tri roll guide and
NAME: Modified Paper Tray
the rear gravity gate finger.
PURPOSE: A modification to tray 1 or tray 2 to enable Tag 002 to be installed.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 10.12 Item 25
PARTS LIST ON: PL 7.10 Item 1

TAG: 002 TAG: 040

NAME: Single Board Controller (SBC)
NAME: Tray 1 and Tray 2 lip Kit
PURPOSE: Introduction of the single board controller PWB configured machines.
PURPOSE: This kit is to be installed if excessive paper curl occurs in tray 1 or tray 2 W/TAG
001. The lip is installed on the front edge of the paper tray to constrain the curl
on the paper. The excessive curl on the paper can cause the paper to skew and PARTS LIST ON: PL 3.22, PL 3.24
result in paper jams.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 7.10 Item 24

TAG: 046
NAME: Inverter decurler kit (35-55 ppm)
TAG: 004 PURPOSE: To eliminate substandard stacking on all output devices excluding the OCT,
CLASS: 3 caused by the output curl on prints from the IOT.
NAME: Inverter transparency feed Kit (35-55 ppm only) KIT NUMBER:
PURPOSE: This kit is to install an alternative post fuser exit roller. Designed to eliminate PARTS LIST ON: PL 10.20
transparencies from sticking and causing jams on exit from the fuser.
Related faults codes are 10.121 and 10.107.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 10.12 Item 24

TAG: 047
NAME: Inverter decurler kit (65-90 ppm)
PURPOSE: To eliminate substandard stacking on all output devices excluding the OCT,
caused by the output curl on prints from the IOT.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

Processor Tags, DADH Tags 6-120 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
TAG: 048 TAG: 111
NAME: Skew bypass tray spares kit NAME: HCF Heater kit
PURPOSE: Roller spring kit to reduce Skew when copying or printing from the bypass tray. PURPOSE: To prevent paper curl in trays 3 and 4 in high humidity environments.
KIT NUMBER: KIT NUMBER: Kit part number not available for this issue of the service manual.

TAG: 051 TAG: 125

NAME: Drive roll repair kit NAME: Post fuser jam clearance latch (3d/4d)
PURPOSE: Replacement non-perishable shafts and roll assembly. For use in specific envi- PURPOSE: Latch design improved to be more robust.
ronmental condition at hospitals and petrochemical sites. KIT NUMBER:
PARTS LIST ON: PL 8.15, PL 8.17, PL 8.20, PL 8.22, PL 10.14, PL 10.25

TAG: 150
TAG: 101 CLASS: 4
CLASS: 2 NAME: Color scanner
NAME: Paper feed module frame repair kit PURPOSE: Identification of the color scanner configured machines.
PURPOSE: To repair damaged bosses supporting the tray paper size leaf springs. To KIT NUMBER:
strengthen undamaged bosses to prevent future damage.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 14.10, PL 14.15

TAG: 110
NAME: Tray 3 and 4 multifeed roll fix kit (rough tread rolls)
PURPOSE: To improve paper feeding reliability.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 8.30, PL 8.31

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-121 DADH Tags, DADH Tags
DADH Tags TAG: D-004
TAG: D-001 CLASS: 4
NAME: White CVT roll Kit
PURPOSE: To eliminate grey circles appearing on prints when copying hole punched origi-
NAME: Feed yoke kit
PURPOSE: Applicable to machines with a TAG D002 DADH only. To improve actuation of
the DADH feed gates. KIT NUMBER:

PARTS LIST ON: PL 5.17 Item 6

TAG: D-005
TAG: D-002 CLASS: 3
NAME: Feed clutch and spacer kit
PURPOSE: Design improvement on the original clutch.
NAME: Introduction of the Quiet 100 sheet DADH
PURPOSE: Features a motorised nudger in place of the feed solenoid to give a quieter
working performance. PARTS LIST ON: PL 5.17
New DADH PWB introduced with driver circuitry to support the motorised
PARTS LIST ON: PL 5.10 and PL 5.17

TAG: D-003
NAME: Shim washer added to the quiet 100 sheet DADH motorised nudger
PURPOSE: Applicable to machines with a TAG D002 DADH only. Nylon shim washer
added to the motorised nudger to improve nudger cam reliability.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 5.17 Item 5

General Procedures/Information February 2010

DADH Tags, 6-122 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Finisher (2K LCSS) Tags TAG: F-005
TAG: F-001 CLASS: 5
NAME: LCSS elevator motor encoder sensor.
PURPOSE: A new sensor with an improved response time.
NAME: New LCSS graphic labels
PURPOSE: New jam clearance instructions
PARTS LIST ON: PL 11.10 Item 11

TAG: F-006
TAG: F-002 CLASS: 4
NAME: LCSS hole punch field repair kit.
PURPOSE: To implement an adjustment for the LCSS hole punch. All WC5687F machines
NAME: LCSS tamper arms and exit sensor timing
with an LCSS hole punch are manufactured with TAG F006. For use on
PURPOSE: To improve stacking performance
machines with TAG F014 to return to manufactured specification.

