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Article History: Ex-Situ bioremediation techniques such as synthetic surfactants and bioreactors to detoxify petroleum con-
Received 16 April 2022 taminated soil are costly and have harmful environmental consequences. This study was conducted to evalu-
Revised 13 December 2022 ate the intrinsic bioremediation potential of native, compatible and drought-tolerant plants and bacteria for
Accepted 13 December 2022
removing total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) from the soil. Furthermore, the potential of fertilizer for
Available online 16 December 2022
increasing the bioremediation capacity of these organisms was assessed. The study was performed as a
Edited by Dr. S.J. Siebert completely randomized factorial design experiment with four replications. The plant treatments were Opun-
tia ficus-indica (P1), Eucalyptus camaldulensis, (P2) and Nerium oleander (P3). The bacteria treatments were
Bacillus pumilus (B1), Pseudomonas putida (B2), and the combined use of these two bacteria and a fertilizer
recommendation (B1B2F). The control treatment included only contaminated soil without plant, bacteria,
Soil pollution
and fertilizer. The results indicated that plant and bacteria treatments enhanced the decomposition of soil
Plant-bacteria interaction TPHs significantly (a=0.01). P2B1B2F was found to be the most efficient treatment, removing 77.30% of soil
Eucalyptus camaldulensis TPHs. Eucalyptus camaldulensis cultivation along with P. putida (P2B2) reduced TPHs by 69.60%. P. putida
TPHs was more efficient than B. pumilus in reducing TPHs. Interactions between plants and bacteria increased root
and total dry weight of plants significantly (a=0.01). Application of bacteria and the fertilizer recommenda-
tion increased the decomposition rate of TPHs and improved phytoremediation efficiency. Rehabilitation by
Eucalyptus camaldulensis with bio-fertilization of soil using P. putida and chemical fertilizers is recom-
mended for the bioremediation of soil contaminated with TPHs.
© 2022 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0254-6299/© 2022 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. ShirzadianGilan, Y. Parvizi, E. Pazira et al. South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023) 110
Oil-contaminated environments in the west and southwest of Iran environmental conditions have been used globally to remove petro-
near the Iraq border are characterized by extreme conditions, includ- leum hydrocarbons from soil.
ing high temperatures, arid conditions, alkaline pH, and high salt con- A few studies have been conducted to investigate the capacities of
centrations. Hydrocarbon-degrading endemic microorganisms and native and naturalized plants and bacteria, particularly in hot and dry
plants, adapted to grow in these extreme environments, play a key environments, to remediate petroleum pollutants (Gilan et al., 2022).
role in the biological treatment of pollutants (Alvim and Pontes, The present study aimed to investigate the synergistic remediation
2018; Guzman et al., 2017). Different studies indicated the biodegra- potential of three drought-tolerant plants (Eucalyptus camaldulensis,
dation of a wide range of hydrocarbons, including aliphatic, aromatic, Nerium oleander, and Opuntia ficus-indica) with two environmen-
and halogenated compounds, in various environments. Due to its tally compatible and native bacterial species (Bacillus pumilus and
deep root system, compatibility with dry and warm conditions, and Pseudomonas putida) to remove TPHs from contaminated soil of one
fast growth, Eucalyptus camaldulensis tree is highly capable of reme- of the oil fields in arid areas in the west of Iran. Moreover, to enhance
diating petroleum-contaminated soils (Madejon et al., 2017). Ayuba the phytoremediation efficiency and purification capacity of pollu-
et al. (2020) studied the efficacy of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and tants, the appropriate fertilizer recommendation was considered. No
Chrysopogon zizanioides for their ability to decompose oil pollutants such significant research has been done in this region and similar
from soils. Their analysis revealed that 40 mg of TPHs per 1 gram of arid areas in Iran so far. Selected plant species that are compatible
Eucalyptus camaldulensis root was accumulated after 12 weeks. Esco- with the experiment area show good vegetative growth in arid condi-
bar et al. (2017) showed the phytoremediation potential of Opuntia tions of the study region. Moreover, in previous studies, these species
ficus-indica, another drought-tolerant plant, which removed approxi- showed high phytoremediation potential. Eucalyptus camaldulensis
mately 48% of soil TPHs in 20 weeks. is a single- or multi-stem tree or shrub. Nerium oleander is an ever-
Petroleum hydrocarbons are biodegraded by rhizospheric micro- green shrub of the Gentianales. Opuntia ficus-indica, a Mexican
organisms such as bacteria and fungi, as a sole source of carbon and native species, is one of the most commercially important cactus spe-
energy for their growth, and are converted into carbon dioxide and cies. These plants have adapted well to arid and semi-arid areas of
biomass (McCutcheon and Schonnor, 2003). Viesser et al. (2020) eval- Iran and have been a domesticated plant grown in arid and semi-arid
uated the efficiency of three native bacteria, including Bacillus thurin- parts of Iran for a long time.
