Municipal Corporation/Council/Committee, - : Location: - , Haryana Date
Municipal Corporation/Council/Committee, - : Location: - , Haryana Date
Municipal Corporation/Council/Committee, - : Location: - , Haryana Date
Issued by
Name of Municipality_______________
Contact No.
This Term of Reference (TOR) document for “Selection of Architect/Firm from Empanelled Architects
under category____ and above for <Name of work> of Municipal Corporation, Council, Committees in
District____________ contains brief information about the scope of work and selection process for
the Successful Applicant. Empanelled Architects means Architects empanelled by HSIIDC under
various categories vide letter no. HSIIDC:Engg:AK:341(1)2023:2908-2913 dated 07.08.2023 and
circulated by the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies vide letter No. ______ dated____. The purpose
of the TOR document is to provide the Applicants with information to assist the formulation of their
While all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this
Document, this Document does not purport to contain all the information required by the Applicant.
The Applicant should conduct their own independent assessment, investigations and analysis and
should check the reliability, accuracy and completeness of the information at their end and obtain
independent advice from relevant sources as required before submission of their proposals.
Municipal Corporation/Council_________, its employees and advisers make no representation or
warranty and shall have no liability to any person including any Applicant under any law, statute,
rules or regulations or tort, principles of restriction or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss,
damages, cost or expense which may arise from, to be incurred or suffered on account of anything
contained in this document or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability
or completeness of the TOR and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained
therein or deemed to form part of this TOR or arising in any way in this selection process.
District Municipal Commissioner/Commissioner, Municipal Corporation_________ reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all applications without giving any reasons thereof. Municipal
Corporation/Committee_________ will not entertain or be liable for any claim for costs and expenses
in relation to the preparation of the entries to be submitted in accordance with the conditions listed in
this TOR.
1. Data Sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 1
2. General Information ......................................................................................................................... 2
3. Terms of Reference ...................................................................................................................... 2-3
4. Instruction to Applicant……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3-9
5. Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................9-16
6. Financial terms ......................................................................................................................... 16-17
7. Payment Terms.............................................................................................................................. 17
8. Technical Evaluation Criteria .................................................................................................... 18-26
9. Selection Process…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26
10. Pro-forma for Submission ........................................................................................................26-33
11. Standard Conditions (SC) ...........................................................................................................34-42
1. Data Sheet
a. Name of the Bid TOR for Empanelled Architects under category_____ and above
for <Name of Work> of Municipal Corporation, Council,
Committees in District____________
b. Approximate cost of project on
the basis of plinth area rate
c. RFP Document Fee ₹ 2,000/- (RFP Document charge) + ₹ 1,180/- (e-Service charge)
(Non-Refundable) (For every
d. Name of the Authority’s official Name of the Officer
for addressing queries/ Address
clarifications and submissions* Phone:
3. Terms of Reference
One project of minimum 80% of the cost of the project taken in this TOR
Two projects of minimum 60% of the cost of the project each taken in this TOR
Three projects of minimum 50% of the cost of the project each taken in this TOR
Similar project means “If the present proposal is for the Office Building than similar
project will be Office Building:” Architect/firm shall submit a certificate from the client
for the successful completion of the project.
4. Instructions to Applicants
4.1 General Instructions
4.1.1 Number of Proposals and respondents
i. No Applicant or its Associate shall submit more than one Proposal, in response
to this TOR.
ii. The TOR Document is not transferable.
ii. All papers submitted with the Proposal are neither returnable nor claimable.
II) All other matters that might affect the applicant's performance
under the terms of this TOR Document.
iii. Municipality shall not be liable for any mistake or error on the part of the
applicant in respect of the above.
4.2 Preparation and Submission of Proposals
4.2.1 Language and currency
The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the
English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the
Applicant with the Proposal may be in any other language provided that they are
accompanied by appropriate translations of the pertinent passages in the English
language. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be
considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the
English language translation shall prevail.
4.2.2 Format and Signing of Proposals
i. The Architect/firm needs to submit their technical proposals in prescribed
ii. The proposals shall be typed or printed, and the applicant shall initial each
page, all the alterations, omissions, additions, or any other amendments made
to the proposal shall be initialled by the person(s) signing the proposal.
iii. Architect/firm would provide all the information as per the TOR Document and
in the specified formats. District Municipal Commissioner/ Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation reserves the right to reject any proposal that is not in
the specified formats.
iv. In case the Architect/firm intends to give additional information for which
specified space in the given format is not sufficient, it can be furnished in duly
stamped and signed enclosed sheets.