TAG: F-003 TAG: F-007

NAME: LCSS entry guide cover change
NAME: LCSS rear frame cutout modified.
PURPOSE: Improve performance
PURPOSE: Change to the cutout in the rear frame to accommodate all configurations of
KIT NUMBER: hole punches
PARTS LIST ON: PL 11.24 Item 5

TAG: F-004
NAME: LCSS noise reduction kit TAG: F-008
PURPOSE: Reduction of operational noises CLASS: 4
KIT NUMBER: NAME: LCSS legal 2 hole enable kit.
PARTS LIST ON: PURPOSE: For use on machines with TAG F007 installed. TAG F008 moves the position of
the punch sensor Q11-110. All types of hole punch (2 hole, 3 hole, 4 hole,
Swedish and Legal SEF) are compatible with TAG F008.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 31.10 Item 6, PL 11.6

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-123
TAG: F-009 TAG: F-014
NAME: Sharp edges removed from area 5 (safety) NAME: 2K LCSS Hole punch field repair kit
PURPOSE: To make safe the customer interaction area around the hole punch. PURPOSE: To implement an adjustment for the LCSS hole punch in the outboard direction.

TAG: F-010 TAG: F-015

NAME: 20 ohm tamper motor NAME: 2K LCSS Control PWB kit
PURPOSE: To eliminate the tamper motor from stalling. PURPOSE: To enable the erase part of the software load.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 11.16 PARTS LIST ON: PL 11.26 Item 1

TAG: F-011
NAME: Re-routed harness
PURPOSE: To improve the routing of the staple harness by using a longer harness.

TAG: F-013
NAME: LCSS bin 1 kit
PURPOSE: Modified angle to the output tray to reduce problem with paper curl.
PARTS LIST ON: PL 11.2 Item 16

General Procedures/Information February 2010

6-124 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Finisher (1K LCSS) Tags Finisher (HVF) Tags
TAG: L-013 TAG: V-001
NAME: LCSS bin 1 kit NAME: Modification to the inserter connector
PURPOSE: Modified angle to the output tray to reduce problem with paper curl. PURPOSE: Pin 3 (ground 24V) and pin 4 (24V) on the bulk head connector on the HVF for
KIT NUMBER: the inserter unit are to close together and could be shorted. On the HVF PWB,
PJ703 pins 2 and 3 are changed position. On the Inserter PWB, PJ5 pins 2 and
3 are changed position. This changes the position of the ground 24V.

TAG: V-002
NAME: Lower paddle switch
PURPOSE: Mod TAG002 may have been struck in manufacturing, but is not a valid mod

TAG: V-003
NAME: Guide hinge pin
PURPOSE: Mod TAG003 may have been struck in manufacturing, but is not a valid mod

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-125 Finisher (HVF) Tags
TAG: V-004 Tray 6 Inserter Tags
CLASS: 5 TAG: I-001
NAME: Paper base middle bearing
PURPOSE: Mod TAG 004 may have been struck in manufacturing, but is not a valid mod
NAME: Safety hazard with the inserter connector
PURPOSE: Pin 3 (ground 24V) and pin 4 (24V) on the bulk head connector on the HVF for
KIT NUMBER: the inserter unit are to close together and could be shorted. On the HVF PWB,
PARTS LIST ON: - PJ703 pins 2 and 3 are changed position. On the Inserter PWB, PJ5 pins 2 and
3 are changed position. This changes the position of the ground 24V.

TAG: V-005
NAME: Three blade lower paddle.
PURPOSE: To improve the contact force on documents in the ejector assembly.

TAG: V-006
NAME: HVF Performance improvement
PURPOSE: Modifications to HVF sub-assemblies for improving overall performance and
reliability of the finisher module, refer to ADJ 11.13-171

TAG: V-007
NAME: Ejector with removable paddle assembly
PURPOSE: Allows replacement of ejector paddle assembly without needing to replace
entire ejector.

General Procedures/Information February 2010

Tray 6 Inserter Tags, Tray 6 Inserter Tags 6-126 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Tray 5 Tags Fax Tags
TAG: P-001 TAG: X-001
NAME: Central foot NAME: L1 fax
PURPOSE: To facilitate top edge registration set-up. PURPOSE: Introduces a new, single line fax.