giensis, Bacillus pumilus, and Rhodococcus hoagii isolated from The two bacterial species that had compatibility with hot and arid
rhizosphere and incubated in petroleum-contaminated soil in labora- conditions of the oil fields in the study area were selected. These bac-
tory assays. They found that the efficiency of these bacteria to teria were not pathogenic and showed high efficiency in the biore-
degrade TPHs after incubation was up to 90.77, 75.56, and 96.15%, mediation of petroleum-contaminated soil) Chouychai et al., 2012;
respectively. The efficiency of petroleum degradation by the genus Alves et al., 2018(. Furthermore, they had high potential for the pro-
Bacillus is largely due to the ability of these microorganisms to pro- duction of metabolites. Bacillus pumilus is a Gram-positive, aerobic,
duce biosurfactants (Bento et al., 2005) and spore-forming bacterium commonly found in soil. B. pumilus
The synergistic cooperation of plant roots and soil bacteria in rhi- spores generally show high resistance to environmental stresses,
zosphere promotes the degradation of persistent TPHs in the phytor- including exposure to UV radiation and desiccation. Pseudomonas
emediation process (Czarny et al., 2017). In the presence of carbon putida is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped, saprotrophic, and native soil
sources provided by root secretions, bacteria produce enzymes that bacterium. Based on the 16S rRNA analysis, P. putida was taxonomi-
are accountable for breaking hydrocarbon molecules (Saleem, 2016). cally confirmed to be a Pseudomonas putida species (sensu stricto)
The efficiency of the phytoremediation process depends largely on and was placed, along with several other species, in the P. putida
the presence and activity of the plant-dependent microbial commu- group to which it lends its name.
nity. These organisms carry degradative genes required for the enzy-
matic decomposition of organic pollutants, and it has been reported 2. Materials and methods
that the rhizosphere is the host of bacteria destroying TPHs (Andria
et al., 2009). 2.1. Soil parameters
The possibility of obtaining synergistic effects between plants and
bacteria has increased the possibility of alternative techniques for The pot experiment soil was collected from the petroleum exploi-
bioremediation (Guarino et al., 2020). Gouda et al. (2016) reported tation unit in an oil field in an arid region of the west of Iran (Naft-
that plantbacteria interactions increased bioremediation efficiency shahr in Kermanshah Province) close to theIraq border. This study
up to 99% in removing petroleum hydrocarbons. Based on the find- was carried out in 2019. Based on the book Keys to Soil Taxonomy
ings reported by Afegbua and Batty (2019), plant growth-promoting (Twelfth Edition), the generic subgroup of the soil in this area is Gyp-
bacteria (PGPB), including Pseudomonas putida, significantly sic Haplustepts (Soil survey staff, 2014). The land use type is desert
enhanced the dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) rangeland. Before applying the treatments, the soil physical and
pollution in soil in M. sativa plant treatment after 65 days. Also, Sur- chemical properties were measured (Table 1). Soil texture and equiv-
yatmana et al. (2019) indicated that the Ramie plant and N-fixing alent calcium carbonate were measured using Bouyoucos hydrome-
bacteria inoculants had removed up to 83.22% of petroleum hydro- ter method (Gee and Bauder, 1990) and Richards method (Richards,
carbons from soil. Yang et al. (2020) emphasized that plant growth 1954), respectively. Soil organic carbon was determined using
and biomass directly affect the phytoremediation potential and that Walkley and Black method (Nelson et al., 1996). Soil reaction (pH) in
bacteria can increase phytoremediation efficiency by promoting saturated soil dough (soil to water ratio is 1:2.5) (McLean, 1982) was
plant growth. Therefore, native plants and bacteria adapted to measured. Electrical conductivity (EC) was determined using an
Table 1
physico-chemical properties and initial TPHs contamination of soil samples.
