Crude Oil Spiled Water Treatment
Crude Oil Spiled Water Treatment
Crude Oil Spiled Water Treatment
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Floating wetlands on a container (25 L) using Vetiveria zizanioides (L) Nash was applied to remediate
Received 30 December 2016 crude oil spill in water for four weeks. Three plants (height 10 cm) were inserted in a pot containing rock-
Revised 20 June 2017 wool, floated on crude oil spiked water. Treatment included 3 and 6 pot plants with 1% crude oil concen-
Accepted 8 August 2017
tration. Six pot plants during 4 weeks of experiment could reduce the oil content of 91.39%, 84.60% COD,
Available online 24 August 2017
and 84.25% BOD. Meanwhile, 3 pot plants could decrease the oil content of 90.28%, 81.69% COD, and
81.10% BOD. DO at week 4 decreased. The BOD and COD did not show any significant reduction. Plants
grew better in crude oil contaminated water. Those were indicated by 47.22% parent and 100% shoots
Crude oil
could live until the study end in 1% crude oil spiked water. Meanwhile, in crude oil uncontaminated
Floating wetland water, 30.56% parent and 40% shoots were able to live until the study end. Wet plant biomass
Vetiveria zizanioides (5.1070 g) in the crude oil contaminated water was greater than the plant biomass (4.8362 g) in crude
oil uncontaminated water. RGR of V. zizanioides in crude oil contaminated water was 5.10 g/week and
4.83 g/week in uncontaminated water.
Ó 2017 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1687-4285/Ó 2017 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. Hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
186 H. Effendi et al. / Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (2017) 185–193
the increases of carbon and oxygen concentration around the roots a plastic pot (7.5 cm diameter) with rockwool inside. Culture
could promote microbial or fungal activity (Hong et al., 2001). media of hydroponic nutrient solution (AB mix) was fed into the
The use of grasses for phytoremediation is considered suitable water with a ratio of 5 mL/1 L. The research consisted of two con-
since they provide rhizosphere zone increase due to their multiple trols namely container of oil spiked water only and containers con-
ramified root systems. Hence, this supports site for more microbial taining plants only. Meanwhile, the treatment consisted of three
activity around the root zone (Aprill and Sims, 1990). In the tropics and six pot plants with oil concentration of 1% of the total water
since climatic conditions favor microbial growth and activity, volume. Each treatment was triplicates. Oil concentration of 1%
bioremediation is frankly a promising technology for coping with referred to Ertekin et al. (2015) and Kosesakal et al. (2015) and it
pollution (Merkl et al., 2004). Several plants are able to render a was also based on preliminary experiment indicating that 1% crude
contaminant in soil harmless via extraction or stabilization, hence oil content did not bring about any prominent visual effect to the
making it unavailable for other creatures and reducing harm to the plant. Crude oil was apparently not mixed with the water. How-
environment, in a process called phytoremediation (Cunningham ever some fractions of crude oil were dissolved in the water.
et al., 1996). Containers were filled with 25 L water and 125 mL hydroponic
Some types of plants used for phytoremediation of oil contam- nutrients of A and B. After two days, 2.5 ml of crude oil was spiked
ination including Branchiaria decumbens (Gaskin et al., 2008), Lan- into each container. Control and treatment of V. zizanioides were
doltia punctata (Ertekin et al., 2015), Vetiveria zizanioides on land then floated into the container. Roots submerged into water would
(Brandt et al., 2006; Nisa and Rashid, 2015), V. zizanioides in water absorb crude oil dissolved in the water (White and Cousins, 2013;
(Darajeh et al., 2014), Cynodon dactylon and Eleusine indica (Oyedeji Darajeh et al., 2014) (Fig. 1).