TAG: P-002
NAME: Feed roll retrofit kit
PURPOSE: Spares kit

February 2010 General Procedures/Information

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 6-127
General Procedures/Information February 2010
6-128 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
7 Wiring Data
Plug Jack Locations
PJ Locations.................................................................................................................... 7-3

Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagrams.............................................................................................................. 7-31

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-1
Wiring Data February 2010
7-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
PJ Locations 25. PJ36 and PJ636, Figure 34.
26. PJ82 and PJ299, Figure 35.
PJ Location Tables
27. PJ279 and 280, Figure 33.
To locate a PJ, go to the appropriate table.
28. PJ530, Figure 32.
• PJ1 to PJ49, Table 1.
29. Power and control module, Figure 5.
• PJ50 to PJ99, Table 2.
30. Power distribution PWB, Figure 9.
• PJ100 to PJ149, Table 3.
31. Riser PWB, Figure 10.
• PJ150 to PJ199, Table 4.
32. ROS, Figure 27.
• PJ200 to PJ249, Table 5.
33. Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150), Figure 11.
• PJ250 to PJ299, Table 6.
34. Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150), Figure 40.
• PJ300 to PJ349, Table 7.
35. Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150), Figure 41.
• PJ350 to PJ399, Table 8.
36. Single board controller PWB, Figure 38.
• PJ400 to PJ449, Table 9.
37. Tray 1 and 2 control PWB, Figure 2.
• PJ450 to PJ499, Table 10.
38. Tray 5 control PWB, Figure 30.
• PJ500 to PJ599, Table 11.
39. Tri Folder Control PWB, Figure 36.
40. UI Control PWB, Figure 20.
Location Figures for PWB Connectors and In-line Connectors 41. UI LCD PWB, Figure 42.
42. Xerographic module, Figure 29.
NOTE: Part list references are given with each figure.
1. BM PWB, Figure 13.
2. DADH PWB, Figure 8. Table 1 PJ1 to PJ49

3. CCD PWB, Figure 25. Wiring

PJ number PJ location figure PJ location
4. Duplex motor driver PWB, Figure 22. diagram

5. Embedded Fax PWB, Figure 21. 1 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 6

6. Exposure lamp inverter, Figure 12. 1 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 30
7. Foreign interface PWB, Figure 39. 1 Figure 31 HVF control PWB WD 33
8. Fuser module, Figure 28. 1 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43
9. HCF Control PWB, Figure 3. 1 Figure 41 Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150) -
10. HVF Control PWB, Figure 31. 2 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 6
11. HVPS, Figure 24. 2 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 30
12. IOT PWB, Figure 1. 2 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43
13. In-line connectors PJ40 and PJ44, Figure 16. 3 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 6
14. In-line connector PJ49, Figure 15. 3 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 30
15. In-line connector PJ63, Figure 14. 3 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43
16. In-line connector PJ75, Figure 19. 4 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 7, WD 8
17. In-line connector PJ93, Figure 17. 4 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 30
18. In-line connector PJ152, Figure 18. 4 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43
19. Inserter PWB, Figure 37. 4 Figure 41 Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 19
20. Inverter motor driver PWB, Figure 23. 5 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 7, WD 8
21. 1K LCSS PWB, Figure 26. 5 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 30
22. 2K LCSS PWB, Figure 7. 5 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43
23. LVPS, Figure 6. 6 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 10
24. Main Drive PWB, Figure 4. 6 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 30

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-3 PJ Locations
Table 1 PJ1 to PJ49 Table 1 PJ1 to PJ49
Wiring Wiring
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location PJ number PJ location figure PJ location
diagram diagram
6 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43 33 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 11
6 Figure 41 Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 19 34 - Registration sensor WD 7
7 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 10 35 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 11
7 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 31 36 - Bypass feed solenoid WD 10
7 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43 37 - Registration clutch WD 7
8 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 6 38 - Inverter nip solenoid WD 7
8 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 31 39 - Inverter path solenoid WD 7
8 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43 40 Figure 16 In-line connector on duplex transport WD 7
9 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 10 41 - Erase lamp WD 7
9 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 31 42 - Photoreceptor fan WD 1
9 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 43 43 - In-line connector WD 7
10 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 10 Vacuum transport fan
Transfer / detack cleaner motor
10 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 44
Transfer / detack home sensor
11 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 3
44 Figure 16 In-line connector on registration trans- WD 7
11 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 44 port
12 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 31 45 Figure 23 Inverter motor driver PWB WD 7
12 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 23 46 - Ambient temperature / humidity sensor WD 10
12 Figure 37 Inserter PWB WD 44 47 - Developer temperature sensor WD 10
13 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 31 48 - Waste bottle full sensor WD 10
14 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 11 49 Figure 15 In-line connector WD 7
14 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 32 Inverter entry sensor (65-90 ppm)
15 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 32 IOT exit sensor
16 Figure 5 / Figure 6 Power and control assembly / LVPS WD 1 Inverter path solenoid
Inverter nip solenoid
16 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 32
16 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 9
16 Figure 39 Foreign interface PWB WD 12
17 Figure 5 / Figure 6 Power and control assembly / LVPS WD 1 Table 2 PJ50 to PJ99
17 Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB WD 32 PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
18 Figure 5 / Figure 6 Power and control assembly / LVPS WD 1
50 Figure 22 Duplex motor WD 7
19 Figure 5 / Figure 6 Power and control assembly / LVPS WD 1
55 Figure 23 Inverter motor driver PWB WD 7
21 Figure 5 Power and control assembly bulkhead WD 1
55 Figure 24 HVPS WD 11
22 Figure 5 Power and control assembly bulkhead WD 1
56 - Left hand door interlock WD 10
23 Figure 5 Power and control assembly bulkhead WD 1
57 - Waste toner door switch WD 10
24 Figure 5 Power and control assembly WD 2
58 - Bypass width sensor WD 10
25 Figure 5 / Figure 6 Power and control assembly / LVPS WD 2
59 - Bypass empty sensor WD 10
26 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 3
61 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 8
27 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 3
63 Figure 14 In-line connector beside tray 1 and 2 WD 20
30 - IOT exit sensor WD 7 control PWB
31 - Wait sensor WD 7 64 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 11
32 - Duplex sensor WD 7