0.53 24.00 1.39 7.60 3.80 200.00 0.51 4.80 3.76 1.16 1.10 48.00 33.40 18.60
R. ShirzadianGilan, Y. Parvizi, E. Pazira et al. South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023) 110
electrical conductivity meter in a 1:2.5 (soil to water ratio) soil-water B1B2F: The combined use of the inoculation of the two above-
extract (Page et al., 1992). Also, available phosphorus, potassium, and mentioned bacterial species and a fertilizer recommendation based
soil microelement content (Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) were measured using on soil test.
the Olsen P solution method, the method applied by Dewis and Frai- Bacterial populations tend to decrease in soil under various stress
tas (1984), and an atomic absorption apparatus in DTPA-extract sam- conditions (Abdul Rahman, 2021). Bacterial inoculation is used to
ples, respectively. compensate for this reduction. For good bioremediation, the amount
of soil bacteria should be increased to the required level for improv-
ing the result of bioremediation. In this research, the powder culture
medium of bacteria was used. The culture media contained all ele-
2.2. Soil properties
ments which were not selective and most bacteria needed for
growth; therefore, they were used for the general cultivation and
Surface soil (025 cm) was collected to conduct the pot experi-
maintenance of bacteria kept in laboratory culture collections. The
ment. Some physico-chemical properties of soil used in this study are
bacteria were kept in the culture medium until the end of the growth
shown in Table 1. Low organic carbon, pore mineral content, and
stage, being 24 and 72 h for Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus pumilus,
high sand content are diagnostic properties of this soil. Crude oil con-
respectively. The bacteria did not leave their reproductive environ-
tamination of 3.5% was considered as the most common rate in the
ment and were used in the culture medium.
study area based on initial soil test (Table 1). This level of contami-
The fertilizer recommendation included soil enrichment based on
nant was calculated by the amount of crude oil and was uniformly
the soil test and the appropriate fertilizer recommendation of micro
mixed with soil. To do this, about 12 liters of petroleum (the density
and macro elements. Urea, triple superphosphate, and potassium sul-
value: 0.81 g cm3) was mixed with the required 272 kg of soil to cre-
fate fertilizers were applied as the sources of nitrogen, phosphorus,
ate an oil pollution concentration of 3.5%.
and potassium, respectively. The Flourish fertilizer was used as a
12 0:81 source of microelements. The compounds of the Flourish fertilizer
oilpollutionconcentration ¼ ¼ 3:5%ð1Þ
272 were Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelated of iron, man-
OC: Organic carbon, EC: Electrical conductivity, TNV: Total neu- ganese, zinc, and copper by 3, 2, 3, and 0.35%, respectively, and 0.2%
tralizing value, TPHs: total petroleum hydrocarbons boron solution. Fertilizers were mixed with soil. Subsequently, they
Table 2 shows some physical and chemical properties of crude oil were distributed in pots for cultivation. Moreover, the control treat-
used in this experiment. This mixture was exposed to the air for three ment (no plant cultivation, no bacterial inoculation, and no enrich-
days until the oil covered soil surface and the mixture became ment) was considered to investigate and compare the effect of
completely uniform. The oil contents in soil samples of different different treatments on the reduction of soil oil pollutants.
treatments were quantified gravimetrically (Fatima et al., 2018).
