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Rhinoceros (or shortly - rhino) is the second largest land Endangered ; terancam punah
mammal (elephant is the largest). These animals can be Excessive; berlebihan
found in Africa and Asia. There are 5 species of rhinos Poacher; pemburu
and all of them are endangered because of the excessive Horns tanduk
hunting. Poachers are killing rhinos because of their Decreasing; menurun
horns. Valuable; berharga
Habitat; tempat hidup
Behaviour; ringkah laku
Disaster; bencana
Rhino can reach 1,8 m in height, 3,4 m in length and Height; tinggi Length; panjang
weigh up to 2700 kg. Despite its huge body size, it has Weigh; berat Despite; meskipun
very small brain. Two types of rhinos live in Africa: Huge; besar Wider; lebih lebar
white and black. White rhino is not white at all. It has Compared; dibandingkan
brownish skin and it has wider mouth compared to black Rarest; paling langka Wild; alam liar
rhino. Javan rhinoceros is the rarest of all species. Only Covered; tertutup Heavy; berat
50 animals are left in the wild. This species looks like its Plates; piringan Fold; lipatan
body is covered with heavy plates. These plates are Thick; tebal Suffer; menderita
actually folds of the skin. Although their skin is thick, it Mud; lumpur Layer; lapisan
is soft and can suffer sunburn. Rhinos cover themselves Ability; kemampuan Shape; bentuk
with mud to create protective layer on the skin. Mud Rough; kasar Swamp; rawa
protects their skin from insects also.

Rhinos are herbivorous animals (eat only plants). They Grass; rumput, shrub; semak, leaves; daun,
eat grass, shrubs, leaves and shoots. Rhinos horns are shoot; kuncup tanaman
made of the same substance (called keratin) that makes Plant; tanaman
our nails. Different species have different number of Substance; zat
horns: Indian and Javan rhinoceros have one horn, while Nail; kuku
White, Black and Sumatran rhinos have two horns. Different; beda
Longest measured horn was 4 feet and 9 inches long. Measure; terukur
Small birds called oxpeckers remove ticks and other Tick; kotoran
insects from rhino's skin. Number; jumlah
Crunchy; renyah
Dusty; berdebu
Rhino is a fast running animal. It can run up to 64 km Eyesight; penglihatan
per hour. Rhinos have poor eyesight, but they have Sense; indra
excellent sense of smell and hearing. Group of rhinos is Smell; penciuman
called a crash. Black rhinos fight often against each Hearing; pendengaran
other. 50% of males and 30% of females die as a result Male; jantan
of the fight. Pregnancy lasts between 14 and 18 months Female; betina
and mother takes a good care of her baby. Young rhino Result; hasil
will leave its mother 2-4 years after it is born. Rhinos Pregnancy; kehamilan,
live 40-45 years in the wild. Independence; mandiri
Strength; kekuatan
Weaknesses ; kelemahan

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