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 2 PJ50 to PJ99 Table 3 PJ100 to PJ149
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
65 Figure 1 IOT PWB WD 8, WD 9 111 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
67 - Bulkhead connector (yellow) tray 2 WD 21 111 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12
68 - Bulkhead connector (black) tray 1 WD 20 112 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
69 - Tray 1 paper feed assembly WD 20 113 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
70 - Tray 1 paper feed assembly WD 20 113 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12
71 - Tray 1 feed head assembly WD 20 114 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB -
72 - Tray 2 paper feed assembly WD 21 115 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 2
73 - Tray 2 paper feed assembly WD 21 120 Figure 27 ROS WD1
74 - Tray 2 feed head assembly WD 21 121 Figure 27 ROS WD 6
75 Figure 19 In-line connector on toner dispense WD 10 121 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
module 122 Figure 27 ROS WD 6
76 Figure 15 In-line connector to thermistor to oper- WD 11 124 - In-line to foreign interface device WD 12
ate front door fans. Also for tri-roll nip
125 Figure 25 CCD PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 12
split solenoid (65 - 90 ppm)
130 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 12
81 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 12
131 Figure 9 Power distribution PWB WD 2
82 Figure 35 Transfer / detack cleaner motor WD 9
131 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
91 Figure 22 Duplex motor driver PWB WD 7
132 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
93 Figure 17 In-line connector on developer module WD 10
133 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
95 - Toner dispense motor WD 10
139 - Power distribution PWB WD 4
96 - Toner cartridge drive motor WD 10
141 Figure 28 Fuser CRUM connector WD 6
97 - Low toner sensor WD 10
142 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
144 Figure 29 Xerographic module CRUM connector WD 6
146 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
Table 3 PJ100 to PJ149 147 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram 148 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
149 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
100 Figure 28 Fuser drawer connector WD 2, WD 11
100 Figure 39 Foreign interface PWB WD 12
101 Figure 10 Riser PWB WD 12
101 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 33 Table 4 PJ150 to PJ199
101 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12 PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
102 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 34
151 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
102 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12
151 Figure 5 Power and control module WD 3
103 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 33
151 Figure 5 1K LCSS communication harness WD 3
103 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12
151 Figure 5 2K LCSS communication harness WD 3
104 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 33
152 Figure 18 In-line connector, single board control- WD 13
104 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12 ler module rear
105 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 6 152 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12
106 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 3 153 - Ozone fan WD 6
107 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12 154 Figure 4 Main drive PWB WD 6
109 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB - 156 Figure 10 Riser PWB WD 12