2.4. Experimental operations
Fig. 1. Experimental pots of cultivated plants: a) Nerium oleander b) Opuntia ficus-indica c) Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
harvested by cutting them from the soil surface. Subsequently, after the end of the experiment was calculated according to Eq. (2). Conse-
separating soil from the roots and washing them, harvested plants quently, the percentage of TPHs degradation was calculated from
(including shoot and root) were transferred to laboratory for analy- Eq. (3).
ses. Plant samples were dried in an oven for 48 h at 50 °C. The dry
100 0:44
weight of the plant was measured. remainedTPHs ¼ ¼ 22:68% ð2Þ
The soil samples were collected from the soil surrounding root
growth zone. They were sieved using a 0.5 mm sieve and were trans- 2.6. Statistical analyses of data
ferred to the laboratory for measuring the remaining TPHs. The
amount of TPHs in each soil sample was compared with their pre- The variables measured in this research included concentrations
cultivation amount, and the reduction was calculated as the amount of soil TPHs and root, shoot, and total dry weight of plants. These var-
of TPHs decomposed due to the related treatment. Soil TPHs were iables were subjected to the normality test analysis using the Kolmo-
measured using gravimetric method and ultrasonic bath. To do this, gorov-Smirnov normality test. Statistical analyses of measured
the soil was passed through a 35-mesh sieve, 5 gs of the soil was variables, including descriptive statistics, correlation between the
weighed, and 2 gs of sodium sulfate was added to it. variables, analysis of variance, and mean comparison using Duncan’s
The mixture was transferred to a 40 ml glass centrifuge tube. test were done. SAS, SPSS, and Excel software were employed for the
40 ml of the dichloromethane solvent was added and was placed for statistical analyses.
1 hour in an ultrasonic bath (3550 EPA) at 40 °C (Schwartz et al.,
2012). Afterwards, the mixture was centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 3. Results
5 min. The extract was separated and was air-dried at room tempera-
ture for 24 h. After the evaporation of the solvent, the materials 3.1. Variables statistical description
remaining at the bottom of the container were weighed and recorded
as the amount of oil in the soil. The amount of oil extracted from each The minimum and maximum concentrations of TPHs in different
treatment sample was compared with the amount of oil in the soil in treatments were 0.34 and 1.94%, respectively (Table 3). The average
the control treatment, and its reduction was determined in percent- concentration was 0.84%, highlighting the effects of the treatments
age terms. The amount of TPHs remaining in the soil of each pot at and the significant reduction of petroleum hydrocarbons in all
Table 3
Some descriptive statistics indices of the measured variables.
Variables N Range Min. Max. Mean Standard deviation C.V Variance Skewness Kurtosis
TPHs (%) 68 0.760 0.340 1.960 0.855 0.193 0.220 0.037 0.685 0.526
SDW (g) 68 75.290 8.550 75.290 20.820 10.492 0.005 110.090 1.570 6.415
RDW (g) 68 21.050 1.300 21.050 9.760 5.994 0.610 35.932 0.315 1.407
TDW (g) 68 92.020 13.100 92.020 30.590 12.033 0.004 144.805 0.650 2.239
R. ShirzadianGilan, Y. Parvizi, E. Pazira et al. South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023) 110
Table 4 Table 5
Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between plant dry weight variables (root, shoot and ANOVA table of main effects of treatments and their interactions on soil TPHs.
total) and soil TPH values.
Sources of variation (treatment) df Mean square F Sig.
Variables TPHsb SDW RDW TDW
Plants 3 0.084 14.260 0.00
TPHs 1 0.176 0.219 0.247 Bacteria 3 0.427 72.310 0.00
SDW 1 0.010 0.915* Plants and bacteria 9 0.060 10.177 0.00
RDW 1 0.392* Replications 3 0.001 0.232 0.87
*Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.