et al., 2013). Aprill and Sims (1990) researched eight prairie grasses Every week for 4 weeks, water was sampled from the water col-
(Andropogon gerardii, Schizachyrium scoparium, Sorghastrum nutans, umn in the middle of container to avoid undissolved crude oil on
Panicum virgatum, Elymus canadensis, Bouteloua curtipendula, Bou- the water surface. Several water qualities measurement including
teloua gracilis and Pascopyrum smithii) in sandy loam soils to deter- oil and grease content (partition gravimetric method), COD (closed
mine whether the degradation of four polycyclic aromatic reflux, colorimetric method), BOD (incubation), DO (DO meter),
hydrocarbons (PAHs) was stimulated by plant growth. Research temperature (thermometer) and pH (pH meter) according to
on two years plant based soil clean-up using Cymbopogon citratus APHA (2012), were performed. Determination of oil and grease
was performed at agricultural site spilled with crude oil in Niger applied gravimetric method, extracted by the solvent (APHA,
Delta (Nwaichi et al., 2016). 2012). In addition, measurements of V. zizanioides leaf length was
The selection of Vetiver grass (V. zizanioides) as the experimen- performed every 2 days. The root and leaf were sliced crosswise
tal plant because of its successful application in diverse soil and and observed under a microscope.
water conservation practices and was regarded to promise a high
potential suitability for phytoremediation (Brandt, 2003). V. zizan- Plant height and relative growth rate
ioides is originally native to northern India. They grow wildly or
traditionally being cultivated in low, damp wetlands (NRC, 1993). Plant height measurement was performed every two days for
Vetiver grass has been used for the benefit of human, its aromatic 4 weeks. Measurement was carried out from the stem to the tip
essential oil content can be extracted from the vetiver’s roots. This of the highest leaf. The number and height of shoots were also cal-
oil could be as an ingredient of a fragrance, medicine or insect- culated and measured. The number of stem and bud at the begin-
repellent. The world-wide interest of vetiver nowadays is mostly ning and end of the observation was determined to find out the
aimed at environmental conservation application (Grimshaw, percentage change (Darajeh et al., 2014).
V. zizanioides belongs to the grass family (Graminiae) the same ab
% Alteration ¼ 100
as corn, sorghum, and sugarcane. This plant is the first time used a
for the purpose of conservation of soil and water by the World where a = initial number, and b = end number.
Bank. V. zizanioides has a strong ecological adaptability and produc- Relative growth rate was analyzed to determine growth rate of
tivity of large biomass, easy in maintenance and can grow on a V. zizanioides (Ertekin et al., 2015).
variety of contaminated environmental conditions (Darajeh et al.,
2014). ðln W 2 lnW 1 Þ
The research on usage of Vetiver in phytoremediation of oil con- ðt2 t 1 Þ
taminated water in an artificial floating wetland has not been where RGR = Relative growth rate (g/week), W1 and W2 = initial
much reported. Based on this, the goal of this study was to analyze and end weight of biomass, and ðt 2 t 1 Þ = observation duration
the ability of V. zizanioides in reducing crude oil spill in water with (week).
artificial floating wetland system in a mesocosm simulation. The RAL in time and Pearson correlation with SPSS 16.0 software
uniqueness of this research was application of V. zizanioides which were used for data analysis. This study applied ANOVA with Dun-
is actually a terrestrial plant in artificial floating wetland for treat- can test to determine the effect of different number of plants and
ing oil spill in water. sampling time on the response of oil and grease content, DO,
COD and BOD. If the significant value of p < 0.05, the diversity
affects very significant on the response. If significant value of
Materials and method p < 0.10, the diversity significantly affects the response.
Linear relationship between two variables was measured by plant tissues increased in parallel with crude oil concentration in
Pearson correlation. Correlation value ranges from 1 to 1. Strong soil. The oil that has been decomposed and absorbed by plant roots
positive linear relationship between the variables is indicated by a can serve as nutrients to grow and thrive. V. zizanioides is able to
value close to 1. Conversely, a value close to 0 addresses that no live and thrive in polluted environment (Oyedeji et al., 2013; Xia
relationship between the two variables (Khambete and Cristian, et al., 2004).