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-5 PJ Locations
Table 4 PJ150 to PJ199
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
Table 6 PJ250 to PJ299
157 Figure 10 Riser PWB -
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
157 Figure 21 Embedded Fax PWB WD 12
270 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 1
181 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
271 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 10
183 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
272 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 20
184 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
273 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 21
186 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
274 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 20
187 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
275 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 21
189 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
276 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB WD 20, WD 21
190 Figure 8 DADH PWB WD 13
279 Figure 33 Behind tray 1 on bulkhead WD 20
191 - In-line connector WD 13
280 Figure 34 Behind tray 2 on bulkhead WD 21
192 - DADH registration sensor WD 13
299 Figure 36 Transfer / detack stall sensor WD 9
193 - DADH width sensor WD 13
194 - DADH length sensor 2 WD 13
195 - DADH length sensor 1 WD 13
196 - DADH exit sensor WD 13
Table 7 PJ300 to PJ349
197 - DADH take away sensor WD 13
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
198 - DADH CVT sensor WD 13
300 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 25
199 - Document present sensor WD 13
301 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 25
301 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 35
302 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 25
Table 5 PJ200 to JP249 302 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 36
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram 303 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 25
200 - DADH feed sensor WD 13 303 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 36
201 - DADH Nudger motor WD 13 304 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 25
201 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 35 304 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 36
201 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12 305 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 25
202 - DADH feed clutch WD 13 306 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 26
202 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 35 307 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 26
202 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB - 308 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 26
203 - DADH CVT motor WD 13 309 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 27
203 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB - 310 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 27
204 - DADH feed motor WD 13 311 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 27
204 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB - 312 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 27
205 - In-line connector WD 13 313 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 28
205 Figure 41 Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 12 314 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 28
205 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12 315 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 28
206 Figure 41 Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 12 316 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 28
206 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 12 317 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 28
211 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB WD 4 318 Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB WD 28
221 Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB -

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-6 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Table 10 PJ450 to PJ499
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
Table 8 PJ350 to PJ399
463 Figure 12 Exposure lamp inverter WD 30
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
464 Figure 12 Exposure lamp inverter WD 30
350 - Offline staple PWB WD 27
465 - In-line connector WD 14
390 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22
466 Figure 25 CCD PWB WD 31
391 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22
495 - OCT module PWB WD 29
392 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22
393 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22
394 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 20
395 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22 Table 11 PJ500 to PJ999
396 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22 Connection PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
397 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22 501 Figure 5 Power and control module WD 23
398 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22 501 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 37
399 Figure 3 HCF control PWB WD 22 502 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 23
502 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 37
503 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 23
503 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 37
Table 9 PJ400 to PJ449
504 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 23
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
505 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 23
401 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 36 506 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 24
402 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 36 507 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 24
403 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 36 508 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB (not used) -
509 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB (not used) -
510 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB (not used) -
511 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 24
512 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB WD 23
Table 10 PJ450 to PJ499
514 Figure 31 Tray 5 control PWB (not used) -
PJ number PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
515 Figure 32 In-line connector in the tray 5 harness - WD 23
451 Figure 25 CCD PWB WD 31 power and control module
451 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 15 530 - In-line connector WD 11
452 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 15 530 Figure 33 In-line connector above tray 5 elevator WD 23
453 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 14 motor
454 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 14 531 - Paper path cooling fan 1 WD 11
456 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 14 532 - Paper path cooling fan 2 WD 11
457 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 14 537 - Tray 1 feed sensor WD 12
458 Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) WD 30 539 - Tray 1 and 2 transport motor WD 13
459 - Input module angle sensor (W/O TAG WD 14 540 - Tray 1 feed motor WD 12
150) 541 - Tray 1 stack height sensor WD 12
460 - Scan carriage home sensor (W/O TAG WD 14 542 - Tray 1 empty sensor WD 12
150) 545 - Tray 2 feed motor WD 13
461 - Document size sensor 1 (W/O TAG 150) WD 14 546 - Tray 2 stack height sensor WD 13
462 - Document size sensor 2 (W/O TAG 150) WD 14 547 - Tray 2 empty sensor WD 13

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-7 PJ Locations
Table 11 PJ500 to PJ999 Table 11 PJ500 to PJ999
Connection PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram Connection PJ location figure PJ location Wiring diagram
552 - Tray 2 feed sensor WD 13 922 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 16
539 - Tray 1 and 2 transport motor WD 13 923 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 17
551 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 40 924 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 17
552 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 40 926 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 17
553 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 40 927 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 17
554 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 40 929 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 17
555 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 41 930 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 18
556 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 41 931 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 18
557 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 41 932 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 18
559 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 34, WD 41 942 Figure 42 UI LCD PWB WD 45
559 Figure 5 Beside IOT PWB at lower right corner WD 9 943 Figure 42 UI LCD PWB WD 45
560 Figure 13 BM PWB WD 41 944 Figure 42 UI LCD PWB WD 45
561 Figure 13 BM PWB (not used) 945 Figure 42 UI LCD PWB WD 45
562 Figure 13 BM PWB (only used with HVF) WD 34, WD 41 998 Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB -
563 Figure 13 BM PWB (only used with HVF) WD 41, WD 42 998 - Hard Disk WD 4
601 Figure 36 Tri folder control PWB WD 42 999 - Hard Disk WD 4
601 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 37
601 Figure 36 Tri Folder control PWB WD 42
602 Figure 36 Tri Folder control PWB WD 42
602 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 37
603 Figure 36 Tri folder control PWB WD 42
604 Figure 35 Tri folder control PWB WD 42
605 Figure 36 Tri folder control PWB WD 42
636 Figure 34 Near upper hinge in left hand door WD 9, WD 20,
701 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 37, WD 38
702 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 38
703 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 38
703 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 38
703 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 38
801 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 38
802 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 38
901 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 39
902 Figure 31 HVF Control PWB WD 39
905 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 12
906 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 45
907 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 45
908 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 45
909 Figure 20 UI control PWB WD 45
920 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 16
921 Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) WD 16