TPHs: total petroleum hydrocarbons, SDW: shoot dry weight, RDW: root dry
weight, and TDW: total dry weight. oleander) treatments (Table 6). The best treatment was the cultiva-
tion of Eucalyptus camaldulensis by applying Pseudomonas putida,
treatments. Statistical indices as well as oblique indices of the means Bacillus pumilus, and the full fertilizer recommendation. This treat-
such as kurtosis and skewness showed that the data were distributed ment reduced soil TPHs by almost 77.3%.
normally. Also, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test results con- According to Table 6, in the B1B2F treatment of Eucalyptus camal-
firmed the normal distribution of the data. Variability indices (includ- dulensis plant, the percentage of TPHs in the soil is 0.44%. The con-
ing variance, standard deviation, and range of the data) in shoot dry tamination percentage of the control treatment was initially 3.5%.
weight (SDW), root dry weight (RDW) as well as total dry weight Due to the native crude oil degradation capacity of soil, during the
(TDW) variables were relatively high due to the intrinsic differences experiment the average of contamination percentage reached 1.94%
between plant species. Opuntia ficus-indica had the lowest root dry in 4 repetitions. Therefore, the amount of TPHs remaining in soil in
weight, while Eucalyptus camaldulensis had the highest root and total the B1B2F treatment in Eucalyptus camaldulensis pots was 22.68%.
dry weight. The percentage of TPHs degradation is calculated using Eq. (3) and is
The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the var- equal to 77.3%.
iables revealed that there is a negative correlation between the Pseudomonas putida was more successful than Bacillus pumilus in
amounts of residual TPHs and root, shoot, and total dry weight of reducing soil TPHs. However, the simultaneous use of these two bac-
plant indices (Table 4). In other words, dry weight indices are teria had better results in this experiment (Table 6).
decreased with increasing residual TPHs. Although the amount of the Evaluating the interactions between the treatments proved that
correlation coefficient was not significant, the negative values indi- the cultivation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in the soil treated with the
cated the negative effects of petroleum contaminants on the growth combined use of two bacteria and the complete fertilizer recommen-
of plants in the treatments containing plants. It could be noted that dation had the highest TPHs decomposition capacity (Fig. 2). The
plants with more potential of biomass production caused higher results of the effects of interactions between treatments showed that
decomposition of TPHs and reduced residual soil TPHs. the separate use of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and B2 reduced petro-
leum pollutants by 54.60 and 50%, respectively. However, the use of
3.2. Soil TPHs B2 along with the cultivation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis resulted in
a 70% reduction in the level of petroleum contaminants in the soil.
Table 5 shows the analysis of variance of TPHs variables and *The difference of averages with common letters in each column
explain the effects of plant and bacteria treatments and their interac- is not statistically significant.
tions on soil TPHs. In this regard, the effects of plants and bacteria as The treatment including bacteria, fertilizer recommendation, and
well as their interactions on soil TPHs were statistically significant at the cultivation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis resulted in the highest
99% probability level. In other words, plant types and the use of bac- removal of petroleum hydrocarbons by 77.3% in this one-year experi-
teria, separately and in combination with each other, resulted in a ment (Fig. 3). Moreover, the decomposition percentage of petroleum
reduction in petroleum hydrocarbon amounts in soil. hydrocarbons in the complete fertilizer protocol and bacterial treat-
Table 6 statistically compares and addresses the main effects of ments for Nerium oleander (P1B1B2F) and Oputia ficus-indica
the treatments and their interactions on the residual TPHs means (P3B1B2F) plants was the same (Fig. 3). The Pseudomonas putida
using Duncan’s test. The results indicated that in the absence of bac- treatment in the presence of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (P2B2) had the
teria and fertilizer recommendation, the cultivation of Eucalyptus highest degradation of TPHs (69.60%), marking a significant differ-
camaldulensis was more successful than other plant species in ence between this treatment and P1B2 and P3B2 treatments.
decreasing petroleum pollutants. The combined use of two bacteria, This finding indicated a positive and significant interaction between
particularly with fertilizer recommendation, significantly increased Pseudomonas putida and the cultivation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
the decomposition of pollutants and phytoremediation capacity in all On the one hand, the positive interaction between the B1 treatment
plant treatments. The B1B2F treatment decreased soil TPHs by and the Nerium oleander plant (the degradation of TPHs by 54.10% in
approximately 70% in two plant (Opuntia ficus-indica and Nerium the experiment) was more evident than that of the other two plants.