2014). A research by Kosesakal et al. (2015) reported that the growth
rate of Azolla filiculoides was not negatively affected by 0.005%
and 0.01% v/v crude oil concentration in the media. A. filiculoides
Results and discussion fresh weight in the control medium after one week cultivation
increased by 117%. The presence of crude oil up to 0.5% v/v reduced
Oil and grease concentration decrease 50% plant growth (Kosesakal et al., 2015). However in our research
of 1% crude oil content in the media, no sign of growth retardation
The declines in oil and grease content in the water from the first was noticed. The decontamination of oil spiked water by plant
week to the second week on the control, treatment of three pot could be through direct uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons into
plants and six pot plants were 43.70%, 56.07%, and 62.47% respec- their tissues (roots and leaves), and direct biochemical transforma-
tively. The decline in oil content from week 1 to week 2 was higher tion of petroleum hydrocarbons by bacterial consortia living in
than that of the other weeks (3 and 4), indicating that V. zizanioides root. The process of oil content decrease in this floating wetland
quickly adapted to water environments contaminated by crude oil. might be analog to the phytoremediation of oil contaminated soil
Overall oil content in the water decreased by the end of the obser- through phytodegradation and rhizodegradation. In phytodegrada-
vation. The more plants in containers, the higher the oil content tion, contaminants are converted to less harmful substances by
reduction. The percentage alteration of oil and grease concentra- mean of special enzyme process that take up, store and degrade
tion in the water of 90.29% in 3 pot plants and 91.39% in 6 pot the oil. The accumulated metabolites are converted into new bio-
plants, at the end of 4 weeks experiment, was greater than the mass or released and broken down further by a consortium of
change in the control (84.77%) (Fig. 2a). microorganism (ITRC, 1999). In rhizodegradation, plants supply
Our finding of oil and grease reduction percentage was far much oxygen to the roots, through the decaying organic material and
higher than that the research of Brandt (2003) using Vetiver for oil the release of exudates, hence the microbial activity around their
contaminated soil remediation. A decreased of 15% oil and grease roots could be more active (Schnoor et al., 1995). Similar explana-
content in the medium and 11% oil and grease content in the high tion was suggested by (Kathi and Khan, 2011), the successful plant
fertilizer medium was observed. The initial oil and grease content application in the remediation of a wide range of contaminated
was 5.1% of the total soil dry weight. Oil and grease concentration soils, was mainly due to their two ways of function namely creat-
decrease was detected in all crude oil contaminated treatments ing favorable conditions for microbial degradation and the crude
over 6 months experiment (Brandt, 2003). oil uptake by roots. Frick et al. (1999) illustrated that petroleum
In control without plant, oil and grease content also declined. hydrocarbons uptake by plants occurs at their roots and accumu-
This is in accordance with Brandt (2003), in oil contaminated soil lates small amount in their roots and shoots.
without plants, the oil and grease content decrease illustrated The use of grass for phytoremediation of oil contaminated soil
irregular pattern. was also reported by Reilley et al. (1996), the existence of grasses
Average oil and grease content absorbed by the roots was (tall fescue, sudangrass, and switchgrass) and legumes (alfalfa)
2.19 mg/L (3 pot plants) and 2.31 mg/L (6 pot plants). Literatures could enhance PAHs (pyrene and anthracene) removal from con-
reported that THC (Total Hydrocarbon Concentration) content in taminated soils. Planted soils had significantly lower (30–40%)
0.2 25
Oil and Grease (mg/L)
0.15 20
BOD (mg/L)
0.1 K K
0.05 M3 M3
0 M6 0 M6
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Sampling me (week) Sampling me (week)
(a) (b)
COD (mg/L)
100 K
50 M3
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Sampling me (week)
Fig. 2. Water quality parameters of (a) Oil and Grease, (b) BOD, and (c) COD. (K = Control/1% crude oil only, M3 = 3 pot plants and 1% crude oil, M6 = 6 pot plants and 1% crude
188 H. Effendi et al. / Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (2017) 185–193
PAHs concentrations than the unplanted soils. Hence plant usage was still within the optimum range (30 °C) for the bioremediation
for removal of crude oil pollutant is considered much more effi- process (Omokeyeke et al., 2013) and the normal range of water
cient than the unplanted applications (Kosesakal et al., 2016). temperature (Effendi et al., 2016).pH during the observation period
Meanwhile the research of Frick et al. (1999) summarized pri- fluctuated either in oil contaminated water (6.1–8.5) or in water
mary mechanisms of plants and microorganisms in petroleum- with no oil contamination (5.7–7.1) (Fig. 3c). According to
contaminated soil and groundwater remediation, namely degrada- Omokeyeke et al. (2013) the optimum pH for the bioremediation
tion, containment, and transfer of the hydrocarbons from the soil process ranged 6–8. A decrease in pH in oil treatment, was associ-
to the atmosphere. In containment process, plants reduce or elim- ated with the presence of acidic carbon dioxide resulting from bac-
inate contaminant bioavailability to other biota. Plant provides terial activity in the decomposition of hydrocarbons. In the soil
root exudates (enzymes, simple sugars, amino acids, aliphatics environment, a similar condition occured, in which soil acidity
and aromatics) to stimulate the growth of root-associated micro- increased (lower pH) with increasing crude oil concentration in
organisms (Khan et al., 2000). soils (Ighovie and Ikechukwu, 2014). In crude oil phytoremediation
BOD is the amount of oxygen required by aerobic microorgan- with Eichhornia crassipes, reduction of turbidity, temperature, pH,
isms to degrade organic matter in the water within a certain time. conductivity, and salinity of the water might be due to pollutants
BOD decreased during four weeks of study. However, by week four absorption by the plant (Bernard and Blessing, 2013).