4.2.3 Sealing and marking of proposals
i. The technical proposal shall be sealed in one single outer envelope clearly
bearing the following identification: “Selection of Architect/Firm from
Empanelled Architects under category____ and above for <Name of work> of
Municipal Corporation, Council, Committees in District____________ ”.
ii. The proposals shall be addressed to:
Designation of Officer
Address of the office
iii. The envelope shall indicate the name, address and contact number of the
iv. If the envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, the Proposal
may be deemed to be non-responsive and would be liable for rejection.
4.2.4 Proposal due date
i. District Municipal Commissioner/ Commissioner, Municipal Corporation at its
sole discretion, may extend the Proposal due date by issuing an Addendum.
ii. Proposals should be submitted at or before Proposal due date, in the manner
and form as detailed in this TOR.
iii. District Municipal Commissioner/ Commissioner, Municipal Corporation may,
in exceptional circumstances and for reasons to be recorded in writing,
extend the Proposal Due Date, by issuing an Addendum uniformly for all
4.2.5 Late Proposals
Any Proposals received by municipality after proposal end date shall not be
4.2.6 Modifications/ Substitution/ Withdrawal of Proposals
The Applicant will not be allowed to modify, substitute or withdraw its Proposal
once submitted to the Municipality. From the time the Proposals are opened to
the time the contract is awarded, if any Architect/firm wishes to contact
municipality, on any matter related to its proposal it should do so in writing.
Any effort by the Applicant to influence any officer or bearer of municipality in the
proposal evaluation or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the
Architect/firm’s proposal.
4.3 Proposal opening
4.3.1 Opening of Proposals
i. Municipality would open the Proposals at the date as mentioned in the date
sheets for the purpose of evaluation.
ii. Proposals shall be opened in presence of interested Architect/firm who
choose to be present at specified time and location.
iii. Municipality would subsequently examine Proposals in accordance with the
criteria set out in this Document.
4.3.2 Confidentiality
i. Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and
recommendation for the Architect/firm shall not be disclosed to any person not
officially concerned with the process.
ii. After opening of the Proposals, no information relating to the
examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Proposals and
recommendations concerning the award of contract shall be disclosed to the
Architect/firm or their representatives, if any. Any effort by an Architect/firm
to exert undue or unfair influence in the process of examination, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of Proposal shall result in outright rejection of
the offer, made by the said Architect/firm.
4.3.3 Tests of Responsiveness
i. Prior to evaluation of proposals, municipality will determine whether each
proposal is responsive to the requirements of the TOR Document. The
Proposal shall be considered responsive if:
a. It is received/ deemed to be received by the Proposal due date and time
including any extension thereof.
b. It is signed, sealed and marked as stipulated in 4.2 ‘Selection of
Architect/Firm from Empanelled Architects under category____ and above for
<Name of work> of Municipal Corporation, Council, Committees in
ii. CMC/DMC reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non-
responsive and no request for alteration, modification, substitution or
withdrawal shall be entertained by municipality in respect of such
4.3.4 Clarifications
i. Any queries or request for clarification concerning this document shall be
submitted by written letter duly signed by the authorized signatory at the
address provided so as to reach municipality on or before the date as
mentioned in the data sheet of this document. Municipality shall make
reasonable endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications
sought by the Architect/firm. However, municipality reserves the right
not to respond to any question or provide any clarification, in its sole
discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or
requiring municipality to respond to any question or to provide any
ii. Municipality may also on its own discretion, if deemed necessary, issue
interpretations and clarifications to all Architect/firm by way of a common
communication. All clarifications and interpretations issued by municipality
shall be deemed to be part of this document. Any verbal clarifications and
information given by municipality or its employees or representatives or
architect shall not in any way or manner be binding on municipality.
Municipality reserves its right to retract, change alter or modify any
communications once given by any of its employees and/or architect.
iii. Municipality will provide adequate information/support to assist
Architect/firm in the formulation of their application or response to this
Proposal document.
iv. Further, to assist in the process of evaluation of Proposals, municipality may,
at its sole discretion, ask any applicant for clarification on its proposal. The
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by facsimile.