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-8 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
IOT PWB Tray 1 and 2 Control PWB
Location: PL 1.10 Item 2 Location: PL 7.10 Item 2

Figure 1 IOT PWB Figure 2 Tray 1 and 2 control PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-9 PJ Locations
HCF Control PWB Main Drive Module
Location: PL 7.20 Item 2 Location: (35-55 ppm) PL 4.15 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 4.10 Item 1

Figure 3 HCF control PWB Figure 4 Main drive module

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-10 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Power and Control Assembly LVPS and Base Module
Location: PL 1.10 Item 1 Location: PL 1.10 Item 3

Figure 6 LVPS and base module

Figure 5 Power and control Assembly

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-11 PJ Locations
Location: PL 11.26 Item 1 Location: PL 5.10 Item 5

Figure 8 DADH PWB

Figure 7 2K LCSS PWB

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-12 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Power Distribution PWB Riser PWB
Location: PL 3.24 Item 5 Location: PL 3.22 Item 3

Figure 9 Power distribution PWB Figure 10 Riser PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-13 PJ Locations
Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) Exposure Lamp Inverter
Location: PL 14.25 Item 4 Location: (W/O TAG 150) PL 14.25 Item 12, (W/TAG 150) PL 14.15 Item 12

Figure 11 Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) Figure 12 Exposure lamp inverter

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-14 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
BM PWB In-line Connector PJ63
Location: PL 11.166 Item 10 Location: PL 7.10

Tray 1 and 2 control PWB PJ63

Figure 13 BM PWB Figure 14 PJ63

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-15 PJ Locations
In-line Connector PJ49 and PJ76 In-line Connectors PJ40 and PJ44
Location: PL 10.11 Location: PL 8.20

PJ44 PJ40 Duplex transport

Figure 16 PJ40 and PJ44

PJ76 (65-90ppm)
Inverter assembly PJ49

Figure 15 PJ49 and PJ76

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-16 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
In-line Connector PJ93 In-line Connectors PJ152 and PJ800
Location: PL 9.15 Location: PL 3.24

Single board controller PWB
Developer bias connection
Developer module

Figure 17 PJ93 Figure 18 PJ152 and PJ800

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-17 PJ Locations
In-line Connector PJ75 UI Control PWB
Location: PL 9.15 Location: PL 2.10


Toner dispense module

Figure 19 PJ75 Figure 20 UI control PWB

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-18 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Embedded Fax PWB Duplex Motor Driver PWB
Location: PL 20.10 Item 4 Location: PL 8.20 Item 9

Figure 21 Embedded Fax PWB

Figure 22 Duplex motor driver PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-19 PJ Locations
Inverter Motor Driver PWB HVPS
Location: PL 10.11 Item 22 Location: PL 1.10 Item 5

Figure 23 Inverter motor driver PWB

Figure 24 HVPS

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-20 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Location: PL 14.25 Item 19 Location; PL 11.124 Item 1

Figure 25 CCD PWB (W/O TAG 150) Figure 26 1K LCSS PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-21 PJ Locations
ROS Fuser Module
Location: PL 6.10 Item 4 Location: (35-55 ppm) PL 10.8 Item 1, (65-90 ppm) PL 10.10 Item 1


Fuser drawer connector PJ100


PJ109 (35-55 ppm)

PJ228 (65-90 ppm)
PJ121 PJ2 (harness)

Fuser CRUM PJ141

Figure 27 ROS

Figure 28 Fuser module

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-22 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Xerographic Module Tray 5 Control PWB
Location: PL 9.20 Item 2 Location: PL 7.68 Item 8

Xerographic CRUM

Figure 29 Xerographic module Figure 30 Tray 5 Control PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-23 PJ Locations
HVF Control PWB In-line connector PJ530
Location PL 11.157 Item 2 Location: PL 7.68 Item 4


Figure 31 HVF Control PWB Figure 32 PJ530

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-24 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
In-line connectors PJ279 and PJ280 In-line connectors PJ36 and PJ636
Location: PL 8.25 Item 9 Location: PL 7.30





Figure 33 PJ279 and PJ280 Figure 34 PJ36 and PJ636

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-25 PJ Locations
In-line connectors PJ82 and PJ299 Tri Folder Control PWB
Location: (45-90 ppm) PL 9.20 Location: PL 11.193 Item 16