Table 6
Effects of different treatments and their interactions on soil TPHs (%) using Duncan’s grouping test.
P1Ó P2 P3 P0
e f e
B1B2F 0.62§0.06 * 0.44§0.04 0.63§0.05 0.64§0.07e 0.58D 0.06
B2 1.01§0.11b 0.59§0.07e 0.87§0.09d 0.97§0.1d 0.86C 0.12
B1 0.997§0.06bc 1.00§0.1b 0.89§0.08bcd 0.99§0.1d 0.90C 0.08
B0 1.01§0.12b 0.88§0.08cd 0.92§0.09bcd 1.94§0.13a 1.18B 0.10
Control 1.94A
0.91C 0.73E 0.83D 1.14B 1.94A
SD 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.35
*The difference of averages with common uppercase or lowercase letters in each row and column is not statistically significant.
B1: Bacillus pumilus, B2:Pseudomonas putida, F: fertilizer, P0: no plant, P1: Opuntia ficus-indica, P2: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, P3: Nerium oleander, and SD: standard deviation.
R. ShirzadianGilan, Y. Parvizi, E. Pazira et al. South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023) 110
Fig. 2. Effects of interactions between Pseudomonas putida (B2), Bacillus pumilus (B1), and plant treatments on soil TPHs (%).
Fig. 3. Comparison of decomposition percentage of TPHs means using Duncan’s grouping test.
On the other hand, the other two plants were able to decompose investigated plant species differed considerably in terms of plant dry
approximately 48.50% of petroleum hydrocarbons in the presence of weight indices. However, the important point in this analysis is that
B1. In the absence of bacteria and fertilizers (P2), Eucalyptus camaldu- the effects of bacteria and plant-bacteria interactions on shoot dry
lensis degraded soil TPHs by 54.60%, as compared to the other two weight were statistically significant at 95 and 99% probability levels,
plants in the experiment (Fig. 3) respectively. Furthermore, plant-bacteria interactions had a signifi-
(Control: no bacteria, B1: Bacillus pumilus, B2: Pseudomonas cant effect on root dry weight and total dry weight at a 99% probabil-
putida, F: fertilizer, P1: Opuntia ficus-indica, P2: Eucalyptus camaldu- ity level (Table 7).
lensis, and P3: Nerium ole ander) Fig. 5 compares shoot dry weight means and shows the effects of
*The difference of averages with common letters in each column bacteria on shoot dry weight means using Duncan’s test. The B1B2F
is not statistically significant. treatment, i.e. the combined use of two bacteria and the proposed
A comparison of the two bacteria indicated that the TPH degrada- fertilizer recommendation, resulted in an average 37% increase in
tion efficiency of Pseudomonas putida (B2) was greater than that of root dry weight in all cultivated plants.
Bacillus pumilus (B1) (Figs. 3 and 4). The TPH degradation efficiency *The difference of averages with common letters in each column
was significantly improved by applying soil enrichment along with is not statistically significant.
the fertilizer recommendation (Fig. 4). In other words, the enrich- Another important result of this study is the effects of interactions
ment protocol increased the efficiency of bacteria and plants, indicat- between bacteria and plant treatments on the total dry weight of the
ing that it is extremely effective in improving the degradation of cultivated plants. The lowest dry weight was observed in Opuntia
petroleum contaminants in soil. ficus-indica plant without bacteria treatment. However, this plant
responded positively to the use of bacteria and had an average 70%
3.3. Dry weight increase in dry weight, provided that both bacteria were used in com-
bination with the fertilizer recommendation. The highest dry weight
In this experiment, different plant species with different develop- belonged to the Eucalyptus camaldulensis plant with Bacillus pumilus
mental and physiological characteristics have been used. Hence, the (B1) (Table 8).