No change in the substance of the proposal would be permitted by way of
such clarifications.
4.3.5 Proposal Evaluation
i. To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Proposals,
Municipality may utilize the services of advisor(s).
ii. The proposals will be evaluated by the Committee constituted by the District
Municipal Commissioner/ Commissioner, Municipal Corporation.
iii. The Submissions of the Applicants would first be checked for responsiveness as
set Proposals evaluated as per the Technical Criteria mentioned in TOR
iv. The envelopes containing the Technical Proposal of the Applicants who do not
meet the Technical Criteria shall not be considered for further process.
v. Proposals of the Architect/firm qualifying Technical Criteria shall be further
evaluated. The Applicants meeting minimum technical criteria shall be termed
as Technically Qualified Applicant.
4.4 Disqualification from the Empanelment of process
The Architect/firm is liable to be disqualified, if they:
i. Make misleading or false representation, or deliberately suppress any
information in the forms, statements and enclosures required to be submitted
by them.
ii. Have hidden the record of poor performance, such as being
barred/blacklisted, abandoning projects, not completing the assigned projects
properly, or of financial failure/ weaknesses.
iii. Resort to any unethical means, like attempting to influence the evaluation
committee officials.
4.5 Conditions of e-tendering
Instructions to bidder for Electronic Tendering System
These conditions will over-rule the conditions stated in the tender documents, wherever
relevant and applicable.
i. Registration of bidders on e-tender Portal:
All the Bidders intending to participate in the tenders processed online, are required to get
registered on the Electronic Tendering System on the Portal
ii. Obtaining a Digital Certificate:
The Bids submitted online are required to be signed electronically with a Digital Certificate to
establish the identity of the bidder online. Digital Certificates are issued by an Approved
Certifying Authority, by the Controller of Certifying Authorities, Government of India.
In case of online tendering, if the digital certificate issued to the authorized user of a firm is
used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered equivalent to a no-objection
certificate/power of attorney /lawful authorization to that User. The firm has to authorize a
specific individual through an authorization certificate signed by all partners to use the digital
certificate as per Indian Information Technology Act 2000. Unless the certificates are revoked,
it will be assumed to represent adequate authority of the user to bid on behalf of the firm in
tenders as per Information Technology Act 2000. The digital signature of the authorized user
will be binding on the firm.
In case of any change in the authorization, it shall be the responsibility of management /
partners of the firm to inform the certifying authority about the change and to obtain the digital
signatures of the new person / user on behalf of the firm / company. The procedure for
application of a digital certificate however will remain the same for the new user.
The same procedure holds true for the authorized users in a Private/Public limited company. In
this case, the authorization certificate will have to be signed by the directors of the company.
iii. Set up of machine:
In order to operate on the electronic tender management system, the user’s machine is
required to be set up. A help file on setting up of the system can be downloaded from the home
page of the website -
iv. Online Viewing of Detailed Notice Inviting Tenders:
The Bidders can view the RFP through the electronic tendering system on the website
v. Download of Tender Documents:
The RFP can be downloaded by the registered user from the Electronic Tendering System
through the Portal
vi. Key Dates:
The Bidders are strictly advised to follow dates and times as indicated in the TOR. The date and
time will be binding on all the bidders. All online activities are time tracked and the system
enforces time locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the start
and end dates and the time of the stage as defined in the Notice Inviting Tenders.
vii. Bid Preparation and Submission of Bids:- Online submission of bids.
The bid shall be submitted on-line by the bidder in the following three separate covers online:-
a. Fee: Scanned copy of proof of Bid Document Cost.
b. Prequalification /Technical: The cover shall contain scanned copies of the
prequalification documents, technical parameter /technical bid.
Bidders have to submit their bids online and upload the relevant documents. The
process is required to be completed within the date and time. The electronic bids of
only those bidders who have submitted their bid within the stipulated time, will be
accepted by the system. A bidder, who does not submit his bid within the stipulated
time will not be allowed to submit his bid by the E-Tendering System.