Figure 35 PJ82 and PJ299 Figure 36 Tri Folder Control PWB

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-26 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Inserter PWB Single Board Controller PWB
Location: PL 11.179 Item 9 Location: PL 3.24 Item 3

Figure 37 Inserter PWB Figure 38 Single Board Controller PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-27 PJ Locations
Foreign Interface PWB Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150)
Location: PL 3.22 Item 4 Location: PL 3.22 Item 4

Figure 40 Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150)

Figure 39 Foreign Interface PWB

Wiring Data February 2010

PJ Locations 7-28 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Scanner Daughter PWB (W/O TAG 150) UI LCD PWB
Location: PL 3.24 Location: PL 2.10

Figure 41 Scanner Daughter PWB (W/TAG 150)

Figure 42 UI LCD PWB

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-29 PJ Locations
Wiring Data February 2010
PJ Locations 7-30 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagrams HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 37.
HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 38.
HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 39
Wiring diagrams are an aid to trace wiring faults. Wiring Diagrams are used to complement the
HVF BM PWB, Wiring Diagram 40.
circuit diagram in the relevant RAP.
HVF BM PWB, Wiring Diagram 41.
Introduction Tri-Folder PWB, Wiring Diagram 42.
The main PWB connections are in the following wiring diagrams: Inserter PWB, Wiring Diagram 43.
Input power, Wiring Diagram 1 Inserter PWB, Wiring Diagram 44.
LVPS and power distribution, Wiring Diagram 2. UI control PWB, Wiring Diagram 45.
Power distribution, Wiring Diagram 3. The diagrams have the following features:
Hard disk drive single board controller, Wiring Diagram 4. • The connections on the PWBs are in PJ numerical sequence where possible.
LVPS and IOT PWB, Wiring Diagram 5. • The complete component to PWB wiring is shown. All interconnecting connectors are
shown, in part or in whole. Connectors shown in part have reference to other wiring dia-
IOT PWB, single board controller PWB and drives module, Wiring Diagram 6.
grams as necessary.
IOT PWB and paper path module (35 ppm), Wiring Diagram 7.
• Where necessary, components have references to show additional connections to them.
IOT PWB and paper path module (40-55 ppm), Wiring Diagram 8
• Straight through tracks on the PWBs are shown.
IOT PWB and paper path module (65-90 ppm), Wiring Diagram 9.
IOT PWB, HVPS, paper path module and developer module, Wiring Diagram 10.
How to use Wiring Diagrams
IOT PWB, HVPS, Wiring Diagram 11. NOTE: All Adjustments, Repairs and Part List references are shown in the relevant RAP.
Single board controller PWB, Wiring Diagram 12. Wiring Diagrams are used in conjunction with the circuit diagrams and their supporting RAPs.
DADH PWB, Wiring Diagram 13. The steps that follow should be used:
Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) (1 of 2), Wiring Diagram 14.
Scanner PWB (W/O TAG 150) (2 of 2), Wiring Diagram 15. 1. From the circuit diagram in the RAP, note the name of the PWB.
Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) (1 of 3) Wiring Diagram 16. 2. Note the component and its harness connection on the PWB.
Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) (2 of 3) Wiring Diagram 17. 3. Go to the relevant Wiring Diagram.
Scanner PWB (W/TAG 150) (3 of 3) Wiring Diagram 18. 4. Locate the connector on the PWB.
Scanner daughter PWB (W/TAG 150) Wiring Diagram 19. 5. Assess the dependency of other components in the same harness connected to the
Tray 1 and tray 2 control PWB, Wiring Diagram 20.
6. Isolate and repair the wiring fault.
Tray 1 and tray 2 control PWB, Wiring Diagram 21.
HCF PWB, Wiring Diagram 22.
Tray 5 PWB, Wiring Diagram 23.
Tray 5 PWB, Wiring Diagram 24.
2K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 25.
2K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 26.
2K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 27.
2K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 28.
OCT, Wiring Diagram 29.
1K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 30.
1K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 31.
1K LCSS PWB, Wiring Diagram 32.
HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 33.
HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 34.
HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 35.
HVF PWB, Wiring Diagram 36.

