Rac Book-1
Rac Book-1
Rac Book-1
Dedicated to Keyonte
From Ms. Edminster
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Lion
Chapter 2: Elephant
Chapter 3: Zebras
Chapter 4: Giraffe
Chapter 5: Rhino
Chapter 6: Cheetah
Glossary: Page 9
More information: Page 10
Credits : Page 11
Lions Female lions are not the best
hunters because it takes them
Lions are carnivores multiple tries to get one kill.
that hunt their prey After a kill is made, male lions
with their pride. A pride eat first, then female lions,
is the is a group of 3-40 and then the cubs get to eat.
lions that all live
Hunting is done at
night in groups of
two or three. They
use teamwork to
stalk, surround, and
kill their prey.
Elephants can also use their
trunks to help each other when
An adult African elephant’s they are stuck in mud or caring
trunk is about seven feet for their young.