Note: The Bidder must submit the documents manually by ___________ (3.00 pm) at
Municipal Office as address mentioned in Data Sheet. The municipality has the right
to verify the authentication of the documents submitted by the bidder online as well
as physically.
viii. Opening of Bid:- In the first instance, the cover of all the Bidders containing the Bid Document
Cost shall be opened online as well as physically. If the Bid Document Cost (online as well as
physically) is found proper and in order then Technical Bid shall be opened (online only).
Financial bids of the bidders who qualifies the technical criteria will be opened (Online only)
A. Bidders participating in e-tendering shall check the validity of his/her Digital signature
Certificate before bidding.
B. Office timing of help desk support for NIC e-tender Portal
Technical support assistance will be available over telephone Monday to Friday
between 9:00 AM to 5.00 PM.
5. Scope of Work
Architect/Firm is required to provide architectural services compliant to Haryana Building Code
(HBC), National Building Code (NBC), PWD Specifications & as per requirements of municipality
in respect of following:
I. The Architect/Firm shall co-ordinate with Employer / Client appointed
architect to carry out the Soil Test, topographical survey and the survey of all
existing services and other constraints existing in and around the site for proper
design of all the services. Alternatively, the fees payable for the Topographical
survey and Geo Technical Investing (including soil Test) shall be reimbursed to the
architect if same is done through the architect with prior consent from the
Employer / municipality.
II. Master Plan Design and detailing of site development.
III. Architectural design of the building prototypes and design and detailing of
individual components.
IV. Interior Design Services for the common areas comprising of Atrium, Corridors,
common toilets and lift lobbies.
V. Preparation of necessary drawings for submission for various approvals from
statutory local authorities and assist in obtaining all such approvals. The fees
payable to local Liaising architect shall be paid by Employer / municipality directly
or separately and this fee is not included in architect’s Fees.
VI. The Architect/firm shall provide all drawings and details for Environmental
Impact Assessment, as required. Employer shall reimburse the fees payable to
external environment consultant, in case he is appointed through the architect.
VII. Preparation and co-ordination for drawings, specification and schedule of
quantities to prepare estimates of cost of all services including structure design,
Electrical, MEP, IT, HVAC, Fire Fighting, Landscaping, Security and Graphic design
& Signage etc.
VIII. The Architect/firm shall have to get the structural analysis/design and
drawings checked by the proof consultant (Including vetting / proof checking by
IIT/NIT/PEC/ Govt. Engineering Colleges if required) appointed by Employer /
municipality. The fees/ charges of proof consultant (including charges / fees
payable to IIT/NIT/PEC / Govt. Engineering Colleges) shall be paid by Employer /
municipality directly or separately and this fee is not included in architect’s Fees.
IX. Preparation of drawings, specification and schedule of quantities to prepare
Tender Documents.
X. The Architect/firm shall get the conceptual approval of the Department/client or
both through presentations/ physical models, computer walk-through etc.
Comments and suggestions or alternate proposal of the client and his
representatives shall be evaluated and suitably incorporated till the concept
design is accepted and frozen. The cost of any special Architectural Model and
walk through shall be reimbursable to the Consultant on actual basis, if desired by
XI. The Architect/Firm shall engage Green Building Consultant for green building
rating for the project if so instructed by the Employer / municipality, and shall co-
ordinate with said Architect. The fee payable to Such Green Building shall be
reimbursable on actual basis to the Architect.
G Completion (Stage 7) u. Prepare and submit completion reports and drawings for the
project as required and assist municipality in obtaining NOCs
Certificate" from statutory authorities, wherever required.
v. Issue two sets of as- built drawings including services,
Structures and landscaping.
B. Concept Design
Architect shall establish the overall concept of the project taking cue from the
agreed designed brief. The concept shall indicate the appropriate and best uses
and activities keeping in view the configuration of the land, with regard to the
development objectives, project budget and market opportunities.
i. Conceptual layouts – site and floor layouts ii. Conceptual sketch up views
iii. Area statement
c) Services Packages
All Tender Drawings & Documents - Plumbing and & Fire Fighting Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - Electrical low side Package All Tender
Drawings & Documents - Electrical high side Package All Tender Drawings &
Documents - Low Voltage Works Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - P.A. System & Music Works Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - DG Set Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - HVAC High side works Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - HVAC low side works Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - Lift & Escalator Package
All Tender Drawings & Documents - WTP & STP
Stage 7 Completion A. Prepare and submit completion reports and drawings for the project as required
and assist HSIIDC in obtaining "Completion/Occupancy Certificate" from statutory
authorities, wherever required.