R. ShirzadianGilan, Y. Parvizi, E. Pazira et al. South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023) 110
Fig. 4. TPHs decomposition percentage of contaminated soils without plant cultivation and containing Pseudomonas putida (B2), Bacillus pumilus (B1) and fertilizer (F) enrichment.
Fig. 5. Effects of bacteria on shoot dry weight means (g) using Duncan’s grouping test.
R. ShirzadianGilan, Y. Parvizi, E. Pazira et al. South African Journal of Botany 153 (2023) 110
Table 8 the rhizosphere. Jamil et al. (2014) indicated that Bacillus lichenifor-
Effects of interactions between plants and bacteria on total dry weight (g) using Dun- mis improves the biochemical attributes of plants, can protect them
can’s grouping test.
from the toxic effects of contaminated soil, and can be used to
Bacteria N Subset* improve phytoremediation efficiency. Moreover, planting signifi-
cantly enhanced the survival of bacteria cells in both bulk and rhizo-
1 2 3 4
spheric soil, and this, in turn, significantly improved the degradation
P1Bo 4 18.85 of soil TPHs (Chouychai et al., 2012).
P1B2 4 20.02 20.02
Applying fertilizers rehabilitated plants and increased their slow
P1B1 4 21.68 21.68
P2B2 4 28.83 28.83 28.83 growth induced by the toxicity of petroleum hydrocarbons in the
P3B1 4 29.07 29.07 29.07 soil. Petroleum degradation in the rhizosphere was enhanced by
P2B1B2F 4 30.82 30.83 applying the medium amount of fertilizers, particularly when plants
P3B1B2F 4 31.39 31.39
were exposed to intermediate and high petroleum contamination
P1B1B2F 4 31.91 31.91
P3Bo 4 33.37
(Andrew et al., 2014). The combined use of bacteria and the fertilizer
P2B0 4 35.93 recommendation significantly increased phytoremediation efficiency
P3B2 4 36.52 in all treatments. This finding was in agreement with those reported
P2B1 4 36.72 by Asim et al. (2016) stating that TPHs degradation was 59% higher in
Sig. 0.57 0.08 0.06 0.16
the combined application of bacterial consortium and fertilizer than
* Means are displayed for groups in homogeneous subsets. the untreated plant. Also, Daryabeigi Zand and Hoveidi (2016)
B0: no bacteria, B1: Bacillus pumilus, B2: Pseudomonas Putida, F: fertilizer, P1:
reported a positive effect of N + P fertilizer on the degradation of
Opuntia ficus-indica, P2: Eucalyptus camaldulensis, and P3: Nerium oleander.
four-ring PAHs in a creosote polluted soil.
The positive effects of bacteria to promote the phytoremediation
10 years. Lou et al. (2016) reported the high phytoremediation effi- efficiency of cultivated plants were validated. This improvement may
ciency of Eucalyptus globulus trees grown in different environments. be due to the enhancement effects of bacteria in plant metabolic
They also observed that in one year, Eucalyptus globulus produced the activities (Motesharezadeh et al., 2017), development of the root sys-
highest biomass. Madejon et al. (2017) stated that the Eucalyptus tem, and ultimately the increase in plant biomass and dry weight
camaldulensis plant is perfectly capable of clearing heavy metals from (Saha et al., 2021).