(T4), BOD remained constant, even tended to increase (Fig. 2b).
This shows that V. zizanioides was able to reduce organic material Statistical analysis and correlation
represented by the lowering BOD in the water optimally for
3 weeks. During the study period, V. zizanioides was able to reduce Number of pot plants had significant effect on the concentration
BOD by 54.06% (control), 81.10% (3 pot plants), and 84.25% (6 pot of oil and grease in water (p < 0.1). Treatment of 6 pot plants
plants). Derajeh et al. (2014) stated that the more number of plants reduced the average oil and grease concentration from week 0 to
in containers the higher BOD reduction. week 4, ranging from 0.151 mg/L to 0.023 mg/L for control, from
At high BOD, COD tended to be higher as well (Fig. 2b and c). 0.151 mg/L to 0.015 mg/L for 3 pot plants, and from 0.151 mg/L
Despite BOD was generally lower than COD (Alwan et al., 2013). to 0.013 mg/L for 6 pot plants. The more number of pot plants in
In the control, COD reduction was 44.38%, in tank spiked by crude containers, the more oil content was absorbed by plants (Zhou
oil was 81.69% (3 pots) and 84.60% (6 pots). The decrease of BOD, et al., 2011). Research duration affected very significant (p < 0.05)
COD and oil content was likely affected by several factors such as on the concentration of oil in water. This is consistent with the
the presence of microbes in the roots of plants that utilized organic research of Nisa and Rashid (2015) which stated that the longer
matter as a source of nutrients for growth (Omokeyeke et al., time of the study, the lower oil content reduction in the water.
2013). Interaction between number of pot plant treatment and time had
The solubility of oxygen in water is an important factor in sup- no significant effect (p > 0.1) on the presence of crude oil in water.
porting the fertility of waters. Main source of dissolved oxygen in Number of different pot plants had very significant effect
the water is air diffusion and photosynthesis of plants possessing (p < 0.05) on the DO. Average DO control without plant was higher
chlorophyll that live in the waters. Levels of dissolved oxygen than that of treatment. The more plants, the lower the DO. This
(DO) from the first week to the second week declined, but in the might relate to natural microbes living in rhizosfer plants. Microor-
third week increased and decreased again in the end week. Accord- ganisms required DO to degrade the oil, and utilized oil as carbon
ing to Reddy et al. (2015) DO enhancement affected the decrease of source and energy (Zulfiqar and Safia, 2012). Research duration
BOD and COD. During the observation period, the DO increased very significantly influenced on the DO in water (p < 0.05). Highest
from the initial of 1.71 mg/L to 8.86 mg/L in the control, in the DO (9.5 mg/L control, 9.4 mg/L M3, and 4.73 mg/L M6) occurred at
oil contaminated water DO reached 6.7 mg/L (3 pot plants), and week 3. By week 4, DO began to decrease, it was likely used by
3.8 mg/L (6 pot plants). The number of plants in the container microorganisms living in the roots of plants to decompose crude
might affect the solubility of oxygen. The more plants, the lower oil in water. The interaction between the number of pot plants
the DO (Fig. 3a). This was because in the roots of plants in contain- and the observation time influenced very significantly on DO
ers live various microorganisms decomposing organic matter, thus (p < 0.05).