B. Issue two sets of as-built drawings including services, Structures and landscaping.
Note: If Tenders are to be floated on EPC mode, detailed design and drawings will be in a scope
5.3 Time Frame:
Time Frame
Sr. No. Stage as per Schedule of Services Cumulative Period from the
date of commencement
1. Engagement /Pre Concept (Inception Report) 02 weeks
2. Concept Stage 04 weeks
3. Schematic 08 weeks
4. On Sanction application for building plan approval. 12 weeks
5. Design Development 14weeks
6. Bid Process (Tendering) 16 weeks
7. Construction Stage (Periodic Supervision) weeks
8. On Completion Weeks
Note: Time frame shall be freezed as per individual project, after deliberation with on-
board Architect/Consultant.
6. Financial terms
6.1 Fee for the Project
The fee for selected Architect/Firm which shall be appointed to undertake work for
municipality shall be a percentage of actual project cost. The percentage fee shall be
decided based on technical & financial proposals submitted by Architect/Firm for
each work as per requirements of municipality. Additional terms & conditions are as
i. This fee shall include all charges i.e. duties, levies, out of pocket expenses,
procurement cost, professional fee, vetting charges, visiting charges except GST
charges etc.
ii. The fee is inclusive of fees payable by the Architect to any other sub
consultant and associated consultant and nothing extra shall be payable by
municipality, other than defined in Clause-5, Scope of work.
iii. The Architect/Firm shall have to make all arrangements for their staff at their own
iv. The Architect shall acquaint itself with all the legislation, court and
standards prescribed from time to time.
v. The cost of the project cost shall be the cost of the building, as calculated on
actual cost of structural/civil, landscaping, sanitary and electrical fittings and
fixtures etc. on all items on which consultant rendered professional services.
6.2 Cost of the Project to be excluded for payment to the Architect/Firm.
The cost of following items shall not be included in the cost for purpose of working out
of the Architect’s fee:
i. Plan approval and service connection deposited and fees payable to Local
and Statutory bodies.
ii. Any other services which are not planned by the Architects.
III Successful Completed Similar one Project in last seven years (30 Marks): 20
For the projects above Rs. 3.0 Cr., shortlisted Architect who qualified Stage-I Evaluation Criteria will
be asked to make presentation in respect of the present project, completed/on going similar
projects by the bidder during the last seven years on the date as communicated by municipality.
Maximum time allotted for the power- point presentation will be 15 minutes.
Evaluation of Stage-III
For the projects above Rs. 3.0 Cr., Financial Bid of the Shortlisted Architect (who scores minimum
70 marks in stage-II) will be opened.
9. Selection process for Architect/firm
9.1 For the projects upto Rs. 3.0 Cr., financial Bid of the bidders will be opened who qualifies
the initial eligibility of the project and work will be awarded to the bidders whose
financial quote is found least.
9.2 For the projects above Rs. 3.0 Cr., selection of Architect/firm will on the basis of Quality
Cost Based Selection (QCBS).
The lowest evaluated Financial Proposal (Fm) is given the maximum financial score (Sf) of
The formula for determining the financial scores (Sf) of all other Proposals is calculated as
Sf = 100 x Fm/ F, in which “Sf” is the financial score, “Fm” is the lowest price, and “F” the
price of the proposal under consideration.
Proposals are ranked according to their combined technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores
using the weights (T = the weight given to the Technical Proposal; P = the weight given to
the Financial Proposal; T + P = 1) as following: S = St x T% + Sf x P%.
For the projects above Rs. 3.0 Cr but upto Ts. 10.0 Cr., T will be 70 and P will be 30.
For the projects above Rs. 10.0 Cr., T will be 80 and P will be 20.
[Location, Date] To
Designation of Officer,
Address of office
Subject: “Selection of Architect/Firm from Empanelled Architects under category____ and above for
<Name of work> of Municipal Corporation, Council, Committees in District____________
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting assignment/job for municipality in accordance with
your TOR Document dated [Insert Date] and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Technical
Proposal, in a sealed envelope. We have submitted our financial proposal online. We confirm that we
have read the TOR Document in totality and abide by the terms and conditions stated in the document.