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-31 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 1

Figure 1 Wiring Diagram 1

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-32 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 2

Figure 2 Wiring Diagram 2

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-33 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 3

Figure 3 Wiring Diagram 3

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-34 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 4

Figure 4 Wiring Diagram 4

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-35 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 5

Figure 5 Wiring Diagram 5

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-36 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 6

Figure 6 Wiring Diagram 6

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-37 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 7 (35 ppm Only)

Figure 7 Wiring Diagram 7

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-38 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 8 (40-55 ppm Only)

Figure 8 Wiring Diagram 8

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-39 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 9 (65-90 ppm Only)

Figure 9 Wiring Diagram 9

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-40 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 10

Figure 10 Wiring Diagram 10

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-41 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 11

Figure 11 Wiring Diagram 11

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-42 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 12

Figure 12 Wiring Diagram 12

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-43 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 13

Figure 13 Wiring Diagram 13

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-44 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 14 (W/O TAG 150)

Figure 14 Wiring Diagram 14

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-45 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 15 (W/O TAG 150)

Figure 15 Wiring Diagram 15

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-46 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 16 (W/TAG 150)

Figure 16 Wiring Diagram 16

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-47 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 17 (W/TAG 150)

Figure 17 Wiring Diagram 17

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-48 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 18 (W/TAG 150)

Figure 18 Wiring Diagram 18

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-49 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 19 (W/TAG 150)

Figure 19 Wiring Diagram 19

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-50 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 20

Figure 20 Wiring Diagram 20

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-51 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 21

Figure 21 Wiring Diagram 21

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-52 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 22

Figure 22 Wiring Diagram 22

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-53 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 23

Figure 23 Wiring Diagram 23

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-54 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 24

Figure 24 Wiring Diagram 24

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-55 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 25

Figure 25 Wiring Diagram 25

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-56 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 26

Figure 26 Wiring Diagram 26

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-57 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 27

Figure 27 Wiring Diagram 27

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-58 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 28

Figure 28 Wiring Diagram 28

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-59 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 29

Figure 29 Wiring diagram 29

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-60 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 30

Figure 30 Wiring Diagram 30

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-61 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 31

Figure 31 Wiring Diagram 31

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-62 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 32

Figure 32 Wiring Diagram 32

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-63 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 33

Figure 33 Wiring Diagram 33

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-64 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 34

Figure 34 Wiring Diagram 34

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-65 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 35

Figure 35 Wiring Diagram 35

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-66 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 36

Figure 36 Wiring Diagram 36

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-67 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 37

Figure 37 Wiring Diagram 37

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-68 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 38

Figure 38 Wiring Diagram 38

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-69 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 39

Figure 39 Wiring Diagram 39

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-70 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 40

Figure 40 Wiring Diagram 40

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-71 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 41

Figure 41 Wiring Diagram 41

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-72 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 42

Figure 42 Wiring Diagram 42

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-73 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 43

Figure 43 Wiring Diagram 43

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-74 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
Wiring Diagram 44

Figure 44 Wiring Diagram 44

February 2010 Wiring Data

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 7-75 Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagram 45

Figure 45 Wiring Diagram 45

Wiring Data February 2010

Wiring Diagrams 7-76 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
8 Accessories
ACC 1 Foreign Device Checkout .................................................................................... 8-3

February 2010 Accessories

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 8-1
Accessories February 2010
8-2 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
ACC 1 Foreign Device Checkout
• Go to the 03-412 Foreign Device PWB Fault RAP.

February 2010 Accessories

Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family 8-3 ACC 1
Accessories February 2010
ACC 1 8-4 Xerox WorkCentre 5790 Family
EHS 700 - Health & Safety Incident Report Form
for Incidents Involving a Xerox Product
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PIPEDA consent given YES NO EH&S Incident Reference Number:
PIPEDA is the Canadian “Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.”

*Date Of Incident (mm / dd / yy):

Product Description
*Model No. or Product Name:

Product Serial Number: Serial Number(s) of Accessory (ies):

Installation Date: Total Copy Meter:

Date of last service maintenance:

List damaged and affected part(s) of the machine by description and part number:

*Description Part Number

*Location of product and affected part(s):

Customer Identification
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*Address: E-mail: *Telephone:


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Form EH&S-700 Rev 2.0 (21 February 2008)

EHS 700 - Health & Safety Incident Report Form for Page 2
Incidents Involving a Xerox Product

Details of Incident
*Description Of Incident: (Check all that apply)
Describe quantity and duration of smoke:

Fire with open flames seen

Electric shock to operator or service representative
Physical injury/illness to operator or service representative

Other, Describe:
MANDATORY DESCRIPTION (above): Provide a detailed description of all valid factors that may have
contributed to the incident. Hardware involved in the incident should be preserved and retained for further
investigation should investigation be deemed necessary by EH&S.

*Any damage to customer property? No Yes Describe:

*Did external emergency response provider(s) such as fire department, ambulance, etc. respond?
No Yes Identify: (i.e., source, names of individuals)

Apparent cause of incident (identify part that is suspect to be responsible for the incident)

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Instructions: E-mail or fax both pages of this completed form to EH&S:

• For incidents in Xerox Europe and Developing Markets East
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• For incidents in North America and Developing Markets West
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* Required information is preceeded by asterisk, title shown in red, turquoise wash background

Form EH&S-700 Rev 2.0 (21 February 2008)



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