the oxygen was utilized by microorganisms to degrade organic Number of pots plant significantly (p < 0.1) affected COD. 6 pot
matter. plants could reduce COD from 145,78 mg/L to 22,44 mg/L, 3 pot
Boonsong and Monchai (2008) mentioned that the DO in the plants from 146,89 mg/L to 26,89 mg/L, and control from
control (without plant) was higher because of the major factors 160,22 mg/L to 89,11 mg/L. Observation time had very significant
(such as microbes) influencing oxygen translocated through the effect on COD reduction (p < 0.05). The highest COD reduction
plant roots of V. Zizanioides. In addition Omokeyeke et al. (2013) occurred in 6 pot plants at week 4. Similar phenomenon was
also mentioned that the diffusion of oxygen by photosynthetic reported by Darajeh (2014). The interaction between the number
microalgae and wind could cause high DO in control, because there of pot plants and the observation time influenced very significantly
was nothing blocking the sunlight and the air going into the water on COD reduction (p < 0.05).
column. Six pot plants could reduce the BOD up to 3.52 mg/L from the
Another parameter that becomes the determining indicators of initiation of 22.350 mg/L accounting for 84.25% reduction consti-
water quality are temperature and pH. Temperature affects the tuting the highest reduction. The interaction between observation
processes occurring in the water. It is closely related to the degra- time and number of pot plants had highly significant effect
dation of organic materials. The higher the water temperature, the (p < 0.05) on BOD decrease. Correlation between water quality
lower the oxygen dissolved in water (Effendi, 2003; Enujiugha and parameters (temperature, pH, DO, BOD, oil content) and leaf length
Nwanna, 2004). Temperatures fluctuated every week (Fig. 3b). The of the plant is presented in Table 1.
water temperature during the observation period ranged from The highest correlation (0.88) was indicated by COD and oil and
25.86–29.03 °C in oil contaminated water, and 25.08–27.08 °C in grease content. The lower the COD, the lower the oil and grease
the water without any oil contamination. Fluctuating temperatures content in the water. The lowest correlation (0.03) of pH and
were caused by environmental factors, such as weather, long sun- BOD means that the relationship did not have closeness. The
shine and rainfall, so the temperature in the water container negative correlation existed between COD, BOD, oil and grease
adjusted to outdoor conditions (Effendi, 2003). The temperature content, and DO, although it was not such a close correlation.
H. Effendi et al. / Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (2017) 185–193 189
12 40
Temperature (oC)
DO (mg/L)
6 K 20 K
4 M3 M3
M6 M6
0 0
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Sampling me (week) Sampling me (week)
(a) (b)
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Sampling me (week)
Fig. 3. Water quality parameter of (a) DO, (b) Temperature, and (c) pH. (K = Control/1% crude oil only, M3 = 3 pot plants and 1% crude oil, M6 = 6 pot plants and 1% crude oil).
Table 1
Pearson correlation between water qualities and plant leaf length.
The similar phenomena was found by Khambete and Cristian anymore, dry out shoots, and rot shoots. The percentage of shoots
(2014) and Khatoon et al. (2013). High BOD was accompanied by number living in the water without contamination of crude oil was
decreasing DO, because oxygen was used by aerobic bacteria for 0% (6 pot plants) and 80% (3 pot plants), and in water contami-
survival. Similarly, the higher COD the lower DO. High DO was fol- nated with crude oil was 100% for both treatment since no death
lowed by the decline of oil and grease content. shoots until the end of observation (Fig. 4). Vetiver cultivated on
Variable that has directional relationship to the length of the crude oil contaminated water tended to grow better, because it
leaf was DO. Increased DO brought about an effect on leaf length could take advantage of crude oil undergoing decomposition into
of V. zizanoides. This was an indication that most organic materials nutrients. Brandt et al. (2006) stated that V. zizanioides was a sort
derived from oil had decomposed into inorganic materials being of plant tolerant to adverse conditions. V. zizanioides was able to
used as nutrients by plants.