contaminated soils due to its strong root system and rapid growth. The bacterial consortium can enhance the tolerance of plants to
The cultivation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis using the combination oily conditions by promoting plant metabolites and TPHs degrada-
of two bacteria and the fertilizer recommendation was found to be tion. In this study, soil TPHs were degraded by 47.90% using Opuntia
the most efficient TPHs decomposer, removing 77.3% of TPHs from ficus-indica. Escobar et al. (2017) reported a similar finding (48% soil
the soil in this experiment. The bacteria and the fertilizer recommen- TPHs degradation in the phytormediation process using this plant).
dation directly increased the decomposition rate of TPHs and The remediation potential of the combinations of plants and bacteria
enhanced root system development, ultimately improving plant bio- can be influenced by fertilizer, irrigation and suitable temperature
mass and plant phytoremediation efficiency. Agnello et al. (2016) conditions (Sharma et al., 2022). Applying the biological and chemical
reported that the combined use of plants and bacteria was the most fertilizer (B1B2F) treatment enhanced the phytoremediation poten-
advantageous option for the treatment of TPH-contaminated soils, as tial of Opuntia ficus-indica by approximately 68.10%. This finding is
compared to the separate application of natural attenuation, bioaug- similar to the report by Tang et al. (2020) showing that bacterial
mentation, or phytoremediation. The highest degree of TPH removal treatments generally had comparable or better efficiencies than
was obtained by bioaugmentation-assisted phytoremediation treat- chemical fertilization treatments.
ment (68%) followed by bioaugmentation (59%), phytoremediation Bacterial treatments did not have a significant effect on root and
(47%), and natural attenuation (37%). total dry weight. However, employing bacteria and the fertilizer rec-
The cultivation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis using P. putida inocula- ommendation significantly increased shoot dry weight. This increase
tion decomposed about two-thirds (69.60%) of petroleum contami- in biomass production can help increase plant phytoremediation
nants and removed them from the soil ecosystem. Pseudomonas capacity. This finding is similar to those reported by Alikhani et al.
putida acts as a bacterium promoting plant growth and phytoreme- (2011). Moreover, Weyens et al. (2015) found that Pseudomonas
diation efficiency for the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydro- putida had significant positive effects on the production of poplar bio-
carbons (Afegbua and Batty, 2019). On the other hand, carbon mass and on poplar performance in phytoremediation.
sources supplied by root secretions enhance the production of
responsible enzymes by microorganisms for the decomposition of 4. Conclusion
petroleum hydrocarbons (Saleem, 2016). The possibility of obtaining
synergistic effects between plants and microorganisms has increased This paper investigated and compared the remediation potential
the possibility of alternative techniques for bioremediation (Guarino of native and environmentally friendly plants and bacteria, including
et al., 2020). Moreover, Czarny et al. (2017) reported the synergistic indigenous or exotic species for removing petroleum pollutants from
cooperation of plant roots and soil bacteria, promoting the degrada- petroleum-contaminated soils in the west of Iran. The cultivation of
tion of TPHs. Eucalyptus camaldulensis using the chemical fertilizer and both bacte-
P. putida was more efficient than B. pumilus, but B. pumilus had ria is suggested in this research as the best treatment to decompose
higher compatibility with Nerium oleander than Eucalyptus camaldu- the largest amount of petroleum pollutants from the soil. Although
lensis and Opuntia ficus-indica plants and could decontaminate more the application of Pseudomonas putida was more effective than Bacil-
TPHs from the soil. Bento et al. (2005) emphasized that B. pumilus lus pumilus, Bacillus pumilus had better symbiosis with Nerium olean-
was described as a producer of lipopeptide surfactin. This compound der plant to decompose TPHs from soil. The direct effects of bacteria
is responsible for reducing surface and interfacial tensions that facili- on the decomposition and removal of petroleum pollutants from soil
tate TPHs degradation. were found in this study.
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nificant effects on root and total dry weight at a level=0.01. Ho et al. tion to the climatic conditions of the study region, is capable of
(2007) reported the positive effects of the Pseudomonas fluorescens decomposing about two-thirds of petroleum contaminants from the
bacterium on the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. This ability can be promoted with inoculation by P. putida
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