Module 6 Notes

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Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the

SOCIAL LITERACY Expanding network to learn about &
pursue new opportunities.
- Development of social skills,
Gaining feedback & referrals from
knowledge & positive human values
people who can personally attest to
toward desire & ability in human
work, skills & qualities
beings to act & react positively &
Making school truly health &
responsibly in a wide range of complex
conductive learning environment.
social settings.
- Can be acquired through social Types of Social Skills
process of inquiry, values exploration
1. Effective Communication – ability to
& social decision-making.
communicate effectively & share
- In school, it can be demonstrated by:
thoughts & ideas w/ students through
o Teachers in dealing w/ their
group conversation, discussion, etc.
superiors, colleagues, parents,
2. Conflict resolution – ability to get to
students, etc.
the source of the problem & find a
o In students, the way they interact
workable solution by weighing both
and interrelate with the surroundings sides with the goal of mediating for
around them – their peers, media & reconciliation.
political influencers, technology 3. Active listening – ability to pay
agents, religious groups, school attention to student in times of
staff, family members, etc. counseling, introspection &
Social Skills consultation
4. Empathy – understanding &
Aspects of social literacy that involves: identifying the feelings of the students
Good manners in times of difficulty & trouble.
Communicating effectively with others 5. Respect – done by knowing when to
Being considerate of others feelings initiate communication & respond
Expressing personal needs. during interactions or even in times of
 Children gain social skills through playing. heated arguments & confrontations.
 Adults obtain it by interrelating w/ others, 6. Problem-solving – seeking help,
both verbally and non-verbally. making effective decisions & accepting
consequences to derive better
It is important in schools to have social skills solutions to the problem.
to help build, maintain & grow relationships of 7. Interpersonal skills – includes the
students w/ classmates, peers, teachers, abilities of sharing, joining activities,
students, & others. Teachers on their asking for permission & waiting for
superiors, colleagues, parents, students & one’s turn in every facet of school
others. These can be attained through: undertakings.
Gaining ideas, information, techniques Improving Social Skills
& perspectives from people w. different
areas of expertise. Can be improved by focusing on sustaining
Providing their own perspective for the desirable attitudes & eliminating those
benefit of others undesirable ones through modeling, role-
Accomplishing tasks & working playing & performance feedback
together toward shared goals mechanisms.
Providing mutual support for difficult 1. Maintaining eye contact
situations. 2. Using proper body language
3. Knowing the difference between being Praise others – acknowledging &
assertive & being aggressive appreciating others towards attaining self-
4. Selecting effective communication fulfillment & building trust.
channels Give helpful feedback – can help in
5. Being flexible one’s improvement.
6. Accepting criticisms w/out being Apologize – demonstrates humility.
defensive Forgive & forget – prevent others from
7. Remaining positive at all times holding emotions & allowing one to move
8. Being teachable & a good student in forward.
most instances. Keep our commitments – shows
reliability & trustworthiness.
Impact of Social Skills
Help others – can build trust & inspire
1. Better relationships them to follow.
2. Better communication Protect ourselves from emotional
3. Greater efficiency sabotage – protecting ourselves when
4. Advance career prospects others attempt to manipulate our emotions
5. Increased over-all happiness for personal sake.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Ten Characteristics of an Emotionally

Intelligent Person
- Can bring about maintaining a healthy
& purposeful relationship w/ others. 1. Empathy
- Ability to recognize, understand & 2. Self-awareness
manage own emotions and recognize, 3. Curiosity
understand & influence the emotions 4. Analytical mind
of others. 5. Belief
- Being aware that emotions can drive 6. Needs & wants
behavior & impact people, and 7. Passion
learning how to manage those 8. Optimism
emotions on one’s own & others when 9. Adaptability
under pressure. 10. Desire to help others.

Strategies for Enhancing Emotional People Skills

Are pattern of behavior & behavioral
Think about feelings – person has to be interactions. It is also an area of exploration
sensitive to one’s & other’s feelings. about how a person behaves & perceived
Pause – take a moment to stop and think irrespective of one’s thinking & feeling.
before doing anything.
- Are tools used to communicate &
Strive to control one’s thoughts –
interact effectively with others.
controlling the reaction to emotions by
- People with strong people skills are
focusing one’s though in harmony w/
able to predict behavior, relate to
goals & values.
others & socialize easily.
Benefit of criticism – is an opportunity to
- Ability to accept, appreciate & admire
learn & it gives idea on how others think
others on personal or professional
about you.
Show authenticity – saying what we
- Listen, empathize and work towards
mean w/ what we say & we have to stick
common goals with others.
on to our values & principles.
Demonstrate empathy – understanding Defined in 3 sets of abilities.
other’s thoughts & feelings to easily
1. Personal effectiveness or about how
establish connection w/ them.
one comes across w/ others
2. Interaction ability or how well one people whom others may be fond of
predicts & decodes behavior listening & discussing with.
3. Intercede easily or ability to lead, 6. Being highly likable – is an important
influence & build bridges between facet of trust by through being
people. authentic or genuine w/ their true
7. Being exceptional at decoding
Educational Impact of People Skills emotions – people who are good at
reading people.
Important for teaches in effective classroom 8. Pitching ideas – important people skill
management. because it happens all the time when
50% of the classroom success lies on one is asked for one’s opinion.
effective interpersonal relationships. 9. Being charismatic – is the perfect
blend of two essential people skills
Teachers need to learn how to practice these traits such as warmth & competence.
people skills effectively in order to create a 10. Being an influential leader – leaders
healthy & conductive learning atmosphere in in both personal, social & professional
the classroom. life are able to gain camaraderie.
Strategies in Obtaining Good People Skills SUMMARY
1. Good communication skills  Social literacy is the development of
2. Conflict resolution skills social skills, knowledge and positive
3. The value of patience values that engender the desire and ability
4. Tolerance & understanding in human beings to act positively and
responsibly in a wide range of complex
5 A’s to improve people skills
social settings. Social skills are an integral
Acceptance part of functioning in society as they
Appreciation involve good manners, communicating
Approval effectively with others, being considerate
of others' feelings and expressing
personal needs.
 Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability
10 Essential People Skills to Succeed to recognize, understand and manage
one's emotions, and influence the
1. Being socially assertive – essential emotions of others manifested through
for conserving social energy in the different characteristics.
right ways.  People skills are patterns of behavior
2. Crafting a memorable presence – and behavioral interactions and how they
great presence take it easy in making are perceived irrespective of their thinking
connections and are extremely good at and feeling. They are tools to
rapport building. communicate and interact effectively with
3. Mastering communication – knows others.
 Integrating social literacy into the
how to present one’s self and gets
curriculum would contribute to the holistic
one’s message across. development of learners.
4. Sustaining lasting confidence – can
able to conquer shyness, avoid
awkwardness & get through their
5. Being excellent conversationalist –
essential in communicating &
interacting with others. These are

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