Oil and grease correlation with leaf length was 0.49. Negative
correlation pointed out that high oil and grease content would be
followed by short leaf length, although the correlation was not 120.00
strong. Brandt (2003) also reported a quite similar result namely
a very small Pearson correlation coefficients of oil and grease and
plant root biomass. 80.00
60.00 % parent number
Vetiveria zizanioides parent and shoot 20.00 % new shoots
0.00 number
During observation, total number of shoots in water contami-
M3 M6 TM3 TM6
nated crude oil was 10 shoots (3 pot plants) and 25 shoots (6 pot
plants) lived up to the end of observation. Meanwhile, in the water Treatment
without contamination of crude oil, 5 shoots (3 pots of plants) and Fig. 4. Percentage of parent and shoots of V. zizanioides number alive till
1 shoot (6 pot plants) lived. On the water without contamination of experiment end. (M3 = 3 pot plants and 1% crude oil, M6 = 6 pot plants and 1%
the oil existed 1 dead shoots, characterized by budding growing crude oil, TM3 = 3 pot plants only, TM6 = 6 pot plants only).
190 H. Effendi et al. / Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (2017) 185–193
live in crude oil contaminated soil, and new buds could emerge. V. 5.5
RGR ( g/week)
zizanioides reproduces asexually by budding multiplication. In
addition, Brandt et al. (2006) stated that the shoots thriving in 5
crude oil contaminated soil had low mortality percentage (2%),
even lower than that of plants in crude oil uncontaminated soil 4.5
Growth of V. zizanioides showed differences in crude oil contam- 4
inated water and in the water without any crude oil contamina- M3 M6 TM3 TM6
tion. As much as 47.22% parent and 100% new shoots could live
until the end of the study in the 1% crude oil spiked media. Mean- Treatment
while, in the water without oil contamination, as much as 30.56% Fig. 5. Relative growth rate of V. zizanioides. (M3 = 3 pot plants and 1% crude oil,
parent and 40% new shoots were able to live until the study end, M6 = 6 pot plants and 1% crude oil, TM3 = 3 pot plants only, TM6 = 6 pot plants
which was less than in the oil contaminated media (Fig. 4). This only).
likely related to the presence of crude oil that could be utilized
by plants as source of nutrients for growth. A similar result was with research of Nisa and Rashid (2015) which showed that the
reported by Bernard and Blessing (2013), morphological parame- biomass V. zizanioides growing in water contaminated with crude
ters (plant height, number of leaves and leaf area) significantly oil differed significantly from biomass V. zizanioides in the water
increased after 2 weeks in oil contaminated soil. without contamination of crude oil.
In soil, it was acknowledged that 1% of oil and grease content as Added biomass at the end of the observation was shown by the
a practical threshold above which PHC (Petroleum Hydrocarbon) length of roots. In 3 pot plants in water contaminated with crude
becomes detrimental to plant life (Reis, 1996). In our experiment oil, root length at the end of observation was 8.13 cm, and
of 1% crude oil in water, average relative growth rate (5.10 g/week) 6.21 cm (6 pot plants). Meanwhile in water without contamination
of plants in crude oil contaminated water was greater than the of crude oil, root length at the end of observation on 3 pot plants
average relative growth rate (4.84 g/week) of plant in water with- was 6.57 cm and 4.63 cm (6 pot plants). Treatment of 3 pot plants,
out crude oil contamination. The successful growth of V. zizanioides either in crude oil contaminated water or without contamination
in our research was also supported by the research of Omokeyeke of crude oil, generated roots that are longer than that of 6 pot
et al. (2013) who reported that, the interactions between plants plants. This might due to at 6 pot plants, nutrient competition
and microorganisms that live in the roots could likely cause an was more intense.
increase in plant biomass and V. zizanioides tolerant of oil.