We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this proposal are true and accept that
any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification. Our proposal is binding upon us.
We understand municipality in not bound to accept any proposal you receive. We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature [In full and initials]:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name and address of Firm:
Form II: General Information
Contact person:
Name and Designation:
Address, Telephone No. and Email address:
2. Type of Firm (Proprietorship firm/Partnership firm) (with supporting documents):
4. Years since registration of firm with documentary evidence (or equivalent certificate):
We agree with all the terms and conditions of this TOR document.
Assignment Name:
Name and Address of Client:
Location: Project cost (in rupees):
Built-up Area in sqm:
Start date Completion Date Approx. Value of Services
(Month/Year): (Month/Year): (in rupees):
Form V: Undertaking
Name of Work: “Selection of Architect/Firm from Empanelled Architects under category____ and
above for <Name of work> of Municipal Corporation, Council, Committees in District____________.
I confirm that I/Applicant do not have any pending litigation & non-performing contracts during last 5
years. Further, I/Applicant have not been barred by Government of India/ any State Government/
Government agency, Board, Corporation, Supreme Court.
I/we confirm that we do not have any litigations pending with the municipality as on the date of
submission of bid.
Signature of the Architect with seal:
11. Standard Conditions (SC)
The following standard conditions shall apply to the selected Architect/Firm.
1.2. Notices
1.2.1. Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant
to these standard conditions shall be in writing. Any such notice, request or consent
shall be deemed to have been given or made when delivered in person to an authorized
representative of the party to whom the communication is addressed, or when sent to
such party at the mentioned address.
1.2.2. A party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving the other party notice
in writing of such change to the mentioned address.
1.5.3. “collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement between the architect, with or
without the knowledge of the authority, designed to establish prices at artificial, non-
competitive levels;
2.5.1. Definition: For the purpose of these standard terms, “Force Majeure” means an event
which is beyond the reasonable control of a Party and which makes a Party’s
performance of its obligations under the Contract impossible or so impractical as to
be considered impossible under the circumstances.
2.5.2. No Breach of Contract: The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations under the
contract shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Contract
insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party
affected by such an event
(a) has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative
measures in order to carry out the terms and conditions of this Contract, and
(b) has informed the other Party as soon as possible about the occurrence of such an
2.5.3. Extension of Time: Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract,
complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during
which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
2.5.4. Payments: During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an
event of Force Majeure, the architect shall be entitled to continue to be paid under
the terms of this Contract, as well as to be reimbursed for additional costs reasonably
and necessarily incurred by them during such period for the purposes of the Services
and in reactivating the Service after the end of such period.
2.6. Termination
2.6.1. By Municipality
Municipality may terminate this Contract in case of the occurrence of any of the events
specified in paragraphs (i) to (vi) of this clause SC 2.6.1. In such an occurrence municipality
shall give a not less than fifteen (15) days’ written notice of termination to the Architect, and
thirty (30) days’ in the case of the event referred in (v).
i. If the Architect does not remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations
under the Contract, within thirty (30) days after being notified or within any further
period as municipality may have subsequently approved in writing.
ii. If the Architect becomes insolvent or bankrupt.
iii. If the Architect, in the judgment of municipality has engaged practices as defined
in competing for or in executing the Contract.
iv. If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Architect is unable to perform a material portion
of the Services for a period of not less than thirty (30) days.
v. If municipality, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides
to terminate this Contract.
vi. If the Architect fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of
arbitration proceedings.
3.1. General
The Architect shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to the Contract or to the
Services, as faithful advisers to municipality, and shall always support and safeguard
municipality legitimate interests in any dealings with Sub-Consultants or third Parties.
3.5. Confidentiality
Except with the prior written consent of municipality, the Architect and the Personnel shall not
at any time communicate to any person or entity any confidential information, maps, images,
reports, etc. acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall Architect and the Personnel
make public the recommendations formulated in the course of, or as a result of, the Services.
3.6. Architect’s Actions: The Architect shall inform the Authority in writing before taking any
of the following actions:
Entering into a subcontract for the performance of any part of the Services, appointing such
members of the Personnel not listed in the team presented in the technical proposal
submitted by the Architect.