In addition, the effect of different levels (0, 2.50, 5.00, 7.50, Morphological structure of root and leaf
10.00, 12.50 and 15.00%) of crude oil contamination on the growth
of Paspalum scrobiculatum, a common weed in Nigeria was investi- V. zizanioides root histology (Fig. 6) showed no histological dif-
gated by Ogbo et al. (2009). The weed could grow luxuriantly in ferences between plant roots in crude oil contaminated water and
crude oil contaminated sites in Delta State, Nigeria. No significant plant roots in crude oil uncontaminated water. The presence of 1%
reduction in the dry weights of the plant in 3 plants per pot and 6 of crude oil did not cause roots cell damage, as did on the xylem
plants per pot treatments of Paspalum scrobiculatum. Phytotoxicity and phloem (See Fig. 7).
level strictly depended on the type and constituents of oil. Viewed microscopically (Fig. 6), there were differences in leaf
Kosesakal et al. (2016) reported another result, although the structure. M3 and M6 image shows that the upper epidermis in
growth rate of the plants were not negatively influenced by the plants contaminated with oil was thicker when compared with
presence of 0.005% and 0.01% v/v crude oil in the media, a gradual before treatment and treatment without crude oil (Figure TM3
impeding effect emerged at concentrations of 0.05–0.1% crude oil and TM6). Bright green leaves occurred on the treatment of water
in the media. More than 0.1% crude oil in the media could retard contaminated with crude oil. In the treatment without crude oil,
the growth. As much as 0.2% oil in the media reduced growth leaves colored dark green. Crude oil affected their leaf structure.
approximately 50%, and the presence of crude oil at concentrations Although it had no significant damage and cell death.
0.3% or more were lethal. Leaf morphology in crude oil contaminated water during the
Wet plant biomass (5.1070 g) in the crude oil contaminated study did not show any symptoms of significant damage. This is in
media was greater than the plant biomass (4.8362 g) in the med- accordance with the research of Brandt et al. (2006) and Xia et al.
ium without crude oil contamination. Grasses were regarded to (2004) plants grew freshly and optimally until the end of the study.
be superior for phytoremediation due to high level of resistance, The existence of V. zizanioides affected the decline of oil concentra-
since grasses had extensive, fibrous root systems, and inherent tion in water. Plants were able to remove harmful chemicals from
genetic diversity, quite competitively established in oil contami- the place where the roots take up the nutrients in the water column.
nated soils (Alves et al., 2014; Frick et al., 1999). Chemicals were stored in the roots, stems and leaves of plants, then
changed into less harmful chemicals in gaseous form, and released
Relative growth rate (RGR) into the air in the process of transpiration (EPA, 2001).
A research by Alves et al. (2014) compiled that root growth
RGR values of V. zizanioides on 3 pot plants and 6 pot plants in could extend into deeper soil, allowing access to air and water,
water contaminated with crude oil were 5.10 g/week and 5.11 g/ and therefore altering carbon dioxide concentration, pH, redox
week, respectively. Meanwhile, RGRs on 3 and 6 pot plants in potential, osmotic potential, moisture content, and oxygen concen-
water without contamination of crude oil were 4.84 g/week and tration of the soil. This might lead to a better environment to sup-
4.82 g/week, respectively (Fig. 5). Plant growth in water contami- port high microbial biomass. Consequently, microbes might
nated with crude oil was higher than that of plants in water only. function for phytotoxicity reduction of the soil contaminants, or
This is in accordance with the statement of Xia et al. (2004) that augment the capacity of the plant to detoxify and degrade contam-
crude oil presence in the water could be utilized by plants as nutri- inants. In our floating wetland, roots of V. zizanioides grew in water
ents for their growth. taking up more nutrients constituting decomposition products of
Based on the growth analysis, the 1% of crude oil in the water crude oil. V. zizanioides growth performance was better in crude
could increase the growth rate of V. zizanioides. This is consistent oil spiked water than that in crude oil uncontaminated water.
H. Effendi et al. / Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (2017) 185–193 191
M3 M6
Fig. 6. Root structure of Vetiveria zizanioides. (Initial = before treatment, M3 = 3 pot plants and 1% crude oil, M6 = 6 pot and 1% crude oil, TM3 = 3 pot plants in water only,
TM6 = 6 pot plants in water only).
M3 M6
Fig. 7. Leaf structure of Vetiveria zizanioides. (Initial = before treatment, M3 = 3 pot plants and 1% crude oil, M6 = 6 pot plants and 1% crude oil, TM3 = 3 pot plants only,
TM6 = 6 pot plants only).
192 H. Effendi et al. / Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 43 (2017) 185–193
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