6.1. Contract Price: The contract price will be payable in Indian Rupee.
6.2. Terms and Conditions of Payment: Payments will be made to the account of the
Architect and according to the payment schedule stated in the TOR Document.
The Parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other’s rights under this
Contract and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of the objectives of
this Contract.
9.1. If it is found after call of tender for development and construction of the project that
the acceptable tender is not within the amount sanction, then the Architect shall if so
desired by municipality take steps to carry out necessary modification in the design
and specification to see that tendered cost does not exceed. The Architect shall not
be paid anything extra for such modification. If municipality is convinced that the
trend of market rates is such that work cannot be done within the amount of
approved estimate, the Architect shall submit a revised estimate expeditiously for
obtaining revised approval.
9.2. The Architect shall not make any deviation, alterations, additions or omission from the
work shown/ described and awarded to the contractor except through and with prior
approval of the CMC/DMC or any other officer authorized by him, in writing.
10.1. All the estimates, bill of quantities with detailed measurements, detailed designs with
calculation, reports and any other details envisaged under this agreement shall be
supplied in triplicate and all drawings or other services/ utilities (internal and
external) would be supplied by the Architect as required for submission to all the
local bodies and other authorities plus sets required by municipality being no less
than three sets of prints and one reproducible copy in the same size. If there are any
revisions of any detail in any of the drawings for any reason same number of
drawings shall be reissued without any extra charge. All the drawings will become the
property of municipality and it will have the right to use the same anywhere else but
only at its own risk and responsibility.
10.2. The drawings cannot be issued to any other person, firm or authority, except to the
associates and sub consultants of the Architect or used by municipality for any other
project. No copies of any drawings or documents shall be issued to anyone except
municipality or its authorized representative.
11.1. If the Architect abandon the work for any reasons whatsoever or become
incapacitated form acting as Architect as aforesaid, municipality may make full use of
all or any of the drawings prepared by the Architect and that the Architect shall be
liable to pay such damages as may be assessed by municipality subject to a maximum
of 10% of the total fee payable to the Architect under this agreement.
11.2. Provided, however, that in the event of the termination of the agreement being
under proper notice as provided in the clause hereinafter, the Architect shall be
entitled to all such fee for the services rendered and liable to refund any excess
payment made to him over/and above which is due to him in accordance with the
terms of this agreement, for the service rendered by him till the date of termination of
the agreement.
12.1. The Architect shall agree to re-design at his cost any portion of his engineering
design work, which due to his failure to use a reasonable degree of design skill, shall
be found defective within six months from the date of start of regular use of the
portion of work affected.
12.2. Municipality shall grant right of access to the Architect of these portions of the work
claimed to be defective for inspection.
12.3. M unicipality may make good the loss by recovery from the dues of the Architect in
case of failure to comply with the above clause.
13.1. If the Architect being a firm shall pass a resolution or the court shall make any order
that the firm shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of the
creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or
creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or which entitled the court to make up a
winding order.
13.3. When the Architect has made himself liable for action under any of the cases
aforesaid municipality shall have powers.
13.5. To engage another Architect to carry out the balance work debiting the Architect the
excess amount if any so spent.
14.1. The Architect will be fully responsible for the technical soundness of the work
including those of the specialists engaged, if any and also ensure that the work is
carried out in accordance with drawings, specifications and conceptual plan.
14.2. Municipality will get the work of Architect and/or his sub-consultants
supervised/inspected at any time by any officer nominated by him who shall be at
liberty to examine the records, check estimate and designs.
14.3. The Appointment of municipality’s own supervisory staff, if any, will not absolve the
Architect of his responsibility of general supervision. The Architect shall be
responsible for designs of structures and all provisions/ services of the work
entrusted to him so as to satisfy their requirement.
14.4. The Architect hereby agrees that the fees to be paid as provided herein will be in full
discharge of functions to be performed by him and no claim whatsoever shall be
against municipality in respect of any proprietary rights or copy right on the part of
any other party relating to the plans, models and drawings.
14.5. The Architect shall indemnify and keep indemnified municipality against any such
claims and against all cost and expenses paid by municipality in defending itself
against such claims.
14.6. It is hereby further agreed between the parties that the stamp duly payable under the
law in respect of this agreement shall be borne by the Architect.
End of Document